diff --git a/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile b/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
index 84988960acb034617e85fcc21c6a36c5213a0256..0562eb9f153ff8702376673bdf6c1a86114c4872 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
+++ b/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
@@ -114,6 +114,8 @@ types/Type.lhs			\
 rename/RnHsSyn.lhs \
@@ -344,7 +346,7 @@ profiling/CostCentre.lhs \
 simplCore/BinderInfo.lhs \
 ALLSRCS_LHS = /* all pieces of the compiler */ \
@@ -503,6 +505,10 @@ typecheck/TcLoop.hi : typecheck/TcLoop.lhi
 types/TyLoop.hi : types/TyLoop.lhi
 	$(GHC_UNLIT) types/TyLoop.lhi types/TyLoop.hi
+rename/ParseIface.hs : rename/ParseIface.y
+	$(RM) rename/ParseIface.hs
+	happy -g rename/ParseIface.y
@@ -615,6 +621,7 @@ compile(reader/PrefixToHs,lhs,)
 compile(reader/ReadPrefix,lhs,if_ghc(-fvia-C -I$(COMPINFO_DIR) -Iparser '-#include"hspincl.h"'))
@@ -759,7 +766,6 @@ HSP_SRCS_C =    parser/constr.c		\
 		parser/hslexer.c	\
 		parser/hsparser.tab.c	\
 		parser/id.c		\
-		parser/import_dirlist.c	\
 		parser/infix.c		\
 		parser/list.c		\
 		parser/literal.c	\
@@ -779,7 +785,6 @@ HSP_OBJS_O =    parser/constr.o		\
 		parser/hslexer.o	\
 		parser/hsparser.tab.o	\
 		parser/id.o		\
-		parser/import_dirlist.o	\
 		parser/infix.o		\
 		parser/list.o		\
 		parser/literal.o	\
@@ -800,7 +805,6 @@ REAL_HSP_SRCS_C = parser/main.c 	\
 		parser/util.c 		\
 		parser/syntax.c 	\
 		parser/type2context.c 	\
-		parser/import_dirlist.c \
 		parser/infix.c 		\
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
index 8018ad2c992ce525cd3075d518c133de7f83142f..2046335c91e6d6711de1a1b1fbe7c88ae9b63208 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
@@ -1800,17 +1800,23 @@ instance NamedThing (GenId ty) where
     getName this_id@(Id u _ details _ _)
       = get details
-	get (LocalId      n _)  = n
-	get (SysLocalId   n _)  = n
-	get (SpecPragmaId n _ _)= n
-	get (ImportedId   n)	= n
-	get (PreludeId    n)	= n
-	get (TopLevId     n)	= n
-	get (InstId       n _)  = n
+	get (LocalId      n _)  	= n
+	get (SysLocalId   n _)  	= n
+	get (SpecPragmaId n _ _)	= n
+	get (ImportedId   n)		= n
+	get (PreludeId    n)		= n
+	get (TopLevId     n)		= n
+	get (InstId       n _)  	= n
 	get (DataConId n _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = n
-	get (TupleConId n _)	= n
-	get (RecordSelId l)	= getName l
---	get _ = pprPanic "Id.Id.NamedThing.getName:" (pprId PprDebug this_id)
+	get (TupleConId n _)		= n
+	get (RecordSelId l)		= getName l
+	get (SuperDictSelId c sc)	= panic "Id.getName.SuperDictSelId"
+	get (MethodSelId c op)		= panic "Id.getName.MethodSelId"
+	get (DefaultMethodId c op _)	= panic "Id.getName.DefaultMethodId"
+	get (DictFunId c ty _ _)	= panic "Id.getName.DictFunId"
+	get (ConstMethodId c ty op _ _)	= panic "Id.getName.ConstMethodId"
+	get (SpecId i tys _)		= panic "Id.getName.SpecId"
+	get (WorkerId i)		= panic "Id.getName.WorkerId"
 {- LATER:
 	get (MethodSelId c op)	= case (getOrigName c) of -- ToDo; better ???
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
index 6eebe45348f4859f85e97daf0f624924a8fdb3e3..1a65a676b26cd54359f734559d4ad55c469e8450 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ instance OptIdInfo (MatchEnv [Type] CoreExpr) where
       = ppSpecs sty True better_id_fn nullIdEnv (mEnvToList spec)
 ppSpecs sty print_spec_id_info better_id_fn inline_env spec_env
-  = panic "IdInfo:ppSpecs"
+  = if null spec_env then ppNil else panic "IdInfo:ppSpecs"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
index eeaf9dac40992df531d724f6d9955761bd54ceca..54875d7fabc7a87c96f05c04f0b1912e4ae5bb8a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
@@ -49,9 +49,7 @@ import CLabel		( mkClosureLabel, mkConUpdCodePtrVecLabel,
 			  mkErrorStdEntryLabel, mkRednCountsLabel
 import ClosureInfo	-- lots and lots of stuff
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_EmitArityChecks, opt_ForConcurrent,
-			  opt_AsmTarget
-			)
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_EmitArityChecks, opt_ForConcurrent )
 import CostCentre	( useCurrentCostCentre, currentOrSubsumedCosts,
 			  noCostCentreAttached, costsAreSubsumed,
 			  isCafCC, overheadCostCentre
@@ -436,7 +434,6 @@ closureCodeBody binder_info closure_info cc all_args body
 	do_arity_chks = opt_EmitArityChecks
 	is_concurrent = opt_ForConcurrent
-	native_code   = opt_AsmTarget
 	stg_arity = length all_args
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
index f1a0d30e9583bdf2451b8d6fa0ce00f72a89894e..016bd99ec3cef2d73703e583f916b29185c6703d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ codeGen mod_name (local_CCs, extern_CCs) import_names gen_tycons tycon_specs stg
     grp_name  = case opt_SccGroup of
-		  Just xx -> xx
+		  Just xx -> _PK_ xx
 		  Nothing -> mod_name	-- default: module name
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
index dc2b61ae2001fd5212b89a924daa260bc98ecbd3..929d40d27e3668329298552d65bc6d66125b82f4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ lintCoreExpr (Lam (ValBinder var) expr)
 lintCoreExpr (Lam (TyBinder tyvar) expr)
   = lintCoreExpr expr `thenMaybeL` \ty ->
     returnL (Just(mkForAllTy tyvar ty))
-    -- TODO: Should add in-scope type variable at this point
+    -- ToDo: Should add in-scope type variable at this point
 lintCoreExpr e@(Case scrut alts)
  = lintCoreExpr scrut `thenMaybeL` \ty ->
@@ -270,19 +270,20 @@ lintCoreArg _ e ty (VarArg v)
       _ -> addErrL (mkAppMsg ty (idType v) e) `seqL` returnL Nothing
 lintCoreArg checkTyApp e ty a@(TyArg arg_ty)
-  = -- TODO: Check that ty is well-kinded and has no unbound tyvars
+  = -- ToDo: Check that ty is well-kinded and has no unbound tyvars
     checkIfSpecDoneL (not (isPrimType arg_ty)) (mkSpecTyAppMsg a)
     case (getForAllTy_maybe ty) of
       Just (tyvar,body) | (getTyVarKind tyvar == getTypeKind arg_ty) ->
 	returnL(Just(instantiateTy [(tyvar,arg_ty)] body))
+	| pprTrace "lintCoreArg:kinds:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug (getTyVarKind tyvar), ppr PprDebug (getTypeKind arg_ty)]) False -> panic "impossible"
       _ -> addErrL (mkTyAppMsg ty arg_ty e) `seqL` returnL Nothing
 lintCoreArg _ e ty (UsageArg u)
-  = -- TODO: Check that usage has no unbound usage variables
+  = -- ToDo: Check that usage has no unbound usage variables
     case (getForAllUsageTy ty) of
       Just (uvar,bounds,body) ->
-        -- TODO Check argument satisfies bounds
+        -- ToDo: Check argument satisfies bounds
         returnL(Just(panic "lintCoreArg:instantiateUsage uvar u body"))
       _ -> addErrL (mkUsageAppMsg ty u e) `seqL` returnL Nothing
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
index e737450a3af6b9c3b616e422c1b53647b11042df..174f5053a8ee3188111b6884e64c4db210c91d34 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ import Type		( mkFunTys, mkForAllTy, mkForAllUsageTy, mkTyVarTy,
 			  splitSigmaTy, splitFunTy, eqTy, applyTypeEnvToTy
 import UniqSupply	( initUs, returnUs, thenUs,
-			  mapUs, mapAndUnzipUs,
+			  mapUs, mapAndUnzipUs, getUnique,
 			  UniqSM(..), UniqSupply
 import Usage		( UVar(..) )
@@ -172,32 +172,10 @@ For making @Apps@ and @Lets@, we must take appropriate evasive
 action if the thing being bound has unboxed type.  @mkCoApp@ requires
 a name supply to do its work.
-@mkCoApp@, @mkCoCon@ and @mkCoPrim@ also handle the
+@mkCoApps@, @mkCoCon@ and @mkCoPrim@ also handle the
 arguments-must-be-atoms constraint.
-{- LATER:
---mkCoApp :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> UniqSM CoreExpr
-mkCoApp e1 (Var v) = returnUs (App e1 (VarArg v))
-mkCoApp e1 (Lit l) = returnUs (App e1 (LitArg l))
-mkCoApp e1 e2
-  = let
-	e2_ty = coreExprType e2
-    in
-    panic "getUnique"	`thenUs` \ uniq ->
-    let
-	new_var = mkSysLocal SLIT("a") uniq e2_ty mkUnknownSrcLoc
-    in
-    returnUs (
-    	mkCoLetUnboxedToCase (NonRec new_var e2)
-			     (App e1 (VarArg new_var))
-    )
 data CoreArgOrExpr
   = AnArg   CoreArg
   | AnExpr  CoreExpr
@@ -206,30 +184,33 @@ mkCoApps :: CoreExpr -> [CoreArgOrExpr] -> UniqSM CoreExpr
 mkCoCon  :: Id       -> [CoreArgOrExpr] -> UniqSM CoreExpr
 mkCoPrim :: PrimOp   -> [CoreArgOrExpr] -> UniqSM CoreExpr
-mkCoApps fun args = mkCoThing (Con con) args
-mkCoCon  con args = mkCoThing (Con con) args
-mkCoPrim  op args = mkCoThing (Prim op) args
+mkCoApps fun args = co_thing (mkGenApp fun) args
+mkCoCon  con args = co_thing (Con  con)     args
+mkCoPrim  op args = co_thing (Prim op)      args 
+co_thing :: ([CoreArg] -> CoreExpr)
+	 -> [CoreArgOrExpr]
+	 -> UniqSM CoreExpr
-mkCoThing thing arg_exprs
+co_thing thing arg_exprs
   = mapAndUnzipUs expr_to_arg arg_exprs `thenUs` \ (args, maybe_binds) ->
     returnUs (mkCoLetsUnboxedToCase (catMaybes maybe_binds) (thing args))
-    expr_to_arg :: CoreExpr
-	       -> UniqSM (CoreArg, Maybe CoreBinding)
+    expr_to_arg :: CoreArgOrExpr
+		-> UniqSM (CoreArg, Maybe CoreBinding)
-    expr_to_arg (Var v) = returnUs (VarArg v, Nothing)
-    expr_to_arg (Lit l) = returnUs (LitArg l, Nothing)
-    expr_to_arg other_expr
+    expr_to_arg (AnArg  arg)     = returnUs (arg,      Nothing)
+    expr_to_arg (AnExpr (Var v)) = returnUs (VarArg v, Nothing)
+    expr_to_arg (AnExpr (Lit l)) = returnUs (LitArg l, Nothing)
+    expr_to_arg (AnExpr other_expr)
       = let
 	    e_ty = coreExprType other_expr
-	panic "getUnique" `thenUs` \ uniq ->
+	getUnique `thenUs` \ uniq ->
 	    new_var  = mkSysLocal SLIT("a") uniq e_ty mkUnknownSrcLoc
-	    new_atom = VarArg new_var
-	returnUs (new_atom, Just (NonRec new_var other_expr))
+	returnUs (VarArg new_var, Just (NonRec new_var other_expr))
@@ -242,18 +223,6 @@ argToExpr (LitArg lit) = Lit lit
 {- LATER:
---mkCoApps ::
---  GenCoreExpr val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar ->
---  [GenCoreExpr val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar] ->
---  UniqSM(GenCoreExpr val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar)
-mkCoApps fun []  = returnUs fun
-mkCoApps fun (arg:args)
-  = mkCoApp fun arg `thenUs` \ new_fun ->
-    mkCoApps new_fun args
 exprSmallEnoughToDup :: GenCoreExpr binder Id -> Bool
 exprSmallEnoughToDup (Con _ _ _)   = True	-- Could check # of args
@@ -713,18 +682,19 @@ do_CoreBinding venv tenv (Rec binds)
 do_CoreArg :: ValEnv
 	    -> TypeEnv
 	    -> CoreArg
-	    -> UniqSM CoreExpr
+	    -> UniqSM CoreArgOrExpr
-do_CoreArg venv tenv (LitArg lit)     = returnUs (Lit lit)
-do_CoreArg venv tenv (TyArg ty)	      = panic "do_CoreArg: TyArg"
-do_CoreArg venv tenv (UsageArg usage) = panic "do_CoreArg: UsageArg"
-do_CoreArg venv tenv (VarArg v)
+do_CoreArg venv tenv a@(VarArg v)
   = returnUs (
       case (lookupIdEnv venv v) of
-	Nothing   -> --false:ASSERT(toplevelishId v)
-		     Var v
-	Just expr -> expr
+	Nothing   -> AnArg  a
+	Just expr -> AnExpr expr
+do_CoreArg venv tenv (TyArg ty)
+  = returnUs (AnArg (TyArg (applyTypeEnvToTy tenv ty)))
+do_CoreArg venv tenv other_arg = returnUs (AnArg other_arg)
@@ -744,15 +714,10 @@ do_CoreExpr venv tenv orig_expr@(Var var)
 do_CoreExpr venv tenv e@(Lit _) = returnUs e
 do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Con con as)
-  = panic "CoreUtils.do_CoreExpr:Con"
-{- LATER:
   = mapUs  (do_CoreArg venv tenv) as `thenUs`  \ new_as ->
     mkCoCon con new_as
 do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Prim op as)
-  = panic "CoreUtils.do_CoreExpr:Prim"
-{- LATER:
   = mapUs  (do_CoreArg venv tenv) as 	`thenUs`  \ new_as ->
     do_PrimOp op			`thenUs`  \ new_op ->
     mkCoPrim new_op new_as
@@ -765,7 +730,6 @@ do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Prim op as)
 	returnUs (CCallOp label is_asm may_gc new_arg_tys new_result_ty)
     do_PrimOp other_op = returnUs other_op
 do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Lam binder expr)
   = dup_binder tenv binder `thenUs` \(new_binder, (old,new)) ->
@@ -774,12 +738,9 @@ do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Lam binder expr)
     returnUs (Lam new_binder new_expr)
 do_CoreExpr venv tenv (App expr arg)
-  = panic "CoreUtils.do_CoreExpr:App"
   = do_CoreExpr venv tenv expr	`thenUs` \ new_expr ->
     do_CoreArg  venv tenv arg   `thenUs` \ new_arg  ->
-    mkCoApp new_expr new_arg
+    mkCoApps new_expr [new_arg] -- ToDo: more efficiently?
 do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Case expr alts)
   = do_CoreExpr venv tenv expr	    `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
index e45e7bc6db1dc25e70d9ff377f0c7878158cf89b..b744e0e213745e1eb0cc63f4319e1f9ea297df0a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
@@ -33,14 +33,13 @@ import ListSetOps	( minusList, intersectLists )
 import PprType		( GenType )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty		( ppShow )
-import Type		( mkTyVarTys, splitSigmaTy,
+import Type		( mkTyVarTys, mkForAllTys, splitSigmaTy,
 			  tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes
 import TyVar		( tyVarSetToList, GenTyVar{-instance Eq-} )
 import Util		( isIn, panic )
 isDictTy = panic "DsBinds.isDictTy"
-quantifyTy = panic "DsBinds.quantifyTy"
@@ -154,7 +153,7 @@ dsBinds (AbsBinds tyvars [] local_global_prs inst_binds val_binds)
 	-- local_global_prs.
     private_binders = binders `minusList` [local | (local,_) <- local_global_prs]
     binders	    = collectTypedBinders val_binds
-    mk_poly_private_binder id = newSysLocalDs (snd (quantifyTy tyvars (idType id)))
+    mk_poly_private_binder id = newSysLocalDs (mkForAllTys tyvars (idType id))
     tyvar_tys = mkTyVarTys tyvars
@@ -244,7 +243,7 @@ dsBinds (AbsBinds all_tyvars dicts local_global_prs dict_binds val_binds)
     non_overloaded_tyvars = all_tyvars `minusList` (tyVarSetToList{-????-} overloaded_tyvars)
     binders      = collectTypedBinders val_binds
-    mk_binder id = newSysLocalDs (snd (quantifyTy non_overloaded_tyvars (idType id)))
+    mk_binder id = newSysLocalDs (mkForAllTys non_overloaded_tyvars (idType id))
 @mkSatTyApp id tys@ constructs an expression whose value is (id tys).
@@ -343,8 +342,8 @@ dsInstBinds tyvars ((inst, expr) : bs)
     inst_ty    = idType inst
     abs_tyvars = tyVarSetToList{-???sigh-} (tyVarsOfType inst_ty) `intersectLists` tyvars
-    abs_tys    = mkTyVarTys abs_tyvars
-    (_, poly_inst_ty) = quantifyTy abs_tyvars inst_ty
+    abs_tys      = mkTyVarTys  abs_tyvars
+    poly_inst_ty = mkForAllTys abs_tyvars inst_ty
     -- Wrap a desugared expression in `_scc_ "DICT" <expr>' if
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs
index 6d9dc558ede58f130f0a71989abc63de204da748..2900230d523bdee7fe34fd3f913add8b189f16dd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ initDs init_us env mod_name action
     module_and_group = (mod_name, grp_name)
     grp_name  = case opt_SccGroup of
-		    Just xx -> xx
+		    Just xx -> _PK_ xx
 		    Nothing -> mod_name	-- default: module name
 thenDs :: DsM a -> (a -> DsM b) -> DsM b
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
index 9726092b576c446aeb754307677206e461915f42..e6b80f2d41074a3d6b0fcc76d27bf4f84a033b96 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
@@ -46,15 +46,13 @@ import Id		( idType, dataConArgTys, mkTupleCon,
 			  DataCon(..), DictVar(..), Id(..), GenId )
 import Literal		( Literal(..) )
 import TyCon		( mkTupleTyCon )
-import Type		( mkTyVarTys, mkRhoTy, mkFunTys, isUnboxedType,
-			  applyTyCon, getAppDataTyCon
+import Type		( mkTyVarTys, mkRhoTy, mkForAllTys, mkFunTys,
+			  isUnboxedType, applyTyCon, getAppDataTyCon
 import UniqSet		( mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet, uniqSetToList, UniqSet(..) )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic )
-quantifyTy = panic "DsUtils.quantifyTy"
 splitDictType = panic "DsUtils.splitDictType"
-mkCoTyApps = panic "DsUtils.mkCoTyApps"
@@ -417,10 +415,10 @@ mkTupleBind tyvars dicts local_global_prs tuple_expr
     tuple_var_ty :: Type
-      = case (quantifyTy tyvars (mkRhoTy theta
-				  (applyTyCon (mkTupleTyCon no_of_binders)
-					      (map idType locals)))) of
-	  (_{-tossed templates-}, ty) -> ty
+      = mkForAllTys tyvars $
+	mkRhoTy theta	   $
+	applyTyCon (mkTupleTyCon no_of_binders)
+		   (map idType locals)
 	theta = map (splitDictType . idType) dicts
@@ -434,17 +432,14 @@ mkTupleBind tyvars dicts local_global_prs tuple_expr
 	returnDs (
 	    mkLam tyvars dicts (
-		mkTupleSelector (mkApp_XX (mkCoTyApps tuple_var_expr tyvar_tys) dicts)
-				binders selected)
+		mkTupleSelector
+		    (mkValApp (mkTyApp tuple_var_expr tyvar_tys)
+			      (map VarArg dicts))
+		    binders
+		    selected)
-mkApp_XX :: CoreExpr -> [Id] -> CoreExpr
-mkApp_XX expr []	 = expr
-mkApp_XX expr (id:ids) = mkApp_XX (App expr (VarArg id)) ids
 @mkTupleExpr@ builds a tuple; the inverse to @mkTupleSelector@.  If it
 has only one element, it is the identity function.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
index 5b74a4d4127f0b9efa096b4615379e68b1760185..3b4facef0adadb80c45cf33677cf7723804667e3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
@@ -66,7 +66,6 @@ data HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat
   | SectionR	(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- operator
 		(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- operand
   | HsCase	(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)
 		[Match  tyvar uvar id pat]	-- must have at least one Match
@@ -110,9 +109,9 @@ data HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat
   | RecordUpd	(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)
 		(HsRecordBinds tyvar uvar id pat)
-  | RecordUpdOut	(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- TRANSLATION
-			[id]				-- Dicts needed for construction
-			(HsRecordBinds tyvar uvar id pat)
+  | RecordUpdOut (HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- TRANSLATION
+		 [id]				-- Dicts needed for construction
+		 (HsRecordBinds tyvar uvar id pat)
   | ExprWithTySig		-- signature binding
 		(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)
@@ -211,7 +210,6 @@ pprExpr sty expr@(HsApp e1 e2)
     collect_args (HsApp fun arg) args = collect_args fun (arg:args)
     collect_args fun		 args = (fun, args)
 pprExpr sty (OpApp e1 op e2)
   = case op of
       HsVar v -> pp_infixly v
@@ -232,7 +230,6 @@ pprExpr sty (NegApp e)
 pprExpr sty (HsPar e)
   = ppParens (pprExpr sty e)
 pprExpr sty (SectionL expr op)
   = case op of
       HsVar v -> pp_infixly v
@@ -259,23 +256,15 @@ pprExpr sty (SectionR op expr)
       = ppSep [ ppBeside ppLparen (pprOp sty v),
 		ppBeside pp_expr  ppRparen ]
-pprExpr sty (CCall fun args _ is_asm result_ty)
-  = ppHang (if is_asm
-	    then ppBesides [ppStr "_casm_ ``", ppPStr fun, ppStr "''"]
-	    else ppBeside  (ppPStr SLIT("_ccall_ ")) (ppPStr fun))
-	 4 (ppSep (map (pprParendExpr sty) args))
-pprExpr sty (HsSCC label expr)
-  = ppSep [ ppBeside (ppPStr SLIT("_scc_ ")) (ppBesides [ppChar '"', ppPStr label, ppChar '"']),
-	    pprParendExpr sty expr ]
 pprExpr sty (HsCase expr matches _)
   = ppSep [ ppSep [ppPStr SLIT("case"), ppNest 4 (pprExpr sty expr), ppPStr SLIT("of")],
 	    ppNest 2 (pprMatches sty (True, ppNil) matches) ]
-pprExpr sty (ListComp expr quals)
-  = ppHang (ppCat [ppLbrack, pprExpr sty expr, ppChar '|'])
-	 4 (ppSep [interpp'SP sty quals, ppRbrack])
+pprExpr sty (HsIf e1 e2 e3 _)
+  = ppSep [ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("if"), ppNest 2 (pprExpr sty e1), ppPStr SLIT("then")],
+	   ppNest 4 (pprExpr sty e2),
+	   ppPStr SLIT("else"),
+	   ppNest 4 (pprExpr sty e3)]
 -- special case: let ... in let ...
 pprExpr sty (HsLet binds expr@(HsLet _ _))
@@ -288,12 +277,12 @@ pprExpr sty (HsLet binds expr)
 pprExpr sty (HsDo stmts _)
   = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("do"), ppAboves (map (ppr sty) stmts)]
+pprExpr sty (HsDoOut stmts _ _ _)
+  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("do"), ppAboves (map (ppr sty) stmts)]
-pprExpr sty (HsIf e1 e2 e3 _)
-  = ppSep [ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("if"), ppNest 2 (pprExpr sty e1), ppPStr SLIT("then")],
-	   ppNest 4 (pprExpr sty e2),
-	   ppPStr SLIT("else"),
-	   ppNest 4 (pprExpr sty e3)]
+pprExpr sty (ListComp expr quals)
+  = ppHang (ppCat [ppLbrack, pprExpr sty expr, ppChar '|'])
+	 4 (ppSep [interpp'SP sty quals, ppRbrack])
 pprExpr sty (ExplicitList exprs)
   = ppBracket (ppInterleave ppComma (map (pprExpr sty) exprs))
@@ -303,15 +292,18 @@ pprExpr sty (ExplicitListOut ty exprs)
 pprExpr sty (ExplicitTuple exprs)
   = ppParens (ppInterleave ppComma (map (pprExpr sty) exprs))
-pprExpr sty (ExprWithTySig expr sig)
-  = ppHang (ppBesides [ppLparen, ppNest 2 (pprExpr sty expr), ppPStr SLIT(" ::")])
-	 4 (ppBeside  (ppr sty sig) ppRparen)
 pprExpr sty (RecordCon con  rbinds)
   = pp_rbinds sty (ppr sty con) rbinds
 pprExpr sty (RecordUpd aexp rbinds)
   = pp_rbinds sty (pprParendExpr sty aexp) rbinds
+pprExpr sty (RecordUpdOut aexp _ rbinds)
+  = pp_rbinds sty (pprParendExpr sty aexp) rbinds
+pprExpr sty (ExprWithTySig expr sig)
+  = ppHang (ppBesides [ppLparen, ppNest 2 (pprExpr sty expr), ppPStr SLIT(" ::")])
+	 4 (ppBeside  (ppr sty sig) ppRparen)
 pprExpr sty (ArithSeqIn info)
   = ppBracket (ppr sty info)
@@ -322,6 +314,16 @@ pprExpr sty (ArithSeqOut expr info)
 	_   	   ->
     	  ppBesides [ppLbrack, ppParens (ppr sty expr), ppr sty info, ppRbrack]
+pprExpr sty (CCall fun args _ is_asm result_ty)
+  = ppHang (if is_asm
+	    then ppBesides [ppStr "_casm_ ``", ppPStr fun, ppStr "''"]
+	    else ppBeside  (ppPStr SLIT("_ccall_ ")) (ppPStr fun))
+	 4 (ppSep (map (pprParendExpr sty) args))
+pprExpr sty (HsSCC label expr)
+  = ppSep [ ppBeside (ppPStr SLIT("_scc_ ")) (ppBesides [ppChar '"', ppPStr label, ppChar '"']),
+	    pprParendExpr sty expr ]
 pprExpr sty (TyLam tyvars expr)
   = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "/\\", interppSP sty tyvars, ppStr "->"])
 	 4 (pprExpr sty expr)
@@ -352,12 +354,15 @@ pprExpr sty (ClassDictLam dicts methods expr)
 	 4 (pprExpr sty expr)
 pprExpr sty (Dictionary dicts methods)
- = ppSep [ppBesides [ppLparen, ppPStr SLIT("{-dict-}")],
-	  ppBracket (interpp'SP sty dicts),
-	  ppBesides [ppBracket (interpp'SP sty methods), ppRparen]]
+  = ppSep [ppBesides [ppLparen, ppPStr SLIT("{-dict-}")],
+	   ppBracket (interpp'SP sty dicts),
+	   ppBesides [ppBracket (interpp'SP sty methods), ppRparen]]
 pprExpr sty (SingleDict dname)
- = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("{-singleDict-}"), ppr sty dname]
+  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("{-singleDict-}"), ppr sty dname]
+pprExpr sty (HsCon con tys exprs)
+  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("{-HsCon-}"), ppr sty con, interppSP sty tys, interppSP sty exprs]
 Parenthesize unless very simple:
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsMatches.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsMatches.lhs
index 7aed7aee482f852e40735e5ad30bad172a4ec91a..3b202f4fea0f54f7374119a98f67d40c5ad67cac 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsMatches.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsMatches.lhs
@@ -112,12 +112,15 @@ pprMatch sty is_case first_match
     (row_of_pats, grhss_etc_stuff) = ppr_match sty is_case first_match
     ppr_match sty is_case (PatMatch pat match)
-     = (pat:pats, grhss_stuff)
-     where
+      = (pat:pats, grhss_stuff)
+      where
 	(pats, grhss_stuff) = ppr_match sty is_case match
     ppr_match sty is_case (GRHSMatch grhss_n_binds)
-     = ([], pprGRHSsAndBinds sty is_case grhss_n_binds)
+      = ([], pprGRHSsAndBinds sty is_case grhss_n_binds)
+    ppr_match sty is_case (SimpleMatch expr)
+      = ([], ppr sty expr)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
index 8f7ce3372ed759d369675f984a63319fbc61fb00..e0a0382b28b652808c2180b7fb03ba511f731fd9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Argv
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
 import Maybes		( assocMaybe, firstJust, maybeToBool, Maybe(..) )
-import Util		( panic, panic#, assertPanic )
+import Util		( startsWith, panic, panic#, assertPanic )
 A command-line {\em switch} is (generally) either on or off; e.g., the
@@ -140,30 +140,19 @@ data SimplifierSwitch
 lookup	   :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
-lookup_int :: FAST_STRING -> Maybe Int
-lookup_str :: FAST_STRING -> Maybe FAST_STRING 
+lookup_int :: String -> Maybe Int
+lookup_str :: String -> Maybe String
 lookup     sw = maybeToBool (assoc_opts sw)
-lookup_str sw = let
-		    unpk_sw = _UNPK_ sw
-		in
-		case (firstJust (map (starts_with unpk_sw) unpacked_opts)) of
-		  Nothing -> Nothing
-		  Just xx -> Just (_PK_ xx)
+lookup_str sw = firstJust (map (startsWith sw) unpacked_opts)
 lookup_int sw = case (lookup_str sw) of
 		  Nothing -> Nothing
-		  Just xx -> Just (read (_UNPK_ xx))
+		  Just xx -> Just (read xx)
 assoc_opts    = assocMaybe [ (a, True) | a <- argv ]
 unpacked_opts = map _UNPK_ argv
-starts_with :: String -> String -> Maybe String
-starts_with []     str = Just str
-starts_with (c:cs) (s:ss)
-  = if c /= s then Nothing else starts_with cs ss
@@ -229,16 +218,40 @@ opt_SpecialiseUnboxed		= lookup  SLIT("-fspecialise-unboxed")
 opt_StgDoLetNoEscapes		= lookup  SLIT("-flet-no-escape")
 opt_UseGetMentionedVars		= lookup  SLIT("-fuse-get-mentioned-vars")
 opt_Verbose			= lookup  SLIT("-v")
-opt_AsmTarget 			= lookup_str SLIT("-fasm-")
-opt_SccGroup  			= lookup_str SLIT("-G")
-opt_ProduceC  			= lookup_str SLIT("-C")
-opt_ProduceS  			= lookup_str SLIT("-S")
-opt_ProduceHi 			= lookup_str SLIT("-hi")
-opt_EnsureSplittableC		= lookup_str SLIT("-fglobalise-toplev-names")
-opt_UnfoldingUseThreshold	= lookup_int SLIT("-funfolding-use-threshold")
-opt_UnfoldingCreationThreshold	= lookup_int SLIT("-funfolding-creation-threshold")
-opt_UnfoldingOverrideThreshold	= lookup_int SLIT("-funfolding-override-threshold")
-opt_ReturnInRegsThreshold	= lookup_int SLIT("-freturn-in-regs-threshold")
+opt_AsmTarget 			= lookup_str "-fasm="
+opt_SccGroup  			= lookup_str "-G="
+opt_ProduceC  			= lookup_str "-C="
+opt_ProduceS  			= lookup_str "-S="
+opt_ProduceHi 			= lookup_str "-hifile="
+opt_ProduceHu 			= lookup_str "-hufile="
+opt_EnsureSplittableC		= lookup_str "-fglobalise-toplev-names="
+opt_UnfoldingUseThreshold	= lookup_int "-funfolding-use-threshold"
+opt_UnfoldingCreationThreshold	= lookup_int "-funfolding-creation-threshold"
+opt_UnfoldingOverrideThreshold	= lookup_int "-funfolding-override-threshold"
+opt_ReturnInRegsThreshold	= lookup_int "-freturn-in-regs-threshold"
+opt_NoImplicitPrelude		= lookup  SLIT("-fno-implicit-prelude")
+opt_IgnoreIfacePragmas		= lookup  SLIT("-fignore-interface-pragmas")
+opt_HiSuffix	 = case (lookup_str "-hisuffix=")    of { Nothing -> ".hi" ; Just x -> x }
+opt_SysHiSuffix	 = case (lookup_str "-syshisuffix=") of { Nothing -> ".hi" ; Just x -> x }
+opt_HiDirList	 = get_dir_list "-i="
+opt_SysHiDirList = get_dir_list "-j="
+get_dir_list tag
+  = case (lookup_str tag) of
+      Nothing -> [{-no dirs to search???-}]
+      Just xs -> colon_split xs "" [] -- character and dir accumulators, both reversed...
+  where
+    colon_split []	   cacc dacc = reverse (reverse cacc : dacc)
+    colon_split (':' : xs) cacc dacc = colon_split xs "" (reverse cacc : dacc)
+    colon_split ( x  : xs) cacc dacc = colon_split xs (x : cacc) dacc
+-- -hisuf, -hisuf-prelude
+-- -fno-implicit-prelude
+-- -fignore-interface-pragmas
+-- importdirs and sysimport dirs
@@ -348,9 +361,9 @@ classifyOpts = sep argv [] [] -- accumulators...
 	    | starts_with_suut -> SIMPL_SW(SimplUnfoldingUseThreshold (read after_suut))
 	    | starts_with_suct -> SIMPL_SW(SimplUnfoldingCreationThreshold (read after_suct))
-	    maybe_suut		= starts_with "-fsimpl-uf-use-threshold"      o
-	    maybe_suct		= starts_with "-fsimpl-uf-creation-threshold" o
-	    maybe_msi		= starts_with "-fmax-simplifier-iterations"   o
+	    maybe_suut		= startsWith "-fsimpl-uf-use-threshold"      o
+	    maybe_suct		= startsWith "-fsimpl-uf-creation-threshold" o
+	    maybe_msi		= startsWith "-fmax-simplifier-iterations"   o
 	    starts_with_suut	= maybeToBool maybe_suut
 	    starts_with_suct	= maybeToBool maybe_suct
 	    starts_with_msi	= maybeToBool maybe_msi
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
index 3507b79f8c4a685ee6e6d0dbc281f9ef597f3687..918a24c16a07c52ddf7f00a9320d97e72f125168 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
     doOutput switch io_action
       = case switch of
 	  Nothing -> returnMn ()
-	  Just fn -> let fname = _UNPK_ fn in
+	  Just fname ->
 	    fopen fname "a+"	`thenPrimIO` \ file ->
 	    if (file == ``NULL'') then
 		error ("doOutput: failed to open:"++fname)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs
index 70185118b39bd07f80ebd4938de770e026fbcc8b..92440229467f624202c71a4a49df79f1b955a36e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs
@@ -58,9 +58,7 @@ rdU_long x = returnUgn x
 type U_stringId = FAST_STRING
 rdU_stringId :: _Addr -> UgnM U_stringId
 {-# INLINE rdU_stringId #-}
-rdU_stringId s
-  = -- ToDo (sometime): ioToUgnM (_ccall_ hash_index s) `thenUgn` \ (I# i) ->
-    returnUgn (_packCString s)
+rdU_stringId s = returnUgn (_packCString s)
 type U_numId = Int -- ToDo: Int
 rdU_numId :: _Addr -> UgnM U_numId
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/hsclink.c b/ghc/compiler/parser/hsclink.c
index 055304e6119b0035aab6ae6fbad0820b0055cca0..a42a667ea36a83189a9d98213910ef88b3dc76d8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/hsclink.c
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/hsclink.c
@@ -45,11 +45,6 @@ hspmain()
     process_args(hsp_argc, hsp_argv); /* HACK */
-#ifdef HSP_DEBUG
-    fprintf(stderr,"input_file_dir=%s\n",input_file_dir);
     if (yyparse() != 0) {
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex b/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
index e54bb0b54482d5189afc8424654b34c6fd551f44..f66949f0a24ad5800a21572060dc017e90edaf99 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
@@ -149,21 +149,12 @@ extern BOOLEAN etags;	                /* that which is saved */
 extern BOOLEAN nonstandardFlag;	        /* Glasgow extensions allowed */
-static BOOLEAN in_interface = FALSE;    /* TRUE if we are reading a .hi file */
-extern BOOLEAN ignorePragmas;		/* True when we should ignore pragmas */
-extern int minAcceptablePragmaVersion;	/* see documentation in main.c */
-extern int maxAcceptablePragmaVersion;
-extern int thisIfacePragmaVersion;
 static int hssttok = -1;	/* Stacked Token: -1   -- no token; -ve  -- ";"
 				 * inserted before token +ve  -- "}" inserted before
 				 * token */
 short icontexts = 0;		/* Which context we're in */
 	Table of indentations:  right bit indicates whether to use
 	  indentation rules (1 = use rules; 0 = ignore)
@@ -468,7 +459,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
 /* These SHOULDNAE work in "Code" (sigh) */
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{Id}"#" { 
-			 if (! (nonstandardFlag || in_interface)) {
+			 if (! nonstandardFlag) {
 			    char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
 			    sprintf(errbuf, "Non-standard identifier (trailing `#'): %s\n", yytext);
@@ -477,7 +468,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
     	    	    	 RETURN(_isconstr(yytext) ? CONID : VARID);
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>_+{Id} { 
-			 if (! (nonstandardFlag || in_interface)) {
+			 if (! nonstandardFlag) {
 			    char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
 			    sprintf(errbuf, "Non-standard identifier (leading underscore): %s\n", yytext);
@@ -557,7 +548,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
     	    	    	 addtext(yytext, yyleng - 2);
     	    	    	 text = fetchtext(&length);
-			 if (! (nonstandardFlag || in_interface)) {
+			 if (! nonstandardFlag) {
 			    char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
 			    sprintf(errbuf, "`Char-hash' literals are non-standard: %s\n", text);
@@ -634,7 +625,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
     	    	    	 addtext(yytext, yyleng-2);
     	    	    	 text = fetchtext(&length);
-			 if (! (nonstandardFlag || in_interface)) {
+			 if (! nonstandardFlag) {
 			    char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
 			    sprintf(errbuf, "`String-hash' literals are non-standard: %s\n", text);
@@ -1097,7 +1088,6 @@ yylex()
 	hscolno = hscolno_save;
 	hspcolno = hspcolno_save;
 	etags = etags_save;
-	in_interface = FALSE;
 	icontexts = icontexts_save - 1;
 	icontexts_save = 0;
 #ifdef HSP_DEBUG
@@ -1148,7 +1138,6 @@ setyyin(char *file)
     hscolno_save = hscolno;
     hspcolno_save = hspcolno;
     hscolno = hspcolno = 0;
-    in_interface = TRUE;
     etags_save = etags; /* do not do "etags" stuff in interfaces */
     etags = 0;		/* We remember whether we are doing it in
 			   the module, so we can restore it later [WDP 94/09] */
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/import_dirlist.c b/ghc/compiler/parser/import_dirlist.c
deleted file mode 100644
index d81de59c237072791257bb62030ebc8868782f6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/import_dirlist.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-*                                                                     *
-*                                                                     *
-*      Import Directory List Handling                                 *
-*                                                                     *
-*                                                                     *
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "hspincl.h"
-#include "constants.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#ifdef HAVE_TYPES_H
-#include <types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>
-#ifndef HAVE_ACCESS
-#define R_OK "r"
-#define F_OK "r"
-access(const char *fileName, const char *mode)
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fileName, mode);
-    if (fp != NULL) {
-	(void) fclose(fp);
-	return 0;
-    }
-    return 1;
-#endif /* HAVE_ACCESS */
-list	imports_dirlist, sys_imports_dirlist; /* The imports lists */
-extern  char HiSuffix[];
-extern  char PreludeHiSuffix[];
-/* OLD 95/08: extern BOOLEAN ExplicitHiSuffixGiven; */
-#define MAX_MATCH 16
-  This finds a module along the imports directory list.
-find_module_on_imports_dirlist(char *module_name, BOOLEAN is_sys_import, char *returned_filename)
-    char try[FILENAME_SIZE];
-    list imports_dirs;
-#ifdef HAVE_STAT
-    struct stat sbuf[MAX_MATCH];
-    int no_of_matches = 0;
-    BOOLEAN tried_source_dir = FALSE;
-    char *try_end;
-    char *suffix_to_use    = (is_sys_import) ? PreludeHiSuffix : HiSuffix;
-    char *suffix_to_report = suffix_to_use; /* save this for reporting, because we
-						might change suffix_to_use later */
-    int modname_len = strlen(module_name);
-    /* 
-       Check every directory in (sys_)imports_dirlist for the imports file.
-       The first directory in the list is the source directory.
-    */
-    for (imports_dirs = (is_sys_import) ? sys_imports_dirlist : imports_dirlist;
-	 tlist(imports_dirs) == lcons; 
-	 imports_dirs = ltl(imports_dirs))
-      {
-	char *dir = (char *) lhd(imports_dirs);
-	strcpy(try, dir);
-	try_end = try + strlen(try);
-#ifdef macintosh /* ToDo: use DIR_SEP_CHAR */
-	if (*(try_end - 1) != ':')
-	    strcpy (try_end++, ":");
-	if (*(try_end - 1) != '/')
-	  strcpy (try_end++, "/");
-#endif /* ! macintosh */
-	strcpy(try_end, module_name);
-	strcpy(try_end+modname_len, suffix_to_use);
-	/* See whether the file exists and is readable. */
-	if (access (try,R_OK) == 0)
-	  {
-	    if ( no_of_matches == 0 ) 
-		strcpy(returned_filename, try);
-	    /* Return as soon as a match is found in the source directory. */
-	    if (!tried_source_dir)
-	      return;
-#ifdef HAVE_STAT
-    	    if ( no_of_matches < MAX_MATCH && stat(try, sbuf + no_of_matches) == 0 )
-    	      {
-    	    	int i;
-    	    	for (i = 0; i < no_of_matches; i++)
-    	    	  {
-    	    	    if ( sbuf[no_of_matches].st_dev == sbuf[i].st_dev &&
-    	    	    	 sbuf[no_of_matches].st_ino == sbuf[i].st_ino)
-    	    	      goto next;    /* Skip dups */
-    	    	  }
-              }
-#endif /* HAVE_STAT */
-    	    no_of_matches++;
-	  }
-	else if (access (try,F_OK) == 0)
-	  fprintf(stderr,"Warning: %s exists, but is not readable\n",try);
-      next:	
-	tried_source_dir = TRUE;
-      }
-    if ( no_of_matches == 0 && ! is_sys_import ) { /* Nothing so far */
-	/* If we are explicitly meddling about with .hi suffixes,
-	   then some system-supplied modules may need to be looked
-	   for with PreludeHiSuffix; unsavoury but true...
-	*/
-	suffix_to_use = PreludeHiSuffix;
-	for (imports_dirs = sys_imports_dirlist;
-	     tlist(imports_dirs) == lcons; 
-	     imports_dirs = ltl(imports_dirs))
-	  {
-	    char *dir = (char *) lhd(imports_dirs);
-	    strcpy(try, dir);
-	    try_end = try + strlen(try);
-#ifdef macintosh /* ToDo: use DIR_SEP_STRING */
-	    if (*(try_end - 1) != ':')
-		strcpy (try_end++, ":");
-	    if (*(try_end - 1) != '/')
-	      strcpy (try_end++, "/");
-#endif /* ! macintosh */
-	    strcpy(try_end, module_name);
-	    strcpy(try_end+modname_len, suffix_to_use);
-	    /* See whether the file exists and is readable. */
-	    if (access (try,R_OK) == 0)
-	      {
-		if ( no_of_matches == 0 ) 
-		    strcpy(returned_filename, try);
-#ifdef HAVE_STAT
-    	        if ( no_of_matches < MAX_MATCH && stat(try, sbuf + no_of_matches) == 0 )
-    	          {
-    	    	    int i;
-    	    	    for (i = 0; i < no_of_matches; i++)
-    	    	      {
-    	    	        if ( sbuf[no_of_matches].st_dev == sbuf[i].st_dev &&
-    	    	    	     sbuf[no_of_matches].st_ino == sbuf[i].st_ino)
-    	    	          goto next_again;    /* Skip dups */
-    	    	      }
-                  }
-#endif /* HAVE_STAT */
-    	        no_of_matches++;
-	      }
-	    else if (access (try,F_OK) == 0)
-	      fprintf(stderr,"Warning: %s exists, but is not readable\n",try);
-          next_again:
-	   /*NOTHING*/;
-	  }
-    }
-    /* Error checking */
-    switch ( no_of_matches ) {
-    default:
-	  fprintf(stderr,"Warning: found %d %s files for module \"%s\"\n",
-			no_of_matches, suffix_to_report, module_name);
-    	  break;
-    case 0:
-    	  {
-	    char disaster_msg[MODNAME_SIZE+1000];
-	    sprintf(disaster_msg,"can't find interface (%s) file for module \"%s\"%s",
-			suffix_to_report, module_name,
-			(strncmp(module_name, "PreludeGlaIO", 12) == 0)
-			? "\n(The PreludeGlaIO interface no longer exists);"
-			:(
-			(strncmp(module_name, "PreludePrimIO", 13) == 0)
-			? "\n(The PreludePrimIO interface no longer exists -- just use PreludeGlaST);"
-			:(
-			(strncmp(module_name, "Prelude", 7) == 0)
-			? "\n(Perhaps you forgot a `-fglasgow-exts' flag?);"
-			: ""
-	    )));
-	    hsperror(disaster_msg);
-    	    break;
-    	  }
-    case 1:
-    	/* Everything is fine */
-    	break;
-    }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/main.c b/ghc/compiler/parser/main.c
index 8463644a77c6eebc39c872ae09d5537c9fb0347a..325c553940bd8733cade5c1dcf41ebbd7deb9176 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/main.c
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/main.c
@@ -27,11 +27,6 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
-#ifdef HSP_DEBUG
-    fprintf(stderr,"input_file_dir=%s\n",input_file_dir);
     if(yyparse() == 0 && !etags)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/util.c b/ghc/compiler/parser/util.c
index de26eb0217997ad1ebbb64411a66784da5e3a049..f8ebc57c09ab2975810806efb2d49fd79bb8d34f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/util.c
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/util.c
@@ -23,38 +23,6 @@ BOOLEAN hashIds = FALSE; 	  /* Set if Identifiers should be hashed.          */
 BOOLEAN ignoreSCC = TRUE;         /* Set if we ignore/filter scc expressions.      */
-BOOLEAN implicitPrelude = TRUE;   /* Set if we implicitly import the Prelude.      */
-BOOLEAN ignorePragmas = FALSE;    /* Set if we want to ignore pragmas		   */
-/* From time to time, the format of interface files may change.
-   So that we don't get gratuitous syntax errors or silently slurp in
-   junk info, two things: (a) the compiler injects a "this is a
-   version N interface":
-   (b) this parser has a "minimum acceptable version", below which it
-   refuses to parse the pragmas (it just considers them as comments).
-   It also has a "maximum acceptable version", above which...
-   The minimum is so a new parser won't try to grok overly-old
-   interfaces; the maximum (usually the current version number when
-   the parser was released) is so an old parser will not try to grok
-   since-upgraded interfaces.
-   If an interface has no INTERFACE VERSION line, it is taken to be
-   version 0.
-int minAcceptablePragmaVersion = 7;  /* 1.3-xx ONLY */
-int maxAcceptablePragmaVersion = 7;  /* 1.3-xx+ */
-int thisIfacePragmaVersion = 0;
-char *input_file_dir; /* The directory where the input file is. */
-char HiSuffix[64] = ".hi";		/* can be changed with -h flag */
-char PreludeHiSuffix[64] = ".hi";	/* can be changed with -g flag */
 static BOOLEAN verbose = FALSE;		/* Set for verbose messages. */
 /* Forward decls */
@@ -80,9 +48,6 @@ process_args(argc,argv)
     BOOLEAN keep_munging_option = FALSE;
-    imports_dirlist     = mklnil();
-    sys_imports_dirlist = mklnil();
     argc--, argv++;
     while (argc > 0 && argv[0][0] == '-') {
@@ -92,28 +57,6 @@ process_args(argc,argv)
 	while (keep_munging_option && *++*argv != '\0') {
 	    switch(**argv) {
-	    /* -I dir */
-	    case 'I':
-		    imports_dirlist = lapp(imports_dirlist,*argv+1);
-		    keep_munging_option = FALSE;
-		    break;
-	    /* -J dir (for system imports) */
-	    case 'J':
-		    sys_imports_dirlist = lapp(sys_imports_dirlist,*argv+1);
-		    keep_munging_option = FALSE;
-		    break;
-	    case 'g':
-		    strcpy(PreludeHiSuffix, *argv+1);
-		    keep_munging_option = FALSE;
-		    break;
-	    case 'h':
-		    strcpy(HiSuffix, *argv+1);
-		    keep_munging_option = FALSE;
-		    break;
 	    case 'v':
 		    who_am_i(); /* identify myself */
 		    verbose = TRUE;
@@ -132,14 +75,6 @@ process_args(argc,argv)
 		    ignoreSCC = FALSE;
-	    case 'p':
-		    ignorePragmas = TRUE;
-		    break;
-	    case 'P':
-		    implicitPrelude = FALSE;
-		    break;
 	    case 'D':
 #ifdef HSP_DEBUG
 		    { extern int yydebug;
@@ -172,41 +107,11 @@ process_args(argc,argv)
-    /* By default, imports come from the directory of the source file */
-    if ( argc >= 1 ) 
-      { 
-	char *endchar;
-	input_file_dir = xmalloc (strlen(argv[0]) + 1);
-	strcpy(input_file_dir, argv[0]);
-#ifdef macintosh
-	endchar = rindex(input_file_dir, (int) ':');
-	endchar = rindex(input_file_dir, (int) '/');
-#endif /* ! macintosh */
-	if ( endchar == NULL ) 
-	  {
-	    free(input_file_dir);
-	    input_file_dir = ".";
-	  } 
-	else
-	  *endchar = '\0';
-      } 
-    /* No input file -- imports come from the current directory first */
-    else
-      input_file_dir = ".";
-    imports_dirlist = mklcons( input_file_dir, imports_dirlist );
-    if (verbose)
-      {
+    if (verbose) {
 	fprintf(stderr,"Hash Table Contains %d entries\n",hash_table_size);
 	  fprintf(stderr,"Allowing special syntax for Unboxed Values\n");
-      }
+    }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h b/ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h
index c396992e6fea2add98e596ff6d667b315367eeaa..816304c91385e91646993578d57950b266f4e1a1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h
@@ -17,21 +17,7 @@ extern BOOLEAN etags;
 extern BOOLEAN ignoreSCC;
-extern BOOLEAN implicitPrelude;
-extern BOOLEAN ignorePragmas;
-extern int minAcceptablePragmaVersion;
-extern int maxAcceptablePragmaVersion;
-extern int thisIfacePragmaVersion;
 extern unsigned hash_table_size;
-extern char *input_file_dir;
-extern list imports_dirlist;
-extern list sys_imports_dirlist;
-extern char HiSuffix[];
-extern char PreludeHiSuffix[];
 void process_args PROTO((int, char **));
@@ -129,7 +115,6 @@ void	checkprec PROTO((tree, qid, BOOLEAN));
 BOOLEAN	isconstr PROTO((char *));
 void	setstartlineno PROTO((void));
-void	find_module_on_imports_dirlist PROTO((char *, BOOLEAN, char *));
 /* mattson additions */
 char *xstrdup PROTO((char *));	    	  /* Duplicate a string */
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs
index 6f6b12b7c8b8f29fa4670c38a0bca204f701c870..caa46c28d5a757c4df287246a4afc01f06d5c209 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ addAutoCostCentres mod_name binds
       = case opt_SccGroup of
-	  Just xx -> xx
+	  Just xx -> _PK_ xx
 	  Nothing -> mod_name	-- default: module name
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f083712cce2b19ae6968290f83f4a26c12e46b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module ParseIface (
+	parseIface,
+	ParsedIface(..), RdrIfaceDecl(..),
+	ExportsMap(..), LocalDefsMap(..), LocalPragmasMap(..),
+	LocalVersionsMap(..), PragmaStuff(..)
+    ) where
+import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import HsSyn		( ClassDecl, InstDecl, TyDecl, PolyType, InPat, Fake )
+import RdrHsSyn		( RdrNameTyDecl(..), RdrNameClassDecl(..),
+			  RdrNamePolyType(..), RdrNameInstDecl(..)
+			)
+import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, listToFM, fmToList, lookupFM, keysFM, FiniteMap )
+import Name		( ExportFlag(..) )
+import Util		( startsWith )
+parseIface = parseIToks . lexIface
+type LocalVersionsMap = FiniteMap FAST_STRING Version
+type ExportsMap       = FiniteMap FAST_STRING (RdrName, ExportFlag)
+type LocalDefsMap     = FiniteMap FAST_STRING RdrIfaceDecl
+type LocalPragmasMap  = FiniteMap FAST_STRING PragmaStuff
+type PragmaStuff = String
+data ParsedIface
+  = ParsedIface
+      Module		-- Module name
+      Version		-- Module version number
+      (Maybe Version)	-- Source version number
+      LocalVersionsMap  -- Local version numbers
+      ExportsMap	-- Exported names
+      [Module]		-- Special instance modules
+      LocalDefsMap	-- Local names defined
+      [RdrIfaceDecl]	-- Local instance declarations
+      LocalPragmasMap	-- Pragmas for local names
+instance Text ParsedIface where
+    showsPrec _ (ParsedIface m v mv lcm exm ims ldm lids ldp)
+      = showString "interface "
+      . showString (_UNPK_ m)
+      . showChar ' '
+      . showInt  v
+      . showString "\n__versions__\n"
+      . showList (fmToList lcm)
+      . showString "\n__exports__\n"
+      . showList (fmToList exm)
+      . showString "\n__instance_modules__\n"
+      . showList (map _UNPK_ ims)
+      . showString "\n__declarations__\n"
+      . showList (map _UNPK_ (keysFM ldm))
+      . showString "\n__instances__\n"
+      . showList lids
+      . showString "\n__pragmas__\n"
+      . showList (map _UNPK_ (keysFM ldp))
+data RdrIfaceDecl
+  = TypeSig    RdrName           Bool SrcLoc RdrNameTyDecl
+  | NewTypeSig RdrName RdrName	 Bool SrcLoc RdrNameTyDecl
+  | DataSig    RdrName [RdrName] Bool SrcLoc RdrNameTyDecl
+  | ClassSig   RdrName [RdrName] Bool SrcLoc RdrNameClassDecl
+  | ValSig     RdrName           Bool SrcLoc RdrNamePolyType
+  | InstSig    RdrName RdrName   Bool SrcLoc RdrNameInstDecl
+				-- True => Source Iface decl
+type Version = Int
+%name	    parseIToks
+%tokentype  { IfaceToken }
+	interface	    { ITinterface }
+	versions_part	    { ITversions }
+	exports_part	    { ITexports }
+	instance_modules_part { ITinstance_modules }
+	instances_part	    { ITinstances }
+	declarations_part   { ITdeclarations }
+	pragmas_part	    { ITpragmas }
+	data		    { ITdata }
+	type		    { ITtype }
+	newtype		    { ITnewtype }
+	class		    { ITclass }
+	where		    { ITwhere }
+	instance	    { ITinstance }
+	bar		    { ITbar }
+	colons		    { ITcolons }
+	comma		    { ITcomma }
+	dblrarrow	    { ITdblrarrow }
+	dot		    { ITdot }
+	dotdot		    { ITdotdot }
+	equal		    { ITequal }
+	lbrace		    { ITlbrace }
+	lbrack		    { ITlbrack }
+	lparen		    { ITlparen }
+	rarrow		    { ITrarrow }
+	rbrace		    { ITrbrace }
+	rbrack		    { ITrbrack }
+	rparen		    { ITrparen }
+	semicolon	    { ITsemicolon }
+	num		    { ITnum  $$ }
+	name		    { ITname $$ }
+Iface		:: { ParsedIface }
+Iface		: interface name num
+		  VersionsPart ExportsPart InstanceModulesPart
+		  DeclsPart InstancesPart PragmasPart
+		  { ParsedIface $2 (fromInteger $3) Nothing{-src version-}
+			$4  -- local versions
+			$5  -- exports map
+			$6  -- instance modules
+			$7  -- decls map
+			$8  -- local instances
+			$9  -- pragmas map
+		  }
+VersionsPart	:: { LocalVersionsMap }
+VersionsPart	:  versions_part NameVersionPairs
+		   { listToFM $2 }
+NameVersionPairs :: { [(FAST_STRING, Int)] }
+NameVersionPairs :  NameVersionPairs name lparen num rparen
+		    { ($2, fromInteger $4) : $1 }
+	         |  { [] }
+ExportsPart	:: { ExportsMap }
+ExportsPart	:  exports_part ExportItems
+		   { listToFM $2 }
+ExportItems	:: { [(FAST_STRING, (RdrName, ExportFlag))] }
+ExportItems	:  ExportItems name dot name MaybeDotDot
+		   { ($4, (Qual $2 $4, $5)) : $1 }
+		|  { [] }
+MaybeDotDot	:: { ExportFlag }
+MaybeDotDot	:  dotdot { ExportAll }
+		|	  { ExportAbs }
+InstanceModulesPart :: { [Module] }
+InstanceModulesPart :  instance_modules_part ModList
+		       { $2 }
+ModList		:: { [Module] }
+ModList		:  ModList name	{ $2 : $1 }
+		|		{ [] }
+DeclsPart	:: { LocalDefsMap }
+DeclsPart	: declarations_part
+		  { emptyFM }
+InstancesPart	:: { [RdrIfaceDecl] }
+InstancesPart	:  instances_part
+		   { [] }
+PragmasPart	:: { LocalPragmasMap }
+PragmasPart	:  pragmas_part
+		   { emptyFM }
+happyError :: Int -> [IfaceToken] -> a
+happyError i _ = error ("Parse error in line " ++ show i ++ "\n")
+data IfaceToken
+  = ITinterface		-- keywords
+  | ITversions
+  | ITexports
+  | ITinstance_modules
+  | ITinstances
+  | ITdeclarations
+  | ITpragmas
+  | ITdata
+  | ITtype
+  | ITnewtype
+  | ITclass
+  | ITwhere
+  | ITinstance
+  | ITbar		-- magic symbols
+  | ITcolons
+  | ITcomma
+  | ITdblrarrow
+  | ITdot
+  | ITdotdot
+  | ITequal
+  | ITlbrace
+  | ITlbrack
+  | ITlparen
+  | ITrarrow
+  | ITrbrace
+  | ITrbrack
+  | ITrparen
+  | ITsemicolon
+  | ITnum   Integer	-- numbers and names
+  | ITname  FAST_STRING
+lexIface :: String -> [IfaceToken]
+lexIface str
+  = case str of
+      []    -> []
+      -- whitespace and comments
+      ' '	: cs -> lexIface cs
+      '\t'	: cs -> lexIface cs
+      '\n'	: cs -> lexIface cs
+      '-' : '-' : cs -> lex_comment cs
+      '{' : '-' : cs -> lex_nested_comment 1{-one seen-} cs
+      '(' : '.' : '.' : ')' : cs -> ITdotdot	: lexIface cs
+      '('		    : cs -> ITlparen	: lexIface cs
+      ')'		    : cs -> ITrparen	: lexIface cs
+      '['		    : cs -> ITlbrack	: lexIface cs
+      ']'		    : cs -> ITrbrack	: lexIface cs
+      '{'		    : cs -> ITlbrace	: lexIface cs
+      '}'		    : cs -> ITrbrace	: lexIface cs
+      '-' : '>'		    : cs -> ITrarrow	: lexIface cs
+      '.'		    : cs -> ITdot	: lexIface cs
+      '|'		    : cs -> ITbar	: lexIface cs
+      ':' : ':'		    : cs -> ITcolons	: lexIface cs
+      '=' : '>'		    : cs -> ITdblrarrow	: lexIface cs
+      '='		    : cs -> ITequal	: lexIface cs
+      ','		    : cs -> ITcomma	: lexIface cs
+      ';'		    : cs -> ITsemicolon	: lexIface cs
+      '_' 		    : cs -> lex_word str
+      c : cs | isDigit c 	 -> lex_num  str
+             | isAlpha c	 -> lex_word str
+      other -> error ("lexing:"++other)
+  where
+    lex_comment str
+      = case (span ((/=) '\n') str) of { (junk, rest) ->
+	lexIface rest }
+    lex_nested_comment lvl [] = error "EOF in nested comment in interface"
+    lex_nested_comment lvl str
+      = case str of
+	  '{' : '-' : xs -> lex_nested_comment (lvl+1) xs
+	  '-' : '}' : xs -> if lvl == 1
+			    then lexIface xs
+			    else lex_nested_comment (lvl-1) xs
+	  _	    : xs -> lex_nested_comment lvl xs
+    lex_num str
+      = case (span isDigit str) of { (num, rest) ->
+	ITnum (read num) : lexIface rest }
+    lex_word str
+      = case (span is_word_sym str)     of { (word, rest) ->
+	case (lookupFM keywordsFM word) of {
+	  Nothing -> ITname (_PK_ word) : lexIface rest ;
+	  Just xx -> xx			: lexIface rest
+	}}
+      where
+	is_word_sym '_' = True
+	is_word_sym c   = isAlphanum c
+	keywordsFM :: FiniteMap String IfaceToken
+	keywordsFM = listToFM [
+	    ("interface",	 ITinterface)
+	   ,("__versions__",	 ITversions)
+	   ,("__exports__",	 ITexports)
+	   ,("__instance_modules__", ITinstance_modules)
+	   ,("__instances__",	 ITinstances)
+	   ,("__declarations__", ITdeclarations)
+	   ,("__pragmas__",	 ITpragmas)
+	   ,("data",		 ITdata)
+	   ,("class",		 ITclass)
+	   ,("where",		 ITwhere)
+	   ,("instance",	 ITinstance)
+	   ]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
index ed86172ab44fcf6370e04ce21864c6f951d1fa58..c040d6d4a3cb5b206c33a3bca983526bdb0e0279 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
@@ -16,14 +16,16 @@ import HsSyn
 import RdrHsSyn		( RdrNameHsModule(..), RdrNameImportDecl(..) )
 import RnHsSyn		( RnName, RenamedHsModule(..), isRnTyCon, isRnClass )
+import ParseIface	( ParsedIface )
 import RnMonad
 import RnNames		( getGlobalNames, GlobalNameInfo(..) )
 import RnSource		( rnSource )
-import RnIfaces		( findHiFiles, rnInterfaces, finalIfaceInfo, VersionInfo(..), ParsedIface )
+import RnIfaces		( findHiFiles, rnIfaces, finalIfaceInfo, VersionInfo(..) )
 import RnUtils		( extendGlobalRnEnv, emptyRnEnv, multipleOccWarn )
 import MainMonad
 import Bag		( isEmptyBag, unionBags, bagToList, listToBag )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_HiDirList, opt_SysHiDirList )
 import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..) )
 import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, eltsFM )
 import Name		( getOrigNameRdr, isLocallyDefined, Name, RdrName(..) )
@@ -31,8 +33,6 @@ import PrelInfo		( BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM, lookupUFM, addListToUFM_C, eltsUFM )
 import UniqSupply	( splitUniqSupply )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic )
-opt_HiDirList = panic "opt_HiDirList"
@@ -62,8 +62,9 @@ ToDo: Deal with instances (instance version, this module on instance list ???)
 renameModule b_names b_keys us
    	     input@(HsModule mod _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
-  = findHiFiles opt_HiDirList	`thenPrimIO` \ hi_files ->
-    newVar (emptyFM, hi_files)	`thenPrimIO` \ iface_var ->
+  = findHiFiles opt_HiDirList opt_SysHiDirList	`thenMn`     \ hi_files ->
+    newVar (emptyFM, hi_files)			`thenPrimIO` \ iface_var ->
     fixPrimIO ( \ ~(_, _, _, _, rec_occ_fm, rec_export_fn) ->
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ renameModule b_names b_keys us
 	-- ToDo: Do we need top-level names from this module in orig_env ???
     ASSERT (isEmptyBag orig_dups)
-    rnInterfaces iface_var orig_env us3 rn_module imports_used
+    rnIfaces iface_var orig_env us3 rn_module imports_used
 		`thenPrimIO` \ (rn_module_with_imports,
 				(implicit_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm),
 				iface_errs, iface_warns) ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
index 9745409a15d196874737a88213bb3cf8f41fe83a..9a9dab872621e7182a3735cc8607cdcfaf76703e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
@@ -8,42 +8,45 @@
 module RnIfaces (
-	cacheInterface,
-	readInterface,
-	rnInterfaces,
+	cachedIface,
+	readIface,
+	rnIfaces,
-	VersionInfo(..),
-	ParsedIface(..)
+	VersionInfo(..)
     ) where
-import PreludeGlaST	( returnPrimIO, thenPrimIO,
-			  readVar, writeVar, MutableVar(..) )
 import Ubiq
+import LibDirectory
+import PreludeGlaST	( returnPrimIO, thenPrimIO, seqPrimIO,
+			  readVar, writeVar, MutableVar(..)
+			)
 import HsSyn
 import RdrHsSyn
 import RnHsSyn
 import RnMonad
 import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..) )
+import ParseIface	( parseIface, ParsedIface )
 import Bag		( emptyBag )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_HiSuffix, opt_SysHiSuffix )
 import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..) )
 import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM )
 import Pretty
 import Maybes		( MaybeErr(..) )
-import Util		( panic )
+import Util		( startsWith, panic )
-type IfaceCache = MutableVar _RealWorld (FiniteMap Module ParsedIface,
-				         FiniteMap Module String)
+type ModuleToIfaceContents = FiniteMap Module ParsedIface
+type ModuleToIfaceFilePath = FiniteMap Module FilePath
-data ParsedIface = ParsedIface
+type IfaceCache
+  = MutableVar _RealWorld (ModuleToIfaceContents,
+			   ModuleToIfaceFilePath)
@@ -52,9 +55,57 @@ data ParsedIface = ParsedIface
 *							*
+Return a mapping from module-name to
-findHiFiles :: [String] -> PrimIO (FiniteMap Module String)
-findHiFiles dirs = returnPrimIO emptyFM
+findHiFiles :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> IO (FiniteMap Module FilePath)
+findHiFiles dirs sysdirs
+  = do_dirs emptyFM (dirs ++ sysdirs)
+  where
+    do_dirs env [] = return env
+    do_dirs env (dir:dirs)
+      = do_dir  env     dir	>>= \ new_env ->
+	do_dirs new_env dirs
+    -------
+    do_dir env dir
+      = --trace ("Having a go on..."++dir) $
+	getDirectoryContents dir    >>= \ entries ->
+	do_entries env entries
+    -------
+    do_entries env [] = return env
+    do_entries env (e:es)
+      = do_entry   env     e	>>= \ new_env ->
+        do_entries new_env es
+    -------
+    do_entry env e
+      = case (acceptable_hi (reverse e)) of
+	  Nothing  -> --trace ("Deemed uncool:"++e) $
+		      return env
+	  Just mod -> let
+			    pmod = _PK_ mod
+		      in
+		      case (lookupFM env pmod) of
+			Nothing -> --trace ("Adding "++mod++" -> "++e) $
+				   return (addToFM env pmod e)
+			Just xx -> trace ("Already mapped: "++mod++" -> "++xx) $
+				   return env
+    -------
+    acceptable_hi rev_e -- looking at pathname *backwards*
+      = case (startsWith (reverse opt_HiSuffix) rev_e) of
+	  Nothing -> Nothing
+	  Just xs -> plausible_modname xs{-reversed-}
+    -------
+    plausible_modname rev_e
+      = let
+	    cand = reverse (takeWhile is_modname_char rev_e)
+	in
+	if null cand || not (isUpper (head cand))
+	then Nothing
+	else Just cand
+      where
+	is_modname_char c = isAlphanum c || c == '_'
@@ -63,49 +114,59 @@ findHiFiles dirs = returnPrimIO emptyFM
 *							*
+Return cached info about a Module's interface; otherwise,
+read the interface (using our @ModuleToIfaceFilePath@ map
+to decide where to look).
-cacheInterface :: IfaceCache -> Module
-	       -> PrimIO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
+cachedIface :: IfaceCache
+	    -> Module
+	    -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
-cacheInterface iface_var mod
+cachedIface iface_var mod
   = readVar iface_var `thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, file_fm) ->
-    case lookupFM iface_fm mod of
-      Just iface -> returnPrimIO (Succeeded iface)
+    case (lookupFM iface_fm mod) of
+      Just iface -> return (Succeeded iface)
       Nothing    ->
-      	case lookupFM file_fm mod of
-	  Nothing   -> returnPrimIO (Failed (noIfaceErr mod))
+      	case (lookupFM file_fm mod) of
+	  Nothing   -> return (Failed (noIfaceErr mod))
 	  Just file ->
-	    readInterface file mod `thenPrimIO` \ read_iface ->
+	    readIface file mod >>= \ read_iface ->
 	    case read_iface of
-	      Failed err      -> returnPrimIO (Failed err)
+	      Failed err      -> return (Failed err)
 	      Succeeded iface ->
 		    iface_fm' = addToFM iface_fm mod iface
-		writeVar iface_var (iface_fm', file_fm) `thenPrimIO` \ _ ->
-		returnPrimIO (Succeeded iface)
-readInterface :: String -> Module
-	      -> PrimIO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
+		writeVar iface_var (iface_fm', file_fm) `seqPrimIO`
+		return (Succeeded iface)
-readInterface file mod = panic "readInterface"
+readIface :: FilePath -> Module
+	      -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
+readIface file mod
+  = readFile file   `thenPrimIO` \ read_result ->
+    case read_result of
+      Left  err      -> return (Failed    (cannaeReadErr file))
+      Right contents -> return (Succeeded (parseIface contents))
-rnInterfaces ::
-	   IfaceCache				-- iface cache
-	-> RnEnv				-- original name env
-	-> UniqSupply
-	-> RenamedHsModule			-- module to extend with iface decls
-	-> [RnName]				-- imported names required
-	-> PrimIO (RenamedHsModule,		-- extended module
-	           ImplicitEnv,			-- implicit names required
-		   Bag Error,
-		   Bag Warning)
-rnInterfaces iface_var occ_env us rn_module todo
+rnIfaces :: IfaceCache				-- iface cache
+	 -> RnEnv				-- original name env
+	 -> UniqSupply
+	 -> RenamedHsModule			-- module to extend with iface decls
+	 -> [RnName]				-- imported names required
+	 -> PrimIO (RenamedHsModule,		-- extended module
+		    ImplicitEnv,		-- implicit names required
+		    Bag Error,
+		    Bag Warning)
+rnIfaces iface_var occ_env us rn_module todo
   = returnPrimIO (rn_module, (emptyFM, emptyFM), emptyBag, emptyBag)
@@ -127,5 +188,8 @@ finalIfaceInfo iface_var imps_reqd imp_mods
 noIfaceErr mod sty
-  = ppCat [ppStr "Could not find interface for", ppPStr mod]
+  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Could not find interface for:"), ppPStr mod]
+cannaeReadErr file sty
+  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Failed in reading file:"), ppStr file]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
index 15599106bccda27527cf77ad67b527be2b224822..f391cbc09e3b0039c6af792ac5f4f5e769ed8e1f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
@@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ import HsSyn
 import RdrHsSyn
 import RnHsSyn
+import ParseIface	( ParsedIface )
 import RnMonad
-import RnIfaces		( IfaceCache(..), cacheInterface, ParsedIface )
+import RnIfaces		( IfaceCache(..), cachedIface )
 import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), emptyRnEnv, extendGlobalRnEnv, qualNameErr, dupNamesErr )
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags, mapBag, listToBag, bagToList )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
index b52c6035b6a613cf997b75ad1d3e3acfb73e4895..06059714abcaa4d262409c0d1064ce0c150d3799 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Id		( idType, mkSysLocal, toplevelishId,
 import Pretty		( ppStr, ppBesides, ppChar, ppInt )
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
-import Type		( isPrimType, mkTyVarTys )
+import Type		( isPrimType, mkTyVarTys, mkForAllTys )
 import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv,
 			  growTyVarEnvList, lookupTyVarEnv,
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ import UniqSupply	( thenUs, returnUs, mapUs, mapAndUnzipUs,
 import Usage		( UVar(..) )
 import Util		( mapAccumL, zipWithEqual, panic, assertPanic )
-quantifyTy     = panic "SetLevels.quantifyTy (ToDo)"
 isLeakFreeType = panic "SetLevels.isLeakFreeType (ToDo)"
@@ -514,7 +513,7 @@ abstractWrtTyVars offending_tyvars ty (venv,tenv) lvl expr
     returnLvl final_expr
-    poly_ty 	    = snd (quantifyTy offending_tyvars ty)
+    poly_ty = mkForAllTys offending_tyvars ty
 	-- These defns are just like those in the TyLam case of lvlExpr
     (incd_lvl, tyvar_lvls) = mapAccumL next (unTopify lvl) offending_tyvars
@@ -648,9 +647,7 @@ decideRecFloatLevel ctxt_lvl envs@(venv, tenv) ids rhss
 	| otherwise 			       = []
     offending_tyvar_tys = mkTyVarTys offending_tyvars
-    poly_tys 	        = [ snd (quantifyTy offending_tyvars ty)
-			  | ty <- tys
-			  ]
+    poly_tys = map (mkForAllTys offending_tyvars) tys
     offending tyvar = ids_only_lvl `ltLvl` tyvarLevel tenv tyvar
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
index 48ac2b65010aee428c7cbeae8f5091851377aba0..9b9cbf1f4fd2c4c2598ff9803a0de198abafa7bf 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ stg2stg stg_todos module_name ppr_style us binds
     (do_unlocalising, unlocal_tag)
       = case (opt_EnsureSplittableC) of
 	      Nothing  -> (False, panic "tag")
-	      Just tag -> (True,  tag)
+	      Just tag -> (True,  _PK_ tag)
     grp_name  = case (opt_SccGroup) of
-		  Just xx -> xx
+		  Just xx -> _PK_ xx
 		  Nothing -> module_name -- default: module name
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs
index 0b9913ceef30c441295202ef7814ec31be52bfbb..a7dd9e3eba4bfe83b926c2081f2b80ab5d7ca27e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ import Id		( idType, mkSysLocal, dataConArgTys )
 import IdInfo		( mkStrictnessInfo, nonAbsentArgs, Demand(..) )
 import PrelInfo		( aBSENT_ERROR_ID )
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
-import Type		( isPrimType, mkTyVarTys, mkFunTys, maybeAppDataTyCon )
+import Type		( isPrimType, mkTyVarTys, mkForAllTys, mkFunTys,
+			  maybeAppDataTyCon
+			)
 import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, thenMaybeUs,
 			  getUniques, UniqSM(..)
 import Util		( zipWithEqual, assertPanic, panic )
-quantifyTy = panic "WwLib.quantifyTy"
@@ -224,9 +224,8 @@ mkWwBodies body_ty tyvars args arg_infos
 	worker_ty_w_hole = \ body_ty ->
-				snd (quantifyTy tyvars (
+				mkForAllTys tyvars $
 				mkFunTys (map idType work_args) body_ty
-			   ))
     returnUs (Just (wrapper_w_hole, worker_w_hole, wrkr_strictness, worker_ty_w_hole))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
index 83692966279ca321be88b95728e50fdd13d5e48d..b51e4880cb45412a085a62679366cc5a5b7057f2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
@@ -255,6 +255,10 @@ zonkMatch (GRHSMatch grhss_w_binds)
   = zonkGRHSsAndBinds grhss_w_binds `thenNF_Tc` \ new_grhss_w_binds ->
     returnNF_Tc (GRHSMatch new_grhss_w_binds)
+zonkMatch (SimpleMatch expr)
+  = zonkExpr expr   `thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
+    returnNF_Tc (SimpleMatch new_expr)
 zonkGRHSsAndBinds :: TcGRHSsAndBinds s
 		   -> NF_TcM s TypecheckedGRHSsAndBinds
@@ -309,6 +313,9 @@ zonkExpr (OpApp e1 op e2)
     zonkExpr e2	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_e2 ->
     returnNF_Tc (OpApp new_e1 new_op new_e2)
+zonkExpr (NegApp _) = panic "zonkExpr:NegApp"
+zonkExpr (HsPar _)  = panic "zonkExpr:HsPar"
 zonkExpr (SectionL expr op)
   = zonkExpr expr	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
     zonkExpr op		`thenNF_Tc` \ new_op ->
@@ -319,25 +326,24 @@ zonkExpr (SectionR op expr)
     zonkExpr expr	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
     returnNF_Tc (SectionR new_op new_expr)
-zonkExpr (CCall fun args may_gc is_casm result_ty)
-  = mapNF_Tc zonkExpr args 	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_args ->
-    zonkTcTypeToType result_ty	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_result_ty ->
-    returnNF_Tc (CCall fun new_args may_gc is_casm new_result_ty)
-zonkExpr (HsSCC label expr)
-  = zonkExpr expr	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
-    returnNF_Tc (HsSCC label new_expr)
 zonkExpr (HsCase expr ms src_loc)
   = zonkExpr expr    	    `thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
     mapNF_Tc zonkMatch ms   `thenNF_Tc` \ new_ms ->
     returnNF_Tc (HsCase new_expr new_ms src_loc)
+zonkExpr (HsIf e1 e2 e3 src_loc)
+  = zonkExpr e1	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_e1 ->
+    zonkExpr e2	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_e2 ->
+    zonkExpr e3	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_e3 ->
+    returnNF_Tc (HsIf new_e1 new_e2 new_e3 src_loc)
 zonkExpr (HsLet binds expr)
   = zonkBinds binds	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_binds ->
     zonkExpr expr	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
     returnNF_Tc (HsLet new_binds new_expr)
+zonkExpr (HsDo _ _) = panic "zonkExpr:HsDo"
 zonkExpr (HsDoOut stmts m_id mz_id src_loc)
   = zonkStmts stmts 	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_stmts ->
     zonkId m_id		`thenNF_Tc` \ m_new ->
@@ -349,7 +355,7 @@ zonkExpr (ListComp expr quals)
     zonkQuals quals	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_quals ->
     returnNF_Tc (ListComp new_expr new_quals)
---ExplicitList: not in typechecked exprs
+zonkExpr (ExplicitList _) = panic "zonkExpr:ExplicitList"
 zonkExpr (ExplicitListOut ty exprs)
   = zonkTcTypeToType  ty	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_ty ->
@@ -364,18 +370,26 @@ zonkExpr (RecordCon con rbinds)
   = panic "zonkExpr:RecordCon"
 zonkExpr (RecordUpd exp rbinds)
   = panic "zonkExpr:RecordUpd"
+zonkExpr (RecordUpdOut exp ids rbinds)
+  = panic "zonkExpr:RecordUpdOut"
-zonkExpr (HsIf e1 e2 e3 src_loc)
-  = zonkExpr e1	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_e1 ->
-    zonkExpr e2	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_e2 ->
-    zonkExpr e3	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_e3 ->
-    returnNF_Tc (HsIf new_e1 new_e2 new_e3 src_loc)
+zonkExpr (ExprWithTySig _ _) = panic "zonkExpr:ExprWithTySig"
+zonkExpr (ArithSeqIn _) = panic "zonkExpr:ArithSeqIn"
 zonkExpr (ArithSeqOut expr info)
   = zonkExpr expr	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
     zonkArithSeq info	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_info ->
     returnNF_Tc (ArithSeqOut new_expr new_info)
+zonkExpr (CCall fun args may_gc is_casm result_ty)
+  = mapNF_Tc zonkExpr args 	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_args ->
+    zonkTcTypeToType result_ty	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_result_ty ->
+    returnNF_Tc (CCall fun new_args may_gc is_casm new_result_ty)
+zonkExpr (HsSCC label expr)
+  = zonkExpr expr	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
+    returnNF_Tc (HsSCC label new_expr)
 zonkExpr (TyLam tyvars expr)
   = mapNF_Tc zonkTcTyVarToTyVar tyvars	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_tyvars ->
     zonkExpr expr			`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
@@ -411,6 +425,11 @@ zonkExpr (SingleDict name)
   = zonkId name  	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_name ->
     returnNF_Tc (SingleDict new_name)
+zonkExpr (HsCon con tys vargs)
+  = mapNF_Tc zonkTcTypeToType tys `thenNF_Tc` \ new_tys   ->
+    mapNF_Tc zonkExpr vargs	  `thenNF_Tc` \ new_vargs ->
+    returnNF_Tc (HsCon con new_tys new_vargs)
 zonkArithSeq :: TcArithSeqInfo s -> NF_TcM s TypecheckedArithSeqInfo
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
index e8595fd7e96acb54789b7be1e678119a1c26a55e..89a90b033e2f063652ccc70655aaee31f04bebf6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ import HsSyn		( TyDecl(..), ConDecl(..), BangType(..), HsExpr(..),
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedTyDecl(..), RenamedConDecl(..),
 			  RnName{-instance Outputable-}
-import TcHsSyn		( mkHsTyLam, tcIdType, zonkId, TcHsBinds(..), TcIdOcc(..) )
+import TcHsSyn		( mkHsTyLam, mkHsDictLam, tcIdType, zonkId,
+			  TcHsBinds(..), TcIdOcc(..)
+			)
 import Inst		( newDicts, InstOrigin(..), Inst )
 import TcMonoType	( tcMonoTypeKind, tcMonoType, tcContext )
 import TcType		( tcInstTyVars, tcInstType, tcInstId )
@@ -245,7 +246,7 @@ mkConstructor con_id
 	-- Build the data constructor
 	con_rhs = mkHsTyLam tyvars $
-		  DictLam dicts $
+		  mkHsDictLam dicts $
 		  mk_pat_match args $
 		  mk_case strict_args $
 		  HsCon con_id arg_tys (map HsVar args)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
index 68fdb493fb0e7b9e1878c7fe135b693ad2c0f073..2aaec61a283785a9e929f1f32f36892af7a37005 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ module Util (
 	zipEqual, zipWithEqual, zipWith3Equal, zipWith4Equal,
 	nOfThem, lengthExceeds, isSingleton,
+	startsWith, endsWith,
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
 	isIn, isn'tIn,
@@ -196,6 +197,17 @@ isSingleton :: [a] -> Bool
 isSingleton [x] = True
 isSingleton  _  = False
+startsWith, endsWith :: String -> String -> Maybe String
+startsWith []     str = Just str
+startsWith (c:cs) (s:ss)
+  = if c /= s then Nothing else startsWith cs ss
+endsWith cs ss
+  = case (startsWith (reverse cs) (reverse ss)) of
+      Nothing -> Nothing
+      Just rs -> Just (reverse rs)
 Debugging/specialising versions of \tr{elem} and \tr{notElem}