diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs
index cd0ec9bcc87a5d576a619df87109fc5860995a9f..669be86bdd6f833147c7bfc50c2c8bc649b1dec6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/MkId.lhs
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module MkId (
+	mkNewTySelId,
     ) where
@@ -240,6 +241,40 @@ mkRecordSelId field_label selector_ty
+%*									*
+\subsection{Newtype field selectors}
+%*									*
+Possibly overkill to do it this way:
+mkNewTySelId field_label selector_ty = sel_id
+  where
+    sel_id = mkId (fieldLabelName field_label) selector_ty
+		  (RecordSelId field_label) info
+    info = exactArity 1	`setArityInfo` (
+	   unfolding	`setUnfoldingInfo`
+	   noIdInfo)
+	-- ToDo: consider adding further IdInfo
+    unfolding = mkUnfolding sel_rhs
+    (tyvars, theta, tau)  = splitSigmaTy selector_ty
+    (data_ty,rhs_ty)      = expectJust "StdIdInfoRec" (splitFunTy_maybe tau)
+					-- tau is of form (T a b c -> field-type)
+    (tycon, _, data_cons) = splitAlgTyConApp data_ty
+    tyvar_tys	          = mkTyVarTys tyvars
+    [data_id] = mkTemplateLocals [data_ty]
+    sel_rhs   = mkLams tyvars $ Lam data_id $
+		Note (Coerce rhs_ty data_ty) (Var data_id)
 %*									*
 \subsection{Dictionary selectors}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hi-boot b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hi-boot
index 24b358b113f2735e33bab9f606123767db80de7c..8c578f319eccd48722f8f9115e1379c33ff5881a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hi-boot
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.hi-boot
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ _exports_
 Name Name;
 1 data Name;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs
index f17156c09b5aceab6015168a6537ccf8652d9c2f..4ecd069360b90634324d1d0b36fd434e400528fb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/OccName.lhs
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module OccName (
  	mkClassTyConOcc, mkClassDataConOcc,
 	isTvOcc, isTCOcc, isVarOcc, isConSymOcc, isConOcc, isSymOcc,
+	isWildCardOcc, isAnonOcc, 
 	pprOccName, occNameString, occNameFlavour, 
 	-- The basic form of names
@@ -390,7 +391,7 @@ occNameFlavour (OccName TvOcc _ _ _)		     = "Type variable"
 occNameFlavour (OccName TCOcc s _ _)  		     = "Type constructor or class"
 isVarOcc, isTCOcc, isTvOcc,
- isConSymOcc, isSymOcc :: OccName -> Bool
+ isConSymOcc, isSymOcc, isWildCardOcc :: OccName -> Bool
 isVarOcc (OccName VarOcc _ _ _) = True
 isVarOcc other                  = False
@@ -406,6 +407,10 @@ isConSymOcc (OccName _ s _ _) = isLexConSym s
 isSymOcc (OccName _ s _ _) = isLexSym s
 isConOcc (OccName _ s _ _) = isLexCon s
+isWildCardOcc (OccName _ s _ _) = (_HEAD_ s) == '_' && _LENGTH_ s == 1 
+isAnonOcc (OccName _ s _ _) = (_HEAD_ s) == '_'
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
index d91bf45e56b4cc1b41671583f2c9cde6f74422ff..f518899db67a8cf9e615b975a0f508395c9368e2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
@@ -49,11 +49,13 @@ module Unique (
+	bindIOIdKey,
+	byteArrayTyConKey,
@@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ module Unique (
+	deRefStablePtrIdKey,
@@ -73,6 +76,7 @@ module Unique (
+	failMClassOpKey,
@@ -83,7 +87,6 @@ module Unique (
-	weakPrimTyConKey,
@@ -117,13 +120,14 @@ module Unique (
+	makeStablePtrIdKey,
-	monadZeroClassKey,
+	mutableByteArrayTyConKey,
@@ -169,6 +173,7 @@ module Unique (
+	unboundKey,
@@ -176,8 +181,7 @@ module Unique (
-	voidIdKey,
-	voidTyConKey,
+	weakPrimTyConKey,
@@ -190,14 +194,7 @@ module Unique (
-	zeroClassOpKey,
-	zipIdKey,
-	bindIOIdKey,
-	deRefStablePtrIdKey,
-	makeStablePtrIdKey,
-	unboundKey,
-	byteArrayTyConKey,
-	mutableByteArrayTyConKey
+	zipIdKey
     ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -464,21 +461,20 @@ floatingClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 5
 fractionalClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 6 
 integralClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 7 
 monadClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 8 
-monadZeroClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 9 
-monadPlusClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 10
-functorClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 11
-numClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 12
-ordClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 13
-readClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 14
-realClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 15
-realFloatClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 16
-realFracClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 17
-showClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 18
+monadPlusClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 9
+functorClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 10
+numClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 11
+ordClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 12
+readClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 13
+realClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 14
+realFloatClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 15
+realFracClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 16
+showClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 17
-cCallableClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 19
-cReturnableClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 20
+cCallableClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 18
+cReturnableClassKey	= mkPreludeClassUnique 19
-ixClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 21
+ixClassKey		= mkPreludeClassUnique 20
@@ -534,14 +530,13 @@ word16TyConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 60
 word32TyConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 61
 word64PrimTyConKey			= mkPreludeTyConUnique 62
 word64TyConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 63
-voidTyConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 64
-boxedConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 65
-unboxedConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 66
-anyBoxConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 67
-kindConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 68
-boxityConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 69
-typeConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 70
-threadIdPrimTyConKey			= mkPreludeTyConUnique 71
+boxedConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 64
+unboxedConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 65
+anyBoxConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 66
+kindConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 67
+boxityConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 68
+typeConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 69
+threadIdPrimTyConKey			= mkPreludeTyConUnique 70
@@ -615,15 +610,14 @@ unpackCString2IdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 27
 unpackCStringAppendIdKey      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 28
 unpackCStringFoldrIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 29
 unpackCStringIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 30
-voidIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 31
-ushowListIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 32
-unsafeCoerceIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 33
-concatIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 34
-filterIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 35
-zipIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 36
-bindIOIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 37
-deRefStablePtrIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 38
-makeStablePtrIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 39
+ushowListIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 31
+unsafeCoerceIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 32
+concatIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 33
+filterIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 34
+zipIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 35
+bindIOIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 36
+deRefStablePtrIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 37
+makeStablePtrIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 38
 Certain class operations from Prelude classes.  They get their own
@@ -641,7 +635,7 @@ enumFromToClassOpKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 107
 enumFromThenToClassOpKey      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 108
 eqClassOpKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 109
 geClassOpKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 110
-zeroClassOpKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 112
+failMClassOpKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 112
 thenMClassOpKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 113 -- (>>=)
 	-- Just a place holder for  unbound variables  produced by the renamer:
 unboundKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 114 
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
index 3cc58a675d20b1c7ed5d57920df16e411438fec8..ddf179dffef65d797ed86032a6f8c9435455d47b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 % (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1998
-% $Id: CgExpr.lhs,v 1.18 1998/12/22 12:55:55 simonm Exp $
+% $Id: CgExpr.lhs,v 1.19 1999/01/14 17:58:46 sof Exp $
 %*							*
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Constants	( mAX_SPEC_SELECTEE_SIZE, mAX_SPEC_AP_SIZE )
 import StgSyn
 import CgMonad
 import AbsCSyn
+import AbsCUtils	( mkAbstractCs )
 import CLabel		( mkClosureTblLabel )
 import SMRep		( fixedHdrSize )
@@ -423,15 +424,29 @@ Little helper for primitives that return unboxed tuples.
 primRetUnboxedTuple :: PrimOp -> [StgArg] -> Type -> Code
 primRetUnboxedTuple op args res_ty
-  = let (tc,ty_args) = case splitTyConAppThroughNewTypes res_ty of
-			  Nothing -> pprPanic "primRetUnboxedTuple" (ppr res_ty)
-			  Just pr -> pr
-	prim_reps         = map typePrimRep ty_args
-	temp_uniqs        = map mkBuiltinUnique [0..length ty_args]
-	temp_amodes       = zipWith CTemp temp_uniqs prim_reps
+  = getArgAmodes args	    `thenFC` \ arg_amodes ->
+    {-
+      put all the arguments in temporaries so they don't get stomped when
+      we push the return address.
+    -}
+    let
+      n_args		  = length args
+      arg_uniqs	          = map mkBuiltinUnique [0 .. n_args-1]
+      arg_reps		  = map getArgPrimRep args
+      arg_temps		  = zipWith CTemp arg_uniqs arg_reps
+    in
+    absC (mkAbstractCs (zipWith CAssign arg_temps arg_amodes)) `thenC`
+    {-
+      allocate some temporaries for the return values.
+    -}
+    let
+      (tc,ty_args)      = case splitTyConAppThroughNewTypes res_ty of
+			    Nothing -> pprPanic "primRetUnboxedTuple" (ppr res_ty)
+			    Just pr -> pr
+      prim_reps          = map typePrimRep ty_args
+      temp_uniqs         = map mkBuiltinUnique [ n_args .. n_args + length ty_args - 1]
+      temp_amodes        = zipWith CTemp temp_uniqs prim_reps
-    returnUnboxedTuple temp_amodes 
-	(getArgAmodes args  `thenFC` \ arg_amodes ->		
-	 absC (COpStmt temp_amodes op arg_amodes []))
+    returnUnboxedTuple temp_amodes (absC (COpStmt temp_amodes op arg_temps []))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hi-boot b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hi-boot
index 55e849c009b0e1a653068ed83068efc30c50877c..2a163faf5f660d16987cfbf14d71c4c29217eab6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hi-boot
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.hi-boot
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ DsExpr dsExpr dsLet;
 1 dsExpr _:_ TcHsSyn.TypecheckedHsExpr -> DsMonad.DsM CoreSyn.CoreExpr ;;
 1 dsLet  _:_ TcHsSyn.TypecheckedHsBinds -> CoreSyn.CoreExpr -> DsMonad.DsM CoreSyn.CoreExpr ;;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
index 6d4998110d4739f4e22f2991917725fd938ca32f..afdf16641fce541874577f8242ae1e0289bf3d5c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import FieldLabel	( FieldLabel )
 import Id		( Id, idType, recordSelectorFieldLabel )
 import Const		( Con(..) )
 import DataCon		( DataCon, dataConId, dataConTyCon, dataConArgTys, dataConFieldLabels )
-import Const		( mkMachInt, Literal(..) )
+import Const		( mkMachInt, Literal(..), mkStrLit )
 import TyCon		( isNewTyCon )
 import DataCon		( isExistentialDataCon )
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ dsExpr (HsLet binds body)
   = dsExpr body		`thenDs` \ body' ->
     dsLet binds body'
-dsExpr (HsDoOut do_or_lc stmts return_id then_id zero_id result_ty src_loc)
+dsExpr (HsDoOut do_or_lc stmts return_id then_id fail_id result_ty src_loc)
   | maybeToBool maybe_list_comp
   =	-- Special case for list comprehensions
     putSrcLocDs src_loc $
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ dsExpr (HsDoOut do_or_lc stmts return_id then_id zero_id result_ty src_loc)
   | otherwise
   = putSrcLocDs src_loc $
-    dsDo do_or_lc stmts return_id then_id zero_id result_ty
+    dsDo do_or_lc stmts return_id then_id fail_id result_ty
 	= case (do_or_lc, splitTyConApp_maybe result_ty) of
@@ -563,7 +563,6 @@ dsExpr (DictApp expr dicts)	-- becomes a curried application
 #ifdef DEBUG
 -- HsSyn constructs that just shouldn't be here:
 dsExpr (HsDo _ _ _)	    = panic "dsExpr:HsDo"
@@ -585,11 +584,11 @@ dsDo	:: StmtCtxt
 	-> [TypecheckedStmt]
 	-> Id		-- id for: return m
 	-> Id		-- id for: (>>=) m
-	-> Id		-- id for: zero m
+	-> Id		-- id for: fail m
 	-> Type		-- Element type; the whole expression has type (m t)
 	-> DsM CoreExpr
-dsDo do_or_lc stmts return_id then_id zero_id result_ty
+dsDo do_or_lc stmts return_id then_id fail_id result_ty
   = let
 	(_, b_ty) = splitAppTy result_ty	-- result_ty must be of the form (m b)
@@ -600,7 +599,12 @@ dsDo do_or_lc stmts return_id then_id zero_id result_ty
 	go (GuardStmt expr locn : stmts)
 	  = do_expr expr locn			`thenDs` \ expr2 ->
 	    go stmts				`thenDs` \ rest ->
-	    returnDs (mkIfThenElse expr2 rest (App (Var zero_id) (Type b_ty)))
+	    let msg = "Pattern match failure in do expression, " ++ showSDoc (ppr locn) in
+	    returnDs (mkIfThenElse expr2 
+				   rest 
+				   (App (App (Var fail_id) 
+					     (Type b_ty))
+					     (mkLit (mkStrLit msg stringTy))))
 	go (ExprStmt expr locn : stmts)
 	  = do_expr expr locn		`thenDs` \ expr2 ->
@@ -624,13 +628,17 @@ dsDo do_or_lc stmts return_id then_id zero_id result_ty
 	    dsExpr expr 	   `thenDs` \ expr2 ->
 		(_, a_ty)  = splitAppTy (coreExprType expr2)	-- Must be of form (m a)
-		zero_expr  = TyApp (HsVar zero_id) [b_ty]
-		main_match = mkSimpleMatch [pat] (HsDoOut do_or_lc stmts return_id then_id zero_id result_ty locn)
+		fail_expr  = HsApp (TyApp (HsVar fail_id) [b_ty]) (HsLitOut (HsString (_PK_ msg)) stringTy)
+	        msg = "Pattern match failure in do expression, " ++ showSDoc (ppr locn)
+		main_match = mkSimpleMatch [pat] 
+					   (HsDoOut do_or_lc stmts return_id then_id fail_id result_ty locn)
 					   (Just result_ty) locn
-		  = if failureFreePat pat
-		    then [main_match]
-		    else [main_match, mkSimpleMatch [WildPat a_ty] zero_expr (Just result_ty) locn]
+		  | failureFreePat pat = [main_match]
+		  | otherwise	       =
+		      [ main_match
+		      , mkSimpleMatch [WildPat a_ty] fail_expr (Just result_ty) locn
+		      ]
 	    matchWrapper DoBindMatch the_matches match_msg
 				`thenDs` \ (binders, matching_code) ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
index 2e10554ccc765ae331b23ee77008a1521f6543f8..2811ee6ca514ef6a4a48f19b5e8f5b9276bef488 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
@@ -276,8 +276,9 @@ data ConDetails name
   | RecCon			-- record-style con decl
 		[([name], BangType name)]	-- list of "fields"
-  | NewCon	 		-- newtype con decl
+  | NewCon	 		-- newtype con decl, possibly with a labelled field.
 		(HsType name)
+		(Maybe name)	-- Just x => labelled field 'x'
 data BangType name
   = Banged   (HsType name)	-- HsType: to allow Haskell extensions
@@ -295,9 +296,14 @@ ppr_con_details con (InfixCon ty1 ty2)
 ppr_con_details con (VanillaCon tys)
   = ppr con <+> hsep (map (ppr_bang) tys)
-ppr_con_details con (NewCon ty)
+ppr_con_details con (NewCon ty Nothing)
   = ppr con <+> pprParendHsType ty
+ppr_con_details con (NewCon ty (Just x))
+  = ppr con <+> braces pp_field 
+   where
+    pp_field = ppr x <+> dcolon <+> pprParendHsType ty
 ppr_con_details con (RecCon fields)
   = ppr con <+> braces (hsep (punctuate comma (map ppr_field fields)))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hi-boot b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hi-boot
index 64b4a2fc978aaa500a644b1b56f4c21b9b53f81d..dd003096b7fcb37573ce567dac55a65e43dea599 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hi-boot
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.hi-boot
@@ -4,3 +4,4 @@ HsExpr HsExpr pprExpr;
 1 data HsExpr i p;
 1 pprExpr _:_ _forall_ [i p] {Name.NamedThing i, Outputable.Outputable i, Outputable.Outputable p} => HsExpr.HsExpr i p -> Outputable.SDoc ;;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/constr.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/constr.ugn
index 7894455ac392023c0fe81f0c3298c289dd430be8..5d678c86980488e4dc37a2853d4c3802f61e832d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/constr.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/constr.ugn
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ type constr;
 	/* constr in simple "newtype" form: */
 	constrnew   : < gconnid	    : qid;
 			gconnty	    : ttype;
+			gconnla     : maybe; /* Maybe qvar */
 			gconnline   : long; >;
 	/* constr with a existential prefixed context C => ... */
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex b/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
index eea945c9683e22955dcd597f11cbb89e4a0024f1..02bc1ef711b5a7cf8255840233eb21836f5c59dc 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@ static void new_filename PROTO((char *));
 static int  Return	 PROTO((int));
 static void hsentercontext PROTO((int));
+static BOOLEAN is_commment PROTO((char*, int));
 /* Special file handling for IMPORTS */
 /*  Note: imports only ever go *one deep* (hence no need for a stack) WDP 94/09 */
@@ -242,7 +244,7 @@ F   	    	    	{N}"."{N}(("e"|"E")("+"|"-")?{N})?
 S			[!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|\-~:\xa1-\xbf\xd7\xf7]
 SId			{S}{S}*
 L			[A-Z\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xde]
-l			[a-z\xdf-\xf6\xf8-\xff]
+l			[a-z_\xdf-\xf6\xf8-\xff]
 I			{L}|{l}
 i			{L}|{l}|[0-9'_]
 Id			{I}{i}*
@@ -268,7 +270,6 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
-<Code,GlaExt,StringEsc>"--"[^\n\r]*{NL}?{WS}* |
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma,StringEsc>{WS}+	{ noGap = FALSE; }
@@ -430,7 +431,6 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>","	{ RETURN(COMMA); }
 <Code,GlaExt>";"		{ RETURN(SEMI); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"`"		{ RETURN(BQUOTE); }
-<Code,GlaExt>"_"		{ RETURN(WILDCARD); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"."		{ RETURN(DOT); }
 <Code,GlaExt>".."		{ RETURN(DOTDOT); }
@@ -536,8 +536,16 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
 			 RETURN(isconstr(yytext) ? CONID : VARID);
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{SId}	{
-    	    		 hsnewid(yytext, yyleng);
-			 RETURN(isconstr(yytext) ? CONSYM : VARSYM);
+			 if (is_commment(yytext,yyleng)) {
+				int c;
+				while ((c = input()) != '\n' && c != '\r' && c!= EOF )
+					;
+				if (c != EOF)
+				   unput(c);
+			 } else {
+	    	    	    hsnewid(yytext, yyleng);
+			    RETURN(isconstr(yytext) ? CONSYM : VARSYM);
+			 }
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{Mod}"."{Id}"#"	{
 			 BOOLEAN is_constr;
@@ -737,6 +745,19 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
 <CharEsc>\\    	    	{ addchar(*yytext); POP_STATE; }
 <StringEsc>\\	    	{ if (noGap) { addchar(*yytext); } POP_STATE; }
+ Not 100% correct, tokenizes "foo \  --<>--
+                                 \ bar"
+ as "foo  bar", but this is not correct as per Haskell 98 report and its
+ maximal munch rule for "--"-style comments.
+ For the moment, not deemed worthy to fix.
+<StringEsc>"--"[^\n\r]*{NL}?{WS}*  { noGap=FALSE; }
 <CharEsc,StringEsc>["']	{ addchar(*yytext); POP_STATE; }
 <CharEsc,StringEsc>NUL 	{ addchar('\000'); POP_STATE; }
 <CharEsc,StringEsc>SOH 	{ addchar('\001'); POP_STATE; }
@@ -837,6 +858,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
 <Comment>"-}"	    	{ if (--nested_comments == 0) POP_STATE; }
 <Comment>(.|\n)	    	;
      * Illegal characters.  This used to be a single rule, but we might as well
@@ -974,6 +996,11 @@ new_filename(char *f) /* This looks pretty dodgy to me (WDP) */
 	forcing insertion of ; or } as appropriate
+#ifdef HSP_DEBUG
 static BOOLEAN
@@ -985,7 +1012,7 @@ hsshouldindent(void)
-#ifdef HSP_DEBUG
     fprintf(stderr, "hssetindent:hscolno=%d,hspcolno=%d,INDENTPT[%d]=%d\n", hscolno, hspcolno, icontexts, INDENTPT);
@@ -1014,7 +1041,7 @@ hssetindent(void)
-#ifdef HSP_DEBUG
     fprintf(stderr, "hsincindent:hscolno=%d,hspcolno=%d,INDENTPT[%d]=%d\n", hscolno, hspcolno, icontexts, INDENTPT);
     hsentercontext(indenttab[icontexts] & ~1);
@@ -1042,7 +1069,7 @@ hsentercontext(int indent)
     forgetindent = FALSE;
     indenttab[icontexts] = indent;
-#ifdef HSP_DEBUG
     fprintf(stderr, "hsentercontext:indent=%d,hscolno=%d,hspcolno=%d,INDENTPT[%d]=%d\n", indent, hscolno, hspcolno, icontexts, INDENTPT);
@@ -1053,7 +1080,7 @@ void
-#ifdef HSP_DEBUG
     fprintf(stderr, "hsendindent:hscolno=%d,hspcolno=%d,INDENTPT[%d]=%d\n", hscolno, hspcolno, icontexts, INDENTPT);
@@ -1061,14 +1088,12 @@ hsendindent(void)
  * 	Return checks the indentation level and returns ;, } or the specified token.
 static int
 Return(int tok)
 #ifdef HSP_DEBUG
     extern int yyleng;
     if (hsshouldindent()) {
 	if (hspcolno < INDENTPT) {
 #ifdef HSP_DEBUG
@@ -1084,6 +1109,7 @@ Return(int tok)
 	    return (SEMI);
     hssttok = -1;
 #ifdef HSP_DEBUG
     fprintf(stderr, "returning %d (%d:%d)\n", tok, hspcolno, INDENTPT);
@@ -1344,3 +1370,21 @@ hsnewqid(char *name, int length)
     return isconstr(dot+1);
+is_commment(char* lexeme, int len)
+   char* ptr;
+   int i;
+   if (len < 2) {
+      return FALSE;
+   }
+   for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
+     if (lexeme[i] != '-') return FALSE;
+   }        
+   return TRUE;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y b/ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y
index 920d6aa688e4718590ddc91f95b4e7659c6518a9..7e1824511bebc5560669dff9be3208f53739a1c7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ BOOLEAN pat_check=TRUE;
@@ -232,10 +232,10 @@ BOOLEAN pat_check=TRUE;
 		dorest stmts stmt
 		rbinds rbinds1 rpats rpats1 list_exps list_rest
 		qvarsk qvars_list
-		constrs constr1 fields conargatypes
+		constrs fields conargatypes
 		tautypes atypes
-  		pats simple_context simple_context_list 
+  		pats simple_context simple_context_list
 		export_list enames
   		import_list inames
  		impdecls maybeimpdecls impdecl
@@ -274,10 +274,10 @@ BOOLEAN pat_check=TRUE;
 		gcon gconk gtycon itycon qop1 qvarop1 
 		ename iname
-%type <ubinding>  topdecl topdecls letdecls
+%type <ubinding>  topdecl topdecls topdecls1 letdecls
 		  typed datad newtd classd instd defaultd foreignd
-		  decl decls fixdecl fix_op fix_ops valdef
- 		  maybe_where cbody rinst type_and_maybe_id
+		  decl decls decls1 fixdecl fix_op fix_ops valdef
+ 		  maybe_where type_and_maybe_id
 %type <uttype>    polytype
 		  conargatype conapptype
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ BOOLEAN pat_check=TRUE;
 		  atype polyatype
 		  simple_con_app simple_con_app1 inst_type
-%type <uconstr>	  constr constr_after_context field
+%type <uconstr>	  constr constr_after_context field constr1
 %type <ustring>   FLOAT INTEGER INTPRIM
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ enames  :  ename				{ $$ = lsing($1); }
 	|  enames COMMA ename			{ $$ = lapp($1,$3); }
 ename   :  qvar
-	|  qcon
+	|  gcon
@@ -392,11 +392,12 @@ impdecl	:  importkey modid impspec
 impspec	:  /* empty */				  { $$ = mknothing(); }
-	|  OPAREN CPAREN			  { $$ = mkjust(mkleft(Lnil)); }
-	|  OPAREN import_list CPAREN		  { $$ = mkjust(mkleft($2));   }
-	|  OPAREN import_list COMMA CPAREN	  { $$ = mkjust(mkleft($2));   }
-	|  HIDING OPAREN import_list CPAREN	  { $$ = mkjust(mkright($3));  }
-	|  HIDING OPAREN import_list COMMA CPAREN { $$ = mkjust(mkright($3));  }
+	|  OPAREN CPAREN			  { $$ = mkjust(mkleft(Lnil));  }
+	|  OPAREN import_list CPAREN		  { $$ = mkjust(mkleft($2));    }
+	|  OPAREN import_list COMMA CPAREN	  { $$ = mkjust(mkleft($2));    }
+	|  HIDING OPAREN CPAREN	  		  { $$ = mkjust(mkright(Lnil)); }
+	|  HIDING OPAREN import_list CPAREN	  { $$ = mkjust(mkright($3));   }
+	|  HIDING OPAREN import_list COMMA CPAREN { $$ = mkjust(mkright($3));   }
@@ -432,8 +433,10 @@ iname   :  var					{ $$ = mknoqual($1); }
 *                                                                     *
-topdecls:  topdecl
-	|  topdecls SEMI topdecl
+topdecls: topdecls1 opt_semi	{ $$ = $1; }
+topdecls1:  topdecl
+	 |  topdecls1 SEMI topdecl
 		  if($1 != NULL)
 		    if($3 != NULL)
@@ -473,31 +476,26 @@ datad	:  datakey simple_con_app EQUAL constrs deriving
 newtd	:  newtypekey simple_con_app EQUAL constr1 deriving
-		{ $$ = mkntbind(Lnil,$2,$4,$5,startlineno); }
+		{ $$ = mkntbind(Lnil,$2,lsing($4),$5,startlineno); }
 	|  newtypekey simple_context DARROW simple_con_app EQUAL constr1 deriving
-		{ $$ = mkntbind($2,$4,$6,$7,startlineno); }
+		{ $$ = mkntbind($2,$4,lsing($6),$7,startlineno); }
 deriving: /* empty */				{ $$ = mknothing(); }
         | DERIVING dtyclses                     { $$ = mkjust($2); }
-classd	:  classkey apptype DARROW simple_con_app1 cbody
+classd	:  classkey apptype DARROW simple_con_app1 maybe_where
 		/* Context can now be more than simple_context */
 		{ $$ = mkcbind(type2context($2),$4,$5,startlineno); }
-	|  classkey apptype cbody
+	|  classkey apptype maybe_where
 		/* We have to say apptype rather than simple_con_app1, else
 		   we get reduce/reduce errs */
 		{ check_class_decl_head($2);
 		  $$ = mkcbind(Lnil,$2,$3,startlineno); }
-cbody	:  /* empty */				{ $$ = mknullbind(); }
-	|  WHERE ocurly decls ccurly		{ checkorder($3); $$ = $3; }
-	|  WHERE vocurly decls vccurly		{ checkorder($3); $$ = $3; }
-	;
-instd	:  instkey inst_type rinst		{ $$ = mkibind($2,$3,startlineno); }
+instd	:  instkey inst_type maybe_where	{ $$ = mkibind($2,$3,startlineno); }
 /* Compare polytype */
@@ -509,11 +507,6 @@ inst_type : apptype DARROW apptype		{ is_context_format( $3, 0 );   /* Check the
-rinst	:  /* empty */					{ $$ = mknullbind(); }
-	|  WHERE ocurly  decls ccurly  			{ $$ = $3; }
-	|  WHERE vocurly decls vccurly 			{ $$ = $3; }
-	;
 defaultd:  defaultkey OPAREN tautypes CPAREN       { $$ = mkdbind($3,startlineno); }
 	|  defaultkey OPAREN CPAREN		{ $$ = mkdbind(Lnil,startlineno); }
@@ -543,10 +536,10 @@ unsafe_flag: UNSAFE	{ $$ = 1; }
 	   | /*empty*/  { $$ = 0; }
+decls  : decls1 opt_semi { $$ = $1; }
-decls	: decl
-	| decls SEMI decl
+decls1	: decl
+	| decls1 SEMI decl
@@ -558,6 +551,10 @@ decls	: decl
+opt_semi : /*empty*/
+	 | SEMI	
+	 ;
     Note: if there is an iclasop_pragma here, then we must be
     doing a class-op in an interface -- unless the user is up
@@ -622,7 +619,6 @@ decl	: fixdecl
 	/* end of user-specified pragmas */
 	|  valdef
-	|  /* empty */ { $$ = mknullbind(); FN = NULL; SAMEFN = 0; }
 fixdecl	:  INFIXL INTEGER	{ Precedence = checkfixity($2); Fixity = INFIXL; }
@@ -769,10 +765,11 @@ simple_con_app1:  gtycon tyvar			{ $$ = mktapp(mktname($1),mknamedtvar($2)); }
 simple_context	:  OPAREN simple_context_list CPAREN		{ $$ = $2; }
+	| OPAREN CPAREN						{ $$ = Lnil; }
 	|  simple_con_app1					{ $$ = lsing($1); }
-simple_context_list:  simple_con_app1				{ $$ = lsing($1); }
+simple_context_list :  simple_con_app1				{ $$ = lsing($1); }
 	|  simple_context_list COMMA simple_con_app1		{ $$ = lapp($1,$3); }
@@ -819,6 +816,7 @@ constr_after_context :
 	|  conargatype qconop conargatype	{ $$ = mkconstrinf($1,$2,$3,hsplineno); }
 /* Con { op1 :: Int } */
+	| qtycon OCURLY CCURLY			{ $$ = mkconstrrec($1,Lnil,hsplineno); }
 	| qtycon OCURLY fields CCURLY		{ $$ = mkconstrrec($1,$3,hsplineno); }
 	| OPAREN qconsym CPAREN OCURLY fields CCURLY { $$ = mkconstrrec($2,$5,hsplineno); }
@@ -845,7 +843,8 @@ field	:  qvars_list DCOLON polytype		{ $$ = mkfield($1,$3); }
  	|  qvars_list DCOLON BANG polyatype	{ $$ = mkfield($1,mktbang($4)); }
-constr1 :  gtycon conargatype			{ $$ = lsing(mkconstrnew($1,$2,hsplineno)); }
+constr1 : gtycon conargatype			    { $$ = mkconstrnew($1,$2,mknothing(),hsplineno); }
+	| gtycon OCURLY qvar DCOLON polytype CCURLY { $$ = mkconstrnew($1,$5,mkjust($3),hsplineno); }
@@ -916,7 +915,7 @@ maybe_where:
 	   WHERE ocurly decls ccurly		{ $$ = $3; }
 	|  WHERE vocurly decls vccurly		{ $$ = $3; }
            /* A where containing no decls is OK */
-	|  WHERE SEMI				{ $$ = mknullbind(); }
+	|  WHERE 				{ $$ = mknullbind(); }
 	|  /* empty */				{ $$ = mknullbind(); }
@@ -1070,7 +1069,6 @@ aexp	:  qvar					{ $$ = mkident($1); }
 	/* these add 2 S/R conflict with with  aexp . OCURLY rbinds CCURLY */
 	|  qvar AT aexp				{ checkinpat(); $$ = mkas($1,$3); }
 	|  LAZY aexp				{ checkinpat(); $$ = mklazyp($2); }
-	|  WILDCARD				{ checkinpat(); $$ = mkwildp();   }
 	/* ccall arguments */
@@ -1093,8 +1091,7 @@ rbinds1	:  rbind				{ $$ = lsing($1); }
 	|  rbinds1 COMMA rbind			{ $$ = lapp($1,$3); }
-rbind  	:  qvar					{ $$ = mkrbind($1,mknothing()); }
-	|  qvar EQUAL exp			{ $$ = mkrbind($1,mkjust($3)); }
+rbind  	:  qvar EQUAL exp			{ $$ = mkrbind($1,mkjust($3)); }
 texps	:  exp					{ $$ = lsing($1); }
@@ -1261,7 +1258,6 @@ apat	:  gcon		 			{ $$ = mkident($1); }
 apatc	:  qvar		 			{ $$ = mkident($1); }
 	|  qvar AT apat			 	{ $$ = mkas($1,$3); }
 	|  lit_constant				{ $$ = mklit($1); }
-	|  WILDCARD				{ $$ = mkwildp(); }
 	|  OPAREN pat CPAREN			{ $$ = mkpar($2); }
 	|  OPAREN pat COMMA pats CPAREN 	{ $$ = mktuple(mklcons($2,$4)); }
 	|  OUNBOXPAREN pat COMMA pats CUNBOXPAREN { $$ = mkutuple(mklcons($2,$4)); }
@@ -1303,8 +1299,7 @@ rpats1	: rpat					{ $$ = lsing($1); }
 	| rpats1 COMMA rpat			{ $$ = lapp($1,$3); }
-rpat	:  qvar					{ $$ = mkrbind($1,mknothing()); }
-	|  qvar EQUAL pat			{ $$ = mkrbind($1,mkjust($3)); }
+rpat	:  qvar EQUAL pat			{ $$ = mkrbind($1,mkjust($3)); }
@@ -1330,7 +1325,6 @@ conpatk	:  gconk				{ $$ = mkident($1); }
 apatck	:  qvark		 		{ $$ = mkident($1); }
 	|  qvark AT apat			{ $$ = mkas($1,$3); }
 	|  lit_constant				{ $$ = mklit($1); setstartlineno(); }
-	|  WILDCARD				{ $$ = mkwildp(); setstartlineno(); }
 	|  oparenkey pat CPAREN			{ $$ = mkpar($2); }
 	|  oparenkey pat COMMA pats CPAREN 	{ $$ = mktuple(mklcons($2,$4)); }
 	|  ounboxparenkey pat COMMA pats CUNBOXPAREN
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/id.c b/ghc/compiler/parser/id.c
index 053dc449f71f7169caefd0082c4bad98bad0d106..0ee41f8b23da9620fcf8a9d5ee4928c1c45c0f57 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/id.c
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/id.c
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ qid_to_pmod(q)
 	ARROWCON   function arrow ->
 	LISTCON	   list type constructor [], or the empty list []
-	UNITCON	   unit type constructor (), or the unity value ()
+	UNITCON	   unit type constructor (), or the unit value ()
 	n	   n-tuple type constructor (,,,)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/syntax.c b/ghc/compiler/parser/syntax.c
index 989ce0c0bca05e5f30c59e1b3a2f81db604250f9..244e6940f49ea9da53932a0f1ce4a7bdcde08ef7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/syntax.c
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/syntax.c
@@ -563,7 +563,6 @@ checknobangs(app)
 /* Check that a type is of the form
 	C a1 a2 .. an
    where n>=1, and the ai are all type variables
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/type2context.c b/ghc/compiler/parser/type2context.c
index 468df298eea8c64ebebf61f293ac3d38a5264714..fd142cd0ae82465d81bcd93fde7d65b9bd8598ad 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/type2context.c
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/type2context.c
@@ -44,14 +44,22 @@ type2context(t)
 	return(gttuple(t)); /* args */
-      case tapp:
       case tname:
+	switch(tqid(gtypeid(t))) {
+   	  case gid:
+	     if (strcmp("()",gidname(gtypeid(t))) == 0)
+	       return (Lnil);
+          default: ;
+        }
+      case tapp:
 	/* a single item, ensure correct format */
 	is_context_format(t, 0);
       case namedtvar:
+	fprintf(stderr, "namedtvar: %d %s\n", hashIds, gnamedtvar(t));
+        if (strcmp("()", gnamedtvar(t)) == 0)
+	       return (Lnil);
     	hsperror ("type2context: unexpected namedtvar found in a context");
       case tllist:
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
index eca0bd8724099e57d552a8b9f2fab13f7c26c095..6c4049ea5d81962715e1534070a3d5569c273955 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module PrelInfo (
 	-- RdrNames for lots of things, mainly used in derivings
 	eq_RDR, ne_RDR, le_RDR, lt_RDR, ge_RDR, gt_RDR, max_RDR, min_RDR, 
 	compare_RDR, minBound_RDR, maxBound_RDR, enumFrom_RDR, enumFromTo_RDR,
-	enumFromThen_RDR, enumFromThenTo_RDR, fromEnum_RDR, toEnum_RDR, 
+	enumFromThen_RDR, enumFromThenTo_RDR, succ_RDR, pred_RDR, fromEnum_RDR, toEnum_RDR, 
 	ratioDataCon_RDR, range_RDR, index_RDR, inRange_RDR, readsPrec_RDR,
 	readList_RDR, showsPrec_RDR, showList_RDR, plus_RDR, times_RDR,
 	ltTag_RDR, eqTag_RDR, gtTag_RDR, eqH_Char_RDR, ltH_Char_RDR, 
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ module PrelInfo (
 	numClass_RDR, fractionalClass_RDR, eqClass_RDR, 
 	ccallableClass_RDR, creturnableClass_RDR,
-	monadZeroClass_RDR, enumClass_RDR, ordClass_RDR,
+	monadClass_RDR, enumClass_RDR, ordClass_RDR,
 	mkTupConRdrName, mkUbxTupConRdrName
@@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ data_tycons
     , int64TyCon
     , integerTyCon
     , listTyCon
-    , voidTyCon
     , wordTyCon
     , word8TyCon
     , word16TyCon
@@ -212,8 +211,13 @@ data_tycons
   = [ 	-- These error-y things are wired in because we don't yet have
-	-- a way to express in an inteface file that the result type variable
+	-- a way to express in an interface file that the result type variable
 	-- is 'open'; that is can be unified with an unboxed type
+	-- 
+	-- [The interface file format now carry such information, but there's
+	--  no way yet of expressing at the definition site for these error-reporting
+	--  functions that they have an 'open' result type. -- sof 1/99]
+	-- 
     , eRROR_ID
@@ -368,7 +372,6 @@ knownKeyNames
     , (numClass_RDR, 		numClassKey)		-- mentioned, numeric
     , (enumClass_RDR,		enumClassKey)		-- derivable
     , (monadClass_RDR,		monadClassKey)
-    , (monadZeroClass_RDR,	monadZeroClassKey)
     , (monadPlusClass_RDR,	monadPlusClassKey)
     , (functorClass_RDR,	functorClassKey)
     , (showClass_RDR, 		showClassKey)		-- derivable
@@ -397,7 +400,7 @@ knownKeyNames
     , (eq_RDR,			eqClassOpKey)
     , (thenM_RDR,		thenMClassOpKey)
     , (returnM_RDR,		returnMClassOpKey)
-    , (zeroM_RDR,		zeroClassOpKey)
+    , (failM_RDR,		failMClassOpKey)
     , (fromRational_RDR,	fromRationalClassOpKey)
     , (deRefStablePtr_RDR,	deRefStablePtrIdKey)
@@ -466,7 +469,6 @@ boundedClass_RDR	= tcQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("Bounded"))
 numClass_RDR		= tcQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("Num"))
 enumClass_RDR 		= tcQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("Enum"))
 monadClass_RDR		= tcQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("Monad"))
-monadZeroClass_RDR	= tcQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("MonadZero"))
 monadPlusClass_RDR	= tcQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("MonadPlus"))
 functorClass_RDR	= tcQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("Functor"))
 showClass_RDR		= tcQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("Show"))
@@ -484,6 +486,8 @@ creturnableClass_RDR	= tcQual (pREL_GHC,  SLIT("CReturnable"))
 fromInt_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("fromInt"))
 fromInteger_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("fromInteger"))
 minus_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("-"))
+succ_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("succ"))
+pred_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("pred"))
 toEnum_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("toEnum"))
 fromEnum_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("fromEnum"))
 enumFrom_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("enumFrom"))
@@ -493,7 +497,7 @@ enumFromThenTo_RDR = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("enumFromThenTo"))
 thenM_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE,    SLIT(">>="))
 returnM_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE,    SLIT("return"))
-zeroM_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE,    SLIT("zero"))
+failM_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE,    SLIT("fail"))
 fromRational_RDR   = varQual (pREL_NUM,     SLIT("fromRational"))
 negate_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("negate"))
@@ -518,8 +522,8 @@ not_RDR		   = varQual (pREL_BASE,  SLIT("not"))
 compose_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("."))
 append_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("++"))
 map_RDR		   = varQual (pREL_BASE, SLIT("map"))
-concat_RDR	   = varQual (mONAD,     SLIT("concat"))
-filter_RDR	   = varQual (mONAD,     SLIT("filter"))
+concat_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_LIST, SLIT("concat"))
+filter_RDR	   = varQual (pREL_LIST, SLIT("filter"))
 zip_RDR		   = varQual (pREL_LIST, SLIT("zip"))
 showList___RDR     = varQual (pREL_BASE,  SLIT("showList__"))
@@ -602,15 +606,20 @@ deriving_occ_info
     , (ordClassKey, 	[intTyCon_RDR, compose_RDR, eqTag_RDR])
 				-- EQ (from Ordering) is needed to force in the constructors
 				-- as well as the type constructor.
-    , (enumClassKey, 	[intTyCon_RDR, map_RDR])
+    , (enumClassKey, 	[intTyCon_RDR, map_RDR, plus_RDR, showsPrec_RDR, append_RDR]) 
+				-- The last two Enum deps are only used to produce better
+				-- error msgs for derived toEnum methods.
     , (boundedClassKey,	[intTyCon_RDR])
     , (showClassKey,	[intTyCon_RDR, numClass_RDR, ordClass_RDR, compose_RDR, showString_RDR, 
 			 showParen_RDR, showSpace_RDR, showList___RDR])
     , (readClassKey,	[intTyCon_RDR, numClass_RDR, ordClass_RDR, append_RDR, 
-			 lex_RDR, readParen_RDR, readList___RDR])
+			 lex_RDR, readParen_RDR, readList___RDR, thenM_RDR])
+			     -- returnM (and the rest of the Monad class decl) 
+			     -- will be forced in as result of depending
+			     -- on thenM.   -- SOF 1/99
     , (ixClassKey,	[intTyCon_RDR, numClass_RDR, and_RDR, map_RDR, enumFromTo_RDR, 
-			 returnM_RDR, zeroM_RDR])
-			     -- the last two are needed to force returnM, thenM and zeroM
+			 returnM_RDR, failM_RDR])
+			     -- the last two are needed to force returnM, thenM and failM
 			     -- in before typechecking the list(monad) comprehension
 			     -- generated for derived Ix instances (range method)
 			     -- of single constructor types.  -- SOF 8/97
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
index 3b35044daa6dd5f646b5cd1059e0a0e963ae3d11..4a6e215de98b0efd70426070ba7a15e4ca27ac8d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ data PrimOp
     | TakeMVarOp 
     | PutMVarOp
     | SameMVarOp
+    | IsEmptyMVarOp
     -- exceptions
     | CatchOp
@@ -490,36 +491,37 @@ tagOf_PrimOp NewMVarOp			      = ILIT(196)
 tagOf_PrimOp TakeMVarOp		    	      = ILIT(197)
 tagOf_PrimOp PutMVarOp		    	      = ILIT(198)
 tagOf_PrimOp SameMVarOp		    	      = ILIT(199)
-tagOf_PrimOp MakeForeignObjOp		      = ILIT(200)
-tagOf_PrimOp WriteForeignObjOp		      = ILIT(201)
-tagOf_PrimOp MkWeakOp			      = ILIT(202)
-tagOf_PrimOp DeRefWeakOp		      = ILIT(203)
-tagOf_PrimOp MakeStablePtrOp		      = ILIT(204)
-tagOf_PrimOp DeRefStablePtrOp		      = ILIT(205)
-tagOf_PrimOp EqStablePtrOp		      = ILIT(206)
-tagOf_PrimOp (CCallOp _ _ _ _)		      = ILIT(207)
-tagOf_PrimOp ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp	      = ILIT(208)
-tagOf_PrimOp SeqOp			      = ILIT(209)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParOp			      = ILIT(210)
-tagOf_PrimOp ForkOp			      = ILIT(211)
-tagOf_PrimOp KillThreadOp		      = ILIT(212)
-tagOf_PrimOp DelayOp			      = ILIT(213)
-tagOf_PrimOp WaitReadOp			      = ILIT(214)
-tagOf_PrimOp WaitWriteOp		      = ILIT(215)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParGlobalOp		      = ILIT(216)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParLocalOp			      = ILIT(217)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParAtOp			      = ILIT(218)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParAtAbsOp			      = ILIT(219)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParAtRelOp			      = ILIT(220)
-tagOf_PrimOp ParAtForNowOp		      = ILIT(221)
-tagOf_PrimOp CopyableOp			      = ILIT(222)
-tagOf_PrimOp NoFollowOp			      = ILIT(223)
-tagOf_PrimOp NewMutVarOp		      = ILIT(224)
-tagOf_PrimOp ReadMutVarOp		      = ILIT(225)
-tagOf_PrimOp WriteMutVarOp		      = ILIT(226)
-tagOf_PrimOp SameMutVarOp		      = ILIT(227)
-tagOf_PrimOp CatchOp			      = ILIT(228)
-tagOf_PrimOp RaiseOp			      = ILIT(229)
+tagOf_PrimOp IsEmptyMVarOp	    	      = ILIT(200)
+tagOf_PrimOp MakeForeignObjOp		      = ILIT(201)
+tagOf_PrimOp WriteForeignObjOp		      = ILIT(202)
+tagOf_PrimOp MkWeakOp			      = ILIT(203)
+tagOf_PrimOp DeRefWeakOp		      = ILIT(204)
+tagOf_PrimOp MakeStablePtrOp		      = ILIT(205)
+tagOf_PrimOp DeRefStablePtrOp		      = ILIT(206)
+tagOf_PrimOp EqStablePtrOp		      = ILIT(207)
+tagOf_PrimOp (CCallOp _ _ _ _)		      = ILIT(208)
+tagOf_PrimOp ReallyUnsafePtrEqualityOp	      = ILIT(209)
+tagOf_PrimOp SeqOp			      = ILIT(210)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParOp			      = ILIT(211)
+tagOf_PrimOp ForkOp			      = ILIT(212)
+tagOf_PrimOp KillThreadOp		      = ILIT(213)
+tagOf_PrimOp DelayOp			      = ILIT(214)
+tagOf_PrimOp WaitReadOp			      = ILIT(215)
+tagOf_PrimOp WaitWriteOp		      = ILIT(216)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParGlobalOp		      = ILIT(217)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParLocalOp			      = ILIT(218)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParAtOp			      = ILIT(219)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParAtAbsOp			      = ILIT(220)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParAtRelOp			      = ILIT(221)
+tagOf_PrimOp ParAtForNowOp		      = ILIT(222)
+tagOf_PrimOp CopyableOp			      = ILIT(223)
+tagOf_PrimOp NoFollowOp			      = ILIT(224)
+tagOf_PrimOp NewMutVarOp		      = ILIT(225)
+tagOf_PrimOp ReadMutVarOp		      = ILIT(226)
+tagOf_PrimOp WriteMutVarOp		      = ILIT(227)
+tagOf_PrimOp SameMutVarOp		      = ILIT(228)
+tagOf_PrimOp CatchOp			      = ILIT(229)
+tagOf_PrimOp RaiseOp			      = ILIT(230)
 tagOf_PrimOp op = pprPanic# "tagOf_PrimOp: pattern-match" (ppr op)
 --panic# "tagOf_PrimOp: pattern-match"
@@ -751,6 +753,7 @@ allThePrimOps
+	IsEmptyMVarOp,
@@ -1450,6 +1453,16 @@ primOpInfo SameMVarOp
 	mvar_ty = mkMVarPrimTy s elt
     mkGenPrimOp SLIT("sameMVar#") [s_tv, elt_tv] [mvar_ty, mvar_ty] boolTy
+primOpInfo IsEmptyMVarOp
+  = let
+	elt = alphaTy; elt_tv = alphaTyVar; s = betaTy; s_tv = betaTyVar
+	state = mkStatePrimTy s
+    in
+    mkGenPrimOp SLIT("isEmptyMVar#") [s_tv, elt_tv]
+	[mkMVarPrimTy s elt, mkStatePrimTy s]
+	(unboxedPair [state, intPrimTy])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
index 3d234338500b4314aa8f3609436bcff8ae93a466..3a2a16f91212d7f88f826394aa37e4681e45c6ff 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ module TysWiredIn (
-	voidTyCon, voidTy, 
@@ -43,8 +41,6 @@ module TysWiredIn (
-	int64DataCon,
---	int64Ty,
@@ -73,6 +69,7 @@ module TysWiredIn (
+	voidTy,
@@ -80,9 +77,6 @@ module TysWiredIn (
-	word64DataCon,
---	word64Ty,
 	isFFIArgumentTy,  -- :: Type -> Bool
@@ -271,12 +265,13 @@ unboxedPairDataCon = unboxedTupleCon 2
 -- ) It's boxed; there is only one value of this
 -- type, namely "void", whose semantics is just bottom.
-voidTy    = mkTyConTy voidTyCon
-voidTyCon = pcNonRecDataTyCon voidTyConKey pREL_GHC SLIT("Void") [] [{-No data cons-}]
+-- Haskell 98 drops the definition of a Void type, so we just 'simulate'
+-- voidTy using ().
+voidTy = unitTy
 charTy = mkTyConTy charTyCon
@@ -317,10 +312,9 @@ int32TyCon = pcNonRecDataTyCon int32TyConKey iNT SLIT("Int32") [] [int32DataCon]
    int32DataCon = pcDataCon int32DataConKey iNT SLIT("I32#") [] [] [intPrimTy] int32TyCon
-int64Ty = mkTyConTy int64TyCon 
 int64TyCon = pcNonRecDataTyCon int64TyConKey pREL_ADDR SLIT("Int64") [] [int64DataCon]
-int64DataCon = pcDataCon int64DataConKey pREL_ADDR SLIT("I64#") [] [] [int64PrimTy] int64TyCon
+  where
+   int64DataCon = pcDataCon int64DataConKey pREL_ADDR SLIT("I64#") [] [] [int64PrimTy] int64TyCon
@@ -342,10 +336,9 @@ word32TyCon = pcNonRecDataTyCon word32TyConKey   wORD SLIT("Word32") [] [word32D
    word32DataCon = pcDataCon word32DataConKey wORD SLIT("W32#") [] [] [wordPrimTy] word32TyCon
-word64Ty = mkTyConTy word64TyCon
 word64TyCon = pcNonRecDataTyCon word64TyConKey   pREL_ADDR SLIT("Word64") [] [word64DataCon]
-word64DataCon = pcDataCon word64DataConKey pREL_ADDR SLIT("W64#") [] [] [word64PrimTy] word64TyCon
+  where
+    word64DataCon = pcDataCon word64DataConKey pREL_ADDR SLIT("W64#") [] [] [word64PrimTy] word64TyCon
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/Lex.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/Lex.lhs
index 116f6bdcfbb24583b0b0a627ff4bb9d170cd0318..4699de9869f912ed66607d7b1ba7410924937b99 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/Lex.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/Lex.lhs
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ lexIface cont buf =
 -- Numbers and comments
     '-'#  ->
       case lookAhead# buf 1# of
-        '-'# -> lex_comment cont (stepOnBy# buf 2#)
+--        '-'# -> lex_comment cont (stepOnBy# buf 2#)
         c    -> 
 	  if is_digit c
           then lex_num cont (negate) (ord# c -# ord# '0'#) (incLexeme (incLexeme buf))
@@ -486,7 +486,10 @@ lex_id cont buf =
 lex_sym cont buf =
  case expandWhile# is_symbol buf of
-   buf' -> case lookupUFM haskellKeySymsFM lexeme of {
+   buf'
+     | is_comment lexeme -> lex_comment cont new_buf
+     | otherwise         ->
+	   case lookupUFM haskellKeySymsFM lexeme of {
 	 	Just kwd_token -> --trace ("keysym: "++unpackFS lexeme) $
 				  cont kwd_token new_buf ;
 	 	Nothing        -> --trace ("sym: "++unpackFS lexeme) $
@@ -495,6 +498,15 @@ lex_sym cont buf =
    	where lexeme = lexemeToFastString buf'
 	      new_buf = stepOverLexeme buf'
+	      is_comment fs 
+	        | len < 2   = False
+		| otherwise = trundle 0
+		  where
+		   len = lengthFS fs
+		   trundle n | n == len  = True
+			     | otherwise = indexFS fs n == '-' && trundle (n+1)
 lex_con cont buf = 
  case expandWhile# is_ident buf of 	  { buf1 ->
  case expandWhile# (eqChar# '#'#) buf1 of { buf' ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
index df4e61f8ada5ab122629a538e8350eed3dfa21ef..d789197dd3bfdb30dd9c2bc60b8cbbf7d3600672 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import CallConv
 import CmdLineOpts      ( opt_NoImplicitPrelude, opt_GlasgowExts )
 import Name		( OccName, srcTvOcc, srcVarOcc, srcTCOcc, 
 			  Module, mkModuleFS,
-			  isConOcc, isLexConId
+			  isConOcc, isLexConId, isWildCardOcc
 import Outputable
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
@@ -311,7 +311,6 @@ wlkExpr expr
       U_hmodule _ _ _ _ _ _   -> error "U_hmodule"
       U_as _ _ 		      -> error "U_as"
       U_lazyp _ 	      -> error "U_lazyp"
-      U_wildp 		      -> error "U_wildp"
       U_qual _ _ 	      -> error "U_qual"
       U_guard _ 	      -> error "U_guard"
       U_seqlet _ 	      -> error "U_seqlet"
@@ -395,19 +394,18 @@ wlkPat pat
 	wlkLiteral lit	`thenUgn` \ lit ->
 	returnUgn (NPlusKPatIn var lit)
-      U_wildp -> returnUgn WildPatIn 	-- wildcard pattern
       U_lit lit ->			-- literal pattern
 	wlkLiteral lit	`thenUgn` \ lit ->
 	returnUgn (LitPatIn lit)
       U_ident nn ->			-- simple identifier
 	wlkVarId nn	`thenUgn` \ n ->
+	let occ = rdrNameOcc n in
 	returnUgn (
-	  if isConOcc (rdrNameOcc n) then
+	  if isConOcc occ then
 		ConPatIn n []
-		VarPatIn n
+		if (isWildCardOcc occ) then WildPatIn else (VarPatIn n)
       U_ap l r ->	-- "application": there's a list of patterns lurking here!
@@ -429,6 +427,8 @@ wlkPat pat
 		U_ap l r ->
 		  wlkPat r	`thenUgn` \ rpat  ->
 		  collect_pats l (rpat:acc)
+		U_par l ->
+		  collect_pats l acc
 		other ->
 		  wlkPat other	`thenUgn` \ pat ->
 		  returnUgn (pat,acc)
@@ -839,24 +839,25 @@ wlkConDecl (U_constrinf cty1 cop cty2 srcline)
     wlkBangType cty2		`thenUgn` \ ty2	    ->
     returnUgn (ConDecl op [] [] (InfixCon ty1 ty2) src_loc)
-wlkConDecl (U_constrnew ccon cty srcline)
-  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline			$ \ src_loc ->
-    wlkDataId	ccon		`thenUgn` \ con	    ->
-    wlkHsSigType cty		`thenUgn` \ ty	    ->
-    returnUgn (ConDecl con [] [] (NewCon ty) src_loc)
+wlkConDecl (U_constrnew ccon cty mb_lab srcline)
+  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline			 $ \ src_loc ->
+    wlkDataId	ccon		 `thenUgn` \ con	    ->
+    wlkHsSigType cty		 `thenUgn` \ ty	    ->
+    wlkMaybe     rdVarId  mb_lab `thenUgn` \ mb_lab  ->
+    returnUgn (ConDecl con [] [] (NewCon ty mb_lab) src_loc)
 wlkConDecl (U_constrrec ccon cfields srcline)
   = mkSrcLocUgn srcline			$ \ src_loc      ->
     wlkDataId	ccon		`thenUgn` \ con		 ->
     wlkList rd_field cfields	`thenUgn` \ fields_lists ->
     returnUgn (ConDecl con [] [] (RecCon fields_lists) src_loc)
-  where
+   where
     rd_field :: ParseTree -> UgnM ([RdrName], BangType RdrName)
-    rd_field pt
-      = rdU_constr pt		`thenUgn` \ (U_field fvars fty) ->
-	wlkList rdVarId	fvars	`thenUgn` \ vars ->
-	wlkBangType fty		`thenUgn` \ ty ->
-	returnUgn (vars, ty)
+    rd_field pt =
+      rdU_constr pt		`thenUgn` \ (U_field fvars fty) ->
+      wlkList rdVarId	fvars	`thenUgn` \ vars ->
+      wlkBangType fty		`thenUgn` \ ty ->
+      returnUgn (vars, ty)
 rdBangType pt = rdU_ttype pt `thenUgn` wlkBangType
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
index 007b339a3a0ede7002f1b78cc0f2e89b76de1d6b..30c1478f264ebb963419afcbe5e8d5b2d080788f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
@@ -315,7 +315,9 @@ constr		:  src_loc ex_stuff data_fs batypes		{ mkConDecl (ifaceUnqualVar $3) $2
 newtype_constr	:: { [RdrNameConDecl] {- Empty if handwritten abstract -} }
 newtype_constr	:  					{ [] }
-		| src_loc '=' ex_stuff data_name atype	{ [mkConDecl $4 $3 (NewCon $5) $1] }
+		| src_loc '=' ex_stuff data_name atype	{ [mkConDecl $4 $3 (NewCon $5 Nothing) $1] }
+		| src_loc '=' ex_stuff data_name '{' var_name '::' atype '}'
+							{ [mkConDecl $4 $3 (NewCon $8 (Just $6)) $1] }
 ex_stuff :: { ([HsTyVar RdrName], RdrNameContext) }
 ex_stuff	:                                       { ([],[]) }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
index cea1ee7b4dbe9035cb7332596356da51a60f8b91..91a7b84129c653272ed03c75c93cee3bcccbf6bd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
@@ -286,13 +286,14 @@ reportUnusedNames (RnEnv gbl_env _) avail_env (ExportEnv export_avails _) mentio
 	defined_names = mkNameSet (concat (rdrEnvElts gbl_env))
 	defined_but_not_used = defined_names `minusNameSet` really_used_names
-	-- Filter out the ones only defined implicitly
+	-- Filter out the ones only defined implicitly or whose OccNames
+	-- start with an '_', which we won't report.
 	bad_guys = filter is_explicit (nameSetToList defined_but_not_used)
 	is_explicit n = case getNameProvenance n of
 			  LocalDef _ _ 				    -> True
 			  NonLocalDef (UserImport _ _ explicit) _ _ -> explicit
 			  other					    -> False
 	-- Now group by whether locally defined or imported; 
 	-- one group is the locally-defined ones, one group per import module
 	groups = equivClasses cmp bad_guys
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
index 07e4fa12072152450e745167bbf00d9b790b5647..31e376be00752be032a78130a45383e0ee2fc2bd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
@@ -454,7 +454,9 @@ renameSigs top_lev inst_decl binders sigs
 	(goodies, dups) = removeDups cmp_sig (sigsForMe (not . isUnboundName) sigs')
 	not_this_group  = sigsForMe (not . (`elemNameSet` binders)) goodies
 	spec_inst_sigs  = [s | s@(SpecInstSig _ _) <- goodies]
-	type_sig_vars	= [n | Sig n _ _ <- goodies]
+	type_sig_vars	= [n | Sig n _ _     <- goodies]
+	fixes		= [f | f@(FixSig _)  <- goodies]
+	idecl_type_sigs	= [s | s@(Sig _ _ _) <- goodies]
 	sigs_required   = case top_lev of {TopLevel -> opt_WarnMissingSigs; NotTopLevel -> False}
 	un_sigd_binders | sigs_required = nameSetToList binders `minusList` type_sig_vars
 			| otherwise	= []
@@ -464,7 +466,9 @@ renameSigs top_lev inst_decl binders sigs
     (if not inst_decl then
 	mapRn unknownSigErr spec_inst_sigs
-	returnRn []
+	 -- We're being strict here, outlawing the presence
+	 -- of type signatures within an instance declaration.
+	mapRn unknownSigErr (fixes  ++ idecl_type_sigs)
     )							`thenRn_`
     mapRn (addWarnRn.missingSigWarn) un_sigd_binders	`thenRn_`
@@ -532,6 +536,7 @@ sig_tag (SpecSig n1 _ _ _)    	   = ILIT(2)
 sig_tag (InlineSig n1 _)  	   = ILIT(3)
 sig_tag (NoInlineSig n1 _)  	   = ILIT(4)
 sig_tag (SpecInstSig _ _)	   = ILIT(5)
+sig_tag (FixSig _)		   = ILIT(6)
 sig_tag _			   = panic# "tag(RnBinds)"
@@ -558,12 +563,13 @@ unknownSigErr sig
     (what_it_is, loc) = sig_doc sig
-sig_doc (Sig        _ _ loc) 	    = (SLIT("type signature"),loc)
-sig_doc (ClassOpSig _ _ _ loc) 	    = (SLIT("class-method type signature"), loc)
-sig_doc (SpecSig    _ _ _ loc) 	    = (SLIT("SPECIALISE pragma"),loc)
-sig_doc (InlineSig  _     loc) 	    = (SLIT("INLINE pragma"),loc)
-sig_doc (NoInlineSig  _   loc) 	    = (SLIT("NOINLINE pragma"),loc)
-sig_doc (SpecInstSig _ loc)	    = (SLIT("SPECIALISE instance pragma"),loc)
+sig_doc (Sig        _ _ loc) 	     = (SLIT("type signature"),loc)
+sig_doc (ClassOpSig _ _ _ loc) 	     = (SLIT("class-method type signature"), loc)
+sig_doc (SpecSig    _ _ _ loc) 	     = (SLIT("SPECIALISE pragma"),loc)
+sig_doc (InlineSig  _     loc) 	     = (SLIT("INLINE pragma"),loc)
+sig_doc (NoInlineSig  _   loc) 	     = (SLIT("NOINLINE pragma"),loc)
+sig_doc (SpecInstSig _ loc)	     = (SLIT("SPECIALISE instance pragma"),loc)
+sig_doc (FixSig (FixitySig _ _ loc)) = (SLIT("fixity declaration"), loc)
 missingSigWarn var
   = sep [ptext SLIT("definition but no type signature for"), quotes (ppr var)]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
index 30f5f1939cfe086b7da71b59ebbbf69a202ee2b4..066c9919fbba3d582e18cea3c48c7b7949dbc867 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Name		( Name, Provenance(..), ExportFlag(..), NamedThing(..),
 			  ImportReason(..), getSrcLoc, 
 			  mkLocalName, mkGlobalName, 
-			  pprOccName, isLocalName, isLocallyDefined, 
+			  pprOccName, isLocalName, isLocallyDefined, isAnonOcc,
 			  setNameProvenance, getNameProvenance, pprNameProvenance
 import NameSet
@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ newLocalNames rdr_names
 	n	   = length rdr_names
 	(us', us1) = splitUniqSupply us
 	uniqs	   = uniqsFromSupply n us1
+	  -- Note: we're not making use of the source location. Not good.
 	locals	   = [ mkLocalName uniq (rdrNameOcc rdr_name)
 		     | ((rdr_name,loc), uniq) <- rdr_names `zip` uniqs
@@ -680,8 +681,8 @@ warnUnusedTopNames ns
   = returnRn ()	-- Don't force ns unless necessary
 warnUnusedTopNames (n:ns)
-  | is_local     && opt_WarnUnusedBinds   = warnUnusedNames ns
-  | not is_local && opt_WarnUnusedImports = warnUnusedNames ns
+  | is_local     && opt_WarnUnusedBinds   = warnUnusedNames False{-include name's provenance-} ns
+  | not is_local && opt_WarnUnusedImports = warnUnusedNames False ns
     is_local = isLocallyDefined n
@@ -689,23 +690,35 @@ warnUnusedTopName other = returnRn ()
 warnUnusedBinds ns
   | not opt_WarnUnusedBinds = returnRn ()
-  | otherwise		    = warnUnusedNames ns
+  | otherwise		    = warnUnusedNames False ns
+ Haskell 98 encourages compilers to suppress warnings about
+ unused names in a pattern if they start with "_". Which
+ we do here.
+ Note: omit the inclusion of the names' provenance in the
+ generated warning -- it's already given in the header
+ of the warning (+ the local names we've been given have
+ a provenance that's ultra low in content.)
 warnUnusedMatches names
-  | opt_WarnUnusedMatches = warnUnusedNames names
+  | opt_WarnUnusedMatches = warnUnusedNames True (filter (not.isAnonOcc.getOccName) names)
   | otherwise 		  = returnRn ()
-warnUnusedNames :: [Name] -> RnM s d ()
-warnUnusedNames []
+warnUnusedNames :: Bool{-display provenance-} -> [Name] -> RnM s d ()
+warnUnusedNames _ []
   = returnRn ()
-warnUnusedNames names 
+warnUnusedNames short_msg names 
   = addWarnRn $
     sep [text "The following names are unused:",
-	 nest 4 (vcat (map pp names))]
+	 nest 4 ((if short_msg then hsep else vcat) (map pp names))]
-    pp n = ppr n <> comma <+> pprNameProvenance n
+    pp n 
+     | short_msg = ppr n
+     | otherwise = ppr n <> comma <+> pprNameProvenance n
 addNameClashErrRn rdr_name names
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
index 6eaa5ea0d6660f8b9e561f3acd860cb9b3c836a9..6a050db482832bfed2fbde4b5d3090b6d3dd6a3b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import CmdLineOpts	( opt_GlasgowExts )
 import BasicTypes	( Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), IfaceFlavour(..) )
 import PrelInfo		( numClass_RDR, fractionalClass_RDR, eqClass_RDR, 
 			  ccallableClass_RDR, creturnableClass_RDR, 
-			  monadZeroClass_RDR, enumClass_RDR, ordClass_RDR,
+			  monadClass_RDR, enumClass_RDR, ordClass_RDR,
 			  ratioDataCon_RDR, negate_RDR, assertErr_RDR,
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ rnExpr (HsLet binds expr)
 rnExpr (HsDo do_or_lc stmts src_loc)
   = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
-    lookupImplicitOccRn monadZeroClass_RDR	`thenRn_`	-- Forces Monad to come too
+    lookupImplicitOccRn monadClass_RDR		`thenRn_`
     rnStmts rnExpr stmts			`thenRn` \ (stmts', fvs) ->
     returnRn (HsDo do_or_lc stmts' src_loc, fvs)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
index 20f88177356067dc2fec551650b4eb2fa4493c9d..543866a79584a72cf6f4623b53688ea17c301e38 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import CmdLineOpts	( opt_PruneTyDecls,  opt_PruneInstDecls,
 import HsSyn		( HsDecl(..), TyClDecl(..), InstDecl(..), IfaceSig(..), 
 			  HsType(..), ConDecl(..), IE(..), ConDetails(..), Sig(..),
-			  hsDeclName, countTyClDecls, isDataDecl
+			  hsDeclName, countTyClDecls, isDataDecl, nonFixitySigs
 import BasicTypes	( Version, NewOrData(..), IfaceFlavour(..) )
 import RdrHsSyn		( RdrNameHsDecl, RdrNameInstDecl, RdrNameTyClDecl,
@@ -925,7 +925,11 @@ getDeclBinders new_name (TyClD (ClassDecl _ cname _ sigs _ _ tname dname src_loc
   = new_name cname src_loc			`thenRn` \ class_name ->
 	-- Record the names for the class ops
-    mapRn (getClassOpNames new_name) sigs	`thenRn` \ sub_names ->
+    let
+	-- ignoring fixity declarations
+	nonfix_sigs = nonFixitySigs sigs
+    in
+    mapRn (getClassOpNames new_name) nonfix_sigs	`thenRn` \ sub_names ->
     returnRn (AvailTC class_name (class_name : sub_names))
@@ -946,10 +950,15 @@ getConFieldNames new_name (ConDecl con _ _ (RecCon fielddecls) src_loc : rest)
     fields = concat (map fst fielddecls)
-getConFieldNames new_name (ConDecl con _ _ _ src_loc : rest)
+getConFieldNames new_name (ConDecl con _ _ condecl src_loc : rest)
   = new_name con src_loc		`thenRn` \ n ->
+    (case condecl of
+      NewCon _ (Just f) -> 
+        new_name f src_loc `thenRn` \ new_f ->
+	returnRn [n,new_f]
+      _ -> returnRn [n])		`thenRn` \ nn ->
     getConFieldNames new_name rest	`thenRn` \ ns -> 
-    returnRn (n:ns)
+    returnRn (nn ++ ns)
 getConFieldNames new_name [] = returnRn []
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
index b6c6c627d41b0674225d60a2c24fbfbeb34f0122..34966a75e7bc8a5ba76278e4ef20a0f23dc0aa71 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
@@ -396,9 +396,15 @@ rnConDetails doc locn (InfixCon ty1 ty2)
     rnBangTy doc ty2  		`thenRn` \ (new_ty2, fvs2) ->
     returnRn (InfixCon new_ty1 new_ty2, fvs1 `plusFV` fvs2)
-rnConDetails doc locn (NewCon ty)
-  = rnHsType doc ty			`thenRn` \ (new_ty, fvs)  ->
-    returnRn (NewCon new_ty, fvs)
+rnConDetails doc locn (NewCon ty mb_field)
+  = rnHsType doc ty			`thenRn` \ (new_ty, fvs) ->
+    rn_field mb_field			`thenRn` \ new_mb_field  ->
+    returnRn (NewCon new_ty new_mb_field, fvs)
+  where
+    rn_field Nothing  = returnRn Nothing
+    rn_field (Just f) =
+       lookupBndrRn f	    `thenRn` \ new_f ->
+       returnRn (Just new_f)
 rnConDetails doc locn (RecCon fields)
   = checkDupOrQualNames doc field_names	`thenRn_`
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.hi-boot b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.hi-boot
index 077a6efc69b2be13e8912a03cf08f2fd43eae949..5f16e24d5d1dc929daee853635219182776829a5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.hi-boot
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.hi-boot
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ _exports_
 SpecEnv SpecEnv ;
 1 data SpecEnv a ;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDefaults.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDefaults.lhs
index 7335631009c7fa672eb03c2c4a05eec1ae5ac919..758258b2955a6efd4d6ad13a0b39ef2565d7c302 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDefaults.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDefaults.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import TcEnv		( tcLookupClassByKey )
 import TcMonoType	( tcHsType )
 import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyCheckThetas )
-import TysWiredIn	( intTy, doubleTy )
+import TysWiredIn	( integerTy, doubleTy )
 import Type             ( Type )
 import Unique		( numClassKey )
 import ErrUtils		( addShortErrLocLine )
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import Util
-default_default = [intTy, doubleTy] 	    -- language-specified default `default'
+default_default = [integerTy, doubleTy ]
 tcDefaults :: [RenamedHsDecl]
 	   -> TcM s [Type] 	    -- defaulting types to heave
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hi-boot b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hi-boot
index 08fe08e53572907c42b887f3191ab72426f4e9ab..c0df69732756690fc3b8c4c44752bd74514d3695 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hi-boot
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.hi-boot
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@ _declarations_
        -> TcMonad.TcType
        -> TcMonad.TcM s (TcHsSyn.TcExpr, Inst.LIE) ;;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
index 466a6992b5b42ae122d0abae89fd4a023bbd06ca..aae7a2489605fedf8ff79675ddc1871ac6e2e30c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
@@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ module TcExpr ( tcExpr, tcPolyExpr, tcId ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 import HsSyn		( HsExpr(..), HsLit(..), ArithSeqInfo(..), 
-			  HsBinds(..), Stmt(..), StmtCtxt(..),
-			  failureFreePat
+			  HsBinds(..), Stmt(..), StmtCtxt(..)
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsExpr, RenamedRecordBinds )
 import TcHsSyn		( TcExpr, TcRecordBinds,
-			  mkHsTyApp
+			  mkHsTyApp, maybeBoxedPrimType
 import TcMonad
@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ import TcUnify		( unifyTauTy, unifyFunTy, unifyListTy, unifyTupleTy,
 import Unique		( cCallableClassKey, cReturnableClassKey, 
 			  enumFromClassOpKey, enumFromThenClassOpKey,
 			  enumFromToClassOpKey, enumFromThenToClassOpKey,
-			  thenMClassOpKey, zeroClassOpKey, returnMClassOpKey
+			  thenMClassOpKey, failMClassOpKey, returnMClassOpKey
 import Outputable
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
@@ -365,7 +364,6 @@ tcMonoExpr (CCall lbl args may_gc is_asm ignored_fake_result_ty) res_ty
 	-- constraints on the argument and result types.
     mapNF_Tc new_arg_dict (zipEqual "tcMonoExpr:CCall" args arg_tys)	`thenNF_Tc` \ ccarg_dicts_s ->
     newDicts result_origin [(cReturnableClass, [result_ty])]		`thenNF_Tc` \ (ccres_dict, _) ->
     returnTc (HsApp (HsVar (dataConId ioDataCon) `TyApp` [result_ty])
 		    (CCall lbl args' may_gc is_asm result_ty),
 		      -- do the wrapping in the newtype constructor here
@@ -849,6 +847,12 @@ tcDoStmts do_or_lc stmts src_loc res_ty
     newTyVarTy (mkArrowKind boxedTypeKind boxedTypeKind)	`thenNF_Tc` \ m ->
     newTyVarTy boxedTypeKind 					`thenNF_Tc` \ elt_ty ->
     unifyTauTy res_ty (mkAppTy m elt_ty)			`thenTc_`
+	-- If it's a comprehension we're dealing with, 
+	-- force it to be a list comprehension.
+	-- (as of Haskell 98, monad comprehensions are no more.)
+    (case do_or_lc of
+       ListComp -> unifyListTy res_ty `thenTc_` returnTc ()
+       _	-> returnTc ())					`thenTc_`
     tcStmts do_or_lc (mkAppTy m) stmts elt_ty		 	`thenTc`   \ (stmts', stmts_lie) ->
@@ -862,20 +866,14 @@ tcDoStmts do_or_lc stmts src_loc res_ty
     tcLookupValueByKey returnMClassOpKey	`thenNF_Tc` \ return_sel_id ->
     tcLookupValueByKey thenMClassOpKey		`thenNF_Tc` \ then_sel_id ->
-    tcLookupValueByKey zeroClassOpKey		`thenNF_Tc` \ zero_sel_id ->
+    tcLookupValueByKey failMClassOpKey		`thenNF_Tc` \ fail_sel_id ->
     newMethod DoOrigin return_sel_id [m]	`thenNF_Tc` \ (return_lie, return_id) ->
     newMethod DoOrigin then_sel_id [m]		`thenNF_Tc` \ (then_lie, then_id) ->
-    newMethod DoOrigin zero_sel_id [m]		`thenNF_Tc` \ (zero_lie, zero_id) ->
+    newMethod DoOrigin fail_sel_id [m]		`thenNF_Tc` \ (fail_lie, fail_id) ->
-      monad_lie = then_lie `plusLIE` return_lie `plusLIE` perhaps_zero_lie
-      perhaps_zero_lie | all failure_free stmts' = emptyLIE
-		       | otherwise		 = zero_lie
-      failure_free (BindStmt pat _ _) = failureFreePat pat
-      failure_free (GuardStmt _ _)    = False
-      failure_free other_stmt	      = True
+      monad_lie = then_lie `plusLIE` return_lie `plusLIE` fail_lie
-    returnTc (HsDoOut do_or_lc stmts' return_id then_id zero_id res_ty src_loc,
+    returnTc (HsDoOut do_or_lc stmts' return_id then_id fail_id res_ty src_loc,
 	      stmts_lie `plusLIE` monad_lie)
@@ -1037,4 +1035,14 @@ recordUpdCtxt = ptext SLIT("In a record update construct")
 notSelector field
   = hsep [quotes (ppr field), ptext SLIT("is not a record selector")]
+illegalCcallTyErr isArg ty
+  = hang (hsep [ptext SLIT("Unacceptable"), arg_or_res, ptext SLIT("type in _ccall_ or _casm_:")])
+	 4 (hsep [ppr ty])
+  where
+   arg_or_res
+    | isArg     = ptext SLIT("argument")
+    | otherwise = ptext SLIT("result")
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.lhs
index 253c7bc7a157220cccdc92c40aecb88e9fca42a8..cf850f148496ae2fda4c6992c92dec234adae231 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcForeign.lhs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import TcMonad
 import TcEnv		( newLocalId )
 import TcType		( tcInstTcType, typeToTcType, tcSplitRhoTy, zonkTcTypeToType )
 import TcMonoType	( tcHsType )
-import TcHsSyn		( TcMonoBinds, maybeBoxedPrimType, TypecheckedForeignDecl,
+import TcHsSyn		( TcMonoBinds, TypecheckedForeignDecl,
 			  TcForeignExportDecl )
 import TcExpr		( tcId, tcPolyExpr )			
 import Inst		( emptyLIE, LIE, plusLIE )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGRHSs.hi-boot b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGRHSs.hi-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a88316f66d9fd19d13d0164687d4cce640017305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGRHSs.hi-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+_interface_ TcGRHSs 2
+TcGRHSs tcGRHSsAndBinds;
+2 tcGRHSsAndBinds _:_ _forall_ [s] => 
+		RnHsSyn.RenamedGRHSsAndBinds
+		-> TcMonad.TcType s
+		-> HsExpr.StmtCtxt
+		-> TcMonad.TcM s (TcHsSyn.TcGRHSsAndBinds s, Inst.LIE s) ;;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
index 2c32c8c3595a719d91715072e9a0b758d1202ae5..cc3e2050d03a324df0f2a9e15f3c6d083e4c6bd8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
@@ -417,6 +417,9 @@ we use both @con2tag_Foo@ and @tag2con_Foo@ functions, as well as a
 instance ... Enum (Foo ...) where
+    succ x   = toEnum (1 + fromEnum x)
+    pred x   = toEnum (fromEnum x - 1)
     toEnum i = tag2con_Foo i
     enumFrom a = map tag2con_Foo [con2tag_Foo a .. maxtag_Foo]
@@ -443,16 +446,49 @@ For @enumFromTo@ and @enumFromThenTo@, we use the default methods.
 gen_Enum_binds :: TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 gen_Enum_binds tycon
-  = to_enum             `AndMonoBinds`
+  = succ_enum		`AndMonoBinds`
+    pred_enum		`AndMonoBinds`
+    to_enum             `AndMonoBinds`
     enum_from		`AndMonoBinds`
     enum_from_then	`AndMonoBinds`
     tycon_loc = getSrcLoc tycon
+    occ_nm    = getOccString tycon
+    succ_enum
+      = mk_easy_FunMonoBind tycon_loc succ_RDR [a_Pat] [] $
+	untag_Expr tycon [(a_RDR, ah_RDR)] $
+	HsIf (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar eq_RDR) 
+			   (HsVar (maxtag_RDR tycon)))
+			   (mk_easy_App mkInt_RDR [ah_RDR]))
+	     (illegal_Expr "succ" occ_nm "tried to take `succ' of last tag in enumeration")
+	     (HsApp (HsVar (tag2con_RDR tycon))
+		    (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar plus_RDR)
+				  (mk_easy_App mkInt_RDR [ah_RDR]))
+ 			   (HsLit (HsInt 1))))
+	     tycon_loc
+    pred_enum
+      = mk_easy_FunMonoBind tycon_loc pred_RDR [a_Pat] [] $
+	untag_Expr tycon [(a_RDR, ah_RDR)] $
+	HsIf (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar eq_RDR) (HsLit (HsInt 0)))
+		    (mk_easy_App mkInt_RDR [ah_RDR]))
+	     (illegal_Expr "pred" occ_nm "tried to take `pred' of first tag in enumeration")
+	     (HsApp (HsVar (tag2con_RDR tycon))
+			   (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar plus_RDR)
+					 (mk_easy_App mkInt_RDR [ah_RDR]))
+				  (HsLit (HsInt (-1)))))
+	     tycon_loc
       = mk_easy_FunMonoBind tycon_loc toEnum_RDR [a_Pat] [] $
-        mk_easy_App (tag2con_RDR tycon) [a_RDR]
+	HsIf (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar gt_RDR) 
+			   (HsVar a_RDR))
+			   (HsVar (maxtag_RDR tycon)))
+	     (illegal_toEnum_tag occ_nm (maxtag_RDR tycon))
+             (mk_easy_App (tag2con_RDR tycon) [a_RDR])
+	     tycon_loc
       = mk_easy_FunMonoBind tycon_loc enumFrom_RDR [a_Pat] [] $
@@ -1157,6 +1193,30 @@ nested_compose_Expr (e:es)
 -- We generate these to keep the desugarer from complaining that they *might* happen!
 impossible_Expr = HsApp (HsVar error_RDR) (HsLit (HsString (_PK_ "Urk! in TcGenDeriv")))
+-- illegal_Expr is used when signalling error conditions in the RHS of a derived
+-- method. It is currently only used by Enum.{succ,pred}
+illegal_Expr meth tp msg = 
+   HsApp (HsVar error_RDR) (HsLit (HsString (_PK_ (meth ++ '{':tp ++ "}: " ++ msg))))
+-- illegal_toEnum_tag is an extended version of illegal_Expr, which also allows you
+-- to include the value of a_RDR in the error string.
+illegal_toEnum_tag tp maxtag =
+   HsApp (HsVar error_RDR) 
+         (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar append_RDR)
+	               (HsLit (HsString (_PK_ ("toEnum{" ++ tp ++ "}: tag (")))))
+	               (HsApp (HsApp (HsApp 
+		           (HsVar showsPrec_RDR)
+			   (HsLit (HsInt 0)))
+   		           (HsVar a_RDR))
+			   (HsApp (HsApp 
+			       (HsVar append_RDR)
+			       (HsLit (HsString (_PK_ ") is outside of enumeration's range (0,"))))
+			       (HsApp (HsApp (HsApp 
+					(HsVar showsPrec_RDR)
+				        (HsLit (HsInt 0)))
+					(HsVar maxtag))
+					(HsLit (HsString (_PK_ ")")))))))
 parenify e@(HsVar _) = e
 parenify e	     = HsPar e
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
index 2b7b4ad06f9a210ee14780194236f45bd4079e7a..aa21d9881fbf33ec13a24649c28cef81d667553f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_tys
 	  | null scs_and_meths
-	  = 	-- Blatant special case for CCallable, CReturnable [and Eval  -- sof 5/98]
+	  = 	-- Blatant special case for CCallable, CReturnable
 		-- If the dictionary is empty then we should never
 		-- select anything from it, so we make its RHS just
 		-- emit an error message.  This in turn means that we don't
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
index 517e8b2d2bd034f04649718687025cefdeb7cf55..10a07f3e592f78d15a6ee321e33df03e9f83be66 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyTop )
 import TcTyClsDecls	( tcTyAndClassDecls )
 import TcTyDecls	( mkDataBinds )
 import TcType		( TcType, typeToTcType,
-			  TcKind, kindToTcKind
+			  TcKind, kindToTcKind,
+			  newTyVarTy
 import RnMonad		( RnNameSupply )
@@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ import Name		( Name, nameUnique, isLocallyDefined, pprModule, NamedThing(..) )
 import TyCon		( TyCon, tyConKind )
 import DataCon		( dataConId )
 import Class		( Class, classSelIds, classTyCon )
-import Type		( mkTyConApp, Type )
+import Type		( mkTyConApp, mkForAllTy, mkTyVarTy, 
+			  boxedTypeKind, getTyVar, Type )
 import TysWiredIn	( unitTy )
 import PrelMods		( mAIN )
 import PrelInfo		( main_NAME, ioTyCon_NAME,
@@ -285,12 +287,15 @@ tcCheckMainSig mod_name
     tcLookupTyCon ioTyCon_NAME		`thenTc`    \ ioTyCon ->
     tcLookupValueMaybe main_NAME	`thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_main_id ->
     case maybe_main_id of {
-	Nothing	 -> failWithTc noMainErr ;
+	Nothing	       -> failWithTc noMainErr ;
 	Just main_id   ->
 	-- Check that it has the right type (or a more general one)
+	-- As of Haskell 98, anything that unifies with (IO a) is OK.
+    newTyVarTy boxedTypeKind		`thenNF_Tc` \ t_tv ->
-	expected_tau = typeToTcType (mkTyConApp ioTyCon [unitTy])
+        tv	     = getTyVar "tcCheckMainSig" t_tv
+	expected_tau = typeToTcType ((mkTyConApp ioTyCon [t_tv]))
     tcId main_NAME				`thenNF_Tc` \ (_, lie, main_tau) ->
     tcSetErrCtxt mainTyCheckCtxt $
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
index fef10a9026b4e7eddc4b34880646c28bdc18e7dd..ad166c1776707d5f828670f67072626a6d0b154f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ import VarSet		( mkVarSet )
 import Bag		( bagToList )
 import Class		( Class, ClassInstEnv, classBigSig, classInstEnv )
-import PrelInfo		( isNumericClass, isCreturnableClass )
+import PrelInfo		( isNumericClass, isCreturnableClass, isCcallishClass )
 import Type		( Type, ThetaType, TauType, mkTyVarTy, getTyVar,
 			  isTyVarTy, substTopTheta, splitSigmaTy, tyVarsOfTypes
@@ -997,7 +997,11 @@ disambigGroup :: [Inst]	-- All standard classes of form (C a)
 	      -> TcM s TcDictBinds
 disambigGroup dicts
-  |  any isNumericClass classes 	-- Guaranteed all standard classes
+  |   any isNumericClass classes 	-- Guaranteed all standard classes
+	  -- see comment at the end of function for reasons as to 
+	  -- why the defaulting mechanism doesn't apply to groups that
+	  -- include CCallable or CReturnable dicts.
+   && not (any isCcallishClass classes)
@@ -1051,7 +1055,37 @@ disambigGroup dicts
     classes     = map get_clas dicts
+[Aside - why the defaulting mechanism is turned off when
+ dealing with arguments and results to ccalls.
+When typechecking _ccall_s, TcExpr ensures that the external
+function is only passed arguments (and in the other direction,
+results) of a restricted set of 'native' types. This is
+implemented via the help of the pseudo-type classes,
+@CReturnable@ (CR) and @CCallable@ (CC.)
+The interaction between the defaulting mechanism for numeric
+values and CC & CR can be a bit puzzling to the user at times.
+For example,
+    x <- _ccall_ f
+    if (x /= 0) then
+       _ccall_ g x
+     else
+       return ()
+What type has 'x' got here? That depends on the default list
+in operation, if it is equal to Haskell 98's default-default
+of (Integer, Double), 'x' has type Double, since Integer
+is not an instance of CR. If the default list is equal to
+Haskell 1.4's default-default of (Int, Double), 'x' has type
+To try to minimise the potential for surprises here, the
+defaulting mechanism is turned off in the presence of
+CCallable and CReturnable.
 Errors and contexts
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
index 4f1fa0c5ebb168e6b22c7730fe9848ac51132fc6..2a27a16aec252bba57c80514ab07aa09acb6a880 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ get_con (ConDecl _ _ ctxt details _)
 get_con_details (VanillaCon btys)    = unionManyUniqSets (map get_bty btys)
 get_con_details (InfixCon bty1 bty2) = unionUniqSets (get_bty bty1) (get_bty bty2)
-get_con_details (NewCon ty)          = get_ty ty
+get_con_details (NewCon ty _)        = get_ty ty
 get_con_details (RecCon nbtys)       = unionManyUniqSets (map (get_bty.snd) nbtys)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
index 181f8301173c1a4077787fad6f20e1faccd31252..5d549435163559652b6bcea505c87dcc97797e0e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Class		( Class )
 import DataCon		( DataCon, dataConSig, mkDataCon, isNullaryDataCon,
 			  dataConFieldLabels, dataConId
-import MkId		( mkDataConId, mkRecordSelId )
+import MkId		( mkDataConId, mkRecordSelId, mkNewTySelId )
 import Id		( getIdUnfolding )
 import CoreUnfold	( getUnfoldingTemplate )
 import FieldLabel
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import Var		( Id, TyVar )
 import Name		( isLocallyDefined, OccName, NamedThing(..) )
 import Outputable
 import TyCon		( TyCon, mkSynTyCon, mkAlgTyCon, isAlgTyCon, 
-			  isSynTyCon, tyConDataCons
+			  isSynTyCon, tyConDataCons, isNewTyCon
 import Type		( getTyVar, tyVarsOfTypes,
 			  mkTyConApp, mkTyVarTys, mkForAllTys, mkFunTy,
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ kcConDecl (ConDecl _ ex_tvs ex_ctxt details loc)
     kc_con (VanillaCon btys)    = mapTc kc_bty btys		`thenTc_` returnTc ()
     kc_con (InfixCon bty1 bty2) = mapTc kc_bty [bty1,bty2]	`thenTc_` returnTc ()
-    kc_con (NewCon ty)	        = tcHsType ty			`thenTc_` returnTc ()
+    kc_con (NewCon ty _)        = tcHsType ty			`thenTc_` returnTc ()
     kc_con (RecCon flds)        = mapTc kc_field flds		`thenTc_` returnTc ()
     kc_bty (Banged ty)   = tcHsType ty
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ tc_con_decl_help tycon tyvars ctxt name ex_tyvars ex_theta details
   = case details of
 	VanillaCon btys    -> tc_datacon btys
 	InfixCon bty1 bty2 -> tc_datacon [bty1,bty2]
-	NewCon ty	   -> tc_newcon ty
+	NewCon ty mb_f	   -> tc_newcon ty mb_f
 	RecCon fields	   -> tc_rec_con fields
     tc_datacon btys
@@ -179,11 +179,17 @@ tc_con_decl_help tycon tyvars ctxt name ex_tyvars ex_theta details
 	mapTc tcHsTopType tys `thenTc` \ arg_tys ->
 	mk_data_con arg_stricts arg_tys []
-    tc_newcon ty 
+    tc_newcon ty mb_f
       = tcHsTopBoxedType ty	`thenTc` \ arg_ty ->
 	    -- can't allow an unboxed type here, because we're effectively
 	    -- going to remove the constructor while coercing it to a boxed type.
-	mk_data_con [NotMarkedStrict] [arg_ty] []
+	let
+	  field_label =
+	    case mb_f of
+	      Nothing -> []
+	      Just f  -> [mkFieldLabel (getName f) arg_ty (head allFieldLabelTags)]
+        in	      
+	mk_data_con [NotMarkedStrict] [arg_ty] field_label
     tc_rec_con fields
       = checkTc (null ex_tyvars) (exRecConErr name)	    `thenTc_`
@@ -254,8 +260,7 @@ mkDataBinds (tycon : tycons)
 		       returnTc (ids1++ids2, b1 `AndMonoBinds` b2)
 mkDataBinds_one tycon
-  = ASSERT( isAlgTyCon tycon )
-    mapTc (mkRecordSelector tycon) groups	`thenTc` \ sel_ids ->
+  = mapTc (mkRecordSelector tycon) groups	`thenTc` \ sel_ids ->
 	data_ids = map dataConId data_cons ++ sel_ids
@@ -303,7 +308,9 @@ mkRecordSelector tycon fields@((first_con, first_field_label) : other_fields)
     selector_id :: Id
-    selector_id = mkRecordSelId first_field_label selector_ty
+    selector_id 
+      | isNewTyCon tycon    = mkNewTySelId  first_field_label selector_ty
+      | otherwise	    = mkRecordSelId first_field_label selector_ty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
index 038789bac742e5e180ebbff829a537cc851a3493..7d3a79de2836a671b5539531e01c056ee8b7a18d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ zonkTcTypeToType ty = zonkType zonk_unbound_tyvar ty
     zonk_unbound_tyvar tv
 	= zonkTcKindToKind (tyVarKind tv)	`thenNF_Tc` \ kind ->
 	  if kind == boxedTypeKind then
-		tcPutTyVar tv voidTy	-- Just to creating a new tycon in
+		tcPutTyVar tv voidTy	-- Just to avoid creating a new tycon in
 					-- this vastly common case
 		tcPutTyVar tv (TyConApp (mk_void_tycon tv) [])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.hi-boot b/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.hi-boot
index 27f630b49768245fb4332fc254c9a3ed14ac8aa0..930f95809a8a352d36c72774afa7ec12017162b1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.hi-boot
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.hi-boot
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ _declarations_
 1 isTupleTyCon _:_ TyCon -> PrelBase.Bool ;;
 1 isUnboxedTupleTyCon _:_ TyCon -> PrelBase.Bool ;;
 1 isFunTyCon _:_ TyCon -> PrelBase.Bool ;;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Type.hi-boot b/ghc/compiler/types/Type.hi-boot
index e9911f653ca2fdf6f100a5b4c0ef7aca307e78a9..cc55830626a776ab1a4f0f321be3446d4ae2a3ed 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Type.hi-boot
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Type.hi-boot
@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ _declarations_
 1 type Kind = Type ;
 1 type SuperKind = Type ;