diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.lhs
index a151d44bb7f075782b8b6c858eb31e2107ff5b84..84ccaf4f8ae2633f380a259db627a0cdb37a1826 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsForeign.lhs
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ dsFExport i ty ext_name cconv isDyn =
 	  Dynamic      -> panic "dsFExport: Dynamic - shouldn't ever happen."
       f_helper_glob    = mkIdVisible mod uniq f_helper
-      (h_stub, c_stub) = fexportEntry c_nm f_helper_glob wrapper_arg_tys the_result_ty cconv
+      (h_stub, c_stub) = fexportEntry c_nm f_helper_glob wrapper_arg_tys the_result_ty cconv isDyn
      returnDs (NonRec f_helper_glob the_body, h_stub, c_stub)
@@ -430,8 +430,14 @@ The C stub constructs the application of the exported Haskell function
 using the hugs/ghc rts invocation API.
-fexportEntry :: FAST_STRING -> Id -> [Type] -> Maybe Type -> CallConv -> (SDoc, SDoc)
-fexportEntry c_nm helper args res cc = (header_bits, c_bits)
+fexportEntry :: FAST_STRING 
+	     -> Id 
+	     -> [Type] 
+	     -> Maybe Type 
+	     -> CallConv 
+	     -> Bool
+	     -> (SDoc, SDoc)
+fexportEntry c_nm helper args res cc isDyn = (header_bits, c_bits)
    -- name of the (Haskell) helper function generated by the desugarer.
   h_nm	    = ppr helper <> text "_closure"
@@ -439,7 +445,7 @@ fexportEntry c_nm helper args res cc = (header_bits, c_bits)
   header_bits = ptext SLIT("extern") <+> fun_proto <> semi
   fun_proto = cResType <+> pprCconv <+> ptext c_nm <>
-	      parens (hsep (punctuate comma (zipWith (<+>) cParamTypes c_args)))
+	      parens (hsep (punctuate comma (zipWith (<+>) cParamTypes proto_args)))
   c_bits =
     externDecl $$
@@ -458,7 +464,7 @@ fexportEntry c_nm helper args res cc = (header_bits, c_bits)
   appArg acc (a,c_a) =
      text "rts_apply" <> parens (acc <> comma <> mkHObj a <> parens c_a)
-  cParamTypes  = map showStgType args
+  cParamTypes  = map showStgType real_args
   cResType = 
    case res of
@@ -487,7 +493,21 @@ fexportEntry c_nm helper args res cc = (header_bits, c_bits)
       Nothing -> empty
       Just t  -> unpackHObj t <> parens (text "ret")
-  c_args = zipWith (\ _ n -> text ('a':show n)) args [0..] 
+  c_args = mkCArgNames 0 args
+  {-
+   If we're generating an entry point for a 'foreign export ccall dynamic',
+   then we receive the return address of the C function that wants to
+   invoke a Haskell function as any other C function, as second arg.
+   This arg is unused within the body of the generated C stub, but
+   needed by the Adjustor.c code to get the stack cleanup right.
+  -}
+  (proto_args, real_args)
+    | cc == cCallConv && isDyn = ( text "a0" : text "a_" : mkCArgNames 1 (tail args)
+				, head args : addrTy : tail args)
+    | otherwise = (mkCArgNames 0 args, args)
+  mkCArgNames n as = zipWith (\ _ n -> text ('a':show n)) as [n..] 
 mkHObj :: Type -> SDoc
 mkHObj t = text "rts_mk" <> showFFIType t
diff --git a/ghc/rts/Adjustor.c b/ghc/rts/Adjustor.c
index 11354c5ca52aaa54c4cf3156beb8c73ce7eccb5d..b976f38b258925031e301fb0acce5ffe74bf9078 100644
--- a/ghc/rts/Adjustor.c
+++ b/ghc/rts/Adjustor.c
@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ Haskell side.
 #include "Rts.h"
 #include "RtsUtils.h"
+#include "RtsFlags.h"
 /* Heavily arch-specific, I'm afraid.. */
 #if defined(i386_TARGET_ARCH)
 createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr, StgFunPtr wptr)
-  void *adjustor,*adj;
+  void *adjustor;
   unsigned char* adj_code;
-  int i;
   size_t sizeof_adjustor;
   if (cconv == 0) { /* the adjustor will be _stdcall'ed */
@@ -56,35 +56,33 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr, StgFunPtr wptr)
        (offset and machine code prefixed):
      <0>:	58	          popl   %eax              # temp. remove ret addr..
-     <1>:	68 63 fd fc fe fa pushl  0xfafefcfd  	   # constant is large enough to
+     <1>:	68 fd fc fe fa    pushl  0xfafefcfd  	   # constant is large enough to
         			   	           	   # hold a StgStablePtr
      <6>:	50	          pushl  %eax		   # put back ret. addr
      <7>:	b8 fa ef ff 00	  movl   $0x00ffeffa, %eax # load up wptr
      <c>: 	ff e0             jmp    %eax        	   # and jump to it.
-		# the callee cleans up the it will then clean up the stack
+		# the callee cleans up the stack
-    sizeof_adjustor = 15*sizeof(char);
+    sizeof_adjustor = 14*sizeof(char);
     if ((adjustor = stgMallocBytes(sizeof_adjustor,"createAdjustor")) == NULL) {
         return NULL;
-    adj_code    = (unsigned char*)adjustor;
-    adj_code[0] = (unsigned char)0x58;  /* popl %eax  */
-    adj_code[1] = (unsigned char)0x68;  /* pushl hptr (which is a dword immediate ) */
+    adj_code       = (unsigned char*)adjustor;
+    adj_code[0x00] = (unsigned char)0x58;  /* popl %eax  */
-    adj = (StgStablePtr*)(adj_code+2);
-    *((StgStablePtr*)adj) = (StgStablePtr)hptr;
+    adj_code[0x01] = (unsigned char)0x68;  /* pushl hptr (which is a dword immediate ) */
+    *((StgStablePtr*)(adj_code + 0x02)) = (StgStablePtr)hptr;
-    i = 2 + sizeof(StgStablePtr);
-    adj_code[i]   = (unsigned char)0x50; /* pushl %eax */
-    adj_code[i+1] = (unsigned char)0xb8; /* movl  $wptr, %eax */
-    adj = (char*)(adj_code+i+2);
-    *((StgFunPtr*)adj) = (StgFunPtr)wptr;
+    adj_code[0x06] = (unsigned char)0x50; /* pushl %eax */
+    adj_code[0x07] = (unsigned char)0xb8; /* movl  $wptr, %eax */
+    *((StgFunPtr*)(adj_code + 0x08)) = (StgFunPtr)wptr;
+    adj_code[0x0c] = (unsigned char)0xff; /* jmp %eax */
+    adj_code[0x0d] = (unsigned char)0xe0;
-    i = i+2+sizeof(StgFunPtr);
-    adj_code[i]   = (unsigned char)0xff;  /* jmp %eax */
-    adj_code[i+1] = (unsigned char)0xe0;
   } else { /* the adjustor will be _ccall'ed */
@@ -92,60 +90,68 @@ createAdjustor(int cconv, StgStablePtr hptr, StgFunPtr wptr)
      the following assembly language snippet
      (offset and machine code prefixed):
-   <0>:	58	          popl   %eax              # temp. remove ret addr..
-   <1>:	68 63 fd fc fe fa pushl  0xfafefcfd  	   # constant is large enough to
+  <00>: 68 ef be ad de    pushl  $0xdeadbeef  	   # constant is large enough to
         			   	           # hold a StgStablePtr
-   <6>:	50	          pushl  %eax		   # put back ret. addr
-   <7>:	b8 fa ef ff 00	  movl   $0x00ffeffa, %eax # load up wptr
-   <c>: ff d0             call   %eax        	   # and call it.
-   <e>:	58	          popl   %eax		   # store away return address.
-   <f>:	83 c4 04	  addl   $0x4,%esp	   # remove stable pointer
-  <12>:	50	          pushl  %eax		   # put back return address.
-  <13>:	c3	          ret			   # return to where you came from.
+  <05>:	b8 fa ef ff 00	  movl   $0x00ffeffa, %eax # load up wptr
+  <0a>: ff d0             call   %eax        	   # and call it.
+  <0c>:	83 c4 04	  addl   $0x4,%esp	   # remove stable pointer.
+  <0f>:	c3	          ret			   # return to where you came from.
+    The ccall'ing version is a tad different, passing in the return
+    address of the caller to the auto-generated C stub (which enters
+    via the stable pointer.) (The auto-generated C stub is on this
+    game, don't worry :-)
+    The adjustor makes the assumption that any return value
+    coming back from the C stub is not stored on the stack.
+    That's (thankfully) the case here with the restricted set of 
+    return types that we support.
-    sizeof_adjustor = 20*sizeof(char);
+    sizeof_adjustor = 16*sizeof(char);
     if ((adjustor = stgMallocBytes(sizeof_adjustor,"createAdjustor")) == NULL) {
         return NULL;
-    adj_code    = (unsigned char*)adjustor;
-    adj_code[0] = (unsigned char)0x58;  /* popl %eax  */
-    adj_code[1] = (unsigned char)0x68;  /* pushl hptr (which is a dword immediate ) */
-    adj = (StgStablePtr*)(adj_code+2);
-    *((StgStablePtr*)adj) = (StgStablePtr)hptr;
-    i = 2 + sizeof(StgStablePtr);
-    adj_code[i]   = (unsigned char)0x50; /* pushl %eax */
-    adj_code[i+1] = (unsigned char)0xb8; /* movl  $wptr, %eax */
-    adj = (char*)(adj_code+i+2);
-    *((StgFunPtr*)adj) = (StgFunPtr)wptr;
-    i = i+2+sizeof(StgFunPtr);
-    adj_code[i]   = (unsigned char)0xff;  /* call %eax */
-    adj_code[i+1] = (unsigned char)0xd0;
-    adj_code[i+2] = (unsigned char)0x58;  /* popl %eax */
-    adj_code[i+3] = (unsigned char)0x83;  /* addl $0x4, %esp */
-    adj_code[i+4] = (unsigned char)0xc4;
-    adj_code[i+5] = (unsigned char)0x04;
-    adj_code[i+6] = (unsigned char)0x50; /* pushl %eax */
-    adj_code[i+7] = (unsigned char)0xc3; /* ret */
+    adj_code       = (unsigned char*)adjustor;
+    adj_code[0x00] = (unsigned char)0x68;  /* pushl hptr (which is a dword immediate ) */
+    *((StgStablePtr*)(adj_code+0x01)) = (StgStablePtr)hptr;
+    adj_code[0x05] = (unsigned char)0xb8;  /* movl  $wptr, %eax */
+    *((StgFunPtr*)(adj_code + 0x06)) = (StgFunPtr)wptr;
+    adj_code[0x0a] = (unsigned char)0xff; /* call %eax */
+    adj_code[0x0b] = (unsigned char)0xd0; 
+    adj_code[0x0c] = (unsigned char)0x83; /* addl $0x4, %esp */
+    adj_code[0x0d] = (unsigned char)0xc4; 
+    adj_code[0x0e] = (unsigned char)0x04; 
+    adj_code[0x0f] = (unsigned char)0xc3; /* ret */
   /* Have fun! */
-  return (adjustor);
+  return ((void*)adjustor);
 freeHaskellFunctionPtr(void* ptr)
- char* tmp;
+ if ( *(unsigned char*)ptr != 0x68 &&
+      *(unsigned char*)ptr != 0x58 ) {
+   fprintf(stderr, "freeHaskellFunctionPtr: not for me, guv! %p\n", ptr);
+   return;
+ }
  /* Free the stable pointer first..*/
- tmp=(char*)ptr+2;
- freeStablePointer(*((StgStablePtr*)tmp));
+ if (*(unsigned char*)ptr == 0x68) { /* Aha, a ccall adjustor! */
+    freeStablePointer(*((StgStablePtr*)((unsigned char*)ptr + 0x01)));
+ } else {
+    freeStablePointer(*((StgStablePtr*)((unsigned char*)ptr + 0x02)));
+ }    
+ *((unsigned char*)ptr) = '\0';