From 47e446c74eb726d30fdc51a4352cdc1903b75754 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sof <unknown>
Date: Sat, 16 May 1998 20:01:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1998-05-16 20:01:18 by sof] unsafeInterleaveIO:
 handle I/O failure a little bit more gracefully

 ghc/lib/std/PrelUnsafe.lhs | 31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelUnsafe.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelUnsafe.lhs
index 775582c18dec..d85c63903cf3 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelUnsafe.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelUnsafe.lhs
@@ -5,7 +5,25 @@
 \section[PrelUnsafe]{Module @PrelUnsafe@}
 These functions have their own module because we definitely don't want
-them to be inlined.
+them to be inlined. The reason is that we may end up turning an action
+into a constant when it is not:
+  new :: IORef Int
+  new = 
+   let
+    foo = unsafePerformIO getNextValue
+   in
+   newIORef foo 
+If unsafePerformIO is inlined here, the application of getNextValue to the realWorld# 
+token might be floated out, leaving us with
+  foo' = getNextValue realWorld#
+  new :: IORef Int
+  new = newIORef foo'
+which is not what we want.
 {-# OPTIONS -fno-implicit-prelude #-}
@@ -40,11 +58,15 @@ unsafePerformIO (IO m)
 unsafeInterleaveIO :: IO a -> IO a
 unsafeInterleaveIO (IO m) = IO ( \ s ->
-	    IOok _ r = m s
+         res =
+	   case m s of
+	     IOok _ r   -> r
+	     IOfail _ e -> error ("unsafeInterleaveIO: I/O error: " ++ show e ++ "\n")
-	IOok s r)
+	IOok s res
+    )
-{-# GENERATE_SPECS _trace a #-}
 trace :: String -> a -> a
 trace string expr
   = unsafePerformIO (
@@ -55,4 +77,3 @@ trace string expr
     sTDERR = (``stderr'' :: Addr)