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  • Ben Gamari's avatar
    rts: Tracing support for nonmoving collection events · 6db4be95
    Ben Gamari authored
    This introduces a few events to mark key points in the nonmoving
    garbage collection cycle. These include:
     * `EVENT_CONC_MARK_BEGIN`, denoting the beginning of a round of
       marking. This may happen more than once in a single major collection
       since we the major collector iterates until it hits a fixed point.
     * `EVENT_CONC_MARK_END`, denoting the end of a round of marking.
     * `EVENT_CONC_SYNC_BEGIN`, denoting the beginning of the post-mark
       synchronization phase
     * `EVENT_CONC_UPD_REM_SET_FLUSH`, indicating that a capability has
       flushed its update remembered set.
     * `EVENT_CONC_SYNC_END`, denoting that all mutators have flushed their
       update remembered sets.
     * `EVENT_CONC_SWEEP_BEGIN`, denoting the beginning of the sweep portion
       of the major collection.
     * `EVENT_CONC_SWEEP_END`, denoting the end of the sweep portion of the
       major collection.