From 3990d44447b6c38a2effd68beb50da459dfd19fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: partain <unknown>
Date: Mon, 6 May 1996 09:54:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1996-05-06 09:54:05 by partain] Sansom 1.3 changes
 through 960503

 ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y   |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs |  25 ++---
 ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs    |   5 +
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs   | 151 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs    |  41 ++++----
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs   |  24 ++---
 7 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
index 790b802bfda8..bae7fda7ffb6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Name		( ExportFlag(..), mkTupNameStr,
 import Outputable	-- ToDo:rm
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) ) -- ToDo: rm debugging
 import SrcLoc		( mkIfaceSrcLoc )
-import Util		( pprPanic{-ToDo:rm-} )
+import Util		( panic, pprPanic{-ToDo:rm-} )
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ iface		: INTERFACE CONID INTEGER
 		  exports_part inst_modules_part
 		  fixities_part decls_part instances_part pragmas_part
 		  { case $9 of { (tm, vm) ->
-		    ParsedIface $2 (fromInteger $3) Nothing{-src version-}
+		    ParsedIface $2 (panic "merge modules") (fromInteger $3) Nothing{-src version-}
 			$4  -- usages
 			$5  -- local versions
 			$6  -- exports map
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs
index 32837945149e..3d40da13d287 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs
@@ -47,18 +47,19 @@ type PragmaStuff = String
 data ParsedIface
   = ParsedIface
-      Module		-- Module name
-      Version		-- Module version number
-      (Maybe Version)	-- Source version number
-      UsagesMap		-- Used when compiling this module
-      VersionsMap	-- Version numbers of things from this module
-      ExportsMap	-- Exported names
-      (Bag Module)	-- Special instance modules
-      FixitiesMap	-- fixities of local things
-      LocalTyDefsMap	-- Local TyCon/Class names defined
-      LocalValDefsMap	-- Local value names defined
-      (Bag RdrIfaceInst)-- Local instance declarations
-      LocalPragmasMap	-- Pragmas for local names
+      Module		 -- Module name
+      (Bool, Bag Module) -- From a merging of these modules; True => merging occured
+      Version		 -- Module version number
+      (Maybe Version)	 -- Source version number
+      UsagesMap		 -- Used when compiling this module
+      VersionsMap	 -- Version numbers of things from this module
+      ExportsMap	 -- Exported names
+      (Bag Module)	 -- Special instance modules
+      FixitiesMap	 -- fixities of local things
+      LocalTyDefsMap	 -- Local TyCon/Class names defined
+      LocalValDefsMap	 -- Local value names defined
+      (Bag RdrIfaceInst) -- Local instance declarations
+      LocalPragmasMap	 -- Pragmas for local names
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
index 4751fef5a0fe..c5d18119d6e0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ renameModule us input@(HsModule mod _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
 	multiple_occs (rn, (o1:o2:_)) = True
 	multiple_occs _               = False
-    return (rn_module, imp_mods,
+    return (rn_module, imp_mods, 
 	    top_errs  `unionBags` src_errs,
 	    top_warns `unionBags` src_warns `unionBags` listToBag occ_warns,
 	    occ_fm, export_fn)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
index ff88c4fe23c2..51073048bc8f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
@@ -191,5 +191,10 @@ collectQualBinders quals
     collect (GeneratorQual pat _) = collectPatBinders pat
     collect (FilterQual expr)	  = []
     collect (LetQual    binds)	  = collectTopLevelBinders binds
+fixDeclName :: FixityDecl name -> name
+fixDeclName (InfixL name i) = name
+fixDeclName (InfixR name i) = name
+fixDeclName (InfixN name i) = name
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
index d2f62e42734e..0f0949765ce6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
@@ -33,16 +33,15 @@ import ParseUtils	( ParsedIface(..), RdrIfaceDecl(..), RdrIfaceInst(..),
 			  VersionsMap(..), UsagesMap(..)
-import Bag		( emptyBag, consBag, snocBag, unionBags, unionManyBags, isEmptyBag, bagToList )
+import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, consBag, snocBag,
+			  unionBags, unionManyBags, isEmptyBag, bagToList )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_HiSuffix, opt_SysHiSuffix )
 import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..) )
-import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM, addToFM_C, plusFM, eltsFM,
+import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM, addToFM_C, plusFM, plusFM_C, eltsFM,
 			  fmToList, delListFromFM, sizeFM, keysFM{-ToDo:rm-}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import Name		( moduleNamePair, origName, isRdrLexCon,
-			  RdrName(..){-instance NamedThing-}
-			)
+import Name		( moduleNamePair, origName, isRdrLexCon, RdrName(..) )
 import PprStyle		-- ToDo:rm
 import Outputable	-- ToDo:rm
 import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo )
@@ -59,8 +58,11 @@ type ModuleToIfaceContents = FiniteMap Module ParsedIface
 type ModuleToIfaceFilePath = FiniteMap Module FilePath
 type IfaceCache
-  = MutableVar _RealWorld (ModuleToIfaceContents,
-			   ModuleToIfaceFilePath)
+  = MutableVar _RealWorld
+	(ModuleToIfaceContents,	-- interfaces for individual interface files
+	 ModuleToIfaceContents, -- merged interfaces based on module name
+				-- used for extracting info about original names
+	 ModuleToIfaceFilePath)
@@ -145,16 +147,35 @@ Return cached info about a Module's interface; otherwise,
 read the interface (using our @ModuleToIfaceFilePath@ map
 to decide where to look).
+Note: we have two notions of interface
+ * the interface for a particular file name
+ * the (combined) interface for a particular module name
+The idea is that two source files may declare a module
+with the same name with the declarations being merged.
+This allows us to have file PreludeList.hs producing
+PreludeList.hi but defining part of module Prelude.
+When PreludeList is imported its contents will be
+added to Prelude. In this way all the original names 
+for a particular module will be available the imported
+decls are renamed.
+ToDo: Check duplicate definitons are the same.
+ToDo: Check/Merge duplicate pragmas.
-cachedIface :: IfaceCache
+cachedIface :: Bool		-- True  => want merged interface for original name
+	    -> IfaceCache	-- False => want file interface only
 	    -> Module
 	    -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
-cachedIface iface_cache mod
-  = readVar iface_cache `thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, file_fm) ->
+cachedIface want_orig_iface iface_cache mod
+  = readVar iface_cache `thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, orig_fm, file_fm) ->
     case (lookupFM iface_fm mod) of
-      Just iface -> return (Succeeded iface)
+      Just iface -> return (want_iface iface orig_fm)
       Nothing    ->
       	case (lookupFM file_fm mod) of
 	  Nothing   -> return (Failed (noIfaceErr mod))
@@ -166,9 +187,52 @@ cachedIface iface_cache mod
 	      Succeeded iface ->
 		    iface_fm' = addToFM iface_fm mod iface
+		    orig_fm'  = addToFM_C mergeIfaces orig_fm (iface_mod iface) iface
-		writeVar iface_cache (iface_fm', file_fm) `seqPrimIO`
-		return (Succeeded iface)
+		writeVar iface_cache (iface_fm', orig_fm', file_fm) `seqPrimIO`
+		return (want_iface iface orig_fm')
+  where
+    want_iface iface orig_fm 
+      | want_orig_iface
+      = case lookupFM orig_fm of
+	  Nothing         -> Failed (noOrigIfaceErr mod)
+          Just orig_iface -> Succeeded orig_iface
+      | otherwise
+      = Succeeded iface
+    iface_mod (ParsedIface mod _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = mod
+mergeIfaces (ParsedIface mod1 (_, files1) _ _ _ _ _ _ fixes1 tdefs1 vdefs1 idefs1 prags1)
+	    (ParsedIface mod2 (_, files2) _ _ _ _ _ _ fixes2 tdefs2 vdefs2 idefs2 prags2)
+  = pprTrace "mergeIfaces:" (ppCat [ppStr "import", ppCat (map ppPStr (bagToList files2)),
+				    ppStr "merged with", ppPStr mod1]) $
+    ASSERT(mod1 == mod2)
+    ParsedIface mod1
+	(True, unionBags files1 files2)
+	(panic "mergeIface: module version numbers")
+	(panic "mergeIface: source version numbers")	-- Version numbers etc must be extracted from
+	(panic "mergeIface: usage version numbers")	-- the merged file interfaces named above
+	(panic "mergeIface: decl version numbers")
+	(panic "mergeIface: exports")
+	(panic "mergeIface: instance modules")
+ 	(plusFM_C (dup_merge "fixity"      (ppr PprDebug . fixDeclName)) fixes1 fixes2)
+	(plusFM_C (dup_merge "tycon/class" (ppr PprDebug . idecl_nm))    tdefs1 tdefs2)
+	(plusFM_C (dup_merge "value"       (ppr PprDebug . idecl_nm))    vdefs1 vdefs2)
+	(unionBags idefs1 idefs2)
+	(plusFM_C (dup_merge "pragma"      ppStr)			 prags1 prags2)
+  where
+    dup_merge str ppr_dup dup1 dup2
+      = pprTrace "mergeIfaces:"
+	   	 (ppCat [ppPStr mod, ppPStr mod1, ppStr ": dup", ppStr str, ppStr "decl",
+			 ppr_dup dup1, ppr_dup dup2]) $
+        dup2
+    idecl_nm (TypeSig    n _ _)     = n
+    idecl_nm (NewTypeSig n _ _ _)   = n
+    idecl_nm (DataSig    n _ _ _ _) = n
+    idecl_nm (ClassSig   n _ _ _)   = n
+    idecl_nm (ValSig     n _ _)	    = n
 cachedDecl :: IfaceCache
@@ -176,14 +240,11 @@ cachedDecl :: IfaceCache
 	   -> RdrName
 	   -> IO (MaybeErr RdrIfaceDecl Error)
--- ToDo: this is where the check for being
---       located in should be done ...
 cachedDecl iface_cache class_or_tycon orig 
-  = cachedIface iface_cache mod 	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
+  = cachedIface True iface_cache mod 	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
     case maybe_iface of
       Failed err -> return (Failed err)
-      Succeeded (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ exps _ _ tdefs vdefs _ _) -> 
+      Succeeded (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ exps _ _ tdefs vdefs _ _) -> 
 	case (lookupFM (if class_or_tycon then tdefs else vdefs) str) of
 	  Just decl -> return (Succeeded decl)
 	  Nothing   -> return (Failed (noDeclInIfaceErr mod str))
@@ -258,7 +319,10 @@ readIface file mod
       Right contents -> hPutStr stderr " parsing"   >>
 			let parsed = parseIface contents in
 			hPutStr stderr " done\n"    >>
-			return parsed
+			return (Succeeded (init_merge mod parsed))
+  where
+    init_merge this (ParsedIface mod _ v sv us vs exps insts fixes tdefs vdefs idefs prags)
+      =	ParsedIface mod (False, unitBag this) v sv us vs exps insts fixes tdefs vdefs idefs prags
@@ -387,19 +451,26 @@ rnIfaces iface_cache imp_mods us
 		     -- pprTrace "do_decls:done:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
 		     do_decls ns down to_return
-	  Nothing -> -- OK, see what the cache has for us...
+	  Nothing
+	   | fst (moduleNamePair n) == modname ->
+		     -- avoid looking in interface for the module being compiled
+		     -- pprTrace "do_decls:this module error:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
+		     do_decls ns down (add_err (thisModImplicitErr modname n) to_return)
-	    cachedDeclByType iface_cache n >>= \ maybe_ans ->
-	    case maybe_ans of
-	      Failed err -> -- add the error, but keep going:
-			    -- pprTrace "do_decls:cache error:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
-			    do_decls ns down (add_err err to_return)
+	   | otherwise ->
+		     -- OK, see what the cache has for us...
-	      Succeeded iface_decl -> -- something needing renaming!
-		let
+	     cachedDeclByType iface_cache n >>= \ maybe_ans ->
+	     case maybe_ans of
+	       Failed err -> -- add the error, but keep going:
+			     -- pprTrace "do_decls:cache error:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
+			     do_decls ns down (add_err err to_return)
+	       Succeeded iface_decl -> -- something needing renaming!
+		 let
 		    (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply (uniqsupply down)
-		in
-		case (initRn False{-iface-} modname (occenv down) us1 (
+		 in
+		 case (initRn False{-iface-} modname (occenv down) us1 (
 			setExtraRn emptyUFM{-no fixities-} $
 			rnIfaceDecl iface_decl)) of {
 		  ((if_decl, if_defd, if_implicits), if_errs, if_warns) ->
@@ -420,7 +491,7 @@ rnIfaces iface_cache imp_mods us
 			       add_implicits if_implicits	$
 			        add_errs     if_errs		$
 			         add_warns   if_warns to_return)
-	        }
+	         }
 type Go_Down   = (RnEnv,	-- stuff we already have defns for;
@@ -575,19 +646,19 @@ sub (val_ment, tc_ment) (val_defds, tc_defds)
 cacheInstModules :: IfaceCache -> [Module] -> IO (Bag Error)
 cacheInstModules iface_cache imp_mods
-  = readVar iface_cache		`thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, _) ->
+  = readVar iface_cache		`thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, _, _) ->
 	imp_ifaces      = [ iface | Just iface <- map (lookupFM iface_fm) imp_mods ]
 	(imp_imods, _)  = removeDups cmpPString (bagToList (unionManyBags (map get_ims imp_ifaces)))
-        get_ims (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ ims _ _ _ _ _) = ims
+        get_ims (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ims _ _ _ _ _) = ims
-    accumulate (map (cachedIface iface_cache) imp_imods) >>= \ err_or_ifaces ->
+    accumulate (map (cachedIface False iface_cache) imp_imods) >>= \ err_or_ifaces ->
     -- Sanity Check:
     -- Assert that instance modules given by direct imports contains
     -- instance modules extracted from all visited modules
-    readVar iface_cache		`thenPrimIO` \ (all_iface_fm, _) ->
+    readVar iface_cache		`thenPrimIO` \ (all_iface_fm, _, _) ->
 	all_ifaces     = eltsFM all_iface_fm
 	(all_imods, _) = removeDups cmpPString (bagToList (unionManyBags (map get_ims (all_ifaces))))
@@ -623,9 +694,9 @@ rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
   = -- all the instance decls we might even want to consider
     -- are in the ParsedIfaces that are in our cache
-    readVar iface_cache	`thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, _) ->
+    readVar iface_cache	`thenPrimIO` \ (_, orig_iface_fm, _) ->
-	all_ifaces	  = eltsFM iface_fm
+	all_ifaces	  = eltsFM orig_iface_fm
 	all_insts	  = unionManyBags (map get_insts all_ifaces)
 	interesting_insts = filter want_inst (bagToList all_insts)
@@ -659,7 +730,7 @@ rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
 		eltsFM (fst if_implicits) ++ eltsFM (snd if_implicits))
-    get_insts (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ insts _) = insts
+    get_insts (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ insts _) = insts
     add_done_inst (InstSig clas tycon _ _) inst_env
       = addToFM_C (+) inst_env (tycon,clas) 1
@@ -728,9 +799,15 @@ finalIfaceInfo iface_cache if_final_env@((qual, unqual, tc_qual, tc_unqual), sta
+thisModImplicitErr mod n sty
+  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Implicit import of"), ppr sty n, ppPStr SLIT("when compiling"), ppPStr mod]
 noIfaceErr mod sty
   = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Could not find interface for:"), ppPStr mod]
+noOrigIfaceErr mod sty
+  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Could not find original interface for:"), ppPStr mod]
 noDeclInIfaceErr mod str sty
   = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("Could not find interface declaration of: "),
 	       ppPStr mod, ppStr ".", ppPStr str]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
index 27dd750a394d..e106696413d2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
@@ -336,41 +336,44 @@ doImportDecls iface_cache g_info us src_imps
 	    i_info = (g_info, emptyFM, emptyFM, rec_imp_fn)
+	-- cache the imported modules
+	-- this ensures that all directly imported modules
+	-- will have their original name iface in scope
+	accumulate (map (cachedIface False iface_cache) imp_mods) >>
+	-- process the imports
 	doImports iface_cache i_info us all_imps
     ) >>= \ (vals, tcs, unquals, fixes, errs, warns, _) ->
     return (vals, tcs, imp_mods, unquals, fixes,
 	    errs, imp_warns `unionBags` warns)
-    (src_qprels, ok_imps) = partition qual_prel src_imps
-    the_imps = ok_imps ++ prel_imp
-    all_imps = the_imps ++ qprel_imp
+    the_imps = implicit_prel ++ src_imps
+    all_imps = implicit_qprel ++ the_imps
-    qual_prel (ImportDecl mod qual imp_as _ _)
-      = fromPrelude mod && qual && not (maybeToBool imp_as)
+    implicit_qprel = if opt_NoImplicitPrelude
+		     then [{- no "import qualified Prelude" -}]
+		     else [ImportDecl pRELUDE True Nothing Nothing prel_loc]
-    explicit_prelude_import
-      = null [() | (ImportDecl mod qual _ _ _) <- ok_imps, fromPrelude mod]
+    explicit_prelude_imp = not (null [ () | (ImportDecl mod qual _ _ _) <- src_imps,
+				            mod == pRELUDE ])
-    qprel_imp = if opt_NoImplicitPrelude
-		then [{-the flag really means it: *NO* implicit "import Prelude" -}]
-		else [ImportDecl pRELUDE True Nothing Nothing prel_loc]
-    prel_imp  = if not explicit_prelude_import || opt_NoImplicitPrelude
-		then
-		   [{- no "import Prelude" -}]
-	        else
-	           [ImportDecl pRELUDE False Nothing Nothing prel_loc]
+    implicit_prel  = if explicit_prelude_imp || opt_NoImplicitPrelude
+		     then [{- no "import Prelude" -}]
+	             else [ImportDecl pRELUDE False Nothing Nothing prel_loc]
     prel_loc = mkBuiltinSrcLoc
     (uniq_imps, imp_dups) = removeDups cmp_mod the_imps
     cmp_mod (ImportDecl m1 _ _ _ _) (ImportDecl m2 _ _ _ _) = cmpPString m1 m2
+    qprel_imps = [ imp | imp@(ImportDecl mod True Nothing _ _) <- prel_imps ]
     imp_mods  = [ mod | ImportDecl mod _ _ _ _ <- uniq_imps ]
     imp_warns = listToBag (map dupImportWarn imp_dups)
-		listToBag (map qualPreludeImportWarn src_qprels)
+		listToBag (map qualPreludeImportWarn qprel_imps)
 doImports iface_cache i_info us []
@@ -414,7 +417,7 @@ doImport :: IfaceCache
 		Bag (RnName,(ExportFlag,Bag SrcLoc)))	-- import flags and src locs
 doImport iface_cache info us (ImportDecl mod qual maybe_as maybe_spec src_loc)
-  = cachedIface iface_cache mod 	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
+  = cachedIface False iface_cache mod 	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
     case maybe_iface of
       Failed err ->
 	return (emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag,
@@ -618,7 +621,7 @@ getFixityDecl iface_cache rn
   = let
 	(mod, str) = moduleNamePair rn
-    cachedIface iface_cache mod	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
+    cachedIface True iface_cache mod	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
     case maybe_iface of
       Failed err ->
 	return (Nothing, unitBag err)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
index dd5be0c783d7..0291b37207b6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ import ListSetOps	( unionLists, minusList )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, catMaybes )
 import Name		( Name, isLocallyDefined, isLexVarId, getLocalName, ExportFlag(..), 
 			  nameImportFlag, RdrName, pprNonSym )
-import Outputable -- ToDo:rm
-import PprStyle -- ToDo:rm 
+import Outputable	-- ToDo:rm
+import PprStyle 	-- ToDo:rm 
 import PrelInfo		( consDataCon )
 import Pretty
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Checks the (..) etc constraints in the export list.
-rnSource :: [Module]
+rnSource :: [Module]			-- imported modules
 	 -> Bag (Module,RnName)		-- unqualified imports from module
 	 -> Bag RenamedFixityDecl	-- fixity info for imported names
 	 -> RdrNameHsModule
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ rnSource imp_mods unqual_imps imp_fixes
 	all_fixes     = src_fixes ++ bagToList imp_fixes
 	all_fixes_fm  = listToUFM (map pair_name all_fixes)
-	pair_name inf = (nameFixDecl inf, inf)
+	pair_name inf = (fixDeclName inf, inf)
     setExtraRn all_fixes_fm $
@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ rnFixes fixities
   = getSrcLocRn	`thenRn` \ src_loc ->
         (_, dup_fixes) = removeDups cmp_fix fixities
-	cmp_fix fix1 fix2 = nameFixDecl fix1 `cmp` nameFixDecl fix2
+	cmp_fix fix1 fix2 = fixDeclName fix1 `cmp` fixDeclName fix2
         rn_fixity fix@(InfixL name i)
       	  = rn_fixity_pieces InfixL name i fix
@@ -563,10 +563,6 @@ rnFixes fixities
     mapRn (addErrRn . dupFixityDeclErr src_loc) dup_fixes `thenRn_`
     mapRn rn_fixity fixities				  `thenRn` \ fixes_maybe ->
     returnRn (catMaybes fixes_maybe)
-nameFixDecl (InfixL name i) = name
-nameFixDecl (InfixR name i) = name
-nameFixDecl (InfixN name i) = name
@@ -692,16 +688,16 @@ importAllErr rn locn
 badModExportErr mod locn
   = addShortErrLocLine locn (\ sty ->
-    ppCat [ ppStr "unknown module in export list:", ppPStr mod])
-dupModExportWarn locn mods@(mod:_)
-  = addShortErrLocLine locn (\ sty ->
-    ppCat [ppStr "module", ppPStr mod, ppStr "appears", ppInt (length mods), ppStr "times in export list"])
+    ppCat [ ppStr "unknown module in export list: module", ppPStr mod])
 emptyModExportWarn locn mod
   = addShortErrLocLine locn (\ sty ->
     ppCat [ppStr "module", ppPStr mod, ppStr "has no unqualified imports to export"])
+dupModExportWarn locn mods@(mod:_)
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn (\ sty ->
+    ppCat [ppStr "module", ppPStr mod, ppStr "appears", ppInt (length mods), ppStr "times in export list"])
 derivingNonStdClassErr clas locn
   = addShortErrLocLine locn (\ sty ->
     ppCat [ppStr "non-standard class in deriving:", ppr sty clas])