From 769ce8e72ae626356ce57162b7ff448c0ef7e700 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: partain <unknown>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 1996 16:16:52 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1996-06-27 16:13:29 by partain] partain 1.3
 changes to 960626

 ghc/mkworld/GHC_OPTS                   |   58 +-
 ghc/mkworld/             |    9 +
 ghc/mkworld/install-ghc.ljm            |    7 -
 ghc/mkworld/              |   33 +-
 ghc/mkworld/macros-ghc.ljm             |   31 -
 ghc/mkworld/               |  194 +-
 ghc/mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm              |  367 --
 ghc/mkworld/             |  151 +-
 ghc/mkworld/            |   25 +-
 ghc/mkworld/suffixes-ghc.ljm           |   14 -
 ghc/mkworld/               |   17 +-
 ghc/mkworld/utils-ghc.ljm              |  144 -
 ghc/runtime/Jmakefile                  |  116 +-
 ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/     |   82 +-
 ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/  |    5 +-
 ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/     |  481 ++-
 ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/      |    2 +-
 ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/   |   10 +-
 ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/       | 1427 ++++++-
 ghc/runtime/griproot.lit               |   57 -
 ghc/runtime/gum/FetchMe.lhc            |    8 +-
 ghc/runtime/gum/             |   12 +-
 ghc/runtime/gum/                |  673 +++-
 ghc/runtime/gum/                 |  129 +-
 ghc/runtime/gum/              |    5 +-
 ghc/runtime/gum/              |  116 +-
 ghc/runtime/hooks/        |   18 +
 ghc/runtime/hooks/   |   14 +
 ghc/runtime/io/         |   58 +
 ghc/runtime/io/           |   98 +
 ghc/runtime/io/        |  120 +
 ghc/runtime/io/         |   58 +
 ghc/runtime/io/                  |    7 +-
 ghc/runtime/io/              |    2 +
 ghc/runtime/io/           |    2 +
 ghc/runtime/io/          |   60 +
 ghc/runtime/io/          |   55 +
 ghc/runtime/io/         |   50 +
 ghc/runtime/io/       |   59 +
 ghc/runtime/io/       |   42 +
 ghc/runtime/io/      |   75 +
 ghc/runtime/main/            | 1322 ++++++-
 ghc/runtime/main/           |  931 +++--
 ghc/runtime/main/              |   12 +-
 ghc/runtime/main/             |  106 +-
 ghc/runtime/main/            |   69 +-
 ghc/runtime/main/        |   38 +-
 ghc/runtime/main/StgStartup.lhc        |   55 +-
 ghc/runtime/main/StgThreads.lhc        |   29 +-
 ghc/runtime/main/StgUpdate.lhc         |   26 +-
 ghc/runtime/main/            | 4941 +++++++++++++-----------
 ghc/runtime/main/         |    6 +-
 ghc/runtime/main/       |    8 -
 ghc/runtime/main/               |   83 +-
 ghc/runtime/prims/           |    4 +-
 ghc/runtime/prims/         |    2 +-
 ghc/runtime/prims/          |   11 +-
 ghc/runtime/profiling/    |  151 +-
 ghc/runtime/profiling/   |   35 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/            |   22 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/            |   11 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/            |   54 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/    |  100 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/SMcompacting.lh    |    3 +
 ghc/runtime/storage/       |  111 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/SMcopying.lh       |    3 +
 ghc/runtime/storage/            |   20 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/          |   39 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/          |  183 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lh          |   18 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/           |   44 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/SMinternal.lh      |   10 +
 ghc/runtime/storage/SMmark.lhc         |  262 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/       |  100 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/          |   91 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/          |   18 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/        |   10 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/        |   11 +-
 ghc/runtime/storage/         |    8 +
 ghc/runtime/storage/        |   14 +-
 ghc/runtime/threadroot.lit             |   24 -
 ghc/utils/hp2ps/Curves.c               |    2 +-
 ghc/utils/hp2ps/Error.c                |    1 +
 ghc/utils/hp2ps/Key.c                  |    2 +-
 ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.c                 |    4 +
 ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.h                 |    1 +
 ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.c                |   52 +-
 ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.h                |    1 +
 ghc/utils/hscpp/hscpp.prl              |    6 +-
 ghc/utils/mkdependHS/mkdependHS.prl    |  249 +-
 ghc/utils/stat2resid/parse-gcstats.prl |    6 +-
 ghc/utils/ugen/Jmakefile               |    2 +-
 ghc/utils/ugen/gen.c                   |    3 +
 93 files changed, 9754 insertions(+), 4451 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 ghc/mkworld/install-ghc.ljm
 delete mode 100644 ghc/mkworld/macros-ghc.ljm
 delete mode 100644 ghc/mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm
 delete mode 100644 ghc/mkworld/suffixes-ghc.ljm
 delete mode 100644 ghc/mkworld/utils-ghc.ljm
 delete mode 100644 ghc/runtime/griproot.lit
 create mode 100644 ghc/runtime/hooks/
 create mode 100644 ghc/runtime/hooks/
 create mode 100644 ghc/runtime/io/
 create mode 100644 ghc/runtime/io/
 create mode 100644 ghc/runtime/io/
 create mode 100644 ghc/runtime/io/
 create mode 100644 ghc/runtime/io/
 create mode 100644 ghc/runtime/io/
 create mode 100644 ghc/runtime/io/
 create mode 100644 ghc/runtime/io/
 create mode 100644 ghc/runtime/io/
 create mode 100644 ghc/runtime/io/
 delete mode 100644 ghc/runtime/main/
 delete mode 100644 ghc/runtime/threadroot.lit

diff --git a/ghc/mkworld/GHC_OPTS b/ghc/mkworld/GHC_OPTS
index 094f1a49b3dd..df06f3ce7a9b 100644
--- a/ghc/mkworld/GHC_OPTS
+++ b/ghc/mkworld/GHC_OPTS
@@ -2,33 +2,33 @@
    each build is compiled consistently
-GHC_OPTS_norm=-O /*-fsemi-tagging*/ -darity-checks-C-only rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_p =-hisuf _p.hi  -O /*-fsemi-tagging*/ -prof -GPrelude rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_t =-hisuf _t.hi  -O /*-fsemi-tagging*/ -ticky -optc-DDEBUG rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_u =-hisuf _u.hi  -O -unregisterised ???? /*-fsemi-tagging*/ -ticky rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_mc=-hisuf _mc.hi -O -concurrent rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_mr=-hisuf _mr.hi -O -concurrent -prof -GPrelude rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_mt=-hisuf _mt.hi -O -concurrent -ticky -optc-DDEBUG rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_mp=-hisuf _mp.hi -O -parallel rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_mg=-hisuf _mg.hi -O -gransim rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_2s=-hisuf _2s.hi -O -gc-2s rts_or_lib(-optc-DGC2s,)
-GHC_OPTS_1s=-hisuf _1s.hi -O -gc-1s rts_or_lib(-optc-DGC1s,)
-GHC_OPTS_du=-hisuf _du.hi -O -gc-du rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCdu,)
+GHC_OPTS_norm=-O rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_p =-hisuf p_hi  -O -prof -GPrelude rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_t =-hisuf t_hi  -O -ticky -optc-DDEBUG rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_u =-hisuf u_hi  -O -unregisterised ???? -ticky rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_mc=-hisuf mc_hi -O -concurrent rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_mr=-hisuf mr_hi -O -concurrent -prof -GPrelude rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_mt=-hisuf mt_hi -O -concurrent -ticky -optc-DDEBUG rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_mp=-hisuf mp_hi -O -parallel rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_mg=-hisuf mg_hi -O -gransim rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_2s=-hisuf 2s_hi -O -gc-2s rts_or_lib(-optc-DGC2s,)
+GHC_OPTS_1s=-hisuf 1s_hi -O -gc-1s rts_or_lib(-optc-DGC1s,)
+GHC_OPTS_du=-hisuf du_hi -O -gc-du rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCdu,)
 /* ToDo: mkworld-ify these user-way opts */
-GHC_OPTS_a =-hisuf _a.hi -user-setup-a rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_b =-hisuf _b.hi -user-setup-b rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_c =-hisuf _c.hi -user-setup-c rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_d =-hisuf _d.hi -user-setup-d rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_e =-hisuf _e.hi -user-setup-e rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_f =-hisuf _f.hi -user-setup-f rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_g =-hisuf _g.hi -user-setup-g rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_h =-hisuf _h.hi -user-setup-h rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_i =-hisuf _i.hi -user-setup-i rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_j =-hisuf _j.hi -user-setup-j rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_k =-hisuf _k.hi -user-setup-k rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_l =-hisuf _l.hi -user-setup-l rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_m =-hisuf _m.hi -user-setup-m rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_n =-hisuf _n.hi -user-setup-n rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_o =-hisuf _o.hi -user-setup-o rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_A =-hisuf _A.hi -user-setup-A rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
-GHC_OPTS_B =-hisuf _B.hi -user-setup-B rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_a =-hisuf a_hi -user-setup-a rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_b =-hisuf b_hi -user-setup-b rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_c =-hisuf c_hi -user-setup-c rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_d =-hisuf d_hi -user-setup-d rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_e =-hisuf e_hi -user-setup-e rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_f =-hisuf f_hi -user-setup-f rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_g =-hisuf g_hi -user-setup-g rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_h =-hisuf h_hi -user-setup-h rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_i =-hisuf i_hi -user-setup-i rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_j =-hisuf j_hi -user-setup-j rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_k =-hisuf k_hi -user-setup-k rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_l =-hisuf l_hi -user-setup-l rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_m =-hisuf m_hi -user-setup-m rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_n =-hisuf n_hi -user-setup-n rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_o =-hisuf o_hi -user-setup-o rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_A =-hisuf A_hi -user-setup-A rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
+GHC_OPTS_B =-hisuf B_hi -user-setup-B rts_or_lib(-optc-DGCap,)
diff --git a/ghc/mkworld/ b/ghc/mkworld/
index e69de29bb2d1..abcb9162b31e 100644
--- a/ghc/mkworld/
+++ b/ghc/mkworld/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#if 0
+%*									*
+\section[mkworld-install-ghc]{Installation stuff for @ghc@ project}
+%*									*
diff --git a/ghc/mkworld/install-ghc.ljm b/ghc/mkworld/install-ghc.ljm
deleted file mode 100644
index 69267af9be15..000000000000
--- a/ghc/mkworld/install-ghc.ljm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-%*									*
-\section[mkworld-install-ghc]{Installation stuff for @ghc@ project}
-%*									*
diff --git a/ghc/mkworld/ b/ghc/mkworld/
index 3c9d84b3b844..bbe0bca85ed5 100644
--- a/ghc/mkworld/
+++ b/ghc/mkworld/
@@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
-# line 9 "macros-ghc.ljm"
 /* ToDo: cmp -> $(CMP) */
 #ifndef UgenTarget
-#define UgenTarget(fileroot)						@@\
-ExtraStuffToBeVeryClean(fileroot.c fileroot.h fileroot.hs)		@@\
-fileroot.c : fileroot.ugn						@@\
-	d=`dirname fileroot.ugn` ; f=`basename fileroot.ugn .ugn` ; \	@@\
-	$(RM) fileroot.c fileroot.hs "$$d/U_$$f.hs" fileroot.h-SAVE 	@@\
-	if [ -f fileroot.h ] ; then $(MV) -f fileroot.h fileroot.h-SAVE ; else exit 0 ; fi @@\
-	$(UGEN) fileroot.ugn || ( $(RM) fileroot.h fileroot.c fileroot.hs; $(MV) -f fileroot.h-SAVE fileroot.h )						@@\
-	if cmp -s fileroot.h-SAVE fileroot.h ; then \			@@\
-	    $(MV) -f fileroot.h-SAVE fileroot.h ; \			@@\
-	else \								@@\
-	    chmod 444 fileroot.h fileroot.c fileroot.hs ; \		@@\
-	fi								@@\
-	@$(RM) fileroot.h-SAVE						@@\
-	@d=`dirname fileroot.ugn` ; f=`basename fileroot.ugn .ugn` ; \	@@\
-	$(MV) -f fileroot.hs "$$d/U_$$f.hs"				@@\
-									@@\
-fileroot.h : fileroot.c							@@\
+#define UgenTarget(dir,fileroot)					@@\
+ExtraStuffToBeVeryClean(dir/fileroot.c dir/fileroot.h dir/fileroot.hs)		@@\
+dir/fileroot.c dir/CAT3(U_,fileroot,.hs): dir/fileroot.ugn						@@\
+	$(RM) dir/fileroot.c dir/fileroot.hs dir/CAT3(U_,fileroot,.hs) dir/fileroot.h-SAVE 	@@\
+	if [ -f dir/fileroot.h ] ; then $(MV) -f dir/fileroot.h dir/fileroot.h-SAVE ; else exit 0 ; fi @@\
+	$(UGEN) dir/fileroot.ugn || ( $(RM) dir/fileroot.h dir/fileroot.c dir/fileroot.hs; $(MV) -f dir/fileroot.h-SAVE dir/fileroot.h )						@@\
+	if cmp -s dir/fileroot.h-SAVE dir/fileroot.h ; then \			@@\
+	    $(MV) -f dir/fileroot.h-SAVE dir/fileroot.h ; \			@@\
+	else \									@@\
+	    chmod 444 dir/fileroot.h dir/fileroot.c dir/fileroot.hs ; \		@@\
+	fi									@@\
+	@$(RM) dir/fileroot.h-SAVE						@@\
+	$(MV) -f dir/fileroot.hs dir/CAT3(U_,fileroot,.hs)			@@\
+										@@\
+dir/fileroot.h : dir/fileroot.c							@@\
 	@: /* no-op */
 #endif /* UgenTarget */
diff --git a/ghc/mkworld/macros-ghc.ljm b/ghc/mkworld/macros-ghc.ljm
deleted file mode 100644
index 0271d477d03c..000000000000
--- a/ghc/mkworld/macros-ghc.ljm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-%*									*
-\section[mkworld-macros-ghc]{CPP macros for @ghc@ project}
-%*									*
-Rule to run the LML-ish \tr{ugen} utility.
-/* ToDo: cmp -> $(CMP) */
-#ifndef UgenTarget
-#define UgenTarget(fileroot)						@@\
-ExtraStuffToBeVeryClean(fileroot.c fileroot.h fileroot.hs)		@@\
-fileroot.c : fileroot.ugn						@@\
-	d=`dirname fileroot.ugn` ; f=`basename fileroot.ugn .ugn` ; \	@@\
-	$(RM) fileroot.c fileroot.hs "$$d/U_$$f.hs" fileroot.h-SAVE 	@@\
-	if [ -f fileroot.h ] ; then $(MV) -f fileroot.h fileroot.h-SAVE ; else exit 0 ; fi @@\
-	$(UGEN) fileroot.ugn || ( $(RM) fileroot.h fileroot.c fileroot.hs; $(MV) -f fileroot.h-SAVE fileroot.h )						@@\
-	if cmp -s fileroot.h-SAVE fileroot.h ; then \			@@\
-	    $(MV) -f fileroot.h-SAVE fileroot.h ; \			@@\
-	else \								@@\
-	    chmod 444 fileroot.h fileroot.c fileroot.hs ; \		@@\
-	fi								@@\
-	@$(RM) fileroot.h-SAVE						@@\
-	@d=`dirname fileroot.ugn` ; f=`basename fileroot.ugn .ugn` ; \	@@\
-	$(MV) -f fileroot.hs "$$d/U_$$f.hs"				@@\
-									@@\
-fileroot.h : fileroot.c							@@\
-	@: /* no-op */
-#endif /* UgenTarget */
diff --git a/ghc/mkworld/ b/ghc/mkworld/
index 157c115c1854..15b1c0f40969 100644
--- a/ghc/mkworld/
+++ b/ghc/mkworld/
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@
-# line 8 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+%*									*
+\section[mkworld-only4-ghc]{Extra things ``only for'' for the @ghc@ project}
+%*									*
+#endif /* 0 */
 /* Project identification - name and version */
 #ifndef ProjectName
@@ -6,7 +14,7 @@
 /* ProjectVersion is something printable */
 #ifndef ProjectVersion
-#define ProjectVersion  0.27
+#define ProjectVersion  2.01
 /* A patchlevel change is something *very minor* */
 #ifndef ProjectPatchLevel
@@ -14,9 +22,14 @@
 /* GhcBuildeeVersion is something CPP-testable (ProjectVersion * 100) */
 #ifndef GhcBuildeeVersion
-#define GhcBuildeeVersion  27
+#define GhcBuildeeVersion  201
-# line 29 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+Make variables that say where the source to main pieces of the system live:
+#endif /* 0 */
 /* state of the source world */
 GHC_DRIVERSRC    = $(TOP)/ghc/driver
 GHC_COMPILERSRC  = $(TOP)/ghc/compiler
@@ -25,12 +38,24 @@ GHC_LIBSRC	 = $(TOP)/ghc/lib
 GHC_INCLUDESRC   = $(TOP)/ghc/includes
 GHC_UTILSRC	 = $(TOP)/ghc/utils
 GHC_BOOKSRC	 = $(TOP)/ghc/book
-# line 41 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+Include definitions (usually to go with generated C):
+#endif /* 0 */
 #ifndef GhcIncludesDir
 #define GhcIncludesDir $(GHC_INCLUDESRC)
 GHC_INCLUDES = GhcIncludesDir
-# line 51 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+A make variable that's occasionally very important: we use \tr{GHC_*}
+when we really mean GHC, rather than \tr{HC*}, which just means ``the
+standard Haskell compiler'' (whatever that is).
+#endif /* 0 */
 #ifndef AllProjectsGhcOpts
 #define AllProjectsGhcOpts /*none*/
@@ -60,7 +85,23 @@ GHC_RTS_STYLE = 'ghc'
-# line 95 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+%*									*
+\subsection{What to build}
+%*									*
+%*									*
+\subsubsection{Include or leave out these individual ``features''}
+%*									*
+#endif /* 0 */
 /* build York interpreter as well as Glasgow compiler
 #ifndef BuildYorkInterpreter
 #ifndef UseSemantiqueStrictnessAnalyser
 #define UseSemantiqueStrictnessAnalyser NO
-# line 116 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+%*									*
+\subsection{Installation: whether to, where to, what to}
+%*									*
+#endif /* 0 */
 /* defaults for which pieces should be installed */
 /* ToDo: possibly obsolete */
 #ifndef DoInstallGHCSystem
 #define DoInstallGHCSystem	YES
 #endif /* DoInstallGHCSystem */
-# line 124 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 /* compiler-proper subsystem:
     the lib/data bits are installed w/ a version number as well
@@ -114,12 +165,49 @@ INSTBINDIR_GHC    = InstBinDir_GHC
-# line 183 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+%*									*
+\subsection{Configuring the driver}
+%*									*
+The driver script is the thing that glues the compilation system
+together.  It needs to know what is/isn't included in the system,
+e.g., what garbage-collectors are catered for.
+Mkworld records the needed information in make variables (e.g.,
+\tr{$(GHC_HSCPP)}), and we then `msub' that into the driver (perl)
+script.  Note: ALL configuration info should be HERE (not hacked into
+the script)!
+The first chunk of stuff here is mkworld boilerplate and probably
+doesn't need fiddling.  Once we get into what C compiler(s) to use for
+compiling .hc files, what libraries are available, etc., there may be
+something to tweak (but not here -- in a `setup' file, please!)  There
+are further comments where the tweakables begin...
+First, the driver can be installed under any old name; here's the default:
+#endif /* 0 */
 #ifndef GhcDriverInstallName
 #define GhcDriverInstallName ghc
 #endif /* ! GhcDriverInstallName */
 GHC_DRIVER_INST_NAME = GhcDriverInstallName
-# line 197 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+%*									*
+\subsubsection{Where to find the programs for the various phases}
+%*									*
+First, the driver itself:
+#endif /* 0 */
 /* ghc: std driver for compilation system */
 #ifndef GhcDriverCmd
 #define GhcDriverCmd $(GHC_DRIVERSRC)/ghc
@@ -133,7 +221,16 @@ __SomeUtilNeededHere(target,$(GHC),$(GHC_DRIVERSRC),all)
 /* could be GHC_DRIVER, but GHC is its common name */
 GHC = GhcDriverCmd
-# line 218 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+\tr{unlit}, to de-literatise a source file, is from the HBC
+distribution.  See utils-ghc.
+\tr{hscpp}: runs C pre-processor but converts \tr{#line}s to Haskell pragmas;
+is platform-independent.
+#endif /* 0 */
 #ifndef HsCppCmd
 #define HsCppCmd $(GHC_HSCPPSRC)/hscpp
@@ -145,7 +242,12 @@ __SomeUtilNeededHere(target,$(GHC_HSCPP),$(GHC_HSCPPSRC),hscpp)
-# line 233 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+\tr{hsp}: std Haskell parser.
+#endif /* 0 */
 #ifndef HsParserCmd
 #define HsParserCmd $(GHC_HSPSRC)/hsp
@@ -157,7 +259,12 @@ __SomeUtilNeededHere(target,$(GHC_HSP),$(GHC_HSPSRC),hsp)
 GHC_HSP    = HsParserCmd
-# line 248 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+\tr{hsc}: std Haskell compiler.
+#endif /* 0 */
 #ifndef HsCompilerCmd
 #define HsCompilerCmd $(GHC_HSCSRC)/hsc
@@ -169,7 +276,12 @@ __SomeUtilNeededHere(target,$(GHC_HSC),$(GHC_HSCSRC),hsc)
 GHC_HSC    = HsCompilerCmd
-# line 263 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+\tr{SysMan}: PVM-controlling program for parallel Haskell.
+#endif /* 0 */
 #ifndef SysManCmd
 #define SysManCmd $(GHC_RUNTIMESRC)/gum/SysMan
@@ -181,7 +293,52 @@ __SomeUtilNeededHere(target,$(GHC_SYSMAN),$(GHC_SYSMANSRC),gum/SysMan)
 GHC_SYSMAN    = SysManCmd
-# line 318 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+For an ``assembler'' and a ``linker,'' the driver uses the same
+program as it used for C compilation; this means libraries and things
+are likely to be picked up correctly.
+%*									*
+\subsubsection{Stuff for the C-compiling phase in particular...}
+%*									*
+{\em High-level assembler}: C compiler with which to compile \tr{.hc} files.
+There are {\em three} things to set:
+C compilers to use:
+compiler to use for ``debugging'' compilation (@GHC_DEBUG_HILEV_ASM@)
+compiler to use for ``optimising'' compiling (w/ regs magic, etc)
+This must be GCC; otherwise opt compiling must be turned off.
+Whether or not you can do the ``optimising''-style compilation (set
+For options that should always be applied {\em for this project},
+set the @ProjectGhcOpts@ variable...
+Similarly, for a particular {\em setup}, use @SetupGhcOpts@...
+%*									*
+\subsubsubsection{Which C compiler to use (GCC is best)}
+%*									*
+#endif /* 0 */
 /*  NON-OPTIMISING C COMPILATION: ==================================
     We can use GCC 2.n for the non-optimising (normal) .hc C
@@ -203,7 +360,7 @@ GHC_SYSMANSRC = $(GHC_RUNTIMESRC)
 #endif /* ! gcc */
 #endif /* GhcDebuggingHighLevelAsmCmd */
 GHC_DEBUG_HILEV_ASM = GhcDebuggingHighLevelAsmCmd
-# line 342 "mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm"
 /*  OPTIMISING C COMPILATION (regs, etc): ==========================
     Must use GCC 2.n for this
@@ -229,3 +386,6 @@ GHC_GCC_IS_AVAILABLE = 0
 #endif /* ! gcc */
 #endif /* GhcOptHighLevelAsmCmd */
 GHC_OPT_HILEV_ASM = GhcOptHighLevelAsmCmd
+#if 0
+#endif /* 0 */
diff --git a/ghc/mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm b/ghc/mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm
deleted file mode 100644
index 30e51e139b68..000000000000
--- a/ghc/mkworld/only4-ghc.ljm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-%*									*
-\section[mkworld-only4-ghc]{Extra things ``only for'' for the @ghc@ project}
-%*									*
-/* Project identification - name and version */
-#ifndef ProjectName
-#define ProjectName     The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System
-/* ProjectVersion is something printable */
-#ifndef ProjectVersion
-#define ProjectVersion  0.27
-/* A patchlevel change is something *very minor* */
-#ifndef ProjectPatchLevel
-#define ProjectPatchLevel patchlevel 0
-/* GhcBuildeeVersion is something CPP-testable (ProjectVersion * 100) */
-#ifndef GhcBuildeeVersion
-#define GhcBuildeeVersion  27
-Make variables that say where the source to main pieces of the system live:
-/* state of the source world */
-GHC_DRIVERSRC    = $(TOP)/ghc/driver
-GHC_COMPILERSRC  = $(TOP)/ghc/compiler
-GHC_RUNTIMESRC   = $(TOP)/ghc/runtime
-GHC_LIBSRC	 = $(TOP)/ghc/lib
-GHC_INCLUDESRC   = $(TOP)/ghc/includes
-GHC_UTILSRC	 = $(TOP)/ghc/utils
-GHC_BOOKSRC	 = $(TOP)/ghc/book
-Include definitions (usually to go with generated C):
-#ifndef GhcIncludesDir
-#define GhcIncludesDir $(GHC_INCLUDESRC)
-GHC_INCLUDES = GhcIncludesDir
-A make variable that's occasionally very important: we use \tr{GHC_*}
-when we really mean GHC, rather than \tr{HC*}, which just means ``the
-standard Haskell compiler'' (whatever that is).
-#ifndef AllProjectsGhcOpts
-#define AllProjectsGhcOpts /*none*/
-#ifndef PlatformGhcOpts
-#define PlatformGhcOpts /*none*/
-#if HaskellCompilerType == HC_CHALMERS_HBC
-GHC_RTS_STYLE = 'hbc'
-# if HaskellCompilerType == HC_ROJEMO_NHC
-GHC_RTS_STYLE = 'ghc' /* wrong, but more likely to trigger something */
-# else
-GHC_RTS_STYLE = 'ghc'
-# endif
-#ifndef ProjectGhcOpts
-#define ProjectGhcOpts -hi-diffs -dcore-lint -link-chk
-#endif /* ! ProjectGhcOpts */
-#ifndef SetupGhcOpts
-#define SetupGhcOpts /*none*/
-%*									*
-\subsection{What to build}
-%*									*
-%*									*
-\subsubsection{Include or leave out these individual ``features''}
-%*									*
-/* build York interpreter as well as Glasgow compiler
-#ifndef BuildYorkInterpreter
-#define BuildYorkInterpreter NO
-/* incorporate Semantique strictness analyser into the compiler;
-   it analyses, but the info generated is *UNUSED* :-(
- */
-#ifndef UseSemantiqueStrictnessAnalyser
-#define UseSemantiqueStrictnessAnalyser NO
-%*									*
-\subsection{Installation: whether to, where to, what to}
-%*									*
-/* defaults for which pieces should be installed */
-/* ToDo: possibly obsolete */
-#ifndef DoInstallGHCSystem
-#define DoInstallGHCSystem	YES
-#endif /* DoInstallGHCSystem */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* compiler-proper subsystem:
-    the lib/data bits are installed w/ a version number as well
-#ifndef InstBinDir_GHC
-#  define InstBinDir_GHC $(exec_prefix_GHC)/bin/`/usr/local/gnu/bin/hw_os`
-# else
-#  define InstBinDir_GHC $(exec_prefix_GHC)/bin
-# endif
-/* scripts are platform-independent */
-#ifndef InstScriptDir_GHC
-#define InstScriptDir_GHC $(exec_prefix_GHC)/bin
-/* main "internally-used-by-GHC" stuff */
-#ifndef InstLibDir_GHC
-#define InstLibDir_GHC $(prefix_GHC)/lib/ghc/$(PROJECTVERSION)/$(HOSTPLATFORM)
-/* "data" is defined (by WDP) to be platform-independent library stuff */
-#ifndef InstDataDir_GHC
-#define InstDataDir_GHC $(prefix_GHC)/lib/ghc/$(PROJECTVERSION)
-prefix_GHC	  = InstRootDir_GHC	/* set by configure */
-exec_prefix_GHC   = InstBinRootDir_GHC  /* ditto */
-%*									*
-\subsection{Configuring the driver}
-%*									*
-The driver script is the thing that glues the compilation system
-together.  It needs to know what is/isn't included in the system,
-e.g., what garbage-collectors are catered for.
-Mkworld records the needed information in make variables (e.g.,
-\tr{$(GHC_HSCPP)}), and we then `msub' that into the driver (perl)
-script.  Note: ALL configuration info should be HERE (not hacked into
-the script)!
-The first chunk of stuff here is mkworld boilerplate and probably
-doesn't need fiddling.  Once we get into what C compiler(s) to use for
-compiling .hc files, what libraries are available, etc., there may be
-something to tweak (but not here -- in a `setup' file, please!)  There
-are further comments where the tweakables begin...
-First, the driver can be installed under any old name; here's the default:
-#ifndef GhcDriverInstallName
-#define GhcDriverInstallName ghc
-#endif /* ! GhcDriverInstallName */
-GHC_DRIVER_INST_NAME = GhcDriverInstallName
-%*									*
-\subsubsection{Where to find the programs for the various phases}
-%*									*
-First, the driver itself:
-/* ghc: std driver for compilation system */
-#ifndef GhcDriverCmd
-#define GhcDriverCmd $(GHC_DRIVERSRC)/ghc
-/* macro to make sure it has been built */
-#ifndef GhcDriverNeededHere
-#define GhcDriverNeededHere(target) \
-/* could be GHC_DRIVER, but GHC is its common name */
-GHC = GhcDriverCmd
-\tr{unlit}, to de-literatise a source file, is from the HBC
-distribution.  See utils-ghc.
-\tr{hscpp}: runs C pre-processor but converts \tr{#line}s to Haskell pragmas;
-is platform-independent.
-#ifndef HsCppCmd
-#define HsCppCmd $(GHC_HSCPPSRC)/hscpp
-#ifndef HsCppNeededHere
-#define HsCppNeededHere(target) \
-\tr{hsp}: std Haskell parser.
-#ifndef HsParserCmd
-#define HsParserCmd $(GHC_HSPSRC)/hsp
-#ifndef HsParserNeededHere
-#define HsParserNeededHere(target) \
-#endif /* HsParserNeededHere */
-GHC_HSP    = HsParserCmd
-\tr{hsc}: std Haskell compiler.
-#ifndef HsCompilerCmd
-#define HsCompilerCmd $(GHC_HSCSRC)/hsc
-#ifndef HsCompilerNeededHere
-#define HsCompilerNeededHere(target) \
-#endif /* HsCompilerNeededHere */
-GHC_HSC    = HsCompilerCmd
-\tr{SysMan}: PVM-controlling program for parallel Haskell.
-#ifndef SysManCmd
-#define SysManCmd $(GHC_RUNTIMESRC)/gum/SysMan
-#ifndef SysManNeededHere
-#define SysManNeededHere(target) \
-#endif /* SysManNeededHere */
-GHC_SYSMAN    = SysManCmd
-For an ``assembler'' and a ``linker,'' the driver uses the same
-program as it used for C compilation; this means libraries and things
-are likely to be picked up correctly.
-%*									*
-\subsubsection{Stuff for the C-compiling phase in particular...}
-%*									*
-{\em High-level assembler}: C compiler with which to compile \tr{.hc} files.
-There are {\em three} things to set:
-C compilers to use:
-compiler to use for ``debugging'' compilation (@GHC_DEBUG_HILEV_ASM@)
-compiler to use for ``optimising'' compiling (w/ regs magic, etc)
-This must be GCC; otherwise opt compiling must be turned off.
-Whether or not you can do the ``optimising''-style compilation (set
-For options that should always be applied {\em for this project},
-set the @ProjectGhcOpts@ variable...
-Similarly, for a particular {\em setup}, use @SetupGhcOpts@...
-%*									*
-\subsubsubsection{Which C compiler to use (GCC is best)}
-%*									*
-/*  NON-OPTIMISING C COMPILATION: ==================================
-    We can use GCC 2.n for the non-optimising (normal) .hc C
-    compilation [use it if we have it]
-#ifndef GhcUseGccForDebuggingAsm
-#if HaveGcc == YES
-#define GhcUseGccForDebuggingAsm YES
-#define GhcUseGccForDebuggingAsm NO
-#ifndef GhcDebuggingHighLevelAsmCmd
-#if GhcUseGccForDebuggingAsm == YES
-#define GhcDebuggingHighLevelAsmCmd WhatGccIsCalled
-#define GhcDebuggingHighLevelAsmCmd $(CC)
-#endif /* ! gcc */
-#endif /* GhcDebuggingHighLevelAsmCmd */
-GHC_DEBUG_HILEV_ASM = GhcDebuggingHighLevelAsmCmd
-/*  OPTIMISING C COMPILATION (regs, etc): ==========================
-    Must use GCC 2.n for this
-    compilation [OFF by default]
-/* We have GCC, which is necessary for optimising the Haskell
-    compiler's C output.
-#ifndef GhcUseGccForOptAsm
-#if HaveGcc == YES
-#define GhcUseGccForOptAsm YES
-#define GhcUseGccForOptAsm NO
-#ifndef GhcOptHighLevelAsmCmd
-#if GhcUseGccForOptAsm == YES
-#define GhcOptHighLevelAsmCmd WhatGccIsCalled
-#endif /* ! gcc */
-#endif /* GhcOptHighLevelAsmCmd */
-GHC_OPT_HILEV_ASM = GhcOptHighLevelAsmCmd
diff --git a/ghc/mkworld/ b/ghc/mkworld/
index 093cbbeb3930..2fea38b160b2 100644
--- a/ghc/mkworld/
+++ b/ghc/mkworld/
@@ -80,9 +80,18 @@ GHC_WITH_NATIVE_CODEGEN=GhcWithNativeCodeGen
 /* ================================================================
    BUILDS stuff: main sequential ones
+   The configure script dumps all the what-builds-to-do info
+   into a file called "", in this directory.  We
+   do it this way, rather than AC_SUBSTing the info into this file
+   because some sed's (notably OSF and maybe HP-UX) only allow
+   99 commands (!!!), which is way too few if we want to do the
+   GhcBuild_ stuff as well as everything else.  WDP 96/04
-#define GhcBuild_normal @GhcBuild_normal@ /* profiled sequential */
+#include ""
+/* normal sequential */
 #if GhcBuild_normal == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_normal(x) x
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_normal = -build-normal-defined
@@ -91,7 +100,7 @@ GHC_BUILD_FLAG_normal = -build-normal-defined
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_normal = -build-normal-not-defined
-#define GhcBuild_p @GhcBuild_p@		/* profiled sequential */
+/* profiled sequential */
 #if GhcBuild_p == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_p(x) x
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_p = -build-p-defined
@@ -100,7 +109,7 @@ GHC_BUILD_FLAG_p = -build-p-defined
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_p = -build-p-not-defined
-#define GhcBuild_t @GhcBuild_t@		/* ticky-ticky "profiling" */
+/* ticky-ticky "profiling" (sequential) */
 #if GhcBuild_t == YES	
 # define IfGhcBuild_t(x) x
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_t = -build-t-defined
@@ -109,7 +118,7 @@ GHC_BUILD_FLAG_t = -build-t-defined
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_t = -build-t-not-defined
-#define GhcBuild_u @GhcBuild_u@		/* unregisterized (most basic boot) */
+/* unregisterized (most basic boot) */
 #if GhcBuild_u == YES	
 # define IfGhcBuild_u(x) x
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_u = -build-u-defined
@@ -120,7 +129,7 @@ GHC_BUILD_FLAG_u = -build-u-not-defined
 /* === builds: concurrent and parallel ============================ */
-#define GhcBuild_mc @GhcBuild_mc@	/* concurrent */
+/* concurrent */
 #if GhcBuild_mc == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_mc(x) x
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mc = -build-mc-defined
@@ -129,7 +138,7 @@ GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mc = -build-mc-defined
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mc = -build-mc-not-defined
-#define GhcBuild_mr @GhcBuild_mr@	/* profiled concurrent */
+/* profiled concurrent */
 #if GhcBuild_mr == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_mr(x) x
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mr = -build-mr-defined
@@ -138,7 +147,7 @@ GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mr = -build-mr-defined
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mr = -build-mr-not-defined
-#define GhcBuild_mt @GhcBuild_mt@	/* ticky concurrent */
+/* ticky concurrent */
 #if GhcBuild_mt == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_mt(x) x
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mt = -build-mt-defined
@@ -147,7 +156,7 @@ GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mt = -build-mt-defined
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mt = -build-mt-not-defined
-#define GhcBuild_mp @GhcBuild_mp@	/* parallel (GUM, PVM-based) */
+/* parallel (GUM, PVM-based) */
 #if GhcBuild_mp == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_mp(x) x
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mp = -build-mp-defined
@@ -156,7 +165,7 @@ GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mp = -build-mp-defined
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mp = -build-mp-not-defined
-#define GhcBuild_mg @GhcBuild_mg@	/* GranSim */
+/* GranSim */
 #if GhcBuild_mg == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_mg(x) x
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mg = -build-mg-defined
@@ -170,7 +179,7 @@ GHC_BUILD_FLAG_mg = -build-mg-not-defined
    but do not have any "fed back" options.
-#define GhcBuild_2s @GhcBuild_2s@	/* sequential -- 2-space collector */
+/* sequential -- 2-space collector */
 #if GhcBuild_2s == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_2s(x) x
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_2s = -gc-2s
@@ -179,7 +188,7 @@ GHC_BUILD_FLAG_2s = -gc-2s
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_2s = -build-2s-not-defined
-#define GhcBuild_1s @GhcBuild_1s@	/* sequential -- 1-space collector */
+/* sequential -- 1-space collector */
 #if GhcBuild_1s == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_1s(x) x
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_1s = -gc-1s
@@ -188,7 +197,7 @@ GHC_BUILD_FLAG_1s = -gc-1s
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_1s = -build-1s-not-defined
-#define GhcBuild_du @GhcBuild_du@	/* sequential -- dual-mode collector */
+/* sequential -- dual-mode collector */
 #if GhcBuild_du == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_du(x) x
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_du = -gc-du
@@ -199,210 +208,176 @@ GHC_BUILD_FLAG_du = -build-du-not-defined
 /* === builds: "user ways" ======================================= */
-/* these had to be de-configure-ified because of 99-cmd-limit brain-dead seds */
-/* stuff for "update" paper; also use --enable-ticky */
-#define GhcBuild_a YES /*@GhcBuild_a@*/		/* "user way" a */
 #if GhcBuild_a == YES	
 # define IfGhcBuild_a(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_a = -fticky-ticky -optcO-DTICKY_TICKY -debug \
-		      -Ofile /local/grasp/partain-other/performance/update/Ofile.SA-noUpdA
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_a = -build-a-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_a = -build-a-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_a(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_a = -build-a-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_a = -build-a-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_b YES /*@GhcBuild_b@*/		/* "user way" b */
 #if GhcBuild_b == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_b(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_b = -fticky-ticky -optcO-DTICKY_TICKY -debug \
-		      -Ofile /local/grasp/partain-other/performance/update/Ofile.noSA-UpdA
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_b = -build-b-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_b = -build-b-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_b(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_b = -build-b-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_b = -build-b-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_c YES /*@GhcBuild_c@*/		/* "user way" c */
 #if GhcBuild_c == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_c(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_c = -noSA-noUpdA
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_c = -fticky-ticky -optcO-DTICKY_TICKY -debug \
-		      -Ofile /local/grasp/partain-other/performance/update/Ofile.noSA-noUpdA
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_c = -build-c-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_c = -build-c-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_c(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_c = -build-c-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_c = -build-c-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_d NO/*YES*/ /*@GhcBuild_d@*/		/* "user way" d */
 #if GhcBuild_d == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_d(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_d = -regs-avail-2
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_d = -fticky-ticky -optcO-DTICKY_TICKY -debug \
-		      -O -freturn-in-regs-threshold2
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_d = -build-d-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_d = -build-d-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_d(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_d = -build-d-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_d = -build-d-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_e NO/*YES*/ /*@GhcBuild_e@*/		/* "user way" e */
 #if GhcBuild_e == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_e(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_e = -regs-avail-3
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_e = -fticky-ticky -optcO-DTICKY_TICKY -debug \
-		      -O -freturn-in-regs-threshold3
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_e = -build-e-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_e = -build-e-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_e(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_e = -build-e-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_e = -build-e-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_f NO/*YES*/ /*@GhcBuild_f@*/		/* "user way" f */
 #if GhcBuild_f == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_f(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_f = -regs-avail-4
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_f = -fticky-ticky -optcO-DTICKY_TICKY -debug \
-		      -O -freturn-in-regs-threshold4
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_f = -build-f-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_f = -build-f-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_f(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_f = -build-f-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_f = -build-f-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_g NO/*YES*/ /*@GhcBuild_g@*/		/* "user way" g */
 #if GhcBuild_g == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_g(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_g = -regs-avail-5
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_g = -fticky-ticky -optcO-DTICKY_TICKY -debug \
-		      -O -freturn-in-regs-threshold5
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_g = -build-g-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_g = -build-g-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_g(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_g = -build-g-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_g = -build-g-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_h YES /*@GhcBuild_h@*/		/* "user way" a */
 #if GhcBuild_h == YES	
 # define IfGhcBuild_h(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_h = -semi-tagged
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_h = -fticky-ticky -optcO-DTICKY_TICKY -debug \
-		      -O -fsemi-tagging
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_h = -build-h-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_h = -build-h-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_h(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_h = -build-h-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_h = -build-h-not-defined-error
-/* _b minus ticky */
-#define GhcBuild_i NO/*YES*/ /*@GhcBuild_i@*/		/* "user way" b */
 #if GhcBuild_i == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_i(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_i = -Ofile /local/grasp/partain-other/performance/update/Ofile.noSA-noFI
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_i = -build-i-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_i = -build-i-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_i(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_i = -build-i-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_i = -build-i-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_j NO/*YES*/ /*@GhcBuild_j@*/		/* "user way" c */
 #if GhcBuild_j == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_j(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_j = -Ofile /local/grasp/partain-other/performance/update/Ofile.SA-noFI
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_j = -build-j-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_j = -build-j-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_j(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_j = -build-j-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_j = -build-j-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_k NO/*YES*/ /*@GhcBuild_k@*/		/* "user way" d */
 #if GhcBuild_k == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_k(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_k = -Ofile /local/grasp/partain-other/performance/update/Ofile.SA-noFL
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_k = -build-k-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_k = -build-k-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_k(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_k = -build-k-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_k = -build-k-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_l NO/*YES*/ /*@GhcBuild_l@*/		/* "user way" e */
 #if GhcBuild_l == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_l(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_l = -float-strict2
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_l = -Ofile /local/grasp/partain-other/performance/update/Ofile.float-strict
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_l = -build-l-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_l = -build-l-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_l(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_l = -build-l-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_l = -build-l-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_m NO/*YES*/ /*@GhcBuild_m@*/		/* "user way" f */
 #if GhcBuild_m == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_m(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_m = -float-always2
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_m = -Ofile /local/grasp/partain-other/performance/update/Ofile.float-always
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_m = -build-m-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_m = -build-m-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_m(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_m = -build-m-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_m = -build-m-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_n NO/*YES*/ /*@GhcBuild_n@*/		/* "user way" g */
 #if GhcBuild_n == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_n(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_n = -no-float2
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_n = -Ofile /local/grasp/partain-other/performance/update/
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_n = -build-n-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_n = -build-n-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_n(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_n = -build-n-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_n = -build-n-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_A NO/*YES*/ /*@GhcBuild_A@*/		/* "user way" A */
+#if GhcBuild_o == YES
+# define IfGhcBuild_o(x) x
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_o = -build-o-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_o = -build-o-not-defined-error
+# define IfGhcBuild_o(x) /**/
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_o = -build-o-not-defined
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_o = -build-o-not-defined-error
 #if GhcBuild_A == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_A(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_A = -no-local-float
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_A = -fticky-ticky -optcO-DTICKY_TICKY -debug \
-		-Ofile /local/grasp/partain-other/performance/update/
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_A = -build-A-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_A = -build-A-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_A(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_A = -build-A-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_A = -build-A-not-defined-error
-#define GhcBuild_B NO/*YES*/ /*@GhcBuild_B@*/		/* "user way" B */
 #if GhcBuild_B == YES
 # define IfGhcBuild_B(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_B = -no-local-float2
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_B = -Ofile /local/grasp/partain-other/performance/update/
+GHC_BUILD_FLAG_B = -build-B-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
+GHC_BUILD_OPTS_B = -build-B-not-defined-error
 # define IfGhcBuild_B(x) /**/
 GHC_BUILD_FLAG_B = -build-B-not-defined
 GHC_BUILD_OPTS_B = -build-B-not-defined-error
-/* end of "floating" stuff */
-#define GhcBuild_o NO /*@GhcBuild_o@*/		/* "user way" o */
-#if GhcBuild_o == YES
-# define IfGhcBuild_o(x) x
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_o = -build-o-not-defined /* >>>change here<<< if required */
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_o = -build-o-not-defined-error
-# define IfGhcBuild_o(x) /**/
-GHC_BUILD_FLAG_o = -build-o-not-defined
-GHC_BUILD_OPTS_o = -build-o-not-defined-error
 /* ======= END OF BUILD INFO ==================================== */
diff --git a/ghc/mkworld/ b/ghc/mkworld/
index 31af401b8551..4d6f41975ed0 100644
--- a/ghc/mkworld/
+++ b/ghc/mkworld/
@@ -1,4 +1,27 @@
-# line 11 "suffixes-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+%*									*
+\section[mkworld-suffix-ghc]{Suffix rules for @ghc@ project}
+%*									*
+The \tr{ghc} project tends to ask for specific suffix rules on
+a per-directory basis.
+#endif /* 0 */
 #ifndef SuffixRules_WantStdOnes
 #define SuffixRules_WantStdOnes NO
+#ifndef UnlitSuffixRule
+#define UnlitSuffixRule(beforesuff,aftersuff)		@@\
+CAT2(beforesuff,aftersuff):				@@\
+	$(RM) $@					@@\
+	$(GHC_UNLIT) $<  $@ || ( $(RM) $@ && exit 1 )	@@\
+	@chmod 444 $@
+#endif /* UnlitSuffixRule */
+#if 0
+#endif /* 0 */
diff --git a/ghc/mkworld/suffixes-ghc.ljm b/ghc/mkworld/suffixes-ghc.ljm
deleted file mode 100644
index 968270a61488..000000000000
--- a/ghc/mkworld/suffixes-ghc.ljm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-%*									*
-\section[mkworld-suffix-ghc]{Suffix rules for @ghc@ project}
-%*									*
-The \tr{ghc} project tends to ask for specific suffix rules on
-a per-directory basis.
-#ifndef SuffixRules_WantStdOnes
-#define SuffixRules_WantStdOnes NO
diff --git a/ghc/mkworld/ b/ghc/mkworld/
index d1421dae578d..480d54f07b5c 100644
--- a/ghc/mkworld/
+++ b/ghc/mkworld/
@@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
-# line 11 "utils-ghc.ljm"
+#if 0
+%*									*
+\section[mkworld-utils-ghc]{``Utilities'' stuff for @ghc@ project}
+%*									*
+It's become sorta traditional to change the project-wide
+Haskell-compiler options with @SetupHcOpts@ (rather than
+#endif /* 0 */
 #if GhcWithHscOptimised == YES
 #define __hsc_opt -O
@@ -33,7 +44,7 @@
 #ifndef ProjectJmakeDefines
 #define ProjectJmakeDefines /*none*/
-# line 48 "utils-ghc.ljm"
 #ifndef MkDependHSSrc
 #define MkDependHSSrc $(GHC_UTILSRC)/mkdependHS
@@ -70,7 +81,7 @@ __SomeUtilNeededHere(target,$(GHC_UNLIT),$(GHC_UNLITSRC),unlit)
 GHC_UNLIT    = UnlitCmd
-# line 87 "utils-ghc.ljm"
 #ifndef HsTagsSrc
 #define HsTagsSrc $(GHC_UTILSRC)/hstags
diff --git a/ghc/mkworld/utils-ghc.ljm b/ghc/mkworld/utils-ghc.ljm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3338ab21a8f8..000000000000
--- a/ghc/mkworld/utils-ghc.ljm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-%*									*
-\section[mkworld-utils-ghc]{``Utilities'' stuff for @ghc@ project}
-%*									*
-It's become sorta traditional to change the project-wide
-Haskell-compiler options with @SetupHcOpts@ (rather than
-#if GhcWithHscOptimised == YES
-#define __hsc_opt -O
-#define __hsc_opt /**/
-#ifndef SetupHcOpts
-#if HaskellCompilerType == HC_CHALMERS_HBC
-#define SetupHcOpts __hsc_opt -fpbu
-#if HaskellCompilerType == HC_GLASGOW_GHC
-#define SetupHcOpts __hsc_opt -hi-diffs -link-chk
-#if HaskellCompilerType == HC_ROJEMO_NHC
-#define SetupHcOpts /*nothing*/
-#define SetupHcOpts /*nothing*/
-#endif /* SetupHcOpts */
-#ifndef ProjectCcOpts
-#if HaveGcc == YES && UseGcc == YES
-/* can cope w/ "-g -O" ...; but leave out -g to avoid bloated libs */
-#define ProjectCcOpts -O /*-g*/
-#define ProjectCcOpts /*-g*/
-#endif /* Gcc whatnot */
-#endif /* ProjectCcOpts */
-#ifndef ProjectJmakeDefines
-#define ProjectJmakeDefines /*none*/
-#ifndef MkDependHSSrc
-#define MkDependHSSrc $(GHC_UTILSRC)/mkdependHS
-#ifndef MkDependHSCmd
-#if     defined(UseInstalledUtils)
-#define MkDependHSCmd mkdependHS
-#define MkDependHSCmd $(MKDEPENDHSSRC)/mkdependHS
-#endif /* ! MkDependHSCmd */
-#ifndef MkDependHSNeededHere
-#if defined(UseInstalledUtils)
-#define MkDependHSNeededHere(target) /**/
-#define MkDependHSNeededHere(target) \
-#endif /* UseInstalledUtils */
-#endif /* MkDependHSNeededHere */
-#ifndef UseInstalledUtils
-#ifndef UnlitCmd
-#define UnlitCmd $(GHC_UNLITSRC)/unlit
-#ifndef UnlitNeededHere
-#define UnlitNeededHere(target) \
-#endif /* UnlitNeededHere */
-GHC_UNLIT    = UnlitCmd
-#ifndef HsTagsSrc
-#define HsTagsSrc $(GHC_UTILSRC)/hstags
-#if     defined(UseInstalledUtils)
-#define HsTagsCmd hstags
-#define HsTagsCmd $(HSTAGSSRC)/hstags
-#ifndef HsTagsNeededHere
-#if defined(UseInstalledUtils)
-#define HsTagsNeededHere(target) /**/
-#define HsTagsNeededHere(target) \
-#endif /* UseInstalledUtils */
-#endif /* HsTagsNeededHere */
-HSTAGS = HsTagsCmd
-#ifndef UseInstalledUtils
-#ifndef AllProjectsHsTagsOpts
-#define AllProjectsHsTagsOpts /*none*/
-#ifndef PlatformHsTagsOpts
-#define PlatformHsTagsOpts /*none*/
-#ifndef ProjectHsTagsOpts
-#define ProjectHsTagsOpts /*none*/
-#ifndef SetupHsTagsOpts
-#define SetupHsTagsOpts /*none*/
-/* ugen: allegedly generally-useful util from LML distribution */
-#ifndef UgenCmd
-#if     defined(UseInstalledUtils)
-#define UgenCmd ugen
-#define UgenCmd $(UGENSRC)/ugen
-#ifndef UgenNeededHere
-#if defined(UseInstalledUtils)
-#define UgenNeededHere(target) /**/
-#define UgenNeededHere(target) \
-#endif /* ! UseInstalledUtils */
-#endif /* UgenNeededHere */
-UGEN = UgenCmd
-#ifndef UseInstalledUtils
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/Jmakefile b/ghc/runtime/Jmakefile
index 84e38971f903..e9f29c38c7ed 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/Jmakefile
+++ b/ghc/runtime/Jmakefile
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ SUBDIRS = gmp regex
 GhcDriverNeededHere(depend all) /* we use its C-compiling know-how */
 *								*
@@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ strictly speaking), it will probably work -- it is pinned onto
 GHC_OPTS, just for fun.
 /* per-build options: shared with libraries */
 #define rts_or_lib(r,l) r
@@ -144,11 +145,17 @@ CLIB_LC = 				\
 	hooks/		\
 	hooks/		\
 	hooks/		\
+	hooks/	\
 	hooks/		\
 	hooks/		\
 	hooks/		\
+	hooks/		\
+	io/		\
+	io/		\
 	io/			\
+	io/		\
 	io/		\
+	io/		\
 	io/			\
 	io/			\
 	io/			\
@@ -165,9 +172,13 @@ CLIB_LC = 				\
 	io/	\
 	io/	\
 	io/			\
+	io/		\
+	io/		\
 	io/		\
+	io/		\
 	io/			\
 	io/			\
+	io/		\
 	io/		\
 	io/		\
 	io/		\
@@ -176,11 +187,13 @@ CLIB_LC = 				\
 	io/		\
 	io/	\
 	io/			\
+	io/		\
 	io/			\
 	io/		\
 	io/		\
 	io/			\
 	io/			\
+	io/		\
 	main/			\
 	prims/ __readline_cfile
@@ -194,9 +207,9 @@ all depend :: $(H_FILES)
 ExtraStuffToClean ( $(C_FILES) )
 /* Literate-pgmming suffix rules used herein */
 *								*
@@ -205,34 +218,34 @@ LitSuffixRule(.lh,.h)
 RTS_OBJS_norm = $(    $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.o)
-RTS_OBJS_p    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_p.o)
-RTS_OBJS_t    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_t.o)
-RTS_OBJS_u    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_u.o)
-RTS_OBJS_mc   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_mc.o)
-RTS_OBJS_mr   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_mr.o)
-RTS_OBJS_mt   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_mt.o)
-RTS_OBJS_mp   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_mp.o)
-RTS_OBJS_mg   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_mg.o)
-RTS_OBJS_2s   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_2s.o)
-RTS_OBJS_1s   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_1s.o)
-RTS_OBJS_du   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_du.o)
-RTS_OBJS_a    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_a.o)
-RTS_OBJS_b    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_b.o)
-RTS_OBJS_c    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_c.o)
-RTS_OBJS_d    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_d.o)
-RTS_OBJS_e    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_e.o)
-RTS_OBJS_f    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_f.o)
-RTS_OBJS_g    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_g.o)
-RTS_OBJS_h    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_h.o)
-RTS_OBJS_i    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_i.o)
-RTS_OBJS_j    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_j.o)
-RTS_OBJS_k    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_k.o)
-RTS_OBJS_l    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_l.o)
-RTS_OBJS_m    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_m.o)
-RTS_OBJS_n    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_n.o)
-RTS_OBJS_o    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_o.o)
-RTS_OBJS_A    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_A.o)
-RTS_OBJS_B    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=_B.o)
+RTS_OBJS_p    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.p_o)
+RTS_OBJS_t    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.t_o)
+RTS_OBJS_u    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.u_o)
+RTS_OBJS_mc   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.mc_o)
+RTS_OBJS_mr   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.mr_o)
+RTS_OBJS_mt   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.mt_o)
+RTS_OBJS_mp   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.mp_o)
+RTS_OBJS_mg   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.mg_o)
+RTS_OBJS_2s   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.2s_o)
+RTS_OBJS_1s   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.1s_o)
+RTS_OBJS_du   = $( $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.du_o)
+RTS_OBJS_a    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.a_o)
+RTS_OBJS_b    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.b_o)
+RTS_OBJS_c    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.c_o)
+RTS_OBJS_d    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.d_o)
+RTS_OBJS_e    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.e_o)
+RTS_OBJS_f    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.f_o)
+RTS_OBJS_g    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.g_o)
+RTS_OBJS_h    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.h_o)
+RTS_OBJS_i    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.i_o)
+RTS_OBJS_j    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.j_o)
+RTS_OBJS_k    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.k_o)
+RTS_OBJS_l    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.l_o)
+RTS_OBJS_m    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.m_o)
+RTS_OBJS_n    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.n_o)
+RTS_OBJS_o    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.o_o)
+RTS_OBJS_A    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.A_o)
+RTS_OBJS_B    = $(  $(RTS_LHC:.lhc=.B_o)
 CLIB_OBJS     = $(
@@ -259,10 +272,16 @@ CompileClibishly(hooks/ErrorHdr,)
@@ -280,9 +299,13 @@ CompileClibishly(io/getClockTime,)
@@ -291,26 +314,26 @@ CompileClibishly(io/seekFile,)
-CompileClibishly(main/TopClosure,)	/* NB */
-CompileClibishly(main/TopClosure13,)	/* ditto */
 #if GhcWithReadline == YES
-ExtraStuffToClean(main/TopClosure.o main/TopClosure13.o)
-all :: main/TopClosure.o main/TopClosure13.o
+all :: main/TopClosure.o
-install :: main/TopClosure.o main/TopClosure13.o
+install :: main/TopClosure.o
 	$(INSTALL) -c $(INSTLIBFLAGS) main/TopClosure.o   $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC)/TopClosure.o
-	$(INSTALL) -c $(INSTLIBFLAGS) main/TopClosure13.o $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC)/TopClosure13.o
 #if GhcBuild_mp == YES
 # if solaris2_TARGET_OS
@@ -453,12 +476,12 @@ IfGhcBuild_B(DoRtsFile(file,isuf,_B,   flags $(GHC_OPTS_B)))
@@ -476,9 +499,9 @@ CompileRTSishly(main/SMRep,.c,)
@@ -500,7 +523,7 @@ CompileRTSishly(storage/SMevac,.c,)
-CompileRTSishly(storage/SMmark,.hc,-optcO-DIN_GHC_RTS=1 -optc-DMARK_REG_MAP)
+CompileRTSishly(storage/SMmark,.hc,-optc-DIN_GHC_RTS=1 -optc-DMARK_REG_MAP)
@@ -522,8 +545,3 @@ CTagsTarget( gmp/[a-z]*.c )
 CTagsTarget( regex/[a-z]*.c )
 CDependTarget( $(RTS_LC) $($RTS_LHC) $(CLIB_LC) )
-LitStuffNeededHere(docs depend)
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/ b/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
index 66591d1acf0f..7985735f9e6d 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
@@ -207,10 +207,7 @@ W_ args;
-# endif
-# ifdef GRAN
+#if defined(GRAN)
 void PerformReschedule_wrapper PROTO((W_, W_))	    WRAPPER_NAME(PerformReschedule);
 void PerformReschedule_wrapper(liveness, always_reenter_node)
   W_ liveness;
@@ -226,8 +223,74 @@ void PerformReschedule_wrapper(liveness, always_reenter_node)
+/* Similar wrappers for all GrAnSim functions. */
+/* NB: These are normal functions, which don't call ReSchedule. So we just */
+/* have to safe/restore the registers. */
+void GranSimAllocate_wrapper PROTO((I_, P_, W_))  WRAPPER_NAME(GranSimAllocate);
+void GranSimAllocate_wrapper(n, node, liveness)
+I_ n;
+P_ node;
+W_ liveness;
+#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
+    void *ret_addr, *ignore_me;
+    WRAPPER_SETUP(GranSimAllocate, ret_addr, ignore_me)
+    WRAPPER_SETUP(GranSimAllocate, ignore_me, ignore_me)
+    GranSimAllocate(n, node, liveness);
+void GranSimUnallocate_wrapper PROTO((I_, P_, W_))  WRAPPER_NAME(GranSimUnallocate);
+void GranSimUnallocate_wrapper(n, node, liveness)
+I_ n;
+P_ node;
+W_ liveness;
+#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
+    void *ret_addr, *ignore_me;
+    WRAPPER_SETUP(GranSimUnallocate, ret_addr, ignore_me)
+    WRAPPER_SETUP(GranSimUnallocate, ignore_me, ignore_me)
+  GranSimUnallocate(n, node, liveness);
+void GranSimFetch_wrapper PROTO((P_))  WRAPPER_NAME(GranSimFetch);
+void GranSimFetch_wrapper(node)
+P_ node;
+#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
+    void *ret_addr, *ignore_me;
+    WRAPPER_SETUP(GranSimFetch, ret_addr, ignore_me)
+    WRAPPER_SETUP(GranSimFetch, ignore_me, ignore_me)
+    GranSimFetch(node);
+void GranSimExec_wrapper PROTO((W_, W_, W_, W_, W_))  WRAPPER_NAME(GranSimExec);
+void GranSimExec_wrapper(arith,branch,load,store,floats)
+W_ arith,branch,load,store,floats;
+#if i386_TARGET_ARCH
+    void *ret_addr, *ignore_me;
+    WRAPPER_SETUP(GranSimExec, ret_addr, ignore_me)
+    WRAPPER_SETUP(GranSimExec, ignore_me, ignore_me)
+    GranSimExec(arith,branch,load,store,floats); 	
 # endif /* GRAN */
+# endif /* CONCURRENT */
  * In the threaded world, context switches may occur during one of these
  * wrapped calls, and when we come back, our stack will have been trashed.
@@ -254,14 +317,3 @@ checkInCCallGC()
-Hack for -UGRAN setup. % HWL
-#ifndef GRAN
-void PerformReschedule_wrapper PROTO((W_, W_));
-void PerformReschedule_wrapper(liveness, always_reenter_node)
-  W_ liveness;
-  W_  always_reenter_node;
-{ }
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/ b/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
index f29ade0c4e17..8dd9d03e0f64 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+ToDo: obliterate -- SOF
 This is the default definition of FreeMallocPtr.  It is a file by
 itself so that the linker can choose to ignore it if it has already
 seen a definition of FreeMallocPtr.
@@ -10,8 +12,7 @@ seen a definition of FreeMallocPtr.
 #include "rtsdefs.h"
-FreeMallocPtr (mp)
-  StgMallocPtr mp;
+FreeMallocPtr (StgForeignObj mp)
     fprintf(stderr, "Error: No deallocation routine for MallocPtr %lx\n", (W_) mp);
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/ b/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
index b1cf98c1c474..5c1c058f6cc7 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
@@ -39,10 +39,6 @@ static void BlackHoleUpdateStack(STG_NO_ARGS);
 extern smInfo StorageMgrInfo;
 extern void PrintTickyInfo(STG_NO_ARGS);
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-extern W_ debug;
 /* the real work is done by this function --- see wrappers at end */
@@ -106,19 +102,17 @@ RealPerformGC(liveness, reqsize, always_reenter_node, do_full_collection)
 # endif
 # if defined(GRAN)
-    	ReSchedule(9 /*i.e. error; was SAME_THREAD*/);
+    	ReSchedule(SAME_THREAD); /* ToDo: Check HWL */
 # else
 # endif
-    /* Don't use SET_CCC, because we don't want to bump the sub_scc_count */
 # if defined(PROFILING)
     Save_CCC = CCC;
 # endif
 # if defined(PAR)
-    CCC = (CostCentre)STATIC_CC_REF(CC_GC);
-    CCC->scc_count++;
+    SET_CCC_RTS(CC_GC,0,1);   /* without the sub_scc_count++ */
 # endif
     ReallyPerformThreadGC(reqsize, do_full_collection);
@@ -126,10 +120,8 @@ RealPerformGC(liveness, reqsize, always_reenter_node, do_full_collection)
 #else	/* !CONCURRENT */
 # if defined(PROFILING)
-    /* Don't use SET_CCC, because we don't want to bump the sub_scc_count */
     Save_CCC = CCC;
-    CCC = (CostCentre)STATIC_CC_REF(CC_GC);
-    CCC->scc_count++;
+    SET_CCC_RTS(CC_GC,0,1);   /* without the sub_scc_count++ */
 # endif
     /* root saving ---------------------------------- */
@@ -283,15 +275,21 @@ PerformGC(args)
 PerformReschedule(liveness, always_reenter_node)
   W_ liveness;
-  W_  always_reenter_node;
+  rtsBool  always_reenter_node;
-    I_ need_to_reschedule;
+    rtsBool need_to_reschedule;
     /* Reset the global NeedToReSchedule -- 
        this is used only to communicate the fact that we should schedule
        a new thread rather than the existing one following a fetch.
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.Light) {
+      Yield(liveness);
+    }
+    ASSERT(!RTSflags.GranFlags.Light);
     need_to_reschedule = NeedToReSchedule;
     NeedToReSchedule = rtsFalse;
@@ -299,23 +297,33 @@ PerformReschedule(liveness, always_reenter_node)
     if (always_reenter_node) {
       /* Avoid infinite loops at the same context switch */
-    	if ((TSO_SWITCH(CurrentTSO) == TSO_PC2(CurrentTSO)) &&
-	    !need_to_reschedule) {
-    	    TSO_SWITCH(CurrentTSO) = NULL;
+    	if (/* (TSO_SWITCH(CurrentTSO) == TSO_PC2(CurrentTSO)) || */
+	    (!need_to_reschedule &&
+	     CurrentTime[CurrentProc]<EndOfTimeSlice &&
+	     (TimeOfNextEvent==0 || TimeOfNextEvent>=CurrentTime[CurrentProc])
+             || IgnoreEvents
+            )) {
+    	    /* TSO_SWITCH(CurrentTSO) = NULL; */
       /* Set up to re-enter Node, so as to be sure it's really there. */
       ASSERT(liveness & LIVENESS_R1);
-      TSO_SWITCH(CurrentTSO) = TSO_PC2(CurrentTSO);
+      /* TSO_SWITCH(CurrentTSO) = TSO_PC2(CurrentTSO); */
       TSO_PC2(CurrentTSO) = (void *) EnterNodeCode;
     /* We're in a GC callWrapper, so the thread state is safe */
     TSO_ARG1(CurrentTSO) = 0;
     TSO_PC1(CurrentTSO) = EnterNodeCode;
-    ReSchedule( (need_to_reschedule && !DoReScheduleOnFetch) ? 
+    ReSchedule( (need_to_reschedule && 
+		 !RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch &&
+	         !RTSflags.GranFlags.Light) ? 
+    /* In a block-on-fetch setup we must not use SAME_THREAD since that */
+    /* would continue the fetching TSO, which is still at the head of the */
+    /* of the threadq */
+    /* GrAnSim-Light always uses SAME_THREAD */ 
@@ -348,10 +356,12 @@ StgPerformGarbageCollection()
 #endif /* !PAR */
+#if defined(CONCURRENT)
 # if defined(GRAN)
+#  if defined(DEPTH_FIRST_PRUNING)
 /* Jim's spark pools are very similar to our processors, except that
    he uses a hard-wired constant.  This would be a mistake for us,
    since we won't always need this many pools.
@@ -361,66 +371,283 @@ PruneSparks(STG_NO_ARGS)
     sparkq spark, prev, next;
     I_ proc, pool, prunedSparks;
+    I_ tot_sparks[MAX_PROC], total_sparks = 0, tot = 0;;
-    for(proc=0; proc<max_proc; ++proc) {
-    prev = NULL;
-    for (pool = 0; pool < SPARK_POOLS; pool++) {
-    prunedSparks=0;
-    for(spark = PendingSparksHd[proc][pool]; 
-	spark != NULL; 
-	spark = next) {
-        next = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
-	/* HACK! The first clause should actually never happen  HWL */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40 ) 
+    fprintf(stderr,"Pruning (depth-first) spark roots for GC ...\n");
+#  endif       
-	if ( (SPARK_NODE(spark) == NULL) || 
-	     (SPARK_NODE(spark) == Nil_closure) ) {
+    for(proc=0; proc<RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+      tot_sparks[proc] = 0;
+      prev = NULL;
+      for (pool = 0; pool < SPARK_POOLS; pool++) {
+        prunedSparks=0;
+        for(spark = PendingSparksHd[proc][pool]; 
+	    spark != NULL; 
+	    spark = next) {
+          next = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
+          if(++total_sparks <= MAX_SPARKS || MAX_SPARKS == 0)
+            {
+	      if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats )
+		if (i==ADVISORY_POOL) { 
+		  tot_sparks[proc]++;
+		  tot++;
+		}
+	      /* HACK! This clause should actually never happen  HWL */
+	      if ( (SPARK_NODE(spark) == NULL) || 
+	           (SPARK_NODE(spark) == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) ) {
 #  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	      if ( debug & 0x40 ) 
-		fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"PruneSparks: Warning: spark @ 0x%lx points to NULL or Nil_closure\n", spark);
+	          if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && 
+		       (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) ) 
+		    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"PruneSparks: Warning: spark @ 0x%lx points to NULL or Prelude_Z91Z93_closure\n", spark);
 #  endif
-    	    if (do_qp_prof)
-    	    	QP_Event0(threadId++, SPARK_NODE(spark));
-	    if(do_sp_profile)
-	      DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC,SP_PRUNED,(W_) spark);
-	    DisposeSpark(spark);
-	    prunedSparks++;
-	    }
-    	else if (SHOULD_SPARK(SPARK_NODE(spark))) {
-    	    /* Keep it */
-    	    if (prev == NULL)
-    	    	PendingSparksHd[proc][pool] = spark;
-    	    else
-    	    	SPARK_NEXT(prev) = spark;
-    	    SPARK_PREV(spark) = prev;
-    	    prev = spark;
-    	} else {
-    	    if (do_qp_prof)
-    	    	QP_Event0(threadId++, SPARK_NODE(spark));
-	    if(do_sp_profile)
-	      DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC,SP_PRUNED,(W_) spark);
-	    DisposeSpark(spark);
-	    prunedSparks++;
-        }
+		  /* prune it below */
+		}
+    	      else if (SHOULD_SPARK(SPARK_NODE(spark))) {
+    		/* Keep it */
+    		if (prev == NULL)
+    		    PendingSparksHd[proc][pool] = spark;
+    		else
+    		    SPARK_NEXT(prev) = spark;
+    		SPARK_PREV(spark) = prev;
+    		prev = spark;
+		continue;
+    	      } 
+	  }
+          /* By now we know that the spark has to be pruned */
+	  if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+	      /* DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC,SP_PRUNED,(W_) spark); */
+	      DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,0,SP_PRUNED,
+			       Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,SPARK_NODE(spark),0);
+	  DisposeSpark(spark);
+	  prunedSparks++;
     }  /* forall spark ... */
     if (prev == NULL)
     	PendingSparksHd[proc][pool] = NULL;
     	SPARK_NEXT(prev) = NULL;
     PendingSparksTl[proc][pool] = prev;
-    if (prunedSparks>0) 
-      fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Pruning and disposing %lu excess sparks (> %lu) on proc %ld in PruneSparks\n",
-	      prunedSparks,(W_) MAX_SPARKS,proc);
+    if ( (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) && 
+	 (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x1000) && 
+	 (prunedSparks>0) )
+	fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Pruning and disposing %lu sparks (_NS flag!) on proc %d (pool %d) in PruneSparks\n",
+		prunedSparks,proc,pool);
    }  /* forall pool ... */
   }   /* forall proc ... */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+  if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats ) {
+    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+            "Spark statistics (after pruning) (total sparks: %d; before pruning: %d):",
+	    tot,total_sparks);
+    for (proc=0; proc<RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; proc++) {
+      if (proc % 4 == 0) fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"\n> ");
+      fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"\tPE %d: %d ",proc,tot_sparks[proc]);
+    }
+    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,".\n");
+  }
+#  endif
+#  else /* !DEPTH_FIRST_PRUNING */
+/* Auxiliary functions that are used in the GranSim version of PruneSparks  */
+static W_
+arr_and(W_ arr[], I_ max)
+ I_ i;
+ W_ res;
+ /* Doesn't work with max==0; but then, many things don't work in this */
+ /* special case. */
+ for (i=1, res = arr[0]; i<max; i++) 
+   res &= arr[i];
+ return (res);
+static W_
+arr_max(W_ arr[], I_ max)
+ I_ i;
+ W_ res;
+ /* Doesn't work with max==0; but then, many things don't work in this */
+ /* special case. */
+ for (i=1, res = arr[0]; i<max; i++) 
+   res = (arr[i]>res) ? arr[i] : res;
+ return (res);
+/* In case of an excessive number of sparks, depth first pruning is a Bad */
+/* Idea as we might end up with all remaining sparks on processor 0 and */
+/* none on the other processors. So, this version uses breadth first */
+/* pruning. -- HWL */
+  sparkq spark, prev,
+         prev_spark[MAX_PROC][SPARK_POOLS],
+         curr_spark[MAX_PROC][SPARK_POOLS]; 
+  PROC proc;
+  W_ allProcs = 0, 
+     endQueues[SPARK_POOLS], finishedQueues[SPARK_POOLS];
+  I_ pool, total_sparks=0, 
+     prunedSparks[MAX_PROC][SPARK_POOLS];
+  I_ tot_sparks[MAX_PROC], tot = 0;;
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40 ) 
+    fprintf(stderr,"Pruning (breadth-first) sparks for GC ...\n");
+#  endif       
+  /* Init */
+  for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+    allProcs |= PE_NUMBER(proc);
+    tot_sparks[proc] = 0;
+    for(pool = 0; pool < SPARK_POOLS; ++pool) {
+      prev_spark[proc][pool] = NULL;
+      curr_spark[proc][pool] = PendingSparksHd[proc][pool];
+      prunedSparks[proc][pool] = 0;
+      endQueues[pool] = 0;
+      finishedQueues[pool] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Breadth first pruning */
+  do {
+    for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+      for(pool = 0; pool < SPARK_POOLS; ++pool) {
+	spark = curr_spark[proc][pool];
+	prev = prev_spark[proc][pool];
+	if  (spark == NULL) {         /* at the end of the queue already? */
+	  if (! (endQueues[pool] & PE_NUMBER(proc)) ) {
+	    endQueues[pool] |= PE_NUMBER(proc);
+	    if (prev==NULL)
+	      PendingSparksHd[proc][pool] = NULL;
+	    else
+	      SPARK_NEXT(prev) = NULL;
+    	    PendingSparksTl[proc][pool] = prev;
+	  }
+	  continue;
+	}
+	/* HACK! This clause should actually never happen  HWL */
+	if ( (SPARK_NODE(spark) == NULL) || 
+	     (SPARK_NODE(spark) == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) ) {
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+	    if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && 
+		 (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) ) 
+		fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"PruneSparks: Warning: spark @ 0x%lx points to NULL or Prelude_Z91Z93_closure\n", spark);
+#  endif
+	    /* prune it below */
+	} else if (SHOULD_SPARK(SPARK_NODE(spark))) {
+	    if(++total_sparks <= MAX_SPARKS || MAX_SPARKS == 0) {
+		if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats )
+		    if (pool==ADVISORY_POOL) { 
+			tot_sparks[proc]++;
+			tot++;
+		    }
+    		/* Keep it */
+    		if (prev_spark[proc][pool] == NULL)
+    		    PendingSparksHd[proc][pool] = spark;
+    		else
+    		    SPARK_NEXT(prev_spark[proc][pool]) = spark;
+    		SPARK_PREV(spark) = prev_spark[proc][pool];
+    		prev_spark[proc][pool] = spark;
+	        curr_spark[proc][pool] = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
+		continue;
+	    } else { /* total_sparks > MAX_SPARKS */
+		/* Sparkq will end before the current spark */
+		if (prev == NULL) 
+		    PendingSparksHd[proc][pool] = NULL;
+		else
+		    SPARK_NEXT(prev) = NULL;
+		PendingSparksTl[proc][pool] = prev;
+		endQueues[pool] |= PE_NUMBER(proc);
+		continue;
+	    }
+	}
+        /* By now we know that the spark has to be pruned */
+	if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+	    DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,0,SP_PRUNED,
+			     Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,SPARK_NODE(spark),0);
+	SPARK_NODE(spark) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+	curr_spark[proc][pool] = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
+	prunedSparks[proc][pool]++;
+	DisposeSpark(spark);
+      } /* forall pool ... */ 
+    }   /* forall proc ... */
+  } while (arr_and(endQueues,SPARK_POOLS) != allProcs);
+  /* Prune all sparks on all processor starting with */
+  /* curr_spark[proc][pool]. */
+  do {
+    for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+      for(pool = 0; pool < SPARK_POOLS; ++pool) {
+	spark = curr_spark[proc][pool];
+	if ( spark != NULL ) {
+	  if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+	    DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,0,SP_PRUNED,
+			     Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,SPARK_NODE(spark),0);
+	  SPARK_NODE(spark) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+	  curr_spark[proc][pool] = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
+	  prunedSparks[proc][pool]++;
+	  DisposeSpark(spark);
+	} else {
+	  finishedQueues[pool] |= PE_NUMBER(proc);
+	}
+      }  /* forall pool ... */  
+    }    /* forall proc ... */
+  } while (arr_and(finishedQueues,SPARK_POOLS) != allProcs);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x1000) {
+    for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+      for(pool = 0; pool < SPARK_POOLS; ++pool) {
+	if ( (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) && (prunedSparks[proc][pool]>0)) {
+	  fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+                  "Discarding %lu sparks on proc %d (pool %d) for GC purposes\n",
+		  prunedSparks[proc][pool],proc,pool);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats ) {
+      fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+              "Spark statistics (after discarding) (total sparks = %d):",tot);
+      for (proc=0; proc<RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; proc++) {
+	if (proc % 4 == 0) 
+	  fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"\n> ");
+	fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+                "\tPE %d: %d ",proc,tot_sparks[proc]);
+      }
+      fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,".\n");
+    }
+  }
+#  endif
+#  endif  /* !DEPTH_FIRST_PRUNING */
 # else  /* !GRAN */
@@ -440,9 +667,12 @@ PruneSparks(STG_NO_ARGS)
 	    } else {
 		if (DO_QP_PROF)
 		    QP_Event0(threadId++, *old);
-#  ifdef PAR
-	        if(do_sp_profile)
-		    DumpSparkGranEvent(SP_PRUNED, threadId++);
+#  if 0
+	    /* ToDo: Fix log entries for pruned sparks in GUM */
+	        if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+		  /* DumpSparkGranEvent(SP_PRUNED, threadId++);*/
+		  DumpGranEvent(SP_PRUNED,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure);
+		                          ^^^^^^^^^^^ should be a TSO
 #  endif
@@ -460,6 +690,7 @@ switching or other nonsense... just set up StorageMgrInfo and perform
 a garbage collection.
+extern void handleTimerExpiry PROTO((rtsBool));
 ReallyPerformThreadGC(reqsize, do_full_collection)
@@ -488,52 +719,45 @@ rtsBool do_full_collection;
        Will & Phil 95/10
-    for(stack = AvailableStack; stack != Nil_closure; stack = next) {
+    for(stack = AvailableStack; stack != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; stack = next) {
 	next = STKO_LINK(stack);
 	FREEZE_MUT_HDR(stack, ImMutArrayOfPtrs_info);
-    for(tso = AvailableTSO; tso != Nil_closure; tso = next) {
+    for(tso = AvailableTSO; tso != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; tso = next) {
 	next = TSO_LINK(tso);
 	FREEZE_MUT_HDR(tso, ImMutArrayOfPtrs_info);
-    AvailableStack = AvailableTSO = Nil_closure;
+    AvailableStack = AvailableTSO = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
 # if defined(GRAN)
-    for(proc = 0; proc < max_proc; ++proc) {
-#  if 0
-    for(i = 0; i < SPARK_POOLS; i++) {
-      if (PendingSparksHd[proc][i] != NULL)
-        StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = PendingSparksHd[proc][i];
-      if ( PendingSparksTl[proc][i] != NULL)
-        StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = PendingSparksTl[proc][i];
-     }
-#  endif /* 0 */
+    /* Store head and tail of runnable lists as roots for GC */
+    for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
 #  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	      if ( debug & 0x40 ) 
-		fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Saving RunnableThreadsHd %d (proc: %d) -- 0x%lx\n",
-			num_ptr_roots,proc,RunnableThreadsHd[proc]);
-#  endif
+	if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) )
+	    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Saving RunnableThreadsHd %d (proc: %d) -- 0x%lx\n",
+		    num_ptr_roots,proc,RunnableThreadsHd[proc]);
+#  endif       
-    StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = RunnableThreadsHd[proc];
+	StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = RunnableThreadsHd[proc];
 #  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	      if ( debug & 0x40 ) 
-		fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Saving RunnableThreadsTl %d (proc: %d) -- 0x%lx\n",
-			num_ptr_roots,proc,RunnableThreadsTl[proc]);
+	if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) )
+	    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Saving RunnableThreadsTl %d (proc: %d) -- 0x%lx\n",
+		    num_ptr_roots,proc,RunnableThreadsTl[proc]);
 #  endif       
-    StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = RunnableThreadsTl[proc];
+	StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = RunnableThreadsTl[proc];
     }  /* forall proc ... */
-    num_ptr_roots = SaveSparkRoots(num_ptr_roots);
-    num_ptr_roots = SaveEventRoots(num_ptr_roots);
+    /* This is now done as part of collectHeap (see ../storage dir) */
+    /* num_ptr_roots = SaveSparkRoots(num_ptr_roots); */
+    /* num_ptr_roots = SaveEventRoots(num_ptr_roots); */
 # else /* !GRAN */
@@ -542,10 +766,10 @@ rtsBool do_full_collection;
     StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = WaitingThreadsHd;
     StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = WaitingThreadsTl;
-# endif /* !GRAN */
+# endif /* GRAN */
 # if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-    if ( debug & 0x40 ) 
+    if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) ) 
       fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Saving CurrentTSO %d -- 0x%lx\n",
 # endif
@@ -556,10 +780,21 @@ rtsBool do_full_collection;
     StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = PendingFetches;
 #  endif
+# ifndef PAR
+  StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = StorageMgrInfo.StablePointerTable;
+# endif
     StorageMgrInfo.rootno = num_ptr_roots;
+    /* For VTALRM timer ticks to be handled correctly, we need to record that
+       we are now about to enter GC, delaying the handling of timer expiry
+       for delayed threads till after the GC.
+    */
+    handleTimerExpiry(rtsFalse);
+    /* ====> The REAL THING happens here */    
     if (collectHeap(reqsize, &StorageMgrInfo, do_full_collection) != GC_SUCCESS) { 
 	OutOfHeapHook(reqsize * sizeof(W_)); /*msg*/
@@ -576,9 +811,14 @@ rtsBool do_full_collection;
     /* must do all the restoring exactly backwards to the storing! */
 # if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	  if ( debug & 0x40 ) 
-	    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Restoring CurrentTSO %d -- new: 0x%lx\n",
-		    num_ptr_roots-1,StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots-1]);
+    if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) ) 
+	fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+		"Restoring CurrentTSO %d -- new: 0x%lx\n",
+		num_ptr_roots-1,StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots-1]);
+# endif
+# ifndef PAR
+    StorageMgrInfo.StablePointerTable = StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
 # endif
 # ifdef PAR
@@ -597,44 +837,41 @@ rtsBool do_full_collection;
 # else /* GRAN */
-    num_ptr_roots = RestoreEventRoots(num_ptr_roots);
-    num_ptr_roots = RestoreSparkRoots(num_ptr_roots);
-    /* NB: PROC is unsigned datatype i.e. (PROC)-1 == (PROC)255  */
+    /* num_ptr_roots = RestoreEventRoots(num_ptr_roots); */
+    /* num_ptr_roots = RestoreSparkRoots(num_ptr_roots); */
-    for(proc = max_proc - 1; (proc >= 0) && (proc < max_proc) ; --proc) {
+    /* NB: PROC is unsigned datatype i.e. (PROC)-1 > 0 !  */
+    for(proc = RTSflags.GranFlags.proc - 1; 
+	(proc >= 0) && (proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc) ; 
+	--proc) {
 #  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	  if ( debug & 0x40 ) 
-	    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Restoring RunnableThreadsTl %d (proc: %d) -- new: 0x%lx\n",
+	if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) )
+	    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+		    "Restoring RunnableThreadsTl %d (proc: %d) -- new: 0x%lx\n",
 #  endif
-    RunnableThreadsTl[proc] = StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
+	RunnableThreadsTl[proc] = StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
 #  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	  if ( debug & 0x40 ) 
-	    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Restoring RunnableThreadsHd %d (proc: %d) -- new: 0x%lx\n",
-		    num_ptr_roots,proc,StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots]);
+	if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) )
+	    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+		    "Restoring RunnableThreadsHd %d (proc: %d) -- new: 0x%lx\n",
+		    num_ptr_roots-1,proc,StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots-1]);
 #  endif
-    RunnableThreadsHd[proc] = StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
-#  if 0
-    for(i = SPARK_POOLS - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
-      if (PendingSparksTl[proc][i] != NULL)
-        PendingSparksTl[proc][i] =  StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
-      if (PendingSparksHd[proc][i] != NULL)
-        PendingSparksHd[proc][i] =  StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
-     }
-#  endif
-    }
+	RunnableThreadsHd[proc] = StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
+    }  /* forall proc ... */
 # endif /* GRAN */
     /* Semantics of GC ensures that a block of `reqsize' is now available */
     SAVE_Hp += reqsize;
+    /* Activate the handling of entries on the WaitingThreads queue again */
+    handleTimerExpiry(rtsTrue);
@@ -675,7 +912,7 @@ BlackHoleUpdateStack(STG_NO_ARGS)
-#if defined(CONCURRENT) && !defined(GRAN)
+#if 0 /* defined(CONCURRENT) && !defined(GRAN) */
 PerformReschedule(W_ liveness, W_ always_reenter_node)
 { }
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/ b/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
index 21de425866f2..749cd3722081 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 \section[Stable-Pointers]{Creation and use of Stable Pointers}
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR)
 #include "rtsdefs.h"
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/ b/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
index dec93aa25157..6861bff31ce6 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ change it to take/return a byte array anyway.  Code in PerformIO.lhc
 is even more dated.)
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR)
 #include "rtsdefs.h"
@@ -81,14 +81,14 @@ deRefStablePointer(stableIndex)
-Despite the file name, we have two small malloc ptr operation - not
+Despite the file name, we have a little ForeignObj operation here - not
 worth putting in a file by itself.
-eqMallocPtr(p1, p2)
-  StgMallocPtr p1;
-  StgMallocPtr p2;
+eqForeignObj(p1, p2)
+  StgForeignObj p1;
+  StgForeignObj p2;
   return (p1 == p2);
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/ b/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
index 676fadb8988a..f198102a3581 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/c-as-asm/
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Older code (less fancy ==> more reliable)
   DEBUG_BSTACK(lines)		Print "lines" lines of the B Stack
   DEBUG_UPDATES(frames)		Print "frames" update frames
   DEBUG_REGS()			Print register values
-  DEBUG_MP()                    Print the MallocPtr Lists
+  DEBUG_FO()                    Print the ForeignObj Lists
   DEBUG_TSO(tso)		(CONCURRENT) Print a Thread State Object
 Not yet implemented:
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ getClosureShape( P_ node, int *vhs, int *size, int *ptrs, char **type )
       /* There are no others in SMInfoTables.lh 11/5/94 ADR*/
-	printf("Invalid/unknown info type %d\n", INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(node)));
+	printf("Invalid/unknown info type %ld\n", INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(node)));
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ printClosure( P_ closure, int indentation, int weight )
     if (DEBUG_details > 1) printf("INTLIKE ");
-    printf("%d",INTLIKE_VALUE(closure));
+    printf("%ld",INTLIKE_VALUE(closure));
   case INFO_BH_TYPE:
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ printClosure( P_ closure, int indentation, int weight )
   /* There are no others in SMInfoTables.lh 11/5/94 ADR*/
-    printf("Invalid/unknown info type %d\n", INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(closure)));
+    printf("Invalid/unknown info type %ld\n", INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(closure)));
@@ -1023,12 +1023,99 @@ DEBUG_PrintA( int depth, int weight )
   PP_ SpA  = SAVE_SpA;
   PP_ SuA  = SAVE_SuA;
+  int i;
+  I_ size = minimum(depth, SUBTRACT_A_STK(SpA, stackInfo.botA)+1);
+  printf("Dump of the Address Stack (SpA = 0x%lx, SuA = 0x%lx)\n", SpA, SuA);
+  for( i = 0; i < size; ++i ) {
+    printIndentation(1);
+    printf("SpA[%d] (0x%08lx):", i, SpA + AREL(i));
+    printClosure((P_)*(SpA + AREL(i)), 2, weight);
+    printf("\n");
+  }
+DEBUG_PrintB( int depth, int weight )
+  PP_ SpA  = SAVE_SpA;
   P_  SpB  = SAVE_SpB;
   P_  SuB  = SAVE_SuB;
+  I_ i;
+  I_ size = minimum(depth, SUBTRACT_B_STK(SpB, stackInfo.botB)+1);
+  P_ updateFramePtr;
+  I_ update_count;
+  printf("Dump of the Value Stack (SpB = 0x%lx, SuB = 0x%lx)\n", SpB, SuB);
+  updateFramePtr = SuB;
+  update_count = 0;
+  i = 0;
+  while (i < size) {
+    if (updateFramePtr == SpB + BREL(i)) {
+      printIndentation(1);
+      printf("SpB[%ld] (0x%08lx): UpdateFrame[%d](", 
+	     i, 
+	     updateFramePtr, 
+	     update_count 
+	     );
+      printName( (P_) *(SpB + BREL(i)) );
+      printf(", UF[%d] (= SpB[%ld]), SpA[%ld], ",
+	     update_count+1, 
+	     SUBTRACT_B_STK(SpB, GRAB_SuB(updateFramePtr)),
+	     SUBTRACT_A_STK(SpA, GRAB_SuA(updateFramePtr))
+	     );
+      printAddress( GRAB_UPDATEE(updateFramePtr) );
+      printf(")\n");
+      printIndentation(2);
+      printClosure( GRAB_UPDATEE(updateFramePtr), 3, weight );
+      printf("\n");
+      updateFramePtr = GRAB_SuB(updateFramePtr);
+      update_count = update_count + 1;
+      /* ToDo: GhcConstants.lh reveals that there are two other sizes possible */
+      i = i + STD_UF_SIZE;
+    } else {
+      printIndentation(1);
+      printf("SpB[%ld] (0x%08lx): ", i, SpB + BREL(i) );
+      printName((P_) *(SpB + BREL(i)) );
+      printf("\n");
+      i = i + 1;
+    }
+  }
+#else /* CONCURRENT */
+static int
+minimum(int a, int b)
+  if (a < b) {
+    return a;
+  } else {
+    return b;
+  }
+DEBUG_PrintA( int depth, int weight )
+  P_ stko = SAVE_StkO;
+  PP_ SpA  = STKO_SpA(stko);
+  PP_ SuA  = STKO_SuA(stko);
+  P_  SpB  = STKO_SpB(stko);
+  P_  SuB  = STKO_SuB(stko);
   P_ Hp    = SAVE_Hp;
   int i;
-  I_ size = minimum(depth, SUBTRACT_A_STK(SpA, stackInfo.botA)+1);
+  I_ size = minimum(depth, SUBTRACT_A_STK(SpA, STKO_ASTK_BOT(stko))+1);
   printf("Dump of the Address Stack (SpA = 0x%x, SuA = 0x%x)\n", SpA, SuA);
@@ -1043,14 +1130,15 @@ DEBUG_PrintA( int depth, int weight )
 DEBUG_PrintB( int depth, int weight )
-  PP_ SpA  = SAVE_SpA;
-  PP_ SuA  = SAVE_SuA;
-  P_  SpB  = SAVE_SpB;
-  P_  SuB  = SAVE_SuB;
+  P_ stko = SAVE_StkO;
+  PP_ SpA  = STKO_SpA(stko);
+  PP_ SuA  = STKO_SuA(stko);
+  P_  SpB  = STKO_SpB(stko);
+  P_  SuB  = STKO_SuB(stko);
   P_ Hp    = SAVE_Hp;
   I_ i;
-  I_ size = minimum(depth, SUBTRACT_B_STK(SpB, stackInfo.botB)+1);
+  I_ size = minimum(depth, SUBTRACT_B_STK(SpB, STKO_BSTK_BOT(stko))+1);
   P_ updateFramePtr;
   I_ update_count;
@@ -1096,6 +1184,7 @@ DEBUG_PrintB( int depth, int weight )
 #endif /* not CONCURRENT */
@@ -1129,12 +1218,8 @@ numStacks( )
   P_  SpB  = STKO_SpB(SAVE_StkO);
   P_  SuB  = STKO_SuB(SAVE_StkO);
-  PP_ SpA  = SAVE_SpA;
-  PP_ SuA  = SAVE_SuA;
-  P_  SpB  = SAVE_SpB;
   P_  SuB  = SAVE_SuB;
-  P_  Hp   = SAVE_Hp;
   int depth = 1; /* There's always at least one stack */
@@ -1155,7 +1240,7 @@ printLocalAStack( int depth, int indentation, int weight, PP_ SpA, int size )
   for( i = size-1; i >= 0; --i ) {
     printIndentation( indentation );
-    printf("A[%ld][%ld]", depth, i);
+    printf("A[%ld][%d]", depth, i);
     if (DEBUG_details > 1) printf(" (0x%08lx) ", SpA + AREL(i) );
     printClosure( *(SpA + AREL(i)), indentation+2, weight );
@@ -1172,7 +1257,7 @@ printLocalBStack( int depth, int indentation, int weight, P_ SpB, int size )
   for( i = size-1; i >= 0; --i) {
     printIndentation( indentation );
-    printf("B[%ld][%ld]", depth, i);
+    printf("B[%d][%d]", depth, i);
     if (DEBUG_details > 1) printf(" (0x%08lx) ", SpB + BREL(i) );
     printAddress( (P_) *(SpB + BREL(i)) );
@@ -1414,7 +1499,7 @@ DEBUG_INFO_TABLE(node)
 	  ip_type, info_ptr,
 	  (W_) ENTRY_CODE(info_ptr), (W_) UPDATE_CODE(info_ptr));
-	  "Tag: %d; Type: %d; Size: %lu; Ptrs: %lu\n\n",
+	  "Tag: %ld; Type: %ld; Size: %lu; Ptrs: %lu\n\n",
 	  INFO_TAG(info_ptr), INFO_TYPE(info_ptr),
 #if defined(GRIP)
@@ -1502,18 +1587,22 @@ DEBUG_REGS()
   StgPtr mp;
   StgInt i;
-  fprintf(stderr,"MallocPtrList\n\n");
+  fprintf(stderr,"ForeignObjList\n\n");
-  for(mp = StorageMgrInfo.MallocPtrList; 
+  for(mp = StorageMgrInfo.ForeignObjList; 
       mp != NULL; 
-      mp = MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(mp)) {
+      mp = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(mp)) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "MallocPtr(0x%lx) = 0x%lx\n", mp, MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(mp));
+    fprintf(stderr, 
+            "ForeignObjPtr(0x%lx) = 0x%lx, finaliser: 0x%lx\n", 
+	    mp, 
+	    ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(mp),
+	    ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(mp));
@@ -1521,13 +1610,17 @@ DEBUG_MP()
 # if defined(GCap) || defined(GCgn)
-  fprintf(stderr,"\nOldMallocPtr List\n\n");
+  fprintf(stderr,"\nOldForeignObj List\n\n");
-  for(mp = StorageMgrInfo.OldMallocPtrList; 
+  for(mp = StorageMgrInfo.OldForeignObjList; 
       mp != NULL; 
-      mp = MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(mp)) {
+      mp = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(mp)) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "  MallocPtr(0x%lx) = 0x%lx\n", mp, MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(mp));
+    fprintf(stderr, 
+            "ForeignObj(0x%lx) = 0x%lx, finaliser: 0x%lx\n", 
+	    mp, 
+	    ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(mp),
+	    ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(mp));
@@ -1645,6 +1738,8 @@ DEBUG_BSTACK(lines)
   fprintf(stderr, "\n");
 #endif /* not concurrent */
@@ -1718,3 +1813,1283 @@ DEBUG_TSO(P_ tso)
 #endif /* concurrent */
+\subsection[GrAnSim-debug]{Debugging routines  for GrAnSim}
+Debugging routines, mainly for GrAnSim. 
+They should really be in a separate file.
+There is some code duplication of above routines in here, I'm afraid.
+As a naming convention all GrAnSim debugging functions start with @G_@.
+The shorthand forms defined at the end start only with @G@.
+#if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+#define NULL_REG_MAP        /* Not threaded */
+/* #include "stgdefs.h" */
+char *
+P_ info_ptr;
+#if ! defined(PAR) && !defined(GRAN)
+  switch (INFO_TAG(info_ptr))
+    {
+      case INFO_OTHER_TAG:
+        return("OTHER_TAG");
+/*    case INFO_IND_TAG:
+        return("IND_TAG");
+*/    default:
+        return("TAG<n>");
+    }
+#else /* PAR */
+  switch(BASE_INFO_TYPE(info_ptr))
+    {
+      case INFO_SPEC_TYPE:
+        return("SPEC");
+      case INFO_GEN_TYPE:
+        return("GEN");
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE:
+        return("DYN");
+      case INFO_TUPLE_TYPE:
+        return("TUPLE");
+      case INFO_DATA_TYPE:
+        return("DATA");
+      case INFO_MUTUPLE_TYPE:
+        return("MUTUPLE");
+        return("IMMUTUPLE");
+      case INFO_STATIC_TYPE:
+        return("STATIC");
+      case INFO_CONST_TYPE:
+        return("CONST");
+        return("CHAR");
+      case INFO_INTLIKE_TYPE:
+        return("INT");
+      case INFO_BH_TYPE:
+        return("BHOLE");
+      case INFO_BQ_TYPE:
+        return("BQ");
+      case INFO_IND_TYPE:
+        return("IND");
+      case INFO_CAF_TYPE:
+        return("CAF");
+      case INFO_FM_TYPE:
+        return("FETCHME");
+      case INFO_TSO_TYPE:
+        return("TSO");
+      case INFO_STKO_TYPE:
+        return("STKO");
+      case INFO_SPEC_RBH_TYPE:
+	return("SPEC_RBH");
+      case INFO_GEN_RBH_TYPE:
+	return("GEN_RBH");
+      case INFO_BF_TYPE:
+        return("BF");
+        return("INTERNAL");
+      default:
+        fprintf(stderr,"Unknown header type %lu\n",INFO_TYPE(info_ptr));
+        return("??");
+      }
+#endif /* PAR */
+char *
+info_type(infoptr, str)
+P_ infoptr;
+char *str;
+  strcpy(str,"");
+  if ( IS_NF(infoptr) )
+    strcat(str,"|_NF ");
+  else if ( IS_MUTABLE(infoptr) )
+    strcat(str,"|_MU");
+  else if ( IS_STATIC(infoptr) )
+    strcat(str,"|_ST");
+  else if ( IS_UPDATABLE(infoptr) )
+    strcat(str,"|_UP");
+  else if ( IS_BIG_MOTHER(infoptr) )
+    strcat(str,"|_BM");
+  else if ( IS_BLACK_HOLE(infoptr) )
+    strcat(str,"|_BH");
+  else if ( IS_INDIRECTION(infoptr) )
+    strcat(str,"|_IN");
+  else if ( IS_THUNK(infoptr) )
+    strcat(str,"|_TH");
+  return(str);
+@var_hdr_size@ computes the size of the variable header for a closure.
+P_ node;
+  switch(INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(node)))
+    {
+      case INFO_SPEC_U_TYPE:    return(0);      /* by decree */
+      case INFO_SPEC_N_TYPE:    return(0);
+      case INFO_GEN_U_TYPE:     return(GEN_VHS);
+      case INFO_GEN_N_TYPE:     return(GEN_VHS);
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE:       return(DYN_VHS);
+      /*
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_N:     return(DYN_VHS);
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_U:     return(DYN_VHS);
+      */
+      case INFO_TUPLE_TYPE:     return(TUPLE_VHS);
+      case INFO_DATA_TYPE:      return(DATA_VHS);
+      case INFO_MUTUPLE_TYPE:   return(MUTUPLE_VHS);
+      case INFO_IMMUTUPLE_TYPE: return(MUTUPLE_VHS); /* same layout */
+      case INFO_STATIC_TYPE:    return(STATIC_VHS);
+      case INFO_CONST_TYPE:     return(0);
+      case INFO_CHARLIKE_TYPE:  return(0);
+      case INFO_INTLIKE_TYPE:   return(0);
+      case INFO_BH_TYPE:        return(0);
+      case INFO_IND_TYPE:       return(0);
+      case INFO_CAF_TYPE:       return(0);
+      case INFO_FETCHME_TYPE:   return(0);
+      case INFO_BQ_TYPE:        return(0);
+      /*
+      case INFO_BQENT_TYPE:     return(0);
+      */
+      case INFO_TSO_TYPE:       return(TSO_VHS);
+      case INFO_STKO_TYPE:      return(STKO_VHS);
+      default:
+        fprintf(stderr,"Unknown info type 0x%lx (%lu)\n", INFO_PTR(node),
+          INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(node)));
+        return(0);
+    }
+/* Determine the size and number of pointers for this kind of closure */
+P_ node;
+W_ *size, *ptrs;
+  switch(INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(node)))
+    {
+      case INFO_SPEC_U_TYPE:
+      case INFO_SPEC_N_TYPE:
+        *size = INFO_SIZE(INFO_PTR(node));          /* New for 0.24; check */
+        *ptrs = INFO_NoPTRS(INFO_PTR(node));        /* that! -- HWL */
+        /* 
+        *size = SPEC_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
+        *ptrs = SPEC_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
+	*/
+        break;
+      case INFO_GEN_U_TYPE:
+      case INFO_GEN_N_TYPE:
+        *size = GEN_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
+        *ptrs = GEN_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
+        break;
+      /* 
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_U:
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_N:
+      */
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE:
+        *size = DYN_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
+        *ptrs = DYN_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
+        break;
+      case INFO_TUPLE_TYPE:
+        *size = TUPLE_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
+        *ptrs = TUPLE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
+        break;
+      case INFO_DATA_TYPE:
+        *size = DATA_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
+        *ptrs = DATA_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
+        break;
+      case INFO_IND_TYPE:
+        *size = IND_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
+        *ptrs = IND_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
+        break;
+/* ToDo: more (WDP) */
+      /* Don't know about the others */
+      default:
+        *size = *ptrs = 0;
+        break;
+    }
+P_ node;
+   P_ info_ptr, bqe; /* = INFO_PTR(node); */
+   I_ size = 0, ptrs = 0, nonptrs = 0, i, vhs = 0;
+   char info_hdr_ty[80], info_ty[80];
+   if (node==NULL) {
+     fprintf(stderr,"NULL\n");
+     return;
+   } else if (node==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
+     fprintf(stderr,"Prelude_Z91Z93_closure\n");
+     return;
+   } else if (node==MUT_NOT_LINKED) {
+     fprintf(stderr,"MUT_NOT_LINKED\n");
+     return;
+   }
+   /* size_and_ptrs(node,&size,&ptrs); */
+   info_ptr = get_closure_info(node, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, info_hdr_ty);
+   /* vhs = var_hdr_size(node); */
+   info_type(info_ptr,info_ty);
+   fprintf(stderr,"Node: 0x%lx", (W_) node);
+#if defined(PAR)
+   fprintf(stderr," [GA: 0x%lx]",GA(node));
+#if defined(USE_COST_CENTRES)
+   fprintf(stderr," [CC: 0x%lx]",CC_HDR(node));
+#if defined(GRAN)
+   fprintf(stderr," [Bitmask: 0%lo]",PROCS(node));
+   if (info_ptr==INFO_TSO_TYPE) 
+     fprintf(stderr," TSO: 0x%lx (%x) IP: 0x%lx (%s), type %s \n     ",
+	     node, TSO_ID(node), info_ptr, info_hdr_ty, info_ty);
+   else
+     fprintf(stderr," IP: 0x%lx (%s), type %s \n       VHS: %d, size: %ld, ptrs:%ld, nonptrs:  %ld\n     ",
+	     info_ptr,info_hdr_ty,info_ty,vhs,size,ptrs,nonptrs);
+   /* For now, we ignore the variable header */
+   fprintf(stderr," Ptrs: ");
+   for(i=0; i < ptrs; ++i)
+     {
+     if ( (i+1) % 6 == 0)
+       fprintf(stderr,"\n      ");
+     fprintf(stderr," 0x%lx[P]",*(node+_FHS+vhs+i));
+     };
+   fprintf(stderr," Data: ");
+   for(i=0; i < nonptrs; ++i)
+     {
+       if( (i+1) % 6 == 0)
+         fprintf(stderr,"\n      ");
+       fprintf(stderr," %lu[D]",*(node+_FHS+vhs+ptrs+i));
+     }
+   fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+   switch (INFO_TYPE(info_ptr))
+    {
+     case INFO_TSO_TYPE: 
+      fprintf(stderr,"\n TSO_LINK: %#lx", 
+	      TSO_LINK(node));
+      break;
+    case INFO_BH_TYPE:
+    case INFO_BQ_TYPE:
+      bqe = (P_)BQ_ENTRIES(node);
+      fprintf(stderr," BQ of %#lx: ", node);
+      PRINT_BQ(bqe);
+      break;
+    case INFO_FMBQ_TYPE:
+      printf("Panic: found FMBQ Infotable in GrAnSim system.\n");
+      break;
+      bqe = (P_)SPEC_RBH_BQ(node);
+      fprintf(stderr," BQ of %#lx: ", node);
+      PRINT_BQ(bqe);
+      break;
+    case INFO_GEN_RBH_TYPE:
+      bqe = (P_)GEN_RBH_BQ(node);
+      fprintf(stderr," BQ of %#lx: ", node);
+      PRINT_BQ(bqe);
+      break;
+    }
+G_PPN(node)  /* Extracted from PrintPacket in */
+P_ node;
+   P_ info ;
+   I_ size = 0, ptrs = 0, nonptrs = 0, i, vhs = 0, locn = 0;
+   char info_type[80];
+   /* size_and_ptrs(node,&size,&ptrs); */
+   info = get_closure_info(node, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, info_type);
+   if (INFO_TYPE(info) == INFO_FETCHME_TYPE || IS_BLACK_HOLE(info))
+     size = ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0;
+   if (IS_THUNK(info)) {
+     if (IS_UPDATABLE(info))
+       fputs("SHARED ", stderr);
+     else
+       fputs("UNSHARED ", stderr);
+   } 
+   if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(info)) {
+     fputs("BLACK HOLE\n", stderr);
+   } else {
+     /* Fixed header */
+     fprintf(stderr, "(%s) FH [%#lx", info_type, node[locn++]);
+     for (i = 1; i < FIXED_HS; i++)
+       fprintf(stderr, " %#lx", node[locn++]);
+     /* Variable header */
+     if (vhs > 0) {
+       fprintf(stderr, "] VH [%#lx", node[locn++]);
+       for (i = 1; i < vhs; i++)
+	 fprintf(stderr, " %#lx", node[locn++]);
+     }
+     fprintf(stderr, "] PTRS %u", ptrs);
+     /* Non-pointers */
+     if (nonptrs > 0) {
+       fprintf(stderr, " NPTRS [%#lx", node[locn++]);
+       for (i = 1; i < nonptrs; i++)
+	 fprintf(stderr, " %#lx", node[locn++]);
+       putc(']', stderr);
+     }
+     putc('\n', stderr);
+   }
+ }
+#define INFO_MASK       0x80000000
+G_MUT(node,verbose)  /* Print mutables list starting with node */
+P_ node;
+  if (verbose & 0x1) { G_PRINT_NODE(node); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); }
+  else               fprintf(stderr, "0x%#lx, ", node);
+  if (node==NULL || node==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure || node==MUT_NOT_LINKED) {
+     return;
+  }
+  G_MUT(MUT_LINK(node), verbose);
+P_ node;
+  W_ size = 0, ptrs = 0, i, vhs = 0;
+  /* Don't print cycles */
+  if((INFO_PTR(node) & INFO_MASK) != 0)
+    return;
+  size_and_ptrs(node,&size,&ptrs);
+  vhs = var_hdr_size(node);
+  G_PRINT_NODE(node);
+  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+  /* Mark the node -- may be dangerous */
+  INFO_PTR(node) |= INFO_MASK;
+  for(i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i)
+    G_TREE((P_)node[i+vhs+_FHS]);
+  /* Unmark the node */
+  INFO_PTR(node) &= ~INFO_MASK;
+P_ node;
+  P_ info_ptr = (P_)INFO_PTR(node);
+  char *ip_type = info_hdr_type(info_ptr);
+  fprintf(stderr,"%s Info Ptr @0x%lx; Entry: 0x%lx; Size: %lu; Ptrs: %lu\n\n",
+                 ip_type,info_ptr,(W_) ENTRY_CODE(info_ptr),INFO_SIZE(info_ptr),INFO_NoPTRS(info_ptr));
+  if (IS_THUNK(info_ptr) && IS_UPDATABLE(info_ptr) ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"  RBH InfoPtr: %#lx\n",
+	    RBH_INFOPTR(info_ptr));
+  }
+#if defined(PAR)
+  fprintf(stderr,"Enter Flush Entry: 0x%lx;\tExit Flush Entry: 0x%lx\n",INFO_FLUSHENT(info_ptr),INFO_FLUSH(info_ptr));
+#if defined(USE_COST_CENTRES)
+  fprintf(stderr,"Cost Centre (???):       0x%lx\n",INFO_CAT(info_ptr));
+#if defined(_INFO_COPYING)
+  fprintf(stderr,"Evacuate Entry:    0x%lx;\tScavenge Entry: 0x%lx\n",
+          INFO_EVAC_2S(info_ptr),INFO_SCAV_2S(info_ptr));
+#if defined(_INFO_COMPACTING)
+  fprintf(stderr,"Scan Link:         0x%lx;\tScan Move:      0x%lx\n",
+          (W_) INFO_SCAN_LINK_1S(info_ptr), (W_) INFO_SCAN_MOVE_1S(info_ptr));
+  fprintf(stderr,"Mark:              0x%lx;\tMarked:         0x%lx;\t",
+          (W_) INFO_MARK_1S(info_ptr), (W_) INFO_MARKED_1S(info_ptr));
+#if 0 /* avoid INFO_TYPE */
+    fprintf(stderr,"plus specialised code\n");
+  else
+    fprintf(stderr,"Marking:           0x%lx\n",(W_) INFO_MARKING_1S(info_ptr));
+#endif /* 0 */
+#endif /* _INFO_COMPACTING */
+#endif /* GRAN */
+The remaining debugging routines are more or less specific for GrAnSim.
+#if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+I_ verbose;
+  fprintf(stderr,"Thread Queue on proc %d: ", CurrentProc);
+  G_THREADQ(ThreadQueueHd, verbose);
+G_THREADQ(closure, verbose) 
+P_ closure;
+I_ verbose;
+ P_ x;
+ fprintf(stderr,"Thread Queue: ");
+ for (x=closure; x!=Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; x=TSO_LINK(x))
+   if (verbose) 
+     G_TSO(x,0);
+   else
+     fprintf(stderr," %#lx",x);
+ if (closure==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
+   fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
+ else
+   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+/* Check with Threads.lh */
+static char *type_name[] = { "T_MAIN", "T_REQUIRED", "T_ADVISORY", "T_FAIL"};
+P_ closure;
+I_ verbose;
+ if (closure==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
+   fprintf(stderr,"TSO at %#lx is Prelude_Z91Z93_closure!\n");
+   return;
+ }
+ if ( verbose & 0x08 ) {   /* short info */
+   fprintf(stderr,"[TSO @ %#lx, PE %d]: Name: %#lx, Id: %#lx, Link: %#lx\n",
+	   closure,where_is(closure),
+	   TSO_NAME(closure),TSO_ID(closure),TSO_LINK(closure));
+   return;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr,"TSO at %#lx has the following contents:\n",
+                 closure);
+ fprintf(stderr,"> Name: \t%#lx",TSO_NAME(closure));
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tLink: \t%#lx\n",TSO_LINK(closure));
+ fprintf(stderr,"> Id:   \t%#lx",TSO_ID(closure));
+#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+ if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x10)
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tType: \t%s  %s\n",
+           type_name[TSO_TYPE(closure) & ~FETCH_MASK_TSO],
+           (TSO_TYPE(closure) & FETCH_MASK_TSO) ? "SLEEPING" : "");
+ else
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tType: \t%s\n",type_name[TSO_TYPE(closure)]);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tType: \t%s\n",type_name[TSO_TYPE(closure)]);
+ fprintf(stderr,"> PC1:  \t%#lx",TSO_PC1(closure));
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tPC2:  \t%#lx\n",TSO_PC2(closure));
+ fprintf(stderr,"> ARG1: \t%#lx",TSO_ARG1(closure));
+ /* fprintf(stderr,"\tARG2: \t%#lx\n",TSO_ARG2(closure)); */
+ fprintf(stderr,"> SWITCH: \t%#lx", TSO_SWITCH(closure));
+#if defined(GRAN_PRI_SCHED)
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tPRI: \t%#lx\n", TSO_PRI(closure));
+ fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+ if (verbose) {
+   fprintf(stderr,"} LOCKED: \t%#lx",TSO_LOCKED(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tSPARKNAME: \t%#lx\n", TSO_SPARKNAME(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"} STARTEDAT: \t%#lx", TSO_STARTEDAT(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tEXPORTED: \t%#lx\n", TSO_EXPORTED(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"} BASICBLOCKS: \t%#lx", TSO_BASICBLOCKS(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tALLOCS: \t%#lx\n", TSO_ALLOCS(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"} EXECTIME: \t%#lx", TSO_EXECTIME(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tFETCHTIME: \t%#lx\n", TSO_FETCHTIME(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"} FETCHCOUNT: \t%#lx", TSO_FETCHCOUNT(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tBLOCKTIME: \t%#lx\n", TSO_BLOCKTIME(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"} BLOCKCOUNT: \t%#lx", TSO_BLOCKCOUNT(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tBLOCKEDAT: \t%#lx\n", TSO_BLOCKEDAT(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"} GLOBALSPARKS:\t%#lx", TSO_GLOBALSPARKS(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tLOCALSPARKS:\t%#lx\n", TSO_LOCALSPARKS(closure));
+ }
+#if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+ if ( verbose & 0x02 ) {
+   fprintf(stderr,"BQ that starts with this TSO: ");
+   PRINT_BQ(closure);
+ }
+G_EVENT(event, verbose) 
+eventq event;
+I_ verbose;
+  if (verbose) {
+    print_event(event);
+  }else{
+    fprintf(stderr," %#lx",event);
+  }
+I_ verbose;
+ eventq x;
+ fprintf(stderr,"Eventq (hd @%#lx):\n",EventHd);
+ for (x=EventHd; x!=NULL; x=EVENT_NEXT(x)) {
+   G_EVENT(x,verbose);
+ }
+ if (EventHd==NULL) 
+   fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
+ else
+   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+PROC pe;
+I_ verbose;
+ eventq x;
+ fprintf(stderr,"Eventq (hd @%#lx):\n",EventHd);
+ for (x=EventHd; x!=NULL; x=EVENT_NEXT(x)) {
+   if (EVENT_PROC(x)==pe)
+     G_EVENT(x,verbose);
+ }
+ if (EventHd==NULL) 
+   fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
+ else
+   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+G_SPARK(spark, verbose) 
+sparkq spark;
+I_ verbose;
+  if (verbose)
+    print_spark(spark);
+  else
+    fprintf(stderr," %#lx",spark);
+sparkq spark;
+I_ verbose;
+ sparkq x;
+ fprintf(stderr,"Sparkq (hd @%#lx):\n",spark);
+ for (x=spark; x!=NULL; x=SPARK_NEXT(x)) {
+   G_SPARK(x,verbose);
+ }
+ if (spark==NULL) 
+   fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
+ else
+   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+I_ verbose;
+  G_SPARKQ(SparkQueueHd,verbose);
+I_ proc;
+I_ verbose;
+  extern char *proc_status_names[];
+  fprintf(stderr,"Status of proc %d at time %d (%#lx): %s (%s)\n",
+          proc,CurrentTime[proc],CurrentTime[proc],
+          (CurrentProc==proc)?"ACTIVE":"INACTIVE",
+          proc_status_names[procStatus[proc]]);
+  G_THREADQ(RunnableThreadsHd[proc],verbose & 0x2);
+  if ( (CurrentProc==proc) )
+    G_TSO(CurrentTSO,1);
+  if (EventHd!=NULL)
+    fprintf(stderr,"Next event (%s) is on proc %d\n",
+            event_names[EVENT_TYPE(EventHd)],EVENT_PROC(EventHd));
+  if (verbose & 0x1) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"\nREQUIRED sparks: ");
+    G_SPARKQ(PendingSparksHd[proc][REQUIRED_POOL],1);
+    fprintf(stderr,"\nADVISORY_sparks: ");
+    G_SPARKQ(PendingSparksHd[proc][ADVISORY_POOL],1);
+  }
+/* Debug Processor */
+I_ proc;
+{ G_PROC(proc,1);
+/* Debug Current Processor */
+GCP(){ G_PROC(CurrentProc,2); }
+/* Debug TSO */
+GT(P_ tso){ 
+  G_TSO(tso,1);
+/* Debug CurrentTSO */
+  fprintf(stderr,"Current Proc: %d\n",CurrentProc);
+  G_TSO(CurrentTSO,1);
+/* Shorthand for debugging event queue */
+GEQ() { G_EVENTQ(1); }
+/* Shorthand for debugging thread queue of a processor */
+GTQ(PROC p) { G_THREADQ(RunnableThreadsHd[p],1); } 
+/* Shorthand for debugging thread queue of current processor */
+GCTQ() { G_THREADQ(RunnableThreadsHd[CurrentProc],1); } 
+/* Shorthand for debugging spark queue of a processor */
+GSQ(PROC p) { G_SPARKQ(PendingSparksHd[p][1],1); }
+/* Shorthand for debugging spark queue of current processor */
+/* Shorthand for printing a node */
+GN(P_ node) { G_PRINT_NODE(node); }
+/* Shorthand for printing info table */
+GIT(P_ node) { G_INFO_TABLE(node); }
+/* Shorthand for some of ADRs debugging functions */
+pC(P_ closure) { printClosure(closure, 0/*indentation*/, 10/*weight*/); }
+/*   Print a closure on	 the heap */
+DN(P_ closure) { DEBUG_NODE( closure, 1/*size*/ );} 
+/*      Print info-table of a closure */
+DIT(P_ closure) {  DEBUG_INFO_TABLE(closure); } 
+/* 		(CONCURRENT) Print a Thread State Object */
+DT(P_ tso) {   DEBUG_TSO(tso); }
+/* Not yet implemented: */
+/* (CONCURRENT) Print a STacK Object 
+DS(P_ stko) {   DEBUG_STKO(stko)		; } 
+#endif /* GRAN */
+/* --------------------------- vvvv   old  vvvvv ------------------------*/
+#if 0     /* ngo' ngoq! veQ yIboS! */
+#define NULL_REG_MAP        /* Not threaded */
+#include "stgdefs.h"
+char *
+W_ info_ptr;
+#if ! defined(PAR) && !defined(GRAN)
+  switch (INFO_TAG(info_ptr))
+    {
+      case INFO_OTHER_TAG:
+        return("OTHER_TAG");
+/*    case INFO_IND_TAG:
+        return("IND_TAG");
+*/    default:
+        return("TAG<n>");
+    }
+#else /* PAR */
+  switch(INFO_TYPE(info_ptr))
+    {
+      case INFO_SPEC_U_TYPE:
+        return("SPECU");
+      case INFO_SPEC_N_TYPE:
+        return("SPECN");
+      case INFO_GEN_U_TYPE:
+        return("GENU");
+      case INFO_GEN_N_TYPE:
+        return("GENN");
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE:
+        return("DYN");
+      /* 
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_N:
+        return("DYNN");
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_U:
+        return("DYNU");
+      */
+      case INFO_TUPLE_TYPE:
+        return("TUPLE");
+      case INFO_DATA_TYPE:
+        return("DATA");
+      case INFO_MUTUPLE_TYPE:
+        return("MUTUPLE");
+        return("IMMUTUPLE");
+      case INFO_STATIC_TYPE:
+        return("STATIC");
+      case INFO_CONST_TYPE:
+        return("CONST");
+        return("CHAR");
+      case INFO_INTLIKE_TYPE:
+        return("INT");
+      case INFO_BH_TYPE:
+        return("BHOLE");
+      case INFO_IND_TYPE:
+        return("IND");
+      case INFO_CAF_TYPE:
+        return("CAF");
+      case INFO_FETCHME_TYPE:
+        return("FETCHME");
+      case INFO_BQ_TYPE:
+        return("BQ");
+      /*
+      case INFO_BQENT_TYPE:
+        return("BQENT");
+      */
+      case INFO_TSO_TYPE:
+        return("TSO");
+      case INFO_STKO_TYPE:
+        return("STKO");
+      default:
+        fprintf(stderr,"Unknown header type %lu\n",INFO_TYPE(info_ptr));
+        return("??");
+      }
+#endif /* PAR */
+@var_hdr_size@ computes the size of the variable header for a closure.
+P_ node;
+  switch(INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(node)))
+    {
+      case INFO_SPEC_U_TYPE:    return(0);      /* by decree */
+      case INFO_SPEC_N_TYPE:    return(0);
+      case INFO_GEN_U_TYPE:     return(GEN_VHS);
+      case INFO_GEN_N_TYPE:     return(GEN_VHS);
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE:       return(DYN_VHS);
+      /*
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_N:     return(DYN_VHS);
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_U:     return(DYN_VHS);
+      */
+      case INFO_TUPLE_TYPE:     return(TUPLE_VHS);
+      case INFO_DATA_TYPE:      return(DATA_VHS);
+      case INFO_MUTUPLE_TYPE:   return(MUTUPLE_VHS);
+      case INFO_IMMUTUPLE_TYPE: return(MUTUPLE_VHS); /* same layout */
+      case INFO_STATIC_TYPE:    return(STATIC_VHS);
+      case INFO_CONST_TYPE:     return(0);
+      case INFO_CHARLIKE_TYPE:  return(0);
+      case INFO_INTLIKE_TYPE:   return(0);
+      case INFO_BH_TYPE:        return(0);
+      case INFO_IND_TYPE:       return(0);
+      case INFO_CAF_TYPE:       return(0);
+      case INFO_FETCHME_TYPE:   return(0);
+      case INFO_BQ_TYPE:        return(0);
+      /*
+      case INFO_BQENT_TYPE:     return(0);
+      */
+      case INFO_TSO_TYPE:       return(TSO_VHS);
+      case INFO_STKO_TYPE:      return(STKO_VHS);
+      default:
+        fprintf(stderr,"Unknown info type 0x%lx (%lu)\n", INFO_PTR(node),
+          INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(node)));
+        return(0);
+    }
+/* Determine the size and number of pointers for this kind of closure */
+P_ node;
+W_ *size, *ptrs;
+  switch(INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(node)))
+    {
+      case INFO_SPEC_U_TYPE:
+      case INFO_SPEC_N_TYPE:
+        *size = INFO_SIZE(INFO_PTR(node));          /* New for 0.24; check */
+        *ptrs = INFO_NoPTRS(INFO_PTR(node));        /* that! -- HWL */
+        /* 
+        *size = SPEC_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
+        *ptrs = SPEC_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
+	*/
+        break;
+      case INFO_GEN_U_TYPE:
+      case INFO_GEN_N_TYPE:
+        *size = GEN_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
+        *ptrs = GEN_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
+        break;
+      /* 
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_U:
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_N:
+      */
+      case INFO_DYN_TYPE:
+        *size = DYN_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
+        *ptrs = DYN_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
+        break;
+      case INFO_TUPLE_TYPE:
+        *size = TUPLE_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
+        *ptrs = TUPLE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
+        break;
+      case INFO_DATA_TYPE:
+        *size = DATA_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
+        *ptrs = DATA_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
+        break;
+      case INFO_IND_TYPE:
+        *size = IND_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
+        *ptrs = IND_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
+        break;
+/* ToDo: more (WDP) */
+      /* Don't know about the others */
+      default:
+        *size = *ptrs = 0;
+        break;
+    }
+P_ node;
+   W_ info_ptr = INFO_PTR(node);
+   I_ size = 0, ptrs = 0, i, vhs = 0;
+   char *info_type = info_hdr_type(info_ptr);
+   size_and_ptrs(node,&size,&ptrs);
+   vhs = var_hdr_size(node);
+   fprintf(stderr,"Node: 0x%lx", (W_) node);
+#if defined(PAR)
+   fprintf(stderr," [GA: 0x%lx]",GA(node));
+#if defined(PROFILING)
+   fprintf(stderr," [CC: 0x%lx]",CC_HDR(node));
+#if defined(GRAN)
+   fprintf(stderr," [Bitmask: 0%lo]",PROCS(node));
+   fprintf(stderr," IP: 0x%lx (%s), size %ld, %ld ptrs\n",
+                  info_ptr,info_type,size,ptrs);
+   /* For now, we ignore the variable header */
+   for(i=0; i < size; ++i)
+     {
+       if(i == 0)
+         fprintf(stderr,"Data: ");
+       else if(i % 6 == 0)
+         fprintf(stderr,"\n      ");
+       if(i < ptrs)
+         fprintf(stderr," 0x%lx[P]",*(node+_FHS+vhs+i));
+       else
+         fprintf(stderr," %lu[D]",*(node+_FHS+vhs+i));
+     }
+   fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+#define INFO_MASK       0x80000000
+P_ node;
+  W_ size = 0, ptrs = 0, i, vhs = 0;
+  /* Don't print cycles */
+  if((INFO_PTR(node) & INFO_MASK) != 0)
+    return;
+  size_and_ptrs(node,&size,&ptrs);
+  vhs = var_hdr_size(node);
+  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+  /* Mark the node -- may be dangerous */
+  INFO_PTR(node) |= INFO_MASK;
+  for(i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i)
+    DEBUG_TREE((P_)node[i+vhs+_FHS]);
+  /* Unmark the node */
+  INFO_PTR(node) &= ~INFO_MASK;
+P_ node;
+  W_ info_ptr = INFO_PTR(node);
+  char *ip_type = info_hdr_type(info_ptr);
+  fprintf(stderr,"%s Info Ptr @0x%lx; Entry: 0x%lx; Size: %lu; Ptrs: %lu\n\n",
+                 ip_type,info_ptr,(W_) ENTRY_CODE(info_ptr),INFO_SIZE(info_ptr),INFO_NoPTRS(info_ptr));
+#if defined(PAR)
+  fprintf(stderr,"Enter Flush Entry: 0x%lx;\tExit Flush Entry: 0x%lx\n",INFO_FLUSHENT(info_ptr),INFO_FLUSH(info_ptr));
+#if defined(PROFILING)
+  fprintf(stderr,"Cost Centre (???):       0x%lx\n",INFO_CAT(info_ptr));
+#if defined(_INFO_COPYING)
+  fprintf(stderr,"Evacuate Entry:    0x%lx;\tScavenge Entry: 0x%lx\n",
+          INFO_EVAC_2S(info_ptr),INFO_SCAV_2S(info_ptr));
+#if defined(_INFO_COMPACTING)
+  fprintf(stderr,"Scan Link:         0x%lx;\tScan Move:      0x%lx\n",
+          (W_) INFO_SCAN_LINK_1S(info_ptr), (W_) INFO_SCAN_MOVE_1S(info_ptr));
+  fprintf(stderr,"Mark:              0x%lx;\tMarked:         0x%lx;\t",
+          (W_) INFO_MARK_1S(info_ptr), (W_) INFO_MARKED_1S(info_ptr));
+#if 0 /* avoid INFO_TYPE */
+    fprintf(stderr,"plus specialised code\n");
+  else
+    fprintf(stderr,"Marking:           0x%lx\n",(W_) INFO_MARKING_1S(info_ptr));
+#endif /* 0 */
+#endif /* _INFO_COMPACTING */
+The remaining debugging routines are more or less specific for GrAnSim.
+#if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+I_ verbose;
+  fprintf(stderr,"Thread Queue on proc %d: ", CurrentProc);
+  DEBUG_THREADQ(ThreadQueueHd, verbose);
+DEBUG_THREADQ(closure, verbose) 
+P_ closure;
+I_ verbose;
+ P_ x;
+ fprintf(stderr,"Thread Queue: ");
+ for (x=closure; x!=Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; x=TSO_LINK(x))
+   if (verbose) 
+     DEBUG_TSO(x,0);
+   else
+     fprintf(stderr," 0x%x",x);
+ if (closure==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
+   fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
+ else
+   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+/* Check with Threads.lh */
+static char *type_name[] = { "T_MAIN", "T_REQUIRED", "T_ADVISORY", "T_FAIL"};
+P_ closure;
+I_ verbose;
+ if (closure==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
+   fprintf(stderr,"TSO at 0x%x is Prelude_Z91Z93_closure!\n");
+   return;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr,"TSO at 0x%x has the following contents:\n",closure);
+ fprintf(stderr,"> Name: 0x%x",TSO_NAME(closure));
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tLink: 0x%x\n",TSO_LINK(closure));
+ fprintf(stderr,"> Id: 0x%x",TSO_ID(closure));
+#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+ if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x10)
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tType: %s  %s\n",
+           type_name[TSO_TYPE(closure) & ~FETCH_MASK_TSO],
+           (TSO_TYPE(closure) & FETCH_MASK_TSO) ? "SLEEPING" : "");
+ else
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tType: %s\n",type_name[TSO_TYPE(closure)]);
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tType: %s\n",type_name[TSO_TYPE(closure)]);
+ fprintf(stderr,"> PC1:  0x%x",TSO_PC1(closure));
+ fprintf(stderr,"\tPC2:  0x%x\n",TSO_PC2(closure));
+ fprintf(stderr,"> ARG1: 0x%x",TSO_ARG1(closure));
+ /* fprintf(stderr,"\tARG2: 0x%x\n",TSO_ARG2(closure)); */
+ fprintf(stderr,"> SWITCH: 0x%x\n", TSO_SWITCH(closure));
+ if (verbose) {
+   fprintf(stderr,"} LOCKED: 0x%x",TSO_LOCKED(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tSPARKNAME: 0x%x\n", TSO_SPARKNAME(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"} STARTEDAT: 0x%x", TSO_STARTEDAT(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tEXPORTED: 0x%x\n", TSO_EXPORTED(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"} BASICBLOCKS: 0x%x", TSO_BASICBLOCKS(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tALLOCS: 0x%x\n", TSO_ALLOCS(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"} EXECTIME: 0x%x", TSO_EXECTIME(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tFETCHTIME: 0x%x\n", TSO_FETCHTIME(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"} FETCHCOUNT: 0x%x", TSO_FETCHCOUNT(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tBLOCKTIME: 0x%x\n", TSO_BLOCKTIME(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"} BLOCKCOUNT: 0x%x", TSO_BLOCKCOUNT(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tBLOCKEDAT: 0x%x\n", TSO_BLOCKEDAT(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"} GLOBALSPARKS: 0x%x", TSO_GLOBALSPARKS(closure));
+   fprintf(stderr,"\tLOCALSPARKS: 0x%x\n", TSO_LOCALSPARKS(closure));
+ }
+DEBUG_EVENT(event, verbose) 
+eventq event;
+I_ verbose;
+  if (verbose) {
+    print_event(event);
+  }else{
+    fprintf(stderr," 0x%x",event);
+  }
+I_ verbose;
+ eventq x;
+ fprintf(stderr,"Eventq (hd @0x%x):\n",EventHd);
+ for (x=EventHd; x!=NULL; x=EVENT_NEXT(x)) {
+   DEBUG_EVENT(x,verbose);
+ }
+ if (EventHd==NULL) 
+   fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
+ else
+   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+DEBUG_SPARK(spark, verbose) 
+sparkq spark;
+I_ verbose;
+  if (verbose)
+    print_spark(spark);
+  else
+    fprintf(stderr," 0x%x",spark);
+sparkq spark;
+I_ verbose;
+ sparkq x;
+ fprintf(stderr,"Sparkq (hd @0x%x):\n",spark);
+ for (x=spark; x!=NULL; x=SPARK_NEXT(x)) {
+   DEBUG_SPARK(x,verbose);
+ }
+ if (spark==NULL) 
+   fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
+ else
+   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+I_ verbose;
+  DEBUG_SPARKQ(SparkQueueHd,verbose);
+I_ proc;
+I_ verbose;
+  fprintf(stderr,"Status of proc %d at time %d (0x%x): %s\n",
+          proc,CurrentTime[proc],CurrentTime[proc],
+          (CurrentProc==proc)?"ACTIVE":"INACTIVE");
+  DEBUG_THREADQ(RunnableThreadsHd[proc],verbose & 0x2);
+  if ( (CurrentProc==proc) )
+    DEBUG_TSO(CurrentTSO,1);
+  if (EventHd!=NULL)
+    fprintf(stderr,"Next event (%s) is on proc %d\n",
+            event_names[EVENT_TYPE(EventHd)],EVENT_PROC(EventHd));
+  if (verbose & 0x1) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"\nREQUIRED sparks: ");
+    DEBUG_SPARKQ(PendingSparksHd[proc][REQUIRED_POOL],1);
+    fprintf(stderr,"\nADVISORY_sparks: ");
+    DEBUG_SPARKQ(PendingSparksHd[proc][ADVISORY_POOL],1);
+  }
+/* Debug CurrentTSO */
+  fprintf(stderr,"Current Proc: %d\n",CurrentProc);
+  DEBUG_TSO(CurrentTSO,1);
+/* Debug Current Processor */
+DCP(){ DEBUG_PROC(CurrentProc,2); }
+/* Shorthand for debugging event queue */
+/* Shorthand for debugging spark queue */
+/* Shorthand for printing a node */
+DN(P_ node) { DEBUG_PRINT_NODE(node); }
+#endif /* GRAN */
+#endif /* 0 */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/griproot.lit b/ghc/runtime/griproot.lit
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ac4f6e51cc0..000000000000
--- a/ghc/runtime/griproot.lit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-\title{GRIP Runtime Support}
-\author{Kevin Hammond, \\
-Department of Computing Science, \\
-University of Glasgow, \\
-Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK. \\
-Email: glasgow-haskell-\{request,bugs\}\}
-This document describes the runtime support code for the GRIP Multiprocessor.
-Most of the code described here is in fact generic, and could be ported to
-many parallel architectures with some changes (notably to the message-passing
-\section[GRIP_misc]{GRIP Emulation}
-The routines in this section emulate the operating system or
-hardware on a sequential system.  They should not be required in the final 
-GRIP runtime system.
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/gum/FetchMe.lhc b/ghc/runtime/gum/FetchMe.lhc
index 05b9dc8b1ff6..98be3d5d1bd6 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/gum/FetchMe.lhc
+++ b/ghc/runtime/gum/FetchMe.lhc
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ STGFUN(FetchMe_entry)
     rGA = FETCHME_GA(Node);
     ASSERT(rGA->loc.gc.gtid != mytid);
-    TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) = Nil_closure;
+    TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
     SET_INFO_PTR(Node, FMBQ_info);
     FMBQ_ENTRIES(Node) = (W_) CurrentTSO;
@@ -62,8 +62,10 @@ STGFUN(FetchMe_entry)
         TSO_BLOCKEDAT(CurrentTSO) = now;
-        DumpGranEventAndNode(GR_FETCH, CurrentTSO, (SAVE_R1).p, 
-          taskIDtoPE(rGA->loc.gc.gtid));
+        /* DumpGranEventAndNode(GR_FETCH, CurrentTSO, (SAVE_R1).p, 
+           taskIDtoPE(rGA->loc.gc.gtid)); */
+	DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC,taskIDtoPE(rGA->loc.gc.gtid),GR_FETCH,
+			 CurrentTSO,(SAVE_R1).p,0);
     /* Assign a brand-new global address to the newly created FMBQ */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/gum/ b/ghc/runtime/gum/
index 4599972b59a8..4eb58bcb8bb7 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/gum/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/gum/
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ blockFetch(P_ bf, P_ bh)
     switch (INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(bh))) {
     case INFO_BH_TYPE:
-	BF_LINK(bf) = Nil_closure;
+	BF_LINK(bf) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
 	SET_INFO_PTR(bh, BQ_info);
 	BQ_ENTRIES(bh) = (W_) bf;
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ processFetches()
     P_ ip;
     globalAddr rga;
-    for (bf = PendingFetches; bf != Nil_closure; bf = next) {
+    for (bf = PendingFetches; bf != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; bf = next) {
 	next = BF_LINK(bf);
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ processFetches()
 	    sendResume(&rga, size, graph);
-    PendingFetches = Nil_closure;
+    PendingFetches = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
@@ -650,11 +650,13 @@ processResume(GLOBAL_TASK_ID sender)
 	    for(tso = (P_) FMBQ_ENTRIES(old); 
-              TSO_LINK(tso) != Nil_closure; 
+              TSO_LINK(tso) != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; 
               tso = TSO_LINK(tso))
-        DumpGranEventAndNode(GR_REPLY, tso, old, taskIDtoPE(sender));
+        /* DumpGranEventAndNode(GR_REPLY, tso, old, taskIDtoPE(sender)); */
+	DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC,taskIDtoPE(sender),GR_REPLY,
+			 tso,old,0);
     newGraph = UnpackGraph(packBuffer, &gagamap, &nGAs);
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/gum/ b/ghc/runtime/gum/
index 4290c8a9a777..f4f957288888 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/gum/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/gum/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 % (c) The Parade/AQUA Projects, Glasgow University, 1995
 %     Kevin Hammond, February 15th. 1995
-%     This is for GUM only.
+%     This is for GUM and for GrAnSim.
 %*                                                                      *
@@ -13,37 +13,79 @@
 This module defines routines for packing closures in the parallel runtime
 system (GUM).
+The GrAnSim version of the code defines routines for *simulating* the
+packing of closures in the same way it
+is done in the parallel runtime system. Basically GrAnSim only puts the
+addresses of the closures to be transferred into a buffer. This buffer will
+then be associated with the event of transferring the graph. When this
+event is scheduled, the @UnpackGraph@ routine is called and the buffer
+can be discarded afterwards. 
+Note that in GrAnSim we need many buffers, not just one per PE.
-#ifdef PAR /* whole file */
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)   /* whole file */
 #include "rtsdefs.h"
+/* Which RTS flag should be used to get the size of the pack buffer ? */
+#if defined(PAR)
+#define PACK_BUFFER_SIZE   RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize
+#else   /* GRAN */
+#define PACK_BUFFER_SIZE   RTSflags.GranFlags.packBufferSize
 Static data and code declarations.
-static W_ *PackBuffer = NULL; /* size: can be set via option */
+#if defined(GRAN)
+/* To be pedantic: in GrAnSim we're packing *addresses* of closures,
+   not the closures themselves.
+static P_ *PackBuffer = NULL; /* size: can be set via option */
+static W_ *PackBuffer = NULL;                /* size: can be set via option */
 static W_      packlocn, clqsize, clqpos;
 static W_      unpackedsize;
-static W_      reservedPAsize;                   /*Space reserved for primitive arrays*/
+static W_      reservedPAsize;         /*Space reserved for primitive arrays*/
 static rtsBool RoomInBuffer;
 static void    InitPacking(STG_NO_ARGS), DonePacking(STG_NO_ARGS);
-static rtsBool NotYetPacking PROTO((int offset)), 
-               RoomToPack PROTO((W_ size, W_ ptrs));
+#if defined(GRAN)
+static rtsBool NotYetPacking PROTO((P_ closure));
+static void    Pack PROTO((P_ data));
+static rtsBool NotYetPacking PROTO((int offset));
+static void    Pack PROTO((W_ data));
+static rtsBool RoomToPack PROTO((W_ size, W_ ptrs));
 static void    AmPacking PROTO((P_ closure));
-static void    PackClosure PROTO((P_ closure));
-static void    Pack PROTO((W_ data)),
-	       PackPLC PROTO((P_ addr)),
-	       PackOffset PROTO((int offset)),
-	       GlobaliseAndPackGA PROTO((P_ closure));
+static void    PackClosure PROTO((P_ closure))
+#if !defined(GRAN)
+               , PackPLC PROTO((P_ addr))
+	       , PackOffset PROTO((int offset))
+	       , GlobaliseAndPackGA PROTO((P_ closure))
+               ;
 static int     OffsetFor PROTO((P_ closure));
+Bit of a hack for testing if a closure is the root of the graph. This is 
+set in @PackNearbyGraph@ and tested in @PackClosure@.
+#if defined(GRAN)
+I_ packed_thunks = 0;
+P_ graphroot;
 %*                                                                      *
 \subsection[PackNearbyGraph]{Packing Sections of Nearby Graph}
@@ -60,36 +102,133 @@ full, closures (other than primitive arrays) are packed as FetchMes,
 and their children are not queued for packing.
+#  if defined(PAR)
 PackNearbyGraph(closure, packbuffersize)
 P_ closure;
 W_ *packbuffersize;
+#  else  /* GRAN */
+PackNearbyGraph(closure, tso, packbuffersize)
+P_ closure;
+P_ tso;
+W_ *packbuffersize;
+#  endif
     /* Ensure enough heap for all possible RBH_Save closures */
-    ASSERT(RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize > 0);
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) 
+      fprintf(stderr,"Packing graph with root at 0x%lx (PE %d); demanded by TSO %#lx (%d) (PE %d)  ...\n",
+	      closure, where_is(closure), tso, TSO_ID(tso), where_is(tso) );
+#  endif   /* GRAN */
 	return NULL;
+#  if defined(GRAN)
+    graphroot = closure;
+#  endif
     do {
     } while (!QueueEmpty());
+#  if defined(PAR)
     /* Record how much space is needed to unpack the graph */
     PackBuffer[0] = unpackedsize;
+#  else  /* GRAN */
+    /* Record how much space is needed to unpack the graph */
+    PackBuffer[PACK_TSO_LOCN] = tso;
+    PackBuffer[PACK_UNPACKED_SIZE_LOCN] = (P_) unpackedsize;
+#  endif
     /* Set the size parameter */
+# if defined(PAR)
     ASSERT(packlocn <= RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize);
     *packbuffersize = packlocn;
+#  else  /* GRAN */
+    ASSERT(packlocn <= PackBuffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN]);
+    /* ToDo: Print an earlier, more meaningful message */
+    if (packlocn==PACK_HDR_SIZE) {  /* i.e. packet is empty */
+      fprintf(stderr,"EMPTY PACKET! Can't transfer closure %#lx at all!!\n",
+	      closure);
+    }
+    PackBuffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN] = (P_) packlocn;
+    *packbuffersize = packlocn;
+#  endif
+#  if !defined(GRAN)
+    DonePacking();                               /* {GrAnSim}vaD 'ut'Ha' */
+#  endif
-    DonePacking();
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    tot_packets++; 
+    tot_packet_size += packlocn-PACK_HDR_SIZE  ; 
-    return (PackBuffer);
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) {
+      PrintPacket((P_)PackBuffer);
+    }
+#  endif   /* GRAN */
+    return ((P_)PackBuffer);
+#if defined(GRAN)
+/* This version is used when the node is already local */
+PackOneNode(closure, tso, packbuffersize)
+P_ closure;
+P_ tso;
+W_ *packbuffersize;
+    int i, clpacklocn;
+    InitPacking();
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) {
+      W_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
+      P_ info;
+      char str[80], junk_str[80]; 
+      info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
+      fprintf(stderr,"PackOneNode: %#lx (%s)(PE %#lx) requested by TSO %#lx (%d) (PE %#lx)\n",
+	      closure, str, where_is(closure), tso, TSO_ID(tso), where_is(tso));
+    }
+#  endif
+    Pack(closure);
+    /* Record how much space is needed to unpack the graph */
+    PackBuffer[PACK_TSO_LOCN] = tso;
+    PackBuffer[PACK_UNPACKED_SIZE_LOCN] = (P_) unpackedsize;
+    /* Set the size parameter */
+    ASSERT(packlocn <= PACK_BUFFER_SIZE);
+    PackBuffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN] = (P_) packlocn;
+    *packbuffersize = packlocn;
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    tot_packets++; 
+    tot_packet_size += packlocn-PACK_HDR_SIZE  ; 
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) {
+      PrintPacket(PackBuffer);
+    }
+#  endif   /* GRAN */
+    return ((P_)PackBuffer);
+#endif  /* GRAN */
 @PackTSO@ and @PackStkO@ are entry points for two special kinds of
@@ -99,7 +238,11 @@ normal closure layout (where all pointers occur before all non-pointers).
 Luckily, they're only needed when migrating threads between processors.
+#if defined(GRAN)
+P_ *
 W_ *
 P_ tso;
 W_ *packbuffersize;
@@ -109,7 +252,11 @@ W_ *packbuffersize;
+#if defined(GRAN)
+P_ *
 W_ *
 P_ stko;
 W_ *packbuffersize;
@@ -142,18 +289,21 @@ hence a primitive array can always be packed along with it's parent
+#if defined(PAR)
 P_ closure;
     W_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
     int i, clpacklocn;
+    char str[80];
     while (IS_INDIRECTION(INFO_PTR(closure))) {
 	/* Don't pack indirection closures */
-#ifdef PACK_DEBUG
+#  ifdef PACK_DEBUG
 	fprintf(stderr, "Shorted an indirection at %x", closure);
+#  endif
 	closure = (P_) IND_CLOSURE_PTR(closure);
@@ -173,25 +323,25 @@ P_ closure;
 	switch (INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(closure))) {
-#ifdef PACK_DEBUG
+#  ifdef PACK_DEBUG
 	    fprintf(stderr, "Packing a charlike %s\n", CHARLIKE_VALUE(closure));
+#  endif
-#ifdef PACK_DEBUG
+#  ifdef PACK_DEBUG
 	    fprintf(stderr, "Packing a const %s\n", CONST_STATIC_CLOSURE(INFO_PTR(closure)));
+#  endif
 	case INFO_CAF_TYPE:	/* For now we ship indirections to CAFs: They are
 				 * evaluated on each PE if needed */
-#ifdef PACK_DEBUG
+#  ifdef PACK_DEBUG
 	    fprintf(stderr, "Packing a PLC %x\n", closure);
+#  endif
@@ -200,27 +350,27 @@ P_ closure;
 		I_ val = INTLIKE_VALUE(closure);
 		if ((val <= MAX_INTLIKE) && (val >= MIN_INTLIKE)) {
-#ifdef PACK_DEBUG
+#  ifdef PACK_DEBUG
 		    fprintf(stderr, "Packing a small intlike %d as a PLC\n", val);
+#  endif
 		} else {
-#ifdef PACK_DEBUG
+#  ifdef PACK_DEBUG
 		    fprintf(stderr, "Packing a big intlike %d as a normal closure\n", val);
+#  endif
-#ifdef PACK_DEBUG
+#  ifdef PACK_DEBUG
 	    fprintf(stderr, "Not a PLC: ");
+#  endif
 	}			/* Switch */
 	/* Otherwise it's not Fixed */
-	info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs);
+	info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
 	    size = ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0;
@@ -234,7 +384,7 @@ P_ closure;
 	    W_ childSize, childPtrs, childNonPtrs, childVhs;
 	    childInfo = get_closure_info(((PP_) (closure))[i + FIXED_HS + vhs],
-	      &childSize, &childPtrs, &childNonPtrs, &childVhs);
+	      &childSize, &childPtrs, &childNonPtrs, &childVhs, str);
 	    if (IS_BIG_MOTHER(childInfo)) {
 		reservedPAsize += PACK_GA_SIZE + FIXED_HS + childVhs + childNonPtrs
 		  + childPtrs * PACK_FETCHME_SIZE;
@@ -295,11 +445,11 @@ P_ closure;
 	    if (IS_THUNK(info) && IS_UPDATABLE(info)) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
+#  ifdef DEBUG
 		P_ rbh =
+#  else
+#  endif
 		ASSERT(rbh != NULL);
@@ -310,6 +460,160 @@ P_ closure;
+#else  /* GRAN */
+/* Fake the packing of a closure */
+P_ closure;
+    W_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
+    W_ childSize, childPtrs, junk;   /*size, no. ptrs etc. of a child closure*/
+    P_ childInfo;
+    P_ info;
+    int i, clpacklocn;
+    W_ PAsize = 0;           /*total size + no. ptrs of all child prim arrays*/
+    W_ PAptrs = 0;
+    char str[80], junk_str[80]; 
+    rtsBool will_be_rbh, no_more_thunks_please;
+    /* In GranSim we don't pack and unpack closures -- we just simulate */
+    /* that by updating the bitmask. So, the graph structure is unchanged */
+    /* i.e. we don't short out indirections here. -- HWL */
+    if (where_is(closure) != where_is(graphroot)) {
+      /* GUM would pack a FETCHME here; simulate that by increasing the */
+      /* unpacked size accordingly but don't pack anything -- HWL */
+      unpackedsize += FIXED_HS + FETCHME_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
+      return; 
+    }
+    /* clpacklocn = OffsetFor(closure); */
+    /* If the closure's not already being packed */
+    if (NotYetPacking(closure)) {
+	switch (INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(closure))) {
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+	  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) {
+	    fprintf(stderr,"************ Avoid packing RBH @ %#lx!\n", closure);
+	  }
+#  endif
+          /* Just ignore RBHs i.e. they stay where they are */
+	  return;
+	case INFO_CAF_TYPE:       /* For now we ship indirections to CAFs:
+				   * They are evaluated on each PE if needed */
+	  Pack(closure);
+	  return;
+	  {
+	    I_ val = INTLIKE_VALUE(closure);
+	    if ((val <= MAX_INTLIKE) && (val >= MIN_INTLIKE)) {
+	      Pack(closure);
+	      return;
+	    } else {
+	      break;
+	    }
+	  }
+	default:
+	  /* Just fall through to the rest of the function */
+	}     /* Switch */
+	/* Otherwise it's not Fixed */
+	info = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
+	will_be_rbh = IS_THUNK(info) && IS_UPDATABLE(info);
+	no_more_thunks_please = 
+	   (RTSflags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack>0) && 
+	   (packed_thunks>=RTSflags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack);
+	    size = ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0;
+	/* Now peek ahead to see whether the closure has any primitive */
+	/* array children */ 
+	for (i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i) {
+	    P_ childInfo;
+	    W_ childSize, childPtrs, childNonPtrs, childVhs;
+	  childInfo = get_closure_info(((StgPtrPtr) (closure))[i + FIXED_HS + vhs],
+				       &childSize, &childPtrs, &childNonPtrs,
+				       &childVhs, junk_str);
+	  if (IS_BIG_MOTHER(childInfo)) {
+		reservedPAsize += PACK_GA_SIZE + FIXED_HS + 
+		                  childVhs + childNonPtrs +
+		                  childPtrs * PACK_FETCHME_SIZE;
+	    PAsize += PACK_GA_SIZE + FIXED_HS + childSize;
+	    PAptrs += childPtrs;
+	  }
+	}
+	/* Don't pack anything (GrAnSim) if it's a black hole, or the buffer
+	 * is full and it isn't a primitive array. N.B. Primitive arrays are
+	 * always packed (because their parents index into them directly) */
+	if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(info) || 
+	    !(RoomToPack(PACK_GA_SIZE + FIXED_HS + vhs + nonptrs, ptrs) 
+	      || IS_BIG_MOTHER(info))) 
+          return;
+	/* At last! A closure we can actually pack! */
+	if (IS_MUTABLE(info) && (INFO_TYPE(info) != INFO_FETCHME_TYPE))
+	    fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Replicated a Mutable closure!");
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+	if (no_more_thunks_please && will_be_rbh) {
+	  tot_cuts++;
+	  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) 
+	    fprintf(stderr,"PackClosure (w/ RTSflags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack=%d): Cutting tree with root at %#lx\n",
+		      RTSflags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack, closure);
+	} else if (will_be_rbh || (closure==graphroot) ) {
+	    packed_thunks++;
+	    tot_thunks++;
+        }
+#  endif
+	if (!(no_more_thunks_please && will_be_rbh)) {
+	  Pack(closure);         /* actual PACKING done here --  HWL */
+	  for (i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i)
+	    QueueClosure(((StgPtrPtr) (closure))[i + FIXED_HS + vhs]);
+	  /* Turn thunk into a revertible black hole. */
+	  if (will_be_rbh)
+            { 
+	     P_ rbh;
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+	     if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) {
+	       fprintf(stderr,"> RBHing the following closure:\n (%#lx) ",
+	  	                closure);
+	       G_PPN(closure);                          /* see StgDebug */
+	     }
+#  endif
+	     rbh = convertToRBH(closure);
+	     ASSERT(rbh != NULL);
+	    }
+        }        
+      }
+    else /* !NotYetPacking(clpacklocn) */ 
+         /* Don't have to do anything in GrAnSim if closure is already */
+	 /* packed -- HWL */
+      {
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+	if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 )
+	  fprintf(stderr,"*** Closure %#lx is already packed and omitted now!\n",
+		  closure);
+#  endif
+      }
+#endif  /* PAR */
@@ -318,10 +622,39 @@ P_ closure;
 %*									*
+About  packet sizes  in GrAnSim: In  GrAnSim  we use  a  malloced block  of
+gransim_pack_buffer_size words to   simulate a  packet of  pack_buffer_size
+words.  In the simulated  PackBuffer  we only keep   the  addresses of  the
+closures that would be packed in the parallel  system (see Pack). To decide
+if a  packet overflow  occurs   pack_buffer_size must be   compared  versus
+unpackedsize (see RoomToPack).      Currently, there is    no  multi packet
+strategy implemented, so in  the case of  an overflow  we just stop  adding
+closures  to the  closure queue.  If  an  overflow of the  simulated packet
+occurs, we just realloc some more space for it and carry on as usual.  
+% -- HWL
+#if defined(GRAN)
+static P_ *
+InstantiatePackBuffer () {
+  PackBuffer = 
+    /* NB: gransim_pack_buffer_size instead of pack_buffer_size -- HWL */
+    (P_ *) stgMallocWords(RTSflags.GranFlags.packBufferSize_internal+PACK_HDR_SIZE,
+                          "InstantiatePackBuffer") ;
+  PackBuffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN] = (P_)RTSflags.GranFlags.packBufferSize_internal;
+  return (PackBuffer);
 @Pack@ is the basic packing routine.  It just writes a word of
 data into the pack buffer and increments the pack location.
+#if defined(PAR)
 static void
   W_ data;
@@ -329,12 +662,58 @@ Pack(data)
     ASSERT(packlocn < RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize);
     PackBuffer[packlocn++] = data;
+#else  /* GRAN */
+static void
+P_ addr;
+  W_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
+  P_ info;
+  char str[80];
+  /* This checks the size of the GrAnSim internal pack buffer. The simulated
+     pack buffer is checked via RoomToPack (as in GUM) */
+  if (packlocn >= (int)PackBuffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN]+PACK_HDR_SIZE) {
+# if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x8000 ) {
+      fprintf(stderr, "Increasing size of PackBuffer %#lx to %d words (PE %u @ %d)\n",
+	      PackBuffer, PackBuffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN]+REALLOC_SZ,
+	      CurrentProc, CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
+    }
+# endif
+    PackBuffer = (P_ *) realloc(PackBuffer, 
+				sizeof(P_)*(REALLOC_SZ +
+                                            (int)PackBuffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN] +
+                                            PACK_HDR_SIZE)) ;
+    if (PackBuffer == NULL) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Failing to realloc %d more words for PackBuffer %#lx (PE %u @ %d)\n", 
+	      REALLOC_SZ, PackBuffer, CurrentProc, CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
+    } 
+    PackBuffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN] += REALLOC_SZ;
+  }
+  ASSERT(packlocn < PackBuffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN]+PACK_HDR_SIZE);
+  if (addr==NULL) 
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {Pack}Daq: Trying to pack 0\n");
+  PackBuffer[packlocn++] = addr;
+  /* ASSERT: Data is a closure in GrAnSim here */
+  info = get_closure_info(addr, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
+  unpackedsize += FIXED_HS + (size < MIN_UPD_SIZE ? 
+				        MIN_UPD_SIZE : 
+				        size);
+#endif  /* PAR */
 If a closure is local, make it global.  Then, divide its weight for export.
 The GA is then packed into the pack buffer.
+#if !defined(GRAN)
 static void
 P_ closure;
@@ -386,6 +765,7 @@ int offset;
     Pack(0L);			/* pe */
     Pack(offset);		/* slot/offset */
+#endif  /* !GRAN */
@@ -398,6 +778,7 @@ The offset hash table is used during packing to record the location in
 the pack buffer of each closure which is packed.
+#if defined(PAR)
 static HashTable *offsettable;
@@ -416,18 +797,26 @@ InitPackBuffer(STG_NO_ARGS)
+#endif /* PAR */
 static void
-  /* InitPackBuffer();    now done in ParInit  HWL_ */
+#if defined(GRAN)
+  PackBuffer = InstantiatePackBuffer();     /* for GrAnSim only -- HWL */
+                                            /* NB: free in UnpackGraph */
   packlocn = PACK_HDR_SIZE;
   unpackedsize = 0;
   reservedPAsize = 0;
   RoomInBuffer = rtsTrue;
+#if defined(PAR)
   offsettable = allocHashTable();
+  packed_thunks = 0;                        
@@ -435,6 +824,8 @@ InitPacking(STG_NO_ARGS)
+#if defined(PAR)
 static void
@@ -480,6 +871,21 @@ int offset;
   return(offset < PACK_HDR_SIZE);
+#else  /* GRAN */
+static rtsBool
+P_ closure;
+{ int i;
+  rtsBool found = rtsFalse;
+  for (i=PACK_HDR_SIZE; (i<packlocn) && !found; i++)
+    found = PackBuffer[i]==closure;
+  return (!found);
 @RoomToPack@ determines whether there's room to pack the closure into
@@ -496,14 +902,28 @@ static rtsBool
 RoomToPack(size, ptrs)
 W_ size, ptrs;
+#if defined(PAR)
     if (RoomInBuffer &&
       (packlocn + reservedPAsize + size +
-	((clqsize - clqpos) + ptrs) * PACK_FETCHME_SIZE >= RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize)) {
+	((clqsize - clqpos) + ptrs) * PACK_FETCHME_SIZE >= PACK_BUFFER_SIZE))
+    {
 #ifdef PACK_DEBUG
 	fprintf(stderr, "Buffer full\n");
 	RoomInBuffer = rtsFalse;
+#else   /* GRAN */
+    if (RoomInBuffer &&
+        (unpackedsize + reservedPAsize + size +
+	((clqsize - clqpos) + ptrs) * PACK_FETCHME_SIZE >= PACK_BUFFER_SIZE))
+    {
+#if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) 
+	fprintf(stderr, "Buffer full\n");
+	RoomInBuffer = rtsFalse;
+    }
     return (RoomInBuffer);
@@ -538,9 +958,8 @@ InitClosureQueue(STG_NO_ARGS)
   clqpos = clqsize = 0;
-  if ( ClosureQueue == NULL ) {
-     AllocClosureQueue(RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize);
-  }
+  if ( ClosureQueue == NULL ) 
+     AllocClosureQueue(PACK_BUFFER_SIZE);
@@ -562,7 +981,7 @@ void
 P_ closure;
-  if(clqsize < RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize)
+  if(clqsize < PACK_BUFFER_SIZE )
     ClosureQueue[clqsize++] = closure;
@@ -595,6 +1014,7 @@ These routines determine whether a GA is one of a number of special types
 of GA.
+#if defined(PAR)
 globalAddr *ga;
@@ -608,6 +1028,7 @@ globalAddr *ga;
     return (ga->weight == 0);
@@ -617,12 +1038,15 @@ globalAddr *ga;
-#ifdef DEBUG
+#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+#if defined(PAR)
 P_ buffer;
     W_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
+    char str[80];
     globalAddr ga;
@@ -665,7 +1089,8 @@ P_ buffer;
 	    fprintf(stderr, "[%u]: (%x, %d, %x) ", gastart, 
               ga.loc.gc.gtid, ga.loc.gc.slot, ga.weight);
-	    info = get_closure_info((P_) (buffer + closurestart), &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs);
+	    info = get_closure_info((P_) (buffer + closurestart), &size,
+	                            &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
             if (INFO_TYPE(info) == INFO_FETCHME_TYPE || IS_BLACK_HOLE(info))
 	      size = ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0;
@@ -718,7 +1143,8 @@ P_ buffer;
 	    if (parent == NULL)
 	    else {
-		(void) get_closure_info(parent, &size, &pptrs, &nonptrs, &pvhs);
+		(void) get_closure_info(parent, &size, &pptrs, &nonptrs,
+		                        &pvhs, str);
 		pptr = 0;
@@ -726,7 +1152,107 @@ P_ buffer;
     fprintf(stderr, "--- End ---\n\n");
+#else  /* GRAN */
+P_ buffer;
+    extern char *info_hdr_type(P_ infoptr);  /* defined in */
+    extern char *info_type(P_ infoptr);      /* defined in */
+    char str1[80], str2[80], junk_str[80];
+    W_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
+    /* globalAddr ga; */
+    W_ bufsize, unpackedsize ;
+    P_ parent;
+    W_ pptr = 0, pptrs = 0, pvhs;
+    W_ unpacklocn = PACK_HDR_SIZE;
+    W_ gastart = unpacklocn;
+    W_ closurestart = unpacklocn;
+    P_ info, tso;
+    P_ closure;
+    int i;
+    InitClosureQueue();
+#    if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    if (buffer[PACK_FLAG_LOCN] != MAGIC_PACK_FLAG) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Packet @ 0x%lx hs no flag : 0x%lx\n",
+	      buffer, buffer[PACK_FLAG_LOCN]);
+    }
+#    endif
+    tso = (P_) buffer[PACK_TSO_LOCN];
+    /* Unpack the header */
+    unpackedsize = buffer[PACK_UNPACKED_SIZE_LOCN];
+    bufsize = buffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN];
+    fprintf(stderr, "Packed Packet %#lx, size %u (unpacked size is %u); demanded by TSO %#lx (%d)(PE %d)\n--- Begin ---\n", 
+	            buffer, bufsize, unpackedsize, tso, TSO_ID(tso), where_is(tso));
+    do {
+	closurestart = unpacklocn;
+	closure = (P_) buffer[unpacklocn++];
+	fprintf(stderr, "[%u]: (%#lx) ", closurestart, closure);
+	info = get_closure_info((P_) (closure), 
+				         &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs,str1);
+	strcpy(str2,info_type(info));
+	fprintf(stderr, "(%s|%s) ", str1, str2);
+        if (INFO_TYPE(info) == INFO_FETCHME_TYPE || IS_BLACK_HOLE(info))
+	  size = ptrs = nonptrs = vhs = 0;
+	if (IS_THUNK(info)) {
+		if (IS_UPDATABLE(info))
+		    fputs("SHARED ", stderr);
+		else
+		    fputs("UNSHARED ", stderr);
+	} 
+        if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(info)) {
+		fputs("BLACK HOLE\n", stderr);
+	} else {
+		/* Fixed header */
+		fprintf(stderr, "FH [%#lx", closure[0]);
+		for (i = 1; i < FIXED_HS; i++)
+		    fprintf(stderr, " %#lx", closure[i]);
+		/* Variable header */
+		if (vhs > 0) {
+		    fprintf(stderr, "] VH [%#lx", closure[FIXED_HS]);
+		    for (i = 1; i < vhs; i++)
+			fprintf(stderr, " %#lx", closure[FIXED_HS+i]);
+		}
+		fprintf(stderr, "] PTRS %u", ptrs);
+		/* Non-pointers */
+		if (nonptrs > 0) {
+		    fprintf(stderr, " NPTRS [%#lx", closure[FIXED_HS+vhs]);
+		    for (i = 1; i < nonptrs; i++)
+			fprintf(stderr, " %#lx", closure[FIXED_HS+vhs+i]);
+		    putc(']', stderr);
+		}
+		putc('\n', stderr);
+	}
+    } while (unpacklocn<bufsize) ;  /* (parent != NULL); */
+    fprintf(stderr, "--- End ---\n\n");
+#endif /* PAR */
+#endif /* DEBUG || GRAN_CHECK */
@@ -744,11 +1270,26 @@ type of closure -- see @SMInfoTables.lh@ for the legal info. types etc.
-get_closure_info(closure, size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs)
+get_closure_info(closure, size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs, type)
 P_ closure;
 W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
+char *type;
-    P_ ip = (P_) INFO_PTR(closure);
+   P_ ip = (P_) INFO_PTR(closure);
+   if (closure==NULL) {
+     fprintf(stderr, "Qagh {get_closure_info}Daq: NULL closure\n");
+     *size = *ptrs = *nonptrs = *vhs = 0; 
+     strcpy(type,"ERROR in get_closure_info");
+     return;
+   } else if (closure==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
+     /* fprintf(stderr, "Qagh {get_closure_info}Daq: Prelude_Z91Z93_closure closure\n"); */
+     *size = *ptrs = *nonptrs = *vhs = 0; 
+     strcpy(type,"Prelude_Z91Z93_closure");
+     return;
+   };
+    ip = (P_) INFO_PTR(closure);
     switch (INFO_TYPE(ip)) {
     case INFO_SPEC_U_TYPE:
@@ -758,6 +1299,7 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	*ptrs = SPEC_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
 	*nonptrs = SPEC_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
 	*vhs = 0 /*SPEC_VHS*/;
+	strcpy(type,"SPEC");
     case INFO_GEN_U_TYPE:
@@ -767,6 +1309,7 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	*ptrs = GEN_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
 	*nonptrs = GEN_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
 	*vhs = GEN_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"GEN");
     case INFO_DYN_TYPE:
@@ -774,6 +1317,7 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	*ptrs = DYN_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
 	*nonptrs = DYN_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
 	*vhs = DYN_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"DYN");
     case INFO_TUPLE_TYPE:
@@ -781,6 +1325,7 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	*ptrs = TUPLE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
 	*nonptrs = TUPLE_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
 	*vhs = TUPLE_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"TUPLE");
     case INFO_DATA_TYPE:
@@ -788,6 +1333,7 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	*ptrs = DATA_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
 	*nonptrs = DATA_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
 	*vhs = DATA_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"DATA");
@@ -796,6 +1342,7 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	*ptrs = MUTUPLE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
 	*nonptrs = MUTUPLE_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
 	*vhs = MUTUPLE_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"(IM)MUTUPLE");
@@ -803,6 +1350,7 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	*ptrs = STATIC_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
 	*nonptrs = STATIC_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
 	*vhs = STATIC_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"STATIC");
     case INFO_CAF_TYPE:
@@ -811,6 +1359,7 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	*ptrs = IND_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
 	*nonptrs = IND_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
 	*vhs = IND_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"CAF|IND");
     case INFO_CONST_TYPE:
@@ -818,6 +1367,7 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	*ptrs = CONST_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
 	*nonptrs = CONST_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
 	*vhs = CONST_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"CONST");
@@ -830,6 +1380,7 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	} else
 	    *ptrs -= 1;
 	*vhs = SPEC_RBH_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"SPEC_RBH");
     case INFO_GEN_RBH_TYPE:
@@ -842,6 +1393,7 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	} else
 	    *ptrs -= 1;
 	*vhs = GEN_RBH_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"GEN_RBH");
@@ -849,6 +1401,7 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	*ptrs = CHARLIKE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
 	*nonptrs = CHARLIKE_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
 	*vhs = CHARLIKE_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"CHARLIKE");
@@ -856,13 +1409,16 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 	*ptrs = INTLIKE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
 	*nonptrs = INTLIKE_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
 	*vhs = INTLIKE_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"INTLIKE");
+#  if !defined(GRAN)
 	*size = FETCHME_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
         *ptrs = FETCHME_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
         *nonptrs = FETCHME_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
         *vhs = FETCHME_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"FETCHME");
     case INFO_FMBQ_TYPE:
@@ -870,13 +1426,16 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
         *ptrs = FMBQ_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
         *nonptrs = FMBQ_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
         *vhs = FMBQ_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"FMBQ");
+#  endif
     case INFO_BQ_TYPE:
 	*size = BQ_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure);
         *ptrs = BQ_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
         *nonptrs = BQ_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
         *vhs = BQ_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"BQ");
     case INFO_BH_TYPE:
@@ -884,8 +1443,25 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
         *ptrs = BH_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure);
         *nonptrs = BH_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure);
         *vhs = BH_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"BH");
+    case INFO_TSO_TYPE:
+	*size = 0; /* TSO_CLOSURE_SIZE(closure); */
+        *ptrs = 0; /* TSO_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(closure); */
+        *nonptrs = 0; /* TSO_CLOSURE_NoNONPTRS(closure); */
+        *vhs = TSO_VHS;
+	strcpy(type,"TSO");
+	break;
+    case INFO_STKO_TYPE:
+        *size = 0;
+    	*ptrs = 0;
+        *nonptrs = 0;
+    	*vhs = STKO_VHS;
+    	strcpy(type,"STKO");
+        break;
 	fprintf(stderr, "get_closure_info:  Unexpected closure type (%lu), closure %lx\n",
 	  INFO_TYPE(ip), (W_) closure);
@@ -900,7 +1476,6 @@ W_ *size, *ptrs, *nonptrs, *vhs;
 is available, but it will not perform garbage collection.
 W_ size;
@@ -917,6 +1492,8 @@ W_ size;
     return newClosure;
+#if defined(PAR)
@@ -924,8 +1501,10 @@ doGlobalGC(STG_NO_ARGS)
   fishing = rtsFalse;
+#endif /* PAR */
-#endif /* PAR -- whole file */
+#endif /* PAR  || GRAN  -- whole file */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/gum/ b/ghc/runtime/gum/
index 956dd5097bf4..5b94bee31163 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/gum/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/gum/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
-#ifdef PAR /* whole file */
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN) /* whole file */
 #include "rtsdefs.h"
@@ -32,20 +32,21 @@ P_ closure;
     P_ infoPtr, newInfoPtr;
     W_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
     P_	rbh_save;
-    int isSpec;
+    rtsBool isSpec;
+    char str[80];
     if ((rbh_save = AllocateHeap(SPEC_HS + 2)) == NULL)
 	return NULL;
-    infoPtr = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs);
+    infoPtr = get_closure_info(closure, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
     ASSERT(size >= MIN_UPD_SIZE);
     switch (BASE_INFO_TYPE(infoPtr)) {
     case INFO_SPEC_TYPE:
-	isSpec = 1;
+	isSpec = rtsTrue;
     case INFO_GEN_TYPE:
-	isSpec = 0;
+	isSpec = rtsFalse;
 	fprintf(stderr, "Panic: turn %#lx (IP %#lx) into RBH\n", (W_)closure, (W_)infoPtr);
@@ -104,7 +105,18 @@ acquired a blocking queue.  If that has happened, we first have to
 awaken the blocking queue.  What a nuisance!  Fortunately,
 @AwakenBlockingQueue@ should now know what to do.
+A note on GrAnSim: In GrAnSim we don't have FetchMe closures. However, we
+have to turn a RBH back to its original form when the simulated transfer
+of the closure has been finished. Therefore we need the @convertFromRBH@
+routine below. After converting the RBH back to its original form and 
+awakening all TSOs, the first TSO will reenter the closure which is now
+local and carry on merrily reducing it (the other TSO will be less merrily 
+blocked on the now local closure; we're costing the difference between
+local and global blocks in the BQ code).
+#if defined(PAR)
@@ -152,6 +164,113 @@ globalAddr *ga;
     if (IS_MUTABLE(INFO_PTR(bqe)))
+#else  /* GRAN */
+/* Prototype */
+void UnlinkFromMUT(P_ closure); 
+convertFromRBH(closure)  /* The corresponding function in GUM is: */  
+                         /* convertToFetchMe */
+P_ closure;
+    P_ ip = (P_) INFO_PTR(closure);
+    P_ bqe, rbh_save = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+    int isSpec;
+#if defined(GCap) || defined(GCgn)    
+    rtsBool linked = IS_MUTABLE(ip) && MUT_LINK(closure) != MUT_NOT_LINKED;
+    P_ oldLink = MUT_LINK(closure);
+    switch(INFO_TYPE(ip)) {
+	bqe = (P_) SPEC_RBH_BQ(closure);
+	isSpec = 1;
+	break;
+    case INFO_GEN_RBH_TYPE:
+	bqe = (P_) GEN_RBH_BQ(closure);
+	isSpec = 0;
+	break;
+    default:
+#if 1
+	fprintf(stderr, "Weird...just tried to convert %#lx (IP %#lx) to FetchMe\n",
+	  closure, ip);
+	return;
+    }
+#  if defined(GCap) || defined(GCgn)
+    /* If the RBH is turned back to a SPEC or GEN closure we have to take 
+       it off  the mutables list */
+    if (linked) {
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100) {
+            fprintf(stderr,"\n**>>>> Unlinking closure %#lx from mutables list on PE %d @ %ld (next mutable=%#lx)\n",
+                           closure,
+                           where_is(closure), CurrentTime[where_is(closure)],
+                           MUT_LINK(closure));
+            GN(closure);
+          }
+#  endif
+      UnlinkFromMUT(closure);
+    }
+#  endif
+    /* FETCHME_GA(closure) = ga; */
+    if (IS_MUTABLE(INFO_PTR(bqe))) {
+      PROC old_proc = CurrentProc,        /* NB: For AwakenBlockingQueue, */
+           new_proc = where_is(closure);  /*     CurentProc must be where */
+					  /*     closure lives. */
+      CurrentProc = new_proc;
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100)
+        fprintf(stderr,"===== AwBQ of node 0x%lx (%s) [PE %2u]\n",
+	               closure, (isSpec ? "SPEC_RBH" : "GEN_RBH"), new_proc);
+#  endif
+      rbh_save = AwakenBlockingQueue(bqe);     /* AwakenBlockingQueue(bqe); */
+      CurrentProc = old_proc;
+    } else {
+        rbh_save = bqe;
+    }
+    /* Put data from special RBH save closures back into the closure */
+    if ( rbh_save == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure ) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"convertFromRBH: No RBH_Save_? closure found at end of BQ!\n");
+    } else {
+      closure[isSpec ? SPEC_HS : GEN_HS] = rbh_save[SPEC_HS];
+      closure[(isSpec ? SPEC_HS : GEN_HS) + 1] = rbh_save[SPEC_HS + 1];
+    }
+    /* Put back old info pointer (only in GrAnSim) -- HWL */
+    SET_INFO_PTR(closure, REVERT_INFOPTR(INFO_PTR(closure)));
+/* Remove closure from the mutables list */
+UnlinkFromMUT(P_ closure) 
+  P_ curr = StorageMgrInfo.OldMutables, prev = NULL;
+  while (curr != NULL && curr != closure) {
+    prev=curr;
+    curr=MUT_LINK(curr); 
+  }
+  if (curr==closure) {   
+   if (prev==NULL) 
+     StorageMgrInfo.OldMutables = MUT_LINK(curr);
+   else   
+     MUT_LINK(prev) = MUT_LINK(curr);
+  }
+#endif /* PAR */
 #endif /* PAR -- whole file */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/gum/ b/ghc/runtime/gum/
index 50a6cd211a83..bfe2e7d2e552 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/gum/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/gum/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 %  (c) The Parade/AQUA Projects, Glasgow University, 1994-1995.
 %      P. Trinder, November 30th. 1994.
 The Sysman task currently controls initiation, termination, of a
@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
 	    argv++; argc--;
 	sysman_id = pvm_mytid();/* This must be the first PVM call */
@@ -166,8 +167,8 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
 	Now create the PE Tasks. We spawn (nPEs-1) pvm threads: the Main Thread 
 	(which starts execution and performs IO) is created by forking SysMan 
+	nPEs--;
 	if (nPEs > 0) {
-	    nPEs--;
 	    /* Initialise the PE task arguments from Sysman's arguments */
 	    pargv = argv + 2;
 #if 0
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/gum/ b/ghc/runtime/gum/
index 52b4cad8d21c..f6877df53942 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/gum/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/gum/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 % (c) Parade/AQUA Projects, Glasgow University, 1995
 %     Kevin Hammond, February 15th. 1995
-%     This is for GUM only.
+%     This is for GUM and GrAnSim.
 %*                                                                      *
@@ -13,10 +13,14 @@
 This module defines routines for unpacking closures in the parallel runtime
 system (GUM).
-#ifdef PAR /* whole file */
+In the case of GrAnSim, this module defines routines for *simulating* the 
+unpacking of closures as it is done in the parallel runtime system.
 #include "rtsdefs.h"
+#if defined(PAR) 
@@ -52,7 +56,7 @@ CommonUp(P_ src, P_ dst)
 	bqe = (P_) GEN_RBH_BQ(src);
-	bqe = Nil_closure;
+	bqe = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
     case INFO_FMBQ_TYPE:
 	bqe = (P_) FMBQ_ENTRIES(src);
@@ -99,6 +103,7 @@ W_ *nGAs;
     W_ bufsize;
     P_ graphroot, graph, parent;
     W_ pptr = 0, pptrs = 0, pvhs;
+    char str[80];
     int i;
     globalAddr *gaga;
@@ -158,7 +163,7 @@ W_ *nGAs;
 	   * same way as they will be in the least up through the
 	   * end of the variable header.
-	  ip = get_closure_info(bufptr, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs);
+	  ip = get_closure_info(bufptr, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
 	  /* Fill in the fixed header */
 	  for (i = 0; i < FIXED_HS; i++)
@@ -268,7 +273,8 @@ W_ *nGAs;
 	    if (parent == NULL)
 	    else {
-		(void) get_closure_info(parent, &size, &pptrs, &nonptrs, &pvhs);
+		(void) get_closure_info(parent, &size, &pptrs, &nonptrs,
+					&pvhs, str);
 		pptr = 0;
@@ -282,8 +288,104 @@ W_ *nGAs;
     /* ToDo: are we *certain* graphroot has been set??? WDP 95/07 */
     return (graphroot);
+#endif  /* PAR */
+For GrAnSim:
+In general no actual unpacking should be necessary. We just have to walk
+over the graph and set the bitmasks appropriately. -- HWL
-#endif /* PAR -- whole file */
+#if defined(GRAN)
+/* This code fakes the unpacking of a somewhat virtual buffer */
+P_ buffer;
+    W_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
+    P_ bufptr, closurestart;
+    P_ slotptr;
+    P_ closure, existing;
+    P_ ip, oldip;
+    W_ bufsize, unpackedsize;
+    P_ graphroot, graph, parent;
+    W_ pptr = 0, pptrs = 0, pvhs;
+    char str[80];
+    int i;
+    P_ tso;
+    bufptr = buffer + PACK_HDR_SIZE;
+    graphroot = *bufptr;
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)  /* Just for testing */
+    if (buffer[PACK_FLAG_LOCN] != MAGIC_PACK_FLAG) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: no magic flag at start of packet @ 0x%lx\n", 
+                      buffer);
+   }
+#  endif
+    tso = buffer[PACK_TSO_LOCN];
+    /* Unpack the header */
+    unpackedsize = buffer[PACK_UNPACKED_SIZE_LOCN];
+    bufsize = buffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN];
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) 
+	fprintf(stderr,"\nUnpacking buffer @ 0x%x (root @ 0x%x, PE %d,size
+= %d), demanded by TSO 0x%x (%d)(PE %d)\n",
+		buffer,graphroot,where_is(graphroot), bufsize, tso, TSO_ID(tso), where_is(tso));
+#  endif
+    do {
+        closurestart = bufptr; 
+	closure = *bufptr++;       /* that's all we need for GrAnSim -- HWL */
+	/* Actually only ip is needed; rest is useful for TESTING -- HWL */
+	ip = get_closure_info(closure, 
+			      &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
+        if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 )
+	    fprintf(stderr,"(0x%x): Bitmask changed [%s]: 0x%x ",
+		    closure, (IS_NF(INFO_PTR(closure)) ? "NF" : "__"),
+	            PROCS(closure));
+#  endif
+        if ( (INFO_TYPE(ip) == INFO_SPEC_RBH_TYPE) ||
+	     (INFO_TYPE(ip) == INFO_GEN_RBH_TYPE) ) {
+	    PROCS(closure) = PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc);          /* Move node */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
+	    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) {
+		fprintf(stderr," ---> 0x%x\n", PROCS(closure));
+		fprintf(stderr,"< Converting RBH @ 0x%x into an updatable
+closure again\n",
+		      closure);
+	    }
+#  endif
+	    convertFromRBH(closure);  /* In GUM that's done by convertToFetchMe */
+	} else if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(ip)) {
+	    PROCS(closure) |= PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc);         /* Copy node */
+        } else if ( (PROCS(closure) & PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc)) == 0 ) {
+	  if (IS_NF(ip))                            /* Old: || IS_BQ(node) */
+	    PROCS(closure) |= PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc);         /* Copy node */
+	  else
+	    PROCS(closure) = PE_NUMBER(CurrentProc);          /* Move node */
+	}
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
+        if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 )
+	  fprintf(stderr," ---> 0x%x\n",   PROCS(closure));
+#  endif
+    } while (bufptr<(buffer+bufsize)) ;   /*  (parent != NULL);  */
+    /* In GrAnSim we allocate pack buffers dynamically! -- HWL */
+    free(buffer);
+    return (graphroot);
+#endif  /* GRAN */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/hooks/ b/ghc/runtime/hooks/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..029784de3d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/runtime/hooks/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
+initEachPEHook (void)
+{ /* in a GUM setup this is called on each
+     PE immediately before SynchroniseSystem
+     it can be used to read in static data 
+     to each PE which has to be available to
+     each PE
+     This version is the one specialised 
+     for Lolita, calling the LoadAllData stuff.
+     The default version probably should do 
+     nothing -- HWL
+  */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/hooks/ b/ghc/runtime/hooks/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3ac6011aeee3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/runtime/hooks/
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#ifdef CONCURRENT /* the whole thing! */
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
+NoRunnableThreadsHook ()
+    fprintf(stderr, "No runnable threads!\n");
+#endif /* CONCURRENT */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..55b4cb874836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1996
+\subsection[]{Server wait for client to connect}
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
+#include "stgio.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+acceptSocket(I_ sockfd, A_ peer, A_ addrlen)
+    StgInt fd;
+    while ((fd = accept((int)sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)peer, (int *)addrlen)) < 0) {
+      if (errno != EINTR) {
+	  cvtErrno();
+	  switch (ghc_errno) {
+	  default:
+	      stdErrno();
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EBADF:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Not a valid descriptor";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EFAULT:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Address not in writeable part of user address space";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOTSOCK:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Descriptor not a socket";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Socket not of type that supports listen";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_OTHERERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "No sockets are present to be accepted";
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    return fd;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a8eab7e3bfd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
+\subsection[]{Assign name to unnamed socket}
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
+#include "stgio.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+bindSocket(I_ sockfd, A_ myaddr, I_ addrlen, I_ isUnixDomain)
+    int rc;
+    while ((rc = bind((int)sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)myaddr, (int)addrlen)) < 0) {
+      if (errno != EINTR) {
+	  cvtErrno();
+	  switch (ghc_errno) {
+	  default:
+	      stdErrno();
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EACCES:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED;
+	      if (isUnixDomain != 0)
+	         ghc_errstr = "For a component of path prefix of path name";
+	      else
+	         ghc_errstr  = "Requested address protected, cannot bind socket";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EISCONN:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_RESOURCEBUSY;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Address already in use";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Address not available from local machine";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EBADF:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Not a valid socket file descriptor";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EFAULT:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Address not in valid part of user address space";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EINVAL:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_SYSTEMERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Specified size of structure not equal valid address for family";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOTSOCK:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INAPPROPRIATETYPE;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Descriptor for file, not a socket";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EIO:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_SYSTEMERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Could not make directory entry or alloc inode";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EISDIR:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "A null path name was given";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ELOOP:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_SYSTEMERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Too many symbolic links encountered";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Max length of path name exceeded";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOENT:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Component in path prefix does not exist";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOTDIR:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Component in path prefix is not a directory";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EROFS:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "The inode would reside on read only file system";
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0af37c1c4c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
+\subsection[]{Assign name to client socket}
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
+#include "stgio.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+connectSocket(I_ sockfd, A_ servaddr, I_ addrlen, I_ isUnixDomain)
+    int rc;
+    while ((rc = connect((int)sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)servaddr, (int)addrlen)) < 0) {
+      if (errno != EINTR) {
+	  cvtErrno();
+	  switch (ghc_errno) {
+	  default:
+	      stdErrno();
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EACCES:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED;
+	      if (isUnixDomain != 0)
+	         ghc_errstr = "For a component of path prefix of path name";
+	      else
+	         ghc_errstr  = "Requested address protected, cannot bind socket";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EISCONN:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_RESOURCEBUSY;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Address already in use";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Address not available from local machine";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Address cannot be used with socket";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EALREADY:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_RESOURCEBUSY;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Non-blocking socket, previous connection attempt not completed";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EBADF:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Not a valid socket file descriptor";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Connection rejected";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EFAULT:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Address not in valid part of process address space";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EINVAL:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_SYSTEMERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Specified size of structure not equal valid address for family";
+	      break;
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Network not reachable from host";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOTSOCK:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INAPPROPRIATETYPE;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Descriptor for file, not a socket";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_TIMEEXPIRED;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Connection attempt timed out";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EIO:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_SYSTEMERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Could not make directory entry or alloc inode";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EISDIR:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "A null path name was given";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ELOOP:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_SYSTEMERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Too many symbolic links encountered";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Max length of path name exceeded";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOENT:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Component in path prefix does not exist";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOTDIR:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Component in path prefix is not a directory";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "File referred to is a socket of differing type";
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7529ccfe59db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
+\subsection[]{Create a socket file descriptor}
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
+#include "stgio.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+createSocket(I_ family, I_ type, I_ protocol)
+    int fd;
+    if ((fd = socket((int)family, (int)type, (int)protocol)) < 0) {
+      if (errno != EINTR) {
+	  cvtErrno();
+	  switch (ghc_errno) {
+	  default:
+	      stdErrno();
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EACCES:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_PERMISSIONDENIED;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "cannot create socket";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EMFILE:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_RESOURCEEXHAUSTED;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Too many open files";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENFILE:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_RESOURCEEXHAUSTED;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "System file table overflow";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_UNSUPPORTEDOPERATION;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Protocol type not supported";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INAPPROPRIATETYPE;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Protocol wrong type for socket";
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  return (StgInt)-1;
+      }
+    }
+    return (StgInt)fd;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
index f68b0ef8f180..ba4c06ac995e 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/io/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -88,9 +88,12 @@ copyenv()
     return 0;
-/* Set or replace an environment variable */
+/* Set or replace an environment variable 
+ * simonm 14/2/96 - this is different to the standard C library 
+ * implementation and the prototypes clash, so I'm calling it _setenv.
+ */
 char *mapping;
     int i, keylen;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
index 456d2a3b269e..51235c3175ca 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/io/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 #include "rtsdefs.h"
 #include "stgio.h"
 #include "libposix.h"
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
index 0a5d1a5c7f60..729a101ed9bc 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/io/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
 \subsection[]{getCPUTime Runtime Support}
+#define NON_POSIX_SOURCE /*needed for solaris2 only?*/
+/* how is this to work given we have not read platform.h yet? */
 #ifdef hpux_TARGET_OS
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..458e596fe25d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1996
+\subsection[]{Return name of peer process}
+Returns name of peer process connected to a socket.
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
+#include "stgio.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+getPeerName(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *peer, int *namelen)
+    StgInt name;
+    while ((name = getpeername(sockfd, peer, namelen)) < 0) {
+      if (errno != EINTR) {
+	  cvtErrno();
+	  switch (ghc_errno) {
+	  default:
+	      stdErrno();
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EBADF:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Not a valid write descriptor";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EFAULT:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Data not in writeable part of user address space";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOBUFS:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_RESOURCEEXHAUSTED;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Insuffcient resources";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOTCONN:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Socket not connected";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOTSOCK:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Descriptor is not a socket";
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    return name;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..806b08c0b647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1996
+\subsection[]{Return name of process assoc with socket}
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
+#include "stgio.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+getSockName(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *peer, int *namelen)
+    StgInt name;
+    while ((name = getsockname(sockfd, peer, namelen)) < 0) {
+      if (errno != EINTR) {
+	  cvtErrno();
+	  switch (ghc_errno) {
+	  default:
+	      stdErrno();
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EBADF:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Not a valid write descriptor";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EFAULT:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Data not in writeable part of user address space";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOBUFS:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_RESOURCEEXHAUSTED;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Insuffcient resources";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOTSOCK:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Descriptor is not a socket";
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    return name;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d9260cfc39a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1996
+\subsection[]{Indicate willingness to receive connections}
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
+#include "stgio.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+listenSocket(int sockfd, int backlog)
+    int rc;
+    while ((rc = listen(sockfd, backlog)) < 0) {
+      if (errno != EINTR) {
+	  cvtErrno();
+	  switch (ghc_errno) {
+	  default:
+	      stdErrno();
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EBADF:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Not a valid descriptor";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOTSOCK:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Descriptor not a socket";
+	      break;
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Socket not of type that supports listen";
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..59eec97122b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1996
+\subsection[]{Suck some bytes from a descriptor}
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
+#include "stgio.h"
+readDescriptor(int fd, char *buf, int nbytes)
+    StgInt sucked;
+    while ((sucked = read(fd, buf, nbytes)) < 0) {
+      if (errno != EINTR) {
+	  cvtErrno();
+	  switch (ghc_errno) {
+	  default:
+	      stdErrno();
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EBADF:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Not a valid write descriptor";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EBADMSG:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_SYSTEMERROR;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Message waiting to be read is not a data message";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EFAULT:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Data buffer not in writeable part of user address space";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EINVAL:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Seek pointer associated with descriptor negative";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EIO:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_SYSTEMERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "I/O error occurred while writing to file system";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EISDIR:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INAPPROPRIATETYPE;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Descriptor refers to a directory";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EAGAIN:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_OTHERERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "No data could be written immediately";
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    return sucked;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..96edb9f5fdc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1996
+\subsection[]{Shut down part of full duplex connection}
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
+#include "stgio.h"
+shutdownSocket(int sockfd, int how)
+    StgInt rc;
+    while ((rc = shutdown(sockfd, how)) < 0) {
+      if (errno != EINTR) {
+	  cvtErrno();
+	  switch (ghc_errno) {
+	  default:
+	      stdErrno();
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EBADF:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Not a valid write descriptor";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOTCONN:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Socket not connected";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOTSOCK:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Descriptor is not a socket";
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    return rc;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/io/ b/ghc/runtime/io/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..acab07eda29e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/runtime/io/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1996
+\subsection[]{Stuff bytes down a descriptor}
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
+#include "stgio.h"
+writeDescriptor(int fd, char *buf, int nbytes)
+    StgInt dumped;
+    while ((dumped = write(fd, buf, nbytes)) < 0) {
+      if (errno != EINTR) {
+	  cvtErrno();
+	  switch (ghc_errno) {
+	  default:
+	      stdErrno();
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EBADF:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Not a valid write descriptor";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EDQUOT:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_RESOURCEEXHAUSTED;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Disk quota exhausted";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EFAULT:
+       	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+              ghc_errstr  = "Data not in writeable part of user address space";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EFBIG:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_RESOURCEEXHAUSTED;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Maximum process or system file size exceeded";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EINVAL:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Seek pointer associated with descriptor negative";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EIO:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_SYSTEMERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "I/O error occurred while writing to file system";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENOSPC:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_RESOURCEEXHAUSTED;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "No space left on device";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ENXIO:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_SYSTEMERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Hangup occurred";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EPIPE:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_SYSTEMERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Write to not read pipe/unconnected socket caught";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_ERANGE:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_INVALIDARGUMENT;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "Too much or too little written to descriptor";
+	      break;
+	  case GHC_EAGAIN:
+	      ghc_errtype = ERR_OTHERERROR;
+	      ghc_errstr  = "No data could be written immediately";
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  return -1;
+      }
+    }
+    return dumped;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/ b/ghc/runtime/main/
index f4650c4a8047..34828be99915 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995 - 1996
+%     Hans Wolfgang Loidl
+% Time-stamp: <Wed Jun 19 1996 16:38:25 Stardate: [-31]7683.25 hwloidl>
 %*                                                                      *
@@ -19,45 +22,232 @@ which should be <= the length of a word in bits.  -- HWL
 #define NON_POSIX_SOURCE    /* gettimeofday */
-#include "rtsdefs.h"
+#include "rtsdefs.h" 
+/* qaStaH nuq Sovpu' ngoqvam ghItlhpu'bogh nuv 'e' vItul */
+#  if defined(HAVE_GETCLOCK)
+#    if defined(HAVE_SYS_TIMERS_H)
+#    define POSIX_4D9 1
+#    include <sys/timers.h>
+#    endif
+#  else
+#    if defined(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY)
+#      if defined(HAVE_SYS_TIME_H)
+#      include <sys/time.h>
+#      endif
+#    else
+#      ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
+#      include <time.h>
+#      endif
+#    endif
+#  endif
+%*                                                              *
+\subsection[GranSim-data-types]{Basic data types and set-up variables for GranSim}
+%*                                                              *
-#define POSIX_4D9 1
-#include <sys/timers.h>
+/* See GranSim.lh for the definition of the enum gran_event_types */
+char *gran_event_names[] = {
+    "START", "START(Q)",
+    "END",
+    "ALLOC",
+    "SYSTEM_START", "SYSTEM_END",           /* only for debugging */
+    "??"
-#include <sys/time.h>
+#if defined(GRAN)
+char *proc_status_names[] = {
+  "Idle", "Sparking", "Starting", "Fetching", "Fishing", "Busy", 
+  "UnknownProcStatus"
+#define RAND_MAX  0x7fffffff    /* 2^31-1 = 0x80000000 - 1 (see lrand48(3)  */
-#ifdef HAVE_TIME_H
-#include <time.h>
+unsigned CurrentProc = 0;
+rtsBool IgnoreEvents = rtsFalse; /* HACK only for testing */
+#endif  /* GRAN */
-void grputw PROTO((TIME v));
+The following variables control the behaviour of GrAnSim. In general, there
+is one RTS option for enabling each of these features. In getting the
+desired setup of GranSim the following questions have to be answered:
+\item {\em Which scheduling algorithm} to use (@RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule@)? 
+      Currently only unfair scheduling is supported.
+\item What to do when remote data is fetched (@RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch@)? 
+      Either block and wait for the
+      data or reschedule and do some other work.
+      Thus, if this variable is true, asynchronous communication is
+      modelled. Block on fetch mainly makes sense for incremental fetching.
+      There is also a simplified fetch variant available
+      (@RTSflags.GranFlags.SimplifiedFetch@). This variant does not use events to model
+      communication. It is faster but the results will be less accurate.
+\item How aggressive to be in getting work after a reschedule on fetch
+      (@RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy@)?
+      This is determined by the so-called {\em fetching
+      strategy\/}. Currently, there are four possibilities:
+      \begin{enumerate}
+       \item Only run a runnable thread.
+       \item Turn a spark into a thread, if necessary.
+       \item Steal a remote spark, if necessary.
+       \item Steal a runnable thread from another processor, if necessary.
+      \end{itemize}
+      The variable @RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy@ determines how far to go in this list
+      when rescheduling on a fetch.
+\item Should sparks or threads be stolen first when looking for work
+      (@RTSflags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst@)? 
+      The default is to steal sparks first (much cheaper).
+\item Should the RTS use a lazy thread creation scheme
+      (@RTSflags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads@)?  By default yes i.e.\ sparks are only
+      turned into threads when work is needed. Also note, that sparks
+      can be discarded by the RTS (this is done in the case of an overflow
+      of the spark pool). Setting @RTSflags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads@  to @True@ forces
+      the creation of threads at the next possibility (i.e.\ when new work
+      is demanded the next time).
+\item Should data be fetched closure-by-closure or in packets
+      (@RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching@)? The default strategy is a GRIP-like incremental 
+      (i.e.\ closure-by-closure) strategy. This makes sense in a
+      low-latency setting but is bad in a high-latency system. Setting 
+      @RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching@ to @True@ enables bulk (packet) fetching. Other
+      parameters determine the size of the packets (@pack_buffer_size@) and the number of
+      thunks that should be put into one packet (@RTSflags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack@).
+\item If there is no other possibility to find work, should runnable threads
+      be moved to an idle processor (@RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration@)? In any case, the
+      RTS tried to get sparks (either local or remote ones) first. Thread
+      migration is very expensive, since a whole TSO has to be transferred
+      and probably data locality becomes worse in the process. Note, that
+      the closure, which will be evaluated next by that TSO is not
+      transferred together with the TSO (that might block another thread).
+\item Should the RTS distinguish between sparks created by local nodes and
+      stolen sparks (@RTSflags.GranFlags.PreferSparksOfLocalNodes@)?  The idea is to improve 
+      data locality by preferring sparks of local nodes (it is more likely
+      that the data for those sparks is already on the local processor). 
+      However, such a distinction also imposes an overhead on the spark
+      queue management, and typically a large number of sparks are
+      generated during execution. By default this variable is set to @False@.
+\item Should the RTS use granularity control mechanisms? The idea of a 
+      granularity control mechanism is to make use of granularity
+      information provided via annotation of the @par@ construct in order
+      to prefer bigger threads when either turning a spark into a thread or
+      when choosing the next thread to schedule. Currently, three such
+      mechanisms are implemented:
+      \begin{itemize}
+        \item Cut-off: The granularity information is interpreted as a
+              priority. If a threshold priority is given to the RTS, then
+              only those sparks with a higher priority than the threshold 
+              are actually created. Other sparks are immediately discarded.
+              This is similar to a usual cut-off mechanism often used in 
+              parallel programs, where parallelism is only created if the 
+              input data is lage enough. With this option, the choice is 
+              hidden in the RTS and only the threshold value has to be 
+              provided as a parameter to the runtime system.
+        \item Priority Sparking: This mechanism keeps priorities for sparks
+              and chooses the spark with the highest priority when turning
+              a spark into a thread. After that the priority information is
+              discarded. The overhead of this mechanism comes from
+              maintaining a sorted spark queue.
+        \item Priority Scheduling: This mechanism keeps the granularity
+              information for threads, to. Thus, on each reschedule the 
+              largest thread is chosen. This mechanism has a higher
+              overhead, as the thread queue is sorted, too.
+       \end{itemize}  
 #if defined(GRAN)
-/* Pointer to the event queue; events are currently malloc'ed */
-static eventq EventHd = NULL;
+/* Do we need to reschedule following a fetch? */
+rtsBool NeedToReSchedule = rtsFalse; 
+TIME TimeOfNextEvent, EndOfTimeSlice;   /* checked from the threaded world! */
+/* I_ avoidedCS=0; */ /* Unused!! ToDo: Remake libraries and nuke this var */
+/* For internal use (event statistics) only */
+char *event_names[] =
+    };
+# if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
+I_ noOfEvents = 0;
+I_ event_counts[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+I_ fetch_misses = 0;
+I_ tot_low_pri_sparks = 0;
+I_ rs_sp_count=0, rs_t_count=0, ntimes_total=0, fl_total=0, no_of_steals=0;
+/* Variables for gathering packet and queue statistics */
+I_ tot_packets = 0, tot_packet_size = 0, tot_cuts = 0, tot_thunks = 0;
+I_ tot_sq_len = 0, tot_sq_probes = 0,  tot_sparks = 0, withered_sparks = 0;
+I_ tot_add_threads = 0, tot_tq_len = 0, non_end_add_threads = 0;
+#  endif 
+#  if defined(GRAN_COUNT)
+/* Count the number of updates that are done. Mainly for testing, but 
+   could be useful for other purposes, too. */
+I_ nUPDs = 0, nUPDs_old = 0, nUPDs_new = 0, nUPDs_BQ = 0, nPAPs = 0,
+   BQ_lens = 0;
+#  endif
+/* Prototypes */
+I_ HandleFetchRequest(P_, PROC, P_);
+/* void HandleFetchRequest(P_, PROC, P_);  changed for GUMMFeching */
+static I_ blockFetch(P_ tso, PROC proc, P_ bh);
+#endif  /* GRAN */
+%*                                                              *
+\subsection[global-address-op]{Global Address Operations}
+%*                                                              *
+These functions perform operations on the global-address (ga) part
+of a closure. The ga is the only new field (1 word) in a closure introduced
+by GrAnSim. It serves as a bitmask, indicating on which processor 
+the closure is residing. Since threads are described by Thread State
+Object (TSO), which is nothing but another kind of closure, this
+scheme allows gives placement information about threads.
+A ga is just a bitmask, so the operations on them are mainly bitmask
+manipulating functions. Note, that there are important macros like PROCS, 
+IS_LOCAL_TO etc. They are defined in @GrAnSim.lh@.
+NOTE: In GrAnSim-light we don't maintain placement information. This
+allows to simulate an arbitrary number  of processors. The price we have 
+to be is the lack of costing any communication properly. In short, 
+GrAnSim-light is meant to reveal the maximal parallelism in a program.
+From an implementation point of view the important thing is: 
+{\em GrAnSim-light does not maintain global-addresses}.
+#if defined(GRAN)
+/* ga_to_proc returns the first processor marked in the bitmask ga.
+   Normally only one bit in ga should be set. But for PLCs all bits
+   are set. That shouldn't hurt since we only need IS_LOCAL_TO for PLCs */
 ga_to_proc(W_ ga)
     PROC i;
     for (i = 0; i < MAX_PROC && !IS_LOCAL_TO(ga, i); i++);
     return (i);
@@ -66,61 +256,155 @@ PROC
 where_is(P_ node)
 { return (ga_to_proc(PROCS(node))); }   /* Access the GA field of the node */
-#if 0
-no_of_copies(W_ ga)	/* DaH lo'lu'Qo'; currently unused */
-    PROC i, n;
-    for (i = 0, n = 0; i < MAX_PROC; i++)
-	if (IS_LOCAL_TO(ga, i))
-	    n++;;
+any_idle() {
+ I_ i; 
+ rtsBool any_idle; 
+ for(i=0, any_idle=rtsFalse; 
+     !any_idle && i<RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; 
+     any_idle = any_idle || IS_IDLE(i), i++) 
+ {} ;
-    return (n);
+idlers() {
+ I_ i, j; 
+ for(i=0, j=0;
+     i<RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; 
+     j += IS_IDLE(i)?1:0, i++) 
+ {} ;
+ return j;
+#endif  /* GRAN */
+%*                                                              *
+\subsection[event-queue]{The Global Event Queue}
+%*                                                              *
+The following routines implement an ADT of an event-queue (FIFO). 
+ToDo: Put that in an own file(?)
+#if defined(GRAN)
+/* Pointer to the global event queue; events are currently malloc'ed */
+eventq EventHd = NULL;
   static eventq entry = NULL;
   if(EventHd == NULL)
       fprintf(stderr,"No next event\n");
-      exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* why not EXIT??? WDP 95/07 */
   if(entry != NULL)
     free((char *)entry);
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-  if (debug & 0x20) {     /* count events */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x20) {     /* count events */
-    event_counts[(EVENT_TYPE(EventHd)>=CONTINUETHREAD1) ? 
-		   EVENT_TYPE(EventHd)]++;
+    event_counts[EVENT_TYPE(EventHd)]++;
+#  endif       
   entry = EventHd;
   EventHd = EVENT_NEXT(EventHd);
-/* ToDo: replace malloc/free with a free list */
+/* When getting the time of the next event we ignore CONTINUETHREAD events:
+   we don't want to be interrupted before the end of the current time slice
+   unless there is something important to handle. 
+  eventq event = EventHd;
+  while (event != NULL && EVENT_TYPE(event)==CONTINUETHREAD) {
+    event = EVENT_NEXT(event);
+  }
+  if(event == NULL)
+      return ((TIME) 0);
+  else
+      return (EVENT_TIME(event));
-/* NB: newevent unused (WDP 95/07) */
+/* ToDo: replace malloc/free with a free list */
-  PROC proc, creator;
-  TIME time;
-  EVTTYPE evttype;
-  P_ tso, node;
-  sparkq spark;
+eventq newentry;
+  EVTTYPE evttype = EVENT_TYPE(newentry);
+  eventq event, *prev;
+  /* if(evttype >= CONTINUETHREAD1) evttype = CONTINUETHREAD; */
+  /* Search the queue and insert at the right point:
+     FINDWORK before everything, CONTINUETHREAD after everything.
+     This ensures that we find any available work after all threads have
+     executed the current cycle.  This level of detail would normally be
+     irrelevant, but matters for ridiculously low latencies...
+  */
+  /* Changed the ordering: Now FINDWORK comes after everything but 
+     CONTINUETHREAD. This makes sure that a MOVESPARK comes before a 
+     FINDWORK. This is important when a GranSimSparkAt happens and
+     DoAlwaysCreateThreads is turned on. Also important if a GC occurs
+     when trying to build a new thread (see much_spark)  -- HWL 02/96  */
+  if(EventHd == NULL)
+    EventHd = newentry;
+  else {
+    for (event = EventHd, prev=&EventHd; 
+	 event != NULL; 
+         prev = &(EVENT_NEXT(event)), event = EVENT_NEXT(event)) {
+      switch (evttype) {
+        case FINDWORK: if ( EVENT_TIME(event) < EVENT_TIME(newentry) ||
+                            ( (EVENT_TIME(event) ==  EVENT_TIME(newentry)) &&
+			      (EVENT_TYPE(event) != CONTINUETHREAD) ) )
+                         continue;
+                       else
+                         break;
+        case CONTINUETHREAD: if ( EVENT_TIME(event) <= EVENT_TIME(newentry) )
+			       continue;
+			     else
+                               break;
+        default: if ( EVENT_TIME(event) < EVENT_TIME(newentry) || 
+	              ((EVENT_TIME(event) == EVENT_TIME(newentry)) &&
+		       (EVENT_TYPE(event) == EVENT_TYPE(newentry))) )
+		   continue;
+		 else
+                   break;
+       }
+       /* Insert newentry here (i.e. before event) */
+       *prev = newentry;
+       EVENT_NEXT(newentry) = event;
+       break;
+    }
+    if (event == NULL)
+      *prev = newentry;
+  }
+PROC proc, creator;
+TIME time;
+EVTTYPE evttype;
+P_ tso, node;
+sparkq spark;
-  eventq newentry = (eventq) stgMallocBytes(sizeof(struct event), "newevent");
+  eventq newentry = (eventq) stgMallocBytes(sizeof(struct event), "new_event");
   EVENT_PROC(newentry) = proc;
   EVENT_CREATOR(newentry) = creator;
@@ -129,36 +413,457 @@ newevent(proc,creator,time,evttype,tso,node,spark)
   EVENT_TSO(newentry) =  tso;
   EVENT_NODE(newentry) =  node;
   EVENT_SPARK(newentry) =  spark;
+  EVENT_GC_INFO(newentry) =  0;
   EVENT_NEXT(newentry) = NULL;
-#endif /* GRAN ; HWL */ 
+prepend_event(eventq event)       /* put event at beginning of EventQueue */
+{				  /* only used for GC! */
+ EVENT_NEXT(event) = EventHd;
+ EventHd = event;
+grab_event()             /* undo prepend_event i.e. get the event */
+{			 /* at the head of EventQ but don't free anything */
+ eventq event = EventHd;
+ if(EventHd == NULL) {
+   fprintf(stderr,"No next event (in grab_event)\n");
+ }
+ EventHd = EVENT_NEXT(EventHd);
+ return (event);
+eventq event;
+  char str_tso[16], str_node[16];
+  sprintf(str_tso,((EVENT_TSO(event)==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) ? "______" : "%#6lx"), 
+                  EVENT_TSO(event));
+  sprintf(str_node,((EVENT_NODE(event)==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) ? "______" : "%#6lx"), 
+                    EVENT_NODE(event));
+  if (event==NULL)
+    fprintf(stderr,"Evt: NIL\n");
+  else
+    fprintf(stderr,"Evt: %s (%u), PE %u [%u], Time %lu, TSO %s (%x), node %s\n",
+              event_names[EVENT_TYPE(event)],EVENT_TYPE(event),
+              EVENT_PROC(event), EVENT_CREATOR(event), EVENT_TIME(event), 
+	      str_tso, TSO_ID(EVENT_TSO(event)), str_node
+	      /*, EVENT_SPARK(event), EVENT_NEXT(event)*/ );
+eventq hd;
+  eventq x;
+  fprintf(stderr,"Event Queue with root at %x:\n",hd);
+  for (x=hd; x!=NULL; x=EVENT_NEXT(x)) {
+    print_event(x);
+  }
+  sparkq spark;
+  char str[16];
+  sprintf(str,((SPARK_NODE(spark)==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) ? "______" : "%#6lx"), 
+              (W_) SPARK_NODE(spark));
+  if (spark==NULL)
+    fprintf(stderr,"Spark: NIL\n");
+  else
+    fprintf(stderr,"Spark: Node %8s, Name %#6lx, Exported %5s, Prev %#6x, Next %#6x\n",
+	    str, SPARK_NAME(spark), 
+            ((SPARK_EXPORTED(spark))?"True":"False"), 
+            SPARK_PREV(spark), SPARK_NEXT(spark) );
+sparkq hd;
+  sparkq x;
+  fprintf(stderr,"Spark Queue with root at %x:\n",hd);
+  for (x=hd; x!=NULL; x=SPARK_NEXT(x)) {
+    print_spark(x);
+  }
+#endif  /* GRAN */ 
-\subsection[GrAnSim-profile]{Writing profiling info for GrAnSim}
+\subsection[entry-points]{Routines directly called from Haskell world}
-Event dumping routines.
+The @GranSim...@ routines in here are directly called via macros from the
+threaded world. 
+First some auxiliary routines.
+#if defined(GRAN)
+/* Take the current thread off the thread queue and thereby activate the */
+/* next thread. It's assumed that the next ReSchedule after this uses */
+/* NEW_THREAD as param. */
+/* This fct is called from GranSimBlock and GranSimFetch */
-FILE *gr_file = NULL;
+ActivateNextThread (PROC proc)
+  ASSERT(RunnableThreadsHd[proc]!=Prelude_Z91Z93_closure);
+  RunnableThreadsHd[proc] = TSO_LINK(RunnableThreadsHd[proc]);
+  if(RunnableThreadsHd[proc]==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
+    MAKE_IDLE(proc);
+    RunnableThreadsTl[proc] = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+  } else {
+    CurrentTime[proc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcontextswitchtime;
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats && 
+	(!RTSflags.GranFlags.Light || (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x20000))) 
+      DumpRawGranEvent(proc,0,GR_SCHEDULE,RunnableThreadsHd[proc],
+                       Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,0);
+  }
-char *gran_event_names[] = {
-    "START", "START(Q)",
-    "END",
-    "??"
+Now the main stg-called routines:
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* The following GranSim... fcts are stg-called from the threaded world.    */
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Called from HEAP_CHK  -- NB: node and liveness are junk here now. 
+   They are left temporarily to avoid complete recompilation.
+   KH 
+I_ n;
+P_ node;
+W_ liveness;
+  TSO_ALLOCS(CurrentTSO) += n;
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Heap) {
+      DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,0,GR_ALLOC,CurrentTSO,
+                       Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,n);
+  }
+  TSO_EXECTIME(CurrentTSO) += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_heapalloc_cost;
+  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_heapalloc_cost;
+  Subtract the values added above, if a heap check fails and
+  so has to be redone.
+W_ n;
+P_ node;
+W_ liveness;
+  TSO_ALLOCS(CurrentTSO) -= n;
+  TSO_EXECTIME(CurrentTSO) -= RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_heapalloc_cost;
+  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] -= RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_heapalloc_cost;
+/* NB: We now inline this code via GRAN_EXEC rather than calling this fct */
+W_ ariths,branches,loads,stores,floats;
+  W_ cost = RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_arith_cost*ariths + 
+            RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_branch_cost*branches + 
+            RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_load_cost * loads +
+            RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_store_cost*stores + 
+            RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_float_cost*floats;
+  TSO_EXECTIME(CurrentTSO) += cost;
+  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += cost;
+   Fetch the node if it isn't local
+   -- result indicates whether fetch has been done.
+   This is GRIP-style single item fetching.
+/* This function in is only needed for SimplifiedFetch */
+extern FetchNode PROTO((P_ node,PROC CurrentProc));
+GranSimFetch(node /* , liveness_mask */ )
+P_ node;
+/* I_ liveness_mask; */
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.Light) {
+     /* Always reschedule in GrAnSim-Light to prevent one TSO from
+        running off too far 
+     new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+	      CONTINUETHREAD,CurrentTSO,node,NULL);
+     */
+     NeedToReSchedule = rtsFalse;   
+     return(0); 
+  }
+  /* Note: once a node has been fetched, this test will be passed */
+  if(!IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),CurrentProc))
+    {
+      /* Add mpacktime to the remote PE for the reply */
+        {
+          PROC p = where_is(node);
+          TIME fetchtime;
+#  ifdef GRAN_CHECK
+	  if ( ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40 ) &&
+	       p == CurrentProc )
+	    fprintf(stderr,"GranSimFetch: Trying to fetch from own processor%u\n", p);
+#  endif  /* GRAN_CHECK */
+          CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime;
+	  /* NB: Fetch is counted on arrival (FETCHREPLY) */
+          if (RTSflags.GranFlags.SimplifiedFetch)
+            {
+              FetchNode(node,CurrentProc);
+              CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime+
+		                          RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_fetchtime+
+                                          RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime;
+              return(1);
+            }
+          fetchtime = STG_MAX(CurrentTime[CurrentProc],CurrentTime[p]) +
+                      RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency;
+          new_event(p,CurrentProc,fetchtime,FETCHNODE,CurrentTSO,node,NULL);
+          if (!RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch)
+	    MAKE_FETCHING(CurrentProc);
+          ++OutstandingFetches[CurrentProc];
+	  if (fetchtime<TimeOfNextEvent)
+	    TimeOfNextEvent = fetchtime;
+          /* About to block */
+          TSO_BLOCKEDAT(CurrentTSO) = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
+          if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch) 
+            {
+              /* Remove CurrentTSO from the queue 
+                 -- assumes head of queue == CurrentTSO */
+              if(!RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule)
+                {
+                  if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats)
+                    DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,p,GR_FETCH,CurrentTSO,
+				     node,0);
+                  ActivateNextThread(CurrentProc);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+                  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x10) {
+                    if (TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO) & FETCH_MASK_TSO) {
+                      fprintf(stderr,"FETCHNODE: TSO 0x%x has fetch-mask set @ %d\n",
+                              CurrentTSO,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
+                      EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
+                    } else {
+                      TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO) |= FETCH_MASK_TSO;
+                    }
+                  }
+#  endif
+                  TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+                  /* CurrentTSO = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; */
+                  /* ThreadQueueHd is now the next TSO to schedule or NULL */
+                  /* CurrentTSO is pointed to by the FETCHNODE event */
+                }
+              else  /* fair scheduling currently not supported -- HWL */
+                {
+                  fprintf(stderr,"Reschedule-on-fetch is not yet compatible with fair scheduling\n");
+                  EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
+                }
+            }
+          else                 /* !RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch */
+            {
+              /* Note: CurrentProc is still busy as it's blocked on fetch */
+              if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats)
+                DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,p,GR_FETCH,CurrentTSO,node,0);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+              if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x04) 
+                BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc] = CurrentTSO; /*- rtsTrue; -*/
+              if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x10) {
+                if (TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO) & FETCH_MASK_TSO) {
+                  fprintf(stderr,"FETCHNODE: TSO 0x%x has fetch-mask set @ %d\n",
+                          CurrentTSO,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
+                  EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
+                } else {
+                  TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO) |= FETCH_MASK_TSO;
+                }
+                CurrentTSO = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+              }
+#  endif
+            }
+          CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime;
+          /* Rescheduling is necessary */
+          NeedToReSchedule = rtsTrue;
+          return(1); 
+        }
+    }
+  return(0);
+W_ local;
+P_ node;
+  /* ++SparksAvail;  Nope; do that in add_to_spark_queue */
+  if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+    DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,(PROC)0,SP_SPARK,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,node,
+		       spark_queue_len(CurrentProc,ADVISORY_POOL)-1);
+  /* Force the PE to take notice of the spark */
+  if(RTSflags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads) {
+    new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+             FINDWORK,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+    if (CurrentTime[CurrentProc]<TimeOfNextEvent)
+      TimeOfNextEvent = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
+  }
+  if(local)
+  else
+sparkq spark;
+P_  where;        /* This should be a node; alternatively could be a GA */
+I_ identifier;
+  PROC p = where_is(where);
+  GranSimSparkAtAbs(spark,p,identifier);
+sparkq spark;
+PROC proc;        
+I_ identifier;
+  TIME exporttime;
+  if ( spark == (sparkq)NULL)    /* Note: Granularity control might have */
+    return;                      /* turned a spark into a NULL. */
+  /* ++SparksAvail; Nope; do that in add_to_spark_queue */
+  if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+    DumpRawGranEvent(proc,0,SP_SPARKAT,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,SPARK_NODE(spark),
+		     spark_queue_len(proc,ADVISORY_POOL));
+  if (proc!=CurrentProc) {
+    CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime;
+    exporttime = (CurrentTime[proc] > CurrentTime[CurrentProc]? 
+                  CurrentTime[proc]: CurrentTime[CurrentProc])
+                 + RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency;
+  } else {
+    exporttime = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
+  }
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light )
+    /* Need CurrentTSO in event field to associate costs with creating
+       spark even in a GrAnSim Light setup */
+    new_event(proc,CurrentProc,exporttime,
+	     MOVESPARK,CurrentTSO,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,spark);
+  else
+    new_event(proc,CurrentProc,exporttime,
+	     MOVESPARK,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,spark);
+  /* Bit of a hack to treat placed sparks the same as stolen sparks */
+  ++OutstandingFishes[proc];
+  /* Force the PE to take notice of the spark (FINDWORK is put after a
+     MOVESPARK into the sparkq!) */
+  if(RTSflags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads) {
+    new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,exporttime+1,
+              FINDWORK,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+  }
+  if (exporttime<TimeOfNextEvent)
+    TimeOfNextEvent = exporttime;
+  if (proc!=CurrentProc) {
+    CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime;
+  } else { 
+  }
+/* This function handles local and global blocking */
+/* It's called either from threaded code (RBH_entry, BH_entry etc) or */
+/* from blockFetch when trying to fetch an BH or RBH */
+GranSimBlock(P_ tso, PROC proc, P_ node)
+  PROC node_proc = where_is(node);
+  ASSERT(tso==RunnableThreadsHd[proc]);
+  if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats)
+    DumpRawGranEvent(proc,node_proc,GR_BLOCK,tso,node,0);
+  /* Distinction  between local and global block is made in blockFetch */
+  TSO_BLOCKEDAT(tso) = CurrentTime[proc];
+  CurrentTime[proc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadqueuetime;
+  ActivateNextThread(proc);
+  TSO_LINK(tso) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;  /* not really necessary; only for testing */
+#endif  /* GRAN */
+\subsection[GrAnSim-profile]{Writing profiling info for GrAnSim}
+Event dumping routines.
  * If you're not using GNUC and you're on a 32-bit machine, you're 
@@ -206,90 +911,189 @@ msTime(STG_NO_ARGS)
 #endif /* !GRAN */
+#if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)
 DumpGranEvent(name, tso)
 enum gran_event_types name;
 P_ tso;
-    DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC, name, TSO_ID(tso));
+    DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC, (PROC)0, name, tso, Prelude_Z91Z93_closure, 0);
-DumpSparkGranEvent(name, id)
+DumpRawGranEvent(proc, p, name, tso, node, len)
+PROC proc, p;         /* proc ... where it happens; p ... where node lives */
 enum gran_event_types name;
-W_ id;
+P_ tso, node;
+I_ len;
-    DumpRawGranEvent(CURRENT_PROC, name, id);
-DumpGranEventAndNode(name, tso, node, proc)
-  enum gran_event_types name;
-  P_ tso, node;
-  PROC proc;
-    W_ id;
+  W_ id;
+  char time_string[500], node_str[16]; /*ToDo: kill magic constants */
+  ullong_format_string(TIME_ON_PROC(proc), time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
+#if defined(GRAN)
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed)
+    return;
-    char time_string[500]; /*ToDo: kill magic constant */
-    ullong_format_string(CURRENT_TIME, time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
+  id = tso == NULL ? -1 : TSO_ID(tso);
+  if (node==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
+      strcpy(node_str,"________");  /* "Prelude_Z91Z93_closure"); */
+  else
+      sprintf(node_str,"0x%-6lx",node);
-#ifdef PAR
-    id = tso == NULL ? -1 : TSO_ID(tso);
-    id = TSO_ID(tso);
-    if (name > GR_EVENT_MAX)
+  if (name > GR_EVENT_MAX)
 	name = GR_EVENT_MAX;
-    if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary) {
-	grputw(name);
-	grputw(pe);
- 	abort(); /* die please: a single word doesn't represent long long times */
-	grputw(CURRENT_TIME); /* this line is bound to do the wrong thing */
-	grputw(id);
-    } else
-	fprintf(gr_file, "PE %2u [%s]: %s %lx \t0x%lx\t(from %2u)\n",
-	  pe, time_string, gran_event_names[name], id, (W_) node, proc);
+    /* ToDo: fix code for writing binary GrAnSim statistics */
+    switch (name) { 
+      case GR_START:
+      case GR_STARTQ:
+                      grputw(name);
+		      grputw(proc);
+		      abort();        /* die please: a single word */
+				      /* doesn't represent long long times */
+		      grputw(TIME_ON_PROC(proc));
+		      grputw((W_)node);
+		      break;
+      case GR_FETCH:
+      case GR_REPLY:
+      case GR_BLOCK:
+		      grputw(name);
+		      grputw(proc);
+		      abort();        /* die please: a single word */
+				      /* doesn't represent long long times */
+		      grputw(TIME_ON_PROC(proc));  /* this line is bound to */
+		      grputw(id);                  /*   do the wrong thing */
+		      break;
+      default: 
+                      grputw(name);
+		      grputw(proc);
+		      abort();        /* die please: a single word */
+				      /* doesn't represent long long times */
+		      grputw(TIME_ON_PROC(proc));
+		      grputw((W_)node);
+    }
+  else
+    switch (name) { 
+     case GR_START:
+     case GR_STARTQ:
+        /* fprintf(gr_file,"PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx\t%s\t[sparks %u]\n", */
+	/* using spark queue length as optional argument ^^^^^^^^^ */
+        fprintf(gr_file,"PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx\t%s\t[SN %u]\n", 
+	/* using spark name as optional argument     ^^^^^^ */
+	        proc,time_string,gran_event_names[name],
+	        id,node_str,(len & NEW_SPARKNAME_MASK));
+        break;
+     case GR_FETCH:
+     case GR_REPLY:
+     case GR_BLOCK:
+     case GR_STOLEN:
+     case GR_STOLENQ:
+	fprintf(gr_file, "PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx \t%s\t(from %2u)\n",
+	        proc, time_string, gran_event_names[name], 
+		id,node_str,p);
+	break;
+     case GR_RESUME:
+     case GR_RESUMEQ:
+     case GR_SCHEDULE:
+     case GR_DESCHEDULE:
+        fprintf(gr_file,"PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx \n",
+	        proc,time_string,gran_event_names[name],id);
+        break;
+     case GR_STEALING:
+        fprintf(gr_file,"PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx\t        \t(by %2u)\n",
+	        proc,time_string,gran_event_names[name],id,p);
+        break;
+     case GR_ALLOC:
+        fprintf(gr_file,"PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx\t        \tallocating %u words\n",
+	        proc,time_string,gran_event_names[name],id,len);
+        break;
+     default:
+        fprintf(gr_file,"PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx\t%s\t[sparks %u]\n",
+	        proc,time_string,gran_event_names[name],id,node_str,len);
+    }
+#if defined(GRAN)
+/* Only needed for special dynamic spark labelling support */
-DumpRawGranEvent(pe, name, id)
-PROC pe;
+DumpStartEventAt(time, proc, p, name, tso, node, len)
+TIME time;
+PROC proc, p;         /* proc ... where it happens; p ... where node lives */
 enum gran_event_types name;
-W_ id;
+P_ tso, node;
+I_ len;
-    char time_string[500]; /* ToDo: kill magic constant */
-    if (name > GR_EVENT_MAX)
+  W_ id;
+  char time_string[500], node_str[16]; /*ToDo: kill magic constants */
+  ullong_format_string(time, time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
+                    /* ^^^^ only important change to DumpRawGranEvent */
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed)
+    return;
+  id = tso == NULL ? -1 : TSO_ID(tso);
+  if (node==Nil_closure)
+      strcpy(node_str,"________");  /* "Nil_closure"); */
+  else
+      sprintf(node_str,"0x%-6lx",node);
+  if (name > GR_EVENT_MAX)
 	name = GR_EVENT_MAX;
-    ullong_format_string(CURRENT_TIME, time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
-    if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary) {
-	grputw(name);
-	grputw(pe);
-	abort(); /* die please: a single word doesn't represent long long times */
-	grputw(CURRENT_TIME); /* this line is bound to fail */
-	grputw(id);
-    } else
-	fprintf(gr_file, "PE %2u [%s]: %s %lx\n",
-	  pe, time_string, gran_event_names[name], id);
+    /* ToDo: fix code for writing binary GrAnSim statistics */
+    switch (name) { 
+      case GR_START:
+      case GR_STARTQ:
+                      grputw(name);
+		      grputw(proc);
+		      abort();        /* die please: a single word */
+				      /* doesn't represent long long times */
+		      grputw(TIME_ON_PROC(proc));
+		      grputw((W_)node);
+		      break;
+     default:
+        fprintf(stderr,"Error in DumpStartEventAt: event %s is not a START event\n",
+	        gran_event_names[name]);
+    }
+  else
+    switch (name) { 
+     case GR_START:
+     case GR_STARTQ:
+        /* fprintf(gr_file,"PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx\t%s\t[sparks %u]\n", */
+	/* using spark queue length as optional argument ^^^^^^^^^ */
+        fprintf(gr_file,"PE %2u [%s]: %-9s\t%lx\t%s\t[SN %u]\n", 
+	/* using spark name as optional argument     ^^^^^^ */
+	        proc,time_string,gran_event_names[name],
+	        id,node_str,(len & NEW_SPARKNAME_MASK));
+        break;
+     default:
+        fprintf(stderr,"Error in DumpStartEventAt: event %s is not a START event\n",
+	        gran_event_names[name]);
+    }
+#endif  /* GRAN  */
-DumpGranInfo(pe, tso, mandatory_thread)
-PROC pe;
+DumpGranInfo(proc, tso, mandatory_thread)
+PROC proc;
 P_ tso;
 rtsBool mandatory_thread;
     char time_string[500]; /* ToDo: kill magic constant */
     ullong_format_string(CURRENT_TIME, time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
-    if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary) {
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed)
+      return;
-	grputw(pe);
+	grputw(proc);
 	abort(); /* die please: a single word doesn't represent long long times */
 	grputw(CURRENT_TIME); /* this line is bound to fail */
@@ -324,11 +1128,11 @@ rtsBool mandatory_thread;
     } else {
-	 * NB: DumpGranEvent cannot be used because PE may be wrong (as well as the
-	 * extra info)
+	 * NB: DumpGranEvent cannot be used because PE may be wrong 
+	 * (as well as the extra info)
 	fprintf(gr_file, "PE %2u [%s]: END %lx, SN %lu, ST %lu, EXP %c, BB %lu, HA %lu, RT %lu, BT %lu (%lu), FT %lu (%lu), LS %lu, GS %lu, MY %c\n"
-	  ,pe
+	  ,proc
@@ -348,6 +1152,47 @@ rtsBool mandatory_thread;
+P_ tso;
+  fprintf(stderr,"TSO 0x%lx, NAME 0x%lx, ID %lu, LINK 0x%lx, TYPE %s\n"
+          ,tso
+          ,TSO_NAME(tso)
+          ,TSO_ID(tso)
+          ,TSO_LINK(tso)
+          ,TSO_TYPE(tso)==T_MAIN?"MAIN":
+           TSO_TYPE(tso)==T_FAIL?"FAIL":
+           TSO_TYPE(tso)==T_REQUIRED?"REQUIRED":
+           TSO_TYPE(tso)==T_ADVISORY?"ADVISORY":
+           "???"
+          );
+  fprintf(stderr,"PC (0x%lx,0x%lx), ARG (0x%lx), SWITCH %lx0x\n"
+          ,TSO_PC1(tso)
+          ,TSO_PC2(tso)
+          ,TSO_ARG1(tso)
+          /* ,TSO_ARG2(tso) */
+          ,TSO_SWITCH(tso)
+          );
+  fprintf(gr_file,"TSO %lx: SN %lu, ST %lu, GBL %c, BB %lu, HA %lu, RT %lu, BT %lu (%lu), FT %lu (%lu) LS %lu, GS %lu\n"
+	  ,TSO_ID(tso)
+          ,TSO_SPARKNAME(tso)
+          ,TSO_STARTEDAT(tso)
+          ,TSO_EXPORTED(tso)?'T':'F'
+          ,TSO_BASICBLOCKS(tso)
+          ,TSO_ALLOCS(tso)
+          ,TSO_EXECTIME(tso)
+          ,TSO_BLOCKTIME(tso)
+          ,TSO_BLOCKCOUNT(tso)
+          ,TSO_FETCHTIME(tso)
+          ,TSO_FETCHCOUNT(tso)
+          ,TSO_LOCALSPARKS(tso)
+          ,TSO_GLOBALSPARKS(tso)
+          );
    Output a terminate event and an 8-byte time.
@@ -356,7 +1201,12 @@ void
 TIME v;
-    DumpGranEvent(GR_TERMINATE, 0);
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed)
+      return;
+    DumpGranEvent(GR_TERMINATE, Prelude_Z91Z93_closure);
     if (sizeof(TIME) == 4) {
 	putc('\0', gr_file);
@@ -389,12 +1239,17 @@ void
 TIME v;
-    if (v <= 0x3fl) {
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed)
+      return;
+    if (v <= 0x3fl) {                           /* length v = 1 byte */ 
 	fputc(v & 0x3f, gr_file);
-    } else if (v <= 0x3fffl) {
+    } else if (v <= 0x3fffl) {                  /* length v = 2 byte */ 
 	fputc((v >> 8l) | 0x40l, gr_file);
 	fputc(v & 0xffl, gr_file);
-    } else if (v <= 0x3fffffffl) {
+    } else if (v <= 0x3fffffffl) {              /* length v = 4 byte */ 
 	fputc((v >> 24l) | 0x80l, gr_file);
 	fputc((v >> 16l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
 	fputc((v >> 8l) & 0xffl, gr_file);
@@ -423,6 +1278,7 @@ TIME v;
+#endif /* GRAN || PAR */
@@ -431,10 +1287,14 @@ TIME v;
+General routines for GranSim. Mainly, startup and shutdown routines, called
-#ifdef GRAN
+#if defined(GRAN)
+FILE *gr_file = NULL;
 char gr_filename[STATS_FILENAME_MAXLEN];
-I_ do_gr_sim = 0;
+/* I_ do_gr_sim = 0; */ /* In GrAnSim setup always do simulation */
 init_gr_simulation(rts_argc, rts_argv, prog_argc, prog_argv)
@@ -443,19 +1303,21 @@ int prog_argc, rts_argc;
     I_ i;
-    if (do_gr_sim) {
-	char *extension = RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary ? "gb" : "gr";
+    char *extension = RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Binary ? "gb" : "gr";
-	sprintf(gr_filename, GR_FILENAME_FMT, prog_argv[0], extension);
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed)
+	return;
-	if ((gr_file = fopen(gr_filename, "w")) == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't open granularity simulation report file %s\n", gr_filename);
-	    exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* why not EXIT??? WDP 95/07 */
-	}
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	if (DoReScheduleOnFetch)
+    sprintf(gr_filename, GR_FILENAME_FMT, prog_argv[0], extension);
+    if ((gr_file = fopen(gr_filename, "w")) == NULL) {
+	fprintf(stderr, "Can't open granularity simulation report file %s\n", gr_filename);
+    }
+#  if 0  /* that's obsolete now, I think -- HWL */
+	if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch)
 	    setbuf(gr_file, NULL);
+#  endif
 	fputs("Granularity Simulation for ", gr_file);
 	for (i = 0; i < prog_argc; ++i) {
@@ -471,74 +1333,184 @@ int prog_argc, rts_argc;
 		fputc(' ', gr_file);
+    	fputs("\nStart time: ", gr_file);
+    	fputs(time_str(), gr_file); /* defined in */
+    	fputc('\n', gr_file);
 	fputs("\n\n--------------------\n\n", gr_file);
 	fputs("General Parameters:\n\n", gr_file);
-	fprintf(gr_file, "PEs %u, %s Scheduler, %sMigrate Threads%s ????? %s\n",
-	  max_proc, DoFairSchedule ? "Fair" : "Unfair",
-	  DoThreadMigration ? "" : "Don't ",
-	  DoThreadMigration && DoStealThreadsFirst ? " Before Sparks" : "",
-	  DoReScheduleOnFetch ? "" : "Don't ");
-	fprintf(gr_file, "%s, Fetch %s in Each Packet\n",
-	  SimplifiedFetch ? "Simplified Fetch" : (DoReScheduleOnFetch ? "Reschedule on Fetch" : "Block on Fetch"),
-	  DoGUMMFetching ? "Many Closures" : "Exactly One Closure");
-	fprintf(gr_file, "Fetch Strategy(%lu): If outstanding fetches %s\n",
-	  FetchStrategy,
-	  FetchStrategy == 1 ? "only run runnable threads (don't create new ones" :
-	  FetchStrategy == 2 ? "create threads only from local sparks" :
-	  FetchStrategy == 3 ? "create threads from local or global sparks" :
-	  FetchStrategy == 4 ? "create sparks and steal threads if necessary" :
-	  "unknown");
+        if (RTSflags.GranFlags.Light) 
+          fprintf(gr_file, "GrAnSim-Light\nPEs infinite, %s Scheduler, %sMigrate Threads %s, %s\n",
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule?"Fair":"Unfair",
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration?"":"Don't ",
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration && RTSflags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst?" Before Sparks":"",
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.SimplifiedFetch ? "Simplified Fetch" :
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch ? "Reschedule on Fetch" :
+		"Block on Fetch");
+        else 
+          fprintf(gr_file, "PEs %u, %s Scheduler, %sMigrate Threads %s, %s\n",
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.proc,RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule?"Fair":"Unfair",
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration?"":"Don't ",
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration && RTSflags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst?" Before Sparks":"",
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.SimplifiedFetch ? "Simplified Fetch" :
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch ? "Reschedule on Fetch" :
+		"Block on Fetch");
+	if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching) 
+	  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack)
+	    fprintf(gr_file, "Bulk Fetching: Fetch %d Thunks in Each Packet (Packet Size = %d closures)\n",
+		    RTSflags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack, 
+		    RTSflags.GranFlags.packBufferSize);
+	  else
+	    fprintf(gr_file, "Bulk Fetching: Fetch as many closures as possible (Packet Size = %d closures)\n",
+		    RTSflags.GranFlags.packBufferSize);
+	else
+	  fprintf(gr_file, "Incremental Fetching: Fetch Exactly One Closure in Each Packet\n");
+        fprintf(gr_file, "Fetch Strategy(%u):If outstanding fetches %s\n",
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy,
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy==0 ?
+		  " block (block-on-fetch)":
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy==1 ?
+		  "only run runnable threads":
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy==2 ? 
+		  "create threads only from local sparks":
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy==3 ? 
+		  "create threads from local or global sparks":
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy==4 ?
+		  "create sparks and steal threads if necessary":
+                  "unknown");
+	if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking)
+	  fprintf(gr_file, "Priority Sparking (i.e. keep sparks ordered by priority)\n");
+	if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling)
+	  fprintf(gr_file, "Priority Scheduling (i.e. keep threads ordered by priority)\n");
 	fprintf(gr_file, "Thread Creation Time %lu, Thread Queue Time %lu\n",
-	  gran_threadcreatetime, gran_threadqueuetime);
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcreatetime, 
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadqueuetime);
 	fprintf(gr_file, "Thread DeSchedule Time %lu, Thread Schedule Time %lu\n",
-	  gran_threaddescheduletime, gran_threadscheduletime);
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threaddescheduletime, 
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadscheduletime);
 	fprintf(gr_file, "Thread Context-Switch Time %lu\n",
-	  gran_threadcontextswitchtime);
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcontextswitchtime);
 	fputs("\n\n--------------------\n\n", gr_file);
 	fputs("Communication Metrics:\n\n", gr_file);
 	  "Latency %lu (1st) %lu (rest), Fetch %lu, Notify %lu (Global) %lu (Local)\n",
-	  gran_latency, gran_additional_latency, gran_fetchtime,
-	  gran_gunblocktime, gran_lunblocktime);
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency, 
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_additional_latency, 
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_fetchtime,
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_gunblocktime, 
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_lunblocktime);
 	  "Message Creation %lu (+ %lu after send), Message Read %lu\n",
-	  gran_mpacktime, gran_mtidytime, gran_munpacktime);
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime, 
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime, 
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime);
 	fputs("\n\n--------------------\n\n", gr_file);
 	fputs("Instruction Metrics:\n\n", gr_file);
 	fprintf(gr_file, "Arith %lu, Branch %lu, Load %lu, Store %lu, Float %lu, Alloc %lu\n",
-	  gran_arith_cost, gran_branch_cost,
-	  gran_load_cost, gran_store_cost, gran_float_cost, gran_heapalloc_cost);
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_arith_cost, 
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_branch_cost,
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_load_cost, 
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_store_cost, 
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_float_cost, 
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_heapalloc_cost);
 	fputs("\n\n++++++++++++++++++++\n\n", gr_file);
-    }
-    if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary)
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Binary)
-    Idlers = max_proc;
     return (0);
-    if (do_gr_sim) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "The simulation is finished. Look at %s for details.\n",
-	  gr_filename);
-	fclose(gr_file);
-    }
+   char time_string[500]; /* ToDo: kill magic constant */
+   ullong_format_string(CURRENT_TIME, time_string, rtsFalse/*no commas!*/);
-#endif /* GRAN */
+   if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed)
+     return;
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+   /* Print event stats */
+   if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x20) {
+     int i;
+     fprintf(stderr,"Event statistics (number of events: %d):\n",
+             noOfEvents);
+     for (i=0; i<=MAX_EVENT; i++) {
+       fprintf(stderr,"  %s (%d): \t%ld \t%f%%\t%f%%\n",
+               event_names[i],i,event_counts[i],
+               (float)(100*event_counts[i])/(float)(noOfEvents),
+               (i==CONTINUETHREAD ? 0.0 :
+   		   (float)(100*(event_counts[i])/(float)(noOfEvents-event_counts[CONTINUETHREAD])) ));
+     }
+     fprintf(stderr,"Randomized steals: %u sparks, %u threads \n \t(Sparks: #%u (avg ntimes=%f; avg fl=%f) \n", 
+   	             rs_sp_count, rs_t_count, no_of_steals, 
+   	             (float)ntimes_total/(float)STG_MAX(no_of_steals,1),
+   	             (float)fl_total/(float)STG_MAX(no_of_steals,1));
+     fprintf(stderr,"Moved sparks: %d  Withered sparks: %d (%.2f %%)\n",
+   	      tot_sparks,withered_sparks,
+             ( tot_sparks == 0 ? 0 :
+                  (float)(100*withered_sparks)/(float)(tot_sparks)) );
+     /* Print statistics about priority sparking */
+     if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking) {
+   	fprintf(stderr,"About Priority Sparking:\n");
+   	fprintf(stderr,"  Total no. NewThreads: %d   Avg. spark queue len: %.2f \n", tot_sq_probes, (float)tot_sq_len/(float)tot_sq_probes);
+     }
+     /* Print statistics about priority sparking */
+     if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling) {
+   	fprintf(stderr,"About Priority Scheduling:\n");
+   	fprintf(stderr,"  Total no. of StartThreads: %d (non-end: %d) Avg. thread queue len: %.2f\n", 
+   		tot_add_threads, non_end_add_threads, 
+   		(float)tot_tq_len/(float)tot_add_threads);
+     }
+     /* Print packet statistics if GUMM fetching is turned on */
+     if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching) {
+   	fprintf(stderr,"Packet statistcs:\n");
+   	fprintf(stderr,"  Total no. of packets: %d   Avg. packet size: %.2f \n", tot_packets, (float)tot_packet_size/(float)tot_packets);
+   	fprintf(stderr,"  Total no. of thunks: %d   Avg. thunks/packet: %.2f \n", tot_thunks, (float)tot_thunks/(float)tot_packets);
+   	fprintf(stderr,"  Total no. of cuts: %d   Avg. cuts/packet: %.2f\n", tot_cuts, (float)tot_cuts/(float)tot_packets);
+        /* 
+   	if (closure_queue_overflows>0) 
+   	  fprintf(stderr,"  Number of closure queue overflows: %u\n",
+   		  closure_queue_overflows);
+	*/
+     }
+   }
+   if (RTSflags.GranFlags.PrintFetchMisses)
+     fprintf(stderr,"Number of fetch misses: %d\n",fetch_misses);
+# if defined(GRAN_COUNT)
+    fprintf(stderr,"Update count statistics:\n");
+    fprintf(stderr,"  Total number of updates: %u\n",nUPDs);
+    fprintf(stderr,"  Needed to awaken BQ: %u with avg BQ len of: %f\n",
+	    nUPDs_BQ,(float)BQ_lens/(float)nUPDs_BQ);
+    fprintf(stderr,"  Number of PAPs: %u\n",nPAPs);
+# endif
+#endif /* GRAN_CHECK */
+	fprintf(stderr, "Simulation finished after @ %s @ cycles. Look at %s for details.\n",
+	  time_string,gr_filename);
+	if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats) 
+	    fclose(gr_file);
+#elif defined(PAR)
+FILE *gr_file = NULL;
 char gr_filename[STATS_FILENAME_MAXLEN];
-I_ do_sp_profile = 0;
+/* I_ do_sp_profile = 0; */
 init_gr_profiling(rts_argc, rts_argv, prog_argc, prog_argv)
@@ -571,6 +1543,10 @@ init_gr_profiling(rts_argc, rts_argv, prog_argc, prog_argv)
     fputc('\n', gr_file);
+    fputs("Start-Time: ", gr_file);
+    fputs(time_str(), gr_file); /* defined in */
+    fputc('\n', gr_file);
     startTime = CURRENT_TIME;
     if (startTime > LL(1000000000)) {
@@ -587,7 +1563,7 @@ init_gr_profiling(rts_argc, rts_argv, prog_argc, prog_argv)
 #endif /* PAR */
-#endif /* GRAN || PAR */
+#endif   /* GRAN || PAR */ 
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/ b/ghc/runtime/main/
index ef646b3cc7a1..616c48f867a0 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@ static void   bad_option(const char *);
 static FILE * open_stats_file (I_ arg,
 		int argc, char *argv[], int rts_argc, char *rts_argv[],
 		const char *FILENAME_FMT);
+#ifdef GRAN
+static void   process_gran_option(int arg, 
+		int *rts_argc, char *rts_argv[], rtsBool *error);
 /* extern decls */
 long strtol  PROTO((const char *, char **, int));
@@ -69,7 +73,14 @@ initRtsFlagsDefaults (STG_NO_ARGS)
 #endif /* PROFILING or PAR */
-    RTSflags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile	= rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile = rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.ProfFlags.ccSelector    = NULL;
+    RTSflags.ProfFlags.modSelector   = NULL;
+    RTSflags.ProfFlags.grpSelector   = NULL;
+    RTSflags.ProfFlags.descrSelector = NULL;
+    RTSflags.ProfFlags.typeSelector  = NULL;
+    RTSflags.ProfFlags.kindSelector  = NULL;
 #endif /* PROFILING */
@@ -89,6 +100,73 @@ initRtsFlagsDefaults (STG_NO_ARGS)
     RTSflags.ParFlags.packBufferSize	= 1024;
 #endif /* PAR */
+#ifdef GRAN
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats	= rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed	= rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Binary = rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks = rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Heap = rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.labelling	= rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.packBufferSize	= 1024;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.packBufferSize_internal = GRANSIM_DEFAULT_PACK_BUFFER_SIZE;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.proc  = MAX_PROC;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.max_fishes = MAX_FISHES;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.time_slice = GRAN_TIME_SLICE;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.Light = rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency =             LATENCY;          
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_additional_latency =  ADDITIONAL_LATENCY; 
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_fetchtime =           FETCHTIME; 
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_lunblocktime =        LOCALUNBLOCKTIME; 
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_gunblocktime =        GLOBALUNBLOCKTIME;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime =           MSGPACKTIME;      
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime =         MSGUNPACKTIME;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime =           MSGTIDYTIME;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcreatetime =         THREADCREATETIME;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadqueuetime =          THREADQUEUETIME;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threaddescheduletime =     THREADDESCHEDULETIME;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadscheduletime =       THREADSCHEDULETIME;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcontextswitchtime =  THREADCONTEXTSWITCHTIME;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_arith_cost =         ARITH_COST;       
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_branch_cost =        BRANCH_COST; 
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_load_cost =          LOAD_COST;        
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_store_cost =         STORE_COST; 
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_float_cost =         FLOAT_COST;       
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_heapalloc_cost =     HEAPALLOC_COST;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_pri_spark_overhead = PRI_SPARK_OVERHEAD;        
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_pri_sched_overhead = PRI_SCHED_OVERHEAD;        
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule = rtsFalse;             
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch = rtsFalse;        
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst = rtsFalse;        
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.SimplifiedFetch = rtsFalse;            
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads = rtsFalse;      
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching = rtsFalse;             
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration = rtsFalse;          
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy = 2;                     
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.PreferSparksOfLocalNodes = rtsFalse;   
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking = rtsFalse;         
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling = rtsFalse;       
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority = 0;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority2 = 0; 
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.RandomPriorities = rtsFalse;           
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.InversePriorities = rtsFalse;          
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.IgnorePriorities = rtsFalse;           
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack = 0;                      
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.RandomSteal = rtsTrue;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.NoForward = rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.PrintFetchMisses = rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.debug = 0x0;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.event_trace = rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.event_trace_all = rtsFalse;
     RTSflags.TickyFlags.showTickyStats	= rtsFalse;
     RTSflags.TickyFlags.tickyFile	= NULL;
@@ -152,7 +230,7 @@ usage_text[] = {
 "  -p<sort> Produce cost centre time profile  (output file <program>.prof)",
 "             sort: T = time (default), A = alloc, C = cost centre label",
 "  -P<sort> Produce serial time profile (output file <program>.time)",
-"             and a -p profile with detailed caf/enter/tick/alloc info",
+"             and a -p profile with detailed tick/alloc info",
 # if defined(PROFILING)
 "  -h<break-down> Heap residency profile      (output file <program>.hp)",
@@ -209,6 +287,9 @@ usage_text[] = {
 "  -d        Turn on PVM-ish debugging",
 "  -O        Disable output for performance measurement",
 # endif /* PAR */
+# ifdef GRAN  /* ToDo: fill in decent Docu here */
+"  -b...     All GranSim options start with -b, and there are many of them",
+# endif
 #endif /* CONCURRENT */
 "Other RTS options may be available for programs compiled a different way.",
@@ -326,7 +407,7 @@ error = rtsTrue;
+# define PROFILING_BUILD_ONLY(x)   x
 fprintf(stderr, "setupRtsFlags: GHC not built for: -prof\n"); \
@@ -334,7 +415,7 @@ error = rtsTrue;
 fprintf(stderr, "setupRtsFlags: GHC not built for: -concurrent\n"); \
@@ -342,7 +423,7 @@ error = rtsTrue;
 #ifdef PAR
-# define PAR_BUILD_ONLY(x)
+# define PAR_BUILD_ONLY(x)      x
 # define PAR_BUILD_ONLY(x) \
 fprintf(stderr, "setupRtsFlags: GHC not built for: -parallel\n"); \
@@ -350,7 +431,7 @@ error = rtsTrue;
 #ifdef GRAN
-# define GRAN_BUILD_ONLY(x)
+# define GRAN_BUILD_ONLY(x)     x
 # define GRAN_BUILD_ONLY(x) \
 fprintf(stderr, "setupRtsFlags: GHC not built for: -gransim\n"); \
@@ -468,7 +549,7 @@ error = rtsTrue;
 		    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid profiling sort option %s\n", rts_argv[arg]);
-		    error = 1;
+		    error = rtsTrue;
 		) break;
@@ -517,7 +598,7 @@ error = rtsTrue;
 		    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid heap profile option: %s\n",
-		    error = 1;
+		    error = rtsTrue;
 		) break;
@@ -528,41 +609,41 @@ error = rtsTrue;
 		    max_cc_no = (hash_t) decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
 		    if (max_cc_no == 0) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "Bad number of cost centres %s\n", rts_argv[arg]);
-			error = 1;
+			error = rtsTrue;
 		  case MODchar:
 		    max_mod_no = (hash_t) decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
 		    if (max_mod_no == 0) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "Bad number of modules %s\n", rts_argv[arg]);
-			error = 1;
+			error = rtsTrue;
 		  case GRPchar:
 		    max_grp_no = (hash_t) decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
 		    if (max_grp_no == 0) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "Bad number of groups %s\n", rts_argv[arg]);
-			error = 1;
+			error = rtsTrue;
 		  case DESCRchar:
 		    max_descr_no = (hash_t) decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
 		    if (max_descr_no == 0) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "Bad number of closure descriptions %s\n", rts_argv[arg]);
-			error = 1;
+			error = rtsTrue;
 		  case TYPEchar:
 		    max_type_no = (hash_t) decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
 		    if (max_type_no == 0) {
 			fprintf(stderr, "Bad number of type descriptions %s\n", rts_argv[arg]);
-			error = 1;
+			error = rtsTrue;
 		    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid index table size option: %s\n",
-		    error = 1;
+		    error = rtsTrue;
 		) break;
@@ -573,37 +654,37 @@ error = rtsTrue;
 	      case 'y': /* closure type select */
 	      case 'k': /* closure kind select */
+		{char *left  = strchr(rts_argv[arg], '{');
+		 char *right = strrchr(rts_argv[arg], '}');
-		left  = strchr(rts_argv[arg], '{');
-		right = strrchr(rts_argv[arg], '}');
 		if (! left || ! right ||
 		        strrchr(rts_argv[arg], '{') != left ||
 		         strchr(rts_argv[arg], '}') != right) {
 		    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid heap profiling selection bracketing\n   %s\n", rts_argv[arg]);
-		    error = 1;
+		    error = rtsTrue;
 		} else {
 		    *right = '\0';
 		    switch (rts_argv[arg][1]) {
 		      case 'c': /* cost centre label select */
-			select_cc = left + 1;
+			RTSflags.ProfFlags.ccSelector = left + 1;
 		      case 'm': /* cost centre module select */
-			select_mod = left + 1;
+			RTSflags.ProfFlags.modSelector = left + 1;
 		      case 'g': /* cost centre group select */
-			select_grp = left + 1;
+			RTSflags.ProfFlags.grpSelector = left + 1;
 		      case 'd': /* closure descr select */
-			select_descr = left + 1;
+			RTSflags.ProfFlags.descrSelector = left + 1;
 		      case 't': /* closure type select */
-			select_type = left + 1;
+			RTSflags.ProfFlags.typeSelector = left + 1;
 		      case 'k': /* closure kind select */
-			select_kind = left + 1;
+			RTSflags.ProfFlags.kindSelector = left + 1;
-		}
-		}
+		    }
+		}}
 		) break;
 	      /* =========== CONCURRENT ========================= */
@@ -702,7 +783,7 @@ error = rtsTrue;
     	      case 'b':
-		process_gran_option();
+		process_gran_option(arg, rts_argc, rts_argv, &error);
 		) break;
 	      /* =========== TICKY ============================== */
@@ -737,393 +818,663 @@ error = rtsTrue;
-#ifdef GRAN
+#if defined(GRAN)
+enable_GrAnSimLight() {
+    fprintf(stderr,"GrAnSim Light enabled (infinite number of processors;  0 communication costs)\n");
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.Light=rtsTrue;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_fetchtime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_additional_latency =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_gunblocktime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_lunblocktime =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcreatetime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadqueuetime =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadscheduletime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threaddescheduletime =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcontextswitchtime = 0;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime = 0;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule = rtsTrue;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch = rtsFalse;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads = rtsTrue;
+    /* FetchStrategy is irrelevant in GrAnSim-Light */
+    /* GrAnSim Light often creates an abundance of parallel threads,
+       each with its own stack etc. Therefore, it's in general a good
+       idea to use small stack chunks (use the -o<size> option to 
+       increase it again). 
+    */
+    RTSflags.ConcFlags.stkChunkSize = 100;
+    RTSflags.GranFlags.proc = 1; 
 static void
+process_gran_option(int arg, int *rts_argc, char *rts_argv[], rtsBool *error)
-    if (rts_argv[arg][2] != '\0') {
+    if (rts_argv[arg][1] != 'b') /* All GranSim options start with -b */
+      return;
       /* Should we emulate hbcpp */
-      if(strequal((rts_argv[arg]+2),"roken")) {
-	++DoAlwaysCreateThreads;
+      if(strcmp((rts_argv[arg]+2),"roken")==0) {
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads=rtsTrue;
       /* or a ridiculously idealised simulator */
-      if(strequal((rts_argv[arg]+2),"oring")) {
-	gran_latency = gran_fetchtime = gran_additional_latency =
-	  gran_gunblocktime = gran_lunblocktime
-	    = gran_threadcreatetime = gran_threadqueuetime
-	      = gran_threadscheduletime = gran_threaddescheduletime
-		= gran_threadcontextswitchtime
-		  = 0;
-	gran_mpacktime = gran_munpacktime = 0;
-	gran_arith_cost = gran_float_cost = gran_load_cost
-	  = gran_store_cost = gran_branch_cost = 0;
-	gran_heapalloc_cost = 1;
-	/* ++DoFairSchedule; */
-	++DoStealThreadsFirst;
-	++DoThreadMigration;
-	RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats = rtsTrue;
+      if(strcmp((rts_argv[arg]+2),"oring")==0) {
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_fetchtime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_additional_latency =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_gunblocktime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_lunblocktime =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcreatetime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadqueuetime =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadscheduletime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threaddescheduletime =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcontextswitchtime = 0;
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime = 0;
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_arith_cost = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_float_cost = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_load_cost =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_store_cost = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_branch_cost = 0;
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_heapalloc_cost = 1;
+	/* ++RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule; */
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst = rtsTrue;         /* -bZ */
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration  = rtsTrue;          /* -bM */
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats = rtsTrue;                /* -bP */
+	return;
-      /* or a ridiculously idealised simulator */
-      if(strequal((rts_argv[arg]+2),"onzo")) {
-	gran_latency = gran_fetchtime = gran_additional_latency =
-	  gran_gunblocktime = gran_lunblocktime
-	    = gran_threadcreatetime = gran_threadqueuetime
-	      = gran_threadscheduletime = gran_threaddescheduletime
-		= gran_threadcontextswitchtime
-		  = 0;
-	gran_mpacktime = gran_munpacktime = 0;
-	/* Keep default values for these
-	gran_arith_cost = gran_float_cost = gran_load_cost
-	  = gran_store_cost = gran_branch_cost = 0;
-	  */
-	gran_heapalloc_cost = 1;
-	/* ++DoFairSchedule; */       /* -b-R */
-	/* ++DoStealThreadsFirst; */  /* -b-T */
-	++DoReScheduleOnFetch;        /* -bZ */
-	++DoThreadMigration;          /* -bM */
-	RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats = rtsTrue; /* -bP */
-#   if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	debug = 0x20;       /* print event statistics   */
-#   endif
+      /* or a somewhat idealised simulator */
+      if(strcmp((rts_argv[arg]+2),"onzo")==0) {
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_fetchtime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_additional_latency =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_gunblocktime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_lunblocktime =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcreatetime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadqueuetime =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadscheduletime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threaddescheduletime =
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcontextswitchtime = 0;
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime = 
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime = 0;
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_heapalloc_cost = 1;
+	/* RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule  = rtsTrue; */       /* -b-R */
+	/* RTSflags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst = rtsTrue; */   /* -b-T */
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch = rtsTrue;         /* -bZ */
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration  = rtsTrue;          /* -bM */
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats = rtsTrue;                /* -bP */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.debug = 0x20;       /* print event statistics   */
+#  endif
+	return;
       /* Communication and task creation cost parameters */
-      else switch(rts_argv[arg][2]) {
-	case 'l':
+      switch(rts_argv[arg][2]) {
+        case ':':
+	  enable_GrAnSimLight();       /* set flags for GrAnSim-Light mode */
+	  break;
+        case 'l':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	      gran_gunblocktime = gran_latency = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	      gran_fetchtime = 2* gran_latency;
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_gunblocktime = 
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_fetchtime = 2*RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency;
-	    gran_latency = LATENCY;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency = LATENCY;
-	case 'a':
+        case 'a':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_additional_latency = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_additional_latency = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_additional_latency = ADDITIONAL_LATENCY;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_additional_latency = ADDITIONAL_LATENCY;
-	case 'm':
+        case 'm':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_mpacktime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_mpacktime = MSGPACKTIME;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime = MSGPACKTIME;
-	case 'x':
+        case 'x':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_mtidytime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_mtidytime = 0;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime = 0;
-	case 'r':
+        case 'r':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_munpacktime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_munpacktime = MSGUNPACKTIME;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime = MSGUNPACKTIME;
-	case 'f':
+        case 'g':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_fetchtime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_fetchtime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_fetchtime = FETCHTIME;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_fetchtime = FETCHTIME;
-	case 'n':
+        case 'n':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_gunblocktime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_gunblocktime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_gunblocktime = GLOBALUNBLOCKTIME;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_gunblocktime = GLOBALUNBLOCKTIME;
-	case 'u':
+        case 'u':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_lunblocktime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_lunblocktime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_lunblocktime = LOCALUNBLOCKTIME;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_lunblocktime = LOCALUNBLOCKTIME;
 	/* Thread-related metrics */
-	case 't':
+        case 't':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_threadcreatetime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcreatetime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_threadcreatetime = THREADCREATETIME;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcreatetime = THREADCREATETIME;
-	case 'q':
+        case 'q':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_threadqueuetime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadqueuetime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_threadqueuetime = THREADQUEUETIME;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadqueuetime = THREADQUEUETIME;
-	case 'c':
+        case 'c':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_threadscheduletime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadscheduletime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_threadscheduletime = THREADSCHEDULETIME;
-	  gran_threadcontextswitchtime = gran_threadscheduletime
-				       + gran_threaddescheduletime;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadscheduletime = THREADSCHEDULETIME;
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcontextswitchtime = RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadscheduletime
+	    + RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threaddescheduletime;
-	case 'd':
+        case 'd':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_threaddescheduletime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threaddescheduletime = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_threaddescheduletime = THREADDESCHEDULETIME;
-	  gran_threadcontextswitchtime = gran_threadscheduletime
-				       + gran_threaddescheduletime;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threaddescheduletime = THREADDESCHEDULETIME;
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcontextswitchtime = RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadscheduletime
+	    + RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threaddescheduletime;
 	/* Instruction Cost Metrics */
-	case 'A':
+        case 'A':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_arith_cost = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_arith_cost = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_arith_cost = ARITH_COST;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_arith_cost = ARITH_COST;
-	case 'F':
+        case 'F':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_float_cost = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_float_cost = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_float_cost = FLOAT_COST;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_float_cost = FLOAT_COST;
-	case 'B':
+        case 'B':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_branch_cost = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_branch_cost = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_branch_cost = BRANCH_COST;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_branch_cost = BRANCH_COST;
-	case 'L':
+        case 'L':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_load_cost = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_load_cost = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_load_cost = LOAD_COST;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_load_cost = LOAD_COST;
+	  break;
+        case 'S':
+	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_store_cost = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	  else
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_store_cost = STORE_COST;
-	case 'S':
+        case 'H':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_store_cost = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_heapalloc_cost = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_store_cost = STORE_COST;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_heapalloc_cost = 0;
-	case 'H':
+        case 'y':
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch = rtsTrue;
+	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy == 0)
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch = rtsFalse;
+	  else
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy = 2; /* default: fetch everything */
+	  break;
+        case 'K':   /* sort overhead (per elem in spark list) */
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    gran_heapalloc_cost = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_pri_spark_overhead = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    gran_heapalloc_cost = 0;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_pri_spark_overhead = PRI_SPARK_OVERHEAD;
+	  fprintf(stderr,"Overhead for pri spark: %d (per elem).\n",
+		         RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_pri_spark_overhead);
-	case 'y':
+        case 'O':  /* sort overhead (per elem in spark list) */
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	    FetchStrategy = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_pri_sched_overhead = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	    FetchStrategy = 4; /* default: fetch everything */
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_pri_sched_overhead = PRI_SCHED_OVERHEAD;
+	  fprintf(stderr,"Overhead for pri sched: %d (per elem).\n",
+		       RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_pri_sched_overhead);
-	/* General Parameters */
-	case 'p':
+        /* General Parameters */
+        case 'p':
 	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
-	      max_proc = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
-	      if(max_proc > MAX_PROC || max_proc < 1)
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.proc = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.proc==0) {
+		  enable_GrAnSimLight(); /* set flags for GrAnSim-Light mode */
+	      } else if (RTSflags.GranFlags.proc > MAX_PROC || 
+			 RTSflags.GranFlags.proc < 1)
-		  fprintf(stderr,"setupRtsFlags: no more than %u processors allowed\n", MAX_PROC);
-		  error = rtsTrue;
+		  fprintf(stderr,"setupRtsFlags: no more than %u processors
+			  MAX_PROC);
+		  *error = rtsTrue;
-	    max_proc = MAX_PROC;
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.proc = MAX_PROC;
-	case 'C':
-	  ++DoAlwaysCreateThreads;
-	  ++DoThreadMigration;
+        case 'f':
+	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.max_fishes = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	  else
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.max_fishes = 1;
-	case 'G':
-	  ++DoGUMMFetching;
+        case 'w':
+	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0')
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.time_slice = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	  else
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.time_slice = GRAN_TIME_SLICE;
-	case 'M':
-	  ++DoThreadMigration;
+        case 'C':
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads=rtsTrue;
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration=rtsTrue;
-	case 'R':
-	  ++DoFairSchedule;
+        case 'G':
+	  fprintf(stderr,"Bulk fetching enabled.\n");
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching=rtsTrue;
-	case 'T':
-	  ++DoStealThreadsFirst;
-	  ++DoThreadMigration;
+        case 'M':
+	  fprintf(stderr,"Thread migration enabled.\n");
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration=rtsTrue;
-	case 'Z':
-	  ++DoReScheduleOnFetch;
+        case 'R':
+	  fprintf(stderr,"Fair Scheduling enabled.\n");
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule=rtsTrue;
+	  break;
+        case 'I':
+	  fprintf(stderr,"Priority Scheduling enabled.\n");
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling=rtsTrue;
-	case 'z':
-	  ++SimplifiedFetch;
+        case 'T':
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst=rtsTrue;
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration=rtsTrue;
+	  break;
+        case 'Z':
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch=rtsTrue;
+	  break;
+        case 'z':
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.SimplifiedFetch=rtsTrue;
+	  break;
+        case 'N':
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.PreferSparksOfLocalNodes=rtsTrue;
+	  break;
+        case 'b':
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Binary=rtsTrue;
+	  break;
+        case 'P':
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats=rtsTrue;
-	case 'N':
-	  ++PreferSparksOfLocalNodes;
+        case 's':
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks=rtsTrue;
-	case 'b':
-	  RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary = rtsTrue;
+        case 'h':
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Heap=rtsTrue;
-	case 'P':
-	  RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats = rtsTrue;
+        case 'U':
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.labelling=rtsTrue;
-	case 's':
-	  ++do_sp_profile;
+        case 'Y':   /* syntax: -bY<n>[,<n>]  n ... pos int */ 
+	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0') {
+	    char *arg0, *tmp;
+	    arg0 = rts_argv[arg]+3;
+	    if ((tmp = strstr(arg0,","))==NULL) {
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority = decode(arg0);
+	      fprintf(stderr,"SparkPriority: %u.\n",RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority);
+	    } else {
+	      *(tmp++) = '\0'; 
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority = decode(arg0);
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority2 = decode(tmp);
+	      fprintf(stderr,"SparkPriority: %u.\n",
+		      RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority);
+	      fprintf(stderr,"SparkPriority2:%u.\n",
+		      RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority2);
+	      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority2 < 
+		  RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: 2nd pri < main pri (%u<%u); 2nd pri has no effect\n",
+			RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority2,
+			RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority);
+	      }
+	    }
+	  } else {
+	    /* plain pri spark is now invoked with -bX  
+	       RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking = 1;
+	       fprintf(stderr,"PrioritySparking.\n");
+	    */
+	  }
-	case '-':
+        case 'Q':
+	  if (rts_argv[arg][3] != '\0') {
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack = decode(rts_argv[arg]+3);
+	  } else {
+	    RTSflags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack = 1;
+	  }
+	  fprintf(stderr,"Thunks To Pack in one packet: %u.\n",
+		  RTSflags.GranFlags.ThunksToPack);
+	  break;
+        case 'e':
+	  RTSflags.GranFlags.RandomSteal = rtsFalse;
+	  fprintf(stderr,"Deterministic mode (no random stealing)\n");
+		      break;
+	  /* The following class of options contains eXperimental */
+	  /* features in connection with exploiting granularity */
+	  /* information. I.e. if -bY is chosen these options */
+	  /* tell the RTS what to do with the supplied info --HWL */
+        case 'X':
 	  switch(rts_argv[arg][3]) {
+	    case '\0':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking = 1;
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Priority Sparking with Normal Priorities.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.InversePriorities = rtsFalse; 
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.RandomPriorities = rtsFalse;
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.IgnorePriorities = rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    case 'I':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking = 1;
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Priority Sparking with Inverse Priorities.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.InversePriorities++; 
+	      break;
+	    case 'R': 
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking = 1;
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Priority Sparking with Random Priorities.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.RandomPriorities++;
+	      break;
+	    case 'N':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking = 1;
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Priority Sparking with No Priorities.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.IgnorePriorities++;
+	      break;
+	    default:
+	      bad_option( rts_argv[arg] );
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  break;
-	   case 'C':
-	     DoAlwaysCreateThreads=0;
-	     DoThreadMigration=0;
-	     break;
-	   case 'G':
-	     DoGUMMFetching=0;
-	     break;
-	   case 'M':
-	     DoThreadMigration=0;
-	     break;
+        case '-':
+	  switch(rts_argv[arg][3]) {
+	    case 'C':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads=rtsFalse;
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration=rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    case 'G':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching=rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    case 'M':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration=rtsFalse;
+	      break;
 	    case 'R':
-	     DoFairSchedule=0;
-	     break;
-	   case 'T':
-	     DoStealThreadsFirst=0;
-	     DoThreadMigration=0;
-	     break;
-	   case 'Z':
-	     DoReScheduleOnFetch=0;
-	     break;
-	   case 'N':
-	     PreferSparksOfLocalNodes=0;
-	     break;
-	   case 'P':
-	     RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats = rtsFalse;
-	     no_gr_profile=1;
-	     break;
-	   case 's':
-	     do_sp_profile=0;
-	     break;
-	   case 'b':
-	     RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary = rtsFalse;
-	     break;
-	   default:
-	     bad_option( rts_argv[arg] );
-	     break;
-	   }
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule=rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    case 'T':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst=rtsFalse;
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration=rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    case 'Z':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch=rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    case 'N':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.PreferSparksOfLocalNodes=rtsFalse;
+			 break;
+	    case 'P':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed=rtsTrue;
+	      break;
+	    case 's':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks=rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    case 'h':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Heap=rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    case 'b':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Binary=rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    case 'X':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking = rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    case 'Y':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking = rtsFalse;
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority = rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    case 'I':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling = rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    case 'e':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.RandomSteal = rtsFalse;
+	      break;
+	    default:
+	      bad_option( rts_argv[arg] );
+	      break;
+	  }
-#   if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	case 'D':
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+        case 'D':
 	  switch(rts_argv[arg][3]) {
-	      case 'e':       /* event trace */
-		fprintf(stderr,"Printing event trace.\n");
-		++event_trace;
-		break;
-	      case 'f':
-		fprintf(stderr,"Printing forwarding of FETCHNODES.\n");
-		debug |= 0x2; /* print fwd messages */
-		break;
-	      case 'z':
-		fprintf(stderr,"Check for blocked on fetch.\n");
-		debug |= 0x4; /* debug non-reschedule-on-fetch */
-		break;
-	      case 't':
-		fprintf(stderr,"Check for TSO asleep on fetch.\n");
-		debug |= 0x10; /* debug TSO asleep for fetch  */
-		break;
-	      case 'E':
-		fprintf(stderr,"Printing event statistics.\n");
-		debug |= 0x20; /* print event statistics   */
-		break;
-	      case 'F':
-		fprintf(stderr,"Prohibiting forward.\n");
-		NoForward = 1; /* prohibit forwarding   */
-		break;
-	      case 'm':
-		fprintf(stderr,"Printing fetch misses.\n");
-		PrintFetchMisses = 1; /* prohibit forwarding   */
-		break;
-	      case 'd':
-		fprintf(stderr,"Debug mode.\n");
-		debug |= 0x40; 
-		break;
-	      case 'D':
-		fprintf(stderr,"Severe debug mode.\n");
-		debug |= 0x80; 
-		break;
-	      case '\0':
-		debug = 1;
-		break;
-	      default:
-		bad_option( rts_argv[arg] );
-		break;
-	      }
-	  break;
-#   endif
-	default:
-	  bad_option( rts_argv[arg] );
+	    case 'Q':    /* Set pack buffer size (same as 'Q' in GUM) */
+	      if (rts_argv[arg][4] != '\0') {
+		RTSflags.GranFlags.packBufferSize = decode(rts_argv[arg]+4);
+		fprintf(stderr,"Pack buffer size: %d\n",
+			RTSflags.GranFlags.packBufferSize);
+	      } else {
+    	    	fprintf(stderr, "setupRtsFlags: missing size of PackBuffer (for -Q)\n");
+    	    	error = rtsTrue;
+    	      }
+	      break;
+	    case 'e':       /* event trace */
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Printing event trace.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.event_trace=rtsTrue;
+	      break;
+	    case 'f':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Printing forwarding of FETCHNODES.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x2; /* print fwd messages */
+	      break;
+	    case 'z':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Check for blocked on fetch.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x4; /* debug non-reschedule-on-fetch */
+	      break;
+	    case 't':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Check for TSO asleep on fetch.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x10; /* debug TSO asleep for fetch  */
+	      break;
+	    case 'E':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Printing event statistics.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x20; /* print event statistics   */
+	      break;
+	    case 'F':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Prohibiting forward.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.NoForward = rtsTrue; /* prohibit forwarding   */
+	      break;
+	    case 'm':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Printing fetch misses.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.PrintFetchMisses = rtsTrue; /* prohibit forwarding   */
+	      break;
+	    case 'd':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Debug mode.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x40; 
+			    break;
+	    case 'D':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Severe debug mode.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x80; 
+	      break;
+	    case 'q':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"FULL event trace.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.event_trace_all =rtsTrue;
+	      break;
+	    case 'G':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Debugging packet fetching.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x100; 
+	      break;
+	    case 'n':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Ignore events till end of time slice\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x200; 
+              IgnoreEvents = rtsTrue;
+	      break;
+	    case 'S':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Check that spark queues are sorted.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x400; 
+	      break;
+	    case 'H':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Print heap allocation messages (RBH).\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x800; 
+	      break;
+	    case 'p':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Debug breadth-first pruning.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x1000; 
+	      break;
+	    case 'r':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Debug random stealing.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x2000; 
+	      break;
+	    case 'B':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Debug busyness.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x4000; 
+	      break;
+	    case 's':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Debug spark-queue manipulations.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x10000; 
+	      break;
+	    case ':':
+	      fprintf(stderr,"Debug GrAnSim Light.\n");
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug |= 0x20000; 
+	      break;
+	    case '\0':
+	      RTSflags.GranFlags.debug = 1;
+	      break;
+	    default:
+	      bad_option( rts_argv[arg] );
+	      break;
+	  }
-	}
-    }
-    do_gr_sim++;
-    RTSflags.ConcFlags.ctxtSwitchTime = 0;
+#  endif  /* GRAN_CHECK */
+      default:
+	bad_option( rts_argv[arg] );
+	break;
+     }
 #endif /* GRAN */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/ b/ghc/runtime/main/
index 26091955217d..19c6d51427af 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ MUTUPLE_RTBL();
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR) /* && !defined(GRAN) */
@@ -152,11 +152,17 @@ DUMMY_PRRETURN_RTBL(_PRMarking_MarkNextCAF,_Dummy_PRReturn_entry);
 # endif
+# if defined(GRAN)
+# endif
 # ifdef PAR
 # else
+#  if 1 /* !defined(CONCURRENT) */ /* HWL */
+#  endif
 # endif
@@ -177,7 +183,7 @@ BF_RTBL();
 # endif
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/ b/ghc/runtime/main/
index 4fdcaa45ecf5..325a4a94ac51 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 %*									*
+Handling of select() of read&write on file descriptors or timer expiry.
@@ -16,7 +18,8 @@
 #define NULL_REG_MAP
 /* Should there be a POSIX alternative based on poll()? */
-#include "stgdefs.h"
+#include "rtsdefs.h"
 # if defined(HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H)
 #  include <sys/types.h>
@@ -26,36 +29,75 @@
 #  include <sys/time.h>
 # endif
+/* Counter holding the number of timer ticks seen during GC */
+I_ delayTicks = 0;
+  handleTimerExpiry is used to temporarily delay the handling of
+  timer ticks for threads delayed waiting for timeout. Disable
+  during GC, counting up the ticks , before updating the waiting
+  threads queue when finished GCing.
+ */
+rtsBool enable;
+  /*
+    If we enable the handling of timer expiry, update the WaitingThreads
+    queue with the number of ticks we have accumulated since the handling
+    was disabled.
+    */
+  if (!enable)
+    delayTicks = 1;
+  else {
+    if (delayTicks > 1) {
+       delayTicks = 0;
+       AwaitEvent((delayTicks-1) * RTSflags.ConcFlags.ctxtSwitchTime);
+    }
+  }
 AwaitEvent(I_ delta)
     P_ tso, prev, next;
     rtsBool ready;
-    fd_set rfd;
+    fd_set rfd,wfd;
     I_ us;
-    I_ min;
+    I_ min, numFound;
     I_ maxfd=0;
-    struct timeval tv;
+    struct timeval tv,tv_before,tv_after;
     min = delta == 0 ? 0x7fffffff : 0;
      * Collect all of the fd's that we're interested in, and capture
-     * the minimum waiting time for the delayed threads.
+     * the minimum waiting time (in microseconds) for the delayed threads.
-     * (I_)TSO_EVENT(tso) < 0 => thread waiting on fd (-(I_)TSO_EVENT(tso))
+     * (I_)TSO_EVENT(tso) < 0 => thread waiting on read on fd (-(I_)TSO_EVENT(tso))
+     * (I_)TSO_EVENT(tso) < -FD_SETSIZE => thread waiting on write on fd
+     *                                    (FD_SETSIZE-(I_)TSO_EVENT(tso))
-    for(tso = WaitingThreadsHd; tso != Nil_closure; tso = TSO_LINK(tso)) {
+    FD_ZERO(&wfd);
+    for(tso = WaitingThreadsHd; tso != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; tso = TSO_LINK(tso)) {
 	us = (I_) TSO_EVENT(tso);
 	if (us > 0) {
 	    /* Looking at a delay event */
 	    if (us < min)
 		min = us;
+	} else if ( us <= (-(I_)FD_SETSIZE)) {
+	    /* Looking at a waitWrite event */
+            us += (I_)FD_SETSIZE;
+	    maxfd = ((1-us)> maxfd) ? (1-us) : maxfd;
+	    FD_SET((-us), &wfd);
 	} else {
-	    /* Looking at a wait event */
-	    maxfd = ((-us)> maxfd) ? (-us) : maxfd;
+	    /* Looking at a waitRead event */
+	    maxfd = ((1-us)> maxfd) ? (1-us) : maxfd;
 	    FD_SET((-us), &rfd);
@@ -65,19 +107,42 @@ AwaitEvent(I_ delta)
     tv.tv_sec = min / 1000000;
     tv.tv_usec = min % 1000000;
-    while (select((maxfd==0 ? 0 : (maxfd+1)), &rfd, NULL, NULL, &tv) < 0) {
+    gettimeofday(&tv_before, (struct timezone *) NULL);
+    while ((numFound = select(maxfd, &rfd, &wfd, NULL, &tv)) < 0) {
 	if (errno != EINTR) {
 	    fprintf(stderr, "AwaitEvent: select failed\n");
+    if (numFound != 0) { 
+      /* 
+	File descriptors ready, but we have don't know how much time was spent
+	in the select(). To interpolate, we compare the time before and after the
+	select(). 
+	*/
+      gettimeofday(&tv_after, (struct timezone *) NULL);
+      delta = (tv_after.tv_sec - tv_before.tv_sec) * 1000000 +
+	       tv_after.tv_usec - tv_before.tv_usec;
+    }
     if (delta == 0)
+    /*
+      Step through the waiting queue, unblocking every thread that now has
+      a file descriptor in a ready state.
+      For the delayed threads, decrement the number of microsecs
+      we've been blocked for. Unblock the threads that have thusly expired.
+     */
     prev = NULL;
-    for(tso = WaitingThreadsHd; tso != Nil_closure; tso = next) {
+    for(tso = WaitingThreadsHd; tso != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; tso = next) {
 	next = TSO_LINK(tso);
 	us = (I_) TSO_EVENT(tso);
 	if (us > 0) {
@@ -86,26 +151,29 @@ AwaitEvent(I_ delta)
 	    ready = (us <= 0);
 	    if (!ready)
 		TSO_EVENT(tso) = (W_) us;
+	} else if ( us <= (-(I_)FD_SETSIZE)) {
+	    /* Looking at a waitWrite event */
+	    ready = FD_ISSET(((I_)FD_SETSIZE-us), &wfd);
 	} else {
-	    /* Looking at a wait event */
+	    /* Looking at a waitRead event */
 	    ready = FD_ISSET((-us), &rfd);
 	if (ready) {
 #if defined(GRAN)
-            if (ThreadQueueTl == Nil_closure)
+            if (ThreadQueueTl == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
 		ThreadQueueHd = tso;
 		TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueTl) = tso;
 	    ThreadQueueTl = tso;
-	    TSO_LINK(tso) = Nil_closure;
+	    TSO_LINK(tso) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
-            if (RunnableThreadsTl == Nil_closure)
+            if (RunnableThreadsTl == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
 		RunnableThreadsHd = tso;
 		TSO_LINK(RunnableThreadsTl) = tso;
 	    RunnableThreadsTl = tso;
-	    TSO_LINK(tso) = Nil_closure;
+	    TSO_LINK(tso) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
 	} else {
 	    if (prev == NULL)
@@ -116,9 +184,9 @@ AwaitEvent(I_ delta)
     if (prev == NULL)
-	WaitingThreadsHd = WaitingThreadsTl = Nil_closure;
+	WaitingThreadsHd = WaitingThreadsTl = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
     else {
-	TSO_LINK(prev) = Nil_closure;
+	TSO_LINK(prev) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
 	WaitingThreadsTl = prev;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/ b/ghc/runtime/main/
index af2738eb42f2..3189786ad882 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/
@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@ much pain.
+#if defined(freebsd_TARGET_OS)
 #if defined(osf1_TARGET_OS)
     /* The include files for OSF1 do not normally define SA_SIGINFO */
 # define _OSF_SOURCE 1
@@ -47,6 +51,11 @@ much pain.
 # include <signal.h>
+#if defined(linux_TARGET_OS) || defined(linuxaout_TARGET_OS)
+    /* to look *inside* sigcontext... */
+# include <asm/signal.h>
 #if defined(HAVE_SIGINFO_H)
     /* DEC OSF1 seems to need this explicitly.  Maybe others do as well? */
 # include <siginfo.h>
@@ -78,17 +87,25 @@ to set up the handler to expect a different collection of arguments.
 Fun, eh?
-# if defined(sunos4_TARGET_OS)
+# if defined(sunos4_TARGET_OS) || defined(freebsd_TARGET_OS) \
+  || defined(linux_TARGET_OS)  || defined(linuxaout_TARGET_OS)
 static void
-segv_handler(sig, code, scp, addr)
-  int sig;
-  int code; /* NB: all except first argument are "implementation defined" */
-  struct sigcontext *scp;
-  caddr_t addr;
+segv_handler(int sig,
+    /* NB: all except first argument are "implementation defined" */
+#  if defined(sunos4_TARGET_OS) || defined(freebsd_TARGET_OS)
+	int code, struct sigcontext *scp, caddr_t addr)
+#  else /* linux */
+	struct sigcontext_struct scp)
+#  endif /* linux */
     extern void StackOverflow(STG_NO_ARGS) STG_NORETURN;
+#  if defined(linux_TARGET_OS)  || defined(linuxaout_TARGET_OS)
+    caddr_t addr = scp.cr2;
+    /* Magic info from Tommy Thorn! */
+#  endif
     if (addr >= (caddr_t) stks_space
       && addr < (caddr_t) (stks_space + RTSflags.GcFlags.stksSize))
@@ -101,13 +118,20 @@ segv_handler(sig, code, scp, addr)
+#if freebsd_TARGET_OS
+    /* FreeBSD seems to generate SIGBUS for stack overflows */
+    if (signal(SIGBUS, segv_handler) == SIG_ERR)
+	return -1;
+    return ((int) signal(SIGSEGV, segv_handler));
     return ((int) signal(SIGSEGV, segv_handler) == SIG_ERR);
     /* I think the "== SIG_ERR" is saying "there was no
        handler for SIGSEGV before this one".  WDP 95/12
-# else	/* Not SunOS 4 */
+# else	/* Not SunOS 4, FreeBSD, or Linux(a.out) */
 #  if defined(irix_TARGET_OS)
      /* certainly BOGUS (WDP 94/05) -- copied from /usr/include/sys/siginfo.h */
@@ -161,10 +185,12 @@ the non-POSIX signal under SunOS 4.1.X, we adopt the same approach
-#if (defined(PROFILING) || defined(CONCURRENT)) && !defined(GRAN)
+#if defined(PROFILING) || defined(CONCURRENT) /* && !defined(GRAN) */
+extern I_ delayTicks;
 #  ifdef PAR
 extern P_ CurrentTSO;
 #  endif
@@ -198,8 +224,27 @@ vtalrm_handler(int sig)
 #  endif
-    if (WaitingThreadsHd != Nil_closure)
-	AwaitEvent(RTSflags.ConcFlags.ctxtSwitchTime);
+       /*
+	 Handling a tick for threads blocked waiting for file
+	 descriptor I/O or time.
+         This requires some care since virtual time alarm ticks
+	 can occur when we are in the GC. If that is the case,
+	 we just increment a delayed timer tick counter, but do
+         not check to see if any TSOs have been made runnable
+         as a result. (Do a bulk update of their status once
+	 the GC has completed).
+	 If the vtalrm does not occur within GC, we try to promote
+	 any of the waiting threads to the runnable list (see awaitEvent)
+         4/96 SOF
+       */
+    if (delayTicks != 0) /* delayTicks>0 => don't handle timer expiry (in GC) */
+       delayTicks++;
+    else if (WaitingThreadsHd != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
+	     AwaitEvent(RTSflags.ConcFlags.ctxtSwitchTime);
 #  ifdef PAR
     if (PendingSparksTl[REQUIRED_POOL] == PendingSparksLim[REQUIRED_POOL] ||
@@ -217,7 +262,7 @@ vtalrm_handler(int sig)
     if (CurrentTSO != NULL ||
 #  else
-    if (RunnableThreadsHd != Nil_closure ||
+    if (RunnableThreadsHd != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure ||
 #  endif
       PendingSparksHd[REQUIRED_POOL] < PendingSparksTl[REQUIRED_POOL] ||
       PendingSparksHd[ADVISORY_POOL] < PendingSparksTl[ADVISORY_POOL]) {
@@ -318,7 +363,7 @@ parallel world.  Sorry.
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) /* || defined(GRAN) */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/ b/ghc/runtime/main/
index aac16e5465ba..a5f4e6132083 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ P_ frame;
 		    /* Urgh.  Two queues.  Merge them. */
 		    P_ tso = (P_) BQ_ENTRIES(updatee_keep);
-		    while (TSO_LINK(tso) != Nil_closure)
+		    while (TSO_LINK(tso) != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
 			tso = TSO_LINK(tso);
 		    TSO_LINK(tso) = (P_) BQ_ENTRIES(updatee_bypass);
@@ -285,18 +285,22 @@ W_ args2;
-    /*?/
+    /*?
+    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) {
-    /?*/
+    }
+    ?*/
     old_stko = SAVE_StkO;
-    /*?/
+    /*?
+    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) {
       fprintf(stderr, "stko: %lx SpA %lx SuA %lx SpB %lx SuB %lx\n",
       old_stko, STKO_SpA(old_stko),
       STKO_SuA(old_stko), STKO_SpB(old_stko), STKO_SuB(old_stko));
-    /?*/
+    }
+    ?*/
     if (RTSflags.GcFlags.squeezeUpdFrames) {
@@ -306,14 +310,18 @@ W_ args2;
 	STKO_SuB(old_stko) += BREL(i);
 	STKO_SpB(old_stko) += BREL(i);
-     /*?/ fprintf(stderr, "Just squeezed; now: SpB %lx SuB %lx retval %d\n", STKO_SpB(old_stko), STKO_SuB(old_stko), i); /?*/
+     /*? 
+     if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) 
+	fprintf(stderr, "Just squeezed; now: SpB %lx SuB %lx retval %d\n", STKO_SpB(old_stko), STKO_SuB(old_stko), i); ?*/
 	if ((P_) STKO_SpA(old_stko) - AREL(headroom) > STKO_SpB(old_stko)) {
-	    /*?/
+	    /*?
+	    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) {
 	      fprintf(stderr, "Squeezed; now: SpA %lx SpB %lx headroom %d\n", STKO_SpA(old_stko),
 	      STKO_SpB(old_stko), headroom);
-	    /?*/
+	    }
+	    ?*/
 	    /* We saved enough space to continue on the old StkO */
 	    return 0;
@@ -324,7 +332,9 @@ W_ args2;
     /* Double the stack chunk size each time we grow the stack */
-    /*?/ fprintf(stderr, "Stko %lx: about to double stk-chk size from %d...\n", old_stko, STKO_CLOSURE_CTS_SIZE(old_stko)); /?*/
+    /*? 
+    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) {
+	fprintf(stderr, "Stko %lx: about to double stk-chk size from %d...\n", old_stko, STKO_CLOSURE_CTS_SIZE(old_stko)); } ?*/
     cts_size = STKO_CLOSURE_CTS_SIZE(old_stko) * 2;
     if (SAVE_Hp + STKO_HS + cts_size > SAVE_HpLim) {
@@ -337,7 +347,11 @@ W_ args2;
 	    TSO_PC2(CurrentTSO) = EnterNodeCode;
 	    really_reenter_node = 1;
-	/*?/ fprintf(stderr, "StkO %lx: stk-chk GC: size %d...\n", old_stko, STKO_HS + cts_size);/?*/
+    /*? 
+    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) {
+	fprintf(stderr, "StkO %lx: stk-chk GC: size %d...\n", 
+		old_stko, STKO_HS + cts_size); 
+    } ?*/
 	ReallyPerformThreadGC(STKO_HS + cts_size, rtsFalse);
 	   now, GC semantics promise to have left SAVE_Hp with
@@ -355,7 +369,7 @@ W_ args2;
     SAVE_Hp += STKO_HS + cts_size;
     SET_STKO_HDR(new_stko, StkO_info, CCC);
-    /*?/ fprintf(stderr, "New StkO now %lx...\n", new_stko); /?*/
+    /*?  if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) fprintf(stderr, "New StkO now %lx...\n", new_stko); ?*/
     /* Initialize the StkO, as in NewThread */
     STKO_SIZE(new_stko) = cts_size + STKO_VHS;
@@ -363,7 +377,7 @@ W_ args2;
     STKO_SpA(new_stko) = STKO_SuA(new_stko) = STKO_ASTK_BOT(new_stko) + AREL(1);
     STKO_LINK(new_stko) = old_stko;
-    /*?/ fprintf(stderr, "New StkO SpA = %lx...\n", STKO_SpA(new_stko) ); /?*/
+    /*?     if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) fprintf(stderr, "New StkO SpA = %lx...\n", STKO_SpA(new_stko) ); ?*/
     STKO_RETURN(new_stko) = SAVE_Ret;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/StgStartup.lhc b/ghc/runtime/main/StgStartup.lhc
index 3bd53e8cd7c0..bc2c352d26ce 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/StgStartup.lhc
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/StgStartup.lhc
@@ -106,27 +106,27 @@ IMMUTUPLE_ITBL(ImMutArrayOfPtrs_info,ImMutArrayOfPtrs_entry,UpdErr,0,INFO_OTHER_
 now - worth putting them in a file by themselves?? [ADR] */
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR) /* && !defined(GRAN) */
-/* Ditto for Malloc Pointer entry point and info tables. [ADR]
+/* Ditto for Foreign Objectr entry point and info tables. [ADR]
    BTW Will, I copied most of this blindly from above - what's with
    this TAG stuff? And what kind of description/ type is wanted here?
     /* Don't wrap the calls; we're done with STG land */
-    fprintf(stderr, "Compiler bug: Entered a Malloc Pointer---this shouldn't happen!\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, "Compiler bug: Entered a ForeignObj---this shouldn't happen!\n");
-MallocPtr_ITBL(MallocPtr_info,MallocPtr_entry,UpdErr,0,INFO_OTHER_TAG,,,const,EF_,MallocPtr_K,"MALLOC PTR","MallocPtr");
+ForeignObj_ITBL(ForeignObj_info,ForeignObj_entry,UpdErr,0,INFO_OTHER_TAG,,,const,EF_,ForeignObj_K,"FOREIGN OBJ","ForeignObj");
-/* End of MallocPtr stuff */
+/* End of ForeignObj stuff */
 /* Ditto for the unused Stable Pointer info table. [ADR]
@@ -198,8 +198,9 @@ SET_STATIC_HDR(EmptySPTable_closure,EmptyStablePointerTable_info,CC_SUBSUMED,,ED
 /* Question: this is just an amusing hex code isn't it
    -- or does it mean something? ADR */
 P_ realWorldZh_closure = (P_) 0xbadbadbaL;
+P_ GHCbuiltins_void_closure = (P_) 0xbadbadbaL;
 , (W_) 0xbadbadbaL
@@ -326,6 +327,12 @@ STGFUN(ErrorIO_innards)
     	SuA = stackInfo.botA + AREL(1);
     	SuB = stackInfo.botB + BREL(1);
+        /* HWL */
+        /* 
+        SpB = SuB = STKO_BSTK_BOT(StkOReg) + BREL(1);
+        SuA = STKO_ASTK_BOT(StkOReg) + AREL(1);
+	*/
@@ -356,7 +363,7 @@ STGFUN(ErrorIO_innards)
     *SpA = (P_) WorldStateToken_closure;
-    STKO_LINK(StkOReg) = Nil_closure;
+    STKO_LINK(StkOReg) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
@@ -416,7 +423,7 @@ ErrorIO_innards(STG_NO_ARGS)
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN) 
@@ -446,7 +453,7 @@ SPEC_N_ITBL(RBH_Save_0_info,RBH_Save_0_entry,UpdErr,0,INFO_OTHER_TAG,2,0,,IF_,IN
-#endif /* PAR */
+#endif /* PAR || GRAN */
@@ -491,26 +498,6 @@ SET_STATIC_HDR(STK_STUB_closure,STK_STUB_info,CC_SUBSUMED,,EXTDATA_RO)
-#ifdef GRAN
-STGFUN(Event_Queue_entry) {
-    FB_
-    /* Don't wrap the calls; we're done with STG land */
-    fflush(stdout);
-    fprintf(stderr, "Entered from an event queue!\n");
-    abort();
-    JMP_(0);
-    FE_
-#endif /* GRAN */
 %*								*
 %*		Some GC info tables                           *
@@ -542,7 +529,7 @@ STGFUN(Forward_Ref_New_entry) {
     /* Don't wrap the calls; we're done with STG land */
     fprintf(stderr,"Entered Forward_Ref_New %lx: Should never occur!\n", (W_) Node);
-    abort();
+    EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE); /* abort(); */
 FORWARDREF_ITBL(Forward_Ref_New_info,Forward_Ref_New_entry,const/*not static*/,_Evacuate_Old_Forward_Ref);
@@ -552,7 +539,7 @@ STGFUN(Forward_Ref_Old_entry) {
     /* Don't wrap the calls; we're done with STG land */
     fprintf(stderr,"Entered Forward_Ref_Old %lx: Should never occur!\n", (W_) Node);
-    abort();
+    EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE); /*    abort(); */
 FORWARDREF_ITBL(Forward_Ref_Old_info,Forward_Ref_Old_entry,const/*not static*/,_Evacuate_New_Forward_Ref);
@@ -562,7 +549,7 @@ STGFUN(OldRoot_Forward_Ref_entry) {
     /* Don't wrap the calls; we're done with STG land */
     fprintf(stderr,"Entered OldRoot_Forward_Ref %lx: Should never occur!\n", (W_) Node);
-    abort();
+    EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE); /*    abort(); */
 FORWARDREF_ITBL(OldRoot_Forward_Ref_info,OldRoot_Forward_Ref_entry,const/*not static*/,_Evacuate_OldRoot_Forward);
@@ -573,7 +560,7 @@ STGFUN(Forward_Ref_entry) {
     /* Don't wrap the calls; we're done with STG land */
     fprintf(stderr,"Entered Forward_Ref %lx: Should never occur!\n", (W_) Node);
-    abort();
+    EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE); /*    abort(); */
 FORWARDREF_ITBL(Forward_Ref_info,Forward_Ref_entry,const/*not static*/,_Evacuate_Forward_Ref);
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/StgThreads.lhc b/ghc/runtime/main/StgThreads.lhc
index ab63382739db..c75eaaf44295 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/StgThreads.lhc
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/StgThreads.lhc
@@ -97,7 +97,8 @@ STGFUN(BQ_entry)
 #if defined(GRAN)
-    STGCALL0(void,(),GranSimBlock);	/* Before overwriting TSO_LINK */
+    /* Before overwriting TSO_LINK */
+    STGCALL3(void,(),GranSimBlock,CurrentTSO,CurrentProc,Node);	
     TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) = (P_) BQ_ENTRIES(Node);
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ STGFUN(BQ_entry)
 #if defined(GRAN)
-    ReSchedule(NEW_THREAD);
+    ReSchedule(SAME_THREAD); /* NB: GranSimBlock activated next thread */
@@ -149,15 +150,16 @@ checked, yet. -- HWL
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
-#if defined(GRAN)
-    STGCALL0(void, (), GranSimBlock);	/* Before overwriting TSO_LINK */
+#  if defined(GRAN)
+    /* Before overwriting TSO_LINK */
+    STGCALL3(void,(),GranSimBlock,CurrentTSO,CurrentProc,Node);	
+#  endif
     switch (INFO_TYPE(InfoPtr)) {
@@ -182,6 +184,7 @@ STGFUN(RBH_entry)
 	QP_Event1("GR", CurrentTSO);
+#  ifdef PAR
     if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats) {
         /* Note that CURRENT_TIME may perform an unsafe call */
@@ -191,12 +194,12 @@ STGFUN(RBH_entry)
         TSO_BLOCKEDAT(CurrentTSO) = now;
         DumpGranEvent(GR_BLOCK, CurrentTSO);
-#if defined(GRAN)
-    ReSchedule(NEW_THREAD);
+#  endif
+#  if defined(GRAN)
+    ReSchedule(SAME_THREAD);  /* NB: GranSimBlock activated next thread */
+#  else
+#  endif
@@ -281,7 +284,6 @@ STGFUN(EnterNodeCode)
-    GRAN_EXEC(5,1,2,0,0);
@@ -468,8 +470,7 @@ IFN_(seqDirectReturn) {
     RetReg = (StgRetAddr) SpB[BREL(0)];
     cont = (void *) SpB[BREL(1)];
-    SpB += BREL(2);
-/*  GRAN_EXEC(1,1,2,0,0); /? ToDo: RE-CHECK (WDP) */
+    /* SpB += BREL(2); */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/StgUpdate.lhc b/ghc/runtime/main/StgUpdate.lhc
index e0cb2458b96a..5a229ecdb68c 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/StgUpdate.lhc
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/StgUpdate.lhc
@@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
 This code is required by the update interface which sits on top of the
 storage manager interface (See \tr{SMupdate.lh}).
-Some of this stuff has been separated (correctly!) into StgThreads.lhc
-for version 0.23.  Could someone (Hans?) bring us up to date, please!
 \item Indirection entry code and info table.
 \item Black Hole entry code and info table.
@@ -31,7 +27,7 @@ System-wide constants need to be included:
 #if defined(TICKY_TICKY)
 void PrintTickyInfo(STG_NO_ARGS);
@@ -130,15 +126,16 @@ STGFUN(BH_UPD_entry)
 # if 0
-    if ( debug & 0x80 ) 
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x80 ) 
       (void) STGCALL4(int,(),fprintf,stderr,"GRAN_CHECK in BH_UPD_entry: Entered a `black hole' @ 0x%x (CurrentTSO @ 0x%x\n ",Node,CurrentTSO);
+# endif
 # if defined(GRAN)
-    STGCALL0(void,(),GranSimBlock);	/* Do this before losing its TSO_LINK */
+    /* Do this before losing its TSO_LINK */
+    STGCALL3(void,(),GranSimBlock,CurrentTSO,CurrentProc,Node);	
 # endif
-    TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) = Nil_closure;
+    TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
     SET_INFO_PTR(Node, BQ_info);
     BQ_ENTRIES(Node) = (W_) CurrentTSO;
@@ -173,8 +170,8 @@ STGFUN(BH_UPD_entry)
 # endif
 # if defined(GRAN)
-    /* CurrentTSO = Nil_closure; */
-    ReSchedule(NEW_THREAD);
+    /* CurrentTSO = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; */
+    ReSchedule(SAME_THREAD);
 # else
 # endif
@@ -405,9 +402,6 @@ STGFUN(Perm_Ind_entry)
-# if defined(GRAN)
-    GRAN_EXEC(1,1,2,0,0);
-# endif
@@ -469,7 +463,7 @@ STGFUN(UpdatePAP)
-#if defined(COUNT)
+#if defined(GRAN_COUNT)
@@ -602,7 +596,7 @@ STGFUN(UpdatePAP)
      * Don't count this entry for ticky-ticky profiling. 
-#if defined(GRAN)
+#if 0 /* defined(GRAN) */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/ b/ghc/runtime/main/
index 4df5c8ecfb78..eba881de14c6 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-#if defined(CONCURRENT)
+#if defined(CONCURRENT) /* the whole module! */
 # define NON_POSIX_SOURCE /* so says Solaris */
@@ -44,57 +44,19 @@ chunk of a thread, the one that's got
 @RTSflags.ConcFlags.stkChunkSize@ words.
-P_ AvailableStack = Nil_closure;
-P_ AvailableTSO = Nil_closure;
+P_ AvailableStack = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+P_ AvailableTSO = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
 Macros for dealing with the new and improved GA field for simulating
 parallel execution. Based on @CONCURRENT@ package. The GA field now
 contains a mask, where the n-th bit stands for the n-th processor,
-where this data can be found. In case of multiple copies, several bits
+on which this data can be found. In case of multiple copies, several bits
 are set.  The total number of processors is bounded by @MAX_PROC@,
 which should be <= the length of a word in bits.  -- HWL
-/* mattson thinks this is obsolete */
-# if 0 && defined(GRAN)
-typedef unsigned long TIME;
-typedef unsigned char PROC;
-typedef unsigned char EVTTYPE;
-#  undef max
-#  define max(a,b) (a>b?a:b)
-static PROC
-ga_to_proc(W_ ga)
-{ PROC i;
-  for (i=0; i<MAX_PROC && !IS_LOCAL_TO(ga,i); i++) ; 
-  return (i);
-/* NB: This takes a *node* rather than just a ga as input */
-static PROC
-where_is(P_ node)
-{ return (ga_to_proc(PROCS(node))); }   /* Access the GA field of the node */
-static PROC
-no_of_copies(P_ node)       /* DaH lo'lu'Qo'; currently unused */
-{ PROC i, n;
-  for (i=0, n=0; i<MAX_PROC; i++) 
-    if (IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),i))
-      n++;; 
-  return (n);
-# endif /* GRAN ; HWL */ 
+{{}Daq ngoq' roQlu'ta'}
+(Code has been moved to
 %*								*
@@ -104,51 +66,26 @@ no_of_copies(P_ node)       /* DaH lo'lu'Qo'; currently unused */
 This is the heart of the thread scheduling code.
-# if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-W_ debug = 0;
-# endif       
+Most of the changes for GranSim are in this part of the RTS.
+Especially the @ReSchedule@ routine has been blown up quite a lot
+It now contains the top-level event-handling loop. 
-W_ event_trace = 0;
-W_ event_trace_all = 0;
+Parts of the code that are not necessary for GranSim, but convenient to
+have when developing it are marked with a @GRAN_CHECK@ variable.
 STGRegisterTable *CurrentRegTable = NULL;
 P_ CurrentTSO = NULL;
-# if defined(GRAN)                                                  /* HWL */
-unsigned CurrentProc = 0;
-W_ IdleProcs = ~0L, Idlers = MAX_PROC; 
-# if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
-# define FETCH_MASK_TSO  0x08000000  /* only bits 0, 1, 2 should be used */
-                                     /* normally */
-# endif
-I_ DoFairSchedule = 0;
-I_ DoReScheduleOnFetch = 0;
-I_ DoStealThreadsFirst = 0;
-I_ SimplifiedFetch = 0;
-I_ DoAlwaysCreateThreads = 0;
-I_ DoGUMMFetching = 0;
-I_ DoThreadMigration = 0;
-I_ FetchStrategy = 4;
-I_ PreferSparksOfLocalNodes = 0;
-# if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
-I_ NoForward = 0;
-I_ PrintFetchMisses = 0, fetch_misses = 0;
-# endif
-# if defined(COUNT)
-I_ nUPDs = 0, nUPDs_old = 0, nUPDs_new = 0, nUPDs_BQ = 0, nPAPs = 0,
-   BQ_lens = 0;
-# endif
+#if defined(GRAN)
-I_ no_gr_profile = 0;        /* Don't create any .gr file at all? */
-I_ do_sp_profile = 0;
-I_ do_gr_migration = 0;
+/* Only needed for GranSim Light; costs of operations during rescheduling
+   are associated to the virtual processor on which ActiveTSO is living */
+P_ ActiveTSO = NULL;
+rtsBool             __resched = rtsFalse;  /* debugging only !!*/
+/* Pointers to the head and tail of the runnable queues for each PE */
+/* In GranSim Light only the thread/spark-queues of proc 0 are used */
 P_ RunnableThreadsHd[MAX_PROC];
 P_ RunnableThreadsTl[MAX_PROC];
@@ -158,237 +95,41 @@ P_ WaitThreadsTl[MAX_PROC];
 sparkq PendingSparksHd[MAX_PROC][SPARK_POOLS];
 sparkq PendingSparksTl[MAX_PROC][SPARK_POOLS];
-W_ CurrentTime[MAX_PROC];       /* Per PE clock */
+/* One clock for each PE */
+W_ CurrentTime[MAX_PROC];  
-# if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-P_ BlockedOnFetch[MAX_PROC];    /* HWL-CHECK */
-# endif
+/* Useful to restrict communication; cf fishing model in GUM */
+I_ OutstandingFetches[MAX_PROC], OutstandingFishes[MAX_PROC];
+/* Status of each PE (new since but independent of GranSim Light) */
+enum proc_status procStatus[MAX_PROC];
-I_ OutstandingFetches[MAX_PROC];
+#if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+/* To check if the RTS ever tries to run a thread that should be blocked
+   because of fetching remote data */
+P_ BlockedOnFetch[MAX_PROC];
 W_ SparksAvail = 0;     /* How many sparks are available */
 W_ SurplusThreads = 0;  /* How many excess threads are there */
-StgBool NeedToReSchedule = StgFalse; /* Do we need to reschedule following a fetch? */
-/* Communication Cost Variables -- set in main program */
-W_ gran_latency =      LATENCY,          gran_additional_latency = ADDITIONAL_LATENCY, 
-   gran_fetchtime =    FETCHTIME, 
-   gran_lunblocktime = LOCALUNBLOCKTIME, gran_gunblocktime =       GLOBALUNBLOCKTIME,
-   gran_mpacktime =    MSGPACKTIME,      gran_munpacktime =        MSGUNPACKTIME,
-   gran_mtidytime =    0;
-W_ gran_threadcreatetime =         THREADCREATETIME,
-   gran_threadqueuetime =          THREADQUEUETIME,
-   gran_threaddescheduletime =     THREADDESCHEDULETIME,
-   gran_threadscheduletime =       THREADSCHEDULETIME,
-   gran_threadcontextswitchtime =  THREADCONTEXTSWITCHTIME;
-/* Instruction Cost Variables -- set in main program */
-W_ gran_arith_cost =   ARITH_COST,       gran_branch_cost =        BRANCH_COST, 
-   gran_load_cost =    LOAD_COST,        gran_store_cost =         STORE_COST, 
-   gran_float_cost =   FLOAT_COST,       gran_heapalloc_cost =     0;
-W_ max_proc = MAX_PROC;
-/* Granularity event types' names for output */
-char *event_names[] =
-    };
-# if defined(GRAN)
-/* Prototypes of GrAnSim debugging functions */
-void DEBUG_TREE		PROTO((P_));
-void DEBUG_TSO		PROTO((P_, I_));
-void DEBUG_EVENT	PROTO((eventq, I_));
-void DEBUG_SPARK	PROTO((sparkq, I_));
-void DEBUG_SPARKQ	PROTO((sparkq, I_));
-void DEBUG_PROC		PROTO((I_, I_));
-void HandleFetchRequest PROTO((P_, PROC, P_));
-# endif /* GRAN ; HWL */ 
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-static eventq DelayedEventHd = NULL, DelayedEventTl = NULL;
-static I_ noOfEvents = 0;
-static I_ event_counts[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
 TIME SparkStealTime();
-/* Fcts for manipulating event queues have been deleted  -- HWL */
-/* ---------------------------------- */
-static void
-  sparkq spark;
-  if (spark==NULL)
-    fprintf(stderr,"Spark: NIL\n");
-  else
-    fprintf(stderr,"Spark: Node 0x%lx, Name 0x%lx, Exported %s, Prev 0x%x, Next 0x%x\n",
-	    (W_) SPARK_NODE(spark), SPARK_NAME(spark), 
-            ((SPARK_EXPORTED(spark))?"True":"False"), 
-            SPARK_PREV(spark), SPARK_NEXT(spark) );
-static print_sparkq(hd)
-sparkq hd;
-  sparkq x;
-  fprintf(stderr,"Spark Queue with root at %x:\n",hd);
-  for (x=hd; x!=NULL; x=SPARK_NEXT(x)) {
-    print_spark(x);
-  }
-static print_event(event)
-eventq event;
-  if (event==NULL)
-    fprintf(stderr,"Evt: NIL\n");
-  else
-    fprintf(stderr,"Evt: %s (%u), PE %u [%u], Time %lu, TSO 0x%lx, node 0x%lx\n",
-              event_names[EVENT_TYPE(event)],EVENT_TYPE(event),
-              EVENT_PROC(event), EVENT_CREATOR(event), 
-              EVENT_TIME(event), EVENT_TSO(event), EVENT_NODE(event) /*,
-              EVENT_SPARK(event), EVENT_NEXT(event)*/ );
-static print_eventq(hd)
-eventq hd;
-  eventq x;
-  fprintf(stderr,"Event Queue with root at %x:\n",hd);
-  for (x=hd; x!=NULL; x=EVENT_NEXT(x)) {
-    print_event(x);
-  }
-/* ---------------------------------- */
-#if 0 /* moved */
-static eventq getnextevent()
-  static eventq entry = NULL;
-  if(EventHd == NULL)
-    {
-      fprintf(stderr,"No next event\n");
-      exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* ToDo: abort()? EXIT? */
-    }
-  if(entry != NULL)
-    free((char *)entry);
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-  if (debug & 0x20) {     /* count events */
-    noOfEvents++;
-    event_counts[EVENT_TYPE(EventHd)]++;
-  }
-  entry = EventHd;
-  EventHd = EVENT_NEXT(EventHd);
-  return(entry);
-/* ToDo: replace malloc/free with a free list */
-static insert_event(newentry)
-eventq newentry;
-  EVTTYPE evttype = EVENT_TYPE(newentry);
-  eventq event, *prev;
-  /* Search the queue and insert at the right point:
-     FINDWORK before everything, CONTINUETHREAD after everything.
-     This ensures that we find any available work after all threads have
-     executed the current cycle.  This level of detail would normally be
-     irrelevant, but matters for ridiculously low latencies...
-  */
-  if(EventHd == NULL)
-    EventHd = newentry;
-  else 
-    {
-      for (event = EventHd, prev=&EventHd; event != NULL; 
-           prev = &(EVENT_NEXT(event)), event = EVENT_NEXT(event))
-        {
-          if(evttype == FINDWORK ?       (EVENT_TIME(event) >=  EVENT_TIME(newentry)) :
-             evttype == CONTINUETHREAD ? (EVENT_TIME(event) > EVENT_TIME(newentry)) : 
-                                         (EVENT_TIME(event) >  EVENT_TIME(newentry) ||
-                                         (EVENT_TIME(event) == EVENT_TIME(newentry) &&
-                                          EVENT_TYPE(event) != FINDWORK )))
-            {
-              *prev = newentry;
-              EVENT_NEXT(newentry) = event;
-              break;
-            }
-        }
-      if (event == NULL)
-        *prev = newentry;
-    }
-static newevent(proc,creator,time,evttype,tso,node,spark)
-PROC proc, creator;
-TIME time;
-EVTTYPE evttype;
-P_ tso, node;
-sparkq spark;
-  eventq newentry = (eventq) stgMallocBytes(sizeof(struct event), "newevent");
-  EVENT_PROC(newentry) = proc;
-  EVENT_CREATOR(newentry) = creator;
-  EVENT_TIME(newentry) = time;
-  EVENT_TYPE(newentry) = evttype;
-  EVENT_TSO(newentry) =  tso;
-  EVENT_NODE(newentry) =  node;
-  EVENT_SPARK(newentry) =  spark;
-  EVENT_NEXT(newentry) = NULL;
-  insert_event(newentry);
-#endif /* 0 moved */
 # else                                                            /* !GRAN */
-P_ RunnableThreadsHd = Nil_closure;
-P_ RunnableThreadsTl = Nil_closure;
+P_ RunnableThreadsHd = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+P_ RunnableThreadsTl = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
-P_ WaitingThreadsHd = Nil_closure;
-P_ WaitingThreadsTl = Nil_closure;
+P_ WaitingThreadsHd = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+P_ WaitingThreadsTl = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
-PP_ PendingSparksBase[SPARK_POOLS];
-PP_ PendingSparksLim[SPARK_POOLS];
-PP_ PendingSparksHd[SPARK_POOLS];
-PP_ PendingSparksTl[SPARK_POOLS];
-# endif                                                      /* GRAN ; HWL */
+#endif                                                      /* GRAN ; HWL */
 static jmp_buf scheduler_loop;
@@ -397,13 +138,30 @@ I_ advisory_thread_count = 0;
+/* Misc prototypes */
+#if defined(GRAN)
+P_ NewThread PROTO((P_, W_, I_));
+I_ blockFetch PROTO((P_, PROC, P_));
+I_ HandleFetchRequest PROTO((P_, PROC, P_));
+rtsBool InsertThread PROTO((P_ tso));
+sparkq delete_from_spark_queue PROTO((sparkq, sparkq));
+sparkq prev, spark;
 P_ NewThread PROTO((P_, W_));
 I_ context_switch = 0;
+I_ contextSwitchTime = 10000;
+I_ threadId = 0;
+/* NB: GRAN and GUM use different representations of spark pools.
+       GRAN sparks are more flexible (containing e.g. granularity info)
+       but slower than GUM sparks. There is no fixed upper bound on the
+       number of GRAN sparks either. -- HWL
 #if !defined(GRAN)
-I_ threadId = 0;
 I_ sparksIgnored =0;
 I_ SparkLimit[SPARK_POOLS];
@@ -411,21 +169,21 @@ I_ SparkLimit[SPARK_POOLS];
-    I_ size = RTSflags.ConcFlags.maxLocalSparks;
+    I_ i, size = RTSflags.ConcFlags.maxLocalSparks;
     SparkLimit[ADVISORY_POOL] = SparkLimit[REQUIRED_POOL] = size;
-    if ((PendingSparksBase[ADVISORY_POOL] = (PP_) malloc(size * sizeof(P_))) == NULL)
+    if ((PendingSparksBase[ADVISORY_POOL] = (TYPE_OF_SPARK) malloc(size * SIZE_OF_SPARK)) == NULL)
 	return rtsFalse;
-    if ((PendingSparksBase[REQUIRED_POOL] = (PP_) malloc(size * sizeof(P_))) == NULL)
+    if ((PendingSparksBase[REQUIRED_POOL] = (TYPE_OF_SPARK) malloc(size * SIZE_OF_SPARK)) == NULL)
 	return rtsFalse;
     PendingSparksLim[ADVISORY_POOL] = PendingSparksBase[ADVISORY_POOL] + size;
     PendingSparksLim[REQUIRED_POOL] = PendingSparksBase[REQUIRED_POOL] + size;
     return rtsTrue;
+#endif  /* !GRAN */
 #ifdef PAR
 rtsBool sameThread;
@@ -454,34 +212,38 @@ P_ topClosure;
     } else
         context_switch = 0 /* 1 HWL */;
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)                                           /* HWL */
-    if ( debug & 0x40 ) {
-      fprintf(stderr,"D> Doing init in ScheduleThreads now ...\n");
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)                           /* HWL */
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light && RTSflags.GranFlags.proc!=1 ) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: In GrAnSim Light setup .proc must be 1\n");
-#if defined(GRAN)                                                  /* KH */
-    for (i=0; i<max_proc; i++) 
-      {
-        RunnableThreadsHd[i] = RunnableThreadsTl[i] = Nil_closure;
-	WaitThreadsHd[i] = WaitThreadsTl[i] = Nil_closure;
-        PendingSparksHd[i][REQUIRED_POOL] = PendingSparksHd[i][ADVISORY_POOL] = 
-        PendingSparksTl[i][REQUIRED_POOL] = PendingSparksTl[i][ADVISORY_POOL] = 
-            NULL; 
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40 ) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Doing init in ScheduleThreads now ...\n");
+    }
+#  endif
-# if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
-        if (debug & 0x04) 
-          BlockedOnFetch[i] = 0; /*- StgFalse; -*/              /* HWL-CHECK */
+#if defined(GRAN)                                                     /* KH */
+    /* Init thread and spark queues on all processors */
+    for (i=0; i<RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; i++) 
+      {
+        /* Init of RunnableThreads{Hd,Tl} etc now in main */
+        OutstandingFetches[i] = OutstandingFishes[i] = 0;
+        procStatus[i] = Idle;
+# if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)                           /* HWL */
+        BlockedOnFetch[i] = NULL;
 # endif
-        OutstandingFetches[i] = 0;
     CurrentProc = MainProc;
+#if 0
+    Idlers = RTSflags.GranFlags.proc;
+    IdleProcs = ~0l;
 #endif /* GRAN */
     if (DO_QP_PROF)
      * We perform GC so that a signal handler can install a new
      * TopClosure and start a new main thread.
@@ -489,39 +251,53 @@ P_ topClosure;
 #ifdef PAR
     if (IAmMainThread) {
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    if ((tso = NewThread(topClosure, T_MAIN, MAIN_PRI)) == NULL) {
     if ((tso = NewThread(topClosure, T_MAIN)) == NULL) {
         /* kludge to save the top closure as a root */
         CurrentTSO = topClosure;
     	ReallyPerformThreadGC(0, rtsTrue);
         topClosure = CurrentTSO;
+#if defined(GRAN)
+        if ((tso = NewThread(topClosure, T_MAIN, MAIN_PRI)) == NULL) {
         if ((tso = NewThread(topClosure, T_MAIN)) == NULL) {
             fprintf(stderr, "Not enough heap for main thread\n");
-#ifndef GRAN
+#if !defined(GRAN)
     RunnableThreadsHd = RunnableThreadsTl = tso;
     /* NB: CurrentProc must have been set to MainProc before that! -- HWL */
     ThreadQueueHd = ThreadQueueTl = tso;
 # if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
-    if ( debug & 0x40 ) {
-      fprintf(stderr,"D> MainTSO has been initialized (0x%x)\n", tso);
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40 ) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"MainTSO has been initialized (0x%x)\n", tso);
 # endif      
+#endif /* GRAN */
 #ifdef PAR
     if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats) {
 	DumpGranEvent(GR_START, tso);
 	sameThread = rtsTrue;
+#elif defined(GRAN)
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats && !RTSflags.GranFlags.labelling)
+	DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,(PROC)0,GR_START, 
+                         tso,topClosure,0);
 #if defined(GRAN)
     MAKE_BUSY(MainProc);  /* Everything except the main PE is idle */
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.Light)
+      ActiveTSO = tso; 
     required_thread_count = 1;
@@ -538,43 +314,44 @@ P_ topClosure;
 #if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
-    if ( debug & 0x80 ) {
-      fprintf(stderr,"D> MAIN Schedule Loop; ThreadQueueHd is ");
-      DEBUG_TSO(ThreadQueueHd,1);
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x80 ) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"MAIN Schedule Loop; ThreadQueueHd is ");
+      G_TSO(ThreadQueueHd,1);
       /* if (ThreadQueueHd == MainTSO) {
         fprintf(stderr,"D> Event Queue is now:\n");
-        DEQ();
+        GEQ();
       } */
 #ifdef PAR
-    if (PendingFetches != Nil_closure) {
+    if (PendingFetches != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
 #elif defined(GRAN)
-    if (ThreadQueueHd == Nil_closure) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "No runnable threads!\n");
+    if (ThreadQueueHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "Qu'vatlh! No runnable threads!\n");
     if (DO_QP_PROF > 1 && CurrentTSO != ThreadQueueHd) {
         QP_Event1("AG", ThreadQueueHd);
-#ifndef PAR
-    while (RunnableThreadsHd == Nil_closure) {
+    while (RunnableThreadsHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
 	/* If we've no work */
-	if (WaitingThreadsHd == Nil_closure) {
+	if (WaitingThreadsHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
 	    fprintf(stderr, "No runnable threads!\n");
-	AwaitEvent(RTSflags.ConcFlags.ctxtSwitchTime);
+	/* Block indef. waiting for I/O and timer expire */
+	AwaitEvent(0);
-    if (RunnableThreadsHd == Nil_closure) {
+#ifdef PAR
+    if (RunnableThreadsHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
 	if (advisory_thread_count < RTSflags.ConcFlags.maxThreads &&
           (PendingSparksHd[REQUIRED_POOL] < PendingSparksTl[REQUIRED_POOL] ||
 	  PendingSparksHd[ADVISORY_POOL] < PendingSparksTl[ADVISORY_POOL])) {
@@ -610,29 +387,57 @@ P_ topClosure;
 #endif /* PAR */
+#if !defined(GRAN)
     if (DO_QP_PROF > 1 && CurrentTSO != RunnableThreadsHd) {
-        QP_Event1("AG", RunnableThreadsHd);
-    }
+      QP_Event1("AG", RunnableThreadsHd);
 #ifdef PAR
     if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats && !sameThread)
         DumpGranEvent(GR_SCHEDULE, RunnableThreadsHd);
-#if !GRAN /* ROUND_ROBIN */
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    TimeOfNextEvent = get_time_of_next_event();
+    CurrentTSO = ThreadQueueHd;
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.Light) {
+      /* Save time of `virt. proc' which was active since last getevent and
+         restore time of `virt. proc' where CurrentTSO is living on. */
+      if(RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule)
+        {
+            if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats &&
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x20000)
+              DumpGranEvent(GR_SYSTEM_END,ActiveTSO);
+        }
+      TSO_CLOCK(ActiveTSO) = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
+      ActiveTSO = NULL;
+      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] = TSO_CLOCK(CurrentTSO);
+      if(RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule &&  __resched )
+        {
+            __resched = rtsFalse;
+            if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats &&
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x20000)
+              DumpGranEvent(GR_SCHEDULE,ThreadQueueHd);
+        }
+      /* 
+      if (TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd)!=Prelude_Z91Z93_closure &&
+          (TimeOfNextEvent == 0 ||
+           TSO_CLOCK(TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd))+1000<TimeOfNextEvent)) {
+        new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,TSO_CLOCK(TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd))+1000,
+                  CONTINUETHREAD,TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd),Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+        TimeOfNextEvent = get_time_of_next_event();
+      }
+      */
+    }
+    EndOfTimeSlice = CurrentTime[CurrentProc]+RTSflags.GranFlags.time_slice;
+#else /* !GRAN */
     CurrentTSO = RunnableThreadsHd;
     RunnableThreadsHd = TSO_LINK(RunnableThreadsHd);
-    TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) = Nil_closure;
+    TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
-    if (RunnableThreadsHd == Nil_closure)
-        RunnableThreadsTl = Nil_closure;
-#else /* GRAN */
-    /* This used to be Round Robin. KH.  
-       I think we can ignore that, and move it down to ReSchedule instead.
-    */
-    CurrentTSO = ThreadQueueHd;
-    /* TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) = Nil_closure;  humbug */
+    if (RunnableThreadsHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
+        RunnableThreadsTl = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
     /* If we're not running a timer, just leave the flag on */
@@ -640,39 +445,42 @@ P_ topClosure;
         context_switch = 0;
 #if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
-    if (CurrentTSO == Nil_closure) {
-        fprintf(stderr,"Error: Trying to execute Nil_closure on proc %d (@ %d)\n",
+    if (CurrentTSO == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
+        fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: Trying to execute Prelude_Z91Z93_closure on proc %d (@ %d)\n",
-        exit(99);
-    if (debug & 0x04) {
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x04) {
       if (BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc]) {
-        fprintf(stderr,"Error: Trying to execute TSO 0x%x on proc %d (@ %d) which is blocked-on-fetch by TSO 0x%x\n",
+        fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: Trying to execute TSO 0x%x on proc %d (@ %d) which is blocked-on-fetch by TSO 0x%x\n",
-        exit(99);
-    if ( (debug & 0x10) &&
+    if ( (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x10) &&
          (TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO) & FETCH_MASK_TSO) ) {
-      fprintf(stderr,"Error: Trying to execute TSO 0x%x on proc %d (@ %d) which should be asleep!\n",
+           fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: Trying to execute TSO 0x%x on proc %d (@ %d) which should be asleep!\n",
-        exit(99);
+#if 0 && defined(CONCURRENT)
+    fprintf(stderr, "ScheduleThreads: About to resume thread:%#x\n",
+	            CurrentTSO);
 % Some remarks on GrAnSim -- HWL
-The ReSchedule fct is the heart  of GrAnSim.  Based  on its par it issues a
-CONTINUETRHEAD to carry on executing the current thread in due course or it
-watches out for new work (e.g. called from EndThread).
+The ReSchedule fct is the heart of GrAnSim.  Based on its parameter it issues
+a CONTINUETRHEAD to carry on executing the current thread in due course or it watches out for new work (e.g. called from EndThread). 
-Then it picks the next   event (getnextevent) and handles it  appropriately
+Then it picks the next   event (get_next_event) and handles it  appropriately
 (see switch construct). Note that a continue  in the switch causes the next
 event to be handled  and a break  causes a jmp  to the scheduler_loop where
 the TSO at the head of the current processor's runnable queue is executed.
@@ -681,74 +489,112 @@ ReSchedule is mostly  entered from which is
 itself called via the GRAN_RESCHEDULE macro in the compiler generated code.
+  GrAnSim rules here! Others stay out or you will be crashed.
+  Concurrent and parallel guys: please use the next door (a few pages down; 
+  turn left at the !GRAN sign).
 #if defined(GRAN)
+/* Prototypes of event handling functions. Only needed in ReSchedule */
+void do_the_globalblock PROTO((eventq event));
+void do_the_unblock PROTO((eventq event));
+void do_the_fetchnode PROTO((eventq event));
+void do_the_fetchreply PROTO((eventq event));
+void do_the_movethread PROTO((eventq event));
+void do_the_movespark PROTO((eventq event));
+void gimme_spark PROTO((rtsBool *found_res, sparkq *prev_res, sparkq *spark_res));
+void munch_spark PROTO((rtsBool found, sparkq prev, sparkq spark));
 int what_next;           /* Run the current thread again? */
   sparkq spark, nextspark;
   P_ tso;
-  P_ node;
+  P_ node, closure;
   eventq event;
+  int rc;
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-  if ( debug & 0x80 ) {
-    fprintf(stderr,"D> Entering ReSchedule with mode %u; tso is\n",what_next);
-    DEBUG_TSO(ThreadQueueHd,1);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x80 ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Entering ReSchedule with mode %u; tso is\n",what_next);
+    G_TSO(ThreadQueueHd,1);
+#  endif
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-  if ( (debug & 0x80) || (debug & 0x40 ) )
-      if (what_next<FIND_THREAD || what_next>CHANGE_THREAD)
-	fprintf(stderr,"ReSchedule: illegal parameter %u for what_next\n",
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+  if ( (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x80) || (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40 ) )
+      if (what_next<FIND_THREAD || what_next>END_OF_WORLD)
+	fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {ReSchedule}Daq: illegal parameter %u for what_next\n",
+#  endif
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.Light) {
+    /* Save current time; GranSim Light only */
+    TSO_CLOCK(CurrentTSO) = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
+  }      
   /* Run the current thread again (if there is one) */
-  if(what_next==SAME_THREAD && ThreadQueueHd != Nil_closure)
+  if(what_next==SAME_THREAD && ThreadQueueHd != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
       /* A bit of a hassle if the event queue is empty, but ... */
       CurrentTSO = ThreadQueueHd;
-      newevent(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
-               CONTINUETHREAD,CurrentTSO,Nil_closure,NULL);
+      __resched = rtsFalse;
+      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.Light &&
+          TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd)!=Prelude_Z91Z93_closure &&
+          TSO_CLOCK(ThreadQueueHd)>TSO_CLOCK(TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd))) {
+          if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats &&
+             RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x20000 )
+            DumpGranEvent(GR_DESCHEDULE,ThreadQueueHd);
+          __resched = rtsTrue;
+          ThreadQueueHd =           TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO);
+          if (ThreadQueueHd==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
+            ThreadQueueTl=Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+          TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) =    Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+          InsertThread(CurrentTSO);
+      }
       /* This code does round-Robin, if preferred. */
-      if(DoFairSchedule && TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) != Nil_closure)
+      if(!RTSflags.GranFlags.Light &&
+         RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule && 
+         TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure && 
+         CurrentTime[CurrentProc]>=EndOfTimeSlice)
-          if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats)
-            DumpGranEvent(GR_DESCHEDULE,ThreadQueueHd);
           ThreadQueueHd =           TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO);
           TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueTl) = CurrentTSO;
           ThreadQueueTl =           CurrentTSO;
-          TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) =    Nil_closure;
-          if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats)
-            DumpGranEvent(GR_SCHEDULE,ThreadQueueHd);
-          CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_threadcontextswitchtime;
+          TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) =    Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+          CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcontextswitchtime;
+          if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats )
+              DumpGranEvent(GR_SCHEDULE,ThreadQueueHd);
+          CurrentTSO = ThreadQueueHd;
+      new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+               CONTINUETHREAD,CurrentTSO,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
   /* Schedule `next thread' which is at ThreadQueueHd now i.e. thread queue */
   /* has been updated before that already. */ 
-  else if(what_next==NEW_THREAD && ThreadQueueHd != Nil_closure)
+  else if(what_next==NEW_THREAD && ThreadQueueHd != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-      if(DoReScheduleOnFetch)
-        {
-          fprintf(stderr,"ReSchedule(NEW_THREAD) shouldn't be used!!\n");
-          exit(99);
-        }
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+      fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: ReSchedule(NEW_THREAD) shouldn't be used with DoReScheduleOnFetch!!\n");
-      if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats)
+#  endif
+      if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats &&
+         (!RTSflags.GranFlags.Light || RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x20000) )
       CurrentTSO = ThreadQueueHd;
-      newevent(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
-               CONTINUETHREAD,Nil_closure,Nil_closure,NULL);
+      new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+               CONTINUETHREAD,CurrentTSO,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
-      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_threadcontextswitchtime;
+      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcontextswitchtime;
   /* We go in here if the current thread is blocked on fetch => don'd CONT */
@@ -760,9 +606,12 @@ int what_next;           /* Run the current thread again? */
   /* We go in here if we have no runnable threads or what_next==0 */
-      newevent(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
-               FINDWORK,Nil_closure,Nil_closure,NULL);
-      CurrentTSO = Nil_closure;
+      procStatus[CurrentProc] = Idle;
+      /* That's now done in HandleIdlePEs!
+      new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+               FINDWORK,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+      */
+      CurrentTSO = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
   /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -771,161 +620,121 @@ int what_next;           /* Run the current thread again? */
   do {
     /* Choose the processor with the next event */
-    event = getnextevent();
+    event = get_next_event();
     CurrentProc = EVENT_PROC(event);
-    if(EVENT_TIME(event) > CurrentTime[CurrentProc])
-      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] = EVENT_TIME(event);
+    CurrentTSO = EVENT_TSO(event);
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.Light) {
+      P_ tso;
+      W_ tmp;
+      /* Restore local clock of the virtual processor attached to CurrentTSO.
+         All costs will be associated to the `virt. proc' on which the tso
+         is living. */
+     if (ActiveTSO != NULL) {                     /* already in system area */
+       TSO_CLOCK(ActiveTSO) = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
+       if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule)
+        {
+            if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats &&
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x20000)
+              DumpGranEvent(GR_SYSTEM_END,ActiveTSO);
+        }
+     }
+     switch (EVENT_TYPE(event))
+      { 
+        case CONTINUETHREAD: 
+        case FINDWORK:       /* inaccurate this way */
+	                     ActiveTSO = ThreadQueueHd;
+                             break;
+        case RESUMETHREAD:   
+        case STARTTHREAD:
+        case MOVESPARK:      /* has tso of virt proc in tso field of event */
+	                     ActiveTSO = EVENT_TSO(event);
+                             break;
+        default: fprintf(stderr,"Illegal event type %s (%d) in GrAnSim Light setup\n",
+				event_names[EVENT_TYPE(event)],EVENT_TYPE(event));
+                 EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
+      }
+      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] = TSO_CLOCK(ActiveTSO);
+      if(RTSflags.GranFlags.DoFairSchedule)
+        {
+            if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats &&
+                RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x20000)
+              DumpGranEvent(GR_SYSTEM_START,ActiveTSO);
+        }
+    }
-    MAKE_BUSY(CurrentProc);
+    if(EVENT_TIME(event) > CurrentTime[CurrentProc] &&
+       CurrentTime[CurrentProc] = EVENT_TIME(event);
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-    if (debug & 0x80)
-      fprintf(stderr,"D> After getnextevent, before HandleIdlePEs\n");
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)                           /* HWL */
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light && CurrentProc!=0 ) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {ReSchedule}Daq: CurrentProc must be 0 in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+    }
+#  endif
+    /* MAKE_BUSY(CurrentProc); don't think that's right in all cases now */
+    /*                               -- HWL */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x80)
+      fprintf(stderr,"After get_next_event, before HandleIdlePEs\n");
+#  endif
     /* Deal with the idlers */
-    HandleIdlePEs();
+    if ( !RTSflags.GranFlags.Light )
+      HandleIdlePEs();
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-    if (event_trace && 
-        (event_trace_all || EVENT_TYPE(event) != CONTINUETHREAD ||
-         (debug & 0x80) ))
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.event_trace_all || 
+	 ( RTSflags.GranFlags.event_trace && EVENT_TYPE(event) != CONTINUETHREAD) ||
+         (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x80) )
+#  endif
     switch (EVENT_TYPE(event))
         /* Should just be continuing execution */
         case CONTINUETHREAD:
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
-              if ( (debug & 0x04) && BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc]) {
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
+	      if ( (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100) && 
+		   (EVENT_TSO(event)!=RunnableThreadsHd[EVENT_PROC(event)]) ) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Wrong TSO in CONTINUETHREAD: %#lx (%x) (PE: %d  Hd: 0x%lx)\n", 
+			EVENT_TSO(event), TSO_ID(EVENT_TSO(event)), 
+			EVENT_PROC(event), 
+			RunnableThreadsHd[EVENT_PROC(event)]);
+              }
+              if ( (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x04) && 
+	           BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc]) {
                 fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Discarding CONTINUETHREAD on blocked proc %u  @ %u\n",
-          if(ThreadQueueHd==Nil_closure) 
+#  endif
+          if(ThreadQueueHd==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) 
-              newevent(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
-                       FINDWORK,Nil_closure,Nil_closure,NULL);
+              new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+                       FINDWORK,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
               continue; /* Catches superfluous CONTINUEs -- should be unnecessary */
             break;   /* fall into scheduler loop */
         case FETCHNODE:
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-          if (SimplifiedFetch) {
-            fprintf(stderr,"Error: FETCHNODE events not valid with simplified fetch\n");
-            exit (99);
-          }
-          CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_munpacktime;
-          HandleFetchRequest(EVENT_NODE(event),
-                             EVENT_CREATOR(event),
-                             EVENT_TSO(event));
-          continue;
+	  do_the_fetchnode(event);
+          continue;                    /* handle next event in event queue  */
+        case GLOBALBLOCK:
+	  do_the_globalblock(event);
+          continue;                    /* handle next event in event queue  */
         case FETCHREPLY:
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
-          if (SimplifiedFetch) {
-            fprintf(stderr,"Error: FETCHREPLY events not valid with simplified fetch\n");
-            exit (99);
-          }
-          if (debug & 0x10) {
-            if (TSO_TYPE(EVENT_TSO(event)) & FETCH_MASK_TSO) {
-              TSO_TYPE(EVENT_TSO(event)) &= ~FETCH_MASK_TSO;
-            } else {
-              fprintf(stderr,"Error: FETCHREPLY: TSO 0x%x has fetch mask not set @ %d\n",
-                      CurrentTSO,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
-              exit(99);
-            }
-          }
-          if (debug & 0x04) {
-            if (BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc]!=ThreadQueueHd) {
-              fprintf(stderr,"Error: FETCHREPLY: Proc %d (with TSO 0x%x) not blocked-on-fetch by TSO 0x%x\n",
-                      CurrentProc,CurrentTSO,BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc]);
-              exit(99);
-            } else {
-              BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc] = 0; /*- StgFalse; -*/
-            }
-          }
+	  do_the_fetchreply(event);
+          continue;                    /* handle next event in event queue  */
-          /* Copy or  move node to CurrentProc */
-          if (FetchNode(EVENT_NODE(event),
-                        EVENT_CREATOR(event),
-                        EVENT_PROC(event)) ) {
-            /* Fetch has failed i.e. node has been grabbed by another PE */
-            P_ node = EVENT_NODE(event), tso = EVENT_TSO(event);
-            PROC p = where_is(node);
-            TIME fetchtime;
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-            if (PrintFetchMisses) {
-              fprintf(stderr,"Fetch miss @ %lu: node 0x%x is at proc %u (rather than proc %u)\n",
-                      CurrentTime[CurrentProc],node,p,EVENT_CREATOR(event));
-              fetch_misses++;
-            }
-#endif  /* GRAN_CHECK */
-            CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mpacktime;
-            /* Count fetch again !? */
-            ++TSO_FETCHCOUNT(tso);
-            TSO_FETCHTIME(tso) += gran_fetchtime;
-            fetchtime = max(CurrentTime[CurrentProc],CurrentTime[p]) +
-                        gran_latency;
-            /* Chase the grabbed node */
-            newevent(p,CurrentProc,fetchtime,FETCHNODE,tso,node,NULL);
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
-              if (debug & 0x04)
-                BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc] = tso; /*-StgTrue;-*/
-              if (debug & 0x10) 
-                TSO_TYPE(tso) |= FETCH_MASK_TSO;
-            CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mtidytime;
-            continue; /* NB: no REPLy has been processed; tso still sleeping */
-          }
-          /* -- Qapla'! Fetch has been successful; node is here, now  */
-          ++TSO_FETCHCOUNT(EVENT_TSO(event));
-          TSO_FETCHTIME(EVENT_TSO(event)) += gran_fetchtime;
-          if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats)
-            DumpGranEventAndNode(GR_REPLY,EVENT_TSO(event),
-                                 EVENT_NODE(event),EVENT_CREATOR(event));
-          --OutstandingFetches[CurrentProc];
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
-          if (OutstandingFetches[CurrentProc] < 0) {
-            fprintf(stderr,"OutstandingFetches of proc %u has become negative\n",CurrentProc);
-            exit (99);
-          }
-          if (!DoReScheduleOnFetch) {
-            CurrentTSO = EVENT_TSO(event);          /* awaken blocked thread */
-            newevent(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
-                     CONTINUETHREAD,Nil_closure,Nil_closure,NULL);
-            TSO_BLOCKTIME(EVENT_TSO(event)) += CurrentTime[CurrentProc] - 
-                                               TSO_BLOCKEDAT(EVENT_TSO(event));
-            if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats)
-              DumpGranEvent(GR_RESUME,EVENT_TSO(event));
-            continue;
-          } else {
-            /* fall through to RESUMETHREAD */
-          }
+        case UNBLOCKTHREAD:   /* Move from the blocked queue to the tail of */
+	  do_the_unblock(event);
+          continue;                    /* handle next event in event queue  */
         case RESUMETHREAD:  /* Move from the blocked queue to the tail of */
                             /* the runnable queue ( i.e. Qu' SImqa'lu') */ 
@@ -935,182 +744,562 @@ int what_next;           /* Run the current thread again? */
         case STARTTHREAD:
-          StartThread(event,GR_START);
+	  StartThread(event,GR_START);
         case MOVETHREAD:
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
-          if (!DoThreadMigration) {
-            fprintf(stderr,"MOVETHREAD events should never occur without -bM\n");
-            exit (99);
-          }
-          CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_munpacktime;
-          StartThread(event,GR_STOLEN);
-          continue; /* to the next event */
+	  do_the_movethread(event);
+          continue;                    /* handle next event in event queue  */
         case MOVESPARK:
-          CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_munpacktime;
-          spark = EVENT_SPARK(event);
-          ADD_TO_SPARK_QUEUE(spark); /* NB: this macro side-effects its arg.
-                                        so the assignment above is needed.  */
-          if(do_sp_profile)
-            DumpSparkGranEvent(SP_ACQUIRED,spark);
-          ++SparksAvail;                  /* Probably Temporarily */
-          /* Drop into FINDWORK */
-          if (!DoReScheduleOnFetch &&
-               (ThreadQueueHd != Nil_closure) ) { /* If we block on fetch then go */
-                continue;                      /* to next event (i.e. leave */
-          }                                    /* spark in sparkq for now) */
+	  do_the_movespark(event);
+          continue;                    /* handle next event in event queue  */
         case FINDWORK:
-          if((ThreadQueueHd == Nil_closure || DoAlwaysCreateThreads)
-             && (FetchStrategy >= 2 || OutstandingFetches[CurrentProc] == 0))
-            {
-              W_ found = 0;
-              sparkq spark_of_non_local_node = NULL;
-              /* Choose a spark from the local spark queue */
-              spark = SparkQueueHd;
-              while (spark != NULL && !found)
-                {
-                  node = SPARK_NODE(spark);
-                  if (!SHOULD_SPARK(node)) 
-                    {
-                      if(do_sp_profile)
-                        DumpSparkGranEvent(SP_PRUNED,spark);
-		      ASSERT(spark != NULL);
-                      SparkQueueHd = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
-                      if(SparkQueueHd == NULL)
-                        SparkQueueTl = NULL;
-                      DisposeSpark(spark);
-                      spark = SparkQueueHd;
-                    }
-                  /* -- node should eventually be sparked */
-                  else if (PreferSparksOfLocalNodes && 
-                          !IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),CurrentProc)) 
-                    {
-                      /* We have seen this spark before => no local sparks */
-                      if (spark==spark_of_non_local_node) {
-                        found = 1;
-                        break;
-                      }
-                      /* Remember first non-local node */
-                      if (spark_of_non_local_node==NULL)
-                        spark_of_non_local_node = spark;
-                      /* Special case: 1 elem sparkq with non-local spark */
-                      if (spark==SparkQueueTl) {
-                        found = 1;
-                        break;
-                      }                 
-                      /* Put spark (non-local!) at the end of the sparkq */
-                      SPARK_NEXT(SparkQueueTl) = spark;
-                      SparkQueueHd = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
-                      SPARK_NEXT(spark) = NULL;
-                      SparkQueueTl = spark;
+          if( RTSflags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads ||
+	      (ThreadQueueHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure && 
+              (RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy >= 2 || 
+	       OutstandingFetches[CurrentProc] == 0)) )
+	    {
+              rtsBool found;
+              sparkq  prev, spark;
+              /* ToDo: check */
+              ASSERT(procStatus[CurrentProc]==Sparking ||
+	             RTSflags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads);
+              /* SImmoHwI' yInej! Search spark queue! */
+              gimme_spark (&found, &prev, &spark);
-                      spark = SparkQueueHd;
-                    }
-                  else
-                    {
-                      found = 1;
-                    }
-                }
-              /* We've found a node; now, create thread (DaH Qu' yIchen) */
-              if (found) 
-                {
-                  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_threadcreatetime;
-                  node = SPARK_NODE(spark);
-                  if((tso = NewThread(node, T_REQUIRED))==NULL)
-                    {
-                      /* Some kind of backoff needed here in case there's too little heap */
-                      newevent(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]+1,
-                               FINDWORK,Nil_closure,Nil_closure,NULL);
-                      ReallyPerformThreadGC(TSO_HS+TSO_CTS_SIZE,StgTrue);
-                      spark = NULL;
-                      continue; /* to the next event, eventually */
-                    }
-                  TSO_EXPORTED(tso) =  SPARK_EXPORTED(spark);
-                  TSO_LOCKED(tso) =    !SPARK_GLOBAL(spark);
-                  TSO_SPARKNAME(tso) = SPARK_NAME(spark);
-                  newevent(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
-                           STARTTHREAD,tso,Nil_closure,NULL);
-		  ASSERT(spark != NULL);
-                  SparkQueueHd = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
-                  if(SparkQueueHd == NULL)
-                    SparkQueueTl = NULL;
-                  DisposeSpark(spark);
-                }
-              else
-              /* Make the PE idle if nothing sparked and we have no threads. */
-                {
-                  if(ThreadQueueHd == Nil_closure)
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-		    {
-                    MAKE_IDLE(CurrentProc);
-		    if ( (debug & 0x40) || (debug & 0x80) ) {
-			fprintf(stderr,"Warning in FINDWORK handling: No work found for PROC %u\n",CurrentProc);
-		      }
-		  }
-                    MAKE_IDLE(CurrentProc);
-#endif  /* GRAN_CHECK */
-                  else
-                    newevent(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
-                             CONTINUETHREAD,Nil_closure,Nil_closure,NULL);
-                }
+              /* DaH chu' Qu' yIchen! Now create new work! */ 
+              munch_spark (found, prev, spark);
-              continue; /* to the next event */
-            }
-          else
-            {
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
-              if ( (debug & 0x04) &&
-                   (!DoReScheduleOnFetch &&  ThreadQueueHd != Nil_closure)
-                  ) {
-                fprintf(stderr,"Waning in FINDWORK handling:\n");
-                fprintf(stderr,"ThreadQueueHd!=Nil_closure should never happen with !DoReScheduleOnFetch");
-              }
-              if (FetchStrategy < 2 && OutstandingFetches[CurrentProc] != 0)
-                continue;  /* to next event */
-              else
-                break;     /* run ThreadQueueHd */
+              /* ToDo: check */
+              ASSERT(procStatus[CurrentProc]==Starting ||
+	             procStatus[CurrentProc]==Idle ||
+	             RTSflags.GranFlags.DoAlwaysCreateThreads);
-            /* never reached */
+          continue; /* to the next event */
           fprintf(stderr,"Illegal event type %u\n",EVENT_TYPE(event));
-        }
-    _longjmp(scheduler_loop, 1);
+      }  /* switch */
+    longjmp(scheduler_loop, 1);
   } while(1);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------  */
+/* The main event handling functions; called from ReSchedule (switch) */
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------  */
+do_the_globalblock(eventq event)
+  PROC proc = EVENT_PROC(event);      /* proc that requested node */
+  P_ tso  = EVENT_TSO(event),         /* tso that requested node */
+     node = EVENT_NODE(event);        /* requested, remote node */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: There should be no GLOBALBLOCKs in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
-Here follows the non-GRAN @ReSchedule@.
+  if (!RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: GLOBALBLOCK events only valid with GUMM fetching\n");
+  }
+  if ( (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100) &&
+        IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),proc) ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: GLOBALBLOCK: Blocking on LOCAL node 0x %x (PE %d).\n",
+	    node,proc);
+  }
+#  endif       
+  /* CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime; */
+  if ( blockFetch(tso,proc,node) != 0 )
+    return;                     /* node has become local by now */
+  if (!RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch) { /* head of queue is next thread */
+    P_ tso = RunnableThreadsHd[proc];       /* awaken next thread */
+    if(tso != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
+      new_event(proc,proc,CurrentTime[proc],
+	       CONTINUETHREAD,tso,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+      CurrentTime[proc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcontextswitchtime;
+      if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats)
+        DumpRawGranEvent(proc,CurrentProc,GR_SCHEDULE,tso,
+			 Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,0);
+      MAKE_BUSY(proc);                     /* might have been fetching */
+    } else {
+      MAKE_IDLE(proc);                     /* no work on proc now */
+    }
+  } else {  /* RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch i.e. block-on-fetch */
+	      /* other thread is already running */
+	      /* 'oH 'utbe' 'e' vIHar ; I think that's not needed -- HWL 
+	      new_event(proc,proc,CurrentTime[proc],
+		       (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching ? closure :
+		       EVENT_NODE(event)),NULL);
+	      */
+  }
+do_the_unblock(eventq event) 
+  PROC proc = EVENT_PROC(event),       /* proc that requested node */
+       creator = EVENT_CREATOR(event); /* proc that requested node */
+  P_ tso  = EVENT_TSO(event),          /* tso that requested node */
+     node = EVENT_NODE(event);         /* requested, remote node */
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: There should be no UNBLOCKs in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+  }
+#  endif
+  if (!RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch) {  /* block-on-fetch */
+    /* We count block-on-fetch as normal block time */    
+    TSO_BLOCKTIME(tso) += CurrentTime[proc] - TSO_BLOCKEDAT(tso);
+    /* No costs for contextswitch or thread queueing in this case */
+    if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats)
+  	DumpRawGranEvent(proc,CurrentProc,GR_RESUME,tso, Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,0);
+    new_event(proc,proc,CurrentTime[proc],CONTINUETHREAD,tso,node,NULL);
+  } else {
+    /* Reschedule on fetch causes additional costs here: */
+    /* Bring the TSO from the blocked queue into the threadq */
+    new_event(proc,proc,CurrentTime[proc]+RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadqueuetime,
+  	      RESUMETHREAD,tso,node,NULL);
+  }
+do_the_fetchnode(eventq event)
+  I_ rc;
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: There should be no FETCHNODEs in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+  }
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.SimplifiedFetch) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: FETCHNODE events not valid with simplified fetch\n");
+  }
+#  endif       
+  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime;
+  do {
+    rc = HandleFetchRequest(EVENT_NODE(event),
+  			    EVENT_CREATOR(event),
+  			    EVENT_TSO(event));
+    if (rc == 4) {                                     /* trigger GC */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)  && defined(GRAN)
+     if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats)
+       fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"*****   veQ boSwI'  PackNearbyGraph(node %#lx, tso %#lx (%x))\n",
+     	        EVENT_NODE(event), EVENT_TSO(event), TSO_ID(EVENT_TSO(event)));
+#  endif
+     prepend_event(event);
+     ReallyPerformThreadGC(PACK_HEAP_REQUIRED, rtsFalse);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)  && defined(GRAN)
+     if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) {
+       fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"*****      SAVE_Hp=%#lx, SAVE_HpLim=%#lx, PACK_HEAP_REQUIRED=%#lx\n",
+     	        SAVE_Hp, SAVE_HpLim, PACK_HEAP_REQUIRED); 
+       fprintf(stderr,"*****      No. of packets so far: %d (total size: %d)\n", 
+     	        tot_packets,tot_packet_size);
+     }
+#  endif 
+     event = grab_event();
+     /* GC knows that events are special beats and follows the pointer i.e. */
+     /* events are valid even if they moved. Hopefully, an EXIT is triggered */
+     /* if there is not enough heap after GC. */
+    }
+  } while (rc == 4);
+do_the_fetchreply(eventq event)
+  P_ tso, closure;
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: There should be no FETCHREPLYs in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+  }
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.SimplifiedFetch) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: FETCHREPLY events not valid with simplified fetch\n");
+  }
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x10) {
+    if (TSO_TYPE(EVENT_TSO(event)) & FETCH_MASK_TSO) {
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: FETCHREPLY: TSO %#x (%x) has fetch mask not set @ %d\n",
+              CurrentTSO,TSO_ID(CurrentTSO),CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
+    }
+  }
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x04) {
+    if (BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc]!=ThreadQueueHd) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: FETCHREPLY: Proc %d (with TSO %#x (%x)) not blocked-on-fetch by TSO %#lx (%x)\n",
+              CurrentProc,CurrentTSO,TSO_ID(CurrentTSO),
+  	      BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc], TSO_ID(BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc]));
+    } else {
+     BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc] = 0; /*- rtsFalse; -*/
+    }
+  }
+#  endif
+   CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime;
+   if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching) {      /* bulk (packet) fetching */
+     P_ buffer = EVENT_NODE(event);
+     PROC p = EVENT_PROC(event);
+     I_ size = buffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN];
+     tso = EVENT_TSO(event); 
+     /* NB: Fetch misses can't occur with GUMM fetching, as */
+     /* updatable closure are turned into RBHs and therefore locked */
+     /* for other processors that try to grab them. */
+     closure = UnpackGraph(buffer);
+     CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += size * RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime;
+   } else 
+      /* Copy or  move node to CurrentProc */
+      if (FetchNode(EVENT_NODE(event),
+     		  EVENT_CREATOR(event),
+     		  EVENT_PROC(event)) ) {
+        /* Fetch has failed i.e. node has been grabbed by another PE */
+        P_ node = EVENT_NODE(event), tso = EVENT_TSO(event);
+        PROC p = where_is(node);
+        TIME fetchtime;
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+	if (RTSflags.GranFlags.PrintFetchMisses) {
+	   fprintf(stderr,"Fetch miss @ %lu: node %#lx is at proc %u (rather than proc %u)\n",
+		   CurrentTime[CurrentProc],node,p,EVENT_CREATOR(event));
+	   fetch_misses++;
+        }
+#  endif  /* GRAN_CHECK */
+	CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime;
+	/* Count fetch again !? */
+	TSO_FETCHTIME(tso) += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_fetchtime;
+	fetchtime = STG_MAX(CurrentTime[CurrentProc],CurrentTime[p]) +
+		    RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency;
+	/* Chase the grabbed node */
+	new_event(p,CurrentProc,fetchtime,FETCHNODE,tso,node,NULL);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
+        if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x04)
+          BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc] = tso; /*-rtsTrue;-*/
+        if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x10) 
+          TSO_TYPE(tso) |= FETCH_MASK_TSO;
+#  endif
+        CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime;
+        return; /* NB: no REPLy has been processed; tso still sleeping */
+    }
+    /* -- Qapla'! Fetch has been successful; node is here, now  */
+    TSO_FETCHTIME(EVENT_TSO(event)) += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_fetchtime;
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats)
+       DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,EVENT_CREATOR(event),GR_REPLY,
+			EVENT_TSO(event),
+			(RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching ? 
+			       closure : 
+			       EVENT_NODE(event)),
+                        0);
+    --OutstandingFetches[CurrentProc];
+    ASSERT(OutstandingFetches[CurrentProc] >= 0);
+#  if 0 && defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
+   if (OutstandingFetches[CurrentProc] < 0) {
+     fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: OutstandingFetches of proc %u has become negative\n",CurrentProc);
+   }
+#  endif
+    new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+	     (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching ? 
+	       closure : 
+	       EVENT_NODE(event)),
+             NULL);
+do_the_movethread(eventq event) {
+ P_ tso = EVENT_TSO(event);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
+ if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light && CurrentProc!=1 ) {
+   fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: There should be no MOVETHREADs in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+ }
+ if (!RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration) {
+   fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: MOVETHREAD events should never occur without -bM\n");
+ }
+ if (PROCS(tso)!=0) {
+   fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: Moved thread has a bitmask of 0%o (proc %d); should be 0\n", 
+                   PROCS(tso), where_is(tso));
+ }
+#  endif
+ --OutstandingFishes[CurrentProc];
+ ASSERT(OutstandingFishes[CurrentProc]>=0);
+ SET_PROCS(tso,ThisPE);
+ CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime;
+ StartThread(event,GR_STOLEN);
+do_the_movespark(eventq event){
+ sparkq spark = EVENT_SPARK(event);
+ CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime;
+ if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+    DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,(PROC)0,SP_ACQUIRED,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,
+    SPARK_NODE(spark),
+    spark_queue_len(CurrentProc,ADVISORY_POOL));
+#if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+   withered_sparks++;
+   /* Not adding the spark to the spark queue would be the right */
+   /* thing here, but it also would be cheating, as this info can't be */
+   /* available in a real system. -- HWL */
+ --OutstandingFishes[CurrentProc];
+ ASSERT(OutstandingFishes[CurrentProc]>=0);
+ add_to_spark_queue(spark);
+ if (procStatus[CurrentProc]==Fishing)
+   procStatus[CurrentProc] = Idle;
+ /* add_to_spark_queue will increase the time of the current proc. */
+ /* Just falling into FINDWORK is wrong as we might have other */
+ /* events that are happening before that. Therefore, just create */
+ /* a FINDWORK event and go back to main event handling loop. */
+ /* Should we treat stolen sparks specially? Currently, we don't. */
+#if 0
+ /* Now FINDWORK is created in HandleIdlePEs */
+  new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+            FINDWORK,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+  sparking[CurrentProc]=rtsTrue;
+/* Search the spark queue of the CurrentProc for a spark that's worth
+   turning into a thread */
+gimme_spark (rtsBool *found_res, sparkq *prev_res, sparkq *spark_res)
+   P_ node;
+   rtsBool found;
+   sparkq spark_of_non_local_node = NULL, spark_of_non_local_node_prev = NULL, 
+          low_priority_spark = NULL, low_priority_spark_prev = NULL,
+          spark = NULL, prev = NULL, tmp = NULL;
+   /* Choose a spark from the local spark queue */
+   spark = SparkQueueHd;
+   found = rtsFalse;
+   while (spark != NULL && !found)
+     {
+       node = SPARK_NODE(spark);
+       if (!SHOULD_SPARK(node)) 
+         {
+           if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+             DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,(PROC)0,SP_PRUNED,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,
+  				 SPARK_NODE(spark),
+  				 spark_queue_len(CurrentProc,ADVISORY_POOL));
+  	      ASSERT(spark != NULL);
+              --SparksAvail;
+  	      spark = delete_from_spark_queue (prev,spark);
+         }
+       /* -- node should eventually be sparked */
+       else if (RTSflags.GranFlags.PreferSparksOfLocalNodes && 
+               !IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),CurrentProc)) 
+         {
+           /* Remember first low priority spark */
+           if (spark_of_non_local_node==NULL) {
+  		spark_of_non_local_node_prev = prev;
+             spark_of_non_local_node = spark;
+  	      }
+           if (SPARK_NEXT(spark)==NULL) { 
+  	     ASSERT(spark==SparkQueueTl);  /* just for testing */
+  	     prev = spark_of_non_local_node_prev;
+  	     spark = spark_of_non_local_node;
+             found = rtsTrue;
+             break;
+           }
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+           /* Should never happen; just for testing */
+           if (spark==SparkQueueTl) {
+             fprintf(stderr,"ReSchedule: Last spark != SparkQueueTl\n");
+           }
+#  endif
+  	   prev = spark; 
+  	   spark = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
+           --SparksAvail;
+         }
+       else if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking || 
+  		 (SPARK_GRAN_INFO(spark)>=RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority2) )
+         {
+           found = rtsTrue;
+         }
+       else /* only used if SparkPriority2 is defined */
+         {
+           /* Remember first low priority spark */
+           if (low_priority_spark==NULL) { 
+  		low_priority_spark_prev = prev;
+             low_priority_spark = spark;
+  	      }
+           if (SPARK_NEXT(spark)==NULL) { 
+  		ASSERT(spark==SparkQueueTl);  /* just for testing */
+  		prev = low_priority_spark_prev;
+  		spark = low_priority_spark;
+             found = rtsTrue;       /* take low pri spark => rc is 2  */
+             break;
+           }
+           /* Should never happen; just for testing */
+           if (spark==SparkQueueTl) {
+             fprintf(stderr,"ReSchedule: Last spark != SparkQueueTl\n");
+             break;
+           }                 
+  	      prev = spark; 
+  	      spark = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+	      if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40 ) {
+		fprintf(stderr,"Ignoring spark of priority %u (SparkPriority=%u); node=0x%lx; name=%u\n", 
+			SPARK_GRAN_INFO(spark), RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority, 
+			SPARK_NODE(spark), SPARK_NAME(spark));
+		      }
+#  endif  /* GRAN_CHECK */
+           }
+   }  /* while (spark!=NULL && !found) */
+   *spark_res = spark;
+   *prev_res = prev;
+   *found_res = found;
+munch_spark (rtsBool found, sparkq prev, sparkq spark) 
+  P_ tso, node;
+  /* We've found a node; now, create thread (DaH Qu' yIchen) */
+  if (found) 
+    {
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+     if ( SPARK_GRAN_INFO(spark) < RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority2 ) {
+       tot_low_pri_sparks++;
+       if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40 ) { 
+         fprintf(stderr,"GRAN_TNG: No high priority spark available; low priority (%u) spark chosen: node=0x%lx; name=%u\n",
+     	      SPARK_GRAN_INFO(spark), 
+     	      SPARK_NODE(spark), SPARK_NAME(spark));
+         } 
+     }
+#  endif
+     CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadcreatetime;
+     node = SPARK_NODE(spark);
+     if((tso = NewThread(node, T_REQUIRED, SPARK_GRAN_INFO(spark)))==NULL)
+       {
+         /* Some kind of backoff needed here in case there's too little heap */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+         if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats)
+	   fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"***** vIS Qu' chen veQ boSwI'; spark=%#x, node=%#x;  name=%u\n", 
+	         /* (found==2 ? "no hi pri spark" : "hi pri spark"), */
+                 spark, node,SPARK_NAME(spark));
+#  endif
+         new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]+1,
+                  FINDWORK,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+         ReallyPerformThreadGC(TSO_HS+TSO_CTS_SIZE,rtsTrue);
+         spark = NULL;
+         return; /* was: continue; */ /* to the next event, eventually */
+       }
+     if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+	  DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,(PROC)0,SP_USED,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,
+			     SPARK_NODE(spark),
+			     spark_queue_len(CurrentProc,ADVISORY_POOL));
+     TSO_EXPORTED(tso) =  SPARK_EXPORTED(spark);
+     TSO_LOCKED(tso) =    !SPARK_GLOBAL(spark);
+     TSO_SPARKNAME(tso) = (0x1 >> 16) | (NEW_SPARKNAME_MASK & SPARK_NAME(spark)) ;
+     new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+              STARTTHREAD,tso,node,NULL);
+     procStatus[CurrentProc] = Starting;
+     ASSERT(spark != NULL);
+     /* ASSERT(SPARK_PREV(spark)==prev); */
+     spark = delete_from_spark_queue (prev, spark);
+    }
+   else /* !found  */
+     /* Make the PE idle if nothing sparked and we have no threads. */
+     {
+       if(ThreadQueueHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
+        {
+           MAKE_IDLE(CurrentProc);
+#    if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+	   if ( (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x80) )
+	     fprintf(stderr,"Warning in FINDWORK handling: No work found for PROC %u\n",CurrentProc);
+#    endif  /* GRAN_CHECK */
+	 }
+#if 0
+        else
+	/* ut'lu'Qo' ; Don't think that's necessary any more -- HWL 
+         new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+                  CONTINUETHREAD,ThreadQueueHd,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+		  */
+    }
+Here follows the non-GRAN @ReSchedule@. 
 #else      /* !GRAN */
+/* If you are concurrent and maybe even parallel please use this door. */
 int again;  	    	    	    	/* Run the current thread again? */
@@ -1132,7 +1321,7 @@ int again;  	    	    	    	/* Run the current thread again? */
     sameThread = again;
     if (again) {
-	if (RunnableThreadsHd == Nil_closure)
+	if (RunnableThreadsHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
 	    RunnableThreadsTl = CurrentTSO;
 	TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) = RunnableThreadsHd;
 	RunnableThreadsHd = CurrentTSO;
@@ -1147,7 +1336,7 @@ int again;  	    	    	    	/* Run the current thread again? */
     if (again) {
-    	if(RunnableThreadsHd == Nil_closure) {
+    	if(RunnableThreadsHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
             RunnableThreadsHd = CurrentTSO;
         } else {
     	    TSO_LINK(RunnableThreadsTl) = CurrentTSO;
@@ -1165,7 +1354,7 @@ int again;  	    	    	    	/* Run the current thread again? */
      * in all the time.  This makes sure that we don't access saved registers,
      * etc. in threads which are supposed to be sleeping.
-    CurrentTSO = Nil_closure;
+    CurrentTSO = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
     CurrentRegTable = NULL;
@@ -1177,7 +1366,7 @@ int again;  	    	    	    	/* Run the current thread again? */
     	if (SHOULD_SPARK(spark)) {    	
 	    if ((tso = NewThread(spark, T_REQUIRED)) == NULL)
-            if (RunnableThreadsHd == Nil_closure) {
+            if (RunnableThreadsHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
         	RunnableThreadsHd = tso;
 #ifdef PAR
 		if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats) {
@@ -1194,11 +1383,13 @@ int again;  	    	    	    	/* Run the current thread again? */
             RunnableThreadsTl = tso;
         } else {
-	    if (DO_QP_PROF)
+	   if (DO_QP_PROF)
 		QP_Event0(threadId++, spark);
-#ifdef PAR
-            if(do_sp_profile)
-                DumpSparkGranEvent(SP_PRUNED, threadId++);
+#if 0
+	    /* ToDo: Fix log entries for pruned sparks in GUM -- HWL */
+            if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+                DumpGranEvent(SP_PRUNED,threadId++);
+                                        ^^^^^^^^ should be a TSO
@@ -1215,14 +1406,14 @@ int again;  	    	    	    	/* Run the current thread again? */
     /* In the parallel world, don't create advisory threads if we are 
      * about to rerun the same thread, or already have runnable threads,
      *  or the main thread has terminated */
-	      (RunnableThreadsHd != Nil_closure ||
+	      (RunnableThreadsHd != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure ||
 	       (required_thread_count == 0 && IAmMainThread)) || 
    	      advisory_thread_count == RTSflags.ConcFlags.maxThreads ||
 	      (tso = NewThread(spark, T_ADVISORY)) == NULL)
-            if (RunnableThreadsHd == Nil_closure) {
+            if (RunnableThreadsHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
         	RunnableThreadsHd = tso;
 #ifdef PAR
 		if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats) {
@@ -1241,9 +1432,11 @@ int again;  	    	    	    	/* Run the current thread again? */
         } else {
 	    if (DO_QP_PROF)
 		QP_Event0(threadId++, spark);
-#ifdef PAR
-            if(do_sp_profile)
-                DumpSparkGranEvent(SP_PRUNED, threadId++);
+#if 0
+	    /* ToDo: Fix log entries for pruned sparks in GUM -- HWL */
+            if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+                DumpGranEvent(SP_PRUNED,threadId++);
+                                        ^^^^^^^^ should be a TSO
@@ -1273,47 +1466,312 @@ processors).
 #if defined(GRAN)
+/* ngoqvam che' {GrAnSim}! */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+/* This routine  is only  used for keeping   a statistics  of thread  queue
+   lengths to evaluate the impact of priority scheduling. -- HWL 
+   {spark_queue_len}vo' jInIHta'
+thread_queue_len(PROC proc) 
+ P_ prev, next;
+ I_ len;
+ for (len = 0, prev = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure, next = RunnableThreadsHd[proc];
+      next != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; 
+      len++, prev = next, next = TSO_LINK(prev))
+   {}
+ return (len);
+#  endif  /* GRAN_CHECK */
+A large portion of @StartThread@ deals with maintaining a sorted thread
+queue, which is needed for the Priority Sparking option. Without that
+complication the code boils down to FIFO handling.
 eventq event;
 enum gran_event_types event_type;
-  if(ThreadQueueHd==Nil_closure)
+  P_ tso = EVENT_TSO(event),
+     node = EVENT_NODE(event);
+  PROC proc = EVENT_PROC(event),
+       creator = EVENT_CREATOR(event);
+  P_ prev, next;
+  I_ count = 0;
+  rtsBool found = rtsFalse;
+  ASSERT(CurrentProc==proc);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light && CurrentProc!=0 ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {StartThread}Daq: CurrentProc must be 0 in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+  }
+  /* A wee bit of statistics gathering */
+  ++tot_add_threads;
+  tot_tq_len += thread_queue_len(CurrentProc);
+#  endif 
+  ASSERT(TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO)==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure);  /* TMP-CHG HWL */
+  /* Idle proc; same for pri spark and basic version */
+  if(ThreadQueueHd==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
-      CurrentTSO = ThreadQueueHd = ThreadQueueTl = EVENT_TSO(event);
-      newevent(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]+gran_threadqueuetime,
-               CONTINUETHREAD,Nil_closure,Nil_closure,NULL);
-      if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats)
-        DumpGranEvent(event_type,EVENT_TSO(event));
+      CurrentTSO = ThreadQueueHd = ThreadQueueTl = tso;
+      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadqueuetime;
+      new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+                CONTINUETHREAD,tso,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+      if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats &&
+         !( (event_type == GR_START || event_type == GR_STARTQ) && RTSflags.GranFlags.labelling) )
+	  DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,creator,event_type,
+			   tso,node,
+	                   TSO_SPARKNAME(tso));
+                           /* ^^^  SN (spark name) as optional info */
+			   /* spark_queue_len(CurrentProc,ADVISORY_POOL)); */
+                           /* ^^^  spark length as optional info */
+      ASSERT(IS_IDLE(CurrentProc) || event_type==GR_RESUME ||
+             (procStatus[CurrentProc]==Fishing && event_type==GR_STOLEN) || 
+             procStatus[CurrentProc]==Starting);
+      MAKE_BUSY(CurrentProc);
+      return;
-  else
+  /* In GrAnSim-Light we always have an idle `virtual' proc.
+     The semantics of the one-and-only thread queue is different here:
+     all threads in the queue are running (each on its own virtual processor);
+     the queue is only needed internally in the simulator to interleave the
+     reductions of the different processors.
+     The one-and-only thread queue is sorted by the local clocks of the TSOs.
+  */
+  if(RTSflags.GranFlags.Light)
-      TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueTl) = EVENT_TSO(event);
-      ThreadQueueTl = EVENT_TSO(event);
+      ASSERT(ThreadQueueHd!=Prelude_Z91Z93_closure);
+      ASSERT(TSO_LINK(tso)==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure);   /* TMP-CHG HWL */
+      /* If only one thread in queue so far we emit DESCHEDULE in debug mode */
+      if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats &&
+         (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x20000) && 
+         TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd)==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
+	DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,GR_DESCHEDULE,
+			 ThreadQueueHd,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,0);
+        __resched = rtsTrue;
+      }
+      if ( InsertThread(tso) ) {                        /* new head of queue */
+        new_event(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+                  CONTINUETHREAD,tso,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+      }
+      if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats && 
+         !(( event_type == GR_START || event_type == GR_STARTQ) && RTSflags.GranFlags.labelling) )
+        DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,creator,event_type,
+      		   tso,node,
+	           TSO_SPARKNAME(tso));
+                   /* ^^^  SN (spark name) as optional info */
+		   /* spark_queue_len(CurrentProc,ADVISORY_POOL)); */
+                   /* ^^^  spark length as optional info */
+      /* MAKE_BUSY(CurrentProc); */
+      return;
+    }
+  /* Only for Pri Sparking */
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling && TSO_PRI(tso)!=0) 
+    /* {add_to_spark_queue}vo' jInIHta'; Qu' wa'DIch yIleghQo' */
+    for (prev = ThreadQueueHd, next =  TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd), count=0;
+	 (next != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) && 
+	 !(found = (TSO_PRI(tso) >= TSO_PRI(next)));
+	 prev = next, next = TSO_LINK(next), count++) 
+     {}
+  ASSERT(!IS_IDLE(CurrentProc));
+  /* found can only be rtsTrue if pri sparking enabled */ 
+  if (found) {
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+     ++non_end_add_threads;
+#  endif
+     /* Add tso to ThreadQueue between prev and next */
+     TSO_LINK(tso) = next;
+     if ( next == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure ) {
+       ThreadQueueTl = tso;
+     } else {
+       /* no back link for TSO chain */
+     }
+     if ( prev == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure ) {
+       /* Never add TSO as first elem of thread queue; the first */
+       /* element should be the one that is currently running -- HWL */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+       fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: NewThread (w/ PriorityScheduling): Trying to add TSO %#lx (PRI=%d) as first elem of threadQ (%#lx) on proc %u (@ %u)\n",
+		    tso, TSO_PRI(tso), ThreadQueueHd, CurrentProc,
+		    CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
+#  endif
+     } else {
+      TSO_LINK(prev) = tso;
+     }
+  } else { /* !found */ /* or not pri sparking! */
+    /* Add TSO to the end of the thread queue on that processor */
+    TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueTl) = EVENT_TSO(event);
+    ThreadQueueTl = EVENT_TSO(event);
+  }
+  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += count *
+                              RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_pri_sched_overhead +
+                              RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadqueuetime;
+  if(RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration)
+    ++SurplusThreads;
+  if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats &&
+     !(( event_type == GR_START || event_type == GR_STARTQ) && RTSflags.GranFlags.labelling) )
+    DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,creator,event_type+1,
+		     tso,node, 
+	             TSO_SPARKNAME(tso));
+                     /* ^^^  SN (spark name) as optional info */
+		     /* spark_queue_len(CurrentProc,ADVISORY_POOL)); */
+                     /* ^^^  spark length as optional info */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  /* Check if thread queue is sorted. Only for testing, really!  HWL */
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPriorityScheduling && (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x400) ) {
+    rtsBool sorted = rtsTrue;
+    P_ prev, next;
+    if (ThreadQueueHd==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure || TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd)==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
+      /* just 1 elem => ok */
+    } else {
+      /* Qu' wa'DIch yIleghQo' (ignore first elem)! */
+      for (prev = TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd), next = TSO_LINK(prev);
+	   (next != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) ;
+	   prev = next, next = TSO_LINK(prev)) {
+	sorted = sorted && 
+	         (TSO_PRI(prev) >= TSO_PRI(next));
+      }
+    }
+    if (!sorted) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: THREADQ on PE %d is not sorted:\n",
+	      CurrentProc);
+      G_THREADQ(ThreadQueueHd,0x1);
+    }
+  }
+#  endif
-      if(DoThreadMigration)
-        ++SurplusThreads;
+  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadqueuetime;
+@InsertThread@, which is only used for GranSim Light, is similar to
+@StartThread@ in that it adds a TSO to a thread queue. However, it assumes 
+that the thread queue is sorted by local clocks and it inserts the TSO at the
+right place in the queue. Don't create any event, just insert.
+P_ tso;
+  P_ prev, next;
+  I_ count = 0;
+  rtsBool found = rtsFalse;
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( !RTSflags.GranFlags.Light ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {InsertThread}Daq: InsertThread should only be used in a  GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+  }
-      if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats)
-        DumpGranEvent(event_type+1,EVENT_TSO(event));
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light && CurrentProc!=0 ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {StartThread}Daq: CurrentProc must be 0 in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+  }
+#  endif 
+  /* Idle proc; same for pri spark and basic version */
+  if(ThreadQueueHd==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
+    {
+      ThreadQueueHd = ThreadQueueTl = tso;
+      /* MAKE_BUSY(CurrentProc); */
+      return (rtsTrue);
-  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_threadqueuetime;
+  for (prev = ThreadQueueHd, next =  TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd), count=0;
+       (next != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) && 
+       !(found = (TSO_CLOCK(tso) < TSO_CLOCK(next)));
+       prev = next, next = TSO_LINK(next), count++) 
+   {}
+  /* found can only be rtsTrue if pri sparking enabled */ 
+  if (found) {
+     /* Add tso to ThreadQueue between prev and next */
+     TSO_LINK(tso) = next;
+     if ( next == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure ) {
+       ThreadQueueTl = tso;
+     } else {
+       /* no back link for TSO chain */
+     }
+     if ( prev == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure ) {
+       ThreadQueueHd = tso;
+     } else {
+       TSO_LINK(prev) = tso;
+     }
+  } else { /* !found */ /* or not pri sparking! */
+    /* Add TSO to the end of the thread queue on that processor */
+    TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueTl) = tso;
+    ThreadQueueTl = tso;
+  }
+  return (prev == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure); 
-Export work to idle PEs.
+Export work to idle PEs. This function is called from @ReSchedule@ before
+  dispatching on the current event. @HandleIdlePEs@ iterates over all PEs, 
+trying to get work for idle PEs. Note, that this is a simplification
+compared to GUM's fishing model. We try to compensate for that by making
+the cost for stealing work dependent on the number of idle processors and
+thereby on the probability with which a randomly sent fish would find work.
   PROC proc;
-  if(ANY_IDLE && (SparksAvail > 0l || SurplusThreads > 0l))
-    for(proc = 0; proc < max_proc; proc++)
-      if(IS_IDLE(proc))
-        {
-          if(DoStealThreadsFirst && 
-             (FetchStrategy >= 4 || OutstandingFetches[proc] == 0))
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {HandleIdlePEs}Daq: Should never be entered in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+  }
+#  endif
+  if(ANY_IDLE)
+    for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; proc++)
+      if(IS_IDLE(proc)) /*  && IS_SPARKING(proc) && IS_STARTING(proc) */
+        /* First look for local work! */
+        if (PendingSparksHd[proc][ADVISORY_POOL]!=NULL)
+         {
+          new_event(proc,proc,CurrentTime[proc],
+                    FINDWORK,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+          MAKE_SPARKING(proc);
+         }
+        /* Then try to get remote work! */
+        else if ((RTSflags.GranFlags.max_fishes==0 ||
+                 OutstandingFishes[proc]<RTSflags.GranFlags.max_fishes) )
+         {
+          if(RTSflags.GranFlags.DoStealThreadsFirst && 
+             (RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy >= 4 || OutstandingFetches[proc] == 0))
               if (SurplusThreads > 0l)                    /* Steal a thread */
@@ -1323,11 +1781,11 @@ HandleIdlePEs()
           if(SparksAvail > 0l && 
-             (FetchStrategy >= 3 || OutstandingFetches[proc] == 0)) /* Steal a spark */
+             (RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy >= 3 || OutstandingFetches[proc] == 0)) /* Steal a spark */
-          if (IS_IDLE(proc) && SurplusThreads > 0l && 
-              (FetchStrategy >= 4 || OutstandingFetches[proc] == 0)) /* Steal a thread */
+          if (SurplusThreads > 0l && 
+              (RTSflags.GranFlags.FetchStrategy >= 4 || OutstandingFetches[proc] == 0)) /* Steal a thread */
@@ -1338,18 +1796,29 @@ clock order -- most retarded first.  Currently  sparks are only stolen from
 the @ADVISORY_POOL@ never from the @REQUIRED_POOL@. Eventually, this should
 be changed to first steal from the former then from the latter.
+We model a sort of fishing mechanism by counting the number of sparks and 
+threads we are currently stealing. 
 PROC proc;
   PROC p;
   sparkq spark, prev, next;
-  int stolen = 0;
+  rtsBool stolen = rtsFalse;
   TIME times[MAX_PROC], stealtime;
   unsigned ntimes=0, i, j;
+  int first_later, upb, r;
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {StealSpark}Daq: Should never be entered in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+  }
+#  endif
   /* times shall contain processors from which we may steal sparks */ 
-  for(p=0; p < max_proc; ++p)
+  for(p=0; p < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++p)
     if(proc != p && 
        PendingSparksHd[p][ADVISORY_POOL] != NULL && 
        CurrentTime[p] <= CurrentTime[CurrentProc])
@@ -1365,17 +1834,50 @@ PROC proc;
           times[j] = temp;
-  for(i=0; i < ntimes && !stolen; ++i) 
-    {
-      p = times[i];
+  /* Choose random processor to steal spark from; first look at processors */
+  /* that are earlier than the current one (i.e. proc) */
+  for(first_later=0; 
+      (first_later < ntimes) && (CurrentTime[times[first_later]] < CurrentTime[proc]);
+      ++first_later)
+    /* nothing */ ;
+  while (!stolen && (ntimes>0)) {
+    long unsigned int r, q=0;
+    upb = (first_later==0) ? ntimes : first_later;
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.RandomSteal) {
+      r = lrand48();                                /* [0, RAND_MAX] */
+    } else {
+      r = 0;
+    }
+    /* -- ASSERT(r<=RAND_MAX); */
+    i = (unsigned int) (r % upb);                  /* [0, upb) */
+    /* -- ASSERT((i>=0) && (i<=upb)); */
+    p = times[i];
+    /* -- ASSERT((p>=0) && (p<MAX_PROC)); */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)    
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x2000 )
+      fprintf(stderr,"RANDOM_STEAL: [index %u of %u] from %u (@ %lu) to %u (@ %lu) (q=%d) [rand value: %lu]\n",
+	             i, ntimes, p, CurrentTime[p], proc, CurrentTime[proc], q, r);
+#  endif
+      /* Now go through sparkq and steal the first one that should be sparked*/
       for(prev=NULL, spark = PendingSparksHd[p][ADVISORY_POOL]; 
           spark != NULL && !stolen; 
           next = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
-          if(SHOULD_SPARK(SPARK_NODE(spark)))
+          if ((IS_IDLE(p) || procStatus[p]==Sparking || procStatus[p]==Fishing) &&
+              SPARK_NEXT(spark)==NULL) 
+            {
+              /* Be social! Don't steal the only spark of an idle processor */
+              break;
+            } 
+          else if(SHOULD_SPARK(SPARK_NODE(spark)))
               /* Don't Steal local sparks */
@@ -1384,30 +1886,42 @@ PROC proc;
-              SPARK_NEXT(spark) = NULL;
-              CurrentTime[p] += gran_mpacktime;
+              /* Prepare message for sending spark */
+              CurrentTime[p] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime;
-              stealtime = (CurrentTime[p] > CurrentTime[proc]? CurrentTime[p]: CurrentTime[proc])
-                + SparkStealTime();
-              newevent(proc,p /* CurrentProc */,stealtime,
-                       MOVESPARK,Nil_closure,Nil_closure,spark);
+              if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+                DumpRawGranEvent(p,(PROC)0,SP_EXPORTED,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,
+				 SPARK_NODE(spark),
+				 spark_queue_len(p,ADVISORY_POOL));
-              MAKE_BUSY(proc);
-              stolen = 1;
-              ++SPARK_GLOBAL(spark);
+              SPARK_NEXT(spark) = NULL;
+              stealtime = (CurrentTime[p] > CurrentTime[proc] ? 
+			     CurrentTime[p] : 
+			     CurrentTime[proc])
+                          + SparkStealTime();
-              if(do_sp_profile)
-                DumpSparkGranEvent(SP_EXPORTED,spark);
-              CurrentTime[p] += gran_mtidytime;
+              new_event(proc,p /* CurrentProc */,stealtime,
+                       MOVESPARK,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,spark);
+              /* MAKE_BUSY(proc);     not yet; busy when TSO in threadq */
+              stolen = rtsTrue;
+	      ++OutstandingFishes[proc];
+              if (IS_IDLE(proc))
+                MAKE_FISHING(proc);
+              ++SPARK_GLOBAL(spark);
+              CurrentTime[p] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime;
-          else
+          else   /* !(SHOULD_SPARK(SPARK_NODE(spark))) */
-              if(do_sp_profile)
-                DumpSparkGranEvent(SP_PRUNED,spark);
+              if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Sparks)
+                DumpRawGranEvent(p,(PROC)0,SP_PRUNED,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,
+				 SPARK_NODE(spark),
+				 spark_queue_len(p,ADVISORY_POOL));
+              --SparksAvail;
@@ -1416,11 +1930,35 @@ PROC proc;
             SPARK_NEXT(prev) = next;
-        }
+        }                    /* for (spark=...    iterating over sparkq */
       if(PendingSparksHd[p][ADVISORY_POOL] == NULL)
         PendingSparksTl[p][ADVISORY_POOL] = NULL;
+      if (!stolen && (ntimes>0)) {  /* nothing stealable from proc p :( */
+	ASSERT(times[i]==p);
+	/* remove p from the list (at pos i) */
+        for (j=i; j+1<ntimes; j++)
+	  times[j] = times[j+1];
+	ntimes--;
+	/* update index to first proc which is later (or equal) than proc */
+	for ( ;
+	     (first_later>0) &&
+             (CurrentTime[times[first_later-1]]>CurrentTime[proc]);
+	     first_later--)
+          /* nothing */ ;
+      } 
+    }  /* while */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    if (stolen && (i!=0)) { /* only for statistics */
+      rs_sp_count++;
+      ntimes_total += ntimes;
+      fl_total += first_later;
+      no_of_steals++;
+#  endif
@@ -1431,15 +1969,24 @@ StealThread(proc)
 PROC proc;
   PROC p;
+  rtsBool found;
   P_ thread, prev;
   TIME times[MAX_PROC], stealtime;
   unsigned ntimes=0, i, j;
+  int first_later, upb, r;
   /* Hunt for a thread */
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {StealThread}: Should never be entered in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+  }
+#  endif
   /* times shall contain processors from which we may steal threads */ 
-  for(p=0; p < max_proc; ++p)
-    if(proc != p && RunnableThreadsHd[p] != Nil_closure && 
+  for(p=0; p < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++p)
+    if(proc != p && RunnableThreadsHd[p] != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure && 
        CurrentTime[p] <= CurrentTime[CurrentProc])
       times[ntimes++] = p;
@@ -1453,63 +2000,114 @@ PROC proc;
           times[j] = temp;
-  for(i=0; i < ntimes; ++i) 
-    {
-      p = times[i];
+  /* Choose random processor to steal spark from; first look at processors */
+  /* that are earlier than the current one (i.e. proc) */
+  for(first_later=0; 
+      (first_later < ntimes) && (CurrentTime[times[first_later]] < CurrentTime[proc]);
+      ++first_later)
+    /* nothing */ ;
+  while (!found && (ntimes>0)) {
+    long unsigned int r, q=0;
+    upb = (first_later==0) ? ntimes : first_later;
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.RandomSteal) {
+      r = lrand48();                                /* [0, RAND_MAX] */
+    } else {
+      r = 0;
+    }
+    /* -- ASSERT(r<=RAND_MAX); */
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x2000 )
+      fprintf(stderr,"rand value: %d  " , r);
+    i = (unsigned int) (r % upb);                  /* [0, upb] */
+    /* -- ASSERT((i>=0) && (i<=upb)); */
+    p = times[i];
+    /* -- ASSERT((p>=0) && (p<MAX_PROC)); */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)    
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x2000 )
+      fprintf(stderr,"RANDOM_STEAL; [index %u] from %u (@ %lu) to %u (@ %lu) (q=%d)\n",
+	             i, p, CurrentTime[p], proc, CurrentTime[proc], q);
+#  endif
       /* Steal the first exportable thread in the runnable queue after the */
       /* first one */ 
-      if(RunnableThreadsHd[p] != Nil_closure)
+      if(RunnableThreadsHd[p] != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
           for(prev = RunnableThreadsHd[p], thread = TSO_LINK(RunnableThreadsHd[p]); 
-              thread != Nil_closure && TSO_LOCKED(thread); 
+              thread != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure && TSO_LOCKED(thread); 
               prev = thread, thread = TSO_LINK(thread))
             /* SKIP */;
-          if(thread != Nil_closure)   /* Take thread out of runnable queue */
+          if(thread != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)   /* Take thread out of runnable queue */
               TSO_LINK(prev) = TSO_LINK(thread);
-              TSO_LINK(thread) = Nil_closure;
+              TSO_LINK(thread) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
               if(RunnableThreadsTl[p] == thread)
                 RunnableThreadsTl[p] = prev;
               /* Turn magic constants into params !? -- HWL */
-              CurrentTime[p] += 5l * gran_mpacktime;
+              CurrentTime[p] += 5l * RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime;
-              stealtime = (CurrentTime[p] > CurrentTime[proc]? CurrentTime[p]: CurrentTime[proc])
-                           + SparkStealTime() + 4l * gran_additional_latency
-                             + 5l * gran_munpacktime;
+              stealtime = (CurrentTime[p] > CurrentTime[proc] ? 
+			     CurrentTime[p] : 
+			     CurrentTime[proc])
+                          + SparkStealTime() 
+			  + 4l * RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_additional_latency
+                          + 5l * RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_munpacktime;
-              /* Move the thread */
-              SET_PROCS(thread,PE_NUMBER(proc)); 
+              /* Move the thread; set bitmask to 0 while TSO is `on-the-fly' */
+              SET_PROCS(thread,Nowhere /* PE_NUMBER(proc) */); 
               /* Move from one queue to another */
-              newevent(proc,p,stealtime,MOVETHREAD,thread,Nil_closure,NULL);
-              MAKE_BUSY(proc);
+              new_event(proc,p,stealtime,MOVETHREAD,thread,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+              /* MAKE_BUSY(proc);  not yet; only when thread is in threadq */
+              ++OutstandingFishes[proc];
+              if (IS_IDLE(proc))
+                MAKE_FISHING(proc);
-              if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats)
-                DumpRawGranEvent(p,GR_STEALING,TSO_ID(thread));
+              if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats)
+                DumpRawGranEvent(p,proc,GR_STEALING,thread,
+				 Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,0);
-              CurrentTime[p] += 5l * gran_mtidytime;
+              CurrentTime[p] += 5l * RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime;
               /* Found one */
-              break;
+	      found = rtsTrue;
+              /* break; */
+      if (!found && (ntimes>0)) {  /* nothing stealable from proc p */
+	ASSERT(times[i]==p);
+	/* remove p from the list (at pos i) */
+        for (j=i; j+1<ntimes; j++)
+	  times[j] = times[j+1];
+	ntimes--;
+      }
+    } /* while */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+    if (found && (i!=0)) { /* only for statistics */
+      rs_t_count++;
+#  endif
 TIME SparkStealTime()
   double fishdelay, sparkdelay, latencydelay;
-  fishdelay =  (double)max_proc/2;
-  sparkdelay = fishdelay - ((fishdelay-1)/(double)(max_proc-1))*(double)Idlers;
-  latencydelay = sparkdelay*((double)gran_latency);
+  fishdelay =  (double)RTSflags.GranFlags.proc/2;
+  sparkdelay = fishdelay - 
+          ((fishdelay-1)/(double)(RTSflags.GranFlags.proc-1))*(double)idlers();
+  latencydelay = sparkdelay*((double)RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency);
   fprintf(stderr,"fish delay = %g, spark delay = %g, latency delay = %g, Idlers = %u\n",
@@ -1521,12 +2119,29 @@ TIME SparkStealTime()
 \subsection[thread-execution]{Executing Threads}
+First a set of functions for handling sparks and spark-queues that are
+attached to the processors. Currently, there are two spark-queues per
+\item  A queue of @REQUIRED@  sparks  i.e. these  sparks will be definitely
+  turned into threads ({\em non-discardable\/}). They are mainly used in concurrent
+  Haskell. We don't use them in GrAnSim.
+\item A queue of @ADVISORY@ sparks i.e. they may be turned into threads if
+  the RTS thinks that it is a good idea. However, these sparks are {\em
+    discardable}. They will be discarded if the associated closure is
+  generally not worth creating a new thread (indicated by a tag in the
+  closure) or they may be pruned during GC if there are too many sparks
+  around already.
@@ -1536,72 +2151,257 @@ EXTFUN(EnterNodeCode);
 #if defined(GRAN)
+/* ngoqvam che' {GrAnSim} */
 /* Slow but relatively reliable method uses stgMallocBytes */
 /* Eventually change that to heap allocated sparks. */
+/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   This is the main point where handling granularity information comes into
+   play. 
+   ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define MAX_RAND_PRI    100
+   Granularity info transformers. 
+   Applied to the GRAN_INFO field of a spark.
+static I_ ID(I_ x) { return(x); };
+static I_ INV(I_ x) { return(-x); };
+static I_ IGNORE(I_ x) { return (0); };
+static I_ RAND(I_ x) { return ((lrand48() % MAX_RAND_PRI) + 1); }
+/* NB: size_info and par_info are currently unused (what a shame!) -- HWL */
 P_ node;
-I_ name, local;
+I_ name, gran_info, size_info, par_info, local;
-  sparkq newspark = (sparkq) stgMallocBytes(sizeof(struct spark), "NewSpark");
+  I_ pri;
+  sparkq newspark;
+  pri = RTSflags.GranFlags.RandomPriorities ? RAND(gran_info) :
+        RTSflags.GranFlags.InversePriorities ? INV(gran_info) :
+	RTSflags.GranFlags.IgnorePriorities ? IGNORE(gran_info) :
+                           gran_info;
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority!=0 && pri<RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority ) {
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40 ) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"NewSpark: Ignoring spark of priority %u (SparkPriority=%u); node=0x%lx; name=%u\n", 
+	      pri, RTSflags.GranFlags.SparkPriority, node, name);
+    }
+    return ((sparkq)NULL);
+  }
+  newspark = (sparkq) stgMallocBytes(sizeof(struct spark), "NewSpark");
   SPARK_PREV(newspark) = SPARK_NEXT(newspark) = NULL;
   SPARK_NODE(newspark) = node;
-  SPARK_NAME(newspark) = name;
-  SPARK_GLOBAL(newspark) = !local;
+  SPARK_NAME(newspark) = (name==1) ? TSO_SPARKNAME(CurrentTSO) : name;
+  SPARK_GRAN_INFO(newspark) = pri;
+  SPARK_GLOBAL(newspark) = !local;      /* Check that with parAt, parAtAbs !!*/
-sparkq spark;
-  if(spark!=NULL)
-    free(spark);
+/* To make casm more convenient use this function to label strategies */
+set_sparkname(P_ tso, int name) { 
+    TSO_SPARKNAME(tso) = TSO_SPARKNAME(tso) >> 16;
+    TSO_SPARKNAME(tso) |= name;
+  } else {
+  }
+  if(0 && RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats)
+	DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,99,GR_START,
+			 tso,Nil_closure,
+	                 TSO_SPARKNAME(tso));
+                         /* ^^^  SN (spark name) as optional info */
+			 /* spark_queue_len(CurrentProc,ADVISORY_POOL)); */
+                         /* ^^^  spark length as optional info */
-  --SparksAvail;
+  return(0); }
-/* Heap-allocated disposal.
+reset_sparkname(P_ tso) { 
+  return (0);
-  FREEZE_MUT_HDR(spark, ImMutArrayOfPtrs);
-  SPARK_PREV(spark) = SPARK_NEXT(spark) = SPARK_NODE(spark) = Nil_closure;
+   With PrioritySparking add_to_spark_queue performs an insert sort to keep
+   the spark queue sorted. Otherwise the spark is just added to the end of
+   the queue. 
 sparkq spark;
-  if (spark==NULL) 
+  sparkq prev, next;
+  I_ count = 0;
+  rtsBool found = rtsFalse;
+  if ( spark == (sparkq)NULL ) {
+  }
-  DisposeSparkQ(SPARK_NEXT(spark));
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking && (SPARK_GRAN_INFO(spark)!=0) ) {
-#ifdef GRAN_CHECK
-  if (SparksAvail < 0)
-    fprintf(stderr,"DisposeSparkQ: SparksAvail<0 after disposing sparkq @ 0x%lx\n", spark);
+    for (prev = NULL, next = PendingSparksHd[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL], count=0;
+	 (next != NULL) && 
+	 !(found = (SPARK_GRAN_INFO(spark) >= SPARK_GRAN_INFO(next)));
+	 prev = next, next = SPARK_NEXT(next), count++) 
+     {}
-  free(spark);
+  } else {   /* 'utQo' */
+    found = rtsFalse;   /* to add it at the end */
+  }
-/* Create a new TSO, with the specified closure to enter and thread type */
+  if (found) {
+    SPARK_NEXT(spark) = next;
+    if ( next == NULL ) {
+      PendingSparksTl[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL] = spark;
+    } else {
+      SPARK_PREV(next) = spark;
+    }
+    SPARK_PREV(spark) = prev;
+    if ( prev == NULL ) {
+      PendingSparksHd[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL] = spark;
+    } else {
+      SPARK_NEXT(prev) = spark;
+    }
+  } else {  /* (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking && !found) || !DoPrioritySparking */
+    SPARK_NEXT(spark) = NULL;			       
+    SPARK_PREV(spark) = PendingSparksTl[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL];
+    if (PendingSparksHd[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL] == NULL)
+      PendingSparksHd[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL] = spark;
+    else
+      SPARK_NEXT(PendingSparksTl[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL]) = spark;
+    PendingSparksTl[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL] = spark;	  
+  } 
+  ++SparksAvail;
-NewThread(topClosure, type)
-P_ topClosure;
-W_ type;
-    P_ stko, tso;
+  if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoPrioritySparking) {
+    CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += count * RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_pri_spark_overhead;
+  }
-    if (AvailableTSO != Nil_closure) {
-        tso = AvailableTSO;
-#if defined(GRAN)
-        SET_PROCS(tso,ThisPE);  /* Allocate it locally! */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x1000 ) {
+    for (prev = NULL, next =  PendingSparksHd[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL];
+	 (next != NULL);
+	 prev = next, next = SPARK_NEXT(next)) 
+      {}
+    if ( (prev!=NULL) && (prev!=PendingSparksTl[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL]) )
+      fprintf(stderr,"SparkQ inconsistency after adding spark %#lx: (PE %u, pool %u) PendingSparksTl (%#lx) not end of queue (%#lx)\n",
+	      spark,CurrentProc,ADVISORY_POOL, 
+	      PendingSparksTl[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL], prev);
+  }
+#  endif
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  /* Check if the sparkq is still sorted. Just for testing, really!  */
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x400 ) {
+    rtsBool sorted = rtsTrue;
+    sparkq prev, next;
+    if (PendingSparksHd[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL] == NULL ||
+	SPARK_NEXT(PendingSparksHd[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL]) == NULL ) {
+      /* just 1 elem => ok */
+    } else {
+      for (prev = PendingSparksHd[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL],
+	   next = SPARK_NEXT(PendingSparksHd[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL]);
+	   (next != NULL) ;
+	   prev = next, next = SPARK_NEXT(next)) {
+	sorted = sorted && 
+	         (SPARK_GRAN_INFO(prev) >= SPARK_GRAN_INFO(next));
+      }
+    }
+    if (!sorted) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Warning: SPARKQ on PE %d is not sorted:\n",
+	      CurrentProc);
+      G_SPARKQ(PendingSparksHd[CurrentProc][ADVISORY_POOL],1);
+    }
+  }
+#  endif
+sparkq spark;
+  /* A SP_PRUNED line should be dumped when this is called from pruning or */
+  /* discarding a spark! */
+  if(spark!=NULL)
+    free(spark);
+  --SparksAvail;
+sparkq spark;
+  if (spark==NULL) 
+    return;
+  DisposeSparkQ(SPARK_NEXT(spark));
+#  ifdef GRAN_CHECK
+  if (SparksAvail < 0)
+    fprintf(stderr,"DisposeSparkQ: SparksAvail<0 after disposing sparkq @ 0x%lx\n", spark);
+#  endif
+  free(spark);
+#endif /* GRAN */
+% {GrAnSim}vaD (Notes on GrAnSim) -- HWL:
+% Qu'vaD ngoq
+% NB: mayQo' wIvwI'
+\paragraph{Notes on GrAnSim:}
+The following routines are for handling threads. Currently, we use an
+unfair scheduling policy in GrAnSim. Thus there are no explicit functions for
+scheduling here. If other scheduling policies are added to the system that
+code should go in here.
+/* Create a new TSO, with the specified closure to enter and thread type */
+#if defined(GRAN)
+NewThread(topClosure, type, pri)
+P_ topClosure;
+W_ type;
+I_ pri;
+NewThread(topClosure, type)
+P_ topClosure;
+W_ type;
+#endif /* GRAN */
+    P_ stko, tso;
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light && CurrentProc!=0) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {NewThread}Daq: CurrentProc must be 0 in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+    }
+#  endif
+    if (AvailableTSO != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
+        tso = AvailableTSO;
+#if defined(GRAN)
+        SET_PROCS(tso,ThisPE);  /* Allocate it locally! */
         AvailableTSO = TSO_LINK(tso);
     } else if (SAVE_Hp + TSO_HS + TSO_CTS_SIZE > SAVE_HpLim) {
@@ -1613,7 +2413,10 @@ W_ type;
         SET_TSO_HDR(tso, TSO_info, CCC);
-    TSO_LINK(tso) = Nil_closure;
+    TSO_LINK(tso) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    TSO_PRI(tso) =  pri;                  /* Priority of that TSO -- HWL */
 #ifdef PAR
     TSO_CCC(tso) = (CostCentre)STATIC_CC_REF(CC_MAIN);
@@ -1621,7 +2424,7 @@ W_ type;
     TSO_ID(tso) = threadId++;
     TSO_TYPE(tso) = type;
     TSO_PC1(tso) = TSO_PC2(tso) = EnterNodeCode;
-    TSO_ARG1(tso) = TSO_EVENT(tso) = 0;
+    TSO_ARG1(tso) = /* TSO_ARG2(tso) = */ 0;  /* FIX THIS -- HWL */
     TSO_SWITCH(tso) = NULL;
@@ -1631,11 +2434,11 @@ W_ type;
 #if defined(GRAN) || defined(PAR)
     TSO_SPARKNAME(tso)    = 0;
-#if defined(GRAN)
+#  if defined(GRAN)
     TSO_STARTEDAT(tso)    = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
+#  else
+#  endif
     TSO_EXPORTED(tso)     = 0;
     TSO_BASICBLOCKS(tso)  = 0;
     TSO_ALLOCS(tso)       = 0;
@@ -1647,7 +2450,13 @@ W_ type;
     TSO_BLOCKEDAT(tso)    = 0;
     TSO_GLOBALSPARKS(tso) = 0;
     TSO_LOCALSPARKS(tso)  = 0;
+#  if defined(GRAN)
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.Light)
+      TSO_CLOCK(tso)  = TSO_STARTEDAT(tso); /* local clock */
+    else
+#  endif
+      TSO_CLOCK(tso)  = 0;
      * set pc, Node (R1), liveness
@@ -1657,18 +2466,19 @@ W_ type;
 # ifndef PAR
     if (type == T_MAIN) {
-        stko = MainStkO;
+        stko = MainStkO;  
     } else {
 # endif
-        if (AvailableStack != Nil_closure) {
+        if (AvailableStack != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
             stko = AvailableStack;
 #if defined(GRAN)
-	    AvailableStack = STKO_LINK(AvailableStack);
+            AvailableStack = STKO_LINK(AvailableStack);
         } else if (SAVE_Hp + STKO_HS + RTSflags.ConcFlags.stkChunkSize > SAVE_HpLim) {
         } else {
+	    /* ALLOC_STK(STKO_HS,STKO_CHUNK_SIZE,0);   use RTSflag now*/
             stko = SAVE_Hp + 1;
     	    SAVE_Hp += STKO_HS + RTSflags.ConcFlags.stkChunkSize;
@@ -1677,7 +2487,7 @@ W_ type;
         STKO_SIZE(stko) = RTSflags.ConcFlags.stkChunkSize + STKO_VHS;
         STKO_SpB(stko) = STKO_SuB(stko) = STKO_BSTK_BOT(stko) + BREL(1);
         STKO_SpA(stko) = STKO_SuA(stko) = STKO_ASTK_BOT(stko) + AREL(1);
-        STKO_LINK(stko) = Nil_closure;
+        STKO_LINK(stko) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
         STKO_RETURN(stko) = NULL;
 # ifndef PAR
@@ -1695,23 +2505,31 @@ W_ type;
     SAVE_Ret = (StgRetAddr) UNVEC(stopThreadDirectReturn,vtbl_stopStgWorld);
     SAVE_StkO = stko;
-    ASSERT(sanityChk_StkO(stko));
     if (DO_QP_PROF) {
         QP_Event1(do_qp_prof > 1 ? "*A" : "*G", tso);
+#if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    tot_sq_len += spark_queue_len(CurrentProc,ADVISORY_POOL);
+    tot_sq_probes++;
     return tso;
+In GrAnSim the @EndThread@ function is the place where statistics about the
+simulation are printed. I guess, that could be moved into
-#ifdef PAR
+    P_ stko;
+#if defined(PAR)
     if (RTSflags.TickyFlags.showTickyStats) {
@@ -1729,72 +2547,71 @@ EndThread(STG_NO_ARGS)
 #if defined(GRAN)
     ASSERT(CurrentTSO == ThreadQueueHd);
-    ThreadQueueHd = TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO);
-    if(ThreadQueueHd == Nil_closure)
-      ThreadQueueTl = Nil_closure;
-    else if (DoThreadMigration)
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoThreadMigration)
-    if (do_gr_sim)
-      {
-        if(TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO)==T_MAIN)
-          {
-            int i;
-            for(i=0; i < max_proc; ++i) {
-              StgBool is_first = StgTrue;
-              while(RunnableThreadsHd[i] != Nil_closure)
-                {
-                  /* We schedule runnable threads before killing them to */
-                  /* make the job of bookkeeping the running, runnable, */
-                  /* blocked threads easier for scripts like gr2ps  -- HWL */ 
-                  if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats && !is_first)
-                    DumpRawGranEvent(i,GR_SCHEDULE,
-                                     TSO_ID(RunnableThreadsHd[i]));
-		  if (!no_gr_profile)
-		    DumpGranInfo(i,RunnableThreadsHd[i],StgTrue);
-                  RunnableThreadsHd[i] = TSO_LINK(RunnableThreadsHd[i]);
-                  is_first = StgFalse;
-                }
-            }
-            ThreadQueueHd = Nil_closure;
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-            /* Print event stats */
-            if (debug & 0x20) {
-              int i;
-              fprintf(stderr,"Statistics of events (total=%d):\n",
-                      noOfEvents);
-              for (i=0; i<=7; i++) {
-                fprintf(stderr,"> %s (%d): \t%ld \t%f%%\n",
-                        event_names[i],i,event_counts[i],
-                        (float)(100*event_counts[i])/(float)(noOfEvents) );
+    if(TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO)==T_MAIN)
+        {
+          int i;
+          rtsBool is_first;
+          for(i=0; i < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++i) {
+            is_first = rtsTrue;
+            while(RunnableThreadsHd[i] != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
+              {
+                /* We schedule runnable threads before killing them to */
+                /* make the job of bookkeeping the running, runnable, */
+                /* blocked threads easier for scripts like gr2ps  -- HWL */ 
+                if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats && !is_first &&
+                    (!RTSflags.GranFlags.Light || RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x20000) )
+                  DumpRawGranEvent(i,(PROC)0,GR_SCHEDULE,
+                                   RunnableThreadsHd[i],
+    				   Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,0);
+    		  if (!RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed &&
+                      TSO_TYPE(RunnableThreadsHd[i])!=T_MAIN)
+    		    DumpGranInfo(i,RunnableThreadsHd[i],rtsTrue);
+                RunnableThreadsHd[i] = TSO_LINK(RunnableThreadsHd[i]);
+                is_first = rtsFalse;
-            }
-          }
-	if (!no_gr_profile)
-	  DumpGranInfo(CurrentProc,CurrentTSO,
-		       TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO) != T_ADVISORY);
-        /* Note ThreadQueueHd is Nil when the main thread terminates */
-        if(ThreadQueueHd != Nil_closure)
-          {
-            if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats && !no_gr_profile)
-              DumpGranEvent(GR_SCHEDULE,ThreadQueueHd);
-            CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_threadscheduletime;
-        else if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary && TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO)==T_MAIN &&
-		 !no_gr_profile)
-          grterminate(CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
-      }
+          ThreadQueueHd = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+          /* Printing of statistics has been moved into end_gr_simulation */
+        } /* ... T_MAIN */
+      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.labelling && RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats &&
+          !RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed)
+	DumpStartEventAt(TSO_STARTEDAT(CurrentTSO),where_is(CurrentTSO),0,GR_START,
+			 CurrentTSO,Nil_closure,
+	                 TSO_SPARKNAME(CurrentTSO));
+                         /* ^^^  SN (spark name) as optional info */
+			 /* spark_queue_len(CurrentProc,ADVISORY_POOL)); */
+                         /* ^^^  spark length as optional info */
+      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats &&
+          !RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed)
+        DumpGranInfo(CurrentProc,CurrentTSO,
+     	             TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO) != T_ADVISORY);
+      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_Binary && 
+          TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO)==T_MAIN &&
+          !RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed)
+        grterminate(CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
+      if (TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO)!=T_MAIN) 
+        ActivateNextThread(CurrentProc);
+      /* Note ThreadQueueHd is Nil when the main thread terminates 
+      if(ThreadQueueHd != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
+        {
+          if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats && !RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed &&
+             (!RTSflags.GranFlags.Light || RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x20000) )
+            DumpGranEvent(GR_SCHEDULE,ThreadQueueHd);
+          CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_threadscheduletime;
+        }
+      */
 #endif  /* GRAN */
 #ifdef PAR
@@ -1807,20 +2624,16 @@ EndThread(STG_NO_ARGS)
     switch (TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO)) {
     case T_MAIN:
 #ifdef PAR
-        if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary)
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	if ( (debug & 0x80) || (debug & 0x40) )
-	  fprintf(stderr,"\nGRAN: I hereby terminate the main thread!\n");
-	/* I've stolen that from the end of ReSchedule (!GRAN).  HWL */
-	longjmp(scheduler_loop, required_thread_count > 0 ? 1 : -1);
+#ifdef GRAN
+	longjmp(scheduler_loop, -1); /* i.e. the world comes to an end NOW */
-        ReSchedule(0);
-#endif  /* GRAN */
+        ReSchedule(0);    /* i.e. the world will eventually come to an end */
     case T_REQUIRED:
@@ -1835,29 +2648,30 @@ EndThread(STG_NO_ARGS)
-        fprintf(stderr, "EndThread: %lx unknown\n", (W_) TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO));
+        fprintf(stderr, "EndThread: %x unknown\n", TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO));
     /* Reuse stack object space */
-    ASSERT(STKO_LINK(SAVE_StkO) == Nil_closure);
+    ASSERT(STKO_LINK(SAVE_StkO) == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure);
     STKO_LINK(SAVE_StkO) = AvailableStack;
     AvailableStack = SAVE_StkO;
     /* Reuse TSO */
     TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) = AvailableTSO;
     AvailableTSO = CurrentTSO;
-    CurrentTSO = Nil_closure;
+    CurrentTSO = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
     CurrentRegTable = NULL;
 #if defined(GRAN)
-        /* NB: Now ThreadQueueHd is either the next runnable thread on this */
-        /* proc or it's Nil_closure. In the latter case, a FINDWORK will be */
-        /* issued by ReSchedule. */
-        ReSchedule(SAME_THREAD);                /* back for more! */
+    /* NB: Now ThreadQueueHd is either the next runnable thread on this */
+    /* proc or it's Prelude_Z91Z93_closure. In the latter case, a FINDWORK will be */
+    /* issued by ReSchedule. */
+    ReSchedule(SAME_THREAD);                /* back for more! */
-        ReSchedule(0);                          /* back for more! */
+    ReSchedule(0);                          /* back for more! */
@@ -1868,7 +2682,8 @@ EndThread(STG_NO_ARGS)
-#if defined(COUNT)
+#if defined(GRAN_COUNT)
+/* Some non-essential maybe-useful statistics-gathering */
 void CountnUPDs() { ++nUPDs; }
 void CountnUPDs_old() { ++nUPDs_old; }
 void CountnUPDs_new() { ++nUPDs_new; }
@@ -1884,7 +2699,7 @@ EXTDATA_RO(BQ_info);
  * AwakenBlockingQueue awakens a list of TSOs and FBQs.
-P_ PendingFetches = Nil_closure;
+P_ PendingFetches = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
@@ -1899,7 +2714,7 @@ AwakenBlockingQueue(bqe)
 # endif
 # ifndef PAR
-    while (bqe != Nil_closure) {
+    while (bqe != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
 # else
     while (IS_MUTABLE(INFO_PTR(bqe))) {
 	switch (INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(bqe))) {
@@ -1926,7 +2741,7 @@ AwakenBlockingQueue(bqe)
 # endif
 	    if (last_tso == NULL) {
-		if (RunnableThreadsHd == Nil_closure) {
+		if (RunnableThreadsHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
 		    RunnableThreadsHd = bqe;
 		} else {
 		    TSO_LINK(RunnableThreadsTl) = bqe;
@@ -1950,13 +2765,13 @@ AwakenBlockingQueue(bqe)
+#  else
 # endif
     if (last_tso != NULL) {
 	RunnableThreadsTl = last_tso;
 # ifdef PAR
-	TSO_LINK(last_tso) = Nil_closure;
+	TSO_LINK(last_tso) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
 # endif
@@ -1964,88 +2779,313 @@ AwakenBlockingQueue(bqe)
 #ifdef GRAN
-/* NB: GRAN version only ToDo
- *
- * AwakenBlockingQueue returns True if we are on the oldmutables list,
- * so that the update code knows what to do next.
- */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
-  P_ node;
+/* First some useful test functions */
+P_ bqe;
-    P_ tso = (P_) BQ_ENTRIES(node);
-    P_ prev;
+    W_ it;
+    P_ last = NULL;
+    char str[80], str0[80];
+    fprintf(stderr,"\n[PE %d] @ %lu BQ: ",
+	            CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
+    if ( bqe == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure ) {
+      fprintf(stderr," NIL.\n");
+      return;
+    }
+    if ( bqe == NULL ) {
+      fprintf(stderr," NULL\n");
+      return;
+    }
+    while (IS_MUTABLE(INFO_PTR(bqe))) {  /* This distinguishes TSOs from */
+      W_ proc;                           /* RBH_Save_? closures! */
+      /* Find where the tso lives */
+      proc = where_is(bqe);
+      it = INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(bqe)); 
-    if(do_gr_sim)
+      switch (it) {
+	  case INFO_TSO_TYPE:
+	    strcpy(str0,"TSO");
+	    break;
+	  case INFO_BQ_TYPE:
+	    strcpy(str0,"BQ");
+	    break;
+	  default:
+	    strcpy(str0,"???");
+	    break;
+	  }
+      if(proc == CurrentProc)
+	fprintf(stderr," %#lx (%x) L %s,", bqe, TSO_ID(bqe), str0);
+      else
+	fprintf(stderr," %#lx (%x) G (PE %d) %s,", bqe, TSO_ID(bqe), proc, str0);
+      last = bqe;
+      switch (it) {
+	  case INFO_TSO_TYPE:
+	    bqe = TSO_LINK(bqe);
+	    break;
+	  case INFO_BQ_TYPE:
+	    bqe = TSO_LINK(bqe);
+	    break;
+	  default:
+	    bqe = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+	    break;
+	  }
+      /* TSO_LINK(last_tso) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; */
+    }
+    if ( bqe == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure ) 
+      fprintf(stderr," NIL.\n");
+    else if ( 
+	 (INFO_PTR(bqe) == (P_) RBH_Save_0_info) || 
+	 (INFO_PTR(bqe) == (P_) RBH_Save_1_info) || 
+	 (INFO_PTR(bqe) == (P_) RBH_Save_2_info) )
+      fprintf(stderr," RBH.\n");
+    /* fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n",str); */
+  }
+CHECK_BQ(node, tso, proc)
+P_ node, tso;
+PROC proc;
+  P_ bqe;
+  W_ it;
+  P_ last = NULL;
+  PROC p = where_is(tso);
+  rtsBool ok = rtsTrue;
+  if ( p != proc) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"ERROR in CHECK_BQ: CurrentTSO %#lx (%x) on proc %d but CurrentProc = %d\n",
+	    tso, TSO_ID(tso), proc);
+    ok = rtsFalse;
+  }
+  switch (INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(node))) {
+    case INFO_BH_TYPE:
+    case INFO_BH_U_TYPE:
+      bqe = (P_) BQ_ENTRIES(node);
+      return (rtsTrue);           /* BHs don't have BQs */
+      break;
+    case INFO_BQ_TYPE:
+      bqe = (P_) BQ_ENTRIES(node);
+      break;
+    case INFO_FMBQ_TYPE:
+      fprintf(stderr,"CHECK_BQ: ERROR: FMBQ closure (%#lx) found in GrAnSim (TSO=%#lx (%x))\n",
+	      node, tso, TSO_ID(tso));
+      break;
+      bqe = (P_) SPEC_RBH_BQ(node);
+      break;
+    case INFO_GEN_RBH_TYPE:
+      bqe = (P_) GEN_RBH_BQ(node);
+      break;
+    default:
-        W_ notifytime;
+	P_ info_ptr;
+	I_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
+	char info_hdr_ty[80];
+	fprintf(stderr, "CHECK_BQ: thought %#lx was a black hole (IP %#lx)",
+	      node, INFO_PTR(node));
+	info_ptr = get_closure_info(node, 
+				    &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, 
+				    info_hdr_ty);
+	fprintf(stderr, " %s\n",info_hdr_ty);
+	/* G_PRINT_NODE(node); */
+	return (rtsFalse);
+	}
+    }
-# if defined(COUNT)
+  while (IS_MUTABLE(INFO_PTR(bqe))) { /* This distinguishes TSOs from */
+    W_ proc;                          /* RBH_Save_? closures! */
+    /* Find where the tso lives */
+    proc = where_is(bqe);
+    it = INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(bqe)); 
+    if ( bqe == tso ) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"ERROR in CHECK_BQ [Node = 0x%lx, PE %d]: TSO %#lx (%x) already in BQ: ",
+	      node, proc, tso, TSO_ID(tso));
+      PRINT_BQ(BQ_ENTRIES(node));
+      ok = rtsFalse;
+    }
+    bqe = TSO_LINK(bqe);
+  }
+  return (ok);
+/* End of test functions */
+#  endif   /* GRAN_CHECK */
+/* This version of AwakenBlockingQueue has been originally taken from the
+   GUM code. It is now assimilated into GrAnSim */
+/* Note: This version assumes a pointer to a blocking queue rather than a
+   node with an attached blocking queue as input */
+P_ bqe;
+    /* P_ tso = (P_) BQ_ENTRIES(node); */
+    P_ last = NULL;
+    /* P_ prev; */
+    W_ notifytime;
+#  if 0
+    if(do_gr_sim)
+#  endif
+    /* Compatibility mode with old libaries! 'oH jIvoQmoH */
+    if (IS_BQ_CLOSURE(bqe))
+      bqe = (P_)BQ_ENTRIES(bqe); 
+    else if ( INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(bqe)) == INFO_SPEC_RBH_TYPE )
+      bqe = (P_)SPEC_RBH_BQ(bqe);
+    else if ( INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(bqe)) == INFO_GEN_RBH_TYPE )
+      bqe = (P_)GEN_RBH_BQ(bqe);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) {
+      PRINT_BQ(bqe);
+    }
+#  endif
+#  if defined(GRAN_COUNT)
-        if (tso != Nil_closure) 
+        if (tso != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) 
-# endif
+#  endif
-        while(tso != Nil_closure) {
-          W_ proc;
-	  ASSERT(TSO_INTERNAL_PTR(tso)->rR[0].p == node);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100)
+      fprintf(stderr,"----- AwBQ: ");
+#  endif
-# if defined(COUNT)
+    while (IS_MUTABLE(INFO_PTR(bqe))) { /* This distinguishes TSOs from */
+      W_ proc;                          /* RBH_Save_? closures! */
+      if (DO_QP_PROF) {
+	QP_Event2(do_qp_prof > 1 ? "RA" : "RG", bqe, CurrentTSO);
+      }
+#  if defined(GRAN_COUNT)
-# endif
+#  endif
-          /* Find where the tso lives */
-          proc = where_is(tso);
+      /* Find where the tso lives */
+      proc = where_is(bqe);
-          if(proc == CurrentProc)
-            notifytime = CurrentTime[CurrentProc] + gran_lunblocktime;
-          else
-            {
-              CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mpacktime;
-              notifytime = CurrentTime[CurrentProc] + gran_gunblocktime;
-              CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mtidytime;
-            }
+      if(proc == CurrentProc) {
+	notifytime = CurrentTime[CurrentProc] + RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_lunblocktime;
+      } else {
+	/* A better way of handling this would be to introduce a 
+	   GLOBALUNBLOCK event which is created here. -- HWL */
+	CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime;
+	notifytime = STG_MAX(CurrentTime[CurrentProc],CurrentTime[proc]) + 
+	             RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_gunblocktime;
+	CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime;
+	/* new_event(proc, CurrentProc, notifytime, 
+	            GLOBALUNBLOCK,bqe,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL); */
+      }
+      /* cost the walk over the queue */
+      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_lunblocktime;
+      /* GrAnSim Light: make blocked TSO aware of the time that passed */
+      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.Light)
+        TSO_CLOCK(bqe) = notifytime;
+      /* and create a resume message */
+      new_event(proc, CurrentProc, notifytime, 
+	       RESUMETHREAD,bqe,Prelude_Z91Z93_closure,NULL);
+      if (notifytime<TimeOfNextEvent)
+	TimeOfNextEvent = notifytime;
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100) {
+	fprintf(stderr," TSO %x (PE %d) %s,",
+		TSO_ID(bqe), proc, ( (proc==CurrentProc) ? "L" : "G") );
+      }
+#  endif
-          /* and create a resume message */
-          newevent(proc, CurrentProc, notifytime, 
-                   RESUMETHREAD,tso,Nil_closure,NULL);
+      last = bqe;
+      bqe = TSO_LINK(bqe);
+      TSO_LINK(last) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; 
+    }    /* while */
-          prev = tso;
-          tso = TSO_LINK(tso);
-          TSO_LINK(prev) = Nil_closure;
-        }
-      }
-    else
+#  if 0
+    /* This was once used in a !do_gr_sim setup. Now only GrAnSim setup is */
+    /* supported. */
+    else /* Check if this is still valid for non-GrAnSim code -- HWL */
-	if (ThreadQueueHd == Nil_closure)
-	  ThreadQueueHd = tso;
+	if (ThreadQueueHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
+	  ThreadQueueHd = bqe;
-	  TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueTl) = tso;
+	  TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueTl) = bqe;
-        while(TSO_LINK(tso) != Nil_closure) {
-          ASSERT(TSO_INTERNAL_PTR(tso)->rR[0].p == node);
+        if (RunnableThreadsHd == Prelude_Z91Z93_closure)
+          RunnableThreadsHd = tso;
+        else
+          TSO_LINK(RunnableThreadsTl) = tso;
+        while(TSO_LINK(bqe) != Prelude_Z91Z93_closure) {
+          assert(TSO_INTERNAL_PTR(bqe)->rR[0].p == node);
+#    if 0
           if (DO_QP_PROF) {
-            QP_Event2(do_qp_prof > 1 ? "RA" : "RG", tso, CurrentTSO);
+            QP_Event2(do_qp_prof > 1 ? "RA" : "RG", bqe, CurrentTSO);
-          tso = TSO_LINK(tso);
+#    endif
+          bqe = TSO_LINK(bqe);
-        ASSERT(TSO_INTERNAL_PTR(tso)->rR[0].p == node);
+        assert(TSO_INTERNAL_PTR(bqe)->rR[0].p == node);
+#    if 0
         if (DO_QP_PROF) {
-          QP_Event2(do_qp_prof > 1 ? "RA" : "RG", tso, CurrentTSO);
+          QP_Event2(do_qp_prof > 1 ? "RA" : "RG", bqe, CurrentTSO);
-	ThreadQueueTl = tso;
-      }
+#    endif
+      }  
+#  endif  /* 0 */
+    if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100) 
+	fprintf(stderr,".\n");
-    return MUT_LINK(node) != MUT_NOT_LINKED;
+    return (bqe);
+    /* ngo' {GrAnSim}Qo' ngoq: RunnableThreadsTl = tso; */
-#endif /* GRAN only */
+#endif /* GRAN */
+#if defined(GRAN)
+/* Different interface for GRAN */
+W_ liveness;
+    SAVE_Liveness = liveness;
+    TSO_PC1(CurrentTSO) = Continue;
+    if (DO_QP_PROF) {
+	QP_Event1("GR", CurrentTSO);
+    }
+    ReSchedule(SAME_THREAD);
+#else /* !GRAN */
 W_ args;
@@ -2064,8 +3104,10 @@ W_ args;
     ReSchedule(args & 1);
+#endif  /* GRAN */
 \subsection[gr-fetch]{Fetching Nodes (GrAnSim only)}
@@ -2083,11 +3125,10 @@ moved from a  processor B to a processor   C between sending  out a @FETCH@
 (from A) and its arrival at B. In that case the @FETCH@ has to be forwarded
 to C.
-Currently, we  only support GRIP-like  single closure fetching.  We plan to
-incorporate GUM-like packet fetching in the near future.
 #if defined(GRAN)
+/* ngoqvam che' {GrAnSim}! */
 /* Fetch node "node" to processor "p" */
@@ -2096,23 +3137,34 @@ FetchNode(node,from,to)
 P_ node;
 PROC from, to;
+  /* In case of RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching this fct should never be 
+     entered! Instead, UnpackGraph is used in ReSchedule */
+  P_ closure;
+#  if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.Light ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {FetchNode}Daq: Should never be entered  in GrAnSim Light setup\n");
+  }
+#  endif
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"Qagh: FetchNode should never be entered with DoGUMMFetching\n");
+  }
+  /* Now fetch the children */
   if (!IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),from) &&
       !IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),to) ) 
     return 1;
   if(IS_NF(INFO_PTR(node)))                 /* Old: || IS_BQ(node) */
     PROCS(node) |= PE_NUMBER(to);           /* Copy node */
     PROCS(node) = PE_NUMBER(to);            /* Move node */
-  /* Now fetch the children */
-  if(DoGUMMFetching)
-    {
-      fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, GUMM fetching not yet implemented.\n");
-    }
   return 0;
@@ -2123,180 +3175,287 @@ PROC from, to;
    [Should also account for multiple packets].
    -------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Return codes:
+    0 ... ok (FETCHREPLY event with a buffer containing addresses of the 
+              nearby graph has been scheduled)
+    1 ... node is already local (fetched by somebody else; no event is
+                                  scheduled in here)
+    2 ... fetch request has been forwrded to the PE that now contains the
+           node
+    3 ... node is a black hole (BH, BQ or RBH); no event is scheduled, and
+           the current TSO is put into the blocking queue of that node
+    4 ... out of heap in PackNearbyGraph; GC should be triggered in calling
+          function to guarantee that the tso and node inputs are valid
+          (they may be moved during GC).
+  ToDo: Symbolic return codes; clean up code (separate GUMMFetching from 
+        single node fetching.
 P_ node, tso;
 PROC p;
+  ASSERT(!RTSflags.GranFlags.Light);
   if (IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),p) )  /* Somebody else moved node already => */
-    {                               /* start tso                           */ 
-      newevent(p,CurrentProc,
-               CurrentTime[CurrentProc] /* +gran_latency */,
-               FETCHREPLY,tso,node,NULL);            /* node needed ? */
-      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mtidytime;
+    {                               /* start tso */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) {
+	P_ info_ptr;
+	I_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
+	char info_hdr_ty[80];
+	info_ptr = get_closure_info(node, 
+				    &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, 
+				    info_hdr_ty);
+	fprintf(stderr,"Warning: HandleFetchRequest entered with local node %#lx (%s) (PE %d)\n", 
+		node,info_hdr_ty,p);
+      }
+#  endif
+      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching) {
+	W_ size;
+	P_ graph;
+	/* Create a 1-node-buffer and schedule a FETCHREPLY now */
+	graph = PackOneNode(node, tso, &size); 
+	new_event(p,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+		 FETCHREPLY,tso,graph,NULL);
+      } else {
+	new_event(p,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
+		 FETCHREPLY,tso,node,NULL);
+      }
+      return (1);
   else if (IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),CurrentProc) )   /* Is node still here? */
-      /* Actual moving/copying of node is done on arrival; see FETCHREPLY */
-      /* Send a reply to the originator */
-      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mpacktime;
+      if(RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching) {    /* {GUM}vo' ngoqvam vInIHta' (code from GUM) */
+	W_ size;
+	P_ graph;
+	if (IS_BLACK_HOLE(INFO_PTR(node))) {   /* block on BH or RBH */
+	  new_event(p,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[p],
+		   GLOBALBLOCK,tso,node,NULL);
+	  /* Note: blockFetch is done when handling GLOBALBLOCK event */
+          /* When this thread is reawoken it does the usual: it tries to 
+             enter the updated node and issues a fetch if it's remote.
+             It has forgotten that it has sent a fetch already (i.e. a
+             FETCHNODE is swallowed by a BH, leaving the thread in a BQ */
+          --OutstandingFetches[p];
+	  return (3);
+	}
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+	if (!RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch && (tso != RunnableThreadsHd[p])) {
+	  fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {HandleFetchRequest}Daq: tso 0x%lx (%x) not at head of proc %d (0x%lx)\n", 
+		  tso, TSO_ID(tso), p, RunnableThreadsHd[p]);
+	}
+#  endif
-      newevent(p,CurrentProc,
-               CurrentTime[CurrentProc]+gran_latency,
-               FETCHREPLY,tso,node,NULL);            /* node needed ? */
+	if ((graph = PackNearbyGraph(node, tso, &size)) == NULL) 
+	  return (4);  /* out of heap */
+	/* Actual moving/copying of node is done on arrival; see FETCHREPLY */
+	/* Send a reply to the originator */
+	/* ToDo: Replace that by software costs for doing graph packing! */
+	CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += size * RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime;
+	new_event(p,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]+RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency,
+		 FETCHREPLY,tso,graph,NULL);
-      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mtidytime;
+	CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime;
+	return (0);
+      } else {                   /* incremental (single closure) fetching */
+	/* Actual moving/copying of node is done on arrival; see FETCHREPLY */
+	/* Send a reply to the originator */
+	CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime;
+	new_event(p,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]+RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency,
+		 FETCHREPLY,tso,node,NULL);
+	CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime;
+	return (0);
+      }
-  else
-    {    /* Qu'vatlh! node has been grabbed by another proc => forward */
+  else       /* Qu'vatlh! node has been grabbed by another proc => forward */
+    {    
       PROC p_new = where_is(node);
       TIME fetchtime;
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
-      if (NoForward) {
-        newevent(p,p_new,
-                 max(CurrentTime[p_new],CurrentTime[CurrentProc])+gran_latency,
-                 FETCHREPLY,tso,node,NULL);            /* node needed ? */
-        CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mtidytime;
-        return;
-      }
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)         /* Just for testing */
-      if (debug & 0x2)    /* 0x2 should be somehting like DBG_PRINT_FWD */
-        fprintf(stderr,"Qu'vatlh! node 0x%x has been grabbed by %d (current=%d; demander=%d) @ %d\n",
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x2)   
+        fprintf(stderr,"Qu'vatlh! node %#lx has been grabbed by PE %d (current=%d; demander=%d) @ %d\n",
+#  endif
       /* Prepare FORWARD message to proc p_new */
-      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mpacktime;
+      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mpacktime;
-      fetchtime = max(CurrentTime[CurrentProc],CurrentTime[p_new]) +
-                      gran_latency;
+      fetchtime = STG_MAX(CurrentTime[CurrentProc],CurrentTime[p_new]) +
+                  RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_latency;
-      newevent(p_new,p,fetchtime,FETCHNODE,tso,node,NULL);
+      new_event(p_new,p,fetchtime,FETCHNODE,tso,node,NULL);
+      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += RTSflags.GranFlags.gran_mtidytime;
-      CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mtidytime;
+      return (2);
-\subsection[gr-simulation]{Granularity Simulation}
+@blockFetch@ blocks a @BlockedFetch@ node on some kind of black hole.
+Taken from gum/   [find a  better  place for that ?] --  HWL  
+{\bf Note:} In  GranSim we don't  have @FETCHME@ nodes and therefore  don't
+create  @FMBQ@'s    (FetchMe   blocking   queues) to  cope    with   global
+blocking. Instead,  non-local TSO are put  into the BQ in  the same  way as
+local TSOs. However, we have to check if a TSO is  local or global in order
+to account for the latencies involved  and for keeping  track of the number
+of fetches that are really going on.
-#if 0 /* moved to */
 #if defined(GRAN)
-I_ do_gr_sim = 0;
-FILE *gr_file = NULL;
-char gr_filename[STATS_FILENAME_MAXLEN];
-char *prog_argv[], *rts_argv[];
-int prog_argc, rts_argc;
+/* Return codes:
+    0 ... ok; tso is now at beginning of BQ attached to the bh closure
+    1 ... the bh closure is no BH any more; tso is immediately unblocked
+blockFetch(tso, proc, bh)
+P_ tso;                        /* TSO which gets blocked */
+PROC proc;                     /* PE where that tso was running */
+P_ bh;                         /* closure to block on (BH, RBH, BQ) */
-    I_ i;
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+    if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) {
+	P_ info_ptr;
+	I_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
+	char info_hdr_ty[80];
+	info_ptr = get_closure_info(bh, 
+				    &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, 
+				    info_hdr_ty);
+	fprintf(stderr,"Blocking TSO %#lx (%x)(PE %d) on node %#lx (%s) (PE %d). No graph is packed!\n", 
+		tso, TSO_ID(tso), proc, bh, info_hdr_ty, where_is(bh));
+    }
-    if(do_gr_sim)
-      { 
-        char *extension = RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary? "gb": "gr";
-        sprintf(gr_filename, GR_FILENAME_FMT, prog_argv[0],extension);
+    if ( !RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch && (tso != RunnableThreadsHd[proc]) ) {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Qagh {blockFetch}Daq: TSO 0x%lx (%x) is not first on runnable list of proc %d (first is 0x%lx)\n",
+	      tso,TSO_ID(tso),proc,RunnableThreadsHd[proc]);
+    }
+#  endif
+    if (!IS_BLACK_HOLE(INFO_PTR(bh))) {            /* catches BHs and RBHs */
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+      if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x100 ) {
+	P_ info;
+	W_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
+	char str[80], junk_str[80]; 
+	info = get_closure_info(bh, &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, str);
+	fprintf(stderr,"blockFetch: node %#lx (%s) is not a BH => awakening TSO %#lx (%x) (PE %u)\n", 
+		bh, str, tso, TSO_ID(tso), proc);
+      }
+#  endif
+      /* No BH anymore => immediately unblock tso */
+      new_event(proc,proc,CurrentTime[proc],
+	       UNBLOCKTHREAD,tso,bh,NULL);
+      /* Is this always a REPLY to a FETCH in the profile ? */
+      if (RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats)
+	DumpRawGranEvent(proc,proc,GR_REPLY,tso,bh,0);
+      return (1);
+    }
-        if ((gr_file = fopen(gr_filename,"w")) == NULL ) 
-          {
-            fprintf(stderr, "Can't open granularity simulation report file %s\n", gr_filename);
-            exit(EXIT_FAILURE);             
-          }
+    /* DaH {BQ}Daq Qu' Suq 'e' wISov!
+       Now we know that we have to put the tso into the BQ.
+       2 case: If block-on-fetch, tso is at head of threadq => 
+               => take it out of threadq and into BQ
+               If reschedule-on-fetch, tso is only pointed to be event
+               => just put it into BQ
+    */
+    if (!RTSflags.GranFlags.DoReScheduleOnFetch) { /* block-on-fetch */
+      GranSimBlock(tso, proc, bh);  /* get tso out of threadq & activate next
+                                       thread (same as in BQ_entry) */
+    } else {                                       /*  reschedule-on-fetch */
+      if(RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats)
+         DumpRawGranEvent(proc,where_is(bh),GR_BLOCK,tso,bh,0);
+      ++TSO_BLOCKCOUNT(tso);
+      TSO_BLOCKEDAT(tso) = CurrentTime[proc];
+    }
+    ASSERT(TSO_LINK(tso)==Prelude_Z91Z93_closure);
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-        if(DoReScheduleOnFetch)
-          setbuf(gr_file,NULL);
+    /* Put tso into BQ */
+    switch (INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(bh))) {
+      case INFO_BH_TYPE:
+      case INFO_BH_U_TYPE:
+	TSO_LINK(tso) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure; 
+	SET_INFO_PTR(bh, BQ_info);
+	BQ_ENTRIES(bh) = (W_) tso;
+	/*
+	 * If we modify a black hole in the old generation, we have to make 
+	 * sure it goes on the mutables list
+	 */
+	if (bh <= StorageMgrInfo.OldLim) {
+	    MUT_LINK(bh) = (W_) StorageMgrInfo.OldMutables;
+	    StorageMgrInfo.OldMutables = bh;
+	} else
+	break;
+    case INFO_BQ_TYPE:
+	/* BF_LINK(bf) = (P_) BQ_ENTRIES(bh); */
+	TSO_LINK(tso) = (P_) BQ_ENTRIES(bh);
+	BQ_ENTRIES(bh) = (W_) tso;
+	break;
+    case INFO_FMBQ_TYPE:
+	fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: FMBQ closure (%#lx) found in GrAnSim (TSO=%#lx (%x))\n",
+		bh, tso, TSO_ID(tso));
+	/* BF_LINK(bf) = (P_) BQ_ENTRIES(bh); */
+	TSO_LINK(tso) = (P_) SPEC_RBH_BQ(bh);
+	SPEC_RBH_BQ(bh) = (W_) tso;
+	break;
+    case INFO_GEN_RBH_TYPE:
+	/* BF_LINK(bf) = (P_) BQ_ENTRIES(bh); */
+	TSO_LINK(tso) = (P_) GEN_RBH_BQ(bh);
+	GEN_RBH_BQ(bh) = (W_) tso;
+	break;
+    default:
+	{
+	  P_ info_ptr;
+	  I_ size, ptrs, nonptrs, vhs;
+	  char info_hdr_ty[80];
+	  fprintf(stderr, "Panic: thought %#lx was a black hole (IP %#lx)",
+		  bh, INFO_PTR(bh));
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+	  info_ptr = get_closure_info(bh, 
+				      &size, &ptrs, &nonptrs, &vhs, 
+				      info_hdr_ty);
+	  fprintf(stderr, " %s\n",info_hdr_ty);
+	  G_PRINT_NODE(bh);
+#  endif
+	}
+      }
+    return (0);
-        fputs("Granularity Simulation for ",gr_file);
-        for(i=0; i < prog_argc; ++i)
-          {
-            fputs(prog_argv[i],gr_file);
-            fputc(' ',gr_file);
-          }
-        if(rts_argc > 0)
-          {
-            fputs("+RTS ",gr_file);
-            for(i=0; i < rts_argc; ++i)
-              {
-                fputs(rts_argv[i],gr_file);
-                fputc(' ',gr_file);
-              }
-          }
-        fputs("\n\n--------------------\n\n",gr_file);
-        fputs("General Parameters:\n\n",gr_file);
-        fprintf(gr_file, "PEs %u, %s Scheduler, %sMigrate Threads%s\n",
-                max_proc,DoFairSchedule?"Fair":"Unfair",
-                DoThreadMigration?"":"Don't ",
-                DoThreadMigration && DoStealThreadsFirst?" Before Sparks":"",
-                DoReScheduleOnFetch?"":"Don't ");
-        fprintf(gr_file, "%s, Fetch %s in Each Packet\n",
-                SimplifiedFetch?"Simplified Fetch":(DoReScheduleOnFetch?"Reschedule on Fetch":"Block on Fetch"),
-                DoGUMMFetching?"Many Closures":"Exactly One Closure");
-        fprintf(gr_file, "Fetch Strategy(%u): If outstanding fetches %s\n",
-                FetchStrategy,
-                FetchStrategy==1?"only run runnable threads (don't create new ones":
-                FetchStrategy==2?"create threads only from local sparks":
-                FetchStrategy==3?"create threads from local or global sparks":
-                FetchStrategy==4?"create sparks and steal threads if necessary":
-                                 "unknown");
-        fprintf(gr_file, "Thread Creation Time %lu, Thread Queue Time %lu\n",
-                gran_threadcreatetime,gran_threadqueuetime);
-        fprintf(gr_file, "Thread DeSchedule Time %lu, Thread Schedule Time %lu\n",
-                gran_threaddescheduletime,gran_threadscheduletime);
-        fprintf(gr_file, "Thread Context-Switch Time %lu\n",
-                gran_threadcontextswitchtime);
-        fputs("\n\n--------------------\n\n",gr_file);
-        fputs("Communication Metrics:\n\n",gr_file);
-        fprintf(gr_file,
-                "Latency %lu (1st) %lu (rest), Fetch %lu, Notify %lu (Global) %lu (Local)\n",
-                gran_latency, gran_additional_latency, gran_fetchtime,
-                gran_gunblocktime, gran_lunblocktime);
-        fprintf(gr_file,
-                "Message Creation %lu (+ %lu after send), Message Read %lu\n",
-                gran_mpacktime, gran_mtidytime, gran_munpacktime);
-        fputs("\n\n--------------------\n\n",gr_file);
-        fputs("Instruction Metrics:\n\n",gr_file);
-        fprintf(gr_file,"Arith %lu, Branch %lu, Load %lu, Store %lu, Float %lu, Alloc %lu\n",
-                gran_arith_cost, gran_branch_cost, 
-                gran_load_cost, gran_store_cost,gran_float_cost,gran_heapalloc_cost);
-        fputs("\n\n++++++++++++++++++++\n\n",gr_file);
-      }
-    if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary)
-      grputw(sizeof(TIME));
-    Idlers = max_proc;
-    return(0);
-void end_gr_simulation() {
-  if(do_gr_sim)
-    {
-      fprintf(stderr,"The simulation is finished. Look at %s for details.\n",
-              gr_filename);
-      fclose(gr_file);
-    }
-#endif /*0*/
+#endif  /* GRAN */
@@ -2305,12 +3464,13 @@ void end_gr_simulation() {
-#ifndef PAR
+/* ToDo: Check if this is really still used anywhere!? */
 I_ do_qp_prof;
 FILE *qp_file;
 /* *Virtual* Time in milliseconds */
+#if !defined(GRAN)
@@ -2318,6 +3478,13 @@ qp_elapsed_time(STG_NO_ARGS)
     return ((long) (usertime() * 1e3));
+    return ((long) CurrentTime[CurrentProc] );
 static void 
@@ -2371,301 +3538,135 @@ P_ tso1, tso2;
             TSO_ID(tso1), TSO_NAME(tso1), TSO_ID(tso2), TSO_NAME(tso2));
-#endif /* !PAR */
-\subsection[entry-points]{Routines directly called from Haskell world}
+\subsection[gc-GrAnSim]{Garbage collection routines for GrAnSim objects}
-The @GranSim...@ rotuines in here are directly called via macros from the
-threaded world. 
+Garbage collection code for the event queue.  We walk the event queue
+so that if the only reference to a TSO is in some event (e.g. RESUME),
+the TSO is still preserved.
-First some auxiliary routines.
+The GC code now uses a breadth-first pruning strategy. This prevents
+the GC from keeping all sparks of the low-numbered PEs while discarding all
+sparks from high-numbered PEs. Such a depth-first pruning may have
+disastrous effects for programs that generate a huge number of sparks!
-#ifdef GRAN
-/* Take the current thread off the thread queue and thereby activate the */
-/* next thread. It's assumed that the next ReSchedule after this uses */
-/* NEW_THREAD as param. */
-/* This fct is called from GranSimBlock and GranSimFetch */
-ActivateNextThread ()
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-  if(ThreadQueueHd != CurrentTSO) {
-    fprintf(stderr,"Error: ThreadQueueHd != CurrentTSO in ActivateNextThread\n");
-    exit(99);
-  }
-  ThreadQueueHd = TSO_LINK(ThreadQueueHd);
-  if(ThreadQueueHd==Nil_closure) {
-    MAKE_IDLE(CurrentProc);
-    ThreadQueueTl = Nil_closure;
-  } else if (RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats) {
-    CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_threadcontextswitchtime;
-    DumpGranEvent(GR_SCHEDULE,ThreadQueueHd);
-  }
+#if defined(GRAN)
-Now the main stg-called routines:
+extern smInfo StorageMgrInfo;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* The following GranSim... fcts are stg-called from the threaded world.    */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+/* Auxiliary functions needed in Save/RestoreSparkRoots if breadth-first */
+/* pruning is done. */
-/* Called from HEAP_CHK  -- NB: node and liveness are junk here now. 
-   They are left temporarily to avoid complete recompilation.
-   KH 
-I_ n;
-P_ node;
-W_ liveness;
+static W_
+arr_and(W_ arr[], I_ max)
-  TSO_ALLOCS(CurrentTSO) += n;
-  TSO_EXECTIME(CurrentTSO) += gran_heapalloc_cost;
-  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_heapalloc_cost;
+ I_ i;
+ W_ res;
-  Subtract the values added above, if a heap check fails and
-  so has to be redone.
-W_ n;
-P_ node;
-W_ liveness;
-  TSO_ALLOCS(CurrentTSO) -= n;
-  TSO_EXECTIME(CurrentTSO) -= gran_heapalloc_cost;
-  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] -= gran_heapalloc_cost;
+ /* Doesn't work with max==0; but then, many things don't work in this */
+ /* special case. */
+ for (i=1, res = arr[0]; i<max; i++) 
+   res &= arr[i];
+ return (res);
-W_ ariths,branches,loads,stores,floats;
+static W_
+arr_max(W_ arr[], I_ max)
-  W_ cost = gran_arith_cost*ariths + gran_branch_cost*branches + gran_load_cost * loads +
-            gran_store_cost*stores + gran_float_cost*floats;
+ I_ i;
+ W_ res;
-  TSO_EXECTIME(CurrentTSO) += cost;
-  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += cost;
+ /* Doesn't work with max==0; but then, many things don't work in this */
+ /* special case. */
+ for (i=1, res = arr[0]; i<max; i++) 
+   res = (arr[i]>res) ? arr[i] : res;
+ return (res);
-   Fetch the node if it isn't local
-   -- result indicates whether fetch has been done.
-   This is GRIP-style single item fetching.
+   Routines working on spark queues. 
+   It would be a good idea to make that an ADT! 
-GranSimFetch(node /* , liveness_mask */ )
-P_ node;
-/* I_ liveness_mask; */
-  /* Note: once a node has been fetched, this test will be passed */
-  if(!IS_LOCAL_TO(PROCS(node),CurrentProc) )
-    {
-      /* I suppose we shouldn't do this for CAFs? -- KH */
-      /* Should reschedule if the latency is high */
-      /* We should add mpacktime to the remote PE for the reply,
-         but we don't know who owns the node
-      */
-      /* if(DYNAMIC_POINTER(node)) */        /* For 0.22; gone in 0.23 !!! */
-        {
-          PROC p = where_is(node);
-          TIME fetchtime;
-#ifdef GRAN_CHECK
-	  if ( ( debug & 0x40 ) &&
-	       p == CurrentProc )
-	    fprintf(stderr,"GranSimFetch: Trying to fetch from own processor%u\n", p);
-#endif  /* GRAN_CHECK */
-          CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mpacktime;
-          ++TSO_FETCHCOUNT(CurrentTSO);
-          TSO_FETCHTIME(CurrentTSO) += gran_fetchtime;
-          if (SimplifiedFetch)
-            {
-              FetchNode(node,CurrentProc);
-              CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mtidytime+gran_fetchtime+
-                                          gran_munpacktime;
-              return(1);
-            }
-          fetchtime = max(CurrentTime[CurrentProc],CurrentTime[p]) +
-                      gran_latency;
-          newevent(p,CurrentProc,fetchtime,FETCHNODE,CurrentTSO,node,NULL);
-          ++OutstandingFetches[CurrentProc];
-          /* About to block */
-          TSO_BLOCKEDAT(CurrentTSO) = CurrentTime[p];
-          if (DoReScheduleOnFetch) 
-            {
-              /* Remove CurrentTSO from the queue 
-                 -- assumes head of queue == CurrentTSO */
-              if(!DoFairSchedule)
-                {
-                  if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats)
-                    DumpGranEventAndNode(GR_FETCH,CurrentTSO,node,p);
-                  ActivateNextThread();
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
-                  if (debug & 0x10) {
-                    if (TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO) & FETCH_MASK_TSO) {
-                      fprintf(stderr,"FETCHNODE: TSO 0x%x has fetch-mask set @ %d\n",
-                              CurrentTSO,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
-                      exit (99);
-                    } else {
-                      TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO) |= FETCH_MASK_TSO;
-                    }
-                  }
-                  TSO_LINK(CurrentTSO) = Nil_closure;
-                  /* CurrentTSO = Nil_closure; */
-                  /* ThreadQueueHd is now the next TSO to schedule or NULL */
-                  /* CurrentTSO is pointed to by the FETCHNODE event */
-                }
-              else                            /* DoFairSchedule */
-                {
-                  /* Remove from the tail of the thread queue */
-                  fprintf(stderr,"Reschedule-on-fetch is not yet compatible with fair scheduling\n");
-                  exit(99);
-                }
-            }
-          else                                /* !DoReScheduleOnFetch */
-            {
-              /* Note: CurrentProc is still busy as it's blocked on fetch */
-              if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats)
-                DumpGranEventAndNode(GR_FETCH,CurrentTSO,node,p);
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN) /* Just for testing */
-              if (debug & 0x04)
-                  BlockedOnFetch[CurrentProc] = CurrentTSO; /*- StgTrue; -*/
-              if (debug & 0x10) {
-                if (TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO) & FETCH_MASK_TSO) {
-                  fprintf(stderr,"FETCHNODE: TSO 0x%x has fetch-mask set @ %d\n",
-                          CurrentTSO,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
-                  exit (99);
-                } else {
-                  TSO_TYPE(CurrentTSO) |= FETCH_MASK_TSO;
-                }
-                CurrentTSO = Nil_closure;
-              }
-            }
-          CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mtidytime;
-          /* Rescheduling is necessary */
-          NeedToReSchedule = StgTrue;
-          return(1); 
-        }
-    }
-  return(0);
-W_ local;
-P_ node;
+spark_queue_len(PROC proc, I_ pool) 
-  ++SparksAvail;
-  if(do_sp_profile)
-    DumpSparkGranEvent(SP_SPARK,node);
-  /* Force the PE to take notice of the spark */
-  if(DoAlwaysCreateThreads)
-    newevent(CurrentProc,CurrentProc,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],
-             FINDWORK,Nil_closure,Nil_closure,NULL);
-  if(local)
-  else
+ sparkq prev, spark;                           /* prev only for testing !! */
+ I_ len;
+ for (len = 0, prev = NULL, spark = PendingSparksHd[proc][pool]; 
+      spark != NULL; 
+      len++, prev = spark, spark = SPARK_NEXT(spark))
+   {}
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x1000 ) 
+    if ( (prev!=NULL) && (prev!=PendingSparksTl[proc][pool]) )
+      fprintf(stderr,"ERROR in spark_queue_len: (PE %u, pool %u) PendingSparksTl (%#lx) not end of queue (%#lx)\n",
+	      proc, pool, PendingSparksTl[proc][pool], prev);
+#  endif
+ return (len);
-sparkq spark;
-P_  where;        /* This should be a node; alternatively could be a GA */
-I_ identifier;
-  PROC p = where_is(where);
-  TIME exporttime;
-  if(do_sp_profile)
-    DumpSparkGranEvent(SP_SPARKAT,SPARK_NODE(spark));
-  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mpacktime;
+delete_from_spark_queue (prev,spark)           /* unlink and dispose spark */
+sparkq prev, spark;
+{                  /* Global Vars: CurrentProc, SparkQueueHd, SparkQueueTl */
+  sparkq tmp;
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x10000 ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"** |%#x:%#x| prev=%#x->(%#x), (%#x)<-spark=%#x->(%#x) <-(%#x)\n",
+	    SparkQueueHd, SparkQueueTl,
+	    prev, (prev==NULL ? 0 : SPARK_NEXT(prev)),
+	    SPARK_PREV(spark), spark, SPARK_NEXT(spark), 
+	    (SPARK_NEXT(spark)==NULL ? 0 : SPARK_PREV(SPARK_NEXT(spark))));
+  }
+#  endif
-  exporttime = (CurrentTime[p] > CurrentTime[CurrentProc]? 
-                CurrentTime[p]: CurrentTime[CurrentProc])
-               + gran_latency;
+  tmp = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
+  if (prev==NULL) {
+  	SparkQueueHd = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
+  } else {
+  	SPARK_NEXT(prev) = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
+  }
+  if (SPARK_NEXT(spark)==NULL) {
+  	SparkQueueTl = prev;
+  } else {
+  	SPARK_PREV(SPARK_NEXT(spark)) = prev;
+  }
+  if(SparkQueueHd == NULL)
+  	SparkQueueTl = NULL;
+  SPARK_NEXT(spark) = NULL;
-  newevent(p,CurrentProc,exporttime,MOVESPARK,Nil_closure,Nil_closure,spark);
-  CurrentTime[CurrentProc] += gran_mtidytime;
-  if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats)
-    DumpGranEvent(GR_BLOCK,CurrentTSO);
-  TSO_BLOCKEDAT(CurrentTSO) = CurrentTime[CurrentProc];
-  ActivateNextThread();
+  DisposeSpark(spark);
+  spark = tmp;
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x10000 ) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"##    prev=%#x->(%#x)\n",
+	    prev, (prev==NULL ? 0 : SPARK_NEXT(prev)));
+  }
+#  endif
+  return (tmp);
-#endif  /* GRAN */
-\subsection[gc-GrAnSim]{Garbage collection routines for GrAnSim objects}
-Garbage collection code for the event queue.  We walk the event queue
-so that if the only reference to a TSO is in some event (e.g. RESUME),
-the TSO is still preserved.
-#ifdef GRAN
-extern smInfo StorageMgrInfo;
+#if 0
+/* NB: These functions have been replaced by functions:
+    EvacuateEvents, EvacuateSparks,  (in  ../storage/
+    LinkEvents, LinkSparks           (in  ../storage/
+   Thus, GrAnSim does not need additional entries in the list of roots
+   any more.
@@ -2676,6 +3677,8 @@ I_ num_ptr_roots;
       if(EVENT_TYPE(event) == RESUMETHREAD || 
          EVENT_TYPE(event) == MOVETHREAD || 
+         EVENT_TYPE(event) == CONTINUETHREAD || 
+         /* EVENT_TYPE(event) >= CONTINUETHREAD1 ||  */
          EVENT_TYPE(event) == STARTTHREAD )
         StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = EVENT_TSO(event);
@@ -2686,14 +3689,37 @@ I_ num_ptr_roots;
                EVENT_TYPE(event) == FETCHREPLY )
           StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = EVENT_TSO(event);
-          StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = EVENT_NODE(event);
-        }
+	  /* In the case of packet fetching, EVENT_NODE(event) points to */
+	  /* the packet (currently, malloced). The packet is just a list of */
+	  /* closure addresses, with the length of the list at index 1 (the */
+	  /* structure of the packet is defined in */
+	  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching && (EVENT_TYPE(event)==FETCHREPLY)) {
+	    P_ buffer = (P_) EVENT_NODE(event);
+	    int size = (int) buffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN], i;
+	    for (i = PACK_HDR_SIZE; i <= size-1; i++) {
+	      StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = (P_) buffer[i];
+	    }
+	  } else 
+	    StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = EVENT_NODE(event);
+        } 
+      else if (EVENT_TYPE(event) == GLOBALBLOCK)
+	{
+          StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = EVENT_TSO(event);
+	  StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = EVENT_NODE(event);
+	}
+      else if (EVENT_TYPE(event) == UNBLOCKTHREAD) 
+	{
+	  StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = EVENT_TSO(event);
+	}
       event = EVENT_NEXT(event);
+/* Is it worthwhile keeping the depth-first pruning code !? -- HWL */
 I_ num_ptr_roots;
@@ -2701,13 +3727,10 @@ I_ num_ptr_roots;
   sparkq spark, /* prev, */ disposeQ=NULL;
   PROC proc;
   I_ i, sparkroots=0, prunedSparks=0;
+  I_ tot_sparks[MAX_PROC], tot = 0;;
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-  if ( debug & 0x40 ) 
-    fprintf(stderr,"D> Saving spark roots for GC ...\n");
-  for(proc = 0; proc < max_proc; ++proc) {
+  for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+    tot_sparks[proc] = 0;
     for(i = 0; i < SPARK_POOLS; ++i) {
       for(/* prev = &PendingSparksHd[proc][i],*/ spark = PendingSparksHd[proc][i]; 
 	  spark != NULL; 
@@ -2715,16 +3738,16 @@ I_ num_ptr_roots;
           if(++sparkroots <= MAX_SPARKS)
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	      if ( debug & 0x40 ) 
-		fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Saving Spark Root %d(proc: %d; pool: %d) -- 0x%lx\n",
-			num_ptr_roots,proc,i,SPARK_NODE(spark));
+	      if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats )
+		if (i==ADVISORY_POOL) { 
+		  tot_sparks[proc]++;
+		  tot++;
+		}
               StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = SPARK_NODE(spark);
-              SPARK_NODE(spark) = Nil_closure;
+              SPARK_NODE(spark) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
               if (prunedSparks==0) {
                 disposeQ = spark;
@@ -2734,7 +3757,7 @@ I_ num_ptr_roots;
         }  /* forall spark ... */
-        if (prunedSparks>0) {
+        if ( (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) && (prunedSparks>0) ) {
           fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Pruning and disposing %lu excess sparks (> %lu) on proc %d for GC purposes\n",
 	  if (disposeQ == PendingSparksHd[proc][i])
@@ -2748,9 +3771,152 @@ I_ num_ptr_roots;
         }  /* forall i ... */
     }      /*forall proc .. */
+  if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats ) {
+    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+            "Spark statistics (after pruning) (total sparks = %d):",tot);
+    for (proc=0; proc<RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; proc++) {
+      if (proc % 4 == 0) 
+	fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"\n> ");
+      fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"\tPE %d: %d ",proc,tot_sparks[proc]);
+    }
+    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,".\n");
+  }
+  return(num_ptr_roots);
+/* In case of an excessive number of sparks, depth first pruning is a Bad */
+/* Idea as we might end up with all remaining sparks on processor 0 and */
+/* none on the other processors. So, this version uses breadth first */
+/* pruning. -- HWL */
+I_ num_ptr_roots;
+  sparkq spark,
+         curr_spark[MAX_PROC][SPARK_POOLS]; 
+  PROC proc;
+  W_ allProcs = 0, 
+     endQueues[SPARK_POOLS], finishedQueues[SPARK_POOLS];
+  I_ i, sparkroots=0, 
+     prunedSparks[MAX_PROC][SPARK_POOLS];
+  I_ tot_sparks[MAX_PROC], tot = 0;;
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40 ) 
+    fprintf(stderr,"D> Saving spark roots for GC ...\n");
+#  endif       
+  /* Init */
+  for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+    allProcs |= PE_NUMBER(proc);
+    tot_sparks[proc] = 0;
+    for(i = 0; i < SPARK_POOLS; ++i) {
+      curr_spark[proc][i] = PendingSparksHd[proc][i];
+      prunedSparks[proc][i] = 0;
+      endQueues[i] = 0;
+      finishedQueues[i] = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Breadth first pruning */
+  do {
+    for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+      for(i = 0; i < SPARK_POOLS; ++i) {
+	spark = curr_spark[proc][i];
+	if ( spark != NULL ) {
+	  if(++sparkroots <= MAX_SPARKS)
+	    {
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+	      if ( (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x1000) && 
+                   (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) ) 
+		fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Saving Spark Root %d(proc: %d; pool: %d): 0x%lx \t(info ptr=%#lx)\n",
+			num_ptr_roots,proc,i,SPARK_NODE(spark),
+			INFO_PTR(SPARK_NODE(spark)));
+#  endif       
+	      if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats )
+		if (i==ADVISORY_POOL) { 
+		  tot_sparks[proc]++;
+		  tot++;
+		}
+	      StorageMgrInfo.roots[num_ptr_roots++] = SPARK_NODE(spark);
+	      curr_spark[proc][i] = spark = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
+	    }
+	  else /* sparkroots > MAX_SPARKS */
+	    {
+	      if (curr_spark[proc][i] == PendingSparksHd[proc][i])
+		PendingSparksHd[proc][i] = NULL;
+	      else
+		SPARK_NEXT(SPARK_PREV(curr_spark[proc][i])) = NULL;
+	      PendingSparksTl[proc][i] = SPARK_PREV(curr_spark[proc][i]);
+	      endQueues[i] |= PE_NUMBER(proc);
+	    }
+	} else { /* spark == NULL ; actually, this only has to be done once */ 
+	  endQueues[i] |= PE_NUMBER(proc);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+  } while (arr_and(endQueues,SPARK_POOLS) != allProcs);
+  /* The buffer for spark roots in StorageMgrInfo.roots is full */
+  /* now. Prune all sparks on all processor starting with */
+  /* curr_spark[proc][i]. */
+  do {
+    for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+      for(i = 0; i < SPARK_POOLS; ++i) {
+	spark = curr_spark[proc][i];
+	if ( spark != NULL ) {
+	  SPARK_NODE(spark) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+	  curr_spark[proc][i] = SPARK_NEXT(spark);
+	  prunedSparks[proc][i]++;
+	  DisposeSpark(spark);
+	} else {
+	  finishedQueues[i] |= PE_NUMBER(proc);
+	}
+      }  
+    }  
+  } while (arr_and(finishedQueues,SPARK_POOLS) != allProcs);
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x1000) {
+    for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+      for(i = 0; i < SPARK_POOLS; ++i) {
+	if ( (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) && (prunedSparks[proc][i]>0)) {
+	  fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+                  "Discarding %lu sparks on proc %d (pool %d) for GC purposes\n",
+		  prunedSparks[proc][i],proc,i);
+	}
+      }
+    }
+    if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats ) {
+      fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+              "Spark statistics (after discarding) (total sparks = %d):",tot);
+      for (proc=0; proc<RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; proc++) {
+	if (proc % 4 == 0) 
+	  fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"\n> ");
+	fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+                "\tPE %d: %d ",proc,tot_sparks[proc]);
+      }
+      fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,".\n");
+    }
+  }
+#  endif
+#endif  /* DEPTH_FIRST_PRUNING */
    GC roots must be restored in *reverse order*.
    The recursion is a little ugly, but is better than
@@ -2768,6 +3934,8 @@ I_ num_ptr_roots;
       if(EVENT_TYPE(event) == RESUMETHREAD || 
          EVENT_TYPE(event) == MOVETHREAD || 
+         EVENT_TYPE(event) == CONTINUETHREAD || 
+         /* EVENT_TYPE(event) >= CONTINUETHREAD1 ||  */
          EVENT_TYPE(event) == STARTTHREAD )
         EVENT_TSO(event) = StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
@@ -2777,11 +3945,28 @@ I_ num_ptr_roots;
       else if (EVENT_TYPE(event) == FETCHNODE ||
                EVENT_TYPE(event) == FETCHREPLY )
-          EVENT_NODE(event) = StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
+	  if (  RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching && (EVENT_TYPE(event)==FETCHREPLY)) {
+	    P_ buffer = (P_) EVENT_NODE(event);
+	    int size = (int) buffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN], i;
+	    for (i = size-1; i >= PACK_HDR_SIZE; i--) {
+	      buffer[i] = StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
+	    }
+	  } else 
+	    EVENT_NODE(event) = StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
           EVENT_TSO(event) =  StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
+      else if (EVENT_TYPE(event) == GLOBALBLOCK)
+	{
+	  EVENT_NODE(event) = StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
+	  EVENT_TSO(event) =  StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
+	}
+      else if (EVENT_TYPE(event) == UNBLOCKTHREAD) 
+	{
+	  EVENT_TSO(event) =  StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
+	}
@@ -2792,6 +3977,8 @@ I_ num_ptr_roots;
 static I_
 sparkq spark;
@@ -2804,21 +3991,23 @@ I_ num_ptr_roots, sparkroots;
           P_ n = SPARK_NODE(spark);
           SPARK_NODE(spark) = StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	  if ( debug & 0x40 ) 
-	    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Restoring Spark Root %d -- new: 0x%lx \n",
-		    num_ptr_roots,SPARK_NODE(spark));
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+	  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40 ) 
+	    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+                    "Restoring Spark Root %d: 0x%lx \t(info ptr=%#lx\n",
+		    num_ptr_roots,SPARK_NODE(spark),
+		    INFO_PTR(SPARK_NODE(spark)));
+#  endif
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-	  if ( debug & 0x40 ) 
-	    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Error in RestoreSpkRoots (%d; @ spark 0x%x): More than MAX_SPARKS (%d) sparks\n",
+	  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40 ) 
+	    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+                    "Error in RestoreSpkRoots (%d; @ spark %#lx): More than MAX_SPARKS (%d) sparks\n",
+#  endif
@@ -2829,12 +4018,17 @@ I_ num_ptr_roots;
   PROC proc;
   I_   i;
+#if defined(GRAN_JSM_SPARKS)
+  fprintf(stderr,"Error: RestoreSparkRoots should be never be entered in a JSM style sparks set-up\n");
   /* NB: PROC is currently an unsigned datatype i.e. proc>=0 is always */
   /* true ((PROC)-1 == (PROC)255). So we need a second clause in the head */
   /* of the for loop. For i that is currently not necessary. C is really */
   /* impressive in datatype abstraction!   -- HWL */
-  for(proc = max_proc - 1; (proc >= 0) && (proc < max_proc); --proc) {
+  for(proc = RTSflags.GranFlags.proc - 1; (proc >= 0) && (proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc); --proc) {
     for(i = SPARK_POOLS - 1; (i >= 0) && (i < SPARK_POOLS) ; --i) {
       num_ptr_roots = RestoreSpkRoots(PendingSparksHd[proc][i],num_ptr_roots,0);
@@ -2842,900 +4036,71 @@ I_ num_ptr_roots;
-#endif  /* GRAN */
-\subsection[GrAnSim-profile]{Writing profiling info for GrAnSim}
-Event dumping routines.
-#ifdef GRAN 
-enum gran_event_types name;
-P_ tso;
-  DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,name,TSO_ID(tso));
+#else     /* !DEPTH_FIRST_PRUNING */
-enum gran_event_types name;
-W_ id;
+I_ num_ptr_roots;
-  DumpRawGranEvent(CurrentProc,name,id);
+  sparkq spark, 
+         curr_spark[MAX_PROC][SPARK_POOLS];
+  PROC   proc;
+  I_     i, max_len, len, pool, count,
+         queue_len[MAX_PROC][SPARK_POOLS];
-enum gran_event_types name;
-P_ tso, node;
-PROC proc;
-  PROC pe = CurrentProc;
-  W_ id = TSO_ID(tso);
+  /* NB: PROC is currently an unsigned datatype i.e. proc>=0 is always */
+  /* true ((PROC)-1 == (PROC)255). So we need a second clause in the head */
+  /* of the for loop. For i that is currently not necessary. C is really */
+  /* impressive in datatype abstraction!   -- HWL */
-  if(name > GR_EVENT_MAX)
-    name = GR_EVENT_MAX;
+  max_len=0;
+  for (proc=0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; proc++) {
+    for (i=0; i<SPARK_POOLS; i++) {
+      curr_spark[proc][i] = PendingSparksTl[proc][i];
+      queue_len[proc][i] = spark_queue_len(proc,i);
+      max_len = (queue_len[proc][i]>max_len) ? queue_len[proc][i] : max_len;
+    }
+  }
-  if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary)
-    {
-      grputw(name);
-      grputw(pe);
-      grputw(CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
-      grputw(id);
+  for (len=max_len; len > 0; len--){
+    for(proc = RTSflags.GranFlags.proc - 1; (proc >= 0) && (proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc); --proc) {
+      for(i = SPARK_POOLS - 1; (i >= 0) && (i < SPARK_POOLS) ; --i) {
+	if (queue_len[proc][i]>=len) {
+	  spark = curr_spark[proc][i];
+          SPARK_NODE(spark) = StorageMgrInfo.roots[--num_ptr_roots];
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+	  count++;
+	  if ( (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x1000) && 
+               (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) ) 
+	    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,
+                    "Restoring Spark Root %d (PE %u, pool %u): 0x%lx \t(info ptr=%#lx)\n",
+		    num_ptr_roots,proc,i,SPARK_NODE(spark),
+		    INFO_PTR(SPARK_NODE(spark)));
+#  endif
+	  curr_spark[proc][i] = SPARK_PREV(spark);
+	  /* 
+	  num_ptr_roots = RestoreSpkRoots(PendingSparksHd[proc][i],
+					  num_ptr_roots,0);
+	 */
+	}
+      }
-  else
-    fprintf(gr_file,"PE %2u [%lu]: %s %lx \t0x%lx\t(from %2u)\n",
-            pe,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],gran_event_names[name],id,node,proc);
+  }
+#  if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
+  if ( (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x1000) && (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) ) 
+    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Number of restored spark roots: %d\n",
+	    count);
+#  endif
+  return(num_ptr_roots);
-PROC pe;
-enum gran_event_types name;
-W_ id;
-  if(name > GR_EVENT_MAX)
-    name = GR_EVENT_MAX;
+#endif  /* DEPTH_FIRST_PRUNING */
-  if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary)
-    {
-      grputw(name);
-      grputw(pe);
-      grputw(CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
-      grputw(id);
-    }
-  else
-    fprintf(gr_file,"PE %2u [%lu]: %s %lx\n",
-            pe,CurrentTime[CurrentProc],gran_event_names[name],id);
+#endif  /* 0 */
-PROC pe;
-P_ tso;
-I_ mandatory_thread;
-  if(RTSflags.ParFlags.granSimStats_Binary)
-    {
-      grputw(GR_END);
-      grputw(pe);
-      grputw(CurrentTime[CurrentProc]);
-      grputw(TSO_ID(tso));
-      grputw(TSO_SPARKNAME(tso));
-      grputw(TSO_STARTEDAT(tso));
-      grputw(TSO_EXPORTED(tso));
-      grputw(TSO_BASICBLOCKS(tso));
-      grputw(TSO_ALLOCS(tso));
-      grputw(TSO_EXECTIME(tso));
-      grputw(TSO_BLOCKTIME(tso));
-      grputw(TSO_BLOCKCOUNT(tso));
-      grputw(TSO_FETCHTIME(tso));
-      grputw(TSO_FETCHCOUNT(tso));
-      grputw(TSO_LOCALSPARKS(tso));
-      grputw(TSO_GLOBALSPARKS(tso));
-      grputw(mandatory_thread);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      /* NB: DumpGranEvent cannot be used because PE may be wrong (as well as the extra info) */
-      fprintf(gr_file,"PE %2u [%lu]: END %lx, SN %lu, ST %lu, EXP %c, BB %lu, HA %lu, RT %lu, BT %lu (%lu), FT %lu (%lu), LS %lu, GS %lu, MY %c\n"
-              ,pe
-              ,CurrentTime[CurrentProc]
-              ,TSO_ID(tso)
-              ,TSO_SPARKNAME(tso)
-              ,TSO_STARTEDAT(tso)
-              ,TSO_EXPORTED(tso)?'T':'F'
-              ,TSO_BASICBLOCKS(tso)
-              ,TSO_ALLOCS(tso)
-              ,TSO_EXECTIME(tso)
-              ,TSO_BLOCKTIME(tso)
-              ,TSO_BLOCKCOUNT(tso)
-              ,TSO_FETCHTIME(tso)
-              ,TSO_FETCHCOUNT(tso)
-              ,TSO_LOCALSPARKS(tso)
-              ,TSO_GLOBALSPARKS(tso)
-              ,mandatory_thread?'T':'F'
-              );
-    }
-P_ tso;
-  fprintf(stderr,"TSO 0x%lx, NAME 0x%lx, ID %lu, LINK 0x%lx, TYPE %s\n"
-          ,tso
-          ,TSO_NAME(tso)
-          ,TSO_ID(tso)
-          ,TSO_LINK(tso)
-          ,TSO_TYPE(tso)==T_MAIN?"MAIN":
-           TSO_TYPE(tso)==T_FAIL?"FAIL":
-           TSO_TYPE(tso)==T_REQUIRED?"REQUIRED":
-           TSO_TYPE(tso)==T_ADVISORY?"ADVISORY":
-           "???"
-          );
-  fprintf(stderr,"PC (0x%lx,0x%lx), ARG (0x%lx,0x%lx), SWITCH %lx0x\n"
-          ,TSO_PC1(tso)
-          ,TSO_PC2(tso)
-          ,TSO_ARG1(tso)
-          ,TSO_ARG2(tso)
-          ,TSO_SWITCH(tso)
-          );
-  fprintf(gr_file,"SN %lu, ST %lu, GBL %c, BB %lu, HA %lu, RT %lu, BT %lu (%lu), FT %lu (%lu) LS %lu, GS %lu\n"
-          ,TSO_SPARKNAME(tso)
-          ,TSO_STARTEDAT(tso)
-          ,TSO_EXPORTED(tso)?'T':'F'
-          ,TSO_BASICBLOCKS(tso)
-          ,TSO_ALLOCS(tso)
-          ,TSO_EXECTIME(tso)
-          ,TSO_BLOCKTIME(tso)
-          ,TSO_BLOCKCOUNT(tso)
-          ,TSO_FETCHTIME(tso)
-          ,TSO_FETCHCOUNT(tso)
-          ,TSO_LOCALSPARKS(tso)
-          ,TSO_GLOBALSPARKS(tso)
-          );
-   Output a terminate event and an 8-byte time.
-TIME v;
-  DumpGranEvent(GR_TERMINATE,0);
-  if(sizeof(TIME)==4)
-    {
-      putc('\0',gr_file);
-      putc('\0',gr_file);
-      putc('\0',gr_file);
-      putc('\0',gr_file);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      putc(v >> 56l,gr_file);
-      putc((v >> 48l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      putc((v >> 40l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      putc((v >> 32l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-    }
-  putc((v >> 24l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-  putc((v >> 16l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-  putc((v >> 8l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-  putc(v&0xffl,gr_file);
-   Length-coded output: first 3 bits contain length coding
-     00x        1 byte
-     01x        2 bytes
-     10x        4 bytes
-     110        8 bytes
-     111        5 or 9 bytes
-TIME v;
-  if(v <= 0x3fl)
-    {
-      fputc(v & 0x3f,gr_file);
-    }
-  else if (v <= 0x3fffl)
-    {
-      fputc((v >> 8l)|0x40l,gr_file);
-      fputc(v&0xffl,gr_file);
-    }
-  else if (v <= 0x3fffffffl)
-    {
-      fputc((v >> 24l)|0x80l,gr_file);
-      fputc((v >> 16l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      fputc((v >> 8l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      fputc(v&0xffl,gr_file);
-    }
-  else if (sizeof(TIME) == 4)
-    {
-      fputc(0x70,gr_file);
-      fputc((v >> 24l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      fputc((v >> 16l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      fputc((v >> 8l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      fputc(v&0xffl,gr_file);
-    }
-  else 
-    {
-      if (v <= 0x3fffffffffffffl)
-        putc((v >> 56l)|0x60l,gr_file);
-      else
-        {
-          putc(0x70,gr_file);
-          putc((v >> 56l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-        }
-      putc((v >> 48l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      putc((v >> 40l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      putc((v >> 32l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      putc((v >> 24l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      putc((v >> 16l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      putc((v >> 8l)&0xffl,gr_file);
-      putc(v&0xffl,gr_file);
-    }
 #endif  /* GRAN */
+#endif /* CONCURRENT */ /* the whole module! */
-\subsection[GrAnSim-debug]{Debugging routines  for GrAnSim}
-Debugging routines, mainly for GrAnSim. They should really be in a separate file.
-The    first couple  of routines     are   general ones   (look also   into
-#define NULL_REG_MAP        /* Not threaded */
-#include "stgdefs.h"
-char *
-W_ info_ptr;
-#if ! defined(PAR) && !defined(GRAN)
-  switch (INFO_TAG(info_ptr))
-    {
-      case INFO_OTHER_TAG:
-        return("OTHER_TAG");
-/*    case INFO_IND_TAG:
-        return("IND_TAG");
-*/    default:
-        return("TAG<n>");
-    }
-#else /* PAR */
-  switch(INFO_TYPE(info_ptr))
-    {
-      case INFO_SPEC_U_TYPE:
-        return("SPECU");
-      case INFO_SPEC_N_TYPE:
-        return("SPECN");
-      case INFO_GEN_U_TYPE:
-        return("GENU");
-      case INFO_GEN_N_TYPE:
-        return("GENN");
-      case INFO_DYN_TYPE:
-        return("DYN");
-      /* 
-      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_N:
-        return("DYNN");
-      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_U:
-        return("DYNU");
-      */
-      case INFO_TUPLE_TYPE:
-        return("TUPLE");
-      case INFO_DATA_TYPE:
-        return("DATA");
-      case INFO_MUTUPLE_TYPE:
-        return("MUTUPLE");
-        return("IMMUTUPLE");
-      case INFO_STATIC_TYPE:
-        return("STATIC");
-      case INFO_CONST_TYPE:
-        return("CONST");
-        return("CHAR");
-      case INFO_INTLIKE_TYPE:
-        return("INT");
-      case INFO_BH_TYPE:
-        return("BHOLE");
-      case INFO_IND_TYPE:
-        return("IND");
-      case INFO_CAF_TYPE:
-        return("CAF");
-      case INFO_FETCHME_TYPE:
-        return("FETCHME");
-      case INFO_BQ_TYPE:
-        return("BQ");
-      /*
-      case INFO_BQENT_TYPE:
-        return("BQENT");
-      */
-      case INFO_TSO_TYPE:
-        return("TSO");
-      case INFO_STKO_TYPE:
-        return("STKO");
-      default:
-        fprintf(stderr,"Unknown header type %lu\n",INFO_TYPE(info_ptr));
-        return("??");
-      }
-#endif /* PAR */
-@var_hdr_size@ computes the size of the variable header for a closure.
-P_ node;
-  switch(INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(node)))
-    {
-      case INFO_SPEC_U_TYPE:    return(0);      /* by decree */
-      case INFO_SPEC_N_TYPE:    return(0);
-      case INFO_GEN_U_TYPE:     return(GEN_VHS);
-      case INFO_GEN_N_TYPE:     return(GEN_VHS);
-      case INFO_DYN_TYPE:       return(DYN_VHS);
-      /*
-      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_N:     return(DYN_VHS);
-      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_U:     return(DYN_VHS);
-      */
-      case INFO_TUPLE_TYPE:     return(TUPLE_VHS);
-      case INFO_DATA_TYPE:      return(DATA_VHS);
-      case INFO_MUTUPLE_TYPE:   return(MUTUPLE_VHS);
-      case INFO_IMMUTUPLE_TYPE: return(MUTUPLE_VHS); /* same layout */
-      case INFO_STATIC_TYPE:    return(STATIC_VHS);
-      case INFO_CONST_TYPE:     return(0);
-      case INFO_CHARLIKE_TYPE:  return(0);
-      case INFO_INTLIKE_TYPE:   return(0);
-      case INFO_BH_TYPE:        return(0);
-      case INFO_IND_TYPE:       return(0);
-      case INFO_CAF_TYPE:       return(0);
-      case INFO_FETCHME_TYPE:   return(0);
-      case INFO_BQ_TYPE:        return(0);
-      /*
-      case INFO_BQENT_TYPE:     return(0);
-      */
-      case INFO_TSO_TYPE:       return(TSO_VHS);
-      case INFO_STKO_TYPE:      return(STKO_VHS);
-      default:
-        fprintf(stderr,"Unknown info type 0x%lx (%lu)\n", INFO_PTR(node),
-          INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(node)));
-        return(0);
-    }
-/* Determine the size and number of pointers for this kind of closure */
-P_ node;
-W_ *size, *ptrs;
-  switch(INFO_TYPE(INFO_PTR(node)))
-    {
-      case INFO_SPEC_U_TYPE:
-      case INFO_SPEC_N_TYPE:
-        *size = INFO_SIZE(INFO_PTR(node));          /* New for 0.24; check */
-        *ptrs = INFO_NoPTRS(INFO_PTR(node));        /* that! -- HWL */
-        /* 
-        *size = SPEC_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
-        *ptrs = SPEC_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
-	*/
-        break;
-      case INFO_GEN_U_TYPE:
-      case INFO_GEN_N_TYPE:
-        *size = GEN_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
-        *ptrs = GEN_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
-        break;
-      /* 
-      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_U:
-      case INFO_DYN_TYPE_N:
-      */
-      case INFO_DYN_TYPE:
-        *size = DYN_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
-        *ptrs = DYN_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
-        break;
-      case INFO_TUPLE_TYPE:
-        *size = TUPLE_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
-        *ptrs = TUPLE_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
-        break;
-      case INFO_DATA_TYPE:
-        *size = DATA_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
-        *ptrs = DATA_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
-        break;
-      case INFO_IND_TYPE:
-        *size = IND_CLOSURE_SIZE(node);
-        *ptrs = IND_CLOSURE_NoPTRS(node);
-        break;
-/* ToDo: more (WDP) */
-      /* Don't know about the others */
-      default:
-        *size = *ptrs = 0;
-        break;
-    }
-P_ node;
-   W_ info_ptr = INFO_PTR(node);
-   I_ size = 0, ptrs = 0, i, vhs = 0;
-   char *info_type = info_hdr_type(info_ptr);
-   size_and_ptrs(node,&size,&ptrs);
-   vhs = var_hdr_size(node);
-   fprintf(stderr,"Node: 0x%lx", (W_) node);
-#if defined(PAR)
-   fprintf(stderr," [GA: 0x%lx]",GA(node));
-#if defined(PROFILING)
-   fprintf(stderr," [CC: 0x%lx]",CC_HDR(node));
-#if defined(GRAN)
-   fprintf(stderr," [Bitmask: 0%lo]",PROCS(node));
-   fprintf(stderr," IP: 0x%lx (%s), size %ld, %ld ptrs\n",
-                  info_ptr,info_type,size,ptrs);
-   /* For now, we ignore the variable header */
-   for(i=0; i < size; ++i)
-     {
-       if(i == 0)
-         fprintf(stderr,"Data: ");
-       else if(i % 6 == 0)
-         fprintf(stderr,"\n      ");
-       if(i < ptrs)
-         fprintf(stderr," 0x%lx[P]",*(node+_FHS+vhs+i));
-       else
-         fprintf(stderr," %lu[D]",*(node+_FHS+vhs+i));
-     }
-   fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-#define INFO_MASK       0x80000000
-P_ node;
-  W_ size = 0, ptrs = 0, i, vhs = 0;
-  /* Don't print cycles */
-  if((INFO_PTR(node) & INFO_MASK) != 0)
-    return;
-  size_and_ptrs(node,&size,&ptrs);
-  vhs = var_hdr_size(node);
-  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-  /* Mark the node -- may be dangerous */
-  INFO_PTR(node) |= INFO_MASK;
-  for(i = 0; i < ptrs; ++i)
-    DEBUG_TREE((P_)node[i+vhs+_FHS]);
-  /* Unmark the node */
-  INFO_PTR(node) &= ~INFO_MASK;
-P_ node;
-  W_ info_ptr = INFO_PTR(node);
-  char *ip_type = info_hdr_type(info_ptr);
-  fprintf(stderr,"%s Info Ptr @0x%lx; Entry: 0x%lx; Size: %lu; Ptrs: %lu\n\n",
-                 ip_type,info_ptr,(W_) ENTRY_CODE(info_ptr),INFO_SIZE(info_ptr),INFO_NoPTRS(info_ptr));
-#if defined(PAR)
-  fprintf(stderr,"Enter Flush Entry: 0x%lx;\tExit Flush Entry: 0x%lx\n",INFO_FLUSHENT(info_ptr),INFO_FLUSH(info_ptr));
-#if defined(PROFILING)
-  fprintf(stderr,"Cost Centre (???):       0x%lx\n",INFO_CAT(info_ptr));
-#if defined(_INFO_COPYING)
-  fprintf(stderr,"Evacuate Entry:    0x%lx;\tScavenge Entry: 0x%lx\n",
-          INFO_EVAC_2S(info_ptr),INFO_SCAV_2S(info_ptr));
-#if defined(_INFO_COMPACTING)
-  fprintf(stderr,"Scan Link:         0x%lx;\tScan Move:      0x%lx\n",
-          (W_) INFO_SCAN_LINK_1S(info_ptr), (W_) INFO_SCAN_MOVE_1S(info_ptr));
-  fprintf(stderr,"Mark:              0x%lx;\tMarked:         0x%lx;\t",
-          (W_) INFO_MARK_1S(info_ptr), (W_) INFO_MARKED_1S(info_ptr));
-#if 0 /* avoid INFO_TYPE */
-    fprintf(stderr,"plus specialised code\n");
-  else
-    fprintf(stderr,"Marking:           0x%lx\n",(W_) INFO_MARKING_1S(info_ptr));
-#endif /* 0 */
-#endif /* GRAN */
-The remaining debugging routines are more or less specific for GrAnSim.
-#if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
-I_ verbose;
-  fprintf(stderr,"Thread Queue on proc %d: ", CurrentProc);
-  DEBUG_THREADQ(ThreadQueueHd, verbose);
-DEBUG_THREADQ(closure, verbose) 
-P_ closure;
-I_ verbose;
- P_ x;
- fprintf(stderr,"Thread Queue: ");
- for (x=closure; x!=Nil_closure; x=TSO_LINK(x))
-   if (verbose) 
-     DEBUG_TSO(x,0);
-   else
-     fprintf(stderr," 0x%x",x);
- if (closure==Nil_closure)
-   fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
- else
-   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-/* Check with Threads.lh */
-static char *type_name[] = { "T_MAIN", "T_REQUIRED", "T_ADVISORY", "T_FAIL"};
-P_ closure;
-I_ verbose;
- if (closure==Nil_closure) {
-   fprintf(stderr,"TSO at 0x%x is Nil_closure!\n");
-   return;
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"TSO at 0x%x has the following contents:\n",closure);
- fprintf(stderr,"> Name: 0x%x",TSO_NAME(closure));
- fprintf(stderr,"\tLink: 0x%x\n",TSO_LINK(closure));
- fprintf(stderr,"> Id: 0x%x",TSO_ID(closure));
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
- if (debug & 0x10)
-   fprintf(stderr,"\tType: %s  %s\n",
-           type_name[TSO_TYPE(closure) & ~FETCH_MASK_TSO],
-           (TSO_TYPE(closure) & FETCH_MASK_TSO) ? "SLEEPING" : "");
- else
-   fprintf(stderr,"\tType: %s\n",type_name[TSO_TYPE(closure)]);
- fprintf(stderr,"\tType: %s\n",type_name[TSO_TYPE(closure)]);
- fprintf(stderr,"> PC1:  0x%x",TSO_PC1(closure));
- fprintf(stderr,"\tPC2:  0x%x\n",TSO_PC2(closure));
- fprintf(stderr,"> ARG1: 0x%x",TSO_ARG1(closure));
- fprintf(stderr,"\tARG2: 0x%x\n",TSO_ARG2(closure));
- fprintf(stderr,"> SWITCH: 0x%x\n", TSO_SWITCH(closure));
- if (verbose) {
-   fprintf(stderr,"} LOCKED: 0x%x",TSO_LOCKED(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"\tSPARKNAME: 0x%x\n", TSO_SPARKNAME(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"} STARTEDAT: 0x%x", TSO_STARTEDAT(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"\tEXPORTED: 0x%x\n", TSO_EXPORTED(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"} BASICBLOCKS: 0x%x", TSO_BASICBLOCKS(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"\tALLOCS: 0x%x\n", TSO_ALLOCS(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"} EXECTIME: 0x%x", TSO_EXECTIME(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"\tFETCHTIME: 0x%x\n", TSO_FETCHTIME(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"} FETCHCOUNT: 0x%x", TSO_FETCHCOUNT(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"\tBLOCKTIME: 0x%x\n", TSO_BLOCKTIME(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"} BLOCKCOUNT: 0x%x", TSO_BLOCKCOUNT(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"\tBLOCKEDAT: 0x%x\n", TSO_BLOCKEDAT(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"} GLOBALSPARKS: 0x%x", TSO_GLOBALSPARKS(closure));
-   fprintf(stderr,"\tLOCALSPARKS: 0x%x\n", TSO_LOCALSPARKS(closure));
- }
-DEBUG_EVENT(event, verbose) 
-eventq event;
-I_ verbose;
-  if (verbose) {
-    print_event(event);
-  }else{
-    fprintf(stderr," 0x%x",event);
-  }
-I_ verbose;
- eventq x;
- fprintf(stderr,"Eventq (hd @0x%x):\n",EventHd);
- for (x=EventHd; x!=NULL; x=EVENT_NEXT(x)) {
-   DEBUG_EVENT(x,verbose);
- }
- if (EventHd==NULL) 
-   fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
- else
-   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-DEBUG_SPARK(spark, verbose) 
-sparkq spark;
-I_ verbose;
-  if (verbose)
-    print_spark(spark);
-  else
-    fprintf(stderr," 0x%x",spark);
-sparkq spark;
-I_ verbose;
- sparkq x;
- fprintf(stderr,"Sparkq (hd @0x%x):\n",spark);
- for (x=spark; x!=NULL; x=SPARK_NEXT(x)) {
-   DEBUG_SPARK(x,verbose);
- }
- if (spark==NULL) 
-   fprintf(stderr,"NIL\n");
- else
-   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
-I_ verbose;
-  DEBUG_SPARKQ(SparkQueueHd,verbose);
-I_ proc;
-I_ verbose;
-  fprintf(stderr,"Status of proc %d at time %d (0x%x): %s\n",
-          proc,CurrentTime[proc],CurrentTime[proc],
-          (CurrentProc==proc)?"ACTIVE":"INACTIVE");
-  DEBUG_THREADQ(RunnableThreadsHd[proc],verbose & 0x2);
-  if ( (CurrentProc==proc) )
-    DEBUG_TSO(CurrentTSO,1);
-  if (EventHd!=NULL)
-    fprintf(stderr,"Next event (%s) is on proc %d\n",
-            event_names[EVENT_TYPE(EventHd)],EVENT_PROC(EventHd));
-  if (verbose & 0x1) {
-    fprintf(stderr,"\nREQUIRED sparks: ");
-    DEBUG_SPARKQ(PendingSparksHd[proc][REQUIRED_POOL],1);
-    fprintf(stderr,"\nADVISORY_sparks: ");
-    DEBUG_SPARKQ(PendingSparksHd[proc][ADVISORY_POOL],1);
-  }
-/* Debug CurrentTSO */
-  fprintf(stderr,"Current Proc: %d\n",CurrentProc);
-  DEBUG_TSO(CurrentTSO,1);
-/* Debug Current Processor */
-DCP(){ DEBUG_PROC(CurrentProc,2); }
-/* Shorthand for debugging event queue */
-/* Shorthand for debugging spark queue */
-/* Shorthand for printing a node */
-DN(P_ node) { DEBUG_PRINT_NODE(node); }
-#endif /* GRAN */
-\subsection[qp-profile]{Quasi-Parallel Profiling}
-#ifndef GRAN
-I_ do_qp_prof;
-FILE *qp_file;
-/* *Virtual* Time in milliseconds */
-    return ((long) (usertime() * 1e3));
-static void
-    I_ i;
-    char qp_filename[STATS_FILENAME_MAXLEN];
-    sprintf(qp_filename, QP_FILENAME_FMT, prog_argv[0]);
-    if ((qp_file = fopen(qp_filename,"w")) == NULL ) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Can't open quasi-parallel profile report file %s\n", 
-    	    qp_filename);
-    	do_qp_prof = 0;
-    } else {
-	fputs(prog_argv[0], qp_file);
-	for(i = 1; prog_argv[i]; i++) {
-    	    fputc(' ', qp_file);
-	    fputs(prog_argv[i], qp_file);
-    	}
-    	fprintf(qp_file, "+RTS -C%ld -t%ld\n"
-		, RTSflags.ConcFlags.ctxtSwitchTime
-		, RTSflags.ConcFlags.maxThreads);
-    	fputs(time_str(), qp_file);
-    	fputc('\n', qp_file);
-    }
-QP_Event0(tid, node)
-I_ tid;
-P_ node;
-    fprintf(qp_file, "%lu ** %lu 0x%lx\n", qp_elapsed_time(), tid, INFO_PTR(node));
-QP_Event1(event, tso)
-char *event;
-P_ tso;
-    fprintf(qp_file, "%lu %s %lu 0x%lx\n", qp_elapsed_time(), event,
-            TSO_ID(tso), (W_) TSO_NAME(tso));
-QP_Event2(event, tso1, tso2)
-char *event;
-P_ tso1, tso2;
-    fprintf(qp_file, "%lu %s %lu 0x%lx %lu 0x%lx\n", qp_elapsed_time(), event,
-            TSO_ID(tso1), (W_) TSO_NAME(tso1), TSO_ID(tso2), (W_) TSO_NAME(tso2));
-#endif /* 0 */
-#endif /* GRAN */
-#if defined(CONCURRENT) && !defined(GRAN)
-/* romoluSnganpu' SamuS! */ 
-unsigned CurrentProc = 0;
-W_ IdleProcs = ~0l, Idlers = 32; 
-GranSimAllocate(I_ n, P_ node, W_ liveness)
-{ }
-GranSimUnallocate(W_ n, P_ node, W_ liveness)
-{ }
-GranSimExec(W_ ariths, W_ branches, W_ loads, W_ stores, W_ floats)
-{ }
-GranSimFetch(P_ node /* , liveness_mask */ )
-/* I_ liveness_mask; */
-{ return(9999999); }
-GranSimSpark(W_ local, P_ node)
-{ }
-#if 0
-sparkq spark;
-P_  where;        /* This should be a node; alternatively could be a GA */
-I_ identifier;
-{ }
-{ }
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/ b/ghc/runtime/main/
index e2d670c3db34..14d6e058715a 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-/* this one will be linked in for Haskell 1.2 */
+/* this one will be linked in for Haskell 1.3 */
 #include "rtsdefs.h"
-P_ TopClosure = Main_mainPrimIO_closure;
+P_ TopClosure = GHCmain_mainPrimIO_closure;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/ b/ghc/runtime/main/
deleted file mode 100644
index 07792c2198b9..000000000000
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/* this one will be linked in for Haskell 1.3 */
-#include "rtsdefs.h"
-P_ TopClosure = Main_mainPrimIO13_closure;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/ b/ghc/runtime/main/
index 8d6d8dcaf6de..b2e5e97fd19a 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 /* memory.h and strings.h conflict on some systems.  */
 #endif /* not STDC_HEADERS and not HAVE_STRING_H */
-#if defined(PROFILING) || defined(PAR)
+#if defined(PROFILING) || defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
 /* need some "time" things */
 /* ToDo: This is a mess! Improve ? */
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ extern void checkAStack(STG_NO_ARGS);
 /* a real nasty Global Variable */
 /* moved to main/TopClosure(13)?.lc -- *one* of them will get linked in
-P_ TopClosure = Main_mainPrimIO_closure;
+P_ TopClosure = GHCmain_mainPrimIO_closure;
 /* structure to carry around info about the storage manager */
@@ -73,12 +73,6 @@ extern void SynchroniseSystem(STG_NO_ARGS);
 extern void SetTrace PROTO((W_ address, I_ level/*?*/));
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-extern W_ debug;
-extern W_ event_trace ;
-extern W_ event_trace_all ;
 extern void *stgAllocForGMP   PROTO((size_t));
 extern void *stgReallocForGMP PROTO ((void *, size_t, size_t));
 extern void  stgDeallocForGMP PROTO ((void *, size_t));
@@ -106,6 +100,9 @@ int nPEs = 0;		    /* Number of PEs */
 int /* return type of "main" is defined by the C standard */
 main(int argc, char *argv[])
+#ifdef GRAN
+ int i;
 The very first thing we do is grab the start time...just in case we're
@@ -122,7 +119,7 @@ Manager's requirements.
 #ifdef PAR
-    if (*argv[0] == '-') {		/* Look to see whether we're the Main Thread */
+    if (*argv[0] == '-') {     /* Look to see whether we're the Main Thread */
 	IAmMainThread = rtsTrue;
         argv++; argc--;			/* Strip off flag argument */
 /*	fprintf(stderr, "I am Main Thread\n"); */
@@ -134,10 +131,11 @@ Manager's requirements.
     nPEs = atoi(argv[1]);
     argv[1] = argv[0];
     argv++; argc--;
+    initEachPEHook();                  /* HWL: hook to be execed on each PE */
-#if defined(PROFILING) || defined(PAR)
+#if defined(PROFILING) || defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
     /* setup string indicating time of run -- only used for profiling */
     (void) time_str();
@@ -175,10 +173,11 @@ Manager's requirements.
-#if defined(CONCURRENT) && defined(GRAN)
-    if (!no_gr_profile)
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    if (!RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed)
       if (init_gr_simulation(rts_argc, rts_argv, prog_argc, prog_argv) != 0) {
-	  fprintf(stderr, "init_gr_simulation failed!\n"); EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
+	  fprintf(stderr, "init_gr_simulation failed!\n"); 
@@ -228,7 +227,7 @@ Manager's requirements.
     /* Record initialization times */
-#if defined(PROFILING) || defined(CONCURRENT)
+#if defined(PROFILING) || defined(CONCURRENT) 
      * Both the context-switcher and the cost-center profiler use 
      * a virtual timer.
@@ -264,29 +263,33 @@ Manager's requirements.
+    AvailableStack = AvailableTSO = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
 # if defined(GRAN)                                                 /* HWL */
-    /* RunnableThreadsHd etc. are init in ScheduleThreads */
-    /* 
-     * I'm not sure about this.  Note that this code is for re-initializing
-     * things when a longjmp to restart_main occurs.  --JSM
-     */
-# else                                                             /* !GRAN */
-    AvailableStack = AvailableTSO = Nil_closure;
-    RunnableThreadsHd = RunnableThreadsTl = Nil_closure;
-    WaitingThreadsHd = WaitingThreadsTl = Nil_closure;
+    /* Moved in here from ScheduleThreads, to handle a restart_main 
+       (because of a signal) properly. */
+    for (i=0; i<RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; i++) 
+      {
+        RunnableThreadsHd[i] = RunnableThreadsTl[i] = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+	WaitThreadsHd[i] = WaitThreadsTl[i] = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+        PendingSparksHd[i][REQUIRED_POOL] = PendingSparksHd[i][ADVISORY_POOL] = 
+        PendingSparksTl[i][REQUIRED_POOL] = PendingSparksTl[i][ADVISORY_POOL] = 
+            NULL; 
+      }
+# else
+    RunnableThreadsHd = RunnableThreadsTl = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
+    WaitingThreadsHd = WaitingThreadsTl = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
     PendingSparksHd[REQUIRED_POOL] = 
       PendingSparksTl[REQUIRED_POOL] = PendingSparksBase[REQUIRED_POOL];
     PendingSparksHd[ADVISORY_POOL] = 
       PendingSparksTl[ADVISORY_POOL] = PendingSparksBase[ADVISORY_POOL];
 # endif
-    CurrentTSO = Nil_closure;
+    CurrentTSO = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
 # ifdef PAR
 # else
-    STKO_LINK(MainStkO) = Nil_closure;
+    STKO_LINK(MainStkO) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
 # endif	/* PAR */
@@ -314,7 +317,13 @@ shutdownHaskell(STG_NO_ARGS)
-    if (! exitSM(&StorageMgrInfo)) {
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    /* For some reason this must be before exitSM */
+    if (!RTSflags.GranFlags.granSimStats_suppressed)
+      end_gr_simulation();
+    if (! exitSM(&StorageMgrInfo) ) {
 	fprintf(stderr, "exitSM failed!\n");
@@ -331,22 +340,6 @@ shutdownHaskell(STG_NO_ARGS)
     if (RTSflags.TickyFlags.showTickyStats) PrintTickyInfo();
-#if defined(GRAN_CHECK) && defined(GRAN)
-    if (PrintFetchMisses)
-      fprintf(stderr,"Number of fetch misses: %d\n",fetch_misses);
-# if defined(COUNT)
-    fprintf(stderr,"COUNT statistics:\n");
-    fprintf(stderr,"  Total number of updates: %u\n",nUPDs);
-    fprintf(stderr,"  Needed to awaken BQ: %u with avg BQ len of: %f\n",
-	    nUPDs_BQ,(float)BQ_lens/(float)nUPDs_BQ);
-    fprintf(stderr,"  Number of PAPs: %u\n",nPAPs);
-# endif
-    if (!no_gr_profile)
-      end_gr_simulation();
     /* This fflush is important, because: if "main" just returns,
        then we will end up in pre-supplied exit code that will close
@@ -369,7 +362,7 @@ called by to initialise the string at the start of the run.
 Only used for profiling.
-#if defined(PROFILING) || defined(CONCURRENT)
+#if defined(PROFILING) || defined(CONCURRENT) || defined(GRAN)
 # include <time.h>
 char *
@@ -400,7 +393,7 @@ getErrorHandler(STG_NO_ARGS)
   return (StgInt) errorHandler;
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR)
 raiseError( handler )
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/prims/ b/ghc/runtime/prims/
index 85d949b9479a..594210a8e52b 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/prims/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/prims/
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ CAT3(bytes2,ctype,__)(P_ in, htype *out)	\
 	ctype i;				\
 	unsigned char cs[sizeof (ctype)];	\
     } u;					\
-    int k;					\
+    unsigned int k;				\
     unsigned char *arr = (unsigned char *) in;	\
     for (k = 0; k < sizeof(ctype); k++)		\
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ CAT3(bytes2,ctype,__)(P_ in, htype *out)	\
 	ctype i;				\
 	unsigned char cs[sizeof (ctype)];	\
     } u;					\
-    int k;					\
+    unsigned int k;				\
     unsigned char *arr = (unsigned char *) in;	\
     for (k = 0; k < sizeof(ctype); k++)		\
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/prims/ b/ghc/runtime/prims/
index 7683ed838c07..0e134e069514 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/prims/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/prims/
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ stgReallocForGMP (ptr, old_size, new_size)
   size_t   old_size, new_size;
     void *new_stuff_ptr = stgAllocForGMP(new_size);
-    I_ i = 0;
+    unsigned int i = 0;
     char *p = (char *) ptr;
     char *q = (char *) new_stuff_ptr;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/prims/ b/ghc/runtime/prims/
index 4c299945dd7a..142bab63398f 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/prims/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/prims/
@@ -86,12 +86,11 @@ Phantom info table vectors for multiple constructor primitive types that
 might have to perform a DynamicReturn (just Bool at the moment).
-const W_ Bool_itblvtbl[] = {
-    (W_) False_inregs_info,
-    (W_) True_inregs_info
+const W_ Prelude_Bool_itblvtbl[] = {
+    (W_) Prelude_False_inregs_info,
+    (W_) Prelude_True_inregs_info
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/profiling/ b/ghc/runtime/profiling/
index 01a801d695cd..2d084c2d3314 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/profiling/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/profiling/
@@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ CC_DECLARE(CC_IDLE, "IDLE", "IDLE", "IDLE", CC_IS_BORING,/*not static*/);
 # endif
-The current cost centre. It is initially set to "MAIN" by main.
-We have to be careful when doing so, as an initial @SET_CCC(CC_MAIN)@
-would try to increment some @sub_scc_count@ of the @CCC@ (nothing!).
 CostCentre CCC; /* _not_ initialised */
@@ -43,9 +39,9 @@ Cost centres which are always required:
 #if defined(PROFILING)
+CC_DECLARE(CC_SUBSUMED,  "SUBSUMED",    "MAIN",      "MAIN",      CC_IS_SUBSUMED, /*not static*/);
+CC_DECLARE(CC_DONTZuCARE,"DONT_CARE",   "MAIN",      "MAIN",      CC_IS_BORING,   /*not static*/);
@@ -79,15 +75,6 @@ init_cc_profiling(rts_argc, rts_argv, prog_argv)
     char *rts_argv[], *prog_argv[];
     I_ arg, ch;
-#ifndef PAR
-    char *select_cc = 0;
-    char *select_mod = 0;
-    char *select_grp = 0;
-    char *select_descr = 0;
-    char *select_type = 0;
-    char *select_kind = 0;
-    char *left, *right;
     prog_argv_save = prog_argv;
     rts_argv_save = rts_argv;
@@ -150,9 +137,7 @@ init_cc_profiling(rts_argc, rts_argv, prog_argv)
 #if defined(PROFILING)
-    if (heap_profile_init(select_cc, select_mod, select_grp,
-			  select_descr, select_type, select_kind,
-			  prog_argv))
+    if (heap_profile_init(prog_argv))
 	return 1;
@@ -185,9 +170,7 @@ cc_register()
     REGISTER_CC(CC_DONTZuCARE);	/* register cost centre CC_DONT_CARE Right??? ToDo */
-    /* as per SET_CCC macro, without the sub_scc_count++ bit */
-    CCC = (CostCentre)STATIC_CC_REF(CC_MAIN);
-    CCC->scc_count++;
+    SET_CCC_RTS(CC_MAIN,0,1);   /* without the sub_scc_count++ */
 #if defined(PROFILING)
 /*  always register -- if we do not, we get warnings (WDP 94/12) */
@@ -228,6 +211,23 @@ cc_to_ignore (CostCentre cc)
 #   endif /* PROFILING */
+have_interesting_groups(CostCentre cc)
+    char* interesting_group = NULL;
+    for (; cc != REGISTERED_END; cc = cc->registered) {
+	if (! cc_to_ignore(cc) && strcmp(cc->module,cc->group) != 0) {
+	    if (interesting_group && strcmp(cc->group, interesting_group) != 0) {
+		return(rtsTrue);
+	    } else {
+		interesting_group = cc->group;
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    return(rtsFalse);
   I_ final;
@@ -236,16 +236,24 @@ report_cc_profiling(final)
     CostCentre cc;
     I_ count;
     char temp[128]; /* sigh: magic constant */
-    W_ total_ticks   = 0, total_alloc   = 0, total_allocs   = 0;
-    W_ ignored_ticks = 0, ignored_alloc = 0, ignored_allocs = 0;
+    W_ total_ticks, ignored_ticks;
+    W_ total_alloc = 0, total_allocs = 0;
+    rtsBool do_groups = rtsFalse;
 #ifdef PAR
-    I_ final_ticks = 0;				/*No. ticks in last sample*/
+    I_ final_ticks;				/*No. ticks in last sample*/
     if (!RTSflags.CcFlags.doCostCentres)
+    /* To avoid inconsistency, initialise the tick variables
+       after having blocked out VTALRM */
+    total_ticks = 0;
+    ignored_ticks = 0;
+#ifdef PAR
+    final_ticks = 0;
     if (serial_file) {
 	StgFloat seconds = (previous_ticks + current_ticks) / (StgFloat) TICK_FREQUENCY;
@@ -301,12 +309,12 @@ report_cc_profiling(final)
 	if ( cc_to_ignore(cc) ) { /* reporting these just confuses users... */
 	    ignored_ticks  += cc->prev_ticks;
-	    ignored_alloc  += cc->mem_alloc;
-	    ignored_allocs += cc->mem_allocs;
 	} else {
 	    total_ticks  += cc->prev_ticks;
 	    total_alloc  += cc->mem_alloc;
 	    total_allocs += cc->mem_allocs;
@@ -343,21 +351,33 @@ report_cc_profiling(final)
 	fprintf(prof_file, " %s", prog_argv_save[count]);
     fprintf(prof_file, "\n\n");
     fprintf(prof_file, "\ttotal time  = %11.2f secs   (%lu ticks @ %d ms)\n",
-      total_ticks / (StgFloat) TICK_FREQUENCY, total_ticks, TICK_MILLISECS);
-    fprintf(prof_file, "\ttotal alloc = %11s bytes  (%lu closures)  (excludes profiling overheads)\n",
-      ullong_format_string((ullong) total_alloc * sizeof(W_), temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/), total_allocs);
+	    total_ticks / (StgFloat) TICK_FREQUENCY, total_ticks, TICK_MILLISECS);
+    fprintf(prof_file, "\ttotal alloc = %11s bytes",
+	    ullong_format_string((ullong) total_alloc * sizeof(W_), temp, rtsTrue/*commas*/));
     /* ToDo: 64-bit error! */
-    fprintf(prof_file, "\n");
+    fprintf(prof_file, "  (%lu closures)", total_allocs);
+    fprintf(prof_file, "  (excludes profiling overheads)\n\n");
     fprintf(prof_file, "%-16.16s %-11.11s", "COST CENTRE", "MODULE");
-/* ToDo:group
-    fprintf(prof_file, " %-11.11s", "GROUP");
-    fprintf(prof_file, " %5s %5s %6s %6s", "scc", "subcc", "%time", "%alloc");
-    if (RTSflags.CcFlags.doCostCentres >= COST_CENTRES_VERBOSE)
-	fprintf(prof_file, " %11s  %13s %8s %8s %8s (%5s %8s)", "cafcc", "thunks", "funcs", "PAPs", "closures", "ticks", "bytes");
+    do_groups = have_interesting_groups(Registered_CC);
+    if (do_groups) fprintf(prof_file, " %-11.11s", "GROUP");
+    fprintf(prof_file, "%8s %6s %6s %8s %5s %5s", "scc", "%time", "%alloc", "inner", "cafs", "dicts");
+    if (RTSflags.CcFlags.doCostCentres >= COST_CENTRES_VERBOSE) {
+	fprintf(prof_file, "  %5s %9s", "ticks", "bytes");
+	fprintf(prof_file, "  %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s",
+		"closures", "thunks", "funcs", "PAPs", "subfuns", "subcafs", "cafssub");
+    }
     fprintf(prof_file, "\n\n");
     for (cc = Registered_CC; cc != REGISTERED_END; cc = cc->registered) {
@@ -368,28 +388,33 @@ report_cc_profiling(final)
 	if ( (RTSflags.CcFlags.doCostCentres >= COST_CENTRES_ALL
 		/* force printing of *all* cost centres if -P -P */ )
-	  || ( ! cc_to_ignore(cc)
-	    && (cc->scc_count || cc->sub_scc_count || cc->prev_ticks || cc->mem_alloc
-		|| (RTSflags.CcFlags.doCostCentres >= COST_CENTRES_VERBOSE
-		    && (cc->thunk_count || cc->function_count || cc->pap_count
-		     || cc->cafcc_count || cc->sub_cafcc_count))))
-	   ) {
+	     || ( ! cc_to_ignore(cc)
+	          && (cc->scc_count || cc->sub_scc_count || cc->prev_ticks || cc->mem_alloc
+		      || (RTSflags.CcFlags.doCostCentres >= COST_CENTRES_VERBOSE
+		          && (cc->sub_cafcc_count || cc->sub_dictcc_count
+			      || cc->thunk_count || cc->function_count || cc->pap_count
+	   ))))) {
 	    fprintf(prof_file, "%-16.16s %-11.11s", cc->label, cc->module);
-/* ToDo:group
-	    fprintf(prof_file, " %-11.11s",cc->group);
-	    fprintf(prof_file, " %5ld %5ld  %5.1f  %5.1f",
-	      cc->scc_count, cc->sub_scc_count,
-	      total_ticks == 0 ? 0.0 : (cc->prev_ticks / (StgFloat) total_ticks * 100),
-	      total_alloc == 0 ? 0.0 : (cc->mem_alloc / (StgFloat) total_alloc * 100));
-	    if (RTSflags.CcFlags.doCostCentres >= COST_CENTRES_VERBOSE)
-		fprintf(prof_file, " %8ld %-8ld %8ld %8ld %8ld %8ld (%5ld %8ld)",
-			cc->cafcc_count, cc->sub_cafcc_count,
-			cc->thunk_count, cc->function_count, cc->pap_count,
-			cc->mem_allocs,
-			cc->prev_ticks, cc->mem_alloc*sizeof(W_));
+	    if (do_groups) fprintf(prof_file, " %-11.11s",cc->group);
+	    fprintf(prof_file, "%8ld  %5.1f  %5.1f %8ld %5ld %5ld",
+		    cc->scc_count, 
+		    total_ticks == 0 ? 0.0 : (cc->prev_ticks / (StgFloat) total_ticks * 100),
+		    total_alloc == 0 ? 0.0 : (cc->mem_alloc / (StgFloat) total_alloc * 100),
+		    cc->sub_scc_count, cc->sub_cafcc_count, cc->sub_dictcc_count);
+	    if (RTSflags.CcFlags.doCostCentres >= COST_CENTRES_VERBOSE) {
+		fprintf(prof_file, "  %5ld %9ld", cc->prev_ticks, cc->mem_alloc*sizeof(W_));
+		fprintf(prof_file, "  %8ld %8ld %8ld %8ld %8ld %8ld %8ld",
+			cc->mem_allocs, cc->thunk_count,
+			cc->function_count, cc->pap_count,
+			cc->subsumed_fun_count,	cc->subsumed_caf_count,
+			cc->caffun_subsumed);
+	    }
 	    fprintf(prof_file, "\n");
@@ -452,11 +477,6 @@ cc_gt_time(CostCentre cc1, CostCentre cc2)
     else if (cc1->mem_alloc < cc2->mem_alloc)       /* time equal; alloc less */
 	return 0;
-    if (cc1->thunk_count > cc2->thunk_count)        /* time & alloc equal: cmp enters */
-	return 1;
-    else if (cc1->thunk_count < cc2->thunk_count)
-	return 0;
     return (cc_lt_label(cc1, cc2));                 /* all data equal: cmp labels */
@@ -480,11 +500,6 @@ cc_gt_alloc(CostCentre cc1, CostCentre cc2)
     else if (cc1->prev_ticks < cc2->prev_ticks)     /* alloc equal; time less */ 
         return 0;
-    if (cc1->thunk_count > cc2->thunk_count)        /* alloc & time: cmp enters */
-	return 1;
-    else if (cc1->thunk_count < cc2->thunk_count)
-	return 0;
     return (cc_lt_label(cc1, cc2));                 /* all data equal: cmp labels */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/profiling/ b/ghc/runtime/profiling/
index 514e8157c0ac..373e9ffc7159 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/profiling/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/profiling/
@@ -109,17 +109,16 @@ static char heap_filename[STATS_FILENAME_MAXLEN]; /* heap log file name = <progr
 static FILE *heap_file = NULL;
-heap_profile_init(cc_select_str, mod_select_str, grp_select_str,
-		  descr_select_str, type_select_str, kind_select_str,
-		  argv) 
-    char *cc_select_str;
-    char *mod_select_str;
-    char *grp_select_str;
-    char *descr_select_str;
-    char *type_select_str;
-    char *kind_select_str;
-    char *argv[];
+  char *argv[];
+    char *cc_select_str	    = RTSflags.ProfFlags.ccSelector;
+    char *mod_select_str    = RTSflags.ProfFlags.modSelector;
+    char *grp_select_str    = RTSflags.ProfFlags.grpSelector;
+    char *descr_select_str  = RTSflags.ProfFlags.descrSelector;
+    char *type_select_str   = RTSflags.ProfFlags.typeSelector;
+    char *kind_select_str   = RTSflags.ProfFlags.kindSelector;
     hash_t count, max, first;
     W_ heap_prof_style;
@@ -421,12 +420,6 @@ words).
-profile_closure_none(P_ closure, I_ size)
-    return;
 profile_closure_cc(P_ closure, I_ size)
@@ -568,17 +561,17 @@ profile_closure_time_select(P_ closure, I_ size)
 @heap_profile_setup@ is called before garbage collection to initialise
 for the profile. It assigns the appropriate closure profiling function
 to @heap_profile_fn@ and memoises any cost centre selection. If no
-profile is required @profile_closure_none@ is assigned.
+profile is required @heap_profile_fn@ is assigned NULL.
 On completion of garbage collection @heap_profile_done@ is called. It
 produces a heap profile report and resets the residency counts to 0.
-void (* heap_profile_fn) PROTO((P_,I_)) = profile_closure_none;
+void (* heap_profile_fn) PROTO((P_,I_)) = NULL;
 void (* profiling_fns_select[]) PROTO((P_,I_)) = {
-    profile_closure_none,
+    NULL,
@@ -588,7 +581,7 @@ void (* profiling_fns_select[]) PROTO((P_,I_)) = {
 void (* profiling_fns[]) PROTO((P_,I_)) = {
-    profile_closure_none,
+    NULL,
@@ -628,7 +621,7 @@ heap_profile_done(STG_NO_ARGS)	  /* called at end of heap profile */
     heap_prof_style = RTSflags.ProfFlags.doHeapProfile;
-    heap_profile_fn = profile_closure_none;
+    heap_profile_fn = NULL;
     seconds = (previous_ticks + current_ticks) / (StgFloat)TICK_FREQUENCY;
     fprintf(heap_file, "BEGIN_SAMPLE %0.2f\n", seconds);
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 85919b0eb5b0..e58bc8340378 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -122,24 +122,36 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
     /* end of bracket */
 #ifndef PAR
-    sweepUpDeadMallocPtrs(sm->MallocPtrList, 
-			  compactingInfo.base, 
-			  compactingInfo.bits );
+    sweepUpDeadForeignObjs(sm->ForeignObjList, 
+			   compactingInfo.base, 
+			   compactingInfo.bits );
     LinkRoots( sm->roots, sm->rootno );
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    LinkEvents();
+#if defined(CONCURRENT) /* && !defined(GRAN) */
 #ifdef PAR
     LinkLiveGAs(compactingInfo.base, compactingInfo.bits);
+    /*
+      The stable pointer table is reachable via sm->roots,
+      (Reason: in markHeapRoots all roots have to be considered,
+      including the StablePointerTable)
     DEBUG_STRING("Linking Stable Pointer Table:");
+    */
+# if /* !defined(GRAN) */  /* HWL */
     LinkAStack( MAIN_SpA, stackInfo.botA );
     LinkBStack( MAIN_SuB, stackInfo.botB );
+# endif
 #endif /* parallel */
     /* Do Inplace Compaction */
@@ -151,7 +163,7 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
 #if ! defined(PAR)
-				, &(sm->MallocPtrList)
+				, &(sm->ForeignObjList)
 				) - 1;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index bdfa4150cebd..7ad2e971a798 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -138,13 +138,16 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
 #ifdef PAR
-    evacSPTable( sm );
+    /* evacSPTable( sm ); stable pointers now reachable via sm->roots */
 #endif /* PAR */
     EvacuateRoots( sm->roots, sm->rootno );
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    EvacuateEvents();
+#if defined(CONCURRENT) /* && !defined(GRAN) */
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR) && !defined(GRAN)
     EvacuateAStack( MAIN_SpA, stackInfo.botA );
     EvacuateBStack( MAIN_SuB, stackInfo.botB, &bstk_roots );
 #endif /* !PAR */
@@ -156,7 +159,7 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
 #ifdef PAR
-    reportDeadMallocPtrs(sm->MallocPtrList, NULL, &(sm->MallocPtrList) );
+    reportDeadForeignObjs(sm->ForeignObjList, NULL, &(sm->ForeignObjList) );
 #endif /* PAR */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 27ec2be0fa57..392caab9596e 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ initHeap(smInfo * sm)
     if (appelInfo.oldbase > appelInfo.oldmax) {
 	fprintf(stderr, "Not enough heap for requested/minimum allocation area\n");
-	fprintf(stderr, "heap_space=%ld\n", heap_space);
+	fprintf(stderr, "heap_space=%ld\n", (W_) heap_space);
 	fprintf(stderr, "heapSize=%ld\n", RTSflags.GcFlags.heapSize);
 	fprintf(stderr, "newmin=%ld\n", appelInfo.newmin);
 	return rtsFalse;
@@ -239,13 +239,16 @@ collect2s(W_ reqsize, smInfo *sm)
 #ifdef PAR
-    evacSPTable( sm );
+    /* evacSPTable( sm ); StablePointerTable now accessable in sm->roots SOF 4/96 */
 #endif /* PAR */
     EvacuateRoots( sm->roots, sm->rootno );
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    EvacuateEvents();
+#if defined(CONCURRENT)  /* && !defined(GRAN) */
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR) /* && !defined(GRAN) */  /* HWL */
     EvacuateAStack( MAIN_SpA, stackInfo.botA );
     EvacuateBStack( MAIN_SuB, stackInfo.botB, &bstk_roots );
 #endif /* !PAR */
@@ -257,7 +260,7 @@ collect2s(W_ reqsize, smInfo *sm)
 #ifdef PAR
-    reportDeadMallocPtrs( sm->MallocPtrList, NULL, &(sm->MallocPtrList) );
+    reportDeadForeignObjs( sm->ForeignObjList, NULL, &(sm->ForeignObjList) );
 #endif /* PAR */
@@ -286,7 +289,7 @@ collect2s(W_ reqsize, smInfo *sm)
     if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) {
 	char comment_str[BIG_STRING_LEN];
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR) /* && !defined(CONCURRENT) */  /* HWL */
 	sprintf(comment_str, "%4lu %4ld %3ld %3ld %6lu %6lu %6lu  2s",
 		(W_) (SUBTRACT_A_STK(MAIN_SpA, stackInfo.botA) + 1),
 		bstk_roots, sm->rootno,
@@ -419,7 +422,6 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
     while ( mutptr ) {
 	/* Scavenge the OldMutable */
-	P_ orig_mutptr = mutptr;
 	P_ info = (P_) INFO_PTR(mutptr);
 	StgScavPtr scav_code = SCAV_CODE(info);
 	Scav = mutptr;
@@ -442,7 +444,7 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
 #ifdef PAR
-    evacSPTable( sm );
+    /* evacSPTable( sm ); SP table is now in sm->roots*/
 #endif /* PAR */
     DEBUG_STRING("Scavenge evacuated old generation roots:");
@@ -463,10 +465,13 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
     EvacuateRoots( sm->roots, sm->rootno );
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    EvacuateEvents();
+#if defined(CONCURRENT) /* && !defined(GRAN) */
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR) /* && !defined(GRAN) */ /* HWL */
     EvacuateAStack( MAIN_SpA, stackInfo.botA );
     EvacuateBStack( MAIN_SuB, stackInfo.botB, &bstk_roots );
     /* ToDo: Optimisation which squeezes out garbage update frames */
@@ -490,10 +495,10 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
 #ifdef PAR
-    reportDeadMallocPtrs(sm->MallocPtrList, 
-			 sm->OldMallocPtrList, 
-			 &(sm->OldMallocPtrList));
-    sm->MallocPtrList = NULL;   /* all (new) MallocPtrs have been promoted */
+    reportDeadForeignObjs(sm->ForeignObjList, 
+			  sm->OldForeignObjList, 
+			  &(sm->OldForeignObjList));
+    sm->ForeignObjList = NULL;   /* all (new) ForeignObjs have been promoted */
 #endif /* PAR */
     resident = appelInfo.oldlim - sm->OldLim;
@@ -501,7 +506,7 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
     if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) {
 	char minor_str[BIG_STRING_LEN];
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR) /* && !defined(CONCURRENT) */ /* HWL */
 	sprintf(minor_str, "%4lu %4ld %3ld %3ld  %4ld        Minor",
 	      (W_) (SUBTRACT_A_STK(MAIN_SpA, stackInfo.botA) + 1),
 	      bstk_roots, sm->rootno, caf_roots, mutable); /* oldnew_roots, old_words */
@@ -597,9 +602,9 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
     /* end of bracket */
 #ifndef PAR
-    sweepUpDeadMallocPtrs(sm->OldMallocPtrList, 
-			  appelInfo.oldbase, 
-			  appelInfo.bits 
+    sweepUpDeadForeignObjs(sm->OldForeignObjList, 
+			   appelInfo.oldbase, 
+			   appelInfo.bits 
 #endif /* !PAR */
@@ -609,16 +614,23 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
     LinkRoots( sm->roots, sm->rootno );
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    LinkEvents();
+#if defined(CONCURRENT)  /* && !defined(GRAN) */
 #ifdef PAR
     LinkLiveGAs(appelInfo.oldbase, appelInfo.bits);
+/*  stable pointers now included in sm->roots -- SOF
     DEBUG_STRING("Linking Stable Pointer Table:");
+#if 1 /* !defined(GRAN) */  /* HWL */
     LinkAStack( MAIN_SpA, stackInfo.botA );
     LinkBStack( MAIN_SuB, stackInfo.botB );
     /* Do Inplace Compaction */
@@ -630,7 +642,7 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
 #ifndef PAR
-					  ,&(sm->OldMallocPtrList)
+					  ,&(sm->OldForeignObjList)
 					  ) - 1;
@@ -667,7 +679,7 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
     if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) {
 	char major_str[BIG_STRING_LEN];
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR) /* && !defined(CONCURRENT) */  /* HWL */
 	sprintf(major_str, "%4lu %4ld %3ld %3ld  %4d %4d  *Major* %4.1f%%",
 		(W_) (SUBTRACT_A_STK(MAIN_SpA, stackInfo.botA) + 1),
 		bstk_roots, sm->rootno, appelInfo.OldCAFno,
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 96c7c0e31b11..bf7818935e3b 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -51,9 +51,98 @@ I_ rootno;
+#if defined(GRAN)
+  eventq event = EventHd;
+# if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) )
+    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Linking Events ...\n");
+  DEBUG_STRING("Linking Events:");
+  while(event != NULL)
+    {
+      if(EVENT_TYPE(event) == RESUMETHREAD || 
+         EVENT_TYPE(event) == MOVETHREAD || 
+         EVENT_TYPE(event) == CONTINUETHREAD || 
+         EVENT_TYPE(event) == STARTTHREAD )
+        { LINK_LOCATION_TO_CLOSURE( &(EVENT_TSO(event)) ); }
+      else if(EVENT_TYPE(event) == MOVESPARK)
+      else if (EVENT_TYPE(event) == FETCHNODE ||
+               EVENT_TYPE(event) == FETCHREPLY )
+        {
+	  /* In the case of packet fetching, EVENT_NODE(event) points to */
+	  /* the packet (currently, malloced). The packet is just a list of */
+	  /* closure addresses, with the length of the list at index 1 (the */
+	  /* structure of the packet is defined in */
+	  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching && 
+	       (EVENT_TYPE(event)==FETCHREPLY)) {
+	    P_ buffer = (P_) EVENT_NODE(event);
+	    int size = (int) buffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN], i;
+	    for (i = PACK_HDR_SIZE; i <= size-1; i++) {
+	      LINK_LOCATION_TO_CLOSURE( (buffer+i) );
+	    }
+	  } else 
+	    { LINK_LOCATION_TO_CLOSURE( &(EVENT_NODE(event)) ); } 
+        } 
+      else if (EVENT_TYPE(event) == GLOBALBLOCK)
+	{
+	}
+      else if (EVENT_TYPE(event) == UNBLOCKTHREAD) 
+	{
+	}
+      event = EVENT_NEXT(event);
+    }
+#endif  /* GRAN */
+#if defined(CONCURRENT) 
+# if defined(GRAN)
+  sparkq spark;
+  PROC proc;
+  I_ pool, total_sparks=0;
+# if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) )
+    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Linking Sparks ...\n");
+  DEBUG_STRING("Linking Sparks:");
+  for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+    for(pool = 0; pool < SPARK_POOLS; ++pool) {
+      for(spark = PendingSparksHd[proc][pool]; 
+	  spark != NULL; 
+	  spark = SPARK_NEXT(spark))
+        {
+        } /* forall spark ... */
+      }  /* forall pool ... */
+   }    /*forall proc .. */
+# else /* ! GRAN */
@@ -68,7 +157,8 @@ LinkSparks(STG_NO_ARGS)
+#endif   /* GRAN */
+#endif   /* CONCURRENT */
@@ -140,7 +230,7 @@ LinkLiveGAs(P_ base, BitWord *bits)
@@ -148,6 +238,7 @@ Note: no \tr{Link[AB]Stack} for ``parallel'' systems, because they
 don't have a single main stack.
+#if !defined(PAR) /* && !defined(GRAN) */  /* HWL */
 LinkAStack(stackA, botA)
@@ -169,7 +260,8 @@ PP_ botA;
 ToDo (Patrick?): Dont explicitly mark & compact unmarked Bstack frames
-#if ! defined(PAR)
+#if !defined(PAR) /* && !defined(CONCURRENT) */ /* HWL */
 LinkBStack(stackB, botB)
 P_ stackB;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMcompacting.lh b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMcompacting.lh
index fdb5b55c3000..602740c4e751 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMcompacting.lh
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMcompacting.lh
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ void LinkBStack PROTO((P_ stackB, P_ botB));
 I_ CountCAFs	PROTO((P_ CAFlist));
 void LinkCAFs	PROTO((P_ CAFlist));
+#ifdef GRAN
+void LinkEvents(STG_NO_ARGS);
 void LinkSparks(STG_NO_ARGS);
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 736663ab2ece..77fbd8b135f9 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -80,8 +80,110 @@ EvacuateRoots(P_ roots[], I_ rootno)
+Evacuating events is necessary in GRAN since some TSOs and closures are only
+pointed at by events we have to schedule later on.
+#if defined(GRAN)
+  eventq event = EventHd;
+# if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) )
+    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Evacuating Events ...\n");
+  DEBUG_STRING("Evacuate Events:");
+  while(event != NULL)
+    {
+      if(EVENT_TYPE(event) == RESUMETHREAD || 
+         EVENT_TYPE(event) == MOVETHREAD || 
+         EVENT_TYPE(event) == CONTINUETHREAD || 
+         EVENT_TYPE(event) == STARTTHREAD )
+      else if(EVENT_TYPE(event) == MOVESPARK)
+      else if (EVENT_TYPE(event) == FETCHNODE ||
+               EVENT_TYPE(event) == FETCHREPLY )
+        {
+	  /* In the case of packet fetching, EVENT_NODE(event) points to */
+	  /* the packet (currently, malloced). The packet is just a list of */
+	  /* closure addresses, with the length of the list at index 1 (the */
+	  /* structure of the packet is defined in */
+	  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching && 
+	       (EVENT_TYPE(event)==FETCHREPLY)) {
+	    P_ buffer = (P_) EVENT_NODE(event);
+	    int size = (int) buffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN], i;
+	    for (i = PACK_HDR_SIZE; i <= size-1; i++) {
+              MAYBE_EVACUATE_CLOSURE( (P_)buffer[i] );
+	    }
+	  } else 
+        } 
+      else if (EVENT_TYPE(event) == GLOBALBLOCK)
+	{
+	}
+      else if (EVENT_TYPE(event) == UNBLOCKTHREAD) 
+	{
+	}
+      event = EVENT_NEXT(event);
+    }
+#endif  /* GRAN */
+#if defined(CONCURRENT) 
+# if defined(GRAN)
+  sparkq spark;
+  PROC proc;
+  I_ pool, total_sparks=0;
+  /* Sparks have been pruned already at this point */
+# if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+  if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) )
+    fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Evacuating Sparks ...\n");
+# endif
+  DEBUG_STRING("Evacuate Sparks (GRAN):");
+  for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+    for(pool = 0; pool < SPARK_POOLS; ++pool) {
+      for(spark = PendingSparksHd[proc][pool]; 
+	  spark != NULL; 
+	  spark = SPARK_NEXT(spark))
+        {
+# if defined(GRAN) && defined(GRAN_CHECK)
+          if ( RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats && 
+	       (RTSflags.GranFlags.debug & 0x40) &&
+	       !SHOULD_SPARK(SPARK_NODE(spark)) )
+             fprintf(RTSflags.GcFlags.statsFile,"Qagh {EvacuateSparks}Daq: spark @ 0x%x with node 0x%x shouldn't spark!\n",
+                     spark,SPARK_NODE(spark));
+# endif
+        }  /* forall spark ... */
+    }     /* forall pool ... */
+  }      /* forall proc ... */
+# else  /* !GRAN */
@@ -97,14 +199,15 @@ EvacuateSparks(STG_NO_ARGS)
+# endif
+#endif  /* CONCURRENT */
 Note: no \tr{evacuate[AB]Stack} for ``parallel'' systems, because they
 don't have a single main stack.
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR) /* && !defined(GRAN) */  /* HWL */
 EvacuateAStack(PP_ stackA, PP_ botA /* botA points to bottom-most word */)
@@ -132,7 +235,7 @@ EVACUATED_INFOPTR)
 Otherwise closure is live update reference to to-space address
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR)  /* && !defined(GRAN) */  /* HWL */
 EvacuateBStack( stackB, botB, roots )
   P_ stackB;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMcopying.lh b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMcopying.lh
index 9587f7286b19..26d801b6056d 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMcopying.lh
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMcopying.lh
@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ void EvacuateAStack	PROTO(( PP_ stackA, PP_ botA ));
 void EvacuateBStack	PROTO(( P_ stackB, P_ botB, I_ *roots ));
 void Scavenge (STG_NO_ARGS);
+#ifdef GRAN
+void EvacuateEvents(STG_NO_ARGS);
 void EvacuateSparks(STG_NO_ARGS);
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 3dbbd3946ae1..151d4473596f 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
 	/* end of bracket */
 #ifndef PAR
-	sweepUpDeadMallocPtrs(sm->MallocPtrList, 
-			      dualmodeInfo.modeinfo[COMPACTING].base,
-			      dualmodeInfo.bits);
+	sweepUpDeadForeignObjs(sm->ForeignObjList, 
+			       dualmodeInfo.modeinfo[COMPACTING].base,
+			       dualmodeInfo.bits);
@@ -170,10 +170,14 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
 #ifdef PAR
 	LinkLiveGAs(dualmodeInfo.modeinfo[COMPACTING].base, dualmodeInfo.bits);
+/* stable pointers are now accessed via sm->roots
         DEBUG_STRING("Linking Stable Pointer Table:");
+#if 1 /* !defined(GRAN) */ /* HWL */
 	LinkAStack( MAIN_SpA, stackInfo.botA );
 	LinkBStack( MAIN_SuB, stackInfo.botB );
 	/* Do Inplace Compaction */
@@ -185,7 +189,7 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
 #ifndef PAR
-				    ,&(sm->MallocPtrList)
+				    ,&(sm->ForeignObjList)
 				    ) - 1;
@@ -203,13 +207,13 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
 #ifdef PAR
-	evacSPTable( sm );
+	/* evacSPTable( sm ); stable pointers now reachable via sm->roots */
 #endif /* PAR */
 	EvacuateRoots( sm->roots, sm->rootno );
+#if defined(CONCURRENT) && !defined(GRAN)
-#ifndef PAR
+#if !defined(PAR) /* && !defined(GRAN) */ /* HWL */
 	EvacuateAStack( MAIN_SpA, stackInfo.botA );
 	EvacuateBStack( MAIN_SuB, stackInfo.botB, &bstk_roots );
 #endif /* !PAR */
@@ -219,7 +223,7 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm, do_full_collection)
 #ifdef PAR
-	reportDeadMallocPtrs(sm->MallocPtrList, NULL, &(sm->MallocPtrList) );
+	reportDeadForeignObjs(sm->ForeignObjList, NULL, &(sm->ForeignObjList) );
 #endif /* PAR */
 	sm->hp = hp_start = ToHp;  /* Last allocated word */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 6cf5e80c142a..dce5642f9585 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -272,10 +272,10 @@ extern P_ _Evacuate_Old_to_New();
    closure.  This is normally fine since, if we want the data, we'll
    have made a copy of it.  
-   But, Malloc Pointer closures are special: we have to make sure that
+   But, Foreign Object closures are special: we have to make sure that
    we don't damage either the linked list (which will include both
-   copied and uncopied Malloc ptrs) or the data (which we must report
-   to the outside world).  Malloc Ptr closures are carefully designed
+   copied and uncopied Foreign objs) or the data (which we must report
+   to the outside world).  Foreign Objects closures are carefully designed
    to have a little extra space in them that can be safely
    overwritten. [ADR] 
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ turns you on.
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
 #define SPEC_RBH_EVAC_FN(n)					\
 EVAC_FN(CAT2(RBH_,n)) 						\
@@ -555,31 +555,36 @@ SPEC_RBH_EVAC_FN(12)
 #ifndef PAR
-    I_ size = MallocPtr_SIZE;
+    I_ size = ForeignObj_SIZE;
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_MALLOCPTRS) {
-      printf("DEBUG: Evacuating MallocPtr(%x)=<%x,_,%x,%x>", evac, evac[0], evac[2], evac[3]);
-      printf(" Data = %x, Next = %x\n", 
-	     MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(evac), MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(evac) );
+    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) {
+      printf("DEBUG: Evacuating ForeignObj(%x)=<%x,_,%x,%x>", evac, evac[0], evac[2], evac[3]);
+      printf(" Data = %x, Finaliser= %x, Next = %x\n", 
+	     ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(evac), 
+	     ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(evac), 
+	     ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(evac) );
-    MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(ToHp) = MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(evac);
-    MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(ToHp) = MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(evac);
+    ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(ToHp)      = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(evac);
+    ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(ToHp) = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(evac);
+    ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(ToHp)      = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(evac);
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_MALLOCPTRS) {
-      printf("DEBUG: Evacuated  MallocPtr(%x)=<%x,_,%x,%x>", ToHp, ToHp[0], ToHp[2], ToHp[3]);
-      printf(" Data = %x, Next = %x\n", 
-	     MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(ToHp), MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(ToHp) );
+    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) {
+      printf("DEBUG: Evacuated  ForeignObj(%x)=<%x,_,%x,%x>", ToHp, ToHp[0], ToHp[2], ToHp[3]);
+      printf(" Data = %x, Finaliser = %x, Next = %x\n", 
+	     ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(ToHp), 
+	     ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(ToHp), 
+	     ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(ToHp));
@@ -617,7 +622,7 @@ as the underlying @GEN@ closure.
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
     I_ count = GEN_RBH_HS - 1;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 48e024d33fcd..67020a8dbf55 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 This is a collection of C functions use in implementing the stable
-pointer and malloc pointer extensions. 
+pointer and foreign object extensions. 
 The motivation for making this a separate file/section is twofold:
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ TrashMem(from, to)
-#ifndef PAR  	/* To end of the file */
+#if !defined(PAR)  	/* To end of the file */
@@ -88,55 +88,54 @@ EXTDATA(EmptySPTable_closure);
 void initExtensions( sm )
   smInfo *sm;
-  sm->MallocPtrList = NULL;
+  sm->ForeignObjList = NULL;
 #if defined(GCap) || defined(GCgn)
-  sm->OldMallocPtrList = NULL;
+  sm->OldForeignObjList = NULL;
   sm->StablePointerTable = (P_) EmptySPTable_closure;
-extern void FreeMallocPtr PROTO(( StgMallocPtr mp ));
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-When a Malloc Pointer is released, there should be absolutely no
+When a Foreign Object is released, there should be absolutely no
 references to it.  To encourage and dangling references to show
 themselves, we'll trash its contents when we're done with it.
-#define TRASH_MallocPtr_CLOSURE( mptr ) Trash_MallocPtr_Closure(mptr)
+#define TRASH_ForeignObj_CLOSURE( mptr ) Trash_ForeignObj_Closure(mptr)
   P_ mptr;
     int i;
-    for( i = 0; i < MallocPtr_SIZE + _FHS; i++ ) {
+    for( i = 0; i < ForeignObj_SIZE + _FHS; i++ ) {
       mptr[ i ] = DEALLOCATED_TRASH;
-Also, every time we fiddle with the MallocPtr list, we should check it
+Also, every time we fiddle with the ForeignObj list, we should check it
 still makes sense.  This function returns @0@ if the list is sensible.
-(Would maintaining a separate Malloc Ptr count allow better testing?)
+(Would maintaining a separate Foreign Obj count allow better testing?)
-Validate_MallocPtrList( MallocPtrList )
-  P_ MallocPtrList;
+Validate_ForeignObjList( ForeignObjList )
+  P_ ForeignObjList;
-  P_ MPptr;
+  P_ FOptr;
-  for(MPptr = MallocPtrList; 
-      MPptr != NULL;
-      MPptr = MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(MPptr) ) {
-    CHECK_MallocPtr_CLOSURE(MPptr);
+  for(FOptr = ForeignObjList; 
+      FOptr != NULL;
+      FOptr = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr) ) {
+    CHECK_ForeignObj_CLOSURE(FOptr);
@@ -144,7 +143,7 @@ Validate_MallocPtrList( MallocPtrList )
 #else /* !DEBUG */
-#define TRASH_MallocPtr_CLOSURE( mp ) /* nothing */
+#define TRASH_ForeignObj_CLOSURE( mp ) /* nothing */
 #endif /* !DEBUG */  
@@ -152,53 +151,55 @@ Validate_MallocPtrList( MallocPtrList )
 #ifdef DEBUG
-#define TRACE_MallocPtr(MPptr) Trace_MallocPtr( MPptr )
-#define TRACE_MPdies(MPptr) Trace_MPdies()
-#define TRACE_MPlives(MPptr) Trace_MPlives()
-#define TRACE_MPforwarded(MPptr, newAddress) Trace_MPforwarded( MPptr, newAddress )
+#define TRACE_ForeignObj(FOptr) Trace_ForeignObj( FOptr )
+#define TRACE_FOdies(FOptr) Trace_FOdies()
+#define TRACE_FOlives(FOptr) Trace_FOlives()
+#define TRACE_FOforwarded(FOptr, newAddress) Trace_FOforwarded( FOptr, newAddress )
-Trace_MallocPtr( MPptr )
-  P_ MPptr;
+Trace_ForeignObj( FOptr )
+  P_ FOptr;
-  if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_MALLOCPTRS) {
-    printf("DEBUG: MallocPtr(%lx)=<%lx,_,%lx,%lx,%lx>\n", (W_) MPptr, (W_) MPptr[0], (W_) MPptr[1], (W_) MPptr[2], (W_) MPptr[3]);
-    printf(" Data = %lx, Next = %lx\n", 
-	(W_) MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(MPptr), (W_) MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(MPptr) );
+  if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) {
+    printf("DEBUG: ForeignObj(%lx)=<%lx,_,%lx,%lx,%lx>\n", (W_) FOptr, (W_) FOptr[0], (W_) FOptr[1], (W_) FOptr[2], (W_) FOptr[3]);
+    printf(" Data = %lx, Finaliser = %lx, Next = %lx\n", 
+	(W_) ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(FOptr), 
+	(W_) ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(FOptr), 
+	(W_) ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr) );
-  if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_MALLOCPTRS) {
+  if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) {
     printf(" dying\n");
-  if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_MALLOCPTRS) { 
+  if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) { 
     printf(" lived to tell the tale\n"); 
-Trace_MPforwarded( MPPtr, newAddress )
-  P_ MPPtr, newAddress;
+Trace_FOforwarded( FOPtr, newAddress )
+  P_ FOPtr, newAddress;
-  if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_MALLOCPTRS) {
+  if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) {
     printf(" forwarded to %lx\n", (W_) newAddress);
-#define TRACE_MallocPtr(MPptr) /* nothing */
-#define TRACE_MPdies(MPptr) /* nothing */
-#define TRACE_MPlives(MPptr) /* nothing */
-#define TRACE_MPforwarded(MPptr, newAddress) /* nothing */
+#define TRACE_ForeignObj(FOptr) /* nothing */
+#define TRACE_FOdies(FOptr) /* nothing */
+#define TRACE_FOlives(FOptr) /* nothing */
+#define TRACE_FOforwarded(FOptr, newAddress) /* nothing */
 #endif /* DEBUG */
@@ -210,51 +211,51 @@ Trace_MPforwarded( MPPtr, newAddress )
 #if defined(_INFO_COMPACTING)
-/* Sweep up the dead MallocPtrs */
+/* Sweep up the dead ForeignObjs */
 /* Note that this has to happen before the linking phase trashes
-   the stable pointer table so that the FreeMallocPtr function can
+   the stable pointer table so that the finaliser functions can
    safely call freeStablePointer. 
-sweepUpDeadMallocPtrs( MallocPtrList, base, bits )
-  P_ MallocPtrList;
+sweepUpDeadForeignObjs( ForeignObjList, base, bits )
+  P_ ForeignObjList;
   P_ base;
   BitWord *bits;
-    P_ MPptr, temp;
-    I_ MallocPtr_deaths = 0;
+    P_ FOptr, temp;
+    I_ ForeignObj_deaths = 0;
     long _hp_word, bit_index, bit;
-    /* At this point, the MallocPtrList is in an invalid state (since
+    /* At this point, the ForeignObjList is in an invalid state (since
        some info ptrs will have been mangled) so we can't validate
        it. ADR */
-    DEBUG_STRING("Reporting Dead Malloc Ptrs:");
-    MPptr = MallocPtrList;
-    while ( MPptr != NULL ) {
+    DEBUG_STRING("Reporting Dead Foreign objects:");
+    FOptr = ForeignObjList;
+    while ( FOptr != NULL ) {
-      TRACE_MallocPtr(MPptr);
+      TRACE_ForeignObj(FOptr);
-      _hp_word = MPptr - base;
+      _hp_word = FOptr - base;
       bit_index = _hp_word / BITS_IN(BitWord);
       bit = 1L << (_hp_word & (BITS_IN(BitWord) - 1));
       if ( !( bits[bit_index] & bit ) ) { /* dead */
-	TRACE_MPdies( MPptr );
-	FreeMallocPtr( MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(MPptr) );
-	MallocPtr_deaths++;
+	TRACE_FOdies( FOptr );
+	(*(void (*)(StgAddr))((StgAddr)ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(FOptr)))((StgAddr)ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(FOptr));
+	ForeignObj_deaths++;
-	temp = MPptr;
-	MPptr = MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(MPptr);
+	temp = FOptr;
+	FOptr = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr);
 	/* Now trash the closure to encourage bugs to show themselves */
-	TRASH_MallocPtr_CLOSURE( temp );
+	TRASH_ForeignObj_CLOSURE( temp );
       } else { 
-	TRACE_MPlives(MPptr);
-	MPptr = MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(MPptr);
+	TRACE_FOlives(FOptr);
+	FOptr = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr);
@@ -284,7 +285,7 @@ smInfo *sm;
-/* First attempt at Malloc Ptr hackery... Later versions might 
+/* First attempt at Foreign Obj hackery... Later versions might 
    do something useful with the two counters. [ADR]      */
 #if defined(DEBUG)
@@ -302,61 +303,61 @@ EXTDATA_RO(Forward_Ref_info);
-  Call FreeMallocPtr on any dead MPs in oldMPList, add the remainder
-  to new sticking the result into newMPList.
+  Call ForeignObj finalising routine on any dead FOs in oldFOList,
+  add the remainder to new sticking the result into newFOList.
-reportDeadMallocPtrs(oldMPList, new, newMPList)
-  P_ oldMPList;
+reportDeadForeignObjs(oldFOList, new, newFOList)
+  P_ oldFOList;
   P_ new;
-  P_ *newMPList;
+  P_ *newFOList;
-    P_ MPptr, temp;
-    I_ MP_no = 0, MP_deaths = 0;
+    P_ FOptr, temp;
+    I_ FO_no = 0, FO_deaths = 0;
-    /* At this point, the MallocPtrList is in an invalid state (since
+    /* At this point, the ForeignObjList is in an invalid state (since
        some info ptrs will have been mangled) so we can't validate
        it. ADR */
-    DEBUG_STRING("Updating MallocPtr List and reporting casualties:");
-    MPptr = oldMPList;
-    while ( MPptr != NULL ) {
-      TRACE_MallocPtr(MPptr);
+    DEBUG_STRING("Updating Foreign Objects List and reporting casualties:");
+    FOptr = oldFOList;
+    while ( FOptr != NULL ) {
+      TRACE_ForeignObj(FOptr);
-      if ((P_) INFO_PTR(MPptr) == MallocPtr_info ) {
+      if ((P_) INFO_PTR(FOptr) == ForeignObj_info ) {
 	/* can't have been forwarded - must be dead */
-	TRACE_MPdies(MPptr);
-	FreeMallocPtr( MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(MPptr) );
-	MP_deaths++;
+	TRACE_FOdies(FOptr);
+	(*(void (*)(StgAddr))(ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(FOptr)))((StgAddr)ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(FOptr));
+	FO_deaths++;
-	temp = MPptr;
-	MPptr = MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(MPptr);
+	temp  = FOptr;
+	FOptr = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr);
 	/* Now trash the closure to encourage bugs to show themselves */
-	TRASH_MallocPtr_CLOSURE( temp );
+	TRASH_ForeignObj_CLOSURE( temp );
       } else { /* Must have been forwarded - so it must be live */
-	P_ newAddress = (P_) FORWARD_ADDRESS(MPptr);
+	P_ newAddress = (P_) FORWARD_ADDRESS(FOptr);
 #if defined(GCgn)
-	ASSERT( ( (P_) INFO_PTR(MPptr) == Forward_Ref_New_info ) ||
-		( (P_) INFO_PTR(MPptr) == Forward_Ref_Old_info ) ||
-		( (P_) INFO_PTR(MPptr) == OldRoot_Forward_Ref_info ) );
+	ASSERT( ( (P_) INFO_PTR(FOptr) == Forward_Ref_New_info ) ||
+		( (P_) INFO_PTR(FOptr) == Forward_Ref_Old_info ) ||
+		( (P_) INFO_PTR(FOptr) == OldRoot_Forward_Ref_info ) );
-	ASSERT( (P_) INFO_PTR(MPptr) == Forward_Ref_info );
+	ASSERT( (P_) INFO_PTR(FOptr) == Forward_Ref_info );
-	TRACE_MPforwarded( MPptr, newAddress );
-	MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(newAddress) = new;
+	TRACE_FOforwarded( FOptr, newAddress );
+	ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(newAddress) = new;
 	new = newAddress;
-	MP_no++;
-	MPptr = MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(MPptr);
+	FO_no++;
+	FOptr = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr);
-    VALIDATE_MallocPtrList( new );
-    *newMPList = new;
+    VALIDATE_ForeignObjList( new );
+    *newFOList = new;
 #endif /* _INFO_COPYING */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lh b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lh
index 4c096a0922cb..4bac2bca6232 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lh
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lh
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@ void initExtensions PROTO((smInfo *sm));
 # if defined(_INFO_COPYING)
 void evacSPTable PROTO((smInfo *sm));
-void reportDeadMallocPtrs PROTO((StgPtr oldMPList, StgPtr new, StgPtr *newMPLust));
+void reportDeadForeignObjs PROTO((StgPtr oldMPList, StgPtr new, StgPtr *newMPLust));
 # endif /* _INFO_COPYING */
 # if defined(_INFO_COMPACTING)
-void sweepUpDeadMallocPtrs PROTO((P_ MallocPtrList,
-				  P_ base,
-				  BitWord *bits
+void sweepUpDeadForeignObjs PROTO((P_ ForeignObjList,
+				   P_ base,
+				   BitWord *bits
 # endif /* _INFO_COMPACTING */
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ void TrashMem PROTO(( P_ from, P_ to ));
 # if defined(DEBUG)
-void Trash_MallocPtr_Closure PROTO((P_ mptr));
-void Validate_MallocPtrList PROTO(( P_ MallocPtrList ));
+void Trash_ForeignObj_Closure PROTO((P_ mptr));
+void Validate_ForeignObj PROTO(( P_ ForeignObjList ));
-void Trace_MPdies  PROTO((void));
-void Trace_MPlives PROTO((void));
-void Trace_MPforwarded PROTO(( P_ MPPtr, P_ newAddress ));
+void Trace_FOdies  PROTO((void));
+void Trace_FOlives PROTO((void));
+void Trace_FOforwarded PROTO(( P_ FOPtr, P_ newAddress ));
 # endif /* DEBUG */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index d53914909ad4..0556e1d49b70 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ collect2s(reqsize, sm)
 #ifdef PAR
-    evacSPTable( sm );
+    /* evacSPTable( sm ); stable pointers now reachable via sm->roots */
 #endif /* PAR */
     DEBUG_STRING("Evacuate Roots:");
@@ -281,7 +281,18 @@ collect2s(reqsize, sm)
 	sm->roots[root] = EVACUATE_CLOSURE(evac);
-#if !defined(PAR)
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    /* ToDo: Add evacuation of events and sparks here */
+    fprintf(stderr,"no' veQ boSwI' yeq {GranSim}\n");
+    fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, GranSim doesn't support generational GC yet\n");
+#if !defined(PAR) /* && !defined(CONCURRENT) */ /* HWL */
     DEBUG_STRING("Evacuate A Stack:");
     for (stackptr = MAIN_SpA;
@@ -331,7 +342,7 @@ collect2s(reqsize, sm)
 #ifdef PAR
-    reportDeadMallocPtrs( sm->MallocPtrList, NULL, &(sm->MallocPtrList) );
+    reportDeadForeignObjs( sm->ForeignObjList, NULL, &(sm->ForeignObjList) );
 #endif /* PAR */
@@ -467,6 +478,17 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm)
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    /* ToDo: Add evacuation of events and sparks here */
+    fprintf(stderr,"no' veQ boSwI' yeq {GranSim}\n");
+    fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, GranSim doesn't support generational GC yet\n");
 #if !defined(PAR)    
     DEBUG_STRING("Evacuate A Stack:");
     for (stackptr = MAIN_SpA, botA = stackInfo.botA;
@@ -526,7 +548,9 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm)
 #ifdef PAR
-    evacSPTable( sm );
+    /* evacSPTable( sm ); stable pointers now reachable via sm->roots 
+       (see above) 
+    */
 #endif /* PAR */
     while ((newscav <= ToHp) || (oldscav <= OldHp)) {
@@ -626,10 +650,10 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm)
 #ifdef PAR
-    reportDeadMallocPtrs(sm->MallocPtrList, 
-			 sm->OldMallocPtrList, 
-			 &(sm->OldMallocPtrList));
-    sm->MallocPtrList = NULL;   /* all (new) MallocPtrs have been promoted */
+    reportDeadForeignObjs(sm->ForeignObjList, 
+			 sm->OldForeignObjList, 
+			 &(sm->OldForeignObjList));
+    sm->ForeignObjList = NULL;   /* all (new) ForeignObjs have been promoted */
 #endif /* PAR */
     if (RTSflags.GcFlags.giveStats) {
@@ -720,7 +744,7 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm)
     /* end of bracket */
 #ifndef PAR
-    sweepUpDeadMallocPtrs(sm->OldMallocPtrList, 
+    sweepUpDeadForeignObjs(sm->OldForeignObjList, 
@@ -746,8 +770,10 @@ collectHeap(reqsize, sm)
 #ifdef PAR
     fall over here until we figure out how to link GAs
+/*  stable pointer root now included in sm->roots
     DEBUG_STRING("Linking Stable Pointer Table:");
     LINK_LOCATION_TO_CLOSURE(&sm->StablePointerTable, oldlim);
     DEBUG_STRING("Linking A Stack:");
     for (stackptr = MAIN_SpA;
 	 SUBTRACT_A_STK(stackptr, stackInfo.botA) >= 0;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMinternal.lh b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMinternal.lh
index ddbb20cf73f0..f21671ff10f5 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMinternal.lh
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMinternal.lh
@@ -330,6 +330,11 @@ EXTFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextCAF);
+#if defined(GRAN)
 #ifdef PAR
@@ -347,6 +352,11 @@ MAYBE_DECLARE_RTBL(,_PRMarking_MarkNextBStack,)
+#if defined(GRAN)
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMmark.lhc b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMmark.lhc
index 13b55c9f8e6e..72ea1d3f5c7c 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMmark.lhc
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMmark.lhc
@@ -194,6 +194,10 @@ First the necessary forward declarations.
 /* #define MARK_REG_MAP -- Must be done on command line for threaded code */
 #include "SMinternal.h"
 #include "SMmarkDefs.h"
+#if defined(GRAN)
+extern P_ ret_MRoot, ret_Mark;
 Define appropriate variables as potential register variables.
@@ -292,7 +296,7 @@ Start code for revertible black holes with underlying @SPEC@ types.
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
 #define SPEC_RBH_PRStart_N_CODE(ptrs) 		\
 STGFUN(CAT2(_PRStart_RBH_,ptrs))    	 	\
 {						\
@@ -389,7 +393,7 @@ SPEC_PRIn_N_CODE(12)
 In code for revertible black holes with underlying @SPEC@ types.
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
 #define SPEC_RBH_PRIn_N_CODE(ptrs)			\
 STGFUN(CAT2(_PRIn_RBH_,ptrs))  	    	 		\
 {							\
@@ -428,19 +432,19 @@ SPEC_RBH_PRIn_N_CODE(12)
-Malloc Ptrs are in the sequential world only.
+Foreign Objs are in the non-parallel world only.
 #ifndef PAR
     if (IS_MARK_BIT_SET(Mark)) {
     } else
-    INIT_MARK_NODE("MallocPtr ",0);
+    INIT_MARK_NODE("ForeignObj ",0);
@@ -500,7 +504,7 @@ And the start/in code for a revertible black hole with an underlying @GEN@ closu
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
@@ -950,7 +954,9 @@ closure.
     I_ val;
@@ -1380,10 +1386,17 @@ INTFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextSpark_entry)	{ FB_; JMP_(_Dummy_PRReturn_entry); FE_;
 #ifdef PAR
 INTFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextGA_entry)	{ FB_; JMP_(_Dummy_PRReturn_entry); FE_; }
+#  if 1 /* !defined(CONCURRENT) */ /* HWL */
 INTFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextAStack_entry)	{ FB_; JMP_(_Dummy_PRReturn_entry); FE_; }
 INTFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextBStack_entry)	{ FB_; JMP_(_Dummy_PRReturn_entry); FE_; }
+#  endif
 INTFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextCAF_entry)	{ FB_; JMP_(_Dummy_PRReturn_entry); FE_; }
+#if defined(GRAN)
+INTFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextEvent_entry)	{ FB_; JMP_(_Dummy_PRReturn_entry); FE_; }
+INTFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextClosureInFetchBuffer_entry)	{ FB_; JMP_(_Dummy_PRReturn_entry); FE_; }
 /* end of various ways to call _Dummy_PRReturn_entry */
@@ -1396,8 +1409,10 @@ EXTFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextSpark);
 #ifdef PAR
+#  if 1 /* !defined(CONCURRENT) */  /* HWL */
+#  endif
 #endif /* not parallel */
@@ -1415,12 +1430,24 @@ DUMMY_PRRETURN_CLOSURE(_PRMarking_MarkNextSpark_closure,
+#if defined(GRAN)
+		       _PRMarking_MarkNextEvent_info,
+		       _PRMarking_MarkNextEvent,
+		       _PRMarking_MarkNextEvent_entry);
+		       _PRMarking_MarkNextClosureInFetchBuffer_info,
+		       _PRMarking_MarkNextClosureInFetchBuffer,
+		       _PRMarking_MarkNextClosureInFetchBuffer_entry);
 #ifdef PAR
+#  if 1 /* !defined(CONCURRENT) */ /* HWL */
@@ -1430,7 +1457,7 @@ DUMMY_PRRETURN_CLOSURE(_PRMarking_MarkNextBStack_closure,
+#  endif
 #endif /* PAR */
@@ -1455,7 +1482,8 @@ STGFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextRoot)
+#if defined(CONCURRENT) 
+# if !defined(GRAN)
 extern P_ sm_roots_end;	/* PendingSparksTl[pool] */
@@ -1472,6 +1500,221 @@ STGFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextSpark)
+#else  /* GRAN */
+    /* This is more similar to MarkNextGA than to the MarkNextSpark in
+       concurrent-but-not-gran land 
+       NB: MRoot is a spark (with an embedded pointer to a closure) */
+    /* Update root -- may have short circuited Ind */
+    SPARK_NODE( ((sparkq) MRoot) ) = Mark;
+    MRoot = (P_) SPARK_NEXT( ((sparkq) MRoot) );
+    /* Is the next off the end */
+    if (MRoot == NULL)
+	RESUME_(miniInterpretEnd);
+    Mark = (P_) SPARK_NODE( ((sparkq) MRoot) );
+    FUNEND;
+#endif /* GRAN */
+#endif /* CONCURRENT */
+Note: Events are GranSim-only.
+Marking events is similar to marking GALA entries in parallel-land.
+The major difference is that depending on the type of the event we have 
+to mark different field of the event (possibly several fields).
+Even worse, in the case of bulk fetching
+(@RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching@) we find a buffer of pointers to
+closures we have to mark (similar to sparks in concurrent-but-not-gransim
+#if defined(GRAN)
+  rtsBool found = rtsFalse;
+  /* First update the right component of the old event */
+  switch (EVENT_TYPE( ((eventq) MRoot) )) {
+    case STARTTHREAD:
+    case MOVETHREAD:
+       EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = (P_) Mark;
+       break;
+    case MOVESPARK:
+       SPARK_NODE(EVENT_SPARK( ((eventq) MRoot) )) = (P_) Mark;
+       break;
+    case FETCHNODE:
+       switch (EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) )) {
+        case 0: 
+          EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = (P_) Mark;
+          EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 1;
+          Mark = (P_) EVENT_NODE( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+          JUMP_MARK;
+          break;
+        case 1: 
+          EVENT_NODE( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = (P_) Mark;
+       	  EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;             /* reset flag */
+          break;
+        default:
+          fprintf(stderr,"PRMarking_MarkNextEvent: Illegal gc_info field of FETCHNODE event @ %#x\n",
+                          ((eventq) MRoot) );
+          EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
+       }
+       break;
+    case FETCHREPLY:
+       switch (EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) )) {
+        case 0: 
+          EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = (P_) Mark;
+       	  EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 1;
+       	  /* In the case of packet fetching, EVENT_NODE(event) points to */
+       	  /* the packet (currently, malloced). The packet is just a list of */
+       	  /* closure addresses, with the length of the list at index 1 (the */
+       	  /* structure of the packet is defined in */
+       	  if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching ) {
+       	    P_ buffer = (P_) EVENT_NODE( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+       	    int size = (int) buffer[PACK_SIZE_LOCN];
+       	    /* was: for (i = PACK_HDR_SIZE; i <= size-1; i++) ... */
+       	    sm_roots_end = buffer + PACK_HDR_SIZE + size;
+	    MRoot = (P_) buffer + PACK_HDR_SIZE;
+       	    ret_MRoot = MRoot;
+       	    Mark = (P_) *MRoot;
+       	    ret_Mark = Mark;
+       	    MStack = (P_) _PRMarking_MarkNextClosureInFetchBuffer_closure;
+       	    JUMP_MARK;
+       	  } else {
+       	    Mark = (P_) EVENT_NODE( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+       	    JUMP_MARK;
+       	  }
+       	  break;
+        case 1: 
+          if ( RTSflags.GranFlags.DoGUMMFetching ) {
+            /* no update necessary; fetch buffers are malloced */
+          } else {
+            EVENT_NODE( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = (P_) Mark;
+          }
+       	  EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;             /* reset flag */
+          break;
+        default:
+          fprintf(stderr,"PRMarking_MarkNextEvent: Illegal gc_info field of FETCHREPLY event @ %#x\n",
+                          ((eventq) MRoot) );
+          EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
+       }
+       break;
+    case GLOBALBLOCK:
+       switch (EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) )) {
+        case 0: 
+          EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = (P_) Mark;
+       	  EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 1;
+       	  Mark = (P_) EVENT_NODE( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+       	  JUMP_MARK;
+       	  break;
+          break;
+        case 1: 
+          EVENT_NODE( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = (P_) Mark;
+       	  EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;             /* reset flag */
+          break;
+        default:
+          fprintf(stderr,"PRMarking_MarkNextEvent: Illegal gc_info field of GLOBALBLOCK event @ %#x\n",
+                          ((eventq) MRoot) );
+          EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
+       }
+       break;
+       EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = (P_) Mark;
+       break;
+    case FINDWORK:
+       break;
+    default:
+       fprintf(stderr,"PRMarking_MarkNextEvent: Illegal gc_info field of FETCHNODE event @ %#x\n",
+                       ((eventq) MRoot) );
+  }
+  do { 
+      MRoot = (P_) EVENT_NEXT( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+      /* Is the next off the end */
+      if (MRoot == NULL)
+	    RESUME_(miniInterpretEnd);
+      switch (EVENT_TYPE( ((eventq) MRoot) )) {
+  	case MOVETHREAD:
+  	   EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;
+  	   Mark = (P_) EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+  	   found = rtsTrue;
+  	   break;
+  	case MOVESPARK:
+  	   EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;
+  	   Mark = (P_) SPARK_NODE(EVENT_SPARK( ((eventq) MRoot) ));
+  	   found = rtsTrue;
+  	   break;
+  	case FETCHNODE:
+  	   EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;
+  	   Mark = (P_) EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+  	   found = rtsTrue;
+  	   break;
+  	case FETCHREPLY:
+  	   EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;
+  	   Mark = (P_) EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+  	   found = rtsTrue;
+  	   break;
+  	 case GLOBALBLOCK:
+  	   EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;
+  	   Mark = (P_) EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+  	   found = rtsTrue;
+  	   break;
+  	   Mark = (P_) EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+  	   found = rtsTrue;
+  	   break;
+  	case FINDWORK:
+  	   found = rtsFalse;
+  	   break;
+  	default:
+  	   fprintf(stderr,"Unknown event type %d (event @ %#x) in SMmarking_NextEvent\n",
+  			  EVENT_TYPE( ((eventq) MRoot) ), MRoot);
+  	} 
+    } while (!found && MRoot!=NULL);
+    FUNEND;
+    /* Update root -- may have short circuited Ind */
+    *MRoot = Mark;
+    /* Is the next off the end */
+    if (++MRoot >= sm_roots_end) {
+      /* We know that marking a fetch buffer is only called from within 
+         marking a FETCHREPLY event; we have saved the important
+         registers before that  */
+      MRoot = ret_MRoot;
+      Mark = ret_Mark;
+      MStack = (P_) _PRMarking_MarkNextEvent_closure;	
+      JUMP_MARK;
+    }
+    Mark = *MRoot;
+    FUNEND;
 #ifdef PAR
@@ -1495,7 +1738,7 @@ STGFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextGA)
+#if 1 /* !defined(CONCURRENT) */ /* HWL */
@@ -1528,6 +1771,7 @@ STGFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextBStack)
+#endif	/* !CONCURRENT */
 #endif	/* PAR */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 592cd3573f2c..d1eb76e4c8ad 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -36,17 +36,29 @@ EXTFUN(_PRMarking_MarkNextSpark);
+#if defined(GRAN)
 #ifdef PAR
+# if 1 /* !defined(GRAN) */ /* HWL */
+# endif
 #endif /* not parallel */
 P_ sm_roots_end;
+#if defined(GRAN)
+P_ ret_MRoot, ret_Mark;
 markHeapRoots(sm, cafs1, cafs2, base, lim, bit_array)
@@ -59,6 +71,12 @@ markHeapRoots(sm, cafs1, cafs2, base, lim, bit_array)
     int pool;
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    PROC proc;
+    eventq event;
+    sparkq spark;
+    rtsBool found = rtsFalse;
     BitArray = bit_array;
     HeapBase = base;
@@ -74,7 +92,85 @@ markHeapRoots(sm, cafs1, cafs2, base, lim, bit_array)
+#if defined(GRAN)
+    DEBUG_STRING("Marking Events (GRAN): ");
+    MRoot = (P_) EventHd;
+    found = rtsFalse;
+    do { 
+      if (MRoot != NULL) {
+    	/* inlined version of MarkNextEvent */
+    	switch (EVENT_TYPE( ((eventq) MRoot) )) {
+  	  case STARTTHREAD:
+  	  case RESUMETHREAD:
+  	  case MOVETHREAD:
+  	     EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;
+  	     Mark = (P_) EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+	     MStack = (P_) _PRMarking_MarkNextEvent_closure;
+	     miniInterpret((StgFunPtr)_startMarkWorld);
+    	     found = rtsTrue;
+  	     break;
+  	  case MOVESPARK:
+  	     EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;
+  	     Mark = (P_) SPARK_NODE(EVENT_SPARK( ((eventq) MRoot) ));
+	     MStack = (P_) _PRMarking_MarkNextEvent_closure;
+	     miniInterpret((StgFunPtr)_startMarkWorld);
+    	     found = rtsTrue;
+  	     break;
+  	  case FETCHNODE:
+  	     EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;
+  	     Mark = (P_) EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+	     MStack = (P_) _PRMarking_MarkNextEvent_closure;
+	     miniInterpret((StgFunPtr)_startMarkWorld);
+    	     found = rtsTrue;
+  	     break;
+  	  case FETCHREPLY:
+  	     EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;
+  	     Mark = (P_) EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+	     MStack = (P_) _PRMarking_MarkNextEvent_closure;
+	     miniInterpret((StgFunPtr)_startMarkWorld);
+    	     found = rtsTrue;
+  	     break;
+  	   case GLOBALBLOCK:
+  	     EVENT_GC_INFO( ((eventq) MRoot) ) = 0;
+  	     Mark = (P_) EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+	     MStack = (P_) _PRMarking_MarkNextEvent_closure;
+	     miniInterpret((StgFunPtr)_startMarkWorld);
+    	     found = rtsTrue;
+  	     break;
+  	     Mark = (P_) EVENT_TSO( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+	     MStack = (P_) _PRMarking_MarkNextEvent_closure;
+	     miniInterpret((StgFunPtr)_startMarkWorld);
+    	     found = rtsTrue;
+  	     break;
+    	  case FINDWORK:
+	     MRoot = (P_) EVENT_NEXT( ((eventq) MRoot) );
+    	     found = rtsFalse;
+  	     break;
+  	  default:
+  	     fprintf(stderr,"Unknown event type %d (event @ %#x) in SMmarking_NextEvent\n",
+  			      EVENT_TYPE( ((eventq) MRoot) ), MRoot);
+  	       EXIT(EXIT_FAILURE);
+        }
+      }
+    } while (!found && MRoot != NULL);
+    DEBUG_STRING("Marking Sparks (GRAN):");
+    /* ToDo: Check this code */
+    for(proc = 0; proc < RTSflags.GranFlags.proc; ++proc) {
+      for(pool = 0; pool < SPARK_POOLS; pool++) {
+	 MRoot = (P_) PendingSparksHd[proc][pool];
+         if (MRoot != NULL) {
+	   Mark = (P_) SPARK_NODE( ((sparkq) MRoot) );
+	   MStack = (P_) _PRMarking_MarkNextSpark_closure;
+	   miniInterpret((StgFunPtr)_startMarkWorld);
+	 }
+      }    /* forall pool ..   */
+    }     /* forall proc ...  */
+#endif /* GRAN */
+#if defined(CONCURRENT) && !defined(GRAN)
     for(pool = 0; pool < SPARK_POOLS; pool++) {
 	if (PendingSparksHd[pool] < PendingSparksTl[pool]) {
 	    sm_roots_end = (P_) PendingSparksTl[pool];
@@ -99,7 +195,7 @@ markHeapRoots(sm, cafs1, cafs2, base, lim, bit_array)
 	miniInterpret((StgFunPtr) _startMarkWorld);
-# ifndef CONCURRENT
+# if 1  /* !defined(GRAN) */  /* HWL */
     /* Note: no *external* stacks in parallel/concurrent world */
     DEBUG_STRING("Marking A Stack:");
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 35534bb41d75..5c6b489982a0 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ are placed in the info tables of the appropriate closures.
 RegisterTable ScanRegTable;
 #ifndef PAR
-/* As we perform compaction, those CHP's which are still alive get
+/* As we perform compaction, those ForeignObjs which are still alive get
    added to this list. [ADR] */
-StgPtr NewMallocPtrList;
+StgPtr NewForeignObjList;
 #endif /* !PAR */
 Inplace_Compaction(base, lim, scanbase, scanlim, bit_array, bit_array_words
 #ifndef PAR
-, MallocPtrList
+, ForeignObjList
     P_  base;
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Inplace_Compaction(base, lim, scanbase, scanlim, bit_array, bit_array_words
     BitWord *bit_array;
     I_  bit_array_words;
 #ifndef PAR
-    StgPtr *MallocPtrList;
+    StgPtr *ForeignObjList;
     BitWord *bit_array_ptr, *bit_array_end;
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ Inplace_Compaction(base, lim, scanbase, scanlim, bit_array, bit_array_words
     New = base; /* used to unwind */
 #ifndef PAR
-    NewMallocPtrList = NULL; /* initialise new MallocPtrList */
-             /* As we move MallocPtrs over, we'll add them to this list. */
+    NewForeignObjList = NULL; /* initialise new ForeignObjList */
+             /* As we move ForeignObjs over, we'll add them to this list. */
 #endif /* !PAR */
     while (bit_array_ptr < bit_array_end) {
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Inplace_Compaction(base, lim, scanbase, scanlim, bit_array, bit_array_words
 		Scan += size;  /* skip size bits */ 
-		if (size >= BITS_IN(BitWord)) break;
+		if ((W_) size >= BITS_IN(BitWord)) break;
 		    /* NOTA BENE: if size >= # bits in BitWord, then the result
 			of this operation is undefined!  Hence the need for
 			this break! */
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Inplace_Compaction(base, lim, scanbase, scanlim, bit_array, bit_array_words
 		New  += size;  /* set New address of next closure */
 		Scan += size;  /* skip size bits */  
-		if (size >= BITS_IN(BitWord)) break;
+		if ((W_) size >= BITS_IN(BitWord)) break;
 		    /* NOTA BENE: if size >= # bits in BitWord, then the result
 			of this operation is undefined!  Hence the need for
 			this break! */
@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@ Inplace_Compaction(base, lim, scanbase, scanlim, bit_array, bit_array_words
 #ifdef PAR
-    VALIDATE_MallocPtrList( NewMallocPtrList );
-    *MallocPtrList = NewMallocPtrList;
+    VALIDATE_ForeignObjList( NewForeignObjList );
+    *ForeignObjList = NewForeignObjList;
 #endif /* PAR */
@@ -310,15 +310,16 @@ LinkLim -- The limit of the heap requiring to be linked & moved
 #define SPEC_SLIDE_WORD(n)      SLIDE_WORD((SPEC_HS-1) + (n))
 #ifndef PAR
-/* Don't slide the MallocPtr list link - instead link moved object into
-   @NewMallocPtrList@ */
+/* Don't slide the ForeignObj list link - instead link moved object into
+   @NewForeignObjList@ */
-#define MallocPtr_SLIDE_DATA \
-        MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(New) = MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(Scan)
-#define MallocPtr_RELINK				\
-{							\
-	MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(New) = NewMallocPtrList;	\
-        NewMallocPtrList = New;	                        \
+#define ForeignObj_SLIDE_DATA \
+        ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(New) = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(Scan); \
+        ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(New) = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(Scan)
+#define ForeignObj_RELINK				  \
+{							  \
+	ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(New) = NewForeignObjList; \
+        NewForeignObjList = New;	                  \
 #endif /* !PAR */
@@ -578,7 +579,7 @@ Scan-linking revertible black holes with underlying @SPEC@ closures.
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
@@ -749,15 +750,15 @@ _ScanLink_RBH_12_12(STG_NO_ARGS)
-Scan-linking a MallocPtr is straightforward: exactly the same as
+Scan-linking a ForeignObj is straightforward: exactly the same as
 #ifndef PAR
-_ScanLink_MallocPtr(STG_NO_ARGS) {
-    I_ size = MallocPtr_SIZE;
-    DEBUG_SCAN_LINK("MallocPtr", size, 0);
+_ScanLink_ForeignObj(STG_NO_ARGS) {
+    I_ size = ForeignObj_SIZE;
+    DEBUG_SCAN_LINK("ForeignObj", size, 0);
     return(FIXED_HS + size);
 #endif /* !PAR */
@@ -941,7 +942,7 @@ _ScanMove_12(STG_NO_ARGS) {
     return(FIXED_HS + size);
-#if defined(PAR) && defined(GC_MUT_REQUIRED)
+#if (defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)) && defined(GC_MUT_REQUIRED)
 _ScanMove_RBH_2(STG_NO_ARGS) {
     I_ size = 2 + SPEC_RBH_VHS;
@@ -1143,35 +1144,39 @@ _ScanMove_RBH_12(STG_NO_ARGS) {
-Moving a Malloc Pointer is a little tricky: we want to copy the actual
-pointer unchanged (easy) but we want to link the MallocPtr into the
-new MallocPtr list.
+Moving a Foreign Object is a little tricky: we want to copy the actual
+pointer unchanged (easy) but we want to link the ForeignObj into the
+new ForeignObj list.
 #ifndef PAR
-_ScanMove_MallocPtr(STG_NO_ARGS) {
-    I_ size = MallocPtr_SIZE;
-    DEBUG_SCAN_MOVE("MallocPtr", size);
+_ScanMove_ForeignObj(STG_NO_ARGS) {
+    I_ size = ForeignObj_SIZE;
+    DEBUG_SCAN_MOVE("ForeignObj", size);
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_MALLOCPTRS) {
-      printf("Moving MallocPtr(%x)=<%x,%x,%x>", Scan, Scan[0], Scan[1], Scan[2]);
-      printf(" Data = %x, Next = %x\n", 
-	     MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(Scan), MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(Scan) );
+    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) {
+      printf("Moving ForeignObj(%x)=<%x,%x,%x>", Scan, Scan[0], Scan[1], Scan[2]);
+      printf(" Data = %x, Finaliser = %x, Next = %x\n", 
+	     ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(Scan), 
+	     ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(Scan), 
+	     ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(Scan) );
-    MallocPtr_SLIDE_DATA;
-    MallocPtr_RELINK;
+    ForeignObj_SLIDE_DATA;
+    ForeignObj_RELINK;
 #if defined(DEBUG)
-    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_MALLOCPTRS) {
-      printf("Moved MallocPtr(%x)=<%x,_,%x,%x,%x>", New, New[0], New[1], New[2], New[3]);
-      printf(" Data = %x, Next = %x", 
-	     MallocPtr_CLOSURE_DATA(New), MallocPtr_CLOSURE_LINK(New) );
-      printf(", NewMallocPtrList = %x\n", NewMallocPtrList );
+    if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) {
+      printf("Moved ForeignObj(%x)=<%x,_,%x,%x,%x>", New, New[0], New[1], New[2], New[3]);
+      printf(" Data = %x, Finaliser = %x, Next = %x", 
+	     ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(New), 
+	     ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(New), 
+	     ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(New) );
+      printf(", NewForeignObjList = %x\n", NewForeignObjList );
@@ -1220,7 +1225,7 @@ _ScanMove_S(STG_NO_ARGS) {
 The linking code for revertible black holes with underlying @GEN@ closures.
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 118a8a0227d2..6e400b90284e 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ RegisterTable ScavRegTable;
         fprintf(stderr, "Scav StkO: 0x%lx\n", \
-# ifdef PAR
+# if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
 #  define DEBUG_SCAV_RBH(s,p) \
     if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_CONCURRENT) \
         fprintf(stderr, "Scav RBH: 0x%lx, info 0x%lx, size %ld, ptrs %ld\n", \
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ RegisterTable ScavRegTable;
 # define DEBUG_SCAV_BQ
 # define DEBUG_SCAV_TSO
-# ifdef PAR
+# if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
 #  define DEBUG_SCAV_RBH(s,p)
 #  define DEBUG_SCAV_BF
 # endif
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ closures.
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
 # if defined(GCgn)
@@ -588,16 +588,16 @@ SCAVENGE_SPEC_RBH_N_N(12)
 #ifndef PAR
+/*** Foreign Object -- NOTHING TO SCAVENGE ***/
-/* (The MallocPtrList is updated at the end of GC and any unevacuated
-    MallocPtrs reported to C World)  [ADR]
+/* (The ForeignObjList is updated at the end of GC and any unevacuated
+    ForeignObjs are finalised)  [ADR][SOF]
-    I_ size = MallocPtr_SIZE;
+    I_ size = ForeignObj_SIZE;
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ The scavenge code for revertible black holes with underlying @GEN@ closures
-#ifdef PAR
+#if defined(PAR) || defined(GRAN)
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 4428b9c20bb5..1ac07b975c5b 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Routine that allocates the A and B stack (sequential only).
 # define NULL_REG_MAP
 # include "SMinternal.h"
+#if 1 /* ndef CONCURRENT */ /* HWL */
 stackData stackInfo;
@@ -35,10 +35,14 @@ initStacks(smInfo *sm)
         STKO_SIZE(MainStkO) = RTSflags.GcFlags.stksSize + STKO_VHS;
         STKO_SpB(MainStkO) = STKO_SuB(MainStkO) = STKO_BSTK_BOT(MainStkO) + BREL(1);
         STKO_SpA(MainStkO) = STKO_SuA(MainStkO) = STKO_ASTK_BOT(MainStkO) + AREL(1);
-        STKO_LINK(MainStkO) = Nil_closure;
+        STKO_LINK(MainStkO) = Prelude_Z91Z93_closure;
     	STKO_RETURN(MainStkO) = NULL;
+    	if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace)
+	    fprintf(stderr, "STACK init: botA, spa: 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n            botB, spb: 0x%lx, 0x%lx\n",
+	      (W_) STKO_ASTK_BOT(MainStkO), (W_) STKO_SpA(MainStkO), (W_) STKO_BSTK_BOT(MainStkO), (W_) STKO_SpB(MainStkO));
@@ -47,7 +51,7 @@ initStacks(smInfo *sm)
 # endif
     /* Initialise Stack Info and pointers */
+#if 1 /* ndef CONCURRENT */ /* HWL */
     stackInfo.botA = STK_A_FRAME_BASE(stks_space, RTSflags.GcFlags.stksSize);
     stackInfo.botB = STK_B_FRAME_BASE(stks_space, RTSflags.GcFlags.stksSize);
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 73558937fd51..96400afd531e 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -4,21 +4,22 @@
-@CZh_entry@, @CZh_static_info@, @IZh_entry@ and @IZh_static_info@ 
+@Prelude_CZh_entry@, @Prelude_CZh_static_info@, @Prelude_IZh_entry@ and @Prelude_IZh_static_info@ 
 are built by the compiler from {\tr uTys.hs}.
 #define NULL_REG_MAP
 #include "SMinternal.h"
 #define __CHARLIKE_CLOSURE(n) (CHARLIKE_closures+((n)*(CHARLIKE_HS+1)))
 #define __INTLIKE_CLOSURE(n)  (INTLIKE_closures_def+(((n)-MIN_INTLIKE)*(INTLIKE_HS+1)))
+#define CHARLIKE_HDR(n)	    SET_STATIC_FIXED_HDR(__CHARLIKE_CLOSURE(n),Prelude_CZh_static_info,CC_DONTZuCARE), (W_) n
+#define INTLIKE_HDR(n)	    SET_STATIC_FIXED_HDR(__INTLIKE_CLOSURE(n),Prelude_IZh_static_info,CC_DONTZuCARE), (W_) n
 const W_ CHARLIKE_closures[] = {
@@ -279,8 +280,6 @@ const W_ CHARLIKE_closures[] = {
 static const W_ INTLIKE_closures_def[] = {
     INTLIKE_HDR(-16),	/* MIN_INTLIKE == -16 */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index 37e4895f5fe4..3083e048f7ad 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ stat_exit
+#define NON_POSIX_SOURCE /*needed for solaris2 only?*/
+/* how is this to work given we have not read platform.h yet? */
 #ifdef hpux_TARGET_OS
@@ -41,6 +44,11 @@ stat_exit
 #include <sys/resource.h>
+/* Needed for Solaris2 */
+#if /* defined(HAVE_SYS_RUSAGE_H) && */ defined(solaris2_TARGET_OS)
+#include <sys/rusage.h>
 #include <sys/timeb.h>
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
index a27199ffe5aa..dabf3c4180e9 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 Is @mprotect@ POSIX now?
 /* #define STK_CHK_DEBUG */
@@ -36,7 +35,12 @@ Is @mprotect@ POSIX now?
 #  if defined(HAVE_GETPAGESIZE)
 #   define GETPAGESIZE()    getpagesize()
 #  else
-#   error getpagesize
+#   if defined(linux_TARGET_OS) || defined(linuxaout_TARGET_OS)
+#    /* it has it, but it is in BSD land; easier to just say so */
+#    define GETPAGESIZE()   getpagesize()
+#   else 
+#    error getpagesize
+#   endif
 #  endif
 # endif
@@ -45,6 +49,11 @@ extern int getpagesize PROTO((void));
 extern int mprotect PROTO((caddr_t, size_t, int));
+/* Needed for FreeBSD (SDM, 96/03) */
+#ifndef PROT_NONE
+#define PROT_NONE 0
 unmapMiddleStackPage(addr_, size)
 char * /*caddr_t*/ addr_;
@@ -74,5 +83,4 @@ int size;
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/threadroot.lit b/ghc/runtime/threadroot.lit
deleted file mode 100644
index 77d3492a9eec..000000000000
--- a/ghc/runtime/threadroot.lit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-\title{GRIP Runtime Support for Threads}
-\author{Kevin Hammond, \\
-Department of Computing Science, \\
-University of Glasgow, \\
-Glasgow, G12 8QQ, UK. \\
-Email: glasgow-haskell-\{request,bugs\}\}
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Curves.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Curves.c
index b7de061a84cd..c4f173e49f53 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Curves.c
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Curves.c
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ ShadeCurve(x, y, py, shade)
     fprintf(psfp, "gsave\n");
-    fprintf(psfp, "%f setgray\n", shade);
+    SetPSColour(shade);
     fprintf(psfp, "fill\n");
     fprintf(psfp, "grestore\n");
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Error.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Error.c
index 4361e0ba0fee..bdbb43d8aa44 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Error.c
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Error.c
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ Usage(str)
    printf("      -s  use small title box\n");
    printf("      -tf ignore trace bands which sum below f%% (default 1%%, max 5%%)\n");
    printf("      -y  traditional\n");
+   printf("      -c  colour ouput\n");
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Key.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Key.c
index cafb19e6390b..a8a761dee06c 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Key.c
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Key.c
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ KeyEntry(centreline, name, colour)
     fprintf(psfp, "closepath\n");
     fprintf(psfp, "gsave\n"); 
-    fprintf(psfp, "%f setgray\n", colour);
+    SetPSColour(colour);
     fprintf(psfp, "fill\n");
     fprintf(psfp, "grestore\n");
     fprintf(psfp, "stroke\n");
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.c
index 7e93541165d0..099b08168ed8 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.c
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.c
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ boolish bflag = 0; 	/* use a big title box			*/
 boolish sflag = 0;	/* use a small title box		*/
 int     mflag = 0;	/* max no. of bands displayed (default 20) */
 boolish tflag = 0;	/* ignored threshold specified          */
+boolish cflag = 0;      /* colour output                        */
 boolish filter;		/* true when running as a filter	*/
@@ -118,6 +119,9 @@ char* argv[];
 		goto nextarg;
+	    case 'c':
+		cflag++;
+		goto nextarg;
 	    case '?':
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.h
index 3ae1dba9f332..b0d4bf475044 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.h
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Main.h
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ extern boolish bflag;
 extern boolish sflag;
 extern int     mflag;
 extern boolish tflag;
+extern boolish cflag;
 extern char *programname;
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.c b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.c
index 0a03decb958e..f7e517b813b9 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.c
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.c
@@ -72,21 +72,61 @@ ShadeOf(ident)
-#define N_SHADES 10 
+#define N_MONO_SHADES 10 
-static floatish shades[ N_SHADES ] = {
+static floatish m_shades[ N_MONO_SHADES ] = {
     0.00000, 0.20000, 0.60000, 0.30000, 0.90000, 
     0.40000, 1.00000, 0.70000, 0.50000,  0.80000
+#define N_COLOUR_SHADES 27
+/* HACK: 0.100505 means 100% red, 50% green, 50% blue */
+static floatish c_shades[ N_COLOUR_SHADES ] = {
+    0.000000, 0.000010, 0.001000, 0.001010, 0.100000,
+    0.100010, 0.101000, 0.101010, 0.000005, 0.000500,
+    0.000510, 0.001005, 0.050000, 0.050010, 0.051000,
+    0.051010, 0.100005, 0.100500, 0.100510, 0.101005,
+    0.000505, 0.050005, 0.050500, 0.050510, 0.051005,
+    0.100505, 0.050505
 static floatish
-    static int thisshade = 0;
+    static int thisshade = -1;
     floatish x;
-    x = shades[ thisshade ]; 
-    thisshade = (thisshade + 1) % N_SHADES;
-    return x; 
+    thisshade++;
+    return cflag ?
+	c_shades[ thisshade % N_COLOUR_SHADES ] :
+	m_shades[ thisshade % N_MONO_SHADES   ] ;
+static floatish
+  floatish shade;
+  intish factor;
+    intish i,j;
+    i = (int)(shade * factor);
+    j = i / 100;
+    return (i - j * 100) / 10.0;
+  floatish shade;
+    if (cflag) {
+	fprintf(psfp, "%f %f %f setrgbcolor\n",
+		extract_colour(shade,    100),
+		extract_colour(shade,  10000),
+		extract_colour(shade,1000000));
+    } else {
+	fprintf(psfp, "%f setgray\n", shade);
+    }
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.h b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.h
index b6dd271b64d7..951b723cac5a 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.h
+++ b/ghc/utils/hp2ps/Shade.h
@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
 extern floatish ShadeOf  PROTO((char *));
 extern void     ShadeFor PROTO((char *, floatish));
+extern void     SetPSColour PROTO((floatish));
 #endif /* SHADE_H */
diff --git a/ghc/utils/hscpp/hscpp.prl b/ghc/utils/hscpp/hscpp.prl
index f46b374dd874..74de86c6550c 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/hscpp/hscpp.prl
+++ b/ghc/utils/hscpp/hscpp.prl
@@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ while (<INPIPE>) {
             if ($#tospec >= 0) {
 	        $specty = shift(@tospec);
-	        print ($data_or_inst ? "{-# SPECIALIZE $data_inst_str $specty #-}" : "$space{-# SPECIALIZE $fun :: $specty");
+	        print ($data_or_inst ? "\{-# SPECIALIZE $data_inst_str $specty #-\}" : "$space\{-# SPECIALIZE $fun :: $specty");
 	        while ($#tospec >= 0) {
 	            $specty = shift(@tospec);
-	            print ($data_or_inst ? "; {-# SPECIALIZE $data_inst_str $specty #-}" : ", $specty");
+	            print ($data_or_inst ? "; \{-# SPECIALIZE $data_inst_str $specty #-\}" : ", $specty");
 	        print ($data_or_inst ? "\n" : " #-}\n");
 	    } else {
-		print "{- NO_SPECS_GENERATED ", $data_or_inst ? $specty : $fun, " -}\n";
+		print "\{- NO_SPECS_GENERATED ", $data_or_inst ? $specty : $fun, " -\}\n";
 	    	print STDERR "Warning: No specs for GENERATE_SPECS pre-processing pragma:\n  $_";
 	    print $tysig if ! $data_or_inst;
diff --git a/ghc/utils/mkdependHS/mkdependHS.prl b/ghc/utils/mkdependHS/mkdependHS.prl
index e4a11c8f755e..c21639441652 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/mkdependHS/mkdependHS.prl
+++ b/ghc/utils/mkdependHS/mkdependHS.prl
@@ -6,14 +6,48 @@
 # ToDo: strip out all the .h junk
 ($Pgm = $0) =~ s/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/;
-$Usage  = "usage: $Pgm: not done yet\n";
+$Usage  = <<EOUSAGE;
+Usage: $Pgm [mkdependHS options] [-- GHC options --] srcfile1 [srcfile2 ...]
+Options recognised wherever they occur (mkdependHS or GHC):
+    -D<blah>	A cpp #define; usual meaning
+    -i<dirs>	Add <dirs> (colon-separated) to list of directories
+		to search for "import"ed modules
+    -I<dir>	Add <dir> to list of directories to search for
+		.h files (i.e., usual meaning)
+    -syslib <blah> This program uses this GHC system library; take
+		appropriate action (e.g., recognise when they are
+		"import"ing a module from that library).
+    -fhaskell1.[2-9] Deal with the oddities associated with a
+		particular version of Haskell 1.
+    -ignore <mod>
+mkdependHS-specific options (not between --'s):
+    -v		Be verbose.
+    -v -v	Be very verbose.
+    -f blah	Use "blah" as the makefile, rather than "makefile"
+		or "Makefile".
+    -o <osuf>	Use <osuf> as the "object file" suffix ( default: .o)
+    -s <suf>	Make extra dependencies for files with
+		suffix <suf><osuf>; thus, "-o .hc -s _a" will
+		make dependencies both for .hc files and for _a.hc
+		files.  (Useful in conjunction with NoFib "ways".)
+    -x <file>   Regard <file> as "stable"; i.e., eXclude it from having
+		dependencies on it.
 $Status  = 0; # just used for exit() status
-$Verbose = '';
+$Verbose = 0; # 1 => verbose, 2 => very verbose
 $Dashdashes_seen = 0;
+# Try to guess how to run gcc's CPP directly -------------
 $OrigCpp = '$(RAWCPP)';
-if ( $OrigCpp =~ /(\S+)\s+(.*)/ ) {
+if ( $OrigCpp !~ /(\S+)\s+(.*)/ ) {
+    $Cpp = $OrigCpp;
+} else {
     $cmd  = $1;
     $rest = $2;
     if ( -x $cmd ) { # cool
@@ -26,8 +60,6 @@ if ( $OrigCpp =~ /(\S+)\s+(.*)/ ) {
 	    die "hscpp: don't know how to run cpp: $OrigCpp\n";
-} else {
-    $Cpp = $OrigCpp;
 if ( $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) { # where to make tmp file names
@@ -73,16 +105,26 @@ $Begin_magic_str = "# DO NOT DELETE: Beginning of Haskell dependencies\n";
 $End_magic_str = "# DO NOT DELETE: End of Haskell dependencies\n";
 $Obj_suffix = '.o';
 $ghc_version_info = $(PROJECTVERSION) * 100;
-@Defines = ('-D__HASKELL1__=2', "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=$ghc_version_info");
 $Import_dirs = '.';
 %Syslibs = ();
-%StableLibs = ();
-%PreludeIfaces = ( 'Prelude', '1',
-		   'PreludeGlaST', '1',
-		   'PreludeGlaMisc', '1',
-		   'Concurrent', '1',
-		   'Parallel', '1');
+%IgnoreMe = ();
+%PreludeIfaces = ( 'Prelude',	    '1',
+		 , 'Array',	    '1'
+		 , 'Char',	    '1'
+		 , 'Complex',	    '1'
+		 , 'Directory',	    '1'
+		 , 'IO',   	    '1'
+		 , 'Ix',   	    '1'
+		 , 'List', 	    '1'
+		 , 'Maybe',	    '1'
+		 , 'Monad',	    '1'
+		 , 'Ratio',	    '1'
+		 , 'System',	    '1'
+		 , 'PreludeGlaST',  '1'
+		 , 'PreludeGlaMisc','1'
+		 , 'Concurrent',    '1'
+		 , 'Parallel',	    '1');
 %GhcLibIfaces = (  'Bag', '1',
 		   'BitSet', '1',
 		   # CharSeq not supposed to be used by user (I think. WDP)
@@ -121,27 +163,41 @@ $Import_dirs = '.';
 		   'LibPosix', '1',
 		   'LibTime', '1' );
-$Haskell_1_3 = 0; # assume Haskell 1.2, still. Changed by -fhaskell-1.3
+$Haskell_1 = 2; # assume Haskell 1.2, still. Changed by -fhaskell-1.3
 $Include_dirs = '-I.';
-$Col_width = 78; # ignored
 $Makefile = '';
 @Src_files = ();
+if ( $Status ) {
+    print stderr $Usage;
+    exit(1);
+     ("-D__HASKELL1__=$Haskell_1",
+      "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__=$ghc_version_info"));
+@Import_dirs  = split(/:/,$Import_dirs);
+@Include_dirs = split(/\s+/,$Include_dirs); # still has -I's in it
+# NB: We keep the scalar-variable equivalents to use in error messages
 if ( ! $Makefile && -f 'makefile' ) {
     $Makefile = 'makefile';
 } elsif ( ! $Makefile && -f 'Makefile') {
     $Makefile = 'Makefile';
-} else {
+} elsif ( ! $Makefile) {
     die "$Pgm: no makefile or Makefile found\n";
-@Depend_lines = ();
 print STDERR "CPP defines=@Defines\n" if $Verbose;
-print STDERR "Import_dirs=$Import_dirs\n" if $Verbose;
-print STDERR "Include_dirs=$Include_dirs\n" if $Verbose;
+print STDERR "Import_dirs=@Import_dirs\n" if $Verbose;
+print STDERR "Include_dirs=@Include_dirs\n" if $Verbose;
+@Depend_lines = ();
 foreach $sf (@Src_files) {
     # just like lit-inputter
@@ -195,7 +251,6 @@ while (<OMKF>) { # copy the rest through
 close(NMKF) || exit(1);
 close(OMKF) || exit(1);
-chmod 0444, 'Makefile';
 exit 0;
 sub mangle_command_line_args {
@@ -213,39 +268,33 @@ sub mangle_command_line_args {
 	    $Include_dirs .= " $_";
 	} elsif ( /^-syslib$/ ) {
 	    push(@Syslibs, &grab_arg_arg($_,''));
-	} elsif ( /^-fhaskell-1\.3/ ) {
-	    $Haskell_1_3 = 1;
-	} elsif ( /^-stable$/ ) { 
-	    # user-defined syslibs that she believes are stable.
-	    push(@StableLibs, &grab_arg_arg($_,''));
+	} elsif ( /^-fhaskell-1\.([2-9])/ ) {
+	    $Haskell_1 = $1;
 	} elsif ($Dashdashes_seen != 1) { # not between -- ... --
 	    if ( /^-v$/ ) {
-		$Verbose	= '-v';
+		$Verbose++;
 	    } elsif ( /^-f(.*)/ ) {
 		$Makefile	= &grab_arg_arg('-f',$1);
 	    } elsif ( /^-o(.*)/ ) {
 		$Obj_suffix	= &grab_arg_arg('-o',$1);
+	    } elsif ( /^-x(.*)/ ) { 
+		local($thing) = &grab_arg_arg($_,$1);
+		$IgnoreMe{$thing} = 'y';
 	    } elsif ( /^-s(.*)/ ) {
 		local($suff)	=  &grab_arg_arg('-s',$1);
-		$File_suffix{$suff} = $suff;
-	    } elsif ( /^-bs(.*)/ ) {
-		$Begin_magic_str = &grab_arg_arg('-bs',$1) . "\n";
-	    } elsif ( /^-es(.*)/ ) {
-		$End_magic_str = &grab_arg_arg('-es',$1) . "\n";
-	    } elsif ( /^-w(.*)/ ) {
-		$Width	= &grab_arg_arg('-w',$1);
+		push(@File_suffix, $suff);
 	    } elsif ( /^-/ ) {
 		print STDERR "$Pgm: unknown option ignored: $_\n";
+		$Status++;
 	    } else {
 		push(@Src_files, $_);
 	} elsif ($Dashdashes_seen == 1) { # where we ignore unknown options
-	    push(@Src_files,$_) if ! /^-/;
+	    push(@Src_files, $_) if ! /^-/;
-    @File_suffix = sort (keys %File_suffix);
+    @File_suffix = sort (@File_suffix);
 sub grab_arg_arg {
@@ -262,6 +311,29 @@ sub grab_arg_arg {
+sub preprocess_import_dirs {
+    # it's probably cheaper to find out what's in all
+    # the @Import_dirs before we start processing.
+    local($d, $thing);
+    local($_);
+    %ModuleIn = ();
+    foreach $d ( @Import_dirs ) {
+	opendir(DIR, $d) || die "$Pgm: can't open directory $d\n";
+	for ($_ = readdir(DIR); $_; $_ = readdir(DIR)) {
+	    next unless /(.*)\.hi$/;
+	    $thing = $1;
+	    if ($ModuleIn{$thing} && $ModuleIn{$thing} ne $d) {
+		print STDERR "$Pgm: warning: $thing.hi appears in both $ModuleIn{$thing} and $d!\n";
+	    } else {
+		$ModuleIn{$thing} = $d;
+	    }
+	}
+	closedir(DIR); # No, don't check the error code
+    }
 sub slurp_file_for_imports {
     local($file_to_read, $orig_src_file) = @_;
@@ -279,38 +351,52 @@ sub slurp_file_for_imports {
 	|| die "$Pgm: Can't open $file_to_read: $!\n";
     while (<SRCFILE>) {
-        if (/^>?\s*import\s+([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_']*)/ || /^!include\s+"(\S+)"/) {
-	    $modname = $1;
-	    if (/^>?\s*import/) {
-		$follow_file = &find_in_Import_dirs($orig_src_file, $modname, $last_seen_dir);
+	next unless (/^>?\s*(import)\s+([A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_']*)/ || /^!(include)\s+"(\S+)"/);
+	$todo    = $1;
+	$modname = $2;
+	if ($todo eq 'import') {
+	    if ( $IgnoreMe{$modname} eq 'y' ) {
+		$follow_file = '__ignore__';
+	    } elsif ( $ModuleIn{$modname} ) {
+		$follow_file = "$ModuleIn{$modname}/$modname.hi";
+	    } else { # hard way
+		$follow_file
+		  = &find_in_Import_dirs($orig_src_file, $modname, $last_seen_dir);
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    if ( $IgnoreMe{$modname} eq 'y' ) {
+		$follow_file = '__ignore__';
 	    } else {
-		$follow_file = &find_in_Include_dirs($orig_src_file, $modname, $last_seen_dir);
+		$follow_file
+		  = &find_in_Include_dirs($orig_src_file, $modname, $last_seen_dir);
+	}
-            if ($follow_file) { # it found something
-		if ($follow_file ne '__syslib__') {
-		    local($int_file);
-		    $int_file = $follow_file;
-		    if ( $int_file !~ /\.(l?hs|hi)$/ ) {
-			push(@Depend_lines, "$bf$Obj_suffix : $int_file\n");
-			foreach $suff (@File_suffix) {
-			    push(@Depend_lines, "$bf$suff$Obj_suffix : $int_file\n");
-			}
-		    } else {
-			$int_file =~ s/\.l?hs$//;
-			$int_file =~ s/\.hi$//;
-			push(@Depend_lines, "$bf$Obj_suffix : $int_file.hi\n");
-			foreach $suff (@File_suffix) {
-			    push(@Depend_lines, "$bf$suff$Obj_suffix : $int_file$suff.hi\n");
-			}
+	if (! $follow_file) { # it didnae find anything
+	    die "$orig_src_file: Couldn't handle: $_\n";
+	} else { # it found something
+	    if ($follow_file ne '__ignore__') {
+		local($int_file);
+		$int_file = $follow_file;
+		if ( $int_file !~ /\.(l?hs|hi)$/ ) {
+		    push(@Depend_lines, "$bf$Obj_suffix : $int_file\n");
+		    foreach $suff (@File_suffix) {
+			push(@Depend_lines, "$bf$suff$Obj_suffix : $int_file\n");
+		    }
+		} else {
+		    $int_file =~ s/\.l?hs$//;
+		    $int_file =~ s/\.hi$//;
+		    push(@Depend_lines, "$bf$Obj_suffix : $int_file.hi\n");
+		    foreach $suff (@File_suffix) {
+			push(@Depend_lines, "$bf$suff$Obj_suffix : $int_file$suff.hi\n");
-            } else {
-                die "$orig_src_file: Couldn't handle: $_\n";
-            }
+	    }
     close(SRCFILE) || exit(1);
@@ -326,8 +412,8 @@ sub find_in_Import_dirs {
     local($do_magical_check) = 0;
-    # hop along Import_dir list
-    foreach $import_dir (split(/:/,$Import_dirs)) {
+    # do it the old hard way: hop along Import_dir list
+    foreach $import_dir (@Import_dirs) {
 	# handle . magically
 	if ($import_dir eq '.') {
 	    # record that we should do a SPECIAL try for a file in last_seen_dir (LAST)
@@ -336,7 +422,7 @@ sub find_in_Import_dirs {
 	$name_to_check = "$import_dir/$modname.hi";
 	if ( $FileExists{$name_to_check} ne 'n' ) { # either 'y' or nothing
-	    print STDERR "trying $name_to_check...\n" if $Verbose;
+	    print STDERR "trying $name_to_check...\n" if $Verbose >= 2; # very verbose
 	    return($name_to_check) if $FileExists{$name_to_check} eq 'y';
 	    if (-f $name_to_check) {
 		$FileExists{$name_to_check} = 'y';
@@ -347,18 +433,18 @@ sub find_in_Import_dirs {
 	$name_to_check = "$import_dir/$modname.hs";
-	print STDERR "trying... $name_to_check\n" if $Verbose;
+	print STDERR "trying... $name_to_check\n" if $Verbose >= 2; # very verbose
 	return($name_to_check) if -f $name_to_check;
 	$name_to_check = "$import_dir/$modname.lhs";
-	print STDERR "trying... $name_to_check\n" if $Verbose;
+	print STDERR "trying... $name_to_check\n" if $Verbose >= 2; # very verbose
 	return($name_to_check) if -f $name_to_check;
     if ($do_magical_check == 1) {
 	$name_to_check = "$last_seen_dir/$modname.hi";
 	if ( $FileExists{$name_to_check} ne 'n' ) { # either 'y' or nothing
-	    print STDERR "trying $name_to_check...\n" if $Verbose;
+	    print STDERR "trying $name_to_check...\n" if $Verbose >= 2; # very verbose
 	    return($name_to_check) if $FileExists{$name_to_check} eq 'y';
 	    if (-f $name_to_check) {
 		$FileExists{$name_to_check} = 'y';
@@ -369,36 +455,31 @@ sub find_in_Import_dirs {
 	$name_to_check = "$last_seen_dir/$modname.lhs";
-	print STDERR "trying... $name_to_check\n" if $Verbose;
+	print STDERR "trying... $name_to_check\n" if $Verbose >= 2; # very verbose
 	return($name_to_check) if -f $name_to_check;
 	$name_to_check = "$last_seen_dir/$modname.hs";
-	print STDERR "trying... $name_to_check\n" if $Verbose;
+	print STDERR "trying... $name_to_check\n" if $Verbose >= 2; # very verbose
 	return($name_to_check) if -f $name_to_check;
     # OK, maybe it's referring to something in a system library
     foreach $lib ( @Syslibs ) {
 	if ( $lib eq 'ghc' ) {
-	    return('__syslib__') if $GhcLibIfaces{$modname};
+	    return('__ignore__') if $GhcLibIfaces{$modname};
 	} elsif ( $lib eq 'hbc' ) {
-	    return('__syslib__') if $HbcLibIfaces{$modname};
+	    return('__ignore__') if $HbcLibIfaces{$modname};
 	} else {
 	    die "Unrecognised syslib: $lib\n";
-    # HACK HACK: Let the user define his own "stable" modules.
-    foreach $stableLib ( @StableLibs ) {
-	return('__syslib__') if ( $stableLib eq $modname );
-    }
     # Might be a Haskell 1.3 Module (but only if we've said -fhaskell-1.3)
-    if ( $Haskell_1_3 == 1 ) {
-	return('__syslib__') if $IO13Ifaces{$modname};
+    if ( $Haskell_1 >= 3 ) {
+	return('__ignore__') if $IO13Ifaces{$modname};
     # Last hope: referring to a Prelude interface
-    return('__syslib__') if $PreludeIfaces{$modname};
+    return('__ignore__') if $PreludeIfaces{$modname};
     die "No file `$modname.hi', `$modname.lhs' or `$modname.hs' (reqd from file `$orig_src_file')\namong import directories:\n\t$Import_dirs\n";
@@ -411,7 +492,7 @@ sub find_in_Include_dirs {
     # no funny name guessing here
     # hop along Include_dir list
-    foreach $include_dir (split(/\s+/,$Include_dirs)) {
+    foreach $include_dir (@Include_dirs) {
 	$include_dir =~ s/^-I//;
 	# handle . magically
@@ -419,13 +500,13 @@ sub find_in_Include_dirs {
 	    # record that we should do a SPECIAL try for a file in last_seen_dir (LAST)
 	    $do_magical_check = 1;
-	print STDERR "trying $include_dir/$name...\n" if $Verbose;
+	print STDERR "trying $include_dir/$name...\n" if $Verbose >= 2; # very verbose
 	if (-f "$include_dir/$name") {
     if ($do_magical_check == 1) {
-	print STDERR "trying $last_seen_dir/$name...\n" if $Verbose;
+	print STDERR "trying $last_seen_dir/$name...\n" if $Verbose >= 2; # very verbose
 	if (-f "$last_seen_dir/$name") {
diff --git a/ghc/utils/stat2resid/parse-gcstats.prl b/ghc/utils/stat2resid/parse-gcstats.prl
index b6e80fd9e60e..3b5dab5c97ad 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/stat2resid/parse-gcstats.prl
+++ b/ghc/utils/stat2resid/parse-gcstats.prl
@@ -161,14 +161,16 @@ arg: while($_ = $stats[0]) {
 					$the_stats{"mut_elap_$row"} = $2 - $tot_gc_elap - $tot_mut_elap;
 					next arg; };
-    /GC  time\s+([\d\.]+)s\s+\(\s*([\d.]+)s elapsed\)/ && do {
+    /GC\s+time\s+([\d\.]+)s\s+\(\s*([\d.]+)s elapsed\)/ && do {
 					# $1 == $tot_gc_user || die "GCuser $1 != $tot_gc_user \n";
 					# $2 == $tot_gc_elap || die "GCelap $2 != $tot_gc_elap \n";
 					$the_stats{"gc_user_total"} = $tot_gc_user;
 					$the_stats{"gc_elap_total"} = $tot_gc_elap;
 					next arg; };
-    /MUT time/			&& do { next arg; };
+    /MUT\s+time/		&& do { next arg; };
+    /INIT\s+time/		&& do { next arg; };
+    /^\s*([\d,]+) bytes maximum residency/ && do { next arg; };
     /\%GC time/			&& do { next arg; };
     /Alloc rate/		&& do { next arg; };
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/Jmakefile b/ghc/utils/ugen/Jmakefile
index e221781258b2..55fc9536450f 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/ugen/Jmakefile
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/Jmakefile
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ BuildPgmFromCFiles(ugen,$(OBJS_C),,)
 CDependTarget( $(SRCS_C) )
diff --git a/ghc/utils/ugen/gen.c b/ghc/utils/ugen/gen.c
index f57489dc4189..5dc76a489f97 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/ugen/gen.c
+++ b/ghc/utils/ugen/gen.c
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ ge_typdef(t)
 	fprintf(fh, "#define PROTO(x) /**/\n");
 	fprintf(fh, "#endif\n");
 	fprintf(fh, "#endif\n\n");
+	fprintf(fh, "#ifdef UGEN_DEBUG\n");
+	fprintf(fh, "int\tfprintf PROTO((FILE *, const char *, ...));\n");
+	fprintf(fh, "#endif /* UGEN_DEBUG */\n\n");
 	fprintf(fh, "typedef enum {\n");
 	fprintf(fh, "\n} T%s;\n\n", gtid(t));