From 5942db805089725acfcc5fa6fb597a8f0de2cb2e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sof <unknown>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 17:53:31 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1997-12-02 17:53:31 by sof] New module; proper
 lint for patterns

 ghc/compiler/deSugar/Check.lhs | 622 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 622 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ghc/compiler/deSugar/Check.lhs

diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Check.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Check.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ebdadb41b3b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Check.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,622 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1997
+% Author: Juan J. Quintela    <>
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module Check ( check , SYN_IE(ExhaustivePat), SYN_IE(WarningPat), BoxedString(..) ) where
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 201
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)	-- here for paranoia-checking reasons
+			-- and to break dsExpr/dsBinds-ish loop
+import {-# SOURCE #-} DsExpr  ( dsExpr  )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} DsBinds ( dsBinds )
+import HsSyn		
+import TcHsSyn		( SYN_IE(TypecheckedPat), 
+                          SYN_IE(TypecheckedMatch),
+			  SYN_IE(TypecheckedHsBinds), 
+                          SYN_IE(TypecheckedHsExpr)	
+                        )
+import DsHsSyn		( outPatType ) 
+import CoreSyn		
+import DsMonad		( DsMatchContext(..),
+			  DsMatchKind(..)
+                        )
+import DsUtils		( EquationInfo(..),
+			  MatchResult(..),
+			  SYN_IE(EqnNo),
+			  SYN_IE(EqnSet),
+			  CanItFail(..)
+ 			)
+import Id		( idType,
+			  GenId{-instance-}, 
+                          SYN_IE(Id),
+			  idName,
+                          isTupleCon,			   
+                          getIdArity
+			)
+import IdInfo		( ArityInfo(..) )
+import Lex              ( isLexConSym )
+import Name             ( occNameString,
+                          Name,
+                          getName,
+                          nameUnique,
+                          getOccName,
+                          getOccString
+                        )
+import Outputable	( PprStyle(..),
+                          Outputable(..)
+			)
+import PprType		( GenType{-instance-}, 
+                          GenTyVar{-ditto-} 
+                        )        
+import Pretty		
+import Type		( isPrimType, 
+                          eqTy, 
+                          SYN_IE(Type), 
+                          getAppTyCon
+			)
+import TyVar		( GenTyVar{-instance Eq-}, SYN_IE(TyVar) )
+import TysPrim		( intPrimTy, 
+                          charPrimTy, 
+                          floatPrimTy, 
+                          doublePrimTy,
+			  addrPrimTy, 
+                          wordPrimTy
+			)
+import TysWiredIn	( nilDataCon, consDataCon, 
+                          mkTupleTy, tupleCon,
+                          mkListTy, 
+                          charTy, charDataCon, 
+                          intTy, intDataCon,
+			  floatTy, floatDataCon, 
+                          doubleTy, doubleDataCon, 
+                          addrTy, addrDataCon,
+                          wordTy, wordDataCon
+			)
+import TyCon            ( tyConDataCons )
+import UniqSet
+import Unique		( Unique{-instance Eq-} )
+import Util		( pprTrace, 
+                          panic, 
+                          pprPanic 
+                        )
+This module perfoms checks about if one list of equations are:
+	- Overlapped
+	- Non exhaustive
+To discover that we go through the list of equations in a tree-like fashion.
+If you like theory, a similar algoritm is described in:
+	Two Tecniques for Compiling Lazy Pattern Matching
+	Luc Maranguet
+	INRIA Rocquencourt (RR-2385, 1994)
+The algorithm is based in the first Technique, but there are somo diferences:
+	- We don't generate code
+	- We have constructors and literals (not only literals as in the article)
+	- We don't use directions, we must select the columns from left-to-right
+(By the wat the second technique is really similar to the one used in MAtch.lhs to generate code)
+This function takes the equations of a pattern and returns:
+  - The patterns that are not recognized
+  - The equations that are not overlapped
+It symplify the patterns and then call check' (the same semantics),and it needs to 
+reconstruct the patterns again ....
+The problem appear with things like:
+  f [x,y]   = ....
+  f (x:xs)  = .....
+We want to put the two patterns with the same syntax, (prefix form) and then all the 
+constructors are equal:
+  f (: x (: y []))   = ....
+  f (: x xs)         = .....
+(more about that in symplify_eqns)
+We would preffer to have a WarningPat of type String, but Strings and the 
+Pretty Printer are not friends.
+data BoxedString = BS String
+type WarningPat = InPat BoxedString --Name --String 
+type ExhaustivePat = ([WarningPat], [(BoxedString, [HsLit])])
+instance Outputable BoxedString where
+    ppr sty (BS s) = text s
+check :: [EquationInfo] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+check qs = check' (simplify_eqns qs)
+This equation is the same that check, the only difference is that the
+boring work is done, that woprk needs to be done only once, this is
+the reason top have two funtions, check is the external interface,
+check' is called recursively.
+There are several cases:
+\item There are no equations: Everything is okey. 
+\item There are only one equation, that can fail, and all the patterns are
+      variables. Then that equation is used and the same equation is 
+      nonexhaustive.
+\item All the patterns are variables, and the match can fail,therr are more equations 
+      then the results is the result of the rest of equations and this equation is used also.
+\item The general case, if all the patterns are variables (here the match can't fail) 
+      then the result is that this equation is used and this equation doesn't generate 
+      non-exustive cases.
+\item In the general case, there can exist literals ,constructors or only vars in the 
+      first column, we actuate in consecuence.
+check' :: [EquationInfo] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)  
+check' []                                              = ([([],[])],emptyUniqSet)
+check' [EqnInfo n ctx ps (MatchResult CanFail _ _)] 
+   | all_vars ps  = ([(take (length ps) (repeat new_wild_pat),[])],  unitUniqSet n)
+check' qs@((EqnInfo n ctx ps (MatchResult CanFail _ _)):_) 
+   | all_vars ps  = (pats,  addOneToUniqSet indexs n)
+  where
+    (pats,indexs) = check' (tail qs)
+check' qs@((EqnInfo n ctx ps result):_) 
+   | all_vars ps  = ([],  unitUniqSet n)
+--   | nplusk       = panic "Check.check': Work in progress: nplusk"
+--   | npat         = panic "Check.check': Work in progress: npat ?????"
+   | literals     = split_by_literals qs
+   | constructors = split_by_constructor qs
+   | only_vars    = first_column_only_vars qs
+   | otherwise    = panic "Check.check': Not implemented :-("
+  where
+    constructors = or (map is_con qs)
+    literals     = or (map is_lit qs)    
+--    npat         = or (map is_npat qs)
+--    nplusk       = or (map is_nplusk qs)
+    only_vars    = and (map is_var qs) 
+Here begins the code to deal with literals, we need to split the matrix in diferent matrix 
+begining by each literal and a last matrix with the rest of values.
+split_by_literals :: [EquationInfo] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+split_by_literals qs = process_literals used_lits qs
+           where
+             used_lits = get_used_lits qs
+process_explicit_literals is a funtion taht process each literal that appears in
+the column of the matrix. 
+process_explicit_literals :: [HsLit] -> [EquationInfo] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+process_explicit_literals lits qs = (concat pats, unionManyUniqSets indexs)
+    where                  
+      pats_indexs   = map (\x -> construct_literal_matrix x qs) lits
+      (pats,indexs) = unzip pats_indexs 
+Process_literals calls process_explicit_literals to deal with the literals taht apears in 
+the matrix and deal also sith ther rest of the cases. It must be one Variable to be complete.
+process_literals :: [HsLit] -> [EquationInfo] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+process_literals used_lits qs 
+  | length default_eqns == 0 = ([make_row_vars used_lits (head qs)]++pats,indexs)
+  | otherwise                = (pats_default,indexs_default)
+     where
+       (pats,indexs)   = process_explicit_literals used_lits qs
+       default_eqns    = (map remove_var (filter is_var qs))
+       (pats',indexs') = check' default_eqns 
+       pats_default    = [(new_wild_pat:ps,constraints) | (ps,constraints) <- (pats')] ++ pats 
+       indexs_default  = unionUniqSets indexs' indexs
+Here we have selected the literal and we will select all the equations that begins for that 
+literal and create a new matrix.
+construct_literal_matrix :: HsLit -> [EquationInfo] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+construct_literal_matrix lit qs =
+    (map (\ (xs,ys) -> (new_lit:xs,ys)) pats,indexs) 
+  where
+    (pats,indexs) = (check' (remove_first_column_lit lit qs)) 
+    new_lit = LitPatIn lit 
+remove_first_column_lit :: HsLit
+                        -> [EquationInfo] 
+                        -> [EquationInfo]
+remove_first_column_lit lit qs = 
+    map shift_pat (filter (is_var_lit lit) qs)
+  where
+     shift_pat (EqnInfo n ctx []     result) =  panic "Check.shift_var: no patterns"
+     shift_pat (EqnInfo n ctx (_:ps) result) =  EqnInfo n ctx ps result
+This function splits the equations @qs@ in groups that deal with the same constructor 
+split_by_constructor :: [EquationInfo] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+split_by_constructor qs | length unused_cons /= 0 = need_default_case used_cons unused_cons qs 
+                        | otherwise               = no_need_default_case used_cons qs 
+                       where 
+                          used_cons   = get_used_cons qs 
+                          unused_cons = get_unused_cons used_cons 
+The first column of the patterns matrix only have vars, then there is nothing to do.
+first_column_only_vars :: [EquationInfo] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+first_column_only_vars qs = (map (\ (xs,ys) -> (WildPatIn:xs,ys)) pats,indexs)
+                          where
+                            (pats,indexs) = check' (map remove_var qs)
+This equation takes a matrix of patterns and split the equations by constructor, using all
+the constructors that appears in the first column of the pattern matching.
+We can need a default clause or not ...., it depends if we used all the constructors or not
+explicitily. The reasoning is similar to process_literals, the difference is that here
+the default case is not allways needed.
+no_need_default_case :: [TypecheckedPat] -> [EquationInfo] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+no_need_default_case cons qs = (concat pats, unionManyUniqSets indexs)
+    where                  
+      pats_indexs   = map (\x -> construct_matrix x qs) cons
+      (pats,indexs) = unzip pats_indexs 
+need_default_case :: [TypecheckedPat] -> [Id] -> [EquationInfo] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+need_default_case used_cons unused_cons qs 
+  | length default_eqns == 0 = (pats_default_no_eqns,indexs)
+  | otherwise                = (pats_default,indexs_default)
+     where
+       (pats,indexs)   = no_need_default_case used_cons qs
+       default_eqns    = (map remove_var (filter is_var qs))
+       (pats',indexs') = check' default_eqns 
+       pats_default    = [(make_whole_con c:ps,constraints) | 
+                          c <- unused_cons, (ps,constraints) <- pats'] ++ pats
+       new_wilds       = make_row_vars_for_constructor (head qs)
+       pats_default_no_eqns =  [(make_whole_con c:new_wilds,[]) | c <- unused_cons] ++ pats
+       indexs_default  = unionUniqSets indexs' indexs
+construct_matrix :: TypecheckedPat -> [EquationInfo] -> ([ExhaustivePat],EqnSet)
+construct_matrix con qs =
+    (map (make_con con) pats,indexs) 
+  where
+    (pats,indexs) = (check' (remove_first_column con qs)) 
+Here remove first column is more difficult that with literals due to the fact that 
+constructors can have arguments.
+for instance, the matrix
+ (: x xs) y
+ z        y
+is transformed in:
+ x xs y
+ _ _  y
+remove_first_column :: TypecheckedPat                -- Constructor 
+                    -> [EquationInfo] 
+                    -> [EquationInfo]
+remove_first_column (ConPat con _ con_pats) qs = 
+    map shift_var (filter (is_var_con con) qs)
+  where
+     new_wilds = [WildPat (outPatType arg_pat) | arg_pat <- con_pats]
+     shift_var (EqnInfo n ctx (ConPat _ _ ps':ps) result) = 
+                EqnInfo n ctx (ps'++ps)           result 
+     shift_var (EqnInfo n ctx (WildPat _     :ps) result) = 
+                EqnInfo n ctx (new_wilds ++   ps) result
+     shift_var _                                          = panic "Check.Shift_var:No done"
+make_row_vars :: [HsLit] -> EquationInfo -> ExhaustivePat
+make_row_vars used_lits (EqnInfo _ _ pats _ ) = 
+   (VarPatIn new_var:take (length (tail pats)) (repeat WildPatIn),[(new_var,used_lits)])
+  where new_var = BS "#x"   
+make_row_vars_for_constructor :: EquationInfo -> [WarningPat]
+make_row_vars_for_constructor (EqnInfo _ _ pats _ ) = take (length (tail pats)) (repeat WildPatIn)
+compare_cons :: TypecheckedPat -> TypecheckedPat -> Bool
+compare_cons (ConPat id1 _ _) (ConPat id2 _ _) = id1 == id2  
+remove_dups :: [TypecheckedPat] -> [TypecheckedPat]
+remove_dups []     = []
+remove_dups (x:xs) | or (map (\y -> compare_cons x y) xs) = remove_dups  xs
+                   | otherwise                            = x : remove_dups xs
+get_used_cons :: [EquationInfo] -> [TypecheckedPat]
+get_used_cons qs = remove_dups [con | (EqnInfo _ _ (con@(ConPat _ _ _):_) _) <- qs]
+remove_dups' :: [HsLit] -> [HsLit] 
+remove_dups' []                   = []
+remove_dups' (x:xs) | x `elem` xs = remove_dups' xs
+                    | otherwise   = x : remove_dups' xs 
+get_used_lits :: [EquationInfo] -> [HsLit]
+get_used_lits qs = remove_dups' (get_used_lits' qs)
+get_used_lits' :: [EquationInfo] -> [HsLit]
+get_used_lits' []                                      = []
+get_used_lits' ((EqnInfo _ _ ((LitPat lit _):_) _):qs) = lit : get_used_lits qs
+get_used_lits' ((EqnInfo _ _ ((NPat lit _ _):_) _):qs) = lit : get_used_lits qs
+get_used_lits' (q:qs)                                  =       get_used_lits qs
+get_unused_cons :: [TypecheckedPat] -> [Id]
+get_unused_cons used_cons = unused_cons
+     where
+       (ConPat _ ty _) = head used_cons
+       (ty_con,_)      = getAppTyCon ty
+       all_cons        = tyConDataCons ty_con
+       used_cons_as_id = map (\ (ConPat id _ _) -> id) used_cons
+       unused_cons     = uniqSetToList (mkUniqSet all_cons `minusUniqSet` mkUniqSet used_cons_as_id) 
+all_vars :: [TypecheckedPat] -> Bool
+all_vars []              = True
+all_vars (WildPat _:ps)  = all_vars ps
+all_vars _               = False
+remove_var :: EquationInfo -> EquationInfo
+remove_var (EqnInfo n ctx (WildPat _:ps) result) = EqnInfo n ctx ps result
+remove_var _                                     = panic "Check:remove_var: equation not begin with a variable"
+is_con :: EquationInfo -> Bool
+is_con (EqnInfo _ _ ((ConPat _ _ _):_) _) = True
+is_con _                                  = False
+is_lit :: EquationInfo -> Bool
+is_lit (EqnInfo _ _ ((LitPat _ _):_) _) = True
+is_lit (EqnInfo _ _ ((NPat _ _ _):_) _) = True
+is_lit _                                = False
+is_npat :: EquationInfo -> Bool
+is_npat (EqnInfo _ _ ((NPat _ _ _):_) _) = True
+is_npat _                                 = False
+is_nplusk :: EquationInfo -> Bool
+is_nplusk (EqnInfo _ _ ((NPlusKPat _ _ _ _ _):_) _) = True
+is_nplusk _                                         = False
+is_var :: EquationInfo -> Bool
+is_var (EqnInfo _ _ ((WildPat _):_) _)  = True
+is_var _                                = False
+is_var_con :: Id -> EquationInfo -> Bool
+is_var_con con (EqnInfo _ _ ((WildPat _):_)     _)             = True
+is_var_con con (EqnInfo _ _ ((ConPat id _ _):_) _) | id == con = True
+is_var_con con _                                               = False
+is_var_lit :: HsLit -> EquationInfo -> Bool
+is_var_lit lit (EqnInfo _ _ ((WildPat _):_)     _)               = True
+is_var_lit lit (EqnInfo _ _ ((LitPat lit' _):_) _) | lit == lit' = True
+is_var_lit lit (EqnInfo _ _ ((NPat lit' _ _):_) _) | lit == lit' = True
+is_var_lit lit _                                                 = False
+The difference beteewn make_con and make_whole_con is that make_wole_con creates a new
+constructor with all their arguments, and make_Con takes a list of argumntes, creates
+the contructor geting thir argumnts from the list. See where are used for details.
+We need to reconstruct the patterns (make the constructors infix and similar) at the 
+same time that we create the constructors.
+You can tell tuple constructors using
+        Id.isTupleCon
+You can see if one contructur is infix with this clearer code :-))))))))))
+        Lex.isLexConSym (Name.occNameString (Name.getOccName con))
+       Rather clumsy but it works. (Simon Peyton Jones)
+We con't mind the nilDataCon because it doesn't change the way to print the messsage, 
+we are searching only for things like: [1,2,3], not x:xs .... 
+In recontruct_pat we want to "undo" the work taht we have done in simplify_pat
+In particular:
+	((,) x y)  returns to be (x, y)
+        ((:) x xs) returns to be (x:xs)
+        (x:(...:[]) returns to be [x,...]
+The dificult case is the third one becouse we need to follow all the contructors until the []
+to know taht we need to use the second case, not the second.
+isInfixCon con = isLexConSym (occNameString (getOccName con))
+is_nil (ConPatIn (BS con) []) = con == getOccString nilDataCon
+is_nil _                      = False
+is_list (ListPatIn _) = True
+is_list _             = False
+return_list id q = id == consDataCon && (is_nil q || is_list q) 
+make_list p q | is_nil q   = ListPatIn [p]
+make_list p (ListPatIn ps) = ListPatIn (p:ps)  
+make_list _ _              = panic "Check.make_list: Invalid argument"
+make_con :: TypecheckedPat -> ExhaustivePat -> ExhaustivePat           
+make_con (ConPat id ty pats) (p:q:ps, constraints) 
+     | return_list id q = (make_list p q : ps, constraints)
+     | isInfixCon id = (ParPatIn (ConOpPatIn p name fixity q) : ps, constraints) 
+    where name   = BS (getOccString id)
+          fixity = panic "Check.make_con: Guessing fixity"
+make_con (ConPat id ty pats) (ps,constraints) 
+      | isTupleCon id = (TuplePatIn pats_con : rest_pats,    constraints) 
+      | otherwise     = (ConPatIn name pats_con : rest_pats, constraints)
+    where num_args  = length pats
+          name      = BS (getOccString id)
+          pats_con  = (take num_args ps)
+          rest_pats = drop num_args ps         
+make_whole_con :: Id -> WarningPat
+make_whole_con con | isInfixCon con = ParPatIn(ConOpPatIn new_wild_pat name fixity new_wild_pat)
+                   | otherwise      = ConPatIn name pats
+                where 
+                  fixity = panic "Check.make_whole_con: Guessing fixity"
+                  name   = BS (getOccString con)
+                  arity  = get_int_arity con 
+                  pats   = take arity (repeat new_wild_pat)
+new_wild_pat :: WarningPat
+new_wild_pat = WildPatIn
+get_int_arity :: Id -> Int
+get_int_arity id = arity_to_int (getIdArity id)
+    where
+      arity_to_int (ArityExactly n) = n
+      arity_to_int _                = panic "getIntArity: Unknown arity"      
+This equation makes the same thing that tidy in Match.lhs, the
+diference is that here we can do all the tidy in one place and in the
+Match tidy it must be done one column each time due to bookeping 
+simplify_eqns :: [EquationInfo] -> [EquationInfo]
+simplify_eqns []                               = []
+simplify_eqns ((EqnInfo n ctx pats result):qs) = 
+    (EqnInfo n ctx(map simplify_pat pats) result) : 
+    simplify_eqns qs
+simplify_pat :: TypecheckedPat -> TypecheckedPat  
+simplify_pat (WildPat gt ) = WildPat gt	
+simplify_pat (VarPat id)   = WildPat (idType id) 
+simplify_pat (LazyPat p)   = simplify_pat p
+simplify_pat (AsPat id p)  = simplify_pat p
+simplify_pat (ConPat id ty ps) = ConPat id ty (map simplify_pat ps)
+simplify_pat (ConOpPat p1 id p2 ty) = ConPat id ty (map simplify_pat [p1,p2])
+simplify_pat (ListPat ty ps) = foldr (\ x -> \y -> ConPat consDataCon list_ty [x, y])
+	                                            (ConPat nilDataCon  list_ty [])
+	                                            (map simplify_pat ps)
+                             where list_ty = mkListTy ty
+simplify_pat (TuplePat ps) = ConPat (tupleCon arity)
+	                             (mkTupleTy arity (map outPatType ps))
+	                             (map simplify_pat ps)
+                           where
+                              arity = length ps
+simplify_pat (RecPat id ty idps) = ConPat id ty pats
+                                 where
+                                   pats = map (\ (id,p,_)-> simplify_pat p) idps
+simplify_pat pat@(LitPat lit lit_ty) 
+  | isPrimType lit_ty = LitPat lit lit_ty
+  | lit_ty `eqTy` charTy = ConPat charDataCon charTy [LitPat (mk_char lit) charPrimTy]
+  | otherwise = pprPanic "tidy1:LitPat:" (ppr PprDebug pat)
+  where
+    mk_char (HsChar c)    = HsCharPrim c
+simplify_pat (NPat lit lit_ty hsexpr) = better_pat
+  where
+    better_pat
+      | lit_ty `eqTy` charTy   = ConPat charDataCon   lit_ty [LitPat (mk_char lit)   charPrimTy]
+      | lit_ty `eqTy` intTy    = ConPat intDataCon    lit_ty [LitPat (mk_int lit)    intPrimTy]
+      | lit_ty `eqTy` wordTy   = ConPat wordDataCon   lit_ty [LitPat (mk_word lit)   wordPrimTy]
+      | lit_ty `eqTy` addrTy   = ConPat addrDataCon   lit_ty [LitPat (mk_addr lit)   addrPrimTy]
+      | lit_ty `eqTy` floatTy  = ConPat floatDataCon  lit_ty [LitPat (mk_float lit)  floatPrimTy]
+      | lit_ty `eqTy` doubleTy = ConPat doubleDataCon lit_ty [LitPat (mk_double lit) doublePrimTy]
+		-- Convert the literal pattern "" to the constructor pattern [].
+      | null_str_lit lit       = ConPat nilDataCon    lit_ty [] 
+      | otherwise	       = NPat lit lit_ty hsexpr
+    mk_int    (HsInt i)      = HsIntPrim i
+    mk_int    l@(HsLitLit s) = l
+    mk_char   (HsChar c)     = HsCharPrim c
+    mk_char   l@(HsLitLit s) = l
+    mk_word   l@(HsLitLit s) = l
+    mk_addr   l@(HsLitLit s) = l
+    mk_float  (HsInt i)      = HsFloatPrim (fromInteger i)
+    mk_float  (HsFrac f)     = HsFloatPrim f
+    mk_float  l@(HsLitLit s) = l
+    mk_double (HsInt i)      = HsDoublePrim (fromInteger i)
+    mk_double (HsFrac f)     = HsDoublePrim f
+    mk_double l@(HsLitLit s) = l
+    null_str_lit (HsString s) = _NULL_ s
+    null_str_lit other_lit    = False
+simplify_pat (NPlusKPat	id hslit ty hsexpr1 hsexpr2) = --NPlusKPat id hslit ty hsexpr1 hsexpr2 
+     WildPat ty
+   where ty = panic "Check.simplify_pat: Never used"
+simplify_pat (DictPat dicts methods) = 
+    case num_of_d_and_ms of
+       0 -> simplify_pat (TuplePat []) 
+       1 -> simplify_pat (head dict_and_method_pats) 
+       _ -> simplify_pat (TuplePat dict_and_method_pats)
+    where
+       num_of_d_and_ms	 = length dicts + length methods
+       dict_and_method_pats = map VarPat (dicts ++ methods)