diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/Makefile b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 76a64e145349400ef82d0d402dade6221c883a0d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-TOP = ../../..
-include $(TOP)/mk/boilerplate.mk
-HS_SRCS = $(wildcard *.hs)
-SRC_RUNTEST_OPTS += -o1 $*.stdout -o2 $*.stderr -x 0
-ds014a_RUNTEST_OPTS = -x 1
-ds025_RUNTEST_OPTS  = -x 1
-ds035_RUNTEST_OPTS  = -x 1
-ds038_RUNTEST_OPTS  = -x 1
-ds040_RUNTEST_OPTS  = -x 1
-%.o : %.hs
-%.o : %.hs
-	$(RUNTEST) $(HC) $(RUNTEST_OPTS) $(HC_OPTS) -c $< -o $@ -osuf $(subst .,,$(suffix $@)) 
-all :: $(HS_OBJS)
-#SUBDIRS = cvh-ds-unboxed
-# These options apply to all tests
-HC_OPTS += -noC -ddump-ds -dcore-lint
-ds030_HC_OPTS = -dppr-all
-ds035_HC_OPTS = -fglasgow-exts
-ds039_HC_OPTS = -dppr-all
-include $(TOP)/mk/target.mk
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/cvh-ds-unboxed/Life2.lhs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/cvh-ds-unboxed/Life2.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 30de1a378275a4df4abb2e275cbac827c0385ff3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/cvh-ds-unboxed/Life2.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-module Life2 (life2) where 
-import UTypes
-import UCopy (copy_FI)
-life2 itLimit boardSize
- = (fBStr firstBoard) ++ (fBStr secondBoard)
-   where {- ... -}
-   fBStr :: FI -> String
-   fBStr FIN = []
-{- OK
-   firstBoard :: FI
-   firstBoard = copy_FI boardSize (case 0 of
-                                    (MkInt x) -> x)
-{- not happy about this -}
-   firstBoard = copy_FI boardSize u0
-   u0 = unBoxInt 0
-   unBoxInt (MkInt x) = x
-{- end of not happy -}
-{- not happy with this either! -}
-   secondBoard = copy_FI boardSize u1
-   (MkInt u1) = 0
-{- end of second not happy -}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/cvh-ds-unboxed/UCopy.hi b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/cvh-ds-unboxed/UCopy.hi
deleted file mode 100644
index 314de4e6deccfde4205f8dd20ae58d9555011765..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/cvh-ds-unboxed/UCopy.hi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-interface UCopy where
-import UTypes(F3I(..), FC(..), FI(..), LI(..), SC(..), SI(..))
-copy_FI :: Int -> IntPrim -> FI {-# ARITY _ = 2 #-}
-data F3I = F3IN | F3I1 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim | F3I2 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim | F3I3 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim | F3I4 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim | F3I5 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim F3I
-data FC = FCN | FC1 Char# | FC2 Char# Char# | FC3 Char# Char# Char# | FC4 Char# Char# Char# Char# | FC5 Char# Char# Char# Char# Char# FC
-data FI = FIN | FI1 IntPrim | FI2 IntPrim IntPrim | FI3 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim | FI4 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim | FI5 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim FI
-data LI = LIN | LI1 IntPrim LI
-data SC = SCN | SC1 Char# SC | SC2 Char# Char# SC | SC3 Char# Char# Char# SC | SC4 Char# Char# Char# Char# SC | SC5 Char# Char# Char# Char# Char# SC
-data SI = SIN | SI1 IntPrim SI | SI2 IntPrim IntPrim SI | SI3 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim SI | SI4 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim SI | SI5 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim SI
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/cvh-ds-unboxed/UTypes.hi b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/cvh-ds-unboxed/UTypes.hi
deleted file mode 100644
index 896a29cead3d306d0c3675f2f427971752f0b357..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/cvh-ds-unboxed/UTypes.hi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-interface UTypes where
-data F3I = F3IN | F3I1 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim | F3I2 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim | F3I3 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim | F3I4 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim | F3I5 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim F3I
-data FC = FCN | FC1 Char# | FC2 Char# Char# | FC3 Char# Char# Char# | FC4 Char# Char# Char# Char# | FC5 Char# Char# Char# Char# Char# FC
-data FI = FIN | FI1 IntPrim | FI2 IntPrim IntPrim | FI3 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim | FI4 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim | FI5 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim FI
-data LI = LIN | LI1 IntPrim LI
-data SC = SCN | SC1 Char# SC | SC2 Char# Char# SC | SC3 Char# Char# Char# SC | SC4 Char# Char# Char# Char# SC | SC5 Char# Char# Char# Char# Char# SC
-data SI = SIN | SI1 IntPrim SI | SI2 IntPrim IntPrim SI | SI3 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim SI | SI4 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim SI | SI5 IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim IntPrim SI
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/cvh-ds-unboxed/cvh-unbox1.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/cvh-ds-unboxed/cvh-unbox1.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds-wildcard.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds-wildcard.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 24c5b3b91b344373de24dd6562fe73ea39d9ef77..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds-wildcard.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-module ShouldSucceed where
-x@_ = x
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds-wildcard.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds-wildcard.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 07da86992bdd44ab05e3d9bf20dc299faa16b4a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds-wildcard.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-x{-r1,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-amE-}] => t{-amE-}
-{-# L #-}
-x{-r1,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-amE-} ->
-	_letrec_ {
-	  x_amC  :: 
-	      t{-amE-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  x_amC =
-	      x_amC;
-	} in 
-	  x_amC
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds001.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds001.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0358f2022ec86509bc6728afb15378d42ebdca4b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds001.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds001 -- simple function and pattern bindings
--- this tests ultra-simple function and pattern bindings (no patterns)
-module Test where
--- simple function bindings
-f x = x
-g x y z = f z
-j w x y z = g w x z
-h x y = f y
-  where
-    f a b = a
--- simple pattern bindings
-a = b
-b = f
-c = c
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds001.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds001.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index cc347192c32e4d59e6191b49c24713755ac5e4af..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds001.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-c{-r3I,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-ang-}] => t{-ang-}
-{-# L #-}
-c{-r3I,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-ang-} ->
-	_letrec_ {
-	  c_ane  :: 
-	      t{-ang-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  c_ane =
-	      c_ane;
-	} in 
-	  c_ane
-end Rec }
-h{-r3L,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-anG-} t{-anC-} t{-anE-}]
-    =>
-    t{-anG-} -> t{-anC-} -> t{-anE-} -> t{-anC-}
-{-# L #-}
-h{-r3L,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-anG-} t{-anC-} t{-anE-} -> \ x_r3z  :: 
-					     t{-anG-}
-					 {-# L #-}
-					 x_r3z y_r3B  :: 
-						   t{-anC-}
-					       {-# L #-}
-					       y_r3B ->
-	let {
-	  f_r3D  :: 
-	      _forall_ [t{-any-} t{-anA-}] => t{-any-} -> t{-anA-} -> t{-any-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  f_r3D =
-	      _/\_ t{-any-} t{-anA-} -> \ a_r3F  :: 
-					      t{-any-}
-					  {-# L #-}
-					  a_r3F b_r3H  :: 
-						    t{-anA-}
-						{-# L #-}
-						b_r3H ->
-		  a_r3F
-	} in 
-	  f_r3D
-	      _@_ t{-anC-} _@_ t{-anE-} y_r3B
-f{-r3O,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-anO-}] => t{-anO-} -> t{-anO-}
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3O,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-anO-} -> \ x_r3j  :: 
-			   t{-anO-}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       x_r3j ->
-	x_r3j
-g{-r3N,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-anW-} t{-ao2-} t{-ao4-}]
-    =>
-    t{-ao2-} -> t{-ao4-} -> t{-anW-} -> t{-anW-}
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r3N,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-anW-} t{-ao2-} t{-ao4-} -> \ x_r3l  :: 
-					     t{-ao2-}
-					 {-# L #-}
-					 x_r3l y_r3n  :: 
-						   t{-ao4-}
-					       {-# L #-}
-					       y_r3n z_r3p  :: 
-							 t{-anW-}
-						     {-# L #-}
-						     z_r3p ->
-	f{-r3O,x-}
-	    _@_ t{-anW-} z_r3p
-j{-r3M,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aoe-} t{-aoh-} t{-aoj-} t{-aoo-}]
-    =>
-    t{-aoe-} -> t{-aoh-} -> t{-aoo-} -> t{-aoj-} -> t{-aoj-}
-{-# L #-}
-j{-r3M,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aoe-} t{-aoh-} t{-aoj-} t{-aoo-} -> \ w_r3r  :: 
-						      t{-aoe-}
-						  {-# L #-}
-						  w_r3r x_r3t  :: 
-							    t{-aoh-}
-							{-# L #-}
-							x_r3t y_r3v  :: 
-								  t{-aoo-}
-							      {-# L #-}
-							      y_r3v z_r3x  :: 
-									t{-aoj-}
-								    {-# L #-}
-								    z_r3x ->
-	g{-r3N,x-}
-	    _@_ t{-aoj-} _@_ t{-aoe-} _@_ t{-aoh-} w_r3r x_r3t z_r3x
-b{-r3J,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-aou-}] => t{-aou-} -> t{-aou-}
-{-# L #-}
-b{-r3J,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aou-} ->
-	f{-r3O,x-}
-	    _@_ t{-aou-}
-a{-r3K,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-aoA-}] => t{-aoA-} -> t{-aoA-}
-{-# L #-}
-a{-r3K,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aoA-} ->
-	b{-r3J,x-}
-	    _@_ t{-aoA-}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds002.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds002.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d7546365963585f994122335b57acb4697389c26..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds002.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds002 -- overlapping equations and guards
--- this tests "overlapping" variables and guards
-module Test where
-f x = x
-f y = y
-f z = z
-g x y z | True = f z
-    	| True = f z
-    	| True = f z
-g x y z | True = f z
-    	| True = f z
-    	| True = f z
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds002.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds002.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e6aeeb46d19988a7a2ee0de31bd3b65521e4609..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds002.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
-	in the definition of function `f'
-    Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
-	in the definition of function `f'
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `g'
-f{-r3w,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-an6-}] => t{-an6-} -> t{-an6-}
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3w,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-an6-} -> \ x_r3e  :: 
-			   t{-an6-}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       x_r3e ->
-	x_r3e
-g{-r3v,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-anr-} t{-anA-} t{-anC-}]
-    =>
-    t{-anA-} -> t{-anC-} -> t{-anr-} -> t{-anr-}
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r3v,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-anr-} t{-anA-} t{-anC-} -> \ x_r3k  :: 
-					     t{-anA-}
-					 {-# L #-}
-					 x_r3k y_r3m  :: 
-						   t{-anC-}
-					       {-# L #-}
-					       y_r3m z_r3o  :: 
-							 t{-anr-}
-						     {-# L #-}
-						     z_r3o ->
-	let {
-	  fail_drB  :: 
-	      t{-anr-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fail_drB =
-	      GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-anr-} _string_ "ds002.hs:11|function `g'" } in
-	let { fail_drG  :: 
-		  t{-anr-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      fail_drG =
-	  let {
-	    z_r3u  :: 
-		t{-anr-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    z_r3u =
-		z_r3o } in
-	  let {
-	    y_r3s  :: 
-		t{-anC-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    y_r3s =
-		y_r3m } in
-	  let {
-	    x_r3q  :: 
-		t{-anA-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    x_r3q =
-		x_r3k
-	  } in 
-	    f{-r3w,x-}
-		_@_ t{-anr-} z_r3u
-	} in
-	f{-r3w,x-}
-	    _@_ t{-anr-} z_r3o
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds003.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds003.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index f68346ded15e596eaf56fa93951aabd2e2b26f8d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds003.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds003 -- list, tuple, lazy, as patterns
-module Test where
-f []		y	 True  = []
-f x		a@(y,ys) ~z    = []
-f (x:x1:x2:x3)	~(y,ys)  z     = []
-f x		y        True  = []
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds003.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds003.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index a5f1cb9b9cc42511a71e4d358a68b330d1a8450f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds003.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-f{-r3C,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aBt-} t{-aBF-} t{-aBI-} t{-aBS-}]
-    =>
-    [t{-aBt-}]
-    -> (t{-aBF-}, t{-aBI-})
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-    -> [t{-aBS-}]
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3C,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aBt-} t{-aBF-} t{-aBI-} t{-aBS-} -> \ ds_dGi  :: 
-						      [t{-aBt-}]
-						  {-# L #-}
-						  ds_dGi y_r3e  :: 
-							     (t{-aBF-}, t{-aBI-})
-							 {-# L #-}
-							 y_r3e ds_dGj  :: 
-								   PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-							       {-# L #-}
-							       ds_dGj ->
-	let {
-	  fail_dGE  :: 
-	      [t{-aBS-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fail_dGE =
-	      case y_r3e of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} y_r3k ys_r3l  ->
-	      let {
-		z_r3n  :: 
-		    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		z_r3n =
-		    ds_dGj } in
-	      let {
-		a_r3j  :: 
-		    (t{-aBF-}, t{-aBI-})
-		{-# L #-}
-		a_r3j =
-		    y_r3e } in
-	      let {
-		x_r3h  :: 
-		    [t{-aBt-}]
-		{-# L #-}
-		x_r3h =
-		    ds_dGi
-	      } in 
-		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		    _@_ t{-aBS-};}
-	} in 
-	  case ds_dGi of {
-	    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_dGM ds_dGL ->
-		fail_dGE;
-	    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		case ds_dGj of {
-		  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-		      fail_dGE;
-		  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-		      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			  _@_ t{-aBS-};
-		};
-	  }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds004.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds004.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ef9d0b40d34b55a45abd320928cfbecc5416eb02..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds004.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds004 -- nodups from SLPJ p 79
-module Test where
--- SLPJ, p 79
-nodups []                   = []
-nodups [x]                  = [x]
-nodups (y:x:xs) | y == x    = nodups (x:xs)
-    	    	| True	    = y : nodups (x:xs)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds004.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds004.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 342da36882f07e4e9487e99b6aeee713d10406d7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds004.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `nodups'
-Rec {
-nodups{-r3j,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aGj-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-aGj-}} -> [t{-aGj-}] -> [t{-aGj-}]
-{-# L #-}
-nodups{-r3j,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aGj-} -> \ d.Eq_aGz  :: 
-			   {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-aGj-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       d.Eq_aGz ->
-	_letrec_ {
-	  ==_aJI  :: 
-	      t{-aGj-} -> t{-aGj-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_aJI =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aGj-} d.Eq_aGz;
-	  nodups_aG4  :: 
-	      [t{-aGj-}] -> [t{-aGj-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  nodups_aG4 =
-	      \ ds_dK8  :: 
-		    [t{-aGj-}]
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_dK8 ->
-		  let {
-		    fail_dK9  :: 
-			[t{-aGj-}]
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    fail_dK9 =
-			GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-			    _@_ [t{-aGj-}] _string_ "ds004.hs:6|function `nodups'"
-		  } in 
-		    case ds_dK8 of {
-		      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			      _@_ t{-aGj-};
-		      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x_r3e ds_dKq ->
-			  case ds_dKq of {
-			    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-				let {
-				  ds_dKG  :: 
-				      [t{-aGj-}]
-				  {-# L #-}
-				  ds_dKG =
-				      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-					  {_@_ t{-aGj-}}
-				} in 
-				  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-				      {_@_ t{-aGj-} x_r3e ds_dKG};
-			    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x_r3h xs_r3i ->
-				let {
-				  y_r3g  :: 
-				      t{-aGj-}
-				  {-# L #-}
-				  y_r3g =
-				      x_r3e
-				} in 
-				  case
-				      ==_aJI
-					  y_r3g x_r3h
-				  of {
-				    PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-					let {
-					  ds_dLd  :: 
-					      [t{-aGj-}]
-					  {-# L #-}
-					  ds_dLd =
-					      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-						  _@_ t{-aGj-} x_r3h xs_r3i
-					} in 
-					  nodups_aG4
-					      ds_dLd;
-				    PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-					let { ds_dLF  :: 
-						  [t{-aGj-}]
-					      {-# L #-}
-					      ds_dLF =
-					  let {
-					    ds_dLN  :: 
-						[t{-aGj-}]
-					    {-# L #-}
-					    ds_dLN =
-						PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-						    _@_ t{-aGj-} x_r3h xs_r3i
-					  } in 
-					    nodups_aG4
-						ds_dLN
-					} in
-					PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-					    _@_ t{-aGj-} y_r3g ds_dLF;
-				  };
-			  };
-		    };
-	} in 
-	  nodups_aG4
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds005.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds005.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 505d500e3f640728e2e7c9c60f386fbc3effc8eb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds005.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds005 -- mappairs from SLPJ Ch 5'
--- this simply tests a "typical" example
-module MapPairs where
--- from SLPJ, p 78
-mappairs f []     ys     = []
-mappairs f (x:xs) []     = []
-mappairs f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : mappairs f xs ys
--- from p 80
-mappairs' f []     ys     = []
-mappairs' f x      []     = []
-mappairs' f (x:xs) (y:ys) = f x y : mappairs' f xs ys
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds005.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds005.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 75f16dbf0e1f33fd3d270978feb2b84e698ff4ac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds005.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `mappairs''
-Rec {
-mappairs'{-r3O,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-anl-} t{-anv-} t{-anx-}]
-    =>
-    (t{-anl-} -> t{-anv-} -> t{-anx-})
-    -> [t{-anl-}]
-    -> [t{-anv-}]
-    -> [t{-anx-}]
-{-# L #-}
-mappairs'{-r3O,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-anl-} t{-anv-} t{-anx-} ->
-	_letrec_ {
-	  mappairs'_anf  :: 
-	      (t{-anl-} -> t{-anv-} -> t{-anx-})
-	      -> [t{-anl-}]
-	      -> [t{-anv-}]
-	      -> [t{-anx-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  mappairs'_anf =
-	      \ f_r3x  :: 
-		    t{-anl-} -> t{-anv-} -> t{-anx-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		f_r3x ds_duS  :: 
-			  [t{-anl-}]
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_duS ys_r3A  :: 
-				 [t{-anv-}]
-			     {-# L #-}
-			     ys_r3A ->
-		  let {
-		    fail_duT  :: 
-			[t{-anx-}]
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    fail_duT =
-			GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-			    _@_ [t{-anx-}] _string_ "ds005.hs:13|function `mappairs''" } in
-		  let { fail_dwj  :: 
-			    [t{-anx-}]
-			{-# L #-}
-			fail_dwj =
-		    let {
-		      fail_dvV  :: 
-			  [t{-anx-}]
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      fail_dvV =
-			  case ds_duS of {
-			    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-				fail_duT;
-			    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x_r3J xs_r3K ->
-				case ys_r3A of {
-				  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-				      fail_duT;
-				  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} y_r3M ys_r3N ->
-				      let {
-					f_r3H  :: 
-					    t{-anl-} -> t{-anv-} -> t{-anx-}
-					{-# L #-}
-					f_r3H =
-					    f_r3x } in
-				      let {
-					ds_dvr  :: 
-					    t{-anx-}
-					{-# L #-}
-					ds_dvr =
-					    f_r3H
-						x_r3J y_r3M } in
-				      let {
-					ds_dvv  :: 
-					    [t{-anx-}]
-					{-# L #-}
-					ds_dvv =
-					    mappairs'_anf
-						f_r3H xs_r3K ys_r3N
-				      } in 
-					PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-					    _@_ t{-anx-} ds_dvr ds_dvv;
-				};
-			  }
-		    } in 
-		      case ys_r3A of {
-			PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_dw3 ds_dw2 ->
-			    fail_dvV;
-			PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			    let {
-			      x_r3E  :: 
-				  [t{-anl-}]
-			      {-# L #-}
-			      x_r3E =
-				  ds_duS } in
-			    let {
-			      f_r3C  :: 
-				  t{-anl-} -> t{-anv-} -> t{-anx-}
-			      {-# L #-}
-			      f_r3C =
-				  f_r3x
-			    } in 
-			      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				  _@_ t{-anx-};
-		      }
-		  } in
-		  case ds_duS of {
-		    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_dwr ds_dwq ->
-			fail_dwj;
-		    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			    _@_ t{-anx-};
-		  };
-	} in 
-	  mappairs'_anf
-end Rec }
-Rec {
-mappairs{-r3P,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aoc-} t{-aoh-} t{-aoj-}]
-    =>
-    (t{-aoc-} -> t{-aoh-} -> t{-aoj-})
-    -> [t{-aoc-}]
-    -> [t{-aoh-}]
-    -> [t{-aoj-}]
-{-# L #-}
-mappairs{-r3P,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aoc-} t{-aoh-} t{-aoj-} ->
-	_letrec_ {
-	  mappairs_anX  :: 
-	      (t{-aoc-} -> t{-aoh-} -> t{-aoj-})
-	      -> [t{-aoc-}]
-	      -> [t{-aoh-}]
-	      -> [t{-aoj-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  mappairs_anX =
-	      \ f_r3e  :: 
-		    t{-aoc-} -> t{-aoh-} -> t{-aoj-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		f_r3e ds_dx4  :: 
-			  [t{-aoc-}]
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_dx4 ys_r3h  :: 
-				 [t{-aoh-}]
-			     {-# L #-}
-			     ys_r3h ->
-		  case ds_dx4 of {
-		    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			    _@_ t{-aoj-};
-		    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x_r3l xs_r3m ->
-			case ys_r3h of {
-			  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			      let {
-				f_r3j  :: 
-				    t{-aoc-} -> t{-aoh-} -> t{-aoj-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				f_r3j =
-				    f_r3e
-			      } in 
-				PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				    _@_ t{-aoj-};
-			  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} y_r3u ys_r3v ->
-			      let {
-				xs_r3s  :: 
-				    [t{-aoc-}]
-				{-# L #-}
-				xs_r3s =
-				    xs_r3m } in
-			      let {
-				x_r3r  :: 
-				    t{-aoc-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				x_r3r =
-				    x_r3l } in
-			      let {
-				f_r3p  :: 
-				    t{-aoc-} -> t{-aoh-} -> t{-aoj-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				f_r3p =
-				    f_r3e } in
-			      let {
-				ds_dxR  :: 
-				    t{-aoj-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_dxR =
-				    f_r3p
-					x_r3r y_r3u } in
-			      let {
-				ds_dxV  :: 
-				    [t{-aoj-}]
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_dxV =
-				    mappairs_anX
-					f_r3p xs_r3s ys_r3v
-			      } in 
-				PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-				    _@_ t{-aoj-} ds_dxR ds_dxV;
-			};
-		  };
-	} in 
-	  mappairs_anX
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds006.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds006.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6df589e215571b00b009c70bd4e451e6e5b8a30b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds006.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds006 -- v | True = v+1 | False = v (dead code elim)
-module Test where
-v | True  = v + 1
-  | False = v
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds006.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds006.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index c6358f3470951c47867353dbc3153380c027a58e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds006.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-d.Num_aHu  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_aHu =
-    PrelBase.$d3{-rb1,p-}
-+_aJy  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-+_aJy =
-    PrelBase.+{-ras,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Num_aHu
-d.Num_aHy  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_aHy =
-    d.Num_aHu
-fromInt_aJG  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromInt_aJG =
-    PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Num_aHy
-lit_aJF  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_aJF =
-    let {
-      ds_dKi  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_dKi =
-	  PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-	      1
-    } in 
-      fromInt_aJG
-	  ds_dKi
-v_aHa  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-v_aHa =
-    +_aJy
-	v_aHa lit_aJF
-v{-r1,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-v{-r1,x-} =
-    v_aHa
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds007.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds007.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b2b752e93ae251585372d75905946577ef94f70..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds007.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds007 -- simple local bindings
-module ShouldSucceed where
-w = a where a = y
-            y = []
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds007.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds007.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 32cef47c4530c85d75ff5cdf8935a8b34af2d570..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds007.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-w{-r3f,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-amV-}] => [t{-amV-}]
-{-# L #-}
-w{-r3f,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-amV-} ->
-	let {
-	  y_r3e  :: 
-	      _forall_ [t{-amM-}] => [t{-amM-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  y_r3e =
-	      _/\_ t{-amM-} ->
-		  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		      _@_ t{-amM-} } in
-	let {
-	  a_r3d  :: 
-	      _forall_ [t{-amT-}] => [t{-amT-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  a_r3d =
-	      _/\_ t{-amT-} ->
-		  y_r3e
-		      _@_ t{-amT-}
-	} in 
-	  a_r3d
-	      _@_ t{-amV-}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds008.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds008.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1264d13d8fcc722bb85b4992e6cab074ceb8b973..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds008.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds008 -- free tyvars on RHSs
--- these tests involve way-cool TyApps
-module Test where
-f x = []
-g x = (f [],[],[],[])
-h x = g (1::Int)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds008.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds008.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ca5532d3b7c4f964e34f7539038a309571976df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds008.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-d.Num_aY4  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_aY4 =
-    PrelBase.$d3{-rbb,p-}
-fromInt_a117  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromInt_a117 =
-    PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Num_aY4
-lit_a11e  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a11e =
-    let {
-      ds_d11D  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d11D =
-	  PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-	      1
-    } in 
-      fromInt_a117
-	  ds_d11D
-f{-r3m,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-aXj-} t{-aXh-}] => t{-aXj-} -> [t{-aXh-}]
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3m,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aXj-} t{-aXh-} -> \ x_r3f  :: 
-				    t{-aXj-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				x_r3f ->
-	PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-	    _@_ t{-aXh-}
-g{-r3l,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aXD-} t{-aXv-} t{-aXx-} t{-aXz-} t{-aXB-}]
-    =>
-    t{-aXD-} -> ([t{-aXv-}], [t{-aXx-}], [t{-aXz-}], [t{-aXB-}])
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r3l,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aXD-} t{-aXv-} t{-aXx-} t{-aXz-} t{-aXB-} -> \ x_r3h  :: 
-							       t{-aXD-}
-							   {-# L #-}
-							   x_r3h ->
-	let { ds_d12o  :: 
-		  [t{-aXv-}]
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      ds_d12o =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d12M  :: 
-		[GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d12M =
-		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		    _@_ GHC.Void{-3T,p-}
-	  } in 
-	    f{-r3m,x-}
-		_@_ [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}] _@_ t{-aXv-} ds_d12M
-	} in
-	let {
-	  ds_d12s  :: 
-	      [t{-aXx-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d12s =
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		  _@_ t{-aXx-} } in
-	let {
-	  ds_d12w  :: 
-	      [t{-aXz-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d12w =
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		  _@_ t{-aXz-} } in
-	let {
-	  ds_d12A  :: 
-	      [t{-aXB-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d12A =
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		  _@_ t{-aXB-}
-	} in 
-	  PrelTup.(,,,){-64,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ [t{-aXv-}]
-	       _@_ [t{-aXx-}]
-	       _@_ [t{-aXz-}]
-	       _@_ [t{-aXB-}]
-	       ds_d12o
-	       ds_d12s
-	       ds_d12w
-	       ds_d12A}
-h{-r3k,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aY0-} t{-aXS-} t{-aXT-} t{-aXU-} t{-aXV-}]
-    =>
-    t{-aY0-} -> ([t{-aXS-}], [t{-aXT-}], [t{-aXU-}], [t{-aXV-}])
-{-# L #-}
-h{-r3k,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aY0-} t{-aXS-} t{-aXT-} t{-aXU-} t{-aXV-} -> \ x_r3j  :: 
-							       t{-aY0-}
-							   {-# L #-}
-							   x_r3j ->
-	g{-r3l,x-}
-	    _@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    _@_ t{-aXS-}
-	    _@_ t{-aXT-}
-	    _@_ t{-aXU-}
-	    _@_ t{-aXV-}
-	    lit_a11e
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds009.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds009.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 370b6290db8950b42422261f89f64d76f1b63f04..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds009.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds009 -- simple list comprehensions
-module SimpleListComp where
-f xs = [ x | x <- xs ]
-g xs ys zs = [ (x,y,z) | x <- xs, y <- ys, z <- zs, True ]
-h xs ys = [ [x,y] | x <- xs, y <- ys, False ]
-i xs = [ x | all@(x,y) <- xs, all == ([],[]) ]
-j xs = [ (a,b) | (a,b,c,d) <- xs ]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds009.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds009.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 22fcc6fd5af857356810432bb849aea84151f16b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds009.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-j{-r3R,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aXD-} t{-aXG-} t{-aXJ-} t{-aXM-} a{-aXO-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} a{-aXO-}}
-    -> a{-aXO-} (t{-aXD-}, t{-aXG-}, t{-aXJ-}, t{-aXM-})
-    -> a{-aXO-} (t{-aXD-}, t{-aXG-})
-{-# L #-}
-j{-r3R,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aXD-} t{-aXG-} t{-aXJ-} t{-aXM-} a{-aXO-} -> \ d.Monad_aXY  :: 
-							       {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} a{-aXO-}}
-							   {-# L #-}
-							   d.Monad_aXY ->
-	let {
-	  >>=_a1c0  :: 
-	      _forall_
-	      [rjI{-a107-} rjJ{-a106-}]
-	      =>
-	      a{-aXO-} rjI{-a107-}
-	      -> (rjI{-a107-} -> a{-aXO-} rjJ{-a106-})
-	      -> a{-aXO-} rjJ{-a106-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >>=_a1c0 =
-	      PrelBase.>>={-811,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aXO-} d.Monad_aXY } in
-	let {
-	  d.Monad_aY0  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} a{-aXO-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Monad_aY0 =
-	      d.Monad_aXY } in
-	let {
-	  return_a1bZ  :: 
-	      _forall_ [rjQ{-a108-}] => rjQ{-a108-} -> a{-aXO-} rjQ{-a108-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  return_a1bZ =
-	      PrelBase.return{-816,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aXO-} d.Monad_aY0
-	} in 
-	  \ xs_r3L  :: 
-		a{-aXO-} (t{-aXD-}, t{-aXG-}, t{-aXJ-}, t{-aXM-})
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    xs_r3L ->
-	      let {
-		ds_d1cw  :: 
-		    (t{-aXD-}, t{-aXG-}, t{-aXJ-}, t{-aXM-})
-		    -> a{-aXO-} (t{-aXD-}, t{-aXG-})
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_d1cw =
-		    \ ds_d1cC  :: 
-			  (t{-aXD-}, t{-aXG-}, t{-aXJ-}, t{-aXM-})
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_d1cC ->
-			case
-			    ds_d1cC
-			of {
-			PrelTup.(,,,){-64,p-}{i} a_r3N b_r3O c_r3P d_r3Q  ->
-			let {
-			  ds_d1cQ  :: 
-			      (t{-aXD-}, t{-aXG-})
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  ds_d1cQ =
-			      PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-				  {_@_ t{-aXD-} _@_ t{-aXG-} a_r3N b_r3O}
-			} in 
-			  return_a1bZ
-			      _@_ (t{-aXD-}, t{-aXG-}) ds_d1cQ;}
-	      } in 
-		>>=_a1c0
-		    _@_ (t{-aXD-}, t{-aXG-}, t{-aXJ-}, t{-aXM-})
-		    _@_ (t{-aXD-}, t{-aXG-})
-		    xs_r3L
-		    ds_d1cw
-i{-r3S,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-aYh-} t{-aYm-} t{-aYo-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-aYm-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-aYo-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.MonadZero{-29,p-} a{-aYh-}}
-    -> a{-aYh-} ([t{-aYm-}], [t{-aYo-}])
-    -> a{-aYh-} [t{-aYm-}]
-{-# L #-}
-i{-r3S,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-aYh-} t{-aYm-} t{-aYo-} -> \ d.Eq_aYC  :: 
-					     {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-aYm-}}
-					 {-# L #-}
-					 d.Eq_aYC d.Eq_aYF  :: 
-						      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-aYo-}}
-						  {-# L #-}
-						  d.Eq_aYF d.MonadZero_aYL  :: 
-							       {PrelBase.MonadZero{-29,p-} a{-aYh-}}
-							   {-# L #-}
-							   d.MonadZero_aYL ->
-	let {
-	  d.Monad_aYH  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} a{-aYh-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Monad_aYH =
-	      PrelBase.scsel_MonadZeroPrelBaseMonad{-a1dR,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aYh-} d.MonadZero_aYL } in
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_aYA  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} [t{-aYm-}]}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_aYA =
-	      PrelBase.$d27{-rqA,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aYm-} d.Eq_aYC } in
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_aYD  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} [t{-aYo-}]}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_aYD =
-	      PrelBase.$d27{-rqA,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aYo-} d.Eq_aYF } in
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_aYy  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} ([t{-aYm-}], [t{-aYo-}])}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_aYy =
-	      PrelTup.$d9{-rq7,p-}
-		  _@_ [t{-aYm-}] _@_ [t{-aYo-}] d.Eq_aYA d.Eq_aYD } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1dH  :: 
-	      ([t{-aYm-}], [t{-aYo-}])
-	      -> ([t{-aYm-}], [t{-aYo-}])
-	      -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1dH =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ ([t{-aYm-}], [t{-aYo-}]) d.Eq_aYy } in
-	let {
-	  >>=_a1dG  :: 
-	      _forall_
-	      [rjI{-a10a-} rjJ{-a109-}]
-	      =>
-	      a{-aYh-} rjI{-a10a-}
-	      -> (rjI{-a10a-} -> a{-aYh-} rjJ{-a109-})
-	      -> a{-aYh-} rjJ{-a109-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >>=_a1dG =
-	      PrelBase.>>={-811,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aYh-} d.Monad_aYH } in
-	let {
-	  d.Monad_aYJ  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} a{-aYh-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Monad_aYJ =
-	      d.Monad_aYH } in
-	let {
-	  return_a1dF  :: 
-	      _forall_ [rjQ{-a10b-}] => rjQ{-a10b-} -> a{-aYh-} rjQ{-a10b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  return_a1dF =
-	      PrelBase.return{-816,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aYh-} d.Monad_aYJ } in
-	let {
-	  zero_a1dE  :: 
-	      _forall_ [rjD{-a10c-}] => a{-aYh-} rjD{-a10c-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  zero_a1dE =
-	      PrelBase.zero{-810,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aYh-} d.MonadZero_aYL
-	} in 
-	  \ xs_r3F  :: 
-		a{-aYh-} ([t{-aYm-}], [t{-aYo-}])
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    xs_r3F ->
-	      let {
-		ds_d1f5  :: 
-		    ([t{-aYm-}], [t{-aYo-}]) -> a{-aYh-} [t{-aYm-}]
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_d1f5 =
-		    \ all_r3H  :: 
-			  ([t{-aYm-}], [t{-aYo-}])
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      all_r3H ->
-			case all_r3H of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} x_r3I y_r3J  ->
-			case
-			    let { ds_d1fr  :: 
-				      ([t{-aYm-}], [t{-aYo-}])
-				  {-# L #-}
-				  ds_d1fr =
-			      let {
-				ds_d1fE  :: 
-				    [t{-aYm-}]
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_d1fE =
-				    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-					_@_ t{-aYm-} } in
-			      let {
-				ds_d1fI  :: 
-				    [t{-aYo-}]
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_d1fI =
-				    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-					_@_ t{-aYo-}
-			      } in 
-				PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-				    {_@_ [t{-aYm-}] _@_ [t{-aYo-}] ds_d1fE ds_d1fI}
-			    } in
-			    ==_a1dH
-				all_r3H ds_d1fr
-			of {
-			  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			      return_a1dF
-				  _@_ [t{-aYm-}] x_r3I;
-			  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			      zero_a1dE
-				  _@_ [t{-aYm-}];
-			};}
-	      } in 
-		>>=_a1dG
-		    _@_ ([t{-aYm-}], [t{-aYo-}]) _@_ [t{-aYm-}] xs_r3F ds_d1f5
-h{-r3T,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-aYU-} t{-aYZ-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.MonadZero{-29,p-} a{-aYU-}}
-    -> a{-aYU-} t{-aYZ-}
-    -> a{-aYU-} t{-aYZ-}
-    -> a{-aYU-} [t{-aYZ-}]
-{-# L #-}
-h{-r3T,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-aYU-} t{-aYZ-} -> \ d.MonadZero_aZd  :: 
-				    {PrelBase.MonadZero{-29,p-} a{-aYU-}}
-				{-# L #-}
-				d.MonadZero_aZd ->
-	let {
-	  d.Monad_aZ9  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} a{-aYU-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Monad_aZ9 =
-	      PrelBase.scsel_MonadZeroPrelBaseMonad{-a1dR,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aYU-} d.MonadZero_aZd } in
-	let {
-	  >>=_a1gH  :: 
-	      _forall_
-	      [rjI{-a10e-} rjJ{-a10d-}]
-	      =>
-	      a{-aYU-} rjI{-a10e-}
-	      -> (rjI{-a10e-} -> a{-aYU-} rjJ{-a10d-})
-	      -> a{-aYU-} rjJ{-a10d-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >>=_a1gH =
-	      PrelBase.>>={-811,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aYU-} d.Monad_aZ9 } in
-	let {
-	  d.Monad_aZb  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} a{-aYU-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Monad_aZb =
-	      d.Monad_aZ9 } in
-	let {
-	  return_a1gG  :: 
-	      _forall_ [rjQ{-a10f-}] => rjQ{-a10f-} -> a{-aYU-} rjQ{-a10f-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  return_a1gG =
-	      PrelBase.return{-816,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aYU-} d.Monad_aZb } in
-	let {
-	  zero_a1gF  :: 
-	      _forall_ [rjD{-a10g-}] => a{-aYU-} rjD{-a10g-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  zero_a1gF =
-	      PrelBase.zero{-810,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aYU-} d.MonadZero_aZd
-	} in 
-	  \ xs_r3x  :: 
-		a{-aYU-} t{-aYZ-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    xs_r3x ys_r3z  :: 
-		       a{-aYU-} t{-aYZ-}
-		   {-# L #-}
-		   ys_r3z ->
-	      let {
-		ds_d1hu  :: 
-		    t{-aYZ-} -> a{-aYU-} [t{-aYZ-}]
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_d1hu =
-		    \ x_r3B  :: 
-			  t{-aYZ-}
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      x_r3B ->
-			let {
-			  ds_d1hK  :: 
-			      t{-aYZ-} -> a{-aYU-} [t{-aYZ-}]
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  ds_d1hK =
-			      \ y_r3D  :: 
-				    t{-aYZ-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				y_r3D ->
-				  zero_a1gF
-				      _@_ [t{-aYZ-}]
-			} in 
-			  >>=_a1gH
-			      _@_ t{-aYZ-} _@_ [t{-aYZ-}] ys_r3z ds_d1hK
-	      } in 
-		>>=_a1gH
-		    _@_ t{-aYZ-} _@_ [t{-aYZ-}] xs_r3x ds_d1hu
-g{-r3U,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-aZn-} t{-aZp-} t{-aZs-} t{-aZv-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.MonadZero{-29,p-} a{-aZn-}}
-    -> a{-aZn-} t{-aZp-}
-    -> a{-aZn-} t{-aZs-}
-    -> a{-aZn-} t{-aZv-}
-    -> a{-aZn-} (t{-aZp-}, t{-aZs-}, t{-aZv-})
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r3U,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-aZn-} t{-aZp-} t{-aZs-} t{-aZv-} -> \ d.MonadZero_aZJ  :: 
-						      {PrelBase.MonadZero{-29,p-} a{-aZn-}}
-						  {-# L #-}
-						  d.MonadZero_aZJ ->
-	let {
-	  d.Monad_aZF  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} a{-aZn-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Monad_aZF =
-	      PrelBase.scsel_MonadZeroPrelBaseMonad{-a1dR,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aZn-} d.MonadZero_aZJ } in
-	let {
-	  >>=_a1im  :: 
-	      _forall_
-	      [rjI{-a10i-} rjJ{-a10h-}]
-	      =>
-	      a{-aZn-} rjI{-a10i-}
-	      -> (rjI{-a10i-} -> a{-aZn-} rjJ{-a10h-})
-	      -> a{-aZn-} rjJ{-a10h-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >>=_a1im =
-	      PrelBase.>>={-811,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aZn-} d.Monad_aZF } in
-	let {
-	  d.Monad_aZH  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} a{-aZn-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Monad_aZH =
-	      d.Monad_aZF } in
-	let {
-	  return_a1il  :: 
-	      _forall_ [rjQ{-a10j-}] => rjQ{-a10j-} -> a{-aZn-} rjQ{-a10j-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  return_a1il =
-	      PrelBase.return{-816,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aZn-} d.Monad_aZH } in
-	let {
-	  zero_a1ik  :: 
-	      _forall_ [rjD{-a10k-}] => a{-aZn-} rjD{-a10k-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  zero_a1ik =
-	      PrelBase.zero{-810,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aZn-} d.MonadZero_aZJ
-	} in 
-	  \ xs_r3l  :: 
-		a{-aZn-} t{-aZp-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    xs_r3l ys_r3n  :: 
-		       a{-aZn-} t{-aZs-}
-		   {-# L #-}
-		   ys_r3n zs_r3p  :: 
-			      a{-aZn-} t{-aZv-}
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  zs_r3p ->
-	      let {
-		ds_d1ja  :: 
-		    t{-aZp-} -> a{-aZn-} (t{-aZp-}, t{-aZs-}, t{-aZv-})
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_d1ja =
-		    \ x_r3r  :: 
-			  t{-aZp-}
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      x_r3r ->
-			let {
-			  ds_d1jq  :: 
-			      t{-aZs-} -> a{-aZn-} (t{-aZp-}, t{-aZs-}, t{-aZv-})
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  ds_d1jq =
-			      \ y_r3t  :: 
-				    t{-aZs-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				y_r3t ->
-				  let {
-				    ds_d1jG  :: 
-					t{-aZv-} -> a{-aZn-} (t{-aZp-}, t{-aZs-}, t{-aZv-})
-				    {-# L #-}
-				    ds_d1jG =
-					\ z_r3v  :: 
-					      t{-aZv-}
-					  {-# L #-}
-					  z_r3v ->
-					    let {
-					      ds_d1jR  :: 
-						  (t{-aZp-}, t{-aZs-}, t{-aZv-})
-					      {-# L #-}
-					      ds_d1jR =
-						  PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i}
-						      {_@_ t{-aZp-}
-						       _@_ t{-aZs-}
-						       _@_ t{-aZv-}
-						       x_r3r
-						       y_r3t
-						       z_r3v}
-					    } in 
-					      return_a1il
-						  _@_ (t{-aZp-}, t{-aZs-}, t{-aZv-}) ds_d1jR
-				  } in 
-				    >>=_a1im
-					_@_ t{-aZv-}
-					_@_ (t{-aZp-}, t{-aZs-}, t{-aZv-})
-					zs_r3p
-					ds_d1jG
-			} in 
-			  >>=_a1im
-			      _@_ t{-aZs-} _@_ (t{-aZp-}, t{-aZs-}, t{-aZv-}) ys_r3n ds_d1jq
-	      } in 
-		>>=_a1im
-		    _@_ t{-aZp-} _@_ (t{-aZp-}, t{-aZs-}, t{-aZv-}) xs_r3l ds_d1ja
-f{-r3V,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-aZR-} t{-aZT-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} a{-aZR-}}
-    -> a{-aZR-} t{-aZT-}
-    -> a{-aZR-} t{-aZT-}
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3V,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-aZR-} t{-aZT-} -> \ d.Monad_a103  :: 
-				    {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} a{-aZR-}}
-				{-# L #-}
-				d.Monad_a103 ->
-	let {
-	  >>=_a1ky  :: 
-	      _forall_
-	      [rjI{-a10m-} rjJ{-a10l-}]
-	      =>
-	      a{-aZR-} rjI{-a10m-}
-	      -> (rjI{-a10m-} -> a{-aZR-} rjJ{-a10l-})
-	      -> a{-aZR-} rjJ{-a10l-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >>=_a1ky =
-	      PrelBase.>>={-811,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aZR-} d.Monad_a103 } in
-	let {
-	  d.Monad_a105  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} a{-aZR-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Monad_a105 =
-	      d.Monad_a103 } in
-	let {
-	  return_a1kx  :: 
-	      _forall_ [rjQ{-a10n-}] => rjQ{-a10n-} -> a{-aZR-} rjQ{-a10n-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  return_a1kx =
-	      PrelBase.return{-816,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aZR-} d.Monad_a105
-	} in 
-	  \ xs_r3h  :: 
-		a{-aZR-} t{-aZT-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    xs_r3h ->
-	      let {
-		ds_d1l4  :: 
-		    t{-aZT-} -> a{-aZR-} t{-aZT-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_d1l4 =
-		    \ x_r3j  :: 
-			  t{-aZT-}
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      x_r3j ->
-			return_a1kx
-			    _@_ t{-aZT-} x_r3j
-	      } in 
-		>>=_a1ky
-		    _@_ t{-aZT-} _@_ t{-aZT-} xs_r3h ds_d1l4
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds010.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds010.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a49c09c03f83a1c674f787a44779a0e69463800a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds010.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds010 -- deeply-nested list comprehensions
-module Test where
-z = [ (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) | a <- "12",
-			      b <- "12",
-			      c <- "12",
-			      d <- "12",
-			      e <- "12",
-			      f <- "12",
-			      g <- "12",
-			      h <- "12",
-			      i <- "12",
-			      j <- "12"
-    ]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds010.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds010.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 35eedef2adfd21b2e9f7283a7377c332e8ae3a37..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds010.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-d.Monad_aWF  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} PrelBase.[]{-3j,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Monad_aWF =
-    PrelBase.$d24{-rq8,p-}
->>=_a11I  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [rjI{-aWJ-} rjJ{-aWK-}]
-    =>
-    [rjI{-aWJ-}] -> (rjI{-aWJ-} -> [rjJ{-aWK-}]) -> [rjJ{-aWK-}]
-{-# L #-}
->>=_a11I =
-    PrelBase.>>={-811,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.[]{-3j,p-} d.Monad_aWF
-d.Monad_aWI  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Monad{-28,p-} PrelBase.[]{-3j,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Monad_aWI =
-    d.Monad_aWF
-return_a11P  :: 
-    _forall_ [rjQ{-aWL-}] => rjQ{-aWL-} -> [rjQ{-aWL-}]
-{-# L #-}
-return_a11P =
-    PrelBase.return{-816,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.[]{-3j,p-} d.Monad_aWI
-z_aW0  :: 
-    [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-{-# L #-}
-z_aW0 =
-    _letrec_ {
-      ds_d12r  :: 
-	  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-	  -> [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d12r =
-	  \ ds_d12w  :: 
-		[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d12w ->
-	      case ds_d12w of {
-		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			{_@_ (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})};
-		PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d12I ds_d12R ->
-		    let {
-		      a_r3d  :: 
-			  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      a_r3d =
-			  ds_d12I } in
-		    _letrec_ {
-		      ds_d12X  :: 
-			  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-			  -> [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_d12X =
-			  \ ds_d132  :: 
-				[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-			    {-# L #-}
-			    ds_d132 ->
-			      case ds_d132 of {
-				PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-				    ds_d12r
-					ds_d12R;
-				PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d13h ds_d13q ->
-				    let {
-				      b_r3f  :: 
-					  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-				      {-# L #-}
-				      b_r3f =
-					  ds_d13h } in
-				    _letrec_ {
-				      ds_d13w  :: 
-					  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-					  -> [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-				      {-# L #-}
-				      ds_d13w =
-					  \ ds_d13B  :: 
-						[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-					    {-# L #-}
-					    ds_d13B ->
-					      case ds_d13B of {
-						PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-						    ds_d12X
-							ds_d13q;
-						PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d13Q ds_d13Z ->
-						    let {
-						      c_r3h  :: 
-							  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-						      {-# L #-}
-						      c_r3h =
-							  ds_d13Q } in
-						    _letrec_ {
-						      ds_d145  :: 
-							  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-							  -> [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-						      {-# L #-}
-						      ds_d145 =
-							  \ ds_d14a  :: 
-								[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-							    {-# L #-}
-							    ds_d14a ->
-							      case ds_d14a of {
-								PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-								    ds_d13w
-									ds_d13Z;
-								PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d14p ds_d14y ->
-								    let {
-								      d_r3j  :: 
-									  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-								      {-# L #-}
-								      d_r3j =
-									  ds_d14p } in
-								    _letrec_ {
-								      ds_d14E  :: 
-									  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-									  -> [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-								      {-# L #-}
-								      ds_d14E =
-									  \ ds_d14J  :: 
-										[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-									    {-# L #-}
-									    ds_d14J ->
-									      case ds_d14J of {
-										PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-										    ds_d145
-											ds_d14y;
-										PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d14Y ds_d157 ->
-										    let {
-										      e_r3l  :: 
-											  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-										      {-# L #-}
-										      e_r3l =
-											  ds_d14Y } in
-										    _letrec_ {
-										      ds_d15d  :: 
-											  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-											  -> [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-										      {-# L #-}
-										      ds_d15d =
-											  \ ds_d15i  :: 
-												[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-											    {-# L #-}
-											    ds_d15i ->
-											      case
-												  ds_d15i
-											      of {
-												PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-												    ds_d14E
-													ds_d157;
-												PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d15x ds_d15G ->
-												    let {
-												      f_r3n  :: 
-													  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-												      {-# L #-}
-												      f_r3n =
-													  ds_d15x } in
-												    _letrec_ {
-												      ds_d15M  :: 
-													  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-													  -> [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-												      {-# L #-}
-												      ds_d15M =
-													  \ ds_d15R  :: 
-														[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-													    {-# L #-}
-													    ds_d15R ->
-													      case
-														  ds_d15R
-													      of {
-														PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-														    ds_d15d
-															ds_d15G;
-														PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d166 ds_d16f ->
-														    let {
-														      g_r3p  :: 
-															  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-														      {-# L #-}
-														      g_r3p =
-															  ds_d166 } in
-														    _letrec_ {
-														      ds_d16l  :: 
-															  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-															  -> [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-														      {-# L #-}
-														      ds_d16l =
-															  \ ds_d16q  :: 
-																[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-															    {-# L #-}
-															    ds_d16q ->
-															      case
-																  ds_d16q
-															      of {
-																PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-																    ds_d15M
-																	ds_d16f;
-																PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d16F ds_d16O ->
-																    let {
-																      h_r3r  :: 
-																	  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																      {-# L #-}
-																      h_r3r =
-																	  ds_d16F } in
-																    _letrec_ {
-																      ds_d16U  :: 
-																	  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-																	  -> [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-																      {-# L #-}
-																      ds_d16U =
-																	  \ ds_d16Z  :: 
-																		[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-																	    {-# L #-}
-																	    ds_d16Z ->
-																	      case
-																		  ds_d16Z
-																	      of {
-																		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-																		    ds_d16l
-																			ds_d16O;
-																		PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d17e ds_d17n ->
-																		    let {
-																		      i_r3t  :: 
-																			  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																		      {-# L #-}
-																		      i_r3t =
-																			  ds_d17e } in
-																		    _letrec_ {
-																		      ds_d17t  :: 
-																			  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-																			  -> [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-																		      {-# L #-}
-																		      ds_d17t =
-																			  \ ds_d17y  :: 
-																				[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-																			    {-# L #-}
-																			    ds_d17y ->
-																			      case
-																				  ds_d17y
-																			      of {
-																				PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-																				    ds_d16U
-																					ds_d17n;
-																				PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d17N ds_d186 ->
-																				    let {
-																				      j_r3v  :: 
-																					  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																				      {-# L #-}
-																				      j_r3v =
-																					  ds_d17N } in
-																				    let {
-																				      ds_d17Z  :: 
-																					  (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})
-																				      {-# L #-}
-																				      ds_d17Z =
-																					  PrelTup.(,,,,,,,,,){-6a,p-}{i}
-																					      {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																					       _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																					       _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																					       _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																					       _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																					       _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																					       _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																					       _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																					       _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																					       _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-																					       a_r3d
-																					       b_r3f
-																					       c_r3h
-																					       d_r3j
-																					       e_r3l
-																					       f_r3n
-																					       g_r3p
-																					       h_r3r
-																					       i_r3t
-																					       j_r3v} } in
-																				    let {
-																				      ds_d183  :: 
-																					  [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-																				      {-# L #-}
-																				      ds_d183 =
-																					  ds_d17t
-																					      ds_d186
-																				    } in 
-																				      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-																					  {_@_ (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})
-																					   ds_d17Z
-																					   ds_d183};
-																			      };
-																		    } in 
-																		      ds_d17t
-																			  _string_ "12";
-																	      };
-																    } in 
-																      ds_d16U
-																	  _string_ "12";
-															      };
-														    } in 
-														      ds_d16l
-															  _string_ "12";
-													      };
-												    } in 
-												      ds_d15M
-													  _string_ "12";
-											      };
-										    } in 
-										      ds_d15d
-											  _string_ "12";
-									      };
-								    } in 
-								      ds_d14E
-									  _string_ "12";
-							      };
-						    } in 
-						      ds_d145
-							  _string_ "12";
-					      };
-				    } in 
-				      ds_d13w
-					  _string_ "12";
-			      };
-		    } in 
-		      ds_d12X
-			  _string_ "12";
-	      };
-    } in 
-      ds_d12r
-	  _string_ "12"
-z{-r3w,x-}  :: 
-    [(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})]
-{-# L #-}
-z{-r3w,x-} =
-    z_aW0
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds011.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds011.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b12d9371fe672f91329b135fd8684b7c93c2bb3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds011.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds011 -- uses of "error"
-module Tests where
-f = error []
-g = error ""
-h = error "\""
-i = error "foo"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds011.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds011.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 65853337c0859623bccc48a1a6a10bccc1e31aae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds011.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-i{-r4,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-amO-}] => t{-amO-}
-{-# L #-}
-i{-r4,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-amO-} ->
-	IOBase.error{-87,p-}
-	    _@_ t{-amO-} _string_ "foo"
-h{-r5,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-amW-}] => t{-amW-}
-{-# L #-}
-h{-r5,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-amW-} ->
-	let { ds_dpe  :: 
-		  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      ds_dpe =
-	  let {
-	    ds_dpp  :: 
-		PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_dpp =
-		PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-		    {'"'} } in
-	  let {
-	    ds_dpt  :: 
-		[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_dpt =
-		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		    {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}}
-	  } in 
-	    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-		{_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-} ds_dpp ds_dpt}
-	} in
-	IOBase.error{-87,p-}
-	    _@_ t{-amW-} ds_dpe
-g{-r6,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-an4-}] => t{-an4-}
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r6,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-an4-} ->
-	let {
-	  ds_dpW  :: 
-	      [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_dpW =
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		  {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}}
-	} in 
-	  IOBase.error{-87,p-}
-	      _@_ t{-an4-} ds_dpW
-f{-r7,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-and-}] => t{-and-}
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r7,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-and-} ->
-	let {
-	  ds_dqm  :: 
-	      [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_dqm =
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		  _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-	} in 
-	  IOBase.error{-87,p-}
-	      _@_ t{-and-} ds_dqm
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds012.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds012.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 390db5817d9b4d5640302adc6414850e5d7da274..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds012.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds012 -- simple Integer arithmetic
-module Tests where
-f x = 1 + 2 - 3 + 4 * 5
-g x = x + (f x)
-h x = 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
-    + 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds012.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds012.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index a562b3d49a754edaf1f4524713e71fcf71ebc61f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds012.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-h{-r3l,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aHu-} t{-aHz-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aHu-}} -> t{-aHz-} -> t{-aHu-}
-{-# L #-}
-h{-r3l,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aHu-} t{-aHz-} -> \ d.Num_aHB  :: 
-				    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aHu-}}
-				{-# L #-}
-				d.Num_aHB ->
-	let {
-	  +_aP0  :: 
-	      t{-aHu-} -> t{-aHu-} -> t{-aHu-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  +_aP0 =
-	      PrelBase.+{-r3k,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aHu-} d.Num_aHB } in
-	let {
-	  d.Num_aHE  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aHu-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Num_aHE =
-	      d.Num_aHB } in
-	let {
-	  fromInteger_aOZ  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Integer{-3h,p-} -> t{-aHu-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInteger_aOZ =
-	      PrelBase.fromInteger{-8S,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aHu-} d.Num_aHE } in
-	let {
-	  lit_aOY  :: 
-	      t{-aHu-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_aOY =
-	      fromInteger_aOZ
-		  _integer_  111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 } in
-	let {
-	  fromInteger_aOX  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Integer{-3h,p-} -> t{-aHu-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInteger_aOX =
-	      fromInteger_aOZ } in
-	let {
-	  lit_aOW  :: 
-	      t{-aHu-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_aOW =
-	      fromInteger_aOX
-		  _integer_  222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
-	} in 
-	  \ x_r3j  :: 
-		t{-aHz-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    x_r3j ->
-	      +_aP0
-		  lit_aOY lit_aOW
-f{-r3n,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aI9-} t{-aIe-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aI9-}} -> t{-aIe-} -> t{-aI9-}
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3n,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aI9-} t{-aIe-} -> \ d.Num_aIg  :: 
-				    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aI9-}}
-				{-# L #-}
-				d.Num_aIg ->
-	let {
-	  +_aNl  :: 
-	      t{-aI9-} -> t{-aI9-} -> t{-aI9-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  +_aNl =
-	      PrelBase.+{-r3k,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aI9-} d.Num_aIg } in
-	let {
-	  d.Num_aIi  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aI9-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Num_aIi =
-	      d.Num_aIg } in
-	let {
-	  -_aNk  :: 
-	      t{-aI9-} -> t{-aI9-} -> t{-aI9-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  -_aNk =
-	      PrelBase.-{-817,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aI9-} d.Num_aIi } in
-	let {
-	  +_aN8  :: 
-	      t{-aI9-} -> t{-aI9-} -> t{-aI9-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  +_aN8 =
-	      +_aNl } in
-	let {
-	  d.Num_aIl  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aI9-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Num_aIl =
-	      d.Num_aIg } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_aNj  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aI9-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_aNj =
-	      PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aI9-} d.Num_aIl } in
-	let { lit_aNi  :: 
-		  t{-aI9-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_aNi =
-	  let {
-	    ds_dQX  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_dQX =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    1
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_aNj
-		ds_dQX
-	} in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_aNh  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aI9-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_aNh =
-	      fromInt_aNj } in
-	let { lit_aNg  :: 
-		  t{-aI9-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_aNg =
-	  let {
-	    ds_dRc  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_dRc =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    2
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_aNh
-		ds_dRc
-	} in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_aNf  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aI9-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_aNf =
-	      fromInt_aNj } in
-	let { lit_aNe  :: 
-		  t{-aI9-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_aNe =
-	  let {
-	    ds_dRr  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_dRr =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    3
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_aNf
-		ds_dRr
-	} in
-	let {
-	  d.Num_aIp  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aI9-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Num_aIp =
-	      d.Num_aIg } in
-	let {
-	  *_aNd  :: 
-	      t{-aI9-} -> t{-aI9-} -> t{-aI9-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  *_aNd =
-	      PrelBase.*{-rcJ,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aI9-} d.Num_aIp } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_aNc  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aI9-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_aNc =
-	      fromInt_aNj } in
-	let { lit_aNb  :: 
-		  t{-aI9-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_aNb =
-	  let {
-	    ds_dRP  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_dRP =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    4
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_aNc
-		ds_dRP
-	} in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_aNa  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aI9-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_aNa =
-	      fromInt_aNj } in
-	let { lit_aN9  :: 
-		  t{-aI9-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_aN9 =
-	  let {
-	    ds_dS4  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_dS4 =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    5
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_aNa
-		ds_dS4
-	} in
-	\ x_r3f  :: 
-	      t{-aIe-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  x_r3f ->
-	    let { ds_dSk  :: 
-		      t{-aI9-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  ds_dSk =
-	      let {
-		ds_dSw  :: 
-		    t{-aI9-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_dSw =
-		    +_aN8
-			lit_aNi lit_aNg
-	      } in 
-		-_aNk
-		    ds_dSw lit_aNe
-	    } in
-	    let {
-	      ds_dSo  :: 
-		  t{-aI9-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      ds_dSo =
-		  *_aNd
-		      lit_aNb lit_aN9
-	    } in 
-	      +_aNl
-		  ds_dSk ds_dSo
-g{-r3m,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aID-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aID-}} -> t{-aID-} -> t{-aID-}
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r3m,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aID-} -> \ d.Num_aIH  :: 
-			   {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aID-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       d.Num_aIH ->
-	let {
-	  +_aTf  :: 
-	      t{-aID-} -> t{-aID-} -> t{-aID-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  +_aTf =
-	      PrelBase.+{-r3k,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aID-} d.Num_aIH } in
-	let {
-	  d.Num_aIJ  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aID-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Num_aIJ =
-	      d.Num_aIH } in
-	let {
-	  f_aTe  :: 
-	      t{-aID-} -> t{-aID-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  f_aTe =
-	      f{-r3n,x-}
-		  _@_ t{-aID-} _@_ t{-aID-} d.Num_aIJ
-	} in 
-	  \ x_r3h  :: 
-		t{-aID-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    x_r3h ->
-	      let {
-		ds_dTJ  :: 
-		    t{-aID-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_dTJ =
-		    f_aTe
-			x_r3h
-	      } in 
-		+_aTf
-		    x_r3h ds_dTJ
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds013.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds013.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b5b4b3454b9f78bd214a201739f2cfd90e7226c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds013.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds013 -- simple Rational arithmetic
-module Tests where
-f = 1.5 + 2.0 - 3.14159265 + 4.2 * 5.111111111111111111111111111
-g :: Float
-g = 1.5 + 2.0 - 3.14159265 + 4.2 * 5.111111111111111111111111111
-h :: Double
-h = 1.5 + 2.0 - 3.14159265 + 4.2 * 5.111111111111111111111111111
-{- later
-g x = x + (f x)
-h x = 1.0e1000000000 + 1.0e1000000000
-i x = 1.0e-1000000000 + 1.0e-1000000000
-j x = 1111111111.222222222222222e333333333333333
-    * 4444444444.555555555555555e-66666666666666
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds013.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds013.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 6238e970b18a77cc33dfa37c09644a216b5282d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds013.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-d.Num_a12Q  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_a12Q =
-    PrelNum.$d16{-rrq,p-}
-+_a19S  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-+_a19S =
-    PrelBase.+{-rcF,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-} d.Num_a12Q
-d.Num_a12T  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_a12T =
-    d.Num_a12Q
--_a19R  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
--_a19R =
-    PrelBase.-{-817,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-} d.Num_a12T
-d.Fractional_a12W  :: 
-    {PrelNum.Fractional{-26,p-} PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Fractional_a12W =
-    PrelNum.$d14{-rro,p-}
-fromRational_a19Q  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a19Q =
-    PrelNum.fromRational{-8T,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-} d.Fractional_a12W
-lit_a19P  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19P =
-    fromRational_a19Q
-	_rational_  3 2
-fromRational_a19O  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a19O =
-    fromRational_a19Q
-lit_a19N  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19N =
-    fromRational_a19O
-	_rational_  2 1
-fromRational_a19M  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a19M =
-    fromRational_a19Q
-lit_a19L  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19L =
-    fromRational_a19M
-	_rational_  62831853 20000000
-d.Num_a131  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_a131 =
-    d.Num_a12Q
-*_a19K  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-*_a19K =
-    PrelBase.*{-rU,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-} d.Num_a131
-fromRational_a19J  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a19J =
-    fromRational_a19Q
-lit_a19I  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19I =
-    fromRational_a19J
-	_rational_  21 5
-fromRational_a19H  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a19H =
-    fromRational_a19Q
-lit_a19G  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19G =
-    fromRational_a19H
-	_rational_  5111111111111111111111111111 1000000000000000000000000000
-d.Num_a135  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_a135 =
-    PrelNum.$d25{-rrA,p-}
-+_a19F  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-+_a19F =
-    PrelBase.+{-rcF,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-} d.Num_a135
-d.Num_a138  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_a138 =
-    d.Num_a135
--_a19E  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
--_a19E =
-    PrelBase.-{-817,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-} d.Num_a138
-d.Fractional_a13b  :: 
-    {PrelNum.Fractional{-26,p-} PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Fractional_a13b =
-    PrelNum.$d23{-rry,p-}
-fromRational_a19D  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a19D =
-    PrelNum.fromRational{-8T,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-} d.Fractional_a13b
-lit_a19C  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19C =
-    fromRational_a19D
-	_rational_  3 2
-fromRational_a19B  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a19B =
-    fromRational_a19D
-lit_a19A  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19A =
-    fromRational_a19B
-	_rational_  2 1
-fromRational_a19z  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a19z =
-    fromRational_a19D
-lit_a19y  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19y =
-    fromRational_a19z
-	_rational_  62831853 20000000
-d.Num_a13g  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_a13g =
-    d.Num_a135
-*_a19x  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-*_a19x =
-    PrelBase.*{-rU,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-} d.Num_a13g
-fromRational_a19w  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a19w =
-    fromRational_a19D
-lit_a19v  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19v =
-    fromRational_a19w
-	_rational_  21 5
-fromRational_a19u  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a19u =
-    fromRational_a19D
-lit_a19r  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19r =
-    fromRational_a19u
-	_rational_  5111111111111111111111111111 1000000000000000000000000000
-+_a19q  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-+_a19q =
-    +_a19S
--_a19p  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
--_a19p =
-    -_a19R
-lit_a19o  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19o =
-    lit_a19P
-lit_a19n  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19n =
-    lit_a19N
-lit_a19m  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19m =
-    lit_a19L
-*_a19l  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-*_a19l =
-    *_a19K
-lit_a19k  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19k =
-    lit_a19I
-lit_a19j  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19j =
-    lit_a19G
-+_a19i  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-+_a19i =
-    +_a19q
-h_a106  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-h_a106 =
-    let { ds_d1hq  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d1hq =
-      let {
-	ds_d1hC  :: 
-	    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	ds_d1hC =
-	    +_a19i
-		lit_a19o lit_a19n
-      } in 
-	-_a19p
-	    ds_d1hC lit_a19m
-    } in
-    let {
-      ds_d1hu  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d1hu =
-	  *_a19l
-	      lit_a19k lit_a19j
-    } in 
-      +_a19q
-	  ds_d1hq ds_d1hu
-h{-r4,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-h{-r4,x-} =
-    h_a106
-+_a1aJ  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-+_a1aJ =
-    +_a19F
-g_a10L  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-g_a10L =
-    let { ds_d1ib  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d1ib =
-      let {
-	ds_d1in  :: 
-	    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	ds_d1in =
-	    +_a1aJ
-		lit_a19C lit_a19A
-      } in 
-	-_a19E
-	    ds_d1in lit_a19y
-    } in
-    let {
-      ds_d1if  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d1if =
-	  *_a19x
-	      lit_a19v lit_a19r
-    } in 
-      +_a19F
-	  ds_d1ib ds_d1if
-g{-r2,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r2,x-} =
-    g_a10L
-+_a1bs  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-+_a1bs =
-    +_a19S
-f_a11q  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-f_a11q =
-    let { ds_d1iW  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d1iW =
-      let {
-	ds_d1j8  :: 
-	    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	ds_d1j8 =
-	    +_a1bs
-		lit_a19P lit_a19N
-      } in 
-	-_a19R
-	    ds_d1j8 lit_a19L
-    } in
-    let {
-      ds_d1j0  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d1j0 =
-	  *_a19K
-	      lit_a19I lit_a19G
-    } in 
-      +_a19S
-	  ds_d1iW ds_d1j0
-f{-r5,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Double{-3a,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r5,x-} =
-    f_a11q
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds014.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds014.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index cf1ccb183baaa7bb7c75d71834597824f2579290..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds014.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds014 -- character and string literals
---!!!   really should add ALL weird forms...
-module Tests where
-a = 'a'
-b = "b"
-c = a:b
-d = b ++ b
-b1 = ""		-- examples from the Haskell report
-b2 = "\&"	-- the same thing
-b3 = "\SO\&H" ++ "\137\&9"
-a000 = '\NUL'
-a001 = '\SOH'
-a002 = '\STX'
-a003 = '\ETX'
-a004 = '\EOT'
-a005 = '\ENQ'
-a006 = '\ACK'
-a007 = '\BEL'
-a010 = '\BS'
-a011 = '\HT'
-a012 = '\LF'
-a013 = '\VT'
-a014 = '\FF'
-a015 = '\CR'
-a016 = '\SO'
-a017 = '\SI'
-a020 = '\DLE'
-a021 = '\DC1'
-a022 = '\DC2'
-a023 = '\DC3'
-a024 = '\DC4'
-a025 = '\NAK'
-a026 = '\SYN'
-a027 = '\ETB'
-a030 = '\CAN'
-a031 = '\EM'
-a032 = '\SUB'
-a033 = '\ESC'
-a034 = '\FS'
-a035 = '\GS'
-a036 = '\RS'
-a037 = '\US'
-a040 = '\SP'
-a042 = '"'
-a047 = '\''
-a134 = '\\'
-a177 = '\DEL'
-    	\\BS\HT\LF\VT\FF\CR\SO\SI\
-	\\SP!\"#$%&'\
-	\()*+,-./\
-	\01234567\
-	\89:;<=>?\
-	\XYZ[\\]^_\
-	\`abcdefg\
-	\hijklmno\
-	\pqrstuvw\
-	\xyz{|}~\DEL"
-na200 = '\o200'
-na250 = '\o250'
-na300 = '\o300'
-na350 = '\o350'
-na377 = '\o377'
-eightbit = "\o200\o250\o300\o350\o377"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds014.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds014.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 724fd2c3290690b8522fa5c207cc0385d85a63af..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds014.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,603 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-d.MonadPlus_aMn  :: 
-    {PrelBase.MonadPlus{-2a,p-} PrelBase.[]{-3j,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.MonadPlus_aMn =
-    PrelBase.$d22{-rcv,p-}
-++_aYd  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [rjy{-aM3-}]
-    =>
-    [rjy{-aM3-}] -> [rjy{-aM3-}] -> [rjy{-aM3-}]
-{-# L #-}
-++_aYd =
-    PrelBase.++{-rc4,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.[]{-3j,p-} d.MonadPlus_aMn
-++_aYk  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [rjy{-aLC-}]
-    =>
-    [rjy{-aLC-}] -> [rjy{-aLC-}] -> [rjy{-aLC-}]
-{-# L #-}
-++_aYk =
-    ++_aYd
-eightbit_aIH  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-eightbit_aIH =
-    _string_ "\128\168\192\232\255"
-eightbit{-rP,x-}  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-eightbit{-rP,x-} =
-    eightbit_aIH
-na377_aIL  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-na377_aIL =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'ÿ'}
-na377{-rQ,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-na377{-rQ,x-} =
-    na377_aIL
-na350_aIP  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-na350_aIP =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'è'}
-na350{-rR,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-na350{-rR,x-} =
-    na350_aIP
-na300_aIT  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-na300_aIT =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'À'}
-na300{-rS,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-na300{-rS,x-} =
-    na300_aIT
-na250_aIX  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-na250_aIX =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'¨'}
-na250{-rT,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-na250{-rT,x-} =
-    na250_aIX
-na200_aJ1  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-na200_aJ1 =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'€'}
-na200{-rU,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-na200{-rU,x-} =
-    na200_aJ1
-ascii_aJ5  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-ascii_aJ5 =
-    _string_ "\NUL\SOH\STX\ETX\EOT\ENQ\ACK\a\b\t\n\v\f\r\SO\SI\DLE\DC1\DC2\DC3\DC4\NAK\SYN\ETB\CAN\EM\SUB\ESC\FS\GS\RS\US !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~\DEL"
-ascii{-rV,x-}  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-ascii{-rV,x-} =
-    ascii_aJ5
-a177_aJ9  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a177_aJ9 =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a177{-rW,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a177{-rW,x-} =
-    a177_aJ9
-a134_aJd  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a134_aJd =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'\'}
-a134{-rX,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a134{-rX,x-} =
-    a134_aJd
-a047_aJh  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a047_aJh =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'''}
-a047{-rY,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a047{-rY,x-} =
-    a047_aJh
-a042_aJl  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a042_aJl =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'"'}
-a042{-rZ,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a042{-rZ,x-} =
-    a042_aJl
-a040_aJp  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a040_aJp =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{' '}
-a040{-r10,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a040{-r10,x-} =
-    a040_aJp
-a037_aJt  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a037_aJt =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a037{-r11,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a037{-r11,x-} =
-    a037_aJt
-a036_aJx  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a036_aJx =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a036{-r12,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a036{-r12,x-} =
-    a036_aJx
-a035_aJB  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a035_aJB =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a035{-r13,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a035{-r13,x-} =
-    a035_aJB
-a034_aJF  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a034_aJF =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a034{-r14,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a034{-r14,x-} =
-    a034_aJF
-a033_aJJ  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a033_aJJ =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a033{-r15,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a033{-r15,x-} =
-    a033_aJJ
-a032_aJN  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a032_aJN =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a032{-r16,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a032{-r16,x-} =
-    a032_aJN
-a031_aJR  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a031_aJR =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a031{-r17,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a031{-r17,x-} =
-    a031_aJR
-a030_aJV  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a030_aJV =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a030{-r18,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a030{-r18,x-} =
-    a030_aJV
-a027_aJZ  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a027_aJZ =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a027{-r19,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a027{-r19,x-} =
-    a027_aJZ
-a026_aK3  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a026_aK3 =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a026{-r1a,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a026{-r1a,x-} =
-    a026_aK3
-a025_aK7  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a025_aK7 =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a025{-r1b,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a025{-r1b,x-} =
-    a025_aK7
-a024_aKb  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a024_aKb =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a024{-r1c,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a024{-r1c,x-} =
-    a024_aKb
-a023_aKf  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a023_aKf =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a023{-r1d,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a023{-r1d,x-} =
-    a023_aKf
-a022_aKj  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a022_aKj =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a022{-r1e,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a022{-r1e,x-} =
-    a022_aKj
-a021_aKn  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a021_aKn =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a021{-r1f,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a021{-r1f,x-} =
-    a021_aKn
-a020_aKr  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a020_aKr =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a020{-r1g,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a020{-r1g,x-} =
-    a020_aKr
-a017_aKv  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a017_aKv =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a017{-r1h,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a017{-r1h,x-} =
-    a017_aKv
-a016_aKz  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a016_aKz =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a016{-r1i,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a016{-r1i,x-} =
-    a016_aKz
-a015_aKD  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a015_aKD =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'
-a015{-r1j,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a015{-r1j,x-} =
-    a015_aKD
-a014_aKH  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a014_aKH =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a014{-r1k,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a014{-r1k,x-} =
-    a014_aKH
-a013_aKL  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a013_aKL =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a013{-r1l,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a013{-r1l,x-} =
-    a013_aKL
-a012_aKP  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a012_aKP =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'
-a012{-r1m,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a012{-r1m,x-} =
-    a012_aKP
-a011_aKT  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a011_aKT =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'	'}
-a011{-r1n,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a011{-r1n,x-} =
-    a011_aKT
-a010_aKX  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a010_aKX =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a010{-r1o,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a010{-r1o,x-} =
-    a010_aKX
-a007_aL1  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a007_aL1 =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a007{-r1p,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a007{-r1p,x-} =
-    a007_aL1
-a006_aL5  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a006_aL5 =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a006{-r1q,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a006{-r1q,x-} =
-    a006_aL5
-a005_aL9  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a005_aL9 =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a005{-r1r,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a005{-r1r,x-} =
-    a005_aL9
-a004_aLd  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a004_aLd =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a004{-r1s,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a004{-r1s,x-} =
-    a004_aLd
-a003_aLh  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a003_aLh =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a003{-r1t,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a003{-r1t,x-} =
-    a003_aLh
-a002_aLl  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a002_aLl =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a002{-r1u,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a002{-r1u,x-} =
-    a002_aLl
-a001_aLp  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a001_aLp =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{''}
-a001{-r1v,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a001{-r1v,x-} =
-    a001_aLp
-a000_aLt  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a000_aLt =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'�'}
-a000{-r1w,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a000{-r1w,x-} =
-    a000_aLt
-b3_aLx  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-b3_aLx =
-    ++_aYk
-	_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-} _string_ "\SO\&H" _string_ "\137\&9"
-b3{-r1x,x-}  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-b3{-r1x,x-} =
-    b3_aLx
-b2_aLM  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-b2_aLM =
-    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-	{_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}}
-b2{-r1y,x-}  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-b2{-r1y,x-} =
-    b2_aLM
-b1_aLQ  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-b1_aLQ =
-    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-	{_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}}
-b1{-r1z,x-}  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-b1{-r1z,x-} =
-    b1_aLQ
-b_aLU  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-b_aLU =
-    let {
-      ds_d18d  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d18d =
-	  PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	      {'b'} } in
-    let {
-      ds_d18h  :: 
-	  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d18h =
-	  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}}
-    } in 
-      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-	  {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-} ds_d18d ds_d18h}
-b{-r1C,x-}  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-b{-r1C,x-} =
-    b_aLU
-d_aLY  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-d_aLY =
-    ++_aYd
-	_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-} b{-r1C,x-} b{-r1C,x-}
-d{-r1A,x-}  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-d{-r1A,x-} =
-    d_aLY
-a_aMd  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a_aMd =
-    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-	{'a'}
-a{-r1D,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a{-r1D,x-} =
-    a_aMd
-c_aMh  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-c_aMh =
-    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-} a{-r1D,x-} b{-r1C,x-}
-c{-r1B,x-}  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-{-# L #-}
-c{-r1B,x-} =
-    c_aMh
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds014a.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds014a.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ed88c0ea0ab235ab3b187f473c2708cc923a7e8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds014a.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-module Tests where
--- this char is forbidden
-c = '\&'
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds014a.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds014a.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index e845ab9d71939f7fa2614926c8bd45901f6e2c64..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds014a.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-ds014a.hs:4:7: Illegal character escape: `\&'
-ds014a.hs:4:7:  on input: "&"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds015.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds015.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c2164ecbc57c19d0529194d6960a9b0a1c2f9ff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds015.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds015 -- lambdas
-module Tests where
-f x = ( \ x -> x ) x
-g x y = ( \ x y -> y x ) ( \ x -> x ) x
-h x y = ( \ (x:xs) -> x ) x
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds015.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds015.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index c389126f303babee2d4e21e399eda40843f332c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds015.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in a lambda abstraction:
-	    `(x PrelBase.: xs) -> ...'
-h{-r3z,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-an8-} t{-anf-}] => [t{-an8-}] -> t{-anf-} -> t{-an8-}
-{-# L #-}
-h{-r3z,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-an8-} t{-anf-} -> \ x_r3t  :: 
-				    [t{-an8-}]
-				{-# L #-}
-				x_r3t y_r3v  :: 
-					  t{-anf-}
-				      {-# L #-}
-				      y_r3v ->
-	(\ ds_drl  :: 
-	       [t{-an8-}]
-	   {-# L #-}
-	   ds_drl ->
-	     let {
-	       fail_drm  :: 
-		   t{-an8-}
-	       {-# L #-}
-	       fail_drm =
-		   GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-		       _@_ t{-an8-} _string_ "ds015.hs:9|lambda"
-	     } in 
-	       case ds_drl of {
-		 PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		     fail_drm;
-		 PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x_r3x xs_r3y ->
-		     x_r3x;
-	       })
-	    x_r3t
-g{-r3A,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-any-} t{-anA-} t{-anC-}]
-    =>
-    ((t{-any-} -> t{-any-}) -> t{-anA-}) -> t{-anC-} -> t{-anA-}
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r3A,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-any-} t{-anA-} t{-anC-} -> \ x_r3j  :: 
-					     (t{-any-} -> t{-any-}) -> t{-anA-}
-					 {-# L #-}
-					 x_r3j y_r3l  :: 
-						   t{-anC-}
-					       {-# L #-}
-					       y_r3l ->
-	let {
-	  ds_drT  :: 
-	      t{-any-} -> t{-any-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_drT =
-	      \ x_r3r  :: 
-		    t{-any-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		x_r3r ->
-		  x_r3r
-	} in 
-	  (\ x_r3n  :: 
-		 t{-any-} -> t{-any-}
-	     {-# L #-}
-	     x_r3n y_r3p  :: 
-		       (t{-any-} -> t{-any-}) -> t{-anA-}
-		   {-# L #-}
-		   y_r3p ->
-	       y_r3p
-		   x_r3n)
-	      ds_drT x_r3j
-f{-r3B,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-anM-}] => t{-anM-} -> t{-anM-}
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3B,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-anM-} -> \ x_r3f  :: 
-			   t{-anM-}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       x_r3f ->
-	(\ x_r3h  :: 
-	       t{-anM-}
-	   {-# L #-}
-	   x_r3h ->
-	     x_r3h)
-	    x_r3f
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds016.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds016.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 57e00535389b1733ed510fe8da7e8ff6cad03172..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds016.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds016 -- case expressions
-module Tests where
-f x y z =
-    case ( x ++ x ++ x ++ x ++ x ) of
-	[]	-> []
-	[a]	-> error "2"
-	[a,b,c]	->
-		    case ( (y,z,y,z) ) of
---		      (True, _, False, _) | True == False -> z
---		      (True, _, False, _) | True == False -> z
-		      _ -> z
-	(a:bs)	-> error "4"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds016.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds016.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cddfe4c4a4ecbdeb9882ac913f20bfe8c21a9bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds016.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-d.MonadPlus_aXs  :: 
-    {PrelBase.MonadPlus{-2a,p-} PrelBase.[]{-3j,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.MonadPlus_aXs =
-    PrelBase.$d22{-rp7,p-}
-++_aYK  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [rjy{-aWo-}]
-    =>
-    [rjy{-aWo-}] -> [rjy{-aWo-}] -> [rjy{-aWo-}]
-{-# L #-}
-++_aYK =
-    PrelBase.++{-roG,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.[]{-3j,p-} d.MonadPlus_aXs
-f{-r3t,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [rjy{-aWN-} t{-aWT-} t{-aXo-}]
-    =>
-    [rjy{-aWN-}] -> t{-aXo-} -> [t{-aWT-}] -> [t{-aWT-}]
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3t,x-} =
-    _/\_ rjy{-aWN-} t{-aWT-} t{-aXo-} ->
-	let {
-	  ++_aYM  :: 
-	      _forall_
-	      [rjy{-aWw-}]
-	      =>
-	      [rjy{-aWw-}] -> [rjy{-aWw-}] -> [rjy{-aWw-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ++_aYM =
-	      ++_aYK } in
-	let {
-	  ++_aYL  :: 
-	      _forall_
-	      [rjy{-aWD-}]
-	      =>
-	      [rjy{-aWD-}] -> [rjy{-aWD-}] -> [rjy{-aWD-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ++_aYL =
-	      ++_aYK } in
-	let {
-	  ++_aYJ  :: 
-	      _forall_
-	      [rjy{-aWK-}]
-	      =>
-	      [rjy{-aWK-}] -> [rjy{-aWK-}] -> [rjy{-aWK-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ++_aYJ =
-	      ++_aYK
-	} in 
-	  \ x_r3d  :: 
-		[rjy{-aWN-}]
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    x_r3d y_r3f  :: 
-		      t{-aXo-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  y_r3f z_r3h  :: 
-			    [t{-aWT-}]
-			{-# L #-}
-			z_r3h ->
-	      let { ds_d13I  :: 
-			[rjy{-aWN-}]
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d13I =
-		let { ds_d131  :: 
-			  [rjy{-aWN-}]
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_d131 =
-		  let { ds_d13e  :: 
-			    [rjy{-aWN-}]
-			{-# L #-}
-			ds_d13e =
-		    let {
-		      ds_d13r  :: 
-			  [rjy{-aWN-}]
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_d13r =
-			  ++_aYJ
-			      _@_ rjy{-aWN-} x_r3d x_r3d
-		    } in 
-		      ++_aYL
-			  _@_ rjy{-aWN-} x_r3d ds_d13r
-		  } in
-		  ++_aYM
-		      _@_ rjy{-aWN-} x_r3d ds_d13e
-		} in
-		++_aYK
-		    _@_ rjy{-aWN-} x_r3d ds_d131
-	      } in
-	      case ds_d13I of {
-		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			_@_ t{-aWT-};
-		PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} a_r3k ds_d140 ->
-		    let { fail_d14E  :: 
-			      [t{-aWT-}]
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  fail_d14E =
-		      let {
-			bs_r3s  :: 
-			    [rjy{-aWN-}]
-			{-# L #-}
-			bs_r3s =
-			    ds_d140 } in
-		      let {
-			a_r3r  :: 
-			    rjy{-aWN-}
-			{-# L #-}
-			a_r3r =
-			    a_r3k } in
-		      let { ds_d14d  :: 
-				[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-			    {-# L #-}
-			    ds_d14d =
-			let {
-			  ds_d14q  :: 
-			      PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  ds_d14q =
-			      PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-				  {'4'} } in
-			let {
-			  ds_d14u  :: 
-			      [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  ds_d14u =
-			      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				  {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}}
-			} in 
-			  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-			      {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-} ds_d14q ds_d14u}
-		      } in
-		      IOBase.error{-87,p-}
-			  _@_ [t{-aWT-}] ds_d14d
-		    } in
-		    case ds_d140 of {
-		      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			  let { ds_d14S  :: 
-				    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_d14S =
-			    let {
-			      ds_d153  :: 
-				  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			      {-# L #-}
-			      ds_d153 =
-				  PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-				      {'2'} } in
-			    let {
-			      ds_d157  :: 
-				  [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-			      {-# L #-}
-			      ds_d157 =
-				  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				      {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}}
-			    } in 
-			      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-				  {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-} ds_d153 ds_d157}
-			  } in
-			  IOBase.error{-87,p-}
-			      _@_ [t{-aWT-}] ds_d14S;
-		      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} b_r3n ds_d15m ->
-			  case ds_d15m of {
-			    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-				fail_d14E;
-			    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} c_r3o ds_d15z ->
-				case ds_d15z of {
-				  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d15H ds_d15G ->
-				      fail_d14E;
-				  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-				      let {
-					a_r3m  :: 
-					    rjy{-aWN-}
-					{-# L #-}
-					a_r3m =
-					    a_r3k } in
-				      let {
-					ds_d15Q  :: 
-					    (t{-aXo-}, [t{-aWT-}], t{-aXo-}, [t{-aWT-}])
-					{-# L #-}
-					ds_d15Q =
-					    PrelTup.(,,,){-64,p-}{i}
-						{_@_ t{-aXo-}
-						 _@_ [t{-aWT-}]
-						 _@_ t{-aXo-}
-						 _@_ [t{-aWT-}]
-						 y_r3f
-						 z_r3h
-						 y_r3f
-						 z_r3h}
-				      } in 
-					z_r3h;
-				};
-			  };
-		    };
-	      }
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds017.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds017.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 00f98848b3d608461b65e246206157b73cf98410..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds017.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds017 -- let expressions
-module Tests where
-f x y z
-  = let
-	a = x : []
-	b = x : a
-	c = y (let d = (z, z) in d)
-	result = (c, b)
-    in
-	result
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds017.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds017.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index bbeb820b9c275119c1dc17cc4f8a69cde9c20807..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds017.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-f{-r3p,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aBq-} t{-aBs-} t{-aBd-}]
-    =>
-    t{-aBd-}
-    -> ((t{-aBq-}, t{-aBq-}) -> t{-aBs-})
-    -> t{-aBq-}
-    -> (t{-aBs-}, [t{-aBd-}])
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3p,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aBq-} t{-aBs-} t{-aBd-} -> \ x_r3d  :: 
-					     t{-aBd-}
-					 {-# L #-}
-					 x_r3d y_r3f  :: 
-						   (t{-aBq-}, t{-aBq-}) -> t{-aBs-}
-					       {-# L #-}
-					       y_r3f z_r3h  :: 
-							 t{-aBq-}
-						     {-# L #-}
-						     z_r3h ->
-	let { c_aAS  :: 
-		  t{-aBs-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      c_aAS =
-	  let {
-	    ds_dEz  :: 
-		(t{-aBq-}, t{-aBq-})
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_dEz =
-		PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-		    {_@_ t{-aBq-} _@_ t{-aBq-} z_r3h z_r3h}
-	  } in 
-	    y_r3f
-		ds_dEz
-	} in
-	let {
-	  c_r3l  :: 
-	      t{-aBs-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  c_r3l =
-	      c_aAS } in
-	let { a_aB8  :: 
-		  [t{-aBd-}]
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      a_aB8 =
-	  let {
-	    ds_dF5  :: 
-		[t{-aBd-}]
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_dF5 =
-		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		    _@_ t{-aBd-}
-	  } in 
-	    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-		_@_ t{-aBd-} x_r3d ds_dF5
-	} in
-	let {
-	  a_r3j  :: 
-	      [t{-aBd-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  a_r3j =
-	      a_aB8 } in
-	let {
-	  b_aBg  :: 
-	      [t{-aBd-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  b_aBg =
-	      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-		  _@_ t{-aBd-} x_r3d a_r3j } in
-	let {
-	  b_r3k  :: 
-	      [t{-aBd-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  b_r3k =
-	      b_aBg
-	} in 
-	  PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ t{-aBs-} _@_ [t{-aBd-}] c_r3l b_r3k}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds018.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds018.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index b5c428012eafbd200dee7f8250b3c1c239f911fe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds018.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds018 -- explicit lists and tuples
-module Tests where
--- exprs
-f x y z = [x,y,z,x,y,z]
-f2 x y	= []
-g1 x y  = ()
-g x y z = (x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z,
-	   x,y,z,x,y,z) -- hey, we love big tuples
--- pats
-fa [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z] = x
-fb [] = []
-ga (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z,
-    aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,
-    an,ao,ap,aq,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ay,az) = x
-gb () x = x
-gb2 ()  = ()
--- need to think of some better ones...
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds018.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds018.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index c74c3bd6ccc43fdb96910000f71ce12fa649856b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds018.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,671 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `fb'
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `fa'
-gb2_aCw  :: 
-    PrelBase.(){-40,p-} -> PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-gb2_aCw =
-    \ ds_d18I  :: 
-	  PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d18I ->
-	case ds_d18I of { PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}  ->
-	PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i};}
-gb2{-r50,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.(){-40,p-} -> PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-gb2{-r50,x-} =
-    gb2_aCw
-gb{-r51,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-aCG-}] => PrelBase.(){-40,p-} -> t{-aCG-} -> t{-aCG-}
-{-# L #-}
-gb{-r51,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aCG-} -> \ ds_d19f  :: 
-			   PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       ds_d19f x_r4Z  :: 
-				   t{-aCG-}
-			       {-# L #-}
-			       x_r4Z ->
-	case ds_d19f of { PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}  -> x_r4Z;}
-ga{-r52,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aDB-} t{-aDE-} t{-aDH-} t{-aDK-} t{-aDN-} t{-aDQ-} t{-aDT-} t{-aDW-} t{-aDZ-} t{-aE2-} t{-aE5-} t{-aE8-} t{-aEb-} t{-aEe-} t{-aEh-} t{-aEk-} t{-aEn-} t{-aEq-} t{-aEt-} t{-aEw-} t{-aEz-} t{-aEC-} t{-aEF-} t{-aEI-} t{-aEL-} t{-aEO-} t{-aER-} t{-aEU-} t{-aEX-} t{-aF0-} t{-aF3-} t{-aF6-} t{-aF9-} t{-aFc-} t{-aFf-} t{-aFi-} t{-aFl-} t{-aFo-} t{-aFr-} t{-aFu-} t{-aFx-} t{-aFA-} t{-aFD-} t{-aFG-} t{-aFJ-} t{-aFM-} t{-aFP-} t{-aFS-} t{-aFV-} t{-aFY-} t{-aG1-} t{-aG4-}]
-    =>
-    (t{-aDB-}, t{-aDE-}, t{-aDH-}, t{-aDK-}, t{-aDN-}, t{-aDQ-}, t{-aDT-}, t{-aDW-}, t{-aDZ-}, t{-aE2-}, t{-aE5-}, t{-aE8-}, t{-aEb-}, t{-aEe-}, t{-aEh-}, t{-aEk-}, t{-aEn-}, t{-aEq-}, t{-aEt-}, t{-aEw-}, t{-aEz-}, t{-aEC-}, t{-aEF-}, t{-aEI-}, t{-aEL-}, t{-aEO-}, t{-aER-}, t{-aEU-}, t{-aEX-}, t{-aF0-}, t{-aF3-}, t{-aF6-}, t{-aF9-}, t{-aFc-}, t{-aFf-}, t{-aFi-}, t{-aFl-}, t{-aFo-}, t{-aFr-}, t{-aFu-}, t{-aFx-}, t{-aFA-}, t{-aFD-}, t{-aFG-}, t{-aFJ-}, t{-aFM-}, t{-aFP-}, t{-aFS-}, t{-aFV-}, t{-aFY-}, t{-aG1-}, t{-aG4-})
-    -> t{-aEI-}
-{-# L #-}
-ga{-r52,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aDB-} t{-aDE-} t{-aDH-} t{-aDK-} t{-aDN-} t{-aDQ-} t{-aDT-} t{-aDW-} t{-aDZ-} t{-aE2-} t{-aE5-} t{-aE8-} t{-aEb-} t{-aEe-} t{-aEh-} t{-aEk-} t{-aEn-} t{-aEq-} t{-aEt-} t{-aEw-} t{-aEz-} t{-aEC-} t{-aEF-} t{-aEI-} t{-aEL-} t{-aEO-} t{-aER-} t{-aEU-} t{-aEX-} t{-aF0-} t{-aF3-} t{-aF6-} t{-aF9-} t{-aFc-} t{-aFf-} t{-aFi-} t{-aFl-} t{-aFo-} t{-aFr-} t{-aFu-} t{-aFx-} t{-aFA-} t{-aFD-} t{-aFG-} t{-aFJ-} t{-aFM-} t{-aFP-} t{-aFS-} t{-aFV-} t{-aFY-} t{-aG1-} t{-aG4-} -> \ ds_d1ar  :: 
-																																																												      (t{-aDB-}, t{-aDE-}, t{-aDH-}, t{-aDK-}, t{-aDN-}, t{-aDQ-}, t{-aDT-}, t{-aDW-}, t{-aDZ-}, t{-aE2-}, t{-aE5-}, t{-aE8-}, t{-aEb-}, t{-aEe-}, t{-aEh-}, t{-aEk-}, t{-aEn-}, t{-aEq-}, t{-aEt-}, t{-aEw-}, t{-aEz-}, t{-aEC-}, t{-aEF-}, t{-aEI-}, t{-aEL-}, t{-aEO-}, t{-aER-}, t{-aEU-}, t{-aEX-}, t{-aF0-}, t{-aF3-}, t{-aF6-}, t{-aF9-}, t{-aFc-}, t{-aFf-}, t{-aFi-}, t{-aFl-}, t{-aFo-}, t{-aFr-}, t{-aFu-}, t{-aFx-}, t{-aFA-}, t{-aFD-}, t{-aFG-}, t{-aFJ-}, t{-aFM-}, t{-aFP-}, t{-aFS-}, t{-aFV-}, t{-aFY-}, t{-aG1-}, t{-aG4-})
-																																																												  {-# L #-}
-																																																												  ds_d1ar ->
-	case
-	    ds_d1ar
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,){-6Q,p-}{i} a_r47 b_r48 c_r49 d_r4a e_r4b f_r4c g_r4d h_r4e i_r4f j_r4g k_r4h l_r4i m_r4j n_r4k o_r4l p_r4m q_r4n r_r4o s_r4p t_r4q u_r4r v_r4s w_r4t x_r4u y_r4v z_r4w aa_r4x ab_r4y ac_r4z ad_r4A ae_r4B af_r4C ag_r4D ah_r4E ai_r4F aj_r4G ak_r4H al_r4I am_r4J an_r4K ao_r4L ap_r4M aq_r4N ar_r4O as_r4P at_r4Q au_r4R av_r4S aw_r4T ax_r4U ay_r4V az_r4W  ->
-	x_r4u;}
-fb{-r53,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-aGc-} t{-aGe-}] => [t{-aGc-}] -> [t{-aGe-}]
-{-# L #-}
-fb{-r53,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aGc-} t{-aGe-} -> \ ds_d1aY  :: 
-				    [t{-aGc-}]
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_d1aY ->
-	let {
-	  fail_d1aZ  :: 
-	      [t{-aGe-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fail_d1aZ =
-	      GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-		  _@_ [t{-aGe-}] _string_ "ds018.hs:41|function `fb'"
-	} in 
-	  case ds_d1aY of {
-	    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d1b7 ds_d1b6 ->
-		fail_d1aZ;
-	    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		    _@_ t{-aGe-};
-	  }
-fa{-r54,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-aGJ-}] => [t{-aGJ-}] -> t{-aGJ-}
-{-# L #-}
-fa{-r54,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aGJ-} -> \ ds_d1bF  :: 
-			   [t{-aGJ-}]
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       ds_d1bF ->
-	let {
-	  fail_d1bG  :: 
-	      t{-aGJ-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fail_d1bG =
-	      GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aGJ-} _string_ "ds018.hs:39|function `fa'"
-	} in 
-	  case ds_d1bF of {
-	    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		fail_d1bG;
-	    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} a_r3F ds_d1bT ->
-		case ds_d1bT of {
-		  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		      fail_d1bG;
-		  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} b_r3G ds_d1c6 ->
-		      case ds_d1c6 of {
-			PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			    fail_d1bG;
-			PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} c_r3H ds_d1cj ->
-			    case ds_d1cj of {
-			      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-				  fail_d1bG;
-			      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} d_r3I ds_d1cw ->
-				  case ds_d1cw of {
-				    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-					fail_d1bG;
-				    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} e_r3J ds_d1cJ ->
-					case ds_d1cJ of {
-					  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-					      fail_d1bG;
-					  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} f_r3K ds_d1cW ->
-					      case ds_d1cW of {
-						PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-						    fail_d1bG;
-						PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} g_r3L ds_d1d9 ->
-						    case ds_d1d9 of {
-						      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-							  fail_d1bG;
-						      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} h_r3M ds_d1dm ->
-							  case ds_d1dm of {
-							    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-								fail_d1bG;
-							    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} i_r3N ds_d1dz ->
-								case ds_d1dz of {
-								  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-								      fail_d1bG;
-								  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} j_r3O ds_d1dM ->
-								      case ds_d1dM of {
-									PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-									    fail_d1bG;
-									PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} k_r3P ds_d1dZ ->
-									    case ds_d1dZ of {
-									      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-										  fail_d1bG;
-									      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} l_r3Q ds_d1ec ->
-										  case ds_d1ec of {
-										    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-											fail_d1bG;
-										    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} m_r3R ds_d1ep ->
-											case
-											    ds_d1ep
-											of {
-											  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-											      fail_d1bG;
-											  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} n_r3S ds_d1eC ->
-											      case
-												  ds_d1eC
-											      of {
-												PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-												    fail_d1bG;
-												PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} o_r3T ds_d1eP ->
-												    case
-													ds_d1eP
-												    of {
-												      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-													  fail_d1bG;
-												      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} p_r3U ds_d1f2 ->
-													  case
-													      ds_d1f2
-													  of {
-													    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-														fail_d1bG;
-													    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} q_r3V ds_d1ff ->
-														case
-														    ds_d1ff
-														of {
-														  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-														      fail_d1bG;
-														  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} r_r3W ds_d1fs ->
-														      case
-															  ds_d1fs
-														      of {
-															PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-															    fail_d1bG;
-															PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} s_r3X ds_d1fF ->
-															    case
-																ds_d1fF
-															    of {
-															      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-																  fail_d1bG;
-															      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} t_r3Y ds_d1fS ->
-																  case
-																      ds_d1fS
-																  of {
-																    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-																	fail_d1bG;
-																    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} u_r3Z ds_d1g5 ->
-																	case
-																	    ds_d1g5
-																	of {
-																	  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-																	      fail_d1bG;
-																	  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} v_r40 ds_d1gi ->
-																	      case
-																		  ds_d1gi
-																	      of {
-																		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-																		    fail_d1bG;
-																		PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} w_r41 ds_d1gv ->
-																		    case
-																			ds_d1gv
-																		    of {
-																		      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-																			  fail_d1bG;
-																		      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x_r42 ds_d1gI ->
-																			  case
-																			      ds_d1gI
-																			  of {
-																			    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-																				fail_d1bG;
-																			    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} y_r43 ds_d1gV ->
-																				case
-																				    ds_d1gV
-																				of {
-																				  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-																				      fail_d1bG;
-																				  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} z_r44 ds_d1h8 ->
-																				      case
-																					  ds_d1h8
-																				      of {
-																					PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d1hg ds_d1hf ->
-																					    fail_d1bG;
-																					PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-																					    x_r42;
-																				      };
-																				};
-																			  };
-																		    };
-																	      };
-																	};
-																  };
-															    };
-														      };
-														};
-													  };
-												    };
-											      };
-											};
-										  };
-									    };
-								      };
-								};
-							  };
-						    };
-					      };
-					};
-				  };
-			    };
-		      };
-		};
-	  }
-g{-r55,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aHm-} t{-aHo-} t{-aHq-}]
-    =>
-    t{-aHm-}
-    -> t{-aHo-}
-    -> t{-aHq-}
-    -> (t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-}, t{-aHm-}, t{-aHo-}, t{-aHq-})
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r55,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aHm-} t{-aHo-} t{-aHq-} -> \ x_r3z  :: 
-					     t{-aHm-}
-					 {-# L #-}
-					 x_r3z y_r3B  :: 
-						   t{-aHo-}
-					       {-# L #-}
-					       y_r3B z_r3D  :: 
-							 t{-aHq-}
-						     {-# L #-}
-						     z_r3D ->
-	PrelTup.(,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,){-62q,p-}{i}
-	    {_@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHm-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHo-}
-	     _@_ t{-aHq-}
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D
-	     x_r3z
-	     y_r3B
-	     z_r3D}
-g1{-r56,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aHA-} t{-aHC-}]
-    =>
-    t{-aHA-} -> t{-aHC-} -> PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-g1{-r56,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aHA-} t{-aHC-} -> \ x_r3v  :: 
-				    t{-aHA-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				x_r3v y_r3x  :: 
-					  t{-aHC-}
-				      {-# L #-}
-				      y_r3x ->
-	PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-f2{-r57,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aHO-} t{-aHQ-} t{-aHM-}]
-    =>
-    t{-aHO-} -> t{-aHQ-} -> [t{-aHM-}]
-{-# L #-}
-f2{-r57,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aHO-} t{-aHQ-} t{-aHM-} -> \ x_r3r  :: 
-					     t{-aHO-}
-					 {-# L #-}
-					 x_r3r y_r3t  :: 
-						   t{-aHQ-}
-					       {-# L #-}
-					       y_r3t ->
-	PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-	    _@_ t{-aHM-}
-f{-r58,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aI2-}]
-    =>
-    t{-aI2-} -> t{-aI2-} -> t{-aI2-} -> [t{-aI2-}]
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r58,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aI2-} -> \ x_r3l  :: 
-			   t{-aI2-}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       x_r3l y_r3n  :: 
-				 t{-aI2-}
-			     {-# L #-}
-			     y_r3n z_r3p  :: 
-				       t{-aI2-}
-				   {-# L #-}
-				   z_r3p ->
-	let { ds_d1uJ  :: 
-		  [t{-aI2-}]
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      ds_d1uJ =
-	  let { ds_d1uV  :: 
-		    [t{-aI2-}]
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_d1uV =
-	    let { ds_d1v7  :: 
-		      [t{-aI2-}]
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  ds_d1v7 =
-	      let { ds_d1vj  :: 
-			[t{-aI2-}]
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d1vj =
-		let { ds_d1vv  :: 
-			  [t{-aI2-}]
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_d1vv =
-		  let {
-		    ds_d1vH  :: 
-			[t{-aI2-}]
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d1vH =
-			PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			    {_@_ t{-aI2-}}
-		  } in 
-		    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-			{_@_ t{-aI2-} z_r3p ds_d1vH}
-		} in
-		PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-		    {_@_ t{-aI2-} y_r3n ds_d1vv}
-	      } in
-	      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-		  {_@_ t{-aI2-} x_r3l ds_d1vj}
-	    } in
-	    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-		{_@_ t{-aI2-} z_r3p ds_d1v7}
-	  } in
-	  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ t{-aI2-} y_r3n ds_d1uV}
-	} in
-	PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-	    {_@_ t{-aI2-} x_r3l ds_d1uJ}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds019.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds019.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 32400ddec8fa936de9b6f2ebbebad0dea45266c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds019.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds019 -- mixed var and uni-constructor pats
-module Test where
-f (a,b,c) i     o = []
-f d       (j,k) p = []
-f (e,f,g) l     q = []
-f h       (m,n) r = []
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds019.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds019.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index e064f37674f57b72626fec59ed3354e16d01e424..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds019.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
-	in the definition of function `f'
-    Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
-	in the definition of function `f'
-f{-r3G,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aBG-} t{-aBJ-} t{-aBM-} t{-aBY-} t{-aC1-} t{-aC9-} t{-aC7-}]
-    =>
-    (t{-aBG-}, t{-aBJ-}, t{-aBM-})
-    -> (t{-aBY-}, t{-aC1-})
-    -> t{-aC9-}
-    -> [t{-aC7-}]
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3G,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aBG-} t{-aBJ-} t{-aBM-} t{-aBY-} t{-aC1-} t{-aC9-} t{-aC7-} -> \ ds_dGA  :: 
-										 (t{-aBG-}, t{-aBJ-}, t{-aBM-})
-									     {-# L #-}
-									     ds_dGA i_r3h  :: 
-											(t{-aBY-}, t{-aC1-})
-										    {-# L #-}
-										    i_r3h o_r3j  :: 
-											      t{-aC9-}
-											  {-# L #-}
-											  o_r3j ->
-	case ds_dGA of { PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} a_r3d b_r3e c_r3f  ->
-	PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-	    _@_ t{-aC7-};}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds020.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds020.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ac6ea8dd4b9ea1dd3b9686e8a78a4f096c32646b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds020.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds020 -- lazy patterns (in detail)
-module Test where
-a ~([],[],[])    = []
-a ~(~[],~[],~[]) = []
-b ~(x:xs:ys)      = []
-b ~(~x: ~xs: ~ys) = []
-c ~x ~ _ ~11111 ~3.14159265 = x
-d 11	    = 4
-d 12	    = 3
-d ~(n+4)    = 2
-d ~(n+43)   = 1
-d ~(n+999)  = 0
-f ~(x@[]) = []
-f x@(~[]) = []
-g ~(~(~(~([])))) = []
--- pattern bindings (implicitly lazy)
-([],[],[])    = ([],[],[])
-(~[],~[],~[]) = ([],[],[])
-(x1: xs1: ys1) = []
-(~x: ~xs: ~ys) = []
-(x2 : xs2: ys2) | eq2  = []
-	        | eq3  = [x2]
-		| eq4  = [x2]
-		| True = []
-		where
-		  eq2 = (2::Int) == (4::Int)
-		  eq3 = (3::Int) == (3::Int)
-		  eq4 = (4::Int) == (2::Int)
-(x3,y3) | x3 >  3 = (4, 5)
-        | x3 <= 3 = (2, 3)
--- above: x & y should both be \bottom.
-(x4,(y4,(z4,a4))) | eq2  = ('a',('a',('a','a')))
-	          | eq3  = ('b',('b',('b','b')))
-	          | eq4  = ('c',('c',('c','c')))
-	          | True = ('d',('d',('d','d')))
-	          where
-		     eq2 = (2::Int) == (4::Int)
-		     eq3 = (3::Int) == (3::Int)
-		     eq4 = (4::Int) == (2::Int)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds020.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds020.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index fc6973c44105835cd2124219249c4d4f74ef85a3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds020.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1969 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
-	in the definition of function `f'
-    Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
-	in the definition of function `d'
-    Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
-	in the definition of function `d'
-    Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
-	in the definition of function `b'
-    Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
-	in the definition of function `a'
-Rec {
-d.Eq_a1aR  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Eq_a1aR =
-    PrelBase.$d7{-rqT,p-}
-==_a1h7  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-==_a1h7 =
-    PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Eq_a1aR
-d.Num_a1aV  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_a1aV =
-    PrelBase.$d3{-rqn,p-}
-fromInt_a1h6  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromInt_a1h6 =
-    PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Num_a1aV
-lit_a1h5  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1h5 =
-    let {
-      ds_d1SI  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d1SI =
-	  PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-	      2
-    } in 
-      fromInt_a1h6
-	  ds_d1SI
-fromInt_a1h4  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromInt_a1h4 =
-    fromInt_a1h6
-lit_a1h3  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1h3 =
-    let {
-      ds_d1SX  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d1SX =
-	  PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-	      4
-    } in 
-      fromInt_a1h4
-	  ds_d1SX
-fromInt_a1h2  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromInt_a1h2 =
-    fromInt_a1h6
-lit_a1h1  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1h1 =
-    let {
-      ds_d1Tc  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d1Tc =
-	  PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-	      3
-    } in 
-      fromInt_a1h2
-	  ds_d1Tc
-d.Ord_a1b0  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Ord_a1b0 =
-    PrelBase.$d6{-rqS,p-}
->_a1h0  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
->_a1h0 =
-    PrelBase.>{-rs3,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Ord_a1b0
-lit_a1gZ  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1gZ =
-    lit_a1h1
-lit_a1gY  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1gY =
-    lit_a1h3
-fromInt_a1gX  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromInt_a1gX =
-    fromInt_a1h6
-lit_a1gW  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1gW =
-    let {
-      ds_d1TC  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d1TC =
-	  PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-	      5
-    } in 
-      fromInt_a1gX
-	  ds_d1TC
-d.Ord_a1b4  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Ord_a1b4 =
-    d.Ord_a1b0
-<=_a1gV  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-<=_a1gV =
-    PrelBase.<={-rs2,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Ord_a1b4
-lit_a1gU  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1gU =
-    lit_a1h5
-lit_a1gT  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1gT =
-    lit_a1h1
-==_a1gS  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-==_a1gS =
-    ==_a1h7
-lit_a1gR  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1gR =
-    lit_a1h5
-lit_a1gQ  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1gQ =
-    lit_a1h3
-lit_a1gP  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1gP =
-    lit_a1h1
-==_a1hb  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-==_a1hb =
-    ==_a1gS
-==_a1ha  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-==_a1ha =
-    ==_a1gS
-lit_a1h9  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1h9 =
-    lit_a1gQ
-lit_a1h8  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1h8 =
-    lit_a1gR
-ds_d1Q9  :: 
-    (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})
-{-# L #-}
-ds_d1Q9 =
-    let { ds_d1Zt  :: 
-	      (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})))
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d1Zt =
-      let {
-	eq4_a12Q  :: 
-	    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	eq4_a12Q =
-	    ==_a1ha
-		lit_a1h9 lit_a1h8 } in
-      let {
-	eq4_r4b  :: 
-	    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	eq4_r4b =
-	    eq4_a12Q } in
-      let {
-	lit_a1Uy  :: 
-	    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	lit_a1Uy =
-	    lit_a1gP } in
-      let {
-	eq3_a13e  :: 
-	    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	eq3_a13e =
-	    ==_a1hb
-		lit_a1gP lit_a1Uy } in
-      let {
-	eq3_r4a  :: 
-	    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	eq3_r4a =
-	    eq3_a13e } in
-      let {
-	eq2_a13A  :: 
-	    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	eq2_a13A =
-	    ==_a1gS
-		lit_a1gR lit_a1gQ } in
-      let {
-	eq2_r49  :: 
-	    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	eq2_r49 =
-	    eq2_a13A
-      } in 
-	case eq2_r49 of {
-	  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-	      let {
-		ds_d1Va  :: 
-		    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_d1Va =
-		    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-			{'a'} } in
-	      let { ds_d1Ve  :: 
-			(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}))
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d1Ve =
-		let {
-		  ds_d1Vu  :: 
-		      PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  ds_d1Vu =
-		      PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-			  {'a'} } in
-		let { ds_d1Vy  :: 
-			  (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_d1Vy =
-		  let {
-		    ds_d1VO  :: 
-			PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d1VO =
-			PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-			    {'a'} } in
-		  let {
-		    ds_d1VS  :: 
-			PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d1VS =
-			PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-			    {'a'}
-		  } in 
-		    PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-			{_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			 _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			 ds_d1VO
-			 ds_d1VS}
-		} in
-		PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-		    {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-		     _@_ (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})
-		     ds_d1Vu
-		     ds_d1Vy}
-	      } in
-	      PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-		  {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-		   _@_ (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}))
-		   ds_d1Va
-		   ds_d1Ve};
-	  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-	      case eq3_r4a of {
-		PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-		    let {
-		      ds_d1Wm  :: 
-			  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_d1Wm =
-			  PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-			      {'b'} } in
-		    let { ds_d1Wq  :: 
-			      (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}))
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  ds_d1Wq =
-		      let {
-			ds_d1WG  :: 
-			    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			{-# L #-}
-			ds_d1WG =
-			    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-				{'b'} } in
-		      let { ds_d1WK  :: 
-				(PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})
-			    {-# L #-}
-			    ds_d1WK =
-			let {
-			  ds_d1X0  :: 
-			      PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  ds_d1X0 =
-			      PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-				  {'b'} } in
-			let {
-			  ds_d1X4  :: 
-			      PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  ds_d1X4 =
-			      PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-				  {'b'}
-			} in 
-			  PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-			      {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			       _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			       ds_d1X0
-			       ds_d1X4}
-		      } in
-		      PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-			  {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			   _@_ (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})
-			   ds_d1WG
-			   ds_d1WK}
-		    } in
-		    PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-			{_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			 _@_ (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}))
-			 ds_d1Wm
-			 ds_d1Wq};
-		PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-		    case eq4_r4b of {
-		      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			  let {
-			    ds_d1Xy  :: 
-				PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			    {-# L #-}
-			    ds_d1Xy =
-				PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-				    {'c'} } in
-			  let { ds_d1XC  :: 
-				    (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}))
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_d1XC =
-			    let {
-			      ds_d1XS  :: 
-				  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			      {-# L #-}
-			      ds_d1XS =
-				  PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-				      {'c'} } in
-			    let { ds_d1XW  :: 
-				      (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})
-				  {-# L #-}
-				  ds_d1XW =
-			      let {
-				ds_d1Yc  :: 
-				    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_d1Yc =
-				    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-					{'c'} } in
-			      let {
-				ds_d1Yg  :: 
-				    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_d1Yg =
-				    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-					{'c'}
-			      } in 
-				PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-				    {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-				     _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-				     ds_d1Yc
-				     ds_d1Yg}
-			    } in
-			    PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-				{_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-				 _@_ (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})
-				 ds_d1XS
-				 ds_d1XW}
-			  } in
-			  PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-			      {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			       _@_ (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}))
-			       ds_d1Xy
-			       ds_d1XC};
-		      PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			  let {
-			    ds_d1YC  :: 
-				PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			    {-# L #-}
-			    ds_d1YC =
-				PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-				    {'d'} } in
-			  let { ds_d1YG  :: 
-				    (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}))
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_d1YG =
-			    let {
-			      ds_d1YW  :: 
-				  PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			      {-# L #-}
-			      ds_d1YW =
-				  PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-				      {'d'} } in
-			    let { ds_d1Z0  :: 
-				      (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})
-				  {-# L #-}
-				  ds_d1Z0 =
-			      let {
-				ds_d1Zg  :: 
-				    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_d1Zg =
-				    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-					{'d'} } in
-			      let {
-				ds_d1Zk  :: 
-				    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_d1Zk =
-				    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i}
-					{'d'}
-			      } in 
-				PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-				    {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-				     _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-				     ds_d1Zg
-				     ds_d1Zk}
-			    } in
-			    PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-				{_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-				 _@_ (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-})
-				 ds_d1YW
-				 ds_d1Z0}
-			  } in
-			  PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-			      {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-			       _@_ (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, (PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}, PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}))
-			       ds_d1YC
-			       ds_d1YG};
-		    };
-	      };
-	}
-    } in
-    case ds_d1Zt of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} x4_a12r ds_d1ZC  ->
-    case ds_d1ZC of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} y4_a12s ds_d1ZL  ->
-    case ds_d1ZL of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} z4_a12t a4_a12u  ->
-    PrelTup.(,,,){-64,p-}{i}
-	{_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-	 _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-	 _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-	 _@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-	 x4_a12r
-	 y4_a12s
-	 z4_a12t
-	 a4_a12u};};};}
-x4_a12r  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-x4_a12r =
-    case
-	ds_d1Q9
-    of {
-    PrelTup.(,,,){-64,p-}{i} x4_a12r y4_a12s z4_a12t a4_a12u  ->
-    x4_a12r;}
-y4_a12s  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-y4_a12s =
-    case
-	ds_d1Q9
-    of {
-    PrelTup.(,,,){-64,p-}{i} x4_a12r y4_a12s z4_a12t a4_a12u  ->
-    y4_a12s;}
-z4_a12t  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-z4_a12t =
-    case
-	ds_d1Q9
-    of {
-    PrelTup.(,,,){-64,p-}{i} x4_a12r y4_a12s z4_a12t a4_a12u  ->
-    z4_a12t;}
-a4_a12u  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a4_a12u =
-    case
-	ds_d1Q9
-    of {
-    PrelTup.(,,,){-64,p-}{i} x4_a12r y4_a12s z4_a12t a4_a12u  ->
-    a4_a12u;}
-x4{-r4f,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-x4{-r4f,x-} =
-    x4_a12r
-y4{-r4e,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-y4{-r4e,x-} =
-    y4_a12s
-z4{-r4d,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-z4{-r4d,x-} =
-    z4_a12t
-a4{-r4c,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-a4{-r4c,x-} =
-    a4_a12u
-lit_a1QK  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1QK =
-    lit_a1gZ
-ds_d1QP  :: 
-    (PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}, PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-})
-{-# L #-}
-ds_d1QP =
-    case
-	>_a1h0
-	    x3_a148 lit_a1gZ
-    of {
-      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-	  PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	       _@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	       lit_a1gY
-	       lit_a1gW};
-      PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-	  case
-	      <=_a1gV
-		  x3_a148 lit_a1QK
-	  of {
-	    PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-		PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-		    {_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		     _@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		     lit_a1gU
-		     lit_a1gT};
-	    PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-		GHCerr.nonExhaustiveGuardsError{-8l,p-}
-		    _@_ (PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}, PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-})
-		    _string_ "ds020.hs:42|";
-	  };
-    }
-x3_a148  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-x3_a148 =
-    case ds_d1QP of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} x3_a148 y3_a149  ->
-    x3_a148;}
-y3_a149  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-y3_a149 =
-    case ds_d1QP of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} x3_a148 y3_a149  ->
-    y3_a149;}
-x3{-r4h,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-x3{-r4h,x-} =
-    x3_a148
-y3{-r4g,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-y3{-r4g,x-} =
-    y3_a149
-ds_d1Ra  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a16h-}] => (t{-a16h-}, t{-a16h-}, [t{-a16h-}])
-{-# L #-}
-ds_d1Ra =
-    _/\_ t{-a16h-} ->
-	_letrec_ {
-	  ==_a1mv  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1mv =
-	      ==_a1h7;
-	  ==_a1mu  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1mu =
-	      ==_a1h7;
-	  lit_a1mt  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1mt =
-	      lit_a1h3;
-	  lit_a1ms  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1ms =
-	      lit_a1h5;
-	  ds_d22I  :: 
-	      (t{-a16h-}, t{-a16h-}, [t{-a16h-}])
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d22I =
-	      let { ds_d257  :: 
-			[t{-a16h-}]
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d257 =
-		let {
-		  eq4_a158  :: 
-		      PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  eq4_a158 =
-		      ==_a1mu
-			  lit_a1mt lit_a1ms } in
-		let {
-		  eq4_r41  :: 
-		      PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  eq4_r41 =
-		      eq4_a158 } in
-		let {
-		  lit_a23v  :: 
-		      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  lit_a23v =
-		      lit_a1h1 } in
-		let {
-		  eq3_a15w  :: 
-		      PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  eq3_a15w =
-		      ==_a1mv
-			  lit_a1h1 lit_a23v } in
-		let {
-		  eq3_r40  :: 
-		      PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  eq3_r40 =
-		      eq3_a15w } in
-		let {
-		  eq2_a15S  :: 
-		      PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  eq2_a15S =
-		      ==_a1h7
-			  lit_a1h5 lit_a1h3 } in
-		let {
-		  eq2_r3Z  :: 
-		      PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  eq2_r3Z =
-		      eq2_a15S
-		} in 
-		  case eq2_r3Z of {
-		    PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			    _@_ t{-a16h-};
-		    PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			case eq3_r40 of {
-			  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			      let {
-				ds_d24m  :: 
-				    [t{-a16h-}]
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_d24m =
-				    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-					{_@_ t{-a16h-}}
-			      } in 
-				PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-				    {_@_ t{-a16h-} x2_a14U ds_d24m};
-			  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			      case eq4_r41 of {
-				PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-				    let {
-				      ds_d24M  :: 
-					  [t{-a16h-}]
-				      {-# L #-}
-				      ds_d24M =
-					  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-					      {_@_ t{-a16h-}}
-				    } in 
-				      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-					  {_@_ t{-a16h-} x2_a14U ds_d24M};
-				PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-				    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-					_@_ t{-a16h-};
-			      };
-			};
-		  }
-	      } in
-	      let {
-		fail_d258  :: 
-		    (t{-a16h-}, t{-a16h-}, [t{-a16h-}])
-		{-# L #-}
-		fail_d258 =
-		    GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-			_@_ (t{-a16h-}, t{-a16h-}, [t{-a16h-}])
-			_string_ "ds020.hs:39|(x2 PrelBase.: (xs2 PrelBase.: ys2))"
-	      } in 
-		case ds_d257 of {
-		  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		      fail_d258;
-		  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x2_a14U ds_d25l ->
-		      case ds_d25l of {
-			PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			    fail_d258;
-			PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} xs2_a14V ys2_a14W ->
-			    PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i}
-				{_@_ t{-a16h-}
-				 _@_ t{-a16h-}
-				 _@_ [t{-a16h-}]
-				 x2_a14U
-				 xs2_a14V
-				 ys2_a14W};
-		      };
-		};
-	  x2_a14U  :: 
-	      t{-a16h-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  x2_a14U =
-	      case
-		  ds_d22I
-	      of {
-	      PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} x2_a14U xs2_a14V ys2_a14W  ->
-	      x2_a14U;};
-	  xs2_a14V  :: 
-	      t{-a16h-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  xs2_a14V =
-	      case
-		  ds_d22I
-	      of {
-	      PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} x2_a14U xs2_a14V ys2_a14W  ->
-	      xs2_a14V;};
-	  ys2_a14W  :: 
-	      [t{-a16h-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ys2_a14W =
-	      case
-		  ds_d22I
-	      of {
-	      PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} x2_a14U xs2_a14V ys2_a14W  ->
-	      ys2_a14W;};
-	} in 
-	  PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ t{-a16h-}
-	       _@_ t{-a16h-}
-	       _@_ [t{-a16h-}]
-	       x2_a14U
-	       xs2_a14V
-	       ys2_a14W}
-x2{-r4k,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a16h-}] => t{-a16h-}
-{-# L #-}
-x2{-r4k,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a16h-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_d1Ra
-		_@_ t{-a16h-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} ds_d26G ds_d26I ds_d26H  ->
-	ds_d26G;}
-xs2{-r4j,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a16h-}] => t{-a16h-}
-{-# L #-}
-xs2{-r4j,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a16h-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_d1Ra
-		_@_ t{-a16h-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} ds_d26Z ds_d26X ds_d26Y  ->
-	ds_d26X;}
-ys2{-r4i,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a16h-}] => [t{-a16h-}]
-{-# L #-}
-ys2{-r4i,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a16h-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_d1Ra
-		_@_ t{-a16h-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} ds_d27g ds_d27f ds_d27e  ->
-	ds_d27e;}
-ds_d1Rr  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a16I-}] => (t{-a16I-}, t{-a16I-}, [t{-a16I-}])
-{-# L #-}
-ds_d1Rr =
-    _/\_ t{-a16I-} ->
-	let { ds_d28P  :: 
-		  (t{-a16I-}, t{-a16I-}, [t{-a16I-}])
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      ds_d28P =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d27Z  :: 
-		[t{-a16I-}]
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d27Z =
-		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		    _@_ t{-a16I-} } in
-	  let {
-	    fail_d280  :: 
-		(t{-a16I-}, t{-a16I-}, [t{-a16I-}])
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    fail_d280 =
-		GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-		    _@_ (t{-a16I-}, t{-a16I-}, [t{-a16I-}])
-		    _string_ "ds020.hs:30|(~x PrelBase.: (~xs PrelBase.: ~ys))"
-	  } in 
-	    case ds_d27Z of {
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		  fail_d280;
-	      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x_a16u ds_d28d ->
-		  case ds_d28d of {
-		    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			fail_d280;
-		    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} xs_a16v ys_a16w ->
-			let {
-			  ys_a16w  :: 
-			      [t{-a16I-}]
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  ys_a16w =
-			      ys_a16w } in
-			let {
-			  xs_a16v  :: 
-			      t{-a16I-}
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  xs_a16v =
-			      xs_a16v } in
-			let {
-			  x_a16u  :: 
-			      t{-a16I-}
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  x_a16u =
-			      x_a16u
-			} in 
-			  PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i}
-			      {_@_ t{-a16I-}
-			       _@_ t{-a16I-}
-			       _@_ [t{-a16I-}]
-			       x_a16u
-			       xs_a16v
-			       ys_a16w};
-		  };
-	    }
-	} in
-	let {
-	  x_a16u  :: 
-	      t{-a16I-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  x_a16u =
-	      case
-		  ds_d28P
-	      of {
-	      PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} x_a16u xs_a16v ys_a16w  ->
-	      x_a16u;} } in
-	let {
-	  xs_a16v  :: 
-	      t{-a16I-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  xs_a16v =
-	      case
-		  ds_d28P
-	      of {
-	      PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} x_a16u xs_a16v ys_a16w  ->
-	      xs_a16v;} } in
-	let {
-	  ys_a16w  :: 
-	      [t{-a16I-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ys_a16w =
-	      case
-		  ds_d28P
-	      of {
-	      PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} x_a16u xs_a16v ys_a16w  ->
-	      ys_a16w;}
-	} in 
-	  PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ t{-a16I-}
-	       _@_ t{-a16I-}
-	       _@_ [t{-a16I-}]
-	       x_a16u
-	       xs_a16v
-	       ys_a16w}
-x{-r4n,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a16I-}] => t{-a16I-}
-{-# L #-}
-x{-r4n,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a16I-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_d1Rr
-		_@_ t{-a16I-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} ds_d29s ds_d29u ds_d29t  ->
-	ds_d29s;}
-xs{-r4m,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a16I-}] => t{-a16I-}
-{-# L #-}
-xs{-r4m,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a16I-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_d1Rr
-		_@_ t{-a16I-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} ds_d29L ds_d29J ds_d29K  ->
-	ds_d29J;}
-ys{-r4l,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a16I-}] => [t{-a16I-}]
-{-# L #-}
-ys{-r4l,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a16I-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_d1Rr
-		_@_ t{-a16I-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} ds_d2a2 ds_d2a1 ds_d2a0  ->
-	ds_d2a0;}
-ds_d1RI  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a16Y-}] => (t{-a16Y-}, t{-a16Y-}, [t{-a16Y-}])
-{-# L #-}
-ds_d1RI =
-    _/\_ t{-a16Y-} ->
-	let { ds_d2bs  :: 
-		  (t{-a16Y-}, t{-a16Y-}, [t{-a16Y-}])
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      ds_d2bs =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d2aL  :: 
-		[t{-a16Y-}]
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d2aL =
-		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		    _@_ t{-a16Y-} } in
-	  let {
-	    fail_d2aM  :: 
-		(t{-a16Y-}, t{-a16Y-}, [t{-a16Y-}])
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    fail_d2aM =
-		GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-		    _@_ (t{-a16Y-}, t{-a16Y-}, [t{-a16Y-}])
-		    _string_ "ds020.hs:29|(x1 PrelBase.: (xs1 PrelBase.: ys1))"
-	  } in 
-	    case ds_d2aL of {
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		  fail_d2aM;
-	      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x1_a16K ds_d2aZ ->
-		  case ds_d2aZ of {
-		    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			fail_d2aM;
-		    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} xs1_a16L ys1_a16M ->
-			PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i}
-			    {_@_ t{-a16Y-}
-			     _@_ t{-a16Y-}
-			     _@_ [t{-a16Y-}]
-			     x1_a16K
-			     xs1_a16L
-			     ys1_a16M};
-		  };
-	    }
-	} in
-	let {
-	  x1_a16K  :: 
-	      t{-a16Y-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  x1_a16K =
-	      case
-		  ds_d2bs
-	      of {
-	      PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} x1_a16K xs1_a16L ys1_a16M  ->
-	      x1_a16K;} } in
-	let {
-	  xs1_a16L  :: 
-	      t{-a16Y-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  xs1_a16L =
-	      case
-		  ds_d2bs
-	      of {
-	      PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} x1_a16K xs1_a16L ys1_a16M  ->
-	      xs1_a16L;} } in
-	let {
-	  ys1_a16M  :: 
-	      [t{-a16Y-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ys1_a16M =
-	      case
-		  ds_d2bs
-	      of {
-	      PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} x1_a16K xs1_a16L ys1_a16M  ->
-	      ys1_a16M;}
-	} in 
-	  PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ t{-a16Y-}
-	       _@_ t{-a16Y-}
-	       _@_ [t{-a16Y-}]
-	       x1_a16K
-	       xs1_a16L
-	       ys1_a16M}
-x1{-r4q,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a16Y-}] => t{-a16Y-}
-{-# L #-}
-x1{-r4q,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a16Y-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_d1RI
-		_@_ t{-a16Y-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} ds_d2c5 ds_d2c7 ds_d2c6  ->
-	ds_d2c5;}
-xs1{-r4p,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a16Y-}] => t{-a16Y-}
-{-# L #-}
-xs1{-r4p,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a16Y-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_d1RI
-		_@_ t{-a16Y-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} ds_d2co ds_d2cm ds_d2cn  ->
-	ds_d2cm;}
-ys1{-r4o,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a16Y-}] => [t{-a16Y-}]
-{-# L #-}
-ys1{-r4o,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a16Y-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_d1RI
-		_@_ t{-a16Y-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} ds_d2cF ds_d2cE ds_d2cD  ->
-	ds_d2cD;}
-ds_d1RZ  :: 
-    PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-ds_d1RZ =
-    let { ds_d2dp  :: 
-	      ([GHC.Void{-3T,p-}], [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}], [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}])
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d2dp =
-      let {
-	ds_d2cZ  :: 
-	    [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	{-# L #-}
-	ds_d2cZ =
-	    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		_@_ GHC.Void{-3T,p-} } in
-      let {
-	ds_d2d3  :: 
-	    [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	{-# L #-}
-	ds_d2d3 =
-	    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		_@_ GHC.Void{-3T,p-} } in
-      let {
-	ds_d2d7  :: 
-	    [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	{-# L #-}
-	ds_d2d7 =
-	    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		_@_ GHC.Void{-3T,p-}
-      } in 
-	PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i}
-	    {_@_ [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	     _@_ [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	     _@_ [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	     ds_d2cZ
-	     ds_d2d3
-	     ds_d2d7}
-    } in
-    case
-	ds_d2dp
-    of {
-    PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} ds_d2dQ ds_d2dP ds_d2dO  ->
-    let { ds_d2eg  :: 
-	      PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d2eg =
-      let {
-	fail_d2dR  :: 
-	    PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	fail_d2dR =
-	    GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-		_@_ PrelBase.(){-40,p-} _string_ "ds020.hs:27|PrelBase.[]"
-      } in 
-	case ds_d2dO of {
-	  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d2dZ ds_d2dY ->
-	      fail_d2dR;
-	  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-	      PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-		  {};
-	}
-    } in
-    let { ds_d2eG  :: 
-	      PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d2eG =
-      let {
-	fail_d2eh  :: 
-	    PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	fail_d2eh =
-	    GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-		_@_ PrelBase.(){-40,p-} _string_ "ds020.hs:27|PrelBase.[]"
-      } in 
-	case ds_d2dP of {
-	  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d2ep ds_d2eo ->
-	      fail_d2eh;
-	  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-	      PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-		  {};
-	}
-    } in
-    let { ds_d2uC  :: 
-	      PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d2uC =
-      let {
-	fail_d2eH  :: 
-	    PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-	{-# L #-}
-	fail_d2eH =
-	    GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-		_@_ PrelBase.(){-40,p-} _string_ "ds020.hs:27|PrelBase.[]"
-      } in 
-	case ds_d2dQ of {
-	  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d2eP ds_d2eO ->
-	      fail_d2eH;
-	  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-	      PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-		  {};
-	}
-    } in
-    PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-	{};}
-ds_d1S4  :: 
-    PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-ds_d1S4 =
-    let { ds_d2fM  :: 
-	      ([GHC.Void{-3T,p-}], [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}], [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}])
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d2fM =
-      let {
-	ds_d2ff  :: 
-	    [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	{-# L #-}
-	ds_d2ff =
-	    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		_@_ GHC.Void{-3T,p-} } in
-      let {
-	ds_d2fj  :: 
-	    [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	{-# L #-}
-	ds_d2fj =
-	    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		_@_ GHC.Void{-3T,p-} } in
-      let {
-	ds_d2fn  :: 
-	    [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	{-# L #-}
-	ds_d2fn =
-	    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		_@_ GHC.Void{-3T,p-}
-      } in 
-	PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i}
-	    {_@_ [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	     _@_ [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	     _@_ [GHC.Void{-3T,p-}]
-	     ds_d2ff
-	     ds_d2fj
-	     ds_d2fn}
-    } in
-    let {
-      fail_d2fN  :: 
-	  PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      fail_d2fN =
-	  GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-	      _@_ PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-	      _string_ "ds020.hs:26|(PrelBase.[], PrelBase.[], PrelBase.[])"
-    } in 
-      case
-	  ds_d2fM
-      of {
-      PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} ds_d2fW ds_d2fY ds_d2fX  ->
-      case ds_d2fW of {
-	PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d2g6 ds_d2g5 ->
-	    fail_d2fN;
-	PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-	    case ds_d2fY of {
-	      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d2gk ds_d2gj ->
-		  fail_d2fN;
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		  case ds_d2fX of {
-		    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d2gy ds_d2gx ->
-			fail_d2fN;
-		    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-			    {};
-		  };
-	    };
-      };}
-g{-r4r,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a17G-} t{-a17I-}] => [t{-a17G-}] -> [t{-a17I-}]
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r4r,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a17G-} t{-a17I-} -> \ ds_d2ha  :: 
-				      [t{-a17G-}]
-				  {-# L #-}
-				  ds_d2ha ->
-	let { ds_d2uD  :: 
-		  PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      ds_d2uD =
-	  let { ds_d2uE  :: 
-		    PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_d2uE =
-	    let { ds_d2uF  :: 
-		      PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  ds_d2uF =
-	      let { ds_d2uG  :: 
-			PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d2uG =
-		let {
-		  fail_d2hb  :: 
-		      PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  fail_d2hb =
-		      GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-			  _@_ PrelBase.(){-40,p-} _string_ "ds020.hs:22|PrelBase.[]"
-		} in 
-		  case ds_d2ha of {
-		    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d2hj ds_d2hi ->
-			fail_d2hb;
-		    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-			    {};
-		  }
-	      } in
-	      PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-		  {}
-	    } in
-	    PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-		{}
-	  } in
-	  PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-	      {}
-	} in
-	PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-	    _@_ t{-a17I-}
-f{-r4s,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a17W-} t{-a17Y-}] => [t{-a17W-}] -> [t{-a17Y-}]
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r4s,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a17W-} t{-a17Y-} -> \ x_r3U  :: 
-				      [t{-a17W-}]
-				  {-# L #-}
-				  x_r3U ->
-	let { x_r3U  :: 
-		  [t{-a17W-}]
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      x_r3U =
-	  let {
-	    fail_d2hN  :: 
-		[t{-a17W-}]
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    fail_d2hN =
-		GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-		    _@_ [t{-a17W-}] _string_ "ds020.hs:19|(x@PrelBase.[])"
-	  } in 
-	    case x_r3U of {
-	      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d2hV ds_d2hU ->
-		  fail_d2hN;
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		  x_r3U;
-	    }
-	} in
-	PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-	    _@_ t{-a17Y-}
-d{-r4t,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-a18b-} t{-a18D-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a18b-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a18D-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} t{-a18b-}}
-    -> t{-a18b-}
-    -> t{-a18D-}
-{-# L #-}
-d{-r4t,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a18b-} t{-a18D-} -> \ d.Num_a18H  :: 
-				      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a18b-}}
-				  {-# L #-}
-				  d.Num_a18H d.Num_a18M  :: 
-						 {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a18D-}}
-					     {-# L #-}
-					     d.Num_a18M d.Ord_a18R  :: 
-							    {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} t{-a18b-}}
-							{-# L #-}
-							d.Ord_a18R ->
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_a18J  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-a18b-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_a18J =
-	      PrelBase.scsel_OrdPrelBaseEq{-a2jI,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a18b-} d.Ord_a18R } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a2jy  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a18b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a2jy =
-	      PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a18b-} d.Num_a18H } in
-	let { lit_a2jx  :: 
-		  t{-a18b-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a2jx =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d2jX  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d2jX =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    11
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a2jy
-		ds_d2jX
-	} in
-	let {
-	  ==_a2jw  :: 
-	      t{-a18b-} -> t{-a18b-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a2jw =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a18b-} d.Eq_a18J } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a2jv  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a18D-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a2jv =
-	      PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a18D-} d.Num_a18M } in
-	let { lit_a2ju  :: 
-		  t{-a18D-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a2ju =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d2kr  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d2kr =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    4
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a2jv
-		ds_d2kr
-	} in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a2jt  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a18b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a2jt =
-	      fromInt_a2jy } in
-	let { lit_a2js  :: 
-		  t{-a18b-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a2js =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d2kG  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d2kG =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    12
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a2jt
-		ds_d2kG
-	} in
-	let {
-	  ==_a2jr  :: 
-	      t{-a18b-} -> t{-a18b-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a2jr =
-	      ==_a2jw } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a2jq  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a18D-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a2jq =
-	      fromInt_a2jv } in
-	let { lit_a2jp  :: 
-		  t{-a18D-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a2jp =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d2kW  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d2kW =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    3
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a2jq
-		ds_d2kW
-	} in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a2jo  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a18b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a2jo =
-	      fromInt_a2jy } in
-	let { lit_a2jn  :: 
-		  t{-a18b-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a2jn =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d2lb  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d2lb =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    4
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a2jo
-		ds_d2lb
-	} in
-	let {
-	  >=_a2jm  :: 
-	      t{-a18b-} -> t{-a18b-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >=_a2jm =
-	      PrelBase.>={-8Z,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a18b-} d.Ord_a18R } in
-	let {
-	  d.Num_a18T  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a18b-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Num_a18T =
-	      d.Num_a18H } in
-	let {
-	  -_a2jl  :: 
-	      t{-a18b-} -> t{-a18b-} -> t{-a18b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  -_a2jl =
-	      PrelBase.-{-817,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a18b-} d.Num_a18T } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a2jk  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a18D-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a2jk =
-	      fromInt_a2jv } in
-	let { lit_a2jj  :: 
-		  t{-a18D-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a2jj =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d2lH  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d2lH =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    2
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a2jk
-		ds_d2lH
-	} in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a2ji  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a18b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a2ji =
-	      fromInt_a2jy } in
-	let { lit_a2jh  :: 
-		  t{-a18b-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a2jh =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d2lW  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d2lW =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    43
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a2ji
-		ds_d2lW
-	} in
-	let {
-	  >=_a2jg  :: 
-	      t{-a18b-} -> t{-a18b-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >=_a2jg =
-	      >=_a2jm } in
-	let {
-	  -_a2jf  :: 
-	      t{-a18b-} -> t{-a18b-} -> t{-a18b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  -_a2jf =
-	      -_a2jl } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a2je  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a18D-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a2je =
-	      fromInt_a2jv } in
-	let { lit_a2jd  :: 
-		  t{-a18D-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a2jd =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d2md  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d2md =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    1
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a2je
-		ds_d2md
-	} in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a2jc  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a18b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a2jc =
-	      fromInt_a2jy } in
-	let { lit_a2jb  :: 
-		  t{-a18b-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a2jb =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d2ms  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d2ms =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    999
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a2jc
-		ds_d2ms
-	} in
-	let {
-	  >=_a2ja  :: 
-	      t{-a18b-} -> t{-a18b-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >=_a2ja =
-	      >=_a2jm } in
-	let {
-	  -_a2j9  :: 
-	      t{-a18b-} -> t{-a18b-} -> t{-a18b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  -_a2j9 =
-	      -_a2jl } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a2j8  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a18D-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a2j8 =
-	      fromInt_a2jv } in
-	let { lit_a2j7  :: 
-		  t{-a18D-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a2j7 =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d2mJ  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d2mJ =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    0
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a2j8
-		ds_d2mJ
-	} in
-	\ ds_d2ng  :: 
-	      t{-a18b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_d2ng ->
-	    let { fail_d2o7  :: 
-		      t{-a18D-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  fail_d2o7 =
-	      let { ds_d2n0  :: 
-			PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d2n0 =
-		let {
-		  fail_d2nt  :: 
-		      PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  fail_d2nt =
-		      GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-			  _@_ PrelBase.(){-40,p-} _string_ "ds020.hs:13|(n+4)"
-		} in 
-		  case
-		      (\ ds_d2nn  :: 
-			     t{-a18b-}
-			 {-# L #-}
-			 ds_d2nn ->
-			   >=_a2jm
-			       ds_d2nn lit_a2jn)
-			  ds_d2ng
-		  of {
-		    PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			let {
-			  n_r3O  :: 
-			      t{-a18b-}
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  n_r3O =
-			      (\ ds_d2nM  :: 
-				     t{-a18b-}
-				 {-# L #-}
-				 ds_d2nM ->
-				   -_a2jl
-				       ds_d2nM lit_a2jn)
-				  ds_d2ng
-			} in 
-			  PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-			      {};
-		    PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			fail_d2nt;
-		  }
-	      } in
-	      lit_a2jj
-	    } in
-	    let {
-	      fail_d2or  :: 
-		  t{-a18D-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      fail_d2or =
-		  case
-		      ==_a2jr
-			  lit_a2js ds_d2ng
-		  of {
-		    PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			lit_a2jp;
-		    PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			fail_d2o7;
-		  }
-	    } in 
-	      case
-		  ==_a2jw
-		      lit_a2jx ds_d2ng
-	      of {
-		PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-		    lit_a2ju;
-		PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-		    fail_d2or;
-	      }
-c{-r4u,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-a19h-} t{-a19j-} t{-a199-} t{-a19d-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelNum.Fractional{-26,p-} t{-a19d-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a199-}}
-    -> t{-a19h-}
-    -> t{-a19j-}
-    -> t{-a199-}
-    -> t{-a19d-}
-    -> t{-a19h-}
-{-# L #-}
-c{-r4u,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a19h-} t{-a19j-} t{-a199-} t{-a19d-} -> \ d.Fractional_a19r  :: 
-							  {PrelNum.Fractional{-26,p-} t{-a19d-}}
-						      {-# L #-}
-						      d.Fractional_a19r d.Num_a19m  :: 
-									    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a199-}}
-									{-# L #-}
-									d.Num_a19m ->
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_a19o  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-a199-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_a19o =
-	      PrelBase.scsel_NumPrelBaseEq{-a2pi,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a199-} d.Num_a19m } in
-	let {
-	  d.Num_a1b5  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a19d-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Num_a1b5 =
-	      PrelNum.scsel_FractionalPrelBaseNum{-a2pr,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a19d-} d.Fractional_a19r } in
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_a19t  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-a19d-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_a19t =
-	      PrelBase.scsel_NumPrelBaseEq{-a2pi,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a19d-} d.Num_a1b5 } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a2p8  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a199-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a2p8 =
-	      PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a199-} d.Num_a19m } in
-	let { lit_a2p7  :: 
-		  t{-a199-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a2p7 =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d2pO  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d2pO =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    11111
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a2p8
-		ds_d2pO
-	} in
-	let {
-	  ==_a2p6  :: 
-	      t{-a199-} -> t{-a199-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a2p6 =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a199-} d.Eq_a19o } in
-	let {
-	  fromRational_a2p5  :: 
-	      PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> t{-a19d-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromRational_a2p5 =
-	      PrelNum.fromRational{-8T,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a19d-} d.Fractional_a19r } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a2p4  :: 
-	      t{-a19d-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a2p4 =
-	      fromRational_a2p5
-		  _rational_  62831853 20000000 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a2p3  :: 
-	      t{-a19d-} -> t{-a19d-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a2p3 =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a19d-} d.Eq_a19t
-	} in 
-	  \ x_r3H  :: 
-		t{-a19h-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    x_r3H ds_d2qY  :: 
-		      t{-a19j-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  ds_d2qY ds_d2qZ  :: 
-			      t{-a199-}
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  ds_d2qZ ds_d2qV  :: 
-				      t{-a19d-}
-				  {-# L #-}
-				  ds_d2qV ->
-	      let { ds_d2rv  :: 
-			PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d2rv =
-		let {
-		  fail_d2r0  :: 
-		      PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  fail_d2r0 =
-		      GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-			  _@_ PrelBase.(){-40,p-} _string_ "ds020.hs:11|3.1415926500000002"
-		} in 
-		  case
-		      ==_a2p3
-			  lit_a2p4 ds_d2qV
-		  of {
-		    PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-			    {};
-		    PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			fail_d2r0;
-		  }
-	      } in
-	      let { ds_d2rI  :: 
-			PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d2rI =
-		let {
-		  fail_d2rw  :: 
-		      PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  fail_d2rw =
-		      GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-			  _@_ PrelBase.(){-40,p-} _string_ "ds020.hs:11|11111"
-		} in 
-		  case
-		      ==_a2p6
-			  lit_a2p7 ds_d2qZ
-		  of {
-		    PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-			    {};
-		    PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			fail_d2rw;
-		  }
-	      } in
-	      let {
-		ds_d2qC  :: 
-		    PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_d2qC =
-		    PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-			{}
-	      } in 
-		x_r3H
-b{-r4v,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-a19Q-} t{-a19X-}] => [t{-a19Q-}] -> [t{-a19X-}]
-{-# L #-}
-b{-r4v,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a19Q-} t{-a19X-} -> \ ds_d2sd  :: 
-				      [t{-a19Q-}]
-				  {-# L #-}
-				  ds_d2sd ->
-	let { ds_d2sU  :: 
-		  (t{-a19Q-}, t{-a19Q-}, [t{-a19Q-}])
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      ds_d2sU =
-	  let {
-	    fail_d2se  :: 
-		(t{-a19Q-}, t{-a19Q-}, [t{-a19Q-}])
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    fail_d2se =
-		GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-		    _@_ (t{-a19Q-}, t{-a19Q-}, [t{-a19Q-}])
-		    _string_ "ds020.hs:8|(x PrelBase.: (xs PrelBase.: ys))"
-	  } in 
-	    case ds_d2sd of {
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		  fail_d2se;
-	      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x_r3z ds_d2sr ->
-		  case ds_d2sr of {
-		    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			fail_d2se;
-		    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} xs_r3A ys_r3B ->
-			PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i}
-			    {_@_ t{-a19Q-} _@_ t{-a19Q-} _@_ [t{-a19Q-}] x_r3z xs_r3A ys_r3B};
-		  };
-	    }
-	} in
-	let {
-	  x_r3z  :: 
-	      t{-a19Q-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  x_r3z =
-	      case ds_d2sU of { PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} x_r3z xs_r3A ys_r3B  ->
-	      x_r3z;} } in
-	let {
-	  xs_r3A  :: 
-	      t{-a19Q-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  xs_r3A =
-	      case ds_d2sU of { PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} x_r3z xs_r3A ys_r3B  ->
-	      xs_r3A;} } in
-	let {
-	  ys_r3B  :: 
-	      [t{-a19Q-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ys_r3B =
-	      case ds_d2sU of { PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} x_r3z xs_r3A ys_r3B  ->
-	      ys_r3B;}
-	} in 
-	  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-	      _@_ t{-a19X-}
-a{-r4w,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-a1al-} t{-a1ao-} t{-a1ar-} t{-a1at-}]
-    =>
-    ([t{-a1al-}], [t{-a1ao-}], [t{-a1ar-}]) -> [t{-a1at-}]
-{-# L #-}
-a{-r4w,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a1al-} t{-a1ao-} t{-a1ar-} t{-a1at-} -> \ ds_d2tK  :: 
-							  ([t{-a1al-}], [t{-a1ao-}], [t{-a1ar-}])
-						      {-# L #-}
-						      ds_d2tK ->
-	let { ds_d2uH  :: 
-		  PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      ds_d2uH =
-	  let {
-	    fail_d2tL  :: 
-		PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    fail_d2tL =
-		GHCerr.irrefutPatError{-8g,p-}
-		    _@_ PrelBase.(){-40,p-}
-		    _string_ "ds020.hs:5|(PrelBase.[], PrelBase.[], PrelBase.[])"
-	  } in 
-	    case
-		ds_d2tK
-	    of {
-	    PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i} ds_d2tU ds_d2tW ds_d2tV  ->
-	    case ds_d2tU of {
-	      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d2u4 ds_d2u3 ->
-		  fail_d2tL;
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-		  case ds_d2tW of {
-		    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d2ui ds_d2uh ->
-			fail_d2tL;
-		    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			case ds_d2tV of {
-			  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d2uw ds_d2uv ->
-			      fail_d2tL;
-			  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			      PrelBase.(){-60,p-}{i}
-				  {};
-			};
-		  };
-	    };}
-	} in
-	PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-	    _@_ t{-a1at-}
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds021.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds021.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index f7e93929edd50694cb4921e178a6f87b250b1e54..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds021.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds021 -- hairier uses of guards
-module Test where
-f x y z | x == y     = []
-	| x /= z     = []
-	| True	     = []
-	| False	     = []
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds021.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds021.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d6f67ac3c7a26ea22223abb6563c527f1209544..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds021.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `f'
-f{-r3i,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [rlg{-aG9-} t{-aGm-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} rlg{-aG9-}}
-    -> rlg{-aG9-}
-    -> rlg{-aG9-}
-    -> rlg{-aG9-}
-    -> [t{-aGm-}]
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3i,x-} =
-    _/\_ rlg{-aG9-} t{-aGm-} -> \ d.Eq_aGr  :: 
-				      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} rlg{-aG9-}}
-				  {-# L #-}
-				  d.Eq_aGr ->
-	let {
-	  ==_aIv  :: 
-	      rlg{-aG9-} -> rlg{-aG9-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_aIv =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ rlg{-aG9-} d.Eq_aGr } in
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_aGt  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} rlg{-aG9-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_aGt =
-	      d.Eq_aGr } in
-	let {
-	  /=_aIu  :: 
-	      rlg{-aG9-} -> rlg{-aG9-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  /=_aIu =
-	      PrelBase./={-ray,p-}
-		  _@_ rlg{-aG9-} d.Eq_aGt
-	} in 
-	  \ x_r3d  :: 
-		rlg{-aG9-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    x_r3d y_r3f  :: 
-		      rlg{-aG9-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  y_r3f z_r3h  :: 
-			    rlg{-aG9-}
-			{-# L #-}
-			z_r3h ->
-	      let {
-		fail_dJa  :: 
-		    [t{-aGm-}]
-		{-# L #-}
-		fail_dJa =
-		    GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-			_@_ [t{-aGm-}] _string_ "ds021.hs:5|function `f'"
-	      } in 
-		case
-		    ==_aIv
-			x_r3d y_r3f
-		of {
-		  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-		      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			  _@_ t{-aGm-};
-		  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-		      case
-			  /=_aIu
-			      x_r3d z_r3h
-		      of {
-			PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				_@_ t{-aGm-};
-			PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				_@_ t{-aGm-};
-		      };
-		}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds022.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds022.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ce07e1941cac930a1dc0384b372ac68875a7e84c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds022.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds022 -- literal patterns (wimp version)
-module Tests where
-f 1 1.1 = []
-f 2 2.2 = []
-f 3 3.3 = []
-f 4 4.4 = []
-g 11111111111111111111111 1.11111111111111111 = []
-g 22222222222222222222222 2.22222222222222222 = []
-g 33333333333333333333333 3.33333333333333333 = []
-g 44444444444444444444444 4.44444444444444444 = []
-h 'a'	    ""			= []
-h '\''	    "foo"		= []
-h '"'	    ('b':'a':'r':[])	= []
-h '\o250'   blob		= []
-i 1 1.1     = []
-i 2 2.2     = []
-i 1 0.011e2 = []
-i 2 2.20000 = []
-j one@1 oneone@1.1
-  | ((fromFloat oneone) - (fromIntegral (fromInt one)))
-	/= (fromIntegral (fromInt 0)) = []
-j two@2 twotwo@2.2
-  | ((fromFloat twotwo) * (fromIntegral (fromInt 2)))
-	== (fromIntegral (fromInt 4.4)) = []
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds022.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds022.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 98f3a0680e1920c40ee4eae8c3a6ac19847829e6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds022.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1021 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
-	in the definition of function `i'
-    Warning: Pattern match(es) completely overlapped
-	in the definition of function `i'
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `i'
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `h'
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `g'
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `f'
-Rec {
-d.Eq_a13W  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Eq_a13W =
-    PrelBase.$d33{-rbH,p-}
-d.Eq_a13U  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Eq_a13U =
-    PrelBase.$d27{-rbA,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-} d.Eq_a13W
-==_a1pN  :: 
-    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-    -> [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-==_a1pN =
-    PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-	_@_ [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}] d.Eq_a13U
-i{-r3E,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-a11b-} t{-a11f-} t{-a11j-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelNum.Fractional{-26,p-} t{-a11f-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a11b-}}
-    -> t{-a11b-}
-    -> t{-a11f-}
-    -> [t{-a11j-}]
-{-# L #-}
-i{-r3E,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a11b-} t{-a11f-} t{-a11j-} -> \ d.Fractional_a11r  :: 
-						{PrelNum.Fractional{-26,p-} t{-a11f-}}
-					    {-# L #-}
-					    d.Fractional_a11r d.Num_a11m  :: 
-								  {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a11b-}}
-							      {-# L #-}
-							      d.Num_a11m ->
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_a11o  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-a11b-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_a11o =
-	      PrelBase.scsel_NumPrelBaseEq{-a1rD,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a11b-} d.Num_a11m } in
-	let {
-	  d.Num_a13X  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a11f-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Num_a13X =
-	      PrelNum.scsel_FractionalPrelBaseNum{-a1rM,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a11f-} d.Fractional_a11r } in
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_a11t  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-a11f-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_a11t =
-	      PrelBase.scsel_NumPrelBaseEq{-a1rD,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a11f-} d.Num_a13X } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a1rt  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a11b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a1rt =
-	      PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a11b-} d.Num_a11m } in
-	let { lit_a1rs  :: 
-		  t{-a11b-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a1rs =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d1s9  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1s9 =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    1
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a1rt
-		ds_d1s9
-	} in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1rr  :: 
-	      t{-a11b-} -> t{-a11b-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1rr =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a11b-} d.Eq_a11o } in
-	let {
-	  fromRational_a1rq  :: 
-	      PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> t{-a11f-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromRational_a1rq =
-	      PrelNum.fromRational{-8T,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a11f-} d.Fractional_a11r } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1rp  :: 
-	      t{-a11f-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1rp =
-	      fromRational_a1rq
-		  _rational_  11 10 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1ro  :: 
-	      t{-a11f-} -> t{-a11f-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1ro =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a11f-} d.Eq_a11t } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a1rn  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a11b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a1rn =
-	      fromInt_a1rt } in
-	let { lit_a1rm  :: 
-		  t{-a11b-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a1rm =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d1sR  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1sR =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    2
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a1rn
-		ds_d1sR
-	} in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1rl  :: 
-	      t{-a11b-} -> t{-a11b-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1rl =
-	      ==_a1rr } in
-	let {
-	  fromRational_a1rk  :: 
-	      PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> t{-a11f-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromRational_a1rk =
-	      fromRational_a1rq } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1rj  :: 
-	      t{-a11f-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1rj =
-	      fromRational_a1rk
-		  _rational_  11 5 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1ri  :: 
-	      t{-a11f-} -> t{-a11f-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1ri =
-	      ==_a1ro } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1rh  :: 
-	      t{-a11b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1rh =
-	      lit_a1rs } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1rg  :: 
-	      t{-a11b-} -> t{-a11b-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1rg =
-	      ==_a1rr } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1rf  :: 
-	      t{-a11f-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1rf =
-	      lit_a1rp } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1re  :: 
-	      t{-a11f-} -> t{-a11f-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1re =
-	      ==_a1ro } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1rd  :: 
-	      t{-a11b-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1rd =
-	      lit_a1rm } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1rc  :: 
-	      t{-a11b-} -> t{-a11b-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1rc =
-	      ==_a1rr } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1rb  :: 
-	      t{-a11f-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1rb =
-	      lit_a1rj } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1ra  :: 
-	      t{-a11f-} -> t{-a11f-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1ra =
-	      ==_a1ro
-	} in 
-	  \ ds_d1tC  :: 
-		t{-a11b-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1tC ds_d1tF  :: 
-			t{-a11f-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d1tF ->
-	      let {
-		fail_d1tG  :: 
-		    [t{-a11j-}]
-		{-# L #-}
-		fail_d1tG =
-		    GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-			_@_ [t{-a11j-}] _string_ "ds022.hs:20|function `i'" } in
-	      let {
-		fail_d1uo  :: 
-		    [t{-a11j-}]
-		{-# L #-}
-		fail_d1uo =
-		    case
-			==_a1rl
-			    lit_a1rm ds_d1tC
-		    of {
-		      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			  case
-			      ==_a1ri
-				  lit_a1rj ds_d1tF
-			  of {
-			    PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-				PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				    _@_ t{-a11j-};
-			    PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-				fail_d1tG;
-			  };
-		      PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			  fail_d1tG;
-		    }
-	      } in 
-		case
-		    ==_a1rr
-			lit_a1rs ds_d1tC
-		of {
-		  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-		      case
-			  ==_a1ro
-			      lit_a1rp ds_d1tF
-		      of {
-			PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				_@_ t{-a11j-};
-			PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			    fail_d1uo;
-		      };
-		  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-		      fail_d1uo;
-		}
-h{-r3F,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-a11Q-}]
-    =>
-    PrelBase.Char{-38,p-} -> [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}] -> [t{-a11Q-}]
-{-# L #-}
-h{-r3F,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a11Q-} ->
-	let {
-	  ==_a1v3  :: 
-	      [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-	      -> [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-	      -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1v3 =
-	      ==_a1pN
-	} in 
-	  \ ds_d1vj  :: 
-		PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1vj ds_d1vk  :: 
-			[PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d1vk ->
-	      let {
-		fail_d1vl  :: 
-		    [t{-a11Q-}]
-		{-# L #-}
-		fail_d1vl =
-		    GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-			_@_ [t{-a11Q-}] _string_ "ds022.hs:15|function `h'"
-	      } in 
-		case ds_d1vj of { PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i} ds_d1vu  ->
-		case# ds_d1vu of {
-		  'a' ->
-		      case ds_d1vk of {
-			PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d1vK ds_d1vJ ->
-			    fail_d1vl;
-			PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				_@_ t{-a11Q-};
-		      };
-		  ''' ->
-		      case
-			  ==_a1v3
-			      _string_ "foo" ds_d1vk
-		      of {
-			PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				_@_ t{-a11Q-};
-			PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			    fail_d1vl;
-		      };
-		  '"' ->
-		      case ds_d1vk of {
-			PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			    fail_d1vl;
-			PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d1wC ds_d1wD ->
-			    case ds_d1wC of { PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i} ds_d1wM  ->
-			    case# ds_d1wM of {
-			      'b' ->
-				  case ds_d1wD of {
-				    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-					fail_d1vl;
-				    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d1x7 ds_d1x8 ->
-					case ds_d1x7 of { PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i} ds_d1xh  ->
-					case# ds_d1xh of {
-					  'a' ->
-					      case ds_d1x8 of {
-						PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-						    fail_d1vl;
-						PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d1xC ds_d1xD ->
-						    case
-							ds_d1xC
-						    of {
-						    PrelBase.C#{-54,p-}{i} ds_d1xM  ->
-						    case# ds_d1xM of {
-						      'r' ->
-							  case ds_d1xD of {
-							    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d1y2 ds_d1y1 ->
-								fail_d1vl;
-							    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-								PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-								    _@_ t{-a11Q-};
-							  };
-						      ds_d1yd ->
-							  fail_d1vl;
-						    };};
-					      };
-					  ds_d1yg ->
-					      fail_d1vl;
-					};};
-				  };
-			      ds_d1yj ->
-				  fail_d1vl;
-			    };};
-		      };
-		  '¨' ->
-		      let {
-			blob_r3D  :: 
-			    [PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}]
-			{-# L #-}
-			blob_r3D =
-			    ds_d1vk
-		      } in 
-			PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			    _@_ t{-a11Q-};
-		  ds_d1yx ->
-		      fail_d1vl;
-		};}
-g{-r3G,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-a12s-} t{-a12w-} t{-a12A-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelNum.Fractional{-26,p-} t{-a12w-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a12s-}}
-    -> t{-a12s-}
-    -> t{-a12w-}
-    -> [t{-a12A-}]
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r3G,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a12s-} t{-a12w-} t{-a12A-} -> \ d.Fractional_a12I  :: 
-						{PrelNum.Fractional{-26,p-} t{-a12w-}}
-					    {-# L #-}
-					    d.Fractional_a12I d.Num_a12D  :: 
-								  {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a12s-}}
-							      {-# L #-}
-							      d.Num_a12D ->
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_a12F  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-a12s-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_a12F =
-	      PrelBase.scsel_NumPrelBaseEq{-a1rD,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a12s-} d.Num_a12D } in
-	let {
-	  d.Num_a13Y  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a12w-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Num_a13Y =
-	      PrelNum.scsel_FractionalPrelBaseNum{-a1rM,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a12w-} d.Fractional_a12I } in
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_a12K  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-a12w-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_a12K =
-	      PrelBase.scsel_NumPrelBaseEq{-a1rD,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a12w-} d.Num_a13Y } in
-	let {
-	  fromInteger_a1zV  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Integer{-3h,p-} -> t{-a12s-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInteger_a1zV =
-	      PrelBase.fromInteger{-8S,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a12s-} d.Num_a12D } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1zU  :: 
-	      t{-a12s-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1zU =
-	      fromInteger_a1zV
-		  _integer_  11111111111111111111111 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1zT  :: 
-	      t{-a12s-} -> t{-a12s-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1zT =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a12s-} d.Eq_a12F } in
-	let {
-	  fromRational_a1zS  :: 
-	      PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> t{-a12w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromRational_a1zS =
-	      PrelNum.fromRational{-8T,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a12w-} d.Fractional_a12I } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1zR  :: 
-	      t{-a12w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1zR =
-	      fromRational_a1zS
-		  _rational_  111111111111111111 100000000000000000 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1zQ  :: 
-	      t{-a12w-} -> t{-a12w-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1zQ =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a12w-} d.Eq_a12K } in
-	let {
-	  fromInteger_a1zP  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Integer{-3h,p-} -> t{-a12s-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInteger_a1zP =
-	      fromInteger_a1zV } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1zO  :: 
-	      t{-a12s-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1zO =
-	      fromInteger_a1zP
-		  _integer_  22222222222222222222222 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1zN  :: 
-	      t{-a12s-} -> t{-a12s-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1zN =
-	      ==_a1zT } in
-	let {
-	  fromRational_a1zM  :: 
-	      PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> t{-a12w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromRational_a1zM =
-	      fromRational_a1zS } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1zL  :: 
-	      t{-a12w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1zL =
-	      fromRational_a1zM
-		  _rational_  111111111111111111 50000000000000000 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1zK  :: 
-	      t{-a12w-} -> t{-a12w-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1zK =
-	      ==_a1zQ } in
-	let {
-	  fromInteger_a1zJ  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Integer{-3h,p-} -> t{-a12s-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInteger_a1zJ =
-	      fromInteger_a1zV } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1zI  :: 
-	      t{-a12s-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1zI =
-	      fromInteger_a1zJ
-		  _integer_  33333333333333333333333 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1zH  :: 
-	      t{-a12s-} -> t{-a12s-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1zH =
-	      ==_a1zT } in
-	let {
-	  fromRational_a1zG  :: 
-	      PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> t{-a12w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromRational_a1zG =
-	      fromRational_a1zS } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1zF  :: 
-	      t{-a12w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1zF =
-	      fromRational_a1zG
-		  _rational_  333333333333333333 100000000000000000 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1zE  :: 
-	      t{-a12w-} -> t{-a12w-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1zE =
-	      ==_a1zQ } in
-	let {
-	  fromInteger_a1zD  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Integer{-3h,p-} -> t{-a12s-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInteger_a1zD =
-	      fromInteger_a1zV } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1zC  :: 
-	      t{-a12s-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1zC =
-	      fromInteger_a1zD
-		  _integer_  44444444444444444444444 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1zB  :: 
-	      t{-a12s-} -> t{-a12s-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1zB =
-	      ==_a1zT } in
-	let {
-	  fromRational_a1zA  :: 
-	      PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> t{-a12w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromRational_a1zA =
-	      fromRational_a1zS } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1zz  :: 
-	      t{-a12w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1zz =
-	      fromRational_a1zA
-		  _rational_  111111111111111111 25000000000000000 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1zy  :: 
-	      t{-a12w-} -> t{-a12w-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1zy =
-	      ==_a1zQ
-	} in 
-	  \ ds_d1Cc  :: 
-		t{-a12s-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1Cc ds_d1Cf  :: 
-			t{-a12w-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d1Cf ->
-	      let {
-		fail_d1Cg  :: 
-		    [t{-a12A-}]
-		{-# L #-}
-		fail_d1Cg =
-		    GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-			_@_ [t{-a12A-}] _string_ "ds022.hs:10|function `g'" } in
-	      let { fail_d1Eo  :: 
-			[t{-a12A-}]
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    fail_d1Eo =
-		let { fail_d1DG  :: 
-			  [t{-a12A-}]
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      fail_d1DG =
-		  let {
-		    fail_d1CY  :: 
-			[t{-a12A-}]
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    fail_d1CY =
-			case
-			    ==_a1zB
-				lit_a1zC ds_d1Cc
-			of {
-			  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			      case
-				  ==_a1zy
-				      lit_a1zz ds_d1Cf
-			      of {
-				PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-				    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-					_@_ t{-a12A-};
-				PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-				    fail_d1Cg;
-			      };
-			  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			      fail_d1Cg;
-			}
-		  } in 
-		    case
-			==_a1zH
-			    lit_a1zI ds_d1Cc
-		    of {
-		      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			  case
-			      ==_a1zE
-				  lit_a1zF ds_d1Cf
-			  of {
-			    PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-				PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				    _@_ t{-a12A-};
-			    PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-				fail_d1CY;
-			  };
-		      PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			  fail_d1CY;
-		    }
-		} in
-		case
-		    ==_a1zN
-			lit_a1zO ds_d1Cc
-		of {
-		  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-		      case
-			  ==_a1zK
-			      lit_a1zL ds_d1Cf
-		      of {
-			PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				_@_ t{-a12A-};
-			PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			    fail_d1DG;
-		      };
-		  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-		      fail_d1DG;
-		}
-	      } in
-	      case
-		  ==_a1zT
-		      lit_a1zU ds_d1Cc
-	      of {
-		PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-		    case
-			==_a1zQ
-			    lit_a1zR ds_d1Cf
-		    of {
-		      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			      _@_ t{-a12A-};
-		      PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			  fail_d1Eo;
-		    };
-		PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-		    fail_d1Eo;
-	      }
-f{-r3H,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-a13s-} t{-a13w-} t{-a13A-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelNum.Fractional{-26,p-} t{-a13w-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a13s-}}
-    -> t{-a13s-}
-    -> t{-a13w-}
-    -> [t{-a13A-}]
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3H,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-a13s-} t{-a13w-} t{-a13A-} -> \ d.Fractional_a13I  :: 
-						{PrelNum.Fractional{-26,p-} t{-a13w-}}
-					    {-# L #-}
-					    d.Fractional_a13I d.Num_a13D  :: 
-								  {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a13s-}}
-							      {-# L #-}
-							      d.Num_a13D ->
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_a13F  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-a13s-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_a13F =
-	      PrelBase.scsel_NumPrelBaseEq{-a1rD,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a13s-} d.Num_a13D } in
-	let {
-	  d.Num_a13Z  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-a13w-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Num_a13Z =
-	      PrelNum.scsel_FractionalPrelBaseNum{-a1rM,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a13w-} d.Fractional_a13I } in
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_a13K  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} t{-a13w-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_a13K =
-	      PrelBase.scsel_NumPrelBaseEq{-a1rD,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a13w-} d.Num_a13Z } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a1Gk  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a13s-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a1Gk =
-	      PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a13s-} d.Num_a13D } in
-	let { lit_a1Gj  :: 
-		  t{-a13s-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a1Gj =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d1GY  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1GY =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    1
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a1Gk
-		ds_d1GY
-	} in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1Gi  :: 
-	      t{-a13s-} -> t{-a13s-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1Gi =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a13s-} d.Eq_a13F } in
-	let {
-	  fromRational_a1Gh  :: 
-	      PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> t{-a13w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromRational_a1Gh =
-	      PrelNum.fromRational{-8T,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a13w-} d.Fractional_a13I } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1Gg  :: 
-	      t{-a13w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1Gg =
-	      fromRational_a1Gh
-		  _rational_  11 10 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1Gf  :: 
-	      t{-a13w-} -> t{-a13w-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1Gf =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-a13w-} d.Eq_a13K } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a1Ge  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a13s-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a1Ge =
-	      fromInt_a1Gk } in
-	let { lit_a1Gd  :: 
-		  t{-a13s-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a1Gd =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d1HG  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1HG =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    2
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a1Ge
-		ds_d1HG
-	} in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1Gc  :: 
-	      t{-a13s-} -> t{-a13s-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1Gc =
-	      ==_a1Gi } in
-	let {
-	  fromRational_a1Gb  :: 
-	      PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> t{-a13w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromRational_a1Gb =
-	      fromRational_a1Gh } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1Ga  :: 
-	      t{-a13w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1Ga =
-	      fromRational_a1Gb
-		  _rational_  11 5 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1G9  :: 
-	      t{-a13w-} -> t{-a13w-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1G9 =
-	      ==_a1Gf } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a1G8  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a13s-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a1G8 =
-	      fromInt_a1Gk } in
-	let { lit_a1G7  :: 
-		  t{-a13s-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a1G7 =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d1I3  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1I3 =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    3
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a1G8
-		ds_d1I3
-	} in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1G6  :: 
-	      t{-a13s-} -> t{-a13s-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1G6 =
-	      ==_a1Gi } in
-	let {
-	  fromRational_a1G5  :: 
-	      PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> t{-a13w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromRational_a1G5 =
-	      fromRational_a1Gh } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1G4  :: 
-	      t{-a13w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1G4 =
-	      fromRational_a1G5
-		  _rational_  33 10 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1G3  :: 
-	      t{-a13w-} -> t{-a13w-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1G3 =
-	      ==_a1Gf } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a1G2  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-a13s-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a1G2 =
-	      fromInt_a1Gk } in
-	let { lit_a1G1  :: 
-		  t{-a13s-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a1G1 =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d1Iq  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1Iq =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    4
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a1G2
-		ds_d1Iq
-	} in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1G0  :: 
-	      t{-a13s-} -> t{-a13s-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1G0 =
-	      ==_a1Gi } in
-	let {
-	  fromRational_a1FZ  :: 
-	      PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> t{-a13w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromRational_a1FZ =
-	      fromRational_a1Gh } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1FY  :: 
-	      t{-a13w-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1FY =
-	      fromRational_a1FZ
-		  _rational_  22 5 } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1FX  :: 
-	      t{-a13w-} -> t{-a13w-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1FX =
-	      ==_a1Gf
-	} in 
-	  \ ds_d1Jb  :: 
-		t{-a13s-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1Jb ds_d1Je  :: 
-			t{-a13w-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d1Je ->
-	      let {
-		fail_d1Jf  :: 
-		    [t{-a13A-}]
-		{-# L #-}
-		fail_d1Jf =
-		    GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-			_@_ [t{-a13A-}] _string_ "ds022.hs:5|function `f'" } in
-	      let { fail_d1Ln  :: 
-			[t{-a13A-}]
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    fail_d1Ln =
-		let { fail_d1KF  :: 
-			  [t{-a13A-}]
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      fail_d1KF =
-		  let {
-		    fail_d1JX  :: 
-			[t{-a13A-}]
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    fail_d1JX =
-			case
-			    ==_a1G0
-				lit_a1G1 ds_d1Jb
-			of {
-			  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			      case
-				  ==_a1FX
-				      lit_a1FY ds_d1Je
-			      of {
-				PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-				    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-					_@_ t{-a13A-};
-				PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-				    fail_d1Jf;
-			      };
-			  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			      fail_d1Jf;
-			}
-		  } in 
-		    case
-			==_a1G6
-			    lit_a1G7 ds_d1Jb
-		    of {
-		      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			  case
-			      ==_a1G3
-				  lit_a1G4 ds_d1Je
-			  of {
-			    PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-				PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				    _@_ t{-a13A-};
-			    PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-				fail_d1JX;
-			  };
-		      PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			  fail_d1JX;
-		    }
-		} in
-		case
-		    ==_a1Gc
-			lit_a1Gd ds_d1Jb
-		of {
-		  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-		      case
-			  ==_a1G9
-			      lit_a1Ga ds_d1Je
-		      of {
-			PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				_@_ t{-a13A-};
-			PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			    fail_d1KF;
-		      };
-		  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-		      fail_d1KF;
-		}
-	      } in
-	      case
-		  ==_a1Gi
-		      lit_a1Gj ds_d1Jb
-	      of {
-		PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-		    case
-			==_a1Gf
-			    lit_a1Gg ds_d1Je
-		    of {
-		      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			      _@_ t{-a13A-};
-		      PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			  fail_d1Ln;
-		    };
-		PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-		    fail_d1Ln;
-	      }
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds023.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds023.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ecd6e137bfe1eefb65b65ecd8091320d0c728386..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds023.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds023 -- overloading eg from section 9.2
-module Tests where
-f x	= g (x == x) x
-g b x	= abs (f x)
---g b x	= (f x) + (f x)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds023.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds023.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index a34fcde62149a583d02b9115a64d1e282091f621..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds023.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-ds_dK5  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [rlg{-aHq-} riC{-aHC-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} riC{-aHC-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} rlg{-aHq-}}
-    -> (rlg{-aHq-} -> riC{-aHC-}, PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-				  -> rlg{-aHq-}
-				  -> riC{-aHC-})
-{-# L #-}
-ds_dK5 =
-    _/\_ rlg{-aHq-} riC{-aHC-} -> \ d.Num_aHI  :: 
-					{PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} riC{-aHC-}}
-				    {-# L #-}
-				    d.Num_aHI d.Eq_aHG  :: 
-						  {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} rlg{-aHq-}}
-					      {-# L #-}
-					      d.Eq_aHG ->
-	_letrec_ {
-	  ==_aKk  :: 
-	      rlg{-aHq-} -> rlg{-aHq-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_aKk =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ rlg{-aHq-} d.Eq_aHG;
-	  abs_aKr  :: 
-	      riC{-aHC-} -> riC{-aHC-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  abs_aKr =
-	      PrelBase.abs{-r3j,p-}
-		  _@_ riC{-aHC-} d.Num_aHI;
-	  f_aHi  :: 
-	      rlg{-aHq-} -> riC{-aHC-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  f_aHi =
-	      \ x_r3e  :: 
-		    rlg{-aHq-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		x_r3e ->
-		  let {
-		    ds_dL3  :: 
-			PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_dL3 =
-			==_aKk
-			    x_r3e x_r3e
-		  } in 
-		    g_aHj
-			ds_dL3 x_r3e;
-	  g_aHj  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-} -> rlg{-aHq-} -> riC{-aHC-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  g_aHj =
-	      \ b_r3g  :: 
-		    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		b_r3g x_r3i  :: 
-			  rlg{-aHq-}
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      x_r3i ->
-		  let {
-		    ds_dLq  :: 
-			riC{-aHC-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_dLq =
-			f_aHi
-			    x_r3i
-		  } in 
-		    abs_aKr
-			ds_dLq;
-	} in 
-	  PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ (rlg{-aHq-} -> riC{-aHC-})
-	       _@_ (PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-} -> rlg{-aHq-} -> riC{-aHC-})
-	       f_aHi
-	       g_aHj}
-f{-r3l,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [rlg{-aHq-} riC{-aHC-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} riC{-aHC-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} rlg{-aHq-}}
-    -> rlg{-aHq-}
-    -> riC{-aHC-}
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3l,x-} =
-    _/\_ rlg{-aHq-} riC{-aHC-} -> \ d.Num_aHI  :: 
-					{PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} riC{-aHC-}}
-				    {-# L #-}
-				    d.Num_aHI d.Eq_aHG  :: 
-						  {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} rlg{-aHq-}}
-					      {-# L #-}
-					      d.Eq_aHG ->
-	case
-	    ds_dK5
-		_@_ rlg{-aHq-} _@_ riC{-aHC-} d.Num_aHI d.Eq_aHG
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} ds_dM9 ds_dMa  ->
-	ds_dM9;}
-g{-r3k,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [rlg{-aHq-} riC{-aHC-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} riC{-aHC-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} rlg{-aHq-}}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-    -> rlg{-aHq-}
-    -> riC{-aHC-}
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r3k,x-} =
-    _/\_ rlg{-aHq-} riC{-aHC-} -> \ d.Num_aHI  :: 
-					{PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} riC{-aHC-}}
-				    {-# L #-}
-				    d.Num_aHI d.Eq_aHG  :: 
-						  {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} rlg{-aHq-}}
-					      {-# L #-}
-					      d.Eq_aHG ->
-	case
-	    ds_dK5
-		_@_ rlg{-aHq-} _@_ riC{-aHC-} d.Num_aHI d.Eq_aHG
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} ds_dMB ds_dMA  ->
-	ds_dMA;}
-end Rec }
-NOTE: Simplifier still going after 4 iterations; bailing out.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds024.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds024.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f0b27aadec89597d7682f287ae3c7accd50cb1d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds024.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds024 -- correct types on ConPatOuts
--- do all the right types get stuck on all the
--- Nils and Conses?
-module ShouldSucceed where
-f x = [[], []]
-g x = ([], [], [])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds024.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds024.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index b377760d03f6f7673fd6222d21187d8dc3357cbf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds024.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-g{-r3h,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aAR-} t{-aAL-} t{-aAN-} t{-aAP-}]
-    =>
-    t{-aAR-} -> ([t{-aAL-}], [t{-aAN-}], [t{-aAP-}])
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r3h,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aAR-} t{-aAL-} t{-aAN-} t{-aAP-} -> \ x_r3g  :: 
-						      t{-aAR-}
-						  {-# L #-}
-						  x_r3g ->
-	let {
-	  ds_dD1  :: 
-	      [t{-aAL-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_dD1 =
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		  _@_ t{-aAL-} } in
-	let {
-	  ds_dD5  :: 
-	      [t{-aAN-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_dD5 =
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		  _@_ t{-aAN-} } in
-	let {
-	  ds_dD9  :: 
-	      [t{-aAP-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_dD9 =
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		  _@_ t{-aAP-}
-	} in 
-	  PrelTup.(,,){-63,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ [t{-aAL-}] _@_ [t{-aAN-}] _@_ [t{-aAP-}] ds_dD1 ds_dD5 ds_dD9}
-f{-r3i,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-aAZ-} t{-aB3-}] => t{-aB3-} -> [[t{-aAZ-}]]
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3i,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aAZ-} t{-aB3-} -> \ x_r3e  :: 
-				    t{-aB3-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				x_r3e ->
-	let {
-	  ds_dDN  :: 
-	      [t{-aAZ-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_dDN =
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		  _@_ t{-aAZ-} } in
-	let { ds_dDR  :: 
-		  [[t{-aAZ-}]]
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      ds_dDR =
-	  let {
-	    ds_dE7  :: 
-		[t{-aAZ-}]
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_dE7 =
-		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		    _@_ t{-aAZ-} } in
-	  let {
-	    ds_dEb  :: 
-		[[t{-aAZ-}]]
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_dEb =
-		PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		    {_@_ [t{-aAZ-}]}
-	  } in 
-	    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-		{_@_ [t{-aAZ-}] ds_dE7 ds_dEb}
-	} in
-	PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-	    {_@_ [t{-aAZ-}] ds_dDN ds_dDR}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds025.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds025.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c28b16d5bf74d51b024bd93bbd6ec4f508105a98..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds025.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds025 -- overloaded assoc -- AbsBinds
-module Util where
-ehead xs loc | null xs = error ("4"++loc)
-             | True = head xs
-assoc key lst loc
-   = if (null res) then error ("1"++loc++"2"++(show key))
-                   else (ehead res "3")
-     where res = [ val | (key',val) <- lst, key==key']
-assocMaybe :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe b
-assocMaybe key lst
- = if (null res) then Nothing else (Just (head res))
-   where res =  [ val | (key',val) <- lst, key==key']
-data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing deriving ()
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds025.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds025.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e6ad93bad1d56d3f567f609da36943ba43daf5f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds025.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-    Conflicting definitions for: `Just'
-	Defined at ds025.hs:18
-	Imported from Prelude at ds025.hs:3
-    Conflicting definitions for: `Nothing'
-	Defined at ds025.hs:18
-	Imported from Prelude at ds025.hs:3
-    Conflicting definitions for: `Maybe'
-	Defined at ds025.hs:18
-	Imported from Prelude at ds025.hs:3
-Compilation had errors
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds026.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds026.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ff1f0bee7ee54e40526c2c57fdf61ace09b91f02..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds026.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds026 -- classes -- incl. polymorphic method
-module ShouldSucceed where
-class Foo a where
-  op :: a -> a
-class Foo a => Boo a where
-  op1 :: a -> a
-class Boo a => Noo a where
-  op2 :: (Eq b) => a -> b -> a
-f x y = op (op2 x y)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds026.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds026.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 914cc16d2cad8b4c831d3e3f73e91d3d3a55e23c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds026.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-scsel_NooShouldSucceedBoo{-aKl,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-r3n-}]
-    =>
-    {Noo{-r3B,x-} a{-r3n-}} -> {Boo{-r3o,x-} a{-r3n-}}
-{-# L #-}
-scsel_NooShouldSucceedBoo{-aKl,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-r3n-} -> \ tpl_B1  :: 
-			   {Noo{-r3B,x-} a{-r3n-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       tpl_B1 ->
-	case tpl_B1 of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} tpl_B1 tpl_B2  -> tpl_B1;}
-op2{-r3A,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-r3n-}]
-    =>
-    {Noo{-r3B,x-} a{-r3n-}}
-    -> (_forall_
-	[b{-r3q-}]
-	=>
-	{PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} b{-r3q-}} -> a{-r3n-} -> b{-r3q-} -> a{-r3n-})
-{-# L #-}
-op2{-r3A,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-r3n-} -> \ tpl_B1  :: 
-			   {Noo{-r3B,x-} a{-r3n-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       tpl_B1 ->
-	case tpl_B1 of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} tpl_B1 tpl_B2  -> tpl_B2;}
-$mop2{-rGB,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-r3n-}]
-    =>
-    {Noo{-r3B,x-} a{-r3n-}}
-    -> (_forall_
-	[b{-r3q-}]
-	=>
-	{PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} b{-r3q-}} -> a{-r3n-} -> b{-r3q-} -> a{-r3n-})
-{-# L #-}
-$mop2{-rGB,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-aHc-} -> \ d.Noo_aH5  :: 
-			   {Noo{-r3B,x-} a{-aHc-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       d.Noo_aH5 ->
-	_/\_ b{-aHg-} -> \ d.Eq_aHi  :: 
-			       {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} b{-aHg-}}
-			   {-# L #-}
-			   d.Eq_aHi ->
-	    GHCerr.noDefaultMethodError{-8k,p-}
-		_@_ (a{-aHc-} -> b{-aHg-} -> a{-aHc-})
-		_string_ "Class Noo Method op2"
-scsel_BooShouldSucceedFoo{-aKD,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-r3t-}]
-    =>
-    {Boo{-r3o,x-} a{-r3t-}} -> {Foo{-r3u,x-} a{-r3t-}}
-{-# L #-}
-scsel_BooShouldSucceedFoo{-aKD,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-r3t-} -> \ tpl_B1  :: 
-			   {Boo{-r3o,x-} a{-r3t-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       tpl_B1 ->
-	case tpl_B1 of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} tpl_B1 tpl_B2  -> tpl_B1;}
-op1{-r3C,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-r3t-}]
-    =>
-    {Boo{-r3o,x-} a{-r3t-}} -> a{-r3t-} -> a{-r3t-}
-{-# L #-}
-op1{-r3C,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-r3t-} -> \ tpl_B1  :: 
-			   {Boo{-r3o,x-} a{-r3t-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       tpl_B1 ->
-	case tpl_B1 of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} tpl_B1 tpl_B2  -> tpl_B2;}
-$mop1{-rGD,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-r3t-}]
-    =>
-    {Boo{-r3o,x-} a{-r3t-}} -> a{-r3t-} -> a{-r3t-}
-{-# L #-}
-$mop1{-rGD,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-aHs-} -> \ d.Boo_aHl  :: 
-			   {Boo{-r3o,x-} a{-aHs-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       d.Boo_aHl ->
-	GHCerr.noDefaultMethodError{-8k,p-}
-	    _@_ (a{-aHs-} -> a{-aHs-}) _string_ "Class Boo Method op1"
-op{-r3D,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-r3y-}]
-    =>
-    {Foo{-r3u,x-} a{-r3y-}} -> a{-r3y-} -> a{-r3y-}
-{-# L #-}
-op{-r3D,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-r3y-} -> \ tpl_B1  :: 
-			   {Foo{-r3u,x-} a{-r3y-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       tpl_B1 ->
-	tpl_B1
-$mop{-rGC,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-r3y-}]
-    =>
-    {Foo{-r3u,x-} a{-r3y-}} -> a{-r3y-} -> a{-r3y-}
-{-# L #-}
-$mop{-rGC,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-aHD-} -> \ d.Foo_aHw  :: 
-			   {Foo{-r3u,x-} a{-aHD-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       d.Foo_aHw ->
-	GHCerr.noDefaultMethodError{-8k,p-}
-	    _@_ (a{-aHD-} -> a{-aHD-}) _string_ "Class Foo Method op"
-f{-r3z,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-aGK-} b{-aGQ-}]
-    =>
-    {Noo{-r3B,x-} a{-aGK-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} b{-aGQ-}}
-    -> a{-aGK-}
-    -> b{-aGQ-}
-    -> a{-aGK-}
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3z,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-aGK-} b{-aGQ-} -> \ d.Noo_aGY  :: 
-				    {Noo{-r3B,x-} a{-aGK-}}
-				{-# L #-}
-				d.Noo_aGY d.Eq_aH0  :: 
-					      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} b{-aGQ-}}
-					  {-# L #-}
-					  d.Eq_aH0 ->
-	let {
-	  d.Boo_aH2  :: 
-	      {Boo{-r3o,x-} a{-aGK-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Boo_aH2 =
-	      scsel_NooShouldSucceedBoo{-aKl,x-}
-		  _@_ a{-aGK-} d.Noo_aGY } in
-	let {
-	  d.Foo_aGW  :: 
-	      {Foo{-r3u,x-} a{-aGK-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Foo_aGW =
-	      scsel_BooShouldSucceedFoo{-aKD,x-}
-		  _@_ a{-aGK-} d.Boo_aH2 } in
-	let {
-	  op_aMI  :: 
-	      a{-aGK-} -> a{-aGK-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  op_aMI =
-	      op{-r3D,x-}
-		  _@_ a{-aGK-} d.Foo_aGW } in
-	let {
-	  op2_aMH  :: 
-	      _forall_
-	      [b{-aGM-}]
-	      =>
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} b{-aGM-}} -> a{-aGK-} -> b{-aGM-} -> a{-aGK-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  op2_aMH =
-	      op2{-r3A,x-}
-		  _@_ a{-aGK-} d.Noo_aGY } in
-	let {
-	  op2_aMG  :: 
-	      a{-aGK-} -> b{-aGQ-} -> a{-aGK-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  op2_aMG =
-	      op2_aMH
-		  _@_ b{-aGQ-} d.Eq_aH0
-	} in 
-	  \ x_r3j  :: 
-		a{-aGK-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    x_r3j y_r3l  :: 
-		      b{-aGQ-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  y_r3l ->
-	      let {
-		ds_dNv  :: 
-		    a{-aGK-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		ds_dNv =
-		    op2_aMG
-			x_r3j y_r3l
-	      } in 
-		op_aMI
-		    ds_dNv
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds027.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds027.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 99a4d93ac2652421cff8182de4f24637abc18bf4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds027.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds027 -- simple instances
-module Test where
-data Foo = Bar | Baz
-instance Eq Foo where
-  Bar == Baz = True
-  Bar /= Baz = False
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds027.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds027.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d500d9cb34dd88f27a9005f4c21174722b462f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds027.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `=='
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `/='
-Rec {
-d.Eval_aGg  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Eval{-24,p-} Foo{-r3n,x-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Eval_aGg =
-    PrelBase.void{-8G,p-}
-$d2{-rIX,x-}  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Eval{-24,p-} Foo{-r3n,x-}}
-{-# L #-}
-$d2{-rIX,x-} =
-    d.Eval_aGg
-==_aGo  :: 
-    Foo{-r3n,x-} -> Foo{-r3n,x-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-==_aGo =
-    \ ds_dJM  :: 
-	  Foo{-r3n,x-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_dJM ds_dJN  :: 
-		 Foo{-r3n,x-}
-	     {-# L #-}
-	     ds_dJN ->
-	let {
-	  fail_dJO  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fail_dJO =
-	      GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-		  _@_ PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-} _string_ "ds027.hs:8|function `=='"
-	} in 
-	  case ds_dJM of {
-	    Baz{-r3,x-}{i} ->
-		fail_dJO;
-	    Bar{-r4,x-}{i} ->
-		case ds_dJN of {
-		  Bar{-r4,x-}{i} ->
-		      fail_dJO;
-		  Baz{-r3,x-}{i} ->
-		      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i};
-		};
-	  }
-==_aJ7  :: 
-    Foo{-r3n,x-} -> Foo{-r3n,x-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-==_aJ7 =
-    ==_aGo
-/=_aGs  :: 
-    Foo{-r3n,x-} -> Foo{-r3n,x-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-/=_aGs =
-    \ ds_dKq  :: 
-	  Foo{-r3n,x-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_dKq ds_dKr  :: 
-		 Foo{-r3n,x-}
-	     {-# L #-}
-	     ds_dKr ->
-	let {
-	  fail_dKs  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fail_dKs =
-	      GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-		  _@_ PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-} _string_ "ds027.hs:9|function `/='"
-	} in 
-	  case ds_dKq of {
-	    Baz{-r3,x-}{i} ->
-		fail_dKs;
-	    Bar{-r4,x-}{i} ->
-		case ds_dKr of {
-		  Bar{-r4,x-}{i} ->
-		      fail_dKs;
-		  Baz{-r3,x-}{i} ->
-		      PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i};
-		};
-	  }
-/=_aJg  :: 
-    Foo{-r3n,x-} -> Foo{-r3n,x-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-/=_aJg =
-    /=_aGs
-d.Eq_aGl  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} Foo{-r3n,x-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Eq_aGl =
-    PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-	{_@_ (Foo{-r3n,x-} -> Foo{-r3n,x-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-})
-	 _@_ (Foo{-r3n,x-} -> Foo{-r3n,x-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-})
-	 ==_aJ7
-	 /=_aJg}
-$d1{-rJp,x-}  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} Foo{-r3n,x-}}
-{-# L #-}
-$d1{-rJp,x-} =
-    d.Eq_aGl
-Bar{-r4,x-}{i}  :: 
-    Foo{-r3n,x-}
-_A_ 0 {-# L #-}
-Bar{-r4,x-}{i} =
-    Bar{-r4,x-}{i}
-	{}
-Baz{-r3,x-}{i}  :: 
-    Foo{-r3n,x-}
-_A_ 0 {-# L #-}
-Baz{-r3,x-}{i} =
-    Baz{-r3,x-}{i}
-	{}
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds028.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds028.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 18c0b7d622958b5aff3b97a7e885f25cc77d2b67..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds028.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds028: failable pats in top row
-module ShouldSucceed where
--- when the first row of pats doesn't have convenient
--- variables to grab...
-mAp f []	= []
-mAp f (x:xs)	= f x : mAp f xs
-True  |||| _	=  True
-False |||| x	=  x
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds028.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds028.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 99e83c83e449186f5a302c8a008622194e5d7247..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds028.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-||||_amR  :: 
-    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-||||_amR =
-    \ ds_dq6  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_dq6 ds_dq7  :: 
-		 PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	     {-# L #-}
-	     ds_dq7 ->
-	case ds_dq6 of {
-	  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-	      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i};
-	  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-	      ds_dq7;
-	}
-||||{-r3q,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-||||{-r3q,x-} =
-    ||||_amR
-Rec {
-mAp{-r3r,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-an5-} t{-an7-}]
-    =>
-    (t{-an5-} -> t{-an7-}) -> [t{-an5-}] -> [t{-an7-}]
-{-# L #-}
-mAp{-r3r,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-an5-} t{-an7-} ->
-	_letrec_ {
-	  mAp_amZ  :: 
-	      (t{-an5-} -> t{-an7-}) -> [t{-an5-}] -> [t{-an7-}]
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  mAp_amZ =
-	      \ f_r3e  :: 
-		    t{-an5-} -> t{-an7-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		f_r3e ds_dqV  :: 
-			  [t{-an5-}]
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_dqV ->
-		  case ds_dqV of {
-		    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-			    _@_ t{-an7-};
-		    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} x_r3j xs_r3k ->
-			let {
-			  f_r3h  :: 
-			      t{-an5-} -> t{-an7-}
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  f_r3h =
-			      f_r3e } in
-			let {
-			  ds_drl  :: 
-			      t{-an7-}
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  ds_drl =
-			      f_r3h
-				  x_r3j } in
-			let {
-			  ds_drp  :: 
-			      [t{-an7-}]
-			  {-# L #-}
-			  ds_drp =
-			      mAp_amZ
-				  f_r3h xs_r3k
-			} in 
-			  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-			      _@_ t{-an7-} ds_drl ds_drp;
-		  };
-	} in 
-	  mAp_amZ
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds029.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds029.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index fd9f583487fc1fd9d837c77672839443190c8c73..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds029.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds029: pattern binding with guards (dubious but valid)
-module Test where
-f x = y
-    where (y,z) | y < z     = (0,1)
-    	    	| y > z     = (1,2)
-		| True	    = (2,3)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds029.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds029.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index f3230a1b50ce2a47283373391405d39dd2fd8398..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds029.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-f{-r3h,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aY1-} t{-aYi-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} t{-aY1-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aY1-}}
-    -> t{-aYi-}
-    -> t{-aY1-}
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3h,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aY1-} t{-aYi-} -> \ d.Ord_aYk  :: 
-				    {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} t{-aY1-}}
-				{-# L #-}
-				d.Ord_aYk d.Num_aYn  :: 
-					      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aY1-}}
-					  {-# L #-}
-					  d.Num_aYn ->
-	let {
-	  <_a137  :: 
-	      t{-aY1-} -> t{-aY1-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  <_a137 =
-	      PrelBase.<{-rcJ,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aY1-} d.Ord_aYk } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a136  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aY1-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a136 =
-	      PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aY1-} d.Num_aYn } in
-	let { lit_a135  :: 
-		  t{-aY1-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a135 =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d13v  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d13v =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    0
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a136
-		ds_d13v
-	} in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a134  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aY1-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a134 =
-	      fromInt_a136 } in
-	let { lit_a133  :: 
-		  t{-aY1-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a133 =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d13K  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d13K =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    1
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a134
-		ds_d13K
-	} in
-	let {
-	  d.Ord_aYq  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} t{-aY1-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Ord_aYq =
-	      d.Ord_aYk } in
-	let {
-	  >_a132  :: 
-	      t{-aY1-} -> t{-aY1-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >_a132 =
-	      PrelBase.>{-rcL,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aY1-} d.Ord_aYq } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a131  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aY1-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a131 =
-	      fromInt_a136 } in
-	let { lit_a130  :: 
-		  t{-aY1-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a130 =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d148  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d148 =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    2
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a131
-		ds_d148
-	} in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a12Z  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aY1-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a12Z =
-	      fromInt_a136 } in
-	let { lit_a12W  :: 
-		  t{-aY1-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a12W =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d14n  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d14n =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    3
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a12Z
-		ds_d14n
-	} in
-	\ x_r3d  :: 
-	      t{-aYi-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  x_r3d ->
-	    _letrec_ {
-	      lit_a14F  :: 
-		  t{-aY1-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a14F =
-		  lit_a133;
-	      lit_a14H  :: 
-		  t{-aY1-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a14H =
-		  lit_a130;
-	      ds_d14Q  :: 
-		  (t{-aY1-}, t{-aY1-})
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      ds_d14Q =
-		  case
-		      <_a137
-			  y_aXx z_aXy
-		  of {
-		    PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-			    {_@_ t{-aY1-} _@_ t{-aY1-} lit_a135 lit_a133};
-		    PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			case
-			    >_a132
-				y_aXx z_aXy
-			of {
-			  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			      PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-				  {_@_ t{-aY1-} _@_ t{-aY1-} lit_a14F lit_a130};
-			  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			      PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-				  {_@_ t{-aY1-} _@_ t{-aY1-} lit_a14H lit_a12W};
-			};
-		  };
-	      y_aXx  :: 
-		  t{-aY1-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      y_aXx =
-		  case ds_d14Q of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} y_aXx z_aXy  -> y_aXx;};
-	      z_aXy  :: 
-		  t{-aY1-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      z_aXy =
-		  case ds_d14Q of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} y_aXx z_aXy  -> z_aXy;};
-	      y_r3f  :: 
-		  t{-aY1-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      y_r3f =
-		  y_aXx;
-	      z_r3g  :: 
-		  t{-aY1-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      z_r3g =
-		  z_aXy;
-	    } in 
-	      y_r3f
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds030.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds030.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7abc4d82e02d55df495d395b432cb92d43f558c3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds030.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
---!!! ds030: checks that types substituted into binders
-module Test where
-f x = case x of [] -> (3::Int) ; _ -> (4::Int)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds030.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds030.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index beecd0ff22bcd1e933c3f59679483eb312701274..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds030.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_aHE =
-    PrelBase.$d3
-{-# L #-}
-fromInt_aKm =
-    PrelBase.fromInt
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int d.Num_aHE
-{-# L #-}
-lit_aKx =
-    let {
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_dKW =
-	  PrelBase.I#
-	      3
-    } in 
-      fromInt_aKm
-	  ds_dKW
-{-# L #-}
-fromInt_aKw =
-    fromInt_aKm
-{-# L #-}
-lit_aKt =
-    let {
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_dLb =
-	  PrelBase.I#
-	      4
-    } in 
-      fromInt_aKw
-	  ds_dLb
-{-# L #-}
-f = _/\_ t{-aHm-} -> \ {-# L #-}
-		       x_r3d ->
-	let {
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ds_dLw =
-	      x_r3d } in
-	let {
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fail_dLy =
-	      lit_aKt
-	} in 
-	  case ds_dLw of {
-	    PrelBase.: ds_dLG ds_dLF ->
-		fail_dLy;
-	    PrelBase.[] ->
-		lit_aKx;
-	  }
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds031.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds031.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3378800e169d02da98052ae62635a688e8dd86ed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds031.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-module ShouldSucceed where
-foldPair :: (a->a->a,b->b->b) -> (a,b) -> [(a,b)] -> (a,b)
-foldPair fg       ab [] = ab
-foldPair fg@(f,g) ab ((a,b):abs) = (f a u,g b v)
-                       where (u,v) = foldPair fg ab abs
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds031.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds031.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index c59f652da4b2d0e4682295c9faebbc16decb9789..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds031.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `foldPair'
-Rec {
-foldPair{-r3f,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-aB1-} b{-aB2-}]
-    =>
-    (a{-aB1-} -> a{-aB1-} -> a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-}
-				       -> b{-aB2-}
-				       -> b{-aB2-})
-    -> (a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})
-    -> [(a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})]
-    -> (a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})
-{-# L #-}
-foldPair{-r3f,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-aB1-} b{-aB2-} ->
-	_letrec_ {
-	  foldPair_aAY  :: 
-	      (a{-aB1-} -> a{-aB1-} -> a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-}
-						 -> b{-aB2-}
-						 -> b{-aB2-})
-	      -> (a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})
-	      -> [(a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})]
-	      -> (a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  foldPair_aAY =
-	      \ fg_r3h  :: 
-		    (a{-aB1-} -> a{-aB1-} -> a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-}
-						       -> b{-aB2-}
-						       -> b{-aB2-})
-		{-# L #-}
-		fg_r3h ab_r3j  :: 
-			   (a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       ab_r3j ds_dFz  :: 
-				  [(a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})]
-			      {-# L #-}
-			      ds_dFz ->
-		  let {
-		    fail_dFA  :: 
-			(a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    fail_dFA =
-			GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-			    _@_ (a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})
-			    _string_ "ds031.hs:4|function `foldPair'" } in
-		  let {
-		    fail_dHs  :: 
-			(a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    fail_dHs =
-			case fg_r3h of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} f_r3n g_r3o  ->
-			case ds_dFz of {
-			  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			      fail_dFA;
-			  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_dFV abs_r3u ->
-			      case ds_dFV of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} a_r3s b_r3t  ->
-			      let {
-				ab_r3q  :: 
-				    (a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})
-				{-# L #-}
-				ab_r3q =
-				    ab_r3j } in
-			      let {
-				fg_r3m  :: 
-				    (a{-aB1-} -> a{-aB1-} -> a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-}
-								       -> b{-aB2-}
-								       -> b{-aB2-})
-				{-# L #-}
-				fg_r3m =
-				    fg_r3h } in
-			      let {
-				ds_dGR  :: 
-				    (a{-aB1-}, b{-aB2-})
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_dGR =
-				    foldPair{-r3f,x-}
-					_@_ a{-aB1-} _@_ b{-aB2-} fg_r3m ab_r3q abs_r3u } in
-			      let {
-				u_aBw  :: 
-				    a{-aB1-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				u_aBw =
-				    case ds_dGR of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} u_aBw v_aBx  ->
-				    u_aBw;} } in
-			      let {
-				v_aBx  :: 
-				    b{-aB2-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				v_aBx =
-				    case ds_dGR of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} u_aBw v_aBx  ->
-				    v_aBx;} } in
-			      let {
-				u_r3w  :: 
-				    a{-aB1-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				u_r3w =
-				    u_aBw } in
-			      let {
-				v_r3x  :: 
-				    b{-aB2-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				v_r3x =
-				    v_aBx } in
-			      let {
-				ds_dGq  :: 
-				    a{-aB1-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_dGq =
-				    f_r3n
-					a_r3s u_r3w } in
-			      let {
-				ds_dGu  :: 
-				    b{-aB2-}
-				{-# L #-}
-				ds_dGu =
-				    g_r3o
-					b_r3t v_r3x
-			      } in 
-				PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-				    {_@_ a{-aB1-} _@_ b{-aB2-} ds_dGq ds_dGu};};
-			};}
-		  } in 
-		    case ds_dFz of {
-		      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_dHA ds_dHz ->
-			  fail_dHs;
-		      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-			  ab_r3j;
-		    };
-	} in 
-	  foldPair_aAY
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds032.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds032.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 31bc07ebf557ab7bcc1285c05c6b2006e7386762..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds032.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
---!!! recursive funs tangled in an AbsBind
-module ShouldSucceed where
-flatten :: Int		-- Indentation
-        -> Bool		-- True => just had a newline
-        -> Float	-- Current seq to flatten
-        -> [(Int,Float)]-- Work list with indentation
-        -> String
-flatten n nlp 0.0 seqs = flattenS nlp seqs
-flatten n nlp 1.0 seqs = flatten n nlp 1.1 ((n,1.2) : seqs)
-flattenS :: Bool -> [(Int, Float)] -> String
-flattenS nlp [] = ""
-flattenS nlp ((col,seq):seqs) = flatten col nlp seq seqs
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds032.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds032.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 1276b4e37208b54f2af932f874aa00d5dc372fcc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds032.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `flatten'
-Rec {
-d.Fractional_a11b  :: 
-    {PrelNum.Fractional{-26,p-} PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Fractional_a11b =
-    PrelNum.$d23{-rGg,p-}
-fromRational_a17D  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a17D =
-    PrelNum.fromRational{-8T,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-} d.Fractional_a11b
-lit_a17V  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a17V =
-    fromRational_a17D
-	_rational_  0 1
-d.Eq_a11e  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Eq_a11e =
-    PrelNum.$d27{-rGk,p-}
-==_a17U  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-==_a17U =
-    PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-} d.Eq_a11e
-fromRational_a17T  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a17T =
-    fromRational_a17D
-lit_a17S  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a17S =
-    fromRational_a17T
-	_rational_  1 1
-fromRational_a17R  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a17R =
-    fromRational_a17D
-lit_a17Q  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a17Q =
-    fromRational_a17R
-	_rational_  11 10
-fromRational_a17P  :: 
-    PrelNum.Rational{-3r,p-} -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromRational_a17P =
-    fromRational_a17D
-lit_a17K  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a17K =
-    fromRational_a17P
-	_rational_  6 5
-==_a18C  :: 
-    PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-==_a18C =
-    ==_a17U
-flatten_a10r  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> [(PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}, PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-})]
-    -> PrelBase.String{-rzM,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-flatten_a10r =
-    \ n_r3i  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      n_r3i nlp_r3k  :: 
-		PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    nlp_r3k ds_d19G  :: 
-			PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d19G seqs_r3n  :: 
-				[(PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}, PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-})]
-			    {-# L #-}
-			    seqs_r3n ->
-	let {
-	  fail_d19H  :: 
-	      PrelBase.String{-rzM,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fail_d19H =
-	      GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-		  _@_ PrelBase.String{-rzM,p-}
-		  _string_ "ds032.hs:12|function `flatten'"
-	} in 
-	  case ds_d19G of { PrelBase.F#{-59,p-}{i} ds_d19Q  ->
-	  case# ds_d19Q of {
-	    _float_ 0.0000000000000000 ->
-		flattenS{-r3,x-}
-		    nlp_r3k seqs_r3n;
-	    _float_ 1.0000000000000000 ->
-		let {
-		  seqs_r3u  :: 
-		      [(PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}, PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-})]
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  seqs_r3u =
-		      seqs_r3n } in
-		let {
-		  nlp_r3r  :: 
-		      PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  nlp_r3r =
-		      nlp_r3k } in
-		let {
-		  n_r3p  :: 
-		      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		  {-# L #-}
-		  n_r3p =
-		      n_r3i } in
-		let { ds_d1at  :: 
-			  [(PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}, PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-})]
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_d1at =
-		  let {
-		    ds_d1aG  :: 
-			(PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}, PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-})
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d1aG =
-			PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-			    {_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-			     _@_ PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-			     n_r3p
-			     lit_a17K}
-		  } in 
-		    PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i}
-			_@_ (PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}, PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}) ds_d1aG seqs_r3u
-		} in
-		flatten{-r1,x-}
-		    n_r3p nlp_r3r lit_a17Q ds_d1at;
-	    ds_d1b0 ->
-		fail_d19H;
-	  };}
-flattenS_a10s  :: 
-    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-    -> [(PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}, PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-})]
-    -> PrelBase.String{-rzM,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-flattenS_a10s =
-    \ nlp_r3w  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      nlp_r3w ds_d1b6  :: 
-		  [(PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}, PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-})]
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      ds_d1b6 ->
-	case ds_d1b6 of {
-	  PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-	      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-		  {_@_ PrelBase.Char{-38,p-}};
-	  PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} ds_d1bl seqs_r3D ->
-	      case ds_d1bl of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} col_r3B seq_r3C  ->
-	      let {
-		nlp_r3z  :: 
-		    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		nlp_r3z =
-		    nlp_r3w
-	      } in 
-		flatten{-r1,x-}
-		    col_r3B nlp_r3z seq_r3C seqs_r3D;};
-	}
-flatten{-r1,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-}
-    -> [(PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}, PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-})]
-    -> PrelBase.String{-rzM,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-flatten{-r1,x-} =
-    flatten_a10r
-flattenS{-r3,x-}  :: 
-    PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-    -> [(PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}, PrelBase.Float{-3c,p-})]
-    -> PrelBase.String{-rzM,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-flattenS{-r3,x-} =
-    flattenS_a10s
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds033.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds033.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index bdadb58bfeb9e1b3042a51d01e28c9ab244cae0c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds033.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---!!! getting top-level dependencies right
-module Test where
-f1 x = g1 x
-g1 y = y
-g2 y = y
-f2 x = g2 x
-f3 x = g3 x
-g3 y = f3 y
-g4 y = f4 y
-f4 x = g4 x
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds033.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds033.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index d6dd38f0490863b6711fb13efe0265d97cbd3cf1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds033.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-ds_dsc  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-anl-} t{-ann-}]
-    =>
-    (t{-anl-} -> t{-ann-}, t{-anl-} -> t{-ann-})
-{-# L #-}
-ds_dsc =
-    _/\_ t{-anl-} t{-ann-} ->
-	_letrec_ {
-	  g4_an6  :: 
-	      t{-anl-} -> t{-ann-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  g4_an6 =
-	      \ y_r3w  :: 
-		    t{-anl-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		y_r3w ->
-		  f4_an7
-		      y_r3w;
-	  f4_an7  :: 
-	      t{-anl-} -> t{-ann-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  f4_an7 =
-	      \ x_r3y  :: 
-		    t{-anl-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		x_r3y ->
-		  g4_an6
-		      x_r3y;
-	} in 
-	  PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ (t{-anl-} -> t{-ann-})
-	       _@_ (t{-anl-} -> t{-ann-})
-	       g4_an6
-	       f4_an7}
-g4{-r3A,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-anl-} t{-ann-}] => t{-anl-} -> t{-ann-}
-{-# L #-}
-g4{-r3A,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-anl-} t{-ann-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_dsc
-		_@_ t{-anl-} _@_ t{-ann-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} ds_dth ds_dti  ->
-	ds_dth;}
-f4{-r3z,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-anl-} t{-ann-}] => t{-anl-} -> t{-ann-}
-{-# L #-}
-f4{-r3z,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-anl-} t{-ann-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_dsc
-		_@_ t{-anl-} _@_ t{-ann-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} ds_dtB ds_dtA  ->
-	ds_dtA;}
-end Rec }
-Rec {
-ds_dtM  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-anE-} t{-anG-}]
-    =>
-    (t{-anE-} -> t{-anG-}, t{-anE-} -> t{-anG-})
-{-# L #-}
-ds_dtM =
-    _/\_ t{-anE-} t{-anG-} ->
-	_letrec_ {
-	  f3_anp  :: 
-	      t{-anE-} -> t{-anG-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  f3_anp =
-	      \ x_r3s  :: 
-		    t{-anE-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		x_r3s ->
-		  g3_anq
-		      x_r3s;
-	  g3_anq  :: 
-	      t{-anE-} -> t{-anG-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  g3_anq =
-	      \ y_r3u  :: 
-		    t{-anE-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		y_r3u ->
-		  f3_anp
-		      y_r3u;
-	} in 
-	  PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ (t{-anE-} -> t{-anG-})
-	       _@_ (t{-anE-} -> t{-anG-})
-	       f3_anp
-	       g3_anq}
-f3{-r3C,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-anE-} t{-anG-}] => t{-anE-} -> t{-anG-}
-{-# L #-}
-f3{-r3C,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-anE-} t{-anG-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_dtM
-		_@_ t{-anE-} _@_ t{-anG-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} ds_duR ds_duS  ->
-	ds_duR;}
-g3{-r3B,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-anE-} t{-anG-}] => t{-anE-} -> t{-anG-}
-{-# L #-}
-g3{-r3B,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-anE-} t{-anG-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_dtM
-		_@_ t{-anE-} _@_ t{-anG-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} ds_dvb ds_dva  ->
-	ds_dva;}
-end Rec }
-g2{-r3E,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-anO-}] => t{-anO-} -> t{-anO-}
-{-# L #-}
-g2{-r3E,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-anO-} -> \ y_r3o  :: 
-			   t{-anO-}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       y_r3o ->
-	y_r3o
-f2{-r3D,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-anU-}] => t{-anU-} -> t{-anU-}
-{-# L #-}
-f2{-r3D,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-anU-} -> \ x_r3q  :: 
-			   t{-anU-}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       x_r3q ->
-	g2{-r3E,x-}
-	    _@_ t{-anU-} x_r3q
-g1{-r3F,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-ao4-}] => t{-ao4-} -> t{-ao4-}
-{-# L #-}
-g1{-r3F,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-ao4-} -> \ y_r3m  :: 
-			   t{-ao4-}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       y_r3m ->
-	y_r3m
-f1{-r3G,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_ [t{-aoa-}] => t{-aoa-} -> t{-aoa-}
-{-# L #-}
-f1{-r3G,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aoa-} -> \ x_r3k  :: 
-			   t{-aoa-}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       x_r3k ->
-	g1{-r3F,x-}
-	    _@_ t{-aoa-} x_r3k
-NOTE: Simplifier still going after 4 iterations; bailing out.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds034.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds034.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d1f278608b84af3a1a8e816792f279457a5a00d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds034.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---!!! mutually-recursive methods in an instance declaration
-module Test where
-class Foo a where
-    op1 :: a -> a 
-    op2 :: a -> a 
-instance Foo Int where
-    op1 x = op2 x
-    op2 y = op1 y
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds034.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds034.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a2659f841d799e6d3a7db8e846e58c98358bdb9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds034.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-op1{-r3r,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-r3p-}]
-    =>
-    {Foo{-r3s,x-} a{-r3p-}} -> a{-r3p-} -> a{-r3p-}
-{-# L #-}
-op1{-r3r,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-r3p-} -> \ tpl_B1  :: 
-			   {Foo{-r3s,x-} a{-r3p-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       tpl_B1 ->
-	case tpl_B1 of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} tpl_B1 tpl_B2  -> tpl_B1;}
-op2{-r3q,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-r3p-}]
-    =>
-    {Foo{-r3s,x-} a{-r3p-}} -> a{-r3p-} -> a{-r3p-}
-{-# L #-}
-op2{-r3q,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-r3p-} -> \ tpl_B1  :: 
-			   {Foo{-r3s,x-} a{-r3p-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       tpl_B1 ->
-	case tpl_B1 of { PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} tpl_B1 tpl_B2  -> tpl_B2;}
-$mop1{-rn8,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-r3p-}]
-    =>
-    {Foo{-r3s,x-} a{-r3p-}} -> a{-r3p-} -> a{-r3p-}
-{-# L #-}
-$mop1{-rn8,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-anB-} -> \ d.Foo_anu  :: 
-			   {Foo{-r3s,x-} a{-anB-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       d.Foo_anu ->
-	GHCerr.noDefaultMethodError{-8k,p-}
-	    _@_ (a{-anB-} -> a{-anB-}) _string_ "Class Foo Method op1"
-$mop2{-rn7,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-r3p-}]
-    =>
-    {Foo{-r3s,x-} a{-r3p-}} -> a{-r3p-} -> a{-r3p-}
-{-# L #-}
-$mop2{-rn7,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-anB-} -> \ d.Foo_anE  :: 
-			   {Foo{-r3s,x-} a{-anB-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       d.Foo_anE ->
-	GHCerr.noDefaultMethodError{-8k,p-}
-	    _@_ (a{-anB-} -> a{-anB-}) _string_ "Class Foo Method op2"
-op2_aq8  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-op2_aq8 =
-    op2_aqv
-op1_aqd  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-op1_aqd =
-    op1_aqm
-op1_an6  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-op1_an6 =
-    \ x_r3i  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      x_r3i ->
-	op2_aq8
-	    x_r3i
-op1_aqm  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-op1_aqm =
-    op1_an6
-op2_anj  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-op2_anj =
-    \ y_r3m  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      y_r3m ->
-	op1_aqd
-	    y_r3m
-op2_aqv  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-op2_aqv =
-    op2_anj
-d.Foo_an3  :: 
-    {Foo{-r3s,x-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Foo_an3 =
-    PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-	{_@_ (PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-})
-	 _@_ (PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-})
-	 op1_aqm
-	 op2_aqv}
-$d1{-rqE,x-}  :: 
-    {Foo{-r3s,x-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-$d1{-rqE,x-} =
-    d.Foo_an3
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds035.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds035.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a29a0eb3be8202f35a1a3bad02579f05c9555d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds035.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-data CList = CNil | CCons Int# CList
-mk :: Int# -> CList
-mk n = case (n ==# 0#) of
-       0# -> CNil
-       _  -> CCons 1# (mk (n `minusInt#` 1#))
-clen :: CList -> Int#
-clen CNil = 0#
-clen (CCons _ cl) = 1# +# (clen cl)
-main = case len4_twice of
-	    8# -> "bingo\n"
-	    _  -> "oops\n"
-  where
-    list4	= mk 4#
-    len4	= clen list4
-    len4_twice	= len4 +# len4
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds035.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds035.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 1aa6581dd1ac5799af336a9633aaefa62ef19034..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds035.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-    Type constructor or class not in scope: `Int#'
-    Type constructor or class not in scope: `Int#'
-    Value not in scope: `==#'
-    Value not in scope: `minusInt#'
-    Value not in scope: `+#'
-    Value not in scope: `+#'
-    Type constructor or class not in scope: `Int#'
-Compilation had errors
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds036.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds036.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index fc30c077e368a180a57732485e9e8a461f7d1622..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds036.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-From dmc@minster.york.ac.uk Tue Mar 10 17:15:20 1992
-Via: uk.ac.york.minster; Tue, 10 Mar 92 17:15:14 GMT
-Message-Id: <swordfish.700247842@minster.york.ac.uk>
-From: dmc@minster.york.ac.uk
-To: partain
-Date:       10 Mar 1992 17:17:21 GMT
-I have just started using Haskell at York and have found a compilation 
-error in the code below which disappears when the last line is 
-commented out
-module Test2 where
---brack :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
---brack open close = brack' open close (1 :: Int)
-brack' :: (Eq a) => a -> a -> Int -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
-brack' open close 0 xs = ([],xs)
-brack' open close (n+1) [] = ([],[])
-brack' open close (n+1) (h:t) | h == open = ([],[])
-Is this something I have done wrong or a fault with the compiler?
-David Cattrall			Telephone +44 904 432777
-Department of Computer Science	
-University of York		JANET:	dmc@uk.ac.york.minster
-United Kingdom			UUNET:	uucp!ukc!minster!dmc
--- and this was Kevin's idea, subsequently...
-kh (n+2) x | x > n = x * 2
-kh (x+1) (m+1) = m
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds036.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds036.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 615b7df6466934d6aca6377fc054d2d4effa3f12..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds036.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,539 +0,0 @@
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `kh'
-    Warning: Possibly incomplete patterns
-	in the definition of function `brack''
-Rec {
-d.Num_aZF  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_aZF =
-    PrelBase.$d3{-rbz,p-}
-fromInt_a19P  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromInt_a19P =
-    PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Num_aZF
-lit_a1a1  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a1a1 =
-    let {
-      ds_d1aS  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d1aS =
-	  PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-	      0
-    } in 
-      fromInt_a19P
-	  ds_d1aS
-d.Eq_aZI  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Eq_aZI =
-    PrelBase.$d7{-rc5,p-}
-==_a1a0  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-==_a1a0 =
-    PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Eq_aZI
-fromInt_a19Z  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromInt_a19Z =
-    fromInt_a19P
-lit_a19Y  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_a19Y =
-    let {
-      ds_d1bg  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d1bg =
-	  PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-	      1
-    } in 
-      fromInt_a19Z
-	  ds_d1bg
-d.Ord_aZM  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Ord_aZM =
-    PrelBase.$d6{-rc4,p-}
->=_a19X  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-{-# L #-}
->=_a19X =
-    PrelBase.>={-8Z,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Ord_aZM
-d.Num_aZP  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_aZP =
-    d.Num_aZF
--_a19W  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
--_a19W =
-    PrelBase.-{-817,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Num_aZP
-kh{-r3g,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [t{-aYd-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aYd-}}
-    -> {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} t{-aYd-}}
-    -> t{-aYd-}
-    -> t{-aYd-}
-    -> t{-aYd-}
-{-# L #-}
-kh{-r3g,x-} =
-    _/\_ t{-aYd-} -> \ d.Num_aYs  :: 
-			   {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aYd-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       d.Num_aYs d.Ord_aYu  :: 
-				     {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} t{-aYd-}}
-				 {-# L #-}
-				 d.Ord_aYu ->
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a1cx  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aYd-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a1cx =
-	      PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aYd-} d.Num_aYs } in
-	let { lit_a1cw  :: 
-		  t{-aYd-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a1cw =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d1cN  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1cN =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    2
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a1cx
-		ds_d1cN
-	} in
-	let {
-	  >=_a1cv  :: 
-	      t{-aYd-} -> t{-aYd-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >=_a1cv =
-	      PrelBase.>={-8Z,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aYd-} d.Ord_aYu } in
-	let {
-	  d.Num_aYw  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aYd-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Num_aYw =
-	      d.Num_aYs } in
-	let {
-	  -_a1cu  :: 
-	      t{-aYd-} -> t{-aYd-} -> t{-aYd-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  -_a1cu =
-	      PrelBase.-{-817,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aYd-} d.Num_aYw } in
-	let {
-	  d.Ord_aYy  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Ord{-2d,p-} t{-aYd-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Ord_aYy =
-	      d.Ord_aYu } in
-	let {
-	  >_a1ct  :: 
-	      t{-aYd-} -> t{-aYd-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >_a1ct =
-	      PrelBase.>{-rdf,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aYd-} d.Ord_aYy } in
-	let {
-	  d.Num_aYA  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} t{-aYd-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Num_aYA =
-	      d.Num_aYs } in
-	let {
-	  *_a1cs  :: 
-	      t{-aYd-} -> t{-aYd-} -> t{-aYd-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  *_a1cs =
-	      PrelBase.*{-rd8,p-}
-		  _@_ t{-aYd-} d.Num_aYA } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1cr  :: 
-	      t{-aYd-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1cr =
-	      lit_a1cw } in
-	let {
-	  fromInt_a1cq  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> t{-aYd-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  fromInt_a1cq =
-	      fromInt_a1cx } in
-	let { lit_a1cp  :: 
-		  t{-aYd-}
-	      {-# L #-}
-	      lit_a1cp =
-	  let {
-	    ds_d1dC  :: 
-		PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1dC =
-		PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-		    1
-	  } in 
-	    fromInt_a1cq
-		ds_d1dC
-	} in
-	let {
-	  >=_a1co  :: 
-	      t{-aYd-} -> t{-aYd-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >=_a1co =
-	      >=_a1cv } in
-	let {
-	  -_a1cn  :: 
-	      t{-aYd-} -> t{-aYd-} -> t{-aYd-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  -_a1cn =
-	      -_a1cu } in
-	let {
-	  lit_a1cm  :: 
-	      t{-aYd-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1cm =
-	      lit_a1cp } in
-	let {
-	  >=_a1cl  :: 
-	      t{-aYd-} -> t{-aYd-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >=_a1cl =
-	      >=_a1cv } in
-	let {
-	  -_a1ck  :: 
-	      t{-aYd-} -> t{-aYd-} -> t{-aYd-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  -_a1ck =
-	      -_a1cu
-	} in 
-	  \ ds_d1e9  :: 
-		t{-aYd-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    ds_d1e9 x_r3H  :: 
-			t{-aYd-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    x_r3H ->
-	      let {
-		fail_d1em  :: 
-		    t{-aYd-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		fail_d1em =
-		    GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-			_@_ t{-aYd-} _string_ "ds036.hs:44|function `kh'" } in
-	      let {
-		fail_d1fO  :: 
-		    t{-aYd-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		fail_d1fO =
-		    case
-			(\ ds_d1eg  :: 
-			       t{-aYd-}
-			   {-# L #-}
-			   ds_d1eg ->
-			     >=_a1co
-				 ds_d1eg lit_a1cp)
-			    ds_d1e9
-		    of {
-		      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			  let {
-			    x_r3J  :: 
-				t{-aYd-}
-			    {-# L #-}
-			    x_r3J =
-				(\ ds_d1eG  :: 
-				       t{-aYd-}
-				   {-# L #-}
-				   ds_d1eG ->
-				     -_a1cn
-					 ds_d1eG lit_a1cp)
-				    ds_d1e9
-			  } in 
-			    case
-				(\ ds_d1eW  :: 
-				       t{-aYd-}
-				   {-# L #-}
-				   ds_d1eW ->
-				     >=_a1cl
-					 ds_d1eW lit_a1cm)
-				    x_r3H
-			    of {
-			      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-				  (\ ds_d1fk  :: 
-					 t{-aYd-}
-				     {-# L #-}
-				     ds_d1fk ->
-				       -_a1ck
-					   ds_d1fk lit_a1cm)
-				      x_r3H;
-			      PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-				  fail_d1em;
-			    };
-		      PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			  fail_d1em;
-		    }
-	      } in 
-		case
-		    (\ ds_d1fI  :: 
-			   t{-aYd-}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       ds_d1fI ->
-			 >=_a1cv
-			     ds_d1fI lit_a1cw)
-			ds_d1e9
-		of {
-		  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-		      let {
-			n_r3F  :: 
-			    t{-aYd-}
-			{-# L #-}
-			n_r3F =
-			    (\ ds_d1g8  :: 
-				   t{-aYd-}
-			       {-# L #-}
-			       ds_d1g8 ->
-				 -_a1cu
-				     ds_d1g8 lit_a1cw)
-				ds_d1e9
-		      } in 
-			case
-			    >_a1ct
-				x_r3H n_r3F
-			of {
-			  PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			      *_a1cs
-				  x_r3H lit_a1cr;
-			  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			      fail_d1fO;
-			};
-		  PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-		      fail_d1fO;
-		}
-brack'{-r3f,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [a{-aYI-}]
-    =>
-    {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} a{-aYI-}}
-    -> a{-aYI-}
-    -> a{-aYI-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> [a{-aYI-}]
-    -> ([a{-aYI-}], [a{-aYI-}])
-{-# L #-}
-brack'{-r3f,x-} =
-    _/\_ a{-aYI-} -> \ d.Eq_aZs  :: 
-			   {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} a{-aYI-}}
-		       {-# L #-}
-		       d.Eq_aZs ->
-	let {
-	  lit_a1h1  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_a1h1 =
-	      lit_a19Y } in
-	let {
-	  >=_a1h0  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  >=_a1h0 =
-	      >=_a19X } in
-	let {
-	  -_a1gZ  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  -_a1gZ =
-	      -_a19W } in
-	let {
-	  d.Eq_aZC  :: 
-	      {PrelBase.Eq{-23,p-} a{-aYI-}}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  d.Eq_aZC =
-	      d.Eq_aZs } in
-	let {
-	  ==_a1gY  :: 
-	      a{-aYI-} -> a{-aYI-} -> PrelBase.Bool{-34,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  ==_a1gY =
-	      PrelBase.=={-8Y,p-}
-		  _@_ a{-aYI-} d.Eq_aZC
-	} in 
-	  \ open_r3i  :: 
-		a{-aYI-}
-	    {-# L #-}
-	    open_r3i close_r3k  :: 
-			 a{-aYI-}
-		     {-# L #-}
-		     close_r3k ds_d1hB  :: 
-				   PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-			       {-# L #-}
-			       ds_d1hB xs_r3n  :: 
-					   [a{-aYI-}]
-				       {-# L #-}
-				       xs_r3n ->
-	      let {
-		fail_d1hO  :: 
-		    ([a{-aYI-}], [a{-aYI-}])
-		{-# L #-}
-		fail_d1hO =
-		    GHCerr.patError{-8r,p-}
-			_@_ ([a{-aYI-}], [a{-aYI-}])
-			_string_ "ds036.hs:22|function `brack''" } in
-	      let {
-		fail_d1jT  :: 
-		    ([a{-aYI-}], [a{-aYI-}])
-		{-# L #-}
-		fail_d1jT =
-		    case
-			(\ ds_d1hI  :: 
-			       PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-			   {-# L #-}
-			   ds_d1hI ->
-			     >=_a19X
-				 ds_d1hI lit_a19Y)
-			    ds_d1hB
-		    of {
-		      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-			  let {
-			    n_r3t  :: 
-				PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-			    {-# L #-}
-			    n_r3t =
-				(\ ds_d1i8  :: 
-				       PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-				   {-# L #-}
-				   ds_d1i8 ->
-				     -_a19W
-					 ds_d1i8 lit_a19Y)
-				    ds_d1hB
-			  } in 
-			    case xs_r3n of {
-			      PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i} ->
-				  let {
-				    close_r3r  :: 
-					a{-aYI-}
-				    {-# L #-}
-				    close_r3r =
-					close_r3k } in
-				  let {
-				    open_r3p  :: 
-					a{-aYI-}
-				    {-# L #-}
-				    open_r3p =
-					open_r3i } in
-				  let {
-				    ds_d1iz  :: 
-					[a{-aYI-}]
-				    {-# L #-}
-				    ds_d1iz =
-					PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-					    _@_ a{-aYI-} } in
-				  let {
-				    ds_d1iD  :: 
-					[a{-aYI-}]
-				    {-# L #-}
-				    ds_d1iD =
-					PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-					    _@_ a{-aYI-}
-				  } in 
-				    PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-					{_@_ [a{-aYI-}] _@_ [a{-aYI-}] ds_d1iz ds_d1iD};
-			      PrelBase.:{-55,p-}{i} h_r3C t_r3D ->
-				  let {
-				    n_r3A  :: 
-					PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-				    {-# L #-}
-				    n_r3A =
-					n_r3t } in
-				  let {
-				    close_r3y  :: 
-					a{-aYI-}
-				    {-# L #-}
-				    close_r3y =
-					close_r3k } in
-				  let {
-				    open_r3w  :: 
-					a{-aYI-}
-				    {-# L #-}
-				    open_r3w =
-					open_r3i
-				  } in 
-				    case
-					==_a1gY
-					    h_r3C open_r3w
-				    of {
-				      PrelBase.True{-5E,p-}{i} ->
-					  let {
-					    ds_d1ju  :: 
-						[a{-aYI-}]
-					    {-# L #-}
-					    ds_d1ju =
-						PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-						    _@_ a{-aYI-} } in
-					  let {
-					    ds_d1jy  :: 
-						[a{-aYI-}]
-					    {-# L #-}
-					    ds_d1jy =
-						PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-						    _@_ a{-aYI-}
-					  } in 
-					    PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-						{_@_ [a{-aYI-}] _@_ [a{-aYI-}] ds_d1ju ds_d1jy};
-				      PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-					  fail_d1hO;
-				    };
-			    };
-		      PrelBase.False{-58,p-}{i} ->
-			  fail_d1hO;
-		    }
-	      } in 
-		case ds_d1hB of { PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i} ds_d1k2  ->
-		case# ds_d1k2 of {
-		  0 ->
-		      let {
-			ds_d1kh  :: 
-			    [a{-aYI-}]
-			{-# L #-}
-			ds_d1kh =
-			    PrelBase.[]{-5i,p-}{i}
-				_@_ a{-aYI-}
-		      } in 
-			PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-			    {_@_ [a{-aYI-}] _@_ [a{-aYI-}] ds_d1kh xs_r3n};
-		  ds_d1kt ->
-		      fail_d1jT;
-		};}
-end Rec }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds037.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds037.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 648534165021609b42d0701b03794a7078098cf3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds037.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
---!!! AbsBinds with tyvars, no dictvars, but some dict binds
-module ShouldSucceed where
-f x y = (fst (g y x), x+(1::Int))
-g x y = (fst (f x y), y+(1::Int))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds037.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds037.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index cb76a7ec535f45e24c0ab3248be2bf416eae8179..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds037.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-Rec {
-d.Num_aXF  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_aXF =
-    PrelBase.$d3{-rbd,p-}
-+_aZO  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-+_aZO =
-    PrelBase.+{-r3m,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Num_aXF
-d.Num_aXJ  :: 
-    {PrelBase.Num{-2c,p-} PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}}
-{-# L #-}
-d.Num_aXJ =
-    d.Num_aXF
-fromInt_aZN  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-fromInt_aZN =
-    PrelBase.fromInt{-8R,p-}
-	_@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} d.Num_aXJ
-lit_aZM  :: 
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-{-# L #-}
-lit_aZM =
-    let {
-      ds_d123  :: 
-	  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-      {-# L #-}
-      ds_d123 =
-	  PrelBase.I#{-5b,p-}{i}
-	      1
-    } in 
-      fromInt_aZN
-	  ds_d123
-ds_d11F  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [b{-aXa-}]
-    =>
-    (PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-     -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-     -> (b{-aXa-}, PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}), PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-					  -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-					  -> (b{-aXa-}, PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}))
-{-# L #-}
-ds_d11F =
-    _/\_ b{-aXa-} ->
-	_letrec_ {
-	  +_aZQ  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  +_aZQ =
-	      +_aZO;
-	  lit_aZP  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  lit_aZP =
-	      lit_aZM;
-	  f_aWT  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> (b{-aXa-}, PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-})
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  f_aWT =
-	      \ x_r3e  :: 
-		    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		x_r3e y_r3g  :: 
-			  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      y_r3g ->
-		  let { ds_d12N  :: 
-			    b{-aXa-}
-			{-# L #-}
-			ds_d12N =
-		    let {
-		      ds_d133  :: 
-			  (b{-aXa-}, PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-})
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_d133 =
-			  g_aWU
-			      y_r3g x_r3e
-		    } in 
-		      PrelTup.fst{-riN,p-}
-			  _@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} _@_ b{-aXa-} ds_d133
-		  } in
-		  let {
-		    ds_d12R  :: 
-			PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d12R =
-			+_aZO
-			    x_r3e lit_aZM
-		  } in 
-		    PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-			{_@_ b{-aXa-} _@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} ds_d12N ds_d12R};
-	  g_aWU  :: 
-	      PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-	      -> (b{-aXa-}, PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-})
-	  {-# L #-}
-	  g_aWU =
-	      \ x_r3j  :: 
-		    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		{-# L #-}
-		x_r3j y_r3l  :: 
-			  PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      y_r3l ->
-		  let { ds_d13B  :: 
-			    b{-aXa-}
-			{-# L #-}
-			ds_d13B =
-		    let {
-		      ds_d13R  :: 
-			  (b{-aXa-}, PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-})
-		      {-# L #-}
-		      ds_d13R =
-			  f_aWT
-			      x_r3j y_r3l
-		    } in 
-		      PrelTup.fst{-riN,p-}
-			  _@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} _@_ b{-aXa-} ds_d13R
-		  } in
-		  let {
-		    ds_d13F  :: 
-			PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		    {-# L #-}
-		    ds_d13F =
-			+_aZQ
-			    y_r3l lit_aZP
-		  } in 
-		    PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-			{_@_ b{-aXa-} _@_ PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-} ds_d13B ds_d13F};
-	} in 
-	  PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i}
-	      {_@_ (PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		    -> (b{-aXa-}, PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}))
-	       _@_ (PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-		    -> (b{-aXa-}, PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}))
-	       f_aWT
-	       g_aWU}
-f{-r3o,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [b{-aXa-}]
-    =>
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> (b{-aXa-}, PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-})
-{-# L #-}
-f{-r3o,x-} =
-    _/\_ b{-aXa-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_d11F
-		_@_ b{-aXa-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} ds_d14B ds_d14C  ->
-	ds_d14B;}
-g{-r3n,x-}  :: 
-    _forall_
-    [b{-aXa-}]
-    =>
-    PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-}
-    -> (b{-aXa-}, PrelBase.Int{-3g,p-})
-{-# L #-}
-g{-r3n,x-} =
-    _/\_ b{-aXa-} ->
-	case
-	    ds_d11F
-		_@_ b{-aXa-}
-	of {
-	PrelTup.(,){-62,p-}{i} ds_d14S ds_d14R  ->
-	ds_d14R;}
-end Rec }
-NOTE: Simplifier still going after 4 iterations; bailing out.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds038.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds038.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index ceffab1435fff0d53688e057995fa599586a7f7d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds038.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
---!!! Jon Hill reported a bug in desugaring this in 0.09
---!!! (recursive with n+k patts)
-takeList :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
-takeList 0     _      = []
-takeList (n+1) []     = []
-takeList (n+1) (x:xs) = x : takeList n xs
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds038.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds038.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index a45cd41ad9a69c3c42359d7c0648ecadea8000ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds038.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-ds038.hs:4: Module Main must include a definition for `Main.main'
-Compilation had errors
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds039.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds039.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index e153bfa51a2cb6ad4676e16be4cf4e1df2841405..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds039.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
---!!! make sure correct type applications get put in
---!!!   when (:) is saturated.
-module ShouldSucceed where
-f = (:)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds039.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds039.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ff3f31bc1fbe0069e27a8a20a4d047a685dffe3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds039.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-{-# L #-}
-f = _/\_ t{-amG-} ->
-	PrelBase.:
-	    _@_ t{-amG-}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds040.hs b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds040.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d7fb6216e925524e7e0f14b9079f7f491303c6bf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds040.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---!!! Another bug in overloaded n+k patts
-main _ = [AppendChan stdout (shows ((4::Int) ^^^^ (6::Int)) "\n")]
-(^^^^)		:: (Num a, Integral b) => a -> b -> a
-x ^^^^ 0		=  1
-x ^^^^ (n+1)	=  f x n x
-		   where f _ 0 y = y
-		         f x n y = g x n  where
-			           g x n | even n  = g (x*x) (n `quot` 2)
-				         | otherwise = f x (n-1) (x*y)
-_ ^^^^ _		= error "(^^^^){Prelude}: negative exponent"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds040.stderr b/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds040.stderr
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fe36a3ecbbc53e666351f0750e71181cb4d9aba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/tests/deSugar/ds040.stderr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-    Data constructor not in scope: `AppendChan'
-    Value not in scope: `stdout'
-Compilation had errors