diff --git a/ghc/ghc.spec b/ghc/ghc.spec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..779e775a36eeef367d3a7bd5263e353baca24fe3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/ghc.spec
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# RPM spec file for GHC
+# Copyright [1998..1999] Manuel M. T. Chakravarty <chak@acm.org>
+# Thanks to Zoltan Vorosbaranyi <vbzoli@vbzo.li> for help with earlier 
+# versions. 
+# This file is subject to the same free software license as GHC.
+# Values for @version@ and @patchlevel@ are set by the `configure' script.  
+# SNAP releases are CVS snapshots.  Official releases should replace SNAP by
+# an appropriate release numbers (they are usually numbered starting from 1).
+%define version    @version@
+%define patchlevel @patchlevel@
+%define release    SNAP
+%define prefix     /usr
+Summary: Glasgow Haskell Compilation system
+Name: ghc
+Version: %{version}
+Release: %{release}
+Copyright: BSD style w/o adv. clause
+Group: Development/Languages
+Source: http://haskell.org/ghc/dist/%{version}/ghc-%{version}-src.tar.gz
+URL: http://haskell.org/ghc/
+BuildRoot: /var/tmp/ghc-%{version}-%{release}-root
+Packager: Manuel M. T. Chakravarty <chak@is.tsukuba.ac.jp>
+Provides: haskell
+The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System (GHC) is a robust,
+fully-featured, optimising compiler for the functional programming
+language Haskell 98.  GHC compiles Haskell to either native code or
+C. It implements numerous experimental language extensions to Haskell,
+including concurrency, a foreign language interface, several
+type-system extensions, exceptions, and so on. GHC comes with a
+generational garbage collector, a space and time profiler, and a
+comprehensive set of libraries.  This package includes HTML and PS
+versions of the SGML-based documentation for GHC.  They are also available 
+online at http://www.haskell.org/ghc/.
+Haskell 98 is "the" standard lazy functional programming language.
+More info plus the language definition is at http://www.haskell.org/.
+** This package does not include libraries for profiling **
+* Tue Dec 7 1999 Manuel Chakravarty
+- version for use from CVS
+* Thu Sep 16 1999 Manuel Chakravarty
+- modified for GHC 4.04, patchlevel 1 (no more 62 tuple stuff); minimises use
+  of patch files - instead emits a build.mk on-the-fly
+* Sat Jul 31 1999 Manuel Chakravarty
+- modified for GHC 4.04
+* Wed Jun 30 1999 Manuel Chakravarty
+- some more improvements from vbzoli
+* Fri Feb 26 1999 Manuel Chakravarty
+- modified for GHC 4.02
+* Thu Dec 24 1998 Zoltan Vorosbaranyi 
+- added BuildRoot
+- files located in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib moved to /usr/bin, /usr/lib
+* Tue Jul 28 1998 Manuel Chakravarty
+- original version
+%setup -n fptools
+# generate our own `build.mk'
+# * this is a kludge, to be used until the `configure' script is improved
+cat >mk/build.mk <<END
+GhcHcOpts = -O -dcore-lint -H24m
+GhcCompilerWays =
+GhcLibWays = 
+GhcLibHcOpts = -O -H24m -split-objs -odir \$* 
+GhcLibsWithReadline = YES
+StripLibraries = YES
+./configure --prefix=%{prefix} --libdir=%{prefix}/lib/ghc-%{version}
+make boot
+make -C glafp-utils sgmlverb
+make all
+make -C docs ps html
+make -C ghc/docs/users_guide ps html
+make -C ghc/docs/libraries ps html
+# compress the non-html docs
+for j in docs ghc/docs; do
+  dir=`pwd`
+  cd $j
+  for i in ps dvi sgml vsgml verb idx; do
+    find . -name '*.'$i -exec gzip -9 '{}' ';' -print
+  done
+  cd $dir
+make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}\
+     libdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}/lib/ghc-%{version} install
+%doc ghc/ANNOUNCE ghc/PATCHLEVEL ghc/README docs/ ghc/docs/ CONTRIB/