diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs index 64496ad4e5cc732e8fb6300e2792aea405854f65..918b4a7d5c2675ebc582473a22ec85ab87230ef9 100644 --- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs +++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs @@ -11,7 +11,12 @@ Support code for @Simplify@. module SimplCase ( simplCase, bindLargeRhs ) where IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-} +#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 201 IMPORT_DELOOPER(SmplLoop) ( simplBind, simplExpr, MagicUnfoldingFun ) +#else +import {-# SOURCE #-} Simplify ( simplBind, simplExpr ) +--import {-# SOURCE #-} MagicUFs ( MagicUnfoldingFun ) +#endif import BinderInfo -- too boring to try to select things... import CmdLineOpts ( SimplifierSwitch(..) ) @@ -20,7 +25,7 @@ import CoreUnfold ( Unfolding, SimpleUnfolding ) import CoreUtils ( coreAltsType, nonErrorRHSs, maybeErrorApp, unTagBindersAlts, unTagBinders, coreExprType ) -import Id ( idType, isDataCon, getIdDemandInfo, +import Id ( idType, isDataCon, getIdDemandInfo, dataConArgTys, SYN_IE(DataCon), GenId{-instance Eq-}, SYN_IE(Id) ) @@ -31,7 +36,8 @@ import PrelVals ( voidId ) import PrimOp ( primOpOkForSpeculation, PrimOp{-instance Eq-} ) import SimplEnv import SimplMonad -import Type ( isPrimType, getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, mkFunTy, mkFunTys, eqTy ) +import Type ( isPrimType, maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, mkFunTy, mkFunTys, eqTy ) +import TyCon ( isDataTyCon ) import TysPrim ( voidTy ) import Unique ( Unique{-instance Eq-} ) import Usage ( GenUsage{-instance Eq-} ) @@ -131,7 +137,10 @@ simplCase env scrut alts rhs_c result_ty | maybeToBool maybe_error_app = -- Look for an application of an error id tick CaseOfError `thenSmpl_` - returnSmpl retyped_error_app + simplExpr env retyped_error_app [] result_ty + -- Ignore rhs_c! + -- We must apply simplExpr because "rhs" isn't yet simplified. + -- The ice is a little thin because body_ty is an OutType; but it's ok really where maybe_error_app = maybeErrorApp scrut (Just result_ty) Just retyped_error_app = maybe_error_app @@ -501,6 +510,27 @@ simplAlts :: SimplEnv -> InAlts -> (SimplEnv -> InExpr -> SmplM OutExpr) -- Rhs handler -> SmplM OutAlts +-- For single-constructor types +-- case e of y -> b ===> case e of (a,b) -> let y = (a,b) in b + +simplAlts env scrut (AlgAlts [] (BindDefault bndr@(id,occ_info) rhs)) rhs_c + | maybeToBool maybe_data_ty && + not (null cons) && -- Not an abstract type (can arise if we're pruning tydecl imports) + null other_cons + = ASSERT( isDataTyCon tycon ) + newIds inst_con_arg_tys `thenSmpl` \ new_bindees -> + let + new_args = [ (b, bad_occ_info) | b <- new_bindees ] + con_app = mkCon con [] ty_args (map VarArg new_bindees) + new_rhs = Let (NonRec bndr con_app) rhs + in + simplAlts env scrut (AlgAlts [(con,new_args,new_rhs)] NoDefault) rhs_c + where + maybe_data_ty = maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts (idType id) + Just (tycon, ty_args, cons) = maybe_data_ty + (con:other_cons) = cons + inst_con_arg_tys = dataConArgTys con ty_args + bad_occ_info = ManyOcc 0 -- Non-committal! simplAlts env scrut (AlgAlts alts deflt) rhs_c = mapSmpl do_alt alts `thenSmpl` \ alts' ->