From d8f5fc44ca002e0244c4ee7a809dc61eab3c979f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sof <unknown>
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 05:21:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1997-03-14 05:21:13 by sof] New standard library

 ghc/lib/required/Time.lhs | 365 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 365 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 ghc/lib/required/Time.lhs

diff --git a/ghc/lib/required/Time.lhs b/ghc/lib/required/Time.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..881166d8c9be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/lib/required/Time.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1995-97
+\section[Time]{Haskell 1.4 Time of Day Library}
+The {\em Time} library provides standard functionality for
+clock times, including timezone information (i.e, the functionality of
+"time.h",  adapted to the Haskell environment), It follows RFC 1129 in
+its use of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
+module Time 
+       (
+	CalendarTime(..),
+        Month,
+	Day,
+        CalendarTime(CalendarTime),
+        TimeDiff(TimeDiff),
+	ClockTime,
+	getClockTime, addToClockTime, diffClockTimes,
+	toCalendarTime,	toUTCTime, toClockTime,
+        calendarToTimeString, formatCalendarTime
+       ) where
+import PrelBase
+import ST
+import IOBase ( IOError(..), constructErrorAndFail )
+import ArrBase
+import STBase
+import PackedString (unpackPS, packCBytesST)
+import PosixUtil    (allocWords, allocChars)
+One way to partition and give name to chunks of a year and a week:
+data Month
+ = January   | February | March    | April
+ | May       | June     | July     | August
+ | September | October  | November | December
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Ix, Read, Show)
+data Day 
+ = Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday
+ | Thursday | Friday | Saturday
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Ix, Read, Show)
+@ClockTime@ is an abstract type, used for the internal clock time.
+Clock times may be compared, converted to strings, or converted to an
+external calendar time @CalendarTime@.
+data ClockTime = TOD Integer Integer
+                 deriving (Eq, Ord)
+When a @ClockTime@ is shown, it is converted to a string of the form
+@"Mon Nov 28 21:45:41 GMT 1994"@.
+For now, we are restricted to roughly:
+Fri Dec 13 20:45:52 1901 through Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 2038, because
+we use the C library routines based on 32 bit integers.
+instance Show ClockTime where
+    showsPrec p (TOD sec@(J# a# s# d#) nsec) = showString $ unsafePerformPrimIO $
+	    allocChars 32		>>= \ buf ->
+	    _ccall_ showTime (I# s#) (ByteArray bottom d#) buf
+					>>= \ str ->
+            _ccall_ strlen str		>>= \ len ->
+            packCBytesST len str	>>= \ ps ->
+            return (unpackPS ps)
+    showList = showList__ (showsPrec 0)
+@CalendarTime@ is a user-readable and manipulable
+representation of the internal $ClockTime$ type.  The
+numeric fields have the following ranges.
+Value         Range             Comments
+-----         -----             --------
+year    -maxInt .. maxInt       [Pre-Gregorian dates are inaccurate]
+mon           0 .. 11           [Jan = 0, Dec = 11]
+day           1 .. 31
+hour          0 .. 23
+min           0 .. 59
+sec           0 .. 61           [Allows for two leap seconds]
+picosec       0 .. (10^12)-1    [This could be over-precise?]
+wday          0 .. 6            [Sunday = 0, Saturday = 6]
+yday          0 .. 365          [364 in non-Leap years]
+tz       -43200 .. 43200        [Variation from UTC in seconds]
+The {\em tzname} field is the name of the time zone.  The {\em isdst}
+field indicates whether Daylight Savings Time would be in effect.
+data CalendarTime 
+ = CalendarTime  {
+     ctYear    :: Int,
+     ctMonth   :: Int,
+     ctDay     :: Int,
+     ctHour    :: Int,
+     ctMin     :: Int,
+     ctSec     :: Int,
+     ctPicosec :: Integer,
+     ctWDay    :: Day,
+     ctYDay    :: Int,
+     ctTZName  :: String,
+     ctTZ      :: Int,
+     ctIsDST   :: Bool
+ }
+ deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
+The @TimeDiff@ type records the difference between two clock times in
+a user-readable way.
+data TimeDiff
+ = TimeDiff {
+     tdYear    :: Int,
+     tdMonth   :: Int,
+     tdDay     :: Int,
+     tdHour    :: Int,
+     tdMin     :: Int,
+     tdSec     :: Int,
+     tdPicosec :: Integer -- not standard
+   }
+   deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show)
+@getClockTime@ returns the current time in its internal representation.
+getClockTime :: IO ClockTime
+getClockTime =
+    malloc1					    `thenIO_Prim` \ i1 ->
+    malloc1					    `thenIO_Prim` \ i2 ->
+    _ccall_ getClockTime i1 i2			    `thenIO_Prim` \ rc ->
+    if rc == 0 then
+	cvtUnsigned i1				    `thenIO_Prim` \ sec ->
+	cvtUnsigned i2				    `thenIO_Prim` \ nsec ->
+	return (TOD sec (nsec * 1000))
+    else
+	constructErrorAndFail "getClockTime"
+  where
+    malloc1 = ST $ \ (S# s#) ->
+	case newIntArray# 1# s# of 
+          StateAndMutableByteArray# s2# barr# -> (MutableByteArray bottom barr#, S# s2#)
+    -- The C routine fills in an unsigned word.  We don't have `unsigned2Integer#,'
+    -- so we freeze the data bits and use them for an MP_INT structure.  Note that
+    -- zero is still handled specially, although (J# 1# 1# (ptr to 0#)) is probably
+    -- acceptable to gmp.
+    cvtUnsigned (MutableByteArray _ arr#) = ST $ \ (S# s#) ->
+	case readIntArray# arr# 0# s# of 
+	  StateAndInt# s2# r# ->
+            if r# ==# 0# then
+                (0, S# s2#)
+            else
+                case unsafeFreezeByteArray# arr# s2# of
+                  StateAndByteArray# s3# frozen# -> (J# 1# 1# frozen#, S# s3#)
+@addToClockTime@ {\em d} {\em t} adds a time difference {\em d} and a
+clock time {\em t} to yield a new clock time.  The difference {\em d}
+may be either positive or negative.  @[diffClockTimes@ {\em t1} {\em
+t2} returns the difference between two clock times {\em t1} and {\em
+t2} as a @TimeDiff@.
+addToClockTime  :: TimeDiff  -> ClockTime -> ClockTime
+addToClockTime (TimeDiff year mon day hour min sec psec) 
+	       (TOD c_sec c_psec) = unsafePerformPrimIO $
+    allocWords (``sizeof(time_t)'') >>= \ res ->
+    _ccall_ toClockSec year mon day hour min sec 1 res 
+				    >>= \ ptr@(A# ptr#) ->
+    if ptr /= ``NULL'' then
+       let
+	diff_sec  = (int2Integer# (indexIntOffAddr# ptr# 0#))
+	diff_psec = psec
+       in
+       return (TOD (c_sec + diff_sec) (c_psec + diff_psec))
+    else
+       error "Time.addToClockTime: can't perform conversion of TimeDiff"
+diffClockTimes  :: ClockTime -> ClockTime -> TimeDiff
+diffClockTimes tod_a tod_b =
+  let
+   CalendarTime year_a mon_a day_a hour_a min_a sec_a psec_a _ _ _ _ _ = toCalendarTime tod_a
+   CalendarTime year_b mon_b day_b hour_b min_b sec_b psec_b _ _ _ _ _ = toCalendarTime tod_b
+  in
+  TimeDiff (year_a - year_b) 
+	   (mon_a  - mon_b) 
+	   (day_a  - day_b)
+	   (hour_a - hour_b)
+	   (min_b  - min_a)
+	   (sec_a  - sec_b)
+	   (psec_a - psec_b)
+@toCalendarTime@ {\em t} converts {\em t} to a local time, modified by
+the current timezone and daylight savings time settings.  @toUTCTime@
+{\em t} converts {\em t} into UTC time.  @toClockTime@ {\em l}
+converts {\em l} into the corresponding internal @ClockTime@.  The
+{\em wday}, {\em yday}, {\em tzname}, and {\em isdst} fields are
+toCalendarTime :: ClockTime -> CalendarTime
+toCalendarTime (TOD sec@(J# a# s# d#) psec) = unsafePerformPrimIO $
+    allocWords (``sizeof(struct tm)''::Int)	    >>= \ res ->
+    allocChars 32				    >>= \ zoneNm ->
+    _casm_ ``SETZONE((struct tm *)%0,(char *)%1); '' res zoneNm	  >>= \ () ->
+    _ccall_ toLocalTime (I# s#) (ByteArray bottom d#) res
+						    >>= \ tm ->
+    if tm == (``NULL''::Addr) then
+	error "Time.toCalendarTime: out of range"
+    else
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_sec;'' tm	>>= \ sec ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_min;'' tm	>>= \ min ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_hour;'' tm	>>= \ hour ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_mday;'' tm	>>= \ mday ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_mon;'' tm	>>= \ mon ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_year;'' tm	>>= \ year ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_wday;'' tm	>>= \ wday ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_yday;'' tm	>>= \ yday ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_isdst;'' tm	>>= \ isdst ->
+	_ccall_ ZONE tm					>>= \ zone ->
+	_ccall_ GMTOFF tm				>>= \ tz ->
+        _ccall_ strlen zone				>>= \ len ->
+        packCBytesST len zone				>>= \ tzname ->
+        returnPrimIO (CalendarTime (1900+year) mon mday hour min sec psec 
+                      wday yday (unpackPS tzname) tz (isdst /= 0))
+toUTCTime :: ClockTime -> CalendarTime
+toUTCTime  (TOD sec@(J# a# s# d#) psec) = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+	allocWords (``sizeof(struct tm)''::Int) 		    >>= \ res ->
+        allocChars 32			    			    >>= \ zoneNm ->
+        _casm_ ``SETZONE((struct tm *)%0,(char *)%1); '' res zoneNm >>= \ () ->
+        _ccall_ toUTCTime (I# s#) (ByteArray bottom d#) res
+						    >>= \ tm ->
+    if tm == (``NULL''::Addr) then
+	error "Time.toUTCTime: out of range"
+    else
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_sec;'' tm	>>= \ sec ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_min;'' tm	>>= \ min ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_hour;'' tm	>>= \ hour ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_mday;'' tm	>>= \ mday ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_mon;'' tm	>>= \ mon ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_year;'' tm	>>= \ year ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_wday;'' tm	>>= \ wday ->
+	_casm_ ``%r = ((struct tm *)%0)->tm_yday;'' tm	>>= \ yday ->
+        returnPrimIO (CalendarTime (1900+year) mon mday hour min sec psec 
+                      wday yday "UTC" 0 False)
+    )
+toClockTime :: CalendarTime -> ClockTime
+toClockTime (CalendarTime year mon mday hour min sec psec wday yday tzname tz isdst) =
+    if psec < 0 || psec > 999999999999 then
+        error "Time.toClockTime: picoseconds out of range"
+    else if tz < -43200 || tz > 43200 then
+        error "Time.toClockTime: timezone offset out of range"
+    else
+        unsafePerformPrimIO (
+	    allocWords (``sizeof(time_t)'') >>= \ res ->
+	    _ccall_ toClockSec year mon mday hour min sec tz res
+						    >>= \ ptr@(A# ptr#) ->
+            if ptr /= ``NULL'' then
+		returnPrimIO (TOD (int2Integer# (indexIntOffAddr# ptr# 0#)) psec)
+	    else
+		error "Time.toClockTime: can't perform conversion"
+        )
+bottom :: (Int,Int)
+bottom = error "Time.bottom"
+calendarTimeToString :: CalendarTime -> String
+calendarTimeToString  =  formatCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale "%c"
+formatCalendarTime :: TimeLocale -> String -> CalendarTime -> String
+formatCalendarTime l 
+	           fmt 
+		   ct@(CalendarTime 
+			year mon 
+			day hour 
+			min sec 
+			sdec 
+                        wday yday tzname _ _)
+ = doFmt fmt
+  where 
+   doFmt ('%':c:cs) = decode c ++ doFmt cs
+   doFmt (c:cs) = c : doFmt cs
+   doFmt "" = ""
+   to12 h = let h' = h `mod` 12 in if h == 0 then 12 else h
+   decode 'A' = fst (wdays l  !! fromEnum wday)
+   decode 'a' = snd (wdays l  !! fromEnum wday)
+   decode 'B' = fst (months l !! fromEnum mon)
+   decode 'b' = snd (months l !! fromEnum mon)
+   decode 'h' = snd (months l !! fromEnum mon)
+   decode 'C' = show2 (year `quot` 100)
+   decode 'c' = doFmt (dateTimeFmt l)
+   decode 'D' = doFmt "%m/%d/%y"
+   decode 'd' = show2 day
+   decode 'e' = show2' day
+   decode 'H' = show2 hour
+   decode 'I' = show2 (to12 hour)
+   decode 'j' = show3 yday
+   decode 'k' = show2' hour
+   decode 'l' = show2' (to12 hour)
+   decode 'M' = show2 min
+   decode 'm' = show2 (fromEnum mon+1)
+   decode 'n' = "\n"
+   decode 'p' = (if hour < 12 then fst else snd) (amPm l)
+   decode 'R' = doFmt "%H:%M"
+   decode 'r' = doFmt (time12Fmt l)
+   decode 'T' = doFmt "%H:%M:%S"
+   decode 't' = "\t"
+   decode 'S' = show2 sec
+   decode 's' = show2 sec -- Implementation-dependent, sez the lib doc..
+   decode 'U' = show2 ((yday + 7 - fromEnum wday) `div` 7)
+   decode 'u' = show (let n = fromEnum wday in if n == 0 then 7 else n)
+   decode 'V' = 
+    let (week, days) = 
+          (yday + 7 - if fromEnum wday > 0 then 
+                         fromEnum wday - 1 else 6) `divMod` 7
+    in  
+    show2 (if   days >= 4 
+           then week+1 
+           else if week == 0 then 53 else week)
+   decode 'W' = 
+    show2 ((yday + 7 - if fromEnum wday > 0 then 
+                          fromEnum wday - 1 else 6) `div` 7)
+   decode 'w' = show (fromEnum wday)
+   decode 'X' = doFmt (timeFmt l)
+   decode 'x' = doFmt (dateFmt l)
+   decode 'Y' = show year
+   decode 'y' = show2 (year `rem` 100)
+   decode 'Z' = tzname
+   decode '%' = "%"
+   decode c   = [c]
+show2, show2', show3 :: Int -> String
+show2 x = [intToDigit (x `quot` 10), intToDigit (x `rem` 10)]
+show2' x = if x < 10 then [ ' ', intToDigit x] else show2 x
+show3 x = intToDigit (x `quot` 100) : show2 (x `rem` 100)