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  • Daniel Gröber (dxld)'s avatar
    rts: TraverseHeap: Increase lifetime of stackElements · c3e8dd5f
    Daniel Gröber (dxld) authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    This modifies the lifetime of stackElements such that they stay on the
    stack until processing of all child closures is complete. Currently the
    stackElement representing a set of child closures will be removed as soon
    as processing of the last closure _starts_.
    We will use this in a future commit to allow storing information on the
    stack which should be accumulated in a bottom-up manner along the closure
    parent-child relationship.
    Note that the lifetime increase does not apply to 'type == posTypeFresh'
    stack elements. This is because they will always be pushed right back onto
    the stack as regular stack elements anyways.