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  • Simon Peyton Jones's avatar
    [project @ 2003-10-29 18:14:27 by simonpj] · 7c3d4a1f
    Simon Peyton Jones authored
    Fix a bad consequence of the new story for the generic toT/fromT functions
    derived from data types declarations. The problem was that they were being
    generated and then discarded by the simplifier, because there was nothing
    keeping them alive.
    This commit
      * Adds a field tcg_keep to the TcGblEnv, which records things
        to be kept alive;
      * Makes the desugarer pin the keep-alive flag on each binding
        (it's actually a call to setIdLocalExported)
      * Removes that job from updateBinders in SimplCore
    It's somewhat tiresome, but not really difficult.