diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lc b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lc
index 67020a8dbf555b31d62fdd28fdd52b3c962f37b9..481fe7bb86b9ccc73c00c01a5f07fe76654cc928 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lc
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lc
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@ Trace_ForeignObj( FOptr )
   P_ FOptr;
   if (RTSflags.GcFlags.trace & DEBUG_TRACE_FOREIGNOBJS) {
-    printf("DEBUG: ForeignObj(%lx)=<%lx,_,%lx,%lx,%lx>\n", (W_) FOptr, (W_) FOptr[0], (W_) FOptr[1], (W_) FOptr[2], (W_) FOptr[3]);
-    printf(" Data = %lx, Finaliser = %lx, Next = %lx\n", 
+    printf("DEBUG: ForeignObj(%0x)=<%0x,%0x,%0x,%0x>\n", (W_) FOptr, (W_) FOptr[0], (W_) FOptr[1], (W_) FOptr[2], (W_) FOptr[3]);
+    printf(" Data = %0x, Finaliser = %0x, Next = %0x\n", 
 	(W_) ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(FOptr), 
 	(W_) ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(FOptr), 
 	(W_) ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr) );
@@ -362,6 +362,74 @@ reportDeadForeignObjs(oldFOList, new, newFOList)
 #endif /* _INFO_COPYING */
+@freeForeigns@ summarily calls the finaliser routines for
+all live foreign objects, done when closing down.
+(code is just a rip off of the above).
+#if defined(_INFO_COPYING)
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+# if defined(GCgn)
+# else
+# endif
+  Call the ForeignObj finalising routine on all the live FOs,
+  used when shutting down.
+  P_ foList;
+    P_ FOptr, temp;
+    I_ FO_deaths = 0;
+    /* At this point, exitSSM() has been calledthe ForeignObjList is in an invalid state (since
+       some info ptrs will have been mangled) so we can't validate
+       it. ADR */
+    DEBUG_STRING("Freeing all live Foreign Objects:");
+    FOptr = foList;
+    while ( FOptr != NULL ) {
+	/* I'm not convinced that the situation of having
+	   indirections linked into the FO list can ever occur,
+	   but chasing indirections doesn't hurt. */
+       while(IS_INDIRECTION(INFO_PTR(FOptr))) {
+    	   FOptr = (P_) IND_CLOSURE_PTR(FOptr);
+       }
+       if ((P_) INFO_PTR(FOptr) == ForeignObj_info ) {
+          TRACE_ForeignObj(FOptr);
+          TRACE_FOdies(FOptr);
+          (*(void (*)(StgAddr))(ForeignObj_CLOSURE_FINALISER(FOptr)))((StgAddr)ForeignObj_CLOSURE_DATA(FOptr));
+          FO_deaths++;
+          temp  = FOptr;
+          FOptr = ForeignObj_CLOSURE_LINK(FOptr);
+          /* Now trash the closure to encourage bugs to show themselves */
+          TRASH_ForeignObj_CLOSURE( temp );
+      } else {
+	  fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Foreign object list contained unexpected element, bailing out of FO cleanup.\n"); 
+	  return 1;
+      }
+    }
+    return 0;
+#endif /* _INFO_COPYING */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lh b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lh
index 4bac2bca6232d6b2ee49584b3086ba89cd72853a..8e0b7f2cae1a6888af72b718b280725e937af021 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lh
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMextn.lh
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ void initExtensions PROTO((smInfo *sm));
 void evacSPTable PROTO((smInfo *sm));
 void reportDeadForeignObjs PROTO((StgPtr oldMPList, StgPtr new, StgPtr *newMPLust));
+int  freeForeigns PROTO((StgPtr foList));
 # endif /* _INFO_COPYING */
diff --git a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMinit.lc b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMinit.lc
index 6de8ecba5b62dc11cca3ea9c7cb9f674279f88b5..2693f10ded856f5fa0ee4365c67999a0c9509cde 100644
--- a/ghc/runtime/storage/SMinit.lc
+++ b/ghc/runtime/storage/SMinit.lc
@@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ A filehandle to which any storage-manager statistics should be written.
 exitSM (smInfo *sm_info)
+    int rc;
      /* Upon closing down the storage manager, we free all foreign objects */
-    freeForeigns(sm_info->ForeignObjList);
+    rc = freeForeigns(sm_info->ForeignObjList);
+     /* Return code ignored for now */
     stat_exit(sm_info->hp - hp_start);
     return rtsTrue; /* I'm happy */