From ca6e1e45c806ac5190589eb9e6720c5cf133df1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sewardj <unknown>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 15:24:45 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1999-07-06 15:24:36 by sewardj] Mods to enable
 interworking with simple compiled code.  Supports fns and data decls. 
 Classes, instances, primops, don't work yet. Unregisterised, mininterpreted
 x86-ELF is the supported object format. GC appears to work correctly.

 ghc/interpreter/codegen.c   |  62 +++-
 ghc/interpreter/compiler.c  |   7 +-
 ghc/interpreter/hugs.c      |  16 +-
 ghc/interpreter/interface.c | 715 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 ghc/interpreter/optimise.c  |  10 +-
 ghc/interpreter/parser.y    |  17 +-
 ghc/interpreter/sainteger.h |  47 ---
 ghc/interpreter/static.c    |  10 +-
 ghc/interpreter/storage.c   | 103 +++++-
 ghc/interpreter/storage.h   |  43 ++-
 10 files changed, 597 insertions(+), 433 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 ghc/interpreter/sainteger.h

diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/codegen.c b/ghc/interpreter/codegen.c
index 32d1ebf55f86..2b87d57418f7 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/codegen.c
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/codegen.c
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
  * Hugs version 1.4, December 1997
  * $RCSfile: codegen.c,v $
- * $Revision: 1.7 $
- * $Date: 1999/06/07 17:22:53 $
+ * $Revision: 1.8 $
+ * $Date: 1999/07/06 15:24:36 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include "prelude.h"
@@ -54,6 +54,22 @@ static StgVar currentTop;
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+static Cell cptrFromName ( Name n )
+   char  buf[1000];
+   void* p;
+   Module m = name(n).mod;
+   Text  mt = module(m).text;
+   sprintf(buf,"%s_%s_closure", 
+               textToStr(mt), textToStr(name(n).text) );
+   p = lookupOTabName ( m, buf );
+   if (!p) {
+      ERRMSG(0) "Can't find object symbol %s", buf
+      EEND;
+   }
+   return mkCPtr(p);
 static Bool varHasClosure( StgVar v )
     return asmObjectHasClosure((AsmClosure*)ptrOf(stgVarInfo(v)));
@@ -107,10 +123,13 @@ static void cgBind( AsmBCO bco, StgVar v )
 static Void pushVar( AsmBCO bco, StgVar v )
     Cell info;
-    assert(isStgVar(v));
+    if (!(isStgVar(v) || isCPtr(v))) {
+    assert(isStgVar(v) || isCPtr(v));
+    }
     if (isCPtr(v)) {
-fprintf ( stderr, "push cptr %p\n", (void*)cptrOf(v) );
+       asmGHCClosure(bco, cptrOf(v));
     } else {
        info = stgVarInfo(v);
        if (isPtr(info)) {
@@ -130,7 +149,9 @@ static Void pushAtom( AsmBCO bco, StgAtom e )
     case NAME: 
-            pushVar(bco,name(e).stgVar);
+            if (nonNull(name(e).stgVar))
+               pushVar(bco,name(e).stgVar); else
+               pushVar(bco,cptrFromName(e));
     case CHARCELL: 
@@ -161,7 +182,7 @@ static Void pushAtom( AsmBCO bco, StgAtom e )
     case CPTRCELL:
-            asmConstWord(bco,cptrOf(e));
+            asmGHCClosure(bco,cptrOf(e));
     case PTRCELL: 
@@ -487,18 +508,31 @@ static Void build( AsmBCO bco, StgVar v )
     case STGAPP: 
+            Bool   itsaPAP;
             StgVar fun  = stgAppFun(rhs);
+            StgVar fun0 = fun;
             List   args = stgAppArgs(rhs);
             if (isName(fun)) {
-                fun = name(fun).stgVar;
+                if (nonNull(name(fun).stgVar))
+                   fun = name(fun).stgVar; else
+                   fun = cptrFromName(fun);
-            if (isCPtr(fun) 
-                ||
-                (nonNull(stgVarBody(fun))
-                 && whatIs(stgVarBody(fun)) == LAMBDA 
-                 && length(stgLambdaArgs(stgVarBody(fun))) > length(args)
-                )
-               ) {
+            if (isCPtr(fun)) {
+               assert(isName(fun0));
+               itsaPAP = name(fun0).arity > length(args);
+fprintf ( stderr, "nativeCall: name %s, arity %d, args %d\n",
+               nameFromOPtr(cptrOf(fun)), name(fun0).arity, length(args) );
+            } else {
+               itsaPAP = FALSE;
+               if (nonNull(stgVarBody(fun))
+                   && whatIs(stgVarBody(fun)) == LAMBDA 
+                   && length(stgLambdaArgs(stgVarBody(fun))) > length(args)
+                  )
+                  itsaPAP = TRUE;
+            }
+            if (itsaPAP) {
                 AsmSp  start = asmBeginMkPAP(bco);
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/compiler.c b/ghc/interpreter/compiler.c
index 97e3eef3a062..e3d2d4c887f0 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/compiler.c
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/compiler.c
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
  * in the distribution for details.
  * $RCSfile: compiler.c,v $
- * $Revision: 1.7 $
- * $Date: 1999/06/07 17:22:46 $
+ * $Revision: 1.8 $
+ * $Date: 1999/07/06 15:24:36 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include "prelude.h"
@@ -1503,6 +1503,9 @@ Void evalExp() {                    /* compile and run input expression    */
         case Success:
+	  //fflush(stderr);fflush(stdout);
+	  //fprintf(stderr, "\n\nFinal top-of-stack is\n" );
+	  //printObj ( *(MainRegTable.rSp) );
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/hugs.c b/ghc/interpreter/hugs.c
index 2f426c5cdf6f..0c1c925ceb7f 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/hugs.c
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/hugs.c
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
  * in the distribution for details.
  * $RCSfile: hugs.c,v $
- * $Revision: 1.7 $
- * $Date: 1999/06/07 17:22:43 $
+ * $Revision: 1.8 $
+ * $Date: 1999/07/06 15:24:37 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include <setjmp.h>
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ static Bool   listScripts  = TRUE;      /* TRUE => list scripts after loading*/
 static Bool   addType      = FALSE;     /* TRUE => print type with value   */
 static Bool   useDots      = RISCOS;    /* TRUE => use dots in progress    */
 static Bool   quiet        = FALSE;     /* TRUE => don't show progress     */
+static Bool   lastWasObject = FALSE;
        Bool   preludeLoaded = FALSE;
        Bool   optimise      = FALSE;
@@ -158,6 +159,7 @@ String bool2str ( Bool b )
 void ppSmStack ( String who )
    int i, j;
    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "ppSmStack %s:  numScripts = %d   namesUpto = %d  needsImports = %s\n",
@@ -892,6 +894,8 @@ Int stacknum; {
    scriptFile = name;
    if (scriptInfo[stacknum].fromSource) {
+      if (lastWasObject) finishInterfaces();
+      lastWasObject = FALSE;
       Printf("Reading script \"%s\":\n",name);
       needsImports = FALSE;
@@ -912,6 +916,7 @@ Int stacknum; {
       scriptFile = 0;
+      lastWasObject = TRUE;
       if (needsImports) return FALSE;
@@ -1038,6 +1043,7 @@ Int n; {                                /* loading everything after and    */
     Long fileSize;                      /* has been either changed or added*/
     static char name[FILENAME_MAX+1];
+    lastWasObject = FALSE;
     SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
@@ -1105,6 +1111,7 @@ assert(nextNumScripts==NUM_SCRIPTS);
        } else {
           if (scriptInfo[numScripts].objLoaded) {
@@ -1300,14 +1307,15 @@ static Void local evaluator() {        /* evaluate expr and print value    */
-#if 0
    printf ( "result type is " );
    printType ( stdout, type );
    printf ( "\n" );
    printf ( "\n" );
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/interface.c b/ghc/interpreter/interface.c
index b754bc5a39bf..0a98143e2a36 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/interface.c
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/interface.c
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
  * Hugs version 1.4, December 1997
  * $RCSfile: interface.c,v $
- * $Revision: 1.4 $
- * $Date: 1999/06/07 17:22:51 $
+ * $Revision: 1.5 $
+ * $Date: 1999/07/06 15:24:38 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 /* ToDo:
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
 #define DEBUG_IFACE
+extern void print ( Cell, Int );
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * The "addGHC*" functions act as "impedence matchers" between GHC
  * interface files and Hugs.  Their main job is to convert abstract
@@ -95,25 +97,21 @@ static Void  local finishGHCImports  Args((Triple));
 static Void  local finishGHCExports  Args((Pair));
 static Void  local finishGHCModule   Args((Module));
-static Void  local bindGHCNameTo         Args((Name,Text));
 static Kinds local tvsToKind             Args((List));
 static Int   local arityFromType         Args((Type));
+static Int   local arityInclDictParams   Args((Type));
 static List       local ifTyvarsIn       Args((Type));
 static Type       local tvsToOffsets       Args((Int,Type,List));
 static Type       local conidcellsToTycons Args((Int,Type));
-static Void       local resolveReferencesInObjectModule Args((Module));
-static Bool       local validateOImage Args((void*, Int));
+static Void       local resolveReferencesInObjectModule Args((Module,Bool));
+static Bool       local validateOImage Args((void*, Int, Bool));
+static Void       local readSyms Args((Module));
-static Text text_info;
-static Text text_entry;
-static Text text_closure;
-static Text text_static_closure;
-static Text text_static_info;
-static Text text_con_info;
-static Text text_con_entry;
+static void*      local lookupObjName ( char* );
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -129,7 +127,10 @@ List ghcImports;  /* [(Module, Text, [ConId|VarId])]
-List ghcExports;  /* [(ConId, [ConId|VarId])] */
+List ghcExports;  /* [(ConId,   -- module name
+                        [ ConId | VarId | pair(ConId,[ConId|VarId])] )]
+                                -- list of entities
+                  */
 List ghcModules;  /* [Module] -- modules of the .his loaded in this group */
@@ -141,33 +142,78 @@ List stuff; {
 static Void local finishGHCExports(paire)
 Pair paire; {
-   Text modTxt = textOf(fst(paire));
-   List ids    = snd(paire);
-   Module mod  = findModule(modTxt);
+   Text modTxt   = textOf(fst(paire));
+   List entities = snd(paire);
+   Module mod    = findModule(modTxt);
    if (isNull(mod)) {
       ERRMSG(0) "Can't find module \"%s\" mentioned in export list",
-   for (; nonNull(ids); ids=tl(ids)) {
-      Cell xs;
-      Cell id = hd(ids);  /* ConId|VarId */
-      Bool found = FALSE;
-      for (xs = module(mod).exports; nonNull(xs); xs=tl(xs)) {
-         Cell x = hd(xs);
-         if (isQCon(x)) continue;  /* ToDo: fix this right */
-         if (textOf(x)==textOf(id)) { found = TRUE; break; }
-      }
-      if (!found) {
-printf ( "adding %s to exports of %s\n",
-          identToStr(id), textToStr(modTxt) );
-	module(mod).exports = cons ( id, module(mod).exports );
+fprintf(stderr, "----------------------------------finishexports\n");
+   /* Assume that each .hi file only contains one export decl */
+   if (nonNull(module(mod).exports))
+      internal("finishGHCExports: non-empty export list");
+   /* Run along what the parser gave us and make export list entries */
+   for (; nonNull(entities); entities=tl(entities)) {
+      Cell ent = hd(entities);
+      List subents;
+      Cell c;
+      switch (whatIs(ent)) {
+         case VARIDCELL: /* variable */
+            c = findName ( snd(ent) );
+            assert(nonNull(c));
+fprintf(stderr, "var %s\n", textToStr(name(c).text));
+            module(mod).exports = cons(c, module(mod).exports);
+            break;
+         case CONIDCELL: /* non data tycon */
+            c = findTycon ( snd(ent) );
+            assert(nonNull(c));
+fprintf(stderr, "non data tycon %s\n", textToStr(tycon(c).text));
+            module(mod).exports = cons(c, module(mod).exports);
+            break;
+         default: /* data T = C1 ... Cn  or class C where f1 ... fn */
+            if (!isPair(ent)) internal("finishExports(2)");
+            subents = snd(ent);
+            ent = fst(ent);
+            c = findTycon ( snd(ent) );
+            if (nonNull(c)) {
+	      /* data */
+fprintf(stderr, "data %s = ", textToStr(tycon(c).text));
+               module(mod).exports = cons(pair(c,DOTDOT), module(mod).exports);
+               for (; nonNull(subents); subents = tl(subents)) {
+                  Cell ent2 = hd(subents);
+                  assert(isCon(ent2));
+                  c = findName ( snd(ent2) );
+fprintf(stderr, "%s ", textToStr(name(c).text));
+                  assert(nonNull(c));
+                  module(mod).exports = cons(c, module(mod).exports);
+               }
+fprintf(stderr, "\n" );
+            } else {
+               /* class */
+               c = findClass ( snd(ent) );
+               assert(nonNull(c));            
+fprintf(stderr, "class %s where ", textToStr(cclass(c).text));
+               module(mod).exports = cons(pair(c,DOTDOT), module(mod).exports);
+               for (; nonNull(subents); subents = tl(subents)) {
+                  Cell ent2 = hd(subents);
+                  assert(isVar(ent2));
+                  c = findName ( snd(ent2) );
+fprintf(stderr, "%s ", textToStr(name(c).text));
+                  assert(nonNull(c));
+                  module(mod).exports = cons(c, module(mod).exports);
+               }
+fprintf(stderr, "\n" );
+            }
+            break;
 static Void local finishGHCImports(triple)
 Triple triple;
@@ -318,13 +364,14 @@ Module mod; {
    // Last, but by no means least ...
-   resolveReferencesInObjectModule ( mod );
+   resolveReferencesInObjectModule ( mod, FALSE );
 Void openGHCIface(t)
 Text t; {
     FILE* f;
     void* img;
     Module m = findModule(t);
     if (isNull(m)) {
         m = newModule(t);
@@ -356,7 +403,7 @@ printf ( "new module %s\n", textToStr(t) );
        ERRMSG(0) "Read of object file \"%s\" failed", nameObj
-    if (!validateOImage(img,sizeObj)) {
+    if (!validateOImage(img,sizeObj,FALSE)) {
        ERRMSG(0) "Validation of object file \"%s\" failed", nameObj 
@@ -364,6 +411,8 @@ printf ( "new module %s\n", textToStr(t) );
     module(m).oImage = img;
+    readSyms(m);
     if (!cellIsMember(m, ghcModules))
        ghcModules = cons(m, ghcModules);
@@ -425,8 +474,6 @@ Type ty;
     n = newName(v,NIL);
-    bindGHCNameTo(n, text_info);
-    bindGHCNameTo(n, text_closure);
     tvs = nubList(ifTyvarsIn(ty));
     for (tmp=tvs; nonNull(tmp); tmp=tl(tmp))
@@ -438,6 +485,7 @@ Type ty;
     /* prepare for finishGHCVar */
     name(n).type = ty;
+    name(n).arity = arityInclDictParams(ty);
     name(n).line = line;
     ghcVarDecls = cons(n,ghcVarDecls);
 #   ifdef DEBUG_IFACE
@@ -677,28 +725,6 @@ Triple constr; { /* (ConId,[(Type,Text)],Type) */
     name(n).line   = line;
     name(n).number = cfunNo(conNo);
-    if (arity == 0) {
-       // expect to find the names
-       // Mod_Con_closure
-       // Mod_Con_static_closure
-       // Mod_Con_static_info
-       bindGHCNameTo(n, text_closure);
-       bindGHCNameTo(n, text_static_closure);
-       bindGHCNameTo(n, text_static_info);
-    } else {
-       // expect to find the names
-       // Mod_Con_closure
-       // Mod_Con_entry
-       // Mod_Con_info
-       // Mod_Con_con_info
-       // Mod_Con_static_info
-       bindGHCNameTo(n, text_closure);
-       bindGHCNameTo(n, text_entry);
-       bindGHCNameTo(n, text_info);
-       bindGHCNameTo(n, text_con_info);
-       bindGHCNameTo(n, text_static_info);
-    }
     /* prepare for finishGHCCon */
     name(n).type   = type;
     ghcConstrDecls = cons(n,ghcConstrDecls);
@@ -830,6 +856,8 @@ List mems0; {    /* [(VarId, Type)]       */
         for (mems=mems0; nonNull(mems); mems=tl(mems)) {
            Pair mem  = hd(mems);
            Type memT = snd(mem);
+           Text mnt  = textOf(fst(mem));
+           Name mn;
            /* Stick the new context on the member type */
            if (whatIs(memT)==POLYTYPE) internal("addGHCClass");
@@ -853,6 +881,16 @@ List mems0; {    /* [(VarId, Type)]       */
            /* Park the type back on the member */
            snd(mem) = memT;
+           /* Bind code to the member */
+           mn = findName(mnt);
+           if (nonNull(mn)) {
+              ERRMSG(line) 
+                 "Repeated definition for class method \"%s\"",
+                 textToStr(mnt)
+              EEND;
+           }
+           mn = newName(mnt,NIL);
         cclass(nw).members    = mems0;
@@ -893,13 +931,7 @@ static Void  local finishGHCClass(Class nw)
        Text txt = textOf(fst(mem));
        Type ty  = snd(mem);
        Name n   = findName(txt);
-       if (nonNull(n)) {
-          ERRMSG(cclass(nw).line) 
-             "Repeated definition for class method \"%s\"",
-             textToStr(txt)
-          EEND;
-       }
-       n = newName(txt,NIL);
+       assert(nonNull(n));
        name(n).line   = cclass(nw).line;
        name(n).type   = ty;
        name(n).number = ctr++;
@@ -1125,6 +1157,24 @@ List tvs; { /* [(VarId,Kind)] */
     return r;
+static Int local arityInclDictParams ( Type type )
+   Int arity = 0;
+   if (isPolyType(type)) type = monotypeOf(type);
+   if (whatIs(type) == QUAL)
+   {
+      arity += length ( fst(snd(type)) );
+      type = snd(snd(type));
+   }
+   while (isAp(type) && getHead(type)==typeArrow) {
+      arity++;
+      type = arg(type);
+   }
+   return arity;
 /* arity of a constructor with this type */
 static Int local arityFromType(type) 
 Type type; {
@@ -1165,132 +1215,6 @@ Type type; {
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Dynamic loading code (probably shouldn't be here)
- *
- * o .hi file explicitly says which .so file to load.
- *   This avoids the need for a 1-to-1 relationship between .hi and .so files.
- *
- *   ToDo: when doing a :reload, we ought to check the modification date 
- *         on the .so file.
- *
- * o module handles are unloaded (dlclosed) when we call dropScriptsFrom.
- *
- *   ToDo: do the same for foreign functions - but with complication that 
- *         there may be multiple .so files
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-typedef struct { char* name; void* addr; } RtsTabEnt;
-/* not really true */
-extern int stg_gc_enter_1;
-extern int stg_chk_1;
-extern int stg_update_PAP;
-extern int __ap_2_upd_info;
-RtsTabEnt rtsTab[] 
-   = { 
-       { "stg_gc_enter_1",    &stg_gc_enter_1  },
-       { "stg_chk_1",         &stg_chk_1       },
-       { "stg_update_PAP",    &stg_update_PAP  },
-       { "__ap_2_upd_info",   &__ap_2_upd_info },
-       {0,0} 
-     };
-char* strsuffix ( char* s, char* suffix )
-   int sl = strlen(s);
-   int xl = strlen(suffix);
-   if (xl > sl) return NULL;
-   if (0 == strcmp(s+sl-xl,suffix)) return s+sl-xl;
-   return NULL;
-char* lookupObjName ( char* nameT )
-   Text tm;
-   Text tn;
-   Text ts;
-   Name naam;
-   char* nm;
-   char* ty;
-   char* a;
-   Int   k;
-   Pair  pr;
-   if (isupper(((int)(nameT[0])))) {
-      // name defined in a module, eg Mod_xyz_static_closure
-      // Place a zero after the module name, and after
-      // the symbol name proper
-      // --> Mod\0xyz\0static_closure
-      nm = strchr(nameT, '_'); 
-      if (!nm) internal ( "lookupObjName");
-      *nm = 0;
-      nm++;
-      if ((ty=strsuffix(nm, "_static_closure"))) 
-         { *ty = 0; ty++; ts = text_static_closure; } 
-      else
-      if ((ty=strsuffix(nm, "_static_info"   ))) 
-         { *ty = 0; ty++; ts = text_static_info; } 
-      else
-      if ((ty=strsuffix(nm, "_con_info"      ))) 
-         { *ty = 0; ty++; ts = text_con_info; } 
-      else
-      if ((ty=strsuffix(nm, "_con_entry"     ))) 
-         { *ty = 0; ty++; ts = text_con_entry; } 
-      else
-      if ((ty=strsuffix(nm, "_info"          )))  
-         { *ty = 0; ty++; ts = text_info; } 
-      else
-      if ((ty=strsuffix(nm, "_entry"         ))) 
-         { *ty = 0; ty++; ts = text_entry; } 
-      else
-      if ((ty=strsuffix(nm, "_closure"       ))) 
-         { *ty = 0; ty++; ts = text_closure; } 
-      else {
-         fprintf(stderr, "lookupObjName: unknown suffix on %s\n", nameT );
-         return NULL;
-      }
-      tm = findText(nameT);
-      tn = findText(nm);
-      //printf ( "\nlooking at mod `%s' var `%s' ext `%s' \n",textToStr(tm),textToStr(tn),textToStr(ts));
-      naam = jrsFindQualName(tm,tn);
-      if (isNull(naam)) goto not_found;
-      pr = cellAssoc ( ts, name(naam).ghc_names );
-      if (isNull(pr)) goto no_info;
-      return ptrOf(snd(pr));
-   }
-   else {
-      // name presumably originating from the RTS
-      a = NULL;
-      for (k = 0; rtsTab[k].name; k++) {
-         if (0==strcmp(nameT,rtsTab[k].name)) {
-            a = rtsTab[k].addr;
-            break;
-         }
-      }
-      if (!a) goto not_found_rts;
-      return a;
-   }
-   fprintf ( stderr, 
-             "lookupObjName: can't resolve name `%s'\n", 
-             nameT );
-   return NULL;
-   fprintf ( stderr, 
-             "lookupObjName: no info for name `%s'\n", 
-             nameT );
-   return NULL;
-   fprintf ( stderr, 
-             "lookupObjName: can't resolve RTS name `%s'\n",
-             nameT );
-   return NULL;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * ELF specifics
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -1314,40 +1238,15 @@ static char* local findElfSection ( void* objImage, Elf32_Word sh_type )
    return ptr;
-static AsmClosure local findObjectSymbol_elfo ( void* objImage, char* name )
-   Int i, nent, j;
-   Elf32_Shdr* shdr;
-   Elf32_Sym*  stab;
-   char* strtab;
-   char* ehdrC = (char*)objImage;
-   Elf32_Ehdr* ehdr = ( Elf32_Ehdr*)ehdrC;
-   shdr = (Elf32_Shdr*) (ehdrC + ehdr->e_shoff);
-   strtab = findElfSection ( objImage, SHT_STRTAB );
-   if (!strtab) internal("findObjectSymbol_elfo");
-   for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++) {
-      if (shdr[i].sh_type != SHT_SYMTAB) continue;
-      stab = (Elf32_Sym*) (ehdrC + shdr[i].sh_offset);
-      nent = shdr[i].sh_size / sizeof(Elf32_Sym);
-      for (j = 0; j < nent; j++) {
-         if ( strcmp(strtab + stab[j].st_name, name) == 0
-              && ELF32_ST_BIND(stab[j].st_info)==STB_GLOBAL ) {
-            return ehdrC + stab[j].st_value;
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   return NULL;
-static Void local resolveReferencesInObjectModule_elfo( objImage )
-void* objImage; {
+static Void local resolveReferencesInObjectModule_elf ( Module m, 
+                                                        Bool   verb )
    char symbol[1000]; // ToDo
-   int i, j, k;
+   int i, j;
    Elf32_Sym*  stab;
    char* strtab;
-   char* ehdrC = (char*)objImage;
+   char* ehdrC = (char*)(module(m).oImage);
    Elf32_Ehdr* ehdr = (Elf32_Ehdr*) ehdrC;
    Elf32_Shdr* shdr = (Elf32_Shdr*) (ehdrC + ehdr->e_shoff);
    Elf32_Word* targ;
@@ -1355,10 +1254,10 @@ void* objImage; {
    //stab = findElfSection ( objImage, SHT_SYMTAB );
    // also go find the string table
-   strtab = findElfSection ( objImage, SHT_STRTAB );
+   strtab = findElfSection ( ehdrC, SHT_STRTAB );
    if (!stab || !strtab) 
-      internal("resolveReferencesInObjectModule_elfo");
+      internal("resolveReferencesInObjectModule_elf");
    for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++) {
       if (shdr[i].sh_type == SHT_REL ) {
@@ -1368,7 +1267,10 @@ void* objImage; {
          Int symtab_shndx = shdr[i].sh_link;
          stab  = (Elf32_Sym*) (ehdrC + shdr[ symtab_shndx ].sh_offset);
          targ  = (Elf32_Word*)(ehdrC + shdr[ target_shndx ].sh_offset);
-         printf ( "relocations for section %d using symtab %d\n", target_shndx, symtab_shndx );
+         if (verb)
+         fprintf ( stderr,
+                  "relocations for section %d using symtab %d\n",
+                  target_shndx, symtab_shndx );
          for (j = 0; j < nent; j++) {
             Elf32_Addr offset = rtab[j].r_offset;
             Elf32_Word info   = rtab[j].r_info;
@@ -1378,22 +1280,34 @@ void* objImage; {
             Elf32_Addr  A = *pP;
             Elf32_Addr  S;
-            printf ("Rel entry %3d is raw(%6p %6p)   ", j, (void*)offset, (void*)info );
+            if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Rel entry %3d is raw(%6p %6p)   ", 
+                                j, (void*)offset, (void*)info );
             if (!info) {
-               printf ( " ZERO\n" );
+               if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, " ZERO\n" );
                S = 0;
             } else {
-               strcpy ( symbol, strtab+stab[ ELF32_R_SYM(info)].st_name );
-               printf ( "`%s'  ", symbol );
-               if (symbol[0] == 0) {
-                  printf ( "-- ignore?\n" );
-                    S = 0;
-               }
-               else {
+               if (stab[ ELF32_R_SYM(info)].st_name == 0) {
+                  if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "(noname)  ");
+                  /* nameless (local) symbol */
+                  S = (Elf32_Addr)(ehdrC
+                                   + shdr[stab[ELF32_R_SYM(info)].st_shndx ].sh_offset
+                                   + stab[ELF32_R_SYM(info)].st_value
+                                  );
+                  strcpy ( symbol, "(noname)");
+               } else {
+                  strcpy ( symbol, strtab+stab[ ELF32_R_SYM(info)].st_name );
+                  if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "`%s'  ", symbol );
                   S = (Elf32_Addr)lookupObjName ( symbol );
-                  printf ( "resolves to %p\n", (void*)S );
-	       }
-            }
+               }
+               if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "resolves to %p\n", (void*)S );
+               if (!S) {
+                  fprintf ( stderr, "link failure for `%s'\n",
+                                    strtab+stab[ ELF32_R_SYM(info)].st_name );
+                  assert(0);
+               }
+	    }
+            //fprintf ( stderr, "Reloc: P = %p   S = %p   A = %p\n\n",
+            //      (void*)P, (void*)S, (void*)A );
             switch (ELF32_R_TYPE(info)) {
                case R_386_32:   *pP = S + A;     break;
                case R_386_PC32: *pP = S + A - P; break;
@@ -1407,12 +1321,16 @@ void* objImage; {
       if (shdr[i].sh_type == SHT_RELA) {
-         printf ( "RelA " );
+         fprintf ( stderr, "RelA style reloc table -- not yet done" );
+         assert(0);
-static Bool local validateOImage_elfo ( void* imgV, Int size )
+static Bool local validateOImage_elf ( void*  imgV, 
+                                       Int    size, 
+                                       Bool   verb )
    Elf32_Shdr* shdr;
    Elf32_Sym*  stab;
@@ -1427,130 +1345,140 @@ static Bool local validateOImage_elfo ( void* imgV, Int size )
        ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG1] != ELFMAG1 ||
        ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG2] != ELFMAG2 ||
        ehdr->e_ident[EI_MAG3] != ELFMAG3) {
-      printf ( "Not an ELF header\n" ); 
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Not an ELF header\n" ); 
       return FALSE;
-   printf ( "Is an ELF header\n" );
+   if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Is an ELF header\n" );
    if (ehdr->e_ident[EI_CLASS] != ELFCLASS32) {
-      printf ( "Not 32 bit ELF\n" );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Not 32 bit ELF\n" );
       return FALSE;
-   printf ( "Is 32 bit ELF\n" );
+   if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Is 32 bit ELF\n" );
    if (ehdr->e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2LSB) {
-      printf ( "Is little-endian\n" );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Is little-endian\n" );
    } else
    if (ehdr->e_ident[EI_DATA] == ELFDATA2MSB) {
-      printf ( "Is big-endian\n" );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Is big-endian\n" );
    } else {
-      printf ( "Unknown endiannness\n" );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Unknown endiannness\n" );
       return FALSE;
    if (ehdr->e_type != ET_REL) {
-      printf ( "Not a relocatable object (.o) file\n" );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Not a relocatable object (.o) file\n" );
       return FALSE;
-   printf ( "Is a relocatable object (.o) file\n" );
+   if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Is a relocatable object (.o) file\n" );
-   printf ( "Architecture is " );
+   if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Architecture is " );
    switch (ehdr->e_machine) {
-      case EM_386:   printf ( "x86\n" ); break;
-      case EM_SPARC: printf ( "sparc\n" ); break;
-      default:       printf ( "unknown\n" ); return FALSE;
+      case EM_386:   if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "x86\n" ); break;
+      case EM_SPARC: if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "sparc\n" ); break;
+      default:       if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "unknown\n" ); return FALSE;
-   printf ( "\nSection header table: start %d, n_entries %d, ent_size %d\n", 
-              ehdr->e_shoff, ehdr->e_shnum, ehdr->e_shentsize  );
+   if (verb) 
+   fprintf ( stderr,
+             "\nSection header table: start %d, n_entries %d, ent_size %d\n", 
+             ehdr->e_shoff, ehdr->e_shnum, ehdr->e_shentsize  );
    assert (ehdr->e_shentsize == sizeof(Elf32_Shdr));
    shdr = (Elf32_Shdr*) (ehdrC + ehdr->e_shoff);
    if (ehdr->e_shstrndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
-      printf ( "No section header string table\n" );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "No section header string table\n" );
       sh_strtab = NULL;
+      return FALSE;
    } else {
-      printf ( "Section header string table is section %d\n", 
-               ehdr->e_shstrndx);
+      if (verb) fprintf (  stderr,"Section header string table is section %d\n", 
+                          ehdr->e_shstrndx);
       sh_strtab = ehdrC + shdr[ehdr->e_shstrndx].sh_offset;
    for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++) {
-      printf ( "%2d:  ", i );
-      printf ( "type=%2d  ", shdr[i].sh_type );
-      printf ( "size=%4d  ", shdr[i].sh_size );
-      if (shdr[i].sh_type == SHT_REL ) printf ( "Rel  " ); else
-      if (shdr[i].sh_type == SHT_RELA) printf ( "RelA " ); else
-                                       printf ( "     " );
-      if (sh_strtab) printf ( "sname=%s", sh_strtab + shdr[i].sh_name );
-      printf ( "\n" );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "%2d:  ", i );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "type=%2d  ", shdr[i].sh_type );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "size=%4d  ", shdr[i].sh_size );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "offs=%4d  ", shdr[i].sh_offset );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "  (%p .. %p)  ",
+               ehdrC + shdr[i].sh_offset, 
+               ehdrC + shdr[i].sh_offset + shdr[i].sh_size - 1);
+      if (shdr[i].sh_type == SHT_REL  && verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Rel  " ); else
+      if (shdr[i].sh_type == SHT_RELA && verb) fprintf ( stderr, "RelA " ); else
+      if (verb)                                fprintf ( stderr, "     " );
+      if (sh_strtab && verb) fprintf ( stderr, "sname=%s", sh_strtab + shdr[i].sh_name );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "\n" );
-   printf ( "\n\nString tables\n" );
+   if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "\n\nString tables\n" );
    strtab = NULL;
    nstrtab = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++) {
       if (shdr[i].sh_type == SHT_STRTAB &&
           i !=  ehdr->e_shstrndx) {
-         printf ( "   section %d is a normal string table\n", i );
+         if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "   section %d is a normal string table\n", i );
          strtab = ehdrC + shdr[i].sh_offset;
-   if (nstrtab != 1) 
-      printf ( "WARNING: no string tables, or too many\n" );
+   if (nstrtab != 1) {
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "WARNING: no string tables, or too many\n" );
+      return FALSE;
+   }
    nsymtabs = 0;
-   printf ( "\n\nSymbol tables\n" ); 
+   if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "\n\nSymbol tables\n" ); 
    for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++) {
       if (shdr[i].sh_type != SHT_SYMTAB) continue;
-      printf ( "section %d is a symbol table\n", i );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "section %d is a symbol table\n", i );
       stab = (Elf32_Sym*) (ehdrC + shdr[i].sh_offset);
       nent = shdr[i].sh_size / sizeof(Elf32_Sym);
-      printf ( "   number of entries is apparently %d (%d rem)\n",
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "   number of entries is apparently %d (%d rem)\n",
                shdr[i].sh_size % sizeof(Elf32_Sym)
       if (0 != shdr[i].sh_size % sizeof(Elf32_Sym)) {
-         printf ( "non-integral number of symbol table entries\n");
+         if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "non-integral number of symbol table entries\n");
          return FALSE;
       for (j = 0; j < nent; j++) {
-         printf ( "   %2d  ", j );
-         printf ( "  sec=%-5d  size=%-3d  val=%-5p  ", 
-                     (int)stab[j].st_shndx,
-                     (int)stab[j].st_size,
-                     (char*)stab[j].st_value );
+         if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "   %2d  ", j );
+         if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "  sec=%-5d  size=%-3d  val=%-5p  ", 
+                             (int)stab[j].st_shndx,
+                             (int)stab[j].st_size,
+                             (char*)stab[j].st_value );
-         printf ( "type=" );
+         if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "type=" );
          switch (ELF32_ST_TYPE(stab[j].st_info)) {
-            case STT_NOTYPE:  printf ( "notype " ); break;
-            case STT_OBJECT:  printf ( "object " ); break;
-            case STT_FUNC  :  printf ( "func   " ); break;
-            case STT_SECTION: printf ( "section" ); break;
-            case STT_FILE:    printf ( "file   " ); break;
-            default:          printf ( "?      " ); break;
+            case STT_NOTYPE:  if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "notype " ); break;
+            case STT_OBJECT:  if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "object " ); break;
+            case STT_FUNC  :  if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "func   " ); break;
+            case STT_SECTION: if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "section" ); break;
+            case STT_FILE:    if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "file   " ); break;
+            default:          if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "?      " ); break;
-         printf ( "  " );
+         if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "  " );
-         printf ( "bind=" );
+         if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "bind=" );
          switch (ELF32_ST_BIND(stab[j].st_info)) {
-            case STB_LOCAL :  printf ( "local " ); break;
-            case STB_GLOBAL:  printf ( "global" ); break;
-            case STB_WEAK  :  printf ( "weak  " ); break;
-            default:          printf ( "?     " ); break;
+            case STB_LOCAL :  if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "local " ); break;
+            case STB_GLOBAL:  if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "global" ); break;
+            case STB_WEAK  :  if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "weak  " ); break;
+            default:          if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "?     " ); break;
-         printf ( "  " );
+         if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "  " );
-         printf ( "name=%s\n", strtab + stab[j].st_name );
+         if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "name=%s\n", strtab + stab[j].st_name );
    if (nsymtabs == 0) {
-      printf ( "Didn't find any symbol tables\n" );
+      if (verb) fprintf ( stderr, "Didn't find any symbol tables\n" );
       return FALSE;
@@ -1558,54 +1486,172 @@ static Bool local validateOImage_elfo ( void* imgV, Int size )
+static void readSyms_elf ( Module m )
+   int i, j, k, nent;
+   Elf32_Sym* stab;
+   char*       ehdrC      = (char*)(module(m).oImage);
+   Elf32_Ehdr* ehdr       = (Elf32_Ehdr*)ehdrC;
+   char*       strtab     = findElfSection ( ehdrC, SHT_STRTAB );
+   Elf32_Shdr* shdr       = (Elf32_Shdr*) (ehdrC + ehdr->e_shoff);
+   char*       sh_strtab  = ehdrC + shdr[ehdr->e_shstrndx].sh_offset;
+   if (!strtab) internal("readSyms_elf");
+   k = 0;
+   for (i = 0; i < ehdr->e_shnum; i++) {
+      /* make a HugsDLSection entry for relevant sections */
+      DLSect kind = HUGS_DL_SECTION_OTHER;
+      if (0==strcmp(".data",sh_strtab+shdr[i].sh_name) ||
+          0==strcmp(".data1",sh_strtab+shdr[i].sh_name))
+         kind = HUGS_DL_SECTION_RWDATA;
+      if (0==strcmp(".text",sh_strtab+shdr[i].sh_name) ||
+          0==strcmp(".rodata",sh_strtab+shdr[i].sh_name) ||
+          0==strcmp(".rodata1",sh_strtab+shdr[i].sh_name))
+      if (kind != HUGS_DL_SECTION_OTHER)
+         addDLSect (
+            m,
+            ehdrC + shdr[i].sh_offset, 
+            ehdrC + shdr[i].sh_offset + shdr[i].sh_size - 1,
+            kind
+         );
+      if (shdr[i].sh_type != SHT_SYMTAB) continue;
+      /* copy stuff into this module's object symbol table */
+      stab = (Elf32_Sym*) (ehdrC + shdr[i].sh_offset);
+      nent = shdr[i].sh_size / sizeof(Elf32_Sym);
+      for (j = 0; j < nent; j++) {
+         if ( ( ELF32_ST_BIND(stab[j].st_info)==STB_GLOBAL ||
+                ELF32_ST_BIND(stab[j].st_info)==STB_LOCAL
+              )
+              &&
+              ( ELF32_ST_TYPE(stab[j].st_info)==STT_FUNC ||
+                ELF32_ST_TYPE(stab[j].st_info)==STT_OBJECT )
+	      ) {
+            char* nm = strtab + stab[j].st_name;
+            char* ad = ehdrC 
+                       + shdr[ stab[j].st_shndx ].sh_offset
+                       + stab[j].st_value;
+            assert(nm);
+            assert(ad);
+            /* fprintf(stderr, "addOTabName: %s %s %p\n",
+               textToStr(module(m).text), nm, ad );
+            */
+            addOTabName ( m, nm, ad );
+         }
+      }
+   }
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Generic lookups
+ * Arch-independent interface to the runtime linker
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-static Void local bindGHCNameTo ( Name n, Text suffix )
+static Bool local validateOImage ( void* img, Int size, Bool verb )
-    char symbol[1000]; /* ToDo: arbitrary constants must die */
-    AsmClosure res;
-    sprintf(symbol,"%s_%s_%s",
-            textToStr(module(currentModule).text),
-            textToStr(name(n).text),textToStr(suffix));
-    //    fprintf(stderr, "\nbindGHCNameTo %s ", symbol);
-    res = findObjectSymbol_elfo ( module(currentModule).oImage, symbol );
-    if (!res) {
-       ERRMSG(0) "Can't find symbol \"%s\" in object for module \"%s\"",
-                 symbol,
-                 textToStr(module(currentModule).text)
-       EEND;
-    }
-    //fprintf(stderr, " = %p\n", res );
-    name(n).ghc_names = cons(pair(suffix,mkPtr(res)), name(n).ghc_names);
-    // set the stgVar to be a CPTRCELL to the closure label.
-    // prefer dynamic over static closures if given a choice
-    if (suffix == text_closure || suffix == text_static_closure) {
-       if (isNull(name(n).stgVar)) {
-          // accept any old thing
-          name(n).stgVar = mkCPtr(res);
-       } else {
-          // only accept something more dynamic that what we have now
-          if (suffix != text_static_closure 
-              && isCPtr(name(n).stgVar)
-              && cptrOf(name(n).stgVar) != res)
-             name(n).stgVar = mkCPtr(res);
-       }
-    }
+   return
+      validateOImage_elf ( img, size, verb );
-static Void local resolveReferencesInObjectModule ( Module m )
+static Void local resolveReferencesInObjectModule ( Module m, Bool verb )
-fprintf(stderr, "resolveReferencesInObjectModule %s\n",textToStr(module(m).text));
-   resolveReferencesInObjectModule_elfo ( module(m).oImage );
+   resolveReferencesInObjectModule_elf ( m, verb );
-static Bool local validateOImage(img,size)
-void* img;
-Int   size; {
-   return validateOImage_elfo ( img, size );
+static Void local readSyms ( Module m )
+   readSyms_elf ( m );
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * General object symbol query stuff
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* entirely bogus claims about types of these symbols */
+extern int stg_gc_enter_1;
+extern int stg_chk_0;
+extern int stg_chk_1;
+extern int stg_update_PAP;
+extern int __ap_2_upd_info;
+extern int MainRegTable;
+extern int Upd_frame_info;
+OSym rtsTab[] 
+   = { 
+       { "stg_gc_enter_1",    &stg_gc_enter_1  },
+       { "stg_chk_0",         &stg_chk_0       },
+       { "stg_chk_1",         &stg_chk_1       },
+       { "stg_update_PAP",    &stg_update_PAP  },
+       { "__ap_2_upd_info",   &__ap_2_upd_info },
+       { "MainRegTable",      &MainRegTable    },
+       { "Upd_frame_info",    &Upd_frame_info  },
+       {0,0} 
+     };
+void* lookupObjName ( char* nm )
+   int    k;
+   char*  pp;
+   void*  a;
+   Text   t;
+   Module m;
+   char   nm2[200];
+   nm2[199] = 0;
+   strncpy(nm2,nm,200);
+   // first see if it's an RTS name
+   for (k = 0; rtsTab[k].nm; k++)
+      if (0==strcmp(nm2,rtsTab[k].nm))
+         return rtsTab[k].ad;
+   // if not an RTS name, look in the 
+   // relevant module's object symbol table
+   pp = strchr(nm2, '_');
+   if (!pp) goto not_found;
+   *pp = 0;
+   t = findText(nm2);
+   m = findModule(t);
+   if (isNull(m)) goto not_found;
+   a = lookupOTabName ( m, nm );
+   if (a) return a;
+  not_found:
+   fprintf ( stderr, 
+             "lookupObjName: can't resolve name `%s'\n", 
+             nm );
+   return NULL;
+int is_dynamically_loaded_code_or_rodata_ptr ( char* p )
+   return 
+      lookupDLSect(p) == HUGS_DL_SECTION_CODE_OR_RODATA;
+int is_dynamically_loaded_rwdata_ptr ( char* p )
+   return
+      lookupDLSect(p) == HUGS_DL_SECTION_RWDATA;
+int is_not_dynamically_loaded_ptr ( char* p )
+   return
+      lookupDLSect(p) == HUGS_DL_SECTION_OTHER;
@@ -1627,13 +1673,6 @@ Int what; {
             ghcExports          = NIL;
             ghcImports          = NIL;
             ghcModules          = NIL;
-            text_info           = findText("info");
-            text_entry          = findText("entry");
-            text_closure        = findText("closure");
-            text_static_closure = findText("static_closure");
-            text_static_info    = findText("static_info");
-            text_con_info       = findText("con_info");
-            text_con_entry      = findText("con_entry");
     case MARK: 
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/optimise.c b/ghc/interpreter/optimise.c
index 313116c6ef76..e960cc53aae2 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/optimise.c
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/optimise.c
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
  * Hugs version 1.4, December 1997
  * $RCSfile: optimise.c,v $
- * $Revision: 1.5 $
- * $Date: 1999/04/27 10:06:57 $
+ * $Revision: 1.6 $
+ * $Date: 1999/07/06 15:24:39 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include "prelude.h"
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
 /* #define DEBUG_OPTIMISE */
+extern void print ( Cell, Int );
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Local functions
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -1583,7 +1585,7 @@ StgExpr simplify ( List caseEnv, StgExpr e )
       case LAMBDA:
          stgLambdaBody(e) = simplify(caseEnv,stgLambdaBody(e));
-         lambda_local:
+         /* lambda_local: */
          while (whatIsStg(stgLambdaBody(e))==LAMBDA) {
             stgLambdaArgs(e) = appendOnto(stgLambdaArgs(e),
@@ -2201,7 +2203,7 @@ static Bool noisy;
 static void local optimiseTopBind( StgVar v )
-   Bool ppPrel = FALSE;
+  /* Bool ppPrel = FALSE; */
    Int  n, m;
    Name naam;
    Int  oldSize, newSize;
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/parser.y b/ghc/interpreter/parser.y
index c746368b9d03..4b860aaf8107 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/parser.y
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/parser.y
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
  * in the distribution for details.
  * $RCSfile: parser.y,v $
- * $Revision: 1.6 $
- * $Date: 1999/06/07 17:22:41 $
+ * $Revision: 1.7 $
+ * $Date: 1999/07/06 15:24:40 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -347,9 +347,7 @@ ifEntities
           : ifEntityOcc                 {$$=gc1($1);}
-          | ifEntityOcc ifStuffInside   {$$=gc2($1);}
-          | ifEntityOcc '|' ifStuffInside {$$=gc3($1);} 
-                                       /* exporting datacons but not tycon */
+          | ifEntityOcc ifStuffInside   {$$=gc2(pair($1,$2));}
           : ifVar                       { $$ = gc1($1); }
@@ -362,12 +360,9 @@ ifStuffInside
           : '{' ifValOccs '}'           { $$ = gc3($2); }
-          : ifValOcc                    { $$ = gc1(singleton($1)); }
-          | ifValOcc ifValOccs          { $$ = gc2(cons($1,$2));   }
-          ;
-          : ifVar                       {$$ = gc1($1); }
-          | ifCon                       {$$ = gc1($1); }
+          :                             { $$ = gc0(NIL); }
+          | ifVar ifValOccs             { $$ = gc2(cons($1,$2));   }
+          | ifCon ifValOccs             { $$ = gc2(cons($1,$2));   }
           :                                {$$=gc0(NIL);}
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/sainteger.h b/ghc/interpreter/sainteger.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3086a5a988cc..000000000000
--- a/ghc/interpreter/sainteger.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#define B_BASE 256
-#define B_BASE_FLT (256.0)
-/* this really ought to be abstract */
-   struct {
-      int            sign;
-      int            size;
-      int            used;
-      unsigned char  stuff[0];
-   }
-   B;
-/* the ops themselves */
-int  do_getsign  ( B* x );
-int  do_cmp      ( B* x, B* y );
-void do_add      ( B* x, B* y, int sizeRes, B* res );
-void do_sub      ( B* x, B* y, int sizeRes, B* res );
-void do_mul      ( B* x, B* y, int sizeRes, B* res );
-void do_qrm      ( B* x, B* y, int sizeRes, B* qres, B* rres );
-void do_neg      ( B* x,       int sizeRes, B* res );
-void do_renormalise ( B* x );
-int  is_sane ( B* x );
-void do_fromInt  ( int            n,   int sizeRes, B*   res );
-void do_fromWord ( unsigned int   n,   int sizeRes, B*   res );
-void do_fromStr  ( char*        str,   int sizeRes, B*   res );
-int          do_toInt    ( B* x );
-unsigned int do_toWord   ( B* x );
-float        do_toFloat  ( B* x );
-double       do_toDouble ( B* x );
-/* the number of bytes needed to hold result of an op */
-int  size_add      ( B* x, B* y );
-int  size_sub      ( B* x, B* y );
-int  size_mul      ( B* x, B* y );
-int  size_qrm      ( B* x, B* y );
-int  size_neg      ( B* x );
-int  size_fromInt  ( void );
-int  size_fromWord ( void );
-int  size_fromStr  ( char* str );
-int  size_dblmantissa ( void );
-int  size_fltmantissa ( void );
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/static.c b/ghc/interpreter/static.c
index 09593821138c..c6f9a7ebbc0f 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/static.c
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/static.c
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
  * in the distribution for details.
  * $RCSfile: static.c,v $
- * $Revision: 1.7 $
- * $Date: 1999/06/07 17:22:35 $
+ * $Revision: 1.8 $
+ * $Date: 1999/07/06 15:24:41 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include "prelude.h"
@@ -412,9 +412,9 @@ Cell   impList; {
         List es = module(m).exports;
         for(; nonNull(es); es=tl(es)) {
             Cell e = hd(es);
-            if (isName(e))
+            if (isName(e)) {
                 imports = cons(e,imports);
-            else {
+            } else {
                 Cell c = fst(e);
                 List subentities = NIL;
                 imports = cons(c,imports);
@@ -4183,7 +4183,7 @@ Cell e; {
-        default         : fprintf(stderr,"whatIs(e) == %d\n",whatIs(e));internal("depExpr");
+        default         : internal("depExpr");
    return e;
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/storage.c b/ghc/interpreter/storage.c
index 3d62bc568bbf..7de66abd5a33 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/storage.c
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/storage.c
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
  * in the distribution for details.
  * $RCSfile: storage.c,v $
- * $Revision: 1.7 $
- * $Date: 1999/06/07 17:22:49 $
+ * $Revision: 1.8 $
+ * $Date: 1999/07/06 15:24:43 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include "prelude.h"
@@ -415,7 +415,6 @@ Cell parent; {
     name(nameHw).type         = NIL;
     name(nameHw).primop       = 0;
     name(nameHw).mod          = currentModule;
-    name(nameHw).ghc_names    = NIL;
     name(nameHw).nextNameHash = nameHash[h];
     nameHash[h]               = nameHw;
@@ -881,6 +880,12 @@ Text t; {
     module(moduleHw).names         = NIL;
     module(moduleHw).classes       = NIL;
     module(moduleHw).oImage        = NULL;
+    module(moduleHw).oTab          = NULL;
+    module(moduleHw).sizeoTab      = 0;
+    module(moduleHw).usedoTab      = 0;
+    module(moduleHw).dlTab         = NULL;
+    module(moduleHw).sizedlTab     = 0;
+    module(moduleHw).useddlTab     = 0;
     return moduleHw++;
@@ -965,6 +970,95 @@ Name jrsFindQualName ( Text mn, Text sn )
    return NIL;
+/* A bit tricky.  Assumes that if tab==NULL, then 
+   currUsed and *currSize must be zero.
+void* genericExpand ( void* tab, 
+                      int*  currSize, int  currUsed,
+                      int   initSize, int  elemSize )
+   int   size2;
+   void* tab2;
+   if (currUsed < *currSize)
+      return tab;
+   size2 = (*currSize == 0) ? initSize : (2 * *currSize);
+   tab2 = malloc ( size2 * elemSize );
+   if (!tab2) {
+      ERRMSG(0) "Can't allocate enough memory to resize a table"
+      EEND;
+   }
+   if (*currSize > 0)
+      memcpy ( tab2, tab, elemSize * *currSize );
+   *currSize = size2;
+   if (tab) free ( tab );
+   return tab2;
+void addOTabName ( Module m, char* nm, void* ad )
+   module(m).oTab
+      = genericExpand ( module(m).oTab, 
+                        &module(m).sizeoTab,
+                        module(m).usedoTab,
+                        8, sizeof(OSym) );
+   module(m).oTab[ module(m).usedoTab ].nm = nm;
+   module(m).oTab[ module(m).usedoTab ].ad = ad;
+   module(m).usedoTab++;
+void addDLSect ( Module m, void* start, void* end, DLSect sect )
+   module(m).dlTab
+      = genericExpand ( module(m).dlTab,
+                        &module(m).sizedlTab,
+                        module(m).useddlTab,
+                        4, sizeof(DLTabEnt) );
+   module(m).dlTab[ module(m).useddlTab ].start = start;
+   module(m).dlTab[ module(m).useddlTab ].end   = end;
+   module(m).dlTab[ module(m).useddlTab ].sect  = sect;
+   module(m).useddlTab++;
+void* lookupOTabName ( Module m, char* nm )
+   int i;
+   for (i = 0; i < module(m).usedoTab; i++)
+      if (0==strcmp(nm,module(m).oTab[i].nm))
+         return module(m).oTab[i].ad;
+   return NULL;
+char* nameFromOPtr ( void* p )
+   int i;
+   Module m;
+   for (m=MODMIN; m<moduleHw; m++)
+      for (i = 0; i < module(m).usedoTab; i++)
+         if (p == module(m).oTab[i].ad)
+            return module(m).oTab[i].nm;
+   return NULL;
+DLSect lookupDLSect ( void* ad )
+   int i;
+   Module m;
+   for (m=MODMIN; m<moduleHw; m++)
+      for (i = 0; i < module(m).useddlTab; i++)
+         if (module(m).dlTab[i].start <= ad &&
+             ad <= module(m).dlTab[i].end)
+            return module(m).dlTab[i].sect;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Script file storage:
@@ -2273,8 +2367,7 @@ Int what; {
-                           mark(name(i).ghc_names);
-                       }
+                        }
                        end("Names", nameHw-NAMEMIN);
diff --git a/ghc/interpreter/storage.h b/ghc/interpreter/storage.h
index 861bb82b6acd..a68757782435 100644
--- a/ghc/interpreter/storage.h
+++ b/ghc/interpreter/storage.h
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
  * in the distribution for details.
  * $RCSfile: storage.h,v $
- * $Revision: 1.7 $
- * $Date: 1999/06/07 17:22:47 $
+ * $Revision: 1.8 $
+ * $Date: 1999/07/06 15:24:45 $
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -388,6 +388,26 @@ extern Ext           mkExt Args((Text));
 #define offsetOf(c)  ((c)-OFFMIN)
 #define mkOffset(o)  (OFFMIN+(o))
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Object symbols:
+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* An entry in a very crude object symbol table */
+typedef struct { char* nm; void* ad; } 
+   OSym;
+/* Indication of section kinds for loaded objects.  Needed by
+   the GC for deciding whether or not a pointer on the stack
+   is a code pointer.
+               HUGS_DL_SECTION_RWDATA,
+               HUGS_DL_SECTION_OTHER } 
+   DLSect;
+typedef struct { void* start; void* end; DLSect sect; } 
+   DLTabEnt;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * Modules:
  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
@@ -419,10 +439,20 @@ struct Module {
      * evaluating an expression in the context of the current module.
     List  qualImports;
     /* ptr to malloc'd lump of memory holding the obj file */
     void* oImage;
+    /* ptr to object symbol table; lives in mallocville.  
+       Dynamically expands. */
+    OSym* oTab;
+    Int   sizeoTab;
+    Int   usedoTab;
+    /* The section-kind entries for this object module.  Dynamically expands. */    
+    DLTabEnt* dlTab;
+    Int       sizedlTab;
+    Int       useddlTab;        
 extern Module currentModule;           /* Module currently being processed */
@@ -434,6 +464,14 @@ extern Module findModule    Args((Text));
 extern Module findModid     Args((Cell));
 extern Void   setCurrModule Args((Module));
+extern void      addOTabName     Args((Module,char*,void*));
+extern void*     lookupOTabName  Args((Module,char*));
+extern char*     nameFromOPtr    Args((void*));
+extern void      addDLSect    Args((Module,void*,void*,DLSect));
+extern DLSect    lookupDLSect Args((void*));
 #define isPrelude(m) (m==modulePrelude)
 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -497,7 +535,6 @@ struct strName {
     Bool   simplified;    /* TRUE => already simplified */
     Bool   isDBuilder;    /* TRUE => is a dictionary builder */
     const void*  primop;  /* really StgPrim* */
-    List   ghc_names;     /* [(Text,Ptr)] */
     Name   nextNameHash;