diff --git a/ghc/lib/exts/ByteArray.lhs b/ghc/lib/exts/ByteArray.lhs
index f7db46770b4ae1906c99c32a97fcea1899c556cb..6fba8e150bdef72a087118a71152c35edadda9bc 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/exts/ByteArray.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/exts/ByteArray.lhs
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@ module ByteArray
         --Indexing of ordinary @Arrays@ is standard Haskell and isn't defined here.
-        indexCharArray,     --:: Ix ix => ByteArray ix -> ix -> Char 
-        indexIntArray,      --:: Ix ix => ByteArray ix -> ix -> Int
-        indexWordArray,     --:: Ix ix => ByteArray ix -> ix -> Word
-        indexAddrArray,     --:: Ix ix => ByteArray ix -> ix -> Addr
-        indexFloatArray,    --:: Ix ix => ByteArray ix -> ix -> Float
-        indexDoubleArray,   --:: Ix ix => ByteArray ix -> ix -> Double
+        indexCharArray,     -- :: Ix ix => ByteArray ix -> ix -> Char 
+        indexIntArray,      -- :: Ix ix => ByteArray ix -> ix -> Int
+        indexWordArray,     -- :: Ix ix => ByteArray ix -> ix -> Word
+        indexAddrArray,     -- :: Ix ix => ByteArray ix -> ix -> Addr
+        indexFloatArray,    -- :: Ix ix => ByteArray ix -> ix -> Float
+        indexDoubleArray,   -- :: Ix ix => ByteArray ix -> ix -> Double
        ) where
diff --git a/ghc/lib/exts/Dynamic.lhs b/ghc/lib/exts/Dynamic.lhs
index 92a1725d31c5f856d41370e779b1e79bbc7a7cf7..c57b013ea2145460431489aec08aca4d96204f98 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/exts/Dynamic.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/exts/Dynamic.lhs
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ with operations for converting dynamic values into a concrete
 The Dynamic implementation provided is closely based on code
 contained in Hugs library of the same name.
+NOTE: test code at the end, but commented out.
 module Dynamic
@@ -116,9 +118,14 @@ instance Show TypeRep where
     case tys of
       [] -> showsPrec p tycon
       [x] | tycon == listTc    -> showChar '[' . shows x . showChar ']'
-      xs  | isTupleTyCon tycon -> showTuple tycon xs
-      xs -> showParen (p > 9) $
-   	    showsPrec p tycon . showChar ' ' . showArgs tys
+      xs  
+        | isTupleTyCon tycon -> showTuple tycon xs
+	| otherwise	     ->
+	    showParen (p > 9) $
+   	    showsPrec p tycon . 
+	    showChar ' '      . 
+	    showArgs tys
   showsPrec p (Fun f a) =
      showParen (p > 8) $
      showsPrec 9 f . showString " -> " . showsPrec 8 a
@@ -144,7 +151,7 @@ isTupleTyCon (TyCon _ (',':_)) = True
 isTupleTyCon _		       = False
 instance Show TyCon where
-  showsPrec d (TyCon _ s) = showString s
+  showsPrec _ (TyCon _ s) = showString s
 -- If we enforce the restriction that TyCons are
@@ -164,6 +171,7 @@ uni = unsafePerformIO ( newIORef 0 )
 Some (Show.TypeRep) helpers:
+showArgs :: Show a => [a] -> ShowS
 showArgs [] = id
 showArgs [a] = showsPrec 10 a
 showArgs (a:as) = showsPrec 10 a . showString " " . showArgs as 
@@ -357,16 +365,23 @@ instance ( Typeable a
 -- prelude types:
+intTc, charTc, boolTc :: TyCon
 intTc      = mkTyCon "Int"
 charTc     = mkTyCon "Char"
 boolTc     = mkTyCon "Bool"
+floatTc, doubleTc, integerTc :: TyCon
 floatTc    = mkTyCon "Float"
 doubleTc   = mkTyCon "Double"
 integerTc  = mkTyCon "Integer"
+ioTc, maybeTc, eitherTc, listTc :: TyCon
 ioTc       = mkTyCon "IO"
 maybeTc    = mkTyCon "Maybe"
 eitherTc   = mkTyCon "Either"
 listTc     = mkTyCon "[]"
+unitTc, orderingTc, arrayTc, complexTc, handleTc :: TyCon
 unitTc     = mkTyCon "()"
 orderingTc = mkTyCon "Ordering"
 arrayTc    = mkTyCon "Array"
@@ -374,25 +389,35 @@ complexTc  = mkTyCon "Complex"
 handleTc   = mkTyCon "Handle"
 -- Hugs/GHC extension lib types:
+addrTc, stablePtrTc, mvarTc :: TyCon
 addrTc       = mkTyCon "Addr"
 stablePtrTc  = mkTyCon "StablePtr"
 mvarTc       = mkTyCon "MVar"
+foreignObjTc, stTc :: TyCon
 foreignObjTc = mkTyCon "ForeignObj"
 stTc         = mkTyCon "ST"
+int8Tc, int16Tc, int32Tc, int64Tc :: TyCon
 int8Tc       = mkTyCon "Int8"
 int16Tc      = mkTyCon "Int16"
 int32Tc      = mkTyCon "Int32"
 int64Tc	     = mkTyCon "Int64"
+word8Tc, word16Tc, word32Tc, word64Tc :: TyCon
 word8Tc      = mkTyCon "Word8"
 word16Tc     = mkTyCon "Word16"
 word32Tc     = mkTyCon "Word32"
 word64Tc     = mkTyCon "Word64"
+tyConTc, typeRepTc, dynamicTc :: TyCon
 tyConTc      = mkTyCon "TyCon"
 typeRepTc    = mkTyCon "Type"
 dynamicTc    = mkTyCon "Dynamic"
 -- GHC specific:
+byteArrayTc, mutablebyteArrayTc, wordTc :: TyCon
 byteArrayTc  = mkTyCon "ByteArray"
 mutablebyteArrayTc = mkTyCon "MutableByteArray"
 wordTc       = mkTyCon "Word"
@@ -400,7 +425,9 @@ wordTc       = mkTyCon "Word"
+test1,test2, test3, test4 :: Dynamic
 test1 = toDyn (1::Int)
 test2 = toDyn ((+) :: Int -> Int -> Int)
 test3 = dynApp test2 test1
@@ -411,7 +438,9 @@ test5 = fromDyn test4 0
 test6 = fromDyn test1 0
 test7 = fromDyn test2 0
+test8 :: Dynamic
 test8 = toDyn (mkAppTy listTc)
 test9 :: Float
 test9 = fromDyn test8 0
@@ -429,4 +458,4 @@ printf str args = putStr (decode str args)
 test10 :: IO ()
 test10 = printf "%n = %c, that much is %b\n" [toDyn (3::Int),toDyn 'a', toDyn False]
diff --git a/ghc/lib/exts/Exception.lhs b/ghc/lib/exts/Exception.lhs
index d9f5fee0fa88bfdc3e38cfed6aeff5e80c6e2723..f9f7e71b4dcd1527477befd1d4193c95e23adda2 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/exts/Exception.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/exts/Exception.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: Exception.lhs,v 1.3 1999/01/07 16:39:07 simonm Exp $
+% $Id: Exception.lhs,v 1.4 1999/01/14 18:15:29 sof Exp $
 % (c) The GRAP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1998
@@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ tryAll a = catch# (a `seq` return (Right a)) (\e -> return (Left e))
 tryAllIO :: IO a -> IO (Either Exception a)
-tryAllIO a = catchAllIO (a >>= \a -> return (Right a))
+tryAllIO a = catchAllIO (a >>= \ v -> return (Right v))
 			(\e -> return (Left e))
 try :: (Exception -> Maybe b) -> a -> IO (Either b a)
 try p a = do
   r <- tryAll a
   case r of
-	Right a -> return (Right a)
+	Right v -> return (Right v)
 	Left  e -> case p e of
 			Nothing -> throw e
 			Just b  -> return (Left b)
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ tryIO :: (Exception -> Maybe b) -> IO a -> IO (Either b a)
 tryIO p a = do
   r <- tryAllIO a
   case r of
-	Right a -> return (Right a)
+	Right v -> return (Right v)
 	Left  e -> case p e of
 			Nothing -> throw e
 			Just b  -> return (Left b)
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ catchDyn m k = catchException m handle
 		  	  	case fromDynamic dyn of
 				    Just exception  -> k exception
 				    Nothing -> throw ex
-			   other -> throw ex
+			   _ -> throw ex
diff --git a/ghc/lib/exts/Foreign.lhs b/ghc/lib/exts/Foreign.lhs
index 23168a8b3ac886abc2bd15344c55fdb42c5eaee7..2187d5303e25d263d15308ad7609471906d4e459 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/exts/Foreign.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/exts/Foreign.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ module Foreign
        , freeStablePtr   -- :: StablePtr a -> IO ()
        ) where
-import PrelForeign
+import PrelForeign --hiding ( makeForeignObj )
+--import qualified PrelForeign as PF ( makeForeignObj )
 import PrelBase    ( Int(..), Double(..), Float(..), Char(..) )
 import PrelGHC     ( indexCharOffForeignObj#, indexIntOffForeignObj#, 
 		     indexAddrOffForeignObj#, indexFloatOffForeignObj#, 
@@ -68,6 +69,17 @@ foreignObjToAddr :: ForeignObj -> IO Addr
 foreignObjToAddr fo = _casm_ `` %r=(StgAddr)%0; '' fo
+makeForeignObj :: Addr -> Addr -> IO ForeignObj
+makeForeignObj obj finaliser = do
+   fobj <- PF.makeForeignObj obj
+   addForeignFinaliser fobj (app0 finaliser)
+   return fobj
+foreign import dynamic unsafe app0 :: Addr -> IO ()
 indexCharOffForeignObj   :: ForeignObj -> Int -> Char
diff --git a/ghc/lib/exts/GetOpt.lhs b/ghc/lib/exts/GetOpt.lhs
index d0bb8170b7129527b20c5a31fb35f5416a586db8..f8c4646953107ffdd24f70b3183d57c4b6561c1d 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/exts/GetOpt.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/exts/GetOpt.lhs
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ usageInfo header optDescr = unlines (header:table)
          flushLeft n xs = [ take n (x ++ repeat ' ') | x <- xs ]
 fmtOpt :: OptDescr a -> (String,String,String)
-fmtOpt (Option sos los ad descr) = (sepBy ", " (map (fmtShort ad) sos),
-                                    sepBy ", " (map (fmtLong  ad) los),
+fmtOpt (Option sos los ad descr) = (sepBy ',' (map (fmtShort ad) sos),
+                                    sepBy ',' (map (fmtLong  ad) los),
-   where sepBy sep []     = ""
-         sepBy sep [x]    = x
-         sepBy sep (x:xs) = x ++ sep ++ sepBy sep xs
+   where sepBy _  []     = ""
+         sepBy _  [x]    = x
+         sepBy ch (x:xs) = x ++ ch:' ':sepBy ch xs
 fmtShort :: ArgDescr a -> Char -> String
 fmtShort (NoArg  _   ) so = "-" ++ [so]
@@ -99,16 +99,16 @@ getNext a            rest _        = (NonOpt a,rest)
 -- handle long option
 longOpt :: String -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> (OptKind a,[String])
-longOpt xs rest optDescr = long ads arg rest
-   where (opt,arg) = break (=='=') xs
+longOpt ls rs optDescr = long ads arg rs
+   where (opt,arg) = break (=='=') ls
          options   = [ o  | o@(Option _ ls _ _) <- optDescr, l <- ls, opt `isPrefixOf` l ]
          ads       = [ ad | Option _ _ ad _ <- options ]
          optStr    = ("--"++opt)
          long (_:_:_)      _        rest     = (errAmbig options optStr,rest)
          long [NoArg  a  ] []       rest     = (Opt a,rest)
-         long [NoArg  a  ] ('=':xs) rest     = (errNoArg optStr,rest)
-         long [ReqArg f d] []       []       = (errReq d optStr,[])
+         long [NoArg  _  ] ('=':_)  rest     = (errNoArg optStr,rest)
+         long [ReqArg _ d] []       []       = (errReq d optStr,[])
          long [ReqArg f _] []       (r:rest) = (Opt (f r),rest)
          long [ReqArg f _] ('=':xs) rest     = (Opt (f xs),rest)
          long [OptArg f _] []       rest     = (Opt (f Nothing),rest)
diff --git a/ghc/lib/exts/GlaExts.lhs b/ghc/lib/exts/GlaExts.lhs
index 0bc59acc75f53088af6da2a58344b50081fa9f33..2a673e286547e093e062803b64dd2d4f48ec8728 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/exts/GlaExts.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/exts/GlaExts.lhs
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ module GlaExts
         -- misc bits
-	Lift(..),
         -- and finally, all the unboxed primops of PrelGHC!
         module PrelGHC
@@ -70,9 +69,16 @@ import MutableArray
 import Monad
 type PrimIO a = IO a
+primIOToIO :: PrimIO a -> IO a
 primIOToIO io = io
+ioToPrimIO :: IO a -> PrimIO a
 ioToPrimIO io = io
+unsafePerformPrimIO :: PrimIO a -> a
 unsafePerformPrimIO = unsafePerformIO
 thenPrimIO :: PrimIO a -> (a -> PrimIO b) -> PrimIO b
 thenPrimIO = (>>=)
diff --git a/ghc/lib/exts/IOExts.lhs b/ghc/lib/exts/IOExts.lhs
index 50463566320c9db788f5ad0ba5886c6da55560a6..5bbd8f0dffac3469c30a568e0d3268b1f9a2715d 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/exts/IOExts.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/exts/IOExts.lhs
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ module IOExts
 	, unsafePtrEq
 	, unsafeIOToST
+	, stToIO
         ) where
diff --git a/ghc/lib/exts/Int.lhs b/ghc/lib/exts/Int.lhs
index 6b40fe22c6718bf14a5016a71b54d96d50f20f2b..046821666bbbedf1229ca55763e2d3684315fb27 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/exts/Int.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/exts/Int.lhs
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ import PrelAddr ( Int64(..), Word64(..) )
 import Ix
 import Bits
+import Ratio   ( (%) )
 import Numeric ( readDec )
 import Word    ( Word32 )
@@ -130,6 +131,8 @@ instance CCallable Int8
 instance CReturnable Int8
 int8ToInt (I8# x) = I# (int8ToInt# x)
+int8ToInt# :: Int# -> Int#
 int8ToInt# x = if x' <=# 0x7f# then x' else x' -# 0x100#
    where x' = word2Int# (int2Word# x `and#` int2Word# 0xff#)
@@ -139,6 +142,8 @@ int8ToInt# x = if x' <=# 0x7f# then x' else x' -# 0x100#
 -- i.e., show (intToInt8 511) => "-1"
 intToInt8 (I# x) = I8# (intToInt8# x)
+intToInt8# :: Int# -> Int#
 intToInt8# i# = word2Int# ((int2Word# i#) `and#` int2Word# 0xff#)
 instance Eq  Int8     where 
@@ -177,40 +182,45 @@ instance Real Int8 where
     toRational x = toInteger x % 1
 instance Integral Int8 where
-    div x@(I8# x#) y@(I8# y#) = 
-       if x > 0 && y < 0	then quotInt8 (x-y-1) y
-       else if x < 0 && y > 0	then quotInt8 (x-y+1) y
-       else quotInt8 x y
+    div x y
+       | x > 0 && y < 0 = quotInt8 (x-y-1) y
+       | x < 0 && y > 0	= quotInt8 (x-y+1) y
+       | otherwise      = quotInt8 x y
     quot x@(I8# _) y@(I8# y#)
        | y# /=# 0# = x `quotInt8` y
        | otherwise = error "Integral.Int8.quot: divide by 0\n"
     rem x@(I8# _) y@(I8# y#)
        | y# /=# 0#  = x `remInt8` y
        | otherwise  = error "Integral.Int8.rem: divide by 0\n"
-    mod x@(I8# x#) y@(I8# y#) =
-       if x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0 then
-	  if r/=0 then r+y else 0
-       else
-	  r
+    mod x y
+       | x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0 = if r/=0 then r+y else 0
+       | otherwise = r
 	where r = remInt8 x y
     a@(I8# _) `quotRem` b@(I8# _) = (a `quotInt8` b, a `remInt8` b)
     toInteger i8  = toInteger (int8ToInt i8)
     toInt     i8  = int8ToInt i8
+remInt8, quotInt8 :: Int8 -> Int8 -> Int8
 remInt8  (I8# x) (I8# y) = I8# (intToInt8# ((int8ToInt# x) `remInt#` (int8ToInt# y)))
 quotInt8 (I8# x) (I8# y) = I8# (intToInt8# ((int8ToInt# x) `quotInt#` (int8ToInt# y)))
 instance Ix Int8 where
     range (m,n)          = [m..n]
-    index b@(m,n) i
+    index b@(m,_) i
 	      | inRange b i = int8ToInt (i - m)
-	      | otherwise   = error (showString "Ix{Int8}.index: Index " .
-				     showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) .
-                                     showString " out of range " $
-				     showParen True (showsPrec 0 b) "")
+	      | otherwise   = indexError i b "Int8"
     inRange (m,n) i      = m <= i && i <= n
 instance Enum Int8 where
+    succ i
+      | i == maxBound = error ("Enum{Int8}.succ: tried to take `succ' of " ++ show i)
+      | otherwise     = i+1
+    pred i
+      | i == minBound = error ("Enum{Int8}.pred: tried to take `pred' of " ++ show i)
+      | otherwise     = i+1
     toEnum         = intToInt8
     fromEnum       = int8ToInt
     enumFrom c       = map toEnum [fromEnum c .. fromEnum (maxBound::Int8)]
@@ -275,10 +285,13 @@ instance CReturnable Int16
 int16ToInt (I16# x) = I# (int16ToInt# x)
+int16ToInt# :: Int# -> Int#
 int16ToInt# x = if x' <=# 0x7fff# then x' else x' -# 0x10000#
    where x' = word2Int# (int2Word# x `and#` int2Word# 0xffff#)
 intToInt16 (I# x) = I16# (intToInt16# x)
+intToInt16# :: Int# -> Int#
 intToInt16# i# = word2Int# ((int2Word# i#) `and#` int2Word# 0xffff#)
 instance Eq  Int16     where
@@ -310,40 +323,45 @@ instance Real Int16 where
     toRational x = toInteger x % 1
 instance Integral Int16 where
-    div x@(I16# x#) y@(I16# y#) = 
-       if x > 0 && y < 0	then quotInt16 (x-y-1) y
-       else if x < 0 && y > 0	then quotInt16 (x-y+1) y
-       else quotInt16 x y
+    div x y
+       | x > 0 && y < 0	= quotInt16 (x-y-1) y
+       | x < 0 && y > 0	= quotInt16 (x-y+1) y
+       | otherwise	= quotInt16 x y
     quot x@(I16# _) y@(I16# y#)
        | y# /=# 0#      = x `quotInt16` y
        | otherwise      = error "Integral.Int16.quot: divide by 0\n"
     rem x@(I16# _) y@(I16# y#)
        | y# /=# 0#      = x `remInt16` y
        | otherwise      = error "Integral.Int16.rem: divide by 0\n"
-    mod x@(I16# x#) y@(I16# y#) =
-       if x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0 then
-	  if r/=0 then r+y else 0
-       else
-	  r
+    mod x y
+       | x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0 = if r/=0 then r+y else 0
+       | otherwise			  = r
 	where r = remInt16 x y
     a@(I16# _) `quotRem` b@(I16# _) = (a `quotInt16` b, a `remInt16` b)
     toInteger i16  = toInteger (int16ToInt i16)
     toInt     i16  = int16ToInt i16
+remInt16, quotInt16 :: Int16 -> Int16 -> Int16
 remInt16  (I16# x) (I16# y) = I16# (intToInt16# ((int16ToInt# x) `remInt#` (int16ToInt# y)))
 quotInt16 (I16# x) (I16# y) = I16# (intToInt16# ((int16ToInt# x) `quotInt#` (int16ToInt# y)))
 instance Ix Int16 where
     range (m,n)          = [m..n]
-    index b@(m,n) i
+    index b@(m,_) i
 	      | inRange b i = int16ToInt (i - m)
-	      | otherwise   = error (showString "Ix{Int16}.index: Index " .
-				     showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) .
-                                     showString " out of range " $
-				     showParen True (showsPrec 0 b) "")
+	      | otherwise   = indexError i b "Int16"
     inRange (m,n) i      = m <= i && i <= n
 instance Enum Int16 where
+    succ i
+      | i == maxBound = error ("Enum{Int16}.succ: tried to take `succ' of " ++ show i)
+      | otherwise     = i+1
+    pred i
+      | i == minBound = error ("Enum{Int16}.pred: tried to take `pred' of " ++ show i)
+      | otherwise     = i+1
     toEnum           = intToInt16
     fromEnum         = int16ToInt
     enumFrom c       = map toEnum [fromEnum c .. fromEnum (maxBound::Int16)]
@@ -456,40 +474,44 @@ instance Real Int32 where
     toRational x = toInteger x % 1
 instance Integral Int32 where
-    div x@(I32# x#) y@(I32# y#) = 
-       if x > 0 && y < 0	then quotInt32 (x-y-1) y
-       else if x < 0 && y > 0	then quotInt32 (x-y+1) y
-       else quotInt32 x y
+    div x y
+       | x > 0 && y < 0	= quotInt32 (x-y-1) y
+       | x < 0 && y > 0	= quotInt32 (x-y+1) y
+       | otherwise      = quotInt32 x y
     quot x@(I32# _) y@(I32# y#)
        | y# /=# 0#  = x `quotInt32` y
        | otherwise  = error "Integral.Int32.quot: divide by 0\n"
     rem x@(I32# _) y@(I32# y#)
        | y# /=# 0#  = x `remInt32` y
        | otherwise  = error "Integral.Int32.rem: divide by 0\n"
-    mod x@(I32# x#) y@(I32# y#) =
-       if x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0 then
-	  if r/=0 then r+y else 0
-       else
-	  r
+    mod x y
+       | x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0 = if r/=0 then r+y else 0
+       | otherwise			  = r
 	where r = remInt32 x y
     a@(I32# _) `quotRem` b@(I32# _) = (a `quotInt32` b, a `remInt32` b)
     toInteger i32  = toInteger (int32ToInt i32)
     toInt     i32  = int32ToInt i32
+remInt32, quotInt32 :: Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32
 remInt32  (I32# x) (I32# y) = I32# (intToInt32# ((int32ToInt# x) `remInt#` (int32ToInt# y)))
 quotInt32 (I32# x) (I32# y) = I32# (intToInt32# ((int32ToInt# x) `quotInt#` (int32ToInt# y)))
 instance Ix Int32 where
     range (m,n)          = [m..n]
-    index b@(m,n) i
+    index b@(m,_) i
 	      | inRange b i = int32ToInt (i - m)
-	      | otherwise   = error (showString "Ix{Int32}.index: Index " .
-				     showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) .
-                                     showString " out of range " $
-				     showParen True (showsPrec 0 b) "")
+	      | otherwise   = indexError i b "Int32"
     inRange (m,n) i      = m <= i && i <= n
 instance Enum Int32 where
+    succ i
+      | i == maxBound = error ("Enum{Int32}.succ: tried to take `succ' of " ++ show i)
+      | otherwise     = i+1
+    pred i
+      | i == minBound = error ("Enum{Int32}.pred: tried to take `pred' of " ++ show i)
+      | otherwise     = i+1
     toEnum         = intToInt32
     fromEnum       = int32ToInt
     enumFrom c       = map toEnum [fromEnum c .. fromEnum (maxBound::Int32)]
@@ -584,7 +606,7 @@ instance Real Int64 where
   toRational x = toInteger x % 1
 instance Integral Int64 where
-    div x@(I64# x#) y@(I64# y#)
+    div x y
       | x > 0 && y < 0	= quotInt64 (x-y-1) y
       | x < 0 && y > 0	= quotInt64 (x-y+1) y
       | otherwise       = quotInt64 x y
@@ -597,7 +619,7 @@ instance Integral Int64 where
        | y# /=# 0# = x `remInt64` y
        | otherwise = error "Integral.Int32.rem: divide by 0\n"
-    mod x@(I64# x#) y@(I64# y#)
+    mod x y
        | x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0 = if r/=0 then r+y else 0
        | otherwise = r
 	where r = remInt64 x y
@@ -607,6 +629,13 @@ instance Integral Int64 where
     toInt     (I64# i#) = I# i#
 instance Enum Int64 where
+    succ i
+      | i == maxBound = error ("Enum{Int64}.succ: tried to take `succ' of " ++ show i)
+      | otherwise     = i+1
+    pred i
+      | i == minBound = error ("Enum{Int64}.pred: tried to take `pred' of " ++ show i)
+      | otherwise     = i+1
     toEnum    (I# i)   = I64# i#
     fromEnum  (I64# i) = I64# i#
     enumFrom c         = map toEnum [fromEnum c .. fromEnum (maxBound::Int64)] -- a long list!
@@ -692,7 +721,7 @@ instance Show Int64 where
   showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (int64ToInteger x)
 instance Read Int64 where
-  readsPrec p s = [ (integerToInt64 x,r) | (x,r) <- readDec s ]
+  readsPrec _ s = [ (integerToInt64 x,r) | (x,r) <- readDec s ]
 instance Eq  Int64     where 
   (I64# x) == (I64# y) = x `eqInt64#` y
@@ -719,6 +748,7 @@ instance Num Int64 where
   fromInteger i       = integerToInt64 i
   fromInt     i       = intToInt64 i
+compareInt64# :: Int64# -> Int64# -> Ordering
 compareInt64# i# j# 
  | i# `ltInt64#` j# = LT
  | i# `eqInt64#` j# = EQ
@@ -732,7 +762,7 @@ instance Real Int64 where
   toRational x = toInteger x % 1
 instance Integral Int64 where
-    div x@(I64# x#) y@(I64# y#)
+    div x y
       | x > 0 && y < 0	= quotInt64 (x-y-1) y
       | x < 0 && y > 0	= quotInt64 (x-y+1) y
       | otherwise       = quotInt64 x y
@@ -745,7 +775,7 @@ instance Integral Int64 where
        | y# `neInt64#` (intToInt64# 0#) = x `remInt64` y
        | otherwise = error "Integral.Int32.rem: divide by 0\n"
-    mod x@(I64# x#) y@(I64# y#)
+    mod x y
        | x > 0 && y < 0 || x < 0 && y > 0 = if r/=0 then r+y else 0
        | otherwise = r
 	where r = remInt64 x y
@@ -755,6 +785,13 @@ instance Integral Int64 where
     toInt     i         = int64ToInt i
 instance Enum Int64 where
+    succ i
+      | i == maxBound = error ("Enum{Int64}.succ: tried to take `succ' of " ++ show i)
+      | otherwise     = i+1
+    pred i
+      | i == minBound = error ("Enum{Int64}.pred: tried to take `pred' of " ++ show i)
+      | otherwise     = i+1
     toEnum    (I# i)   = I64# (intToInt64# i)
     fromEnum  (I64# w) = I# (int64ToInt# w)
     enumFrom i              = eft64 i 1
@@ -796,6 +833,7 @@ instance Bits Int64 where
   bitSize  _    = 64
   isSigned _    = True
+remInt64, quotInt64 :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64
 remInt64  (I64# x) (I64# y) = I64# (x `remInt64#` y)
 quotInt64 (I64# x) (I64# y) = I64# (x `quotInt64#` y)
@@ -808,7 +846,7 @@ int64ToInt (I64# i#) = I# (int64ToInt# i#)
 -- Enum Int64 helper funs:
 eftt64 :: Int64 -> Int64 -> (Int64->Bool) -> [Int64]
-eftt64 now step done = go now
+eftt64 init step done = go init
    go now
      | done now  = []
@@ -942,14 +980,14 @@ shiftRL64# a# b# =
     W64# w# -> w#
 int64ToInt# :: Int64# -> Int#
-int64ToInt# i# =
-  case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_int64ToInt i#)) of
+int64ToInt# i64# =
+  case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_int64ToInt i64#)) of
     I# i# -> i#
 wordToWord64# :: Word# -> Word64#
 wordToWord64# w# =
   case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_wordToWord64 w#)) of
-    W64# w# -> w#
+    W64# w64# -> w64#
 word64ToInt64# :: Word64# -> Int64#
 word64ToInt64# w# =
@@ -957,18 +995,25 @@ word64ToInt64# w# =
     I64# i# -> i#
 int64ToWord64# :: Int64# -> Word64#
-int64ToWord64# w# =
-  case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_int64ToWord64 w#)) of
+int64ToWord64# i# =
+  case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_int64ToWord64 i#)) of
     W64# w# -> w#
 intToInt64# :: Int# -> Int64#
 intToInt64# i# =
   case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_intToInt64 i#)) of
-    I64# i# -> i#
+    I64# i64# -> i64#
+instance Ix Int64 where
+    range (m,n)          = [m..n]
+    index b@(m,_) i
+	   | inRange b i = int64ToInt (i-m)
+	   | otherwise   = indexError i b "Int64"
+    inRange (m,n) i      = m <= i && i <= n
 sizeofInt64 :: Word32
 sizeofInt64 = 8
@@ -982,9 +1027,11 @@ sizeofInt64 = 8
 Code copied from the Prelude
+absReal :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a
 absReal x    | x >= 0    = x
 	     | otherwise = -x
+signumReal :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a
 signumReal x | x == 0    =  0
 	     | x > 0     =  1
 	     | otherwise = -1
@@ -1143,3 +1190,17 @@ writeInt64OffForeignObj fo i e = _casm_ `` (((StgInt64*)%0)[(StgInt)%1])=(StgInt
+C&P'ed from Ix.lhs
+{-# NOINLINE indexError #-}
+indexError :: Show a => a -> (a,a) -> String -> b
+indexError i rng tp
+  = error (showString "Ix{" . showString tp . showString "}.index: Index " .
+           showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) .
+	   showString " out of range " $
+	   showParen True (showsPrec 0 rng) "")
diff --git a/ghc/lib/exts/LazyST.lhs b/ghc/lib/exts/LazyST.lhs
index 49898025d129f748a6baa909a67f3874b67186df..07bf7a7a170c19bd51f68f6031449b54e5d655b3 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/exts/LazyST.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/exts/LazyST.lhs
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import PrelGHC
 newtype ST s a = ST (PrelST.State s -> (a,PrelST.State s))
 instance Functor (ST s) where
-    map f m = ST $ \ s ->
+    fmap f m = ST $ \ s ->
        ST m_a = m
        (r,new_s) = m_a s
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ instance Monad (ST s) where
         return a = ST $ \ s -> (a,s)
         m >> k   =  m >>= \ _ -> k
+	fail s   = error s
         (ST m) >>= k
          = ST $ \ s ->
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ instance Monad (ST s) where
 {-# NOINLINE runST #-}
 runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a
-runST st = case st of ST st -> let (r,_) = st (PrelST.S# realWorld#) in r
+runST st = case st of ST the_st -> let (r,_) = the_st (PrelST.S# realWorld#) in r
@@ -106,8 +107,9 @@ readSTArray (STArray arr) ix = strictToLazyST (readArray arr ix)
 writeSTArray (STArray arr) ix v = strictToLazyST (writeArray arr ix v)
 boundsSTArray (STArray arr) = boundsOfArray arr
 thawSTArray arr	= 
-	    strictToLazyST (thawArray arr) >>= \arr -> 
-	    return (STArray arr)
+	    strictToLazyST (thawArray arr) >>= \ marr -> 
+	    return (STArray marr)
 freezeSTArray (STArray arr) = strictToLazyST (freezeArray arr)
 unsafeFreezeSTArray (STArray arr) = strictToLazyST (unsafeFreezeArray arr)
@@ -115,8 +117,8 @@ strictToLazyST :: PrelST.ST s a -> ST s a
 strictToLazyST m = ST $ \s ->
   	   pr = case s of { PrelST.S# s# -> PrelST.liftST m s# }
-	   r  = case pr of { PrelST.STret s2# r -> r }
-	   s' = case pr of { PrelST.STret s2# r -> PrelST.S# s2# }
+	   r  = case pr of { PrelST.STret _ v -> v }
+	   s' = case pr of { PrelST.STret s2# _ -> PrelST.S# s2# }
 	(r, s')
diff --git a/ghc/lib/exts/MutableArray.lhs b/ghc/lib/exts/MutableArray.lhs
index 67afd422acf155f5d048e69e80a5fea82f2f37db..6153c44b1950e12a5ae4a50887e713734daa43fd 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/exts/MutableArray.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/exts/MutableArray.lhs
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@ freezeStablePtrArray (MutableByteArray ixs arr#) = ST $ \ s# ->
 	    -> State# s			-- the Universe and everything
 	    -> (# State# s, ByteArray# #)
-    freeze arr# n# s#
-      = case (newStablePtrArray# n# s#)    of { (# s2# , newarr1# #) ->
-	case copy 0# n# arr# newarr1# s2#  of { (# s3# , newarr2# #) ->
+    freeze arr1# n# s#
+      = case (newStablePtrArray# n# s#)     of { (# s2# , newarr1# #) ->
+	case copy 0# n# arr1# newarr1# s2#  of { (# s3# , newarr2# #) ->
 	unsafeFreezeByteArray# newarr2# s3#
@@ -151,11 +151,11 @@ freezeStablePtrArray (MutableByteArray ixs arr#) = ST $ \ s# ->
 	     -> State# s
 	     -> (# State# s , MutableByteArray# s #)
-	copy cur# end# from# to# s#
+	copy cur# end# from# to# st#
 	  | cur# ==# end#
-	    = (# s# , to# #)
+	    = (# st# , to# #)
 	  | otherwise
-	    = case (readStablePtrArray#  from# cur#       s#) of { (# s1# , ele #) ->
+	    = case (readStablePtrArray#  from# cur#      st#) of { (# s1# , ele #) ->
 	      case (writeStablePtrArray# to#   cur# ele  s1#) of { s2# ->
 	      copy (cur# +# 1#) end# from# to# s2#
diff --git a/ghc/lib/exts/Word.lhs b/ghc/lib/exts/Word.lhs
index 82eb72957520d26b9817bdbf3e0df05a6b003f7f..6e255f1b2abb1ae299444ceea256b2648a78e3f0 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/exts/Word.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/exts/Word.lhs
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ import PrelAddr
 import Ix
 import Bits
+import Ratio
 import Numeric (readDec, showInt)
@@ -123,8 +124,11 @@ intToWord8  = word32ToWord8  . intToWord32
 word16ToInt = word32ToInt    . word16ToWord32
 intToWord16 = word32ToWord16 . intToWord32
+intToWord32 :: Int -> Word32
 intToWord32 (I# x)   = W32# ((int2Word# x) `and#` (case (maxBound::Word32) of W32# x# -> x#))
 --intToWord32 (I# x)   = W32# (int2Word# x)
+word32ToInt :: Word32 -> Int
 word32ToInt (W32# x) = I#   (word2Int# x)
 wordToInt :: Word -> Int
@@ -218,15 +222,19 @@ instance Integral Word8 where
 instance Ix Word8 where
     range (m,n)          = [m..n]
-    index b@(m,n) i
+    index b@(m,_) i
 	   | inRange b i = word8ToInt (i-m)
-	   | otherwise   = error (showString "Ix{Word8}.index: Index " .
-				  showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) .
-                                  showString " out of range " $
-				  showParen True (showsPrec 0 b) "")
+	   | otherwise   = indexError i b "Word8"
     inRange (m,n) i      = m <= i && i <= n
 instance Enum Word8 where
+    succ w	    
+      | w == maxBound = error ("Enum{Word8}.succ: tried to take `succ' of " ++ show w)
+      | otherwise     = w+1
+    pred w	    
+      | w == minBound = error ("Enum{Word8}.pred: tried to take `pred' of " ++ show w)
+      | otherwise     = w+1
     toEnum    (I# i)  = W8# (intToWord8# i)
     fromEnum  (W8# w) = I# (word2Int# w)
     enumFrom c       = map toEnum [fromEnum c .. fromEnum (maxBound::Word8)]
@@ -234,10 +242,10 @@ instance Enum Word8 where
 		       where last = if d < c then minBound else maxBound
 instance Read Word8 where
-    readsPrec p = readDec
+    readsPrec _ = readDec
 instance Show Word8 where
-    showsPrec p = showInt
+    showsPrec _ = showInt
 -- Word8s are represented by an (unboxed) 32-bit Word.
@@ -280,6 +288,7 @@ instance Bits Word8 where
 pow2# :: Int# -> Int#
 pow2# x# = word2Int# (shiftL# (int2Word# 1#) x#)
+word2Integer :: Word# -> Integer
 word2Integer w = case word2Integer# w of
 			(# a, s, d #) -> J# a s d
@@ -368,15 +377,18 @@ instance Integral Word16 where
 instance Ix Word16 where
   range (m,n)          = [m..n]
-  index b@(m,n) i
+  index b@(m,_) i
          | inRange b i = word16ToInt (i - m)
-         | otherwise   = error (showString "Ix{Word16}.index: Index " .
-				showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) .
-                                showString " out of range " $
-				showParen True (showsPrec 0 b) "")
+         | otherwise   = indexError i b "Word16"
   inRange (m,n) i      = m <= i && i <= n
 instance Enum Word16 where
+  succ w	    
+      | w == maxBound = error ("Enum{Word16}.succ: tried to take `succ' of " ++ show w)
+      | otherwise     = w+1
+  pred w
+      | w == minBound = error ("Enum{Word16}.pred: tried to take `pred' of " ++ show w)
+      | otherwise     = w+1
   toEnum    (I# i)   = W16# (intToWord16# i)
   fromEnum  (W16# w) = I# (word2Int# w)
   enumFrom c       = map toEnum [fromEnum c .. fromEnum (maxBound::Word16)]
@@ -384,10 +396,10 @@ instance Enum Word16 where
 		       where last = if d < c then minBound else maxBound
 instance Read Word16 where
-  readsPrec p = readDec
+  readsPrec _ = readDec
 instance Show Word16 where
-  showsPrec p = showInt
+  showsPrec _ = showInt
 instance Bits Word16 where
   (W16# x)  .&.  (W16# y)  = W16# (x `and#` y)
@@ -517,20 +529,24 @@ instance Integral Word32 where
 {-# INLINE quotWord32 #-}
 {-# INLINE remWord32  #-}
+remWord32, quotWord32 :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word32
 (W32# x) `quotWord32` (W32# y) = W32# (x `quotWord#` y)
 (W32# x) `remWord32`  (W32# y) = W32# (x `remWord#`  y)
 instance Ix Word32 where
     range (m,n)          = [m..n]
-    index b@(m,n) i
+    index b@(m,_) i
 	   | inRange b i = word32ToInt (i - m)
-	   | otherwise   = error (showString "Ix{Word32}.index: Index " .
-				  showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) .
-                                  showString " out of range " $
-				  showParen True (showsPrec 0 b) "")
+	   | otherwise   = indexError i b "Word32"
     inRange (m,n) i      = m <= i && i <= n
 instance Enum Word32 where
+    succ w	    
+      | w == maxBound = error ("Enum{Word32}.succ: tried to take `succ' of " ++ show w)
+      | otherwise     = w+1
+    pred w	    
+      | w == minBound = error ("Enum{Word32}.pred: tried to take `pred' of " ++ show w)
+      | otherwise     = w+1
     toEnum                  = intToWord32
     fromEnum                = word32ToInt   -- lossy, don't use.
     enumFrom w              = [w .. maxBound]
@@ -562,7 +578,7 @@ instance Enum Word32 where
 	  | otherwise  = x - diff2
 eftt32 :: Word32 -> (Word32 -> Maybe Word32) -> [Word32]
-eftt32 now stepper = go now
+eftt32 init stepper = go init
     go now =
      case stepper now of
@@ -577,10 +593,10 @@ eft32 now last = go now
     | otherwise = x:go (x+1)
 instance Read Word32 where
-    readsPrec p = readDec
+    readsPrec _ = readDec
 instance Show Word32 where
-    showsPrec p = showInt
+    showsPrec _ = showInt
 instance Bits Word32 where
   (W32# x)  .&.  (W32# y)  = W32# (x `and#` y)
@@ -692,15 +708,18 @@ instance Integral Word64 where
 instance Ix Word64 where
     range (m,n)          = [m..n]
-    index b@(m,n) i
+    index b@(m,_) i
 	   | inRange b i = word64ToInt (i-m)
-	   | otherwise   = error (showString "Ix{Word64}.index: Index " .
-				  showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) .
-                                  showString " out of range " $
-				  showParen True (showsPrec 0 b) "")
+	   | otherwise   = indexError i b "Word64"
     inRange (m,n) i      = m <= i && i <= n
 instance Enum Word64 where
+    succ w	    
+      | w == maxBound = error ("Enum{Word64}.succ: tried to take `succ' of " ++ show w)
+      | otherwise     = w+1
+    pred w	    
+      | w == minBound = error ("Enum{Word64}.pred: tried to take `pred' of " ++ show w)
+      | otherwise     = w+1
     toEnum    (I# i)        = W64# (intToWord# i)
     fromEnum  (W64# w)      = I# (word2Int# w)    -- lossy, don't use.
     enumFrom w              = eft64 w 1
@@ -712,10 +731,10 @@ instance Enum Word64 where
 	  | otherwise = minBound
 instance Read Word64 where
-    readsPrec p = readDec
+    readsPrec _ = readDec
 instance Show Word64 where
-    showsPrec p = showInt
+    showsPrec _ = showInt
 instance Bits Word64 where
@@ -772,7 +791,7 @@ word64ToInteger (W64# w#) =
 word64ToInt :: Word64 -> Int
 word64ToInt w = 
    case w `quotRem` 0x100000000 of 
-     (h,l) -> toInt (word64ToWord32 l)
+     (_,l) -> toInt (word64ToWord32 l)
 intToWord64# :: Int# -> Word64#
 intToWord64# i# = wordToWord64# (int2Word# i#)
@@ -787,7 +806,7 @@ instance Show Word64 where
   showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (word64ToInteger x)
 instance Read Word64 where
-  readsPrec p s = [ (integerToWord64 x,r) | (x,r) <- readDec s ]
+  readsPrec _ s = [ (integerToWord64 x,r) | (x,r) <- readDec s ]
 instance Eq  Word64     where 
   (W64# x) == (W64# y) = x `eqWord64#` y
@@ -842,15 +861,18 @@ instance Integral Word64 where
 instance Ix Word64 where
     range (m,n)          = [m..n]
-    index b@(m,n) i
+    index b@(m,_) i
 	   | inRange b i = word64ToInt (i-m)
-	   | otherwise   = error (showString "Ix{Word64}.index: Index " .
-				  showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) .
-                                  showString " out of range " $
-				  showParen True (showsPrec 0 b) "")
+	   | otherwise   = indexError i b "Word64"
     inRange (m,n) i      = m <= i && i <= n
 instance Enum Word64 where
+    succ w	    
+      | w == maxBound = error ("Enum{Word64}.succ: tried to take `succ' of " ++ show w)
+      | otherwise     = w+1
+    pred w	    
+      | w == minBound = error ("Enum{Word64}.pred: tried to take `pred' of " ++ show w)
+      | otherwise     = w+1
     toEnum    (I# i)        = W64# (intToWord64# i)
     fromEnum  (W64# w)      = I# (word2Int# (word64ToWord# w))  -- lossy, don't use.
     enumFrom w              = eft64 w 1
@@ -898,6 +920,7 @@ instance Bits Word64 where
   bitSize  _    = 64
   isSigned _    = False
+compareWord64# :: Word64# -> Word64# -> Ordering
 compareWord64# i# j# 
  | i# `ltWord64#` j# = LT
  | i# `eqWord64#` j# = EQ
@@ -1008,29 +1031,29 @@ shiftRL64# a# b# =
     W64# w# -> w#
 word64ToWord# :: Word64# -> Word#
-word64ToWord# w# =
-  case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_word64ToWord w#)) of
+word64ToWord# w64# =
+  case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_word64ToWord w64#)) of
     W# w# -> w#
 wordToWord64# :: Word# -> Word64#
 wordToWord64# w# =
   case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_wordToWord64 w#)) of
-    W64# w# -> w#
+    W64# w64# -> w64#
 word64ToInt64# :: Word64# -> Int64#
-word64ToInt64# w# =
-  case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_word64ToInt64 w#)) of
+word64ToInt64# w64# =
+  case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_word64ToInt64 w64#)) of
     I64# i# -> i#
 int64ToWord64# :: Int64# -> Word64#
-int64ToWord64# w# =
-  case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_int64ToWord64 w#)) of
+int64ToWord64# i64# =
+  case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_int64ToWord64 i64#)) of
     W64# w# -> w#
 intToInt64# :: Int# -> Int64#
 intToInt64# i# =
   case (unsafePerformIO (_ccall_ stg_intToInt64 i#)) of
-    I64# i# -> i#
+    I64# i64# -> i64#
@@ -1040,7 +1063,7 @@ sizeofWord64 = 8
 -- Enum Word64 helper funs:
 eftt64 :: Word64 -> Word64 -> (Word64->Bool) -> [Word64]
-eftt64 now step done = go now
+eftt64 init step done = go init
    go now
      | done now  = []
@@ -1091,6 +1114,7 @@ The remainder of this file consists of definitions which are only
 used in the implementation.
+signumReal :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a
 signumReal x | x == 0    =  0
 	     | x > 0     =  1
 	     | otherwise = -1
@@ -1225,7 +1249,7 @@ writeWord16OffAddr :: Addr -> Int -> Word16 -> IO ()
 writeWord16OffAddr a i e = _casm_ `` (((StgNat16*)%0)[(StgInt)%1])=(StgNat16)%2; '' a i e
 writeWord32OffAddr :: Addr -> Int -> Word32 -> IO ()
-writeWord32OffAddr (A# a#) i@(I# i#) (W32# w#) = IO $ \ s# ->
+writeWord32OffAddr (A# a#) i (W32# w#) = IO $ \ s# ->
       case (writeWordOffAddr#  a# i'# w# s#) of s2# -> (# s2#, () #)
    -- adjust index to be in Word units, not Word32 ones.
@@ -1274,3 +1298,17 @@ writeWord64OffForeignObj fo i e = _casm_ `` (((StgNat64*)%0)[(StgInt)%1])=(StgNa
+C&P'ed from Ix.lhs
+{-# NOINLINE indexError #-}
+indexError :: Show a => a -> (a,a) -> String -> b
+indexError i rng tp
+  = error (showString "Ix{" . showString tp . showString "}.index: Index " .
+           showParen True (showsPrec 0 i) .
+	   showString " out of range " $
+	   showParen True (showsPrec 0 rng) "")