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  • Ryan Scott's avatar
    Parse symbolic names in ANN type correctly with otycon · a04179e7
    Ryan Scott authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    This adds a new `otycon` production to the parser that allows for type
    constructor names that are either alphanumeric (`tycon`) or symbolic
    (`tyconsym`), where the latter must be parenthesized appropriately.
    `otycon` is much like the existing `oqtycon` production, except that it does
    not permit qualified names. The parser now uses `otycon` to parse type
    constructor names in `ANN type` declarations, which fixes #19374.
    To make sure that all of this works, I added three test cases:
    * `should_compile/T19374a`: the original test case from #19374
    * `should_fail/T19374b`: a test that makes sure that an `ANN` with a qualified
      name fails to parse
    * `should_fail/T19374c`: a test that makes sure that an `ANN type` with a
      qualified name fails to parse