diff --git a/ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h b/ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h
index 23d67ebe503d17f09d2940bff1fd33f69341f5d6..f61a2a4c4b74696a6486bd9c6beea63e13dea8d1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h
+++ b/ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ you will screw up the layout where they are used in case expressions!
 #endif  {- ! __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ -}
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23 && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 200
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
 #define FAST_STRING _PackedString
 #define SLIT(x)	    (_packCString (A# x#))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs
index 41ee1f391bf37018bcfb0a8cffb3c9a8650a45d3..53ce362153ba4769f7fe5172f91db65a503cc01c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs
@@ -218,8 +218,6 @@ data CStmtMacro
   | SET_TAG
   | GRAN_FETCH	    		-- for GrAnSim only  -- HWL
   | GRAN_RESCHEDULE   		-- for GrAnSim only  -- HWL
@@ -502,34 +500,34 @@ We need magical @Eq@ because @VanillaReg@s come in multiple flavors.
 instance Eq MagicId where
-    reg1 == reg2 = tagOf_MagicId reg1 _EQ_ tagOf_MagicId reg2
-tagOf_MagicId BaseReg		= (ILIT(0) :: FAST_INT)
-tagOf_MagicId StkOReg		= ILIT(1)
-tagOf_MagicId TagReg		= ILIT(2)
-tagOf_MagicId RetReg		= ILIT(3)
-tagOf_MagicId SpA		= ILIT(4)
-tagOf_MagicId SuA		= ILIT(5)
-tagOf_MagicId SpB		= ILIT(6)
-tagOf_MagicId SuB		= ILIT(7)
-tagOf_MagicId Hp		= ILIT(8)
-tagOf_MagicId HpLim		= ILIT(9)
-tagOf_MagicId LivenessReg	= ILIT(10)
-tagOf_MagicId StdUpdRetVecReg	= ILIT(12)
-tagOf_MagicId StkStubReg	= ILIT(13)
-tagOf_MagicId CurCostCentre	= ILIT(14)
-tagOf_MagicId VoidReg		= ILIT(15)
-tagOf_MagicId (VanillaReg _ i) = ILIT(15) _ADD_ i
-tagOf_MagicId (FloatReg i) = ILIT(15) _ADD_ maxv _ADD_ i
-  where
-    maxv = case mAX_Vanilla_REG of { IBOX(x) -> x }
-tagOf_MagicId (DoubleReg i) = ILIT(15) _ADD_ maxv _ADD_ maxf _ADD_ i
-  where
-    maxv = case mAX_Vanilla_REG of { IBOX(x) -> x }
-    maxf = case mAX_Float_REG   of { IBOX(x) -> x }
+    reg1 == reg2 = tag reg1 _EQ_ tag reg2
+     where
+	tag BaseReg	     = (ILIT(0) :: FAST_INT)
+	tag StkOReg	     = ILIT(1)
+	tag TagReg	     = ILIT(2)
+	tag RetReg	     = ILIT(3)
+	tag SpA		     = ILIT(4)
+	tag SuA		     = ILIT(5)
+	tag SpB		     = ILIT(6)
+	tag SuB		     = ILIT(7)
+	tag Hp		     = ILIT(8)
+	tag HpLim	     = ILIT(9)
+	tag LivenessReg	     = ILIT(10)
+	tag StdUpdRetVecReg  = ILIT(12)
+	tag StkStubReg	     = ILIT(13)
+	tag CurCostCentre    = ILIT(14)
+	tag VoidReg	     = ILIT(15)
+	tag (VanillaReg _ i) = ILIT(15) _ADD_ i
+	tag (FloatReg i) = ILIT(15) _ADD_ maxv _ADD_ i
+	  where
+	    maxv = case mAX_Vanilla_REG of { IBOX(x) -> x }
+	tag (DoubleReg i) = ILIT(15) _ADD_ maxv _ADD_ maxf _ADD_ i
+	  where
+	    maxv = case mAX_Vanilla_REG of { IBOX(x) -> x }
+	    maxf = case mAX_Float_REG   of { IBOX(x) -> x }
 Returns True for any register that {\em potentially} dies across
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs
index bf681148820a4d9028f3d3c6b2432bf1d500a2b6..c32b010b6836b28bdb93ec2fbfe43ec568c6fdaa 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs
@@ -363,8 +363,6 @@ stmtMacroCosts macro modes =
     UPD_BH_SINGLE_ENTRY	  ->  Cost (3, 0, 0, 1, 0)	 {- SMupdate.lh	 -}
     PUSH_STD_UPD_FRAME	  ->  Cost (3, 0, 0, 4, 0)	 {- SMupdate.lh	 -}
     POP_STD_UPD_FRAME	  ->  Cost (1, 0, 3, 0, 0)	 {- SMupdate.lh	 -}
-    SET_ARITY		  ->  nullCosts		    {- StgMacros.lh  -}
-    CHK_ARITY		  ->  nullCosts		    {- StgMacros.lh  -}
     SET_TAG		  ->  nullCosts		    {- COptRegs.lh -}
     GRAN_FETCH			->  nullCosts	  {- GrAnSim bookkeeping -}
     GRAN_RESCHEDULE		->  nullCosts	  {- GrAnSim bookkeeping -}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
index 5704027260659093f84bb732fe0fb539ed5d58e5..e379b95379f889b59cdde4a82f71a6e00f129102 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module Id {- (
 	mkSpecId, mkSameSpecCon,
-	mkImported, mkPreludeId,
+	mkImported,
 	mkDataCon, mkTupleCon,
 	mkMethodSelId, mkSuperDictSelId, mkDefaultMethodId,
@@ -105,11 +105,11 @@ import CStrings		( identToC, cSEP )
 import IdInfo
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import Name		( appendRdr, nameUnique, mkLocalName, isLocalName,
-			  isLocallyDefinedName, isPreludeDefinedName,
+			  isLocallyDefinedName,
 			  mkTupleDataConName, mkCompoundName, mkCompoundName2,
-			  isLexSym, isLexSpecialSym, getLocalName,
-			  isLocallyDefined, isPreludeDefined, changeUnique,
-			  getOccName, moduleNamePair, origName, nameOf, 
+			  isLexSym, isLexSpecialSym,
+			  isLocallyDefined, changeUnique,
+			  getOccName, origName, moduleOf,
 			  isExported, ExportFlag(..),
 			  RdrName(..), Name
@@ -183,8 +183,6 @@ data IdDetails
   | ImportedId			-- Global name (Imported or Implicit); Id imported from an interface
-  | PreludeId			-- Global name (Builtin);  Builtin prelude Ids
   | TopLevId			-- Global name (LocalDef); Top-level in the orig source pgm
 				-- (not moved there by transformations).
@@ -237,7 +235,7 @@ data IdDetails
 				-- The "a" is irrelevant.  As it is too painful to
 				-- actually do comparisons that way, we kindly supply
 				-- a Unique for that purpose.
-		(Maybe Module)	-- module where instance came from; Nothing => Prelude
+		Module		-- module where instance came from
 				-- see below
   | ConstMethodId		-- A method which depends only on the type of the
@@ -245,7 +243,7 @@ data IdDetails
 		Class		-- Uniquely identified by:
 		Type		-- (class, type, classop) triple
-		(Maybe Module)	-- module where instance came from; Nothing => Prelude
+		Module		-- module where instance came from
   | InstId			-- An instance of a dictionary, class operation,
 				-- or overloaded value (Local name)
@@ -357,9 +355,6 @@ the infinite family of tuples.
 {\em Everything} we want to know about them must be stored here (or in
 their @IdInfo@).
-\item[@PreludeId@:] ToDo
 \item[@TopLevId@:] These are values defined at the top-level in this
 module; i.e., those which {\em might} be exported (hence, a
@@ -499,7 +494,6 @@ toplevelishId (Id _ _ _ details _ _)
     chk (TupleConId _)    	    = True
     chk (RecordSelId _)   	    = True
     chk ImportedId	    	    = True
-    chk PreludeId	    	    = True
     chk TopLevId	    	    = True	-- NB: see notes
     chk (SuperDictSelId _ _)	    = True
     chk (MethodSelId _ _)	    = True
@@ -521,7 +515,6 @@ idHasNoFreeTyVars (Id _ _ _ details _ info)
     chk (TupleConId _)    	  = True
     chk (RecordSelId _)   	  = True
     chk ImportedId	    	  = True
-    chk PreludeId	    	  = True
     chk TopLevId	    	  = True
     chk (SuperDictSelId _ _)	  = True
     chk (MethodSelId _ _)	  = True
@@ -608,7 +601,6 @@ pprIdInUnfolding in_scopes v
     	case v_details of
 	    -- these ones must have been exported by their original module
 	  ImportedId   -> pp_full_name
-	  PreludeId    -> pp_full_name
 	    -- these ones' exportedness checked later...
 	  TopLevId  -> pp_full_name
@@ -653,7 +645,7 @@ pprIdInUnfolding in_scopes v
       = let
-	    (m_str, n_str) = moduleNamePair v
+	    (OrigName m_str n_str) = origName "Id:ppr_Unfolding" v
 	    pp_n =
 	      if isLexSym n_str && not (isLexSpecialSym n_str) then
@@ -877,7 +869,7 @@ unlocaliseId mod (Id u name ty info (InstId no_ftvs))
 	-- type might be wrong, but it hardly matters
 	-- at this stage (just before printing C)  ToDo
-    name = getLocalName name
+    name = nameOf (origName "Id.unlocaliseId" name)
     full_name = mkFullName mod name InventedInThisModule ExportAll mkGeneratedSrcLoc
 unlocaliseId mod other_id = Nothing
@@ -1038,42 +1030,41 @@ getInstIdModule other = panic "Id:getInstIdModule"
 mkSuperDictSelId u c sc ty info
-  = Id u n ty (SuperDictSelId c sc) NoPragmaInfo info
-  where
-    cname = getName c -- we get other info out of here
-    n = mkCompoundName u SLIT("sdsel") [origName cname, origName sc] cname
+  = mk_classy_id (SuperDictSelId c sc) SLIT("sdsel") (Left (origName "mkSuperDictSelId" sc)) u c ty info
 mkMethodSelId u rec_c op ty info
-  = Id u n ty (MethodSelId rec_c op) NoPragmaInfo info
-  where
-    cname = getName rec_c -- we get other info out of here
-    n = mkCompoundName u SLIT("meth") [origName cname, Unqual (classOpString op)] cname
+  = mk_classy_id (MethodSelId rec_c op) SLIT("meth") (Right (classOpString op)) u rec_c ty info
 mkDefaultMethodId u rec_c op gen ty info
-  = Id u n ty (DefaultMethodId rec_c op gen) NoPragmaInfo info
+  = mk_classy_id (DefaultMethodId rec_c op gen) SLIT("defm") (Right (classOpString op)) u rec_c ty info
+mk_classy_id details str op_str u rec_c ty info
+  = Id u n ty details NoPragmaInfo info
     cname = getName rec_c -- we get other info out of here
+    cname_orig = origName "mk_classy_id" cname
+    cmod = moduleOf cname_orig
-    n = mkCompoundName u SLIT("defm") [origName cname, Unqual (classOpString op)] cname
+    n = mkCompoundName u cmod str [Left cname_orig, op_str] cname
 mkDictFunId u c ity full_ty from_here locn mod info
   = Id u n full_ty (DictFunId c ity mod) NoPragmaInfo info
-    n = mkCompoundName2 u SLIT("dfun") [origName c] (getTypeString ity) from_here locn
+    n = mkCompoundName2 u mod SLIT("dfun") (Left (origName "mkDictFunId" c) : map Right (getTypeString ity)) from_here locn
 mkConstMethodId	u c op ity full_ty from_here locn mod info
   = Id u n full_ty (ConstMethodId c ity op mod) NoPragmaInfo info
-    n = mkCompoundName2 u SLIT("const") [origName c, Unqual (classOpString op)] (getTypeString ity) from_here locn
+    n = mkCompoundName2 u mod SLIT("const") (Left (origName "mkConstMethodId" c) : Right (classOpString op) : map Right (getTypeString ity)) from_here locn
 mkWorkerId u unwrkr ty info
   = Id u n ty (WorkerId unwrkr) NoPragmaInfo info
     unwrkr_name = getName unwrkr
+    unwrkr_orig = trace "mkWorkerId:origName:" $ origName "mkWorkerId" unwrkr_name
+    umod = moduleOf unwrkr_orig
-    n = mkCompoundName u SLIT("wrk") [origName unwrkr_name] unwrkr_name
+    n = mkCompoundName u umod SLIT("wrk") [Left unwrkr_orig] unwrkr_name
 mkInstId u ty name = Id u (changeUnique name u) ty (InstId (no_free_tvs ty)) NoPragmaInfo noIdInfo
@@ -1104,7 +1095,6 @@ getConstMethodId clas op ty
 mkImported  n ty info = Id (nameUnique n) n ty ImportedId NoPragmaInfo info
-mkPreludeId n ty info = Id (nameUnique n) n ty PreludeId  NoPragmaInfo info
 updateIdType :: Id -> Type -> Id
@@ -1642,23 +1632,6 @@ instance Outputable {-Id, i.e.:-}(GenId Type) where
 showId :: PprStyle -> Id -> String
 showId sty id = ppShow 80 (pprId sty id)
--- [used below]
--- for DictFuns (instances) and const methods (instance code bits we
--- can call directly): exported (a) if *either* the class or
--- ***OUTERMOST*** tycon [arbitrary...] is exported; or (b) *both*
--- class and tycon are from PreludeCore [non-std, but convenient]
--- *and* the thing was defined in this module.
-instance_export_flag :: Class -> Type -> Bool -> ExportFlag
-instance_export_flag clas inst_ty from_here
-  = panic "Id:instance_export_flag"
-  = if instanceIsExported clas inst_ty from_here
-    then ExportAll
-    else NotExported
 Default printing code (not used for interfaces):
@@ -1677,53 +1650,6 @@ instance Uniquable (GenId ty) where
 instance NamedThing (GenId ty) where
     getName this_id@(Id u n _ details _ _) = n
-{- OLD:
-      = get details
-      where
-	get (LocalId      _)  	= n
-	get (SysLocalId   _)  	= n
-	get (SpecPragmaId _ _)	= n
-	get ImportedId		= n
-	get PreludeId		= n
-	get TopLevId		= n
-	get (InstId       n _)  	= n
-	get (DataConId _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = n
-	get (TupleConId _)		= n
-	get (RecordSelId l)		= getName l
-	get _				= mkCompoundName u (getIdNamePieces False{-no Uniques-} this_id)
-{- LATER:
-	get (MethodSelId c op)	= case (moduleOf (origName c)) of -- ToDo; better ???
-				    mod -> (mod, classOpString op)
-	get (SpecId unspec ty_maybes _)
-	  = case moduleNamePair unspec	      of { (mod, unspec_nm) ->
-	    case specMaybeTysSuffix ty_maybes of { tys_suffix ->
-	    (mod,
-	     unspec_nm _APPEND_
-		(if not (toplevelishId unspec)
-		 then showUnique u
-		 else tys_suffix)
-	    ) }}
-	get (WorkerId unwrkr)
-	  = case moduleNamePair unwrkr	of { (mod, unwrkr_nm) ->
-	    (mod,
-	     unwrkr_nm _APPEND_
-		(if not (toplevelishId unwrkr)
-		 then showUnique u
-		 else SLIT(".wrk"))
-	    ) }
-	get other_details
-	    -- the remaining internally-generated flavours of
-	    -- Ids really do not have meaningful "original name" stuff,
-	    -- but we need to make up something (usually for debugging output)
-	  = case (getIdNamePieces True this_id)  of { (piece1:pieces) ->
-	    case [ _CONS_ '.' p | p <- pieces ]  of { dotted_pieces ->
-	    (_NIL_, _CONCAT_ (piece1 : dotted_pieces)) }}
 Note: The code generator doesn't carry a @UniqueSupply@, so it uses
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
index 6946df3883c039ac02da03f5cc11dcab8169ba4d..43c6b993a4de1ce6e432608d4689d9886de2dff6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ module IdInfo (
-IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)		-- IdInfo is a dependency-loop ranch, and
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)	-- IdInfo is a dependency-loop ranch, and
 			-- we break those loops by using IdLoop and
 			-- *not* importing much of anything else,
 			-- except from the very general "utils".
@@ -77,7 +77,6 @@ IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)		-- IdInfo is a dependency-loop ranch, and
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_OmitInterfacePragmas )
 import Maybes		( firstJust )
 import MatchEnv		( nullMEnv, isEmptyMEnv, mEnvToList )
-import OccurAnal	( occurAnalyseGlobalExpr )
 import Outputable	( ifPprInterface, Outputable(..){-instances-} )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi
index deeae88b42a068f4a9e10a6aa36ccac22a27ac70..aea554af73848484ad4505b6058bc527f262b485 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import Id		( externallyVisibleId, isDataCon, isWorkerId, isWrapperId,
 import IdInfo		( IdInfo )
 import Literal		( Literal )
 import MagicUFs		( mkMagicUnfoldingFun, MagicUnfoldingFun )
+import OccurAnal	( occurAnalyseGlobalExpr )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )
 import PprEnv		( NmbrEnv )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle )
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ import Usage		( GenUsage )
 import Util		( Ord3(..) )
 import WwLib		( mAX_WORKER_ARGS )
+occurAnalyseGlobalExpr  :: GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique -> GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique), BinderInfo) (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique
 externallyVisibleId	:: Id	    -> Bool
 isDataCon		:: GenId ty -> Bool
 isWorkerId		:: GenId ty -> Bool
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs
index afdc973f4848f1cf54d8625da04b7dd14df6fbe7..e17f17a5567c70dc5f9343cc0407db5c25e2f353 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ IMPORT_DELOOPER(PrelLoop)		-- here for paranoia checking
 import CoreSyn
 import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingGuidance(..) )
-import Id		( mkPreludeId, mkTemplateLocals )
+import Id		( mkImported, mkTemplateLocals )
 import IdInfo		-- quite a few things
-import Name		( mkBuiltinName )
-import PrelMods		( pRELUDE_BUILTIN )
+import Name		( mkPrimitiveName, OrigName(..) )
+import PrelMods		( gHC_BUILTINS )
 import PrimOp		( primOpInfo, tagOf_PrimOp, primOp_str,
 			  PrimOpInfo(..), PrimOpResultInfo(..) )
 import RnHsSyn		( RnName(..) )
@@ -35,33 +35,33 @@ primOpNameInfo op = (primOp_str  op, WiredInId (primOpId op))
 primOpId op
   = case (primOpInfo op) of
       Dyadic str ty ->
-	mk_prim_Id op pRELUDE_BUILTIN str [] [ty,ty] (dyadic_fun_ty ty) 2
+	mk_prim_Id op str [] [ty,ty] (dyadic_fun_ty ty) 2
       Monadic str ty ->
-	mk_prim_Id op pRELUDE_BUILTIN str [] [ty] (monadic_fun_ty ty) 1
+	mk_prim_Id op str [] [ty] (monadic_fun_ty ty) 1
       Compare str ty ->
-	mk_prim_Id op pRELUDE_BUILTIN str [] [ty,ty] (compare_fun_ty ty) 2
+	mk_prim_Id op str [] [ty,ty] (compare_fun_ty ty) 2
       Coercing str ty1 ty2 ->
-	mk_prim_Id op pRELUDE_BUILTIN str [] [ty1] (mkFunTys [ty1] ty2) 1
+	mk_prim_Id op str [] [ty1] (mkFunTys [ty1] ty2) 1
       PrimResult str tyvars arg_tys prim_tycon kind res_tys ->
-	mk_prim_Id op pRELUDE_BUILTIN str
+	mk_prim_Id op str
 	    (mkForAllTys tyvars (mkFunTys arg_tys (applyTyCon prim_tycon res_tys)))
 	    (length arg_tys) -- arity
       AlgResult str tyvars arg_tys tycon res_tys ->
-	mk_prim_Id op pRELUDE_BUILTIN str
+	mk_prim_Id op str
 	    (mkForAllTys tyvars (mkFunTys arg_tys (applyTyCon tycon res_tys)))
 	    (length arg_tys) -- arity
-    mk_prim_Id prim_op mod name tyvar_tmpls arg_tys ty arity
-      = mkPreludeId (mkBuiltinName key mod name) ty
+    mk_prim_Id prim_op name tyvar_tmpls arg_tys ty arity
+      = mkImported (mkPrimitiveName key (OrigName gHC_BUILTINS name)) ty
 	   (noIdInfo `addInfo` (mkArityInfo arity)
 	          `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding
 			         (mk_prim_unfold prim_op tyvar_tmpls arg_tys)))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
index b6b07af74b78634887ac81806318b29cdb5d9fc2..7747daf66e765add9309d4b8e5740680f0771f20 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
@@ -9,7 +9,12 @@
 module Name (
+	OrigName(..), -- glorified pair
+	qualToOrigName, -- a Qual to an OrigName
+	preludeQual,
+	moduleNamePair,
 	isRdrLexCon, isRdrLexConOrSpecial,
@@ -20,9 +25,10 @@ module Name (
 	mkLocalName, isLocalName, 
-	mkTopLevName, mkImportedName,
+	mkTopLevName, mkImportedName, oddlyImportedName,
 	mkImplicitName,	isImplicitName,
-	mkBuiltinName, mkCompoundName, mkCompoundName2,
+	mkPrimitiveName, mkWiredInName,
+	mkCompoundName, mkCompoundName2,
 	mkFunTyConName, mkTupleDataConName, mkTupleTyConName,
@@ -33,19 +39,18 @@ module Name (
 	nameUnique, changeUnique,
-	nameOrigName,
+--	nameOrigName, : not exported
-	isLocallyDefinedName,
-	isPreludeDefinedName,
+	isLocallyDefinedName, isWiredInName,
-	origName, moduleOf, nameOf, moduleNamePair,
+	origName, moduleOf, nameOf,
 	getOccName, getExportFlag,
 	getSrcLoc, getImpLocs,
-	isLocallyDefined, isPreludeDefined,
-	getLocalName, ltLexical,
+	isLocallyDefined,
+	getLocalName,
 	isSymLexeme, pprSym, pprNonSym,
 	isLexCon, isLexVar, isLexId, isLexSym, isLexSpecialSym,
@@ -54,10 +59,11 @@ module Name (
+import CmdLineOpts	( maybe_CompilingPrelude )
 import CStrings		( identToC, cSEP )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..), codeStyle )
-import PrelMods		( pRELUDE, pRELUDE_BUILTIN, fromPrelude )
+import PrelMods		( pRELUDE )
 import Pretty
 import SrcLoc		( mkBuiltinSrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import Unique		( funTyConKey, mkTupleDataConUnique, mkTupleTyConUnique,
@@ -79,10 +85,20 @@ ord = fromEnum :: Char -> Int
 type Module = FAST_STRING
+data OrigName = OrigName Module FAST_STRING
+qualToOrigName (Qual m n) = OrigName m n
 data RdrName
   = Unqual FAST_STRING
   | Qual   Module FAST_STRING
+preludeQual n = Qual pRELUDE n
+moduleNamePair (Qual m n) = (m, n)  -- we make *no* claim whether this
+				    -- constitutes an original name or
+				    -- an occurrence name, or anything else
 isUnqual (Unqual _) = True
 isUnqual (Qual _ _) = False
@@ -96,13 +112,16 @@ isRdrLexConOrSpecial (Unqual n) = isLexCon n || isLexSpecialSym n
 isRdrLexConOrSpecial (Qual m n) = isLexCon n || isLexSpecialSym n
 appendRdr (Unqual n) str = Unqual (n _APPEND_ str)
-appendRdr (Qual m n) str = ASSERT(not (fromPrelude m))
-			   Qual m (n _APPEND_ str)
+appendRdr (Qual m n) str = Qual m (n _APPEND_ str)
-cmpRdr (Unqual n1)  (Unqual n2)  = _CMP_STRING_ n1 n2
-cmpRdr (Unqual n1)  (Qual m2 n2) = LT_
-cmpRdr (Qual m1 n1) (Unqual n2)  = GT_
-cmpRdr (Qual m1 n1) (Qual m2 n2) = _CMP_STRING_ m1 m2 `thenCmp` _CMP_STRING_ n1 n2
+cmpRdr (Unqual  n1) (Unqual  n2) = _CMP_STRING_ n1 n2
+cmpRdr (Unqual  n1) (Qual m2 n2) = LT_
+cmpRdr (Qual m1 n1) (Unqual  n2) = GT_
+cmpRdr (Qual m1 n1) (Qual m2 n2) = _CMP_STRING_ n1 n2 `thenCmp` _CMP_STRING_ m1 m2
+				   -- always compare module-names *second*
+cmpOrig (OrigName m1 n1) (OrigName m2 n2)
+  = _CMP_STRING_ n1 n2 `thenCmp` _CMP_STRING_ m1 m2 -- again; module-names *second*
 instance Eq RdrName where
     a == b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> True;  _ -> False }
@@ -119,8 +138,14 @@ instance Ord3 RdrName where
 instance NamedThing RdrName where
     -- We're sorta faking it here
-    getName rdr_name
-      = Global u rdr_name prov ex [rdr_name]
+    getName (Unqual n)
+      = Local u n True locn
+      where
+	u    = panic "NamedThing.RdrName:Unique1"
+	locn = panic "NamedThing.RdrName:locn"
+    getName rdr_name@(Qual m n)
+      = Global u m n prov ex [rdr_name]
 	u    = panic "NamedThing.RdrName:Unique"
 	prov = panic "NamedThing.RdrName:Provenance"
@@ -139,6 +164,26 @@ pp_name sty n | codeStyle sty = identToC n
               | otherwise     = ppPStr n	      
 showRdr sty rdr = ppShow 100 (ppr sty rdr)
+instance Eq OrigName where
+    a == b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> True;  _ -> False }
+    a /= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> False; _ -> True }
+instance Ord OrigName where
+    a <= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;	 EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> False }
+    a <	 b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;	 EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> False }
+    a >= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> True  }
+    a >	 b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
+instance Ord3 OrigName where
+    cmp = cmpOrig
+instance NamedThing OrigName where -- faking it
+    getName (OrigName m n) = getName (Qual m n)
+instance Outputable OrigName where -- ditto
+    ppr sty (OrigName m n) = ppr sty (Qual m n)
@@ -156,7 +201,8 @@ data Name
   | Global   Unique
-             RdrName	-- original name; Unqual => prelude
+             Module	-- original name
              Provenance -- where it came from
              ExportFlag -- is it exported?
              [RdrName]  -- ordered occurrence names (usually just one);
@@ -170,57 +216,71 @@ data Provenance
              [SrcLoc]   -- any import source location(s)
   | Implicit
-  | Builtin
+  | Primitive		-- really and truly primitive thing (not
+			-- definable in Haskell)
+  | WiredIn  Bool	-- something defined in Haskell; True <=>
+			-- definition is in the module in question;
+			-- this probably comes from the -fcompiling-prelude=...
+			-- flag.
 mkLocalName = Local
-mkTopLevName   u orig locn exp occs = Global u orig (LocalDef locn) exp occs
-mkImportedName u orig imp locn imp_locs exp occs = Global u orig (Imported imp locn imp_locs) exp occs
+mkTopLevName   u (OrigName m n) locn exp occs = Global u m n (LocalDef locn) exp occs
+mkImportedName u (OrigName m n) imp locn imp_locs exp occs = Global u m n (Imported imp locn imp_locs) exp occs
-mkImplicitName :: Unique -> RdrName -> Name
-mkImplicitName u o = Global u o Implicit NotExported []
+mkImplicitName :: Unique -> OrigName -> Name
+mkImplicitName u (OrigName m n) = Global u m n Implicit NotExported []
-mkBuiltinName :: Unique -> Module -> FAST_STRING -> Name
-mkBuiltinName u m n
-  = Global u (if fromPrelude m then Unqual n else Qual m n) Builtin NotExported []
+mkPrimitiveName :: Unique -> OrigName -> Name
+mkPrimitiveName u (OrigName m n)  = Global u m n Primitive NotExported []
+mkWiredInName :: Unique -> OrigName -> Name
+mkWiredInName u (OrigName m n)
+  = Global u m n (WiredIn from_here) (if from_here then ExportAll else NotExported) []
+  where
+    from_here
+      = case maybe_CompilingPrelude of
+          Nothing  -> False
+	  Just mod -> mod == _UNPK_ m
 mkCompoundName :: Unique
+	       -> Module
 	       -> FAST_STRING	-- indicates what kind of compound thing it is (e.g., "sdsel")
-	       -> [RdrName]	-- "dot" these names together
+	       -> [Either OrigName FAST_STRING]	-- "dot" these names together
 	       -> Name		-- from which we get provenance, etc....
 	       -> Name		-- result!
-mkCompoundName u str ns (Local _ _ _ _) = panic "mkCompoundName:Local?"
-mkCompoundName u str ns (Global _ _ prov exp _)
-  = Global u (Unqual{-???-} (_CONCAT_ (glue ns [str]))) prov exp []
+mkCompoundName u m str ns (Local _ _ _ _) = panic "mkCompoundName:Local?"
+mkCompoundName u m str ns (Global _ _ _ prov exp _)
+  = Global u m (_CONCAT_ (glue ns [str])) prov exp []
-glue []            acc = reverse acc
-glue (Unqual n:ns) acc = glue ns (_CONS_ '.' n : acc)
-glue (Qual m n:ns) acc = glue ns (_CONS_ '.' n : _CONS_ '.' m : acc)
+glue []                       acc = reverse acc
+glue (Left (OrigName m n):ns) acc = glue ns (_CONS_ '.' n : _CONS_ '.' m : acc)
+glue (Right n            :ns) acc = glue ns (_CONS_ '.' n : acc)
 -- this ugly one is used for instance-y things
 mkCompoundName2 :: Unique
-	       -> FAST_STRING	-- indicates what kind of compound thing it is (e.g., "sdsel")
-	       -> [RdrName]	-- "dot" these names together
-	       -> [FAST_STRING] -- type-name strings
-	       -> Bool		-- True <=> defined in this module
-	       -> SrcLoc	
-	       -> Name		-- result!
-mkCompoundName2 u str ns ty_strs from_here locn
-  = Global u (Unqual{-???-} ((_CONCAT_ (glue ns [str])) _APPEND_ (_CONS_ '.' (_CONCAT_ ty_strs))))
+		-> Module
+		-> FAST_STRING	-- indicates what kind of compound thing it is
+		-> [Either OrigName FAST_STRING] -- "dot" these names together
+		-> Bool		-- True <=> defined in this module
+		-> SrcLoc	
+		-> Name		-- result!
+mkCompoundName2 u m str ns from_here locn
+  = Global u m (_CONCAT_ (glue ns [str]))
 	     (if from_here then LocalDef locn else Imported ExportAll locn [])
-  = mkBuiltinName funTyConKey		       pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("->")
+  = mkPrimitiveName funTyConKey		       (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("->"))
 mkTupleDataConName arity
-  = mkBuiltinName (mkTupleDataConUnique arity) pRELUDE_BUILTIN (mkTupNameStr arity)
+  = mkWiredInName (mkTupleDataConUnique arity) (OrigName pRELUDE (mkTupNameStr arity))
 mkTupleTyConName   arity
-  = mkBuiltinName (mkTupleTyConUnique   arity) pRELUDE_BUILTIN (mkTupNameStr arity)
+  = mkWiredInName (mkTupleTyConUnique   arity) (OrigName pRELUDE (mkTupNameStr arity))
 mkTupNameStr 0 = SLIT("()")
 mkTupNameStr 1 = panic "Name.mkTupNameStr: 1 ???"
@@ -236,15 +296,18 @@ mkTupNameStr n
 isLocalName (Local _ _ _ _) = True
 isLocalName _ 		    = False
-isImplicitName (Global _ _ Implicit _ _) = True
-isImplicitName _ 		         = False
+-- things the compiler "knows about" are in some sense
+-- "imported".  When we are compiling the module where
+-- the entities are defined, we need to be able to pick
+-- them out, often in combination with isLocallyDefined.
+oddlyImportedName (Global _ _ _ Primitive   _ _) = True
+oddlyImportedName (Global _ _ _ (WiredIn _) _ _) = True
+oddlyImportedName _				 = False
-isBuiltinName  (Global _ _ Builtin  _ _) = True
-isBuiltinName  _ 		         = False
+isImplicitName (Global _ _ _ Implicit _ _) = True
+isImplicitName _ 		           = False
 %*									*
 \subsection[Name-instances]{Instance declarations}
@@ -254,17 +317,10 @@ isBuiltinName  _ 		         = False
 cmpName n1 n2 = c n1 n2
-    c (Local    u1 _ _ _)   (Local    u2 _ _ _)   = cmp u1 u2
-    c (Global   u1 _ _ _ _) (Global   u2 _ _ _ _) = cmp u1 u2
-    c other_1 other_2		-- the tags *must* be different
-      = let tag1 = tag_Name n1
-	    tag2 = tag_Name n2
-	in
-	if tag1 _LT_ tag2 then LT_ else GT_
-    tag_Name (Local  _ _ _ _)	= (ILIT(1) :: FAST_INT)
-    tag_Name (Global _ _ _ _ _) = ILIT(2)
+    c (Local  u1 _ _ _)     (Local  u2 _ _ _)     = cmp u1 u2
+    c (Local   _ _ _ _)	    _			  = LT_
+    c (Global u1 _ _ _ _ _) (Global u2 _ _ _ _ _) = cmp u1 u2
+    c (Global  _ _ _ _ _ _) _			  = GT_
@@ -289,53 +345,53 @@ instance NamedThing Name where
-nameUnique (Local  u _ _ _)   = u
-nameUnique (Global u _ _ _ _) = u
+nameUnique (Local  u _ _ _)     = u
+nameUnique (Global u _ _ _ _ _) = u
 -- when we renumber/rename things, we need to be
 -- able to change a Name's Unique to match the cached
 -- one in the thing it's the name of.  If you know what I mean.
 changeUnique (Local      _ n b l)    u = Local u n b l
-changeUnique n@(Global   _ o p e os) u = ASSERT(not (isBuiltinName n))
-					 Global u o p e os
+changeUnique (Global   _ m n p e os) u = Global u m n p e os
-nameOrigName (Local  _ n _ _)      = Unqual n
-nameOrigName (Global _ orig _ _ _) = orig
-nameModuleNamePair (Local  _ n _ _) = (panic "nameModuleNamePair", n)
-nameModuleNamePair (Global _ (Unqual n) _ _ _) = (pRELUDE, n)
-nameModuleNamePair (Global _ (Qual m n) _ _ _) = (m, n)
+nameOrigName msg (Global _ m n _ _ _) = OrigName m n
+#ifdef DEBUG
+nameOrigName msg (Local  _ n _ _)     = panic ("nameOrigName:Local:"++msg++":"++ _UNPK_ n)
 nameOccName (Local  _ n _ _)	     = Unqual n
-nameOccName (Global _ orig _ _ []  ) = orig
-nameOccName (Global _ orig _ _ occs) = head occs
-nameExportFlag (Local  _ _ _ _)     = NotExported
-nameExportFlag (Global _ _ _ exp _) = exp
-nameSrcLoc (Local  _ _ _ loc)	               = loc
-nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ (LocalDef loc)     _ _) = loc
-nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ (Imported _ loc _) _ _) = loc
-nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ Implicit           _ _) = mkUnknownSrcLoc
-nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ Builtin            _ _) = mkBuiltinSrcLoc
+nameOccName (Global _ m n _ _ []  )  = Qual m n
+nameOccName (Global _ m n _ _ (o:_)) = o
+nameExportFlag (Local  _ _ _ _)       = NotExported
+nameExportFlag (Global _ _ _ _ exp _) = exp
+nameSrcLoc (Local  _ _ _ loc)	                 = loc
+nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ _ (LocalDef loc)     _ _) = loc
+nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ _ (Imported _ loc _) _ _) = loc
+nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ _ Implicit           _ _) = mkUnknownSrcLoc
+nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ _ Primitive          _ _) = mkBuiltinSrcLoc
+nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ _ (WiredIn _)        _ _) = mkBuiltinSrcLoc
-nameImpLocs (Global _ _ (Imported _ _ locs) _ _) = locs
-nameImpLocs _ 					 = []
-nameImportFlag (Local  _ _ _ _)                    = NotExported
-nameImportFlag (Global _ _ (LocalDef _)       _ _) = ExportAll
-nameImportFlag (Global _ _ (Imported exp _ _) _ _) = exp
-nameImportFlag (Global _ _ Implicit           _ _) = ExportAll
-nameImportFlag (Global _ _ Builtin            _ _) = ExportAll
-isLocallyDefinedName (Local  _ _ _ _)	               = True
-isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ (LocalDef _)     _ _) = True
-isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ (Imported _ _ _) _ _) = False
-isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ Implicit         _ _) = False
-isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ Builtin          _ _) = False
-isPreludeDefinedName (Local  _ n _ _)      = False
-isPreludeDefinedName (Global _ orig _ _ _) = isUnqual orig
+nameImpLocs (Global _ _ _ (Imported _ _ locs) _ _) = locs
+nameImpLocs _ 					   = []
+nameImportFlag (Local  _ _ _ _)                      = NotExported
+nameImportFlag (Global _ _ _ (LocalDef _)       _ _) = ExportAll
+nameImportFlag (Global _ _ _ (Imported exp _ _) _ _) = exp
+nameImportFlag (Global _ _ _ Implicit           _ _) = ExportAll
+nameImportFlag (Global _ _ _ Primitive          _ _) = ExportAll
+nameImportFlag (Global _ _ _ (WiredIn _)        _ _) = ExportAll
+isLocallyDefinedName (Local  _ _ _ _)	            	    = True
+isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ _ (LocalDef _)        _ _) = True
+isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ _ (Imported _ _ _)    _ _) = False
+isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ _ Implicit            _ _) = False
+isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ _ Primitive           _ _) = False
+isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ _ (WiredIn from_here) _ _) = from_here
+isWiredInName (Global _ _ _ (WiredIn _) _ _) = True
+isWiredInName _				     = False
@@ -345,11 +401,11 @@ instance Outputable Name where
       | emph_uniq     = ppBesides [pprUnique u, ppStr "{-", ppPStr n, ppStr "-}"]
       | otherwise     = ppBesides [ppPStr n, ppStr "{-", pprUnique u, ppStr "-}"]
-    ppr PprDebug   (Global   u o _ _ _)		= ppBesides [ppr PprDebug o, ppStr "{-", pprUnique u, ppStr "-}"]
-    ppr PprForUser (Global   u o _ _ []  )      = ppr PprForUser o
-    ppr PprForUser (Global   u o _ _ occs)      = ppr PprForUser (head occs)
-    ppr PprShowAll (Global   u o prov exp occs) = pp_all o prov exp occs
-    ppr sty        (Global   u o _ _ _)         = ppr sty o
+    ppr PprDebug   (Global   u m n  _ _ _)	  = ppBesides [ppr PprDebug (Qual m n), ppStr "{-", pprUnique u, ppStr "-}"]
+    ppr PprForUser (Global   u m n _ _ []  )      = ppr PprForUser (Qual m n)
+    ppr PprForUser (Global   u m n _ _ occs)      = ppr PprForUser (head occs)
+    ppr PprShowAll (Global   u m n prov exp occs) = pp_all (Qual m n) prov exp occs
+    ppr sty        (Global   u m n _ _ _)         = ppr sty (Qual m n)
 pp_all orig prov exp occs
   = ppBesides [ppr PprShowAll orig, ppr PprShowAll occs, pp_prov prov, pp_exp exp]
@@ -358,9 +414,10 @@ pp_exp NotExported = ppNil
 pp_exp ExportAll   = ppPStr SLIT("/EXP(..)")
 pp_exp ExportAbs   = ppPStr SLIT("/EXP")
-pp_prov Implicit = ppPStr SLIT("/IMPLICIT")
-pp_prov Builtin  = ppPStr SLIT("/BUILTIN")
-pp_prov _        = ppNil
+pp_prov Implicit    = ppPStr SLIT("/IMPLICIT")
+pp_prov Primitive   = ppPStr SLIT("/PRIMITIVE")
+pp_prov (WiredIn _) = ppPStr SLIT("/WIREDIN")
+pp_prov _           = ppNil
@@ -400,10 +457,9 @@ class NamedThing a where
-origName	    :: NamedThing a => a -> RdrName
-moduleOf	    :: RdrName -> Module
-nameOf		    :: RdrName -> FAST_STRING
-moduleNamePair	    :: NamedThing a => a -> (Module, FAST_STRING)
+origName	    :: NamedThing a => String -> a -> OrigName
+moduleOf	    :: OrigName -> Module
+nameOf		    :: OrigName -> FAST_STRING
 getOccName	    :: NamedThing a => a -> RdrName
 getLocalName	    :: NamedThing a => a -> FAST_STRING
@@ -411,34 +467,22 @@ getExportFlag	    :: NamedThing a => a -> ExportFlag
 getSrcLoc	    :: NamedThing a => a -> SrcLoc
 getImpLocs	    :: NamedThing a => a -> [SrcLoc]
 isLocallyDefined    :: NamedThing a => a -> Bool
-isPreludeDefined    :: NamedThing a => a -> Bool
--- ToDo: specialise for RdrNames?
-origName	    = nameOrigName 	   . getName
-moduleNamePair	    = nameModuleNamePair   . getName
-moduleOf (Unqual n) = pRELUDE
-moduleOf (Qual m n) = m
+origName str n	    = nameOrigName str (getName n)
-nameOf (Unqual n)   = n
-nameOf (Qual m n)   = n
+moduleOf (OrigName m n) = m
+nameOf   (OrigName m n) = n
-getLocalName	    = nameOf . origName
+getLocalName n
+  = case (getName n) of
+      Global _ m n _ _ _ -> n
+      Local  _ n _ _	 -> n
 getOccName	    = nameOccName  	   . getName
 getExportFlag	    = nameExportFlag	   . getName
 getSrcLoc	    = nameSrcLoc	   . getName
 getImpLocs	    = nameImpLocs	   . getName
 isLocallyDefined    = isLocallyDefinedName . getName
-isPreludeDefined    = isPreludeDefinedName . getName
-@ltLexical@ is used for sorting things into lexicographical order, so
-as to canonicalize interfaces.  [Regular @(<)@ should be used for fast
-a `ltLexical` b = origName a < origName b
 These functions test strings to see if they fit the lexical categories
@@ -459,14 +503,12 @@ isLexSym cs = isLexConSym cs || isLexVarSym cs
 isLexConId cs
   | _NULL_ cs	= False
-  | c == '_'	= isLexConId (_TAIL_ cs)	-- allow for leading _'s
   | otherwise	= isUpper c || isUpperISO c
     c = _HEAD_ cs
 isLexVarId cs
   | _NULL_ cs	 = False
-  | c == '_'	 = isLexVarId (_TAIL_ cs)	-- allow for leading _'s
   | otherwise    = isLower c || isLowerISO c
     c = _HEAD_ cs
@@ -509,14 +551,14 @@ And one ``higher-level'' interface to those:
 isSymLexeme :: NamedThing a => a -> Bool
 isSymLexeme v
-  = let str = nameOf (origName v) in isLexSym str
+  = let str = getLocalName v in isLexSym str
 -- print `vars`, (op) correctly
 pprSym, pprNonSym :: (NamedThing name, Outputable name) => PprStyle -> name -> Pretty
 pprSym sty var
   = let
-	str = nameOf (origName var)
+	str = getLocalName var
     if isLexSym str && not (isLexSpecialSym str)
     then ppr sty var
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
index 8edd5bd9dc78f8f673031926a192d49582ef89e8..92d6af2c5df875ddf21a20f2bbce35fc067d5daf 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import Id		( idPrimRep, toplevelishId, isDataCon,
 			  GenId{-instance NamedThing-}
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
-import Name		( isLocallyDefined )
+import Name		( isLocallyDefined, oddlyImportedName, Name{-instance NamedThing-} )
 #ifdef DEBUG
 import PprAbsC		( pprAmode )
@@ -194,21 +194,22 @@ I {\em think} all looking-up is done through @getCAddrMode(s)@.
 getCAddrModeAndInfo :: Id -> FCode (CAddrMode, LambdaFormInfo)
-getCAddrModeAndInfo name
-  | not (isLocallyDefined name)
-  = returnFC (global_amode, mkLFImported name)
+getCAddrModeAndInfo id
+  | not (isLocallyDefined name) || oddlyImportedName name
+  = returnFC (global_amode, mkLFImported id)
-  | isDataCon name
-  = returnFC (global_amode, mkConLFInfo name)
+  | isDataCon id
+  = returnFC (global_amode, mkConLFInfo id)
   | otherwise = -- *might* be a nested defn: in any case, it's something whose
 		-- definition we will know about...
-    lookupBindC name `thenFC` \ (MkCgIdInfo _ volatile_loc stable_loc lf_info) ->
+    lookupBindC id `thenFC` \ (MkCgIdInfo _ volatile_loc stable_loc lf_info) ->
     idInfoPiecesToAmode kind volatile_loc stable_loc `thenFC` \ amode ->
     returnFC (amode, lf_info)
-    global_amode = CLbl (mkClosureLabel name) kind
-    kind = idPrimRep name
+    name = getName id
+    global_amode = CLbl (mkClosureLabel id) kind
+    kind = idPrimRep id
 getCAddrMode :: Id -> FCode CAddrMode
 getCAddrMode name
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs
index 7745466706932fe64bf53b1fba975d0d3e9cf26e..2083d8fe10de2d7e9df484e3004b991f43647a92 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import Id		( dataConTag, dataConRawArgTys,
 			  GenId{-instance NamedThing-}
-import Name		( getLocalName )
+import Name		( nameOf, origName )
 import PrelInfo		( maybeIntLikeTyCon )
 import PrimRep		( getPrimRepSize, PrimRep(..) )
 import TyCon		( tyConDataCons, mkSpecTyCon )
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ genConInfo comp_info tycon data_con
     entry_addr = CLbl entry_label CodePtrRep
-    con_descr  = _UNPK_ (getLocalName data_con)
+    con_descr  = _UNPK_ (nameOf (origName "con_descr" data_con))
     closure_code        = CClosureInfoAndCode closure_info body Nothing
 					      stdUpd con_descr
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ genPhantomUpdInfo comp_info tycon data_con
 	    phantom_ci = layOutPhantomClosure data_con (mkConLFInfo data_con)
-	    con_descr = _UNPK_ (getLocalName data_con)
+	    con_descr = _UNPK_ (nameOf (origName "con_descr2" data_con))
 	    con_arity = dataConArity data_con
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
index 960e6a980302698a83601ad74f94249c71955140..d24b55e253c37ba8e592d70797ea6036518ea4cc 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ import Id		( idType, idPrimRep, getIdArity,
 import IdInfo		( arityMaybe )
 import Maybes		( assocMaybe, maybeToBool )
-import Name		( isLocallyDefined, getLocalName )
+import Name		( isLocallyDefined, nameOf, origName )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType{-instance Outputable-} )
 import PrelInfo		( maybeCharLikeTyCon, maybeIntLikeTyCon )
@@ -1320,8 +1320,8 @@ closureKind (MkClosureInfo _ lf _)
 closureTypeDescr :: ClosureInfo -> String
 closureTypeDescr (MkClosureInfo id lf _)
-  = if (isDataCon id) then			-- DataCon has function types
-	_UNPK_ (getLocalName (dataConTyCon id))	-- We want the TyCon not the ->
+  = if (isDataCon id) then			     -- DataCon has function types
+	_UNPK_ (nameOf (origName "closureTypeDescr" (dataConTyCon id))) -- We want the TyCon not the ->
 	getTyDescription (idType id)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
index 31e8ea588ed5dc060c83d93bcd1961f782dbd3b1..d7f70cabb4d7da4486e9a9ca1a84bef9aaeda03a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
@@ -16,13 +16,15 @@ IMP_Ubiq()
 import CoreSyn
 import Bag
-import Kind		( Kind{-instance-} )
+import Kind		( hasMoreBoxityInfo, Kind{-instance-} )
 import Literal		( literalType, Literal{-instance-} )
 import Id		( idType, isBottomingId,
-			  dataConArgTys, GenId{-instances-}
+			  dataConArgTys, GenId{-instances-},
+			  emptyIdSet, mkIdSet, intersectIdSets,
+			  unionIdSets, elementOfIdSet, IdSet(..)
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
-import Name		( isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc )
+import Name		( isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc, Name{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instance * []-} )
 import PprCore
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
@@ -41,9 +43,6 @@ import Type		( mkFunTy,getFunTy_maybe,mkForAllTy,mkForAllTys,getForAllTy_maybe,
 import TyCon		( isPrimTyCon )
 import TyVar		( tyVarKind, GenTyVar{-instances-} )
-import UniqSet		( emptyUniqSet, mkUniqSet, intersectUniqSets,
-			  unionUniqSets, elementOfUniqSet, UniqSet(..)
-			)
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import Usage		( GenUsage )
 import Util		( zipEqual, pprTrace, pprPanic, assertPanic, panic )
@@ -188,8 +187,7 @@ lintCoreExpr (Var var) = checkInScope var `seqL` returnL (Just (idType var))
 lintCoreExpr (Lit lit) = returnL (Just (literalType lit))
 lintCoreExpr (SCC _ expr) = lintCoreExpr expr
 lintCoreExpr (Coerce _ ty expr)
-  = _trace "lintCoreExpr:Coerce" $
-    lintCoreExpr expr `seqL` returnL (Just ty)
+  = lintCoreExpr expr `seqL` returnL (Just ty)
 lintCoreExpr (Let binds body)
   = lintCoreBinding binds `thenL` \binders ->
@@ -294,9 +292,11 @@ lintCoreArg e ty a@(TyArg arg_ty)
 	    tyvar_kind = tyVarKind tyvar
 	    argty_kind = typeKind arg_ty
-	if tyvar_kind == argty_kind
--- SUSPICIOUS!	(tyvar_kind `isSubKindOf` argty_kind
---		 || argty_kind `isSubKindOf` tyvar_kind)
+	if argty_kind `hasMoreBoxityInfo` tyvar_kind
+		-- Arg type might be boxed for a function with an uncommitted
+		-- tyvar; notably this is used so that we can give
+		-- 	error :: forall a:*. String -> a
+		-- and then apply it to both boxed and unboxed types.
 	    returnL(Just(instantiateTy [(tyvar,arg_ty)] body))
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ lintDeflt deflt@(BindDefault binder rhs) ty
 type LintM a = Bool		-- True <=> specialisation has been done
 	    -> [LintLocInfo] 	-- Locations
-	    -> UniqSet Id	-- Local vars in scope
+	    -> IdSet		-- Local vars in scope
 	    -> Bag ErrMsg	-- Error messages so far
 	    -> (a, Bag ErrMsg)	-- Result and error messages (if any)
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ pp_binder sty b = ppCat [ppr sty b, ppStr "::", ppr sty (idType b)]
 initL :: LintM a -> Bool -> Maybe ErrMsg
 initL m spec_done
-  = case (m spec_done [] emptyUniqSet emptyBag) of { (_, errs) ->
+  = case (m spec_done [] emptyIdSet emptyBag) of { (_, errs) ->
     if isEmptyBag errs then
@@ -529,24 +529,27 @@ addInScopeVars ids m spec loc scope errs
     -- For now, it's just a "trace"; we may make
     -- a real error out of it...
-	new_set = mkUniqSet ids
+	new_set = mkIdSet ids
-	shadowed = scope `intersectUniqSets` new_set
+--	shadowed = scope `intersectIdSets` new_set
 --  After adding -fliberate-case, Simon decided he likes shadowed
 --  names after all.  WDP 94/07
 --  (if isEmptyUniqSet shadowed
 --  then id
 --  else pprTrace "Shadowed vars:" (ppr PprDebug (uniqSetToList shadowed))) (
-    m spec loc (scope `unionUniqSets` new_set) errs
+    m spec loc (scope `unionIdSets` new_set) errs
 --  )
 checkInScope :: Id -> LintM ()
 checkInScope id spec loc scope errs
-  = if isLocallyDefined id && not (id `elementOfUniqSet` scope) then
-      ((),addErr errs (\sty -> ppCat [ppr sty id,ppStr "is out of scope"]) loc)
+  = let
+	id_name = getName id
+    in
+    if isLocallyDefined id_name && not (id `elementOfIdSet` scope) then
+      ((),addErr errs (\sty -> ppCat [ppr sty id, ppStr "is out of scope"]) loc)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
index bb73e018646efebd05b4e04db917b22ddd67f879..80d0740cb08967c3cf18284082a34bf5057b981b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ manifestlyWHNF (Var _)	      = True
 manifestlyWHNF (Lit _)	      = True
 manifestlyWHNF (Con _ _)      = True
 manifestlyWHNF (SCC _ e)      = manifestlyWHNF e
-manifestlyWHNF (Coerce _ _ e) = _trace "manifestlyWHNF:Coerce" $ manifestlyWHNF e
+manifestlyWHNF (Coerce _ _ e) = manifestlyWHNF e
 manifestlyWHNF (Let _ e)      = False
 manifestlyWHNF (Case _ _)     = False
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ manifestlyBottom (Lit _)     	= False
 manifestlyBottom (Con  _ _)  	= False
 manifestlyBottom (Prim _ _)  	= False
 manifestlyBottom (SCC _ e)   	= manifestlyBottom e
-manifestlyBottom (Coerce _ _ e) = _trace "manifestlyBottom:Coerce" $ manifestlyBottom e
+manifestlyBottom (Coerce _ _ e) = manifestlyBottom e
 manifestlyBottom (Let _ e)	= manifestlyBottom e
   -- We do not assume \x.bottom == bottom:
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs
index 47eb7c1b56b91585bfbd29ba75d76f5333d812b0..9ef96010edc162792ae7107e931acc7021b8e089 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs
@@ -87,9 +87,7 @@ dsCCall label args may_gc is_asm result_ty
 			       (map coreExprType final_args)
-    mkPrimDs the_ccall_op
-	       [] -- ***NOTE*** no ty apps; the types are inside the_ccall_op.
-	       final_args	`thenDs` \ the_prim_app ->
+    mkPrimDs the_ccall_op (map VarArg final_args) `thenDs` \ the_prim_app ->
 	the_body = foldr apply (res_wrapper the_prim_app) arg_wrappers
@@ -115,7 +113,7 @@ unboxArg arg
   | arg_ty `eqTy` stringTy
   -- ToDo (ADR): - allow synonyms of Strings too?
   = newSysLocalDs byteArrayPrimTy		`thenDs` \ prim_arg ->
-    mkAppDs (Var packStringForCId) [] [arg]	`thenDs` \ pack_appn ->
+    mkAppDs (Var packStringForCId) [VarArg arg]	`thenDs` \ pack_appn ->
     returnDs (Var prim_arg,
 	      \body -> Case pack_appn (PrimAlts []
 						    (BindDefault prim_arg body))
@@ -189,15 +187,15 @@ boxResult result_ty
     not (null data_con_arg_tys) && null other_args_tys	&& 	-- Just one arg
     isPrimType the_prim_result_ty				-- of primitive type
-    newSysLocalDs realWorldStatePrimTy				`thenDs` \ prim_state_id ->
-    newSysLocalDs the_prim_result_ty 				`thenDs` \ prim_result_id ->
+    newSysLocalDs realWorldStatePrimTy			`thenDs` \ prim_state_id ->
+    newSysLocalDs the_prim_result_ty 			`thenDs` \ prim_result_id ->
-    mkConDs stateDataCon [realWorldTy] [Var prim_state_id]	`thenDs` \ new_state ->
-    mkConDs the_data_con tycon_arg_tys [Var prim_result_id]	`thenDs` \ the_result ->
+    mkConDs stateDataCon [TyArg realWorldTy, VarArg (Var prim_state_id)]  `thenDs` \ new_state ->
+    mkConDs the_data_con (map TyArg tycon_arg_tys ++ [VarArg (Var prim_result_id)]) `thenDs` \ the_result ->
     mkConDs tuple_con_2
-	    [result_ty, realWorldStateTy]
-	    [the_result, new_state]				`thenDs` \ the_pair ->
+	    [TyArg result_ty, TyArg realWorldStateTy, VarArg the_result, VarArg new_state]
+							`thenDs` \ the_pair ->
 	the_alt = (state_and_prim_datacon, [prim_state_id, prim_result_id], the_pair)
@@ -210,13 +208,13 @@ boxResult result_ty
     (null other_data_cons) &&					-- Just one constr
     (null data_con_arg_tys)
-    newSysLocalDs realWorldStatePrimTy				`thenDs` \ prim_state_id ->
-    mkConDs stateDataCon [realWorldTy] [Var prim_state_id]	`thenDs` \ new_state ->
+    newSysLocalDs realWorldStatePrimTy		`thenDs` \ prim_state_id ->
+    mkConDs stateDataCon [TyArg realWorldTy, VarArg (Var prim_state_id)]
+						`thenDs` \ new_state ->
     mkConDs tuple_con_2
-	    [result_ty, realWorldStateTy]
-	    [covar_tuple_con_0, new_state]	`thenDs` \ the_pair ->
+	    [TyArg result_ty, TyArg realWorldStateTy, VarArg covar_tuple_con_0, VarArg new_state]
+						`thenDs` \ the_pair ->
 	the_alt  = (stateDataCon, [prim_state_id], the_pair)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
index f679a7809c1adef8c6c0444f8885faae66cafeba..d1de63040ff3b68a24831c9793bfce9a5e76458c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)		-- partly to get dsBinds, partly to chk dsExpr
 import HsSyn		( failureFreePat,
 			  HsExpr(..), OutPat(..), HsLit(..), ArithSeqInfo(..),
-			  Stmt(..), Match(..), Qual, HsBinds, PolyType,
+			  Stmt(..), Match(..), Qualifier, HsBinds, PolyType,
 import TcHsSyn		( TypecheckedHsExpr(..), TypecheckedHsBinds(..),
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import DsHsSyn		( outPatType )
 import DsListComp	( dsListComp )
 import DsUtils		( mkAppDs, mkConDs, mkPrimDs, dsExprToAtom,
 			  mkErrorAppDs, showForErr, EquationInfo,
-			  MatchResult
+			  MatchResult, DsCoreArg(..)
 import Match		( matchWrapper )
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ import Type		( splitSigmaTy, splitFunTy, typePrimRep,
 			  getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, getAppTyCon, applyTy,
-import TysWiredIn	( mkTupleTy, voidTy, nilDataCon, consDataCon,
+import TysPrim		( voidTy )
+import TysWiredIn	( mkTupleTy, nilDataCon, consDataCon,
 			  charDataCon, charTy
 import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv, GenTyVar{-instance Eq-} )
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ dsExpr (HsLitOut (HsString s) _)
 	the_char = mkCon charDataCon [] [] [LitArg (MachChar (_HEAD_ s))]
 	the_nil  = mk_nil_con charTy
-    mkConDs consDataCon [charTy] [the_char, the_nil]
+    mkConDs consDataCon [TyArg charTy, VarArg the_char, VarArg the_nil]
 -- "_" => build (\ c n -> c 'c' n)	-- LATER
@@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ will sort it out.
 dsExpr (SectionL expr op)
   = dsExpr op			`thenDs` \ core_op ->
     dsExpr expr			`thenDs` \ core_expr ->
-    dsExprToAtom core_expr	$ \ y_atom ->
+    dsExprToAtom (VarArg core_expr)	$ \ y_atom ->
     -- for the type of x, we need the type of op's 2nd argument
@@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ dsExpr (SectionL expr op)
 dsExpr (SectionR op expr)
   = dsExpr op			`thenDs` \ core_op ->
     dsExpr expr			`thenDs` \ core_expr ->
-    dsExprToAtom core_expr	$ \ y_atom ->
+    dsExprToAtom (VarArg core_expr)	$ \ y_atom ->
     -- for the type of x, we need the type of op's 1st argument
@@ -305,19 +306,18 @@ dsExpr (ExplicitListOut ty xs)
       (y:ys) ->
 	dsExpr y			    `thenDs` \ core_hd  ->
 	dsExpr (ExplicitListOut ty ys)  `thenDs` \ core_tl  ->
-	mkConDs consDataCon [ty] [core_hd, core_tl]
+	mkConDs consDataCon [TyArg ty, VarArg core_hd, VarArg core_tl]
 dsExpr (ExplicitTuple expr_list)
   = mapDs dsExpr expr_list	  `thenDs` \ core_exprs  ->
     mkConDs (mkTupleCon (length expr_list))
-	    (map coreExprType core_exprs)
-	    core_exprs
+	    (map (TyArg . coreExprType) core_exprs ++ map VarArg core_exprs)
 -- Two cases, one for ordinary constructors and one for newtype constructors
 dsExpr (HsCon con tys args)
   | isDataTyCon tycon			-- The usual datatype case
   = mapDs dsExpr args	`thenDs` \ args_exprs ->
-    mkConDs con tys args_exprs
+    mkConDs con (map TyArg tys ++ map VarArg args_exprs)
   | otherwise				-- The newtype case
   = ASSERT( isNewTyCon tycon )
@@ -333,26 +333,26 @@ dsExpr (HsCon con tys args)
 dsExpr (ArithSeqOut expr (From from))
   = dsExpr expr		  `thenDs` \ expr2 ->
     dsExpr from		  `thenDs` \ from2 ->
-    mkAppDs expr2 [] [from2]
+    mkAppDs expr2 [VarArg from2]
 dsExpr (ArithSeqOut expr (FromTo from two))
   = dsExpr expr		  `thenDs` \ expr2 ->
     dsExpr from		  `thenDs` \ from2 ->
     dsExpr two		  `thenDs` \ two2 ->
-    mkAppDs expr2 [] [from2, two2]
+    mkAppDs expr2 [VarArg from2, VarArg two2]
 dsExpr (ArithSeqOut expr (FromThen from thn))
   = dsExpr expr		  `thenDs` \ expr2 ->
     dsExpr from		  `thenDs` \ from2 ->
     dsExpr thn		  `thenDs` \ thn2 ->
-    mkAppDs expr2 [] [from2, thn2]
+    mkAppDs expr2 [VarArg from2, VarArg thn2]
 dsExpr (ArithSeqOut expr (FromThenTo from thn two))
   = dsExpr expr		  `thenDs` \ expr2 ->
     dsExpr from		  `thenDs` \ from2 ->
     dsExpr thn		  `thenDs` \ thn2 ->
     dsExpr two		  `thenDs` \ two2 ->
-    mkAppDs expr2 [] [from2, thn2, two2]
+    mkAppDs expr2 [VarArg from2, VarArg thn2, VarArg two2]
 Record construction and update
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ dsExpr (RecordCon con_expr rbinds)
 	      []         -> mkErrorAppDs rEC_CON_ERROR_ID arg_ty (showForErr lbl)
     mapDs mk_arg (zipEqual "dsExpr:RecordCon" arg_tys (dataConFieldLabels con_id)) `thenDs` \ con_args ->
-    mkAppDs con_expr' [] con_args
+    mkAppDs con_expr' (map VarArg con_args)
 	-- "con_expr'" is simply an application of the constructor Id
 	-- to types and (perhaps) dictionaries. This gets the constructor...
@@ -507,8 +507,7 @@ dsExpr (Dictionary dicts methods)
       _ ->	    -- tuple 'em up
 	   mkConDs (mkTupleCon num_of_d_and_ms)
-		   (map coreExprType core_d_and_ms)
-		   core_d_and_ms
+		   (map (TyArg . coreExprType) core_d_and_ms ++ map VarArg core_d_and_ms)
     dicts_and_methods	    = dicts ++ methods
@@ -562,8 +561,6 @@ We're doing all this so we can saturate constructors (as painlessly as
-type DsCoreArg = GenCoreArg CoreExpr{-NB!-} TyVar UVar
 dsApp :: TypecheckedHsExpr	-- expr to desugar
       -> [DsCoreArg]		-- accumulated ty/val args: NB:
       -> DsM CoreExpr	-- final result
@@ -591,36 +588,21 @@ dsApp (TyApp expr tys) args
 dsApp (HsVar v) args
   = lookupEnvDs v	`thenDs` \ maybe_expr ->
     case maybe_expr of
-      Just expr -> apply_to_args expr args
+      Just expr -> mkAppDs expr args
       Nothing -> -- we're only saturating constructors and PrimOps
 	case getIdUnfolding v of
 	  GenForm _ the_unfolding EssentialUnfolding
 	    -> do_unfold nullTyVarEnv nullIdEnv (unTagBinders the_unfolding) args
-	  _ -> apply_to_args (Var v) args
+	  _ -> mkAppDs (Var v) args
 dsApp anything_else args
   = dsExpr anything_else	`thenDs` \ core_expr ->
-    apply_to_args core_expr args
--- a DsM version of mkGenApp:
-apply_to_args :: CoreExpr -> [DsCoreArg] -> DsM CoreExpr
-apply_to_args fun args
-  = let
-	(ty_args, val_args) = foldr sep ([],[]) args
-    in
-    mkAppDs fun ty_args val_args
-  where
-    sep a@(LitArg l)   (tys,vals) = (tys,    (Lit l):vals)
-    sep a@(VarArg e)   (tys,vals) = (tys,    e:vals)
-    sep a@(TyArg ty)   (tys,vals) = (ty:tys, vals)
-    sep a@(UsageArg _) _	  = panic "DsExpr:apply_to_args:UsageArg"
+    mkAppDs core_expr args
 dsRbinds :: TypecheckedRecordBinds		-- The field bindings supplied
 	 -> ([(Id, CoreArg)] -> DsM CoreExpr)	-- A continuation taking the field
@@ -632,9 +614,9 @@ dsRbinds [] continue_with
   = continue_with []
 dsRbinds ((sel_id, rhs, pun_flag) : rbinds) continue_with
-  = dsExpr rhs		`thenDs` \ rhs' ->
-    dsExprToAtom rhs'	$ \ rhs_atom ->
-    dsRbinds rbinds	$ \ rbinds' ->
+  = dsExpr rhs		 `thenDs` \ rhs' ->
+    dsExprToAtom (VarArg rhs')	$ \ rhs_atom ->
+    dsRbinds rbinds		$ \ rbinds' ->
     continue_with ((sel_id, rhs_atom) : rbinds')
@@ -642,8 +624,8 @@ dsRbinds ((sel_id, rhs, pun_flag) : rbinds) continue_with
 do_unfold ty_env val_env (Lam (TyBinder tyvar) body) (TyArg ty : args)
   = do_unfold (addOneToTyVarEnv ty_env tyvar ty) val_env body args
-do_unfold ty_env val_env (Lam (ValBinder binder) body) (VarArg expr : args)
-  = dsExprToAtom expr  $ \ arg_atom ->
+do_unfold ty_env val_env (Lam (ValBinder binder) body) (arg@(VarArg expr) : args)
+  = dsExprToAtom arg  $ \ arg_atom ->
     do_unfold ty_env
 	      (addOneToIdEnv val_env binder (argToExpr arg_atom))
 	      body args
@@ -653,7 +635,7 @@ do_unfold ty_env val_env body args
     uniqSMtoDsM (substCoreExpr val_env ty_env body)	`thenDs` \ body' ->
 	-- Apply result to remaining arguments
-    apply_to_args body' args
+    mkAppDs body' args
 Basically does the translation given in the Haskell~1.3 report:
@@ -670,7 +652,9 @@ dsDo then_id zero_id (stmt:stmts)
       ExprStmtOut expr locn a b -> 
 	do_expr expr locn		`thenDs` \ expr2 ->
 	ds_rest	    			`thenDs` \ rest  ->
-	dsApp (HsVar then_id) [TyArg a, TyArg b, VarArg expr2, VarArg rest]
+	newSysLocalDs a			`thenDs` \ ignored_result_id ->
+	dsApp (HsVar then_id) [TyArg a, TyArg b, VarArg expr2, 
+			       VarArg (mkValLam [ignored_result_id] rest)]
       LetStmt binds ->
         dsBinds binds	`thenDs` \ binds2 ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
index ac712c70abaf0e9ac2379cd9f9d886a14a5cbb35..f0e388d6f281b990e6ce9e3425396818090e88e5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module DsListComp ( dsListComp ) where
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)		-- break dsExpr-ish loop
-import HsSyn		( Qual(..), HsExpr, HsBinds )
+import HsSyn		( Qualifier(..), HsExpr, HsBinds )
 import TcHsSyn		( TypecheckedQual(..), TypecheckedHsExpr(..) , TypecheckedHsBinds(..) )
 import DsHsSyn		( outPatType )
 import CoreSyn
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ already desugared.  @dsListComp@ does the top TE rule mentioned above.
 deListComp :: CoreExpr -> [TypecheckedQual] -> CoreExpr -> DsM CoreExpr
 deListComp expr [] list		-- Figure 7.4, SLPJ, p 135, rule C above
-  = mkConDs consDataCon [coreExprType expr] [expr, list]
+  = mkConDs consDataCon [TyArg (coreExprType expr), VarArg expr, VarArg list]
 deListComp expr (FilterQual filt : quals) list	-- rule B above
   = dsExpr filt                `thenDs` \ core_filt ->
@@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ deListComp expr ((GeneratorQual pat list1):quals) core_list2 -- rule A' above
 	    else h'
     -- the "fail" value ...
-    mkAppDs (Var h) [] [Var u3]  `thenDs` \ core_fail ->
+    mkAppDs (Var h) [VarArg (Var u3)]  `thenDs` \ core_fail ->
     deListComp expr quals core_fail `thenDs` \ rest_expr ->
     matchSimply (Var u2) pat res_ty rest_expr core_fail `thenDs` \ core_match ->
-    mkAppDs (Var h) [] [core_list1]  `thenDs` \ letrec_body ->
+    mkAppDs (Var h) [VarArg core_list1]  `thenDs` \ letrec_body ->
     returnDs (
       mkCoLetrecAny [
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ dfListComp :: CoreExpr 		-- the inside of the comp
 	   -> DsM CoreExpr
 dfListComp expr expr_ty c_ty c_id n_ty n_id []
-  = mkAppDs (Var c_id) [] [expr, Var n_id]
+  = mkAppDs (Var c_id) [VarArg expr, VarArg (Var n_id)]
 dfListComp expr expr_ty c_ty c_id n_ty n_id (FilterQual filt : quals)
   = dsExpr filt                			`thenDs` \ core_filt ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
index 528607cf8191d35efc49f473b26315962cd00f2e..84e871f09c175f59c3f7c187d743449b7a1e27fc 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module DsUtils (
-	dsExprToAtom,
+	dsExprToAtom, DsCoreArg(..),
 	mkAppDs, mkConDs, mkPrimDs, mkErrorAppDs,
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ IMP_Ubiq()
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)		( match, matchSimply )
 import HsSyn		( HsExpr(..), OutPat(..), HsLit(..),
-			  Match, HsBinds, Stmt, Qual, PolyType, ArithSeqInfo )
+			  Match, HsBinds, Stmt, Qualifier, PolyType, ArithSeqInfo )
 import TcHsSyn		( TypecheckedPat(..) )
 import DsHsSyn		( outPatType )
 import CoreSyn
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import TyCon		( mkTupleTyCon, isNewTyCon, tyConDataCons )
 import Type		( mkTyVarTys, mkRhoTy, mkForAllTys, mkFunTys,
 			  mkTheta, isUnboxedType, applyTyCon, getAppTyCon
-import TysWiredIn	( voidTy )
+import TysPrim		( voidTy )
 import UniqSet		( mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet, uniqSetToList, UniqSet(..) )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import PprCore{-ToDo:rm-}
@@ -240,15 +240,19 @@ combineGRHSMatchResults match_result1 match_result2
-dsExprToAtom :: CoreExpr		    -- The argument expression
+dsExprToAtom :: DsCoreArg		    -- The argument expression
 	     -> (CoreArg -> DsM CoreExpr)   -- Something taking the argument *atom*,
 					    -- and delivering an expression E
 	     -> DsM CoreExpr		    -- Either E or let x=arg-expr in E
-dsExprToAtom (Var v) continue_with = continue_with (VarArg v)
-dsExprToAtom (Lit v) continue_with = continue_with (LitArg v)
+dsExprToAtom (UsageArg u) continue_with = continue_with (UsageArg u)
+dsExprToAtom (TyArg    t) continue_with = continue_with (TyArg    t)
+dsExprToAtom (LitArg   l) continue_with = continue_with (LitArg   l)
-dsExprToAtom arg_expr continue_with
+dsExprToAtom (VarArg (Var v)) continue_with = continue_with (VarArg v)
+dsExprToAtom (VarArg (Lit v)) continue_with = continue_with (LitArg v)
+dsExprToAtom (VarArg arg_expr) continue_with
   = let
 	ty = coreExprType arg_expr
@@ -260,12 +264,11 @@ dsExprToAtom arg_expr continue_with
 	else Let (NonRec arg_id arg_expr) body
-dsExprsToAtoms :: [CoreExpr]
+dsExprsToAtoms :: [DsCoreArg]
 	       -> ([CoreArg] -> DsM CoreExpr)
 	       -> DsM CoreExpr
-dsExprsToAtoms [] continue_with
-  = continue_with []
+dsExprsToAtoms [] continue_with = continue_with []
 dsExprsToAtoms (arg:args) continue_with
   = dsExprToAtom   arg 	$ \ arg_atom  ->
@@ -280,21 +283,23 @@ dsExprsToAtoms (arg:args) continue_with
-mkAppDs  :: CoreExpr -> [Type] -> [CoreExpr] -> DsM CoreExpr
-mkConDs  :: Id       -> [Type] -> [CoreExpr] -> DsM CoreExpr
-mkPrimDs :: PrimOp   -> [Type] -> [CoreExpr] -> DsM CoreExpr
+type DsCoreArg = GenCoreArg CoreExpr{-NB!-} TyVar UVar
+mkAppDs  :: CoreExpr -> [DsCoreArg] -> DsM CoreExpr
+mkConDs  :: Id       -> [DsCoreArg] -> DsM CoreExpr
+mkPrimDs :: PrimOp   -> [DsCoreArg] -> DsM CoreExpr
-mkAppDs fun tys arg_exprs 
-  = dsExprsToAtoms arg_exprs $ \ vals ->
-    returnDs (mkApp fun [] tys vals)
+mkAppDs fun args
+  = dsExprsToAtoms args $ \ atoms ->
+    returnDs (mkGenApp fun atoms)
-mkConDs con tys arg_exprs
-  = dsExprsToAtoms arg_exprs $ \ vals ->
-    returnDs (mkCon con [] tys vals)
+mkConDs con args
+  = dsExprsToAtoms args $ \ atoms ->
+    returnDs (Con  con atoms)
-mkPrimDs op tys arg_exprs
-  = dsExprsToAtoms arg_exprs $ \ vals ->
-    returnDs (mkPrim op [] tys vals)
+mkPrimDs op args
+  = dsExprsToAtoms args $ \ atoms ->
+    returnDs (Prim op  atoms)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs
index 010d471bbe980567093ecfd79a05fc86d3587bfd..8f34cfcdc473ca57edbda327762af2e5c3cffd3d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ IMP_Ubiq()
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)		-- break match-ish and dsExpr-ish loops
 import HsSyn		( HsLit(..), OutPat(..), HsExpr(..),
-			  Match, HsBinds, Stmt, Qual, PolyType, ArithSeqInfo )
+			  Match, HsBinds, Stmt, Qualifier, PolyType, ArithSeqInfo )
 import TcHsSyn		( TypecheckedHsExpr(..), TypecheckedHsBinds(..),
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
index b4356c7e819bbf8894d070a275670d26f32456ca..7aa5f9f62a4305646164ebfadc53135152f06424 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ data InstDecl tyvar uvar name pat
 				-- module being compiled; False <=> It is from
 				-- an imported interface.
-		(Maybe Module)	-- The name of the module where the instance decl
-				-- originally came from; Nothing => Prelude
+		Module		-- The name of the module where the instance decl
+				-- originally came from
 		[Sig name]		-- actually user-supplied pragmatic info
 		(InstancePragmas name)	-- interface-supplied pragmatic info
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
index 53bd6720c49d1d59727e143c4fc37822a4812c9a..b799db63d0df88276438cb24afd521d8759ac8ae 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ data HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat
 		id				-- id for zero, typed applied
-  | ListComp	(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- list comprehension
-		[Qual   tyvar uvar id pat]	-- at least one Qual(ifier)
+  | ListComp	(HsExpr    tyvar uvar id pat)	-- list comprehension
+		[Qualifier tyvar uvar id pat]	-- at least one Qualifier
   | ExplicitList		-- syntactic list
 		[HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat]
@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ pprExpr sty (SectionL expr op)
     pp_expr = pprParendExpr sty expr
-    pp_prefixly = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "( \\ _x ->", ppr sty op])
-		       4 (ppCat [pp_expr, ppStr "_x )"])
+    pp_prefixly = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "( \\ x_ ->", ppr sty op])
+		       4 (ppCat [pp_expr, ppStr "x_ )"])
     pp_infixly v
       = ppSep [ ppBeside ppLparen pp_expr,
 	    	ppBeside (pprSym sty v) ppRparen ]
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ pprExpr sty (SectionR op expr)
     pp_expr = pprParendExpr sty expr
-    pp_prefixly = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "( \\ _x ->", ppr sty op, ppPStr SLIT("_x")])
+    pp_prefixly = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "( \\ x_ ->", ppr sty op, ppPStr SLIT("x_")])
 		       4 (ppBeside pp_expr ppRparen)
     pp_infixly v
       = ppSep [ ppBeside ppLparen (pprSym sty v),
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ pp_dotdot = ppPStr SLIT(" .. ")
 ``Qualifiers'' in list comprehensions:
-data Qual tyvar uvar id pat
+data Qualifier tyvar uvar id pat
   = GeneratorQual   pat
 		    (HsExpr  tyvar uvar id pat)
   | LetQual	    (HsBinds tyvar uvar id pat)
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ data Qual tyvar uvar id pat
 instance (NamedThing id, Outputable id, Outputable pat,
 	  Eq tyvar, Outputable tyvar, Eq uvar, Outputable uvar) =>
-		Outputable (Qual tyvar uvar id pat) where
+		Outputable (Qualifier tyvar uvar id pat) where
     ppr sty (GeneratorQual pat expr)
      = ppCat [ppr sty pat, ppStr "<-", ppr sty expr]
     ppr sty (LetQual binds)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
index c2a2b437bd317a6b7925d9bce1460405dedcd0ae..d2ed9f70f34b19040f372998cd5f88852e828776 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
@@ -161,7 +161,6 @@ opt_AllStrict			= lookup  SLIT("-fall-strict")
 opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs	= lookup  SLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-all-toplevs")
 opt_AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs	= lookup  SLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-exported-toplevs")
 opt_AutoSccsOnIndividualCafs	= lookup  SLIT("-fauto-sccs-on-individual-cafs")
-opt_CompilingPrelude		= lookup  SLIT("-fcompiling-prelude")
 opt_D_dump_absC			= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-absC")
 opt_D_dump_asm			= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-asm")
 opt_D_dump_deforest		= lookup  SLIT("-ddump-deforest")
@@ -216,6 +215,8 @@ opt_SpecialiseTrace		= lookup  SLIT("-ftrace-specialisation")
 opt_SpecialiseUnboxed		= lookup  SLIT("-fspecialise-unboxed")
 opt_StgDoLetNoEscapes		= lookup  SLIT("-flet-no-escape")
 opt_Verbose			= lookup  SLIT("-v")
+opt_CompilingPrelude		= maybeToBool maybe_CompilingPrelude
+maybe_CompilingPrelude		= lookup_str "-fcompiling-prelude="
 opt_SccGroup  			= lookup_str "-G="
 opt_ProduceC  			= lookup_str "-C="
 opt_ProduceS  			= lookup_str "-S="
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
index 8083b8d89145da3c1836d56eeb28d7b671c8fb92..a1cb9f79b013a6127a5aeda8f293dc7ea5b87e9f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
@@ -30,17 +30,19 @@ import Id		( idType, dataConRawArgTys, dataConFieldLabels,
 			  dataConStrictMarks, StrictnessMark(..),
 			  GenId{-instance NamedThing/Outputable-}
-import Name		( nameOrigName, origName, nameOf,
+import Name		( origName, nameOf, moduleOf,
 			  exportFlagOn, nameExportFlag, ExportFlag(..),
-			  ltLexical, isExported, getExportFlag,
-			  isLexSym, isLocallyDefined,
+			  isExported, getExportFlag,
+			  isLexSym, isLocallyDefined, isWiredInName,
 			  RdrName(..){-instance Outputable-},
+			  OrigName(..){-instance Ord-},
 			  Name{-instance NamedThing-}
 import ParseUtils	( UsagesMap(..), VersionsMap(..) )
 import PprEnv		-- not sure how much...
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		-- most of it (??)
+import PrelMods		( modulesWithBuiltins )
 import Pretty		( prettyToUn )
 import Unpretty		-- ditto
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsModule(..), RnName{-instance NamedThing-} )
@@ -54,21 +56,8 @@ uppSemid   x = uppBeside (prettyToUn (ppr PprInterface x)) uppSemi -- micro util
 ppr_ty	  ty = prettyToUn (pprType PprInterface ty)
 ppr_tyvar tv = prettyToUn (ppr PprInterface tv)
 ppr_name   n
-  = let
-	on = origName n
-	s  = nameOf  on
-	pp = prettyToUn (ppr PprInterface on)
-    in
-    (if isLexSym s then uppParens else id) pp
-ppr_unq_name n
-  = let
-	on = origName n
-	s  = nameOf  on
-	pp = uppPStr  s
-    in
-    (if isLexSym s then uppParens else id) pp
+  = case (origName "ppr_name" n) of { OrigName m s ->
+    uppBesides [uppPStr m, uppChar '.', uppPStr s] }
 We have a function @startIface@ to open the output file and put
@@ -139,14 +128,19 @@ ifaceUsages (Just if_hdl) usages
   = hPutStr if_hdl "\n__usages__\n"   >>
     hPutStr if_hdl (uppShow 0 (uppAboves (map upp_uses usages_list)))
-    usages_list = fmToList usages
+    usages_list = filter has_no_builtins (fmToList usages)
+    has_no_builtins (m, _)
+      = m `notElem` modulesWithBuiltins
+      -- Don't *have* to do this; save gratuitous spillage in
+      -- every interface.  Could be flag-controlled...
     upp_uses (m, (mv, versions))
       = uppBesides [uppPStr m, uppSP, uppInt mv, uppPStr SLIT(" :: "),
 	       upp_versions (fmToList versions), uppSemi]
     upp_versions nvs
-      = uppIntersperse uppSP [ uppCat [(if isLexSym n then uppParens else id) (uppPStr n), uppInt v] | (n,v) <- nvs ]
+      = uppIntersperse uppSP [ uppCat [uppPStr n, uppInt v] | (n,v) <- nvs ]
@@ -158,11 +152,15 @@ ifaceVersions (Just if_hdl) version_info
   | otherwise
   = hPutStr if_hdl "\n__versions__\n"	>>
     hPutStr if_hdl (uppShow 0 (upp_versions version_list))
+    -- NB: when compiling Prelude.hs, this will spew out
+    -- stuff for [], (), (,), etc. [i.e., builtins], which
+    -- we'd rather it didn't.  The version-mangling in
+    -- the driver will ignore them.
     version_list = fmToList version_info
     upp_versions nvs
-      = uppAboves [ (if isLexSym n then uppParens else id) (uppPStr n) | (n,v) <- nvs ]
+      = uppAboves [ uppPStr n | (n,v) <- nvs ]
@@ -185,7 +183,7 @@ ifaceExportList Nothing{-no iface handle-} _ = return ()
 ifaceExportList (Just if_hdl)
 		(HsModule _ _ _ _ _ typedecls _ classdecls _ _ _ binds sigs _)
   = let
-	name_flag_pairs :: Bag (Name, ExportFlag)
+	name_flag_pairs :: Bag (OrigName, ExportFlag)
 	  = foldr from_ty
 	   (foldr from_cls
@@ -212,10 +210,10 @@ ifaceExportList (Just if_hdl)
     from_binds bs acc = maybe_add_list acc (collectTopLevelBinders bs)
-    maybe_add :: Bag (Name, ExportFlag) -> RnName -> Bag (Name, ExportFlag)
+    maybe_add :: Bag (OrigName, ExportFlag) -> RnName -> Bag (OrigName, ExportFlag)
     maybe_add acc rn
-      | exportFlagOn ef = acc `snocBag` (n, ef)
+      | exportFlagOn ef = acc `snocBag` (origName "maybe_add" n, ef)
       | otherwise       = acc
 	n  = getName rn
@@ -226,11 +224,11 @@ ifaceExportList (Just if_hdl)
     maybe_add_list acc (n:ns) = maybe_add (maybe_add_list acc ns) n
-    lexical_lt (n1,_) (n2,_) = nameOrigName n1 < nameOrigName n2
+    lexical_lt (n1,_) (n2,_) = n1 < n2
-    upp_pair (n, ef)
-      = uppBeside (ppr_name n) (upp_export ef)
+    upp_pair (OrigName m n, ef)
+      = uppBesides [uppPStr m, uppSP, uppPStr n, uppSP, upp_export ef]
 	upp_export ExportAll = uppPStr SLIT("(..)")
 	upp_export ExportAbs = uppNil
@@ -241,17 +239,20 @@ ifaceFixities Nothing{-no iface handle-} _ = return ()
 ifaceFixities (Just if_hdl) (HsModule _ _ _ _ fixities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
   = let
-	local_fixities = filter from_here fixities
+	pp_fixities = foldr go [] fixities
-    if null local_fixities then
+    if null pp_fixities then
 	return ()
 	hPutStr if_hdl "\n__fixities__\n" >>
-	hPutStr if_hdl (uppShow 0 (uppAboves (map uppSemid local_fixities)))
+	hPutStr if_hdl (uppShow 0 (uppAboves pp_fixities))
-    from_here (InfixL v _) = isLocallyDefined v
-    from_here (InfixR v _) = isLocallyDefined v
-    from_here (InfixN v _) = isLocallyDefined v
+    go (InfixL v i) acc = (if isLocallyDefined v then (:) (print_fix "l" i v) else id) acc
+    go (InfixR v i) acc = (if isLocallyDefined v then (:) (print_fix "r" i v) else id) acc
+    go (InfixN v i) acc = (if isLocallyDefined v then (:) (print_fix ""  i v) else id) acc
+    print_fix suff prec var
+      = uppBesides [uppPStr SLIT("infix"), uppStr suff, uppSP, uppInt prec, uppSP, ppr_name var, uppSemi]
@@ -262,9 +263,17 @@ ifaceDecls (Just if_hdl) (vals, tycons, classes, _)
     ASSERT(all isLocallyDefined tycons)
     ASSERT(all isLocallyDefined classes)
-	sorted_classes   = sortLt ltLexical classes
-	sorted_tycons	 = sortLt ltLexical tycons
-	sorted_vals	 = sortLt ltLexical vals
+	non_wired x = not (isWiredInName (getName x))
+	nonwired_classes = filter non_wired classes
+	nonwired_tycons  = filter non_wired tycons
+	nonwired_vals    = filter non_wired vals
+	lt_lexical a b = origName "lt_lexical" a < origName "lt_lexical" b
+	sorted_classes = sortLt lt_lexical nonwired_classes
+	sorted_tycons  = sortLt lt_lexical nonwired_tycons
+	sorted_vals    = sortLt lt_lexical nonwired_vals
     if (null sorted_classes && null sorted_tycons && null sorted_vals) then
 	--  You could have a module with just instances in it
@@ -302,10 +311,10 @@ ifaceInstances (Just if_hdl) (_, _, _, insts)
 	    tycon1 = fst (getAppTyCon ty1)
 	    tycon2 = fst (getAppTyCon ty2)
-	case (origName clas1 `cmp` origName clas2) of
+	case (origName "lt_inst" clas1 `cmp` origName "lt_inst" clas2) of
 	  LT_ -> True
 	  GT_ -> False
-	  EQ_ -> origName tycon1 < origName tycon2
+	  EQ_ -> origName "lt_inst2" tycon1 < origName "lt_inst2" tycon2
     pp_inst (InstInfo clas tvs ty theta _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
@@ -330,25 +339,27 @@ ppr_class c
     case (initNmbr (nmbrClass c)) of { -- renumber it!
       Class _ n tyvar super_classes sdsels ops sels defms insts links ->
-	uppCat [uppPStr SLIT("class"), ppr_theta tyvar super_classes,
+	uppCat [uppPStr SLIT("class"), ppr_context tyvar super_classes,
 		ppr_name n, ppr_tyvar tyvar,
 		if null ops
 		then uppSemi
 		else uppCat [uppStr "where {", uppCat (map ppr_op ops), uppStr "};"]]
-    ppr_theta :: TyVar -> [Class] -> Unpretty
+    ppr_context :: TyVar -> [Class] -> Unpretty
-    ppr_theta tv []   = uppNil
-    ppr_theta tv [sc] = uppBeside (ppr_assert tv sc) (uppPStr SLIT(" =>"))
-    ppr_theta tv super_classes
-      = uppBesides [uppLparen,
+    ppr_context tv []   = uppNil
+--  ppr_context tv [sc] = uppBeside (ppr_assert tv sc) (uppPStr SLIT(" =>"))
+    ppr_context tv super_classes
+      = uppBesides [uppStr "{{",
 		    uppIntersperse upp'SP{-'-} (map (ppr_assert tv) super_classes),
-		    uppStr ") =>"]
+		    uppStr "}} =>"]
     ppr_assert tv (Class _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = uppCat [ppr_name n, ppr_tyvar tv]
-    ppr_op (ClassOp o _ ty) = pp_sig (Unqual o) ty
+    clas_mod = moduleOf (origName "ppr_class" c)
+    ppr_op (ClassOp o _ ty) = pp_sig (Qual clas_mod o) ty
@@ -396,11 +407,11 @@ ppr_tc this_tycon@(DataTyCon u n k tvs ctxt cons derivings data_or_new)
 		      NewType  -> uppPStr SLIT("newtype")
     ppr_context []      = uppNil
-    ppr_context [(c,t)] = uppCat [ppr_name c, ppr_ty t, uppPStr SLIT("=>")]
+--  ppr_context [(c,t)] = uppCat [ppr_name c, ppr_ty t, uppPStr SLIT("=>")]
     ppr_context cs
-      = uppBesides[uppLparen,
+      = uppBesides[uppStr "{{",
 		   uppInterleave uppComma [uppCat [ppr_name c, ppr_ty t] | (c,t) <- cs],
-		   uppRparen, uppPStr SLIT(" =>")]
+		   uppStr "}}", uppPStr SLIT(" =>")]
       = let
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs
index 62c5f9762af89e4165fa90fe725f215d898ac387..c4b8e3de28f04ff4dbbf02bcdb61202aea2592f6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs
@@ -258,13 +258,6 @@ macroCode POP_STD_UPD_FRAME args
     returnUs (\xs -> grabRet : grabSuB : grabSuA : updSpB : xs)
-The @SET_ARITY@ and @CHK_ARITY@ macros are disabled for ``normal''
-macroCode SET_ARITY args = returnUs id
-macroCode CHK_ARITY args = returnUs id
 This one only applies if we have a machine register devoted to TagReg.
 macroCode SET_TAG [tag]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex b/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
index d5c187e05f6e2fd78082080bf05e545d2ccd7179..ab3300e5adbd722272710af480fe0c22e047173e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
@@ -41,9 +41,6 @@
 #define _O      0x8
 #define _C 	0x10
-#define _isconstr(s) 	(CharTable[*s]&(_C))
-BOOLEAN isconstr PROTO((char *)); /* fwd decl */
 static unsigned char CharTable[NCHARS] = {
 /* nul */    	0,  	0,  	0,  	0,  	0,  	0,  	0,  	0,
 /* bs  */    	0,  	_S,  	_S,  	_S,  	_S,  	0,  	0,  	0,
@@ -80,6 +77,12 @@ static unsigned char CharTable[NCHARS] = {
 /*     */    	0,  	0,  	0,  	0,  	0,  	0,  	0,  	0,
+isconstr (char *s)
+    return(CharTable[*s]&(_C));
 *                                                                     *
 *                                                                     *
@@ -111,15 +114,15 @@ static BOOLEAN forgetindent = FALSE;	/* Don't bother applying indentation rules
 static int nested_comments; 	/* For counting comment nesting depth */
-/* Hacky definition of yywrap: see flex doc.
+/* OLD: Hacky definition of yywrap: see flex doc.
    If we don't do this, then we'll have to get the default
    yywrap from the flex library, which is often something
    we are not good at locating.  This avoids that difficulty.
    (Besides which, this is the way old flexes (pre 2.4.x) did it.)
    WDP 94/09/05
 #define yywrap() 1
 /* Essential forward declarations */
@@ -193,26 +196,21 @@ static short indenttab[MAX_CONTEXTS] = {-1};
 /* Each time we enter a new start state, we push it onto the state stack.
-   Note that the rules do not allow us to underflow or overflow the stack.
-   (At least, they shouldn't.)  The maximum expected depth is 4:
-   0: Code -> 1: String -> 2: StringEsc -> 3: Comment
-static int StateStack[5];
-static int StateDepth = -1;
-#ifdef HSP_DEBUG
-#define PUSH_STATE(n)   do {\
-    fprintf(stderr,"Pushing %d (%d)\n", n, StateDepth + 1);\
-    StateStack[++StateDepth] = (n); BEGIN(n);} while(0)
-#define POP_STATE       do {--StateDepth;\
-    fprintf(stderr,"Popping %d (%d)\n", StateStack[StateDepth], StateDepth);\
-    BEGIN(StateStack[StateDepth]);} while(0)
-#define PUSH_STATE(n)   do {StateStack[++StateDepth] = (n); BEGIN(n);} while(0)
-#define POP_STATE       do {--StateDepth; BEGIN(StateStack[StateDepth]);} while(0)
+#define PUSH_STATE(n)   yy_push_state(n)
+#define POP_STATE       yy_pop_state()
+/* Options:
+    8bit (8-bit input)
+    noyywrap (do not call yywrap on end of file; avoid use of -lfl)
+    never-interactive (to go a bit faster)
+    stack (use a start-condition stack)
+%option 8bit
+%option noyywrap
+%option never-interactive
+%option stack
 /* The start states are:
    Code -- normal Haskell code (principal lexer)
@@ -470,33 +468,23 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
     	    	    	 hsnewid(yytext, yyleng);
-    	    	    	 RETURN(_isconstr(yytext) ? CONID : VARID);
-			}
-<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>_+{Id} { 
-			 if (! nonstandardFlag) {
-			    char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
-			    sprintf(errbuf, "Non-standard identifier (leading underscore): %s\n", yytext);
-			    hsperror(errbuf);
-			 }
-    	    	    	 hsnewid(yytext, yyleng);
     	    	    	 RETURN(isconstr(yytext) ? CONID : VARID);
-			 /* NB: ^^^^^^^^ : not the macro! */
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{Id}	{
     	    	         hsnewid(yytext, yyleng);
-			 RETURN(_isconstr(yytext) ? CONID : VARID);
+			 RETURN(isconstr(yytext) ? CONID : VARID);
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{SId}	{
     	    		 hsnewid(yytext, yyleng);
-			 RETURN(_isconstr(yytext) ? CONSYM : VARSYM);
+			 RETURN(isconstr(yytext) ? CONSYM : VARSYM);
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{Mod}"."{Id}	{
-			 BOOLEAN isconstr = hsnewqid(yytext, yyleng);
-			 RETURN(isconstr ? QCONID : QVARID);
+			 BOOLEAN is_constr = hsnewqid(yytext, yyleng);
+			 RETURN(is_constr ? QCONID : QVARID);
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{Mod}"."{SId}	{
-			 BOOLEAN isconstr = hsnewqid(yytext, yyleng);
-			 RETURN(isconstr ? QCONSYM : QVARSYM);
+			 BOOLEAN is_constr = hsnewqid(yytext, yyleng);
+			 RETURN(is_constr ? QCONSYM : QVARSYM);
@@ -511,7 +499,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
 <GlaExt,UserPragma>"`"{Id}"#`"	{	
     	    	    	 hsnewid(yytext + 1, yyleng - 2);
-			 RETURN(_isconstr(yytext+1) ? CONSYM : VARSYM);
+			 RETURN(isconstr(yytext+1) ? CONSYM : VARSYM);
@@ -1297,15 +1285,5 @@ hsnewqid(char *name, int length)
     *dot = '.';
     name[length] = save;
-    return _isconstr(dot+1);
-isconstr(char *s) /* walks past leading underscores before using the macro */
-    char *temp = s;
-    for ( ; temp != NULL && *temp == '_' ; temp++ );
-    return _isconstr(temp);
+    return isconstr(dot+1);
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
index ccefcf3638cea8f618434451d7ea4fdffc1f8497..466c140b963bc0fb56361c6f6b457f111733925c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import CmdLineOpts	( opt_HideBuiltinNames,
 import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, listToFM )
 import Id		( mkTupleCon, GenId, Id(..) )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
-import Name		( moduleNamePair )
+import Name		( origName, OrigName(..) )
 import RnHsSyn		( RnName(..) )
 import TyCon		( tyConDataCons, mkFunTyCon, mkTupleTyCon, TyCon )
 import Type
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ We have two ``builtin name funs,'' one to look up @TyCons@ and
 builtinNameInfo :: ( BuiltinNames, BuiltinKeys, BuiltinIdInfos )
-type BuiltinNames   = (FiniteMap (FAST_STRING,Module) RnName, -- WiredIn Ids
-		       FiniteMap (FAST_STRING,Module) RnName) -- WiredIn TyCons
+type BuiltinNames   = (FiniteMap OrigName RnName, -- WiredIn Ids
+		       FiniteMap OrigName RnName) -- WiredIn TyCons
 			-- Two maps because "[]" is in both...
-type BuiltinKeys    = FiniteMap (FAST_STRING,Module) (Unique, Name -> RnName)
+type BuiltinKeys    = FiniteMap OrigName (Unique, Name -> RnName)
 						     -- Names with known uniques
 type BuiltinIdInfos = UniqFM IdInfo		     -- Info for known unique Ids
@@ -111,7 +111,6 @@ builtinNameInfo
 	    -- values
 	    map pcIdWiredInInfo wired_in_ids,
-	    map pcIdWiredInInfo parallel_ids,
@@ -214,6 +213,7 @@ data_tycons
     , stateAndSynchVarPrimTyCon
     , stateAndWordPrimTyCon
     , stateTyCon
+    , voidTyCon
     , wordTyCon
@@ -222,52 +222,56 @@ The WiredIn Ids ...
 ToDo: Some of these should be moved to id_keys_infos!
-  = [ eRROR_ID
-    , pAT_ERROR_ID	-- occurs in i/faces
-    , pAR_ERROR_ID	-- ditto
-    , tRACE_ID
-    , runSTId
-    , seqId
-    , realWorldPrimId
-      -- foldr/build Ids have magic unfoldings
-    , buildId
     , augmentId
+    , buildId
+    , copyableId
+    , eRROR_ID
     , foldlId
     , foldrId
+    , forkId
+    , integerMinusOneId
+    , integerPlusOneId
+    , integerPlusTwoId
+    , integerZeroId
+    , noFollowId
+    , pAR_ERROR_ID
+    , pAT_ERROR_ID
+    , packStringForCId
+    , parAtAbsId
+    , parAtForNowId
+    , parAtId
+    , parAtRelId
+    , parGlobalId
+    , parId
+    , parLocalId
+    , realWorldPrimId
+    , runSTId
+    , seqId
+    , tRACE_ID
+    , tRACE_ID
+    , unpackCString2Id
     , unpackCStringAppendId
     , unpackCStringFoldrId
+    , unpackCStringId
+    , voidId
-  = if not opt_ForConcurrent then
-	[]
-    else
-        [ parId
-        , forkId
-	, copyableId
-	, noFollowId
-	, parAtAbsId
-	, parAtForNowId
-	, parAtId
-	, parAtRelId
-	, parGlobalId
-    	, parLocalId
-	]
-pcTyConWiredInInfo :: TyCon -> ((FAST_STRING,Module), RnName)
-pcTyConWiredInInfo tc = (swap (moduleNamePair tc), WiredInTyCon tc)
-pcDataConWiredInInfo :: TyCon -> [((FAST_STRING,Module), RnName)]
-pcDataConWiredInInfo tycon
-  = [ (swap (moduleNamePair con), WiredInId con) | con <- tyConDataCons tycon ]
+pcTyConWiredInInfo :: TyCon -> (OrigName, RnName)
+pcTyConWiredInInfo tc = (origName "pcTyConWiredInInfo" tc, WiredInTyCon tc)
-pcIdWiredInInfo :: Id -> ((FAST_STRING,Module), RnName)
-pcIdWiredInInfo id = (swap (moduleNamePair id), WiredInId id)
+pcDataConWiredInInfo :: TyCon -> [(OrigName, RnName)]
+pcDataConWiredInInfo tycon
+  = [ (origName "pcDataConWiredInInfo" con, WiredInId con) | con <- tyConDataCons tycon ]
-swap (x,y) = (y,x)
+pcIdWiredInInfo :: Id -> (OrigName, RnName)
+pcIdWiredInInfo id = (origName "pcIdWiredInInfo" id, WiredInId id)
 WiredIn primitive numeric operations ...
@@ -275,8 +279,8 @@ WiredIn primitive numeric operations ...
   = map prim_fn allThePrimOps ++ map funny_fn funny_name_primops
-    prim_fn  op     = case (primOpNameInfo op) of (s,n) -> ((s,pRELUDE),n)
-    funny_fn (op,s) = case (primOpNameInfo op) of (_,n) -> ((s,pRELUDE),n)
+    prim_fn  op     = case (primOpNameInfo op) of (s,n) -> ((OrigName gHC_BUILTINS s),n)
+    funny_fn (op,s) = case (primOpNameInfo op) of (_,n) -> ((OrigName gHC_BUILTINS s),n)
   = [ (IntAddOp,      SLIT("+#"))
@@ -306,30 +310,30 @@ funny_name_primops
 Ids, Synonyms, Classes and ClassOps with builtin keys.
 For the Ids we may also have some builtin IdInfo.
-id_keys_infos :: [((FAST_STRING,Module), Unique, Maybe IdInfo)]
+id_keys_infos :: [(OrigName, Unique, Maybe IdInfo)]
   = [ -- here so we can check the type of main/mainPrimIO
-      ((SLIT("main"),SLIT("Main")),	  mainIdKey,	   Nothing)
-    , ((SLIT("mainPrimIO"),SLIT("Main")), mainPrimIOIdKey, Nothing)
+      (OrigName SLIT("Main") SLIT("main"),	  mainIdKey,	  Nothing)
+    , (OrigName SLIT("Main") SLIT("mainPrimIO"), mainPrimIOIdKey, Nothing)
       -- here because we use them in derived instances
-    , ((SLIT("&&"), 	     pRELUDE),	andandIdKey,	Nothing)
-    , ((SLIT("."),  	     pRELUDE),	composeIdKey,	Nothing)
-    , ((SLIT("lex"), 	     pRELUDE),	lexIdKey,	Nothing)
-    , ((SLIT("not"), 	     pRELUDE),	notIdKey,	Nothing)
-    , ((SLIT("readParen"),   pRELUDE),	readParenIdKey,	Nothing)
-    , ((SLIT("showParen"),   pRELUDE),	showParenIdKey,	Nothing)
-    , ((SLIT("showString"),  pRELUDE),	showStringIdKey,Nothing)
-    , ((SLIT("__readList"),  pRELUDE),	ureadListIdKey,	Nothing)
-    , ((SLIT("__showList"),  pRELUDE),	ushowListIdKey,	Nothing)
-    , ((SLIT("__showSpace"), pRELUDE),	showSpaceIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("&&"),		andandIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("."),		composeIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("lex"),		lexIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("not"),		notIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("readParen"),	readParenIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("showParen"),	showParenIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("showString"),	showStringIdKey,Nothing)
+    , (OrigName gHC__   SLIT("readList__"),	ureadListIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , (OrigName gHC__   SLIT("showList__"),	ushowListIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , (OrigName gHC__   SLIT("showSpace"),	showSpaceIdKey,	Nothing)
-  = [ ((SLIT("IO"),pRELUDE),       (iOTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
-    , ((SLIT("Rational"),rATIO),   (rationalTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
-    , ((SLIT("Ratio"),rATIO),      (ratioTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
-    , ((SLIT("Ordering"),pRELUDE), (orderingTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
+  = [ (OrigName gHC__   SLIT("IO"),       (iOTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Ordering"), (orderingTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
+    , (OrigName rATIO   SLIT("Rational"), (rationalTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
+    , (OrigName rATIO   SLIT("Ratio"),    (ratioTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
 -- this "class_keys" list *must* include:
@@ -338,41 +342,41 @@ tysyn_keys
   = [ (str_mod, (k, RnImplicitClass)) | (str_mod,k) <-
-    [ ((SLIT("Eq"),pRELUDE),		eqClassKey)		-- mentioned, derivable
-    , ((SLIT("Eval"),pRELUDE),		evalClassKey)		-- mentioned
-    , ((SLIT("Ord"),pRELUDE),		ordClassKey)		-- derivable
-    , ((SLIT("Num"),pRELUDE),		numClassKey)		-- mentioned, numeric
-    , ((SLIT("Real"),pRELUDE),		realClassKey)		-- numeric
-    , ((SLIT("Integral"),pRELUDE),	integralClassKey)	-- numeric
-    , ((SLIT("Fractional"),pRELUDE),	fractionalClassKey)	-- numeric
-    , ((SLIT("Floating"),pRELUDE),	floatingClassKey)	-- numeric
-    , ((SLIT("RealFrac"),pRELUDE),	realFracClassKey)	-- numeric
-    , ((SLIT("RealFloat"),pRELUDE),	realFloatClassKey)	-- numeric
-    , ((SLIT("Ix"),iX),			ixClassKey)		-- derivable (but it isn't Prelude.Ix; hmmm)
-    , ((SLIT("Bounded"),pRELUDE),	boundedClassKey)	-- derivable
-    , ((SLIT("Enum"),pRELUDE),		enumClassKey)		-- derivable
-    , ((SLIT("Show"),pRELUDE),		showClassKey)		-- derivable
-    , ((SLIT("Read"),pRELUDE),		readClassKey)		-- derivable
-    , ((SLIT("Monad"),pRELUDE),		monadClassKey)
-    , ((SLIT("MonadZero"),pRELUDE),	monadZeroClassKey)
-    , ((SLIT("MonadPlus"),pRELUDE),	monadPlusClassKey)
-    , ((SLIT("Functor"),pRELUDE),	functorClassKey)
-    , ((SLIT("_CCallable"),pRELUDE),	cCallableClassKey)	-- mentioned, ccallish
-    , ((SLIT("_CReturnable"),pRELUDE), 	cReturnableClassKey)	-- mentioned, ccallish
+    [ (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Eq"),		eqClassKey)		-- mentioned, derivable
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Eval"),		evalClassKey)		-- mentioned
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Ord"),		ordClassKey)		-- derivable
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Num"),		numClassKey)		-- mentioned, numeric
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Real"),		realClassKey)		-- numeric
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Integral"),	integralClassKey)	-- numeric
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Fractional"),	fractionalClassKey)	-- numeric
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Floating"),	floatingClassKey)	-- numeric
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("RealFrac"),	realFracClassKey)	-- numeric
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("RealFloat"),	realFloatClassKey)	-- numeric
+    , (OrigName iX	SLIT("Ix"),		ixClassKey)		-- derivable (but it isn't Prelude.Ix; hmmm)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Bounded"),	boundedClassKey)	-- derivable
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Enum"),		enumClassKey)		-- derivable
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Show"),		showClassKey)		-- derivable
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Read"),		readClassKey)		-- derivable
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Monad"),		monadClassKey)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("MonadZero"),	monadZeroClassKey)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("MonadPlus"),	monadPlusClassKey)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("Functor"),	functorClassKey)
+    , (OrigName gHC__	SLIT("CCallable"),	cCallableClassKey)	-- mentioned, ccallish
+    , (OrigName gHC__   SLIT("CReturnable"), 	cReturnableClassKey)	-- mentioned, ccallish
   = [ (str_mod, (k, RnImplicit)) | (str_mod,k) <-
-    [ ((SLIT("fromInt"),pRELUDE),	fromIntClassOpKey)
-    , ((SLIT("fromInteger"),pRELUDE),	fromIntegerClassOpKey)
-    , ((SLIT("fromRational"),pRELUDE),	fromRationalClassOpKey)
-    , ((SLIT("enumFrom"),pRELUDE),	enumFromClassOpKey)
-    , ((SLIT("enumFromThen"),pRELUDE),	enumFromThenClassOpKey)
-    , ((SLIT("enumFromTo"),pRELUDE),	enumFromToClassOpKey)
-    , ((SLIT("enumFromThenTo"),pRELUDE),enumFromThenToClassOpKey)
-    , ((SLIT("=="),pRELUDE),		eqClassOpKey)
-    , ((SLIT(">>="),pRELUDE),		thenMClassOpKey)
-    , ((SLIT("zero"),pRELUDE),		zeroClassOpKey)
+    [ (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("fromInt"),	fromIntClassOpKey)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("fromInteger"),	fromIntegerClassOpKey)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("fromRational"),	fromRationalClassOpKey)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("enumFrom"),	enumFromClassOpKey)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("enumFromThen"),	enumFromThenClassOpKey)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("enumFromTo"),	enumFromToClassOpKey)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("enumFromThenTo"),enumFromThenToClassOpKey)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("=="),		eqClassOpKey)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT(">>="),		thenMClassOpKey)
+    , (OrigName pRELUDE SLIT("zero"),		zeroClassOpKey)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop.lhi
index 9d178592016e5ad120af8d44be9ec1d524c73acd..c016e48fdbcff01a7120d964508eee8672afcafa 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop.lhi
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import PreludePS	( _PackedString )
 import Class		( GenClass )
 import CoreUnfold	( mkMagicUnfolding, UnfoldingDetails )
 import IdUtils		( primOpNameInfo )
-import Name		( Name, mkBuiltinName )
+import Name		( Name, OrigName, mkPrimitiveName, mkWiredInName )
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp )
 import RnHsSyn		( RnName )
 import Type		( mkSigmaTy, mkFunTys, GenType )
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ import Unique		( Unique )
 import Usage		( GenUsage )
 mkMagicUnfolding :: Unique -> UnfoldingDetails
-mkBuiltinName :: Unique -> _PackedString -> _PackedString -> Name
+mkPrimitiveName :: Unique -> OrigName -> Name
+mkWiredInName :: Unique -> OrigName -> Name
 mkSigmaTy :: [a] -> [(GenClass (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique, GenType a b)] -> GenType a b -> GenType a b
 mkFunTys :: [GenType a b] -> GenType a b -> GenType a b
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs
index da5b7118ce8b8d0bc2ca6f6dc99bae50f6a42bd6..1d73db7908424848eee89202c1eb1545ec8dba77 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs
@@ -9,14 +9,10 @@ defined here so as to avod
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module PrelMods (
+	gHC_BUILTINS, -- things that are really and truly primitive
+	pRELUDE, gHC__,
 	rATIO, iX,
-	fromPrelude
+	modulesWithBuiltins
   ) where
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
@@ -24,23 +20,12 @@ CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
-gLASGOW_MISC	= SLIT("PreludeGlaMisc")
-gLASGOW_ST	= SLIT("PreludeGlaST")
-pRELUDE		= SLIT("Prelude")
-pRELUDE_BUILTIN = SLIT("PreludeBuiltin")
-pRELUDE_FB	= SLIT("PreludeFoldrBuild")
-pRELUDE_IO	= SLIT("PreludeIO")
-pRELUDE_LIST	= SLIT("PreludeList")
-pRELUDE_PS	= SLIT("PreludePS")
-pRELUDE_TEXT	= SLIT("PreludeText")
+pRELUDE	     = SLIT("Prelude")
+gHC_BUILTINS = SLIT("GHCbuiltins") -- the truly-primitive things
+gHC__	     = SLIT("GHCbase")	   -- all GHC basics, add-ons, extras, everything
+				   -- (which can be defined in Haskell)
+rATIO	     = SLIT("Ratio")
+iX	     = SLIT("Ix")
-rATIO = SLIT("Ratio")
-iX = SLIT("Ix")
-fromPrelude :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
-fromPrelude s = (_SUBSTR_ s 0 6 == SLIT("Prelude"))
-  where
-    substr str beg end
-      = take (end - beg + 1) (drop beg str)
+modulesWithBuiltins = [ gHC_BUILTINS, gHC__, pRELUDE, rATIO, iX ]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
index 9ae53002c9f468348bf5dc2a94f0273a8a5d418a..30f24db777e7a5a35883912cb5ac958e806c410a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module PrelVals where
 IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)		( UnfoldingGuidance(..) )
-import Id		( Id(..), GenId, mkPreludeId, mkTemplateLocals )
+import Id		( Id(..), GenId, mkImported, mkUserId, mkTemplateLocals )
 -- friends:
@@ -19,11 +19,14 @@ import TysPrim
 import TysWiredIn
 -- others:
+import CmdLineOpts	( maybe_CompilingPrelude )
 import CoreSyn		-- quite a bit
 import IdInfo		-- quite a bit
 import Literal		( mkMachInt )
+import PragmaInfo
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..) )
 import SpecEnv		( SpecEnv(..), nullSpecEnv )
+import Type		( mkTyVarTy )
 import TyVar		( openAlphaTyVar, alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar )
 import Unique		-- lots of *Keys
 import Util		( panic )
@@ -36,8 +39,25 @@ import Util		( panic )
 -- only used herein:
 pcMiscPrelId :: Unique{-IdKey-} -> FAST_STRING -> FAST_STRING -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
-pcMiscPrelId key mod name ty info
- = mkPreludeId (mkBuiltinName key mod name) ty info
+pcMiscPrelId key m n ty info
+  = let
+	name = mkWiredInName key (OrigName m n)
+	imp  = mkImported name ty info -- the usual case...
+    in
+    imp
+    -- We lie and say the thing is imported; otherwise, we get into
+    -- a mess with dependency analysis; e.g., core2stg may heave in
+    -- random calls to GHCbase.unpackPS.  If GHCbase is the module
+    -- being compiled, then it's just a matter of luck if the definition
+    -- will be in "the right place" to be in scope.
+{- ???
+    case maybe_CompilingPrelude of
+      Nothing -> imp
+      Just modname ->
+	if modname == _UNPK_ m -- we are compiling the module where this thing is defined...
+	then mkUserId name ty NoPragmaInfo
+	else imp
@@ -48,15 +68,15 @@ pcMiscPrelId key mod name ty info
 GHC randomly injects these into the code.
-@patError#@ is just a version of @error@ for pattern-matching
+@patError@ is just a version of @error@ for pattern-matching
 failures.  It knows various ``codes'' which expand to longer
 strings---this saves space!
-@absent#@ is a thing we put in for ``absent'' arguments.  They jolly
+@absentErr@ is a thing we put in for ``absent'' arguments.  They jolly
 well shouldn't be yanked on, but if one is, then you will get a
-friendly message from @absent#@ (rather a totally random crash).
+friendly message from @absentErr@ (rather a totally random crash).
-@parError#@ is a special version of @error@ which the compiler does
+@parError@ is a special version of @error@ which the compiler does
 not know to be a bottoming Id.  It is used in the @_par_@ and @_seq_@
 templates, but we don't ever expect to generate code for it.
@@ -68,36 +88,36 @@ pc_bottoming_Id key mod name ty
 	-- these "bottom" out, no matter what their arguments
-  = pc_bottoming_Id errorIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("error") errorTy
+  = pc_bottoming_Id errorIdKey pRELUDE SLIT("error") errorTy
 generic_ERROR_ID u n
-  = pc_bottoming_Id u pRELUDE_BUILTIN n errorTy
+  = pc_bottoming_Id u gHC__ n errorTy
-  = generic_ERROR_ID patErrorIdKey SLIT("patError#")
+  = generic_ERROR_ID patErrorIdKey SLIT("patError")
-  = generic_ERROR_ID recConErrorIdKey SLIT("recConError#")
+  = generic_ERROR_ID recConErrorIdKey SLIT("recConError")
-  = generic_ERROR_ID recUpdErrorIdKey SLIT("recUpdError#")
+  = generic_ERROR_ID recUpdErrorIdKey SLIT("recUpdError")
-  = generic_ERROR_ID irrefutPatErrorIdKey SLIT("irrefutPatError#")
+  = generic_ERROR_ID irrefutPatErrorIdKey SLIT("irrefutPatError")
-  = generic_ERROR_ID nonExhaustiveGuardsErrorIdKey SLIT("nonExhaustiveGuardsError#")
+  = generic_ERROR_ID nonExhaustiveGuardsErrorIdKey SLIT("nonExhaustiveGuardsError")
-  = generic_ERROR_ID noDefaultMethodErrorIdKey SLIT("noDefaultMethodError#")
+  = generic_ERROR_ID noDefaultMethodErrorIdKey SLIT("noDefaultMethodError")
-  = generic_ERROR_ID nonExplicitMethodErrorIdKey SLIT("noExplicitMethodError#")
+  = generic_ERROR_ID nonExplicitMethodErrorIdKey SLIT("noExplicitMethodError")
-  = pc_bottoming_Id absentErrorIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("absent#")
+  = pc_bottoming_Id absentErrorIdKey gHC__ SLIT("absentErr")
 	(mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] [] alphaTy)
-  = pcMiscPrelId parErrorIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("parError#")
+  = pcMiscPrelId parErrorIdKey gHC__ SLIT("parError")
     (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] [] alphaTy) noIdInfo
 errorTy  :: Type
-errorTy  = mkSigmaTy [openAlphaTyVar] [] (mkFunTys [mkListTy charTy] alphaTy)
+errorTy  = mkSigmaTy [openAlphaTyVar] [] (mkFunTys [mkListTy charTy] (mkTyVarTy openAlphaTyVar))
 We want \tr{_trace} (NB: name not in user namespace) to be wired in
@@ -109,7 +129,7 @@ won't get an \tr{import} declaration in the interface file, so the
 importing-subsequently module needs to know it's magic.
-  = pcMiscPrelId traceIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_trace") traceTy
+  = pcMiscPrelId traceIdKey gHC__ SLIT("trace") traceTy
 	(noIdInfo `addInfo` pcGenerateSpecs traceIdKey tRACE_ID noIdInfo traceTy)
     traceTy = mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] [] (mkFunTys [mkListTy charTy, alphaTy] alphaTy)
@@ -123,33 +143,33 @@ tRACE_ID
-  = pcMiscPrelId packCStringIdKey{-ToDo:rename-} pRELUDE_PS SLIT("_packStringForC")
+  = pcMiscPrelId packCStringIdKey{-ToDo:rename-} gHC__ SLIT("packStringForC")
 	(mkFunTys [stringTy] byteArrayPrimTy) noIdInfo
-  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCStringIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("unpackPS#")
+  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCStringIdKey gHC__ SLIT("unpackPS")
 		 (mkFunTys [addrPrimTy{-a char *-}] stringTy) noIdInfo
 -- Andy says:
 --	(FunTy addrPrimTy{-a char *-} stringTy) (noIdInfo `addInfo` mkArityInfo 1)
 -- but I don't like wired-in IdInfos (WDP)
 unpackCString2Id -- for cases when a string has a NUL in it
-  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCString2IdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("unpackPS2#")
+  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCString2IdKey gHC__ SLIT("unpackPS2")
 		 (mkFunTys [addrPrimTy{-a char *-}, intPrimTy{-length-}] stringTy)
-  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCStringAppendIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("unpackAppendPS#")
+  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCStringAppendIdKey gHC__ SLIT("unpackAppendPS")
 		(mkFunTys [addrPrimTy{-a "char *" pointer-},stringTy] stringTy)
 		 {-LATER:`addInfo_UF` mkMagicUnfolding unpackCStringAppendIdKey-})
 		 `addInfo` mkArityInfo 2)
-  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCStringFoldrIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("unpackFoldrPS#")
+  = pcMiscPrelId unpackCStringFoldrIdKey gHC__ SLIT("unpackFoldrPS")
 		(mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] []
 		(mkFunTys [addrPrimTy{-a "char *" pointer-},
 			   mkFunTys [charTy, alphaTy] alphaTy,
@@ -164,13 +184,13 @@ OK, this is Will's idea: we should have magic values for Integers 0,
 +1, +2, and -1 (go ahead, fire me):
-  = pcMiscPrelId integerZeroIdKey     pRELUDE SLIT("__integer0")  integerTy noIdInfo
+  = pcMiscPrelId integerZeroIdKey     gHC__ SLIT("integer_0")  integerTy noIdInfo
-  = pcMiscPrelId integerPlusOneIdKey  pRELUDE SLIT("__integer1")  integerTy noIdInfo
+  = pcMiscPrelId integerPlusOneIdKey  gHC__ SLIT("integer_1")  integerTy noIdInfo
-  = pcMiscPrelId integerPlusTwoIdKey  pRELUDE SLIT("__integer2")  integerTy noIdInfo
+  = pcMiscPrelId integerPlusTwoIdKey  gHC__ SLIT("integer_2")  integerTy noIdInfo
-  = pcMiscPrelId integerMinusOneIdKey pRELUDE SLIT("__integerm1") integerTy noIdInfo
+  = pcMiscPrelId integerMinusOneIdKey gHC__ SLIT("integer_m1") integerTy noIdInfo
@@ -181,21 +201,21 @@ integerMinusOneId
--- seqId :: "_seq_", used w/ GRIP, etc., is really quite similar to
+-- seqId :: "seq", used w/ GRIP, etc., is really quite similar to
 -- dangerousEval
-   _seq_ = /\ a b -> \ x y -> case x of { _ -> y }
+   seq = /\ a b -> \ x y -> case x of { _ -> y }
-   _seq_ = /\ a b -> \ x y -> case seq# x y of { _Lift y' -> y' }
+   seq = /\ a b -> \ x y -> case seq# x y of { _Lift y' -> y' }
    NEW (95/05):
-   _seq_ = /\ a b -> \ x::a y::b -> case seq# x of { 0# -> parError#; _ -> y; }
+   seq = /\ a b -> \ x::a y::b -> case seq# x of { 0# -> parError#; _ -> y; }
-seqId = pcMiscPrelId seqIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_seq_")
+seqId = pcMiscPrelId seqIdKey gHC__ SLIT("seq")
 		  (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
 		    (mkFunTys [alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
 		  (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding seq_template))
@@ -215,7 +235,7 @@ seqId = pcMiscPrelId seqIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_seq_")
 		    (BindDefault z (Var y))))
--- parId :: "_par_", also used w/ GRIP, etc.
+-- parId :: "par", also used w/ GRIP, etc.
@@ -223,14 +243,14 @@ seqId = pcMiscPrelId seqIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_seq_")
-    _par_ = /\ a b -> \ x y -> case par# x y of { _Lift y' -> y' }
+    par = /\ a b -> \ x y -> case par# x y of { _Lift y' -> y' }
     NEW (95/05):
-    _par_ = /\ a b -> \ x::a y::b -> case par# x of { 0# -> parError#; _ -> y; }
+    par = /\ a b -> \ x::a y::b -> case par# x of { 0# -> parError#; _ -> y; }
-parId = pcMiscPrelId parIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_par_")
+parId = pcMiscPrelId parIdKey gHC__ SLIT("par")
 		  (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
 		    (mkFunTys [alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
 		  (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding par_template))
@@ -249,11 +269,11 @@ parId = pcMiscPrelId parIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_par_")
 		    [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
 		    (BindDefault z (Var y))))
--- forkId :: "_fork_", for *required* concurrent threads
+-- forkId :: "fork", for *required* concurrent threads
    _fork_ = /\ a b -> \ x::a y::b -> case fork# x of { 0# -> parError#; _ -> y; }
-forkId = pcMiscPrelId forkIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_fork_")
+forkId = pcMiscPrelId forkIdKey gHC__ SLIT("fork")
 		  (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
 		    (mkFunTys [alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
 		  (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding fork_template))
@@ -276,7 +296,7 @@ forkId = pcMiscPrelId forkIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_fork_")
 GranSim ones:
-parLocalId = pcMiscPrelId parLocalIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parLocal_")
+parLocalId = pcMiscPrelId parLocalIdKey gHC__ SLIT("parLocal")
 		  (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
 		    (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
 		  (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding parLocal_template))
@@ -300,7 +320,7 @@ parLocalId = pcMiscPrelId parLocalIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parLocal_")
 		    [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
 		    (BindDefault z (Var y))))
-parGlobalId = pcMiscPrelId parGlobalIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parGlobal_")
+parGlobalId = pcMiscPrelId parGlobalIdKey gHC__ SLIT("parGlobal")
 		  (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
 		    (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
 		  (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding parGlobal_template))
@@ -325,7 +345,7 @@ parGlobalId = pcMiscPrelId parGlobalIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parGlobal_")
 		    (BindDefault z (Var y))))
-parAtId = pcMiscPrelId parAtIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parAt_")
+parAtId = pcMiscPrelId parAtIdKey gHC__ SLIT("parAt")
 		  (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
 		    (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy,
 		               alphaTy, betaTy, gammaTy] gammaTy))
@@ -351,7 +371,7 @@ parAtId = pcMiscPrelId parAtIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parAt_")
 		    [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
 		    (BindDefault z (Var y))))
-parAtAbsId = pcMiscPrelId parAtAbsIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parAtAbs_")
+parAtAbsId = pcMiscPrelId parAtAbsIdKey gHC__ SLIT("parAtAbs")
 		  (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
 		    (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
 		  (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding parAtAbs_template))
@@ -376,7 +396,7 @@ parAtAbsId = pcMiscPrelId parAtAbsIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parAtAbs_")
 		    [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
 		    (BindDefault z (Var y))))
-parAtRelId = pcMiscPrelId parAtRelIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parAtRel_")
+parAtRelId = pcMiscPrelId parAtRelIdKey gHC__ SLIT("parAtRel")
 		  (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
 		    (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy))
 		  (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding parAtRel_template))
@@ -401,7 +421,7 @@ parAtRelId = pcMiscPrelId parAtRelIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parAtRel_")
 		    [(mkMachInt 0, mkTyApp (Var pAR_ERROR_ID) [betaTy])]
 		    (BindDefault z (Var y))))
-parAtForNowId = pcMiscPrelId parAtForNowIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parAtForNow_")
+parAtForNowId = pcMiscPrelId parAtForNowIdKey gHC__ SLIT("parAtForNow")
 		  (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
 		    (mkFunTys [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy,
 				alphaTy, betaTy, gammaTy] gammaTy))
@@ -430,7 +450,7 @@ parAtForNowId = pcMiscPrelId parAtForNowIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_parAtForNow
 -- copyable and noFollow are currently merely hooks: they are translated into
 -- calls to the macros COPYABLE and NOFOLLOW                            -- HWL 
-copyableId = pcMiscPrelId copyableIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_copyable_")
+copyableId = pcMiscPrelId copyableIdKey gHC__ SLIT("copyable")
 		  (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] []
 		  (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding copyable_template))
@@ -445,7 +465,7 @@ copyableId = pcMiscPrelId copyableIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_copyable_")
       = mkLam [alphaTyVar] [x] ( Prim CopyableOp [TyArg alphaTy, VarArg x] )
-noFollowId = pcMiscPrelId noFollowIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_noFollow_")
+noFollowId = pcMiscPrelId noFollowIdKey gHC__ SLIT("noFollow")
 		  (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] []
 		  (noIdInfo `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding noFollow_template))
@@ -479,16 +499,6 @@ showParen	:: Bool -> ShowS -> ShowS
 readParen	:: Bool -> ReadS a -> ReadS a
 lex		:: ReadS String
-%*									*
-\subsection[PrelVals-void]{@void@: Magic value of type @Void@}
-%*									*
-voidId = pcMiscPrelId voidIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_void") voidTy noIdInfo
 %*									*
 \subsection[PrelVals-runST]{@_runST@: Magic start-state-transformer function}
@@ -507,7 +517,7 @@ _runST a m = case m _RealWorld (S# _RealWorld realWorld#) of
 We unfold always, just for simplicity:
-  = pcMiscPrelId runSTIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_runST") run_ST_ty id_info
+  = pcMiscPrelId runSTIdKey gHC__ SLIT("runST") run_ST_ty id_info
     s_tv = betaTyVar
     s	 = betaTy
@@ -577,11 +587,15 @@ All calls to @f@ will share a {\em single} array!  End SLPJ 95/04.
 nasty as-is, change it back to a literal (@Literal@).
-  = pcMiscPrelId realWorldPrimIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("realWorld#")
+  = pcMiscPrelId realWorldPrimIdKey gHC_BUILTINS SLIT("realWorld#")
+voidId = pcMiscPrelId voidIdKey gHC_BUILTINS SLIT("void") voidTy noIdInfo
 %*									*
 \subsection[PrelVals-foldr-build]{Values known about for ``foldr/build''}
@@ -590,7 +604,7 @@ realWorldPrimId
-  = pcMiscPrelId buildIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_build") buildTy
+  = pcMiscPrelId buildIdKey gHC__ SLIT("build") buildTy
 		{-LATER:`addInfo_UF` mkMagicUnfolding buildIdKey-})
 		`addInfo` mkStrictnessInfo [WwStrict] Nothing)
@@ -635,7 +649,7 @@ mkBuild ty tv c n g expr
-  = pcMiscPrelId augmentIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_augment") augmentTy
+  = pcMiscPrelId augmentIdKey gHC__ SLIT("augment") augmentTy
 		{-LATER:`addInfo_UF` mkMagicUnfolding augmentIdKey-})
 		`addInfo` mkStrictnessInfo [WwStrict,WwLazy False] Nothing)
@@ -652,7 +666,7 @@ augmentId
-foldrId = pcMiscPrelId foldrIdKey pRELUDE_FB{-not "List"-} SLIT("foldr")
+foldrId = pcMiscPrelId foldrIdKey pRELUDE SLIT("foldr")
 		 foldrTy idInfo
 	foldrTy =
@@ -666,7 +680,7 @@ foldrId = pcMiscPrelId foldrIdKey pRELUDE_FB{-not "List"-} SLIT("foldr")
 			`addInfo` mkUpdateInfo [2,2,1])
 			`addInfo` pcGenerateSpecs foldrIdKey foldrId noIdInfo{-ToDo-} foldrTy)
-foldlId = pcMiscPrelId foldlIdKey pRELUDE_FB{-not "List"-} SLIT("foldl")
+foldlId = pcMiscPrelId foldlIdKey pRELUDE SLIT("foldl")
 		 foldlTy idInfo
 	foldlTy =
@@ -693,7 +707,7 @@ foldlId = pcMiscPrelId foldlIdKey pRELUDE_FB{-not "List"-} SLIT("foldl")
 -- So you have to turn *off* unfolding of foldr inside FoldrBuild.hs inside
 -- the prelude.
+{- OLD: doesn't apply with 1.3
   = pcMiscPrelId appendIdKey pRELUDE_LIST SLIT("++") appendTy idInfo
@@ -704,6 +718,7 @@ appendId
 		`addInfo` mkStrictnessInfo [WwStrict,WwLazy False] Nothing)
 		`addInfo` mkArityInfo 2)
 		`addInfo` mkUpdateInfo [1,2])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
index 6527a7e62b982f70c5763db26f9f3d0c1da7d767..6556a871de5309a21373f1e60cce8b63886fc496 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
@@ -1638,12 +1638,12 @@ primOpNeedsWrapper other_op 	    	= False
 primOp_str op
   = case (primOpInfo op) of
-      Dyadic str _	       -> str
-      Monadic str _	       -> str
-      Compare str _	       -> str
-      Coercing str _ _	       -> str
+      Dyadic     str _	       -> str
+      Monadic    str _	       -> str
+      Compare    str _	       -> str
+      Coercing   str _ _       -> str
       PrimResult str _ _ _ _ _ -> str
-      AlgResult str _ _ _ _    -> str
+      AlgResult  str _ _ _ _   -> str
 @primOpType@ duplicates some work of @primOpId@, but since we
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
index 876048f4d9ce1326370587157747f737f7058ec5..08d49a88be6df3f470d30441240a289c732e25fd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
@@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ module TysPrim where
 import Kind		( mkUnboxedTypeKind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind, mkArrowKind )
-import Name		( mkBuiltinName )
-import PrelMods		( pRELUDE_BUILTIN )
+import Name		( mkPrimitiveName )
+import PrelMods		( gHC_BUILTINS )
 import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) )	-- getPrimRepInfo uses PrimRep repn
 import TyCon		( mkPrimTyCon, mkDataTyCon, NewOrData(..) )
+import Type		( mkTyConTy )
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar(..), alphaTyVars )
 import Type		( applyTyCon, mkTyVarTys )
 import Usage		( usageOmega )
@@ -43,7 +44,7 @@ pcPrimTyCon :: Unique{-TyConKey-} -> FAST_STRING -> Int -> PrimRep -> TyCon
 pcPrimTyCon key str arity primrep
   = mkPrimTyCon name (mk_kind arity) primrep
-    name = mkBuiltinName key pRELUDE_BUILTIN str
+    name = mkPrimitiveName key (OrigName gHC_BUILTINS str)
     mk_kind 0 = mkUnboxedTypeKind
     mk_kind n = mkTypeKind `mkArrowKind` mk_kind (n-1)
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@ realWorldTyCon
 	[{-no derivings-}]
-    name = mkBuiltinName realWorldTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_RealWorld")
+    name = mkPrimitiveName realWorldTyConKey (OrigName gHC_BUILTINS SLIT("RealWorld"))
 realWorldStatePrimTy = mkStatePrimTy realWorldTy
@@ -129,6 +130,28 @@ realWorldStatePrimTy = mkStatePrimTy realWorldTy
 Note: the ``state-pairing'' types are not truly primitive, so they are
 defined in \tr{TysWiredIn.lhs}, not here.
+-- The Void type is represented as a data type with no constructors
+-- It's a built in type (i.e. there's no way to define it in Haskell;
+--	the nearest would be
+--		data Void =		-- No constructors!
+-- ) It's boxed; there is only one value of this
+-- type, namely "void", whose semantics is just bottom.
+voidTy = mkTyConTy voidTyCon
+  = mkDataTyCon name mkBoxedTypeKind 
+	[{-no tyvars-}]
+	[{-no context-}]
+	[{-no data cons!-}]
+	[{-no derivings-}]
+	DataType
+  where
+    name = mkPrimitiveName voidTyConKey (OrigName gHC_BUILTINS SLIT("Void"))
 %*									*
 \subsection[TysPrim-arrays]{The primitive array types}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
index 04b3e4996e74950b1699e79de951faccd3b905bd..27a16da26987b83d9729639f2ac147b0b1c4f45c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
@@ -71,11 +71,9 @@ module TysWiredIn (
-	voidTy, voidTyCon,
     ) where
@@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ import TysPrim
 -- others:
 import SpecEnv		( SpecEnv(..) )
 import Kind		( mkBoxedTypeKind, mkArrowKind )
-import Name		( mkBuiltinName )
+import Name		( mkWiredInName )
 import SrcLoc		( mkBuiltinSrcLoc )
 import TyCon		( mkDataTyCon, mkTupleTyCon, mkSynTyCon,
 			  NewOrData(..), TyCon
@@ -124,7 +122,7 @@ pcDataTyCon = pc_tycon DataType
 pcNewTyCon  = pc_tycon NewType
 pc_tycon new_or_data key mod str tyvars cons
-  = mkDataTyCon (mkBuiltinName key mod str) tycon_kind 
+  = mkDataTyCon (mkWiredInName key (OrigName mod str)) tycon_kind 
 		tyvars [{-no context-}] cons [{-no derivings-}]
@@ -133,7 +131,7 @@ pc_tycon new_or_data key mod str tyvars cons
 pcDataCon :: Unique{-DataConKey-} -> Module -> FAST_STRING
 	  -> [TyVar] -> ThetaType -> [TauType] -> TyCon -> SpecEnv -> Id
 pcDataCon key mod str tyvars context arg_tys tycon specenv
-  = mkDataCon (mkBuiltinName key mod str)
+  = mkDataCon (mkWiredInName key (OrigName mod str))
 	[ NotMarkedStrict | a <- arg_tys ]
 	[ {- no labelled fields -} ]
 	tyvars context arg_tys tycon
@@ -152,89 +150,77 @@ pcGenerateDataSpecs ty
 %*									*
--- The Void type is represented as a data type with no constructors
--- It's a built in type (i.e. there's no way to define it in Haskell
---	the nearest would be
---		data Void =		-- No constructors!
--- It's boxed; there is only one value of this
--- type, namely "void", whose semantics is just bottom.
-voidTy = mkTyConTy voidTyCon
-voidTyCon = pcDataTyCon voidTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("Void") [] []
 charTy = mkTyConTy charTyCon
-charTyCon = pcDataTyCon charTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("Char") [] [charDataCon]
-charDataCon = pcDataCon charDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("C#") [] [] [charPrimTy] charTyCon nullSpecEnv
+charTyCon = pcDataTyCon charTyConKey  pRELUDE  SLIT("Char") [] [charDataCon]
+charDataCon = pcDataCon charDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT("C#") [] [] [charPrimTy] charTyCon nullSpecEnv
+stringTy = mkListTy charTy -- convenience only
 intTy = mkTyConTy intTyCon 
-intTyCon = pcDataTyCon intTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("Int") [] [intDataCon]
-intDataCon = pcDataCon intDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("I#") [] [] [intPrimTy] intTyCon nullSpecEnv
+intTyCon = pcDataTyCon intTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("Int") [] [intDataCon]
+intDataCon = pcDataCon intDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT("I#") [] [] [intPrimTy] intTyCon nullSpecEnv
 wordTy = mkTyConTy wordTyCon
-wordTyCon = pcDataTyCon wordTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_Word") [] [wordDataCon]
-wordDataCon = pcDataCon wordDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("W#") [] [] [wordPrimTy] wordTyCon nullSpecEnv
+wordTyCon = pcDataTyCon wordTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("Word") [] [wordDataCon]
+wordDataCon = pcDataCon wordDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("W#") [] [] [wordPrimTy] wordTyCon nullSpecEnv
 addrTy = mkTyConTy addrTyCon
-addrTyCon = pcDataTyCon addrTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_Addr") [] [addrDataCon]
-addrDataCon = pcDataCon addrDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("A#") [] [] [addrPrimTy] addrTyCon nullSpecEnv
+addrTyCon = pcDataTyCon addrTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("Addr") [] [addrDataCon]
+addrDataCon = pcDataCon addrDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("A#") [] [] [addrPrimTy] addrTyCon nullSpecEnv
 floatTy	= mkTyConTy floatTyCon
-floatTyCon = pcDataTyCon floatTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("Float") [] [floatDataCon]
-floatDataCon = pcDataCon floatDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("F#") [] [] [floatPrimTy] floatTyCon nullSpecEnv
+floatTyCon = pcDataTyCon floatTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("Float") [] [floatDataCon]
+floatDataCon = pcDataCon floatDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT("F#") [] [] [floatPrimTy] floatTyCon nullSpecEnv
 doubleTy = mkTyConTy doubleTyCon
-doubleTyCon = pcDataTyCon doubleTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("Double") [] [doubleDataCon]
-doubleDataCon = pcDataCon doubleDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("D#") [] [] [doublePrimTy] doubleTyCon nullSpecEnv
+doubleTyCon = pcDataTyCon doubleTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("Double") [] [doubleDataCon]
+doubleDataCon = pcDataCon doubleDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT("D#") [] [] [doublePrimTy] doubleTyCon nullSpecEnv
 mkStateTy ty	 = applyTyCon stateTyCon [ty]
 realWorldStateTy = mkStateTy realWorldTy -- a common use
-stateTyCon = pcDataTyCon stateTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_State") alpha_tyvar [stateDataCon]
+stateTyCon = pcDataTyCon stateTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("State") alpha_tyvar [stateDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("S#")
+  = pcDataCon stateDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("S#")
 	alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy] stateTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stablePtrTyConKey gLASGOW_MISC SLIT("_StablePtr")
+  = pcDataTyCon stablePtrTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StablePtr")
 	alpha_tyvar [stablePtrDataCon]
-      = pcDataCon stablePtrDataConKey gLASGOW_MISC SLIT("_StablePtr")
+      = pcDataCon stablePtrDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StablePtr")
 	    alpha_tyvar [] [mkStablePtrPrimTy alphaTy] stablePtrTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon foreignObjTyConKey gLASGOW_MISC SLIT("_ForeignObj")
+  = pcDataTyCon foreignObjTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("ForeignObj")
 	[] [foreignObjDataCon]
-      = pcDataCon foreignObjDataConKey gLASGOW_MISC SLIT("_ForeignObj")
+      = pcDataCon foreignObjDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("ForeignObj")
 	    [] [] [foreignObjPrimTy] foreignObjTyCon nullSpecEnv
@@ -249,27 +235,27 @@ foreignObjTyCon
 integerTy :: GenType t u
 integerTy    = mkTyConTy integerTyCon
-integerTyCon = pcDataTyCon integerTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("Integer") [] [integerDataCon]
+integerTyCon = pcDataTyCon integerTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("Integer") [] [integerDataCon]
-integerDataCon = pcDataCon integerDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("J#")
+integerDataCon = pcDataCon integerDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT("J#")
 		[] [] [intPrimTy, intPrimTy, byteArrayPrimTy] integerTyCon nullSpecEnv
 And the other pairing types:
 return2GMPsTyCon = pcDataTyCon return2GMPsTyConKey
-	pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_Return2GMPs") [] [return2GMPsDataCon]
+	gHC__ SLIT("Return2GMPs") [] [return2GMPsDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon return2GMPsDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_Return2GMPs") [] []
+  = pcDataCon return2GMPsDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("Return2GMPs") [] []
 	[intPrimTy, intPrimTy, byteArrayPrimTy,
 	 intPrimTy, intPrimTy, byteArrayPrimTy] return2GMPsTyCon nullSpecEnv
 returnIntAndGMPTyCon = pcDataTyCon returnIntAndGMPTyConKey
-	pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_ReturnIntAndGMP") [] [returnIntAndGMPDataCon]
+	gHC__ SLIT("ReturnIntAndGMP") [] [returnIntAndGMPDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon returnIntAndGMPDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_ReturnIntAndGMP") [] []
+  = pcDataCon returnIntAndGMPDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("ReturnIntAndGMP") [] []
 	[intPrimTy, intPrimTy, intPrimTy, byteArrayPrimTy] returnIntAndGMPTyCon nullSpecEnv
@@ -288,118 +274,118 @@ We fish one of these \tr{StateAnd<blah>#} things with
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndPtrPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndPtr#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndPtrPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndPtr#")
 		alpha_beta_tyvars [stateAndPtrPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndPtrPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndPtr#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndPtrPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndPtr#")
 		alpha_beta_tyvars [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, betaTy]
 		stateAndPtrPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndCharPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndChar#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndCharPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndChar#")
 		alpha_tyvar [stateAndCharPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndCharPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndChar#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndCharPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndChar#")
 		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, charPrimTy]
 		stateAndCharPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndIntPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndInt#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndIntPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndInt#")
 		alpha_tyvar [stateAndIntPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndIntPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndInt#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndIntPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndInt#")
 		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, intPrimTy]
 		stateAndIntPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndWordPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndWord#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndWordPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndWord#")
 		alpha_tyvar [stateAndWordPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndWordPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndWord#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndWordPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndWord#")
 		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, wordPrimTy]
 		stateAndWordPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndAddrPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndAddr#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndAddrPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndAddr#")
 		alpha_tyvar [stateAndAddrPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndAddrPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndAddr#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndAddrPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndAddr#")
 		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, addrPrimTy]
 		stateAndAddrPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndStablePtrPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndStablePtr#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndStablePtrPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndStablePtr#")
 		alpha_beta_tyvars [stateAndStablePtrPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndStablePtrPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndStablePtr#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndStablePtrPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndStablePtr#")
 		alpha_beta_tyvars []
 		[mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, applyTyCon stablePtrPrimTyCon [betaTy]]
 		stateAndStablePtrPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndForeignObjPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndForeignObj#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndForeignObjPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndForeignObj#")
 		alpha_tyvar [stateAndForeignObjPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndForeignObjPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndForeignObj#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndForeignObjPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndForeignObj#")
 		alpha_tyvar []
 		[mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, applyTyCon foreignObjPrimTyCon []]
 		stateAndForeignObjPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndFloatPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndFloat#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndFloatPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndFloat#")
 		alpha_tyvar [stateAndFloatPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndFloatPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndFloat#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndFloatPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndFloat#")
 		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, floatPrimTy]
 		stateAndFloatPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndDoublePrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndDouble#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndDoublePrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndDouble#")
 		alpha_tyvar [stateAndDoublePrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndDoublePrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndDouble#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndDoublePrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndDouble#")
 		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, doublePrimTy]
 		stateAndDoublePrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndArrayPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndArray#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndArrayPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndArray#")
 		alpha_beta_tyvars [stateAndArrayPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndArrayPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndArray#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndArrayPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndArray#")
 		alpha_beta_tyvars [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, mkArrayPrimTy betaTy]
 		stateAndArrayPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndMutableArrayPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndMutableArray#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndMutableArrayPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndMutableArray#")
 		alpha_beta_tyvars [stateAndMutableArrayPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndMutableArrayPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndMutableArray#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndMutableArrayPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndMutableArray#")
 		alpha_beta_tyvars [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, mkMutableArrayPrimTy alphaTy betaTy]
 		stateAndMutableArrayPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndByteArrayPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndByteArray#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndByteArrayPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndByteArray#")
 		alpha_tyvar [stateAndByteArrayPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndByteArrayPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndByteArray#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndByteArrayPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndByteArray#")
 		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, byteArrayPrimTy]
 		stateAndByteArrayPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndMutableByteArray#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndMutableByteArray#")
 		alpha_tyvar [stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndMutableByteArray#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndMutableByteArray#")
 		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, applyTyCon mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon alpha_ty]
 		stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
-  = pcDataTyCon stateAndSynchVarPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndSynchVar#")
+  = pcDataTyCon stateAndSynchVarPrimTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndSynchVar#")
 		alpha_beta_tyvars [stateAndSynchVarPrimDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon stateAndSynchVarPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndSynchVar#")
+  = pcDataCon stateAndSynchVarPrimDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("StateAndSynchVar#")
 		alpha_beta_tyvars [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, mkSynchVarPrimTy alphaTy betaTy]
 		stateAndSynchVarPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
@@ -453,11 +439,11 @@ This is really just an ordinary synonym, except it is ABSTRACT.
 mkStateTransformerTy s a = applyTyCon stTyCon [s, a]
-stTyCon = pcNewTyCon stTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("_ST") alpha_beta_tyvars [stDataCon]
+stTyCon = pcNewTyCon stTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("ST") alpha_beta_tyvars [stDataCon]
     ty = mkFunTys [mkStateTy alphaTy] (mkTupleTy 2 [betaTy, mkStateTy alphaTy])
-    stDataCon = pcDataCon stDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT("_ST")
+    stDataCon = pcDataCon stDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("ST")
 			alpha_beta_tyvars [] [ty] stTyCon nullSpecEnv
@@ -472,11 +458,11 @@ stTyCon = pcNewTyCon stTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("_ST") alpha_beta_tyvars [stDataCon
 mkPrimIoTy a = applyTyCon primIoTyCon [a]
-primIoTyCon = pcNewTyCon primIoTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("_PrimIO") alpha_tyvar [primIoDataCon]
+primIoTyCon = pcNewTyCon primIoTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("PrimIO") alpha_tyvar [primIoDataCon]
     ty = mkFunTys [mkStateTy realWorldTy] (mkTupleTy 2 [alphaTy, mkStateTy realWorldTy])
-    primIoDataCon = pcDataCon primIoDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT("_PrimIO")
+    primIoDataCon = pcDataCon primIoDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("PrimIO")
 			alpha_tyvar [] [ty] primIoTyCon nullSpecEnv
@@ -558,12 +544,12 @@ mkListTy ty = applyTyCon listTyCon [ty]
 alphaListTy = mkSigmaTy alpha_tyvar [] (applyTyCon listTyCon alpha_ty)
-listTyCon = pcDataTyCon listTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("[]") 
+listTyCon = pcDataTyCon listTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("[]") 
 			alpha_tyvar [nilDataCon, consDataCon]
-nilDataCon  = pcDataCon nilDataConKey  pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("[]") alpha_tyvar [] [] listTyCon
+nilDataCon  = pcDataCon nilDataConKey  pRELUDE SLIT("[]") alpha_tyvar [] [] listTyCon
 		(pcGenerateDataSpecs alphaListTy)
-consDataCon = pcDataCon consDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT(":")
+consDataCon = pcDataCon consDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT(":")
 		alpha_tyvar [] [alphaTy, applyTyCon listTyCon alpha_ty] listTyCon
 		(pcGenerateDataSpecs alphaListTy)
 -- Interesting: polymorphic recursion would help here.
@@ -654,24 +640,13 @@ isLiftTy ty
 alphaLiftTy = mkSigmaTy alpha_tyvar [] (applyTyCon liftTyCon alpha_ty)
-  = pcDataTyCon liftTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_Lift") alpha_tyvar [liftDataCon]
+  = pcDataTyCon liftTyConKey gHC__ SLIT("Lift") alpha_tyvar [liftDataCon]
-  = pcDataCon liftDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_Lift")
+  = pcDataCon liftDataConKey gHC__ SLIT("Lift")
 		alpha_tyvar [] alpha_ty liftTyCon
 		((pcGenerateDataSpecs alphaLiftTy) `addOneToSpecEnv`
 		 (mkSpecInfo [Just realWorldStatePrimTy] 0 bottom))
     bottom = panic "liftDataCon:State# _RealWorld"
-%*									*
-\subsection[TysWiredIn-for-convenience]{Types wired in for convenience (e.g., @String@)}
-%*									*
-stringTy = mkListTy charTy
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
index cd0ae20ef966fc765d1bedabda96c37abda02c69..cb5aa2b4b401717d6e058e0f68ecd88b14724840 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ type RdrNameMonoBinds		= MonoBinds		Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
 type RdrNameMonoType		= MonoType		RdrName
 type RdrNamePat			= InPat			RdrName
 type RdrNamePolyType		= PolyType		RdrName
-type RdrNameQual		= Qual			Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameQual		= Qualifier		Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
 type RdrNameSig			= Sig			RdrName
 type RdrNameSpecInstSig		= SpecInstSig 		RdrName
 type RdrNameStmt		= Stmt			Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
index 88ddda049db31c693f4722816bb051314b7395ff..9353e8740fa39bbc2124e284eb6ea390bb72f11d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
@@ -17,12 +17,11 @@ import HsPragmas	( noDataPragmas, noClassPragmas, noInstancePragmas )
 import RdrHsSyn
 import PrefixToHs
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingPrelude )
 import ErrUtils		( addErrLoc, ghcExit )
 import FiniteMap	( elemFM, FiniteMap )
-import Name		( RdrName(..), isRdrLexConOrSpecial )
+import Name		( RdrName(..), isRdrLexConOrSpecial, preludeQual )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
-import PrelMods		( fromPrelude, pRELUDE )
+import PrelMods		( pRELUDE )
 import Pretty
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 import Util		( nOfThem, pprError, panic )
@@ -62,12 +61,9 @@ wlkQid	:: U_qid -> UgnM RdrName
 wlkQid (U_noqual name)
   = returnUgn (Unqual name)
 wlkQid (U_aqual  mod name)
-  | fromPrelude mod
-  = returnUgn (Unqual name)
-  | otherwise
   = returnUgn (Qual mod name)
 wlkQid (U_gid n name)
-  = returnUgn (Unqual name)
+  = returnUgn (preludeQual name)
 cvFlag :: U_long -> Bool
 cvFlag 0 = False
@@ -307,10 +303,7 @@ wlkExpr expr
 	wlkExpr nexp	`thenUgn` \ expr ->
 	-- this is a hack
-	    neg = SLIT("negate")
-	    rdr = if opt_CompilingPrelude
-	    	  then Unqual neg
-		  else Qual   pRELUDE neg
+	    rdr = preludeQual SLIT("negate")
 	returnUgn (NegApp expr (HsVar rdr))
@@ -570,12 +563,9 @@ wlkBinding binding
 	    binds     = cvMonoBinds sf bs
 	    uprags    = concat (map cvInstDeclSig ss)
 	    ctxt_inst_ty = HsPreForAllTy ctxt inst_ty
-	    maybe_mod = if opt_CompilingPrelude
-			then Nothing
-		        else Just modname
 	returnUgn (RdrInstDecl
-          (InstDecl clas ctxt_inst_ty binds True maybe_mod uprags noInstancePragmas src_loc))
+          (InstDecl clas ctxt_inst_ty binds True modname uprags noInstancePragmas src_loc))
 	-- "default" declaration
       U_dbind dbindts srcline ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
index 86c467545aefeffe4c927b1585a0dd0970bfbd41..bc4137d4093268cf203e492f18830d666139bbe2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import HsPragmas	( noGenPragmas )
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, snocBag )
 import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, unitFM, addToFM, plusFM, bagToFM )
-import Name		( ExportFlag(..), mkTupNameStr,
+import Name		( ExportFlag(..), mkTupNameStr, preludeQual,
 			  RdrName(..){-instance Outputable:ToDo:rm-}
 import Outputable	-- ToDo:rm
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ parseIface = parseIToks . lexIface
 	DECLARATIONS_PART   { ITdeclarations }
 	PRAGMAS_PART	    { ITpragmas }
 	BANG		    { ITbang }
-	BQUOTE		    { ITbquote }
 	CBRACK		    { ITcbrack }
 	CCURLY		    { ITccurly }
+	DCCURLY		    { ITdccurly }
 	CLASS		    { ITclass }
 	COMMA		    { ITcomma }
 	CPAREN		    { ITcparen }
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ parseIface = parseIToks . lexIface
 	NEWTYPE		    { ITnewtype }
 	OBRACK		    { ITobrack }
 	OCURLY		    { ITocurly }
+	DOCURLY		    { ITdocurly }
 	OPAREN		    { IToparen }
 	RARROW		    { ITrarrow }
 	SEMI		    { ITsemi }
@@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ name_version_pairs  :  name_version_pair
 			{ $1 `snocBag` $2 }
 name_version_pair   ::	{ (FAST_STRING, Int) }
-name_version_pair   :  iname INTEGER
+name_version_pair   :  name INTEGER
 			{ ($1, fromInteger $2)
@@ -132,12 +133,12 @@ exports_part	:: { ExportsMap }
 exports_part	:  EXPORTS_PART export_items { bagToFM $2 }
 		|			     { emptyFM }
-export_items	:: { Bag (FAST_STRING, (RdrName, ExportFlag)) }
+export_items	:: { Bag (FAST_STRING, (OrigName, ExportFlag)) }
 export_items	:  export_item		    { unitBag $1 }
 		|  export_items export_item { $1 `snocBag` $2 }
-export_item	:: { (FAST_STRING, (RdrName, ExportFlag)) }
-export_item	:  qiname maybe_dotdot	    { (de_qual $1, ($1, $2)) }
+export_item	:: { (FAST_STRING, (OrigName, ExportFlag)) }
+export_item	:  CONID name maybe_dotdot { ($2, (OrigName $1 $2, $3)) }
 maybe_dotdot	:: { ExportFlag }
 maybe_dotdot	:  DOTDOT { ExportAll }
@@ -164,9 +165,9 @@ fixes		:  fix  	{ case $1 of (k,v) -> unitFM k v }
 		|  fixes fix	{ case $2 of (k,v) -> addToFM $1 k v }
 fix		:: { (FAST_STRING, RdrNameFixityDecl) }
-fix		:  INFIXL INTEGER qop SEMI { (de_qual $3, InfixL $3 (fromInteger $2)) }
-		|  INFIXR INTEGER qop SEMI { (de_qual $3, InfixR $3 (fromInteger $2)) }
-		|  INFIX  INTEGER qop SEMI { (de_qual $3, InfixN $3 (fromInteger $2))
+fix		:  INFIXL INTEGER qname SEMI { (de_qual $3, InfixL $3 (fromInteger $2)) }
+		|  INFIXR INTEGER qname SEMI { (de_qual $3, InfixR $3 (fromInteger $2)) }
+		|  INFIX  INTEGER qname SEMI { (de_qual $3, InfixN $3 (fromInteger $2))
@@ -217,8 +218,7 @@ decl		:: { (FAST_STRING, RdrNameSig) }
 decl		:  var DCOLON ctype SEMI { (de_qual $1, Sig $1 $3 noGenPragmas mkIfaceSrcLoc) }
 context		:: { RdrNameContext }
-context		:  OPAREN context_list CPAREN	{ reverse $2 }
-		|  class			{ [$1] }
+context		:  DOCURLY context_list DCCURLY	{ reverse $2 }
 context_list	:: { RdrNameContext{-reversed-} }
 context_list	:  class			{ [$1] }
@@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ class		:: { (RdrName, RdrName) }
 class		:  gtycon VARID			{ ($1, Unqual $2) }
 ctype		:: { RdrNamePolyType }
-ctype		: type DARROW type  { HsPreForAllTy (type2context $1) $3 }
-		| type		    { HsPreForAllTy []		      $1 }
+ctype		: context DARROW type  { HsPreForAllTy $1 $3 }
+		| type		       { HsPreForAllTy [] $1 }
 type		:: { RdrNameMonoType }
 type		:  btype		{ $1 }
@@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ btype		:  gtyconapp		{ case $1 of (tc, tys) -> MonoTyApp tc tys }
 					  case ty1 of {
 					    MonoTyVar tv    -> MonoTyApp tv tys;
 					    MonoTyApp tc ts -> MonoTyApp tc (ts++tys);
-					    MonoFunTy t1 t2 -> MonoTyApp (Unqual SLIT("->")) (t1:t2:tys);
-					    MonoListTy ty   -> MonoTyApp (Unqual SLIT("[]")) (ty:tys);
-					    MonoTupleTy ts  -> MonoTyApp (Unqual (mkTupNameStr (length ts)))
+					    MonoFunTy t1 t2 -> MonoTyApp (preludeQual SLIT("->")) (t1:t2:tys);
+					    MonoListTy ty   -> MonoTyApp (preludeQual SLIT("[]")) (ty:tys);
+					    MonoTupleTy ts  -> MonoTyApp (preludeQual (mkTupNameStr (length ts)))
 					    _		    -> pprPanic "test:" (ppr PprDebug $1)
@@ -280,11 +280,10 @@ ntycon		:  VARID			  { MonoTyVar (Unqual $1) }
 gtycon		:: { RdrName }
 gtycon		:  QCONID		{ $1 }
-		|  CONID		{ Unqual $1 }
-		|  OPAREN RARROW CPAREN	{ Unqual SLIT("->") }
-		|  OBRACK CBRACK	{ Unqual SLIT("[]") }
-		|  OPAREN CPAREN	{ Unqual SLIT("()") }
-		|  OPAREN commas CPAREN	{ Unqual (mkTupNameStr $2) }
+		|  OPAREN RARROW CPAREN	{ preludeQual SLIT("->") }
+		|  OBRACK CBRACK	{ preludeQual SLIT("[]") }
+		|  OPAREN CPAREN	{ preludeQual SLIT("()") }
+		|  OPAREN commas CPAREN	{ preludeQual (mkTupNameStr $2) }
 commas		:: { Int }
 commas		:  COMMA		{ 2{-1 comma => arity 2-} }
@@ -305,10 +304,8 @@ constrs		:  constr		{ [$1] }
 constr		:: { (RdrName, RdrNameConDecl) }
 constr		:  btyconapp
 		   { case $1 of (con, tys) -> (con, ConDecl con tys mkIfaceSrcLoc) }
-		|  OPAREN QCONSYM CPAREN	 { ($2, ConDecl $2 [] mkIfaceSrcLoc) }
-		|  OPAREN QCONSYM CPAREN batypes { ($2, ConDecl $2 $4 mkIfaceSrcLoc) }
-		|  OPAREN CONSYM CPAREN		 { (Unqual $2, ConDecl (Unqual $2) [] mkIfaceSrcLoc) }
-		|  OPAREN CONSYM CPAREN batypes  { (Unqual $2, ConDecl (Unqual $2) $4 mkIfaceSrcLoc) }
+		|  QCONSYM	   { ($1, ConDecl $1 [] mkIfaceSrcLoc) }
+		|  QCONSYM batypes { ($1, ConDecl $1 $2 mkIfaceSrcLoc) }
 		|  gtycon OCURLY fields CCURLY
 		   { ($1, RecConDecl $1 $3 mkIfaceSrcLoc) }
@@ -340,37 +337,21 @@ constr1		:: { (RdrName, RdrNameMonoType) }
 constr1		:  gtycon atype	{ ($1, $2) }
 var		:: { RdrName }
-var		:  QVARID		 { $1 }
-		|  VARID		 { Unqual $1 }
-		|  OPAREN VARSYM CPAREN  { Unqual $2 }
-op		:: { FAST_STRING }
-op		:  BQUOTE VARID BQUOTE	{ $2 }
-		|  VARSYM		{ $1 }
-		|  CONSYM		{ $1 }
-qop		:: { RdrName }
-qop		:  BQUOTE QVARID BQUOTE	{ $2 }
+var		:  QVARID		{ $1 }
+		|  QVARSYM		{ $1 }
+qname		:: { RdrName }
+qname		:  QVARID		{ $1 }
+		|  QCONID		{ $1 }
 		|  QVARSYM		{ $1 }
 		|  QCONSYM		{ $1 }
-		|  op			{ Unqual $1 }
-iname		:: { FAST_STRING }
-iname		:  VARID		{ $1 }
-		|  CONID		{ $1 }
-		|  OPAREN BANG   CPAREN	{ SLIT("!"){-sigh, double-sigh-} }
-qiname		:: { RdrName }
-qiname		:  QVARID		    { $1 }
-		|  QCONID		    { $1 }
-		|  iname		    { Unqual $1 }
+name		:: { FAST_STRING }
+name		:  VARID	{ $1 }
+		|  CONID	{ $1 }
+		|  VARSYM	{ $1 }
+		|  BANG  	{ SLIT("!"){-sigh, double-sigh-} }
+		|  CONSYM	{ $1 }
 instances_part	:: { Bag RdrIfaceInst }
 instances_part	:  INSTANCES_PART instdecls { $2 }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs
index e3fde6b2ac8076d737106b43d9205a62383eca6e..e71614f7a4878a5f8118eca9071d261dcd92c373 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ import ErrUtils		( Error(..) )
 import FiniteMap	( unitFM, listToFM, lookupFM, plusFM, FiniteMap )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, MaybeErr(..) )
 import Name		( isLexConId, isLexVarId, isLexConSym,
-			  mkTupNameStr,
+			  mkTupNameStr, preludeQual, isRdrLexCon,
 			  RdrName(..){-instance Outputable:ToDo:rm-}
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) ) -- ToDo: rm debugging
-import PrelMods		( fromPrelude )
+import PrelMods		( pRELUDE )
 import Pretty		( ppCat, ppPStr, ppInt, ppShow, ppStr )
 import SrcLoc		( mkIfaceSrcLoc )
 import Util		( startsWith, isIn, panic, assertPanic )
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type UsagesMap	      = FiniteMap Module (Version, VersionsMap)
 			-- representing all the instances def'd in that module
 type VersionsMap      = FiniteMap FAST_STRING Version
 			-- Versions for things def'd in this module
-type ExportsMap       = FiniteMap FAST_STRING (RdrName, ExportFlag)
+type ExportsMap       = FiniteMap FAST_STRING (OrigName, ExportFlag)
 type FixitiesMap      = FiniteMap FAST_STRING RdrNameFixityDecl
 type LocalTyDefsMap   = FiniteMap FAST_STRING RdrIfaceDecl -- for TyCon/Class
 type LocalValDefsMap  = FiniteMap FAST_STRING RdrIfaceDecl -- for values incl DataCon
@@ -65,13 +65,14 @@ data ParsedIface
 data RdrIfaceDecl
   = TypeSig    RdrName           	   SrcLoc RdrNameTyDecl
-  | NewTypeSig RdrName RdrName	 	   SrcLoc RdrNameTyDecl
+  | NewTypeSig RdrName RdrName		   SrcLoc RdrNameTyDecl
   | DataSig    RdrName [RdrName] [RdrName] SrcLoc RdrNameTyDecl
   | ClassSig   RdrName [RdrName] 	   SrcLoc RdrNameClassDecl
   | ValSig     RdrName           	   SrcLoc RdrNamePolyType
 data RdrIfaceInst		 
-  = InstSig    RdrName RdrName   SrcLoc RdrNameInstDecl
+  = InstSig    RdrName RdrName  SrcLoc (Module -> RdrNameInstDecl)
+	-- InstDecl minus a Module name
@@ -97,13 +98,14 @@ data IfaceToken
   | ITinfix
   | ITbang		-- magic symbols
   | ITvbar
-  | ITbquote
   | ITdcolon
   | ITcomma
   | ITdarrow
   | ITdotdot
   | ITequal
   | ITocurly
+  | ITdccurly
+  | ITdocurly
   | ITobrack
   | IToparen
   | ITrarrow
@@ -132,60 +134,56 @@ de_qual (Qual _ n) = n
 en_mono :: FAST_STRING -> RdrNameMonoType
 en_mono tv = MonoTyVar (Unqual tv)
 type2context (MonoTupleTy tys) = map type2class_assertion tys
 type2context other_ty	       = [ type2class_assertion other_ty ]
 type2class_assertion (MonoTyApp clas [MonoTyVar tyvar]) = (clas, tyvar)
 type2class_assertion _ = panic "type2class_assertion: bad format"
 mk_type	:: (RdrName, [FAST_STRING])
 	-> RdrNameMonoType
 	-> LocalTyDefsMap
-mk_type (qtycon, tyvars) ty
+mk_type (qtycon@(Qual mod tycon), tyvars) ty
   = let
-	tycon   = de_qual qtycon
 	qtyvars = map Unqual tyvars
-    unitFM tycon (TypeSig qtycon mkIfaceSrcLoc (
-		  TySynonym qtycon qtyvars ty mkIfaceSrcLoc))
+    unitFM tycon (TypeSig qtycon mkIfaceSrcLoc $
+		  TySynonym qtycon qtyvars ty mkIfaceSrcLoc)
 mk_data	:: RdrNameContext
 	-> (RdrName, [FAST_STRING])
 	-> [(RdrName, RdrNameConDecl)]
 	-> (LocalTyDefsMap, LocalValDefsMap)
-mk_data ctxt (qtycon, tyvars) names_and_constrs
+mk_data ctxt (qtycon@(Qual mod tycon), tyvars) names_and_constrs
   = let
-	(qconnames, constrs) = unzip names_and_constrs
-	qfieldnames = [] -- ToDo ...
-	tycon      = de_qual qtycon
-	connames   = map de_qual qconnames
-	fieldnames = map de_qual qfieldnames
+	(qthingnames, constrs) = unzip names_and_constrs
+	(qconnames, qfieldnames) = partition isRdrLexCon qthingnames
+	thingnames = [ t | (Qual _ t) <- qthingnames]
 	qtyvars    = map Unqual tyvars
-	decl = DataSig qtycon qconnames qfieldnames mkIfaceSrcLoc (
-		TyData ctxt qtycon qtyvars constrs Nothing noDataPragmas mkIfaceSrcLoc)
+	decl = DataSig qtycon qconnames qfieldnames mkIfaceSrcLoc $
+		TyData ctxt qtycon qtyvars constrs Nothing noDataPragmas mkIfaceSrcLoc
-    (unitFM tycon decl, listToFM [(c,decl) | c <- connames]
-			`plusFM` 
-			listToFM [(f,decl) | f <- fieldnames])
+    (unitFM tycon decl, listToFM [(t,decl) | t <- thingnames])
 mk_new	:: RdrNameContext
 	-> (RdrName, [FAST_STRING])
 	-> (RdrName, RdrNameMonoType)
 	-> (LocalTyDefsMap, LocalValDefsMap)
-mk_new ctxt (qtycon, tyvars) (qconname, ty)
-  = let
-	tycon   = de_qual qtycon
-	conname = de_qual qconname
+mk_new ctxt (qtycon@(Qual mod1 tycon), tyvars) (qconname@(Qual mod2 conname), ty)
+  = ASSERT(mod1 == mod2)
+    let
 	qtyvars = map Unqual tyvars
 	constr  = NewConDecl qconname ty mkIfaceSrcLoc
-	decl = NewTypeSig qtycon qconname mkIfaceSrcLoc (
-		TyNew ctxt qtycon qtyvars [constr] Nothing noDataPragmas mkIfaceSrcLoc)
+	decl = NewTypeSig qtycon qconname mkIfaceSrcLoc $
+		TyNew ctxt qtycon qtyvars [constr] Nothing noDataPragmas mkIfaceSrcLoc
     (unitFM tycon decl, unitFM conname decl)
@@ -194,15 +192,14 @@ mk_class :: RdrNameContext
 	 -> [(FAST_STRING, RdrNameSig)]
 	 -> (LocalTyDefsMap, LocalValDefsMap)
-mk_class ctxt (qclas, tyvar) ops_and_sigs
+mk_class ctxt (qclas@(Qual mod clas), tyvar) ops_and_sigs
   = case (unzip ops_and_sigs) of { (opnames, sigs) ->
-	qopnames = map Unqual opnames
-	clas	 = de_qual qclas
+	qopnames = map (Qual mod) opnames
 	op_sigs	 = map opify sigs
-	decl = ClassSig qclas qopnames mkIfaceSrcLoc (
-		ClassDecl ctxt qclas tyvar op_sigs EmptyMonoBinds noClassPragmas mkIfaceSrcLoc)
+	decl = ClassSig qclas qopnames mkIfaceSrcLoc $
+		ClassDecl ctxt qclas tyvar op_sigs EmptyMonoBinds noClassPragmas mkIfaceSrcLoc
     (unitFM clas decl, listToFM [(o,decl) | o <- opnames]) }
@@ -213,23 +210,23 @@ mk_inst	:: RdrNameContext
 	-> RdrNameMonoType  -- fish the tycon out yourself...
 	-> RdrIfaceInst
-mk_inst	ctxt clas mono_ty
-  = InstSig clas (tycon_name mono_ty) mkIfaceSrcLoc (
-	InstDecl clas (HsPreForAllTy ctxt mono_ty)
-	    EmptyMonoBinds False Nothing{-lying-} [{-sigs-}]
-	    noInstancePragmas mkIfaceSrcLoc)
+mk_inst	ctxt qclas@(Qual cmod cname) mono_ty
+  = InstSig qclas (tycon_name mono_ty) mkIfaceSrcLoc $ \ mod ->
+	InstDecl qclas (HsPreForAllTy ctxt mono_ty)
+	    EmptyMonoBinds False mod [{-sigs-}]
+	    noInstancePragmas mkIfaceSrcLoc
     tycon_name (MonoTyApp tc _) = tc
-    tycon_name (MonoListTy   _) = Unqual SLIT("[]")
-    tycon_name (MonoFunTy  _ _) = Unqual SLIT("->")
-    tycon_name (MonoTupleTy ts) = Unqual (mkTupNameStr (length ts))
+    tycon_name (MonoListTy   _) = preludeQual SLIT("[]")
+    tycon_name (MonoFunTy  _ _) = preludeQual SLIT("->")
+    tycon_name (MonoTupleTy ts) = preludeQual (mkTupNameStr (length ts))
 lexIface :: String -> [IfaceToken]
-lexIface str
+lexIface input
   = _scc_ "Lexer"
-    case str of
+    case input of
       []    -> []
       -- whitespace and comments
@@ -240,21 +237,23 @@ lexIface str
       '{' : '-' : cs -> lex_nested_comment 1{-one seen-} cs
       '(' : '.' : '.' : ')' : cs -> ITdotdot	: lexIface cs
+      '{' : '{' 	    : cs -> ITdocurly	: lexIface cs
+      '}' : '}' 	    : cs -> ITdccurly	: lexIface cs
+      '{'		    : cs -> ITocurly	: lexIface cs
+      '}'		    : cs -> ITccurly	: lexIface cs
       '('		    : cs -> IToparen	: lexIface cs
       ')'		    : cs -> ITcparen	: lexIface cs
       '['		    : cs -> ITobrack	: lexIface cs
       ']'		    : cs -> ITcbrack	: lexIface cs
-      '{'		    : cs -> ITocurly	: lexIface cs
-      '}'		    : cs -> ITccurly	: lexIface cs
       ','		    : cs -> ITcomma	: lexIface cs
       ';'		    : cs -> ITsemi	: lexIface cs
-      '`'		    : cs -> ITbquote	: lexIface cs
-      '_' 		    : cs -> lex_name Nothing is_var_sym str
-      c : cs | isUpper c	 -> lex_word str -- don't know if "Module." on front or not
-	     | isDigit c 	 -> lex_num  str
-	     | isAlpha c	 -> lex_name Nothing is_var_sym str
-	     | is_sym_sym c	 -> lex_name Nothing is_sym_sym str
+      '_' : '_' : cs -> lex_keyword cs
+      c : cs | isUpper c	 -> lex_word input -- don't know if "Module." on front or not
+	     | isDigit c 	 -> lex_num  input
+	     | isAlpha c	 -> lex_name Nothing is_var_sym input
+	     | is_sym_sym c	 -> lex_name Nothing is_sym_sym input
       other -> error ("lexing:"++other)
@@ -285,6 +284,7 @@ lexIface str
     is_var_sym1 '\'' = False
     is_var_sym1 '#'  = False
+    is_var_sym1 '_'  = False
     is_var_sym1 c    = is_var_sym c
     is_sym_sym c = c `elem` ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" -- ToDo: add ISOgraphic
@@ -297,10 +297,9 @@ lexIface str
 	  Just (m,rest) -> lex_name (Just m) (in_the_club rest) rest
 	in_the_club []    = panic "lex_word:in_the_club"
-	in_the_club (c:_) | isAlpha    c = is_var_sym
-			  | c == '_'     = is_var_sym
-			  | is_sym_sym c = is_sym_sym
-			  | otherwise    = panic ("lex_word:in_the_club="++[c])
+	in_the_club (x:_) | isAlpha    x = is_var_sym
+			  | is_sym_sym x = is_sym_sym
+			  | otherwise    = panic ("lex_word:in_the_club="++[x])
     module_dot (c:cs)
       = if not (isUpper c) || c == '\'' then
@@ -313,6 +312,13 @@ lexIface str
 	     _		       -> Nothing
+    lex_keyword str
+      = case (span is_var_sym str)    of { (kw, rest) ->
+	case (lookupFM keywordsFM kw) of
+	  Nothing -> panic ("lex_keyword:"++str)
+	  Just xx -> xx : lexIface rest
+	}
     lex_name module_dot in_the_club str
       =	case (span in_the_club str)     of { (word, rest) ->
 	case (lookupFM keywordsFM word) of
@@ -335,7 +341,7 @@ lexIface str
 		 categ n (ITconid  n) (ITvarid  n) (ITconsym  n) (ITvarsym  n)
 	       Just m ->
-		     q = if fromPrelude m then Unqual n else Qual m n
+		     q = Qual m n
 		 categ n (ITqconid q) (ITqvarid q) (ITqconsym q) (ITqvarsym q)
@@ -353,14 +359,14 @@ lexIface str
     keywordsFM = listToFM [
 	("interface",	 ITinterface)
-       ,("__usages__",		ITusages)
-       ,("__versions__",	ITversions)
-       ,("__exports__",		ITexports)
-       ,("__instance_modules__",ITinstance_modules)
-       ,("__instances__",	ITinstances)
-       ,("__fixities__",	ITfixities)
-       ,("__declarations__",	ITdeclarations)
-       ,("__pragmas__",		ITpragmas)
+       ,("usages__",		ITusages)
+       ,("versions__",		ITversions)
+       ,("exports__",		ITexports)
+       ,("instance_modules__",	ITinstance_modules)
+       ,("instances__",		ITinstances)
+       ,("fixities__",		ITfixities)
+       ,("declarations__",	ITdeclarations)
+       ,("pragmas__",		ITpragmas)
        ,("data",		ITdata)
        ,("type",		ITtype)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
index ac41996d2ae674e0db376ff4a3234db2c6fad1f6..d1b2fbc69205cd860ef63fa43d44617f63a4c721 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
@@ -40,9 +40,8 @@ import CmdLineOpts	( opt_HiMap, opt_NoImplicitPrelude )
 import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..) )
 import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, eltsFM, fmToList, lookupFM{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
-import Name		( isLocallyDefined, mkBuiltinName, Name, RdrName(..) )
+import Name		( isLocallyDefined, mkWiredInName, Name, RdrName(..) )
 import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo, BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
-import PrelMods		( pRELUDE )
 import Unique		( ixClassKey )
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM, lookupUFM, addListToUFM_C, eltsUFM )
 import UniqSupply	( splitUniqSupply )
@@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ ToDo: May want to arrange to return old interface for this module!
 ToDo: Deal with instances (instance version, this module on instance list ???)
-renameModule us input@(HsModule mod _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+renameModule us input@(HsModule modname _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
   = let
 	(b_names, b_keys, _) = builtinNameInfo
@@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ renameModule us input@(HsModule mod _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
     -- No top-level name errors so rename source ...
-    case initRn True mod occ_env us2
+    case initRn True modname occ_env us2
 		(rnSource imp_mods unqual_imps imp_fixes input) of {
 	((rn_module, export_fn, src_occs), src_errs, src_warns) ->
@@ -158,20 +157,32 @@ renameModule us input@(HsModule mod _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
 		-- including those for which we have definitions
 	(orig_def_env, orig_def_dups)
-	  = extendGlobalRnEnv emptyRnEnv (map pair_orig def_vals)
-					 (map pair_orig def_tcs)
+	  = extendGlobalRnEnv emptyRnEnv (map pairify_rn def_vals)
+					 (map pairify_rn def_tcs)
 	(orig_occ_env, orig_occ_dups)
-	  = extendGlobalRnEnv emptyRnEnv (map pair_orig occ_vals)
-					 (map pair_orig occ_tcs)
-        pair_orig rn = (origName rn, rn)
+	  = extendGlobalRnEnv emptyRnEnv (map pairify_rn occ_vals)
+					 (map pairify_rn occ_tcs)
+	-- This stuff is pretty dodgy right now: I think original
+	-- names and occurrence names may be getting entangled
+	-- when they shouldn't be... WDP 96/06
+        pairify_rn rn -- ToDo: move to Name?
+	  = let
+		name = getName rn
+	    in
+	    (if isLocalName name
+	     then Unqual (getLocalName name)
+	     else case (origName "pairify_rn" name) of { OrigName m n ->
+		  Qual m n }
+	     , rn)
 	  | opt_NoImplicitPrelude
 	  = [{-no Prelude.hi, no point looking-}]
 	  | otherwise
-	  = [ name_fn (mkBuiltinName u mod str) 
-	    | ((str, mod), (u, name_fn)) <- fmToList b_keys,
+	  = [ name_fn (mkWiredInName u orig)
+	    | (orig@(OrigName mod str), (u, name_fn)) <- fmToList b_keys,
 	      str `notElem` [ SLIT("main"), SLIT("mainPrimIO")] ]
 --  ASSERT (isEmptyBag orig_occ_dups)
@@ -226,68 +237,3 @@ multipleOccWarn (name, occs) sty
   = ppBesides [ppStr "warning:multiple names used to refer to `", ppr sty name, ppStr "': ",
 	       ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr sty) occs)]
-pprPIface (ParsedIface m ms v mv usgs lcm exm ims lfx ltdm lvdm lids ldp)
-  = ppAboves [
-	ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("interface"), ppPStr m, ppInt v,
-	       case mv of { Nothing -> ppNil; Just n -> ppInt n }],
-	ppPStr SLIT("__versions__"),
-	ppAboves [ ppCat[ppPStr n, ppInt v] | (n,v) <- fmToList lcm ],
-	ppPStr SLIT("__exports__"),
-	ppAboves [ ppBesides[ppPStr n, ppSP, ppr PprDebug rn,
-			     case ex of {ExportAll -> ppStr "(..)"; _ -> ppNil}]
-		 | (n,(rn,ex)) <- fmToList exm ],
-	pp_ims (bagToList ims),
-	pp_fixities lfx,
-	pp_decls ltdm lvdm,
-	pp_insts (bagToList lids),
-	pp_pragmas ldp
-    ]
-  where
-    pp_ims [] = ppNil
-    pp_ims ms = ppAbove (ppPStr SLIT("__instance_modules__"))
-			(ppCat (map ppPStr ms))
-    pp_fixities fx
-      | isEmptyFM fx = ppNil
-      | otherwise = ppAboves (ppPStr SLIT("__fixities__")
-		   : [ ppr PprDebug fix | (n, fix) <- fmToList fx])
-    pp_decls tds vds = ppAboves (ppPStr SLIT("__declarations__")
-			      : [ pprRdrIfaceDecl d | (n, d) <- fmToList tds ++ fmToList vds])
-    pp_insts [] = ppNil
-    pp_insts is = ppAboves (ppPStr SLIT("__instances__")
-			      : [ pprRdrInstDecl i | i <- is])
-    pp_pragmas ps | isEmptyFM ps = ppNil
-		  | otherwise = panic "Rename.pp_pragmas"
-pprRdrIfaceDecl (TypeSig tc _ decl)
-  = ppBesides [ppStr "tycon=", ppr PprDebug tc, ppStr "; ", ppr PprDebug decl]
-pprRdrIfaceDecl (NewTypeSig tc dc _ decl)
-  = ppBesides [ppStr "tycon=", ppr PprDebug tc, ppStr "; datacon=", ppr PprDebug dc,
-	       ppStr "; ", ppr PprDebug decl]
-pprRdrIfaceDecl (DataSig tc dcs dfs _ decl)
-  = ppBesides [ppStr "tycon=", ppr PprDebug tc, ppStr "; datacons=", ppr PprDebug dcs,
-	       ppStr "; fields=", ppr PprDebug dfs, ppStr "; ", ppr PprDebug decl]
-pprRdrIfaceDecl (ClassSig c ops _ decl)
-  = ppBesides [ppStr "class=", ppr PprDebug c, ppStr "; ops=", ppr PprDebug ops,
-	       ppStr "; ", ppr PprDebug decl]
-pprRdrIfaceDecl (ValSig f _ ty)
-  = ppBesides [ppr PprDebug f, ppStr " :: ", ppr PprDebug ty]
-pprRdrInstDecl (InstSig c t _ decl)
-  = ppBesides [ppStr "class=", ppr PprDebug c, ppStr " type=", ppr PprDebug t, ppStr "; ",
-		ppr PprDebug decl]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
index a96d3ee5ad495550603bbb7870875ea6ee5caa86..ab0e9eee4308ebb48a2e122f951e5c567d5cbbc7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
@@ -34,11 +34,12 @@ import Digraph		( stronglyConnComp )
 import ErrUtils		( addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine )
 import Name		( RdrName )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
+import PprStyle--ToDo:rm
 import Pretty
 import UniqSet		( emptyUniqSet, unitUniqSet, mkUniqSet,
 			  unionUniqSets, unionManyUniqSets,
 			  elementOfUniqSet, uniqSetToList, UniqSet(..) )
-import Util		( thenCmp, isIn, removeDups, panic, panic#, assertPanic )
+import Util		( thenCmp, isIn, removeDups, panic, panic#, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
 -- ToDo: Put the annotations into the monad, so that they arrive in the proper
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ rnMonoBinds mbinds siglist
 	 -- Do the SCC analysis
     let vertices = mkVertices mbinds_info
-	edges	= mkEdges vertices mbinds_info
+	edges	= mkEdges     mbinds_info
 	scc_result = stronglyConnComp (==) edges vertices
@@ -316,9 +317,9 @@ flattenMonoBinds :: Int				-- Next free vertex tag
 flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs EmptyMonoBinds = returnRn (uniq, [])
-flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (AndMonoBinds mB1 mB2)
-  = flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs mB1	`thenRn` \ (uniq1, flat1) ->
-    flattenMonoBinds uniq1 sigs mB2	`thenRn` \ (uniq2, flat2) ->
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (AndMonoBinds bs1 bs2)
+  = flattenMonoBinds uniq  sigs bs1	`thenRn` \ (uniq1, flat1) ->
+    flattenMonoBinds uniq1 sigs bs2	`thenRn` \ (uniq2, flat2) ->
     returnRn (uniq2, flat1 ++ flat2)
 flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
@@ -471,27 +472,28 @@ type FlatMonoBindsInfo
 mkVertices :: FlatMonoBindsInfo -> [VertexTag]
-mkVertices info = [ vertex | (vertex,_,_,_,_) <- info]
+mkEdges    :: FlatMonoBindsInfo -> [Edge]
-mkEdges :: [VertexTag] -> FlatMonoBindsInfo -> [Edge]
+mkVertices info = [ vertex | (vertex,_,_,_,_) <- info]
-mkEdges vertices flat_info
+mkEdges flat_info
  -- An edge (v,v') indicates that v depends on v'
- = [ (source_vertex, target_vertex)
-   | (source_vertex, _, used_names, _, _) <- flat_info,
-     target_name   <- uniqSetToList used_names,
-     target_vertex <- vertices_defining target_name flat_info
-   ]
-   where
-   -- If each name only has one binding in this group, then
-   -- vertices_defining will always return the empty list, or a
-   -- singleton.  The case when there is more than one binding (an
-   -- error) needs more thought.
-   vertices_defining name flat_info2
-    = [ vertex |  (vertex, names_defined, _, _, _) <- flat_info2,
-		name `elementOfUniqSet` names_defined
-      ]
+  = -- pprTrace "mkEdges:" (ppAboves [ppAboves[ppInt v, ppCat [ppr PprDebug d|d <- uniqSetToList defd], ppCat [ppr PprDebug u|u <- uniqSetToList used]] | (v,defd,used,_,_) <- flat_info]) $
+    [ (source_vertex, target_vertex)
+    | (source_vertex, _, used_names, _, _) <- flat_info,
+      target_name   <- uniqSetToList used_names,
+      target_vertex <- vertices_defining target_name flat_info
+    ]
+    where
+    -- If each name only has one binding in this group, then
+    -- vertices_defining will always return the empty list, or a
+    -- singleton.  The case when there is more than one binding (an
+    -- error) needs more thought.
+    vertices_defining name flat_info2
+     = [ vertex |  (vertex, names_defined, _, _, _) <- flat_info2,
+		 name `elementOfUniqSet` names_defined
+       ]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
index 10aef2e765bab5c86e3461fc5d5d4e486dc83cdd..9e2697fde69865de4c5abe8b1302b32b8b16fae1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 Basically dependency analysis.
-Handles @Match@, @GRHSsAndBinds@, @HsExpr@, and @Qual@ datatypes.  In
+Handles @Match@, @GRHSsAndBinds@, @HsExpr@, and @Qualifier@ datatypes.  In
 general, all of these functions return a renamed thing, and a set of
 free variables.
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ rnRpats rpats
 %*									*
-\subsubsection{@Qual@s: in list comprehensions}
+\subsubsection{@Qualifier@s: in list comprehensions}
 %*									*
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
index d8cfa1247366e56c9edcf36beaa4582fe68aa66b..596ed5fa4ae4e4ea62067f7f77e36a59459bf8b4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ type RenamedMonoType		= MonoType		RnName
 type RenamedPat			= InPat			RnName
 type RenamedPolyType		= PolyType		RnName
 type RenamedRecordBinds		= HsRecordBinds		Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
-type RenamedQual		= Qual			Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedQual		= Qualifier		Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
 type RenamedSig			= Sig			RnName
 type RenamedSpecInstSig		= SpecInstSig 		RnName
 type RenamedStmt		= Stmt			Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
index 6b0b75c4d615b7eb2cf5cc2363f72d66ca01cd30..3db7db8ce6dbedb2105defe86b0c561ed10a4258 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
@@ -7,17 +7,14 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module RnIfaces (
---	findHiFiles,
-	readIface,
     ) where
-import LibDirectory
 import PreludeGlaST	( thenPrimIO, seqPrimIO, readVar, writeVar, MutableVar(..) )
 import HsSyn
@@ -41,11 +38,11 @@ import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM, addToFM_C, plusFM, eltsFM,
 			  plusFM_C, addListToFM, keysFM{-ToDo:rm-}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import Name		( moduleNamePair, origName, isRdrLexCon, RdrName(..), Name{-instance NamedThing-} )
+import Name		( origName, moduleOf, nameOf, qualToOrigName, OrigName(..),
+			  isLexCon, RdrName(..), Name{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import PprStyle		-- ToDo:rm
 import Outputable	-- ToDo:rm
 import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo )
-import PrelMods		( pRELUDE )
 import Pretty
 import Maybes		( MaybeErr(..) )
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM )
@@ -66,80 +63,6 @@ type IfaceCache
-*							*
-\subsection{Looking for interface files}
-*							*
-Return a mapping from module-name to
-{- OLD:
-findHiFiles :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> IO (FiniteMap Module FilePath)
-findHiFiles dirs sysdirs
-  = --hPutStr stderr "  findHiFiles "	>>
-    do_dirs emptyFM (dirs ++ sysdirs)	>>= \ result ->
-    --hPutStr stderr " done\n"		>>
-    return result
-  where
-    do_dirs env [] = return env
-    do_dirs env (dir:dirs)
-      = do_dir  env     dir	>>= \ new_env ->
-	do_dirs new_env dirs
-    -------
-    do_dir env dir
-      = --hPutStr stderr "D" >>
-	getDirectoryContents dir    >>= \ entries ->
-	do_entries env entries
-      where
-	do_entries env [] = return env
-	do_entries env (e:es)
-	  = do_entry   env     e    >>= \ new_env ->
-	    do_entries new_env es
-	-------
-	do_entry env e
-	  = case (acceptable_hi (reverse e)) of
-	      Nothing  -> --trace ("Deemed uncool:"++e) $
-			  --hPutStr stderr "." >>
-			  return env
-	      Just mod ->
-		let
-		      pmod = _PK_ mod
-		in
-		case (lookupFM env pmod) of
-		  Nothing -> --trace ("Adding "++mod++" -> "++e) $
-			     --hPutStr stderr "!" >>
-			     return (addToFM env pmod (dir ++ '/':e))
-			     -- ToDo: use DIR_SEP, not /
-		  Just xx -> ( if de_dot xx /= e then trace ("Already mapped!! "++mod++" -> "++xx++"; ignoring:"++e) else id) $
-			     --hPutStr stderr "." >>
-			     return env
-    -------
-    acceptable_hi rev_e -- looking at pathname *backwards*
-      = case (startsWith (reverse opt_HiSuffix) rev_e) of
-	  Nothing -> Nothing
-	  Just xs -> plausible_modname xs{-reversed-}
-    -------
-    de_dot ('.' : '/' : xs) = xs
-    de_dot xs		    = xs
-    -------
-    plausible_modname rev_e
-      = let
-	    cand = reverse (takeWhile is_modname_char rev_e)
-	in
-	if null cand || not (isUpper (head cand))
-	then Nothing
-	else Just cand
-      where
-	is_modname_char c = isAlphanum c || c == '_'
 *							*
 \subsection{Reading interface files}
@@ -174,22 +97,22 @@ cachedIface :: Bool		-- True  => want merged interface for original name
 	    -> Module
 	    -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
-cachedIface want_orig_iface iface_cache mod
+cachedIface want_orig_iface iface_cache modname
   = readVar iface_cache `thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, orig_fm, file_fm) ->
-    case (lookupFM iface_fm mod) of
+    case (lookupFM iface_fm modname) of
       Just iface -> return (want_iface iface orig_fm)
       Nothing    ->
-      	case (lookupFM file_fm mod) of
-	  Nothing   -> return (Failed (noIfaceErr mod))
+      	case (lookupFM file_fm modname) of
+	  Nothing   -> return (Failed (noIfaceErr modname))
 	  Just file ->
-	    readIface file mod >>= \ read_iface ->
+	    readIface file modname >>= \ read_iface ->
 	    case read_iface of
 	      Failed err      -> -- pprTrace "module-file map:\n" (ppAboves [ppCat [ppPStr m, ppStr f] | (m,f) <- fmToList file_fm]) $
 				 return (Failed err)
 	      Succeeded iface ->
-		    iface_fm' = addToFM iface_fm mod iface
+		    iface_fm' = addToFM iface_fm modname iface
 		    orig_fm'  = addToFM_C mergeIfaces orig_fm (iface_mod iface) iface
 		writeVar iface_cache (iface_fm', orig_fm', file_fm) `seqPrimIO`
@@ -197,8 +120,8 @@ cachedIface want_orig_iface iface_cache mod
     want_iface iface orig_fm 
       | want_orig_iface
-      = case lookupFM orig_fm mod of
-	  Nothing         -> Failed (noOrigIfaceErr mod)
+      = case lookupFM orig_fm modname of
+	  Nothing         -> Failed (noOrigIfaceErr modname)
           Just orig_iface -> Succeeded orig_iface
       | otherwise
       = Succeeded iface
@@ -240,11 +163,11 @@ mergeIfaces (ParsedIface mod1 (_, files1) _ _ _ _ _ _ fixes1 tdefs1 vdefs1 idefs
 cachedDecl :: IfaceCache
 	   -> Bool	-- True <=> tycon or class name
-	   -> RdrName
+	   -> OrigName
 	   -> IO (MaybeErr RdrIfaceDecl Error)
-cachedDecl iface_cache class_or_tycon orig 
-  = -- pprTrace "cachedDecl:" (ppr PprDebug orig) $
+cachedDecl iface_cache class_or_tycon name@(OrigName mod str)
+  = -- pprTrace "cachedDecl:" (ppr PprDebug name) $
     cachedIface True iface_cache mod 	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
     case maybe_iface of
       Failed err -> --pprTrace "cachedDecl:fail:" (ppr PprDebug orig) $
@@ -253,8 +176,6 @@ cachedDecl iface_cache class_or_tycon orig
 	case (lookupFM (if class_or_tycon then tdefs else vdefs) str) of
 	  Just decl -> return (Succeeded decl)
 	  Nothing   -> return (Failed (noDeclInIfaceErr mod str))
-  where
-    (mod, str) = moduleNamePair orig
 cachedDeclByType :: IfaceCache
@@ -265,7 +186,7 @@ cachedDeclByType iface_cache rn
     -- the idea is: check that, e.g., if we're given an
     -- RnClass, then we really get back a ClassDecl from
     -- the cache (not an RnData, or something silly)
-  = cachedDecl iface_cache (isRnTyConOrClass rn) (origName rn)  >>= \ maybe_decl ->
+  = cachedDecl iface_cache (isRnTyConOrClass rn) (origName "cachedDeclByType" rn)  >>= \ maybe_decl ->
 	return_maybe_decl = return maybe_decl
 	return_failed msg = return (Failed msg)
@@ -313,10 +234,9 @@ cachedDeclByType iface_cache rn
-readIface :: FilePath -> Module
-	      -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
+readIface :: FilePath -> Module -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
-readIface file mod
+readIface file modname
   = hPutStr stderr ("  reading "++file)	>>
     readFile file		`thenPrimIO` \ read_result ->
     case read_result of
@@ -327,7 +247,7 @@ readIface file mod
 			return (
 			case parsed of
 			  Failed _    -> parsed
-			  Succeeded p -> Succeeded (init_merge mod p)
+			  Succeeded p -> Succeeded (init_merge modname p)
     init_merge this (ParsedIface mod _ v sv us vs exps insts fixes tdefs vdefs idefs prags)
@@ -399,7 +319,10 @@ rnIfaces iface_cache imp_mods us
     decls_and_insts todo def_env occ_env to_return us
-      =	do_decls todo	     		 -- initial batch of names to process
+      =	let
+	    (us1,us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+	in
+	do_decls todo	     		 -- initial batch of names to process
 	 	 (def_env, occ_env, us1) -- init stuff down
 	 	 to_return		 -- acc results
 	   >>= \ (decls_return,
@@ -410,9 +333,8 @@ rnIfaces iface_cache imp_mods us
 	do_insts decls_def_env decls_occ_env emptyRnEnv emptyFM
 		 (add_errs errs decls_return) us2
-      where
-	(us1,us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+    --------
     do_insts def_env occ_env prev_env done_insts to_return us
       | size_tc_env occ_env == size_tc_env prev_env
       = return (to_return, occ_env)
@@ -460,7 +382,7 @@ rnIfaces iface_cache imp_mods us
 		     do_decls ns down to_return
-	   | fst (moduleNamePair n) == modname ->
+	   | moduleOf (origName "do_decls" n) == modname ->
 		     -- avoid looking in interface for the module being compiled
 		     --pprTrace "do_decls:this module error:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
 		     do_decls ns down (add_warn (thisModImplicitWarn modname n) to_return)
@@ -516,10 +438,9 @@ type Go_Down   = (RnEnv,	-- stuff we already have defns for;
 lookup_defd (def_env, _, _) n
-  | isRnTyConOrClass n 
-  = lookupTcRnEnv def_env (origName n)
-  | otherwise 
-  = lookupRnEnv def_env (origName n)
+  = (if isRnTyConOrClass n then lookupTcRnEnv else lookupRnEnv) def_env
+	(case (origName "lookup_defd" n) of { OrigName m s -> Qual m s })
+	-- this is hack because we are reusing the RnEnv technology
 defenv	   (def_env, _, _) = def_env
 occenv	   (_, occ_env, _) = occ_env
@@ -532,8 +453,11 @@ add_occs (val_defds, tc_defds) (val_imps, tc_imps) (def_env, occ_env, us)
     (if isEmptyBag def_dups then \x->x else pprTrace "add_occs:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug n | (n,_,_) <- bagToList def_dups])) $
 --  ASSERT(isEmptyBag def_dups)
-	val_occs = val_defds ++ fmToList val_imps
-	tc_occs  = tc_defds  ++ fmToList tc_imps
+	de_orig imps = [ (Qual m n, v) | (OrigName m n, v) <- fmToList imps ]
+	-- again, this hackery because we are reusing the RnEnv technology
+	val_occs = val_defds ++ de_orig val_imps
+	tc_occs  = tc_defds  ++ de_orig tc_imps
     case (extendGlobalRnEnv occ_env val_occs tc_occs)   of { (new_occ_env, occ_dups) ->
@@ -561,7 +485,7 @@ add_insts is ((tydecls, classdecls, instdecls, sigs), implicit, msgs)
   = ((tydecls, classdecls, is ++ instdecls, sigs), implicit, msgs)
 add_implicits (val_imps, tc_imps) (decls, (val_fm, tc_fm), msgs)
-  = (decls, (val_fm `plusFM` val_imps, tc_fm `plusFM`  tc_imps), msgs)
+  = (decls, (val_fm `plusFM` val_imps, tc_fm `plusFM` tc_imps), msgs)
 add_err  err (decls,implicit,(errs,warns)) = (decls,implicit,(errs `snocBag`   err,warns))
 add_errs ers (decls,implicit,(errs,warns)) = (decls,implicit,(errs `unionBags` ers,warns))
@@ -645,8 +569,8 @@ rnIfaceDecl (ValSig f src_loc ty)
 sub :: ImplicitEnv -> ([(RdrName,RnName)], [(RdrName,RnName)]) -> ImplicitEnv
 sub (val_ment, tc_ment) (val_defds, tc_defds)
-  = (delListFromFM val_ment (map fst val_defds),
-     delListFromFM tc_ment  (map fst tc_defds))
+  = (delListFromFM val_ment (map (qualToOrigName . fst) val_defds),
+     delListFromFM tc_ment  (map (qualToOrigName . fst) tc_defds))
 % ------------------------------
@@ -687,7 +611,7 @@ cacheInstModules iface_cache imp_mods
 @rnIfaceInstStuff@: Deal with instance declarations from interface files.
-type InstanceEnv = FiniteMap (RdrName, RdrName) Int
+type InstanceEnv = FiniteMap (OrigName, OrigName) Int
 	:: IfaceCache		-- all about ifaces we've read
@@ -727,8 +651,8 @@ rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
     case (initRn False{-iface-} modname occ_env us (
 	    setExtraRn emptyUFM{-no fixities-}	$
-	    mapRn rnIfaceInst interesting_insts `thenRn` \ insts ->
-	    getImplicitUpRn 			`thenRn` \ implicits ->
+	    mapRn (rnIfaceInst modname) interesting_insts `thenRn` \ insts ->
+	    getImplicitUpRn				  `thenRn` \ implicits ->
 	    returnRn (insts, implicits))) of {
       ((if_insts, if_implicits), if_errs, if_warns) ->
@@ -743,16 +667,21 @@ rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
     get_insts (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ insts _) = insts
+    tycon_class clas tycon = (qualToOrigName clas, qualToOrigName tycon)
     add_done_inst (InstSig clas tycon _ _) inst_env
-      = addToFM_C (+) inst_env (tycon,clas) 1
+      = addToFM_C (+) inst_env (tycon_class clas tycon) 1
     is_done_inst (InstSig clas tycon _ _)
-      = maybeToBool (lookupFM done_inst_env (tycon,clas))
+      = maybeToBool (lookupFM done_inst_env (tycon_class clas tycon))
     add_imp_occs (val_imps, tc_imps) occ_env
-      = case extendGlobalRnEnv occ_env (fmToList val_imps) (fmToList tc_imps) of
+      = case (extendGlobalRnEnv occ_env (de_orig val_imps) (de_orig tc_imps)) of
      	  (ext_occ_env, occ_dups) -> ASSERT(isEmptyBag occ_dups)
+      where
+	de_orig imps = [ (Qual m n, v) | (OrigName m n, v) <- fmToList imps ]
+	-- again, this hackery because we are reusing the RnEnv technology
     want_inst i@(InstSig clas tycon _ _)
       = -- it's a "good instance" (one to hang onto) if we have a
@@ -764,25 +693,26 @@ rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
 	  = case lookupTcRnEnv occ_env nm of
 	      Just  _ -> True
 	      Nothing -> -- maybe it's builtin
-		let str_mod = case nm of { Qual m n -> (n,m); Unqual n -> (n, pRELUDE) }
-	        in case (lookupFM b_tc_names str_mod) of
-		      Just  _ -> True
-		      Nothing -> maybeToBool (lookupFM b_keys str_mod)
+		let orig = qualToOrigName nm in
+		case (lookupFM b_tc_names orig) of
+		  Just  _ -> True
+		  Nothing -> maybeToBool (lookupFM b_keys orig)
     (b_tc_names, b_keys) -- pretty UGLY ...
       = case builtinNameInfo of ((_,builtin_tcs),b_keys,_) -> (builtin_tcs,b_keys)
     ppr_insts insts
       = ppAboves (map ppr_inst insts)
 	ppr_inst (InstSig c t _ inst_decl)
 	  = ppCat [ppr PprDebug c, ppr PprDebug t, ppr PprDebug inst_decl]
-rnIfaceInst :: RdrIfaceInst -> RnM_Fixes _RealWorld RenamedInstDecl
+rnIfaceInst :: Module -> RdrIfaceInst -> RnM_Fixes _RealWorld RenamedInstDecl
-rnIfaceInst (InstSig _ _ _ inst_decl) = rnInstDecl inst_decl
+rnIfaceInst mod (InstSig _ _ _ inst_decl) = rnInstDecl (inst_decl mod)
@@ -867,7 +797,7 @@ finalIfaceInfo iface_cache modname if_final_env@((qual, unqual, tc_qual, tc_unqu
     irrelevant (RnConstr  _ _) = True	-- We don't report these in their
     irrelevant (RnField   _ _) = True	-- own right in usages/etc.
     irrelevant (RnClassOp _ _) = True
-    irrelevant (RnImplicit  n) = isRdrLexCon (origName n) -- really a RnConstr
+    irrelevant (RnImplicit  n) = isLexCon (nameOf (origName "irrelevant" n)) -- really a RnConstr
     irrelevant _	       = False
@@ -875,7 +805,7 @@ finalIfaceInfo iface_cache modname if_final_env@((qual, unqual, tc_qual, tc_unqu
 thisModImplicitWarn mod n sty
-  = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("An interface has an implicit need of "), ppPStr mod, ppChar '.', ppr sty n, ppPStr SLIT("; assuming this module will provide it.")]
+  = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("An interface has an implicit need of "), ppr sty n, ppPStr SLIT("; assuming this module will provide it.")]
 noIfaceErr mod sty
   = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Could not find interface for:"), ppPStr mod]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
index 3b36cf7c8bc19180e3b5191ea668fcc22216e465..1d7cc965009456e14152879bf46c3dcee863306b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import ErrUtils		( addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine, addShortWarnLocLine,
 import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM, fmToList{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import Maybes		( assocMaybe )
 import Name		( Module(..), RdrName(..), isQual,
-			  Name, mkLocalName, mkImplicitName,
+			  OrigName(..), Name, mkLocalName, mkImplicitName,
 			  getOccName, pprNonSym
 import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo, BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ data RnMode s
 	-- Renaming interface; creating and returning implicit names
 	-- ImplicitEnv: one map for Values and one for TyCons/Classes.
-type ImplicitEnv = (FiniteMap RdrName RnName, FiniteMap RdrName RnName)
+type ImplicitEnv = (FiniteMap OrigName RnName, FiniteMap OrigName RnName)
 emptyImplicitEnv :: ImplicitEnv
 emptyImplicitEnv = (emptyFM, emptyFM)
@@ -368,28 +368,29 @@ lookup_val rdr lookup check do_err down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnSource occ_var) env
 lookup_val rdr lookup check do_err down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnIface b_names b_key imp_var) env us_var _)
   = case lookup env rdr of
-	Just name -> returnSST name
-	Nothing   -> lookup_nonexisting_val b_names b_key imp_var us_var rdr
-lookup_nonexisting_val (b_names,_) b_key imp_var us_var rdr
-  = let str_mod = case rdr of { Qual m n -> (n,m); Unqual n -> (n, pRELUDE) }
-    in case (lookupFM b_names str_mod) of
-	 Nothing -> lookup_or_create_implicit_val b_key imp_var us_var rdr
-	 Just xx -> returnSST xx
+      Just name -> returnSST name
+      Nothing   -> case rdr of
+		     Unqual n -> panic ("lookup_val:"++ _UNPK_ n)
+		     Qual m n ->
+		       lookup_nonexisting_val b_names b_key imp_var us_var (OrigName m n)
+lookup_nonexisting_val (b_names,_) b_key imp_var us_var orig
+  = case (lookupFM b_names orig) of
+      Just xx -> returnSST xx
+      Nothing -> lookup_or_create_implicit_val b_key imp_var us_var orig
-lookup_or_create_implicit_val b_key imp_var us_var rdr
+lookup_or_create_implicit_val b_key imp_var us_var orig
   = readMutVarSST imp_var `thenSST` \ (implicit_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm) ->
-    case lookupFM implicit_val_fm rdr of
+    case (lookupFM implicit_val_fm orig) of
 	Just implicit -> returnSST implicit
 	Nothing ->
-	  (let str_mod = case rdr of { Qual m n -> (n,m); Unqual n -> (n, pRELUDE) }
-	   in case (lookupFM b_key str_mod) of
+	  (case (lookupFM b_key orig) of
 		Just (u,_) -> returnSST u
 		_          -> get_unique us_var
 	  )							`thenSST` \ uniq -> 
-	      implicit   = mkRnImplicit (mkImplicitName uniq rdr)
-	      new_val_fm = addToFM implicit_val_fm rdr implicit
+	      implicit   = mkRnImplicit (mkImplicitName uniq orig)
+	      new_val_fm = addToFM implicit_val_fm orig implicit
 	  writeMutVarSST imp_var (new_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm) 	`thenSST_`
 	  returnSST implicit
@@ -420,37 +421,33 @@ lookup_tc rdr check mk_implicit err_str down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnSource occ_var)
 		returnSST name
     fail = failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound rdr) (unknownNameErr err_str rdr locn) down
-lookup_tc rdr check mk_implicit err_str down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnIface b_names b_key imp_var) env us_var _)
+lookup_tc rdr@(Qual m n) check mk_implicit err_str down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnIface b_names b_key imp_var) env us_var _)
   = case lookupTcRnEnv env rdr of
 	Just name | check name -> returnSST name
 		  | otherwise  -> fail
-	Nothing -> lookup_nonexisting_tc check mk_implicit fail b_names b_key imp_var us_var rdr
+	Nothing -> lookup_nonexisting_tc check mk_implicit fail b_names b_key imp_var us_var (OrigName m n)
     fail = failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound rdr) (unknownNameErr err_str rdr locn) down
-lookup_nonexisting_tc check mk_implicit fail (_,b_names) b_key imp_var us_var rdr
-  = let
-	str_mod = case rdr of { Qual m n -> (n,m); Unqual n -> (n, pRELUDE) }
-    in
-    --pprTrace "lookup:" (ppAboves [case str_mod of {(n,m)->ppCat [ppPStr n, ppPStr m]}, ppAboves [ ppCat [ppPStr n, ppPStr m] | ((n,m), _) <- fmToList b_names]]) $
-    case (lookupFM b_names str_mod) of
-      Nothing -> lookup_or_create_implicit_tc check mk_implicit fail b_key imp_var us_var rdr
+lookup_nonexisting_tc check mk_implicit fail (_,b_names) b_key imp_var us_var orig--@(OrigName m n)
+  = --pprTrace "lookup:" (ppAboves [case str_mod of {(n,m)->ppCat [ppPStr n, ppPStr m]}, ppAboves [ ppCat [ppPStr n, ppPStr m] | ((n,m), _) <- fmToList b_names]]) $
+    case (lookupFM b_names orig) of
       Just xx -> returnSST xx
+      Nothing -> lookup_or_create_implicit_tc check mk_implicit fail b_key imp_var us_var orig
-lookup_or_create_implicit_tc check mk_implicit fail b_key imp_var us_var rdr
+lookup_or_create_implicit_tc check mk_implicit fail b_key imp_var us_var orig
   = readMutVarSST imp_var `thenSST` \ (implicit_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm) ->
-    case lookupFM implicit_tc_fm rdr of
+    case (lookupFM implicit_tc_fm orig) of
 	Just implicit | check implicit -> returnSST implicit
 		      | otherwise      -> fail
 	Nothing ->
-	  (let str_mod = case rdr of { Qual m n -> (n,m); Unqual n -> (n, pRELUDE) }
-	   in case (lookupFM b_key str_mod) of
+	  (case (lookupFM b_key orig) of
 		Just (u,_) -> returnSST u
 		_          -> get_unique us_var
 	  )							`thenSST` \ uniq -> 
-	      implicit  = mk_implicit (mkImplicitName uniq rdr)
-	      new_tc_fm = addToFM implicit_tc_fm rdr implicit
+	      implicit  = mk_implicit (mkImplicitName uniq orig)
+	      new_tc_fm = addToFM implicit_tc_fm orig implicit
 	  writeMutVarSST imp_var (implicit_val_fm, new_tc_fm) 	`thenSST_`
 	  returnSST implicit
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
index 59594f20dfcf5003b08caf3697890c32ad222576..cd256b9feb7121b639553f07bbe29d4956a9ce30 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
@@ -24,39 +24,43 @@ import RnIfaces		( IfaceCache(..), cachedIface, cachedDecl )
 import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), emptyRnEnv, extendGlobalRnEnv,
 			  lubExportFlag, qualNameErr, dupNamesErr
-import ParseUtils	( ParsedIface(..), RdrIfaceDecl(..), RdrIfaceInst )
+import ParseUtils	( ParsedIface(..), RdrIfaceDecl(..), ExportsMap(..), RdrIfaceInst )
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, consBag, snocBag, unionBags,
 			  unionManyBags, mapBag, filterBag, listToBag, bagToList )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_NoImplicitPrelude, opt_CompilingPrelude )
 import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..), addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine, addShortWarnLocLine )
-import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, addListToFM, lookupFM, fmToList, eltsFM, delListFromFM, keysFM{-ToDo:rm-} )
+import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, addToFM, addListToFM, lookupFM, fmToList, eltsFM, delListFromFM, keysFM{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import Id		( GenId )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, catMaybes, MaybeErr(..) )
-import Name		( RdrName(..), Name, isQual, mkTopLevName, origName,
-			  mkImportedName, nameExportFlag, nameImportFlag,
-			  getLocalName, getSrcLoc, getImpLocs, moduleNamePair,
-			  pprNonSym, isLexCon, isRdrLexCon, ExportFlag(..)
+import Name		( RdrName(..), Name, isQual, mkTopLevName, mkWiredInName, origName,
+			  nameOf, qualToOrigName, mkImportedName,
+			  nameExportFlag, nameImportFlag,
+			  getLocalName, getSrcLoc, getImpLocs,
+			  moduleNamePair, pprNonSym,
+			  isLexCon, ExportFlag(..), OrigName(..)
 import PrelInfo		( BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
-import PrelMods		( fromPrelude, pRELUDE_BUILTIN, pRELUDE, rATIO, iX )
+import PrelMods		( pRELUDE, gHC_BUILTINS, modulesWithBuiltins )
 import Pretty
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc, mkBuiltinSrcLoc )
 import TyCon		( tyConDataCons )
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM, addListToUFM_C, lookupUFM )
 import UniqSupply	( splitUniqSupply )
 import Util		( isIn, assoc, cmpPString, sortLt, removeDups,
-			  equivClasses, panic, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-}
+			  equivClasses, panic, assertPanic, pprPanic{-ToDo:rm-}, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-}
+import PprStyle --ToDo:rm 
 type GlobalNameInfo = (BuiltinNames,
 		       Name -> ExportFlag,	-- export flag
-		       Name -> [RdrName])	-- occurence names
+		       Name -> [RdrName])	-- occurrence names
+		       -- NB: both of the functions are in a *knot* and
+		       -- must be tugged on oh-so-gently...
 type RnM_Info s r = RnMonad GlobalNameInfo s r
@@ -74,7 +78,10 @@ getGlobalNames ::
 getGlobalNames iface_cache info us
 	       (HsModule mod _ _ imports _ ty_decls _ cls_decls _ _ _ binds _ _)
-  = case initRn True mod emptyRnEnv us1 
+  = let
+	(us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+    in
+    case initRn True mod emptyRnEnv us1 
 		(setExtraRn info $
 		 getSourceNames ty_decls cls_decls binds)
     of { ((src_vals, src_tcs), src_errs, src_warns) ->
@@ -91,7 +98,7 @@ getGlobalNames iface_cache info us
 	-- remove dups of the same imported thing
 	diff_imp_dups = filterBag diff_orig imp_dups
-	diff_orig (_,rn1,rn2) = origName rn1 /= origName rn2
+	diff_orig (_,rn1,rn2) = origName "diff_orig" rn1 /= origName "diff_orig" rn2
 	all_dups = bagToList (src_dups `unionBags` diff_imp_dups)
 	dup_errs = map dup_err (equivClasses cmp_rdr all_dups)
@@ -101,10 +108,7 @@ getGlobalNames iface_cache info us
 	all_errs  = src_errs  `unionBags` imp_errs `unionBags` listToBag dup_errs
 	all_warns = src_warns `unionBags` imp_warns
-    return (all_env, imp_mods, unqual_imps, imp_fixes, all_errs, all_warns)
-    }
-  where
-    (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+    return (all_env, imp_mods, unqual_imps, imp_fixes, all_errs, all_warns) }
@@ -130,12 +134,16 @@ getSourceNames ty_decls cls_decls binds
 	      unionManyBags cls_ops_s `unionBags` bind_names,
 	      listToBag tycon_s `unionBags` listToBag cls_s)
 getTyDeclNames :: RdrNameTyDecl
 	       -> RnM_Info s (RnName, Bag RnName, Bag RnName)	-- tycon, constrs and fields
 getTyDeclNames (TyData _ tycon _ condecls _ _ src_loc)
-  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing False{-not val-} tycon `thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+  = --getExtraRn		`thenRn` \ ((b_val_names,b_tc_names),b_keys,rec_exp_fn,rec_occ_fn) ->
+    --pprTrace "getTyDeclNames:" (ppr PprDebug tycon) $
+    --pprTrace "getTDN1:" (ppAboves [ ppCat [ppPStr m, ppPStr n] | ((OrigName m n), _) <- fmToList b_tc_names]) $
+    newGlobalName src_loc Nothing False{-not val-} tycon `thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
     getConFieldNames (Just (nameExportFlag tycon_name)) emptyBag emptyBag emptyFM
 		     condecls 		`thenRn` \ (con_names, field_names) ->
@@ -157,6 +165,12 @@ getTyDeclNames (TySynonym tycon _ _ src_loc)
   = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing False{-not val-} tycon	`thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
     returnRn (RnSyn tycon_name, emptyBag, emptyBag)
+getConFieldNames :: Maybe ExportFlag
+		 -> Bag Name -> Bag Name
+		 -> FiniteMap RdrName ()
+		 -> [RdrNameConDecl]
+		 -> RnM_Info s ([Name], [Name])
 getConFieldNames exp constrs fields have []
   = returnRn (bagToList constrs, bagToList fields)
@@ -183,6 +197,7 @@ getConFieldNames exp constrs fields have (RecConDecl con fielddecls src_loc : re
     new_fields = filter (not . maybeToBool . lookupFM have) uniq_fields
     new_have   = addListToFM have (zip new_fields (repeat ()))
 getClassNames :: RdrNameClassDecl
 	      -> RnM_Info s (RnName, Bag RnName)	-- class and class ops
@@ -193,8 +208,13 @@ getClassNames (ClassDecl _ cname _ sigs _ _ src_loc)
     returnRn (RnClass class_name op_names,
 	      listToBag (map (\ n -> RnClassOp n class_name) op_names))
-getClassOpNames exp []
-  = returnRn []
+getClassOpNames :: Maybe ExportFlag
+		-> [RdrNameSig]
+		-> RnM_Info s [Name]
+getClassOpNames exp [] = returnRn []
 getClassOpNames exp (ClassOpSig op _ _ src_loc : sigs)
   = newGlobalName src_loc exp True{-val-} op `thenRn` \ op_name ->
     getClassOpNames exp sigs	 `thenRn` \ op_names ->
@@ -266,45 +286,65 @@ doName locn rdr
-newGlobalName :: SrcLoc -> Maybe ExportFlag -> Bool{-True<=>value name,False<=>tycon/class-}
-	      -> RdrName -> RnM_Info s Name
+newGlobalName :: SrcLoc
+	      -> Maybe ExportFlag
+	      -> Bool{-True<=>value name,False<=>tycon/class-}
+	      -> RdrName
+	      -> RnM_Info s Name
+newGlobalName locn maybe_exp is_val_name (Unqual name)
+  = getExtraRn		`thenRn` \ ((b_val_names,b_tc_names),b_keys,rec_exp_fn,rec_occ_fn) ->
+    getModuleRn  	`thenRn` \ mod ->
+    rnGetUnique 	`thenRn` \ u ->
+    let
+	orig = OrigName mod name
+	(uniq, is_toplev)
+	  = case (lookupFM b_keys orig) of
+	      Just (key,_) -> (key, True)
+	      Nothing	   -> if not opt_CompilingPrelude then (u,True) else -- really here just to save gratuitous lookup
+			      case (lookupFM (if is_val_name then b_val_names else b_tc_names) orig) of
+			        Nothing -> (u, True)
+				Just xx -> (uniqueOf xx, False{-builtin!-})
--- ToDo: b_names and b_keys being defined in this module !!!
+	exp = case maybe_exp of
+	       Just flag -> flag
+	       Nothing   -> rec_exp_fn n
-newGlobalName locn maybe_exp is_val_name rdr
-  = getExtraRn			`thenRn` \ ((b_val_names,b_tc_names),b_keys,exp_fn,occ_fn) ->
-    getModuleRn  		`thenRn` \ mod ->
-    rnGetUnique 		`thenRn` \ u ->
+	n = if is_toplev
+	    then mkTopLevName  uniq orig locn exp (rec_occ_fn n) -- NB: two "n"s
+	    else mkWiredInName uniq orig
+    in
+    returnRn n    
+newGlobalName locn maybe_exp is_val_name rdr@(Qual mod name)
+  | opt_CompilingPrelude
+  -- we are actually defining something that compiler knows about (e.g., Bool)
+  = getExtraRn		`thenRn` \ ((b_val_names,b_tc_names),b_keys,rec_exp_fn,rec_occ_fn) ->
-	unqual = case rdr of { Qual m n -> n; Unqual n -> n }
-	orig   = if fromPrelude mod
-	         then (Unqual unqual)
-	         else (Qual mod unqual)
-	uniq
-	  = let
-		str_mod = case orig of { Qual m n -> (n, m); Unqual n -> (n, pRELUDE) }
-		n       = fst str_mod
-		m       = snd str_mod
-	    in
-	    --pprTrace "newGlobalName:" (ppAboves ((ppCat [ppPStr n, ppPStr m]) : [ ppCat [ppPStr x, ppPStr y] | (x,y) <- keysFM b_keys])) $
-	    case (lookupFM b_keys str_mod) of
-	      Just (key,_) -> key
-	      Nothing	   -> if not opt_CompilingPrelude then u else
-			      case (lookupFM (if is_val_name then b_val_names else b_tc_names) str_mod) of
-			        Nothing -> u
-				Just xx -> --pprTrace "Using Unique for:" (ppCat [ppPStr n, ppPStr m]) $
-					   uniqueOf xx
+	orig = OrigName mod name
+	(uniq, is_toplev)
+	  = case (lookupFM b_keys orig) of
+	      Just (key,_) -> (key, True)
+	      Nothing	   -> case (lookupFM (if is_val_name then b_val_names else b_tc_names) orig) of
+			        Nothing -> (pprPanic "newGlobalName:Qual:uniq:" (ppr PprDebug rdr), True)
+				Just xx -> (uniqueOf xx, False{-builtin!-})
 	exp = case maybe_exp of
-	       Just exp -> exp
-	       Nothing  -> exp_fn n
+	       Just flag -> flag
+	       Nothing   -> rec_exp_fn n
-	n = mkTopLevName uniq orig locn exp (occ_fn n) -- NB: two "n"s
+	n = if is_toplev
+	    then mkTopLevName  uniq orig locn exp (rec_occ_fn n) -- NB: two "n"s
+	    else mkWiredInName uniq orig
-    addErrIfRn (isQual rdr) (qualNameErr "name in definition" (rdr, locn)) `thenRn_`
     returnRn n    
+  | otherwise
+  = addErrRn (qualNameErr "name in definition" (rdr, locn)) `thenRn_`
+    returnRn (pprPanic "newGlobalName:Qual:" (ppr PprDebug rdr))
@@ -314,23 +354,27 @@ newGlobalName locn maybe_exp is_val_name rdr
-type ImportNameInfo = (GlobalNameInfo,
-		       FiniteMap (Module,FAST_STRING) RnName,	-- values imported so far
-		       FiniteMap (Module,FAST_STRING) RnName,	-- tycons/classes imported so far
-		       Name -> (ExportFlag, [SrcLoc]))		-- import flag and src locns
+type ImportNameInfo
+  = (GlobalNameInfo,
+     FiniteMap OrigName RnName,		-- values imported so far
+     FiniteMap OrigName RnName,		-- tycons/classes imported so far
+     Name -> (ExportFlag, [SrcLoc]))	-- import flag and src locns;
+					-- NB: this last field is in a knot
+					-- and mustn't be tugged on!
 type RnM_IInfo s r = RnMonad ImportNameInfo s r
 doImportDecls ::
-	-> GlobalNameInfo			-- builtin and knot name info
+	-> GlobalNameInfo		-- builtin and knot name info
 	-> UniqSupply
-	-> [RdrNameImportDecl]			-- import declarations
-	-> IO (Bag (RdrName,RnName),		-- imported values in scope
-	       Bag (RdrName,RnName),		-- imported tycons/classes in scope
-	       [Module],			-- directly imported modules
-	       Bag (Module,RnName),		-- unqualified import from module
-	       Bag RenamedFixityDecl,		-- fixity info for imported names
+	-> [RdrNameImportDecl]		-- import declarations
+	-> IO (Bag (RdrName,RnName),	-- imported values in scope
+	       Bag (RdrName,RnName),	-- imported tycons/classes in scope
+	       [Module],		-- directly imported modules
+	       Bag (Module,RnName),	-- unqualified import from module
+	       Bag RenamedFixityDecl,	-- fixity info for imported names
 	       Bag Error,
 	       Bag Warning)
@@ -362,23 +406,21 @@ doImportDecls iface_cache g_info us src_imps
 	    imp_errs `unionBags` errs,
 	    imp_warns `unionBags` warns)
-    the_imps = implicit_prel ++ src_imps
+    the_imps = implicit_prel  ++ src_imps
     all_imps = implicit_qprel ++ the_imps
-    implicit_qprel = if opt_NoImplicitPrelude
-		     then [{- no "import qualified Prelude" -}
-			   ImportDecl pRELUDE_BUILTIN True Nothing Nothing prel_loc
-			  ]
-		     else [ImportDecl pRELUDE True Nothing Nothing prel_loc]
+    implicit_qprel = ImportDecl gHC_BUILTINS True Nothing Nothing prel_loc
+		   : (if opt_NoImplicitPrelude
+		     then [{- no "import qualified Prelude" -}]
+		     else [ImportDecl pRELUDE True Nothing Nothing prel_loc])
     explicit_prelude_imp = not (null [ () | (ImportDecl mod qual _ _ _) <- src_imps,
 				            mod == pRELUDE ])
-    implicit_prel  = if explicit_prelude_imp || opt_NoImplicitPrelude
-		     then [{- no "import Prelude" -}
-			   ImportDecl pRELUDE_BUILTIN False Nothing Nothing prel_loc
-			  ]
-	             else [ImportDecl pRELUDE False Nothing Nothing prel_loc]
+    implicit_prel  = ImportDecl gHC_BUILTINS False Nothing Nothing prel_loc
+		   : (if explicit_prelude_imp || opt_NoImplicitPrelude
+		     then [{- no "import Prelude" -}]
+	             else [ImportDecl pRELUDE False Nothing Nothing prel_loc])
     prel_loc = mkBuiltinSrcLoc
@@ -386,7 +428,7 @@ doImportDecls iface_cache g_info us src_imps
     cmp_mod (ImportDecl m1 _ _ _ _) (ImportDecl m2 _ _ _ _) = cmpPString m1 m2
     qprel_imps = [ imp | imp@(ImportDecl mod True Nothing _ _) <- src_imps,
-		 	 fromPrelude mod ]
+		 	 mod == pRELUDE ]
     qual_mods = [ (qual_name mod as_mod, imp) | imp@(ImportDecl mod True as_mod _ _) <- src_imps ]
     qual_name mod (Just as_mod) = as_mod
@@ -399,10 +441,9 @@ doImportDecls iface_cache g_info us src_imps
     all_same_mod ((q,ImportDecl mod _ _ _ _):rest)
       = all has_same_mod rest
-	has_same_mod (q,ImportDecl mod2 _ _ _ _) = mod == mod2
+	has_same_mod (_,ImportDecl mod2 _ _ _ _) = mod == mod2
-    imp_mods  = [ mod | ImportDecl mod _ _ _ _ <- uniq_imps, mod /= pRELUDE_BUILTIN ]
+    imp_mods  = [ mod | ImportDecl mod _ _ _ _ <- uniq_imps, mod /= gHC_BUILTINS ]
     imp_warns = listToBag (map dupImportWarn imp_dups)
@@ -410,22 +451,33 @@ doImportDecls iface_cache g_info us src_imps
     imp_errs  = listToBag (map dupQualImportErr bad_qual_dups)
+doImports :: IfaceCache
+	  -> ImportNameInfo
+	  -> UniqSupply
+	  -> [RdrNameImportDecl]	-- import declarations
+	  -> IO (Bag (RdrName,RnName),	-- imported values in scope
+		 Bag (RdrName,RnName),	-- imported tycons/classes in scope
+		 Bag (Module, RnName),	-- unqualified import from module
+		 Bag RenamedFixityDecl,	-- fixity info for imported names
+		 Bag Error,
+		 Bag Warning,
+		Bag (RnName,(ExportFlag,Bag SrcLoc))) -- import flags and src locs
 doImports iface_cache i_info us []
   = return (emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag)
-doImports iface_cache i_info@(g_info,done_vals,done_tcs,imp_fn) us (imp:imps)
-  = doImport iface_cache i_info us1 imp
+doImports iface_cache i_info@(g_info,done_vals,done_tcs,rec_imp_fn) us (imp:imps)
+  = let
+	(us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+    in
+    doImport iface_cache i_info us1 imp
 	>>= \ (vals1, tcs1, unquals1, fixes1, errs1, warns1, imps1) ->
-	new_vals = [ (moduleNamePair rn, rn) | (_,rn) <- bagToList vals1,
-			not (maybeToBool (lookupFM done_vals (moduleNamePair rn))) ]
-			-- moduleNamePair computed twice
-	ext_vals = addListToFM done_vals new_vals
-	new_tcs  = [ (moduleNamePair rn, rn) | (_,rn) <- bagToList tcs1,
-		        not (maybeToBool (lookupFM done_tcs (moduleNamePair rn))) ]
-	ext_tcs  = addListToFM done_tcs new_tcs
+	ext_vals = foldl add_new_one done_vals (bagToList vals1)
+	ext_tcs  = foldl add_new_one done_tcs  (bagToList tcs1) 
-    doImports iface_cache (g_info,ext_vals,ext_tcs,imp_fn) us2 imps
+    doImports iface_cache (g_info,ext_vals,ext_tcs,rec_imp_fn) us2 imps
 	>>= \ (vals2, tcs2, unquals2, fixes2, errs2, warns2, imps2) ->
     return (vals1    `unionBags` vals2,
 	    tcs1     `unionBags` tcs2,
@@ -435,9 +487,19 @@ doImports iface_cache i_info@(g_info,done_vals,done_tcs,imp_fn) us (imp:imps)
 	    warns1   `unionBags` warns2,
 	    imps1    `unionBags` imps2)
-    (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+    add_new_one :: FiniteMap OrigName RnName -- ones done so far
+		-> (dont_care, RnName)
+		-> FiniteMap OrigName RnName -- extended
+    add_new_one fm (_, rn)
+      = let
+	    orig = origName "add_new_one" rn
+	in
+	case (lookupFM fm orig) of
+	  Just  _ -> fm -- already there: no change
+	  Nothing -> addToFM fm orig rn
 doImport :: IfaceCache
 	 -> ImportNameInfo
 	 -> UniqSupply
@@ -454,9 +516,9 @@ doImport iface_cache info us (ImportDecl mod qual maybe_as maybe_spec src_loc)
   = let
 	(b_vals, b_tcs, maybe_spec') = getBuiltins info mod maybe_spec 
-    (if mod == pRELUDE_BUILTIN then
-	return (Succeeded (panic "doImport:PreludeBuiltin"),
-			 \ iface -> ([], [], emptyBag))
+    (if mod == gHC_BUILTINS then
+     	return (Succeeded (panic "doImport:GHC fake import!"),
+    			 \ iface -> ([], [], emptyBag))
 	--pprTrace "doImport:" (ppPStr mod) $
 	cachedIface False iface_cache mod >>= \ maybe_iface ->
@@ -480,16 +542,17 @@ doImport iface_cache info us (ImportDecl mod qual maybe_as maybe_spec src_loc)
 	    final_tcs  = mapBag fst_occ b_tcs  `unionBags` mapBag pair_occ ie_tcs
 	    final_vals_list = bagToList final_vals
-	(if mod == pRELUDE_BUILTIN then
+	(if mod == gHC_BUILTINS then
 	    return [ (Nothing, emptyBag) | _ <- final_vals_list ]
-	    accumulate (map (getFixityDecl iface_cache) final_vals_list)
+	    accumulate (map (getFixityDecl iface_cache . snd) final_vals_list)
 	)		>>= \ fix_maybes_errs ->
 	    (chk_errs, chk_warns)  = unzip chk_errs_warns
 	    (fix_maybes, fix_errs) = unzip fix_maybes_errs
-	    unquals    = if qual then emptyBag
+	    unquals    = if qual{-ified import-}
+			 then emptyBag
 		         else mapBag pair_as (ie_vals `unionBags` ie_tcs)
 	    final_fixes = listToBag (catMaybes fix_maybes)
@@ -503,24 +566,40 @@ doImport iface_cache info us (ImportDecl mod qual maybe_as maybe_spec src_loc)
 	return (final_vals, final_tcs, unquals, final_fixes,
 		final_errs, final_warns, imp_stuff)
+    as_mod :: Module
     as_mod = case maybe_as of {Nothing -> mod; Just as_this -> as_this}
+    mk_occ :: FAST_STRING -> RdrName
     mk_occ str = if qual then Qual as_mod str else Unqual str
+    fst_occ :: (FAST_STRING, RnName) -> (RdrName, RnName)
     fst_occ (str, rn) = (mk_occ str, rn)
-    pair_occ rn	      = (mk_occ (getLocalName rn), rn)
-    pair_as  rn       = (as_mod, rn)
+    pair_occ :: RnName -> (RdrName, RnName)
+    pair_occ rn = (mk_occ (getLocalName rn), rn)
+    pair_as :: RnName -> (Module, RnName)
+    pair_as  rn = (as_mod, rn)
-getBuiltins _ mod maybe_spec
-  | not (fromPrelude mod || mod == iX || mod == rATIO)
+getBuiltins :: ImportNameInfo
+	    -> Module
+	    -> Maybe (Bool, [RdrNameIE])
+	    -> (Bag (FAST_STRING, RnName),
+		Bag (FAST_STRING, RnName),
+		Maybe (Bool, [RdrNameIE])  -- return IEs that had no effect
+	       )
+getBuiltins _ modname maybe_spec
+  | modname `notElem` modulesWithBuiltins
   = (emptyBag, emptyBag, maybe_spec)
-getBuiltins (((b_val_names,b_tc_names),_,_,_),_,_,_) mod maybe_spec
+getBuiltins (((b_val_names,b_tc_names),_,_,_),_,_,_) modname maybe_spec
   = case maybe_spec of 
       Nothing           -> (all_vals, all_tcs, Nothing)
       Just (True, ies)  -> -- hiding does not work for builtin names
-			   trace "getBuiltins: import Prelude hiding ( ... )" $
+			   trace "NOTE: `import Prelude hiding ...' does not hide built-in names" $
 			   (all_vals, all_tcs, maybe_spec)
       Just (False, ies) -> let 
@@ -531,20 +610,21 @@ getBuiltins (((b_val_names,b_tc_names),_,_,_),_,_,_) mod maybe_spec
     all_vals = do_all_builtin (fmToList b_val_names)
     all_tcs  = do_all_builtin (fmToList b_tc_names)
-    filter_mod = if fromPrelude mod then pRELUDE else mod
     do_all_builtin [] = emptyBag
-    do_all_builtin (((str,mod),rn):rest)
-      | mod == filter_mod
-      = (str, rn) `consBag` do_all_builtin rest
-      | otherwise
-      = do_all_builtin rest
+    do_all_builtin (((OrigName mod str),rn):rest)
+      = --pprTrace "do_all_builtin:" (ppCat [ppPStr modname, ppPStr mod, ppPStr str]) $
+	(if mod == modname then consBag (str, rn) else id) (do_all_builtin rest)
     do_builtin [] = (emptyBag,emptyBag,[]) 
     do_builtin (ie:ies)
-      = let str = unqual_str (ie_name ie)
+      = let
+	    (str, orig)
+	      = case (ie_name ie) of
+		  Unqual s -> (s, OrigName modname s)
+		  Qual m s -> pprTrace "do_builtin:surprising qual!" (ppCat [ppPStr m, ppPStr s]) $
+			      (s, OrigName modname s)
-	case (lookupFM b_tc_names (str,mod)) of 	-- NB: we favour the tycon/class FM...
+	case (lookupFM b_tc_names orig) of 	-- NB: we favour the tycon/class FM...
 	  Just rn -> case (ie,rn) of
 	     (IEThingAbs _, WiredInTyCon tc)
 		-> (vals, (str, rn) `consBag` tcs, ies_left)
@@ -554,14 +634,14 @@ getBuiltins (((b_val_names,b_tc_names),_,_,_),_,_,_) mod maybe_spec
 		    `unionBags` vals,
 		    (str,rn) `consBag` tcs, ies_left)
 	     (IEThingWith _ _, WiredInTyCon tc)	-- No checking of With...
-		-> (listToBag (map (\ id -> (getLocalName id, WiredInId id)) 
+		-> (listToBag (map (\ id -> (nameOf (origName "IEThingWith" id), WiredInId id)) 
 				   (tyConDataCons tc))
 		    `unionBags` vals,
 		    (str,rn) `consBag` tcs, ies_left)
 	     _ -> panic "importing builtin names (1)"
 	  Nothing ->
-	    case (lookupFM b_val_names (str,mod)) of
+	    case (lookupFM b_val_names orig) of
 	      Nothing -> (vals, tcs, ie:ies_left)
 	      Just rn -> case (ie,rn) of
 		 (IEVar _, WiredInId _)        
@@ -570,6 +650,12 @@ getBuiltins (((b_val_names,b_tc_names),_,_,_),_,_,_) mod maybe_spec
         (vals, tcs, ies_left) = do_builtin ies
+getOrigIEs :: ParsedIface
+	   -> Maybe (Bool, [RdrNameIE]) -- "hiding" or not, blah, blah, blah
+	   -> ([IE OrigName],
+	       [(IE OrigName, ExportFlag)],
+	       Bag (Module -> SrcLoc -> Error))
 getOrigIEs (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ exps _ _ _ _ _ _) Nothing			-- import all
   = (map mkAllIE (eltsFM exps), [], emptyBag)
@@ -585,42 +671,59 @@ getOrigIEs (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ exps _ _ _ _ _ _) (Just (False, ies))	-- imp
     (found_ies, errs) = lookupIEs exps ies
+mkAllIE :: (OrigName, ExportFlag) -> IE OrigName
 mkAllIE (orig,ExportAbs)
-  = ASSERT(isLexCon (getLocalName orig))
+  = ASSERT(isLexCon (nameOf orig))
     IEThingAbs orig
 mkAllIE (orig, ExportAll)
-  | isLexCon (getLocalName orig)
+  | isLexCon (nameOf orig)
   = IEThingAll orig
   | otherwise
   = IEVar orig
+lookupIEs :: ExportsMap
+	  -> [RdrNameIE]
+	  -> ([(IE OrigName, ExportFlag)], -- IEs we found, orig-ified
+	      Bag (Module -> SrcLoc -> Error))
-lookupIEs exps [] 
-  = ([], emptyBag)
-lookupIEs exps (ie:ies)
-  = case lookupFM exps (unqual_str (ie_name ie)) of 
-      Nothing ->
-	(orig_ies, unknownImpSpecErr ie `consBag` errs)
-      Just (orig,flag) ->
-	(orig_ie orig flag ie ++ orig_ies,
-	 adderr_if (seen_ie orig orig_ies) (duplicateImpSpecErr ie) errs)
+lookupIEs exps ies
+  = foldr go ([], emptyBag) ies
-    (orig_ies, errs) = lookupIEs exps ies
-    orig_ie orig flag (IEVar n)          = [(IEVar orig, flag)]
-    orig_ie orig flag (IEThingAbs n)     = [(IEThingAbs orig, flag)]
-    orig_ie orig flag (IEThingAll n)     = [(IEThingAll orig, flag)]
-    orig_ie orig flag (IEThingWith n ns) = [(IEThingWith orig ns, flag)]
+    go ie (already, errs)
+      = let
+	    str = case (ie_name ie) of
+		    Unqual s -> s
+		    Qual m s -> s
+	in
+	case (lookupFM exps str) of
+	  Nothing ->
+	    (already, unknownImpSpecErr ie `consBag` errs)
+	  Just (orig, flag) ->
+	    ((orig_ie orig ie, flag) : already,
+	     adderr_if (seen_ie orig already) (duplicateImpSpecErr ie) errs)
+    orig_ie orig (IEVar n)          = IEVar       orig
+    orig_ie orig (IEThingAbs n)     = IEThingAbs  orig
+    orig_ie orig (IEThingAll n)     = IEThingAll  orig
+    orig_ie orig (IEThingWith n ns) = IEThingWith orig (map re_orig ns)
+      where
+	(OrigName mod _) = orig
+	re_orig (Unqual s) = OrigName mod s
     seen_ie orig seen_ies = any (\ (ie,_) -> orig == ie_name ie) seen_ies
 doOrigIEs iface_cache info mod src_loc us []
   = return (emptyBag,emptyBag,emptyBag,emptyBag,emptyBag)
 doOrigIEs iface_cache info mod src_loc us (ie:ies)
-  = doOrigIE iface_cache info mod src_loc us1 ie 
+  = let
+	(us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+    in
+    doOrigIE iface_cache info mod src_loc us1 ie 
 	>>= \ (vals1, tcs1, imps1, errs1, warns1) ->
     doOrigIEs iface_cache info mod src_loc us2 ies
 	>>= \ (vals2, tcs2, imps2, errs2, warns2) ->
@@ -629,8 +732,19 @@ doOrigIEs iface_cache info mod src_loc us (ie:ies)
 	    imps1    `unionBags` imps2,
 	    errs1    `unionBags` errs2,
 	    warns1   `unionBags` warns2)
-  where
-    (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+doOrigIE :: IfaceCache
+	 -> ImportNameInfo
+	 -> Module
+	 -> SrcLoc
+	 -> UniqSupply
+	 -> IE OrigName
+	 -> IO (Bag RnName,			-- values
+		Bag RnName,			-- tycons/classes
+		Bag (RnName,ExportFlag),	-- import flags
+		Bag Error,
+		Bag Warning)
 doOrigIE iface_cache info mod src_loc us ie
   = with_decl iface_cache (ie_name ie)
@@ -642,6 +756,11 @@ doOrigIE iface_cache info mod src_loc us ie
 		   ((vals, tcs, imps), errs, warns) -> (vals, tcs, imps, errs, warns))
+checkOrigIE :: IfaceCache
+	    -> (IE OrigName, ExportFlag)
+	    -> IO (Bag (Module -> SrcLoc -> Error), Bag (Module -> SrcLoc -> Warning))
 checkOrigIE iface_cache (IEThingAll n, ExportAbs)
   = with_decl iface_cache n
 	(\ err  -> (unitBag (\ mod locn -> err), emptyBag))
@@ -660,26 +779,36 @@ checkOrigIE iface_cache (IEThingWith n ns, ExportAll)
 	     	DataSig    _ cons fields _ _ -> (check_with "constructors (and fields)" (cons++fields) ns, emptyBag)
              	ClassSig   _ ops _ _         -> (check_with "class ops"   ops   ns, emptyBag))
-    check_with str has rdrs
-      | sortLt (<) (map getLocalName has) == sortLt (<) (map unqual_str rdrs)
+    check_with str has origs
+      | sortLt (<) (map getLocalName has) == sortLt (<) (map nameOf origs)
       = emptyBag
       | otherwise
-      = unitBag (withImpSpecErr str n has rdrs)
+      = unitBag (withImpSpecErr str n has origs)
 checkOrigIE iface_cache other
   = return (emptyBag, emptyBag)
+with_decl :: IfaceCache
+	  -> OrigName
+	  -> (Error        -> something)	-- if an error...
+	  -> (RdrIfaceDecl -> something)	-- if OK...
+	  -> IO something
 with_decl iface_cache n do_err do_decl
-  = cachedDecl iface_cache (isRdrLexCon n) n   >>= \ maybe_decl ->
+  = cachedDecl iface_cache (isLexCon (nameOf n)) n   >>= \ maybe_decl ->
     case maybe_decl of
-      Failed err     -> return (do_err err)
+      Failed err     -> return (do_err  err)
       Succeeded decl -> return (do_decl decl)
+getFixityDecl :: IfaceCache
+	      -> RnName
+	      -> IO (Maybe RenamedFixityDecl, Bag Error)
-getFixityDecl iface_cache (_,rn)
+getFixityDecl iface_cache rn
   = let
-	(mod, str) = moduleNamePair rn
+	(OrigName mod str) = origName "getFixityDecl" rn
 	succeeded infx i = return (Just (infx rn i), emptyBag)
@@ -699,10 +828,7 @@ ie_name (IEThingAbs n)    = n
 ie_name (IEThingAll n)    = n
 ie_name (IEThingWith n _) = n
-unqual_str (Unqual str) = str
-unqual_str q@(Qual _ _) = panic "unqual_str"
-adderr_if True err errs  = err `consBag` errs
+adderr_if True  err errs = err `consBag` errs
 adderr_if False err errs = errs
@@ -713,7 +839,7 @@ adderr_if False err errs = errs
-getIfaceDeclNames :: RdrNameIE -> RdrIfaceDecl
+getIfaceDeclNames :: IE OrigName -> RdrIfaceDecl
 		  -> RnM_IInfo s (Bag RnName,			-- values
 				  Bag RnName,			-- tycons/classes
 			 	  Bag (RnName,ExportFlag))	-- import flags
@@ -799,32 +925,33 @@ newImportedName :: Bool			-- True => tycon or class
 		-> RnM_IInfo s Name
 newImportedName tycon_or_class locn maybe_exp maybe_imp rdr
-  = getExtraRn `thenRn` \ ((_,b_keys,exp_fn,occ_fn),done_vals,done_tcs,imp_fn) ->
-    case if tycon_or_class
-	 then lookupFM done_tcs  (moduleNamePair rdr)
-	 else lookupFM done_vals (moduleNamePair rdr)
-    of
-    Just rn -> returnRn (getName rn)
-    Nothing -> 
+  = let
+	orig = qualToOrigName rdr
+    in
+    getExtraRn `thenRn` \ ((_,b_keys,rec_exp_fn,rec_occ_fn),done_vals,done_tcs,rec_imp_fn) ->
+    case ((if tycon_or_class
+	   then lookupFM done_tcs
+	   else lookupFM done_vals) orig) of
+      Just rn -> returnRn (getName rn)
+      Nothing -> 
 	rnGetUnique	`thenRn` \ u ->
-	    str_mod = case rdr of { Qual m n -> (n,m); Unqual n -> (n,pRELUDE) }
-	    uniq = case lookupFM b_keys str_mod of
+	    uniq = case lookupFM b_keys orig of
 		     Nothing	  -> u
 		     Just (key,_) -> key
 	    exp  = case maybe_exp of
-	    	     Just exp -> exp
-	       	     Nothing  -> exp_fn n
+	    	     Just xx -> xx
+	       	     Nothing -> rec_exp_fn n
 	    imp  = case maybe_imp of
-	    	     Just imp -> imp
-	       	     Nothing  -> imp_flag
+	    	     Just xx -> xx
+	       	     Nothing -> imp_flag
-	    (imp_flag, imp_locs) = imp_fn n
+	    (imp_flag, imp_locs) = rec_imp_fn n
-	    n = mkImportedName uniq rdr imp locn imp_locs exp (occ_fn n) -- NB: two "n"s
+	    n = mkImportedName uniq orig imp locn imp_locs exp (rec_occ_fn n) -- NB: two "n"s
 	returnRn n
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
index 64f64c5f48a901457248d21790c5b9bc9e1dc2d7..3831ec031cdc8c6e449b380fa6d4e461469ab73f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
@@ -21,12 +21,13 @@ import RnUtils		( lookupGlobalRnEnv, lubExportFlag )
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, consBag, unionManyBags, unionBags, listToBag, bagToList )
 import Class		( derivableClassKeys )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingPrelude )
 import ErrUtils		( addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine, addShortWarnLocLine )
 import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, lookupFM, addListToFM_C )
 import ListSetOps	( unionLists, minusList )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, catMaybes )
-import Name		( Name, isLocallyDefined, isLexVarId, getLocalName, ExportFlag(..), 
-			  nameImportFlag, RdrName, pprNonSym )
+import Name		( isLocallyDefined, isLexVarId, getLocalName, ExportFlag(..), 
+			  nameImportFlag, RdrName, pprNonSym, Name )
 import Outputable	-- ToDo:rm
 import PprStyle 	-- ToDo:rm 
 import Pretty
@@ -589,7 +590,10 @@ rnFixes fixities
     	rn_fixity_pieces mk_fixity name i fix
       	  = getRnEnv `thenRn` \ env ->
 	      case lookupGlobalRnEnv env name of
-	  	Just res | isLocallyDefined res
+	  	Just res | isLocallyDefined res || opt_CompilingPrelude
+		  -- the opt_CompilingPrelude thing is a *HACK* to get (:)'s
+		  -- fixity decl to go through.  It has a builtin name, which
+		  -- doesn't respond to isLocallyDefined...  sigh.
 	  	  -> returnRn (Just (mk_fixity res i))
 	  	_ -> failButContinueRn Nothing (undefinedFixityDeclErr src_loc fix)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
index 7205e915d3d2e294250330bf0de2ccab8803fc5c..7e50792b88f79a696c8b6776f9130da9de400483 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module RnUtils (
 import Bag		( Bag, emptyBag, snocBag, unionBags )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingPrelude )
 import ErrUtils		( addShortErrLocLine )
 import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, isEmptyFM,
 			  lookupFM, addListToFM, addToFM )
@@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ import Util		( assertPanic )
 *							*
-Seperate FiniteMaps are kept for lookup up Qual names,
+Separate FiniteMaps are kept for lookup up Qual names,
 Unqual names and Local names.
@@ -127,7 +128,10 @@ extendLocalRnEnv report_shadows (global, stack) new_local
 lookupRnEnv ((qual, unqual, _, _), stack) rdr
   = case rdr of 
       Unqual str   -> lookup stack str (lookup unqual str Nothing)
-      Qual mod str -> lookup qual (str,mod) Nothing
+      Qual mod str -> lookup qual (str,mod)
+			(if not opt_CompilingPrelude -- see below
+			 then Nothing
+			 else lookup unqual str Nothing)
     lookup fm thing do_on_fail
       = case lookupFM fm thing of
@@ -137,12 +141,25 @@ lookupRnEnv ((qual, unqual, _, _), stack) rdr
 lookupGlobalRnEnv ((qual, unqual, _, _), _) rdr
   = case rdr of 
       Unqual str   -> lookupFM unqual str
-      Qual mod str -> lookupFM qual (str,mod)
+      Qual mod str -> case (lookupFM qual (str,mod)) of
+			Just xx -> Just xx
+			Nothing -> if not opt_CompilingPrelude then
+				      Nothing
+				   else -- "[]" may have turned into "Prelude.[]" and
+				        -- we are actually compiling "data [] a = ...";
+					-- maybe the right thing is to get "Prelude.[]"
+					-- into the "qual" table...
+				      lookupFM unqual str
 lookupTcRnEnv ((_, _, tc_qual, tc_unqual), _) rdr
   = case rdr of 
       Unqual str   -> lookupFM tc_unqual str
-      Qual mod str -> lookupFM tc_qual (str,mod)
+      Qual mod str -> case (lookupFM tc_qual (str,mod)) of -- as above
+			Just xx -> Just xx
+			Nothing -> if not opt_CompilingPrelude then
+				      Nothing
+				   else
+				      lookupFM tc_unqual str
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs
index e5903cb1d711fe84b5da6ac65afebf8c7a7e25dc..40fbba2f9f3565f2eae34321a4e8856eed60331b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ try_split_bind id expr =
 		-- right function to use ..
 	-- Now the bodies
-	c_id = mkSysLocal SLIT("_fbww") c_new_uq c_ty mkUnknownSrcLoc
-	n_id = mkSysLocal SLIT("_fbww") n_new_uq n_ty mkUnknownSrcLoc
+	c_id = mkSysLocal SLIT("fbww") c_new_uq c_ty mkUnknownSrcLoc
+	n_id = mkSysLocal SLIT("fbww") n_new_uq n_ty mkUnknownSrcLoc
 	  = mkTyLam [] (big_args ++ [alphaTyVar]) (args++[c_id,n_id]) worker_body
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
index cdb26cb1317037915b9b30623094ca1f2fe8c439..4d363237ac8c83333e42c1681290f35e5bce5249 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ module OccurAnal (
     ) where
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)	-- paranoia
 import BinderInfo
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_D_dump_occur_anal, SimplifierSwitch(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs
index 58574cd6f922e6711bb722ade56239604166552f..8e7656bea7439ac0f481e751180325b71294081e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import SimplEnv
 import SimplMonad
 import SimplUtils	( mkValLamTryingEta )
 import Type		( isPrimType, maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, mkFunTys, eqTy )
-import TysWiredIn	( voidTy )
+import TysPrim		( voidTy )
 import Unique		( Unique{-instance Eq-} )
 import Usage		( GenUsage{-instance Eq-} )
 import Util		( isIn, isSingleton, zipEqual, panic, assertPanic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
index 68d6816bf2d255fe1d030d4e155c12bd83601274..62d9a015f2523c89e1ea089b012caedd14edf00e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
@@ -33,12 +33,11 @@ import Id		( idType, isDictFunId, isConstMethodId_maybe,
 			  GenId {-instance NamedThing -}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, catMaybes, firstJust )
-import Name		( isLexVarSym, isLexSpecialSym, pprNonSym, moduleNamePair )
+import Name		( origName, isLexVarSym, isLexSpecialSym, pprNonSym )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( pprGenType, pprParendGenType, pprMaybeTy,
 			  TyCon{-ditto-}, GenType{-ditto-}, GenTyVar
-import PrelMods		( fromPrelude, pRELUDE )
 import Pretty		-- plenty of it
 import TyCon		( tyConTyVars, TyCon{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import Type		( splitSigmaTy, mkTyVarTy, mkForAllTys,
@@ -235,18 +234,16 @@ pprSpecErrs this_mod spec_errs spec_warn spec_tyerrs
       | isDictFunId id || maybeToBool (isConstMethodId_maybe id)
       = let get_mod = getInstIdModule id
-	    use_mod = if fromPrelude get_mod
-		      then pRELUDE
-		      else get_mod
+	    use_mod = get_mod
 	in (use_mod, _NIL_)
       | otherwise
-      = moduleNamePair id
+      = case (origName "get_id_name" id) of { OrigName m n -> (m, n) }
     get_ty_data (ty, tys)
       = (mod_name, [(ty_name, ty, tys)])
-	(mod_name,ty_name) = moduleNamePair ty
+	(OrigName mod_name ty_name) = origName "get_ty_data" ty
     module_names    = concat [keysFM idspecs_fm, keysFM tyspecs_fm]
     mods            = map head (equivClasses _CMP_STRING_ module_names)
@@ -257,8 +254,7 @@ pprSpecErrs this_mod spec_errs spec_warn spec_tyerrs
 			    EQ_   -> ([_NIL_], tail mods)
 			    other -> ([], mods)
-    (prels, others) = partition fromPrelude known
-    use_modules     = unks ++ prels ++ others
+    use_modules     = unks ++ known
     pp_module_specs :: FAST_STRING -> Pretty
     pp_module_specs mod
@@ -313,7 +309,7 @@ pp_idspec sty pp_mod (_, id, tys, is_err)
   | is_const_method_id
   = let
 	Just (cls, clsty, clsop) = const_method_maybe
-    	(_, cls_str) = moduleNamePair cls
+    	(OrigName _ cls_str) = origName "pp_idspec" cls
 	clsop_str    = classOpString clsop
     ppCat [pp_mod,
@@ -327,7 +323,7 @@ pp_idspec sty pp_mod (_, id, tys, is_err)
   | is_default_method_id
   = let
 	Just (cls, clsop, _) = default_method_maybe
-    	(_, cls_str) = moduleNamePair cls
+    	(OrigName _ cls_str) = origName "pp_idspec2" cls
 	clsop_str    = classOpString clsop
     ppCat [pp_mod,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
index a70706862be1d2d54f51716126da67e1e140bc7d..59e1c40cf2208713b6f12408adb8cb589b9e13d4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
@@ -202,6 +202,7 @@ coreBindToStg env (NonRec binder rhs)
 			[]				-- Discard it
+    -- pprTrace "coreBindToStg:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug binder, ppr PprDebug (isExported binder)]) $
     case stg_rhs of
       StgRhsClosure cc bi fvs upd [] (StgApp atom [] lvs) ->
 		-- Trivial RHS, so augment envt, and ditch the binding
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
index 2aacbfe3a0af9cb9150c482f55b7664029ddd12c..562cd6c2a2891ee0a8e15611112c3e39aee1a78d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module Inst (
 import HsSyn	( HsLit(..), HsExpr(..), HsBinds, 
-		  InPat, OutPat, Stmt, Qual, Match,
+		  InPat, OutPat, Stmt, Qualifier, Match,
 		  ArithSeqInfo, PolyType, Fake )
 import RnHsSyn	( RenamedArithSeqInfo(..), RenamedHsExpr(..) )
 import TcHsSyn	( TcIdOcc(..), TcExpr(..), TcIdBndr(..),
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
index 039361851b96cf25e8132ea79d2df4a3872acb67..90a5af4337c4a0117f9d95e17f7cbfdc7393be9b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ IMP_Ubiq()
 import HsSyn		( ClassDecl(..), HsBinds(..), Bind(..), MonoBinds(..),
 			  Match(..), GRHSsAndBinds(..), GRHS(..), HsExpr(..),
 			  HsLit(..), OutPat(..), Sig(..), PolyType(..), MonoType, 
-			  Stmt, Qual, ArithSeqInfo, InPat, Fake )
+			  Stmt, Qualifier, ArithSeqInfo, InPat, Fake )
 import HsPragmas	( ClassPragmas(..) )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedClassDecl(..), RenamedClassPragmas(..),
 			  RenamedClassOpSig(..), RenamedMonoBinds(..),
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import Class		( GenClass, mkClass, mkClassOp, classBigSig,
 import Id		( mkSuperDictSelId, mkMethodSelId, mkDefaultMethodId,
 			  idType )
 import IdInfo		( noIdInfo )
-import Name		( isLocallyDefined, moduleNamePair, getLocalName )
+import Name		( isLocallyDefined, origName, getLocalName )
 import PrelVals		( nO_DEFAULT_METHOD_ERROR_ID )
 import PprStyle
 import Pretty
@@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ makeClassDeclDefaultMethodRhs clas method_ids tag
-    (clas_mod, clas_name) = moduleNamePair clas
+    (OrigName clas_mod clas_name) = origName "makeClassDeclDefaultMethodRhs" clas
     method_id = method_ids  !! (tag-1)
     class_op  = (classOps clas) !! (tag-1)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
index 7304d60fd294a51e2fd6d5c51d52678f364e17f4..e699cc0695d9d854040cec6c67ee194904158ffb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
@@ -33,13 +33,12 @@ import RnBinds		( rnMethodBinds, rnTopBinds )
 import Bag		( emptyBag{-ToDo:rm-}, Bag, isEmptyBag, unionBags, listToBag )
 import Class		( classKey, needsDataDeclCtxtClassKeys, GenClass )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingPrelude )
 import ErrUtils		( pprBagOfErrors, addErrLoc, Error(..) )
 import Id		( dataConArgTys, isNullaryDataCon, mkDictFunId )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, Maybe(..) )
-import Name		( moduleNamePair, isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc,
+import Name		( isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc,
 			  mkTopLevName, origName, mkImplicitName, ExportFlag(..),
-			  RdrName{-instance Outputable-}, Name{--O only-}
+			  RdrName(..), Name{--O only-}
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instances e.g., (,)-} )
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar, GenClass, TyCon )
@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ import Type		( GenType(..), TauType(..), mkTyVarTys, applyTyCon,
 			  mkSigmaTy, mkDictTy, isPrimType, instantiateTy,
 			  getAppDataTyCon, getAppTyCon
-import TysWiredIn	( voidTy )
+import TysPrim		( voidTy )
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar )
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM )
 import Unique		-- Keys stuff
@@ -223,7 +222,7 @@ tcDeriving modname rn_env inst_decl_infos_in fixities
     gen_tag_n_con_binds rn_env nm_alist_etc
 				`thenTc` \ (extra_binds, deriver_rn_env) ->
-    mapTc (gen_inst_info maybe_mod fixities deriver_rn_env) new_inst_infos
+    mapTc (gen_inst_info modname fixities deriver_rn_env) new_inst_infos
 				`thenTc` \ really_new_inst_infos ->
 	ddump_deriv = ddump_deriving really_new_inst_infos extra_binds
@@ -234,8 +233,6 @@ tcDeriving modname rn_env inst_decl_infos_in fixities
-    maybe_mod = if opt_CompilingPrelude then Nothing else Just modname
     ddump_deriving :: [InstInfo] -> RenamedHsBinds -> (PprStyle -> Pretty)
     ddump_deriving inst_infos extra_binds sty
@@ -558,7 +555,7 @@ the renamer.  What a great hack!
-gen_inst_info :: Maybe Module		-- Module name; Nothing => Prelude
+gen_inst_info :: Module			-- Module name
 	      -> [RenamedFixityDecl]	-- all known fixities;
 					-- may be needed for Text
 	      -> RnEnv			-- lookup stuff for names we may use
@@ -626,7 +623,7 @@ gen_inst_info modname fixities deriver_rn_env
 		       from_here modname locn [])
     clas_key  = classKey clas
-    clas_Name = RnImplicitClass (mkImplicitName clas_key (origName clas))
+    clas_Name = RnImplicitClass (mkImplicitName clas_key (origName "gen_inst_info" clas))
@@ -660,7 +657,8 @@ gen_tag_n_con_binds rn_env nm_alist_etc
     tcGetUniques (length names_to_add)	`thenNF_Tc` \ uniqs ->
-	pairs_to_add = [ (pn, mkRnName (mkTopLevName u pn mkGeneratedSrcLoc ExportAll []))
+	pairs_to_add = [ case pn of { Qual pnm pnn ->
+			 (pn, mkRnName (mkTopLevName u (OrigName pnm pnn) mkGeneratedSrcLoc ExportAll [])) }
 		       | (pn,u) <- zipEqual "gen_tag..." names_to_add uniqs ]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
index a45dc275e6ac241e10f06d6d8d62eab22ca22770..11f63656d1b57faca47eeb7bac14afa0a9ce702d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module TcExpr ( tcExpr ) where
-import HsSyn		( HsExpr(..), Qual(..), Stmt(..),
+import HsSyn		( HsExpr(..), Qualifier(..), Stmt(..),
 			  HsBinds(..), Bind(..), MonoBinds(..), 
 			  ArithSeqInfo(..), HsLit(..), Sig, GRHSsAndBinds,
 			  Match, Fake, InPat, OutPat, PolyType,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
index 743851770d5793b8d22e286f4b6030f5197dcec5..d79ca49f5e73f455a83fdea0944a7db2058d7deb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ module TcGenDeriv (
 import HsSyn		( HsBinds(..), Bind(..), MonoBinds(..), Match(..), GRHSsAndBinds(..),
-			  GRHS(..), HsExpr(..), HsLit(..), InPat(..), Qual(..), Stmt,
+			  GRHS(..), HsExpr(..), HsLit(..), InPat(..), Qualifier(..), Stmt,
 			  ArithSeqInfo, Sig, PolyType, FixityDecl, Fake )
 import RdrHsSyn		( RdrNameMonoBinds(..), RdrNameHsExpr(..), RdrNamePat(..) )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ import Id		( GenId, dataConArity, isNullaryDataCon, dataConTag,
 			  isDataCon, DataCon(..), ConTag(..) )
 import IdUtils		( primOpId )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import Name		( moduleNamePair, origName, RdrName(..) )
-import PrelMods		( fromPrelude, pRELUDE, pRELUDE_BUILTIN, pRELUDE_LIST, pRELUDE_TEXT )
+import Name		( origName, preludeQual, nameOf, RdrName(..), OrigName(..) )
+import PrelMods		( pRELUDE, gHC__, iX )
 import PrelVals		( eRROR_ID )
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..) )
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ gen_Eq_binds tycon
 	    con1_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn as_needed)
 	    con2_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
-	    data_con_PN = origName data_con
+	    data_con_PN = qual_orig_name data_con
 	    con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
 	    as_needed   = take con_arity as_PNs
 	    bs_needed   = take con_arity bs_PNs
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ gen_Ord_binds tycon
 	    con1_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn as_needed)
 	    con2_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
-	    data_con_PN = origName data_con
+	    data_con_PN = qual_orig_name data_con
 	    con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
 	    as_needed   = take con_arity as_PNs
 	    bs_needed   = take con_arity bs_PNs
@@ -487,8 +487,8 @@ gen_Bounded_binds tycon
     data_con_1	  = head data_cons
     data_con_N	  = last data_cons
-    data_con_1_PN = origName data_con_1
-    data_con_N_PN = origName data_con_N
+    data_con_1_PN = qual_orig_name data_con_1
+    data_con_N_PN = qual_orig_name data_con_N
     ----- single-constructor-flavored: -------------
     arity	   = dataConArity data_con_1
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ gen_Ix_binds tycon
     then enum_ixes
     else single_con_ixes
-    tycon_str = _UNPK_ (snd (moduleNamePair tycon))
+    tycon_str = _UNPK_ (nameOf (origName "gen_Ix_binds" tycon))
     enum_ixes = enum_range `AndMonoBinds`
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ gen_Ix_binds tycon
     con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
-    data_con_PN = origName data_con
+    data_con_PN = qual_orig_name data_con
     con_pat  xs = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn xs)
     con_expr xs = mk_easy_App data_con_PN xs
@@ -697,8 +697,8 @@ gen_Read_binds fixities tycon
 	read_con data_con   -- note: "b" is the string being "read"
 	  = let
-		data_con_PN = origName data_con
-		data_con_str= snd  (moduleNamePair data_con)
+		data_con_PN = qual_orig_name data_con
+		data_con_str= nameOf (origName "gen_Read_binds" data_con)
 		con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
 		as_needed   = take con_arity as_PNs
 		bs_needed   = take con_arity bs_PNs
@@ -756,14 +756,14 @@ gen_Show_binds fixities tycon
 	pats_etc data_con
 	  = let
-		data_con_PN = origName data_con
+		data_con_PN = qual_orig_name data_con
 		con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
 		bs_needed   = take con_arity bs_PNs
 		con_pat     = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
 		nullary_con = isNullaryDataCon data_con
-		  = let (mod, nm)   = moduleNamePair data_con
+		  = let (OrigName mod nm) = origName "gen_Show_binds" data_con
 			space_maybe = if nullary_con then _NIL_ else SLIT(" ")
 			HsApp (HsVar showString_PN) (HsLit (HsString (nm _APPEND_ space_maybe)))
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, tycon, GenCon2Tag)
 	([pat], HsLit (HsIntPrim (toInteger ((dataConTag var) - fIRST_TAG))))
 	pat    = ConPatIn var_PN (nOfThem (dataConArity var) WildPatIn)
-	var_PN = origName var
+	var_PN = qual_orig_name var
 gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, tycon, GenTag2Con)
   = mk_FunMonoBind pn (map mk_stuff (tyConDataCons tycon))
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@ gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, tycon, GenTag2Con)
 	([lit_pat], HsVar var_PN)
 	lit_pat = ConPatIn mkInt_PN [LitPatIn (HsIntPrim (toInteger ((dataConTag var) - fIRST_TAG)))]
-	var_PN  = origName var
+	var_PN  = qual_orig_name var
 gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, tycon, GenMaxTag)
   = mk_easy_FunMonoBind pn [] [] (HsApp (HsVar mkInt_PN) (HsLit (HsIntPrim max_tag)))
@@ -1040,6 +1040,8 @@ parenify e	     = HsPar e
+qual_orig_name n = case (origName "qual_orig_name" n) of { OrigName m n -> Qual m n }
 a_PN		= Unqual SLIT("a")
 b_PN		= Unqual SLIT("b")
 c_PN		= Unqual SLIT("c")
@@ -1049,42 +1051,40 @@ bh_PN		= Unqual SLIT("b#")
 ch_PN		= Unqual SLIT("c#")
 dh_PN		= Unqual SLIT("d#")
 cmp_eq_PN	= Unqual SLIT("cmp_eq")
-rangeSize_PN	= Unqual SLIT("rangeSize")
+rangeSize_PN	= Qual iX SLIT("rangeSize")
 as_PNs		= [ Unqual (_PK_ ("a"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
 bs_PNs		= [ Unqual (_PK_ ("b"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
 cs_PNs		= [ Unqual (_PK_ ("c"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
-eq_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Eq")  SLIT("==")
-ne_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Eq")  SLIT("/=")
-le_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT("<=")
-lt_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT("<")
-ge_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT(">=")
-gt_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT(">")
-max_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT("max")
-min_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT("min")
-compare_PN	= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT("compare")
-minBound_PN	= prelude_method SLIT("Bounded") SLIT("minBound")
-maxBound_PN	= prelude_method SLIT("Bounded") SLIT("maxBound")
-ltTag_PN	= Unqual SLIT("LT")
-eqTag_PN	= Unqual SLIT("EQ")
-gtTag_PN	= Unqual SLIT("GT")
-enumFrom_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Enum") SLIT("enumFrom")
-enumFromTo_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Enum") SLIT("enumFromTo")
-enumFromThen_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Enum") SLIT("enumFromThen")
-enumFromThenTo_PN= prelude_method SLIT("Enum") SLIT("enumFromThenTo")
-range_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Ix")   SLIT("range")
-index_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Ix")   SLIT("index")
-inRange_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Ix")   SLIT("inRange")
-readsPrec_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Read") SLIT("readsPrec")
-readList_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Read") SLIT("readList")
-showsPrec_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Show") SLIT("showsPrec")
-showList_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Show") SLIT("showList")
-plus_PN		 = prelude_method SLIT("Num")  SLIT("+")
-times_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Num")  SLIT("*")
-false_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE SLIT("False")
-true_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE SLIT("True")
+eq_PN		 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Eq")-}  SLIT("==")
+ne_PN		 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Eq")-}  SLIT("/=")
+le_PN		 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Ord")-} SLIT("<=")
+lt_PN		 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Ord")-} SLIT("<")
+ge_PN		 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Ord")-} SLIT(">=")
+gt_PN		 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Ord")-} SLIT(">")
+max_PN		 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Ord")-} SLIT("max")
+min_PN		 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Ord")-} SLIT("min")
+compare_PN	 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Ord")-} SLIT("compare")
+minBound_PN	 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Bounded")-} SLIT("minBound")
+maxBound_PN	 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Bounded")-} SLIT("maxBound")
+enumFrom_PN	 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Enum")-} SLIT("enumFrom")
+enumFromTo_PN	 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Enum")-} SLIT("enumFromTo")
+enumFromThen_PN	 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Enum")-} SLIT("enumFromThen")
+enumFromThenTo_PN= preludeQual {-SLIT("Enum")-} SLIT("enumFromThenTo")
+range_PN	 = Qual iX   SLIT("range")
+index_PN	 = Qual iX   SLIT("index")
+inRange_PN	 = Qual iX   SLIT("inRange")
+readsPrec_PN	 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Read")-} SLIT("readsPrec")
+readList_PN	 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Read")-} SLIT("readList")
+showsPrec_PN	 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Show")-} SLIT("showsPrec")
+showList_PN	 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Show")-} SLIT("showList")
+plus_PN		 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Num")-}  SLIT("+")
+times_PN	 = preludeQual {-SLIT("Num")-}  SLIT("*")
+ltTag_PN	 = preludeQual SLIT("LT")
+eqTag_PN	 = preludeQual SLIT("EQ")
+gtTag_PN	 = preludeQual SLIT("GT")
 eqH_Char_PN	= prelude_primop CharEqOp
 ltH_Char_PN	= prelude_primop CharLtOp
 eqH_Word_PN	= prelude_primop WordEqOp
@@ -1100,24 +1100,25 @@ ltH_Int_PN	= prelude_primop IntLtOp
 geH_PN		= prelude_primop IntGeOp
 leH_PN		= prelude_primop IntLeOp
 minusH_PN	= prelude_primop IntSubOp
-and_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE     SLIT("&&")
-not_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE     SLIT("not")
-append_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_LIST SLIT("++")
-map_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE_LIST SLIT("map")
-compose_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE     SLIT(".")
-mkInt_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("I#")
-error_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE SLIT("error")
-showString_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("showString")
-showParen_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("showParen")
-readParen_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("readParen")
-lex_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("lex")
-showSpace_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("__showSpace")
-_showList_PN    = prelude_val pRELUDE SLIT("__showList")
-_readList_PN    = prelude_val pRELUDE SLIT("__readList")
-prelude_val    m s = Unqual s
-prelude_method c o = Unqual o
-prelude_primop   o = origName (primOpId o)
+prelude_primop   o = case (origName "prelude_primop" (primOpId o)) of { OrigName m n -> Qual m n }
+false_PN	= preludeQual SLIT("False")
+true_PN		= preludeQual SLIT("True")
+and_PN		= preludeQual SLIT("&&")
+not_PN		= preludeQual SLIT("not")
+append_PN	= preludeQual SLIT("++")
+map_PN		= preludeQual SLIT("map")
+compose_PN	= preludeQual SLIT(".")
+mkInt_PN	= preludeQual SLIT("I#")
+error_PN	= preludeQual SLIT("error")
+showString_PN	= preludeQual SLIT("showString")
+showParen_PN	= preludeQual SLIT("showParen")
+readParen_PN	= preludeQual SLIT("readParen")
+lex_PN		= preludeQual SLIT("lex")
+showSpace_PN	= Qual gHC__  SLIT("showSpace")
+_showList_PN    = Qual gHC__  SLIT("showList__")
+_readList_PN    = Qual gHC__  SLIT("readList__")
 a_Expr		= HsVar a_PN
 b_Expr		= HsVar b_PN
@@ -1139,20 +1140,20 @@ d_Pat		= VarPatIn d_PN
 con2tag_PN, tag2con_PN, maxtag_PN :: TyCon -> RdrName
 con2tag_PN tycon
-  = let	(mod, nm) = moduleNamePair tycon
+  = let	(OrigName mod nm) = origName "con2tag_PN" tycon
 	con2tag	  = SLIT("con2tag_") _APPEND_ nm _APPEND_ SLIT("#")
-    (if fromPrelude mod then Unqual else Qual mod) con2tag
+    Qual mod con2tag
 tag2con_PN tycon
-  = let	(mod, nm) = moduleNamePair tycon
+  = let	(OrigName mod nm) = origName "tag2con_PN" tycon
 	tag2con	  = SLIT("tag2con_") _APPEND_ nm _APPEND_ SLIT("#")
-    (if fromPrelude mod then Unqual else Qual mod) tag2con
+    Qual mod tag2con
 maxtag_PN tycon
-  = let	(mod, nm) = moduleNamePair tycon
+  = let	(OrigName mod nm) = origName "maxtag_PN" tycon
 	maxtag	  = SLIT("maxtag_") _APPEND_ nm _APPEND_ SLIT("#")
-    (if fromPrelude mod then Unqual else Qual mod) maxtag
+    Qual mod maxtag
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
index 54d2b7a262153a4e5b29a17e645241db06223f85..93149e4646211b07c9789721cee8cae8730562e6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import PprType  ( GenType, GenTyVar ) 	-- instances
 import Type	( mkTyVarTy, tyVarsOfType )
 import TyVar	( GenTyVar {- instances -},
 		  TyVarEnv(..), growTyVarEnvList, emptyTyVarSet )
-import TysWiredIn	( voidTy )
+import TysPrim	( voidTy )
 import Unique	( Unique )		-- instances
 import UniqFM
 import PprStyle
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ type TcExpr s	     	= HsExpr (TcTyVar s) UVar (TcIdOcc s) (TcPat s)
 type TcGRHSsAndBinds s	= GRHSsAndBinds (TcTyVar s) UVar (TcIdOcc s) (TcPat s)
 type TcGRHS s		= GRHS (TcTyVar s) UVar (TcIdOcc s) (TcPat s)
 type TcMatch s		= Match (TcTyVar s) UVar (TcIdOcc s) (TcPat s)
-type TcQual s		= Qual (TcTyVar s) UVar (TcIdOcc s) (TcPat s)
+type TcQual s		= Qualifier (TcTyVar s) UVar (TcIdOcc s) (TcPat s)
 type TcStmt s		= Stmt (TcTyVar s) UVar (TcIdOcc s) (TcPat s)
 type TcArithSeqInfo s	= ArithSeqInfo (TcTyVar s) UVar (TcIdOcc s) (TcPat s)
 type TcRecordBinds s	= HsRecordBinds (TcTyVar s) UVar (TcIdOcc s) (TcPat s)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ type TypecheckedHsBinds		= HsBinds	TyVar UVar Id TypecheckedPat
 type TypecheckedBind		= Bind		TyVar UVar Id TypecheckedPat
 type TypecheckedHsExpr		= HsExpr	TyVar UVar Id TypecheckedPat
 type TypecheckedArithSeqInfo	= ArithSeqInfo	TyVar UVar Id TypecheckedPat
-type TypecheckedQual		= Qual		TyVar UVar Id TypecheckedPat
+type TypecheckedQual		= Qualifier	TyVar UVar Id TypecheckedPat
 type TypecheckedStmt		= Stmt		TyVar UVar Id TypecheckedPat
 type TypecheckedMatch		= Match		TyVar UVar Id TypecheckedPat
 type TypecheckedGRHSsAndBinds	= GRHSsAndBinds TyVar UVar Id TypecheckedPat
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
index 80238ffce9dadc405be5066a68465a1118c76509..aa8590a41e049374471041fb8adfa92b4ae99fa9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import HsSyn		( InstDecl(..), FixityDecl, Sig(..),
 			  SpecInstSig(..), HsBinds(..), Bind(..),
 			  MonoBinds(..), GRHSsAndBinds, Match, 
 			  InPat(..), OutPat(..), HsExpr(..), HsLit(..),
-			  Stmt, Qual, ArithSeqInfo, Fake,
+			  Stmt, Qualifier, ArithSeqInfo, Fake,
 			  PolyType(..), MonoType )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsBinds(..), RenamedMonoBinds(..),
 			  RenamedInstDecl(..), RenamedFixityDecl(..),
@@ -54,9 +54,10 @@ import Unify		( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyLists )
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags,
 			  concatBag, foldBag, bagToList )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_GlasgowExts, opt_CompilingPrelude,
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_GlasgowExts,
-			  opt_SpecialiseOverloaded )
+			  opt_SpecialiseOverloaded
+			)
 import Class		( GenClass, GenClassOp, 
 			  isCcallishClass, classBigSig,
 			  classOps, classOpLocalType,
@@ -232,8 +233,7 @@ tcInstDecl1 mod_name
     if (not from_here && (clas `derivedFor` inst_tycon)
 	              && all isTyVarTy arg_tys)
-	if not opt_CompilingPrelude && maybeToBool inst_mod &&
-	   mod_name == expectJust "inst_mod" inst_mod
+	if mod_name == inst_mod
 		-- Imported instance came from this module;
 		-- discard and derive fresh instance
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ makeInstanceDeclNoDefaultExpr
 	-> [Id]
 	-> TcType s
 	-> Class
-	-> Maybe Module
+	-> Module
 	-> Int
 	-> NF_TcM s (TcExpr s)
@@ -555,13 +555,11 @@ makeInstanceDeclNoDefaultExpr origin meth_ids defm_ids inst_ty clas inst_mod tag
     Just (_, _, err_defm_ok) = isDefaultMethodId_maybe defm_id
-    mod_str = case inst_mod of { Nothing -> pRELUDE; Just m -> m }
-    error_msg = _UNPK_ mod_str ++ "." ++ _UNPK_ clas_name ++ "."
+    error_msg = _UNPK_ inst_mod ++ "." ++ _UNPK_ clas_name ++ "."
 	     	++ (ppShow 80 (ppr PprForUser inst_ty)) ++ "."
 	     	++ (ppShow 80 (ppr PprForUser clas_op))	++ "\""
-    clas_name = nameOf (origName clas)
+    clas_name = nameOf (origName "makeInstanceDeclNoDefaultExpr" clas)
@@ -930,7 +928,6 @@ scrutiniseInstanceType from_here clas inst_tau
 	-- A user declaration of a CCallable/CReturnable instance
 	-- must be for a "boxed primitive" type.
     isCcallishClass clas
---  && not opt_CompilingPrelude		-- which allows anything
     && not (maybeToBool (maybeBoxedPrimType inst_tau))
   = failTc (nonBoxedPrimCCallErr clas inst_tau)
@@ -961,9 +958,7 @@ derivingWhenInstanceImportedErr inst_mod clas tycon sty
   = ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "Deriving class `", ppr sty clas, ppStr "' type `", ppr sty tycon, ppStr "'"])
          4 (ppBesides [ppStr "when an instance declared in module `", pp_mod, ppStr "' has been imported"])
-    pp_mod = case inst_mod of
-	       Nothing -> ppPStr SLIT("the standard Prelude")
-	       Just  m -> ppBesides [ppStr "module `", ppPStr m, ppStr "'"]
+    pp_mod = ppBesides [ppStr "module `", ppPStr inst_mod, ppStr "'"]
 nonBoxedPrimCCallErr clas inst_ty sty
   = ppHang (ppStr "Instance isn't for a `boxed-primitive' type")
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
index 04717e360598607608fc375da486e20b535ea5f6..fde76aae7c3ab52505cfc9af26dbfd41c9e9af67 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ data InstInfo
       [Id]		-- Constant methods (either all or none)
       RenamedMonoBinds	-- Bindings, b
       Bool		-- True <=> local instance decl
-      (Maybe Module)	-- Name of module where this instance defined; Nothing => Prelude
+      Module		-- Name of module where this instance defined
       SrcLoc		-- Source location assoc'd with this instance's defn
       [RenamedSig]	-- User pragmas recorded for generating specialised instances
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ data InstInfo
 mkInstanceRelatedIds :: Bool
 		     -> SrcLoc
-		     -> Maybe Module
+		     -> Module
                      -> RenamedInstancePragmas
 		     -> Class 
 		     -> [TyVar]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
index b857bb00f0487ac65e6b895a0082c87f614d8124..45aaa5d693f2aa2199cc1723a11e09aab9a438eb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module TcPat ( tcPat ) where
 import HsSyn		( InPat(..), OutPat(..), HsExpr(..), HsLit(..),
-			  Match, HsBinds, Qual, PolyType,
+			  Match, HsBinds, Qualifier, PolyType,
 			  ArithSeqInfo, Stmt, Fake )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedPat(..) )
 import TcHsSyn		( TcPat(..), TcIdOcc(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
index 21f45479df6e36db588cbc8f16074ab3f8c13ee3..c6089d007901cb4ae227e84a27b57cd62b341bf9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module TcSimplify (
 import HsSyn		( MonoBinds(..), HsExpr(..), InPat, OutPat, HsLit, 
-			  Match, HsBinds, Qual, PolyType, ArithSeqInfo,
+			  Match, HsBinds, Qualifier, PolyType, ArithSeqInfo,
 			  GRHSsAndBinds, Stmt, Fake )
 import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc(..), TcIdBndr(..), TcExpr(..), TcMonoBinds(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
index 680753e2c6bd6629308b7ba7d1ebd4f3a15a0c98..8ee07e5d2d94e251845643884de36cc1d9f5cb64 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import Inst		( InstanceMapper(..) )
 import TcClassDcl	( tcClassDecl1 )
 import TcEnv		( tcExtendTyConEnv, tcExtendClassEnv,
-			  tcExtendGlobalValEnv, 
 			  tcTyVarScope, tcGetEnv )
 import TcKind		( TcKind, newKindVars )
 import TcTyDecls	( tcTyDecl, mkDataBinds )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
index 47649c76bbeb88c254dc4f4701f624493b73bb9a..0191ba6d53f2ee05108b6a098f68230cf4b536d9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-}
 import HsSyn		( TyDecl(..), ConDecl(..), BangType(..), HsExpr(..), 
 			  Match(..), GRHSsAndBinds(..), GRHS(..), OutPat(..), 
-			  HsBinds(..), HsLit, Stmt, Qual, ArithSeqInfo,
+			  HsBinds(..), HsLit, Stmt, Qualifier, ArithSeqInfo,
 			  PolyType, Fake, InPat,
 			  Bind(..), MonoBinds(..), Sig, 
 			  MonoType )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
index b386d1ade2111ed55def40176bc30395e167c2b9..a237dc6eefa6f1b6ef4d72fcac34303702118e5e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import TcKind	( TcKind )
 import TcMonad	hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import Usage	( Usage(..), GenUsage, UVar(..), duffUsage )
-import TysWiredIn	( voidTy )
+import TysPrim		( voidTy )
 import Unique		( Unique )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
index eb6ed43bdcadc217f0a4b1f77652dbe58e1677f9..a4c6d2cf195d26b5b97c45fd64e5c2fecc36d2e8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ import Usage		( GenUsage(..) )
 import CStrings		( identToC )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_OmitInterfacePragmas )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import Name		( isLexVarSym, isLexSpecialSym, isPreludeDefined, origName, moduleOf,
-			  nameOrigName, nameOf, Name{-instance Outputable-}
+import Name		( isLexVarSym, isLexSpecialSym, origName, moduleOf,
+			  getLocalName, Name{-instance Outputable-}
 import Outputable	( ifPprShowAll, interpp'SP )
 import PprEnv
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..), codeStyle, showUserishTypes )
 import Pretty
 import TysWiredIn	( listTyCon )
 import UniqFM		( addToUFM_Directly, lookupUFM_Directly, ufmToList{-ToDo:rm-} )
-import Unique		( pprUnique10, pprUnique, incrUnique )
+import Unique		( pprUnique10, pprUnique, incrUnique, listTyConKey )
 import Usage		( UVar(..), pprUVar )
 import Util
@@ -147,8 +147,12 @@ ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec ty@(FunTy (DictTy _ _ _) _ _)
     (theta, body_ty) = splitRhoTy ty
-    ppr_theta [ct] = ppr_dict sty env tOP_PREC ct
-    ppr_theta cts  = ppParens (ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr_dict sty env tOP_PREC) cts))
+    ppr_theta = case sty of { PprInterface -> ppr_theta_2 ; _ -> ppr_theta_1 }
+    ppr_theta_1 [ct] = ppr_dict sty env tOP_PREC ct
+    ppr_theta_1 cts  = ppParens (ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr_dict sty env tOP_PREC) cts))
+    ppr_theta_2 cts  = ppBesides [ppStr "{{", ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr_dict sty env tOP_PREC) cts), ppStr "}}"]
 ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec (FunTy ty1 ty2 usage)
     -- We fiddle the precedences passed to left/right branches,
@@ -163,9 +167,11 @@ ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec ty@(AppTy _ _)
     (fun_ty, arg_tys) = splitAppTy ty
+{- OLD:
 ppr_ty PprInterface env ctxt_prec (SynTy tycon tys expansion)
   -- always expand types in an interface
   = ppr_ty PprInterface env ctxt_prec expansion
 ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec (SynTy tycon tys expansion)
   = ppBeside
@@ -267,7 +273,7 @@ pprGenTyVar sty (TyVar uniq kind name usage)
     pp_u    = pprUnique uniq
     pp_name = case name of
-		Just n  -> ppPStr (nameOf (nameOrigName n))
+		Just n  -> ppPStr (getLocalName n)
 		Nothing -> case kind of
 				TypeKind        -> ppChar 'o'
 				BoxedTypeKind   -> ppChar 't'
@@ -287,13 +293,25 @@ ToDo; all this is suspiciously like getOccName!
 showTyCon :: PprStyle -> TyCon -> String
 showTyCon sty tycon = ppShow 80 (pprTyCon sty tycon)
+maybe_code sty = if codeStyle sty then identToC else ppPStr
 pprTyCon :: PprStyle -> TyCon -> Pretty
-pprTyCon sty FunTyCon 		    = ppStr "(->)"
-pprTyCon sty (TupleTyCon _ name _)  = ppr sty name
 pprTyCon sty (PrimTyCon _ name _ _) = ppr sty name
+pprTyCon sty FunTyCon 		    = maybe_code sty SLIT("(->)")
+pprTyCon sty (TupleTyCon _ _ arity) = case arity of
+					0 -> maybe_code sty SLIT("()")
+					2 -> maybe_code sty SLIT("(,)")
+					3 -> maybe_code sty SLIT("(,,)")
+					4 -> maybe_code sty SLIT("(,,,)")
+					5 -> maybe_code sty SLIT("(,,,,)")
+					n -> maybe_code sty (_PK_ ( "(" ++ nOfThem (n-1) ',' ++ ")"))
 pprTyCon sty tycon@(DataTyCon uniq name kind tyvars ctxt cons derivings nd)
+  | uniq == listTyConKey
+  = maybe_code sty SLIT("[]")
+  | otherwise
   = ppr sty name
 pprTyCon sty (SpecTyCon tc ty_maybes)
@@ -352,23 +370,16 @@ ppr_class_op sty tyvars (ClassOp op_name i ty)
     -- vaguely close to what can be used in C identifier.
     -- Don't forget to include the module name!!!
 getTypeString :: Type -> [FAST_STRING]
-getTypeString ty
-  | is_prelude_ty = [string]
-  | otherwise     = [mod, string]
+getTypeString ty = [mod, string]
     string = _PK_ (tidy (ppShow 1000 ppr_t))
     ppr_t  = pprGenType PprForC ty
 			-- PprForC expands type synonyms as it goes
-    (is_prelude_ty, mod)
+    mod
       = case (maybeAppTyCon ty) of
-	  Nothing -> true_bottom
-	  Just (tycon,_) ->
-	    if isPreludeDefined tycon
-	    then true_bottom
-	    else (False, moduleOf (origName tycon))
-    true_bottom = (True, panic "getTypeString")
+	  Nothing -> panic "getTypeString"
+	  Just (tycon,_) -> moduleOf (origName "getTypeString" tycon)
     -- tidy: very ad-hoc
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
index be4eccd0299c7bf32b97892eace9c9b77be0725a..02a7dd3fb66310ec9a0f3e8a0b644463bda0bd2b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ instance NamedThing TyCon where
     getName tc				= panic "TyCon.getName"
 {- LATER:
-    getName (SpecTyCon tc tys) = let (m,n) = moduleNamePair tc in
+    getName (SpecTyCon tc tys) = let (OrigName m n) = origName "????" tc in
        			     (m, n _APPEND_ specMaybeTysSuffix tys)
     getName	other_tc           = moduleNamePair (expectJust "tycon1" (getName other_tc))
     getName other			     = Nothing
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi
index 2491f4c638b0a81f6666a69c0615e0cec738268a..9fb866fcad27ec5c9039bb20e2b609391346c6af 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import TyVar   ( GenTyVar, TyVar )
 import Type    ( GenType, Type )
 import Usage   ( GenUsage )
 import Class   ( Class, GenClass )
-import TysWiredIn ( voidTy )
+import TysPrim ( voidTy )
 data GenId    ty
 data GenType  tyvar uvar
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Bag.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Bag.lhs
index 6085e37123c31c221b6e1a62fe2feb350999e39a..36fe3148ad872b65b95fce21196d4d15585140e9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Bag.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Bag.lhs
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ module Bag (
 	Bag,	-- abstract type
 	emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags,
-	elemBag, mapBag,
+	mapBag, -- UNUSED: elemBag,
 	filterBag, partitionBag, concatBag, foldBag,
 	isEmptyBag, consBag, snocBag,
-	listToBag, bagToList, bagToList_append
+	listToBag, bagToList
     ) where
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ data Bag a
 emptyBag = EmptyBag
 unitBag  = UnitBag
 elemBag :: Eq a => a -> Bag a -> Bool
 elemBag x EmptyBag        = False
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ elemBag x (UnitBag y)     = x==y
 elemBag x (TwoBags b1 b2) = x `elemBag` b1 || x `elemBag` b2
 elemBag x (ListBag ys)    = any (x ==) ys
 elemBag x (ListOfBags bs) = any (x `elemBag`) bs
 unionManyBags [] = EmptyBag
 unionManyBags xs = ListOfBags xs
@@ -139,6 +141,7 @@ bagToList (ListBag vs) = vs
 bagToList b = bagToList_append b []
     -- (bagToList_append b xs) flattens b and puts xs on the end.
+    -- (not exported)
 bagToList_append EmptyBag 	 xs = xs
 bagToList_append (UnitBag x)	 xs = x:xs
 bagToList_append (TwoBags b1 b2) xs = bagToList_append b1 (bagToList_append b2 xs)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi b/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi
index 82e31b4b144993f726af56c824cfe132103d40fe..1632c4bf96bebf29d5f5de4ec02fa71d6a285791 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Literal		( Literal )
 import MachRegs		( Reg )
 import Maybes		( MaybeErr )
 import MatchEnv 	( MatchEnv )
-import Name		( Module(..), RdrName, Name, ExportFlag, NamedThing(..) )
+import Name		( Module(..), OrigName, RdrName, Name, ExportFlag, NamedThing(..) )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle )
 import PragmaInfo	( PragmaInfo )
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ data Literal
 data MaybeErr a b
 data MatchEnv a b
 data Name
+data OrigName = OrigName _PackedString _PackedString
 data RdrName = Unqual _PackedString | Qual _PackedString _PackedString
 data Reg
 data OutPat a b c
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
index 8ae4b4b727b057a2403f89661b0960044d8e4e6f..37cb8c0e5ed2288e6e33144aaad2509adff480c0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
@@ -211,6 +211,7 @@ startsWith, endsWith :: String -> String -> Maybe String
 startsWith []     str = Just str
 startsWith (c:cs) (s:ss)
   = if c /= s then Nothing else startsWith cs ss
+startWith  _	  []  = Nothing
 endsWith cs ss
   = case (startsWith (reverse cs) (reverse ss)) of