diff --git a/ghc/docs/libraries/Addr.sgml b/ghc/docs/libraries/Addr.sgml
index 8681ee02e52877cc7101a2df3a80a12fb2dc9c18..39c62da81f8fce50b2458d69194cec8307d4f720 100644
--- a/ghc/docs/libraries/Addr.sgml
+++ b/ghc/docs/libraries/Addr.sgml
@@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ use in creating foreign function interfaces using GreenCard.
 module Addr where
 data Addr  -- Address type
 instance Eq Addr
+instance Ord Addr
 nullAddr           :: Addr
 plusAddr           :: Addr -> Int -> Addr
 -- read value out of _immutable_ memory
 indexCharOffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> Char
-indexIntOffAddr    :: Addr -> Int -> Int     -- should we drop this?
+indexIntOffAddr    :: Addr -> Int -> Int
 indexAddrOffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> Addr
 indexFloatOffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Float
 indexDoubleOffAddr :: Addr -> Int -> Double
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ indexInt64OffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Int64
 -- read value out of mutable memory
 readCharOffAddr    :: Addr -> Int -> IO Char
-readIntOffAddr     :: Addr -> Int -> IO Int  -- should we drop this?
+readIntOffAddr     :: Addr -> Int -> IO Int
 readAddrOffAddr    :: Addr -> Int -> IO Addr
 readFloatOffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> IO Float
 readDoubleOffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> IO Double
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ readInt64OffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> IO Int64
 -- write value into mutable memory
 writeCharOffAddr   :: Addr -> Int -> Char   -> IO ()
-writeIntOffAddr    :: Addr -> Int -> Int    -> IO ()  -- should we drop this?
+writeIntOffAddr    :: Addr -> Int -> Int    -> IO ()
 writeAddrOffAddr       :: Addr -> Int -> Addr   -> IO ()
 writeForeignObjOffAddr :: Addr -> Int -> ForeignObj -> IO ()
 writeFloatOffAddr  :: Addr -> Int -> Float  -> IO ()
diff --git a/ghc/docs/libraries/Concurrent.sgml b/ghc/docs/libraries/Concurrent.sgml
index 1ea694871d774059b79fde88ed40cac18d4f6742..4af56157172ec5bf3d3d76828744fdc2cb76faf4 100644
--- a/ghc/docs/libraries/Concurrent.sgml
+++ b/ghc/docs/libraries/Concurrent.sgml
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ will a thread block when performing a <tt/takeMVar/ on that
 Please notice that the Boolean value returned from <tt/isEmptyMVar/
 represent just a snapshot of the state of the <tt/MVar/. By the
 time a thread gets to inspect the result and act upon it, other
-threads may have accessed the <tt/MVar/ and changed its 'filled-in'
-status of the variable. Please be wary of this.
+threads may have accessed the <tt/MVar/ and changed the 'filled-in'
+status of the variable. 
diff --git a/ghc/docs/libraries/Dynamic.sgml b/ghc/docs/libraries/Dynamic.sgml
index a137b2d965ca1128009b5041dda1422e4676896a..eccaddb285de9ddb273ca053efaf976f42ecaa53 100644
--- a/ghc/docs/libraries/Dynamic.sgml
+++ b/ghc/docs/libraries/Dynamic.sgml
@@ -8,13 +8,14 @@ information with it at run-time, and is represented here by the
 abstract type <tt/Dynamic/. Values can be converted into <tt/Dynamic/
 ones, which can then be combined and manipulated by the program using
 the operations provided over the abstract, dynamic type. One of
-these operations allows you to convert a dynamically-typed value back
-into a value with the same (monomorphic) type it had before converting
-it into a dynamically-typed value.
+these operations allows you to (try to) convert a dynamically-typed
+value back into a value with the same (monomorphic) type it had before
+converting it into a dynamically-typed value. If the dynamically-typed
+value isn't of the desired type, the coercion will fail.
 The <tt/Dynamic/ library is capable of dealing with monomorphic types
 only; no support for polymorphic dynamic values, but hopefully that
-can be added at a later stage.
+will be added at a later stage.
 Examples where this library may come in handy (dynamic types, really -
 hopefully the library provided here will suffice) are: persistent
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ i.e., (<tt/mkTyCon ",,,,"/), is shown as an <tt/(n+1)/ tuple in infix
-<sect1>The <tt/Typeable/ class
+<sect1><idx>The Typeable class</idx>
 <nidx>Typeable class</nidx>
 <label id="sec:Dynamic:Typeable">
diff --git a/ghc/docs/libraries/Foreign.sgml b/ghc/docs/libraries/Foreign.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f59f39beeaa9bce176f3e3a787426e8ea0a96c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/docs/libraries/Foreign.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+    <sect> <idx/Foreign/
+<label id="sec:Foreign">
+This module provides two types to better allow the Haskell world to
+share its data with the outside world (and vice versa), <em/foreign
+objects/ and <em/stable pointers/:
+module Foreign where
+data ForeignObj  -- abstract, instance of: Eq
+makeForeignObj  :: Addr{-object-} -> Addr{-finaliser-} -> IO ForeignObj
+writeForeignObj :: ForeignObj -> Addr{-new value-} -> IO ()
+data StablePtr a  -- abstract, instance of: Eq.
+makeStablePtr  :: a -> IO (StablePtr a)
+deRefStablePtr :: StablePtr a -> IO a
+freeStablePtr  :: StablePtr a -> IO ()
+</verb> </tscreen>
+<item>The <tt/ForeignObj/ type provides foreign objects, encapsulated
+references to values outside the Haskell heap. Foreign objects are
+finalised by the garbage collector when they become dead. The
+finaliser to use is given as second argument to <tt/makeForeignOj/,
+and is currently a function pointer to a C function with
+the following signature
+void finaliseFO(void* obj);
+The finaliser is passed the reference to the external object (i.e.,
+the first argument to <tt/makeForeignObj/.)
+The <tt/writeForeignObj/ lets you overwrite the encapsulated foreign
+reference with another.
+Stable pointers allow you to hand out references to Haskell heap
+objects to the outside world. <bf/ToDo:/ <em/say more./
+In addition to the above, the following operations for indexing via
+a <tt/ForeignObj/ are also, mirrored on the same operations provided
+over <tt/Addr/s:
+indexCharOffForeignObj   :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Char
+indexIntOffForeignObj    :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Int
+indexAddrOffForeignObj   :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Addr
+indexFloatOffForeignObj  :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Float
+indexDoubleOffForeignObj :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Double
+indexWord8OffForeignObj  :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Word8
+indexWord16OffForeignObj :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Word16
+indexWord32OffForeignObj :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Word32
+indexWord64OffForeignObj :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Word64
+indexInt8OffForeignObj  :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Int8
+indexInt16OffForeignObj :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Int16
+indexInt32OffForeignObj :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Int32
+indexInt64OffForeignObj :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Int64
+-- read value out of mutable memory
+readCharOffForeignObj    :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Char
+readIntOffForeignObj     :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Int
+readAddrOffForeignObj    :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Addr
+readFloatOffForeignObj   :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Float
+readDoubleOffForeignObj  :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Double
+readWord8OffForeignObj   :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Word8
+readWord16OffForeignObj  :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Word16
+readWord32OffForeignObj  :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Word32
+readWord64OffForeignObj  :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Word64
+readInt8OffForeignObj    :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Int8
+readInt16OffForeignObj   :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Int16
+readInt32OffForeignObj   :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Int32
+readInt64OffForeignObj   :: ForeignObj -> Int -> IO Int64
+writeCharOffForeignObj   :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Char   -> IO ()
+writeIntOffForeignObj    :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Int    -> IO ()
+writeAddrOffForeignObj   :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Addr   -> IO ()
+writeFloatOffForeignObj  :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Float  -> IO ()
+writeDoubleOffForeignObj :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Double -> IO ()
+writeWord8OffForeignObj  :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Word8  -> IO ()
+writeWord16OffForeignObj :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Word16 -> IO ()
+writeWord32OffForeignObj :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Word32 -> IO ()
+writeWord64OffForeignObj :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Word64 -> IO ()
+writeInt8OffForeignObj   :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Int8   -> IO ()
+writeInt16OffForeignObj  :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Int16  -> IO ()
+writeInt32OffForeignObj  :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Int32  -> IO ()
+writeInt64OffForeignObj  :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Int64  -> IO ()
diff --git a/ghc/docs/libraries/IOExts.sgml b/ghc/docs/libraries/IOExts.sgml
index faa0a23a69406dc8087ae70e226669cc9696e997..b2d1ddd97c755ccc92d8035110165790b9451897 100644
--- a/ghc/docs/libraries/IOExts.sgml
+++ b/ghc/docs/libraries/IOExts.sgml
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ for opening binary files.
 <tt/performGC/ triggers an immediate garbage collection
-When called, <tt/trace/ prints the string in its first argument, and then
-returns the second argument as its result.  The <tt/trace/ function is not
-referentially transparent, and should only be used for debugging, or for
-monitoring execution. 
+When called, <tt/trace/ prints the string in its first argument to
+standard error, before returning the second argument as its result.
+The <tt/trace/ function is not referentially transparent, and should
+only be used for debugging, or for monitoring execution. Some
+implementations of <tt/trace/ may decorate the string that's output
+to indicate that you're tracing.
   You should also be warned that, unless you understand some of the
@@ -58,7 +60,7 @@ simplified memoisation function:
 Operations for coercing an <tt/ST/ action into an <tt/IO/ one, and
-vice versa are also provided. Notice that coercing an <tt/IO action
+vice versa are also provided. Notice that coercing an <tt/IO/ action
 into an <tt/ST/ action is 'lossy', since any exception raised within the
 <tt/IO/ action will not be caught within the <tt/ST/ monad, as it
 doesn't support (monadic) exceptions.
diff --git a/ghc/docs/libraries/Int.sgml b/ghc/docs/libraries/Int.sgml
index 13c9e55858263877dee08f6984b674d9aa3dfe3e..a36c667e7dfc5519a45db995cf9b31fc35c92139 100644
--- a/ghc/docs/libraries/Int.sgml
+++ b/ghc/docs/libraries/Int.sgml
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ For each type <it/I/ above, we provide the following instances.
 data I            -- Signed Ints
 iToInt            :: I -> Int  -- not provided for Int64
-intToi            :: Int -> I  -- not provided for Int64
+intToI            :: Int -> I  -- not provided for Int64
 instance Eq       I
 instance Ord      I
 instance Show     I
diff --git a/ghc/docs/libraries/NumExts.sgml b/ghc/docs/libraries/NumExts.sgml
index ee372dfaee08d52e09eadce67914df44c2752aac..ca34f1cf8e98cfd1a81b56e6418f5802644cdac8 100644
--- a/ghc/docs/libraries/NumExts.sgml
+++ b/ghc/docs/libraries/NumExts.sgml
@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ floatToDouble :: Float  -> Double
 showHex       :: Integral a => a -> ShowS
 showOct       :: Integral a => a -> ShowS
+showBin       :: Integral a => a -> ShowS
+showIntAtBase :: Integral a 
+	      => a            -- base
+	      -> (a -> Char)  -- digit to char
+	      -> a            -- number to show.
+	      -> ShowS
 </verb> </tscreen>
@@ -25,7 +32,24 @@ Notes:
     No loss of precision occurs in the other direction with
     <tt/floatToDouble/, the floating value remains unchanged.
-    <tt/showOct/ and <tt/showHex/ will prefix <tt/0o/ and <tt/0x/
-    respectively. Like <tt/Numeric.showInt/, these show functions
-    work on positive numbers only.
+    <tt/showOct/, <tt/showHex/ and <tt/showBin/ will prefix <tt/0o/,
+    <tt/0x/ and <tt/0b/, respectively. Like <tt/Numeric.showInt/,
+    these show functions work on positive numbers only.
+    <tt/showIntAtBase/ is the more general function for converting
+    a number at some base into a series of characters. The above
+    <tt/show*/ functions use it, for instance, here's how <tt/showHex/
+    could be defined
+showHex :: Integral a => a -> ShowS
+showHex n r = 
+ showString "0x" $
+ showIntAtBase 16 (toChrHex) n r
+ where  
+  toChrHex d
+    | d < 10    = chr (ord '0' + fromIntegral d)
+    | otherwise = chr (ord 'a' + fromIntegral (d - 10))
diff --git a/ghc/docs/libraries/Word.sgml b/ghc/docs/libraries/Word.sgml
index 843bdb1d9927f78993325fce072b3204a40a9d06..eb82c2ae4f5e105277cbb5aaa2aca43569271983 100644
--- a/ghc/docs/libraries/Word.sgml
+++ b/ghc/docs/libraries/Word.sgml
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Notes:
   All arithmetic is performed modulo 2^n
-  One non-obvious consequequence of this is that <tt/negate/
+  One non-obvious consequence of this is that <tt/negate/
   should <em/not/ raise an error on negative arguments.
diff --git a/ghc/docs/libraries/libs.sgml b/ghc/docs/libraries/libs.sgml
index ab6e04feadfd7901705b9711e3f0f34debb201fd..29175f1cd3bd8160bd51ba336b3325717d968749 100644
--- a/ghc/docs/libraries/libs.sgml
+++ b/ghc/docs/libraries/libs.sgml
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
   <!ENTITY concurrent SYSTEM "Concurrent.sgml">
   <!ENTITY dynamic    SYSTEM "Dynamic.sgml">
   <!ENTITY exception  SYSTEM "Exception.sgml">
+  <!ENTITY foreign    SYSTEM "Foreign.sgml">
   <!ENTITY glaexts    SYSTEM "GlaExts.sgml">
   <!ENTITY ioexts     SYSTEM "IOExts.sgml">
   <!ENTITY int	      SYSTEM "Int.sgml">
@@ -23,14 +24,12 @@
 <title>The Hugs-GHC Extension Libraries
-<author>Alastair Reid <tt/reid-alastair@cs.yale.edu/ 
-        Simon Marlow <tt/simonm@dcs.gla.ac.uk/
-<date>v0.8, 28 January 1998
+<author>The Hugs/GHC Team 
+<date>January 1999
 Hugs and GHC provide a common set of libraries to aid portability.
 This document specifies the interfaces to these libraries and documents
-known differences.  We hope that these modules will be adopted for inclusion
-as Standard Haskell Libraries sometime soon.
+known differences.
@@ -82,17 +81,15 @@ the form <tt/getXContents/, e.g., <tt/Channel.getChanContents/ and
-<sect> <idx/Foreign/
-<label id="sec:Foreign">
-This module is provided by GHC but not by Hugs.
-GreenCard for Hugs provides the <tt/ForeignObj/ type.
 <sect> <idx/LazyST/ 
 <label id="sec:LazyST">
@@ -113,9 +110,6 @@ semantics with respect to laziness are as you would expect: the strict
 state thread passed to <tt/strictToLazyST/ is not performed until the
 result of the lazy state thread it returns is demanded.