From 2ea586cee99f25030622e0b8dec371c35bd745b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sof <unknown>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 1997 18:07:41 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1997-09-09 18:07:41 by sof] moved: okToInline (to
 BinderInfo); new function: inlineUnconditionally; Type of whnfOrBottom

 ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs | 64 +++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
index bf75aa02f0c2..36a6746567aa 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module CoreUnfold (
 	noUnfolding, mkMagicUnfolding, mkUnfolding, getUnfoldingTemplate,
 	smallEnoughToInline, couldBeSmallEnoughToInline, certainlySmallEnoughToInline,
-	okToInline,
+	inlineUnconditionally,
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ import Constants	( uNFOLDING_CHEAP_OP_COST,
-import BinderInfo	( BinderInfo(..), FunOrArg, DuplicationDanger, InsideSCC, isDupDanger )
+import BinderInfo	( BinderInfo, isOneFunOcc, isOneSafeFunOcc
+			)
 import PragmaInfo	( PragmaInfo(..) )
 import CoreSyn
 import CoreUtils	( unTagBinders )
@@ -60,7 +61,8 @@ import RdrHsSyn		( RdrName )
 import OccurAnal	( occurAnalyseGlobalExpr )
 import CoreUtils	( coreExprType )
 --import CostCentre	( ccMentionsId )
-import Id		( SYN_IE(Id), idType, getIdArity,  isBottomingId, isDataCon, --rm: isPrimitiveId_maybe,
+import Id		( SYN_IE(Id), idType, getIdArity,  isBottomingId, isDataCon,
+			  idWantsToBeINLINEd, idMustBeINLINEd, idMustNotBeINLINEd,
 			  SYN_IE(IdSet), GenId{-instances-} )
 import PrimOp		( primOpCanTriggerGC, fragilePrimOp, PrimOp(..) )
 import IdInfo		( ArityInfo(..), bottomIsGuaranteed )
@@ -213,12 +215,11 @@ mkFormSummary expr
 					  ArityAtLeast a | n < a -> ValueForm
 					  other			 -> OtherForm
-whnfOrBottom :: GenCoreExpr bndr Id tyvar uvar -> Bool
-whnfOrBottom e = case mkFormSummary e of 
-			VarForm    -> True
-			ValueForm  -> True
-			BottomForm -> True
-			OtherForm  -> False
+whnfOrBottom :: FormSummary -> Bool
+whnfOrBottom VarForm    = True
+whnfOrBottom ValueForm  = True
+whnfOrBottom BottomForm = True
+whnfOrBottom OtherForm  = False
 @exprIsTrivial@ is true of expressions we are unconditionally happy to duplicate;
@@ -514,33 +515,24 @@ certainlySmallEnoughToInline guidance = smallEnoughToInline (repeat False) False
+@inlineUnconditionally@ decides whether a let-bound thing can
+*definitely* be inlined at each of its call sites.  If so, then
+we can drop the binding right away.  But remember, you have to be 
+certain that every use can be inlined.  So, notably, any ArgOccs 
+rule this out.  Since ManyOcc doesn't record FunOcc/ArgOcc 
-	:: FormSummary	-- What the thing to be inlined is like
-	-> BinderInfo 	-- How the thing to be inlined occurs
-	-> Bool		-- True => it's small enough to inline
-	-> Bool		-- True => yes, inline it
--- If there's no danger of duplicating work, we can inline if it occurs once, or is small
-okToInline form occ_info small_enough
- | no_dup_danger form
- = small_enough || one_occ
- where
-   one_occ = case occ_info of
-		OneOcc _ _ _ n_alts _ -> n_alts <= 1
-		other		      -> False
-   no_dup_danger VarForm    = True
-   no_dup_danger ValueForm  = True
-   no_dup_danger BottomForm = True
-   no_dup_danger other      = False
--- A non-WHNF can be inlined if it doesn't occur inside a lambda,
--- and occurs exactly once or 
---     occurs once in each branch of a case and is small
-okToInline OtherForm (OneOcc _ dup_danger _ n_alts _) small_enough 
-  = not (isDupDanger dup_danger) && (n_alts <= 1 || small_enough)
+inlineUnconditionally :: Bool -> Id -> BinderInfo -> Bool
-okToInline form any_occ small_enough = False
+inlineUnconditionally ok_to_dup id occ_info
+  |  idMustNotBeINLINEd id = False
+  |  isOneFunOcc occ_info
+  && idMustBeINLINEd id = True
+  |  isOneSafeFunOcc (ok_to_dup || idWantsToBeINLINEd id) occ_info
+  =  True
+  |  otherwise
+  = False