diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecMisc.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecMisc.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..09b727ef9b4433702f10d4d3b460ecb773875236
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecMisc.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1995
+\section[SpecMisc]{Miscellaneous stuff for the Specialiser}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module SpecMisc where
+import PlainCore
+import SpecTyFuns
+import SpecMonad
+import Outputable	-- ToDo: these may be removable...
+import Pretty
+import AbsUniType
+import Bag
+import CmdLineOpts	( GlobalSwitch(..) )
+import CoreLift		( mkLiftedId, liftExpr, bindUnlift, applyBindUnlifts )
+import IdEnv
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import InstEnv		( lookupClassInstAtSimpleType )
+import Maybes		( catMaybes, firstJust, maybeToBool, Maybe(..) )
+import TyVarEnv		-- ( growTyVarEnvList, nullTyVarEnv, TyVarEnv, TypeEnv(..) )
+import Util
+import UniqSet
+import SplitUniq
+infixr 9 `thenSM`
+%*									*
+\subsubsection[CallInstances]{@CallInstances@ data type}
+%*									*
+type FreeVarsSet   = UniqSet Id
+type FreeTyVarsSet = UniqSet TyVar
+data CallInstance 
+  = CallInstance 
+		Id 			-- This Id; *new* ie *cloned* id
+		[Maybe UniType]		-- Specialised at these types (*new*, cloned)
+					-- Nothing => no specialisation on this type arg
+					--	      is required (flag dependent).
+		[PlainCoreArg]		-- And these dictionaries; all ValArgs
+		FreeVarsSet		-- Free vars of the dict-args in terms of *new* ids
+		(Maybe SpecInfo)	-- For specialisation with explicit SpecId
+pprCI :: CallInstance -> Pretty
+pprCI (CallInstance id spec_tys dicts _ maybe_specinfo)
+  = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "Call inst for", ppr PprDebug id])
+	 4 (ppAboves [ppCat (ppStr "types" : [pprMaybeTy PprDebug ty | ty <- spec_tys]),
+		      case maybe_specinfo of
+			Nothing -> ppCat (ppStr "dicts" : [ppr PprDebug dict | dict <- dicts])
+		        Just (SpecInfo _ _ spec_id)
+				-> ppCat [ppStr "Explicit SpecId", ppr PprDebug spec_id]
+		     ])
+isUnboxedCI :: CallInstance -> Bool
+isUnboxedCI (CallInstance _ spec_tys _ _ _)
+  = any isUnboxedDataType (catMaybes spec_tys)
+isExplicitCI :: CallInstance -> Bool
+isExplicitCI (CallInstance _ _ _ _ (Just _))
+  = True
+isExplicitCI (CallInstance _ _ _ _ Nothing)
+  = False
+Comparisons are based on the {\em types}, ignoring the dictionary args:
+cmpCI :: CallInstance -> CallInstance -> TAG_
+cmpCI (CallInstance id1 tys1 _ _ _) (CallInstance id2 tys2 _ _ _) 
+  = case cmpId id1 id2 of { EQ_ -> cmpUniTypeMaybeList tys1 tys2; other -> other }
+cmpCI_tys :: CallInstance -> CallInstance -> TAG_
+cmpCI_tys (CallInstance _ tys1 _ _ _) (CallInstance _ tys2 _ _ _)
+  = cmpUniTypeMaybeList tys1 tys2
+eqCI_tys :: CallInstance -> CallInstance -> Bool
+eqCI_tys c1 c2
+  = case cmpCI_tys c1 c2 of { EQ_ -> True; other -> False }
+isCIofTheseIds :: [Id] -> CallInstance -> Bool
+isCIofTheseIds ids (CallInstance ci_id _ _ _ _)
+  = any (eqId ci_id) ids
+singleCI :: Id -> [Maybe UniType] -> [PlainCoreArg] -> UsageDetails
+singleCI id tys dicts
+  = UsageDetails (unitBag (CallInstance id tys dicts fv_set Nothing))
+		 emptyBag [] emptyUniqSet 0 0
+  where
+    fv_set = mkUniqSet (id : [dict | ValArg (CoVarAtom dict) <- dicts])
+explicitCI :: Id -> [Maybe UniType] -> SpecInfo -> UsageDetails
+explicitCI id tys specinfo
+  = UsageDetails (unitBag call_inst) emptyBag [] emptyUniqSet 0 0
+  where
+    call_inst = CallInstance id tys dicts fv_set (Just specinfo)
+    dicts  = panic "Specialise:explicitCI:dicts"
+    fv_set = singletonUniqSet id
+-- We do not process the CIs for top-level dfuns or defms
+-- Instead we require an explicit SPEC inst pragma for dfuns
+-- and an explict method within any instances for the defms
+getCIids :: Bool -> [Id] -> [Id]
+getCIids True ids = filter not_dict_or_defm ids
+getCIids _    ids = ids
+not_dict_or_defm id
+  = not (isDictTy (getIdUniType id) || maybeToBool (isDefaultMethodId_maybe id))
+getCIs :: Bool -> [Id] -> UsageDetails -> ([CallInstance], UsageDetails)
+getCIs top_lev ids (UsageDetails cis tycon_cis dbs fvs c i)
+  = let
+	(cis_here, cis_not_here) = partitionBag (isCIofTheseIds (getCIids top_lev ids)) cis
+	cis_here_list = bagToList cis_here
+    in
+    -- pprTrace "getCIs:"
+    -- (ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "{", ppr PprDebug ids, ppStr "}"])
+    --	     4 (ppAboves (map pprCI cis_here_list)))
+    (cis_here_list, UsageDetails cis_not_here tycon_cis dbs fvs c i)
+dumpCIs :: Bag CallInstance	-- The call instances
+	-> Bool			-- True <=> top level bound Ids
+	-> Bool			-- True <=> dict bindings to be floated (specBind only)
+        -> [CallInstance]	-- Call insts for bound ids (instBind only)
+	-> [Id]			-- Bound ids *new*
+	-> [Id]			-- Full bound ids: includes dumped dicts
+	-> Bag CallInstance	-- Kept call instances
+   	-- CIs are dumped if: 
+	--   1) they are a CI for one of the bound ids, or
+	--   2) they mention any of the dicts in a local unfloated binding
+	--
+	-- For top-level bindings we allow the call instances to
+	-- float past a dict bind and place all the top-level binds
+	-- in a *global* CoRec.
+	-- We leave it to the simplifier will sort it all out ...
+dumpCIs cis top_lev floating inst_cis bound_ids full_ids
+ = (if not (isEmptyBag cis_of_bound_id) &&
+       not (isEmptyBag cis_of_bound_id_without_inst_cis)
+    then
+       pprTrace ("dumpCIs: dumping CI which was not instantiated ... \n" ++
+	         "         (may be a non-HM recursive call)\n")
+       (ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "{", ppr PprDebug bound_ids, ppStr "}"])
+             4 (ppAboves [ppStr "Dumping CIs:",
+			  ppAboves (map pprCI (bagToList cis_of_bound_id)),
+			  ppStr "Instantiating CIs:",
+			  ppAboves (map pprCI inst_cis)]))
+    else id) (
+   if top_lev || floating then
+       cis_not_bound_id
+   else
+       (if not (isEmptyBag cis_dump_unboxed)
+	then pprTrace "dumpCIs: bound dictionary arg ... WITH UNBOXED TYPES!\n"
+             (ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "{", ppr PprDebug full_ids, ppStr "}"])
+		   4 (ppAboves (map pprCI (bagToList cis_dump))))
+	else id)
+       cis_keep_not_bound_id
+   )
+ where
+   (cis_of_bound_id, cis_not_bound_id)
+      = partitionBag (isCIofTheseIds (getCIids top_lev bound_ids)) cis
+   (cis_dump, cis_keep_not_bound_id)
+      = partitionBag ok_to_dump_ci cis_not_bound_id
+   ok_to_dump_ci (CallInstance _ _ _ fv_set _) 
+	= or [i `elementOfUniqSet` fv_set | i <- full_ids]
+   (_, cis_of_bound_id_without_inst_cis) = partitionBag have_inst_ci cis_of_bound_id
+   have_inst_ci ci = any (eqCI_tys ci) inst_cis
+   (cis_dump_unboxed, _) = partitionBag isUnboxedCI cis_dump
+Any call instances of a bound_id can be safely dumped, because any
+recursive calls should be at the same instance as the parent instance.
+   letrec f = /\a -> \x::a -> ...(f t x')...
+Here, the type, t, at which f is used in its own RHS should be
+just "a"; that is, the recursive call is at the same type as
+the original call. That means that when specialising f at some
+type, say Int#, we shouldn't find any *new* instances of f 
+arising from specialising f's RHS.  The only instance we'll find
+is another call of (f Int#).
+We check this in dumpCIs by passing in all the instantiated call
+instances (inst_cis) and reporting any dumped cis (cis_of_bound_id)
+for which there is no such instance.
+We also report CIs dumped due to a bound dictionary arg if they
+contain unboxed types.
+%*									*
+\subsubsection[TyConInstances]{@TyConInstances@ data type}
+%*									*
+data TyConInstance
+  = TyConInstance TyCon			-- Type Constructor
+		  [Maybe UniType]	-- Applied to these specialising types
+cmpTyConI :: TyConInstance -> TyConInstance -> TAG_
+cmpTyConI (TyConInstance tc1 tys1) (TyConInstance tc2 tys2) 
+  = case cmpTyCon tc1 tc2 of { EQ_ -> cmpUniTypeMaybeList tys1 tys2; other -> other }
+cmpTyConI_tys :: TyConInstance -> TyConInstance -> TAG_
+cmpTyConI_tys (TyConInstance _ tys1) (TyConInstance _ tys2) 
+  = cmpUniTypeMaybeList tys1 tys2
+singleTyConI :: TyCon -> [Maybe UniType] -> UsageDetails
+singleTyConI ty_con spec_tys 
+  = UsageDetails emptyBag (unitBag (TyConInstance ty_con spec_tys)) [] emptyUniqSet 0 0
+isTyConIofThisTyCon :: TyCon -> TyConInstance -> Bool
+isTyConIofThisTyCon ty_con (TyConInstance inst_ty_con _) = eqTyCon ty_con inst_ty_con
+isLocalSpecTyConI :: Bool -> TyConInstance -> Bool
+isLocalSpecTyConI comp_prel (TyConInstance inst_ty_con _) = isLocalSpecTyCon comp_prel inst_ty_con
+getLocalSpecTyConIs :: Bool -> UsageDetails -> ([TyConInstance], UsageDetails)
+getLocalSpecTyConIs comp_prel (UsageDetails cis tycon_cis dbs fvs c i)
+  = let
+	(tycon_cis_local, tycon_cis_global)
+	  = partitionBag (isLocalSpecTyConI comp_prel) tycon_cis
+	tycon_cis_local_list = bagToList tycon_cis_local
+    in
+    (tycon_cis_local_list, UsageDetails cis tycon_cis_global dbs fvs c i)
+%*									*
+\subsubsection[UsageDetails]{@UsageDetails@ data type}
+%*									*
+data UsageDetails
+  = UsageDetails 
+	(Bag CallInstance) 	-- The collection of call-instances
+	(Bag TyConInstance) 	-- Constructor call-instances
+	[DictBindDetails]	-- Dictionary bindings in data-dependence order!
+	FreeVarsSet		-- Free variables (excl imported ones, incl top level) (cloned)
+	Int			-- no. of spec calls
+	Int			-- no. of spec insts
+The DictBindDetails are fully processed; their call-instance information is
+incorporated in the call-instances of the
+UsageDetails which includes the DictBindDetails.  The free vars in a usage details
+will *include* the binders of the DictBind details.
+A @DictBindDetails@ contains bindings for dictionaries *only*.
+data DictBindDetails 
+  = DictBindDetails 
+	[Id]			-- Main binders, originally visible in scope of binding (cloned)
+	PlainCoreBinding	-- Fully processed
+	FreeVarsSet		-- Free in binding group (cloned)
+	FreeTyVarsSet		-- Free in binding group
+emptyUDs    :: UsageDetails
+unionUDs    :: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+unionUDList :: [UsageDetails] -> UsageDetails
+tickSpecCall :: Bool -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+tickSpecInsts :: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
+tickSpecCall found (UsageDetails cis ty_cis dbs fvs c i)
+ = UsageDetails cis ty_cis dbs fvs (c + (if found then 1 else 0)) i
+tickSpecInsts (UsageDetails cis ty_cis dbs fvs c i)
+ = UsageDetails cis ty_cis dbs fvs c (i+1)
+emptyUDs = UsageDetails emptyBag emptyBag [] emptyUniqSet 0 0
+unionUDs (UsageDetails cis1 tycon_cis1 dbs1 fvs1 c1 i1) (UsageDetails cis2 tycon_cis2 dbs2 fvs2 c2 i2) 
+ = UsageDetails (unionBags cis1 cis2) (unionBags tycon_cis1 tycon_cis2)
+	        (dbs1 ++ dbs2) (fvs1 `unionUniqSets` fvs2) (c1+c2) (i1+i2)
+	-- The append here is really redundant, since the bindings don't
+	-- scope over each other.  ToDo.
+unionUDList = foldr unionUDs emptyUDs
+singleFvUDs (CoVarAtom v) | not (isImportedId v)
+ = UsageDetails emptyBag emptyBag [] (singletonUniqSet v) 0 0
+singleFvUDs other
+ = emptyUDs
+singleConUDs con = UsageDetails emptyBag emptyBag [] (singletonUniqSet con) 0 0
+dumpDBs :: [DictBindDetails] 
+	-> Bool			-- True <=> top level bound Ids
+	-> [TyVar]		-- TyVars being bound (cloned)
+	-> [Id]			-- Ids being bound (cloned)
+	-> FreeVarsSet		-- Fvs of body
+	-> ([PlainCoreBinding],	-- These ones have to go here
+	    [DictBindDetails],	-- These can float further
+	    [Id],		-- Incoming list + names of dicts bound here
+	    FreeVarsSet		-- Incoming fvs + fvs of dicts bound here
+	   )
+ 	-- It is just to complex to try to float top-level
+	-- dict bindings with constant methods, inst methods,
+	-- auxillary derived instance defns and user instance
+	-- defns all getting in the way.
+	-- So we dump all dbinds as soon as we get to the top
+	-- level and place them in a *global* CoRec.
+	-- We leave it to the simplifier will sort it all out ...
+dumpDBs [] top_lev bound_tyvars bound_ids fvs
+  = ([], [], bound_ids, fvs)
+dumpDBs ((db@(DictBindDetails dbinders dbind db_fvs db_ftv)):dbs) 
+	top_lev bound_tyvars bound_ids fvs
+  | top_lev
+    || or [i `elementOfUniqSet` db_fvs  | i <- bound_ids]
+    || or [tv `elementOfUniqSet` db_ftv | tv <- bound_tyvars]
+  = let		-- Ha!  Dump it!
+	(dbinds_here, dbs_outer, full_bound_ids, full_fvs)
+	   = dumpDBs dbs top_lev bound_tyvars (dbinders ++ bound_ids) (db_fvs `unionUniqSets` fvs)
+    in
+    (dbind : dbinds_here, dbs_outer, full_bound_ids, full_fvs)
+  | otherwise	-- This one can float out further
+  = let
+	(dbinds_here, dbs_outer, full_bound_ids, full_fvs)
+	   = dumpDBs dbs top_lev bound_tyvars bound_ids fvs
+    in
+    (dbinds_here, db : dbs_outer, full_bound_ids, full_fvs)
+dumpUDs :: UsageDetails
+	-> Bool			-- True <=> top level bound Ids
+	-> Bool			-- True <=> dict bindings to be floated (specBind only)
+	-> [CallInstance]	-- Call insts for bound Ids (instBind only)
+	-> [Id]			-- Ids which are just being bound; *new*
+	-> [TyVar]		-- TyVars which are just being bound
+	-> ([PlainCoreBinding],	-- Bindings from UsageDetails which mention the ids
+	    UsageDetails)	-- The above bindings removed, and
+				-- any call-instances which mention the ids dumped too
+dumpUDs (UsageDetails cis tycon_cis dbs fvs c i) top_lev floating inst_cis bound_ids tvs
+  = let
+	(dict_binds_here, dbs_outer, full_bound_ids, full_fvs)
+		  = dumpDBs dbs top_lev tvs bound_ids fvs
+	cis_outer = dumpCIs cis top_lev floating inst_cis bound_ids full_bound_ids
+	fvs_outer = full_fvs `minusUniqSet` (mkUniqSet full_bound_ids)
+    in
+    (dict_binds_here, UsageDetails cis_outer tycon_cis dbs_outer fvs_outer c i)
+addDictBinds :: [Id] -> PlainCoreBinding -> UsageDetails	-- Dict binding and RHS usage
+	     -> UsageDetails	 				-- The usage to augment
+	     -> UsageDetails
+addDictBinds dbinders dbind (UsageDetails db_cis db_tycon_cis db_dbs db_fvs db_c db_i)
+	 	            (UsageDetails cis    tycon_cis    dbs    fvs    c    i)
+  = UsageDetails (db_cis `unionBags` cis)
+		 (db_tycon_cis `unionBags` tycon_cis)
+		 (db_dbs ++ [DictBindDetails dbinders dbind db_fvs db_ftvs] ++ dbs) 
+		 fvs c i
+		 -- NB: We ignore counts from dictbinds since it is not user code
+  where
+	-- The free tyvars of the dictionary bindings should really be
+	-- gotten from the RHSs, but I'm pretty sure it's good enough just
+	-- to look at the type of the dictionary itself.  
+	-- Doing the proper job would entail keeping track of free tyvars as
+	-- well as free vars, which would be a bore.
+    db_ftvs = mkUniqSet (extractTyVarsFromTys (map getIdUniType dbinders))
+%*									*
+\subsection[Misc]{Miscellaneous junk}
+%*									*
+mkCallInstance :: Id 
+	       -> Id
+	       -> [(PlainCoreArg, UsageDetails, PlainCoreExpr -> PlainCoreExpr)]
+	       -> SpecM UsageDetails
+mkCallInstance id new_id []
+  = returnSM emptyUDs
+mkCallInstance id new_id args
+	-- No specialised versions for "error" and friends are req'd.
+	-- This is a special case in core lint etc.
+  | isBottomingId id
+  = returnSM emptyUDs
+	-- No call instances for SuperDictSelIds
+	-- These are a special case in mkCall
+  | maybeToBool (isSuperDictSelId_maybe id)
+  = returnSM emptyUDs
+	-- There are also no call instances for ClassOpIds
+	-- However, we need to process it to get any second-level call
+	-- instances for a ConstMethodId extracted from its SpecEnv
+  | otherwise
+  = getSwitchCheckerSM		`thenSM` \ sw_chkr ->
+    let
+        spec_overloading = sw_chkr SpecialiseOverloaded
+        spec_unboxed     = sw_chkr SpecialiseUnboxed
+        spec_all	 = sw_chkr SpecialiseAll
+	(tyvars, class_tyvar_pairs) = getIdOverloading id
+	arg_res = take_type_args tyvars class_tyvar_pairs args
+	enough_args = maybeToBool arg_res
+	(Just (tys, dicts, rest_args)) = arg_res
+	record_spec id tys
+	  = (record, lookup, spec_tys)
+	  where
+	    spec_tys = specialiseCallTys spec_all spec_unboxed spec_overloading
+		                         (mkConstraintVector id) tys
+	    record = any (not . isTyVarTy) (catMaybes spec_tys)
+	    lookup = lookupSpecEnv (getIdSpecialisation id) tys
+    in
+    if (not enough_args) then
+	pprPanic "Specialise:recordCallInst: Unsaturated Type & Dict Application:\n\t"
+		 (ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppr PprDebug [arg | (arg,_,_) <- args] ]) 
+    else
+    case record_spec id tys of
+	(False, _, _)
+	     -> -- pprTrace "CallInst:NotReqd\n" 
+	   	-- (ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)])
+		(returnSM emptyUDs)
+	(True, Nothing, spec_tys)
+	     -> if isClassOpId id then	-- No CIs for class ops, dfun will give SPEC inst
+		    returnSM emptyUDs
+		else
+		    -- pprTrace "CallInst:Reqd\n"
+	            -- (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)],
+		    --	          ppCat [ppStr "CI", ppCat (map (pprMaybeTy PprDebug) spec_tys),
+	   	    --		                     ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) dicts)]])
+		    (returnSM (singleCI new_id spec_tys dicts))
+	(True, Just (spec_id, tys_left, toss), _)
+	     -> if maybeToBool (isConstMethodId_maybe spec_id) then
+			-- If we got a const method spec_id see if further spec required
+			-- NB: const method is top-level so spec_id will not be cloned
+		    case record_spec spec_id tys_left of
+		      (False, _, _)
+		    	-> -- pprTrace "CallInst:Exists\n" 
+	            	   -- (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)],
+		    	   --	         ppCat [ppStr "->", ppr PprDebug spec_id,
+		    	   --		        ppr PprDebug (tys_left ++ drop toss dicts)]])
+			   (returnSM emptyUDs)
+		      (True, Nothing, spec_tys)
+			-> -- pprTrace "CallInst:Exists:Reqd\n"
+	            	   -- (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)],
+		    	   --	         ppCat [ppStr "->", ppr PprDebug spec_id,
+		    	   --		        ppr PprDebug (tys_left ++ drop toss dicts)],
+			   --	         ppCat [ppStr "CI", ppCat (map (pprMaybeTy PprDebug) spec_tys),
+	   		   --		                    ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) (drop toss dicts))]])
+			   (returnSM (singleCI spec_id spec_tys (drop toss dicts)))
+		      (True, Just (spec_spec_id, tys_left_left, toss_toss), _)
+			-> -- pprTrace "CallInst:Exists:Exists\n" 
+	            	   -- (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)],
+		    	   --	         ppCat [ppStr "->", ppr PprDebug spec_id,
+		    	   --		        ppr PprDebug (tys_left ++ drop toss dicts)],
+		    	   --	         ppCat [ppStr "->", ppr PprDebug spec_spec_id,
+		    	   --		        ppr PprDebug (tys_left_left ++ drop (toss + toss_toss) dicts)]])
+			   (returnSM emptyUDs)
+		else
+		    -- pprTrace "CallInst:Exists\n" 
+	            -- (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug id, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) args)],
+		    --	          ppCat [ppStr "->", ppr PprDebug spec_id,
+		    --		         ppr PprDebug (tys_left ++ drop toss dicts)]])
+		    (returnSM emptyUDs)
+take_type_args (_:tyvars) class_tyvar_pairs ((TypeArg ty,_,_):args) 
+	= case take_type_args tyvars class_tyvar_pairs args of
+		Nothing 	          -> Nothing
+		Just (tys, dicts, others) -> Just (ty:tys, dicts, others)
+take_type_args (_:tyvars) class_tyvar_pairs []
+	= Nothing
+take_type_args [] class_tyvar_pairs args 
+	= case take_dict_args class_tyvar_pairs args of
+		Nothing              -> Nothing
+		Just (dicts, others) -> Just ([], dicts, others)
+take_dict_args (_:class_tyvar_pairs) ((dict@(ValArg _),_,_):args) 
+	= case take_dict_args class_tyvar_pairs args of
+		Nothing              -> Nothing
+		Just (dicts, others) -> Just (dict:dicts, others)
+take_dict_args (_:class_tyvar_pairs) []
+	= Nothing
+take_dict_args [] args
+	= Just ([], args)
+mkCall :: Id
+       -> [(PlainCoreArg, UsageDetails, PlainCoreExpr -> PlainCoreExpr)]
+       -> SpecM (Bool, PlainCoreExpr)
+mkCall new_id args
+  | maybeToBool (isSuperDictSelId_maybe new_id)
+    && any isUnboxedDataType ty_args
+	-- No specialisations for super-dict selectors
+	-- Specialise unboxed calls to SuperDictSelIds by extracting
+	-- the super class dictionary directly form the super class
+	-- NB: This should be dead code since all uses of this dictionary should
+	--     have been specialised. We only do this to keep core-lint happy.
+    = let
+	 Just (_, super_class) = isSuperDictSelId_maybe new_id
+         super_dict_id = case lookupClassInstAtSimpleType super_class (head ty_args) of
+			 Nothing -> panic "Specialise:mkCall:SuperDictId"
+			 Just id -> id
+      in
+      returnSM (False, CoVar super_dict_id)
+  | otherwise
+    = case lookupSpecEnv (getIdSpecialisation new_id) ty_args of
+	Nothing -> checkUnspecOK new_id ty_args (
+		   returnSM (False, unspec_call)
+		   )
+	Just spec_1_details@(spec_id_1, tys_left_1, dicts_to_toss_1) 
+		-> let
+			-- It may be necessary to specialsie a constant method spec_id again
+		       (spec_id, tys_left, dicts_to_toss) =
+			    case (maybeToBool (isConstMethodId_maybe spec_id_1),
+				  lookupSpecEnv (getIdSpecialisation spec_id_1) tys_left_1) of
+				 (False, _ )	 -> spec_1_details
+				 (True, Nothing) -> spec_1_details
+				 (True, Just (spec_id_2, tys_left_2, dicts_to_toss_2))
+						 -> (spec_id_2, tys_left_2, dicts_to_toss_1 + dicts_to_toss_2)
+		       args_left = toss_dicts dicts_to_toss val_args
+		   in
+		   checkSpecOK new_id ty_args spec_id tys_left (
+			-- The resulting spec_id may be a top-level unboxed value
+			-- This can arise for:
+			-- 1) constant method values
+			--    eq: class Num a where pi :: a
+			--	  instance Num Double# where pi = 3.141#
+			-- 2) specilised overloaded values
+			--    eq: i1 :: Num a => a
+			--	  i1 Int# d.Num.Int# ==> i1.Int#
+			-- These top level defns should have been lifted.
+			-- We must add code to unlift such a spec_id.
+		   if isUnboxedDataType (getIdUniType spec_id) then
+		       ASSERT (null tys_left && null args_left)
+		       if toplevelishId spec_id then
+		 	   liftId spec_id 	`thenSM` \ (lift_spec_id, unlift_spec_id) ->
+			   returnSM (True, bindUnlift lift_spec_id unlift_spec_id
+						      (CoVar unlift_spec_id))
+		       else
+			   pprPanic "Specialise:mkCall: unboxed spec_id not top-level ...\n"
+				    (ppCat [ppr PprDebug new_id,
+				            ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendUniType PprDebug) ty_args),
+					    ppStr "==>",
+					    ppr PprDebug spec_id])
+		   else
+		   let
+		       (vals_left, _, unlifts_left) = unzip3 args_left
+		       applied_tys  = mkCoTyApps (CoVar spec_id) tys_left
+		       applied_vals = applyToArgs applied_tys vals_left
+		   in
+		   returnSM (True, applyBindUnlifts unlifts_left applied_vals)
+		   )
+  where
+    (tys_and_vals, _, unlifts) = unzip3 args
+    unspec_call = applyBindUnlifts unlifts (applyToArgs (CoVar new_id) tys_and_vals)
+	-- ty_args is the types at the front of the arg list
+	-- val_args is the rest of the arg-list
+    (ty_args, val_args) = get args
+      where
+	get ((TypeArg ty,_,_) : args) = (ty : tys, rest) where (tys,rest) = get args
+	get args		      = ([],       args)
+	-- toss_dicts chucks away dict args, checking that they ain't types!
+    toss_dicts 0 args 		     = args
+    toss_dicts n ((ValArg _,_,_) : args) = toss_dicts (n-1) args
+checkUnspecOK :: Id -> [UniType] -> a -> a
+checkUnspecOK check_id tys
+  = if isLocallyDefined check_id && any isUnboxedDataType tys
+    then pprPanic "Specialise:checkUnspecOK: unboxed instance for local id not found\n"
+		  (ppCat [ppr PprDebug check_id,
+			  ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendUniType PprDebug) tys)])
+    else id
+checkSpecOK :: Id -> [UniType] -> Id -> [UniType] -> a -> a
+checkSpecOK check_id tys spec_id tys_left
+  = if any isUnboxedDataType tys_left
+    then pprPanic "Specialise:checkSpecOK: unboxed type args in specialised application\n"
+		  (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug check_id,
+				    ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendUniType PprDebug) tys)],
+			     ppCat [ppr PprDebug spec_id,
+				    ppInterleave ppNil (map (pprParendUniType PprDebug) tys_left)]])
+    else id
+mkTyConInstance :: Id
+		-> [UniType]
+   		-> SpecM UsageDetails
+mkTyConInstance con tys
+  = recordTyConInst con tys	`thenSM` \ record_inst ->
+    case record_inst of
+      Nothing				-- No TyCon instance
+        -> -- pprTrace "NoTyConInst:" 
+	   -- (ppCat [ppr PprDebug tycon, ppStr "at",
+	   --	      ppr PprDebug con, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) tys)])
+	   (returnSM (singleConUDs con))
+      Just spec_tys			-- Record TyCon instance
+	-> -- pprTrace "TyConInst:"
+	   -- (ppCat [ppr PprDebug tycon, ppStr "at",
+	   --	      ppr PprDebug con, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) tys),
+	   --	      ppBesides [ppStr "(", 
+	   --			 ppCat [pprMaybeTy PprDebug ty | ty <- spec_tys],
+	   --			 ppStr ")"]])
+	   (returnSM (singleTyConI tycon spec_tys `unionUDs` singleConUDs con))
+  where
+    tycon = getDataConTyCon con
+recordTyConInst :: Id
+		-> [UniType]
+		-> SpecM (Maybe [Maybe UniType])
+recordTyConInst con tys
+  = let
+        spec_tys = specialiseConstrTys tys
+	do_tycon_spec = maybeToBool (firstJust spec_tys)
+        spec_exists = maybeToBool (lookupSpecEnv 
+				      (getIdSpecialisation con) 
+				      tys)
+    in
+    -- pprTrace "ConSpecExists?: "
+    -- (ppAboves [ppStr (if spec_exists then "True" else "False"),
+    --		  ppr PprShowAll con, ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) tys)])
+    (if (not spec_exists && do_tycon_spec)
+     then returnSM (Just spec_tys)
+     else returnSM Nothing)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecMonad.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..24e8d6ad82366132a1067e136aa78bcd3e26fba0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecMonad.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1995
+\section[SpecMonad]{Monad for the Specialiser}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module SpecMonad where
+import PlainCore
+import SpecTyFuns
+import Outputable	-- ToDo: these may be removable...
+import Pretty
+import AbsUniType
+import Bag
+import CmdLineOpts	( GlobalSwitch(..) )
+import CoreLift		( mkLiftedId, liftExpr, bindUnlift, applyBindUnlifts )
+import IdEnv
+import Id
+import IdInfo
+import InstEnv		( lookupClassInstAtSimpleType )
+import Maybes		( catMaybes, firstJust, maybeToBool, Maybe(..) )
+import TyVarEnv		-- ( growTyVarEnvList, nullTyVarEnv, TyVarEnv, TypeEnv(..) )
+import Util
+import UniqSet
+import SplitUniq
+infixr 9 `thenSM`
+%*									*
+\subsection[cloning-binders]{The Specialising IdEnv and CloneInfo}
+%*									*
+@SpecIdEnv@ maps old Ids to their new "clone". There are three cases:
+1) (NoLift CoLitAtom l) : an Id which is bound to a literal
+2) (NoLift CoLitAtom l) : an Id bound to a "new" Id	      
+   The new Id is a possibly-type-specialised clone of the original
+3) Lifted lifted_id unlifted_id :
+   This indicates that the original Id has been specialised to an
+   unboxed value which must be lifted (see "Unboxed bindings" above)
+     @unlifted_id@ is the unboxed clone of the original Id
+     @lifted_id@ is a *lifted* version of the original Id
+   When you lookup Ids which are Lifted, you have to insert a case
+   expression to un-lift the value (done with @bindUnlift@)
+   You also have to insert a case to lift the value in the binding
+   (done with @liftExpr@)
+type SpecIdEnv = IdEnv CloneInfo
+data CloneInfo
+ = NoLift PlainCoreAtom	-- refers to cloned id or literal
+ | Lifted Id		-- lifted, cloned id
+	  Id		-- unlifted, cloned id
+%*									*
+\subsection[monad-Specialise]{Monad used in specialisation}
+%*									*
+Monad has:
+ inherited: control flags and
+	    recordInst functions with flags cached
+	    environment mapping tyvars to types 
+	    environment mapping Ids to Atoms
+ threaded in and out: unique supply
+type SpecM result
+  =  (GlobalSwitch -> Bool)
+  -> TypeEnv
+  -> SpecIdEnv
+  -> SplitUniqSupply
+  -> result
+initSM m sw_chker uniqs
+  = m sw_chker nullTyVarEnv nullIdEnv uniqs
+returnSM :: a -> SpecM a
+thenSM	 :: SpecM a -> (a -> SpecM b) -> SpecM b
+fixSM    :: (a -> SpecM a) -> SpecM a
+thenSM m k sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+  = case splitUniqSupply us	   of { (s1, s2) ->
+    case (m sw_chkr tvenv idenv s1) of { r ->
+    k r sw_chkr tvenv idenv s2 }}
+returnSM r sw_chkr tvenv idenv us = r
+fixSM k sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = r
+ where
+   r = k r sw_chkr tvenv idenv us	-- Recursive in r!
+getSwitchCheckerSM sw_chkr tvenv idenv us = sw_chkr
+The only interesting bit is figuring out the type of the SpecId!
+newSpecIds :: [Id]		-- The id of which to make a specialised version
+	   -> [Maybe UniType]	-- Specialise to these types
+	   -> Int		-- No of dicts to specialise
+	   -> SpecM [Id]
+newSpecIds new_ids maybe_tys dicts_to_ignore sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+  = [ mkSpecId uniq id maybe_tys (spec_id_ty id) (selectIdInfoForSpecId id)
+      | (id,uniq) <- new_ids `zip` uniqs ]
+  where
+    uniqs = getSUniques (length new_ids) us
+    spec_id_ty id = specialiseTy (getIdUniType id) maybe_tys dicts_to_ignore
+newTyVars :: Int -> SpecM [TyVar]
+newTyVars n sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = map mkPolySysTyVar uniqs
+ where
+   uniqs = getSUniques n us
+@cloneLambdaOrCaseBinders@ and @cloneLetBinders@ take a bunch of
+binders, and build ``clones'' for them.  The clones differ from the
+originals in three ways:
+	(a) they have a fresh unique
+	(b) they have the current type environment applied to their type
+	(c) for Let binders which have been specialised to unboxed values
+	    the clone will have a lifted type
+As well as returning the list of cloned @Id@s they also return a list of
+@CloneInfo@s which the original binders should be bound to.
+cloneLambdaOrCaseBinders :: [Id] 			-- Old binders
+			 -> SpecM ([Id], [CloneInfo])	-- New ones
+cloneLambdaOrCaseBinders old_ids sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+  = let
+	uniqs = getSUniques (length old_ids) us
+    in
+    unzip (zipWith clone_it old_ids uniqs)
+  where
+    clone_it old_id uniq
+      = (new_id, NoLift (CoVarAtom new_id))
+      where
+	new_id = applyTypeEnvToId tvenv (mkIdWithNewUniq old_id uniq)
+cloneLetBinders :: Bool 			-- Top level ?
+		-> Bool 			-- Recursice
+		-> [Id] 			-- Old binders
+		-> SpecM ([Id], [CloneInfo])	-- New ones
+cloneLetBinders top_lev is_rec old_ids sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+  = let
+	uniqs = getSUniques (2 * length old_ids) us
+    in
+    unzip (clone_them old_ids uniqs)
+  where
+    clone_them [] [] = []
+    clone_them (old_id:olds) (u1:u2:uniqs)
+      | top_lev
+	= (old_id,
+	   NoLift (CoVarAtom old_id)) : clone_rest
+	 -- Don't clone if it is a top-level thing. Why not?
+	 -- (a) we don't want to change the uniques 
+	 --     on such things (see TopLevId in Id.lhs)
+	 -- (b) we don't have to be paranoid about name capture
+	 -- (c) the thing is polymorphic so no need to subst
+      | otherwise
+	= if (is_rec && isUnboxedDataType new_ty && not (isUnboxedDataType old_ty))
+	  then (lifted_id,
+		Lifted lifted_id unlifted_id) : clone_rest
+	  else (new_id,
+		NoLift (CoVarAtom new_id)) : clone_rest
+      where 
+	clone_rest = clone_them olds uniqs
+	new_id = applyTypeEnvToId tvenv (mkIdWithNewUniq old_id u1)
+	new_ty = getIdUniType new_id
+	old_ty = getIdUniType old_id
+	(lifted_id, unlifted_id) = mkLiftedId new_id u2
+cloneTyVarSM :: TyVar -> SpecM TyVar
+cloneTyVarSM old_tyvar sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+  = let
+	uniq = getSUnique us
+    in
+    cloneTyVar old_tyvar uniq -- new_tyvar
+bindId :: Id -> CloneInfo -> SpecM thing -> SpecM thing
+bindId id val specm sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = specm sw_chkr tvenv (addOneToIdEnv idenv id val) us
+bindIds :: [Id] -> [CloneInfo] -> SpecM thing -> SpecM thing
+bindIds olds news specm sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = specm sw_chkr tvenv (growIdEnvList idenv (zip olds news)) us
+bindSpecIds :: [Id]			-- Old
+	    -> [(CloneInfo)]		-- New
+	    -> [[Maybe SpecInfo]]	-- Corresponding specialisations
+					-- Each sub-list corresponds to a different type,
+					-- and contains one Maybe spec_info for each id
+	    -> SpecM thing 
+	    -> SpecM thing
+bindSpecIds olds clones spec_infos specm sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = specm sw_chkr tvenv (growIdEnvList idenv old_to_clone) us
+ where
+   old_to_clone = mk_old_to_clone olds clones spec_infos
+   -- The important thing here is that we are *lazy* in spec_infos
+   mk_old_to_clone [] [] _ = []
+   mk_old_to_clone (old:rest_olds) (clone:rest_clones) spec_infos
+     = (old, add_spec_info clone) : 
+       mk_old_to_clone rest_olds rest_clones spec_infos_rest
+     where
+       add_spec_info (NoLift (CoVarAtom new))
+	 = NoLift (CoVarAtom (new `addIdSpecialisation`
+			          (mkSpecEnv spec_infos_this_id)))
+       add_spec_info lifted
+	 = lifted		-- no specialised instances for unboxed lifted values
+       spec_infos_this_id = catMaybes (map head spec_infos)
+       spec_infos_rest    = map tail spec_infos
+bindTyVar :: TyVar -> UniType -> SpecM thing -> SpecM thing
+bindTyVar tyvar ty specm sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+ = specm sw_chkr (growTyVarEnvList tvenv [(tyvar,ty)]) idenv us
+lookupId :: Id -> SpecM CloneInfo
+lookupId id sw_chkr tvenv idenv us 
+  = case lookupIdEnv idenv id of
+      Nothing   -> NoLift (CoVarAtom id)
+      Just info -> info
+specTy :: UniType -> SpecM UniType	-- Apply the current type envt to the type
+specTy ty sw_chkr tvenv idenv us 
+  = applyTypeEnvToTy tvenv ty
+liftId :: Id -> SpecM (Id, Id)
+liftId id sw_chkr tvenv idenv us
+  = let
+	uniq = getSUnique us
+    in
+    mkLiftedId id uniq
+In other monads these @mapSM@ things are usually called @listM@.
+I think @mapSM@ is a much better name.  The `2' and `3' variants are
+when you want to return two or three results, and get at them
+separately.  It saves you having to do an (unzip stuff) right after.
+mapSM  	       :: (a -> SpecM b)	    -> [a] -> SpecM [b]
+mapAndUnzipSM  :: (a -> SpecM (b1, b2))	    -> [a] -> SpecM ([b1],[b2])
+mapAndUnzip3SM :: (a -> SpecM (b1, b2, b3)) -> [a] -> SpecM ([b1],[b2],[b3])
+mapAndUnzip4SM :: (a -> SpecM (b1, b2, b3, b4)) -> [a] -> SpecM ([b1],[b2],[b3],[b4])
+mapSM f [] = returnSM []
+mapSM f (x:xs) = f x  		`thenSM` \ r ->
+		 mapSM f xs	`thenSM` \ rs ->
+		 returnSM (r:rs)
+mapAndUnzipSM f [] = returnSM ([],[])
+mapAndUnzipSM f (x:xs) = f x 			`thenSM` \ (r1, r2) ->
+			 mapAndUnzipSM f xs	`thenSM` \ (rs1,rs2) ->
+			 returnSM ((r1:rs1),(r2:rs2))
+mapAndUnzip3SM f [] = returnSM ([],[],[])
+mapAndUnzip3SM f (x:xs) = f x 			`thenSM` \ (r1,r2,r3) ->
+			  mapAndUnzip3SM f xs	`thenSM` \ (rs1,rs2,rs3) ->
+			  returnSM ((r1:rs1),(r2:rs2),(r3:rs3))
+mapAndUnzip4SM f [] = returnSM ([],[],[],[])
+mapAndUnzip4SM f (x:xs) = f x 			`thenSM` \ (r1,r2,r3,r4) ->
+			  mapAndUnzip4SM f xs	`thenSM` \ (rs1,rs2,rs3,rs4) ->
+			  returnSM ((r1:rs1),(r2:rs2),(r3:rs3),(r4:rs4))