From 9736b6072412fa3498ce8a89d58aaafd07bc2358 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sof <unknown>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 05:00:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1997-03-14 05:00:47 by sof] Stk underflow fix

 ghc/runtime/main/StgThreads.lhc | 47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 46 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ghc/runtime/main/StgThreads.lhc b/ghc/runtime/main/StgThreads.lhc
index c75eaaf44295..0bff4de676d0 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/main/StgThreads.lhc
+++ b/ghc/runtime/main/StgThreads.lhc
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ DO_RETURN_TEMPLATE(UnderflowVect7, ((P_)RetReg)[RVREL(7)])
 DO_RETURN_TEMPLATE(StackUnderflowEnterNode, EnterNodeCode)
+#else /* PAR */
@@ -436,6 +436,9 @@ STGFUN(PrimUnderflow)
  * because R2 is dead, and R1 points to a PAP.  Only R1 is live.
+#if 0
+/* old version of the code */
@@ -445,8 +448,50 @@ STGFUN(StackUnderflowEnterNode)
+   We've inlined CommonUnderFlow because setting RetReg would zap
+   the return vector that the node needs.
+   We pick up the RetReg from the STkO header instead.
+   KH/HWL 14/2/97
+    P_ temp;
+    FB_
+    RetReg = STKO_RETURN(StkOReg); /* pick up return code from the StkO hdr
+                                      needed because we come from UpdatePAP */
+    LivenessReg = LIVENESS_R1;
+    temp = STKO_LINK(StkOReg);
+    /*? fprintf(stderr,"Stk Underflow from: %lx to: %lx size abandoned: %d\n",StkOReg,temp,STKO_CLOSURE_CTS_SIZE(StkOReg)); ?*/
+    /* change the guy we are abandoning into something
+       that will not be "interesting" on the mutables
+       list.  (As long as it is there, it will be
+       scavenged in GC, and we cannot guarantee that
+       it is still a "sane" StkO object).  (And, besides,
+       why continue to keep it [and all it pts to] alive?)
+       Will & Phil 95/10
+    */
+    FREEZE_MUT_HDR(StkOReg, ImMutArrayOfPtrs_info);
+    StkOReg = temp;
+    /* ToDo: Fetch the remote stack object here! */
+    RestoreStackStgRegs();
+    JMP_(EnterNodeCode);  /* this will enter a PAP containing the old stkos
+			     A and B stacks */
+    FE_
+#endif /* !PAR */
 const W_
 vtbl_Underflow[] = {
     /* "MAX_VECTORED_RTN" elements (see GhcConstants.lh) */