From dfedfb0289ca2de4bb51330bfd7d51fa975da2c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sewardj <unknown>
Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 14:28:50 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 2000-07-05 14:28:49 by sewardj] Rename the marker
 used by Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs to ___ncg_debug_marker, to make it clear it has
 nothing to do with the usual object-splitting machinery.

Improve Diff_Gcc_Nat:
* Emit a warning, and stop, if there are no debug markers in the NCG code.
* Handle .uahalf and .uaword, which appear in sparc assembly, but not x86.
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs |  9 ++--
 ghc/utils/debugNCG/Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs    | 59 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
index 5fca05543108..8e15db82754f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
@@ -97,11 +97,10 @@ nativeCodeGen absC us
 #        if NCG_DEBUG
          my_trace m x = trace m x
-         my_vcat sds = vcat (intersperse 
-				(char ' ' 
-                                 $$ ptext SLIT("# __debug_NCG_split_marker")
-                                 $$ char ' ') 
-                                 sds)
+         my_vcat sds = vcat (intersperse (char ' ' 
+                                          $$ ptext SLIT("# ___ncg_debug_marker")
+                                          $$ char ' ') 
+                                          sds)
 #        else
          my_vcat sds = vcat sds
          my_trace m x = x
diff --git a/ghc/utils/debugNCG/Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs b/ghc/utils/debugNCG/Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs
index e12775fc648f..725cf85e9e7f 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/debugNCG/Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs
+++ b/ghc/utils/debugNCG/Diff_Gcc_Nat.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import System
 import Char
 import Array
+--import IOExts(trace)
 type Label = String
 type Code  = [String]
@@ -14,6 +16,8 @@ pzipWith f _      _      = error "pzipWith: unbalanced list"
    = getArgs >>= \args ->
+     --return ["/home/v-julsew/SOLARIS/NCG/fpt/ghc/tests/codeGen/should_run/cg001.s"]
+     --                                                                     >>= \args ->
      if   length args /= 1
      then putStr ("\ndiff_gcc_nat:\n" ++
                   "   usage: create   File.s-gcc   and   File.s-nat\n" ++
@@ -33,6 +37,9 @@ main
         let split_nat0 = breakOn is_split_line (lines f_nat)
             split_nat  = filter (not.null.getLabels) split_nat0
+            split_markers_present
+               = any is_split_line (lines f_nat)
             labels_nat = map getLabels split_nat
             labels_cls = map (map breakLabel) labels_nat
@@ -77,7 +84,14 @@ main
                  ++ ["#endif"
-        putStr (unlines final)
+        if split_markers_present
+         then putStr (unlines final)
+         else putStr ("\ndiff_gcc_nat:\n"
+                      ++ "   fatal error: NCG output doesn't contain any\n"
+                      ++ "   ___ncg_debug_marker marks.  Can't continue!\n"
+                      ++ "   To fix: enable these markers in\n" 
+                      ++ "   fptools/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs,\n"
+                      ++ "   recompile the compiler, and regenerate the assembly.\n\n")
 pp_ok_sync :: (Label, [LabelKind], [String], [String])
@@ -133,7 +147,23 @@ find_corresponding :: Label                      -- root
                    -> Maybe ([String],[String])  -- (found text, gcc leftovers)
 find_corresponding root kinds gcc_lines
-   = case kinds of
+ = -- Enable the following trace in order to debug pattern matching problems.
+   --trace (
+   --   case result of 
+   --      Nothing -> show (root,kinds) ++ "\nNothing\n\n"
+   --      Just (found,uu)
+   --         -> show (root, kinds) ++ "\n" ++ unlines found ++ "\n\n"
+   --) 
+   result
+    where
+     arr = listArray (1, length gcc_lines) gcc_lines
+     pfxMatch ss t
+         = let clean_t = filter (not.isSpace) t
+           in  any (`isPrefixOf` clean_t) ss 
+     result
+      = case kinds of
            -> let lbl_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Vtbl)
@@ -144,7 +174,8 @@ find_corresponding root kinds gcc_lines
            -> let lbl_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Closure)
                   fst_i = search_back arr lbl_i (pfxMatch [".data"])
-                  lst_i = search_fwds arr (lbl_i+1) (not . pfxMatch [".long"])
+                  lst_i = search_fwds arr (lbl_i+1) 
+                             (not . pfxMatch [".long",".uaword",".uahalf"])
                   splice arr fst_i (lst_i-1)
@@ -188,15 +219,17 @@ find_corresponding root kinds gcc_lines
            -> let lbl_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root Srt)
-                  fst_i = search_back arr lbl_i (pfxMatch [".text"])
-                  lst_i = search_fwds arr (lbl_i+1) (not . pfxMatch [".long"])
+                  fst_i = search_back arr lbl_i (pfxMatch [".text",".data"])
+                  lst_i = search_fwds arr (lbl_i+1)
+                             (not . pfxMatch [".long",".uaword",".uahalf"])
                   splice arr fst_i (lst_i-1)
            -> let lbl_i = find_label arr (reconstruct_label root CTbl)
                   fst_i = search_back arr lbl_i (pfxMatch [".text"])
-                  lst_i = search_fwds arr (lbl_i+1) (not . pfxMatch [".long"])
+                  lst_i = search_fwds arr (lbl_i+1)
+                             (not . pfxMatch [".long",".uaword",".uahalf"])
                   splice arr fst_i (lst_i-1)
@@ -209,11 +242,6 @@ find_corresponding root kinds gcc_lines
            -> error ("find_corresponding: " ++ show kinds)
-     where
-        arr = listArray (1, length gcc_lines) gcc_lines
-        pfxMatch ss t
-           = let clean_t = filter (not.isSpace) t
-             in  any (`isPrefixOf` clean_t) ss 
 search_back :: Array Int String -> Int -> (String -> Bool) -> Int
 search_back code start_ix pred
@@ -232,10 +260,11 @@ search_fwds code start_ix pred
 find_label :: Array Int String -> Label -> Int
 find_label code lbl
-   = case [idx | (idx, lbl2) <- assocs code, lbl == lbl2] of
+   = --trace (unlines (map show (assocs code))) (
+     case [idx | (idx, lbl2) <- assocs code, lbl == lbl2] of
         [idx] -> idx
-        other -> error ("find_label: " ++ lbl)
+        other -> error ("find_label `" ++ lbl ++ "'\n")
+     --)
 reconstruct_label :: Label -> LabelKind -> Label
 reconstruct_label root Init
@@ -330,7 +359,7 @@ reconstruct number nat_code gcc_code
 comment str x = str ++ x
-split_marker = "___stg_split_marker"
+split_marker = "___ncg_debug_marker"
 is_split_line s
    = let m = split_marker