diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/BSD.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/BSD.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c19f8e50be852806e5a732eff249ca5ccac17c3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/BSD.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-% Last Modified: Fri Jul 21 12:08:19 1995
-% Darren J Moffat <moffatd@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
-\section[BSD]{Misc BSD bindings}
-module BSD (
-    HostName(..),
-    ProtocolName(..),
-    ServiceName(..),
-    PortNumber(..),
-    ProtocolEntry(..),
-    ServiceEntry(..),
-    HostEntry(..),
---    SelectData(..),
-    getHostName,	    -- :: IO String
---    select,		    -- :: SelectData -> IO (Maybe SelectData)
-    getServiceByName,	    -- :: ServiceName -> IO ServiceEntry
-    getServicePortNumber,   -- :: ServiceName -> IO PortNumber
-    getServiceEntry,	    -- :: IO ServiceEntry
-    setServiceEntry,	    -- :: Bool -> IO ()
-    endServiceEntry,	    -- :: IO ()
-    getProtocolByName,	    -- :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolEntry
-    getProtocolByNumber,    -- :: ProtocolNumber -> IO ProtcolEntry
-    getProtocolNumber,	    -- :: ProtocolName -> ProtocolNumber
-    getProtocolEntry,	    -- :: IO ProtocolEntry
-    setProtocolEntry,	    -- :: Bool -> IO ()
-    endProtocolEntry,	    -- :: IO ()
-    getHostByName,	    -- :: HostName -> IO HostEntry
-    getHostByAddr,	    -- :: Family -> HostAddress -> IO HostEntry
-    getHostEntry,	    -- :: IO HostEntry
-    setHostEntry,	    -- :: Bool -> IO ()
-    endHostEntry,	    -- :: IO ()
-    -- make interface self-sufficient:
-    Family
-) where
-import LibPosixUtil
-import SocketPrim
-import PreludePrimIO
-import PreludeGlaMisc
-import PreludeGlaST
-%*                                                                         *
-\subsection[BSD-DBTypes]{Service, Protocol \& Host Database Types}
-%*                                                                         *
-type HostName = String
-type ProtocolName = String
-type ProtocolNumber = Int
-type ServiceName = String
-type PortNumber = Int
-data ProtocolEntry = ProtocolEntry		
-		     ProtocolName	-- Official Name
-		     [ProtocolName]	-- Set of Aliases
-		     Int		-- Protocol Number
-data ServiceEntry  = ServiceEntry 
-                     ServiceName	-- Official Name
-		     [ServiceName]	-- Set of Aliases
-		     PortNumber		-- Port Number
-		     ProtocolName	-- Protocol
-data HostEntry = HostEntry
-     		 HostName		-- Official Name
-		 [HostName]		-- Set of Aliases
-		 Family			-- Host Type (currently AF_INET)
-		 [HostAddress]		-- Set of Network Addresses
-%*                                                                         *
-\subsection[LibSocket-DBAccess]{Service, Protocol Host Database Access}
-%*                                                                         *
-Calling $getServiceByName$ for a given service and protocol returns the
-systems service entry.  This should be used to find the port numbers
-for standard protocols such as smtp and FTP.  The remaining three
-functions should be used for browsing the service database
-Calling $setServiceEntry$ with $True$ indicates that the service
-database should be left open between calls to $getServiceEntry$.  To
-close the database a call to $endServiceEntry$ is required.  This
-database file is usually stored in the file /etc/services.
-getServiceByName :: ServiceName ->	-- Service Name
-		    ProtocolName ->	-- Protocol Name
-		    IO ServiceEntry	-- Service Entry
-getServiceByName name proto = 
-	_ccall_ getservbyname name proto	`thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-	if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	  failWith (NoSuchThing "no such service entry")
-	else
-	  unpackServiceEntry ptr		`thenPrimIO` \ servent ->
-	  return servent
-getServiceByPort :: PortNumber ->	
-		    ProtocolName ->
-		    IO ServiceEntry
-getServiceByPort port proto =
-	_ccall_ getservbyport port proto	`thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-	if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	  failWith (NoSuchThing "no such service entry")
-	else
-	  unpackServiceEntry ptr		`thenPrimIO` \ servent ->
-	  return servent
-getServicePortNumber :: ServiceName -> IO PortNumber
-getServicePortNumber name =
-	getServiceByName name "tcp"	>>= \ (ServiceEntry _ _ port _) ->
-	return port
-getServiceEntry	:: IO ServiceEntry
-getServiceEntry =
-	_ccall_ getservent			`thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-	if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	  failWith (NoSuchThing "no such service entry")
-	else
-	  unpackServiceEntry ptr		`thenPrimIO` \ servent ->
-	  return servent
-setServiceEntry	:: Bool -> IO ()
-setServiceEntry True  =	primIOToIO (_ccall_ setservent 1)
-setServiceEntry False = primIOToIO (_ccall_ setservent 0)
-endServiceEntry	:: IO ()
-endServiceEntry = primIOToIO (_ccall_ endservent)
-The following relate directly to the corresponding UNIX C calls for
-returning the protocol entries. The protocol entry is represented by
-the Haskell type type ProtocolEntry = (String, [String], Int).
-As for $setServiceEntry$ above, calling $setProtocolEntry$.
-determines whether or not the protocol database file, usually
-/etc/protocols, is to be kept open between calls of
-getProtocolByName :: ProtocolName ->	-- Protocol Name
-		     IO ProtocolEntry	-- Protocol Entry
-getProtocolByName name = 
-	_ccall_ getprotobyname name		`thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-	if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	  failWith (NoSuchThing "no such protocol entry")
-	else
-	  unpackProtocolEntry ptr		 `thenPrimIO` \ protoent ->
-	  return protoent
-getProtocolByNumber :: PortNumber ->	-- Protocol Number
-		       IO ProtocolEntry	-- Protocol Entry
-getProtocolByNumber num = 
-	_ccall_ getprotobynumber num		`thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-	if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	  failWith (NoSuchThing "no such protocol entry")
-	else
-	  unpackProtocolEntry ptr		 `thenPrimIO` \ protoent ->
-	  return protoent
-getProtocolNumber :: ProtocolName -> IO ProtocolNumber
-getProtocolNumber proto =
-	getProtocolByName proto		>>= \ (ProtocolEntry _ _ num) ->
-	return num
-getProtocolEntry :: IO ProtocolEntry	-- Next Protocol Entry from DB
-getProtocolEntry =
-	_ccall_ getprotoent			`thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-	if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	  failWith (NoSuchThing "no such protocol entry")
-	else
-	  unpackProtocolEntry ptr		`thenPrimIO` \ protoent ->
-	  return protoent
-setProtocolEntry :: Bool -> IO ()	-- Keep DB Open ?
-setProtocolEntry True  = primIOToIO (_ccall_ setprotoent 1)
-setProtocolEntry False = primIOToIO (_ccall_ setprotoent 0)
-endProtocolEntry :: IO ()
-endProtocolEntry = primIOToIO (_ccall_ endprotoent)
-getHostByName :: HostName -> IO HostEntry
-getHostByName name = 
-	_ccall_ gethostbyname name 		`thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-	if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	  failWith (NoSuchThing "no such host entry")
-	else
-	  unpackHostEntry ptr			`thenPrimIO` \ hostent ->
-	  return hostent
-getHostByAddr :: Family -> HostAddress -> IO HostEntry
-getHostByAddr family addr = 
-	_casm_ ``%r = gethostbyaddr (%0, sizeof(%0), %1);''
-		 addr (packFamily family)	`thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-	if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	  failWith (NoSuchThing "no such host entry")
-	else
-	  unpackHostEntry ptr			`thenPrimIO` \ hostent ->
-	  return hostent
-getHostEntry :: IO HostEntry
-getHostEntry = 
-	_ccall_ gethostent			`thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-	if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	  failWith (NoSuchThing "no such host entry")
-	else
-	  unpackHostEntry ptr			`thenPrimIO` \ hostent ->
-	  return hostent
-setHostEntry :: Bool -> IO ()
-setHostEntry True = primIOToIO (_ccall_ sethostent 1)
-setHostEntry False = primIOToIO (_ccall_ sethostent 0)
-endHostEntry :: IO ()
-endHostEntry = primIOToIO (_ccall_ endprotoent)
-%*                                                                         *
-\subsection[BSD-Misc]{Miscellaneous Functions}
-%*                                                                         *
-The $select$ call is is used to make the process sleep until at least
-one of the given handles, is ready for reading, writing or has had an
-exception condition raised against it. The handles which are ready are
-returned in $SelectData$.
-Select will also return after the given timeout, which is given in
-nanoseconds, has expired. In this case $Nothing$ is returned.
-There is no provision of checking the amount of time remaining since
-the $select$ system call does not make this information available on
-all systems.  Some always return a zero timeout where others return
-the time remaining.
-Possible return values from select are then:
-\item ([Handle], [Handle], [Handle], Nothing)
-\item Nothing
-type SelectData = ([Handle],		-- Read Handles
-		   [Handle],		-- Write Handles
-		   [Handle],		-- Exception Handles
-		   Maybe Integer)	-- Timeout
-select :: SelectData -> IO (Maybe SelectData)
-Calling $getHostName$ returns the standard host name for the current
-processor, as set at boot time.
-getHostName :: IO HostName
-getHostName =
-    newCharArray (0,256)			`thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = gethostname(%0, 256);'' ptr	`seqPrimIO`
-    mutByteArr2Addr ptr				`thenPrimIO` \ ptr' ->
-    if ptr' == ``NULL'' then
-	fail "getHostName: unable to determine hostname"
-    else
-	return (_unpackPS (_packCString ptr'))
- struct    servent {
-               char *s_name;  /* official name of service */
-               char **s_aliases;   /* alias list */
-               int  s_port;        /* port service resides at */
-               char *s_proto; /* protocol to use */
-          };
-     The members of this structure are:
-          s_name              The official name of the service.
-          s_aliases           A zero terminated list of alternate
-                              names for the service.
-          s_port              The port number at which  the  ser-
-                              vice  resides.   Port  numbers  are
-                              returned  in  network  short   byte
-                              order.
-          s_proto             The name of  the  protocol  to  use
-                              when contacting the service.
-unpackServiceEntry :: _Addr -> PrimIO ServiceEntry
-unpackServiceEntry ptr =	
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct servent*)%0)->s_name;'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-	strcpy str				`thenPrimIO` \ name ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct servent*)%0)->s_aliases;'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ alias ->
-	unvectorize alias 0			`thenStrictlyST` \ aliases ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct servent*)%0)->s_port;'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ port ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct servent*)%0)->s_proto;'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-	strcpy str				`thenPrimIO` \ proto ->
-	returnPrimIO (ServiceEntry name aliases port proto)
-unpackProtocolEntry :: _Addr -> PrimIO ProtocolEntry
-unpackProtocolEntry ptr =
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct protoent*)%0)->p_name;'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-	strcpy str				`thenPrimIO` \ name ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct protoent*)%0)->p_aliases;'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ alias ->
-	unvectorize alias 0			`thenStrictlyST` \ aliases ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct protoent*)%0)->p_proto;'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ proto ->
-	returnPrimIO (ProtocolEntry name aliases proto)
-unpackHostEntry :: _Addr -> PrimIO HostEntry
-unpackHostEntry ptr =
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct hostent*)%0)->h_name;'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-	strcpy str				`thenPrimIO` \ name ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct hostent*)%0)->h_aliases;'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ alias ->
-	unvectorize alias 0			`thenStrictlyST` \ aliases ->
-{-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct hostent*)%0)->h_addr_list;'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ addrs ->
-	unvectorizeHostAddrs addrs 0		`thenStrictlyST` \ addrList ->
--}	unvectorizeHostAddrs ptr 0		`thenStrictlyST` \ addrList ->
-	returnPrimIO (HostEntry name aliases AF_INET addrList)
-unvectorizeHostAddrs :: _Addr -> Int -> PrimIO [_Word]
-unvectorizeHostAddrs ptr n 
-  | str == ``NULL'' = returnPrimIO []
-  | otherwise = 
-	_casm_ ``{ u_long tmp;
-		   if ((((struct hostent*)%0)->h_addr_list[(int)%1]) == NULL)
-		      tmp=(W_)0;
-		   else
-		      tmp = (W_)ntohl(((struct in_addr *)(((struct hostent*)%0)->h_addr_list[(int)%1]))->s_addr); 
-		   %r=(W_)tmp;} ''
-		ptr n				    `thenPrimIO` \ x ->
-	unvectorizeHostAddrs ptr (n+1)		    `thenPrimIO` \ xs ->
-	returnPrimIO (x : xs)
-  where str = indexAddrOffAddr ptr n
-unvectorizeHostAddrs :: _Addr -> Int -> PrimIO [_Word]
-unvectorizeHostAddrs ptr n 
-  | str == ``NULL'' = returnPrimIO []
-  | otherwise = 
-	_casm_ ``%r = (W_)ntohl(((struct hostent*)%0)->h_addr_list[(int)%1]);''
-		ptr n				    `thenPrimIO` \ x ->
-	unvectorizeHostAddrs ptr (n+1)		    `thenPrimIO` \ xs ->
-	returnPrimIO (x : xs)
-  where str = indexAddrOffAddr ptr n
-mutByteArr2Addr :: _MutableByteArray _RealWorld Int -> PrimIO  _Addr
-mutByteArr2Addr arr  = _casm_ `` %r=(void *)%0; '' arr
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/Bag.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/Bag.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3734df5886e60af8655de9eaecefe6b936d4c1d4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/Bag.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
-\section[Bags]{@Bag@: an unordered collection with duplicates}
-module Bag (
-	Bag,	-- abstract type
-	emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags,
-#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	elemBag,
-	filterBag, partitionBag,
-	isEmptyBag, snocBag, listToBag, bagToList
-    ) where
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-import Id		( Id )
-import Outputable
-import Pretty
-import Util
-data Bag a
-  = EmptyBag
-  | UnitBag	a
-  | TwoBags	(Bag a) (Bag a)	-- The ADT guarantees that at least
-				-- one branch is non-empty.
-  | ListOfBags	[Bag a]		-- The list is non-empty
-emptyBag = EmptyBag
-unitBag  = UnitBag
-#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
--- not used in GHC
-elemBag :: Eq a => a -> Bag a -> Bool
-elemBag x EmptyBag        = False
-elemBag x (UnitBag y)     = x==y
-elemBag x (TwoBags b1 b2) = x `elemBag` b1 || x `elemBag` b2
-elemBag x (ListOfBags bs) = any (x `elemBag`) bs
-unionManyBags [] = EmptyBag
-unionManyBags xs = ListOfBags xs
--- This one is a bit stricter! The bag will get completely evaluated.
-unionBags EmptyBag b = b
-unionBags b EmptyBag = b
-unionBags b1 b2      = TwoBags b1 b2
-snocBag :: Bag a -> a -> Bag a
-snocBag bag elt = bag `unionBags` (unitBag elt)
-isEmptyBag EmptyBag	    = True
-isEmptyBag (TwoBags b1 b2)  = isEmptyBag b1 && isEmptyBag b2	-- Paranoid, but safe
-isEmptyBag (ListOfBags bs)  = all isEmptyBag bs
-isEmptyBag other	    = False
-filterBag :: (a -> Bool) -> Bag a -> Bag a
-filterBag pred EmptyBag = EmptyBag
-filterBag pred b@(UnitBag val) = if pred val then b else EmptyBag
-filterBag pred (TwoBags b1 b2) = sat1 `unionBags` sat2
-			       where
-				 sat1 = filterBag pred b1
-				 sat2 = filterBag pred b2
-filterBag pred (ListOfBags bs) = ListOfBags sats
-			        where
-				 sats = [filterBag pred b | b <- bs]
-partitionBag :: (a -> Bool) -> Bag a -> (Bag a {- Satisfy predictate -}, 
-					 Bag a {- Don't -})
-partitionBag pred EmptyBag = (EmptyBag, EmptyBag)
-partitionBag pred b@(UnitBag val) = if pred val then (b, EmptyBag) else (EmptyBag, b)
-partitionBag pred (TwoBags b1 b2) = (sat1 `unionBags` sat2, fail1 `unionBags` fail2)
-				  where
-				    (sat1,fail1) = partitionBag pred b1
-				    (sat2,fail2) = partitionBag pred b2
-partitionBag pred (ListOfBags bs) = (ListOfBags sats, ListOfBags fails)
-				  where
-				    (sats, fails) = unzip [partitionBag pred b | b <- bs]
-listToBag :: [a] -> Bag a
-listToBag lst = foldr TwoBags EmptyBag (map UnitBag lst)
-bagToList :: Bag a -> [a]
-bagToList b = b_to_l b []
-  where
-    -- (b_to_l b xs) flattens b and puts xs on the end.
-    b_to_l EmptyBag 	   xs = xs
-    b_to_l (UnitBag x)	   xs = x:xs
-    b_to_l (TwoBags b1 b2) xs = b_to_l b1 (b_to_l b2 xs)
-    b_to_l (ListOfBags bs) xs = foldr b_to_l xs bs 
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-instance (Outputable a) => Outputable (Bag a) where
-    ppr sty EmptyBag	    = ppStr "emptyBag"
-    ppr sty (UnitBag a)     = ppr sty a
-    ppr sty (TwoBags b1 b2) = ppCat [ppr sty b1, pp'SP, ppr sty b2]
-    ppr sty (ListOfBags bs) = ppCat [ppLbrack, interpp'SP sty bs, ppRbrack]
-#endif {- COMPILING_GHC -}
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/BitSet.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/BitSet.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index eb6b52396f6894e5905168a42e40903d20304a6a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/BitSet.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1995
-\section[BitSet]{An implementation of very small sets}
-Bit sets are a fast implementation of sets of integers ranging from 0
-to one less than the number of bits in a machine word (typically 31).
-If any element exceeds the maximum value for a particular machine
-architecture, the results of these operations are undefined.  You have
-been warned.  If you put any safety checks in this code, I will have
-to kill you.
-Note: the Yale Haskell implementation won't provide a full 32 bits.
-However, if you can handle the performance loss, you could change to
-Integer and get virtually unlimited sets.
-module BitSet (
-	BitSet,		-- abstract type
-	mkBS, listBS, emptyBS, singletonBS,
-	unionBS, minusBS
-#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	, elementBS, intersectBS, isEmptyBS
-    ) where
--- nothing to import
-#elif defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-{-hide import from mkdependHS-}
-        LogOpPrims
-{-hide import from mkdependHS-}
-	Word
-data BitSet = MkBS Word#
-emptyBS :: BitSet 
-emptyBS = MkBS (int2Word# 0#)
-mkBS :: [Int] -> BitSet
-mkBS xs = foldr (unionBS . singletonBS) emptyBS xs
-singletonBS :: Int -> BitSet
-singletonBS x = case x of
-    I# i# -> MkBS ((int2Word# 1#) `shiftL#` i#)
-unionBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
-unionBS (MkBS x#) (MkBS y#) = MkBS (x# `or#` y#)
-minusBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
-minusBS (MkBS x#) (MkBS y#) = MkBS (x# `and#` (not# y#))
-#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
--- not used in GHC
-isEmptyBS :: BitSet -> Bool
-isEmptyBS (MkBS s#) = 
-    case word2Int# s# of
-    	0# -> True
-    	_  -> False
-intersectBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
-intersectBS (MkBS x#) (MkBS y#) = MkBS (x# `and#` y#)
-elementBS :: Int -> BitSet -> Bool
-elementBS x (MkBS s#) = case x of
-    I# i# -> case word2Int# (((int2Word# 1#) `shiftL#` i#) `and#` s#) of
-    	    	    0# -> False
-    	    	    _  -> True
-listBS :: BitSet -> [Int]
-listBS s = listify s 0
-    where listify (MkBS s#) n = 
-    	    case word2Int# s# of
-    	        0# -> []
-    	        _  -> let s' = (MkBS (s# `shiftr` 1#))
-    	    	    	  more = listify s' (n + 1)
-    	    	      in case word2Int# (s# `and#` (int2Word# 1#)) of
-    	    	    	  0# -> more
-    	    	    	  _  -> n : more
-# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-	  shiftr x y = shiftRL# x y
-# else
-	  shiftr x y = shiftR#  x y
-# endif
-#elif defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-data BitSet = MkBS Int
-emptyBS :: BitSet 
-emptyBS = MkBS 0
-mkBS :: [Int] -> BitSet
-mkBS xs = foldr (unionBS . singletonBS) emptyBS xs
-singletonBS :: Int -> BitSet
-singletonBS x = MkBS (1 `ashInt` x)
-unionBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
-unionBS (MkBS x) (MkBS y) = MkBS (x `logiorInt` y)
-#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
--- not used in GHC
-isEmptyBS :: BitSet -> Bool
-isEmptyBS (MkBS s) = 
-    case s of
-    	0 -> True
-    	_ -> False
-intersectBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
-intersectBS (MkBS x) (MkBS y) = MkBS (x `logandInt` y)
-elementBS :: Int -> BitSet -> Bool
-elementBS x (MkBS s) = 
-    case logbitpInt x s of
-    	0 -> False
-    	_ -> True
-minusBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
-minusBS (MkBS x) (MkBS y) = MkBS (x `logandc2Int` y)
--- rewritten to avoid right shifts (which would give nonsense on negative 
--- values.
-listBS :: BitSet -> [Int]
-listBS (MkBS s) = listify s 0 1
-    where listify s n m = 
-    	    case s of
-    	        0 -> []
-    	        _ -> let n' = n+1; m' = m+m in
-                     case logbitpInt s m of
-		     0 -> listify s n' m'
-		     _ -> n : listify (s `logandc2Int` m) n' m'
-#else	/* HBC, perhaps? */    
-data BitSet = MkBS Word
-emptyBS :: BitSet 
-emptyBS = MkBS 0
-mkBS :: [Int] -> BitSet
-mkBS xs = foldr (unionBS . singletonBS) emptyBS xs
-singletonBS :: Int -> BitSet
-singletonBS x = MkBS (1 `bitLsh` x)
-unionBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
-unionBS (MkBS x) (MkBS y) = MkBS (x `bitOr` y)
-#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
--- not used in GHC
-isEmptyBS :: BitSet -> Bool
-isEmptyBS (MkBS s) = 
-    case s of
-    	0 -> True
-    	_ -> False
-intersectBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
-intersectBS (MkBS x) (MkBS y) = MkBS (x `bitAnd` y)
-elementBS :: Int -> BitSet -> Bool
-elementBS x (MkBS s) = 
-    case (1 `bitLsh` x) `bitAnd` s of
-    	0 -> False
-    	_ -> True
-minusBS :: BitSet -> BitSet -> BitSet
-minusBS (MkBS x) (MkBS y) = MkBS (x `bitAnd` (bitCompl y))
-listBS :: BitSet -> [Int]
-listBS (MkBS s) = listify s 0
-    where listify s n = 
-    	    case s of
-    	        0 -> []
-    	        _ -> let s' = s `bitRsh` 1
-    	    	         more = listify s' (n + 1)
-    	    	     in case (s `bitAnd` 1) of
-    	    	    	    0 -> more
-    	    	    	    _ -> n : more
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/CError.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/CError.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index c5a3787059e3bf19284f45a016d024fe49fa27cc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/CError.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-% Last Modified: Wed Jul 19 13:12:10 1995
-% Darren J Moffat <moffatd@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
-% Generated from: @(#)errno.h 2.14 90/01/23 SMI; from UCB 4.1 82/12/28
-\section[CError]{Interface to C Error Codes}
-module CError (
-    CErrorCode(..),
-    errorCodeToStr,	-- :: CErrorCode -> String
-    getCErrorCode,	-- :: PrimIO CErrorCode
-    setCErrorCode	-- :: CErrorCode -> PrimIO ()
-) where
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PreludeGlaMisc
-import LibSystem
-data CErrorCode =
-	  NOERROR	-- Added as dummy value since deriving Ix starts at 0
-	| EPERM		-- Not owner
-	| ENOENT	-- No such file or directory
-	| ESRCH		-- No such process
-	| EINTR		-- Interrupted system call
-	| EIO		-- I/O error
-	| ENXIO		-- No such device or address
-	| E2BIG		-- Arg list too long
-	| ENOEXEC	-- Exec format error
-	| EBADF		-- Bad file number
-	| ECHILD	-- No children
-	| EAGAIN	-- No more processes
-	| ENOMEM	-- Not enough core
-	| EACCES	-- Permission denied
-	| EFAULT	-- Bad address
-	| ENOTBLK	-- Block device required
-	| EBUSY		-- Mount device busy
-	| EEXIST	-- File exists
-	| EXDEV		-- Cross-device link
-	| ENODEV	-- No such device
-	| ENOTDIR	-- Not a directory*/
-	| EISDIR	-- Is a directory
-	| EINVAL	-- Invalid argument
-	| ENFILE	-- File table overflow
-	| EMFILE	-- Too many open files
-	| ENOTTY	-- Not a typewriter
-	| ETXTBSY	-- Text file busy
-	| EFBIG		-- File too large
-	| ENOSPC	-- No space left on device
-	| ESPIPE	-- Illegal seek
-	| EROFS		-- Read-only file system
-	| EMLINK	-- Too many links
-	| EPIPE		-- Broken pipe
--- math software
-	| EDOM		-- Argument too large
-	| ERANGE	-- Result too large
--- non-blocking and interrupt i/o
-	| EWOULDBLOCK	-- Operation would block
-	| EINPROGRESS	-- Operation now in progress
-	| EALREADY	-- Operation already in progress
--- ipc/network software
--- argument errors
-	| ENOTSOCK	-- Socket operation on non-socket
-	| EDESTADDRREQ	-- Destination address required
-	| EMSGSIZE	-- Message too long
-	| EPROTOTYPE	-- Protocol wrong type for socket
-	| ENOPROTOOPT	-- Protocol not available
-	| EPROTONOSUPPOR -- Protocol not supported
-	| ESOCKTNOSUPPORT -- Socket type not supported
-	| EOPNOTSUPP	-- Operation not supported on socket
-	| EPFNOSUPPORT	-- Protocol family not supported
-	| EAFNOSUPPORT	-- Address family not supported by protocol family
-	| EADDRINUSE	-- Address already in use
-	| EADDRNOTAVAIL	-- Can't assign requested address
--- operational errors
-	| ENETDOWN	-- Network is down
-	| ENETUNREACH	-- Network is unreachable
-	| ENETRESET	-- Network dropped connection on reset
-	| ECONNABORTED	-- Software caused connection abort
-	| ECONNRESET	-- Connection reset by peer
-	| ENOBUFS	-- No buffer space available
-	| EISCONN	-- Socket is already connected
-	| ENOTCONN	-- Socket is not connected
-	| ESHUTDOWN	-- Can't send after socket shutdown
-	| ETOOMANYREFS	-- Too many references: can't splice
-	| ETIMEDOUT	-- Connection timed out
-	| ECONNREFUSED	-- Connection refused
-	| ELOOP		-- Too many levels of symbolic links
-	| ENAMETOOLONG	-- File name too long
--- should be rearranged
-	| EHOSTDOWN	-- Host is down
-	| EHOSTUNREACH	-- No route to host
-	| ENOTEMPTY	-- Directory not empty
--- quotas & mush
-	| EPROCLIM	-- Too many processes
-	| EUSERS	-- Too many users
-	| EDQUOT	-- Disc quota exceeded
--- Network File System
-	| ESTALE	-- Stale NFS file handle
-	| EREMOTE	-- Too many levels of remote in path
--- streams
-	| ENOSTR	-- Device is not a stream
-	| ETIME		-- Timer expired
-	| ENOSR		-- Out of streams resources
-	| ENOMSG	-- No message of desired type
-	| EBADMSG	-- Trying to read unreadable message
--- SystemV IPC
-	| EIDRM		-- Identifier removed
--- SystemV Record Locking
-	| EDEADLK	-- Deadlock condition.
-	| ENOLCK	-- No record locks available.
--- RFS
-	| ENONET	-- Machine is not on the network
-	| ERREMOTE	-- Object is remote
-	| ENOLINK	-- the link has been severed
-	| EADV		-- advertise error
-	| ESRMNT	-- srmount error
-	| ECOMM		-- Communication error on send
-	| EPROTO	-- Protocol error
-	| EMULTIHOP	-- multihop attempted
-	| EDOTDOT	-- Cross mount point (not an error)
-	| EREMCHG	-- Remote address changed
-	| ENOSYS	-- function not implemented
-	deriving (Eq,Ord,Ix,Text)
-errorCodeToStr :: CErrorCode -> String
-errorCodeToStr NOERROR	= ""
-errorCodeToStr EPERM	= "Not owner"
-errorCodeToStr ENOENT	= "No such file or directory"
-errorCodeToStr ESRCH	= "No such process"
-errorCodeToStr EINTR	= "Interrupted system call"
-errorCodeToStr EIO	= "I/O error"
-errorCodeToStr ENXIO	= "No such device or address"
-errorCodeToStr E2BIG	= "Arg list too long"
-errorCodeToStr ENOEXEC	= "Exec format error"
-errorCodeToStr EBADF	= "Bad file number"
-errorCodeToStr ECHILD	= "No children"
-errorCodeToStr EAGAIN	= "No more processes"
-errorCodeToStr ENOMEM	= "Not enough core"
-errorCodeToStr EACCES	= "Permission denied"
-errorCodeToStr EFAULT	= "Bad address"
-errorCodeToStr ENOTBLK	= "Block device required"
-errorCodeToStr EBUSY	= "Mount device busy"
-errorCodeToStr EEXIST	= "File exists"
-errorCodeToStr EXDEV	= "Cross-device link"
-errorCodeToStr ENODEV	= "No such device"
-errorCodeToStr ENOTDIR	= "Not a directory"
-errorCodeToStr EISDIR	= "Is a directory"
-errorCodeToStr EINVAL	= "Invalid argument"
-errorCodeToStr ENFILE	= "File table overflow"
-errorCodeToStr EMFILE	= "Too many open files"
-errorCodeToStr ENOTTY	= "Not a typewriter"
-errorCodeToStr ETXTBSY	= "Text file busy"
-errorCodeToStr EFBIG	= "File too large"
-errorCodeToStr ENOSPC	= "No space left on device"
-errorCodeToStr ESPIPE	= "Illegal seek"
-errorCodeToStr EROFS	= "Read-only file system"
-errorCodeToStr EMLINK	= "Too many links"
-errorCodeToStr EPIPE	= "Broken pipe"
--- math software
-errorCodeToStr EDOM	= "Argument too large"
-errorCodeToStr ERANGE	= "Result too large"
--- non-blocking and interrupt i/o"
-errorCodeToStr EWOULDBLOCK	= "Operation would block"
-errorCodeToStr EINPROGRESS	= "Operation now in progress"
-errorCodeToStr EALREADY		= "Operation already in progress"
--- ipc/network software
--- argument errors
-errorCodeToStr ENOTSOCK		= "Socket operation on non-socket"
-errorCodeToStr EDESTADDRREQ	= "Destination address required"
-errorCodeToStr EMSGSIZE		= "Message too long"
-errorCodeToStr EPROTOTYPE	= "Protocol wrong type for socket"
-errorCodeToStr ENOPROTOOPT	= "Protocol not available"
-errorCodeToStr EPROTONOSUPPOR 	= "Protocol not supported"
-errorCodeToStr ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 	= "Socket type not supported"
-errorCodeToStr EOPNOTSUPP	= "Operation not supported on socket"
-errorCodeToStr EPFNOSUPPORT	= "Protocol family not supported"
-errorCodeToStr EAFNOSUPPORT	= "Address family not supported by protocol family"
-errorCodeToStr EADDRINUSE	= "Address already in use"
-errorCodeToStr EADDRNOTAVAIL	= "Can't assign requested address"
--- operational errors
-errorCodeToStr ENETDOWN		= "Network is down"
-errorCodeToStr ENETUNREACH	= "Network is unreachable"
-errorCodeToStr ENETRESET	= "Network dropped connection on reset"
-errorCodeToStr ECONNABORTED	= "Software caused connection abort"
-errorCodeToStr ECONNRESET	= "Connection reset by peer"
-errorCodeToStr ENOBUFS		= "No buffer space available"
-errorCodeToStr EISCONN		= "Socket is already connected"
-errorCodeToStr ENOTCONN		= "Socket is not connected"
-errorCodeToStr ESHUTDOWN	= "Can't send after socket shutdown"
-errorCodeToStr ETOOMANYREFS	= "Too many references: can't splice"
-errorCodeToStr ETIMEDOUT	= "Connection timed out"
-errorCodeToStr ECONNREFUSED	= "Connection refused"
-errorCodeToStr ELOOP		= "Too many levels of symbolic links"
-errorCodeToStr ENAMETOOLONG	= "File name too long"
--- should be rearranged
-errorCodeToStr EHOSTDOWN	= "Host is down"
-errorCodeToStr EHOSTUNREACH	= "No route to host"
-errorCodeToStr ENOTEMPTY	= "Directory not empty"
--- quotas & mush
-errorCodeToStr EPROCLIM	= "Too many processes"
-errorCodeToStr EUSERS	= "Too many users"
-errorCodeToStr EDQUOT	= "Disc quota exceeded"
--- Network File System
-errorCodeToStr ESTALE	= "Stale NFS file handle"
-errorCodeToStr EREMOTE	= "Too many levels of remote in path"
--- streams
-errorCodeToStr ENOSTR	= "Device is not a stream"
-errorCodeToStr ETIME	= "Timer expired"
-errorCodeToStr ENOSR	= "Out of streams resources"
-errorCodeToStr ENOMSG	= "No message of desired type"
-errorCodeToStr EBADMSG	= "Trying to read unreadable message"
--- SystemV IPC
-errorCodeToStr EIDRM	= "Identifier removed"
--- SystemV Record Locking
-errorCodeToStr EDEADLK	= "Deadlock condition."
-errorCodeToStr ENOLCK	= "No record locks available."
--- RFS
-errorCodeToStr ENONET	= "Machine is not on the network"
-errorCodeToStr ERREMOTE	= "Object is remote"
-errorCodeToStr ENOLINK	= "the link has been severed"
-errorCodeToStr EADV	= "advertise error"
-errorCodeToStr ESRMNT	= "srmount error"
-errorCodeToStr ECOMM	= "Communication error on send"
-errorCodeToStr EPROTO	= "Protocol error"
-errorCodeToStr EMULTIHOP = "multihop attempted"
-errorCodeToStr EDOTDOT	= "Cross mount point (not an error)"
-errorCodeToStr EREMCHG	= "Remote address changed"
-errorCodeToStr ENOSYS	= "function not implemented"
-unpackCErrorCode   :: Int -> CErrorCode
-unpackCErrorCode   e = (range (NOERROR, ENOSYS))!!e
-packCErrorCode :: CErrorCode -> Int
-packCErrorCode e = index (NOERROR, ENOSYS) e
-getCErrorCode :: PrimIO CErrorCode
-getCErrorCode =
-    _casm_ ``%r = errno;''			    `thenPrimIO` \ errno ->    
-    returnPrimIO (unpackCErrorCode errno)
-setCErrorCode :: CErrorCode -> PrimIO ()
-setCErrorCode ecode =
-    _casm_ ``errno = %0;'' (packCErrorCode ecode)   `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    returnPrimIO ()
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/CharSeq.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/CharSeq.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index d5520272fcd6be8ff98edc0277842b2bc9e732df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/CharSeq.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
-\section[CharSeq]{Characters sequences: the @CSeq@ type}
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-# include "HsVersions.h"
-# define FAST_STRING String
-# define FAST_INT    Int
-# define ILIT(x)     (x)
-# define IBOX(x)     (x)
-# define _GE_	     >=
-# define _ADD_	     +
-# define _SUB_	     -
-# define FAST_BOOL   Bool
-# define _TRUE_	     True
-# define _FALSE_     False
-module CharSeq (
-	CSeq,
-	cNil, cAppend, cIndent, cNL, cStr, cPStr, cCh, cInt,
-#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	cLength,
-	cShows,
-	cShow
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 22
-	, cAppendFile
-   ) where
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 26
-import PreludePrimIO
-import PreludeGlaST
-   ) where
-%*						*
-	\subsection{The interface}
-%*						*
-cShow	:: CSeq -> [Char]
-#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
--- not used in GHC
-cShows	:: CSeq -> ShowS
-cLength	:: CSeq -> Int
-cNil    :: CSeq
-cAppend :: CSeq -> CSeq -> CSeq
-cIndent :: Int -> CSeq -> CSeq
-cNL 	:: CSeq
-cStr 	:: [Char] -> CSeq
-cPStr	:: FAST_STRING -> CSeq
-cCh 	:: Char -> CSeq
-cInt	:: Int -> CSeq
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 22
-# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 23
-#  define _FILE _Addr
-# endif
-cAppendFile :: _FILE -> CSeq -> PrimIO ()
-%*						*
-	\subsection{The representation}
-%*						*
-data CSeq
-  = CNil
-  | CAppend	CSeq CSeq
-  | CIndent	Int  CSeq
-  | CNewline			-- Move to start of next line, unless we're
-				-- already at the start of a line.
-  | CStr	[Char]
-  | CCh		Char
-  | CInt	Int	-- equiv to "CStr (show the_int)"
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-  | CPStr	_PackedString
-The construction functions do pattern matching, to ensure that
-redundant CNils are eliminated.  This is bound to have some effect on
-evaluation order, but quite what I don't know.
-cNil = CNil
-The following special cases were eating our lunch! They make the whole
-thing too strict.  A classic strictness bug!
--- cAppend CNil cs2  = cs2
--- cAppend cs1  CNil = cs1
-cAppend cs1 cs2 = CAppend cs1 cs2
-cIndent n cs = CIndent n cs
-cNL	= CNewline
-cStr	= CStr
-cCh	= CCh
-cInt	= CInt
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-cPStr	= CPStr
-cPStr	= CStr
-cShow  seq	= flatten ILIT(0) _TRUE_ seq []
-#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-cShows seq rest = cShow seq ++ rest
-cLength seq = length (cShow seq) -- *not* the best way to do this!
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 22
-cAppendFile file_star seq
-  = flattenIO file_star seq
-This code is {\em hammered}.  We are not above doing sleazy
-non-standard things.  (WDP 94/10)
-data WorkItem = WI FAST_INT CSeq -- indentation, and sequence
-flatten :: FAST_INT	-- Indentation
-	-> FAST_BOOL	-- True => just had a newline
-	-> CSeq		-- Current seq to flatten
-	-> [WorkItem]	-- Work list with indentation
-	-> String
-flatten n nlp CNil seqs = flattenS nlp seqs
-flatten n nlp (CAppend seq1 seq2) seqs = flatten n nlp seq1 ((WI n seq2) : seqs)
-flatten n nlp (CIndent IBOX(n2) seq) seqs = flatten (n2 _ADD_ n) nlp seq seqs
-flatten n _FALSE_ CNewline seqs = '\n' : flattenS _TRUE_ seqs
-flatten n _TRUE_  CNewline seqs = flattenS _TRUE_ seqs	-- Already at start of line
-flatten n _FALSE_ (CStr s) seqs = s ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs
-flatten n _FALSE_ (CCh  c) seqs = c :  flattenS _FALSE_ seqs
-flatten n _FALSE_ (CInt i) seqs = show i ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-flatten n _FALSE_ (CPStr s) seqs = _unpackPS s ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs
-flatten n _TRUE_  (CStr s) seqs = mkIndent n (s ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs)
-flatten n _TRUE_  (CCh  c) seqs = mkIndent n (c :  flattenS _FALSE_ seqs)
-flatten n _TRUE_  (CInt i) seqs = mkIndent n (show i ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs)
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-flatten n _TRUE_ (CPStr s) seqs = mkIndent n (_unpackPS s ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs)
-flattenS :: FAST_BOOL -> [WorkItem] -> String
-flattenS nlp [] = ""
-flattenS nlp ((WI col seq):seqs) = flatten col nlp seq seqs
-mkIndent :: FAST_INT -> String -> String
-mkIndent ILIT(0) s = s
-mkIndent n       s
-  = if (n _GE_ ILIT(8))
-    then '\t' : mkIndent (n _SUB_ ILIT(8)) s
-    else ' '  : mkIndent (n _SUB_ ILIT(1)) s
-    -- Hmm.. a little Unix-y.
-Now the I/O version.
-This code is massively {\em hammered}.
-It {\em ignores} indentation.
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 22
-flattenIO :: _FILE	-- file we are writing to
-	  -> CSeq	-- Seq to print
-	  -> PrimIO ()
-flattenIO file sq
-# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-  | file == ``NULL'' = error "panic:flattenIO" -- really just to force eval :-)
-  | otherwise
-# endif
-  = flat sq
-  where
-    flat CNil = BSCC("flatCNil") returnPrimIO () ESCC
-    flat (CIndent n2 seq) = BSCC("flatCIndent") flat seq ESCC
-    flat (CAppend seq1 seq2)
-      = BSCC("flatCAppend")
-	flat seq1 `seqPrimIO` flat seq2
-    flat CNewline = BSCC("flatCNL") _ccall_ stg_putc '\n' file ESCC
-    flat (CCh c) = BSCC("flatCCh") _ccall_ stg_putc c file ESCC
-    flat (CInt i) = BSCC("flatCInt") _ccall_ fprintf file percent_d i ESCC
-    flat (CStr s) = BSCC("flatCStr") put_str s ESCC
-# if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-    flat (CPStr s) = BSCC("flatCPStr") put_pstr s ESCC
-# endif
-    -----
-    put_str, put_str2 :: String -> PrimIO ()
-    put_str str
-      = --put_str2 ``stderr'' (str ++ "\n") `seqPrimIO`
-	put_str2		str
-    put_str2 [] = BSCC("putNil") returnPrimIO () ESCC
-    put_str2 (c1@(C# _) : c2@(C# _) : c3@(C# _) : c4@(C# _) : cs)
-      = BSCC("put4")
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c1 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c2 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c3 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c4 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	put_str2 cs	-- efficiency hack?  who knows... (WDP 94/10)
-    put_str2 (c1@(C# _) : c2@(C# _) : c3@(C# _) : cs)
-      = BSCC("put3")
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c1 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c2 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c3 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	put_str2 cs	-- efficiency hack?  who knows... (WDP 94/10)
-    put_str2 (c1@(C# _) : c2@(C# _) : cs)
-      = BSCC("put2")
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c1 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c2 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	put_str2 cs	-- efficiency hack?  who knows... (WDP 94/10)
-    put_str2 (c1@(C# _) : cs)
-      = BSCC("put1")
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c1 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	put_str2 cs	-- efficiency hack?  who knows... (WDP 94/10)
-# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-    put_pstr ps = _putPS file ps
-# endif
-# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-percent_d = _psToByteArray SLIT("%d")
-# else
-percent_d = "%d"
-# endif
-#endif {- __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 22 -}
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/FiniteMap.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/FiniteMap.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 56caa587ea7f8c79152339427f27c48d754874d6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/FiniteMap.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,863 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1995
-\section[FiniteMap]{An implementation of finite maps}
-``Finite maps'' are the heart of the compiler's
-lookup-tables/environments and its implementation of sets.  Important
-This code is derived from that in the paper:
-	S Adams
-	"Efficient sets: a balancing act"
-	Journal of functional programming 3(4) Oct 1993, pp553-562
-The code is SPECIALIZEd to various highly-desirable types (e.g., Id)
-near the end (only \tr{#ifdef COMPILING_GHC}).
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-#define IF_NOT_GHC(a) {--}
-#define ASSERT(e) {--}
-#define IF_NOT_GHC(a) a
-#define COMMA ,
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && defined(DEBUG_FINITEMAPS)/* NB NB NB */
-#define OUTPUTABLE_key , Outputable key
-#define OUTPUTABLE_key {--}
-module FiniteMap (
-	FiniteMap,		-- abstract type
-	emptyFM, singletonFM, listToFM,
-	addToFM,   addListToFM,
-	addListToFM_C,
-	delListFromFM,
-	plusFM,      plusFM_C,
-	IF_NOT_GHC(intersectFM COMMA intersectFM_C COMMA)
-	minusFM, -- exported for GHCI only
-	isEmptyFM, elemFM, lookupFM, lookupWithDefaultFM,
-	fmToList, keysFM, eltsFM{-used in GHCI-}
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	, FiniteSet(..), emptySet, mkSet, isEmptySet
-	, elementOf, setToList, union, minusSet{-exported for GHCI-}
-	-- To make it self-sufficient
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-	, Maybe
-    ) where
-import Maybes
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-import AbsUniType
-import Pretty
-import Outputable
-import Util
-import CLabelInfo	( CLabel )  -- for specialising
-import AsmRegAlloc	( Reg )	    -- ditto
-#define IF_NCG(a) a
-#define IF_NCG(a) {--}
--- SIGH: but we use unboxed "sizes"...
-#define IF_GHC(a,b) a
-#else /* not GHC */
-#define IF_GHC(a,b) b
-#endif /* not GHC */
-%*									*
-\subsection{The signature of the module}
-%*									*
-emptyFM		:: FiniteMap key elt
-singletonFM	:: key -> elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-listToFM	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => [(key,elt)] -> FiniteMap key elt
-			-- In the case of duplicates, the last is taken
-		   -- Throws away any previous binding
-		   -- In the list case, the items are added starting with the
-		   -- first one in the list
-addToFM		:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> key -> elt  -> FiniteMap key elt
-addListToFM	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> [(key,elt)] -> FiniteMap key elt
-		   -- Combines with previous binding
-addToFM_C	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => (elt -> elt -> elt)
-			   -> FiniteMap key elt -> key -> elt  
-			   -> FiniteMap key elt
-addListToFM_C	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => (elt -> elt -> elt)
-			   -> FiniteMap key elt -> [(key,elt)] 
-			   -> FiniteMap key elt
-		   -- Deletion doesn't complain if you try to delete something
-		   -- which isn't there
-delFromFM	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> key   -> FiniteMap key elt
-delListFromFM	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> [key] -> FiniteMap key elt
-		   -- Bindings in right argument shadow those in the left
-plusFM		:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-			   -> FiniteMap key elt
-		   -- Combines bindings for the same thing with the given function
-plusFM_C	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => (elt -> elt -> elt) 
-			   -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-minusFM		:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-		   -- (minusFM a1 a2) deletes from a1 any bindings which are bound in a2
-intersectFM	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt 
-intersectFM_C	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => (elt -> elt -> elt)
-			   -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt 
-foldFM		:: (key -> elt -> a -> a) -> a -> FiniteMap key elt -> a
-mapFM		:: (key -> elt1 -> elt2) -> FiniteMap key elt1 -> FiniteMap key elt2
-filterFM	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => (key -> elt -> Bool) 
-			   -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-sizeFM		:: FiniteMap key elt -> Int
-isEmptyFM	:: FiniteMap key elt -> Bool
-elemFM		:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => key -> FiniteMap key elt -> Bool
-lookupFM	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> key -> Maybe elt
-		:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> elt -> key -> elt
-		-- lookupWithDefaultFM supplies a "default" elt
-		-- to return for an unmapped key
-fmToList	:: FiniteMap key elt -> [(key,elt)]
-keysFM		:: FiniteMap key elt -> [key]
-eltsFM		:: FiniteMap key elt -> [elt]
-%*									*
-\subsection{The @FiniteMap@ data type, and building of same}
-%*									*
-Invariants about @FiniteMap@:
-all keys in a FiniteMap are distinct
-all keys in left  subtree are $<$ key in Branch and
-all keys in right subtree are $>$ key in Branch
-size field of a Branch gives number of Branch nodes in the tree
-size of left subtree is differs from size of right subtree by a
-factor of at most \tr{sIZE_RATIO}
-data FiniteMap key elt
-  = EmptyFM 
-  | Branch key elt	    	-- Key and elt stored here
-    IF_GHC(Int#,Int{-STRICT-})	-- Size >= 1
-    (FiniteMap key elt)	    	-- Children
-    (FiniteMap key elt)
-emptyFM = EmptyFM
-  = Branch bottom bottom IF_GHC(0#,0) bottom bottom
-  where
-    bottom = panic "emptyFM"
--- #define EmptyFM (Branch _ _ IF_GHC(0#,0) _ _)
-singletonFM key elt = Branch key elt IF_GHC(1#,1) emptyFM emptyFM
-listToFM key_elt_pairs = addListToFM emptyFM key_elt_pairs
-%*									*
-\subsection{Adding to and deleting from @FiniteMaps@}
-%*									*
-addToFM fm key elt = addToFM_C (\ old new -> new) fm key elt
-addToFM_C combiner EmptyFM key elt = singletonFM key elt
-addToFM_C combiner (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) new_key new_elt
-  = case _tagCmp new_key key of
-	_LT -> mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
-	_GT -> mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
-	_EQ -> Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r
-  | new_key < key = mkBalBranch key elt (addToFM_C combiner fm_l new_key new_elt) fm_r
-  | new_key > key = mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (addToFM_C combiner fm_r new_key new_elt)
-  | otherwise	  = Branch new_key (combiner elt new_elt) size fm_l fm_r
-addListToFM fm key_elt_pairs = addListToFM_C (\ old new -> new) fm key_elt_pairs
-addListToFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs
-  = foldl add fm key_elt_pairs	-- foldl adds from the left
-  where
-    add fmap (key,elt) = addToFM_C combiner fmap key elt
-delFromFM EmptyFM del_key = emptyFM
-delFromFM (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) del_key
-  = case _tagCmp del_key key of
-	_GT -> mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (delFromFM fm_r del_key)
-	_LT -> mkBalBranch key elt (delFromFM fm_l del_key) fm_r
-	_EQ -> glueBal fm_l fm_r
-  | del_key > key
-  = mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (delFromFM fm_r del_key)
-  | del_key < key
-  = mkBalBranch key elt (delFromFM fm_l del_key) fm_r
-  | key == del_key
-  = glueBal fm_l fm_r
-delListFromFM fm keys = foldl delFromFM fm keys
-%*									*
-\subsection{Combining @FiniteMaps@}
-%*									*
-plusFM_C combiner EmptyFM fm2 = fm2
-plusFM_C combiner fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
-plusFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 _ left right)
-  = mkVBalBranch split_key new_elt 
-		 (plusFM_C combiner lts left)
-		 (plusFM_C combiner gts right)
-  where
-    lts     = splitLT fm1 split_key
-    gts     = splitGT fm1 split_key
-    new_elt = case lookupFM fm1 split_key of
-		Nothing   -> elt2
-		Just elt1 -> combiner elt1 elt2
--- It's worth doing plusFM specially, because we don't need
--- to do the lookup in fm1.
-plusFM EmptyFM fm2 = fm2
-plusFM fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
-plusFM fm1 (Branch split_key elt1 _ left right)
-  = mkVBalBranch split_key elt1 (plusFM lts left) (plusFM gts right)
-  where
-    lts     = splitLT fm1 split_key
-    gts     = splitGT fm1 split_key
-minusFM EmptyFM fm2 = emptyFM
-minusFM fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
-minusFM fm1 (Branch split_key elt _ left right)
-  = glueVBal (minusFM lts left) (minusFM gts right)
-	-- The two can be way different, so we need glueVBal
-  where
-    lts = splitLT fm1 split_key		-- NB gt and lt, so the equal ones
-    gts = splitGT fm1 split_key		-- are not in either.
-intersectFM fm1 fm2 = intersectFM_C (\ left right -> right) fm1 fm2
-intersectFM_C combiner fm1 EmptyFM = emptyFM
-intersectFM_C combiner EmptyFM fm2 = emptyFM
-intersectFM_C combiner fm1 (Branch split_key elt2 _ left right)
-  | maybeToBool maybe_elt1	-- split_elt *is* in intersection
-  = mkVBalBranch split_key (combiner elt1 elt2) (intersectFM_C combiner lts left)
-					        (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
-  | otherwise			-- split_elt is *not* in intersection
-  = glueVBal (intersectFM_C combiner lts left) (intersectFM_C combiner gts right)
-  where
-    lts = splitLT fm1 split_key		-- NB gt and lt, so the equal ones
-    gts = splitGT fm1 split_key		-- are not in either.
-    maybe_elt1 = lookupFM fm1 split_key
-    Just elt1  = maybe_elt1
-%*									*
-\subsection{Mapping, folding, and filtering with @FiniteMaps@}
-%*									*
-foldFM k z EmptyFM = z
-foldFM k z (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_r)
-  = foldFM k (k key elt (foldFM k z fm_r)) fm_l
-mapFM f EmptyFM = emptyFM
-mapFM f (Branch key elt size fm_l fm_r) 
-  = Branch key (f key elt) size (mapFM f fm_l) (mapFM f fm_r)
-filterFM p EmptyFM = emptyFM
-filterFM p (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_r)
-  | p key elt		-- Keep the item
-  = mkVBalBranch key elt (filterFM p fm_l) (filterFM p fm_r)
-  | otherwise		-- Drop the item
-  = glueVBal (filterFM p fm_l) (filterFM p fm_r)
-%*									*
-\subsection{Interrogating @FiniteMaps@}
-%*									*
---{-# INLINE sizeFM #-}
-sizeFM EmptyFM		     = 0
-sizeFM (Branch _ _ size _ _) = IF_GHC(I# size, size)
-isEmptyFM fm = sizeFM fm == 0
-lookupFM EmptyFM key = Nothing
-lookupFM (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_r) key_to_find
-  = case _tagCmp key_to_find key of
-	_LT -> lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
-	_GT -> lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
-        _EQ -> Just elt
-  | key_to_find < key = lookupFM fm_l key_to_find
-  | key_to_find > key = lookupFM fm_r key_to_find
-  | otherwise	  = Just elt
-key `elemFM` fm
-  = case (lookupFM fm key) of { Nothing -> False; Just elt -> True }
-lookupWithDefaultFM fm deflt key
-  = case (lookupFM fm key) of { Nothing -> deflt; Just elt -> elt }
-%*									*
-\subsection{Listifying @FiniteMaps@}
-%*									*
-fmToList fm = foldFM (\ key elt rest -> (key,elt) : rest) [] fm
-keysFM fm   = foldFM (\ key elt rest -> key : rest)       [] fm
-eltsFM fm   = foldFM (\ key elt rest -> elt : rest)       [] fm
-%*									*
-\subsection{The implementation of balancing}
-%*									*
-%*									*
-\subsubsection{Basic construction of a @FiniteMap@}
-%*									*
-@mkBranch@ simply gets the size component right.  This is the ONLY
-(non-trivial) place the Branch object is built, so the ASSERTion
-recursively checks consistency.  (The trivial use of Branch is in
-sIZE_RATIO :: Int
-mkBranch :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) 		-- Used for the assertion checking only
-	 => Int
-	 -> key -> elt 
-	 -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-	 -> FiniteMap key elt
-mkBranch which key elt fm_l fm_r
-  = --ASSERT( left_ok && right_ok && balance_ok )
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && defined(DEBUG_FINITEMAPS)
-    if not ( left_ok && right_ok && balance_ok ) then
-	pprPanic ("mkBranch:"++show which) (ppAboves [ppr PprDebug [left_ok, right_ok, balance_ok],
-				       ppr PprDebug key,
-				       ppr PprDebug fm_l,
-				       ppr PprDebug fm_r])
-    else
-    let
-	result = Branch key elt (unbox (1 + left_size + right_size)) fm_l fm_r
-    in
---    if sizeFM result <= 8 then
-	result
---    else
---	pprTrace ("mkBranch:"++(show which)) (ppr PprDebug result) (
---	result
---	)
-  where
-    left_ok  = case fm_l of
-		EmptyFM		         -> True
-		Branch left_key _ _ _ _  -> let
-						biggest_left_key = fst (findMax fm_l)
-					    in
-					    biggest_left_key < key
-    right_ok = case fm_r of
-		EmptyFM		         -> True
-		Branch right_key _ _ _ _ -> let
-						smallest_right_key = fst (findMin fm_r)
-					    in
-					    key < smallest_right_key
-    balance_ok = True -- sigh
-{- LATER:
-    balance_ok
-      = -- Both subtrees have one or no elements...
-	(left_size + right_size <= 1)
--- NO	      || left_size == 0  -- ???
--- NO	      || right_size == 0 -- ???
-    	-- ... or the number of elements in a subtree does not exceed
-	-- sIZE_RATIO times the number of elements in the other subtree
-      || (left_size  * sIZE_RATIO >= right_size &&
-    	  right_size * sIZE_RATIO >= left_size)
-    left_size  = sizeFM fm_l
-    right_size = sizeFM fm_r
-    unbox :: Int -> Int#
-    unbox (I# size) = size
-    unbox :: Int -> Int
-    unbox x = x
-%*									*
-\subsubsection{{\em Balanced} construction of a @FiniteMap@}
-%*									*
-@mkBalBranch@ rebalances, assuming that the subtrees aren't too far
-out of whack.
-mkBalBranch :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
-	    => key -> elt 
-	    -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-	    -> FiniteMap key elt
-mkBalBranch key elt fm_L fm_R
-  | size_l + size_r < 2 
-  = mkBranch 1{-which-} key elt fm_L fm_R
-  | size_r > sIZE_RATIO * size_l	-- Right tree too big
-  = case fm_R of
-	Branch _ _ _ fm_rl fm_rr 
-		| sizeFM fm_rl < 2 * sizeFM fm_rr -> single_L fm_L fm_R
-		| otherwise	   	          -> double_L fm_L fm_R
-	-- Other case impossible
-  | size_l > sIZE_RATIO * size_r	-- Left tree too big
-  = case fm_L of
-	Branch _ _ _ fm_ll fm_lr 
-		| sizeFM fm_lr < 2 * sizeFM fm_ll -> single_R fm_L fm_R
-		| otherwise		          -> double_R fm_L fm_R
-	-- Other case impossible
-  | otherwise				-- No imbalance
-  = mkBranch 2{-which-} key elt fm_L fm_R
-  where
-    size_l   = sizeFM fm_L
-    size_r   = sizeFM fm_R
-    single_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr) 
-	= mkBranch 3{-which-} key_r elt_r (mkBranch 4{-which-} key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
-    double_L fm_l (Branch key_r elt_r _ (Branch key_rl elt_rl _ fm_rll fm_rlr) fm_rr)
-	= mkBranch 5{-which-} key_rl elt_rl (mkBranch 6{-which-} key   elt   fm_l   fm_rll) 
-				 (mkBranch 7{-which-} key_r elt_r fm_rlr fm_rr)
-    single_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lr) fm_r
-	= mkBranch 8{-which-} key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkBranch 9{-which-} key elt fm_lr fm_r)
-    double_R (Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll (Branch key_lr elt_lr _ fm_lrl fm_lrr)) fm_r
-	= mkBranch 10{-which-} key_lr elt_lr (mkBranch 11{-which-} key_l elt_l fm_ll  fm_lrl)
-				 (mkBranch 12{-which-} key   elt   fm_lrr fm_r)
-mkVBalBranch :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
-	     => key -> elt 
-	     -> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-	     -> FiniteMap key elt
--- Assert: in any call to (mkVBalBranch_C comb key elt l r),
---	   (a) all keys in l are < all keys in r
---	   (b) all keys in l are < key
---	   (c) all keys in r are > key
-mkVBalBranch key elt EmptyFM fm_r = addToFM fm_r key elt
-mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l EmptyFM = addToFM fm_l key elt
-mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l@(Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lr)
-		     fm_r@(Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr)
-  | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r
-  = mkBalBranch key_r elt_r (mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
-  | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l
-  = mkBalBranch key_l elt_l fm_ll (mkVBalBranch key elt fm_lr fm_r)
-  | otherwise
-  = mkBranch 13{-which-} key elt fm_l fm_r
-  where 
-    size_l = sizeFM fm_l
-    size_r = sizeFM fm_r
-%*									*
-\subsubsection{Gluing two trees together}
-%*									*
-@glueBal@ assumes its two arguments aren't too far out of whack, just
-like @mkBalBranch@.  But: all keys in first arg are $<$ all keys in
-glueBal :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
-	=> FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-	-> FiniteMap key elt
-glueBal EmptyFM fm2 = fm2
-glueBal fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
-glueBal fm1 fm2 
-	-- The case analysis here (absent in Adams' program) is really to deal
-	-- with the case where fm2 is a singleton. Then deleting the minimum means
-	-- we pass an empty tree to mkBalBranch, which breaks its invariant.
-  | sizeFM fm2 > sizeFM fm1
-  = mkBalBranch mid_key2 mid_elt2 fm1 (deleteMin fm2)
-  | otherwise
-  = mkBalBranch mid_key1 mid_elt1 (deleteMax fm1) fm2
-  where
-    (mid_key1, mid_elt1) = findMax fm1
-    (mid_key2, mid_elt2) = findMin fm2
-@glueVBal@ copes with arguments which can be of any size.
-But: all keys in first arg are $<$ all keys in second.
-glueVBal :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key)
-	 => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-	 -> FiniteMap key elt
-glueVBal EmptyFM fm2 = fm2
-glueVBal fm1 EmptyFM = fm1
-glueVBal fm_l@(Branch key_l elt_l _ fm_ll fm_lr)
-         fm_r@(Branch key_r elt_r _ fm_rl fm_rr)
-  | sIZE_RATIO * size_l < size_r
-  = mkBalBranch key_r elt_r (glueVBal fm_l fm_rl) fm_rr
-  | sIZE_RATIO * size_r < size_l
-  = mkBalBranch key_l elt_l fm_ll (glueVBal fm_lr fm_r)
-  | otherwise		-- We now need the same two cases as in glueBal above.
-  = glueBal fm_l fm_r
-  where
-    (mid_key_l,mid_elt_l) = findMax fm_l
-    (mid_key_r,mid_elt_r) = findMin fm_r
-    size_l = sizeFM fm_l
-    size_r = sizeFM fm_r
-%*									*
-\subsection{Local utilities}
-%*									*
-splitLT, splitGT :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> key -> FiniteMap key elt
--- splitLT fm split_key  =  fm restricted to keys <  split_key
--- splitGE fm split_key  =  fm restricted to keys >= split_key (UNUSED)
--- splitGT fm split_key  =  fm restricted to keys >  split_key
-splitLT EmptyFM split_key = emptyFM
-splitLT (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_r) split_key
-  = case _tagCmp split_key key of
-	_LT -> splitLT fm_l split_key
-	_GT -> mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
-	_EQ -> fm_l
-  | split_key < key = splitLT fm_l split_key
-  | split_key > key = mkVBalBranch key elt fm_l (splitLT fm_r split_key)
-  | otherwise	    = fm_l
-splitGE EmptyFM split_key = emptyFM
-splitGE (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_r) split_key
-  = case _tagCmp split_key key of
-	_GT -> splitGE fm_r split_key
-	_LT -> mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGE fm_l split_key) fm_r
-	_EQ -> mkVBalBranch key elt emptyFM fm_r
-  | split_key > key = splitGE fm_r split_key
-  | split_key < key = mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGE fm_l split_key) fm_r
-  | otherwise	    = mkVBalBranch key elt emptyFM fm_r
-splitGT EmptyFM split_key = emptyFM
-splitGT (Branch key elt _ fm_l fm_r) split_key
-  = case _tagCmp split_key key of
-	_GT -> splitGT fm_r split_key
-	_LT -> mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_key) fm_r
-	_EQ -> fm_r
-  | split_key > key = splitGT fm_r split_key
-  | split_key < key = mkVBalBranch key elt (splitGT fm_l split_key) fm_r
-  | otherwise	    = fm_r
-findMin :: FiniteMap key elt -> (key,elt)
-findMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM _) = (key,elt)
-findMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l    _) = findMin fm_l
-deleteMin :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-deleteMin (Branch key elt _ EmptyFM fm_r) = fm_r
-deleteMin (Branch key elt _ fm_l    fm_r) = mkBalBranch key elt (deleteMin fm_l) fm_r
-findMax :: FiniteMap key elt -> (key,elt)
-findMax (Branch key elt _ _ EmptyFM) = (key,elt)
-findMax (Branch key elt _ _    fm_r) = findMax fm_r
-deleteMax :: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteMap key elt -> FiniteMap key elt
-deleteMax (Branch key elt _ fm_l EmptyFM) = fm_l
-deleteMax (Branch key elt _ fm_l    fm_r) = mkBalBranch key elt fm_l (deleteMax fm_r)
-%*									*
-%*									*
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-{- this is the real one actually...
-instance (Outputable key, Outputable elt) => Outputable (FiniteMap key elt) where
-    ppr sty fm = ppr sty (fmToList fm)
--- temp debugging (ToDo: rm)
-instance (Outputable key) => Outputable (FiniteMap key elt) where
-    ppr sty fm = pprX sty fm
-pprX sty EmptyFM = ppChar '!'
-pprX sty (Branch key elt sz fm_l fm_r)
- = ppBesides [ppLparen, pprX sty fm_l, ppSP,
-	      ppr sty key, ppSP, ppInt (IF_GHC(I# sz, sz)), ppSP,
-	      pprX sty fm_r, ppRparen]
-#if !defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-instance (Eq key, Eq elt) => Eq (FiniteMap key elt) where
-  fm_1 == fm_2 = (sizeFM   fm_1 == sizeFM   fm_2) &&   -- quick test
-                 (fmToList fm_1 == fmToList fm_2)
-{- NO: not clear what The Right Thing to do is:
-instance (Ord key, Ord elt) => Ord (FiniteMap key elt) where
-  fm_1 <= fm_2 = (sizeFM   fm_1 <= sizeFM   fm_2) &&   -- quick test
-                 (fmToList fm_1 <= fmToList fm_2)
-%*									*
-\subsection{FiniteSets---a thin veneer}
-%*									*
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-type FiniteSet key = FiniteMap key ()
-emptySet	:: FiniteSet key
-mkSet		:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => [key] -> FiniteSet key
-isEmptySet	:: FiniteSet key -> Bool
-elementOf	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => key -> FiniteSet key -> Bool
-minusSet	:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteSet key -> FiniteSet key -> FiniteSet key
-setToList	:: FiniteSet key -> [key]
-union		:: (Ord key OUTPUTABLE_key) => FiniteSet key -> FiniteSet key -> FiniteSet key
-emptySet = emptyFM
-mkSet xs = listToFM [ (x, ()) | x <- xs]
-isEmptySet = isEmptyFM
-elementOf = elemFM
-minusSet  = minusFM
-setToList = keysFM
-union = plusFM
-%*									*
-\subsection{Efficiency pragmas for GHC}
-%*									*
-When the FiniteMap module is used in GHC, we specialise it for
-\tr{Uniques}, for dastardly efficiency reasons.
-    -- the __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ chk avoids an hbc 0.999.7 bug
-		:: [(Int,elt)] -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   [(CLabel,elt)] -> FiniteMap CLabel elt,
-		   [(FAST_STRING,elt)] -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt,
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> Int -> elt  -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FAST_STRING -> elt  -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> elt  -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> elt  -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> [(Int,elt)] -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> [(CLabel,elt)] -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Int elt -> Int -> elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Int elt -> [(Int,elt)] -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap TyCon elt -> [(TyCon,elt)] -> FiniteMap TyCon elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> [(CLabel,elt)] -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> Int   -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel   -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg   -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE delListFromFM
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> [Int] -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> [CLabel] -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> [Reg] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: FAST_STRING -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> Bool
-    #-}
-{-not EXPORTED!!! # SPECIALIZE filterFM
-		:: (Int -> elt -> Bool) -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   (CLabel -> elt -> Bool) -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   (Reg -> elt -> Bool) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-{-not EXPORTED !!!# SPECIALIZE intersectFM_C
-		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE lookupFM
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> Int -> Maybe elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> Maybe elt,
-		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FAST_STRING -> Maybe elt,
-		   FiniteMap (FAST_STRING,FAST_STRING) elt -> (FAST_STRING,FAST_STRING) -> Maybe elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> Maybe elt)
-    #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE lookupWithDefaultFM
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> elt -> Int -> elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> elt -> CLabel -> elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> elt -> Reg -> elt)
-    #-}
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap TyCon elt -> FiniteMap TyCon elt -> FiniteMap TyCon elt,
-		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap TyCon elt -> FiniteMap TyCon elt -> FiniteMap TyCon elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-#endif {- compiling for GHC -}
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/ListSetOps.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/ListSetOps.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index dbc749c2e21d0d24751e9f25a4e4bdf5323a7c3f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/ListSetOps.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
-\section[ListSetOps]{Set-like operations on lists}
-module ListSetOps (
-	unionLists,
-	intersectLists,
-	minusList
-#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	, disjointLists, intersectingLists
-   ) where
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-import Util
-import AbsUniType
-import Id		( Id )
-# endif
-unionLists :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-unionLists []     []		= []
-unionLists []     b		= b
-unionLists a	   []		= a
-unionLists (a:as) b
-  | a `is_elem` b = unionLists as b
-  | otherwise     = a : unionLists as b
-  where
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-    is_elem = isIn "unionLists"
-    is_elem = elem
-intersectLists :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-intersectLists []     []		= []
-intersectLists []     b			= []
-intersectLists a      []		= []
-intersectLists (a:as) b
-  | a `is_elem` b = a : intersectLists as b
-  | otherwise	  = intersectLists as b
-  where
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-    is_elem = isIn "intersectLists"
-    is_elem = elem
-Everything in the first list that is not in the second list:
-minusList :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-minusList xs ys = [ x | x <- xs, x `not_elem` ys]
-  where
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-    not_elem = isn'tIn "minusList"
-    not_elem = notElem
-#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-disjointLists, intersectingLists :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
-disjointLists []     bs = True
-disjointLists (a:as) bs
-  | a `elem` bs = False
-  | otherwise   = disjointLists as bs
-intersectingLists xs ys = not (disjointLists xs ys)
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-{-# SPECIALIZE unionLists     :: [TyVar] -> [TyVar] -> [TyVar] #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE intersectLists :: [TyVar] -> [TyVar] -> [TyVar] #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE minusList :: [TyVar] -> [TyVar] -> [TyVar],
-			    [Id]    -> [Id]    -> [Id],
-			    [Int]   -> [Int]   -> [Int]
- #-}
-# endif
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/MatchPS.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/MatchPS.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 25b48427249222e1665d9803a8d77f77b5eb5462..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/MatchPS.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-\section[match]{PackedString functions for matching}
-This module provides regular expression matching and substitution
-at the PackedString level. It is built on top of the GNU Regex
-library modified to handle perl regular expression syntax.
-For a complete description of the perl syntax, do `man perlre`
-or have a gander in (Programming|Learning) Perl. Here's
-a short summary:
-^     matches the beginning of line
-$     matches end of line
-\b    matches word boundary
-\B    matches non-word boundary
-\w    matches a word(alpha-numeric) character
-\W    matches a non-word character
-\d    matches a digit
-\D    matches a non-digit
-\s    matches whitespace
-\S    matches non-whitespace
-\A    matches beginning of buffer
-\Z    matches end-of-buffer
-.     matches any (bar newline in single-line mode)
-+     matches 1 or more times
-*     matches 0 or more times
-?     matches 0 or 1
-{n,m} matches >=n and <=m atoms
-{n,}  matches at least n times
-{n}   matches n times
-[..]  matches any character member of char class.
-(..)  if pattern inside parens match, then the ith group is bound
-      to the matched string
-\digit matches whatever the ith group matched. 
-Backslashed letters
-\n	newline
-\r	carriage return
-\t	tab
-\f	formfeed
-\v	vertical tab
-\a      alarm bell
-\e      escape
-module MatchPS
-      (
-        matchPS,
-	searchPS,
-	substPS,
-	replacePS,
-	match2PS,
-	search2PS,
-	getMatchesNo,
-	getMatchedGroup,
-	getWholeMatch,
-	getLastMatch,
-	getAfterMatch,
-	findPS,
-	rfindPS,
-	chopPS,
-	matchPrefixPS,
-	REmatch(..)
-      ) where
-import PreludeGlaST
-import Regex
-import Core	-- alas ...
-_tailPS and _dropPS in PS.lhs are not to my liking, use
-these instead. 
-_dropPS' x str = _substrPS str x (_lengthPS str)
-_tailPS' x
- = if _nullPS x then
-     error "_tailPS []"
-   else
-     _substrPS x 1 (_lengthPS x)
-\subsection[ps-matching]{PackedString matching}
-Posix matching, returning an array of the the intervals that
-the individual groups matched within the string.
-matchPS :: _PackedString		-- reg. exp
-	-> _PackedString 		-- string to match
-	-> [Char]			-- flags
-	-> Maybe REmatch
-matchPS reg str flags
- = let
-    insensitive = 'i' `elem` flags
-    mode = 's' `elem` flags
-   in
-    unsafePerformPrimIO (
-      re_compile_pattern reg mode insensitive 	`thenPrimIO` \ pat ->
-      re_match pat str 0 True)
-match2PS :: _PackedString		-- reg. exp
-	 -> _PackedString 		-- string1 to match
-	 -> _PackedString 		-- string2 to match
-	 -> [Char]			-- flags
-	 -> Maybe REmatch
-match2PS reg str1 str2 flags
- = let
-    insensitive = 'i' `elem` flags
-    mode = 's' `elem` flags
-    len1 = _lengthPS str1
-    len2 = _lengthPS str2
-   in
-    unsafePerformPrimIO (
-      re_compile_pattern reg mode insensitive 	`thenPrimIO` \ pat ->
-      re_match2 pat str1 str2 0 (len1+len2) True)
-PackedString front-end to searching with GNU Regex
-searchPS :: _PackedString		-- reg. exp
-	 -> _PackedString 		-- string to match
-	 -> [Char]			-- flags
-	 -> Maybe REmatch
-searchPS reg str flags
- = let
-    insensitive = 'i' `elem` flags
-    mode = 's' `elem` flags
-   in
-    unsafePerformPrimIO (
-      re_compile_pattern reg mode insensitive	`thenPrimIO` \ pat ->
-      re_search pat str 
-		    0 
-		    (_lengthPS str)
-		    True)
-search2PS :: _PackedString		-- reg. exp
-	  -> _PackedString 		-- string to match
-	  -> _PackedString 		-- string to match
-	  -> [Char]			-- flags
-	  -> Maybe REmatch
-search2PS reg str1 str2 flags
- = let
-    insensitive = 'i' `elem` flags
-    mode = 's' `elem` flags
-    len1 = _lengthPS str1
-    len2 = _lengthPS str2
-    len  = len1+len2
-   in
-    unsafePerformPrimIO (
-      re_compile_pattern reg mode insensitive	`thenPrimIO` \ pat ->
-      re_search2 pat 
-                 str1
-                 str2
-		 0 
-		 len
-		 len
-		 True)
-@_substrPS s st end@ cuts out the chunk in \tr{s} between \tr{st} and \tr{end}, inclusive.
-The \tr{Regex} registers represent substrings by storing the start and the end point plus
-one( st==end => empty string) , so we use @chunkPS@ instead.
-_chunkPS :: _PackedString
-	 -> (Int,Int)
-	 -> _PackedString
-_chunkPS str (st,end)
- = if st==end then
-      _nilPS
-   else
-      _substrPS str st (max 0 (end-1))
-Perl-like match and substitute
-substPS :: _PackedString   -- reg. exp
-	-> _PackedString   -- replacement
-	-> [Char]	   -- flags
-	-> _PackedString   -- string
-	-> _PackedString
-substPS rexp
-	repl
-	flags
-	str
- = search str 
-   where
-    global = 'g' `elem` flags
-    case_insensitive = 'i' `elem` flags
-    mode = 's' `elem` flags	-- single-line mode
-    pat  = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-              re_compile_pattern rexp mode case_insensitive)
-    search str 
-     = let
-	search_res
-         = unsafePerformPrimIO (re_search pat str 0 (_lengthPS str) True)
-       in
-        case search_res of
-          Nothing  -> str
-          Just matcher@(REmatch arr before match after lst) ->
-	    let
-	     (st,en) = match
-             prefix = _chunkPS str before
-             suffix 
-              = if global && (st /= en) then
-	           search (_dropPS' en str)
-	        else
-	           _chunkPS str after
-	    in	
-	     _concatPS [prefix,
-	                replace matcher repl str,
-		        suffix]
-replace :: REmatch
-	-> _PackedString
-        -> _PackedString
-        -> _PackedString
-replace (REmatch arr before@(_,b_end) match after lst)
-	replacement
-        str
- = _concatPS (reverse acc) -- ToDo: write a `reversed' version of concatPS
-   where
-    (_,b) = bounds arr
-    acc = replace' [] replacement False
-    single :: Char -> _PackedString
-    single x = _consPS x _nilPS
-    replace' :: [_PackedString] 
-             -> _PackedString 
-	     -> Bool 
-	     -> [_PackedString]
-    replace' acc repl escaped
-     = if (_nullPS repl) then
-         acc
-       else
-         let
-          x  = _headPS repl
-	  x# = case x of { C# c -> c }
-          xs = _tailPS' repl
-         in
-          case x# of
-            '\\'# ->  
-               if escaped then
-                  replace' acc xs True
-               else
-                  replace' ((single x):acc) xs (not escaped)
-            '$'#  ->
-              if (not escaped) then
-	       let
-	        x'           = _headPS xs
-	        xs'          = _tailPS' xs
-	        ith_ival     = arr!num
-                (num,xs_num) = getNumber ((ord x') - ord '0') xs'
-	       in
-	        if (isDigit x') && (num<=b) then
-		  replace' ((_chunkPS str ith_ival):acc) xs_num escaped
-	        else if x' == '&' then
-		  replace' ((_chunkPS str match):acc) xs' escaped
-	        else if x' == '+' then
-		  replace' ((_chunkPS str lst):acc) xs' escaped
-	        else if x' == '`' then
-		  replace' ((_chunkPS str (0,b_end)):acc) xs' escaped
-	        else if x' == '\'' then
-		  replace' ((_chunkPS str after):acc) xs' escaped
-	        else -- ignore
-		  replace' acc xs escaped
-              else
-	        replace' ((single x):acc) xs False
-	    _ -> if escaped then
-		   (case x# of
-		     'n'# ->   -- newline
-                         replace' ((single '\n'):acc)
-		     'f'# ->   -- formfeed
-                         replace' ((single '\f'):acc)
-		     'r'# ->   -- carriage return
-                         replace' ((single '\r'):acc)
-		     't'# ->   -- (horiz) tab
-                         replace' ((single '\t'):acc)
-		     'v'# ->   -- vertical tab
-                         replace' ((single '\v'):acc)
-		     'a'# ->   -- alarm bell
-                         replace' ((single '\a'):acc)
-		     'e'# ->   -- escape
-                         replace' ((single '\033'):acc)
-		     _    ->
-                         replace' ((single x):acc))    xs False
-		 else
-		   replace' ((single x):acc) xs False
-getNumber :: Int -> _PackedString -> (Int,_PackedString)
-getNumber acc ps
- = if _nullPS ps then
-      (acc,ps)
-   else
-     let
-      x = _headPS ps
-      xs = _tailPS ps
-     in
-      if (isDigit x) then
-	 getNumber (acc*10+(ord x - ord '0')) xs
-      else
-         (acc,ps)
-Just like substPS, but no prefix and suffix.
-replacePS :: _PackedString   -- reg. exp
-	  -> _PackedString   -- replacement
-	  -> [Char]	   -- flags
-	  -> _PackedString   -- string
-	  -> _PackedString
-replacePS rexp
-	  repl
-	  flags
-	  str
- = search str 
-   where
-    global = 'g' `elem` flags
-    case_insensitive = 'i' `elem` flags
-    mode = 's' `elem` flags	-- single-line mode
-    pat  = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-              re_compile_pattern rexp mode case_insensitive)
-    search str 
-     = let
-	search_res
-         = unsafePerformPrimIO (re_search pat str 0 (_lengthPS str) True)
-       in
-        case search_res of
-          Nothing  -> str
-          Just matcher@(REmatch arr before match after lst) ->
-	     replace matcher repl str
-Picking matched groups out of string
-getMatchesNo :: REmatch
-	     -> Int
-getMatchesNo (REmatch arr _ _ _ _)
- = snd (bounds arr)
-getMatchedGroup :: REmatch 
-	        -> Int 
-	        -> _PackedString 
-	        -> _PackedString
-getMatchedGroup (REmatch arr bef mtch after lst) nth str
- = let
-    (1,grps) = bounds arr
-   in
-    if (nth >= 1) && (nth <= grps) then
-       _chunkPS str (arr!nth)
-    else
-       error "getMatchedGroup: group out of range"
-getWholeMatch :: REmatch 
-	      -> _PackedString 
-	      -> _PackedString
-getWholeMatch (REmatch _ _  mtch _ _) str
- = _chunkPS str mtch
-getLastMatch :: REmatch 
-	      -> _PackedString 
-	      -> _PackedString
-getLastMatch (REmatch _ _ _ _ lst) str
- = _chunkPS str lst
-getAfterMatch :: REmatch 
-	      -> _PackedString 
-	      -> _PackedString
-getAfterMatch (REmatch _ _ _ aft _) str
- = _chunkPS str aft
-More or less straight translation of a brute-force string matching
-function written in C. (Sedgewick ch. 18)
-This is intended to provide much the same facilities as index/rindex in perl.
-findPS :: _PackedString
-       -> _PackedString
-       -> Maybe Int
-findPS str substr
- = let
-    m = _lengthPS substr
-    n = _lengthPS str
-    loop i j
-     | j>=m || i>=n = if j==m then (Just (i-m)) else Nothing
-     | otherwise  
-	= inner_loop i j
-    inner_loop i j
-     = if j<m && i<n && (_indexPS str i /= _indexPS substr j) then
-	  inner_loop (i-j+1) 0
-       else
-          loop (i+1) (j+1)
-   in
-    loop 0 0
-rfindPS :: _PackedString
-        -> _PackedString
-        -> Maybe Int
-rfindPS str substr
- = let
-    m = _lengthPS substr - 1
-    n = _lengthPS str - 1
-    loop i j
-     | j<0 || i<0 = if j<0 then (Just (i+1)) else Nothing
-     | otherwise  
-	= inner_loop i j
-    inner_loop i j
-     = if j>=0 && i>=0 && (_indexPS str i /= _indexPS substr j) then
-	  inner_loop (i+(m-j)-1) m
-       else
-          loop (i-1) (j-1)
-   in
-    loop n m
-chopPS :: _PackedString -> _PackedString
-chopPS str = if _nullPS str then
-		_nilPS
-	     else
-		_chunkPS  str (0,_lengthPS str-1)
-Tries to match as much as possible of strA starting from the beginning of strB
-(handy when matching fancy literals in parsers)
-matchPrefixPS :: _PackedString
-	      -> _PackedString
-	      -> Int
-matchPrefixPS pref str
- = matchPrefixPS' pref str 0
-   where
-    matchPrefixPS' pref str n
-     = if (_nullPS pref) || (_nullPS str) then
-	  n
-       else if (_headPS pref) == (_headPS str) then
-	  matchPrefixPS' (_tailPS pref) (_tailPS str) (n+1)
-       else
-	  n 
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/Maybes.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/Maybes.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 66c12797bc42cb638d7956dc46453f5128097a98..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/Maybes.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
-\section[Maybes]{The `Maybe' types and associated utility functions}
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module Maybes (
-	Maybe(..), MaybeErr(..),
-	allMaybes,	-- GHCI only
-	assocMaybe,
-	catMaybes,
-	failMaB,
-	failMaybe,
-	firstJust,
-	mapMaybe,	-- GHCI only
-	maybeToBool,
-	mkLookupFun,
-	returnMaB,
-	returnMaybe,	-- GHCI only
-	thenMaB,
-	thenMaybe	-- GHCI only
-#if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	, findJust
-	, foldlMaybeErrs
-	, listMaybeErrs
-    ) where
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-import AbsUniType
-import Id
-import IdInfo
-import Name
-import Outputable
-import Util
-%*									*
-\subsection[Maybe type]{The @Maybe@ type}
-%*									*
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-data Maybe a
-  = Nothing
-  | Just a
-maybeToBool :: Maybe a -> Bool
-maybeToBool Nothing  = False
-maybeToBool (Just x) = True
-@catMaybes@ takes a list of @Maybe@s and returns a list of 
-the contents of all the @Just@s in it.	@allMaybes@ collects
-a list of @Justs@ into a single @Just@, returning @Nothing@ if there
-are any @Nothings@.
-catMaybes :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
-catMaybes []		    = []
-catMaybes (Nothing : xs)   = catMaybes xs
-catMaybes (Just x : xs)	   = (x : catMaybes xs)
-allMaybes :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe [a]
-allMaybes [] = Just []
-allMaybes (Nothing : ms) = Nothing
-allMaybes (Just x  : ms) = case (allMaybes ms) of
-			     Nothing -> Nothing
-			     Just xs -> Just (x:xs)
-@firstJust@ takes a list of @Maybes@ and returns the
-first @Just@ if there is one, or @Nothing@ otherwise.
-firstJust :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a
-firstJust [] = Nothing
-firstJust (Just x  : ms) = Just x
-firstJust (Nothing : ms) = firstJust ms
-findJust :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe b
-findJust f []	  = Nothing
-findJust f (a:as) = case f a of
-		      Nothing -> findJust f as
-		      b	 -> b
-@assocMaybe@ looks up in an assocation list, returning
-@Nothing@ if it fails.
-assocMaybe :: (Eq a) => [(a,b)] -> a -> Maybe b
-assocMaybe alist key
-  = lookup alist
-  where
-    lookup []		  = Nothing
-    lookup ((tv,ty):rest) = if key == tv then Just ty else lookup rest
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-{-# SPECIALIZE assocMaybe
-	:: [(String,        b)] -> String        -> Maybe b,
-	   [(Id,            b)] -> Id            -> Maybe b,
-	   [(Class,         b)] -> Class         -> Maybe b,
-	   [(Int,           b)] -> Int           -> Maybe b,
-	   [(Name,          b)] -> Name          -> Maybe b,
-	   [(TyVar,         b)] -> TyVar         -> Maybe b,
-	   [(TyVarTemplate, b)] -> TyVarTemplate -> Maybe b
-  #-}
-@mkLookupFun alist s@ is a function which looks up
-@s@ in the association list @alist@, returning a Maybe type.
-mkLookupFun :: (key -> key -> Bool)	-- Equality predicate
-	    -> [(key,val)] 		-- The assoc list
-	    -> key 			-- The key
-	    -> Maybe val		-- The corresponding value
-mkLookupFun eq alist s
-  = case [a | (s',a) <- alist, s' `eq` s] of
-      []    -> Nothing
-      (a:_) -> Just a
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-thenMaybe :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
-m `thenMaybe` k = case m of
-		  Nothing -> Nothing
-		  Just a  -> k a
-returnMaybe :: a -> Maybe a
-returnMaybe = Just 
-failMaybe :: Maybe a
-failMaybe = Nothing
-mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe [b]
-mapMaybe f []	  = returnMaybe []
-mapMaybe f (x:xs) = f x				`thenMaybe` (\ x' ->
-		    mapMaybe f xs		`thenMaybe` (\ xs' ->
-		    returnMaybe (x':xs')		     ))
-%*									*
-\subsection[MaybeErr type]{The @MaybeErr@ type}
-%*									*
-data MaybeErr val err = Succeeded val | Failed err
-thenMaB :: MaybeErr val1 err -> (val1 -> MaybeErr val2 err) -> MaybeErr val2 err
-thenMaB m k
-  = case m of
-      Succeeded v -> k v
-      Failed e	  -> Failed e
-returnMaB :: val -> MaybeErr val err
-returnMaB v = Succeeded v
-failMaB :: err -> MaybeErr val err
-failMaB e = Failed e
-@listMaybeErrs@ takes a list of @MaybeErrs@ and, if they all succeed, returns
-a @Succeeded@ of a list of their values.  If any fail, it returns a
-@Failed@ of the list of all the errors in the list.
-listMaybeErrs :: [MaybeErr val err] -> MaybeErr [val] [err]
-  = foldr combine (Succeeded []) 
-  where
-    combine (Succeeded v) (Succeeded vs) = Succeeded (v:vs)
-    combine (Failed err)  (Succeeded _)	 = Failed [err]
-    combine (Succeeded v) (Failed errs)	 = Failed errs
-    combine (Failed err)  (Failed errs)	 = Failed (err:errs)
-@foldlMaybeErrs@ works along a list, carrying an accumulator; it
-applies the given function to the accumulator and the next list item,
-accumulating any errors that occur.
-foldlMaybeErrs :: (acc -> input -> MaybeErr acc err)
-	       -> acc
-	       -> [input]
-	       -> MaybeErr acc [err]
-foldlMaybeErrs k accum ins = do_it [] accum ins
-  where
-    do_it []   acc []	  = Succeeded acc
-    do_it errs acc []	  = Failed errs
-    do_it errs acc (v:vs) = case (k acc v) of
-			      Succeeded acc' -> do_it errs	 acc' vs
-			      Failed err     -> do_it (err:errs) acc  vs
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/PackedString.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/PackedString.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 00eea352c343107f2de80ed359aa75853f0d0365..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/PackedString.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1994
-\section[PackedString]{Packed strings}
-A non-weird/abstract interface to the wired-in @PackedString@ type.
-module PackedString (
-	PackedString(..),
-	packString,		-- :: [Char] -> PackedString
-	packCString,	        -- :: _Addr  -> PackedString
-	packCBytes,		-- :: Int    -> _Addr -> PackedString
-	packStringST,		-- :: [Char] -> _ST s PackedString
-	packCBytesST,		-- :: Int    -> _Addr -> _ST s PackedString
-	packBytesForC,		-- :: [Char] -> _ByteArray Int
-	packBytesForCST,	-- :: [Char] -> _ST s (_ByteArray Int)
---NO:	packStringForC,
-	nilPS,			-- :: PackedString
-	consPS,			-- :: Char -> PackedString -> PackedString
-	byteArrayToPS,		-- :: _ByteArray Int -> PackedString
-	psToByteArray,		-- :: PackedString -> _ByteArray Int
-	unpackPS,		-- :: PackedString -> [Char]
---NO:	unpackPS#,
-	putPS,			-- :: _FILE -> PackedString -> PrimIO ()
-	getPS,			-- :: _FILE -> Int -> PrimIO PackedString
-	 {- alt. names for packString, unpackPS -}
-	implode, 		-- :: [Char] -> PackedString
-        explode,       		-- :: PackedString -> [Char]
-	headPS,			-- :: PackedString -> Char
-	tailPS,			-- :: PackedString -> PackedString
-	nullPS,			-- :: PackedString -> Bool
-	appendPS,		-- :: PackedString -> PackedString -> PackedString
-	lengthPS,		-- :: PackedString -> Int
-	indexPS,		-- :: PackedString -> Int -> Char
-	mapPS,			-- :: (Char -> Char) -> PackedString -> PackedString
-	filterPS,		-- :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
-	foldlPS,		-- :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> PackedString -> a 
-	foldrPS,		-- :: (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> PackedString -> a
-	takePS,			-- :: Int -> PackedString -> PackedString
-	dropPS,			-- :: Int -> PackedString -> PackedString
-	splitAtPS,		-- :: Int -> PackedString -> PackedString
-	takeWhilePS,		-- :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
-	dropWhilePS,		-- :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> PackedString
-	spanPS,			-- :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
-	breakPS,		-- :: (Char -> Bool) -> PackedString -> (PackedString, PackedString)
-	linesPS,		-- :: PackedString -> [PackedString]
-	wordsPS,		-- :: PackedString -> [PackedString]
-	reversePS,		-- :: PackedString -> PackedString
-	concatPS,		-- :: [PackedString] -> PackedString
-	substrPS,		-- :: PackedString -> Int -> Int -> PackedString
-	-- to make interface self-sufficient
-	_PackedString, -- abstract!
-    ) where
-import PS
-type PackedString = _PackedString
-packString	= _packString
-packCString	= _packCString
-packCBytes	= _packCBytes
---packStringForC	= _packStringForC
-nilPS		= _nilPS
-consPS		= _consPS
-byteArrayToPS	= _byteArrayToPS
-psToByteArray	= _psToByteArray
-packStringST    = _packStringST
-packCBytesST    = _packCBytesST
-packBytesForC   = _packBytesForC
-packBytesForCST = _packBytesForCST
-unpackPS	= _unpackPS
-putPS		= _putPS
-getPS		= _getPS
-implode		= _packString -- alt. names
-explode		= _unpackPS
-headPS		= _headPS
-tailPS		= _tailPS
-nullPS		= _nullPS
-appendPS	= _appendPS
-lengthPS	= _lengthPS
-indexPS		= _indexPS
-mapPS		= _mapPS
-filterPS	= _filterPS
-foldlPS		= _foldlPS
-foldrPS		= _foldrPS
-takePS		= _takePS
-dropPS		= _dropPS
-splitAtPS	= _splitAtPS
-takeWhilePS	= _takeWhilePS
-dropWhilePS	= _dropWhilePS
-spanPS		= _spanPS
-breakPS		= _breakPS
-linesPS		= _linesPS
-wordsPS		= _wordsPS
-reversePS	= _reversePS
-concatPS	= _concatPS
-substrPS	= _substrPS
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/Pretty.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/Pretty.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index f4169255cecb4acc7b853cccf80609724f5f2aac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/Pretty.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
-\section[Pretty]{Pretty-printing data type}
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-# include "HsVersions.h"
-# define FAST_STRING String
-# define _LENGTH_    length
-module Pretty (
-	Pretty(..),
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	PprStyle(..),
-	prettyToUn,
-	codeStyle, -- UNUSED: stySwitch,
-	ppNil, ppStr, ppPStr, ppChar, ppInt, ppInteger,
-	ppFloat, ppDouble,
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-	-- may be able to *replace* ppDouble
-	ppRational,
-	ppSP, pp'SP, ppLbrack, ppRbrack, ppLparen, ppRparen,
-	ppSemi, ppComma, ppEquals,
-	ppCat, ppBeside, ppBesides, ppAbove, ppAboves,
-	ppNest, ppSep, ppHang, ppInterleave, ppIntersperse,
-	ppShow,
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 22
-	ppAppendFile,
-	-- abstract type, to complete the interface...
-	PrettyRep(..), CSeq, Delay
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	, GlobalSwitch, Unpretty(..)
-   ) where
-import CharSeq
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-import Unpretty		( Unpretty(..) )
-import CmdLineOpts	( GlobalSwitch )
-Based on John Hughes's pretty-printing library.  For now, that code
-and notes for it are in files \tr{pp-rjmh*} (ToDo: rm).
-%*						*
-	\subsection{The interface}
-%*						*
-ppNil		:: Pretty
-ppSP, pp'SP, ppLbrack, ppRbrack, ppLparen, ppRparen, ppSemi, ppComma, ppEquals :: Pretty
-ppStr		:: [Char] -> Pretty
-ppPStr		:: FAST_STRING -> Pretty
-ppChar		:: Char	   -> Pretty
-ppInt		:: Int	   -> Pretty
-ppInteger	:: Integer -> Pretty
-ppDouble	:: Double  -> Pretty
-ppFloat		:: Float   -> Pretty
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-ppRational	:: Rational -> Pretty
-ppBeside	:: Pretty -> Pretty -> Pretty
-ppBesides	:: [Pretty] -> Pretty
-ppBesideSP	:: Pretty -> Pretty -> Pretty
-ppCat		:: [Pretty] -> Pretty		-- i.e., ppBesidesSP
-ppAbove		:: Pretty -> Pretty -> Pretty
-ppAboves	:: [Pretty] -> Pretty
-ppInterleave	:: Pretty -> [Pretty] -> Pretty
-ppIntersperse	:: Pretty -> [Pretty] -> Pretty	-- no spaces between, no ppSep
-ppSep		:: [Pretty] -> Pretty
-ppHang		:: Pretty -> Int -> Pretty -> Pretty
-ppNest		:: Int -> Pretty -> Pretty
-ppShow		:: Int -> Pretty -> [Char]
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 22
-# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 23
-#  define _FILE _Addr
-# endif
-ppAppendFile	:: _FILE -> Int -> Pretty -> PrimIO ()
-%*						*
-	\subsection{The representation}
-%*						*
-type Pretty = Int	-- The width to print in
-	   -> Bool	-- True => vertical context
-	   -> PrettyRep
-data PrettyRep
-  = MkPrettyRep	CSeq	-- The text
-		(Delay Int) -- No of chars in last line
-		Bool	-- True if empty object
-		Bool	-- Fits on a single line in specified width
-data Delay a = MkDelay a
-forceDel (MkDelay _) r = r
-forceBool True  r = r
-forceBool False r = r
-forceInfo ll emp sl r = forceDel ll (forceBool emp (forceBool sl r))
-ppShow width p
-  = case (p width False) of
-      MkPrettyRep seq ll emp sl -> cShow seq
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 22
-ppAppendFile f width p
-  = case (p width False) of
-      MkPrettyRep seq ll emp sl -> cAppendFile f seq
-ppNil    width is_vert = MkPrettyRep cNil (MkDelay 0) True (width >= 0)
-			   -- Doesn't fit if width < 0, otherwise, ppNil
-			   -- will make ppBesides always return True.
-ppStr  s width is_vert = MkPrettyRep (cStr s) (MkDelay ls) False (width >= ls)
-			   where ls = length s
-ppPStr s width is_vert = MkPrettyRep (cPStr s) (MkDelay ls) False (width >= ls)
-			   where ls = _LENGTH_ s
-ppChar c width is_vert = MkPrettyRep (cCh c) (MkDelay 1) False (width >= 1)
-ppInt  n width is_vert = MkPrettyRep (cStr s) (MkDelay ls) False (width >= ls)
-			   where s = show n; ls = length s
-ppInteger n  = ppStr (show n)
-ppDouble  n  = ppStr (show n)
-ppFloat   n  = ppStr (show n)
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
---ppRational n = ppStr (_showRational 30 n)
-ppRational n = ppStr (show (fromRationalX n)) -- _showRational 30 n)
-ppSP	  = ppChar ' '
-pp'SP	  = ppStr ", "
-ppLbrack  = ppChar '['
-ppRbrack  = ppChar ']'
-ppLparen  = ppChar '('
-ppRparen  = ppChar ')'
-ppSemi    = ppChar ';'
-ppComma   = ppChar ','
-ppEquals  = ppChar '='
-ppInterleave sep ps = ppSep (pi ps)
-  where
-   pi []	= []
-   pi [x]	= [x]
-   pi (x:xs)	= (ppBeside x sep) : pi xs
-ToDo: this could be better: main pt is: no extra spaces in between.
-ppIntersperse sep ps = ppBesides (pi ps)
-  where
-   pi []	= []
-   pi [x]	= [x]
-   pi (x:xs)	= (ppBeside x sep) : pi xs
-Laziness is important in @ppBeside@.  If the first thing is not a
-single line it will return @False@ for the single-line boolean without
-laying out the second.
-ppBeside p1 p2 width is_vert
-  = case (p1 width False) of
-      MkPrettyRep seq1 (MkDelay ll1) emp1 sl1 ->
-	  MkPrettyRep (seq1 `cAppend` (cIndent ll1 seq2))
-		      (MkDelay (ll1 + ll2))
-		      (emp1 && emp2)
-		      ((width >= 0) && (sl1 && sl2))
-		      -- This sequence of (&&)'s ensures that ppBeside
-		      -- returns a False for sl as soon as possible.
-       where -- NB: for case alt
-	 seq2 = forceInfo x_ll2 emp2 sl2 x_seq2
-	 MkDelay ll2 = x_ll2
-	 MkPrettyRep x_seq2 x_ll2 emp2 sl2 = p2 (width-ll1) False
-	 -- ToDo: if emp{1,2} then we really
-	 -- should be passing on "is_vert" to p{2,1}.
-ppBesides [] = ppNil
-ppBesides ps = foldr1 ppBeside ps
-@ppBesideSP@ puts two things beside each other separated by a space.
-ppBesideSP p1 p2 width is_vert
-  = case (p1 width False) of
-      MkPrettyRep seq1 (MkDelay ll1) emp1 sl1 ->
-	  MkPrettyRep (seq1 `cAppend` (sp `cAppend` (cIndent li seq2)))
-		   (MkDelay (li + ll2))
-		   (emp1 && emp2)
-		   ((width >= wi) && (sl1 && sl2))
-       where -- NB: for case alt
-	 seq2 = forceInfo x_ll2 emp2 sl2 x_seq2
-	 MkDelay ll2 = x_ll2
-	 MkPrettyRep x_seq2 x_ll2 emp2 sl2 = p2 (width-li) False
-	 li, wi :: Int
-	 li = if emp1 then 0 else ll1+1
-	 wi = if emp1 then 0 else 1
-	 sp = if emp1 || emp2 then cNil else (cCh ' ')
-@ppCat@ is the name I (WDP) happen to have been using for @ppBesidesSP@.
-ppCat []  = ppNil
-ppCat ps  = foldr1 ppBesideSP ps
-ppAbove p1 p2 width is_vert
-  = case (p1 width True) of
-      MkPrettyRep seq1 (MkDelay ll1) emp1 sl1 ->
-	  MkPrettyRep (seq1 `cAppend` (nl `cAppend` seq2))
-		      (MkDelay ll2)
-		      -- ToDo: make ll depend on empties?
-		      (emp1 && emp2)
-		      False
-       where -- NB: for case alt
-	 nl = if emp1 || emp2 then cNil else cNL
-	 seq2 = forceInfo x_ll2 emp2 sl2 x_seq2
-	 MkDelay ll2 = x_ll2 -- Don't "optimise" this away!
-	 MkPrettyRep x_seq2 x_ll2 emp2 sl2 = p2 width True
-	     -- ToDo: ditto about passing is_vert if empties
-ppAboves [] = ppNil
-ppAboves ps = foldr1 ppAbove ps
-ppNest n p width False = p width False
-ppNest n p width True
-  = case (p (width-n) True) of
-      MkPrettyRep seq (MkDelay ll) emp sl ->
-    	MkPrettyRep (cIndent n seq) (MkDelay (ll+n)) emp sl
-The length-check below \tr{(ll1+ll2+1) <= width} should really check for
-max widths not the width of the last line.
-ppHang p1 n p2 width is_vert	-- This is a little bit stricter than it could
-				-- be made with a little more effort.
-				-- Eg the output always starts with seq1
-  = case (p1 width False) of
-      MkPrettyRep seq1 (MkDelay ll1) emp1 sl1 ->
-	  if emp1 then
-	      p2 width is_vert
-	  else 
-	  if (ll1 <= n) || sl2 then	-- very ppBesideSP'ish
-	      -- Hang it if p1 shorter than indent or if it doesn't fit
-	      MkPrettyRep (seq1 `cAppend` ((cCh ' ') `cAppend` (cIndent (ll1+1) seq2)))
-			(MkDelay (ll1 + 1 + ll2))
-			False
-			(sl1 && sl2)
-	  else
-	      -- Nest it (pretty ppAbove-ish)
-	      MkPrettyRep (seq1 `cAppend` (cNL `cAppend` (cIndent n seq2')))
-			(MkDelay ll2') -- ToDo: depend on empties
-			False
-			False
-       where -- NB: for case alt
-	 seq2 = forceInfo x_ll2 emp2 sl2 x_seq2
-	 MkDelay ll2 = x_ll2
-	 MkPrettyRep x_seq2 x_ll2 emp2 sl2 = p2 (width-(ll1+1)) False
-	     -- ToDo: more "is_vert if empty" stuff
-	 seq2' = forceInfo x_ll2' emp2' sl2' x_seq2'
-	 MkDelay ll2' = x_ll2'		-- Don't "optimise" this away!
-	 MkPrettyRep x_seq2' x_ll2' emp2' sl2' = p2 (width-n) False	-- ToDo: True?
-ppSep []  width is_vert = ppNil width is_vert
-ppSep [p] width is_vert = p     width is_vert
--- CURRENT, but BAD.  Quadratic behaviour on the perfectly reasonable
---	ppSep [a, ppSep[b, ppSep [c, ... ]]]
-ppSep ps  width is_vert
-  = case (ppCat ps width is_vert) of
-      MkPrettyRep seq x_ll emp sl ->
-	if sl then			-- Fits on one line
-	   MkPrettyRep seq x_ll emp sl
-	else
-	   ppAboves ps width is_vert	-- Takes several lines
-%*									*
-\subsection[Outputable-print]{Pretty-printing stuff}
-%*									*
-ToDo: this is here for no-original-name reasons (mv?).
-There is no clearly definitive list of @PprStyles@; I suggest the
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-    -- to the end of file
-data PprStyle
-  = PprForUser	 		-- Pretty-print in a way that will
-				-- make sense to the ordinary user;
-				-- must be very close to Haskell
-				-- syntax, etc.  ToDo: how diff is
-				-- this from what pprInterface must
-				-- do?
-  | PprDebug			-- Standard debugging output
-  | PprShowAll			-- Debugging output which leaves
-				-- nothing to the imagination
-  | PprInterface		-- Interface generation
-	(GlobalSwitch -> Bool)	--  (we can look at cmd-line flags)
-  | PprForC			-- must print out C-acceptable names
-	(GlobalSwitch -> Bool)	--  (ditto)
-  | PprUnfolding		-- for non-interface intermodule info
-	(GlobalSwitch -> Bool)	-- the compiler writes/reads
-  | PprForAsm			-- must print out assembler-acceptable names
-	(GlobalSwitch -> Bool)	--  (ditto)
-        Bool	        	-- prefix CLabel with underscore?
-        (String -> String)    	-- format AsmTempLabel
-The following test decides whether or not we are actually generating
-code (either C or assembly).
-codeStyle :: PprStyle -> Bool
-codeStyle (PprForC _) = True
-codeStyle (PprForAsm _ _ _) = True
-codeStyle _ = False
-stySwitch :: PprStyle -> GlobalSwitch -> Bool
-stySwitch (PprInterface sw) = sw
-stySwitch (PprForC sw) = sw
-stySwitch (PprForAsm sw _ _) = sw
-Orthogonal to these printing styles are (possibly) some command-line
-flags that affect printing (often carried with the style).  The most
-likely ones are variations on how much type info is shown.
-prettyToUn :: Pretty -> Unpretty
-prettyToUn p
-  = case (p 999999{-totally bogus width-} False{-also invented-}) of
-      MkPrettyRep seq ll emp sl -> seq
-#endif {-COMPILING_GHC-}
--- from Lennart
-fromRationalX :: (RealFloat a) => Rational -> a
-fromRationalX r =
-	let 
-	    h = ceiling (huge `asTypeOf` x)
-	    b = toInteger (floatRadix x)
-	    x = fromRat 0 r
-	    fromRat e0 r' =
-		let d = denominator r'
-		    n = numerator r'
-	        in  if d > h then
-		       let e = integerLogBase b (d `div` h) + 1
-		       in  fromRat (e0-e) (n % (d `div` (b^e)))
-		    else if abs n > h then
-		       let e = integerLogBase b (abs n `div` h) + 1
-		       in  fromRat (e0+e) ((n `div` (b^e)) % d)
-		    else
-		       scaleFloat e0 (fromRational r')
-	in  x
--- Compute the discrete log of i in base b.
--- Simplest way would be just divide i by b until it's smaller then b, but that would
--- be very slow!  We are just slightly more clever.
-integerLogBase :: Integer -> Integer -> Int
-integerLogBase b i =
-     if i < b then
-        0
-     else
-	-- Try squaring the base first to cut down the number of divisions.
-        let l = 2 * integerLogBase (b*b) i
-	    doDiv :: Integer -> Int -> Int
-	    doDiv j k = if j < b then k else doDiv (j `div` b) (k+1)
-	in
-	doDiv (i `div` (b^l)) l
--- Compute smallest and largest floating point values.
-tiny :: (RealFloat a) => a
-tiny =
-	let (l, _) = floatRange x
-	    x = encodeFloat 1 (l-1)
-	in  x
-huge :: (RealFloat a) => a
-huge =
-	let (_, u) = floatRange x
-	    d = floatDigits x
-	    x = encodeFloat (floatRadix x ^ d - 1) (u - d)
-	in  x
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/Readline.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/Readline.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 16cb0216d7bc8dea35b222c10c7673a535edbeef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/Readline.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-% Last Modified: Wed Jul 19 13:04:53 1995
-% Darren J Moffat <moffatd@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
-\section[Readline]{GNU Readline Library Bindings}
-This module attempts to provide a better line based editing facility
-for Haskell programmers by providing access to the GNU Readline
-library.  Related to this are bindings for the GNU History library
-which can be found in History.
-module Readline (
-    rlInitialize,
-    readline, addHistory,
-    rlBindKey, rlAddDefun,
-    RlCallbackFunction(..),
-    rlGetLineBuffer, rlSetLineBuffer,
-    rlGetPoint, rlSetPoint,
-    rlGetEnd, rlSetEnd,
-    rlGetMark, rlSetMark,
-    rlSetDone,
-    rlPendingInput,
-    rlPrompt, rlTerminalName, rlSetReadlineName, rlGetReadlineName
---  rlInStream, rlOutStream
---  rlStartupHook
-) where
-import PreludeGlaMisc
-import PreludeGlaST
-import LibSystem
---#include <readline/readline.h>
-type KeyCode = Int
-type RlCallbackFunction = 
-    (Int ->			-- Numeric Argument
-     KeyCode ->			-- KeyCode of pressed Key
-     IO Int)
-%*                                                                         *
-\subsection[Readline-Functions]{Main Readline Functions}
-%*                                                                         *
-readline :: String ->			-- Prompt String
-	    IO String			-- Returned line
-readline prompt = 
---ToDo: Get the "Live register in _casm_GC_ " bug fixed
---      this stops us passing the prompt string to readline directly :-(
---    _casm_GC_ ``%r = readline %0;'' prompt	`thenPrimIO` \ litstr ->
-    _casm_ ``rl_prompt_hack = (char*)realloc(rl_prompt_hack, %1);
-	     strcpy (rl_prompt_hack,%0);'' 
-		prompt	(length prompt)			`thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    _casm_GC_ ``%r = readline (rl_prompt_hack);''	`thenPrimIO` \ litstr ->
-    if (litstr == ``NULL'') then 
-	fail "Readline has read EOF"
-    else (
-	let str = _unpackPS (_packCString litstr) in
-	_casm_ ``free %0;'' litstr	   `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-	return str
-    )
-addHistory :: String ->			-- String to enter in history
-	      IO ()
-addHistory str = primIOToIO (_ccall_ add_history str)
-rlBindKey :: KeyCode ->			-- Key to Bind to
-	     RlCallbackFunction ->	-- Function to exec on execution
-	     IO ()
-rlBindKey key cback =
-    if (0 > key) || (key > 255) then
-	fail "Invalid ASCII Key Code, must be in range 0.255"
-    else 
-	addCbackEntry (key,cback)	    `seqPrimIO`
-	_casm_ `` rl_bind_key((KeyCode)%0,&genericRlCback); ''
-	     key			    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-	return ()
-i.e. add the (KeyCode,RlCallbackFunction) key to the assoc. list and register
-the generic callback for this KeyCode.
-The entry point that $genericRlCback$ calls would then read the
-global variables $current\_i$ and $current\_kc$ and do a lookup:
-rlAddDefun :: String ->			-- Function Name
-	      RlCallbackFunction ->	-- Function to call
-	      KeyCode ->		-- Key to bind to, or -1 for no bind
-	      IO ()
-rlAddDefun name cback key =
-    if (0 > key) || (key > 255) then
-	fail "Invalid ASCII Key Code, must be in range 0..255"
-    else
-	addCbackEntry (key, cback)	    `seqPrimIO`
-	_casm_ ``rl_add_defun (%0, &genericRlCback, (KeyCode)%1);''
-	name key			    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-	return ()
-The C function $genericRlCallback$ puts the callback arguments into
-global variables and enters the Haskell world through the
-$haskellRlEntry$ function. Before exiting, the Haskell function will
-deposit its result in the global varariable $rl\_return$.
-In the Haskell action that is invoked via $enterStablePtr$, a match
-between the Keycode in $current\_kc$ and the Haskell callback needs to
-be made. To essentially keep the same assoc. list of (KeyCode,cback
-function) as Readline does, we make use of yet another global variable
-createCbackList :: [(KeyCode,RlCallbackFunction)] -> PrimIO ()
-createCbackList ls = 
-    makeStablePtr ls  `thenPrimIO` \ stable_ls ->
-    _casm_ `` cbackList=(StgStablePtr)%0; '' stable_ls
-    error "createCbackList: not available for Parallel Haskell"
-getCbackList :: PrimIO [(KeyCode,RlCallbackFunction)]
-getCbackList = 
-    _casm_ `` %r=(StgStablePtr)cbackList; '' `thenPrimIO` \ stable_ls ->
-    deRefStablePtr stable_ls
-    error "getCbackList: not available for Parallel Haskell"
-setCbackList :: [(KeyCode,RlCallbackFunction)] -> PrimIO ()
-setCbackList ls =
-    _casm_ `` %r=(StgStablePtr)cbackList; '' `thenPrimIO` \ old_stable_ls ->   
-    freeStablePtr old_stable_ls              `seqPrimIO`
-    createCbackList ls
-    error "setCbackList: not available for Parallel Haskell"
-addCbackEntry :: (KeyCode,RlCallbackFunction) -> PrimIO ()
-addCbackEntry entry =
-    getCbackList `thenPrimIO` \ ls ->
-    setCbackList (entry:ls)
-The above functions allows us to query and augment the assoc. list in
-invokeRlCback :: PrimIO ()
-invokeRlCback =
-    _casm_ `` %r=(KeyCode)current_kc; ''    `thenPrimIO` \ kc ->
-    _casm_ `` %r=(int)current_narg; ''	    `thenPrimIO` \ narg ->
-    getCbackList			    `thenPrimIO` \ ls ->
-    (case (dropWhile (\ (key,_) -> kc/=key) ls) of
-	[] -> -- no match
-	    returnPrimIO (-1)
-	((_,cback):_) ->
-	    ioToPrimIO (cback narg kc)
-    )					    `thenPrimIO` \ ret_val ->
-    _casm_ `` rl_return=(int)%0; '' ret_val `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    returnPrimIO ()
-Finally, we need to initialise this whole, ugly machinery:
-initRlCbacks :: PrimIO ()
-initRlCbacks =
-    createCbackList []             `seqPrimIO`
-    makeStablePtr (invokeRlCback)  `thenPrimIO` \ stable_f ->
-    _casm_ `` haskellRlEntry=(StgStablePtr)%0; '' stable_f `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    returnPrimIO ()
-    error "initRlCbacks: not available for Parallel Haskell"
-%*                                                                         *
-\subsection[Readline-Globals]{Global Readline Variables}
-%*                                                                         *
-These are the global variables required by the readline lib. Need to
-find a way of making these read/write from the Haskell side.  Should
-they be in the IO Monad, should they be Mutable Variables?
-rlGetLineBuffer :: IO String
-rlGetLineBuffer = 
-    _casm_ ``%r = rl_line_buffer;''	`thenPrimIO` \ litstr ->
-    return (_unpackPS (_packCString litstr))
-rlSetLineBuffer :: String -> IO ()
-rlSetLineBuffer str = primIOToIO (_casm_ ``rl_line_buffer = %0;'' str)
-rlGetPoint :: IO Int
-rlGetPoint = primIOToIO (_casm_ ``%r = rl_point;'')
-rlSetPoint :: Int -> IO ()
-rlSetPoint point = primIOToIO (_casm_ ``rl_point = %0;'' point)
-rlGetEnd :: IO Int
-rlGetEnd = primIOToIO (_casm_ ``%r = rl_end;'')
-rlSetEnd :: Int -> IO ()
-rlSetEnd end = primIOToIO (_casm_ ``rl_end = %0;'' end)
-rlGetMark :: IO Int
-rlGetMark = primIOToIO (_casm_ ``%r = rl_mark;'')
-rlSetMark :: Int -> IO ()
-rlSetMark mark = primIOToIO (_casm_ ``rl_mark = %0;'' mark)
-rlSetDone :: Bool -> IO ()
-rlSetDone True  = primIOToIO (_casm_ ``rl_done = %0;'' 1)
-rlSetDone False = primIOToIO (_casm_ ``rl_done = %0;'' 0)
-rlPendingInput :: KeyCode -> IO ()
-rlPendingInput key = primIOToIO (_casm_ ``rl_pending_input = %0;'' key)
-rlPrompt :: IO String
-rlPrompt = 
-    _casm_ ``%r = rl_readline_name;''	`thenPrimIO` \ litstr ->
-    return (_unpackPS (_packCString litstr))
-rlTerminalName :: IO String
-rlTerminalName = 
-    _casm_ ``%r = rl_terminal_name;''	`thenPrimIO` \ litstr ->
-    return (_unpackPS (_packCString litstr))
-rlGetReadlineName :: IO String
-rlGetReadlineName = 
-    _casm_ ``%r = rl_readline_name;''	`thenPrimIO` \ litstr ->
-    return (_unpackPS (_packCString litstr))
-rlSetReadlineName :: String -> IO ()
-rlSetReadlineName str = primIOToIO (
-    _casm_ ``rl_readline_name = %0;'' str)
--- The following two were taken from PreludeStdIO stdin/stdout
-rlInStream :: Handle
-rlInStream = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    newMVar						`thenPrimIO` \ handle ->
-    _ccall_ getLock (``rl_instream''::_Addr) 0		`thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    (case rc of
-       0 -> putMVar handle _ClosedHandle
-       1 -> putMVar handle (_ReadHandle ``rl_instream'' Nothing False)
-       _ -> _constructError				`thenPrimIO` \ ioError -> 
-            putMVar handle (_ErrorHandle ioError)
-    )							`seqPrimIO`
-    returnPrimIO handle
-  )
-rlOutStream :: Handle
-rlOutStream = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    newMVar						`thenPrimIO` \ handle ->
-    _ccall_ getLock (``rl_outstream''::_Addr) 1		`thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    (case rc of
-       0 -> putMVar handle _ClosedHandle
-       1 -> putMVar handle (_WriteHandle ``rl_outstream'' Nothing False)
-       _ -> _constructError				`thenPrimIO` \ ioError -> 
-            putMVar handle (_ErrorHandle ioError)
-    )							`seqPrimIO`
-    returnPrimIO handle
-  )
--- rlStartupHook :: RlCallBackFunction -> IO ()	     
-rlInitialize :: IO ()
-rlInitialize =
-    getProgName					    >>= \ pname ->
-    rlSetReadlineName pname			    >>
-    _casm_ ``rl_prompt_hack = (char*)malloc(1);''   `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    primIOToIO (initRlCbacks)
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/Regex.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/Regex.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ea66e88ec6e8c7666b3cb2fafb0816b7028d225..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/Regex.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-\section[regex]{Haskell binding to the GNU regex library}
-What follows is a straightforward binding to the functions
-provided by the GNU regex library (the GNU group of functions with Perl
-like syntax)
-module Regex 
-	(
-	 PatBuffer(..),
-	 re_compile_pattern,
-	 re_match,
-	 re_search,
-	 re_match2,
-	 re_search2,
-	 REmatch(..)
-	) where
-import PreludeGlaST
-First, the higher level matching structure that the functions herein return:
--- GroupBounds hold the interval where a group
--- matched inside a string, e.g.
--- matching "reg(exp)" "a regexp" returns the pair (5,7) for the
--- (exp) group. (_PackedString indices start from 0)
-type GroupBounds = (Int, Int)
-data REmatch
- = REmatch (Array Int GroupBounds)  -- for $1, ... $n
-	   GroupBounds		    -- for $` (everything before match)
-	   GroupBounds		    -- for $& (entire matched string)
-	   GroupBounds		    -- for $' (everything after)
-	   GroupBounds		    -- for $+ (matched by last bracket)
- {- debugging    deriving Text  -}
-Prior to any matching (or searching), the regular expression
-have to compiled into an internal form, the pattern buffer.
-Represent the pattern buffer as a Haskell heap object:
-data PatBuffer = PatBuffer# (MutableByteArray# _RealWorld)
-instance _CCallable PatBuffer
-instance _CReturnable PatBuffer
-createPatBuffer :: Bool
-		-> PrimIO PatBuffer
-createPatBuffer insensitive
- = _casm_ `` %r = (int)sizeof(struct re_pattern_buffer); '' `thenPrimIO` \ sz ->
-   newCharArray (0,sz)	       	    `thenPrimIO` \ (_MutableByteArray _ pbuf#) ->
-   let
-    pbuf = PatBuffer# pbuf#
-   in
-    (if insensitive then
-       {-
-	 See comment re: fastmap below
-       -}
-       ((_casm_ `` %r = (char *)malloc(256*sizeof(char)); '')::PrimIO _Addr) `thenPrimIO` \ tmap ->
-       {-
-         Set up the translate table so that any lowercase
-         char. gets mapped to an uppercase one. Beacuse quoting
-         inside CAsmStrings is Problematic, we pass in the ordinal values
-         of 'a','z' and 'A'
-       -}
-       _casm_ `` { int i;
-		  for(i=0; i<256; i++)
-		     ((char *)%0)[i] = (char)i;
-	          for(i=(int)%1;i <=(int)%2;i++)
-		     ((char *)%0)[i] = i - ((int)%1 - (int)%3);
-	          %r = 0; } '' tmap (ord 'a') (ord 'z') (ord 'A') 	`seqPrimIO`
-       _casm_ `` { ((struct re_pattern_buffer *)%0)->translate = %1; %r = 0; } '' pbuf tmap
-     else
-       _casm_ `` { ((struct re_pattern_buffer *)%0)->translate = 0; %r = 0; } '' pbuf) `seqPrimIO`
-    {-
-      Use a fastmap to speed things up, would like to have the fastmap
-      in the Haskell heap, but it will get GCed before we can say regexp,
-      as the reference to it is buried inside a ByteArray :-(
-    -}
-    ((_casm_ `` %r = (char *)malloc(256*sizeof(char)); '')::PrimIO _Addr) `thenPrimIO` \ fmap ->
-    _casm_ `` { ((struct re_pattern_buffer *)%0)->fastmap   = %1; %r = 0; } '' pbuf fmap `seqPrimIO`
-    {-
-      We want the compiler of the pattern to alloc. memory
-      for the pattern.
-    -}
-    _casm_ `` { ((struct re_pattern_buffer *)%0)->buffer    = 0; %r = 0;} '' pbuf `seqPrimIO`
-    _casm_ `` { ((struct re_pattern_buffer *)%0)->allocated = 0; %r = 0;} '' pbuf `seqPrimIO`
-    returnPrimIO pbuf
-@re_compile_pattern@ converts a regular expression into a pattern buffer,
-GNU style.
-Q: should we lift the syntax bits configuration up to the Haskell
-programmer level ? 
-re_compile_pattern :: _PackedString
-		   -> Bool
-		   -> Bool
-		   -> PrimIO PatBuffer
-re_compile_pattern str single_line_mode insensitive
- = createPatBuffer insensitive	`thenPrimIO` \ pbuf ->
-   (if single_line_mode then	-- match a multi-line buffer
-       _casm_ `` %r = re_syntax_options = RE_PERL_SINGLELINE_SYNTAX; ''
-    else
-       _casm_ `` %r = re_syntax_options = RE_PERL_MULTILINE_SYNTAX; '') `seqPrimIO`
-   _casm_ `` %r=(int)re_compile_pattern((char *)%0,
-   					(int)%1,
-					(struct re_pattern_buffer *)%2); '' (_unpackPS str)
-									    (_lengthPS str)
-									    pbuf	`thenPrimIO` \ err ->
-   --
-   -- No checking for how the compilation of the pattern went yet.
-   --
-   returnPrimIO pbuf
-Got a match ?
-re_match :: PatBuffer
-	 -> _PackedString
-	 -> Int
-	 -> Bool
-	 -> PrimIO (Maybe REmatch)
-re_match pbuf
-	 str
-	 start
-	 reg
- = ((if reg then  -- record result of match in registers
-      _casm_ `` %r = (struct re_registers *)malloc(sizeof(struct re_registers *)); ''
-     else
-      _casm_ `` %r = (struct re_registers *)NULL; '')::PrimIO _Addr)  `thenPrimIO` \ regs ->
-   _casm_ `` %r=(int)re_match((struct re_pattern_buffer *)%0,
- 			      (char *)%1,
-			      (int)%2,
-			      (int)%3,
-			      (struct re_registers *)%4); '' pbuf
-							     (_unpackPS str)
-							     (_lengthPS str)
-							     start
-							     regs	`thenPrimIO` \ match_res ->
-  if match_res == (-2) then
-	error "re_match: Internal error"
-  else if match_res < 0 then
-     _casm_ `` { free((struct re_registers *)%0); %r = 0; } '' regs `seqPrimIO`
-     returnPrimIO Nothing
-  else
-     build_re_match start (_lengthPS str) regs	`thenPrimIO` \ arr ->
-     _casm_ `` { free((struct re_registers *)%0); %r = 0; } '' regs  `seqPrimIO`
-     returnPrimIO (Just arr)
-Matching on 2 strings is useful when you're dealing with multiple
-buffers, which is something that could prove useful for PackedStrings,
-as we don't want to stuff the contents of a file into one massive heap
-chunk, but load (smaller chunks) on demand.
-re_match2 :: PatBuffer
-	  -> _PackedString
-	  -> _PackedString
-	  -> Int
-	  -> Int
-	  -> Bool
-	  -> PrimIO (Maybe REmatch)
-re_match2 pbuf
-	  str1
-	  str2
-	  start
-	  stop
-	  reg
- = ((if reg then  -- record result of match in registers
-      _casm_ `` %r = (struct re_registers *)malloc(sizeof(struct re_registers *)); ''
-     else
-      _casm_ `` %r = (struct re_registers *)NULL; '')::PrimIO _Addr)	`thenPrimIO` \ regs ->
-   _casm_ `` %r=(int)re_match_2((struct re_pattern_buffer *)%0,
- 			        (char *)%1,
-			        (int)%2,
- 			        (char *)%3,
-			        (int)%4,
-			        (int)%5,
-			        (struct re_registers *)%6,
-			        (int)%7); '' pbuf
-					     (_unpackPS str1)
-					     (_lengthPS str1)
-					     (_unpackPS str2)
-					     (_lengthPS str2)
-					     start
-					     regs
-					     stop    `thenPrimIO` \ match_res ->
-  if match_res == (-2) then
-	error "re_match2: Internal error"
-  else if match_res < 0 then
-     _casm_ `` { free((struct re_registers *)%0); %r = 0; } '' regs `seqPrimIO`
-     returnPrimIO Nothing
-  else
-     build_re_match start stop regs	`thenPrimIO` \ arr ->
-     _casm_ `` { free((struct re_registers *)%0); %r = 0; } '' regs  `seqPrimIO`
-     returnPrimIO (Just arr)
-Find all the matches in a string.
-re_search :: PatBuffer
-	  -> _PackedString
-	  -> Int
-	  -> Int
-	  -> Bool
-	  -> PrimIO (Maybe REmatch)
-re_search pbuf			     -- the compiled regexp
-	  str			     -- the string to search
-	  start			     -- start index
-	  range			     -- stop index
-	  reg			     -- record result of match in registers 
- = (if reg then  -- record result of match in registers
-      _casm_ `` %r = (struct re_registers *)malloc(sizeof(struct re_registers *)); ''
-    else
-      _casm_ `` %r = (struct re_registers *)NULL; '')	`thenPrimIO` \ regs ->
-   _casm_ `` %r=(int)re_search((struct re_pattern_buffer *)%0,
- 			       (char *)%1,
-			       (int)%2,
-			       (int)%3,
-			       (int)%4,
-			       (struct re_registers *)%5); '' pbuf
-							     (_unpackPS str)
-							     (_lengthPS str)
-							     start
-							     range
-							     regs	`thenPrimIO` \ match_res ->
-  if match_res== (-1) then
-     _casm_ `` { free((struct re_registers *)%0); %r = 0; } '' regs `seqPrimIO`
-     returnPrimIO Nothing
-  else
-     let
-      (st,en) = if range > start then 
-		   (start,range)
-	        else
-		   (range,start)
-     in
-      build_re_match st en regs					     `thenPrimIO` \ arr ->
-      _casm_ `` { free((struct re_registers *)%0); %r = 0; } '' regs `seqPrimIO`
-      returnPrimIO (Just arr)
-Double buffer search
-re_search2 :: PatBuffer
-	   -> _PackedString
-	   -> _PackedString
-	   -> Int
-	   -> Int
-	   -> Int
-	   -> Bool
-	   -> PrimIO (Maybe REmatch)
-re_search2 pbuf
-	   str1
-	   str2
-	   start
-	   range
-	   stop
-	   reg
- = (if reg then  -- record result of match in registers
-      _casm_ `` %r = (struct re_registers *)malloc(sizeof(struct re_registers *)); ''
-    else
-      _casm_ `` %r = (struct re_registers *)NULL; '')	`thenPrimIO` \ regs ->
-   _casm_ `` %r=(int)re_search_2((struct re_pattern_buffer *)%0,
- 			         (char *)%1,
-			         (int)%2,
- 			         (char *)%3,
-			         (int)%4,
-			         (int)%5,
-			         (int)%6,
-			         (struct re_registers *)%7,
-			         (int)%8); '' pbuf
-					      (_unpackPS str1)
-					      (_lengthPS str1)
-					      (_unpackPS str2)
-					      (_lengthPS str2)
-					      start
-					      range
-					      regs
-					      stop    `thenPrimIO` \ match_res ->
-  if match_res== (-1) then
-     _casm_ `` { free((struct re_registers *)%0); %r = 0; } '' regs `seqPrimIO`
-     returnPrimIO Nothing
-  else
-     let
-      (st,en) = if range > start then 
-		   (start,range)
-	        else
-		   (range,start)
-     in
-      build_re_match st en regs					     `thenPrimIO` \ arr ->
-      _casm_ `` { free((struct re_registers *)%0); %r = 0; } '' regs `seqPrimIO`
-      returnPrimIO (Just arr)
-build_re_match :: Int
-	       -> Int
-	       -> _Addr 
-	       -> PrimIO REmatch
-build_re_match str_start 
-	       str_end 
-	       regs
- = _casm_ `` %r=(int)(*(struct re_registers *)%0).num_regs; '' regs  `thenPrimIO` \ len ->
-   match_reg_to_array regs len	`thenPrimIO` \ (match_start,match_end,arr) ->
-   let
-    (1,x) = bounds arr
-    bef  = (str_start,match_start)  -- $'
-    aft  = (match_end,str_end)      -- $`
-    lst  = arr!x		    -- $+
-    mtch = (match_start,match_end)  -- $&
-   in
-    returnPrimIO (REmatch arr
-			  bef
-			  mtch
-			  aft
-			  lst)
-   where
-    match_reg_to_array regs len
-     = trundleIO regs (0,[]) len  `thenPrimIO` \ (no,ls) ->
-       let
-        (st,end,ls')
-         = case ls of
-             [] -> (0,0,[])
-	     [(a,b)] -> (a,b,ls)
-             ((a,b):xs) -> (a,b,xs)
-       in        
-        returnPrimIO 
-	   (st,
-	    end,
-	    array (1,max 1 (no-1)) 
-		  [ i := x | (i,x) <- zip [1..] ls'])
-    trundleIO :: _Addr 
-	     -> (Int,[(Int,Int)])
-	     -> Int 
-	     -> PrimIO (Int,[(Int,Int)])
-    trundleIO regs (i,acc) len
-     | i==len = returnPrimIO (i,reverse acc)
-     | otherwise	  
-       = _casm_ ``%r = (int)(((struct re_registers *)%0)->start)[(int)%1]; '' regs i `thenPrimIO` \ start ->
-         _casm_ ``%r = (int)(((struct re_registers *)%0)->end)[(int)%1]; '' regs i `thenPrimIO` \ end ->
-	 let
-	  acc' = (start,end):acc
-	 in
-	  if (start == (-1)) && (end == (-1)) then
-	     returnPrimIO (i,reverse acc)
-	  else
-	     trundleIO regs (i+1,acc') len
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/Set.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/Set.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ac419ab6be7084328cfd07ecb4bc04249d6f594..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/Set.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1995
-\section[Set]{An implementation of sets}
-This new (94/04) implementation of sets sits squarely upon our
-implementation of @FiniteMaps@.  The interface is (roughly?) as
-(95/08: This module is no longer part of the GHC compiler proper; it
-is a GHC library module only, now.)
-module Set (
-	-- not a synonym so we can make it abstract
-	Set,
-	mkSet, setToList, emptySet, singletonSet,
-	union, unionManySets, minusSet,
-	elementOf, mapSet,
-	intersect, isEmptySet,
-	cardinality
-	-- to make the interface self-sufficient
-#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
-	, FiniteMap   -- abstract
-	-- for pragmas
-	, keysFM, sizeFM
-    ) where
-import FiniteMap
-import Maybes		( maybeToBool
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-                          , Maybe(..)
-			)
--- This can't be a type synonym if you want to use constructor classes.
-data Set a = MkSet (FiniteMap a ()) {-# STRICT #-}
-emptySet :: Set a
-emptySet = MkSet emptyFM
-singletonSet :: a -> Set a
-singletonSet x = MkSet (singletonFM x ())
-setToList :: Set a -> [a]
-setToList (MkSet set) = keysFM set
-mkSet :: Ord a => [a]  -> Set a
-mkSet xs = MkSet (listToFM [ (x, ()) | x <- xs])
-union :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
-union (MkSet set1) (MkSet set2) = MkSet (plusFM set1 set2)
-unionManySets :: Ord a => [Set a] -> Set a
-unionManySets ss = foldr union emptySet ss
-minusSet  :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
-minusSet (MkSet set1) (MkSet set2) = MkSet (minusFM set1 set2)
-intersect :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
-intersect (MkSet set1) (MkSet set2) = MkSet (intersectFM set1 set2)
-elementOf :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> Bool
-elementOf x (MkSet set) = maybeToBool(lookupFM set x)
-isEmptySet :: Set a -> Bool
-isEmptySet (MkSet set) = sizeFM set == 0
-mapSet :: Ord a => (b -> a) -> Set b -> Set a
-mapSet f (MkSet set) = MkSet (listToFM [ (f key, ()) | key <- keysFM set ])
-cardinality :: Set a -> Int
-cardinality (MkSet set) = sizeFM set
--- fair enough...
-instance (Eq a) => Eq (Set a) where
-  (MkSet set_1) == (MkSet set_2) = set_1 == set_2
--- but not so clear what the right thing to do is:
-{- NO:
-instance (Ord a) => Ord (Set a) where
-  (MkSet set_1) <= (MkSet set_2) = set_1 <= set_2
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/Socket.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/Socket.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ab6bf20ac49a3d2ffa7e50c2b036d737ccdc569..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/Socket.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-% Last Modified: Fri Jul 21 15:53:32 1995
-% Darren J Moffat <moffatd@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
-\section[Socket]{Haskell 1.3 Socket bindings}
-module Socket (
-    PortID(..),
-    Hostname(..),
-    connectTo,		-- :: Hostname -> PortID -> IO Handle
-    listenOn,		-- :: PortID -> IO Socket
-    accept,		-- :: Socket -> IO (Handle, HostName)
-    sendTo,		-- :: Hostname -> PortID -> String -> IO ()
-    recvFrom,		-- :: Hostname -> PortID -> IO String
-    socketPort,		-- :: Socket -> IO PortID
-    -- make interface self-sufficient:
-    Socket
-) where
-import BSD
-import SocketPrim renaming (accept to socketPrim_accept
-			, socketPort to socketPort_prim
-			)
-%*                                                                         *
-\subsection[Socket-Setup]{High Level ``Setup'' functions}
-%*                                                                         *
-Calling $connectTo$ creates a client side socket which is
-connected to the given host and port.  The Protocol and socket type is
-derived from the given port identifier.  If a port number is given
-then the result is always an internet family $Stream$ socket. 
-If the $PortID$ specifies a unix family socket and the $Hostname$
-differs from that returned by $getHostname$ then an error is
-raised. Alternatively an empty string may be given to $connectTo$
-signalling that the current hostname applies.
-data PortID = 
-	  Service String		-- Service Name eg "ftp"
-	| PortNumber Int		-- User defined Port Number
-	| UnixSocket String		-- Unix family socket in file system
-type Hostname = String
--- Maybe consider this alternative.
--- data Hostname = Name String | IP Int Int Int Int
-If more control over the socket type is required then $socketPrim$
-should be used instead.
-connectTo :: Hostname ->		-- Hostname
-	     PortID ->			-- Port Identifier
-	     IO Handle			-- Connected Socket
-connectTo hostname (Service serv) =
-    getProtocolNumber "tcp"			>>= \ proto ->
-    socket AF_INET Stream proto			>>= \ sock ->
-    getServicePortNumber serv 			>>= \ port ->
-    getHostByName hostname	>>= \ (HostEntry _ _ _ haddrs) ->
-    connect sock (SockAddrInet port (head haddrs))	>>
-    socketToHandle sock		>>= \ h ->
-    hSetBuffering h NoBuffering >>
-    return h
-connectTo hostname (PortNumber port) =
-    getProtocolNumber "tcp"			>>= \ proto ->
-    socket AF_INET Stream proto			>>= \ sock ->
-    getHostByName hostname	>>= \ (HostEntry _ _ _ haddrs) ->
-    connect sock (SockAddrInet port (head haddrs))	>>
-    socketToHandle sock
-connectTo _ (UnixSocket path) =
-    socket AF_UNIX Datagram 0			>>= \ sock ->
-    connect sock (SockAddrUnix path)		>>
-    socketToHandle sock
-The dual to the $connectTo$ call. This creates the server side
-socket which has been bound to the specified port.
-listenOn ::  PortID ->			-- Port Identifier
-	     IO Socket			-- Connected Socket
-listenOn (Service serv) =
-    getProtocolNumber "tcp"			>>= \ proto ->
-    socket AF_INET Stream proto			>>= \ sock ->
-    getServicePortNumber serv 			>>= \ port ->
-    bindSocket sock (SockAddrInet port iNADDR_ANY) >>
-    listen sock maxListenQueue			>>
-    return sock
-listenOn (PortNumber port) =
-    getProtocolNumber "tcp"			>>= \ proto ->
-    socket AF_INET Stream proto			>>= \ sock ->
-    bindSocket sock (SockAddrInet port iNADDR_ANY)  >>
-    listen sock maxListenQueue			>>
-    return sock
-listeOn (UnixSocket path) =
-    socket AF_UNIX Datagram 0			>>= \ sock ->
-    bindSocket sock (SockAddrUnix path)		>>
-    return sock
-accept :: Socket ->		-- Listening Socket
-	  IO (Handle, 		-- StdIO Handle for read/write
-	      HostName)		-- HostName of Peer socket
-accept sock =
-    socketPrim_accept sock	    >>= \ (sock', (SockAddrInet _ haddr)) ->
-    getHostByAddr AF_INET haddr	    >>= \ (HostEntry peer _ _ _) ->
-    socketToHandle sock		    >>= \ handle ->
-    return (handle, peer)
-Send and recived data from/to the given host and port number.  These
-should normally only be used where the socket will not be required for
-further calls.
-Thse are wrappers around socket, bind, and listen.
-sendTo :: Hostname ->			-- Hostname
-	  PortID->			-- Port Number
-	  String ->			-- Message to send
-	  IO ()
-sendTo h p msg = 
-    connectTo h p			>>= \ s ->
-    hPutStr s msg			>>
-    hClose s
-recvFrom :: Hostname ->			-- Hostname
-	    PortID->			-- Port Number
-	    IO String			-- Received Data
-recvFrom host port =
-    listenOn port			>>= \ s ->
-    let 
-      waiting =
-	socketPrim_accept s		>>= \ (s', (SockAddrInet _ haddr)) ->
-	getHostByAddr AF_INET haddr  	>>= \ (HostEntry peer _ _ _) ->
-	if peer /= host then
-	    sClose s'			>>
-	    waiting
-	else
-	    readSocketAll s'		>>= \ msg ->
-	    sClose s'			>>
-	    return msg
-    in
-	waiting				>>= \ message ->
-	sClose s			>>
-	return message
-socketPort :: Socket -> IO PortID
-socketPort s =
-    getSocketName s			>>= \ sockaddr ->
-    return (case sockaddr of
-		SockAddrInet port _	->
-		    (PortNumber port)
-		SockAddrUnix path	->
-		    (UnixSocket path)
-	    )
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/SocketPrim.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/SocketPrim.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5720a1086f660f1f3ad27dcb0a454009afc8c9c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/SocketPrim.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,960 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-% Last Modified: Fri Jul 21 15:14:43 1995
-% Darren J Moffat <moffatd@dcs.gla.ac.uk>
-\section[SocketPrim]{Low-level socket bindings}
-The @SocketPrim@ module is for when you want full control over the
-sockets, something like what you have in C (which is very messy).
-module SocketPrim (
-    Socket,		
-    Family(..),		
-    SocketType(..),
-    SockAddr(..),
-    HostAddress(..),
-    socket,		-- :: Family -> SocketType -> Int -> IO Socket 
-    connect,		-- :: Socket -> SockAddr -> IO ()
-    bindSocket,		-- :: Socket -> SockAddr -> IO ()
-    listen,		-- :: Socket -> Int -> IO ()
-    accept,		-- :: Socket -> IO (Socket, SockAddr)
-    getPeerName,	-- :: Socket -> IO SockAddr
-    getSocketName,	-- :: Socket -> IO SockAddr
-    socketPort,		-- :: Socket -> IO Int
-    writeSocket,	-- :: Socket -> String -> IO Int
-    readSocket,		-- :: Socket -> Int -> IO (String, Int)
-    readSocketAll,	-- :: Socket -> IO String
-    socketToHandle,	-- :: Socket -> IO Handle
--- Alternative read/write interface not yet implemented.
---    sendto		-- :: Socket -> String -> SockAddr -> IO Int
---    recvfrm		-- :: Socket -> Int -> SockAddr -> IO (String, Int)
---    sendmsg		-- :: Socket -> Message -> MsgFlags -> IO Int
---    recvmsg		-- :: Socket -> MsgFlags -> IO Message
-    shutdown,		-- :: Socket -> Int -> IO ()
-    sClose,		-- :: Socket -> IO ()
-    inet_addr,		-- :: String -> HostAddress
-    inet_ntoa,		-- :: HostAddress -> String
-    sIsConnected,	-- :: Socket -> IO Bool
-    sIsBound,		-- :: Socket -> IO Bool
-    sIsListening,	-- :: Socket -> IO Bool 
-    sIsReadable,	-- :: Socket -> IO Bool
-    sIsWritable,	-- :: Socket -> IO Bool
--- Special Constants
-    aNY_PORT,
-    iNADDR_ANY,
---    sOL_SOCKET,
-    maxListenQueue,
--- The following are exported ONLY for use in the BSD module and
--- should not be used else where.
-    packFamily, unpackFamily,
-    packSocketType,
-    packSockAddr, unpackSockAddr
-) where
-import CError
-import LibPosix
-import LibPosixUtil
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PreludePrimIO	( newEmptyMVar, putMVar, _MVar )
-import PreludeStdIO
-%*									*
-\subsection[Socket-SocketTypes]{Socket Types}
-%*									*
-There are a few possible ways to do this.  The first is convert the
-structs used in the C library into an equivalent Haskell type.	An
-other possible implementation is to keep all the internals in the C
-code and use an Int\# and a status flag. The second method is used here
-since a lot of the C structures are not required to be manipulated.
-Originally the status was non mutable so we had to return a new socket
-each time we changed the status.  This version now uses mutable
-variables to avoid the need to do this.	 The result is a cleaner
-interface and better security since the application programmer now
-can't circumvent the status information to perform invalid operations
-on sockets.	      
-data SocketStatus
-  -- Returned Status	Function called
-  = NotConnected	-- socket
-  | Bound		-- bindSocket
-  | Listening		-- listen
-  | Connected		-- connect/accept
-  | Error String	-- Any
-  deriving (Eq, Text)
-data Socket
-  = MkSocket 
-     Int				  -- File Descriptor Part
-     Family				  
-     SocketType				  
-     Int				  -- Protocol Number
-     (MutableVar _RealWorld SocketStatus) -- Status Flag
-In C bind takes either a $struct sockaddr\_in$ or a $struct
-sockaddr\_un$ but these are always type cast to $struct sockaddr$.  We
-attempt to emulate this and provide better type checking. Note that
-the socket family fields are redundant since this is caputured in the
-constructor names, it has thus be left out of the Haskell $SockAddr$
-data type.
-type HostAddress = _Word
-data SockAddr		-- C Names				
-  = SockAddrUnix	-- struct sockaddr_un
-	String		-- sun_path
-  | SockAddrInet	-- struct sockaddr_in
-	Int		-- sin_port
-	HostAddress	-- sin_addr
-  deriving Eq
-%*									*
-\subsection[Socket-Connections]{Connection Functions}
-%*									*
-In the following connection and binding primitives.  The names of the
-equivalent C functions have been preserved where possible. It should
-be noted that some of these names used in the C library, bind in
-particular, have a different meaning to many Haskell programmers and
-have thus been renamed by appending the prefix Socket.
-Create an unconnected socket of the given family, type and protocol.
-The most common invocation of $socket$ is the following:
-   ...
-   socket AF_INET Stream 6	>>= \ my_socket ->
-   ...
-socket :: Family ->	-- Family Name (usually AF_INET)
-	  SocketType ->	-- Socket Type (usually Stream)
-	  Int ->	-- Protocol Number (getProtocolByName to find value)
-	  IO Socket	-- Unconnected Socket
-socket family stype protocol = 
-    _ccall_ socket (packFamily family) (packSocketType stype) protocol
-						`thenPrimIO` \ s -> 
-    if s == -1 then
-	getCErrorCode				`thenPrimIO` \ errno ->
-	(case errno of		    
-	    EACCES ->
-		fail "socket: Permission Denied"
-	    EMFILE  ->
-		fail "socket: No more descriptiors available"
-	    ENFILE  ->
-		fail "socket: System file table is full"
-	    ENOBUFS  ->
-		fail "socket: Insufficient Buffer space to create socket"
-		fail ("socket: Protocol " ++ show protocol ++
-			" not supported for Family " ++ show family)
-		fail ("socket: Protocol " ++ show protocol ++
-			" wrong type for socket")
-	    _	->
-		fail ("socket: " ++ (errorCodeToStr errno))
-	)
-    else
-	newVar NotConnected			`thenPrimIO` \ status ->
-	return (MkSocket s family stype protocol status)
-Given a port number this {\em binds} the socket to that port. This
-means that the programmer is only interested in data being sent to
-that port number. The $Family$ passed to $bindSocket$ must
-be the same as that passed to $socket$.	 If the special port
-number $aNY\_PORT$ is passed then the system assigns the next
-available use port.
-Port numbers for standard unix services can be found by calling
-$getServiceEntry$.  These are traditionally port numbers below
-1000; although there are afew, namely NFS and IRC, which used higher
-numbered ports.
-The port number allocated to a socket bound by using $aNY\_PORT$ can be
-found by calling $port$
-bindSocket :: Socket ->			-- Unconnected Socket
-	      SockAddr ->		-- Address to Bind to
-	      IO ()
-bindSocket (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) addr =
-    readVar status				`thenST` \ currentStatus ->
-    if currentStatus /= NotConnected then
-	fail ("bindSocket: can't peform bind on socket in status " ++
-	    show currentStatus)
-    else
-	packSockAddr addr				`thenPrimIO` \ addr' ->
-	let (_,sz) = boundsOfByteArray addr' in
-	_casm_ ``%r = bind(%0, (struct sockaddr*)%1, %2);''
-	    s addr' sz					`thenPrimIO` \ result ->
-	if result == -1 then
-	    getCErrorCode				`thenPrimIO` \ errno ->
-	    (case errno of
-	    EACCES	->
-		fail "bindSocket: The requested address is protected"
-		fail "bindSocket: Address in use by another process"
-		fail "bindSocket: Address not available"
-	    EBADF	->
-		fail "bindSocket: invalid descriptor"
-	    EFAULT	->
-		fail "bindSocket: name parameter not in vaild user address space"
-	    EINVAL	->
-		fail "bindSocket: namelen invalid size for given family"
-	    ENOTSOCK ->
-		fail "bindSocket: attempt to bind a non socket descriptor"
-	    _		->
-		fail ("bindSocket: " ++ (errorCodeToStr errno))
-	  )
-	else
-	  writeVar status (Bound)				`seqPrimIO`
-	  return ()
-Make a connection to an already opened socket on a given machine and port.
-assumes that we have already called createSocket, othewise it will fail.
-This is the dual to $bindSocket$.  The {\em server} process will
-usually bind to a port number, the {\em client} will then connect to 
-the same port number.  Port numbers of user applications are normally
-agreed in advance, otherwise we must rely on some hacky mechanism for telling
-the {\em otherside} what port number we have been allocated.	       
-connect :: Socket ->			-- Unconnected Socket
-	   SockAddr ->			-- Socket address stuff
-	   IO ()
-connect (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) addr =
-      readVar status				 `thenST` \ currentStatus ->
-      if currentStatus /= NotConnected then
-	fail ("connect: can't peform connect on socket in status " ++
-	      show currentStatus)
-      else
-	packSockAddr addr				`thenPrimIO` \ addr' ->
-	let (_,sz) = boundsOfByteArray addr' in
-	_casm_ ``%r = connect(%0,(struct sockaddr*)%1, %2);''
-		 s addr' sz				`thenPrimIO` \ result ->
-	if result == -1 then
-	  getCErrorCode					`thenPrimIO` \ errno ->
-	  (case errno of
-		fail "connect: address in use"
-		fail "connect: address not available on remote machine"
-		fail "connect: invalid socket address family"
-	    EALREADY ->
-		fail ("connect: socket in non-blocking and previous " ++
-		     "attempt to connect not yet complteted")
-	    EBADF ->
-		fail "connect: socket in not a vaild descriptor"
-		fail "connect: connection refused by peer"
-	    EFAULT ->
-		fail "connect: address parameter outside process address space"
-		fail ("connect: socket is non-blocking and connection can " ++
-		     "not be completed imediately")
-	    EINTR ->
-		fail "connect: connection interrupted before delivery signal"
-	    EINVAL ->
-		fail ("connect: namlen not size of valid address for " ++
-		     "specified family")
-	    EISCONN ->
-		fail "connect: socket is already connected"
-		fail "connect: network unreachable"
-	    ENOTSOCK ->
-		fail "connect: file descriptor passed instead of socket"
-	    ETIMEDOUT ->
-		fail "connect: timed out without establishing connection"
-	    _	->
-		fail ("connect: " ++ (errorCodeToStr errno))
-	  )
-	else
-	  writeVar status (Connected)			`seqPrimIO`
-	  return ()
-The programmer must call $listen$ to tell the system software
-that they are now interested in receiving data on this port.  This
-must be called on the bound socket before any calls to read or write
-data are made. 
-The programmer also gives a number which indicates the length of the
-incoming queue of unread messages for this socket. On most systems the
-maximum queue length is around 5.  To remove a message from the queue
-for processing a call to $accept$ should be made.	
-listen :: Socket ->			-- Connected & Bound Socket
-	  Int ->			-- Queue Length
-	  IO ()
-listen (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) backlog =
-      readVar status				 `thenST` \ currentStatus ->
-      if currentStatus /= Bound then
-	fail ("listen: can't peform listen on socket in status " ++
-	      show currentStatus)
-      else
-	_ccall_ listen s backlog			`thenPrimIO` \ result ->
-	if result == -1 then
-	  getCErrorCode					`thenPrimIO` \ errno ->
-	  (case errno of
-	    EBADF ->
-		fail "listen: socket file descriptor invalid"
-	    ENOTSOCK ->
-		fail "listen: file descriptor is not a socket"
-		fail "listen: not supported fro this type of socket"
-	    _	->
-		fail ("listen: " ++ (errorCodeToStr errno))
-	  )
-	else
-	  writeVar status (Listening)			`seqPrimIO`
-	  return ()
-A call to $accept$ only returns when data is available on the given
-socket, unless the socket has been set to non-blocking.	 It will
-return a new socket which should be used to read the incoming data and
-should then be closed. Using the socket returned by $accept$ allows
-incoming requests to be queued on the original socket.
-accept :: Socket ->			-- Queue Socket
-	  IO (Socket,			-- Readable Socket
-	      SockAddr)			-- Peer details
-accept sock@(MkSocket s family stype protocol status) =
-    readVar status			    `thenST` \ currentStatus ->
-    sIsAcceptable sock			    >>= \ okay ->
-    if not okay then    
-	fail ("accept: can't peform accept on socket in status " ++
-	      show currentStatus)
-    else
-	allocSockAddr family			`thenPrimIO` \ (ptr, sz) ->
-    	_casm_ ``%r = accept(%0,(struct sockaddr*)%1, &%2);''
-		s ptr sz				`thenPrimIO` \ sock ->
-	if sock == -1 then
-	    getCErrorCode				`thenPrimIO` \ errno ->
-	    (case errno of
-		EBADF ->
-		    fail "accept: descriptor is invalid"
-		EFAULT ->
-		    fail "accept: addr is not in writeable part of address space"
-		    fail "accept: descriptor is not a socket"
-		    fail ("accept: socket not of type" ++ show stype)
-		    fail "accept: would block"
-		_	->
-		    fail ("accept: " ++ (errorCodeToStr errno))
-	    )
-	else
-	    unpackSockAddr ptr			`thenPrimIO` \ addr ->
-	    newVar Connected			`thenPrimIO` \ status ->
-	    return ((MkSocket sock family stype protocol status), addr)
-%*									*
-\subsection[Socket-DataPass]{Data Passing Primitives}
-%*									*
-To allow Haskell to talk to C programs we need to beable to
-communicate interms of byte streams. $writeSocket$ and
-$readSocket$ should only be used for this purpose and not for
-communication between Haskell programs.	 Haskell programs should use
-the 1.3 IO hPutStr and associated machinery for communicating with
-each other.
-writeSocket ::	Socket ->		-- Connected Socket
-		String ->		-- Data to send
-		IO Int		-- Number of Bytes sent
-writeSocket (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) xs =
-    readVar status				`thenST` \ currentStatus ->
-    if not ((currentStatus /= Connected) || (currentStatus /= Listening)) then
-        fail ("writeSocket: can't peform write on socket in status " ++
-	    show currentStatus)
-    else
-	_ccall_ write s xs (length xs)		`thenPrimIO` \ nbytes ->
-	if nbytes == -1 then
-	    getCErrorCode			`thenPrimIO` \ errno ->
-	    (case errno of
-		EBADF ->
-		    fail "writeSocket: invalid file descriptor"
-		EDQUOT ->
-		    fail "writeSocket: disk quota exhausted"
-		EFAULT ->
-		    fail "writeSocket: data area outside address space"
-		EFBIG ->
-		    fail "writeSocket: max file size limit exeeded"
-		EINTR ->
-		    fail "writeSocket: interupt received before data written"
-		EINVAL ->
-		    fail ("writeSocket: The stream is linked below a " ++
-			    "multiplexor. The fd pointer was negative")
-		ENOSPC ->
-		    fail "writeSocket: no space left on device"
-		ENXIO ->
-		    fail "writeSocket: hangup occured on stream"
-		EPIPE ->
-		    fail "writeSocket: attempt to write to unopened pipe"
-		ERANGE ->
-		    fail "writeSocket: to much data to write"
-		    fail "writeSocket: would block"
-		EAGAIN ->
-		    fail "writeSocket: would block"
-		_ ->
-		    fail ("writeSocket: " ++ (errorCodeToStr errno))
-	    )
-	else
-	    return nbytes
-readSocket :: Socket ->		-- Connected Socket
-	      Int ->		-- Number of Bytes to Read
-	      IO (String, Int)	-- (Data Read, Number of Bytes)
-readSocket (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) nbytes =
-    readVar status				`thenST` \ currentStatus ->
-    if not ((currentStatus /= Connected) || (currentStatus /= Listening)) then
-	fail ("readSocket: can't perform read on socket in status " ++
-	    show currentStatus)
-    else
---	newCharArray (0, nbytes)		`thenPrimIO` \ ptr \ ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = (char*)malloc(1+sizeof(char)*%0);''	nbytes	
-						`thenPrimIO` \ buffer ->
-	_ccall_ read s buffer nbytes		`thenPrimIO` \ result ->
-	if result == -1 then
-	    getCErrorCode			`thenPrimIO` \ errno ->
-	    (case errno of
-		EAGAIN ->
-		    fail "readSocket: no data to read (non-blocking)"
-		EBADF ->
-		    fail "readSocket: invalid file descriptor"
-		    fail "readSocket: not a valid data message"
-		EFAULT ->
-		    fail "readSocket: buffer outside allocated address space"
-		EINTR ->
-		    fail "readSocket: interupted by signal before data"
-		EINVAL ->
-		    fail ("readSocket: The stream is linked below a " ++
-			"multiplexor. The file descriptor pointer was negative")
-		EIO ->
-		    fail "readSocket: IO error"
-		EISDIR ->
-		    fail "readSocket: descriptor is an NFS directory"
-		    fail "readSocket: would block"
-		_ ->
-		    fail ("readSocket: "  ++ (errorCodeToStr errno))
-	    )
-	else
-	    return (_unpackPS (_packCString buffer), result)
-readSocketAll :: Socket -> IO String
-readSocketAll s =
-    let 
-      loop xs =
-        readSocket s 4096			>>= \ (str, nbytes) ->
-	if nbytes /= 0 then
-	    loop (str ++ xs)
-	else
-	    return xs
-    in
-	loop ""
-The port number the given socket is currently connected to can be
-determined by calling $port$, is generally only useful when bind
-was given $aNY\_PORT$.
-socketPort :: Socket ->			-- Connected & Bound Socket
-	      IO Int			-- Port Number of Socket
-socketPort sock@(MkSocket s AF_INET stype protocol status) =
-    getSocketName sock		    >>= \ (SockAddrInet port _) ->
-    return port
-socketPort (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) =
-    fail ("socketPort: not supported for Family " ++ show family)
-Calling $getPeerName$ returns the address details of the machine,
-other than the local one, which is connected to the socket. This is
-used in programs such as FTP to determine where to send the returning
-data.  The corresponding call to get the details of the local machine
-is $getSocketName$.
-getPeerName   :: Socket -> IO SockAddr
-getPeerName (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) =
-    allocSockAddr family			    `thenPrimIO` \ (ptr,sz) ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = getpeername(%0,(struct sockaddr*)%1,&%2);''
-	     s ptr sz				    `thenPrimIO` \ result ->
-    if result == -1 then
-	getCErrorCode				    `thenPrimIO` \ errno ->
-	fail ("getPeerName: " ++ (errorCodeToStr errno))
-    else
-	unpackSockAddr ptr			    `thenPrimIO` \ addr ->
-	return addr
-getSocketName :: Socket -> IO SockAddr
-getSocketName (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) =
-    allocSockAddr family			    `thenPrimIO` \ (ptr,sz) ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = getsockname(%0,(struct sockaddr*)%1, &%2);'' 
-	    s ptr sz				    `thenPrimIO` \ result ->
-    if result == -1 then
-	getCErrorCode				    `thenPrimIO` \ errno ->
-	fail ("getSocketName: " ++ (errorCodeToStr errno))
-    else
-	unpackSockAddr ptr			    `thenPrimIO` \ addr ->
-	return addr
-%*									*
-\subsection[Socket-Properties]{Socket Properties}
-%*									*
-data SocketOption =
-      Debug
-    | AcceptConnection
-    | ReuseAddr
-    | KeepAlive
-    | DontRoute
-    | Broadcast
-    | UseLoopBack
-    | Linger
-    | OOBInline
-    | SendBuffer
-    | RecvBuffer
-    | SendLowWater
-    | RecvLowWater
-    | SendTimeOut
-    | RecvTimeOut
-    | Error
-    | Type
-setSocketOptions :: Socket ->
-		    Int ->		-- Level
-		    SocketOption ->	-- Option Name
-		    String ->		-- Option Value
-		    IO ()
-getSocketOptons :: Socket ->
-		   Int ->		-- Level
-		   SocketOption ->	-- Option Name
-		   IO String		-- Option Value
-A calling sequence table for the main functions is shown in the table below.
-{\bf A Call to} & socket & connect & bindSocket & listen & accept & read & write \\
-{\bf Precedes} & & & & & & & \\
-socket &	&	  &	       &	&	 &	& \\
-connect & +	&	  &	       &	&	 &	& \\
-bindSocket & +	&	  &	       &	&	 &	& \\
-listen &	&	  & +	       &	&	 &	& \\
-accept &	&	  &	       &  +	&	 &	& \\
-read   &	&   +	  &	       &  +	&  +	 &  +	& + \\
-write  &	&   +	  &	       &  +	&  +	 &  +	& + \\
-\caption{Sequence Table for Major functions of Socket}
-%*									*
-\subsection[Socket-OSDefs]{OS Dependent Definitions}
-%*									*
-The following Family and Socket Type declarations were manually derived
-from /usr/include/sys/socket.h on the appropriate machines.
-Maybe a configure script that could parse the socket.h file to produce
-the following declaration is required to make it ``portable'' rather than
-using the dreaded \#ifdefs.
-Presently only the following machine/os combinations are supported:
-\item Intelx86/Linux
-\item SPARC/SunOS
-\item SPARC/Solaris
-\item Alpha/OSF
-unpackFamily	:: Int -> Family
-packFamily	:: Family -> Int
-packSocketType	:: SocketType -> Int
-#ifdef sun
-data Family = 
-	  AF_UNSPEC	-- unspecified
-	| AF_UNIX	-- local to host (pipes, portals
-	| AF_INET	-- internetwork: UDP, TCP, etc
-	| AF_IMPLINK	-- arpanet imp addresses
-	| AF_PUP	-- pup protocols: e.g. BSP
-	| AF_CHAOS	-- mit CHAOS protocols
-	| AF_NS		-- XEROX NS protocols 
-	| AF_NBS	-- nbs protocols
-	| AF_ECMA	-- european computer manufacturers
-	| AF_DATAKIT	-- datakit protocols
-	| AF_CCITT	-- CCITT protocols, X.25 etc
-	| AF_DECnet	-- DECnet
-	| AF_DLI	-- Direct data link interface
-	| AF_LAT	-- LAT
-	| AF_HYLINK	-- NSC Hyperchannel
-	| AF_APPLETALK	-- Apple Talk
-	| AF_NIT	-- Network Interface Tap
-	| AF_802	-- IEEE 80.2, also ISO 8802
-	| AF_OSI	-- umberella of all families used by OSI
-	| AF_X25	-- CCITT X.25
-	| AF_GOSSIP	-- US Government OSI
-	| AF_IPX	-- Novell Internet Protocol
-	deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Text)
-packFamily = index (AF_UNSPEC, AF_IPX)
-unpackFamily family = (range (AF_UNSPEC, AF_IPX))!!family
-#ifdef __alpha__
-data Family =
-	  AF_UNSPEC	-- unspecified 
-	| AF_UNIX	-- local to host (pipes, portals) 
-	| AF_INET	-- internetwork: UDP, TCP, etc. 
-	| AF_IMPLINK	-- arpanet imp addresses 
-	| AF_PUP	-- pup protocols: e.g. BSP 
-	| AF_CHAOS	-- mit CHAOS protocols 
-	| AF_NS		-- XEROX NS protocols 
-	| AF_ISO	-- ISO protocols 
-	| AF_ECMA	-- european computer manufacturers 
-	| AF_DATAKIT	-- datakit protocols 
-	| AF_CCITT	-- CCITT protocols, X.25 etc 
-	| AF_SNA	-- IBM SNA 
-	| AF_DECnet	-- DECnet 
-	| AF_DLI	-- DEC Direct data link interface 
-	| AF_LAT	-- LAT 
-	| AF_HYLINK	-- NSC Hyperchannel 
-	| AF_APPLETALK	-- Apple Talk 
-	| AF_ROUTE	-- Internal Routing Protocol 
-	| AF_LINK	-- Link layer interface 
-	| Pseudo_AF_XTP	-- eXpress Transfer Protocol (no AF) 
-	| AF_NETMAN	-- DNA Network Management 
-	| AF_X25	-- X25 protocol 
-	| AF_CTF	-- Common Trace Facility 
-	| AF_WAN	-- Wide Area Network protocols 
-	deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Text)
-packFamily = index (AF_UNSPEC, AF_WAN)
-unpackFamily family = (range (AF_UNSPEC, AF_WAN))!!family
-#ifdef linux
-data Family = 
-	| AF_AX25
-	| AF_IPX
-	deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Text)	
-packFamily = index (AF_UNSPEC, AF_IPX)
-unpackFamily family = (range (AF_UNSPEC, AF_IPX))!!family
--- Alpha running OSF or a SPARC with SunOS, rather than Solaris.
-#if __alpha__ || (sun && !__svr4__)
-data SocketType = 
-	  Stream 
-	| Datagram
-	| Raw 
-	| RDM 
-	| SeqPacket
-	deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Text)
-packSocketType stype = 1 + (index (Stream, SeqPacket) stype)	
--- This is a Sun running Solaris rather than SunOS    
-#if sun && __svr4__
-data SocketType =
-	  Datagram
-	| Stream
-	| Raw
-	| RDM
-	| SeqPacket
-	deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Text)	
-packSocketType stype = 1 + (index (Datagram, SeqPacket) stype)
-#if linux
-data SocketType = 
-	  Stream 
-	| Datagram
-	| Raw 
-	| RDM 
-	| SeqPacket
-	| Packet
-	deriving (Eq, Ord, Ix, Text)
-packSocketType stype = 1 + (index (Stream, Packet) stype)	
-%*									*
-\subsection[Socket-Util]{Utility Functions}
-%*									*
-aNY_PORT = 0::Int
-maxListenQueue = sOMAXCONN
-shutdown :: Socket -> Int -> IO ()
-shutdown (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) t = 
-    primIOToIO (_ccall_ shutdown s t)
-sClose	 :: Socket -> IO ()
-sClose (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) = 
-    primIOToIO (_ccall_ close s)
-inet_addr :: String -> HostAddress
-inet_addr ipstr = unsafePerformPrimIO (_ccall_ inet_addr ipstr)
-inet_ntoa :: HostAddress -> String
-inet_ntoa haddr = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``struct in_addr addr;
-	     addr.s_addr = htonl(%0);
-	     %r = inet_ntoa (addr);'' haddr    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    returnPrimIO (_unpackPS (_packCString str)))
-sIsConnected :: Socket -> IO Bool
-sIsConnected (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) =
-    readVar status			`thenST` \ value ->
-    return (value == Connected)	
-sIsBound :: Socket -> IO Bool
-sIsBound (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) =
-    readVar status			`thenST` \ value ->
-    return (value == Bound)	
-sIsListening :: Socket -> IO Bool
-sIsListening (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) =
-    readVar status			`thenST` \ value ->
-    return (value == Listening)	
-sIsReadable  :: Socket -> IO Bool
-sIsReadable (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) =
-    readVar status			`thenST` \ value ->
-    return (value == Listening || value == Connected)
-sIsWritable  :: Socket -> IO Bool
-sIsWritable = sIsReadable
-sIsAcceptable :: Socket -> IO Bool
-sIsAcceptable (MkSocket s AF_UNIX Stream protocol status) =
-    readVar status			`thenST` \ value ->    
-    return (value == Connected || value == Bound || value == Listening)
-sIsAcceptable (MkSocket s AF_UNIX _ protocol status) = 
-    return False
-sIsAcceptable (MkSocket s _ stype protocol status) =
-    readVar status			`thenST` \ value ->
-    return (value == Connected || value == Listening)
-sSetBlocking :: Socket -> Bool -> IO ()
-sIsBlocking  :: Socket -> IO Bool
-allocSockAddr :: Family -> PrimIO (_MutableByteArray _RealWorld Int, Int)
-allocSockAddr AF_UNIX = 
-    newCharArray (0,``sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)'')	`thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-    let 
-	(_,sz) = boundsOfByteArray ptr
-    in 
-    returnPrimIO (ptr, sz)
-allocSockAddr AF_INET = 
-    newCharArray (0,``sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)'')	`thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-    let 
-	(_,sz) = boundsOfByteArray ptr
-    in
-    returnPrimIO (ptr, sz)
-unpackSockAddr :: _MutableByteArray _RealWorld Int -> PrimIO SockAddr
-unpackSockAddr arr =
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct sockaddr*)%0)->sa_family;'' arr `thenPrimIO` \ fam ->
-    case unpackFamily fam of
-	AF_UNIX -> unpackSockAddrUnix arr
-	AF_INET -> unpackSockAddrInet arr
-unpackSockAddrUnix :: (_MutableByteArray _RealWorld Int) -> PrimIO SockAddr
-unpackSockAddrUnix ptr =
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct sockaddr_un*)%0)->sun_path;'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    strcpy str					`thenPrimIO` \ path ->
-    returnPrimIO (SockAddrUnix path)
-unpackSockAddrInet :: (_MutableByteArray _RealWorld Int) -> PrimIO SockAddr
-unpackSockAddrInet ptr =
-    _casm_ ``%r = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in*)%0)->sin_port);'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ port ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in*)%0)->sin_addr.s_addr);'' ptr
-						`thenPrimIO` \ address ->
-    returnPrimIO (SockAddrInet port address)
-packSockAddr :: SockAddr -> PrimIO (_MutableByteArray _RealWorld Int)
-packSockAddr (SockAddrUnix path) =
-    allocSockAddr AF_UNIX				`thenPrimIO` \ (ptr,_) ->
-    _casm_ ``(((struct sockaddr_un *)%0)->sun_family) = AF_UNIX;''
-		ptr					`thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    _casm_ ``strcpy ((((struct sockaddr_un *)%0)->sun_path),%1);''
-		ptr path				`thenPrimIO` \ () ->	
-    returnPrimIO ptr
-packSockAddr (SockAddrInet port address) =
-    allocSockAddr AF_INET				`thenPrimIO` \ (ptr,_) ->
-    _casm_ ``(((struct sockaddr_in *)%0)->sin_family) = AF_INET;''
-		ptr					`thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    _casm_ ``(((struct sockaddr_in *)%0)->sin_port) = htons((int)%1);''
-		ptr port				`thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    _casm_ ``(((struct sockaddr_in *)%0)->sin_addr.s_addr) = htonl(%1);''
-		ptr address				`thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    returnPrimIO ptr
-socketToHandle :: Socket -> IO Handle
-socketToHandle (MkSocket s family stype protocol status) =
-    _casm_ ``%r = fdopen (%0, "r+");'' s     `thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-    newEmptyMVar			     >>= \ handle ->
-    putMVar handle (_SocketHandle ptr False) >>
-    return handle
diff --git a/ghc/lib/ghc/Util.lhs b/ghc/lib/ghc/Util.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b00e9219c908865aaf63d11a5ce45475406ce6b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/ghc/Util.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1061 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
-\section[Util]{Highly random utility functions}
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-# include "HsVersions.h"
-# define IF_NOT_GHC(a) {--}
-# define panic error
-# define TAG_ _CMP_TAG
-# define LT_ _LT
-# define EQ_ _EQ
-# define GT_ _GT
-# define GT__ _
-# define tagCmp_ _tagCmp
-# define FAST_STRING String
-# define ASSERT(x) {-nothing-}
-# define IF_NOT_GHC(a) a
-# define COMMA ,
-#ifndef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__
-# undef TAG_
-# undef LT_
-# undef EQ_
-# undef GT_
-# undef tagCmp_
-module Util (
-	-- Haskell-version support
-#ifndef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__
-	tagCmp_,
-	TAG_(..),
-	-- general list processing
-	IF_NOT_GHC(forall COMMA exists COMMA)
-	zipEqual, nOfThem, lengthExceeds, isSingleton,
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	isIn, isn'tIn,
-	-- association lists
-	assoc,
-	clookup, clookrepl, elemIndex, (\\\),
-	-- duplicate handling
-	hasNoDups, equivClasses, runs, removeDups,
-	-- sorting
-	IF_NOT_GHC(quicksort COMMA stableSortLt COMMA mergesort COMMA)
-	sortLt,
-	IF_NOT_GHC(mergeSort COMMA) naturalMergeSortLe,	-- from Carsten
-	IF_NOT_GHC(naturalMergeSort COMMA mergeSortLe COMMA)
-	-- transitive closures
-	transitiveClosure,
-	-- accumulating
-	mapAccumL, mapAccumR, mapAccumB,
-	-- comparisons
-	IF_NOT_GHC(cmpString COMMA)
-	cmpPString,
-	substr,
-	-- pairs
-	IF_NOT_GHC(cfst COMMA applyToPair COMMA applyToFst COMMA)
-	IF_NOT_GHC(applyToSnd COMMA foldPair COMMA)
-	unzipWith
-	-- error handling
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	, panic, pprPanic, pprTrace
-# ifdef DEBUG
-	, assertPanic
-# endif
-#endif {- COMPILING_GHC -}
-	-- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-# if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	, Maybe(..){-.. for pragmas...-}, PrettyRep, Pretty(..)
-# else
-	, Maybe
-# endif
-	-- as more-or-less of a *HACK*, Util exports
-	-- many types abstractly, so that pragmas will be
-	-- able to see them (given that most modules
-	-- import Util).
-	,
-	AbstractC,
-	ArgUsage,
-	ArgUsageInfo,
-	ArithSeqInfo,
-	ArityInfo,
-	Bag,
-	BasicLit,
-	Bind,
-	BinderInfo,
-	Binds,
-	CAddrMode,
-	CExprMacro,
-	CLabel,
-	CSeq,
-	CStmtMacro,
-	CcKind,
-	Class,
-	ClassDecl,
-	ClassOp,
-	ClassOpPragmas,
-	ClassPragmas,
-	ClosureInfo,
-	ConDecl,
-	CoreArg,
-	CoreAtom,
-	CoreBinding,
-	CoreCaseAlternatives,
-	CoreCaseDefault,
-	CoreExpr,
-	CostCentre,
-	DataPragmas,
-	DataTypeSig,
-	DefaultDecl,
-	DeforestInfo,
-	Delay,
-	Demand,
-	DemandInfo,
-	DuplicationDanger,
-	EnclosingCcDetails,
-	EndOfBlockInfo,
-	ExportFlag,
-	Expr,
-	FBConsum,
-	FBProd,
-	FBType,
-	FBTypeInfo,
-	FiniteMap,
-	FixityDecl,
-	FormSummary,
-	FullName,
-	FunOrArg,
-	GRHSsAndBinds,
-	GenPragmas,
-	GlobalSwitch,
-	HeapOffset,
-	IE,
-	Id,
-	IdDetails,
-	IdEnv(..), -- UGH
-	IdInfo,
-	IdVal,
-	IfaceImportDecl,
-	ImpStrictness,
-	ImpUnfolding,
-	ImportedInterface,
-	InPat,
-	InsideSCC,
-	Inst,
-	InstDecl,
-	InstOrigin,
-	InstTemplate,
-	InstTy,
-	InstancePragmas,
-	Interface,
-	IsDupdCC, IsCafCC,
-	LambdaFormInfo,
-	Literal,
-	MagicId,
-	MagicUnfoldingFun,
-	Match,
-	Module,
-	MonoBinds,
-	MonoType,
-	Name,
-	NamedThing(..), -- SIGH
-	OptIdInfo(..), -- SIGH
-	OrdList,
-	Outputable(..), -- SIGH
-	OverloadedLit,
-	PolyType,
-	PprStyle,
-	PrimKind,
-	PrimOp,
-	ProtoName,
-	Provenance,
-	Qual,
-	RegRelative,
-	Renaming,
-	ReturnInfo,
-	SMRep,
-	SMSpecRepKind,
-	SMUpdateKind,
-	Sequel,
-	ShortName,
-	Sig,
-	SimplCount,
-	SimplEnv,
-	SimplifierSwitch,
-	SpecEnv,
-	SpecInfo,
-	SpecialisedInstanceSig,
-	SplitUniqSupply,
-	SrcLoc,
-	StableLoc,
-	StandardFormInfo,
-	StgAtom,
-	StgBinderInfo,
-	StgBinding,
-	StgCaseAlternatives,
-	StgCaseDefault,
-	StgExpr,
-	StgRhs,
-	StrictnessInfo,
-	StubFlag,
-	SwitchResult,
-	TickType,
-	TyCon,
-	TyDecl,
-	TyVar,
-	TyVarEnv(..),
-	TyVarTemplate,
-	TypePragmas,
-	TypecheckedPat,
-	UfCostCentre,
-	UfId,
-	UnfoldEnv,
-	UnfoldItem,
-	UnfoldConApp,
-	UnfoldingCoreAlts,
-	UnfoldingCoreAtom,
-	UnfoldingCoreBinding,
-	UnfoldingCoreDefault,
-	UnfoldingCoreExpr,
-	UnfoldingDetails,
-	UnfoldingGuidance,
-	UnfoldingPrimOp,
-	UniType,
-	UniqFM,
-	Unique,
-	UniqueSupply,
-	UpdateFlag,
-	UpdateInfo,
-	VolatileLoc,
-	Reg,
-	CodeSegment,
-	RegLoc,
-	StixReg,
-	StixTree,
-	getIdUniType, typeOfBasicLit, typeOfPat,
-	getIdKind, kindOfBasicLit,
-	kindFromType,
-	eqId, cmpId,
-	eqName, cmpName,
-	cmpProtoName, eqProtoName,
-	cmpByLocalName, eqByLocalName,
-	eqUnique, cmpUnique,
-	showUnique,
-	switchIsOn,
-	ppNil, ppStr, ppInt, ppInteger, ppDouble,
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-	ppRational, --- ???
-	cNil, cStr, cAppend, cCh, cShow,
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
-	cPStr,
---	mkBlackHoleCLabel,
-	emptyBag, snocBag,
-	emptyFM,
---OLD:	emptySet,
-	nullSpecEnv,
-	mkUnknownSrcLoc,
-	pprCoreBinding, pprCoreExpr, pprTyCon, pprUniType,
-	tagOf_PrimOp,
-	pprPrimOp
-    ) where
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-import Pretty
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-import Maybes		( Maybe(..) )
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-import Id
-import IdInfo
-import Outputable
-import AbsCSyn
-import AbsSyn
-import AbsUniType
-import Bag
-import BasicLit
-import BinderInfo
-import CLabelInfo
-import CgBindery
-import CgMonad
-import CharSeq
-import ClosureInfo
-import CmdLineOpts
-import CoreSyn
-import FiniteMap
-import HsCore
-import HsPragmas
-import Inst
-import InstEnv
-import Name
-import NameTypes
-import OrdList
-import PlainCore
-import PrimOps
-import ProtoName
-import CostCentre
-import SMRep
-import SimplEnv
-import SimplMonad
-import SplitUniq
-import SrcLoc
-import StgSyn
-import TyVarEnv
-import UniqFM
-import Unique
-import AsmRegAlloc	( Reg )
-import MachDesc
-import Stix
-#  endif
-%*									*
-\subsection[Utils-version-support]{Functions to help pre-1.2 versions of (non-Glasgow) Haskell}
-%*									*
-This is our own idea:
-#ifndef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__
-data TAG_ = LT_ | EQ_ | GT_
-tagCmp_ :: Ord a => a -> a -> TAG_
-tagCmp_ a b = if a == b then EQ_ else if a < b then LT_ else GT_
-%*									*
-\subsection[Utils-lists]{General list processing}
-%*									*
-Quantifiers are not standard in Haskell. The following fill in the gap.
-forall :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
-forall pred []     = True
-forall pred (x:xs) = pred x && forall pred xs
-exists :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
-exists pred []     = False
-exists pred (x:xs) = pred x || exists pred xs
-A paranoid @zip@ that checks the lists are of equal length.
-Alastair Reid thinks this should only happen if DEBUGging on;
-hey, why not?
-zipEqual :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
-#ifndef DEBUG
-zipEqual a b = zip a b
-zipEqual []     []     = []
-zipEqual (a:as) (b:bs) = (a,b) : zipEqual as bs
-zipEqual as     bs     = panic "zipEqual: unequal lists"
-nOfThem :: Int -> a -> [a]
-nOfThem n thing = take n (repeat thing)
-lengthExceeds :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
-[]	`lengthExceeds` n =  0 > n
-(x:xs)	`lengthExceeds` n = (1 > n) || (xs `lengthExceeds` (n - 1))
-isSingleton :: [a] -> Bool
-isSingleton [x] = True
-isSingleton  _  = False
-Debugging/specialising versions of \tr{elem} and \tr{notElem}
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-isIn, isn'tIn :: (Eq a) => String -> a -> [a] -> Bool
-# ifndef DEBUG
-isIn    msg x ys = elem__    x ys
-isn'tIn msg x ys = notElem__ x ys
---these are here to be SPECIALIZEd (automagically)
-elem__ _ []	= False
-elem__ x (y:ys)	= x==y || elem__ x ys
-notElem__ x []	   =  True
-notElem__ x (y:ys) =  x /= y && notElem__ x ys
-# else {- DEBUG -}
-isIn msg x ys
-  = elem ILIT(0) x ys
-  where
-    elem i _ []	    = False
-    elem i x (y:ys)
-      | i _GE_ ILIT(100) = panic ("Over-long elem in: " ++ msg)
-      | otherwise	 = x == y || elem (i _ADD_ ILIT(1)) x ys
-isn'tIn msg x ys
-  = notElem ILIT(0) x ys
-  where
-    notElem i x [] =  True
-    notElem i x (y:ys)
-      | i _GE_ ILIT(100) = panic ("Over-long notElem in: " ++ msg)
-      | otherwise	 =  x /= y && notElem (i _ADD_ ILIT(1)) x ys
-# endif {- DEBUG -}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isIn :: String -> BasicLit -> [BasicLit] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isIn :: String -> Class -> [Class] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isIn :: String -> Id -> [Id] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isIn :: String -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isIn :: String -> MagicId -> [MagicId] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isIn :: String -> Name -> [Name] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isIn :: String -> TyCon -> [TyCon] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isIn :: String -> TyVar -> [TyVar] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isIn :: String -> TyVarTemplate -> [TyVarTemplate] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isIn :: String -> Unique -> [Unique] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isIn :: String -> _PackedString -> [_PackedString] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isn'tIn :: String -> (Id, Id) -> [(Id, Id)] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isn'tIn :: String -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isn'tIn :: String -> Id -> [Id] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isn'tIn :: String -> MagicId -> [MagicId] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isn'tIn :: String -> TyCon -> [TyCon] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isn'tIn :: String -> TyVar -> [TyVar] -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE isn'tIn :: String -> TyVarTemplate -> [TyVarTemplate] -> Bool #-}
-# endif
-#endif {- COMPILING_GHC -}
-%*									*
-\subsection[Utils-assoc]{Association lists}
-%*									*
-See also @assocMaybe@ and @mkLookupFun@ in module @Maybes@.
-assoc :: (Eq a) => String -> [(a, b)] -> a -> b
-assoc crash_msg lst key
-  = if (null res)
-    then panic ("Failed in assoc: " ++ crash_msg)
-    else head res
-  where res = [ val | (key', val) <- lst, key == key']
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-{-# SPECIALIZE assoc :: String -> [(Id,            a)] -> Id		-> a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE assoc :: String -> [(Class,         a)] -> Class		-> a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE assoc :: String -> [(Name,          a)] -> Name		-> a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE assoc :: String -> [(PrimKind,      a)] -> PrimKind	-> a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE assoc :: String -> [(String,        a)] -> String        -> a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE assoc :: String -> [(TyCon,         a)] -> TyCon		-> a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE assoc :: String -> [(TyVar,         a)] -> TyVar		-> a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE assoc :: String -> [(TyVarTemplate, a)] -> TyVarTemplate -> a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE assoc :: String -> [(UniType,       a)] -> UniType	-> a #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE assoc :: String -> [(_PackedString, a)] -> _PackedString -> a #-}
-# endif
-Given a list of associations one wants to look for the most recent
-association for a given key. A couple of functions follow that cover
-the simple lookup, the lookup with a default value when the key not
-found, and two corresponding functions operating on unzipped lists
-of associations.
-clookup :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [b] -> a -> b
-clookup = clookupElse (panic "clookup")
-  where
-   -- clookupElse :: (Eq a) => b -> [a] -> [b] -> a -> b
-   clookupElse d [] [] a = d
-   clookupElse d (x:xs) (y:ys) a
-                | a==x = y
-                | True = clookupElse d xs ys a
-The following routine given a curried environment replaces the entry
-labelled with a given name with a new value given. The new value is
-given in the form of a function that allows to transform the old entry.
-Assumption is that the list of labels contains the given one and that
-the two lists of the curried environment are of equal lengths.
-clookrepl :: Eq a => [a] -> [b] -> a -> (b -> b) -> [b]
-clookrepl (a:as) (b:bs) x f
-   = if x == a then  (f b:bs)  else  (b:clookrepl as bs x f)
-The following returns the index of an element in a list.
-elemIndex :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Int
-elemIndex as x = indx as x 0
-   where
-     indx :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Int -> Int
-     indx (a:as) x n = if a==x then n else indx as x ((n+1)::Int)
-# if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-     indx [] x n     = pprPanic "element not in list in elemIndex" ppNil
-# else
-     indx [] x n     = error "element not in list in elemIndex"
-# endif
-%*									*
-%*									*
-List difference (non-associative). In the result of @xs \\\ ys@, the
-first occurrence of each element of ys in turn (if any) has been
-removed from xs.  Thus, @(xs ++ ys) \\\ xs == ys@.  This function is
-a copy of @\\@ from report 1.1 and is added to overshade the buggy
-version from the 1.0 version of Haskell.
-This routine can be removed after the compiler bootstraps itself and
-a proper @\\@ is can be applied.
-(\\\) :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-(\\\) =  foldl del
-   where
-    []     `del` _ = []
-    (x:xs) `del` y
-	| x == y    = xs
-	| otherwise = x : xs `del` y
-hasNoDups :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
-hasNoDups xs = f [] xs
-  where
-    f seen_so_far []     = True
-    f seen_so_far (x:xs) = if x `is_elem` seen_so_far then
-				False
-			   else
-				f (x:seen_so_far) xs
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-    is_elem = isIn "hasNoDups"
-    is_elem = elem
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-{-# SPECIALIZE hasNoDups :: [TyVar] -> Bool #-}
-# endif
-equivClasses :: (a -> a -> TAG_) 	-- Comparison
-	     -> [a] 
-	     -> [[a]]
-equivClasses cmp stuff@[]     = []
-equivClasses cmp stuff@[item] = [stuff]
-equivClasses cmp items
-  = runs eq (sortLt lt items)
-  where
-    eq a b = case cmp a b of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False }
-    lt a b = case cmp a b of { LT_ -> True; _ -> False }
-The first cases in @equivClasses@ above are just to cut to the point
-more quickly...
-@runs@ groups a list into a list of lists, each sublist being a run of
-identical elements of the input list. It is passed a predicate @p@ which
-tells when two elements are equal.
-runs :: (a -> a -> Bool) 	-- Equality 
-     -> [a] 
-     -> [[a]]
-runs p []     = []
-runs p (x:xs) = case (span (p x) xs) of
-		  (first, rest) -> (x:first) : (runs p rest)
-removeDups :: (a -> a -> TAG_) 	-- Comparison function
-	   -> [a]
-	   -> ([a], 	-- List with no duplicates
-	       [[a]])	-- List of duplicate groups.  One representative from
-			-- each group appears in the first result
-removeDups cmp []  = ([], [])
-removeDups cmp [x] = ([x],[])
-removeDups cmp xs
-  = case (mapAccumR collect_dups [] (equivClasses cmp xs)) of { (dups, xs') ->
-    (xs', dups) }
-  where
-    collect_dups dups_so_far [x]         = (dups_so_far,      x)
-    collect_dups dups_so_far dups@(x:xs) = (dups:dups_so_far, x)
-%*									*
-%*									*
-%*									*
-%*									*
--- tail-recursive, etc., "quicker sort" [as per Meira thesis]
-quicksort :: (a -> a -> Bool)		-- Less-than predicate
-	  -> [a]			-- Input list
-	  -> [a]			-- Result list in increasing order
-quicksort lt []      = []
-quicksort lt [x]     = [x]
-quicksort lt (x:xs)  = split x [] [] xs
-  where
-    split x lo hi []		     = quicksort lt lo ++ (x : quicksort lt hi)
-    split x lo hi (y:ys) | y `lt` x  = split x (y:lo) hi ys
-			 | True      = split x lo (y:hi) ys
-Quicksort variant from Lennart's Haskell-library contribution.  This
-is a {\em stable} sort.
-stableSortLt = sortLt	-- synonym; when we want to highlight stable-ness
-sortLt :: (a -> a -> Bool) 		-- Less-than predicate
-       -> [a] 				-- Input list
-       -> [a]				-- Result list
-sortLt lt l = qsort lt   l []
--- qsort is stable and does not concatenate.
-qsort :: (a -> a -> Bool)	-- Less-than predicate
-      -> [a]			-- xs, Input list
-      -> [a]			-- r,  Concatenate this list to the sorted input list
-      -> [a]			-- Result = sort xs ++ r
-qsort lt []     r = r
-qsort lt [x]    r = x:r
-qsort lt (x:xs) r = qpart lt x xs [] [] r
--- qpart partitions and sorts the sublists
--- rlt contains things less than x, 
--- rge contains the ones greater than or equal to x.
--- Both have equal elements reversed with respect to the original list.
-qpart lt x [] rlt rge r =
-    -- rlt and rge are in reverse order and must be sorted with an
-    -- anti-stable sorting
-    rqsort lt rlt (x : rqsort lt rge r)
-qpart lt x (y:ys) rlt rge r =
-    if lt y x then
-	-- y < x
-	qpart lt x ys (y:rlt) rge r
-    else	
-	-- y >= x
-	qpart lt x ys rlt (y:rge) r
--- rqsort is as qsort but anti-stable, i.e. reverses equal elements
-rqsort lt []     r = r
-rqsort lt [x]    r = x:r
-rqsort lt (x:xs) r = rqpart lt x xs [] [] r
-rqpart lt x [] rle rgt r =
-    qsort lt rle (x : qsort lt rgt r)
-rqpart lt x (y:ys) rle rgt r =
-    if lt x y then
-	-- y > x
-	rqpart lt x ys rle (y:rgt) r
-    else
-	-- y <= x
-	rqpart lt x ys (y:rle) rgt r
-%*									*
-\subsubsection[Utils-dull-mergesort]{A rather dull mergesort}
-%*									*
-mergesort :: (a -> a -> TAG_) -> [a] -> [a]
-mergesort cmp xs = merge_lists (split_into_runs [] xs)
-  where
-    a `le` b = case cmp a b of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> True; GT__ -> False }
-    a `ge` b = case cmp a b of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True; GT__ -> True  }
-    split_into_runs []        []	    	= []
-    split_into_runs run       []	    	= [run]
-    split_into_runs []        (x:xs)		= split_into_runs [x] xs
-    split_into_runs [r]       (x:xs) | x `ge` r = split_into_runs [r,x] xs
-    split_into_runs rl@(r:rs) (x:xs) | x `le` r = split_into_runs (x:rl) xs
-				     | True     = rl : (split_into_runs [x] xs)
-    merge_lists []	 = []
-    merge_lists (x:xs)   = merge x (merge_lists xs)
-    merge [] ys = ys
-    merge xs [] = xs
-    merge xl@(x:xs) yl@(y:ys)
-      = case cmp x y of
-	  EQ_  -> x : y : (merge xs ys)
-	  LT_  -> x : (merge xs yl)
-	  GT__ -> y : (merge xl ys)
-%*									*
-\subsubsection[Utils-Carsten-mergesort]{A mergesort from Carsten}
-%*									*
-Date: Mon, 3 May 93 20:45:23 +0200
-From: Carsten Kehler Holst <kehler@cs.chalmers.se>
-To: partain@dcs.gla.ac.uk
-Subject: natural merge sort beats quick sort [ and it is prettier ]
-Here a piece of Haskell code that I'm rather fond of. See it as an
-attempt to get rid of the ridiculous quick-sort routine. group is
-quite useful by itself I think it was John's idea originally though I
-believe the lazy version is due to me [surprisingly complicated].
-gamma [used to be called] is called gamma because I got inspired by
-the Gamma calculus. It is not very close to the calculus but does
-behave less sequentially than both foldr and foldl. One could imagine a
-version of gamma that took a unit element as well thereby avoiding the
-problem with empty lists.
-I've tried this code against
-   1) insertion sort - as provided by haskell
-   2) the normal implementation of quick sort
-   3) a deforested version of quick sort due to Jan Sparud
-   4) a super-optimized-quick-sort of Lennart's
-If the list is partially sorted both merge sort and in particular
-natural merge sort wins. If the list is random [ average length of
-rising subsequences = approx 2 ] mergesort still wins and natural
-merge sort is marginally beaten by Lennart's soqs. The space
-consumption of merge sort is a bit worse than Lennart's quick sort
-approx a factor of 2. And a lot worse if Sparud's bug-fix [see his
-fpca article ] isn't used because of group.
-have fun 
-group :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
-group p [] = [[]]
-group p (x:xs) = 
-   let ((h1:t1):tt1) = group p xs
-       (t,tt) = if null xs then ([],[]) else
-                if x `p` h1 then (h1:t1,tt1) else 
-                   ([], (h1:t1):tt1)
-   in ((x:t):tt)
-generalMerge :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-generalMerge p xs [] = xs
-generalMerge p [] ys = ys
-generalMerge p (x:xs) (y:ys) | x `p` y   = x : generalMerge p xs (y:ys)
-                             | otherwise = y : generalMerge p (x:xs) ys
--- gamma is now called balancedFold
-balancedFold :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
-balancedFold f [] = error "can't reduce an empty list using balancedFold"
-balancedFold f [x] = x
-balancedFold f l  = balancedFold f (balancedFold' f l)
-balancedFold' :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
-balancedFold' f (x:y:xs) = f x y : balancedFold' f xs
-balancedFold' f xs = xs
-generalMergeSort p [] = []
-generalMergeSort p xs = (balancedFold (generalMerge p) . map (: [])) xs
-generalNaturalMergeSort p [] = []
-generalNaturalMergeSort p xs = (balancedFold (generalMerge p) . group p) xs
-mergeSort, naturalMergeSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
-mergeSort = generalMergeSort (<=)
-naturalMergeSort = generalNaturalMergeSort (<=)
-mergeSortLe le = generalMergeSort le
-naturalMergeSortLe le = generalNaturalMergeSort le
-%*									*
-\subsection[Utils-transitive-closure]{Transitive closure}
-%*									*
-This algorithm for transitive closure is straightforward, albeit quadratic.
-transitiveClosure :: (a -> [a])		-- Successor function
-		  -> (a -> a -> Bool)	-- Equality predicate
-		  -> [a] 
-		  -> [a]		-- The transitive closure
-transitiveClosure succ eq xs
- = do [] xs
- where
-   do done [] 			   = done
-   do done (x:xs) | x `is_in` done = do done xs
-   		  | otherwise      = do (x:done) (succ x ++ xs)
-   x `is_in` []                 = False
-   x `is_in` (y:ys) | eq x y    = True
-  		    | otherwise = x `is_in` ys
-%*									*
-%*									*
-@mapAccumL@ behaves like a combination
-of  @map@ and @foldl@;
-it applies a function to each element of a list, passing an accumulating
-parameter from left to right, and returning a final value of this
-accumulator together with the new list.
-mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) 	-- Function of elt of input list
-					-- and accumulator, returning new
-					-- accumulator and elt of result list
-	    -> acc 		-- Initial accumulator
-	    -> [x] 		-- Input list
-	    -> (acc, [y])		-- Final accumulator and result list
-mapAccumL f b []     = (b, [])
-mapAccumL f b (x:xs) = (b'', x':xs') where
-					  (b', x') = f b x
-					  (b'', xs') = mapAccumL f b' xs
-@mapAccumR@ does the same, but working from right to left instead.  Its type is
-the same as @mapAccumL@, though.
-mapAccumR :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) 	-- Function of elt of input list
-					-- and accumulator, returning new
-					-- accumulator and elt of result list
-	    -> acc 		-- Initial accumulator
-	    -> [x] 		-- Input list
-	    -> (acc, [y])		-- Final accumulator and result list
-mapAccumR f b []     = (b, [])
-mapAccumR f b (x:xs) = (b'', x':xs') where
-					  (b'', x') = f b' x
-					  (b', xs') = mapAccumR f b xs
-Here is the bi-directional version, that works from both left and right.
-mapAccumB :: (accl -> accr -> x -> (accl, accr,y))
-      				-- Function of elt of input list
-      				-- and accumulator, returning new
-      				-- accumulator and elt of result list
-          -> accl 			-- Initial accumulator from left
-          -> accr 			-- Initial accumulator from right
-          -> [x] 			-- Input list
-          -> (accl, accr, [y])	-- Final accumulators and result list
-mapAccumB f a b []     = (a,b,[])
-mapAccumB f a b (x:xs) = (a'',b'',y:ys)
-   where
-	(a',b'',y)  = f a b' x
-	(a'',b',ys) = mapAccumB f a' b xs
-%*									*
-%*									*
-See also @tagCmp_@ near the versions-compatibility section.
-cmpString :: String -> String -> TAG_
-cmpString []     []	= EQ_
-cmpString (x:xs) (y:ys) = if	  x == y then cmpString xs ys
-			  else if x  < y then LT_
-			  else		      GT_
-cmpString []     ys	= LT_
-cmpString xs     []	= GT_
-cmpString _ _ = case (panic "cmpString") of { s -> -- BUG avoidance: never get here
-		cmpString s "" -- will never get here
-		}
-cmpPString x y
-  = case (_tagCmp x y) of { _LT -> LT_ ; _EQ -> EQ_ ; _GT -> GT_ }
-substr :: FAST_STRING -> Int -> Int -> FAST_STRING
-substr str beg end
-  = ASSERT (beg >= 0 && beg <= end)
-    take (end - beg + 1) (drop beg str)
-%*									*
-%*									*
-The following are curried versions of @fst@ and @snd@.
-cfst :: a -> b -> a	-- stranal-sem only (Note)
-cfst x y = x
-The following provide us higher order functions that, when applied
-to a function, operate on pairs.
-applyToPair :: ((a -> c),(b -> d)) -> (a,b) -> (c,d)
-applyToPair (f,g) (x,y) = (f x, g y)
-applyToFst :: (a -> c) -> (a,b)-> (c,b)
-applyToFst f (x,y) = (f x,y)
-applyToSnd :: (b -> d) -> (a,b) -> (a,d)
-applyToSnd f (x,y) = (x,f y)
-foldPair :: (a->a->a,b->b->b) -> (a,b) -> [(a,b)] -> (a,b)
-foldPair fg ab [] = ab
-foldPair fg@(f,g) ab ((a,b):abs) = (f a u,g b v)
-                       where (u,v) = foldPair fg ab abs
-unzipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [(a, b)] -> [c]
-unzipWith f pairs = map ( \ (a, b) -> f a b ) pairs
-%*									*
-\subsection[Utils-errors]{Error handling}
-%*									*
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-panic x = error ("panic! (the `impossible' happened):\n\t"
-	      ++ x ++ "\n\n"
-	      ++ "Please report it as a compiler bug "
-	      ++ "to glasgow-haskell-bugs@dcs.glasgow.ac.uk.\n\n" )
-pprPanic heading pretty_msg = panic (heading++(ppShow 80 pretty_msg))
-pprTrace heading pretty_msg = trace (heading++(ppShow 80 pretty_msg))
-# ifdef DEBUG
-assertPanic :: String -> Int -> a
-assertPanic file line = panic ("ASSERT failed! file "++file++", line "++show line)
-# endif
-#endif {- COMPILING_GHC -}
diff --git a/ghc/lib/glaExts/ByteOps.lhs b/ghc/lib/glaExts/ByteOps.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 06b99929da177c9696772ab7210963f4d5947ab9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/glaExts/ByteOps.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1994
-\section[ByteOps]{Convert to/from ``bytes''; to support @Native@ class}
-This mimics some code that comes with HBC.
-module ByteOps (
-	longToBytes,
-	intToBytes,
-	shortToBytes,
-	floatToBytes,
-	doubleToBytes,
-	bytesToLong,
-	bytesToInt,
-	bytesToShort,
-	bytesToFloat,
-	bytesToDouble
-    ) where
-import Cls
-import Core
-import IInt
-import IFloat
-import IDouble
-import List		( (++), foldr )
-import Prel		( chr )
-import PS		( _PackedString, _unpackPS )
-import TyArray		( Array(..) )
-import TyComplex
-import PreludeGlaST
-import Text
-\tr{xxxToBytes} prepends an \tr{xxx} to a byte stream.
-\tr{bytesToXxx} snaffles an \tr{xxx} from a byte stream,
-also returning the rest of the stream.
-type Bytes = [Char]
-longToBytes    :: Int    -> Bytes -> Bytes
-intToBytes     :: Int    -> Bytes -> Bytes
-shortToBytes   :: Int    -> Bytes -> Bytes
-floatToBytes   :: Float  -> Bytes -> Bytes
-doubleToBytes  :: Double -> Bytes -> Bytes
-bytesToLong    :: Bytes -> (Int,    Bytes)
-bytesToInt     :: Bytes -> (Int,    Bytes)
-bytesToShort   :: Bytes -> (Int,    Bytes)
-bytesToFloat   :: Bytes -> (Float,  Bytes)
-bytesToDouble  :: Bytes -> (Double, Bytes)
-Here we go.
-#define XXXXToBytes(type,xxxx,xxxx__) \
-xxxx i stream \
-  = let \
-	long_bytes	{- DANGEROUS! -} \
-	  = unsafePerformPrimIO ( \
-		{- Allocate a wad of memory to put the "long"'s bytes. \
-		   Let's hope 32 bytes will be big enough. -} \
-		newCharArray (0::Int, 31)   `thenPrimIO` \ arr# -> \
- \
-		{- Call out to C to do the dirty deed: -} \
-		_casm_ ``%r = xxxx__ ((type)%0, (unsigned char *)%1);'' i arr# \
-			`thenPrimIO` \ num_bytes -> \
- \
-		unpack arr# 0 (num_bytes - 1) \
-	    ) \
-    in \
-    long_bytes ++ stream
-unpack :: _MutableByteArray _RealWorld Int -> Int -> Int -> PrimIO [Char]
-unpack arr# curr last
-  = if curr > last then
-	returnPrimIO []
-    else
-	readCharArray arr# curr	    `thenPrimIO` \ ch ->
-	unpack arr# (curr + 1) last `thenPrimIO` \ rest ->
-	returnPrimIO (ch : rest)
-Now we go the other way.  The paranoia checking (absent) leaves
-something to be desired.  Really have to be careful on
-funny-sized things like \tr{shorts}...
-#define bytesToXXXX(htype,xxxx,alloc,read,xxxx__) \
-xxxx stream \
-  = unsafePerformPrimIO ( \
-	{- slam (up to) 32 bytes [random] from the stream into an array -} \
-	newCharArray (0::Int, 31)   `thenPrimIO` \ arr# -> \
-	pack arr# 0 31 stream	    `seqPrimIO` \
- \
-	{- make a one-element array to hold the result: -} \
-	alloc (0::Int, 0)	    `thenPrimIO` \ res# -> \
- \
-	{- call the C to do the business: -} \
-	_casm_ ``%r = xxxx__ ((P_)%0, (htype *) %1);'' arr# res# \
-		`thenPrimIO` \ num_bytes -> \
- \
-	{- read the result out of "res#": -} \
-	read res# (0::Int)  `thenPrimIO` \ i -> \
- \
-	{- box the result and drop the number of bytes taken: -} \
-	returnPrimIO (i, my_drop num_bytes stream) \
-    )
-pack :: _MutableByteArray _RealWorld Int -> Int -> Int -> [Char] -> PrimIO ()
-pack arr# curr last from_bytes
-  = if curr > last then
-       returnPrimIO ()
-    else
-       case from_bytes of
-	 [] -> writeCharArray arr# curr (chr 0)
-	 (from_byte : xs) ->
-	   writeCharArray arr# curr from_byte	`seqPrimIO`
-	   pack arr# (curr + 1) last xs
--- more cavalier than usual; we know there will be enough bytes:
-my_drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
-my_drop 0 xs     = xs
---my_drop _  []	  = []
-my_drop m (_:xs) = my_drop (m - 1) xs
diff --git a/ghc/lib/glaExts/Jmakefile b/ghc/lib/glaExts/Jmakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dee51e38a220951dd7a2e4c12a3ea7c8a533d7a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/glaExts/Jmakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/* this is a standalone Jmakefile; NOT part of ghc "make world" */
-LitStuffNeededHere(docs depend)
-/* LIT2LATEX_OPTS=-tbird */
diff --git a/ghc/lib/glaExts/MainIO.lhs b/ghc/lib/glaExts/MainIO.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 20c8f89a7c9d143eeeb67eee3a114a1f30378d10..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/glaExts/MainIO.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-This is the mainPrimIO that must be used for Haskell~1.2.
-module Main ( mainPrimIO ) where
-import PreludeMainIO_help	-- for type of "Main.main"
-import PreludeDialogueIO	( requestToPrimIO )
-import TyIO
-import UTypes			( Bin )
-mainPrimIO :: PrimIO ()
-mainPrimIO s = case (requestToPrimIO main s) of
-		( (), s2@(S# _) ) -> ( (), s2 )
-Nota Bene!  @mainIO@ is written as an explicit function, rather than
-by saying: @mainIO = requestToIO main@ so that the code generator
-recognises @mainIO@ as a {\em function} (hence HNF, hence not
-updatable), rather than a zero-arity CAF (hence updatable).  If it is
-updated, then we have a mega-space leak, because the entire action
-(@requestToIO main@) is retained indefinitely.
-(This doesn't waste work because @mainIO@ is only used once.)
diff --git a/ghc/lib/glaExts/MainIO13.lhs b/ghc/lib/glaExts/MainIO13.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e11919e0037ddfe35951e8e5127fa1a052d6962..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/glaExts/MainIO13.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-This is the mainPrimIO13 that must be used for Haskell~1.3.
-module Main ( mainPrimIO13 ) where
-import PreludeMain13_help	-- for type of "Main.main"
-import Builtin			( error )
-import PreludeIO
-import UTypes			( Bin )
-import Cls
-import Core
-import IChar
-import IInt
-import IList
-import List		( (++) )
-import Prel		( (.), not )
-import PS		( _PackedString, _unpackPS )
-import Text
-import TyComplex
-import TyArray
-mainPrimIO13 :: PrimIO ()
-mainPrimIO13 s
-  = case (main s) of { (result, s2@(S# _)) ->
-    case result   of
-      Right ()  -> ( (), s2 )
-      Left  err -> error ("I/O error: "++showsPrec 0 err "\n")
-    }
-Nota Bene!  @mainIO@ is written as an explicit function, rather than
-by saying: @mainIO = requestToIO main@ so that the code generator
-recognises @mainIO@ as a {\em function} (hence HNF, hence not
-updatable), rather than a zero-arity CAF (hence updatable).  If it is
-updated, then we have a mega-space leak, because the entire action
-(@requestToIO main@) is retained indefinitely.
-(This doesn't waste work because @mainIO@ is only used once.)
diff --git a/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludeDialogueIO.lhs b/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludeDialogueIO.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index ae8d34373ffc2706354f377ac1a59a6a0c6ba943..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludeDialogueIO.lhs
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-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1994
-\section{The @Dialogue@ interface}
-module PreludeDialogueIO (
-	requestToPrimIO,    -- RTS uses this!
-	processIORequest,   -- used in PreludeGlaIO
-	appendChan#,	    -- used elsewhere in prelude
-	unpackArgv,	    -- ditto
-	unpackProgName	    -- ditto
-    ) where
-import PreludeGlaST	-- for _ST stuff
-import PreludeGlaMisc	-- for stable pointers
-import Cls
-import Core
-import IChar
-import IInt
-import IList
-import IO		( stdout, stdin )
-import List		( (++), reverse, foldr, foldl )
-import PS		-- packed strings
-import Prel		( chr, flip )
-import Stdio		( fopen, fclose, fflush, _FILE )
-import Text
-import TyArray		( Array(..) )
-import TyComplex
-import TyIO
-%*									*
-%*									*
-We would like to take existing Haskell programs, written with @main@
-of type @Dialogue@, and run them on our system.	 To do this, our
-system actually evaluates @mainPrimIO@ (rather than @main@ directly).
-@main@ has type @Dialogue@ then @mainPrimIO@ [separate module] is defined
-like this:
-mainPrimIO :: PrimIO ()
-mainPrimIO s = case (requestToPrimIO main s) of
-	     ( (), s2) -> ( (), s2 )
-So, here's @requestToPrimIO@:
-requestToPrimIO :: Dialogue -> PrimIO ()
-requestToPrimIO dialogue 
- = newVar (error "HELP! (Forgot to link with -fhaskell-1.3?)\n")
-					`thenPrimIO` \ rsV ->
-   unsafeInterleavePrimIO (readVar rsV)	`thenPrimIO` \ rs ->
-   run (dialogue rs) rsV
-run :: [Request] -> MutableVar _RealWorld [Response] -> PrimIO ()
-run []	       v = returnPrimIO ()
-run (req:reqs) v 
- = processIORequest req			`thenPrimIO` \ r ->
-   newVar (error "GlasgowIO:run:synch")	`thenPrimIO` \ rsV ->
-   unsafeInterleavePrimIO (readVar rsV)	`thenPrimIO` \ rs ->
-   writeVar v (r:rs)			`seqPrimIO`
-   run reqs rsV
-%*									*
-%*									*
-The guy that really does the business is @processIORequest@.  We make
-this available to the intrepid user.
-processIORequest :: Request -> PrimIO Response
-processIORequest (ReadFile name)
-  = fopen name "r"	`thenPrimIO` \ file_star ->
-    if (file_star == ``NULL'')
-    then returnPrimIO (Failure (ReadError ("ReadFile: can't read: "++name)))
-	-- ToDo: return SearchErrors when appropriate
-    else readFile# file_star `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-	 returnPrimIO (Str str)
-processIORequest (WriteFile name string)
-  = fopen name "w"	`thenPrimIO` \ file_star ->
-    if (file_star == ``NULL'')
-    then returnPrimIO (Failure (WriteError ("WriteFile: open failed: "++name)))
-    else writeFile# file_star string  `seqPrimIO`
-	 fclose	     file_star	      `thenPrimIO` \ status ->
-	 returnPrimIO (
-	     if status == 0
-	     then Success
-	     else Failure (WriteError ("WriteFile: closed failed: "++name))
-	 )
-processIORequest (AppendFile name string)
-  = fopen name "a+"{-don't create-} `thenPrimIO` \ file_star ->
-    if (file_star == ``NULL'')
-    then returnPrimIO (Failure (WriteError ("AppendFile: open failed: "++name)))
-    else writeFile# file_star string `seqPrimIO`
-	 fclose	    file_star	     `thenPrimIO` \ status ->
-	 returnPrimIO (
-	     if status == 0
-	     then Success
-	     else Failure (WriteError ("AppendFile: closed failed: "++name))
-	 )
-processIORequest (DeleteFile name)
-  = _casm_ ``%r = (I_) unlink((char *) %0);'' name   `thenPrimIO` \ status ->
-    returnPrimIO (
-    if (status == (0::Int)) then
-	Success
-    else if ( (``errno''::Int) == (``ENOENT''::Int) ) then
-	Failure (SearchError ("DeleteFile: no such file: "++name))
-    else
-	Failure (WriteError ("DeleteFile: could not delete: "++name))
-    )
-processIORequest (AppendChan chan str)
-  = case chan of 
-      "stdout" ->
-    	appendChan# ``stdout'' str   	`seqPrimIO` 
-    	fflush ``stdout''    	    	`thenPrimIO` \ status ->
-	returnPrimIO (
-	    if status == 0
-	    then Success
-	    else Failure (WriteError ("AppendChan: flush failed: " ++ chan))
-	)
-      "stderr" ->
-    	appendChan# ``stderr'' str   	`seqPrimIO` 
-    	fflush ``stderr''    	    	`thenPrimIO` \ status ->
-	returnPrimIO (
-	    if status == 0
-	    then Success
-	    else Failure (WriteError ("AppendChan: flush failed: " ++ chan))
-	)
-      _ -> error "AppendChan: not implemented except for \"stdout\" and \"stderr\"\n"
-processIORequest (ReadChan chan)
-  = case chan of
-      "stdin" -> readChan# ``stdin'' `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-		 returnPrimIO (Str str)
-      _ -> error "ReadChan: not implemented except for \"stdin\"\n"
-processIORequest (Echo False) = returnPrimIO Success
-processIORequest (Echo True)
-  = {- REMOVED: Can't be bothered. WDP: 95/04
-    appendChan# ``stderr'' "Glasgow Haskell doesn't support \"Echo\" requests properly (yet)\n"
-    `seqPrimIO` -} returnPrimIO Success
-processIORequest GetArgs
-  = returnPrimIO (StrList (unpackArgv ``prog_argv'' (``prog_argc''::Int) ))
-processIORequest GetProgName
-  = returnPrimIO (Str (unpackProgName ``prog_argv''))
-processIORequest (GetEnv name)
-  = _casm_ ``%r = getenv((char *) %0);'' name `thenPrimIO` \ litstring ->
-    returnPrimIO (
-	if (eqAddr litstring ``NULL'') then
-	    Failure (SearchError ("GetEnv:"++name))
-	else
-	    Str (_unpackPS (_packCString litstring)) -- cheaper than it looks
-    )
-  where
-    eqAddr (A# a1) (A# a2) = eqAddr# a1 a2
-processIORequest (SigAction n act)
-  = (case act of
-    SAIgnore -> _ccall_ stg_sig_ignore n (``NULL''::_Addr)
-    SADefault -> _ccall_ stg_sig_default n (``NULL''::_Addr)
-    SACatch dialogue -> 
-                 let handler :: PrimIO ()
-                     handler s = case (requestToPrimIO dialogue s) of
-    	    	    	    	( (), s2@(S# _) ) -> ( (), s2 )
-    	    	 in
-    	    	    makeStablePtr handler    `thenPrimIO` \ sptr ->
-    	    	    _ccall_ stg_sig_catch n sptr (``NULL''::_Addr))
-    	    	    	    	    	     `thenPrimIO` \ osptr ->
-    returnPrimIO (
-    	if osptr >= 0 then Success
-        else Failure (OtherError ("SigAction:" ++ show n)))
-#endif {-!parallel-}
-processIORequest _
-  = error "DialogueToIO.processIORequest: unimplemented I/O request (please report)\n"
-%*									*
-\subsection[DialogueIO]{Access to all @Dialogues@ in the IO world}
-%*									*
-This is Andy Gill's stuff to make all of @Dialogue@-style IO readily
-available in the monadic IO world.
-%*									*
-\subsection{Support bits for all of this}
-%*									*
--- like unpackCString ...
-type CHAR_STAR_STAR	= _Addr	-- this is all a  HACK
-type CHAR_STAR		= _Addr
-unpackArgv	:: CHAR_STAR_STAR -> Int -> [String] -- argv[1 .. argc-1]
-unpackProgName	:: CHAR_STAR_STAR	 -> String   -- argv[0]
-unpackArgv argv argc = unpack 1
-  where
-    unpack :: Int -> [String]
-    unpack n
-      = if (n >= argc)
-	then ([] :: [String])
-	else case (indexAddrOffAddr argv n) of { item ->
-	     _unpackPS (_packCString item) : unpack (n + 1)
-	     }
-unpackProgName argv
-  = case (indexAddrOffAddr argv 0) of { prog ->
-    de_slash [] (_unpackPS (_packCString prog)) }
-  where
-    -- re-start accumulating at every '/'
-    de_slash :: String -> String -> String
-    de_slash acc []	  = reverse acc
-    de_slash acc ('/':xs) = de_slash []	     xs
-    de_slash acc (x:xs)	  = de_slash (x:acc) xs
-Read and append a string from/on a given @FILE *@ stream.  @appendChan#@
-and @readChan#@ are well-behaved lazy functions; @writeFile#@ and
-@readFile#@ (which ``know'' they are writing/reading disk files) are
-much stricter.
-appendChan#, writeFile# :: _FILE -> String -> PrimIO Bool
-appendChan# stream [] = returnPrimIO True
-appendChan# stream (c : cs)
-  = _ccall_ stg_putc c stream	`seqPrimIO` -- stg_putc expands to putc
-    appendChan# stream cs		    -- (just does some casting stream)
-writeFile# stream [] = returnPrimIO True
-writeFile# stream (c1@(C# _) : c2@(C# _) : c3@(C# _) : c4@(C# _)
-		 : c5@(C# _) : c6@(C# _) : c7@(C# _) : c8@(C# _)
-		 : c9@(C# _) : c10@(C# _): c11@(C# _): c12@(C# _)
-		 : c13@(C# _): c14@(C# _): c15@(C# _): c16@(C# _): cs)
- = _ccall_ stg_putc  c1 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc  c2 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc  c3 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc  c4 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc  c5 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc  c6 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc  c7 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc  c8 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc  c9 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc c10 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc c11 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc c12 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc c13 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc c14 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc c15 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   _ccall_ stg_putc c16 stream	`seqPrimIO`
-   writeFile# stream cs
-writeFile# stream (c : cs)
-  = _ccall_ stg_putc c stream	`seqPrimIO`
-    writeFile# stream cs
-@readChan#@ lazily reads the rest of some stream.  Dodgy because two
-uses of.
-ToDo: return fclose status.
-readChan#, readFile# :: _FILE -> PrimIO String
-readChan# stream
-  = let
-	read_rest
-	  =  _ccall_ stg_getc{-macro-} stream `thenPrimIO` \ ch ->
-	     if ch < 0 then -- SIGH: ch ==# ``EOF'' then
-		returnPrimIO []
-	     else
-		unsafeInterleavePrimIO read_rest `thenPrimIO` \ rest ->
-		returnPrimIO (chr ch : rest)
-    in
-    unsafeInterleavePrimIO read_rest `thenPrimIO` \ contents ->
-    returnPrimIO contents
-readFile# stream
-  = let
-	read_rest
-	  =  newCharArray (0::Int, 1023){-malloc!?-} `thenStrictlyST` \ arr# ->
-		-- ToDo: lift newCharArray out of the loop!
-	     _ccall_ fread arr# (1::Int) (1024::Int) stream `thenPrimIO` \ num_read ->
-	     cvt arr# 0 (num_read - 1)	`thenPrimIO` \ chars ->
-	     if num_read < 1024 then
-		fclose stream `seqPrimIO`
-		returnPrimIO chars
-	     else
-		unsafeInterleavePrimIO read_rest `thenPrimIO` \ rest ->
-		returnPrimIO (chars ++ rest)
-    in
-    unsafeInterleavePrimIO read_rest `thenPrimIO` \ contents ->
-    returnPrimIO contents
-  where
-    cvt :: _MutableByteArray _RealWorld Int
-	-> Int -> Int
-	-> PrimIO [Char]
-    cvt arr# idx last
-      = if idx > last then
-	   returnPrimIO []
-        else
-	   readCharArray arr# idx   `thenPrimIO` \ ch ->
-	   cvt arr# (idx + 1) last  `thenPrimIO` \ rest ->
-	   returnPrimIO (ch : rest)
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-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993
-\section[PreludeErrIO]{Wrapper for errorIO primitive}
-The boxified version of the @errorIO#@ primitive.
-module PreludeErrIO where
-errorIO :: PrimIO () -> a
-errorIO io
-  = case (errorIO# io) of
-      _ -> bottom
-  where
-    bottom = bottom		-- Never evaluated
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-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1994
-\section[PreludeGlaMisc]{Miscellaneous Glasgow Stuff}
-module PreludeGlaMisc( PreludeGlaMisc.. {-, PreludePS..-} ) where
-import Cls
-import Core
-import IInt
-import List		( (++) )
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PS		( _PackedString, _unpackPS )
-import TyArray		( Array(..) )
-import TyComplex
-import Text
-Note: the above used to say:
-module PreludeGlaMisc( 
-	_MallocPtr,
-	_StablePtr,
-	makeStablePtr, deRefStablePtr, freeStablePtr,
-	performGC
-#endif /* !__PARALLEL_HASKELL__ */
-	) where
-But then the names @_MallocPtr@ and @_StablePtr@ get shoved out into
-the interface file and anyone importing it becomes unhappy about
-seeing a preludish name.
-They report: 
-Bad name on a datatype constructor (a Prelude name?): _MallocPtr
-(This is horrid!)
-(Oh, btw, don't try not exporting them either - that just makes the
-info-tables, etc local to this module so that no-one can get at them.)
-The next two definitions must match those in
-@compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs@ exactly.
--- ** MOVED TO prelude/TysBasic.hs **
--- data _MallocPtr = _MallocPtr MallocPtr#
--- data _StablePtr a = _StablePtr (StablePtr# a)
-Nota Bene: it is important {\em not\/} to inline calls to
-@makeStablePtr#@ since the corresponding macro is very long and we'll
-get terrible code-bloat.
-makeStablePtr :: a -> PrimIO (_StablePtr a)
-deRefStablePtr :: _StablePtr a -> PrimIO a
-freeStablePtr :: _StablePtr a -> PrimIO ()
-eqMallocPtr :: _MallocPtr -> _MallocPtr -> Bool
-performGC :: PrimIO ()
-{-# INLINE deRefStablePtr #-}
-{-# INLINE freeStablePtr #-}
-{-# INLINE performGC #-}
-makeStablePtr f (S# rw1#) = 
-	case makeStablePtr# f rw1# of
-	  StateAndStablePtr# rw2# sp# -> (_StablePtr sp#, S# rw2#)
-deRefStablePtr (_StablePtr sp#) (S# rw1#) =
-	case deRefStablePtr# sp# rw1# of
-	  StateAndPtr# rw2# a -> (a, S# rw2#)
-freeStablePtr sp = _ccall_ freeStablePointer sp
-eqMallocPtr mp1 mp2 = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-	_ccall_ eqMallocPtr mp1 mp2
-	)
-	/= (0::Int)
-instance Eq _MallocPtr where 
-	p == q = eqMallocPtr p q
-	p /= q = if eqMallocPtr p q then False else True
-performGC = _ccall_GC_ StgPerformGarbageCollection
-#endif /* !__PARALLEL_HASKELL__ */
-Like they say: this is as good a place as any to put it:
-addr2Int :: _Addr -> Int
-addr2Int (A# a#) = I# (addr2Int# a#)
-int2Addr :: Int -> _Addr
-int2Addr (I# i#) = A# (int2Addr# i#)
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-% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1996
-\section[PreludeGlaST]{Basic ``state transformer'' monad, mutable arrays and variables}
-See state-interface.verb, from which this is taken directly.
-#include "../../includes/platform.h"
-#include "../../includes/GhcConstants.h"
-module PreludeGlaST (
-	PreludeGlaST.. ,
-	_MutableArray(..),
-	_MutableByteArray(..),
-	ST(..),		-- it's a known GHC infelicity that synonyms must
-	MutableVar(..),	-- be listed separately.
-	--!! because this interface is now the "everything state-transformer"ish
-	--!! interface, here is all the PreludePrimIO stuff
-	-- PrimIO(..): no, the compiler already knows about it
-	fixPrimIO,
-	listPrimIO,
-	mapAndUnzipPrimIO,
-	mapPrimIO,
-	returnPrimIO,
-	seqPrimIO,
-	thenPrimIO,
-	unsafePerformPrimIO,
-	unsafeInterleavePrimIO,
-	forkPrimIO,
-	-- all the Stdio stuff (this is how you get to it)
-	-- (well, why not?)
-	fclose, fdopen, fflush, fopen, fread, freopen,
-	fwrite, _FILE(..),
-	-- backward compatibility -- don't use!
-	readChanPrimIO,
-	appendChanPrimIO,
-	appendFilePrimIO,
-	getArgsPrimIO,
-	--!! end of PreludePrimIO
-	_ByteArray(..), Array(..) -- reexport *unabstractly*
-    ) where
-import PreludePrimIO	(
-	fixPrimIO,
-	listPrimIO,
-	mapAndUnzipPrimIO,
-	mapPrimIO,
-	returnPrimIO,
-	seqPrimIO,
-	thenPrimIO,
-	unsafePerformPrimIO,
-	unsafeInterleavePrimIO,
---	forkPrimIO,
-	readChanPrimIO,
-	appendChanPrimIO,
-	appendFilePrimIO,
-	getArgsPrimIO
-	)
-import Stdio
-import Cls
-import Core
-import IInt
-import ITup2
-import List		( map, null, foldr, (++) )
-import PS		( _PackedString, _unpackPS )
-import TyArray		( Array(..), _ByteArray(..) )
-import TyComplex
-import Text
-infixr 9 `thenST`, `thenStrictlyST`, `seqST`, `seqStrictlyST`
-type IPr = (Int, Int)
-%*									*
-\subsection[PreludeGlaST-ST-monad]{The state-transformer proper}
-%*									*
---BUILT-IN: type _ST s a	-- State transformer
-type ST s a = _ST s a	-- so you don't need -fglasgow-exts
-{-# INLINE returnST #-}
-{-# INLINE returnStrictlyST #-}
-{-# INLINE thenStrictlyST #-}
-{-# INLINE seqStrictlyST #-}
-returnST :: a -> _ST s a
-returnST a s = (a, s)
-thenST :: _ST s a -> (a -> _ST s b) -> _ST s b
-thenST m k s = let (r,new_s) = m s
-               in
-               k r new_s
-seqST :: _ST s a -> _ST s b -> _ST s b
-seqST m1 m2 = m1 `thenST` (\ _ -> m2)
-{-# GENERATE_SPECS returnStrictlyST a #-}
-returnStrictlyST :: a -> _ST s a
-{-# GENERATE_SPECS thenStrictlyST a b #-}
-thenStrictlyST :: _ST s a -> (a -> _ST s b) -> _ST s b
-{-# GENERATE_SPECS seqStrictlyST a b #-}
-seqStrictlyST :: _ST s a -> _ST s b -> _ST s b
-returnStrictlyST a s@(S# _) = (a, s)
-thenStrictlyST m k s	-- @(S# _)   Omitted SLPJ [May95] no need to evaluate the state
-  = case (m s) of { (r, new_s) ->
-    k r new_s }
-seqStrictlyST m k s	-- @(S# _)   Omitted SLPJ [May95] no need to evaluate the state
-  = case (m s) of { (_, new_s) ->
-    k new_s }
--- BUILT-IN: _runST (see Builtin.hs)
-unsafeInterleaveST :: _ST s a -> _ST s a    -- ToDo: put in state-interface.tex
-unsafeInterleaveST m s
-  = let
-	(r, new_s) = m s
-    in
-    (r, s)
-fixST :: (a -> _ST s a) -> _ST s a
-fixST k s = let ans = k r s
-                (r,new_s) = ans
-            in
-            ans
-listST :: [_ST s a] -> _ST s [a]
-listST []     = returnST []
-listST (m:ms) = m		`thenST` \ x  ->
-		listST ms	`thenST` \ xs ->
-		returnST (x:xs)
-mapST :: (a -> _ST s b) -> [a] -> _ST s [b]
-mapST f ms = listST (map f ms)
-mapAndUnzipST :: (a -> _ST s (b,c)) -> [a] -> _ST s ([b],[c])
-mapAndUnzipST f [] = returnST ([], [])
-mapAndUnzipST f (m:ms)
-  = f m			`thenST` \ ( r1,  r2) ->
-    mapAndUnzipST f ms	`thenST` \ (rs1, rs2) ->
-    returnST (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
-forkST :: ST s a -> ST s a
-forkST x = x
-forkST action s
- = let
-    (r, new_s) = action s
-   in
-    new_s `_fork_` (r, s)
- where
-    _fork_ x y = case (fork# x) of { 0# -> parError#; _ -> y }
-#endif {- concurrent -}
-forkPrimIO :: PrimIO a -> PrimIO a
-forkPrimIO = forkST
-%*									*
-\subsection[PreludeGlaST-arrays]{Mutable arrays}
-%*									*
-Idle ADR question: What's the tradeoff here between flattening these
-datatypes into @_MutableArray ix ix (MutableArray# s elt)@ and using
-it as is?  As I see it, the former uses slightly less heap and
-provides faster access to the individual parts of the bounds while the
-code used has the benefit of providing a ready-made @(lo, hi)@ pair as
-required by many array-related functions.  Which wins? Is the
-difference significant (probably not).
-Idle AJG answer: When I looked at the outputted code (though it was 2
-years ago) it seems like you often needed the tuple, and we build
-it frequently. Now we've got the overloading specialiser things
-might be different, though.
-data _MutableArray     s ix elt = _MutableArray     (ix,ix) (MutableArray# s elt)
-data _MutableByteArray s ix     = _MutableByteArray (ix,ix) (MutableByteArray# s)
-instance _CCallable (_MutableByteArray s ix)
-newArray, _newArray
-	:: Ix ix => (ix,ix) -> elt -> _ST s (_MutableArray s ix elt)
-newCharArray, newIntArray, newAddrArray, newFloatArray, newDoubleArray
-	:: Ix ix => (ix,ix) -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s ix) 
-{-# SPECIALIZE _newArray      :: IPr       -> elt -> _ST s (_MutableArray s Int elt),
-				 (IPr,IPr) -> elt -> _ST s (_MutableArray s IPr elt)
-  #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE newCharArray   :: IPr -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s Int) #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE newIntArray    :: IPr -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s Int) #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE newAddrArray   :: IPr -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s Int) #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE newFloatArray  :: IPr -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s Int) #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE newDoubleArray :: IPr -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s Int) #-}
-newArray = _newArray
-_newArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) init (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else (index ixs ix_end) + 1) of { I# x -> x }
-	-- size is one bigger than index of last elem
-    in
-    case (newArray# n# init s#)     of { StateAndMutableArray# s2# arr# ->
-    (_MutableArray ixs arr#, S# s2#)}
-newCharArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
-    in
-    case (newCharArray# n# s#)	  of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# ->
-    (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#, S# s2#)}
-newIntArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
-    in
-    case (newIntArray# n# s#)	  of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# ->
-    (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#, S# s2#)}
-newAddrArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
-    in
-    case (newAddrArray# n# s#)	  of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# ->
-    (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#, S# s2#)}
-newFloatArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
-    in
-    case (newFloatArray# n# s#)	  of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# ->
-    (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#, S# s2#)}
-newDoubleArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
-    in
---    trace ("newDoubleArray:"++(show (I# n#))) (
-    case (newDoubleArray# n# s#)  of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# ->
-    (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#, S# s2#)}
---    )
-boundsOfArray     :: Ix ix => _MutableArray s ix elt -> (ix, ix)  
-boundsOfByteArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> (ix, ix)
-{-# SPECIALIZE boundsOfArray     :: _MutableArray s Int elt -> IPr #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE boundsOfByteArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> IPr #-}
-boundsOfArray     (_MutableArray     ixs _) = ixs
-boundsOfByteArray (_MutableByteArray ixs _) = ixs
-readArray   	:: Ix ix => _MutableArray s ix elt -> ix -> _ST s elt 
-readCharArray   :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> _ST s Char 
-readIntArray    :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> _ST s Int
-readAddrArray   :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> _ST s _Addr
-readFloatArray  :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> _ST s Float
-readDoubleArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> _ST s Double
-{-# SPECIALIZE readArray       :: _MutableArray s Int elt -> Int -> _ST s elt,
-				  _MutableArray s IPr elt -> IPr -> _ST s elt
-  #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE readCharArray   :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> _ST s Char #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE readIntArray    :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> _ST s Int #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE readAddrArray   :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> _ST s _Addr #-}
---NO:{-# SPECIALIZE readFloatArray  :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> _ST s Float #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE readDoubleArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> _ST s Double #-}
-readArray (_MutableArray ixs arr#) n (S# s#)
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	of { I# n# ->
-    case readArray# arr# n# s#	of { StateAndPtr# s2# r ->
-    (r, S# s2#)}}
-readCharArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (S# s#)
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	of { I# n# ->
-    case readCharArray# barr# n# s#	of { StateAndChar# s2# r# ->
-    (C# r#, S# s2#)}}
-readIntArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (S# s#)
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	of { I# n# ->
-    case readIntArray# barr# n# s#	of { StateAndInt# s2# r# ->
-    (I# r#, S# s2#)}}
-readAddrArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (S# s#)
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	of { I# n# ->
-    case readAddrArray# barr# n# s#	of { StateAndAddr# s2# r# ->
-    (A# r#, S# s2#)}}
-readFloatArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (S# s#)
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	of { I# n# ->
-    case readFloatArray# barr# n# s#	of { StateAndFloat# s2# r# ->
-    (F# r#, S# s2#)}}
-readDoubleArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (S# s#)
-  = case (index ixs n) 	    	    	of { I# n# ->
---    trace ("readDoubleArray:"++(show (I# n#))) (
-    case readDoubleArray# barr# n# s#	of { StateAndDouble# s2# r# ->
-    (D# r#, S# s2#)}}
-Indexing of ordinary @Arrays@ is standard Haskell and isn't defined here.
-indexCharArray   :: Ix ix => _ByteArray ix -> ix -> Char 
-indexIntArray    :: Ix ix => _ByteArray ix -> ix -> Int
-indexAddrArray   :: Ix ix => _ByteArray ix -> ix -> _Addr
-indexFloatArray  :: Ix ix => _ByteArray ix -> ix -> Float
-indexDoubleArray :: Ix ix => _ByteArray ix -> ix -> Double
-{-# SPECIALIZE indexCharArray   :: _ByteArray Int -> Int -> Char #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE indexIntArray    :: _ByteArray Int -> Int -> Int #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE indexAddrArray   :: _ByteArray Int -> Int -> _Addr #-}
---NO:{-# SPECIALIZE indexFloatArray  :: _ByteArray Int -> Int -> Float #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE indexDoubleArray :: _ByteArray Int -> Int -> Double #-}
-indexCharArray (_ByteArray ixs barr#) n
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	of { I# n# ->
-    case indexCharArray# barr# n# 	of { r# ->
-    (C# r#)}}
-indexIntArray (_ByteArray ixs barr#) n
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	of { I# n# ->
-    case indexIntArray# barr# n# 	of { r# ->
-    (I# r#)}}
-indexAddrArray (_ByteArray ixs barr#) n
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	of { I# n# ->
-    case indexAddrArray# barr# n# 	of { r# ->
-    (A# r#)}}
-indexFloatArray (_ByteArray ixs barr#) n
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	of { I# n# ->
-    case indexFloatArray# barr# n# 	of { r# ->
-    (F# r#)}}
-indexDoubleArray (_ByteArray ixs barr#) n
-  = case (index ixs n) 	    	    	of { I# n# ->
---    trace ("indexDoubleArray:"++(show (I# n#))) (
-    case indexDoubleArray# barr# n# 	of { r# ->
-    (D# r#)}}
-Indexing off @_Addrs@ is similar, and therefore given here.
-indexCharOffAddr   :: _Addr -> Int -> Char
-indexIntOffAddr    :: _Addr -> Int -> Int
-indexAddrOffAddr   :: _Addr -> Int -> _Addr
-indexFloatOffAddr  :: _Addr -> Int -> Float
-indexDoubleOffAddr :: _Addr -> Int -> Double
-indexCharOffAddr (A# addr#) n
-  = case n  	    		    	of { I# n# ->
-    case indexCharOffAddr# addr# n# 	of { r# ->
-    (C# r#)}}
-indexIntOffAddr (A# addr#) n
-  = case n  	    		    	of { I# n# ->
-    case indexIntOffAddr# addr# n# 	of { r# ->
-    (I# r#)}}
-indexAddrOffAddr (A# addr#) n
-  = case n  	    	    	    	of { I# n# ->
-    case indexAddrOffAddr# addr# n# 	of { r# ->
-    (A# r#)}}
-indexFloatOffAddr (A# addr#) n
-  = case n  	    		    	of { I# n# ->
-    case indexFloatOffAddr# addr# n# 	of { r# ->
-    (F# r#)}}
-indexDoubleOffAddr (A# addr#) n
-  = case n  	    	 	    	of { I# n# ->
-    case indexDoubleOffAddr# addr# n# 	of { r# ->
-    (D# r#)}}
-writeArray  	 :: Ix ix => _MutableArray s ix elt -> ix -> elt -> _ST s () 
-writeCharArray   :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> Char -> _ST s () 
-writeIntArray    :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> Int  -> _ST s () 
-writeAddrArray   :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> _Addr -> _ST s () 
-writeFloatArray  :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> Float -> _ST s () 
-writeDoubleArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> ix -> Double -> _ST s () 
-{-# SPECIALIZE writeArray  	:: _MutableArray s Int elt -> Int -> elt -> _ST s (),
-				   _MutableArray s IPr elt -> IPr -> elt -> _ST s ()
-  #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE writeCharArray   :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> Char -> _ST s () #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE writeIntArray    :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> Int  -> _ST s () #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE writeAddrArray   :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> _Addr -> _ST s () #-}
---NO:{-# SPECIALIZE writeFloatArray  :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> Float -> _ST s () #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE writeDoubleArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> Int -> Double -> _ST s () #-}
-writeArray (_MutableArray ixs arr#) n ele (S# s#)
-  = case index ixs n		    of { I# n# ->
-    case writeArray# arr# n# ele s# of { s2# ->
-    ((), S# s2#)}}
-writeCharArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (C# ele) (S# s#)
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	    of { I# n# ->
-    case writeCharArray# barr# n# ele s#    of { s2#   ->
-    ((), S# s2#)}}
-writeIntArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (I# ele) (S# s#)
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	    of { I# n# ->
-    case writeIntArray# barr# n# ele s#     of { s2#   ->
-    ((), S# s2#)}}
-writeAddrArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (A# ele) (S# s#)
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	    of { I# n# ->
-    case writeAddrArray# barr# n# ele s#    of { s2#   ->
-    ((), S# s2#)}}
-writeFloatArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (F# ele) (S# s#)
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	    of { I# n# ->
-    case writeFloatArray# barr# n# ele s#   of { s2#   ->
-    ((), S# s2#)}}
-writeDoubleArray (_MutableByteArray ixs barr#) n (D# ele) (S# s#)
-  = case (index ixs n)	    	    	    of { I# n# ->
---    trace ("writeDoubleArray:"++(show (I# n#))) (
-    case writeDoubleArray# barr# n# ele s#  of { s2#   ->
-    ((), S# s2#)}}
-freezeArray, _freezeArray :: Ix ix => _MutableArray s ix elt -> _ST s (Array ix elt)
-freezeCharArray   :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> _ST s (_ByteArray ix)
-freezeIntArray    :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> _ST s (_ByteArray ix)
-freezeAddrArray   :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> _ST s (_ByteArray ix)
-freezeFloatArray  :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> _ST s (_ByteArray ix)
-freezeDoubleArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> _ST s (_ByteArray ix)
-{-# SPECIALISE _freezeArray :: _MutableArray s Int elt -> _ST s (Array Int elt),
-			       _MutableArray s IPr elt -> _ST s (Array IPr elt)
-  #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE freezeCharArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> _ST s (_ByteArray Int) #-}
-freezeArray = _freezeArray
-_freezeArray (_MutableArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else (index ixs ix_end) + 1) of { I# x -> x }
-    in
-    case freeze arr# n# s# of { StateAndArray# s2# frozen# ->
-    (_Array ixs frozen#, S# s2#)}
-  where
-    freeze  :: MutableArray# s ele	-- the thing
-	    -> Int#			-- size of thing to be frozen
-	    -> State# s			-- the Universe and everything
-	    -> StateAndArray# s ele
-    freeze arr# n# s#
-      = case newArray# n# init s#	      of { StateAndMutableArray# s2# newarr1# ->
-	case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2#     of { StateAndMutableArray# s3# newarr2# ->
-	unsafeFreezeArray# newarr2# s3#
-	}}
-      where
-	init = error "freezeArr: element not copied"
-	copy :: Int# -> Int#
-	     -> MutableArray# s ele -> MutableArray# s ele
-	     -> State# s
-	     -> StateAndMutableArray# s ele
-	copy cur# end# from# to# s#
-	  | cur# ==# end#
-	    = StateAndMutableArray# s# to#
-	  | True
-	    = case readArray#  from# cur#     s#  of { StateAndPtr# s1# ele ->
-	      case writeArray# to#   cur# ele s1# of { s2# ->
-	      copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
-	      }}
-freezeCharArray (_MutableByteArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
-    in
-    case freeze arr# n# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
-    (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
-  where
-    freeze  :: MutableByteArray# s	-- the thing
-	    -> Int#			-- size of thing to be frozen
-	    -> State# s			-- the Universe and everything
-	    -> StateAndByteArray# s
-    freeze arr# n# s#
-      = case (newCharArray# n# s#)    	   of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# newarr1# ->
-	case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2#  of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s3# newarr2# ->
-	unsafeFreezeByteArray# newarr2# s3#
-	}}
-      where
-	copy :: Int# -> Int#
-	     -> MutableByteArray# s -> MutableByteArray# s
-	     -> State# s
-	     -> StateAndMutableByteArray# s
-	copy cur# end# from# to# s#
-	  | cur# ==# end#
-	    = StateAndMutableByteArray# s# to#
-	  | True
-	    = case (readCharArray#  from# cur#     s#)  of { StateAndChar# s1# ele ->
-	      case (writeCharArray# to#   cur# ele s1#) of { s2# ->
-	      copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
-	      }}
-freezeIntArray (_MutableByteArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
-    in
-    case freeze arr# n# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
-    (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
-  where
-    freeze  :: MutableByteArray# s	-- the thing
-	    -> Int#			-- size of thing to be frozen
-	    -> State# s			-- the Universe and everything
-	    -> StateAndByteArray# s
-    freeze arr# n# s#
-      = case (newIntArray# n# s#)    	   of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# newarr1# ->
-	case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2#  of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s3# newarr2# ->
-	unsafeFreezeByteArray# newarr2# s3#
-	}}
-      where
-	copy :: Int# -> Int#
-	     -> MutableByteArray# s -> MutableByteArray# s
-	     -> State# s
-	     -> StateAndMutableByteArray# s
-	copy cur# end# from# to# s#
-	  | cur# ==# end#
-	    = StateAndMutableByteArray# s# to#
-	  | True
-	    = case (readIntArray#  from# cur#     s#)  of { StateAndInt# s1# ele ->
-	      case (writeIntArray# to#   cur# ele s1#) of { s2# ->
-	      copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
-	      }}
-freezeAddrArray (_MutableByteArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
-    in
-    case freeze arr# n# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
-    (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
-  where
-    freeze  :: MutableByteArray# s	-- the thing
-	    -> Int#			-- size of thing to be frozen
-	    -> State# s			-- the Universe and everything
-	    -> StateAndByteArray# s
-    freeze arr# n# s#
-      = case (newAddrArray# n# s#)    	   of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# newarr1# ->
-	case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2#  of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s3# newarr2# ->
-	unsafeFreezeByteArray# newarr2# s3#
-	}}
-      where
-	copy :: Int# -> Int#
-	     -> MutableByteArray# s -> MutableByteArray# s
-	     -> State# s
-	     -> StateAndMutableByteArray# s
-	copy cur# end# from# to# s#
-	  | cur# ==# end#
-	    = StateAndMutableByteArray# s# to#
-	  | True
-	    = case (readAddrArray#  from# cur#     s#)  of { StateAndAddr# s1# ele ->
-	      case (writeAddrArray# to#   cur# ele s1#) of { s2# ->
-	      copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
-	      }}
-freezeFloatArray (_MutableByteArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
-    in
-    case freeze arr# n# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
-    (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
-  where
-    freeze  :: MutableByteArray# s	-- the thing
-	    -> Int#			-- size of thing to be frozen
-	    -> State# s			-- the Universe and everything
-	    -> StateAndByteArray# s
-    freeze arr# n# s#
-      = case (newFloatArray# n# s#)    	   of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# newarr1# ->
-	case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2#  of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s3# newarr2# ->
-	unsafeFreezeByteArray# newarr2# s3#
-	}}
-      where
-	copy :: Int# -> Int#
-	     -> MutableByteArray# s -> MutableByteArray# s
-	     -> State# s
-	     -> StateAndMutableByteArray# s
-	copy cur# end# from# to# s#
-	  | cur# ==# end#
-	    = StateAndMutableByteArray# s# to#
-	  | True
-	    = case (readFloatArray#  from# cur#     s#)  of { StateAndFloat# s1# ele ->
-	      case (writeFloatArray# to#   cur# ele s1#) of { s2# ->
-	      copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
-	      }}
-freezeDoubleArray (_MutableByteArray ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else ((index ixs ix_end) + 1)) of { I# x -> x }
-    in
-    case freeze arr# n# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
-    (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
-  where
-    freeze  :: MutableByteArray# s	-- the thing
-	    -> Int#			-- size of thing to be frozen
-	    -> State# s			-- the Universe and everything
-	    -> StateAndByteArray# s
-    freeze arr# n# s#
-      = case (newDoubleArray# n# s#)   	   of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# newarr1# ->
-	case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2#  of { StateAndMutableByteArray# s3# newarr2# ->
-	unsafeFreezeByteArray# newarr2# s3#
-	}}
-      where
-	copy :: Int# -> Int#
-	     -> MutableByteArray# s -> MutableByteArray# s
-	     -> State# s
-	     -> StateAndMutableByteArray# s
-	copy cur# end# from# to# s#
-	  | cur# ==# end#
-	    = StateAndMutableByteArray# s# to#
-	  | True
-	    = case (readDoubleArray#  from# cur#     s#)  of { StateAndDouble# s1# ele ->
-	      case (writeDoubleArray# to#   cur# ele s1#) of { s2# ->
-	      copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
-	      }}
-unsafeFreezeArray     :: Ix ix => _MutableArray s ix elt -> _ST s (Array ix elt)  
-unsafeFreezeByteArray :: Ix ix => _MutableByteArray s ix -> _ST s (_ByteArray ix)
-{-# SPECIALIZE unsafeFreezeByteArray :: _MutableByteArray s Int -> _ST s (_ByteArray Int)
-  #-}
-unsafeFreezeArray (_MutableArray ixs arr#) (S# s#)
-  = case unsafeFreezeArray# arr# s# of { StateAndArray# s2# frozen# ->
-    (_Array ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
-unsafeFreezeByteArray (_MutableByteArray ixs arr#) (S# s#)
-  = case unsafeFreezeByteArray# arr# s# of { StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# ->
-    (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#) }
-This takes a immutable array, and copies it into a mutable array, in a
-{-# SPECIALISE thawArray :: Array Int elt -> _ST s (_MutableArray s Int elt),
-			    Array IPr elt -> _ST s (_MutableArray s IPr elt)
-  #-}
-thawArray (_Array ixs@(ix_start, ix_end) arr#) (S# s#)
-  = let n# = case (if null (range ixs)
-		  then 0
-		  else (index ixs ix_end) + 1) of { I# x -> x }
-    in
-    case thaw arr# n# s# of { StateAndMutableArray# s2# thawed# ->
-    (_MutableArray ixs thawed#, S# s2#)}
-  where
-    thaw  :: Array# ele			-- the thing
-	    -> Int#			-- size of thing to be thawed
-	    -> State# s			-- the Universe and everything
-	    -> StateAndMutableArray# s ele
-    thaw arr# n# s#
-      = case newArray# n# init s#	      of { StateAndMutableArray# s2# newarr1# ->
-	copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2# }
-      where
-	init = error "thawArr: element not copied"
-	copy :: Int# -> Int#
-	     -> Array# ele 
-	     -> MutableArray# s ele
-	     -> State# s
-	     -> StateAndMutableArray# s ele
-	copy cur# end# from# to# s#
-	  | cur# ==# end#
-	    = StateAndMutableArray# s# to#
-	  | True
-	    = case indexArray#  from# cur#       of { _Lift ele ->
-	      case writeArray# to#   cur# ele s# of { s1# ->
-	      copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s1#
-	      }}
-sameMutableArray     :: _MutableArray s ix elt -> _MutableArray s ix elt -> Bool
-sameMutableByteArray :: _MutableByteArray s ix -> _MutableByteArray s ix -> Bool
-sameMutableArray (_MutableArray _ arr1#) (_MutableArray _ arr2#)
-  = sameMutableArray# arr1# arr2#
-sameMutableByteArray (_MutableByteArray _ arr1#) (_MutableByteArray _ arr2#)
-  = sameMutableByteArray# arr1# arr2#
-%*									*
-%*									*
-type MutableVar s a = _MutableArray s Int a
-newVar   :: a -> _ST s (MutableVar s a)
-readVar  :: MutableVar s a -> _ST s a
-writeVar :: MutableVar s a -> a -> _ST s ()
-sameVar  :: MutableVar s a -> MutableVar s a -> Bool
-newVar init    s = newArray (0,0) init s
-readVar v      s = readArray v 0 s
-writeVar v val s = writeArray v 0 val s
-sameVar v1 v2    = sameMutableArray v1 v2
-newVar init (S# s#)
-  = case (newArray# 1# init s#)     of { StateAndMutableArray# s2# arr# ->
-    (_MutableArray vAR_IXS arr#, S# s2#) }
-  where
-    vAR_IXS = error "Shouldn't access `bounds' of a MutableVar\n"
-readVar (_MutableArray _ var#) (S# s#)
-  = case readArray# var# 0# s#	of { StateAndPtr# s2# r ->
-    (r, S# s2#) }
-writeVar (_MutableArray _ var#) val (S# s#)
-  = case writeArray# var# 0# val s# of { s2# ->
-    ((), S# s2#) }
-sameVar (_MutableArray _ var1#) (_MutableArray _ var2#)
-  = sameMutableArray# var1# var2#
diff --git a/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludePrimIO.lhs b/ghc/lib/glaExts/PreludePrimIO.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index bbe92ed6c823bbfd1c7222d7b009ec8649dbe750..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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-% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1995
-\section[PrimIO]{@PrimIO@ monad}
-This sits on top of the state-transformer monad.  See
-We follow the Haskell~1.3 I/O proposal nomenclature.
-module PreludePrimIO (
-	-- PrimIO(..): no, the compiler already knows about it
-	fixPrimIO,
-	listPrimIO,
-	mapAndUnzipPrimIO,
-	mapPrimIO,
-	returnPrimIO,
-	seqPrimIO,
-	thenPrimIO,
-	unsafePerformPrimIO,
-	unsafeInterleavePrimIO,
---	forkPrimIO,
-	-- all the Stdio stuff (this is how you get to it)
-	-- (well, why not?)
-	fclose, fdopen, fflush, fopen, fread, freopen,
-	fwrite, _FILE(..),
-	-- IVars and MVars come from here, too
-	_IVar, _MVar,	-- abstract
-	IVar(..), MVar(..), -- for convenience
-	newEmptyMVar, takeMVar, putMVar, newMVar, readMVar, swapMVar,
-	newIVar, readIVar, writeIVar,
-	threadWait, threadDelay,
-	-- backward compatibility -- don't use!
-	readChanPrimIO,
-	appendChanPrimIO,
-	appendFilePrimIO,
-	getArgsPrimIO,
-	-- make interface self-sufficient
-	fixST, unsafeInterleaveST
-    ) where
-import PreludeGlaST
-import TyArray		( Array(..) )
-import Cls
-import Core
-import List		( (++), map )
-import PreludeDialogueIO ( processIORequest )
-import PS		( _PackedString, _unpackPS )
-import TyComplex
-import TyIO
-import Stdio
-import PreludeMonadicIO	( IO(..), Either(..), return, (>>=), (>>) )
-import PreludeIOError	( IOError13 )
-infixr 1 `thenPrimIO`, `seqPrimIO`
-%*									*
-\subsection[IO-monad]{The @IO@ monad}
-%*									*
-type PrimIO a     = _ST _RealWorld a
-The usual business:
-{-# GENERATE_SPECS returnPrimIO a #-}
-returnPrimIO    :: a -> PrimIO a
-{-# GENERATE_SPECS thenPrimIO b #-}
-thenPrimIO      :: PrimIO a -> (a -> PrimIO b) -> PrimIO b
-{-# GENERATE_SPECS seqPrimIO b #-}
-seqPrimIO	:: PrimIO a -> PrimIO b -> PrimIO b
-fixPrimIO	:: (a -> PrimIO a) -> PrimIO a
-listPrimIO	:: [PrimIO a] -> PrimIO [a]
-mapPrimIO	:: (a -> PrimIO b) -> [a] -> PrimIO [b]
-mapAndUnzipPrimIO :: (a -> PrimIO (b,c)) -> [a] -> PrimIO ([b],[c])
-{-# INLINE returnPrimIO #-}
-{-# INLINE thenPrimIO   #-}
-{-# INLINE seqPrimIO  #-}
-returnPrimIO x    s = returnStrictlyST x s
-thenPrimIO   m k  s = thenStrictlyST  m k s
-seqPrimIO    m k  s = seqStrictlyST   m k s
-fixPrimIO   	    = fixST
-listPrimIO []     = returnPrimIO []
-listPrimIO (m:ms) = m			`thenPrimIO` \ x ->
-		    listPrimIO ms	`thenPrimIO` \xs ->
-		    returnPrimIO (x:xs)
--- An earlier definition of listPrimIO in terms of foldrPrimIO
--- was just wrong (it did the operations in the wrong order)
--- so I deleted foldrPrimIO and defined listPrimIO directly.
--- SLPJ Feb 95
-mapPrimIO f ms = listPrimIO (map f ms)
-mapAndUnzipPrimIO f []     = returnPrimIO ([], [])
-mapAndUnzipPrimIO f (m:ms)
-  = f m			    `thenPrimIO` \ ( r1,  r2) ->
-    mapAndUnzipPrimIO f ms  `thenPrimIO` \ (rs1, rs2) ->
-    returnPrimIO (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
-{-# GENERATE_SPECS unsafePerformPrimIO a #-}
-unsafePerformPrimIO    :: PrimIO a -> a
-unsafeInterleavePrimIO :: PrimIO a -> PrimIO a
-unsafePerformPrimIO k = case (k (S# realWorld#)) of (r, _) -> r
-unsafeInterleavePrimIO m s = unsafeInterleaveST m s
-Transitional: for pre-1.3 systems: Don't use them!
-readChanPrimIO	  :: String  ->		    PrimIO String
-appendChanPrimIO  :: String  -> String	 -> PrimIO ()
-appendFilePrimIO  :: String  -> String	 -> PrimIO ()
-getArgsPrimIO	  ::			    PrimIO [String]
-readChanPrimIO c	= processIORequestString  ( ReadChan c )
-appendChanPrimIO c s	= processIORequestUnit	  ( AppendChan c s )
-appendFilePrimIO f s	= processIORequestUnit	  ( AppendFile f s )
-getArgsPrimIO		= processIORequestStrList ( GetArgs )
-processIORequestUnit	:: Request -> PrimIO ()
-processIORequestString	:: Request -> PrimIO String
-processIORequestStrList :: Request -> PrimIO [String]
-processIORequestUnit req
-  = processIORequest req	`thenPrimIO` \ resp -> 
-    case resp of
-      Success	    -> returnPrimIO ()
-      Failure ioerr -> error (ioErrMsg ioerr)
-      _		    -> error "funny Response, expected a Success" 
-processIORequestString req
-  = processIORequest req	`thenPrimIO` \ resp -> 
-    case resp of
-      Str str	    -> returnPrimIO str
-      Failure ioerr -> error (ioErrMsg ioerr)
-      _		    -> error "funny Response, expected a String" 
-processIORequestStrList req
-  = processIORequest req	`thenPrimIO` \ resp -> 
-    case resp of
-      StrList strl  -> returnPrimIO strl
-      Failure ioerr -> error (ioErrMsg ioerr)
-      _		    -> error "funny Response, expected a [String]"
-ioErrMsg :: IOError	      -> String
-ioErrMsg    (ReadError s)   =	 "Read Error: " ++ s
-ioErrMsg    (WriteError s)  =	 "Write Error: " ++ s
-ioErrMsg    (FormatError s) =	 "Format Error: " ++ s
-ioErrMsg    (SearchError s) =	 "Search Error: " ++ s
-ioErrMsg    (OtherError s)  =	 "Other Error: " ++ s
-%*									*
-%*									*
-M-Vars are rendezvous points for concurrent threads.  They begin
-empty, and any attempt to read an empty M-Var blocks.  When an M-Var
-is written, a single blocked thread may be freed.  Reading an M-Var
-toggles its state from full back to empty.  Therefore, any value
-written to an M-Var may only be read once.  Multiple reads and writes
-are allowed, but there must be at least one read between any two
-data _MVar a = _MVar (SynchVar# _RealWorld a)
-type MVar a = _MVar a
-newEmptyMVar  :: IO (_MVar a)
-newEmptyMVar (S# s#) = 
-    case newSynchVar# s# of
-        StateAndSynchVar# s2# svar# -> (Right (_MVar svar#), S# s2#)
-takeMVar :: _MVar a -> IO a
-takeMVar (_MVar mvar#) (S# s#) =
-    case takeMVar# mvar# s# of
-        StateAndPtr# s2# r -> (Right r, S# s2#)
-putMVar  :: _MVar a -> a -> IO ()
-putMVar (_MVar mvar#) x (S# s#) =
-    case putMVar# mvar# x s# of
-        s2# -> (Right (), S# s2#)
-newMVar :: a -> IO (_MVar a)
-newMVar value =
-    newEmptyMVar	>>= \ mvar ->
-    putMVar mvar value	>>
-    return mvar
-readMVar :: _MVar a -> IO a
-readMVar mvar =
-    takeMVar mvar	>>= \ value ->
-    putMVar mvar value	>>
-    return value
-swapMVar :: _MVar a -> a -> IO a
-swapMVar mvar new =
-    takeMVar mvar	>>= \ old ->
-    putMVar mvar new	>>
-    return old
-%*									*
-%*									*
-I-Vars are write-once variables.  They start out empty, and any threads that 
-attempt to read them will block until they are filled.  Once they are written, 
-any blocked threads are freed, and additional reads are permitted.  Attempting 
-to write a value to a full I-Var results in a runtime error.
-data _IVar a = _IVar (SynchVar# _RealWorld a)
-type IVar a = _IVar a
-newIVar :: IO (_IVar a)
-newIVar (S# s#) = 
-    case newSynchVar# s# of
-        StateAndSynchVar# s2# svar# -> (Right (_IVar svar#), S# s2#)
-readIVar :: _IVar a -> IO a
-readIVar (_IVar ivar#) (S# s#) =
-    case readIVar# ivar# s# of
-        StateAndPtr# s2# r -> (Right r, S# s2#)
-writeIVar :: _IVar a -> a -> IO ()
-writeIVar (_IVar ivar#) x (S# s#) =
-    case writeIVar# ivar# x s# of
-        s2# -> (Right (), S# s2#)
-%*									*
-\subsection{Thread Wait Functions}
-%*									*
-@threadDelay@ delays rescheduling of a thread until the indicated
-number of microseconds have elapsed.  Generally, the microseconds are
-counted by the context switch timer, which ticks in virtual time;
-however, when there are no runnable threads, we don't accumulate any
-virtual time, so we start ticking in real time.  (The granularity is
-the effective resolution of the context switch timer, so it is
-affected by the RTS -C option.)
-@threadWait@ delays rescheduling of a thread until input on the
-specified file descriptor is available for reading (just like select).
-threadDelay, threadWait :: Int -> IO ()
-threadDelay (I# x#) (S# s#) = 
-    case delay# x# s# of
-      s2# -> (Right (), S# s2#)
-threadWait (I# x#) (S# s#) = 
-    case wait# x# s# of
-      s2# -> (Right (), S# s2#)
diff --git a/ghc/lib/glaExts/Stdio.lhs b/ghc/lib/glaExts/Stdio.lhs
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--- a/ghc/lib/glaExts/Stdio.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1994
-\section[Stdio]{Wrappers for C standard-IO library}
-module Stdio where
-import Cls
-import Core
-import IInt
-import IList
-import List		( (++), foldr )
-import PS		-- ( _PackedString )
-import TyArray
-import PreludeGlaST
-import Text
-import TyComplex
-data _FILE = _FILE Addr#
-instance _CCallable   _FILE
-instance _CReturnable _FILE
-instance Eq _FILE where
-    (_FILE a) == (_FILE b) = a `eqAddr#` b
-    (_FILE a) /= (_FILE b) = if a `eqAddr#` b then False else True
-fopen	:: String		-- as w/ C fopen, name
-	-> String		-- type of open (as w/ C)
-	-> PrimIO _FILE		-- FILE* returned; will be ``NULL''
-				-- if things go wrong...
--- similarly...
-freopen	:: String -> String -> _FILE -> PrimIO _FILE
-fdopen	:: FILE_DESCRIPTOR -> String -> PrimIO _FILE
-fopen name descr
-  = _casm_ ``%r = (A_) fopen((char *) %0, (char *) %1);'' name descr
-freopen name descr file
-  = _casm_ ``%r = (A_) freopen((char *) %0, (char *) %1, (FILE *) %2);'' 
-	name descr file
-fdopen fd descr
-  = _casm_ ``%r = (A_) fdopen((int) %0, (char *) %1);'' fd descr
-fclose, fflush :: _FILE -> PrimIO Int
-fclose file
-  = _casm_ ``%r = fclose((FILE *) %0);'' file
-fflush file
-  = _casm_ ``%r = fflush((FILE *) %0);'' file
-fread :: Int -> Int -> _FILE -> PrimIO (Int, _ByteArray Int)
-fread size nitems file
-  = let
-	barr_end = size * nitems - 1
-    in
-    newCharArray (0::Int, barr_end){-malloc!?-} `thenStrictlyST` \ barr ->
-    _ccall_ fread barr size nitems file `thenPrimIO` \ num_read ->
-    unsafeFreezeByteArray barr	`thenStrictlyST` \ frozen ->
-    returnPrimIO (num_read, frozen)
-fwrite :: _ByteArray Int -> Int -> Int -> _FILE -> PrimIO Int
-fwrite barr size nitems file
-  = _ccall_ fwrite barr size nitems file `thenPrimIO` \ num_written ->
-    returnPrimIO num_written
---fgetc	:: _FILE -> B Char
---fputc	:: Char -> _FILE -> B Char
--- ===============================================================
--- in Haskell, these are just synonyms for getc and putc
-gets	:: B [Char]
-fgets	:: C_FILE -> Int -> B [Char]
-puts	:: [Char] -> B Bool	-- ??? ToDo: better error indicator
-fputs	:: [Char] -> C_FILE -> B Bool
--- getw, putw omitted
-feof	:: C_FILE -> B Int -- ToDo: Bool?
-ferror	:: C_FILE -> B Int -- ToDo: something else?
-fileno	:: C_FILE -> B Int
-clearerr :: C_FILE -> B ()
-popen	:: [Char] -> [Char] -> B C_FILE
-pclose	:: C_FILE -> B Int -- exit status
-tmpfile :: B C_FILE	-- B (Maybe C_FILE) ???
-tmpnam	:: [Char] -> B [Char]
-tempnam	:: [Char] -> [Char] -> B [Char]
-lseek	:: C_FileDes -> C_off_t -> Int -> B C_off_t
-ctermid	:: B [Char]
-cuserid	:: B [Char]
--- nothing yet:
---  printf
---  fprintf
---  sprintf
---  scanf
---  fscanf
diff --git a/ghc/lib/glaExts/lazyimp.lit b/ghc/lib/glaExts/lazyimp.lit
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@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-\title{Lazy Imperative Programming}
-By John Launchbury, though he may not know it.
-This code describes {\em sequences}, which are independent state-based
-computations, typically involving (primitive) arrays.
-It also includes the basic code for Glasgow I/O, which is similar.
-The ``layers'' here are:
-``World'' types; basic state-transformer monad.
-\item[Seq/IO PrimOps:]
-The true-blue primitives wired into the compiler.
-\item[Seq (incl arrays...) and IO monads:]
-Built on the above.
-Built on Seq.
-Built on Seq.
-Built on IO.
-Built on DialogueIO.
-% "World" types and odd types for returning
-% several primitive things
-% State transformer monad
-% basic Glasgow IO
-% Seq/array stuff
-% Variables
-% PackedString
-% DialogueIO
-% MainIO
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibCPUTime.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibCPUTime.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cba859708ad3b6cb162545c38d9910be4b3811c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibCPUTime.lhs
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@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibCPUTime]{Haskell 1.3 CPU Time Library}
-module LibCPUTime where
-import PreludeGlaST
-getCPUTime :: IO Integer
-getCPUTime =
-    newIntArray (0,3)				    `thenPrimIO` \ marr ->
-    unsafeFreezeByteArray marr			    `thenPrimIO` \ barr@(_ByteArray _ frozen#) ->
-    _ccall_ getCPUTime barr			    `thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-    if (ptr::_Addr) /= ``NULL'' then
-        return (fromInt (I# (indexIntArray# frozen# 0#)) * 1000000000 + 
-                fromInt (I# (indexIntArray# frozen# 1#)) + 
-		fromInt (I# (indexIntArray# frozen# 2#)) * 1000000000 + 
-                fromInt (I# (indexIntArray# frozen# 3#)))
-    else
-	failWith (UnsupportedOperation "can't get CPU time")
-Computation $getCPUTime$ returns the number of nanoseconds CPU time
-used by the current program.  The precision of this result is
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibDirectory.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibDirectory.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2aed6e3d4d530570d0ac784f78877877774ea98a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibDirectory.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibDirectory]{Haskell 1.3 Directory Operations}
-A directory contains a series of entries, each of which is a named
-reference to a file system object (file, directory etc.).  Some
-entries may be hidden, inaccessible, or have some administrative
-function (e.g. "." or ".." under POSIX), but in this standard all such
-entries are considered to form part of the directory contents.
-Entries in sub-directories are not, however, considered to form part
-of the directory contents.
-Each file system object is referenced by a {\em path}.  There is
-normally at least one absolute path to each file system object.  In
-some operating systems, it may also be possible to have paths which
-are relative to the current directory.
-module LibDirectory where
-import PreludeIOError
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PS
-createDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
-createDirectory path =
-    _ccall_ createDirectory path		    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-        return ()
-    else
-        _constructError				    `thenPrimIO` \ ioError ->
-        failWith ioError
-$createDirectory dir$ creates a new directory
-{\em dir} which is initially empty, or as near to empty as the
-operating system allows.
-The operation may fail with:
-\item $AlreadyExists$
-The operand refers to a directory that already exists.  
-\item $HardwareFault$
-A physical I/O error has occurred.
-\item $InvalidArgument$
-The operand is not a valid directory name.
-\item $NoSuchThing$
-There is no path to the directory. 
-\item $PermissionDenied$
-The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-\item $ResourceExhausted$
-Insufficient resources (virtual memory, process file descriptors,
-physical disk space, etc.) are available to perform the operation.
-\item $InappropriateType$
-The path refers to an existing non-directory object.
-removeDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
-removeDirectory path =
-    _ccall_ removeDirectory path		    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-        return ()
-    else
-        _constructError				    `thenPrimIO` \ ioError ->
-        failWith ioError
-$removeDirectory dir$ removes an existing directory {\em dir}.  The
-implementation may specify additional constraints which must be
-satisfied before a directory can be removed (e.g. the directory has to
-be empty, or may not be in use by other processes).  It is not legal
-for an implementation to partially remove a directory unless the
-entire directory is removed. A conformant implementation need not
-support directory removal in all situations (e.g. removal of the root
-The operation may fail with:
-\item $HardwareFault$
-A physical I/O error has occurred.
-\item $InvalidArgument$
-The operand is not a valid directory name.
-\item $NoSuchThing$
-The directory does not exist. 
-\item $PermissionDenied$
-The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-\item $UnsatisfiedConstraints$
-Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.  
-\item $UnsupportedOperation$
-The implementation does not support removal in this situation.
-\item $InappropriateType$
-The operand refers to an existing non-directory object.
-removeFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
-removeFile path =
-    _ccall_ removeFile path			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-        return ()
-    else
-        _constructError				    `thenPrimIO` \ ioError ->
-        failWith ioError
-$removeFile file$ removes the directory entry for an existing file
-{\em file}, where {\em file} is not itself a directory. The
-implementation may specify additional constraints which must be
-satisfied before a file can be removed (e.g. the file may not be in
-use by other processes).
-The operation may fail with:
-\item $HardwareFault$
-A physical I/O error has occurred.
-\item $InvalidArgument$
-The operand is not a valid file name.
-\item $NoSuchThing$
-The file does not exist. 
-\item $PermissionDenied$
-The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-\item $UnsatisfiedConstraints$
-Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.  
-\item $InappropriateType$
-The operand refers to an existing directory.
-renameDirectory :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
-renameDirectory opath npath =
-    _ccall_ renameDirectory opath npath		    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-        return ()
-    else
-        _constructError				    `thenPrimIO` \ ioError ->
-        failWith ioError
-$renameDirectory old$ {\em new} changes the name of an existing
-directory from {\em old} to {\em new}.  If the {\em new} directory
-already exists, it is atomically replaced by the {\em old} directory.
-If the {\em new} directory is neither the {\em old} directory nor an
-alias of the {\em old} directory, it is removed as if by
-$removeDirectory$.  A conformant implementation need not support
-renaming directories in all situations (e.g. renaming to an existing
-directory, or across different physical devices), but the constraints
-must be documented.
-The operation may fail with:
-\item $HardwareFault$
-A physical I/O error has occurred.
-\item $InvalidArgument$
-Either operand is not a valid directory name.
-\item $NoSuchThing$
-The original directory does not exist, or there is no path to the target.
-\item $PermissionDenied$
-The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-\item $ResourceExhausted$
-Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.  
-\item $UnsatisfiedConstraints$
-Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.
-\item $UnsupportedOperation$
-The implementation does not support renaming in this situation.
-\item $InappropriateType$
-Either path refers to an existing non-directory object.
-renameFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
-renameFile opath npath =
-    _ccall_ renameFile opath npath		    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-        return ()
-    else
-        _constructError				    `thenPrimIO` \ ioError ->
-        failWith ioError
-$renameFile old$ {\em new} changes the name of an existing file system
-object from {\em old} to {\em new}.  If the {\em new} object already
-exists, it is atomically replaced by the {\em old} object.  Neither
-path may refer to an existing directory.  A conformant implementation
-need not support renaming files in all situations (e.g. renaming
-across different physical devices), but the constraints must be
-The operation may fail with:
-\item $HardwareFault$
-A physical I/O error has occurred.
-\item $InvalidArgument$
-Either operand is not a valid file name.
-\item $NoSuchThing$
-The original file does not exist, or there is no path to the target.
-\item $PermissionDenied$
-The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-\item $ResourceExhausted$
-Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.  
-\item $UnsatisfiedConstraints$
-Implementation-dependent constraints are not satisfied.
-\item $UnsupportedOperation$
-The implementation does not support renaming in this situation.
-\item $InappropriateType$
-Either path refers to an existing directory.
-getDirectoryContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
-getDirectoryContents path =
-    _ccall_ getDirectoryContents path		    `thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-    getEntries ptr 0				    `thenPrimIO` \ entries ->
-    _ccall_ free ptr				    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    return entries
-  where
-    getEntries :: _Addr -> Int -> PrimIO [FilePath]
-    getEntries ptr n =
-        _casm_ ``%r = ((char **)%0)[%1];'' ptr n    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-        if str == ``NULL'' then 
-            returnPrimIO []
-        else
-            _ccall_ strlen str			    `thenPrimIO` \ len ->
-            _packCBytesST len str		    `thenStrictlyST` \ entry ->
-            _ccall_ free str			    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-            getEntries ptr (n+1)		    `thenPrimIO` \ entries ->
-	    returnPrimIO (_unpackPS entry : entries)
-$getDirectoryContents dir$ returns a list of
-<i>all</i> entries in {\em dir}.
-The operation may fail with:
-\item $HardwareFault$
-A physical I/O error has occurred.
-\item $InvalidArgument$
-The operand is not a valid directory name.
-\item $NoSuchThing$
-The directory does not exist.
-\item $PermissionDenied$
-The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-\item $ResourceExhausted$
-Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
-\item $InappropriateType$
-The path refers to an existing non-directory object.
-getCurrentDirectory :: IO FilePath
-getCurrentDirectory =
-    _ccall_ getCurrentDirectory			    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    if str /= ``NULL'' then
-        _ccall_ strlen str			    `thenPrimIO` \ len ->
-        _packCBytesST len str			    `thenStrictlyST` \ pwd ->
-        _ccall_ free str			    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-        return (_unpackPS pwd)
-    else
-        _constructError				    `thenPrimIO` \ ioError ->
-        failWith ioError
-If the operating system has a notion of current directories,
-$getCurrentDirectory$ returns an absolute path to the
-current directory of the calling process.
-The operation may fail with:
-\item $HardwareFault$
-A physical I/O error has occurred.
-\item $NoSuchThing$
-There is no path referring to the current directory.
-\item $PermissionDenied$
-The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-\item $ResourceExhausted$
-Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.
-\item $UnsupportedOperation$
-The operating system has no notion of current directory.
-setCurrentDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
-setCurrentDirectory path =
-    _ccall_ setCurrentDirectory path		    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-        return ()
-    else
-        _constructError				    `thenPrimIO` \ ioError ->
-        failWith ioError
-If the operating system has a notion of current directories,
-$setCurrentDirectory dir$ changes the current
-directory of the calling process to {\em dir}.
-The operation may fail with:
-\item $HardwareFault$
-A physical I/O error has occurred.
-\item $InvalidArgument$
-The operand is not a valid directory name.
-\item $NoSuchThing$
-The directory does not exist.
-\item $PermissionDenied$
-The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-\item $UnsupportedOperation$
-The operating system has no notion of current directory, or the
-current directory cannot be dynamically changed.
-\item $InappropriateType$
-The path refers to an existing non-directory object.
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosix.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosix.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 46b66a6518a37dacccfb62ee0f9d3ac17af03785..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosix.lhs
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-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibPosix]{Haskell 1.3 POSIX bindings}
-module LibPosix  (
-    LibPosixDB..,
-    LibPosixErr..,
-    LibPosixFiles..,
-    LibPosixIO..,
-    LibPosixProcEnv..,
-    LibPosixProcPrim..,
-    LibPosixTTY..,
-    runProcess,
-    ByteCount(..),
-    Channel(..),
-    ClockTick(..),
-    EpochTime(..),
-    FileOffset(..),
-    GroupID(..),
-    Limit(..),
-    LinkCount(..),
-    ProcessID(..),
-    ProcessGroupID(..),
-    UserID(..),
-    ExitCode,
-    -- make interface complete:
-    setCurrentDirectory{-pragmas-}, getCurrentDirectory{-pragmas-}
-    )  where
-import LibPosixDB
-import LibPosixErr
-import LibPosixFiles
-import LibPosixIO
-import LibPosixProcEnv
-import LibPosixProcPrim
-import LibPosixTTY
-import LibPosixUtil
--- runProcess is our candidate for the high-level OS-independent primitive 
--- If accepted, it will be moved out of LibPosix into LibSystem.
-import LibDirectory	( setCurrentDirectory, getCurrentDirectory{-pragmas-} )
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PreludePrimIO	( takeMVar, putMVar, _MVar )
-import PreludeStdIO
-runProcess :: FilePath			    -- Command
-           -> [String]			    -- Arguments
-           -> Maybe [(String, String)]	    -- Environment
-           -> Maybe FilePath		    -- Working directory    
-           -> Maybe Handle		    -- stdin
-           -> Maybe Handle		    -- stdout
-           -> Maybe Handle		    -- stderr
-           -> IO ()
-runProcess path args env dir stdin stdout stderr = 
-    forkProcess >>= \ pid ->
-    case pid of
-      Nothing -> doTheBusiness
-      Just x  -> return ()
-  where
-    doTheBusiness :: IO ()
-    doTheBusiness =
-        maybeChangeWorkingDirectory	>>
-        maybeDup2 0 stdin		>>
-        maybeDup2 1 stdout		>>
-        maybeDup2 2 stderr		>>
-        executeFile path True args env  >>
-        syserr "runProcess"
-    maybeChangeWorkingDirectory :: IO ()
-    maybeChangeWorkingDirectory =
-        case dir of
-          Nothing -> return ()
-          Just x  -> setCurrentDirectory x
-    maybeDup2 :: Int -> Maybe Handle -> IO ()
-    maybeDup2 dest h =
-        case h of Nothing -> return ()
-                  Just x  -> handleFD x >>= \ src ->
-                             dupChannelTo src dest >>
-			     return ()
-    handleFD :: Handle -> IO Channel
-    handleFD handle =
-        takeMVar handle				    >>= \ htype ->
-        putMVar handle htype		            >>
-        case htype of 
-          _ErrorHandle ioError -> failWith ioError
-          _ClosedHandle -> failWith (IllegalOperation "handle is closed")
-          _SemiClosedHandle _ _ -> failWith (IllegalOperation "handle is closed")
-          other -> 
-	    _casm_ ``%r = fileno((FILE *)%0);'' (_filePtr other)
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ fd ->
-	    return fd
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixDB.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixDB.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index e6d483ce9dfac6554ce5035e8619a6305b9d2d60..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixDB.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibPosixDB]{Haskell 1.3 POSIX System Databases}
-module LibPosixDB (
-    GroupEntry,
-    UserEntry,
-    getGroupEntryForID,
-    getGroupEntryForName,
-    getUserEntryForID,
-    getUserEntryForName,
-    groupID,
-    groupMembers,
-    groupName,
-    homeDirectory,
-    userGroupID,
-    userID,
-    userName,
-    userShell
-    ) where
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PS
-import LibPosixUtil
-data GroupEntry = GE String GroupID [String]
-groupName :: GroupEntry -> String
-groupName (GE name _ _) = name
-groupID :: GroupEntry -> GroupID
-groupID (GE _ gid _) = gid
-groupMembers :: GroupEntry -> [String]
-groupMembers (GE _ _ members) = members
-getGroupEntryForID :: GroupID -> IO GroupEntry
-getGroupEntryForID gid =
-    _ccall_ getgrgid gid		    `thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-    if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	failWith (NoSuchThing "no such group entry")
-    else
-	unpackGroupEntry ptr			    `thenPrimIO` \ group ->
-	return group
-getGroupEntryForName :: String -> IO GroupEntry
-getGroupEntryForName name =
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ gname ->
-    _ccall_ getgrnam gname			    `thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-    if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	failWith (NoSuchThing "no such group entry")
-    else
-	unpackGroupEntry ptr			    `thenPrimIO` \ group ->
-	return group
-data UserEntry = UE String UserID GroupID String String
-userName :: UserEntry -> String
-userName (UE name _ _ _ _) = name
-userID :: UserEntry -> UserID
-userID (UE _ uid _ _ _) = uid
-userGroupID :: UserEntry -> GroupID
-userGroupID (UE _ _ gid _ _) = gid
-homeDirectory :: UserEntry -> String
-homeDirectory (UE _ _ _ home _) = home
-userShell :: UserEntry -> String
-userShell (UE _ _ _ _ shell) = shell
-getUserEntryForID :: UserID -> IO UserEntry
-getUserEntryForID uid =
-    _ccall_ getpwuid uid			    `thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-    if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	failWith (NoSuchThing "no such user entry")
-    else
-	unpackUserEntry ptr			    `thenPrimIO` \ user ->
-	return user
-getUserEntryForName :: String -> IO UserEntry
-getUserEntryForName name =
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ uname ->
-    _ccall_ getpwnam uname			    `thenPrimIO` \ ptr ->
-    if ptr == ``NULL'' then
-	failWith (NoSuchThing "no such user entry")
-    else
-	unpackUserEntry ptr			    `thenPrimIO` \ user ->
-	return user
-Local utility functions
--- Copy the static structure returned by getgr* into a Haskell structure
-unpackGroupEntry :: _Addr -> PrimIO GroupEntry
-unpackGroupEntry ptr =
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct group *)%0)->gr_name;'' ptr
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    strcpy str			    		    `thenPrimIO` \ name ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct group *)%0)->gr_gid;'' ptr
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ gid ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct group *)%0)->gr_mem;'' ptr
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ mem ->
-    unvectorize mem 0				    `thenStrictlyST` \ members ->
-    returnPrimIO (GE name gid members)
--- Copy the static structure returned by getpw* into a Haskell structure
-unpackUserEntry :: _Addr -> PrimIO UserEntry
-unpackUserEntry ptr =
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct passwd *)%0)->pw_name;'' ptr
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    strcpy str					    `thenPrimIO` \ name ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct passwd *)%0)->pw_uid;'' ptr
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ uid ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct passwd *)%0)->pw_gid;'' ptr
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ gid ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct passwd *)%0)->pw_dir;'' ptr
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    strcpy str					    `thenPrimIO` \ home ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct passwd *)%0)->pw_shell;'' ptr
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    strcpy str					    `thenPrimIO` \ shell ->
-    returnPrimIO (UE name uid gid home shell)
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--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixErr.lhs
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-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibPosixErr]{Haskell 1.3 POSIX Error Codes}
-module LibPosixErr
-import PreludeGlaST
-type ErrorCode = Int
-getErrorCode :: IO ErrorCode
-getErrorCode =
-    _casm_ ``%r = errno;''			    `thenPrimIO` \ errno ->
-    return errno
-setErrorCode :: ErrorCode -> IO ()
-setErrorCode errno =
-    _casm_ ``errno = %0;'' errno		    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    return ()
-noError :: ErrorCode
-noError = 0
-argumentListTooLong, e2BIG :: ErrorCode
-argumentListTooLong = ``E2BIG''
-e2BIG = ``E2BIG''
-badChannel, eBADF :: ErrorCode
-badChannel = ``EBADF''
-eBADF = ``EBADF''
-brokenPipe, ePIPE :: ErrorCode
-brokenPipe = ``EPIPE''
-ePIPE = ``EPIPE''
-directoryNotEmpty, eNOTEMPTY :: ErrorCode
-directoryNotEmpty = ``ENOTEMPTY''
-execFormatError, eNOEXEC :: ErrorCode
-execFormatError = ``ENOEXEC''
-fileAlreadyExists, eEXIST :: ErrorCode
-fileAlreadyExists = ``EEXIST''
-fileTooLarge, eFBIG :: ErrorCode
-fileTooLarge = ``EFBIG''
-eFBIG = ``EFBIG''
-filenameTooLong, eNAMETOOLONG :: ErrorCode
-filenameTooLong = ``ENAMETOOLONG''
-improperLink, eXDEV :: ErrorCode
-improperLink = ``EXDEV''
-eXDEV = ``EXDEV''
-inappropriateIOControlOperation, eNOTTY :: ErrorCode
-inappropriateIOControlOperation = ``ENOTTY''
-inputOutputError, eIO :: ErrorCode
-inputOutputError = ``EIO''
-eIO = ``EIO''
-interruptedOperation, eINTR :: ErrorCode
-interruptedOperation = ``EINTR''
-eINTR = ``EINTR''
-invalidArgument, eINVAL :: ErrorCode
-invalidArgument = ``EINVAL''
-invalidSeek, eSPIPE :: ErrorCode
-invalidSeek = ``ESPIPE''
-isADirectory, eISDIR :: ErrorCode
-isADirectory = ``EISDIR''
-noChildProcess, eCHILD :: ErrorCode
-noChildProcess = ``ECHILD''
-noLocksAvailable, eNOLCK :: ErrorCode
-noLocksAvailable = ``ENOLCK''
-noSpaceLeftOnDevice, eNOSPC :: ErrorCode
-noSpaceLeftOnDevice = ``ENOSPC''
-noSuchOperationOnDevice, eNODEV :: ErrorCode
-noSuchOperationOnDevice = ``ENODEV''
-noSuchDeviceOrAddress, eNXIO :: ErrorCode
-noSuchDeviceOrAddress = ``ENXIO''
-eNXIO = ``ENXIO''
-noSuchFileOrDirectory, eNOENT :: ErrorCode
-noSuchFileOrDirectory = ``ENOENT''
-noSuchProcess, eSRCH :: ErrorCode
-noSuchProcess = ``ESRCH''
-eSRCH = ``ESRCH''
-notADirectory, eNOTDIR :: ErrorCode
-notADirectory = ``ENOTDIR''
-notEnoughMemory, eNOMEM :: ErrorCode
-notEnoughMemory = ``ENOMEM''
-operationNotImplemented, eNOSYS :: ErrorCode
-operationNotImplemented = ``ENOSYS''
-operationNotPermitted, ePERM :: ErrorCode
-operationNotPermitted = ``EPERM''
-ePERM = ``EPERM''
-permissionDenied, eACCES :: ErrorCode
-permissionDenied = ``EACCES''
-readOnlyFileSystem, eROFS :: ErrorCode
-readOnlyFileSystem = ``EROFS''
-eROFS = ``EROFS''
-resourceBusy, eBUSY :: ErrorCode
-resourceBusy = ``EBUSY''
-eBUSY = ``EBUSY''
-resourceDeadlockAvoided, eDEADLK :: ErrorCode
-resourceDeadlockAvoided = ``EDEADLK''
-resourceTemporarilyUnavailable, eAGAIN :: ErrorCode
-resourceTemporarilyUnavailable = ``EAGAIN''
-tooManyLinks, eMLINK :: ErrorCode
-tooManyLinks = ``EMLINK''
-tooManyOpenFiles, eMFILE :: ErrorCode
-tooManyOpenFiles = ``EMFILE''
-tooManyOpenFilesInSystem, eNFILE :: ErrorCode
-tooManyOpenFilesInSystem = ``ENFILE''
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixFiles.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixFiles.lhs
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--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixFiles.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,560 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibPosixFiles]{Haskell 1.3 POSIX File and Directory Operations}
-module LibPosixFiles (
-    DeviceID(..),
-    DirStream(..),
-    FileID(..),
-    FileMode(..),
-    FileStatus(..),
-    OpenMode(..),
-    PathVar(..),
-    accessModes,
-    accessTime,
-    changeWorkingDirectory,	-- Too much like LibDirectory thing?
-    closeDirStream,
-    createDirectory,	-- Too much like LibDirectory thing?
-    createFile,
-    createLink,
-    createNamedPipe,
-    deviceID,
-    fileGroup,
-    fileID,
-    fileMode,
-    fileOwner,
-    fileSize,
-    getChannelStatus,
-    getChannelVar,
-    getFileStatus,
-    getPathVar,
-    getWorkingDirectory,	-- Too much like LibDirectory thing?
-    groupExecuteMode,
-    groupModes,
-    groupReadMode,
-    groupWriteMode,
-    intersectFileModes,
-    isBlockDevice,
-    isCharacterDevice,
-    isDirectory,
-    isNamedPipe,
-    isRegularFile,
-    linkCount,
-    modificationTime,
-    nullFileMode,
-    openDirStream,
-    openChannel,
-    otherExecuteMode,
-    otherModes,
-    otherReadMode,
-    otherWriteMode,
-    ownerExecuteMode,
-    ownerModes,
-    ownerReadMode,
-    ownerWriteMode,
-    queryAccess,
-    queryFile,
-    readDirStream,
-    removeDirectory,	-- Too much like LibDirectory thing
-    removeLink,
-    rename,
-    rewindDirStream,
-    setFileCreationMask,
-    setFileTimes,
-    setGroupIDMode,
-    setOwnerAndGroup,
-    setFileMode,
-    setUserIDMode,
-    stdError,
-    stdFileMode,
-    stdInput,
-    stdOutput,
-    statusChangeTime,
-    touchFile,
-    unionFileModes
-    ) where
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PS
-import LibPosixErr
-import LibPosixUtil
-import LibDirectory	( removeDirectory,  -- re-use its code
-			  getCurrentDirectory,
-			  setCurrentDirectory
-			)
-type DirStream = _Addr
-openDirStream :: FilePath -> IO DirStream
-openDirStream name = 
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ dir ->
-    _ccall_ opendir dir				    `thenPrimIO` \ dirp ->
-    if dirp /= ``NULL'' then
-	return dirp
-    else
-	syserr "openDirStream"
-readDirStream :: DirStream -> IO String
-readDirStream dirp =
-    setErrorCode noError			    >>
-    _ccall_ readdir dirp			    `thenPrimIO` \ dirent ->
-    if dirent /= (``NULL''::_Addr) then
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct dirent *)%0)->d_name;'' dirent
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-	strcpy str				    `thenPrimIO` \ name ->
-	return name
-    else
-	getErrorCode				    >>= \ errno ->
-	if errno == noError then
-	    failWith EOF
-	else
-	    syserr "readDirStream"
-rewindDirStream :: DirStream -> IO ()
-rewindDirStream dirp =
-    _ccall_ rewinddir dirp			    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    return ()
-closeDirStream :: DirStream -> IO ()
-closeDirStream dirp = 
-    _ccall_ closedir dirp			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "closeDirStream"
-getWorkingDirectory :: IO FilePath
-getWorkingDirectory = getCurrentDirectory{-LibDirectory-}
-{- OLD:
-    _ccall_ getCurrentDirectory			    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    if str /= ``NULL'' then
-        strcpy str				    `thenPrimIO` \ pwd ->
-        _ccall_ free str			    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-        return pwd
-    else
-	syserr "getWorkingDirectory"
-changeWorkingDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
-changeWorkingDirectory name = setCurrentDirectory{-LibDirectory-} name
-{- OLD:
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ dir ->
-    _ccall_ chdir dir				    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "changeWorkingDirectory"
-type FileMode = _Word
-nullFileMode :: FileMode
-nullFileMode = ``0''
-ownerReadMode :: FileMode
-ownerReadMode = ``S_IRUSR''
-ownerWriteMode :: FileMode
-ownerWriteMode = ``S_IWUSR''
-ownerExecuteMode :: FileMode
-ownerExecuteMode = ``S_IXUSR''
-groupReadMode :: FileMode
-groupReadMode = ``S_IRGRP''
-groupWriteMode :: FileMode
-groupWriteMode = ``S_IWGRP''
-groupExecuteMode :: FileMode
-groupExecuteMode = ``S_IXGRP''
-otherReadMode :: FileMode
-otherReadMode = ``S_IROTH''
-otherWriteMode :: FileMode
-otherWriteMode = ``S_IWOTH''
-otherExecuteMode :: FileMode
-otherExecuteMode = ``S_IXOTH''
-setUserIDMode :: FileMode
-setUserIDMode = ``S_ISUID''
-setGroupIDMode :: FileMode
-setGroupIDMode = ``S_ISGID''
-stdFileMode :: FileMode
-ownerModes :: FileMode
-ownerModes = ``S_IRWXU''
-groupModes :: FileMode
-groupModes = ``S_IRWXG''
-otherModes :: FileMode
-otherModes = ``S_IRWXO''
-accessModes :: FileMode
-accessModes = ``(S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO)''
-unionFileModes :: FileMode -> FileMode -> FileMode
-unionFileModes (W# m1#) (W# m2#) = W# (m1# `or#` m2#)
-intersectFileModes :: FileMode -> FileMode -> FileMode
-intersectFileModes (W# m1#) (W# m2#) = W# (m1# `and#` m2#)
-stdInput :: Channel
-stdInput = 0
-stdOutput :: Channel
-stdOutput = 1
-stdError :: Channel
-stdError = 2
-data OpenMode = ReadOnly 
-              | WriteOnly 
-              | ReadWrite
-openChannel :: FilePath
-                   -> OpenMode
-                   -> Maybe FileMode	-- Just x => O_CREAT, Nothing => must exist
-                   -> Bool		-- O_APPEND
-                   -> Bool		-- O_EXCL
-                   -> Bool		-- O_NOCTTY
-                   -> Bool		-- O_NONBLOCK
-                   -> Bool		-- O_TRUNC
-                   -> IO Channel
-openChannel name how maybe_mode append excl noctty nonblock trunc = 
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ file ->
-    _ccall_ open file flags mode		    `thenPrimIO` \ fd ->
-    if fd /= -1 then
-	return fd
-    else
-	syserr "openChannel"
-  where
-    mode, creat :: FileMode
-    mode = case maybe_mode of { Nothing -> ``0'' ; Just x -> x }
-    creat = case maybe_mode of { Nothing -> ``0'' ; Just _ -> ``O_CREAT'' }
-    creat# = case creat of { W# x -> x }
-    flags = W# (creat# `or#` append# `or#` excl# `or#` 
-                noctty# `or#` nonblock# `or#` trunc# `or#` how#)
-    how#      = case (case how of { ReadOnly -> ``O_RDONLY'';WriteOnly -> ``O_WRONLY'';ReadWrite -> ``O_RDWR''}) of { W# x -> x }
-    append#   = case (if append   then ``O_APPEND''   else ``0'') of { W# x -> x }
-    excl#     = case (if excl     then ``O_EXCL''     else ``0'') of { W# x -> x }
-    noctty#   = case (if noctty   then ``O_NOCTTY''   else ``0'') of { W# x -> x }
-    nonblock# = case (if nonblock then ``O_NONBLOCK'' else ``0'') of { W# x -> x }
-    trunc#    = case (if trunc    then ``O_TRUNC''    else ``0'') of { W# x -> x }
-createFile :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO Channel
-createFile name mode = 
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ file ->
-    _ccall_ creat file mode			    `thenPrimIO` \ fd ->
-    if fd /= -1 then
-	return fd
-    else
-	syserr "createFile"
-setFileCreationMask :: FileMode -> IO FileMode
-setFileCreationMask mask = 
-    _ccall_ umask mask				    `thenPrimIO` \ omask ->
-    return omask
-createLink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
-createLink name1 name2 =
-    _packBytesForCST name1			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path1 ->
-    _packBytesForCST name2			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path2 ->
-    _ccall_ link path1 path2			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "createLink"
-createDirectory :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
-createDirectory name mode = -- NB: diff signature from LibDirectory one!
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ dir ->
-    _ccall_ mkdir dir mode			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "createDirectory"
-createNamedPipe :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
-createNamedPipe name mode =
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ pipe ->
-    _ccall_ mkfifo pipe mode			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "createNamedPipe"
-removeLink :: FilePath -> IO ()
-removeLink name = 
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path ->
-    _ccall_ unlink path				    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "removeLink"
-{- USE LibDirectory ONE:
-removeDirectory :: FilePath -> IO ()
-removeDirectory name =
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ dir ->
-    _ccall_ rmdir dir				    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "removeDirectory"
-rename :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
-rename name1 name2 =
-    _packBytesForCST name1			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path1 ->
-    _packBytesForCST name2			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path2 ->
-    _ccall_ rename path1 path2			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "rename"
-type FileStatus = _ByteArray ()
-type FileID = Int
-type DeviceID = Int
-fileMode :: FileStatus -> FileMode
-fileMode stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct stat *)%0)->st_mode;'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ mode ->
-    returnPrimIO mode)
-fileID :: FileStatus -> FileID
-fileID stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct stat *)%0)->st_ino;'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ ino ->
-    returnPrimIO ino)
-deviceID :: FileStatus -> DeviceID
-deviceID stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct stat *)%0)->st_dev;'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ dev ->
-    returnPrimIO dev)
-linkCount :: FileStatus -> LinkCount
-linkCount stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct stat *)%0)->st_nlink;'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ nlink ->
-    returnPrimIO nlink)
-fileOwner :: FileStatus -> UserID
-fileOwner stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct stat *)%0)->st_uid;'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ uid ->
-    returnPrimIO uid)
-fileGroup :: FileStatus -> GroupID
-fileGroup stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct stat *)%0)->st_gid;'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ gid ->
-    returnPrimIO gid)
-fileSize :: FileStatus -> FileOffset
-fileSize stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct stat *)%0)->st_size;'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ size ->
-    returnPrimIO size)
-accessTime :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
-accessTime stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct stat *)%0)->st_atime;'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ atime ->
-    returnPrimIO atime)
-modificationTime :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
-modificationTime stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct stat *)%0)->st_mtime;'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ mtime ->
-    returnPrimIO mtime)
-statusChangeTime :: FileStatus -> EpochTime
-statusChangeTime stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct stat *)%0)->st_ctime;'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ ctime ->
-    returnPrimIO ctime)
-isDirectory :: FileStatus -> Bool
-isDirectory stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = S_ISDIR(((struct stat *)%0)->st_mode);'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ rc ->
-    returnPrimIO (rc /= 0))
-isCharacterDevice :: FileStatus -> Bool
-isCharacterDevice stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = S_ISCHR(((struct stat *)%0)->st_mode);'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ rc ->
-    returnPrimIO (rc /= 0))
-isBlockDevice :: FileStatus -> Bool
-isBlockDevice stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = S_ISBLK(((struct stat *)%0)->st_mode);'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ rc ->
-    returnPrimIO (rc /= 0))
-isRegularFile :: FileStatus -> Bool
-isRegularFile stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = S_ISREG(((struct stat *)%0)->st_mode);'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ rc ->
-    returnPrimIO (rc /= 0))
-isNamedPipe :: FileStatus -> Bool
-isNamedPipe stat = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = S_ISFIFO(((struct stat *)%0)->st_mode);'' stat
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ rc ->
-    returnPrimIO (rc /= 0))
-getFileStatus :: FilePath -> IO FileStatus
-getFileStatus name =
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path ->
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct stat)''		    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = stat(%0,(struct stat *)%1);'' path bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ stat ->
-	return stat
-    else
-	syserr "getFileStatus"
-getChannelStatus :: Channel -> IO FileStatus
-getChannelStatus fd = 
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct stat)''		    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = fstat(%0,(struct stat *)%1);'' fd bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ stat ->
-	return stat
-    else
-	syserr "getChannelStatus"
-queryAccess :: FilePath -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> IO Bool
-queryAccess name read write exec = 
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path ->
-    _ccall_ access path flags			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    return (rc == 0)
-  where
-    flags = I# (word2Int# (read# `or#` write# `or#` exec#))
-    read#  = case (if read  then ``R_OK'' else ``0'') of { W# x -> x }
-    write# = case (if write then ``W_OK'' else ``0'') of { W# x -> x }
-    exec#  = case (if exec  then ``X_OK'' else ``0'') of { W# x -> x }
-queryFile :: FilePath -> IO Bool
-queryFile name = 
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path ->
-    _ccall_ access path (``F_OK''::Int)		    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    return (rc == 0)
-setFileMode :: FilePath -> FileMode -> IO ()
-setFileMode name mode = 
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path ->
-    _ccall_ chmod path mode			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "setFileMode"
-setOwnerAndGroup :: FilePath -> UserID -> GroupID -> IO ()
-setOwnerAndGroup name uid gid = 
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path ->
-    _ccall_ chown path uid gid			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "setOwnerAndGroup"
-setFileTimes :: FilePath -> EpochTime -> EpochTime -> IO ()
-setFileTimes name atime mtime =
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path ->
-    _casm_ ``do {struct utimbuf ub; ub.actime = (time_t) %0; ub.modtime = (time_t) %1;
-	     %r = utime(%2, &ub);} while(0);'' atime mtime path
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "setFileTimes"
-touchFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
-touchFile name =
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path ->
-    _ccall_ utime path (``NULL''::_Addr)	    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "touchFile"
-data PathVar = LinkLimit
-             | InputLineLimit
-             | InputQueueLimit
-             | FileNameLimit
-             | PathNameLimit
-             | PipeBufferLimit
-             | SetOwnerAndGroupIsRestricted
-             | FileNamesAreNotTruncated
-getPathVar :: PathVar -> FilePath -> IO Limit
-getPathVar v name =
-    case v of
-      LinkLimit -> pathconf ``_PC_LINK_MAX''
-      InputLineLimit -> pathconf ``_PC_MAX_CANON''
-      InputQueueLimit -> pathconf ``_PC_MAX_INPUT''
-      FileNameLimit -> pathconf ``_PC_NAME_MAX''
-      PathNameLimit -> pathconf ``_PC_PATH_MAX''
-      PipeBufferLimit -> pathconf ``_PC_PIPE_BUF''
-      SetOwnerAndGroupIsRestricted -> pathconf ``_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED''
-      FileNamesAreNotTruncated -> pathconf ``_PC_NO_TRUNC''
-  where
-    pathconf :: Int -> IO Limit
-    pathconf n =
-	_packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ path ->
-	_ccall_ pathconf path n			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-	if rc /= -1 then
-	    return rc
-	else
-	    getErrorCode			    >>= \ errno ->
-	    if errno == invalidArgument then
-		failWith (NoSuchThing "no such path limit or option")
-	else
-	    syserr "getPathVar"
-getChannelVar :: PathVar -> Channel -> IO Limit
-getChannelVar v fd =
-    case v of
-      LinkLimit -> fpathconf ``_PC_LINK_MAX''
-      InputLineLimit -> fpathconf ``_PC_MAX_CANON''
-      InputQueueLimit -> fpathconf ``_PC_MAX_INPUT''
-      FileNameLimit -> fpathconf ``_PC_NAME_MAX''
-      PathNameLimit -> fpathconf ``_PC_PATH_MAX''
-      PipeBufferLimit -> fpathconf ``_PC_PIPE_BUF''
-      SetOwnerAndGroupIsRestricted -> fpathconf ``_PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED''
-      FileNamesAreNotTruncated -> fpathconf ``_PC_NO_TRUNC''
-  where
-    fpathconf :: Int -> IO Limit
-    fpathconf n =
-	_ccall_ fpathconf fd n			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-	if rc /= -1 then
-	    return rc
-	else
-	    getErrorCode			    >>= \ errno ->
-	    if errno == invalidArgument then
-		failWith (NoSuchThing "no such path limit or option")
-	    else
-		syserr "getPathVar"
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixIO.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixIO.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index c0b58c111770ca6f027751fa77202235f0424290..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixIO.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibPosixIO]{Haskell 1.3 POSIX Input/Output Primitives}
-module LibPosixIO (
-    ChannelOption(..),
-    FileLock(..),
-    LockRequest(..),
-    closeChannel,
-    createPipe,
-    dupChannel,
-    dupChannelTo,
-    getLock,
-    queryChannelOption,
-    readChannel,
-    seekChannel,
-    setChannelOption,
-    setLock,
-    waitToSetLock,
-    writeChannel
-    ) where
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PS
-import LibPosixUtil
-createPipe :: IO (Channel, Channel)
-createPipe = 
-    allocChars ``(2*sizeof(int))''		    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = pipe((int *)%0);'' bytes	    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((int *)%0)[0];'' bytes	    `thenPrimIO` \ wd ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((int *)%0)[1];'' bytes	    `thenPrimIO` \ rd ->
-	return (wd, rd)
-    else    
-	syserr "createPipe"
-dupChannel :: Channel -> IO Channel
-dupChannel fd = 
-    _ccall_ dup fd				    `thenPrimIO` \ fd2 ->
-    if fd2 /= -1 then
-	return fd2
-    else
-	syserr "dupChannel"
-dupChannelTo :: Channel -> Channel -> IO ()
-dupChannelTo fd1 fd2 = 
-    _ccall_ dup2 fd1 fd2			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "dupChannelTo"
-closeChannel :: Channel -> IO ()
-closeChannel fd = 
-    _ccall_ close fd				    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "closeChannel"
-readChannel :: Channel -> ByteCount -> IO (String, ByteCount)
-readChannel fd 0 = return ("", 0)
-readChannel fd nbytes =
-    allocChars nbytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _ccall_ read fd bytes nbytes		    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    case rc of
-      -1 -> syserr "readChannel"
-      0  -> failWith EOF
-      n | n == nbytes -> 
-	    freeze bytes			    `thenStrictlyST` \ buf ->
-	    return (_unpackPS (_unsafeByteArrayToPS buf n), n)
-        | otherwise ->
-	    -- Let go of the excessively long ByteArray# by copying to a shorter one.
-	    -- Maybe we need a new primitive, shrinkCharArray#?
-	    allocChars n			    `thenPrimIO` \ bytes' ->
-	    _casm_ ``do {I_ i; for(i = 0; i < %2; i++) ((B_)%0)[i] = ((B_)%1)[i]; 
-                     } while(0);'' bytes' bytes n   `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-	    freeze bytes'			    `thenStrictlyST` \ buf ->
-	    return (_unpackPS (_unsafeByteArrayToPS buf n), n)
-writeChannel :: Channel -> String -> IO ByteCount
-writeChannel fd str =
-    _packBytesForCST str			    `thenPrimIO` \ buf ->
-    _ccall_ write fd buf (length str)		    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	return rc
-    else
-	syserr "writeChannel"
-data ChannelOption = AppendOnWrite    
-		   | CloseOnExec
-		   | NonBlockingRead
-queryChannelOption :: ChannelOption -> Channel -> IO Bool
-queryChannelOption CloseOnExec fd =
-    _ccall_ fcntl fd (``F_GETFD''::Int) 0	    `thenPrimIO` \ (I# flags#) ->
-    if flags# /=# -1# then
-	return ((int2Word# flags# `and#` fd_cloexec#) `neWord#` int2Word# 0#)
-    else
-	syserr "queryChannelOption"
-  where
-    fd_cloexec# = case (``FD_CLOEXEC'') of { W# x -> x }
-queryChannelOption other fd =
-    _ccall_ fcntl fd (``F_GETFL''::Int) 0	    `thenPrimIO` \ (I# flags#) ->
-    if flags# >=# 0# then
-	return ((int2Word# flags# `and#` opt#) `neWord#` int2Word# 0#)
-    else
-	syserr "queryChannelOption"
-  where
-    opt# = case (
-	case other of
-	  AppendOnWrite -> ``O_APPEND''
-          NonBlockingRead -> ``O_NONBLOCK'' ) of { W# x -> x }
-setChannelOption :: ChannelOption -> Bool -> Channel -> IO ()
-setChannelOption CloseOnExec val fd =
-    _ccall_ fcntl fd (``F_GETFD''::Int) 0	    `thenPrimIO` \ flags ->
-    if flags /= -1 then
-	(if val then
-	    _casm_ ``%r = fcntl(%0, F_SETFD, %1 | FD_CLOEXEC);'' fd flags
-	else
-	    _casm_ ``%r = fcntl(%0, F_SETFD, %1 & ~FD_CLOEXEC);'' fd flags)
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-	if rc /= -1 then
-	    return ()
-	else
-	    fail
-    else
-	fail
-  where
-    fail = syserr "setChannelOption"	
-setChannelOption other val fd =    
-    _ccall_ fcntl fd (``F_GETFL''::Int) 0	    `thenPrimIO` \ flags ->
-    if flags >= 0 then
-	(if val then
-	    _casm_ ``%r = fcntl(%0, F_SETFL, %1 | %2);'' fd flags opt
-	else
-	    _casm_ ``%r = fcntl(%0, F_SETFL, %1 & ~(%2));'' fd flags opt)
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-	if rc /= -1 then
-	    return ()
-	else
-	    fail
-    else
-	fail
-  where
-    fail = syserr "setChannelOption"	
-    opt = 
-	case other of
-	  AppendOnWrite -> (``O_APPEND''::_Word)
-          NonBlockingRead -> (``O_NONBLOCK''::_Word)
-data LockRequest = ReadLock 
-                 | WriteLock 
-                 | Unlock
-type FileLock = (LockRequest, SeekMode, FileOffset, FileOffset)
-getLock :: Channel -> FileLock -> IO (Maybe (ProcessID, FileLock))
-getLock fd lock =
-    lock2Bytes lock				    >>= \ flock ->
-    _ccall_ fcntl fd (``F_GETLK''::Int) flock	    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	bytes2ProcessIDAndLock flock		    `thenPrimIO` \ result ->
-	    return (maybeResult result)
-    else
-	syserr "getLock"
-  where
-    maybeResult (_, (Unlock, _, _, _)) = Nothing
-    maybeResult x = Just x
-setLock :: Channel -> FileLock -> IO ()
-setLock fd lock =
-    lock2Bytes lock				    >>= \ flock ->
-    _ccall_ fcntl fd (``F_SETLK''::Int) flock	    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "setLock"
-waitToSetLock :: Channel -> FileLock -> IO ()
-waitToSetLock fd lock =
-    lock2Bytes lock				    >>= \ flock ->
-    _ccall_ fcntl fd (``F_SETLKW''::Int) flock	    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "waitToSetLock"
-seekChannel :: Channel -> SeekMode -> FileOffset -> IO FileOffset
-seekChannel fd mode offset = 
-    _ccall_ lseek fd offset (mode2Int mode)	    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	return rc
-    else
-	syserr "seekChannel"
-Local utility functions
--- Convert a Haskell SeekMode to an int
-mode2Int :: SeekMode -> Int
-mode2Int AbsoluteSeek = ``SEEK_SET''
-mode2Int RelativeSeek = ``SEEK_CUR''
-mode2Int SeekFromEnd  = ``SEEK_END''
--- Convert a Haskell FileLock to an flock structure
-lock2Bytes :: FileLock -> IO (_MutableByteArray _RealWorld ())
-lock2Bytes (kind, mode, start, len) =
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct flock)''		    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``do { struct flock *fl = (struct flock *)%0;
-             fl->l_type = %1; fl->l_whence = %2; fl->l_start = %3; fl->l_len = %4;
-             } while(0);'' bytes ltype (mode2Int mode) start len
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    return bytes
-  where
-    ltype :: Int
-    ltype = case kind of 
-	ReadLock -> ``F_RDLCK''
-        WriteLock -> ``F_WRLCK''
-        Unlock -> ``F_UNLCK''
-bytes2ProcessIDAndLock :: _MutableByteArray s () -> PrimIO (ProcessID, FileLock)
-bytes2ProcessIDAndLock bytes =
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct flock *)%0)->l_type;'' bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ ltype ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct flock *)%0)->l_whence;'' bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ lwhence ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct flock *)%0)->l_start;'' bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ lstart ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct flock *)%0)->l_len;'' bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ llen ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct flock *)%0)->l_pid;'' bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ lpid ->
-    returnPrimIO (lpid, (kind ltype, mode lwhence, lstart, llen))
-  where
-    kind :: Int -> LockRequest
-    kind x
-      | x == ``F_RDLCK'' = ReadLock
-      | x == ``F_WRLCK'' = WriteLock
-      | x == ``F_UNLCK'' = Unlock
-    mode :: Int -> SeekMode
-    mode x
-      | x == ``SEEK_SET'' = AbsoluteSeek
-      | x == ``SEEK_CUR'' = RelativeSeek
-      | x == ``SEEK_END'' = SeekFromEnd
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixProcEnv.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixProcEnv.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 76cb0ca9cb88f1325ea0375cc108fdb7eacc333a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixProcEnv.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibPosixProcEnv]{Haskell 1.3 POSIX Process Environment}
-module LibPosixProcEnv (
-    ProcessTimes(..),
-    SysVar(..),
-    SystemID(..),
-    childSystemTime,
-    childUserTime,
-    createProcessGroup,
-    createSession,
-    elapsedTime,
-    epochTime,
-    getControllingTerminalName,
-    getEffectiveGroupID,
-    getEffectiveUserID,
-    getEffectiveUserName,
-    getGroups,
-    getLoginName,
-    getParentProcessID,
-    getProcessGroupID,
-    getProcessID,
-    getProcessTimes,
-    getRealGroupID,
-    getRealUserID,
-    getSysVar,
-    getSystemID,
-    getTerminalName,
-    joinProcessGroup,
-    machine,
-    nodeName,
-    queryTerminal,
-    release,
-    setGroupID,
-    setProcessGroupID,
-    setUserID,
-    systemName,
-    systemTime,
-    userTime,
-    version
-    ) where
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PS
-import LibPosixErr
-import LibPosixUtil
-getProcessID :: IO ProcessID
-getProcessID = 
-    _ccall_ getpid				    `thenPrimIO` \ pid ->
-    return pid
-getParentProcessID :: IO ProcessID
-getParentProcessID =
-    _ccall_ getppid				    `thenPrimIO` \ ppid ->
-    return ppid
-getRealUserID :: IO UserID
-getRealUserID =
-    _ccall_ getuid				    `thenPrimIO` \ uid ->
-    return uid
-getEffectiveUserID :: IO UserID
-getEffectiveUserID =
-    _ccall_ geteuid				    `thenPrimIO` \ euid ->
-    return euid
-setUserID :: UserID -> IO ()
-setUserID uid = 
-    _ccall_ setuid uid				    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-        return ()
-    else
-	syserr "setUserID"
-getLoginName :: IO String
-getLoginName = 
-    _ccall_ getlogin				    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    if str == ``NULL'' then
-	syserr "getLoginName"
-    else
-	strcpy str				    `thenPrimIO` \ name ->
-	return name
-getRealGroupID :: IO GroupID
-getRealGroupID = 
-    _ccall_ getgid				    `thenPrimIO` \ gid ->
-    return gid
-getEffectiveGroupID :: IO GroupID
-getEffectiveGroupID =
-    _ccall_ getegid				    `thenPrimIO` \ egid ->
-    return egid
-setGroupID :: GroupID -> IO ()
-setGroupID gid = 
-    _ccall_ setgid gid				    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-        return ()
-    else
-	syserr "setGroupID"
-getGroups :: IO [GroupID]
-getGroups = 
-    _ccall_ getgroups 0 (``NULL''::_Addr)	    `thenPrimIO` \ ngroups ->
-    allocWords ngroups				    `thenStrictlyST` \ words ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = getgroups(%0,(gid_t *)%1);'' ngroups words
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ ngroups ->
-    if ngroups /= -1 then
-	freeze words				    `thenStrictlyST` \ arr ->
-        return (map (extract arr) [0..(ngroups-1)])
-    else
-	syserr "getGroups"
-  where
-    extract (_ByteArray _ barr#) (I# n#) =
-        case indexIntArray# barr# n# of
-	  r# -> (I# r#)
-getEffectiveUserName :: IO String
-getEffectiveUserName =
-    _ccall_ cuserid (``NULL''::_Addr)		    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    if str == ``NULL'' then
-	syserr "getEffectiveUserName"
-    else
-	strcpy str				    `thenPrimIO` \ name ->
-	return name
-getProcessGroupID :: IO ProcessGroupID
-getProcessGroupID =
-    _ccall_ getpgrp				    `thenPrimIO` \ pgid ->
-    return pgid
-createProcessGroup :: ProcessID -> IO ProcessGroupID
-createProcessGroup pid = 
-    _ccall_ setpgid pid 0			    `thenPrimIO` \ pgid ->
-    if pgid == 0 then
-	return pgid
-    else
-	syserr "createProcessGroup"
-joinProcessGroup :: ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
-joinProcessGroup pgid = 
-    _ccall_ setpgid 0 pgid			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "setProcessGroupID"
-setProcessGroupID :: ProcessID -> ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
-setProcessGroupID pid pgid = 
-    _ccall_ setpgid pid pgid			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "setProcessGroupID"
-createSession :: IO ProcessGroupID
-createSession = 
-    _ccall_ setsid				    `thenPrimIO` \ pgid ->
-    if pgid /= -1 then
-	return pgid
-    else
-	syserr "createSession"
-type SystemID = _ByteArray ()
-systemName :: SystemID -> String
-systemName sid =  unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct utsname *)%0)->sysname;'' sid
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    strcpy str					    `thenPrimIO` \ sysname ->
-    returnPrimIO sysname)
-nodeName :: SystemID -> String
-nodeName sid =  unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct utsname *)%0)->nodename;'' sid
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    strcpy str					    `thenPrimIO` \ nodename ->
-    returnPrimIO nodename)
-release :: SystemID -> String
-release sid =  unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct utsname *)%0)->release;'' sid
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    strcpy str					    `thenPrimIO` \ releaseStr ->
-    returnPrimIO releaseStr)
-version :: SystemID -> String
-version sid =  unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct utsname *)%0)->version;'' sid
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    strcpy str					    `thenPrimIO` \ versionStr ->
-    returnPrimIO versionStr)
-machine :: SystemID -> String
-machine sid = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct utsname *)%0)->machine;'' sid
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    strcpy str					    `thenPrimIO` \ machine ->
-    returnPrimIO machine)
-getSystemID :: IO SystemID
-getSystemID = 
-    allocChars (``sizeof(struct utsname)''::Int)    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = uname((struct utsname *)%0);'' bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ sid ->
-	return sid
-    else
-	syserr "getSystemID"
-epochTime :: IO EpochTime
-epochTime = 
-    _ccall_ time (``NULL''::_Addr)		    `thenPrimIO` \ secs ->
-    if secs /= -1 then
-	return secs
-    else
-	syserr "epochTime"
--- All times in clock ticks (see getClockTick)
-type ProcessTimes = (ClockTick, _ByteArray ())
-elapsedTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
-elapsedTime (realtime, _) = realtime
-userTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
-userTime (_, times) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct tms *)%0)->tms_utime;'' times
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ utime ->
-    returnPrimIO utime)
-systemTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
-systemTime (_, times) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct tms *)%0)->tms_stime;'' times
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ stime ->
-    returnPrimIO stime)
-childUserTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
-childUserTime (_, times) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct tms *)%0)->tms_cutime;'' times
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ cutime ->
-    returnPrimIO cutime)
-childSystemTime :: ProcessTimes -> ClockTick
-childSystemTime (_, times) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct tms *)%0)->tms_cstime;'' times
-						    `thenStrictlyST` \ cstime ->
-    returnPrimIO cstime)
-getProcessTimes :: IO ProcessTimes
-getProcessTimes =
-    allocChars (``sizeof(struct tms)''::Int)	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = times((struct tms *)%0);'' bytes  `thenPrimIO` \ elapsed ->
-    if elapsed /= -1 then
-	freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ times ->
-	return (elapsed, times)
-    else
-	syserr "getProcessTimes"
-getControllingTerminalName :: IO FilePath
-getControllingTerminalName = 
-    _ccall_ ctermid (``NULL''::_Addr)		    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    if str == ``NULL'' then
-	failWith (NoSuchThing "no controlling terminal")
-    else
-	strcpy str				    `thenPrimIO` \ name ->
-	return name
-getTerminalName :: Channel -> IO FilePath
-getTerminalName fd = 
-    _ccall_ ttyname fd				    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    if str == ``NULL'' then
-        try (queryTerminal fd)			    >>=
-        either (\err -> syserr "getTerminalName") 
-               (\succ -> if succ then failWith (NoSuchThing "terminal name")
-                         else failWith (InappropriateType "not a terminal"))
-    else
-	strcpy str				    `thenPrimIO` \ name ->
-	return name
-queryTerminal :: Channel -> IO Bool
-queryTerminal fd =
-    _ccall_ isatty fd				    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    case rc of
-      -1 -> syserr "queryTerminal"
-      0  -> return False
-      1  -> return True
-data SysVar = ArgumentLimit
-            | ChildLimit
-            | ClockTick
-            | GroupLimit
-            | OpenFileLimit
-            | PosixVersion
-            | HasSavedIDs
-            | HasJobControl
-getSysVar :: SysVar -> IO Limit
-getSysVar v =
-    case v of
-      ArgumentLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_ARG_MAX''
-      ChildLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_CHILD_MAX''
-      ClockTick -> sysconf ``_SC_CLK_TCK''
-      GroupLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_NGROUPS_MAX''
-      OpenFileLimit -> sysconf ``_SC_OPEN_MAX''
-      PosixVersion -> sysconf ``_SC_VERSION''
-      HasSavedIDs -> sysconf ``_SC_SAVED_IDS''
-      HasJobControl -> sysconf ``_SC_JOB_CONTROL''
-  where
-    sysconf :: Int -> IO Limit
-    sysconf n =
-	_ccall_ sysconf n			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-        if rc /= -1 then
-            return rc
-        else
-	    failWith (NoSuchThing "no such system limit or option")
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixProcPrim.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixProcPrim.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c0a2dcd05f223d7a18de4a095fb1a55d071bb5e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixProcPrim.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,543 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibPosixProcPrim]{Haskell 1.3 POSIX Process Primitives}
-module LibPosixProcPrim (
-    Handler(..),
-    SignalSet(..),
-    Signal(..),
-    ProcessStatus(..),
-    addSignal,
-    awaitSignal,
-    backgroundRead,
-    backgroundWrite,
-    blockSignals,
-    continueProcess,
-    deleteSignal,
-    emptySignalSet,
-    executeFile,
-    exitImmediately,
-    floatingPointException,
-    forkProcess,
-    fullSignalSet,
-    getAnyProcessStatus,
-    getEnvVar,
-    getEnvironment,
-    getGroupProcessStatus,
-    getPendingSignals,
-    getProcessStatus,
-    getSignalMask,
-    illegalInstruction,
-    inSignalSet,
-    installHandler,
-    internalAbort,
-    keyboardSignal,
-    keyboardStop,
-    keyboardTermination,
-    killProcess,
-    lostConnection,
-    nullSignal,
-    openEndedPipe,
-    processStatusChanged,
-    queryStoppedChildFlag,
-    raiseSignal,
-    realTimeAlarm,
-    removeEnvVar,
-    scheduleAlarm,
-    segmentationViolation,
-    setEnvVar,
-    setEnvironment,
-    setSignalMask,
-    setStoppedChildFlag,
-    sigABRT,
-    sigALRM,
-    sigCHLD,
-    sigCONT,
-    sigFPE,
-    sigHUP,
-    sigILL,
-    sigINT,
-    sigKILL,
-    sigPIPE,
-    sigProcMask,
-    sigQUIT,
-    sigSEGV,
-    sigSTOP,
-    sigSetSize,
-    sigTERM,
-    sigTSTP,
-    sigTTIN,
-    sigTTOU,
-    sigUSR1,
-    sigUSR2,
-    signalProcess,
-    signalProcessGroup,
-    sleep,
-    softwareStop,
-    softwareTermination,
-    unBlockSignals,
-    userDefinedSignal1,
-    userDefinedSignal2,
-    ExitCode
-    ) where
-import PreludeGlaMisc
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PreludeStdIO
-import PS
-import LibPosixErr
-import LibPosixUtil
-import LibSystem(ExitCode(..))
-import LibPosixProcEnv (getProcessID)
-forkProcess :: IO (Maybe ProcessID)
-forkProcess =
-    _ccall_ fork				    `thenPrimIO` \ pid ->
-    case pid of
-      -1 -> syserr "forkProcess"
-      0  -> return Nothing
-      _  -> return (Just pid)
-executeFile :: FilePath			    -- Command
-            -> Bool			    -- Search PATH?
-            -> [String]			    -- Arguments
-            -> Maybe [(String, String)]	    -- Environment
-            -> IO ()
-executeFile path search args Nothing =
-    _packBytesForCST path			    `thenStrictlyST` \ prog ->
-    vectorize (basename path:args)		    `thenPrimIO` \ argv ->
-    (if search then
-        _casm_ ``%r = execvp(%0,(char **)%1);'' prog argv
-    else
-        _casm_ ``%r = execv(%0,(char **)%1);'' prog argv
-    )						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    syserr "executeFile"
-executeFile path search args (Just env) =
-    _packBytesForCST path			    `thenStrictlyST` \ prog ->
-    vectorize (basename path:args)		    `thenPrimIO` \ argv ->
-    vectorize (map (\ (name, val) -> name ++ ('=' : val)) env)
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ envp ->
-    (if search then
-        _casm_ ``%r = execvpe(%0,(char **)%1,(char **)%2);'' prog argv envp
-    else
-        _casm_ ``%r = execve(%0,(char **)%1,(char **)%2);'' prog argv envp
-    )						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    syserr "executeFile"
-data ProcessStatus = Exited ExitCode 
-                   | Terminated Signal 
-                   | Stopped Signal
-{- mattson -}      deriving (Eq, Ord, Text)
-getProcessStatus :: Bool -> Bool -> ProcessID -> IO (Maybe ProcessStatus)
-getProcessStatus block stopped pid = 
-    allocWords 1				    `thenPrimIO` \ wstat ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = waitpid(%0, (int *)%1, %2);'' pid wstat (waitOptions block stopped)
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ pid ->
-    case pid of
-      -1 -> syserr "getProcessStatus"
-      0  -> return Nothing
-      _  -> decipherWaitStatus wstat		    `thenPrimIO` \ ps ->
-	    return (Just ps)
-getGroupProcessStatus :: Bool 
-                      -> Bool 
-                      -> ProcessGroupID 
-                      -> IO (Maybe (ProcessID, ProcessStatus))
-getGroupProcessStatus block stopped pgid = 
-    allocWords 1				    `thenPrimIO` \ wstat ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = waitpid(%0, (int *)%1, %2);'' (-pgid) wstat (waitOptions block stopped)
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ pid ->
-    case pid of
-      -1 -> syserr "getGroupProcessStatus"
-      0  -> return Nothing
-      _  -> decipherWaitStatus wstat		    `thenPrimIO` \ ps ->
-	    return (Just (pid, ps))
-getAnyProcessStatus :: Bool -> Bool -> IO (Maybe (ProcessID, ProcessStatus))
-getAnyProcessStatus block stopped = 
-    getGroupProcessStatus block stopped 1	    `handle`
-    \ err -> syserr "getAnyProcessStatus"
-exitImmediately :: ExitCode -> IO ()
-exitImmediately exitcode = 
-    _ccall_ _exit (exitcode2Int exitcode)	    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    syserr "exitImmediately"
-  where
-    exitcode2Int ExitSuccess = 0
-    exitcode2Int (ExitFailure n) = n
-getEnvironment :: IO [(String, String)]
-getEnvironment =
-    unvectorize ``environ'' 0			    `thenPrimIO` \ env ->
-    return (map (split "") env)
-  where
-    split :: String -> String -> (String, String)
-    split x ('=' : xs) = (reverse x, xs)
-    split x (c:cs) = split (c:x) cs
-setEnvironment :: [(String, String)] -> IO ()
-setEnvironment pairs =
-    vectorize (map (\ (var,val) -> var ++ ('=' : val)) pairs)
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ env ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = setenviron((char **)%0);'' env    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "setEnvironment"
-getEnvVar :: String -> IO String
-getEnvVar name =
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ str ->
-    _ccall_ getenv str				    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-    if str == ``NULL'' then
-	failWith (NoSuchThing "no such environment variable")
-    else
-	strcpy str				    `thenPrimIO` \ env ->
-	return env
-setEnvVar :: String -> String -> IO ()
-setEnvVar name value =
-    _packBytesForCST (name ++ ('=' : value))	    `thenStrictlyST` \ str ->
-    _ccall_ setenv str				    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "setEnvVar"
-removeEnvVar :: String -> IO ()
-removeEnvVar name =
-    _packBytesForCST name			    `thenStrictlyST` \ str ->
-    _ccall_ delenv str				    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "removeEnvVar"
-type Signal = Int
-nullSignal :: Signal
-nullSignal = 0
-backgroundRead, sigTTIN :: Signal
-backgroundRead = ``SIGTTIN''
-sigTTIN = ``SIGTTIN''
-backgroundWrite, sigTTOU :: Signal
-backgroundWrite = ``SIGTTOU''
-sigTTOU = ``SIGTTOU''
-continueProcess, sigCONT :: Signal
-continueProcess = ``SIGCONT''
-sigCONT = ``SIGCONT''
-floatingPointException, sigFPE :: Signal
-floatingPointException = ``SIGFPE''
-sigFPE = ``SIGFPE''
-illegalInstruction, sigILL :: Signal
-illegalInstruction = ``SIGILL''
-sigILL = ``SIGILL''
-internalAbort, sigABRT ::Signal
-internalAbort = ``SIGABRT''
-sigABRT = ``SIGABRT''
-keyboardSignal, sigINT :: Signal
-keyboardSignal = ``SIGINT''
-sigINT = ``SIGINT''
-keyboardStop, sigTSTP :: Signal
-keyboardStop = ``SIGTSTP''
-sigTSTP = ``SIGTSTP''
-keyboardTermination, sigQUIT :: Signal
-keyboardTermination = ``SIGQUIT''
-sigQUIT = ``SIGQUIT''
-killProcess, sigKILL :: Signal
-killProcess = ``SIGKILL''
-sigKILL = ``SIGKILL''
-lostConnection, sigHUP :: Signal
-lostConnection = ``SIGHUP''
-sigHUP = ``SIGHUP''
-openEndedPipe, sigPIPE :: Signal
-openEndedPipe = ``SIGPIPE''
-sigPIPE = ``SIGPIPE''
-processStatusChanged, sigCHLD :: Signal
-processStatusChanged = ``SIGCHLD''
-sigCHLD = ``SIGCHLD''
-realTimeAlarm, sigALRM :: Signal
-realTimeAlarm = ``SIGALRM''
-sigALRM = ``SIGALRM''
-segmentationViolation, sigSEGV :: Signal
-segmentationViolation = ``SIGSEGV''
-sigSEGV = ``SIGSEGV''
-softwareStop, sigSTOP :: Signal
-softwareStop = ``SIGSTOP''
-sigSTOP = ``SIGSTOP''
-softwareTermination, sigTERM :: Signal
-softwareTermination = ``SIGTERM''
-sigTERM = ``SIGTERM''
-userDefinedSignal1, sigUSR1 :: Signal
-userDefinedSignal1 = ``SIGUSR1''
-sigUSR1 = ``SIGUSR1''
-userDefinedSignal2, sigUSR2 :: Signal
-userDefinedSignal2 = ``SIGUSR2''
-sigUSR2 = ``SIGUSR2''
-signalProcess :: Signal -> ProcessID -> IO ()
-signalProcess int pid =
-    _ccall_ kill pid int			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "signalProcess"
-raiseSignal :: Signal -> IO ()
-raiseSignal int = getProcessID >>= signalProcess int
-signalProcessGroup :: Signal -> ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
-signalProcessGroup int pgid = signalProcess int (-pgid)
-setStoppedChildFlag :: Bool -> IO Bool
-setStoppedChildFlag b = 
-    _casm_ ``%r = nocldstop; nocldstop = %0;'' x    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    return (rc == 0)
-  where
-    x = case b of {True -> 0; False -> 1}
-queryStoppedChildFlag :: IO Bool
-queryStoppedChildFlag = 
-    _casm_ ``%r = nocldstop;''			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    return (rc == 0)
-data Handler = Default 
-             | Ignore 
-             | Catch (IO ())
-type SignalSet = _ByteArray ()
-sigSetSize :: Int
-sigSetSize = ``sizeof(sigset_t)''
-emptySignalSet :: SignalSet
-emptySignalSet = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars sigSetSize			    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``(void) sigemptyset((sigset_t *)%0);'' bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () -> 
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ sigset ->
-    returnPrimIO sigset
-    )
-fullSignalSet :: SignalSet
-fullSignalSet = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars sigSetSize			    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``(void) sigfillset((sigset_t *)%0);'' bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () -> 
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ sigset ->
-    returnPrimIO sigset
-    )
-addSignal :: Signal -> SignalSet -> SignalSet
-addSignal int oldset = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars sigSetSize			    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(sigset_t *)%0 = *(sigset_t *)%1; (void) sigaddset((sigset_t *)%0, %2);'' 
-           bytes oldset int			    `thenPrimIO` \ () -> 
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ newset ->
-    returnPrimIO newset
-    )
-inSignalSet :: Signal -> SignalSet -> Bool
-inSignalSet int sigset = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = sigismember((sigset_t *)%0, %1);'' sigset int
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc -> 
-    if rc == 1 then
-	returnPrimIO True
-    else
-	returnPrimIO False
-    )
-deleteSignal :: Signal -> SignalSet -> SignalSet
-deleteSignal int oldset = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars sigSetSize			    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(sigset_t *)%0 = *(sigset_t *)%1; (void) sigdelset((sigset_t *)%0, %2);'' 
-           bytes oldset int			    `thenPrimIO` \ () -> 
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ newset ->
-    returnPrimIO newset
-    )
-installHandler :: Signal
-               -> Handler 
-               -> Maybe SignalSet	-- other signals to block
-               -> IO Handler		-- old handler
-installHandler = error "installHandler: not available for Parallel Haskell"
-installHandler int handler maybe_mask = (
-    case handler of
-      Default -> _ccall_ stg_sig_ignore int mask
-      Ignore -> _ccall_ stg_sig_default int mask
-      Catch m ->
-        makeStablePtr (wrap m)			    `thenPrimIO` \ sptr ->
-	_ccall_ stg_sig_catch int sptr mask
-    )
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc >= 0 then
-        _casm_ ``%r = (StgStablePtr) (%0);'' rc	    `thenPrimIO` \ osptr ->
-        deRefStablePtr osptr			    `thenPrimIO` \ m ->
-	return (Catch m)
-    else if rc == ``STG_SIG_DFL'' then
-	return Default
-    else if rc == ``STG_SIG_IGN'' then
-	return Ignore
-    else
-	syserr "installHandler"
-  where
-    mask = case maybe_mask of
-	     Nothing -> emptySignalSet
-             Just x -> x    
-    wrap :: IO () -> PrimIO ()
-    wrap m s =
-        case (m s) of
-	  (result, s2@(S# _)) ->
-	    case result of
-              Right ()  -> ( (), s2 )
-              Left  err -> error ("I/O error: "++shows err "\n")
-#endif {-!__PARALLEL_HASKELL__-}
-getSignalMask :: IO SignalSet
-getSignalMask = 
-    allocChars sigSetSize			    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = sigprocmask(0, NULL, (sigset_t *)%0);'' bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-        freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ sigset ->
-        return sigset
-    else
-	syserr "getSignalMask"
-sigProcMask :: String -> Int -> SignalSet -> IO SignalSet
-sigProcMask name how sigset =
-    allocChars sigSetSize			    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = sigprocmask(%0, (sigset_t *)%1, (sigset_t *)%2);'' how sigset bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-        freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ oldset ->
-        return oldset
-    else
-	syserr name
-setSignalMask :: SignalSet -> IO SignalSet
-setSignalMask = sigProcMask "setSignalMask" ``SIG_SETMASK''
-blockSignals :: SignalSet -> IO SignalSet
-blockSignals = sigProcMask "blockSignals" ``SIG_BLOCK''
-unBlockSignals :: SignalSet -> IO SignalSet
-unBlockSignals = sigProcMask "unBlockSignals" ``SIG_UNBLOCK''
-getPendingSignals :: IO SignalSet 
-getPendingSignals =
-    allocChars sigSetSize			    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = sigpending((sigset_t *)%0);'' bytes    
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-        freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ sigset ->
-        return sigset
-    else
-	syserr "getPendingSignals"
-awaitSignal :: Maybe SignalSet -> IO ()
-awaitSignal maybe_sigset =
-    pause					    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    getErrorCode				    >>= \ err ->
-    if err == interruptedOperation then
-        return ()
-    else
-	syserr "awaitSignal"
-  where
-    pause :: PrimIO ()
-    pause = 
-        case maybe_sigset of
-          Nothing -> _casm_ ``(void) pause();''
-          Just sigset -> _casm_ ``(void) sigsuspend((sigset_t *)%0);'' sigset
-scheduleAlarm :: Int -> IO Int
-scheduleAlarm (I# secs#) =
-    _ccall_ alarm (W# (int2Word# secs#))	    `thenPrimIO` \ (W# w#) ->
-    return (I# (word2Int# w#))
-sleep :: Int -> IO ()
-sleep 0 = return ()
-sleep (I# secs#) = 
-    _ccall_ sleep (W# (int2Word# secs#))	    `seqPrimIO`
-    return ()
-Local utility functions
--- Get the trailing component of a path
-basename :: String -> String
-basename "" = ""
-basename (c:cs)
-  | c == '/' = basename cs
-  | otherwise = c : basename cs
--- Convert wait options to appropriate set of flags
-waitOptions :: Bool -> Bool -> Int
---             block   stopped        
-waitOptions False False = ``WNOHANG''
-waitOptions False True  = ``(WNOHANG|WUNTRACED)''
-waitOptions True  False = 0
-waitOptions True  True  = ``WUNTRACED''
--- Turn a (ptr to a) wait status into a ProcessStatus
-decipherWaitStatus :: _MutableByteArray s x -> PrimIO ProcessStatus
-decipherWaitStatus wstat =
-    _casm_ ``%r = WIFEXITED(*(int *)%0);'' wstat    `thenPrimIO` \ exited ->
-    if exited /= 0 then
-        _casm_ ``%r = WEXITSTATUS(*(int *)%0);'' wstat
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ exitstatus ->
-        if exitstatus == 0 then
-	    returnPrimIO (Exited ExitSuccess)
-	else
-	    returnPrimIO (Exited (ExitFailure exitstatus))
-    else
-        _casm_ ``%r = WIFSIGNALED(*(int *)%0);'' wstat  
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ signalled ->
-        if signalled /= 0 then
-            _casm_ ``%r = WTERMSIG(*(int *)%0);'' wstat
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ termsig ->
-	    returnPrimIO (Terminated termsig)
-	else
-            _casm_ ``%r = WSTOPSIG(*(int *)%0);'' wstat
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ stopsig ->
-	    returnPrimIO (Stopped stopsig)
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixTTY.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixTTY.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index bfe833f5efeea3affed7c6c7df564f881cc859bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixTTY.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibPosixTTY]{Haskell 1.3 POSIX Device-Specific Functions}
-module LibPosixTTY (
-    BaudRate(..),
-    ControlCharacter(..),
-    FlowAction(..),
-    QueueSelector(..),
-    TerminalAttributes(..),
-    TerminalMode(..),
-    TerminalState(..),
-    bitsPerByte,
-    controlChar,
-    controlFlow,
-    discardData,
-    drainOutput,
-    getTerminalAttributes,
-    getTerminalProcessGroupID,
-    inputSpeed,
-    inputTime,
-    minInput,
-    outputSpeed,
-    sendBreak,
-    setTerminalAttributes,
-    setTerminalProcessGroupID,
-    terminalMode,
-    withBits,
-    withCC,
-    withInputSpeed,
-    withMinInput,
-    withMode,
-    withOutputSpeed,
-    withTime,
-    withoutCC,
-    withoutMode
-    ) where
-import PreludeGlaST
-import LibPosixUtil
-type TerminalAttributes = _ByteArray ()
-data TerminalMode = InterruptOnBreak
-                  | MapCRtoLF
-		  | IgnoreBreak
-		  | IgnoreCR
-		  | IgnoreParityErrors
-		  | MapLFtoCR
-		  | CheckParity
-		  | StripHighBit
-		  | StartStopInput
-		  | StartStopOutput
-                  | MarkParityErrors
-		  | ProcessOutput
-		  | LocalMode
-                  | ReadEnable
-                  | TwoStopBits
-                  | HangupOnClose
-                  | EnableParity
-                  | OddParity
-                  | EnableEcho
-                  | EchoErase
-                  | EchoKill
-                  | EchoLF
-                  | ProcessInput
-                  | ExtendedFunctions
-                  | KeyboardInterrupts
-                  | NoFlushOnInterrupt
-                  | BackgroundWriteInterrupt
-withoutMode :: TerminalAttributes -> TerminalMode -> TerminalAttributes
-withoutMode termios InterruptOnBreak = clearInputFlag ``BRKINT'' termios
-withoutMode termios MapCRtoLF = clearInputFlag ``ICRNL'' termios
-withoutMode termios IgnoreBreak = clearInputFlag ``IGNBRK'' termios
-withoutMode termios IgnoreCR = clearInputFlag ``IGNCR'' termios
-withoutMode termios IgnoreParityErrors = clearInputFlag ``IGNPAR'' termios
-withoutMode termios MapLFtoCR = clearInputFlag ``INLCR'' termios
-withoutMode termios CheckParity = clearInputFlag ``INPCK'' termios
-withoutMode termios StripHighBit = clearInputFlag ``ISTRIP'' termios
-withoutMode termios StartStopInput = clearInputFlag ``IXOFF'' termios
-withoutMode termios StartStopOutput = clearInputFlag ``IXON'' termios
-withoutMode termios MarkParityErrors = clearInputFlag ``PARMRK'' termios
-withoutMode termios ProcessOutput = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-	     ((struct termios *)%0)->c_oflag &= ~OPOST;'' bytes termios
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
-withoutMode termios LocalMode = clearControlFlag ``CLOCAL'' termios
-withoutMode termios ReadEnable = clearControlFlag ``CREAD'' termios
-withoutMode termios TwoStopBits = clearControlFlag ``CSTOPB'' termios
-withoutMode termios HangupOnClose = clearControlFlag ``HUPCL'' termios
-withoutMode termios EnableParity = clearControlFlag ``PARENB'' termios
-withoutMode termios OddParity = clearControlFlag ``PARODD'' termios
-withoutMode termios EnableEcho = clearLocalFlag ``ECHO'' termios
-withoutMode termios EchoErase = clearLocalFlag ``ECHOE'' termios
-withoutMode termios EchoKill = clearLocalFlag ``ECHOK'' termios
-withoutMode termios EchoLF = clearLocalFlag ``ECHONL'' termios
-withoutMode termios ProcessInput = clearLocalFlag ``ICANON'' termios
-withoutMode termios ExtendedFunctions = clearLocalFlag ``IEXTEN'' termios
-withoutMode termios KeyboardInterrupts = clearLocalFlag ``ISIG'' termios
-withoutMode termios NoFlushOnInterrupt = setLocalFlag ``NOFLSH'' termios
-withoutMode termios BackgroundWriteInterrupt = clearLocalFlag ``TOSTOP'' termios
-withMode :: TerminalAttributes -> TerminalMode -> TerminalAttributes
-withMode termios InterruptOnBreak = setInputFlag ``BRKINT'' termios
-withMode termios MapCRtoLF = setInputFlag ``ICRNL'' termios
-withMode termios IgnoreBreak = setInputFlag ``IGNBRK'' termios
-withMode termios IgnoreCR = setInputFlag ``IGNCR'' termios
-withMode termios IgnoreParityErrors = setInputFlag ``IGNPAR'' termios
-withMode termios MapLFtoCR = setInputFlag ``INLCR'' termios
-withMode termios CheckParity = setInputFlag ``INPCK'' termios
-withMode termios StripHighBit = setInputFlag ``ISTRIP'' termios
-withMode termios StartStopInput = setInputFlag ``IXOFF'' termios
-withMode termios StartStopOutput = setInputFlag ``IXON'' termios
-withMode termios MarkParityErrors = setInputFlag ``PARMRK'' termios
-withMode termios ProcessOutput = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-	     ((struct termios *)%0)->c_oflag |= OPOST;'' bytes termios
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
-withMode termios LocalMode = setControlFlag ``CLOCAL'' termios
-withMode termios ReadEnable = setControlFlag ``CREAD'' termios
-withMode termios TwoStopBits = setControlFlag ``CSTOPB'' termios
-withMode termios HangupOnClose = setControlFlag ``HUPCL'' termios
-withMode termios EnableParity = setControlFlag ``PARENB'' termios
-withMode termios OddParity = setControlFlag ``PARODD'' termios
-withMode termios EnableEcho = setLocalFlag ``ECHO'' termios
-withMode termios EchoErase = setLocalFlag ``ECHOE'' termios
-withMode termios EchoKill = setLocalFlag ``ECHOK'' termios
-withMode termios EchoLF = setLocalFlag ``ECHONL'' termios
-withMode termios ProcessInput = setLocalFlag ``ICANON'' termios
-withMode termios ExtendedFunctions = setLocalFlag ``IEXTEN'' termios
-withMode termios KeyboardInterrupts = setLocalFlag ``ISIG'' termios
-withMode termios NoFlushOnInterrupt = clearLocalFlag ``NOFLSH'' termios
-withMode termios BackgroundWriteInterrupt = setLocalFlag ``TOSTOP'' termios
-terminalMode :: TerminalMode -> TerminalAttributes -> Bool
-terminalMode InterruptOnBreak = testInputFlag ``BRKINT''
-terminalMode MapCRtoLF = testInputFlag ``ICRNL''
-terminalMode IgnoreBreak = testInputFlag ``IGNBRK''
-terminalMode IgnoreCR = testInputFlag ``IGNCR''
-terminalMode IgnoreParityErrors = testInputFlag ``IGNPAR''
-terminalMode MapLFtoCR = testInputFlag ``INLCR''
-terminalMode CheckParity = testInputFlag ``INPCK''
-terminalMode StripHighBit = testInputFlag ``ISTRIP''
-terminalMode StartStopInput = testInputFlag ``IXOFF''
-terminalMode StartStopOutput = testInputFlag ``IXON''
-terminalMode MarkParityErrors = testInputFlag ``PARMRK''
-terminalMode ProcessOutput = \ termios -> unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct termios *)%0)->c_oflag & OPOST;'' termios
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ (W# flags#) ->
-    returnPrimIO (flags# `neWord#` int2Word# 0#))
-terminalMode LocalMode = testControlFlag ``CLOCAL''
-terminalMode ReadEnable = testControlFlag ``CREAD''
-terminalMode TwoStopBits = testControlFlag ``CSTOPB''
-terminalMode HangupOnClose = testControlFlag ``HUPCL''
-terminalMode EnableParity = testControlFlag ``PARENB''
-terminalMode OddParity = testControlFlag ``PARODD''
-terminalMode EnableEcho = testLocalFlag ``ECHO''
-terminalMode EchoErase = testLocalFlag ``ECHOE''
-terminalMode EchoKill = testLocalFlag ``ECHOK''
-terminalMode EchoLF = testLocalFlag ``ECHONL''
-terminalMode ProcessInput = testLocalFlag ``ICANON''
-terminalMode ExtendedFunctions = testLocalFlag ``IEXTEN''
-terminalMode KeyboardInterrupts = testLocalFlag ``ISIG''
-terminalMode NoFlushOnInterrupt = not . testLocalFlag ``NOFLSH''
-terminalMode BackgroundWriteInterrupt = testLocalFlag ``TOSTOP''
-bitsPerByte :: TerminalAttributes -> Int
-bitsPerByte termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct termios *)%0)->c_cflag & CSIZE;'' termios
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ w ->
-    returnPrimIO (word2Bits w))
-  where
-    word2Bits :: _Word -> Int
-    word2Bits x =
-	if x == ``CS5'' then 5
-	else if x == ``CS6'' then 6
-	else if x == ``CS7'' then 7
-	else if x == ``CS8'' then 8
-	else 0
-withBits :: TerminalAttributes -> Int -> TerminalAttributes
-withBits termios bits = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-	     ((struct termios *)%0)->c_cflag = 
-             (((struct termios *)%1)->c_cflag & ~CSIZE) | %2;'' 
-	bytes termios (mask bits)		    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
-  where
-    mask :: Int -> _Word
-    mask 5 = ``CS5''
-    mask 6 = ``CS6''
-    mask 7 = ``CS7''
-    mask 8 = ``CS8''
-    mask _ = error "withBits bit value out of range [5..8]"
-data ControlCharacter = EndOfFile
-                      | EndOfLine
-                      | Erase
-                      | Interrupt
-                      | Kill
-                      | Quit
-                      | Suspend
-                      | Start
-                      | Stop
-controlChar :: TerminalAttributes -> ControlCharacter -> Maybe Char
-controlChar termios cc = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct termios *)%0)->c_cc[%1];'' termios (cc2Word cc)
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ val ->
-    if val == ``_POSIX_VDISABLE'' then
-	returnPrimIO Nothing
-    else
-	returnPrimIO (Just (chr val)))
-withCC :: TerminalAttributes 
-       -> (ControlCharacter, Char)
-       -> TerminalAttributes
-withCC termios (cc, c) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-             ((struct termios *)%0)->c_cc[%2] = %3;'' 
-	bytes termios (cc2Word cc) c		    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
-withoutCC :: TerminalAttributes 
-          -> ControlCharacter 
-          -> TerminalAttributes
-withoutCC termios cc = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-             ((struct termios *)%0)->c_cc[%2] = _POSIX_VDISABLE;'' 
-	bytes termios (cc2Word cc)		    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
-inputTime :: TerminalAttributes -> Int
-inputTime termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct termios *)%0)->c_cc[VTIME];'' termios
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ count ->
-    returnPrimIO count)
-withTime :: TerminalAttributes -> Int -> TerminalAttributes
-withTime termios time = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-             ((struct termios *)%0)->c_cc[VTIME] = %2;'' bytes termios time
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
-minInput :: TerminalAttributes -> Int
-minInput termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct termios *)%0)->c_cc[VMIN];'' termios
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ count ->
-    returnPrimIO count)
-withMinInput :: TerminalAttributes -> Int -> TerminalAttributes
-withMinInput termios count = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-             ((struct termios *)%0)->c_cc[VMIN] = %2;'' bytes termios count
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
-data BaudRate = B0 
-              | B50 
-              | B75 
-              | B110 
-              | B134 
-              | B150 
-              | B200 
-              | B300 
-              | B600
-              | B1200 
-              | B1800 
-              | B2400 
-              | B4800 
-              | B9600 
-              | B19200 
-              | B38400
-inputSpeed :: TerminalAttributes -> BaudRate
-inputSpeed termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = cfgetispeed((struct termios *)%0);'' termios
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ w ->
-    returnPrimIO (word2Baud w))
-withInputSpeed :: TerminalAttributes -> BaudRate -> TerminalAttributes
-withInputSpeed termios br = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-             cfsetispeed((struct termios *)%0, %2);'' bytes termios (baud2Word br)
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
-outputSpeed :: TerminalAttributes -> BaudRate
-outputSpeed termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = cfgetospeed((struct termios *)%0);'' termios
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ w ->
-    returnPrimIO (word2Baud w))
-withOutputSpeed :: TerminalAttributes -> BaudRate -> TerminalAttributes
-withOutputSpeed termios br = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-             cfsetospeed((struct termios *)%0, %2);'' bytes termios (baud2Word br)
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
-getTerminalAttributes :: Channel -> IO TerminalAttributes
-getTerminalAttributes fd =
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``%r = tcgetattr(%0,(struct termios *)%1);'' fd bytes
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-	return termios
-    else
-	syserr "getTerminalAttributes"
-data TerminalState = Immediately
-                   | WhenDrained 
-                   | WhenFlushed
-setTerminalAttributes :: Channel 
-                      -> TerminalAttributes 
-                      -> TerminalState
-                      -> IO ()
-setTerminalAttributes fd termios state =
-    _casm_ ``%r = tcsetattr(%0,%1,(struct termios *)%2);'' fd (state2Int state) termios
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "setTerminalAttributes"
-  where
-    state2Int :: TerminalState -> Int
-    state2Int Immediately = ``TCSANOW''
-    state2Int WhenDrained = ``TCSADRAIN''
-    state2Int WhenFlushed = ``TCSAFLUSH''
-sendBreak :: Channel -> Int -> IO ()
-sendBreak fd duration = 
-    _ccall_ tcsendbreak fd duration		    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "sendBreak"
-drainOutput :: Channel -> IO ()
-drainOutput fd = 
-    _ccall_ tcdrain fd				    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "drainOutput"
-data QueueSelector = InputQueue 
-		   | OutputQueue 
-		   | BothQueues
-discardData :: Channel -> QueueSelector -> IO ()
-discardData fd queue =
-    _ccall_ tcflush fd (queue2Int queue)	    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "discardData"
-  where
-    queue2Int :: QueueSelector -> Int
-    queue2Int InputQueue  = ``TCIFLUSH''
-    queue2Int OutputQueue = ``TCOFLUSH''
-    queue2Int BothQueues  = ``TCIOFLUSH''
-data FlowAction = SuspendOutput 
-                | RestartOutput 
-                | TransmitStop 
-                | TransmitStart
-controlFlow :: Channel -> FlowAction -> IO ()
-controlFlow fd action = 
-    _ccall_ tcflow fd (action2Int action)	    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc /= -1 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "controlFlow"
-  where
-    action2Int :: FlowAction -> Int
-    action2Int SuspendOutput = ``TCOOFF''
-    action2Int RestartOutput = ``TCOON''
-    action2Int TransmitStop  = ``TCIOFF''
-    action2Int TransmitStart = ``TCION''
-getTerminalProcessGroupID :: Channel -> IO ProcessGroupID
-getTerminalProcessGroupID fd =
-    _ccall_ tcgetpgrp fd			    `thenPrimIO` \ pgid ->
-    if pgid /= -1 then
-	return pgid
-    else
-	syserr "getTerminalProcessGroupID"
-setTerminalProcessGroupID :: Channel -> ProcessGroupID -> IO ()
-setTerminalProcessGroupID fd pgid =
-    _ccall_ tcsetpgrp fd pgid			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	return ()
-    else
-	syserr "setTerminalProcessGroupID"
-Local utility functions
--- Convert Haskell ControlCharacter to Int
-cc2Word :: ControlCharacter -> _Word
-cc2Word EndOfFile = ``VEOF''
-cc2Word EndOfLine = ``VEOL''
-cc2Word Erase     = ``VERASE''
-cc2Word Interrupt = ``VINTR''
-cc2Word Kill      = ``VKILL''
-cc2Word Quit      = ``VQUIT''
-cc2Word Suspend   = ``VSUSP''
-cc2Word Start     = ``VSTART''
-cc2Word Stop      = ``VSTOP''
--- Convert Haskell BaudRate to unsigned integral type (_Word)
-baud2Word :: BaudRate -> _Word
-baud2Word B0 = ``B0''
-baud2Word B50 = ``B50''
-baud2Word B75 = ``B75''
-baud2Word B110 = ``B110''
-baud2Word B134 = ``B134''
-baud2Word B150 = ``B150''
-baud2Word B200 = ``B200''
-baud2Word B300 = ``B300''
-baud2Word B600 = ``B600''
-baud2Word B1200 = ``B1200''
-baud2Word B1800 = ``B1800''
-baud2Word B2400 = ``B2400''
-baud2Word B4800 = ``B4800''
-baud2Word B9600 = ``B9600''
-baud2Word B19200 = ``B19200''
-baud2Word B38400 = ``B38400''
--- And convert a word back to a baud rate
--- We really need some cpp macros here.
-word2Baud :: _Word -> BaudRate
-word2Baud x =
-    if x == ``B0'' then B0
-    else if x == ``B50'' then B50
-    else if x == ``B75'' then B75
-    else if x == ``B110'' then B110
-    else if x == ``B134'' then B134
-    else if x == ``B150'' then B150
-    else if x == ``B200'' then B200
-    else if x == ``B300'' then B300
-    else if x == ``B600'' then B600
-    else if x == ``B1200'' then B1200
-    else if x == ``B1800'' then B1800
-    else if x == ``B2400'' then B2400
-    else if x == ``B4800'' then B4800
-    else if x == ``B9600'' then B9600
-    else if x == ``B19200'' then B19200
-    else if x == ``B38400'' then B38400
-    else error "unknown baud rate"
--- Clear termios i_flag
-clearInputFlag :: _Word -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
-clearInputFlag flag termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-	     ((struct termios *)%0)->c_iflag &= ~%2;'' bytes termios flag
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
--- Set termios i_flag
-setInputFlag :: _Word -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
-setInputFlag flag termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-	     ((struct termios *)%0)->c_iflag |= %2;'' bytes termios flag
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
--- Examine termios i_flag
-testInputFlag :: _Word -> TerminalAttributes -> Bool
-testInputFlag flag termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct termios *)%0)->c_iflag & %1;'' termios flag
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ (W# flags#) ->
-    returnPrimIO (flags# `neWord#` int2Word# 0#))
--- Clear termios c_flag
-clearControlFlag :: _Word -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
-clearControlFlag flag termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-	     ((struct termios *)%0)->c_cflag &= ~%2;'' bytes termios flag
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
--- Set termios c_flag
-setControlFlag :: _Word -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
-setControlFlag flag termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-	     ((struct termios *)%0)->c_cflag |= %2;'' bytes termios flag
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
--- Examine termios c_flag
-testControlFlag :: _Word -> TerminalAttributes -> Bool
-testControlFlag flag termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct termios *)%0)->c_cflag & %1;'' termios flag
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ (W# flags#) ->
-    returnPrimIO (flags# `neWord#` int2Word# 0#))
--- Clear termios l_flag
-clearLocalFlag :: _Word -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
-clearLocalFlag flag termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-	     ((struct termios *)%0)->c_lflag &= ~%2;'' bytes termios flag
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
--- Set termios l_flag
-setLocalFlag :: _Word -> TerminalAttributes -> TerminalAttributes
-setLocalFlag flag termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocChars ``sizeof(struct termios)''	    `thenStrictlyST` \ bytes ->
-    _casm_ ``*(struct termios *)%0 = *(struct termios *)%1;
-	     ((struct termios *)%0)->c_lflag |= %2;'' bytes termios flag
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze bytes				    `thenStrictlyST` \ termios ->
-    returnPrimIO termios)
--- Examine termios l_flag
-testLocalFlag :: _Word -> TerminalAttributes -> Bool
-testLocalFlag flag termios = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    _casm_ ``%r = ((struct termios *)%0)->c_iflag & %1;'' termios flag
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ (W# flags#) ->
-    returnPrimIO (flags# `neWord#` int2Word# 0#))
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixUtil.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixUtil.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 340e443255c6b776206c600627a73cd944bf046d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibPosixUtil.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibPosixUtil]{Haskell 1.3 POSIX utilities}
-module LibPosixUtil (
-    LibPosixUtil..,
-    _ByteArray,
-    _MutableByteArray,
-    _ST(..) 
-    ) where
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PS
-First, all of the major Posix data types, to avoid any recursive dependencies
-type ByteCount = Int
-type Channel = Int
-type ClockTick = Int
-type EpochTime = Int
-type FileOffset = Int
-type GroupID = Int
-type Limit = Int
-type LinkCount = Int
-type ProcessID = Int
-type ProcessGroupID = ProcessID
-type UserID = Int
-Now some local fucntions that shouldn't go outside this library.
--- Fail with a SystemError.  Normally, we do not try to re-interpret POSIX
--- error numbers, so most routines in this file will only fail with SystemError.
--- The only exceptions are (1) those routines where failure of some kind may be
--- considered ``normal''...e.g. getpwnam() for a non-existent user, or (2) those
--- routines which do not set errno.
-syserr :: String -> IO a 
-syserr = failWith . SystemError
--- Allocate a mutable array of characters with no indices.
-allocChars :: Int -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s ())
-allocChars (I# size#) (S# s#) =
-    case newCharArray# size# s# of 
-      StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# -> (_MutableByteArray bot barr#, S# s2#)
-  where
-    bot = error "allocChars{LibPosix}"
--- Allocate a mutable array of words with no indices
-allocWords :: Int -> _ST s (_MutableByteArray s ())
-allocWords (I# size#) (S# s#) =
-    case newIntArray# size# s# of 
-      StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# -> (_MutableByteArray bot barr#, S# s2#)
-  where
-    bot = error "allocWords{LibPosix}"
--- Freeze these index-free mutable arrays
-freeze :: _MutableByteArray s () -> _ST s (_ByteArray ())
-freeze (_MutableByteArray ixs arr#) (S# s#) =
-    case unsafeFreezeByteArray# arr# s# of
-      StateAndByteArray# s2# frozen# -> (_ByteArray ixs frozen#, S# s2#)
--- Copy a null-terminated string from outside the heap to 
--- Haskellized nonsense inside the heap
-strcpy :: _Addr -> PrimIO String
-strcpy str
-  | str == ``NULL'' = returnPrimIO ""
-  | otherwise =
-    _ccall_ strlen str			    `thenPrimIO` \ len ->
-    _packCBytesST len str		    `thenStrictlyST` \ ps ->
-    returnPrimIO (_unpackPS ps)
--- Turn a string list into a NULL-terminated vector of null-terminated strings
--- No indices...I hate indices.  Death to Ix.
-vectorize :: [String] -> PrimIO (_ByteArray ())
-vectorize xs =
-    allocWords (len+1)				    `thenStrictlyST` \ arr ->
-    fill arr 0 xs				    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    freeze arr					    `thenStrictlyST` \ frozen ->
-    returnPrimIO frozen
-  where
-    len :: Int
-    len = length xs
-    fill :: _MutableByteArray _RealWorld () -> Int -> [String] -> PrimIO ()
-    fill arr n [] = 
-	_casm_ ``((PP_)%0)[%1] = NULL;'' arr n
-    fill arr n (x:xs) =
-        _packBytesForCST x			    `thenStrictlyST` \ barr ->
-        _casm_ ``((PP_)%0)[%1] = (P_)%2;'' arr n barr
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-	fill arr (n+1) xs
--- Turn a NULL-terminated vector of null-terminated strings into a string list
-unvectorize :: _Addr -> Int -> PrimIO [String]
-unvectorize ptr n 
-  | str == ``NULL'' = returnPrimIO []
-  | otherwise = 
-	strcpy str				    `thenPrimIO` \ x ->
-	unvectorize ptr (n+1)			    `thenPrimIO` \ xs ->
-	returnPrimIO (x : xs)
-  where str = indexAddrOffAddr ptr n
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibSystem.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibSystem.lhs
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index 1705f847a19ee3777696d79b00664bacfbbd4a8c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibSystem.lhs
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-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibSystem]{Haskell 1.3 System Interaction}
-module LibSystem where
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PreludeIOError
-import PreludeDialogueIO  ( unpackArgv, unpackProgName )
-data ExitCode = ExitSuccess 
-	      | ExitFailure Int
-{- mattson -} deriving (Eq, Ord, Text)
-The $ExitCode$ type defines the exit codes that a program
-can return.  $ExitSuccess$ indicates successful termination;
-and $ExitFailure code$ indicates program failure
-with value {\em code}.  The exact interpretation of {\em code}
-is operating-system dependent.  In particular, some values of 
-{\em code} may be prohibited (e.g. 0 on a POSIX-compliant system).
-getArgs :: IO [String] 
-getArgs = return (unpackArgv ``prog_argv'' (``prog_argc''::Int))
-Computation $getArgs$ returns a list of the program's command
-line arguments (not including the program name).
-getProgName :: IO String
-getProgName = return (unpackProgName ``prog_argv'')
-Computation $getProgName$ returns the name of the program
-as it was invoked.
-getEnv :: String -> IO String
-getEnv name = 
-    _ccall_ getenv name				    `thenPrimIO` \ litstring ->
-    if litstring /= ``NULL'' then
-	return (_unpackPS (_packCString litstring)) -- cheaper than it looks
-    else
-	failWith (NoSuchThing ("environment variable: " ++ name))
-Computation $getEnv var$ returns the value
-of the environment variable {\em var}.  
-This computation may fail with
-\item $NoSuchThing$
-The environment variable does not exist.
-system :: String -> IO ExitCode
-system "" = failWith (InvalidArgument "null command")
-system cmd = 
-    _ccall_ systemCmd cmd			    `thenPrimIO` \ status ->
-    case status of
-        0  -> return ExitSuccess
-        -1 -> _constructError			    `thenPrimIO` \ ioError ->
-	      failWith ioError
-        n  -> return (ExitFailure n)
-Computation $system cmd$ returns the exit code
-produced when the operating system processes the command {\em cmd}.
-This computation may fail with
-\item $PermissionDenied$
-The process has insufficient privileges to perform the operation.
-\item $ResourceExhausted$
-Insufficient resources are available to perform the operation.  
-\item $UnsupportedOperation$
-The implementation does not support system calls.
-exitWith :: ExitCode -> IO a
-exitWith ExitSuccess = 
-    _ccall_ EXIT (0::Int)			    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    failWith (OtherError13 "exit should not return")
-exitWith (ExitFailure n) 
-  | n == 0 = failWith (InvalidArgument "ExitFailure 0")
-  | otherwise = 
-    _ccall_ EXIT n				    `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    failWith (OtherError13 "exit should not return")
-Computation $exitWith code$ terminates the
-program, returning {\em code} to the program's caller.
-Before it terminates, any open or semi-closed handles are first closed.
diff --git a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibTime.lhs b/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibTime.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index c6fcbd461635a7f97f6e089494d8031627f49a13..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/haskell-1.3/LibTime.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
-\section[LibTime]{Haskell 1.3 Time of Day Library}
-The {\em LibTime} library provides the functionality of "time.h",
-adapted to the Haskell environment.  It includes timezone information,
-as in System V, and follows RFC 1129 in its use of Coordinated
-Universal Time (UTC).
-module LibTime (
-	CalendarTime(..),
-	ClockTime,
-	TimeDiff(..),
-	addToClockTime,
-	diffClockTimes,
-	getClockTime,
-	toCalendarTime,
-	toUTCTime,
-	toClockTime
-    ) where
-import PreludeIOError
-import PreludeGlaST
-import PS
-import LibPosixUtil (allocWords, allocChars)
-$ClockTime$ is an abstract type, used for the internal clock time.
-Clock times may be compared, converted to strings, or converted to an
-external calendar time $CalendarTime$.
-data ClockTime = TOD Integer Integer
-                 deriving (Eq, Ord)
-When a $ClockTime$ is shown, it is converted to a string of the form
-$"Mon Nov 28 21:45:41 GMT 1994"$.
-For now, we are restricted to roughly:
-Fri Dec 13 20:45:52 1901 through Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 2038, because
-we use the C library routines based on 32 bit integers.
-instance Text ClockTime where
-    showsPrec p (TOD sec@(J# a# s# d#) nsec) = 
-        showString (unsafePerformPrimIO (
-	    allocChars 32	`thenPrimIO` \ buf ->
-	    _ccall_ showTime (I# s#) (_ByteArray (error "ClockTime.show") d#) buf
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ str ->
-            _ccall_ strlen str			    `thenPrimIO` \ len ->
-            _packCBytesST len str		    `thenStrictlyST` \ ps ->
-            returnPrimIO (_unpackPS ps)))
-    showList = _showList (showsPrec 0)
-$CalendarTime$ is a user-readable and manipulable
-representation of the internal $ClockTime$ type.  The
-numeric fields have the following ranges.
-Value         Range             Comments
------         -----             --------
-year    -maxInt .. maxInt       [Pre-Gregorian dates are inaccurate]
-mon           0 .. 11           [Jan = 0, Dec = 11]
-day           1 .. 31
-hour          0 .. 23
-min           0 .. 59
-sec           0 .. 61           [Allows for two leap seconds]
-picosec       0 .. (10^12)-1    [This could be over-precise?]
-wday          0 .. 6            [Sunday = 0, Saturday = 6]
-yday          0 .. 365          [364 in non-Leap years]
-tz       -43200 .. 43200        [Variation from UTC in seconds]
-The {\em tzname} field is the name of the time zone.  The {\em isdst}
-field indicates whether Daylight Savings Time would be in effect.
---                   year mon  day  hour min  sec  picosec wday yday tzname tz  isdst
-data CalendarTime = 
-       CalendarTime  Int  Int  Int  Int  Int  Int  Integer Int  Int  String Int Bool
-The $TimeDiff$ type records the difference between two clock times in
-a user-readable way.
---                          year mon  day  hour min  sec  picosec
-data TimeDiff    = TimeDiff Int  Int  Int  Int  Int  Int  Integer
-                   deriving (Eq,Ord)
-$getClockTime$ returns the current time in its internal representation.
-getClockTime :: IO ClockTime
-getClockTime =
-    malloc1					    `thenStrictlyST` \ i1 ->
-    malloc1					    `thenStrictlyST` \ i2 ->
-    _ccall_ getClockTime i1 i2			    `thenPrimIO` \ rc ->
-    if rc == 0 then
-	cvtUnsigned i1				    `thenStrictlyST` \ sec ->
-	cvtUnsigned i2				    `thenStrictlyST` \ nsec ->
-	return (TOD sec (nsec * 1000))
-    else
-	_constructError				    `thenPrimIO` \ ioError ->
-	failWith ioError
-  where
-    malloc1 (S# s#) =
-	case newIntArray# 1# s# of 
-          StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# -> (_MutableByteArray bot barr#, S# s2#)
-    bot = error "getClockTime"
-    -- The C routine fills in an unsigned word.  We don't have `unsigned2Integer#,'
-    -- so we freeze the data bits and use them for an MP_INT structure.  Note that
-    -- zero is still handled specially, although (J# 1# 1# (ptr to 0#)) is probably
-    -- acceptable to gmp.
-    cvtUnsigned (_MutableByteArray _ arr#) (S# s#) =
-	case readIntArray# arr# 0# s# of 
-	  StateAndInt# s2# r# ->
-            if r# ==# 0# then
-                (0, S# s2#)
-            else
-                case unsafeFreezeByteArray# arr# s2# of
-                  StateAndByteArray# s3# frozen# -> (J# 1# 1# frozen#, S# s3#)
-$addToClockTime$ {\em d} {\em t} adds a time difference {\em d} and a
-clock time {\em t} to yield a new clock time.  The difference {\em d}
-may be either positive or negative.  $diffClockTimes$ {\em t1} {\em
-t2} returns the difference between two clock times {\em t1} and {\em
-t2} as a $TimeDiff$.
-addToClockTime  :: TimeDiff  -> ClockTime -> ClockTime
-addToClockTime _ _ = error "addToClockTime unimplemented"
-diffClockTimes  :: ClockTime -> ClockTime -> TimeDiff
-diffClockTimes _ _ = error "diffClockTimes unimplemented"
-$toCalendarTime$ {\em t} converts {\em t} to a local time, modified by
-the current timezone and daylight savings time settings.  $toUTCTime$
-{\em t} converts {\em t} into UTC time.  $toClockTime$ {\em l}
-converts {\em l} into the corresponding internal $ClockTime$.  The
-{\em wday}, {\em yday}, {\em tzname}, and {\em isdst} fields are
-toCalendarTime :: ClockTime -> CalendarTime
-toCalendarTime (TOD sec@(J# a# s# d#) psec) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-    allocWords (``sizeof(struct tm)''::Int) `thenPrimIO` \ res ->
-    allocChars 32			    `thenPrimIO` \ zoneNm ->
-    _casm_ ``SETZONE((struct tm *)%0,(char *)%1); '' res zoneNm	  `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-    _ccall_ toLocalTime (I# s#) (_ByteArray (error "toCalendarTime") d#) res
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ tm ->
-    if tm == (``NULL''::_Addr) then
-	error "toCalendarTime{LibTime}: out of range"
-    else
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_sec;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ sec ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_min;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ min ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_hour;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ hour ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_mday;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ mday ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_mon;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ mon ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_year;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ year ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_wday;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ wday ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_yday;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ yday ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_isdst;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ isdst ->
-	_ccall_ ZONE tm 			    `thenPrimIO` \ zone ->
-	_ccall_ GMTOFF tm 			    `thenPrimIO` \ tz ->
-        _ccall_ strlen zone			    `thenPrimIO` \ len ->
-        _packCBytesST len zone			    `thenStrictlyST` \ tzname ->
-        returnPrimIO (CalendarTime (1900+year) mon mday hour min sec psec 
-                      wday yday (_unpackPS tzname) tz (isdst /= 0))
-    )
-toUTCTime :: ClockTime -> CalendarTime
-toUTCTime  (TOD sec@(J# a# s# d#) psec) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-	allocWords (``sizeof(struct tm)''::Int) 		    `thenPrimIO` \ res ->
-        allocChars 32			    			    `thenPrimIO` \ zoneNm ->
-        _casm_ ``SETZONE((struct tm *)%0,(char *)%1); '' res zoneNm `thenPrimIO` \ () ->
-        _ccall_ toUTCTime (I# s#) (_ByteArray (error "toCalendarTime") d#) res
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ tm ->
-    if tm == (``NULL''::_Addr) then
-	error "toUTCTime{LibTime}: out of range"
-    else
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_sec;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ sec ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_min;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ min ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_hour;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ hour ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_mday;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ mday ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_mon;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ mon ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_year;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ year ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_wday;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ wday ->
-	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_yday;'' tm
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ yday ->
-        returnPrimIO (CalendarTime (1900+year) mon mday hour min sec psec 
-                      wday yday "UTC" 0 False)
-    )
-toClockTime :: CalendarTime -> ClockTime
-toClockTime (CalendarTime year mon mday hour min sec psec wday yday tzname tz isdst) =
-    if psec < 0 || psec > 999999999999 then
-        error "toClockTime{LibTime}: picoseconds out of range"
-    else if tz < -43200 || tz > 43200 then
-        error "toClockTime{LibTime}: timezone offset out of range"
-    else
-        unsafePerformPrimIO (
-	    allocWords (``sizeof(time_t)'') `thenPrimIO` \ res ->
-	    _ccall_ toClockSec year mon mday hour min sec tz res
-						    `thenPrimIO` \ ptr@(A# ptr#) ->
-            if ptr /= ``NULL'' then
-		returnPrimIO (TOD (int2Integer# (indexIntOffAddr# ptr# 0#)) psec)
-	    else
-		error "toClockTime{LibTime}: can't perform conversion"
-        )
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Algebra.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Algebra.hs
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index 4505287efeaae8007d171aede37583277535f176..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/Algebra.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-module Algebra where
-infixl 6 +. , -.
-infixl 7 *. , /.
--- (x::A)->B is dependant functions
--- (x = y) A is equality in type A
--- For simplicity we may require decidable equality on the elements.
-class {-(Eq a) =>-} SemiGroup a where
-    (+.) :: a->a->a
---  assocAdd :: (x::a)->(y::a)->(z::a)->
---              ((a+.b)+.c = a+.(b+.c)) a
-class (SemiGroup a) => Monoid a where
-    zero :: a
---  leftZero :: (x::a) -> (zero +. x = x) a
-class (Monoid a) => Group a where
-    neg :: a->a
-    (-.) :: a->a->a
-    x -. y = x +. neg y
---  leftNeg :: (x::a) -> (neg x +. x = zero) a
-class (Group a) => AbelianGroup a
---  commAdd :: (x::a)->(y::a)-> (x+.y = y+.x) a
-class (AbelianGroup a) => Ring a where
-    (*.) :: a->a->a
---  assocMul  :: (x::a)->(y::a)->(z::a)->
---               ((a*.b)*.c = a*.(b*.c)) a
---  distrRingL :: (x::a)->(y::a)->(z::a)->
---                (x*.(y+.z) = x*.y +. x*.z)
---  distrRingR :: (x::a)->(y::a)->(z::a)->
---                ((y+.z)*.x = y*.x +. z*.x)
-class (Ring a) => UnityRing a where
-    one :: a
---  leftOne :: (x::a)->(one *. x = x) a
---  rightOne :: (x::a)->(x *. one = x) a
-class (Ring a) => CommutativeRing a
---  commMul :: (x::a)->(y::a)-> (x*.y = y*.x) a
-class (CommutativeRing a, UnityRing a) => IntegralDomain a
---  noZeroDiv :: (x::a)->(y::a)-> (  (x*.y = zero) a  ->  Either ((x=zero) a) ((y=zero) a)  )
-class (UnityRing a) => DivisionRing a where
-    inv :: a->a
-    (/.) :: a->a->a
-    x /. y = x *. inv y
---  leftinv :: (x::a) -> (inv x *. x = one) a
-class (DivisionRing a, CommutativeRing a) => Field a
--- Every finite integral domain is a field.
--- Unique Factorization Domain
-class (IntegralDomain a) => UFD a
---  every non-zero element has a unique factorization
--- Principal Ideal Domain
-class (IntegralDomain a) => PID a
---  every ideal is a principal ideal
--- [a] --
-instance SemiGroup [a] where
-    (+.) = (++)
-instance Monoid [a] where
-    zero = []
--- Bool --
-instance SemiGroup Bool where
-    (+.) = (||)
-instance Monoid Bool where
-    zero = False
-instance Group Bool where
-    neg = not
-instance AbelianGroup Bool
-instance Ring Bool where
-    (*.) = (&&)
-instance CommutativeRing Bool 
-instance UnityRing Bool where
-    one = True
-instance DivisionRing Bool where
-    inv x = x
--- Int --
-instance SemiGroup Int where
-    (+.) = (+)
-instance Monoid Int where
-    zero = 0
-instance Group Int where
-    neg = negate
-instance AbelianGroup Int
-instance Ring Int where
-    (*.) = (*)
-instance CommutativeRing Int
-instance UnityRing Int where
-    one = 1
--- Integer --
-instance SemiGroup Integer where
-    (+.) = (+)
-instance Monoid Integer where
-    zero = 0
-instance Group Integer where
-    neg = negate
-instance AbelianGroup Integer
-instance Ring Integer where
-    (*.) = (*)
-instance CommutativeRing Integer
-instance UnityRing Integer where
-    one = 1
-instance IntegralDomain Integer
--- Q --
--- A new data tupe is needed to do the instance declarations
-data Q = Q Rational {-#STRICT#-} deriving (Eq, Ord)
-instance Text Q where
-#if defined(__HBC__)
-    -- not standard
-    showsType _ = showString "Q"
-    showsPrec n (Q p) = showsPrec n p
-instance SemiGroup Q where
-    Q a +. Q b = Q (a+b)
-instance Monoid Q where
-    zero = Q 0
-instance Group Q where
-    neg (Q a) = Q (-a)
-instance AbelianGroup Q
-instance Ring Q where
-    Q a *. Q b = Q (a*b)
-instance CommutativeRing Q
-instance UnityRing Q where
-    one = Q 1
-instance IntegralDomain Q
-instance DivisionRing Q where
-    inv (Q x) = Q (recip x)
-instance Field Q
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Hash.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Hash.hs
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index 3f15571028a6da2070833fb91fc18ecf320f42a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/Hash.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-module Hash where
--- Hash a value.  Hashing produces an Int of
--- unspecified range.
-class Hashable a where
-    hash :: a -> Int
-instance Hashable Char where
-    hash x = ord x
-instance Hashable Int where
-    hash x = x
-instance Hashable Integer where
-    hash x = fromInteger x
-instance Hashable Float where
-    hash x = truncate x
-instance Hashable Double where
-    hash x = truncate x
-instance Hashable Bin where
-    hash x = 0
-#if defined(__HBC__)
-instance Hashable File where
-    hash x = 0
-instance Hashable () where
-    hash x = 0
-instance Hashable (a -> b) where
-    hash x = 0
-instance Hashable a => Hashable [a] where
-    hash l = f l 0
-	where f :: (Hashable a) => [a] -> Int -> Int
-	      f [] r = r
-	      f (c:cs) r = f cs (3*r + hash c)
-{-# SPECIALISE instance Hashable [Char] #-}
-instance (Hashable a, Hashable b) => Hashable (a,b) where
-    hash (a,b) = hash a + 3 * hash b
-instance (Hashable a, Hashable b, Hashable c) => Hashable (a,b,c) where
-    hash (a,b,c) = hash a + 3 * hash b + 5 * hash c
-instance (Hashable a, Hashable b, Hashable c, Hashable d) => Hashable (a,b,c,d) where
-    hash (a,b,c,d) = hash a + 3 * hash b + 5 * hash c + 7 * hash d
-instance (Hashable a, Hashable b, Hashable c, Hashable d, Hashable e) => Hashable (a,b,c,d,e) where
-    hash (a,b,c,d,e) = hash a + 3 * hash b + 5 * hash c + 7 * hash d + 9 * hash e
-instance Hashable Bool where
-    hash False = 0
-    hash True = 1
-instance (Integral a, Hashable a) => Hashable (Ratio a) where
-    hash x = hash (denominator x) + hash (numerator x)
-instance (RealFloat a, Hashable a) => Hashable (Complex a) where
-    hash (x :+ y) = hash x + hash y
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-instance (Hashable a, Hashable b) => Hashable (Assoc a b) where
-    hash (x := y) = hash x + hash y
-instance (Ix a) => Hashable (Array a b) where
-    hash x = 0 -- !!!
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-instance Hashable Request where
-    hash x = 0 -- !!
-instance Hashable Response where
-    hash x = 0 -- !!
-instance Hashable IOError where
-    hash x = 0 -- !!
-hashToMax maxhash x =
-    let h = hash x
-    in  if h < 0 then 
-	    if -h < 0 then 0 
-	    else (-h) `rem` maxhash
-	else h `rem` maxhash
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/ListUtil.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/ListUtil.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 985e3fce7500dfdf978676447ef8570a33040608..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/ListUtil.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-module ListUtil(assoc, concatMap, unfoldr, mapAccuml, union, intersection, chopList, assocDef, lookup, Maybe..,
-                rept, tails, groupEq, group, readListLazily, nubEq, elemEq) where
-import {-flummox mkdependHS-}
-	Maybe
-module ListUtil(assoc, concatMap, unfoldr, mapAccuml, union, intersection, chopList, assocDef, lookup, -- Maybe..,
-                rept, tails, groupEq, group, readListLazily, nubEq, elemEq) where
---import Maybe
--- Lookup an item in an association list.  Apply a function to it if it is found, otherwise return a default value.
-assoc :: (Eq c) => (a -> b) -> b -> [(c, a)] -> c -> b
-assoc f d [] x                       = d
-assoc f d ((x',y):xys) x | x' == x   = f y
-                         | otherwise = assoc f d xys x
--- Map and concatename results.
-concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
-concatMap f []	   = []
-concatMap f (x:xs) =
-	case f x of
-	[] -> concatMap f xs
-	ys -> ys ++ concatMap f xs
--- Repeatedly extract (and transform) values until a predicate hold.  Return the list of values.
-unfoldr :: (a -> (b, a)) -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> [b]
-unfoldr f p x | p x       = []
-	      | otherwise = y:unfoldr f p x'
-			      where (y, x') = f x
--- Map, but plumb a state through the map operation.
-mapAccuml :: (a -> b -> (a, c)) -> a -> [b] -> (a, [c])
-mapAccuml f s []     = (s, [])
-mapAccuml f s (x:xs) = (s'', y:ys)
-		       where (s',  y)  = f s x
-			     (s'', ys) = mapAccuml f s' xs
--- Union of sets as lists.
-union :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-union xs ys = xs ++ (ys \\ xs)
--- Intersection of sets as lists.
-intersection :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-intersection xs ys = [x | x<-xs, x `elem` ys]
---- Functions derived from those above
-chopList :: ([a] -> (b, [a])) -> [a] -> [b]
-chopList f l = unfoldr f null l
-assocDef :: (Eq a) => [(a, b)] -> b -> a -> b
---assocDef l d x = assoc id d l x
-assocDef [] d _ = d
-assocDef ((x,y):xys) d x' = if x == x' then y else assocDef xys d x'
-lookup :: (Eq a) => [(a, b)] -> a -> Maybe b
---lookup l x = assoc Just Nothing l x
-lookup [] _ = Nothing
-lookup ((x,y):xys) x' = if x == x' then Just y else lookup xys x'
--- Repeat an element n times
-rept :: (Integral a) => a -> b -> [b]
-rept n x = irept (fromIntegral n) x
-	where irept :: Int -> a -> [a]
-	      irept n x = if n <= 0 then [] else x : irept (n-1) x
--- Take all the tails
-tails :: [a] -> [[a]]
-tails []         = []
-tails xxs@(_:xs) = xxs : tails xs
--- group list elements according to an equality predicate
-groupEq :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
-groupEq eq xs = chopList f xs
-		where f xs@(x:_) = span (eq x) xs
-group :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
-group xs = groupEq (==) xs
--- Read a list lazily (in contrast with reads which requires
--- to see the ']' before returning the list.
-readListLazily :: (Text a) => String -> [a]
-readListLazily cs = 
-    case lex cs of
-      [("[",cs)] -> readl' cs
-      _          -> error "No leading '['"
-    where readl' cs  =
-                case reads cs of
-                  [(x,cs)]  -> x : readl cs
-                  []        -> error "No parse for list element"
-                  _         -> error "Ambigous parse for list element"
-          readl cs =
-                case lex cs of
-                  [("]",_)]  -> []
-                  [(",",cs)] -> readl' cs
-                  _          -> error "No ',' or ']'"
-nubEq :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
-nubEq eq l = nub' l []
-	where nub' [] _	    = []
-	      nub' (x:xs) l = if elemEq eq x l then nub' xs l else x : nub' xs (x:l)
-elemEq :: (a->a->Bool) -> a -> [a] -> Bool
-elemEq eq _ []	   = False
-elemEq eq x (y:ys) = eq x y || elemEq eq x ys
-mapFst f xys = [(f x, y) | (x, y) <- xys]
-mapSnd f xys = [(x, f y) | (x, y) <- xys]
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Miranda.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Miranda.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d863cedcc54cdcd8475aba0f7d839cfb136d846..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/Miranda.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-module Miranda(cjustify, lay, layn, limit, ljustify, merge, rep, rjustify, spaces,
-	       {-force,seq,-}sort) where
---import UnsafeDirty
-import QSort
-cjustify :: Int -> String -> String
-cjustify n s = spaces l ++ s ++ spaces r
-               where
-               m = n - length s
-               l = m `div` 2
-               r = m - l
-index :: [a] -> [Int]
-index xs = f xs 0
-		where f []     n = []
-		      f (_:xs) n = n : f xs (n+1)
-lay :: [String] -> String
-lay = concat . map (++"\n")
-layn :: [String] -> String
-layn =  concat . zipWith f [1..]
-           where
-	   f :: Int -> String -> String
-           f n x = rjustify 4 (show n) ++ ") " ++ x ++ "\n"
-limit :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a
-limit (x:y:ys) | x == y    = x
-               | otherwise = limit (y:ys)
-limit _                    = error "Miranda.limit: bad use"
-ljustify :: Int -> String -> String
-ljustify n s = s ++ spaces (n - length s)
-merge :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-merge []         ys                     = ys
-merge xs         []                     = xs
-merge xxs@(x:xs) yys@(y:ys) | x <= y    = x : merge xs  yys
-		            | otherwise = y : merge xxs ys
-rep :: Int -> b -> [b]
-rep n x = take n (repeat x)
-rjustify :: Int -> String -> String
-rjustify n s = spaces (n - length s) ++ s
-spaces :: Int -> String
-spaces 0 = ""
-spaces n = ' ' : spaces (n-1)
-arctan x = atan x
-code c = ord c
-converse f a b = flip f a b
-decode n = chr n
-digit c = isDigit c
-e :: (Floating a) => a
-e = exp 1
-entier x = floor x
-filemode f = error "Miranda.filemode"
-hd xs = head xs
-hugenum :: (Floating a) => a
-hugenum = error "hugenum" --!!!
-integer x = x == truncate x
-letter c = isAlpha c
-map2 f xs ys = zipWith f xs ys
-max2 x y = max x y
-member xs x = x `elem` xs
-min2 x y = min x y
-mkset xs = nub xs
-neg x = negate x
-numval :: (Num a) => String -> a
-numval cs = read cs
-postfix xs x = xs ++ [x]
-scan f z l = scanl f z l
---shownum !!!
---showfloat !!!
---showscaled !!!
-tinynum :: (Floating a) => a
-tinynum = error "tinynum"
-undef = error "undefined"
-zip2 xs ys = zip xs ys
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/NameSupply.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/NameSupply.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d14d225b9073bc1cd639df66fa45e14c575c9f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/NameSupply.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-module NameSupply(NameSupply, initialNameSupply, splitNameSupply, getName, listNameSupply, Name(..)
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-	, Symbol
-	) where
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-import Symbol
-type Name = Symbol
-# if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
-import PreludeGlaST
-type Name = Int
-# else
-import LMLgensym
-type Name = Int
-# endif
-data NameSupply = NameSupply Name NameSupply NameSupply
-splitNameSupply :: NameSupply -> (NameSupply,NameSupply)
-getName		:: NameSupply -> Name
-listNameSupply	:: NameSupply -> [NameSupply]
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-initialNameSupply :: IO NameSupply
-initialNameSupply :: NameSupply
-#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
-initialNameSupply = unsafePerformPrimIO mk_supply# -- GHC-specific
-  where
-    mk_supply#
-      = unsafeInterleavePrimIO (_ccall_ genSymZh)
-					    `thenPrimIO` \ u  ->
-	unsafeInterleavePrimIO mk_supply#   `thenPrimIO` \ s1 ->
-	unsafeInterleavePrimIO mk_supply#   `thenPrimIO` \ s2 ->
-	returnPrimIO (NameSupply u s1 s2)
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-initialNameSupply :: IO NameSupply
- = let
-     mk_supply =
- 	  unsafeInterleaveIO (genSymbol "NameSupply")	>>= \ sym ->
-	  unsafeInterleaveIO mk_supply			>>= \ supply1 ->
-	  unsafeInterleaveIO mk_supply			>>= \ supply2 ->
-	  return (NameSupply sym supply1 supply2)
-   in
-   mk_supply
-#if defined(__HBC__)
-initialNameSupply = gen ()
-	where gen n = NameSupply (__gensym n) (gen n) (gen n)
-splitNameSupply (NameSupply _ s1 s2) = (s1, s2)
-getName (NameSupply k _ _) = k
-listNameSupply (NameSupply _ s1 s2) = s1 : listNameSupply s2
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Native.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Native.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index a0d4d99663a94fb71fe92dfae8dc000f83a3f1a2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/Native.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
--- Native.hs -- native data conversions and I/O
--- author :  Sandra Loosemore
--- date   :  07 Jun 1994
--- Unlike in the original hbc version of this library, a Byte is a completely
--- abstract data type and not a character.  You can't read and write Bytes
--- to ordinary text files; you must use the operations defined here on
--- Native files.
--- It's guaranteed to be more efficient to read and write objects directly
--- to a file than to do the conversion to a Byte stream and read/write
--- the Byte stream.
-module Native(
-       Native(..), Bytes(..),
-       shortIntToBytes, bytesToShortInt,
-       longIntToBytes, bytesToLongInt, 
-       showB, readB
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-       , Maybe..
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-       , openInputByteFile, openOutputByteFile, closeByteFile
-       , readBFile, readBytesFromByteFile
-       , shortIntToByteFile, bytesToShortIntIO
-       , ByteFile
-       , Byte
-    ) where
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-import  {-flummox mkdependHS-}
-	Maybe
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-import NativePrims
--- these data types are completely opaque on the Haskell side.
-data Byte = Byte
-data ByteFile = ByteFile
-type Bytes = [Byte]
-instance Text(Byte) where
- showsPrec _ _ = showString "Byte"
-instance Text(ByteFile) where
- showsPrec _ _ = showString "ByteFile"
--- Byte file primitives
-openInputByteFile	:: String -> IO (ByteFile)
-openOutputByteFile	:: String -> IO (ByteFile)
-closeByteFile		:: ByteFile -> IO ()
-openInputByteFile	= primOpenInputByteFile
-openOutputByteFile	= primOpenOutputByteFile
-closeByteFile		= primCloseByteFile
-#endif {- YALE-}
-#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
-import ByteOps -- partain
-type Bytes = [Char]
-#if defined(__HBC__)
-import LMLbyteops
-type Bytes = [Char]
--- Here are the basic operations defined on the class.
-class Native a where
-    -- these are primitives
-    showBytes     :: a -> Bytes -> Bytes	        -- convert to bytes
-    readBytes     :: Bytes -> Maybe (a, Bytes)	        -- get an item and the rest
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-    showByteFile  :: a -> ByteFile -> IO ()
-    readByteFile  :: ByteFile -> IO a
-    -- these are derived
-    listShowBytes :: [a] -> Bytes -> Bytes	        -- convert a list to bytes
-    listReadBytes :: Int -> Bytes -> Maybe ([a], Bytes) -- get n items and the rest
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-    listShowByteFile :: [a] -> ByteFile -> IO ()
-    listReadByteFile :: Int -> ByteFile -> IO [a]
-    -- here are defaults for the derived methods.
-    listShowBytes []     bs = bs
-    listShowBytes (x:xs) bs = showBytes x (listShowBytes xs bs)
-    listReadBytes 0 bs = Just ([], bs)
-    listReadBytes n bs = 
-	case readBytes bs of
-	Nothing -> Nothing
-	Just (x,bs') ->
-		case listReadBytes (n-1) bs' of
-		Nothing -> Nothing
-		Just (xs,bs'') -> Just (x:xs, bs'')
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-    listShowByteFile l f =
-      foldr (\ head tail -> (showByteFile head f) >> tail)
-	    (return ())
-	    l
-    listReadByteFile 0 f =
-      return []
-    listReadByteFile n f =
-      readByteFile f     	    	>>= \ h ->
-      listReadByteFile (n - 1) f	>>= \ t ->
-      return (h:t)
-#if ! defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
--- Some utilities that Yale doesn't use
-hasNElems :: Int -> [a] -> Bool
-hasNElems 0 _      = True
-hasNElems 1 (_:_)  = True		-- speedup
-hasNElems 2 (_:_:_)  = True		-- speedup
-hasNElems 3 (_:_:_:_)  = True		-- speedup
-hasNElems 4 (_:_:_:_:_)  = True		-- speedup
-hasNElems _ []     = False
-hasNElems n (_:xs) = hasNElems (n-1) xs
-lenLong   = length (longToBytes   0 [])
-lenInt    = length (intToBytes    0 [])
-lenShort  = length (shortToBytes  0 [])
-lenFloat  = length (floatToBytes  0 [])
-lenDouble = length (doubleToBytes 0 [])
--- Basic instances, defined as primitives
-instance Native Char where
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-    showBytes		= primCharShowBytes
-    readBytes		= primCharReadBytes
-    showByteFile	= primCharShowByteFile
-    readByteFile	= primCharReadByteFile
-    showBytes	c bs = c:bs
-    readBytes [] = Nothing
-    readBytes (c:cs) = Just (c,cs)
-    listReadBytes n bs = f n bs []
-	where f 0 bs cs = Just (reverse cs, bs)
-	      f _ [] _  = Nothing
-	      f n (b:bs) cs = f (n-1::Int) bs (b:cs)
-instance Native Int where
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-    showBytes		= primIntShowBytes
-    readBytes		= primIntReadBytes
-    showByteFile	= primIntShowByteFile
-    readByteFile	= primIntReadByteFile
-    showBytes i bs = intToBytes i bs
-    readBytes bs = if hasNElems lenInt bs then Just (bytesToInt bs) else Nothing
-instance Native Float where
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-    showBytes		= primFloatShowBytes
-    readBytes		= primFloatReadBytes
-    showByteFile	= primFloatShowByteFile
-    readByteFile	= primFloatReadByteFile
-    showBytes i bs = floatToBytes i bs
-    readBytes bs = if hasNElems lenFloat bs then Just (bytesToFloat bs) else Nothing
-instance Native Double where
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-    showBytes		= primDoubleShowBytes
-    readBytes		= primDoubleReadBytes
-    showByteFile	= primDoubleShowByteFile
-    readByteFile	= primDoubleReadByteFile
-    showBytes i bs = doubleToBytes i bs
-    readBytes bs = if hasNElems lenDouble bs then Just (bytesToDouble bs) else Nothing
-instance Native Bool where
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-    showBytes		= primBoolShowBytes
-    readBytes		= primBoolReadBytes
-    showByteFile	= primBoolShowByteFile
-    readByteFile	= primBoolReadByteFile
-    showBytes b bs = if b then '\x01':bs else '\x00':bs
-    readBytes [] = Nothing
-    readBytes (c:cs) = Just(c/='\x00', cs)
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
--- Byte instances, so you can write Bytes to a ByteFile
-instance Native Byte where
-    showBytes		= (:)
-    readBytes l =
-      case l of
-	[]  -> Nothing
-	h:t -> Just(h,t)
-    showByteFile		= primByteShowByteFile
-    readByteFile		= primByteReadByteFile
--- A pair is stored as two consecutive items.
-instance (Native a, Native b) => Native (a,b) where
-    showBytes (a,b) = showBytes a . showBytes b
-    readBytes bs = readBytes bs  `thenMaybe` \(a,bs') -> 
-                   readBytes bs' `thenMaybe` \(b,bs'') ->
-                   Just ((a,b), bs'')
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-    showByteFile (a,b) f = (showByteFile a f) >> (showByteFile b f)
-    readByteFile f =
-      readByteFile f	    >>= \ a ->
-      readByteFile f	    >>= \ b ->
-      return (a,b)
--- A triple is stored as three consectutive items.
-instance (Native a, Native b, Native c) => Native (a,b,c) where
-    showBytes (a,b,c) = showBytes a . showBytes b . showBytes c
-    readBytes bs = readBytes bs  `thenMaybe` \(a,bs') -> 
-                   readBytes bs' `thenMaybe` \(b,bs'') ->
-                   readBytes bs'' `thenMaybe` \(c,bs''') ->
-                   Just ((a,b,c), bs''')
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-    showByteFile (a,b,c) f =
-      (showByteFile a f) >>
-      (showByteFile b f) >>
-      (showByteFile c f)
-    readByteFile f =
-      readByteFile f	>>= \ a ->
-      readByteFile f	>>= \ b ->
-      readByteFile f	>>= \ c ->
-      return (a,b,c)
--- A list is stored with an Int with the number of items followed by the items.
-instance (Native a) => Native [a] where
-    showBytes xs bs = showBytes (length xs) (f xs) where f [] = bs
-                                                         f (x:xs) = showBytes x (f xs)
-    readBytes bs = readBytes bs `thenMaybe` \(n,bs') ->
-                   listReadBytes n bs' `thenMaybe` \(xs, bs'') ->
-                   Just (xs, bs'')
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-    showByteFile l f = (showByteFile (length l) f) >> (listShowByteFile l f)
-    readByteFile f = readByteFile f >>= \ n -> listReadByteFile n f
--- A Maybe is stored as a Boolean possibly followed by a value
-instance (Native a) => Native (Maybe a) where
-#if !defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-    showBytes Nothing = ('\x00' :)
-    showBytes (Just x) = ('\x01' :) . showBytes x
-    readBytes ('\x00':bs) = Just (Nothing, bs)
-    readBytes ('\x01':bs) = readBytes bs `thenMaybe` \(a,bs') ->
-                            Just (Just a, bs')
-    readBytes _ = Nothing
-    showBytes (Just a) = showBytes True . showBytes a
-    showBytes Nothing  = showBytes False
-    readBytes bs =
-	readBytes bs		`thenMaybe` \ (isJust, bs') ->
-	if isJust then
-		readBytes bs'	`thenMaybe` \ (a, bs'') ->
-		Just (Just a, bs'')
-	else
-		Just (Nothing, bs')
-    showByteFile (Just a) f = showByteFile True f >> showByteFile a f
-    showByteFile Nothing  f = showByteFile False f
-    readByteFile f = 
-	readByteFile f		>>= \ isJust ->
-	if isJust then
-		readByteFile f	>>= \ a ->
-		return (Just a)
-	else
-		return Nothing
-instance (Native a, Ix a, Native b) => Native (Array a b) where
-    showBytes a = showBytes (bounds a) . showBytes (elems a)
-    readBytes bs = readBytes bs `thenMaybe` \(b, bs')->
-                   readBytes bs' `thenMaybe` \(xs, bs'')->
-		   Just (listArray b xs, bs'')
-shortIntToBytes :: Int   -> Bytes -> Bytes
-bytesToShortInt :: Bytes -> Maybe (Int, Bytes)
-longIntToBytes  :: Int   -> Bytes -> Bytes
-bytesToLongInt  :: Bytes -> Maybe (Int, Bytes)
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-shortIntToByteFile	:: Int -> ByteFile -> IO ()
-bytesToShortIntIO       :: ByteFile -> IO Int
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
--- These functions are like the primIntxx but use a "short" rather than
--- "int" representation.
-shortIntToBytes		= primShortShowBytes
-bytesToShortInt 	= primShortReadBytes
-shortIntToByteFile	= primShortShowByteFile
-bytesToShortIntIO 	= primShortReadByteFile
-#else {-! YALE-}
-shortIntToBytes s bs = shortToBytes s bs
-bytesToShortInt bs = if hasNElems lenShort bs then Just (bytesToShort bs) else Nothing
-longIntToBytes s bs = longToBytes s bs
-bytesToLongInt bs = if hasNElems lenLong bs then Just (bytesToLong bs) else Nothing
-#endif {-! YALE-}
-showB :: (Native a) => a -> Bytes
-showB x = showBytes x []
-readB :: (Native a) => Bytes -> a
-readB bs = 
-	case readBytes bs of
-	Just (x,[]) -> x
-	Just (_,_)  -> error "Native.readB data too long"
-        Nothing     -> error "Native.readB data too short"
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-readBFile :: String -> IO(Bytes)
-readBFile name =
-  openInputByteFile name >>= \ f ->
-  readBytesFromByteFile f
-readBytesFromByteFile :: ByteFile -> IO(Bytes)
-readBytesFromByteFile f =
-  try
-    (primByteReadByteFile f  >>= \ h -> 
-     readBytesFromByteFile f >>= \ t ->
-     return (h:t))
-    onEOF
- where
-   onEOF EOF = closeByteFile f >> return []
-   onEOF err = closeByteFile f >> failwith err
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Number.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Number.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 01934a750881cda7c7bb8c47bb45741a73e3889b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/Number.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-module Number(Number, isInteger) where
-data Number = I Integer | F Double
-toF (I i) = fromInteger i
-toF (F f) = f
-toI (I i) = i
-toI (F f) = round f
--- slow!!
-toN x | fromInteger i == x = I i where i = truncate x
-toN x = F x
-isInteger (I i) = True
-isInteger (F x) = fromInteger (truncate x) == x
-instance Eq Number where
-    I x == I y = x == y
-    x   == y   = toF x == toF y
-instance Ord Number where
-    I x <= I y = x <= y
-    x   <= y   = toF x <= toF y
-instance Text Number where
-    showsPrec p (I i) = showsPrec p i
---    showsPrec p (F f) | fromInteger i == f = showsPrec p i where i = truncate f
-    showsPrec p (F f) = 
-        let s = reverse (show f)
-	    s' = if 'e' `notElem` s then dropWhile (=='0') (tail s) else s
-	    s'' = if head s' == '.' then tail s' else s'
-	in  showString (reverse s'')
-    readsPrec p s = [(I i, s) | (i, s)<-readsPrec p s] ++
-                    [(F i, s) | (i, s)<-readsPrec p s]
-#if defined(__HBC__)
-    showsType _ = showString "Number"
-instance Num Number where
-    I x + I y  = I (x+y)
-    x   + y    = toN (toF x + toF y)
-    I x - I y  = I (x-y)
-    x   - y    = toN (toF x - toF y)
-    I x * I y  = I (x*y)
-    x   * y    = toN (toF x * toF y)
-    negate (I x) = I (-x)
-    negate (F x) = F (-x)
-    abs x = if x <= 0 then -x else x
-    signum x = if x <= 0 then if x==0 then 0 else -1 else 1
-    fromInteger i = I i
-instance Ix Number where
-    range (x, y) = [I i | i<-[toI x .. toI y]]
-    index (x, y) i = fromInteger (toI i - toI x)
-    inRange (x, y) i = toI x <= toI i && toI i <= toI y
-instance Integral Number where
-    quotRem (I x) (I y) = case quotRem x y of (q,r) -> (I q, I r)
-    quotRem x y = let q = truncate (x' / y')
-                      x' = toF x
-		      y' = toF y
-                  in  (I q, toN (x' - fromInteger q * y'))
-    toInteger (I i) = i
-    toInteger (F f) = round f
-instance Enum Number where
-    enumFrom (I i) = [I x | x<-[i..]]
-    enumFrom (F i) = [F x | x<-[i..]]
-    enumFromThen (I i) (I j) = [I x | x<-[i,j..]]
-    enumFromThen i j = [F x | x<-[toF i,toF j..]]
-instance Real Number where
-    toRational (I i) = i % 1
-    toRational (F f) = toRational f
-instance Fractional Number where
-    I x / I y | r == 0 = I q where (q,r) = quotRem x y
-    x / y = toN (toF x / toF y)
-    fromRational r | denominator r == 0 = I (numerator r)
-    fromRational r = toN (fromRational r)
-instance RealFrac Number where
-    properFraction (I i) = (fromInteger i, I 0)
-    properFraction (F f) = let (i,x) = properFraction f in (i, toN x)
-    truncate (I i) = fromInteger i
-    truncate (F f) = truncate f
-    round (I i) = fromInteger i
-    round (F f) = round f
-    ceiling (I i) = fromInteger i
-    ceiling (F f) = ceiling f
-    floor (I i) = fromInteger i
-    floor (F f) = floor f
-instance RealFloat Number where
-    floatRadix x = floatRadix (toF x)
-    floatDigits x = floatDigits (toF x)
-    floatRange x = floatRange (toF x)
-    decodeFloat x = decodeFloat (toF x)
-    encodeFloat m e = toN (encodeFloat m e)
-    exponent x = exponent (toF x)
-    significand x = toN (significand (toF x))
-    scaleFloat n x = toN (scaleFloat n (toF x))
-instance Floating Number where
-    pi = F pi
-    exp = toN . exp . toF
-    log = toN . log . toF
-    sqrt = toN . sqrt . toF
-    x ** y = toN (toF x ** toF y)
-    logBase x y = toN (logBase (toF x) (toF y))
-    sin = toN . sin . toF
-    cos = toN . cos . toF
-    tan = toN . tan . toF
-    asin = toN . asin . toF
-    acos = toN . acos . toF
-    atan = toN . atan . toF
-    sinh = toN . sinh . toF
-    cosh = toN . cosh . toF
-    tanh = toN . tanh . toF
-    asinh = toN . asinh . toF
-    acosh = toN . acosh . toF
-    atanh = toN . atanh . toF
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Parse.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Parse.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d8b2309f600146dd9870b4ea2ae24e24b65de746..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/Parse.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-module Parse(
-	Parser(..), (+.+), (..+), (+..), (|||), (>>>), (||!), (|!!), (.>),
-	into, lit, litp, many, many1, succeed, sepBy, count, sepBy1, testp, token, recover,
-	ParseResult, parse, sParse, simpleParse,
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-	(>>), fail
-	act, failP
-	) where
---import Trace
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-import {-flummox mkdependHS-}
-	Maybe
-	Either renaming (Left to Wrong)
-#define Wrong Left
-#if defined(__HBC__)
-import UnsafeDirty(seq)
-infixr 8 +.+ , ..+ , +..
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-infix  6 >> , `act` , >>>, `into` , .>
-infix  6 `act` , >>>, `into` , .>
-infixr 4 ||| , ||! , |!!
-#if !defined(__HBC__)
-seq x y = y --partain: a substitute
-type ErrMsg = String
-data FailAt a
-	= FailAt Int{-#STRICT#-} [ErrMsg] a		 	-- token pos, list of acceptable tokens, rest of tokens
-	deriving (Text)
-data ParseResult a b
-	= Many [(b, Int, a)] (FailAt a)				-- parse succeeded with many (>1) parses)
-	| One b Int{-#STRICT#-} a (FailAt a){-#STRICT#-}	-- parse succeeded with one parse
-	| None Bool{-#STRICT#-} (FailAt a){-#STRICT#-}		-- parse failed. The Bool indicates hard fail
-	deriving (Text)
-type Parser a b = a -> Int -> ParseResult a b
-noFail = FailAt (-1) [] (error "noFail")		-- indicates no failure yet
-updFail f (None w f')     = None w (bestFailAt f f') 
-updFail f (One c n as f') = One c n as (bestFailAt f f')
-updFail f (Many cas f')   = let r = bestFailAt f f' in seq r (Many cas r)
-bestFailAt f@(FailAt i a t) f'@(FailAt j a' _) =
-	if i > j then 
-	    f 
-	else if j > i then 
-	    f' 
-	else if i == -1 then 
-	    noFail --FailAt (-1) [] [] 
-	else 
-	    FailAt i (a ++ a') t
--- Alternative
-(|||) :: Parser a b -> Parser a b -> Parser a b
-p ||| q = \as n ->
-    case (p as n, q as n) of
-        (pr@(None True  _), _                ) -> pr
-        (pr@(None _     f), qr               ) -> updFail f qr
-	(    One b k as f , qr               ) -> Many ((b,k,as) : l') (bestFailAt f f') where (l',f') = lf qr
-	(    Many  l f    , qr               ) -> Many (        l++l') (bestFailAt f f') where (l',f') = lf qr
-    where lf (Many l f)     = (l,          f)
-	  lf (One b k as f) = ([(b,k,as)], f)
-	  lf (None _   f)   = ([],         f)
--- Alternative, but with committed choice
-(||!) :: Parser a b -> Parser a b -> Parser a b 
-p ||! q = \as n -> 
-    case (p as n, q as n) of
-        (pr@(None True  _), _                ) -> pr
-        (    None _     f , qr               ) -> updFail f qr
-	(pr               , _                ) -> pr
-process f [] [] = seq f (None False f)
-process f [(b,k,as)]  [] = seq f (One b k as f)
-process f rs [] = seq f (Many rs f)
-process f rs (w@(None True _):_) = seq f w
-process f rs (None False f':rws) = process (bestFailAt f f') rs rws
-process f rs (One b k as f':rws) = process (bestFailAt f f') (rs++[(b,k,as)]) rws
-process f rs (Many rs' f'  :rws) = process (bestFailAt f f') (rs++rs') rws
-doMany g cas f = Many [ (g c, n, as) | (c,n,as) <- cas] f
--- Sequence
-(+.+) :: Parser a b -> Parser a c -> Parser a (b,c)
-p +.+ q = 
-    \as n-> 
-    case p as n of
-	None w f -> None w f
-	One b n' as' f ->
-	    case q as' n' of
-		None w f'         -> None w (bestFailAt f f') 
-		One c n'' as'' f' -> One (b,c) n'' as'' (bestFailAt f f')
-		Many cas f'       -> doMany (\x->(b,x)) cas (bestFailAt f f')
-	Many bas f ->
-	    let rss = [ case q as' n' of { None w f -> None w f;
-					   One c n'' as'' f' -> One (b,c) n'' as'' f';
-					   Many cas f' -> doMany (\x->(b,x)) cas f'  }
-                        | (b,n',as') <- bas ]
-	    in  process f [] rss
--- Sequence, throw away first part
-(..+) :: Parser a b -> Parser a c -> Parser a c
-p ..+ q = -- p +.+ q `act` snd
-    \as n-> 
-    case p as n of
-	None w f       -> None w f
-	One _ n' as' f -> updFail f (q as' n')
-	Many bas f     -> process f [] [ q as' n' | (_,n',as') <- bas ]
--- Sequence, throw away second part
-(+..) :: Parser a b -> Parser a c -> Parser a b
-p +.. q = -- p +.+ q `act` fst
-    \as n-> 
-    case p as n of
-	None w f -> None w f
-	One b n' as' f ->
-	    case q as' n' of
-		None w f'         -> None w (bestFailAt f f')
-		One _ n'' as'' f' -> One b n'' as'' (bestFailAt f f')
-		Many cas f'       -> doMany (const b) cas (bestFailAt f f')
-        Many bas f ->
-	    let rss = [ case q as' n' of { None w f -> None w f; 
-					   One _ n'' as'' f' -> One b n'' as'' f';
-					   Many cas f' -> doMany (const b) cas f' }
-                        | (b,n',as') <- bas ]
-	    in  process f [] rss
--- Return a fixed value
-(.>) :: Parser a b -> c -> Parser a c
-p .> v =
-    \as n-> 
-    case p as n of
-      None w f        -> None w f
-      One _ n' as' f' -> One v n' as' f'
-      Many bas f      -> doMany (const v) bas f
--- Action
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-act = (>>)
-(>>) :: Parser a b -> (b->c) -> Parser a c
-p >> f = \as n-> 
-    case p as n of
-	None w f       -> None w f
-	One b n as' ff -> One (f b) n as' ff
-	Many bas ff    -> doMany f bas ff
-act :: Parser a b -> (b->c) -> Parser a c
-p `act` f = \as n-> 
-    case p as n of
-	None w f       -> None w f
-	One b n as' ff -> One (f b) n as' ff
-	Many bas ff    -> doMany f bas ff
--- Action on two items
-(>>>) :: Parser a (b,c) -> (b->c->d) -> Parser a d
-p >>> f = \as n-> 
-    case p as n of
-	None w ff          -> None w ff
-	One (b,c) n as' ff -> One (f b c) n as' ff
-	Many bas ff        -> doMany (\ (x,y)->f x y) bas ff
--- Use value
-into :: Parser a b -> (b -> Parser a c) -> Parser a c
-p `into` fq = \as n -> 
-    case p as n of
-	None w f       -> None w f
-	One b n' as' f -> updFail f (fq b as' n')
-	Many bas f     -> process f [] [ fq b as' n' | (b,n',as') <- bas ]
--- Succeeds with a value
-succeed :: b -> Parser a b
-succeed v = \as n -> One v n as noFail
--- Always fails.
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-fail :: ErrMsg -> Parser a b
-fail s = \as n -> None False (FailAt n [s] as)
-failP :: ErrMsg -> Parser a b
-failP s = \as n -> None False (FailAt n [s] as)
--- Fail completely if parsing proceeds a bit and then fails
-mustAll :: Parser a b -> Parser a b
-mustAll p = \as n->
-	case p as n of
-	None False f@(FailAt x _ _) | x/=n -> None True f
-	r -> r 
--- If first alternative gives partial parse it's a failure
-p |!! q = mustAll p ||! q
--- Kleene star
-many :: Parser a b -> Parser a [b]
-many p = p `into` (\v-> many p `act` (v:))
-     ||! succeed []
-many1 :: Parser a b -> Parser a [b]
-many1 p = p `into` (\v-> many p `act` (v:))
--- Parse an exact number of items
-count :: Parser a b -> Int -> Parser a [b]
-count p 0 = succeed []
-count p k = p +.+ count p (k-1) >>> (:)
--- Non-empty sequence of items separated by something
-sepBy1 :: Parser a b -> Parser a c -> Parser a [b]
-p `sepBy1` q = p `into` (\v-> many (q ..+ p) `act` (v:))	-- p +.+ many (q ..+ p) >>> (:)    is slower
--- Sequence of items separated by something
-sepBy :: Parser a b -> Parser a c -> Parser a [b]
-p `sepBy` q = p `sepBy1` q
-          ||! succeed []
--- Recognize a literal token
-lit :: (Eq a, Text a) => a -> Parser [a] a
-lit x = \as n ->
-	case as of
-	a:as' | a==x -> One a (n+1) as' noFail
-	_ -> None False (FailAt n [show x] as)
--- Recognize a token with a predicate
-litp :: ErrMsg -> (a->Bool) -> Parser [a] a
-litp s p = \as n->
-	case as of
-	a:as' | p a -> One a (n+1) as' noFail
-	_ -> None False (FailAt n [s] as)
--- Generic token recognizer
-token :: (a -> Either ErrMsg (b,a)) -> Parser a b
-token f = \as n->
-	case f as of
-	    Wrong s -> None False (FailAt n [s] as)
-	    Right (b, as') -> One b (n+1) as' noFail
--- Test a semantic value
-testp :: String -> (b->Bool) -> Parser a b -> Parser a b
-testp s tst p = \ as n ->
-    case p as n of
-      None w f -> None w f
-      o@(One b _ _ _) -> if tst b then o else None False (FailAt n [s] as)
-      Many bas f ->
-	case [ r | r@(b, _, _) <- bas, tst b] of
-	    [] -> None False (FailAt n [s] as)
-	    [(x,y,z)] -> One x y z f
-	    rs -> Many rs f
--- Try error recovery.
-recover :: Parser a b -> ([ErrMsg] -> a -> Maybe (a, b)) -> Parser a b
-recover p f = \ as n ->
-	case p as n of
-	    r@(None _ fa@(FailAt n ss ts)) ->
-		case f ss ts of
-		    Nothing -> r
-		    Just (a, b) -> One b (n+1) a fa
-	    r -> r
--- Parse, and check if it was ok.
-parse :: Parser a b -> a -> Either ([ErrMsg],a) [(b, a)]
-parse p as =
-	case p as 0 of
-	    None w (FailAt _ ss ts) -> Wrong (ss,ts)
-	    One b _ ts _            -> Right [(b,ts)]
-	    Many bas _              -> Right [(b,ts) | (b,_,ts) <- bas ]
-sParse :: (Text a) => Parser [a] b -> [a] -> Either String b
-sParse p as =
-	case parse p as of
-	    Wrong (ss,ts)     -> Wrong ("Parse failed at token "++pshow ts++", expected "++unwords ss++"\n")
-				  where pshow [] = "<EOF>"
-				        pshow (t:_) = show t
-	    Right ((b,[]):_)  -> Right b
-	    Right ((_,t:_):_) -> Wrong ("Parse failed at token "++show t++", expected <EOF>\n")
-simpleParse :: (Text a) => Parser [a] b -> [a] -> b
-simpleParse p as =
-	case sParse p as of
-	Wrong msg -> error msg
-	Right x -> x
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Pretty.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Pretty.hs
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index 4bf0047c8227717a38594bfcc44ab3485739843d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/Pretty.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-module Pretty(text, separate, cseparate, nest, pretty, (~.), (^.), IText(..), Context(..)) where
-infixr 8 ~.
-infixr 8 ^.
-type IText   = Context -> [String]
-type Context = (Bool,Int,Int,Int)
--- Bool		laying out in vertical context
--- Int		character left on the line before margin is reached
--- Int		maximum preferred number of significant characters on a line
--- Int		number of characters on last line, excluding leading blanks
-text :: String -> IText
-text s (v,w,m,m') = [s]
-getContext t (v,w,m,m') =
-	let tn = last t
-	    indent = length tn
-	    sig = if length t == 1
-		  then m' + indent
-		  else length (dropWhile (==' ') tn)
-	in  (False,w-indent,m,sig)
-(~.) :: IText -> IText -> IText
-d1 ~. d2 = \ c@(v,w,m,m') ->
-	let t = d1 (False,w,m,m')
-	    cx@(_,w',_,_) = getContext t c
-	    indent = w-w'
-	    tn = last t
-	    (l:ls) = d2 cx
-	in  init t ++
-	    [tn ++ l] ++
-	    map (space indent++) ls
-space :: Int -> String
-space n = [' ' | i<-[1..n]]
-(^.) :: IText -> IText -> IText
-d1 ^. d2 = \ (v,w,m,m') -> d1 (True,w,m,m') ++ d2 (True,w,m,0)
-separate :: [IText] -> IText
-separate [] _ = [""]
-separate ds c@(v,w,m,m') = 
-	let hor = joinText (text " ") ds
-	    ver = foldr1 (^.) ds
-	    t = hor c
-	in  if lengthLe t 1 && lengthLe (head t) ((w `min` (m-m')) `max` 0)
-	    then t
-	    else ver c
--- Try to put as many things as possible on each line.
--- Inefficient!
-cseparate :: [IText] -> IText
-cseparate [] _ = [""]
-cseparate ds c@(v,w,m,m') = 
-	let csep r a (d:ds) =
-		let t = joinText (text " ") (a ++ [d]) c
-		in  if lengthLe t 1 then
-			if lengthLe (head t) ((w `min` (m-m')) `max` 0) then
-			    csep r (a ++ [d]) ds
-			else
-			    csep (r++adda a) [d] ds
-		    else
-			csep (r ++ adda a ++ [d]) [] ds
-	    csep r a [] = r ++ adda a
-	    adda [] = []
-	    adda a = [joinText (text " ") a]
-	in  foldr1 (^.) (csep [] [] ds) c
-joinText t ds = foldr1 (\d1 d2 -> d1 ~. t ~. d2) ds
--- Check if the length of a list is less than n, without evaluating it completely.
-lengthLe :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
-lengthLe []     n = n >= 0
-lengthLe (_:_)  0 = False
-lengthLe (_:xs) n = lengthLe xs (n-1)
-nest :: Int -> IText -> IText
-nest n d (v,w,m,m') = 
-	if v then
-	    map (space n++) (d (v,w-n,m,if m'==0 then 0 else m'+n)) 
-	else 
-	    d (v,w,m,m')
-pretty :: Int->Int->IText->String
-pretty w m d = unlines (d (False,w,m,0))
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Printf.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Printf.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f9bb78334bf2bf8d0d90b4f332975c39bc5a064..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/Printf.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
--- A C printf like formatter.
--- Conversion specs:
---	-	left adjust
---	num	field width
---      *       as num, but taken from argument list
---	.	separates width from precision
--- Formatting characters:
--- 	c	Char, Int, Integer
---	d	Char, Int, Integer
---	o	Char, Int, Integer
---	x	Char, Int, Integer
---	u	Char, Int, Integer
---	f	Float, Double
---	g	Float, Double
---	e	Float, Double
---	s	String
-module Printf(UPrintf(..), printf) where
-#if defined(__HBC__)
-import LMLfmtf
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-import PrintfPrims
-#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
-import PreludeGlaST
-import TyArray		( _ByteArray(..) )
-data UPrintf = UChar Char | UString String | UInt Int | UInteger Integer | UFloat Float | UDouble Double
-printf :: String -> [UPrintf] -> String
-printf ""       []       = ""
-printf ""       (_:_)    = fmterr
-printf ('%':'%':cs) us   = '%':printf cs us
-printf ('%':_)  []       = argerr
-printf ('%':cs) us@(_:_) = fmt cs us
-printf (c:cs)   us       = c:printf cs us
-fmt :: String -> [UPrintf] -> String
-fmt cs us =
-	let (width, prec, ladj, zero, cs', us') = getSpecs False False cs us
-	    adjust (pre, str) = 
-		let lstr = length str
-		    lpre = length pre
-		    fill = if lstr+lpre < width then take (width-(lstr+lpre)) (repeat (if zero then '0' else ' ')) else ""
-		in  if ladj then pre ++ str ++ fill else if zero then pre ++ fill ++ str else fill ++ pre ++ str
-        in
-	case cs' of
-	[]     -> fmterr
-	c:cs'' ->
-	    case us' of
-	    []     -> argerr
-	    u:us'' ->
-		(case c of
-		'c' -> adjust ("", [chr (toint u)])
-		'd' -> adjust (fmti u)
-		'x' -> adjust ("", fmtu 16 u)
-		'o' -> adjust ("", fmtu 8  u)
-		'u' -> adjust ("", fmtu 10 u)
-#if defined __YALE_HASKELL__
-		'e' -> adjust (fmte prec (todbl u))
-		'f' -> adjust (fmtf prec (todbl u))
-		'g' -> adjust (fmtg prec (todbl u))
-		'e' -> adjust (dfmt c prec (todbl u))
-		'f' -> adjust (dfmt c prec (todbl u))
-		'g' -> adjust (dfmt c prec (todbl u))
-		's' -> adjust ("", tostr u)
-		c   -> perror ("bad formatting char " ++ [c])
-		) ++ printf cs'' us''
-fmti (UInt i)     = if i < 0 then
-			if i == -i then fmti (UInteger (toInteger i)) else ("-", itos (-i))
-		    else
-			("", itos i)
-fmti (UInteger i) = if i < 0 then ("-", itos (-i)) else ("", itos i)
-fmti (UChar c)    = fmti (UInt (ord c))
-fmti u		  = baderr
-fmtu b (UInt i)     = if i < 0 then
-			  if i == -i then itosb b (maxi - toInteger (i+1) - 1) else itosb b (maxi - toInteger (-i))
-		      else
-			  itosb b (toInteger i)
-fmtu b (UInteger i) = itosb b i
-fmtu b (UChar c)    = itosb b (toInteger (ord c))
-fmtu b u            = baderr
-maxi :: Integer
-maxi = (toInteger maxInt + 1) * 2
-toint (UInt i)     = i
-toint (UInteger i) = toInt i
-toint (UChar c)    = ord c
-toint u		   = baderr
-tostr (UString s) = s
-tostr u		  = baderr
-todbl (UDouble d)     = d
-#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
-todbl (UFloat (F# f)) = D# (float2Double# f) -- What a great system(TM) !
-todbl (UFloat f)      = fromRational (toRational f)
-todbl u		      = baderr
-itos n = 
-	if n < 10 then 
-	    [chr (ord '0' + toInt n)]
-	else
-	    let (q, r) = quotRem n 10 in
-	    itos q ++ [chr (ord '0' + toInt r)]
-chars :: Array Int Char
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-chars = array (0,15) (zipWith (:=) [0..] "0123456789abcdef")
-chars = array (0,15) (zipWith (\x y -> (x,y)) [0..] "0123456789abcdef")
-itosb :: Integer -> Integer -> String
-itosb b n = 
-	if n < b then 
-	    [chars ! fromInteger n]
-	else
-	    let (q, r) = quotRem n b in
-	    itosb b q ++ [chars ! fromInteger r]
-stoi :: Int -> String -> (Int, String)
-stoi a (c:cs) | isDigit c = stoi (a*10 + ord c - ord '0') cs
-stoi a cs                 = (a, cs)
-getSpecs :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> [UPrintf] -> (Int, Int, Bool, Bool, String, [UPrintf])
-getSpecs l z ('-':cs) us = getSpecs True z cs us
-getSpecs l z ('0':cs) us = getSpecs l True cs us
-getSpecs l z ('*':cs) us = 
-        case us of
-        [] -> argerr
-        nu : us' ->
-	    let n = toint nu
-		(p, cs'', us'') =
-		    case cs of
-                    '.':'*':r -> case us' of { [] -> argerr; pu:us'' -> (toint pu, r, us'') }
-		    '.':r     -> let (n, cs') = stoi 0 r in (n, cs', us')
-		    _         -> (-1, cs, us')
-	    in  (n, p, l, z, cs'', us'')
-getSpecs l z cs@(c:_) us | isDigit c =
-	let (n, cs') = stoi 0 cs
-	    (p, cs'') = case cs' of
-			'.':r -> stoi 0 r
-			_     -> (-1, cs')
-	in  (n, p, l, z, cs'', us)
-getSpecs l z cs       us = (0, -1, l, z, cs, us)
-#if !defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-dfmt :: Char -> Int -> Double -> (String, String)
-#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
-dfmt c{-e,f, or g-} prec d
-  = unsafePerformPrimIO (
-	newCharArray (0 :: Int, 511){-pathetic malloc-} `thenStrictlyST` \ sprintf_here ->
-	let
-	    sprintf_fmt  = "%1" ++ (if prec < 0 then "" else '.':itos prec) ++ [c]
-	in
-	_ccall_ sprintf sprintf_here sprintf_fmt d  `seqPrimIO`
-	freezeCharArray sprintf_here		    `thenST` \ (_ByteArray _ arr#) ->
-	let
-            unpack :: Int# -> [Char]
-            unpack nh = case (ord# (indexCharArray# arr# nh)) of
-		        0# -> []
-		        ch -> case (nh +# 1#) of
-			      mh -> C# (chr# ch) : unpack mh
-        in
-	returnPrimIO (
-	case (indexCharArray# arr# 0#) of
-	  '-'# -> ("-", unpack 1#)
-	  _    -> ("" , unpack 0#)
-  	)
-    )
-#if defined(__HBC__)
-dfmt c p d = 
-	case fmtf ("1" ++ (if p < 0 then "" else '.':itos p) ++ [c]) d of
-	'-':cs -> ("-", cs)
-	cs     -> ("" , cs)
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
-fmte p d =
-  case (primFmte p d) of
-    '-':cs -> ("-",cs)
-    cs     -> ("",cs)
-fmtf p d =
-  case (primFmtf p d) of
-    '-':cs -> ("-",cs)
-    cs     -> ("",cs)
-fmtg p d =
-  case (primFmtg p d) of
-    '-':cs -> ("-",cs)
-    cs     -> ("",cs)
-perror s = error ("Printf.printf: "++s)
-fmterr = perror "formatting string ended prematurely"
-argerr = perror "argument list ended prematurely"
-baderr = perror "bad argument"
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
--- This is needed because standard Haskell does not have toInt
-toInt :: Integral a => a -> Int
-toInt x = fromIntegral x
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/QSort.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/QSort.hs
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index f19eb43d246e0aa1f6d24535993037831babb823..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/QSort.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-   This module implements a sort function using a variation on
-   quicksort.  It is stable, uses no concatenation and compares
-   only with <=.
-   sortLe sorts with a given predicate
-   sort   uses the <= method
-   Author: Lennart Augustsson
-module QSort(sortLe, sort) where
-sortLe :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
-sortLe le l = qsort le   l []
-sort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
-sort      l = qsort (<=) l []
--- qsort is stable and does not concatenate.
-qsort le []     r = r
-qsort le [x]    r = x:r
-qsort le (x:xs) r = qpart le x xs [] [] r
--- qpart partitions and sorts the sublists
-qpart le x [] rlt rge r =
-    -- rlt and rge are in reverse order and must be sorted with an
-    -- anti-stable sorting
-    rqsort le rlt (x:rqsort le rge r)
-qpart le x (y:ys) rlt rge r =
-    if le x y then
-	qpart le x ys rlt (y:rge) r
-    else
-	qpart le x ys (y:rlt) rge r
--- rqsort is as qsort but anti-stable, i.e. reverses equal elements
-rqsort le []     r = r
-rqsort le [x]    r = x:r
-rqsort le (x:xs) r = rqpart le x xs [] [] r
-rqpart le x [] rle rgt r =
-    qsort le rle (x:qsort le rgt r)
-rqpart le x (y:ys) rle rgt r =
-    if le y x then
-	rqpart le x ys (y:rle) rgt r
-    else
-	rqpart le x ys rle (y:rgt) r
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Random.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Random.hs
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--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/Random.hs
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-   This module implements a (good) random number generator.
-   The June 1988 (v31 #6) issue of the Communications of the ACM has an
-   article by Pierre L'Ecuyer called, "Efficient and Portable Combined
-   Random Number Generators".  Here is the Portable Combined Generator of
-   L'Ecuyer for 32-bit computers.  It has a period of roughly 2.30584e18.
-   Transliterator: Lennart Augustsson
-module Random(randomInts, randomDoubles, normalRandomDoubles) where
--- Use seeds s1 in 1..2147483562 and s2 in 1..2147483398 to generate
--- an infinite list of random Ints.
-randomInts :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
-randomInts s1 s2 =
-    if 1 <= s1 && s1 <= 2147483562 then
-	if 1 <= s2 && s2 <= 2147483398 then
-	    rands s1 s2
-	else
-	    error "randomInts: Bad second seed."
-    else
-	error "randomInts: Bad first seed."
-rands :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
-rands s1 s2 = z' : rands s1'' s2''
-	where	z'   = if z < 1 then z + 2147483562 else z
-		z    = s1'' - s2''
-		k    = s1 `quot` 53668
-		s1'  = 40014 * (s1 - k * 53668) - k * 12211
-		s1'' = if s1' < 0 then s1' + 2147483563 else s1'
-		k'   = s2 `quot` 52774
-		s2'  = 40692 * (s2 - k' * 52774) - k' * 3791
-		s2'' = if s2' < 0 then s2' + 2147483399 else s2'
--- Same values for s1 and s2 as above, generates an infinite
--- list of Doubles uniformly distibuted in (0,1).
-randomDoubles :: Int -> Int -> [Double]
-randomDoubles s1 s2 = map (\x -> fromIntegral x * 4.6566130638969828e-10) (randomInts s1 s2)
--- The normal distribution stuff is stolen from Tim Lambert's
--- M*****a version
--- normalRandomDoubles is given two seeds and returns an infinite list of random
--- normal variates with mean 0 and variance 1.  (Box Muller method see
--- "Art of Computer Programming Vol 2")
-normalRandomDoubles :: Int -> Int -> [Double]
-normalRandomDoubles s1 s2 = boxMuller (map (\x->2*x-1) (randomDoubles s1 s2))
--- boxMuller takes a stream of uniform random numbers on [-1,1] and
--- returns a stream of normally distributed random numbers.
-boxMuller :: [Double] -> [Double]
-boxMuller (x1:x2:xs) | r <= 1    = x1*m : x2*m : rest
-                     | otherwise = rest
-				   where r = x1*x1 + x2*x2
-				         m = sqrt(-2*log r/r)
-				         rest = boxMuller xs
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/SimpleLex.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/SimpleLex.hs
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--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/SimpleLex.hs
+++ /dev/null
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--- A very simple, but useful, lexical analyser.
-module SimpleLex(simpleLex) where
-oper = "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|:~-"
--- self-delim ()[]{},;`'"_
-isalunum c = isAlphanum c || c == '_'
-simpleLex :: String -> [String]
-simpleLex "" = []
-simpleLex (' ' :cs) = simpleLex cs			-- ignore white space
-simpleLex ('\t':cs) = simpleLex cs
-simpleLex ('\n':cs) = simpleLex cs
-simpleLex ('-':cs@(c:_)) | isDigit c = 			-- negative numbers
-	let (t:ts) = simpleLex cs 
-	in  ('-':t) : ts
-simpleLex (c:cs) | isDigit c = 				-- numbers (with optional .)
-	let (nn, cs') = span isDigit cs 
-	in  case cs' of
-	    '.':cs'' -> let (d,r) = span isDigit cs'' 
-	                in  (c:nn++'.':d) : simpleLex r
-	    _ -> (c:nn) : simpleLex cs'
-simpleLex (c:cs) | isAlpha c = 				-- identifiers
-	let (nn, cs') = span isalunum cs in (c:nn) : simpleLex cs'
-simpleLex (c:cs) | c `elem` oper = 			-- operator
-	let (nn, cs') = span (`elem` oper) cs in (c:nn) : simpleLex cs'
-simpleLex (c:cs) = [c] : simpleLex cs			-- self delimiting chars
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Time.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Time.hs
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--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/Time.hs
+++ /dev/null
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-module Time(Time(..), dblToTime, timeToDbl, timeToString) where
---               year mon  day  hour min  sec  ...    wday
-data Time = Time Int  Int  Int  Int  Int  Int  Double Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Text)
-isleap :: Int -> Bool
-isleap n = n `rem` 4 == 0			-- good enough for the UNIX time span
-daysin :: Int -> Int
-daysin n = if isleap n then 366 else 365
-monthlen :: Array (Bool, Int) Int
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-monthlen = array ((False, 1), (True, 12)) (zipWith3 (\ a b c -> (a,b):=c) (repeat False) [1..] [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] ++
-					   zipWith3 (\ a b c -> (a,b):=c) (repeat True)  [1..] [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31])
-monthlen = array ((False, 1), (True, 12)) (zipWith3 (\ a b c -> ((a,b),c)) (repeat False) [1..] [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] ++
-					   zipWith3 (\ a b c -> ((a,b),c)) (repeat True)  [1..] [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31])
-dblToTime :: Double -> Time
-dblToTime d = 
-	let t = truncate d :: Int
-	    (days, rem)  = t `quotRem` (60*60*24)
-	    (hour, rem') = rem `quotRem` (60*60)
-	    (min,  sec)  = rem' `quotRem` 60
-	    wday         = (days+3) `mod` 7
-	    (year, days')= until (\ (y, d) -> d < daysin y) (\ (y, d) -> (y+1, d - daysin y)) (1970, days)
-	    (mon, day)   = until (\ (m, d) -> d < monthlen!(isleap year, m)) (\ (m, d) -> (m+1, d - monthlen!(isleap year, m))) (1, days')
-	in  Time year mon (day+1) hour min sec (d - fromInt t) wday
-timeToDbl :: Time -> Double
-timeToDbl (Time year mon day hour min sec sdec _) =
-	let year'  = year - 1970
-	    days   = year' * 365 + (year'+1) `div` 4 + 
-		     sum [monthlen!(isleap year, m) | m<-[1..mon-1]] + day - 1
-            secs   = ((days*24 + hour) * 60 + min) * 60 + sec
-        in  fromInt secs + sdec
-show2 :: Int -> String
-show2 x = [chr (x `quot` 10 + ord '0'), chr (x `rem` 10 + ord '0')]
-weekdays = ["Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"]
-timeToString :: Time -> String
-timeToString (Time year mon day hour min sec sdec wday) =
-	show  year ++ "-" ++ show2 mon ++ "-" ++ show2 day ++ " " ++
-	show2 hour ++ ":" ++ show2 min ++ ":" ++ show2 sec ++ 
-	tail (take 5 (show sdec)) ++ " " ++ weekdays!!wday
-#if defined(__YALE_HASKELL__)
--- For those of you who don't have fromInt
-fromInt = fromInteger . toInteger
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Trace.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Trace.hs
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--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/Trace.hs
+++ /dev/null
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-module Trace where
-trace x y = _trace x y
diff --git a/ghc/lib/hbc/Word.hs b/ghc/lib/hbc/Word.hs
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--- a/ghc/lib/hbc/Word.hs
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--- mimic "hbc_library" module, Word.
--- [seriously non-std Haskell here]
-module Word (
-	Bits(..),		-- class
-	Byte, Short, Word,	-- data types: abstract
-	byteToInt, shortToInt, wordToInt,
-	wordToShorts, wordToBytes, bytesToString
-    ) where
-infixl 8 `bitLsh`, `bitRsh`
-infixl 7 `bitAnd`
-infixl 6 `bitXor`
-infixl 5 `bitOr`
-class Bits a where
-	bitAnd, bitOr, bitXor :: a -> a -> a
-	bitCompl :: a -> a
-	bitRsh, bitLsh :: a -> Int -> a
-	bitSwap :: a -> a
-	bit0 :: a
-	bitSize :: a -> Int
-data Word = Word Word# deriving (Eq, Ord)
-instance Bits Word where
-	bitAnd (Word x) (Word y) = case and# x y of z -> Word z
-	bitOr  (Word x) (Word y) = case or#  x y of z -> Word z
-	bitXor (Word x) (Word y) = error "later..." -- Word (XOR x y)
-	bitCompl (Word x)        = case not# x of x' -> Word x'
-	bitLsh (Word x) (I# y)	 = case shiftL#  x y of z -> Word z
-	bitRsh (Word x) (I# y)	 = case shiftRL# x y of z -> Word z
-        bitSwap (Word x)         = --Word (OR (LSH x 16) (AND (RSH x 16) 65535))
-				   case shiftL#  x 16# of { a# ->
-				   case shiftRL# x 16# of { b# ->
-				   case and# b# (i2w 65535#) of { c# ->
-				   case or#  a# c# of  { r# ->
-				   Word r# }}}}
-	bit0                     = Word (i2w 1#)
-	bitSize (Word _)	 = 32
-w2i x = word2Int# x
-i2w x = int2Word# x
-instance Num Word where
-	Word x + Word y = case plusInt#  (w2i x) (w2i y) of z -> Word (i2w z)
-	Word x - Word y = case minusInt# (w2i x) (w2i y) of z -> Word (i2w z)
-	Word x * Word y = case timesInt# (w2i x) (w2i y) of z -> Word (i2w z)
-	negate (Word x) = case negateInt# (w2i x)  of z -> Word (i2w z)
-	fromInteger (J# a# s# d#)
-	  = case integer2Int# a# s# d# of { z# ->
-	    Word (i2w z#) }
-	fromInt (I# x) = Word (i2w x)
-instance Text Word where
-	showsPrec _ (Word w) =
-		let i = toInteger (I# (w2i w)) + (if geWord# w (i2w 0#) then 0 else  2*(toInteger maxInt + 1))
-		in  showString (conv 8 i)
-conv :: Int -> Integer -> String
-conv 0 _ = ""
-conv n i = conv (n-1) q ++ ["0123456789ABCDEF"!!r] where (q, r) = quotRem i 16
-data Short = Short Word# deriving (Eq, Ord)
-sHORTMASK x = and# x (i2w 65535#)
-instance Bits Short where
-    bitAnd (Short x) (Short y) = case and# x y of z -> Short z
-    bitOr  (Short x) (Short y) = case or#  x y of z -> Short z
-    bitXor (Short x) (Short y) = error "later..." -- Short (XOR x y)
-    bitCompl (Short x)         = case not# x of x' -> Short (sHORTMASK x')
-    bitLsh (Short x) (I# y)    = case shiftL#  x y of z -> Short (sHORTMASK z)
-    bitRsh (Short x) (I# y)    = case shiftRL# x y of z -> Short z
-    bitSwap (Short x)          = --Short (SHORTMASK(OR (LSH x 8) (AND (RSH x 8) 255)))
-				 case shiftL#  x 8# of { a# ->
-				 case shiftRL# x 8# of { b# ->
-				 case and# b# (i2w 255#) of { c# ->
-				 case or#  a# c# of  { r# ->
-				 Short (sHORTMASK r#) }}}}
-    bit0                       = Short (i2w 1#)
-    bitSize (Short _)	       = 16
-instance Num Short where
-    Short x + Short y = case plusInt#  (w2i x) (w2i y) of z -> Short (sHORTMASK (i2w z))
-    Short x - Short y = case minusInt# (w2i x) (w2i y) of z -> Short (sHORTMASK (i2w z))
-    Short x * Short y = case timesInt# (w2i x) (w2i y) of z -> Short (sHORTMASK (i2w z))
-    negate (Short x) = case negateInt# (w2i x)  of z -> Short (sHORTMASK (i2w z))
-    fromInteger (J# a# s# d#)
-      = case integer2Int# a# s# d# of { z# ->
-	Short (sHORTMASK (i2w z#)) }
-    fromInt (I# x) = Short (sHORTMASK (i2w x))
-instance Text Short where
-	showsPrec _ (Short w) =
-		let i = toInteger (I# (w2i w))
-		in  showString (conv 4 i)
---	showsType _ = showString "Short"
-data Byte = Byte Word# deriving (Eq, Ord)
-bYTEMASK x = and# x (i2w 255#)
-instance Bits Byte where
-    bitAnd (Byte x) (Byte y) = case and# x y of z -> Byte z
-    bitOr  (Byte x) (Byte y) = case or#  x y of z -> Byte z
-    bitXor (Byte x) (Byte y) = error "later..." -- Byte (XOR x y)
-    bitCompl (Byte x)         = case not# x of x' -> Byte (bYTEMASK x')
-    bitLsh (Byte x) (I# y)    = case shiftL#  x y of z -> Byte (bYTEMASK z)
-    bitRsh (Byte x) (I# y)    = case shiftRL# x y of z -> Byte z
-    bitSwap (Byte x)          = --Byte (BYTEMASK(OR (LSH x 4) (AND (RSH x 8) 15)))
-				 case shiftL#  x 4# of { a# ->
-				 case shiftRL# x 8# of { b# ->
-				 case and# b# (i2w 15#) of { c# ->
-				 case or#  a# c# of  { r# ->
-				 Byte (bYTEMASK r#) }}}}
-    bit0                       = Byte (i2w 1#)
-    bitSize (Byte _)	       = 8
-instance Num Byte where
-    Byte x + Byte y = case plusInt#  (w2i x) (w2i y) of z -> Byte (bYTEMASK (i2w z))
-    Byte x - Byte y = case minusInt# (w2i x) (w2i y) of z -> Byte (bYTEMASK (i2w z))
-    Byte x * Byte y = case timesInt# (w2i x) (w2i y) of z -> Byte (bYTEMASK (i2w z))
-    negate (Byte x) = case negateInt# (w2i x)  of z -> Byte (bYTEMASK (i2w z))
-    fromInteger (J# a# s# d#)
-      = case integer2Int# a# s# d# of { z# ->
-	Byte (bYTEMASK (i2w z#)) }
-    fromInt (I# x) = Byte (bYTEMASK (i2w x))
-instance Text Byte where
-	showsPrec _ (Byte w) =
-		let i = toInteger (I# (w2i w))
-		in  showString (conv 2 i)
---	showsType _ = showString "Byte"
-wordToShorts (Word w) = [Short (sHORTMASK(shiftRL# w 16#)), Short (sHORTMASK(w))]
-wordToBytes  (Word w) = [Byte  (bYTEMASK(shiftRL#  w 24#)), Byte  (bYTEMASK(shiftRL#  w 16#)), Byte (bYTEMASK(shiftRL#  w 8#)), Byte (bYTEMASK(w))]
-bytesToString :: [Byte] -> String
-bytesToString bs = map (\ (Byte b) -> chr (I# (w2i b))) bs
-stringToBytes :: String -> [Byte]
-stringToBytes cs = map (\c -> Byte (case ord c of {I# i -> bYTEMASK (i2w i)})) cs
-wordToInt :: Word -> Int
-wordToInt (Word w) = I# (w2i w)
-shortToInt :: Short -> Int
-shortToInt (Short w) = I# (w2i w)
-byteToInt :: Byte -> Int
-byteToInt (Byte w) = I# (w2i w)