From 2494407a750053daa61718fac371487d04818e57 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: simonpj <unknown>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 20:35:30 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1997-03-17 20:34:25 by simonpj] More small changes
 towards 2.02

 Makefile                               |  25 --
 docs/Makefile                          |   2 +-
 docs/installing.lit                    |  66 ++--
 ghc/Makefile                           |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/Makefile                  |   3 +-
 ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs       |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs       |  10 +-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs     |   2 +
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs       |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs      |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs        |  83 +++--
 ghc/compiler/reader/Lex.lhs            |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs       |  64 ++--
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs        |   1 -
 ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs | 416 ++++++++++---------------
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs  |  10 +-
 ghc/compiler/utils/FastString.lhs      |   8 +-
 ghc/docs/Makefile                      |   2 +-
 ghc/driver/ghc-asm.lprl                |  96 +++---
 ghc/includes/StgMacros.lh              |  11 +-
 ghc/lib/Makefile                       |  11 +-
 ghc/lib/cbits/stgio.h                  |   4 +
 ghc/lib/ghc/GHC.hi-boot                |   1 +
 ghc/lib/ghc/IOBase.lhs                 |   8 +
 ghc/lib/ghc/IOHandle.lhs               |  61 +++-
 ghc/lib/glaExts/Foreign.lhs            |  17 +-
 ghc/lib/required/Directory.lhs         | 170 ++++++++--
 ghc/lib/required/IO.lhs                |  46 ++-
 ghc/lib/required/Time.lhs              | 180 ++++++-----
 ghc/mk/                  |   6 +-
 ghc/mk/                        |   8 +-
 ghc/runtime/Makefile                   |   6 +-
 ghc/runtime/prims/          |   2 +
 mk/                        |  47 +--
 mk/                           |   3 +-
 35 files changed, 809 insertions(+), 574 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index eca7ef40768f..204d5ecc8079 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -65,28 +65,3 @@ dist :: dist-pre
 include $(TOP)/mk/
 dist :: dist-post
-# Automatically remake update configuration files
-# (from autoconf manual)
-	autoconf
-# autoheader might not change, so touch a stamp file.
-mk/ mk/
-	autoheader
-	echo timestamp > mk/
-mk/config.h: mk/stamp-h
-mk/stamp-h: mk/ config.status
-	./config.status
-config.status: configure
-	./config.status --recheck
-.PHONY: config
-config: config.status
-	@:
diff --git a/docs/Makefile b/docs/Makefile
index 851469d476a3..b2164c464f2e 100644
--- a/docs/Makefile
+++ b/docs/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 TOP = ..
 include $(TOP)/mk/
-DOC_SRCS = installing.lit release.lit
+DOC_SRCS = installing.lit
 SRC_TEXI2HTML_OPTS += -number -monolithic -invisible xbm
diff --git a/docs/installing.lit b/docs/installing.lit
index 81bdeee2f084..d2d9bb32fa83 100644
--- a/docs/installing.lit
+++ b/docs/installing.lit
@@ -784,6 +784,19 @@ and you're on the road again.
 You need to be a bit careful, though, that any new files you create
 (if you do any development work) are in the source tree, not a build tree!
+Remember, that the source files in the build tree are {\em symbolic
+links} to the files in the source tree.  (The build tree soon
+accumulates lots of built files like @Foo.o@, as well.)  You can {\em
+delete} a source file from the build tree without affecting the source
+tree (though it's an odd thing to do).  On the other hand, if you {\em
+edit} a source file from the build tree, you'll edit the source-tree
+file directly.  (You can set up Emacs so that if you edit a source
+file from the build tree, Emacs will silently create an edited copy of
+the source file in the build tree, leaving the source file unchanged;
+but the danger is that you think you've edited the source file whereas
+actually all you've done is edit the build-tree copy.  More commonly
+you do want to edit the source file.)
 Like the source tree, the top level of your build tree must (a linked copy of)
 the root directory of the @fptools@ suite.
 Inside Makefiles, the root of your build tree is called @$(FPTOOLS_TOP)@.
@@ -813,27 +826,32 @@ Or, you might want to compile it with debugging on (so that
 extra consistency-checking code gets included) or off.  And so on.
 All of this stuff is called the {\em configuration} of your build.
-You set the configuration using an exciting two-step process.
+You set the configuration using an exciting three-step process.
-\item[Step 1: system configuration.]  This is easy, provided you
-have the programs mentioned in Section~\ref{sect_std-utils}.  Just
-@cd@ to @$(FPTOOLS)@ and say @gmake configure@.  This 
-command does three things:
-It runs a GNU program called @autoconf@, which
+\item[Step 1: get ready for configuration.]
+Change directory to @$(FPTOOLS)@ and issue the following two commands (with no arguments):
+\item @autoconf@. This GNU program
 converts @$(FPTOOLS)/ to a shell script 
 called @$(FPTOOLS)/configure@.
-This step is completely platform-independent; it just means
+\item @autoheader@.  This second GNU program converts
+@$(FPTOOLS)/ to @$(FPTOOLS)/mk/
+Both these steps are completely platform-independent; they just mean
 that the human-written file ( can be short, although
-the resulting shell script, @configure@ is long. 
+the resulting shell script, @configure@, and @mk/, are long.
-\item It runs a second GNU program called @autoheader@, which converts
-@$(FPTOOLS)/ to @$(FPTOOLS)/mk/
-Again, this step is platform-independent.
+In case you don't have @autoconf@ and @autoheader@ we distribute
+the results, @configure@, and @mk/, with the source distribution.
+They aren't kept in the repository, though.
-\item It then runs the newly-created @configure@ script.  @configure@'s mission
+\item[Step 2: system configuration.]
+Runs the newly-created @configure@ script, thus:
+  ./configure
+@configure@'s mission
 is to scurry round your computer working out what architecture it has,
 what operating system, whether it has the @vfork@ system call,
 where @yacc@ is kept, whether @gcc@ is available, where various
@@ -853,10 +871,9 @@ all Makefiles.
 The latter is @#include@d by various C programs, which
 can thereby make use of configuration information.
-\item[Step 2: build configuration.] Next, you say how this build
+\item[Step 3: build configuration.] Next, you say how this build
 of @fptools@ is to differ from the standard defaults by creating a new 
 file @mk/
 {\em in the build tree}.  This file is the one and only
@@ -883,18 +900,18 @@ want to change.  (The override occurs because the main boilerplate file,
 For example, contains the definition:
-  SUBDIRS = glafp-utils literate ghc
+  ProjectsToBuild = glafp-utils literate ghc hslibs
 The accompanying comment explains that this is the list of enabled
 projects; that is, if (after configuring) you type @gmake all@
 in @FPTOOLS_TOP@ three specified projects will be made.
 If you want to add @happy@, you can add this line to
-  SUBDIRS += happy
+  ProjectsToBuild += happy
 or, if you prefer,
-  SUBDIRS = glafp-utils literate ghc happy
+  ProjectsToBuild = glafp-utils literate ghc hslibs happy
 (GNU @make@ allows existing definitions to have new text appended using
 the ``@+=@'' operator, which is quite a convenient feature.)
@@ -941,10 +958,19 @@ to happen there now.
     cd /scratch/joe-bloggs/myfptools-sun4
+\item Prepare for system configuration:
+    autoconf
+    autoheader
+(You can skip this step if you are starting from a source distribution,
+and you already have @configure@ and @mk/
 \item Do system configuration:
-    gmake configure
+    ./configure
 \item Create the file @mk/, 
 adding definitions for your desired configuration options.
diff --git a/ghc/Makefile b/ghc/Makefile
index 3876e1b6708c..42b121c61694 100644
--- a/ghc/Makefile
+++ b/ghc/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.3 1997/03/14 07:53:55 simonpj Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.4 1997/03/17 20:34:29 simonpj Exp $
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ boot ::
 	@echo "Booting Prelude libraries"
-	@$(MAKE) -C compiler boot
+	@$(MAKE) -C lib boot
 # "CONTRIB" is also a SUBDIR, but there is nothing to build there.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/Makefile b/ghc/compiler/Makefile
index b0b54d0a9bf2..972a8ca0acf6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/Makefile
+++ b/ghc/compiler/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.8 1997/03/14 07:55:43 simonpj Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.9 1997/03/17 20:34:30 simonpj Exp $
 TOP = ..
 include $(TOP)/mk/
@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ all :: hsp
 hsp: parser/printtree.o parser/main.o libhsp.a 
 	$(CC) -o $@ $(CC_OPTS) $^
 # 		Interface files
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs
index be099d0b1408..28cab7968751 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ data MagicId
   -- Argument and return registers
   | VanillaReg		-- pointers, unboxed ints and chars
-	PrimRep	-- PtrRep, IntRep, CharRep, StablePtrRep or ForeignObjRep
+	PrimRep	        -- PtrRep, IntRep, CharRep, StablePtrRep or ForeignObjRep
 			--	(in case we need to distinguish)
 	FAST_INT	-- its number (1 .. mAX_Vanilla_REG)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs
index b2e60c492a02..7fba22e30f3d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs
@@ -747,20 +747,22 @@ ppr_casm_results sty [r] liveness
 	(result_type, assign_result)
 	  = case r_kind of
-{- @ForeignObj@s replaces MallocPtrs and are *not* CReturnable.
-   Instead, external references have to be turned into ForeignObjs
+   @ForeignObj@s replaces MallocPtrs and are *not* CReturnable.
+   Instead, external references have to explicitly turned into ForeignObjs
    using the primop makeForeignObj#. Benefit: Multiple finalisation
    routines can be accommodated and the below special case is not needed.
    Price is, of course, that you have to explicitly wrap `foreign objects'
    with makeForeignObj#.
 	      ForeignObjRep ->
 		(uppPStr SLIT("StgForeignObj"),
 		 uppBesides [ uppPStr SLIT("constructForeignObj"),uppChar '(',
 				liveness, uppComma,
 				result_reg, uppComma,
-			     pp_paren_semi ]) -}
+			     pp_paren_semi ]) 
 	      _ ->
 		(pprPrimKind sty r_kind,
 		 uppBesides [ result_reg, uppEquals, local_var, uppSemi ])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
index 5f14e9fed877..3dbdbcd8873c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
@@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ module Unique (
+	toEnumClassOpKey,
@@ -680,4 +681,5 @@ mainPrimIoKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 67
 returnMClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 68
 -- Used for minusClassOp			69
 otherwiseIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 70
+toEnumClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 71
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs
index 38e567a7ea06..c2034d75e5cc 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ pprDsWarnings sty warns
       = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("in the definition of function"), ppQuote (ppr sty fun)]
     pp_match CaseMatch pats
-      = ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("in a group of case alternative beginning:"))
+      = ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("in a group of case alternatives beginning:"))
 	4 (ppSep [ppSep (map (ppr sty) pats), pp_arrow_dotdotdot])
     pp_match PatBindMatch pats
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
index 98364f2573f2..426eb62e1bbb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module PrelInfo (
 	eq_RDR, ne_RDR, le_RDR, lt_RDR, ge_RDR, gt_RDR, max_RDR, min_RDR, compare_RDR, 
 	minBound_RDR, maxBound_RDR, enumFrom_RDR, enumFromTo_RDR, enumFromThen_RDR, 
-	enumFromThenTo_RDR, fromEnum_RDR,
+	enumFromThenTo_RDR, fromEnum_RDR, toEnum_RDR,
 	range_RDR, index_RDR, inRange_RDR, readsPrec_RDR, readList_RDR, 
 	showsPrec_RDR, showList_RDR, plus_RDR, times_RDR, ltTag_RDR, eqTag_RDR, gtTag_RDR, 
 	eqH_Char_RDR, ltH_Char_RDR, eqH_Word_RDR, ltH_Word_RDR, eqH_Addr_RDR, ltH_Addr_RDR, 
@@ -299,6 +299,7 @@ knownKeyNames
     , (enumFromTo_RDR,		enumFromToClassOpKey)
     , (enumFromThenTo_RDR,	enumFromThenToClassOpKey)
     , (fromEnum_RDR,		fromEnumClassOpKey)
+    , (toEnum_RDR,		toEnumClassOpKey)
     , (eq_RDR,			eqClassOpKey)
     , (thenM_RDR,		thenMClassOpKey)
     , (returnM_RDR,		returnMClassOpKey)
@@ -361,6 +362,7 @@ creturnableClass_RDR	= tcQual (fOREIGN,   SLIT("CReturnable"))
 fromInt_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("fromInt"))
 fromInteger_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("fromInteger"))
 minus_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("-"))
+toEnum_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("toEnum"))
 fromEnum_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("fromEnum"))
 enumFrom_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("enumFrom"))
 enumFromTo_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("enumFromTo"))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
index bd24ebe37d55..7ba7dd392b45 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
@@ -154,7 +154,8 @@ data PrimOp
     | TakeMVarOp | PutMVarOp
     | ReadIVarOp | WriteIVarOp
-    | MakeForeignObjOp -- foreign objects (malloc pointers or any old URL)
+    | MakeForeignObjOp  -- foreign objects (malloc pointers or any old URL)
+    | WriteForeignObjOp -- modifying foreign objects [obscuro factor: 200]
     | MakeStablePtrOp | DeRefStablePtrOp
@@ -413,26 +414,27 @@ tagOf_PrimOp PutMVarOp		    	    = ILIT(152)
 tagOf_PrimOp ReadIVarOp		    	    = ILIT(153)
 tagOf_PrimOp WriteIVarOp		    = ILIT(154)
 tagOf_PrimOp MakeForeignObjOp		    = ILIT(155)
-tagOf_PrimOp MakeStablePtrOp		    = ILIT(156)
-tagOf_PrimOp DeRefStablePtrOp		    = ILIT(157)
-tagOf_PrimOp (CCallOp _ _ _ _ _)	    = ILIT(158)
-tagOf_PrimOp ErrorIOPrimOp		    = ILIT(159)
-tagOf_PrimOp ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp	    = ILIT(160)
-tagOf_PrimOp SeqOp			    = ILIT(161)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParOp			    = ILIT(162)
-tagOf_PrimOp ForkOp			    = ILIT(163)
-tagOf_PrimOp DelayOp			    = ILIT(164)
-tagOf_PrimOp WaitReadOp			    = ILIT(165)
-tagOf_PrimOp WaitWriteOp		    = ILIT(166)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParGlobalOp		    = ILIT(167)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParLocalOp			    = ILIT(168)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParAtOp			    = ILIT(169)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParAtAbsOp			    = ILIT(170)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParAtRelOp			    = ILIT(171)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParAtForNowOp		    = ILIT(172)
-tagOf_PrimOp CopyableOp			    = ILIT(173)
-tagOf_PrimOp NoFollowOp			    = ILIT(174)
+tagOf_PrimOp WriteForeignObjOp		    = ILIT(156)
+tagOf_PrimOp MakeStablePtrOp		    = ILIT(157)
+tagOf_PrimOp DeRefStablePtrOp		    = ILIT(158)
+tagOf_PrimOp (CCallOp _ _ _ _ _)	    = ILIT(159)
+tagOf_PrimOp ErrorIOPrimOp		    = ILIT(160)
+tagOf_PrimOp ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp	    = ILIT(161)
+tagOf_PrimOp SeqOp			    = ILIT(162)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParOp			    = ILIT(163)
+tagOf_PrimOp ForkOp			    = ILIT(164)
+tagOf_PrimOp DelayOp			    = ILIT(165)
+tagOf_PrimOp WaitReadOp			    = ILIT(166)
+tagOf_PrimOp WaitWriteOp		    = ILIT(167)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParGlobalOp		    = ILIT(168)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParLocalOp			    = ILIT(169)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParAtOp			    = ILIT(170)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParAtAbsOp			    = ILIT(171)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParAtRelOp			    = ILIT(172)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParAtForNowOp		    = ILIT(173)
+tagOf_PrimOp CopyableOp			    = ILIT(174)
+tagOf_PrimOp NoFollowOp			    = ILIT(175)
 tagOf_PrimOp _ = panic# "tagOf_PrimOp: pattern-match"
@@ -597,6 +599,7 @@ allThePrimOps
+	WriteForeignObjOp,
@@ -1147,7 +1150,7 @@ primOpInfo WaitWriteOp
 %*									*
-\subsubsection[PrimOps-makeForeignObj]{PrimOpInfo for Foreign Objects}
+\subsubsection[PrimOps-ForeignObj]{PrimOpInfo for Foreign Objects}
 %*									*
@@ -1164,7 +1167,7 @@ When a @ForeignObj@ becomes garbage, a user-defined finalisation routine
 associated with the object is invoked (currently, each ForeignObj has a
 direct reference to its finaliser).  -- SOF
-The only function defined over @ForeignObj@s is:
+A @ForeignObj@ is created by the @makeForeignObj#@ primitive:
 makeForeignObj# :: Addr#  -- foreign object
@@ -1172,6 +1175,7 @@ makeForeignObj# :: Addr#  -- foreign object
 		-> StateAndForeignObj# _RealWorld# ForeignObj#
 primOpInfo MakeForeignObjOp
   = AlgResult SLIT("makeForeignObj#") [] 
@@ -1179,6 +1183,34 @@ primOpInfo MakeForeignObjOp
 	stateAndForeignObjPrimTyCon [realWorldTy]
+In addition, another @ForeignObj@ primitive is provided for destructively modifying
+the external object wrapped up inside a @ForeignObj@. This primitive is used
+when a mixed programming interface of implicit and explicit de-allocation is used,
+e.g., if @ForeignObj@s are used to implement @Handle@s, then @Handle@s can be
+released either explicitly (through @hClose@) or implicitly (via a finaliser).
+When releasing/closing the @Handle@ explicitly, care must be taken to avoid having 
+the finaliser for the embedded @ForeignObj@ attempt the same thing later.
+We deal with this situation, by allowing the programmer to destructively modify
+the data field of the @ForeignObj@ to hold a special value the finaliser recognises,
+and does not attempt to free (e.g., filling the data slot with \tr{NULL}).
+writeForeignObj# :: ForeignObj#  -- foreign object
+                -> Addr#        -- new data value
+		-> StateAndForeignObj# _RealWorld# ForeignObj#
+primOpInfo WriteForeignObjOp
+ = let {
+	s = alphaTy; s_tv = alphaTyVar
+    } in
+   PrimResult SLIT("writeForeignObj#") [s_tv]
+	[foreignObjPrimTy, addrPrimTy, mkStatePrimTy s]
+	statePrimTyCon VoidRep [s]
 %*									*
 \subsubsection[PrimOp-stable-pointers]{PrimOpInfo for ``stable pointers''}
@@ -1411,6 +1443,7 @@ primOpHeapReq (CCallOp _ _ mayGC@True  _ _) = VariableHeapRequired
 primOpHeapReq (CCallOp _ _ mayGC@False _ _) = NoHeapRequired
 primOpHeapReq MakeForeignObjOp	= VariableHeapRequired
+primOpHeapReq WriteForeignObjOp	= NoHeapRequired
 -- this occasionally has to expand the Stable Pointer table
 primOpHeapReq MakeStablePtrOp	= VariableHeapRequired
@@ -1557,7 +1590,8 @@ fragilePrimOp :: PrimOp -> Bool
 fragilePrimOp ParOp = True
 fragilePrimOp ForkOp = True
 fragilePrimOp SeqOp = True
-fragilePrimOp MakeForeignObjOp = True  -- SOF
+fragilePrimOp MakeForeignObjOp  = True  -- SOF
+fragilePrimOp WriteForeignObjOp = True  -- SOF
 fragilePrimOp MakeStablePtrOp  = True
 fragilePrimOp DeRefStablePtrOp = True  -- ??? JSM & ADR
@@ -1629,6 +1663,7 @@ primOpNeedsWrapper DoubleEncodeOp   	= True
 primOpNeedsWrapper DoubleDecodeOp	= True
 primOpNeedsWrapper MakeForeignObjOp	= True
+primOpNeedsWrapper WriteForeignObjOp	= True
 primOpNeedsWrapper MakeStablePtrOp	= True
 primOpNeedsWrapper DeRefStablePtrOp	= True
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/Lex.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/Lex.lhs
index 32f20e9e1f5a..626762de9932 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/Lex.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/Lex.lhs
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ is_sym c#=
    '&'# -> True; '*'# -> True; '+'# -> True; '.'# -> True; 
    '/'# -> True; '<'# -> True; '='# -> True; '>'# -> True; 
    '?'# -> True; '\\'# -> True; '^'# -> True; '|'# -> True; 
-   '-'# -> True; '~'# -> True; _ -> False }
+   '-'# -> True; '~'# -> True; '@'# -> True; _ -> False }
 --isAlphanum c || c `elem` ":_'!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" -- ToDo: add ISOgraphic
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
index 3024b8e6b3f5..453fda3343de 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@ import HsPragmas	( noGenPragmas )
 import RdrHsSyn		( SYN_IE(RdrNameHsDecl), SYN_IE(RdrNameInstDecl), 
 			  RdrName, rdrNameOcc
-import RnEnv		( newGlobalName, lookupRn, addImplicitOccsRn, availName, availNames, addAvailToNameSet )
+import RnEnv		( newGlobalName, lookupRn, addImplicitOccsRn, 
+			  availName, availNames, addAvailToNameSet, pprAvail
+			)
 import RnSource		( rnHsType )
 import RnMonad
 import ParseIface	( parseIface )
@@ -275,6 +277,7 @@ importDecl :: Name -> Necessity -> RnMG (Maybe RdrNameHsDecl)
 importDecl name necessity
   = checkSlurped name			`thenRn` \ already_slurped ->
     if already_slurped then
+	-- traceRn (ppSep [ppStr "Already slurped:", ppr PprDebug name])	`thenRn_`
 	returnRn Nothing	-- Already dealt with
     if isWiredInName name then
@@ -336,37 +339,45 @@ that we know just what instances to bring into scope.
 getWiredInDecl name
-  = 	-- Force in the home module in case it has instance decls for
-	-- the thing we are interested in
-    (if not is_tycon || mod == gHC__ then
-	returnRn ()			-- Mini hack 1: no point for non-tycons; and if we
-					-- do this we find PrelNum trying to import PackedString,
-					-- because PrelBase's .hi file mentions PackedString.unpackString
-					-- But PackedString.hi isn't built by that point!
-					--
-					-- Mini hack 2; GHC is guaranteed not to have
-					-- instance decls, so it's a waste of time
-					-- to read it
+  = get_wired				`thenRn` \ avail ->
+    recordSlurp Nothing avail		`thenRn_`
+   	-- Force in the home module in case it has instance decls for
+	-- the thing we are interested in.
+	--
+	-- Mini hack 1: no point for non-tycons/class; and if we
+	-- do this we find PrelNum trying to import PackedString,
+	-- because PrelBase's .hi file mentions PackedString.unpackString
+	-- But PackedString.hi isn't built by that point!
+	--
+	-- Mini hack 2; GHC is guaranteed not to have
+	-- instance decls, so it's a waste of time to read it
+	--
+	-- NB: We *must* look at the availName of the slurped avail, 
+	-- not the name passed to getWiredInDecl!  Why?  Because if a data constructor 
+	-- or class op is passed to getWiredInDecl we'll pull in the whole data/class
+	-- decl, and recordSlurp will record that fact.  But since the data constructor
+	-- isn't a tycon/class we won't force in the home module.  And even if the
+	-- type constructor/class comes along later, loadDecl will say that it's already
+	-- been slurped, so getWiredInDecl won't even be called.  Pretty obscure bug, this was.
+    let
+	main_name  = availName avail
+	main_is_tc = case avail of { AvailTC _ _ -> True; Avail _ -> False }
+	(mod,_)    = modAndOcc main_name
+	doc_str    = ppSep [ppPStr SLIT("Need home module for wired in thing"), ppr PprDebug name]
+    in
+    (if not main_is_tc || mod == gHC__ then
+	returnRn ()		
 	loadInterface doc_str mod	`thenRn_`
 	returnRn ()
     )				 	`thenRn_`
-    get_wired				`thenRn` \ avail ->
-    recordSlurp Nothing avail		`thenRn_`
     returnRn Nothing		-- No declaration to process further
-    doc_str = ppSep [ppPStr SLIT("Need home module for wired in thing"), ppr PprDebug name]
-    (mod,_) = modAndOcc name
-    maybe_wired_in_tycon = maybeWiredInTyConName name
-    is_tycon		 = maybeToBool maybe_wired_in_tycon
-    maybe_wired_in_id    = maybeWiredInIdName    name
-    Just the_tycon	 = maybe_wired_in_tycon
-    Just the_id 	 = maybe_wired_in_id
     get_wired | is_tycon			-- ... a type constructor
 	      = get_wired_tycon the_tycon
-	      -- Else, must be a wired-in-Id
 	      | (isDataCon the_id) 		-- ... a wired-in data constructor
 	      = get_wired_tycon (dataConTyCon the_id)
@@ -374,6 +385,12 @@ getWiredInDecl name
 	      | otherwise			-- ... a wired-in non data-constructor
 	      = get_wired_id the_id
+    maybe_wired_in_tycon = maybeWiredInTyConName name
+    is_tycon		 = maybeToBool maybe_wired_in_tycon
+    maybe_wired_in_id    = maybeWiredInIdName    name
+    Just the_tycon	 = maybe_wired_in_tycon
+    Just the_id 	 = maybe_wired_in_id
 get_wired_id id
   = addImplicitOccsRn (nameSetToList id_mentioned)	`thenRn_`
@@ -406,7 +423,8 @@ checkSlurped name
     returnRn (name `elemNameSet` slurped_names)
 recordSlurp maybe_version avail
-  = getIfacesRn 	`thenRn` \ ifaces ->
+  = -- traceRn (ppSep [ppStr "Record slurp:", pprAvail PprDebug avail])	`thenRn_`
+    getIfacesRn 	`thenRn` \ ifaces ->
 	Ifaces this_mod mod_vers export_envs decls slurped_names imp_names insts inst_mods = ifaces
 	new_slurped_names = addAvailToNameSet slurped_names avail
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
index 5d29108b737d..8a3ebf69bb82 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
@@ -468,7 +468,6 @@ addOccurrenceName necessity name (RnDown loc names_var errs_var occs_var) l_down
   | otherwise
   = readMutVarSST occs_var			`thenSST` \ occs ->
---     pprTrace "Add occurrence:" (ppr PprDebug name) $
     writeMutVarSST occs_var ((name,necessity) : occs)	`thenSST_`
     returnSST name
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
index 0692bd80a49e..d49604adaace 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
@@ -1291,27 +1291,13 @@ specExpr :: CoreExpr
 				-- expression.
 specExpr (Var v) args
-  = specId v			$ \ lookupId v			`thenSM` \ vlookup ->
-    case vlookup of
-       Lifted vl vu
-	     -> -- Binding has been lifted, need to extract un-lifted value
-		-- NB: a function binding will never be lifted => args always null
-		--     i.e. no call instance required or call to be constructed
-		ASSERT (null args)
-		returnSM (bindUnlift vl vu (Var vu), singleFvUDs (VarArg vl))
-       NoLift vatom@(VarArg new_v)
-	     -> mapSM specOutArg args			`thenSM` \ arg_info ->
-		mkCallInstance v new_v arg_info		`thenSM` \ call_uds ->
-    		mkCall new_v arg_info			`thenSM` \ call ->
-		let
-		    call mkGenApp (Var new_id) [arg | (arg, _, _) <- arg_infos])
-		    uds = unionUDList [call_uds,
-				       singleFvUDs vatom,
-				       unionUDList [uds | (_,uds,_) <- arg_info]
-				      ]
-		in
-    		returnSM (call, {- tickSpecCall speced -} uds)
+  = specId v		$ \ v_arg -> 
+    case v_arg of
+       LitArg lit -> ASSERT( null args )
+		     returnSM (Lit lit, emptyUDs)
+       VarArg new_v -> mkCallInstance v new_v args	`thenSM` \ uds ->
+		       returnSM (mkGenApp (Var new_v) args, uds)
 specExpr expr@(Lit _) null_args
   = ASSERT (null null_args)
@@ -1354,9 +1340,8 @@ specPrimOp :: PrimOp
 specExpr (App fun arg) args
-  = 	-- If TyArg, arg will be processed; otherwise, left alone
-    specArg arg 			`thenSM` \ new_arg    ->
-    specExpr   fun (new_arg : args)	`thenSM` \ (expr,uds) ->
+  = specArg arg 			`thenSM` \ new_arg    ->
+    specExpr fun (new_arg : args)	`thenSM` \ (expr,uds) ->
     returnSM (expr, uds)
 specExpr (Lam (ValBinder binder) body) (arg : args) | isValArg arg
@@ -1564,18 +1549,18 @@ partition_args args
 specId :: Id
-       -> (Id -> SpecM (CoreExpr, UsageDetails))
+       -> (CoreArg -> SpecM (CoreExpr, UsageDetails))
        -> SpecM (CoreExpr, UsageDetails)
 specId v
   = lookupId v		`thenSM` \ vlookup ->
     case vlookup of
       Lifted vl vu
-	 -> thing_inside vu		`thenSM` \ (expr, uds) -> 
+	 -> thing_inside (VarArg vu)	`thenSM` \ (expr, uds) -> 
 	    returnSM (bindUnlift vl vu expr, singleFvUDs (VarArg vl) `unionUDs` uds)
       NoLift vatom
-	 -> thing_inside vatom	`thenSM` \ (expr, uds) ->
+	 -> thing_inside vatom		`thenSM` \ (expr, uds) ->
 	    returnSM (expr, singleFvUDs vatom `unionUDs` uds)
 specArg :: CoreArg
@@ -1933,7 +1918,7 @@ mkOneInst do_cis@(CallInstance _ spec_tys dict_args _ _) explicit_cis
     newTyVars (length [() | Nothing <- spec_tys])   	`thenSM` \ poly_tyvars ->
 	-- arg_tys is spec_tys with tyvars instead of the Nothing spec_tys
-	-- which correspond to unspeciailsed args
+	-- which correspond to unspecialised args
 	arg_tys  :: [Type]
 	(_,arg_tys) = mapAccumL do_the_wotsit poly_tyvars spec_tys
@@ -2060,246 +2045,53 @@ mkCallInstance :: Id
 	       -> [CoreArg]
 	       -> SpecM UsageDetails
-mkCallInstance id new_id []
-  = returnSM emptyUDs
 mkCallInstance id new_id args
-	-- No specialised versions for "error" and friends are req'd.
-	-- This is a special case in core lint etc.
-  | isBottomingId id
+  | null args		  ||		-- No args at all
+    isBottomingId id      ||		-- No point in specialising "error" and friends
+					-- even at unboxed types
+    idWantsToBeINLINEd id ||		-- It's going to be inlined anyway
+    not enough_args       ||		-- Not enough type and dict args
+    not interesting_overloading		-- Overloaded types are just tyvars
   = returnSM emptyUDs
-	-- No call instances for SuperDictSelIds
-	-- These are a special case in mkCall
-  | maybeToBool (isSuperDictSelId_maybe id)
-  = returnSM emptyUDs
-	-- There are also no call instances for ClassOpIds
-	-- However, we need to process it to get any second-level call
-	-- instances for a ConstMethodId extracted from its SpecEnv
   | otherwise
-  = let
-	(tyvars, class_tyvar_pairs) = getIdOverloading id
-	constrained_tyvars   	    = map snd class_tyvar_pairs 	-- May contain dups
-	constraint_vec		    = [tyvar `elem` constrained_tyvars | tyvar <- tyvars]
+  = returnSM (singleCI new_id spec_tys dicts)
-	arg_res     = take_type_args tyvars class_tyvar_pairs args
-	enough_args = maybeToBool arg_res
-	(Just (tys, dicts, rest_args)) = arg_res
-	record_spec id tys
-	  = (record, lookup, spec_tys)
-	  where
-	    spec_tys = specialiseCallTys constraint_vec tys
-	    record = any (not . isTyVarTy) (catMaybes spec_tys)
-	    lookup = lookupSpecEnv (getIdSpecialisation id) tys
-    in
-    if (not enough_args) then
-	pprTrace "Specialise:recordCallInst: Unsaturated Type & Dict Application:\n\t"
-		 (ppCat (ppr PprDebug id : map (ppr_arg PprDebug) args)) $
-	returnSM emptyUDs
-    else
-    case record_spec id tys of
-	(False, _, _)
-	     -> -- pprTrace "CallInst:NotReqd\n"
-	   	-- (ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)])
-		(returnSM emptyUDs)
-	(True, Nothing, spec_tys)
-	     -> if isClassOpId id then	-- No CIs for class ops, dfun will give SPEC inst
-		    returnSM emptyUDs
-		else
-		    -- pprTrace "CallInst:Reqd\n"
-		    -- (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)],
-		    --	          ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("CI"), ppCat (map (pprMaybeTy PprDebug) spec_tys),
-	   	    --		                     ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) dicts)]])
-		    (returnSM (singleCI new_id spec_tys dicts))
-	(True, Just (spec_id, tys_left, toss), _)
-	     -> if maybeToBool (isConstMethodId_maybe spec_id) then
-			-- If we got a const method spec_id see if further spec required
-			-- NB: const method is top-level so spec_id will not be cloned
-		    case record_spec spec_id tys_left of
-		      (False, _, _)
-		    	-> -- pprTrace "CallInst:Exists\n"
-		    	   -- (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)],
-		    	   --	         ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("->"), ppr PprDebug spec_id,
-		    	   --		        ppr PprDebug (tys_left ++ drop toss dicts)]])
-			   (returnSM emptyUDs)
-		      (True, Nothing, spec_tys)
-			-> -- pprTrace "CallInst:Exists:Reqd\n"
-		    	   -- (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)],
-		    	   --	         ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("->"), ppr PprDebug spec_id,
-		    	   --		        ppr PprDebug (tys_left ++ drop toss dicts)],
-			   --	         ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("CI"), ppCat (map (pprMaybeTy PprDebug) spec_tys),
-	   		   --		                    ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) (drop toss dicts))]])
-			   (returnSM (singleCI spec_id spec_tys (drop toss dicts)))
-		      (True, Just (spec_spec_id, tys_left_left, toss_toss), _)
-			-> -- pprTrace "CallInst:Exists:Exists\n"
-		    	   -- (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)],
-		    	   --	         ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("->"), ppr PprDebug spec_id,
-		    	   --		        ppr PprDebug (tys_left ++ drop toss dicts)],
-		    	   --	         ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("->"), ppr PprDebug spec_spec_id,
-		    	   --		        ppr PprDebug (tys_left_left ++ drop (toss + toss_toss) dicts)]])
-			   (returnSM emptyUDs)
-		else
-		    -- pprTrace "CallInst:Exists\n"
-		    -- (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)],
-		    --	          ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("->"), ppr PprDebug spec_id,
-		    --		         ppr PprDebug (tys_left ++ drop toss dicts)]])
-		    (returnSM emptyUDs)
-take_type_args (_:tyvars) class_tyvar_pairs (TyArg ty : args)
-	= case (take_type_args tyvars class_tyvar_pairs args) of
-	    Nothing 	          -> Nothing
+  where
+    (tyvars, class_tyvar_pairs) = getIdOverloading id
+    constrained_tyvars   	= map snd class_tyvar_pairs 	-- May contain dups
+    constraint_vec		= [tyvar `elem` constrained_tyvars | tyvar <- tyvars]
+    arg_res     		   = take_type_args tyvars class_tyvar_pairs args
+    enough_args		           = maybeToBool arg_res
+    (Just (tys, dicts, rest_args)) = arg_res
+    interesting_overloading = any (not . isTyVarTy) (catMaybes spec_tys)
+    spec_tys = specialiseCallTys constraint_vec tys
+    ----------------- Rather a gruesome help-function ---------------
+    take_type_args (_:tyvars) (TyArg ty : args)
+	= case (take_type_args tyvars args) of
+	    Nothing 	              -> Nothing
 	    Just (tys, dicts, others) -> Just (ty:tys, dicts, others)
-take_type_args (_:tyvars) class_tyvar_pairs [] = Nothing
+    take_type_args (_:tyvars) [] = Nothing
-take_type_args [] class_tyvar_pairs args
+    take_type_args [] args
 	= case (take_dict_args class_tyvar_pairs args) of
 	    Nothing              -> Nothing
 	    Just (dicts, others) -> Just ([], dicts, others)
-take_dict_args (_:class_tyvar_pairs) (dict : args) | isValArg dict
+    take_dict_args (_:class_tyvar_pairs) (dict : args) | isValArg dict
 	= case (take_dict_args class_tyvar_pairs args) of
 	    Nothing              -> Nothing
 	    Just (dicts, others) -> Just (dict:dicts, others)
-take_dict_args (_:class_tyvar_pairs) [] = Nothing
+    take_dict_args (_:class_tyvar_pairs) args = Nothing
-take_dict_args [] args = Just ([], args)
+    take_dict_args [] args = Just ([], args)
-mkCall :: Id
-       -> [(CoreArg, UsageDetails, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)]
-       -> SpecM CoreExpr
-mkCall new_id arg_infos = returnSM (
-  | maybeToBool (isSuperDictSelId_maybe new_id)
-    && any isUnboxedType ty_args
-	-- No specialisations for super-dict selectors
-	-- Specialise unboxed calls to SuperDictSelIds by extracting
-	-- the super class dictionary directly form the super class
-	-- NB: This should be dead code since all uses of this dictionary should
-	--     have been specialised. We only do this to keep core-lint happy.
-    = let
-	 Just (_, super_class) = isSuperDictSelId_maybe new_id
-	 super_dict_id = case lookupClassInstAtSimpleType super_class (head ty_args) of
-			 Nothing -> panic "Specialise:mkCall:SuperDictId"
-			 Just id -> id
-      in
-      returnSM (False, Var super_dict_id)
-  | otherwise
-    = case lookupSpecEnv (getIdSpecialisation new_id) ty_args of
-	Nothing -> checkUnspecOK new_id ty_args (
-		   returnSM (False, unspec_call)
-		   )
-	Just spec_1_details@(spec_id_1, tys_left_1, dicts_to_toss_1)
-		-> let
-			-- It may be necessary to specialsie a constant method spec_id again
-		       (spec_id, tys_left, dicts_to_toss) =
-			    case (maybeToBool (isConstMethodId_maybe spec_id_1),
-				  lookupSpecEnv (getIdSpecialisation spec_id_1) tys_left_1) of
-				 (False, _ )	 -> spec_1_details
-				 (True, Nothing) -> spec_1_details
-				 (True, Just (spec_id_2, tys_left_2, dicts_to_toss_2))
-						 -> (spec_id_2, tys_left_2, dicts_to_toss_1 + dicts_to_toss_2)
-		       args_left = toss_dicts dicts_to_toss val_args
-		   in
-		   checkSpecOK new_id ty_args spec_id tys_left (
-			-- The resulting spec_id may be a top-level unboxed value
-			-- This can arise for:
-			-- 1) constant method values
-			--    eq: class Num a where pi :: a
-			--	  instance Num Double# where pi = 3.141#
-			-- 2) specilised overloaded values
-			--    eq: i1 :: Num a => a
-			--	  i1 Int# d.Num.Int# ==> i1.Int#
-			-- These top level defns should have been lifted.
-			-- We must add code to unlift such a spec_id.
-		   if isUnboxedType (idType spec_id) then
-		       ASSERT (null tys_left && null args_left)
-		       if toplevelishId spec_id then
-		 	   liftId spec_id 	`thenSM` \ (lift_spec_id, unlift_spec_id) ->
-			   returnSM (True, bindUnlift lift_spec_id unlift_spec_id
-						      (Var unlift_spec_id))
-		       else
-			   pprPanic "Specialise:mkCall: unboxed spec_id not top-level ...\n"
-				    (ppCat [ppr PprDebug new_id,
-					    ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendGenType PprDebug) ty_args),
-					    ppPStr SLIT("==>"),
-					    ppr PprDebug spec_id])
-		   else
-		   let
-		       (vals_left, _, unlifts_left) = unzip3 args_left
-		       applied_tys  = mkTyApp (Var spec_id) tys_left
-		       applied_vals = mkGenApp applied_tys vals_left
-		   in
-		   returnSM (True, applyBindUnlifts unlifts_left applied_vals)
-		   )
-  where
-    (tys_and_vals, _, unlifts) = unzip3 args
-    unspec_call = applyBindUnlifts unlifts (mkGenApp (Var new_id) tys_and_vals)
-	-- ty_args is the types at the front of the arg list
-	-- val_args is the rest of the arg-list
-    (ty_args, val_args) = get args
-      where
-	get ((TyArg ty,_,_) : args) = (ty : tys, rest) where (tys,rest) = get args
-	get args		    = ([],       args)
-	-- toss_dicts chucks away dict args, checking that they ain't types!
-    toss_dicts 0 args 		    = args
-    toss_dicts n ((a,_,_) : args)
-      | isValArg a		    = toss_dicts (n-1) args
-checkUnspecOK :: Id -> [Type] -> a -> a
-checkUnspecOK check_id tys
-  = if isLocallyDefined check_id && any isUnboxedType tys
-    then pprPanic "Specialise:checkUnspecOK: unboxed instance for local id not found\n"
-		  (ppCat [ppr PprDebug check_id,
-			  ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendGenType PprDebug) tys)])
-    else id
-checkSpecOK :: Id -> [Type] -> Id -> [Type] -> a -> a
-checkSpecOK check_id tys spec_id tys_left
-  = if any isUnboxedType tys_left
-    then pprPanic "Specialise:checkSpecOK: unboxed type args in specialised application\n"
-		  (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug check_id,
-				    ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendGenType PprDebug) tys)],
-			     ppCat [ppr PprDebug spec_id,
-				    ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendGenType PprDebug) tys_left)]])
-    else id
 mkTyConInstance :: Id
@@ -2374,8 +2166,7 @@ type SpecM result
   -> UniqSupply
   -> result
-initSM m uniqs
-  = m nullTyVarEnv nullIdEnv uniqs
+initSM m uniqs = m nullTyVarEnv nullIdEnv uniqs
 returnSM :: a -> SpecM a
 thenSM	 :: SpecM a -> (a -> SpecM b) -> SpecM b
@@ -2404,7 +2195,7 @@ newSpecIds :: [Id]		-- The id of which to make a specialised version
 newSpecIds new_ids maybe_tys dicts_to_ignore tvenv idenv us
   = [ mkSpecId uniq id maybe_tys (spec_id_ty id) (selectIdInfoForSpecId id)
-      | (id,uniq) <- zipEqual "newSpecIds" new_ids uniqs ]
+    | (id,uniq) <- zipEqual "newSpecIds" new_ids uniqs ]
     uniqs = getUniques (length new_ids) us
     spec_id_ty id = specialiseTy (idType id) maybe_tys dicts_to_ignore
@@ -2592,3 +2383,124 @@ mapAndUnzip4SM f (x:xs) = f x 			`thenSM` \ (r1,r2,r3,r4) ->
 			  returnSM ((r1:rs1),(r2:rs2),(r3:rs3),(r4:rs4))
+=====================	OLD CODE, scheduled for deletion  =================
+mkCall :: Id
+       -> [(CoreArg, UsageDetails, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)]
+       -> SpecM CoreExpr
+mkCall new_id arg_infos = returnSM (
+  | maybeToBool (isSuperDictSelId_maybe new_id)
+    && any isUnboxedType ty_args
+	-- No specialisations for super-dict selectors
+	-- Specialise unboxed calls to SuperDictSelIds by extracting
+	-- the super class dictionary directly form the super class
+	-- NB: This should be dead code since all uses of this dictionary should
+	--     have been specialised. We only do this to keep core-lint happy.
+    = let
+	 Just (_, super_class) = isSuperDictSelId_maybe new_id
+	 super_dict_id = case lookupClassInstAtSimpleType super_class (head ty_args) of
+			 Nothing -> panic "Specialise:mkCall:SuperDictId"
+			 Just id -> id
+      in
+      returnSM (False, Var super_dict_id)
+  | otherwise
+    = case lookupSpecEnv (getIdSpecialisation new_id) ty_args of
+	Nothing -> checkUnspecOK new_id ty_args (
+		   returnSM (False, unspec_call)
+		   )
+	Just spec_1_details@(spec_id_1, tys_left_1, dicts_to_toss_1)
+		-> let
+			-- It may be necessary to specialsie a constant method spec_id again
+		       (spec_id, tys_left, dicts_to_toss) =
+			    case (maybeToBool (isConstMethodId_maybe spec_id_1),
+				  lookupSpecEnv (getIdSpecialisation spec_id_1) tys_left_1) of
+				 (False, _ )	 -> spec_1_details
+				 (True, Nothing) -> spec_1_details
+				 (True, Just (spec_id_2, tys_left_2, dicts_to_toss_2))
+						 -> (spec_id_2, tys_left_2, dicts_to_toss_1 + dicts_to_toss_2)
+		       args_left = toss_dicts dicts_to_toss val_args
+		   in
+		   checkSpecOK new_id ty_args spec_id tys_left (
+			-- The resulting spec_id may be a top-level unboxed value
+			-- This can arise for:
+			-- 1) constant method values
+			--    eq: class Num a where pi :: a
+			--	  instance Num Double# where pi = 3.141#
+			-- 2) specilised overloaded values
+			--    eq: i1 :: Num a => a
+			--	  i1 Int# d.Num.Int# ==> i1.Int#
+			-- These top level defns should have been lifted.
+			-- We must add code to unlift such a spec_id.
+		   if isUnboxedType (idType spec_id) then
+		       ASSERT (null tys_left && null args_left)
+		       if toplevelishId spec_id then
+		 	   liftId spec_id 	`thenSM` \ (lift_spec_id, unlift_spec_id) ->
+			   returnSM (True, bindUnlift lift_spec_id unlift_spec_id
+						      (Var unlift_spec_id))
+		       else
+			   pprPanic "Specialise:mkCall: unboxed spec_id not top-level ...\n"
+				    (ppCat [ppr PprDebug new_id,
+					    ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendGenType PprDebug) ty_args),
+					    ppPStr SLIT("==>"),
+					    ppr PprDebug spec_id])
+		   else
+		   let
+		       (vals_left, _, unlifts_left) = unzip3 args_left
+		       applied_tys  = mkTyApp (Var spec_id) tys_left
+		       applied_vals = mkGenApp applied_tys vals_left
+		   in
+		   returnSM (True, applyBindUnlifts unlifts_left applied_vals)
+		   )
+  where
+    (tys_and_vals, _, unlifts) = unzip3 args
+    unspec_call = applyBindUnlifts unlifts (mkGenApp (Var new_id) tys_and_vals)
+	-- ty_args is the types at the front of the arg list
+	-- val_args is the rest of the arg-list
+    (ty_args, val_args) = get args
+      where
+	get ((TyArg ty,_,_) : args) = (ty : tys, rest) where (tys,rest) = get args
+	get args		    = ([],       args)
+	-- toss_dicts chucks away dict args, checking that they ain't types!
+    toss_dicts 0 args 		    = args
+    toss_dicts n ((a,_,_) : args)
+      | isValArg a		    = toss_dicts (n-1) args
+checkUnspecOK :: Id -> [Type] -> a -> a
+checkUnspecOK check_id tys
+  = if isLocallyDefined check_id && any isUnboxedType tys
+    then pprPanic "Specialise:checkUnspecOK: unboxed instance for local id not found\n"
+		  (ppCat [ppr PprDebug check_id,
+			  ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendGenType PprDebug) tys)])
+    else id
+checkSpecOK :: Id -> [Type] -> Id -> [Type] -> a -> a
+checkSpecOK check_id tys spec_id tys_left
+  = if any isUnboxedType tys_left
+    then pprPanic "Specialise:checkSpecOK: unboxed type args in specialised application\n"
+		  (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug check_id,
+				    ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendGenType PprDebug) tys)],
+			     ppCat [ppr PprDebug spec_id,
+				    ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendGenType PprDebug) tys_left)]])
+    else id
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
index e58942693524..4587e182c01b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
@@ -366,6 +366,8 @@ we use both @con2tag_Foo@ and @tag2con_Foo@ functions, as well as a
 instance ... Enum (Foo ...) where
+    toEnum i = tag2con_Foo i
     enumFrom a = map tag2con_Foo [con2tag_Foo a .. maxtag_Foo]
     -- or, really...
@@ -390,11 +392,17 @@ For @enumFromTo@ and @enumFromThenTo@, we use the default methods.
 gen_Enum_binds :: TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 gen_Enum_binds tycon
-  = enum_from		`AndMonoBinds`
+  = to_enum             `AndMonoBinds`
+    enum_from		`AndMonoBinds`
     enum_from_then	`AndMonoBinds`
     tycon_loc = getSrcLoc tycon
+    to_enum
+      = mk_easy_FunMonoBind tycon_loc toEnum_RDR [a_Pat] [] $
+        mk_easy_App (tag2con_RDR tycon) [a_RDR]
       = mk_easy_FunMonoBind tycon_loc enumFrom_RDR [a_Pat] [] $
 	  untag_Expr tycon [(a_RDR, ah_RDR)] $
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/FastString.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/FastString.lhs
index ab54af778457..21f61fda2012 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/FastString.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/FastString.lhs
@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ concatFS :: [FastString] -> FastString
 concatFS ls = mkFastString (concat (map (unpackFS) ls)) -- ToDo: do better
 headFS :: FastString -> Char
-headFS (FastString _ l# ba#) = 
- if l# ># 0# then C# (indexCharArray# ba# 0#) else error "headFS: empty FS"
-headFS (CharStr a# l#) = 
- if l# ># 0# then C# (indexCharOffAddr# a# 0#) else error "headFS: empty FS"
+headFS f@(FastString _ l# ba#) = 
+ if l# ># 0# then C# (indexCharArray# ba# 0#) else error ("headFS: empty FS: " ++ unpackFS f)
+headFS f@(CharStr a# l#) = 
+ if l# ># 0# then C# (indexCharOffAddr# a# 0#) else error ("headFS: empty FS: " ++ unpackFS f)
 tailFS :: FastString -> FastString
 tailFS (FastString _ l# ba#) = mkFastSubStringBA# ba# 1# (l# -# 1#)
diff --git a/ghc/docs/Makefile b/ghc/docs/Makefile
index 2f99b93e634d..cf8be1f57fcd 100644
--- a/ghc/docs/Makefile
+++ b/ghc/docs/Makefile
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ include $(TOP)/mk/
 export WAYS=
-SUBDIRS = users_guide install_guide release_notes state_interface
+SUBDIRS = users_guide
 include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/ghc/driver/ghc-asm.lprl b/ghc/driver/ghc-asm.lprl
index f24343343d40..89cc4b1ca7d1 100644
--- a/ghc/driver/ghc-asm.lprl
+++ b/ghc/driver/ghc-asm.lprl
@@ -348,9 +348,20 @@ sub mangle_asm {
     # multi-line regexp matching:
     local($*) = 1;
     local($i, $c);
+    # perl4 on alphas SEGVs when give ${foo} substitutions in patterns.
+    # To avoid them we declare some locals that allows to avoid using curlies.
+    local($TUS)      = ${T_US};
+    local($TPOSTLBL) = ${T_POST_LBL};
+    local($TMOVEDIRVS) = ${T_MOVE_DIRVS};
+    local($TPREAPP)    = ${T_PRE_APP};
+    local($TCOPYDIRVS) = ${T_COPY_DIRVS};
+    local($TDOTWORD)   = ${T_DOT_WORD};
     open(INASM, "< $in_asmf")
 	|| &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$in_asmf' (to read)\n");
     open(OUTASM,"> $out_asmf")
@@ -374,10 +385,9 @@ sub mangle_asm {
     $i = 0; $chkcat[0] = 'misc'; $chk[0] = '';
     while (<INASM>) {
-	next if $T_STABBY && /^\.stab.*${T_US}__stg_split_marker/o;
+	next if $T_STABBY && /^\.stab.*$TUS[@]?__stg_split_marker/o;
 	next if $T_STABBY && /^\.stab.*ghc.*c_ID/;
-	next if /${T_PRE_APP}(NO_)?APP/o;
+	next if /$TPREAPP(NO_)?APP/o; 
     	next if /^;/ && $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/;
 	next if /(^$|^\t\.file\t|^ # )/ && $TargetPlatform =~ /^(mips|powerpc)-/;
@@ -408,12 +418,12 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'literal';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
-	} elsif ( /^${T_US}__stg_split_marker(\d+)${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?__stg_split_marker(\d+)$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'splitmarker';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
-	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_info${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_info$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
 	    $symb = $1;
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'infotbl';
@@ -423,40 +433,40 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    $infochk{$symb} = $i;
-	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_entry${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_entry$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'slow';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
 	    $slowchk{$1} = $i;
-	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_fast\d+${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_fast\d+$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'fast';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
 	    $fastchk{$1} = $i;
-	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_closure${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_closure$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'closure';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
 	    $closurechk{$1} = $i;
-	} elsif ( /^${T_US}ghc.*c_ID${T_POST_LBL}/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?ghc.*c_ID$TPOSTLBL/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]  = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i] = 'consist';
-	} elsif ( /^(${T_US}__gnu_compiled_c|gcc2_compiled\.)${T_POST_LBL}/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^($TUS[@]?__gnu_compiled_c|gcc2_compiled\.)$TPOSTLBL/o ) {
 	    ; # toss it
-	} elsif ( /^${T_US}ErrorIO_call_count${T_POST_LBL}$/o	# HACK!!!!
-	       || /^${T_US}[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.\d+${T_POST_LBL}$/o
-	       || /^${T_US}.*_CAT${T_POST_LBL}$/o 		# PROF: _entryname_CAT
-	       || /^${T_US}CC_.*_struct${T_POST_LBL}$/o	  	# PROF: _CC_ccident_struct
-	       || /^${T_US}.*_done${T_POST_LBL}$/o		# PROF: _module_done
-	       || /^${T_US}_module_registered${T_POST_LBL}$/o	# PROF: _module_registered
+	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?ErrorIO_call_count$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o	# HACK!!!!
+	       || /^$TUS[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.\d+$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o
+	       || /^$TUS[@]?.*_CAT$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o 		# PROF: _entryname_CAT
+	       || /^$TUS[@]?CC_.*_struct$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o	# PROF: _CC_ccident_struct
+	       || /^$TUS[@]?.*_done$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o		# PROF: _module_done
+	       || /^$TUS[@]?_module_registered$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o	# PROF: _module_registered
 	       ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'data';
@@ -467,26 +477,26 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'bss';
   	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
-	} elsif ( /^${T_US}(ret_|djn_)/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?(ret_|djn_)/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'misc';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = '';
-	} elsif ( /^${T_US}vtbl_([A-Za-z0-9_]+)${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?vtbl_([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'vector';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
 	    $vectorchk{$1} = $i;
-	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)DirectReturn${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)DirectReturn$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'direct';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
 	    $directchk{$1} = $i;
-	} elsif ( /^${T_US}[A-Za-z0-9_]+_upd${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?[A-Za-z0-9_]+_upd$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'misc';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = '';
@@ -506,7 +516,7 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'toss';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
-	} elsif ( /^${T_US}[A-Za-z0-9_]/o
+	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?[A-Za-z0-9_]/o
 		&& ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^hppa/ # need to avoid local labels in this case
 		   || ! /^L\$\d+$/ )
 		&& ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^powerpc/ # ditto
@@ -515,9 +525,9 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    chop($thing = $_);
 	    print STDERR "Funny global thing?: $_"
 		unless $KNOWN_FUNNY_THING{$thing}
-		    || /^${T_US}_(PRIn|PRStart).*${T_POST_LBL}$/o # pointer reversal GC routines
-		    || /^${T_US}CC_.*${T_POST_LBL}$/o		# PROF: _CC_ccident
-		    || /^${T_US}_reg.*${T_POST_LBL}$/o;		# PROF: __reg<module>
+		    || /^$TUS[@]?_(PRIn|PRStart).*$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o # pointer reversal GC routines
+		    || /^$TUS[@]?CC_.*$TPOSTLBL$/o		# PROF: _CC_ccident  ([@]? is a silly hack (see above))
+		    || /^$TUS[@]?_reg.*$TPOSTLBL$/o;		# PROF: __reg<module>
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'misc';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = '';
@@ -644,7 +654,7 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	# On Alphas, the prologue mangling is done a little later (below)
     	# toss all calls to __DISCARD__
-	$c =~ s/^\t(call|jbsr|jal)\s+${T_US}__DISCARD__\n//go;
+	$c =~ s/^\t(call|jbsr|jal)\s+$TUS[@]?__DISCARD__\n//go;
 	# MIPS: that may leave some gratuitous asm macros around
 	# (no harm done; but we get rid of them to be tidier)
@@ -667,16 +677,18 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	# pin a funny end-thing on (for easier matching):
 	$c .= 'FUNNY#END#THING';
-	while ( $c =~ /${T_MOVE_DIRVS}FUNNY#END#THING/o ) {
+	while ( $c =~ /$TMOVEDIRVS[@]?FUNNY#END#THING/o ) {  # [@]? is a silly hack to avoid having to use curlies for T_PRE_APP
+				                           # (this SEGVs perl4 on alphas, you see)
 	    $to_move = $1;
 	    if ( $i < ($numchks - 1)
-	      && ( $to_move =~ /${T_COPY_DIRVS}/
+	      && ( $to_move =~ /$TCOPYDIRVS/
 	        || ($TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/ && $to_move =~ /align/ && $chkcat[$i+1] eq 'literal') )) {
 		$chk[$i + 1] = $to_move . $chk[$i + 1];
 		# otherwise they're tossed
+	    $c =~ s/$TMOVEDIRVS[@]?FUNNY#END#THING/FUNNY#END#THING/o; # [@]? is a hack (see above)
     	if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/ && $c =~ /^\t\.ent\s+(\S+)/ ) {
@@ -816,7 +828,7 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 		# entry code will be put here!
 		# paranoia
-		if ( $chk[$infochk{$symb}] =~ /${T_DOT_WORD}\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+_entry)$/o
+		if ( $chk[$infochk{$symb}] =~ /$TDOTWORD[@]?\s+([A-Za-z0-9_]+_entry)$/o
 		  && $1 ne "${T_US}${symb}_entry" ) {
 		    print STDERR "!!! entry point???\n",$chk[$infochk{$symb}];
@@ -856,7 +868,7 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 		    # references to fast-entry point.
 		    # (questionable re hppa and mips...)
 		    print STDERR "still has jump to fast entry point:\n$c"
-			if $c =~ /${T_US}${symb}_fast/; # NB: paranoia
+			if $c =~ /$TUS[@]?$symb[@]?_fast/; # NB: paranoia
 		print OUTASM $T_HDR_entry;
@@ -1218,18 +1230,24 @@ sub rev_tbl {
     local($after) = '';
     local(@lines) = split(/\n/, $tbl);
     local($i, $extra, $words_to_pad, $j);
-    for ($i = 0; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] !~ /^\t${T_DOT_WORD}\s+/o; $i++) {
+    # see comment in mangleAsm as to why this silliness is needed.
+    local($TDOTWORD) = ${T_DOT_WORD};
+    local($TDOTGLOBAL) = ${T_DOT_GLOBAL};
+    local($TUS) = ${T_US};
+    local($TPOSTLBL) = ${T_POST_LBL};
+    for ($i = 0; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] !~ /^\t$TDOTWORD\s+/o; $i++) {
 	$label .= $lines[$i] . "\n",
-	    next if $lines[$i] =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+_info${T_POST_LBL}$/o
-		 || $lines[$i] =~ /${T_DOT_GLOBAL}/o
-		 || $lines[$i] =~ /^${T_US}vtbl_\S+${T_POST_LBL}$/o;
+	    next if $lines[$i] =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+_info$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o
+		 || $lines[$i] =~ /$TDOTGLOBAL/o
+		 || $lines[$i] =~ /^$TUS[@]?vtbl_\S+$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o;
 	$before .= $lines[$i] . "\n"; # otherwise...
     if ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^hppa/ ) {
-	for ( ; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] =~ /^\t${T_DOT_WORD}\s+/o; $i++) {
+	for ( ; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] =~ /^\t$TDOTWORD\s+/o; $i++) {
 	    push(@words, $lines[$i]);
     } else { # hppa weirdness
@@ -1287,6 +1305,10 @@ sub mini_mangle_asm_i386 {
+    # see mangleAsm comment
+    local($TUS) = ${T_US};
+    local($TPOSTLBL)=${T_POST_LBL};
     open(INASM, "< $in_asmf")
 	|| &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$in_asmf' (to read)\n");
     open(OUTASM,"> $out_asmf")
@@ -1296,7 +1318,7 @@ sub mini_mangle_asm_i386 {
 	print OUTASM;
         next unless
-	    /^${T_US}(PerformGC|StackOverflow|Yield|PerformReschedule)_wrapper${T_POST_LBL}\n/o;
+	    /^$TUS[@]?(PerformGC|StackOverflow|Yield|PerformReschedule)_wrapper$TPOSTLBL\n/o;
 	print OUTASM "\tmovl \%esp, ${T_US}__temp_esp\n";
 	print OUTASM "\tmovl \%eax, ${T_US}__temp_eax\n";
diff --git a/ghc/includes/StgMacros.lh b/ghc/includes/StgMacros.lh
index 3732beb44d32..56d652333721 100644
--- a/ghc/includes/StgMacros.lh
+++ b/ghc/includes/StgMacros.lh
@@ -2094,7 +2094,7 @@ do {							 \
   StorageMgrInfo.ForeignObjList = result;			   \
-/*fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: ForeignObj(0x%x) = <0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x>\n",	\
+ /*fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG: ForeignObj(0x%x) = <0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x>\n",	\
       result,						\
       result[0],result[1],				\
       result[2],result[3]);*/				\
@@ -2105,6 +2105,8 @@ do {							 \
   (r) = (P_) result;					\
 } while (0)
+#define writeForeignObjZh(res,datum)	((PP_) ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(res)) = ((P_)datum)
 #define makeForeignObjZh(r, liveness, mptr, finalise)	            \
 do {								    \
@@ -2113,6 +2115,13 @@ do {								    \
     EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);						    \
 } while(0)
+#define writeForeignObjZh(res,datum)	\
+do {								    \
+    fflush(stdout);						    \
+    fprintf(stderr, "writeForeignObj#: no foreign object support.\n");\
+    EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);						    \
+} while(0)
 #endif /* !PAR */
diff --git a/ghc/lib/Makefile b/ghc/lib/Makefile
index 6236c38ffaae..76e8dbfa6091 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/Makefile
+++ b/ghc/lib/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 #		Makefile for building the GHC Prelude libraries umpteen ways
-# 	$Id: Makefile,v 1.5 1997/03/14 05:30:36 sof Exp $
+# 	$Id: Makefile,v 1.6 1997/03/17 20:34:49 simonpj Exp $
@@ -52,14 +52,15 @@ endif
 # per-module flags
-ghc/PackedString_HC_OPTS    = -monly-3-regs
-required/Directory_HC_OPTS  = -monly-3-regs
-concurrent/Parallel_HC_OPTS = -fglasgow-exts
+ghc/PackedString_HC_OPTS    += -monly-3-regs
+required/Directory_HC_OPTS  += -monly-3-regs 
+concurrent/Parallel_HC_OPTS += -fglasgow-exts
+required/Time_HC_OPTS       += -monly-3-regs
 # 	Dependency generation
-SRC_MKDEPENDHS_OPTS += -irequired:ghc:hbc:glaExts:concurrent
+SRC_MKDEPENDHS_OPTS += -irequired:ghc:hbc:glaExts:concurrent -I$(GHC_INCLUDE_DIR)
 # 	Rules
diff --git a/ghc/lib/cbits/stgio.h b/ghc/lib/cbits/stgio.h
index 8c0d2cb8beb5..d6b9b02f1c22 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/cbits/stgio.h
+++ b/ghc/lib/cbits/stgio.h
@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ StgInt	getBufferMode PROTO((StgForeignObj));
 /* */
 StgInt	getClockTime PROTO((StgByteArray, StgByteArray));
+StgAddr	showTime     PROTO((I_, StgByteArray, StgByteArray));
+StgAddr	toClockSec   PROTO((I_, I_, I_, I_, I_, I_, I_, StgByteArray));
+StgAddr	toLocalTime  PROTO((I_, StgByteArray, StgByteArray));
+StgAddr	toUTCTime    PROTO((I_, StgByteArray, StgByteArray));
 /* */
 StgByteArray getCPUTime PROTO((StgByteArray));
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/GHC.hi-boot b/ghc/lib/ghc/GHC.hi-boot
index 884bba09ace2..d751f95ec53f 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/GHC.hi-boot
+++ b/ghc/lib/ghc/GHC.hi-boot
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ indexAddrOffAddr#
+  writeForeignObj#
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/IOBase.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/IOBase.lhs
index 4a952f718ffc..8f1ad2553f8c 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/IOBase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/ghc/IOBase.lhs
@@ -399,11 +399,19 @@ type Handle = MutableVar RealWorld Handle__
 data Handle__
   = ErrorHandle		IOError
   | ClosedHandle
+#ifndef PAR
   | SemiClosedHandle	ForeignObj (Addr, Int)
   | ReadHandle		ForeignObj (Maybe BufferMode) Bool
   | WriteHandle		ForeignObj (Maybe BufferMode) Bool
   | AppendHandle	ForeignObj (Maybe BufferMode) Bool
   | ReadWriteHandle	ForeignObj (Maybe BufferMode) Bool
+  | SemiClosedHandle	Addr (Addr, Int)
+  | ReadHandle		Addr (Maybe BufferMode) Bool
+  | WriteHandle		Addr (Maybe BufferMode) Bool
+  | AppendHandle	Addr (Maybe BufferMode) Bool
+  | ReadWriteHandle	Addr (Maybe BufferMode) Bool
 -- Standard Instances as defined by the Report..
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/IOHandle.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/IOHandle.lhs
index 50e1300c98ff..a3f64ceb6eeb 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/IOHandle.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/ghc/IOHandle.lhs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import IOBase
 import PrelTup
 import PrelBase
 import GHC
-import Foreign  ( makeForeignObj )
+import Foreign  ( makeForeignObj, writeForeignObj )
 import PrelList (span)
 #if defined(__CONCURRENT_HASKELL__)
 import ConcBase
@@ -68,7 +68,11 @@ writeHandle h v = stToIO (writeVar h v)
+#ifndef PAR
 filePtr :: Handle__ -> ForeignObj
+filePtr :: Handle__ -> Addr
 filePtr (SemiClosedHandle fp _)  = fp
 filePtr (ReadHandle fp _ _)	 = fp
 filePtr (WriteHandle fp _ _)	 = fp
@@ -116,8 +120,13 @@ stdin = unsafePerformPrimIO (
     _ccall_ getLock (``stdin''::Addr) 0		>>= \ rc ->
     (case rc of
        0 -> new_handle ClosedHandle
-       1 -> makeForeignObj (``stdin''::Addr) (``&freeStdChannel''::Addr) >>= \ fp ->
+       1 -> 
+#ifndef PAR
+            makeForeignObj (``stdin''::Addr) (``&freeStdChannel''::Addr) >>= \ fp ->
 	    new_handle (ReadHandle fp Nothing False)
+	    new_handle (ReadHandle ``stdin'' Nothing False)
        _ -> constructError "stdin"		>>= \ ioError -> 
             new_handle (ErrorHandle ioError)
     )						>>= \ handle ->
@@ -130,8 +139,13 @@ stdout = unsafePerformPrimIO (
     _ccall_ getLock (``stdout''::Addr) 1	>>= \ rc ->
     (case rc of
        0 -> new_handle ClosedHandle
-       1 -> makeForeignObj (``stdout''::Addr) (``&freeStdChannel''::Addr) >>= \ fp ->
+       1 -> 
+#ifndef PAR
+            makeForeignObj (``stdout''::Addr) (``&freeStdChannel''::Addr) >>= \ fp ->
 	    new_handle (WriteHandle fp Nothing False)
+	    new_handle (WriteHandle ``stdout'' Nothing False)
        _ -> constructError "stdout"		>>= \ ioError -> 
             new_handle (ErrorHandle ioError)
     )						>>= \ handle ->
@@ -144,8 +158,13 @@ stderr = unsafePerformPrimIO (
     _ccall_ getLock (``stderr''::Addr) 1	>>= \ rc ->
     (case rc of
        0 -> new_handle ClosedHandle
-       1 -> makeForeignObj (``stderr''::Addr) (``&freeStdChannel''::Addr) >>= \ fp ->
+       1 -> 
+#ifndef PAR
+            makeForeignObj (``stderr''::Addr) (``&freeStdChannel''::Addr) >>= \ fp ->
             new_handle (WriteHandle fp (Just NoBuffering) False)	
+            new_handle (WriteHandle ``stderr'' (Just NoBuffering) False)	
        _ -> constructError "stderr"		>>= \ ioError -> 
             new_handle (ErrorHandle ioError)
     )						>>= \ handle ->
@@ -170,8 +189,12 @@ openFile :: FilePath -> IOMode -> IO Handle
 openFile f m = 
     stToIO (_ccall_ openFile f m')		             >>= \ ptr ->
     if ptr /= ``NULL'' then
-        stToIO (makeForeignObj ptr ((``&freeFile'')::Addr))  >>= \ fp ->
+#ifndef PAR
+        makeForeignObj ptr ((``&freeFile'')::Addr)   `thenIO_Prim` \ fp ->
         newHandle (htype fp Nothing False)
+        newHandle (htype ptr Nothing False)
 	stToIO (constructError "openFile")	    >>= \ ioError@(IOError hn iot msg) -> 
@@ -226,11 +249,12 @@ hClose :: Handle -> IO ()
 hClose handle =
     readHandle handle				    >>= \ htype ->
-    writeHandle handle ClosedHandle		    >>
     case htype of 
       ErrorHandle ioError ->
+	  writeHandle handle htype >>
 	  fail ioError
       ClosedHandle -> 
+          writeHandle handle htype		    >>
 	  ioe_closedHandle handle
       SemiClosedHandle fp (buf,_) ->
           (if buf /= ``NULL'' then
@@ -245,19 +269,30 @@ hClose handle =
 	             has been performed, the ForeignObj embedded in the Handle
                      is still lying around in the heap, so care is taken
                      to avoid closing the file object when the ForeignObj
-	             is finalised. (see freeFile()) -}
+	             is finalised.  -}
                 if rc == 0 then 
-	          return ()
+#ifndef PAR
+		  -- Mark the foreign object data value as gone to the finaliser (freeFile())
+		  writeForeignObj fp ``NULL''       `thenIO_Prim` \ () ->
+		  writeHandle handle ClosedHandle
+		  writeHandle handle htype >>
 	          constructErrorAndFail "hClose"
-                  return ()
+                  writeHandle handle htype
       other -> 
-          _ccall_ closeFile (filePtr other)	    `thenIO_Prim` \ rc ->
+	  let fp = filePtr other in
+          _ccall_ closeFile fp	    `thenIO_Prim` \ rc ->
           if rc == 0 then 
-	      return ()
+#ifndef PAR
+		  -- Mark the foreign object data
+		  writeForeignObj fp ``NULL''       `thenIO_Prim` \ () ->
+	      writeHandle handle ClosedHandle
+ 	      writeHandle handle htype >>
 	      constructErrorAndFail "hClose"
@@ -427,7 +462,11 @@ hSetBuffering handle mode =
               BlockBuffering Nothing -> -2
               BlockBuffering (Just n) -> n
+#ifndef PAR
     hcon :: Handle__ -> (ForeignObj -> (Maybe BufferMode) -> Bool -> Handle__)
+    hcon :: Handle__ -> (Addr -> (Maybe BufferMode) -> Bool -> Handle__)
     hcon (ReadHandle _ _ _) = ReadHandle
     hcon (WriteHandle _ _ _) = WriteHandle
     hcon (AppendHandle _ _ _) = AppendHandle
diff --git a/ghc/lib/glaExts/Foreign.lhs b/ghc/lib/glaExts/Foreign.lhs
index 8273434390e9..81abc4f13dc0 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/glaExts/Foreign.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/glaExts/Foreign.lhs
@@ -79,12 +79,21 @@ instance CReturnable () -- Why, exactly?
 instance CCallable ForeignObj
 instance CCallable ForeignObj#
-eqForeignObj   :: ForeignObj -> ForeignObj -> Bool
-makeForeignObj :: Addr       -> Addr       -> PrimIO ForeignObj
+eqForeignObj    :: ForeignObj  -> ForeignObj -> Bool
+makeForeignObj  :: Addr        -> Addr       -> PrimIO ForeignObj
+writeForeignObj :: ForeignObj  -> Addr       -> PrimIO ()
-makeForeignObj (A# obj) (A# finaliser) = ST $ \ (S# s#) ->
+{- derived op - attaching a free() finaliser to a malloc() allocated reference. -}
+makeMallocPtr   :: Addr        -> PrimIO ForeignObj
+makeForeignObj (A# obj) (A# finaliser) = ST ( \ (S# s#) ->
     case makeForeignObj# obj finaliser s# of
-      StateAndForeignObj# s1# fo# -> (ForeignObj fo#, S# s1#)
+      StateAndForeignObj# s1# fo# -> (ForeignObj fo#, S# s1#))
+writeForeignObj (ForeignObj fo#) (A# datum#) = ST ( \ (S# s#) ->
+    case writeForeignObj# fo# datum# s# of { s1# -> ((), S# s1#) } )
+makeMallocPtr a = makeForeignObj a (``&free''::Addr)
 eqForeignObj mp1 mp2
   = unsafePerformPrimIO (_ccall_ eqForeignObj mp1 mp2) /= (0::Int)
diff --git a/ghc/lib/required/Directory.lhs b/ghc/lib/required/Directory.lhs
index e9f70e96d9e9..d7fdf7da88d5 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/required/Directory.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/required/Directory.lhs
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 % (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1997
-\section[Directory]{Module @Directory@}
+\section[Directory]{Directory interface}
 A directory contains a series of entries, each of which is a named
 reference to a file system object (file, directory etc.).  Some
@@ -18,23 +17,36 @@ some operating systems, it may also be possible to have paths which
 are relative to the current directory.
-module Directory ( 
---    Permissions(Permissions),
-    createDirectory, removeDirectory, removeFile, 
-    renameDirectory, renameFile, getDirectoryContents,
-    getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory
-    ,doesFileExist, doesDirectoryExist,
-    getPermissions, setPermissions,
+{-# OPTIONS -#include <sys/stat.h> #-}
+module Directory 
+   ( 
+    Permissions(Permissions),
+    createDirectory, 
+    removeDirectory, 
+    renameDirectory, 
+    getDirectoryContents,
+    getCurrentDirectory, 
+    setCurrentDirectory,
+    removeFile, 
+    renameFile, 
+    doesFileExist,
+    doesDirectoryExist,
+    getPermissions, 
+    setPermissions,
-  ) where
+   ) where
-import Prelude
+import PrelBase
 import Foreign
 import IOBase
-import STBase		( PrimIO )
-import PackedString	( packCBytesST, unpackPS )
+import STBase
+import ArrBase
+import PackedString	( packCBytesST, unpackPS, psToByteArrayST )
+import Time             ( ClockTime(..) )
@@ -52,6 +64,11 @@ renameFile 		:: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
 getDirectoryContents 	:: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
 getCurrentDirectory 	:: IO FilePath
 setCurrentDirectory 	:: FilePath -> IO ()
+doesFileExist           :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+doesDirectoryExist      :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+getPermissions          :: FilePath -> IO Permissions
+setPermissions          :: FilePath -> Permissions -> IO ()
+getModificationTime     :: FilePath -> IO ClockTime
@@ -61,8 +78,9 @@ setCurrentDirectory 	:: FilePath -> IO ()
 %*							*
-The @Permissions@ type is used to record whether certain operations are permissible on a
+The @Permissions@ type is used to record whether certain
+operations are permissible on a file/directory:
+[to whom? - owner/group/world - the Report don't say much]
 data Permissions
@@ -70,7 +88,6 @@ data Permissions
     readable,   writeable, 
     executable, searchable :: Bool 
    } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
@@ -410,25 +427,26 @@ setCurrentDirectory path =
-doesFileExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+--doesFileExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
 doesFileExist name =
   psToByteArrayST name			    `thenIO_Prim` \ path ->
   _ccall_ access path (``F_OK''::Int)	    `thenIO_Prim` \ rc ->
   return (rc == 0)
-doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
-doesDirectoryExist name =  
- (getFileStatus >>= isDirectory) `catch` (\ _ -> return False)
+--doesDirectoryExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+doesDirectoryExist name = 
+ (getFileStatus name >>= \ st -> return (isDirectory st))  
+   `catch` 
+ (\ _ -> return False)
-getModificationTime :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+--getModificationTime :: FilePath -> IO ClockTime
 getModificationTime name =
- getFileStatus >>= \ st ->
- return (modificationTime st)
+ getFileStatus name >>= \ st ->
+ modificationTime st
-getPermissions :: FilePath -> IO Permissions
+--getPermissions :: FilePath -> IO Permissions
 getPermissions name =
-  getFileStatus >>= \ st ->
+  getFileStatus name >>= \ st ->
    fm = fileMode st
    isect v = intersectFileMode v fm == v
@@ -441,5 +459,99 @@ getPermissions name =
       searchable = not (isRegularFile st) && isect ownerExecuteMode
+--setPermissions :: FilePath -> Permissions -> IO ()
+setPermissions name (Permissions r w e s) = 
+    let
+     read#  = case (if r then ownerReadMode else ``0'') of { W# x# -> x# }
+     write# = case (if w then ownerWriteMode else ``0'') of { W# x# -> x# }
+     exec#  = case (if e || s then ownerExecuteMode else ``0'') of { W# x# -> x# }
+     mode  = I# (word2Int# (read# `or#` write# `or#` exec#))
+    in
+    psToByteArrayST name			    `thenIO_Prim` \ path ->
+    _ccall_ chmod path mode			    `thenIO_Prim` \ rc ->
+    if rc == 0 then
+	return ()
+    else
+	fail (IOError Nothing SystemError "Directory.setPermissions")
+(Sigh)..copied from Posix.Files to avoid dep. on posix library
+type FileStatus = ByteArray Int
+getFileStatus :: FilePath -> IO FileStatus
+getFileStatus name =
+    psToByteArrayST name			    `thenIO_Prim` \ path ->
+    newCharArray (0,``sizeof(struct stat)'')        `thenIO_Prim` \ bytes ->
+    _casm_ ``%r = stat(%0,(struct stat *)%1);'' path bytes
+						    `thenIO_Prim` \ rc ->
+    if rc == 0 then
+	unsafeFreezeByteArray bytes          	    `thenIO_Prim` \ stat ->
+	return stat
+    else
+	fail (IOError Nothing SystemError "Directory.getFileStatus")
+modificationTime :: FileStatus -> IO ClockTime
+modificationTime stat =
+    malloc1					           `thenIO_Prim` \ i1 ->
+    _casm_ ``((unsigned long *)%1)[0] = ((struct stat *)%0)->st_mtime;'' stat i1 `thenIO_Prim` \ () ->
+    cvtUnsigned i1                                         `thenIO_Prim` \ secs ->
+    return (TOD secs 0)
+  where
+    malloc1 = ST $ \ (S# s#) ->
+	case newIntArray# 1# s# of 
+          StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# -> (MutableByteArray bnds barr#, S# s2#)
+    bnds = (0,1)
+    -- The C routine fills in an unsigned word.  We don't have `unsigned2Integer#,'
+    -- so we freeze the data bits and use them for an MP_INT structure.  Note that
+    -- zero is still handled specially, although (J# 1# 1# (ptr to 0#)) is probably
+    -- acceptable to gmp.
+    cvtUnsigned (MutableByteArray _ arr#) = ST $ \ (S# s#) ->
+	case readIntArray# arr# 0# s# of 
+	  StateAndInt# s2# r# ->
+            if r# ==# 0# then
+                (0, S# s2#)
+            else
+                case unsafeFreezeByteArray# arr# s2# of
+                  StateAndByteArray# s3# frozen# -> (J# 1# 1# frozen#, S# s3#)
+isDirectory :: FileStatus -> Bool
+isDirectory stat = unsafePerformPrimIO $
+    _casm_ ``%r = S_ISDIR(((struct stat *)%0)->st_mode);'' stat >>= \ rc ->
+    return (rc /= 0)
+isRegularFile :: FileStatus -> Bool
+isRegularFile stat = unsafePerformPrimIO $
+    _casm_ ``%r = S_ISREG(((struct stat *)%0)->st_mode);'' stat >>= \ rc ->
+    return (rc /= 0)
+type FileMode = Word
+ownerReadMode :: FileMode
+ownerReadMode = ``S_IRUSR''
+ownerWriteMode :: FileMode
+ownerWriteMode = ``S_IWUSR''
+ownerExecuteMode :: FileMode
+ownerExecuteMode = ``S_IXUSR''
+intersectFileMode :: FileMode -> FileMode -> FileMode
+intersectFileMode (W# m1#) (W# m2#) = W# (m1# `and#` m2#)
+fileMode :: FileStatus -> FileMode
+fileMode stat = unsafePerformPrimIO $
+    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct stat *)%0)->st_mode;'' stat >>= \ mode ->
+    return mode
diff --git a/ghc/lib/required/IO.lhs b/ghc/lib/required/IO.lhs
index 34d5a338e660..c727c0082c09 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/required/IO.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/required/IO.lhs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import IOHandle		-- much of the real stuff is in here
 import PackedString	( nilPS, packCBytesST, unpackPS )
 import PrelBase
 import GHC
-import Foreign          ( makeForeignObj )
+import Foreign          ( makeForeignObj, writeForeignObj )
@@ -289,11 +289,14 @@ lazyReadBlock handle =
 	  then return nilPS
 	  else packCBytesST bytes buf)		    >>= \ some ->
           if bytes < 0 then
-	      makeForeignObj ``NULL'' ``&freeFile'' >>= \ null_fp ->
-	      ioToST (writeHandle handle (SemiClosedHandle null_fp (``NULL'', 0)))
-						    >>
               _ccall_ free buf			    >>= \ () ->
               _ccall_ closeFile fp	            >>
+#ifndef PAR
+	      writeForeignObj fp ``NULL''           >>
+	      ioToST (writeHandle handle (SemiClosedHandle fp (``NULL'', 0))) >>
+	      ioToST (writeHandle handle (SemiClosedHandle ``NULL'' (``NULL'', 0))) >>
 	      returnPrimIO (unpackPS some)
 	      ioToST (writeHandle handle htype)	    >>
@@ -314,11 +317,14 @@ lazyReadLine handle =
 	  then return nilPS
 	  else packCBytesST bytes buf)		    >>= \ some ->
           if bytes < 0 then
-	      makeForeignObj ``NULL'' ``&freeFile'' >>= \ null_fp ->
-	      ioToST (writeHandle handle (SemiClosedHandle null_fp (``NULL'', 0)))
-						    >>
               _ccall_ free buf			    >>= \ () ->
               _ccall_ closeFile fp	            >>
+#ifndef PAR
+	      writeForeignObj fp ``NULL''           >>
+	      ioToST (writeHandle handle (SemiClosedHandle fp (``NULL'', 0))) >>
+	      ioToST (writeHandle handle (SemiClosedHandle ``NULL'' (``NULL'', 0))) >>
 	      returnPrimIO (unpackPS some)
 	      ioToST (writeHandle handle htype)	    >>
@@ -336,10 +342,13 @@ lazyReadChar handle =
       SemiClosedHandle fp buf_info ->
 	  _ccall_ readChar fp			    >>= \ char ->
           if char == ``EOF'' then
-	      makeForeignObj ``NULL'' ``&freeFile'' >>= \ null_fp ->
-	      ioToST (writeHandle handle (SemiClosedHandle null_fp buf_info))
-						    >>
               _ccall_ closeFile fp	            >>
+#ifndef PAR
+	      writeForeignObj fp ``NULL''           >>
+	      ioToST (writeHandle handle (SemiClosedHandle fp (``NULL'', 0))) >>
+	      ioToST (writeHandle handle (SemiClosedHandle ``NULL'' (``NULL'', 0))) >>
 	      returnPrimIO ""
 	      ioToST (writeHandle handle htype)	    >>
@@ -425,10 +434,18 @@ hPutStr handle str =
               constructErrorAndFail "hPutStr"
+#ifndef PAR
     writeLines :: ForeignObj -> String -> PrimIO Bool
+    writeLines :: Addr -> String -> PrimIO Bool
     writeLines = writeChunks ``BUFSIZ'' True 
+#ifndef PAR
     writeBlocks :: ForeignObj -> Int -> String -> PrimIO Bool
+    writeBlocks :: Addr -> Int -> String -> PrimIO Bool
     writeBlocks fp size s = writeChunks size False fp s
@@ -443,8 +460,11 @@ hPutStr handle str =
       a whole lot quicker. -- SOF 3/96
+#ifndef PAR
     writeChunks :: Int -> Bool -> ForeignObj -> String -> PrimIO Bool
+    writeChunks :: Int -> Bool -> Addr -> String -> PrimIO Bool
     writeChunks (I# bufLen) chopOnNewLine fp s =
      newCharArray (0,I# bufLen) >>= \ arr@(MutableByteArray _ arr#) ->
@@ -478,7 +498,11 @@ hPutStr handle str =
      shoveString 0# s
+#ifndef PAR
     writeChars :: ForeignObj -> String -> PrimIO Bool
+    writeChars :: Addr -> String -> PrimIO Bool
     writeChars fp "" = returnPrimIO True
     writeChars fp (c:cs) =
 	_ccall_ filePutc fp (ord c) >>= \ rc ->
diff --git a/ghc/lib/required/Time.lhs b/ghc/lib/required/Time.lhs
index 881166d8c9be..0c172e9ee13b 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/required/Time.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/required/Time.lhs
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ clock times, including timezone information (i.e, the functionality of
 its use of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
+{-# OPTIONS -#include "cbits/timezone.h" -#include "cbits/stgio.h"  #-}
 module Time 
@@ -16,20 +18,23 @@ module Time
-	ClockTime,
+	ClockTime(..), -- non-standard, lib. report gives this as abstract
 	getClockTime, addToClockTime, diffClockTimes,
 	toCalendarTime,	toUTCTime, toClockTime,
-        calendarToTimeString, formatCalendarTime
+        calendarTimeToString, formatCalendarTime
        ) where
 import PrelBase
 import ST
-import IOBase ( IOError(..), constructErrorAndFail )
+import IOBase
 import ArrBase
 import STBase
+import ST
+import Ix
+import Char (intToDigit)
 import PackedString (unpackPS, packCBytesST)
-import PosixUtil    (allocWords, allocChars)
+import Locale
 One way to partition and give name to chunks of a year and a week:
@@ -53,8 +58,7 @@ Clock times may be compared, converted to strings, or converted to an
 external calendar time @CalendarTime@.
-data ClockTime = TOD Integer Integer
-                 deriving (Eq, Ord)
+data ClockTime = TOD Integer Integer deriving (Eq, Ord)
 When a @ClockTime@ is shown, it is converted to a string of the form
@@ -244,7 +248,7 @@ toCalendarTime (TOD sec@(J# a# s# d#) psec) = unsafePerformPrimIO $
         _ccall_ strlen zone				>>= \ len ->
         packCBytesST len zone				>>= \ tzname ->
         returnPrimIO (CalendarTime (1900+year) mon mday hour min sec psec 
-                      wday yday (unpackPS tzname) tz (isdst /= 0))
+                      (toEnum wday) yday (unpackPS tzname) tz (isdst /= 0))
 toUTCTime :: ClockTime -> CalendarTime
 toUTCTime  (TOD sec@(J# a# s# d#) psec) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
@@ -265,7 +269,7 @@ toUTCTime  (TOD sec@(J# a# s# d#) psec) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
 	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_wday;'' tm	>>= \ wday ->
 	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_yday;'' tm	>>= \ yday ->
         returnPrimIO (CalendarTime (1900+year) mon mday hour min sec psec 
-                      wday yday "UTC" 0 False)
+                      (toEnum wday) yday "UTC" 0 False)
 toClockTime :: CalendarTime -> ClockTime
@@ -287,79 +291,93 @@ toClockTime (CalendarTime year mon mday hour min sec psec wday yday tzname tz is
 bottom :: (Int,Int)
 bottom = error "Time.bottom"
+-- (copied from PosixUtil, for now)
+-- Allocate a mutable array of characters with no indices.
+allocChars :: Int -> ST s (MutableByteArray s ())
+allocChars (I# size#) = ST $ \ (S# s#) ->
+    case newCharArray# size# s# of 
+      StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# -> (MutableByteArray bot barr#, S# s2#)
+  where
+    bot = error "Time.allocChars"
+-- Allocate a mutable array of words with no indices
+allocWords :: Int -> ST s (MutableByteArray s ())
+allocWords (I# size#) = ST $ \ (S# s#) ->
+    case newIntArray# size# s# of 
+      StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# -> (MutableByteArray bot barr#, S# s2#)
+  where
+    bot = error "Time.allocWords"
-calendarTimeToString :: CalendarTime -> String
-calendarTimeToString  =  formatCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale "%c"
-formatCalendarTime :: TimeLocale -> String -> CalendarTime -> String
-formatCalendarTime l 
-	           fmt 
-		   ct@(CalendarTime 
-			year mon 
-			day hour 
-			min sec 
-			sdec 
-                        wday yday tzname _ _)
- = doFmt fmt
-  where 
-   doFmt ('%':c:cs) = decode c ++ doFmt cs
-   doFmt (c:cs) = c : doFmt cs
-   doFmt "" = ""
-   to12 h = let h' = h `mod` 12 in if h == 0 then 12 else h
-   decode 'A' = fst (wdays l  !! fromEnum wday)
-   decode 'a' = snd (wdays l  !! fromEnum wday)
-   decode 'B' = fst (months l !! fromEnum mon)
-   decode 'b' = snd (months l !! fromEnum mon)
-   decode 'h' = snd (months l !! fromEnum mon)
-   decode 'C' = show2 (year `quot` 100)
-   decode 'c' = doFmt (dateTimeFmt l)
-   decode 'D' = doFmt "%m/%d/%y"
-   decode 'd' = show2 day
-   decode 'e' = show2' day
-   decode 'H' = show2 hour
-   decode 'I' = show2 (to12 hour)
-   decode 'j' = show3 yday
-   decode 'k' = show2' hour
-   decode 'l' = show2' (to12 hour)
-   decode 'M' = show2 min
-   decode 'm' = show2 (fromEnum mon+1)
-   decode 'n' = "\n"
-   decode 'p' = (if hour < 12 then fst else snd) (amPm l)
-   decode 'R' = doFmt "%H:%M"
-   decode 'r' = doFmt (time12Fmt l)
-   decode 'T' = doFmt "%H:%M:%S"
-   decode 't' = "\t"
-   decode 'S' = show2 sec
-   decode 's' = show2 sec -- Implementation-dependent, sez the lib doc..
-   decode 'U' = show2 ((yday + 7 - fromEnum wday) `div` 7)
-   decode 'u' = show (let n = fromEnum wday in if n == 0 then 7 else n)
-   decode 'V' = 
-    let (week, days) = 
-          (yday + 7 - if fromEnum wday > 0 then 
-                         fromEnum wday - 1 else 6) `divMod` 7
-    in  
-    show2 (if   days >= 4 
-           then week+1 
-           else if week == 0 then 53 else week)
-   decode 'W' = 
-    show2 ((yday + 7 - if fromEnum wday > 0 then 
-                          fromEnum wday - 1 else 6) `div` 7)
-   decode 'w' = show (fromEnum wday)
-   decode 'X' = doFmt (timeFmt l)
-   decode 'x' = doFmt (dateFmt l)
-   decode 'Y' = show year
-   decode 'y' = show2 (year `rem` 100)
-   decode 'Z' = tzname
-   decode '%' = "%"
-   decode c   = [c]
-show2, show2', show3 :: Int -> String
-show2 x = [intToDigit (x `quot` 10), intToDigit (x `rem` 10)]
-show2' x = if x < 10 then [ ' ', intToDigit x] else show2 x
-show3 x = intToDigit (x `quot` 100) : show2 (x `rem` 100)
+calendarTimeToString  :: CalendarTime -> String
+calendarTimeToString  =  formatCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale "%c"
+formatCalendarTime :: TimeLocale -> String -> CalendarTime -> String
+formatCalendarTime l fmt ct@(CalendarTime year mon day hour min sec sdec 
+                                           wday yday tzname _ _) =
+        doFmt fmt
+  where doFmt ('%':c:cs) = decode c ++ doFmt cs
+        doFmt (c:cs) = c : doFmt cs
+        doFmt "" = ""
+        to12 h = let h' = h `mod` 12 in if h == 0 then 12 else h
+        decode 'A' = fst (wDays l  !! fromEnum wday)
+        decode 'a' = snd (wDays l  !! fromEnum wday)
+        decode 'B' = fst (months l !! fromEnum mon)
+        decode 'b' = snd (months l !! fromEnum mon)
+        decode 'h' = snd (months l !! fromEnum mon)
+        decode 'C' = show2 (year `quot` 100)
+        decode 'c' = doFmt (dateTimeFmt l)
+        decode 'D' = doFmt "%m/%d/%y"
+        decode 'd' = show2 day
+        decode 'e' = show2' day
+        decode 'H' = show2 hour
+        decode 'I' = show2 (to12 hour)
+        decode 'j' = show3 yday
+        decode 'k' = show2' hour
+        decode 'l' = show2' (to12 hour)
+        decode 'M' = show2 min
+        decode 'm' = show2 (fromEnum mon+1)
+        decode 'n' = "\n"
+        decode 'p' = (if hour < 12 then fst else snd) (amPm l)
+        decode 'R' = doFmt "%H:%M"
+        decode 'r' = doFmt (time12Fmt l)
+        decode 'T' = doFmt "%H:%M:%S"
+        decode 't' = "\t"
+        decode 'S' = show2 sec
+        decode 's' = show2 sec -- Implementation-dependent, sez the lib doc..
+        decode 'U' = show2 ((yday + 7 - fromEnum wday) `div` 7)
+        decode 'u' = show (let n = fromEnum wday in 
+                           if n == 0 then 7 else n)
+        decode 'V' = 
+            let (week, days) = 
+                   (yday + 7 - if fromEnum wday > 0 then 
+                               fromEnum wday - 1 else 6) `divMod` 7
+            in  show2 (if days >= 4 then
+                          week+1 
+                       else if week == 0 then 53 else week)
+        decode 'W' = 
+            show2 ((yday + 7 - if fromEnum wday > 0 then 
+                               fromEnum wday - 1 else 6) `div` 7)
+        decode 'w' = show (fromEnum wday)
+        decode 'X' = doFmt (timeFmt l)
+        decode 'x' = doFmt (dateFmt l)
+        decode 'Y' = show year
+        decode 'y' = show2 (year `rem` 100)
+        decode 'Z' = tzname
+        decode '%' = "%"
+        decode c   = [c]
+show2, show2', show3 :: Int -> String
+show2 x = [intToDigit (x `quot` 10), intToDigit (x `rem` 10)]
+show2' x = if x < 10 then [ ' ', intToDigit x] else show2 x
+show3 x = intToDigit (x `quot` 100) : show2 (x `rem` 100)
diff --git a/ghc/mk/ b/ghc/mk/
index 96782a0a792c..08e36c90b85b 100644
--- a/ghc/mk/
+++ b/ghc/mk/
@@ -24,11 +24,9 @@ TOP:=$(GHC_TOP)
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------
 # Everything after this point
 # augments or overrides previously set variables.
-# (these files are optional, so `make' won't fret if
-#  cannot get to them).
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------
--include $(TOP)/mk/
--include $(TOP)/mk/
+include $(TOP)/mk/
+include $(TOP)/mk/
 include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/ghc/mk/ b/ghc/mk/
index d7b30e7ae55d..635956a0c1b5 100644
--- a/ghc/mk/
+++ b/ghc/mk/
@@ -10,9 +10,13 @@ HaskellCompilerType	= $(WithGhcHcType)
 # What ways to build the RTS+libs
 UNLIT	 		= $(GHC_UNLIT_DIR)/unlit
@@ -29,10 +33,10 @@ endif
 # Ugen
 ifdef UseInstalledUtils
-UGEN		=  ugen
+UGEN		= ugen
 UGEN		= $(UGEN_DIR)/ugen
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/Makefile b/ghc/runtime/Makefile
index ff991b00828e..b5713a485976 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/Makefile
+++ b/ghc/runtime/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.4 1997/03/14 05:11:52 sof Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.5 1997/03/17 20:34:59 simonpj Exp $
 #  This is the Makefile for the runtime-system stuff.
 #  This stuff is written in C (and cannot be written in Haskell).
@@ -159,9 +159,9 @@ LIBOBJS = $(patsubst,%.$(way_)o,$(SRCS_RTS_LC)) \
 # dependencies
+SRC_HC_OPTS += -I$(GHC_INCLUDE_DIR) $(GCap) $(GC2s) $(GC1s) -O -optc-DIN_GHC_RTS=1 -I$(GHC_RUNTIME_DIR)/storage 
-SRC_MKDEPENDC_OPTS += $(GCap) $(GC2s) $(GC1s)
 # file-specific options 
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/prims/ b/ghc/runtime/prims/
index 953ed15b1243..021e0aa73688 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/prims/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/prims/
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ stg_exit (n) /* can't call regular "exit" from Haskell
 		because it has no return value */
   I_ n;
+    /* Storage manager shutdown */
+    shutdownHaskell();
     return(0); /* GCC warning food */
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index c8fa245ed7f9..0cc939bbfebb 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -181,6 +181,11 @@ GhcLibHcOpts= -split-objs -odir $(basename $*)
 # Build the Haskell Readline bindings?
+# Include path to readline.h
+# (no path == in standard include path)
 # Build the socket libraries?
@@ -192,6 +197,9 @@ HsLibsWithSockets=YES
+# Option flags for hslibs are by default the same as for the options
+# used for the prelude libs (see above).
@@ -265,37 +273,32 @@ NoFibHcOpts=
-# These variables are all ":=" variables so that you can easily attach
-# extra stuff to the end of them, like this:
-#	libdir := $(libdir)/ghc
-TMPDIR			:= /tmp
+TMPDIR			= /tmp
 # FPTOOLS_TOP: the top of the fptools hierarchy, absolute path.
-FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS		:= @hardtop@
+FPTOOLS_TOP_ABS		= @hardtop@
 # Installation directories, we don't use half of these,
 # but since the configure script has them on offer while
 # passing through, we might as well set them.
-prefix                  := @prefix@
-exec_prefix             := @exec_prefix@
-bindir                  := @bindir@
-sbindir                 := @sbindir@
-libexecdir              := @libexecdir@
-datadir                 := @datadir@
-sysconfdir              := @datadir@
-sharedstatedir          := @sharedstatedir@
-localstatedir           := @localstatedir@
-libdir                  := @libdir@
-infodir		        := @infodir@
-includedir              := @includedir@
-oldincludedir           := @oldincludedir@
-mandir			:= @mandir@
-srcdir                  := @srcdir@
+prefix                  = @prefix@
+exec_prefix             = @exec_prefix@
+bindir                  = @bindir@
+sbindir                 = @sbindir@
+libexecdir              = @libexecdir@
+datadir                 = @datadir@
+sysconfdir              = @datadir@
+sharedstatedir          = @sharedstatedir@
+localstatedir           = @localstatedir@
+libdir                  = @libdir@
+infodir		        = @infodir@
+includedir              = @includedir@
+oldincludedir           = @oldincludedir@
+mandir			= @mandir@
+srcdir                  = @srcdir@
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index 28b3d7ce7f23..d1d112949ec7 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -689,15 +689,16 @@ ifneq "$(filter -monolithic,$(TEXI2HTML_OPTS))" ""
 	$(LIT2TEXI) -S -c $(LIT2TEXI_OPTS) -o $(patsubst %.html,%.itxi,$@) $(addsuffix .lit,$(basename $@))
 	$(LIT2TEXI) -S $(LIT2TEXI_OPTS) -o $(patsubst %.html,%.texi,$@) $(addsuffix .itxi,$(basename $@))
 	$(TEXI2HTML) $(TEXI2HTML_OPTS) $(patsubst %.html,%.texi,$@)
+	cp $(TEXI2HTML_PREFIX)invisible.xbm .
 	$(RM) html/$(basename $@)*
 	$(MKDIRHIER) html
 	$(LIT2TEXI) -S -c $(LIT2TEXI_OPTS) -o $(patsubst %.html,%.itxi,$@) $(addsuffix .lit,$(basename $@))
 	$(LIT2TEXI) -S $(LIT2TEXI_OPTS) -o html/$(patsubst %.html,%.texi,$@) $(addsuffix .itxi,$(basename $@))
 	(cd html; ../$(TEXI2HTML) $(TEXI2HTML_OPTS) $(patsubst %.html,%.texi,$@); cd ..)
+	cp $(TEXI2HTML_PREFIX)invisible.xbm html/
 	@touch $@
 #	Targets: clean