diff --git a/glafp-utils/scripts/Jmakefile b/glafp-utils/scripts/Jmakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index b3589a3fb07788aedd460d2599d5997d44afb111..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/scripts/Jmakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-PROGRAMS = lndir \
-	   runstdtest \
-	   mkdependC \
-	   mkdirhier \
-	   fastmake \
-	   ltx
-all:: $(PROGRAMS)
-/* stuff to have before we get going */
-/* === BUILD STUFF (installation, etc., below) ========== */
-/* std X11 stuff: used in installing ghc/hslibs */
-mkdependC has to go in "bin" directory, because there may be
-machine-dependent ideas of what CC to use, etc.
-ltx, runstdtest: ditto, but only because of TMPDIR
-/* === INSTALLATION ======== */
-/* the rest of these vary from std/useful to hackish dans le extreme */
-MakeDirectories(install, $(INSTBINDIR) $(INSTSCRIPTDIR))
-InstallScriptTarget(fastmake,	  $(INSTSCRIPTDIR))
-InstallBinaryTarget(lndir,	  $(INSTBINDIR))
-InstallScriptTarget(ltx,	  $(INSTBINDIR))
-InstallScriptTarget(mkdependC,	  $(INSTBINDIR))
-InstallScriptTarget(runstdtest,  $(INSTBINDIR))
-/* === OTHER STUFF ========= */
-PerlTagsTarget( *.prl ) /* nothing for the Bourne shell scripts */
diff --git a/glafp-utils/scripts/fastmake.prl b/glafp-utils/scripts/fastmake.prl
deleted file mode 100644
index 730e6a41a5aa3c5806dc46e1781b61fa3e5b3fbe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/scripts/fastmake.prl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/local/bin/perl
-($Pgm = $0) =~ s/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/;
-$Usage = "\n" . <<EOUSAGE;
-    $Pgm [-? or -help] [-k] [-n] [-v] [-t] dir/module-target(s)
-This script runs `make' to build the requested target, WITHOUT
-including the dependencies generated by `mkdependHS' (i.e., all those
-derived from import declarations).
-With a -t flag, it also sets the modification time of the resulting
-.hi file (one target only, please) to some EARLY date, so that changes
-to that interface will not trigger much useless recompilation.
-Typical uses, for module "Bar" in directory "foo":
-(1) You've changed "Bar" and you want to recompile it; you know that
-    other module interfaces are stable, so you'd rather do without all
-    of `make''s prognostications:
-    $Pgm foo/Bar.s
-(2) You've ADDED a new function to "Bar"; you want to recompile that
-    "changed" interface file:
-    $Pgm -t foo/Bar.s
-USE AT YOUR OWN RISK: you can make a big mess with this script!
-$Makefile = 'Makefile';
-if ( $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) { # where to make tmp file names
-    $Tmpfile = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} . "/Makefile$$";
-} else {
-    $Tmpfile  = "$(TMPDIR)/Makefile$$";
-    $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = '$(TMPDIR)'; # set the env var as well
-$SleazyTouch = '/usr/5bin/touch';
-$DoTouch = 0;
-$Verbose = 0;
-$MakeFlags = '';
-sub rm_temp_file {
-    print STDERR "rm $Tmpfile\n" if $Verbose;
-    unlink $Tmpfile;
-    exit(1);
-$SIG{'INT'}  = 'rm_temp_file';
-$SIG{'QUIT'} = 'rm_temp_file';
-$Target = '';
-$DirMod = '';	# the dir/module-file to make
-# process ARGV
-while ($_ = $ARGV[0]) {
-    shift(@ARGV);
-    if (/^-\?$/ || /^-help$/) {
-	print $Usage;
-	exit 1;
-    } elsif (/^-v$/) {
-	$Verbose = 1;
-    } elsif (/^-t$/) {
-	$Do_touch = 1;
-    } elsif (/^-k$/) {
-	$MakeFlags .= ' -k';
-    } elsif (/^-n$/) {
-	$MakeFlags .= ' -n';
-    } elsif (/^-d$/) {
-	$MakeFlags .= ' -d';
-    } elsif (/^-/) {
-	print STDERR "$Pgm: unknown option: $_\n\n$Usage";
-	exit 1;
-    } elsif (/^([A-Z_]+)=(.+)/) {
-	$MakeFlags .= " $1=\"$2\"";
-    } elsif ($Do_touch) { # the module file
-	$Target = $_;
-	if ( /([^\/]+\/[^\/\.]+)\.[a-z]+/ ) {
-	    $DirMod = $1;
-	} else {
-	    print STDERR "$Pgm: argument not of the form: directory/Module.suffix: $_\n\n$Usage";
-	    exit 1;
-	}
-    } else {	# accumulate as "Target"...
-	$Target .= " $_";
-    }
-if ($Do_touch && $Target =~ / /) {
-    print STDERR "$Pgm: too many arguments\n\n$Usage";
-    exit 1;
-open(INF, "<$Makefile") || die "Can't open $Makefile for input\n";
-open(OUTF,">$Tmpfile") || die "Can't open $Tmpfile for output\n";
-$_ = <INF>;
-# copy through until ...
-while ( $_ && ! /^# DO NOT DELETE: Beginning of Haskell dependencies/ ) {
-    print $_;
-    $_ = <INF>;
-# now copy through 'til the end, omitting the %.{o,s,hc} : %.hi dependencies
-while ( $_ ) {
-    print $_ if ! /^\S+ : \S+\.hi$/;
-    $_ = <INF>;
-$Make = 'make JMAKE=jmake LIT2PGM=lit2pgm LIT2LATEX=lit2latex LIT2TEXI=lit2texi MKDEPENDLIT=mkdependlit MAKEINFO=makeinfo POSTMAKEINFO=postmakeinfo';
-print STDERR "$Make $MakeFlags -f $Tmpfile $Target; rm $Tmpfile\n" if $Verbose;
-system( "$Make $MakeFlags -f $Tmpfile $Target; rm $Tmpfile" );
-if ($Do_touch) {
-    print STDERR "$SleazyTouch -m 01010101 $DirMod\.hi\n" if $Verbose;
-    system( "$SleazyTouch -m 01010101 $DirMod\.hi" );
diff --git a/glafp-utils/scripts/lndir-Xos.h b/glafp-utils/scripts/lndir-Xos.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e91e959c73f6de52d737e6204d0855b79bc427df..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/scripts/lndir-Xos.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
- * $XConsortium: Xos.h,v 1.47 91/08/17 17:14:38 rws Exp $
- * 
- * Copyright 1987 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided 
- * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that 
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting 
- * documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising
- * or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, 
- * written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the 
- * suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
- * without express or implied warranty.
- *
- * The X Window System is a Trademark of MIT.
- *
- */
-/* This is a collection of things to try and minimize system dependencies
- * in a "signficant" number of source files.
- */
-#ifndef _XOS_H_
-#define _XOS_H_
-#include "lndir-Xosdefs.h"
- * Get major data types (esp. caddr_t)
- */
-#ifdef USG
-#ifndef __TYPES__
-#ifdef CRAY
-#define word word_t
-#endif /* CRAY */
-#include <sys/types.h>			/* forgot to protect it... */
-#define __TYPES__
-#endif /* __TYPES__ */
-#else /* USG */
-#if defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) && defined(MOTOROLA)
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#define _POSIX_SOURCE
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#endif /* USG */
- * Just about everyone needs the strings routines.  We provide both forms here,
- * index/rindex and strchr/strrchr, so any systems that don't provide them all
- * need to have #defines here.
- */
-#ifndef X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-#include <string.h>
-#define index strchr
-#define rindex strrchr
-#ifdef SYSV
-#include <string.h>
-#define index strchr
-#define rindex strrchr
-#include <strings.h>
-#define strchr index
-#define strrchr rindex
- * Get open(2) constants
- */
-#ifdef X_NOT_POSIX
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#ifdef USL
-#include <unistd.h>
-#endif /* USL */
-#ifdef CRAY
-#include <unistd.h>
-#endif /* CRAY */
-#ifdef MOTOROLA
-#include <unistd.h>
-#endif /* MOTOROLA */
-#ifdef SYSV386
-#include <unistd.h>
-#endif /* SYSV386 */
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#else /* X_NOT_POSIX */
-#if !defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) && defined(macII)
-#define _POSIX_SOURCE
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#endif /* X_NOT_POSIX else */
- * Get struct timeval
- */
-#ifdef SYSV
-#ifndef USL
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#ifdef CRAY
-#undef word
-#endif /* CRAY */
-#if defined(USG) && !defined(CRAY) && !defined(MOTOROLA)
-struct timeval {
-    long tv_sec;
-    long tv_usec;
-struct timezone {
-    int tz_minuteswest;
-    int tz_dsttime;
-#endif /* USL_SHARELIB */
-#endif /* USG */
-#else /* not SYSV */
-#if defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) && defined(SVR4)
-/* need to omit _POSIX_SOURCE in order to get what we want in SVR4 */
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#define _POSIX_SOURCE
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#endif /* SYSV */
-/* use POSIX name for signal */
-#if defined(X_NOT_POSIX) && defined(SYSV) && !defined(SIGCHLD)
-#ifdef ISC
-#include <sys/bsdtypes.h>
-#endif /* _XOS_H_ */
diff --git a/glafp-utils/scripts/lndir-Xosdefs.h b/glafp-utils/scripts/lndir-Xosdefs.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e21db4b24ed08e1263621630b2c0b445efc37b90..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/scripts/lndir-Xosdefs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
- * O/S-dependent (mis)feature macro definitions
- *
- * $XConsortium: Xosdefs.h,v 1.7 91/07/19 23:22:19 rws Exp $
- *
- * Copyright 1991 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or
- * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
- * written prior permission.  M.I.T. makes no representations about the
- * suitability of this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is"
- * without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
-#ifndef _XOSDEFS_H_
-#define _XOSDEFS_H_
- * X_NOT_STDC_ENV means does not have ANSI C header files.  Lack of this
- * symbol does NOT mean that the system has stdarg.h.
- *
- * X_NOT_POSIX means does not have POSIX header files.  Lack of this
- * symbol does NOT mean that the POSIX environment is the default.
- * You may still have to define _POSIX_SOURCE to get it.
- */
-#define X_NOT_POSIX
-#define X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-#ifdef NeXT
-#define X_NOT_POSIX
-#ifdef sony
-#define X_NOT_POSIX
-#ifdef UTEK
-#define X_NOT_POSIX
-#define X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-#ifdef CRAY
-#define X_NOT_POSIX
-#ifdef vax
-#ifndef ultrix			/* assume vanilla BSD */
-#define X_NOT_POSIX
-#define X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-#ifdef luna
-#define X_NOT_POSIX
-#define X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-#ifdef Mips
-#define X_NOT_POSIX
-#define X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-#ifdef USL
-#ifdef SYSV /* (release 3.2) */
-#define X_NOT_POSIX
-#define X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-#ifdef SYSV386
-#ifdef SYSV
-#define X_NOT_POSIX
-#define X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-#ifdef MOTOROLA
-#ifdef SYSV
-#define X_NOT_STDC_ENV
-#endif /* _XOSDEFS_H_ */
diff --git a/glafp-utils/scripts/lndir.c b/glafp-utils/scripts/lndir.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a932ae56f07253c1c6dcf848d584cdc90b547f00..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/scripts/lndir.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-/* $XConsortium: lndir.c,v 1.5 91/07/21 15:52:11 rws Exp $ */
-/* Create shadow link tree (after X11R4 script of the same name)
-   Mark Reinhold (mbr@lcs.mit.edu)/3 January 1990 */
-/* Copyright 1990, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
-   Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this program for any purpose
-   and without fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright and
-   permission notice appear on all copies and supporting documentation, that
-   the name of MIT not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to
-   distribution of this program without specific prior permission, and that
-   notice be given in supporting documentation that copying and distribution is
-   by permission of MIT.  MIT makes no representations about the suitability of
-   this software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without expressed or
-   implied warranty.
-/* From the original /bin/sh script:
-   Used to create a copy of the a directory tree that has links for all
-   non-directories (except those named RCS or SCCS).  If you are
-   building the distribution on more than one machine, you should use
-   this script.
-   If your master sources are located in /usr/local/src/X and you would like
-   your link tree to be in /usr/local/src/new-X, do the following:
-   	%  mkdir /usr/local/src/new-X
-	%  cd /usr/local/src/new-X
-   	%  lndir ../X
-#include "lndir-Xos.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#ifndef X_NOT_POSIX
-#include <dirent.h>
-#ifdef SYSV
-#include <dirent.h>
-#ifdef USG
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#ifndef dirent
-#define dirent direct
-extern int errno;
-int silent;
-quit (code, fmt, a1, a2, a3)
-char *fmt;
-int code, a1, a2, a3; /* partain */
-    fprintf (stderr, fmt, a1, a2, a3);
-    putc ('\n', stderr);
-    exit (code);
-quiterr (code, s)
-char *s;
-int code; /* partain */
-    perror (s);
-    exit (code);
-msg (fmt, a1, a2, a3)
-char *fmt;
-int a1, a2, a3; /* partain */
-    fprintf (stderr, fmt, a1, a2, a3);
-    putc ('\n', stderr);
-/* Recursively create symbolic links from the current directory to the "from"
-   directory.  Assumes that files described by fs and ts are directories. */
-dodir (fn, fs, ts, rel)
-char *fn;			/* name of "from" directory, either absolute or
-				   relative to cwd */
-struct stat *fs, *ts;		/* stats for the "from" directory and cwd */
-int rel;			/* if true, prepend "../" to fn before using */
-    DIR *df;
-    struct dirent *dp;
-    char buf[MAXPATHLEN + 1], *p;
-    char symbuf[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
-    struct stat sb, sc;
-    int n_dirs;
-    if ((fs->st_dev == ts->st_dev) && (fs->st_ino == ts->st_ino)) {
-	msg ("%s: From and to directories are identical!", fn);
-	return 1;
-    }
-    if (rel)
-	strcpy (buf, "../");
-    else
-	buf[0] = '\0';
-    strcat (buf, fn);
-    if (!(df = opendir (buf))) {
-	msg ("%s: Cannot opendir", buf);
-	return 1;
-    }
-    p = buf + strlen (buf);
-    *p++ = '/';
-    n_dirs = fs->st_nlink;
-    while (dp = readdir (df)) {
-	strcpy (p, dp->d_name);
-	if (n_dirs > 0) {
-	    if (stat (buf, &sb) < 0) {
-		perror (buf);
-		continue;
-	    }
-	    if (sb.st_mode & S_IFDIR) {
-		/* directory */
-		n_dirs--;
-		if (dp->d_name[0] == '.' &&
-		    (dp->d_name[1] == '\0' || (dp->d_name[1] == '.' &&
-					       dp->d_name[2] == '\0')))
-		    continue;
-		if (!strcmp (dp->d_name, "CVS")) /* partain */
-		    continue;
-		if (!strcmp (dp->d_name, "RCS"))
-		    continue;
-		if (!strcmp (dp->d_name, "SCCS"))
-		    continue;
-		if (!silent)
-		    printf ("%s:\n", buf);
-		if ((stat (dp->d_name, &sc) < 0) && (errno == ENOENT)) {
-		    if (mkdir (dp->d_name, 0777) < 0 ||
-			stat (dp->d_name, &sc) < 0) {
-			perror (dp->d_name);
-			continue;
-		    }
-		}
-		if (readlink (dp->d_name, symbuf, sizeof(symbuf) - 1) >= 0) {
-		    msg ("%s: is a link instead of a directory\n", dp->d_name);
-		    continue;
-		}
-		if (chdir (dp->d_name) < 0) {
-		    perror (dp->d_name);
-		    continue;
-		}
-		dodir (buf, &sb, &sc, (buf[0] != '/'));
-		if (chdir ("..") < 0)
-		    quiterr (1, "..");
-		continue;
-	    }
-	}
-	/* non-directory */
-	if (symlink (buf, dp->d_name) < 0) {
-	    int saverrno = errno;
-	    int symlen;
-	    symlen = readlink(dp->d_name, symbuf, sizeof(symbuf) - 1);
-	    errno = saverrno;
-	    if (symlen > 0)
-		symbuf[symlen] = '\0';
-	    if (symlen < 0 || strcmp(symbuf, buf))
-		perror (dp->d_name);
-	}
-    }
-    closedir (df);
-    return 0;
-main (ac, av)
-int ac;
-char **av;
-    char *fn, *tn;
-    struct stat fs, ts;
-    silent = 0;
-    if (ac > 1 && !strcmp(av[1], "-silent")) {
-	silent = 1;
-    }
-    if (ac < silent + 2 || ac > silent + 3)
-	quit (1, "usage: %s [-silent] fromdir [todir]", av[0]);
-    fn = av[silent + 1];
-    if (ac == silent + 3)
-	tn = av[silent + 2];
-    else
-	tn = ".";
-    /* to directory */
-    if (stat (tn, &ts) < 0)
-	quiterr (1, tn);
-    if (!(ts.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
-	quit (2, "%s: Not a directory", tn);
-    if (chdir (tn) < 0)
-	quiterr (1, tn);
-    /* from directory */
-    if (stat (fn, &fs) < 0)
-	quiterr (1, fn);
-    if (!(fs.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
-	quit (2, "%s: Not a directory", fn);
-    exit (dodir (fn, &fs, &ts, 0));
diff --git a/glafp-utils/scripts/ltx.prl b/glafp-utils/scripts/ltx.prl
deleted file mode 100644
index bf5c767d0858f6dbf1034293065435cdecb4e71f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/scripts/ltx.prl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-$Pgm = $0; $Pgm =~ s/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/;
-# set up signal handler
-sub quit_upon_signal { &rm_temp_files_and_exit(); }
-$SIG{'INT'}  = 'quit_upon_signal';
-$SIG{'QUIT'} = 'quit_upon_signal';
-$Verbose = 0;
-if ($ARGV[0] eq '-v') {
-    $Verbose = 1;
-    shift(@ARGV);
-die "$Pgm: must have exactly one argument\n" if $#ARGV != 0;
-# figure out input file and its filename root
-if (-f $ARGV[0]) {
-    $TeX_input = $ARGV[0];
-    if ($TeX_input =~ /(.+)\.[^\.\/\n]+$/) {
-	$TeX_root  = $1;
-    } else {
-	$TeX_root  = $TeX_input;
-    }
-} elsif (-f $ARGV[0].'.tex') {
-    $TeX_input = $ARGV[0].'.tex';
-    $TeX_root  = $ARGV[0];
-} else {
-    die "$Pgm: input file $ARGV[0] doesn't exist\n";
-if ( $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) { # where to make tmp file names
-    $Tmp_prefix = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ;
-} else {
-    $Tmp_prefix ='$(TMPDIR)';
-    $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = '$(TMPDIR)'; # set the env var as well
-sub rm_temp_files {
-    system("rm -f $Tmp_prefix/ltx-*.$$");
-sub rm_temp_files_and_exit {
-    system("rm -f $Tmp_prefix/ltx-*.$$");
-    exit(1);
-$SIG{'INT'}  = 'rm_temp_files_and_exit';
-$SIG{'QUIT'} = 'rm_temp_files_and_exit';
-sub die_gracefully {
-    local($msg) = @_;
-    print STDERR $msg;
-    &rm_temp_files_and_exit();
-# must read through root file to see if a \bibliography
-# is there...
-$Bibliography_requested = 0;
-open(TEXIF, "<$TeX_input") 
-    || &die_gracefully("$Pgm: Can't read $TeX_input\n");
-while (<TEXIF>) {
-    $Bibliography_requested = 1 if /^\\bibliography/;
-&die_gracefully("$Pgm: reading $TeX_input had errors\n") if $? >> 8;
-# run latex first time (?)
-&run_latex(); # sets $Says_labels_changed
-$Times_run = 1;
-while (&something_more_needed()) {
-    print STDERR "labels_changed=$Says_label_changed;bibtex_needed=$BibTeX_run_needed;makeindex_needed=$MakeIndex_run_needed\n" if $Verbose;
-    if ($BibTeX_run_needed) {
-	&run_bibtex();
-    }
-    if ($MakeIndex_run_needed) {
-	unlink "$TeX_root.ind";
-	(system("makeindex $TeX_root.idx") >> 8) 
-	    && &die_gracefully("$Pgm: makeindex $TeX_root.idx had errors\n");
-    }
-    # save (copy) .aux file as .aux-prev file for future ref
-    # ditto for .idx file
-    unlink "$TeX_root.aux-prev";
-    (system("cp $TeX_root.aux $TeX_root.aux-prev") >> 8)
-	&& &die_gracefully("$Pgm: cp $TeX_root.aux $TeX_root.aux-prev failed\n");
-    if (-f "$TeX_root.idx") {
-	unlink "$TeX_root.idx-prev";
-	(system("cp $TeX_root.idx $TeX_root.idx-prev") >> 8)
-	    && &die_gracefully("$Pgm: cp $TeX_root.idx $TeX_root.idx-prev failed\n");
-    }
-    # run latex again
-    &run_latex(); # sets $Says_labels_changed
-    $Times_run++;
-    if ($Times_run >= 4) {
-	print STDERR "*** I don't run LaTeX more than four times;\n";
-	print STDERR "*** Something is probably wrong...\n";
-	&rm_temp_files_and_exit();
-    }
-sub run_latex {
-    $Says_labels_changed = 0;
-    $Multiply_defined_labels = 0;
-    select(STDERR); $| = 1; select(STDOUT); # no buffering on STDERR
-    print STDERR "$Pgm: *** running LaTeX...\n" if $Verbose;
-    unlink "$TeX_root.dvi";
-    open(LTXPIPE, "latex $TeX_input 2>&1 |") 
-    	|| &die_gracefully("$Pgm: Can't run latex pipe\n");
-    while (<LTXPIPE>) {
-	$Multiply_defined_labels = 1 if /^LaTeX Warning: Label .* multiply defined/;
-	$Says_labels_changed = 1 if /^LaTeX Warning: Label\(s\) may have changed/
-					&& ! $Multiply_defined_labels;
-	print STDERR $_;
-    }
-    close(LTXPIPE);
-    &die_gracefully("$Pgm: LaTeX run had errors\n") if $? >> 8;
-    # sort .idx file, because this helps makeindex
-    # (can you say `bug'?)
-    if (-f "$TeX_root.idx") {
-	print STDERR "$Pgm: *** sorting $TeX_root.idx...\n" if $Verbose;
-	(system("sort $TeX_root.idx -o $TeX_root.idx") >> 8)
-	&& &die_gracefully("$Pgm: sorting $TeX_root.idx failed\n");
-    }
-sub run_bibtex { # ugly because bibtex doesn't return a correct error status
-    local($bibtex_had_errors) = 0;
-    print STDERR "$Pgm: *** running BibTeX...\n" if $Verbose;
-    unlink "$TeX_root.bbl";
-    $| = 1; # no buffering
-    open(BIBTXPIPE, "bibtex $TeX_root 2>&1 |") 
-    	|| &die_gracefully("$Pgm: Can't run bibtex pipe\n");
-    while (<BIBTXPIPE>) {
-	$bibtex_had_errors = 1 if /^\(There.*error message(s)?\)$/;
-	print STDERR $_;
-    }
-    close(BIBTXPIPE);
-    &die_gracefully("$Pgm: BibTeX run had errors\n")
-    	if $? >> 8 || $bibtex_had_errors;
-sub something_more_needed {
-    # returns 1 or 0 if we need to run LaTeX
-    # possibly preceded by bibtex and/or makeindex run
-    # $Says_labels_changed was set by previous &run_latex...
-    $BibTeX_run_needed    = 0;
-    $MakeIndex_run_needed = 0;
-    if ( ! -f ($TeX_root . '.aux-prev')) { # this was the first run
-	print STDERR "$Pgm: *** 'twas first run of LaTeX on $TeX_input\n" if $Verbose;
-	# we need makeindex to run if a non-zero-sized .idx file exists
-	#
-	$MakeIndex_run_needed = 1
-	    if -f "$TeX_root.idx" && -s "$TeX_root.idx";
-	# we need bibtex to run if there are \citations in the .aux file
-	#
-        &slurp_aux_file('aux');
-	$BibTeX_run_needed = 1
-	    if $Bibliography_requested &&
-	      -f "$Tmp_prefix/ltx-aux-cite.$$" &&
-	      -s "$Tmp_prefix/ltx-aux-cite.$$";
-    } else { # ltx had been run before (.aux-prev/.idx-prev files exist)
-	# slurp both .aux and .aux-prev files
-        &slurp_aux_file('aux');
-        &slurp_aux_file('aux-prev');
-	local($tmp_pre) = "$Tmp_prefix/ltx";
-	if ((-s "$tmp_pre-.aux-cite.$$") # there are still \cite's in there
-	 && (system("cmp -s $tmp_pre-.aux-cite.$$ $tmp_pre-.aux-prev-cite.$$") >> 8)) {
-	    $BibTeX_run_needed = 1 if $Bibliography_requested;
-	    if ($Verbose) {
-		system("$(CONTEXT_DIFF) $tmp_pre-.aux-prev-cite.$$ $tmp_pre-.aux-cite.$$");
-	    }
-	}
-	if (-f "$TeX_root.idx") {
-	    $MakeIndex_run_needed =
-		(system("cmp -s $TeX_root.idx $TeX_root.idx-prev") >> 8) ? 1 : 0;
-	    if ($MakeIndex_run_needed && $Verbose) {
-		system("$(CONTEXT_DIFF) $TeX_root.idx-prev $TeX_root.idx");
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-    $Says_labels_changed || $BibTeX_run_needed || $MakeIndex_run_needed;
-sub slurp_aux_file {
-    local($ext) = @_;
-    # copy all citations from slurpfile into $Tmp_prefix/ltx-$ext-cite.$$
-    open(SLURPF,"< $TeX_root.$ext")
-	|| &die_gracefully("$Pgm: Can't open $TeX_root.$ext for reading\n");
-    open(CITEF,"> $Tmp_prefix/ltx-$ext-cite.$$")
-	|| &die_gracefully("$Pgm: Can't open $Tmp_prefix/ltx-$ext-cite.$$ for writing\n");
-    while (<SLURPF>) {
-	print CITEF $_  if /\\citation/;
-    }
-    close(CITEF);
-    close(SLURPF);
diff --git a/glafp-utils/scripts/mkdependC.prl b/glafp-utils/scripts/mkdependC.prl
deleted file mode 100644
index e81c1482344c022d7213a6b59d14d444286708f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/scripts/mkdependC.prl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-# *** MSUB does some substitutions here ***
-# *** grep for $( ***
-# tries to work like mkdependC
-# ToDo: strip out all the .h junk
-($Pgm = $0) =~ s/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/;
-$Usage  = "usage: $Pgm: not done yet\n";
-$Status  = 0; # just used for exit() status
-$Verbose = 0;
-$Dashdashes_seen = 0;
-$Begin_magic_str = "# DO NOT DELETE: Beginning of C dependencies\n";
-$End_magic_str = "# DO NOT DELETE: End of C dependencies\n";
-$Obj_suffix = '.o';
-@Defines = ();
-$Include_dirs = '';
-$Col_width = 78; # ignored
-$Makefile = '';
-@Src_files = ();
-# the following is a hack, so we can use RAWCPP, but there you go;
-# put in just enough #defines that mkdependC will not barf.
-$HostPlatform = '$(HOSTPLATFORM)';
-if ( $HostPlatform =~ /^i386-/ ) {
-    push(@Defines, '-D__i386__');
-if ( $HostPlatform =~ /^sparc-/ ) {
-    push(@Defines, '-D__sparc__');
-if ( $HostPlatform =~ /-solaris2$/ ) {
-    push(@Defines, '-D__svr4__');
-if ( ! $Makefile && -f 'makefile' ) {
-    $Makefile = 'makefile';
-} elsif ( ! $Makefile && -f 'Makefile') {
-    $Makefile = 'Makefile';
-} elsif ( ! $Makefile) {
-    die "$Pgm: no makefile or Makefile found\n";
-@Depend_lines = ();
-%Depend_seen = ();
-print STDERR "CPP defines=@Defines\n" if $Verbose;
-print STDERR "Include_dirs=$Include_dirs\n" if $Verbose;
-foreach $sf (@Src_files) {
-    # just like lit-inputter
-    # except it puts each file through CPP and
-    # a de-commenter (not implemented);
-    # builds up @Depend_lines
-    print STDERR "Here we go for source file: $sf\n" if $Verbose;
-    ($of = $sf) =~ s/\.(c|hc)$/$Obj_suffix/;
-    &slurp_file($sf, 'fh00');
-# OK, mangle the Makefile
-# now copy Makefile.bak into Makefile, rm'ing old dependencies
-# and adding the new
-open(OMKF,"< $Makefile.bak") || die "$Pgm: can't open $Makefile.bak: $!\n";
-open(NMKF,"> $Makefile") || die "$Pgm: can't open $Makefile: $!\n";
-$_ = <OMKF>;
-while ($_ && $_ ne $Begin_magic_str) { # copy through, 'til Begin_magic_str
-    print $_;
-    $_ = <OMKF>;
-while ($_ && $_ ne $End_magic_str) { # delete 'til End_magic_str
-    $_ = <OMKF>;
-# insert dependencies
-print $Begin_magic_str;
-print @Depend_lines;
-print $End_magic_str;
-while (<OMKF>) { # copy the rest through
-    print $_;
-exit 0;
-sub mangle_command_line_args {
-    while($_ = $ARGV[0]) {
-	shift(@ARGV);
-	if ( /^--$/ ) {
-	    $Dashdashes_seen++;
-	} elsif ( /^-D(.*)/ ) { # recognized wherever they occur
-	    push(@Defines, $_);
-	} elsif ( /^-I/ ) {
-	    $Include_dirs .= " $_";
-	} elsif ($Dashdashes_seen != 1) { # not between -- ... --
-	    if ( /^-v$/ ) {
-		$Verbose++;
-	    } elsif ( /^-f/ ) {
-		$Makefile	= &grab_arg_arg($_);
-	    } elsif ( /^-o/ ) {
-		$Obj_suffix	= &grab_arg_arg($_);
-	    } elsif ( /^-bs/ ) {
-		$Begin_magic_str = &grab_arg_arg($_) . "\n";
-	    } elsif ( /^-es/ ) {
-		$End_magic_str = &grab_arg_arg($_) . "\n";
-	    } elsif ( /^-w/ ) {
-		$Width	= &grab_arg_arg($_);
-	    } elsif ( /^-/ ) {
-		print STDERR "$Pgm: unknown option ignored: $_\n";
-	    } else {
-		push(@Src_files, $_);
-	    }
-	} elsif ($Dashdashes_seen == 1) { # where we ignore unknown options
-	    push(@Src_files,$_) if ! /^-/;
-	}
-    }
-sub grab_arg_arg {
-    local($option) = @_;
-    local($rest_of_arg);
-    ($rest_of_arg = $option) =~ s/^-.//;
-    if ($rest_of_arg) {
-	return($rest_of_arg);
-    } elsif ($#ARGV >= 0) {
-	local($temp) = $ARGV[0]; shift(@ARGV); 
-	return($temp);
-    } else {
-	die "$Pgm: no argument following $option option\n";
-    }
-sub slurp_file { # follows an example in the `open' item in perl man page
-    local($fname,$fhandle) = @_;
-    local($depend); # tmp
-    $fhandle++; # a string increment
-    $fname = &tidy_dir_names($fname);
-    unless (open($fhandle, "$(RAWCPP) $Include_dirs @Defines $fname |")) {
-         die "$Pgm: Can't open $fname: $!\n";
-    }
-    line: while (<$fhandle>) {
-	next line if ! /^#/;
-	next line if /^#(ident|pragma)/;
-	chop; # rm trailing newline
-	$_ = &tidy_dir_names($_);
-	# strip junk off the front and back
-	$_ =~ s/^#\s+\d+\s+//;
-	$_ =~ s/[ 0-9]*$//;
-	# a little bit of ad-hoc fiddling now:
-	# don't bother w/ dependencies on /usr/include stuff
-	# don't bother if it looks like a GCC built-in hdr file
-	# don't bother with funny yacc-ish files
-    	# don't bother with "literate" .h files (.lh); we'll just
-	# depend on the de-litified versions (which have better info)
-	# don't let a file depend on itself
-	next line if /^\/usr\/include/;
-	next line if /\/gcc-lib\/[^\/\n]+\/[\.0-9]+\/include\//;
-	next line if /\/yaccpar/;
-    	next line if /\/bison\.(simple|hairy)/;
-	next line if /\.lh$/;
-	next line if $_ eq $fname;
-	print STDERR "$fname :: $_\n" if $Verbose;
-	# ToDo: some sanity checks that we still have something reasonable?
-	$depend = "$of : $_\n";
-	next line if $Depend_seen{$depend};  # already seen this one...
-	# OK, it's a new one.
-	push (@Depend_lines, $depend);
-	$Depend_seen{$depend} = 1;
-    }
-    close($fhandle);
-sub tidy_dir_names { # rm various pernicious dir-name combinations...
-    local($str) = @_;
-    $str =~ s|/[^/.][^/]*/\.\.||g;	# nuke: /<dir>/..
-    $str =~ s|/\.[^.][^/]*/\.\.||g;	# nuke: /./.. (and others)
-    $str =~ s|"||g;
-    $str =~ s| \./| |;
-    $str;
diff --git a/glafp-utils/scripts/mkdirhier.sh b/glafp-utils/scripts/mkdirhier.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 739535e1189b000b73def2073c5daed05ac687d1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/scripts/mkdirhier.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# create a heirarchy of directories
-for f in $*; do
-    parts=`echo $f | sed 's,\(.\)/\(.\),\1 \2,g' | sed 's,/$,,'`;
-    path="";
-    for p in $parts; do
-	if [ x"$path" = x ]; then
-	    dir=$p;
-	else
-	    dir=$path/$p;
-	fi;
-	if [ ! -d $dir ]; then
-	    echo mkdir $dir; 
-	    mkdir $dir;
-	    chmod a+rx $dir; 
-	fi;
-	path=$dir;
-    done;
diff --git a/glafp-utils/scripts/runstdtest.prl b/glafp-utils/scripts/runstdtest.prl
deleted file mode 100644
index af75b693eb37a2e8d5014b1787553da517d34d0d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/glafp-utils/scripts/runstdtest.prl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/local/bin/perl
-# Given:
-#	* a program to run (1st arg)
-# 	* some "command-line opts" ( -O<opt1> -O<opt2> ... )
-#	    [default: anything on the cmd line this script doesn't recognise ]
-#	  the first opt not starting w/ "-" is taken to be an input
-#	  file and (if it exists) is grepped for "what's going on here"
-#	  comments (^--!!!).
-#	* a file to feed to stdin ( -i<file> ) [default: /dev/null ]
-#	* a "time" command to use (-t <cmd>).
-#	* alternatively, a "-script <script>" argument says: run the
-#   	  named Bourne-shell script to do the test.  It's passed the
-#	  pgm-to-run as the one-and-only arg.
-# Run the program with those options and that input, and check:
-# if we get...
-# 	* an expected exit status ( -x <val> ) [ default 0 ]
-# 	* expected output on stdout ( -o1 <file> ) [ default /dev/null ]
-#		( we'll accept one of several...)
-# 	* expected output on stderr ( -o2 <file> ) [ default /dev/null ]
-#		( we'll accept one of several...)
-#	(if the expected-output files' names end in .Z, then
-#	 they are uncompressed before doing the comparison)
-# (This is supposed to be a "prettier" replacement for runstdtest.)
-($Pgm = $0) =~ s|.*/||;
-$Verbose = 0;
-$Status = 0;
-@PgmArgs = ();
-$PgmExitStatus = 0;
-$PgmStdinFile  = '/dev/null';
-if ( $ENV{'TMPDIR'} ) { # where to make tmp file names
-    $TmpPrefix = $ENV{'TMPDIR'};
-} else {
-    $TmpPrefix ="$(TMPDIR)";
-    $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = '$(TMPDIR)'; # set the env var as well
-$ScriptFile = "$TmpPrefix/run_me$$";
-$DefaultStdoutFile = "$TmpPrefix/no_stdout$$"; # can't use /dev/null (e.g. Alphas)
-$DefaultStderrFile = "$TmpPrefix/no_stderr$$";
-@PgmStdoutFile = ();
-@PgmStderrFile = ();
-$PreScript = '';
-$PostScript = '';
-$TimeCmd = '';
-$StatsFile = "$TmpPrefix/stats$$";
-$SysSpecificTiming = '';
-$SpixTiming = 'no';
-die "$Pgm: program to run not given as first argument\n" if $#ARGV < 0;
-$ToRun = $ARGV[0]; shift(@ARGV);
-# avoid picking up same-named thing from somewhere else on $PATH...
-$ToRun = "./$ToRun" if $ToRun !~ /^\//;
-arg: while ($_ = $ARGV[0]) {
-    shift(@ARGV);
-    /^--$/	&& do { # let anything past after --
-			push(@PgmArgs, @ARGV);
-			last arg; };
-    /^-v$/	&& do { $Verbose = 1; next arg; };
-    /^-O(.*)/	&& do { push(@PgmArgs, &grab_arg_arg('-O',$1)); next arg; };
-    /^-i(.*)/	&& do { $PgmStdinFile = &grab_arg_arg('-i',$1);
-			$Status++,
-			print STDERR "$Pgm: bogus -i input file: $PgmStdinFile\n"
-			    if ! -f $PgmStdinFile;
-			next arg; };
-    /^-x(.*)/	&& do { $PgmExitStatus = &grab_arg_arg('-x',$1);
-			$Status++ ,
-			print STDERR "$Pgm: bogus -x expected exit status: $PgmExitStatus\n"
-			    if $PgmExitStatus !~ /^\d+$/;
-			next arg; };
-    /^-o1(.*)/	&& do { $out_file = &grab_arg_arg('-o1',$1);
-			push(@PgmStdoutFile, $out_file);
-			next arg; };
-    /^-o2(.*)/	&& do { $out_file = &grab_arg_arg('-o2',$1);
-			push(@PgmStderrFile, $out_file);
-			next arg; };
-    /^-prescript(.*)/  && do { $PreScript = &grab_arg_arg('-prescript',$1);
-			        next arg; };
-    /^-postscript(.*)/ && do { $PostScript = &grab_arg_arg('-postscript',$1);
-			        next arg; };
-    /^-script/ && do { print STDERR "$Pgm: -script argument is obsolete;\nUse -prescript and -postscript instead.\n";
-		    $Status++;
-		    next arg; };
-    /^-(ghc|hbc)-timing$/ && do { $SysSpecificTiming = $1;
-				  next arg; };
-    /^-spix-timing$/ && do { $SysSpecificTiming = 'ghcspix';
-			     $SpixTiming = 'yes';
-			     next arg; };
-    /^-t(.*)/	&& do { $TimeCmd = &grab_arg_arg('-t', $1); next arg; };
-    # anything else is taken to be a pgm arg
-    push(@PgmArgs, $_);
-foreach $out_file ( @PgmStdoutFile ) {
-    $Status++ ,
-    print STDERR "$Pgm: bogus -o1 expected-output file: $out_file\n"
-	if ! -f $out_file;
-foreach $out_file ( @PgmStderrFile ) {
-    $Status++,
-    print STDERR "$Pgm: bogus -o2 expected-stderr file: $out_file\n"
-	if ! -f $out_file;
-exit 1 if $Status;
-# add on defaults if none specified
-@PgmStdoutFile = ( $DefaultStdoutFile ) if $#PgmStdoutFile < 0;
-@PgmStderrFile = ( $DefaultStderrFile ) if $#PgmStderrFile < 0;
-# tidy up the pgm args:
-# (1) look for the "first input file"
-#     and grep it for "interesting" comments (--!!! )
-# (2) quote any args w/ whitespace in them.
-$grep_done = 0;
-foreach $a ( @PgmArgs ) {
-    if (! $grep_done && $a !~ /^-/ && -f $a) {
-	print `egrep "^--!!!" $a`;
-	$grep_done = 1;
-    }
-    if ($a =~ /\s/ || $a =~ /'/) {
-	$a =~ s/'/\\'/g;    # backslash the quotes;
-	$a = "\"$a\"";	    # quote the arg
-    }
-# deal with system-specific timing options
-$TimingMagic = '';
-if ( $SysSpecificTiming =~ /^ghc/ ) {
-    $TimingMagic = "+RTS -s$StatsFile -RTS"
-} elsif ( $SysSpecificTiming eq 'hbc' ) {
-    $TimingMagic = "-S$StatsFile";
-$ToRunOrig = $ToRun;
-if ( $SpixTiming eq 'yes' ) {
-    $ToRun .= '.spix';
-    # gotta find first/last addresses in the mutator code
-    $FirstSpix = '_callWrapper';
-    $LastSpix  = '???'; # usually _mpz_get_si, but can't be sure
-    open(SPIXNM, "nm -n $ToRunOrig |") || die "nm -n $ToRunOrig open failed!\n";
-    spix: while (<SPIXNM>) {
-	if ( / T +(_freeForeignObj|_([A-Za-z]+)Hook|_xmalloc|_mpz_get_si)$/ ) {
-	    $LastSpix = $1;
-	    last spix;
-	}
-    }
-    close(SPIXNM); # || die "nm -n $ToRunOrig close failed!\n";
-    $SpixifyLine1 = "spix -o $ToRun -t$FirstSpix,$LastSpix $ToRunOrig";
-    $SpixstatsLine1 = "spixstats -b $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.3 $ToRunOrig > $ToRunOrig.spixstats1";
-    $SpixifyLine2 = "spix -o $ToRun +t$FirstSpix,$LastSpix $ToRunOrig";
-    $SpixstatsLine2 = "spixstats -b $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.3 $ToRunOrig > $ToRunOrig.spixstats2";
-} else {
-    $SpixifyLine1 = '';
-    $SpixstatsLine1 = '';
-    $SpixifyLine2 = '';
-    $SpixstatsLine2 = '';
-if ($PreScript ne '') {
-    local($to_do);
-    $PreScriptLines = `cat $PreScript`;
-} else {
-    $PreScriptLines = '';
-if ($PostScript ne '') {
-    local($to_do);
-    $PostScriptLines = `cat $PostScript`;
-    $* = 1;
-    $PostScriptLines =~ s#\$o1#$TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1#g;
-    $PostScriptLines =~ s#\$o2#$TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2#g;
-} else {
-    $PostScriptLines = '';
-# OK, so we're gonna do the normal thing...
-$Script = <<EOSCRIPT;
-#! /bin/sh
-rm -f $DefaultStdoutFile $DefaultStderrFile
-cat /dev/null > $DefaultStdoutFile
-cat /dev/null > $DefaultStderrFile
-$TimeCmd /bin/sh -c \'$ToRun $TimingMagic @PgmArgs < $PgmStdinFile 1> $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1 2> $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2 3> $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.3\'
-if [ \$progexit -ne $PgmExitStatus ]; then
-    echo $ToRun @PgmArgs \\< $PgmStdinFile
-    echo expected exit status $PgmExitStatus not seen \\; got \$progexit
-    myexit=1
-    $PostScriptLines
-    hit='NO'
-    for out_file in @PgmStdoutFile ; do
-	if cmp -s \$out_file $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1 ; then
-	    hit='YES'
-	fi
-    done
-    if [ \$hit = 'NO' ] ; then
-	echo $ToRun @PgmArgs \\< $PgmStdinFile
-	echo expected stdout not matched by reality
-	$(CONTEXT_DIFF) $PgmStdoutFile[0] $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1
-	myexit=1
-	diffsShown=1
-    fi
-egrep -v '^ld\.so:.*has older revision than expected' < $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2 > $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2b
-mv -f $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2b $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2
-for out_file in @PgmStderrFile ; do
-    if cmp -s \$out_file $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2 ; then
-	hit='YES'
-    fi
-if [ \$hit = 'NO' ] ; then
-    echo $ToRun @PgmArgs \\< $PgmStdinFile
-    echo expected stderr not matched by reality
-    $(CONTEXT_DIFF) $PgmStderrFile[0] $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2
-    myexit=1
-    diffsShown=1
-if [ $SpixTiming = 'yes' -a \$myexit = 0 ] ; then
-    $SpixifyLine2
-    $TimeCmd /bin/sh -c \'$ToRun $TimingMagic @PgmArgs < $PgmStdinFile 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null 3> $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.3\'
-    $SpixstatsLine2
-$(RM) core $ToRunOrig.spix $DefaultStdoutFile $DefaultStderrFile $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.1 $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.2 $TmpPrefix/runtest$$.3
-exit \$myexit
-# bung script into a file
-open(SCR, "> $ScriptFile") || die "Failed opening script file $ScriptFile!\n";
-print SCR $Script;
-close(SCR) || die "Failed closing script file!\n";
-chmod 0755, $ScriptFile;
-print STDERR $Script if $Verbose;
-if ( $SysSpecificTiming eq '' ) {
-    unlink $StatsFile;
-    unlink $ScriptFile;
-    exit 0;
-&process_spixstats_files() if $SpixTiming eq 'yes';
-# print out what we found
-if ( $SpixTiming ne 'yes' ) {
-    print STDERR "<<$SysSpecificTiming: ",
-	"$BytesAlloc bytes, $GCs GCs, $AvgResidency/$MaxResidency avg/max bytes residency ($ResidencySamples samples), $InitTime INIT ($InitElapsed elapsed), $MutTime MUT ($MutElapsed elapsed), $GcTime GC ($GcElapsed elapsed)",
-	" :$SysSpecificTiming>>\n";
-} else {
-    print STDERR "<<$SysSpecificTiming: ",
-	"$BytesAlloc bytes, $GCs GCs, $AvgResidency/$MaxResidency avg/max bytes residency ($ResidencySamples samples), $TotalInsns[1]/$TotalInsns[2] instructions, $LoadInsns[1]/$LoadInsns[2] loads, $StoreInsns[1]/$StoreInsns[2] stores, $BranchInsns[1]/$BranchInsns[2] branches, $OtherInsns[1]/$OtherInsns[2] others",
-	" :$SysSpecificTiming>>\n";
-# OK, party over
-unlink $StatsFile;
-unlink $ScriptFile;
-exit 0;
-sub grab_arg_arg {
-    local($option, $rest_of_arg) = @_;
-    if ($rest_of_arg) {
-	return($rest_of_arg);
-    } elsif ($#ARGV >= 0) {
-	local($temp) = $ARGV[0]; shift(@ARGV); 
-	return($temp);
-    } else {
-	print STDERR "$Pgm: no argument following $option option\n";
-	$Status++;
-    }
-sub run_something {
-    local($str_to_do) = @_;
-#   print STDERR "$str_to_do\n" if $Verbose;
-    local($return_val) = 0;
-    system($str_to_do);
-    $return_val = $?;
-    if ($return_val != 0) {
-#ToDo: this return-value mangling is wrong
-#	local($die_msg) = "$Pgm: execution of the $tidy_name had trouble";
-#	$die_msg .= " (program not found)" if $return_val == 255;
-#	$die_msg .= " ($!)" if $Verbose && $! != 0;
-#	$die_msg .= "\n";
-	unlink $ScriptFile;
-	unlink $StatsFile;
-	exit (($return_val == 0) ? 0 : 1);
-    }
-sub process_stats_file {
-    # OK, process system-specific stats file
-    if ( $SysSpecificTiming =~ /^ghc/ ) {
-	#NB: nearly the same as in GHC driver's -ghc-timing stuff
-	open(STATS, $StatsFile) || die "Failed when opening $StatsFile\n";
-	local($max_live)    = 0; 
-	local($tot_live)    = 0; # for calculating residency stuff
-	local($tot_samples) = 0;
-	while (<STATS>) {
-	    if (! /Minor/ && /^\s*\d+\s+\d+\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\.\d+\%/ ) {
-		$max_live = $1 if $max_live < $1;
-		$tot_live += $1;
-		$tot_samples += 1;
-	    }
-	    $BytesAlloc = $1 if /^\s*([0-9,]+) bytes allocated in the heap/;
-#	    if ( /^\s*([0-9,]+) bytes maximum residency .* (\d+) sample/ ) {
-#		$MaxResidency = $1; $ResidencySamples = $2;
-#	    }
-	    $GCs = $1 if /^\s*([0-9,]+) garbage collections? performed/;
-	    if ( /^\s*INIT\s+time\s*(\d+\.\d\d)s\s*\(\s*(\d+\.\d\d)s elapsed\)/ ) {
-		$InitTime = $1; $InitElapsed = $2;
-	    } elsif ( /^\s*MUT\s+time\s*(\d+\.\d\d)s\s*\(\s*(\d+\.\d\d)s elapsed\)/ ) {
-		$MutTime = $1; $MutElapsed = $2;
-	    } elsif ( /^\s*GC\s+time\s*(\d+\.\d\d)s\s*\(\s*(\d+\.\d\d)s elapsed\)/ ) {
-		$GcTime = $1; $GcElapsed = $2;
-	    }
-	}
-	close(STATS) || die "Failed when closing $StatsFile\n";
-	if ( $tot_samples > 0 ) {
-	    $ResidencySamples = $tot_samples;
-	    $MaxResidency = $max_live;
-	    $AvgResidency = int ($tot_live / $tot_samples) ;
-	}
-    } elsif ( $SysSpecificTiming eq 'hbc' ) {
-	open(STATS, $StatsFile) || die "Failed when opening $StatsFile\n";
-	while (<STATS>) {
-	    $BytesAlloc = $1 if /^\s*([0-9]+) bytes allocated from the heap/;
-	    $GCs = $1 if /^\s*([0-9]+) GCs?,$/;
-	    if ( /^\s*(\d+\.\d\d) \((\d+\.\d)\) seconds total time,$/ ) {
-		$MutTime = $1; $MutElapsed = $2; # will fix up later
-		$InitTime = 0; $InitElapsed = 0; # hbc doesn't report these
-	    } elsif ( /^\s*(\d+\.\d\d) \((\d+\.\d)\) seconds GC time/ ) {
-		$GcTime = $1; $GcElapsed = $2;
-		# fix up mutator time now
-		$MutTime    = sprintf("%.2f", ($MutTime    - $GcTime));
-		$MutElapsed = sprintf("%.1f", ($MutElapsed - $GcElapsed));
-	    }
-	}
-	close(STATS) || die "Failed when closing $StatsFile\n";
-    }
-    # warn about what we didn't find
-    print STDERR "Warning: BytesAlloc not found in stats file\n" unless defined($BytesAlloc);
-    print STDERR "Warning: GCs not found in stats file\n" unless defined($GCs);
-    print STDERR "Warning: InitTime not found in stats file\n" unless defined($InitTime);
-    print STDERR "Warning: InitElapsed not found in stats file\n" unless defined($InitElapsed);
-    print STDERR "Warning: MutTime not found in stats file\n" unless defined($MutTime);
-    print STDERR "Warning: MutElapsed not found in stats file\n" unless defined($MutElapsed);
-    print STDERR "Warning: GcTime inot found in stats file\n" unless defined($GcTime);
-    print STDERR "Warning: GcElapsed not found in stats file\n" unless defined($GcElapsed);
-    # things we didn't necessarily expect to find
-    $MaxResidency     = 0 unless defined($MaxResidency);
-    $AvgResidency     = 0 unless defined($AvgResidency);
-    $ResidencySamples = 0 unless defined($ResidencySamples);
-    # a bit of tidying
-    $BytesAlloc =~ s/,//g;
-    $MaxResidency =~ s/,//g;
-    $GCs =~ s/,//g;
-    $InitTime =~ s/,//g;
-    $InitElapsed =~ s/,//g;
-    $MutTime =~ s/,//g;
-    $MutElapsed =~ s/,//g;
-    $GcTime =~ s/,//g;
-    $GcElapsed =~ s/,//g;
-sub process_spixstats_files { # 2 of them; one for mutator, one for GC
-    @TotalInsns = ();
-    @LoadInsns  = ();
-    @StoreInsns = ();
-    @BranchInsns= ();
-    @OtherInsns = ();
-    foreach $f (1, 2) {
-      open(STATS, "< $ToRunOrig.spixstats$f") || die "Failed when opening $ToRunOrig.spixstats$f\n";
-      while (<STATS>) {
-	  last if /^OPCODES \(STATIC\):/; # party over
-	  next if /^OPCODES \(DYNAMIC\):/;
-	  next if /^$/;
-	  next if /^opcode\s+#executed/;
-	  next if /^SUBTOTAL/;
-	  if ( /^ld\S*\s+(\d+)/ ) {
-	      $LoadInsns[$f] += $1;
-	  } elsif ( /^st\S*\s+(\d+)/ ) {
-	      $StoreInsns[$f] += $1;
-	  } elsif ( /^(jmpl|call|b\S*)\s+(\d+)/ ) {
-	      $BranchInsns[$f] += $2;
-	  } elsif ( /^TOTAL\s+(\d+)/ ) {
-	      $TotalInsns[$f] = $1;
-	      print STDERR "TotalInsns doesn't match categories total!\n"
-		  if $TotalInsns[$f] !=
-		     ($LoadInsns[$f] + $StoreInsns[$f] + $BranchInsns[$f] + $OtherInsns[$f]);
-	  } elsif ( /^\S+\s+(\d+)/ ) {
-	      $OtherInsns[$f] += $1;
-	  } else {
-	      die "Funny line?? $_";
-	  }
-      }
-      close(STATS) || die "Failed when closing $ToRunOrig.spixstats\n";
-    }