diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs
index 94b84e5a2c5b793e2e793e9cfb12ecb56b79b4e3..6111c6a2ad951603279b7a9218ce3d9d431c078d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ import CStrings		( pp_cSEP )
 import Id		( externallyVisibleId, cmpId_withSpecDataCon,
 			  isDataCon, isDictFunId,
-			  isSuperDictSelId_maybe, fIRST_TAG,
-			  ConTag, GenId{-instance Outputable-},
+			  fIRST_TAG,
+			  ConTag,
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
index 51133408677b7bd3cd7b26e1bf0a675b76a31466..927d333f2b663a365e044454a95b964f240857f6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
@@ -64,10 +64,9 @@ module Id (
-	isMethodSelId_maybe,
+	isDictSelId_maybe,
-	isSuperDictSelId_maybe,
@@ -246,18 +245,8 @@ data IdDetails
   ---------------- Things to do with overloading
-  | SuperDictSelId		-- Selector for superclass dictionary
-		Class		-- The class (input dict)
-		Class		-- The superclass (result dict)
-  | MethodSelId	Class		-- An overloaded class operation, with
-				-- a fully polymorphic type.  Its code
-				-- just selects a method from the
-				-- dictionary.
-	-- NB: The IdInfo for a MethodSelId has all the info about its
-	-- related "constant method Ids", which are just
-	-- specialisations of this general one.
+  | DictSelId			-- Selector that extracts a method or superclass from a dictionary
+		Class		-- The class
   | DefaultMethodId		-- Default method for a particular class op
 		Class		-- same class, <blah-blah> info as MethodSelId
@@ -478,8 +467,7 @@ toplevelishId (Id _ _ _ details _ _)
     chk (TupleConId _)    	    = True
     chk (RecordSelId _)   	    = True
     chk ImportedId	    	    = True
-    chk (SuperDictSelId _ _)	    = True
-    chk (MethodSelId _)		    = True
+    chk (DictSelId _)		    = True
     chk (DefaultMethodId _)         = True
     chk (DictFunId     _ _)	    = True
     chk (SpecId unspec _ _)	    = toplevelishId unspec
@@ -496,8 +484,7 @@ idHasNoFreeTyVars (Id _ _ _ details _ info)
     chk (TupleConId _)    	  = True
     chk (RecordSelId _)   	  = True
     chk ImportedId	    	  = True
-    chk (SuperDictSelId _ _)	  = True
-    chk (MethodSelId _)		  = True
+    chk (DictSelId _)		  = True
     chk (DefaultMethodId _)       = True
     chk (DictFunId     _ _)	  = True
     chk (SpecId _     _   no_free_tvs) = no_free_tvs
@@ -530,8 +517,7 @@ omitIfaceSigForId (Id _ name _ details _ _)
         (AlgConId _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) -> True
         (TupleConId _)    	  -> True
         (RecordSelId _)   	  -> True
-        (SuperDictSelId _ _)	  -> True
-        (MethodSelId _)		  -> True
+        (DictSelId _)		  -> True
 	other			  -> False	-- Don't omit!
 		-- NB DefaultMethodIds are not omitted
@@ -555,8 +541,8 @@ isSpecId_maybe (Id _ _ _ (SpecId unspec ty_maybes _) _ _)
 isSpecId_maybe other_id
   = Nothing
-isMethodSelId_maybe (Id _ _ _ (MethodSelId cls) _ _) = Just cls
-isMethodSelId_maybe _				     = Nothing
+isDictSelId_maybe (Id _ _ _ (DictSelId cls) _ _) = Just cls
+isDictSelId_maybe _				 = Nothing
 isDefaultMethodId (Id _ _ _ (DefaultMethodId _) _ _) = True
 isDefaultMethodId other				     = False
@@ -568,9 +554,6 @@ isDefaultMethodId_maybe other = Nothing
 isDictFunId (Id _ _ _ (DictFunId _ _) _ _) = True
 isDictFunId other		    	   = False
-isSuperDictSelId_maybe (Id _ _ _ (SuperDictSelId c sc) _ _) = Just (c, sc)
-isSuperDictSelId_maybe other_id				  = Nothing
 isWrapperId id = workerExists (getIdStrictness id)
 isPrimitiveId_maybe (Id _ _ _ (PrimitiveId primop) _ _) = Just primop
@@ -660,20 +643,26 @@ idPrimRep i = typePrimRep (idType i)
-mkSuperDictSelId u clas sc ty
+mkSuperDictSelId :: Unique -> Class -> Int -> Type -> Id
+	-- The Int is an arbitrary tag to say which superclass is selected
+	-- So, for 
+	--	class (C a, C b) => Foo a b where ...
+	-- we get superclass selectors
+	--	Foo_sc1, Foo_sc2
+mkSuperDictSelId u clas index ty
   = addStandardIdInfo $
     Id u name ty details NoPragmaInfo noIdInfo
     name    = mkCompoundName name_fn u (getName clas)
-    details = SuperDictSelId clas sc
-    name_fn clas_str = SLIT("scsel_") _APPEND_ clas_str _APPEND_ mod _APPEND_ occNameString occ
-    (mod,occ) = modAndOcc sc
+    details = DictSelId clas
+    name_fn clas_str = clas_str _APPEND_ SLIT("_sc") _APPEND_ (_PK_ (show index))
 	-- For method selectors the clean thing to do is
 	-- to give the method selector the same name as the class op itself.
-mkMethodSelId op_name rec_c ty
+mkMethodSelId op_name clas ty
   = addStandardIdInfo $
-    Id (uniqueOf op_name) op_name ty (MethodSelId rec_c) NoPragmaInfo noIdInfo
+    Id (uniqueOf op_name) op_name ty (DictSelId clas) NoPragmaInfo noIdInfo
 mkDefaultMethodId dm_name rec_c ty
   = Id (uniqueOf dm_name) dm_name ty (DefaultMethodId rec_c) NoPragmaInfo noIdInfo
@@ -951,8 +940,7 @@ dataConFieldLabels x@(Id _ _ _ idt _ _) =
       SpecPragmaId _  _ -> "sp"
       ImportedId -> "i"
       RecordSelId _ -> "r"
-      SuperDictSelId _ _ -> "sc"
-      MethodSelId _ -> "m"
+      DictSelId _ -> "m"
       DefaultMethodId _ -> "d"
       DictFunId _ _ -> "di"
       SpecId _ _ _ -> "spec"))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
index 8fbf5c689af54b97959b99c8f5f6305cb05fdc23..8e32a8a8bc2a7830b6cd0db511126781445f9f09 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} CgExpr ( cgExpr )
 import CgMonad
 import AbsCSyn
 import StgSyn
+import BasicTypes	( TopLevelFlag(..) )
 import AbsCUtils	( mkAbstractCs, getAmodeRep )
 import CgBindery	( getCAddrMode, getArgAmodes,
@@ -98,17 +99,11 @@ cgTopRhsClosure name cc binder_info args body lf_info
-	-- Don't build Vap info tables etc for
-	-- a function whose result is an unboxed type,
-	-- because we can never have thunks with such a type.
-    (if closureReturnsUnpointedType closure_info then
-	nopC
-    else
-	let
+    let
 	    bind_the_fun = addBindC name cg_id_info	-- It's global!
-	in
-	cgVapInfoTables True {- Top level -} bind_the_fun binder_info name args lf_info
-    ) `thenC`
+    in
+    cgVapInfoTables TopLevel bind_the_fun binder_info name args lf_info
+    							 `thenC`
     (if staticClosureRequired name binder_info lf_info
@@ -250,14 +245,8 @@ cgRhsClosure binder cc binder_info fvs args body lf_info
     )	`thenC`
-	-- Don't build Vap info tables etc for
-	-- a function whose result is an unboxed type,
-	-- because we can never have thunks with such a type.
-    (if closureReturnsUnpointedType closure_info then
-	nopC
-    else
-	cgVapInfoTables False {- Not top level -} nopC binder_info binder args lf_info
-    ) `thenC`
+    cgVapInfoTables NotTopLevel nopC binder_info binder args lf_info
+    							`thenC`
@@ -295,10 +284,34 @@ cgVapInfoTables top_level perhaps_bind_the_fun binder_info fun args lf_info
-    fun_in_payload = not top_level
+    fun_in_payload = case top_level of
+			TopLevel    -> False
+			NotTopLevel -> True
 cgVapInfoTable perhaps_bind_the_fun upd_flag fun args fun_in_payload fun_lf_info
-  = let
+  | closureReturnsUnpointedType closure_info
+	-- Don't build Vap info tables etc for
+	-- a function whose result is an unboxed type,
+	-- because we can never have thunks with such a type.
+  = nopC
+  | otherwise
+  = forkClosureBody (
+		-- Bind the fvs; if the fun is not in the payload, then bind_the_fun tells
+		-- how to bind it.  If it is in payload it'll be bound by payload_bind_details.
+	    perhaps_bind_the_fun 		`thenC`
+	    mapCs bind_fv payload_bind_details	`thenC`
+		-- Generate the info table and code
+	    closureCodeBody NoStgBinderInfo
+			    closure_info
+			    useCurrentCostCentre
+			    [] 	-- No args; it's a thunk
+			    vap_entry_rhs
+    )
+  where
 	-- The vap_entry_rhs is a manufactured STG expression which
 	-- looks like the RHS of any binding which is going to use the vap-entry
 	-- point of the function.  Each of these bindings will look like:
@@ -341,23 +354,6 @@ cgVapInfoTable perhaps_bind_the_fun upd_flag fun args fun_in_payload fun_lf_info
 		-- Id is just used for label construction, which is OK.
 	bind_fv ((id,lf_info), offset) = bindNewToNode id offset lf_info
-    in
-    forkClosureBody (
-		-- Bind the fvs; if the fun is not in the payload, then bind_the_fun tells
-		-- how to bind it.  If it is in payload it'll be bound by payload_bind_details.
-	    perhaps_bind_the_fun 		`thenC`
-	    mapCs bind_fv payload_bind_details	`thenC`
-		-- Generate the info table and code
-	    closureCodeBody NoStgBinderInfo
-			    closure_info
-			    useCurrentCostCentre
-			    [] 	-- No args; it's a thunk
-			    vap_entry_rhs
-    )
 %*									*
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
index d14a8a7a1371355ac4df6808a42c9b7de94772ce..91200a06aac2ba5bb557b9c01d71c01160ceb0cd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
@@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ import PrelInfo		( maybeCharLikeTyCon, maybeIntLikeTyCon )
 import PrimRep		( getPrimRepSize, separateByPtrFollowness, PrimRep )
 import SMRep		-- all of it
 import TyCon		( TyCon, isNewTyCon )
-import Type		( isUnpointedType, splitForAllTys, splitFunTys, mkFunTys, splitAlgTyConApp_maybe,
+import Type		( isUnpointedType, splitForAllTys, splitFunTys, mkFunTys,
+			  splitAlgTyConApp_maybe, applyTys,
 import Util		( isIn, mapAccumL )
@@ -1130,11 +1131,10 @@ fun_result_ty arity ty
       Nothing -> pprPanic "fun_result_ty:" (hsep [int arity,
 						  ppr ty])
-      Just (tycon, _, [con]) | isNewTyCon tycon
+      Just (tycon, tycon_arg_tys, [con]) | isNewTyCon tycon
 	   -> fun_result_ty (arity - n_arg_tys) rep_ty
-	      ([rep_ty], _) = splitFunTys rho_ty
-	      (_, rho_ty)   = splitForAllTys (idType con)
+	      ([rep_ty], _) = splitFunTys (applyTys (idType con) tycon_arg_tys)
      (_, rho_ty)	= splitForAllTys ty
      (arg_tys, res_ty)  = splitFunTys rho_ty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
index 1ecaadf61e61176850c81b37470d494f487a4a86..d9b920702dbc6ccf249053c88fa954342e54ac76 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import TyVar		( cloneTyVar,
 			  TyVar, GenTyVar
 import Type		( mkFunTy, mkForAllTy, mkTyVarTy,
-			  splitFunTy_maybe, applyTy, isUnpointedType,
+			  splitFunTy_maybe, applyTys, isUnpointedType,
 			  splitSigmaTy, splitFunTys, instantiateTy,
@@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ coreExprType (Lam (TyBinder tyvar) expr)
   = mkForAllTy tyvar (coreExprType expr)
 coreExprType (App expr (TyArg ty))
-  = 
---  pprTrace "appTy1" (hsep [ppr fun_ty, space, ppr ty]) $
-    applyTy fun_ty ty
+  = 	-- Gather type args; more efficient to instantiate the type all at once
+    go expr [ty]
-    fun_ty = coreExprType expr
+    go (App expr (TyArg ty)) tys = go expr (ty:tys)
+    go expr		     tys = applyTys (coreExprType expr) tys
 coreExprType (App expr val_arg)
   = ASSERT(isValArg val_arg)
@@ -127,11 +127,19 @@ default_ty (BindDefault _ rhs) = coreExprType rhs
-applyTypeToArgs op_ty args	    = foldl applyTypeToArg op_ty args
+applyTypeToArgs op_ty (TyArg ty : args)
+  =	-- Accumulate type arguments so we can instantiate all at once
+    applyTypeToArgs (applyTys op_ty tys) rest_args
+  where
+    (tys, rest_args)         = go [ty] args
+    go tys (TyArg ty : args) = go (ty:tys) args
+    go tys rest_args	     = (reverse tys, rest_args)
+applyTypeToArgs op_ty (val_or_lit_arg:args)
+  = case (splitFunTy_maybe op_ty) of
+	Just (_, res_ty) -> applyTypeToArgs res_ty args
-applyTypeToArg op_ty (TyArg ty)     = applyTy op_ty ty
-applyTypeToArg op_ty val_or_lit_arg = case (splitFunTy_maybe op_ty) of
-					Just (_, res_ty) -> res_ty
+applyTypeToArgs op_ty [] = op_ty
 coreExprCc gets the cost centre enclosing an expression, if any.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
index 8a0526232f22b8a59086d61e77689e0b10ad1aaf..21cd4f362087e349d95a07b49997318148af98fb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import Type		( mkTyVarTy, isDictTy, instantiateTy
 import TyVar		( zipTyVarEnv )
 import TysPrim		( voidTy )
+import Outputable	( assertPanic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs
index c9b6bb18b89e37aaa151c0182533e30018863efe..4d16d00e43b8719403ab2c65d0ddc9c778e6ba3d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ import HsSyn		( HsLit(..), OutPat(..), HsExpr(..), Fixity,
 			  Match, HsBinds, DoOrListComp, HsType, ArithSeqInfo )
 import TcHsSyn		( TypecheckedHsExpr, TypecheckedPat )
 import CoreSyn		( CoreExpr, CoreBinding, GenCoreExpr(..), GenCoreBinding(..) )
-import Id		( GenId {- instance Eq -}, Id )
+import Id		( Id )
 import DsMonad
 import DsUtils
 import Literal		( mkMachInt, Literal(..) )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
-import Type		( Type )
+import Type		( Type, isUnpointedType )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
index 85ea35a8f505266edff6393f2fa8c982e01d9a88..b4483dae2acbd884a2ece5553e82c5ad09a60b45 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ ppr_expr (HsLam match)
 ppr_expr expr@(HsApp e1 e2)
   = let (fun, args) = collect_args expr [] in
-    (pprExpr fun) <+> (sep (map pprExpr args))
+    (ppr_expr fun) <+> (sep (map ppr_expr args))
     collect_args (HsApp fun arg) args = collect_args fun (arg:args)
     collect_args fun		 args = (fun, args)
@@ -248,19 +248,19 @@ ppr_expr (SectionR op expr)
       = parens (sep [ppr v, pp_expr])
 ppr_expr (HsCase expr matches _)
-  = sep [ sep [ptext SLIT("case"), nest 4 (ppr_expr expr), ptext SLIT("of")],
+  = sep [ sep [ptext SLIT("case"), nest 4 (pprExpr expr), ptext SLIT("of")],
 	    nest 2 (pprMatches (True, empty) matches) ]
 ppr_expr (HsIf e1 e2 e3 _)
-  = sep [hsep [ptext SLIT("if"), nest 2 (ppr_expr e1), ptext SLIT("then")],
-	   nest 4 (ppr_expr e2),
+  = sep [hsep [ptext SLIT("if"), nest 2 (pprExpr e1), ptext SLIT("then")],
+	   nest 4 (pprExpr e2),
 	   ptext SLIT("else"),
-	   nest 4 (ppr_expr e3)]
+	   nest 4 (pprExpr e3)]
 -- special case: let ... in let ...
 ppr_expr (HsLet binds expr@(HsLet _ _))
   = sep [hang (ptext SLIT("let")) 2 (hsep [ppr binds, ptext SLIT("in")]),
-	 ppr_expr expr]
+	 pprExpr expr]
 ppr_expr (HsLet binds expr)
   = sep [hang (ptext SLIT("let")) 2 (ppr binds),
@@ -270,13 +270,13 @@ ppr_expr (HsDo do_or_list_comp stmts _)            = pprDo do_or_list_comp stmts
 ppr_expr (HsDoOut do_or_list_comp stmts _ _ _ _ _) = pprDo do_or_list_comp stmts
 ppr_expr (ExplicitList exprs)
-  = brackets (fsep (punctuate comma (map pprExpr exprs)))
+  = brackets (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr_expr exprs)))
 ppr_expr (ExplicitListOut ty exprs)
-  = hcat [ brackets (fsep (punctuate comma (map pprExpr exprs))),
+  = hcat [ brackets (fsep (punctuate comma (map ppr_expr exprs))),
 	   ifNotPprForUser ((<>) space (parens (pprGenType ty))) ]
 ppr_expr (ExplicitTuple exprs)
-  = parens (sep (punctuate comma (map pprExpr exprs)))
+  = parens (sep (punctuate comma (map ppr_expr exprs)))
 ppr_expr (HsCon con_id tys args)
   = ppr con_id <+> sep (map pprParendGenType tys ++
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ ppr_expr (RecordUpdOut aexp _ _ rbinds)
   = pp_rbinds (pprParendExpr aexp) rbinds
 ppr_expr (ExprWithTySig expr sig)
-  = hang (nest 2 (pprExpr expr) <+> ptext SLIT("::"))
+  = hang (nest 2 (ppr_expr expr) <+> ptext SLIT("::"))
 	 4 (ppr sig)
 ppr_expr (ArithSeqIn info)
@@ -310,24 +310,24 @@ ppr_expr (HsSCC label expr)
 ppr_expr (TyLam tyvars expr)
   = hang (hsep [ptext SLIT("/\\"), interppSP tyvars, ptext SLIT("->")])
-	 4 (pprExpr expr)
+	 4 (ppr_expr expr)
 ppr_expr (TyApp expr [ty])
-  = hang (pprExpr expr) 4 (pprParendGenType ty)
+  = hang (ppr_expr expr) 4 (pprParendGenType ty)
 ppr_expr (TyApp expr tys)
-  = hang (pprExpr expr)
+  = hang (ppr_expr expr)
 	 4 (brackets (interpp'SP tys))
 ppr_expr (DictLam dictvars expr)
   = hang (hsep [ptext SLIT("\\{-dict-}"), interppSP dictvars, ptext SLIT("->")])
-	 4 (pprExpr expr)
+	 4 (ppr_expr expr)
 ppr_expr (DictApp expr [dname])
-  = hang (pprExpr expr) 4 (ppr dname)
+  = hang (ppr_expr expr) 4 (ppr dname)
 ppr_expr (DictApp expr dnames)
-  = hang (pprExpr expr)
+  = hang (ppr_expr expr)
 	 4 (brackets (interpp'SP dnames))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/StdIdInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/StdIdInfo.lhs
index f9fe24846076c24351858c5ad1b4c77f5af35b1a..75d803befeca101a657e73c1d0b9347c5919c820 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/StdIdInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/StdIdInfo.lhs
@@ -24,18 +24,18 @@ import CoreSyn
 import Literal
 import CoreUnfold	( mkUnfolding, PragmaInfo(..) )
 import TysWiredIn	( tupleCon )
-import Id		( GenId, mkTemplateLocals, idType,
+import Id		( mkTemplateLocals, idType,
 			  dataConStrictMarks, dataConFieldLabels, dataConArgTys,
 			  recordSelectorFieldLabel, dataConSig,
-			  isAlgCon, isMethodSelId_maybe, isSuperDictSelId_maybe,
+			  isAlgCon, isDictSelId_maybe,
 			  isRecordSelector, isPrimitiveId_maybe, 
 			  addIdUnfolding, addIdArity,
 import IdInfo		( ArityInfo, exactArity )
 import Class		( classBigSig, classTyCon )
-import TyCon		( isNewTyCon, tyConDataCons )
+import TyCon		( isNewTyCon, tyConDataCons, isDataTyCon )
 import FieldLabel	( FieldLabel )
 import PrelVals		( pAT_ERROR_ID )
 import Maybes
@@ -179,20 +179,35 @@ addStandardIdInfo sel_id
 %*									*
+Selecting a field for a dictionary.  If there is just one field, then
+there's nothing to do.
 addStandardIdInfo sel_id
-  | maybeToBool maybe_sc_sel_id
-  = sel_id `addIdUnfolding` (mk_selector_unfolding cls sel_id)
+  | maybeToBool maybe_dict_sel_id
+  = sel_id `addIdUnfolding` unfolding
-    maybe_sc_sel_id    = isSuperDictSelId_maybe sel_id
-    Just (cls, _) = maybe_sc_sel_id
+    maybe_dict_sel_id = isDictSelId_maybe sel_id
+    Just clas 	    = maybe_dict_sel_id
-addStandardIdInfo sel_id
-  | maybeToBool maybe_meth_sel_id
-  = sel_id `addIdUnfolding` (mk_selector_unfolding cls sel_id)
-  where
-    maybe_meth_sel_id  = isMethodSelId_maybe sel_id
-    Just cls = maybe_meth_sel_id
+    unfolding = mkUnfolding IWantToBeINLINEd {- Always inline selectors -} rhs
+	-- The always-inline thing means we don't need any other IdInfo
+    (tyvars, _, sc_sel_ids, op_sel_ids, defms) = classBigSig clas
+    tycon      = classTyCon clas
+    [data_con] = tyConDataCons tycon
+    tyvar_tys  = mkTyVarTys tyvars
+    arg_tys    = dataConArgTys data_con tyvar_tys
+    the_arg_id = assoc "StdIdInfo:mk_sel" ((sc_sel_ids ++ op_sel_ids) `zip` arg_ids) sel_id
+    (dict_id:arg_ids) = mkTemplateLocals (mkDictTy clas tyvar_tys : arg_tys)
+    rhs | isNewTyCon tycon = mkLam tyvars [dict_id] $
+			     Coerce (CoerceOut data_con) (head arg_tys) (Var dict_id)
+	| otherwise	   = mkLam tyvars [dict_id] $
+			     Case (Var dict_id) $
+			     AlgAlts [(data_con, arg_ids, Var the_arg_id)] NoDefault
@@ -235,34 +250,3 @@ addStandardIdInfo id
   = pprTrace "addStandardIdInfo missing:" (ppr id) id
-%*									*
-\subsection{Dictionary selector help function
-%*									*
-Selecting a field for a dictionary.  If there is just one field, then
-there's nothing to do.
-mk_selector_unfolding clas sel_id
-  = mkUnfolding IWantToBeINLINEd {- Always inline selectors -} rhs
-	-- The always-inline thing means we don't need any other IdInfo
-  where
-    (tyvars, _, sc_sel_ids, op_sel_ids, defms) = classBigSig clas
-    tycon      = classTyCon clas
-    [data_con] = tyConDataCons tycon
-    tyvar_tys  = mkTyVarTys tyvars
-    arg_tys    = dataConArgTys data_con tyvar_tys
-    the_arg_id = assoc "StdIdInfo:mk_sel" ((sc_sel_ids ++ op_sel_ids) `zip` arg_ids) sel_id
-    (dict_id:arg_ids) = mkTemplateLocals (mkDictTy clas tyvar_tys : arg_tys)
-    rhs | isNewTyCon tycon = mkLam tyvars [dict_id] $
-			     Coerce (CoerceOut data_con) (head arg_tys) (Var dict_id)
-	| otherwise	   = mkLam tyvars [dict_id] $
-			     Case (Var dict_id) $
-			     AlgAlts [(data_con, arg_ids, Var the_arg_id)] NoDefault
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs
index 5e166093ca39b9174879f42a082159c6a107509f..acc86275f786fba323a21c1697e087e6b321461b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ cvMonoBindsAndSigs sf sig_cvtr fb
     mangle_bind (b_acc, s_acc) other = (b_acc, s_acc)
+	-- Ignore class decls, instance decls etc
@@ -200,4 +201,5 @@ cvOtherDecls b
     go acc (RdrInstDecl d)	  = InstD d : acc 
     go acc (RdrDefaultDecl d)     = DefD d  : acc
     go acc other		  = acc
+	-- Ignore value bindings
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
index cb8e8c9f292173c85780c88761d5450466a564da..3beba6cbeb70564c1a8a128e8d1d97aacd300386 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module RdrHsSyn (
 	isUnqual, isQual,
 	showRdr, rdrNameOcc, rdrNameModule, ieOcc,
 	cmpRdr, prefixRdrName,
-	mkOpApp, mkClassDecl
+	mkOpApp, mkClassDecl, isClassDataConRdrName
     ) where
@@ -166,6 +166,17 @@ mkClassDecl cxt cname tyvars sigs mbinds prags loc
 					       s1 = SLIT(":") _APPEND_ s
+-- This nasty little function tests for whether a RdrName was 
+-- constructed by the above process.  It's used only for filtering
+-- out duff error messages.  Maybe there's a tidier way of doing this
+-- but I can't work up the energy to find it.
+isClassDataConRdrName rdr_name
+ = case rdrNameOcc rdr_name of
+	TCOcc s -> case _UNPK_ s of
+			':' : c : _ -> isUpper c
+			other	    -> False
+	other -> False
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
index e221088e3333f939c197245fc67458ada38091b2..259b90de67792420a79f581fec787126d3af66d8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import RnIfaces		( getImportedInstDecls, importDecl, getImportVersions, getSpeci
 			  mkSearchPath, getSlurpedNames, getRnStats
-import RnEnv		( addImplicitOccsRn )
+import RnEnv		( addImplicitOccsRn, availNames )
 import Name		( Name, PrintUnqualified, Provenance, isLocallyDefined,
 			  nameSetToList, minusNameSet, NamedThing(..),
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import ErrUtils		( pprBagOfErrors, pprBagOfWarnings,
 			  doIfSet, dumpIfSet, ghcExit
 import Bag		( isEmptyBag )
+import FiniteMap	( fmToList, delListFromFM )
 import UniqSupply	( UniqSupply )
 import Util		( equivClasses )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ rename this_mod@(HsModule mod_name vers exports imports fixities local_decls loc
 	returnRn Nothing
-  	Just (export_env, rn_env, explicit_names, print_unqual) = maybe_stuff
+  	Just (export_env, rn_env, explicit_info, print_unqual) = maybe_stuff
@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ rename this_mod@(HsModule mod_name vers exports imports fixities local_decls loc
     getNameSupplyRn					`thenRn` \ name_supply ->
-    reportUnusedNames explicit_names			`thenRn_`
+    reportUnusedNames export_env explicit_info		`thenRn_`
 	-- The "special instance" modules are those modules that contain instance
@@ -262,29 +263,48 @@ rn_data_decl mode (tycon_name,ty_decl) = rn_iface_decl mod_name mode (TyD ty_dec
-reportUnusedNames explicit_avail_names
+reportUnusedNames (ExportEnv export_avails _) explicit_info
+  | not (opt_WarnUnusedBinds || opt_WarnUnusedImports)
+  = returnRn ()
+  | otherwise
   = getSlurpedNames			`thenRn` \ slurped_names ->
-	unused	      = explicit_avail_names `minusNameSet` slurped_names
-	(local_unused, imported_unused) = partition isLocallyDefined (nameSetToList unused)
-	imports_by_module = equivClasses cmp imported_unused
-	name1 `cmp` name2 = nameModule name1 `compare` nameModule name2 
-	pp_imp = sep [text "Warning: the following unqualified imports are unused:",
-			  nest 4 (vcat (map pp_group imports_by_module))]
-	pp_group (n:ns) = sep [hcat [text "Module ", pprModule (nameModule n), char ':'],
-				   nest 4 (sep (map (pprOccName . nameOccName) (n:ns)))]
-	pp_local = sep [text "Warning: the following local top-level definitions are unused:",
-			    nest 4 (sep (map (pprOccName . nameOccName) local_unused))]
-    in
-    (if not opt_WarnUnusedImports || null imported_unused
-     then returnRn ()
-     else addWarnRn pp_imp)	`thenRn_`
+	unused_info :: FiniteMap Name HowInScope
+	unused_info = foldl delListFromFM
+			    (delListFromFM explicit_info (nameSetToList slurped_names))
+			    (map availNames export_avails)
+	unused_list = fmToList unused_info
+	groups = filter wanted (equivClasses cmp unused_list)
+	       where
+		 (name1, his1) `cmp` (name2, his2) = his1 `cmph` his2
+		 (FromLocalDefn _)     `cmph` (FromImportDecl _ _)  = LT
+		 (FromLocalDefn _)     `cmph` (FromLocalDefn _)     = EQ
+		 (FromImportDecl m1 _) `cmph` (FromImportDecl m2 _) = m1 `compare` m2
+		 h1		       `cmph` h2		    = GT
+	wanted ((_,FromImportDecl _ _) : _) = opt_WarnUnusedImports
+	wanted ((_,FromLocalDefn _)    : _) = opt_WarnUnusedImports
+	pp_imp = sep [text "Warning: the following are unused:",
+		      nest 4 (vcat (map pp_group groups))]
+	pp_group group = sep [msg <> char ':',
+		              nest 4 (sep (map (pprOccName . nameOccName . fst) group))]
+		       where
+			 his = case group of
+				  ((_,his) : _) -> his
+			 msg = case his of
+				  FromImportDecl m _ -> text "Imported from" <+> pprModule m
+				  FromLocalDefn _    -> text "Locally defined"   
-    (if not opt_WarnUnusedBinds || null local_unused
-     then returnRn ()
-     else addWarnRn pp_local)
+    in
+    if null groups
+    then returnRn ()
+    else addWarnRn pp_imp
 rnStats :: [RenamedHsDecl] -> RnMG ()
 rnStats all_decls
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
index 92e221e2c683fbcc756deb895791edb6796e717c..8780058bc478e1b80f6f56db65f474c3044eac18 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
@@ -263,10 +263,10 @@ rn_mono_binds top_lev binders mbinds sigs
 	 -- which is a list of indivisible vertices so far as
 	 -- the strongly-connected-components (SCC) analysis is concerned
     rnBindSigs top_lev binders sigs	`thenRn` \ siglist ->
-    flattenMonoBinds 0 siglist mbinds	`thenRn` \ (_, mbinds_info) ->
+    flattenMonoBinds siglist mbinds	`thenRn` \ mbinds_info ->
 	 -- Do the SCC analysis
-    let edges	    = mkEdges mbinds_info
+    let edges	    = mkEdges (mbinds_info `zip` [0..])
 	scc_result  = stronglyConnComp edges
 	final_binds = foldr1 ThenBinds (map reconstructCycle scc_result)
@@ -280,19 +280,18 @@ rn_mono_binds top_lev binders mbinds sigs
 unique ``vertex tags'' on its output; minor plumbing required.
-flattenMonoBinds :: Int				-- Next free vertex tag
-		 -> [RenamedSig]		-- Signatures
+flattenMonoBinds :: [RenamedSig]		-- Signatures
 		 -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 		 -> RnMS s (Int, [FlatMonoBindsInfo])
-flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs EmptyMonoBinds = returnRn (uniq, [])
+flattenMonoBinds sigs EmptyMonoBinds = returnRn []
-flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (AndMonoBinds bs1 bs2)
-  = flattenMonoBinds uniq  sigs bs1	`thenRn` \ (uniq1, flat1) ->
-    flattenMonoBinds uniq1 sigs bs2	`thenRn` \ (uniq2, flat2) ->
-    returnRn (uniq2, flat1 ++ flat2)
+flattenMonoBinds sigs (AndMonoBinds bs1 bs2)
+  = flattenMonoBinds sigs bs1	`thenRn` \ flat1 ->
+    flattenMonoBinds sigs bs2	`thenRn` \ flat2 ->
+    returnRn (flat1 ++ flat2)
-flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
+flattenMonoBinds sigs (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
   = pushSrcLocRn locn		 	$
     rnPat pat				`thenRn` \ pat' ->
     rnGRHSsAndBinds grhss_and_binds	`thenRn` \ (grhss_and_binds', fvs) ->
@@ -303,17 +302,14 @@ flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
 	sigs_for_me      = filter ((`elemNameSet` names_bound_here) . sig_name) sigs
 	sigs_fvs         = foldr sig_fv emptyNameSet sigs_for_me
-    returnRn (
-	uniq + 1,
-	[(uniq,
-	  names_bound_here,
+    returnRn 
+	[(names_bound_here,
 	  fvs `unionNameSets` sigs_fvs,
 	  PatMonoBind pat' grhss_and_binds' locn,
-    )
-flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (FunMonoBind name inf matches locn)
+flattenMonoBinds sigs (FunMonoBind name inf matches locn)
   = pushSrcLocRn locn				 $
     mapRn (checkPrecMatch inf name) matches	`thenRn_`
     lookupBndrRn name				`thenRn` \ name' ->
@@ -323,15 +319,12 @@ flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (FunMonoBind name inf matches locn)
 	sigs_for_me = filter ((name' ==) . sig_name) sigs
 	sigs_fvs    = foldr sig_fv emptyNameSet sigs_for_me
-    returnRn (
-      uniq + 1,
-      [(uniq,
-	unitNameSet name',
+    returnRn
+      [(unitNameSet name',
 	fvs `unionNameSets` sigs_fvs,
 	FunMonoBind name' inf new_matches locn,
-    )
@@ -417,23 +410,21 @@ renamed.
 type FlatMonoBindsInfo
-  = (VertexTag,			-- Identifies the vertex
-     NameSet,			-- Set of names defined in this vertex
+  = (NameSet,			-- Set of names defined in this vertex
      NameSet,			-- Set of names used in this vertex
-     RenamedMonoBinds,		-- Binding for this vertex (always just one binding, either fun or pat)
+     RenamedMonoBinds,
      [RenamedSig])		-- Signatures, if any, for this vertex
-mkEdges :: [FlatMonoBindsInfo] -> [(FlatMonoBindsInfo, VertexTag, [VertexTag])]
+mkEdges :: [(FlatMonoBindsInfo, VertexTag)] -> [(FlatMonoBindsInfo, VertexTag, [VertexTag])]
 mkEdges flat_info
   = [ (info, tag, dest_vertices (nameSetToList names_used))
-    | info@(tag, names_defined, names_used, mbind, sigs) <- flat_info
+    | (info@(names_defined, names_used, mbind, sigs), tag) <- flat_info
  	 -- An edge (v,v') indicates that v depends on v'
     dest_vertices src_mentions = [ target_vertex
-			         | (target_vertex, names_defined, _, _, _) <- flat_info,
+			         | ((names_defined, _, _, _), target_vertex) <- flat_info,
 				   mentioned_name <- src_mentions,
 				   mentioned_name `elemNameSet` names_defined
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
index e74404632a0e88d62281208ed90d363e5b7fb381..dff9abed0da1693f64f615127d5537f416dd62ee 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnEnv.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import CmdLineOpts	( opt_WarnNameShadowing, opt_WarnUnusedMatches,
 			  opt_WarnUnusedBinds, opt_WarnUnusedImports )
 import HsSyn
 import RdrHsSyn		( RdrName(..), RdrNameIE,
-			  rdrNameOcc, isQual, qual
+			  rdrNameOcc, isQual, qual, isClassDataConRdrName
 import HsTypes		( getTyVarName, replaceTyVarName )
 import BasicTypes	( Fixity(..), FixityDirection(..), IfaceFlavour(..) )
@@ -466,14 +466,14 @@ plusRnEnv (RnEnv n1 f1) (RnEnv n2 f2)
 plusGlobalNameEnvRn :: GlobalNameEnv -> GlobalNameEnv -> RnM s d GlobalNameEnv
 plusGlobalNameEnvRn env1 env2
-  = mapRn (addErrRn.nameClashErr) (conflictsFM conflicting_name env1 env2)		`thenRn_`
+  = mapRn addNameClashErrRn (conflictsFM conflicting_name env1 env2)		`thenRn_`
     returnRn (env1 `plusFM` env2)
 addOneToGlobalNameEnv :: GlobalNameEnv -> RdrName -> (Name, HowInScope) -> RnM s d GlobalNameEnv
 addOneToGlobalNameEnv env rdr_name name
  = case lookupFM env rdr_name of
 	Just name2 | conflicting_name name name2
-		   -> addErrRn (nameClashErr (rdr_name, (name, name2)))	`thenRn_`
+		   -> addNameClashErrRn (rdr_name, (name, name2)))	`thenRn_`
 		      returnRn env
 	other      -> returnRn (addToFM env rdr_name name)
@@ -702,10 +702,18 @@ warnUnusedNames names
 unusedNameWarn name = quotes (ppr name) <+> ptext SLIT("is bound but not used")
-nameClashErr (rdr_name, ((_,how_in_scope1), (_, how_in_scope2)))
-  = hang (hsep [ptext SLIT("Conflicting definitions for"), quotes (ppr rdr_name)])
-	4 (vcat [ppr how_in_scope1,
-		 ppr how_in_scope2])
+addNameClashErrRn (rdr_name, ((_,how_in_scope1), (_, how_in_scope2)))
+  | isClassDataConRdrName rdr_name 
+	-- Nasty hack to prevent error messages complain about conflicts for ":C",
+	-- where "C" is a class.  There'll be a message about C, and :C isn't 
+	-- the programmer's business.  There may be a better way to filter this
+	-- out, but I couldn't get up the energy to find it.
+  = returnRn ()
+  | otherwise
+  = addErrRn (hang (hsep [ptext SLIT("Conflicting definitions for"), quotes (ppr rdr_name)])
+	      4 (vcat [ppr how_in_scope1,
+		       ppr how_in_scope2])
 fixityClashErr (rdr_name, ((_,how_in_scope1), (_, how_in_scope2)))
   = hang (hsep [ptext SLIT("Conflicting fixities for"), quotes (ppr rdr_name)])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
index 9ffa8e2e1f4c37be05d2edb892e880ab28d5776b..097cdd72a346ec3307b36792885397d8f41f7530 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ import Util	( removeDups )
 getGlobalNames :: RdrNameHsModule
-	       -> RnMG (Maybe (ExportEnv, RnEnv, NameSet, Name -> PrintUnqualified))
-			-- The NameSet is the set of names that are
-			--	either locally defined,
-			--	or explicitly imported
+	       -> RnMG (Maybe (ExportEnv, 
+			       RnEnv, 
+			       FiniteMap Name HowInScope, 	-- Locally defined or explicitly imported 
+			       Name -> PrintUnqualified))
 			-- Nothing => no need to recompile
 getGlobalNames m@(HsModule this_mod _ exports imports _ _ mod_loc)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ getGlobalNames m@(HsModule this_mod _ exports imports _ _ mod_loc)
 	-- Do these *first* so that the correct provenance gets
 	-- into the global name cache.
-      importsFromLocalDecls rec_exp_fn m	`thenRn` \ (local_rn_env, local_mod_avails, local_avails) ->
+      importsFromLocalDecls rec_exp_fn m	`thenRn` \ (local_rn_env, local_mod_avails, local_info) ->
       mapAndUnzip3Rn importsFromImportDecl all_imports
@@ -98,23 +98,19 @@ getGlobalNames m@(HsModule this_mod _ exports imports _ _ mod_loc)
 	 export_avails :: ExportAvails
 	 export_avails = foldr plusExportAvails local_mod_avails imp_avails_s
-	 explicit_names :: NameSet 	-- locally defined or explicitly imported
-	 explicit_names = foldr add_on emptyNameSet (local_avails : explicit_imports_s)
-	 add_on avails names = foldr (unionNameSets . mkNameSet . availNames) names avails
+	 explicit_info :: FiniteMap Name HowInScope  -- Locally defined or explicitly imported
+	 explicit_info = foldr plusFM local_info explicit_imports_s
       exportsFromAvail this_mod exports export_avails rn_env	
 							`thenRn` \ (export_fn, export_env) ->
-      mapRn (recordSlurp Nothing Compulsory) local_avails	`thenRn_`
         -- BUILD THE "IMPORT FN".  It just tells whether a name is in
 	-- scope in an unqualified form.
 	  print_unqual = mkImportFn imp_rn_env
-      returnRn (export_fn, Just (export_env, rn_env, explicit_names, print_unqual))
+      returnRn (export_fn, Just (export_env, rn_env, explicit_info, print_unqual))
     )							`thenRn` \ (_, result) ->
     returnRn result
@@ -167,7 +163,9 @@ checkEarlyExit mod
 importsFromImportDecl :: RdrNameImportDecl
-		      -> RnMG (RnEnv, ExportAvails, [AvailInfo])
+		      -> RnMG (RnEnv, 
+			       ExportAvails, 
+			       FiniteMap Name HowInScope)  -- Records the explicitly-imported things
 importsFromImportDecl (ImportDecl mod qual_only as_source as_mod import_spec loc)
   = pushSrcLocRn loc $
@@ -175,6 +173,10 @@ importsFromImportDecl (ImportDecl mod qual_only as_source as_mod import_spec loc
     filterImports mod import_spec avails	`thenRn` \ (filtered_avails, hides, explicits) ->
 	how_in_scope = FromImportDecl mod loc
+	explicit_info = listToFM [(name, how_in_scope) 
+				 | avail <- explicits,
+				   name  <- availNames avail
+				 ]
     qualifyImports mod 
 		   True 		-- Want qualified names
@@ -184,14 +186,27 @@ importsFromImportDecl (ImportDecl mod qual_only as_source as_mod import_spec loc
 		   filtered_avails (\n -> how_in_scope)
 		   [ (occ,(fixity,how_in_scope)) | (occ,fixity) <- fixities ]
 							`thenRn` \ (rn_env, mod_avails) ->
-    returnRn (rn_env, mod_avails, explicits)
+    returnRn (rn_env, mod_avails, explicit_info)
 importsFromLocalDecls rec_exp_fn (HsModule mod _ _ _ fix_decls decls _)
   = foldlRn getLocalDeclBinders [] decls		`thenRn` \ avails ->
+	-- Record that locally-defined things are available
+    mapRn (recordSlurp Nothing Compulsory) avails	`thenRn_`
+	-- Fixities
     mapRn fixityFromFixDecl fix_decls			`thenRn` \ fixities ->
+	-- Record where the available stuff came from
+    let
+	explicit_info = listToFM [(name, FromLocalDefn (getSrcLoc name))
+				 | avail <- avails,
+				   name  <- availNames avail
+				 ]
+    in
     qualifyImports mod 
 		   False	-- Don't want qualified names
 		   True		-- Want unqualified names
@@ -200,7 +215,7 @@ importsFromLocalDecls rec_exp_fn (HsModule mod _ _ _ fix_decls decls _)
 		   avails (\n -> FromLocalDefn (getSrcLoc n))
 							`thenRn` \ (rn_env, mod_avails) ->
-    returnRn (rn_env, mod_avails, avails)
+    returnRn (rn_env, mod_avails, explicit_info)
     newLocalName rdr_name loc
       = newLocallyDefinedGlobalName mod (rdrNameOcc rdr_name) rec_exp_fn loc
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
index b996b722c73350335397d444f708d2dc111a0708..2340b23efca621ea7d422e12ae627807ccbaa6fb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ import SimplMonad
 import SimplVar		( completeVar )
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import SimplUtils
-import Type		( mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys, mkAppTy, applyTy, mkFunTys, splitAlgTyConApp_maybe,
+import Type		( mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys, mkAppTy, applyTy, applyTys,
+			  mkFunTys, splitAlgTyConApp_maybe,
 			  splitFunTys, splitFunTy_maybe, isUnpointedType
 import TysPrim		( realWorldStatePrimTy )
@@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ simplRhsExpr env binder@(id,occ_info) rhs new_id
     mapSmpl cloneTyVarSmpl tyvars			`thenSmpl` \ tyvars' ->
 	new_tys  = mkTyVarTys tyvars'
-	body_ty  = foldl applyTy rhs_ty new_tys
+	body_ty  = applyTys rhs_ty new_tys
 	lam_env  = extendTyEnvList rhs_env (zipEqual "simplRhsExpr" tyvars new_tys)
 	-- Deal with the little lambda part
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
index 6bed59f2e32ded09e8bae7b5803b8a1d19e39590..02bcc9dd7bc3bce5e55145e59789759c3e0ea816 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import CoreUtils	( coreExprType, squashableDictishCcExpr )
 import FiniteMap	( addListToFM_C, FiniteMap )
 import Kind		( mkBoxedTypeKind, isBoxedTypeKind )
 import Id		( idType, isDefaultMethodId_maybe, toplevelishId,
-			  isSuperDictSelId_maybe, isBottomingId,
+			  isBottomingId,
 			  isImportedId, mkIdWithNewUniq,
 			  dataConTyCon, applyTypeEnvToId,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
index 6ff359b5b0dd24bc4dd48b2bb6f4e24f9c2ec4bc..d899c08bea84dbfb8e6ba117fffe932bdb520b8f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ data InstOrigin s
 pprOrigin :: Inst s -> SDoc
 pprOrigin inst
-  = hsep [text "arising from", pp_orig orig <> comma, text "at", ppr locn]
+  = hsep [text "arising from", pp_orig orig, text "at", ppr locn]
     (orig, locn) = case inst of
 			Dict _ _ _       orig loc -> (orig,loc)
@@ -659,11 +659,11 @@ pprOrigin inst
 	=  ptext SLIT("a class declaration")
     pp_orig (InstanceSpecOrigin clas ty)
 	= hsep [text "a SPECIALIZE instance pragma; class",
-	       ppr clas, text "type:", ppr ty]
+	        quotes (ppr clas), text "type:", ppr ty]
     pp_orig (ValSpecOrigin name)
-	= hsep [ptext SLIT("a SPECIALIZE user-pragma for"), ppr name]
+	= hsep [ptext SLIT("a SPECIALIZE user-pragma for"), quotes (ppr name)]
     pp_orig (CCallOrigin clabel Nothing{-ccall result-})
-	= hsep [ptext SLIT("the result of the _ccall_ to"), text clabel]
+	= hsep [ptext SLIT("the result of the _ccall_ to"), quotes (text clabel)]
     pp_orig (CCallOrigin clabel (Just arg_expr))
 	= hsep [ptext SLIT("an argument in the _ccall_ to"), quotes (text clabel) <> comma, 
 		text "namely", quotes (ppr arg_expr)]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
index 388925865c49c7c461837d21f8499d1286520ef6..f058aac0f84582681f6c8199bd10d9d558846890 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 module TcBinds ( tcBindsAndThen, tcTopBindsAndThen,
 	         tcPragmaSigs, checkSigTyVars, tcBindWithSigs, 
-		 sigCtxt, sigThetaCtxt, TcSigInfo(..) ) where
+		 sigCtxt, TcSigInfo(..) ) where
 #include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import TcPat		( tcPat )
 import TcSimplify	( bindInstsOfLocalFuns )
 import TcType		( TcType, TcThetaType, TcTauType, 
 			  TcTyVarSet, TcTyVar,
-			  newTyVarTy, newTcTyVar, tcInstSigType,
+			  newTyVarTy, newTcTyVar, tcInstSigType, tcInstSigTcType,
 			  zonkTcType, zonkTcTypes, zonkTcThetaType, zonkTcTyVar
 import Unify		( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyLists )
@@ -311,9 +311,9 @@ tcBindWithSigs top_lvl binder_names mbind tc_ty_sigs is_rec prag_info_fn
 		-- Check that the needed dicts can be expressed in
 		-- terms of the signature ones
 	    tcAddErrCtxt  (bindSigsCtxt tysig_names) $
-	    tcAddErrCtxtM (sigThetaCtxt dicts_sig) $
-		(text "tcBinds2" <+> ppr binder_names)
+		(ptext SLIT("type signature for") <+> 
+		 hsep (punctuate comma (map (quotes . ppr) binder_names)))
 	    	real_tyvars_to_gen givens lie		`thenTc` \ (lie_free, dict_binds) ->
 	    returnTc (lie_free, dict_binds, dict_ids)
@@ -626,14 +626,26 @@ tcTySig :: (Name -> PragmaInfo)
 tcTySig prag_info_fn (Sig v ty src_loc)
  = tcAddSrcLoc src_loc $
    tcHsType ty			`thenTc` \ sigma_ty ->
-   tcInstSigType sigma_ty	`thenNF_Tc` \ sigma_ty' ->
+	-- Convert from Type to TcType	
+   tcInstSigType sigma_ty	`thenNF_Tc` \ sigma_tc_ty ->
+   let
+     poly_id = mkUserId v sigma_tc_ty (prag_info_fn v)
+   in
+	-- Instantiate this type
+	-- It's important to do this even though in the error-free case
+	-- we could just split the sigma_tc_ty (since the tyvars don't
+	-- unified with anything).  But in the case of an error, when
+	-- the tyvars *do* get unified with something, we want to carry on
+	-- typechecking the rest of the program with the function bound
+	-- to a pristine type, namely sigma_tc_ty
+   tcInstSigTcType sigma_tc_ty	`thenNF_Tc` \ (tyvars, rho) ->
-     poly_id = mkUserId v sigma_ty' (prag_info_fn v)
-     (tyvars', theta', tau') = splitSigmaTy sigma_ty'
+     (theta, tau) = splitRhoTy rho
 	-- This splitSigmaTy tries hard to make sure that tau' is a type synonym
 	-- wherever possible, which can improve interface files.
-   returnTc (TySigInfo v poly_id tyvars' theta' tau' src_loc)
+   returnTc (TySigInfo v poly_id tyvars theta tau src_loc)
 @checkSigMatch@ does the next step in checking signature matching.
@@ -982,10 +994,6 @@ badMatchErr sig_ty inferred_ty
 sigCtxt id 
   = sep [ptext SLIT("When checking the type signature for"), quotes (ppr id)]
-sigThetaCtxt dicts_sig
-  = mapNF_Tc zonkInst (bagToList dicts_sig)	`thenNF_Tc` \ dicts' ->
-    returnNF_Tc (ptext SLIT("Available context:") <+> pprInsts dicts')
 bindSigsCtxt ids
   = ptext SLIT("When checking the type signature(s) for") <+> pprQuotedList ids
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
index 818842cbabf81c5d16de166a380e03e5ae07de19..2372f39ada299fb054f7944886482cf5b80ecd26 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..), LIE, emptyLIE, plusLIE, newDicts, newMethod
 import TcEnv		( TcIdOcc(..), tcAddImportedIdInfo,
 			  tcLookupClass, tcLookupTyVar, 
 			  tcExtendGlobalTyVars )
-import TcBinds		( tcBindWithSigs, checkSigTyVars, sigCtxt, sigThetaCtxt, TcSigInfo(..) )
+import TcBinds		( tcBindWithSigs, checkSigTyVars, sigCtxt, TcSigInfo(..) )
 import TcKind		( unifyKinds, TcKind )
 import TcMonad
 import TcMonoType	( tcHsType, tcContext )
@@ -181,7 +181,14 @@ tcClassContext rec_class rec_tyvars context pragmas
 	-- Make super-class selector ids
-    mapTc mk_super_id sc_theta		`thenTc` \ sc_sel_ids ->
+	-- We number them off, 1, 2, 3 etc so that we can construct
+	-- names for the selectors.  Thus
+	--	class (C a, C b) => D a b where ...
+	-- gives superclass selectors
+	--	D_sc1, D_sc2
+	-- (We used to call them D_C, but now we can have two different
+	--  superclasses both called C!)
+    mapTc mk_super_id (sc_theta `zip` [1..])	`thenTc` \ sc_sel_ids ->
 	-- Done
     returnTc (sc_theta, sc_tys, sc_sel_ids)
@@ -189,13 +196,13 @@ tcClassContext rec_class rec_tyvars context pragmas
     rec_tyvar_tys = mkTyVarTys rec_tyvars
-    mk_super_id (super_class, tys)
+    mk_super_id ((super_class, tys), index)
         = tcGetUnique			`thenNF_Tc` \ uniq ->
 		ty = mkForAllTys rec_tyvars $
 		     mkFunTy (mkDictTy rec_class rec_tyvar_tys) (mkDictTy super_class tys)
-	  returnTc (mkSuperDictSelId uniq rec_class super_class ty)
+	  returnTc (mkSuperDictSelId uniq rec_class index ty)
 tcClassSig :: TcEnv s			-- Knot tying only!
@@ -428,9 +435,9 @@ tcDefaultMethodBinds clas default_binds
 	avail_insts = this_dict
     tcAddErrCtxt (classDeclCtxt clas) $
-    tcAddErrCtxtM (sigThetaCtxt avail_insts) $
     mapNF_Tc zonkSigTyVar clas_tyvars		`thenNF_Tc` \ clas_tyvars' ->
-    tcSimplifyAndCheck (text "classDecl")
+    tcSimplifyAndCheck
+	(ptext SLIT("class") <+> ppr clas)
 	(mkTyVarSet clas_tyvars')
 	(unionManyBags insts_needed)		`thenTc` \ (const_lie, dict_binds) ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
index 44964cffc80d925d3c346ab21a448c27ca5bdc24..0bd6e2498d9804c1a3d381bca8bc9f66b8d60be8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import BasicTypes	( RecFlag(..) )
 import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..), OverloadedLit(..),
 			  LIE, emptyLIE, plusLIE, plusLIEs, newOverloadedLit,
 			  newMethod, newMethodWithGivenTy, newDicts )
-import TcBinds		( tcBindsAndThen, checkSigTyVars, sigThetaCtxt )
+import TcBinds		( tcBindsAndThen, checkSigTyVars )
 import TcEnv		( TcIdOcc(..), tcInstId,
 			  tcLookupLocalValue, tcLookupGlobalValue, tcLookupClassByKey,
 			  tcLookupGlobalValueByKey, newMonoIds,
@@ -578,12 +578,11 @@ tcExpr in_expr@(ExprWithTySig expr poly_ty) res_ty
 	-- Check overloading constraints
    newDicts SignatureOrigin sig_theta'		`thenNF_Tc` \ (sig_dicts, _) ->
-   tcAddErrCtxtM (sigThetaCtxt sig_dicts)	(
-     tcSimplifyAndCheck
-        (text "expr ty sig")
+   tcSimplifyAndCheck
+        (ptext SLIT("the type signature") <+> quotes (ppr sigma_sig))
 	(mkTyVarSet zonked_sig_tyvars)
 	sig_dicts lie				
-   )						`thenTc_`
+   						`thenTc_`
 	-- Now match the signature type with res_ty.
 	-- We must not do this earlier, because res_ty might well
@@ -694,12 +693,13 @@ tcArg :: RenamedHsExpr			-- The function (for error messages)
 tcArg the_fun (arg, expected_arg_ty, arg_no)
   = tcAddErrCtxt (funAppCtxt the_fun arg arg_no) $
-    tcPolyExpr arg expected_arg_ty
+    tcPolyExpr (ptext SLIT("argument type of") <+> quotes (ppr the_fun))
+	       arg expected_arg_ty
 -- tcPolyExpr is like tcExpr, except that the expected type
 -- can be a polymorphic one.
-tcPolyExpr arg expected_arg_ty
+tcPolyExpr str arg expected_arg_ty
   | not (maybeToBool (splitForAllTy_maybe expected_arg_ty))
   = 	-- The ordinary, non-rank-2 polymorphic case
     tcExpr arg expected_arg_ty
@@ -741,8 +741,8 @@ tcPolyExpr arg expected_arg_ty
     newDicts Rank2Origin sig_theta		`thenNF_Tc` \ (sig_dicts, dict_ids) ->
 	-- ToDo: better origin
-    tcAddErrCtxtM (sigThetaCtxt sig_dicts) $
-    tcSimplifyAndCheck (text "rank2")
+    tcSimplifyAndCheck 
+		str
 		(mkTyVarSet zonked_sig_tyvars)
 		sig_dicts lie_arg		`thenTc` \ (free_insts, inst_binds) ->
@@ -999,7 +999,8 @@ tcRecordBinds expected_record_ty rbinds
 	  Just (record_ty, field_ty) = splitFunTy_maybe tau
 	unifyTauTy expected_record_ty record_ty		`thenTc_`
-	tcPolyExpr rhs field_ty				`thenTc` \ (rhs', lie) ->
+	tcPolyExpr (ptext SLIT("type of field") <+> quotes (ppr field_label))
+		   rhs field_ty				`thenTc` \ (rhs', lie) ->
 	returnTc ((RealId sel_id, rhs', pun_flag), lie)
 badFields rbinds data_con
@@ -1083,7 +1084,7 @@ wrongArgsCtxt too_many_or_few fun args
   = hang (ptext SLIT("Probable cause:") <+> ppr fun
 		    <+> ptext SLIT("is applied to") <+> text too_many_or_few 
 		    <+> ptext SLIT("arguments in the call"))
-	 4 (ppr the_app)
+	 4 (parens (ppr the_app))
     the_app = foldl HsApp fun args	-- Used in error messages
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
index 578683771307ce8df552b45504381b610d146e03..18df0c8e8d8cc2b31fe04dfa0a3b4bf489f232d7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@ import TcHsSyn		( TcMonoBinds, TcIdOcc(..), TcIdBndr,
-import TcBinds		( tcPragmaSigs, sigThetaCtxt )
+import TcBinds		( tcPragmaSigs )
 import TcClassDcl	( tcMethodBind, badMethodErr )
 import TcMonad
 import RnMonad		( RnNameSupply )
 import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..),
-			  newDicts, LIE, emptyLIE, plusLIE )
+			  newDicts, LIE, emptyLIE, plusLIE, plusLIEs )
 import PragmaInfo	( PragmaInfo(..) )
 import TcDeriv		( tcDeriving )
 import TcEnv		( tcExtendGlobalValEnv, tcAddImportedIdInfo )
@@ -374,46 +374,48 @@ tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_tys
 		      dfun_arg_dicts		`plusLIE`
 		      sc_dicts			`plusLIE`
 		      unionManyBags meth_lies
-    in
-    tcAddErrCtxt superClassCtxt $
-    tcAddErrCtxtM (sigThetaCtxt sc_dicts) $
-		-- Deal with the LIE arising from the method bindings
-    tcSimplifyAndCheck (text "inst decl1a")
-		 inst_tyvars_set			-- Local tyvars
-		 avail_insts
-		 (unionManyBags insts_needed_s)		-- Need to get defns for all these
-						 `thenTc` \ (const_lie1, op_binds) ->
-		-- Deal with the super-class bindings
-		-- Ignore errors because they come from the *next* tcSimplify
-    discardErrsTc (
-	tcSimplifyAndCheck (text "inst decl1b")
-		 inst_tyvars_set
-		 dfun_arg_dicts		-- NB! Don't include this_dict here, else the sc_dicts
-					-- get bound by just selecting from this_dict!!
-		 sc_dicts
-    )						 `thenTc` \ (const_lie2, sc_binds) ->
+        methods_lie = plusLIEs insts_needed_s
+    in
 	-- Check that we *could* construct the superclass dictionaries,
 	-- even though we are *actually* going to pass the superclass dicts in;
 	-- the check ensures that the caller will never have a problem building
 	-- them.
-    tcSimplifyAndCheck (text "inst decl1c")
+    tcAddErrCtxt superClassCtxt (
+      tcSimplifyAndCheck
+		 (ptext SLIT("instance declaration context"))
 		 inst_tyvars_set		-- Local tyvars
 		 inst_decl_dicts		-- The instance dictionaries available
 		 sc_dicts			-- The superclass dicationaries reqd
-   					`thenTc_`
-						-- Ignore the result; we're only doing
+    )					`thenTc_`
+    						-- Ignore the result; we're only doing
 						-- this to make sure it can be done.
+	-- Ditto method bindings
+    tcAddErrCtxt methodCtxt (
+      tcSimplifyAndCheck
+		 (ptext SLIT("instance declaration context"))
+		 inst_tyvars_set			-- Local tyvars
+		 avail_insts
+		 methods_lie
+    )						 `thenTc_`
+		-- Now do the simplification again, this time to get the
+		-- bindings; this time we use an enhanced "avails"
+		-- Ignore errors because they come from the *previous* tcSimplifys
+    discardErrsTc (
+	tcSimplifyAndCheck
+		 (ptext SLIT("instance declaration context"))
+		 inst_tyvars_set
+		 dfun_arg_dicts		-- NB! Don't include this_dict here, else the sc_dicts
+					-- get bound by just selecting from this_dict!!
+		 (sc_dicts `plusLIE` methods_lie)
+    )						 `thenTc` \ (const_lie, lie_binds) ->
 	-- Create the result bindings
-	const_lie = const_lie1 `plusLIE` const_lie2
-	lie_binds = op_binds `AndMonoBinds` sc_binds
         dict_constr = classDataCon clas
 	con_app = foldl HsApp (TyApp (HsVar (RealId dict_constr)) inst_tys')
@@ -664,8 +666,8 @@ scrutiniseInstanceType clas inst_taus
         -- We flag this separately to give a more precise error msg.
-    (uniqueOf clas == cCallableClassKey   && not constructors_visible) ||
-    (uniqueOf clas == cReturnableClassKey && not constructors_visible)
+     (uniqueOf clas == cCallableClassKey || uniqueOf clas == cReturnableClassKey)
+  && is_alg_tycon_app && not constructors_visible
   = failWithTc (invisibleDataConPrimCCallErr clas first_inst_tau)
   |	-- CCALL CHECK (b) 
@@ -678,20 +680,16 @@ scrutiniseInstanceType clas inst_taus
 	-- It is obviously illegal to have an explicit instance
 	-- for something that we are also planning to `derive'
-  | clas `elem` (tyConDerivings inst_tycon)
+  | maybeToBool alg_tycon_app_maybe && clas `elem` (tyConDerivings alg_tycon)
   = failWithTc (derivingWhenInstanceExistsErr clas first_inst_tau)
 	   -- Kind check will have ensured inst_taus is of length 1
-  | all isTyVarTy inst_taus
-  = failWithTc (instTypeErr clas inst_taus (text "all the instance types are type variables"))
 	-- WITH HASKELL 1.4, MUST HAVE C (T a b c)
-  |  not opt_GlasgowExts 
+  |  not opt_GlasgowExts
   && not (length inst_taus == 1 &&
-          maybeToBool tyconapp_maybe && 
-	  not (isSynTyCon inst_tycon) &&
-          all isTyVarTy arg_tys && 
+	  maybeToBool maybe_tycon_app &&	-- Yes, there's a type constuctor
+          not (isSynTyCon tycon) &&		-- ...but not a synonym
+          all isTyVarTy arg_tys && 		-- Applied to type variables
 	  length (tyVarSetToList (tyVarsOfTypes arg_tys)) == length arg_tys
 		 -- This last condition checks that all the type variables are distinct
@@ -704,14 +702,20 @@ scrutiniseInstanceType clas inst_taus
   = returnTc ()
-    tyconapp_maybe	       = splitTyConApp_maybe first_inst_tau
-    Just (inst_tycon, arg_tys) = tyconapp_maybe
     (first_inst_tau : _)       = inst_taus
-    constructors_visible      =
-        case splitAlgTyConApp_maybe first_inst_tau of
-           Just (_,_,[])   -> False
-	   everything_else -> True
+	-- Stuff for algebraic or -> type
+    maybe_tycon_app	  = splitTyConApp_maybe first_inst_tau
+    Just (tycon, arg_tys) = maybe_tycon_app
+	-- Stuff for an *algebraic* data type
+    alg_tycon_app_maybe	           = splitAlgTyConApp_maybe first_inst_tau
+					-- The "Alg" part looks through synonyms
+    is_alg_tycon_app		   = maybeToBool alg_tycon_app_maybe
+    Just (alg_tycon, _, data_cons) = alg_tycon_app_maybe
+    constructors_visible = not (null data_cons)
 -- These conditions come directly from what the DsCCall is capable of.
 -- Totally grotesque.  Green card should solve this.
@@ -778,5 +782,6 @@ invisibleDataConPrimCCallErr clas inst_ty
         4 (hsep [text "(Try either importing", ppr inst_ty, 
 	         text "non-abstractly or compile using -fno-prune-tydecls ..)"])
-superClassCtxt = ptext SLIT("From the superclasses of the instance declaration")
+methodCtxt     = ptext SLIT("When checking the methods of an instance declaration")
+superClassCtxt = ptext SLIT("When checking the superclasses of an instance declaration")
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs
index 02552dae95f103e5f0849a75f3f78b08cca1a99b..3fe3ac5446be024219ca7210ed024564acfaa3a6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ addErrTc err_msg down env
     listNF_Tc ctxt down env	`thenSST` \ ctxt_msgs ->
 	err = addShortErrLocLine loc $
-	      hang err_msg 4 (vcat (ctxt_to_use ctxt_msgs))
+	      vcat (err_msg : ctxt_to_use ctxt_msgs)
     writeMutVarSST errs_var (warns, errs `snocBag` err)	`thenSST_`
     returnSST ()
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ warnTc warn_if_true warn_msg down env
 	listNF_Tc ctxt down env	`thenSST` \ ctxt_msgs ->
 	    warn = addShortWarnLocLine loc $
-	           hang warn_msg 4 (vcat (ctxt_to_use ctxt_msgs))
+	           vcat (warn_msg : ctxt_to_use ctxt_msgs)
 	writeMutVarSST errs_var (warns `snocBag` warn, errs) 	`thenSST_`
     	returnSST ()
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs
index aec75e7935cf7800e0d84045a910b3d78f443a96..ed35d0863400b51156f9eeae384d394707868a2c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs
@@ -96,15 +96,7 @@ tc_hs_type_kind (HsForAllTy tv_names context ty)
 -- for unfoldings, and instance decls, only:
 tc_hs_type_kind (MonoDictTy class_name tys)
-  = mapAndUnzipTc tc_hs_type_kind tys	`thenTc` \ (arg_kinds, arg_tys) ->
-    tcLookupClass class_name		`thenTc` \ (class_kinds, clas) ->
-    let
-	arity  = length class_kinds
-	n_args = length arg_kinds
-	err = arityErr "Class" class_name arity n_args
-    in
-    checkTc (arity == n_args) err	`thenTc_`
-    unifyKinds class_kinds arg_kinds	`thenTc_`
+  = tcClassAssertion (class_name, tys)	`thenTc` \ (clas, arg_tys) ->
     returnTc (mkBoxedTypeKind, mkDictTy clas arg_tys)
@@ -167,34 +159,44 @@ Contexts
 tcContext :: RenamedContext -> TcM s ThetaType
-tcContext context = tcAddErrCtxt (thetaCtxt context) $
-		    mapTc tcClassAssertion context
+tcContext context
+  = tcAddErrCtxt (thetaCtxt context) $
+  	--Someone discovered that @CCallable@ and @CReturnable@
+	-- could be used in contexts such as:
+	--	foo :: CCallable a => a -> PrimIO Int
+	-- Doing this utterly wrecks the whole point of introducing these
+	-- classes so we specifically check that this isn't being done.
+	--
+	-- We *don't* do this check in tcClassAssertion, because that's
+	-- called when checking a HsDictTy, and we don't want to reject
+	--	instance CCallable Int 
+	-- etc. Ugh!
+    mapTc check_naughty context `thenTc_`
+    mapTc tcClassAssertion context
+ where
+   check_naughty (class_name, _) 
+     = checkTc (not (uniqueOf class_name `elem` cCallishClassKeys))
+	       (naughtyCCallContextErr class_name)
 tcClassAssertion (class_name, tys)
-  = checkTc (canBeUsedInContext class_name)
-	    (naughtyCCallContextErr class_name)	`thenTc_`
-    tcLookupClass class_name		`thenTc` \ (class_kinds, clas) ->
+  = tcLookupClass class_name		`thenTc` \ (class_kinds, clas) ->
     mapAndUnzipTc tc_hs_type_kind tys	`thenTc` \ (ty_kinds, tc_tys) ->
+	-- Check with kind mis-match
+    let
+	arity = length class_kinds
+	n_tys = length ty_kinds
+	err   = arityErr "Class" class_name arity n_tys
+    in
+    checkTc (arity == n_tys) err	`thenTc_`
     unifyKinds class_kinds ty_kinds	`thenTc_`
     returnTc (clas, tc_tys)
-HACK warning: Someone discovered that @CCallable@ and @CReturnable@
-could be used in contexts such as:
-foo :: CCallable a => a -> PrimIO Int
-Doing this utterly wrecks the whole point of introducing these
-classes so we specifically check that this isn't being done.
-canBeUsedInContext :: Name -> Bool
-canBeUsedInContext n = not (uniqueOf n `elem` cCallishClassKeys)
 Type variables, with knot tying!
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
index 8f7451cabebeaf29081b3e5ecda0ee7bf6ed9c64..061b09a7304df7833d564d24e5cdee094d6eb60a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
@@ -24,13 +24,14 @@ import TcEnv		( TcIdOcc(..), tcLookupGlobalValue, tcLookupGlobalValueByKey,
 import TcType 		( TcType, TcMaybe, newTyVarTy, newTyVarTys )
 import Unify 		( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyList, unifyTauTyLists )
+import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import Bag		( Bag )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_IrrefutableTuples )
 import Id		( GenId, idType, Id )
 import Kind		( Kind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind )
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar )
 import Type		( splitFunTys, splitRhoTy,
-			  splitFunTy_maybe,
+			  splitFunTy_maybe, splitAlgTyConApp_maybe,
 			  Type, GenType
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
index 0de237dfffbb6c483f87706dd2b7be837e3cbc74..2cd1458d2276c2009bdc2f1dfceadce1b8aaf6b8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
@@ -184,13 +184,40 @@ tcSimplify
 	:: SDoc 
 	-> TopLevelFlag
 	-> TcTyVarSet s			-- ``Local''  type variables
+					-- ASSERT: this tyvar set is already zonked
 	-> LIE s			-- Wanted
 	-> TcM s (LIE s,			-- Free
 		  TcDictBinds s,		-- Bindings
 		  LIE s)			-- Remaining wanteds; no dups
-tcSimplify str top_lvl local_tvs wanteds
-  = tcSimpl str top_lvl local_tvs Nothing wanteds
+tcSimplify str top_lvl local_tvs wanted_lie
+  = reduceContext str try_me [] wanteds		`thenTc` \ (binds, frees, irreds) ->
+	-- Check for non-generalisable insts
+    let
+	cant_generalise = filter (not . instCanBeGeneralised) irreds
+    in
+    checkTc (null cant_generalise)
+	    (genCantGenErr cant_generalise)	`thenTc_`
+	 -- Finished
+    returnTc (mkLIE frees, binds, mkLIE irreds)
+  where
+    wanteds = bagToList wanted_lie
+    try_me inst 
+      -- Does not constrain a local tyvar
+      | isEmptyTyVarSet (tyVarsOfInst inst `intersectTyVarSets` local_tvs)
+      = -- if is_top_level then
+	--   FreeIfTautological		  -- Special case for inference on 
+	--				  -- top-level defns
+	-- else
+	Free
+      -- We're infering (not checking) the type, and 
+      -- the inst constrains a local type variable
+      | isDict inst  = DontReduce	    	-- Dicts
+      | otherwise    = ReduceMe AddToIrreds	-- Lits and Methods
 @tcSimplifyAndCheck@ is similar to the above, except that it checks
@@ -200,85 +227,40 @@ some of constant insts, which have to be resolved finally at the end.
 	 :: SDoc 
-	 -> TcTyVarSet s		-- ``Local''  type variables; ASSERT is fixpoint
-	 -> LIE s			-- Given
+	 -> TcTyVarSet s		-- ``Local''  type variables
+					-- ASSERT: this tyvar set is already zonked
+	 -> LIE s			-- Given; constrain only local tyvars
 	 -> LIE s			-- Wanted
 	 -> TcM s (LIE s,		-- Free
 		   TcDictBinds s)	-- Bindings
-tcSimplifyAndCheck str local_tvs givens wanteds
-  = tcSimpl str top_lvl local_tvs (Just givens) wanteds	`thenTc` \ (free_insts, binds, new_wanteds) ->
-    ASSERT( isEmptyBag new_wanteds )
-    returnTc (free_insts, binds)
-  where
-    top_lvl = error "tcSimplifyAndCheck"	-- Never needed
-tcSimpl :: SDoc
-	-> TopLevelFlag
-	-> TcTyVarSet s			-- ``Local''  type variables
-					-- ASSERT: this tyvar set is already zonked
-	-> Maybe (LIE s)		-- Given; these constrain only local tyvars
-					--	  Nothing => just simplify
-					--	  Just g  => check that g entails wanteds
-	-> LIE s			-- Wanted
-	-> TcM s (LIE s,			-- Free
-		  TcMonoBinds s,		-- Bindings
-		  LIE s)			-- Remaining wanteds; no dups
-tcSimpl str top_lvl local_tvs maybe_given_lie wanted_lie
-  =	-- ASSSERT: local_tvs are already zonked
-    reduceContext str try_me 
-		  givens 
-		  (bagToList wanted_lie)	`thenTc` \ (binds, frees, irreds) ->
+tcSimplifyAndCheck str local_tvs given_lie wanted_lie
+  = reduceContext str try_me givens wanteds	`thenTc` \ (binds, frees, irreds) ->
-	-- Check for non-generalisable insts
-    let
-	cant_generalise = filter (not . instCanBeGeneralised) irreds
-    in
-    checkTc (null cant_generalise)
-	    (genCantGenErr cant_generalise)	`thenTc_`
+	-- Complain about any irreducible ones
+    mapNF_Tc complain irreds	`thenNF_Tc_`
-	 -- Finished
-    returnTc (mkLIE frees, binds, mkLIE irreds)
+	-- Done
+    returnTc (mkLIE frees, binds)
-    givens = case maybe_given_lie of
-	   	  Just given_lie -> bagToList given_lie
-		  Nothing        -> []
-    checking_against_signature = maybeToBool maybe_given_lie
-    is_top_level = case top_lvl of { TopLevel -> True; other -> False }
+    givens  = bagToList given_lie
+    wanteds = bagToList wanted_lie
     try_me inst 
       -- Does not constrain a local tyvar
-      | isEmptyTyVarSet (inst_tyvars `intersectTyVarSets` local_tvs)
-      = -- if not checking_against_signature && is_top_level then
-	--   FreeIfTautological		  -- Special case for inference on 
-	--				  -- top-level defns
-	-- else
-	Free
+      | isEmptyTyVarSet (tyVarsOfInst inst `intersectTyVarSets` local_tvs)
+      = Free
       -- When checking against a given signature we always reduce
       -- until we find a match against something given, or can't reduce
-      |  checking_against_signature
-      = ReduceMe CarryOn
-      -- So we're infering (not checking) the type, and 
-      -- the inst constrains a local type variable
       | otherwise
-      = if isDict inst then 
-	   DontReduce	    -- Dicts
-	else
-	   ReduceMe CarryOn    -- Lits and Methods
+      = ReduceMe AddToIrreds
-      where
-        inst_tyvars     = tyVarsOfInst inst
+    complain dict = mapNF_Tc zonkInst givens	`thenNF_Tc` \ givens ->
+		    addNoInstanceErr str givens dict
 %*									*
 \subsection{Data types for the reduction mechanism}
@@ -289,7 +271,7 @@ The main control over context reduction is here
 data WhatToDo 
- = ReduceMe		  -- Reduce this
+ = ReduceMe		  -- Try to reduce this
 	NoInstanceAction  -- What to do if there's no such instance
  | DontReduce		  -- Return as irreducible
@@ -300,14 +282,12 @@ data WhatToDo
 			  -- if not, return as irreducible
 data NoInstanceAction
-  = CarryOn		-- Produce an error message, but keep on with next inst
-  | Stop		-- Produce an error message and stop reduction
+  = Stop		-- Fail; no error message
+			-- (Only used when tautology checking.)
   | AddToIrreds		-- Just add the inst to the irreductible ones; don't 
 			-- produce an error message of any kind.
-			-- It might be quite legitimate
-			-- such as (Eq a)!
+			-- It might be quite legitimate such as (Eq a)!
@@ -387,7 +367,9 @@ The main entry point for context reduction is @reduceContext@:
 reduceContext :: SDoc -> (Inst s -> WhatToDo)
 	      -> [Inst s]	-- Given
 	      -> [Inst s]	-- Wanted
-	      -> TcM s (TcDictBinds s, [Inst s], [Inst s])
+	      -> TcM s (TcDictBinds s, 
+			[Inst s],		-- Free
+			[Inst s])		-- Irreducible
 reduceContext str try_me givens wanteds
   =     -- Zonking first
@@ -484,21 +466,8 @@ reduce try_me (wanted:wanteds) state@(avails, frees, irreds)
       NoInstance ->    -- No such instance! 
 		       -- Decide what to do based on the no_instance_action requested
 		 case no_instance_action of
-		   Stop -> 		-- Fail
-		            addNoInstanceErr wanted		`thenNF_Tc_`
-			    failTc
-		   CarryOn -> 		-- Carry on.
-				-- Add the bad guy to the avails to suppress similar
-				-- messages from other insts in wanteds
-		            addNoInstanceErr wanted	`thenNF_Tc_`
-			    addGiven avails wanted	`thenNF_Tc` \ avails' -> 
-			    reduce try_me wanteds (avails', frees, irreds)	-- Carry on
-		   AddToIrreds -> 	-- Add the offending insts to the irreds
-				  add_to_irreds
+		   Stop        -> failTc	-- Fail
+		   AddToIrreds -> add_to_irreds	-- Add the offending insts to the irreds
     -- It's free and this isn't a top-level binding, so just chuck it upstairs
   | case try_me_result of { Free -> True; _ -> False }
@@ -709,8 +678,6 @@ tcSimplifyCheckThetas givens wanteds
        mapNF_Tc addNoInstErr irreds		`thenNF_Tc_`
-addNoInstErr (c,ts) = addErrTc (noDictInstanceErr c ts)
@@ -813,7 +780,7 @@ bindInstsOfLocalFuns init_lie local_ids
     local_id_set = mkIdSet local_ids	-- There can occasionally be a lot of them
 					-- so it's worth building a set, so that 
 					-- lookup (in isMethodFor) is faster
-    try_me inst | isMethodFor local_id_set inst = ReduceMe CarryOn
+    try_me inst | isMethodFor local_id_set inst = ReduceMe AddToIrreds
 		| otherwise		        = Free
@@ -860,8 +827,8 @@ all the constant and ambiguous Insts.
 tcSimplifyTop :: LIE s -> TcM s (TcDictBinds s)
-tcSimplifyTop wanteds
-  = reduceContext (text "tcSimplTop") try_me [] (bagToList wanteds)	`thenTc` \ (binds1, frees, irreds) ->
+tcSimplifyTop wanted_lie
+  = reduceContext (text "tcSimplTop") try_me [] wanteds	`thenTc` \ (binds1, frees, irreds) ->
     ASSERT( null frees )
@@ -892,11 +859,12 @@ tcSimplifyTop wanteds
     returnTc (binds1 `AndMonoBinds` andMonoBinds binds_ambig)
-    try_me inst		 = ReduceMe AddToIrreds
+    wanteds	= bagToList wanted_lie
+    try_me inst	= ReduceMe AddToIrreds
     d1 `cmp_by_tyvar` d2 = get_tv d1 `compare` get_tv d2
-    complain d | isEmptyTyVarSet (tyVarsOfInst d) = addNoInstanceErr d
+    complain d | isEmptyTyVarSet (tyVarsOfInst d) = addTopInstanceErr d
 	       | otherwise			  = addAmbigErr [d]
 get_tv d   = case getDictClassTys d of
@@ -968,7 +936,7 @@ disambigGroup dicts
     returnTc EmptyMonoBinds
-    try_me inst = ReduceMe CarryOn
+    try_me inst = ReduceMe AddToIrreds		-- This reduce should not fail
     tyvar       = get_tv (head dicts)		-- Should be non-empty
     classes     = map get_clas dicts
@@ -992,20 +960,28 @@ addAmbigErr dicts
     addErrTc (sep [text "Cannot resolve the ambiguous context" <+> pprInsts dicts,
 	 	   nest 4 (pprInstsInFull dicts)])
-addNoInstanceErr dict
+-- Used for top-level irreducibles
+addTopInstanceErr dict
   = tcAddSrcLoc (instLoc dict)		       $
-    tcAddErrCtxt (pprOrigin dict)	       $
-    addErrTc (noDictInstanceErr clas tys)	       
+    addErrTc (sep [ptext SLIT("No instance for") <+> quotes (pprInst dict),
+		   nest 4 $ parens $ pprOrigin dict])
+addNoInstanceErr str givens dict
+  = tcAddSrcLoc (instLoc dict) $
+    addErrTc (sep [sep [ptext SLIT("Could not deduce") <+> quotes (pprInst dict),
+		        nest 4 $ parens $ pprOrigin dict],
+		   nest 4 $ ptext SLIT("from the context") <+> pprInsts givens]
+	      $$
+	      ptext SLIT("Probable cause:") <+> 
+	      vcat [ptext SLIT("missing") <+> quotes (pprInst dict) <+> ptext SLIT("in") <+> str,
+		    if all_tyvars then empty else
+		    ptext SLIT("or missing instance declaration for") <+> quotes (pprInst dict)]
+    )
-    (clas, tys) = getDictClassTys dict
+    all_tyvars = all isTyVarTy tys
+    (_, tys)   = getDictClassTys dict
-noDictInstanceErr clas tys
-  = ptext SLIT("No instance for:") <+> quotes (pprConstraint clas tys)
-reduceSigCtxt lie
-  = sep [ptext SLIT("When matching against a type signature with context"),
-         nest 4 (quotes (pprInsts (bagToList lie)))
-    ]
+-- Used for the ...Thetas variants; all top level
+addNoInstErr (c,ts)
+  = addErrTc (ptext SLIT("No instance for") <+> quotes (pprConstraint c ts))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
index 9cb41124d81f7b8d8b9d369c5c3ef4d4427c5972..1c35bda47755baaede113730a69bb0b4151b3607 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
@@ -233,6 +233,9 @@ tcInstSigType ty_to_inst
     bind_fn = inst_sig_tyvar	-- Note: inst_sig_tyvar, not inst_tyvar
 				-- I don't think that can lead to strange error messages
+				-- of the form can't match (T a) against (T a)
+				-- See notes with inst_tyvar
     occ_fn env tyvar = case lookupTyVarEnv env tyvar of
 			 Just ty -> returnNF_Tc ty
 			 Nothing -> panic "tcInstType:2"-- (vcat [ppr ty_to_inst, 
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs
index 077aed6a66a76535c3c9d19efd222c8cf4b0f379..43ce1f25a521858acc798d4c1c266420178e633c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs
@@ -380,6 +380,7 @@ uTysX :: Type -> Type
       -> Subst
       -> Maybe Subst
+uTysX (SynTy _ ty1) ty2 k subst = uTysX ty1 ty2 k subst
 uTysX ty1 (SynTy _ ty2) k subst = uTysX ty1 ty2 k subst
 	-- Variables; go for uVar
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
index 0b9b29423fdd740b29f0768e8847fd207cf10eb1..b52b884cb2c9da70e59151779ce5059581964797 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ module Type (
 	mkSynTy, isSynTy,
-	mkForAllTy, mkForAllTys, splitForAllTy_maybe, splitForAllTys, applyTy,
+	mkForAllTy, mkForAllTys, splitForAllTy_maybe, splitForAllTys, 
+	applyTy, applyTys,
 	TauType, RhoType, SigmaType, ThetaType,
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ import BasicTypes ( Unused )
 import Maybes	( maybeToBool, assocMaybe )
 import PrimRep	( PrimRep(..) )
 import Unique	-- quite a few *Keys
-import Util	( thenCmp, panic )
+import Util	( thenCmp, panic, assertPanic )
@@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ splitAlgTyConApp (TyConApp tc tys) = ASSERT( isAlgTyCon tc && tyConArity tc == l
 splitAlgTyConApp (SynTy _ ty)      = splitAlgTyConApp ty
-y"Dictionary" types are just ordinary data types, but you can
+"Dictionary" types are just ordinary data types, but you can
 tell from the type constructor whether it's a dictionary or not.
@@ -346,6 +347,15 @@ applyTy :: GenType flexi -> GenType flexi -> GenType flexi
 applyTy (SynTy _ fun)    arg = applyTy fun arg
 applyTy (ForAllTy tv ty) arg = instantiateTy (mkTyVarEnv [(tv,arg)]) ty
 applyTy other		 arg = panic "applyTy"
+applyTys :: GenType flexi -> [GenType flexi] -> GenType flexi
+applyTys fun_ty arg_tys
+ = go [] fun_ty arg_tys
+ where
+   go env ty               []         = instantiateTy (mkTyVarEnv env) ty
+   go env (SynTy _ fun)    args       = go env fun args
+   go env (ForAllTy tv ty) (arg:args) = go ((tv,arg):env) ty args
+   go env other            args       = panic "applyTys"