diff --git a/ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h b/ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h
index f61a2a4c4b74696a6486bd9c6beea63e13dea8d1..d64c74b06e12b3ba620df582dd275bd712d7f021 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h
+++ b/ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h
@@ -10,14 +10,6 @@ you will screw up the layout where they are used in case expressions!
-#define TAG_ Int#
-#define LT_ -1#
-#define EQ_ 0#
-#define GT_ 1#
-#define GT__ _
 #define COMMA ,
 #ifdef DEBUG
@@ -35,25 +27,38 @@ you will screw up the layout where they are used in case expressions!
 #if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
 # define REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
 # define SYN_IE(a) a
+# define EXP_MODULE(a) module a
 # define IMPORT_DELOOPER(mod) import CAT2(mod,_1_3)
 # define IMPORT_1_3(mod) import mod
 # define _tagCmp compare
 # define _LT LT
 # define _EQ EQ
 # define _GT GT
+# define _Addr GHCbase.Addr
 # define Text Show
+# define IMP_Ubiq() IMPORT_DELOOPER(Ubiq); import qualified GHCbase
+# define CHK_Ubiq() IMPORT_DELOOPER(Ubiq); import qualified GHCbase
+# define minInt (minBound::Int)
+# define maxInt (maxBound::Int)
 # define SYN_IE(a) a(..)
+# define EXP_MODULE(a) a..
 # define IMPORT_DELOOPER(mod) import mod
 # define IMPORT_1_3(mod) {--}
+# define IMP_Ubiq() IMPORT_DELOOPER(Ubiq)
+# define CHK_Ubiq() IMPORT_DELOOPER(Ubiq)
-#define IMP_Ubiq() IMPORT_DELOOPER(Ubiq)
-#define CHK_Ubiq() IMPORT_DELOOPER(Ubiq)
-#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 26
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 26 && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 200
 #define trace _trace
+#define TAG_ Int#
+#define LT_ -1#
+#define EQ_ 0#
+#define GT_ 1#
+#define GT__ _
 #if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
 #define FAST_INT Int#
 #define ILIT(x) (x#)
@@ -100,36 +105,53 @@ you will screw up the layout where they are used in case expressions!
 #endif  {- ! __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ -}
 #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-#define FAST_STRING _PackedString
-#define SLIT(x)	    (_packCString (A# x#))
-#define _CMP_STRING_ cmpPString
-#define _NULL_	    _nullPS
-#define _NIL_	    _nilPS
-#define _CONS_	    _consPS
-#define _HEAD_	    _headPS
-#define _TAIL_	    _tailPS
-#define _LENGTH_    _lengthPS
-#define _PK_	    _packString
-#define _UNPK_	    _unpackPS
-#define _SUBSTR_    _substrPS
-#define _APPEND_    `_appendPS`
-#define _CONCAT_    _concatPS
+# define USE_FAST_STRINGS 1
+# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 200
+#  define FAST_STRING	_PackedString
+#  define SLIT(x)	(_packCString (A# x#))
+#  define _CMP_STRING_	cmpPString
+#  define _NULL_	_nullPS
+#  define _NIL_		_nilPS
+#  define _CONS_	_consPS
+#  define _HEAD_	_headPS
+#  define _TAIL_	_tailPS
+#  define _LENGTH_	_lengthPS
+#  define _PK_		_packString
+#  define _UNPK_	_unpackPS
+#  define _SUBSTR_	_substrPS
+#  define _APPEND_	`_appendPS`
+#  define _CONCAT_	_concatPS
+# else
+#  define FAST_STRING	GHCbase.PackedString
+#  define SLIT(x)	(packCString (GHCbase.A# x#))
+#  define _CMP_STRING_	cmpPString
+#  define _NULL_	nullPS
+#  define _NIL_		nilPS
+#  define _CONS_	consPS
+#  define _HEAD_	headPS
+#  define _TAIL_	tailPS
+#  define _LENGTH_	lengthPS
+#  define _PK_		packString
+#  define _UNPK_	unpackPS
+#  define _SUBSTR_	substrPS
+#  define _APPEND_	`appendPS`
+#  define _CONCAT_	concatPS
+# endif
-#define FAST_STRING String
-#define SLIT(x)	    (x)
-#define _CMP_STRING_ cmpString
-#define _NULL_	    null
-#define _NIL_	    ""
-#define _CONS_	    (:)
-#define _HEAD_	    head
-#define _TAIL_	    tail
-#define _LENGTH_    length
-#define _PK_	    (\x->x)
-#define _UNPK_	    (\x->x)
-#define _SUBSTR_    substr{-from Utils-}
-#define _APPEND_    ++
-#define _CONCAT_    concat
+# define FAST_STRING String
+# define SLIT(x)      (x)
+# define _CMP_STRING_ cmpString
+# define _NULL_	      null
+# define _NIL_	      ""
+# define _CONS_	      (:)
+# define _HEAD_	      head
+# define _TAIL_	      tail
+# define _LENGTH_     length
+# define _PK_	      (\x->x)
+# define _UNPK_	      (\x->x)
+# define _SUBSTR_     substr{-from Utils-}
+# define _APPEND_     ++
+# define _CONCAT_     concat
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile b/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
index a47b639c5fc513a5d6200ca70ddf8b9c773ea45d..e3496adfa276b9648bb35b6745df5e9a7c5d137d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
+++ b/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ SUBDIRS = __ghc_compiler_tests_dir
-LitSuffixRule(.lprl,.prl) /* for makeSymbolList.prl */
 .SUFFIXES: .lhi
@@ -231,9 +230,7 @@ stranal/StrictAnal.lhs \
 stranal/SaLib.lhs \
 stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs \
 stranal/WwLib.lhs \
-stranal/WorkWrap.lhs \
-profiling/SCCauto.lhs DEFORESTER_SRCS_LHS
+stranal/WorkWrap.lhs DEFORESTER_SRCS_LHS
 #define STG_SRCS_LHS \
 stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs \
@@ -606,7 +603,6 @@ compile(prelude/PrimOp,lhs,-K3m -H10m)
@@ -820,6 +816,11 @@ InstallBinaryTarget(hsp,$(INSTLIBDIR_GHC))
+parser/hslexer.o : parser/hslexer.c parser/hsparser.tab.h
+	$(RM) $@
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
+	@if [ \( $(@D) != '.' \) -a \( $(@D) != './' \) ] ; then echo mv $(@F) $@ ; mv $(@F) $@ ; else exit 0 ;	fi
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCLoop_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCLoop_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63f3690dd7f29c524e3325a0ff54a32729d840a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCLoop_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+interface AbsCLoop_1_3 1
+MachMisc fixedHdrSizeInWords (..)
+MachMisc varHdrSizeInWords   (..)
+CgRetConv ctrlReturnConvAlg (..)
+CgRetConv CtrlReturnConvention(..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs
index 53ce362153ba4769f7fe5172f91db65a503cc01c..61d17ac70aee8b91e9c1ce666d751f44c8c0b780 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ import CgCompInfo   	( mAX_Vanilla_REG, mAX_Float_REG,
-import HeapOffs		( VirtualSpAOffset(..), VirtualSpBOffset(..),
-			  VirtualHeapOffset(..)
+import HeapOffs		( SYN_IE(VirtualSpAOffset), SYN_IE(VirtualSpBOffset),
+			  SYN_IE(VirtualHeapOffset)
 import Literal		( mkMachInt )
 import PrimRep		( isFollowableRep, PrimRep(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCUtils.lhs
index af1f7af9c7cd431fa2d35dfeb2d209dc5104f975..65742ead8deb8da8aa2cf04329089194173bcedc 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCUtils.lhs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import AbsCSyn
 import CLabel		( mkReturnPtLabel )
 import Digraph		( stronglyConnComp )
 import HeapOffs		( possiblyEqualHeapOffset )
-import Id		( fIRST_TAG, ConTag(..) )
+import Id		( fIRST_TAG, SYN_IE(ConTag) )
 import Literal		( literalPrimRep, Literal(..) )
 import PrimRep		( getPrimRepSize, PrimRep(..) )
 import Unique		( Unique{-instance Eq-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs
index c4f8ae6e6166ce8a075da0bf866223fb3f9321be..284d6e765cd62fd4e5ac2e928d44cc47b5e1be05 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs
@@ -61,16 +61,16 @@ import Id		( externallyVisibleId, cmpId_withSpecDataCon,
 			  isSuperDictSelId_maybe, fIRST_TAG,
-			  ConTag(..), GenId{-instance Outputable-}
+			  SYN_IE(ConTag), GenId{-instance Outputable-}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( showTyCon, GenType{-instance Outputable-} )
-import Pretty		( prettyToUn )
+import Pretty		( prettyToUn, ppPStr{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import TyCon		( TyCon{-instance Eq-} )
 import Unique		( showUnique, pprUnique, Unique{-instance Eq-} )
 import Unpretty		-- NOTE!! ********************
-import Util		( assertPanic )
+import Util		( assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
 things we want to find out:
@@ -335,11 +335,11 @@ pprCLabel (PprForAsm prepend_cSEP _) lbl
     prLbl = pprCLabel PprForC lbl
 pprCLabel sty (TyConLabel tc UnvecConUpdCode)
-  = uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("ret"), pp_cSEP, uppStr (showTyCon sty tc),
+  = uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("ret"), pp_cSEP, ppr_tycon sty tc,
 	       pp_cSEP, uppPStr SLIT("upd")]
 pprCLabel sty (TyConLabel tc (VecConUpdCode tag))
-  = uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("ret"), pp_cSEP, uppStr (showTyCon sty tc), pp_cSEP,
+  = uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("ret"), pp_cSEP, ppr_tycon sty tc, pp_cSEP,
 		     uppInt tag, pp_cSEP, uppPStr SLIT("upd")]
 pprCLabel sty (TyConLabel tc (StdUpdCode tag))
@@ -348,10 +348,10 @@ pprCLabel sty (TyConLabel tc (StdUpdCode tag))
     	VectoredReturn _ -> uppBeside (uppPStr SLIT("IndUpdRetV")) (uppInt (tag - fIRST_TAG))
 pprCLabel sty (TyConLabel tc InfoTblVecTbl)
-  = uppBesides [uppStr (showTyCon sty tc), pp_cSEP, uppPStr SLIT("itblvtbl")]
+  = uppBesides [ppr_tycon sty tc, pp_cSEP, uppPStr SLIT("itblvtbl")]
 pprCLabel sty (TyConLabel tc StdUpdVecTbl)
-  = uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("vtbl"), pp_cSEP, uppStr (showTyCon sty tc),
+  = uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("vtbl"), pp_cSEP, ppr_tycon sty tc,
     	       pp_cSEP, uppPStr SLIT("upd")]
 pprCLabel sty (CaseLabel u CaseReturnPt)
@@ -382,6 +382,13 @@ pprCLabel sty (IdLabel (CLabelId id) flavor)
 ppr_u u = prettyToUn (pprUnique u)
+ppr_tycon sty tc
+  = let
+	str = showTyCon sty tc
+    in
+    --pprTrace "ppr_tycon:" (ppStr str) $
+    uppStr str
 ppFlavor :: IdLabelInfo -> Unpretty
 ppFlavor x = uppBeside pp_cSEP
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs
index 0ce2a41725ed4994865fc637cb8be4a3addad2c0..0958307f373771b1e3f462fa68e621f120287308 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ module HeapOffs (
-	VirtualHeapOffset(..), HpRelOffset(..),
-	VirtualSpAOffset(..), VirtualSpBOffset(..),
-	SpARelOffset(..), SpBRelOffset(..)
+	SYN_IE(VirtualHeapOffset), SYN_IE(HpRelOffset),
+	SYN_IE(VirtualSpAOffset), SYN_IE(VirtualSpBOffset),
+	SYN_IE(SpARelOffset), SYN_IE(SpBRelOffset)
     ) where
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs
index 75cbf2b16cf669aeda5e16e633dfbbbfd2bcdabc..fa3d01b918fe845cfe0edeb2929940af787fef3f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import SMRep		( getSMInfoStr, getSMInitHdrStr, getSMUpdInplaceHdrStr,
 import Unique		( pprUnique, Unique{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import UniqSet		( emptyUniqSet, elementOfUniqSet,
-			  addOneToUniqSet, UniqSet(..)
+			  addOneToUniqSet, SYN_IE(UniqSet)
 import Unpretty		-- ********** NOTE **********
 import Util		( nOfThem, panic, assertPanic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
index 53a1b5758c2bde2254e143b826366061f6384a15..7e3b67cd502e513273cf5e6098e7feae1970e747 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module FieldLabel where
 import Name		( Name{-instance Eq/Outputable-} )
-import Type		( Type(..) )
+import Type		( SYN_IE(Type) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
index e379b95379f889b59cdde4a82f71a6e00f129102..7fc7505834044159fe27de1c620322963657f5d1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
@@ -6,102 +6,138 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
-module Id {- (
-	GenId, Id(..),		-- Abstract
-	StrictnessMark(..),	-- An enumaration
-	ConTag(..), DictVar(..), DictFun(..), DataCon(..),
+module Id (
+	-- TYPES
+	GenId(..), -- *naughtily* used in some places (e.g., TcHsSyn)
+	SYN_IE(Id), IdDetails,
+	StrictnessMark(..),
+	SYN_IE(ConTag), fIRST_TAG,
+	SYN_IE(DataCon), SYN_IE(DictFun), SYN_IE(DictVar),
-	mkSysLocal, mkUserLocal,
-	mkSpecPragmaId,
-	mkSpecId, mkSameSpecCon,
-	selectIdInfoForSpecId,
-	mkTemplateLocals,
-	mkImported,
-	mkDataCon, mkTupleCon,
+	mkConstMethodId,
+	mkDataCon,
+	mkDefaultMethodId,
+	mkDictFunId,
-	mkMethodSelId, mkSuperDictSelId, mkDefaultMethodId,
-	mkConstMethodId, getConstMethodId,
-	updateIdType,
-	mkId, mkDictFunId, mkInstId,
+	mkImported,
+	mkInstId,
+	mkMethodSelId,
+	mkRecordSelId,
+	mkSuperDictSelId,
+	mkSysLocal,
+	mkTemplateLocals,
+	mkTupleCon,
+	mkUserId,
+	mkUserLocal,
-	localiseId,
+	unsafeGenId2Id,
+	-- DESTRUCTION (excluding pragmatic info)
+	idPrimRep,
-	getIdInfo, replaceIdInfo,
-	getPragmaInfo,
-	idPrimRep, getInstIdModule,
-	getMentionedTyConsAndClassesFromId,
+	idUnique,
-	dataConTag, dataConStrictMarks,
-	dataConSig, dataConRawArgTys, dataConArgTys,
-	dataConTyCon, dataConArity,
+	dataConArgTys,
+	dataConArity,
+	dataConNumFields,
+	dataConRawArgTys,
+	dataConSig,
+	dataConStrictMarks,
+	dataConTag,
+	dataConTyCon,
-	isDataCon, isTupleCon,
-	isNullaryDataCon,
-	isSpecId_maybe, isSpecPragmaId_maybe,
-	toplevelishId, externallyVisibleId,
-	isTopLevId, isWorkerId, isWrapperId,
-	isImportedId, isSysLocalId,
-	isBottomingId,
-	isMethodSelId, isDefaultMethodId_maybe, isSuperDictSelId_maybe,
-	isDictFunId,
---???	isInstId_maybe,
-	isConstMethodId_maybe,
+	cmpEqDataCon,
+	cmpId,
-	myWrapperMaybe,
-	whatsMentionedInId,
-	unfoldingUnfriendlyId,	-- ToDo: rm, eventually
+	externallyVisibleId,
+	idHasNoFreeTyVars,
---	dataConMentionsNonPreludeTyCon,
+	isBottomingId,
+	isConstMethodId,
+	isConstMethodId_maybe,
+	isDataCon,
+	isDefaultMethodId,
+	isDefaultMethodId_maybe,
+	isDictFunId,
+	isImportedId,
+	isMethodSelId,
+	isNullaryDataCon,
+	isSpecPragmaId,
+	isSuperDictSelId_maybe,
+	isSysLocalId,
+	isTopLevId,
+	isTupleCon,
+	isWorkerId,
+	toplevelishId,
+	unfoldingUnfriendlyId,
-	applySubstToId, applyTypeEnvToId,
--- not exported:	apply_to_Id, -- please don't use this, generally
-	getIdArity, addIdArity,
-	getIdDemandInfo, addIdDemandInfo,
-	getIdSpecialisation, addIdSpecialisation,
-	getIdStrictness, addIdStrictness,
-	getIdUnfolding, addIdUnfolding,
-	getIdUpdateInfo, addIdUpdateInfo,
-	getIdArgUsageInfo, addIdArgUsageInfo,
-	getIdFBTypeInfo, addIdFBTypeInfo,
-	-- don't export the types, lest OptIdInfo be dragged in!
-	unlocaliseId,
-	showId,
-	pprIdInUnfolding,
+	applyTypeEnvToId,
+	apply_to_Id,
+	addId,
+	nmbrDataCon,
+	pprId,
+	showId,
-	-- "Environments" keyed off of Ids, and sets of Ids
-	IdEnv(..),
-	lookupIdEnv, lookupNoFailIdEnv, nullIdEnv, unitIdEnv, mkIdEnv,
-	growIdEnv, growIdEnvList, isNullIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv,
-	delOneFromIdEnv, delManyFromIdEnv, modifyIdEnv, combineIdEnvs,
-	rngIdEnv, mapIdEnv,
+	addIdArity,
+	addIdDemandInfo,
+	addIdStrictness,
+	addIdUpdateInfo,
+	getIdArity,
+	getIdDemandInfo,
+	getIdInfo,
+	getIdStrictness,
+	getIdUnfolding,
+	getIdUpdateInfo,
+	getPragmaInfo,
-	-- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
-	GenIdSet(..), IdSet(..)
-    )-} where
+	-- IdEnvs AND IdSets
+	SYN_IE(IdEnv), SYN_IE(GenIdSet), SYN_IE(IdSet),
+	addOneToIdEnv,
+	addOneToIdSet,
+	combineIdEnvs,
+	delManyFromIdEnv,
+	delOneFromIdEnv,
+	elementOfIdSet,
+	emptyIdSet,
+	growIdEnv,
+	growIdEnvList,
+	idSetToList,
+	intersectIdSets,
+	isEmptyIdSet,
+	isNullIdEnv,
+	lookupIdEnv,
+	lookupNoFailIdEnv,
+	mapIdEnv,
+	minusIdSet,
+	mkIdEnv,
+	mkIdSet,
+	modifyIdEnv,
+	nullIdEnv,
+	rngIdEnv,
+	unionIdSets,
+	unionManyIdSets,
+	unitIdEnv,
+	unitIdSet
+    ) where
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)   -- for paranoia checking
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(TyLoop)   -- for paranoia checking
 import Bag
-import Class		( classOpString, Class(..), GenClass, ClassOp(..), GenClassOp )
-import CStrings		( identToC, cSEP )
+import Class		( classOpString, SYN_IE(Class), GenClass, SYN_IE(ClassOp), GenClassOp )
 import IdInfo
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import Name		( appendRdr, nameUnique, mkLocalName, isLocalName,
@@ -115,7 +151,7 @@ import Name		( appendRdr, nameUnique, mkLocalName, isLocalName,
 import FieldLabel	( fieldLabelName, FieldLabel(..){-instances-} )
 import PragmaInfo	( PragmaInfo(..) )
-import PprEnv		-- ( NmbrM(..), NmbrEnv(..) )
+import PprEnv		-- ( SYN_IE(NmbrM), NmbrEnv(..) )
 import PprType		( getTypeString, typeMaybeString, specMaybeTysSuffix,
 			  nmbrType, nmbrTyVar,
 			  GenType, GenTyVar
@@ -125,11 +161,11 @@ import Pretty
 import SrcLoc		( mkBuiltinSrcLoc )
 import TyCon		( TyCon, mkTupleTyCon, tyConDataCons )
 import Type		( mkSigmaTy, mkTyVarTys, mkFunTys, mkDictTy,
-			  applyTyCon, isPrimType, instantiateTy,
+			  applyTyCon, instantiateTy,
 			  tyVarsOfType, applyTypeEnvToTy, typePrimRep,
-			  GenType, ThetaType(..), TauType(..), Type(..)
+			  GenType, SYN_IE(ThetaType), SYN_IE(TauType), SYN_IE(Type)
-import TyVar		( alphaTyVars, isEmptyTyVarSet, TyVarEnv(..) )
+import TyVar		( alphaTyVars, isEmptyTyVarSet, SYN_IE(TyVarEnv) )
 import UniqFM
 import UniqSet		-- practically all of it
 import Unique		( getBuiltinUniques, pprUnique, showUnique,
@@ -797,30 +833,15 @@ externallyVisibleId :: Id -> Bool
 externallyVisibleId id@(Id _ _ _ details _ _)
   = if isLocallyDefined id then
-	toplevelishId id && isExported id && not (weird_datacon details)
+	toplevelishId id && (isExported id || isDataCon id)
+	-- NB: the use of "isExported" is most dodgy;
+	-- We may eventually move to a situation where
+	-- every Id is "externallyVisible", even if the
+	-- module system's namespace control renders it
+	-- "not exported".
-	not (weird_tuplecon details)
+	True
 	-- if visible here, it must be visible elsewhere, too.
-  where
-    -- If it's a DataCon, it's not enough to know it (meaning
-    -- its TyCon) is exported; we need to know that it might
-    -- be visible outside.  Consider:
-    --
-    --	data Foo a = Mumble | BigFoo a WeirdLocalType
-    --
-    -- We can't tell the outside world *anything* about Foo, because
-    -- of WeirdLocalType; but we need to know this when asked if
-    -- "Mumble" is externally visible...
-{- LATER: if at all:
-    weird_datacon (DataConId _ _ _ _ _ _ tycon)
-      = maybeToBool (maybePurelyLocalTyCon tycon)
-    weird_datacon not_a_datacon_therefore_not_weird = False
-    weird_tuplecon (TupleConId arity)
-      = arity > 32 -- sigh || isBigTupleTyCon tycon -- generated *purely* for local use
-    weird_tuplecon _ = False
@@ -1050,12 +1071,19 @@ mk_classy_id details str op_str u rec_c ty info
 mkDictFunId u c ity full_ty from_here locn mod info
   = Id u n full_ty (DictFunId c ity mod) NoPragmaInfo info
-    n = mkCompoundName2 u mod SLIT("dfun") (Left (origName "mkDictFunId" c) : map Right (getTypeString ity)) from_here locn
+    n = mkCompoundName2 u mod SLIT("dfun") (Left (origName "mkDictFunId" c) : renum_type_string full_ty ity) from_here locn
 mkConstMethodId	u c op ity full_ty from_here locn mod info
   = Id u n full_ty (ConstMethodId c ity op mod) NoPragmaInfo info
-    n = mkCompoundName2 u mod SLIT("const") (Left (origName "mkConstMethodId" c) : Right (classOpString op) : map Right (getTypeString ity)) from_here locn
+    n = mkCompoundName2 u mod SLIT("const") (Left (origName "mkConstMethodId" c) : Right (classOpString op) : renum_type_string full_ty ity) from_here locn
+renum_type_string full_ty ity
+  = initNmbr (
+	nmbrType full_ty    `thenNmbr` \ _ -> -- so all the tyvars get added to renumbering...
+	nmbrType ity	    `thenNmbr` \ rn_ity ->
+	returnNmbr (getTypeString rn_ity)
+    )
 mkWorkerId u unwrkr ty info
   = Id u n ty (WorkerId unwrkr) NoPragmaInfo info
@@ -1209,16 +1237,24 @@ besides the code-generator need arity info!)
 getIdArity :: Id -> ArityInfo
-getIdArity (Id _ _ _ _ _ id_info) = getInfo id_info
+getIdArity id@(Id _ _ _ _ _ id_info)
+  = --ASSERT( not (isDataCon id))
+    getInfo id_info
+dataConArity, dataConNumFields :: DataCon -> Int
-dataConArity :: DataCon -> Int
 dataConArity id@(Id _ _ _ _ _ id_info)
   = ASSERT(isDataCon id)
     case (arityMaybe (getInfo id_info)) of
-      Nothing -> pprPanic "dataConArity:Nothing:" (pprId PprDebug id)
       Just  i -> i
+      Nothing -> pprPanic "dataConArity:Nothing:" (pprId PprDebug id)
-isNullaryDataCon con = dataConArity con == 0 -- function of convenience
+dataConNumFields id
+  = ASSERT(isDataCon id)
+    case (dataConSig id) of { (_, _, arg_tys, _) ->
+    length arg_tys }
+isNullaryDataCon con = dataConNumFields con == 0 -- function of convenience
 addIdArity :: Id -> Int -> Id
 addIdArity (Id u n ty details pinfo info) arity
@@ -1250,7 +1286,7 @@ mkDataCon n stricts fields tvs ctxt args_tys tycon
 	   (DataConId data_con_tag stricts fields tvs ctxt args_tys tycon)
-	   NoPragmaInfo
+	   IWantToBeINLINEd	-- Always inline constructors if possible
     data_con_tag    = position_within fIRST_TAG data_con_family
@@ -1274,7 +1310,7 @@ mkDataCon n stricts fields tvs ctxt args_tys tycon
 			    `addInfo` mkArityInfo arity
 --ToDo: 		    `addInfo` specenv
-    arity = length args_tys
+    arity = length ctxt + length args_tys
       = noInfo_UF
@@ -1740,15 +1776,15 @@ mkIdSet		= mkUniqSet
-addId, nmbrId :: Id -> NmbrM Id
+addId, nmbrId, nmbrDataCon :: Id -> NmbrM Id
 addId id@(Id u n ty det prag info) nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
   = case (lookupUFM_Directly idenv u) of
-      Just xx -> _trace "addId: already in map!" $
+      Just xx -> trace "addId: already in map!" $
 		 (nenv, xx)
       Nothing ->
 	if toplevelishId id then
-	    _trace "addId: can't add toplevelish!" $
+	    trace "addId: can't add toplevelish!" $
 	    (nenv, id)
 	else -- alloc a new unique for this guy
 	     -- and add an entry in the idenv
@@ -1770,7 +1806,7 @@ nmbrId id@(Id u n ty det prag info) nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
       Just xx -> (nenv, xx)
       Nothing ->
 	if not (toplevelishId id) then
-	    _trace "nmbrId: lookup failed" $
+	    trace "nmbrId: lookup failed" $
 	    (nenv, id)
@@ -1781,6 +1817,25 @@ nmbrId id@(Id u n ty det prag info) nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
 	    (nenv3, new_id)
+    -- used when renumbering TyCons to produce data decls...
+nmbrDataCon id@(Id _ _ _ (TupleConId _) _ _) nenv
+  = (nenv, id) -- nothing to do for tuples
+nmbrDataCon id@(Id u n ty (DataConId tag marks fields tvs theta arg_tys tc) prag info) nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
+  = case (lookupUFM_Directly idenv u) of
+      Just xx -> trace "nmbrDataCon: in env???\n" (nenv, xx)
+      Nothing ->
+	let
+	    (nenv2, new_fields)  = (mapNmbr nmbrField  fields)  nenv
+	    (nenv3, new_arg_tys) = (mapNmbr nmbrType   arg_tys) nenv2
+	    new_det = DataConId tag marks new_fields (bottom "tvs") (bottom "theta") new_arg_tys tc
+	    new_id  = Id u n (bottom "ty") new_det prag info
+	in
+	(nenv3, new_id)
+  where
+    bottom msg = panic ("nmbrDataCon"++msg)
 nmbr_details :: IdDetails -> NmbrM IdDetails
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
index 43c6b993a4de1ce6e432608d4689d9886de2dff6..f6afdc1c91ef37d2584ad9bd4be8e9961e014873 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module IdInfo (
-	MatchEnv,		-- the SpecEnv
+	MatchEnv,		-- the SpecEnv (why is this exported???)
 	StrictnessInfo(..), 	-- non-abstract
 	Demand(..),	    	-- non-abstract
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ module IdInfo (
-	UpdateSpec(..),
+	SYN_IE(UpdateSpec),
-	ArgUsageType(..),
+	SYN_IE(ArgUsageType),
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ module IdInfo (
     ) where
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)	-- IdInfo is a dependency-loop ranch, and
 			-- we break those loops by using IdLoop and
@@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)	-- IdInfo is a dependency-loop ranch, and
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_OmitInterfacePragmas )
 import Maybes		( firstJust )
-import MatchEnv		( nullMEnv, isEmptyMEnv, mEnvToList )
+import MatchEnv		( nullMEnv, isEmptyMEnv, mEnvToList, MatchEnv )
 import Outputable	( ifPprInterface, Outputable(..){-instances-} )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
@@ -565,7 +566,7 @@ or an Absent {\em that we accept}.
 indicatesWorker :: [Demand] -> Bool
 indicatesWorker dems
-  = fake_mk_ww (_trace "mAX_WORKER_ARGS" 6 - nonAbsentArgs dems) dems
+  = fake_mk_ww (trace "mAX_WORKER_ARGS" 6 - nonAbsentArgs dems) dems
     fake_mk_ww _ [] = False
     fake_mk_ww _ (WwLazy True : _) = True -- we accepted an Absent
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9de57ba226a811ae9460b604b80d19c53db6295f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+interface IdLoop_1_3 1
+CoreSyn CoreExpr
+CoreUnfold FormSummary (..)
+CoreUnfold UnfoldingDetails (..)
+CoreUnfold UnfoldingGuidance (..)
+CoreUtils unTagBinders (..)
+Id IdEnv
+Id externallyVisibleId (..)
+Id getIdInfo (..)
+Id isDataCon (..)
+Id isWorkerId (..)
+Id lookupIdEnv (..)
+Id nmbrId (..)
+Id nullIdEnv (..)
+Id unfoldingUnfriendlyId (..)
+MagicUFs MagicUnfoldingFun
+MagicUFs mkMagicUnfoldingFun (..)
+OccurAnal occurAnalyseGlobalExpr (..)
+PprType pprParendGenType (..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Literal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Literal.lhs
index 1330a3d328f6862fff2ef246f7e062894c82064c..5caf003760e9cf05d6da18a82343c051f11a8e3a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Literal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Literal.lhs
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module Literal (
     ) where
 -- friends:
 import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) ) -- non-abstract
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
index 7747daf66e765add9309d4b8e5740680f0771f20..4a2b799acbafe1983fcd1e43e3906e86d6d1c759 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module Name (
-	Module(..),
+	SYN_IE(Module),
 	OrigName(..), -- glorified pair
 	qualToOrigName, -- a Qual to an OrigName
@@ -58,18 +58,21 @@ module Name (
     ) where
-import CmdLineOpts	( maybe_CompilingPrelude )
-import CStrings		( identToC, cSEP )
+import CmdLineOpts	( maybe_CompilingGhcInternals )
+import CStrings		( identToC, modnameToC, cSEP )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..), codeStyle )
 import PrelMods		( pRELUDE )
 import Pretty
-import SrcLoc		( mkBuiltinSrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
+import SrcLoc		( mkBuiltinSrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc, SrcLoc )
 import Unique		( funTyConKey, mkTupleDataConUnique, mkTupleTyConUnique,
 			  pprUnique, Unique
-import Util		( thenCmp, _CMP_STRING_, nOfThem, panic, assertPanic )
+import Util		( thenCmp, _CMP_STRING_, nOfThem, panic, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
+import {-hide from mkdependHS-}
+	RnHsSyn		( RnName ) -- instance for specializing only
 #ifdef REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
 ord = fromEnum :: Char -> Int
@@ -145,7 +148,7 @@ instance NamedThing RdrName where
 	locn = panic "NamedThing.RdrName:locn"
     getName rdr_name@(Qual m n)
-      = Global u m n prov ex [rdr_name]
+      = Global u m (Left n) prov ex [rdr_name]
 	u    = panic "NamedThing.RdrName:Unique"
 	prov = panic "NamedThing.RdrName:Provenance"
@@ -155,13 +158,24 @@ instance Outputable RdrName where
     ppr sty (Unqual n) = pp_name sty n
     ppr sty (Qual m n) = ppBeside (pp_mod sty m) (pp_name sty n)
-pp_mod PprForC             m = ppBesides [identToC m, ppPStr cSEP]
-pp_mod (PprForAsm False _) m = ppBesides [identToC m, ppPStr cSEP]
-pp_mod (PprForAsm True  _) m = ppBesides [ppPStr cSEP, identToC m, ppPStr cSEP]
-pp_mod _                   m = ppBesides [ppPStr m, ppChar '.']
+pp_mod sty m
+  = case sty of
+      PprForC		-> pp_code
+      PprForAsm False _ -> pp_code
+      PprForAsm True  _ -> ppBeside (ppPStr cSEP) pp_code
+      _			-> ppBeside (ppPStr m)    (ppChar '.')
+  where
+    pp_code = ppBeside (ppPStr (modnameToC m)) (ppPStr cSEP)
+pp_name sty n = (if codeStyle sty then identToC else ppPStr) n
+pp_name2 sty pieces
+  = ppIntersperse sep (map pp_piece pieces)
+  where
+    sep = if codeStyle sty then ppPStr cSEP else ppChar '.'
-pp_name sty n | codeStyle sty = identToC n
-              | otherwise     = ppPStr n	      
+    pp_piece (Left (OrigName m n)) = ppBeside (pp_mod sty m) (pp_name sty n)
+    pp_piece (Right n)		   = pp_name sty n
 showRdr sty rdr = ppShow 100 (ppr sty rdr)
@@ -202,7 +216,10 @@ data Name
   | Global   Unique
              Module	-- original name
+	     (Either
+		FAST_STRING -- just an ordinary M.n name... or...
+		([Either OrigName FAST_STRING]))
+			    -- "dot" these bits of name together...
              Provenance -- where it came from
              ExportFlag -- is it exported?
              [RdrName]  -- ordered occurrence names (usually just one);
@@ -227,21 +244,21 @@ data Provenance
 mkLocalName = Local
-mkTopLevName   u (OrigName m n) locn exp occs = Global u m n (LocalDef locn) exp occs
-mkImportedName u (OrigName m n) imp locn imp_locs exp occs = Global u m n (Imported imp locn imp_locs) exp occs
+mkTopLevName   u (OrigName m n) locn exp occs = Global u m (Left n) (LocalDef locn) exp occs
+mkImportedName u (OrigName m n) imp locn imp_locs exp occs = Global u m (Left n) (Imported imp locn imp_locs) exp occs
 mkImplicitName :: Unique -> OrigName -> Name
-mkImplicitName u (OrigName m n) = Global u m n Implicit NotExported []
+mkImplicitName u (OrigName m n) = Global u m (Left n) Implicit NotExported []
 mkPrimitiveName :: Unique -> OrigName -> Name
-mkPrimitiveName u (OrigName m n)  = Global u m n Primitive NotExported []
+mkPrimitiveName u (OrigName m n)  = Global u m (Left n) Primitive NotExported []
-mkWiredInName :: Unique -> OrigName -> Name
-mkWiredInName u (OrigName m n)
-  = Global u m n (WiredIn from_here) (if from_here then ExportAll else NotExported) []
+mkWiredInName :: Unique -> OrigName -> ExportFlag -> Name
+mkWiredInName u (OrigName m n) exp
+  = Global u m (Left n) (WiredIn from_here) exp []
-      = case maybe_CompilingPrelude of
+      = case maybe_CompilingGhcInternals of
           Nothing  -> False
 	  Just mod -> mod == _UNPK_ m
@@ -254,11 +271,14 @@ mkCompoundName :: Unique
 mkCompoundName u m str ns (Local _ _ _ _) = panic "mkCompoundName:Local?"
 mkCompoundName u m str ns (Global _ _ _ prov exp _)
-  = Global u m (_CONCAT_ (glue ns [str])) prov exp []
+  = Global u m (Right (Right str : ns)) prov exp []
-glue []                       acc = reverse acc
-glue (Left (OrigName m n):ns) acc = glue ns (_CONS_ '.' n : _CONS_ '.' m : acc)
-glue (Right n            :ns) acc = glue ns (_CONS_ '.' n : acc)
+glue = glue1
+glue1 (Left (OrigName m n):ns) = m : _CONS_ '.' n : glue2 ns
+glue1 (Right n            :ns) = n 		  : glue2 ns
+glue2 []		       = []
+glue2 (Left (OrigName m n):ns) = _CONS_ '.' m : _CONS_ '.' n : glue2 ns
+glue2 (Right n            :ns) = _CONS_ '.' n		     : glue2 ns
 -- this ugly one is used for instance-y things
 mkCompoundName2 :: Unique
@@ -270,7 +290,7 @@ mkCompoundName2 :: Unique
 		-> Name		-- result!
 mkCompoundName2 u m str ns from_here locn
-  = Global u m (_CONCAT_ (glue ns [str]))
+  = Global u m (Right (Right str : ns))
 	     (if from_here then LocalDef locn else Imported ExportAll locn [])
@@ -278,9 +298,9 @@ mkCompoundName2 u m str ns from_here locn
   = mkPrimitiveName funTyConKey		       (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("->"))
 mkTupleDataConName arity
-  = mkWiredInName (mkTupleDataConUnique arity) (OrigName pRELUDE (mkTupNameStr arity))
+  = mkWiredInName (mkTupleDataConUnique arity) (OrigName pRELUDE (mkTupNameStr arity)) ExportAll
 mkTupleTyConName   arity
-  = mkWiredInName (mkTupleTyConUnique   arity) (OrigName pRELUDE (mkTupNameStr arity))
+  = mkWiredInName (mkTupleTyConUnique   arity) (OrigName pRELUDE (mkTupNameStr arity)) ExportAll
 mkTupNameStr 0 = SLIT("()")
 mkTupNameStr 1 = panic "Name.mkTupNameStr: 1 ???"
@@ -354,14 +374,21 @@ nameUnique (Global u _ _ _ _ _) = u
 changeUnique (Local      _ n b l)    u = Local u n b l
 changeUnique (Global   _ m n p e os) u = Global u m n p e os
-nameOrigName msg (Global _ m n _ _ _) = OrigName m n
+nameOrigName msg (Global _ m (Left  n) _ _ _) = OrigName m n
+nameOrigName msg (Global _ m (Right n) _ _ _) = let str = _CONCAT_ (glue n) in
+						pprTrace ("nameOrigName:"++msg) (ppPStr str) $
+						OrigName m str
 #ifdef DEBUG
 nameOrigName msg (Local  _ n _ _)     = panic ("nameOrigName:Local:"++msg++":"++ _UNPK_ n)
 nameOccName (Local  _ n _ _)	     = Unqual n
-nameOccName (Global _ m n _ _ []  )  = Qual m n
-nameOccName (Global _ m n _ _ (o:_)) = o
+nameOccName (Global _ m (Left  n) _ _ []  )  = Qual m n
+nameOccName (Global _ m (Right n) _ _ []  )  =  let str = _CONCAT_ (glue n) in
+						pprTrace "nameOccName:" (ppPStr str) $
+						Qual m str
+nameOccName (Global _ m (Left  _) _ _ (o:_)) = o
+nameOccName (Global _ m (Right _) _ _ (o:_)) = panic "nameOccName:compound name"
 nameExportFlag (Local  _ _ _ _)       = NotExported
 nameExportFlag (Global _ _ _ _ exp _) = exp
@@ -401,11 +428,18 @@ instance Outputable Name where
       | emph_uniq     = ppBesides [pprUnique u, ppStr "{-", ppPStr n, ppStr "-}"]
       | otherwise     = ppBesides [ppPStr n, ppStr "{-", pprUnique u, ppStr "-}"]
-    ppr PprDebug   (Global   u m n  _ _ _)	  = ppBesides [ppr PprDebug (Qual m n), ppStr "{-", pprUnique u, ppStr "-}"]
-    ppr PprForUser (Global   u m n _ _ []  )      = ppr PprForUser (Qual m n)
-    ppr PprForUser (Global   u m n _ _ occs)      = ppr PprForUser (head occs)
-    ppr PprShowAll (Global   u m n prov exp occs) = pp_all (Qual m n) prov exp occs
-    ppr sty        (Global   u m n _ _ _)         = ppr sty (Qual m n)
+    ppr PprDebug   (Global   u m (Left  n) _ _ _) = ppBesides [pp_mod PprDebug m, pp_name  PprDebug n, ppStr "{-", pprUnique u, ppStr "-}"]
+    ppr PprDebug   (Global   u m (Right n) _ _ _) = ppBesides [pp_mod PprDebug m, pp_name2 PprDebug n, ppStr "{-", pprUnique u, ppStr "-}"]
+    ppr PprForUser (Global   u m (Left  n) _ _ []  ) = ppBeside (pp_mod PprForUser m) (pp_name  PprForUser n)
+    ppr PprForUser (Global   u m (Right n) _ _ []  ) = ppBeside (pp_mod PprForUser m) (pp_name2 PprForUser n)
+    ppr PprForUser (Global   u m (Left  _) _ _ occs) = ppr PprForUser (head occs)
+-- LATER:?
+--  ppr PprShowAll (Global   u m n prov exp occs) = pp_all (Qual m n) prov exp occs
+    ppr sty (Global u m (Left  n) _ _ _) = ppBeside (pp_mod sty m) (pp_name  sty n)
+    ppr sty (Global u m (Right n) _ _ _) = ppBeside (pp_mod sty m) (pp_name2 sty n)
 pp_all orig prov exp occs
   = ppBesides [ppr PprShowAll orig, ppr PprShowAll occs, pp_prov prov, pp_exp exp]
@@ -442,6 +476,9 @@ data ExportFlag
 exportFlagOn NotExported = False
 exportFlagOn _		 = True
+-- Be very wary about using "isExported"; perhaps you
+-- really mean "externallyVisibleId"?
 isExported a = exportFlagOn (getExportFlag a)
@@ -475,8 +512,11 @@ nameOf   (OrigName m n) = n
 getLocalName n
   = case (getName n) of
-      Global _ m n _ _ _ -> n
-      Local  _ n _ _	 -> n
+      Local  _ n _ _	         -> n
+      Global _ m (Left  n) _ _ _ -> n
+      Global _ m (Right n) _ _ _ -> let str = _CONCAT_ (glue n) in
+				    -- pprTrace "getLocalName:" (ppPStr str) $
+				    str
 getOccName	    = nameOccName  	   . getName
 getExportFlag	    = nameExportFlag	   . getName
@@ -485,6 +525,24 @@ getImpLocs	    = nameImpLocs	   . getName
 isLocallyDefined    = isLocallyDefinedName . getName
+{-# SPECIALIZE getLocalName
+	:: Name     -> FAST_STRING
+	 , OrigName -> FAST_STRING
+	 , RdrName  -> FAST_STRING
+	 , RnName   -> FAST_STRING
+  #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE isLocallyDefined
+	:: Name	    -> Bool
+	 , RnName   -> Bool
+  #-}
+{-# SPECIALIZE origName
+	:: String -> Name     -> OrigName
+	 , String -> RdrName  -> OrigName
+	 , String -> RnName   -> OrigName
+  #-}
 These functions test strings to see if they fit the lexical categories
 defined in the Haskell report.  Normally applied as in e.g. @isCon
 (getLocalName foo)@.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs
index 07dd8ec3723477465ab61af08082561317b652ac..a2af9ac9b68b1979f1dd8674cbf8bac47cfd59dc 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module PprEnv (
 	pTy, pTyVar, pUVar, pUse,
-	NmbrM(..), initNmbr,
+	SYN_IE(NmbrM), initNmbr,
 	returnNmbr, thenNmbr,
 	mapNmbr, mapAndUnzipNmbr
 --	nmbr1, nmbr2, nmbr3
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module PprEnv (
-import Pretty		( Pretty(..) )
+import Pretty		( SYN_IE(Pretty) )
 import Unique		( initRenumberingUniques )
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM )
 import Util		( panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
index 1f451550204d6d7c51d858b2e8c112ce1041ad6a..88ac980af2730a47818f2247e5b4449654f92579 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module UniqSupply (
 	getUnique, getUniques,	-- basic ops
-	UniqSM(..),		-- type: unique supply monad
+	SYN_IE(UniqSM),		-- type: unique supply monad
 	initUs, thenUs, returnUs,
 	mapUs, mapAndUnzipUs, mapAndUnzip3Us,
 	thenMaybeUs, mapAccumLUs,
@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ import Util
 import PreludeGlaST
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+# define WHASH	    GHCbase.W#
+# define WHASH	    W#
 w2i x = word2Int# x
 i2w x = int2Word# x
 i2w_s x = (x :: Int#)
@@ -74,27 +80,34 @@ mkSplitUniqSupply (C# c#)
 	-- here comes THE MAGIC:
-	  = unsafe_interleave (
+	  = unsafeInterleavePrimIO {-unsafe_interleave-} (
 		mk_unique   `thenPrimIO` \ uniq ->
 		mk_supply#  `thenPrimIO` \ s1 ->
 		mk_supply#  `thenPrimIO` \ s2 ->
 		returnPrimIO (MkSplitUniqSupply uniq s1 s2)
 	    -- inlined copy of unsafeInterleavePrimIO;
 	    -- this is the single-most-hammered bit of code
 	    -- in the compiler....
+	    -- Too bad it's not 1.3-portable...
 	    unsafe_interleave m s
 	      = let
 		    (r, new_s) = m s
 		(r, s)
-	mk_unique = _ccall_ genSymZh		`thenPrimIO` \ (W# u#) ->
+	mk_unique = _ccall_ genSymZh		`thenPrimIO` \ (WHASH u#) ->
 		    returnPrimIO (I# (w2i (mask# `or#` u#)))
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+    primIOToIO mk_supply#
     mk_supply#	`thenPrimIO` \ s ->
     return s
 splitUniqSupply (MkSplitUniqSupply _ s1 s2) = (s1, s2)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
index 34172e678d5fb3908083e89bca0de3e5bb8ce744..2f2b1c81d13841c8bd667db5d57b10d6359eb5e0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
@@ -323,11 +323,25 @@ pprUnique, pprUnique10 :: Unique -> Pretty
 pprUnique uniq
   = case unpkUnique uniq of
-      (tag, u) -> ppBeside (ppChar tag) (iToBase62 u)
+      (tag, u) -> finish_ppr tag u (iToBase62 u)
 pprUnique10 uniq	-- in base-10, dudes
   = case unpkUnique uniq of
-      (tag, u) -> ppBeside (ppChar tag) (ppInt u)
+      (tag, u) -> finish_ppr tag u (ppInt u)
+finish_ppr tag u pp_u
+  = if tag /= 't' -- this is just to make v common tyvars, t1, t2, ...
+		  -- come out as a, b, ... (shorter, easier to read)
+    then pp_all
+    else case u of
+	   1 -> ppChar 'a'
+	   2 -> ppChar 'b'
+	   3 -> ppChar 'c'
+	   4 -> ppChar 'd'
+	   5 -> ppChar 'e'
+	   _ -> pp_all
+  where
+    pp_all = ppBeside (ppChar tag) pp_u
 showUnique :: Unique -> FAST_STRING
 showUnique uniq = _PK_ (ppShow 80 (pprUnique uniq))
@@ -349,12 +363,26 @@ A character-stingy way to read/write numbers (notably Uniques).
 The ``62-its'' are \tr{[0-9a-zA-Z]}.  We don't handle negative Ints.
 Code stolen from Lennart.
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+# define BYTE_ARRAY GHCbase.ByteArray
+# define RUN_ST	    GHCbase.runST
+# define AND_THEN   >>=
+# define AND_THEN_  >>
+# define RETURN	    return
+# define BYTE_ARRAY _ByteArray
+# define RUN_ST	    _runST
+# define AND_THEN   `thenStrictlyST`
+# define AND_THEN_  `seqStrictlyST`
+# define RETURN	    returnStrictlyST
 iToBase62 :: Int -> Pretty
 iToBase62 n@(I# n#)
   = ASSERT(n >= 0)
-	bytes = case chars62 of { _ByteArray bounds_who_needs_'em bytes -> bytes }
+	bytes = case chars62 of { BYTE_ARRAY bounds_who_needs_'em bytes -> bytes }
     if n# <# 62# then
 	case (indexCharArray# bytes n#) of { c ->
@@ -365,20 +393,20 @@ iToBase62 n@(I# n#)
 	ppBeside (iToBase62 q) (ppChar (C# c)) }}
 -- keep this at top level! (bug on 94/10/24 WDP)
-chars62 :: _ByteArray Int
+chars62 :: BYTE_ARRAY Int
-  = _runST (
-	newCharArray (0, 61)	`thenStrictlyST` \ ch_array ->
+  = RUN_ST (
+	newCharArray (0, 61)	AND_THEN \ ch_array ->
 	fill_in ch_array 0 62 "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
-				`seqStrictlyST`
+				AND_THEN_
 	unsafeFreezeByteArray ch_array
     fill_in ch_array i lim str
       | i == lim
-      = returnStrictlyST ()
+      = RETURN ()
       | otherwise
-      = writeCharArray ch_array i (str !! i)	`seqStrictlyST`
+      = writeCharArray ch_array i (str !! i)	AND_THEN_
 	fill_in ch_array (i+1) lim str
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
index 92d6af2c5df875ddf21a20f2bbce35fc067d5daf..0fc6bed0b78007cbd10e432b1671414e82181851 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@ import CgMonad
 import CgUsages		( getHpRelOffset, getSpARelOffset, getSpBRelOffset )
 import CLabel		( mkClosureLabel )
 import ClosureInfo	( mkLFImported, mkConLFInfo, mkLFArgument )
-import HeapOffs		( VirtualHeapOffset(..),
-			  VirtualSpAOffset(..), VirtualSpBOffset(..)
+import HeapOffs		( SYN_IE(VirtualHeapOffset),
+			  SYN_IE(VirtualSpAOffset), SYN_IE(VirtualSpBOffset)
 import Id		( idPrimRep, toplevelishId, isDataCon,
-			  mkIdEnv, rngIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
+			  mkIdEnv, rngIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
 			  GenId{-instance NamedThing-}
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ import Name		( isLocallyDefined, oddlyImportedName, Name{-instance NamedThing-}
 import PprAbsC		( pprAmode )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
-import StgSyn		( StgArg(..), StgLiveVars(..), GenStgArg(..) )
+import StgSyn		( SYN_IE(StgArg), SYN_IE(StgLiveVars), GenStgArg(..) )
 import Unpretty		( uppShow )
 import Util		( zipWithEqual, panic )
@@ -196,11 +196,17 @@ getCAddrModeAndInfo :: Id -> FCode (CAddrMode, LambdaFormInfo)
 getCAddrModeAndInfo id
   | not (isLocallyDefined name) || oddlyImportedName name
+    {- Why the "oddlyImported"?
+	Imagine you are compiling GHCbase.hs (a module that
+	supplies some of the wired-in values).  What can
+	happen is that the compiler will inject calls to
+	(e.g.) GHCbase.unpackPS, where-ever it likes -- it
+	assumes those values are ubiquitously available.
+	The main point is: it may inject calls to them earlier
+	in GHCbase.hs than the actual definition...
+    -}
   = returnFC (global_amode, mkLFImported id)
-  | isDataCon id
-  = returnFC (global_amode, mkConLFInfo id)
   | otherwise = -- *might* be a nested defn: in any case, it's something whose
 		-- definition we will know about...
     lookupBindC id `thenFC` \ (MkCgIdInfo _ volatile_loc stable_loc lf_info) ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
index 17d61261c1c1529dbb5c6d850361bca6ec3d28ff..538a9e397e70119d96b3a6915b27223e6ac6cdb7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
@@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ import CLabel		( mkVecTblLabel, mkReturnPtLabel, mkDefaultLabel,
 import ClosureInfo	( mkConLFInfo, mkLFArgument, layOutDynCon )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_SccProfilingOn, opt_GranMacros )
 import CostCentre	( useCurrentCostCentre )
-import HeapOffs		( VirtualSpBOffset(..), VirtualHeapOffset(..) )
+import HeapOffs		( SYN_IE(VirtualSpBOffset), SYN_IE(VirtualHeapOffset) )
 import Id		( idPrimRep, toplevelishId,
-			  dataConTag, fIRST_TAG, ConTag(..),
-			  isDataCon, DataCon(..),
+			  dataConTag, fIRST_TAG, SYN_IE(ConTag),
+			  isDataCon, SYN_IE(DataCon),
 			  idSetToList, GenId{-instance Uniquable,Eq-}
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
index cfd5ceade1a28eefe45a57fc4b145d0c52107f8c..e2d6de9f86b6de079cd1fc3fdc305c2c05813fcf 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ with {\em closures} on the RHSs of let(rec)s.  See also
 module CgClosure ( cgTopRhsClosure, cgRhsClosure ) where
-IMPORT_DELOOPER(CgLoop2)		( cgExpr, cgSccExpr )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(CgLoop2)	( cgExpr )
 import CgMonad
 import AbsCSyn
@@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ import ClosureInfo	-- lots and lots of stuff
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_ForConcurrent, opt_GranMacros )
 import CostCentre	( useCurrentCostCentre, currentOrSubsumedCosts,
 			  noCostCentreAttached, costsAreSubsumed,
-			  isCafCC, overheadCostCentre
+			  isCafCC, isDictCC, overheadCostCentre
-import HeapOffs		( VirtualHeapOffset(..) )
+import HeapOffs		( SYN_IE(VirtualHeapOffset) )
 import Id		( idType, idPrimRep, 
 			  showId, getIdStrictness, dataConTag,
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ closureCodeBody binder_info closure_info cc [] body
     body_addr   = CLbl (entryLabelFromCI closure_info) CodePtrRep
     body_code   = profCtrC SLIT("ENT_THK") [] 			`thenC`
 		  enterCostCentreCode closure_info cc IsThunk	`thenC`
-		  thunkWrapper closure_info (cgSccExpr body)
+		  thunkWrapper closure_info (cgExpr body)
     stdUpd      = CLbl mkErrorStdEntryLabel CodePtrRep
@@ -581,6 +581,9 @@ Node is guaranteed to point to it, if profiling and not inherited.
 data IsThunk = IsThunk | IsFunction -- Bool-like, local
+#ifdef DEBUG
+	deriving Eq
 enterCostCentreCode :: ClosureInfo -> CostCentre -> IsThunk -> Code
@@ -588,37 +591,31 @@ enterCostCentreCode closure_info cc is_thunk
   = costCentresFlag	`thenFC` \ profiling_on ->
     if not profiling_on then
-    else -- down to business
+    else
 	ASSERT(not (noCostCentreAttached cc))
 	if costsAreSubsumed cc then
-	    nopC
-	else if is_current_CC cc then -- fish the CC out of the closure,
-				      -- where we put it when we alloc'd;
-				      -- NB: chk defn of "is_current_CC"
-				      -- if you go to change this! (WDP 94/12)
-	    costCentresC
-		(case is_thunk of
-		   IsThunk    -> SLIT("ENTER_CC_TCL")
-		   IsFunction -> SLIT("ENTER_CC_FCL"))
-		[CReg node]
-	else if isCafCC cc then
-	    costCentresC
-		[mkCCostCentre cc]
+	    ASSERT(isToplevClosure closure_info)
+	    ASSERT(is_thunk == IsFunction)
+	    costCentresC SLIT("ENTER_CC_FSUB") []
+	else if currentOrSubsumedCosts cc then 
+	    -- i.e. current; subsumed dealt with above
+	    -- get CCC out of the closure, where we put it when we alloc'd
+	    case is_thunk of 
+		IsThunk    -> costCentresC SLIT("ENTER_CC_TCL") [CReg node]
+		IsFunction -> costCentresC SLIT("ENTER_CC_FCL") [CReg node]
+	else if isCafCC cc && isToplevClosure closure_info then
+	    ASSERT(is_thunk == IsThunk)
+	    costCentresC SLIT("ENTER_CC_CAF") [mkCCostCentre cc]
 	else -- we've got a "real" cost centre right here in our hands...
-	    costCentresC
-		(case is_thunk of
-		   IsThunk    -> SLIT("ENTER_CC_T")
-		   IsFunction -> SLIT("ENTER_CC_F"))
-		[mkCCostCentre cc]
-  where
-    is_current_CC cc
-      = currentOrSubsumedCosts cc
-	-- but we've already ruled out "subsumed", so it must be "current"!
+	    case is_thunk of 
+		IsThunk    -> costCentresC SLIT("ENTER_CC_T") [mkCCostCentre cc]
+		IsFunction -> if isCafCC cc || isDictCC cc
+			      then costCentresC SLIT("ENTER_CC_FCAF") [mkCCostCentre cc]
+			      else costCentresC SLIT("ENTER_CC_FLOAD") [mkCCostCentre cc]
@@ -933,6 +930,7 @@ chooseDynCostCentres cc args fvs body
 		| just1 == fun
 		-> mkCCostCentre overheadCostCentre
 	      _ -> use_cc
 	    -- if it's an utterly trivial RHS, then it must be
 	    -- one introduced by boxHigherOrderArgs for profiling,
 	    -- so we charge it to "OVERHEAD".
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
index cb5337be61eb8ab14c3d2b7e85b1a7dbbda5ab83..c2aa1f5fe4a1fb2ccbe93aa326848def42a7a5fd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import CostCentre	( currentOrSubsumedCosts, useCurrentCostCentre,
 import Id		( idPrimRep, dataConTag, dataConTyCon,
-			  isDataCon, DataCon(..),
+			  isDataCon, SYN_IE(DataCon),
 import Literal		( Literal(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs
index 2083d8fe10de2d7e9df484e3004b991f43647a92..e13d043b37b600bd1bc652442623f7a5c51d990e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ import ClosureInfo	( layOutStaticClosure, layOutDynCon,
 import CostCentre	( dontCareCostCentre )
 import FiniteMap	( fmToList )
-import HeapOffs		( zeroOff, VirtualHeapOffset(..) )
+import HeapOffs		( zeroOff, SYN_IE(VirtualHeapOffset) )
 import Id		( dataConTag, dataConRawArgTys,
-			  dataConArity, fIRST_TAG,
+			  dataConNumFields, fIRST_TAG,
 			  GenId{-instance NamedThing-}
@@ -241,7 +241,6 @@ genConInfo comp_info tycon data_con
     zero_size arg_ty = getPrimRepSize (typePrimRep arg_ty) == 0
     arg_tys	    = dataConRawArgTys 	   data_con
-    con_arity	    = dataConArity 	   data_con
     entry_label     = mkConEntryLabel      data_con
     closure_label   = mkStaticClosureLabel data_con
@@ -339,7 +338,7 @@ genPhantomUpdInfo comp_info tycon data_con
 	    con_descr = _UNPK_ (nameOf (origName "con_descr2" data_con))
-	    con_arity = dataConArity data_con
+	    con_arity = dataConNumFields data_con
 	    upd_code = CLabelledCode upd_label (mkAbsCStmts build_closure perform_return)
     	    upd_label = mkConUpdCodePtrVecLabel tycon tag
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
index a4a0746d3da94372976b8a17ec518a61af3a5679..212a728f977b6726f25506e85c18037faf9d2336 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
-module CgExpr ( cgExpr, cgSccExpr, getPrimOpArgAmodes ) where
+module CgExpr ( cgExpr, getPrimOpArgAmodes ) where
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(CgLoop2)	-- here for paranoia-checking
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ import CgTailCall	( cgTailCall, performReturn,
 import CLabel		( mkPhantomInfoTableLabel, mkInfoTableVecTblLabel )
 import ClosureInfo	( mkClosureLFInfo )
-import CostCentre	( setToAbleCostCentre, isDupdCC )
-import HeapOffs		( VirtualSpBOffset(..) )
+import CostCentre	( sccAbleCostCentre, isDictCC, isSccCountCostCentre )
+import HeapOffs		( SYN_IE(VirtualSpBOffset) )
 import Id		( mkIdSet, unionIdSets, GenId{-instance Outputable-} )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PrimOp		( primOpCanTriggerGC, primOpHeapReq, HeapRequirement(..),
@@ -270,30 +270,17 @@ cgExpr (StgLetNoEscape live_in_whole_let live_in_rhss bindings body)
 SCC expressions are treated specially. They set the current cost
-For evaluation scoping we also need to save the cost centre in an
-``restore CC frame''. We only need to do this once before setting all
-nested SCCs.
-cgExpr scc_expr@(StgSCC ty cc expr) = cgSccExpr scc_expr
+cgExpr (StgSCC ty cc expr)
+  = ASSERT(sccAbleCostCentre cc)
+    costCentresC
+	(if isDictCC cc then SLIT("SET_DICT_CCC") else SLIT("SET_CCC"))
+	[mkCCostCentre cc, mkIntCLit (if isSccCountCostCentre cc then 1 else 0)]
+    `thenC`
+    cgExpr expr
-@cgSccExpr@ (also used in \tr{CgClosure}):
-We *don't* set the cost centre for CAF/Dict cost centres
-[Likewise Subsumed and NoCostCentre, but they probably
-don't exist in an StgSCC expression.]
-cgSccExpr (StgSCC ty cc expr)
-  = (if setToAbleCostCentre cc then
-	costCentresC SLIT("SET_CCC")
-	    [mkCCostCentre cc, mkIntCLit (if isDupdCC cc then 1 else 0)]
-     else
-	nopC)		`thenC`
-    cgSccExpr expr
-cgSccExpr other
-  = cgExpr other
+ToDo: counting of dict sccs ...
 %*							*
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
index 888908f612df1e00f04bf6d818cb8d50ff2ba351..2d4abe27d98d39f19dbdc104f89301b1884a90aa 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import ClosureInfo	( closureSize, closureHdrSize, closureGoodStuffSize,
 			  slopSize, allocProfilingMsg, closureKind
 import HeapOffs		( isZeroOff, addOff, intOff,
-			  VirtualHeapOffset(..)
+			  SYN_IE(VirtualHeapOffset)
 import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs
index 3748ddd657564877fba3971849860dd2d8395408..3126b25d7871e73c88709599743129b65c3eb1d0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import CgStackery	( mkVirtStkOffsets )
 import CgUsages		( setRealAndVirtualSps, getVirtSps )
 import CLabel		( mkStdEntryLabel )
 import ClosureInfo	( mkLFLetNoEscape )
-import HeapOffs		( VirtualSpBOffset(..) )
+import HeapOffs		( SYN_IE(VirtualSpBOffset) )
 import Id		( idPrimRep )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLoop1_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLoop1_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5b3d81f8638c7624b719d77a2bf2c116b6582a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLoop1_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+interface CgLoop1_1_3 1
+CgBindery CgBindings(..)
+CgBindery CgIdInfo(..)
+CgBindery nukeVolatileBinds (..)
+CgBindery maybeAStkLoc (..)
+CgBindery maybeBStkLoc (..)
+CgUsages  getSpBRelOffset (..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLoop2.lhi b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLoop2.lhi
index feda847f2cc9d530ee18a49b95ffcae763e2eaf2..421fbfa78290830513dc0b0e3f189ef918e5ecc5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLoop2.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLoop2.lhi
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Break loops caused by cgExpr and getPrimOpArgAmodes.
 interface CgLoop2 where
-import CgExpr	( cgExpr, cgSccExpr, getPrimOpArgAmodes )
+import CgExpr	( cgExpr, getPrimOpArgAmodes )
 import AbsCSyn	( CAddrMode )
 import CgMonad	( Code(..), FCode(..) )
@@ -10,6 +10,5 @@ import PrimOp	( PrimOp )
 import StgSyn	( StgExpr(..), StgArg(..) )
 cgExpr		   :: StgExpr -> Code
-cgSccExpr	   :: StgExpr -> Code
 getPrimOpArgAmodes :: PrimOp -> [StgArg] -> FCode [CAddrMode]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLoop2_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLoop2_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7a0feb086b67b4bae111e58e9e8fe126c14f82c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLoop2_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+interface CgLoop2_1_3 1
+Outputable Outputable (..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs
index ab22daeb2422a5713097298ac38d9e6018550d37..8e9ae24a8528da5e7510f02f57518f212598177d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ module CgMonad (
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(CgLoop1)		-- stuff from CgBindery and CgUsages
 import AbsCSyn
 import AbsCUtils	( mkAbsCStmts )
@@ -56,19 +57,19 @@ import CmdLineOpts	( opt_SccProfilingOn, opt_DoTickyProfiling,
 import HeapOffs		( maxOff,
-			  VirtualSpAOffset(..), VirtualSpBOffset(..)
+			  SYN_IE(VirtualSpAOffset), SYN_IE(VirtualSpBOffset)
 import Id		( idType,
 			  nullIdEnv, mkIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv,
-			  modifyIdEnv, lookupIdEnv, rngIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
-			  ConTag(..), GenId{-instance Outputable-}
+			  modifyIdEnv, lookupIdEnv, rngIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
+			  SYN_IE(ConTag), GenId{-instance Outputable-}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Pretty		( ppAboves, ppCat, ppStr )
 import PrimRep		( getPrimRepSize, PrimRep(..) )
-import StgSyn		( StgLiveVars(..) )
+import StgSyn		( SYN_IE(StgLiveVars) )
 import Type		( typePrimRep )
 import UniqSet		( elementOfUniqSet )
 import Util		( sortLt, panic, pprPanic )
@@ -323,7 +324,7 @@ thenC :: Code
 -- thenC :: Code -> Code    -> Code
 -- thenC :: Code -> FCode a -> FCode a
-(m `thenC` k) info_down state
+thenC m k info_down state
   = k info_down new_state
     new_state  = m info_down state
@@ -353,7 +354,7 @@ thenFC	:: FCode a
 -- thenFC :: FCode a -> (a -> FCode b) -> FCode b
 -- thenFC :: FCode a -> (a -> Code)    -> Code
-(m `thenFC` k) info_down state
+thenFC m k info_down state
   = k m_result info_down new_state
     (m_result, new_state) = m info_down state
@@ -649,7 +650,7 @@ is just a wrapper for its lower-level @Bind@ routine (drop the \tr{C}
 on the end of each function name).
 A @Id@ is bound to a @(VolatileLoc, StableLoc)@ triple.
-The name should not already be bound.
+The name should not already be bound. (nice ASSERT, eh?)
 addBindC :: Id -> CgIdInfo -> Code
 addBindC name stuff_to_bind info_down (MkCgState absC binds usage)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgRetConv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgRetConv.lhs
index fa3644038b428d5aac6fc477492aa13df99097b0..5768b2df453a05031b6e52271322bc7af999f336 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgRetConv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgRetConv.lhs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import CgCompInfo	( mAX_FAMILY_SIZE_FOR_VEC_RETURNS,
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_ReturnInRegsThreshold )
 import Id		( isDataCon, dataConRawArgTys,
-			  DataCon(..), GenId{-instance Eq-}
+			  SYN_IE(DataCon), GenId{-instance Eq-}
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs
index caf38104dd59915a634a6265e096e585a2eb38a5..cc845bf539703a0b2edd562662e73ee084fb7e3a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import CgMonad
 import AbsCSyn
 import AbsCUtils	( mkAbstractCs, mkAbsCStmts, getAmodeRep )
-import HeapOffs		( VirtualSpAOffset(..), VirtualSpBOffset(..) )
+import HeapOffs		( SYN_IE(VirtualSpAOffset), SYN_IE(VirtualSpBOffset) )
 import PrimRep		( getPrimRepSize, separateByPtrFollowness,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs
index 770c4b52df7e127102072a99c1934f859cab8677..590a80a2076c6e9a14a7603026d9b5ab9731d1e2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@ import ClosureInfo	( nodeMustPointToIt,
 			  getEntryConvention, EntryConvention(..)
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_DoSemiTagging )
-import HeapOffs		( zeroOff, VirtualSpAOffset(..) )
+import HeapOffs		( zeroOff, SYN_IE(VirtualSpAOffset) )
 import Id		( idType, dataConTyCon, dataConTag,
 import Literal		( mkMachInt )
 import Maybes		( assocMaybe )
 import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) )
-import StgSyn		( StgArg(..), GenStgArg(..), StgLiveVars(..) )
+import StgSyn		( SYN_IE(StgArg), GenStgArg(..), SYN_IE(StgLiveVars) )
 import Type		( isPrimType )
 import Util		( zipWithEqual, panic, assertPanic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUsages.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUsages.lhs
index e7e7b962cbcd22a0f43f6a389588539a36ae328a..cab19c01eb9147a063760f692fdd7a50cea9011d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUsages.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUsages.lhs
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ IMPORT_DELOOPER(CgLoop1)	-- here for paranoia-checking
 import AbsCSyn		( RegRelative(..), AbstractC, CAddrMode )
 import CgMonad
 import HeapOffs		( zeroOff,
-			  VirtualHeapOffset(..),
-			  VirtualSpAOffset(..),
-			  VirtualSpBOffset(..)
+			  SYN_IE(VirtualHeapOffset),
+			  SYN_IE(VirtualSpAOffset),
+			  SYN_IE(VirtualSpBOffset)
-import Id		( IdEnv(..) )
+import Id		( SYN_IE(IdEnv) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
index d24b55e253c37ba8e592d70797ea6036518ea4cc..1c3d61a6ab4820cf0649b798805c2f21cac98ab3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ module ClosureInfo (
 	closureSingleEntry, closureSemiTag, closureType,
 	closureReturnsUnboxedType, getStandardFormThunkInfo,
+	isToplevClosure,
 	closureKind, closureTypeDescr,		-- profiling
 	isStaticClosure, allocProfilingMsg,
@@ -76,13 +77,13 @@ import CLabel		( mkStdEntryLabel, mkFastEntryLabel,
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_SccProfilingOn, opt_ForConcurrent )
 import HeapOffs		( intOff, addOff, totHdrSize, varHdrSize,
-			  VirtualHeapOffset(..)
+			  SYN_IE(VirtualHeapOffset)
 import Id		( idType, idPrimRep, getIdArity,
 			  dataConTag, fIRST_TAG,
 			  isDataCon, isNullaryDataCon, dataConTyCon,
-			  isTupleCon, DataCon(..),
+			  isTupleCon, SYN_IE(DataCon),
 			  GenId{-instance Eq-}
 import IdInfo		( arityMaybe )
@@ -90,11 +91,12 @@ import Maybes		( assocMaybe, maybeToBool )
 import Name		( isLocallyDefined, nameOf, origName )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType{-instance Outputable-} )
+import Pretty--ToDo:rm
 import PrelInfo		( maybeCharLikeTyCon, maybeIntLikeTyCon )
 import PrimRep		( getPrimRepSize, separateByPtrFollowness )
 import SMRep		-- all of it
 import TyCon		( maybeTyConSingleCon, TyCon{-instance NamedThing-} )
-import Type		( isPrimType, splitForAllTy, splitFunTyExpandingDicts,
+import Type		( isPrimType, splitForAllTy, splitFunTyExpandingDictsAndPeeking,
 			  mkFunTys, maybeAppSpecDataTyConExpandingDicts
 import Util		( isIn, mapAccumL, panic, pprPanic, assertPanic )
@@ -1159,9 +1161,10 @@ closureReturnsUnboxedType other_closure = False
 fun_result_ty arity id
   = let
 	(_, de_foralld_ty) = splitForAllTy (idType id)
-	(arg_tys, res_ty)  = splitFunTyExpandingDicts de_foralld_ty
+	(arg_tys, res_ty)  = splitFunTyExpandingDictsAndPeeking de_foralld_ty
-    ASSERT(arity >= 0 && length arg_tys >= arity)
+    -- ASSERT(arity >= 0 && length arg_tys >= arity)
+    (if (arity >= 0 && length arg_tys >= arity) then (\x->x) else pprPanic "fun_result_ty:" (ppCat [ppInt arity, ppr PprShowAll id, ppr PprDebug (idType id)])) $
     mkFunTys (drop arity arg_tys) res_ty
@@ -1175,6 +1178,16 @@ closureSemiTag (MkClosureInfo _ lf_info _)
       _	    	       -> fromInteger oTHER_TAG
+isToplevClosure :: ClosureInfo -> Bool
+isToplevClosure (MkClosureInfo _ lf_info _)
+  = case lf_info of
+      LFReEntrant top _ _ -> top
+      LFThunk top _ _ _   -> top
+      _ -> panic "ClosureInfo:isToplevClosure"
 Label generation.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
index 590aa9f65ea28964d0a2677c4401e46e872cc8ef..4a1fed5c3ad49b40ffdc0200b2a4db6d9af13dbe 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import CgClosure	( cgTopRhsClosure )
 import CgCon		( cgTopRhsCon )
 import CgConTbls	( genStaticConBits )
 import ClosureInfo	( mkClosureLFInfo )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_SccProfilingOn, opt_CompilingPrelude,
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_SccProfilingOn, opt_CompilingGhcInternals,
 			  opt_EnsureSplittableC, opt_SccGroup
 import CStrings		( modnameToC )
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ codeGen :: FAST_STRING		-- module name
 codeGen mod_name (local_CCs, extern_CCs) import_names gen_tycons tycon_specs stg_pgm
   = let
 	doing_profiling   = opt_SccProfilingOn
-	compiling_prelude = opt_CompilingPrelude
+	compiling_prelude = opt_CompilingGhcInternals
 	maybe_split       = if maybeToBool (opt_EnsureSplittableC)
 			    then CSplitMarker
 			    else AbsCNop
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs
index 4e0a6a035574ef9a8e9b86679410197c678582dc..b5ce22a731d9a67322089fbefd81949fbf902d45 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ really is} just like @CoreSyntax@.)
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module AnnCoreSyn (
-	AnnCoreBinding(..), AnnCoreExpr(..),
+	AnnCoreBinding(..), SYN_IE(AnnCoreExpr),
 	AnnCoreExpr'(..),	-- v sad that this must be exported
 	AnnCoreCaseAlts(..), AnnCoreCaseDefault(..),
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs
index a14bf3d557bb9302bde61ef572f241a3e6a75d2f..59c655aca600404b7085e4d1323c204f1d45e744 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ module CoreLift (
-	applyBindUnlifts,
-	isUnboxedButNotState
+	applyBindUnlifts
     ) where
@@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn
 import CoreUtils	( coreExprType )
 import Id		( idType, mkSysLocal,
-			  nullIdEnv, growIdEnvList, lookupIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
+			  nullIdEnv, growIdEnvList, lookupIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
 import Name		( isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
index d7f70cabb4d7da4486e9a9ca1a84bef9aaeda03a..f72c11e4246a9c52f668450b50b31d32d3d3fa0b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Literal		( literalType, Literal{-instance-} )
 import Id		( idType, isBottomingId,
 			  dataConArgTys, GenId{-instances-},
 			  emptyIdSet, mkIdSet, intersectIdSets,
-			  unionIdSets, elementOfIdSet, IdSet(..)
+			  unionIdSets, elementOfIdSet, SYN_IE(IdSet)
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
 import Name		( isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc, Name{-instance NamedThing-} )
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import Type		( mkFunTy,getFunTy_maybe,mkForAllTy,mkForAllTys,getForAllTy_maybe,
 import TyCon		( isPrimTyCon )
 import TyVar		( tyVarKind, GenTyVar{-instances-} )
 import Unique		( Unique )
-import Usage		( GenUsage )
+import Usage		( GenUsage, SYN_IE(Usage) )
 import Util		( zipEqual, pprTrace, pprPanic, assertPanic, panic )
 infixr 9 `thenL`, `seqL`, `thenMaybeL`, `seqMaybeL`
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ lintCoreArg :: {-Bool ->-} CoreExpr -> Type -> CoreArg -> LintM (Maybe Type)
 lintCoreArg e ty (LitArg lit)
   = -- Make sure function type matches argument
-    case (getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe ty) of
+    case (getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe False{-no peeking in newtypes-} ty) of
       Just (arg,res) | (lit_ty `eqTy` arg) -> returnL(Just res)
       _ -> addErrL (mkAppMsg ty lit_ty e) `seqL` returnL Nothing
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ lintCoreArg e ty (VarArg v)
   = -- Make sure variable is bound
     checkInScope v `seqL`
     -- Make sure function type matches argument
-    case (getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe ty) of
+    case (getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe False{-as above-} ty) of
       Just (arg,res) | (var_ty `eqTy` arg) -> returnL(Just res)
       _ -> addErrL (mkAppMsg ty var_ty e) `seqL` returnL Nothing
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs
index d66f7b6561e5bc543bdd51b2d18bf67a932fea8a..854969b9e861af1125b8f19b9860ad887449a6a9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs
@@ -29,39 +29,35 @@ module CoreSyn (
 	-- Common type instantiation...
-	CoreBinding(..),
-	CoreExpr(..),
-	CoreBinder(..),
-	CoreArg(..),
-	CoreCaseAlts(..),
-	CoreCaseDefault(..),
+	SYN_IE(CoreBinding),
+	SYN_IE(CoreExpr),
+	SYN_IE(CoreBinder),
+	SYN_IE(CoreArg),
+	SYN_IE(CoreCaseAlts),
+	SYN_IE(CoreCaseDefault),
 	-- And not-so-common type instantiations...
-	TaggedCoreBinding(..),
-	TaggedCoreExpr(..),
-	TaggedCoreBinder(..),
-	TaggedCoreArg(..),
-	TaggedCoreCaseAlts(..),
-	TaggedCoreCaseDefault(..),
-	SimplifiableCoreBinding(..),
-	SimplifiableCoreExpr(..),
-	SimplifiableCoreBinder(..),
-	SimplifiableCoreArg(..),
-	SimplifiableCoreCaseAlts(..),
-	SimplifiableCoreCaseDefault(..)
+	SYN_IE(TaggedCoreBinding),
+	SYN_IE(TaggedCoreExpr),
+	SYN_IE(TaggedCoreBinder),
+	SYN_IE(TaggedCoreArg),
+	SYN_IE(TaggedCoreCaseAlts),
+	SYN_IE(TaggedCoreCaseDefault),
+	SYN_IE(SimplifiableCoreBinding),
+	SYN_IE(SimplifiableCoreExpr),
+	SYN_IE(SimplifiableCoreBinder),
+	SYN_IE(SimplifiableCoreArg),
+	SYN_IE(SimplifiableCoreCaseAlts),
+	SYN_IE(SimplifiableCoreCaseDefault)
     ) where
--- ToDo:rm:
---import PprCore		( GenCoreExpr{-instance-} )
---import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import CostCentre	( showCostCentre, CostCentre )
 import Id		( idType, GenId{-instance Eq-} )
 import Type		( isUnboxedType )
-import Usage		( UVar(..) )
+import Usage		( SYN_IE(UVar) )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic {-pprTrace:ToDo:rm-} )
@@ -238,13 +234,9 @@ mkCoLetAny bind@(NonRec binder rhs) body
---mkCoLetNoUnboxed ::
---  GenCoreBinding val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar ->
---  GenCoreExpr val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar ->
---  GenCoreExpr val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar
 mkCoLetNoUnboxed bind@(Rec binds) body
   = mkCoLetrecNoUnboxed binds body
 mkCoLetNoUnboxed bind@(NonRec binder rhs) body
   = --ASSERT (not (isUnboxedType (idType binder)))
     case body of
@@ -256,10 +248,6 @@ mkCoLetNoUnboxed bind@(NonRec binder rhs) body
 mkCoLetsNoUnboxed []    expr = expr
 mkCoLetsNoUnboxed binds expr = foldr mkCoLetNoUnboxed expr binds
-mkCoLetrecNoUnboxed :: [(GenId (GenType a b), GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType a b)) c d e)]
-		    -> GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType a b)) c d e
-		    -> GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType a b)) c d e
 mkCoLetrecNoUnboxed []    body = body
 mkCoLetrecNoUnboxed binds body
   = ASSERT (all is_boxed_bind binds)
@@ -270,13 +258,9 @@ mkCoLetrecNoUnboxed binds body
---mkCoLetUnboxedToCase ::
---  GenCoreBinding val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar ->
---  GenCoreExpr val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar ->
---  GenCoreExpr val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar
 mkCoLetUnboxedToCase bind@(Rec binds) body
   = mkCoLetrecNoUnboxed binds body
 mkCoLetUnboxedToCase bind@(NonRec binder rhs) body
   = case body of
       Var binder2 | binder == binder2
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
index c0f61a31abc023a959167ab778e3c8de4ed1bb8c..06f4be4937427982c19a4d729fd55f724aec720d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import CgCompInfo	( uNFOLDING_CHEAP_OP_COST,
 import CoreSyn
 import CoreUtils	( coreExprType, manifestlyWHNF )
 import CostCentre	( ccMentionsId )
-import Id		( IdSet(..), GenId{-instances-} )
+import Id		( SYN_IE(IdSet), GenId{-instances-} )
 import IdInfo		( bottomIsGuaranteed )
 import Literal		( isNoRepLit, isLitLitLit )
 import Pretty
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ import Type		( getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts )
 import UniqSet		( emptyUniqSet, unitUniqSet, mkUniqSet,
 			  addOneToUniqSet, unionUniqSets
-import Usage		( UVar(..) )
+import Usage		( SYN_IE(UVar) )
 import Util		( isIn, panic )
 whatsMentionedInId = panic "whatsMentionedInId (CoreUnfold)"
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ sizeExpr scc_s_OK bOMB_OUT_SIZE args expr
     size_up (SCC lbl body)
       = if scc_s_OK then size_up body else Nothing
-    size_up (Coerce _ _ body) = size_up body
+    size_up (Coerce _ _ body) = size_up body		-- Coercions cost nothing
     size_up (Con con args) = -- 1 + # of val args
 			     sizeN (1 + numValArgs args)
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ sizeExpr scc_s_OK bOMB_OUT_SIZE args expr
 	size_alg_alt (con,args,rhs) = size_up rhs
 	    -- Don't charge for args, so that wrappers look cheap
-	(tycon, _, _) = _trace "CoreUnfold.getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts" $ getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts scrut_ty
+	(tycon, _, _) = trace "CoreUnfold.getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts" $ getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts scrut_ty
     size_up_alts _ (PrimAlts alts deflt)
       = foldr (addSize . size_prim_alt) (size_up_deflt deflt) alts
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
index 80d0740cb08967c3cf18284082a34bf5057b981b..e0e65de4af05d64e16c9815d27612f4fffe0bef6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ import CostCentre	( isDictCC )
 import Id		( idType, mkSysLocal, getIdArity, isBottomingId,
 			  toplevelishId, mkIdWithNewUniq, applyTypeEnvToId,
 			  addOneToIdEnv, growIdEnvList, lookupIdEnv,
-			  isNullIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
+			  isNullIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
 import IdInfo		( arityMaybe )
 import Literal		( literalType, isNoRepLit, Literal(..) )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes, maybeToBool )
-import PprCore		( GenCoreExpr{-instances-}, GenCoreArg{-instances-} )
+import PprCore
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType{-instances-} )
 import Pretty		( ppAboves )
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ import PrelVals		( augmentId, buildId )
 import PrimOp		( primOpType, fragilePrimOp, PrimOp(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import TyVar		( cloneTyVar,
-			  isNullTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv, TyVarEnv(..)
+			  isNullTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv, SYN_IE(TyVarEnv)
 import Type		( mkFunTys, mkForAllTy, mkForAllUsageTy, mkTyVarTy,
 			  getFunTy_maybe, applyTy, isPrimType,
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ import Type		( mkFunTys, mkForAllTy, mkForAllUsageTy, mkTyVarTy,
 import TysWiredIn	( trueDataCon, falseDataCon )
 import UniqSupply	( initUs, returnUs, thenUs,
 			  mapUs, mapAndUnzipUs, getUnique,
-			  UniqSM(..), UniqSupply
+			  SYN_IE(UniqSM), UniqSupply
-import Usage		( UVar(..) )
+import Usage		( SYN_IE(UVar) )
 import Util		( zipEqual, panic, pprPanic, assertPanic )
 type TypeEnv = TyVarEnv Type
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs
index 38de36c814cdee0614ddbe89d52b5dfb08a7d977..979fd670f3f25ba1b2323e140e0a294b636039c7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ module FreeVars (
 	freeVarsOf, freeTyVarsOf,
-	FVCoreExpr(..), FVCoreBinding(..),
+	SYN_IE(FVCoreExpr), SYN_IE(FVCoreBinding),
-	CoreExprWithFVs(..),		-- For the above functions
-	AnnCoreExpr(..),		-- Dito
+	SYN_IE(CoreExprWithFVs),		-- For the above functions
+	SYN_IE(AnnCoreExpr),		-- Dito
 	FVInfo(..), LeakInfo(..)
     ) where
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@ import CoreSyn
 import Id		( idType, getIdArity, isBottomingId,
 			  emptyIdSet, unitIdSet, mkIdSet,
 			  elementOfIdSet, minusIdSet, unionManyIdSets,
-			  IdSet(..)
+			  SYN_IE(IdSet)
 import IdInfo		( arityMaybe )
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..) )
 import Type		( tyVarsOfType )
 import TyVar		( emptyTyVarSet, unitTyVarSet, minusTyVarSet,
-			  TyVarSet(..)
+			  SYN_IE(TyVarSet)
 import UniqSet		( unionUniqSets )
-import Usage		( UVar(..) )
+import Usage		( SYN_IE(UVar) )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs
index fd2e03d31f25857035884c0ba435f78fb49ab7cf..309d62df3fef6c11199145fba43418abb64506a1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn
 import CostCentre	( showCostCentre )
 import Id		( idType, getIdInfo, getIdStrictness, isTupleCon,
-			  nullIdEnv, DataCon(..), GenId{-instances-}
+			  nullIdEnv, SYN_IE(DataCon), GenId{-instances-}
 import IdInfo		( ppIdInfo, StrictnessInfo(..) )
 import Literal		( Literal{-instances-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs
index a1be8b473b012f305b26a19e05a9a13909797e62..da8603176d8dd44fecbb835f0e835bae04d6f479 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import DsBinds		( dsBinds, dsInstBinds )
 import DsUtils
 import Bag		( unionBags )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_DoCoreLinting )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_DoCoreLinting, opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs, opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs )
 import CoreLift		( liftCoreBindings )
 import CoreLint		( lintCoreBindings )
 import Id		( nullIdEnv, mkIdEnv )
@@ -52,25 +52,29 @@ deSugar us mod_name (recsel_binds, clas_binds, inst_binds, val_binds, const_inst
 	(us3, us3a) = splitUniqSupply us2a
 	(us4, us5)  = splitUniqSupply us3a
+	auto_meth = opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs 
+	auto_top  = opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs
+		    || opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs
 	((core_const_prs, consts_pairs), shadows1)
 	    = initDs us0 nullIdEnv mod_name (dsInstBinds [] const_inst_pairs)
 	consts_env = mkIdEnv consts_pairs
 	(core_clas_binds, shadows2)
-			= initDs us1 consts_env mod_name (dsBinds clas_binds)
+			= initDs us1 consts_env mod_name (dsBinds False clas_binds)
 	core_clas_prs	= pairsFromCoreBinds core_clas_binds
 	(core_inst_binds, shadows3)
-			= initDs us2 consts_env mod_name (dsBinds inst_binds)
+			= initDs us2 consts_env mod_name (dsBinds auto_meth inst_binds)
 	core_inst_prs	= pairsFromCoreBinds core_inst_binds
 	(core_val_binds, shadows4)
-			= initDs us3 consts_env mod_name (dsBinds val_binds)
+			= initDs us3 consts_env mod_name (dsBinds auto_top val_binds)
 	core_val_pairs	= pairsFromCoreBinds core_val_binds
 	(core_recsel_binds, shadows5)
-			= initDs us4 consts_env mod_name (dsBinds recsel_binds)
+			= initDs us4 consts_env mod_name (dsBinds ({-trace "Desugar:core_recsel_binds"-} False) recsel_binds)
 	core_recsel_prs	= pairsFromCoreBinds core_recsel_binds
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
index 82380970e7fac0a34c91321730fbd5e7f7d2e517..99cf6d437c2eef43d1886375f575d7214255e2e2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
@@ -29,10 +29,11 @@ import DsGRHSs		( dsGuarded )
 import DsUtils
 import Match		( matchWrapper )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_SccProfilingOn, opt_CompilingPrelude )
-import CostCentre	( mkAllDictsCC, preludeDictsCostCentre )
-import Id		( idType, DictVar(..), GenId )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_SccProfilingOn, opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs, opt_CompilingGhcInternals )
+import CostCentre	( mkAutoCC, IsCafCC(..), mkAllDictsCC, preludeDictsCostCentre )
+import Id		( idType, SYN_IE(DictVar), GenId )
 import ListSetOps	( minusList, intersectLists )
+import Name		( isExported )
 import PprType		( GenType )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty		( ppShow )
@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ that some of the binders are of unboxed type.  This is sorted out when
 the caller wraps the bindings round an expression.
-dsBinds :: TypecheckedHsBinds -> DsM [CoreBinding]
+dsBinds :: Bool -> TypecheckedHsBinds -> DsM [CoreBinding]
 All ``real'' bindings are expressed in terms of the
@@ -96,12 +97,12 @@ But there are lots of special cases.
-dsBinds (BindWith _ _)		= panic "dsBinds:BindWith"
-dsBinds EmptyBinds		= returnDs []
-dsBinds (SingleBind bind)	= dsBind [] [] id [] bind
+dsBinds auto_scc (BindWith _ _)	   = panic "dsBinds:BindWith"
+dsBinds auto_scc EmptyBinds	   = returnDs []
+dsBinds auto_scc (SingleBind bind) = dsBind auto_scc [] [] id [] bind
-dsBinds (ThenBinds  binds_1 binds_2)
-  = andDs (++) (dsBinds binds_1) (dsBinds binds_2)
+dsBinds auto_scc (ThenBinds  binds_1 binds_2)
+  = andDs (++) (dsBinds auto_scc binds_1) (dsBinds auto_scc binds_2)
@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ definitions, which don't mention the type variables at all, so making them
 polymorphic is really overkill.  @dsInstBinds@ deals with this case.
-dsBinds (AbsBinds tyvars [] local_global_prs inst_binds val_binds)
+dsBinds auto_scc (AbsBinds tyvars [] local_global_prs inst_binds val_binds)
   = mapDs mk_poly_private_binder private_binders
 					`thenDs` \ poly_private_binders ->
@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ dsBinds (AbsBinds tyvars [] local_global_prs inst_binds val_binds)
     dsInstBinds tyvars inst_binds	`thenDs` \ (inst_bind_pairs, inst_env) ->
     extendEnvDs inst_env			 (
-    dsBind tyvars [] (lookupId full_local_global_prs) inst_bind_pairs val_binds
+    dsBind auto_scc tyvars [] (lookupId full_local_global_prs) inst_bind_pairs val_binds
 	-- "private_binders" is the list of binders in val_binds
@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ the defn of f' can get floated out, notably if f gets specialised
 to a particular type for a.
-dsBinds (AbsBinds all_tyvars dicts local_global_prs dict_binds val_binds)
+dsBinds auto_scc (AbsBinds all_tyvars dicts local_global_prs dict_binds val_binds)
   = 	-- If there is any non-overloaded polymorphism, make new locals with
 	-- appropriate polymorphism
     (if null non_overloaded_tyvars
@@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ dsBinds (AbsBinds all_tyvars dicts local_global_prs dict_binds val_binds)
       extendEnvDs inst_env		 (
-	dsBind non_overloaded_tyvars [] binder_subst_fn inst_bind_pairs val_binds
+	dsBind auto_scc non_overloaded_tyvars [] binder_subst_fn inst_bind_pairs val_binds
     ))							`thenDs` \ core_binds ->
@@ -358,21 +359,20 @@ dsInstBinds tyvars ((inst, expr) : bs)
        -- if profiling, wrap the dict in "_scc_ DICT <dict>":
     ds_dict_cc expr
-      | not opt_SccProfilingOn ||
-	not (isDictTy inst_ty) 
+      | not ( opt_SccProfilingOn || opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs)
+	    -- the latter is so that -unprof-auto-scc-all adds dict sccs
+      || not (isDictTy inst_ty) 
       = returnDs expr	-- that's easy: do nothing
-      | opt_CompilingPrelude
+      | opt_CompilingGhcInternals
       = returnDs (SCC prel_dicts_cc expr)
       | otherwise
-      = getModuleAndGroupDs 	`thenDs` \ (mod_name, grp_name) ->
-	    -- ToDo: do -dicts-all flag (mark dict things
-	    -- with individual CCs)
-	let
-		dict_cc = mkAllDictsCC mod_name grp_name False{-not dupd-}
-	in
-	returnDs (SCC dict_cc expr)
+      = getModuleAndGroupDs 	`thenDs` \ (mod, grp) ->
+	-- ToDo: do -dicts-all flag (mark dict things with individual CCs)
+	returnDs (SCC (mkAllDictsCC mod grp False) expr)
@@ -387,22 +387,23 @@ some of the binders are of unboxed type.
 For an explanation of the first three args, see @dsMonoBinds@.
-dsBind	:: [TyVar] -> [DictVar]		-- Abstract wrt these
+dsBind	:: Bool				-- Add auto sccs to binds
+	-> [TyVar] -> [DictVar]		-- Abstract wrt these
 	-> (Id -> Id)			-- Binder substitution
 	-> [(Id,CoreExpr)]		-- Inst bindings already dealt with
 	-> TypecheckedBind
 	-> DsM [CoreBinding]
-dsBind tyvars dicts binder_subst inst_bind_pairs EmptyBind
+dsBind auto_scc tyvars dicts binder_subst inst_bind_pairs EmptyBind
   = returnDs [NonRec binder rhs | (binder,rhs) <- inst_bind_pairs]
-dsBind tyvars dicts binder_subst inst_bind_pairs (NonRecBind monobinds)
-  = dsMonoBinds False tyvars dicts binder_subst monobinds   `thenDs` ( \ val_bind_pairs ->
-    returnDs [NonRec binder rhs | (binder,rhs) <- inst_bind_pairs ++ val_bind_pairs] )
+dsBind auto_scc tyvars dicts binder_subst inst_bind_pairs (NonRecBind monobinds)
+  = dsMonoBinds auto_scc False tyvars dicts binder_subst monobinds   `thenDs` \ val_bind_pairs ->
+    returnDs [NonRec binder rhs | (binder,rhs) <- inst_bind_pairs ++ val_bind_pairs]
-dsBind tyvars dicts binder_subst inst_bind_pairs (RecBind monobinds)
-  = dsMonoBinds True tyvars dicts binder_subst monobinds   `thenDs` ( \ val_bind_pairs ->
-    returnDs [Rec (inst_bind_pairs ++ val_bind_pairs)] )
+dsBind auto_scc tyvars dicts binder_subst inst_bind_pairs (RecBind monobinds)
+  = dsMonoBinds auto_scc True tyvars dicts binder_subst monobinds   `thenDs` \ val_bind_pairs ->
+    returnDs [Rec (inst_bind_pairs ++ val_bind_pairs)]
@@ -425,7 +426,8 @@ of these binders into applications of the new binder to suitable type variables
 and dictionaries.
-dsMonoBinds :: Bool			-- True <=> recursive binding group
+dsMonoBinds :: Bool			-- True <=> add auto sccs
+	    -> Bool			-- True <=> recursive binding group
 	    -> [TyVar] -> [DictVar]	-- Abstract wrt these
 	    -> (Id -> Id)		-- Binder substitution
 	    -> TypecheckedMonoBinds
@@ -439,11 +441,11 @@ dsMonoBinds :: Bool			-- True <=> recursive binding group
-dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst EmptyMonoBinds = returnDs []
+dsMonoBinds auto_scc is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst EmptyMonoBinds = returnDs []
-dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (AndMonoBinds  binds_1 binds_2)
-  = andDs (++) (dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst binds_1)
-	       (dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst binds_2)
+dsMonoBinds auto_scc is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (AndMonoBinds  binds_1 binds_2)
+  = andDs (++) (dsMonoBinds auto_scc is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst binds_1)
+	       (dsMonoBinds auto_scc is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst binds_2)
@@ -451,45 +453,28 @@ dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (AndMonoBinds  binds_1 binds_2)
 \subsubsection{Simple base cases: function and variable bindings}
-For the simplest bindings, we just heave them in the substitution env:
-	The extendEnvDs only scopes over the nested call!
-	Let the simplifier do this.
-dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (VarMonoBind was_var (HsVar new_var))
-  | not (is_rec || isExported was_var)
-  = extendEnvDs [(was_var, Var new_var)] (
-    returnDs [] )
-dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (VarMonoBind was_var expr@(Lit _))
-  | not (isExported was_var)
-  = dsExpr expr			`thenDs` ( \ core_lit ->
-    extendEnvDs [(was_var, core_lit)]	 (
-    returnDs [] ))
-dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (VarMonoBind var expr)
+dsMonoBinds auto_scc is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (VarMonoBind var expr)
   = dsExpr expr		`thenDs` \ core_expr ->
-    returnDs [(binder_subst var, mkLam tyvars dicts core_expr)]
+    doSccAuto auto_scc [var] core_expr	`thenDs` \ sccd_core_expr -> 
+    returnDs [(binder_subst var, mkLam tyvars dicts sccd_core_expr)]
-dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (FunMonoBind fun _ matches locn)
+dsMonoBinds auto_scc is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (FunMonoBind fun _ matches locn)
   = putSrcLocDs locn	$
 	new_fun      = binder_subst fun
 	error_string = "function " ++ showForErr fun
     matchWrapper (FunMatch fun) matches error_string	`thenDs` \ (args, body) ->
+    doSccAuto auto_scc [fun] body 			`thenDs` \ sccd_body -> 
     returnDs [(new_fun,
-	       mkLam tyvars (dicts ++ args) body)]
+	       mkLam tyvars (dicts ++ args) sccd_body)]
-dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (PatMonoBind (VarPat v) grhss_and_binds locn)
+dsMonoBinds auto_scc is_rec tyvars dicts binder_subst (PatMonoBind (VarPat v) grhss_and_binds locn)
   = putSrcLocDs locn	$
     dsGuarded grhss_and_binds 		`thenDs` \ body_expr ->
-    returnDs [(binder_subst v, mkLam tyvars dicts body_expr)]
+    doSccAuto auto_scc [v] body_expr	`thenDs` \ sccd_body_expr -> 
+    returnDs [(binder_subst v, mkLam tyvars dicts sccd_body_expr)]
@@ -503,7 +488,7 @@ be empty.  (Simple pattern bindings were handled above.)
 First, the paranoia check.
-dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars (_:_) binder_subst (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
+dsMonoBinds auto_scc is_rec tyvars (_:_) binder_subst (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
   = panic "Non-empty dict list in for pattern binding"
@@ -531,10 +516,11 @@ Then we transform to:
-dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars [] binder_subst (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
+dsMonoBinds auto_scc is_rec tyvars [] binder_subst (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
   = putSrcLocDs locn $
-    dsGuarded grhss_and_binds		`thenDs` \ body_expr ->
+    dsGuarded grhss_and_binds			`thenDs` \ body_expr ->
+    doSccAuto auto_scc pat_binders body_expr	`thenDs` \ sccd_body_expr ->
 {- KILLED by Sansom. 95/05
 	-- make *sure* there are no primitive types in the pattern
@@ -547,11 +533,11 @@ dsMonoBinds is_rec tyvars [] binder_subst (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
 	-- we can just use the rhs directly
---  pprTrace "dsMonoBinds:PatMonoBind:" (ppr PprDebug body_expr) $
+--  pprTrace "dsMonoBinds:PatMonoBind:" (ppr PprDebug sccd_body_expr) $
     mkSelectorBinds tyvars pat
 	[(binder, binder_subst binder) | binder <- pat_binders]
-	body_expr
+	sccd_body_expr
     pat_binders = collectTypedPatBinders pat
 	-- NB For a simple tuple pattern, these binders
@@ -565,4 +551,39 @@ extra work to benefit only rather unusual constructs like
 Better to extend the whole thing for any irrefutable constructor, at least.
+%*									*
+\subsection[doSccAuto]{Adding automatic sccs}
+%*									*
+doSccAuto :: Bool -> [Id] -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
+doSccAuto False binders core_expr
+  = returnDs core_expr
+doSccAuto True [] core_expr		-- no binders
+  = returnDs core_expr
+doSccAuto True _ core_expr@(SCC _ _)	-- already sccd
+  = returnDs core_expr
+doSccAuto True _ core_expr@(Con _ _)	-- dont bother for simple Con
+  = returnDs core_expr
+doSccAuto True binders core_expr 
+  = let
+	scc_all    = opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs
+        scc_export = not (null export_binders)
+        export_binders = filter isExported binders
+	scc_binder = head (if scc_all then binders else export_binders)
+    in
+    if scc_all || scc_export then
+	getModuleAndGroupDs `thenDs` \ (mod,grp) ->
+	returnDs (SCC (mkAutoCC scc_binder mod grp IsNotCafCC) core_expr)
+    else
+	returnDs core_expr
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs
index 9ef96010edc162792ae7107e931acc7021b8e089..c8644dc893964951a85ddf00dbc15ec50c47fe22 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ unboxing any boxed primitive arguments and boxing the result if
 The state stuff just consists of adding in
-@\ s -> case s of { S# s# -> ... }@ in an appropriate place.
+@PrimIO (\ s -> case s of { S# s# -> ... })@ in an appropriate place.
 The unboxing is straightforward, as all information needed to unbox is
 available from the type.  For each boxed-primitive argument, we
@@ -68,10 +68,10 @@ follows:
-dsCCall :: FAST_STRING		-- C routine to invoke
+dsCCall :: FAST_STRING	-- C routine to invoke
 	-> [CoreExpr]	-- Arguments (desugared)
-	-> Bool			-- True <=> might cause Haskell GC
-	-> Bool			-- True <=> really a "_casm_"
+	-> Bool		-- True <=> might cause Haskell GC
+	-> Bool		-- True <=> really a "_casm_"
 	-> Type		-- Type of the result (a boxed-prim type)
 	-> DsM CoreExpr
@@ -89,11 +89,9 @@ dsCCall label args may_gc is_asm result_ty
     mkPrimDs the_ccall_op (map VarArg final_args) `thenDs` \ the_prim_app ->
-	the_body = foldr apply (res_wrapper the_prim_app) arg_wrappers
+	the_body = foldr ($) (res_wrapper the_prim_app) arg_wrappers
     returnDs (Lam (ValBinder old_s) the_body)
-  where
-    apply f x = f x
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
index d1de63040ff3b68a24831c9793bfce9a5e76458c..d7b8e68ffdc3bd0a126aee2deee9ae497ce355cc 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import TysWiredIn	( mkTupleTy, nilDataCon, consDataCon,
 			  charDataCon, charTy
 import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv, GenTyVar{-instance Eq-} )
-import Usage		( UVar(..) )
+import Usage		( SYN_IE(UVar) )
 import Util		( zipEqual, pprError, panic, assertPanic )
 mk_nil_con ty = mkCon nilDataCon [] [ty] []  -- micro utility...
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ dsExpr (ListComp expr quals)
     dsListComp core_expr quals
 dsExpr (HsLet binds expr)
-  = dsBinds binds	`thenDs` \ core_binds ->
+  = dsBinds False binds	`thenDs` \ core_binds ->
     dsExpr expr		`thenDs` \ core_expr ->
     returnDs ( mkCoLetsAny core_binds core_expr )
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ dsExpr (RecordUpdOut record_expr dicts rbinds)
     dsRbinds rbinds		$ \ rbinds' ->
 	record_ty		= coreExprType record_expr'
-	(tycon, inst_tys, cons) = _trace "DsExpr.getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts" $
+	(tycon, inst_tys, cons) = trace "DsExpr.getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts" $
 				  getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts record_ty
 	cons_to_upd  	 	= filter has_all_fields cons
@@ -657,8 +657,8 @@ dsDo then_id zero_id (stmt:stmts)
 			       VarArg (mkValLam [ignored_result_id] rest)]
       LetStmt binds ->
-        dsBinds binds	`thenDs` \ binds2 ->
-	ds_rest		`thenDs` \ rest   ->
+        dsBinds False binds	`thenDs` \ binds2 ->
+	ds_rest			`thenDs` \ rest   ->
 	returnDs (mkCoLetsAny binds2 rest)
       BindStmtOut pat expr locn a b ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.lhs
index fd8bec3b108db71ebe2e0e92e189302f4899aa0e..ee11244ec36f4eb78dedcaaf7453e4792a341e30 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import HsSyn		( GRHSsAndBinds(..), GRHS(..),
 import TcHsSyn		( TypecheckedGRHSsAndBinds(..), TypecheckedGRHS(..),
 			  TypecheckedPat(..), TypecheckedHsBinds(..),
 			  TypecheckedHsExpr(..)	)
-import CoreSyn		( CoreBinding(..), CoreExpr(..), mkCoLetsAny )
+import CoreSyn		( SYN_IE(CoreBinding), SYN_IE(CoreExpr), mkCoLetsAny )
 import DsMonad
 import DsUtils
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ dsGuarded :: TypecheckedGRHSsAndBinds
 	  -> DsM CoreExpr
 dsGuarded (GRHSsAndBindsOut grhss binds err_ty)
-  = dsBinds binds				`thenDs` \ core_binds ->
+  = dsBinds False binds				`thenDs` \ core_binds ->
     dsGRHSs err_ty PatBindMatch [] grhss 	`thenDs` \ (MatchResult can_it_fail _ core_grhss_fn _) ->
     case can_it_fail of
 	CantFail -> returnDs (mkCoLetsAny core_binds (core_grhss_fn (panic "It can't fail")))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsLoop.lhi
index 26a0c4b31347f41b4fd529bd4a6a50f30e96a580..fd329c0c69b875d4774ee2175ebdd36725be82e7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsLoop.lhi
@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ matchSimply :: CoreExpr			-- Scrutinee
 	    -> CoreExpr			-- Return this if it does
 	    -> DsM CoreExpr
-dsBinds :: TypecheckedHsBinds -> DsM [CoreBinding]
+dsBinds :: Bool -> TypecheckedHsBinds -> DsM [CoreBinding]
 dsExpr  :: TypecheckedHsExpr  -> DsM CoreExpr
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsLoop_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsLoop_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6f115029f38a4f3855741b9742cae238e7a3b78e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsLoop_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+interface DsLoop_1_3 1
+Outputable Outputable (..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs
index 618f8c910fc17b469dc49ad973ea32681b050162..a6c8b6193420946e5f32c095fa2a750b14b0fc51 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ IMP_Ubiq()
 import Bag		( emptyBag, snocBag, bagToList )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_SccGroup )
-import CoreSyn		( CoreExpr(..) )
+import CoreSyn		( SYN_IE(CoreExpr) )
 import CoreUtils	( substCoreExpr )
 import HsSyn		( OutPat )
 import Id		( mkSysLocal, mkIdWithNewUniq,
-			  lookupIdEnv, growIdEnvList, GenId, IdEnv(..)
+			  lookupIdEnv, growIdEnvList, GenId, SYN_IE(IdEnv)
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import TcHsSyn		( TypecheckedPat(..) )
 import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, cloneTyVar, GenTyVar{-instance Eq-} )
 import Unique		( Unique{-instances-} )
 import UniqSupply	( splitUniqSupply, getUnique, getUniques,
-			  mapUs, thenUs, returnUs, UniqSM(..) )
+			  mapUs, thenUs, returnUs, SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 import Util		( assoc, mapAccumL, zipWithEqual, panic )
 infixr 9 `thenDs`
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
index 84e871f09c175f59c3f7c187d743449b7a1e27fc..b5024698cfbe425b7f729379c61a59dd924afba4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ import PrelVals		( iRREFUT_PAT_ERROR_ID, voidId )
 import Pretty		( ppShow )
 import Id		( idType, dataConArgTys, mkTupleCon,
-			  DataCon(..), DictVar(..), Id(..), GenId )
+			  SYN_IE(DataCon), SYN_IE(DictVar), SYN_IE(Id), GenId )
 import Literal		( Literal(..) )
 import TyCon		( mkTupleTyCon, isNewTyCon, tyConDataCons )
 import Type		( mkTyVarTys, mkRhoTy, mkForAllTys, mkFunTys,
 			  mkTheta, isUnboxedType, applyTyCon, getAppTyCon
 import TysPrim		( voidTy )
-import UniqSet		( mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet, uniqSetToList, UniqSet(..) )
+import UniqSet		( mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet, uniqSetToList, SYN_IE(UniqSet) )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import PprCore{-ToDo:rm-}
 --import PprType--ToDo:rm
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs
index a1d8fc750289fd2954b4104da8de6d0eb4ec5388..e63d55930e7d8ec662b4c76611c9020281523707 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ tidy1 v (RecPat con_id pat_ty rpats) match_result
     pats 	     = map mk_pat tagged_arg_tys
 	-- Boring stuff to find the arg-tys of the constructor
-    (_, inst_tys, _) = {-_trace "Match.getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts" $-} getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts pat_ty
+    (_, inst_tys, _) = {-trace "Match.getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts" $-} getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts pat_ty
     con_arg_tys'     = dataConArgTys con_id inst_tys 
     tagged_arg_tys   = con_arg_tys' `zip` allFieldLabelTags
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ matchWrapper kind [(PatMatch (WildPat ty) match)] error_string
 matchWrapper kind [(GRHSMatch
 		     (GRHSsAndBindsOut [OtherwiseGRHS expr _] binds _))] error_string
-  = dsBinds binds	`thenDs` \ core_binds ->
+  = dsBinds False binds	`thenDs` \ core_binds ->
     dsExpr  expr	`thenDs` \ core_expr ->
     returnDs ([], mkCoLetsAny core_binds core_expr)
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ flattenMatches kind (match : matches)
       = flatten_match (pat:pats_so_far) match
     flatten_match pats_so_far (GRHSMatch (GRHSsAndBindsOut grhss binds ty))
-      = dsBinds binds				`thenDs` \ core_binds ->
+      = dsBinds False binds			`thenDs` \ core_binds ->
 	dsGRHSs ty kind pats grhss 		`thenDs` \ match_result ->
 	returnDs (EqnInfo pats (mkCoLetsMatchResult core_binds match_result))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs
index 8f34cfcdc473ca57edbda327762af2e5c3cffd3d..15c5519dbc43ee270d8b820065ef9b7f1eda7d84 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import HsSyn		( HsLit(..), OutPat(..), HsExpr(..),
 import TcHsSyn		( TypecheckedHsExpr(..), TypecheckedHsBinds(..),
-import CoreSyn		( CoreExpr(..), CoreBinding(..) )
+import CoreSyn		( SYN_IE(CoreExpr), SYN_IE(CoreBinding) )
 import DsMonad
 import DsUtils
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Core2Def.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Core2Def.lhs
index 2739c6e6e972e2340ea9b5cd84f729db83ee2dac..87d92bee3979e49b9987c6fdaf97fdbd32622fba 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Core2Def.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Core2Def.lhs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 > import BinderInfo	-- ( BinderInfo(..), isFun, isDupDanger )
 > import CmdLineOpts	( switchIsOn, SwitchResult, SimplifierSwitch )
 > import OccurAnal	( occurAnalyseBinds )
-> import SimplEnv	( SwitchChecker(..) )
+> import SimplEnv	( SYN_IE(SwitchChecker) )
 > import Util
 > import Pretty
 > import Outputable
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Cyclic.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Cyclic.lhs
index 48cde68606a50000fe5143bf2e16dba6c044f04b..fa1fbcfa076f80c9a89ad1198dab8e753093708d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Cyclic.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Cyclic.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 > 			  getIdInfo, replaceIdInfo, eqId, Id
 >			)
 > import IdInfo
-> import Maybes		( Maybe(..) )
 > import Outputable
 > import Pretty
 > import UniqSupply
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Def2Core.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Def2Core.lhs
index d8267e4032b510d0267b8de7145e27cf3b2c0339..14802bef4273415be8f2478594eb84f2b47b6a0f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Def2Core.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Def2Core.lhs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 > 	def2core, d2c,
 >	-- and to make the interface self-sufficient, all this stuff:
->	DefBinding(..), UniqSM(..),
+>	DefBinding(..), SYN_IE(UniqSM),
 >	GenCoreBinding, Id, DefBindee,
 >	defPanic
 >	) where
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
 > import DefSyn
 > import DefUtils
-> import Maybes		( Maybe(..) )
 > import Outputable
 > import Pretty
 > import UniqSupply
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs
index bae88366ec9648e28f4edf3354d06a24fd1ebec1..ffeceba7b46ab8795828bac4c87441f196c7c72e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
 > import TreelessForm
 > import Cyclic
-> import Type		( applyTypeEnvToTy, isPrimType,
->			  SigmaType(..), Type
+> import Type		( applyTypeEnvToTy,
+>			  SYN_IE(SigmaType), Type
 >			)
 > import CmdLineOpts	( SwitchResult, switchIsOn )
 > import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingDetails(..) )
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@
 >			)
 > import Inst		-- Inst(..)
 > import IdInfo
-> import Maybes		( Maybe(..) )
 > import Outputable
 > import UniqSupply
 > import Util
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefUtils.lhs
index 9e53ae0ef84b0089b7d3a42ac171b9bf02d818c0..24570b9340f69f4e071bd9af4a6936f69a5f2a1a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefUtils.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 > import Type		( cloneTyVar, mkTyVarTy, applyTypeEnvToTy,
-> 			  tyVarsOfType, TyVar, SigmaType(..)
+> 			  tyVarsOfType, TyVar, SYN_IE(SigmaType)
 >			)
 > import Literal	( Literal )	-- for Eq Literal
 > import CoreSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Deforest.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Deforest.lhs
index 8c75121cb77680e6c332e0cbe1bb0cb570e10fb0..471482f960ba87240fff99b17fe4063b250650c3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Deforest.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Deforest.lhs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 > import Id		( getIdInfo, Id )
 > import IdInfo
 > import Outputable
-> import SimplEnv	( SwitchChecker(..) )
+> import SimplEnv	( SYN_IE(SwitchChecker) )
 > import UniqSupply
 > import Util
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/TreelessForm.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/TreelessForm.lhs
index 279130ae906d2ec04ef5054042dec681088ffe19..c690fe2106227b6879bcca71a1c19977133bb9d3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/TreelessForm.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/TreelessForm.lhs
@@ -16,9 +16,8 @@
 > import CoreUtils	( coreExprType )
 > import Id		( replaceIdInfo, getIdInfo )
 > import IdInfo
-> import Maybes		( Maybe(..) )
 > import Outputable
-> import SimplEnv	( SwitchChecker(..) )
+> import SimplEnv	( SYN_IE(SwitchChecker) )
 > import UniqSupply
 > import Util
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs
index 5d6667ccae6b343a66c2368492cf94272c4166ae..fce12aa08da324e19c22bfdeec54d28f124c3056 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import HsPragmas	( GenPragmas, ClassOpPragmas )
 import HsTypes		( PolyType )
-import Id		( DictVar(..), Id(..), GenId )
+import Id		( SYN_IE(DictVar), SYN_IE(Id), GenId )
 import Name		( pprNonSym )
 import Outputable	( interpp'SP, ifnotPprForUser,
 			  Outputable(..){-instance * (,)-}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
index 7aa5f9f62a4305646164ebfadc53135152f06424..aac4f40abb41bc06507684d3056c9e09c963cab7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ instance (NamedThing name, Outputable name, Outputable pat,
 	  Eq tyvar, Outputable tyvar, Eq uvar, Outputable uvar)
 	      => Outputable (InstDecl tyvar uvar name pat) where
-    ppr sty (InstDecl clas ty binds local modname uprags pragmas src_loc)
+    ppr sty (InstDecl clas ty binds from_here modname uprags pragmas src_loc)
       = let
 	    (context, inst_ty)
 	      = case ty of
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
index b799db63d0df88276438cb24afd521d8759ac8ae..e8bb141e531e623764041a4079ab42b7a1d95a4c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import HsMatches	( pprMatches, pprMatch, Match )
 import HsTypes		( PolyType )
 -- others:
-import Id		( DictVar(..), GenId, Id(..) )
+import Id		( SYN_IE(DictVar), GenId, SYN_IE(Id) )
 import Name		( pprNonSym, pprSym )
 import Outputable	( interppSP, interpp'SP, ifnotPprForUser )
 import PprType		( pprGenType, pprParendGenType, GenType{-instance-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsLoop_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsLoop_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20c936e100b9da729a2f6fdb553a634488fd25d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsLoop_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+interface HsLoop_1_3 1
+HsBinds HsBinds
+HsBinds nullBinds (..)
+HsBinds MonoBinds
+HsBinds Sig
+HsBinds nullMonoBinds (..)
+HsExpr  HsExpr
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
index 5e46ea26421e3cca7d7f75ed4498950691386f9c..08537bc48dd2f0ec7aa3c51eb05940819cdc5a65 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
@@ -15,16 +15,86 @@ module HsSyn (
 	-- NB: don't reexport HsCore or HsPragmas;
 	-- this module tells about "real Haskell"
-	HsSyn.. ,
-	HsBinds.. ,
-	HsDecls.. ,
-	HsExpr.. ,
-	HsImpExp.. ,
-	HsLit.. ,
-	HsMatches.. ,
-	HsPat.. ,
-	HsTypes..
+	EXP_MODULE(HsBinds) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(HsDecls) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(HsExpr) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(HsImpExp) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(HsMatches) ,
+	ArithSeqInfo(..),
+	BangType(..),
+	Bind(..),
+	ClassDecl(..),
+	ConDecl(..),
+	DefaultDecl(..),
+	FixityDecl(..),
+	GRHS(..),
+	GRHSsAndBinds(..),
+	HsBinds(..),
+	HsExpr(..),
+	HsLit(..),
+	IE(..),
+	ImportDecl(..),
+	InPat(..),
+	InstDecl(..),
+	Match(..),
+	MonoBinds(..),
+	MonoType(..),
+	OutPat(..),
+	PolyType(..),
+	Qualifier(..),
+	Sig(..),
+	SpecDataSig(..),
+	SpecInstSig(..),
+	Stmt(..),
+	TyDecl(..),
+	bindIsRecursive,
+	cmpContext,
+	cmpMonoType,
+	cmpPolyType,
+	collectBinders,
+	collectMonoBinders,
+	collectMonoBindersAndLocs,
+	collectPatBinders,
+	collectTopLevelBinders,
+	extractCtxtTyNames,
+	extractMonoTyNames,
+	failureFreePat,
+	irrefutablePat,
+	irrefutablePats,
+	isConPat,
+	isLitPat,
+	negLiteral,
+	nullBind,
+	nullBinds,
+	nullMonoBinds,
+	patsAreAllCons,
+	patsAreAllLits,
+	pp_condecls,
+	pp_decl_head,
+	pp_dotdot,
+	pp_rbinds,
+	pp_tydecl,
+	pprContext,
+	pprExpr,
+	pprGRHS,
+	pprGRHSsAndBinds,
+	pprMatch,
+	pprMatches,
+	pprParendExpr,
+	pprParendMonoType,
+	pprParendPolyType,
+	ppr_bang,
+	print_it,
+	SYN_IE(ClassAssertion),
+	SYN_IE(Context),
+	SYN_IE(HsRecordBinds)
      ) where
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs
index 41e552747b8c3f48b365dbbcd9e7fd70ea39c632..239a6277d0a9247ff7acc2db5c3430882bebb70a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ you get part of GHC.
 module HsTypes (
 	PolyType(..), MonoType(..),
-	Context(..), ClassAssertion(..)
+	SYN_IE(Context), SYN_IE(ClassAssertion)
 	, pprParendPolyType
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ IMP_Ubiq()
 import Outputable	( interppSP, ifnotPprForUser )
 import Pretty
-import Type		( Kind )
 import Util		( thenCmp, cmpList, isIn, panic# )
 #endif {- COMPILING_GHC -}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
index d2ed9f70f34b19040f372998cd5f88852e828776..99169c1a5cf9892d616fd28e0b2bca720acaa155 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
@@ -6,14 +6,99 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
-module CmdLineOpts where
+module CmdLineOpts (
+	CoreToDo(..),
+	SimplifierSwitch(..),
+	StgToDo(..),
+	SwitchResult(..),
+	classifyOpts,
+	intSwitchSet,
+	switchIsOn,
+	maybe_CompilingGhcInternals,
+	opt_AllDemanded,
+	opt_AllStrict,
+	opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs,
+	opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs,
+	opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs,
+	opt_CompilingGhcInternals,
+	opt_UsingGhcInternals,
+	opt_D_dump_absC,
+	opt_D_dump_asm,
+	opt_D_dump_deforest,
+	opt_D_dump_deriv,
+	opt_D_dump_ds,
+	opt_D_dump_flatC,
+	opt_D_dump_occur_anal,
+	opt_D_dump_rdr,
+	opt_D_dump_realC,
+	opt_D_dump_rn,
+	opt_D_dump_simpl,
+	opt_D_dump_spec,
+	opt_D_dump_stg,
+	opt_D_dump_stranal,
+	opt_D_dump_tc,
+	opt_D_show_passes,
+	opt_D_simplifier_stats,
+	opt_D_source_stats,
+	opt_D_verbose_core2core,
+	opt_D_verbose_stg2stg,
+	opt_DoCoreLinting,
+	opt_DoSemiTagging,
+	opt_DoTickyProfiling,
+	opt_EnsureSplittableC,
+	opt_FoldrBuildOn,
+	opt_FoldrBuildTrace,
+	opt_ForConcurrent,
+	opt_GlasgowExts,
+	opt_GranMacros,
+	opt_Haskell_1_3,
+	opt_HiMap,
+	opt_HideBuiltinNames,
+	opt_HideMostBuiltinNames,
+	opt_IgnoreIfacePragmas,
+	opt_IgnoreStrictnessPragmas,
+	opt_IrrefutableEverything,
+	opt_IrrefutableTuples,
+	opt_NoImplicitPrelude,
+	opt_NumbersStrict,
+	opt_OmitBlackHoling,
+	opt_OmitDefaultInstanceMethods,
+	opt_OmitInterfacePragmas,
+	opt_PprStyle_All,
+	opt_PprStyle_Debug,
+	opt_PprStyle_User,
+	opt_ProduceC,
+	opt_ProduceHi,
+	opt_ProduceS,
+	opt_ReportWhyUnfoldingsDisallowed,
+	opt_ReturnInRegsThreshold,
+	opt_SccGroup,
+	opt_SccProfilingOn,
+	opt_ShowImportSpecs,
+	opt_ShowPragmaNameErrs,
+	opt_SigsRequired,
+	opt_SpecialiseAll,
+	opt_SpecialiseImports,
+	opt_SpecialiseOverloaded,
+	opt_SpecialiseTrace,
+	opt_SpecialiseUnboxed,
+	opt_StgDoLetNoEscapes,
+	opt_UnfoldingCreationThreshold,
+	opt_UnfoldingOverrideThreshold,
+	opt_UnfoldingUseThreshold,
+	opt_Verbose,
+	opt_WarnNameShadowing
+    ) where
+IMPORT_1_3(Array(array, (//)))
 import PreludeGlaST	-- bad bad bad boy, Will (_Array internals)
 import Argv
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
-import Maybes		( assocMaybe, firstJust, maybeToBool, Maybe(..) )
+import Maybes		( assocMaybe, firstJust, maybeToBool )
 import Util		( startsWith, panic, panic#, assertPanic )
@@ -63,7 +148,6 @@ data CoreToDo		-- These are diff core-to-core passes,
   | CoreDoStrictness
   | CoreDoSpecialising
   | CoreDoDeforest
-  | CoreDoAutoCostCentres
   | CoreDoFoldrBuildWorkerWrapper
   | CoreDoFoldrBuildWWAnal
@@ -139,11 +223,11 @@ data SimplifierSwitch
-lookup	   :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
+lookUp	   :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
 lookup_int :: String -> Maybe Int
 lookup_str :: String -> Maybe String
-lookup     sw = maybeToBool (assoc_opts sw)
+lookUp     sw = maybeToBool (assoc_opts sw)
 lookup_str sw = firstJust (map (startsWith sw) unpacked_opts)
@@ -156,67 +240,68 @@ unpacked_opts = map _UNPK_ argv
-opt_AllDemanded			= lookup  SLIT("-fall-demanded")
-opt_AllStrict			= lookup  SLIT("-fall-strict")
-opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs	= lookup  SLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs")
-opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs	= lookup  SLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs")
-opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs	= lookup  SLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-individual-cafs")
-opt_D_dump_absC			= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-absC")
-opt_D_dump_asm			= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-asm")
-opt_D_dump_deforest		= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-deforest")
-opt_D_dump_deriv		= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-deriv")
-opt_D_dump_ds			= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-ds")
-opt_D_dump_flatC		= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-flatC")
-opt_D_dump_occur_anal		= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-occur-anal")
-opt_D_dump_rdr			= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-rdr")
-opt_D_dump_realC		= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-realC")
-opt_D_dump_rn			= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-rn")
-opt_D_dump_simpl		= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-simpl")
-opt_D_dump_spec			= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-spec")
-opt_D_dump_stg			= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-stg")
-opt_D_dump_stranal		= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-stranal")
-opt_D_dump_tc			= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-tc")
-opt_D_show_passes		= lookup  SLIT("-dshow-passes")
-opt_D_simplifier_stats		= lookup  SLIT("-dsimplifier-stats")
-opt_D_source_stats		= lookup  SLIT("-dsource-stats")
-opt_D_verbose_core2core		= lookup  SLIT("-dverbose-simpl")
-opt_D_verbose_stg2stg		= lookup  SLIT("-dverbose-stg")
-opt_DoCoreLinting		= lookup  SLIT("-dcore-lint")
-opt_DoSemiTagging		= lookup  SLIT("-fsemi-tagging")
-opt_DoTickyProfiling		= lookup  SLIT("-fticky-ticky")
-opt_FoldrBuildOn		= lookup  SLIT("-ffoldr-build-on")
-opt_FoldrBuildTrace		= lookup  SLIT("-ffoldr-build-trace")
-opt_ForConcurrent		= lookup  SLIT("-fconcurrent")
-opt_GranMacros			= lookup  SLIT("-fgransim")
-opt_GlasgowExts			= lookup  SLIT("-fglasgow-exts")
-opt_Haskell_1_3			= lookup  SLIT("-fhaskell-1.3")
-opt_HideBuiltinNames		= lookup  SLIT("-fhide-builtin-names")
-opt_HideMostBuiltinNames	= lookup  SLIT("-fmin-builtin-names")
-opt_IgnoreStrictnessPragmas	= lookup  SLIT("-fignore-strictness-pragmas")
-opt_IrrefutableEverything	= lookup  SLIT("-firrefutable-everything")
-opt_IrrefutableTuples		= lookup  SLIT("-firrefutable-tuples")
-opt_WarnNameShadowing		= lookup  SLIT("-fwarn-name-shadowing")
-opt_NumbersStrict		= lookup  SLIT("-fnumbers-strict")
-opt_OmitBlackHoling		= lookup  SLIT("-dno-black-holing")
-opt_OmitDefaultInstanceMethods	= lookup  SLIT("-fomit-default-instance-methods")
-opt_OmitInterfacePragmas	= lookup  SLIT("-fomit-interface-pragmas")
-opt_PprStyle_All		= lookup  SLIT("-dppr-all")
-opt_PprStyle_Debug		= lookup  SLIT("-dppr-debug")
-opt_PprStyle_User		= lookup  SLIT("-dppr-user")
-opt_ReportWhyUnfoldingsDisallowed= lookup SLIT("-freport-disallowed-unfoldings")
-opt_SccProfilingOn		= lookup  SLIT("-fscc-profiling")
-opt_ShowImportSpecs		= lookup  SLIT("-fshow-import-specs")
-opt_ShowPragmaNameErrs		= lookup  SLIT("-fshow-pragma-name-errs")
-opt_SigsRequired		= lookup  SLIT("-fsignatures-required")
-opt_SpecialiseAll		= lookup  SLIT("-fspecialise-all")
-opt_SpecialiseImports		= lookup  SLIT("-fspecialise-imports")
-opt_SpecialiseOverloaded	= lookup  SLIT("-fspecialise-overloaded")
-opt_SpecialiseTrace		= lookup  SLIT("-ftrace-specialisation")
-opt_SpecialiseUnboxed		= lookup  SLIT("-fspecialise-unboxed")
-opt_StgDoLetNoEscapes		= lookup  SLIT("-flet-no-escape")
-opt_Verbose			= lookup  SLIT("-v")
-opt_CompilingPrelude		= maybeToBool maybe_CompilingPrelude
-maybe_CompilingPrelude		= lookup_str "-fcompiling-prelude="
+opt_AllDemanded			= lookUp  SLIT("-fall-demanded")
+opt_AllStrict			= lookUp  SLIT("-fall-strict")
+opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs	= lookUp  SLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs")
+opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs	= lookUp  SLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs")
+opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs	= lookUp  SLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-individual-cafs")
+opt_D_dump_absC			= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-absC")
+opt_D_dump_asm			= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-asm")
+opt_D_dump_deforest		= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-deforest")
+opt_D_dump_deriv		= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-deriv")
+opt_D_dump_ds			= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-ds")
+opt_D_dump_flatC		= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-flatC")
+opt_D_dump_occur_anal		= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-occur-anal")
+opt_D_dump_rdr			= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-rdr")
+opt_D_dump_realC		= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-realC")
+opt_D_dump_rn			= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-rn")
+opt_D_dump_simpl		= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-simpl")
+opt_D_dump_spec			= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-spec")
+opt_D_dump_stg			= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-stg")
+opt_D_dump_stranal		= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-stranal")
+opt_D_dump_tc			= lookUp  SLIT("-ddump-tc")
+opt_D_show_passes		= lookUp  SLIT("-dshow-passes")
+opt_D_simplifier_stats		= lookUp  SLIT("-dsimplifier-stats")
+opt_D_source_stats		= lookUp  SLIT("-dsource-stats")
+opt_D_verbose_core2core		= lookUp  SLIT("-dverbose-simpl")
+opt_D_verbose_stg2stg		= lookUp  SLIT("-dverbose-stg")
+opt_DoCoreLinting		= lookUp  SLIT("-dcore-lint")
+opt_DoSemiTagging		= lookUp  SLIT("-fsemi-tagging")
+opt_DoTickyProfiling		= lookUp  SLIT("-fticky-ticky")
+opt_FoldrBuildOn		= lookUp  SLIT("-ffoldr-build-on")
+opt_FoldrBuildTrace		= lookUp  SLIT("-ffoldr-build-trace")
+opt_ForConcurrent		= lookUp  SLIT("-fconcurrent")
+opt_GranMacros			= lookUp  SLIT("-fgransim")
+opt_GlasgowExts			= lookUp  SLIT("-fglasgow-exts")
+opt_Haskell_1_3			= lookUp  SLIT("-fhaskell-1.3")
+opt_HideBuiltinNames		= lookUp  SLIT("-fhide-builtin-names")
+opt_HideMostBuiltinNames	= lookUp  SLIT("-fmin-builtin-names")
+opt_IgnoreStrictnessPragmas	= lookUp  SLIT("-fignore-strictness-pragmas")
+opt_IrrefutableEverything	= lookUp  SLIT("-firrefutable-everything")
+opt_IrrefutableTuples		= lookUp  SLIT("-firrefutable-tuples")
+opt_WarnNameShadowing		= lookUp  SLIT("-fwarn-name-shadowing")
+opt_NumbersStrict		= lookUp  SLIT("-fnumbers-strict")
+opt_OmitBlackHoling		= lookUp  SLIT("-dno-black-holing")
+opt_OmitDefaultInstanceMethods	= lookUp  SLIT("-fomit-default-instance-methods")
+opt_OmitInterfacePragmas	= lookUp  SLIT("-fomit-interface-pragmas")
+opt_PprStyle_All		= lookUp  SLIT("-dppr-all")
+opt_PprStyle_Debug		= lookUp  SLIT("-dppr-debug")
+opt_PprStyle_User		= lookUp  SLIT("-dppr-user")
+opt_ReportWhyUnfoldingsDisallowed= lookUp SLIT("-freport-disallowed-unfoldings")
+opt_SccProfilingOn		= lookUp  SLIT("-fscc-profiling")
+opt_ShowImportSpecs		= lookUp  SLIT("-fshow-import-specs")
+opt_ShowPragmaNameErrs		= lookUp  SLIT("-fshow-pragma-name-errs")
+opt_SigsRequired		= lookUp  SLIT("-fsignatures-required")
+opt_SpecialiseAll		= lookUp  SLIT("-fspecialise-all")
+opt_SpecialiseImports		= lookUp  SLIT("-fspecialise-imports")
+opt_SpecialiseOverloaded	= lookUp  SLIT("-fspecialise-overloaded")
+opt_SpecialiseTrace		= lookUp  SLIT("-ftrace-specialisation")
+opt_SpecialiseUnboxed		= lookUp  SLIT("-fspecialise-unboxed")
+opt_StgDoLetNoEscapes		= lookUp  SLIT("-flet-no-escape")
+opt_Verbose			= lookUp  SLIT("-v")
+opt_UsingGhcInternals		= lookUp  SLIT("-fusing-ghc-internals")
+opt_CompilingGhcInternals	= maybeToBool maybe_CompilingGhcInternals
+maybe_CompilingGhcInternals	= lookup_str "-fcompiling-ghc-internals="
 opt_SccGroup  			= lookup_str "-G="
 opt_ProduceC  			= lookup_str "-C="
 opt_ProduceS  			= lookup_str "-S="
@@ -228,8 +313,8 @@ opt_UnfoldingCreationThreshold	= lookup_int "-funfolding-creation-threshold"
 opt_UnfoldingOverrideThreshold	= lookup_int "-funfolding-override-threshold"
 opt_ReturnInRegsThreshold	= lookup_int "-freturn-in-regs-threshold"
-opt_NoImplicitPrelude		= lookup  SLIT("-fno-implicit-prelude")
-opt_IgnoreIfacePragmas		= lookup  SLIT("-fignore-interface-pragmas")
+opt_NoImplicitPrelude		= lookUp  SLIT("-fno-implicit-prelude")
+opt_IgnoreIfacePragmas		= lookUp  SLIT("-fignore-interface-pragmas")
@@ -268,7 +353,6 @@ classifyOpts = sep argv [] [] -- accumulators...
 	  "-fstrictness"     -> CORE_TD(CoreDoStrictness)
 	  "-fspecialise"     -> CORE_TD(CoreDoSpecialising)
 	  "-fdeforest"	     -> CORE_TD(CoreDoDeforest)
-	  "-fadd-auto-sccs"  -> CORE_TD(CoreDoAutoCostCentres)
 	  "-ffoldr-build-worker-wrapper"  -> CORE_TD(CoreDoFoldrBuildWorkerWrapper)
 	  "-ffoldr-build-ww-anal"  -> CORE_TD(CoreDoFoldrBuildWWAnal)
@@ -411,6 +495,17 @@ lAST_SIMPL_SWITCH_TAG = IBOX(tagOf_SimplSwitch SimplDontFoldBackAppend)
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+# define ARRAY	    Array
+# define LIFT	    GHCbase.Lift
+# define SET_TO	    =:
+(=:) a b = (a,b)
+# define ARRAY	    _Array
+# define LIFT	    _Lift
+# define SET_TO	    :=
 isAmongSimpl :: [SimplifierSwitch] -> SimplifierSwitch -> SwitchResult
 isAmongSimpl on_switches
@@ -423,22 +518,22 @@ isAmongSimpl on_switches
 		 // defined_elems
-	all_undefined = [ i := SwBool False | i <- [0 .. lAST_SIMPL_SWITCH_TAG ] ]
+	all_undefined = [ i SET_TO SwBool False | i <- [0 .. lAST_SIMPL_SWITCH_TAG ] ]
 	defined_elems = map mk_assoc_elem tidied_on_switches
     -- (avoid some unboxing, bounds checking, and other horrible things:)
-    case sw_tbl of { _Array bounds_who_needs_'em stuff ->
+    case sw_tbl of { ARRAY bounds_who_needs_'em stuff ->
     \ switch ->
 	case (indexArray# stuff (tagOf_SimplSwitch switch)) of
-	  _Lift v -> v
+	  LIFT v -> v
-    mk_assoc_elem k@(MaxSimplifierIterations lvl) = IBOX(tagOf_SimplSwitch k) := SwInt lvl
-    mk_assoc_elem k@(SimplUnfoldingUseThreshold      i) = IBOX(tagOf_SimplSwitch k) := SwInt i
-    mk_assoc_elem k@(SimplUnfoldingCreationThreshold i) = IBOX(tagOf_SimplSwitch k) := SwInt i
+    mk_assoc_elem k@(MaxSimplifierIterations lvl)       = IBOX(tagOf_SimplSwitch k) SET_TO SwInt lvl
+    mk_assoc_elem k@(SimplUnfoldingUseThreshold      i) = IBOX(tagOf_SimplSwitch k) SET_TO SwInt i
+    mk_assoc_elem k@(SimplUnfoldingCreationThreshold i) = IBOX(tagOf_SimplSwitch k) SET_TO SwInt i
-    mk_assoc_elem k = IBOX(tagOf_SimplSwitch k) := SwBool   True -- I'm here, Mom!
+    mk_assoc_elem k = IBOX(tagOf_SimplSwitch k) SET_TO SwBool   True -- I'm here, Mom!
     -- cannot have duplicates if we are going to use the array thing
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
index 04ae96f182155b3d00b74fe193bc17cb27431b89..c0d0e7108f92dde5e2f26950158e84b89721d468 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module ErrUtils (
-	Error(..), Warning(..), Message(..),
+	SYN_IE(Error), SYN_IE(Warning), SYN_IE(Message),
 	addShortErrLocLine, addShortWarnLocLine,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
index c0d47913cd4c7f478491dda00eaccf382bf721aa..8bd7f2438582aa8afc754450f49bd07098154118 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
     renameModule rn_uniqs rdr_module >>=
 	\ (rn_mod, rn_env, import_names,
-	   usage_stuff,
+	   export_fn, usage_stuff,
 	   rn_errs_bag, rn_warns_bag) ->
     if (not (isEmptyBag rn_errs_bag)) then
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
     startIface mod_name				    >>= \ if_handle ->
     ifaceUsages		 if_handle usages_map	    >>
     ifaceVersions	 if_handle version_info	    >>
-    ifaceExportList	 if_handle rn_mod	    >>
+    ifaceExportList	 if_handle export_fn rn_mod >>
     ifaceFixities	 if_handle rn_mod	    >>
     ifaceInstanceModules if_handle instance_modules >>
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
index a1cb9f79b013a6127a5aeda8f293dc7ea5b87e9f..99f12ea47e6f6d60aa6cf35cdfe1054efa68ce20 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Bag		( emptyBag, snocBag, bagToList )
 import Class		( GenClass(..){-instance NamedThing-}, GenClassOp(..) )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_ProduceHi )
 import FieldLabel	( FieldLabel{-instance NamedThing-} )
-import FiniteMap	( fmToList )
+import FiniteMap	( fmToList, eltsFM )
 import HsSyn
 import Id		( idType, dataConRawArgTys, dataConFieldLabels,
 			  dataConStrictMarks, StrictnessMark(..),
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ import Id		( idType, dataConRawArgTys, dataConFieldLabels,
 import Name		( origName, nameOf, moduleOf,
 			  exportFlagOn, nameExportFlag, ExportFlag(..),
-			  isExported, getExportFlag,
 			  isLexSym, isLocallyDefined, isWiredInName,
 			  RdrName(..){-instance Outputable-},
 			  OrigName(..){-instance Ord-},
@@ -42,14 +41,15 @@ import ParseUtils	( UsagesMap(..), VersionsMap(..) )
 import PprEnv		-- not sure how much...
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		-- most of it (??)
-import PrelMods		( modulesWithBuiltins )
+--import PrelMods	( modulesWithBuiltins )
+import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo )
 import Pretty		( prettyToUn )
 import Unpretty		-- ditto
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsModule(..), RnName{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import TcModule		( TcIfaceInfo(..) )
 import TcInstUtil	( InstInfo(..) )
 import TyCon		( TyCon(..){-instance NamedThing-}, NewOrData(..) )
-import Type		( mkSigmaTy, mkDictTy, getAppTyCon )
+import Type		( mkSigmaTy, mkDictTy, getAppTyCon, splitForAllTy )
 import Util		( sortLt, zipWithEqual, zipWith3Equal, assertPanic, panic{-ToDo:rm-}, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
 uppSemid   x = uppBeside (prettyToUn (ppr PprInterface x)) uppSemi -- micro util
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ ifaceVersions
 	    -> IO ()
 	    :: Maybe Handle
+	    -> (Name -> ExportFlag)
 	    -> RenamedHsModule
 	    -> IO ()
@@ -128,12 +129,12 @@ ifaceUsages (Just if_hdl) usages
   = hPutStr if_hdl "\n__usages__\n"   >>
     hPutStr if_hdl (uppShow 0 (uppAboves (map upp_uses usages_list)))
-    usages_list = filter has_no_builtins (fmToList usages)
+    usages_list = fmToList usages -- NO: filter has_no_builtins (...)
-    has_no_builtins (m, _)
-      = m `notElem` modulesWithBuiltins
-      -- Don't *have* to do this; save gratuitous spillage in
-      -- every interface.  Could be flag-controlled...
+--  has_no_builtins (m, _)
+--    = m `notElem` modulesWithBuiltins
+--    -- Don't *have* to do this; save gratuitous spillage in
+--    -- every interface.  Could be flag-controlled...
     upp_uses (m, (mv, versions))
       = uppBesides [uppPStr m, uppSP, uppInt mv, uppPStr SLIT(" :: "),
@@ -178,20 +179,32 @@ next...), and print.  Note that the ``module'' now contains all the
 imported things that we are dealing with, thus including any entities
 that we are re-exporting from somewhere else.
-ifaceExportList Nothing{-no iface handle-} _ = return ()
+ifaceExportList Nothing{-no iface handle-} _ _ = return ()
 ifaceExportList (Just if_hdl)
+		export_fn -- sadly, just the HsModule isn't enough,
+			  -- because it will have no record of exported
+			  -- wired-in names.
 		(HsModule _ _ _ _ _ typedecls _ classdecls _ _ _ binds sigs _)
   = let
+	(vals_wired, tcs_wired)
+	  = case builtinNameInfo of { ((vals_fm,tcs_fm), _, _) ->
+	    ([ getName rn | rn <- eltsFM vals_fm ]
+	    ,[ getName rn | rn <- eltsFM tcs_fm  ]) }
 	name_flag_pairs :: Bag (OrigName, ExportFlag)
-	  = foldr from_ty
+	  = foldr from_wired
+	   (foldr from_wired
+	   (foldr from_ty
 	   (foldr from_cls
 	   (foldr from_sig
 	   (from_binds binds emptyBag{-init accum-})
-	     typedecls
+	     typedecls)
+	     tcs_wired)
+	     vals_wired
 	sorted_pairs = sortLt lexical_lt (bagToList name_flag_pairs)
@@ -209,6 +222,13 @@ ifaceExportList (Just if_hdl)
     from_binds bs acc = maybe_add_list acc (collectTopLevelBinders bs)
+    --------------
+    from_wired n acc
+      | exportFlagOn ef = acc `snocBag` (origName "maybe_add" n, ef)
+      | otherwise       = acc
+      where
+	ef = export_fn n
     maybe_add :: Bag (OrigName, ExportFlag) -> RnName -> Bag (OrigName, ExportFlag)
@@ -256,6 +276,8 @@ ifaceFixities (Just if_hdl) (HsModule _ _ _ _ fixities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+non_wired x = not (isWiredInName (getName x)) --ToDo:move?
 ifaceDecls Nothing{-no iface handle-} _ = return ()
 ifaceDecls (Just if_hdl) (vals, tycons, classes, _)
@@ -263,8 +285,6 @@ ifaceDecls (Just if_hdl) (vals, tycons, classes, _)
     ASSERT(all isLocallyDefined tycons)
     ASSERT(all isLocallyDefined classes)
-	non_wired x = not (isWiredInName (getName x))
 	nonwired_classes = filter non_wired classes
 	nonwired_tycons  = filter non_wired tycons
 	nonwired_vals    = filter non_wired vals
@@ -276,7 +296,7 @@ ifaceDecls (Just if_hdl) (vals, tycons, classes, _)
 	sorted_vals    = sortLt lt_lexical nonwired_vals
     if (null sorted_classes && null sorted_tycons && null sorted_vals) then
-	--  You could have a module with just instances in it
+	--  You could have a module with just (re-)exports/instances in it
 	return ()
     hPutStr if_hdl "\n__declarations__\n" >>
@@ -322,7 +342,8 @@ ifaceInstances (Just if_hdl) (_, _, _, insts)
 	    forall_ty     = mkSigmaTy tvs theta (mkDictTy clas ty)
 	    renumbered_ty = initNmbr (nmbrType forall_ty)
-	uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("instance "), ppr_ty renumbered_ty, uppSemi]
+	case (splitForAllTy renumbered_ty) of { (rtvs, rrho_ty) ->
+	uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("instance "), ppr_forall rtvs, ppr_ty rrho_ty, uppSemi] }
@@ -368,7 +389,11 @@ ppr_val v ty -- renumber the type first!
     pp_sig v (initNmbr (nmbrType ty))
 pp_sig op ty
-  = uppBesides [ppr_name op, uppPStr SLIT(" :: "), ppr_ty ty, uppSemi]
+  = case (splitForAllTy ty) of { (tvs, rho_ty) ->
+    uppBesides [ppr_name op, uppPStr SLIT(" :: "), ppr_forall tvs, ppr_ty rho_ty, uppSemi] }
+ppr_forall []  = uppNil
+ppr_forall tvs = uppBesides [ uppStr "__forall__ [", uppInterleave uppComma (map ppr_tyvar tvs), uppStr "] " ]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AbsCStixGen.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AbsCStixGen.lhs
index 830e450dfcf3059230d866b01a34cccdffe40462..144f586bd56e9131a2ec7fa9ef49b1a60d91b5dd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AbsCStixGen.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AbsCStixGen.lhs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import PrimRep	    	( isFloatingRep, PrimRep(..) )
 import StixInfo	    	( genCodeInfoTable )
 import StixMacro	( macroCode )
 import StixPrim		( primCode, amodeToStix, amodeToStix' )
-import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, getUnique, UniqSM(..) )
+import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, getUnique, SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 import Util		( naturalMergeSortLe, panic )
 #ifdef REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
index 090e13fc6877dc45c3a5e4df8c4eda908509e2cf..50c6faeb23bc36bf95c2a71172c5804ed45fa18c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import PrimOp		( commutableOp, PrimOp(..) )
 import PrimRep		( PrimRep{-instance Eq-} )
 import RegAllocInfo	( mkMRegsState, MRegsState )
 import Stix		( StixTree(..), StixReg(..), CodeSegment )
-import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, UniqSM(..) )
+import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 import Unpretty		( uppPutStr, uppShow, uppAboves, Unpretty(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs
index c9b671ebd6fb7551fc09e958795be9acc41da997..031c3ba038a058074dd8ce4eca6e7427f0674ec6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Stix		( getUniqLabelNCG, StixTree(..),
 			  StixReg(..), CodeSegment(..)
 import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, mapAndUnzipUs,
-			  mapAccumLUs, UniqSM(..)
+			  mapAccumLUs, SYN_IE(UniqSM)
 import Unpretty		( uppPStr )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs
index 7493de4e9f8afb23c678d67159a26dd17a94e8b4..b48f136dc55170104f65a1c889316c29ae50d560 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ import Stix		( sStLitLbl, StixTree(..), StixReg(..),
 import Unique		( mkPseudoUnique1, mkPseudoUnique2, mkPseudoUnique3,
 			  Unique{-instance Ord3-}
-import UniqSupply	( getUnique, returnUs, thenUs, UniqSM(..) )
+import UniqSupply	( getUnique, returnUs, thenUs, SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 import Unpretty		( uppStr, Unpretty(..) )
 import Util		( panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/NcgLoop_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/NcgLoop_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5cc8f208d13cadba7c8e64cec56dad8287cbef55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/NcgLoop_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+interface NcgLoop_1_3 1
+MachMisc underscorePrefix (..)
+MachMisc fmtAsmLbl (..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/Stix.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/Stix.lhs
index 2dd8169c5594fe65c5d8a05c14a296802e9d8177..c6ab81b757d6c960f382decfd82e225056e8432f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/Stix.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/Stix.lhs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-}
 import AbsCSyn		( node, infoptr, MagicId(..) )
 import AbsCUtils	( magicIdPrimRep )
 import CLabel		( mkAsmTempLabel )
-import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, getUnique, UniqSM(..) )
+import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, getUnique, SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 import Unpretty		( uppPStr, Unpretty(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInfo.lhs
index 9afcec5480e3b8ebe3395119e9517e76c8b64ec4..150dc41a9cd849aa43bb8d5a3a4098a722acc0d7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInfo.lhs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import SMRep		( SMRep(..), SMSpecRepKind(..), SMUpdateKind(..),
 import Stix		-- all of it
 import StixPrim		( amodeToStix )
-import UniqSupply	( returnUs, UniqSM(..) )
+import UniqSupply	( returnUs, SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 import Unpretty		( uppBesides, uppPStr, uppInt, uppChar )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInteger.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInteger.lhs
index 5c90139f2c190a30ab715442d7a9ac109b1cc4ca..a019c521406241deb760c055959d85d5e2d693c8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInteger.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInteger.lhs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import Stix		( getUniqLabelNCG, sStLitLbl, stgHp, stgHpLim,
 			  CodeSegment, StixReg
 import StixMacro	( macroCode, heapCheck )
-import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, UniqSM(..) )
+import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 import Util		( panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs
index c4b8e3de28f04ff4dbbf02bcdb61202aea2592f6..419283c922909c303fd86b306979888217c3e3fb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import OrdList		( OrdList )
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..) )
 import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) )
 import Stix
-import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, UniqSM(..) )
+import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 The @ARGS_CHK_A{_LOAD_NODE}@ macros check for sufficient arguments on
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixPrim.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixPrim.lhs
index c986b3117b37e973c259ed2e66938394831706a9..cdb4fdb65f6bdbcaecd9f52b54a601d51fdce655 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixPrim.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixPrim.lhs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import SMRep		( SMRep(..), SMSpecRepKind, SMUpdateKind )
 import Stix
 import StixMacro	( heapCheck, smStablePtrTable )
 import StixInteger	{- everything -}
-import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, UniqSM(..) )
+import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 import Unpretty		( uppBeside, uppPStr, uppInt )
 import Util		( panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs
index d6ebf181e7d70f4acea9b191417b13711b361862..3a5f86c95410447048c543bfd2593f23c366f252 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs
@@ -8,21 +8,65 @@ module UgenAll (
 	returnUgn, thenUgn,
 	-- stuff defined in utils module
-	UgenUtil.. ,
+	EXP_MODULE(UgenUtil) ,
 	-- re-exported ugen-generated stuff
-	U_binding.. ,
-	U_constr.. ,
-	U_entidt.. ,
-	U_list.. ,
-	U_literal.. ,
-	U_maybe.. ,
-	U_either.. ,
-	U_pbinding.. ,
-	U_qid.. ,
-	U_tree.. ,
-	U_ttype..
+	EXP_MODULE(U_binding) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(U_constr) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(U_entidt) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(U_list) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(U_literal) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(U_maybe) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(U_either) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(U_pbinding) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(U_qid) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(U_tree) ,
+	EXP_MODULE(U_ttype)
+	SYN_IE(ParseTree),
+	U_binding (..),
+	U_constr (..),
+	U_either (..),
+	U_entidt (..),
+	SYN_IE(U_hstring),
+	U_list (..),
+	U_literal (..),
+	SYN_IE(U_long),
+	U_maybe (..),
+	SYN_IE(U_numId),
+	U_pbinding (..),
+	U_qid (..),
+	SYN_IE(U_stringId),
+	U_tree (..),
+	U_ttype (..),
+	SYN_IE(UgnM),
+	getSrcFileUgn,
+	getSrcLocUgn,
+	getSrcModUgn,
+	initUgn,
+	ioToUgnM,
+	mkSrcLocUgn,
+	rdU_binding,
+	rdU_constr,
+	rdU_either,
+	rdU_entidt,
+	rdU_hstring,
+	rdU_list,
+	rdU_literal,
+	rdU_long,
+	rdU_maybe,
+	rdU_numId,
+	rdU_pbinding,
+	rdU_qid,
+	rdU_stringId,
+	rdU_tree,
+	rdU_ttype,
+	setSrcFileUgn,
+	setSrcModUgn
     ) where
 import PreludeGlaST
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs
index a432c3cf8fa339c236d1fd6741efaa8cf37da356..e112d0ccf93df73dcdd7c9c519d6d6cb9dc286d8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs
@@ -9,15 +9,25 @@ module UgenUtil (
 	returnPrimIO, thenPrimIO,
 	-- stuff defined here
-	UgenUtil..
+	EXP_MODULE(UgenUtil)
     ) where
 import PreludeGlaST
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+# define ADDR	    GHCbase.Addr
+# define PACK_STR   packCString
+# define PACK_BYTES packCBytes
+# define ADDR	    _Addr
+# define PACK_STR   _packCString
+# define PACK_BYTES _packCBytes
 import Name		( RdrName(..) )
-import SrcLoc		( mkSrcLoc2, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
+import SrcLoc		( mkSrcLoc2, mkUnknownSrcLoc, SrcLoc )
@@ -36,18 +46,25 @@ thenUgn x y stuff
 initUgn :: UgnM a -> IO a
 initUgn action
-  = action (SLIT(""),SLIT(""),mkUnknownSrcLoc) `thenPrimIO` \ result ->
+  = let
+	do_it = action (SLIT(""),SLIT(""),mkUnknownSrcLoc)
+    in
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+    primIOToIO do_it
+    do_it	`thenPrimIO` \ result ->
     return result
 ioToUgnM :: PrimIO a -> UgnM a
 ioToUgnM x stuff = x
-type ParseTree = _Addr
+type ParseTree = ADDR
-type U_VOID_STAR = _Addr
-rdU_VOID_STAR ::  _Addr -> UgnM U_VOID_STAR
 rdU_VOID_STAR x = returnUgn x
 type U_long = Int
@@ -55,20 +72,20 @@ rdU_long ::  Int -> UgnM U_long
 rdU_long x = returnUgn x
 type U_stringId = FAST_STRING
-rdU_stringId :: _Addr -> UgnM U_stringId
+rdU_stringId :: ADDR -> UgnM U_stringId
 {-# INLINE rdU_stringId #-}
-rdU_stringId s = returnUgn (_packCString s)
+rdU_stringId s = returnUgn (PACK_STR s)
 type U_numId = Int -- ToDo: Int
-rdU_numId :: _Addr -> UgnM U_numId
+rdU_numId :: ADDR -> UgnM U_numId
 rdU_numId i = rdU_stringId i `thenUgn` \ y -> returnUgn ((read (_UNPK_ y))::Int)
 type U_hstring = FAST_STRING
-rdU_hstring :: _Addr -> UgnM U_hstring
+rdU_hstring :: ADDR -> UgnM U_hstring
 rdU_hstring x
   = ioToUgnM (_ccall_ get_hstring_len   x)  `thenUgn` \ len ->
     ioToUgnM (_ccall_ get_hstring_bytes x)  `thenUgn` \ bytes ->
-    returnUgn (_packCBytes len bytes)
+    returnUgn (PACK_BYTES len bytes)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex b/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
index ab3300e5adbd722272710af480fe0c22e047173e..a0033b16a3f568e0e39b41a76e3c8bc1f569b83a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
@@ -478,6 +478,16 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
     	    		 hsnewid(yytext, yyleng);
 			 RETURN(isconstr(yytext) ? CONSYM : VARSYM);
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{Mod}"."{Id}"#"	{
+			 BOOLEAN is_constr;
+			 if (! nonstandardFlag) {
+			    char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
+			    sprintf(errbuf, "Non-standard identifier (trailing `#'): %s\n", yytext);
+			    hsperror(errbuf);
+			 }
+			 is_constr = hsnewqid(yytext, yyleng);
+			 RETURN(is_constr ? QCONID : QVARID);
+			}
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{Mod}"."{Id}	{
 			 BOOLEAN is_constr = hsnewqid(yytext, yyleng);
 			 RETURN(is_constr ? QCONID : QVARID);
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
index 466c140b963bc0fb56361c6f6b457f111733925c..8096274c7b1f55af6e4609a5bb14f58923326487 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
 module PrelInfo (
 	-- finite maps for built-in things (for the renamer and typechecker):
-	builtinNameInfo, BuiltinNames(..),
-	BuiltinKeys(..), BuiltinIdInfos(..),
+	builtinNameInfo, SYN_IE(BuiltinNames),
+	SYN_IE(BuiltinKeys), SYN_IE(BuiltinIdInfos),
 	maybeCharLikeTyCon, maybeIntLikeTyCon
     ) where
-IMPORT_DELOOPER(PrelLoop)		( primOpNameInfo )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(PrelLoop) ( primOpNameInfo )
 -- friends:
 import PrelMods		-- Prelude module names
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ import CmdLineOpts	( opt_HideBuiltinNames,
 import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, listToFM )
-import Id		( mkTupleCon, GenId, Id(..) )
+import Id		( mkTupleCon, GenId, SYN_IE(Id) )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
-import Name		( origName, OrigName(..) )
+import Name		( origName, OrigName(..), Name )
 import RnHsSyn		( RnName(..) )
 import TyCon		( tyConDataCons, mkFunTyCon, mkTupleTyCon, TyCon )
 import Type
@@ -225,11 +225,11 @@ wired_in_ids
     , augmentId
     , buildId
-    , copyableId
+--  , copyableId
     , eRROR_ID
     , foldlId
     , foldrId
-    , forkId
+--  , forkId
     , integerMinusOneId
     , integerPlusOneId
@@ -238,23 +238,22 @@ wired_in_ids
-    , noFollowId
+--  , noFollowId
     , pAR_ERROR_ID
     , pAT_ERROR_ID
     , packStringForCId
-    , parAtAbsId
-    , parAtForNowId
-    , parAtId
-    , parAtRelId
-    , parGlobalId
-    , parId
-    , parLocalId
+--    , parAtAbsId
+--    , parAtForNowId
+--    , parAtId
+--    , parAtRelId
+--    , parGlobalId
+--    , parId
+--    , parLocalId
     , realWorldPrimId
     , runSTId
-    , seqId
-    , tRACE_ID
+--    , seqId
     , tRACE_ID
     , unpackCString2Id
     , unpackCStringAppendId
@@ -313,13 +312,13 @@ For the Ids we may also have some builtin IdInfo.
 id_keys_infos :: [(OrigName, Unique, Maybe IdInfo)]
   = [ -- here so we can check the type of main/mainPrimIO
-      (OrigName SLIT("Main") SLIT("main"),	  mainIdKey,	  Nothing)
-    , (OrigName SLIT("Main") SLIT("mainPrimIO"), mainPrimIOIdKey, Nothing)
+      (OrigName SLIT("Main")    SLIT("main"),	    mainIdKey,	     Nothing)
+    , (OrigName SLIT("GHCmain") SLIT("mainPrimIO"), mainPrimIOIdKey, Nothing)
       -- here because we use them in derived instances
     , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("&&"),		andandIdKey,	Nothing)
     , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("."),		composeIdKey,	Nothing)
-    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("lex"),		lexIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , (OrigName gHC__   SLIT("lex"),		lexIdKey,	Nothing)
     , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("not"),		notIdKey,	Nothing)
     , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("readParen"),	readParenIdKey,	Nothing)
     , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("showParen"),	showParenIdKey,	Nothing)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop.lhi
index c016e48fdbcff01a7120d964508eee8672afcafa..724a8a29cb081524c923f0f67e2f33e12a7a27fb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop.lhi
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import PreludePS	( _PackedString )
 import Class		( GenClass )
 import CoreUnfold	( mkMagicUnfolding, UnfoldingDetails )
 import IdUtils		( primOpNameInfo )
-import Name		( Name, OrigName, mkPrimitiveName, mkWiredInName )
+import Name		( Name, OrigName, mkPrimitiveName, mkWiredInName, ExportFlag )
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp )
 import RnHsSyn		( RnName )
 import Type		( mkSigmaTy, mkFunTys, GenType )
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Usage		( GenUsage )
 mkMagicUnfolding :: Unique -> UnfoldingDetails
 mkPrimitiveName :: Unique -> OrigName -> Name
-mkWiredInName :: Unique -> OrigName -> Name
+mkWiredInName :: Unique -> OrigName -> ExportFlag -> Name
 mkSigmaTy :: [a] -> [(GenClass (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique, GenType a b)] -> GenType a b -> GenType a b
 mkFunTys :: [GenType a b] -> GenType a b -> GenType a b
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cee1c6751b32f40f4fde1605c5120ed80d762f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+interface PrelLoop_1_3 1
+Name mkWiredInName (..)
+Type mkSigmaTy (..)
+Type mkFunTys (..)
+IdUtils primOpNameInfo (..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
index 30f24db777e7a5a35883912cb5ac958e806c410a..fe5b026662c9706c9c6ceff5514dc09e2fd227c1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module PrelVals where
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)		( UnfoldingGuidance(..) )
-import Id		( Id(..), GenId, mkImported, mkUserId, mkTemplateLocals )
+import Id		( SYN_IE(Id), GenId, mkImported, mkUserId, mkTemplateLocals )
 -- friends:
@@ -19,45 +19,35 @@ import TysPrim
 import TysWiredIn
 -- others:
-import CmdLineOpts	( maybe_CompilingPrelude )
+import CmdLineOpts	( maybe_CompilingGhcInternals )
 import CoreSyn		-- quite a bit
 import IdInfo		-- quite a bit
 import Literal		( mkMachInt )
+import Name		( ExportFlag(..) )
 import PragmaInfo
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..) )
-import SpecEnv		( SpecEnv(..), nullSpecEnv )
+import SpecEnv		( SYN_IE(SpecEnv), nullSpecEnv )
 import Type		( mkTyVarTy )
 import TyVar		( openAlphaTyVar, alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar )
 import Unique		-- lots of *Keys
 import Util		( panic )
 -- only used herein:
 pcMiscPrelId :: Unique{-IdKey-} -> FAST_STRING -> FAST_STRING -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
 pcMiscPrelId key m n ty info
   = let
-	name = mkWiredInName key (OrigName m n)
+	name = mkWiredInName key (OrigName m n) ExportAll
 	imp  = mkImported name ty info -- the usual case...
     -- We lie and say the thing is imported; otherwise, we get into
     -- a mess with dependency analysis; e.g., core2stg may heave in
-    -- random calls to GHCbase.unpackPS.  If GHCbase is the module
+    -- random calls to GHCbase.unpackPS__.  If GHCbase is the module
     -- being compiled, then it's just a matter of luck if the definition
     -- will be in "the right place" to be in scope.
-{- ???
-    case maybe_CompilingPrelude of
-      Nothing -> imp
-      Just modname ->
-	if modname == _UNPK_ m -- we are compiling the module where this thing is defined...
-	then mkUserId name ty NoPragmaInfo
-	else imp
@@ -120,13 +110,10 @@ errorTy  :: Type
 errorTy  = mkSigmaTy [openAlphaTyVar] [] (mkFunTys [mkListTy charTy] (mkTyVarTy openAlphaTyVar))
-We want \tr{_trace} (NB: name not in user namespace) to be wired in
+We want \tr{GHCbase.trace} to be wired in
 because we don't want the strictness analyser to get ahold of it,
 decide that the second argument is strict, evaluate that first (!!),
-and make a jolly old mess.  Having \tr{_trace} wired in also helps when
-attempting to re-export it---because it's in \tr{PreludeBuiltin}, it
-won't get an \tr{import} declaration in the interface file, so the
-importing-subsequently module needs to know it's magic.
+and make a jolly old mess.
   = pcMiscPrelId traceIdKey gHC__ SLIT("trace") traceTy
@@ -143,33 +130,33 @@ tRACE_ID
-  = pcMiscPrelId packCStringIdKey{-ToDo:rename-} gHC__ SLIT("packStringForC")
+  = pcMiscPrelId packCStringIdKey{-ToDo:rename-} gHC__ SLIT("packStringForC__")
 	(mkFunTys [stringTy] byteArrayPrimTy) noIdInfo
-  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCStringIdKey gHC__ SLIT("unpackPS")
+  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCStringIdKey gHC__ SLIT("unpackPS__")
 		 (mkFunTys [addrPrimTy{-a char *-}] stringTy) noIdInfo
 -- Andy says:
 --	(FunTy addrPrimTy{-a char *-} stringTy) (noIdInfo `addInfo` mkArityInfo 1)
 -- but I don't like wired-in IdInfos (WDP)
 unpackCString2Id -- for cases when a string has a NUL in it
-  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCString2IdKey gHC__ SLIT("unpackPS2")
+  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCString2IdKey gHC__ SLIT("unpackPS2__")
 		 (mkFunTys [addrPrimTy{-a char *-}, intPrimTy{-length-}] stringTy)
-  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCStringAppendIdKey gHC__ SLIT("unpackAppendPS")
+  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCStringAppendIdKey gHC__ SLIT("unpackAppendPS__")
 		(mkFunTys [addrPrimTy{-a "char *" pointer-},stringTy] stringTy)
 		 {-LATER:`addInfo_UF` mkMagicUnfolding unpackCStringAppendIdKey-})
 		 `addInfo` mkArityInfo 2)
-  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCStringFoldrIdKey gHC__ SLIT("unpackFoldrPS")
+  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCStringFoldrIdKey gHC__ SLIT("unpackFoldrPS__")
 		(mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] []
 		(mkFunTys [addrPrimTy{-a "char *" pointer-},
 			   mkFunTys [charTy, alphaTy] alphaTy,
@@ -200,6 +187,7 @@ integerMinusOneId
+{- OUT:
 -- seqId :: "seq", used w/ GRIP, etc., is really quite similar to
 -- dangerousEval
@@ -291,11 +279,12 @@ forkId = pcMiscPrelId forkIdKey gHC__ SLIT("fork")
 		    [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
 		    (BindDefault z (Var y))))
 GranSim ones:
+{- OUT:
 parLocalId = pcMiscPrelId parLocalIdKey gHC__ SLIT("parLocal")
 		  (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
 		    (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
@@ -368,7 +357,7 @@ parAtId = pcMiscPrelId parAtIdKey gHC__ SLIT("parAt")
       = mkLam [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar] [w, g, s, p, v, x, y] (
 		Case (Prim ParAtOp [TyArg alphaTy, TyArg betaTy, TyArg gammaTy, VarArg x, VarArg v, VarArg w, VarArg g, VarArg s, VarArg p, VarArg y]) (
-		    [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
+		    [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [gammaTy])]
 		    (BindDefault z (Var y))))
 parAtAbsId = pcMiscPrelId parAtAbsIdKey gHC__ SLIT("parAtAbs")
@@ -444,7 +433,7 @@ parAtForNowId = pcMiscPrelId parAtForNowIdKey gHC__ SLIT("parAtForNow")
       = mkLam [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar] [w, g, s, p, v, x, y] (
 		Case (Prim ParAtForNowOp [TyArg alphaTy, TyArg betaTy, TyArg gammaTy, VarArg x, VarArg v, VarArg w, VarArg g, VarArg s, VarArg p, VarArg y]) (
-		    [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
+		    [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [gammaTy])]
 		    (BindDefault z (Var y))))
 -- copyable and noFollow are currently merely hooks: they are translated into
@@ -479,41 +468,25 @@ noFollowId = pcMiscPrelId noFollowIdKey gHC__ SLIT("noFollow")
       = mkLam [alphaTyVar] [x] ( Prim NoFollowOp [TyArg alphaTy, VarArg x] )
 %*									*
-\subsection[PrelVals-deriving]{Values known about mainly for doing derived instance decls}
-%*									*
-map		:: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
-	-- this is up in the here-because-of-unfolding list
---??showChar	:: Char -> ShowS
-showSpace	:: ShowS	-- non-std: == "showChar ' '"
-showString	:: String -> ShowS
-showParen	:: Bool -> ShowS -> ShowS
-(++)		:: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-readParen	:: Bool -> ReadS a -> ReadS a
-lex		:: ReadS String
-%*									*
-\subsection[PrelVals-runST]{@_runST@: Magic start-state-transformer function}
+\subsection[PrelVals-runST]{@runST@: Magic start-state-transformer function}
 %*									*
-@_runST@ has a non-Haskell-able type:
+@runST@ has a non-Haskell-able type:
--- _runST :: forall a. (forall s. _ST s a) -> a
+-- runST :: forall a. (forall s. _ST s a) -> a
 -- which is to say ::
 --	     forall a. (forall s. (_State s -> (a, _State s))) -> a
-_runST a m = case m _RealWorld (S# _RealWorld realWorld#) of
+runST a m = case m _RealWorld (S# _RealWorld realWorld#) of
 	       (r :: a, wild :: _State _RealWorld) -> r
 We unfold always, just for simplicity:
@@ -554,16 +527,16 @@ runSTId
-SLPJ 95/04: Why @_runST@ must not have an unfolding; consider:
+SLPJ 95/04: Why @runST@ must not have an unfolding; consider:
 f x =
-  _runST ( \ s -> let
+  runST ( \ s -> let
 		    (a, s')  = newArray# 100 [] s
 		    (_, s'') = fill_in_array_or_something a x s'
 		  freezeArray# a s'' )
-If we inline @_runST@, we'll get:
+If we inline @runST@, we'll get:
 f x = let
 	(a, s')  = newArray# 100 [] realWorld#{-NB-}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
index 6556a871de5309a21373f1e60cce8b63886fc496..8ab3a4bf5a3662ebb55457b4aceae36ce416fb21 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import TysWiredIn
 import CStrings		( identToC )
 import CgCompInfo   	( mIN_MP_INT_SIZE, mP_STRUCT_SIZE )
-import HeapOffs		( addOff, intOff, totHdrSize )
+import HeapOffs		( addOff, intOff, totHdrSize, HeapOffset )
 import PprStyle		( codeStyle, PprStyle(..){-ToDo:rm-} )
 import PprType		( pprParendGenType, GenTyVar{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Pretty
@@ -1292,30 +1292,31 @@ primOpInfo ForkOp	-- fork# :: a -> Int#
 -- HWL: The first 4 Int# in all par... annotations denote:
 --   name, granularity info, size of result, degree of parallelism
+--      Same  structure as _seq_ i.e. returns Int#
 primOpInfo ParGlobalOp	-- parGlobal# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> b
-  = AlgResult SLIT("parGlobal#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,betaTy] liftTyCon [betaTy]
+  = PrimResult SLIT("parGlobal#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,betaTy] intPrimTyCon IntRep []   -- liftTyCon [betaTy]
 primOpInfo ParLocalOp	-- parLocal# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> b
-  = AlgResult SLIT("parLocal#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,betaTy] liftTyCon [betaTy]
+  = PrimResult SLIT("parLocal#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,betaTy] intPrimTyCon IntRep []   -- liftTyCon [betaTy]
 primOpInfo ParAtOp	-- parAt# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> c -> c
-  = AlgResult SLIT("parAt#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar,gammaTyVar] [alphaTy,betaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,gammaTy] liftTyCon [gammaTy]
+  = PrimResult SLIT("parAt#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar,gammaTyVar] [betaTy,alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,gammaTy] intPrimTyCon IntRep []   -- liftTyCon [gammaTy]
 primOpInfo ParAtAbsOp	-- parAtAbs# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> b
-  = AlgResult SLIT("parAtAbs#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,betaTy] liftTyCon [betaTy]
+  = PrimResult SLIT("parAtAbs#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,betaTy] intPrimTyCon IntRep []   -- liftTyCon [betaTy]
 primOpInfo ParAtRelOp	-- parAtRel# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> b
-  = AlgResult SLIT("parAtRel#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,betaTy] liftTyCon [betaTy]
+  = PrimResult SLIT("parAtRel#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar] [alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,betaTy] intPrimTyCon IntRep []   -- liftTyCon [betaTy]
 primOpInfo ParAtForNowOp	-- parAtForNow# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> c -> c
-  = AlgResult SLIT("parAtForNow#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar,gammaTyVar] [alphaTy,betaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,gammaTy] liftTyCon [gammaTy]
+  = PrimResult SLIT("parAtForNow#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar,gammaTyVar] [betaTy,alphaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,gammaTy] intPrimTyCon IntRep []   -- liftTyCon [gammaTy]
 primOpInfo CopyableOp	-- copyable# :: a -> a
-  = AlgResult SLIT("copyable#")	[alphaTyVar] [alphaTy] liftTyCon [alphaTy]
+  = PrimResult SLIT("copyable#")	[alphaTyVar] [alphaTy] intPrimTyCon IntRep []   -- liftTyCon [alphaTy]
 primOpInfo NoFollowOp	-- noFollow# :: a -> a
-  = AlgResult SLIT("noFollow#")	[alphaTyVar] [alphaTy] liftTyCon [alphaTy]
+  = PrimResult SLIT("noFollow#")	[alphaTyVar] [alphaTy] intPrimTyCon IntRep []   -- liftTyCon [alphaTy]
@@ -1327,8 +1328,11 @@ primOpInfo NoFollowOp	-- noFollow# :: a -> a
 primOpInfo ErrorIOPrimOp -- errorIO# :: PrimIO () -> State# RealWorld#
   = PrimResult SLIT("errorIO#") []
-	[mkPrimIoTy unitTy]
+	[primio_ish_ty unitTy]
 	statePrimTyCon VoidRep [realWorldTy]
+  where
+    primio_ish_ty result
+      = mkFunTys [mkStateTy realWorldTy] (mkTupleTy 2 [result, mkStateTy realWorldTy])
@@ -1341,7 +1345,7 @@ primOpInfo ErrorIOPrimOp -- errorIO# :: PrimIO () -> State# RealWorld#
 primOpInfo (CCallOp _ _ _ arg_tys result_ty)
   = AlgResult SLIT("ccall#") [] arg_tys result_tycon tys_applied
-    (result_tycon, tys_applied, _) = -- _trace "PrimOp.getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts" $
+    (result_tycon, tys_applied, _) = -- trace "PrimOp.getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts" $
 				     getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts result_ty
 #ifdef DEBUG
@@ -1757,9 +1761,7 @@ pprPrimOp sty other_op
   = let
 	str = primOp_str other_op
-    if codeStyle sty
-    then identToC str
-    else ppPStr str
+    (if codeStyle sty then identToC else ppPStr) str
 instance Outputable PrimOp where
     ppr sty op = pprPrimOp sty op
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
index 08d49a88be6df3f470d30441240a289c732e25fd..954659a01726da3f4f9e3b6dc05534c2b7bf4ddc 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
@@ -18,12 +18,10 @@ import Name		( mkPrimitiveName )
 import PrelMods		( gHC_BUILTINS )
 import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) )	-- getPrimRepInfo uses PrimRep repn
 import TyCon		( mkPrimTyCon, mkDataTyCon, NewOrData(..) )
-import Type		( mkTyConTy )
+import Type		( applyTyCon, mkTyVarTys, mkTyConTy )
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar(..), alphaTyVars )
-import Type		( applyTyCon, mkTyVarTys )
 import Usage		( usageOmega )
 import Unique
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
index 27a16da26987b83d9729639f2ac147b0b1c4f45c..6a5285a460ddf23e6ac7ccaeb88441d6274b3a7c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
@@ -43,10 +43,12 @@ module TysWiredIn (
+	mkStateTy,
+	primIoDataCon,
@@ -91,16 +93,16 @@ import PrelMods
 import TysPrim
 -- others:
-import SpecEnv		( SpecEnv(..) )
+import SpecEnv		( SYN_IE(SpecEnv) )
 import Kind		( mkBoxedTypeKind, mkArrowKind )
-import Name		( mkWiredInName )
+import Name		( mkWiredInName, ExportFlag(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( mkBuiltinSrcLoc )
 import TyCon		( mkDataTyCon, mkTupleTyCon, mkSynTyCon,
 			  NewOrData(..), TyCon
 import Type		( mkTyConTy, applyTyCon, mkSigmaTy,
 			  mkFunTys, maybeAppTyCon,
-			  GenType(..), ThetaType(..), TauType(..) )
+			  GenType(..), SYN_IE(ThetaType), SYN_IE(TauType) )
 import TyVar		( tyVarKind, alphaTyVar, betaTyVar )
 import Unique
 import Util		( assoc, panic )
@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@ pcDataTyCon = pc_tycon DataType
 pcNewTyCon  = pc_tycon NewType
 pc_tycon new_or_data key mod str tyvars cons
-  = mkDataTyCon (mkWiredInName key (OrigName mod str)) tycon_kind 
+  = mkDataTyCon (mkWiredInName key (OrigName mod str) ExportAll) tycon_kind 
 		tyvars [{-no context-}] cons [{-no derivings-}]
@@ -131,7 +133,7 @@ pc_tycon new_or_data key mod str tyvars cons
 pcDataCon :: Unique{-DataConKey-} -> Module -> FAST_STRING
 	  -> [TyVar] -> ThetaType -> [TauType] -> TyCon -> SpecEnv -> Id
 pcDataCon key mod str tyvars context arg_tys tycon specenv
-  = mkDataCon (mkWiredInName key (OrigName mod str))
+  = mkDataCon (mkWiredInName key (OrigName mod str) ExportAll)
 	[ NotMarkedStrict | a <- arg_tys ]
 	[ {- no labelled fields -} ]
 	tyvars context arg_tys tycon
@@ -453,17 +455,15 @@ stTyCon = pcNewTyCon stTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("ST") alpha_beta_tyvars [stDataCon]
 %*									*
-@PrimIO@ and @IO@ really are just plain synonyms.
 mkPrimIoTy a = applyTyCon primIoTyCon [a]
 primIoTyCon = pcNewTyCon primIoTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("PrimIO") alpha_tyvar [primIoDataCon]
+primIoDataCon = pcDataCon primIoDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("PrimIO")
+		    alpha_tyvar [] [ty] primIoTyCon nullSpecEnv
     ty = mkFunTys [mkStateTy realWorldTy] (mkTupleTy 2 [alphaTy, mkStateTy realWorldTy])
-    primIoDataCon = pcDataCon primIoDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("PrimIO")
-			alpha_tyvar [] [ty] primIoTyCon nullSpecEnv
@@ -530,12 +530,12 @@ trueDataCon  = pcDataCon trueDataConKey	 pRELUDE SLIT("True")  [] [] [] boolTyCo
 Special syntax, deeply wired in, but otherwise an ordinary algebraic
-data type:
+data types:
-data List a = Nil | a : (List a)
-ToDo: data [] a = [] | a : (List a)
-ToDo: data () = ()
-      data (,,) a b c = (,,) a b c
+data [] a = [] | a : (List a)
+data () = ()
+data (,) a b = (,,) a b
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs b/ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
index ad36f041f310c040838ed33004e57b006f3c6826..635e2459decbee3789b929ffbea9c82c2523f78b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
@@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ module CostCentre (
 	overheadCostCentre, dontCareCostCentre,
 	mkUserCC, mkAutoCC, mkDictCC, mkAllCafsCC, mkAllDictsCC,
-	cafifyCC, unCafifyCC, dupifyCC,
+	cafifyCC, dupifyCC,
 	isCafCC, isDictCC, isDupdCC,
-	setToAbleCostCentre,
+	isSccCountCostCentre,
+	sccAbleCostCentre,
@@ -29,9 +30,8 @@ module CostCentre (
-import Id		( externallyVisibleId, GenId, Id(..) )
+import Id		( externallyVisibleId, GenId, SYN_IE(Id) )
 import CStrings		( identToC, stringToC )
-import Maybes		( Maybe(..) )
 import Name		( showRdr, getOccName, RdrName )
 import Pretty		( ppShow, prettyToUn )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@ mkAllCafsCC  m g   = AllCafsCC  m g
 mkAllDictsCC m g is_dupd
   = AllDictsCC m g (if is_dupd then ADupdCC else AnOriginalCC)
-cafifyCC, unCafifyCC, dupifyCC  :: CostCentre -> CostCentre
+cafifyCC, dupifyCC  :: CostCentre -> CostCentre
-cafifyCC cc@(AllDictsCC _ _ _) = cc -- ???????? ToDo
-cafifyCC cc@(PreludeDictsCC _) = cc -- ditto
+cafifyCC cc@(AllDictsCC _ _ _) = cc -- ToDo ???
+cafifyCC cc@(PreludeDictsCC _) = cc --    ditto
 cafifyCC (NormalCC kind m g is_dupd is_caf)
   = ASSERT(not_a_calf_already is_caf)
     NormalCC kind m g is_dupd IsCafCC
@@ -192,14 +192,6 @@ cafifyCC (NormalCC kind m g is_dupd is_caf)
     not_a_calf_already _       = True
 cafifyCC cc = panic ("cafifyCC"++(showCostCentre PprDebug False cc))
--- WDP 95/07: pretty dodgy
-unCafifyCC (NormalCC kind m g is_dupd IsCafCC) = NormalCC kind m g is_dupd IsNotCafCC
-unCafifyCC (AllCafsCC _ _)	= CurrentCC
-unCafifyCC PreludeCafsCC	= CurrentCC
-unCafifyCC (AllDictsCC _ _ _)	= CurrentCC
-unCafifyCC (PreludeDictsCC _)	= CurrentCC
-unCafifyCC other_cc		= other_cc
 dupifyCC (AllDictsCC m g _) = AllDictsCC m g ADupdCC
 dupifyCC (PreludeDictsCC _) = PreludeDictsCC ADupdCC
 dupifyCC (NormalCC kind m g is_dupd is_caf)
@@ -223,20 +215,33 @@ isDupdCC (PreludeDictsCC ADupdCC)   = True
 isDupdCC (NormalCC _ _ _ ADupdCC _) = True
 isDupdCC _		            = False
-setToAbleCostCentre :: CostCentre -> Bool
-  -- Is this a cost-centre to which CCC might reasonably
-  -- be set?  setToAbleCostCentre is allowed to panic on
-  -- "nonsense" cases, too...
+isSccCountCostCentre :: CostCentre -> Bool
+  -- Is this a cost-centre which records scc counts
-#ifdef DEBUG
-setToAbleCostCentre NoCostCentre    = panic "setToAbleCC:NoCostCentre"
-setToAbleCostCentre SubsumedCosts   = panic "setToAbleCC:SubsumedCosts"
-setToAbleCostCentre CurrentCC	    = panic "setToAbleCC:CurrentCC"
-setToAbleCostCentre DontCareCC	    = panic "setToAbleCC:DontCareCC"
+#if DEBUG
+isSccCountCostCentre NoCostCentre  = panic "isSccCount:NoCostCentre"
+isSccCountCostCentre SubsumedCosts = panic "isSccCount:SubsumedCosts"
+isSccCountCostCentre CurrentCC	   = panic "isSccCount:CurrentCC"
+isSccCountCostCentre DontCareCC    = panic "isSccCount:DontCareCC"
-setToAbleCostCentre OverheadCC	    = False -- see comments in type defn
-setToAbleCostCentre other	    = not (isCafCC other || isDictCC other)
+isSccCountCostCentre OverheadCC       = False
+isSccCountCostCentre cc | isCafCC cc  = False
+                        | isDupdCC cc = False
+			| isDictCC cc = True
+			| otherwise   = True
+sccAbleCostCentre :: CostCentre -> Bool
+  -- Is this a cost-centre which can be sccd ?
+#if DEBUG
+sccAbleCostCentre NoCostCentre  = panic "sccAbleCC:NoCostCentre"
+sccAbleCostCentre SubsumedCosts = panic "sccAbleCC:SubsumedCosts"
+sccAbleCostCentre CurrentCC	= panic "sccAbleCC:CurrentCC"
+sccAbleCostCentre DontCareCC	= panic "sccAbleCC:DontCareCC"
+sccAbleCostCentre OverheadCC	  = False
+sccAbleCostCentre cc | isCafCC cc = False
+		     | otherwise  = True
 ccFromThisModule :: CostCentre -> FAST_STRING{-module name-} -> Bool
@@ -270,8 +275,8 @@ cmpCostCentre DontCareCC       	  DontCareCC	      = EQ_
 cmpCostCentre (NormalCC k1 m1 _ _ c1) (NormalCC k2 m2 _ _ c2)
     -- first key is module name, then we use "kinds" (which include
-    -- names)
-  = _CMP_STRING_ m1 m2 `thenCmp` cmp_kind k1 k2
+    -- names) and finally the caf flag
+  = _CMP_STRING_ m1 m2 `thenCmp` cmp_kind k1 k2 `thenCmp` cmp_caf c1 c2
 cmpCostCentre other_1 other_2
   = let
@@ -307,6 +312,11 @@ cmp_kind other_1     other_2
     tag_CcKind (UserCC _) = (ILIT(1) :: FAST_INT)
     tag_CcKind (AutoCC _) = ILIT(2)
     tag_CcKind (DictCC _) = ILIT(3)
+cmp_caf IsNotCafCC IsCafCC     = LT_
+cmp_caf IsNotCafCC IsNotCafCC  = EQ_
+cmp_caf IsCafCC    IsCafCC     = EQ_
+cmp_caf IsCafCC    IsNotCafCC  = GT_
@@ -344,8 +354,7 @@ uppCostCentre sty print_as_string cc
   = let
 	prefix_CC = uppPStr SLIT("CC_")
-	basic_thing -- (basic_thing, suffix_CAF)
-	  = do_cc cc
+	basic_thing = do_cc cc
 	  = if friendly_sty then basic_thing else stringToC basic_thing
@@ -361,9 +370,6 @@ uppCostCentre sty print_as_string cc
     friendly_sty = friendly_style sty
-    add_module_name_maybe m str
-      = if print_as_string then str else (str ++ ('.' : m))
     do_cc OverheadCC	     = "OVERHEAD"
     do_cc DontCareCC	     = "DONT_CARE"
@@ -384,14 +390,16 @@ uppCostCentre sty print_as_string cc
     do_cc (NormalCC kind mod_name grp_name is_dupd is_caf)
       = let
-	    basic_kind = do_kind kind
-	    is_a_calf  = do_calved is_caf
+	    basic_kind = do_caf is_caf ++ do_kind kind
 	if friendly_sty then
-	    do_dupd is_dupd (basic_kind ++ ('/': _UNPK_ mod_name) ++ ('/': _UNPK_ grp_name) ++ is_a_calf)
+	    do_dupd is_dupd (basic_kind ++ ('/': _UNPK_ mod_name) ++ ('/': _UNPK_ grp_name))
+	do_caf IsCafCC = "CAF:"
+	do_caf _       = ""
     	do_kind (UserCC name) = _UNPK_ name
 	do_kind (AutoCC id)   = do_id id ++ (if friendly_sty then "/AUTO" else "")
 	do_kind (DictCC id)   = do_id id ++ (if friendly_sty then "/DICT" else "")
@@ -402,9 +410,6 @@ uppCostCentre sty print_as_string cc
 	    then showRdr sty (getOccName id)	-- use occ name
 	    else showId sty id	      		-- we really do
-	do_calved IsCafCC = "/CAF"
-	do_calved _   	  = ""
     do_dupd ADupdCC str = if friendly_sty then str ++ "/DUPD" else str
     do_dupd _	    str = str
@@ -419,7 +424,7 @@ friendly_style sty -- i.e., probably for human consumption
 Printing unfoldings is sufficiently weird that we do it separately.
 This should only apply to CostCentres that can be ``set to'' (cf
-@setToAbleCostCentre@).  That excludes CAFs and
+@sccAbleCostCentre@).  That excludes CAFs and 
 `overhead'---which are added at the very end---but includes dictionaries.
 Dict \tr{_scc_}s may cross module boundaries to show ``scope'' info;
 even if we won't ultimately do a \tr{SET_CCC} from it.
@@ -430,7 +435,7 @@ upp_cc_uf (AllDictsCC m g d)
   = uppCat [uppPStr SLIT("_ALL_DICTS_CC_"), uppStr (show (_UNPK_ m)), uppStr (show (_UNPK_ g)), upp_dupd d]
 upp_cc_uf cc@(NormalCC cc_kind m g is_dupd is_caf)
-  = ASSERT(isDictCC cc || setToAbleCostCentre cc)
+  = ASSERT(sccAbleCostCentre cc)
     uppCat [pp_kind cc_kind, uppStr (show (_UNPK_ m)), uppStr (show (_UNPK_ g)),
 	    upp_dupd is_dupd, pp_caf is_caf]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 331c37189bde00100c3f489343b2f2aac1e8075e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-\section[SCCauto]{Automated SCC annotations}
-Automatic insertion of \tr{_scc_} annotations for top-level bindings.
-Automatic insertion of \tr{_scc_} annotations on CAFs is better left
-until STG land.  We do DICT annotations there, too, but maybe that
-will turn out to be a bummer...  (WDP 94/06)
-This is a Core-to-Core pass (usually run {\em last}).
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module SCCauto ( addAutoCostCentres ) where
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs,
-			  opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs,
-			  opt_SccGroup
-			)
-import CoreSyn
-import CostCentre	( mkAutoCC, IsCafCC(..) )
-import Id		( isTopLevId, GenId{-instances-} )
-import Name		( isExported )
-	:: FAST_STRING				-- module name
-	-> [CoreBinding]			-- input
-	-> [CoreBinding]			-- output
-addAutoCostCentres mod_name binds
-  = if not doing_something then
-	binds -- now *that* was quick...
-    else
-	map scc_top_bind binds
-  where
-    doing_something = auto_all_switch_on || auto_exported_switch_on
-    auto_all_switch_on	    = opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs -- only use!
-    auto_exported_switch_on = opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs -- only use!
-    grp_name
-      = case opt_SccGroup of
-	  Just xx -> _PK_ xx
-	  Nothing -> mod_name	-- default: module name
-    -----------------------------
-    scc_top_bind (NonRec binder rhs)
-      = NonRec binder (scc_auto binder rhs)
-    scc_top_bind (Rec pairs)
-      = Rec (map scc_pair pairs)
-      where
-	scc_pair (binder, rhs) = (binder, scc_auto binder rhs)
-    -----------------------------
-    -- Automatic scc annotation for user-defined top-level Ids
-    scc_auto binder rhs
-      = if isTopLevId binder
-	&& (auto_all_switch_on || isExported binder)
-	then scc_rhs rhs
-	else rhs
-      where
-	-- park auto SCC inside lambdas; don't put one there
-	-- if there already is one.
-	scc_rhs rhs
-	  = let
-		(usevars, tyvars, vars, body) = collectBinders rhs
-	    in
-	    case body of
-	      SCC _ _ -> rhs -- leave it
-	      Con _ _ -> rhs
-	      _ -> mkUseLam usevars (mkLam tyvars vars
-			(SCC (mkAutoCC binder mod_name grp_name IsNotCafCC) body))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs
index 7a61c5520d109bfbba608aae6d5a58c4b2597b0e..89c40621973358cb3f9482ccdf59f026682b8b07 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs
@@ -32,11 +32,12 @@ IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-}
 import StgSyn
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs,
-			  opt_CompilingPrelude
+			  opt_CompilingGhcInternals
 import CostCentre	-- lots of things
 import Id		( idType, mkSysLocal, emptyIdSet )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
+import PprStyle		-- ToDo: rm
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import Type		( splitSigmaTy, getFunTy_maybe )
 import UniqSupply	( getUnique, splitUniqSupply )
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name grp_name us stg_binds
     ((fixed_ccs ++ local_ccs_no_dups, extern_ccs_no_dups), stg_binds2)
     do_auto_sccs_on_cafs  = opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs  -- only use!
-    doing_prelude	  = opt_CompilingPrelude
+    doing_prelude	  = opt_CompilingGhcInternals
     all_cafs_cc = if doing_prelude
 		  then preludeCafsCostCentre
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name grp_name us stg_binds
     do_top_binding :: StgBinding -> MassageM StgBinding
-    do_top_binding (StgNonRec b rhs)
+    do_top_binding (StgNonRec b rhs) 
       = do_top_rhs b rhs 		`thenMM` \ rhs' ->
 	returnMM (StgNonRec b rhs')
@@ -89,71 +90,75 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name grp_name us stg_binds
       = mapMM do_pair pairs		`thenMM` \ pairs2 ->
 	returnMM (StgRec pairs2)
-	do_pair (b, rhs)
+	do_pair (b, rhs) 
 	   = do_top_rhs b rhs	`thenMM` \ rhs2 ->
 	     returnMM (b, rhs2)
     do_top_rhs :: Id -> StgRhs -> MassageM StgRhs
-    do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure rhs_cc bi fv u [] (StgSCC ty cc (StgCon con args lvs)))
-	-- top-level _scc_ around nothing but static data; toss it -- it's pointless
+    do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u [] (StgSCC ty cc (StgCon con args lvs)))
+      | not (isSccCountCostCentre cc)
+	-- Trivial _scc_ around nothing but static data
+	-- Eliminate _scc_ ... and turn into StgRhsCon
       = returnMM (StgRhsCon dontCareCostCentre con args)
-    do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure rhs_cc bi fv u [] (StgSCC ty cc expr))
-	-- Top level CAF with explicit scc expression.  Attach CAF
-	-- cost centre to StgRhsClosure and collect.
-      = let
-	   calved_cc = cafifyCC cc
-	in
-	collectCC calved_cc	`thenMM_`
-	set_prevailing_cc calved_cc (
-	    do_expr expr
-	)			`thenMM`  \ expr' ->
-	returnMM (StgRhsClosure calved_cc bi fv u [] expr')
-    do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u [] body)
-      | noCostCentreAttached cc || currentOrSubsumedCosts cc
-	-- Top level CAF without a cost centre attached: Collect
-	-- cost centre with binder name, if collecting CAFs.
+    do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure no_cc bi fv u [] (StgSCC ty cc expr))
+      | (noCostCentreAttached no_cc || currentOrSubsumedCosts no_cc)
+        && not (isSccCountCostCentre cc)
+	-- Top level CAF without a cost centre attached
+	-- Attach and collect cc of trivial _scc_ in body
+      = collectCC cc					`thenMM_`
+	set_prevailing_cc cc (do_expr expr)		`thenMM`  \ expr' ->
+        returnMM (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u [] expr')
+    do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure no_cc bi fv u [] body)
+      | noCostCentreAttached no_cc || currentOrSubsumedCosts no_cc
+	-- Top level CAF without a cost centre attached
+	-- Attach CAF cc (collect if individual CAF ccs)
       = let
-	    (did_something, cc2)
+	    (collect, caf_cc)
 	      = if do_auto_sccs_on_cafs then
 		   (True, mkAutoCC binder mod_name grp_name IsCafCC)
 		   (False, all_cafs_cc)
-	(if did_something
-	 then collectCC cc2
-	 else nopMM)		`thenMM_`
-	set_prevailing_cc cc2 (
-	    do_expr body
-	)			`thenMM`  \body2 ->
-	returnMM (StgRhsClosure cc2 bi fv u [] body2)
-    do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u args body@(StgSCC ty cc expr))
-	-- We blindly use the cc off the _scc_
-      = set_prevailing_cc cc (
-	    do_expr body
-	)		`thenMM` \ body2 ->
-	returnMM (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u args body2)
+	(if collect then collectCC caf_cc else nopMM)	`thenMM_`
+	set_prevailing_cc caf_cc (do_expr body)		`thenMM`  \ body' ->
+        returnMM (StgRhsClosure caf_cc bi fv u [] body')
+    do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u [] body)
+	-- Top level CAF with cost centre attached
+	-- Should this be a CAF cc ??? Does this ever occur ???
+      = trace ("SCCfinal: CAF with cc: " ++ showCostCentre PprDebug False cc) $
+	collectCC cc					`thenMM_`
+        set_prevailing_cc cc (do_expr body)		`thenMM` \ body' ->
+	returnMM (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u [] body')
+    do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u args (StgSCC ty cc expr))
+      | not (isSccCountCostCentre cc)
+	-- Top level function with trivial _scc_ in body
+	-- Attach and collect cc of trivial _scc_
+      = collectCC cc					`thenMM_`
+	set_prevailing_cc cc (do_expr expr)		`thenMM` \ expr' ->
+	returnMM (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u args expr')
     do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u args body)
+	-- Top level function, probably subsumed
       = let
-	    cc2 = if noCostCentreAttached cc
-		  then subsumedCosts -- it's not a thunk; it is top-level & arity > 0
-		  else cc
-	in
-	set_prevailing_cc cc2 (
-	    do_expr body
-	)		`thenMM` \ body' ->
-	returnMM (StgRhsClosure cc2 bi fv u args body')
+	    (cc_closure, cc_body)
+	      = if noCostCentreAttached cc
+		then (subsumedCosts, useCurrentCostCentre)
+		else (cc, cc)
+        in
+	set_prevailing_cc cc_body (do_expr body)	`thenMM` \ body' ->
+	returnMM (StgRhsClosure cc_closure bi fv u args body')
     do_top_rhs binder (StgRhsCon cc con args)
-      = returnMM (StgRhsCon dontCareCostCentre con args)
 	-- Top-level (static) data is not counted in heap
 	-- profiles; nor do we set CCC from it; so we
 	-- just slam in dontCareCostCentre
+      = returnMM (StgRhsCon dontCareCostCentre con args)
     do_expr :: StgExpr -> MassageM StgExpr
@@ -168,10 +173,8 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name grp_name us stg_binds
       = boxHigherOrderArgs (StgPrim op) args lvs
     do_expr (StgSCC ty cc expr)	-- Ha, we found a cost centre!
-      = collectCC cc		`thenMM_`
-	set_prevailing_cc cc (
-	    do_expr expr
-	)			`thenMM`  \ expr' ->
+      = collectCC cc				`thenMM_`
+	set_prevailing_cc cc (do_expr expr)	`thenMM`  \ expr' ->
 	returnMM (StgSCC ty cc expr')
     do_expr (StgCase expr fv1 fv2 uniq alts)
@@ -179,7 +182,7 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name grp_name us stg_binds
 	do_alts alts		`thenMM` \ alts' ->
 	returnMM (StgCase expr' fv1 fv2 uniq alts')
-	do_alts (StgAlgAlts ty alts def)
+	do_alts (StgAlgAlts ty alts def) 
 	  = mapMM do_alt alts 	`thenMM` \ alts' ->
 	    do_deflt def	`thenMM` \ def' ->
 	    returnMM (StgAlgAlts ty alts' def')
@@ -188,7 +191,7 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name grp_name us stg_binds
 	      = do_expr e `thenMM` \ e' ->
 		returnMM (id, bs, use_mask, e')
-	do_alts (StgPrimAlts ty alts def)
+	do_alts (StgPrimAlts ty alts def) 
 	  = mapMM do_alt alts	`thenMM` \ alts' ->
 	    do_deflt def	`thenMM` \ def' ->
 	    returnMM (StgPrimAlts ty alts' def')
@@ -198,26 +201,24 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name grp_name us stg_binds
 		returnMM (l,e')
 	do_deflt StgNoDefault = returnMM StgNoDefault
-	do_deflt (StgBindDefault b is_used e)
+	do_deflt (StgBindDefault b is_used e) 
 	  = do_expr e			`thenMM` \ e' ->
 	    returnMM (StgBindDefault b is_used e')
     do_expr (StgLet b e)
-      = set_prevailing_cc_maybe useCurrentCostCentre (
-	do_binding b		`thenMM` \ b' ->
-	do_expr e		`thenMM` \ e' ->
-	returnMM (StgLet b' e') )
+      = do_binding b		 	`thenMM` \ b' ->
+	do_expr e		  	`thenMM` \ e' ->
+	returnMM (StgLet b' e')
     do_expr (StgLetNoEscape lvs1 lvs2 rhs body)
-      = set_prevailing_cc_maybe useCurrentCostCentre (
-	do_binding rhs		`thenMM` \ rhs' ->
-	do_expr body		`thenMM` \ body' ->
-	returnMM (StgLetNoEscape lvs1 lvs2 rhs' body') )
+      = do_binding rhs			`thenMM` \ rhs' ->
+	do_expr body			`thenMM` \ body' ->
+	returnMM (StgLetNoEscape lvs1 lvs2 rhs' body')
     do_binding :: StgBinding -> MassageM StgBinding
-    do_binding (StgNonRec b rhs)
+    do_binding (StgNonRec b rhs) 
       = do_rhs rhs 			`thenMM` \ rhs' ->
 	returnMM (StgNonRec b rhs')
@@ -231,33 +232,30 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name grp_name us stg_binds
     do_rhs :: StgRhs -> MassageM StgRhs
 	-- We play much the same game as we did in do_top_rhs above;
-	-- but we don't have to worry about cafifying, etc.
-	-- (ToDo: consolidate??)
+	-- but we don't have to worry about cafs etc.
-{- Patrick says NO: it will mess up our counts (WDP 95/07)
-    do_rhs (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u [] (StgSCC _ cc (StgCon con args lvs)))
+    do_rhs (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u [] (StgSCC ty cc (StgCon con args lvs)))
+      | not (isSccCountCostCentre cc)
       = collectCC cc `thenMM_`
 	returnMM (StgRhsCon cc con args)
-    do_rhs (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u args body@(StgSCC _ cc _))
-      = set_prevailing_cc cc (
-	    do_expr body
-	)			    `thenMM` \ body' ->
-	returnMM (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u args body')
+    do_rhs (StgRhsClosure _ bi fv u args (StgSCC ty cc expr))
+      | not (isSccCountCostCentre cc)
+      = collectCC cc 				`thenMM_`
+	set_prevailing_cc cc (do_expr expr)	`thenMM` \ expr' ->
+	returnMM (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u args expr')
     do_rhs (StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u args body)
-      = use_prevailing_cc_maybe cc  `thenMM` \ cc2 ->
-	set_prevailing_cc cc2 (
-	    do_expr body
-	)			    `thenMM` \ body' ->
-	returnMM (StgRhsClosure cc2 bi fv u args body')
+      = set_prevailing_cc_maybe cc 		$ \ cc' ->
+	set_lambda_cc (do_expr body)		`thenMM` \ body' ->
+	returnMM (StgRhsClosure cc' bi fv u args body')
     do_rhs (StgRhsCon cc con args)
-      = use_prevailing_cc_maybe cc  `thenMM` \ cc2 ->
-	returnMM (StgRhsCon cc2 con args)
-      -- ToDo: Box args (if lex) Pass back let binding???
-      -- Nope: maybe later? WDP 94/06
+      = set_prevailing_cc_maybe cc 		$ \ cc' ->
+        returnMM (StgRhsCon cc' con args)
+      	-- ToDo: Box args and sort out any let bindings ???
+      	-- Nope: maybe later? WDP 94/06
@@ -269,53 +267,58 @@ stgMassageForProfiling mod_name grp_name us stg_binds
     :: ([StgArg] -> StgLiveVars -> StgExpr)
-	-- An application lacking its arguments and live-var info
-    -> [StgArg]	-- arguments which we might box
+			-- An application lacking its arguments and live-var info
+    -> [StgArg]		-- arguments which we might box
     -> StgLiveVars	-- live var info, which we do *not* try
 			-- to maintain/update (setStgVarInfo will
 			-- do that)
     -> MassageM StgExpr
 boxHigherOrderArgs almost_expr args live_vars
-  = mapAccumMM do_arg [] args	`thenMM` \ (let_bindings, new_args) ->
-    get_prevailing_cc		`thenMM` \ cc ->
-    returnMM (foldr (mk_stg_let cc) (almost_expr new_args live_vars) let_bindings)
+  = returnMM (almost_expr args live_vars)
+{- No boxing for now ... should be moved to desugarer and preserved ... 
+boxHigherOrderArgs almost_expr args live_vars
+  = get_prevailing_cc			`thenMM` \ cc ->
+    if (isCafCC cc || isDictCC cc) then
+	-- no boxing required inside CAF/DICT cc
+	-- since CAF/DICT functions are subsumed anyway
+	returnMM (almost_expr args live_vars)
+    else
+        mapAccumMM do_arg [] args	`thenMM` \ (let_bindings, new_args) ->
+        returnMM (foldr (mk_stg_let cc) (almost_expr new_args live_vars) let_bindings)
-    do_arg bindings atom@(StgLitArg _) = returnMM (bindings, atom)
+    do_arg bindings atom@(StgLitAtom _) = returnMM (bindings, atom)
-    do_arg bindings atom@(StgVarArg old_var)
+    do_arg bindings atom@(StgVarAtom old_var)
       = let
-	    var_type = idType old_var
+	    var_type = getIdUniType old_var
-	if not (is_fun_type var_type) then
-	    returnMM (bindings, atom) -- easy
-	else
-	    -- make a trivial let-binding for the higher-order guy
+	if toplevelishId old_var && isFunType (getTauType var_type)
+	then
+	    -- make a trivial let-binding for the top-level function
 	    getUniqueMM		`thenMM` \ uniq ->
 		new_var = mkSysLocal SLIT("ho") uniq var_type mkUnknownSrcLoc
-	    returnMM ( (new_var, old_var) : bindings, StgVarArg new_var )
-      where
-	is_fun_type ty
-	  = case (splitSigmaTy ty) of { (_, _, tau_ty) ->
-	    maybeToBool (getFunTy_maybe tau_ty) }
+	    returnMM ( (new_var, old_var) : bindings, StgVarAtom new_var )
+	else
+	    returnMM (bindings, atom)
     mk_stg_let :: CostCentre -> (Id, Id) -> StgExpr -> StgExpr
     mk_stg_let cc (new_var, old_var) body
       = let
-	    rhs_body = StgApp (StgVarArg old_var) [{-no args-}] bOGUS_LVs
-	    rhs = StgRhsClosure cc
-			stgArgOcc -- safe...
-			[{-junk-}] Updatable [{-no args-}] rhs_body
-	in
-	StgLet (StgNonRec new_var rhs) body
+	    rhs_body    = StgApp (StgVarAtom old_var) [{-args-}] bOGUS_LVs
+	    rhs_closure = StgRhsClosure cc stgArgOcc [{-fvs-}] ReEntrant [{-args-}] rhs_body
+        in
+	StgLet (StgNonRec new_var rhs_closure) body
-	bOGUS_LVs = emptyIdSet -- easier to print than: panic "mk_stg_let: LVs"
+	bOGUS_LVs = emptyUniqSet -- easier to print than: panic "mk_stg_let: LVs"
@@ -341,7 +344,7 @@ initMM :: FAST_STRING	-- module name, which we may consult
        -> MassageM a
        -> (CollectedCCs, a)
-initMM mod_name init_us m = m mod_name subsumedCosts{-top-level-} init_us ([],[])
+initMM mod_name init_us m = m mod_name noCostCentre init_us ([],[])
 thenMM  :: MassageM a -> (a -> MassageM b) -> MassageM b
 thenMM_ :: MassageM a -> (MassageM b) -> MassageM b
@@ -383,47 +386,38 @@ getUniqueMM mod scope_cc us ccs = (ccs, getUnique us)
-set_prevailing_cc, set_prevailing_cc_maybe
-	:: CostCentre -> MassageM a -> MassageM a
+set_prevailing_cc :: CostCentre -> MassageM a -> MassageM a
 set_prevailing_cc cc_to_set_to action mod scope_cc us ccs
+    	-- set unconditionally
   = action mod cc_to_set_to us ccs
-    -- set unconditionally
-set_prevailing_cc_maybe cc_to_set_to action mod scope_cc us ccs
+set_prevailing_cc_maybe :: CostCentre -> (CostCentre -> MassageM a) -> MassageM a
+set_prevailing_cc_maybe cc_to_try action mod scope_cc us ccs
+    	-- set only if a real cost centre
   = let
-	-- used when switching from top-level to nested
-	-- scope; if we were chugging along as "subsumed",
-	-- we change to the new thing; otherwise we
-	-- keep what we had.
+	cc_to_use
+	  = if noCostCentreAttached cc_to_try || currentOrSubsumedCosts cc_to_try
+	    then scope_cc    -- carry on as before
+	    else cc_to_try   -- use new cost centre
+    in
+    action cc_to_use mod cc_to_use us ccs
+set_lambda_cc :: MassageM a -> MassageM a
+set_lambda_cc action mod scope_cc us ccs
+	-- used when moving inside a lambda;
+  	-- if we were chugging along as "caf/dict" we change to "ccc"
+  = let
-	  = if (costsAreSubsumed scope_cc)
-	    then cc_to_set_to
-	    else scope_cc   -- carry on as before
+	  = if isCafCC scope_cc || isDictCC scope_cc
+	    then useCurrentCostCentre
+	    else scope_cc
     action mod cc_to_use us ccs
 get_prevailing_cc :: MassageM CostCentre
 get_prevailing_cc mod scope_cc us ccs = (ccs, scope_cc)
-use_prevailing_cc_maybe :: CostCentre -> MassageM CostCentre
-use_prevailing_cc_maybe cc_to_try mod scope_cc us ccs
-  = let
-	cc_to_use
-	  = if not (noCostCentreAttached   cc_to_try
-		 || currentOrSubsumedCosts cc_to_try) then
-		cc_to_try
-	    else
-		uncalved_scope_cc
-		-- carry on as before, but be sure it
-		-- isn't marked as CAFish (we're
-		-- crossing a lambda...)
-    in
-    (ccs, cc_to_use)
-  where
-    uncalved_scope_cc = unCafifyCC scope_cc
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs
index 8cd388bd0673967daa30ae07f7cdd09c3d8d449d..cd4d1b8b938cd9fd6f6915327ad4b8626bb10c85 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs
@@ -12,17 +12,18 @@ order that follows the \tr{Prefix_Form} document.
 module PrefixSyn (
-	RdrId(..),
+	SYN_IE(RdrId),
-	SigConverter(..),
-	SrcFile(..),
-	SrcFun(..),
-	SrcLine(..),
+	SYN_IE(SigConverter),
+	SYN_IE(SrcFile),
+	SYN_IE(SrcFun),
+	SYN_IE(SrcLine),
     ) where
 import HsSyn
 import RdrHsSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
index cb5aa2b4b401717d6e058e0f68ecd88b14724840..7b44b5986aba182677d146917d9cc08da7b94e0b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
@@ -10,41 +10,41 @@ they are used somewhat later on in the compiler...)
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module RdrHsSyn (
-	RdrNameArithSeqInfo(..),
-	RdrNameBangType(..),
-	RdrNameBind(..),
-	RdrNameClassDecl(..),
-	RdrNameClassOpSig(..),
-	RdrNameConDecl(..),
-	RdrNameContext(..),
-	RdrNameSpecDataSig(..),
-	RdrNameDefaultDecl(..),
-	RdrNameFixityDecl(..),
-	RdrNameGRHS(..),
-	RdrNameGRHSsAndBinds(..),
-	RdrNameHsBinds(..),
-	RdrNameHsExpr(..),
-	RdrNameHsModule(..),
-	RdrNameIE(..),
-	RdrNameImportDecl(..),
-	RdrNameInstDecl(..),
-	RdrNameMatch(..),
-	RdrNameMonoBinds(..),
-	RdrNameMonoType(..),
-	RdrNamePat(..),
-	RdrNamePolyType(..),
-	RdrNameQual(..),
-	RdrNameSig(..),
-	RdrNameSpecInstSig(..),
-	RdrNameStmt(..),
-	RdrNameTyDecl(..),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameArithSeqInfo),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameBangType),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameBind),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameClassDecl),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameClassOpSig),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameConDecl),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameContext),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameSpecDataSig),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameDefaultDecl),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameFixityDecl),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameGRHS),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameGRHSsAndBinds),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameHsBinds),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameHsExpr),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameHsModule),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameIE),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameImportDecl),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameInstDecl),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameMatch),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameMonoBinds),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameMonoType),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNamePat),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNamePolyType),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameQual),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameSig),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameSpecInstSig),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameStmt),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameTyDecl),
-	RdrNameClassOpPragmas(..),
-	RdrNameClassPragmas(..),
-	RdrNameDataPragmas(..),
-	RdrNameGenPragmas(..),
-	RdrNameInstancePragmas(..),
-	RdrNameCoreExpr(..),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameClassOpPragmas),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameClassPragmas),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameDataPragmas),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameGenPragmas),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameInstancePragmas),
+	SYN_IE(RdrNameCoreExpr),
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
index 9353e8740fa39bbc2124e284eb6ea390bb72f11d..17f2a498958bd61edf1cb274553338eaa4b83cd2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 module ReadPrefix ( rdModule )  where
+IMPORT_1_3(IO(hPutStr, stderr))
 import UgenAll		-- all Yacc parser gumpff...
 import PrefixSyn	-- and various syntaxen.
@@ -77,13 +78,21 @@ cvFlag 1 = True
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+# define PACK_STR packCString
+# define CCALL_THEN `GHCbase.ccallThen`
+# define PACK_STR _packCString
+# define CCALL_THEN `thenPrimIO`
 rdModule :: IO (Module,		    -- this module's name
 	        RdrNameHsModule)    -- the main goods
-  = _ccall_ hspmain `thenPrimIO` \ pt -> -- call the Yacc parser!
+  = _ccall_ hspmain CCALL_THEN \ pt -> -- call the Yacc parser!
-	srcfile  = _packCString ``input_filename'' -- What A Great Hack! (TM)
+	srcfile  = PACK_STR ``input_filename'' -- What A Great Hack! (TM)
     initUgn 		  $
     rdU_tree pt `thenUgn` \ (U_hmodule modname himplist hexplist hfixlist
@@ -91,12 +100,12 @@ rdModule
     setSrcFileUgn srcfile $
     setSrcModUgn  modname $
-    mkSrcLocUgn srcline	  $			    \ src_loc	->
+    mkSrcLocUgn srcline	  $		   \ src_loc	->
-    wlkMaybe rdEntities		 hexplist `thenUgn` \ exports	->
-    wlkList  rdImport            himplist `thenUgn` \ imports	->
-    wlkList  rdFixOp		 hfixlist `thenUgn` \ fixities 	->
-    wlkBinding			 hmodlist `thenUgn` \ binding	->
+    wlkMaybe rdEntities	hexplist `thenUgn` \ exports	->
+    wlkList  rdImport   himplist `thenUgn` \ imports	->
+    wlkList  rdFixOp	hfixlist `thenUgn` \ fixities 	->
+    wlkBinding		hmodlist `thenUgn` \ binding	->
     case sepDeclsForTopBinds binding of
     (tydecls, tysigs, classdecls, instdecls, instsigs, defaultdecls, binds) ->
@@ -471,7 +480,11 @@ wlkLiteral ulit
     as_char s     = _HEAD_ s
     as_integer s  = readInteger (_UNPK_ s)
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+    as_rational s = GHCbase.readRational__ (_UNPK_ s) -- non-std
     as_rational s = _readRational (_UNPK_ s) -- non-std
     as_string s   = s
@@ -565,7 +578,7 @@ wlkBinding binding
 	    ctxt_inst_ty = HsPreForAllTy ctxt inst_ty
 	returnUgn (RdrInstDecl
-          (InstDecl clas ctxt_inst_ty binds True modname uprags noInstancePragmas src_loc))
+          (InstDecl clas ctxt_inst_ty binds True{-from here-} modname uprags noInstancePragmas src_loc))
 	-- "default" declaration
       U_dbind dbindts srcline ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
index bc4137d4093268cf203e492f18830d666139bbe2..935c227128f7c5375d0dea3bdf1854b379c322e6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import RdrHsSyn		-- oodles of synonyms
 import HsPragmas	( noGenPragmas )
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, snocBag )
-import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, unitFM, addToFM, plusFM, bagToFM )
+import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, unitFM, addToFM, plusFM, bagToFM, FiniteMap )
 import Name		( ExportFlag(..), mkTupNameStr, preludeQual,
 			  RdrName(..){-instance Outputable:ToDo:rm-}
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ parseIface = parseIToks . lexIface
 	DCOLON		    { ITdcolon }
 	DOTDOT		    { ITdotdot }
 	EQUAL		    { ITequal }
+	FORALL		    { ITforall }
 	INFIX		    { ITinfix }
 	INFIXL		    { ITinfixl }
 	INFIXR		    { ITinfixr }
@@ -228,8 +229,10 @@ class		:: { (RdrName, RdrName) }
 class		:  gtycon VARID			{ ($1, Unqual $2) }
 ctype		:: { RdrNamePolyType }
-ctype		: context DARROW type  { HsPreForAllTy $1 $3 }
-		| type		       { HsPreForAllTy [] $1 }
+ctype		: FORALL OBRACK tyvars CBRACK context DARROW type  { HsForAllTy (map Unqual $3) $5 $7 }
+		| FORALL OBRACK tyvars CBRACK type		       { HsForAllTy (map Unqual $3) [] $5 }
+		| context DARROW type	{{-ToDo:rm-} HsPreForAllTy $1 $3 }
+		| type		        {{-ToDo:change-} HsPreForAllTy [] $1 }
 type		:: { RdrNameMonoType }
 type		:  btype		{ $1 }
@@ -313,13 +316,9 @@ btyconapp	:: { (RdrName, [RdrNameBangType]) }
 btyconapp	:  gtycon			{ ($1, []) }
 		|  btyconapp batype		{ case $1 of (tc,tys) -> (tc, tys ++ [$2]) }
-bbtype		:: { RdrNameBangType }
-bbtype		:  btype			{ Unbanged (HsPreForAllTy [] $1) }
-		|  BANG atype			{ Banged   (HsPreForAllTy [] $2) }
 batype		:: { RdrNameBangType }
-batype		:  atype			{ Unbanged (HsPreForAllTy [] $1) }
-		|  BANG atype			{ Banged   (HsPreForAllTy [] $2) }
+batype		:  atype			{ Unbanged (HsForAllTy [{-ToDo:tvs-}] [] $1) }
+		|  BANG atype			{ Banged   (HsForAllTy [{-ToDo:tvs-}] [] $2) }
 batypes		:: { [RdrNameBangType] }
 batypes		:  batype			{ [$1] }
@@ -330,8 +329,8 @@ fields		: field				{ [$1] }
 		| fields COMMA field		{ $1 ++ [$3] }
 field		:: { ([RdrName], RdrNameBangType) }
-field		:  var DCOLON type	    { ([$1], Unbanged (HsPreForAllTy [] $3)) }
-		|  var DCOLON BANG atype    { ([$1], Banged   (HsPreForAllTy [] $4)) }
+field		:  var DCOLON type	    { ([$1], Unbanged (HsForAllTy [{-ToDo:tvs-}] [] $3)) }
+		|  var DCOLON BANG atype    { ([$1], Banged   (HsForAllTy [{-ToDo:tvs-}] [] $4)) }
 constr1		:: { (RdrName, RdrNameMonoType) }
 constr1		:  gtycon atype	{ ($1, $2) }
@@ -347,11 +346,14 @@ qname		:  QVARID		{ $1 }
 		|  QCONSYM		{ $1 }
 name		:: { FAST_STRING }
-name		:  VARID	{ $1 }
-		|  CONID	{ $1 }
-		|  VARSYM	{ $1 }
-		|  BANG  	{ SLIT("!"){-sigh, double-sigh-} }
-		|  CONSYM	{ $1 }
+name		:  VARID		{ $1 }
+		|  CONID		{ $1 }
+		|  VARSYM		{ $1 }
+		|  BANG  		{ SLIT("!"){-sigh, double-sigh-} }
+		|  CONSYM		{ $1 }  
+		|  OBRACK CBRACK	{ SLIT("[]") }
+		|  OPAREN CPAREN	{ SLIT("()") }
+		|  OPAREN commas CPAREN	{ mkTupNameStr $2 }
 instances_part	:: { Bag RdrIfaceInst }
 instances_part	:  INSTANCES_PART instdecls { $2 }
@@ -362,13 +364,15 @@ instdecls	:  instd		    { unitBag $1 }
 		|  instdecls instd	    { $1 `snocBag` $2 }
 instd		:: { RdrIfaceInst }
-instd		:  INSTANCE context DARROW gtycon restrict_inst	SEMI { mk_inst $2 $4 $5 }
-		|  INSTANCE		   gtycon general_inst	SEMI { mk_inst [] $2 $3 }
+instd		:  INSTANCE FORALL OBRACK tyvars CBRACK context DARROW gtycon restrict_inst SEMI { mk_inst (Just (map Unqual $4)) $6 $8 $9 }
+		|  INSTANCE FORALL OBRACK tyvars CBRACK		       gtycon general_inst  SEMI { mk_inst (Just (map Unqual $4)) [] $6 $7 }
+		|  INSTANCE context DARROW gtycon restrict_inst	SEMI {{-ToDo:rm-} mk_inst Nothing $2 $4 $5 }
+		|  INSTANCE		   gtycon general_inst	SEMI {{-ToDo:rm-} mk_inst Nothing [] $2 $3 }
 restrict_inst	:: { RdrNameMonoType }
 restrict_inst	:  gtycon				{ MonoTyApp $1 [] }
-		|  OPAREN gtyconvars CPAREN		{ case $2 of (tc,tvs) -> MonoTyApp tc (map en_mono tvs) }
-		|  OPAREN VARID COMMA tyvar_list CPAREN	{ MonoTupleTy (map en_mono ($2:$4)) }
+		|  OPAREN gtyconvars CPAREN		{ case $2 of (tc,tvs) -> MonoTyApp tc (map en_mono (reverse tvs)) }
+		|  OPAREN VARID COMMA tyvars CPAREN	{ MonoTupleTy (map en_mono ($2:$4)) }
 		|  OBRACK VARID CBRACK			{ MonoListTy (en_mono $2) }
 		|  OPAREN VARID RARROW VARID CPAREN	{ MonoFunTy (en_mono $2) (en_mono $4) }
@@ -379,9 +383,9 @@ general_inst	:  gtycon				{ MonoTyApp $1 [] }
 		|  OBRACK type CBRACK			{ MonoListTy $2 }
 		|  OPAREN btype RARROW type CPAREN	{ MonoFunTy $2 $4 }
-tyvar_list	:: { [FAST_STRING] }
-tyvar_list	:  VARID		    { [$1] }
-		|  tyvar_list COMMA VARID   { $1 ++ [$3]
+tyvars		:: { [FAST_STRING] }
+tyvars		:  VARID		    { [$1] }
+		|  tyvars COMMA VARID   { $1 ++ [$3]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs
index e71614f7a4878a5f8118eca9071d261dcd92c373..dea7549cc4675708c8a93f1faf9954fb28eb6709 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs
@@ -10,13 +10,16 @@ module ParseUtils where
+IMPORT_1_3(Char(isDigit, isAlpha, isAlphanum, isUpper))
 import HsSyn		-- quite a bit of stuff
 import RdrHsSyn		-- oodles of synonyms
 import HsPragmas	( noDataPragmas, noClassPragmas, noClassOpPragmas,
-import ErrUtils		( Error(..) )
+import ErrUtils		( SYN_IE(Error) )
 import FiniteMap	( unitFM, listToFM, lookupFM, plusFM, FiniteMap )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, MaybeErr(..) )
 import Name		( isLexConId, isLexVarId, isLexConSym,
@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) ) -- ToDo: rm debugging
 import PrelMods		( pRELUDE )
 import Pretty		( ppCat, ppPStr, ppInt, ppShow, ppStr )
 import SrcLoc		( mkIfaceSrcLoc )
-import Util		( startsWith, isIn, panic, assertPanic )
+import Util		( startsWith, isIn, panic, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
@@ -96,6 +99,7 @@ data IfaceToken
   | ITinfixl
   | ITinfixr
   | ITinfix
+  | ITforall
   | ITbang		-- magic symbols
   | ITvbar
   | ITdcolon
@@ -205,15 +209,22 @@ mk_class ctxt (qclas@(Qual mod clas), tyvar) ops_and_sigs
     opify (Sig f ty _ loc) = ClassOpSig f ty noClassOpPragmas loc
-mk_inst	:: RdrNameContext
+mk_inst	:: Maybe [RdrName] -- ToDo: de-maybe
+	-> RdrNameContext
 	-> RdrName -- class
 	-> RdrNameMonoType  -- fish the tycon out yourself...
 	-> RdrIfaceInst
-mk_inst	ctxt qclas@(Qual cmod cname) mono_ty
-  = InstSig qclas (tycon_name mono_ty) mkIfaceSrcLoc $ \ mod ->
-	InstDecl qclas (HsPreForAllTy ctxt mono_ty)
-	    EmptyMonoBinds False mod [{-sigs-}]
+mk_inst	tvs ctxt qclas@(Qual cmod cname) mono_ty
+  = let
+	ty = case tvs of
+	       Nothing -> HsPreForAllTy ctxt mono_ty -- ToDo: get rid of this
+	       Just ts -> HsForAllTy ts ctxt mono_ty
+    in
+    -- pprTrace "mk_inst:" (ppr PprDebug ty) $
+    InstSig qclas (tycon_name mono_ty) mkIfaceSrcLoc $ \ mod ->
+	InstDecl qclas ty
+	    EmptyMonoBinds False{-not from_here-} mod [{-sigs-}]
 	    noInstancePragmas mkIfaceSrcLoc
     tycon_name (MonoTyApp tc _) = tc
@@ -277,10 +288,8 @@ lexIface input
 	ITinteger (read num) : lexIface rest }
-    is_var_sym '_'  = True
-    is_var_sym '\'' = True
-    is_var_sym '#'  = True -- for Glasgow-extended names
-    is_var_sym c    = isAlphanum c
+    is_var_sym c    = isAlphanum c || c `elem` "_'#"
+	 -- the last few for for Glasgow-extended names
     is_var_sym1 '\'' = False
     is_var_sym1 '#'  = False
@@ -289,6 +298,15 @@ lexIface input
     is_sym_sym c = c `elem` ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" -- ToDo: add ISOgraphic
+    is_list_sym '[' = True
+    is_list_sym ']' = True
+    is_list_sym _   = False
+    is_tuple_sym '(' = True
+    is_tuple_sym ')' = True
+    is_tuple_sym ',' = True
+    is_tuple_sym _   = False
     lex_word str@(c:cs) -- we know we have a capital letter to start
       = -- we first try for "<module>." on the front...
@@ -299,6 +317,8 @@ lexIface input
 	in_the_club []    = panic "lex_word:in_the_club"
 	in_the_club (x:_) | isAlpha    x = is_var_sym
 			  | is_sym_sym x = is_sym_sym
+			  | x == '['	 = is_list_sym
+			  | x == '('	 = is_tuple_sym
 			  | otherwise    = panic ("lex_word:in_the_club="++[x])
     module_dot (c:cs)
@@ -338,18 +358,20 @@ lexIface input
 	     case module_dot of
 	       Nothing ->
-		 categ n (ITconid  n) (ITvarid  n) (ITconsym  n) (ITvarsym  n)
+		 categ f n (ITconid  n) (ITvarid  n) (ITconsym  n) (ITvarsym  n)
 	       Just m ->
 		     q = Qual m n
-		 categ n (ITqconid q) (ITqvarid q) (ITqconsym q) (ITqvarsym q)
+		 categ f n (ITqconid q) (ITqvarid q) (ITqconsym q) (ITqvarsym q)
 	     ) : lexIface rest ;
-    categ n conid varid consym varsym
-      = if      isLexConId  n then conid
+    categ f n conid varid consym varsym
+      = if f == '[' || f == '(' then
+	   conid
+	else if isLexConId  n then conid
 	else if isLexVarId  n then varid
 	else if isLexConSym n then consym
 	else			   varsym
@@ -367,6 +389,7 @@ lexIface input
        ,("fixities__",		ITfixities)
        ,("declarations__",	ITdeclarations)
        ,("pragmas__",		ITpragmas)
+       ,("forall__",		ITforall)
        ,("data",		ITdata)
        ,("type",		ITtype)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
index d1b2fbc69205cd860ef63fa43d44617f63a4c721..8e9c81d3509a3635f58c705634bbe604860d825a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module Rename ( renameModule ) where
-import PreludeGlaST	( thenPrimIO, newVar, MutableVar(..) )
+import PreludeGlaST	( thenPrimIO )
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@ import ParseUtils	( ParsedIface(..), RdrIfaceDecl(..), RdrIfaceInst(..),
 import RnMonad
 import RnNames		( getGlobalNames, GlobalNameInfo(..) )
 import RnSource		( rnSource )
-import RnIfaces		( rnIfaces )
-import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), extendGlobalRnEnv, emptyRnEnv )
+import RnIfaces		( rnIfaces, initIfaceCache, IfaceCache )
+import RnUtils		( SYN_IE(RnEnv), extendGlobalRnEnv, emptyRnEnv )
 import Bag		( isEmptyBag, unionBags, unionManyBags, bagToList, listToBag )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_HiMap, opt_NoImplicitPrelude )
-import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..) )
+import ErrUtils		( SYN_IE(Error), SYN_IE(Warning) )
 import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, eltsFM, fmToList, lookupFM{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
-import Name		( isLocallyDefined, mkWiredInName, Name, RdrName(..) )
-import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo, BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
+import Name		( isLocallyDefined, mkWiredInName, Name, RdrName(..), ExportFlag(..) )
+import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo, SYN_IE(BuiltinNames), SYN_IE(BuiltinKeys) )
 import Unique		( ixClassKey )
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM, lookupUFM, addListToUFM_C, eltsUFM )
 import UniqSupply	( splitUniqSupply )
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ renameModule :: UniqSupply
 		    RnEnv,		-- final env (for renaming derivings)
 		    [Module],	   	-- imported modules; for profiling
+		    Name -> ExportFlag,	-- export info
 	            VersionsMap,      	-- version info; for usage
 		    [Module]),	   	-- instance modules; for iface
@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ renameModule us input@(HsModule modname _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
     makeHiMap opt_HiMap	    >>=	         \ hi_files ->
 --  pprTrace "HiMap:\n" (ppAboves [ ppCat [ppPStr m, ppStr p] | (m,p) <- fmToList hi_files])
-    newVar (emptyFM,emptyFM,hi_files){-init iface cache-}  `thenPrimIO` \ iface_cache ->
+    initIfaceCache modname hi_files  >>= \ iface_cache ->
     fixIO ( \ ~(_, _, _, _, rec_occ_fm, rec_export_fn) ->
@@ -130,10 +131,10 @@ renameModule us input@(HsModule modname _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
 	    top_warns `unionBags` src_warns `unionBags` listToBag occ_warns,
 	    occ_fm, export_fn)
-    }) >>= \ (rn_module, imp_mods, errs_so_far, warns_so_far, occ_fm, _) ->
+    }) >>= \ (rn_module, imp_mods, errs_so_far, warns_so_far, occ_fm, export_fn) ->
     if not (isEmptyBag errs_so_far) then
-	return (rn_panic, rn_panic, rn_panic, rn_panic, errs_so_far, warns_so_far)
+	return (rn_panic, rn_panic, rn_panic, rn_panic, rn_panic, errs_so_far, warns_so_far)
     -- No errors renaming source so rename the interfaces ...
@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ renameModule us input@(HsModule modname _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
 	  | opt_NoImplicitPrelude
 	  = [{-no Prelude.hi, no point looking-}]
 	  | otherwise
-	  = [ name_fn (mkWiredInName u orig)
+	  = [ name_fn (mkWiredInName u orig ExportAll)
 	    | (orig@(OrigName mod str), (u, name_fn)) <- fmToList b_keys,
 	      str `notElem` [ SLIT("main"), SLIT("mainPrimIO")] ]
@@ -200,6 +201,7 @@ renameModule us input@(HsModule modname _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
     return (rn_module_with_imports,
+	    export_fn,
 	    errs_so_far  `unionBags` iface_errs,
 	    warns_so_far `unionBags` iface_warns)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
index ab0e9eee4308ebb48a2e122f951e5c567d5cbbc7..f1618ad2dbeeb6a2dba8bbd08746aea63a61a0d3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import PprStyle--ToDo:rm
 import Pretty
 import UniqSet		( emptyUniqSet, unitUniqSet, mkUniqSet,
 			  unionUniqSets, unionManyUniqSets,
-			  elementOfUniqSet, uniqSetToList, UniqSet(..) )
+			  elementOfUniqSet, uniqSetToList, SYN_IE(UniqSet) )
 import Util		( thenCmp, isIn, removeDups, panic, panic#, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
index 9e2697fde69865de4c5abe8b1302b32b8b16fae1..220a9456cde191b5e76d9482fbd3d68ff291d1ee 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Pretty
 import UniqFM		( lookupUFM, ufmToList{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import UniqSet		( emptyUniqSet, unitUniqSet,
 			  unionUniqSets, unionManyUniqSets,
-			  UniqSet(..)
+			  SYN_IE(UniqSet)
 import Util		( Ord3(..), removeDups, panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
index 596ed5fa4ae4e4ea62067f7f77e36a59459bf8b4..e06d1e71820078680abf47dc5c42855f077f83d0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ IMP_Ubiq()
 import HsSyn
-import Id		( isDataCon, GenId, Id(..) )
+import Id		( isDataCon, GenId, SYN_IE(Id) )
 import Name		( isLocalName, nameUnique, Name, RdrName(..){-ToDo: rm ..-},
@@ -92,6 +92,14 @@ isRnImplicit _			 = False
 isRnUnbound (RnUnbound _) = True
 isRnUnbound _		  = False
+isRnEntity (WiredInId _)       = True
+isRnEntity (WiredInTyCon _)    = True
+isRnEntity (RnName n)	       = not (isLocalName n)
+isRnEntity (RnSyn _)           = True
+isRnEntity (RnData _ _ _)      = True
+isRnEntity (RnClass _ _)       = True
+isRnEntity _                   = False
 -- Very general NamedThing comparison, used when comparing
 -- Uniquable things with different types
@@ -120,7 +128,7 @@ instance NamedThing RnName where
     getName (RnImplicit n)      = n
     getName (RnImplicitTyCon n) = n
     getName (RnImplicitClass n) = n
-    getName (RnUnbound occ)     = pprTrace "getRnName:RnUnbound: " (ppr PprDebug occ)
+    getName (RnUnbound occ)     = --pprTrace "getRnName:RnUnbound: " (ppr PprDebug occ)
 				  (case occ of
 				     Unqual n -> mkLocalName bottom n False bottom2
 				     Qual m n -> mkLocalName bottom n False bottom2)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
index 3db7db8ce6dbedb2105defe86b0c561ed10a4258..965ab3f922d79cb4eeb2f961b474aa5f9c752538 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
 module RnIfaces (
-	cachedDecl,
+	cachedDecl, CachingResult(..),
-	IfaceCache(..)
+	IfaceCache, initIfaceCache
     ) where
-import PreludeGlaST	( thenPrimIO, seqPrimIO, readVar, writeVar, MutableVar(..) )
+import PreludeGlaST	( thenPrimIO, seqPrimIO, newVar, readVar, writeVar, MutableVar(..) )
 import HsSyn
 import HsPragmas	( noGenPragmas )
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import RnHsSyn
 import RnMonad
 import RnSource		( rnTyDecl, rnClassDecl, rnInstDecl, rnPolyType )
-import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), emptyRnEnv, lookupRnEnv, lookupTcRnEnv, extendGlobalRnEnv )
+import RnUtils		( SYN_IE(RnEnv), emptyRnEnv, lookupRnEnv, lookupTcRnEnv, extendGlobalRnEnv )
 import ParseIface	( parseIface )
 import ParseUtils	( ParsedIface(..), RdrIfaceDecl(..), RdrIfaceInst(..),
 			  VersionsMap(..), UsagesMap(..)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import ParseUtils	( ParsedIface(..), RdrIfaceDecl(..), RdrIfaceInst(..),
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, consBag, snocBag,
 			  unionBags, unionManyBags, isEmptyBag, bagToList )
-import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..) )
+import ErrUtils		( SYN_IE(Error), SYN_IE(Warning) )
 import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM, addToFM_C, plusFM, eltsFM,
 			  fmToList, delListFromFM, sizeFM, foldFM, unitFM,
 			  plusFM_C, addListToFM, keysFM{-ToDo:rm-}
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import Name		( origName, moduleOf, nameOf, qualToOrigName, OrigName(..),
 			  isLexCon, RdrName(..), Name{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import PprStyle		-- ToDo:rm
 import Outputable	-- ToDo:rm
-import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo )
+import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo, SYN_IE(BuiltinNames) )
 import Pretty
 import Maybes		( MaybeErr(..) )
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM )
@@ -55,12 +55,22 @@ import Util		( sortLt, removeDups, cmpPString, startsWith,
 type ModuleToIfaceContents = FiniteMap Module ParsedIface
 type ModuleToIfaceFilePath = FiniteMap Module FilePath
-type IfaceCache
-  = MutableVar _RealWorld
-	(ModuleToIfaceContents,	-- interfaces for individual interface files
-	 ModuleToIfaceContents, -- merged interfaces based on module name
-				-- used for extracting info about original names
-	 ModuleToIfaceFilePath)
+data IfaceCache
+  = IfaceCache
+	Module			 -- the name of the module being compiled
+	BuiltinNames		 -- so we can avoid going after things
+				 -- the compiler already knows about
+        (MutableVar _RealWorld
+	 (ModuleToIfaceContents, -- interfaces for individual interface files
+	  ModuleToIfaceContents, -- merged interfaces based on module name
+				 -- used for extracting info about original names
+	  ModuleToIfaceFilePath))
+initIfaceCache mod hi_files
+  = newVar (emptyFM,emptyFM,hi_files) `thenPrimIO` \ iface_var ->
+    return (IfaceCache mod b_names iface_var)
+  where
+    b_names = case builtinNameInfo of (b_names,_,_) -> b_names
@@ -92,13 +102,15 @@ ToDo: Check/Merge duplicate pragmas.
-cachedIface :: Bool		-- True  => want merged interface for original name
-	    -> IfaceCache	-- False => want file interface only
+cachedIface :: IfaceCache
+	    -> Bool		-- True  => want merged interface for original name
+				-- False => want file interface only
+	    -> FAST_STRING	-- item that prompted search (debugging only!)
 	    -> Module
 	    -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
-cachedIface want_orig_iface iface_cache modname
-  = readVar iface_cache `thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, orig_fm, file_fm) ->
+cachedIface (IfaceCache _ _ iface_var) want_orig_iface item modname
+  = readVar iface_var `thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, orig_fm, file_fm) ->
     case (lookupFM iface_fm modname) of
       Just iface -> return (want_iface iface orig_fm)
@@ -106,7 +118,7 @@ cachedIface want_orig_iface iface_cache modname
       	case (lookupFM file_fm modname) of
 	  Nothing   -> return (Failed (noIfaceErr modname))
 	  Just file ->
-	    readIface file modname >>= \ read_iface ->
+	    readIface file modname item >>= \ read_iface ->
 	    case read_iface of
 	      Failed err      -> -- pprTrace "module-file map:\n" (ppAboves [ppCat [ppPStr m, ppStr f] | (m,f) <- fmToList file_fm]) $
 				 return (Failed err)
@@ -115,7 +127,7 @@ cachedIface want_orig_iface iface_cache modname
 		    iface_fm' = addToFM iface_fm modname iface
 		    orig_fm'  = addToFM_C mergeIfaces orig_fm (iface_mod iface) iface
-		writeVar iface_cache (iface_fm', orig_fm', file_fm) `seqPrimIO`
+		writeVar iface_var (iface_fm', orig_fm', file_fm) `seqPrimIO`
 		return (want_iface iface orig_fm')
     want_iface iface orig_fm 
@@ -161,26 +173,49 @@ mergeIfaces (ParsedIface mod1 (_, files1) _ _ _ _ _ _ fixes1 tdefs1 vdefs1 idefs
     idecl_nm (ValSig     n _ _)	    = n
+data CachingResult
+  = CachingFail	    Error	  -- tried to find a decl, something went wrong
+  | CachingHit	    RdrIfaceDecl  -- got it
+  | CachingAvoided  (Maybe (Either RnName RnName))
+				  -- didn't look in the interface
+				  -- file(s); Nothing => the thing
+				  -- *should* be in the source module;
+				  -- Just (Left ...) => builtin val name;
+				  -- Just (Right ..) => builtin tc name
 cachedDecl :: IfaceCache
 	   -> Bool	-- True <=> tycon or class name
 	   -> OrigName
-	   -> IO (MaybeErr RdrIfaceDecl Error)
+	   -> IO CachingResult
+cachedDecl iface_cache@(IfaceCache this_mod (b_val_names,b_tc_names) _)
+	   class_or_tycon name@(OrigName mod str)
-cachedDecl iface_cache class_or_tycon name@(OrigName mod str)
   = -- pprTrace "cachedDecl:" (ppr PprDebug name) $
-    cachedIface True iface_cache mod 	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
-    case maybe_iface of
-      Failed err -> --pprTrace "cachedDecl:fail:" (ppr PprDebug orig) $
-		    return (Failed err)
-      Succeeded (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ exps _ _ tdefs vdefs _ _) -> 
-	case (lookupFM (if class_or_tycon then tdefs else vdefs) str) of
-	  Just decl -> return (Succeeded decl)
-	  Nothing   -> return (Failed (noDeclInIfaceErr mod str))
+    if mod == this_mod then 	        -- some i/face has made a reference
+	return (CachingAvoided Nothing) -- to something from this module
+    else
+    let
+	b_env	    = if class_or_tycon then b_tc_names else b_val_names
+    in
+    case (lookupFM b_env name) of
+      Just rn -> -- in builtins!
+	return (CachingAvoided (Just ((if class_or_tycon then Right else Left) rn)))
+      Nothing ->
+	cachedIface iface_cache True str mod >>= \ maybe_iface ->
+	case maybe_iface of
+	  Failed err -> --pprTrace "cachedDecl:fail:" (ppr PprDebug orig) $
+			return (CachingFail err)
+	  Succeeded (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ exps _ _ tdefs vdefs _ _) -> 
+	    case (lookupFM (if class_or_tycon then tdefs else vdefs) str) of
+	      Just decl -> return (CachingHit  decl)
+	      Nothing   -> return (CachingFail (noDeclInIfaceErr mod str))
 cachedDeclByType :: IfaceCache
 		 -> RnName{-NB: diff type than cachedDecl -}
-		 -> IO (MaybeErr RdrIfaceDecl Error)
+		 -> IO CachingResult
 cachedDeclByType iface_cache rn
     -- the idea is: check that, e.g., if we're given an
@@ -189,11 +224,12 @@ cachedDeclByType iface_cache rn
   = cachedDecl iface_cache (isRnTyConOrClass rn) (origName "cachedDeclByType" rn)  >>= \ maybe_decl ->
 	return_maybe_decl = return maybe_decl
-	return_failed msg = return (Failed msg)
+	return_failed msg = return (CachingFail msg)
     case maybe_decl of
-      Failed io_msg -> return_failed (ifaceIoErr io_msg rn)
-      Succeeded if_decl ->
+      CachingAvoided _	  -> return_maybe_decl
+      CachingFail io_msg  -> return_failed (ifaceIoErr io_msg rn)
+      CachingHit  if_decl ->
 	case rn of
 	  WiredInId _       -> return_failed (ifaceLookupWiredErr "value" rn)
 	  WiredInTyCon _    -> return_failed (ifaceLookupWiredErr "type constructor" rn)
@@ -234,16 +270,16 @@ cachedDeclByType iface_cache rn
-readIface :: FilePath -> Module -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
+readIface :: FilePath -> Module -> FAST_STRING -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
-readIface file modname
-  = hPutStr stderr ("  reading "++file)	>>
+readIface file modname item
+  = --hPutStr stderr ("  reading "++file++" ("++ _UNPK_ item ++")") >>
     readFile file		`thenPrimIO` \ read_result ->
     case read_result of
       Left  err      -> return (Failed (cannaeReadErr file err))
-      Right contents -> hPutStr stderr ".."   >>
+      Right contents -> --hPutStr stderr ".."   >>
 			let parsed = parseIface contents in
-			hPutStr stderr "..\n" >>
+			--hPutStr stderr "..\n" >>
 			return (
 			case parsed of
 			  Failed _    -> parsed
@@ -392,11 +428,15 @@ rnIfaces iface_cache imp_mods us
 	     cachedDeclByType iface_cache n >>= \ maybe_ans ->
 	     case maybe_ans of
-	       Failed err -> -- add the error, but keep going:
-			     --pprTrace "do_decls:cache error:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
-			     do_decls ns down (add_err err to_return)
+	       CachingAvoided _ ->
+		 pprTrace "do_decls:caching avoided:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
+		 do_decls ns down to_return
+	       CachingFail err -> -- add the error, but keep going:
+		 --pprTrace "do_decls:cache error:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
+		 do_decls ns down (add_err err to_return)
-	       Succeeded iface_decl -> -- something needing renaming!
+	       CachingHit iface_decl -> -- something needing renaming!
 		    (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply (uniqsupply down)
@@ -579,21 +619,22 @@ sub (val_ment, tc_ment) (val_defds, tc_defds)
 cacheInstModules :: IfaceCache -> [Module] -> IO (Bag Error)
-cacheInstModules iface_cache imp_mods
-  = readVar iface_cache		`thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, _, _) ->
+cacheInstModules iface_cache@(IfaceCache _ _ iface_var) imp_mods
+  = readVar iface_var		`thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, _, _) ->
 	imp_ifaces      = [ iface | Just iface <- map (lookupFM iface_fm) imp_mods ]
 	(imp_imods, _)  = removeDups cmpPString (bagToList (unionManyBags (map get_ims imp_ifaces)))
         get_ims (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ims _ _ _ _ _) = ims
     --pprTrace "cacheInstModules:" (ppCat (map ppPStr imp_imods)) $
-    accumulate (map (cachedIface False iface_cache) imp_imods) >>= \ err_or_ifaces ->
+    accumulate (map (cachedIface iface_cache False SLIT("instance_modules")) imp_imods) >>= \ err_or_ifaces ->
     -- Sanity Check:
     -- Assert that instance modules given by direct imports contains
     -- instance modules extracted from all visited modules
-    readVar iface_cache		`thenPrimIO` \ (all_iface_fm, _, _) ->
+    readVar iface_var		`thenPrimIO` \ (all_iface_fm, _, _) ->
 	all_ifaces     = eltsFM all_iface_fm
 	(all_imods, _) = removeDups cmpPString (bagToList (unionManyBags (map get_ims (all_ifaces))))
@@ -625,21 +666,22 @@ rnIfaceInstStuff
 	       RnEnv,		-- final occ env
 	       [RnName])	-- new unknown names
-rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
+rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache@(IfaceCache _ _ iface_var) modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
   = -- all the instance decls we might even want to consider
     -- are in the ParsedIfaces that are in our cache
-    readVar iface_cache	`thenPrimIO` \ (_, orig_iface_fm, _) ->
+    readVar iface_var	`thenPrimIO` \ (_, orig_iface_fm, _) ->
 	all_ifaces	  = eltsFM orig_iface_fm
-	all_insts	  = unionManyBags (map get_insts all_ifaces)
-	interesting_insts = filter want_inst (bagToList all_insts)
+	all_insts	  = concat (map get_insts all_ifaces)
+	interesting_insts = filter want_inst all_insts
 	-- Sanity Check:
 	-- Assert that there are no more instances for the done instances
-	claim_done       = filter is_done_inst (bagToList all_insts)
+	claim_done       = filter is_done_inst all_insts
 	claim_done_env   = foldr add_done_inst emptyFM claim_done
 	has_val fm (k,i) = case lookupFM fm k of { Nothing -> False; Just v -> i == v }
@@ -651,8 +693,8 @@ rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
     case (initRn False{-iface-} modname occ_env us (
 	    setExtraRn emptyUFM{-no fixities-}	$
-	    mapRn (rnIfaceInst modname) interesting_insts `thenRn` \ insts ->
-	    getImplicitUpRn				  `thenRn` \ implicits ->
+	    mapRn rnIfaceInst interesting_insts `thenRn` \ insts ->
+	    getImplicitUpRn			`thenRn` \ implicits ->
 	    returnRn (insts, implicits))) of {
       ((if_insts, if_implicits), if_errs, if_warns) ->
@@ -665,14 +707,14 @@ rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
 		eltsFM (fst if_implicits) ++ eltsFM (snd if_implicits))
-    get_insts (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ insts _) = insts
+    get_insts (ParsedIface imod _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ insts _) = [(imod, inst) | inst <- bagToList insts]
     tycon_class clas tycon = (qualToOrigName clas, qualToOrigName tycon)
-    add_done_inst (InstSig clas tycon _ _) inst_env
+    add_done_inst (_, InstSig clas tycon _ _) inst_env
       = addToFM_C (+) inst_env (tycon_class clas tycon) 1
-    is_done_inst (InstSig clas tycon _ _)
+    is_done_inst (_, InstSig clas tycon _ _)
       = maybeToBool (lookupFM done_inst_env (tycon_class clas tycon))
     add_imp_occs (val_imps, tc_imps) occ_env
@@ -683,7 +725,7 @@ rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
 	de_orig imps = [ (Qual m n, v) | (OrigName m n, v) <- fmToList imps ]
 	-- again, this hackery because we are reusing the RnEnv technology
-    want_inst i@(InstSig clas tycon _ _)
+    want_inst i@(imod, InstSig clas tycon _ _)
       = -- it's a "good instance" (one to hang onto) if we have a
 	-- chance of referring to *both* the class and tycon later on ...
 	--pprTrace "want_inst:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug clas, ppr PprDebug tycon, ppr PprDebug (mentionable tycon), ppr PprDebug (mentionable clas), ppr PprDebug(is_done_inst i)]) $
@@ -710,9 +752,9 @@ rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
-rnIfaceInst :: Module -> RdrIfaceInst -> RnM_Fixes _RealWorld RenamedInstDecl
+rnIfaceInst :: (Module, RdrIfaceInst) -> RnM_Fixes _RealWorld RenamedInstDecl
-rnIfaceInst mod (InstSig _ _ _ inst_decl) = rnInstDecl (inst_decl mod)
+rnIfaceInst (imod, InstSig _ _ _ inst_decl) = rnInstDecl (inst_decl imod)
@@ -730,13 +772,13 @@ finalIfaceInfo ::
 	       VersionsMap,		-- info about version numbers
 	       [Module])		-- special instance modules
-finalIfaceInfo iface_cache modname if_final_env@((qual, unqual, tc_qual, tc_unqual), stack) if_instdecls
+finalIfaceInfo iface_cache@(IfaceCache _ _ iface_var) modname if_final_env@((qual, unqual, tc_qual, tc_unqual), stack) if_instdecls
 --  pprTrace "usageIf:qual:"      (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM qual]) $
 --  pprTrace "usageIf:unqual:"    (ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM unqual))) $
 --  pprTrace "usageIf:tc_qual:"   (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM tc_qual]) $
 --  pprTrace "usageIf:tc_unqual:" (ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM tc_unqual))) $
-    readVar iface_cache	`thenPrimIO` \ (_, orig_iface_fm, _) ->
+    readVar iface_var	`thenPrimIO` \ (_, orig_iface_fm, _) ->
 	all_ifaces = eltsFM orig_iface_fm
 	-- all the interfaces we have looked at
@@ -771,28 +813,26 @@ finalIfaceInfo iface_cache modname if_final_env@((qual, unqual, tc_qual, tc_unqu
       | m == modname -- this module => add to "versions"
       =	(usages, addToFM versions n 1{-stub-})
       | otherwise  -- from another module => add to "usages"
-      = (add_to_usages usages key, versions)
+      = case (add_to_usages usages key) of
+	  Nothing	  -> as_before
+	  Just new_usages -> (new_usages, versions)
 	add_to_usages usages key@(n,m)
-	  = let
-		mod_v = case (lookupFM big_mv_map m) of
-			  Nothing -> pprTrace "big_mv_map:miss? " (ppPStr m) $
-				     1
-			  Just nv -> nv
-		key_v = case (lookupFM big_version_map key) of
-			  Nothing -> pprTrace "big_version_map:miss? " (ppCat [ppPStr n, ppPStr m]) $
-				     1
-			  Just nv -> nv
-	    in
-	    addToFM usages m (
-		case (lookupFM usages m) of
-		  Nothing -> -- nothing for this module yet...
-		    (mod_v, unitFM n key_v)
-		  Just (mversion, mstuff) -> -- the "new" stuff will shadow the old
-		    ASSERT(mversion == mod_v)
-		    (mversion, addToFM mstuff n key_v)
-	    )
+	  = case (lookupFM big_mv_map m) of
+	      Nothing -> Nothing
+	      Just mv ->
+	        case (lookupFM big_version_map key) of
+		  Nothing -> Nothing
+		  Just kv ->
+		    Just $ addToFM usages m (
+			case (lookupFM usages m) of
+			  Nothing -> -- nothing for this module yet...
+			    (mv, unitFM n kv)
+			  Just (mversion, mstuff) -> -- the "new" stuff will shadow the old
+			    ASSERT(mversion == mv)
+			    (mversion, addToFM mstuff n kv)
+		    )
     irrelevant (RnConstr  _ _) = True	-- We don't report these in their
     irrelevant (RnField   _ _) = True	-- own right in usages/etc.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnLoop_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnLoop_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d87183d6f57c92e1ba7dcd5bac69b69c736f04d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnLoop_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+interface RnLoop_1_3 1
+Outputable Outputable (..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
index 1d7cc965009456e14152879bf46c3dcee863306b..e6b7c93dd256f1afa312a73bc7dce2bbe0dc0b53 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module RnMonad (
-	RnMonad(..), RnM(..), RnM_Fixes(..), RnDown, SST_R,
+	SYN_IE(RnMonad), SYN_IE(RnM), SYN_IE(RnM_Fixes), RnDown, SST_R,
 	initRn, thenRn, thenRn_, andRn, returnRn,
 	mapRn, mapAndUnzipRn, mapAndUnzip3Rn,
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module RnMonad (
 	setExtraRn, getExtraRn, getRnEnv,
 	getModuleRn, pushSrcLocRn, getSrcLocRn,
 	getSourceRn, getOccurrenceUpRn,
-	getImplicitUpRn, ImplicitEnv(..), emptyImplicitEnv,
+	getImplicitUpRn, SYN_IE(ImplicitEnv), emptyImplicitEnv,
 	rnGetUnique, rnGetUniques,
@@ -24,13 +24,14 @@ module RnMonad (
 	lookupTyCon, lookupClass, lookupTyConOrClass,
 	extendSS2, extendSS,
-	TyVarNamesEnv(..), mkTyVarNamesEnv, domTyVarNamesEnv,
+	SYN_IE(TyVarNamesEnv), mkTyVarNamesEnv, domTyVarNamesEnv,
 	lookupTyVarName, nullTyVarNamesEnv, catTyVarNamesEnvs,
     ) where
 import SST
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ import RnHsSyn		( RnName, mkRnName, mkRnUnbound, mkRnImplicit,
 			  isRnLocal, isRnWired, isRnTyCon, isRnClass,
 			  isRnTyConOrClass, isRnConstr, isRnField,
 			  isRnClassOp, RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
-import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), extendLocalRnEnv,
+import RnUtils		( SYN_IE(RnEnv), extendLocalRnEnv,
 			  lookupRnEnv, lookupGlobalRnEnv, lookupTcRnEnv,
 			  qualNameErr, dupNamesErr
@@ -48,22 +49,22 @@ import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), extendLocalRnEnv,
 import Bag		( Bag, emptyBag, isEmptyBag, snocBag )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_WarnNameShadowing )
 import ErrUtils		( addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine, addShortWarnLocLine,
-			  Error(..), Warning(..)
+			  SYN_IE(Error), SYN_IE(Warning)
 import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM, fmToList{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import Maybes		( assocMaybe )
-import Name		( Module(..), RdrName(..), isQual,
+import Name		( SYN_IE(Module), RdrName(..), isQual,
 			  OrigName(..), Name, mkLocalName, mkImplicitName,
 			  getOccName, pprNonSym
-import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo, BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
+import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo, SYN_IE(BuiltinNames), SYN_IE(BuiltinKeys) )
 import PrelMods		( pRELUDE )
 import PprStyle{-ToDo:rm-}
 import Outputable{-ToDo:rm-}
-import Pretty--ToDo:rm		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
+import Pretty--ToDo:rm		( SYN_IE(Pretty), PrettyRep )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import UniqFM		( UniqFM, emptyUFM )
-import UniqSet		( UniqSet(..), mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet )
+import UniqSet		( SYN_IE(UniqSet), mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet )
 import UniqSupply	( UniqSupply, getUnique, getUniques, splitUniqSupply )
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import Util
@@ -101,18 +102,23 @@ type ImplicitEnv = (FiniteMap OrigName RnName, FiniteMap OrigName RnName)
 emptyImplicitEnv :: ImplicitEnv
 emptyImplicitEnv = (emptyFM, emptyFM)
--- With a builtin polymorphic type for _runSST the type for
--- initTc should use  RnM s r  instead of  RnM _RealWorld r 
+-- With a builtin polymorphic type for runSST the type for
+-- initTc should use  RnM s r  instead of  RnM RealWorld r 
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+# define REAL_WORLD GHCbuiltins.RealWorld
+# define REAL_WORLD _RealWorld
 initRn :: Bool		-- True => Source; False => Iface
        -> Module
        -> RnEnv
        -> UniqSupply
-       -> RnM _RealWorld r
+       -> RnM REAL_WORLD r
        -> (r, Bag Error, Bag Warning)
 initRn source mod env us do_rn
-  = _runSST (
+  = runSST (
 	newMutVarSST emptyBag			`thenSST` \ occ_var ->
 	newMutVarSST emptyImplicitEnv		`thenSST` \ imp_var ->
 	newMutVarSST us 			`thenSST` \ us_var ->
@@ -541,12 +547,17 @@ lookupTyVarName env occ
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+    -- can get it from GHCbase
 fixIO :: (a -> IO a) -> IO a
 fixIO k s = let
 		result          = k loop s
 		(Right loop, _) = result
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
index cd256b9feb7121b639553f07bbe29d4956a9ce30..55aeb1bec8214196c6bbd03c2eedb0702e2f317d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ import RdrHsSyn
 import RnHsSyn
 import RnMonad
-import RnIfaces		( IfaceCache(..), cachedIface, cachedDecl )
-import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), emptyRnEnv, extendGlobalRnEnv,
+import RnIfaces		( IfaceCache, cachedIface, cachedDecl, CachingResult(..) )
+import RnUtils		( SYN_IE(RnEnv), emptyRnEnv, extendGlobalRnEnv,
 			  lubExportFlag, qualNameErr, dupNamesErr
 import ParseUtils	( ParsedIface(..), RdrIfaceDecl(..), ExportsMap(..), RdrIfaceInst )
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ import ParseUtils	( ParsedIface(..), RdrIfaceDecl(..), ExportsMap(..), RdrIfaceI
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, consBag, snocBag, unionBags,
 			  unionManyBags, mapBag, filterBag, listToBag, bagToList )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_NoImplicitPrelude, opt_CompilingPrelude )
-import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..), addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine, addShortWarnLocLine )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_NoImplicitPrelude, opt_CompilingGhcInternals )
+import ErrUtils		( SYN_IE(Error), SYN_IE(Warning), addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine, addShortWarnLocLine )
 import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, addToFM, addListToFM, lookupFM, fmToList, eltsFM, delListFromFM, keysFM{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import Id		( GenId )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, catMaybes, MaybeErr(..) )
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import Name		( RdrName(..), Name, isQual, mkTopLevName, mkWiredInName, origName,
 			  moduleNamePair, pprNonSym,
 			  isLexCon, ExportFlag(..), OrigName(..)
-import PrelInfo		( BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
+import PrelInfo		( SYN_IE(BuiltinNames), SYN_IE(BuiltinKeys) )
 import PrelMods		( pRELUDE, gHC_BUILTINS, modulesWithBuiltins )
 import Pretty
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc, mkBuiltinSrcLoc )
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ newGlobalName locn maybe_exp is_val_name (Unqual name)
 	(uniq, is_toplev)
 	  = case (lookupFM b_keys orig) of
 	      Just (key,_) -> (key, True)
-	      Nothing	   -> if not opt_CompilingPrelude then (u,True) else -- really here just to save gratuitous lookup
+	      Nothing	   -> if not opt_CompilingGhcInternals then (u,True) else -- really here just to save gratuitous lookup
 			      case (lookupFM (if is_val_name then b_val_names else b_tc_names) orig) of
 			        Nothing -> (u, True)
 				Just xx -> (uniqueOf xx, False{-builtin!-})
@@ -313,12 +313,12 @@ newGlobalName locn maybe_exp is_val_name (Unqual name)
 	n = if is_toplev
 	    then mkTopLevName  uniq orig locn exp (rec_occ_fn n) -- NB: two "n"s
-	    else mkWiredInName uniq orig
+	    else mkWiredInName uniq orig exp
     returnRn n    
 newGlobalName locn maybe_exp is_val_name rdr@(Qual mod name)
-  | opt_CompilingPrelude
+  | opt_CompilingGhcInternals
   -- we are actually defining something that compiler knows about (e.g., Bool)
   = getExtraRn		`thenRn` \ ((b_val_names,b_tc_names),b_keys,rec_exp_fn,rec_occ_fn) ->
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ newGlobalName locn maybe_exp is_val_name rdr@(Qual mod name)
 	n = if is_toplev
 	    then mkTopLevName  uniq orig locn exp (rec_occ_fn n) -- NB: two "n"s
-	    else mkWiredInName uniq orig
+	    else mkWiredInName uniq orig exp
     returnRn n    
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ doImportDecls iface_cache g_info us src_imps
 	-- this ensures that all directly imported modules
 	-- will have their original name iface in scope
 	-- pprTrace "doImportDecls:" (ppCat (map ppPStr imp_mods)) $
-	accumulate (map (cachedIface False iface_cache) imp_mods) >>
+	accumulate (map (cachedIface iface_cache False SLIT("doImportDecls")) imp_mods) >>
 	-- process the imports
 	doImports iface_cache i_info us all_imps
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ doImport iface_cache info us (ImportDecl mod qual maybe_as maybe_spec src_loc)
     			 \ iface -> ([], [], emptyBag))
 	--pprTrace "doImport:" (ppPStr mod) $
-	cachedIface False iface_cache mod >>= \ maybe_iface ->
+	cachedIface iface_cache False SLIT("doImport") mod >>= \ maybe_iface ->
 	return (maybe_iface, \ iface -> getOrigIEs iface maybe_spec')
     )	>>= \ (maybe_iface, do_ies) ->
@@ -748,6 +748,7 @@ doOrigIE :: IfaceCache
 doOrigIE iface_cache info mod src_loc us ie
   = with_decl iface_cache (ie_name ie)
+	avoided_fn
 	(\ err  -> (emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag, unitBag err, emptyBag))
 	(\ decl -> case initRn True mod emptyRnEnv us
 		    	       (setExtraRn info $
@@ -755,6 +756,14 @@ doOrigIE iface_cache info mod src_loc us ie
 		     		getIfaceDeclNames ie decl)
 		   ((vals, tcs, imps), errs, warns) -> (vals, tcs, imps, errs, warns))
+  where
+    avoided_fn Nothing -- the thing should be in the source
+      = (emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag)
+    avoided_fn (Just (Left  rn)) -- a builtin value brought into scope
+      = (unitBag rn, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag)
+    avoided_fn (Just (Right rn)) -- a builtin tc/class brought into scope
+      = --pprTrace "avoided:Right:" (ppr PprShowAll rn) $
+	(emptyBag, unitBag rn, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag)
 checkOrigIE :: IfaceCache
@@ -763,6 +772,7 @@ checkOrigIE :: IfaceCache
 checkOrigIE iface_cache (IEThingAll n, ExportAbs)
   = with_decl iface_cache n
+	(\ _    -> (emptyBag, emptyBag))
 	(\ err  -> (unitBag (\ mod locn -> err), emptyBag))
 	(\ decl -> case decl of
 		TypeSig _ _ _ -> (emptyBag, unitBag (allWhenSynImpSpecWarn n))
@@ -773,6 +783,7 @@ checkOrigIE iface_cache (IEThingWith n ns, ExportAbs)
 checkOrigIE iface_cache (IEThingWith n ns, ExportAll)
   = with_decl iface_cache n
+	(\ _    -> (emptyBag, emptyBag))
 	(\ err  -> (unitBag (\ mod locn -> err), emptyBag))
 	(\ decl -> case decl of
 	     	NewTypeSig _ con _ _         -> (check_with "constructors" [con] ns, emptyBag)
@@ -791,15 +802,17 @@ checkOrigIE iface_cache other
 with_decl :: IfaceCache
 	  -> OrigName
-	  -> (Error        -> something)	-- if an error...
-	  -> (RdrIfaceDecl -> something)	-- if OK...
+	  -> (Maybe (Either RnName RnName) -> something) -- if avoided..
+	  -> (Error        -> something)		 -- if an error...
+	  -> (RdrIfaceDecl -> something)		 -- if OK...
 	  -> IO something
-with_decl iface_cache n do_err do_decl
+with_decl iface_cache n do_avoid do_err do_decl
   = cachedDecl iface_cache (isLexCon (nameOf n)) n   >>= \ maybe_decl ->
     case maybe_decl of
-      Failed err     -> return (do_err  err)
-      Succeeded decl -> return (do_decl decl)
+      CachingAvoided info -> return (do_avoid info)
+      CachingFail    err  -> return (do_err   err)
+      CachingHit     decl -> return (do_decl  decl)
 getFixityDecl :: IfaceCache
@@ -812,7 +825,7 @@ getFixityDecl iface_cache rn
 	succeeded infx i = return (Just (infx rn i), emptyBag)
-    cachedIface True iface_cache mod	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
+    cachedIface iface_cache True str mod >>= \ maybe_iface ->
     case maybe_iface of
       Failed err ->
 	return (Nothing, unitBag err)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
index 3831ec031cdc8c6e449b380fa6d4e461469ab73f..ce3359feabef2188b579a7cb3b9cfd22ab57c7c0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@ import RdrHsSyn
 import RnHsSyn
 import RnMonad
 import RnBinds		( rnTopBinds, rnMethodBinds )
-import RnUtils		( lookupGlobalRnEnv, lubExportFlag )
+import RnUtils		( getLocalsFromRnEnv, lookupGlobalRnEnv, lubExportFlag )
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, consBag, unionManyBags, unionBags, listToBag, bagToList )
 import Class		( derivableClassKeys )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingPrelude )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingGhcInternals )
 import ErrUtils		( addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine, addShortWarnLocLine )
 import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, lookupFM, addListToFM_C )
+import Id		( GenId{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import ListSetOps	( unionLists, minusList )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, catMaybes )
 import Name		( isLocallyDefined, isLexVarId, getLocalName, ExportFlag(..), 
@@ -32,11 +33,12 @@ import Outputable	-- ToDo:rm
 import PprStyle 	-- ToDo:rm 
 import Pretty
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
+import TyCon		( tyConDataCons, TyCon{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM, addListToUFM_C, listToUFM, plusUFM, lookupUFM, eltsUFM )
-import UniqSet		( UniqSet(..) )
+import UniqSet		( SYN_IE(UniqSet) )
 import Util		( isIn, isn'tIn, thenCmp, sortLt, removeDups, mapAndUnzip3, cmpPString,
-			  assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
+			  panic, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
 rnSource `renames' the source module and export list.
@@ -121,7 +123,9 @@ rnExports mods unqual_imps Nothing
   = returnRn (\n -> if isLocallyDefined n then ExportAll else NotExported)
 rnExports mods unqual_imps (Just exps)
-  = mapAndUnzipRn (rnIE mods) exps `thenRn` \ (mod_maybes, exp_bags) ->
+  = getModuleRn			   `thenRn` \ this_mod ->
+    getRnEnv			   `thenRn` \ rn_env ->
+    mapAndUnzipRn (rnIE mods) exps `thenRn` \ (mod_maybes, exp_bags) ->
 	(tc_bags, val_bags) = unzip exp_bags
 	tc_names  = bagToList (unionManyBags tc_bags)
@@ -134,11 +138,17 @@ rnExports mods unqual_imps (Just exps)
 	cmp_fst (x,_) (y,_) = x `cmp` y
 	(uniq_mods, dup_mods) = removeDups cmpPString exp_mods
+	(expmods_this, expmods_imps) = partition (== this_mod) uniq_mods
-	-- Get names for exported modules
+	-- Get names for module This_Mod export
+	(this_tcs, this_vals)
+	  = if null expmods_this 
+	    then ([], [])
+	    else getLocalsFromRnEnv rn_env
+	-- Get names for exported imported modules
 	(mod_tcs, mod_vals, empty_mods)
-	  = case mapAndUnzip3 get_mod_names uniq_mods of
+	  = case mapAndUnzip3 get_mod_names expmods_imps of
 	      (tcs, vals, emptys) -> (concat tcs, concat vals, catMaybes emptys)
 	(unqual_tcs, unqual_vals) = partition (isRnTyConOrClass.snd) (bagToList unqual_imps)
@@ -156,12 +166,15 @@ rnExports mods unqual_imps (Just exps)
 	-- Build finite map of exported names to export flag
 	tc_map0  = addListToUFM_C lub_expflag emptyUFM (map pair_fst tc_names)
-	tc_map   = addListToUFM_C lub_expflag tc_map0  (map pair_fst mod_tcs)
+	tc_map1  = addListToUFM_C lub_expflag tc_map0  (map pair_fst mod_tcs)
+	tc_map   = addListToUFM_C lub_expflag tc_map1  (map (pair_fst.exp_all) this_tcs)
         val_map0 = addListToUFM_C lub_expflag emptyUFM (map pair_fst val_names)
-        val_map  = addListToUFM_C lub_expflag val_map0 (map pair_fst mod_vals)
+        val_map1 = addListToUFM_C lub_expflag val_map0 (map pair_fst mod_vals)
+        val_map  = addListToUFM_C lub_expflag val_map1 (map (pair_fst.exp_all) this_vals)
-	pair_fst p@(f,_) = (f,p)
+	pair_fst pr@(n,_) = (n,pr)
+	exp_all rn = (getName rn, ExportAll)
 	lub_expflag (n, flag1) (_, flag2) = (n, lubExportFlag flag1 flag2)
 	-- Check for exporting of duplicate local names
@@ -174,8 +187,8 @@ rnExports mods unqual_imps (Just exps)
 	-- Build export flag function
 	final_exp_map = plusUFM tc_map val_map
 	exp_fn n = case lookupUFM final_exp_map n of
-		     Nothing       -> NotExported
-		     Just (_,flag) -> flag
+		      Nothing       -> NotExported
+		      Just (_,flag) -> flag
     getSrcLocRn 							`thenRn` \ src_loc ->
     mapRn (addWarnRn . dupNameExportWarn  src_loc) dup_tc_names 	`thenRn_`
@@ -192,20 +205,26 @@ rnIE mods (IEVar name)
     checkIEVar rn	`thenRn` \ exps ->
     returnRn (Nothing, exps)
-    checkIEVar (RnName n)         = returnRn (emptyBag, unitBag (n,ExportAll))
+    checkIEVar (RnName    n)      = returnRn (emptyBag, unitBag (n,ExportAll))
+    checkIEVar (WiredInId i)	  = returnRn (emptyBag, unitBag (getName i, ExportAll))
     checkIEVar rn@(RnClassOp _ _) = getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
 			            failButContinueRn (emptyBag, emptyBag) (classOpExportErr rn src_loc)
-    checkIEVar rn		  = returnRn (emptyBag, emptyBag)
+    checkIEVar rn@(RnField _ _)	  = getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+			            failButContinueRn (emptyBag, emptyBag) (fieldExportErr rn src_loc)
+    checkIEVar rn		  = --pprTrace "rnIE:IEVar:panic? ToDo?:" (ppr PprDebug rn) $
+				    returnRn (emptyBag, emptyBag)
 rnIE mods (IEThingAbs name)
   = lookupTyConOrClass name	`thenRn` \ rn ->
     checkIEAbs rn		`thenRn` \ exps ->
     returnRn (Nothing, exps)
-    checkIEAbs (RnSyn n)      = returnRn (unitBag (n,ExportAbs), emptyBag)
-    checkIEAbs (RnData n _ _) = returnRn (unitBag (n,ExportAbs), emptyBag)
-    checkIEAbs (RnClass n _)  = returnRn (unitBag (n,ExportAbs), emptyBag)
-    checkIEAbs rn             = returnRn (emptyBag, emptyBag)
+    checkIEAbs (RnSyn n)      	= returnRn (unitBag (n,ExportAbs), emptyBag)
+    checkIEAbs (RnData n _ _) 	= returnRn (unitBag (n,ExportAbs), emptyBag)
+    checkIEAbs (RnClass n _)  	= returnRn (unitBag (n,ExportAbs), emptyBag)
+    checkIEAbs (WiredInTyCon t) = returnRn (unitBag (getName t,ExportAbs), emptyBag)
+    checkIEAbs rn               = --pprTrace "rnIE:IEAbs:panic? ToDo?:" (ppr PprDebug rn) $
+				  returnRn (emptyBag, emptyBag)
 rnIE mods (IEThingAll name)
   = lookupTyConOrClass name	`thenRn` \ rn ->
@@ -213,14 +232,24 @@ rnIE mods (IEThingAll name)
     checkImportAll rn           `thenRn_`
     returnRn (Nothing, exps)
-    checkIEAll (RnData n cons fields) = returnRn (unitBag (exp_all n), listToBag (map exp_all cons)
-						    			 `unionBags`
-						  		       listToBag (map exp_all fields))
-    checkIEAll (RnClass n ops)        = returnRn (unitBag (exp_all n), listToBag (map exp_all ops))
-    checkIEAll rn@(RnSyn n)           = getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
-			                warnAndContinueRn (unitBag (n, ExportAbs), emptyBag)
-					    (synAllExportErr False{-warning-} rn src_loc)
-    checkIEAll rn                     = returnRn (emptyBag, emptyBag)
+    checkIEAll (RnData n cons fields)
+      = returnRn (unitBag (exp_all n),
+	    listToBag (map exp_all cons) `unionBags` listToBag (map exp_all fields))
+    checkIEAll (WiredInTyCon t)
+      = returnRn (unitBag (exp_all (getName t)), listToBag (map exp_all cons))
+      where
+	cons   = map getName (tyConDataCons t)
+    checkIEAll (RnClass n ops)
+      = returnRn (unitBag (exp_all n), listToBag (map exp_all ops))
+    checkIEAll rn@(RnSyn n)
+      = getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+	warnAndContinueRn (unitBag (n, ExportAbs), emptyBag)
+			  (synAllExportErr False{-warning-} rn src_loc)
+    checkIEAll rn = pprTrace "rnIE:IEAll:panic? ToDo?:" (ppr PprDebug rn) $
+		    returnRn (emptyBag, emptyBag)
     exp_all n = (n, ExportAll)
@@ -246,8 +275,10 @@ rnIE mods (IEThingWith name names)
     checkIEWith rn@(RnSyn _) rns
 	= getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
 	  failButContinueRn (emptyBag, emptyBag) (synAllExportErr True{-error-} rn src_loc)
+    checkIEWith (WiredInTyCon _) rns = panic "RnSource.rnIE:checkIEWith:WiredInTyCon:ToDo (boring)"
     checkIEWith rn rns
-	= returnRn (emptyBag, emptyBag)
+	= pprTrace "rnIE:IEWith:panic? ToDo?:" (ppr PprDebug rn) $
+	  returnRn (emptyBag, emptyBag)
     exp_all n = (n, ExportAll)
@@ -590,8 +621,8 @@ rnFixes fixities
     	rn_fixity_pieces mk_fixity name i fix
       	  = getRnEnv `thenRn` \ env ->
 	      case lookupGlobalRnEnv env name of
-	  	Just res | isLocallyDefined res || opt_CompilingPrelude
-		  -- the opt_CompilingPrelude thing is a *HACK* to get (:)'s
+	  	Just res | isLocallyDefined res || opt_CompilingGhcInternals
+		  -- the opt_CompilingGhcInternals thing is a *HACK* to get (:)'s
 		  -- fixity decl to go through.  It has a builtin name, which
 		  -- doesn't respond to isLocallyDefined...  sigh.
 	  	  -> returnRn (Just (mk_fixity res i))
@@ -716,7 +747,11 @@ dupLocalsExportErr locn locals@((str,_):_)
 classOpExportErr op locn
   = addShortErrLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppStr "class operation `", ppr sty op, ppStr "' can only be exported with class"]
+    ppBesides [ppStr "class operation `", ppr sty op, ppStr "' can only be exported with its class"]
+fieldExportErr op locn
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppStr "field name `", ppr sty op, ppStr "' can only be exported with its data type"]
 synAllExportErr is_error syn locn
   = (if is_error then addShortErrLocLine else addShortWarnLocLine) locn $ \ sty ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
index 7e50792b88f79a696c8b6776f9130da9de400483..781aa8bcf85a4026b5914d096444c55b7e8f0ea4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module RnUtils (
-	RnEnv(..), QualNames(..),
-	UnqualNames(..), ScopeStack(..),
+	SYN_IE(RnEnv), SYN_IE(QualNames),
+	SYN_IE(UnqualNames), SYN_IE(ScopeStack),
 	emptyRnEnv, extendGlobalRnEnv, extendLocalRnEnv,
 	lookupRnEnv, lookupGlobalRnEnv, lookupTcRnEnv,
+	getLocalsFromRnEnv,
@@ -19,14 +20,16 @@ module RnUtils (
     ) where
 import Bag		( Bag, emptyBag, snocBag, unionBags )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingPrelude )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingGhcInternals )
 import ErrUtils		( addShortErrLocLine )
 import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, isEmptyFM,
-			  lookupFM, addListToFM, addToFM )
+			  lookupFM, addListToFM, addToFM, eltsFM )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import Name		( RdrName(..), isQual, pprNonSym, getLocalName, ExportFlag(..) )
+import Name		( RdrName(..),  ExportFlag(..),
+			  isQual, pprNonSym, getLocalName, isLocallyDefined )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
 import RnHsSyn		( RnName )
@@ -56,6 +59,9 @@ extendLocalRnEnv  :: Bool -> RnEnv -> [RnName] -> (RnEnv, [RnName])
 lookupRnEnv 	  :: RnEnv -> RdrName -> Maybe RnName
 lookupGlobalRnEnv :: RnEnv -> RdrName -> Maybe RnName
 lookupTcRnEnv 	  :: RnEnv -> RdrName -> Maybe RnName
+getLocalsFromRnEnv :: RnEnv -> ([RnName], [RnName])
+	-- grabs the locally defined names from the unqual envs
 If the @RdrName@ is a @Qual@, @lookupValue@ looks it up in the global
@@ -129,8 +135,9 @@ lookupRnEnv ((qual, unqual, _, _), stack) rdr
   = case rdr of 
       Unqual str   -> lookup stack str (lookup unqual str Nothing)
       Qual mod str -> lookup qual (str,mod)
-			(if not opt_CompilingPrelude -- see below
-			 then Nothing
+			(if not opt_CompilingGhcInternals -- see below
+			 then -- pprTrace "lookupRnEnv:" (ppAboves (ppCat [ppPStr mod, ppPStr str] : [ ppCat [ppPStr m, ppPStr s] | (s,m) <- keysFM qual ])) $
+			      Nothing
 			 else lookup unqual str Nothing)
     lookup fm thing do_on_fail
@@ -143,7 +150,7 @@ lookupGlobalRnEnv ((qual, unqual, _, _), _) rdr
       Unqual str   -> lookupFM unqual str
       Qual mod str -> case (lookupFM qual (str,mod)) of
 			Just xx -> Just xx
-			Nothing -> if not opt_CompilingPrelude then
+			Nothing -> if not opt_CompilingGhcInternals then
 				   else -- "[]" may have turned into "Prelude.[]" and
 				        -- we are actually compiling "data [] a = ...";
@@ -156,10 +163,14 @@ lookupTcRnEnv ((_, _, tc_qual, tc_unqual), _) rdr
       Unqual str   -> lookupFM tc_unqual str
       Qual mod str -> case (lookupFM tc_qual (str,mod)) of -- as above
 			Just xx -> Just xx
-			Nothing -> if not opt_CompilingPrelude then
+			Nothing -> if not opt_CompilingGhcInternals then
 				      lookupFM tc_unqual str
+getLocalsFromRnEnv ((_, vals, _, tcs), _)
+  = (filter isLocallyDefined (eltsFM vals),
+     filter isLocallyDefined (eltsFM tcs))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs
index 6c83afa0ce7c1840614e441e856ceb02d025da07..33ee877eef2a9931c76d6cafac0bb3c0acbde75b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module AnalFBWW ( analFBWW ) where
-import CoreSyn		( CoreBinding(..) )
+import CoreSyn		( SYN_IE(CoreBinding) )
 import Util		( panic{-ToDo:rm-} )
 --import Util
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
index b52523bf33fb4e7f16ab642190c4c86a166186f4..9cf9d7c142f486c503a4e5bc7b1b43b537427bd9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import CoreSyn
 import FreeVars
 import Id		( emptyIdSet, unionIdSets, unionManyIdSets,
-			  elementOfIdSet, IdSet(..)
+			  elementOfIdSet, SYN_IE(IdSet), GenId
 import Util		( nOfThem, panic, zipEqual )
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ fiExpr to_drop (_, AnnSCC cc expr)
 fiExpr to_drop (_, AnnCoerce c ty expr)
-  = _trace "fiExpr:Coerce:wimping out" $
+  = trace "fiExpr:Coerce:wimping out" $
     mkCoLets' to_drop (Coerce c ty (fiExpr [] expr))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs
index 361b3cf86657fdcc327f7d72148a43b706ab35fc..b66b6184d97598deaf549712a98913c88a7659a9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs
@@ -11,23 +11,24 @@
 module FloatOut ( floatOutwards ) where
 import CoreSyn
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_D_verbose_core2core, opt_D_simplifier_stats )
 import CostCentre	( dupifyCC )
-import Id		( nullIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv, growIdEnvList, IdEnv(..),
+import Id		( nullIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv, growIdEnvList, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
 			  GenId{-instance Outputable-}
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instance (,)-} )
-import PprCore		( GenCoreBinding{-instance-} )
+import PprCore
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenTyVar )
 import Pretty		( ppInt, ppStr, ppBesides, ppAboves )
 import SetLevels	-- all of it
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar{-instance Eq-} )
 import Unique		( Unique{-instance Eq-} )
-import Usage		( UVar(..) )
+import Usage		( SYN_IE(UVar) )
 import Util		( pprTrace, panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs
index 40fbba2f9f3565f2eae34321a4e8856eed60331b..a3e559d48c7791b426638e14b323c1a189268237 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ module FoldrBuildWW ( mkFoldrBuildWW ) where
-import CoreSyn		( CoreBinding(..) )
+import CoreSyn		( SYN_IE(CoreBinding) )
+import UniqSupply	( UniqSupply )
 import Util		( panic{-ToDo:rm?-} )
 --import Type		( cloneTyVarFromTemplate, mkTyVarTy,
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ import Util		( panic{-ToDo:rm?-} )
 --import TysPrim		( alphaTy )
 --import TyVar		( alphaTyVar )
---import Type		( Type(..) ) -- **** CAN SEE THE CONSTRUCTORS ****
+--import Type		( SYN_IE(Type) ) -- **** CAN SEE THE CONSTRUCTORS ****
 --import UniqSupply	( runBuiltinUs )
 --import WwLib            -- share the same monad (is this eticit ?)
 --import PrelInfo		( listTyCon, mkListTy, nilDataCon, consDataCon,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/MagicUFs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/MagicUFs.lhs
index 1df7968fc86b26dfdc5a7a33ba3ae34482ba6393..1bef7159e1686692e3ceda47c8301ab0d9eb7b8a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/MagicUFs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/MagicUFs.lhs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)		-- paranoia checking
 import CoreSyn
 import SimplEnv		( SimplEnv )
-import SimplMonad	( SmplM(..), SimplCount )
+import SimplMonad	( SYN_IE(SmplM), SimplCount )
 import Type		( mkFunTys )
 import TysWiredIn	( mkListTy )
 import Unique		( Unique{-instances-} )
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ magic_UFs_table
      (SLIT("build"),   		MUF build_fun),
      (SLIT("foldl"),   		MUF foldl_fun),
      (SLIT("foldr"),   		MUF foldr_fun),
-     (SLIT("unpackFoldrPS#"),   MUF unpack_foldr_fun),
-     (SLIT("unpackAppendPS#"),	MUF unpack_append_fun)]
+     (SLIT("unpackFoldrPS__"),  MUF unpack_foldr_fun),
+     (SLIT("unpackAppendPS__"),	MUF unpack_append_fun)]
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ foldr_fun env (TypeArg ty1:TypeArg ty2:ValArg arg_k:ValArg arg_z:ValArg arg_list
  | do_fb_red && arg_list_isStringForm	-- ok, its a string!
-	-- foldr f z "foo" => unpackFoldrPS# f z "foo"#
+	-- foldr f z "foo" => unpackFoldrPS__ f z "foo"#
    = tick Str_FoldrStr				`thenSmpl_`
      returnSmpl (Just (mkGenApp (Var unpackCStringFoldrId)
 				(TypeArg ty2:
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
index 4d363237ac8c83333e42c1681290f35e5bce5249..8a9187163bb727218eb6a17f2570303e58ac4ba8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
@@ -25,16 +25,16 @@ import CmdLineOpts	( opt_D_dump_occur_anal, SimplifierSwitch(..) )
 import CoreSyn
 import Digraph		( stronglyConnComp )
 import Id		( idWantsToBeINLINEd, isConstMethodId,
+			  externallyVisibleId,
 			  emptyIdSet, unionIdSets, mkIdSet,
 			  unitIdSet, elementOfIdSet,
-			  addOneToIdSet, IdSet(..),
+			  addOneToIdSet, SYN_IE(IdSet),
 			  nullIdEnv, unitIdEnv, combineIdEnvs,
 			  delOneFromIdEnv, delManyFromIdEnv,
-			  mapIdEnv, lookupIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
+			  mapIdEnv, lookupIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
 			  GenId{-instance Eq-}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import Name		( isExported )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instance * (,) -} )
 import PprCore
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ tagBinder usage binder
 usage_of usage binder
-  | isExported binder = ManyOcc	0 -- Exported things count as many
+  | externallyVisibleId binder = ManyOcc 0 -- Visible-elsewhere things count as many
   | otherwise
   = case (lookupIdEnv usage binder) of
       Nothing   -> DeadCode
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ occurAnalyseBinds binds simplifier_sw_chkr
   | otherwise		  = binds'
-    (_, binds') = do initial_env binds
+    (_, binds') = doo initial_env binds
     initial_env = OccEnv (simplifier_sw_chkr KeepUnusedBindings)
 			 (simplifier_sw_chkr KeepSpecPragmaIds)
@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@ occurAnalyseBinds binds simplifier_sw_chkr
 			 (simplifier_sw_chkr IgnoreINLINEPragma)
-    do env [] = (emptyDetails, [])
-    do env (bind:binds)
+    doo env [] = (emptyDetails, [])
+    doo env (bind:binds)
       = (final_usage, new_binds ++ the_rest)
 	new_env			 = env `addNewCands` (bindersOf bind)
-	(binds_usage, the_rest)  = do new_env binds
+	(binds_usage, the_rest)  = doo new_env binds
 	(final_usage, new_binds) = occAnalBind env bind binds_usage
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs
index cac46f1c731a2ad8ee7ff405ca0b98214497f6e2..7ef97dbf211438247d044d740cade86acf2f608d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ doStaticArgs = panic "SAT.doStaticArgs (ToDo)"
 {- LATER: to end of file:
-import Maybes		( Maybe(..) )
 import SATMonad
 import Util
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs
index 029d856a0ae1ffcb5b37b78483dddfe97ac2bf48..e37a9fd9750fdff8c8c0f4c599458fee251d6a18 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs
@@ -32,12 +32,11 @@ module SATMonad (
 import Type		( mkTyVarTy, mkSigmaTy, TyVarTemplate,
 			  splitSigmaTy, splitFunTy,
-			  glueTyArgs, instantiateTy, TauType(..),
-			  Class, ThetaType(..), SigmaType(..),
+			  glueTyArgs, instantiateTy, SYN_IE(TauType),
+			  Class, SYN_IE(ThetaType), SYN_IE(SigmaType),
 import Id		( mkSysLocal, idType )
-import Maybes		( Maybe(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import UniqSupply
 import Util
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
index f4bdc82638a2ece4b441e55857689e1f0af9b884..08f4b1649c1f197d203271180d450620dbb38fab 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ import Id		( idType, mkSysLocal, toplevelishId,
 			  nullIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv, growIdEnvList,
 			  unionManyIdSets, minusIdSet, mkIdSet,
-			  lookupIdEnv, IdEnv(..)
+			  lookupIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv)
 import Pretty		( ppStr, ppBesides, ppChar, ppInt )
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
@@ -40,13 +40,14 @@ import Type		( isPrimType, mkTyVarTys, mkForAllTys )
 import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv,
 			  growTyVarEnvList, lookupTyVarEnv,
-			  TyVarEnv(..),
+			  SYN_IE(TyVarEnv),
 import UniqSupply	( thenUs, returnUs, mapUs, mapAndUnzipUs,
-			  mapAndUnzip3Us, getUnique, UniqSM(..)
+			  mapAndUnzip3Us, getUnique, SYN_IE(UniqSM),
+			  UniqSupply
-import Usage		( UVar(..) )
+import Usage		( SYN_IE(UVar) )
 import Util		( mapAccumL, zipWithEqual, zipEqual, panic, assertPanic )
 isLeakFreeType x y = False -- safe option; ToDo
@@ -406,7 +407,7 @@ setFloatLevel alreadyLetBound ctxt_lvl envs@(venv, tenv)
 -- any harm, and not floating it may pin something important.  For
 -- example
---	x = let v = Nil
+--	x = let v = []
 --	        w = 1:v
 --	    in ...
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs
index 8e7656bea7439ac0f481e751180325b71294081e..aa63f03cb6bcb38dbf22d66430a4140c2290b681 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import CoreUtils	( coreAltsType, nonErrorRHSs, maybeErrorApp,
 import Id		( idType, isDataCon, getIdDemandInfo,
-			  DataCon(..), GenId{-instance Eq-}
+			  SYN_IE(DataCon), GenId{-instance Eq-}
 import IdInfo		( willBeDemanded, DemandInfo )
 import Literal		( isNoRepLit, Literal{-instance Eq-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
index c8235b2268237c5a4ce26fcf69b04a84549e81f7..ebd97c2c7a5add758450ac322bb5372deb6819ac 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import FoldrBuildWW	( mkFoldrBuildWW )
 import Id		( idType, toplevelishId, idWantsToBeINLINEd,
 			  nullIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv, delOneFromIdEnv,
-			  lookupIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
+			  lookupIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
 			  GenId{-instance Outputable-}
 import IdInfo		( mkUnfolding )
@@ -49,12 +49,11 @@ import LiberateCase	( liberateCase )
 import MagicUFs		( MagicUnfoldingFun )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instance * (,) -} )
-import PprCore		( pprCoreBinding, GenCoreExpr{-instance Outputable-} )
+import PprCore
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType{-instance Outputable-}, GenTyVar{-ditto-} )
 import Pretty		( ppShow, ppAboves, ppAbove, ppCat, ppStr )
 import SAT		( doStaticArgs )
-import SCCauto		( addAutoCostCentres )
 import SimplMonad	( zeroSimplCount, showSimplCount, SimplCount )
 import SimplPgm		( simplifyPgm )
 import SimplVar		( leastItCouldCost )
@@ -241,16 +240,9 @@ core2core core_todos module_name ppr_style us local_tycons tycon_specs binds
 	       end_pass False us2 binds2 inline_env spec_data simpl_stats "Deforestation" }
-	  CoreDoAutoCostCentres
-	    -> _scc_ "AutoSCCs"
-	       begin_pass "AutoSCCs" >>
-	       case (addAutoCostCentres module_name binds) of { binds2 ->
-	       end_pass False us2 binds2 inline_env spec_data simpl_stats "AutoSCCs" }
 	  CoreDoPrintCore	-- print result of last pass
 	    -> end_pass True us2 binds inline_env spec_data simpl_stats "Print"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
index 7cd952426bde3e30675e192bfbac068b9d6afb42..0ec9ac502591993192a1b2f8a31d643c55183a2e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
@@ -31,16 +31,16 @@ module SimplEnv (
 	-- Types
-	SwitchChecker(..),
+	SYN_IE(SwitchChecker),
 	SimplEnv, EnclosingCcDetails(..),
-	InIdEnv(..), IdVal(..), InTypeEnv(..),
+	SYN_IE(InIdEnv), IdVal(..), SYN_IE(InTypeEnv),
 	UnfoldEnv, UnfoldItem, UnfoldConApp,
-	InId(..),  InBinder(..),  InBinding(..),  InType(..),
-	OutId(..), OutBinder(..), OutBinding(..), OutType(..),
+	SYN_IE(InId),  SYN_IE(InBinder),  SYN_IE(InBinding),  SYN_IE(InType),
+	SYN_IE(OutId), SYN_IE(OutBinder), SYN_IE(OutBinding), SYN_IE(OutType),
-	InExpr(..),  InAlts(..),  InDefault(..),  InArg(..),
-	OutExpr(..), OutAlts(..), OutDefault(..), OutArg(..)
+	SYN_IE(InExpr),  SYN_IE(InAlts),  SYN_IE(InDefault),  SYN_IE(InArg),
+	SYN_IE(OutExpr), SYN_IE(OutAlts), SYN_IE(OutDefault), SYN_IE(OutArg)
     ) where
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ import Id		( idType, getIdUnfolding, getIdStrictness,
 			  nullIdEnv, growIdEnvList, rngIdEnv, lookupIdEnv,
 			  addOneToIdEnv, modifyIdEnv, mkIdSet,
-			  IdEnv(..), IdSet(..), GenId )
+			  SYN_IE(IdEnv), SYN_IE(IdSet), GenId )
 import IdInfo		( bottomIsGuaranteed, StrictnessInfo )
 import Literal		( isNoRepLit, Literal{-instances-} )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
@@ -75,16 +75,15 @@ import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar )
 import Pretty
 import Type		( eqTy, getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, applyTypeEnvToTy )
-import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, addOneToIdEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv,
-			  growTyVarEnvList,
-			  TyVarEnv(..), GenTyVar{-instance Eq-}
+import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv, growTyVarEnvList,
+			  SYN_IE(TyVarEnv), GenTyVar{-instance Eq-}
 import Unique		( Unique{-instance Outputable-} )
 import UniqFM		( addToUFM_Directly, lookupUFM_Directly, delFromUFM_Directly,
 			  delFromUFM, ufmToList
 --import UniqSet		-- lots of things
-import Usage		( UVar(..), GenUsage{-instances-} )
+import Usage		( SYN_IE(UVar), GenUsage{-instances-} )
 import Util		( zipEqual, thenCmp, cmpList, panic, panic#, assertPanic )
 type TypeEnv = TyVarEnv Type
@@ -453,9 +452,6 @@ type OutAlts	= CoreCaseAlts
 type OutDefault	= CoreCaseDefault
 type OutArg	= CoreArg
 type SwitchChecker = SimplifierSwitch -> SwitchResult
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs
index f1a1257634178a61e6d37a5f510c2f9485b65068..9413623554f3539ab9d9baab8b0222ed7e8461cb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module SimplMonad (
-	SmplM(..),
+	SYN_IE(SmplM),
 	initSmpl, returnSmpl, thenSmpl, thenSmpl_,
 	mapSmpl, mapAndUnzipSmpl,
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module SimplMonad (
     ) where
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(SmplLoop)		-- well, cheating sort of
@@ -140,9 +141,9 @@ data TickType
   | Foldr_Cons_Nil	-- foldr (:) [] => id
   | Foldr_Cons		-- foldr (:) => flip (++)
-  | Str_FoldrStr	-- foldr f z "hello" => unpackFoldrPS# f z "hello"
-  | Str_UnpackCons	-- unpackFoldrPS# (:) z "hello" => unpackAppendPS# z "hello"
-  | Str_UnpackNil	-- unpackAppendPS# [] "hello" => "hello"
+  | Str_FoldrStr	-- foldr f z "hello" => unpackFoldrPS__ f z "hello"
+  | Str_UnpackCons	-- unpackFoldrPS# (:) z "hello" => unpackAppendPS__ z "hello"
+  | Str_UnpackNil	-- unpackAppendPS__ [] "hello" => "hello"
   {- END F/B ENTRIES -}
   deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplPgm.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplPgm.lhs
index 692f720e7fb242ec0a243a05d70e7983a5171fdf..8786a69e2fff1dda5d6d69f5393fda5fc53ebdeb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplPgm.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplPgm.lhs
@@ -16,18 +16,17 @@ import CmdLineOpts	( opt_D_verbose_core2core,
 import CoreSyn
 import CoreUtils	( substCoreExpr )
 import Id		( externallyVisibleId,
-			  mkIdEnv, lookupIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
+			  mkIdEnv, lookupIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
 			  GenId{-instance Ord3-}
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
-import Name		( isExported )
 import OccurAnal	( occurAnalyseBinds )
 import Pretty		( ppAboves, ppBesides, ppInt, ppChar, ppStr )
 import SimplEnv
 import SimplMonad
 import Simplify		( simplTopBinds )
-import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, TyVarEnv(..) )
-import UniqSupply	( thenUs, returnUs, mapUs, splitUniqSupply, UniqSM(..) )
+import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, SYN_IE(TyVarEnv) )
+import UniqSupply	( thenUs, returnUs, mapUs, splitUniqSupply, SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 import Util		( isIn, isn'tIn, removeDups, pprTrace )
@@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ tidy_top binds_in
     find_cand blast_list (Rec _) = blast_list	-- recursively paranoid, as usual
     find_cand blast_list (NonRec binder rhs)
-      = if not (isExported binder) then
+      = if not (externallyVisibleId binder) then
 	   case rhs_equiv_to_local_var rhs of
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplVar.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplVar.lhs
index 043cd3d5e325d5ea57999c017b64efc82a584d0a..be0ac4849a818636a52366a4d0dbd99752e22dbf 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplVar.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplVar.lhs
@@ -46,6 +46,32 @@ import Util		( pprTrace, assertPanic, panic )
 This where all the heavy-duty unfolding stuff comes into its own.
+completeVar env var args
+  | has_magic_unfolding
+  = tick MagicUnfold	`thenSmpl_`
+    doMagicUnfold
+  | has_unfolding && ok_to_inline
+  = tick UnfoldingDone	`thenSmpl_`
+    simplExpr env the_unfolding args
+  | has_specialisation
+  = tick SpecialisationDone	`thenSmpl_`
+    simplExpr (extendTyEnvList env spec_bindings) 
+	      the_specialisation 
+	      remaining_args
+  | otherwise
+  = mkGenApp (Var var) args
+  where
+    unfolding = lookupUnfolding env var
+    (has_magic_unfolding, do_magic_unfold)
+	= case unfolding of
+	    MagicForm str magic_fn
 completeVar :: SimplEnv -> OutId -> [OutArg] -> SmplM OutExpr
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
index 240f4b3026ee66090203ba58564a5bcb8de134df..99367d2e9612a60e1f681405861ef75247df53db 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ IMPORT_DELOOPER(SmplLoop)		-- paranoia checking
 import BinderInfo
 import CmdLineOpts	( SimplifierSwitch(..) )
 import ConFold		( completePrim )
+import CostCentre 	( isSccCountCostCentre, cmpCostCentre )
 import CoreSyn
 import CoreUtils	( coreExprType, nonErrorRHSs, maybeErrorApp,
 			  unTagBinders, squashableDictishCcExpr,
@@ -482,32 +483,45 @@ simplExpr env (Coerce coercion ty body) args
-A special case we do:
-	scc "foo" (\x -> e)  ===>   \x -> scc "foo" e
-Simon thinks it's OK, at least for lexical scoping; and it makes
-interfaces change less (arities).
+1) Eliminating nested sccs ...
+We must be careful to maintain the scc counts ...
+simplExpr env (SCC cc1 (SCC cc2 expr)) args
+  | not (isSccCountCostCentre cc2) && case cmpCostCentre cc1 cc2 of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False }
+    	-- eliminate inner scc if no call counts and same cc as outer
+  = simplExpr env (SCC cc1 expr) args
+  | not (isSccCountCostCentre cc2) && not (isSccCountCostCentre cc1)
+    	-- eliminate outer scc if no call counts associated with either ccs
+  = simplExpr env (SCC cc2 expr) args
+2) Moving sccs inside lambdas ...
+simplExpr env (SCC cc (Lam binder@(ValBinder _) body)) args
+  | not (isSccCountCostCentre cc)
+	-- move scc inside lambda only if no call counts
+  = simplExpr env (Lam binder (SCC cc body)) args
 simplExpr env (SCC cc (Lam binder body)) args
+	-- always ok to move scc inside type/usage lambda
   = simplExpr env (Lam binder (SCC cc body)) args
-Some other slightly turgid SCC tidying-up cases:
-simplExpr env (SCC cc1 expr@(SCC _ _)) args
-  = simplExpr env expr args
-    -- the outer _scc_ serves no purpose
+3) Eliminating dict sccs ...
 simplExpr env (SCC cc expr) args
   | squashableDictishCcExpr cc expr
+    	-- eliminate dict cc if trivial dict expression
   = simplExpr env expr args
-    -- the DICT-ish CC is no longer serving any purpose
-NB: for other set-cost-centre we move arguments inside the body.
-ToDo: check with Patrick that this is ok.
+4) Moving arguments inside the body of an scc ...
+This moves the cost of doing the application inside the scc
+(which may include the cost of extracting methods etc)
 simplExpr env (SCC cost_centre body) args
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SmplLoop_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SmplLoop_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ef837c9977090e109b67c5c9841d5297957dd686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SmplLoop_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+interface SmplLoop_1_3 1
+SimplUtils  simplIdWantsToBeINLINEd (..)
+Simplify    simplExpr (..)
+Simplify    simplBind (..)
+MagicUFs    MagicUnfoldingFun
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/LambdaLift.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/LambdaLift.lhs
index 1d88e2f54fc2b9307794176b3500af70921d91c2..5f14b609f27003699e5a066d931be5cd0fe6cb3a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/LambdaLift.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/LambdaLift.lhs
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ import StgSyn
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unionBags, unitBag, snocBag, bagToList )
 import Id		( idType, mkSysLocal, addIdArity,
 			  mkIdSet, unitIdSet, minusIdSet,
-			  unionManyIdSets, idSetToList, IdSet(..),
-			  nullIdEnv, growIdEnvList, lookupIdEnv, IdEnv(..)
+			  unionManyIdSets, idSetToList, SYN_IE(IdSet),
+			  nullIdEnv, growIdEnvList, lookupIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv)
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import Type		( splitForAllTy, mkForAllTys, mkFunTys )
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ liftExpr expr@(StgPrim op args lvs) = returnLM (expr, emptyLiftInfo)
 liftExpr expr@(StgApp (StgLitArg lit) args lvs) = returnLM (expr, emptyLiftInfo)
 liftExpr expr@(StgApp (StgVarArg v)  args lvs)
-  = lookup v		`thenLM` \ ~(sc, sc_args) ->	-- NB the ~.  We don't want to
+  = lookUp v		`thenLM` \ ~(sc, sc_args) ->	-- NB the ~.  We don't want to
 							-- poke these bindings too early!
     returnLM (StgApp (StgVarArg sc) (map StgVarArg sc_args ++ args) lvs,
@@ -447,8 +447,8 @@ newSupercombinator ty arity ci us idenv
     uniq = getUnique us
-lookup :: Id -> LiftM (Id,[Id])
-lookup v ci us idenv
+lookUp :: Id -> LiftM (Id,[Id])
+lookUp v ci us idenv
   = case (lookupIdEnv idenv v) of
       Just result -> result
       Nothing     -> (v, [])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs
index 9feec285b53ed87ca97aa4d7f0284cbff678f748..725bf48e654e608b566222bd42e1a4a78013fd2f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@ import StgSyn
 import CostCentre	( isCafCC, subsumedCosts, useCurrentCostCentre )
 import Id		( idType, getIdArity, addIdArity, mkSysLocal,
 			  nullIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv, growIdEnvList,
-			  lookupIdEnv, IdEnv(..)
+			  lookupIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv)
 import IdInfo		( arityMaybe )
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import Type		( splitSigmaTy, splitForAllTy, splitFunTyExpandingDicts )
-import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, getUnique, UniqSM(..) )
+import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, getUnique, SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic )
 type Count = Int
@@ -292,10 +292,10 @@ saturate other 		    _  = panic "SatStgRhs: saturate"
 lookupArgs :: SatEnv -> [StgArg] -> [StgArg]
-lookupArgs env args = map do args
+lookupArgs env args = map doo args
-    do    (StgVarArg v)  = StgVarArg (lookupVar env v)
-    do a@(StgLitArg lit) = a
+    doo    (StgVarArg v)  = StgVarArg (lookupVar env v)
+    doo a@(StgLitArg lit) = a
 lookupVar :: SatEnv -> Id -> Id
 lookupVar env v = case lookupIdEnv env v of
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
index f57744c94d8c0ec1dab4c3a28896bced9bf2f586..1f45f077a0c70c32d8f32660d5df25062a4e20ce 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 module SimplStg ( stg2stg ) where
 import StgSyn
 import StgUtils
@@ -27,12 +28,12 @@ import CmdLineOpts	( opt_EnsureSplittableC, opt_SccGroup,
 			  opt_StgDoLetNoEscapes, opt_D_verbose_stg2stg,
-import Id		( nullIdEnv, lookupIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv,
-			  growIdEnvList, isNullIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
+import Id		( externallyVisibleId,
+			  nullIdEnv, lookupIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv,
+			  growIdEnvList, isNullIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
 			  GenId{-instance Eq/Outputable -}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import Name		( isExported )
 import PprType		( GenType{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Pretty		( ppShow, ppAbove, ppAboves, ppStr )
 import UniqSupply	( splitUniqSupply )
@@ -320,8 +321,8 @@ elimIndirections binds_in
 				(StgApp (StgVarArg local_binder) fun_args _)
-	| isExported exported_binder &&	    -- Only if this is exported
-	  not (isExported local_binder) &&  -- Only if this one is defined in this
+	| externallyVisibleId exported_binder && -- Only if this is exported
+	  not (externallyVisibleId local_binder) && -- Only if this one is defined in this
 	  isLocallyDefined local_binder &&  -- module, so that we *can* change its
 					    -- binding to be the exported thing!
 	  not (in_dom env_so_far local_binder) && -- Only if we havn't seen it before
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSAT.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSAT.lhs
index 3d82b27dc6f107d663a89f19ef915a94c5294d21..9e356f0b8728b37b3f045c761eb212b2549f4c38 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSAT.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSAT.lhs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module StgSAT (	doStaticArgs ) where
 import StgSyn
-import UniqSupply	( UniqSM(..) )
+import UniqSupply	( SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 import Util		( panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs
index d1dd34c70d4ec269d4e88c9ca9ee7bbec690c004..27b582264c0ff77272e7ad866dd8e16b10660891 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-}
 import StgSyn
-import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, plusFM_C, unitFM, fmToList )
+import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, plusFM_C, unitFM, fmToList, FiniteMap )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs
index 1947e9593a17255f1af8a59163a6f469051bccde..76403afa21a980e020e14795bf5b2b4b1775ac00 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ import StgSyn
 import Id		( emptyIdSet, mkIdSet, minusIdSet,
 			  unionIdSets, unionManyIdSets, isEmptyIdSet,
 			  unitIdSet, intersectIdSets,
-			  addOneToIdSet, IdSet(..),
+			  addOneToIdSet, SYN_IE(IdSet),
 			  nullIdEnv, growIdEnvList, lookupIdEnv,
 			  unitIdEnv, combineIdEnvs, delManyFromIdEnv,
-			  rngIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
+			  rngIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
 			  GenId{-instance Eq-}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
@@ -622,12 +622,12 @@ returnLne :: a -> LneM a
 returnLne e sw env lvs_cont = e
 thenLne :: LneM a -> (a -> LneM b) -> LneM b
-(m `thenLne` k) sw env lvs_cont
+thenLne m k sw env lvs_cont
   = case (m sw env lvs_cont) of
       m_result -> k m_result sw env lvs_cont
 thenLne_ :: LneM a -> LneM b -> LneM b
-(m `thenLne_` k) sw env lvs_cont
+thenLne_ m k sw env lvs_cont
   = case (m sw env lvs_cont) of
       _ -> k sw env lvs_cont
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs
index 103b633e20100f49ba3c9c3758c85f615957c702..5a98a3e8d7f3d868b6f2c5644834987e4b7e3220 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs
@@ -22,11 +22,10 @@
 > {- LATER: to end of file:
 > --import Type		( splitFunTy, splitSigmaTy, Class, TyVarTemplate,
-> --			  TauType(..)
+> --			  SYN_IE(TauType)
 > --			)
 > --import Id
 > --import IdInfo
-> --import Outputable	( isExported )
 > --import Pretty
 > --import SrcLoc 	( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 > --import StgSyn
@@ -507,7 +506,7 @@ suffice for now.
 >	StgRec bs 	-> StgRec [ (attachOne v, rhs) | (v, rhs) <- bs ]
 >   where attachOne v
->		| isExported v
+>		| externallyVisibleId v
 >			= let c = lookup v p in
 >		 		addIdUpdateInfo v
 >					(mkUpdateInfo (mkUpdateSpec v c))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.lhs
index 28b306de654568ccde6bd72fac07452c2098e20e..2d94809c97f674823422f85cbbbf4fd3056de094 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module SpecEnv (
-	SpecEnv(..), MatchEnv,
+	SYN_IE(SpecEnv), MatchEnv,
 	nullSpecEnv, isNullSpecEnv,
 	addOneToSpecEnv, lookupSpecEnv,
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ IMP_Ubiq()
 import MatchEnv
 import Type		( matchTys, isTyVarTy )
-import Usage		( UVar(..) )
+import Usage		( SYN_IE(UVar) )
@@ -36,6 +36,22 @@ then
 	f (List Int) Bool d  ===>  f' Int Bool
+All the stuff about how many dictionaries to discard, and what types
+to apply the specialised function to, are handled by the fact that the
+SpecEnv contains a template for the result of the specialisation.
+There is one more exciting case, which is dealt with in exactly the same
+way.  If the specialised value is unboxed then it is lifted at its
+definition site and unlifted at its uses.  For example:
+	pi :: forall a. Num a => a
+might have a specialisation
+	[Int#] ===>  (case pi' of Lift pi# -> pi#)
+where pi' :: Lift Int# is the specialised version of pi.
 nullSpecEnv :: SpecEnv
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
index 62d9a015f2523c89e1ea089b012caedd14edf00e..bd7ec63d06df63d8546164ad964db31a7e5a8b2b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module SpecUtils (
-	ConstraintVector(..),
+	SYN_IE(ConstraintVector),
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
index dcbf88c18153c45b47fccaded1530fd120e633a6..266d177581c55191d169e0e6a2e42347fb78dd6f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
@@ -14,30 +14,32 @@ module Specialise (
     ) where
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, isEmptyBag, unionBags,
 			  partitionBag, listToBag, bagToList
 import Class		( GenClass{-instance Eq-} )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_SpecialiseImports, opt_D_simplifier_stats,
-			  opt_CompilingPrelude, opt_SpecialiseTrace,
+			  opt_CompilingGhcInternals, opt_SpecialiseTrace,
 			  opt_SpecialiseOverloaded, opt_SpecialiseUnboxed,
 import CoreLift		( mkLiftedId, liftExpr, bindUnlift, applyBindUnlifts )
 import CoreSyn
 import CoreUtils	( coreExprType, squashableDictishCcExpr )
-import FiniteMap	( addListToFM_C )
+import FiniteMap	( addListToFM_C, FiniteMap )
+import Kind		( mkBoxedTypeKind )
 import Id		( idType, isDefaultMethodId_maybe, toplevelishId,
 			  isSuperDictSelId_maybe, isBottomingId,
 			  isConstMethodId_maybe, isDataCon,
 			  isImportedId, mkIdWithNewUniq,
 			  dataConTyCon, applyTypeEnvToId,
 			  nullIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv, growIdEnvList,
-			  lookupIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
+			  lookupIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
 			  emptyIdSet, mkIdSet, unitIdSet,
 			  elementOfIdSet, minusIdSet,
-			  unionIdSets, unionManyIdSets, IdSet(..),
+			  unionIdSets, unionManyIdSets, SYN_IE(IdSet),
 			  GenId{-instance Eq-}
 import Literal		( Literal{-instance Outputable-} )
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ import PprType		( pprGenType, pprParendGenType, pprMaybeTy,
 import Pretty		( ppHang, ppCat, ppStr, ppAboves, ppBesides,
-			  ppInt, ppSP, ppInterleave, ppNil, Pretty(..)
+			  ppInt, ppSP, ppInterleave, ppNil, SYN_IE(Pretty)
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..) )
 import SpecUtils
@@ -58,9 +60,9 @@ import Type		( mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys, isTyVarTy, getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts,
 			  tyVarsOfTypes, applyTypeEnvToTy, isUnboxedType
 import TyCon		( TyCon{-instance Eq-} )
-import TyVar		( cloneTyVar,
-			  elementOfTyVarSet, TyVarSet(..),
-			  nullTyVarEnv, growTyVarEnvList, TyVarEnv(..),
+import TyVar		( cloneTyVar, mkSysTyVar,
+			  elementOfTyVarSet, SYN_IE(TyVarSet),
+			  nullTyVarEnv, growTyVarEnvList, SYN_IE(TyVarEnv),
 			  GenTyVar{-instance Eq-}
 import TysWiredIn	( liftDataCon )
@@ -87,7 +89,6 @@ isSpecId_maybe = panic "Specialise.isSpecId_maybe (ToDo)"
 isSpecPragmaId_maybe = panic "Specialise.isSpecPragmaId_maybe (ToDo)"
 lookupClassInstAtSimpleType = panic "Specialise.lookupClassInstAtSimpleType (ToDo)"
 lookupSpecEnv = panic "Specialise.lookupSpecEnv (ToDo)"
-mkPolySysTyVar = panic "Specialise.mkPolySysTyVar (ToDo)"
 mkSpecEnv = panic "Specialise.mkSpecEnv (ToDo)"
 mkSpecId = panic "Specialise.mkSpecId (ToDo)"
 selectIdInfoForSpecId = panic "Specialise.selectIdInfoForSpecId (ToDo)"
@@ -1198,7 +1199,7 @@ specTyConsAndScope scopeM
   = scopeM			`thenSM` \ (binds, scope_uds) ->
        (tycons_cis, gotci_scope_uds)
-	 = getLocalSpecTyConIs opt_CompilingPrelude scope_uds
+	 = getLocalSpecTyConIs opt_CompilingGhcInternals scope_uds
        tycon_specs_list = collectTyConSpecs tycons_cis
@@ -2418,10 +2419,8 @@ newSpecIds new_ids maybe_tys dicts_to_ignore tvenv idenv us
     spec_id_ty id = specialiseTy (idType id) maybe_tys dicts_to_ignore
 newTyVars :: Int -> SpecM [TyVar]
-newTyVars n tvenv idenv us
- = map mkPolySysTyVar uniqs
- where
-   uniqs = getUniques n us
+newTyVars n tvenv idenv us 
+  = [mkSysTyVar uniq mkBoxedTypeKind | uniq <- getUniques n us]
 @cloneLambdaOrCaseBinders@ and @cloneLetBinders@ take a bunch of
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
index 59e1c40cf2208713b6f12408adb8cb589b9e13d4..7d7f5e33d9f1ec25018ab6473d103fc05601c69b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
 Convert a @CoreSyntax@ program to a @StgSyntax@ program.
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module CoreToStg ( topCoreBindsToStg ) where
 import CoreSyn		-- input
 import StgSyn		-- output
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags, bagToList )
 import CoreUtils	( coreExprType )
 import CostCentre	( noCostCentre )
 import Id		( mkSysLocal, idType, isBottomingId,
+			  externallyVisibleId,
 			  nullIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv, lookupIdEnv,
-			  IdEnv(..), GenId{-instance NamedThing-}
+			  SYN_IE(IdEnv), GenId{-instance NamedThing-}
 import Literal		( mkMachInt, Literal(..) )
-import Name		( isExported )
 import PrelVals		( unpackCStringId, unpackCString2Id,
 			  integerZeroId, integerPlusOneId,
 			  integerPlusTwoId, integerMinusOneId
@@ -197,12 +197,13 @@ coreBindToStg env (NonRec binder rhs)
 	-- Binds to return if RHS is trivial
-	triv_binds = if isExported binder then
+	triv_binds = if externallyVisibleId binder then
+			-- pprTrace "coreBindToStg:keeping:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug binder, ppr PprDebug (externallyVisibleId binder)]) $
 			[StgNonRec binder stg_rhs]	-- Retain it
+			-- pprTrace "coreBindToStg:tossing:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug binder, ppr PprDebug (externallyVisibleId binder)]) $
 			[]				-- Discard it
-    -- pprTrace "coreBindToStg:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug binder, ppr PprDebug (isExported binder)]) $
     case stg_rhs of
       StgRhsClosure cc bi fvs upd [] (StgApp atom [] lvs) ->
 		-- Trivial RHS, so augment envt, and ditch the binding
@@ -645,9 +646,7 @@ coreExprToStg env (SCC cc expr)
-coreExprToStg env (Coerce c ty expr)
-  = coreExprToStg env expr  -- `thenUs` \ (stg_expr, binds) ->
---  returnUs (StgSCC (coreExprType expr) cc stg_expr, binds)
+coreExprToStg env (Coerce c ty expr) = coreExprToStg env expr
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
index d549f56a25a1c11f1676aebef0d1a078d7e207c1..6d0c4e949d882434516aa565a693a6b5b0ea02a7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Bag		( emptyBag, isEmptyBag, snocBag, foldBag )
 import Id		( idType, isDataCon, dataConArgTys,
 			  emptyIdSet, isEmptyIdSet, elementOfIdSet,
 			  mkIdSet, intersectIdSets,
-			  unionIdSets, idSetToList, IdSet(..),
+			  unionIdSets, idSetToList, SYN_IE(IdSet),
 			  GenId{-instanced NamedThing-}
 import Literal		( literalType, Literal{-instance Outputable-} )
@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ pp_expr sty expr = ppr sty expr
 sleazy_eq_ty ty1 ty2
 	-- NB: probably severe overkill (WDP 95/04)
-  = _trace "StgLint.sleazy_eq_ty:use eqSimplTy?" $
+  = trace "StgLint.sleazy_eq_ty:use eqSimplTy?" $
     case (splitFunTyExpandingDicts ty1) of { (tyargs1,tyres1) ->
     case (splitFunTyExpandingDicts ty2) of { (tyargs2,tyres2) ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
index c4fca6dc56dbcccd55b580cd21faded9ebe901ca..bac7e8a57c0fecbf21fdcf4d2f414a4c247d41a9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ suited to spineless tagless code generation.
 module StgSyn (
-	GenStgLiveVars(..),
+	SYN_IE(GenStgLiveVars),
 	GenStgBinding(..), GenStgExpr(..), GenStgRhs(..),
 	GenStgCaseAlts(..), GenStgCaseDefault(..),
@@ -26,23 +26,23 @@ module StgSyn (
 	-- a set of synonyms for the most common (only :-) parameterisation
-	StgArg(..), StgLiveVars(..),
-	StgBinding(..), StgExpr(..), StgRhs(..),
-	StgCaseAlts(..), StgCaseDefault(..),
+	SYN_IE(StgArg), SYN_IE(StgLiveVars),
+	SYN_IE(StgBinding), SYN_IE(StgExpr), SYN_IE(StgRhs),
+	SYN_IE(StgCaseAlts), SYN_IE(StgCaseDefault),
-	collectExportedStgBinders
+	collectFinalStgBinders
     ) where
 import CostCentre	( showCostCentre )
-import Id		( idPrimRep, GenId{-instance NamedThing-} )
+import Id		( externallyVisibleId, idPrimRep, GenId{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import Literal		( literalPrimRep, isLitLitLit, Literal{-instance Outputable-} )
-import Name		( isExported, isSymLexeme )
+import Name		( isSymLexeme )
 import Outputable	( ifPprDebug, interppSP, interpp'SP,
 			  Outputable(..){-instance * Bool-}
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ import PprType		( GenType{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Pretty		-- all of it
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Unique		( pprUnique )
-import UniqSet		( isEmptyUniqSet, uniqSetToList, UniqSet(..) )
+import UniqSet		( isEmptyUniqSet, uniqSetToList, SYN_IE(UniqSet) )
 import Util		( panic )
@@ -476,17 +476,17 @@ final pre-codegen STG code, so as to be sure we have the
 latest/greatest pragma info.
 	:: [StgBinding]	-- input program
-	-> [Id]			-- exported top-level Ids
+	-> [Id]		-- final externally-visible top-level Ids
-collectExportedStgBinders binds
+collectFinalStgBinders binds
   = ex [] binds
     ex es [] = es
     ex es ((StgNonRec b _) : binds)
-      = if not (isExported b) then
+      = if not (externallyVisibleId b) then
 	    ex es binds
 	    ex (b:es) binds
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@ pprStgRhs sty (StgRhsClosure cc bi free_vars upd_flag args body)
 pprStgRhs sty (StgRhsCon cc con args)
   = ppBesides [ ppStr (showCostCentre sty True{-as String-} cc),
-		ppSP, ppr sty con, ppStr " [", interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
+		ppSP, ppr sty con, ppStr "! [", interppSP sty args, ppStr "]" ]
 pp_binder_info PprForUser _ = ppNil
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaLib.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaLib.lhs
index f09e9c9a613363b360d7ef9d9d79fb65a4e16455..20501314da41e8beed8b1f3a2bc6ba563a6b5805 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaLib.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaLib.lhs
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ See also: the ``library'' for the ``back end'' (@SaBackLib@).
 module SaLib (
-	AbsValEnv{-abstract-}, StrictEnv(..), AbsenceEnv(..),
-	StrAnalFlags(..), getStrAnalFlags,
+	AbsValEnv{-abstract-}, SYN_IE(StrictEnv), SYN_IE(AbsenceEnv),
+	SYN_IE(StrAnalFlags), getStrAnalFlags,
 	nullAbsValEnv, addOneToAbsValEnv, growAbsValEnvList,
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ module SaLib (
-import CoreSyn		( CoreExpr(..) )
+import CoreSyn		( SYN_IE(CoreExpr) )
 import Id		( nullIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv, growIdEnvList,
-			  lookupIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
+			  lookupIdEnv, SYN_IE(IdEnv),
 			  GenId{-instance Outputable-}
 import IdInfo		( StrictnessInfo(..), Demand{-instance Outputable-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
index 873c25f6282e2ab679a5fc39a2e59ba1bcf80d3f..e433e94346f5408e272f3ab62230a8f9c90e37ba 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ import CoreSyn
 import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingGuidance(..) )
 import CoreUtils	( coreExprType )
 import Id		( idWantsToBeINLINEd, getIdStrictness, mkWorkerId,
-			  getIdInfo
+			  getIdInfo, GenId
 import IdInfo		( noIdInfo, addInfo_UF, indicatesWorker,
 			  mkStrictnessInfo, StrictnessInfo(..)
 import SaLib
-import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, getUnique, UniqSM(..) )
+import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, getUnique, SYN_IE(UniqSM) )
 import WwLib
 import Util		( panic{-ToDo:rm-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs
index 4f68efbcceac49aa8bac3d8f772cdd38bd20cb02..f2762b7a5baff6d84b393863cc602ca7a7e16f30 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Type		( isPrimType, mkTyVarTys, mkForAllTys, mkFunTys,
 import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, thenMaybeUs,
-			  getUniques, UniqSM(..)
+			  getUniques, SYN_IE(UniqSM)
 import Util		( zipWithEqual, assertPanic, panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs
index e86accf40b8023aebedea110389920c2fd8c9c8b..5c06e2f8a20b424dd4c760ffe0986bfb595d2aee 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 module GenSpecEtc (
-	checkSigTyVars, checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals
+	checkSigTyVars
     ) where
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ IMP_Ubiq()
 import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..), LIE(..), plusLIE, 
 			  newDicts, tyVarsOfInst, instToId )
-import TcEnv		( tcGetGlobalTyVars )
-import TcSimplify	( tcSimplify, tcSimplifyAndCheck, tcSimplifyWithExtraGlobals )
+import TcEnv		( tcGetGlobalTyVars, tcExtendGlobalTyVars )
+import TcSimplify	( tcSimplify, tcSimplifyAndCheck )
 import TcType		( TcType(..), TcThetaType(..), TcTauType(..), 
 			  TcTyVarSet(..), TcTyVar(..),
 			  newTyVarTy, zonkTcType, zonkTcTyVar, zonkTcTyVars 
@@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc(..), TcIdBndr(..), TcHsBinds(..), TcBind(..), TcExpr(.
 import Bag		( Bag, foldBag, bagToList, listToBag, isEmptyBag )
 import Class		( GenClass )
-import Id		( GenId, Id(..), mkUserId, idType )
+import Id		( GenId, SYN_IE(Id), mkUserId, idType )
 import Kind		( isUnboxedKind, isTypeKind, mkBoxedTypeKind )
 import ListSetOps	( minusList, unionLists, intersectLists )
-import Maybes		( Maybe(..), allMaybes )
+import Maybes		( allMaybes )
 import Name		( Name{--O only-} )
 import Outputable	( interppSP, interpp'SP )
 import Pretty
 import PprType		( GenClass, GenType, GenTyVar )
 import Type		( mkTyVarTy, splitSigmaTy, mkForAllTys, mkFunTys,
 			  getTyVar, getTyVar_maybe, tyVarsOfTypes, eqSimpleTheta )
-import TyVar		( GenTyVar, TyVar(..), tyVarKind, minusTyVarSet, emptyTyVarSet,
+import TyVar		( GenTyVar, SYN_IE(TyVar), tyVarKind, minusTyVarSet, emptyTyVarSet,
 			  elementOfTyVarSet, unionTyVarSets, tyVarSetToList )
-import Usage		( UVar(..) )
+import Usage		( SYN_IE(UVar) )
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import Util
@@ -150,10 +150,11 @@ genBinds binder_names mono_ids bind lie sig_infos prag_info_fn
 	mentioned_tyvars = tyVarsOfTypes mono_id_types
 	tyvars_to_gen    = mentioned_tyvars `minusTyVarSet` free_tyvars
+	tysig_vars       = [sig_var | (TySigInfo sig_var _ _ _ _) <- sig_infos]
-    resolveOverloading tyvars_to_gen lie bind sig_infos
+    resolveOverloading tyvars_to_gen lie bind tysig_vars (head thetas)
 		 `thenTc` \ (lie', reduced_tyvars_to_gen, dict_binds, dicts_bound) ->
 	-- Check for generaliseation over unboxed types, and
@@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ genBinds binder_names mono_ids bind lie sig_infos prag_info_fn
 					-- and it's better done there because we have more
 					-- precise origin information
+	-- Default any TypeKind variables to BoxedTypeKind
     mapTc box_it unresolved_kind_tyvars			`thenTc_`
@@ -203,14 +205,16 @@ resolveOverloading
 	:: TcTyVarSet s		-- Tyvars over which we are going to generalise
 	-> LIE s		-- The LIE to deal with
 	-> TcBind s		-- The binding group
-	-> [TcSigInfo s]	-- And its real type-signature information
+	-> [TcIdBndr s]		-- Variables in type signatures
+	-> TcThetaType s	-- *Zonked* theta for the overloading in type signature
+				-- (if there are any type signatures; error otherwise)
 	-> TcM s (LIE s,			-- LIE to pass up the way; a fixed point of
 						-- the current substitution
 	    	  TcTyVarSet s,			-- Revised tyvars to generalise
 	    	  [(TcIdOcc s, TcExpr s)],	-- Dict bindings
 	    	  [TcIdOcc s])			-- List of dicts to bind here
-resolveOverloading tyvars_to_gen dicts bind ty_sigs
+resolveOverloading tyvars_to_gen dicts bind tysig_vars theta
   | not (isUnRestrictedGroup tysig_vars bind)
   = 	-- Restricted group, so bind no dictionaries, and
 	-- remove from tyvars_to_gen any constrained type variables
@@ -256,7 +260,9 @@ resolveOverloading tyvars_to_gen dicts bind ty_sigs
 	-- may gratuitouslyconstrain some tyvars over which we *are* going 
 	-- to generalise. 
 	-- For example d::Eq (Foo a b), where Foo is instanced as above.
-	tcSimplifyWithExtraGlobals constrained_tyvars reduced_tyvars_to_gen dicts
+	tcExtendGlobalTyVars constrained_tyvars (
+		tcSimplify reduced_tyvars_to_gen dicts
+	)
 				    `thenTc` \ (dicts_free, dicts_binds, dicts_sig2) ->
 	ASSERT(isEmptyBag dicts_sig2)
@@ -267,32 +273,29 @@ resolveOverloading tyvars_to_gen dicts bind ty_sigs
 		-- The returned LIE should be a fixed point of the substitution
-  | otherwise	-- An unrestricted group
-  = case ty_sigs of
-	    tcSimplify tyvars_to_gen dicts  `thenTc` \ (dicts_free, dict_binds, dicts_sig) ->
-	    returnTc (dicts_free, tyvars_to_gen, dict_binds, 
-		      map instToId (bagToList dicts_sig))
-	(TySigInfo _ _ theta _ _ : other) -> -- TYPE SIGNATURES PRESENT!
-	    tcAddErrCtxt (sigsCtxt tysig_vars) $
-	    newDicts SignatureOrigin theta	`thenNF_Tc` \ (dicts_sig, dict_ids) ->
-		    -- Check that the needed dicts can be expressed in
-		    -- terms of the signature ones
-	    tcSimplifyAndCheck
+  | null tysig_vars 	-- An unrestricted group with no type signaturs
+  = tcSimplify tyvars_to_gen dicts  `thenTc` \ (dicts_free, dict_binds, dicts_sig) ->
+    returnTc (dicts_free, tyvars_to_gen, dict_binds, 
+	      map instToId (bagToList dicts_sig))
+  | otherwise		-- An unrestricted group with type signatures
+  = tcAddErrCtxt (sigsCtxt tysig_vars) $
+    newDicts SignatureOrigin theta	`thenNF_Tc` \ (dicts_sig, dict_ids) ->
+	-- It's important that theta is pre-zonked, because
+	-- dict_id is later used to form the type of the polymorphic thing,
+	-- and forall-types must be zonked so far as their bound variables
+	-- are concerned
+	    -- Check that the needed dicts can be expressed in
+	    -- terms of the signature ones
+    tcSimplifyAndCheck
 		tyvars_to_gen 	-- Type vars over which we will quantify
 		dicts_sig	-- Available dicts
 		dicts		-- Want bindings for these dicts
 				    `thenTc` \ (dicts_free, dict_binds) ->
-	    returnTc (dicts_free, tyvars_to_gen, dict_binds, dict_ids)
-  where
-    tysig_vars   = [sig_var | (TySigInfo sig_var _ _ _ _) <- ty_sigs]
+    returnTc (dicts_free, tyvars_to_gen, dict_binds, dict_ids)
 @checkSigMatch@ does the next step in checking signature matching.
@@ -378,19 +381,8 @@ checkSigTyVars :: [TcTyVar s]		-- The original signature type variables
 	       -> TcM s ()
 checkSigTyVars sig_tyvars sig_tau
-  = checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals emptyTyVarSet sig_tyvars sig_tau
-	 :: TcTyVarSet s	-- Consider these tyvars as global in addition to envt ones
-	 -> [TcTyVar s]		-- The original signature type variables
-	 -> TcType s		-- signature type (for err msg)
-	 -> TcM s ()
-checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals extra_globals sig_tyvars sig_tau
-  = zonkTcTyVars extra_globals		`thenNF_Tc` \ extra_tyvars' ->
-    tcGetGlobalTyVars			`thenNF_Tc` \ env_tyvars ->
+  = tcGetGlobalTyVars			`thenNF_Tc` \ globals ->
-	globals     = env_tyvars `unionTyVarSets` extra_tyvars'
 	mono_tyvars = filter (`elementOfTyVarSet` globals) sig_tyvars
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
index 562cd6c2a2891ee0a8e15611112c3e39aee1a78d..d33c7a74d1d06bbd4a79984e52a6680cdd843fe8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ import TcType	( TcType(..), TcRhoType(..), TcMaybe, TcTyVarSet(..),
 import Bag	( emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags, listToBag, consBag )
 import Class	( isCcallishClass, isNoDictClass, classInstEnv,
-		  Class(..), GenClass, ClassInstEnv(..)
+		  SYN_IE(Class), GenClass, SYN_IE(ClassInstEnv)
-import ErrUtils ( addErrLoc, Error(..) )
+import ErrUtils ( addErrLoc, SYN_IE(Error) )
 import Id	( GenId, idType, mkInstId )
 import MatchEnv	( lookupMEnv, insertMEnv )
 import Name	( mkLocalName, getLocalName, Name )
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import PprType	( GenClass, TyCon, GenType, GenTyVar )
 import PprStyle	( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
 import RnHsSyn	( RnName{-instance NamedThing-} )
-import SpecEnv	( SpecEnv(..) )
+import SpecEnv	( SYN_IE(SpecEnv) )
 import SrcLoc	( SrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import Type	( GenType, eqSimpleTy, instantiateTy,
 		  isTyVarTy, mkDictTy, splitForAllTy, splitSigmaTy,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
index e6f78b3eedc21ee63c414019888bf7777bda929d..4348b0101337329c89f9490870b525f4fa6358cf 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import Unify		( unifyTauTy )
 import Kind		( mkBoxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind )
 import Id		( GenId, idType, mkUserId )
 import IdInfo		( noIdInfo )
-import Maybes		( assocMaybe, catMaybes, Maybe(..) )
+import Maybes		( assocMaybe, catMaybes )
 import Name		( pprNonSym )
 import PragmaInfo	( PragmaInfo(..) )
 import Pretty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
index 90a5af4337c4a0117f9d95e17f7cbfdc7393be9b..298df688ba105f0e52799923e9f4d3f9ff5d710e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ import RnHsSyn		( RenamedClassDecl(..), RenamedClassPragmas(..),
 import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc(..), TcHsBinds(..), TcMonoBinds(..), TcExpr(..),
 			  mkHsTyApp, mkHsTyLam, mkHsDictApp, mkHsDictLam, tcIdType )
-import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..), LIE(..), emptyLIE, plusLIE, newDicts )
-import TcEnv		( tcLookupClass, tcLookupTyVar, tcLookupTyCon, newLocalIds)
-import TcInstDcls	( processInstBinds, newMethodId )
+import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..), LIE(..), emptyLIE, plusLIE, newDicts, newMethod )
+import TcEnv		( tcLookupClass, tcLookupTyVar, tcLookupTyCon, newLocalIds, tcExtendGlobalTyVars )
+import TcInstDcls	( processInstBinds )
 import TcKind		( TcKind )
 import TcKind		( unifyKind )
 import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@ import PrelVals		( nO_DEFAULT_METHOD_ERROR_ID )
 import PprStyle
 import Pretty
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar, GenClassOp )
-import SpecEnv		( SpecEnv(..) )
+import SpecEnv		( SYN_IE(SpecEnv) )
 import SrcLoc		( mkGeneratedSrcLoc )
 import Type		( mkFunTy, mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys, mkDictTy,
 			  mkForAllTy, mkSigmaTy, splitSigmaTy)
 import TysWiredIn	( stringTy )
-import TyVar		( mkTyVarSet, GenTyVar )
+import TyVar		( unitTyVarSet, GenTyVar )
 import Unique		( Unique )			 
 import Util
@@ -551,20 +551,22 @@ buildDefaultMethodBinds clas clas_tyvar
   = newDicts origin [(clas,inst_ty)]			`thenNF_Tc` \ (this_dict, [this_dict_id]) ->
     mapAndUnzipNF_Tc mk_method default_method_ids	`thenNF_Tc` \ (insts_s, local_defm_ids) ->
-	avail_insts = this_dict `plusLIE` unionManyBags insts_s 	-- Insts available
+	avail_insts    = this_dict `plusLIE` unionManyBags insts_s 	-- Insts available
+	clas_tyvar_set = unitTyVarSet clas_tyvar
-    processInstBinds
-	 clas
-	 (makeClassDeclDefaultMethodRhs clas local_defm_ids)
-	 [clas_tyvar]	-- Tyvars in scope
-	 avail_insts
-	 local_defm_ids
-	 default_binds					`thenTc` \ (insts_needed, default_binds') ->
+    tcExtendGlobalTyVars clas_tyvar_set (
+	processInstBinds
+	   clas
+	   (makeClassDeclDefaultMethodRhs clas local_defm_ids)
+	   avail_insts
+	   local_defm_ids
+	   default_binds
+    )					`thenTc` \ (insts_needed, default_binds') ->
-	(mkTyVarSet [clas_tyvar])
+	clas_tyvar_set
-	insts_needed					`thenTc` \ (const_lie, dict_binds) ->
+	insts_needed			`thenTc` \ (const_lie, dict_binds) ->
@@ -578,7 +580,7 @@ buildDefaultMethodBinds clas clas_tyvar
     returnTc (const_lie, defm_binds)
     inst_ty = mkTyVarTy clas_tyvar
-    mk_method defm_id = newMethodId defm_id inst_ty origin
+    mk_method defm_id = newMethod origin (RealId defm_id) [inst_ty]
     origin = ClassDeclOrigin
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
index e699cc0695d9d854040cec6c67ee194904158ffb..39f6968df40f6efa179640b67266f52e8b789964 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ import TcInstUtil	( InstInfo(..), mkInstanceRelatedIds, buildInstanceEnvs )
 import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyThetas )
 import RnMonad
-import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), extendGlobalRnEnv )
+import RnUtils		( SYN_IE(RnEnv), extendGlobalRnEnv )
 import RnBinds		( rnMethodBinds, rnTopBinds )
 import Bag		( emptyBag{-ToDo:rm-}, Bag, isEmptyBag, unionBags, listToBag )
 import Class		( classKey, needsDataDeclCtxtClassKeys, GenClass )
-import ErrUtils		( pprBagOfErrors, addErrLoc, Error(..) )
+import ErrUtils		( pprBagOfErrors, addErrLoc, SYN_IE(Error) )
 import Id		( dataConArgTys, isNullaryDataCon, mkDictFunId )
-import Maybes		( maybeToBool, Maybe(..) )
+import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import Name		( isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc,
 			  mkTopLevName, origName, mkImplicitName, ExportFlag(..),
 			  RdrName(..), Name{--O only-}
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import Name		( isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc,
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instances e.g., (,)-} )
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar, GenClass, TyCon )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
-import Pretty		( ppAbove, ppAboves, ppCat, ppBesides, ppStr, ppHang, Pretty(..) )
+import Pretty		( ppAbove, ppAboves, ppCat, ppBesides, ppStr, ppHang, SYN_IE(Pretty) )
 import Pretty--ToDo:rm
 import FiniteMap--ToDo:rm
 import SrcLoc		( mkGeneratedSrcLoc, SrcLoc )
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ import TyCon		( tyConTyVars, tyConDataCons, tyConDerivings,
 			  tyConTheta, maybeTyConSingleCon,
 			  isEnumerationTyCon, isDataTyCon, TyCon
-import Type		( GenType(..), TauType(..), mkTyVarTys, applyTyCon,
+import Type		( GenType(..), SYN_IE(TauType), mkTyVarTys, applyTyCon,
 			  mkSigmaTy, mkDictTy, isPrimType, instantiateTy,
 			  getAppDataTyCon, getAppTyCon
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
index 0c299a5669d76c4626ef6b42061efed7e9691ad2..896d581eb66dcdaca3255d8714996c443ef828e8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
@@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ module TcEnv(
 	tcLookupGlobalValue, tcLookupGlobalValueByKey,
 	newMonoIds, newLocalIds, newLocalId,
-	tcGetGlobalTyVars
+	tcGetGlobalTyVars, tcExtendGlobalTyVars
   ) where
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(TcMLoop)  -- for paranoia checking
-import Id	( Id(..), GenId, idType, mkUserLocal )
+import Id	( SYN_IE(Id), GenId, idType, mkUserLocal )
 import TcHsSyn	( TcIdBndr(..), TcIdOcc(..) )
 import TcKind	( TcKind, newKindVars, tcDefaultKind, kindToTcKind )
 import TcType	( TcType(..), TcMaybe, TcTyVar(..), TcTyVarSet(..),
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import TcType	( TcType(..), TcMaybe, TcTyVar(..), TcTyVarSet(..),
 import TyVar	( mkTyVar, tyVarKind, unionTyVarSets, emptyTyVarSet )
 import Type	( tyVarsOfTypes )
 import TyCon	( TyCon, tyConKind, synTyConArity )
-import Class	( Class(..), GenClass, classSig )
+import Class	( SYN_IE(Class), GenClass, classSig )
 import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
@@ -100,8 +100,7 @@ tcTyVarScopeGivenKinds names kinds thing_inside
 		-- Construct the real TyVars
-	  tyvars	     = zipWithEqual "tcTyVarScopeGivenKinds" mk_tyvar names kinds'
-	  mk_tyvar name kind = mkTyVar name (uniqueOf name) kind
+	  tyvars = zipWithEqual "tcTyVarScopeGivenKinds" mkTyVar names kinds'
 	returnTc (tyvars, result)
     )					`thenTc` \ (_,result) ->
@@ -232,6 +231,15 @@ tcGetGlobalTyVars
     zonkTcTyVars global_tvs		`thenNF_Tc` \ global_tvs' ->
     tcWriteMutVar gtvs global_tvs'	`thenNF_Tc_`
     returnNF_Tc global_tvs'
+tcExtendGlobalTyVars extra_global_tvs scope
+  = tcGetEnv				`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv tve tce ce gve lve gtvs) ->
+    tcReadMutVar gtvs			`thenNF_Tc` \ global_tvs ->
+    let
+	new_global_tyvars = global_tvs `unionTyVarSets` extra_global_tvs
+    in
+    tcNewMutVar new_global_tyvars	`thenNF_Tc` \ gtvs' ->
+    tcSetEnv (TcEnv tve tce ce gve lve gtvs') scope
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
index 11f63656d1b57faca47eeb7bac14afa0a9ce702d..d3860c7e9f63582ddf8140b47b481c8d4f0f11e3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
@@ -30,23 +30,24 @@ import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..), OverloadedLit(..),
 			  newMethod, newMethodWithGivenTy, newDicts )
 import TcBinds		( tcBindsAndThen )
 import TcEnv		( tcLookupLocalValue, tcLookupGlobalValue, tcLookupClassByKey,
-			  tcLookupGlobalValueByKey, newMonoIds, tcGetGlobalTyVars
+			  tcLookupGlobalValueByKey, newMonoIds, tcGetGlobalTyVars,
+			  tcExtendGlobalTyVars
 import TcMatches	( tcMatchesCase, tcMatch )
 import TcMonoType	( tcPolyType )
 import TcPat		( tcPat )
 import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyAndCheck, tcSimplifyRank2 )
 import TcType		( TcType(..), TcMaybe(..),
-			  tcInstId, tcInstType, tcInstSigTyVars,
+			  tcInstId, tcInstType, tcInstSigTcType,
 			  tcInstSigType, tcInstTcType, tcInstTheta,
 			  newTyVarTy, zonkTcTyVars, zonkTcType )
 import TcKind		( TcKind )
-import Class		( Class(..), classSig )
+import Class		( SYN_IE(Class), classSig )
 import FieldLabel	( fieldLabelName )
-import Id		( idType, dataConFieldLabels, dataConSig, Id(..), GenId )
+import Id		( idType, dataConFieldLabels, dataConSig, SYN_IE(Id), GenId )
 import Kind		( Kind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind, mkArrowKind )
-import GenSpecEtc	( checkSigTyVars, checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals )
+import GenSpecEtc	( checkSigTyVars )
 import Name		( Name{-instance Eq-} )
 import Type		( mkFunTy, mkAppTy, mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys, mkRhoTy,
 			  getTyVar_maybe, getFunTy_maybe, instantiateTy,
@@ -54,13 +55,13 @@ import Type		( mkFunTy, mkAppTy, mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys, mkRhoTy,
 			  isTauTy, mkFunTys, tyVarsOfType, getForAllTy_maybe,
 			  getAppDataTyCon, maybeAppDataTyCon
-import TyVar		( GenTyVar, TyVarSet(..), unionTyVarSets, mkTyVarSet )
+import TyVar		( GenTyVar, SYN_IE(TyVarSet), unionTyVarSets, mkTyVarSet )
 import TysPrim		( intPrimTy, charPrimTy, doublePrimTy,
 			  floatPrimTy, addrPrimTy
 import TysWiredIn	( addrTy,
 			  boolTy, charTy, stringTy, mkListTy,
-			  mkTupleTy, mkPrimIoTy
+			  mkTupleTy, mkPrimIoTy, primIoDataCon
 import Unify		( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyList, unifyTauTyLists, unifyFunTy )
 import Unique		( Unique, cCallableClassKey, cReturnableClassKey, 
@@ -68,7 +69,6 @@ import Unique		( Unique, cCallableClassKey, cReturnableClassKey,
 			  enumFromToClassOpKey, enumFromThenToClassOpKey,
 			  thenMClassOpKey, zeroClassOpKey
---import Name		( Name )		-- Instance 
 import Outputable	( interpp'SP )
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar )	-- Instances
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
@@ -269,7 +269,8 @@ tcExpr (CCall lbl args may_gc is_asm ignored_fake_result_ty)
     mapNF_Tc new_arg_dict (zipEqual "tcExpr:CCall" args arg_tys)    `thenNF_Tc` \ ccarg_dicts_s ->
     newDicts result_origin [(cReturnableClass, result_ty)]	    `thenNF_Tc` \ (ccres_dict, _) ->
-    returnTc (CCall lbl args' may_gc is_asm result_ty,
+    returnTc (HsCon primIoDataCon [result_ty] [CCall lbl args' may_gc is_asm result_ty],
+	      -- do the wrapping in the newtype constructor here
 	      foldr plusLIE ccres_dict ccarg_dicts_s `plusLIE` args_lie,
 	      mkPrimIoTy result_ty)
@@ -375,7 +376,7 @@ tcExpr (RecordUpd record_expr rbinds)
 	-- Check that the field names are plausible
     zonkTcType record_ty		`thenNF_Tc` \ record_ty' ->
-	(tycon, inst_tys, data_cons) = _trace "TcExpr.getAppDataTyCon" $ getAppDataTyCon record_ty'
+	(tycon, inst_tys, data_cons) = trace "TcExpr.getAppDataTyCon" $ getAppDataTyCon record_ty'
 	-- The record binds are non-empty (syntax); so at least one field
 	-- label will have been unified with record_ty by tcRecordBinds;
 	-- field labels must be of data type; hencd the getAppDataTyCon must succeed.
@@ -571,16 +572,15 @@ tcArg expected_arg_ty arg
 	-- To ensure that the forall'd type variables don't get unified with each
 	-- other or any other types, we make fresh *signature* type variables
 	-- and unify them with the tyvars.
+    tcInstSigTcType expected_arg_ty 	`thenNF_Tc` \ (sig_tyvars, sig_rho) ->
-	(expected_tyvars, expected_theta, expected_tau) = splitSigmaTy expected_arg_ty
+	(sig_theta, sig_tau) = splitRhoTy sig_rho
-    ASSERT( null expected_theta )	-- And expected_tyvars are all DontBind things
-    tcInstSigTyVars expected_tyvars		`thenNF_Tc` \ (sig_tyvars, sig_tyvar_tys, _) ->
-    unifyTauTyLists (mkTyVarTys expected_tyvars) sig_tyvar_tys	`thenTc_`
+    ASSERT( null sig_theta )	-- And expected_tyvars are all DontBind things
 	-- Type-check the arg and unify with expected type
     tcExpr arg					`thenTc` \ (arg', lie_arg, actual_arg_ty) ->
-    unifyTauTy expected_tau actual_arg_ty	`thenTc_`  (
+    unifyTauTy sig_tau actual_arg_ty		`thenTc_`
 	-- Check that the arg_tyvars havn't been constrained
 	-- The interesting bit here is that we must include the free variables
@@ -593,22 +593,22 @@ tcArg expected_arg_ty arg
 	-- Conclusion: include the free vars of the expected arg type in the
 	-- list of "free vars" for the signature check.
-    tcAddErrCtxt (rank2ArgCtxt arg expected_arg_ty) $
-    checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals
-	(tyVarsOfType expected_arg_ty)
-	expected_tyvars expected_tau				`thenTc_`
-	-- Check that there's no overloading involved
-	-- Even if there isn't, there may be some Insts which mention the expected_tyvars,
-	-- but which, on simplification, don't actually need a dictionary involving
-	-- the tyvar.  So we have to do a proper simplification right here.
-    tcSimplifyRank2 (mkTyVarSet expected_tyvars) 
-		    lie_arg				`thenTc` \ (free_insts, inst_binds) ->
-	-- This HsLet binds any Insts which came out of the simplification.
-	-- It's a bit out of place here, but using AbsBind involves inventing
-	-- a couple of new names which seems worse.
-    returnTc (TyLam expected_tyvars (HsLet (mk_binds inst_binds) arg'), free_insts)
+    tcAddErrCtxt (rank2ArgCtxt arg expected_arg_ty) (
+	tcExtendGlobalTyVars (tyVarsOfType expected_arg_ty) (
+		checkSigTyVars sig_tyvars sig_tau
+	)						`thenTc_`
+	    -- Check that there's no overloading involved
+	    -- Even if there isn't, there may be some Insts which mention the expected_tyvars,
+	    -- but which, on simplification, don't actually need a dictionary involving
+	    -- the tyvar.  So we have to do a proper simplification right here.
+	tcSimplifyRank2 (mkTyVarSet sig_tyvars) 
+			lie_arg				`thenTc` \ (free_insts, inst_binds) ->
+	    -- This HsLet binds any Insts which came out of the simplification.
+	    -- It's a bit out of place here, but using AbsBind involves inventing
+	    -- a couple of new names which seems worse.
+	returnTc (TyLam sig_tyvars (HsLet (mk_binds inst_binds) arg'), free_insts)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
index d79ca49f5e73f455a83fdea0944a7db2058d7deb..f449cca0532ba267f2378ada9491b50b7f673125 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
@@ -63,17 +63,18 @@ module TcGenDeriv (
     ) where
 import HsSyn		( HsBinds(..), Bind(..), MonoBinds(..), Match(..), GRHSsAndBinds(..),
 			  GRHS(..), HsExpr(..), HsLit(..), InPat(..), Qualifier(..), Stmt,
 			  ArithSeqInfo, Sig, PolyType, FixityDecl, Fake )
-import RdrHsSyn		( RdrNameMonoBinds(..), RdrNameHsExpr(..), RdrNamePat(..) )
+import RdrHsSyn		( SYN_IE(RdrNameMonoBinds), SYN_IE(RdrNameHsExpr), SYN_IE(RdrNamePat) )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
 --import RnUtils
-import Id		( GenId, dataConArity, isNullaryDataCon, dataConTag,
+import Id		( GenId, dataConNumFields, isNullaryDataCon, dataConTag,
 			  dataConRawArgTys, fIRST_TAG,
-			  isDataCon, DataCon(..), ConTag(..) )
+			  isDataCon, SYN_IE(DataCon), SYN_IE(ConTag) )
 import IdUtils		( primOpId )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import Name		( origName, preludeQual, nameOf, RdrName(..), OrigName(..) )
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ gen_Eq_binds tycon
 	    con2_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
 	    data_con_PN = qual_orig_name data_con
-	    con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
+	    con_arity   = length tys_needed
 	    as_needed   = take con_arity as_PNs
 	    bs_needed   = take con_arity bs_PNs
 	    tys_needed  = dataConRawArgTys data_con
@@ -212,15 +213,6 @@ gen_Eq_binds tycon
 	  = foldr1 and_Expr (zipWith3Equal "nested_eq" nested_eq tys as bs)
 	    nested_eq ty a b = HsPar (eq_Expr ty (HsVar a) (HsVar b))
-	nested_eq_expr []     []     []  = true_Expr
-	nested_eq_expr [ty]   [a]    [b] = 
-	nested_eq_expr (t:ts) (a:as) (b:bs)
-	  = let
-		rest_expr = nested_eq_expr ts as bs
-	    in
-	    and_Expr (eq_Expr t (HsVar a) (HsVar b)) rest_expr
   = mk_easy_FunMonoBind ne_PN [a_Pat, b_Pat] [] $
@@ -347,7 +339,7 @@ gen_Ord_binds tycon
 		    (cmp_tags_Expr ltH_Int_PN ah_PN bh_PN ltTag_Expr gtTag_Expr)))
     (nullary_cons, nonnullary_cons)
-      = partition (\ con -> dataConArity con == 0) (tyConDataCons tycon)
+      = partition isNullaryDataCon (tyConDataCons tycon)
       = mk_FunMonoBind cmp_eq_PN (map pats_etc nonnullary_cons ++ deflt_pats_etc)
@@ -360,7 +352,7 @@ gen_Ord_binds tycon
 	    con2_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
 	    data_con_PN = qual_orig_name data_con
-	    con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
+	    con_arity   = length tys_needed
 	    as_needed   = take con_arity as_PNs
 	    bs_needed   = take con_arity bs_PNs
 	    tys_needed  = dataConRawArgTys data_con
@@ -491,7 +483,7 @@ gen_Bounded_binds tycon
     data_con_N_PN = qual_orig_name data_con_N
     ----- single-constructor-flavored: -------------
-    arity	   = dataConArity data_con_1
+    arity	   = dataConNumFields data_con_1
     min_bound_1con = mk_easy_FunMonoBind minBound_PN [] [] $
 		     mk_easy_App data_con_1_PN (nOfThem arity minBound_PN)
@@ -622,7 +614,7 @@ gen_Ix_binds tycon
-    con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
+    con_arity   = dataConNumFields data_con
     data_con_PN = qual_orig_name data_con
     con_pat  xs = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn xs)
     con_expr xs = mk_easy_App data_con_PN xs
@@ -684,7 +676,7 @@ gen_Read_binds fixities tycon
     read_list = mk_easy_FunMonoBind readList_PN [] []
-		  (HsApp (HsVar _readList_PN) (HsPar (HsApp (HsVar readsPrec_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 0)))))
+		  (HsApp (HsVar readList___PN) (HsPar (HsApp (HsVar readsPrec_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 0)))))
       = let
@@ -699,7 +691,7 @@ gen_Read_binds fixities tycon
 	  = let
 		data_con_PN = qual_orig_name data_con
 		data_con_str= nameOf (origName "gen_Read_binds" data_con)
-		con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
+		con_arity   = dataConNumFields data_con
 		as_needed   = take con_arity as_PNs
 		bs_needed   = take con_arity bs_PNs
 		con_expr    = mk_easy_App data_con_PN as_needed
@@ -749,7 +741,7 @@ gen_Show_binds fixities tycon
     show_list = mk_easy_FunMonoBind showList_PN [] []
-		  (HsApp (HsVar _showList_PN) (HsPar (HsApp (HsVar showsPrec_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 0)))))
+		  (HsApp (HsVar showList___PN) (HsPar (HsApp (HsVar showsPrec_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 0)))))
       = mk_FunMonoBind showsPrec_PN (map pats_etc (tyConDataCons tycon))
@@ -757,7 +749,7 @@ gen_Show_binds fixities tycon
 	pats_etc data_con
 	  = let
 		data_con_PN = qual_orig_name data_con
-		con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
+		con_arity   = dataConNumFields data_con
 		bs_needed   = take con_arity bs_PNs
 		con_pat     = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
 		nullary_con = isNullaryDataCon data_con
@@ -823,7 +815,7 @@ gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, tycon, GenCon2Tag)
       = ASSERT(isDataCon var)
 	([pat], HsLit (HsIntPrim (toInteger ((dataConTag var) - fIRST_TAG))))
-	pat    = ConPatIn var_PN (nOfThem (dataConArity var) WildPatIn)
+	pat    = ConPatIn var_PN (nOfThem (dataConNumFields var) WildPatIn)
 	var_PN = qual_orig_name var
 gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, tycon, GenTag2Con)
@@ -1115,10 +1107,10 @@ error_PN	= preludeQual SLIT("error")
 showString_PN	= preludeQual SLIT("showString")
 showParen_PN	= preludeQual SLIT("showParen")
 readParen_PN	= preludeQual SLIT("readParen")
-lex_PN		= preludeQual SLIT("lex")
+lex_PN		= Qual gHC__  SLIT("lex")
 showSpace_PN	= Qual gHC__  SLIT("showSpace")
-_showList_PN    = Qual gHC__  SLIT("showList__")
-_readList_PN    = Qual gHC__  SLIT("readList__")
+showList___PN   = Qual gHC__  SLIT("showList__")
+readList___PN   = Qual gHC__  SLIT("readList__")
 a_Expr		= HsVar a_PN
 b_Expr		= HsVar b_PN
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
index 93149e4646211b07c9789721cee8cae8730562e6..a0f779fcafa51c8a3c3a37b97e93cbeb16d9c07a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-}
 -- friends:
 import HsSyn	-- oodles of it
 import Id	( GenId(..), IdDetails, PragmaInfo,	-- Can meddle modestly with Ids
-		  DictVar(..), idType,
-		  IdEnv(..), growIdEnvList, lookupIdEnv
+		  SYN_IE(DictVar), idType,
+		  SYN_IE(IdEnv), growIdEnvList, lookupIdEnv
 -- others:
@@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ import TcMonad	hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import TcType	( TcType(..), TcMaybe, TcTyVar(..),
 		  zonkTcTypeToType, zonkTcTyVarToTyVar
-import Usage	( UVar(..) )
+import Usage	( SYN_IE(UVar) )
 import Util	( zipEqual, panic, pprPanic, pprTrace )
 import PprType  ( GenType, GenTyVar ) 	-- instances
 import Type	( mkTyVarTy, tyVarsOfType )
 import TyVar	( GenTyVar {- instances -},
-		  TyVarEnv(..), growTyVarEnvList, emptyTyVarSet )
+		  SYN_IE(TyVarEnv), growTyVarEnvList, emptyTyVarSet )
 import TysPrim	( voidTy )
 import Unique	( Unique )		-- instances
 import UniqFM
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs
index 7326d93f3b2a2f4a3bf1264af987aca0573c74eb..b8e1b1ad7bf89f97ebc8ad4ba9665421f446a52e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import TcMonoType	( tcPolyType )
 import HsSyn		( Sig(..), PolyType )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedSig(..), RnName(..) )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingPrelude )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingGhcInternals )
 import Id		( mkImported )
 --import Name		( Name(..) )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ tcInterfaceSigs (Sig name ty pragmas src_loc : sigs)
   | otherwise -- odd name...
   = case name of
-      WiredInId _ | opt_CompilingPrelude
+      WiredInId _ | opt_CompilingGhcInternals
         -> tcInterfaceSigs sigs
       _ -> tcAddSrcLoc src_loc	$
 	   failTc (ifaceSigNameErr name)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
index aa8590a41e049374471041fb8adfa92b4ae99fa9..cef6f6ad4319c7f4e75f7575cfb0f3c94a5848de 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
 module TcInstDcls (
-	processInstBinds,
-	newMethodId
+	processInstBinds
     ) where
@@ -34,19 +33,19 @@ import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc(..), TcHsBinds(..),
 import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
-import GenSpecEtc	( checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals )
+import GenSpecEtc	( checkSigTyVars )
 import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..), InstanceMapper(..),
 			  newDicts, newMethod, LIE(..), emptyLIE, plusLIE )
 import TcBinds		( tcPragmaSigs )
 import TcDeriv		( tcDeriving )
-import TcEnv		( tcLookupClass, tcTyVarScope, newLocalId )
+import TcEnv		( tcLookupClass, tcTyVarScope, newLocalId, tcExtendGlobalTyVars )
 import TcGRHSs		( tcGRHSsAndBinds )
 import TcInstUtil	( InstInfo(..), mkInstanceRelatedIds, buildInstanceEnvs )
 import TcKind		( TcKind, unifyKind )
 import TcMatches	( tcMatchesFun )
 import TcMonoType	( tcContext, tcMonoTypeKind )
 import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyAndCheck )
-import TcType		( TcType(..), TcTyVar(..),
+import TcType		( TcType(..), TcTyVar(..), TcTyVarSet(..), 
 			  tcInstSigTyVars, tcInstType, tcInstTheta, tcInstTcType
 import Unify		( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyLists )
@@ -54,7 +53,7 @@ import Unify		( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyLists )
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags,
 			  concatBag, foldBag, bagToList )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_GlasgowExts,
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_GlasgowExts, opt_CompilingGhcInternals,
@@ -74,13 +73,13 @@ import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar, GenClass, GenClassOp, TyCon,
 import PprStyle
 import Pretty
-import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..) )
+import RnUtils		( SYN_IE(RnEnv) )
 import TyCon		( isSynTyCon, derivedFor )
-import Type		( GenType(..),  ThetaType(..), mkTyVarTys,
+import Type		( GenType(..), SYN_IE(ThetaType), mkTyVarTys,
 			  splitSigmaTy, splitAppTy, isTyVarTy, matchTy, mkSigmaTy,
-			  getTyCon_maybe, maybeBoxedPrimType, splitRhoTy
+			  getTyCon_maybe, maybeBoxedPrimType, splitRhoTy, eqTy
-import TyVar		( GenTyVar, mkTyVarSet, unionTyVarSets )
+import TyVar		( GenTyVar, GenTyVarSet(..), mkTyVarSet, unionTyVarSets )
 import TysWiredIn	( stringTy )
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import Util		( zipEqual, panic )
@@ -369,7 +368,7 @@ tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_ty
 	sc_theta'        = super_classes `zip` repeat inst_ty'
  	origin    	 = InstanceDeclOrigin
-	mk_method sel_id = newMethodId sel_id inst_ty' origin
+	mk_method sel_id = newMethod origin (RealId sel_id) [inst_ty']
 	 -- Create dictionary Ids from the specified instance contexts.
     newDicts origin sc_theta'		`thenNF_Tc` \ (sc_dicts,        sc_dict_ids) ->
@@ -382,6 +381,8 @@ tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_ty
 	 -- Collect available Insts
+	inst_tyvars_set' = mkTyVarSet inst_tyvars'
 	avail_insts	 -- These insts are in scope; quite a few, eh?
 	  = unionManyBags (this_dict : dfun_arg_dicts : meth_insts_s) 
@@ -391,8 +392,9 @@ tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_ty
 		makeInstanceDeclDefaultMethodExpr origin meth_ids defm_ids inst_ty' this_dict_id 
-    processInstBinds clas mk_method_expr inst_tyvars' avail_insts meth_ids monobinds
-					 	`thenTc` \ (insts_needed, method_mbinds) ->
+    tcExtendGlobalTyVars inst_tyvars_set' (
+	processInstBinds clas mk_method_expr avail_insts meth_ids monobinds
+    )				 	`thenTc` \ (insts_needed, method_mbinds) ->
 	-- Create the dict and method binds
@@ -401,7 +403,6 @@ tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_ty
 	    = dict_bind `AndMonoBinds` method_mbinds
-	inst_tyvars_set' = mkTyVarSet inst_tyvars'
 	-- Check the overloading constraints of the methods and superclasses
     tcAddErrCtxt (bindSigCtxt meth_ids) (
@@ -448,62 +449,6 @@ tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_ty
     returnTc (const_lie `plusLIE` spec_lie, inst_binds)
-============= OLD ================
-@mkMethodId@ manufactures an id for a local method.
-It's rather turgid stuff, because there are two cases:
-  (a) For methods with no local polymorphism, we can make an Inst of the 
-      class-op selector function and a corresp InstId; 
-      which is good because then other methods which call
-      this one will do so directly.
-  (b) For methods with local polymorphism, we can't do this.  For example,
-	 class Foo a where
-		op :: (Num b) => a -> b -> a
-      Here the type of the class-op-selector is
-	forall a b. (Foo a, Num b) => a -> b -> a
-      The locally defined method at (say) type Float will have type
-	forall b. (Num b) => Float -> b -> Float
-      and the one is not an instance of the other.
-      So for these we just make a local (non-Inst) id with a suitable type.
-How disgusting.
-=============== END OF OLD ===================
-newMethodId sel_id inst_ty origin
-  = newMethod origin (RealId sel_id) [inst_ty]
-{- REMOVE SOON:		(this was pre-split-poly selector types)
-let (sel_tyvars,sel_theta,sel_tau) = splitSigmaTy (idType sel_id)
-	(_:meth_theta) = sel_theta	-- The local theta is all except the
-					-- first element of the context
-    in 
-       case sel_tyvars of
-	-- Ah! a selector for a class op with no local polymorphism
-	-- Build an Inst for this
-	[clas_tyvar] -> newMethod origin (RealId sel_id) [inst_ty]
-	-- Ho! a selector for a class op with local polymorphism.
-	-- Just make a suitably typed local id for this
-	(clas_tyvar:local_tyvars) -> 
-		tcInstType [(clas_tyvar,inst_ty)]
-			   (mkSigmaTy local_tyvars meth_theta sel_tau)
-								`thenNF_Tc` \ method_ty ->
-		newLocalId (getLocalName sel_id) method_ty	`thenNF_Tc` \ meth_id ->
-		returnNF_Tc (emptyLIE, meth_id)
 The next function makes a default method which calls the global default method, at
 the appropriate instance type.
@@ -583,7 +528,6 @@ do differs between instance and class decls.
 	:: Class
 	-> (Int -> NF_TcM s (TcExpr s))    -- Function to make default method
-	-> [TcTyVar s]			   -- Tyvars for this instance decl
 	-> LIE s			   -- available Insts
 	-> [TcIdOcc s]			   -- Local method ids in tag order
 					   --	(instance tyvars are free in their types)
@@ -591,10 +535,10 @@ processInstBinds
 	-> TcM s (LIE s,		   -- These are required
 		  TcMonoBinds s)
-processInstBinds clas mk_default_method_rhs inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids monobinds
+processInstBinds clas mk_default_method_rhs avail_insts method_ids monobinds
 	 -- Process the explicitly-given method bindings
-    processInstBinds1 clas inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids monobinds
+    processInstBinds1 clas avail_insts method_ids monobinds
 	 		`thenTc` \ (tags, insts_needed_in_methods, method_binds) ->
 	 -- Find the methods not handled, and make default method bindings for them.
@@ -616,7 +560,6 @@ processInstBinds clas mk_default_method_rhs inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids m
 	:: Class
-	-> [TcTyVar s]		-- Tyvars for this instance decl
 	-> LIE s		-- available Insts
 	-> [TcIdOcc s]		-- Local method ids in tag order (instance tyvars are free),
 	-> RenamedMonoBinds
@@ -624,13 +567,13 @@ processInstBinds1
 		  LIE s,	-- These are required
 		  TcMonoBinds s)
-processInstBinds1 clas inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids EmptyMonoBinds
+processInstBinds1 clas avail_insts method_ids EmptyMonoBinds
   = returnTc ([], emptyLIE, EmptyMonoBinds)
-processInstBinds1 clas inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids (AndMonoBinds mb1 mb2)
-  = processInstBinds1 clas inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids mb1
+processInstBinds1 clas avail_insts method_ids (AndMonoBinds mb1 mb2)
+  = processInstBinds1 clas avail_insts method_ids mb1
 				 `thenTc`	\ (op_tags1,dicts1,method_binds1) ->
-    processInstBinds1 clas inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids mb2
+    processInstBinds1 clas avail_insts method_ids mb2
 				 `thenTc`	\ (op_tags2,dicts2,method_binds2) ->
     returnTc (op_tags1 ++ op_tags2,
 	      dicts1 `unionBags` dicts2,
@@ -638,7 +581,7 @@ processInstBinds1 clas inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids (AndMonoBinds mb1 mb2)
-processInstBinds1 clas inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids mbind
+processInstBinds1 clas avail_insts method_ids mbind
     -- Find what class op is being defined here.  The complication is
     -- that we could have a PatMonoBind or a FunMonoBind.  If the
@@ -693,13 +636,14 @@ processInstBinds1 clas inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids mbind
 	newLocalId occ method_tau		`thenNF_Tc` \ local_id ->
 	newLocalId occ method_ty		`thenNF_Tc` \ copy_id ->
-	    inst_tyvar_set = mkTyVarSet inst_tyvars
-	    inst_method_tyvar_set = inst_tyvar_set `unionTyVarSets` (mkTyVarSet sig_tyvars)
+	    sig_tyvar_set = mkTyVarSet sig_tyvars
 		-- Typecheck the method
 	tcMethodBind local_id method_tau mbind `thenTc` \ (mbind', lieIop) ->
 		-- Check the overloading part of the signature.
+	-- =========== POSSIBLE BUT NOT DONE =================
 		-- Simplify everything fully, even though some
 		-- constraints could "really" be left to the next
 		-- level out. The case which forces this is
@@ -708,13 +652,18 @@ processInstBinds1 clas inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids mbind
 		-- Here we must simplify constraints on "a" to catch all
 		-- the Bar-ish things.
+		-- We don't do this because it's currently illegal Haskell (not sure why),
+		-- and because the local type of the method would have a context at
+		-- the front with no for-all, which confuses the hell out of everything!
+	-- ====================================================
 	tcAddErrCtxt (methodSigCtxt op method_ty) (
-	    checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals
-		inst_tyvar_set
+	    checkSigTyVars
 		sig_tyvars method_tau				`thenTc_`
-		inst_method_tyvar_set
+		sig_tyvar_set
 		(method_dicts `plusLIE` avail_insts)
 	) 					 `thenTc` \ (f_dicts, dict_binds) ->
@@ -906,12 +855,11 @@ scrutiniseInstanceType from_here clas inst_tau
   = failTc (instTypeErr inst_tau)
   	-- IMPORTED INSTANCES ARE OK (but see tcInstDecl1)
-  | from_here
+  | not from_here
   = returnTc (inst_tycon,arg_tys)
   | not (all isTyVarTy arg_tys ||
-         not from_here	       ||
   = failTc (instTypeErr inst_tau)
@@ -928,7 +876,9 @@ scrutiniseInstanceType from_here clas inst_tau
 	-- A user declaration of a CCallable/CReturnable instance
 	-- must be for a "boxed primitive" type.
     isCcallishClass clas
-    && not (maybeToBool (maybeBoxedPrimType inst_tau))
+    && not (maybeToBool (maybeBoxedPrimType inst_tau)
+	    || opt_CompilingGhcInternals) -- this lets us get up to mischief;
+				     -- e.g., instance CCallable ()
   = failTc (nonBoxedPrimCCallErr clas inst_tau)
   | otherwise
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
index fde76aae7c3ab52505cfc9af26dbfd41c9e9af67..c30a90ae9245ca67fe5cac96867ec6618098fd1b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import Inst		( InstanceMapper(..) )
 import Bag		( bagToList )
-import Class		( GenClass, GenClassOp, ClassInstEnv(..),
+import Class		( GenClass, GenClassOp, SYN_IE(ClassInstEnv),
 			  classBigSig, classOps, classOpLocalType )
 import CoreSyn		( GenCoreExpr(..), mkValLam, mkTyApp )
 import Id		( GenId, mkDictFunId, mkConstMethodId, mkSysLocal )
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ import Maybes		( MaybeErr(..), mkLookupFunDef )
 import Name		( getSrcLoc, Name{--O only-} )
 import PprType		( GenClass, GenType, GenTyVar )
 import Pretty
-import SpecEnv		( SpecEnv(..), nullSpecEnv, addOneToSpecEnv )
+import SpecEnv		( SYN_IE(SpecEnv), nullSpecEnv, addOneToSpecEnv )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 import Type		( mkSigmaTy, mkForAllTys, mkDictTy, mkTyVarTys,
-			  splitForAllTy, instantiateTy, matchTy, ThetaType(..) )
+			  splitForAllTy, instantiateTy, matchTy, SYN_IE(ThetaType) )
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar )
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import Util		( equivClasses, zipWithEqual, panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcLoop_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcLoop_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69488fe656296a1be5a50ef5c03ad64db6b46adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcLoop_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+interface TcLoop_1_3 1
+Outputable Outputable (..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMLoop_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMLoop_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1ea9fcf225b5ed4455b9fc9d4d82073a42549f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMLoop_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+interface TcMLoop_1_3 1
+Outputable Outputable (..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
index fed6045d7c007512d067b63cda32d0d8c27000e2..3cd3df53910c700a2c0dfde88fad64591a4c1096 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
@@ -158,6 +158,9 @@ tcMatch (PatMatch pat match)
   = let binders = collectPatBinders pat
     newMonoIds binders mkTypeKind (\ _ -> 
+	-- NB TypeKind; lambda-bound variables are allowed 
+	-- to unify with unboxed types.
 	tcPat pat		`thenTc`   \ (pat',   lie_pat,   pat_ty) ->
 	tcMatch match		`thenTc`   \ (match', lie_match, match_ty) ->
 	returnTc (PatMatch pat' match',
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
index 1dd4a4297d581f258ee1727b8b529a3013daf1b3..7410a7f78c08d5c47a3259f81ceb729ea5123508 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
@@ -43,16 +43,16 @@ import TcTyDecls	( mkDataBinds )
 import Bag		( listToBag )
 import Class		( GenClass, classSelIds )
-import ErrUtils		( Warning(..), Error(..) )
-import Id		( idType, isMethodSelId, isTopLevId, GenId, IdEnv(..), nullIdEnv )
+import ErrUtils		( SYN_IE(Warning), SYN_IE(Error) )
+import Id		( idType, isMethodSelId, isTopLevId, GenId, SYN_IE(IdEnv), nullIdEnv )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
-import Name		( isExported, isLocallyDefined )
+import Name		( isLocallyDefined )
 import Pretty
-import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..) )
+import RnUtils		( SYN_IE(RnEnv) )
 import TyCon		( TyCon )
 import Type		( applyTyCon )
 import TysWiredIn	( unitTy, mkPrimIoTy )
-import TyVar		( TyVarEnv(..), nullTyVarEnv )
+import TyVar		( SYN_IE(TyVarEnv), nullTyVarEnv )
 import Unify		( unifyTauTy )
 import UniqFM		( lookupUFM_Directly, lookupWithDefaultUFM_Directly,
 		          filterUFM, eltsUFM )
@@ -269,42 +269,46 @@ tcModule rn_env
-checkTopLevelIds checks that Main.main or Main.mainPrimIO has correct type.
+checkTopLevelIds checks that Main.main or GHCmain.mainPrimIO has correct type.
 checkTopLevelIds :: FAST_STRING -> TcEnv s -> TcM s ()
 checkTopLevelIds mod final_env
-  | mod /= SLIT("Main")
+  | mod /= SLIT("Main") && mod /= SLIT("GHCmain")
   = returnTc ()
-  | otherwise
+  | mod == SLIT("Main")
   = tcSetEnv final_env (
 	tcLookupLocalValueByKey mainIdKey	`thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_main ->
-	tcLookupLocalValueByKey mainPrimIOIdKey	`thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_prim ->
 	tcLookupTyConByKey iOTyConKey		`thenNF_Tc` \ io_tc ->
-	case (maybe_main, maybe_prim) of
-	  (Just main, Nothing) -> tcAddErrCtxt mainCtxt $
-		                  unifyTauTy (applyTyCon io_tc [unitTy])
-					     (idType main)
-	  (Nothing, Just prim) -> tcAddErrCtxt primCtxt $
-		                  unifyTauTy (mkPrimIoTy unitTy)
-					     (idType prim)
+	case maybe_main of
+	  Just main ->  tcAddErrCtxt mainCtxt $
+			unifyTauTy (applyTyCon io_tc [unitTy])
+				   (idType main)
+	  Nothing -> failTc (mainNoneIdErr "Main" "main")
+    )
+  | mod == SLIT("GHCmain")
+  = tcSetEnv final_env (
+	tcLookupLocalValueByKey mainPrimIOIdKey	`thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_prim ->
+	case maybe_prim of
+	  Just prim -> tcAddErrCtxt primCtxt $
+		       unifyTauTy (mkPrimIoTy unitTy)
+				  (idType prim)
-	  (Just _ , Just _ )   -> failTc mainBothIdErr
-	  (Nothing, Nothing)   -> failTc mainNoneIdErr
+	  Nothing -> failTc (mainNoneIdErr "GHCmain" "mainPrimIO")
 mainCtxt sty
-  = ppStr "main should have type IO ()"
+  = ppStr "Main.main should have type IO ()"
 primCtxt sty
-  = ppStr "mainPrimIO should have type PrimIO ()"
-mainBothIdErr sty
-  = ppStr "module Main contains definitions for both main and mainPrimIO"
+  = ppStr "GHCmain.mainPrimIO should have type PrimIO ()"
-mainNoneIdErr sty
-  = ppStr "module Main does not contain a definition for main (or mainPrimIO)"
+mainNoneIdErr mod n sty
+  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("module"), ppStr mod, ppPStr SLIT("does not contain a definition for"), ppStr n]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs
index b5853aa544cd10efa23b21df03decd9f45bae7b4..8a636e69f5613d663e244eae0f5affe083efacfd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs
@@ -39,23 +39,23 @@ IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-}
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(TcMLoop)		( TcEnv, initEnv, TcMaybe )  -- We need the type TcEnv and an initial Env
-import Type		( Type(..), GenType )
-import TyVar		( TyVar(..), GenTyVar )
-import Usage		( Usage(..), GenUsage )
-import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Message(..), ErrCtxt(..),
-			  Warning(..) )
+import Type		( SYN_IE(Type), GenType )
+import TyVar		( SYN_IE(TyVar), GenTyVar )
+import Usage		( SYN_IE(Usage), GenUsage )
+import ErrUtils		( SYN_IE(Error), SYN_IE(Message), ErrCtxt(..),
+			  SYN_IE(Warning) )
 import SST
-import RnMonad		( RnM(..), RnDown, initRn, setExtraRn,
+import RnMonad		( SYN_IE(RnM), RnDown, initRn, setExtraRn,
 			  returnRn, thenRn, getImplicitUpRn
-import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..) )
+import RnUtils		( SYN_IE(RnEnv) )
 import Bag		( Bag, emptyBag, isEmptyBag,
 			  foldBag, unitBag, unionBags, snocBag )
-import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, isEmptyFM )
+import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, isEmptyFM, keysFM{-ToDo:rm-} )
 --import Outputable	( Outputable(..), NamedThing(..), ExportFlag )
-import ErrUtils		( Error(..) )
+import ErrUtils		( SYN_IE(Error) )
 import Maybes		( MaybeErr(..) )
 --import Name		( Name )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ type TcM    s r =  TcDown s -> TcEnv s -> FSST s r ()
--- With a builtin polymorphic type for _runSST the type for
--- initTc should use  TcM s r  instead of  TcM _RealWorld r 
+-- With a builtin polymorphic type for runSST the type for
+-- initTc should use  TcM s r  instead of  TcM RealWorld r 
 initTc :: UniqSupply
        -> TcM _RealWorld r
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ initTc :: UniqSupply
 		   (Bag Error, Bag  Warning)
 initTc us do_this
-  = _runSST (
+  = runSST (
       newMutVarSST us 			`thenSST` \ us_var ->
       newMutVarSST (emptyBag,emptyBag)	`thenSST` \ errs_var ->
       newMutVarSST emptyUFM		`thenSST` \ tvs_var ->
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ forkNF_Tc m (TcDown deflts u_var src_loc err_cxt err_var) env
 	(us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
     writeMutVarSST u_var us1	`thenSST_`
-    returnSST (_runSST (
+    returnSST ( runSST (
 	newMutVarSST us2 			`thenSST` \ u_var'   ->
       	newMutVarSST (emptyBag,emptyBag)	`thenSST` \ err_var' ->
       	newMutVarSST emptyUFM			`thenSST` \ tv_var'  ->
@@ -310,8 +310,20 @@ recoverNF_Tc recover m down env
 tryTc :: TcM s r -> TcM s r -> TcM s r
 tryTc recover m down env
   = recoverFSST (\ _ -> recover down env) $
     newMutVarSST (emptyBag,emptyBag)	`thenSST` \ new_errs_var ->
-    m (setTcErrs down new_errs_var) env
+    m (setTcErrs down new_errs_var) env	`thenFSST` \ result ->
+	-- Check that m has no errors; if it has internal recovery
+	-- mechanisms it might "succeed" but having found a bunch of
+	-- errors along the way. If so we want tryTc to use 
+	-- "recover" instead
+    readMutVarSST new_errs_var		`thenSST` \ (_,errs) ->
+    if isEmptyBag errs then
+	returnFSST result
+    else
+	recover down env
 checkTc :: Bool -> Message -> TcM s ()		-- Check that the boolean is true
 checkTc True  err = returnTc ()
@@ -473,7 +485,9 @@ rnMtoTcM rn_env rn_action down env
 		getImplicitUpRn	`thenRn` \ implicit_env@(v_env,tc_env) ->
 		if (isEmptyFM v_env && isEmptyFM tc_env)
 		then returnRn result
-		else panic "rnMtoTcM: non-empty ImplicitEnv!"
+		else pprPanic "rnMtoTcM: non-empty ImplicitEnv!"
+			(ppAboves ([ ppCat [ppPStr m, ppPStr n] | (OrigName m n) <- keysFM v_env]
+				++ [ ppCat [ppPStr m, ppPStr n] | (OrigName m n) <- keysFM tc_env]))
     returnSST (rn_result, rn_errs)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs
index dfa3e597eb41a262b12370054517fa91c2432c31..35f8353323c520437aaeb34702073d08bbd08ff4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ import TcKind		( TcKind, mkTcTypeKind, mkBoxedTypeKind,
 			  mkTcArrowKind, unifyKind, newKindVar,
-import Type		( GenType, Type(..), ThetaType(..), 
+import Type		( GenType, SYN_IE(Type), SYN_IE(ThetaType), 
 			  mkTyVarTy, mkTyConTy, mkFunTy, mkAppTy, mkSynTy,
-import TyVar		( GenTyVar, TyVar(..), mkTyVar )
+import TyVar		( GenTyVar, SYN_IE(TyVar) )
 import Type		( mkDictTy )
 import Class		( cCallishClassKeys )
 import TyCon		( TyCon )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
index 45aaa5d693f2aa2199cc1723a11e09aab9a438eb..e7056b200f692e289a335a0873d339127705ddd1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Pretty
 import RnHsSyn		( RnName{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Type		( splitFunTy, splitRhoTy, splitSigmaTy, mkTyVarTys,
 			  getFunTy_maybe, maybeAppDataTyCon,
-			  Type(..), GenType
+			  SYN_IE(Type), GenType
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar )
 import TysPrim		( charPrimTy, intPrimTy, floatPrimTy,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPragmas.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPragmas.lhs
index 5ce5ca76a26ca6387f456b83f924e74d4653f391..e28f90a809ce630d0cda6df06655ec5fa9a0f5b2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPragmas.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPragmas.lhs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import HsPragmas	-- ****** NEED TO SEE CONSTRUCTORS ******
 import Id
 import IdInfo
 --import WwLib		( mkWwBodies )
-import Maybes		( assocMaybe, catMaybes, Maybe(..) )
+import Maybes		( assocMaybe, catMaybes )
 --import CoreLint		( lintUnfolding )
 import TcMonoType	( tcMonoType, tcPolyType )
 import Util
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
index c6089d007901cb4ae227e84a27b57cd62b341bf9..a1e987a1417697893ffb68ae8db9e27cd815c793 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module TcSimplify (
-	tcSimplify, tcSimplifyAndCheck, tcSimplifyWithExtraGlobals,
+	tcSimplify, tcSimplifyAndCheck,
 	tcSimplifyTop, tcSimplifyThetas, tcSimplifyCheckThetas, tcSimplifyRank2,
     ) where
@@ -34,22 +34,22 @@ import Unify		( unifyTauTy )
 import Bag		( Bag, unitBag, listToBag, foldBag, filterBag, emptyBag, bagToList, 
 			  snocBag, consBag, unionBags, isEmptyBag )
-import Class		( GenClass, Class(..), ClassInstEnv(..),
+import Class		( GenClass, SYN_IE(Class), SYN_IE(ClassInstEnv),
 			  isNumericClass, isStandardClass, isCcallishClass,
 			  isSuperClassOf, classSuperDictSelId, classInstEnv
 import Id		( GenId )
-import Maybes		( expectJust, firstJust, catMaybes, seqMaybe, maybeToBool, Maybe(..) )
+import Maybes		( expectJust, firstJust, catMaybes, seqMaybe, maybeToBool )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instance * []-} )
 import PprStyle--ToDo:rm
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar, GenClass{-instance Outputable;ToDo:rm-} )
 import Pretty
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import Util
-import Type		( GenType, Type(..), TauType(..), mkTyVarTy, getTyVar, eqSimpleTy,
+import Type		( GenType, SYN_IE(Type), SYN_IE(TauType), mkTyVarTy, getTyVar, eqSimpleTy,
 			  getTyVar_maybe )
 import TysWiredIn	( intTy )
-import TyVar		( GenTyVar, GenTyVarSet(..), 
+import TyVar		( GenTyVar, SYN_IE(GenTyVarSet), 
 			  elementOfTyVarSet, emptyTyVarSet, unionTyVarSets,
 			  isEmptyTyVarSet, tyVarSetToList )
 import Unique		( Unique )
@@ -162,26 +162,6 @@ tcSimplify local_tvs wanteds
     tcSimpl False global_tvs local_tvs emptyBag wanteds
-@tcSimplifyWithExtraGlobals@ is just like @tcSimplify@ except that you get
-to specify some extra global type variables that the simplifer will treat
-as free in the environment.
-	:: TcTyVarSet s			-- Extra ``Global'' type variables
-	-> TcTyVarSet s			-- ``Local''  type variables
-	-> LIE s			-- Wanted
-	-> TcM s (LIE s,			-- Free
-		  [(TcIdOcc s,TcExpr s)],	-- Bindings
-		  LIE s)			-- Remaining wanteds; no dups
-tcSimplifyWithExtraGlobals extra_global_tvs local_tvs wanteds
-  = tcGetGlobalTyVars			`thenNF_Tc` \ global_tvs ->
-    tcSimpl False
-	    (global_tvs `unionTyVarSets` extra_global_tvs)
-	    local_tvs emptyBag wanteds
 @tcSimplifyAndCheck@ is similar to the above, except that it checks
 that there is an empty wanted-set at the end.  It may still return
 some of constant insts, which have to be resolved finally at the end.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
index 8ee07e5d2d94e251845643884de36cc1d9f5cb64..ae2cb40e71d1fcdd73d3514515354dd29e9a8038 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ import TcKind		( TcKind, newKindVars )
 import TcTyDecls	( tcTyDecl, mkDataBinds )
 import Bag	
-import Class		( Class(..), classSelIds )
+import Class		( SYN_IE(Class), classSelIds )
 import Digraph		( findSCCs, SCC(..) )
 import Name		( getSrcLoc )
 import PprStyle
 import Pretty
-import UniqSet		( UniqSet(..), emptyUniqSet,
+import UniqSet		( SYN_IE(UniqSet), emptyUniqSet,
 			  unitUniqSet, unionUniqSets, 
 			  unionManyUniqSets, uniqSetToList ) 
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
index 0191ba6d53f2ee05108b6a098f68230cf4b536d9..a45e600030054392076681d5cade7f2ab719c640 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ import Id		( mkDataCon, dataConSig, mkRecordSelId, idType,
 import FieldLabel
 import Kind		( Kind, mkArrowKind, mkBoxedTypeKind )
-import SpecEnv		( SpecEnv(..), nullSpecEnv )
+import SpecEnv		( SYN_IE(SpecEnv), nullSpecEnv )
 import Name		( nameSrcLoc, isLocallyDefinedName, getSrcLoc,
 			  Name{-instance Ord3-}
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ import Type		( GenType, -- instances
 import PprType		( GenTyVar{-instance Outputable-}{-ToDo:possibly rm-} )
 import TyVar		( tyVarKind, elementOfTyVarSet, GenTyVar{-instance Eq-} )
 import Unique		( Unique {- instance Eq -}, evalClassKey )
-import UniqSet		( emptyUniqSet, mkUniqSet, uniqSetToList, unionManyUniqSets, UniqSet(..) )
+import UniqSet		( emptyUniqSet, mkUniqSet, uniqSetToList, unionManyUniqSets, SYN_IE(UniqSet) )
 import Util		( equivClasses, zipEqual, nOfThem, panic, assertPanic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
index a237dc6eefa6f1b6ef4d72fcac34303702118e5e..5b18277c65ac4c2938f74f1ca5c1522136b14226 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module TcType (
-  tcInstType, tcInstSigType, tcInstTcType,
+  tcInstType, tcInstSigType, tcInstTcType, tcInstSigTcType,
   tcInstTheta, tcInstId,
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ module TcType (
 -- friends:
-import Type	( Type(..), ThetaType(..), GenType(..),
+import Type	( SYN_IE(Type), SYN_IE(ThetaType), GenType(..),
 		  tyVarsOfTypes, getTyVar_maybe,
 		  splitForAllTy, splitRhoTy,
 		  mkForAllTys, instantiateTy
-import TyVar	( TyVar(..), GenTyVar(..), TyVarSet(..), GenTyVarSet(..), 
-		  TyVarEnv(..), lookupTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv,
+import TyVar	( SYN_IE(TyVar), GenTyVar(..), SYN_IE(TyVarSet), SYN_IE(GenTyVarSet), 
+		  SYN_IE(TyVarEnv), lookupTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv,
 		  nullTyVarEnv, mkTyVarEnv,
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import Id	( idType )
 import Kind	( Kind )
 import TcKind	( TcKind )
 import TcMonad	hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
-import Usage	( Usage(..), GenUsage, UVar(..), duffUsage )
+import Usage	( SYN_IE(Usage), GenUsage, SYN_IE(UVar), duffUsage )
 import TysPrim		( voidTy )
@@ -170,6 +170,15 @@ tcInstTcType ty
     (tyvars, rho) = splitForAllTy ty
+tcInstSigTcType :: TcType s -> NF_TcM s ([TcTyVar s], TcType s)
+tcInstSigTcType ty
+  = case tyvars of
+	[]    -> returnNF_Tc ([], ty)	-- Nothing to do
+	other -> tcInstSigTyVars tyvars		`thenNF_Tc` \ (tyvars', _, tenv)  ->
+		 returnNF_Tc (tyvars', instantiateTy tenv rho)
+  where
+    (tyvars, rho) = splitForAllTy ty
 tcInstType :: [(GenTyVar flexi,TcType s)] 
 	   -> GenType (GenTyVar flexi) UVar 
 	   -> NF_TcM s (TcType s)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs
index 77742f4db54fd893b98e9abd06377146b95aabb7..bc654dc33ab04e3cc9d039029422ee0d1b4f5f77 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ IMP_Ubiq()
 import TcMonad	hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import Type	( GenType(..), typeKind, mkFunTy, getFunTy_maybe )
 import TyCon	( TyCon, mkFunTyCon )
-import TyVar	( GenTyVar(..), TyVar(..), tyVarKind )
+import TyVar	( GenTyVar(..), SYN_IE(TyVar), tyVarKind )
 import TcType	( TcType(..), TcMaybe(..), TcTauType(..), TcTyVar(..),
 		  newTyVarTy, tcReadTyVar, tcWriteTyVar, zonkTcType
@@ -124,6 +124,14 @@ uTys ps_ty1 (TyConTy con1 _) ps_ty2 (TyConTy con2 _)
 uTys ps_ty1 (SynTy con1 args1 ty1) ps_ty2 ty2 = uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 ty2
 uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 (SynTy con2 args2 ty2) = uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 ty2
+	-- Not expecting for-alls in unification
+#ifdef DEBUG
+uTys ps_ty1 (ForAllTy _ _)	  ps_ty2 ty2 = panic "Unify.uTys:ForAllTy (1st arg)"
+uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2	      (ForAllTy _ _) = panic "Unify.uTys:ForAllTy (2nd arg)"
+uTys ps_ty1 (ForAllUsageTy _ _ _) ps_ty2 ty2 = panic "Unify.uTys:ForAllUsageTy (1st arg)"
+uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 (ForAllUsageTy _ _ _) = panic "Unify.uTys:ForAllUsageTy (2nd arg)"
 	-- Anything else fails
 uTys ps_ty1 ty1 ps_ty2 ty2  = failTc (unifyMisMatch ps_ty1 ps_ty2)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs
index 2a38d47ca2e65222512d1926cecfe1e547f6ec4c..e97634972cf857e1315b183e40cbcb9cfc80c37e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module Class (
-	GenClass(..), Class(..),
+	GenClass(..), SYN_IE(Class),
 	classKey, classOps, classSelIds,
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ module Class (
 	cCallishClassKeys, isNoDictClass,
 	isNumericClass, isStandardClass, isCcallishClass,
-	GenClassOp(..), ClassOp(..),
+	GenClassOp(..), SYN_IE(ClassOp),
 	classOpTag, classOpString,
-	ClassInstEnv(..)
+	SYN_IE(ClassInstEnv)
     ) where
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
@@ -33,13 +33,14 @@ CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
 import TyCon		( TyCon )
-import TyVar		( TyVar(..), GenTyVar )
-import Usage		( GenUsage, Usage(..), UVar(..) )
+import TyVar		( SYN_IE(TyVar), GenTyVar )
+import Usage		( GenUsage, SYN_IE(Usage), SYN_IE(UVar) )
-import Maybes		( assocMaybe, Maybe )
-import Name		( changeUnique )
+import MatchEnv		( MatchEnv )
+import Maybes		( assocMaybe )
+import Name		( changeUnique, Name )
 import Unique		-- Keys for built-in classes
-import Pretty		( Pretty(..), ppCat{-ToDo:rm-}, ppPStr{-ditto-} )
+import Pretty		( SYN_IE(Pretty), ppCat{-ToDo:rm-}, ppPStr{-ditto-} )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 import Util
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
index a4c6d2cf195d26b5b97c45fd64e5c2fecc36d2e8..5c34749de82a91ff33a3435b6ddfc80eb5a25811 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ import Type		( GenType(..), maybeAppTyCon,
 			  splitForAllTy, splitSigmaTy, splitRhoTy, splitAppTy )
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar(..) )
 import TyCon		( TyCon(..), NewOrData )
-import Class		( Class(..), GenClass(..),
-			  ClassOp(..), GenClassOp(..) )
+import Class		( SYN_IE(Class), GenClass(..),
+			  SYN_IE(ClassOp), GenClassOp(..) )
 import Kind		( Kind(..) )
-import Usage		( GenUsage(..) )
+import Usage		( pprUVar, GenUsage(..), SYN_IE(Usage), SYN_IE(UVar) )
 -- others:
 import CStrings		( identToC )
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ import Pretty
 import TysWiredIn	( listTyCon )
 import UniqFM		( addToUFM_Directly, lookupUFM_Directly, ufmToList{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import Unique		( pprUnique10, pprUnique, incrUnique, listTyConKey )
-import Usage		( UVar(..), pprUVar )
 import Util
@@ -167,13 +166,12 @@ ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec ty@(AppTy _ _)
     (fun_ty, arg_tys) = splitAppTy ty
-{- OLD:
-ppr_ty PprInterface env ctxt_prec (SynTy tycon tys expansion)
-  -- always expand types in an interface
-  = ppr_ty PprInterface env ctxt_prec expansion
 ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec (SynTy tycon tys expansion)
+  | codeStyle sty
+	-- always expand types that squeak into C-variable names
+  = ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec expansion
+  | otherwise
   = ppBeside
      (ppr_app sty env ctxt_prec (ppr sty tycon) tys)
      (ifPprShowAll sty (ppCat [ppStr " {- expansion:",
@@ -183,7 +181,6 @@ ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec (SynTy tycon tys expansion)
 ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec (DictTy clas ty usage)
   = ppr_dict sty env ctxt_prec (clas, ty)
 -- Some help functions
 ppr_corner sty env ctxt_prec (TyConTy FunTyCon usage) arg_tys
   | length arg_tys == 2
@@ -192,6 +189,7 @@ ppr_corner sty env ctxt_prec (TyConTy FunTyCon usage) arg_tys
     (ty1:ty2:_) = arg_tys
 ppr_corner sty env ctxt_prec (TyConTy (TupleTyCon _ _ a) usage) arg_tys
+  | not (codeStyle sty) -- no magic in that case
   = --ASSERT(length arg_tys == a)
     (if (length arg_tys /= a) then pprTrace "ppr_corner:" (ppCat [ppInt a, ppInterleave ppComma (map (pprGenType PprDebug) arg_tys)]) else id) $
     ppBesides [ppLparen, arg_tys_w_commas, ppRparen]
@@ -199,7 +197,7 @@ ppr_corner sty env ctxt_prec (TyConTy (TupleTyCon _ _ a) usage) arg_tys
     arg_tys_w_commas = ppIntersperse pp'SP (map (ppr_ty sty env tOP_PREC) arg_tys)
 ppr_corner sty env ctxt_prec (TyConTy tycon usage) arg_tys
-  | tycon == listTyCon
+  | not (codeStyle sty) && tycon == listTyCon
   = ASSERT(length arg_tys == 1)
     ppBesides [ppLbrack, ppr_ty sty env tOP_PREC ty1, ppRbrack]		    
@@ -210,7 +208,7 @@ ppr_corner sty env ctxt_prec (TyConTy tycon usage) arg_tys
 ppr_corner sty env ctxt_prec (TyVarTy tyvar) arg_tys
   = ppr_app sty env ctxt_prec (ppr_tyvar env tyvar) arg_tys
 ppr_app sty env ctxt_prec pp_fun []      
   = pp_fun
@@ -267,6 +265,9 @@ maybeParen ctxt_prec inner_prec pretty
 pprGenTyVar sty (TyVar uniq kind name usage)
+  | codeStyle sty
+  = pp_u
+  | otherwise
   = case sty of
       PprInterface -> pp_u
       _		   -> ppBesides [pp_name, ppStr "{-", pp_u, ppStr "-}"]
@@ -293,32 +294,42 @@ ToDo; all this is suspiciously like getOccName!
 showTyCon :: PprStyle -> TyCon -> String
 showTyCon sty tycon = ppShow 80 (pprTyCon sty tycon)
-maybe_code sty = if codeStyle sty then identToC else ppPStr
+maybe_code sty x
+  = if codeStyle sty
+    then ppBesides (ppPStr SLIT("Prelude_") : map mangle x)
+    else ppStr x
+  where
+    -- ToDo: really should be in CStrings
+    mangle '(' = ppPStr SLIT("Z40") -- decimal ascii #s
+    mangle ')' = ppPStr SLIT("Z41")
+    mangle '[' = ppPStr SLIT("Z91")
+    mangle ']' = ppPStr SLIT("Z93")
+    mangle ',' = ppPStr SLIT("Z44")
+    mangle '-' = ppPStr SLIT("Zm")
+    mangle '>' = ppPStr SLIT("Zg")
 pprTyCon :: PprStyle -> TyCon -> Pretty
 pprTyCon sty (PrimTyCon _ name _ _) = ppr sty name
-pprTyCon sty FunTyCon 		    = maybe_code sty SLIT("(->)")
+pprTyCon sty FunTyCon 		    = maybe_code sty "->"
 pprTyCon sty (TupleTyCon _ _ arity) = case arity of
-					0 -> maybe_code sty SLIT("()")
-					2 -> maybe_code sty SLIT("(,)")
-					3 -> maybe_code sty SLIT("(,,)")
-					4 -> maybe_code sty SLIT("(,,,)")
-					5 -> maybe_code sty SLIT("(,,,,)")
-					n -> maybe_code sty (_PK_ ( "(" ++ nOfThem (n-1) ',' ++ ")"))
+					0 -> maybe_code sty "()"
+					2 -> maybe_code sty "(,)"
+					3 -> maybe_code sty "(,,)"
+					4 -> maybe_code sty "(,,,)"
+					5 -> maybe_code sty "(,,,,)"
+					n -> maybe_code sty ( "(" ++ nOfThem (n-1) ',' ++ ")" )
 pprTyCon sty tycon@(DataTyCon uniq name kind tyvars ctxt cons derivings nd)
   | uniq == listTyConKey
-  = maybe_code sty SLIT("[]")
+  = maybe_code sty "[]"
   | otherwise
   = ppr sty name
 pprTyCon sty (SpecTyCon tc ty_maybes)
   = ppBeside (pprTyCon sty tc)
-	     (if (codeStyle sty)
-	      then identToC tys_stuff
-	      else ppPStr   tys_stuff)
+	     ((if (codeStyle sty) then identToC else ppPStr) tys_stuff)
     tys_stuff = specMaybeTysSuffix ty_maybes
@@ -348,14 +359,15 @@ ppr_class_op sty tyvars (ClassOp op_name i ty)
   = case sty of
       PprForC 	    -> pp_C
       PprForAsm _ _ -> pp_C
-      PprInterface  -> ppCat [pp_user, ppPStr SLIT("::"), ppr sty ty]
-      PprShowAll    -> ppCat [pp_user, ppPStr SLIT("::"), ppr sty ty]
+      PprInterface  -> pp_sigd
+      PprShowAll    -> pp_sigd
       _		    -> pp_user
     pp_C    = ppPStr op_name
     pp_user = if isLexVarSym op_name && not (isLexSpecialSym op_name)
 	      then ppParens pp_C
 	      else pp_C
+    pp_sigd = ppCat [pp_user, ppPStr SLIT("::"), ppr sty ty]
@@ -368,18 +380,30 @@ ppr_class_op sty tyvars (ClassOp op_name i ty)
     -- Shallowly magical; converts a type into something
     -- vaguely close to what can be used in C identifier.
-    -- Don't forget to include the module name!!!
-getTypeString :: Type -> [FAST_STRING]
-getTypeString ty = [mod, string]
-  where
-    string = _PK_ (tidy (ppShow 1000 ppr_t))
-    ppr_t  = pprGenType PprForC ty
-			-- PprForC expands type synonyms as it goes
+    -- Produces things like what we have in mkCompoundName,
+    -- which can be "dot"ted together...
+getTypeString :: Type -> [Either OrigName FAST_STRING]
-    mod
-      = case (maybeAppTyCon ty) of
-	  Nothing -> panic "getTypeString"
-	  Just (tycon,_) -> moduleOf (origName "getTypeString" tycon)
+getTypeString ty
+  = case (splitAppTy ty) of { (tc, args) ->
+    do_tc tc : map do_arg_ty args }
+  where
+    do_tc (TyConTy tc _) = Left (origName "do_tc" tc)
+    do_tc (SynTy _ _ ty) = do_tc ty
+    do_tc other = pprTrace "getTypeString:do_tc:" (pprType PprDebug other) $
+		  Right (_PK_ (ppShow 1000 (pprType PprForC other)))
+    do_arg_ty (TyConTy tc _) = Left (origName "do_arg_ty" tc)
+    do_arg_ty (TyVarTy tv)   = Right (_PK_ (ppShow 80 (ppr PprForC tv)))
+    do_arg_ty (SynTy _ _ ty) = do_arg_ty ty
+    do_arg_ty other	     = pprTrace "getTypeString:do_arg_ty:" (pprType PprDebug other) $
+			       Right (_PK_ (ppShow 1000 (pprType PprForC other)))
+	-- PprForC expands type synonyms as it goes;
+	-- it also forces consistent naming of tycons
+	-- (e.g., can't have both "(,) a b" and "(a,b)":
+	-- must be consistent!
     -- tidy: very ad-hoc
@@ -399,17 +423,20 @@ getTypeString ty = [mod, string]
     no_leading_sps (' ':xs) = no_leading_sps xs
     no_leading_sps other = other
-typeMaybeString :: Maybe Type -> [FAST_STRING]
-typeMaybeString Nothing  = [SLIT("!")]
+typeMaybeString :: Maybe Type -> [Either OrigName FAST_STRING]
+typeMaybeString Nothing  = [Right SLIT("!")]
 typeMaybeString (Just t) = getTypeString t
 specMaybeTysSuffix :: [Maybe Type] -> FAST_STRING
 specMaybeTysSuffix ty_maybes
+  = panic "PprType.specMaybeTysSuffix"
+{- LATER:
   = let
 	ty_strs  = concat (map typeMaybeString ty_maybes)
 	dotted_tys = [ _CONS_ '.' str | str <- ty_strs ]
     _CONCAT_ dotted_tys
 ToDo: possibly move:
@@ -557,7 +584,7 @@ addUVar, nmbrUVar :: UVar -> NmbrM UVar
 addUVar u nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
   = case (lookupUFM_Directly uvenv u) of
-      Just xx -> _trace "addUVar: already in map!" $
+      Just xx -> trace "addUVar: already in map!" $
 		 (nenv, xx)
       Nothing ->
@@ -573,6 +600,6 @@ nmbrUVar u nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
   = case (lookupUFM_Directly uvenv u) of
       Just xx -> (nenv, xx)
       Nothing ->
-	_trace "nmbrUVar: lookup failed" $
+	trace "nmbrUVar: lookup failed" $
 	(nenv, u)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
index 02a7dd3fb66310ec9a0f3e8a0b644463bda0bd2b..d79ce4d1997f6fc402a75deba3ac66dfcd3d95c4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
 module TyCon(
 	TyCon(..), 	-- NB: some pals need to see representation
-	Arity(..), NewOrData(..),
+	SYN_IE(Arity), NewOrData(..),
 	isFunTyCon, isPrimTyCon, isBoxedTyCon,
-	isDataTyCon, isSynTyCon, isNewTyCon,
+	isDataTyCon, isSynTyCon, isNewTyCon, maybeNewTyCon,
@@ -40,15 +40,16 @@ module TyCon(
 CHK_Ubiq()	-- debugging consistency check
-IMPORT_DELOOPER(TyLoop)		( Type(..), GenType,
-			  Class(..), GenClass,
-			  Id(..), GenId,
-			  mkTupleCon, isNullaryDataCon,
-			  specMaybeTysSuffix
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(TyLoop)	( SYN_IE(Type), GenType,
+			  SYN_IE(Class), GenClass,
+			  SYN_IE(Id), GenId,
+			  splitSigmaTy, splitFunTy,
+			  mkTupleCon, isNullaryDataCon, idType
+			  --LATER: specMaybeTysSuffix
-import TyVar		( GenTyVar, alphaTyVars, alphaTyVar, betaTyVar )
-import Usage		( GenUsage, Usage(..) )
+import TyVar		( GenTyVar, alphaTyVars, alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, SYN_IE(TyVar) )
+import Usage		( GenUsage, SYN_IE(Usage) )
 import Kind		( Kind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkArrowKind, resultKind, argKind )
 import Maybes
@@ -56,10 +57,10 @@ import Name		( Name, RdrName(..), appendRdr, nameUnique,
 			  mkTupleTyConName, mkFunTyConName
 import Unique		( Unique, funTyConKey, mkTupleTyConUnique )
-import Pretty		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
+import Pretty		( SYN_IE(Pretty), PrettyRep )
 import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc, mkBuiltinSrcLoc )
-import Util		( panic, panic#, pprPanic{-ToDo:rm-}, nOfThem, isIn, Ord3(..) )
+import Util		( nOfThem, isIn, Ord3(..), panic, panic#, assertPanic, pprPanic{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import {-hide me-}
 	PprType (pprTyCon)
 import {-hide me-}
@@ -132,12 +133,9 @@ mkTupleTyCon arity
     n = mkTupleTyConName arity
     u = uniqueOf n
-mkDataTyCon name
-  = DataTyCon (nameUnique name) name
-mkPrimTyCon name
-  = PrimTyCon (nameUnique name) name
-mkSynTyCon name
-  = SynTyCon (nameUnique name) name
+mkDataTyCon name = DataTyCon (nameUnique name) name
+mkPrimTyCon name = PrimTyCon (nameUnique name) name
+mkSynTyCon  name = SynTyCon  (nameUnique name) name
 isFunTyCon FunTyCon = True
 isFunTyCon _ = False
@@ -155,6 +153,16 @@ isDataTyCon (DataTyCon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DataType) = True
 isDataTyCon (TupleTyCon _ _ _)		       = True
 isDataTyCon other 			       = False
+maybeNewTyCon :: TyCon -> Maybe ([TyVar], Type) 	-- Returns representation type info
+maybeNewTyCon (DataTyCon _ _ _ _ _ (con:null_cons) _ NewType) 
+  = ASSERT( null null_cons && null null_tys)
+    Just (tyvars, rep_ty)
+  where
+    (tyvars, theta, tau)      = splitSigmaTy (idType con)
+    (rep_ty:null_tys, res_ty) = splitFunTy tau
+maybeNewTyCon other = Nothing
 isNewTyCon (DataTyCon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NewType) = True 
 isNewTyCon other			     = False
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi
index 9fb866fcad27ec5c9039bb20e2b609391346c6af..31e348c7b75665fb629768c752ae2b0fb57ca44b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi
@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ import Unique ( Unique )
 import FieldLabel ( FieldLabel )
 import Id      ( Id, GenId, StrictnessMark, mkTupleCon, mkDataCon,
-		 isNullaryDataCon, dataConArgTys )
+		 isNullaryDataCon, dataConArgTys, idType )
 import PprType ( specMaybeTysSuffix )
 import Name    ( Name )
 import TyCon   ( TyCon )
 import TyVar   ( GenTyVar, TyVar )
-import Type    ( GenType, Type )
+import Type    ( splitSigmaTy, splitFunTy, GenType, Type )
 import Usage   ( GenUsage )
 import Class   ( Class, GenClass )
 import TysPrim ( voidTy )
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@ type Id	   = GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)
 mkTupleCon :: Int -> Id
 isNullaryDataCon :: Id -> Bool
 specMaybeTysSuffix :: [Maybe Type] -> _PackedString
+idType :: Id -> Type
+splitSigmaTy :: GenType t u -> ([t], [(Class,GenType t u)], GenType t u)
+splitFunTy   :: GenType t u -> ([GenType t u], GenType t u)
 instance Eq (GenClass a b)
 -- Needed in Type
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index e7ba125bd8e53aea92303207570c95d4d8c303ff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-module AllTypes(
-	TyCon, Arity(..),
-	Class, ClassOp,
-	GenTyVar, GenType, Type,
-	Id,
-	-- Functions which are, alas, necessary to break loops
-	mkTupleCon,	-- Used in TyCon
-	Kind,		-- Not necessary to break loops, but useful
-	GenUsage	-- to get when importing AllTypes
-) where
-import TyCon	( TyCon, Arity(..) )
-import Type	( GenTyVar, TyVar(..), GenType, Type(..) )
-import Class	( Class,ClassOp )
-import Id	( Id, mkTupleCon )
-import Kind	( Kind )
-import Usage	( GenUsage, Usage(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ebd4bfa8f5ed83f37506fc80efadd20fc649a0bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+interface TyLoop_1_3 1
+Outputable Outputable (..)
+Type	Type
+Type	GenType
+Type	splitSigmaTy (..)
+Type	splitFunTy (..)
+Class	Class
+Class	GenClass
+Id	StrictnessMark(..)
+Id	Id
+Id	GenId
+Id	mkDataCon (..)
+Id	mkTupleCon (..)
+Id	idType (..)
+Id	isNullaryDataCon (..)
+Id	dataConArgTys (..)
+TysPrim voidTy (..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs
index 7ba82cdab2b4c9aaee75e68b88d1c4926ae39200..553ad736a1a67ad6a8a7f863d7382d32ead78c73 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module TyVar (
-	GenTyVar(..), TyVar(..),
-	mkTyVar,
+	GenTyVar(..), SYN_IE(TyVar),
+	mkTyVar, mkSysTyVar,
 	tyVarKind,		-- TyVar -> Kind
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ module TyVar (
 	-- We also export "environments" keyed off of
 	-- TyVars and "sets" containing TyVars:
-	TyVarEnv(..),
+	SYN_IE(TyVarEnv),
 	nullTyVarEnv, mkTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv,
 	growTyVarEnvList, isNullTyVarEnv, lookupTyVarEnv,
-	GenTyVarSet(..), TyVarSet(..),
+	SYN_IE(GenTyVarSet), SYN_IE(TyVarSet),
 	emptyTyVarSet, unitTyVarSet, unionTyVarSets,
 	unionManyTyVarSets, intersectTyVarSets, mkTyVarSet,
 	tyVarSetToList, elementOfTyVarSet, minusTyVarSet,
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ CHK_Ubiq() 	-- debugging consistency check
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop) 	-- for paranoia checking
 -- friends
-import Usage		( GenUsage, Usage(..), usageOmega )
+import Usage		( GenUsage, SYN_IE(Usage), usageOmega )
 import Kind		( Kind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind )
 -- others
@@ -35,9 +35,8 @@ import UniqSet		-- nearly all of it
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM, listToUFM, addToUFM, lookupUFM,
 			  plusUFM, sizeUFM, UniqFM
-import Maybes		( Maybe(..) )
 import Name		( mkLocalName, changeUnique, Name, RdrName(..) )
-import Pretty		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep, ppBeside, ppPStr )
+import Pretty		( SYN_IE(Pretty), PrettyRep, ppBeside, ppPStr )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle )
 --import Outputable	( Outputable(..), NamedThing(..), ExportFlag(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc, SrcLoc )
@@ -61,11 +60,17 @@ type TyVar = GenTyVar Usage	-- Usage slot makes sense only if Kind = Type
 Simple construction and analysis functions
-mkTyVar :: Name -> Unique -> Kind -> TyVar
-mkTyVar name uniq kind = TyVar  uniq
-				kind
-				(Just (changeUnique name uniq))
-				usageOmega
+mkTyVar :: Name -> Kind -> TyVar
+mkTyVar name kind = TyVar  (uniqueOf name)
+			   kind
+			   (Just name)
+			   usageOmega
+mkSysTyVar :: Unique -> Kind -> TyVar
+mkSysTyVar uniq kind = TyVar uniq
+			     kind
+			     Nothing
+			     usageOmega
 tyVarKind :: GenTyVar flexi -> Kind
 tyVarKind (TyVar _ kind _ _) = kind
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
index 41f3cce9c2f4ef5fb281fa54418ef2c697b18b24..bebf0f5c83d57388e799602660a9b4b8832f8db1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module Type (
-	GenType(..), Type(..), TauType(..),
+	GenType(..), SYN_IE(Type), SYN_IE(TauType),
 	mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys,
 	getTyVar, getTyVar_maybe, isTyVarTy,
 	mkAppTy, mkAppTys, splitAppTy,
-	mkFunTy, mkFunTys, splitFunTy, splitFunTyExpandingDicts,
+	mkFunTy, mkFunTys,
+	splitFunTy, splitFunTyExpandingDicts, splitFunTyExpandingDictsAndPeeking,
 	getFunTy_maybe, getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe,
 	mkTyConTy, getTyCon_maybe, applyTyCon,
@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ module Type (
 	isPrimType, isUnboxedType, typePrimRep,
-	RhoType(..), SigmaType(..), ThetaType(..),
+	SYN_IE(RhoType), SYN_IE(SigmaType), SYN_IE(ThetaType),
 	mkRhoTy, splitRhoTy, mkTheta,
 	mkSigmaTy, splitSigmaTy,
@@ -46,14 +47,15 @@ IMPORT_DELOOPER(PrelLoop)  -- for paranoia checking
 -- friends:
 import Class	( classSig, classOpLocalType, GenClass{-instances-} )
-import Kind	( mkBoxedTypeKind, resultKind, notArrowKind )
-import TyCon	( mkFunTyCon, mkTupleTyCon, isFunTyCon, isPrimTyCon, isDataTyCon, isSynTyCon,
+import Kind	( mkBoxedTypeKind, resultKind, notArrowKind, Kind )
+import TyCon	( mkFunTyCon, mkTupleTyCon, isFunTyCon,
+		  isPrimTyCon, isDataTyCon, isSynTyCon, maybeNewTyCon, isNewTyCon,
 		  tyConKind, tyConDataCons, getSynTyConDefn, TyCon )
-import TyVar	( tyVarKind, GenTyVar{-instances-}, GenTyVarSet(..),
+import TyVar	( tyVarKind, GenTyVar{-instances-}, SYN_IE(GenTyVarSet),
 		  emptyTyVarSet, unionTyVarSets, minusTyVarSet,
 		  unitTyVarSet, nullTyVarEnv, lookupTyVarEnv,
-		  addOneToTyVarEnv, TyVarEnv(..) )
-import Usage	( usageOmega, GenUsage, Usage(..), UVar(..), UVarEnv(..),
+		  addOneToTyVarEnv, SYN_IE(TyVarEnv), SYN_IE(TyVar) )
+import Usage	( usageOmega, GenUsage, SYN_IE(Usage), SYN_IE(UVar), SYN_IE(UVarEnv),
 		  nullUVarEnv, addOneToUVarEnv, lookupUVarEnv, eqUVar,
 		  eqUsage )
@@ -233,19 +235,36 @@ getFunTy_maybe (AppTy (AppTy (TyConTy tycon _) arg) res)
 getFunTy_maybe (SynTy _ _ t)        = getFunTy_maybe t
 getFunTy_maybe other		    = Nothing
-getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (Type, Type)
-getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe (FunTy arg result _) = Just (arg,result)
-	(AppTy (AppTy (TyConTy tycon _) arg) res) | isFunTyCon tycon = Just (arg, res)
-getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe (SynTy _ _ t)        = getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe t
-getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe ty@(DictTy _ _ _)	  = getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe (expandTy ty)
-getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe other		  = Nothing
-splitFunTy		 :: GenType t u -> ([GenType t u], GenType t u)
-splitFunTyExpandingDicts :: Type	-> ([Type], Type)
+getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe :: Bool -- True <=> peek inside newtype applicatons
+			     -> Type
+			     -> Maybe (Type, Type)
-splitFunTy		 t = split_fun_ty getFunTy_maybe	       t
-splitFunTyExpandingDicts t = split_fun_ty getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe t
+getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe peek (FunTy arg result _) = Just (arg,result)
+getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe peek
+	(AppTy (AppTy (TyConTy tycon _) arg) res) | isFunTyCon tycon = Just (arg, res)
+getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe peek (SynTy _ _ t)	    = getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe peek t
+getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe peek ty@(DictTy _ _ _) = getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe peek (expandTy ty)
+getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe peek other
+  | not peek = Nothing -- that was easy
+  | otherwise
+  = case (maybeAppTyCon other) of
+      Nothing -> Nothing
+      Just (tc, arg_tys)
+        | not (isNewTyCon tc) -> Nothing
+	| otherwise ->
+	  let
+	     [newtype_con] = tyConDataCons tc -- there must be exactly one...
+	     [inside_ty]   = dataConArgTys newtype_con arg_tys
+	  in
+	  getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe peek inside_ty
+splitFunTy			   :: GenType t u -> ([GenType t u], GenType t u)
+splitFunTyExpandingDicts	   :: Type	  -> ([Type], Type)
+splitFunTyExpandingDictsAndPeeking :: Type	  -> ([Type], Type)
+splitFunTy		           t = split_fun_ty getFunTy_maybe			 t
+splitFunTyExpandingDicts           t = split_fun_ty (getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe False) t
+splitFunTyExpandingDictsAndPeeking t = split_fun_ty (getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe True)  t
 split_fun_ty get t = go t []
@@ -606,7 +625,7 @@ applyTypeEnvToTy tenv ty
     deflt_forall_tv tv  = case (lookup_tv tv) of
 			    Nothing -> tv
 			    Just (TyVarTy tv2) -> tv2
-			    _ -> panic "applyTypeEnvToTy"
+			    _ -> pprPanic "applyTypeEnvToTy:" (ppAbove (ppr PprShowAll tv) (ppr PprShowAll ty))
@@ -616,15 +635,25 @@ instantiateUsage
 instantiateUsage = panic "instantiateUsage: not implemented"
 At present there are no unboxed non-primitive types, so
 isUnboxedType is the same as isPrimType.
+We're a bit cavalier about finding out whether something is
+primitive/unboxed or not.  Rather than deal with the type
+arguemnts we just zoom into the function part of the type.
+That is, given (T a) we just recurse into the "T" part,
+ignoring "a".
-isPrimType, isUnboxedType :: GenType tyvar uvar -> Bool
+isPrimType, isUnboxedType :: Type -> Bool
 isPrimType (AppTy ty _)      = isPrimType ty
 isPrimType (SynTy _ _ ty)    = isPrimType ty
-isPrimType (TyConTy tycon _) = isPrimTyCon tycon
+isPrimType (TyConTy tycon _) = case maybeNewTyCon tycon of
+				  Just (tyvars, ty) -> isPrimType ty
+				  Nothing 	    -> isPrimTyCon tycon
 isPrimType _ 		     = False
 isUnboxedType = isPrimType
@@ -632,17 +661,19 @@ isUnboxedType = isPrimType
 This is *not* right: it is a placeholder (ToDo 96/03 WDP):
-typePrimRep :: GenType tyvar uvar -> PrimRep
+typePrimRep :: Type -> PrimRep
 typePrimRep (SynTy _ _ ty)  = typePrimRep ty
 typePrimRep (AppTy ty _)    = typePrimRep ty
-typePrimRep (TyConTy tc _)  = if not (isPrimTyCon tc) then
-				 PtrRep
-			      else
-				 case (assocMaybe tc_primrep_list (uniqueOf tc)) of
+typePrimRep (TyConTy tc _)  
+  | isPrimTyCon tc	    = case (assocMaybe tc_primrep_list (uniqueOf tc)) of
 				   Just xx -> xx
 				   Nothing -> pprPanic "typePrimRep:" (pprTyCon PprDebug tc)
+  | otherwise		    = case maybeNewTyCon tc of
+				  Just (tyvars, ty) | isPrimType ty -> typePrimRep ty
+				  _ -> PtrRep 	-- Default
 typePrimRep _		    = PtrRep -- the "default"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs
index c5e26d2cbc5978411e114c22ccd303dce4f69749..e13a6195bb407f65f7181e73f1da648ab85b3fde 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module Usage (
-	GenUsage(..), Usage(..), UVar(..), UVarEnv(..),
+	GenUsage(..), SYN_IE(Usage), SYN_IE(UVar), SYN_IE(UVarEnv),
 	usageOmega, pprUVar, duffUsage,
 	nullUVarEnv, mkUVarEnv, addOneToUVarEnv,
 	growUVarEnvList, isNullUVarEnv, lookupUVarEnv,
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module Usage (
-import Pretty	( Pretty(..), PrettyRep, ppPStr, ppBeside )
+import Pretty	( SYN_IE(Pretty), PrettyRep, ppPStr, ppBeside )
 import UniqFM	( emptyUFM, listToUFM, addToUFM, lookupUFM,
 		  plusUFM, sizeUFM, UniqFM
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Argv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Argv.lhs
index 58926a8957f82bf62c10764288e310635881b8f5..821a806e8856f8f22455f21d091f57f88e8912a8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Argv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Argv.lhs
@@ -12,10 +12,18 @@ import PreludeGlaST	( indexAddrOffAddr )
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+# define ADDR	    GHCbase.Addr
+# define PACK_STR   packCString
+# define ADDR	    _Addr
+# define PACK_STR   _packCString
 argv :: [FAST_STRING]
 argv = unpackArgv ``prog_argv'' (``prog_argc''::Int)
-unpackArgv :: _Addr -> Int -> [FAST_STRING] -- argv[1 .. argc-1]
+unpackArgv :: ADDR -> Int -> [FAST_STRING] -- argv[1 .. argc-1]
 unpackArgv argv argc = unpack 1
@@ -24,6 +32,6 @@ unpackArgv argv argc = unpack 1
       = if (n >= argc)
 	then ([] :: [FAST_STRING])
 	else case (indexAddrOffAddr argv n) of { item ->
-	     _packCString item : unpack (n + 1)
+	     PACK_STR item : unpack (n + 1)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Digraph.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Digraph.lhs
index 2e8b03287f9bacf48a73df5e715f3cfb0e3714b4..a76c7e47ee1542806781cac83f9db563732d1d53 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Digraph.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Digraph.lhs
@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ module Digraph (
     ) where
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
-import Maybes		( Maybe, MaybeErr(..), maybeToBool )
+import Maybes		( MaybeErr(..), maybeToBool )
 import Bag		( Bag, filterBag, bagToList, listToBag )
 import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, listToFM, lookupFM, lookupWithDefaultFM )
+import Unique		( Unique )
 import Util
@@ -105,6 +107,8 @@ dfs eq r (vs,ns) (x:xs)
+{-# SPECIALIZE findSCCs :: (a -> (Unique, Bag Unique)) -> Bag a -> [SCC a] #-}
 findSCCs :: Ord key
 	 => (vertex -> (key, Bag key))	-- Give key of vertex, and keys of thing's
 					-- immediate neighbours.  It's ok for the
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/FiniteMap.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/FiniteMap.lhs
index e2a9ec5960bbf36ce5705b6ffe23c08c8b9b649b..3eab99e875fb4747152f5248b0dd35538fa5516a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/FiniteMap.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/FiniteMap.lhs
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module FiniteMap (
 	, bagToFM
-	, FiniteSet(..), emptySet, mkSet, isEmptySet
+	, SYN_IE(FiniteSet), emptySet, mkSet, isEmptySet
 	, elementOf, setToList, union, minusSet
     ) where
@@ -73,11 +73,14 @@ IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-}
 import Pretty
 # endif
 import Bag	( foldBag )
-#define IF_NCG(a) a
-#define IF_NCG(a) {--}
+import {-hide from mkdependHS-}
+	Name	( RdrName, OrigName )   -- specialising only
+#  define IF_NCG(a) a
+# else
+#  define IF_NCG(a) {--}
+# endif
 -- SIGH: but we use unboxed "sizes"...
@@ -756,46 +759,53 @@ When the FiniteMap module is used in GHC, we specialise it for
 		:: FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt -> [((FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING),elt)] -> FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt
+		 , FiniteMap RdrName elt -> [(RdrName,elt)] -> FiniteMap RdrName elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap TyCon elt -> [(TyCon,elt)] -> FiniteMap TyCon elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> [(FAST_STRING,elt)] -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
+		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap TyCon elt -> [(TyCon,elt)] -> FiniteMap TyCon elt
+		 , (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> [(FAST_STRING,elt)] -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-		:: FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> elt  -> FiniteMap CLabel elt,
-		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FAST_STRING -> elt  -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt,
-		   FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt -> (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) -> elt  -> FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt,
-		   FiniteMap RdrName elt -> RdrName -> elt  -> FiniteMap RdrName elt
+		:: FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> elt  -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
+		 , FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FAST_STRING -> elt  -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
+		 , FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt -> (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) -> elt  -> FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt
+		 , FiniteMap RdrName elt -> RdrName -> elt  -> FiniteMap RdrName elt
+		 , FiniteMap OrigName elt -> OrigName -> elt  -> FiniteMap OrigName elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> elt  -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap (RdrName, RdrName) elt -> (RdrName, RdrName) -> elt -> FiniteMap (RdrName, RdrName) elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FAST_STRING -> elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
+		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap (RdrName, RdrName) elt -> (RdrName, RdrName) -> elt -> FiniteMap (RdrName, RdrName) elt
+		 , (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap (OrigName, OrigName) elt -> (OrigName, OrigName) -> elt -> FiniteMap (OrigName, OrigName) elt
+		 , (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FAST_STRING -> elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
 		:: Bag (FAST_STRING,elt) -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
 {-# SPECIALIZE delListFromFM
-		:: FiniteMap RdrName elt -> [RdrName]   -> FiniteMap RdrName elt,
-		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> [FAST_STRING]   -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
+		:: FiniteMap RdrName elt -> [RdrName]   -> FiniteMap RdrName elt
+		 , FiniteMap OrigName elt -> [OrigName]   -> FiniteMap OrigName elt
+		 , FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> [FAST_STRING]   -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> [Reg]   -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-		:: [([Char],elt)] -> FiniteMap [Char] elt,
-		   [(FAST_STRING,elt)] -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt,
+		:: [([Char],elt)] -> FiniteMap [Char] elt
+		 , [(FAST_STRING,elt)] -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
+		 , [(OrigName,elt)] -> FiniteMap OrigName elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
 {-# SPECIALIZE lookupFM
-		:: FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> Maybe elt,
-		   FiniteMap [Char] elt -> [Char] -> Maybe elt,
-		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FAST_STRING -> Maybe elt,
-		   FiniteMap (FAST_STRING,FAST_STRING) elt -> (FAST_STRING,FAST_STRING) -> Maybe elt,
-		   FiniteMap RdrName elt -> RdrName -> Maybe elt,
-		   FiniteMap (RdrName,RdrName) elt -> (RdrName,RdrName) -> Maybe elt
+		:: FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> Maybe elt
+		 , FiniteMap [Char] elt -> [Char] -> Maybe elt
+		 , FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FAST_STRING -> Maybe elt
+		 , FiniteMap (FAST_STRING,FAST_STRING) elt -> (FAST_STRING,FAST_STRING) -> Maybe elt
+		 , FiniteMap OrigName elt -> OrigName -> Maybe elt
+		 , FiniteMap (OrigName,OrigName) elt -> (OrigName,OrigName) -> Maybe elt
+		 , FiniteMap RdrName elt -> RdrName -> Maybe elt
+		 , FiniteMap (RdrName,RdrName) elt -> (RdrName,RdrName) -> Maybe elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> Maybe elt)
 {-# SPECIALIZE lookupWithDefaultFM
@@ -803,8 +813,9 @@ When the FiniteMap module is used in GHC, we specialise it for
     IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> elt -> Reg -> elt)
-		:: FiniteMap RdrName elt -> FiniteMap RdrName elt -> FiniteMap RdrName elt,
-		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
+		:: FiniteMap RdrName elt -> FiniteMap RdrName elt -> FiniteMap RdrName elt
+		 , FiniteMap OrigName elt -> FiniteMap OrigName elt -> FiniteMap OrigName elt
+		 , FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Maybes.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Maybes.lhs
index c40ffb2ae67607dfd985ebd9f587d0d9d2328b87..5ed4ac316f492165b8993789408350ad3b5df691 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Maybes.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Maybes.lhs
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ module Maybes (
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
+import Unique (Unique) -- only for specialising
@@ -129,14 +131,11 @@ assocMaybe alist key
     lookup ((tv,ty):rest) = if key == tv then Just ty else lookup rest
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-{-? SPECIALIZE assocMaybe
-	:: [(String,        b)] -> String        -> Maybe b,
-	   [(Id,            b)] -> Id            -> Maybe b,
-	   [(Class,         b)] -> Class         -> Maybe b,
-	   [(Int,           b)] -> Int           -> Maybe b,
-	   [(Name,          b)] -> Name          -> Maybe b,
-	   [(TyVar,         b)] -> TyVar         -> Maybe b,
-	   [(TyVarTemplate, b)] -> TyVarTemplate -> Maybe b
+{-# SPECIALIZE assocMaybe
+	:: [(FAST_STRING,   b)] -> FAST_STRING -> Maybe b
+	 , [(Int,           b)] -> Int         -> Maybe b
+	 , [(Unique,        b)] -> Unique      -> Maybe b
+	 , [(RdrName,       b)] -> RdrName     -> Maybe b
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs
index 8cb244056c2aa85ca71b0ae4af06424f1f67a82f..985666d0132e6495ae3c43d6ba6115ddab808897 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ ppInt  n width is_vert = MkPrettyRep (cStr s) (MkDelay ls) False (width >= ls)
 ppInteger n  = ppStr (show n)
 ppDouble  n  = ppStr (show n)
 ppFloat   n  = ppStr (show n)
 ppRational n = ppStr (show (fromRationalX n)) -- _showRational 30 n)
 ppSP	  = ppChar ' '
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/SST.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/SST.lhs
index b3fe5327549cbe7fcc5913841e905bd004ec3b02..4c4cbb4996c86344e299a80bd6382cc859540de3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/SST.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/SST.lhs
@@ -5,25 +5,34 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module SST(
-	SST(..), SST_R, FSST(..), FSST_R,
-	_runSST, sstToST, stToSST,
+	runSST, sstToST, stToSST,
 	thenSST, thenSST_, returnSST, fixSST,
 	thenFSST, thenFSST_, returnFSST, failFSST,
 	recoverFSST, recoverSST, fixFSST,
-	MutableVar(..), _MutableArray, 
 	newMutVarSST, readMutVarSST, writeMutVarSST
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+	, MutableVar
+	, MutableVar(..), _MutableArray
   ) where
-import PreludeGlaST( MutableVar(..), _MutableArray(..), ST(..) )
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+import GHCbase
+import PreludeGlaST ( MutableVar(..), _MutableArray(..), ST(..) )
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
 data SST_R s r = SST_R r (State# s)
-type SST   s r = State# s -> SST_R s r
+type SST s r = State# s -> SST_R s r
@@ -32,40 +41,57 @@ type SST   s r = State# s -> SST_R s r
 sstToST :: SST s r -> ST s r
 stToSST :: ST s r -> SST s r
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+sstToST sst = ST $ \ (S# s) ->
+   case sst s of SST_R r s' -> (r, S# s')
+stToSST (ST st) = \ s ->
+   case st (S# s) of (r, S# s') -> SST_R r s'
 sstToST sst (S# s)
   = case sst s of SST_R r s' -> (r, S# s')
 stToSST st s
   = case st (S# s) of (r, S# s') -> SST_R r s'
 -- Type of runSST should be builtin ...
 -- runSST :: forall r. (forall s. SST s r) -> r
-_runSST :: SST _RealWorld r -> r
-_runSST m = case m realWorld# of SST_R r s -> r
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+# define REAL_WORLD RealWorld
+# define MUT_ARRAY  MutableArray
+# define REAL_WORLD _RealWorld
+# define MUT_ARRAY  _MutableArray
+runSST :: SST REAL_WORLD r  -> r
+runSST m = case m realWorld# of SST_R r s -> r
-thenSST :: SST s r -> (r -> State# s -> b) -> State# s -> b
+returnSST :: r -> SST s r
+thenSST   :: SST s r -> (r -> State# s -> b) -> State# s -> b
+thenSST_  :: SST s r -> (State# s -> b) -> State# s -> b
+fixSST    :: (r -> SST s r) -> SST s r
+{-# INLINE returnSST #-}
 {-# INLINE thenSST #-}
+{-# INLINE thenSST_ #-}
 -- Hence:
 --	thenSST :: SST s r -> (r -> SST  s r')     -> SST  s r'
 -- and  thenSST :: SST s r -> (r -> FSST s r' err) -> FSST s r' err
-thenSST m k s = case m s of { SST_R r s' -> k r s' }
-thenSST_ :: SST s r -> (State# s -> b) -> State# s -> b
-{-# INLINE thenSST_ #-}
 -- Hence:
 --	thenSST_ :: SST s r -> SST  s r'     -> SST  s r'
 -- and  thenSST_ :: SST s r -> FSST s r' err -> FSST s r' err
+thenSST  m k s = case m s of { SST_R r s' -> k r s' }
 thenSST_ m k s = case m s of { SST_R r s' -> k s' }
-returnSST :: r -> SST s r
-{-# INLINE returnSST #-}
 returnSST r s = SST_R r s
-fixSST :: (r -> SST s r) -> SST s r
 fixSST m s = result
 	     result 	  = m loop s
@@ -77,50 +103,48 @@ fixSST m s = result
-data FSST_R s r err = FSST_R_OK   r   (State# s)
-		    | FSST_R_Fail err (State# s)
+data FSST_R s r err
+  = FSST_R_OK   r   (State# s)
+  | FSST_R_Fail err (State# s)
-type FSST   s r err = State# s -> FSST_R s r err
+type FSST s r err = State# s -> FSST_R s r err
-thenFSST :: FSST s r err -> (r -> FSST s r' err) -> FSST s r' err
+failFSST    :: err -> FSST s r err
+fixFSST     :: (r -> FSST s r err) -> FSST s r err
+recoverFSST :: (err -> FSST s r err) -> FSST s r err -> FSST s r err
+recoverSST  :: (err -> SST s r) -> FSST s r err -> SST s r
+returnFSST  :: r -> FSST s r err
+thenFSST    :: FSST s r err -> (r -> FSST s r' err) -> FSST s r' err
+thenFSST_   :: FSST s r err -> FSST s r' err -> FSST s r' err
+{-# INLINE failFSST #-}
+{-# INLINE returnFSST #-}
 {-# INLINE thenFSST #-}
+{-# INLINE thenFSST_ #-}
 thenFSST m k s = case m s of
 		   FSST_R_OK r s'     -> k r s'
 		   FSST_R_Fail err s' -> FSST_R_Fail err s'
-thenFSST_ :: FSST s r err -> FSST s r' err -> FSST s r' err
-{-# INLINE thenFSST_ #-}
 thenFSST_ m k s = case m s of
 		    FSST_R_OK r s'     -> k s'
 		    FSST_R_Fail err s' -> FSST_R_Fail err s'
-returnFSST :: r -> FSST s r err
-{-# INLINE returnFSST #-}
 returnFSST r s = FSST_R_OK r s
-failFSST    :: err -> FSST s r err
-{-# INLINE failFSST #-}
 failFSST err s = FSST_R_Fail err s
-recoverFSST :: (err -> FSST s r err)
-	    -> FSST s r err
-	    -> FSST s r err
 recoverFSST recovery_fn m s
   = case m s of 
 	FSST_R_OK r s'     -> FSST_R_OK r s'
 	FSST_R_Fail err s' -> recovery_fn err s'
-recoverSST :: (err -> SST s r)
-	    -> FSST s r err
-	    -> SST s r
 recoverSST recovery_fn m s
   = case m s of 
 	FSST_R_OK r s'     -> SST_R r s'
 	FSST_R_Fail err s' -> recovery_fn err s'
-fixFSST :: (r -> FSST s r err) -> FSST s r err
 fixFSST m s = result
 	      result 	       = m loop s
@@ -132,20 +156,21 @@ Mutables
 Here we implement mutable variables.  ToDo: get rid of the array impl.
-newMutVarSST :: a -> SST s (MutableVar s a)
+newMutVarSST   :: a -> SST s (MutableVar s a)
+readMutVarSST  :: MutableVar s a -> SST s a
+writeMutVarSST :: MutableVar s a -> a -> SST s ()
 newMutVarSST init s#
   = case (newArray# 1# init s#)     of { StateAndMutableArray# s2# arr# ->
-    SST_R (_MutableArray vAR_IXS arr#) s2# }
+    SST_R (MUT_ARRAY vAR_IXS arr#) s2# }
     vAR_IXS = error "Shouldn't access `bounds' of a MutableVar\n"
-readMutVarSST :: MutableVar s a -> SST s a
-readMutVarSST (_MutableArray _ var#) s#
+readMutVarSST (MUT_ARRAY _ var#) s#
   = case readArray# var# 0# s#	of { StateAndPtr# s2# r ->
     SST_R r s2# }
-writeMutVarSST :: MutableVar s a -> a -> SST s ()
-writeMutVarSST (_MutableArray _ var#) val s#
+writeMutVarSST (MUT_ARRAY _ var#) val s#
   = case writeArray# var# 0# val s# of { s2# ->
     SST_R () s2# }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq_1_3.lhi b/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq_1_3.lhi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffc378a985bdfcfa0e5dff40f7b60072cbbcaae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq_1_3.lhi
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+interface Ubiq_1_3 1
+GHCbase trace (..)
+GHCbase PrimIO -- this is here because of the bug preventing it getting into PreludeGlaST
+GHCps nilPS (..)
+-- GHCps substrPS (..)
+-- GHCps tailPS (..)
+GHCps appendPS (..)
+GHCps concatPS (..)
+GHCps consPS (..)
+GHCps headPS (..)
+GHCps lengthPS (..)
+GHCps nullPS (..)
+GHCps packCString (..)
+GHCps packCBytes (..)
+GHCps packString (..)
+GHCps unpackPS (..)
+Bag Bag
+BinderInfo BinderInfo
+CLabel CLabel
+Class Class
+ClosureInfo ClosureInfo
+CoreSyn GenCoreExpr
+CoreUnfold UnfoldingDetails
+CoreUnfold UnfoldingGuidance
+CostCentre CostCentre
+HeapOffs HeapOffset
+HsCore UnfoldingCoreExpr
+HsPragmas ClassOpPragmas
+HsPragmas ClassPragmas
+HsPragmas DataPragmas
+HsPragmas GenPragmas
+HsPragmas InstancePragmas
+Id Id
+IdInfo ArityInfo
+IdInfo DeforestInfo
+IdInfo Demand
+IdInfo IdInfo
+IdInfo OptIdInfo(..)
+IdInfo StrictnessInfo
+IdInfo UpdateInfo
+Kind Kind
+Literal Literal
+Maybes MaybeErr
+Name ExportFlag
+Name Module
+Name NamedThing (..)
+Name OrigName (..)
+Name RdrName (..)
+Outputable Outputable (..)
+PprStyle PprStyle
+PrimOp PrimOp
+PrimRep PrimRep
+SrcLoc SrcLoc
+TyCon Arity
+TyCon TyCon
+TyVar TyVar
+Type GenType
+Type Type
+UniqFM UniqFM
+UniqFM Uniquable (..)
+UniqSupply UniqSupply
+Unique Unique
+Usage GenUsage
+Util Ord3 (..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
index a2f48801a424fed1e301224f9ad63ebabf8a336f..f7f1cbabebd880edf838982eb675f70ff77caaec 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
@@ -55,12 +55,15 @@ module UniqFM (
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
+import {-hide from mkdependHS-}
+	Name	( Name )   -- specialising only
+import {-hide from mkdependHS-}
+	RnHsSyn	( RnName ) -- specialising only
 import Unique		( Unique, u2i, mkUniqueGrimily )
 import Util
---import Outputable	( Outputable(..), ExportFlag )
-import Pretty		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
+import Pretty		( SYN_IE(Pretty), PrettyRep )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
@@ -139,89 +142,34 @@ ufmToList	:: UniqFM elt -> [(Unique, elt)]
-#if 0
-type IdFinMap	 elt = UniqFM elt
-type TyVarFinMap elt = UniqFM elt
-type NameFinMap  elt = UniqFM elt
-type RegFinMap   elt = UniqFM elt
 -- I don't think HBC was too happy about this (WDP 94/10)
-    unitUFM :: Id	  -> elt -> IdFinMap elt,
-		    TyVar -> elt -> TyVarFinMap elt,
-		    Name  -> elt -> NameFinMap elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA    Reg   -> elt -> RegFinMap elt)
-  #-}
-    listToUFM	:: [(Id,   elt)]     -> IdFinMap elt,
-		   [(TyVar,elt)]     -> TyVarFinMap elt,
-		   [(Name, elt)]     -> NameFinMap elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> RegFinMap elt)
-  #-}
-    addToUFM	:: IdFinMap    elt -> Id    -> elt  -> IdFinMap elt,
-		   TyVarFinMap elt -> TyVar -> elt  -> TyVarFinMap elt,
-		   NameFinMap  elt -> Name  -> elt  -> NameFinMap elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   RegFinMap   elt -> Reg   -> elt  -> RegFinMap elt)
+    addListToUFM :: UniqFM elt -> [(Name,   elt)] -> UniqFM elt
+		  , UniqFM elt -> [(RnName, elt)] -> UniqFM elt
-    addListToUFM :: IdFinMap	elt -> [(Id,   elt)] -> IdFinMap elt,
-		    TyVarFinMap elt -> [(TyVar,elt)] -> TyVarFinMap elt,
-		    NameFinMap  elt -> [(Name,elt)]  -> NameFinMap elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA    RegFinMap   elt -> [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> RegFinMap elt)
+    addListToUFM_C :: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> UniqFM elt -> [(Name,  elt)] -> UniqFM elt
+		    , (elt -> elt -> elt) -> UniqFM elt -> [(RnName,elt)] -> UniqFM elt
-    addToUFM_C	:: (elt -> elt -> elt)
-		-> IdFinMap elt -> Id -> elt -> IdFinMap elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt)
-		-> TyVarFinMap elt -> TyVar -> elt -> TyVarFinMap elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt)
-		-> NameFinMap elt -> Name -> elt -> NameFinMap elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt)
-    		-> RegFinMap elt -> Reg -> elt -> RegFinMap elt)
+    addToUFM	:: UniqFM elt -> Unique -> elt  -> UniqFM elt
-    addListToUFM_C :: (elt -> elt -> elt)
-		-> IdFinMap elt -> [(Id,elt)] -> IdFinMap elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt)
-		-> TyVarFinMap elt -> [(TyVar,elt)] -> TyVarFinMap elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt)
-		-> NameFinMap elt -> [(Name,elt)] -> NameFinMap elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt)
-		-> RegFinMap elt -> [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> RegFinMap elt)
+    listToUFM	:: [(Unique, elt)]     -> UniqFM elt
+		 , [(RnName, elt)]     -> UniqFM elt
-    delFromUFM	:: IdFinMap elt	   -> Id    -> IdFinMap elt,
-		   TyVarFinMap elt -> TyVar -> TyVarFinMap elt,
-		   NameFinMap elt  -> Name  -> NameFinMap elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA    RegFinMap elt   -> Reg   -> RegFinMap elt)
-  #-}
-    delListFromUFM :: IdFinMap elt    -> [Id]	 -> IdFinMap elt,
-		      TyVarFinMap elt -> [TyVar] -> TyVarFinMap elt,
-		      NameFinMap elt  -> [Name]  -> NameFinMap elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA      RegFinMap elt   -> [Reg]   -> RegFinMap elt)
-  #-}
-    lookupUFM	:: IdFinMap elt	   -> Id    -> Maybe elt,
-		   TyVarFinMap elt -> TyVar -> Maybe elt,
-		   NameFinMap elt  -> Name  -> Maybe elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   RegFinMap elt   -> Reg   -> Maybe elt)
+    lookupUFM	:: UniqFM elt -> Name   -> Maybe elt
+		 , UniqFM elt -> RnName -> Maybe elt
+		 , UniqFM elt -> Unique -> Maybe elt
-    lookupWithDefaultUFM
-		:: IdFinMap elt	   -> elt -> Id	   -> elt,
-		   TyVarFinMap elt -> elt -> TyVar -> elt,
-		   NameFinMap elt  -> elt -> Name  -> elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   RegFinMap elt   -> elt -> Reg   -> elt)
+    lookupWithDefaultUFM :: UniqFM elt -> elt -> RnName -> elt
 #endif {- __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ -}
-#endif {- 0 -}
@@ -441,8 +389,8 @@ minusUFM fm1 fm2     = minus_trees fm1 fm2
 	-- Notice the asymetry of subtraction
-	minus_trees lf@(LeafUFM i a) t2	       =
-		case lookup t2 i of
+	minus_trees lf@(LeafUFM i a) t2 =
+		case lookUp t2 i of
 		  Nothing -> lf
 		  Just b -> EmptyUFM
@@ -513,12 +461,12 @@ intersectUFM_C f _ EmptyUFM = EmptyUFM
 intersectUFM_C f fm1 fm2    = intersect_trees fm1 fm2
 	intersect_trees (LeafUFM i a) t2 =
-		case lookup t2 i of
+		case lookUp t2 i of
 		  Nothing -> EmptyUFM
 		  Just b -> mkLeafUFM i (f a b)
 	intersect_trees t1 (LeafUFM i a) =
-		case lookup t1 i of
+		case lookUp t1 i of
 		  Nothing -> EmptyUFM
 		  Just b -> mkLeafUFM i (f b a)
@@ -601,21 +549,21 @@ looking up in a hurry is the {\em whole point} of this binary tree lark.
 Lookup up a binary tree is easy (and fast).
-lookupUFM	  fm key = lookup fm (u2i (uniqueOf key))
-lookupUFM_Directly fm key = lookup fm (u2i key)
+lookupUFM	   fm key = lookUp fm (u2i (uniqueOf key))
+lookupUFM_Directly fm key = lookUp fm (u2i key)
 lookupWithDefaultUFM fm deflt key
-  = case lookup fm (u2i (uniqueOf key)) of
+  = case lookUp fm (u2i (uniqueOf key)) of
       Nothing  -> deflt
       Just elt -> elt
 lookupWithDefaultUFM_Directly fm deflt key
-  = case lookup fm (u2i key) of
+  = case lookUp fm (u2i key) of
       Nothing  -> deflt
       Just elt -> elt
-lookup EmptyUFM _   = Nothing
-lookup fm i	    = lookup_tree fm
+lookUp EmptyUFM _   = Nothing
+lookUp fm i	    = lookup_tree fm
 	lookup_tree :: UniqFM a -> Maybe a
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs
index 4e516acd415b673717829480c18d3fdef567e432..5216e14bb30192d88c506748446662990a065ace 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Basically, the things need to be in class @Uniquable@.
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module UniqSet (
-	UniqSet(..),    -- abstract type: NOT
+	SYN_IE(UniqSet),    -- abstract type: NOT
 	mkUniqSet, uniqSetToList, emptyUniqSet, unitUniqSet,
@@ -22,15 +22,17 @@ module UniqSet (
-import Maybes		( maybeToBool, Maybe )
+import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import UniqFM
 import Unique		( Unique )
---import Outputable	( Outputable(..), ExportFlag )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
-import Pretty		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
+import Pretty		( SYN_IE(Pretty), PrettyRep )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle )
 import Util		( Ord3(..) )
+import {-hide from mkdependHS-}
+	RnHsSyn	( RnName ) -- specialising only
 #define IF_NCG(a) a
@@ -98,52 +100,22 @@ mapUniqSet f (MkUniqSet set)
 			| thing <- eltsUFM set ])
-%*									*
-\subsection{The @IdSet@ and @TyVarSet@ specialisations for sets of Ids/TyVars}
-%*									*
-@IdSet@ is a specialised version, optimised for sets of Ids.
---type NameSet           = UniqSet Name
---type GenTyVarSet flexi = UniqSet (GenTyVar flexi)
---type GenIdSet ty       = UniqSet (GenId ty)
---type RegSet   = UniqSet Reg
-#if 0
-    unitUniqSet :: GenId ty       -> GenIdSet ty,
-			GenTyVar flexi -> GenTyVarSet flexi,
-			Name  -> NameSet
-    IF_NCG(COMMA	Reg   -> RegSet)
+    addOneToUniqSet :: UniqSet Unique -> Unique -> UniqSet Unique
-    mkUniqSet :: [GenId ty]    -> GenIdSet ty,
-		 [GenTyVar flexi] -> GenTyVarSet flexi,
-		 [Name]  -> NameSet
-    IF_NCG(COMMA [Reg]   -> RegSet)
+    elementOfUniqSet :: RnName -> UniqSet RnName -> Bool
+		      , Unique -> UniqSet Unique -> Bool
-    elementOfUniqSet :: GenId ty       -> GenIdSet ty       -> Bool,
-		    	GenTyVar flexi -> GenTyVarSet flexi -> Bool,
-			Name  -> NameSet  -> Bool
-    IF_NCG(COMMA	Reg   -> RegSet   -> Bool)
+    mkUniqSet :: [RnName] -> UniqSet RnName
-    mapUniqSet :: (GenId ty       -> GenId ty)       -> GenIdSet ty        -> GenIdSet ty,
-		  (GenTyVar flexi -> GenTyVar flexi) -> GenTyVarSet flexi -> GenTyVarSet flexi,
-		  (Name  -> Name)  -> NameSet  -> NameSet
-    IF_NCG(COMMA  (Reg  -> Reg)    -> RegSet   -> RegSet)
+    unitUniqSet :: RnName -> UniqSet RnName
+		 , Unique -> UniqSet Unique
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
index 37cb8c0e5ed2288e6e33144aaad2509adff480c0..1b92fff6f0dfc863c41683fbc7cf66618aa5b25a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
@@ -776,7 +776,11 @@ panic x = error ("panic! (the `impossible' happened):\n\t"
 pprPanic heading pretty_msg = panic (heading++(ppShow 80 pretty_msg))
 pprError heading pretty_msg = error (heading++(ppShow 80 pretty_msg))
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+pprTrace heading pretty_msg = GHCbase.trace (heading++(ppShow 80 pretty_msg))
 pprTrace heading pretty_msg = trace (heading++(ppShow 80 pretty_msg))
 -- #-versions because panic can't return an unboxed int, and that's
 -- what TAG_ is with GHC at the moment.  Ugh. (Simon)