diff --git a/ghc/docs/users_guide/libraries.lit b/ghc/docs/users_guide/libraries.lit
index 070ff2a29cf58f23d0222605ec8b915def8f5a37..569727d2cd0fb22ef3b8ed8f0034bdb6b3c2786c 100644
--- a/ghc/docs/users_guide/libraries.lit
+++ b/ghc/docs/users_guide/libraries.lit
@@ -736,578 +736,10 @@ the given @IO@-like value on the current state of the world.
 errorIO# :: (State# RealWorld# -> a -> a
 \subsection{GHC/Hugs Extension Libraries}
-\index{LazyST module}
-This library provides support for both {\em lazy\/} and {\em strict\/}
-state threads.  In addition to the monad {\tt ST}, it also provides
-mutable variables {\tt STRef} and mutable arrays {\tt STArray}.  As
-the name suggests, the monad {\tt ST} instance is {\em lazy\/}.
-module LazyST( module LazyST, module Monad ) where
-import Monad
-data ST s a        -- abstract type
-runST              :: forall a. (forall s. ST s a) -> a
-returnST           :: a -> ST s a
-thenLazyST         :: ST s a -> (a -> ST s b) -> ST s b
-thenStrictST       :: ST s a -> (a -> ST s b) -> ST s b
-fixST              :: (a -> ST s a) -> ST s a
-unsafeInterleaveST :: ST s a -> ST s a
-instance Functor (ST s)
-instance Monad   (ST s)
-data STRef s a     -- mutable variables in state thread s
-                   -- containing values of type a.
-newSTRef           :: a -> ST s (STRef s a)
-readSTRef          :: STRef s a -> ST s a
-writeSTRef         :: STRef s a -> a -> ST s ()
-instance Eq (STRef s a)
-data STArray s ix elt -- mutable arrays in state thread s
-                      -- indexed by values of type ix
-                      -- containing values of type a.
-newSTArray          :: Ix ix => (ix,ix) -> elt -> ST s (STArray s ix elt)
-boundsSTArray       :: Ix ix => STArray s ix elt -> (ix, ix)
-readSTArray         :: Ix ix => STArray s ix elt -> ix -> ST s elt
-writeSTArray        :: Ix ix => STArray s ix elt -> ix -> elt -> ST s ()
-thawSTArray         :: Ix ix => Array ix elt -> ST s (STArray s ix elt)
-freezeSTArray       :: Ix ix => STArray s ix elt -> ST s (Array ix elt)
-unsafeFreezeSTArray :: Ix ix => STArray s ix elt -> ST s (Array ix elt)  
-instance Eq (STArray s ix elt)
-GHC also supports ByteArrays --- these aren't supported by Hugs yet.
-The operations {\tt freezeSTArray} and {\tt thawSTArray} convert mutable
-arrays to and from immutable arrays.  Semantically, they are identical
-to copying the array and they are usually implemented that way.  The
-operation {\tt unsafeFreezeSTArray} is a faster version of
-{\tt freezeSTArray} which omits the copying step.  It's a safe substitute for
-{\tt freezeSTArray} if you don't modify the mutable array after freezing it.
-\item In the current version of Hugs, the {\tt runST} operation,
-used to specify encapsulation, is implemented as a language construct,
-and {\tt runST} is treated as a keyword.  We plan to change this to match
-GHC soon.
-\item The only difference between the lazy and strict instances of the
-{\tt ST} monad is in their bind operators.  The monadic bind operators
-{\tt thenLazyST} and {\tt thenStrictST} are provided so that you can
-import {\tt LazyST} (say) and still use the strict instance in those
-places where it matters.  GHC also allows you to write {\tt LazyST.>>=}
-and {\tt ST.>>=} but this is not supported by Hugs yet.
-\index{ST module}
-This library is identical to {\tt LazyST} except that the {\tt ST} monad
-instance is {\em strict\/}.  Most programmers use the {\em strict\/} instance
-to avoid the space leaks associated with the {\em lazy\/} instance.
-\index{IOExts module}
-This library provides the following extensions to the IO monad:
-\item The operations {\tt fixIO}, {\tt unsafePerformIO} and {\tt
-\item References (aka mutable variables) and mutable arrays (but no form of 
-mutable byte arrays)
-\item {\tt performGC} triggers an immediate garbage collection
-\item When called, {\tt trace} prints the string in its first argument, and then
-returns the second argument as its result.  The {\tt trace} function is not
-referentially transparent, and should only be used for debugging, or for
-monitoring execution. 
-module IOExts where
-fixIO               :: (a -> IO a) -> IO a
-unsafePerformIO     :: IO a -> a
-unsafeInterleaveIO  :: IO a -> IO a
-data IORef a        -- mutable variables containing values of type a
-newIORef            :: a -> IO (IORef a)
-readIORef           :: IORef a -> IO a
-writeIORef          :: IORef a -> a -> IO ()
-instance Eq (IORef a)
-data IOArray ix elt -- mutable arrays indexed by values of type ix
-                    -- containing values of type a.
-newIOArray          :: Ix ix => (ix,ix) -> elt -> IO (IOArray ix elt)
-boundsIOArray       :: Ix ix => IOArray ix elt -> (ix, ix)
-readIOArray         :: Ix ix => IOArray ix elt -> ix -> IO elt
-writeIOArray        :: Ix ix => IOArray ix elt -> ix -> elt -> IO ()
-freezeIOArray       :: Ix ix => IOArray ix elt -> IO (Array ix elt)
-instance Eq (IOArray ix elt)
-trace               :: String -> a -> a
-performGC           :: IO ()
-\index{Bits module}
-This library defines bitwise operations for signed and unsigned ints.
-module Bits where
-infixl 8 `shift`, `rotate`
-infixl 7 .&.
-infixl 6 `xor`
-infixl 5 .|.
-class Bits a where
-  (.&.), (.|.), xor :: a -> a -> a
-  complement        :: a -> a
-  shift             :: a -> Int -> a
-  rotate            :: a -> Int -> a
-  bit               :: Int -> a        
-  setBit            :: a -> Int -> a   
-  clearBit          :: a -> Int -> a   
-  complementBit     :: a -> Int -> a   
-  testBit           :: a -> Int -> Bool
-  bitSize           :: a -> Int
-  isSigned          :: a -> Bool
-shiftL, shiftR   :: Bits a => a -> Int -> a
-rotateL, rotateR :: Bits a => a -> Int -> a
-shiftL  a i = shift  a i
-shiftR  a i = shift  a (-i)
-rotateL a i = rotate a i
-rotateR a i = rotate a (-i)
-\item {\tt bitSize} and {\tt isSigned} are like {\tt floatRadix} and {\tt floatDigits}
--- they return parameters of the {\em type\/} of their argument rather than 
-of the particular argument they are applied to.  {\tt bitSize} returns
-the number of bits in the type (or {\tt Nothing} for unbounded types); and
-{\tt isSigned} returns whether the type is signed or not.  
-\item {\tt shift} performs sign extension.  
-That is, right shifts fill the top bits with 1 if the  number is negative
-and with 0 otherwise.
-(Since unsigned types are always positive, the top bit is always filled with
-Bits are numbered from 0 with bit 0 being the least significant bit.
-\item {\tt shift x i} and {\tt rotate x i} shift to the left if {\tt i} is
-positive and to the right otherwise.  
-\item {\tt bit i} is the value with the i'th bit set.
-\index{Word module}
-This library provides unsigned integers of various sizes.
-The types supported are as follows:
-type &  number of bits \\ 
-Word8 &  8 \\ 
-Word16 &  16 \\ 
-Word32 &  32 \\ 
-Word64 &  64 \\ 
-For each type {\em W} above, we provide the following functions and
-instances.  The type {\em I} refers to the signed integer type of the
-same size.
-data W            -- Unsigned Ints
-instance Eq       W
-instance Ord      W
-instance Show     W
-instance Read     W
-instance Bounded  W
-instance Num      W
-instance Real     W
-instance Integral W
-instance Enum     W
-instance Ix       W
-instance Bits     W
-word8ToWord32  :: Word8  -> Word32
-word32ToWord8  :: Word32 -> Word8
-word16ToWord32 :: Word16 -> Word32
-word32ToWord16 :: Word32 -> Word16
-word8ToInt     :: Word8  -> Int
-intToWord8     :: Int    -> Word8
-word16ToInt    :: Word16 -> Int
-intToWord16    :: Int    -> Word16
-word32ToInt    :: Word32 -> Int
-intToWord32    :: Int    -> Word32
-\item All arithmetic is performed modulo @2^n@.
-One non-obvious consequequence of this is that {\tt negate}
-should {\em not\/} raise an error on negative arguments.
-\item The coercion {\tt wToI} converts an unsigned n-bit value to the
-signed n-bit value with the same representation.  For example,
-{\tt word8ToInt8 0xff = -1}. 
-Likewise, {\tt iToW} converts signed n-bit values to the
-corresponding unsigned n-bit value.
-\item ToDo: complete the set of coercion functions.
-\item Use {\tt Prelude.fromIntegral :: (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b} to
-coerce between different sizes or to preserve sign when converting
-between values of the same size.
-\item It would be very natural to add a type a type {\tt Natural} providing
-an unbounded size unsigned integer --- just as {\tt Integer} provides
-unbounded size signed integers.  We do not do that yet since there is
-no demand for it.  Doing so would require {\tt Bits.bitSize} to return
-{\tt Maybe Int}.
-\item The {\tt Enum} instances stop when they reach their upper or lower
-bound --- they don't overflow the way the {\tt Int} and {\tt Float}
-instances do.
-\item It would be useful to provide a function (or a family of functions?)
-which coerced between any two Word types (without going through
-Hugs only provides {\tt Eq}, {\tt Ord}, {\tt Read} and {\tt Show}
-instances for {\tt Word64} at the moment.
-\index{Int module}
-This library provides signed integers of various sizes.  The types
-supported are as follows:
-type &  number of bits \\ 
-Int8 &  8 \\ 
-Int16 &  16 \\ 
-Int32 &  32 \\ 
-Int64 &  64 \\ 
-For each type {\em I} above, we provide the following instances.
-data I            -- Signed Ints
-iToInt            :: I -> Int  -- not provided for Int64
-intToi            :: Int -> I  -- not provided for Int64
-instance Eq       I
-instance Ord      I
-instance Show     I
-instance Read     I
-instance Bounded  I
-instance Num      I
-instance Real     I
-instance Integral I
-instance Enum     I
-instance Ix       I
-instance Bits     I
-int8ToInt  :: Int8  -> Int
-intToInt8  :: Int   -> Int8
-int16ToInt :: Int16 -> Int
-intToInt16 :: Int   -> Int16
-int32ToInt :: Int32 -> Int
-intToInt32 :: Int   -> Int32
-\item Hugs does not provide {\tt Int64} at the moment.
-\item ToDo: complete the set of coercion functions.
-\index{Addr module}
-This library provides machine addresses and is primarily intended for 
-use in creating foreign function interfaces using GreenCard.
-module Addr where
-data Addr  -- Address type
-instance Eq Addr
-nullAddr           :: Addr
-plusAddr           :: Addr -> Int -> Addr
--- read value out of _immutable_ memory
-indexCharOffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> Char
-indexIntOffAddr    :: Addr -> Int -> Int     -- should we drop this?
-indexAddrOffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> Addr
-indexFloatOffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Float
-indexDoubleOffAddr :: Addr -> Int -> Double
-indexWord8OffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Word8
-indexWord16OffAddr :: Addr -> Int -> Word16
-indexWord32OffAddr :: Addr -> Int -> Word32
-indexWord64OffAddr :: Addr -> Int -> Word64
-indexInt8OffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> Int8
-indexInt16OffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Int16
-indexInt32OffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Int32
-indexInt64OffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Int64
--- read value out of mutable memory
-readCharOffAddr    :: Addr -> Int -> IO Char
-readIntOffAddr     :: Addr -> Int -> IO Int  -- should we drop this?
-readAddrOffAddr    :: Addr -> Int -> IO Addr
-readFloatOffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> IO Float
-readDoubleOffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> IO Double
-readWord8OffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> IO Word8
-readWord16OffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> IO Word16
-readWord32OffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> IO Word32
-readWord64OffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> IO Word64
-readInt8OffAddr    :: Addr -> Int -> IO Int8
-readInt16OffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> IO Int16
-readInt32OffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> IO Int32
-readInt64OffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> IO Int64
--- write value into mutable memory
-writeCharOffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> Char   -> IO ()
-writeIntOffAddr    :: Addr -> Int -> Int    -> IO ()  -- should we drop this?
-writeAddrOffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> Addr   -> IO ()
-writeFloatOffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Float  -> IO ()
-writeDoubleOffAddr :: Addr -> Int -> Double -> IO ()
-writeWord8OffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Word8  -> IO ()
-writeWord16OffAddr :: Addr -> Int -> Word16 -> IO ()
-writeWord32OffAddr :: Addr -> Int -> Word32 -> IO ()
-writeWord64OffAddr :: Addr -> Int -> Word64 -> IO ()
-writeInt8OffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> Int8   -> IO ()
-writeInt16OffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Int16  -> IO ()
-writeInt32OffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Int32  -> IO ()
-writeInt64OffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Int64  -> IO ()
-Hugs and GHC provide {\tt Addr} and {\tt nullAddr} but do not provide
-any of the index, read or write functions.  They can be implemented
-using GreenCard if required.
-\index{Concurrent module}
-This library provides the Concurrent Haskell extensions.
-We are grateful to the Glasgow Haskell Project for allowing us to
-redistribute their implementation of this module.
-module Concurrent where
-data ThreadId    -- thread identifiers
-instance Eq ThreadId
-forkIO           :: IO () -> IO ThreadId
-killThread       :: ThreadId -> IO ()
-data MVar a      -- Synchronisation variables
-newEmptyMVar     :: IO (MVar a)
-newMVar          :: a -> IO (MVar a)
-takeMVar         :: MVar a -> IO a
-putMVar          :: MVar a -> a -> IO ()
-swapMVar         :: MVar a -> a -> IO a
-readMVar         :: MVar a -> IO a 
-instance Eq (MVar a)
-data Chan a      -- channels
-newChan          :: IO (Chan a)
-writeChan        :: Chan a -> a -> IO ()
-readChan         :: Chan a -> IO a
-dupChan          :: Chan a -> IO (Chan a)
-unReadChan       :: Chan a -> a -> IO ()
-readChanContents :: Chan a -> IO [a]
-writeList2Chan   :: Chan a -> [a] -> IO ()
-data CVar a       -- one element channels
-newCVar          :: IO (CVar a)
-putCVar          :: CVar a -> a -> IO ()
-getCVar          :: CVar a -> IO a
-data QSem        -- General/quantity semaphores
-newQSem          :: Int  -> IO QSem
-waitQSem         :: QSem -> IO ()
-signalQSem       :: QSem -> IO ()
-data QSemN       -- General/quantity semaphores
-newQSemN         :: Int   -> IO QSemN
-waitQSemN        :: QSemN -> Int -> IO ()
-signalQSemN      :: QSemN -> Int -> IO ()
-type SampleVar a -- Sample variables 
-newEmptySampleVar:: IO (SampleVar a)
-newSampleVar     :: a -> IO (SampleVar a)
-emptySampleVar   :: SampleVar a -> IO ()
-readSampleVar    :: SampleVar a -> IO a
-writeSampleVar   :: SampleVar a -> a -> IO ()
-GHC uses preemptive multitasking:
-Context switches can occur at any time, except if you call a C
-function (like \verb"getchar") that blocks waiting for input.
-Hugs uses cooperative multitasking:
-Context switches only occur when you use one of the primitives
-defined in this module.  This means that programs such as:
-main = forkIO (write 'a') >> write 'b'
- where write c = putChar c >> write c
-will print either {\tt aaaaaaaaaaaaaa...} or {\tt bbbbbbbbbbbb...},
-instead of some random interleaving of {\tt a}s and {\tt b}s.
-In practice, cooperative multitasking is sufficient for writing 
-simple graphical user interfaces.
-\item Hugs does not provide the functions {\tt mergeIO} or {\tt nmergeIO} since these
-require preemptive multitasking.
-\item {\tt killThread} has not been implemented yet on either system.
-The plan is that {\tt killThread} will raise an IO exception in the
-killed thread which it can catch --- perhaps allowing it to kill its
-children before exiting.
-\item The {\tt Ord} instance for {\tt ThreadId}s provides an arbitrary total ordering
-which might be used to build an ordered binary tree, say.  
-\index{Pretty module}
-This library contains Simon Peyton Jones' implementation of John
-Hughes's pretty printer combinators.
-module Pretty where
-infixl 6 <> 
-infixl 6 <+>
-infixl 5 $$, $+$
-data Doc  -- the Document datatype
--- The primitive Doc values
-empty                     :: Doc
-text                      :: String   -> Doc 
-char                      :: Char     -> Doc
-int                       :: Int      -> Doc
-integer                   :: Integer  -> Doc
-float                     :: Float    -> Doc
-double                    :: Double   -> Doc
-rational                  :: Rational -> Doc
-semi, comma, colon, space, equals              :: Doc
-lparen, rparen, lbrack, rbrack, lbrace, rbrace :: Doc
-parens, brackets, braces  :: Doc -> Doc 
-quotes, doubleQuotes      :: Doc -> Doc
--- Combining Doc values
-(<>)   :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc     -- Beside
-hcat   :: [Doc] -> Doc          -- List version of <>
-(<+>)  :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc     -- Beside, separated by space
-hsep   :: [Doc] -> Doc          -- List version of <+>
-($$)   :: Doc -> Doc -> Doc     -- Above; if there is no
-                                  -- overlap it "dovetails" the two
-vcat   :: [Doc] -> Doc          -- List version of $$
-cat    :: [Doc] -> Doc          -- Either hcat or vcat
-sep    :: [Doc] -> Doc          -- Either hsep or vcat
-fcat   :: [Doc] -> Doc          -- ``Paragraph fill'' version of cat
-fsep   :: [Doc] -> Doc          -- ``Paragraph fill'' version of sep
-nest   :: Int -> Doc -> Doc     -- Nested
-hang   :: Doc -> Int -> Doc -> Doc
-punctuate :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]      
--- punctuate p [d1, ... dn] = [d1 <> p, d2 <> p, ... dn-1 <> p, dn]
--- Displaying Doc values
-instance Show Doc
-render     :: Doc -> String             -- Uses default style
-renderStyle  :: Style -> Doc -> String
-data Style = Style { lineLength     :: Int,   -- In chars
-                       ribbonsPerLine :: Float, -- Ratio of ribbon length
-                                                -- to line length
-                       mode :: Mode
-               }
-data Mode = PageMode            -- Normal 
-            | ZigZagMode          -- With zig-zag cuts
-            | LeftMode            -- No indentation, infinitely long lines
-            | OneLineMode         -- All on one line
+The extension libraries provided by both GHC and Hugs are described in
+a separate document ``The Hugs-GHC Extension Libraries''.
 \subsection{GHC-only Extension Libraries}