diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/interface.c b/ghc/interpreter/interface.c
index 34b9d214d6e13920ffcdcbba98330c85a2c9810e..865a30a70bd5f2c881138a7e65fb261f188637c6 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/interface.c
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/interface.c
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
  * Hugs version 1.4, December 1997
  * $RCSfile: interface.c,v $
- * $Revision: 1.10 $
- * $Date: 1999/12/10 15:59:46 $
+ * $Revision: 1.11 $
+ * $Date: 1999/12/16 16:34:40 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 /* ToDo:
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ static Void finishGHCSynonym    Args((Tycon));
 static Void startGHCClass       Args((Int,List,Cell,List,List));
 static Void finishGHCClass      Args((Class)); 
-static Void startGHCInstance    Args((Int,List,Pair,VarId));
+static Inst startGHCInstance    Args((Int,List,Pair,VarId));
 static Void finishGHCInstance   Args((Inst));
 static Void startGHCImports     Args((ConId,List));
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static Void finishGHCImports    Args((ConId,List));
 static Void startGHCExports     Args((ConId,List));
 static Void finishGHCExports    Args((ConId,List));
-static Void finishGHCModule     Args((Module));
+static Void finishGHCModule     Args((Cell));
 static Void startGHCModule      Args((Text, Int, Text));
 static Void startGHCDataDecl    Args((Int,List,Cell,List,List));
@@ -106,16 +106,13 @@ static Void finishGHCNewType    ( ConId tyc );
 static List startGHCConstrs Args((Int,List,List));
 static Name startGHCSel     Args((Int,Pair));
 static Name startGHCConstr  Args((Int,Int,Triple));
-static Void finishGHCConstr   Args((Name));
-static Void loadSharedLib       Args((String));
 static Kinds tvsToKind             Args((List));
 static Int   arityFromType         Args((Type));
 static Int   arityInclDictParams   Args((Type));
+static Bool  allTypesKnown ( Type type, List aktys /* [QualId] */, ConId thisMod );
 static List       ifTyvarsIn       Args((Type));
@@ -136,6 +133,77 @@ static void*      lookupObjName ( char* );
  * Top-level interface processing
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* getIEntityName :: I_IMPORT..I_VALUE -> ConVarId | NIL */
+ConVarId getIEntityName ( Cell c )
+   switch (whatIs(c)) {
+      case I_IMPORT:     return NIL;
+      case I_INSTIMPORT: return NIL;
+      case I_EXPORT:     return NIL;
+      case I_FIXDECL:    return zthd3(unap(I_FIXDECL,c));
+      case I_INSTANCE:   return NIL;
+      case I_TYPE:       return zsel24(unap(I_TYPE,c));
+      case I_DATA:       return zsel35(unap(I_DATA,c));
+      case I_NEWTYPE:    return zsel35(unap(I_NEWTYPE,c));
+      case I_CLASS:      return zsel35(unap(I_CLASS,c));
+      case I_VALUE:      return zsnd3(unap(I_VALUE,c));
+      default:           internal("getIEntityName");
+   }
+/* Filter the contents of an interface, using the supplied predicate.
+   For flexibility, the predicate is passed as a second arg the value
+   extraArgs.  This is a hack to get round the lack of partial applications
+   in C.  Pred should not have any side effects.  The dumpaction param
+   gives us the chance to print a message or some such for dumped items.
+   When a named entity is deleted, filterInterface also deletes the name
+   in the export lists.
+Cell filterInterface ( Cell root, 
+                       Bool (*pred)(Cell,Cell), 
+                       Cell extraArgs,
+                       Void (*dumpAction)(Cell) )
+   List tops;
+   Cell iface       = unap(I_INTERFACE,root);
+   List tops2       = NIL;
+   List deleted_ids = NIL; /* :: [ConVarId] */
+   for (tops = zsnd(iface); nonNull(tops); tops=tl(tops)) {
+      if (pred(hd(tops),extraArgs)) {
+         tops2 = cons( hd(tops), tops2 );
+      } else {
+         ConVarId deleted_id = getIEntityName ( hd(tops) );
+         if (nonNull(deleted_id))
+            deleted_ids = cons ( deleted_id, deleted_ids );
+         if (dumpAction)
+            dumpAction ( hd(tops) );
+      }
+   }
+   tops2 = reverse(tops2);
+   /* Clean up the export list now. */
+   for (tops=tops2; nonNull(tops); tops=tl(tops)) {
+      if (whatIs(hd(tops))==I_EXPORT) {
+         Cell exdecl  = unap(I_EXPORT,hd(tops));
+         List exlist  = zsnd(exdecl);
+         List exlist2 = NIL;
+         for (; nonNull(exlist); exlist=tl(exlist)) {
+            Cell ex       = hd(exlist);
+            ConVarId exid = isZPair(ex) ? zfst(ex) : ex;
+            assert (isCon(exid) || isVar(exid));
+            if (!varIsMember(textOf(exid),deleted_ids))
+               exlist2 = cons(ex, exlist2);
+	 }
+         hd(tops) = ap(I_EXPORT,zpair(zfst(exdecl),exlist2));
+      }
+   }
+   return ap(I_INTERFACE, zpair(zfst(iface),tops2));
 ZPair readInterface(String fname, Long fileSize)
     List  tops;
@@ -143,7 +211,7 @@ ZPair readInterface(String fname, Long fileSize)
     ZPair iface   = parseInterface(fname,fileSize);
     assert (whatIs(iface)==I_INTERFACE);
-    for (tops = zsnd(snd(iface)); nonNull(tops); tops=tl(tops))
+    for (tops = zsnd(unap(I_INTERFACE,iface)); nonNull(tops); tops=tl(tops))
        if (whatIs(hd(tops)) == I_IMPORT) {
           ZPair imp_decl = unap(I_IMPORT,hd(tops));
           ConId m_to_imp = zfst(imp_decl);
@@ -156,59 +224,97 @@ ZPair readInterface(String fname, Long fileSize)
-static Bool elemExportList ( VarId nm, List exlist_list )
+/* getExportDeclsInIFace :: I_INTERFACE -> [I_EXPORT] */
+static List getExportDeclsInIFace ( Cell root )
+   Cell  iface   = unap(I_INTERFACE,root);
+   List  decls   = zsnd(iface);
+   List  exports = NIL;
+   List  ds;
+   for (ds=decls; nonNull(ds); ds=tl(ds))
+      if (whatIs(hd(ds))==I_EXPORT)
+         exports = cons(hd(ds), exports);
+   return exports;
+static Bool isExportedIFaceEntity ( Cell ife, List exlist_list )
+   /* ife         :: I_IMPORT..I_VALUE                      */
    /* exlist_list :: [[ ConVarId | ((ConId, [ConVarId])) ]] */
-   Text  tnm  = textOf(nm);
-   Int   tlen = strlen(textToStr(tnm));
+   Text  tnm;
    List  exlist;
    List  t;
-   Cell  c;
+   ConVarId ife_id = getIEntityName ( ife );
+   if (isNull(ife_id)) return TRUE;
+   tnm = textOf(ife_id);
    /* for each export list ... */
    for (; nonNull(exlist_list); exlist_list=tl(exlist_list)) {
       exlist = hd(exlist_list);
       /* for each entity in an export list ... */
-      for (t=exlist; nonNull(t); c=tl(t)) {
+      for (t=exlist; nonNull(t); t=tl(t)) {
          if (isZPair(hd(t))) {
             /* A pair, which means an export entry 
                of the form ClassName(foo,bar). */
-            List subents = zsnd(hd(t));
+            List subents = cons(zfst(hd(t)),zsnd(hd(t)));
             for (; nonNull(subents); subents=tl(subents))
-               if (textOf(hd(subents)) == tnm) return TRUE;
+               if (textOf(hd(subents)) == tnm) goto retain;
          } else {
             /* Single name in the list. */
-            if (textOf(hd(t)) == tnm) return TRUE;
+            if (textOf(hd(t)) == tnm) goto retain;
-   /* fprintf ( stderr, "elemExportList %s\n", textToStr(textOf(nm)) ); */
+   fprintf ( stderr, "     dump %s\n", textToStr(tnm) );
    return FALSE;
+ retain:
+   fprintf ( stderr, "   retain %s\n", textToStr(tnm) );
+   return TRUE;
-/* getExportDeclsInIFace :: I_INTERFACE -> [I_EXPORT] */
-static List getExportDeclsInIFace ( Cell root )
+static Bool isExportedAbstractly ( ConId ife_id, List exlist_list )
-   Cell  iface   = unap(I_INTERFACE,root);
-   ConId iname   = zfst(iface);
-   List  decls   = zsnd(iface);
-   List  exports = NIL;
-   List  ds;
-   for (ds=decls; nonNull(ds); ds=tl(ds))
-      if (whatIs(hd(ds))==I_EXPORT)
-         exports = cons(hd(ds), exports);
-   return exports;
+   /* ife_id      :: ConId                                  */
+   /* exlist_list :: [[ ConVarId | ((ConId, [ConVarId])) ]] */
+   Text  tnm;
+   List  exlist;
+   List  t;
+   assert (isCon(ife_id));
+   tnm = textOf(ife_id);
+   /* for each export list ... */
+   for (; nonNull(exlist_list); exlist_list=tl(exlist_list)) {
+      exlist = hd(exlist_list);
+      /* for each entity in an export list ... */
+      for (t=exlist; nonNull(t); t=tl(t)) {
+         if (isZPair(hd(t))) {
+            /* A pair, which means an export entry 
+               of the form ClassName(foo,bar). */
+            if (textOf(zfst(hd(t))) == tnm) return FALSE;
+         } else {
+            if (textOf(hd(t)) == tnm) return TRUE;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   internal("isExportedAbstractly");
+   return FALSE; /*notreached*/
-/* Remove value bindings not mentioned in any of the export lists. */
-static Cell cleanIFace ( Cell root )
+/* Remove entities not mentioned in any of the export lists. */
+static Cell deleteUnexportedIFaceEntities ( Cell root )
-   Cell  c;
-   Cell  entity;
    Cell  iface       = unap(I_INTERFACE,root);
    ConId iname       = zfst(iface);
    List  decls       = zsnd(iface);
@@ -216,7 +322,7 @@ static Cell cleanIFace ( Cell root )
    List  exlist_list = NIL;
    List  t;
-   fprintf(stderr, "\ncleaniface: %s\n", textToStr(textOf(iname)));
+   fprintf(stderr, "\ncleanIFace: %s\n", textToStr(textOf(iname)));
    exlist_list = getExportDeclsInIFace ( root );
    /* exlist_list :: [I_EXPORT] */
@@ -230,23 +336,193 @@ static Cell cleanIFace ( Cell root )
-   decls2 = NIL;
-   for (; nonNull(decls); decls=tl(decls)) {
-      entity = hd(decls);
-      if (whatIs(entity) != I_VALUE) {
-         decls2 = cons(entity, decls2);
-      } else
-      if (elemExportList(zsnd3(unap(I_VALUE,entity)), exlist_list)) {
-         decls2 = cons(entity, decls2);
-         fprintf ( stderr, "   retain %s\n",
-                   textToStr(textOf(zsnd3(unap(I_VALUE,entity)))));
+   return filterInterface ( root, isExportedIFaceEntity, 
+                            exlist_list, NULL );
+/* addTyconsAndClassesFromIFace :: I_INTERFACE -> [QualId] -> [QualId] */
+List addTyconsAndClassesFromIFace ( Cell root, List aktys )
+   Cell iface = unap(I_INTERFACE,root);
+   Text mname = textOf(zfst(iface));
+   List defns = zsnd(iface);
+   for (; nonNull(defns); defns = tl(defns)) {
+      Cell defn = hd(defns);
+      Cell what = whatIs(defn);
+      if (what==I_TYPE || what==I_DATA 
+          || what==I_NEWTYPE || what==I_CLASS) {
+         QualId q = mkQCon ( mname, textOf(getIEntityName(defn)) );
+         if (!qualidIsMember ( q, aktys ))
+            aktys = cons ( q, aktys );
+      }
+   }
+   return aktys;
+Void ifentityAllTypesKnown_dumpmsg ( Cell entity )
+   ConVarId id = getIEntityName ( entity );
+   fprintf ( stderr, 
+             "dumping %s because of unknown type(s)\n",
+             isNull(id) ? "(nameless entity?!)" : textToStr(textOf(id)) );
+/* ifentityAllTypesKnown :: I_IMPORT..I_VALUE -> (([QualId], ConId)) -> Bool */
+/* mod is the current module being processed -- so we can qualify unqual'd
+   names.  Strange calling convention for aktys and mod is so we can call this
+   from filterInterface.
+Bool ifentityAllTypesKnown ( Cell entity, ZPair aktys_mod )
+   List  t, u;
+   List  aktys = zfst ( aktys_mod );
+   ConId mod   = zsnd ( aktys_mod );
+   switch (whatIs(entity)) {
+      case I_IMPORT:
+      case I_INSTIMPORT:
+      case I_EXPORT:
+      case I_FIXDECL: 
+         return TRUE;
+      case I_INSTANCE: {
+         Cell inst = unap(I_INSTANCE,entity);
+         List ctx  = zsel25 ( inst ); /* :: [((QConId,VarId))] */
+         Type cls  = zsel35 ( inst ); /* :: Type */
+         for (t = ctx; nonNull(t); t=tl(t))
+            if (!allTypesKnown(zfst(hd(t)),aktys,mod)) return FALSE;
+         if (!allTypesKnown(cls, aktys,mod)) return FALSE;
+         return TRUE;
+      }
+      case I_TYPE:
+         return allTypesKnown( zsel44(unap(I_TYPE,entity)), aktys,mod );
+      case I_DATA: {
+         Cell data    = unap(I_DATA,entity);
+         List ctx     = zsel25 ( data ); /* :: [((QConId,VarId))] */
+         List constrs = zsel55 ( data ); /* :: [ ((ConId, [((Type,VarId,Int))] )) ] */
+         for (t = ctx; nonNull(t); t=tl(t))
+            if (!allTypesKnown(zfst(hd(t)),aktys,mod)) return FALSE;
+         for (t = constrs; nonNull(t); t=tl(t))
+            for (u = zsnd(hd(t)); nonNull(u); u=tl(u))
+               if (!allTypesKnown(zfst3(hd(u)),aktys,mod)) return FALSE;
+         return TRUE;
+      }
+      case I_NEWTYPE: {
+         Cell  newty  = unap(I_NEWTYPE,entity);
+         List  ctx    = zsel25(newty);    /* :: [((QConId,VarId))] */
+         ZPair constr = zsel55 ( newty ); /* :: ((ConId,Type)) */
+         for (t = ctx; nonNull(t); t=tl(t))
+            if (!allTypesKnown(zfst(hd(t)),aktys,mod)) return FALSE;
+         if (nonNull(constr)
+             && !allTypesKnown(zsnd(constr),aktys,mod)) return FALSE;
+         return TRUE;
+      }
+      case I_CLASS: {
+         Cell klass = unap(I_CLASS,entity);
+         List ctx   = zsel25(klass);  /* :: [((QConId,VarId))] */
+         List sigs  = zsel55(klass);  /* :: [((VarId,Type))] */
+         for (t = ctx; nonNull(t); t=tl(t))
+            if (!allTypesKnown(zfst(hd(t)),aktys,mod)) return FALSE;
+         for (t = sigs; nonNull(t); t=tl(t)) 
+            if (!allTypesKnown(zsnd(hd(t)),aktys,mod)) return FALSE;
+         return TRUE;
+      }
+      case I_VALUE: 
+         return allTypesKnown( zthd3(unap(I_VALUE,entity)), aktys,mod );
+      default: 
+         internal("ifentityAllTypesKnown");
+   }
+#if 0
+I hope this can be nuked.
+/* Kludge.  Stuff imported from PrelGHC isn't referred to in a 
+   qualified way, so arrange it so it is.
+QualId magicRequalify ( ConId id )
+   Text tid;
+   Text tmid;
+   assert(isCon(id));
+   tid = textOf(id);
+   fprintf ( stderr, "$--$--$--$--$--$ magicRequalify: %s",
+             textToStr(tid) );
+   if (tid == findText("[]")) {
+      tmid = findText("PrelList");
+   } else 
+   if (tid == findText("Ratio")) {
+      tmid = findText("PrelNum");
+   } else
+   if (tid == findText("Char")) {
+      tmid = findText("PrelGHC");
+   } else {
+      fprintf(stderr, "??? \n");
+      return id;
+   }
+   fprintf ( stderr, " -> %s.%s\n",
+             textToStr(tmid), textToStr(tid) );
+   return mkQualId ( mkCon(tmid), id );
+/* ifTypeDoesntRefUnknownTycon :: I_IMPORT..I_VALUE -> (([QualId], ConId)) -> Bool */
+/* mod is the current module being processed -- so we can qualify unqual'd
+   names.  Strange calling convention for aktys and mod is so we can call this
+   from filterInterface.
+Bool ifTypeDoesntRefUnknownTycon ( Cell entity, ZPair aktys_mod )
+   List  t, u;
+   List  aktys = zfst ( aktys_mod );
+   ConId mod   = zsnd ( aktys_mod );
+   if (whatIs(entity) != I_TYPE) {
+      return TRUE;
+   } else {
+      return allTypesKnown( zsel44(unap(I_TYPE,entity)), aktys,mod );
+   }
+Void ifTypeDoesntRefUnknownTycon_dumpmsg ( Cell entity )
+   ConVarId id = getIEntityName ( entity );
+   assert (whatIs(entity)==I_TYPE);
+   assert (isCon(id));
+   fprintf ( stderr, 
+             "dumping type %s because of unknown tycon(s)\n",
+             textToStr(textOf(id)) );
+/* abstractifyExport :: I_EXPORT -> ConId -> I_EXPORT
+List abstractifyExDecl ( Cell root, ConId toabs )
+   ZPair exdecl = unap(I_EXPORT,root);
+   List  exlist = zsnd(exdecl);
+   List  res    = NIL;
+   for (; nonNull(exlist); exlist = tl(exlist)) {
+      if (isZPair(hd(exlist)) 
+          && textOf(toabs) == textOf(zfst(hd(exlist)))) {
+         /* it's toabs, exported non-abstractly */
+         res = cons ( zfst(hd(exlist)), res );
       } else {
-         fprintf ( stderr, "     dump %s\n",
-                   textToStr(textOf(zsnd3(unap(I_VALUE,entity)))));
+         res = cons ( hd(exlist), res );
+   return ap(I_EXPORT,zpair(zfst(exdecl),reverse(res)));
-   return ap(I_INTERFACE, zpair(iname, reverse(decls2)));
+Void ppModule ( Text modt )
+   fflush(stderr); fflush(stdout);
+   fprintf(stderr, "---------------- MODULE %s ----------------\n", 
+                   textToStr(modt) );
@@ -265,47 +541,223 @@ Void processInterfaces ( void )
     Text    mname;
     List    decls;
     Module  mod;
+    List    all_known_types;
+    Int     num_known_types;
+    List ifaces       = NIL;  /* :: List I_INTERFACE */
+    List iface_sizes  = NIL;  /* :: List Int         */
+    List iface_onames = NIL;  /* :: List Text        */
     fprintf ( stderr, 
               "processInterfaces: %d interfaces to process\n", 
               length(ifaces_outstanding) );
-    /* Clean up interfaces -- dump useless value bindings */
-    tmp = NIL;
-    for (xs = ifaces_outstanding; nonNull(xs); xs = tl(xs)) {
-       tr      = hd(xs);
-       iface   = zfst3(tr);
-       nameObj = zsnd3(tr); 
-       sizeObj = zthd3(tr);
-       tmp = cons( ztriple(cleanIFace(iface),nameObj,sizeObj), tmp );
+    /* unzip3 ifaces_outstanding into ifaces, iface_sizes, iface_onames */
+    for (xs = ifaces_outstanding; nonNull(xs); xs=tl(xs)) {
+       ifaces       = cons ( zfst3(hd(xs)), ifaces       );
+       iface_onames = cons ( zsnd3(hd(xs)), iface_onames );
+       iface_sizes  = cons ( zthd3(hd(xs)), iface_sizes  );
-    ifaces_outstanding = reverse(tmp);
-    tmp = NIL;
-    /* Allocate module table entries and read in object code. */
+    ifaces       = reverse(ifaces);
+    iface_onames = reverse(iface_onames);
+    iface_sizes  = reverse(iface_sizes);
-    for (xs = ifaces_outstanding; nonNull(xs); xs = tl(xs)) {
-       tr      = hd(xs);
-       iface   = unap(I_INTERFACE,zfst3(tr));
-       nameObj = zsnd3(tr); 
-       sizeObj = zthd3(tr);
-       mname   = textOf(zfst(iface));
-       startGHCModule ( mname, intOf(sizeObj), nameObj );
+    /* Clean up interfaces -- dump non-exported value, class, type decls */
+    for (xs = ifaces; nonNull(xs); xs = tl(xs))
+       hd(xs) = deleteUnexportedIFaceEntities(hd(xs));
+    /* Iteratively delete any type declarations which refer to unknown
+       tycons. 
+    */
+    num_known_types = 999999999;
+    while (TRUE) {
+       Int i;
+       /* Construct a list of all known tycons.  This is a list of QualIds. 
+          Unfortunately it also has to contain all known class names, since
+          allTypesKnown cannot distinguish between tycons and classes -- a
+          deficiency of the iface abs syntax.
+       */
+       all_known_types = getAllKnownTyconsAndClasses();
+       for (xs = ifaces; nonNull(xs); xs=tl(xs))
+          all_known_types = addTyconsAndClassesFromIFace ( hd(xs), all_known_types );
+       /* Have we reached a fixed point? */
+       i = length(all_known_types);
+       printf ( "\n============= %d known types =============\n", i );
+       if (num_known_types == i) break;
+       num_known_types = i;
+       /* Delete all entities which refer to unknown tycons. */
+       for (xs = ifaces; nonNull(xs); xs = tl(xs)) {
+          ConId mod = zfst(unap(I_INTERFACE,hd(xs)));
+          assert(nonNull(mod));
+          hd(xs) = filterInterface ( hd(xs), 
+                                     ifTypeDoesntRefUnknownTycon,
+                                     zpair(all_known_types,mod),
+                                     ifTypeDoesntRefUnknownTycon_dumpmsg );
+       }
+    }
+    /* Now abstractify any datas and newtypes which refer to unknown tycons
+       -- including, of course, the type decls just deleted.
+    */
+    for (xs = ifaces; nonNull(xs); xs = tl(xs)) {
+       List  absify = NIL;                      /* :: [ConId] */
+       ZPair iface  = unap(I_INTERFACE,hd(xs)); /* ((ConId, [I_IMPORT..I_VALUE])) */
+       ConId mod    = zfst(iface);
+       List  aktys  = all_known_types;          /* just a renaming */
+       List  es,t,u;
+       List  exlist_list;
+       /* Compute into absify the list of all ConIds (tycons) we need to
+          abstractify. 
+       */
+       for (es = zsnd(iface); nonNull(es); es=tl(es)) {
+          Cell ent      = hd(es);
+          Bool allKnown = TRUE;
+          if (whatIs(ent)==I_DATA) {
+             Cell data    = unap(I_DATA,ent);
+             List ctx     = zsel25 ( data ); /* :: [((QConId,VarId))] */
+             List constrs = zsel55 ( data ); /* :: [ ((ConId, [((Type,VarId,Int))] )) ] */
+             for (t = ctx; nonNull(t); t=tl(t))
+                if (!allTypesKnown(zfst(hd(t)),aktys,mod)) allKnown = FALSE;
+             for (t = constrs; nonNull(t); t=tl(t))
+                for (u = zsnd(hd(t)); nonNull(u); u=tl(u))
+                    if (!allTypesKnown(zfst3(hd(u)),aktys,mod)) allKnown = FALSE;          
+          }
+          else if (whatIs(ent)==I_NEWTYPE) {
+             Cell  newty  = unap(I_NEWTYPE,ent);
+             List  ctx    = zsel25(newty);    /* :: [((QConId,VarId))] */
+             ZPair constr = zsel55 ( newty ); /* :: ((ConId,Type)) */
+             for (t = ctx; nonNull(t); t=tl(t))
+                if (!allTypesKnown(zfst(hd(t)),aktys,mod)) allKnown = FALSE;
+             if (!allTypesKnown(zsnd(constr),aktys,mod)) allKnown = FALSE;
+          }
+          if (!allKnown) {
+             absify = cons ( getIEntityName(ent), absify );
+             fprintf ( stderr, 
+                       "abstractifying %s because it uses an unknown type\n",
+                       textToStr(textOf(getIEntityName(ent))) );
+          }
+       }
+       /* mark in exports as abstract all names in absify (modifies iface) */
+       for (; nonNull(absify); absify=tl(absify)) {
+          ConId toAbs = hd(absify);
+          for (es = zsnd(iface); nonNull(es); es=tl(es)) {
+             if (whatIs(hd(es)) != I_EXPORT) continue;
+             hd(es) = abstractifyExDecl ( hd(es), toAbs );
+          }
+       }
+       /* For each data/newtype in the export list marked as abstract,
+          remove the constructor lists.  This catches all abstractification
+          caused by the code above, and it also catches tycons which really
+          were exported abstractly.
+       */
+       exlist_list = getExportDeclsInIFace ( ap(I_INTERFACE,iface) );
+       /* exlist_list :: [I_EXPORT] */
+       for (t=exlist_list; nonNull(t); t=tl(t))
+          hd(t) = zsnd(unap(I_EXPORT,hd(t)));
+       /* exlist_list :: [[ ConVarId | ((ConId, [ConVarId])) ]] */
+       for (es = zsnd(iface); nonNull(es); es=tl(es)) {
+          Cell ent = hd(es);
+          if (whatIs(ent)==I_DATA
+              && isExportedAbstractly ( getIEntityName(ent),
+                                        exlist_list )) {
+             Cell data = unap(I_DATA,ent);
+             data = z5ble ( zsel15(data), zsel25(data), zsel35(data),
+                            zsel45(data), NIL /* the constr list */ );
+             hd(es) = ap(I_DATA,data);
+fprintf(stderr, "abstractify data %s\n", textToStr(textOf(getIEntityName(ent))) );
+	  }
+          else if (whatIs(ent)==I_NEWTYPE
+              && isExportedAbstractly ( getIEntityName(ent), 
+                                        exlist_list )) {
+             Cell data = unap(I_NEWTYPE,ent);
+             data = z5ble ( zsel15(data), zsel25(data), zsel35(data),
+                            zsel45(data), NIL /* the constr-type pair */ );
+             hd(es) = ap(I_NEWTYPE,data);
+fprintf(stderr, "abstractify newtype %s\n", textToStr(textOf(getIEntityName(ent))) );
+          }
+       }
+       /* We've finally finished mashing this iface.  Update the iface list. */
+       hd(xs) = ap(I_INTERFACE,iface);
+    /* At this point, the interfaces are cleaned up so that no type, data or
+       newtype defn refers to a non-existant type.  However, there still may
+       be value defns, classes and instances which refer to unknown types.
+       Delete iteratively until a fixed point is reached.
+    */
+    num_known_types = 999999999;
+    while (TRUE) {
+       Int i;
+       /* Construct a list of all known tycons.  This is a list of QualIds. 
+          Unfortunately it also has to contain all known class names, since
+          allTypesKnown cannot distinguish between tycons and classes -- a
+          deficiency of the iface abs syntax.
+       */
+       all_known_types = getAllKnownTyconsAndClasses();
+       for (xs = ifaces; nonNull(xs); xs=tl(xs))
+          all_known_types = addTyconsAndClassesFromIFace ( hd(xs), all_known_types );
+       /* Have we reached a fixed point? */
+       i = length(all_known_types);
+       printf ( "\n------------- %d known types -------------\n", i );
+       if (num_known_types == i) break;
+       num_known_types = i;
+       /* Delete all entities which refer to unknown tycons. */
+       for (xs = ifaces; nonNull(xs); xs = tl(xs)) {
+          ConId mod = zfst(unap(I_INTERFACE,hd(xs)));
+          assert(nonNull(mod));
+          hd(xs) = filterInterface ( hd(xs),
+                                     ifentityAllTypesKnown,
+                                     zpair(all_known_types,mod), 
+                                     ifentityAllTypesKnown_dumpmsg );
+       }
+    }
+    /* Allocate module table entries and read in object code. */
+    for (xs=ifaces; 
+         nonNull(xs);
+         xs=tl(xs), iface_sizes=tl(iface_sizes), iface_onames=tl(iface_onames)) {
+       startGHCModule ( textOf(zfst(unap(I_INTERFACE,hd(xs)))),
+                        intOf(hd(iface_sizes)),
+                        hd(iface_onames) );
+    }
+    assert (isNull(iface_sizes));
+    assert (isNull(iface_onames));
     /* Now work through the decl lists of the modules, and call the
        startGHC* functions on the entities.  This creates names in
        various tables but doesn't bind them to anything.
-    for (xs = ifaces_outstanding; nonNull(xs); xs = tl(xs)) {
-       tr      = hd(xs);
-       iface   = unap(I_INTERFACE,zfst3(tr));
+    for (xs = ifaces; nonNull(xs); xs = tl(xs)) {
+       iface   = unap(I_INTERFACE,hd(xs));
        mname   = textOf(zfst(iface));
        mod     = findModule(mname);
        if (isNull(mod)) internal("processInterfaces(4)");
+       ppModule ( module(mod).text );
        for (decls = zsnd(iface); nonNull(decls); decls = tl(decls)) {
           Cell decl = hd(decls);
@@ -324,9 +776,16 @@ Void processInterfaces ( void )
              case I_INSTANCE: {
+                /* Trying to find the instance table location allocated by
+                   startGHCInstance in subsequent processing is a nightmare, so
+                   cache it on the tree. 
+                */
                 Cell instance = unap(I_INSTANCE,decl);
-                startGHCInstance ( zsel14(instance), zsel24(instance),
-                                   zsel34(instance), zsel44(instance) );
+                Inst in = startGHCInstance ( zsel15(instance), zsel25(instance),
+                                             zsel35(instance), zsel45(instance) );
+                hd(decls) = ap(I_INSTANCE,
+                               z5ble( zsel15(instance), zsel25(instance),
+                                      zsel35(instance), zsel45(instance), in ));
              case I_TYPE: {
@@ -366,19 +825,20 @@ Void processInterfaces ( void )
-    fprintf(stderr, "frambozenvla\n" );exit(1);
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n=========================================================\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "=========================================================\n");
     /* Traverse again the decl lists of the modules, this time 
-       calling the finishGHC* functions.  But don't try process
+       calling the finishGHC* functions.  But don't process
        the export lists; those must wait for later.
-    for (xs = ifaces_outstanding; nonNull(xs); xs = tl(xs)) {
-       tr      = hd(xs);
-       iface   = unap(I_INTERFACE,zfst3(tr));
+    for (xs = ifaces; nonNull(xs); xs = tl(xs)) {
+       iface   = unap(I_INTERFACE,hd(xs));
        mname   = textOf(zfst(iface));
        mod     = findModule(mname);
        if (isNull(mod)) internal("processInterfaces(3)");
+       ppModule ( module(mod).text );
        for (decls = zsnd(iface); nonNull(decls); decls = tl(decls)) {
           Cell decl = hd(decls);
@@ -394,7 +854,7 @@ Void processInterfaces ( void )
              case I_INSTANCE: {
                 Cell instance = unap(I_INSTANCE,decl);
-                finishGHCInstance ( zsel34(instance) );
+                finishGHCInstance ( zsel55(instance) );
              case I_TYPE: {
@@ -428,12 +888,14 @@ Void processInterfaces ( void )
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n");
     /* Build the module(m).export lists for each module, by running
        through the export lists in the iface.  Also, do the implicit
        'import Prelude' thing.  And finally, do the object code 
-    for (xs = ifaces_outstanding; nonNull(xs); xs = tl(xs))
+    for (xs = ifaces; nonNull(xs); xs = tl(xs))
     /* Finished! */
@@ -452,12 +914,16 @@ Void startGHCModule ( Text mname, Int sizeObj, Text nameObj )
     Module m = findModule(mname);
     if (isNull(m)) {
-        m = newModule(mname);
-        fprintf ( stderr, "startGHCIface: name %16s   objsize %d\n", 
+       m = newModule(mname);
+       fprintf ( stderr, "startGHCIface: name %16s   objsize %d\n", 
                           textToStr(mname), sizeObj );
-    } else if (m != modulePrelude) {
-        ERRMSG(0) "Module \"%s\" already loaded", textToStr(mname)
-        EEND;
+    } else {
+       if (module(m).fake) {
+          module(m).fake = FALSE;
+       } else {
+          ERRMSG(0) "Module \"%s\" already loaded", textToStr(mname)
+          EEND;
+       }
     img = malloc ( sizeObj );
@@ -497,7 +963,8 @@ Void startGHCModule ( Text mname, Int sizeObj, Text nameObj )
 /* For the module mod, augment both the export environment (.exports) 
    and the eval environment (.names, .tycons, .classes)
    with the symbols mentioned in exlist.  We don't actually need
-   to touch the eval environment, since previous processing of the
+   to modify the names, tycons, classes or instances in the eval 
+   environment, since previous processing of the
    top-level decls in the iface should have done this already.
    mn is the module mentioned in the export list; it is the "original"
@@ -506,20 +973,28 @@ Void startGHCModule ( Text mname, Int sizeObj, Text nameObj )
    refer to the original module in which a symbol was defined, rather
    than to some module it has been imported into and then re-exported.
-   Also do an implicit 'import Prelude' thingy for the module.  
+   We take the policy that if something mentioned in an export list
+   can't be found in the symbol tables, it is simply ignored.  After all,
+   previous processing of the iface syntax trees has already removed 
+   everything which Hugs can't handle, so if there is mention of these
+   things still lurking in export lists somewhere, about the only thing
+   to do is to ignore it.
+   Also do an implicit 'import Prelude' thingy for the module,
+   if appropriate.
 Void finishGHCModule ( Cell root ) 
    /* root :: I_INTERFACE */
    Cell   iface       = unap(I_INTERFACE,root);
    ConId  iname       = zfst(iface);
-   List   decls       = zsnd(iface);
    Module mod         = findModule(textOf(iname));
-   List   decls2      = NIL;
    List   exlist_list = NIL;
    List   t;
-   fprintf(stderr, "\ncleaniface: %s\n", textToStr(textOf(iname)));
+   fprintf(stderr, "begin finishGHCModule %s\n", textToStr(textOf(iname)));
    if (isNull(mod)) internal("finishExports(1)");
@@ -527,65 +1002,86 @@ Void finishGHCModule ( Cell root )
    exlist_list = getExportDeclsInIFace ( root );
    /* exlist_list :: [I_EXPORT] */
-   for (t=exlist_list; nonNull(t); t=tl(t))
-      hd(t) = zsnd(unap(I_EXPORT,hd(t)));
-   /* exlist_list :: [[ ConVarId | ((ConId, [ConVarId])) ]] */
    for (; nonNull(exlist_list); exlist_list=tl(exlist_list)) {
-      List exlist = hd(exlist_list); 
+      ZPair exdecl = unap(I_EXPORT,hd(exlist_list));
+      ConId exmod  = zfst(exdecl);
+      List  exlist = zsnd(exdecl);
       /* exlist :: [ ConVarId | ((ConId, [ConVarId])) ] */
       for (; nonNull(exlist); exlist=tl(exlist)) {
-         List subents;
-         Cell c;
-         Cell ex = hd(exlist);
+         Bool   abstract;
+         List   subents;
+         Cell   c;
+         QualId q;
+         Cell   ex = hd(exlist);
          switch (whatIs(ex)) {
             case VARIDCELL: /* variable */
-               c = findName ( textOf(ex) );
-               assert(nonNull(c));
-               fprintf(stderr, "var %s\n", textToStr(textOf(ex)) );
+               q = mkQualId(exmod,ex);
+               c = findQualNameWithoutConsultingExportList ( q );
+               if (isNull(c)) goto notfound;
+               fprintf(stderr, "   var %s\n", textToStr(textOf(ex)) );
                module(mod).exports = cons(c, module(mod).exports);
             case CONIDCELL: /* non data tycon */
-               c = findTycon ( textOf(ex) );
-               assert(nonNull(c));
-               fprintf(stderr, "non data tycon %s\n", textToStr(textOf(ex)) );
+               q = mkQualId(exmod,ex);
+               c = findQualTyconWithoutConsultingExportList ( q );
+               if (isNull(c)) goto notfound;
+               fprintf(stderr, "   type %s\n", textToStr(textOf(ex)) );
                module(mod).exports = cons(c, module(mod).exports);
             case ZTUP2: /* data T = C1 ... Cn  or class C where f1 ... fn */
                subents = zsnd(ex);  /* :: [ConVarId] */
                ex      = zfst(ex);  /* :: ConId */
-               c = findTycon ( textOf(ex) );
+               q       = mkQualId(exmod,ex);
+               c       = findQualTyconWithoutConsultingExportList ( q );
                if (nonNull(c)) { /* data */
-                  fprintf(stderr, "data %s = ", textToStr(textOf(ex)) );
-                  module(mod).exports = cons(pair(c,DOTDOT), module(mod).exports);
-                  for (; nonNull(subents); subents = tl(subents)) {
-                     Cell ent2 = hd(subents);
-                     assert(isCon(ent2));
-                     c = findName ( textOf(ent2) );
-                     fprintf(stderr, "%s ", textToStr(name(c).text));
-                     assert(nonNull(c));
-                     module(mod).exports = cons(c, module(mod).exports);
+                  fprintf(stderr, "   data/newtype %s = { ", textToStr(textOf(ex)) );
+                  assert(tycon(c).what == DATATYPE || tycon(c).what==NEWTYPE);
+                  abstract = isNull(tycon(c).defn);
+                  /* This data/newtype could be abstract even tho the export list
+                     says to export it non-abstractly.  That happens if it was 
+                     imported from some other module and is now being re-exported,
+                     and previous cleanup phases have abstractified it in the 
+                     original (defining) module.
+		  */
+                  if (abstract) {
+                     module(mod).exports = cons ( ex, module(mod).exports );
+                     fprintf ( stderr, "(abstract) ");
+		  } else {
+                     module(mod).exports = cons(pair(c,DOTDOT), module(mod).exports);
+                     for (; nonNull(subents); subents = tl(subents)) {
+                        Cell ent2 = hd(subents);
+                        assert(isCon(ent2) || isVar(ent2)); 
+                                              /* isVar since could be a field name */
+                        q = mkQualId(exmod,ent2);
+                        c = findQualNameWithoutConsultingExportList ( q );
+                        fprintf(stderr, "%s ", textToStr(name(c).text));
+                        assert(nonNull(c));
+                        module(mod).exports = cons(c, module(mod).exports);
+                     }
-                  fprintf(stderr, "\n" );
+                  fprintf(stderr, "}\n" );
                } else { /* class */
-                  c = findClass ( textOf(ex) );
-                  assert(nonNull(c));            
-                  fprintf(stderr, "class %s where ", textToStr(textOf(ex)) );
+                  q = mkQualId(exmod,ex);
+                  c = findQualClassWithoutConsultingExportList ( q );
+                  if (isNull(c)) goto notfound;
+                  fprintf(stderr, "   class %s { ", textToStr(textOf(ex)) );
                   module(mod).exports = cons(pair(c,DOTDOT), module(mod).exports);
                   for (; nonNull(subents); subents = tl(subents)) {
                      Cell ent2 = hd(subents);
-                     c = findName ( textOf(ent2) );
+                     q = mkQualId(exmod,ent2);
+                     c = findQualNameWithoutConsultingExportList ( q );
                      fprintf(stderr, "%s ", textToStr(name(c).text));
-                     assert(nonNull(c));
+                     if (isNull(c)) goto notfound;
                      module(mod).exports = cons(c, module(mod).exports);
-                  fprintf(stderr, "\n" );
+                  fprintf(stderr, "}\n" );
@@ -593,6 +1089,14 @@ Void finishGHCModule ( Cell root )
          } /* switch */
+         continue;  /* so notfound: can be placed after this */
+        notfound:
+         /* q holds what ain't found */
+         assert(whatIs(q)==QUALIDENT);
+         fprintf( stderr, "   ------ IGNORED: %s.%s\n",
+                  textToStr(qmodOf(q)), textToStr(qtextOf(q)) );
+         continue;
@@ -686,7 +1190,7 @@ void startGHCValue ( Int line, VarId vid, Type ty )
     Text   v = textOf(vid);
 #   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf("\nbegin startGHCValue %s\n", textToStr(v));
+    printf("begin startGHCValue %s\n", textToStr(v));
 #   endif
     n = findName(v);
@@ -703,14 +1207,9 @@ void startGHCValue ( Int line, VarId vid, Type ty )
        ty = mkPolyType(tvsToKind(tvs),ty);
     ty = tvsToOffsets(line,ty,tvs);
-    /* prepare for finishGHCValue */
     name(n).type  = ty;
     name(n).arity = arityInclDictParams(ty);
     name(n).line  = line;
-#   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf("end   startGHCValue %s\n", textToStr(v));
-#   endif
@@ -718,16 +1217,11 @@ void finishGHCValue ( VarId vid )
     Name n    = findName ( textOf(vid) );
     Int  line = name(n).line;
-    Type ty   = name(n).type;
 #   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    fprintf(stderr, "\nbegin finishGHCValue %s\n", textToStr(name(n).text) );
+    fprintf(stderr, "begin finishGHCValue %s\n", textToStr(name(n).text) );
 #   endif
     assert(currentModule == name(n).mod);
-    //setCurrModule(name(n).mod);
-    name(n).type = conidcellsToTycons(line,ty);
-#   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    fprintf(stderr, "end   finishGHCValue %s\n", textToStr(name(n).text) );
-#   endif
+    name(n).type = conidcellsToTycons(line,name(n).type);
@@ -742,7 +1236,7 @@ Void startGHCSynonym ( Int line, ConId tycon, List tvs, Type ty )
     /* ty    :: Type              */ 
     Text t = textOf(tycon);
 #   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    fprintf(stderr, "\nbegin startGHCSynonym %s\n", textToStr(t) );
+    fprintf(stderr, "begin startGHCSynonym %s\n", textToStr(t) );
 #   endif
     if (nonNull(findTycon(t))) {
         ERRMSG(line) "Repeated definition of type constructor \"%s\"",
@@ -758,9 +1252,6 @@ Void startGHCSynonym ( Int line, ConId tycon, List tvs, Type ty )
         /* prepare for finishGHCSynonym */
         tycon(tc).defn  = tvsToOffsets(line,ty,tvs);
-#   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    fprintf(stderr, "end   startGHCSynonym %s\n", textToStr(t) );
-#   endif
@@ -768,6 +1259,9 @@ static Void  finishGHCSynonym ( ConId tyc )
     Tycon tc   = findTycon(textOf(tyc)); 
     Int   line = tycon(tc).line;
+#   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
+    fprintf(stderr, "begin finishGHCSynonym %s\n", textToStr(textOf(tyc)) );
+#   endif
     assert (currentModule == tycon(tc).mod);
     //    setCurrModule(tycon(tc).mod);
@@ -808,8 +1302,9 @@ List  constrs0;  /* [((ConId,[((Type,VarId,Int))]))]  */
     Text t = textOf(tycon);
 #   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    fprintf(stderr, "\nbegin startGHCDataDecl %s\n",textToStr(t));
+    fprintf(stderr, "begin startGHCDataDecl %s\n",textToStr(t));
 #   endif
     if (nonNull(findTycon(t))) {
         ERRMSG(line) "Repeated definition of type constructor \"%s\"",
@@ -861,7 +1356,6 @@ List  constrs0;  /* [((ConId,[((Type,VarId,Int))]))]  */
                  if (whatIs(tycon(tc).kind) != STAR)
                     selTy = pair(POLYTYPE,pair(tycon(tc).kind, selTy));
                  selTy = tvsToOffsets(line,selTy, ktyvars);
                  sels = cons( zpair(conArgNm,selTy), sels);
@@ -882,7 +1376,7 @@ List  constrs0;  /* [((ConId,[((Type,VarId,Int))]))]  */
            /* stick the tycon's kind on, if not simply STAR */
            if (whatIs(tycon(tc).kind) != STAR)
-              ty = pair(POLYTYPE,zpair(tycon(tc).kind, ty));
+              ty = pair(POLYTYPE,pair(tycon(tc).kind, ty));
            ty = tvsToOffsets(line,ty, ktyvars);
@@ -898,9 +1392,6 @@ List  constrs0;  /* [((ConId,[((Type,VarId,Int))]))]  */
         tycon(tc).defn = startGHCConstrs(line,constrs0,sels);
-#   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    fprintf(stderr, "end   startGHCDataDecl %s\n",textToStr(t));
-#   endif
@@ -910,7 +1401,7 @@ static List startGHCConstrs ( Int line, List cons, List sels )
     /* sels :: [((VarId,Type))]                     */
     /* returns [Name]                               */
     List cs, ss;
-    Int  conNo = 0; /*  or maybe 1? */
+    Int  conNo = length(cons)>1 ? 1 : 0;
     for(cs=cons; nonNull(cs); cs=tl(cs), conNo++) {
         Name c  = startGHCConstr(line,conNo,hd(cs));
         hd(cs)  = c;
@@ -978,7 +1469,7 @@ static Void finishGHCDataDecl ( ConId tyc )
     List  nms;
     Tycon tc = findTycon(textOf(tyc));
 #   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf ( "\nbegin finishGHCDataDecl %s\n", textToStr(textOf(tyc)) );
+    printf ( "begin finishGHCDataDecl %s\n", textToStr(textOf(tyc)) );
 #   endif
     if (isNull(tc)) internal("finishGHCDataDecl");
@@ -988,9 +1479,6 @@ static Void finishGHCDataDecl ( ConId tyc )
        assert(currentModule == name(n).mod);
        name(n).type = conidcellsToTycons(line,name(n).type);
-#   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf ( "end   finishGHCDataDecl %s\n", textToStr(textOf(tyc)) );
-#   endif
@@ -1001,15 +1489,15 @@ static Void finishGHCDataDecl ( ConId tyc )
 Void startGHCNewType ( Int line, List ctx0, 
                        ConId tycon, List tvs, Cell constr )
-    /* ctx0   :: [((QConId,VarId))]    */
-    /* tycon  :: ConId                 */
-    /* tvs    :: [((VarId,Kind))]      */
-    /* constr :: ((ConId,Type))        */
+    /* ctx0   :: [((QConId,VarId))]                */
+    /* tycon  :: ConId                             */
+    /* tvs    :: [((VarId,Kind))]                  */
+    /* constr :: ((ConId,Type)) or NIL if abstract */
     List tmp;
     Type resTy;
     Text t = textOf(tycon);
 #   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    fprintf(stderr, "\nbegin startGHCNewType %s\n", textToStr(t) );
+    fprintf(stderr, "begin startGHCNewType %s\n", textToStr(t) );
 #   endif
     if (nonNull(findTycon(t))) {
         ERRMSG(line) "Repeated definition of type constructor \"%s\"",
@@ -1023,59 +1511,61 @@ Void startGHCNewType ( Int line, List ctx0,
         tycon(tc).kind  = tvsToKind(tvs);
         /* can't really do this until I've read in all synonyms */
-        {
-        /* constr :: ((ConId,Type)) */
-        Text con   = textOf(zfst(constr));
-        Type type  = zsnd(constr);
-        Name n = findName(con);     /* Allocate constructor fun name   */
-        if (isNull(n)) {
-            n = newName(con,NIL);
-        } else if (name(n).defn!=PREDEFINED) {
-            ERRMSG(line) "Repeated definition for constructor \"%s\"",
-                textToStr(con)
-            EEND;
-        }
-        name(n).arity  = 1;         /* Save constructor fun details    */
-        name(n).line   = line;
-        name(n).number = cfunNo(0);
-        name(n).defn   = nameId;
-        tycon(tc).defn = singleton(n);
-        /* make resTy the result type of the constr, T v1 ... vn */
-        resTy = tycon;
-        for (tmp=tvs; nonNull(tmp); tmp=tl(tmp))
-           resTy = ap(resTy,zfst(hd(tmp)));
-        type = fn(type,resTy);
-        if (nonNull(ctx0))
-           type = ap(QUAL,pair(ctx0,type));
-        type = tvsToOffsets(line,type,tvs);
-        name(n).type   = type;
+        if (isNull(constr)) {
+           tycon(tc).defn = NIL;
+        } else {
+           /* constr :: ((ConId,Type)) */
+           Text con   = textOf(zfst(constr));
+           Type type  = zsnd(constr);
+           Name n = findName(con);     /* Allocate constructor fun name   */
+           if (isNull(n)) {
+               n = newName(con,NIL);
+           } else if (name(n).defn!=PREDEFINED) {
+               ERRMSG(line) "Repeated definition for constructor \"%s\"",
+                  textToStr(con)
+               EEND;
+           }
+           name(n).arity  = 1;         /* Save constructor fun details    */
+           name(n).line   = line;
+           name(n).number = cfunNo(0);
+           name(n).defn   = nameId;
+           tycon(tc).defn = singleton(n);
+           /* make resTy the result type of the constr, T v1 ... vn */
+           resTy = tycon;
+           for (tmp=tvs; nonNull(tmp); tmp=tl(tmp))
+              resTy = ap(resTy,zfst(hd(tmp)));
+           type = fn(type,resTy);
+           if (nonNull(ctx0))
+              type = ap(QUAL,pair(ctx0,type));
+           type = tvsToOffsets(line,type,tvs);
+           name(n).type   = type;
-#   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    fprintf(stderr, "end   startGHCNewType %s\n", textToStr(t) );
-#   endif
 static Void finishGHCNewType ( ConId tyc )
-    Tycon tc = findTycon(tyc);
+    Tycon tc = findTycon(textOf(tyc));
 #   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf ( "\nbegin finishGHCNewType %s\n", textToStr(textOf(tyc)) );
+    printf ( "begin finishGHCNewType %s\n", textToStr(textOf(tyc)) );
 #   endif
     if (isNull(tc)) internal("finishGHCNewType");
-    if (length(tycon(tc).defn) != 1) internal("finishGHCNewType(2)");   
-    {
+    if (isNull(tycon(tc).defn)) {
+       /* it's an abstract type */
+    }
+    else if (length(tycon(tc).defn) == 1) {
+       /* As we expect, has a single constructor */
        Name n    = hd(tycon(tc).defn);
        Int  line = name(n).line;
        assert(currentModule == name(n).mod);
        name(n).type = conidcellsToTycons(line,name(n).type);
+    } else {
+       internal("finishGHCNewType(2)");   
-#   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf ( "end   finishGHCNewType %s\n", textToStr(textOf(tyc)) );
-#   endif
@@ -1098,7 +1588,7 @@ List  mems0; {    /* [((VarId, Type))]     */
     Text ct         = textOf(tc_name);
     Pair newCtx     = pair(tc_name, zfst(kinded_tv));
 #   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf ( "\nbegin startGHCclass %s\n", textToStr(ct) );
+    printf ( "begin startGHCClass %s\n", textToStr(ct) );
 #   endif
     if (length(kinded_tvs) != 1) {
@@ -1163,7 +1653,7 @@ List  mems0; {    /* [((VarId, Type))]     */
            memT = tvsToOffsets(line,memT,tvsInT);
            /* Park the type back on the member */
-           snd(mem) = memT;
+           mem = zpair(zfst(mem),memT);
            /* Bind code to the member */
            mn = findName(mnt);
@@ -1174,6 +1664,8 @@ List  mems0; {    /* [((VarId, Type))]     */
            mn = newName(mnt,NIL);
+           hd(mems) = mem;
         cclass(nw).members    = mems0;
@@ -1186,9 +1678,6 @@ List  mems0; {    /* [((VarId, Type))]     */
          * cclass(nm).defaults = ?;
-#   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf ( "end   startGHCclass %s\n", textToStr(ct) );
-#   endif
@@ -1199,7 +1688,7 @@ static Void finishGHCClass ( Tycon cls_tyc )
     Int   ctr;
     Class nw = findClass ( textOf(cls_tyc) );
 #   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf ( "\nbegin finishGHCclass %s\n", textToStr(cclass(nw).text) );
+    printf ( "begin finishGHCClass %s\n", textToStr(cclass(nw).text) );
 #   endif
     if (isNull(nw)) internal("finishGHCClass");
@@ -1223,9 +1712,6 @@ static Void finishGHCClass ( Tycon cls_tyc )
        name(n).number = ctr++;
        hd(mems) = n;
-#   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf ( "end   finishGHCclass %s\n", textToStr(cclass(nw).text) );
-#   endif
@@ -1233,15 +1719,15 @@ static Void finishGHCClass ( Tycon cls_tyc )
  * Instances
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-Void startGHCInstance (line,ctxt0,cls,var)
+Inst startGHCInstance (line,ctxt0,cls,var)
 Int   line;
-List  ctxt0;  /* [(QConId, VarId)] */
+List  ctxt0;  /* [((QConId, VarId))] */
 Type  cls;    /* Type  */
 VarId var; {  /* VarId */
     List tmp, tvs, ks;
     Inst in = newInst();
 #   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf ( "\nbegin startGHCInstance\n" );
+    printf ( "begin startGHCInstance\n" );
 #   endif
     /* Make tvs into a list of tyvars with bogus kinds. */
@@ -1254,13 +1740,25 @@ VarId var; {  /* VarId */
        ks = cons(STAR,ks);
     /* tvs :: [((VarId,STAR))] */
     inst(in).line         = line;
     inst(in).implements   = NIL;
     inst(in).kinds        = ks;
     inst(in).specifics    = tvsToOffsets(line,ctxt0,tvs);
     inst(in).numSpecifics = length(ctxt0);
     inst(in).head         = tvsToOffsets(line,cls,tvs);
+    /* Figure out the name of the class being instanced, and store it
+       at inst(in).c.  finishGHCInstance will resolve it to a real Class. */
+    { 
+       Cell cl = inst(in).head;
+       while (isAp(cl)) cl = arg(cl);
+       assert(whatIs(cl)==DICTAP);
+       cl = unap(DICTAP,cl);       
+       cl = fst(cl);
+       assert ( isQCon(cl) );
+       inst(in).c = cl;
+    }
 #if 0
     Is this still needed?
@@ -1272,51 +1770,37 @@ VarId var; {  /* VarId */
         bindNameToClosure(b, lookupGHCClosure(inst(in).mod,var));
-#   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf ( "end   startGHCInstance\n" );
-#   endif
+    return in;
-static Void finishGHCInstance ( Type cls )
+static Void finishGHCInstance ( Inst in )
-    /* Cls is the { C1 a1 } -> ... -> { Cn an }, where
-       an isn't a type variable -- it's a data or tuple. */
-    Inst  in;
-    Int   line;
-    Cell  cl;
-    Class c;
-    ConId conid_cls;
-    ConId conid_ty;
+    Int    line;
+    Class  c;
+    Type   cls;
 #   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf ( "\nbegin finishGHCInstance\n" );
+    printf ( "begin finishGHCInstance\n" );
 #   endif
-    cls       = snd(cls);  /* { Cn an } */
-    conid_cls = fst(cls);
-    conid_ty  = snd(cls);
-    if (whatIs(conid_cls) != CONIDCELL ||
-        whatIs(conid_ty ) != CONIDCELL) internal("finishGHCInstance");
-    in   = findSimpleInstance ( conid_cls, conid_ty );
+    assert (nonNull(in));
     line = inst(in).line;
-    cl   = fst(inst(in).head);
     assert (currentModule==inst(in).mod);
-    c = findClass(textOf(cl));
-    if (isNull(c)) {
-        ERRMSG(line) "Unknown class \"%s\" in instance",
-                     textToStr(textOf(cl))
-        EEND;
-    }
+    /* inst(in).c is, prior to finishGHCInstance, a ConId or Tuple,
+       since beginGHCInstance couldn't possibly have resolved it to
+       a Class at that point.  We convert it to a Class now.
+    */
+    c = inst(in).c;
+    assert(isQCon(c));
+    c = findQualClassWithoutConsultingExportList(c);
+    assert(nonNull(c));
+    inst(in).c = c;
     inst(in).head         = conidcellsToTycons(line,inst(in).head);
     inst(in).specifics    = conidcellsToTycons(line,inst(in).specifics);
     cclass(c).instances   = cons(in,cclass(c).instances);
-#   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
-    printf ( "end   finishGHCInstance\n" );
-#   endif
@@ -1330,14 +1814,14 @@ static Void finishGHCInstance ( Type cls )
    The Offset for a type variable is determined by its place in the list
    passed as the second arg; the associated kinds are irrelevant.
-   ((t1,t2)) denotes the typed (z-)pair type of t1 and t2.
+   ((t1,t2)) denotes the typed (z-)pair of t1 and t2.
 /* tvsToOffsets :: LineNo -> Type -> [((VarId,Kind))] -> Type */
 static Type tvsToOffsets(line,type,ktyvars)
 Int  line;
 Type type;
-List ktyvars; { /* [(VarId,Kind)] */
+List ktyvars; { /* [((VarId,Kind))] */
    switch (whatIs(type)) {
       case NIL:
       case TUPLE:
@@ -1372,7 +1856,7 @@ List ktyvars; { /* [(VarId,Kind)] */
          for (; nonNull(ktyvars); i++,ktyvars=tl(ktyvars)) {
             Cell varid;
             Text tt;
+            assert(isZPair(hd(ktyvars)));
             varid = zfst(hd(ktyvars));
             tt    = textOf(varid);
             if (tv == tt) return mkOffset(i);            
@@ -1391,16 +1875,6 @@ assert(isZPair(hd(ktyvars)));
    return NIL; /* NOTREACHED */
-/* ToDo: nuke this */
-static Text kludgeGHCPrelText ( Text m )
-   return m;
-#if 0
-   if (strncmp(textToStr(m), "Prel", 4)==0)
-      return textPrelude; else return m;
 /* This is called from the finishGHC* functions.  It traverses a structure
    and converts conidcells, ie, type constructors parsed by the interface
@@ -1410,22 +1884,21 @@ static Text kludgeGHCPrelText ( Text m )
    Tycons or Classes have been loaded into the symbol tables and can be
    looked up.
-static Type conidcellsToTycons(line,type)
-Int  line;
-Type type; {
+static Type conidcellsToTycons ( Int line, Type type )
    switch (whatIs(type)) {
       case NIL:
       case OFFSET:
       case TYCON:
       case CLASS:
       case VARIDCELL:
+      case TUPLE:
+      case STAR:
          return type;
       case QUALIDENT:
-       { List t;
-         Text m     = kludgeGHCPrelText(qmodOf(type));
-         Text v     = qtextOf(type);
+       { Cell t;  /* Tycon or Class */
+         Text m     = qmodOf(type);
          Module mod = findModule(m);
-	 //printf ( "lookup qualident " ); print(type,100); printf("\n");
          if (isNull(mod)) {
                "Undefined module in qualified name \"%s\"",
@@ -1433,10 +1906,10 @@ Type type; {
             return NIL;
-         for (t=module(mod).tycons; nonNull(t); t=tl(t))
-            if (v == tycon(hd(t)).text) return hd(t);
-         for (t=module(mod).classes; nonNull(t); t=tl(t))
-            if (v == cclass(hd(t)).text) return hd(t);
+         t = findQualTyconWithoutConsultingExportList(type);
+         if (nonNull(t)) return t;
+         t = findQualClassWithoutConsultingExportList(type);
+         if (nonNull(t)) return t;
               "Undefined qualified class or type \"%s\"",
@@ -1446,10 +1919,14 @@ Type type; {
       case CONIDCELL:
        { Tycon tc;
          Class cl;
-         tc = findQualTycon(type);
-         if (nonNull(tc)) return tc;
          cl = findQualClass(type);
          if (nonNull(cl)) return cl;
+         if (textOf(type)==findText("[]"))
+            /* a hack; magically qualify [] into PrelBase.[] */
+            return conidcellsToTycons(line, 
+                                      mkQualId(mkCon(findText("PrelBase")),type));
+         tc = findQualTycon(type);
+         if (nonNull(tc)) return tc;
              "Undefined class or type constructor \"%s\"",
@@ -1459,6 +1936,10 @@ Type type; {
       case AP: 
          return ap( conidcellsToTycons(line,fun(type)),
                     conidcellsToTycons(line,arg(type)) );
+      case ZTUP2: /* convert to std pair */
+         return ap( conidcellsToTycons(line,zfst(type)),
+                    conidcellsToTycons(line,zsnd(type)) );
       case POLYTYPE: 
          return mkPolyType ( 
@@ -1472,6 +1953,8 @@ Type type; {
          return ap(DICTAP, conidcellsToTycons(line, snd(type)));
       case UNBOXEDTUP:
          return ap(UNBOXEDTUP, conidcellsToTycons(line, snd(type)));
+      case BANG:
+         return ap(BANG, conidcellsToTycons(line, snd(type)));
          fprintf(stderr, "conidcellsToTycons: unknown stuff %d\n", 
@@ -1484,6 +1967,50 @@ Type type; {
+/* Find out if a type mentions a type constructor not present in 
+   the supplied list of qualified tycons.
+static Bool allTypesKnown ( Type  type, 
+                            List  aktys /* [QualId] */,
+                            ConId thisMod )
+   switch (whatIs(type)) {
+      case NIL:
+      case OFFSET:
+      case VARIDCELL:
+      case TUPLE:
+         return TRUE;
+      case AP:
+         return allTypesKnown(fun(type),aktys,thisMod)
+                && allTypesKnown(arg(type),aktys,thisMod);
+      case ZTUP2:
+         return allTypesKnown(zfst(type),aktys,thisMod)
+                && allTypesKnown(zsnd(type),aktys,thisMod);
+      case DICTAP: 
+         return allTypesKnown(unap(DICTAP,type),aktys,thisMod);
+      case CONIDCELL:
+        if (textOf(type)==findText("[]"))
+            /* a hack; magically qualify [] into PrelBase.[] */
+            type = mkQualId(mkCon(findText("PrelBase")),type); else
+            type = mkQualId(thisMod,type);
+         /* fall through */
+      case QUALIDENT:
+         if (isNull(qualidIsMember(type,aktys))) goto missing;
+         return TRUE;
+      default: 
+         fprintf(stderr, "allTypesKnown: unknown stuff %d\n", whatIs(type));
+         print(type,10);printf("\n");
+         internal("allTypesKnown");
+         return TRUE; /*notreached*/
+   }
+  missing:
+   printf ( "allTypesKnown: unknown " ); print(type,10); printf("\n");
+   return FALSE;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Utilities
@@ -1992,9 +2519,10 @@ void* lookupObjName ( char* nm )
    pp = strchr(nm2, '_');
    if (!pp) goto not_found;
    *pp = 0;
-   t = kludgeGHCPrelText( unZcodeThenFindText(nm2) );
+   t = unZcodeThenFindText(nm2);
    m = findModule(t);
    if (isNull(m)) goto not_found;
+fprintf(stderr, "   %%%% %s\n", nm );
    a = lookupOTabName ( m, nm );
    if (a) return a;
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/link.c b/ghc/interpreter/link.c
index dbab049b3512b510e73e725f07a0a846dfa7ad5d..47d1e59e25094ce91f01fb8ffa919086d6cff4cf 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/link.c
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/link.c
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
  * included in the distribution.
  * $RCSfile: link.c,v $
- * $Revision: 1.21 $
- * $Date: 1999/12/10 15:59:48 $
+ * $Revision: 1.22 $
+ * $Date: 1999/12/16 16:34:42 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include "prelude.h"
@@ -496,16 +496,39 @@ break;
         case PREPREL : 
-           modulePrelude = newModule(textPrelude);
-           setCurrModule(modulePrelude);
-           for (i=0; i<NUM_TUPLES; ++i) {
-               allocTupleTycon(i);
-           }
            if (combined) {
+               nameMkC = addWiredInBoxingTycon("PrelBase","Char",  "C#",1,0,CHAR_REP  );
+               nameMkI = addWiredInBoxingTycon("PrelBase","Int",   "I#",1,0,INT_REP   );
+               nameMkW = addWiredInBoxingTycon("PrelAddr","Word",  "W#",1,0,WORD_REP  );
+               nameMkA = addWiredInBoxingTycon("PrelAddr","Addr",  "A#",1,0,ADDR_REP  );
+               nameMkF = addWiredInBoxingTycon("PrelBase","Float", "F#",1,0,FLOAT_REP );
+               nameMkD = addWiredInBoxingTycon("PrelBase","Double","D#",1,0,DOUBLE_REP);
+               nameMkInteger            
+                       = addWiredInBoxingTycon("PrelBase","Integer","Integer#",1,0,0);
+               nameMkPrimByteArray      
+                       = addWiredInBoxingTycon("PrelGHC","ByteArray","PrimByteArray#",1,0,0);
+               for (i=0; i<NUM_TUPLES; ++i) {
+                   addTupleTycon(i);
+               }
+	       addWiredInEnumTycon("PrelBase","Bool",
+                                   doubleton(findText("False"),findText("True")));
+               //nameMkThreadId
+               //        = addWiredInBoxingTycon("PrelConc","ThreadId","ThreadId#"
+               //                                ,1,0,THREADID_REP);
            } else {
+               modulePrelude = newModule(textPrelude);
+               setCurrModule(modulePrelude);
+               for (i=0; i<NUM_TUPLES; ++i) {
+                   addTupleTycon(i);
+               }
+               setCurrModule(modulePrelude);
                typeArrow = addPrimTycon(findText("(->)"),
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/parser.y b/ghc/interpreter/parser.y
index 47b1ff47b064027cf7df5d7f7291938b447cd931..694dd169ba56a00c329b311443c44f94d676e098 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/parser.y
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/parser.y
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
  * included in the distribution.
  * $RCSfile: parser.y,v $
- * $Revision: 1.18 $
- * $Date: 1999/12/10 15:59:49 $
+ * $Revision: 1.19 $
+ * $Date: 1999/12/16 16:34:42 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ ifTopDecl
           | TINSTANCE ifCtxInst ifInstHdL '=' ifVar
-                                                   z4ble($1,$2,$3,$5)));}
+                                                   z5ble($1,$2,$3,$5,NIL)));}
           | NUMLIT TYPE ifCon ifKindedTyvarL '=' ifType
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ ifInstHd /* { Class aType }    :: (ConId, Type) */
 ifInstHdL /* { C a1 } -> { C2 a2 } -> ... -> { Cn an } :: Type */
           : ifInstHd ARROW ifInstHdL    {$$=gc3(fn($1,$3));}
-          | ifInstHd                    {$$=gc1(NIL);}
+          | ifInstHd                    {$$=gc1($1);}
 ifCtxDecl /* {M.C1 a, C2 b} =>  :: [(QConId, VarId)] */ 
@@ -265,36 +265,36 @@ ifCtxDeclLE /* M.C1 a   :: (QConId,VarId) */
    mkInt(2) indicates unpacked -- a GHC extension.
-ifConstrs /* = Con1 | ... | ConN  :: [(ConId,[(Type,VarId,Int)])] */
+ifConstrs /* = Con1 | ... | ConN  :: [((ConId,[((Type,VarId,Int))]))] */
           :                             {$$ = gc0(NIL);}
           | '=' ifConstrL               {$$ = gc2($2);}
-ifConstrL /* [(ConId,[(Type,VarId,Int)])] */
+ifConstrL /* [((ConId,[((Type,VarId,Int))]))] */
           : ifConstr                    {$$ = gc1(singleton($1));}
           | ifConstr '|' ifConstrL      {$$ = gc3(cons($1,$3));}
-ifConstr /* (ConId,[(Type,VarId,Int)]) */
+ifConstr /* ((ConId,[((Type,VarId,Int))])) */
           : ifConData ifDataAnonFieldL  {$$ = gc2(zpair($1,$2));}
           | ifConData '{' ifDataNamedFieldL '}' 
                                         {$$ = gc4(zpair($1,$3));}
-ifDataAnonFieldL /* [(Type,VarId,Int)] */
+ifDataAnonFieldL /* [((Type,VarId,Int))] */
           :                             {$$=gc0(NIL);}
           | ifDataAnonField ifDataAnonFieldL
-ifDataNamedFieldL /* [(Type,VarId,Int)] */
+ifDataNamedFieldL /* [((Type,VarId,Int))] */
           :                             {$$=gc0(NIL);}
           | ifDataNamedField            {$$=gc1(cons($1,NIL));}
           | ifDataNamedField ',' ifDataNamedFieldL 
-ifDataAnonField /* (Type,VarId,Int) */
+ifDataAnonField /* ((Type,VarId,Int)) */
           : ifAType                     {$$=gc1(ztriple($1,NIL,mkInt(0)));}
           | '!' ifAType                 {$$=gc2(ztriple($2,NIL,mkInt(1)));}
           | '!' '!' ifAType             {$$=gc3(ztriple($3,NIL,mkInt(2)));}
-ifDataNamedField  /* (Type,VarId,Int) */
+ifDataNamedField  /* ((Type,VarId,Int)) */
           : ifVar COCO ifAType          {$$=gc3(ztriple($3,$1,mkInt(0)));}
           | ifVar COCO '!' ifAType      {$$=gc4(ztriple($4,$1,mkInt(1)));}
           | ifVar COCO '!' '!' ifAType  {$$=gc5(ztriple($5,$1,mkInt(2)));}
@@ -302,15 +302,15 @@ ifDataNamedField  /* (Type,VarId,Int) */
 /*- Interface class declarations - methods ----------------*/
-ifCmeths /* [(VarId,Type)] */
+ifCmeths /* [((VarId,Type))] */
           :                             { $$ = gc0(NIL); }
           | WHERE '{' ifCmethL '}'      { $$ = gc4($3); }
-ifCmethL /* [(VarId,Type)] */
+ifCmethL /* [((VarId,Type))] */
           : ifCmeth                     { $$ = gc1(singleton($1)); }
           | ifCmeth ';' ifCmethL        { $$ = gc3(cons($1,$3));    }
-ifCmeth /* (VarId,Type) */
+ifCmeth /* ((VarId,Type)) */
           : ifVar     COCO ifType       { $$ = gc3(zpair($1,$3)); }
           | ifVar '=' COCO ifType       { $$ = gc4(zpair($1,$4)); } 
                                               /* has default method */
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ ifCmeth /* (VarId,Type) */
 /*- Interface newtype declararions ------------------------*/
-ifNewTypeConstr /* (ConId,Type) */
+ifNewTypeConstr /* ((ConId,Type)) */
           : '=' ifCon ifAType           { $$ = gc3(zpair($2,$3)); }
@@ -356,7 +356,8 @@ ifAType   : ifQTCName                   { $$ = gc1($1); }
           | ifTyvar                     { $$ = gc1($1); }
           | '(' ')'                     { $$ = gc2(typeUnit); }
           | '(' ifTypeL2 ')'            { $$ = gc3(buildTuple($2)); }
-          | '[' ifType ']'              { $$ = gc3(ap(typeList,$2));}
+          | '[' ifType ']'              { $$ = gc3(ap(mkCon(tycon(typeList).text),
+                                                      $2));}
           | '{' ifQTCName ifATypes '}'  { $$ = gc4(ap(DICTAP,
                                                       pair($2,$3))); }
           | '(' ifType ')'              { $$ = gc3($2); }
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/storage.c b/ghc/interpreter/storage.c
index ec0bbc9535d62917937f530bb30fefddeddb1008..a8318ca35ee4f1772a0408957c9cc65cba324bc0 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/storage.c
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/storage.c
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
  * included in the distribution.
  * $RCSfile: storage.c,v $
- * $Revision: 1.25 $
- * $Date: 1999/12/10 15:59:53 $
+ * $Revision: 1.26 $
+ * $Date: 1999/12/16 16:34:43 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include "prelude.h"
@@ -581,18 +581,20 @@ List   ts; {                            /* Null pattern matches every tycon*/
 Text ghcTupleText_n ( Int n )
     Int  i;
-    char buf[103];
+    char buf[104];
     if (n < 0 || n >= 100) internal("ghcTupleText_n");
     buf[0] = '(';
     for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) buf[i] = ',';
-    buf[i] = ')';
-    buf[i+1] = 0;
+    buf[n+1] = ')';
+    buf[n+2] = 0;
     return findText(buf);
 Text ghcTupleText(tup)
 Tycon tup; {
-    assert(isTuple(tup));
+    if (!isTuple(tup)) {
+       assert(isTuple(tup));
+    }
     return ghcTupleText_n ( tupleOf(tup) );
@@ -607,23 +609,6 @@ Tycon mkTuple ( Int n )
    internal("mkTuple: request for non-existent tuple");
-Void allocTupleTycon ( Int n )
-   Int   i;
-   Kind  k;
-   Tycon t;
-   for (i = TYCMIN; i < tyconHw; i++)
-      if (tycon(i).tuple == n) return;
-   //t = addPrimTycon(findText(buf),simpleKind(n),n, DATATYPE,NIL);
-   k = STAR;
-   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) k = ap(STAR,k);
-   t = newTycon(ghcTupleText_n(n));
-   tycon(t).kind = k;
-   tycon(t).tuple = n;
-   tycon(t).what = DATATYPE;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Name storage:
@@ -771,6 +756,95 @@ void* getHugs_AsmObject_for ( char* s )
  * Primitive functions:
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+Module findFakeModule ( Text t )
+   Module m = findModule(t);
+   if (nonNull(m)) {
+      if (!module(m).fake) internal("findFakeModule");
+   } else {
+      m = newModule(t);
+      module(m).fake = TRUE;
+   }
+   return m;
+Name addWiredInBoxingTycon
+        ( String modNm, String typeNm, String constrNm,
+          Int arity, Int no, Int rep )
+   Name  n;
+   Tycon t;
+   Text modT  = findText(modNm);
+   Text typeT = findText(typeNm);
+   Text conT  = findText(constrNm);
+   Module m = findFakeModule(modT);
+   setCurrModule(m);
+   n = newName(conT,NIL);
+   name(n).arity = arity;
+   name(n).number = cfunNo(no);
+   name(n).type = NIL;
+   name(n).primop = (void*)rep;
+   t = newTycon(typeT);
+   tycon(t).what = DATATYPE;
+   return n;
+Tycon addTupleTycon ( Int n )
+   Int   i;
+   Kind  k;
+   Tycon t;
+   Module m;
+   for (i = TYCMIN; i < tyconHw; i++)
+      if (tycon(i).tuple == n) return i;
+   if (combined)
+      m = findFakeModule(findText(n==0 ? "PrelBase" : "PrelTup")); else
+      m = findModule(findText("Prelude"));
+   setCurrModule(m);
+   k = STAR;
+   for (i = 0; i < n; i++) k = ap(STAR,k);
+   t = newTycon(ghcTupleText_n(n));
+   tycon(t).kind  = k;
+   tycon(t).tuple = n;
+   tycon(t).what  = DATATYPE;
+   return t;
+Tycon addWiredInEnumTycon ( String modNm, String typeNm, 
+                            List /*of Text*/ constrs )
+   Int    i;
+   Tycon  t;
+   Text   modT  = findText(modNm);
+   Text   typeT = findText(typeNm);
+   Module m     = findFakeModule(modT);
+   setCurrModule(m);
+   t             = newTycon(typeT);
+   tycon(t).kind = STAR;
+   tycon(t).what = DATATYPE;
+   constrs = reverse(constrs);
+   i       = length(constrs);
+   for (; nonNull(constrs); constrs=tl(constrs),i--) {
+      Text conT        = hd(constrs);
+      Name con         = newName(conT,t);
+      name(con).number = cfunNo(i);
+      name(con).type   = t;
+      tycon(t).defn    = cons(con, tycon(t).defn);      
+   }
+   return t;
 Name addPrimCfunREP(t,arity,no,rep)     /* add primitive constructor func  */
 Text t;                                 /* sets rep, not type              */
 Int  arity;
@@ -1052,20 +1126,123 @@ Type tc; {
                          || typeInvolves(arg(ty),tc)));
-Inst findSimpleInstance ( ConId klass, ConId dataty )
+/* Needed by finishGHCInstance to find classes, before the
+   export list has been built -- so we can't use 
+   findQualClass.
+Class findQualClassWithoutConsultingExportList ( QualId q )
+   Class cl;
+   Text t_mod;
+   Text t_class;
+   assert(isQCon(q));
+   if (isCon(q)) {
+      t_mod   = NIL;
+      t_class = textOf(q);
+   } else {
+      t_mod   = qmodOf(q);
+      t_class = qtextOf(q);
+   }
+   for (cl = CLASSMIN; cl < classHw; cl++) {
+      if (cclass(cl).text == t_class) {
+         /* Class name is ok, but is this the right module? */
+         if (isNull(t_mod)   /* no module name specified */
+             || (nonNull(t_mod) 
+                 && t_mod == module(cclass(cl).mod).text)
+            )
+            return cl;
+      }
+   }
+   return NIL;
+/* Same deal, except for Tycons. */
+Tycon findQualTyconWithoutConsultingExportList ( QualId q )
-   Inst in;
-   for (in = INSTMIN; in < instHw; in++) {
-      Cell head = inst(in).head;
-      if (isClass(fun(head)) 
-          && cclass(fun(head)).text==textOf(klass)
-          && typeInvolves(arg(head), findTycon(textOf(dataty)) )
-         )
-         return in;
+   Tycon tc;
+   Text t_mod;
+   Text t_tycon;
+   assert(isQCon(q));
+   if (isCon(q)) {
+      t_mod   = NIL;
+      t_tycon = textOf(q);
+   } else {
+      t_mod   = qmodOf(q);
+      t_tycon = qtextOf(q);
+   }
+   for (tc = TYCMIN; tc < tyconHw; tc++) {
+      if (tycon(tc).text == t_tycon) {
+         /* Tycon name is ok, but is this the right module? */
+         if (isNull(t_mod)   /* no module name specified */
+             || (nonNull(t_mod) 
+                 && t_mod == module(tycon(tc).mod).text)
+            )
+            return tc;
+      }
    return NIL;
+/* Same deal, except for Names. */
+Name findQualNameWithoutConsultingExportList ( QualId q )
+   Name nm;
+   Text t_mod;
+   Text t_name;
+   assert(isQVar(q) || isQCon(q));
+   if (isCon(q) || isVar(q)) {
+      t_mod  = NIL;
+      t_name = textOf(q);
+   } else {
+      t_mod  = qmodOf(q);
+      t_name = qtextOf(q);
+   }
+   for (nm = NAMEMIN; nm < nameHw; nm++) {
+      if (name(nm).text == t_name) {
+         /* Name is ok, but is this the right module? */
+         if (isNull(t_mod)   /* no module name specified */
+             || (nonNull(t_mod) 
+                 && t_mod == module(name(nm).mod).text)
+            )
+            return nm;
+      }
+   }
+   return NIL;
+/* returns List of QualId */
+List getAllKnownTyconsAndClasses ( void )
+   Tycon tc;
+   Class nw;
+   List  xs = NIL;
+   for (tc = TYCMIN; tc < tyconHw; tc++) {
+      /* almost certainly undue paranoia about duplicate avoidance, but .. */
+      QualId q = mkQCon( module(tycon(tc).mod).text, tycon(tc).text );
+      if (!qualidIsMember(q,xs))
+         xs = cons ( q, xs );
+   }
+   for (nw = CLASSMIN; nw < classHw; nw++) {
+      QualId q = mkQCon( module(cclass(nw).mod).text, cclass(nw).text );
+      if (!qualidIsMember(q,xs))
+         xs = cons ( q, xs );
+   }
+   return xs;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Control stack:
@@ -1153,6 +1330,7 @@ Text t; {
     module(moduleHw).text          = t; /* clear new module record         */
     module(moduleHw).qualImports   = NIL;
+    module(moduleHw).fake          = FALSE;
     module(moduleHw).exports       = NIL;
     module(moduleHw).tycons        = NIL;
     module(moduleHw).names         = NIL;
@@ -1306,7 +1484,7 @@ void* lookupOTabName ( Module m, char* nm )
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < module(m).usedoTab; i++) {
-      if (1)
+      if (0)
          fprintf ( stderr, 
                    "lookupOTabName: request %s, table has %s\n",
                    nm, module(m).oTab[i].nm );
@@ -1969,7 +2147,7 @@ Int  depth; {
                 Printf("Offset %d", offsetOf(c));
         case TUPLE:
-                Printf("%s", textToStr(ghcTupleText(tupleOf(c))));
+                Printf("%s", textToStr(ghcTupleText(c)));
         case POLYTYPE:
@@ -2103,8 +2281,20 @@ Int  depth; {
         case ZTUP2:
                 Printf("<ZPair ");
-                print(snd(c),depth-1);
+                print(zfst(c),depth-1);
+                Putchar(' ');
+                print(zsnd(c),depth-1);
+                break;
+        case ZTUP3:
+                Printf("<ZTriple ");
+                print(zfst3(c),depth-1);
+                Putchar(' ');
+                print(zsnd3(c),depth-1);
+                Putchar(' ');
+                print(zthd3(c),depth-1);
+                Putchar('>');
+                break;
         case BANG:
@@ -2172,6 +2362,16 @@ Cell c; {
     return isPair(c) && (fst(c)==QUALIDENT);
+Bool eqQualIdent ( QualId c1, QualId c2 )
+   assert(isQualIdent(c1));
+   if (!isQualIdent(c2)) {
+   assert(isQualIdent(c2));
+   }
+   return qmodOf(c1)==qmodOf(c2) &&
+          qtextOf(c1)==qtextOf(c2);
 Bool isIdent(c)                        /* is cell an identifier?           */
 Cell c; {
     if (!isPair(c)) return FALSE;
@@ -2349,6 +2549,15 @@ List xs, ys; {                         /* list xs onto list ys...          */
     return ys;
+QualId qualidIsMember ( QualId q, List xs )
+   for (; nonNull(xs); xs=tl(xs)) {
+      if (eqQualIdent(q, hd(xs)))
+         return hd(xs);
+   }
+   return NIL;
 Cell varIsMember(t,xs)                 /* Test if variable is a member of  */
 Text t;                                /* given list of variables          */
 List xs; {
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/storage.h b/ghc/interpreter/storage.h
index 5fc03507b7741e8708fcedc29b53e16b5e4d33fa..74f368c37b9389c7ff7786d8bceb19c912e5b0e2 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/storage.h
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/storage.h
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
  * included in the distribution.
  * $RCSfile: storage.h,v $
- * $Revision: 1.20 $
- * $Date: 1999/12/10 15:59:54 $
+ * $Revision: 1.21 $
+ * $Date: 1999/12/16 16:34:45 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ typedef Cell         Ext;                        /* extension label        */
 typedef Cell         ConId;
 typedef Cell         VarId;
+typedef Cell         QualId;
+typedef Cell         ConVarId;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Text storage:
@@ -177,6 +179,7 @@ extern  Cell         whatIs    Args((Cell));
 #define mkQCon(m,t)     ap(QUALIDENT,pair(mkCon(m),mkCon(t)))
 #define mkQVarOp(m,t)   ap(QUALIDENT,pair(mkCon(m),mkVarop(t)))
 #define mkQConOp(m,t)   ap(QUALIDENT,pair(mkCon(m),mkConop(t)))
+#define mkQualId(m,t)   ap(QUALIDENT,pair(m,t))
 #define intValOf(c)     (snd(c))
 #define inventVar()     mkVar(inventText())
 #define mkDictVar(t)    ap(DICTVAR,t)
@@ -196,6 +199,7 @@ extern  Bool            isCon        Args((Cell));
 extern  Bool            isQVar       Args((Cell));
 extern  Bool            isQCon       Args((Cell));
 extern  Bool            isQualIdent  Args((Cell));
+extern  Bool            eqQualIdent ( QualId c1, QualId c2 );
 extern  Bool            isIdent      Args((Cell));
 extern  String          stringNegate Args((String));
 extern  Text            textOf       Args((Cell));
@@ -318,63 +322,67 @@ extern  Ptr             cptrOf          Args((Cell));
    type <a>              = ZList a
    type ExportListEntry  = ConVarId | (ConId, <ConVarId>) 
    type Associativity    = mkInt of LEFT_ASS | RIGHT_ASS | NON_ASS
-   type Constr           = (ConId, <(Type,VarId,Int)>)
-               (constr name, list of (type, field name if any, strictness))
+   type Constr           = ((ConId, [((Type,VarId,Int))]))
+               ((constr name, [((type, field name if any, strictness))]))
                strictness: 0 => none, 1 => !, 2 => !! (unpacked)
    All 2/3/4/5 tuples in the interface abstract syntax are done with
-#define I_INTERFACE  109  /* snd :: (ConId, <I_IMPORT..I_VALUE>) 
+#define I_INTERFACE  109  /* snd :: ((ConId, [I_IMPORT..I_VALUE])) 
                                     interface name, list of iface entities */
-#define I_IMPORT     110  /* snd :: (ConId, <ConVarId>)
+#define I_IMPORT     110  /* snd :: ((ConId, [ConVarId]))
                                     module name, list of entities          */
 #define I_INSTIMPORT 111  /* snd :: NIL    -- not used at present          */
-#define I_EXPORT     112  /* snd :: (ConId, <ExportListEntry>
+#define I_EXPORT     112  /* snd :: ((ConId, [ExportListEntry]))
                                     this module name?, entities to export  */
-#define I_FIXDECL    113  /* snd :: (NIL|Int, Associativity, ConVarId)   
+#define I_FIXDECL    113  /* snd :: ((NIL|Int, Associativity, ConVarId))   
                                     fixity, associativity, name            */
-#define I_INSTANCE   114 /* snd :: (Line, <(QConId,VarId)>, Type, VarId)
+#define I_INSTANCE   114 /* snd :: ((Line, [((QConId,VarId))], 
+                                    Type, VarId, Inst))
                    forall-y bit (eg __forall [a b] {M.C1 a, M.C2 b} =>),
                    other bit, eg { C a1 } -> { C2 a2 } -> ... -> { Cn an },
-                   name of dictionary builder */
+                   name of dictionary builder,
+                   (after startGHCInstance) the instance table location    */
-#define I_TYPE       115 /* snd :: (Line, ConId, <(VarId,Kind)>, Type)
+#define I_TYPE       115 /* snd :: ((Line, ConId, [((VarId,Kind))], Type))
                             lineno, tycon, kinded tyvars, the type expr    */
-#define I_DATA       116 /* snd :: (Line, <(QConId,VarId)>, ConId, 
-                                          <(VarId,Kind)>, <Constr>) 
-                            lineno, context, tycon, kinded tyvars, constrs */
+#define I_DATA       116 /* snd :: ((Line, [((QConId,VarId))], ConId, 
+                                          [((VarId,Kind))], [Constr]) 
+                            lineno, context, tycon, kinded tyvars, constrs 
+                           An empty constr list means exported abstractly. */
-#define I_NEWTYPE    117 /* snd :: (Line, <(QConId,VarId)>, ConId,
-                                          <(VarId,Kind)>, (ConId,Type))
-                             lineno, context, tycon, kinded tyvars, constr */
+#define I_NEWTYPE    117 /* snd :: ((Line, [((QConId,VarId))], ConId,
+                                    [((VarId,Kind))], ((ConId,Type)) ))
+                             lineno, context, tycon, kinded tyvars, constr 
+                                    constr==NIL means exported abstractly. */
-#define I_CLASS      118 /* snd :: (Line, <(QConId,VarId)>, ConId,
-                                    <(VarId,Kind)>, <(VarId,Type)>)
+#define I_CLASS      118 /* snd :: ((Line, [((QConId,VarId))], ConId,
+                                    [((VarId,Kind))], [((VarId,Type))]))
                             lineno, context, classname, 
                                       kinded tyvars, method sigs           */
-#define I_VALUE      119 /* snd :: (Line, VarId, Type)                     */
+#define I_VALUE      119 /* snd :: ((Line, VarId, Type))                   */
 /* Generic syntax */
 #if 0
-#define ZCONS        190          /* snd :: (Cell,Cell)                   */
+#define ZCONS        190          /* snd :: (Cell,Cell)                    */
-#define ZTUP2        192          /* snd :: (Cell,Cell)                   */
-#define ZTUP3        193          /* snd :: (Cell,(Cell,Cell))            */
-#define ZTUP4        194          /* snd :: (Cell,(Cell,(Cell,Cell)))     */
-#define ZTUP5        195       /* snd :: (Cell,(Cell,(Cell,(Cell,Cell)))) */
+#define ZTUP2        192          /* snd :: (Cell,Cell)                    */
+#define ZTUP3        193          /* snd :: (Cell,(Cell,Cell))             */
+#define ZTUP4        194          /* snd :: (Cell,(Cell,(Cell,Cell)))      */
+#define ZTUP5        195       /* snd :: (Cell,(Cell,(Cell,(Cell,Cell))))  */
 /* Last constructor tag must be less than SPECMIN */
@@ -448,6 +456,14 @@ extern Ext           mkExt Args((Text));
 #define mkExt(t) NIL
+extern Module findFakeModule ( Text t );
+extern Tycon addTupleTycon ( Int n );
+extern Name addWiredInBoxingTycon
+               ( String modNm, String typeNm, String constrNm,
+                 Int arity, Int no, Int rep );
+Tycon addWiredInEnumTycon ( String modNm, String typeNm, 
+                            List /*of Text*/ constrs );
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Offsets: (generic types/stack offsets)
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -513,6 +529,9 @@ struct Module {
     List  qualImports;
+    /* TRUE if module exists only via GHC primop defn; usually FALSE */
+    Bool  fake; 
     /* ptr to malloc'd lump of memory holding the obj file */
     void* oImage;
@@ -558,7 +577,6 @@ extern DLSect    lookupDLSect Args((void*));
 #define isTuple(c)   (TYCMIN<=(c) && (c)<NAMEMIN && tabTycon[(c)-TYCMIN].tuple>=0)
 #define tupleOf(n)   (tabTycon[(n)-TYCMIN].tuple)
 extern Tycon mkTuple ( Int );
-extern Void allocTupleTycon ( Int );
 struct strTycon {
@@ -593,6 +611,7 @@ extern Tycon addPrimTycon Args((Text,Kind,Int,Cell,Cell));
 #define monotypeOf(t)   snd(snd(t))
 #define bang(t)         ap(BANG,t)
+extern Tycon findQualTyconWithoutConsultingExportList ( QualId q );
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Globally defined name values:
@@ -663,6 +682,8 @@ extern Int    sfunPos         Args((Name,Name));
 extern Name   nameFromStgVar  Args((Cell));
 extern Name   jrsFindQualName Args((Text,Text));
+extern Name findQualNameWithoutConsultingExportList ( QualId q );
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Type class values:
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -725,7 +746,8 @@ extern Class findQualClass Args((Cell));
 extern Inst  newInst       Args((Void));
 extern Inst  findFirstInst Args((Tycon));
 extern Inst  findNextInst  Args((Tycon,Inst));
-extern Inst  findSimpleInstance ( ConId klass, ConId dataty );
+extern List getAllKnownTyconsAndClasses ( void );
+extern Class findQualClassWithoutConsultingExportList ( QualId q );
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Character values:
@@ -790,6 +812,7 @@ extern  Cell         cellRevAssoc Args((Cell,List));
 extern  Bool         eqList       Args((List,List));
 extern  Cell         varIsMember  Args((Text,List));
 extern  Name         nameIsMember Args((Text,List));
+extern  QualId       qualidIsMember ( QualId, List );
 extern  Cell         intIsMember  Args((Int,List));
 extern  List         replicate    Args((Int,Cell));
 extern  List         diffList     Args((List,List));    /* destructive     */
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/type.c b/ghc/interpreter/type.c
index bb7d86f38c503dd15f9e75ee3ddfc9f167af30fc..bd653fdc115d710dd2e936dccf9315af815cf339 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/type.c
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/type.c
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
  * included in the distribution.
  * $RCSfile: type.c,v $
- * $Revision: 1.19 $
- * $Date: 1999/12/10 15:59:57 $
+ * $Revision: 1.20 $
+ * $Date: 1999/12/16 16:34:46 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include "prelude.h"
@@ -2801,6 +2801,32 @@ Int what; {
            if (combined) {
+               Module m = findFakeModule(findText("PrelBase"));
+               setCurrModule(m);
+               starToStar   = simpleKind(1);
+               typeList     = addPrimTycon(findText("[]"),
+                                           starToStar,1,
+                                           DATATYPE,NIL);
+               listof       = ap(typeList,aVar);
+               nameNil      = addPrimCfun(findText("[]"),0,1,
+                                           mkPolyType(starToStar,
+                                                      listof));
+               nameCons     = addPrimCfun(findText(":"),2,2,
+                                           mkPolyType(starToStar,
+                                                      fn(aVar,
+                                                      fn(listof,
+                                                         listof))));
+               name(nameNil).parent =
+               name(nameCons).parent = typeList;
+               name(nameCons).syntax
+                            = mkSyntax(RIGHT_ASS,5);
+               tycon(typeList).defn
+                            = cons(nameNil,cons(nameCons,NIL));
            } else {
                dummyVar     = inventVar();