diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/CPUTime.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/CPUTime.lhs
index 86309a302650a04c0d2149dd0b334a2ae1cd4524..f8f9eebc39a267302cd386cb07470267d2b6e658 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/CPUTime.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/CPUTime.lhs
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% $Id: CPUTime.lhs,v 1.24 2000/07/07 11:03:57 simonmar Exp $
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995-1997
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 1995-2000
-\section[CPUTime]{Haskell 1.4 CPU Time Library}
+\section[CPUTime]{Haskell 98 CPU Time Library}
 {-# OPTIONS -#include "cbits/stgio.h" #-}
@@ -23,8 +25,9 @@ import PrelBase		( Int(..) )
 import PrelByteArr  	( ByteArray(..), newIntArray )
 import PrelArrExtra     ( unsafeFreezeByteArray )
 import PrelNum		( fromInt )
-import PrelIOBase	( IOError(..), IOErrorType( UnsupportedOperation ), 
-			  unsafePerformIO, stToIO )
+import PrelIOBase	( IOError(..), IOException(..), 
+			  IOErrorType( UnsupportedOperation ), 
+			  unsafePerformIO, stToIO, ioException )
 import Ratio
@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ getCPUTime = do
 		 fromIntegral (I# (indexIntArray# frozen# 2#)) * 1000000000 + 
                  fromIntegral (I# (indexIntArray# frozen# 3#))) * 1000)
-	ioError (IOError Nothing UnsupportedOperation 
+	ioException (IOError Nothing UnsupportedOperation 
 		         "can't get CPU time")
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/Directory.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/Directory.lhs
index 1c65c8753db11140df756743dba135015e3efd12..ffb75a078e23c5cb51304c252819f7cada01b6de 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/Directory.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/Directory.lhs
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% $Id: Directory.lhs,v 1.19 2000/07/07 11:03:57 simonmar Exp $
-% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1999
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000
 \section[Directory]{Directory interface}
 A directory contains a series of entries, each of which is a named
@@ -60,10 +63,10 @@ import PrelGHC		( RealWorld, or#, and# )
 import PrelByteArr	( ByteArray, MutableByteArray,
 			  newWordArray, readWordArray, newCharArray )
 import PrelArrExtra	( unsafeFreezeByteArray )
-import PrelPack		( unpackNBytesST, packString, unpackCStringST )
+import PrelPack		( packString, unpackCStringST )
 import PrelIOBase	( stToIO,
 			  constructErrorAndFail, constructErrorAndFailWithInfo,
-			  IOError(IOError), IOErrorType(SystemError) )
+			  IOException(..), ioException, IOErrorType(SystemError) )
 import Time             ( ClockTime(..) )
 import PrelAddr		( Addr, nullAddr, Word(..), wordToInt, intToWord )
@@ -481,7 +484,7 @@ setPermissions name (Permissions r w e s) = do
     rc <- primChmod (primPackString name) mode
     if rc == 0
 	then return ()
-	else ioError (IOError Nothing SystemError "setPermissions" "insufficient permissions")
+	else ioException (IOError Nothing SystemError "setPermissions" "insufficient permissions")
 (Sigh)..copied from Posix.Files to avoid dep. on posix library
@@ -499,7 +502,7 @@ getFileStatus name = do
 	then stToIO (unsafeFreezeByteArray bytes)
-     	else ioError (IOError Nothing SystemError "getFileStatus" "")
+     	else ioException (IOError Nothing SystemError "getFileStatus" "")
 #ifndef __HUGS__
 modificationTime :: FileStatus -> IO ClockTime
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelArr.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelArr.lhs
index 8cfbbd9feed2b025be8a7d5ba22125e17ad76892..9745286d68d0a407b27b4bafe044736c06278780 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelArr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelArr.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelArr.lhs,v 1.23 2000/06/30 13:39:35 simonmar Exp $
+% $Id: PrelArr.lhs,v 1.24 2000/07/07 11:03:57 simonmar Exp $
 % (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000
@@ -17,13 +17,10 @@ For byte-arrays see @PrelByteArr@.
 module PrelArr where
 import {-# SOURCE #-} PrelErr ( error )
-import PrelList (foldl)
 import PrelEnum
 import PrelNum
 import PrelST
 import PrelBase
-import PrelAddr
-import PrelGHC
 import PrelShow
 infixl 9  !, //
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelBase.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelBase.lhs
index b168ef4c952be6d66d66bc8a4650c6f7e42d73b6..5f6bd26dc7ae7d2e298b152f3de48ebca9413e0e 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelBase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelBase.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelBase.lhs,v 1.32 2000/06/30 13:39:35 simonmar Exp $
+% $Id: PrelBase.lhs,v 1.33 2000/07/07 11:03:57 simonmar Exp $
 % (c) The University of Glasgow, 1992-2000
@@ -83,10 +83,6 @@ module PrelBase
-import {-# SOURCE #-} PrelErr ( error )
-import {-# SOURCE #-} PrelNum ( addr2Integer )
-  -- Otherwise the system import of addr2Integer looks for PrelNum.hi
 import PrelGHC
 infixr 9  .
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelByteArr.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelByteArr.lhs
index f299f1f73ab60d918e38771398ad24a0b198468d..ada2a6a0cb31fa2950b56bae1fb0264bea5c41c3 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelByteArr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelByteArr.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelByteArr.lhs,v 1.7 2000/06/30 13:39:35 simonmar Exp $
+% $Id: PrelByteArr.lhs,v 1.8 2000/07/07 11:03:58 simonmar Exp $
 % (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000
@@ -16,11 +16,9 @@ module PrelByteArr where
 import {-# SOURCE #-} PrelErr ( error )
 import PrelArr
 import PrelFloat
-import PrelList (foldl)
 import PrelST
 import PrelBase
 import PrelAddr
-import PrelGHC
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelConc.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelConc.lhs
index 74a1d7ac6da940972cde2902ac4b6ca7d09dfb07..4594a6bfcda4f07830f92f65b0e8880fdbb84310 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelConc.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelConc.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% $Id: PrelConc.lhs,v 1.20 2000/07/07 11:03:58 simonmar Exp $
-% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1996
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000
 \section[PrelConc]{Module @PrelConc@}
@@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ module PrelConc
 	-- Forking and suchlike
 	, myThreadId 	-- :: IO ThreadId
 	, killThread	-- :: ThreadId -> IO ()
-	, raiseInThread -- :: ThreadId -> Exception -> IO ()
+	, throwTo       -- :: ThreadId -> Exception -> IO ()
 	, par  		-- :: a -> b -> b
 	, seq  		-- :: a -> b -> b
 	, yield         -- :: IO ()
@@ -41,8 +43,7 @@ module PrelConc
 import PrelBase
 import PrelMaybe
 import PrelErr ( parError, seqError )
-import PrelST	  	( liftST )
-import PrelIOBase	( IO(..), MVar(..), unsafePerformIO )
+import PrelIOBase	( IO(..), MVar(..) )
 import PrelBase		( Int(..) )
 import PrelException    ( Exception(..), AsyncException(..) )
@@ -67,8 +68,8 @@ killThread :: ThreadId -> IO ()
 killThread (ThreadId id) = IO $ \ s ->
    case (killThread# id (AsyncException ThreadKilled) s) of s1 -> (# s1, () #)
-raiseInThread :: ThreadId -> Exception -> IO ()
-raiseInThread (ThreadId id) ex = IO $ \ s ->
+throwTo :: ThreadId -> Exception -> IO ()
+throwTo (ThreadId id) ex = IO $ \ s ->
    case (killThread# id ex s) of s1 -> (# s1, () #)
 myThreadId :: IO ThreadId
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelException.hi-boot b/ghc/lib/std/PrelException.hi-boot
deleted file mode 100644
index 9be1ea3779817ccc07eeb92fa03937dbe953df7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelException.hi-boot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---                              PrelException.hi-boot
---      This hand-written interface file is the initial bootstrap version
---	for PrelException.hi.
-__interface PrelException 1 where
-__export PrelException ioError catch;
-1 ioError :: __forall a => PrelIOBase.IOError -> PrelIOBase.IO a ;
-1 catch :: __forall a => PrelIOBase.IO a -> (PrelIOBase.IOError -> PrelIOBase.IO a) -> PrelIOBase.IO a ;  -- wish there could be more __o's here.  KSW 1999-04.
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelException.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelException.lhs
index 5dd4a4a84941d32969b6fce2ab3a3b24e34d1548..b1f41e7b20f7fa9914c4ddcc520f0d90592c5b6d 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelException.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelException.lhs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelException.lhs,v 1.21 2000/06/18 21:12:31 panne Exp $
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% $Id: PrelException.lhs,v 1.22 2000/07/07 11:03:58 simonmar Exp $
-% (c) The GRAP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 1998-2000
 Exceptions and exception-handling functions.
@@ -10,122 +10,26 @@ Exceptions and exception-handling functions.
 {-# OPTIONS -fno-implicit-prelude #-}
 #ifndef __HUGS__
-module PrelException where
+module PrelException 
+	( module PrelException, 
+	  Exception(..), AsyncException(..), 
+	  IOException(..), ArithException(..), ArrayException(..),
+	  throw, ioError ) 
+  where
-import PrelList
 import PrelBase
 import PrelMaybe
-import PrelShow
 import PrelIOBase
-import PrelST 		( STret(..) )
-import PrelDynamic
-import PrelGHC
-%*							*
-\subsection{Exception datatype and operations}
-%*							*
-data Exception
-  = IOException 	IOError		-- IO exceptions (from 'ioError')
-  | ArithException  	ArithException	-- Arithmetic exceptions
-  | ArrayException	ArrayException  -- Array-related exceptions
-  | ErrorCall		String		-- Calls to 'error'
-  | NoMethodError       String		-- A non-existent method was invoked
-  | PatternMatchFail	String		-- A pattern match / guard failure
-  | RecSelError		String		-- Selecting a non-existent field
-  | RecConError		String		-- Field missing in record construction
-  | RecUpdError		String		-- Record doesn't contain updated field
-  | AssertionFailed	String		-- Assertions
-  | DynException	Dynamic		-- Dynamic exceptions
-  | AsyncException	AsyncException	-- Externally generated errors
-  | PutFullMVar 			-- Put on a full MVar
-  | BlockedOnDeadMVar			-- Blocking on a dead MVar
-  | NonTermination
-data ArithException
-  = Overflow
-  | Underflow
-  | LossOfPrecision
-  | DivideByZero
-  | Denormal
-  deriving (Eq, Ord)
-data AsyncException
-  = StackOverflow
-  | HeapOverflow
-  | ThreadKilled
-  deriving (Eq, Ord)
-data ArrayException
-  = IndexOutOfBounds  	String		-- out-of-range array access
-  | UndefinedElement	String		-- evaluating an undefined element
-  deriving (Eq, Ord)
-stackOverflow, heapOverflow :: Exception -- for the RTS
-stackOverflow = AsyncException StackOverflow
-heapOverflow  = AsyncException HeapOverflow
-instance Show ArithException where
-  showsPrec _ Overflow        = showString "arithmetic overflow"
-  showsPrec _ Underflow       = showString "arithmetic underflow"
-  showsPrec _ LossOfPrecision = showString "loss of precision"
-  showsPrec _ DivideByZero    = showString "divide by zero"
-  showsPrec _ Denormal        = showString "denormal"
-instance Show AsyncException where
-  showsPrec _ StackOverflow   = showString "stack overflow"
-  showsPrec _ HeapOverflow    = showString "heap overflow"
-  showsPrec _ ThreadKilled    = showString "thread killed"
-instance Show ArrayException where
-  showsPrec _ (IndexOutOfBounds s)
-	= showString "array index out of range"
-	. (if not (null s) then showString ": " . showString s
-			   else id)
-  showsPrec _ (UndefinedElement s)
-	= showString "undefined array element"
-	. (if not (null s) then showString ": " . showString s
-			   else id)
-instance Show Exception where
-  showsPrec _ (IOException err)	         = shows err
-  showsPrec _ (ArithException err)       = shows err
-  showsPrec _ (ArrayException err)       = shows err
-  showsPrec _ (ErrorCall err)	         = showString err
-  showsPrec _ (NoMethodError err)        = showString err
-  showsPrec _ (PatternMatchFail err)     = showString err
-  showsPrec _ (RecSelError err)	         = showString err
-  showsPrec _ (RecConError err)	         = showString err
-  showsPrec _ (RecUpdError err)	         = showString err
-  showsPrec _ (AssertionFailed err)      = showString err
-  showsPrec _ (AsyncException e)	 = shows e
-  showsPrec _ (DynException _err)        = showString "unknown exception"
-  showsPrec _ (PutFullMVar)		 = showString "putMVar: full MVar"
-  showsPrec _ (BlockedOnDeadMVar)	 = showString "thread blocked indefinitely"
-  showsPrec _ (NonTermination)           = showString "<<loop>>"
 %*							*
-\subsection{Primitive catch and throw}
+\subsection{Primitive catch}
 %*							*
-throw :: Exception -> a
-#ifdef __HUGS__
-throw = primRaise
-throw exception = raise# exception
 catchException used to handle the passing around of the state to the
 action and the handler.  This turned out to be a bad idea - it meant
 that we had to wrap both arguments in thunks so they could be entered
@@ -146,15 +50,10 @@ catchException m k =  ST (\s -> unST m s `primCatch'` \ err -> unST (k err) s)
 catchException (IO m) k =  IO $ \s -> catch# m (\ex -> unIO (k ex)) s
-catch           :: IO a -> (IOError -> IO a) -> IO a 
+catch           :: IO a -> (Exception -> IO a) -> IO a 
 catch m k	=  catchException m handler
-  where handler (IOException err) = k err
-	handler other             = throw other
-catchNonIO      :: IO a -> (Exception -> IO a) -> IO a 
-catchNonIO m k	=  catchException m handler
-  where handler (IOException err) = ioError err
-	handler other             = k other
+  where handler err@(IOException _) = k err
+	handler other               = throw other
@@ -167,8 +66,11 @@ catchNonIO m k	=  catchException m handler
 The construct @try comp@ exposes errors which occur within a
 computation, and which are not fully handled.  It always succeeds.
+These are the IO-only try/bracket.  For the full exception try/bracket
+see hslibs/lang/Exception.lhs.
-try            :: IO a -> IO (Either IOError a)
+try            :: IO a -> IO (Either Exception a)
 try f          =  catch (do r <- f
                             return (Right r))
                         (return . Left)
@@ -194,22 +96,6 @@ bracket_ before after m = do
-%*							*
-%*							*
-Why is this stuff here?  To avoid recursive module dependencies of
-ioError         :: IOError -> IO a 
-ioError err	=  IO $ \s -> throw (IOException err) s
-	-- (ioError e) isn't an exception; we only throw
-	-- the exception when applied to a world
 %*							*
 \subsection{Controlling asynchronous exception delivery}
@@ -233,3 +119,4 @@ unblockAsyncExceptions (IO io) = IO io
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelHandle.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelHandle.lhs
index d3b1320356a0409ed5675583b7551518257aa520..f5d51b889779431c846c7f80885c7201bd6768eb 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelHandle.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelHandle.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% $Id: PrelHandle.lhs,v 1.59 2000/07/07 11:03:58 simonmar Exp $
-% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1996
+% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-2000
 \section[PrelHandle]{Module @PrelHandle@}
@@ -17,12 +19,12 @@ module PrelHandle where
 import PrelArr
 import PrelBase
 import PrelAddr		( Addr, nullAddr )
-import PrelByteArr	( ByteArray(..), MutableByteArray(..) )
+import PrelByteArr	( ByteArray(..) )
 import PrelRead		( Read )
 import PrelList 	( span )
 import PrelIOBase
-import PrelException
 import PrelMaybe	( Maybe(..) )
+import PrelException
 import PrelEnum
 import PrelNum		( toBig, Integer(..), Num(..) )
 import PrelShow
@@ -53,6 +55,20 @@ import PrelForeign  ( makeForeignObj, mkForeignObj )
+mkBuffer__ :: FILE_OBJECT -> Int -> IO ()
+mkBuffer__ fo sz_in_bytes = do
+ chunk <- 
+  case sz_in_bytes of
+    0 -> return nullAddr  -- this has the effect of overwriting the pointer to the old buffer.
+    _ -> do
+     chunk <- allocMemory__ sz_in_bytes
+     if chunk == nullAddr
+      then ioException (IOError Nothing ResourceExhausted "mkBuffer__" "not enough virtual memory")
+      else return chunk
+ setBuf fo chunk sz_in_bytes
 %*							*
 \subsection{Types @Handle@, @Handle__@}
@@ -147,7 +163,7 @@ mkClosedHandle__ =
 	     haBuffers__    = []
-mkErrorHandle__ :: IOError -> Handle__
+mkErrorHandle__ :: IOException -> Handle__
 mkErrorHandle__ ioe =
   Handle__ { haFO__         =  nullFile__,
 	     haType__       = (ErrorHandle ioe),
@@ -379,7 +395,7 @@ hClose :: Handle -> IO ()
 hClose handle =
     withHandle__ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> return handle_
       _ -> do
           rc      <- closeFile (haFO__ handle_)
@@ -424,7 +440,7 @@ hFileSize :: Handle -> IO Integer
 hFileSize handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError 	-> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError 	-> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 		-> ioe_closedHandle "hFileSize" handle
       SemiClosedHandle 		-> ioe_closedHandle "hFileSize" handle
 #ifdef __HUGS__
@@ -515,15 +531,16 @@ hSetBuffering :: Handle -> BufferMode -> IO ()
 hSetBuffering handle mode =
     case mode of
       BlockBuffering (Just n) 
-        | n <= 0 -> ioError
+        | n <= 0 -> ioException
 		         (IOError (Just handle)
-				  ("illegal buffer size " ++ showsPrec 9 n []))  -- 9 => should be parens'ified.
+				  ("illegal buffer size " ++ showsPrec 9 n []))  
+					-- 9 => should be parens'ified.
       _ ->
           withHandle__ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
           case haType__ handle_ of
-	     ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+	     ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
              ClosedHandle 	  -> ioe_closedHandle "hSetBuffering" handle
              _ -> do
 	        {- Note:
@@ -697,7 +714,7 @@ hIsOpen :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsOpen handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle         -> return False
       SemiClosedHandle     -> return False
       _ 		   -> return True
@@ -706,7 +723,7 @@ hIsClosed :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsClosed handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> return True
       _ 		   -> return False
@@ -724,7 +741,7 @@ hIsReadable :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsReadable handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsReadable" handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsReadable" handle
       htype 		   -> return (isReadable htype)
@@ -737,7 +754,7 @@ hIsWritable :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsWritable handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsWritable" handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsWritable" handle
       htype 		   -> return (isWritable htype)
@@ -769,7 +786,7 @@ hGetBuffering :: Handle -> IO BufferMode
 hGetBuffering handle = 
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hGetBuffering" handle
       _ -> 
@@ -784,7 +801,7 @@ hIsSeekable :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsSeekable handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsSeekable" handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsSeekable" handle
       AppendHandle 	   -> return False
@@ -815,7 +832,7 @@ hSetEcho handle on = do
       withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
       case haType__ handle_ of 
-         ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+         ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
          ClosedHandle	      -> ioe_closedHandle "hSetEcho" handle
          _ -> do
             rc <- setTerminalEcho (haFO__ handle_) (if on then 1 else 0)  -- ConcHask: SAFE, won't block
@@ -831,7 +848,7 @@ hGetEcho handle = do
        withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
        case haType__ handle_ of 
-         ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+         ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
          ClosedHandle	      -> ioe_closedHandle "hGetEcho" handle
          _ -> do
             rc <- getTerminalEcho (haFO__ handle_)  -- ConcHask: SAFE, won't block
@@ -844,7 +861,7 @@ hIsTerminalDevice :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsTerminalDevice handle = do
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
      case haType__ handle_ of 
-       ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+       ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
        ClosedHandle	    -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsTerminalDevice" handle
        _ -> do
           rc <- isTerminalDevice (haFO__ handle_)   -- ConcHask: SAFE, won't block
@@ -923,7 +940,7 @@ getHandleFd :: Handle -> IO Int
 getHandleFd handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case (haType__ handle_) of
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "getHandleFd" handle
       _ -> do
           fd <- getFileFd (haFO__ handle_)
@@ -946,17 +963,20 @@ ioeGetFileName        :: IOError -> Maybe FilePath
 ioeGetErrorString     :: IOError -> String
 ioeGetHandle          :: IOError -> Maybe Handle
-ioeGetHandle   (IOError h _ _ _)   = h
-ioeGetErrorString (IOError _ iot _ str) =
+ioeGetHandle   (IOException (IOError h _ _ _))   = h
+ioeGetHandle   _ = error "IO.ioeGetHandle: not an IO error"
+ioeGetErrorString (IOException (IOError _ iot _ str)) =
  case iot of
    EOF -> "end of file"
    _   -> str
+ioeGetErrorString   _ = error "IO.ioeGetErrorString: not an IO error"
-ioeGetFileName (IOError _ _  _ str) = 
+ioeGetFileName (IOException (IOError _ _  _ str)) = 
  case span (/=':') str of
    (_,[])  -> Nothing
    (fs,_)  -> Just fs
+ioeGetFileName   _ = error "IO.ioeGetFileName: not an IO error"
 'Top-level' IO actions want to catch exceptions (e.g., forkIO and 
@@ -1019,11 +1039,11 @@ wantReadableHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a
 wantReadableHandle fun handle act = 
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
-      AppendHandle 	   -> ioError not_readable_error
-      WriteHandle 	   -> ioError not_readable_error
+      AppendHandle 	   -> ioException not_readable_error
+      WriteHandle 	   -> ioException not_readable_error
       _ 		   -> act handle_
    not_readable_error = 
@@ -1042,21 +1062,21 @@ wantWriteableHandle_ fun handle act =
 checkWriteableHandle fun handle handle_ act
   = case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError (IOException theError)
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       ReadHandle 	   -> ioError not_writeable_error
       _ 		   -> act
    not_writeable_error = 
-	   IOError (Just handle) IllegalOperation fun
-		   ("handle is not open for writing")
+	   IOException (IOError (Just handle) IllegalOperation fun
+		   			("handle is not open for writing"))
 wantRWHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a
 wantRWHandle fun handle act = 
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       _ 		   -> act handle_
@@ -1065,15 +1085,15 @@ wantSeekableHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a
 wantSeekableHandle fun handle act =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       SemiClosedHandle	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       _ 		   -> act handle_
    not_seekable_error = 
-	   IOError (Just handle) 
-	           IllegalOperation fun
-		   ("handle is not seekable")
+	   IOException (IOError (Just handle) 
+	           		IllegalOperation fun
+		   		("handle is not seekable"))
@@ -1082,7 +1102,8 @@ access to a closed file.
 ioe_closedHandle :: String -> Handle -> IO a
-ioe_closedHandle fun h = ioError (IOError (Just h) IllegalOperation fun "handle is closed")
+ioe_closedHandle fun h = ioError (IOException (IOError (Just h) IllegalOperation fun 
+					"handle is closed"))
 Internal helper functions for Concurrent Haskell implementation
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelIO.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelIO.lhs
index f500692bfa6db3a105970d1318e95f5f72d1cf13..944ed196393afc4e0f2e9abf924a99e63e04485b 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelIO.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelIO.lhs
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% $Id: PrelIO.lhs,v 1.14 2000/07/07 11:03:58 simonmar Exp $
-% (c) The GRAP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 1992-2000
 \section[PrelIO]{Module @PrelIO@}
 This module defines all basic IO operations.
@@ -20,15 +23,13 @@ import PrelIOBase
 import PrelHandle	-- much of the real stuff is in here
 import PrelNum
-import PrelRead         ( readParen, Read(..), reads, lex, readIO )
+import PrelRead         ( Read(..), readIO )
 import PrelShow
-import PrelMaybe	( Either(..), Maybe(..) )
+import PrelMaybe	( Maybe(..) )
 import PrelAddr		( Addr(..), AddrOff(..), nullAddr, plusAddr )
 import PrelList		( concat, reverse, null )
-import PrelByteArr	( ByteArray )
 import PrelPack		( unpackNBytesST, unpackNBytesAccST )
-import PrelException    ( ioError, catch, catchException, throw, 
-			  blockAsyncExceptions )
+import PrelException    ( ioError, catch, catchException, throw )
 import PrelConc
@@ -228,11 +229,11 @@ hGetContents handle =
 	-- the handle.
     withHandle handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError theError
+      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hGetContents" handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hGetContents" handle
-      AppendHandle 	   -> ioError not_readable_error
-      WriteHandle 	   -> ioError not_readable_error
+      AppendHandle 	   -> ioException not_readable_error
+      WriteHandle 	   -> ioException not_readable_error
       _ -> do
     	    To avoid introducing an extra layer of buffering here,
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs
index 4131de00c55f512577a1554a21ce24af9ab277a8..7c53b59b1e61d24c0e810dae212bbeebabc12fa7 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelIOBase.lhs,v 1.25 2000/05/30 14:28:13 simonmar Exp $
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% $Id: PrelIOBase.lhs,v 1.26 2000/07/07 11:03:58 simonmar Exp $
-% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1998
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000
 \section[PrelIOBase]{Module @PrelIOBase@}
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ concretely; the @IO@ module itself exports abstractly.
 {-# OPTIONS -fno-implicit-prelude -#include "cbits/stgio.h" #-}
-#include "cbits/stgerror.h"
 #include "config.h"
+#include "cbits/stgerror.h"
 #ifndef __HUGS__ /* Hugs just includes this in PreludeBuiltin so no header needed */
 module PrelIOBase where
@@ -21,11 +21,12 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} PrelErr ( error )
 import PrelST
 import PrelBase
-import {-# SOURCE #-} PrelException ( ioError )
 import PrelMaybe  ( Maybe(..) )
-import PrelAddr	  ( Addr(..), nullAddr )
-import PrelPack ( unpackCString )
+import PrelAddr	  ( Addr(..) )
 import PrelShow
+import PrelList
+import PrelDynamic
+import PrelPack ( unpackCString )
 #if !defined(__CONCURRENT_HASKELL__)
 import PrelArr	  ( MutableVar, readVar )
@@ -141,228 +142,6 @@ unsafeInterleaveIO = stToIO . unsafeInterleaveST . ioToST
-%*							*
-\subsection{Type @IOError@}
-%*							*
-A value @IOError@ encode errors occurred in the @IO@ monad.
-An @IOError@ records a more specific error type, a descriptive
-string and maybe the handle that was used when the error was
-data IOError 
- = IOError 
-     (Maybe Handle)  -- the handle used by the action flagging the
-		     -- the error.
-     IOErrorType     -- what it was.
-     String	     -- location
-     String          -- error type specific information.
-instance Eq IOError where
-  (IOError h1 e1 loc1 str1) == (IOError h2 e2 loc2 str2) = 
-    e1==e2 && str1==str2 && h1==h2 && loc1 == loc2
-data IOErrorType
-  = AlreadyExists        | HardwareFault
-  | IllegalOperation     | InappropriateType
-  | Interrupted          | InvalidArgument
-  | NoSuchThing          | OtherError
-  | PermissionDenied     | ProtocolError
-  | ResourceBusy         | ResourceExhausted
-  | ResourceVanished     | SystemError
-  | TimeExpired          | UnsatisfiedConstraints
-  | UnsupportedOperation | UserError
-  | EOF
-#if defined(cygwin32_TARGET_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS)
-  | ComError Int           -- HRESULT
-  deriving (Eq)
-instance Show IOErrorType where
-  showsPrec _ e =
-    showString $
-    case e of
-      AlreadyExists	-> "already exists"
-      HardwareFault	-> "hardware fault"
-      IllegalOperation	-> "illegal operation"
-      InappropriateType -> "inappropriate type"
-      Interrupted       -> "interrupted"
-      InvalidArgument   -> "invalid argument"
-      NoSuchThing       -> "does not exist"
-      OtherError        -> "failed"
-      PermissionDenied  -> "permission denied"
-      ProtocolError     -> "protocol error"
-      ResourceBusy      -> "resource busy"
-      ResourceExhausted -> "resource exhausted"
-      ResourceVanished  -> "resource vanished"
-      SystemError	-> "system error"
-      TimeExpired       -> "timeout"
-      UnsatisfiedConstraints -> "unsatisified constraints" -- ultra-precise!
-      UserError         -> "failed"
-      UnsupportedOperation -> "unsupported operation"
-      EOF		-> "end of file"
-#if defined(cygwin32_TARGET_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS)
-      ComError _	-> "COM error"
-userError       :: String  -> IOError
-userError str	=  IOError Nothing UserError "" str
-Predicates on IOError; little effort made on these so far...
-isAlreadyExistsError :: IOError -> Bool
-isAlreadyExistsError (IOError _ AlreadyExists _ _) = True
-isAlreadyExistsError _		                   = False
-isAlreadyInUseError :: IOError -> Bool
-isAlreadyInUseError (IOError _ ResourceBusy _ _) = True
-isAlreadyInUseError _		                 = False
-isFullError :: IOError -> Bool
-isFullError (IOError _ ResourceExhausted _ _) = True
-isFullError _			              = False
-isEOFError :: IOError -> Bool
-isEOFError (IOError _ EOF _ _) = True
-isEOFError _                   = False
-isIllegalOperation :: IOError -> Bool
-isIllegalOperation (IOError _ IllegalOperation _ _) = True
-isIllegalOperation _			            = False
-isPermissionError :: IOError -> Bool
-isPermissionError (IOError _ PermissionDenied _ _) = True
-isPermissionError _			           = False
-isDoesNotExistError :: IOError -> Bool
-isDoesNotExistError (IOError _ NoSuchThing _ _) = True
-isDoesNotExistError _                           = False
-isUserError :: IOError -> Bool
-isUserError (IOError _ UserError _ _) = True
-isUserError _		              = False
-Showing @IOError@s
-#ifdef __HUGS__
--- For now we give a fairly uninformative error message which just happens to
--- be like the ones that Hugs used to give.
-instance Show IOError where
-    showsPrec p (IOError hdl iot loc s) = showString s . showChar '\n'
-instance Show IOError where
-    showsPrec p (IOError hdl iot loc s) =
-      showsPrec p iot .
-      showChar '\n' .
-      (case loc of
-         "" -> id
-	 _  -> showString "Action: " . showString loc . showChar '\n') .
-      showHdl .
-      (case s of
-	 "" -> id
-	 _  -> showString "Reason: " . showString s)
-     where
-      showHdl = 
-       case hdl of
-        Nothing -> id
-	Just h  -> showString "Handle: " . showsPrec p h
-The @String@ part of an @IOError@ is platform-dependent.  However, to
-provide a uniform mechanism for distinguishing among errors within
-these broad categories, each platform-specific standard shall specify
-the exact strings to be used for particular errors.  For errors not
-explicitly mentioned in the standard, any descriptive string may be
-constructErrorAndFail :: String -> IO a
-constructErrorAndFail call_site
-  = constructError call_site >>= \ io_error ->
-    ioError io_error
-constructErrorAndFailWithInfo :: String -> String -> IO a
-constructErrorAndFailWithInfo call_site reason
-  = constructErrorMsg call_site (Just reason) >>= \ io_error ->
-    ioError io_error
-This doesn't seem to be documented/spelled out anywhere,
-so here goes: (SOF)
-The implementation of the IO prelude uses various C stubs
-to do the actual interaction with the OS. The bandwidth
-\tr{C<->Haskell} is somewhat limited, so the general strategy
-for flaggging any errors (apart from possibly using the
-return code of the external call), is to set the @ghc_errtype@
-to a value that is one of the \tr{#define}s in @includes/error.h@.
-@ghc_errstr@ holds a character string providing error-specific
-information. Error constructing functions will then reach out
-and grab these values when generating
-constructError	      :: String -> IO IOError
-constructError call_site = constructErrorMsg call_site Nothing
-constructErrorMsg	      :: String -> Maybe String -> IO IOError
-constructErrorMsg call_site reason =
- getErrType__            >>= \ errtype ->
- getErrStr__             >>= \ str ->
- let
-  iot =
-   case (errtype::Int) of
-     ERR_ALREADYEXISTS	         -> AlreadyExists
-     ERR_HARDWAREFAULT	         -> HardwareFault
-     ERR_ILLEGALOPERATION	 -> IllegalOperation
-     ERR_INAPPROPRIATETYPE	 -> InappropriateType
-     ERR_INTERRUPTED	         -> Interrupted
-     ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT	 -> InvalidArgument
-     ERR_NOSUCHTHING	         -> NoSuchThing
-     ERR_OTHERERROR		 -> OtherError
-     ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED	 -> PermissionDenied
-     ERR_PROTOCOLERROR	         -> ProtocolError
-     ERR_RESOURCEBUSY	         -> ResourceBusy
-     ERR_RESOURCEEXHAUSTED	 -> ResourceExhausted
-     ERR_RESOURCEVANISHED	 -> ResourceVanished
-     ERR_SYSTEMERROR	         -> SystemError
-     ERR_TIMEEXPIRED	         -> TimeExpired
-     ERR_UNSATISFIEDCONSTRAINTS -> UnsatisfiedConstraints
-     ERR_UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION   -> UnsupportedOperation
-     ERR_EOF		         -> EOF
-     _			         -> OtherError
-  msg = 
-   unpackCString str ++
-   (case iot of
-     OtherError -> "(error code: " ++ show errtype ++ ")"
-     _ -> "") ++
-   (case reason of
-      Nothing -> ""
-      Just m  -> ' ':m)
- in
- return (IOError Nothing iot call_site msg)
-File names are specified using @FilePath@, a OS-dependent
-string that (hopefully, I guess) maps to an accessible file/object.
-type FilePath = String
 %*							*
 \subsection{Types @Handle@, @Handle__@}
@@ -443,7 +222,7 @@ data Handle__
   of the following:
 data Handle__Type
- = ErrorHandle  IOError
+ = ErrorHandle  IOException
  | ClosedHandle
  | SemiClosedHandle
  | ReadHandle
@@ -452,6 +231,19 @@ data Handle__Type
  | ReadWriteHandle
+-- File names are specified using @FilePath@, a OS-dependent
+-- string that (hopefully, I guess) maps to an accessible file/object.
+type FilePath = String
+%*							*
+\subsection[Show-Handle]{Show instance for Handles}
+%*							*
 -- handle types are 'show'ed when printing error msgs, so
 -- we provide a more user-friendly Show instance for it
 -- than the derived one.
@@ -507,19 +299,6 @@ instance Show Handle where
        def :: Int 
        def = unsafePerformIO (getBufSize fo)
-mkBuffer__ :: FILE_OBJECT -> Int -> IO ()
-mkBuffer__ fo sz_in_bytes = do
- chunk <- 
-  case sz_in_bytes of
-    0 -> return nullAddr  -- this has the effect of overwriting the pointer to the old buffer.
-    _ -> do
-     chunk <- allocMemory__ sz_in_bytes
-     if chunk == nullAddr
-      then ioError (IOError Nothing ResourceExhausted "mkBuffer__" "not enough virtual memory")
-      else return chunk
- setBuf fo chunk sz_in_bytes
@@ -589,3 +368,324 @@ foreign import "libHS_cbits" "setBuf" unsafe
            setBuf       :: FILE_OBJECT -> Addr -> Int -> IO ()
+%*							*
+\subsection{Exception datatype and operations}
+%*							*
+data Exception
+  = IOException 	IOException	-- IO exceptions
+  | ArithException  	ArithException	-- Arithmetic exceptions
+  | ArrayException	ArrayException  -- Array-related exceptions
+  | ErrorCall		String		-- Calls to 'error'
+  | NoMethodError       String		-- A non-existent method was invoked
+  | PatternMatchFail	String		-- A pattern match / guard failure
+  | RecSelError		String		-- Selecting a non-existent field
+  | RecConError		String		-- Field missing in record construction
+  | RecUpdError		String		-- Record doesn't contain updated field
+  | AssertionFailed	String		-- Assertions
+  | DynException	Dynamic		-- Dynamic exceptions
+  | AsyncException	AsyncException	-- Externally generated errors
+  | PutFullMVar 			-- Put on a full MVar
+  | BlockedOnDeadMVar			-- Blocking on a dead MVar
+  | NonTermination
+  | UserError		String
+data ArithException
+  = Overflow
+  | Underflow
+  | LossOfPrecision
+  | DivideByZero
+  | Denormal
+  deriving (Eq, Ord)
+data AsyncException
+  = StackOverflow
+  | HeapOverflow
+  | ThreadKilled
+  deriving (Eq, Ord)
+data ArrayException
+  = IndexOutOfBounds  	String		-- out-of-range array access
+  | UndefinedElement	String		-- evaluating an undefined element
+  deriving (Eq, Ord)
+stackOverflow, heapOverflow :: Exception -- for the RTS
+stackOverflow = AsyncException StackOverflow
+heapOverflow  = AsyncException HeapOverflow
+instance Show ArithException where
+  showsPrec _ Overflow        = showString "arithmetic overflow"
+  showsPrec _ Underflow       = showString "arithmetic underflow"
+  showsPrec _ LossOfPrecision = showString "loss of precision"
+  showsPrec _ DivideByZero    = showString "divide by zero"
+  showsPrec _ Denormal        = showString "denormal"
+instance Show AsyncException where
+  showsPrec _ StackOverflow   = showString "stack overflow"
+  showsPrec _ HeapOverflow    = showString "heap overflow"
+  showsPrec _ ThreadKilled    = showString "thread killed"
+instance Show ArrayException where
+  showsPrec _ (IndexOutOfBounds s)
+	= showString "array index out of range"
+	. (if not (null s) then showString ": " . showString s
+			   else id)
+  showsPrec _ (UndefinedElement s)
+	= showString "undefined array element"
+	. (if not (null s) then showString ": " . showString s
+			   else id)
+instance Show Exception where
+  showsPrec _ (IOException err)	         = shows err
+  showsPrec _ (ArithException err)       = shows err
+  showsPrec _ (ArrayException err)       = shows err
+  showsPrec _ (ErrorCall err)	         = showString err
+  showsPrec _ (NoMethodError err)        = showString err
+  showsPrec _ (PatternMatchFail err)     = showString err
+  showsPrec _ (RecSelError err)	         = showString err
+  showsPrec _ (RecConError err)	         = showString err
+  showsPrec _ (RecUpdError err)	         = showString err
+  showsPrec _ (AssertionFailed err)      = showString err
+  showsPrec _ (AsyncException e)	 = shows e
+  showsPrec _ (DynException _err)        = showString "unknown exception"
+  showsPrec _ (PutFullMVar)		 = showString "putMVar: full MVar"
+  showsPrec _ (BlockedOnDeadMVar)	 = showString "thread blocked indefinitely"
+  showsPrec _ (NonTermination)           = showString "<<loop>>"
+%*							*
+\subsection{Primitive throw}
+%*							*
+throw :: Exception -> a
+throw exception = raise# exception
+ioError         :: Exception -> IO a 
+ioError err	=  IO $ \s -> throw err s
+ioException	:: IOException -> IO a
+ioException err =  IO $ \s -> throw (IOException err) s
+%*							*
+\subsection{Type @IOError@}
+%*							*
+A value @IOError@ encode errors occurred in the @IO@ monad.
+An @IOError@ records a more specific error type, a descriptive
+string and maybe the handle that was used when the error was
+type IOError = Exception
+data IOException
+ = IOError
+     (Maybe Handle)  -- the handle used by the action flagging the
+		     -- the error.
+     IOErrorType     -- what it was.
+     String	     -- location
+     String          -- error type specific information.
+instance Eq IOException where
+  (IOError h1 e1 loc1 str1) == (IOError h2 e2 loc2 str2) = 
+    e1==e2 && str1==str2 && h1==h2 && loc1 == loc2
+data IOErrorType
+  = AlreadyExists        | HardwareFault
+  | IllegalOperation     | InappropriateType
+  | Interrupted          | InvalidArgument
+  | NoSuchThing          | OtherError
+  | PermissionDenied     | ProtocolError
+  | ResourceBusy         | ResourceExhausted
+  | ResourceVanished     | SystemError
+  | TimeExpired          | UnsatisfiedConstraints
+  | UnsupportedOperation
+  | EOF
+#if defined(cygwin32_TARGET_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS)
+  | ComError Int           -- HRESULT
+  deriving (Eq)
+instance Show IOErrorType where
+  showsPrec _ e =
+    showString $
+    case e of
+      AlreadyExists	-> "already exists"
+      HardwareFault	-> "hardware fault"
+      IllegalOperation	-> "illegal operation"
+      InappropriateType -> "inappropriate type"
+      Interrupted       -> "interrupted"
+      InvalidArgument   -> "invalid argument"
+      NoSuchThing       -> "does not exist"
+      OtherError        -> "failed"
+      PermissionDenied  -> "permission denied"
+      ProtocolError     -> "protocol error"
+      ResourceBusy      -> "resource busy"
+      ResourceExhausted -> "resource exhausted"
+      ResourceVanished  -> "resource vanished"
+      SystemError	-> "system error"
+      TimeExpired       -> "timeout"
+      UnsatisfiedConstraints -> "unsatisified constraints" -- ultra-precise!
+      UnsupportedOperation -> "unsupported operation"
+      EOF		-> "end of file"
+#if defined(cygwin32_TARGET_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS)
+      ComError _	-> "COM error"
+userError       :: String  -> IOError
+userError str	=  UserError str
+Predicates on IOError; little effort made on these so far...
+isAlreadyExistsError :: IOError -> Bool
+isAlreadyExistsError (IOException (IOError _ AlreadyExists _ _)) = True
+isAlreadyExistsError _		                   		 = False
+isAlreadyInUseError :: IOError -> Bool
+isAlreadyInUseError (IOException (IOError _ ResourceBusy _ _)) = True
+isAlreadyInUseError _		                 	       = False
+isFullError :: IOError -> Bool
+isFullError (IOException (IOError _ ResourceExhausted _ _)) = True
+isFullError _			             		    = False
+isEOFError :: IOError -> Bool
+isEOFError (IOException (IOError _ EOF _ _)) = True
+isEOFError _                   		     = False
+isIllegalOperation :: IOError -> Bool
+isIllegalOperation (IOException (IOError _ IllegalOperation _ _)) = True
+isIllegalOperation _			            		  = False
+isPermissionError :: IOError -> Bool
+isPermissionError (IOException (IOError _ PermissionDenied _ _)) = True
+isPermissionError _			          		 = False
+isDoesNotExistError :: IOError -> Bool
+isDoesNotExistError (IOException (IOError _ NoSuchThing _ _)) = True
+isDoesNotExistError _                           	      = False
+isUserError :: IOError -> Bool
+isUserError (UserError _) = True
+isUserError _		  = False
+Showing @IOError@s
+#ifdef __HUGS__
+-- For now we give a fairly uninformative error message which just happens to
+-- be like the ones that Hugs used to give.
+instance Show IOException where
+    showsPrec p (IOError hdl iot loc s) = showString s . showChar '\n'
+instance Show IOException where
+    showsPrec p (IOError hdl iot loc s) =
+      showsPrec p iot .
+      showChar '\n' .
+      (case loc of
+         "" -> id
+	 _  -> showString "Action: " . showString loc . showChar '\n') .
+      showHdl .
+      (case s of
+	 "" -> id
+	 _  -> showString "Reason: " . showString s)
+     where
+      showHdl = 
+       case hdl of
+        Nothing -> id
+	Just h  -> showString "Handle: " . showsPrec p h
+The @String@ part of an @IOError@ is platform-dependent.  However, to
+provide a uniform mechanism for distinguishing among errors within
+these broad categories, each platform-specific standard shall specify
+the exact strings to be used for particular errors.  For errors not
+explicitly mentioned in the standard, any descriptive string may be
+constructErrorAndFail :: String -> IO a
+constructErrorAndFail call_site
+  = constructError call_site >>= \ io_error ->
+    ioError (IOException io_error)
+constructErrorAndFailWithInfo :: String -> String -> IO a
+constructErrorAndFailWithInfo call_site reason
+  = constructErrorMsg call_site (Just reason) >>= \ io_error ->
+    ioError (IOException io_error)
+This doesn't seem to be documented/spelled out anywhere,
+so here goes: (SOF)
+The implementation of the IO prelude uses various C stubs
+to do the actual interaction with the OS. The bandwidth
+\tr{C<->Haskell} is somewhat limited, so the general strategy
+for flaggging any errors (apart from possibly using the
+return code of the external call), is to set the @ghc_errtype@
+to a value that is one of the \tr{#define}s in @includes/error.h@.
+@ghc_errstr@ holds a character string providing error-specific
+information. Error constructing functions will then reach out
+and grab these values when generating
+constructError	      :: String -> IO IOException
+constructError call_site = constructErrorMsg call_site Nothing
+constructErrorMsg	      :: String -> Maybe String -> IO IOException
+constructErrorMsg call_site reason =
+ getErrType__            >>= \ errtype ->
+ getErrStr__             >>= \ str ->
+ let
+  iot =
+   case (errtype::Int) of
+     ERR_ALREADYEXISTS	         -> AlreadyExists
+     ERR_HARDWAREFAULT	         -> HardwareFault
+     ERR_ILLEGALOPERATION	 -> IllegalOperation
+     ERR_INAPPROPRIATETYPE	 -> InappropriateType
+     ERR_INTERRUPTED	         -> Interrupted
+     ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT	 -> InvalidArgument
+     ERR_NOSUCHTHING	         -> NoSuchThing
+     ERR_OTHERERROR		 -> OtherError
+     ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED	 -> PermissionDenied
+     ERR_PROTOCOLERROR	         -> ProtocolError
+     ERR_RESOURCEBUSY	         -> ResourceBusy
+     ERR_RESOURCEEXHAUSTED	 -> ResourceExhausted
+     ERR_RESOURCEVANISHED	 -> ResourceVanished
+     ERR_SYSTEMERROR	         -> SystemError
+     ERR_TIMEEXPIRED	         -> TimeExpired
+     ERR_UNSATISFIEDCONSTRAINTS -> UnsatisfiedConstraints
+     ERR_UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION   -> UnsupportedOperation
+     ERR_EOF		         -> EOF
+     _			         -> OtherError
+  msg = 
+   unpackCString str ++
+   (case iot of
+     OtherError -> "(error code: " ++ show errtype ++ ")"
+     _ -> "") ++
+   (case reason of
+      Nothing -> ""
+      Just m  -> ' ':m)
+ in
+ return (IOError Nothing iot call_site msg)
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelPack.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelPack.lhs
index 4788126293269ac55825da410617575ace1c2ace..098f2f4db78979d573d6b96e770910916edaaad4 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelPack.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelPack.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelPack.lhs,v 1.13 2000/06/30 13:39:36 simonmar Exp $
+% $Id: PrelPack.lhs,v 1.14 2000/07/07 11:03:58 simonmar Exp $
 % (c) The University of Glasgow, 1997-2000
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} PrelErr ( error )
 import PrelList ( length )
 import PrelST
 import PrelNum
-import PrelArr
 import PrelByteArr
 import PrelAddr
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelST.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelST.lhs
index 996e7cf49d37b8085ada1572ea3cd42d430f1831..a5a04118321e926ae02902458c97fab86763879b 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelST.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelST.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelST.lhs,v 1.15 2000/06/30 13:39:36 simonmar Exp $
+% $Id: PrelST.lhs,v 1.16 2000/07/07 11:03:58 simonmar Exp $
 % (c) The University of Glasgow, 1992-2000
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ module PrelST where
 import PrelShow
 import PrelBase
-import PrelGHC
 import PrelNum ()	-- So that we get the .hi file for system imports
 default ()
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/System.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/System.lhs
index 61955b066c2c0ad93914f04ec4949d4fc49d8768..c96e2b9709696c39150bbb4f5b4039d9451a229b 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/System.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/System.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% $Id: System.lhs,v 1.26 2000/07/07 11:03:58 simonmar Exp $
-% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1999
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000
 \section[System]{Module @System@}
@@ -23,7 +25,8 @@ module System
 import Prelude
 import PrelAddr
-import PrelIOBase	( IOError(..), IOErrorType(..), constructErrorAndFailWithInfo, stToIO )
+import PrelIOBase	( IOException(..), ioException, 
+			  IOErrorType(..), constructErrorAndFailWithInfo, stToIO )
 import PrelPack    	( unpackCString, unpackCStringST, packString )
 import PrelByteArr	( ByteArray )
@@ -90,8 +93,8 @@ getEnv name = do
     litstring <- primGetEnv (primPackString name)
     if litstring /= nullAddr
 	then primUnpackCString litstring
-        else ioError (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getEnv"
-			("environment variable: " ++ name))
+        else ioException (IOError Nothing NoSuchThing "getEnv"
+			    ("environment variable: " ++ name))
 foreign import ccall "libHS_cbits.so" "getenv" unsafe primGetEnv :: PrimByteArray -> IO Addr
@@ -111,7 +114,7 @@ The implementation does not support system calls.
 system        		:: String -> IO ExitCode
-system "" = ioError (IOError Nothing InvalidArgument "system" "null command")
+system "" = ioException (IOError Nothing InvalidArgument "system" "null command")
 system cmd = do
     status <- primSystem (primPackString cmd)
     case status of
@@ -129,13 +132,13 @@ Before it terminates, any open or semi-closed handles are first closed.
 exitWith   		:: ExitCode -> IO a
 exitWith ExitSuccess = do
     primExit 0
-    ioError (IOError Nothing OtherError "exitWith" "exit should not return")
+    ioException (IOError Nothing OtherError "exitWith" "exit should not return")
 exitWith (ExitFailure n) 
-  | n == 0 = ioError (IOError Nothing InvalidArgument "exitWith" "ExitFailure 0")
+  | n == 0 = ioException (IOError Nothing InvalidArgument "exitWith" "ExitFailure 0")
   | otherwise = do
     primExit n
-    ioError (IOError Nothing OtherError "exitWith" "exit should not return")
+    ioException (IOError Nothing OtherError "exitWith" "exit should not return")
 -- NOTE: shutdownHaskellAndExit must be called "safe", because it *can*
 -- re-enter Haskell land through finalizers.
@@ -243,12 +246,12 @@ exitWith c
         nh_stdout >>= nh_flush
         nh_stdin  >>= nh_close
         nh_exitwith (fromExitCode c)
-        (ioError.IOError) "System.exitWith: should not return"
+        (ioException . IOError) "System.exitWith: should not return"
 system :: String -> IO ExitCode
 system cmd
    | null cmd
-   = (ioError.IOError) "System.system: null command"
+   = (ioException.IOError) "System.system: null command"
    | otherwise
    = do str    <- copy_String_to_cstring cmd
         status <- nh_system str
diff --git a/ghc/rts/Prelude.h b/ghc/rts/Prelude.h
index db042256b586c6bc1e971be53ae8f0e00b35fb82..c2f6ca99983d009387ccd4ed7e87c2a70456ca89 100644
--- a/ghc/rts/Prelude.h
+++ b/ghc/rts/Prelude.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Id: Prelude.h,v 1.11 2000/06/15 13:23:52 daan Exp $
+ * $Id: Prelude.h,v 1.12 2000/07/07 11:03:57 simonmar Exp $
  * (c) The GHC Team, 1998-2000
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ extern DLL_IMPORT const StgClosure PrelPack_unpackCString_closure;
 extern DLL_IMPORT const StgClosure PrelWeak_runFinalizzerBatch_closure;
 extern const StgClosure PrelMain_mainIO_closure;
-extern DLL_IMPORT const StgClosure PrelException_stackOverflow_closure;
-extern DLL_IMPORT const StgClosure PrelException_heapOverflow_closure;
-extern DLL_IMPORT const StgClosure PrelException_PutFullMVar_closure;
-extern DLL_IMPORT const StgClosure PrelException_BlockedOnDeadMVar_closure;
-extern DLL_IMPORT const StgClosure PrelException_NonTermination_closure;
+extern DLL_IMPORT const StgClosure PrelIOBase_stackOverflow_closure;
+extern DLL_IMPORT const StgClosure PrelIOBase_heapOverflow_closure;
+extern DLL_IMPORT const StgClosure PrelIOBase_PutFullMVar_closure;
+extern DLL_IMPORT const StgClosure PrelIOBase_BlockedOnDeadMVar_closure;
+extern DLL_IMPORT const StgClosure PrelIOBase_NonTermination_closure;
 extern DLL_IMPORT const StgInfoTable PrelBase_Czh_static_info;
 extern DLL_IMPORT const StgInfoTable PrelBase_Izh_static_info;
@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ extern DLL_IMPORT const StgInfoTable PrelStable_StablePtr_con_info;
 #define runFinalizerBatch_closure (&PrelWeak_runFinalizzerBatch_closure)
 #define mainIO_closure            (&PrelMain_mainIO_closure)
-#define stackOverflow_closure     (&PrelException_stackOverflow_closure)
-#define heapOverflow_closure      (&PrelException_heapOverflow_closure)
-#define PutFullMVar_closure       (&PrelException_PutFullMVar_closure)
-#define BlockedOnDeadMVar_closure (&PrelException_BlockedOnDeadMVar_closure)
-#define NonTermination_closure    (&PrelException_NonTermination_closure)
+#define stackOverflow_closure     (&PrelIOBase_stackOverflow_closure)
+#define heapOverflow_closure      (&PrelIOBase_heapOverflow_closure)
+#define PutFullMVar_closure       (&PrelIOBase_PutFullMVar_closure)
+#define BlockedOnDeadMVar_closure (&PrelIOBase_BlockedOnDeadMVar_closure)
+#define NonTermination_closure    (&PrelIOBase_NonTermination_closure)
 #define Czh_static_info           (&PrelBase_Czh_static_info)
 #define Izh_static_info           (&PrelBase_Izh_static_info)