From 7bb069508f094825ca136ed97606651f3e093123 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: simonpj <unknown>
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 2000 12:13:44 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 2000-07-07 12:13:43 by simonpj] This commit moves
 the instance environment out of the Class data structure, where it was
 immutable, to part of the type-checker environment.  This change is
 absolutely essential as part of our move to GHCi, and I think it's also going
 to be necessary for Andrei's work on generic functions.

As part of this change, we can remove

  a) types/InstEnv.*	(thereby also removing a hi-boot loop)
  b) a tc-fixpoint-loop in TcModule

Both of these are worthwhile simplifications.
 ghc/compiler/DEPEND-NOTES               |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs         |  49 +---
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs   |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs      |  27 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs        | 367 +++++++++++++++++++++---
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcImprove.lhs    |  68 +++--
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs   |  41 +--
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs     |  30 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs   | 117 ++++----
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs |  28 +-
 ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs            |   9 +-
 ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.hi-boot      |   6 -
 ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.hi-boot-5    |   4 -
 ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.lhs          | 243 ----------------
 14 files changed, 478 insertions(+), 519 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.hi-boot
 delete mode 100644 ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.hi-boot-5
 delete mode 100644 ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.lhs

diff --git a/ghc/compiler/DEPEND-NOTES b/ghc/compiler/DEPEND-NOTES
index 8f63938dcc9f..c67fa9761196 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/DEPEND-NOTES
+++ b/ghc/compiler/DEPEND-NOTES
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ then
 	VarEnv, VarSet, ThinAir
-	Class (loop TyCon.TyCon, loop Type.Type, loop InstEnv.InstEnv)
+	Class (loop TyCon.TyCon, loop Type.Type)
 	TyCon (loop Type.Type, loop Type.Kind, loop DataCon.DataCon)
@@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ then
 	Unify, PprType (PprEnv)
 	Literal (TysPrim, PprType), DataCon
-	InstEnv (Unify)
 	TysWiredIn (DataCon.mkDataCon, loop MkId.mkDataConId)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
index c73497e33a92..1e99572c5e8b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
@@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ module Inst (
 	Inst, OverloadedLit(..),
 	pprInst, pprInsts, pprInstsInFull, tidyInst, tidyInsts,
-        InstanceMapper,
 	newDictFromOld, newDicts, newClassDicts, newDictsAtLoc,
 	newMethod, newMethodWithGivenTy, newOverloadedLit,
 	newIPDict, instOverloadedFun,
@@ -45,21 +43,22 @@ import TcHsSyn	( TcExpr, TcId,
 		  mkHsTyApp, mkHsDictApp, mkHsConApp, zonkId
 import TcMonad
-import TcEnv	( TcIdSet, tcLookupValueByKey, tcLookupTyConByKey )
+import TcEnv	( TcIdSet, InstEnv, tcGetInstEnv, lookupInstEnv, InstLookupResult(..),
+		  tcLookupValueByKey, tcLookupTyConByKey
+		)
 import TcType	( TcThetaType,
 		  TcType, TcTauType, TcTyVarSet,
 		  zonkTcTyVars, zonkTcType, zonkTcTypes, 
 import Bag
-import Class	( classInstEnv, Class, FunDep )
+import Class	( Class, FunDep )
 import FunDeps	( instantiateFdClassTys )
 import Id	( Id, idFreeTyVars, idType, mkUserLocal, mkSysLocal )
 import PrelInfo	( isStandardClass, isCcallishClass, isNoDictClass )
 import Name	( OccName, Name, mkDictOcc, mkMethodOcc, mkIPOcc,
 		  getOccName, nameUnique )
 import PprType	( pprPred )	
-import InstEnv	( InstEnv, lookupInstEnv, InstEnvResult(..) )
 import SrcLoc	( SrcLoc )
 import Type	( Type, PredType(..), ThetaType,
 		  mkTyVarTy, isTyVarTy, mkDictTy, mkPredTy,
@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@ import Type	( Type, PredType(..), ThetaType,
 		  splitRhoTy, tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes, tyVarsOfPred,
 		  mkSynTy, tidyOpenType, tidyOpenTypes
-import InstEnv	( InstEnv )
 import Subst	( emptyInScopeSet, mkSubst,
 		  substTy, substClasses, mkTyVarSubst, mkTopTyVarSubst
@@ -285,6 +283,7 @@ Predicates
 isDict :: Inst -> Bool
 isDict (Dict _ _ _) = True
 isDict other	    = False
 isClassDict :: Inst -> Bool
 isClassDict (Dict _ (Class _ _) _) = True
 isClassDict other		   = False
@@ -294,10 +293,8 @@ isMethod (Method _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
 isMethod other		      = False
 isMethodFor :: TcIdSet -> Inst -> Bool
-isMethodFor ids (Method uniq id tys _ _ loc) 
-  = id `elemVarSet` ids
-isMethodFor ids inst 
-  = False
+isMethodFor ids (Method uniq id tys _ _ loc) = id `elemVarSet` ids
+isMethodFor ids inst			     = False
 isTyVarDict :: Inst -> Bool
 isTyVarDict (Dict _ (Class _ tys) _) = all isTyVarTy tys
@@ -628,25 +625,6 @@ show_uniq u = ifPprDebug (text "{-" <> ppr u <> text "-}")
 %*									*
-type InstanceMapper = Class -> InstEnv
-A @ClassInstEnv@ lives inside a class, and identifies all the instances
-of that class.  The @Id@ inside a ClassInstEnv mapping is the dfun for
-that instance.  
-There is an important consistency constraint between the @MatchEnv@s
-in and the dfun @Id@s inside them: the free type variables of the
-@Type@ key in the @MatchEnv@ must be a subset of the universally-quantified
-type variables of the dfun.  Thus, the @ClassInstEnv@ for @Eq@ might
-contain the following entry:
-	[a] ===> dfun_Eq_List :: forall a. Eq a => Eq [a]
-The "a" in the pattern must be one of the forall'd variables in
-the dfun type.
 data LookupInstResult s
   = NoInstance
@@ -659,7 +637,8 @@ lookupInst :: Inst
 -- Dictionaries
 lookupInst dict@(Dict _ (Class clas tys) loc)
-  = case lookupInstEnv (classInstEnv clas) tys of
+  = tcGetInstEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ inst_env ->
+    case lookupInstEnv inst_env clas tys of
       FoundInst tenv dfun_id
 	-> let
@@ -754,13 +733,13 @@ appropriate dictionary if it exists.  It is used only when resolving
 ambiguous dictionaries.
-lookupSimpleInst :: InstEnv
-		 -> Class
+lookupSimpleInst :: Class
 		 -> [Type]				-- Look up (c,t)
 	         -> NF_TcM s (Maybe [(Class,[Type])])	-- Here are the needed (c,t)s
-lookupSimpleInst class_inst_env clas tys
-  = case lookupInstEnv class_inst_env tys of
+lookupSimpleInst clas tys
+  = tcGetInstEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ inst_env -> 
+    case lookupInstEnv inst_env clas tys of
       FoundInst tenv dfun
 	-> returnNF_Tc (Just (substClasses (mkSubst emptyInScopeSet tenv) theta'))
@@ -769,3 +748,5 @@ lookupSimpleInst class_inst_env clas tys
       other  -> returnNF_Tc Nothing
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
index 8e38983d1255..1af35c735d2b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ kcClassDecl (ClassDecl	context class_name
-tcClassDecl1 rec_env rec_inst_mapper rec_vrcs
+tcClassDecl1 rec_env rec_vrcs
       	     (ClassDecl context class_name
 			tyvar_names fundeps class_sigs def_methods pragmas 
 			tycon_name datacon_name datacon_wkr_name sc_sel_names src_loc)
@@ -166,11 +166,9 @@ tcClassDecl1 rec_env rec_inst_mapper rec_vrcs
 	(op_tys, op_items) = unzip sig_stuff
-	rec_class_inst_env = rec_inst_mapper rec_class
 	clas = mkClass class_name tyvars fds
 		       sc_theta sc_sel_ids op_items
-		       rec_class_inst_env
 	dict_component_tys = sc_tys ++ op_tys
  	new_or_data = case dict_component_tys of
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
index 58c39805baa6..a5ef4d81d1a1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
@@ -16,10 +16,9 @@ import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsBinds, RenamedMonoBinds )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_D_dump_deriv )
 import TcMonad
-import Inst		( InstanceMapper )
-import TcEnv		( getEnvTyCons )
+import TcEnv		( InstEnv, getEnvTyCons, tcSetInstEnv )
 import TcGenDeriv	-- Deriv stuff
-import TcInstUtil	( InstInfo(..), buildInstanceEnvs )
+import TcInstUtil	( InstInfo(..), buildInstanceEnv )
 import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyThetas )
 import RnBinds		( rnMethodBinds, rnTopMonoBinds )
@@ -422,15 +421,15 @@ solveDerivEqns inst_decl_infos_in orig_eqns
 	    -- with the current set of solutions, giving a
 	add_solns inst_decl_infos_in orig_eqns current_solns
-				`thenNF_Tc` \ (new_inst_infos, inst_mapper) ->
-	let
-	   class_to_inst_env cls = inst_mapper cls
-	in
+				`thenNF_Tc` \ (new_inst_infos, inst_env) ->
 	    -- Simplify each RHS
-	listTc [ tcAddErrCtxt (derivCtxt tc) $
-		 tcSimplifyThetas class_to_inst_env deriv_rhs
-	       | (_,tc,_,deriv_rhs) <- orig_eqns ]  `thenTc` \ next_solns ->
+	tcSetInstEnv inst_env (
+	  listTc [ tcAddErrCtxt (derivCtxt tc) $
+		   tcSimplifyThetas deriv_rhs
+	         | (_,tc,_,deriv_rhs) <- orig_eqns ]  
+	)						`thenTc` \ next_solns ->
 	    -- Canonicalise the solutions, so they compare nicely
 	let canonicalised_next_solns
@@ -443,18 +442,18 @@ solveDerivEqns inst_decl_infos_in orig_eqns
 add_solns :: Bag InstInfo			-- The global, non-derived ones
 	  -> [DerivEqn] -> [DerivSoln]
 	  -> NF_TcM s ([InstInfo], 		-- The new, derived ones
-		       InstanceMapper)
+		       InstEnv)
     -- the eqns and solns move "in lockstep"; we have the eqns
     -- because we need the LHS info for addClassInstance.
 add_solns inst_infos_in eqns solns
-  = discardErrsTc (buildInstanceEnvs all_inst_infos)	`thenNF_Tc` \ inst_mapper ->
+  = discardErrsTc (buildInstanceEnv all_inst_infos)	`thenNF_Tc` \ inst_env ->
 	-- We do the discard-errs so that we don't get repeated error messages
 	-- about duplicate instances.
-	-- They'll appear later, when we do the top-level buildInstanceEnvs.
+	-- They'll appear later, when we do the top-level buildInstanceEnv.
-    returnNF_Tc (new_inst_infos, inst_mapper)
+    returnNF_Tc (new_inst_infos, inst_env)
     new_inst_infos = zipWithEqual "add_solns" mk_deriv_inst_info eqns solns
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
index 953d7fffab52..db0d64f43223 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@ module TcEnv(
 	newLocalId, newSpecPragmaId,
 	tcGetGlobalTyVars, tcExtendGlobalTyVars,
+	InstEnv, emptyInstEnv, addToInstEnv, 
+	lookupInstEnv, InstLookupResult(..),
+	tcGetInstEnv, tcSetInstEnv, classInstEnv,
 	badCon, badPrimOp
   ) where
@@ -44,7 +48,7 @@ import TcType	( TcType, TcTyVar, TcTyVarSet, TcThetaType,
 import VarEnv
 import VarSet
-import Type	( Kind, superKind,
+import Type	( Kind, Type, superKind,
 		  tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes, mkTyVarTy,
 		  splitForAllTys, splitRhoTy, splitFunTys,
 		  splitAlgTyConApp_maybe, getTyVar
@@ -65,15 +69,16 @@ import Name		( Name, OccName, nameOccName, getSrcLoc,
 			  NameEnv, emptyNameEnv, addToNameEnv, 
 				   extendNameEnv, lookupNameEnv, nameEnvElts
+import Unify		( unifyTyListsX, matchTys )
 import Unique		( pprUnique10, Unique, Uniquable(..) )
 import FiniteMap	( lookupFM, addToFM )
 import UniqFM
 import Unique		( Uniquable(..) )
 import Util		( zipEqual, zipWith3Equal, mapAccumL )
 import Bag		( bagToList )
-import Maybes		( maybeToBool, catMaybes )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 import FastString	( FastString )
+import Maybes
 import Outputable
@@ -144,6 +149,7 @@ data TcEnv = TcEnv
+		  InstEnv
 		  (TcTyVarSet,		-- The in-scope TyVars
 		   TcRef TcTyVarSet)	-- Free type variables of the value env
 					-- ...why mutable? see notes with tcGetGlobalTyVars
@@ -165,11 +171,11 @@ data TcTyThing = ATyVar TcTyVar		-- Mutable only so that the kind can be mutable
 initEnv :: TcRef TcTyVarSet -> TcEnv
-initEnv mut = TcEnv emptyNameEnv emptyNameEnv emptyNameEnv (emptyVarSet, mut)
+initEnv mut = TcEnv emptyNameEnv emptyNameEnv emptyNameEnv emptyInstEnv (emptyVarSet, mut)
-getEnvClasses (TcEnv _ te _ _) = [cl | (_, AClass cl _) <- nameEnvElts te]
+getEnvClasses (TcEnv _ te _ _ _) = [cl | (_, AClass cl _) <- nameEnvElts te]
-getEnvTyCons  (TcEnv _ te _ _) = catMaybes (map get_tc (nameEnvElts te))
+getEnvTyCons  (TcEnv _ te _ _ _) = catMaybes (map get_tc (nameEnvElts te))
       get_tc (_, ADataTyCon tc)  = Just tc
       get_tc (_, ASynTyCon tc _) = Just tc
@@ -184,16 +190,20 @@ getEnvAllTyCons te_list = catMaybes (map get_tc te_list)
       get_tc other               = Nothing
-The UsageEnv
-Extending the usage environment.
+%*									*
+\subsection{The usage environment}
+%*									*
+Extending the usage environment
 tcExtendUVarEnv :: Name -> UVar -> TcM s r -> TcM s r
 tcExtendUVarEnv uv_name uv scope
-  = tcGetEnv                                                 `thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
-    tcSetEnv (TcEnv (addToNameEnv ue uv_name uv) te ve gtvs) scope
+  = tcGetEnv                 `thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
+    tcSetEnv (TcEnv (addToNameEnv ue uv_name uv) te ve ie gtvs) scope
 Looking up in the environments.
@@ -201,22 +211,23 @@ Looking up in the environments.
 tcLookupUVar :: Name -> NF_TcM s UVar
 tcLookupUVar uv_name
-  = tcGetEnv	`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+  = tcGetEnv	`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve _ gtvs) ->
     case lookupNameEnv ue uv_name of
       Just uv -> returnNF_Tc uv
       Nothing -> failWithTc (uvNameOutOfScope uv_name)
-The TypeEnv
-Extending the type environment. 
+%*									*
+\subsection{The type environment}
+%*									*
 tcExtendTyVarEnv :: [TyVar] -> TcM s r -> TcM s r
 tcExtendTyVarEnv tyvars scope
-  = tcGetEnv				`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve (in_scope_tvs, gtvs)) ->
+  = tcGetEnv				`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie (in_scope_tvs, gtvs)) ->
 	extend_list = [ (getName tv, (kindToTcKind (tyVarKind tv), ATyVar tv))
 		      | tv <- tyvars
@@ -232,7 +243,7 @@ tcExtendTyVarEnv tyvars scope
 	-- class and instance decls, when we mustn't generalise the class tyvars
 	-- when typechecking the methods.
     tc_extend_gtvs gtvs new_tv_set		`thenNF_Tc` \ gtvs' ->
-    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te' ve (in_scope_tvs', gtvs')) scope
+    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te' ve ie (in_scope_tvs', gtvs')) scope
 -- This variant, tcExtendTyVarEnvForMeths, takes *two* bunches of tyvars:
 --	the signature tyvars contain the original names
@@ -242,20 +253,20 @@ tcExtendTyVarEnv tyvars scope
 tcExtendTyVarEnvForMeths :: [TyVar] -> [TcTyVar] -> TcM s r -> TcM s r
 tcExtendTyVarEnvForMeths sig_tyvars inst_tyvars thing_inside
-  = tcGetEnv					`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+  = tcGetEnv					`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
 	te' = extendNameEnv te stuff
-    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te' ve gtvs) thing_inside
+    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te' ve ie gtvs) thing_inside
     stuff = [ (getName sig_tv, (kindToTcKind (tyVarKind inst_tv), ATyVar inst_tv))
 	    | (sig_tv, inst_tv) <- zipEqual "tcMeth" sig_tyvars inst_tyvars
 tcExtendGlobalTyVars extra_global_tvs scope
-  = tcGetEnv					`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve (in_scope,gtvs)) ->
+  = tcGetEnv					`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie (in_scope,gtvs)) ->
     tc_extend_gtvs gtvs	extra_global_tvs	`thenNF_Tc` \ gtvs' ->
-    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te ve (in_scope,gtvs')) scope
+    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te ve ie (in_scope,gtvs')) scope
 tc_extend_gtvs gtvs extra_global_tvs
   = tcReadMutVar gtvs			`thenNF_Tc` \ global_tvs ->
@@ -272,7 +283,7 @@ the environment.
 tcGetGlobalTyVars :: NF_TcM s TcTyVarSet
-  = tcGetEnv 						`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve (_,gtvs)) ->
+  = tcGetEnv 						`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie (_,gtvs)) ->
     tcReadMutVar gtvs					`thenNF_Tc` \ global_tvs ->
     zonkTcTyVars (varSetElems global_tvs)		`thenNF_Tc` \ global_tys' ->
@@ -283,7 +294,7 @@ tcGetGlobalTyVars
 tcGetInScopeTyVars :: NF_TcM s [TcTyVar]
-  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve (in_scope_tvs, gtvs)) ->
+  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie (in_scope_tvs, gtvs)) ->
     returnNF_Tc (varSetElems in_scope_tvs)
@@ -295,11 +306,11 @@ tcExtendTypeEnv :: [(Name, (TcKind, TcTyThing))] -> TcM s r -> TcM s r
 tcExtendTypeEnv bindings scope
   = ASSERT( null [tv | (_, (_,ATyVar tv)) <- bindings] )
 	-- Not for tyvars; use tcExtendTyVarEnv
-    tcGetEnv					`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+    tcGetEnv					`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
 	te' = extendNameEnv te bindings
-    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te' ve gtvs) scope
+    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te' ve ie gtvs) scope
@@ -308,7 +319,7 @@ Looking up in the environments.
 tcLookupTy :: Name ->  NF_TcM s (TcKind, TcTyThing)
 tcLookupTy name
-  = tcGetEnv	`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+  = tcGetEnv	`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
     case lookupNameEnv te name of {
 	Just thing -> returnNF_Tc thing ;
  	Nothing    -> 
@@ -324,21 +335,21 @@ tcLookupTy name
 tcLookupClassByKey :: Unique -> NF_TcM s Class
 tcLookupClassByKey key
-  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
     case lookupUFM_Directly te key of
 	Just (_, AClass cl _) -> returnNF_Tc cl
 	other		      -> pprPanic "tcLookupClassByKey:" (pprUnique10 key)
 tcLookupClassByKey_maybe :: Unique -> NF_TcM s (Maybe Class)
 tcLookupClassByKey_maybe key
-  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
     case lookupUFM_Directly te key of
 	Just (_, AClass cl _) -> returnNF_Tc (Just cl)
 	other		      -> returnNF_Tc Nothing
 tcLookupTyConByKey :: Unique -> NF_TcM s TyCon
 tcLookupTyConByKey key
-  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
     case lookupUFM_Directly te key of
 	Just (_, ADataTyCon tc)  -> returnNF_Tc tc
 	Just (_, ASynTyCon tc _) -> returnNF_Tc tc
@@ -357,22 +368,22 @@ tcLookupTyConByKey key
 tcExtendGlobalValEnv :: [Id] -> TcM s a -> TcM s a
 tcExtendGlobalValEnv ids scope
-  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
 	ve' = addListToUFM_Directly ve [(getUnique id, id) | id <- ids]
-    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te ve' gtvs) scope
+    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te ve' ie gtvs) scope
 tcExtendLocalValEnv :: [(Name,TcId)] -> TcM s a -> TcM s a
 tcExtendLocalValEnv names_w_ids scope
-  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve (in_scope_tvs,gtvs)) ->
+  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie (in_scope_tvs,gtvs)) ->
     tcReadMutVar gtvs	`thenNF_Tc` \ global_tvs ->
 	ve'		    = extendNameEnv ve names_w_ids
 	extra_global_tyvars = tyVarsOfTypes (map (idType . snd) names_w_ids)
     tc_extend_gtvs gtvs extra_global_tyvars	`thenNF_Tc` \ gtvs' ->
-    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te ve' (in_scope_tvs,gtvs')) scope
+    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te ve' ie (in_scope_tvs,gtvs')) scope
@@ -381,7 +392,7 @@ tcLookupValue :: Name -> NF_TcM s Id	-- Panics if not found
 tcLookupValue name
   = case maybeWiredInIdName name of
 	Just id -> returnNF_Tc id
-	Nothing -> tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+	Nothing -> tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
 		   returnNF_Tc (lookupWithDefaultUFM ve def name)
     def = pprPanic "tcLookupValue:" (ppr name)
@@ -390,28 +401,29 @@ tcLookupValueMaybe :: Name -> NF_TcM s (Maybe Id)
 tcLookupValueMaybe name
   = case maybeWiredInIdName name of
 	Just id -> returnNF_Tc (Just id)
-	Nothing -> tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+	Nothing -> tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
 		   returnNF_Tc (lookupNameEnv ve name)
 tcLookupValueByKey :: Unique -> NF_TcM s Id	-- Panics if not found
 tcLookupValueByKey key
-  = tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+  = tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
     returnNF_Tc (explicitLookupValueByKey ve key)
 tcLookupValueByKeyMaybe :: Unique -> NF_TcM s (Maybe Id)
 tcLookupValueByKeyMaybe key
-  = tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+  = tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
     returnNF_Tc (lookupUFM_Directly ve key)
 tcGetValueEnv :: NF_TcM s ValueEnv
-  = tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) ->
+  = tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) ->
     returnNF_Tc ve
 tcSetValueEnv :: ValueEnv -> TcM s a -> TcM s a
 tcSetValueEnv ve scope
-  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te _ gtvs) ->
-    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te ve gtvs) scope
+  = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te _ ie gtvs) ->
+    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) scope
 -- Non-monadic version, environment given explicitly
 explicitLookupValueByKey :: ValueEnv -> Unique -> Id
@@ -443,12 +455,7 @@ tcAddImportedIdInfo unf_env id
 		-- ToDo: could check that types are the same
-%*									*
-\subsection{Constructing new Ids}
-%*									*
+Constructing new Ids
 newLocalId :: OccName -> TcType -> SrcLoc -> NF_TcM s TcId
@@ -463,6 +470,274 @@ newSpecPragmaId name ty
+%*									*
+\subsection{The instance environment}
+%*									*
+tcGetInstEnv :: NF_TcM s InstEnv
+tcGetInstEnv = tcGetEnv 	`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve ie (_,gtvs)) ->
+	       returnNF_Tc ie
+tcSetInstEnv :: InstEnv -> TcM s a -> TcM s a
+tcSetInstEnv ie scope
+  = tcGetEnv 	`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv ue te ve _ gtvs) ->
+    tcSetEnv (TcEnv ue te ve ie gtvs) scope
+type InstEnv    = UniqFM ClsInstEnv		-- Maps Class to instances for that class
+type ClsInstEnv = [(TyVarSet, [Type], Id)]	-- The instances for a particular class
+classInstEnv :: InstEnv -> Class -> ClsInstEnv
+classInstEnv env cls = lookupWithDefaultUFM env [] cls
+A @ClsInstEnv@ lives inside a class, and identifies all the instances
+of that class.  The @Id@ inside a ClsInstEnv mapping is the dfun for
+that instance.  
+If class C maps to a list containing the item ([a,b], [t1,t2,t3], dfun), then
+	forall a b, C t1 t2 t3  can be constructed by dfun
+or, to put it another way, we have
+	instance (...) => C t1 t2 t3,  witnessed by dfun
+There is an important consistency constraint in the elements of a ClsInstEnv:
+  * [a,b] must be a superset of the free vars of [t1,t2,t3]
+  * The dfun must itself be quantified over [a,b]
+Thus, the @ClassInstEnv@ for @Eq@ might contain the following entry:
+	[a] ===> dfun_Eq_List :: forall a. Eq a => Eq [a]
+The "a" in the pattern must be one of the forall'd variables in
+the dfun type.
+Notes on overlapping instances
+In some ClsInstEnvs, overlap is prohibited; that is, no pair of templates unify.
+In others, overlap is permitted, but only in such a way that one can make
+a unique choice when looking up.  That is, overlap is only permitted if
+one template matches the other, or vice versa.  So this is ok:
+  [a]  [Int]
+but this is not
+  (Int,a)  (b,Int)
+If overlap is permitted, the list is kept most specific first, so that
+the first lookup is the right choice.
+For now we just use association lists.
+\subsection{Avoiding a problem with overlapping}
+Consider this little program:
+     class C a        where c :: a
+     class C a => D a where d :: a
+     instance C Int where c = 17
+     instance D Int where d = 13
+     instance C a => C [a] where c = [c]
+     instance ({- C [a], -} D a) => D [a] where d = c
+     instance C [Int] where c = [37]
+     main = print (d :: [Int])
+What do you think `main' prints  (assuming we have overlapping instances, and
+all that turned on)?  Well, the instance for `D' at type `[a]' is defined to
+be `c' at the same type, and we've got an instance of `C' at `[Int]', so the
+answer is `[37]', right? (the generic `C [a]' instance shouldn't apply because
+the `C [Int]' instance is more specific).
+Ghc-4.04 gives `[37]', while ghc-4.06 gives `[17]', so 4.06 is wrong.  That
+was easy ;-)  Let's just consult hugs for good measure.  Wait - if I use old
+hugs (pre-September99), I get `[17]', and stranger yet, if I use hugs98, it
+doesn't even compile!  What's going on!?
+What hugs complains about is the `D [a]' instance decl.
+     ERROR "mj.hs" (line 10): Cannot build superclass instance
+     *** Instance            : D [a]
+     *** Context supplied    : D a
+     *** Required superclass : C [a]
+You might wonder what hugs is complaining about.  It's saying that you
+need to add `C [a]' to the context of the `D [a]' instance (as appears
+in comments).  But there's that `C [a]' instance decl one line above
+that says that I can reduce the need for a `C [a]' instance to the
+need for a `C a' instance, and in this case, I already have the
+necessary `C a' instance (since we have `D a' explicitly in the
+context, and `C' is a superclass of `D').
+Unfortunately, the above reasoning indicates a premature commitment to the
+generic `C [a]' instance.  I.e., it prematurely rules out the more specific
+instance `C [Int]'.  This is the mistake that ghc-4.06 makes.  The fix is to
+add the context that hugs suggests (uncomment the `C [a]'), effectively
+deferring the decision about which instance to use.
+Now, interestingly enough, 4.04 has this same bug, but it's covered up
+in this case by a little known `optimization' that was disabled in
+4.06.  Ghc-4.04 silently inserts any missing superclass context into
+an instance declaration.  In this case, it silently inserts the `C
+[a]', and everything happens to work out.
+(See `basicTypes/MkId:mkDictFunId' for the code in question.  Search for
+`Mark Jones', although Mark claims no credit for the `optimization' in
+question, and would rather it stopped being called the `Mark Jones
+optimization' ;-)
+So, what's the fix?  I think hugs has it right.  Here's why.  Let's try
+something else out with ghc-4.04.  Let's add the following line:
+    d' :: D a => [a]
+    d' = c
+Everyone raise their hand who thinks that `d :: [Int]' should give a
+different answer from `d' :: [Int]'.  Well, in ghc-4.04, it does.  The
+`optimization' only applies to instance decls, not to regular
+bindings, giving inconsistent behavior.
+Old hugs had this same bug.  Here's how we fixed it: like GHC, the
+list of instances for a given class is ordered, so that more specific
+instances come before more generic ones.  For example, the instance
+list for C might contain:
+    ..., C Int, ..., C a, ...  
+When we go to look for a `C Int' instance we'll get that one first.
+But what if we go looking for a `C b' (`b' is unconstrained)?  We'll
+pass the `C Int' instance, and keep going.  But if `b' is
+unconstrained, then we don't know yet if the more specific instance
+will eventually apply.  GHC keeps going, and matches on the generic `C
+a'.  The fix is to, at each step, check to see if there's a reverse
+match, and if so, abort the search.  This prevents hugs from
+prematurely chosing a generic instance when a more specific one
+emptyInstEnv :: InstEnv
+emptyInstEnv = emptyUFM
+@lookupInstEnv@ looks up in a @InstEnv@, using a one-way match.  Since
+the env is kept ordered, the first match must be the only one.  The
+thing we are looking up can have an arbitrary "flexi" part.
+lookupInstEnv :: InstEnv 			-- The envt
+	      -> Class -> [Type]	-- Key
+	      -> InstLookupResult
+data InstLookupResult 
+  = FoundInst 			-- There is a (template,substitution) pair 
+				-- that makes the template match the key, 
+				-- and no template is an instance of the key
+	TyVarSubstEnv Id
+  | NoMatch Bool	-- Boolean is true iff there is at least one
+			-- template that matches the key.
+			-- (but there are other template(s) that are
+			--  instances of the key, so we don't report 
+			--  FoundInst)
+	-- The NoMatch True case happens when we look up
+	--	Foo [a]
+	-- in an InstEnv that has entries for
+	--	Foo [Int]
+	--	Foo [b]
+	-- Then which we choose would depend on the way in which 'a'
+	-- is instantiated.  So we say there is no match, but identify
+	-- it as ambiguous case in the hope of giving a better error msg.
+	-- See the notes above from Jeff Lewis
+lookupInstEnv env key_cls key_tys
+  = find (classInstEnv env key_cls)
+  where
+    key_vars = tyVarsOfTypes key_tys
+    find [] = NoMatch False
+    find ((tpl_tyvars, tpl, val) : rest)
+      = case matchTys tpl_tyvars tpl key_tys of
+	  Nothing                 ->
+	    case matchTys key_vars key_tys tpl of
+	      Nothing             -> find rest
+	      Just (_, _)         -> NoMatch (any_match rest)
+	  Just (subst, leftovers) -> ASSERT( null leftovers )
+				     FoundInst subst val
+    any_match rest = or [ maybeToBool (matchTys tvs tpl key_tys)
+		        | (tvs,tpl,_) <- rest
+			]
+@addToClsInstEnv@ extends a @ClsInstEnv@, checking for overlaps.
+A boolean flag controls overlap reporting.
+True => overlap is permitted, but only if one template matches the other;
+        not if they unify but neither is 
+addToInstEnv :: Bool                   			-- True <=> overlap permitted
+             -> InstEnv					-- Envt
+	     -> Class -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> Id	-- New item
+	     -> MaybeErr InstEnv		 	-- Success...
+		         ([Type], Id)			-- Failure: Offending overlap
+addToInstEnv overlap_ok inst_env clas ins_tvs ins_tys value
+  = case insert_into (classInstEnv inst_env clas) of
+	Failed stuff 	  -> Failed stuff
+	Succeeded new_env -> Succeeded (addToUFM inst_env clas new_env)
+  where
+    ins_tv_set = mkVarSet ins_tvs
+    ins_item = (ins_tv_set, ins_tys, value)
+    insert_into [] = returnMaB [ins_item]
+    insert_into env@(cur_item@(tpl_tvs, tpl_tys, val) : rest)
+	-- FAIL if:
+	-- (a) they are the same, or
+	-- (b) they unify, and any sort of overlap is prohibited,
+	-- (c) they unify but neither is more specific than t'other
+      |  identical 
+      || (unifiable && not overlap_ok)
+      || (unifiable && not (ins_item_more_specific || cur_item_more_specific))
+      =  failMaB (tpl_tys, val)
+	-- New item is an instance of current item, so drop it here
+      | ins_item_more_specific	= returnMaB (ins_item : env)
+	-- Otherwise carry on
+      | otherwise  = insert_into rest     `thenMaB` \ rest' ->
+                     returnMaB (cur_item : rest')
+      where
+        unifiable = maybeToBool (unifyTyListsX (ins_tv_set `unionVarSet` tpl_tvs) tpl_tys ins_tys)
+        ins_item_more_specific = maybeToBool (matchTys tpl_tvs    tpl_tys ins_tys)
+        cur_item_more_specific = maybeToBool (matchTys ins_tv_set ins_tys tpl_tys)
+	identical = ins_item_more_specific && cur_item_more_specific
 %*									*
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcImprove.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcImprove.lhs
index 74f38b997d74..7ba6d21327da 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcImprove.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcImprove.lhs
@@ -4,17 +4,16 @@ module TcImprove ( tcImprove ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 import Name		( Name )
-import Class		( Class, FunDep, className, classInstEnv, classExtraBigSig )
+import Class		( Class, FunDep, className, classExtraBigSig )
 import Unify		( unifyTyListsX, matchTys )
 import Subst		( mkSubst, substTy )
+import TcEnv		( tcGetInstEnv, classInstEnv )
 import TcMonad
 import TcType		( TcType, TcTyVar, TcTyVarSet, zonkTcType, zonkTcTypes )
 import TcUnify		( unifyTauTyLists )
 import Inst		( LIE, Inst, LookupInstResult(..),
 			  lookupInst, getFunDepsOfLIE, getIPsOfLIE,
 			  zonkLIE, zonkFunDeps {- for debugging -} )
-import InstEnv		( InstEnv )		-- Reqd for 4.02; InstEnv is a synonym, and
-						-- 4.02 doesn't "see" it soon enough
 import VarSet		( VarSet, emptyVarSet, unionVarSet )
 import VarEnv		( emptyVarEnv )
 import FunDeps		( instantiateFdClassTys )
@@ -26,44 +25,41 @@ import List		( elemIndex, nub )
 tcImprove :: LIE -> TcM s ()
 -- Do unifications based on functional dependencies in the LIE
 tcImprove lie 
-  | null nfdss = returnTc ()
-  | otherwise  = iterImprove nfdss
-  where
+  = tcGetInstEnv 	`thenNF_Tc` \ inst_env ->
+    let
 	nfdss, clas_nfdss, inst_nfdss, ip_nfdss :: [(TcTyVarSet, Name, [FunDep TcType])]
 	nfdss = ip_nfdss ++ clas_nfdss ++ inst_nfdss
 	cfdss :: [(Class, [FunDep TcType])]
-	cfdss = getFunDepsOfLIE lie
-	clas_nfdss = map (\(c, fds) -> (emptyVarSet, className c, fds)) cfdss
+	cfdss      = getFunDepsOfLIE lie
+	clas_nfdss = [(emptyVarSet, className c, fds) | (c,fds) <- cfdss]
+	classes    = nub (map fst cfdss)
+	inst_nfdss = [ (free, className c, instantiateFdClassTys c ts)
+		     | c <- classes,
+		       (free, ts, i) <- classInstEnv inst_env c
+		     ]
+	ip_nfdss = [(emptyVarSet, n, [([], [ty])]) | (n,ty) <- getIPsOfLIE lie]
+	{- Example: we have
+		class C a b c  |  a->b where ...
+		instance C Int Bool c 
+	   Given the LIE 	FD C (Int->t)
+	   we get	clas_nfdss = [({}, C, [Int->t,     t->Int])
+			inst_nfdss = [({c}, C, [Int->Bool, Bool->Int])]
+	   Another way would be to flatten a bit
+	   we get	clas_nfdss = [({}, C, Int->t), ({}, C, t->Int)]
+			inst_nfdss = [({c}, C, Int->Bool), ({c}, C, Bool->Int)]
+	   iterImprove then matches up the C and Int, and unifies t <-> Bool
+	-}	
+    in
+    iterImprove nfdss
-	classes = nub (map fst cfdss)
-	inst_nfdss = concatMap getInstNfdssOf classes
-	ips = getIPsOfLIE lie
-	ip_nfdss = map (\(n, ty) -> (emptyVarSet, n, [([], [ty])])) ips
-{- Example: we have
-	class C a b c  |  a->b where ...
-	instance C Int Bool c 
-   Given the LIE 	FD C (Int->t)
-   we get	clas_nfdss = [({}, C, [Int->t,     t->Int])
-		inst_nfdss = [({c}, C, [Int->Bool, Bool->Int])]
-   Another way would be to flatten a bit
-   we get	clas_nfdss = [({}, C, Int->t), ({}, C, t->Int)]
-		inst_nfdss = [({c}, C, Int->Bool), ({c}, C, Bool->Int)]
-   iterImprove then matches up the C and Int, and unifies t <-> Bool
-getInstNfdssOf :: Class -> [(TcTyVarSet, Name, [FunDep TcType])]
-getInstNfdssOf clas 
-  = [ (free, nm, instantiateFdClassTys clas ts)
-    | (free, ts, i) <- classInstEnv clas
-    ]
-  where
-	nm = className clas
 iterImprove :: [(VarSet, Name, [FunDep TcType])] -> TcM s ()
 iterImprove [] = returnTc ()
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
index e3221a8f0921..8a83d3da28c7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ The bits common to TcInstDcls and TcDeriv.
 module TcInstUtil (
-	buildInstanceEnvs,
+	buildInstanceEnv,
     ) where
@@ -18,12 +18,10 @@ import RnHsSyn		( RenamedMonoBinds, RenamedSig )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_AllowOverlappingInstances )
 import TcMonad
-import Inst		( InstanceMapper )
+import TcEnv		( InstEnv, emptyInstEnv, addToInstEnv )
 import Bag		( bagToList, Bag )
 import Class		( Class )
 import Var		( TyVar, Id, idName )
-import InstEnv		( InstEnv, emptyInstEnv, addToInstEnv )
 import Maybes		( MaybeErr(..), mkLookupFunDef )
 import Name		( getSrcLoc, nameModule, isLocallyDefined )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
@@ -77,32 +75,9 @@ classDataCon clas = case tyConDataCons (classTyCon clas) of
-buildInstanceEnvs :: Bag InstInfo
-		  -> NF_TcM s InstanceMapper
-buildInstanceEnvs info
-  = let
-    	i_uniq :: InstInfo -> Unique
-    	i_uniq (InstInfo c _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = getUnique c
-	info_by_class = equivClassesByUniq i_uniq (bagToList info)
-    in
-    mapNF_Tc buildInstanceEnv info_by_class    `thenNF_Tc` \ inst_env_entries ->
-    let
-	class_lookup_fn = mkLookupFunDef (==) inst_env_entries emptyInstEnv
-    in
-    returnNF_Tc class_lookup_fn
+buildInstanceEnv :: Bag InstInfo -> NF_TcM s InstEnv
-buildInstanceEnv :: [InstInfo]		-- Non-empty, and all for same class
-		 -> NF_TcM s (Class, InstEnv)
-buildInstanceEnv inst_infos@((InstInfo clas _ _ _ _ _ _ _) : _)
-  = foldrNF_Tc addClassInstance
-	    emptyInstEnv
-	    inst_infos				`thenNF_Tc` \ class_inst_env ->
-    returnNF_Tc (clas, class_inst_env)
+buildInstanceEnv info = foldrNF_Tc addClassInstance emptyInstEnv (bagToList info)
 @addClassInstance@ adds the appropriate stuff to the @ClassInstEnv@
@@ -118,16 +93,16 @@ addClassInstance
     (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_tys _
 	      dfun_id _ src_loc _)
-    class_inst_env
+    inst_env
   = 	-- Add the instance to the class's instance environment
     case addToInstEnv opt_AllowOverlappingInstances 
-		      class_inst_env inst_tyvars inst_tys dfun_id of
+		      inst_env clas inst_tyvars inst_tys dfun_id of
 	Failed (tys', dfun_id')    -> addErrTc (dupInstErr clas (inst_tys, dfun_id) 
 							        (tys',     dfun_id'))
-				     returnNF_Tc class_inst_env
+				     returnNF_Tc inst_env
-	Succeeded class_inst_env' -> returnNF_Tc class_inst_env'
+	Succeeded inst_env' -> returnNF_Tc inst_env'
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
index e21730a3beae..142ad99593a4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import TcClassDcl	( tcClassDecls2, mkImplicitClassBinds )
 import TcDefaults	( tcDefaults )
 import TcEnv		( tcExtendGlobalValEnv, tcExtendTypeEnv,
 			  getEnvTyCons, getEnvClasses, tcLookupValueByKeyMaybe,
-			  explicitLookupValueByKey, tcSetValueEnv,
+			  explicitLookupValueByKey, tcSetValueEnv, tcSetInstEnv,
 			  ValueEnv, TcTyThing(..)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import TcRules		( tcRules )
 import TcForeign	( tcForeignImports, tcForeignExports )
 import TcIfaceSig	( tcInterfaceSigs )
 import TcInstDcls	( tcInstDecls1, tcInstDecls2 )
-import TcInstUtil	( buildInstanceEnvs, classDataCon, InstInfo )
+import TcInstUtil	( buildInstanceEnv, InstInfo )
 import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyTop )
 import TcTyClsDecls	( tcTyAndClassDecls )
 import TcTyDecls	( mkImplicitDataBinds )
@@ -154,26 +154,19 @@ tcModule rn_name_supply fixities
 	-- unf_env is also used to get the pragam info
 	-- for imported dfuns and default methods
-    	    -- The knot for instance information.  This isn't used at all
-	    -- till we type-check value declarations
-    	fixTc ( \ ~(rec_inst_mapper, _, _, _) ->
 		 -- Type-check the type and class decls
-		tcTyAndClassDecls unf_env rec_inst_mapper decls	`thenTc` \ env ->
+	tcTyAndClassDecls unf_env decls	`thenTc` \ env ->
 		    -- Typecheck the instance decls, includes deriving
-		tcSetEnv env (
-		tcInstDecls1 unf_env decls mod_name fixities rn_name_supply
-		)				`thenTc` \ (inst_info, deriv_binds) ->
-    		buildInstanceEnvs inst_info	`thenNF_Tc` \ inst_mapper ->
-		returnTc (inst_mapper, env, inst_info, deriv_binds)
-    	-- End of inner fix loop
-    	) `thenTc` \ (_, env, inst_info, deriv_binds) ->
+	tcSetEnv env $
+	tcInstDecls1 unf_env decls 
+		     mod_name fixities 
+		     rn_name_supply	`thenTc` \ (inst_info, deriv_binds) ->
-    	tcSetEnv env 		(
+    	buildInstanceEnv inst_info	`thenNF_Tc` \ inst_env ->
+	tcSetInstEnv inst_env $
     	    tycons       = getEnvTyCons env
     	    classes      = getEnvClasses env
@@ -296,7 +289,6 @@ tcModule rn_name_supply fixities
 				tc_rules   = rules',
 				tc_env     = really_final_env
-	)
     -- End of outer fix loop
     ) `thenTc` \ (final_env, stuff) ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
index 288ecf82c6eb..3f7c2a29e46c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
@@ -143,18 +143,19 @@ import Inst		( lookupInst, lookupSimpleInst, LookupInstResult(..),
 			  mkLIE, emptyLIE, unitLIE, consLIE, plusLIE,
 			  lieToList, listToLIE
-import TcEnv		( tcGetGlobalTyVars )
+import TcEnv		( tcGetGlobalTyVars, tcGetInstEnv,
+			  InstEnv, lookupInstEnv, InstLookupResult(..) 
+			)
 import TcType		( TcType, TcTyVarSet, typeToTcType )
 import TcUnify		( unifyTauTy )
 import Id		( idType )
-import Class		( Class, classBigSig, classInstEnv )
+import Class		( Class, classBigSig )
 import PrelInfo		( isNumericClass, isCreturnableClass, isCcallishClass )
 import Type		( Type, ThetaType, TauType, ClassContext,
 			  mkTyVarTy, getTyVar,
 			  isTyVarTy, splitSigmaTy, tyVarsOfTypes
-import InstEnv		( InstEnv, lookupInstEnv, InstEnvResult(..) )
 import Subst		( mkTopTyVarSubst, substClasses )
 import PprType		( pprConstraint )
 import TysWiredIn	( unitTy )
@@ -840,12 +841,11 @@ a,b,c are type variables.  This is required for the context of
 instance declarations.
-tcSimplifyThetas :: (Class -> InstEnv)		-- How to find the InstEnv
-	       	 -> ClassContext		-- Wanted
+tcSimplifyThetas :: ClassContext		-- Wanted
 	       	 -> TcM s ClassContext		-- Needed
-tcSimplifyThetas inst_mapper wanteds
-  = reduceSimple inst_mapper [] wanteds		`thenNF_Tc` \ irreds ->
+tcSimplifyThetas wanteds
+  = reduceSimple [] wanteds		`thenNF_Tc` \ irreds ->
 	-- For multi-param Haskell, check that the returned dictionaries
  	-- don't have any of the form (C Int Bool) for which
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ tcSimplifyCheckThetas :: ClassContext	-- Given
 		      -> TcM s ()
 tcSimplifyCheckThetas givens wanteds
-  = reduceSimple classInstEnv givens wanteds    `thenNF_Tc`	\ irreds ->
+  = reduceSimple givens wanteds    `thenNF_Tc`	\ irreds ->
     if null irreds then
        returnTc ()
@@ -888,40 +888,38 @@ type AvailsSimple = FiniteMap (Class,[Type]) Bool
 		    -- True  => irreducible 
 		    -- False => given, or can be derived from a given or from an irreducible
-reduceSimple :: (Class -> InstEnv) 
-	     -> ClassContext			-- Given
+reduceSimple :: ClassContext			-- Given
 	     -> ClassContext			-- Wanted
 	     -> NF_TcM s ClassContext		-- Irreducible
-reduceSimple inst_mapper givens wanteds
-  = reduce_simple (0,[]) inst_mapper givens_fm wanteds	`thenNF_Tc` \ givens_fm' ->
+reduceSimple givens wanteds
+  = reduce_simple (0,[]) givens_fm wanteds	`thenNF_Tc` \ givens_fm' ->
     returnNF_Tc [ct | (ct,True) <- fmToList givens_fm']
     givens_fm     = foldl addNonIrred emptyFM givens
 reduce_simple :: (Int,ClassContext)		-- Stack
-	      -> (Class -> InstEnv) 
 	      -> AvailsSimple
 	      -> ClassContext
 	      -> NF_TcM s AvailsSimple
-reduce_simple (n,stack) inst_mapper avails wanteds
+reduce_simple (n,stack) avails wanteds
   = go avails wanteds
     go avails []     = returnNF_Tc avails
-    go avails (w:ws) = reduce_simple_help (n+1,w:stack) inst_mapper avails w	`thenNF_Tc` \ avails' ->
+    go avails (w:ws) = reduce_simple_help (n+1,w:stack) avails w	`thenNF_Tc` \ avails' ->
 		       go avails' ws
-reduce_simple_help stack inst_mapper givens wanted@(clas,tys)
+reduce_simple_help stack givens wanted@(clas,tys)
   | wanted `elemFM` givens
   = returnNF_Tc givens
   | otherwise
-  = lookupSimpleInst (inst_mapper clas) clas tys	`thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_theta ->
+  = lookupSimpleInst clas tys	`thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_theta ->
     case maybe_theta of
       Nothing ->    returnNF_Tc (addIrred givens wanted)
-      Just theta -> reduce_simple stack inst_mapper (addNonIrred givens wanted) theta
+      Just theta -> reduce_simple stack (addNonIrred givens wanted) theta
 addIrred :: AvailsSimple -> (Class,[Type]) -> AvailsSimple
 addIrred givens ct@(clas,tys)
@@ -1265,45 +1263,52 @@ addTopInstanceErr dict
     (tidy_env, tidy_dict) = tidyInst emptyTidyEnv dict
+-- The error message when we don't find a suitable instance
+-- is complicated by the fact that sometimes this is because
+-- there is no instance, and sometimes it's because there are
+-- too many instances (overlap).  See the comments in TcEnv.lhs
+-- with the InstEnv stuff.
 addNoInstanceErr str givens dict
-  = addInstErrTcM (instLoc dict) (tidy_env, doc)
-  where
-    doc = vcat [herald <+> quotes (pprInst tidy_dict),
-	        nest 4 $ ptext SLIT("from the context") <+> pprInsts tidy_givens,
-		ambig_doc,
-		ptext SLIT("Probable fix:"),
-		nest 4 fix1,
-		nest 4 fix2]
-    herald = ptext SLIT("Could not") <+> unambig_doc <+> ptext SLIT("deduce")
-    unambig_doc | ambig_overlap = ptext SLIT("unambiguously")	
-		| otherwise     = empty
-    ambig_doc 
-	| not ambig_overlap = empty
-	| otherwise 	    
-	= vcat [ptext SLIT("The choice of (overlapping) instance declaration"),
-		nest 4 (ptext SLIT("depends on the instantiation of") <+> 
-		     	quotes (pprWithCommas ppr (varSetElems (tyVarsOfInst tidy_dict))))]
-    fix1 = sep [ptext SLIT("Add") <+> quotes (pprInst tidy_dict),
-		ptext SLIT("to the") <+> str]
-    fix2 | isTyVarDict dict || ambig_overlap
-	   = empty
-	   | otherwise
-	   = ptext SLIT("Or add an instance declaration for") <+> quotes (pprInst tidy_dict)
-    (tidy_env, tidy_dict:tidy_givens) = tidyInsts emptyTidyEnv (dict:givens)
-	-- Checks for the ambiguous case when we have overlapping instances
-    ambig_overlap | isClassDict dict
-		  = case lookupInstEnv (classInstEnv clas) tys of
-			NoMatch ambig -> ambig
-		      	other 	    -> False
-		  | otherwise = False
-	 	  where
-		    (clas,tys) = getDictClassTys dict
+  = tcGetInstEnv	`thenNF_Tc` \ inst_env ->
+    let
+    	doc = vcat [herald <+> quotes (pprInst tidy_dict),
+		    nest 4 $ ptext SLIT("from the context") <+> pprInsts tidy_givens,
+		    ambig_doc,
+		    ptext SLIT("Probable fix:"),
+		    nest 4 fix1,
+		    nest 4 fix2]
+    	herald = ptext SLIT("Could not") <+> unambig_doc <+> ptext SLIT("deduce")
+    	unambig_doc | ambig_overlap = ptext SLIT("unambiguously")	
+		    | otherwise     = empty
+    	ambig_doc 
+	    | not ambig_overlap = empty
+	    | otherwise 	    
+	    = vcat [ptext SLIT("The choice of (overlapping) instance declaration"),
+		    nest 4 (ptext SLIT("depends on the instantiation of") <+> 
+			    quotes (pprWithCommas ppr (varSetElems (tyVarsOfInst tidy_dict))))]
+    	fix1 = sep [ptext SLIT("Add") <+> quotes (pprInst tidy_dict),
+		    ptext SLIT("to the") <+> str]
+    	fix2 | isTyVarDict dict || ambig_overlap
+	     = empty
+	     | otherwise
+	     = ptext SLIT("Or add an instance declaration for") <+> quotes (pprInst tidy_dict)
+    	(tidy_env, tidy_dict:tidy_givens) = tidyInsts emptyTidyEnv (dict:givens)
+	    -- Checks for the ambiguous case when we have overlapping instances
+    	ambig_overlap | isClassDict dict
+		      = case lookupInstEnv inst_env clas tys of
+			    NoMatch ambig -> ambig
+			    other 	  -> False
+		      | otherwise = False
+		      where
+    			(clas,tys) = getDictClassTys dict
+    in
+    addInstErrTcM (instLoc dict) (tidy_env, doc)
 -- Used for the ...Thetas variants; all top level
 addNoInstErr (c,ts)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
index bdf1488e57c1..bf8baadcade6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsDecl, RenamedTyClDecl, listTyCon_name )
 import BasicTypes	( RecFlag(..), NewOrData(..), Arity )
 import TcMonad
-import Inst		( InstanceMapper )
 import TcClassDcl	( kcClassDecl, tcClassDecl1 )
 import TcEnv		( ValueEnv, TcTyThing(..),
 			  tcExtendTypeEnv, getEnvAllTyCons
@@ -54,22 +53,22 @@ import UniqFM		( listToUFM, lookupUFM )
 The main function
-tcTyAndClassDecls :: ValueEnv -> InstanceMapper	-- Knot tying stuff
+tcTyAndClassDecls :: ValueEnv		-- Knot tying stuff
 		  -> [RenamedHsDecl]
 		  -> TcM s TcEnv
-tcTyAndClassDecls unf_env inst_mapper decls
+tcTyAndClassDecls unf_env decls
   = sortByDependency decls 		`thenTc` \ groups ->
-    tcGroups unf_env inst_mapper groups
+    tcGroups unf_env groups
-tcGroups unf_env inst_mapper []
+tcGroups unf_env []
   = tcGetEnv	`thenNF_Tc` \ env ->
     returnTc env
-tcGroups unf_env inst_mapper (group:groups)
-  = tcGroup unf_env inst_mapper group	`thenTc` \ env ->
+tcGroups unf_env (group:groups)
+  = tcGroup unf_env group	`thenTc` \ env ->
     tcSetEnv env			$
-    tcGroups unf_env inst_mapper groups
+    tcGroups unf_env groups
 Dealing with a group
@@ -79,8 +78,8 @@ The knot-tying parameters: @rec_tyclss@ is an alist mapping @Name@s to
 @TcTyThing@s.  @rec_vrcs@ is a finite map from @Name@s to @ArgVrcs@s.
-tcGroup :: ValueEnv -> InstanceMapper -> SCC RenamedTyClDecl -> TcM s TcEnv
-tcGroup unf_env inst_mapper scc
+tcGroup :: ValueEnv -> SCC RenamedTyClDecl -> TcM s TcEnv
+tcGroup unf_env scc
   = 	-- Do kind checking
     mapNF_Tc getTyBinding1 decls 			`thenNF_Tc` \ ty_env_stuff1 ->
     tcExtendTypeEnv ty_env_stuff1 (mapTc kcDecl decls)	`thenTc_`
@@ -97,8 +96,7 @@ tcGroup unf_env inst_mapper scc
 		-- Do type checking
 	mapNF_Tc (getTyBinding2 rec_env) ty_env_stuff1	`thenNF_Tc` \ ty_env_stuff2 ->
 	tcExtendTypeEnv ty_env_stuff2				$
-	mapTc (tcDecl is_rec_group unf_env inst_mapper rec_vrcs) decls
-                                                                `thenTc` \ tyclss ->
+	mapTc (tcDecl is_rec_group unf_env rec_vrcs) decls	`thenTc` \ tyclss ->
 	tcGetEnv						`thenTc` \ env -> 
 	returnTc (tyclss, env)
@@ -126,13 +124,13 @@ kcDecl decl
 	kcTyDecl    decl
 tcDecl  :: RecFlag 			-- True => recursive group
-	 -> ValueEnv -> InstanceMapper -> FiniteMap Name ArgVrcs
+	 -> ValueEnv -> FiniteMap Name ArgVrcs
 	 -> RenamedTyClDecl -> TcM s (Name, TcTyThing)
-tcDecl is_rec_group unf_env inst_mapper vrcs_env decl
+tcDecl is_rec_group unf_env vrcs_env decl
   = tcAddDeclCtxt decl		$
     if isClassDecl decl then
-	tcClassDecl1 unf_env inst_mapper vrcs_env decl
+	tcClassDecl1 unf_env vrcs_env decl
 	tcTyDecl is_rec_group vrcs_env decl
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs
index 781e34262836..a04cdcc3ac7f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs
@@ -9,14 +9,13 @@ module Class (
 	mkClass, classTyVars,
 	classKey, className, classSelIds, classTyCon,
-	classBigSig, classExtraBigSig, classInstEnv, classTvsFds
+	classBigSig, classExtraBigSig, classTvsFds
     ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 import {-# SOURCE #-} TyCon	( TyCon )
 import {-# SOURCE #-} TypeRep	( Type )
-import {-# SOURCE #-} InstEnv	( InstEnv )
 import Var		( Id, TyVar )
 import Name		( NamedThing(..), Name )
@@ -49,8 +48,6 @@ data Class
 	classOpStuff :: [ClassOpItem],		-- Ordered by tag
-	classInstEnv :: InstEnv,	-- All the instances of this class
 	classTyCon :: TyCon		-- The data type constructor for dictionaries
   }					-- of this class
@@ -74,11 +71,10 @@ mkClass :: Name -> [TyVar]
 	-> [(Class,[Type])] -> [Id]
 	-> [(Id, Id, Bool)]
 	-> TyCon
-	-> InstEnv
 	-> Class
 mkClass name tyvars fds super_classes superdict_sels
-	op_stuff tycon class_insts
+	op_stuff tycon
   = Class {	classKey = getUnique name, 
 		className = name,
 		classTyVars = tyvars,
@@ -86,7 +82,6 @@ mkClass name tyvars fds super_classes superdict_sels
 		classSCTheta = super_classes,
 		classSCSels = superdict_sels,
 		classOpStuff = op_stuff,
-		classInstEnv = class_insts,
 		classTyCon = tycon }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.hi-boot b/ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.hi-boot
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f5b9a20a399..000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.hi-boot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-_interface_ InstEnv 1
-InstEnv InstEnv ;
-1 data InstEnv ;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.hi-boot-5 b/ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.hi-boot-5
deleted file mode 100644
index 94c310de08d1..000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.hi-boot-5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-__interface InstEnv 1 0 where
-__export InstEnv InstEnv ;
-1 data InstEnv ;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index d0fc445d7fb6..000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/InstEnv.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
-\section{Class Instance environments}
-module InstEnv (
-	InstEnv, emptyInstEnv,  addToInstEnv, 
-	lookupInstEnv, InstEnvResult(..)
-    ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import Var		( TyVar, Id )
-import VarSet
-import VarEnv		( TyVarSubstEnv )
-import Type		( Type, tyVarsOfTypes )
-import Unify		( unifyTyListsX, matchTys )
-import Outputable
-import Maybes
-%*									*
-%*									*
-type InstEnv = [(TyVarSet, [Type], Id)]
-In some InstEnvs overlap is prohibited; that is, no pair of templates unify.
-In others, overlap is permitted, but only in such a way that one can make
-a unique choice when looking up.  That is, overlap is only permitted if
-one template matches the other, or vice versa.  So this is ok:
-  [a]  [Int]
-but this is not
-  (Int,a)  (b,Int)
-If overlap is permitted, the list is kept most specific first, so that
-the first lookup is the right choice.
-For now we just use association lists.
-\subsection{Avoiding a problem with overlapping}
-Consider this little program:
-     class C a        where c :: a
-     class C a => D a where d :: a
-     instance C Int where c = 17
-     instance D Int where d = 13
-     instance C a => C [a] where c = [c]
-     instance ({- C [a], -} D a) => D [a] where d = c
-     instance C [Int] where c = [37]
-     main = print (d :: [Int])
-What do you think `main' prints  (assuming we have overlapping instances, and
-all that turned on)?  Well, the instance for `D' at type `[a]' is defined to
-be `c' at the same type, and we've got an instance of `C' at `[Int]', so the
-answer is `[37]', right? (the generic `C [a]' instance shouldn't apply because
-the `C [Int]' instance is more specific).
-Ghc-4.04 gives `[37]', while ghc-4.06 gives `[17]', so 4.06 is wrong.  That
-was easy ;-)  Let's just consult hugs for good measure.  Wait - if I use old
-hugs (pre-September99), I get `[17]', and stranger yet, if I use hugs98, it
-doesn't even compile!  What's going on!?
-What hugs complains about is the `D [a]' instance decl.
-     ERROR "mj.hs" (line 10): Cannot build superclass instance
-     *** Instance            : D [a]
-     *** Context supplied    : D a
-     *** Required superclass : C [a]
-You might wonder what hugs is complaining about.  It's saying that you
-need to add `C [a]' to the context of the `D [a]' instance (as appears
-in comments).  But there's that `C [a]' instance decl one line above
-that says that I can reduce the need for a `C [a]' instance to the
-need for a `C a' instance, and in this case, I already have the
-necessary `C a' instance (since we have `D a' explicitly in the
-context, and `C' is a superclass of `D').
-Unfortunately, the above reasoning indicates a premature commitment to the
-generic `C [a]' instance.  I.e., it prematurely rules out the more specific
-instance `C [Int]'.  This is the mistake that ghc-4.06 makes.  The fix is to
-add the context that hugs suggests (uncomment the `C [a]'), effectively
-deferring the decision about which instance to use.
-Now, interestingly enough, 4.04 has this same bug, but it's covered up
-in this case by a little known `optimization' that was disabled in
-4.06.  Ghc-4.04 silently inserts any missing superclass context into
-an instance declaration.  In this case, it silently inserts the `C
-[a]', and everything happens to work out.
-(See `basicTypes/MkId:mkDictFunId' for the code in question.  Search for
-`Mark Jones', although Mark claims no credit for the `optimization' in
-question, and would rather it stopped being called the `Mark Jones
-optimization' ;-)
-So, what's the fix?  I think hugs has it right.  Here's why.  Let's try
-something else out with ghc-4.04.  Let's add the following line:
-    d' :: D a => [a]
-    d' = c
-Everyone raise their hand who thinks that `d :: [Int]' should give a
-different answer from `d' :: [Int]'.  Well, in ghc-4.04, it does.  The
-`optimization' only applies to instance decls, not to regular
-bindings, giving inconsistent behavior.
-Old hugs had this same bug.  Here's how we fixed it: like GHC, the
-list of instances for a given class is ordered, so that more specific
-instances come before more generic ones.  For example, the instance
-list for C might contain:
-    ..., C Int, ..., C a, ...  
-When we go to look for a `C Int' instance we'll get that one first.
-But what if we go looking for a `C b' (`b' is unconstrained)?  We'll
-pass the `C Int' instance, and keep going.  But if `b' is
-unconstrained, then we don't know yet if the more specific instance
-will eventually apply.  GHC keeps going, and matches on the generic `C
-a'.  The fix is to, at each step, check to see if there's a reverse
-match, and if so, abort the search.  This prevents hugs from
-prematurely chosing a generic instance when a more specific one
-emptyInstEnv :: InstEnv
-emptyInstEnv = []
-isEmptyInstEnv env = null env
-@lookupInstEnv@ looks up in a @InstEnv@, using a one-way match.  Since
-the env is kept ordered, the first match must be the only one.  The
-thing we are looking up can have an arbitrary "flexi" part.
-lookupInstEnv :: InstEnv 	-- The envt
-	      -> [Type]		-- Key
-	      -> InstEnvResult
-data InstEnvResult 
-  = FoundInst 			-- There is a (template,substitution) pair 
-				-- that makes the template match the key, 
-				-- and no template is an instance of the key
-	TyVarSubstEnv Id
-  | NoMatch Bool	-- Boolean is true iff there is at least one
-			-- template that matches the key.
-			-- (but there are other template(s) that are
-			--  instances of the key, so we don't report 
-			--  FoundInst)
-	-- The NoMatch True case happens when we look up
-	--	Foo [a]
-	-- in an InstEnv that has entries for
-	--	Foo [Int]
-	--	Foo [b]
-	-- Then which we choose would depend on the way in which 'a'
-	-- is instantiated.  So we say there is no match, but identify
-	-- it as ambiguous case in the hope of giving a better error msg.
-	-- See the notes above from Jeff Lewis
-lookupInstEnv env key
-  = find env
-  where
-    key_vars = tyVarsOfTypes key
-    find [] = NoMatch False
-    find ((tpl_tyvars, tpl, val) : rest)
-      = case matchTys tpl_tyvars tpl key of
-	  Nothing                 ->
-	    case matchTys key_vars key tpl of
-	      Nothing             -> find rest
-	      Just (_, _)         -> NoMatch (any_match rest)
-	  Just (subst, leftovers) -> ASSERT( null leftovers )
-				     FoundInst subst val
-    any_match rest = or [ maybeToBool (matchTys tvs tpl key)
-		        | (tvs,tpl,_) <- rest
-			]
-@addToInstEnv@ extends a @InstEnv@, checking for overlaps.
-A boolean flag controls overlap reporting.
-True => overlap is permitted, but only if one template matches the other;
-        not if they unify but neither is 
-addToInstEnv :: Bool                            -- True <=> overlap permitted
-             -> InstEnv				-- Envt
-	     -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> Id		-- New item
-	     -> MaybeErr InstEnv 		-- Success...
-		         ([Type], Id)		-- Failure: Offending overlap
-addToInstEnv overlap_ok env ins_tvs ins_tys value
-  = insert env
-  where
-    ins_tv_set = mkVarSet ins_tvs
-    ins_item = (ins_tv_set, ins_tys, value)
-    insert [] = returnMaB [ins_item]
-    insert env@(cur_item@(tpl_tvs, tpl_tys, val) : rest)
-	-- FAIL if:
-	-- (a) they are the same, or
-	-- (b) they unify, and any sort of overlap is prohibited,
-	-- (c) they unify but neither is more specific than t'other
-      |  identical 
-      || (unifiable && not overlap_ok)
-      || (unifiable && not (ins_item_more_specific || cur_item_more_specific))
-      =  failMaB (tpl_tys, val)
-	-- New item is an instance of current item, so drop it here
-      | ins_item_more_specific	= returnMaB (ins_item : env)
-	-- Otherwise carry on
-      | otherwise  = insert rest     `thenMaB` \ rest' ->
-                     returnMaB (cur_item : rest')
-      where
-        unifiable = maybeToBool (unifyTyListsX (ins_tv_set `unionVarSet` tpl_tvs) tpl_tys ins_tys)
-        ins_item_more_specific = maybeToBool (matchTys tpl_tvs    tpl_tys ins_tys)
-        cur_item_more_specific = maybeToBool (matchTys ins_tv_set ins_tys tpl_tys)
-	identical = ins_item_more_specific && cur_item_more_specific