From 85bd53c951e5504005b9bf9dc3dd884099942f37 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: quintela <unknown> Date: Tue, 2 Dec 1997 19:03:02 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1997-12-02 19:03:02 by quintela] New matchExport, changed types for match, matchSimplify, changes related with MatchResult, EquationInfo and a lot or more changes --- ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs | 342 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 243 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-) diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs index a0cdb445a4e0..ed56ab7781f7 100644 --- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs +++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + % % (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996 % @@ -6,7 +7,7 @@ \begin{code} #include "HsVersions.h" -module Match ( match, matchWrapper, matchSimply ) where +module Match ( matchExport, match, matchWrapper, matchSimply ) where IMP_Ubiq() #if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 201 @@ -17,30 +18,33 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} DsExpr ( dsExpr ) import {-# SOURCE #-} DsBinds ( dsBinds ) #endif -import CmdLineOpts ( opt_WarnIncompletePatterns, opt_WarnOverlappedPatterns ) +import CmdLineOpts ( opt_WarnIncompletePatterns, opt_WarnOverlappedPatterns, + opt_PprUserLength,opt_WarnSimplePatterns + ) import HsSyn import TcHsSyn ( SYN_IE(TypecheckedPat), SYN_IE(TypecheckedMatch), SYN_IE(TypecheckedHsBinds), SYN_IE(TypecheckedHsExpr) ) import DsHsSyn ( outPatType, collectTypedPatBinders ) +import Check ( check, SYN_IE(ExhaustivePat), SYN_IE(WarningPat), BoxedString ) import CoreSyn - import CoreUtils ( coreExprType ) import DsMonad import DsGRHSs ( dsGRHSs ) import DsUtils -import MatchCon ( matchConFamily ) -import MatchLit ( matchLiterals ) - +import ErrUtils ( SYN_IE(Warning) ) import FieldLabel ( FieldLabel {- Eq instance -} ) import Id ( idType, dataConFieldLabels, dataConArgTys, recordSelectorFieldLabel, GenId{-instance-}, SYN_IE(Id) ) +import MatchCon ( matchConFamily ) +import MatchLit ( matchLiterals ) import Name ( Name {--O only-} ) -import Outputable ( PprStyle(..), Outputable(..) ) +import Outputable ( PprStyle(..), Outputable(..), pprQuote ) import PprType ( GenType{-instance-}, GenTyVar{-ditto-} ) -import Pretty ( Doc ) +import Pretty import PrelVals ( pAT_ERROR_ID ) +import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc, SrcLoc ) import Type ( isPrimType, eqTy, getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, instantiateTauTy, SYN_IE(Type) ) @@ -55,9 +59,140 @@ import TysWiredIn ( nilDataCon, consDataCon, mkTupleTy, mkListTy, addrDataCon, wordTy, wordDataCon ) import Unique ( Unique{-instance Eq-} ) +import UniqSet import Util ( panic, pprPanic, assertPanic ) \end{code} +This function is a wrapper of @match@, it must be called from all the parts where +it was called match, but only substitutes the firs call, .... +if the associated flags are declared, warnings will be issued. +It can not be called matchWrapper because this name already exists :-( + +JJCQ 30-Nov-1997 + +\begin{code} +matchExport :: [Id] -- Vars rep'ing the exprs we're matching with + -> [EquationInfo] -- Info about patterns, etc. (type synonym below) + -> DsM MatchResult -- Desugared result! + +matchExport vars qs@((EqnInfo _ ctx _ (MatchResult _ _ _)) : _) + | incomplete && shadow = + dsShadowWarn ctx eqns_shadow `thenDs` \ () -> + dsIncompleteWarn ctx pats `thenDs` \ () -> + match vars qs + | incomplete = + dsIncompleteWarn ctx pats `thenDs` \ () -> + match vars qs + | shadow = + dsShadowWarn ctx eqns_shadow `thenDs` \ () -> + match vars qs + | otherwise = + match vars qs + where (pats,indexs) = check qs + incomplete = opt_WarnIncompletePatterns && (length pats /= 0) + shadow = opt_WarnOverlappedPatterns && sizeUniqSet indexs < no_eqns + no_eqns = length qs + unused_eqns = uniqSetToList (mkUniqSet [1..no_eqns] `minusUniqSet` indexs) + eqns_shadow = map (\n -> qs!!(n - 1)) unused_eqns +\end{code} + +This variable shows the maximun number of lines of output generated for warnings. +It will limit the number of patterns/equations displayed to maximum_output. + +\begin{code} +maximum_output = 4 +\end{code} + +The next two functions creates the warning message. + +\begin{code} +dsShadowWarn :: DsMatchContext -> [EquationInfo] -> DsM () +dsShadowWarn ctx@(DsMatchContext kind _ _) qs = dsWarn warn + where + warn sty | length qs > maximum_output = + hang (pp_context sty ctx (ptext SLIT("are overlapped"))) + 12 ((vcat $ map (ppr_eqn kind sty) (take maximum_output qs)) + $$ ptext SLIT("...")) + warn sty = + hang (pp_context sty ctx (ptext SLIT("are overlapped"))) + 12 (vcat $ map (ppr_eqn kind sty) qs) + +dsIncompleteWarn :: DsMatchContext -> [ExhaustivePat] -> DsM () +dsIncompleteWarn ctx@(DsMatchContext kind _ _) pats = dsWarn warn + where + warn sty | length pats > maximum_output = + hang (pp_context sty ctx (ptext SLIT("are non-exhaustive"))) + 12 (hang (ptext SLIT("Patterns not recognized:")) + 4 ((vcat $ map (ppr_incomplete_pats kind sty) (take maximum_output pats)) + $$ ptext SLIT("..."))) + warn sty = + hang (pp_context sty ctx (ptext SLIT("are non-exhaustive"))) + 12 (hang (ptext SLIT("Patterns not recognized:")) + 4 (vcat $ map (ppr_incomplete_pats kind sty) pats)) + +pp_context sty NoMatchContext msg = ptext SLIT("Warning: Some match(es)") <+> msg + +pp_context sty (DsMatchContext kind pats loc) msg + = hang (hcat [ppr (PprForUser opt_PprUserLength) loc, ptext SLIT(": ")]) + 4 (hang message + 4 (pp_match kind pats)) + where + message = ptext SLIT("Warning: Pattern match(es)") <+> msg + + pp_match (FunMatch fun) pats + = hsep [ptext SLIT("in the definition of function"), ppr sty fun] + + pp_match CaseMatch pats + = hang (ptext SLIT("in a group of case alternatives beginning:")) + 4 (ppr_pats sty pats) + + pp_match PatBindMatch pats + = hang (ptext SLIT("in a pattern binding:")) + 4 (ppr_pats sty pats) + + pp_match LambdaMatch pats + = hang (ptext SLIT("in a lambda abstraction:")) + 4 (ppr_pats sty pats) + + pp_match DoBindMatch pats + = hang (ptext SLIT("in a `do' pattern binding:")) + 4 (ppr_pats sty pats) + + pp_match ListCompMatch pats + = hang (ptext SLIT("in a `list comprension' pattern binding:")) + 4 (ppr_pats sty pats) + + pp_match LetMatch pats + = hang (ptext SLIT("in a `let' pattern binding:")) + 4 (ppr_pats sty pats) + +ppr_pats sty pats = pprQuote sty $ \ sty -> sep (map (ppr sty) pats) + +separator (FunMatch _) = SLIT("=") +separator (CaseMatch) = SLIT("->") +separator (LambdaMatch) = SLIT("->") +separator (PatBindMatch) = panic "When is this used?" +separator (DoBindMatch) = SLIT("<-") +separator (ListCompMatch) = SLIT("<-") +separator (LetMatch) = SLIT("=") + +ppr_shadow_pats kind sty pats = pprQuote sty $ \ sty -> + sep [sep (map (ppr sty) pats), ptext (separator kind), ptext SLIT("...")] + +ppr_incomplete_pats kind sty (pats,[]) = pprQuote sty $ \ sty -> + sep [sep (map (ppr sty) pats)] +ppr_incomplete_pats kind sty (pats,constraints) = pprQuote sty $ \ sty -> + sep [sep (map (ppr sty) pats), ptext SLIT("with"), + sep (map (ppr_constraint sty) constraints)] + + +ppr_constraint sty (var,pats) = sep [ppr sty var, ptext SLIT("`not_elem`"),ppr sty pats] + +ppr_eqn kind sty (EqnInfo _ _ pats _) = ppr_shadow_pats kind sty pats + +\end{code} + + The function @match@ is basically the same as in the Wadler chapter, except it is monadised, to carry around the name supply, info about annotations, etc. @@ -112,7 +247,6 @@ So, the full type signature: \begin{code} match :: [Id] -- Variables rep'ing the exprs we're matching with -> [EquationInfo] -- Info about patterns, etc. (type synonym below) - -> [EquationInfo] -- Potentially shadowing equations above this one -> DsM MatchResult -- Desugared result! \end{code} @@ -159,29 +293,19 @@ than the Wadler-chapter code for @match@ (p.~93, first @match@ clause). And gluing the ``success expressions'' together isn't quite so pretty. \begin{code} -match [] eqns_info shadows - = complete_matches eqns_info (any eqn_cant_fail shadows) +match [] eqns_info + = complete_matches eqns_info where - complete_matches [eqn] is_shadowed - = complete_match eqn is_shadowed + complete_matches [eqn] + = complete_match eqn - complete_matches (eqn:eqns) is_shadowed - = complete_match eqn is_shadowed `thenDs` \ match_result1 -> - complete_matches eqns (is_shadowed || eqn_cant_fail eqn) `thenDs` \ match_result2 -> + complete_matches (eqn:eqns) + = complete_match eqn `thenDs` \ match_result1 -> + complete_matches eqns `thenDs` \ match_result2 -> combineMatchResults match_result1 match_result2 - -- If at this stage we find that at least one of the shadowing - -- equations is guaranteed not to fail, then warn of an overlapping pattern - complete_match (EqnInfo [] match_result@(MatchResult _ _ _ cxt)) is_shadowed - | opt_WarnOverlappedPatterns && is_shadowed = - dsShadowWarn cxt `thenDs` \ _ -> - returnDs match_result - - | otherwise = returnDs match_result - - eqn_cant_fail :: EquationInfo -> Bool - eqn_cant_fail (EqnInfo [] (MatchResult CanFail _ _ _)) = False - eqn_cant_fail (EqnInfo [] (MatchResult CantFail _ _ _)) = True + complete_match (EqnInfo _ _ [] match_result@(MatchResult _ _ _)) + = returnDs match_result \end{code} %************************************************************************ @@ -203,17 +327,16 @@ Wadler-chapter @match@ (p.~93, last clause), and @match_unmixed_blk@ corresponds roughly to @matchVarCon@. \begin{code} -match vars@(v:vs) eqns_info shadows +match vars@(v:vs) eqns_info = mapDs (tidyEqnInfo v) eqns_info `thenDs` \ tidy_eqns_info -> - mapDs (tidyEqnInfo v) shadows `thenDs` \ tidy_shadows -> let tidy_eqns_blks = unmix_eqns tidy_eqns_info in - match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars tidy_eqns_blks tidy_shadows + match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars tidy_eqns_blks where unmix_eqns [] = [] unmix_eqns [eqn] = [ [eqn] ] - unmix_eqns (eq1@(EqnInfo (p1:p1s) _) : eq2@(EqnInfo (p2:p2s) _) : eqs) + unmix_eqns (eq1@(EqnInfo _ _ (p1:p1s) _) : eq2@(EqnInfo _ _ (p2:p2s) _) : eqs) = if ( (irrefutablePat p1 && irrefutablePat p2) || (isConPat p1 && isConPat p2) || (isLitPat p1 && isLitPat p2) ) then @@ -230,19 +353,16 @@ match vars@(v:vs) eqns_info shadows -- subsequent blocks create a "fail expr" for the first one... match_unmixed_eqn_blks :: [Id] -> [ [EquationInfo] ] -- List of eqn BLOCKS - -> [EquationInfo] -- Shadows -> DsM MatchResult - match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars [] shadows = panic "match_unmixed_eqn_blks" + match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars [] = panic "match_unmixed_eqn_blks" - match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars [eqn_blk] shadows = matchUnmixedEqns vars eqn_blk shadows + match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars [eqn_blk] = matchUnmixedEqns vars eqn_blk - match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars (eqn_blk:eqn_blks) shadows - = matchUnmixedEqns vars eqn_blk shadows `thenDs` \ match_result1 -> -- try to match with first blk - match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars eqn_blks shadows' `thenDs` \ match_result2 -> + match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars (eqn_blk:eqn_blks) + = matchUnmixedEqns vars eqn_blk `thenDs` \ match_result1 -> -- try to match with first blk + match_unmixed_eqn_blks vars eqn_blks `thenDs` \ match_result2 -> combineMatchResults match_result1 match_result2 - where - shadows' = eqn_blk ++ shadows \end{code} Tidy up the leftmost pattern in an @EquationInfo@, given the variable @v@ @@ -284,9 +404,9 @@ tidyEqnInfo :: Id -> EquationInfo -> DsM EquationInfo -- DsM'd because of internal call to "match". -- "tidy1" does the interesting stuff, looking at -- one pattern and fiddling the list of bindings. -tidyEqnInfo v (EqnInfo (pat : pats) match_result) +tidyEqnInfo v (EqnInfo n ctx (pat : pats) match_result) = tidy1 v pat match_result `thenDs` \ (pat', match_result') -> - returnDs (EqnInfo (pat' : pats) match_result') + returnDs (EqnInfo n ctx (pat' : pats) match_result') tidy1 :: Id -- The Id being scrutinised -> TypecheckedPat -- The pattern against which it is to be matched @@ -520,36 +640,31 @@ Its arguments and results are the same as for the ``top-level'' @match@. \begin{code} matchUnmixedEqns :: [Id] -> [EquationInfo] - -> [EquationInfo] -- Shadows -> DsM MatchResult -matchUnmixedEqns [] _ _ = panic "matchUnmixedEqns: no names" +matchUnmixedEqns [] _ = panic "matchUnmixedEqns: no names" -matchUnmixedEqns all_vars@(var:vars) eqns_info shadows +matchUnmixedEqns all_vars@(var:vars) eqns_info | irrefutablePat first_pat = ASSERT( irrefutablePats column_1_pats ) -- Sanity check -- Real true variables, just like in matchVar, SLPJ p 94 - match vars remaining_eqns_info remaining_shadows + match vars remaining_eqns_info | isConPat first_pat = ASSERT( patsAreAllCons column_1_pats ) - matchConFamily all_vars eqns_info shadows + matchConFamily all_vars eqns_info | isLitPat first_pat = ASSERT( patsAreAllLits column_1_pats ) -- see notes in MatchLiteral -- not worried about the same literal more than once in a column -- (ToDo: sort this out later) - matchLiterals all_vars eqns_info shadows + matchLiterals all_vars eqns_info where first_pat = head column_1_pats - column_1_pats = [pat | EqnInfo (pat:_) _ <- eqns_info] - remaining_eqns_info = [EqnInfo pats match_result | EqnInfo (_:pats) match_result <- eqns_info] - remaining_shadows = [EqnInfo pats match_result | EqnInfo (pat:pats) match_result <- shadows, - irrefutablePat pat ] - -- Discard shadows which can be refuted, since they don't shadow - -- a variable + column_1_pats = [pat | EqnInfo _ _ (pat:_) _ <- eqns_info] + remaining_eqns_info = [EqnInfo n ctx pats match_result | EqnInfo n ctx (_:pats) match_result <- eqns_info] \end{code} %************************************************************************ @@ -601,13 +716,19 @@ matchWrapper :: DsMatchKind -- For shadowing warning messages -> [TypecheckedMatch] -- Matches being desugared -> String -- Error message if the match fails -> DsM ([Id], CoreExpr) -- Results +\end{code} --- a special case for the common ...: --- just one Match --- lots of (all?) unfailable pats --- e.g., --- f x y z = .... + a special case for the common ...: + just one Match + lots of (all?) unfailable pats + e.g., + f x y z = .... + + This special case have been ``undone'' due to problems with the new warnings + messages (Check.lhs.check). We need there the name of the variables to be able to + print later the equation. JJQC 30-11-97 +\begin{old_code} matchWrapper kind [(PatMatch (VarPat var) match)] error_string = matchWrapper kind [match] error_string `thenDs` \ (vars, core_expr) -> returnDs (var:vars, core_expr) @@ -622,28 +743,43 @@ matchWrapper kind [(GRHSMatch = dsBinds False{-don't auto-scc-} binds `thenDs` \ core_binds -> dsExpr expr `thenDs` \ core_expr -> returnDs ([], mkCoLetsAny core_binds core_expr) +\end{old_code} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- and all the rest... (general case) + And all the rest... (general case) + + + There is one small problem with the Lambda Patterns, when somebody + writes something similar to: + (\ (x:xs) -> ...) + he/she don't want a warning about incomplete patterns, that is done with + the flag opt_WarnSimplePatterns. + This problem also appears in the : + do patterns, but if the do can fail it creates another equation if the match can + fail (see DsExpr.doDo function) + let patterns, are treated by matchSimply + List Comprension Patterns, are treated by matchSimply also + +We can't call matchSimply with Lambda patterns, due to lambda patterns can have more than +one pattern, and match simply only accepts one pattern. + +JJQC 30-Nov-1997 + +\begin{code} matchWrapper kind matches error_string - = flattenMatches kind matches `thenDs` \ eqns_info@(EqnInfo arg_pats (MatchResult _ result_ty _ _) : _) -> + = flattenMatches kind 1 matches `thenDs` \ eqns_info@(EqnInfo _ _ arg_pats (MatchResult _ result_ty _) : _) -> selectMatchVars arg_pats `thenDs` \ new_vars -> - match new_vars eqns_info [] `thenDs` \ match_result -> + match_fun new_vars eqns_info `thenDs` \ match_result -> mkErrorAppDs pAT_ERROR_ID result_ty error_string `thenDs` \ fail_expr -> - -- Check for incomplete pattern match - (case match_result of - MatchResult CanFail result_ty match_fn cxt - | opt_WarnIncompletePatterns - -> dsIncompleteWarn cxt - other -> returnDs () - ) `thenDs` \ _ -> - extractMatchResult match_result fail_expr `thenDs` \ result_expr -> returnDs (new_vars, result_expr) + where match_fun = case kind of + LambdaMatch | opt_WarnSimplePatterns -> matchExport + | otherwise -> match + _ -> matchExport \end{code} %************************************************************************ @@ -658,32 +794,37 @@ pattern. It returns an expression. \begin{code} matchSimply :: CoreExpr -- Scrutinee - -> TypecheckedPat -- Pattern it should match - -> Type -- Type of result + -> DsMatchKind -- Match kind + -> TypecheckedPat -- Pattern it should match + -> Type -- Type of result -> CoreExpr -- Return this if it matches -> CoreExpr -- Return this if it does -> DsM CoreExpr -matchSimply (Var var) pat result_ty result_expr fail_expr - = match [var] [eqn_info] [] `thenDs` \ match_result -> - extractMatchResult match_result fail_expr +matchSimply (Var var) kind pat result_ty result_expr fail_expr + = getSrcLocDs `thenDs` \ locn -> + let + ctx = DsMatchContext kind [pat] locn + eqn_info = EqnInfo 1 ctx [pat] initial_match_result + in + match_fun [var] [eqn_info] `thenDs` \ match_result -> + extractMatchResult match_result fail_expr where - eqn_info = EqnInfo [pat] initial_match_result - initial_match_result = MatchResult CantFail - result_ty - (\ ignore -> result_expr) - NoMatchContext - -matchSimply scrut_expr pat result_ty result_expr msg - = newSysLocalDs (outPatType pat) `thenDs` \ scrut_var -> - matchSimply (Var scrut_var) pat result_ty result_expr msg `thenDs` \ expr -> + initial_match_result = MatchResult CantFail result_ty (\ ignore -> result_expr) + match_fun = if opt_WarnSimplePatterns + then matchExport + else match + +matchSimply scrut_expr kind pat result_ty result_expr msg + = newSysLocalDs (outPatType pat) `thenDs` \ scrut_var -> + matchSimply (Var scrut_var) kind pat result_ty result_expr msg `thenDs` \ expr -> returnDs (Let (NonRec scrut_var scrut_expr) expr) -extractMatchResult (MatchResult CantFail _ match_fn _) fail_expr +extractMatchResult (MatchResult CantFail _ match_fn) fail_expr = returnDs (match_fn (error "It can't fail!")) -extractMatchResult (MatchResult CanFail result_ty match_fn cxt) fail_expr +extractMatchResult (MatchResult CanFail result_ty match_fn) fail_expr = mkFailurePair result_ty `thenDs` \ (fail_bind_fn, if_it_fails) -> returnDs (Let (fail_bind_fn fail_expr) (match_fn if_it_fails)) \end{code} @@ -700,37 +841,40 @@ This is actually local to @matchWrapper@. \begin{code} flattenMatches :: DsMatchKind + -> EqnNo -> [TypecheckedMatch] -> DsM [EquationInfo] -flattenMatches kind [] = returnDs [] +flattenMatches kind n [] = returnDs [] -flattenMatches kind (match : matches) - = flatten_match [] match `thenDs` \ eqn_info -> - flattenMatches kind matches `thenDs` \ eqn_infos -> +flattenMatches kind n (match : matches) + = flatten_match [] n match `thenDs` \ eqn_info -> + flattenMatches kind (n+1) matches `thenDs` \ eqn_infos -> returnDs (eqn_info : eqn_infos) where flatten_match :: [TypecheckedPat] -- Reversed list of patterns encountered so far + -> EqnNo -> TypecheckedMatch -> DsM EquationInfo - flatten_match pats_so_far (PatMatch pat match) - = flatten_match (pat:pats_so_far) match + flatten_match pats_so_far n (PatMatch pat match) + = flatten_match (pat:pats_so_far) n match - flatten_match pats_so_far (GRHSMatch (GRHSsAndBindsOut grhss binds ty)) + flatten_match pats_so_far n (GRHSMatch (GRHSsAndBindsOut grhss binds ty)) = dsBinds False{-don't auto-scc-} binds `thenDs` \ core_binds -> dsGRHSs ty kind pats grhss `thenDs` \ match_result -> - returnDs (EqnInfo pats (mkCoLetsMatchResult core_binds match_result)) + getSrcLocDs `thenDs` \ locn -> + returnDs (EqnInfo n (DsMatchContext kind pats locn) pats + (mkCoLetsMatchResult core_binds match_result)) where pats = reverse pats_so_far -- They've accumulated in reverse order - flatten_match pats_so_far (SimpleMatch expr) + flatten_match pats_so_far n (SimpleMatch expr) = dsExpr expr `thenDs` \ core_expr -> getSrcLocDs `thenDs` \ locn -> - returnDs (EqnInfo pats + returnDs (EqnInfo n (DsMatchContext kind pats locn) pats (MatchResult CantFail (coreExprType core_expr) - (\ ignore -> core_expr) - (DsMatchContext kind pats locn))) + (\ ignore -> core_expr))) -- the matching can't fail, so we won't generate an error message. where -- GitLab