From e5759c97b3b20237a712d6dc0b353af5369182f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sof <unknown>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 09:52:05 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1999-03-31 09:52:05 by sof] On Win32 platforms,
 provide a (IOError.ComError Int) constructor for handling HRESULTs

 ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs | 39 +++++++++++++-------------------------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs
index 32c255860e17..1893f1f7f0fa 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelIOBase.lhs,v 1.7 1999/01/14 18:12:58 sof Exp $
+% $Id: PrelIOBase.lhs,v 1.8 1999/03/31 09:52:05 sof Exp $
 % (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1998
@@ -113,27 +113,6 @@ ioToST (IO m) = (ST m)
-%*							 *
-\subsection{Utility functions}
-%*							 *
-I'm not sure why this little function is here...
---fputs :: Addr{-FILE*-} -> String -> IO Bool
-userError       :: String  -> IOError
-userError str	=  IOError Nothing (UserError Nothing) "" str
-fputs stream (c : cs)
-  = CCALL(filePutc) stream c >>
-    fputs stream cs
 %*							*
 \subsection{Unsafe @IO@ operations}
@@ -181,8 +160,12 @@ data IOErrorType
   | ResourceBusy         | ResourceExhausted
   | ResourceVanished     | SystemError
   | TimeExpired          | UnsatisfiedConstraints
-  | UnsupportedOperation | UserError (Maybe Addr)
+  | UnsupportedOperation | UserError
   | EOF
+#ifdef _WIN32
+  | ComError Int           -- HRESULT
+	     (Maybe Addr)  -- Pointer to 'exception' object. (IExceptionInfo..)
   deriving (Eq)
 instance Show IOErrorType where
@@ -205,10 +188,14 @@ instance Show IOErrorType where
       SystemError	-> "system error"
       TimeExpired       -> "timeout"
       UnsatisfiedConstraints -> "unsatisified constraints" -- ultra-precise!
-      UserError _       -> "failed"
+      UserError         -> "failed"
       UnsupportedOperation -> "unsupported operation"
       EOF		-> "end of file"
+userError       :: String  -> IOError
+userError str	=  IOError Nothing UserError "" str
 Predicates on IOError; little effort made on these so far...
@@ -244,8 +231,8 @@ isDoesNotExistError (IOError _ NoSuchThing _ _) = True
 isDoesNotExistError _                           = False
 isUserError :: IOError -> Bool
-isUserError (IOError _ (UserError _) _ _) = True
-isUserError _		                  = False
+isUserError (IOError _ UserError _ _) = True
+isUserError _		              = False
 Showing @IOError@s