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  • Moritz Angermann's avatar
    Adds aarch64 linker for mach-o files. · e8a27410
    Moritz Angermann authored and Ben Gamari's avatar Ben Gamari committed
    This is the final commit that ties them all together. Here we
    add the aarch64 linker for macho files.
    - In D3238 we started allowing preloading object code with mmap
      in iOS, where we can't have r+w+x.
    - In D3239 we introduced a richer extension of the object code
      data type to make working with mach-o files easier.
    - In D3240 we set the stage to allow loading archives (.a) on iOS
    - In D3251 we added init and deinit functions to populate and
      depopulate the enriched object code data structure for mach-o
    - In D3252 we refactored most of the MachO.c file to use the
      new types and datastructure.
    This commit will than finally add the aarch64 (arm64) linker
    for mach-o files to ghc, using the improved foundation we
    have constructed above.
    The dependency structure therefore is as follows
      .- D3240
    This <- D3252 <- D3251 <- D3239
      '- D3238
    Depends: D3252, D3240, D3238
    Test Plan:
    To test this with iOS, we also need the remote-iserv
    diff D3233. With all that in place, proceed as follows:
    - Build ghc for the host
      ghc $ ./configure --prefix=/test/opt \
        --disable-large-address-space \
        --with-llc=/path/to/llvm-3.9/bin/llc \
      # edit mk/ to specify quick
      ghc $ make && make install
    - Build ghc for ios
      ghc $ ./configure --target=aarch64-apple-darwin14 \
        --prefix=/test/opt \
        --disable-large-address-space \
        --with-llc=/path/to/llvm-3.9/bin/llc \
        --with-opt=/path/to/llvm-3.9/bin/opt \
        --with-ghc=/test/bin/ghc \
      # edit mk/ to specify quick-cross
      ghc $ make && make install
    - Obtain the iOS wrapper scripts from
      and place them in PATH.
    - Build iserv-proxy for the host
      ghc/iserv $ cabal install -fproxy -flibrary
    - Build iserv-library for the target
      # build cryptonite without integer-gmp
      ghc/iserv $ aarch64-apple-darwin14-cabal install cryptonite
      ghc/iserv $ aarch64-apple-darwin14-cabal install -flibrary
    - Create an iOS application with the following `main.m`:
      #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
      #include "HsFFI.h"
      extern void startSlave(bool, int, const char *);
      int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
        const char * documents_path = [[[NSFileManager defaultManager]
    URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory inDomains:NSUserDomainMask]
        hs_init(NULL, NULL);
        startSlave(false, 5000, documents_path);
        @autoreleasepool {
            return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
      and link it with: the iserv archive from
      as well as all dependent archives.
    - Build, Install and Launch the iserv-slave application on your iphone
    - Compile some Template Haskell code with the
      through the `iserv-proxy`
      app $ aarch64-apple-darwin14-ghc Module.hs \
       -threaded -staticlib \
       -outputdir build/aarch64 -pgmlibtool libtool-quiet -stubdir . \
       -fexternal-interpreter \
       -pgmi=$HOME/.cabal/bin/iserv-proxy \
       -opti10.0.0.1 \
      where is the ip of your iserv-slave.
    Reviewers: rwbarton, bgamari, austin, hvr, erikd, simonmar
    Subscribers: thomie, erikd, ryantrinkle
    Differential Revision: