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  • Vladislav Zavialov's avatar
    Fix optSemi type in Parser.y · 071bef18
    Vladislav Zavialov authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    The definition of 'optSemi' claimed it had type
    ([Located a],Bool)
    Note that its production actually returns ([Located Token],Bool):
      : ';' { ([$1],True) }   -- $1 :: Located Token
    Due to an infelicity in the implementation of 'happy -c', it effectively
    resulted in 'unsafeCoerce :: Token -> a'.
    If any consumer of 'optSemi' tried to instantiate 'a' to something not
    representationally equal to 'Token', they would experience a segfault.
    In addition to that, this definition made it impossible to compile Parser.y
    without the -c flag (as it's reliant on this bug to cast 'Token' to 'forall
    a. a').