From 588bd802d15f45ae57009e3645a05e01fa69a65a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sof <unknown>
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 1997 18:38:43 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1997-08-17 18:38:36 by sof] Removed:unused

 glafp-utils/msub/Makefile      |   7 -
 glafp-utils/msub/msub.c        | 520 ---------------------------------
 glafp-utils/msub/      | 274 -----------------
 glafp-utils/msub/       | 128 --------
 glafp-utils/msub/test.makefile |  18 --
 glafp-utils/msub/test.stdout   |  11 -
 glafp-utils/msub/testfile      |  13 -
 7 files changed, 971 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 glafp-utils/msub/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 glafp-utils/msub/msub.c
 delete mode 100644 glafp-utils/msub/
 delete mode 100644 glafp-utils/msub/
 delete mode 100644 glafp-utils/msub/test.makefile
 delete mode 100644 glafp-utils/msub/test.stdout
 delete mode 100644 glafp-utils/msub/testfile

diff --git a/glafp-utils/msub/Makefile b/glafp-utils/msub/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a0d89ba231c..000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/msub/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-include $(TOP)/mk/
-include $(TOP)/mk/
diff --git a/glafp-utils/msub/msub.c b/glafp-utils/msub/msub.c
deleted file mode 100644
index dc90b47a7552..000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/msub/msub.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,520 +0,0 @@
-	msub - Read file(s) and perform substitutions using values of
-		variables defined in makefile.
-	Syntax: msub [-f makefile] [file ...]
-	Multiple -f options may be given.
-	27 Mar 1990	Paul DuBois
-	27 Mar 1990 V1.0.  Created.
-# include	<stdio.h>
-# include	<ctype.h>
-# include	<string.h>
-# define	true	(1)
-# define	false	(0)
-extern char	*calloc ();
-char	*NewString();
-typedef struct Def	Def;
-struct Def
-	char	*var;		/* variable name */
-	char	*val;		/* variable value */
-	int	simple;		/* whether value has been expanded */
-	Def	*nextDef;	/* next definition in list */
-char	*usage = "Usage: msub [ -f makefile ] file";
-char	*makefile = NULL;
-Def	*defList = NULL;	/* list of definitions */
-int	nDefs = 0;		/* number of definitions */
-int	changes;
-main (argc, argv)
-int	argc;
-char	**argv;
-FILE	*f;
-Def	*dp;
-int	i, pass;
-	--argc;
-	++argv;
-	while (argc > 0 && argv[0][0] == '-')
-	{
-		if (strcmp (argv[0], "-f") == 0)
-		{
-			if (argc < 2)
-				panic (usage);
-			if ((f = fopen (makefile = argv[1], "r")) == NULL)
-				panic ("Can't open makefile");
-			ReadMake (f);
-			fclose (f);
-			argc -= 2;
-			argv += 2;
-		}
-		else
-			panic (usage);	/* bad flag */
-	}
-	if (makefile == NULL)	/* no -f options given */
-	{
-		if ((f = fopen ("makefile", "r")) == NULL)
-		{
-			if ((f = fopen ("Makefile", "r")) == NULL)
-				panic ("Can't open makefile");
-		}
-		ReadMake (f);
-		fclose (f);
-	}
-	EncodeEscapes ();
-	/* determine which values need expanding */
-	for (dp = defList; dp != NULL; dp = dp->nextDef)
-		dp->simple = !FindVarRef (dp->val, NULL, NULL, false);
-	/* expand values to eliminate embedded var references */
-	for (pass = 0; pass < nDefs; pass++)
-	{
-		changes = 0;
-		for (dp = defList; dp != NULL; dp = dp->nextDef)
-		{
-			if (!dp->simple)
-				Expand (dp);
-		}
-		if (changes == 0)	/* loop while values expand */
-			break;
-	}
-	/* sanity check: shouldn't have to make more than nDefs passes */
-	if (pass >= nDefs)
-		panic ("Too many expansion passes.  Something's wrong!");
-	DecodeEscapes ();
-	/* partain addition:
-	    args of form "foo=bar" are taken to be defs to add in
-	*/
-	while (argc > 0 && strchr(argv[0], '=') && isalpha(argv[0][0]))
-	{
-	 char name[BUFSIZ], *np, *p;
-	 int len;
-	 p = argv[0];
-		/* copied from below */
-			np = name;
-			while (isalnum (*p) || *p == '_')
-				*np++ = *p++;
-			*np = '\0';
-			while (isspace (*p))	/* skip whitespace */
-				++p;
-			if (*p++ == '=')	/* it's a definition */
-			{
-				/* skip leading/trailing whitespace */
-				while (isspace (*p))
-					++p;
-				len = strlen (p);
-				while (len > 0 && isspace (p[len-1]))
-					p[--len] = '\0';
-				AddDef (name, p, 1);
-				/* find var refs in value -- NUKED */
-				/* FindAllVarRefs (p); */
-				/* also NUKED: continue; */
-			}
-		/* end of: copied from below */
-		--argc;
-		++argv;
-	}
-	/* end of partain addition */
-	/* read source file(s) and perform substitutions */
-	if (argc == 0)
-		DoSub (stdin);
-	else while (argc > 0)
-	{
-		if ((f = fopen (*argv, "r")) == NULL)
-		{
-			fprintf (stderr, "Can't open \"%s\".  ", *argv);
-			panic ("Quitting.");
-		}
-		DoSub (f);
-		fclose (f);
-		--argc;
-		++argv;
-	}
-	exit (0);
-	Read a makefile.
-ReadMake (f)
-FILE	*f;
-char	input[BUFSIZ * 4], name[BUFSIZ], *p, *np;
-int	i, len;
-	while (GetLine (f, input))	/* get line, check whether def'n */
-	{
-		for (p = input; isspace (*p); p++) { /* nop */ }
-		if (*p == '#' || *p == '\0')	/* comment or blank line */
-			continue;
-		if (isalpha (*p))	/* look for var name */
-		{
-			np = name;
-			while (isalnum (*p) || *p == '_')
-				*np++ = *p++;
-			*np = '\0';
-			while (isspace (*p))	/* skip whitespace */
-				++p;
-			if (*p++ == '=')	/* it's a definition */
-			{
-				/* skip leading/trailing whitespace */
-				while (isspace (*p))
-					++p;
-				len = strlen (p);
-				while (len > 0 && isspace (p[len-1]))
-					p[--len] = '\0';
-				AddDef (name, p, 1);
-				/* find var refs in value */
-				FindAllVarRefs (p);
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
-		/* not a definition; find var refs anywhere in line */
-		FindAllVarRefs (input);
-	}
-	Find definition by variable name.
-Def *FindDefByVar (s)
-char	*s;
-Def	*dp;
-	for (dp = defList; dp != NULL; dp = dp->nextDef)
-	{
-		if (strcmp (dp->var, s) == 0)
-			return (dp);
-	}
-	return (NULL);
-	Add a definition.  If the name hasn't been seen yet, create a new
-	definition on the list.  If the name has been seen, and replace is
-	non-zero, replace the current value with the new one.  (replace will
-	be zero if we're just adding a variable which is known by its being
-	referenced somewhere.)
-AddDef (name, value, replace)
-char	*name, *value;
-int	replace;
-Def	*dp;
-	if ((dp = FindDefByVar (name)) == NULL)
-	{
-		if ((dp = (Def *) calloc (1, sizeof (Def))) == NULL)
-			panic ("AddDef: out of memory");
-		dp->var = NewString (name);
-		dp->val = NewString (value);
-		dp->simple = 0;		/* assume not */
-		dp->nextDef = defList;
-		defList = dp;
-		++nDefs;
-	}
-	else if (replace)
-	{
-		free (dp->val);
-		dp->val = NewString (value);
-	}
-	Replace instances of '$$' with a single ^A.
-EncodeEscapes ()
-Def	*dp;
-char	*p, *q;
-	for (dp = defList; dp != NULL; dp = dp->nextDef)
-	{
-		for (p = q = dp->val; *p != '\0'; p++, q++)
-		{
-			*q = *p;
-			if (*p == '$' && *(p+1) == '$')
-			{
-				*q = '\01';
-				p++;
-			}
-		}
-		*q = '\0';
-	}
-	Replace instances of ^A with a '$'.
-DecodeEscapes ()
-Def	*dp;
-char	*p;
-	for (dp = defList; dp != NULL; dp = dp->nextDef)
-	{
-		for (p = dp->val; *p != '\0'; p++)
-		{
-			if (*p == '\01')
-				*p = '$';
-		}
-	}
-	Find variable reference in variable value.  begin is set to
-	the index of the '$' and end is set to the index of the closing
-	delimiter.  (If either is NULL, it is not set.)
-	recogEsc is non-zero (true) if '$$' is recognized as an escaped '$'
-	and skipped.  It will be true during initial searching for var refs
-	and while substituting in source files, false while expanding variable
-	values.
-	$v, ${}, ${1}, ${v), etc. are not accepted as valid and are ignored.
-FindVarRef (s, beg, end, recogEsc)
-char	*s;
-int	*beg, *end, recogEsc;
-int	i;
-char	c, delim;
-	i = 0;
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		while ((c = s[i]) != '\0')
-		{
-			if (c == '$')
-			{
-				if ((c = s[i+1]) == '{' || c == '(')
-					break;
-				if (recogEsc && c == '$')	/* escaped $ */
-					++i;
-			}
-			++i;
-		}
-		if (c == '\0')
-			return (0);	/* no reference */
-		if (beg != (int *) NULL)
-			*beg = i;
-		if (s[++i] == '{')
-			delim = '}';
-		else
-			delim = ')';
-		++i;
-		if (!isalpha (s[i]))	/* must have at least one char, must */
-			continue;	/* begin with letter */
-		while ((c = s[++i]) != '\0')
-		{
-			if (c == delim)	/* find matching delim */
-			{
-				if (end != (int *) NULL)
-					*end = i;
-				return (1);
-			}
-			if (!isalnum (c) && c != '_')
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-FindAllVarRefs (s)
-char	*s;
-char	name[BUFSIZ];
-int	begin, end;
-	while (FindVarRef (s, &begin, &end, true))
-	{
-		/* add with empty value if unknown, */
-		/* but don't replace value if known */
-		strncpy (name, s + begin + 2, end - begin - 2);
-		name[end-begin-2] = '\0';
-		AddDef (name, "", 0);
-		s += end + 1;
-	}
-	Pull out a variable reference, skipping leading '$(' or '${' and
-	trailing ')' or '}'.
-YankVarRef (dst, src, begin, end)
-char	*dst, *src;
-int	begin, end;
-	strncpy (dst, src + begin + 2, end - begin - 2);
-	dst[end - begin - 2] = '\0';
-	Look for variable references in a variable value and expand them
-	when possible.  If a variable is referenced but never defined, it
-	disappears.  If a variable is referenced, but its value has not itself
-	been fully expanded, defer expansion of value until another pass, at
-	which time the referenced variable might then be expanded.  This
-	prevents infinite expansions on circular references.
-Expand (dp)
-Def	*dp;
-Def	*dp2;
-/* partain: made 4 * BUFSIZ
-char	buf[BUFSIZ];
-char	buf[4 * BUFSIZ];
-int	begin, end, vn;
-	while (FindVarRef (dp->val, &begin, &end, false))
-	{
-		YankVarRef (buf, dp->val, begin, end);
-		if ((dp2 = FindDefByVar (buf)) == NULL)
-		{
-			fprintf (stderr, "Expand error: can't find %s, ", buf);
-			panic ("quitting");
-		}
-		if (!dp2->simple)	/* can't expand, give up for now */
-			break;
-		dp->val[begin] = '\0';
-		sprintf (buf, "%s%s%s", dp->val, dp2->val, &(dp->val)[end+1]);
-		free (dp->val);
-		dp->val = NewString (buf);
-		++changes;
-	}
-	dp->simple = !FindVarRef (dp->val, NULL, NULL, false);
-	Read through file, performing substitutions for any variables
-	known from Makefile.  If a variable reference is found that is
-	for an unknown variable, leave it alone, as it may be a reference
-	to a real variable in a shell script.
-DoSub (f)
-FILE	*f;
-Def	*dp;
-char	input[BUFSIZ], var[BUFSIZ], *p;
-int	begin, end;
-	while (fgets (input, sizeof (input), f) != NULL)
-	{
-		p = input;
-		while (FindVarRef (p, &begin, &end, true))
-		{
-			write (1, p, begin);	/* write prefix */
-			YankVarRef (var, p, begin, end);
-			/* if var is known from makefile, write */
-			/* value, else just echo the reference */
-			if ((dp = FindDefByVar (var)) != NULL)
-				write (1, dp->val, strlen (dp->val));
-			else
-				write (1, p + begin, end - begin + 1);
-			p += end + 1;
-		}
-		write (1, p, strlen (p));
-	}
-	Get next line from Makefile (combines continuation lines into one).
-	No overflow checking, oops.
-GetLine (f, lbuf)
-FILE	*f;
-char	*lbuf;
-char	buf[BUFSIZ];
-int	loop = 1, haveLine = 0, len;
-	*lbuf = '\0';
-	while (loop && fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), f) != NULL)
-	{
-		loop = 0;
-		haveLine = 1;
-		len = strlen (buf);
-		if (len > 0 && buf[len-1] == '\n')	/* trim newline */
-			buf[--len] = '\0';
-		if (len > 0 && buf[len-1] == '\\')	/* need continuation */
-		{
-			loop = 1;
-			buf[--len] = ' ';
-		}
-		strcat (lbuf, buf);
-	}
-	return (haveLine);
-	Allocate space for a string, copy the string into it, and return
-	a pointer to the copy.
-char	*NewString (s)
-char	*s;
-char	*p;
-	if ((p = calloc (1, strlen (s) + 1)) == NULL)
-		panic ("NewString: out of space");
-	return (strcpy (p, s));
-panic (s)
-char	*s;
-	fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
-	exit (1);
diff --git a/glafp-utils/msub/ b/glafp-utils/msub/
deleted file mode 100644
index 51fd5a660930..000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/msub/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-msub \- substitute \fImake\fR variables into template to produce script
-.B msub
-.B \-e
-] [
-.B \-f
-.I file
-] [
-.BI \+R str
-] [
-.BI \-R str
-] [
-.IB variable = value
-] [
-.I file
-Makefiles often contain project configuration information specified as
-.I make
-variables, and it is often desirable to make use of that information in other
-.I msub
-allows targets to be produced easily
-from templates that contain references to those variables.
-.I msub
-is particularly useful in software projects that use
-.IR imake
-because virtually all configuration parameters are written into Makefiles
-and are thus available for propagation into other files.
-.I msub
-reads the
-.I Makefile
-and finds all variable definition lines
-of the form ``\fIvar\fR = \fIvalue\fR''.
-.I msub
-reads any files named on the command line (or the standard input
-if none), looks for references to those variables, and replaces the
-references with the corresponding variable values.
-References to undefined variables are replaced by the empty string.
-The result is written to the standard output.
-.I msub
-takes the following options:
-.B \-e
-Environment variable values override assignments within Makefiles.
-Normally assignments within Makefiles override environment variables.
-.BI \-f \ file
-By default, variable values are extracted from
-.I Makefile
-.I makefile
-.I Makefile
-is missing) in the current directory.
-If the
-.B \-f
-.I file
-option is given, variable values are extracted from
-.I file
-.B \-f
-options may be specified.
-.I make
-.B \-f\ \-
-to mean the
-.I Makefile
-should be read from
-.IR stdin .
-.I msub
-doesn't, because template input may come from
-.IR stdin .)
-.BI +R str
-.BI \-R str
-The default variable reference indicators within templates
-are the same as in Makefiles, i.e.,
-``$('' and ``)'', and ``${'' and ``}''.
-These can be changed with the
-.B +R
-.B \-R
-options, which must be specified in pairs.
-.B +R
-specifies the string that initiates a variable reference and
-.B \-R
-specifies the string that terminates it.
-Multiple pairs of reference indicators may be given.
-.IB variable = value
-Variable definition.
-This definition overrides any regular definition for the specified
-variable within the makefile itself or in the environment.
-Suppose you want to produce for a program a help file that indicates the local
-e-mail address to which questions may be directed.
-If this address is specified as the variable EMAILHELPADDR in the
-.IR Makefile ,
-you can write a template
-.I helpfile.msub
-like this: +.5i
-.sp .5v
-Please direct questions to ${EMAILHELPADDR}.
-\&.\|.\|.\|\fImore stuff\fP\|.\|.\|.
-.sp .5v
-Process the template to produce the help file like this: +.5i
-.sp .5v
-msub helpfile.msub > helpfile
-.sp .5v
-If the
-.I Makefile
-contains the following lines: +.5i
-.sp .5v
-.sp .5v
-.I helpfile
-will look like this: +.5i
-.sp .5v
-Please direct questions to
-\&.\|.\|.\|\fImore stuff\fP\|.\|.\|.
-.sp .5v
-.I msub
-can produce executable scripts, too.
-If the processor for which you're producing
-the script allows variable references, make sure you refer to
-.I make
-variables in the template in a different way than the processor refers to
-For instance, ``${\fIvar\fP}'' is ambiguous in a shell script template \- is
-it a reference to a shell variable that you want
-.I msub
-to leave alone, or to a
-.I make
-variable for which you want
-.I msub
-to substitute the variable's value?
-To resolve the ambiguity, you can refer to shell variables as ``$\fIvar\fP''
-(which the shell recognizes, but
-.I msub
-doesn't), or you can use different indicators than the defaults to refer to
-.I make
-variables in the template.
-For example, you could use ``@<'' and ``>@'' and refer to variables as
-Suppose you have a simple shell script to print your home directory pathname.
-You might write it like this: +.5i
-.sp .5v
-echo ${HOME}
-.sp .5v
-Then you can process the template like this (note that you must quote the
-arguments because ``<'' and ``>'' are special to the shell): +.5i
-.sp .5v
-msub +R"@<" \-R">@" template > script
-.sp .5v
-.B +R/\-R
-arguments cause
-.I msub
-to recognize ``@<SHELL>@'' but not ``${HOME}''.
-The result looks like this: +.5i
-.sp .5v
-echo ${HOME}
-.sp .5v
-Paul DuBois,
-CC, YACC, etc., have implicit values in
-.I make
-even if they're not defined in the
-.IR Makefile ,
-which isn't true for
-.IR msub .
-However, when
-.I msub
-is used with
-.IR imake ,
-this isn't normally a problem since
-.IR imake -generated
-Makefiles tend to contain explicit definitions for every parameter in the
-known universe.
-.I msub
-is more restrictive in the variable names it recognizes and
-performs substitutions on than
-.IR make .
-.I make
-allows single character names to be referenced as ``$\fIc\fP'', where
-.I c
-is a letter;
-.I msub
-.I msub
-also ignores
-.I make
-variables like
-``$*'' and ``$@''.
-Recursive references in
-.I Makefile
-variables aren't expanded.
-If a
-.I Makefile
-contains the definition ``X = ${X}'', X won't be expanded.
-Indirectly recursive references aren't expanded, either.
-If a
-.I Makefile
-contains the definitions ``X = ${Y}'' and ``Y = ${X}'',
-neither X nor Y will be expanded.
-(These actually aren't bugs in
-.IR msub ,
-they're problems in the
-.IR Makefile .)
-A comment at the end of a variable assignment line become part of the
-variable's value.
-.I Makefile
-contains the following line: +.5i
-.sp .5v
-SHELL = /bin/shell # default shell
-.sp .5v
-.I msub
-takes the value of SHELL to be ``/bin/shell # default shell''.
diff --git a/glafp-utils/msub/ b/glafp-utils/msub/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fe019f50940..000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/msub/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-Theory of Operation
-.I msub
-reads the makefile in the current directory (or the file named after the
-.B \-f
-flag) and finds all variable definitions and references.
-Definitions are lines of the form ``\fIname\fR = \fIvalue\fR''.
-References are instances of ``$(\fIvar\fR)'' or ``${\fIvar\fR}'', either in
-the value part of definition lines, or any part of dependency or command lines.
-Then variable values are examined to eliminate references to other variables
-by replacing the referenced variables with their values.
-Variables which are referenced but never defined have a value of the empty
-.I msub
-reads any files named on the command line (or
-.I stdin
-if none) and looks for instances of ``$(\fIvar\fR)'' or ``${\fIvar\fR}'',
-.I var
-is known from the makefile, and substitutes the value of
-.I var .
-The motivation for
-.I msub
-is that project configuration information is often contained in makefiles
-and it is often desirable to make use of that information.
-.I msub
-allows files to be produced from templates that contain references
-to makefile variables.
-In this sense it is similar to the way that the C preprocessor
-.I cpp
-uses #define statements in header files; the
-makefile is the implicit ``header'' file and definition lines are the
-``#define'' statements.
-Although it is possible to use
-.I cpp
-to perform substitutions on templates, a disadvantage of
-.I cpp
-is that it modifies its source in other ways (eg., lines beginning with
-``#'' are special and comments (``/* ... */'') are deleted.
-Also, it is necessary to pass a -D flag for every symbol to be substituted.
-Similarly, for C programs it can be simpler to use
-.I msub
-to produce a single configuration header file from a template
-than to pass a lot of -D flags to each invocation of
-.I cc .
-.I msub
-performs no textual modification besides substitution of references
-to makefile variables; it leaves everything else alone.
-In particular,
-references to variables not known from the makefile are left untouched.
-This allows
-.I msub
-to be used to produce shell scripts that use variables of
-their own.
-.I msub
-is particularly useful in software projects that use
-.I imake .
-Virtually all configuration information is propagated into makefiles
-thus produced, so it is available for propagation into other files using
-.I msub .
-.I msub
-is used to produce shell scripts, it is unwise for the script to use names
-for its own variables that are the same as those in the makefile.
-The problem can be avoided entirely if, for instance, variables in makefiles
-are all uppercase and the scripts' own variables are lowercase or mixed case.
-Circular references in makefile variables are not expanded.
-If a makefile contains the definitions ``X = ${Y}'' and ``Y = ${X}'',
-neither X nor Y will be expanded.
-But that is really a problem with the makefile, not
-.I msub .
-.I make
-.B \-f\ \-
-to mean the makefile should be read from
-.I stdin .
-.I msub
-does not.
-CC, YACC, etc., have implicit values in
-.I make
-even if not defined in the makefile.
-Not true in
-.I msub .
-.I msub
-is more restrictive in the variable names that it recognizes and
-performs substitutions on.
-Names that do not begin with a letter and
-that contain any characters besides letters, digits and underscores are
-This means that variable names such as ``${1}'' are not recognized;
-the reason for this is that shell scripts often use such variables and
-they should be left untouched.
-``$\fIx\fR'' is legal in
-.I make
-.I x
-is a single character, but
-.I msub
-ignores such references.
-.i msub
-.I make
-allows variables to be defined on the command line.
-.I msub
-does not.
-If you try to be tricky with your variable references, e.g., by using
-recursive references, you may get burned.
-There is no way to prevent substitution, in a source file, of a reference to
-a variable known from the makefile.
diff --git a/glafp-utils/msub/test.makefile b/glafp-utils/msub/test.makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 1245db3995f0..000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/msub/test.makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-foo = ${bar}
-bar = ${ugh}
-ugh = Huh?
-space = x   
-a = ${wildcard x}
-c :	${xyz}
-xyz = abc
-dollar = $$
-doubledollar = ${dollar}${dollar}
-X1 = Y
-X2 = 1
-Y1 = y1
-Y2 = ${${X1}${X2}}
diff --git a/glafp-utils/msub/test.stdout b/glafp-utils/msub/test.stdout
deleted file mode 100644
index 506999f3c115..000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/msub/test.stdout
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-foo = Huh?
-bar = Huh?
-ugh = Huh?
-${wildcard x}
-This (abc) should be abc.
-This should be a single dollar: $
-This should be a double dollar: $$
-So should this: $$
diff --git a/glafp-utils/msub/testfile b/glafp-utils/msub/testfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 46f37f6f6050..000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/msub/testfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-foo = ${foo}
-bar = ${bar}
-ugh = ${ugh}
-The stuff in parens should be "abc": (${xyz})
-This should be a single dollar-sign: ${dollar}
-This should be a double dollar-sign: ${dollar}${dollar}
-So should this: ${doubledollar}
-This should say "y1": ${Y2}