diff --git a/glafp-utils/fastmake/Makefile b/glafp-utils/fastmake/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index cec097de48e299365c3bddf799d23e1fc2be2459..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/fastmake/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-include $(TOP)/mk/boilerplate.mk
-# Prepend (perl) bindings for these Makefile variables
-# when creating the final script
-include $(TOP)/mk/target.mk
diff --git a/glafp-utils/fastmake/fastmake.prl b/glafp-utils/fastmake/fastmake.prl
deleted file mode 100644
index e314df3e1de1f4f64b9c9ac0c114c910dd822eb2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/fastmake/fastmake.prl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-# Perl stub requires the following variable to be prepended
-($Pgm = $0) =~ s/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/;
-$Usage = "\n" . <<EOUSAGE;
-    $Pgm [-? or -help] [-k] [-n] [-v] [-t] dir/module-target(s)
-This script runs `make' to build the requested target, WITHOUT
-including the dependencies generated by `mkdependHS' (i.e., all those
-derived from import declarations).
-With a -t flag, it also sets the modification time of the resulting
-.hi file (one target only, please) to some EARLY date, so that changes
-to that interface will not trigger much useless recompilation.
-Typical uses, for module "Bar" in directory "foo":
-(1) You've changed "Bar" and you want to recompile it; you know that
-    other module interfaces are stable, so you'd rather do without all
-    of `make''s prognostications:
-    $Pgm foo/Bar.s
-(2) You've ADDED a new function to "Bar"; you want to recompile that
-    "changed" interface file:
-    $Pgm -t foo/Bar.s
-USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: you can make a big mess with this script!
-$Makefile = 'Makefile';
-if ( $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) { # where to make tmp file names
-    $Tmpfile = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} . "/Makefile$$";
-} else {
-    $Tmpfile  = "${TMPDIR}/Makefile$$";
-    $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = "${TMPDIR}"; # set the env var as well
-$SleazyTouch = '/usr/5bin/touch';
-$DoTouch = 0;
-$Verbose = 0;
-$MakeFlags = '';
-sub rm_temp_file {
-    print STDERR "rm $Tmpfile\n" if $Verbose;
-    unlink $Tmpfile;
-    exit(1);
-$SIG{'INT'}  = 'rm_temp_file';
-$SIG{'QUIT'} = 'rm_temp_file';
-$Target = '';
-$DirMod = '';	# the dir/module-file to make
-# process ARGV
-while ($_ = $ARGV[0]) {
-    shift(@ARGV);
-    if (/^-\?$/ || /^-help$/) {
-	print $Usage;
-	exit 1;
-    } elsif (/^-v$/) {
-	$Verbose = 1;
-    } elsif (/^-t$/) {
-	$Do_touch = 1;
-    } elsif (/^-k$/) {
-	$MakeFlags .= ' -k';
-    } elsif (/^-n$/) {
-	$MakeFlags .= ' -n';
-    } elsif (/^-d$/) {
-	$MakeFlags .= ' -d';
-    } elsif (/^-/) {
-	print STDERR "$Pgm: unknown option: $_\n\n$Usage";
-	exit 1;
-    } elsif (/^([A-Z_]+)=(.+)/) {
-	$MakeFlags .= " $1=\"$2\"";
-    } elsif ($Do_touch) { # the module file
-	$Target = $_;
-	if ( /([^\/]+\/[^\/\.]+)\.[a-z]+/ ) {
-	    $DirMod = $1;
-	} else {
-	    print STDERR "$Pgm: argument not of the form: directory/Module.suffix: $_\n\n$Usage";
-	    exit 1;
-	}
-    } else {	# accumulate as "Target"...
-	$Target .= " $_";
-    }
-if ($Do_touch && $Target =~ / /) {
-    print STDERR "$Pgm: too many arguments\n\n$Usage";
-    exit 1;
-open(INF, "<$Makefile") || die "Can't open $Makefile for input\n";
-open(OUTF,">$Tmpfile") || die "Can't open $Tmpfile for output\n";
-$_ = <INF>;
-# copy through until ...
-while ( $_ && ! /^# DO NOT DELETE: Beginning of Haskell dependencies/ ) {
-    print $_;
-    $_ = <INF>;
-# now copy through 'til the end, omitting the %.{o,s,hc} : %.hi dependencies
-while ( $_ ) {
-    print $_ if ! /^\S+ : \S+\.hi$/;
-    $_ = <INF>;
-$Make = 'make JMAKE=jmake LIT2PGM=lit2pgm LIT2LATEX=lit2latex LIT2TEXI=lit2texi MKDEPENDLIT=mkdependlit MAKEINFO=makeinfo POSTMAKEINFO=postmakeinfo';
-print STDERR "$Make $MakeFlags -f $Tmpfile $Target; rm $Tmpfile\n" if $Verbose;
-system( "$Make $MakeFlags -f $Tmpfile $Target; rm $Tmpfile" );
-if ($Do_touch) {
-    print STDERR "$SleazyTouch -m 01010101 $DirMod\.hi\n" if $Verbose;
-    system( "$SleazyTouch -m 01010101 $DirMod\.hi" );