diff --git a/ghc/docs/libraries/Concurrent.sgml b/ghc/docs/libraries/Concurrent.sgml
index 4a8aa9df4151b8707274f4cb6a5b24a7df5504db..1ea694871d774059b79fde88ed40cac18d4f6742 100644
--- a/ghc/docs/libraries/Concurrent.sgml
+++ b/ghc/docs/libraries/Concurrent.sgml
@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ takeMVar         :: MVar a -> IO a
 putMVar          :: MVar a -> a -> IO ()
 swapMVar         :: MVar a -> a -> IO a
 readMVar         :: MVar a -> IO a 
+isEmptyMVar      :: MVar a -> IO Bool
 instance Eq (MVar a)
 data Chan a      -- channels
 newChan          :: IO (Chan a)
 writeChan        :: Chan a -> a -> IO ()
@@ -97,4 +99,16 @@ its children before exiting.
 The <tt/Ord/ instance for <tt/ThreadId/s provides an arbitrary total ordering
 which might be used to build an ordered binary tree, say.  
+The operation <tt/isEmptyMVar/ returns a flag indicating
+whether the <tt/MVar/ is currently empty or filled in, i.e.,
+will a thread block when performing a <tt/takeMVar/ on that
+<tt/MVar/ or not?
+Please notice that the Boolean value returned from <tt/isEmptyMVar/
+represent just a snapshot of the state of the <tt/MVar/. By the
+time a thread gets to inspect the result and act upon it, other
+threads may have accessed the <tt/MVar/ and changed its 'filled-in'
+status of the variable. Please be wary of this.