From e7498a3ee1d0484d02a9e86633cc179c76ebf36e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: partain <unknown>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 06:51:39 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] [project @ 1996-06-05 06:44:31 by partain] SLPJ changes
 through 960604

 ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h               |  27 +-
 ghc/compiler/Jmakefile                  |  89 +++--
 ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs        |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCUtils.lhs      |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs         |  83 ++--
 ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CStrings.lhs       |   6 +
 ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs          |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs       |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs        |  10 +-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs  |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs          |  40 +-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs      |  31 +-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi      |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs     |  21 +-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Literal.lhs     |  78 +++-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs        |   6 +-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs      |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PragmaInfo.lhs  |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.lhs      |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs  |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs      | 175 +++++----
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs      |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs         |   7 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs      |  13 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCompInfo.lhs     |   3 -
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs          |  21 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs      |  16 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs         |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs      |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs  |  12 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs        |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgRetConv.lhs      |  10 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUpdate.lhs       |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUsages.lhs       |   6 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs    |  58 ++-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs        |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/codeGen/SMRep.lhs          |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs       |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs       |   5 +-
 ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs        |   5 +-
 ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs     |  62 +--
 ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs      |  49 ++-
 ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs       |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs        |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs        |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs        |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs        |   6 +-
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs         |  89 ++++-
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.lhs        |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsHsSyn.lhs        |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs     |   6 +-
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs        |   7 +-
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs        |  26 +-
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs          |  18 +-
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.lhs       |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs       |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs       |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs          |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsCore.lhs           |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs          |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs           |  25 +-
 ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsImpExp.lhs         |  23 +-
 ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.lhs            |   3 +-
 ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsMatches.lhs        |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs            |  69 ++--
 ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPragmas.lhs        |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs            |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs          |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs          |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs              |  28 +-
 ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs           |  43 +--
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AbsCStixGen.lhs  |   6 +-
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs   |  10 +-
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmRegAlloc.lhs  |   3 +-
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachMisc.lhs     |   6 +-
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs     |  19 +-
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/PprMach.lhs      |   5 +-
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/RegAllocInfo.lhs |   3 +-
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/Stix.lhs         |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInfo.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInteger.lhs  |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs    |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixPrim.lhs     |   8 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs         |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs        |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/binding.ugn         |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/constr.ugn          |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/either.ugn          |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/entidt.ugn          |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex        |  13 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y          |  16 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/list.ugn            |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/literal.ugn         |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/maybe.ugn           |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/pbinding.ugn        |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/qid.ugn             |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn            |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/ttype.ugn           |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/util.c              |  28 +-
 ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h             |   1 -
 ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs       |  52 +--
 ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs       |   3 +
 ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs       |  18 +-
 ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs         |  16 +-
 ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimRep.lhs        |   3 +-
 ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs        |  75 ++--
 ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs     | 216 ++++-------
 ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs   |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs      |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs       |   6 +-
 ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs      |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs        |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs      |  27 +-
 ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y        |   3 +-
 ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs      |  40 +-
 ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs          |  30 +-
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs         |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs          |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs         |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs        | 101 +++--
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs         |  49 ++-
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs         | 133 ++++---
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs        | 147 ++++---
 ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs         |  29 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/BinderInfo.lhs   |  50 ++-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/ConFold.lhs      |  24 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs      |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/MagicUFs.lhs     |  30 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs    |  10 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs          |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs    |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs    |  41 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs    |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs     | 189 +++++----
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs   |   6 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplPgm.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs   |   3 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplVar.lhs     |  31 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs     |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplCore/SmplLoop.lhi     |   5 +
 ghc/compiler/simplStg/LambdaLift.lhs    |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs      |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSAT.lhs        |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSATMonad.lhs   |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs      |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs    |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs       |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs   |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs  |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs       |  58 ++-
 ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs         |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs          |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgUtils.lhs        |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs       |  23 +-
 ghc/compiler/stranal/SaLib.lhs          |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs     |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs       |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs          |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs   |  42 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs         | 186 ++++-----
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs      |  16 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs   | 205 +++++++---
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDefaults.lhs   |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs      | 413 ++++++++++++--------
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs        |  10 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs       | 248 ++++++------
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGRHSs.lhs      |   6 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs   | 490 +++++++++++++-----------
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs      |  64 ++--
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs   |  20 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs   |  86 +++--
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs   |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcKind.lhs       |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs    |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs     |  33 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs      |  25 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs   |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs        |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs   |  35 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs |   6 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs    |   3 +-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs       |  76 +++-
 ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs        |  17 +-
 ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs            |  51 ++-
 ghc/compiler/types/Kind.lhs             |   6 +-
 ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs          |  28 +-
 ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs            |  73 ++--
 ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi           |   6 +-
 ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs            |  13 +-
 ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs             |  88 +++--
 ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs            |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/utils/Bag.lhs              |   5 +-
 ghc/compiler/utils/CharSeq.lhs          |  77 +---
 ghc/compiler/utils/FiniteMap.lhs        | 107 ++----
 ghc/compiler/utils/ListSetOps.lhs       |   4 +-
 ghc/compiler/utils/Maybes.lhs           |  10 +-
 ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs       |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs           |  19 +-
 ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi             |  12 +
 ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs           |   7 +-
 ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs          |   2 +-
 ghc/compiler/utils/Unpretty.lhs         |   9 +-
 ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs             |   8 +-
 215 files changed, 3048 insertions(+), 2446 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h b/ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h
index 6a01f6858d8a..23d67ebe503d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h
+++ b/ghc/compiler/HsVersions.h
@@ -25,7 +25,30 @@ you will screw up the layout where they are used in case expressions!
 #define ASSERT(e)
-#define CHK_Ubiq() import Ubiq
+#if __STDC__
+#define CAT2(a,b)a##b
+#define CAT2(a,b)a/**/b
+#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 200
+# define REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
+# define SYN_IE(a) a
+# define IMPORT_DELOOPER(mod) import CAT2(mod,_1_3)
+# define IMPORT_1_3(mod) import mod
+# define _tagCmp compare
+# define _LT LT
+# define _EQ EQ
+# define _GT GT
+# define Text Show
+# define SYN_IE(a) a(..)
+# define IMPORT_DELOOPER(mod) import mod
+# define IMPORT_1_3(mod) {--}
+#define IMP_Ubiq() IMPORT_DELOOPER(Ubiq)
+#define CHK_Ubiq() IMPORT_DELOOPER(Ubiq)
 #if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 26
 #define trace _trace
@@ -76,7 +99,7 @@ you will screw up the layout where they are used in case expressions!
 #endif  {- ! __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ -}
-#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 23 && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 200
 #define FAST_STRING _PackedString
 #define SLIT(x)	    (_packCString (A# x#))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile b/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
index 58072a107563..a47b639c5fc5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
+++ b/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
@@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ SuffixRules_flexish()
 LitSuffixRule(.lprl,.prl) /* for makeSymbolList.prl */
+.SUFFIXES: .lhi
+	$(RM) $@
+	$(GHC_UNLIT) $< $@
+	@chmod 444 $@
 /* assume ALL source is in subdirectories one level below
    they don't have Jmakefiles; this Jmakefile controls everything
@@ -356,6 +362,28 @@ SIMPL_SRCS_LHS 		\
+#if GhcBuilderVersion >= 200
+#  define loop_hi(f) CAT3(f,_1_3,.hi)
+#  define loop_hi(f) CAT2(f,.hi)
+DELOOP_HIs =		\
+utils/Ubiq.hi		\
+absCSyn/AbsCLoop.hi	\
+basicTypes/IdLoop.hi	\
+codeGen/CgLoop1.hi	\
+codeGen/CgLoop2.hi	\
+deSugar/DsLoop.hi	\
+hsSyn/HsLoop.hi		\
+nativeGen/NcgLoop.hi	\
+prelude/PrelLoop.hi	\
+rename/RnLoop.hi	\
+simplCore/SmplLoop.hi	\
+typecheck/TcMLoop.hi	\
+typecheck/TcLoop.hi	\
@@ -471,36 +499,6 @@ HaskellCompileWithExtraFlags_Recursive(module,isuf,o,-c,extra_flags)
 /* OK, here we go: */
-utils/Ubiq.hi : utils/Ubiq.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) utils/Ubiq.lhi utils/Ubiq.hi
-absCSyn/AbsCLoop.hi : absCSyn/AbsCLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) absCSyn/AbsCLoop.lhi absCSyn/AbsCLoop.hi
-basicTypes/IdLoop.hi : basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi basicTypes/IdLoop.hi
-codeGen/CgLoop1.hi : codeGen/CgLoop1.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) codeGen/CgLoop1.lhi codeGen/CgLoop1.hi
-codeGen/CgLoop2.hi : codeGen/CgLoop2.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) codeGen/CgLoop2.lhi codeGen/CgLoop2.hi
-deSugar/DsLoop.hi : deSugar/DsLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) deSugar/DsLoop.lhi deSugar/DsLoop.hi
-hsSyn/HsLoop.hi : hsSyn/HsLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) hsSyn/HsLoop.lhi hsSyn/HsLoop.hi
-nativeGen/NcgLoop.hi : nativeGen/NcgLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) nativeGen/NcgLoop.lhi nativeGen/NcgLoop.hi
-prelude/PrelLoop.hi : prelude/PrelLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) prelude/PrelLoop.lhi prelude/PrelLoop.hi
-rename/RnLoop.hi : rename/RnLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) rename/RnLoop.lhi rename/RnLoop.hi
-simplCore/SmplLoop.hi : simplCore/SmplLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) simplCore/SmplLoop.lhi simplCore/SmplLoop.hi
-typecheck/TcMLoop.hi : typecheck/TcMLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) typecheck/TcMLoop.lhi typecheck/TcMLoop.hi
-typecheck/TcLoop.hi : typecheck/TcLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) typecheck/TcLoop.lhi typecheck/TcLoop.hi
-types/TyLoop.hi : types/TyLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) types/TyLoop.lhi types/TyLoop.hi
 rename/ParseIface.hs : rename/ParseIface.y
 	$(RM) rename/ParseIface.hs rename/ParseIface.hinfo
 	happy -g -i rename/ParseIface.hinfo rename/ParseIface.y
@@ -620,7 +618,7 @@ compile(reader/RdrHsSyn,lhs,)
@@ -672,7 +670,7 @@ compile(deforest/Deforest,lhs,)
+compile(specialise/Specialise,lhs,-H12m if_ghc(-Onot)) /* -Onot for compile-space reasons */
@@ -702,7 +700,7 @@ compile(typecheck/TcInstDcls,lhs,)
@@ -716,7 +714,7 @@ compile(typecheck/Unify,lhs,)
+compile(types/PprType,lhs,if_ghc26(-Onot)) /* avoid a 0.26 bug */
@@ -822,17 +820,17 @@ InstallBinaryTarget(hsp,$(INSTLIBDIR_GHC))
 UGENS_C = parser/constr.c	\
 	parser/binding.c	\
@@ -884,6 +882,7 @@ MKDEPENDHS_OPTS= -o .hc -I$(MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR) -I$(COMPINFO_DIR)  -x HsVersions.h
 #if HaskellCompilerType != HC_USE_HC_FILES
     /* otherwise, the dependencies jeopardize our .hc files --
 	which are all we have! */
+depend :: $(DELOOP_HIs)
 HaskellDependTarget( $(DEPSRCS) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs
index e518dcd6d620..41ee1f391bf3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCSyn.lhs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module AbsCSyn {- (
     )-} where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CgCompInfo   	( mAX_Vanilla_REG, mAX_Float_REG,
 			  mAX_Double_REG, lIVENESS_R1, lIVENESS_R2,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCUtils.lhs
index a074524793a7..af1f7af9c7cd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCUtils.lhs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module AbsCUtils (
 	-- printing/forcing stuff comes from PprAbsC
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import AbsCSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs
index f35342ca4b6c..c4f8ae6e6166 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CLabel.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ module CLabel (
+	mkConInfoTableLabel,
+	mkStaticClosureLabel,
@@ -45,12 +47,12 @@ module CLabel (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import AbsCLoop		( CtrlReturnConvention(..),
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(AbsCLoop)		( CtrlReturnConvention(..),
-import NcgLoop		( underscorePrefix, fmtAsmLbl )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(NcgLoop)		( underscorePrefix, fmtAsmLbl )
 import CStrings		( pp_cSEP )
@@ -110,26 +112,25 @@ unspecialised constructors are compared.
 data CLabelId = CLabelId Id
+instance Ord3 CLabelId where
+    cmp (CLabelId a) (CLabelId b) = cmpId_withSpecDataCon a b
 instance Eq CLabelId where
-    CLabelId a == CLabelId b = case cmpId_withSpecDataCon a b of { EQ_ -> True;  _ -> False }
-    CLabelId a /= CLabelId b = case cmpId_withSpecDataCon a b of { EQ_ -> False; _ -> True  }
+    CLabelId a == CLabelId b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> True;  _ -> False }
+    CLabelId a /= CLabelId b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> False; _ -> True  }
 instance Ord CLabelId where
-    CLabelId a <= CLabelId b = case cmpId_withSpecDataCon a b
-	 of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> False }
-    CLabelId a <  CLabelId b = case cmpId_withSpecDataCon a b
-	 of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> False }
-    CLabelId a >= CLabelId b = case cmpId_withSpecDataCon a b
-	 of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> True  }
-    CLabelId a >  CLabelId b = case cmpId_withSpecDataCon a b
-	 of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
-    _tagCmp (CLabelId a) (CLabelId b) = case cmpId_withSpecDataCon a b
-	 of { LT_ -> _LT; EQ_ -> _EQ; GT__ -> _GT }
+    CLabelId a <= CLabelId b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> False }
+    CLabelId a <  CLabelId b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> False }
+    CLabelId a >= CLabelId b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> True  }
+    CLabelId a >  CLabelId b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
+    _tagCmp (CLabelId a) (CLabelId b) = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> _LT; EQ_ -> _EQ; GT__ -> _GT }
 data IdLabelInfo
   = Closure		-- Label for (static???) closure
+  | StaticClosure	-- Static closure -- e.g., nullary constructor
   | InfoTbl		-- Info table for a closure; always read-only
@@ -139,14 +140,15 @@ data IdLabelInfo
 			-- encoded into the name)
   | ConEntry		-- the only kind of entry pt for constructors
-  | StaticConEntry  	-- static constructor entry point
+  | ConInfoTbl		-- corresponding info table
+  | StaticConEntry  	-- static constructor entry point
   | StaticInfoTbl   	-- corresponding info table
   | PhantomInfoTbl  	-- for phantom constructors that only exist in regs
   | VapInfoTbl Bool	-- True <=> the update-reqd version; False <=> the no-update-reqd version
-  | VapEntry Bool
+  | VapEntry   Bool
 	-- Ticky-ticky counting
   | RednCounts		-- Label of place to keep reduction-count info for this Id
@@ -195,18 +197,28 @@ data RtsLabelInfo
-mkClosureLabel	      	id 		= IdLabel (CLabelId id) Closure
-mkInfoTableLabel      	id 		= IdLabel (CLabelId id) InfoTbl
-mkStdEntryLabel	      	id 		= IdLabel (CLabelId id) EntryStd
+mkClosureLabel	      	id 		= IdLabel (CLabelId id)  Closure
+mkInfoTableLabel      	id 		= IdLabel (CLabelId id)  InfoTbl
+mkStdEntryLabel	      	id 		= IdLabel (CLabelId id)  EntryStd
 mkFastEntryLabel      	id arity	= ASSERT(arity > 0)
-					  IdLabel (CLabelId id) (EntryFast arity)
-mkConEntryLabel	      	id		= IdLabel (CLabelId id) ConEntry
-mkStaticConEntryLabel 	id		= IdLabel (CLabelId id) StaticConEntry
-mkRednCountsLabel     	id		= IdLabel (CLabelId id) RednCounts
-mkPhantomInfoTableLabel id		= IdLabel (CLabelId id) PhantomInfoTbl
-mkStaticInfoTableLabel  id		= IdLabel (CLabelId id) StaticInfoTbl
-mkVapEntryLabel		id upd_flag	= IdLabel (CLabelId id) (VapEntry upd_flag)
-mkVapInfoTableLabel	id upd_flag	= IdLabel (CLabelId id) (VapInfoTbl upd_flag)
+					  IdLabel (CLabelId id)  (EntryFast arity)
+mkStaticClosureLabel	con		= ASSERT(isDataCon con)
+					  IdLabel (CLabelId con) StaticClosure
+mkStaticInfoTableLabel  con		= ASSERT(isDataCon con)
+					  IdLabel (CLabelId con) StaticInfoTbl
+mkConInfoTableLabel     con		= ASSERT(isDataCon con)
+					  IdLabel (CLabelId con) ConInfoTbl
+mkPhantomInfoTableLabel con		= ASSERT(isDataCon con)
+					  IdLabel (CLabelId con) PhantomInfoTbl
+mkConEntryLabel	      	con		= ASSERT(isDataCon con)
+					  IdLabel (CLabelId con) ConEntry
+mkStaticConEntryLabel 	con		= ASSERT(isDataCon con)
+					  IdLabel (CLabelId con) StaticConEntry
+mkRednCountsLabel     	id		= IdLabel (CLabelId id)  RednCounts
+mkVapEntryLabel		id upd_flag	= IdLabel (CLabelId id)  (VapEntry upd_flag)
+mkVapInfoTableLabel	id upd_flag	= IdLabel (CLabelId id)  (VapInfoTbl upd_flag)
 mkConUpdCodePtrVecLabel   tycon tag = TyConLabel tycon (VecConUpdCode tag)
 mkStdUpdCodePtrVecLabel   tycon tag = TyConLabel tycon (StdUpdCode tag)
@@ -258,11 +270,12 @@ needsCDecl other		       = True
 Whether the labelled thing can be put in C "text space":
-isReadOnly (IdLabel _ InfoTbl)	       = True  -- info-tables: yes
-isReadOnly (IdLabel _ StaticInfoTbl)   = True  -- and so on, for other
-isReadOnly (IdLabel _ PhantomInfoTbl)  = True
-isReadOnly (IdLabel _ (VapInfoTbl _))  = True
-isReadOnly (IdLabel _ other)	       = False -- others: pessimistically, no
+isReadOnly (IdLabel _ InfoTbl)		= True  -- info-tables: yes
+isReadOnly (IdLabel _ ConInfoTbl)	= True -- and so on, for other
+isReadOnly (IdLabel _ StaticInfoTbl)	= True 
+isReadOnly (IdLabel _ PhantomInfoTbl)	= True
+isReadOnly (IdLabel _ (VapInfoTbl _))	= True
+isReadOnly (IdLabel _ other)		= False -- others: pessimistically, no
 isReadOnly (TyConLabel _ _)    = True
 isReadOnly (CaseLabel _ _)     = True
@@ -378,7 +391,9 @@ ppFlavor x = uppBeside pp_cSEP
 		       EntryStd	    	-> uppPStr SLIT("entry")
 		       EntryFast arity	-> --false:ASSERT (arity > 0)
 					   uppBeside (uppPStr SLIT("fast")) (uppInt arity)
-		       ConEntry	    	-> uppPStr SLIT("entry")
+		       StaticClosure   	-> uppPStr SLIT("static_closure")
+		       ConEntry	    	-> uppPStr SLIT("con_entry")
+		       ConInfoTbl    	-> uppPStr SLIT("con_info")
 		       StaticConEntry  	-> uppPStr SLIT("static_entry")
 		       StaticInfoTbl 	-> uppPStr SLIT("static_info")
 		       PhantomInfoTbl 	-> uppPStr SLIT("inregs_info")
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CStrings.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CStrings.lhs
index aaf04bcfdc79..4697911f8926 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CStrings.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/CStrings.lhs
@@ -18,6 +18,12 @@ CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
 import Pretty
 import Unpretty( uppChar )
+IMPORT_1_3(Char (isAlphanum))
+#ifdef REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
+ord = fromEnum :: Char -> Int
+chr = toEnum   :: Int -> Char
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs
index 8f5e4d72dbbe..bf681148820a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/Costs.lhs
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ module Costs( costs,
 	      addrModeCosts, CostRes(Cost), nullCosts, Side(..)
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import AbsCSyn
 import PrimOp		( primOpNeedsWrapper, PrimOp(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs
index e37b4b2e3cf7..0ce2a41725ed 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/HeapOffs.lhs
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ module HeapOffs (
 	SpARelOffset(..), SpBRelOffset(..)
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import AbsCLoop		( fixedHdrSizeInWords, varHdrSizeInWords )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(AbsCLoop)		( fixedHdrSizeInWords, varHdrSizeInWords )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs
index 18053a7e9176..75cbf2b16cf6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/PprAbsC.lhs
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ module PprAbsC (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import AbsCLoop		-- break its dependence on ClosureInfo
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(AbsCLoop)		-- break its dependence on ClosureInfo
 import AbsCSyn
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ call to a cost evaluation function @GRAN_EXEC@. For that,
 @pprAbsC@ has a new ``costs'' argument.  %% HWL
-writeRealC :: _FILE -> AbstractC -> IO ()
+writeRealC :: Handle -> AbstractC -> IO ()
-writeRealC file absC
-  = uppAppendFile file 80 (
+writeRealC handle absC
+  = uppPutStr handle 80 (
       uppAbove (pprAbsC PprForC absC (costs absC)) (uppChar '\n')
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
index d8f61d33933b..53a1b5758c2b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module FieldLabel where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Name		( Name{-instance Eq/Outputable-} )
 import Type		( Type(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
index d302df49ae46..570402726065 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module Id {- (
 	dataConTag, dataConStrictMarks,
-	dataConSig, dataConArgTys,
+	dataConSig, dataConRawArgTys, dataConArgTys,
 	dataConTyCon, dataConArity,
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ module Id {- (
 	isDataCon, isTupleCon,
+	isNullaryDataCon,
 	isSpecId_maybe, isSpecPragmaId_maybe,
 	toplevelishId, externallyVisibleId,
 	isTopLevId, isWorkerId, isWrapperId,
@@ -94,9 +95,9 @@ module Id {- (
 	GenIdSet(..), IdSet(..)
     )-} where
-import Ubiq
-import IdLoop   -- for paranoia checking
-import TyLoop   -- for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)   -- for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(TyLoop)   -- for paranoia checking
 import Bag
 import Class		( classOpString, Class(..), GenClass, ClassOp(..), GenClassOp )
@@ -1043,17 +1044,17 @@ mkSuperDictSelId u c sc ty info
     n = mkCompoundName u SLIT("sdsel") [origName cname, origName sc] cname
-mkMethodSelId u c op ty info
-  = Id u n ty (MethodSelId c op) NoPragmaInfo info
+mkMethodSelId u rec_c op ty info
+  = Id u n ty (MethodSelId rec_c op) NoPragmaInfo info
-    cname = getName c -- we get other info out of here
+    cname = getName rec_c -- we get other info out of here
     n = mkCompoundName u SLIT("meth") [origName cname, Unqual (classOpString op)] cname
-mkDefaultMethodId u c op gen ty info
-  = Id u n ty (DefaultMethodId c op gen) NoPragmaInfo info
+mkDefaultMethodId u rec_c op gen ty info
+  = Id u n ty (DefaultMethodId rec_c op gen) NoPragmaInfo info
-    cname = getName c -- we get other info out of here
+    cname = getName rec_c -- we get other info out of here
     n = mkCompoundName u SLIT("defm") [origName cname, Unqual (classOpString op)] cname
@@ -1227,6 +1228,8 @@ dataConArity id@(Id _ _ _ _ _ id_info)
       Nothing -> pprPanic "dataConArity:Nothing:" (pprId PprDebug id)
       Just  i -> i
+isNullaryDataCon con = dataConArity con == 0 -- function of convenience
 addIdArity :: Id -> Int -> Id
 addIdArity (Id u n ty details pinfo info) arity
   = Id u n ty details pinfo (info `addInfo` (mkArityInfo arity))
@@ -1405,6 +1408,9 @@ dataConStrictMarks (Id _ _ _ (DataConId _ stricts _ _ _ _ _) _ _) = stricts
 dataConStrictMarks (Id _ _ _ (TupleConId arity)		     _ _) 
   = nOfThem arity NotMarkedStrict
+dataConRawArgTys :: DataCon -> [TauType] -- a function of convenience
+dataConRawArgTys con = case (dataConSig con) of { (_,_, arg_tys,_) -> arg_tys }
 dataConArgTys :: DataCon 
 	      -> [Type] 	-- Instantiated at these types
 	      -> [Type]		-- Needs arguments of these types
@@ -1583,15 +1589,15 @@ instance Ord3 (GenId ty) where
     cmp = cmpId
 instance Eq (GenId ty) where
-    a == b = case cmpId a b of { EQ_ -> True;  _ -> False }
-    a /= b = case cmpId a b of { EQ_ -> False; _ -> True  }
+    a == b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> True;  _ -> False }
+    a /= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> False; _ -> True  }
 instance Ord (GenId ty) where
-    a <= b = case cmpId a b of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> False }
-    a <	 b = case cmpId a b of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> False }
-    a >= b = case cmpId a b of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> True  }
-    a >	 b = case cmpId a b of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
-    _tagCmp a b = case cmpId a b of { LT_ -> _LT; EQ_ -> _EQ; GT__ -> _GT }
+    a <= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> False }
+    a <	 b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> False }
+    a >= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> True  }
+    a >	 b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
+    _tagCmp a b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> _LT; EQ_ -> _EQ; GT__ -> _GT }
 @cmpId_withSpecDataCon@ ensures that any spectys are taken into
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
index 4d2a2a138c90..6946df3883c0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ module IdInfo (
     ) where
-import Ubiq
-import IdLoop		-- IdInfo is a dependency-loop ranch, and
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)		-- IdInfo is a dependency-loop ranch, and
 			-- we break those loops by using IdLoop and
 			-- *not* importing much of anything else,
 			-- except from the very general "utils".
@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ import IdLoop		-- IdInfo is a dependency-loop ranch, and
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_OmitInterfacePragmas )
 import Maybes		( firstJust )
 import MatchEnv		( nullMEnv, isEmptyMEnv, mEnvToList )
+import OccurAnal	( occurAnalyseGlobalExpr )
 import Outputable	( ifPprInterface, Outputable(..){-instances-} )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
@@ -84,10 +85,13 @@ import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import Type		( eqSimpleTy, splitFunTyExpandingDicts )
 import Util		( mapAccumL, panic, assertPanic, pprPanic )
+#ifdef REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
+ord = fromEnum :: Char -> Int
 applySubstToTy = panic "IdInfo.applySubstToTy"
 showTypeCategory = panic "IdInfo.showTypeCategory"
 mkFormSummary = panic "IdInfo.mkFormSummary"
-occurAnalyseGlobalExpr = panic "IdInfo.occurAnalyseGlobalExpr"
 isWrapperFor = panic "IdInfo.isWrapperFor"
 pprCoreUnfolding = panic "IdInfo.pprCoreUnfolding"
@@ -607,7 +611,11 @@ as the worker requires.  Hence we have to give up altogether, and call
 the wrapper only; so under these circumstances we return \tr{False}.
+#ifdef REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
+instance Read Demand where
 instance Text Demand where
     readList str = read_em [{-acc-}] str
 	read_em acc []		= [(reverse acc, "")]
@@ -626,6 +634,9 @@ instance Text Demand where
 	read_em acc other = panic ("IdInfo.readem:"++other)
+#ifdef REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
+instance Show Demand where
     showList wrap_args rest = (concat (map show1 wrap_args)) ++ rest
 	show1 (WwLazy False) = "L"
@@ -725,7 +736,7 @@ pp_strictness sty for_this_id_maybe better_id_fn inline_env
 mkUnfolding guide expr
-  = GenForm False (mkFormSummary NoStrictnessInfo expr)
+  = GenForm (mkFormSummary NoStrictnessInfo expr)
 	(occurAnalyseGlobalExpr expr)
@@ -735,8 +746,8 @@ noInfo_UF = NoUnfoldingDetails
 getInfo_UF (IdInfo _ _ _ _ unfolding _ _ _ _ _)
   = case unfolding of
-      GenForm _ _ _ BadUnfolding -> NoUnfoldingDetails
-      unfolding_as_was 		     -> unfolding_as_was
+      GenForm _ _ BadUnfolding -> NoUnfoldingDetails
+      unfolding_as_was 	       -> unfolding_as_was
 -- getInfo_UF ensures that any BadUnfoldings are never returned
 -- We had to delay the test required in TcPragmas until now due
@@ -757,9 +768,9 @@ pp_unfolding sty for_this_id inline_env uf_details
     pp (MagicForm tag _)
       = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("_MF_"), ppPStr tag]
-    pp (GenForm _ _ _ BadUnfolding) = pp_NONE
+    pp (GenForm _ _ BadUnfolding) = pp_NONE
-    pp (GenForm _ _ template guide)
+    pp (GenForm _ template guide)
       = let
 	    untagged = unTagBinders template
@@ -798,7 +809,11 @@ updateInfoMaybe (SomeUpdateInfo	 u) = Just u
 Text instance so that the update annotations can be read in.
+#ifdef REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
+instance Read UpdateInfo where
 instance Text UpdateInfo where
     readsPrec p s | null s    = panic "IdInfo: empty update pragma?!"
 		  | otherwise = [(SomeUpdateInfo (map ok_digit s),"")]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi
index abd59f35667a..deeae88b42a0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi
@@ -65,11 +65,9 @@ data MagicUnfoldingFun
 data FormSummary   = WhnfForm | BottomForm | OtherForm
 data UnfoldingDetails
   = NoUnfoldingDetails
-  | LitForm Literal
   | OtherLitForm [Literal]
-  | ConForm (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) [GenCoreArg (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique]
   | OtherConForm [GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)]
-  | GenForm Bool FormSummary (GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique), BinderInfo) (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique) UnfoldingGuidance
+  | GenForm FormSummary (GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique), BinderInfo) (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique) UnfoldingGuidance
   | MagicForm _PackedString MagicUnfoldingFun
 data UnfoldingGuidance
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs
index 043b37dea4b8..afdc973f4848 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs
@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@
 module IdUtils ( primOpNameInfo, primOpId ) where
-import Ubiq
-import PrelLoop		-- here for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(PrelLoop)		-- here for paranoia checking
 import CoreSyn
 import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingGuidance(..) )
-import Id		( mkPreludeId )
+import Id		( mkPreludeId, mkTemplateLocals )
 import IdInfo		-- quite a few things
 import Name		( mkBuiltinName )
 import PrelMods		( pRELUDE_BUILTIN )
 import PrimOp		( primOpInfo, tagOf_PrimOp, primOp_str,
 			  PrimOpInfo(..), PrimOpResultInfo(..) )
 import RnHsSyn		( RnName(..) )
-import Type		( mkForAllTys, mkFunTys, applyTyCon )
+import Type		( mkForAllTys, mkFunTys, mkTyVarTy, applyTyCon )
 import TysWiredIn	( boolTy )
 import Unique		( mkPrimOpIdUnique )
 import Util		( panic )
@@ -81,15 +81,12 @@ The functions to make common unfoldings are tedious.
 mk_prim_unfold :: PrimOp -> [TyVar] -> [Type] -> CoreExpr{-template-}
-mk_prim_unfold prim_op tvs arg_tys
-  = panic "IdUtils.mk_prim_unfold"
+mk_prim_unfold prim_op tyvars arg_tys
   = let
-	(inst_env, tyvars, tyvar_tys) = instantiateTyVars tvs (map uniqueOf tvs)
-	inst_arg_tys		      = map (instantiateTauTy inst_env) arg_tys
-	vars	    		      = mkTemplateLocals inst_arg_tys
+	vars = mkTemplateLocals arg_tys
-    mkLam tyvars vars (Prim prim_op tyvar_tys [VarArg v | v <- vars])
+    mkLam tyvars vars $
+    Prim prim_op
+	([TyArg (mkTyVarTy tv) | tv <- tyvars] ++ [VarArg v | v <- vars])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Literal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Literal.lhs
index 8fb477ee0bc5..1330a3d328f6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Literal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Literal.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
 \section[Literal]{@Literal@: Machine literals (unboxed, of course)}
@@ -13,11 +13,9 @@ module Literal (
 	literalType, literalPrimRep,
 	isNoRepLit, isLitLitLit
-	-- and to make the interface self-sufficient....
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 -- friends:
 import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) ) -- non-abstract
@@ -27,10 +25,10 @@ import TysPrim		( getPrimRepInfo,
 -- others:
 import CStrings		( stringToC, charToC, charToEasyHaskell )
-import TysWiredIn	( integerTy, rationalTy, stringTy )
+import TysWiredIn	( stringTy )
 import Pretty		-- pretty-printing stuff
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..), codeStyle )
-import Util		( panic )
+import Util		( thenCmp, panic )
 So-called @Literals@ are {\em either}:
@@ -58,10 +56,10 @@ data Literal
   | NoRepStr	    FAST_STRING	-- the uncommitted ones
-  | NoRepInteger    Integer
-  | NoRepRational   Rational
+  | NoRepInteger    Integer  Type{-save what we learned in the typechecker-}
+  | NoRepRational   Rational Type{-ditto-}
-  deriving (Eq, Ord)
+  -- deriving (Eq, Ord): no, don't want to compare Types
   -- The Ord is needed for the FiniteMap used in the lookForConstructor
   -- in SimplEnv.  If you declared that lookForConstructor *ignores*
   -- constructor-applications with LitArg args, then you could get
@@ -71,12 +69,56 @@ mkMachInt, mkMachWord :: Integer -> Literal
 mkMachInt  x = MachInt x True{-signed-}
 mkMachWord x = MachInt x False{-unsigned-}
+instance Ord3 Literal where
+    cmp (MachChar      a)   (MachChar	   b)   = a `tcmp` b
+    cmp (MachStr       a)   (MachStr	   b)   = a `tcmp` b
+    cmp (MachAddr      a)   (MachAddr	   b)   = a `tcmp` b
+    cmp (MachInt       a b) (MachInt	   c d) = (a `tcmp` c) `thenCmp` (b `tcmp` d)
+    cmp (MachFloat     a)   (MachFloat	   b)   = a `tcmp` b
+    cmp (MachDouble    a)   (MachDouble	   b)   = a `tcmp` b
+    cmp (MachLitLit    a b) (MachLitLit    c d) = (a `tcmp` c) `thenCmp` (b `tcmp` d)
+    cmp (NoRepStr      a)   (NoRepStr	   b)   = a `tcmp` b
+    cmp (NoRepInteger  a _) (NoRepInteger  b _) = a `tcmp` b
+    cmp (NoRepRational a _) (NoRepRational b _) = a `tcmp` b
+      -- now we *know* the tags are different, so...
+    cmp other_1 other_2
+      | tag1 _LT_ tag2 = LT_
+      | otherwise      = GT_
+      where
+	tag1 = tagof other_1
+	tag2 = tagof other_2
+	tagof (MachChar      _)	  = ILIT(1)
+	tagof (MachStr       _)	  = ILIT(2)
+	tagof (MachAddr      _)	  = ILIT(3)
+	tagof (MachInt       _ _) = ILIT(4)
+	tagof (MachFloat     _)	  = ILIT(5)
+	tagof (MachDouble    _)	  = ILIT(6)
+	tagof (MachLitLit    _ _) = ILIT(7)
+	tagof (NoRepStr      _)	  = ILIT(8)
+	tagof (NoRepInteger  _ _) = ILIT(9)
+	tagof (NoRepRational _ _) = ILIT(10)
+tcmp x y = case _tagCmp x y of { _LT -> LT_; _EQ -> EQ_; GT__ -> GT_ }
+instance Eq Literal where
+    a == b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> True;   _ -> False }
+    a /= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> False;  _ -> True  }
+instance Ord Literal where
+    a <= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> False }
+    a <	 b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> False }
+    a >= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> True  }
+    a >	 b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
+    _tagCmp a b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> _LT; EQ_ -> _EQ; GT__ -> _GT }
 isNoRepLit (NoRepStr _)     	= True -- these are not primitive typed!
-isNoRepLit (NoRepInteger _) 	= True
-isNoRepLit (NoRepRational _)	= True
+isNoRepLit (NoRepInteger  _ _) 	= True
+isNoRepLit (NoRepRational _ _)	= True
 isNoRepLit _			= False
 isLitLitLit (MachLitLit _ _) = True
@@ -93,8 +135,8 @@ literalType (MachInt  _ signed) = if signed then intPrimTy else wordPrimTy
 literalType (MachFloat _)	= floatPrimTy
 literalType (MachDouble _)	= doublePrimTy
 literalType (MachLitLit _ k)	= case (getPrimRepInfo k) of { (_,t,_) -> t }
-literalType (NoRepInteger _)	= integerTy
-literalType (NoRepRational _)= rationalTy
+literalType (NoRepInteger  _ t)	= t
+literalType (NoRepRational _ t) = t
 literalType (NoRepStr _)	= stringTy
@@ -109,9 +151,9 @@ literalPrimRep (MachFloat _)	= FloatRep
 literalPrimRep (MachDouble _)	= DoubleRep
 literalPrimRep (MachLitLit _ k)	= k
 #ifdef DEBUG
-literalPrimRep (NoRepInteger _)	= panic "literalPrimRep:NoRepInteger"
-literalPrimRep (NoRepRational _)= panic "literalPrimRep:NoRepRational"
-literalPrimRep (NoRepStr _)	= panic "literalPrimRep:NoRepString"
+literalPrimRep (NoRepInteger  _ _) = panic "literalPrimRep:NoRepInteger"
+literalPrimRep (NoRepRational _ _) = panic "literalPrimRep:NoRepRational"
+literalPrimRep (NoRepStr _)	   = panic "literalPrimRep:NoRepString"
@@ -160,12 +202,12 @@ instance Outputable Literal where
     ppr sty (MachFloat f)  = ppBesides [ppCast sty SLIT("(StgFloat)"), ppRational f, if_ubxd sty]
     ppr sty (MachDouble d) = ppBesides [ppRational d, if_ubxd sty, if_ubxd sty]
-    ppr sty (NoRepInteger i)
+    ppr sty (NoRepInteger i _)
       | codeStyle sty  = ppInteger i
       | ufStyle sty    = ppCat [ppStr "_NOREP_I_", ppInteger i]
       | otherwise      = ppBesides [ppInteger i, ppChar 'I']
-    ppr sty (NoRepRational r)
+    ppr sty (NoRepRational r _)
       | ufStyle sty    = ppCat [ppStr "_NOREP_R_", ppInteger (numerator r), ppInteger (denominator r)]
       | codeStyle sty = panic "ppr.ForC.NoRepRational"
       | otherwise     = ppBesides [ppRational r,  ppChar 'R']
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
index 905c4bcbe165..b6b07af74b78 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ module Name (
 	isLexConId, isLexConSym, isLexVarId, isLexVarSym
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import CStrings		( identToC, cSEP )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )
@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ import Unique		( funTyConKey, mkTupleDataConUnique, mkTupleTyConUnique,
 			  pprUnique, Unique
 import Util		( thenCmp, _CMP_STRING_, nOfThem, panic, assertPanic )
+#ifdef REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
+ord = fromEnum :: Char -> Int
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs
index d29b8755b30d..07dd8ec37234 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module PprEnv (
 --	lookupValVar, lookupTyVar, lookupUVar
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Pretty		( Pretty(..) )
 import Unique		( initRenumberingUniques )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PragmaInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PragmaInfo.lhs
index fb02b0adb263..b1bf499774ea 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PragmaInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PragmaInfo.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module PragmaInfo where
-import Ubiq
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.lhs
index 650de416a40f..03fb6c236431 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/SrcLoc.lhs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module SrcLoc (
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
index bc6da1645fd6..1f451550204d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module UniqSupply (
   ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Unique
 import Util
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
index 7e7b7193bdf9..34172e678d5f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ module Unique (
+	andandIdKey,
@@ -56,12 +57,11 @@ module Unique (
-	voidTyConKey,
+	composeIdKey,
-	evalClassKey,
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ module Unique (
+	evalClassKey,
@@ -81,12 +82,16 @@ module Unique (
+	foreignObjDataConKey,
+	foreignObjPrimTyConKey,
+	foreignObjTyConKey,
+	functorClassKey,
@@ -100,23 +105,25 @@ module Unique (
+	irrefutPatErrorIdKey,
+	lexIdKey,
-	foreignObjDataConKey,
-	foreignObjPrimTyConKey,
-	foreignObjTyConKey,
-	monadZeroClassKey,
-	functorClassKey,
+	monadZeroClassKey,
+	noDefaultMethodErrorIdKey,
+	nonExhaustiveGuardsErrorIdKey,
+	nonExplicitMethodErrorIdKey,
+	notIdKey,
@@ -124,22 +131,20 @@ module Unique (
-	recConErrorIdKey,
-	recUpdErrorIdKey,
-	irrefutPatErrorIdKey,
-	nonExhaustiveGuardsErrorIdKey,
-	noDefaultMethodErrorIdKey,
-	nonExplicitMethodErrorIdKey,
+	primIoDataConKey,
+	readParenIdKey,
+	recConErrorIdKey,
+	recUpdErrorIdKey,
@@ -147,7 +152,11 @@ module Unique (
+	showParenIdKey,
+	showSpaceIdKey,
+	showStringIdKey,
+	stDataConKey,
@@ -163,10 +172,10 @@ module Unique (
-	stateAndIntPrimDataConKey,
-	stateAndIntPrimTyConKey,
+	stateAndIntPrimDataConKey,
+	stateAndIntPrimTyConKey,
@@ -182,19 +191,22 @@ module Unique (
-	stringTyConKey,
+	thenMClassOpKey,
-	voidPrimIdKey,
-	voidPrimTyConKey,
+	ureadListIdKey,
+	ushowListIdKey,
+	voidIdKey,
+	voidTyConKey,
-	wordTyConKey
+	wordTyConKey,
+	zeroClassOpKey
 	, copyableIdKey
 	, noFollowIdKey
 	, parAtAbsIdKey
@@ -207,7 +219,7 @@ module Unique (
 import PreludeGlaST
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Pretty
 import Util
@@ -325,7 +337,6 @@ instance Outputable Unique where
 instance Text Unique where
     showsPrec p uniq rest = _UNPK_ (showUnique uniq)
-    readsPrec p = panic "no readsPrec for Unique"
@@ -498,10 +509,10 @@ stateAndStablePtrPrimTyConKey		= mkPreludeTyConUnique 45
 stateAndWordPrimTyConKey		= mkPreludeTyConUnique 46
 statePrimTyConKey			= mkPreludeTyConUnique 47
 stateTyConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 48
-stringTyConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 49
+								-- 49 is spare
 stTyConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 50
 primIoTyConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 51
-voidPrimTyConKey			= mkPreludeTyConUnique 52
+								-- 52 is spare
 wordPrimTyConKey			= mkPreludeTyConUnique 53
 wordTyConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 54
 voidTyConKey				= mkPreludeTyConUnique 55
@@ -540,7 +551,7 @@ stateAndCharPrimDataConKey		= mkPreludeDataConUnique 28
 stateAndDoublePrimDataConKey		= mkPreludeDataConUnique 29
 stateAndFloatPrimDataConKey		= mkPreludeDataConUnique 30
 stateAndIntPrimDataConKey		= mkPreludeDataConUnique 31
-stateAndForeignObjPrimDataConKey		= mkPreludeDataConUnique 32
+stateAndForeignObjPrimDataConKey	= mkPreludeDataConUnique 32
 stateAndMutableArrayPrimDataConKey	= mkPreludeDataConUnique 33
 stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimDataConKey	= mkPreludeDataConUnique 34
 stateAndSynchVarPrimDataConKey	    	= mkPreludeDataConUnique 35
@@ -550,6 +561,8 @@ stateAndWordPrimDataConKey		= mkPreludeDataConUnique 38
 stateDataConKey				= mkPreludeDataConUnique 39
 trueDataConKey				= mkPreludeDataConUnique 40
 wordDataConKey				= mkPreludeDataConUnique 41
+stDataConKey				= mkPreludeDataConUnique 42
+primIoDataConKey			= mkPreludeDataConUnique 43
@@ -560,61 +573,73 @@ wordDataConKey				= mkPreludeDataConUnique 41
 absentErrorIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  1
-appendIdKey 		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  2
-augmentIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  3
-buildIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  4
-errorIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  5
-foldlIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  6
-foldrIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  7
-forkIdKey   	    	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  8
-int2IntegerIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  9
-integerMinusOneIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 10
-integerPlusOneIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 11
-integerPlusTwoIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 12
-integerZeroIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 13
-packCStringIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 14
-parErrorIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 15
-parIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 16
-patErrorIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 17
-realWorldPrimIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 18
-runSTIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 19
-seqIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 20
-traceIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 21
-unpackCString2IdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 22
-unpackCStringAppendIdKey      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 23
-unpackCStringFoldrIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 24
-unpackCStringIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 25
-voidPrimIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 26
-mainIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 27
-mainPrimIOIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 28
-recConErrorIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 29
-recUpdErrorIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 30
-irrefutPatErrorIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 31
-nonExhaustiveGuardsErrorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 32
-noDefaultMethodErrorIdKey     = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 33
-nonExplicitMethodErrorIdKey   = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 34
-copyableIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 35
-noFollowIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 36
-parAtAbsIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 37
-parAtForNowIdKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 38
-parAtIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 39
-parAtRelIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 40
-parGlobalIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 41
-parLocalIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 42
+andandIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  2
+appendIdKey 		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  3
+augmentIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  4
+buildIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  5
+composeIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  6
+errorIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  7
+foldlIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  8
+foldrIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique  9
+forkIdKey   	    	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 10
+int2IntegerIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 11
+integerMinusOneIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 12
+integerPlusOneIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 13
+integerPlusTwoIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 14
+integerZeroIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 15
+irrefutPatErrorIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 16
+lexIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 17
+mainIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 18
+mainPrimIOIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 19
+noDefaultMethodErrorIdKey     = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 20
+nonExhaustiveGuardsErrorIdKey = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 21
+nonExplicitMethodErrorIdKey   = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 22
+notIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 23
+packCStringIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 24
+parErrorIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 25
+parIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 26
+patErrorIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 27
+readParenIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 28
+realWorldPrimIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 29
+recConErrorIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 30
+recUpdErrorIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 31
+runSTIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 32
+seqIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 33
+showParenIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 34
+showSpaceIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 35
+showStringIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 36
+traceIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 37
+unpackCString2IdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 38
+unpackCStringAppendIdKey      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 39
+unpackCStringFoldrIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 40
+unpackCStringIdKey	      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 41
+voidIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 42
+ushowListIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 43
+ureadListIdKey		      = mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 44
+copyableIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 45
+noFollowIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 46
+parAtAbsIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 47
+parAtForNowIdKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 48
+parAtIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 49
+parAtRelIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 50
+parGlobalIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 51
+parLocalIdKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 52
 Certain class operations from Prelude classes.  They get
 their own uniques so we can look them up easily when we want
 to conjure them up during type checking.        
-fromIntClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 37
-fromIntegerClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 38
-fromRationalClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 39
-enumFromClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 40
-enumFromThenClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 41
-enumFromToClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 42
-enumFromThenToClassOpKey= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 43
-eqClassOpKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 44
-geClassOpKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 45
+fromIntClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 53
+fromIntegerClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 54
+fromRationalClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 55
+enumFromClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 56
+enumFromThenClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 57
+enumFromToClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 58
+enumFromThenToClassOpKey= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 59
+eqClassOpKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 60
+geClassOpKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 61
+zeroClassOpKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 62
+thenMClassOpKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 63 -- (>>=)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
index b00aca77fa93..8edd5bd9dc78 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ module CgBindery (
 	rebindToAStack, rebindToBStack
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import CgLoop1		-- here for paranoia-checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(CgLoop1)		-- here for paranoia-checking
 import AbsCSyn
 import CgMonad
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
index 2d0f3aebd1d3..17d61261c1c1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 module CgCase (	cgCase, saveVolatileVarsAndRegs ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import CgLoop2		( cgExpr, getPrimOpArgAmodes )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(CgLoop2)		( cgExpr, getPrimOpArgAmodes )
 import CgMonad
 import StgSyn
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import CgStackery	( allocAStack, allocBStack, allocAStackTop, allocBStackTop )
 import CgTailCall	( tailCallBusiness, performReturn )
 import CgUsages		( getSpARelOffset, getSpBRelOffset, freeBStkSlot )
 import CLabel		( mkVecTblLabel, mkReturnPtLabel, mkDefaultLabel,
-			  mkAltLabel, mkClosureLabel
+			  mkAltLabel
 import ClosureInfo	( mkConLFInfo, mkLFArgument, layOutDynCon )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_SccProfilingOn, opt_GranMacros )
@@ -645,7 +645,6 @@ cgAlgAlts gc_flag uniq restore_cc semi_tagging
 	lf_info		= mkConLFInfo con
 	tag		= dataConTag con
-    	closure_lbl 	= mkClosureLabel con
 	-- alloc_code generates code to allocate constructor con, whose args are
 	-- in the arguments to alloc_code, assigning the result to Node.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
index 81ff55f65ce8..cfd5ceade1a2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgClosure.lhs
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ with {\em closures} on the RHSs of let(rec)s.  See also
 module CgClosure ( cgTopRhsClosure, cgRhsClosure ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import CgLoop2		( cgExpr, cgSccExpr )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(CgLoop2)		( cgExpr, cgSccExpr )
 import CgMonad
 import AbsCSyn
@@ -451,7 +451,10 @@ closureCodeBody binder_info closure_info cc all_args body
     	    	ViaNode	| is_concurrent	   -> []
 		other 		           -> panic "closureCodeBody:arg_regs"
-    	stk_args = drop (length arg_regs) all_args
+	num_arg_regs = length arg_regs
+    	(reg_args, stk_args) = splitAt num_arg_regs all_args
     	(spA_stk_args, spB_stk_args, stk_bxd_w_offsets, stk_ubxd_w_offsets)
 	  = mkVirtStkOffsets
 		0 0 		-- Initial virtual SpA, SpB
@@ -509,7 +512,7 @@ closureCodeBody binder_info closure_info cc all_args body
 		-- Bind args to regs/stack as appropriate, and
 		-- record expected position of sps
-	    bindArgsToRegs all_args arg_regs		    `thenC`
+	    bindArgsToRegs reg_args arg_regs		    `thenC`
 	    mapCs bindNewToAStack stk_bxd_w_offsets	    `thenC`
 	    mapCs bindNewToBStack stk_ubxd_w_offsets	    `thenC`
 	    setRealAndVirtualSps spA_stk_args spB_stk_args  `thenC`
@@ -863,8 +866,6 @@ setupUpdate closure_info code
 	  returnFC amode
-   closure_label = mkClosureLabel (closureId closure_info)
      = case (closureType closure_info) of
     	Nothing -> CReg StdUpdRetVecReg
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCompInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCompInfo.lhs
index 9b14dcdaf99d..561f8bf47709 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCompInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCompInfo.lhs
@@ -63,9 +63,6 @@ module CgCompInfo (
-	-- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
---	RegRelative
     ) where
 -- This magical #include brings in all the everybody-knows-these magic
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
index 0d0e620cf625..cb5337be61eb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCon.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module CgCon (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CgMonad
 import AbsCSyn
@@ -33,9 +33,8 @@ import CgCompInfo	( mAX_INTLIKE, mIN_INTLIKE )
 import CgHeapery	( allocDynClosure )
 import CgRetConv	( dataReturnConvAlg, DataReturnConvention(..) )
 import CgTailCall	( performReturn, mkStaticAlgReturnCode )
-import CLabel		( mkClosureLabel, mkInfoTableLabel,
-			  mkPhantomInfoTableLabel,
-			  mkConEntryLabel, mkStdEntryLabel
+import CLabel		( mkClosureLabel, mkStaticClosureLabel,
+			  mkConInfoTableLabel, mkPhantomInfoTableLabel
 import ClosureInfo	( mkClosureLFInfo, mkConLFInfo, mkLFArgument,
 			  layOutDynCon, layOutDynClosure,
@@ -157,13 +156,9 @@ cgTopRhsCon name con args all_zero_size_args
     returnFC (name, stableAmodeIdInfo name (CLbl closure_label PtrRep) lf_info)
-    con_tycon	    = dataConTyCon con
-    lf_info	    = mkConLFInfo     con
-    closure_label   = mkClosureLabel   name
-    info_label      = mkInfoTableLabel con
-    con_entry_label = mkConEntryLabel  con
-    entry_label	    = mkStdEntryLabel  name
+    con_tycon	    = dataConTyCon   con
+    lf_info	    = mkConLFInfo    con
+    closure_label   = mkClosureLabel name
 The general case is:
@@ -277,7 +272,7 @@ at all.
 buildDynCon binder cc con args all_zero_size_args@True
   = ASSERT(isDataCon con)
     returnFC (stableAmodeIdInfo binder
-				(CLbl (mkClosureLabel con) PtrRep)
+				(CLbl (mkStaticClosureLabel con) PtrRep)
     				(mkConLFInfo con))
@@ -427,7 +422,7 @@ cgReturnDataCon con amodes all_zero_size_args live_vars
 		  let reg_assts = move_to_reg amode node
-		      info_lbl  = mkInfoTableLabel con
+		      info_lbl  = mkConInfoTableLabel con
 			-- RETURN
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs
index 98c5a1deed70..774546670693 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module CgConTbls ( genStaticConBits ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import AbsCSyn
 import CgMonad
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import CgRetConv	( mkLiveRegsMask,
 import CgTailCall	( performReturn, mkStaticAlgReturnCode )
 import CgUsages		( getHpRelOffset )
-import CLabel		( mkConEntryLabel, mkClosureLabel,
+import CLabel		( mkConEntryLabel, mkStaticClosureLabel,
 			  mkStdUpdCodePtrVecLabel, mkStdUpdVecTblLabel
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import ClosureInfo	( layOutStaticClosure, layOutDynCon,
 import CostCentre	( dontCareCostCentre )
 import FiniteMap	( fmToList )
 import HeapOffs		( zeroOff, VirtualHeapOffset(..) )
-import Id		( dataConTag, dataConSig,
+import Id		( dataConTag, dataConRawArgTys,
 			  dataConArity, fIRST_TAG,
 			  GenId{-instance NamedThing-}
@@ -240,10 +240,10 @@ genConInfo comp_info tycon data_con
     zero_size arg_ty = getPrimRepSize (typePrimRep arg_ty) == 0
-    (_,_,arg_tys,_) = dataConSig   data_con
-    con_arity	    = dataConArity data_con
-    entry_label     = mkConEntryLabel data_con
-    closure_label   = mkClosureLabel  data_con
+    arg_tys	    = dataConRawArgTys 	   data_con
+    con_arity	    = dataConArity 	   data_con
+    entry_label     = mkConEntryLabel      data_con
+    closure_label   = mkStaticClosureLabel data_con
 The entry code for a constructor now loads the info ptr by indirecting
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ mkConCodeAndInfo con
     ReturnInHeap ->
-	    (_, _, arg_tys, _) = dataConSig con
+	    arg_tys = dataConRawArgTys con
 	    (closure_info, arg_things)
 		= layOutDynCon con typePrimRep arg_tys
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
index dd0b7f4d4fca..a4a0746d3da9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgExpr.lhs
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 module CgExpr ( cgExpr, cgSccExpr, getPrimOpArgAmodes ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import CgLoop2	-- here for paranoia-checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(CgLoop2)	-- here for paranoia-checking
 import StgSyn
 import CgMonad
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
index fa8f1e0bdbbf..888908f612df 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgHeapery.lhs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module CgHeapery (
         , heapCheckOnly, fetchAndReschedule, yield
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import AbsCSyn
 import CgMonad
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs
index f59ef4eb7cff..3748ddd65756 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgLetNoEscape.lhs
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 module CgLetNoEscape ( cgLetNoEscapeClosure ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitious-}
-import CgLoop2		( cgExpr )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(CgLoop2)		( cgExpr )
 import StgSyn
 import CgMonad
@@ -169,9 +169,9 @@ cgLetNoEscapeBody :: [Id]		-- Args
 cgLetNoEscapeBody all_args rhs
   = getVirtSps		`thenFC` \ (vA, vB) ->
-	arg_kinds	= map idPrimRep all_args
-	(arg_regs, _)	= assignRegs [{-nothing live-}] arg_kinds
-    	stk_args	= drop (length arg_regs) all_args
+	arg_kinds	     = map idPrimRep all_args
+	(arg_regs, _)	     = assignRegs [{-nothing live-}] arg_kinds
+	(reg_args, stk_args) = splitAt (length arg_regs) all_args
     	-- stk_args is the args which are passed on the stack at the fast-entry point
     	-- Using them, we define the stack layout
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ cgLetNoEscapeBody all_args rhs
 	-- Bind args to appropriate regs/stk locns
-    bindArgsToRegs all_args arg_regs		    `thenC`
+    bindArgsToRegs reg_args arg_regs		    `thenC`
     mapCs bindNewToAStack stk_bxd_w_offsets	    `thenC`
     mapCs bindNewToBStack stk_ubxd_w_offsets	    `thenC`
     setRealAndVirtualSps spA_stk_args spB_stk_args  `thenC`
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs
index 428d6f6881ab..ab22daeb2422 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgMonad.lhs
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ module CgMonad (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import CgLoop1		-- stuff from CgBindery and CgUsages
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(CgLoop1)		-- stuff from CgBindery and CgUsages
 import AbsCSyn
 import AbsCUtils	( mkAbsCStmts )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgRetConv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgRetConv.lhs
index 14e59f4526aa..fa3644038b42 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgRetConv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgRetConv.lhs
@@ -20,12 +20,10 @@ module CgRetConv (
-	-- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import AbsCLoop		-- paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(AbsCLoop)		-- paranoia checking
 import AbsCSyn		-- quite a few things
 import AbsCUtils	( mkAbstractCs, getAmodeRep,
@@ -36,7 +34,7 @@ import CgCompInfo	( mAX_FAMILY_SIZE_FOR_VEC_RETURNS,
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_ReturnInRegsThreshold )
-import Id		( isDataCon, dataConSig,
+import Id		( isDataCon, dataConRawArgTys,
 			  DataCon(..), GenId{-instance Eq-}
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
@@ -123,7 +121,7 @@ dataReturnConvAlg data_con
 	[]    ->	ReturnInRegs reg_assignment
 	other ->	ReturnInHeap	-- Didn't fit in registers
-    (_, _, arg_tys, _) = dataConSig data_con
+    arg_tys = dataConRawArgTys data_con
     (reg_assignment, leftover_kinds)
       = assignRegs [node, infoptr] -- taken...
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs
index 8e1c90a58e1b..caf38104dd59 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgStackery.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module CgStackery (
 	mkVirtStkOffsets, mkStkAmodes
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CgMonad
 import AbsCSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs
index 15b2ae249b36..770c4b52df7e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgTailCall.lhs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module CgTailCall (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CgMonad
 import AbsCSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUpdate.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUpdate.lhs
index ff1a5546b9bd..70e344b7d99e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUpdate.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUpdate.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module CgUpdate ( pushUpdateFrame ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CgMonad
 import AbsCSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUsages.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUsages.lhs
index eec6be60672f..e7e7b962cbcd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUsages.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUsages.lhs
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ This module provides the functions to access (\tr{get*} functions) and
 modify (\tr{set*} functions) the stacks and heap usage information.
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module CgUsages (
 	initHeapUsage, setVirtHp, getVirtAndRealHp, setRealHp,
@@ -18,8 +20,8 @@ module CgUsages (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import CgLoop1	-- here for paranoia-checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(CgLoop1)	-- here for paranoia-checking
 import AbsCSyn		( RegRelative(..), AbstractC, CAddrMode )
 import CgMonad
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
index e45fdeccf6c6..960e6a980302 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ module ClosureInfo (
     	dataConLiveness				-- concurrency
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import AbsCLoop		-- here for paranoia-checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(AbsCLoop)		-- here for paranoia-checking
 import AbsCSyn
 import StgSyn
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ import CgRetConv	( assignRegs, dataReturnConvAlg,
 import CLabel		( mkStdEntryLabel, mkFastEntryLabel,
 			  mkPhantomInfoTableLabel, mkInfoTableLabel,
+			  mkConInfoTableLabel,
 			  mkBlackHoleInfoTableLabel, mkVapInfoTableLabel,
 			  mkStaticInfoTableLabel, mkStaticConEntryLabel,
 			  mkConEntryLabel, mkClosureLabel, mkVapEntryLabel
@@ -78,9 +79,9 @@ import HeapOffs		( intOff, addOff, totHdrSize, varHdrSize,
 import Id		( idType, idPrimRep, getIdArity,
-			  externallyVisibleId, dataConSig,
+			  externallyVisibleId,
 			  dataConTag, fIRST_TAG,
-			  isDataCon, dataConArity, dataConTyCon,
+			  isDataCon, isNullaryDataCon, dataConTyCon,
 			  isTupleCon, DataCon(..),
 			  GenId{-instance Eq-}
@@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ mkClosureLFInfo False	    -- don't bother if at top-level
     offset_into_int_maybe = intOffsetIntoGoods the_offset
     Just offset_into_int  = offset_into_int_maybe
     is_single_constructor = maybeToBool (maybeTyConSingleCon tycon)
-    (_,_,_, tycon)	  = dataConSig con
+    tycon		  = dataConTyCon con
 Same kind of thing, looking for vector-apply thunks, of the form:
@@ -477,14 +478,8 @@ isUpdatable Updatable   = True
 mkConLFInfo :: DataCon -> LambdaFormInfo
 mkConLFInfo con
-  = ASSERT(isDataCon con)
-    let
-	arity = dataConArity con
-    in
-    if isTupleCon con then
-	LFTuple con (arity == 0)
-    else
-	LFCon con (arity == 0)
+  = -- the isNullaryDataCon will do this: ASSERT(isDataCon con)
+    (if isTupleCon con then LFTuple else LFCon) con (isNullaryDataCon con)
@@ -865,8 +860,8 @@ data EntryConvention
 	Int 				--   Its arity
 	[MagicId]			--   Its register assignments (possibly empty)
-getEntryConvention :: Id			-- Function being applied
-		   -> LambdaFormInfo		-- Its info
+getEntryConvention :: Id		-- Function being applied
+		   -> LambdaFormInfo	-- Its info
 		   -> [PrimRep]		-- Available arguments
 		   -> FCode EntryConvention
@@ -894,13 +889,14 @@ getEntryConvention id lf_info arg_kinds
 			  -> let itbl = if zero_arity then
     	    	    	    	        mkPhantomInfoTableLabel con
-    	    	    	    	    	mkInfoTableLabel con
-    	    	    	     in StdEntry (mkStdEntryLabel con) (Just itbl)
-				-- Should have no args
+    	    	    	    	    	mkConInfoTableLabel con
+    	    	    	     in
+			     --false:ASSERT (null arg_kinds)	-- Should have no args (meaning what?)
+			     StdEntry (mkConEntryLabel con) (Just itbl)
 	LFTuple tup zero_arity
-			 -> StdEntry (mkStdEntryLabel tup)
-				     (Just (mkInfoTableLabel tup))
-				-- Should have no args
+			  -> --false:ASSERT (null arg_kinds)	-- Should have no args (meaning what?)
+			     StdEntry (mkConEntryLabel tup) (Just (mkConInfoTableLabel tup))
 	LFThunk _ _ updatable std_form_info
 	  -> if updatable
@@ -1213,17 +1209,19 @@ infoTableLabelFromCI (MkClosureInfo id lf_info rep)
 		 else -} mkInfoTableLabel id
 mkConInfoPtr :: Id -> SMRep -> CLabel
-mkConInfoPtr id rep =
-  case rep of
-    PhantomRep	    -> mkPhantomInfoTableLabel id
-    StaticRep _ _   -> mkStaticInfoTableLabel  id
-    _		    -> mkInfoTableLabel	       id
+mkConInfoPtr con rep
+  = ASSERT(isDataCon con)
+    case rep of
+      PhantomRep    -> mkPhantomInfoTableLabel con
+      StaticRep _ _ -> mkStaticInfoTableLabel  con
+      _		    -> mkConInfoTableLabel     con
 mkConEntryPtr :: Id -> SMRep -> CLabel
-mkConEntryPtr id rep =
-  case rep of
-    StaticRep _ _   -> mkStaticConEntryLabel id
-    _		    -> mkConEntryLabel id
+mkConEntryPtr con rep
+  = ASSERT(isDataCon con)
+    case rep of
+      StaticRep _ _ -> mkStaticConEntryLabel con
+      _		    -> mkConEntryLabel con
 closureLabelFromCI (MkClosureInfo id _ _) = mkClosureLabel id
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
index 016bd99ec3ce..590aa9f65ea2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CodeGen.lhs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ functions drive the mangling of top-level bindings.
 module CodeGen ( codeGen ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import StgSyn
 import CgMonad
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/SMRep.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/SMRep.lhs
index 99432c764314..7c46adff06c5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/SMRep.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/SMRep.lhs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module SMRep (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Pretty		( ppStr )
 import Util		( panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs
index f1095d8cdd09..4e0a6a035574 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module AnnCoreSyn (
 	deAnnotate -- we may eventually export some of the other deAnners
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs
index 664231e37835..a14bf3d557bb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module CoreLift (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn
 import CoreUtils	( coreExprType )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
index 304b30ecd7e9..31e8ea588ed5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module CoreLint (
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import CoreSyn
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 import Type		( mkFunTy,getFunTy_maybe,mkForAllTy,mkForAllTys,getForAllTy_maybe,
+			  getForAllTyExpandingDicts_maybe,
 			  maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, eqTy
@@ -285,7 +286,7 @@ lintCoreArg e ty a@(TyArg arg_ty)
   = -- ToDo: Check that ty is well-kinded and has no unbound tyvars
     checkIfSpecDoneL (not (isPrimType arg_ty)) (mkSpecTyAppMsg a)
-    case (getForAllTy_maybe ty) of
+    case (getForAllTyExpandingDicts_maybe ty) of
       Nothing -> addErrL (mkTyAppMsg SLIT("Illegal") ty arg_ty e) `seqL` returnL Nothing
       Just (tyvar,body) ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs
index 49e66879a54f..d66f7b6561e5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs
@@ -50,12 +50,9 @@ module CoreSyn (
-	-- and to make the interface self-sufficient ...
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 -- ToDo:rm:
 --import PprCore		( GenCoreExpr{-instance-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
index fe034d6bea53..c0f61a31abc0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@ module CoreUnfold (
-	mkGenForm,
+	mkGenForm, mkLitForm, mkConForm,
+	whnfDetails,
-	modifyUnfoldingDetails,
     ) where
-import Ubiq
-import IdLoop	 -- for paranoia checking;
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)	 -- for paranoia checking;
 		 -- and also to get mkMagicUnfoldingFun
-import PrelLoop  -- for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(PrelLoop)  -- for paranoia checking
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, Bag )
 import BinderInfo	( oneTextualOcc, oneSafeOcc )
@@ -70,16 +70,9 @@ getMentionedTyConsAndClassesFromType = panic "getMentionedTyConsAndClassesFromTy
 data UnfoldingDetails
   = NoUnfoldingDetails
-  | LitForm
-	Literal
   | OtherLitForm
 	[Literal]		-- It is a literal, but definitely not one of these
-  | ConForm
-	Id			-- The constructor
-	[CoreArg]		-- Type/value arguments; NB OutArgs, already cloned
   | OtherConForm
 	[Id]			-- It definitely isn't one of these constructors
 				-- This captures the situation in the default branch of
@@ -97,10 +90,6 @@ data UnfoldingDetails
   | GenForm
-	Bool			-- True <=> At most one textual occurrence of the
-				--		binder in its scope, *or*
-				--		if we are happy to duplicate this
-				--		binding.
 	FormSummary		-- Tells whether the template is a WHNF or bottom
 	TemplateOutExpr		-- The template
 	UnfoldingGuidance	-- Tells about the *size* of the template.
@@ -140,6 +129,12 @@ mkFormSummary si expr
   -- | manifestlyBottom expr  = BottomForm
   | otherwise = OtherForm
+whnfDetails :: UnfoldingDetails -> Bool		-- True => thing is evaluated
+whnfDetails (GenForm WhnfForm _ _) = True
+whnfDetails (OtherLitForm _)	   = True
+whnfDetails (OtherConForm _)	   = True
+whnfDetails other		   = False
@@ -191,46 +186,25 @@ instance Outputable UnfoldingGuidance where
 %*									*
-\subsection{@mkGenForm@ and @modifyUnfoldingDetails@}
+\subsection{@mkGenForm@ and friends}
 %*									*
-mkGenForm :: Bool		-- Ok to Dup code down different case branches,
-				-- because of either a flag saying so,
-				-- or alternatively the object is *SMALL*
-	  -> BinderInfo		--
-	  -> FormSummary
+mkGenForm :: FormSummary
 	  -> TemplateOutExpr	-- Template
 	  -> UnfoldingGuidance	-- Tells about the *size* of the template.
 	  -> UnfoldingDetails
-mkGenForm safe_to_dup occ_info WhnfForm template guidance
-  = GenForm (oneTextualOcc safe_to_dup occ_info) WhnfForm template guidance
-mkGenForm safe_to_dup occ_info form_summary template guidance
-  | oneSafeOcc safe_to_dup occ_info	-- Non-WHNF with only safe occurrences
-  = GenForm True form_summary template guidance
-  | otherwise				-- Not a WHNF, many occurrences
-  = NoUnfoldingDetails
+mkGenForm = GenForm
-	:: Bool		-- OK to dup
-	-> BinderInfo	-- New occurrence info for the thing
-	-> UnfoldingDetails
-	-> UnfoldingDetails
+-- two shorthand variants:
+mkLitForm lit      = mk_go_for_it (Lit lit)
+mkConForm con args = mk_go_for_it (Con con args)
-modifyUnfoldingDetails ok_to_dup occ_info
-	(GenForm only_one form_summary template guidance)
-  | only_one  = mkGenForm ok_to_dup occ_info form_summary template guidance
-modifyUnfoldingDetails ok_to_dup occ_info other = other
+mk_go_for_it expr = mkGenForm WhnfForm expr UnfoldAlways
 %*									*
 \subsection[calcUnfoldingGuidance]{Calculate ``unfolding guidance'' for an expression}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
index 6e6d7baf30dc..bb73e018646e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
@@ -25,13 +25,14 @@ module CoreUtils (
 -}  ) where
-import Ubiq
-import IdLoop	-- for pananoia-checking purposes
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)	-- for pananoia-checking purposes
 import CoreSyn
 import CostCentre	( isDictCC )
 import Id		( idType, mkSysLocal, getIdArity, isBottomingId,
+			  toplevelishId, mkIdWithNewUniq, applyTypeEnvToId,
 			  addOneToIdEnv, growIdEnvList, lookupIdEnv,
 			  isNullIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
@@ -46,7 +47,9 @@ import Pretty		( ppAboves )
 import PrelVals		( augmentId, buildId )
 import PrimOp		( primOpType, fragilePrimOp, PrimOp(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
-import TyVar		( isNullTyVarEnv, TyVarEnv(..) )
+import TyVar		( cloneTyVar,
+			  isNullTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv, TyVarEnv(..)
+			)
 import Type		( mkFunTys, mkForAllTy, mkForAllUsageTy, mkTyVarTy,
 			  getFunTy_maybe, applyTy, isPrimType,
 			  splitSigmaTy, splitFunTy, eqTy, applyTypeEnvToTy
@@ -61,7 +64,6 @@ import Util		( zipEqual, panic, pprPanic, assertPanic )
 type TypeEnv = TyVarEnv Type
 applyUsage = panic "CoreUtils.applyUsage:ToDo"
-dup_binder = panic "CoreUtils.dup_binder"
@@ -728,11 +730,21 @@ do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Prim op as)
     do_PrimOp other_op = returnUs other_op
-do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Lam binder expr)
+do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Lam (ValBinder binder) expr)
   = dup_binder tenv binder `thenUs` \(new_binder, (old,new)) ->
     let  new_venv = addOneToIdEnv venv old new  in
     do_CoreExpr new_venv tenv expr  `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
-    returnUs (Lam new_binder new_expr)
+    returnUs (Lam (ValBinder new_binder) new_expr)
+do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Lam (TyBinder tyvar) expr)
+  = dup_tyvar tyvar	   `thenUs` \ (new_tyvar, (old, new)) ->
+    let
+	new_tenv = addOneToTyVarEnv tenv old new
+    in
+    do_CoreExpr venv new_tenv expr  `thenUs` \ new_expr ->
+    returnUs (Lam (TyBinder new_tyvar) new_expr)
+do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Lam _ expr) = panic "CoreUtils.do_CoreExpr:Lam UsageBinder"
 do_CoreExpr venv tenv (App expr arg)
   = do_CoreExpr venv tenv expr	`thenUs` \ new_expr ->
@@ -787,3 +799,28 @@ do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Coerce c ty expr)
   = do_CoreExpr venv tenv expr	    	`thenUs` \ new_expr ->
     returnUs (Coerce c (applyTypeEnvToTy tenv ty) new_expr)
+dup_tyvar :: TyVar -> UniqSM (TyVar, (TyVar, Type))
+dup_tyvar tyvar
+  = getUnique			`thenUs` \ uniq ->
+    let  new_tyvar = cloneTyVar tyvar uniq  in
+    returnUs (new_tyvar, (tyvar, mkTyVarTy new_tyvar))
+-- same thing all over again --------------------
+dup_binder :: TypeEnv -> Id -> UniqSM (Id, (Id, CoreExpr))
+dup_binder tenv b
+  = if (toplevelishId b) then
+	-- binder is "top-level-ish"; -- it should *NOT* be renamed
+	-- ToDo: it's unsavoury that we return something to heave in env
+	returnUs (b, (b, Var b))
+    else -- otherwise, the full business
+	getUnique			    `thenUs`  \ uniq ->
+	let
+	    new_b1 = mkIdWithNewUniq b uniq
+	    new_b2 = applyTypeEnvToId tenv new_b1
+	in
+	returnUs (new_b2, (b, Var new_b2))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs
index e6987a826f0f..38de36c814cd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module FreeVars (
 	FVInfo(..), LeakInfo(..)
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import AnnCoreSyn	-- output
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs
index 8fa61e5e7ad9..fd2e03d31f25 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module PprCore (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn
 import CostCentre	( showCostCentre )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs
index 1e2907570656..a1be8b473b01 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Desugar.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module Desugar ( deSugar, DsMatchContext, pprDsWarnings ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import HsSyn		( HsBinds, HsExpr )
 import TcHsSyn		( TypecheckedHsBinds(..), TypecheckedHsExpr(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
index bc5bc9ac76ba..82380970e7fa 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsBinds.lhs
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ lower levels it is preserved with @let@/@letrec@s).
 module DsBinds ( dsBinds, dsInstBinds ) where
-import Ubiq
-import DsLoop		-- break dsExpr-ish loop
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)		-- break dsExpr-ish loop
 import HsSyn		-- lots of things
 			hiding ( collectBinders{-also in CoreSyn-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs
index fbae35c89b63..47eb7c1b56b9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsCCall.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module DsCCall ( dsCCall ) where
-import Ubiq
 import CoreSyn
@@ -23,15 +23,13 @@ import PprType		( GenType{-instances-} )
 import Pretty
 import PrelVals		( packStringForCId )
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..) )
-import Type		( isPrimType, maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, eqTy )
+import Type		( isPrimType, maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, eqTy, maybeBoxedPrimType )
 import TysPrim		( byteArrayPrimTy, realWorldTy,  realWorldStatePrimTy )
 import TysWiredIn	( getStatePairingConInfo,
 			  realWorldStateTy, stateDataCon,
 import Util		( pprPanic, pprError, panic )
-maybeBoxedPrimType = panic "DsCCall.maybeBoxedPrimType"
 Desugaring of @ccall@s consists of adding some state manipulation,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
index 8d059a2671c8..f679a7809c1a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
@@ -8,18 +8,23 @@
 module DsExpr ( dsExpr ) where
-import Ubiq
-import DsLoop		-- partly to get dsBinds, partly to chk dsExpr
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)		-- partly to get dsBinds, partly to chk dsExpr
-import HsSyn		( HsExpr(..), HsLit(..), ArithSeqInfo(..),
-			  Match, Qual, HsBinds, Stmt, PolyType )
+import HsSyn		( failureFreePat,
+			  HsExpr(..), OutPat(..), HsLit(..), ArithSeqInfo(..),
+			  Stmt(..), Match(..), Qual, HsBinds, PolyType,
+			  GRHSsAndBinds
+			)
 import TcHsSyn		( TypecheckedHsExpr(..), TypecheckedHsBinds(..),
-			  TypecheckedRecordBinds(..), TypecheckedPat(..)
+			  TypecheckedRecordBinds(..), TypecheckedPat(..),
+			  TypecheckedStmt(..)
 import CoreSyn
 import DsMonad
 import DsCCall		( dsCCall )
+import DsHsSyn		( outPatType )
 import DsListComp	( dsListComp )
 import DsUtils		( mkAppDs, mkConDs, mkPrimDs, dsExprToAtom,
 			  mkErrorAppDs, showForErr, EquationInfo,
@@ -42,21 +47,20 @@ import MagicUFs		( MagicUnfoldingFun )
 import Name		( Name{--O only-} )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType )
-import PrelVals		( rEC_CON_ERROR_ID, rEC_UPD_ERROR_ID )
+import PrelVals		( rEC_CON_ERROR_ID, rEC_UPD_ERROR_ID, voidId )
 import Pretty		( ppShow, ppBesides, ppPStr, ppStr )
 import TyCon		( isDataTyCon, isNewTyCon )
 import Type		( splitSigmaTy, splitFunTy, typePrimRep,
-			  getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, getAppTyCon, applyTy
+			  getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, getAppTyCon, applyTy,
+			  maybeBoxedPrimType
-import TysWiredIn	( mkTupleTy, unitTy, nilDataCon, consDataCon,
+import TysWiredIn	( mkTupleTy, voidTy, nilDataCon, consDataCon,
 			  charDataCon, charTy
 import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv, GenTyVar{-instance Eq-} )
 import Usage		( UVar(..) )
 import Util		( zipEqual, pprError, panic, assertPanic )
-maybeBoxedPrimType = panic "DsExpr.maybeBoxedPrimType"
 mk_nil_con ty = mkCon nilDataCon [] [ty] []  -- micro utility...
@@ -149,11 +153,11 @@ dsExpr (HsLitOut (HsLitLit s) ty)
 	    -> pprError "ERROR: ``literal-literal'' not a single-constructor type: "
 			(ppBesides [ppPStr s, ppStr "; type: ", ppr PprDebug ty])
-dsExpr (HsLitOut (HsInt i) _)
-  = returnDs (Lit (NoRepInteger i))
+dsExpr (HsLitOut (HsInt i) ty)
+  = returnDs (Lit (NoRepInteger i ty))
-dsExpr (HsLitOut (HsFrac r) _)
-  = returnDs (Lit (NoRepRational r))
+dsExpr (HsLitOut (HsFrac r) ty)
+  = returnDs (Lit (NoRepRational r ty))
 -- others where we know what to do:
@@ -268,9 +272,9 @@ dsExpr (HsLet binds expr)
     dsExpr expr		`thenDs` \ core_expr ->
     returnDs ( mkCoLetsAny core_binds core_expr )
-dsExpr (HsDoOut stmts m_id mz_id src_loc)
+dsExpr (HsDoOut stmts then_id zero_id src_loc)
   = putSrcLocDs src_loc $
-    panic "dsExpr:HsDoOut"
+    dsDo then_id zero_id stmts
 dsExpr (HsIf guard_expr then_expr else_expr src_loc)
   = putSrcLocDs src_loc $
@@ -278,7 +282,6 @@ dsExpr (HsIf guard_expr then_expr else_expr src_loc)
     dsExpr then_expr	`thenDs` \ core_then ->
     dsExpr else_expr	`thenDs` \ core_else ->
     returnDs (mkCoreIfThenElse core_guard core_then core_else)
@@ -498,7 +501,7 @@ dsExpr (Dictionary dicts methods)
 			`thenDs` \ core_d_and_ms ->
     (case num_of_d_and_ms of
-      0 -> returnDs cocon_unit -- unit
+      0 -> returnDs (Var voidId)
       1 -> returnDs (head core_d_and_ms) -- just a single Id
@@ -515,7 +518,7 @@ dsExpr (Dictionary dicts methods)
 dsExpr (ClassDictLam dicts methods expr)
   = dsExpr expr		`thenDs` \ core_expr ->
     case num_of_d_and_ms of
-	0 -> newSysLocalDs unitTy `thenDs` \ new_x ->
+	0 -> newSysLocalDs voidTy `thenDs` \ new_x ->
 	     returnDs (mkValLam [new_x] core_expr)
 	1 -> -- no untupling
@@ -543,7 +546,6 @@ dsExpr (ExprWithTySig _ _)  = panic "dsExpr:ExprWithTySig"
 dsExpr (ArithSeqIn _)	    = panic "dsExpr:ArithSeqIn"
-cocon_unit = mkCon (mkTupleCon 0) [] [] [] -- out here to avoid CAF (sigh)
 out_of_range_msg			   -- ditto
   = " out of range: [" ++ show minInt ++ ", " ++ show maxInt ++ "]\n"
@@ -593,7 +595,7 @@ dsApp (HsVar v) args
       Nothing -> -- we're only saturating constructors and PrimOps
 	case getIdUnfolding v of
-	  GenForm _ _ the_unfolding EssentialUnfolding
+	  GenForm _ the_unfolding EssentialUnfolding
 	    -> do_unfold nullTyVarEnv nullIdEnv (unTagBinders the_unfolding) args
 	  _ -> apply_to_args (Var v) args
@@ -653,3 +655,48 @@ do_unfold ty_env val_env body args
 	-- Apply result to remaining arguments
     apply_to_args body' args
+Basically does the translation given in the Haskell~1.3 report:
+dsDo	:: Id		-- id for: (>>=) m
+	-> Id		-- id for: zero m
+	-> [TypecheckedStmt]
+	-> DsM CoreExpr
+dsDo then_id zero_id (stmt:stmts)
+  = case stmt of
+      ExprStmt expr locn -> ASSERT( null stmts ) do_expr expr locn
+      ExprStmtOut expr locn a b -> 
+	do_expr expr locn		`thenDs` \ expr2 ->
+	ds_rest	    			`thenDs` \ rest  ->
+	dsApp (HsVar then_id) [TyArg a, TyArg b, VarArg expr2, VarArg rest]
+      LetStmt binds ->
+        dsBinds binds	`thenDs` \ binds2 ->
+	ds_rest		`thenDs` \ rest   ->
+	returnDs (mkCoLetsAny binds2 rest)
+      BindStmtOut pat expr locn a b ->
+	do_expr expr locn   `thenDs` \ expr2 ->
+	let
+	    zero_expr = TyApp (HsVar zero_id) [b]
+	    main_match
+	      = PatMatch pat (SimpleMatch (HsDoOut stmts then_id zero_id locn))
+	    the_matches
+	      = if failureFreePat pat
+	        then [main_match]
+		else [main_match, PatMatch (WildPat a) (SimpleMatch zero_expr)]
+	in
+	matchWrapper DoBindMatch the_matches "`do' statement"
+			    `thenDs` \ (binders, matching_code) ->
+	dsApp (HsVar then_id) [TyArg a, TyArg b,
+			       VarArg expr2, VarArg (mkValLam binders matching_code)]
+  where
+    ds_rest = dsDo then_id zero_id stmts
+    do_expr expr locn = putSrcLocDs locn (dsExpr expr)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+dsDo then_expr zero_expr [] = panic "dsDo:[]"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.lhs
index a1a41b4fdb52..fd8bec3b108d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsGRHSs.lhs
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 module DsGRHSs ( dsGuarded, dsGRHSs ) where
-import Ubiq
-import DsLoop		-- break dsExpr/dsBinds-ish loop
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)		-- break dsExpr/dsBinds-ish loop
 import HsSyn		( GRHSsAndBinds(..), GRHS(..),
 			  HsExpr, HsBinds )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsHsSyn.lhs
index b54d8a269879..fa3f0fe6f690 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsHsSyn.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module DsHsSyn where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( OutPat(..), HsBinds(..), Bind(..), MonoBinds(..),
 			  Sig, HsExpr, GRHSsAndBinds, Match, HsLit )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
index 5508cb1b40fe..ac712c70abaf 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
 \section[DsListComp]{Desugaring list comprehensions}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module DsListComp ( dsListComp ) where
-import Ubiq
-import DsLoop		-- break dsExpr-ish loop
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)		-- break dsExpr-ish loop
 import HsSyn		( Qual(..), HsExpr, HsBinds )
 import TcHsSyn		( TypecheckedQual(..), TypecheckedHsExpr(..) , TypecheckedHsBinds(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs
index 6236b69f4e28..618f8c910fc1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsMonad.lhs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module DsMonad (
 	DsMatchContext(..), DsMatchKind(..), pprDsWarnings
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import Bag		( emptyBag, snocBag, bagToList )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_SccGroup )
@@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ data DsMatchKind
   | CaseMatch
   | LambdaMatch
   | PatBindMatch
+  | DoBindMatch
 pprDsWarnings :: PprStyle -> Bag DsMatchContext -> Pretty
 pprDsWarnings sty warns
@@ -274,5 +275,9 @@ pprDsWarnings sty warns
       = ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("in a lambda abstraction:"))
 	4 (ppSep [ppSep (map (ppr sty) pats), pp_arrow_dotdotdot])
+    pp_match DoBindMatch pats
+      = ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("in a `do' pattern binding:"))
+	4 (ppSep [ppSep (map (ppr sty) pats), pp_arrow_dotdotdot])
     pp_arrow_dotdotdot = ppPStr SLIT("-> ...")
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
index 579062820dbd..528607cf8191 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ module DsUtils (
     ) where
-import Ubiq
-import DsLoop		( match, matchSimply )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)		( match, matchSimply )
 import HsSyn		( HsExpr(..), OutPat(..), HsLit(..),
 			  Match, HsBinds, Stmt, Qual, PolyType, ArithSeqInfo )
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ import DsMonad
 import CoreUtils	( coreExprType, mkCoreIfThenElse )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
-import PrelVals		( iRREFUT_PAT_ERROR_ID )
+import PrelVals		( iRREFUT_PAT_ERROR_ID, voidId )
 import Pretty		( ppShow )
 import Id		( idType, dataConArgTys, mkTupleCon,
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ import TyCon		( mkTupleTyCon, isNewTyCon, tyConDataCons )
 import Type		( mkTyVarTys, mkRhoTy, mkForAllTys, mkFunTys,
 			  mkTheta, isUnboxedType, applyTyCon, getAppTyCon
+import TysWiredIn	( voidTy )
 import UniqSet		( mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet, uniqSetToList, UniqSet(..) )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import PprCore{-ToDo:rm-}
@@ -551,13 +552,13 @@ which is of course utterly wrong.  Rather than drop the condition that
 only boxed types can be let-bound, we just turn the fail into a function
 for the primitive case:
-	let fail.33 :: () -> Int#
+	let fail.33 :: Void -> Int#
 	    fail.33 = \_ -> error "Help"
 	case x of
 		p1 -> ...
-		p2 -> fail.33 ()
-		p3 -> fail.33 ()
+		p2 -> fail.33 void
+		p3 -> fail.33 void
 		p4 -> ...
@@ -572,19 +573,16 @@ mkFailurePair :: Type		-- Result type of the whole case expression
 				-- applied to unit tuple
 mkFailurePair ty
   | isUnboxedType ty
-  = newFailLocalDs (mkFunTys [unit_ty] ty)	`thenDs` \ fail_fun_var ->
-    newSysLocalDs unit_ty			`thenDs` \ fail_fun_arg ->
+  = newFailLocalDs (mkFunTys [voidTy] ty)	`thenDs` \ fail_fun_var ->
+    newSysLocalDs voidTy			`thenDs` \ fail_fun_arg ->
     returnDs (\ body ->
 		NonRec fail_fun_var (Lam (ValBinder fail_fun_arg) body),
-	      App (Var fail_fun_var) (VarArg unit_id))
+	      App (Var fail_fun_var) (VarArg voidId))
   | otherwise
   = newFailLocalDs ty 		`thenDs` \ fail_var ->
     returnDs (\ body -> NonRec fail_var body, Var fail_var)
-unit_id :: Id	-- out here to avoid CAF (sigh)
-unit_id = mkTupleCon 0
-unit_ty :: Type
-unit_ty = idType unit_id
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs
index 82c5a8ea8f46..a1d8fc750289 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 module Match ( match, matchWrapper, matchSimply ) where
-import Ubiq
-import DsLoop		-- here for paranoia-checking reasons
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)		-- here for paranoia-checking reasons
 			-- and to break dsExpr/dsBinds-ish loop
 import HsSyn		hiding ( collectBinders{-also from CoreSyn-} )
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import MatchCon		( matchConFamily )
 import MatchLit		( matchLiterals )
 import FieldLabel	( allFieldLabelTags, fieldLabelTag )
-import Id		( idType, mkTupleCon, dataConSig,
+import Id		( idType, mkTupleCon,
 			  dataConArgTys, recordSelectorFieldLabel,
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import TysPrim		( intPrimTy, charPrimTy, floatPrimTy, doublePrimTy,
 import TysWiredIn	( nilDataCon, consDataCon, mkTupleTy, mkListTy,
 			  charTy, charDataCon, intTy, intDataCon,
 			  floatTy, floatDataCon, doubleTy,
-			  doubleDataCon, integerTy, stringTy, addrTy,
+			  doubleDataCon, stringTy, addrTy,
 			  addrDataCon, wordTy, wordDataCon
 import Unique		( Unique{-instance Eq-} )
@@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ match vars@(v:vs) eqns_info shadows
     unmix_eqns []    = []
     unmix_eqns [eqn] = [ [eqn] ]
     unmix_eqns (eq1@(EqnInfo (p1:p1s) _) : eq2@(EqnInfo (p2:p2s) _) : eqs)
-      = if (  (unfailablePat p1 && unfailablePat p2)
-	   || (isConPat      p1 && isConPat p2)
-	   || (isLitPat      p1 && isLitPat p2) ) then
+      = if (  (irrefutablePat p1 && irrefutablePat p2)
+	   || (isConPat       p1 && isConPat 	   p2)
+	   || (isLitPat       p1 && isLitPat 	   p2) ) then
 	    eq1 `tack_onto` unmixed_rest
 	    [ eq1 ] : unmixed_rest
@@ -514,8 +514,8 @@ matchUnmixedEqns :: [Id]
 matchUnmixedEqns [] _ _ = panic "matchUnmixedEqns: no names"
 matchUnmixedEqns all_vars@(var:vars) eqns_info shadows
-  | unfailablePat first_pat
-  = ASSERT( unfailablePats column_1_pats )	-- Sanity check
+  | irrefutablePat first_pat
+  = ASSERT( irrefutablePats column_1_pats )	-- Sanity check
   	-- Real true variables, just like in matchVar, SLPJ p 94
     match vars remaining_eqns_info remaining_shadows
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.lhs
index 11dbd1d99af5..c94ce52d45eb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchCon.lhs
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 module MatchCon ( matchConFamily ) where
-import Ubiq
-import DsLoop		( match )	-- break match-ish loop
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)		( match )	-- break match-ish loop
 import HsSyn		( OutPat(..), HsLit, HsExpr )
 import DsHsSyn		( outPatType )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs
index da0392e5c203..010d471bbe98 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/MatchLit.lhs
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 module MatchLit ( matchLiterals ) where
-import Ubiq
-import DsLoop		-- break match-ish and dsExpr-ish loops
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(DsLoop)		-- break match-ish and dsExpr-ish loops
 import HsSyn		( HsLit(..), OutPat(..), HsExpr(..),
 			  Match, HsBinds, Stmt, Qual, PolyType, ArithSeqInfo )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs
index cda10ffd639f..bae88366ec96 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ should an unfolding be required.
 >	  	then  no_unfold
 >		else case (getIdUnfolding id) of
->			GenForm _ _ expr guidance ->
+>			GenForm _ expr guidance ->
 >			  panic "DefExpr:GenForm has changed a little; needs mod here"
 >			  -- SLPJ March 95
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs
index a725c1d6fdbc..5d6667ccae6b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ Datatype for: @HsBinds@, @Bind@, @Sig@, @MonoBinds@.
 module HsBinds where
-import Ubiq
 -- friends:
-import HsLoop
 import HsMatches	( pprMatches, pprGRHSsAndBinds,
 			  Match, GRHSsAndBinds )
 import HsPat		( collectPatBinders, InPat )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsCore.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsCore.lhs
index aac5fd6136b6..6dd80c18f25d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsCore.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsCore.lhs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module HsCore (
 	UnfoldingPrimOp(..), UfCostCentre(..)
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 -- friends:
 import HsTypes		( MonoType, PolyType )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
index 3bc2b5f9dbec..b4356c7e819b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ Definitions for: @FixityDecl@, @TyDecl@ and @ConDecl@, @ClassDecl@,
 module HsDecls where
-import Ubiq
 -- friends:
-import HsLoop		( nullMonoBinds, MonoBinds, Sig )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(HsLoop)		( nullMonoBinds, MonoBinds, Sig )
 import HsPragmas	( DataPragmas, ClassPragmas,
 			  InstancePragmas, ClassOpPragmas
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
index 55709cabdd1d..53bd6720c49d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 module HsExpr where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import HsLoop -- for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(HsLoop) -- for paranoia checking
 -- friends:
 import HsBinds		( HsBinds )
@@ -84,8 +84,9 @@ data HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat
   | HsDo	[Stmt tyvar uvar id pat]	-- "do":one or more stmts
-  | HsDoOut	[Stmt tyvar uvar id pat]	-- "do":one or more stmts
-		id id				-- Monad and MonadZero dicts
+  | HsDoOut	[Stmt   tyvar uvar id pat]	-- "do":one or more stmts
+		id				-- id for >>=,  types applied
+		id				-- id for zero, typed applied
   | ListComp	(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- list comprehension
@@ -278,9 +279,9 @@ pprExpr sty (HsLet binds expr)
 	   ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("in"))  2 (ppr sty expr)]
 pprExpr sty (HsDo stmts _)
-  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("do"), ppAboves (map (ppr sty) stmts)]
+  = ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("do")) 2 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) stmts))
 pprExpr sty (HsDoOut stmts _ _ _)
-  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("do"), ppAboves (map (ppr sty) stmts)]
+  = ppHang (ppPStr SLIT("do")) 2 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) stmts))
 pprExpr sty (ListComp expr quals)
   = ppHang (ppCat [ppLbrack, pprExpr sty expr, ppChar '|'])
@@ -304,8 +305,8 @@ pprExpr sty (RecordUpdOut aexp _ rbinds)
   = pp_rbinds sty (pprParendExpr sty aexp) rbinds
 pprExpr sty (ExprWithTySig expr sig)
-  = ppHang (ppBesides [ppLparen, ppNest 2 (pprExpr sty expr), ppPStr SLIT(" ::")])
-	 4 (ppBeside  (ppr sty sig) ppRparen)
+  = ppHang (ppBeside (ppNest 2 (pprExpr sty expr)) (ppPStr SLIT(" ::")))
+	 4 (ppr sty sig)
 pprExpr sty (ArithSeqIn info)
   = ppBracket (ppr sty info)
@@ -421,6 +422,10 @@ data Stmt tyvar uvar id pat
   | ExprStmt	(HsExpr  tyvar uvar id pat)
   | LetStmt	(HsBinds tyvar uvar id pat)
+	-- Translations; the types are the "a" and "b" types of the monad.
+  | BindStmtOut	pat (HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat) SrcLoc (GenType tyvar uvar) (GenType tyvar uvar)
+  | ExprStmtOut	(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)     SrcLoc (GenType tyvar uvar) (GenType tyvar uvar)
@@ -433,6 +438,10 @@ instance (NamedThing id, Outputable id, Outputable pat,
      = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("let"), ppr sty binds]
     ppr sty (ExprStmt expr _)
      = ppr sty expr
+    ppr sty (BindStmtOut pat expr _ _ _)
+     = ppCat [ppr sty pat, ppStr "<-", ppr sty expr]
+    ppr sty (ExprStmtOut expr _ _ _)
+     = ppr sty expr
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsImpExp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsImpExp.lhs
index b1d462da8689..7bdf830d7476 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsImpExp.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsImpExp.lhs
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
 module HsImpExp where
-import Ubiq
+import Name		( pprNonSym )
 import Outputable
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
@@ -33,23 +34,22 @@ data ImportDecl name
-instance (Outputable name) => Outputable (ImportDecl name) where
+instance (NamedThing name, Outputable name) => Outputable (ImportDecl name) where
     ppr sty (ImportDecl mod qual as spec _)
-      = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "import", pp_qual qual, ppPStr mod, pp_as as])
+      = ppHang (ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("import"), pp_qual qual, ppPStr mod, pp_as as])
 	     4 (pp_spec spec)
 	pp_qual False   = ppNil
-	pp_qual True	= ppStr "qualified"
+	pp_qual True	= ppPStr SLIT("qualified")
 	pp_as Nothing   = ppNil
-	pp_as (Just a)  = ppCat [ppStr "as", ppPStr a]
+	pp_as (Just a)  = ppBeside (ppPStr SLIT("as ")) (ppPStr a)
 	pp_spec Nothing = ppNil
 	pp_spec (Just (False, spec))
-			= ppBesides [ppStr "(", interpp'SP sty spec, ppStr ")"]
+			= ppParens (interpp'SP sty spec)
 	pp_spec (Just (True, spec))
-			= ppBesides [ppStr "hiding (", interpp'SP sty spec, ppStr ")"]
+			= ppBeside (ppPStr SLIT("hiding ")) (ppParens (interpp'SP sty spec))
@@ -67,13 +67,14 @@ data IE name
-instance (Outputable name) => Outputable (IE name) where
-    ppr sty (IEVar	var)	= ppr sty var
+instance (NamedThing name, Outputable name) => Outputable (IE name) where
+    ppr sty (IEVar	var)	= pprNonSym sty var
     ppr sty (IEThingAbs	thing)	= ppr sty thing
     ppr sty (IEThingAll	thing)
 	= ppBesides [ppr sty thing, ppStr "(..)"]
     ppr sty (IEThingWith thing withs)
-	= ppBesides [ppr sty thing, ppLparen, ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr sty) withs), ppRparen]
+	= ppBeside (ppr sty thing)
+	    (ppParens (ppInterleave ppComma (map (pprNonSym sty) withs)))
     ppr sty (IEModuleContents mod)
 	= ppBeside (ppPStr SLIT("module ")) (ppPStr mod)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.lhs
index f18cde5a67d6..e0f736433a37 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsLit.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
 module HsLit where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Pretty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsMatches.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsMatches.lhs
index 7c7db36de986..5800e5e62f96 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsMatches.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsMatches.lhs
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ The @Match@, @GRHSsAndBinds@ and @GRHS@ datatypes.
 module HsMatches where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import HsLoop		( HsExpr, nullBinds, HsBinds )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(HsLoop)		( HsExpr, nullBinds, HsBinds )
 import Outputable	( ifPprShowAll )
 import PprType		( GenType{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Pretty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs
index 96d308229dc4..5cb26fac2b3f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs
@@ -10,21 +10,21 @@ module HsPat (
-	unfailablePats, unfailablePat,
+	irrefutablePat, irrefutablePats,
+	failureFreePat,
 	patsAreAllCons, isConPat,
 	patsAreAllLits,	isLitPat,
-	irrefutablePat,
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 -- friends:
 import HsLit		( HsLit )
-import HsLoop		( HsExpr )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(HsLoop)		( HsExpr )
 -- others:
-import Id		( GenId, dataConSig )
+import Id		( dataConTyCon, GenId )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import Name		( pprSym, pprNonSym )
 import Outputable	( interppSP, interpp'SP, ifPprShowAll )
@@ -234,17 +234,36 @@ At least the numeric ones may be overloaded.
 A pattern is in {\em exactly one} of the above three categories; `as'
 patterns are treated specially, of course.
+The 1.3 report defines what ``irrefutable'' and ``failure-free'' patterns are.
-unfailablePats :: [OutPat a b c] -> Bool
-unfailablePats pat_list = all unfailablePat pat_list
-unfailablePat (AsPat	_ pat)	= unfailablePat pat
-unfailablePat (WildPat	_)	= True
-unfailablePat (VarPat	_)	= True
-unfailablePat (LazyPat	_)	= True
-unfailablePat (DictPat ds ms)	= (length ds + length ms) <= 1
-unfailablePat other		= False
+irrefutablePats :: [OutPat a b c] -> Bool
+irrefutablePats pat_list = all irrefutablePat pat_list
+irrefutablePat (AsPat	_ pat)	= irrefutablePat pat
+irrefutablePat (WildPat	_)	= True
+irrefutablePat (VarPat	_)	= True
+irrefutablePat (LazyPat	_)	= True
+irrefutablePat (DictPat ds ms)	= (length ds + length ms) <= 1
+irrefutablePat other		= False
+failureFreePat :: OutPat a b c -> Bool
+failureFreePat (WildPat _) 		  = True
+failureFreePat (VarPat _)  		  = True
+failureFreePat (LazyPat	_) 		  = True
+failureFreePat (AsPat _ pat)		  = failureFreePat pat
+failureFreePat (ConPat con tys pats)	  = only_con con && all failureFreePat pats
+failureFreePat (ConOpPat pat1 con pat2 _) = only_con con && failureFreePat pat1 && failureFreePat pat1
+failureFreePat (RecPat con _ fields)	  = only_con con && and [ failureFreePat pat | (_,pat,_) <- fields ]
+failureFreePat (ListPat _ _)		  = False
+failureFreePat (TuplePat pats)		  = all failureFreePat pats
+failureFreePat (DictPat _ _)		  = True
+failureFreePat other_pat		  = False   -- Literals, NPat
+only_con con = maybeToBool (maybeTyConSingleCon (dataConTyCon con))
 patsAreAllCons :: [OutPat a b c] -> Bool
 patsAreAllCons pat_list = all isConPat pat_list
@@ -266,28 +285,6 @@ isLitPat (NPat   _ _ _)	= True
 isLitPat other		= False
-A pattern is irrefutable if a match on it cannot fail
-(at any depth).
-irrefutablePat :: OutPat a b c -> Bool
-irrefutablePat (WildPat _) 		  = True
-irrefutablePat (VarPat _)  		  = True
-irrefutablePat (LazyPat	_) 		  = True
-irrefutablePat (AsPat _ pat)		  = irrefutablePat pat
-irrefutablePat (ConPat con tys pats)	  = only_con con && all irrefutablePat pats
-irrefutablePat (ConOpPat pat1 con pat2 _) = only_con con && irrefutablePat pat1 && irrefutablePat pat1
-irrefutablePat (RecPat con _ fields)	  = only_con con && and [ irrefutablePat pat | (_,pat,_) <- fields ]
-irrefutablePat (ListPat _ _)		  = False
-irrefutablePat (TuplePat pats)		  = all irrefutablePat pats
-irrefutablePat (DictPat _ _)		  = True
-irrefutablePat other_pat		  = False   -- Literals, NPat
-only_con con = maybeToBool (maybeTyConSingleCon tycon)
- 	       where
-		 (_,_,_,tycon) = dataConSig con
 This function @collectPatBinders@ works with the ``collectBinders''
 functions for @HsBinds@, etc.  The order in which the binders are
 collected is important; see @HsBinds.lhs@.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPragmas.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPragmas.lhs
index 59a29b3757f6..876ba1d234ea 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPragmas.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPragmas.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ for values show up; ditto @SpecInstSig@ (for instances) and
 module HsPragmas where
-import Ubiq
 -- friends:
 import HsCore		( UnfoldingCoreExpr )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
index aa4a6bdc9ba0..5e46ea26421e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module HsSyn (
      ) where
-import Ubiq
 -- friends:
 import HsBinds
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs
index 945ae656b812..41e552747b8c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module HsTypes (
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import Outputable	( interppSP, ifnotPprForUser )
 import Pretty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
index edf7a30c8265..04ae96f18215 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module ErrUtils (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Bag		( bagToList )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
index 49c9b6999225..c0d47913cd4c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
@@ -8,9 +8,7 @@
 module Main ( main ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import PreludeGlaST	( thenPrimIO, fopen, fclose, _FILE{-instance CCallable-} )
 import HsSyn
@@ -37,6 +35,7 @@ import RdrHsSyn		( getRawExportees )
 import Specialise	( SpecialiseData(..) )
 import StgSyn		( pprPlainStgBinding, GenStgBinding )
 import TcInstUtil	( InstInfo )
+import TyCon		( isDataTyCon )
 import UniqSupply	( mkSplitUniqSupply )
 import PprAbsC		( dumpRealC, writeRealC )
@@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ main
 doIt :: ([CoreToDo], [StgToDo]) -> String -> IO ()
 doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
-  = doDump opt_Verbose "Glasgow Haskell Compiler, version 1.01, for Haskell 1.3" "" >>
+  = doDump opt_Verbose "Glasgow Haskell Compiler, version 2.01, for Haskell 1.3" "" >>
     -- ******* READER
     show_pass "Reader"	>>
@@ -159,8 +158,8 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
     case tc_results
     of {  (typechecked_quint@(recsel_binds, class_binds, inst_binds, val_binds, const_binds),
-	   interface_stuff,
-	   (local_tycons,local_classes), pragma_tycon_specs, ddump_deriv) ->
+	   interface_stuff@(_,local_tycons,_,_),
+	   pragma_tycon_specs, ddump_deriv) ->
     doDump opt_D_dump_tc "Typechecked:"
 	(pp_show (ppAboves [
@@ -198,8 +197,11 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
     -- ******* CORE-TO-CORE SIMPLIFICATION (NB: I/O op)
     show_pass "Core2Core" 			>>
     _scc_     "Core2Core"
+    let
+	local_data_tycons = filter isDataTyCon local_tycons
+    in
     core2core core_cmds mod_name pprStyle
-	      sm_uniqs local_tycons pragma_tycon_specs desugared
+	      sm_uniqs local_data_tycons pragma_tycon_specs desugared
 	 \ (simplified, inlinings_env,
@@ -312,15 +314,9 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
       = case switch of
 	  Nothing -> return ()
 	  Just fname ->
-	    fopen fname "a+"	`thenPrimIO` \ file ->
-	    if (file == ``NULL'') then
-		error ("doOutput: failed to open:"++fname)
-	    else
-		io_action file		>>=     \ () ->
-		fclose file		`thenPrimIO` \ status ->
-		if status == 0
-		then return ()
-		else error ("doOutput: closed failed: "{-++show status++" "-}++fname)
+	    openFile fname WriteMode	>>= \ handle ->
+	    io_action handle		>>
+	    hClose handle
     doDump switch hdr string
       = if switch
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
index ce876cb1b231..8083b8d89145 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module MkIface (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Bag		( emptyBag, snocBag, bagToList )
 import Class		( GenClass(..){-instance NamedThing-}, GenClassOp(..) )
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import CmdLineOpts	( opt_ProduceHi )
 import FieldLabel	( FieldLabel{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import FiniteMap	( fmToList )
 import HsSyn
-import Id		( idType, dataConSig, dataConFieldLabels,
+import Id		( idType, dataConRawArgTys, dataConFieldLabels,
 			  dataConStrictMarks, StrictnessMark(..),
 			  GenId{-instance NamedThing/Outputable-}
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ ppr_name   n
 	pp = prettyToUn (ppr PprInterface on)
     (if isLexSym s then uppParens else id) pp
 ppr_unq_name n
   = let
 	on = origName n
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ ppr_unq_name n
 	pp = uppPStr  s
     (if isLexSym s then uppParens else id) pp
 We have a function @startIface@ to open the output file and put
@@ -144,7 +146,7 @@ ifaceUsages (Just if_hdl) usages
 	       upp_versions (fmToList versions), uppSemi]
     upp_versions nvs
-      = uppIntersperse upp'SP{-'-} [ uppCat [(if isLexSym n then uppParens else id) (uppPStr n), uppInt v] | (n,v) <- nvs ]
+      = uppIntersperse uppSP [ uppCat [(if isLexSym n then uppParens else id) (uppPStr n), uppInt v] | (n,v) <- nvs ]
@@ -256,14 +258,13 @@ ifaceFixities (Just if_hdl) (HsModule _ _ _ _ fixities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
 ifaceDecls Nothing{-no iface handle-} _ = return ()
 ifaceDecls (Just if_hdl) (vals, tycons, classes, _)
-  = let
-	togo_classes = [ c | c <- classes, isLocallyDefined c ]
-	togo_tycons  = [ t | t <- tycons,  isLocallyDefined t ]
-	togo_vals    = [ v | v <- vals,    isLocallyDefined v ]
-	sorted_classes   = sortLt ltLexical togo_classes
-	sorted_tycons	 = sortLt ltLexical togo_tycons
-	sorted_vals	 = sortLt ltLexical togo_vals
+  = ASSERT(all isLocallyDefined vals)
+    ASSERT(all isLocallyDefined tycons)
+    ASSERT(all isLocallyDefined classes)
+    let
+	sorted_classes   = sortLt ltLexical classes
+	sorted_tycons	 = sortLt ltLexical tycons
+	sorted_vals	 = sortLt ltLexical vals
     if (null sorted_classes && null sorted_tycons && null sorted_vals) then
 	--  You could have a module with just instances in it
@@ -365,7 +366,7 @@ ppr_tycon tycon
     ppr_tc (initNmbr (nmbrTyCon tycon))
-ppr_tc (PrimTyCon _ n _)
+ppr_tc (PrimTyCon _ n _ _)
   = uppCat [ uppStr "{- data", ppr_name n, uppStr " *built-in* -}" ]
 ppr_tc FunTyCon
@@ -386,7 +387,7 @@ ppr_tc this_tycon@(DataTyCon u n k tvs ctxt cons derivings data_or_new)
 	   ppr_context ctxt,
 	   ppr_name n,
 	   uppIntersperse uppSP (map ppr_tyvar tvs),
-	   pp_unabstract_condecls,
+	   uppEquals, pp_condecls,
 	   -- NB: we do not print deriving info in interfaces
@@ -401,16 +402,6 @@ ppr_tc this_tycon@(DataTyCon u n k tvs ctxt cons derivings data_or_new)
 		   uppInterleave uppComma [uppCat [ppr_name c, ppr_ty t] | (c,t) <- cs],
 		   uppRparen, uppPStr SLIT(" =>")]
-    yes_we_print_condecls
-      = case (getExportFlag n) of
-	  ExportAbs -> False
-	  other	    -> True
-    pp_unabstract_condecls
-      = if yes_we_print_condecls
-	then uppCat [uppEquals, pp_condecls]
-	else uppNil
       = let
 	    (c:cs) = cons
@@ -421,11 +412,11 @@ ppr_tc this_tycon@(DataTyCon u n k tvs ctxt cons derivings data_or_new)
     ppr_con con
       = let
-	    (_, _, con_arg_tys, _) = dataConSig con
+	    con_arg_tys  = dataConRawArgTys   con
 	    labels       = dataConFieldLabels con -- none if not a record
 	    strict_marks = dataConStrictMarks con
-	uppCat [ppr_unq_name con, ppr_fields labels strict_marks con_arg_tys]
+	uppCat [ppr_name con, ppr_fields labels strict_marks con_arg_tys]
     ppr_fields labels strict_marks con_arg_tys
       = if null labels then -- not a record thingy
@@ -440,7 +431,7 @@ ppr_tc this_tycon@(DataTyCon u n k tvs ctxt cons derivings data_or_new)
 		  (prettyToUn (pprParendType PprInterface t))
     ppr_field l b t
-      = uppBesides [ppr_unq_name l, uppPStr SLIT(" :: "),
+      = uppBesides [ppr_name l, uppPStr SLIT(" :: "),
 		   case b of { MarkedStrict -> uppChar '!'; _ -> uppNil },
 		   ppr_ty t]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AbsCStixGen.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AbsCStixGen.lhs
index 90863433d388..830e450dfcf3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AbsCStixGen.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AbsCStixGen.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 module AbsCStixGen ( genCodeAbstractC ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import AbsCSyn
 import Stix
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ import StixMacro	( macroCode )
 import StixPrim		( primCode, amodeToStix, amodeToStix' )
 import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, getUnique, UniqSM(..) )
 import Util		( naturalMergeSortLe, panic )
+#ifdef REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
+ord = fromEnum :: Char -> Int
 For each independent chunk of AbstractC code, we generate a list of
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
index ac259c4feaf5..090e13fc6877 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmCodeGen.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 module AsmCodeGen ( writeRealAsm, dumpRealAsm ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import MachMisc
 import MachRegs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import PrimRep		( PrimRep{-instance Eq-} )
 import RegAllocInfo	( mkMRegsState, MRegsState )
 import Stix		( StixTree(..), StixReg(..), CodeSegment )
 import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, UniqSM(..) )
-import Unpretty		( uppAppendFile, uppShow, uppAboves, Unpretty(..) )
+import Unpretty		( uppPutStr, uppShow, uppAboves, Unpretty(..) )
 The 96/03 native-code generator has machine-independent and
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ The machine-dependent bits break down as follows:
 So, here we go:
-writeRealAsm :: _FILE -> AbstractC -> UniqSupply -> IO ()
+writeRealAsm :: Handle -> AbstractC -> UniqSupply -> IO ()
-writeRealAsm file absC us
-  = uppAppendFile file 80 (runNCG absC us)
+writeRealAsm handle absC us
+  = uppPutStr handle 80 (runNCG absC us)
 dumpRealAsm :: AbstractC -> UniqSupply -> String
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmRegAlloc.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmRegAlloc.lhs
index 6f8df0b713d5..00d5d79e5682 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmRegAlloc.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmRegAlloc.lhs
@@ -8,13 +8,14 @@
 module AsmRegAlloc ( runRegAllocate, runHairyRegAllocate ) where	
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import MachCode		( InstrList(..) )
 import MachMisc		( Instr )
 import MachRegs
 import RegAllocInfo
+import AbsCSyn		( MagicId )
 import BitSet		( BitSet )
 import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, addListToFM, delListFromFM, lookupFM, keysFM )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs
index 25d9be3f15ad..c9b671ebd6fb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachCode.lhs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ structure should not be too overwhelming.
 module MachCode ( stmt2Instrs, asmVoid, InstrList(..) ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitious-}
 import MachMisc		-- may differ per-platform
 import MachRegs
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachMisc.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachMisc.lhs
index 237b3343f18b..54f761601d21 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachMisc.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachMisc.lhs
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ module MachMisc (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import AbsCLoop		( fixedHdrSizeInWords, varHdrSizeInWords ) -- paranoia
-import NcgLoop		( underscorePrefix, fmtAsmLbl ) -- paranoia
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(AbsCLoop)		( fixedHdrSizeInWords, varHdrSizeInWords ) -- paranoia
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(NcgLoop)		( underscorePrefix, fmtAsmLbl ) -- paranoia
 import AbsCSyn		( MagicId(..) ) 
 import AbsCUtils	( magicIdPrimRep )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs
index 32159f1dc986..7493de4e9f8a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ module MachRegs (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import AbsCSyn		( MagicId(..) )
 import AbsCUtils	( magicIdPrimRep )
@@ -331,16 +331,19 @@ cmp_i a1 a2 = if a1 == a2 then EQ_ else if a1 < a2 then LT_ else GT_
 cmp_ihash :: FAST_INT -> FAST_INT -> TAG_
 cmp_ihash a1 a2 = if a1 _EQ_ a2 then EQ_ else if a1 _LT_ a2 then LT_ else GT_
+instance Ord3 Reg where
+    cmp = cmpReg
 instance Eq Reg where
-    a == b = case cmpReg a b of { EQ_ -> True;  _ -> False }
-    a /= b = case cmpReg a b of { EQ_ -> False; _ -> True  }
+    a == b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> True;  _ -> False }
+    a /= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> False; _ -> True  }
 instance Ord Reg where
-    a <= b = case cmpReg a b of { LT_ -> True;	EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> False }
-    a <	 b = case cmpReg a b of { LT_ -> True;	EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> False }
-    a >= b = case cmpReg a b of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> True  }
-    a >	 b = case cmpReg a b of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
-    _tagCmp a b = case cmpReg a b of { LT_ -> _LT; EQ_ -> _EQ; GT__ -> _GT }
+    a <= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;	EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> False }
+    a <	 b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;	EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> False }
+    a >= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> True  }
+    a >	 b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
+    _tagCmp a b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> _LT; EQ_ -> _EQ; GT__ -> _GT }
 instance Uniquable Reg where
     uniqueOf (UnmappedReg u _) = u
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/PprMach.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/PprMach.lhs
index 65a5edc09211..3d4d67954df2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/PprMach.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/PprMach.lhs
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ We start with the @pprXXX@s with some cross-platform commonality
 module PprMach ( pprInstr ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitious-}
 import MachRegs		-- may differ per-platform
 import MachMisc
+import AbsCSyn		( MagicId )
 import CLabel		( pprCLabel_asm, externallyVisibleCLabel )
 import CStrings		( charToC )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
@@ -214,8 +215,8 @@ pprSize x = uppPStr (case x of
 #if sparc_TARGET_ARCH
 	B   -> SLIT("sb")
+	BU  -> SLIT("ub")
 --	HW  -> SLIT("hw") UNUSED
---	BU  -> SLIT("ub") UNUSED
 --	HWU -> SLIT("uhw") UNUSED
 	W   -> SLIT("")
 	F   -> SLIT("")
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/RegAllocInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/RegAllocInfo.lhs
index 93cda5c3a1a0..e650837176f8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/RegAllocInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/RegAllocInfo.lhs
@@ -51,12 +51,13 @@ module RegAllocInfo (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import MachMisc
 import MachRegs
 import MachCode		( InstrList(..) )
+import AbsCSyn		( MagicId )
 import BitSet		( unitBS, mkBS, minusBS, unionBS, listBS, BitSet )
 import CLabel		( pprCLabel_asm, CLabel{-instance Ord-} )
 import FiniteMap	( addToFM, lookupFM )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/Stix.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/Stix.lhs
index f187e9fe1d79..2dd8169c5594 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/Stix.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/Stix.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module Stix (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import AbsCSyn		( node, infoptr, MagicId(..) )
 import AbsCUtils	( magicIdPrimRep )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInfo.lhs
index 82b88c67608f..9afcec5480e3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInfo.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 module StixInfo ( genCodeInfoTable ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitious-}
 import AbsCSyn		( AbstractC(..), CAddrMode, ReturnInfo,
 			  RegRelative, MagicId, CStmtMacro
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInteger.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInteger.lhs
index fe9ec744e88a..5c90139f2c19 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInteger.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixInteger.lhs
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ module StixInteger (
 	encodeFloatingKind, decodeFloatingKind
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import NcgLoop		( amodeToStix )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(NcgLoop)		( amodeToStix )
 import MachMisc
 import MachRegs
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs
index 4e7b47f8a0df..62c5f9762af8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixMacro.lhs
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
 module StixMacro ( macroCode, heapCheck ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitious-}
-import NcgLoop		( amodeToStix )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(NcgLoop)		( amodeToStix )
 import MachMisc
 import MachRegs
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixPrim.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixPrim.lhs
index 01b0404176b8..c986b3117b37 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixPrim.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/StixPrim.lhs
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
 module StixPrim ( primCode, amodeToStix, amodeToStix' ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import NcgLoop		-- paranoia checking only
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(NcgLoop)		-- paranoia checking only
 import MachMisc
 import MachRegs
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ import StixInteger	{- everything -}
 import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, UniqSM(..) )
 import Unpretty		( uppBeside, uppPStr, uppInt )
 import Util		( panic )
+#ifdef REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
+ord = fromEnum :: Char -> Int
 The main honcho here is primCode, which handles the guts of COpStmts.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs
index 9bb3e80a7516..d6ebf181e7d7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 Stuff the Ugenny things show to the parser.
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module UgenAll (
 	-- re-exported Prelude stuff
 	returnUgn, thenUgn,
@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ module UgenAll (
 import PreludeGlaST
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 -- friends:
 import U_binding
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs
index 860c33be3da6..a432c3cf8fa3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module UgenUtil (
 import PreludeGlaST
-import Ubiq
 import Name		( RdrName(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( mkSrcLoc2, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/binding.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/binding.ugn
index 3b130aedae52..b03ba07394ec 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/binding.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/binding.ugn
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 #include "hspincl.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module U_binding where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
+IMP_Ubiq() --  debugging consistency check
 import UgenUtil
 import U_constr
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/constr.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/constr.ugn
index e2d37336cf3a..30cd4381212c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/constr.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/constr.ugn
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 #include "hspincl.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module U_constr where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
+IMP_Ubiq() --  debugging consistency check
 import UgenUtil
 import U_maybe
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/either.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/either.ugn
index a75acf94cb75..f59778cdbaaa 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/either.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/either.ugn
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 #include "hspincl.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module U_either where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
+IMP_Ubiq() --  debugging consistency check
 import UgenUtil
 type either;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/entidt.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/entidt.ugn
index eb661c0c73cb..6ae01e2dc46b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/entidt.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/entidt.ugn
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 #include "hspincl.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module U_entidt where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
+IMP_Ubiq() --  debugging consistency check
 import UgenUtil
 import U_list
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex b/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
index f66949f0a24a..d5c187e05f6e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ O			[0-7]
 H			[0-9A-Fa-f]
 N			{D}+
 F   	    	    	{N}"."{N}(("e"|"E")("+"|"-")?{N})?
-S			[!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~:\xa1-\xbf\xd7\xf7]
+S			[!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|\-~:\xa1-\xbf\xd7\xf7]
 SId			{S}{S}*
 L			[A-Z\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xde]
 l			[a-z\xdf-\xf6\xf8-\xff]
@@ -304,8 +304,13 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
+<Code,GlaExt>"{-#"{WS}*"GENERATE_SPECS" {
+			      /* these are handled by hscpp */
+			      nested_comments =1;
+                              PUSH_STATE(Comment);
+			    }
 <Code,GlaExt>"{-#"{WS}*[A-Z_]+ {
-    	    	    	      fprintf(stderr, "Warning: \"%s\", line %d: Unrecognised pragma '",
+    	    	    	      fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %d: Warning: Unrecognised pragma '",
     	    	    	        input_filename, hsplineno);
     	    	    	      format_string(stderr, (unsigned char *) yytext, yyleng);
     	    	    	      fputs("'\n", stderr);
@@ -888,8 +893,6 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
    This allows unnamed sources to be piped into the parser.
-extern BOOLEAN acceptPrim;
@@ -899,7 +902,7 @@ yyinit(void)
        setyyin _before_ calling yylex for the first time! */
     yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(stdin, YY_BUF_SIZE));
-    if (acceptPrim)
+    if (nonstandardFlag)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y b/ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y
index 50ba88fd23e3..930f6d50d069 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ BOOLEAN inpat;
 		qvarid qconid qvarsym qconsym
 		qvar qcon qvarop qconop qop
 		qvark qconk qtycon qtycls
-		gcon gconk gtycon qop1 qvarop1 
+		gcon gconk gtycon itycon qop1 qvarop1 
 		ename iname 
 %type <ubinding>  topdecl topdecls letdecls
@@ -400,10 +400,16 @@ import_list:
 import	:  var					{ $$ = mkentid(mknoqual($1)); }
-	|  tycon				{ $$ = mkenttype(mknoqual($1)); }
-	|  tycon OPAREN DOTDOT CPAREN		{ $$ = mkenttypeall(mknoqual($1)); }
-	|  tycon OPAREN CPAREN			{ $$ = mkenttypenamed(mknoqual($1),Lnil); }
-	|  tycon OPAREN inames CPAREN		{ $$ = mkenttypenamed(mknoqual($1),$3); }
+	|  itycon				{ $$ = mkenttype($1); }
+	|  itycon OPAREN DOTDOT CPAREN		{ $$ = mkenttypeall($1); }
+	|  itycon OPAREN CPAREN			{ $$ = mkenttypenamed($1,Lnil);}
+	|  itycon OPAREN inames CPAREN		{ $$ = mkenttypenamed($1,$3); }
+	;
+itycon	:  tycon				{ $$ = mknoqual($1); }
+	|  OBRACK CBRACK			{ $$ = creategid(-1); }         
+	|  OPAREN CPAREN			{ $$ = creategid(0); }         
+	|  OPAREN commas CPAREN 		{ $$ = creategid($2); }
 inames  :  iname				{ $$ = lsing($1); }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/list.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/list.ugn
index 6ffd8920c63c..b6c5908e1509 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/list.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/list.ugn
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 #include "hspincl.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module U_list where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
+IMP_Ubiq() --  debugging consistency check
 import UgenUtil
 type list;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/literal.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/literal.ugn
index fea4048ac3ff..49c68b0803d5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/literal.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/literal.ugn
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 #include "hspincl.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module U_literal where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
+IMP_Ubiq() --  debugging consistency check
 import UgenUtil
 type literal;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/maybe.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/maybe.ugn
index a9120832c1f7..cfcf95913120 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/maybe.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/maybe.ugn
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 #include "hspincl.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module U_maybe where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
+IMP_Ubiq() --  debugging consistency check
 import UgenUtil
 type maybe;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/pbinding.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/pbinding.ugn
index 2700417e5a41..f695eac81139 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/pbinding.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/pbinding.ugn
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 #include "hspincl.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module U_pbinding where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
+IMP_Ubiq() --  debugging consistency check
 import UgenUtil
 import U_constr		( U_constr )	-- interface only
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/qid.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/qid.ugn
index f42d5072a696..4ecd7cf3707d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/qid.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/qid.ugn
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 #include "hspincl.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module U_qid where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
+IMP_Ubiq() --  debugging consistency check
 import UgenUtil
 type qid;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn
index fb69ec100cc2..86c5174c781d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 #include "hspincl.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module U_tree where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
+IMP_Ubiq() --  debugging consistency check
 import UgenUtil
 import U_constr		( U_constr )	-- interface only
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/ttype.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/ttype.ugn
index f548b3201e1e..25d451393fc1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/ttype.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/ttype.ugn
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
 #include "hspincl.h"
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module U_ttype where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
+IMP_Ubiq() --  debugging consistency check
 import UgenUtil
 import U_list
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/util.c b/ghc/compiler/parser/util.c
index f8ebc57c09ab..e07cf7dc3c5f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/util.c
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/util.c
@@ -10,24 +10,18 @@
 #include "constants.h"
 #include "utils.h"
-#define PARSER_VERSION "1.3-???"
+#define PARSER_VERSION "2.01 (Haskell 1.3)"
 tree root; 		/* The root of the built syntax tree. */
 list Lnil;
 BOOLEAN nonstandardFlag = FALSE;  /* Set if non-std Haskell extensions to be used. */
-BOOLEAN acceptPrim = FALSE;	  /* Set if Int#, etc., may be used		   */
 BOOLEAN haskell1_2Flag = FALSE;	  /* Set if we are compiling for 1.2    	   */
 BOOLEAN etags = FALSE;		  /* Set if we're parsing only to produce tags.	   */
 BOOLEAN hashIds = FALSE; 	  /* Set if Identifiers should be hashed.          */
 BOOLEAN ignoreSCC = TRUE;         /* Set if we ignore/filter scc expressions.      */
-static BOOLEAN verbose = FALSE;		/* Set for verbose messages. */
-/* Forward decls */
-static void who_am_i PROTO((void));
 *                                                                     *
 *                                                                     *
@@ -48,8 +42,6 @@ process_args(argc,argv)
     BOOLEAN keep_munging_option = FALSE;
-    argc--, argv++;
     while (argc > 0 && argv[0][0] == '-') {
 	keep_munging_option = TRUE;
@@ -57,14 +49,8 @@ process_args(argc,argv)
 	while (keep_munging_option && *++*argv != '\0') {
 	    switch(**argv) {
-	    case 'v':
-		    who_am_i(); /* identify myself */
-		    verbose = TRUE;
-		    break;
 	    case 'N':
 		    nonstandardFlag = TRUE;
-		    acceptPrim = TRUE;
 	    case '2':
@@ -106,12 +92,6 @@ process_args(argc,argv)
 	    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s.\n", argv[1]);
-    if (verbose) {
-	fprintf(stderr,"Hash Table Contains %d entries\n",hash_table_size);
-	if(acceptPrim)
-	  fprintf(stderr,"Allowing special syntax for Unboxed Values\n");
-    }
@@ -122,12 +102,6 @@ error(s)
-static void
-  fprintf(stderr,"Glasgow Haskell parser, version %s\n", PARSER_VERSION);
 lconc(l1, l2)
   list l1;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h b/ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h
index 816304c91385..c4f60a9e75c5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ extern list all;
 extern BOOLEAN nonstandardFlag;
 extern BOOLEAN hashIds;
-extern BOOLEAN acceptPrim;
 extern BOOLEAN etags;
 extern BOOLEAN ignoreSCC;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
index 95af63e27c9e..ccefcf3638ce 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ module PrelInfo (
 	maybeCharLikeTyCon, maybeIntLikeTyCon
     ) where
-import Ubiq
-import PrelLoop		( primOpNameInfo )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(PrelLoop)		( primOpNameInfo )
 -- friends:
 import PrelMods		-- Prelude module names
@@ -119,8 +119,7 @@ builtinNameInfo
 	    -- tycons
 	    map pcTyConWiredInInfo prim_tycons,
 	    map pcTyConWiredInInfo g_tycons,
-	    map pcTyConWiredInInfo data_tycons,
-	    map pcTyConWiredInInfo synonym_tycons
+	    map pcTyConWiredInInfo data_tycons
@@ -174,13 +173,11 @@ g_con_tycons
 min_nonprim_tycon_list 	-- used w/ HideMostBuiltinNames
   = [ boolTyCon
-    , orderingTyCon
     , charTyCon
     , intTyCon
     , floatTyCon
     , doubleTyCon
     , integerTyCon
-    , ratioTyCon
     , liftTyCon
     , return2GMPsTyCon	-- ADR asked for these last two (WDP 94/11)
     , returnIntAndGMPTyCon
@@ -191,16 +188,16 @@ data_tycons
   = [ addrTyCon
     , boolTyCon
     , charTyCon
-    , orderingTyCon
     , doubleTyCon
     , floatTyCon
+    , foreignObjTyCon
     , intTyCon
     , integerTyCon
     , liftTyCon
-    , foreignObjTyCon
-    , ratioTyCon
+    , primIoTyCon
     , return2GMPsTyCon
     , returnIntAndGMPTyCon
+    , stTyCon
     , stablePtrTyCon
     , stateAndAddrPrimTyCon
     , stateAndArrayPrimTyCon
@@ -208,24 +205,17 @@ data_tycons
     , stateAndCharPrimTyCon
     , stateAndDoublePrimTyCon
     , stateAndFloatPrimTyCon
-    , stateAndIntPrimTyCon
     , stateAndForeignObjPrimTyCon
+    , stateAndIntPrimTyCon
     , stateAndMutableArrayPrimTyCon
     , stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimTyCon
-    , stateAndSynchVarPrimTyCon
     , stateAndPtrPrimTyCon
     , stateAndStablePtrPrimTyCon
+    , stateAndSynchVarPrimTyCon
     , stateAndWordPrimTyCon
     , stateTyCon
     , wordTyCon
-  = [ primIoTyCon
-    , rationalTyCon
-    , stTyCon
-    , stringTyCon
-    ]
 The WiredIn Ids ...
@@ -318,12 +308,28 @@ For the Ids we may also have some builtin IdInfo.
 id_keys_infos :: [((FAST_STRING,Module), Unique, Maybe IdInfo)]
-  = [ ((SLIT("main"),SLIT("Main")),	  mainIdKey,	   Nothing)
+  = [ -- here so we can check the type of main/mainPrimIO
+      ((SLIT("main"),SLIT("Main")),	  mainIdKey,	   Nothing)
     , ((SLIT("mainPrimIO"),SLIT("Main")), mainPrimIOIdKey, Nothing)
+      -- here because we use them in derived instances
+    , ((SLIT("&&"), 	     pRELUDE),	andandIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , ((SLIT("."),  	     pRELUDE),	composeIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , ((SLIT("lex"), 	     pRELUDE),	lexIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , ((SLIT("not"), 	     pRELUDE),	notIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , ((SLIT("readParen"),   pRELUDE),	readParenIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , ((SLIT("showParen"),   pRELUDE),	showParenIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , ((SLIT("showString"),  pRELUDE),	showStringIdKey,Nothing)
+    , ((SLIT("__readList"),  pRELUDE),	ureadListIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , ((SLIT("__showList"),  pRELUDE),	ushowListIdKey,	Nothing)
+    , ((SLIT("__showSpace"), pRELUDE),	showSpaceIdKey,	Nothing)
-  = [ ((SLIT("IO"),pRELUDE), (iOTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
+  = [ ((SLIT("IO"),pRELUDE),       (iOTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
+    , ((SLIT("Rational"),rATIO),   (rationalTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
+    , ((SLIT("Ratio"),rATIO),      (ratioTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
+    , ((SLIT("Ordering"),pRELUDE), (orderingTyConKey, RnImplicitTyCon))
 -- this "class_keys" list *must* include:
@@ -351,8 +357,8 @@ class_keys
     , ((SLIT("MonadZero"),pRELUDE),	monadZeroClassKey)
     , ((SLIT("MonadPlus"),pRELUDE),	monadPlusClassKey)
     , ((SLIT("Functor"),pRELUDE),	functorClassKey)
-    , ((SLIT("CCallable"),pRELUDE),	cCallableClassKey)	-- mentioned, ccallish
-    , ((SLIT("CReturnable"),pRELUDE), 	cReturnableClassKey)	-- mentioned, ccallish
+    , ((SLIT("_CCallable"),pRELUDE),	cCallableClassKey)	-- mentioned, ccallish
+    , ((SLIT("_CReturnable"),pRELUDE), 	cReturnableClassKey)	-- mentioned, ccallish
@@ -365,6 +371,8 @@ class_op_keys
     , ((SLIT("enumFromTo"),pRELUDE),	enumFromToClassOpKey)
     , ((SLIT("enumFromThenTo"),pRELUDE),enumFromThenToClassOpKey)
     , ((SLIT("=="),pRELUDE),		eqClassOpKey)
+    , ((SLIT(">>="),pRELUDE),		thenMClassOpKey)
+    , ((SLIT("zero"),pRELUDE),		zeroClassOpKey)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs
index 17bef6a65b29..da5b7118ce8b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs
@@ -40,4 +40,7 @@ iX = SLIT("Ix")
 fromPrelude :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
 fromPrelude s = (_SUBSTR_ s 0 6 == SLIT("Prelude"))
+  where
+    substr str beg end
+      = take (end - beg + 1) (drop beg str)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
index 0ce975e5ef67..9ae53002c9f4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
 module PrelVals where
-import Ubiq
-import IdLoop		( UnfoldingGuidance(..) )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)		( UnfoldingGuidance(..) )
 import Id		( Id(..), GenId, mkPreludeId, mkTemplateLocals )
-import PrelLoop
 -- friends:
 import PrelMods
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import IdInfo		-- quite a bit
 import Literal		( mkMachInt )
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..) )
 import SpecEnv		( SpecEnv(..), nullSpecEnv )
-import TyVar		( alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar )
+import TyVar		( openAlphaTyVar, alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar )
 import Unique		-- lots of *Keys
 import Util		( panic )
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ pAR_ERROR_ID
     (mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] [] alphaTy) noIdInfo
 errorTy  :: Type
-errorTy  = mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] [] (mkFunTys [mkListTy charTy] alphaTy)
+errorTy  = mkSigmaTy [openAlphaTyVar] [] (mkFunTys [mkListTy charTy] alphaTy)
 We want \tr{_trace} (NB: name not in user namespace) to be wired in
@@ -481,16 +481,12 @@ lex		:: ReadS String
 %*									*
-\subsection[PrelVals-void]{@void#@: Magic value of type @Void#@}
+\subsection[PrelVals-void]{@void@: Magic value of type @Void@}
 %*									*
-I don't think this is available to the user; it's used in the
-simplifier (WDP 94/06).
-  = pcMiscPrelId voidPrimIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("void#")
-	voidPrimTy noIdInfo
+voidId = pcMiscPrelId voidIdKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_void") voidTy noIdInfo
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
index d02f5e19a74b..6527a7e62b98 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ module PrimOp (
 	pprPrimOp, showPrimOp
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import PrimRep		-- most of it
 import TysPrim
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import TysWiredIn
 import CStrings		( identToC )
 import CgCompInfo   	( mIN_MP_INT_SIZE, mP_STRUCT_SIZE )
 import HeapOffs		( addOff, intOff, totHdrSize )
-import PprStyle		( codeStyle )
+import PprStyle		( codeStyle, PprStyle(..){-ToDo:rm-} )
 import PprType		( pprParendGenType, GenTyVar{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Pretty
 import SMRep	    	( SMRep(..), SMSpecRepKind(..), SMUpdateKind(..) )
@@ -1310,6 +1310,12 @@ primOpInfo ParAtRelOp	-- parAtRel# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a
 primOpInfo ParAtForNowOp	-- parAtForNow# :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> b -> c -> c
   = AlgResult SLIT("parAtForNow#")	[alphaTyVar,betaTyVar,gammaTyVar] [alphaTy,betaTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,intPrimTy,gammaTy] liftTyCon [gammaTy]
+primOpInfo CopyableOp	-- copyable# :: a -> a
+  = AlgResult SLIT("copyable#")	[alphaTyVar] [alphaTy] liftTyCon [alphaTy]
+primOpInfo NoFollowOp	-- noFollow# :: a -> a
+  = AlgResult SLIT("noFollow#")	[alphaTyVar] [alphaTy] liftTyCon [alphaTy]
@@ -1335,8 +1341,12 @@ primOpInfo ErrorIOPrimOp -- errorIO# :: PrimIO () -> State# RealWorld#
 primOpInfo (CCallOp _ _ _ arg_tys result_ty)
   = AlgResult SLIT("ccall#") [] arg_tys result_tycon tys_applied
-    (result_tycon, tys_applied, _) = _trace "PrimOp.getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts" $
+    (result_tycon, tys_applied, _) = -- _trace "PrimOp.getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts" $
 				     getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts result_ty
+#ifdef DEBUG
+primOpInfo op = panic ("primOpInfo:"++ show (I# (tagOf_PrimOp op)))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimRep.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimRep.lhs
index 1a6d45e5e138..94ab0c50f2f7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimRep.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimRep.lhs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module PrimRep (
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import Pretty		-- pretty-printing code
 import Util
@@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ data PrimRep
 			-- (Primitive states are mapped onto this)
   deriving (Eq, Ord)
 	-- Kinds are used in PrimTyCons, which need both Eq and Ord
-	-- Text is needed for derived-Text on PrimitiveOps
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
index 28b457121928..876048f4d9ce 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ types and operations.''
 module TysPrim where
-import Ubiq
-import Kind		( mkUnboxedTypeKind, mkBoxedTypeKind )
+import Kind		( mkUnboxedTypeKind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind, mkArrowKind )
 import Name		( mkBuiltinName )
 import PrelMods		( pRELUDE_BUILTIN )
 import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) )	-- getPrimRepInfo uses PrimRep repn
@@ -38,31 +38,34 @@ alphaTys = mkTyVarTys alphaTyVars
 -- only used herein
-pcPrimTyCon :: Unique{-TyConKey-} -> FAST_STRING
-	    -> Int -> ([PrimRep] -> PrimRep) -> TyCon
-pcPrimTyCon key str arity{-UNUSED-} kind_fn{-UNUSED-}
-  = mkPrimTyCon name mkUnboxedTypeKind
+pcPrimTyCon :: Unique{-TyConKey-} -> FAST_STRING -> Int -> PrimRep -> TyCon
+pcPrimTyCon key str arity primrep
+  = mkPrimTyCon name (mk_kind arity) primrep
     name = mkBuiltinName key pRELUDE_BUILTIN str
+    mk_kind 0 = mkUnboxedTypeKind
+    mk_kind n = mkTypeKind `mkArrowKind` mk_kind (n-1)
 charPrimTy	= applyTyCon charPrimTyCon []
-charPrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon charPrimTyConKey SLIT("Char#") 0 (\ [] -> CharRep)
+charPrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon charPrimTyConKey SLIT("Char#") 0 CharRep
 intPrimTy	= applyTyCon intPrimTyCon []
-intPrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon intPrimTyConKey SLIT("Int#") 0 (\ [] -> IntRep)
+intPrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon intPrimTyConKey SLIT("Int#") 0 IntRep
 wordPrimTy	= applyTyCon wordPrimTyCon []
-wordPrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon wordPrimTyConKey SLIT("Word#") 0 (\ [] -> WordRep)
+wordPrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon wordPrimTyConKey SLIT("Word#") 0 WordRep
 addrPrimTy	= applyTyCon addrPrimTyCon []
-addrPrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon addrPrimTyConKey SLIT("Addr#") 0 (\ [] -> AddrRep)
+addrPrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon addrPrimTyConKey SLIT("Addr#") 0 AddrRep
 floatPrimTy	= applyTyCon floatPrimTyCon []
-floatPrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon floatPrimTyConKey SLIT("Float#") 0 (\ [] -> FloatRep)
+floatPrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon floatPrimTyConKey SLIT("Float#") 0 FloatRep
 doublePrimTy	= applyTyCon doublePrimTyCon []
-doublePrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon doublePrimTyConKey SLIT("Double#") 0 (\ [] -> DoubleRep)
+doublePrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon doublePrimTyConKey SLIT("Double#") 0 DoubleRep
 @PrimitiveKinds@ are used in @PrimitiveOps@, for which we often need
@@ -85,32 +88,29 @@ getPrimRepInfo DoubleRep = ("Double", doublePrimTy, doublePrimTyCon)
 %*									*
-\subsection[TysPrim-void]{The @Void#@ type}
+\subsection[TysPrim-state]{The @State#@ type (and @_RealWorld@ types)}
 %*									*
-Very similar to the @State#@ type.
-voidPrimTy = applyTyCon voidPrimTyCon []
-  where
-   voidPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon voidPrimTyConKey SLIT("Void#") 0
-			(\ [] -> VoidRep)
+State# is the primitive, unboxed type of states.  It has one type parameter,
+	State# RealWorld
+	State# s
-%*									*
-\subsection[TysPrim-state]{The @State#@ type (and @_RealWorld@ types)}
-%*									*
+where s is a type variable. The only purpose of the type parameter is to
+keep different state threads separate.  It is represented by nothing at all.
 mkStatePrimTy ty = applyTyCon statePrimTyCon [ty]
-statePrimTyCon	 = pcPrimTyCon statePrimTyConKey SLIT("State#") 1
-			(\ [s_kind] -> VoidRep)
+statePrimTyCon	 = pcPrimTyCon statePrimTyConKey SLIT("State#") 1 VoidRep
 @_RealWorld@ is deeply magical.  It {\em is primitive}, but it
 {\em is not unboxed}.
+We never manipulate values of type RealWorld; it's only used in the type
+system, to parameterise State#.
 realWorldTy = applyTyCon realWorldTyCon []
@@ -136,17 +136,13 @@ defined in \tr{TysWiredIn.lhs}, not here.
-arrayPrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon arrayPrimTyConKey SLIT("Array#") 1
-			(\ [elt_kind] -> ArrayRep)
+arrayPrimTyCon	= pcPrimTyCon arrayPrimTyConKey SLIT("Array#") 1 ArrayRep
-byteArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon byteArrayPrimTyConKey SLIT("ByteArray#") 0
-			(\ [] -> ByteArrayRep)
+byteArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon byteArrayPrimTyConKey SLIT("ByteArray#") 0 ByteArrayRep
-mutableArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mutableArrayPrimTyConKey SLIT("MutableArray#") 2
-			(\ [s_kind, elt_kind] -> ArrayRep)
+mutableArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mutableArrayPrimTyConKey SLIT("MutableArray#") 2 ArrayRep
-mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mutableByteArrayPrimTyConKey SLIT("MutableByteArray#") 1
-			(\ [s_kind] -> ByteArrayRep)
+mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon mutableByteArrayPrimTyConKey SLIT("MutableByteArray#") 1 ByteArrayRep
 mkArrayPrimTy elt    	    = applyTyCon arrayPrimTyCon [elt]
 byteArrayPrimTy	    	    = applyTyCon byteArrayPrimTyCon []
@@ -161,8 +157,7 @@ mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy s  = applyTyCon mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon [s]
-synchVarPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon synchVarPrimTyConKey SLIT("SynchVar#") 2
-			(\ [s_kind, elt_kind] -> PtrRep)
+synchVarPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon synchVarPrimTyConKey SLIT("SynchVar#") 2 PtrRep
 mkSynchVarPrimTy s elt 	    = applyTyCon synchVarPrimTyCon [s, elt]
@@ -174,8 +169,7 @@ mkSynchVarPrimTy s elt 	    = applyTyCon synchVarPrimTyCon [s, elt]
-stablePtrPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon stablePtrPrimTyConKey SLIT("StablePtr#") 1
-			(\ [elt_kind] -> StablePtrRep)
+stablePtrPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon stablePtrPrimTyConKey SLIT("StablePtr#") 1 StablePtrRep
 mkStablePtrPrimTy ty = applyTyCon stablePtrPrimTyCon [ty]
@@ -202,6 +196,5 @@ could possibly be added?)
 foreignObjPrimTy    = applyTyCon foreignObjPrimTyCon []
-foreignObjPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon foreignObjPrimTyConKey SLIT("ForeignObj#") 0
-			(\ [] -> ForeignObjRep)
+foreignObjPrimTyCon = pcPrimTyCon foreignObjPrimTyConKey SLIT("ForeignObj#") 0 ForeignObjRep
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
index a4623c2fd219..04b3e4996e74 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
@@ -25,13 +25,11 @@ module TysWiredIn (
-	eqDataCon,
-	gtDataCon,
@@ -41,7 +39,6 @@ module TysWiredIn (
-	ltDataCon,
@@ -49,13 +46,7 @@ module TysWiredIn (
-	orderingTy,
-	orderingTyCon,
-	ratioDataCon,
-	ratioTyCon,
-	rationalTy,
-	rationalTyCon,
@@ -78,7 +69,6 @@ module TysWiredIn (
-	stringTyCon,
 	voidTy, voidTyCon,
@@ -95,8 +85,8 @@ module TysWiredIn (
 --import PprStyle
 --import Kind
-import Ubiq
-import TyLoop		( mkDataCon, StrictnessMark(..) )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(TyLoop)		( mkDataCon, StrictnessMark(..) )
 -- friends:
 import PrelMods
@@ -110,8 +100,8 @@ import SrcLoc		( mkBuiltinSrcLoc )
 import TyCon		( mkDataTyCon, mkTupleTyCon, mkSynTyCon,
 			  NewOrData(..), TyCon
-import Type		( mkTyConTy, applyTyCon, mkSynTy, mkSigmaTy,
-			  mkFunTys, maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts,
+import Type		( mkTyConTy, applyTyCon, mkSigmaTy,
+			  mkFunTys, maybeAppTyCon,
 			  GenType(..), ThetaType(..), TauType(..) )
 import TyVar		( tyVarKind, alphaTyVar, betaTyVar )
 import Unique
@@ -122,12 +112,21 @@ addOneToSpecEnv =  error "TysWiredIn:addOneToSpecEnv =  "
 pc_gen_specs = error "TysWiredIn:pc_gen_specs  "
 mkSpecInfo = error "TysWiredIn:SpecInfo"
-pcDataTyCon :: Unique{-TyConKey-} -> Module -> FAST_STRING
-            -> [TyVar] -> [Id] -> TyCon
-pcDataTyCon key mod str tyvars cons
+alpha_tyvar	  = [alphaTyVar]
+alpha_ty	  = [alphaTy]
+alpha_beta_tyvars = [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar]
+pcDataTyCon, pcNewTyCon
+	:: Unique{-TyConKey-} -> Module -> FAST_STRING
+	-> [TyVar] -> [Id] -> TyCon
+pcDataTyCon = pc_tycon DataType
+pcNewTyCon  = pc_tycon NewType
+pc_tycon new_or_data key mod str tyvars cons
   = mkDataTyCon (mkBuiltinName key mod str) tycon_kind 
 		tyvars [{-no context-}] cons [{-no derivings-}]
-		DataType
+		new_or_data
     tycon_kind = foldr (mkArrowKind . tyVarKind) mkBoxedTypeKind tyvars
@@ -155,6 +154,13 @@ pcGenerateDataSpecs ty
 -- The Void type is represented as a data type with no constructors
+-- It's a built in type (i.e. there's no way to define it in Haskell
+--	the nearest would be
+--		data Void =		-- No constructors!
+-- It's boxed; there is only one value of this
+-- type, namely "void", whose semantics is just bottom.
 voidTy = mkTyConTy voidTyCon
 voidTyCon = pcDataTyCon voidTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("Void") [] []
@@ -206,20 +212,20 @@ doubleDataCon = pcDataCon doubleDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("D#") [] [] [dou
 mkStateTy ty	 = applyTyCon stateTyCon [ty]
 realWorldStateTy = mkStateTy realWorldTy -- a common use
-stateTyCon = pcDataTyCon stateTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_State") [alphaTyVar] [stateDataCon]
+stateTyCon = pcDataTyCon stateTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_State") alpha_tyvar [stateDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("S#")
-	[alphaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy] stateTyCon nullSpecEnv
+	alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy] stateTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stablePtrTyConKey gLASGOW_MISC SLIT("_StablePtr")
-	[alphaTyVar] [stablePtrDataCon]
+	alpha_tyvar [stablePtrDataCon]
       = pcDataCon stablePtrDataConKey gLASGOW_MISC SLIT("_StablePtr")
-	    [alphaTyVar] [] [mkStablePtrPrimTy alphaTy] stablePtrTyCon nullSpecEnv
+	    alpha_tyvar [] [mkStablePtrPrimTy alphaTy] stablePtrTyCon nullSpecEnv
@@ -283,118 +289,118 @@ We fish one of these \tr{StateAnd<blah>#} things with
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndPtrPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndPtr#")
-		[alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [stateAndPtrPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_beta_tyvars [stateAndPtrPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndPtrPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndPtr#")
-		[alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, betaTy]
+		alpha_beta_tyvars [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, betaTy]
 		stateAndPtrPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndCharPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndChar#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [stateAndCharPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_tyvar [stateAndCharPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndCharPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndChar#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, charPrimTy]
+		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, charPrimTy]
 		stateAndCharPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndIntPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndInt#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [stateAndIntPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_tyvar [stateAndIntPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndIntPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndInt#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, intPrimTy]
+		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, intPrimTy]
 		stateAndIntPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndWordPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndWord#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [stateAndWordPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_tyvar [stateAndWordPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndWordPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndWord#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, wordPrimTy]
+		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, wordPrimTy]
 		stateAndWordPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndAddrPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndAddr#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [stateAndAddrPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_tyvar [stateAndAddrPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndAddrPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndAddr#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, addrPrimTy]
+		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, addrPrimTy]
 		stateAndAddrPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndStablePtrPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndStablePtr#")
-		[alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [stateAndStablePtrPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_beta_tyvars [stateAndStablePtrPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndStablePtrPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndStablePtr#")
-		[alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
+		alpha_beta_tyvars []
 		[mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, applyTyCon stablePtrPrimTyCon [betaTy]]
 		stateAndStablePtrPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndForeignObjPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndForeignObj#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [stateAndForeignObjPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_tyvar [stateAndForeignObjPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndForeignObjPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndForeignObj#")
-		[alphaTyVar] []
+		alpha_tyvar []
 		[mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, applyTyCon foreignObjPrimTyCon []]
 		stateAndForeignObjPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndFloatPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndFloat#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [stateAndFloatPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_tyvar [stateAndFloatPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndFloatPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndFloat#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, floatPrimTy]
+		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, floatPrimTy]
 		stateAndFloatPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndDoublePrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndDouble#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [stateAndDoublePrimDataCon]
+		alpha_tyvar [stateAndDoublePrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndDoublePrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndDouble#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, doublePrimTy]
+		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, doublePrimTy]
 		stateAndDoublePrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndArrayPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndArray#")
-		[alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [stateAndArrayPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_beta_tyvars [stateAndArrayPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndArrayPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndArray#")
-		[alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, mkArrayPrimTy betaTy]
+		alpha_beta_tyvars [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, mkArrayPrimTy betaTy]
 		stateAndArrayPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndMutableArrayPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndMutableArray#")
-		[alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [stateAndMutableArrayPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_beta_tyvars [stateAndMutableArrayPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndMutableArrayPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndMutableArray#")
-		[alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, mkMutableArrayPrimTy alphaTy betaTy]
+		alpha_beta_tyvars [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, mkMutableArrayPrimTy alphaTy betaTy]
 		stateAndMutableArrayPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndByteArrayPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndByteArray#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [stateAndByteArrayPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_tyvar [stateAndByteArrayPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndByteArrayPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndByteArray#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, byteArrayPrimTy]
+		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, byteArrayPrimTy]
 		stateAndByteArrayPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndMutableByteArray#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_tyvar [stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndMutableByteArray#")
-		[alphaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, applyTyCon mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon [alphaTy]]
+		alpha_tyvar [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, applyTyCon mutableByteArrayPrimTyCon alpha_ty]
 		stateAndMutableByteArrayPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
   = pcDataTyCon stateAndSynchVarPrimTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndSynchVar#")
-		[alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [stateAndSynchVarPrimDataCon]
+		alpha_beta_tyvars [stateAndSynchVarPrimDataCon]
   = pcDataCon stateAndSynchVarPrimDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("StateAndSynchVar#")
-		[alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, mkSynchVarPrimTy alphaTy betaTy]
+		alpha_beta_tyvars [] [mkStatePrimTy alphaTy, mkSynchVarPrimTy alphaTy betaTy]
 		stateAndSynchVarPrimTyCon nullSpecEnv
@@ -409,9 +415,9 @@ getStatePairingConInfo
 	    Type)	-- type of state pair
 getStatePairingConInfo prim_ty
-  = case (maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts prim_ty) of
+  = case (maybeAppTyCon prim_ty) of
       Nothing -> panic "getStatePairingConInfo:1"
-      Just (prim_tycon, tys_applied, _) ->
+      Just (prim_tycon, tys_applied) ->
 	    (pair_con, pair_tycon, num_tys) = assoc "getStatePairingConInfo" tbl prim_tycon
 	    pair_ty = applyTyCon pair_tycon (realWorldTy : drop num_tys tys_applied)
@@ -445,17 +451,14 @@ getStatePairingConInfo prim_ty
 This is really just an ordinary synonym, except it is ABSTRACT.
-mkStateTransformerTy s a = mkSynTy stTyCon [s, a]
-  = let
-	ty = mkFunTys [mkStateTy alphaTy] (mkTupleTy 2 [betaTy, mkStateTy alphaTy])
-    in
-    mkSynTyCon
-     (mkBuiltinName stTyConKey gLASGOW_ST SLIT("_ST"))
-     (mkBoxedTypeKind `mkArrowKind` (mkBoxedTypeKind `mkArrowKind` mkBoxedTypeKind))
-     2 [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar]
-     ty
+mkStateTransformerTy s a = applyTyCon stTyCon [s, a]
+stTyCon = pcNewTyCon stTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("_ST") alpha_beta_tyvars [stDataCon]
+  where
+    ty = mkFunTys [mkStateTy alphaTy] (mkTupleTy 2 [betaTy, mkStateTy alphaTy])
+    stDataCon = pcDataCon stDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT("_ST")
+			alpha_beta_tyvars [] [ty] stTyCon nullSpecEnv
@@ -467,17 +470,14 @@ stTyCon
 @PrimIO@ and @IO@ really are just plain synonyms.
-mkPrimIoTy a = mkSynTy primIoTyCon [a]
-  = let
-	ty = mkStateTransformerTy realWorldTy alphaTy
-    in
---  pprTrace "primIOTyCon:" (ppCat [pprType PprDebug ty, ppr PprDebug (typeKind ty)]) $
-    mkSynTyCon
-     (mkBuiltinName primIoTyConKey pRELUDE_PRIMIO SLIT("PrimIO"))
-     (mkBoxedTypeKind `mkArrowKind` mkBoxedTypeKind)
-     1 [alphaTyVar] ty
+mkPrimIoTy a = applyTyCon primIoTyCon [a]
+primIoTyCon = pcNewTyCon primIoTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("_PrimIO") alpha_tyvar [primIoDataCon]
+  where
+    ty = mkFunTys [mkStateTy realWorldTy] (mkTupleTy 2 [alphaTy, mkStateTy realWorldTy])
+    primIoDataCon = pcDataCon primIoDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT("_PrimIO")
+			alpha_tyvar [] [ty] primIoTyCon nullSpecEnv
@@ -537,27 +537,6 @@ falseDataCon = pcDataCon falseDataConKey pRELUDE SLIT("False") [] [] [] boolTyCo
 trueDataCon  = pcDataCon trueDataConKey	 pRELUDE SLIT("True")  [] [] [] boolTyCon nullSpecEnv
-%*									*
-\subsection[TysWiredIn-Ordering]{The @Ordering@ type}
-%*									*
--- data Ordering = LT | EQ | GT deriving ()
-orderingTy = mkTyConTy orderingTyCon
-orderingTyCon = pcDataTyCon orderingTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("Ordering") []
-		            [ltDataCon, eqDataCon, gtDataCon]
-ltDataCon  = pcDataCon ltDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("LT") [] [] [] orderingTyCon nullSpecEnv
-eqDataCon  = pcDataCon eqDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("EQ") [] [] [] orderingTyCon nullSpecEnv
-gtDataCon  = pcDataCon gtDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("GT") [] [] [] orderingTyCon nullSpecEnv
 %*									*
 \subsection[TysWiredIn-List]{The @List@ type (incl ``build'' magic)}
@@ -577,15 +556,15 @@ ToDo: data () = ()
 mkListTy :: GenType t u -> GenType t u
 mkListTy ty = applyTyCon listTyCon [ty]
-alphaListTy = mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] [] (applyTyCon listTyCon [alphaTy])
+alphaListTy = mkSigmaTy alpha_tyvar [] (applyTyCon listTyCon alpha_ty)
 listTyCon = pcDataTyCon listTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("[]") 
-			[alphaTyVar] [nilDataCon, consDataCon]
+			alpha_tyvar [nilDataCon, consDataCon]
-nilDataCon  = pcDataCon nilDataConKey  pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("[]") [alphaTyVar] [] [] listTyCon
+nilDataCon  = pcDataCon nilDataConKey  pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("[]") alpha_tyvar [] [] listTyCon
 		(pcGenerateDataSpecs alphaListTy)
 consDataCon = pcDataCon consDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT(":")
-		[alphaTyVar] [] [alphaTy, applyTyCon listTyCon [alphaTy]] listTyCon
+		alpha_tyvar [] [alphaTy, applyTyCon listTyCon alpha_ty] listTyCon
 		(pcGenerateDataSpecs alphaListTy)
 -- Interesting: polymorphic recursion would help here.
 -- We can't use (mkListTy alphaTy) in the defn of consDataCon, else mkListTy
@@ -646,33 +625,6 @@ mkTupleTy arity tys = applyTyCon (mkTupleTyCon arity) tys
 unitTy    = mkTupleTy 0 []
-%*									*
-\subsection[TysWiredIn-Ratios]{@Ratio@ and @Rational@}
-%*									*
-ToDo: make this (mostly) go away.
-rationalTy :: GenType t u
-mkRatioTy ty = applyTyCon ratioTyCon [ty]
-rationalTy   = mkRatioTy integerTy
-ratioTyCon = pcDataTyCon ratioTyConKey rATIO SLIT("Ratio") [alphaTyVar] [ratioDataCon]
-ratioDataCon = pcDataCon ratioDataConKey rATIO SLIT(":%")
-		[alphaTyVar] [{-(integralClass,alphaTy)-}] [alphaTy, alphaTy] ratioTyCon nullSpecEnv
-	-- context omitted to match lib/prelude/ defn of "data Ratio ..."
-  = mkSynTyCon
-      (mkBuiltinName rationalTyConKey rATIO SLIT("Rational"))
-      mkBoxedTypeKind
-      0	[] rationalTy -- == mkRatioTy integerTy
 %*									*
 \subsection[TysWiredIn-_Lift]{@_Lift@ type: to support array indexing}
@@ -699,14 +651,14 @@ isLiftTy ty
-alphaLiftTy = mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] [] (applyTyCon liftTyCon [alphaTy])
+alphaLiftTy = mkSigmaTy alpha_tyvar [] (applyTyCon liftTyCon alpha_ty)
-  = pcDataTyCon liftTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_Lift") [alphaTyVar] [liftDataCon]
+  = pcDataTyCon liftTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_Lift") alpha_tyvar [liftDataCon]
   = pcDataCon liftDataConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_Lift")
-		[alphaTyVar] [] [alphaTy] liftTyCon
+		alpha_tyvar [] alpha_ty liftTyCon
 		((pcGenerateDataSpecs alphaLiftTy) `addOneToSpecEnv`
 		 (mkSpecInfo [Just realWorldStatePrimTy] 0 bottom))
@@ -722,10 +674,4 @@ liftDataCon
 stringTy = mkListTy charTy
- = mkSynTyCon
-     (mkBuiltinName stringTyConKey pRELUDE SLIT("String"))
-     mkBoxedTypeKind
-     0 [] stringTy
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs b/ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
index 2740a5b6b86f..ad36f041f310 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module CostCentre (
 	cmpCostCentre	-- used for removing dups in a list
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Id		( externallyVisibleId, GenId, Id(..) )
 import CStrings		( identToC, stringToC )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs
index caa46c28d5a7..331c37189bde 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ This is a Core-to-Core pass (usually run {\em last}).
 module SCCauto ( addAutoCostCentres ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_AutoSccsOnAllToplevs,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs
index 970264567c2c..7a61c5520d10 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCfinal.lhs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ This is now a sort-of-normal STG-to-STG pass (WDP 94/06), run by stg2stg.
 module SCCfinal ( stgMassageForProfiling ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import StgSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs
index e6c65c48a308..8cd388bd0673 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs
@@ -22,12 +22,16 @@ module PrefixSyn (
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn
 import RdrHsSyn
 import Util		( panic )
+#ifdef REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
+ord = fromEnum :: Char -> Int
 type RdrId   = RdrName
 type SrcLine = Int
 type SrcFile = FAST_STRING
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs
index c638ca2f5239..2f229553f881 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module PrefixToHs (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import PrefixSyn	-- and various syntaxen.
 import HsSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
index e884ce0de9ea..cd0ae20ef966 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ module RdrHsSyn (
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn
 import Name		( ExportFlag(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
index b35b926185bf..88ddda049db3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
@@ -6,11 +6,9 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
-module ReadPrefix (
-	rdModule
-    )  where
+module ReadPrefix ( rdModule )  where
-import Ubiq
 import UgenAll		-- all Yacc parser gumpff...
 import PrefixSyn	-- and various syntaxen.
@@ -24,7 +22,7 @@ import ErrUtils		( addErrLoc, ghcExit )
 import FiniteMap	( elemFM, FiniteMap )
 import Name		( RdrName(..), isRdrLexConOrSpecial )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
-import PrelMods		( fromPrelude )
+import PrelMods		( fromPrelude, pRELUDE )
 import Pretty
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 import Util		( nOfThem, pprError, panic )
@@ -307,7 +305,14 @@ wlkExpr expr
       U_negate nexp ->	 		-- prefix negation
 	wlkExpr nexp	`thenUgn` \ expr ->
-	returnUgn (NegApp expr (HsVar (Qual SLIT("Prelude") SLIT("negate"))))
+	-- this is a hack
+	let
+	    neg = SLIT("negate")
+	    rdr = if opt_CompilingPrelude
+	    	  then Unqual neg
+		  else Qual   pRELUDE neg
+	in
+	returnUgn (NegApp expr (HsVar rdr))
       U_llist llist -> -- explicit list
 	wlkList rdExpr llist `thenUgn` \ exprs ->
@@ -359,7 +364,13 @@ wlkPat pat
   = case pat of
       U_par ppat -> 			-- parenthesised pattern
 	wlkPat ppat	`thenUgn` \ pat ->
-	returnUgn (ParPatIn pat)
+	-- tidy things up a little:
+	returnUgn (
+	case pat of
+	  VarPatIn _ -> pat
+	  WildPatIn  -> pat
+	  other	     -> ParPatIn pat
+	)
       U_as avar as_pat -> 		-- "as" pattern
 	wlkQid avar	`thenUgn` \ var ->
@@ -453,7 +464,7 @@ wlkLiteral :: U_literal -> UgnM HsLit
 wlkLiteral ulit
   = returnUgn (
     case ulit of
-      U_integer    s -> HsInt	       (as_integer  s)
+      U_integer    s -> HsInt	     (as_integer  s)
       U_floatr     s -> HsFrac       (as_rational s)
       U_intprim    s -> HsIntPrim    (as_integer  s)
       U_doubleprim s -> HsDoublePrim (as_rational s)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
index bd7dc9d3a7f2..86c467545aef 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.y
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 module ParseIface ( parseIface ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import ParseUtils
@@ -362,6 +362,7 @@ iname		:: { FAST_STRING }
 iname		:  VARID		{ $1 }
 		|  CONID		{ $1 }
+		|  OPAREN BANG   CPAREN	{ SLIT("!"){-sigh, double-sigh-} }
 qiname		:: { RdrName }
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs
index d095ce9d434c..e3fde6b2ac80 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/ParseUtils.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module ParseUtils where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import HsSyn		-- quite a bit of stuff
 import RdrHsSyn		-- oodles of synonyms
@@ -278,8 +278,14 @@ lexIface str
 	ITinteger (read num) : lexIface rest }
-    is_var_sym '_' = True
-    is_var_sym c   = isAlphanum c
+    is_var_sym '_'  = True
+    is_var_sym '\'' = True
+    is_var_sym '#'  = True -- for Glasgow-extended names
+    is_var_sym c    = isAlphanum c
+    is_var_sym1 '\'' = False
+    is_var_sym1 '#'  = False
+    is_var_sym1 c    = is_var_sym c
     is_sym_sym c = c `elem` ":!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~" -- ToDo: add ISOgraphic
@@ -287,16 +293,17 @@ lexIface str
     lex_word str@(c:cs) -- we know we have a capital letter to start
       = -- we first try for "<module>." on the front...
 	case (module_dot str) of
-	  Nothing       -> lex_name Nothing  is_var_sym  str
+	  Nothing       -> lex_name Nothing  (in_the_club str)  str
 	  Just (m,rest) -> lex_name (Just m) (in_the_club rest) rest
-	    where
-	      in_the_club []    = panic "lex_word:in_the_club"
-	      in_the_club (c:_) | isAlpha    c = is_var_sym
-				| is_sym_sym c = is_sym_sym
-				| otherwise    = panic ("lex_word:in_the_club="++[c])
+      where
+	in_the_club []    = panic "lex_word:in_the_club"
+	in_the_club (c:_) | isAlpha    c = is_var_sym
+			  | c == '_'     = is_var_sym
+			  | is_sym_sym c = is_sym_sym
+			  | otherwise    = panic ("lex_word:in_the_club="++[c])
     module_dot (c:cs)
-      = if not (isUpper c) then
+      = if not (isUpper c) || c == '\'' then
 	   case (span is_var_sym cs) of { (word, rest) ->
@@ -309,8 +316,15 @@ lexIface str
     lex_name module_dot in_the_club str
       =	case (span in_the_club str)     of { (word, rest) ->
 	case (lookupFM keywordsFM word) of
-	  Just xx -> ASSERT( not (maybeToBool module_dot) )
-		     xx : lexIface rest
+	  Just xx -> let
+			cont = xx : lexIface rest
+		     in
+		     case xx of
+		       ITbang -> case module_dot of
+				   Nothing -> cont
+				   Just  m -> ITqvarsym (Qual m SLIT("!"))
+					      : lexIface rest
+		       _ -> cont
 	  Nothing -> 
 		f = head word -- first char
@@ -382,5 +396,5 @@ happyError ln toks = Failed (ifaceParseErr ln toks)
 ifaceParseErr ln toks sty
-  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Interface-file parse error: line"), ppInt ln, ppStr "toks=", ppStr (show toks)]
+  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Interface-file parse error: line"), ppInt ln, ppStr "toks=", ppStr (show (take 10 toks))]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
index 409abef3c9f3..ac41996d2ae6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Rename ( renameModule ) where
 import PreludeGlaST	( thenPrimIO, newVar, MutableVar(..) )
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn
 import RdrHsSyn		( RdrNameHsModule(..), RdrNameImportDecl(..) )
@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ import RnMonad
 import RnNames		( getGlobalNames, GlobalNameInfo(..) )
 import RnSource		( rnSource )
 import RnIfaces		( rnIfaces )
-import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), extendGlobalRnEnv, emptyRnEnv, multipleOccWarn )
+import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), extendGlobalRnEnv, emptyRnEnv )
 import Bag		( isEmptyBag, unionBags, unionManyBags, bagToList, listToBag )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_HiMap )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_HiMap, opt_NoImplicitPrelude )
 import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..) )
 import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, eltsFM, fmToList, lookupFM{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
@@ -73,13 +73,15 @@ renameModule us input@(HsModule mod _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
   = let
 	(b_names, b_keys, _) = builtinNameInfo
+	pp_pair (n,m) = ppBesides [ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n]
-    --pprTrace "builtins:\n" (case b_names of { (builtin_ids, builtin_tcs) ->
-    --			    ppAboves [ ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM builtin_ids))
-    --				     , ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM builtin_tcs))
-    --				     , ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM b_keys))
-    --				     ]}) $
+    {-
+    pprTrace "builtins:\n" (case b_names of { (builtin_ids, builtin_tcs) ->
+    			    ppAboves [ ppCat (map pp_pair (keysFM builtin_ids))
+    				     , ppCat (map pp_pair (keysFM builtin_tcs))
+    				     , ppCat (map pp_pair (keysFM b_keys))
+    				     ]}) $
+    -}
     makeHiMap opt_HiMap	    >>=	         \ hi_files ->
 --  pprTrace "HiMap:\n" (ppAboves [ ppCat [ppPStr m, ppStr p] | (m,p) <- fmToList hi_files])
     newVar (emptyFM,emptyFM,hi_files){-init iface cache-}  `thenPrimIO` \ iface_cache ->
@@ -165,6 +167,9 @@ renameModule us input@(HsModule mod _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
         pair_orig rn = (origName rn, rn)
+	  | opt_NoImplicitPrelude
+	  = [{-no Prelude.hi, no point looking-}]
+	  | otherwise
 	  = [ name_fn (mkBuiltinName u mod str) 
 	    | ((str, mod), (u, name_fn)) <- fmToList b_keys,
 	      str `notElem` [ SLIT("main"), SLIT("mainPrimIO")] ]
@@ -215,6 +220,13 @@ makeHiMap (Just f)
     snag_path map mod (c:cs)    rpath = snag_path map mod cs (c:rpath)
+Warning message used herein:
+multipleOccWarn (name, occs) sty
+  = ppBesides [ppStr "warning:multiple names used to refer to `", ppr sty name, ppStr "': ",
+	       ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr sty) occs)]
 pprPIface (ParsedIface m ms v mv usgs lcm exm ims lfx ltdm lvdm lids ldp)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
index 3c27d75f93ca..a96d3ee5ad49 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ module RnBinds (
    ) where
-import Ubiq
-import RnLoop		-- break the RnPass/RnExpr/RnBinds loops
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(RnLoop)		-- break the RnPass/RnExpr/RnBinds loops
 import HsSyn
 import HsPragmas	( isNoGenPragmas, noGenPragmas )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
index 9b4a61ba9805..10aef2e765ba 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ module RnExpr (
    ) where
-import Ubiq
-import RnLoop		-- break the RnPass/RnExpr/RnBinds loops
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(RnLoop)		-- break the RnPass/RnExpr/RnBinds loops
 import HsSyn
 import RdrHsSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
index c80f351cc2e7..d8cfa1247366 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module RnHsSyn where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ isRnField  (RnField _ _)  = True
 isRnField  _		  = False
 isRnClassOp cls (RnClassOp _ op_cls) = eqUniqsNamed cls op_cls
-isRnClassOp cls _		     = False
+isRnClassOp cls n		     = pprTrace "isRnClassOp:" (ppr PprShowAll n) $ True -- let it past anyway
 isRnImplicit (RnImplicit _)      = True
 isRnImplicit (RnImplicitTyCon _) = True
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
index 72fb264f358b..6b0b75c4d615 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module RnIfaces (
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import LibDirectory
 import PreludeGlaST	( thenPrimIO, seqPrimIO, readVar, writeVar, MutableVar(..) )
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, consBag, snocBag,
 import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..) )
 import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM, addToFM_C, plusFM, eltsFM,
 			  fmToList, delListFromFM, sizeFM, foldFM, unitFM,
-			  plusFM_C, keysFM{-ToDo:rm-}
+			  plusFM_C, addListToFM, keysFM{-ToDo:rm-}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import Name		( moduleNamePair, origName, RdrName(..) )
+import Name		( moduleNamePair, origName, isRdrLexCon, RdrName(..), Name{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import PprStyle		-- ToDo:rm
 import Outputable	-- ToDo:rm
 import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo )
@@ -244,9 +244,11 @@ cachedDecl :: IfaceCache
 	   -> IO (MaybeErr RdrIfaceDecl Error)
 cachedDecl iface_cache class_or_tycon orig 
-  = cachedIface True iface_cache mod 	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
+  = -- pprTrace "cachedDecl:" (ppr PprDebug orig) $
+    cachedIface True iface_cache mod 	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
     case maybe_iface of
-      Failed err -> return (Failed err)
+      Failed err -> --pprTrace "cachedDecl:fail:" (ppr PprDebug orig) $
+		    return (Failed err)
       Succeeded (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ exps _ _ tdefs vdefs _ _) -> 
 	case (lookupFM (if class_or_tycon then tdefs else vdefs) str) of
 	  Just decl -> return (Succeeded decl)
@@ -269,7 +271,7 @@ cachedDeclByType iface_cache rn
 	return_failed msg = return (Failed msg)
     case maybe_decl of
-      Failed _ -> return_maybe_decl
+      Failed io_msg -> return_failed (ifaceIoErr io_msg rn)
       Succeeded if_decl ->
 	case rn of
 	  WiredInId _       -> return_failed (ifaceLookupWiredErr "value" rn)
@@ -315,13 +317,13 @@ readIface :: FilePath -> Module
 	      -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
 readIface file mod
-  = --hPutStr stderr ("  reading "++file)	>>
+  = hPutStr stderr ("  reading "++file)	>>
     readFile file		`thenPrimIO` \ read_result ->
     case read_result of
       Left  err      -> return (Failed (cannaeReadErr file err))
-      Right contents -> --hPutStr stderr " parsing"   >>
+      Right contents -> hPutStr stderr ".."   >>
 			let parsed = parseIface contents in
-			--hPutStr stderr " done\n"    >>
+			hPutStr stderr "..\n" >>
 			return (
 			case parsed of
 			  Failed _    -> parsed
@@ -359,7 +361,6 @@ rnIfaces iface_cache imp_mods us
   = {-
     pprTrace "rnIfaces:going after:" (ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) todo)) $
     pprTrace "rnIfaces:qual:"      (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM qual]) $
     pprTrace "rnIfaces:unqual:"    (ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM unqual))) $
     pprTrace "rnIfaces:tc_qual:"   (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM tc_qual]) $
@@ -461,8 +462,8 @@ rnIfaces iface_cache imp_mods us
 	   | fst (moduleNamePair n) == modname ->
 		     -- avoid looking in interface for the module being compiled
-		     -- pprTrace "do_decls:this module error:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
-		     do_decls ns down (add_err (thisModImplicitErr modname n) to_return)
+		     --pprTrace "do_decls:this module error:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
+		     do_decls ns down (add_warn (thisModImplicitWarn modname n) to_return)
 	   | otherwise ->
 		     -- OK, see what the cache has for us...
@@ -470,7 +471,7 @@ rnIfaces iface_cache imp_mods us
 	     cachedDeclByType iface_cache n >>= \ maybe_ans ->
 	     case maybe_ans of
 	       Failed err -> -- add the error, but keep going:
-			     -- pprTrace "do_decls:cache error:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
+			     --pprTrace "do_decls:cache error:" (ppr PprDebug n) $
 			     do_decls ns down (add_err err to_return)
 	       Succeeded iface_decl -> -- something needing renaming!
@@ -528,7 +529,8 @@ new_uniqsupply us (def_env, occ_env, _) = (def_env, occ_env, us)
 add_occs (val_defds, tc_defds) (val_imps, tc_imps) (def_env, occ_env, us)
   = case (extendGlobalRnEnv def_env val_defds tc_defds) of { (new_def_env, def_dups) ->
-    ASSERT(isEmptyBag def_dups)
+    (if isEmptyBag def_dups then \x->x else pprTrace "add_occs:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug n | (n,_,_) <- bagToList def_dups])) $
+--  ASSERT(isEmptyBag def_dups)
 	val_occs = val_defds ++ fmToList val_imps
 	tc_occs  = tc_defds  ++ fmToList tc_imps
@@ -563,6 +565,7 @@ add_implicits (val_imps, tc_imps) (decls, (val_fm, tc_fm), msgs)
 add_err  err (decls,implicit,(errs,warns)) = (decls,implicit,(errs `snocBag`   err,warns))
 add_errs ers (decls,implicit,(errs,warns)) = (decls,implicit,(errs `unionBags` ers,warns))
+add_warn wrn (decls,implicit,(errs,warns)) = (decls,implicit,(errs, warns `snocBag` wrn))
 add_warns ws (decls,implicit,(errs,warns)) = (decls,implicit,(errs, warns `unionBags` ws))
@@ -659,6 +662,7 @@ cacheInstModules iface_cache imp_mods
 	(imp_imods, _)  = removeDups cmpPString (bagToList (unionManyBags (map get_ims imp_ifaces)))
         get_ims (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ims _ _ _ _ _) = ims
+    --pprTrace "cacheInstModules:" (ppCat (map ppPStr imp_imods)) $
     accumulate (map (cachedIface False iface_cache) imp_imods) >>= \ err_or_ifaces ->
     -- Sanity Check:
@@ -753,7 +757,7 @@ rnIfaceInstStuff iface_cache modname us occ_env done_inst_env to_return
     want_inst i@(InstSig clas tycon _ _)
       = -- it's a "good instance" (one to hang onto) if we have a
 	-- chance of referring to *both* the class and tycon later on ...
+	--pprTrace "want_inst:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug clas, ppr PprDebug tycon, ppr PprDebug (mentionable tycon), ppr PprDebug (mentionable clas), ppr PprDebug(is_done_inst i)]) $
 	mentionable tycon && mentionable clas && not (is_done_inst i)
 	mentionable nm
@@ -782,6 +786,9 @@ rnIfaceInst (InstSig _ _ _ inst_decl) = rnInstDecl inst_decl
+type BigMaps = (FiniteMap Module Version, -- module-version map
+		FiniteMap (FAST_STRING,Module) Version) -- ordinary version map
 finalIfaceInfo ::
 	   IfaceCache			-- iface cache
 	-> Module			-- this module's name
@@ -799,47 +806,76 @@ finalIfaceInfo iface_cache modname if_final_env@((qual, unqual, tc_qual, tc_unqu
 --  pprTrace "usageIf:unqual:"    (ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM unqual))) $
 --  pprTrace "usageIf:tc_qual:"   (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM tc_qual]) $
 --  pprTrace "usageIf:tc_unqual:" (ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM tc_unqual))) $
+    readVar iface_cache	`thenPrimIO` \ (_, orig_iface_fm, _) ->
+	all_ifaces = eltsFM orig_iface_fm
+	-- all the interfaces we have looked at
+	big_maps
+	  -- combine all the version maps we have seen into maps to
+	  -- (a) lookup a module-version number, lookup an entity's
+	  -- individual version number
+	  = foldr mk_map (emptyFM,emptyFM) all_ifaces
 	val_stuff@(val_usages, val_versions)
-	  = foldFM process_item (emptyFM, emptyFM){-init-} qual
+	  = foldFM (process_item big_maps) (emptyFM, emptyFM){-init-} qual
 	(all_usages, all_versions)
-	  = foldFM process_item val_stuff{-keep going-} tc_qual
+	  = foldFM (process_item big_maps) val_stuff{-keep going-} tc_qual
     return (all_usages, all_versions, [])
-    process_item :: (FAST_STRING,Module) -> RnName -- RnEnv (QualNames) components
+    mk_map (ParsedIface m _ mv _ _ vers _ _ _ _ _ _ _) (mv_map, ver_map)
+      = (addToFM     mv_map  m mv, -- add this module
+	 addListToFM ver_map [ ((n,m), v) | (n,v) <- fmToList vers ])
+    -----------------------
+    process_item :: BigMaps
+		 -> (FAST_STRING,Module) -> RnName -- RnEnv (QualNames) components
 		 -> (UsagesMap, VersionsMap)	   -- input
 		 -> (UsagesMap, VersionsMap)	   -- output
-    process_item (n,m) rn as_before@(usages, versions)
+    process_item (big_mv_map, big_version_map) key@(n,m) rn as_before@(usages, versions)
       | irrelevant rn
       = as_before
       | m == modname -- this module => add to "versions"
       =	(usages, addToFM versions n 1{-stub-})
       | otherwise  -- from another module => add to "usages"
-      = (add_to_usages usages m n 1{-stub-}, versions)
+      = (add_to_usages usages key, versions)
+      where
+	add_to_usages usages key@(n,m)
+	  = let
+		mod_v = case (lookupFM big_mv_map m) of
+			  Nothing -> pprTrace "big_mv_map:miss? " (ppPStr m) $
+				     1
+			  Just nv -> nv
+		key_v = case (lookupFM big_version_map key) of
+			  Nothing -> pprTrace "big_version_map:miss? " (ppCat [ppPStr n, ppPStr m]) $
+				     1
+			  Just nv -> nv
+	    in
+	    addToFM usages m (
+		case (lookupFM usages m) of
+		  Nothing -> -- nothing for this module yet...
+		    (mod_v, unitFM n key_v)
+		  Just (mversion, mstuff) -> -- the "new" stuff will shadow the old
+		    ASSERT(mversion == mod_v)
+		    (mversion, addToFM mstuff n key_v)
+	    )
     irrelevant (RnConstr  _ _) = True	-- We don't report these in their
     irrelevant (RnField   _ _) = True	-- own right in usages/etc.
     irrelevant (RnClassOp _ _) = True
+    irrelevant (RnImplicit  n) = isRdrLexCon (origName n) -- really a RnConstr
     irrelevant _	       = False
-    add_to_usages usages m n version
-      = addToFM usages m (
-	    case (lookupFM usages m) of
-	      Nothing -> -- nothing for this module yet...
-		(1{-stub-}, unitFM n version)
-	      Just (mversion, mstuff) -> -- the "new" stuff will shadow the old
-		(mversion, addToFM mstuff n version)
-	)
-thisModImplicitErr mod n sty
-  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Implicit import of"), ppr sty n, ppPStr SLIT("when compiling"), ppPStr mod]
+thisModImplicitWarn mod n sty
+  = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("An interface has an implicit need of "), ppPStr mod, ppChar '.', ppr sty n, ppPStr SLIT("; assuming this module will provide it.")]
 noIfaceErr mod sty
   = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("Could not find interface for:"), ppPStr mod]
@@ -859,4 +895,7 @@ ifaceLookupWiredErr msg n sty
 badIfaceLookupErr msg name decl sty
   = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("Expected a "), ppStr msg, ppPStr SLIT(" declaration, but got this: ???")]
+ifaceIoErr io_msg rn sty
+  = ppBesides [io_msg sty, ppStr "; looking for: ", ppr sty rn]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
index 78f89184f7d3..3b36cf7c8bc1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ module RnMonad (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import SST
@@ -42,22 +42,25 @@ import RnHsSyn		( RnName, mkRnName, mkRnUnbound, mkRnImplicit,
 			  isRnClassOp, RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
 import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), extendLocalRnEnv,
 			  lookupRnEnv, lookupGlobalRnEnv, lookupTcRnEnv,
-			  unknownNameErr, badClassOpErr, qualNameErr,
-			  dupNamesErr, shadowedNameWarn
+			  qualNameErr, dupNamesErr
 import Bag		( Bag, emptyBag, isEmptyBag, snocBag )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_WarnNameShadowing )
-import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..) )
-import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM )
+import ErrUtils		( addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine, addShortWarnLocLine,
+			  Error(..), Warning(..)
+			)
+import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM, fmToList{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import Maybes		( assocMaybe )
 import Name		( Module(..), RdrName(..), isQual,
 			  Name, mkLocalName, mkImplicitName,
-			  getOccName
+			  getOccName, pprNonSym
 import PrelInfo		( builtinNameInfo, BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
 import PrelMods		( pRELUDE )
-import Pretty		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
+import PprStyle{-ToDo:rm-}
+import Outputable{-ToDo:rm-}
+import Pretty--ToDo:rm		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import UniqFM		( UniqFM, emptyUFM )
 import UniqSet		( UniqSet(..), mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet )
@@ -426,10 +429,13 @@ lookup_tc rdr check mk_implicit err_str down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnIface b_names b
     fail = failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound rdr) (unknownNameErr err_str rdr locn) down
 lookup_nonexisting_tc check mk_implicit fail (_,b_names) b_key imp_var us_var rdr
-  = let str_mod = case rdr of { Qual m n -> (n,m); Unqual n -> (n, pRELUDE) }
-    in case (lookupFM b_names str_mod) of
-	 Nothing -> lookup_or_create_implicit_tc check mk_implicit fail b_key imp_var us_var rdr
-	 Just xx -> returnSST xx
+  = let
+	str_mod = case rdr of { Qual m n -> (n,m); Unqual n -> (n, pRELUDE) }
+    in
+    --pprTrace "lookup:" (ppAboves [case str_mod of {(n,m)->ppCat [ppPStr n, ppPStr m]}, ppAboves [ ppCat [ppPStr n, ppPStr m] | ((n,m), _) <- fmToList b_names]]) $
+    case (lookupFM b_names str_mod) of
+      Nothing -> lookup_or_create_implicit_tc check mk_implicit fail b_key imp_var us_var rdr
+      Just xx -> returnSST xx
 lookup_or_create_implicit_tc check mk_implicit fail b_key imp_var us_var rdr
   = readMutVarSST imp_var `thenSST` \ (implicit_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm) ->
@@ -545,3 +551,24 @@ fixIO k s = let
+*							*
+\subsection{Errors used in RnMonad}
+*							*
+unknownNameErr descriptor name locn
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppStr "undefined ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ", pprNonSym sty name]
+badClassOpErr clas op locn
+  = addErrLoc locn "" $ \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppChar '`', pprNonSym sty op, ppStr "' is not an operation of class `",
+	      ppr sty clas, ppStr "'"]
+shadowedNameWarn locn shadow
+  = addShortWarnLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppStr "more than one value with the same name (shadowing): ", ppr sty shadow]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
index 921cf614f4b6..59594f20dfcf 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module RnNames (
 import PreludeGlaST	( MutableVar(..) )
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn
 import RdrHsSyn
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ import ParseUtils	( ParsedIface(..), RdrIfaceDecl(..), RdrIfaceInst )
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, consBag, snocBag, unionBags,
 			  unionManyBags, mapBag, filterBag, listToBag, bagToList )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_NoImplicitPrelude )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_NoImplicitPrelude, opt_CompilingPrelude )
 import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..), addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine, addShortWarnLocLine )
-import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, addListToFM, lookupFM, fmToList, eltsFM, delListFromFM )
+import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, addListToFM, lookupFM, fmToList, eltsFM, delListFromFM, keysFM{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import Id		( GenId )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, catMaybes, MaybeErr(..) )
 import Name		( RdrName(..), Name, isQual, mkTopLevName, origName,
@@ -40,14 +40,15 @@ import Name		( RdrName(..), Name, isQual, mkTopLevName, origName,
 			  pprNonSym, isLexCon, isRdrLexCon, ExportFlag(..)
 import PrelInfo		( BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
-import PrelMods		( fromPrelude, pRELUDE, rATIO, iX )
+import PrelMods		( fromPrelude, pRELUDE_BUILTIN, pRELUDE, rATIO, iX )
 import Pretty
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc, mkBuiltinSrcLoc )
 import TyCon		( tyConDataCons )
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM, addListToUFM_C, lookupUFM )
 import UniqSupply	( splitUniqSupply )
 import Util		( isIn, assoc, cmpPString, sortLt, removeDups,
-			  equivClasses, panic, assertPanic )
+			  equivClasses, panic, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-}
+			)
@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ getTyDeclNames :: RdrNameTyDecl
 	       -> RnM_Info s (RnName, Bag RnName, Bag RnName)	-- tycon, constrs and fields
 getTyDeclNames (TyData _ tycon _ condecls _ _ src_loc)
-  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing tycon	`thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing False{-not val-} tycon `thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
     getConFieldNames (Just (nameExportFlag tycon_name)) emptyBag emptyBag emptyFM
 		     condecls 		`thenRn` \ (con_names, field_names) ->
@@ -145,15 +146,15 @@ getTyDeclNames (TyData _ tycon _ condecls _ _ src_loc)
     returnRn (rn_tycon, listToBag rn_constrs, listToBag rn_fields)
 getTyDeclNames (TyNew _ tycon _ [NewConDecl con _ con_loc] _ _ src_loc)
-  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing tycon	`thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
-    newGlobalName con_loc (Just (nameExportFlag tycon_name)) con
+  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing False{-not val-} tycon	`thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+    newGlobalName con_loc (Just (nameExportFlag tycon_name)) True{-val-} con
 					`thenRn` \ con_name ->
     returnRn (RnData tycon_name [con_name] [],
 	      unitBag (RnConstr con_name tycon_name),
 getTyDeclNames (TySynonym tycon _ _ src_loc)
-  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing tycon	`thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing False{-not val-} tycon	`thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
     returnRn (RnSyn tycon_name, emptyBag, emptyBag)
@@ -161,17 +162,17 @@ getConFieldNames exp constrs fields have []
   = returnRn (bagToList constrs, bagToList fields)
 getConFieldNames exp constrs fields have (ConDecl con _ src_loc : rest)
-  = newGlobalName src_loc exp con	`thenRn` \ con_name ->
+  = newGlobalName src_loc exp True{-val-} con	`thenRn` \ con_name ->
     getConFieldNames exp (constrs `snocBag` con_name) fields have rest
 getConFieldNames exp constrs fields have (ConOpDecl _ con _ src_loc : rest)
-  = newGlobalName src_loc exp con	`thenRn` \ con_name ->
+  = newGlobalName src_loc exp True{-val-} con	`thenRn` \ con_name ->
     getConFieldNames exp (constrs `snocBag` con_name) fields have rest
 getConFieldNames exp constrs fields have (RecConDecl con fielddecls src_loc : rest)
   = mapRn (addErrRn . dupFieldErr con src_loc) dups	`thenRn_`
-    newGlobalName src_loc exp con			`thenRn` \ con_name ->
-    mapRn (newGlobalName src_loc exp) new_fields 	`thenRn` \ field_names ->
+    newGlobalName src_loc exp True{-val-} con		`thenRn` \ con_name ->
+    mapRn (newGlobalName src_loc exp True{-val-}) new_fields 	`thenRn` \ field_names ->
 	all_constrs = constrs `snocBag` con_name
 	all_fields  = fields  `unionBags` listToBag field_names
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@ getClassNames :: RdrNameClassDecl
 	      -> RnM_Info s (RnName, Bag RnName)	-- class and class ops
 getClassNames (ClassDecl _ cname _ sigs _ _ src_loc)
-  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing cname	`thenRn` \ class_name ->
+  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing False{-notval-} cname	`thenRn` \ class_name ->
     getClassOpNames (Just (nameExportFlag class_name))
 				  sigs	`thenRn` \ op_names ->
     returnRn (RnClass class_name op_names,
@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ getClassNames (ClassDecl _ cname _ sigs _ _ src_loc)
 getClassOpNames exp []
   = returnRn []
 getClassOpNames exp (ClassOpSig op _ _ src_loc : sigs)
-  = newGlobalName src_loc exp op `thenRn` \ op_name ->
+  = newGlobalName src_loc exp True{-val-} op `thenRn` \ op_name ->
     getClassOpNames exp sigs	 `thenRn` \ op_names ->
     returnRn (op_name : op_names)
 getClassOpNames exp (_ : sigs)
@@ -254,7 +255,7 @@ doPat locn (RecPatIn name fields)
 doField locn (_, pat, _) = doPat locn pat
 doName locn rdr
-  = newGlobalName locn Nothing rdr `thenRn` \ name ->
+  = newGlobalName locn Nothing True{-val-} rdr `thenRn` \ name ->
     returnRn (unitBag (RnName name))
@@ -265,27 +266,37 @@ doName locn rdr
-newGlobalName :: SrcLoc -> Maybe ExportFlag
+newGlobalName :: SrcLoc -> Maybe ExportFlag -> Bool{-True<=>value name,False<=>tycon/class-}
 	      -> RdrName -> RnM_Info s Name
 -- ToDo: b_names and b_keys being defined in this module !!!
-newGlobalName locn maybe_exp rdr
-  = getExtraRn			`thenRn` \ (_,b_keys,exp_fn,occ_fn) ->
+newGlobalName locn maybe_exp is_val_name rdr
+  = getExtraRn			`thenRn` \ ((b_val_names,b_tc_names),b_keys,exp_fn,occ_fn) ->
     getModuleRn  		`thenRn` \ mod ->
     rnGetUnique 		`thenRn` \ u ->
-	(uniq, unqual)
-	  = case rdr of
-	      Qual m n -> (u, n)
-	      Unqual n -> case (lookupFM b_keys n) of
-			    Nothing	 -> (u,   n)
-			    Just (key,_) -> (key, n)
+	unqual = case rdr of { Qual m n -> n; Unqual n -> n }
 	orig   = if fromPrelude mod
 	         then (Unqual unqual)
 	         else (Qual mod unqual)
+	uniq
+	  = let
+		str_mod = case orig of { Qual m n -> (n, m); Unqual n -> (n, pRELUDE) }
+		n       = fst str_mod
+		m       = snd str_mod
+	    in
+	    --pprTrace "newGlobalName:" (ppAboves ((ppCat [ppPStr n, ppPStr m]) : [ ppCat [ppPStr x, ppPStr y] | (x,y) <- keysFM b_keys])) $
+	    case (lookupFM b_keys str_mod) of
+	      Just (key,_) -> key
+	      Nothing	   -> if not opt_CompilingPrelude then u else
+			      case (lookupFM (if is_val_name then b_val_names else b_tc_names) str_mod) of
+			        Nothing -> u
+				Just xx -> --pprTrace "Using Unique for:" (ppCat [ppPStr n, ppPStr m]) $
+					   uniqueOf xx
 	exp = case maybe_exp of
 	       Just exp -> exp
 	       Nothing  -> exp_fn n
@@ -339,6 +350,7 @@ doImportDecls iface_cache g_info us src_imps
 	-- cache the imported modules
 	-- this ensures that all directly imported modules
 	-- will have their original name iface in scope
+	-- pprTrace "doImportDecls:" (ppCat (map ppPStr imp_mods)) $
 	accumulate (map (cachedIface False iface_cache) imp_mods) >>
 	-- process the imports
@@ -354,14 +366,18 @@ doImportDecls iface_cache g_info us src_imps
     all_imps = implicit_qprel ++ the_imps
     implicit_qprel = if opt_NoImplicitPrelude
-		     then [{- no "import qualified Prelude" -}]
+		     then [{- no "import qualified Prelude" -}
+			   ImportDecl pRELUDE_BUILTIN True Nothing Nothing prel_loc
+			  ]
 		     else [ImportDecl pRELUDE True Nothing Nothing prel_loc]
     explicit_prelude_imp = not (null [ () | (ImportDecl mod qual _ _ _) <- src_imps,
 				            mod == pRELUDE ])
     implicit_prel  = if explicit_prelude_imp || opt_NoImplicitPrelude
-		     then [{- no "import Prelude" -}]
+		     then [{- no "import Prelude" -}
+			   ImportDecl pRELUDE_BUILTIN False Nothing Nothing prel_loc
+			  ]
 	             else [ImportDecl pRELUDE False Nothing Nothing prel_loc]
     prel_loc = mkBuiltinSrcLoc
@@ -386,7 +402,7 @@ doImportDecls iface_cache g_info us src_imps
 	has_same_mod (q,ImportDecl mod2 _ _ _ _) = mod == mod2
-    imp_mods  = [ mod | ImportDecl mod _ _ _ _ <- uniq_imps ]
+    imp_mods  = [ mod | ImportDecl mod _ _ _ _ <- uniq_imps, mod /= pRELUDE_BUILTIN ]
     imp_warns = listToBag (map dupImportWarn imp_dups)
@@ -435,15 +451,25 @@ doImport :: IfaceCache
 		Bag (RnName,(ExportFlag,Bag SrcLoc)))	-- import flags and src locs
 doImport iface_cache info us (ImportDecl mod qual maybe_as maybe_spec src_loc)
-  = cachedIface False iface_cache mod 	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
+  = let
+	(b_vals, b_tcs, maybe_spec') = getBuiltins info mod maybe_spec 
+    in
+    (if mod == pRELUDE_BUILTIN then
+	return (Succeeded (panic "doImport:PreludeBuiltin"),
+			 \ iface -> ([], [], emptyBag))
+     else
+	--pprTrace "doImport:" (ppPStr mod) $
+	cachedIface False iface_cache mod >>= \ maybe_iface ->
+	return (maybe_iface, \ iface -> getOrigIEs iface maybe_spec')
+    )	>>= \ (maybe_iface, do_ies) ->
     case maybe_iface of
       Failed err ->
 	return (emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag,
 		unitBag err, emptyBag, emptyBag)
       Succeeded iface -> 
-	    (b_vals, b_tcs, maybe_spec') = getBuiltins info mod maybe_spec 
-	    (ies, chk_ies, get_errs)     = getOrigIEs iface maybe_spec'
+	    (ies, chk_ies, get_errs) = do_ies iface
 	doOrigIEs iface_cache info mod src_loc us ies 
 		>>= \ (ie_vals, ie_tcs, imp_flags, errs, warns) ->
@@ -452,9 +478,13 @@ doImport iface_cache info us (ImportDecl mod qual maybe_as maybe_spec src_loc)
 	    final_vals = mapBag fst_occ b_vals `unionBags` mapBag pair_occ ie_vals
 	    final_tcs  = mapBag fst_occ b_tcs  `unionBags` mapBag pair_occ ie_tcs
+	    final_vals_list = bagToList final_vals
-	accumulate (map (getFixityDecl iface_cache) (bagToList final_vals))
-		>>= \ fix_maybes_errs ->
+	(if mod == pRELUDE_BUILTIN then
+	    return [ (Nothing, emptyBag) | _ <- final_vals_list ]
+	 else
+	    accumulate (map (getFixityDecl iface_cache) final_vals_list)
+	)		>>= \ fix_maybes_errs ->
 	    (chk_errs, chk_warns)  = unzip chk_errs_warns
 	    (fix_maybes, fix_errs) = unzip fix_maybes_errs
@@ -482,7 +512,7 @@ doImport iface_cache info us (ImportDecl mod qual maybe_as maybe_spec src_loc)
 getBuiltins _ mod maybe_spec
-  | not ((fromPrelude mod) || mod == iX || mod == rATIO )
+  | not (fromPrelude mod || mod == iX || mod == rATIO)
   = (emptyBag, emptyBag, maybe_spec)
 getBuiltins (((b_val_names,b_tc_names),_,_,_),_,_,_) mod maybe_spec
@@ -626,8 +656,8 @@ checkOrigIE iface_cache (IEThingWith n ns, ExportAll)
   = with_decl iface_cache n
 	(\ err  -> (unitBag (\ mod locn -> err), emptyBag))
 	(\ decl -> case decl of
-	     	NewTypeSig _ con _ _         -> (check_with "constructrs" [con] ns, emptyBag)
-	     	DataSig    _ cons fields _ _ -> (check_with "constructrs (and fields)" (cons++fields) ns, emptyBag)
+	     	NewTypeSig _ con _ _         -> (check_with "constructors" [con] ns, emptyBag)
+	     	DataSig    _ cons fields _ _ -> (check_with "constructors (and fields)" (cons++fields) ns, emptyBag)
              	ClassSig   _ ops _ _         -> (check_with "class ops"   ops   ns, emptyBag))
     check_with str has rdrs
@@ -650,6 +680,8 @@ with_decl iface_cache n do_err do_decl
 getFixityDecl iface_cache (_,rn)
   = let
 	(mod, str) = moduleNamePair rn
+	succeeded infx i = return (Just (infx rn i), emptyBag)
     cachedIface True iface_cache mod	>>= \ maybe_iface ->
     case maybe_iface of
@@ -658,9 +690,9 @@ getFixityDecl iface_cache (_,rn)
       Succeeded (ParsedIface _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fixes _ _ _ _) ->
 	case lookupFM fixes str of
 	  Nothing 	    -> return (Nothing, emptyBag)
-	  Just (InfixL _ i) -> return (Just (InfixL rn i), emptyBag)
-	  Just (InfixR _ i) -> return (Just (InfixR rn i), emptyBag)
-	  Just (InfixN _ i) -> return (Just (InfixN rn i), emptyBag)
+	  Just (InfixL _ i) -> succeeded InfixL i
+	  Just (InfixR _ i) -> succeeded InfixR i
+	  Just (InfixN _ i) -> succeeded InfixN i
 ie_name (IEVar n)         = n
 ie_name (IEThingAbs n)    = n
@@ -712,12 +744,13 @@ getIfaceDeclNames ie (NewTypeSig tycon con src_loc _)
 getIfaceDeclNames ie (DataSig tycon cons fields src_loc _)
   = newImportedName True src_loc Nothing Nothing tycon `thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
-    mapRn (newImportedName False src_loc (Just (nameExportFlag tycon_name))
-				         (Just (nameImportFlag tycon_name)))
-			         	     cons `thenRn` \ con_names ->
-    mapRn (newImportedName False src_loc (Just (nameExportFlag tycon_name))
-				         (Just (nameImportFlag tycon_name)))
-			         	   fields `thenRn` \ field_names ->
+    let
+	map_me = mapRn (newImportedName False src_loc
+				(Just (nameExportFlag tycon_name))
+				(Just (nameImportFlag tycon_name)))
+    in
+    map_me cons	    `thenRn` \ con_names ->
+    map_me fields   `thenRn` \ field_names ->
 	rn_tycon   = RnData tycon_name con_names field_names
         rn_constrs = [ RnConstr name tycon_name | name <- con_names ]
@@ -775,11 +808,11 @@ newImportedName tycon_or_class locn maybe_exp maybe_imp rdr
     Nothing -> 
 	rnGetUnique	`thenRn` \ u ->
-	    uniq = case rdr of
-		     Qual m n -> u
-		     Unqual n -> case lookupFM b_keys n of
-				   Nothing	-> u
-				   Just (key,_) -> key
+	    str_mod = case rdr of { Qual m n -> (n,m); Unqual n -> (n,pRELUDE) }
+	    uniq = case lookupFM b_keys str_mod of
+		     Nothing	  -> u
+		     Just (key,_) -> key
 	    exp  = case maybe_exp of
 	    	     Just exp -> exp
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
index 043d0ebe429a..64f64c5f48a9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 module RnSource ( rnSource, rnTyDecl, rnClassDecl, rnInstDecl, rnPolyType ) where
-import Ubiq
-import RnLoop		-- *check* the RnPass/RnExpr/RnBinds loop-breaking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(RnLoop)		-- *check* the RnPass/RnExpr/RnBinds loop-breaking
 import HsSyn
 import HsPragmas
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM, addListToUFM_C, listToUFM, plusUFM, lookupUFM, eltsUFM )
 import UniqSet		( UniqSet(..) )
-import Util		( isIn, isn'tIn, sortLt, removeDups, mapAndUnzip3, cmpPString,
+import Util		( isIn, isn'tIn, thenCmp, sortLt, removeDups, mapAndUnzip3, cmpPString,
 			  assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ rnIE mods (IEThingWith name names)
 					 listToBag (map exp_all fields))
 	| otherwise
-	= rnWithErr "constructrs (and fields)" rn (cons++fields) rns 
+	= rnWithErr "constructors (and fields)" rn (cons++fields) rns 
     checkIEWith rn@(RnClass n ops) rns
 	| same_names ops rns
 	= returnRn (unitBag (exp_all n), listToBag (map exp_all ops))
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ rnTyDecl (TyData context tycon tyvars condecls derivings pragmas src_loc)
   = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
     lookupTyCon tycon		       `thenRn` \ tycon' ->
     mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars     `thenRn` \ (tv_env, tyvars') ->
-    rnContext tv_env context	       `thenRn` \ context' ->
+    rnContext tv_env src_loc context   `thenRn` \ context' ->
     rnConDecls tv_env condecls	       `thenRn` \ condecls' ->
     rn_derivs tycon' src_loc derivings `thenRn` \ derivings' ->
     ASSERT(isNoDataPragmas pragmas)
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ rnTyDecl (TyNew context tycon tyvars condecl derivings pragmas src_loc)
   = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
     lookupTyCon tycon		      `thenRn` \ tycon' ->
     mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars    `thenRn` \ (tv_env, tyvars') ->
-    rnContext tv_env context	      `thenRn` \ context' ->
+    rnContext tv_env src_loc context  `thenRn` \ context' ->
     rnConDecls tv_env condecl	      `thenRn` \ condecl' ->
     rn_derivs tycon' src_loc derivings `thenRn` \ derivings' ->
     ASSERT(isNoDataPragmas pragmas)
@@ -429,27 +429,34 @@ rnClassDecl :: RdrNameClassDecl -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedClassDecl
 rnClassDecl (ClassDecl context cname tyvar sigs mbinds pragmas src_loc)
   = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
-    mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc [tyvar]	`thenRn` \ (tv_env, [tyvar']) ->
-    rnContext tv_env context	    	`thenRn` \ context' ->
-    lookupClass cname		    	`thenRn` \ cname' ->
-    mapRn (rn_op cname' tv_env) sigs    `thenRn` \ sigs' ->
-    rnMethodBinds cname' mbinds    	`thenRn` \ mbinds' ->
+    mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc [tyvar]	    `thenRn` \ (tv_env, [tyvar']) ->
+    rnContext tv_env src_loc context	    `thenRn` \ context' ->
+    lookupClass cname			    `thenRn` \ cname' ->
+    mapRn (rn_op cname' tyvar' tv_env) sigs `thenRn` \ sigs' ->
+    rnMethodBinds cname' mbinds		    `thenRn` \ mbinds' ->
     ASSERT(isNoClassPragmas pragmas)
     returnRn (ClassDecl context' cname' tyvar' sigs' mbinds' NoClassPragmas src_loc)
-    rn_op clas tv_env (ClassOpSig op ty pragmas locn)
+    rn_op clas clas_tyvar tv_env sig@(ClassOpSig op ty pragmas locn)
       = pushSrcLocRn locn $
 	lookupClassOp clas op		`thenRn` \ op_name ->
 	rnPolyType tv_env ty		`thenRn` \ new_ty  ->
-*** Please check here that tyvar' appears in new_ty ***
-*** (used to be in tcClassSig, but it's better here)
-***	    not_elem = isn'tIn "tcClassSigs"
-***	    -- Check that the class type variable is mentioned
-***	checkTc (clas_tyvar `not_elem` extractTyVarTemplatesFromTy local_ty)
-***		(methodTypeLacksTyVarErr clas_tyvar (_UNPK_ op_name) src_loc) `thenTc_`
+	let
+	    (HsForAllTy tvs ctxt op_ty) = new_ty
+	    ctxt_tvs = extractCtxtTyNames ctxt
+	    op_tvs   = extractMonoTyNames is_tyvar_name op_ty
+	in
+	-- check that class tyvar appears in op_ty
+        ( if isIn "rn_op" clas_tyvar op_tvs
+	  then returnRn ()
+	  else addErrRn (classTyVarNotInOpTyErr clas_tyvar sig locn)
+	) `thenRn_`
+	-- check that class tyvar *doesn't* appear in the sig's context
+        ( if isIn "rn_op(2)" clas_tyvar ctxt_tvs
+	  then addErrRn (classTyVarInOpCtxtErr clas_tyvar sig locn)
+	  else returnRn ()
+	) `thenRn_`
 	ASSERT(isNoClassOpPragmas pragmas)
 	returnRn (ClassOpSig op_name new_ty noClassOpPragmas locn)
@@ -630,13 +637,13 @@ rn_poly_help tv_env tyvars ctxt ty
     		ppStr ";ctxt=", ppCat (map (ppr PprShowAll) ctxt),
     		ppStr ";ty=", ppr PprShowAll ty]) $
-    getSrcLocRn 				`thenRn` \ src_loc ->
-    mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars	 	`thenRn` \ (tv_env1, new_tyvars) ->
+    getSrcLocRn 			`thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+    mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars	`thenRn` \ (tv_env1, new_tyvars) ->
 	tv_env2 = catTyVarNamesEnvs tv_env1 tv_env
-    rnContext tv_env2 ctxt	`thenRn` \ new_ctxt ->
-    rnMonoType tv_env2 ty	`thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+    rnContext tv_env2 src_loc ctxt	`thenRn` \ new_ctxt ->
+    rnMonoType tv_env2 ty		`thenRn` \ new_ty ->
     returnRn (HsForAllTy new_tyvars new_ctxt new_ty)
@@ -673,75 +680,101 @@ rnMonoType tv_env (MonoTyApp name tys)
-rnContext :: TyVarNamesEnv -> RdrNameContext -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedContext
+rnContext :: TyVarNamesEnv -> SrcLoc -> RdrNameContext -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedContext
-rnContext tv_env ctxt
-  = mapRn rn_ctxt ctxt
+rnContext tv_env locn ctxt
+  = mapRn rn_ctxt ctxt	`thenRn` \ result ->
+    let
+	(_, dup_asserts) = removeDups cmp_assert result
+    in
+    -- If this isn't an error, then it ought to be:
+    mapRn (addWarnRn . dupClassAssertWarn result locn) dup_asserts `thenRn_`
+    returnRn result
     rn_ctxt (clas, tyvar)
-     = lookupClass clas	    	    `thenRn` \ clas_name ->
-       lookupTyVarName tv_env tyvar `thenRn` \ tyvar_name ->
-       returnRn (clas_name, tyvar_name)
+      = lookupClass clas	     `thenRn` \ clas_name ->
+	lookupTyVarName tv_env tyvar `thenRn` \ tyvar_name ->
+	returnRn (clas_name, tyvar_name)
+    cmp_assert (c1,tv1) (c2,tv2)
+      = (c1 `cmp` c2) `thenCmp` (tv1 `cmp` tv2)
 dupNameExportWarn locn names@((n,_):_)
-  = addShortWarnLocLine locn (\ sty ->
-    ppCat [pprNonSym sty n, ppStr "exported", ppInt (length names), ppStr "times"])
+  = addShortWarnLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppCat [pprNonSym sty n, ppStr "exported", ppInt (length names), ppStr "times"]
 dupLocalsExportErr locn locals@((str,_):_)
-  = addErrLoc locn "exported names have same local name" (\ sty ->
-    ppInterleave ppSP (map (pprNonSym sty . snd) locals))
+  = addErrLoc locn "exported names have same local name" $ \ sty ->
+    ppInterleave ppSP (map (pprNonSym sty . snd) locals)
 classOpExportErr op locn
-  = addShortErrLocLine locn (\ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppStr "class operation `", ppr sty op, ppStr "' can only be exported with class"])
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppStr "class operation `", ppr sty op, ppStr "' can only be exported with class"]
 synAllExportErr is_error syn locn
-  = (if is_error then addShortErrLocLine else addShortWarnLocLine) locn (\ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppStr "type synonym `", ppr sty syn, ppStr "' should be exported abstractly"])
+  = (if is_error then addShortErrLocLine else addShortWarnLocLine) locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppStr "type synonym `", ppr sty syn, ppStr "' should be exported abstractly"]
 withExportErr str rn has rns locn
-  = addErrLoc locn "" (\ sty ->
+  = addErrLoc locn "" $ \ sty ->
     ppAboves [ ppBesides [ppStr "inconsistent list of ", ppStr str, ppStr " in export list for `", ppr sty rn, ppStr "'"],
 	       ppCat [ppStr "    expected:", ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr sty) has)],
-	       ppCat [ppStr "    found:   ", ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr sty) rns)] ])
+	       ppCat [ppStr "    found:   ", ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr sty) rns)] ]
 importAllErr rn locn
-  = addShortErrLocLine locn (\ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ ppStr "`", pprNonSym sty rn, ppStr "' has been exported with (..), but is only imported abstractly"])
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ ppStr "`", pprNonSym sty rn, ppStr "' has been exported with (..), but is only imported abstractly"]
 badModExportErr mod locn
-  = addShortErrLocLine locn (\ sty ->
-    ppCat [ ppStr "unknown module in export list: module", ppPStr mod])
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppCat [ ppStr "unknown module in export list: module", ppPStr mod]
 emptyModExportWarn locn mod
-  = addShortWarnLocLine locn (\ sty ->
-    ppCat [ppStr "module", ppPStr mod, ppStr "has no unqualified imports to export"])
+  = addShortWarnLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppCat [ppStr "module", ppPStr mod, ppStr "has no unqualified imports to export"]
 dupModExportWarn locn mods@(mod:_)
-  = addShortWarnLocLine locn (\ sty ->
-    ppCat [ppStr "module", ppPStr mod, ppStr "appears", ppInt (length mods), ppStr "times in export list"])
+  = addShortWarnLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppCat [ppStr "module", ppPStr mod, ppStr "appears", ppInt (length mods), ppStr "times in export list"]
 derivingNonStdClassErr clas locn
-  = addShortErrLocLine locn (\ sty ->
-    ppCat [ppStr "non-standard class in deriving:", ppr sty clas])
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppCat [ppStr "non-standard class in deriving:", ppr sty clas]
 dupDefaultDeclErr (DefaultDecl _ locn1 : dup_things) sty
   = ppAboves (item1 : map dup_item dup_things)
-      = addShortErrLocLine locn1 (\ sty -> ppStr "multiple default declarations") sty
+      = addShortErrLocLine locn1 (\ sty ->
+	ppStr "multiple default declarations") sty
     dup_item (DefaultDecl _ locn)
-      = addShortErrLocLine locn (\ sty -> ppStr "here was another default declaration") sty
+      = addShortErrLocLine locn (\ sty ->
+	ppStr "here was another default declaration") sty
 undefinedFixityDeclErr locn decl
-  = addErrLoc locn "fixity declaration for unknown operator" (\ sty ->
-    ppr sty decl)
+  = addErrLoc locn "fixity declaration for unknown operator" $ \ sty ->
+    ppr sty decl
 dupFixityDeclErr locn dups
-  = addErrLoc locn "multiple fixity declarations for same operator" (\ sty ->
-    ppAboves (map (ppr sty) dups))
+  = addErrLoc locn "multiple fixity declarations for same operator" $ \ sty ->
+    ppAboves (map (ppr sty) dups)
+classTyVarNotInOpTyErr clas_tyvar sig locn
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "Class type variable `", ppr sty clas_tyvar, ppStr "' does not appear in method signature:"])
+	 4 (ppr sty sig)
+classTyVarInOpCtxtErr clas_tyvar sig locn
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "Class type variable `", ppr sty clas_tyvar, ppStr "' present in method's local overloading context:"])
+	 4 (ppr sty sig)
+dupClassAssertWarn ctxt locn dups
+  = addShortWarnLocLine locn $ \ sty ->
+    ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "Duplicate class assertion `", ppr sty dups, ppStr "' in context:"])
+	 4 (ppr sty ctxt)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
index 1825928e20b6..7205e915d3d2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
@@ -14,18 +14,14 @@ module RnUtils (
-	unknownNameErr,
-	badClassOpErr,
-	dupNamesErr,
-	shadowedNameWarn,
-	multipleOccWarn
+	dupNamesErr
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import Bag		( Bag, emptyBag, snocBag, unionBags )
-import ErrUtils		( addShortErrLocLine, addShortWarnLocLine, addErrLoc )
+import ErrUtils		( addShortErrLocLine )
 import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, isEmptyFM,
 			  lookupFM, addListToFM, addToFM )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
@@ -164,20 +160,11 @@ lubExportFlag ExportAbs ExportAbs = ExportAbs
 *							*
-\subsection{Errors used in RnMonad}
+\subsection{Errors used *more than once* in the renamer}
 *							*
-unknownNameErr descriptor name locn
-  = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppStr "undefined ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ", pprNonSym sty name] )
-badClassOpErr clas op locn
-  = addErrLoc locn "" ( \ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppChar '`', pprNonSym sty op, ppStr "' is not an operation of class `",
-	      ppr sty clas, ppStr "'"] )
 qualNameErr descriptor (name,locn)
   = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
     ppBesides [ppStr "invalid use of qualified ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ", pprNonSym sty name ] )
@@ -194,13 +181,5 @@ dupNamesErr descriptor ((name1,locn1) : dup_things) sty
       = addShortErrLocLine locn (\ sty ->
 	ppBesides [ppStr "here was another declaration of `",
 		   pprNonSym sty name, ppStr "'" ]) sty
-shadowedNameWarn locn shadow
-  = addShortWarnLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppStr "more than one value with the same name (shadowing): ", ppr sty shadow] )
-multipleOccWarn (name, occs) sty
-  = ppBesides [ppStr "warning:multiple names used to refer to `", ppr sty name, ppStr "': ",
-	       ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr sty) occs)]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs
index 136c4bfeb186..6c83afa0ce7c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module AnalFBWW ( analFBWW ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn		( CoreBinding(..) )
 import Util		( panic{-ToDo:rm-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/BinderInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/BinderInfo.lhs
index ebf64d75e70b..82e024d93bb0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/BinderInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/BinderInfo.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module BinderInfo (
 	inlineUnconditionally, oneTextualOcc, oneSafeOcc,
-	combineBinderInfo, combineAltsBinderInfo,
+	addBinderInfo, orBinderInfo,
 	argOccurrence, funOccurrence,
 	markMany, markDangerousToDup, markInsideSCC,
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module BinderInfo (
 	isFun, isDupDanger -- for Simon Marlow deforestation
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Pretty
 import Util		( panic )
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ data BinderInfo
   | ManyOcc	-- Everything else besides DeadCode and OneOccs
-	Int	-- number of arguments on stack when called
+	Int	-- number of arguments on stack when called; this is a minimum guarantee
   | OneOcc	-- Just one occurrence (or one each in
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ data BinderInfo
 		-- time we *use* the info; we could be more clever for
 		-- other cases if we really had to. (WDP/PS)
-      Int	-- number of arguments on stack when called
+      Int	-- number of arguments on stack when called; minimum guarantee
 -- In general, we are feel free to substitute unless
 -- (a) is in an argument position (ArgOcc)
@@ -170,17 +170,25 @@ markInsideSCC (OneOcc posn dup_danger _ n_alts ar)
   = OneOcc posn dup_danger InsideSCC n_alts ar
 markInsideSCC other = other
-combineBinderInfo, combineAltsBinderInfo
+addBinderInfo, orBinderInfo
 	:: BinderInfo -> BinderInfo -> BinderInfo
-combineBinderInfo DeadCode info2 = info2
-combineBinderInfo info1 DeadCode = info1
-combineBinderInfo info1 info2
+addBinderInfo DeadCode info2 = info2
+addBinderInfo info1 DeadCode = info1
+addBinderInfo info1 info2
 	= ManyOcc (min (getBinderInfoArity info1) (getBinderInfoArity info2))
-combineAltsBinderInfo DeadCode info2 = info2
-combineAltsBinderInfo info1 DeadCode = info1
-combineAltsBinderInfo (OneOcc posn1 dup1 scc1 n_alts1 ar_1)
+-- (orBinderInfo orig new) is used in two situations:
+-- First, it combines occurrence info from branches of a case
+-- Second, when a variable whose occurrence
+--   info is currently "orig" is bound to a variable whose occurrence info is "new"
+--	eg  (\new -> e) orig
+--   What we want to do is to *worsen* orig's info to take account of new's
+orBinderInfo DeadCode info2 = info2
+orBinderInfo info1 DeadCode = info1
+orBinderInfo (OneOcc posn1 dup1 scc1 n_alts1 ar_1)
 		      (OneOcc posn2 dup2 scc2 n_alts2 ar_2)
   = OneOcc (combine_posns posn1 posn2)
 	   (combine_dups  dup1  dup2)
@@ -188,9 +196,6 @@ combineAltsBinderInfo (OneOcc posn1 dup1 scc1 n_alts1 ar_1)
 	   (n_alts1 + n_alts2)
 	   (min ar_1 ar_2)
-    combine_posns FunOcc FunOcc = FunOcc -- see comment at FunOrArg defn
-    combine_posns _  	 _      = ArgOcc
     combine_dups DupDanger _ = DupDanger	-- Too paranoid?? ToDo
     combine_dups _ DupDanger = DupDanger
     combine_dups _ _	     = NoDupDanger
@@ -199,9 +204,24 @@ combineAltsBinderInfo (OneOcc posn1 dup1 scc1 n_alts1 ar_1)
     combine_sccs _ InsideSCC = InsideSCC
     combine_sccs _ _	     = NotInsideSCC
-combineAltsBinderInfo info1 info2
+orBinderInfo info1 info2
 	= ManyOcc (min (getBinderInfoArity info1) (getBinderInfoArity info2))
+combine_posns FunOcc FunOcc = FunOcc -- see comment at FunOrArg defn
+combine_posns _  	 _  = ArgOcc
+multiplyBinderInfo orig@(ManyOcc _) new
+  = ManyOcc (min (getBinderInfoArity orig) (getBinderInfoArity new))
+multiplyBinderInfo orig new@(ManyOcc _)
+  = ManyOcc (min (getBinderInfoArity orig) (getBinderInfoArity new))
+multiplyBinderInfo (OneOcc posn1 dup1 scc1 n_alts1 ar_1)
+		   (OneOcc posn2 dup2 scc2 n_alts2 ar_2)  
+  = OneOcc (combine_posns posn1 posn2) ???
 setBinderInfoArityToZero :: BinderInfo -> BinderInfo
 setBinderInfoArityToZero DeadCode    = DeadCode
 setBinderInfoArityToZero (ManyOcc _) = ManyOcc 0
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/ConFold.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/ConFold.lhs
index ef787b2d23c8..1b4c5ffeaa10 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/ConFold.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/ConFold.lhs
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ ToDo:
 module ConFold	( completePrim ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn
-import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingDetails(..), FormSummary(..) )
+import CoreUnfold	( whnfDetails, UnfoldingDetails(..), FormSummary(..) )
 import Id		( idType )
 import Literal		( mkMachInt, mkMachWord, Literal(..) )
 import MagicUFs		( MagicUnfoldingFun )
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..) )
 import SimplEnv
 import SimplMonad
 import TysWiredIn	( trueDataCon, falseDataCon )
+#ifdef REALLY_HASKELL_1_3
+ord = fromEnum :: Char -> Int
+chr = toEnum   :: Int -> Char
@@ -90,17 +95,10 @@ completePrim env SeqOp [TyArg ty, LitArg lit]
   = returnSmpl (Lit (mkMachInt 1))
 completePrim env op@SeqOp args@[TyArg ty, VarArg var]
-  = case (lookupUnfolding env var) of
-      NoUnfoldingDetails     -> give_up
-      LitForm _		     -> hooray
-      OtherLitForm _	     -> hooray
-      ConForm _ _	     -> hooray
-      OtherConForm _	     -> hooray
-      GenForm _ WhnfForm _ _ -> hooray
-      _			     -> give_up
-  where
-    give_up = returnSmpl (Prim op args)
-    hooray  = returnSmpl (Lit (mkMachInt 1))
+  | whnfDetails (lookupUnfolding env var)
+  = returnSmpl (Lit (mkMachInt 1))
+  | otherwise
+  = returnSmpl (Prim op args)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
index b09986e37005..b52523bf33fb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ then discover that they aren't needed in the chosen branch.
 module FloatIn ( floatInwards ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import AnnCoreSyn
 import CoreSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs
index 401300459f42..361b3cf86657 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 module FloatOut ( floatOutwards ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs
index 55a0e318141f..e5903cb1d711 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module FoldrBuildWW ( mkFoldrBuildWW ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn		( CoreBinding(..) )
 import Util		( panic{-ToDo:rm?-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
index a75cd48b1960..04aaa58ed4eb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 module LiberateCase ( liberateCase ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Util		( panic )
 liberateCase = panic "LiberateCase.liberateCase: ToDo"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/MagicUFs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/MagicUFs.lhs
index 32318fe2999e..1df7968fc86b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/MagicUFs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/MagicUFs.lhs
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ module MagicUFs (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import IdLoop		-- paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)		-- paranoia checking
 import CoreSyn
 import SimplEnv		( SimplEnv )
@@ -320,9 +320,8 @@ foldr_fun _ _ = returnSmpl Nothing
 isConsFun :: SimplEnv -> CoreArg -> Bool
 isConsFun env (VarArg v)
   = case lookupUnfolding env v of
-	GenForm _ _ (Lam (x,_) (Lam (y,_)
-			(Con con tys [VarArg x',VarArg y']))) _
-			| con == consDataCon && x==x' && y==y'
+	GenForm _ (Lam (x,_) (Lam (y,_) (Con con tys [VarArg x',VarArg y']))) _
+	  | con == consDataCon && x==x' && y==y'
 	  -> ASSERT ( length tys == 1 ) True
 	_ -> False
 isConsFun env _ = False
@@ -330,12 +329,9 @@ isConsFun env _ = False
 isNilForm :: SimplEnv -> CoreArg -> Bool
 isNilForm env (VarArg v)
   = case lookupUnfolding env v of
-	GenForm _ _ (CoTyApp (Var id) _) _
-	  | id == nilDataCon -> True
-	ConForm id _ _
-	  | id == nilDataCon   -> True
-	LitForm (NoRepStr s) | _NULL_ s -> True
-	_ -> False
+	GenForm _ (CoTyApp (Var id) _) _ | id == nilDataCon -> True
+	GenForm _ (Lit (NoRepStr s))   _ | _NULL_ s	      -> True
+	_ 						      -> False
 isNilForm env _ = False
 getBuildForm :: SimplEnv -> CoreArg -> Maybe Id
@@ -343,9 +339,9 @@ getBuildForm env (VarArg v)
   = case lookupUnfolding env v of
 	GenForm False _ _ _ -> Nothing
 					-- not allowed to inline :-(
-	GenForm _ _ (App (CoTyApp (Var bld) _) (VarArg g)) _
+	GenForm _ (App (CoTyApp (Var bld) _) (VarArg g)) _
 	  | bld == buildId -> Just g
-	GenForm _ _ (App (App (CoTyApp (Var bld) _)
+	GenForm _ (App (App (CoTyApp (Var bld) _)
 					(VarArg g)) h) _
 	  | bld == augmentId && isNilForm env h  -> Just g
 	_ -> Nothing
@@ -358,7 +354,7 @@ getAugmentForm env (VarArg v)
   = case lookupUnfolding env v of
 	GenForm False _ _ _ -> Nothing
 				-- not allowed to inline :-(
-	GenForm _ _ (App (App (CoTyApp (Var bld) _)
+	GenForm _ (App (App (CoTyApp (Var bld) _)
 						(VarArg g)) h) _
 	  | bld == augmentId -> Just (g,h)
 	_ -> Nothing
@@ -373,7 +369,7 @@ getAppendForm :: SimplEnv -> CoreArg -> Maybe (GenCoreAtom Id,GenCoreAtom Id)
 getAppendForm env (VarArg v) =
     case lookupUnfolding env v of
 	GenForm False _ _ _ -> Nothing	-- not allowed to inline :-(
-	GenForm _ _ (App (App (App (CoTyApp (CoTyApp (Var fld) _) _) con) ys) xs) _
+	GenForm _ (App (App (App (CoTyApp (CoTyApp (Var fld) _) _) con) ys) xs) _
 	  | fld == foldrId && isConsFun env con -> Just (xs,ys)
 	_ -> Nothing
 getAppendForm env _ = Nothing
@@ -390,7 +386,7 @@ getListForm
 	-> Maybe ([CoreArg],CoreArg)
 getListForm env (VarArg v)
   = case lookupUnfolding env v of
-       ConForm id _ [head,tail]
+       GenForm _ (Con id [ty_arg,head,tail]) _
 	  | id == consDataCon ->
 		case getListForm env tail of
  		   Nothing -> Just ([head],tail)
@@ -402,7 +398,7 @@ isInterestingArg :: SimplEnv -> CoreArg -> Bool
 isInterestingArg env (VarArg v)
   = case lookupUnfolding env v of
        GenForm False _ _ UnfoldNever -> False
-       GenForm _ _ exp guide -> True
+       GenForm _ exp guide -> True
        _ -> False
 isInterestingArg env _ = False
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
index cc7d4fbdb8b2..cdb26cb13170 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ module OccurAnal (
 	occurAnalyseBinds, occurAnalyseExpr, occurAnalyseGlobalExpr
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import BinderInfo
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_D_dump_occur_anal, SimplifierSwitch(..) )
@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ combineUsageDetails, combineAltsUsageDetails
 	:: UsageDetails -> UsageDetails -> UsageDetails
 combineUsageDetails usage1 usage2
-  = combineIdEnvs combineBinderInfo usage1 usage2
+  = combineIdEnvs addBinderInfo usage1 usage2
 combineAltsUsageDetails usage1 usage2
-  = combineIdEnvs combineAltsBinderInfo usage1 usage2
+  = combineIdEnvs orBinderInfo usage1 usage2
 addOneOcc :: UsageDetails -> Id -> BinderInfo -> UsageDetails
 addOneOcc usage id info
-  = combineIdEnvs combineBinderInfo usage (unitIdEnv id info)
+  = combineIdEnvs addBinderInfo usage (unitIdEnv id info)
 	-- ToDo: make this more efficient
 emptyDetails = (nullIdEnv :: UsageDetails)
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ occurAnalyseGlobalExpr :: CoreExpr -> SimplifiableCoreExpr
 occurAnalyseGlobalExpr expr
   = 	-- Top level expr, so no interesting free vars, and
 	-- discard occurence info returned
-    expr' where (_, expr') = occurAnalyseExpr emptyIdSet expr
+    snd (occurAnalyseExpr emptyIdSet expr)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs
index 72c67099fca1..cac46f1c731a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Experimental Evidence: Heap: +/- 7%
 module SAT ( doStaticArgs ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Util		( panic )
 doStaticArgs = panic "SAT.doStaticArgs (ToDo)"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs
index 627ade946111..029d856a0ae1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 module SATMonad where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Util		( panic )
 junk_from_SATMonad = panic "SATMonad.junk"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
index d1b50a5f837c..f4bdc82638a2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module SetLevels (
 -- not exported: , incMajorLvl, isTopMajLvl, unTopify
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import AnnCoreSyn
 import CoreSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs
index 4054a144635f..58574cd6f922 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs
@@ -10,13 +10,14 @@ Support code for @Simplify@.
 module SimplCase ( simplCase, bindLargeRhs ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import SmplLoop		( simplBind, simplExpr, MagicUnfoldingFun )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(SmplLoop)		( simplBind, simplExpr, MagicUnfoldingFun )
 import BinderInfo	-- too boring to try to select things...
 import CmdLineOpts	( SimplifierSwitch(..) )
 import CoreSyn
-import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingDetails(..), UnfoldingGuidance(..),
+import CoreUnfold	( whnfDetails, mkConForm, mkLitForm,
+			  UnfoldingDetails(..), UnfoldingGuidance(..),
 import CoreUtils	( coreAltsType, nonErrorRHSs, maybeErrorApp,
@@ -28,13 +29,13 @@ import Id		( idType, isDataCon, getIdDemandInfo,
 import IdInfo		( willBeDemanded, DemandInfo )
 import Literal		( isNoRepLit, Literal{-instance Eq-} )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import PrelVals		( voidPrimId )
+import PrelVals		( voidId )
 import PrimOp		( primOpOkForSpeculation, PrimOp{-instance Eq-} )
 import SimplEnv
 import SimplMonad
 import SimplUtils	( mkValLamTryingEta )
 import Type		( isPrimType, maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, mkFunTys, eqTy )
-import TysPrim		( voidPrimTy )
+import TysWiredIn	( voidTy )
 import Unique		( Unique{-instance Eq-} )
 import Usage		( GenUsage{-instance Eq-} )
 import Util		( isIn, isSingleton, zipEqual, panic, assertPanic )
@@ -312,11 +313,6 @@ completeCase env scrut alts rhs_c
 					[alt | alt@(alt_con,_,_) <- alts,
 					       not (alt_con `is_elem` not_these)]
-#ifdef DEBUG
---				ConForm c v -> pprPanic "completeCase!" (ppAbove (ppCat [ppr PprDebug c, ppStr "<args>"]) (ppr PprDebug alts))
-				  -- ConForm can't happen, since we'd have
-				  -- inlined it, and be in completeCaseWithKnownCon by now
 				other -> alts
 	      alt_binders_unused (con, args, rhs) = all is_dead args
@@ -330,12 +326,7 @@ completeCase env scrut alts rhs_c
 	-- If the scrut is already eval'd then there's no worry about
 	-- eliminating the case
-    scrut_is_evald = case scrut_form of
-			OtherLitForm _   -> True
-			ConForm      _ _ -> True
-			OtherConForm _   -> True
-			other		 -> False
+    scrut_is_evald = whnfDetails scrut_form
       = case scrut of
@@ -441,17 +432,17 @@ bindLargeRhs env args rhs_ty rhs_c
 	-- for let-binding-purposes, we will *caseify* it (!),
 	-- with potentially-disastrous strictness results.  So
 	-- instead we turn it into a function: \v -> e
-	-- where v::VoidPrim.  Since arguments of type
+	-- where v::Void.  Since arguments of type
 	-- VoidPrim don't generate any code, this gives the
 	-- desired effect.
 	-- The general structure is just the same as for the common "otherwise~ case
   = newId prim_rhs_fun_ty	`thenSmpl` \ prim_rhs_fun_id ->
-    newId voidPrimTy		`thenSmpl` \ void_arg_id ->
+    newId voidTy		`thenSmpl` \ void_arg_id ->
     rhs_c env 			`thenSmpl` \ prim_new_body ->
     returnSmpl (NonRec prim_rhs_fun_id (mkValLam [void_arg_id] prim_new_body),
-		App (Var prim_rhs_fun_id) (VarArg voidPrimId))
+		App (Var prim_rhs_fun_id) (VarArg voidId))
   | otherwise
   = 	-- Make the new binding Id.  NB: it's an OutId
@@ -484,7 +475,7 @@ bindLargeRhs env args rhs_ty rhs_c
     dead DeadCode  = True
     dead other     = False
-    prim_rhs_fun_ty = mkFunTys [voidPrimTy] rhs_ty
+    prim_rhs_fun_ty = mkFunTys [voidTy] rhs_ty
 Case alternatives when we don't know the scrutinee
@@ -535,7 +526,7 @@ simplAlts env scrut (PrimAlts alts deflt) rhs_c
     do_alt (lit, rhs)
       = let
 	    new_env = case scrut of
-			Var v -> extendUnfoldEnvGivenFormDetails env v (LitForm lit)
+			Var v -> extendUnfoldEnvGivenFormDetails env v (mkLitForm lit)
 			other -> env
 	rhs_c new_env rhs 				`thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
@@ -592,16 +583,14 @@ simplDefault env (Var scrut_var) (BindDefault binder rhs) form_from_this_case rh
 	= case (form_from_this_case, scrut_form) of
 	    (OtherConForm cs, OtherConForm ds) -> OtherConForm (cs++ds)
 	    (OtherLitForm cs, OtherLitForm ds) -> OtherLitForm (cs++ds)
-			-- ConForm, LitForm impossible
-			-- (ASSERT?  ASSERT?  Hello? WDP 95/05)
 	    other 			       -> form_from_this_case
       env2 = extendUnfoldEnvGivenFormDetails env1 binder' final_form
 	-- Change unfold details for scrut var.  We now want to unfold it
 	-- to binder'
-      new_scrut_var_form = GenForm True {- OK to dup -} WhnfForm
-				       (Var binder') UnfoldAlways
+      new_scrut_var_form = GenForm WhnfForm (Var binder') UnfoldAlways
       new_env    = extendUnfoldEnvGivenFormDetails env2 scrut_var new_scrut_var_form
@@ -702,7 +691,7 @@ completeAlgCaseWithKnownCon env con con_args (AlgAlts alts deflt) rhs_c
 		    env1    = extendIdEnvWithClone env binder id'
 		    new_env = extendUnfoldEnvGivenFormDetails env1 id'
-					(ConForm con con_args)
+					(mkConForm con con_args)
 		rhs_c new_env rhs		`thenSmpl` \ rhs' ->
 		returnSmpl (Let (NonRec id' (Con con con_args)) rhs')
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
index a58f126ae8b2..c8235b226823 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCore.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module SimplCore ( core2core ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import AnalFBWW		( analFBWW )
 import Bag		( isEmptyBag, foldBag )
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ calcInlinings scc_s_OK inline_env_so_far top_binds
     	pp_det NoUnfoldingDetails   = ppStr "_N_"
 --LATER:	pp_det (IWantToBeINLINEd _) = ppStr "INLINE"
-    	pp_det (GenForm _ _ expr guide)
+    	pp_det (GenForm _ expr guide)
     	  = ppAbove (ppr PprDebug guide) (ppr PprDebug expr)
     	pp_det other	    	    = ppStr "???"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
index 5406e3da09e2..7cd952426bde 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
@@ -43,27 +43,30 @@ module SimplEnv (
 	OutExpr(..), OutAlts(..), OutDefault(..), OutArg(..)
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import SmplLoop		-- breaks the MagicUFs / SimplEnv loop
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(SmplLoop)		-- breaks the MagicUFs / SimplEnv loop
-import BinderInfo	( BinderInfo{-instances-} )
+import BinderInfo	( orBinderInfo, oneSafeOcc,
+			  BinderInfo(..){-instances, too-}, FunOrArg, DuplicationDanger, InsideSCC
+			)
 import CmdLineOpts	( switchIsOn, intSwitchSet, SimplifierSwitch(..), SwitchResult )
 import CoreSyn
-import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingDetails(..), mkGenForm, modifyUnfoldingDetails,
+import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingDetails(..), mkGenForm, mkConForm,
 			  calcUnfoldingGuidance, UnfoldingGuidance(..),
-			  mkFormSummary, FormSummary
+			  mkFormSummary, FormSummary(..)
 import CoreUtils	( manifestlyWHNF, exprSmallEnoughToDup )
 import FiniteMap	-- lots of things
 import Id		( idType, getIdUnfolding, getIdStrictness,
 			  nullIdEnv, growIdEnvList, rngIdEnv, lookupIdEnv,
-			  addOneToIdEnv, modifyIdEnv,
+			  addOneToIdEnv, modifyIdEnv, mkIdSet,
 			  IdEnv(..), IdSet(..), GenId )
 import IdInfo		( bottomIsGuaranteed, StrictnessInfo )
 import Literal		( isNoRepLit, Literal{-instances-} )
+import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import Name		( isLocallyDefined )
 import OccurAnal	( occurAnalyseExpr )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instances-} )
@@ -77,16 +80,15 @@ import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, addOneToIdEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv,
 			  TyVarEnv(..), GenTyVar{-instance Eq-}
 import Unique		( Unique{-instance Outputable-} )
-import UniqFM		( addToUFM_Directly, lookupUFM_Directly, ufmToList )
-import UniqSet		-- lots of things
+import UniqFM		( addToUFM_Directly, lookupUFM_Directly, delFromUFM_Directly,
+			  delFromUFM, ufmToList
+			)
+--import UniqSet		-- lots of things
 import Usage		( UVar(..), GenUsage{-instances-} )
 import Util		( zipEqual, thenCmp, cmpList, panic, panic#, assertPanic )
 type TypeEnv = TyVarEnv Type
 cmpType = panic "cmpType (SimplEnv)"
-oneSafeOcc = panic "oneSafeOcc (SimplEnv)"
-oneTextualOcc = panic "oneTextualOcc (SimplEnv)"
-simplIdWantsToBeINLINEd = panic "simplIdWantsToBeINLINEd (SimplEnv)"
@@ -171,13 +173,11 @@ pprSimplEnv (SimplEnv _ _ ty_env id_env (UFE unfold_env _ _))
       = ppCat [ppr PprDebug v, ppStr "=>",
 	       case form of
 		 NoUnfoldingDetails -> ppStr "NoUnfoldingDetails"
-		 LitForm l -> ppCat [ppStr "Lit:", ppr PprDebug l]
 		 OtherLitForm ls -> ppCat [ppStr "Other lit:", ppInterleave (ppStr ", ")
 						               [ppr PprDebug l | l <- ls]]
-		 ConForm c a     -> ppCat [ppStr "Con:", ppr PprDebug c, ppr PprDebug a]
 		 OtherConForm cs -> ppCat [ppStr "OtherCon:", ppInterleave (ppStr ", ")
 							      [ppr PprDebug c | c <- cs]]
-		 GenForm t w e g -> ppCat [ppStr "UF:",	ppr PprDebug t,	ppr PprDebug w,
+		 GenForm w e g -> ppCat [ppStr "UF:",	ppr PprDebug w,
 							ppr PprDebug g, ppr PprDebug e]
 		 MagicForm s _   -> ppCat [ppStr "Magic:", ppr PprDebug s]
@@ -258,12 +258,21 @@ data UnfoldConApp -- yet another glorified pair
 data UnfoldEnv	-- yup, a glorified triple...
   = UFE		(IdEnv UnfoldItem)	-- Maps an OutId => its UnfoldItem
-		IdSet			-- The Ids in the domain of the env
-					-- which have details (GenForm True ...)
-					-- i.e., they claim they are duplicatable.
-					-- These are the ones we have to worry
-					-- about when adding new items to the
-					-- unfold env.
+		(IdEnv (Id,BinderInfo))	-- Occurrence info for some (but not necessarily all)
+					-- in-scope ids.  The "Id" part is just so that
+					-- we can recover the domain of the mapping, which
+					-- IdEnvs don't allow directly.
+					--
+					-- Anything that isn't in here
+					-- should be assumed to occur many times.
+					-- The things in here all occur once, and the 
+					-- binder-info tells about whether that "once"
+					-- is inside a lambda, or perhaps once in each branch
+					-- of a case etc.
+					-- We keep this info so we can modify it when
+					-- something changes.
 		(FiniteMap UnfoldConApp [([Type], OutId)])
 					-- Maps applications of constructors (to
 					-- value atoms) back to an association list
@@ -274,7 +283,7 @@ data UnfoldEnv	-- yup, a glorified triple...
 					-- mapping for (part of) the main IdEnv
 					-- (1st part of UFE)
-null_unfold_env = UFE nullIdEnv emptyUniqSet emptyFM
+null_unfold_env = UFE nullIdEnv nullIdEnv emptyFM
 The @UnfoldEnv@ type.  We expect on the whole that an @UnfoldEnv@ will
@@ -289,45 +298,40 @@ things silently grow quite big....  Here are some local functions used
 elsewhere in the module:
-grow_unfold_env   :: UnfoldEnv -> OutId -> UnfoldingDetails -> EnclosingCcDetails -> UnfoldEnv
+grow_unfold_env   :: UnfoldEnv -> OutId -> BinderInfo -> UnfoldingDetails -> EnclosingCcDetails -> UnfoldEnv
 lookup_unfold_env :: UnfoldEnv -> OutId -> UnfoldingDetails
 		  :: UnfoldEnv -> OutId -> EnclosingCcDetails
-grow_unfold_env full_u_env id NoUnfoldingDetails _ = full_u_env
+grow_unfold_env full_u_env _ _ NoUnfoldingDetails _ = full_u_env
-grow_unfold_env (UFE u_env interesting_ids con_apps) id
-		uf_details@(GenForm True _ _ _) encl_cc
-    -- Only interested in Ids which have a "dangerous" unfolding; that is
-    -- one that claims to have a single occurrence.
+grow_unfold_env (UFE u_env occ_env con_apps) id occ_info uf_details encl_cc
   = UFE (addOneToIdEnv u_env id (UnfoldItem id uf_details encl_cc))
-	(addOneToUniqSet interesting_ids id)
-	con_apps
-grow_unfold_env (UFE u_env interesting_ids con_apps) id uf_details encl_cc
-  = UFE (addOneToIdEnv u_env id (UnfoldItem id uf_details encl_cc))
-	interesting_ids
+	new_occ_env
+    new_occ_env = modify_occ_info occ_env id occ_info
       = case uf_details of
-	  ConForm con args  -> snd (lookup_conapp_help con_apps con args id)
+	  GenForm WhnfForm (Con con args) UnfoldAlways -> snd (lookup_conapp_help con_apps con args id)
 	  not_a_constructor -> con_apps -- unchanged
-addto_unfold_env (UFE u_env interesting_ids con_apps) extra_items
+addto_unfold_env (UFE u_env occ_env con_apps) extra_items
   = ASSERT(not (any constructor_form_in_those extra_items))
     -- otherwise, we'd need to change con_apps
-    UFE (growIdEnvList u_env extra_items) interesting_ids con_apps
+    UFE (growIdEnvList u_env extra_items) occ_env con_apps
-    constructor_form_in_those (_, UnfoldItem _ (ConForm _ _) _) = True
+    constructor_form_in_those (_, UnfoldItem _ (GenForm WhnfForm (Con _ _) UnfoldAlways) _) = True
     constructor_form_in_those _ = False
 rng_unfold_env (UFE u_env _ _) = rngIdEnv u_env
-get_interesting_ids (UFE _ interesting_ids _) = interesting_ids
+get_interesting_ids (UFE _ occ_env _)
+  = mkIdSet [ i | (_,(i,_)) <- ufmToList occ_env ]
-foldr_unfold_env fun (UFE u_env interesting_ids con_apps) stuff
-  = UFE (foldr fun u_env stuff) interesting_ids con_apps
+foldr_occ_env fun (UFE u_env occ_env con_apps) stuff
+  = UFE u_env (foldr fun occ_env stuff) con_apps
 lookup_unfold_env (UFE u_env _ _) id
   = case (lookupIdEnv u_env id) of
@@ -368,30 +372,27 @@ lookup_conapp_help con_apps con args outid
     cmp_ty ty1 ty2 -- NB: we really only know how to do *equality* on types
       = if (ty1 `eqTy` ty2) then EQ_ else LT_{-random choice-}
-modify_unfold_env (UFE u_env interesting_ids con_apps) zapper id
-  = UFE (modifyIdEnv u_env zapper id) interesting_ids con_apps
+modify_occ_info occ_env id new_occ@(OneOcc _ _ _ _ _)
+  = modifyIdEnv occ_env (\ (i,o) -> (i, orBinderInfo o new_occ)) id
--- If the current binding claims to be a "unique" one, then
--- we modify it.
-modifyItem :: Bool -> BinderInfo -> UnfoldItem -> UnfoldItem
-modifyItem ok_to_dup occ_info (UnfoldItem id details enc_cc)
-  = UnfoldItem id (modifyUnfoldingDetails ok_to_dup occ_info details) enc_cc
+modify_occ_info occ_env id other_new_occ
+  = 	-- Many or Dead occurrence, just delete from occ_env
+    delFromUFM occ_env id
 The main thing about @UnfoldConApp@ is that it has @Ord@ defined on
 it, so we can use it for a @FiniteMap@ key.
 instance Eq  UnfoldConApp where
-    a == b = case cmp_app a b of { EQ_ -> True;   _ -> False }
-    a /= b = case cmp_app a b of { EQ_ -> False;  _ -> True  }
+    a == b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> True;   _ -> False }
+    a /= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> False;  _ -> True  }
 instance Ord UnfoldConApp where
-    a <= b = case cmp_app a b of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> False }
-    a <  b = case cmp_app a b of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> False }
-    a >= b = case cmp_app a b of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> True  }
-    a >  b = case cmp_app a b of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
-    _tagCmp a b = case cmp_app a b of { LT_ -> _LT; EQ_ -> _EQ; GT__ -> _GT }
+    a <= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> False }
+    a <  b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;  EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> False }
+    a >= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> True  }
+    a >  b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
+    _tagCmp a b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> _LT; EQ_ -> _EQ; GT__ -> _GT }
 instance Ord3 UnfoldConApp where
     cmp = cmp_app
@@ -402,7 +403,7 @@ cmp_app (UCA c1 as1) (UCA c2 as2)
     -- ToDo: make an "instance Ord3 CoreArg"???
     cmp_arg (VarArg   x) (VarArg   y) = x `cmp` y
-    cmp_arg (LitArg   x) (LitArg   y) = case _tagCmp x y of { _LT -> LT_; _EQ -> EQ_; GT__ -> GT_ }
+    cmp_arg (LitArg   x) (LitArg   y) = x `cmp` y
     cmp_arg (TyArg    x) (TyArg    y) = panic# "SimplEnv.cmp_app:TyArgs"
     cmp_arg (UsageArg x) (UsageArg y) = panic# "SimplEnv.cmp_app:UsageArgs"
     cmp_arg x y
@@ -543,26 +544,19 @@ extendIdEnvWithAtom
 	-> InBinder -> OutArg{-Val args only, please-}
 	-> SimplEnv
-extendIdEnvWithAtom (SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env id_env unfold_env) (in_id,occ_info) atom@(LitArg lit)
+extendIdEnvWithAtom (SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env id_env unfold_env)
+		    (in_id,occ_info) atom@(LitArg lit)
   = SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env new_id_env unfold_env
     new_id_env = addOneToIdEnv id_env in_id (ItsAnAtom atom)
-extendIdEnvWithAtom (SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env id_env unfold_env)
-	    (in_id, occ_info) atom@(VarArg out_id)
+extendIdEnvWithAtom (SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env id_env (UFE u_env occ_env con_apps))
+	    	    (in_id, occ_info) atom@(VarArg out_id)
   = SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env new_id_env new_unfold_env
-    new_id_env = addOneToIdEnv id_env in_id (ItsAnAtom atom)
-    new_unfold_env = modify_unfold_env
-			unfold_env
-			(modifyItem ok_to_dup occ_info)
-			out_id
-		-- Modify binding for in_id
-		-- NO! modify out_id, because its the info on the
-		-- atom that interest's us.
-    ok_to_dup    = switchIsOn chkr SimplOkToDupCode
+    new_id_env     = addOneToIdEnv id_env in_id (ItsAnAtom atom)
+    new_unfold_env = UFE u_env (modify_occ_info occ_env out_id occ_info) con_apps
+			-- Modify occ info for out_id
 #ifdef DEBUG
 extendIdEnvWithAtom _ _ _ = panic "extendIdEnvWithAtom: non-Val arg!"
@@ -648,7 +642,8 @@ extendUnfoldEnvGivenFormDetails
       NoUnfoldingDetails -> env
       good_details	 -> SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env id_env new_unfold_env
-	  new_unfold_env = grow_unfold_env unfold_env id good_details encl_cc
+	  new_unfold_env = grow_unfold_env unfold_env id fake_occ_info good_details encl_cc
+	  fake_occ_info  = {-ToDo!-} ManyOcc 0 -- generally paranoid
 extendUnfoldEnvGivenConstructor -- specialised variant
 	:: SimplEnv
@@ -663,7 +658,7 @@ extendUnfoldEnvGivenConstructor env var con args
 	(_, ty_args, _) = getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts scrut_ty
-      env var (ConForm con (map TyArg ty_args ++ map VarArg args))
+      env var (mkConForm con (map TyArg ty_args ++ map VarArg args))
@@ -720,40 +715,40 @@ extendUnfoldEnvGivenRhs env@(SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env id_env unfold_env)
   = SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env id_env new_unfold_env
 	-- Occurrence-analyse the RHS
-    (fv_occ_info, template) = occurAnalyseExpr {-test:nullIdEnv-} interesting_fvs rhs
+    (fv_occ_info, template) = occurAnalyseExpr interesting_fvs rhs
-    interesting_fvs = get_interesting_ids unfold_env
+    interesting_fvs = get_interesting_ids unfold_env   -- Ids in dom of OccEnv
 	-- Compute unfolding details
-    details = case rhs of
-		Var v			   -> panic "Vars already dealt with"
-		Lit lit | isNoRepLit lit -> LitForm lit
-			  | otherwise	   -> panic "non-noRep Lits already dealt with"
-		Con con args 		   -> ConForm con args
-		other -> mkGenForm ok_to_dup occ_info
-				   (mkFormSummary (getIdStrictness out_id) rhs)
-				   template guidance
+    details = mkGenForm (mkFormSummary (getIdStrictness out_id) rhs)
+			template guidance
 	-- Compute resulting unfold env
     new_unfold_env = case details of
-			NoUnfoldingDetails	-> unfold_env
-			GenForm _ _ _ _	-> unfold_env2{-test: unfold_env1 -}
-			other			-> unfold_env1
+			NoUnfoldingDetails  -> unfold_env
+			other		    -> unfold_env1
 	-- Add unfolding to unfold env
-    unfold_env1 = grow_unfold_env unfold_env out_id details encl_cc
+    unfold_env1 = grow_unfold_env unfold_env out_id occ_info details encl_cc
+{- OLD: done in grow_unfold_env
 	-- Modify unfoldings of free vars of rhs, based on their
 	-- occurrence info in the rhs [see notes above]
-    unfold_env2 = foldr_unfold_env modify unfold_env1 (ufmToList fv_occ_info)
-    modify :: (Unique, BinderInfo) -> IdEnv UnfoldItem -> IdEnv UnfoldItem
-    modify (u, occ_info) env
-      = case (lookupUFM_Directly env u) of
-	  Nothing -> env -- ToDo: can this happen?
-	  Just xx -> addToUFM_Directly env u (modifyItem ok_to_dup occ_info xx)
+    unfold_env2
+      = foldr_occ_env modify unfold_env1 (ufmToList fv_occ_info)
+      where
+	modify :: (Unique, (Id,BinderInfo)) -> IdEnv (Id,BinderInfo) -> IdEnv (Id,BinderInfo)
+	modify (u, item@(i,occ_info)) env
+	  = if maybeToBool (lookupUFM_Directly env u) then
+		-- it occurred before, so now it occurs multiple times;
+		-- therefore, *delete* it from the occ(urs once) env.
+		delFromUFM_Directly env u
+	    else if not (oneSafeOcc ok_to_dup occ_info) then
+		env -- leave it alone
+	    else
+		addToUFM_Directly env u item
 	-- Compute unfolding guidance
     guidance = if simplIdWantsToBeINLINEd out_id env
@@ -765,8 +760,8 @@ extendUnfoldEnvGivenRhs env@(SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env id_env unfold_env)
 		      Just xx -> xx
     ok_to_dup     = switchIsOn chkr SimplOkToDupCode
-			|| exprSmallEnoughToDup rhs
-			-- [Andy] added, Jun 95
+--NO:			|| exprSmallEnoughToDup rhs
+--			-- [Andy] added, Jun 95
 {- Reinstated AJG Jun 95; This is needed
     --example that does not (currently) work
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs
index 4855ede6685d..f1a125763417 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplMonad.lhs
@@ -18,13 +18,11 @@ module SimplMonad (
 	-- Cloning
 	cloneId, cloneIds, cloneTyVarSmpl, newIds, newId
-	-- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import SmplLoop		-- well, cheating sort of
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(SmplLoop)		-- well, cheating sort of
 import Id		( mkSysLocal, mkIdWithNewUniq )
 import SimplEnv
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplPgm.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplPgm.lhs
index 3db8a5f5c83c..692f720e7fb2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplPgm.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplPgm.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module SimplPgm ( simplifyPgm ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_D_verbose_core2core,
 			  switchIsOn, intSwitchSet, SimplifierSwitch(..)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
index ac24d65fc4d1..70ed4b8079e9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ module SimplUtils (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(SmplLoop)		-- paranoia checking
 import BinderInfo
 import CmdLineOpts	( SimplifierSwitch(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplVar.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplVar.lhs
index f6eecf2b3197..043cd3d5e325 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplVar.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplVar.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1995
+% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1996
 \section[SimplVar]{Simplifier stuff related to variables}
@@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ module SimplVar (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import SmplLoop		( simplExpr )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(SmplLoop)		( simplExpr )
 import CmdLineOpts	( intSwitchSet, switchIsOn, SimplifierSwitch(..) )
 import CoreSyn
-import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingDetails(..), UnfoldingGuidance(..),
+import CoreUnfold	( whnfDetails, UnfoldingDetails(..), UnfoldingGuidance(..),
 import Id		( idType, getIdInfo,
@@ -55,21 +55,9 @@ completeVar env var args
     case (lookupUnfolding env var) of
-      LitForm lit
-	| not (isNoRepLit lit)
-		-- Inline literals, if they aren't no-repish things
-	-> ASSERT( null args )
-	   returnSmpl (Lit lit)
-      ConForm con con_args
-		-- Always inline constructors.
-		-- See comments before completeLetBinding
-	-> ASSERT( null args )
-	   returnSmpl (Con con con_args)
-      GenForm txt_occ form_summary template guidance
+      GenForm form_summary template guidance
 	-> considerUnfolding env var args
-			     txt_occ form_summary template guidance
+			     (panic "completeVar"{-txt_occ-}) form_summary template guidance
       MagicForm str magic_fun
 	->  applyMagicUnfoldingFun magic_fun env args `thenSmpl` \ result ->
@@ -268,10 +256,9 @@ discountedCost env con_discount_weight size no_args is_con_vec args
 	    case arg of
-	      LitArg _ -> full_price
-	      VarArg v -> case lookupUnfolding env v of
-			       ConForm _ _ -> take_something_off v
-			       other_form  -> full_price
+	      LitArg _ 					     -> full_price
+	      VarArg v | whnfDetails (lookupUnfolding env v) -> take_something_off v
+		       | otherwise			     -> full_price
 	) want_cons rest_args
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
index 27424dd02385..240f4b3026ee 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 module Simplify ( simplTopBinds, simplExpr, simplBind ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import SmplLoop		-- paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(SmplLoop)		-- paranoia checking
 import BinderInfo
 import CmdLineOpts	( SimplifierSwitch(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SmplLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SmplLoop.lhi
index ddffa3bbbd58..a6275b949b7a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SmplLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SmplLoop.lhi
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ Also break the loop between SimplVar/SimplCase (which use
 Simplify.simplExpr) and SimplExpr (which uses whatever
 SimplVar/SimplCase cough up).
+Tell SimplEnv about SimplUtils.simplIdWantsToBeINLINEd.
 interface SmplLoop where
@@ -13,6 +15,7 @@ import SimplEnv	    ( SimplEnv, InBinding(..), InExpr(..),
 		      OutArg(..), OutExpr(..), OutType(..)
 import Simplify	    ( simplExpr, simplBind )
+import SimplUtils   ( simplIdWantsToBeINLINEd )
 import BinderInfo(BinderInfo)
 import CoreSyn(GenCoreArg, GenCoreBinding, GenCoreExpr)
@@ -27,6 +30,8 @@ import Usage(GenUsage)
 data MagicUnfoldingFun
 data SimplCount 
+simplIdWantsToBeINLINEd :: GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique) -> SimplEnv -> Bool
 simplBind :: SimplEnv -> GenCoreBinding (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique), BinderInfo) (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique -> (SimplEnv -> UniqSupply -> SimplCount -> (GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique, SimplCount)) -> GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique -> UniqSupply -> SimplCount -> (GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique, SimplCount)
 simplExpr :: SimplEnv -> GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique), BinderInfo) (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique -> [GenCoreArg (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique] -> UniqSupply -> SimplCount -> (GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique, SimplCount)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/LambdaLift.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/LambdaLift.lhs
index 0562a2984635..1d88e2f54fc2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/LambdaLift.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/LambdaLift.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module LambdaLift ( liftProgram ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import StgSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs
index eab32d0016e8..9feec285b53e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ This is done for local definitions as well.
 module SatStgRhs ( satStgRhs ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import StgSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
index f0aa84fa3414..f57744c94d8c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module SimplStg ( stg2stg ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import StgSyn
 import StgUtils
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSAT.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSAT.lhs
index a70205e11b7e..3d82b27dc6f1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSAT.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSAT.lhs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ useless as map' will be transformed back to what map was.
 module StgSAT (	doStaticArgs ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import StgSyn
 import UniqSupply	( UniqSM(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSATMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSATMonad.lhs
index dd6379c2be8c..66e138ee60a1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSATMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgSATMonad.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 module StgSATMonad ( getArgLists, saTransform ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Util		( panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs
index 8fba50ebc264..d1dd34c70d4e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgStats.lhs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ The program gather statistics about
 module StgStats ( showStgStats ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import StgSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs
index ed675f705cfe..1947e9593a17 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ let-no-escapes.
 module StgVarInfo ( setStgVarInfo ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import StgSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs
index e0f4adf6b32f..103b633e2010 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 > module UpdAnal ( updateAnalyse ) where
-> import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+> IMP_Ubiq(){-uitous-}
 > import StgSyn
 > import Util		( panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.lhs
index 64319b860e37..28b306de6545 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecEnv.lhs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module SpecEnv (
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import MatchEnv
 import Type		( matchTys, isTyVarTy )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
index 7af0cc7eb7e4..68d6816bf2d2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ module SpecUtils (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Bag		( isEmptyBag, bagToList )
 import Class		( classOpString, GenClass{-instance NamedThing-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
index 2b69f39cce08..dcbf88c18153 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Specialise (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, isEmptyBag, unionBags,
 			  partitionBag, listToBag, bagToList
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
index edd2d815f3a9..a70706862be1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Convert a @CoreSyntax@ program to a @StgSyntax@ program.
 module CoreToStg ( topCoreBindsToStg ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn		-- input
 import StgSyn		-- output
@@ -36,10 +36,17 @@ import PrelVals		( unpackCStringId, unpackCString2Id,
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..) )
 import SpecUtils	( mkSpecialisedCon )
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
-import Type		( getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts )
-import TysWiredIn	( stringTy, integerTy, rationalTy, ratioDataCon )
+import TyCon		( TyCon{-instance Uniquable-} )
+import Type		( maybeAppDataTyCon, getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts )
+import TysWiredIn	( stringTy )
+import Unique		( integerTyConKey, ratioTyConKey, Unique{-instance Eq-} )
 import UniqSupply	-- all of it, really
-import Util		( panic )
+import Util		( panic, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
+import Pretty--ToDo:rm
+import PprStyle--ToDo:rm
+import PprType  --ToDo:rm
+import Outputable--ToDo:rm
+import PprEnv--ToDo:rm
 isLeakFreeType x y = False -- safe option; ToDo
@@ -303,7 +310,7 @@ litToStgArg (NoRepStr s)
     is_NUL c = c == '\0'
-litToStgArg (NoRepInteger i)
+litToStgArg (NoRepInteger i integer_ty)
   -- extremely convenient to look out for a few very common
   -- Integer literals!
   | i == 0    = returnUs (StgVarArg integerZeroId,     emptyBag)
@@ -312,7 +319,7 @@ litToStgArg (NoRepInteger i)
   | i == (-1) = returnUs (StgVarArg integerMinusOneId, emptyBag)
   | otherwise
-  = newStgVar integerTy 		`thenUs` \ var ->
+  = newStgVar integer_ty	`thenUs` \ var ->
 	rhs = StgRhsClosure noCostCentre -- No cost centre (ToDo?)
 			    stgArgOcc	 -- safe
@@ -332,18 +339,33 @@ litToStgArg (NoRepInteger i)
     returnUs (StgVarArg var, unitBag (StgNonRec var rhs))
-litToStgArg (NoRepRational r)
- = litToStgArg (NoRepInteger (numerator   r))	`thenUs` \ (num_atom,   binds1) ->
-   litToStgArg (NoRepInteger (denominator r))	`thenUs` \ (denom_atom, binds2) ->
-   newStgVar rationalTy			`thenUs` \ var ->
-   let
-	rhs = StgRhsCon noCostCentre	-- No cost centre (ToDo?)
-			ratioDataCon	-- Constructor
-			[num_atom, denom_atom]
-   in
-   returnUs (StgVarArg var, binds1 `unionBags`
-			   binds2 `unionBags`
-			   unitBag (StgNonRec var rhs))
+litToStgArg (NoRepRational r rational_ty)
+  = --ASSERT(is_rational_ty)
+    (if is_rational_ty then \x->x else pprTrace "litToStgArg:not rational?" (pprType PprDebug rational_ty)) $
+    litToStgArg (NoRepInteger (numerator   r) integer_ty) `thenUs` \ (num_atom,   binds1) ->
+    litToStgArg (NoRepInteger (denominator r) integer_ty) `thenUs` \ (denom_atom, binds2) ->
+    newStgVar rational_ty			`thenUs` \ var ->
+    let
+	 rhs = StgRhsCon noCostCentre	-- No cost centre (ToDo?)
+			 ratio_data_con	-- Constructor
+			 [num_atom, denom_atom]
+    in
+    returnUs (StgVarArg var, binds1 `unionBags`
+			    binds2 `unionBags`
+			    unitBag (StgNonRec var rhs))
+  where
+    (is_rational_ty, ratio_data_con, integer_ty)
+      = case (maybeAppDataTyCon rational_ty) of
+	  Just (tycon, [i_ty], [con])
+	    -> ASSERT(is_integer_ty i_ty)
+	       (uniqueOf tycon == ratioTyConKey, con, i_ty)
+	  _ -> (False, panic "ratio_data_con", panic "integer_ty")
+    is_integer_ty ty
+      = case (maybeAppDataTyCon ty) of
+	  Just (tycon, [], _) -> uniqueOf tycon == integerTyConKey
+	  _ -> False
 litToStgArg other_lit = returnUs (StgLitArg other_lit, emptyBag)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
index 48263f514276..d549f56a25a1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module StgLint ( lintStgBindings ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import StgSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
index ca50b0cc3a47..c4fca6dc56db 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
@@ -35,11 +35,9 @@ module StgSyn (
-	-- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CostCentre	( showCostCentre )
 import Id		( idPrimRep, GenId{-instance NamedThing-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgUtils.lhs
index 7c89ac37616f..d586d8e4581e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgUtils.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ x%
 module StgUtils ( mapStgBindeesRhs ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Id		( GenId{-instanced NamedThing-} )
 import StgSyn
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs
index 04ba2f0b6dc9..10f5e4221a81 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ module SaAbsInt (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn
 import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingDetails(..), FormSummary )
 import CoreUtils	( unTagBinders )
 import Id		( idType, getIdStrictness, getIdUnfolding,
-			  dataConSig, dataConArgTys
+			  dataConTyCon, dataConArgTys
 import IdInfo		( StrictnessInfo(..), Demand(..),
 			  wwPrim, wwStrict, wwEnum, wwUnpack
@@ -393,14 +393,7 @@ absId anal var env
 	(Just abs_val, _, _) ->
 			abs_val	-- Bound in the environment
-	(Nothing, NoStrictnessInfo, LitForm _) ->
-			AbsTop 	-- Literals all terminate, and have no poison
-	(Nothing, NoStrictnessInfo, ConForm _ _) ->
-			AbsTop -- An imported constructor won't have
-			       -- bottom components, nor poison!
-	(Nothing, NoStrictnessInfo, GenForm _ _ unfolding _) ->
+	(Nothing, NoStrictnessInfo, GenForm _ unfolding _) ->
 			-- We have an unfolding for the expr
 			-- Assume the unfolding has no free variables since it
 			-- came from inside the Id
@@ -429,14 +422,9 @@ absId anal var env
 			-- Includes MagicForm, IWantToBeINLINEd, NoUnfoldingDetails
 			-- Try the strictness info
 			absValFromStrictness anal strictness_info
-	-- 	Done via strictness now
-	--	  GenForm _ BottomForm _ _ -> AbsBot
-    -- pprTrace "absId:" (ppBesides [ppr PprDebug var, ppStr "=:", pp_anal anal, ppStr ":=",ppr PprDebug result]) (
+    -- pprTrace "absId:" (ppBesides [ppr PprDebug var, ppStr "=:", pp_anal anal, ppStr ":=",ppr PprDebug result]) $
-    -- )
     pp_anal StrAnal = ppStr "STR"
     pp_anal AbsAnal = ppStr "ABS"
@@ -518,8 +506,7 @@ absEval anal (Con con as) env
 		   then AbsBot
 		   else AbsTop
-    (_,_,_, tycon) = dataConSig con
-    has_single_con = maybeToBool (maybeTyConSingleCon tycon)
+    has_single_con = maybeToBool (maybeTyConSingleCon (dataConTyCon con))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaLib.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaLib.lhs
index ef42acde13fa..f09e9c9a6133 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaLib.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaLib.lhs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module SaLib (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn		( CoreExpr(..) )
 import Id		( nullIdEnv, addOneToIdEnv, growIdEnvList,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs
index 71c6e90388ee..fd4445b6511c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Semantique analyser) was written by Andy Gill.
 module StrictAnal ( saWwTopBinds, saTopBinds ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_AllStrict, opt_NumbersStrict,
 			  opt_D_dump_stranal, opt_D_simplifier_stats
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
index d9ef03af1b22..873c25f6282e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module WorkWrap ( workersAndWrappers ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn
 import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingGuidance(..) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs
index eeaafc9c0355..4f68efbcceac 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stranal/WwLib.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module WwLib (
 	mkWwBodies, mAX_WORKER_ARGS
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import CoreSyn
 import Id		( idType, mkSysLocal, dataConArgTys )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs
index 079c2920b88f..e86accf40b80 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module GenSpecEtc (
 	checkSigTyVars, checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..), LIE(..), plusLIE, 
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..), LIE(..), plusLIE,
 import TcEnv		( tcGetGlobalTyVars )
 import TcSimplify	( tcSimplify, tcSimplifyAndCheck, tcSimplifyWithExtraGlobals )
 import TcType		( TcType(..), TcThetaType(..), TcTauType(..), 
-			  TcTyVarSet(..), TcTyVar(..), tcInstType,
-			  newTyVarTy, zonkTcType
+			  TcTyVarSet(..), TcTyVar(..),
+			  newTyVarTy, zonkTcType, zonkTcTyVar, zonkTcTyVars 
 import Unify		( unifyTauTy )
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import Outputable	( interppSP, interpp'SP )
 import Pretty
 import PprType		( GenClass, GenType, GenTyVar )
 import Type		( mkTyVarTy, splitSigmaTy, mkForAllTys, mkFunTys,
-			  getTyVar_maybe, tyVarsOfTypes, eqSimpleTheta )
+			  getTyVar, getTyVar_maybe, tyVarsOfTypes, eqSimpleTheta )
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar, TyVar(..), tyVarKind, minusTyVarSet, emptyTyVarSet,
 			  elementOfTyVarSet, unionTyVarSets, tyVarSetToList )
 import Usage		( UVar(..) )
@@ -378,24 +378,39 @@ checkSigTyVars :: [TcTyVar s]		-- The original signature type variables
 	       -> TcM s ()
 checkSigTyVars sig_tyvars sig_tau
-  = tcGetGlobalTyVars			`thenNF_Tc` \ env_tyvars ->
-    checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals env_tyvars sig_tyvars sig_tau
+  = checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals emptyTyVarSet sig_tyvars sig_tau
-	 :: TcTyVarSet s	-- Consider these fully-zonked tyvars as global
+	 :: TcTyVarSet s	-- Consider these tyvars as global in addition to envt ones
 	 -> [TcTyVar s]		-- The original signature type variables
 	 -> TcType s		-- signature type (for err msg)
 	 -> TcM s ()
-checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals globals sig_tyvars sig_tau
-  = 	-- Check point (c)
+checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals extra_globals sig_tyvars sig_tau
+  = zonkTcTyVars extra_globals		`thenNF_Tc` \ extra_tyvars' ->
+    tcGetGlobalTyVars			`thenNF_Tc` \ env_tyvars ->
+    let
+	globals     = env_tyvars `unionTyVarSets` extra_tyvars'
+	mono_tyvars = filter (`elementOfTyVarSet` globals) sig_tyvars
+    in
+	-- Until the final Bind-handling stuff is in, several type signatures in the same
+	-- bindings group can cause the signature type variable from the different
+	-- signatures to be unified.  So we still need to zonk and check point (b).
+	-- Remove when activating the new binding code
+    mapNF_Tc zonkTcTyVar sig_tyvars	`thenNF_Tc` \ sig_tys ->
+    checkTcM (hasNoDups (map (getTyVar "checkSigTyVars") sig_tys))
+	     (zonkTcType sig_tau 	`thenNF_Tc` \ sig_tau' ->
+	      failTc (badMatchErr sig_tau sig_tau')
+	     )				`thenTc_`
+	-- Check point (c)
 	-- We want to report errors in terms of the original signature tyvars,
 	-- ie sig_tyvars, NOT sig_tyvars'.  sig_tys and sig_tyvars' correspond
 	-- 1-1 with sig_tyvars, so we can just map back.
     checkTc (null mono_tyvars)
 	    (notAsPolyAsSigErr sig_tau mono_tyvars)
-  where
-    mono_tyvars = filter (`elementOfTyVarSet` globals) sig_tyvars
@@ -406,9 +421,8 @@ Contexts and errors
 notAsPolyAsSigErr sig_tau mono_tyvars sty
   = ppHang (ppStr "A type signature is more polymorphic than the inferred type")
-	4  (ppAboves [ppStr "(That is, one or more type variables in the inferred type can't be forall'd.)",
-		      ppHang (ppStr "Monomorphic type variable(s):")
-		   	   4 (interpp'SP sty mono_tyvars),
+	4  (ppAboves [ppStr "Some type variables in the inferred type can't be forall'd, namely:",
+		      interpp'SP sty mono_tyvars,
 		      ppStr "Possible cause: the RHS mentions something subject to the monomorphism restriction"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
index 052d79631980..2aacbfe3a0af 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
@@ -23,26 +23,30 @@ module Inst (
 	zonkInst, instToId,
-	instBindingRequired, instCanBeGeneralised
+	instBindingRequired, instCanBeGeneralised,
+	pprInst
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn	( HsLit(..), HsExpr(..), HsBinds, 
 		  InPat, OutPat, Stmt, Qual, Match,
 		  ArithSeqInfo, PolyType, Fake )
 import RnHsSyn	( RenamedArithSeqInfo(..), RenamedHsExpr(..) )
 import TcHsSyn	( TcIdOcc(..), TcExpr(..), TcIdBndr(..),
-		  mkHsTyApp, mkHsDictApp )
+		  mkHsTyApp, mkHsDictApp, tcIdTyVars )
 import TcMonad	hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
-import TcEnv	( tcLookupGlobalValueByKey )
+import TcEnv	( tcLookupGlobalValueByKey, tcLookupTyConByKey )
 import TcType	( TcType(..), TcRhoType(..), TcMaybe, TcTyVarSet(..),
 		  tcInstType, zonkTcType )
 import Bag	( emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags, listToBag, consBag )
-import Class	( Class(..), GenClass, ClassInstEnv(..), classInstEnv )
+import Class	( isCcallishClass, isNoDictClass, classInstEnv,
+		  Class(..), GenClass, ClassInstEnv(..)
+		)
+import ErrUtils ( addErrLoc, Error(..) )
 import Id	( GenId, idType, mkInstId )
 import MatchEnv	( lookupMEnv, insertMEnv )
 import Name	( mkLocalName, getLocalName, Name )
@@ -55,13 +59,16 @@ import SpecEnv	( SpecEnv(..) )
 import SrcLoc	( SrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import Type	( GenType, eqSimpleTy, instantiateTy,
 		  isTyVarTy, mkDictTy, splitForAllTy, splitSigmaTy,
-		  splitRhoTy, matchTy, tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes )
-import TyVar	( GenTyVar )
+		  splitRhoTy, matchTy, tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes,
+		  mkSynTy
+		)
+import TyVar	( unionTyVarSets, GenTyVar )
 import TysPrim	  ( intPrimTy )
-import TysWiredIn ( intDataCon )
-import Unique	( Unique, showUnique,
-		  fromRationalClassOpKey, fromIntClassOpKey, fromIntegerClassOpKey )
-import Util	( panic, zipEqual, zipWithEqual, assoc, assertPanic )
+import TysWiredIn ( intDataCon, integerTy )
+import Unique	( showUnique, fromRationalClassOpKey, rationalTyConKey,
+		  fromIntClassOpKey, fromIntegerClassOpKey, Unique
+		)
+import Util	( panic, zipEqual, zipWithEqual, assoc, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
@@ -178,7 +185,9 @@ newMethod orig id tys
   =   	-- Get the Id type and instantiate it at the specified types
     (case id of
        RealId id -> let (tyvars, rho) = splitForAllTy (idType id)
-		    in tcInstType (zipEqual "newMethod" tyvars tys) rho
+		    in
+		    (if length tyvars /= length tys then pprTrace "newMethod" (ppr PprDebug (idType id)) else \x->x) $
+		    tcInstType (zip{-Equal "newMethod"-} tyvars tys) rho
        TcId   id -> let (tyvars, rho) = splitForAllTy (idType id)
 		    in returnNF_Tc (instantiateTy (zipEqual "newMethod(2)" tyvars tys) rho)
     )						`thenNF_Tc` \ rho_ty ->
@@ -272,7 +281,9 @@ zonkInst (LitInst u lit ty orig loc)
 tyVarsOfInst :: Inst s -> TcTyVarSet s
 tyVarsOfInst (Dict _ _ ty _ _)        = tyVarsOfType  ty
-tyVarsOfInst (Method _ _ tys rho _ _) = tyVarsOfTypes tys
+tyVarsOfInst (Method _ id tys rho _ _) = tyVarsOfTypes tys `unionTyVarSets` tcIdTyVars id
+					 -- The id might not be a RealId; in the case of
+					 -- locally-overloaded class methods, for example
 tyVarsOfInst (LitInst _ _ ty _ _)     = tyVarsOfType  ty
@@ -320,19 +331,12 @@ must be witnessed by an actual binding; the second tells whether an
 instBindingRequired :: Inst s -> Bool
-instBindingRequired inst
-  = case getInstOrigin inst of
-	CCallOrigin _ _   -> False	-- No binding required
-	LitLitOrigin  _   -> False
-	OccurrenceOfCon _ -> False
-	other             -> True
+instBindingRequired (Dict _ clas _ _ _) = not (isNoDictClass clas)
+instBindingRequired other		= True
 instCanBeGeneralised :: Inst s -> Bool
-instCanBeGeneralised inst
-  = case getInstOrigin inst of
-	CCallOrigin _ _ -> False	-- Can't be generalised
-	LitLitOrigin  _ -> False	-- Can't be generalised
-	other           -> True
+instCanBeGeneralised (Dict _ clas _ _ _) = not (isCcallishClass clas)
+instCanBeGeneralised other		 = True
@@ -343,32 +347,29 @@ relevant in error messages.
 instance Outputable (Inst s) where
-    ppr sty (LitInst uniq lit ty orig loc)
-      = ppSep [case lit of
-			  OverloadedIntegral   i -> ppInteger i
-			  OverloadedFractional f -> ppRational f,
-	       ppStr "at",
-	       ppr sty ty,
-	       show_uniq sty uniq
-	]
-    ppr sty (Dict uniq clas ty orig loc)
-      = ppSep [ppr sty clas, 
-	       ppStr "at",
-	       ppr sty ty,
-	       show_uniq sty uniq
-	]
-    ppr sty (Method uniq id tys rho orig loc)
-      = ppSep [ppr sty id, 
-	       ppStr "at",
-	       ppr sty tys,
-	       show_uniq sty uniq
-	]
-show_uniq PprDebug uniq = ppr PprDebug uniq
-show_uniq sty	   uniq = ppNil
+    ppr sty inst = ppr_inst sty ppNil (\ o l -> ppNil) inst
+pprInst sty hdr inst = ppr_inst sty hdr (\ o l -> pprOrigin hdr o l sty) inst
+ppr_inst sty hdr ppr_orig (LitInst u lit ty orig loc)
+  = ppHang (ppr_orig orig loc)
+	 4 (ppCat [case lit of
+		      OverloadedIntegral   i -> ppInteger i
+		      OverloadedFractional f -> ppRational f,
+		   ppStr "at",
+		   ppr sty ty,
+		   show_uniq sty u])
+ppr_inst sty hdr ppr_orig (Dict u clas ty orig loc)
+  = ppHang (ppr_orig orig loc)
+	 4 (ppCat [ppr sty clas, ppr sty ty, show_uniq sty u])
+ppr_inst sty hdr ppr_orig (Method u id tys rho orig loc)
+  = ppHang (ppr_orig orig loc)
+	 4 (ppCat [ppr sty id, ppStr "at", interppSP sty tys, show_uniq sty u])
+show_uniq PprDebug u = ppr PprDebug u
+show_uniq sty	   u = ppNil
 Printing in error messages
@@ -412,7 +413,7 @@ lookupInst :: Inst s
 lookupInst dict@(Dict _ clas ty orig loc)
   = case lookupMEnv matchTy (get_inst_env clas orig) ty of
       Nothing	-> tcAddSrcLoc loc		 $
-		   tcAddErrCtxt (pprOrigin orig) $
+		   tcAddErrCtxt (pprOrigin ""{-hdr-} orig loc) $
 		   failTc (noInstanceErr dict)
       Just (dfun_id, tenv) 
@@ -453,15 +454,22 @@ lookupInst inst@(LitInst u (OverloadedIntegral i) ty orig loc)
   =     -- Alas, it is overloaded and a big literal!
     tcLookupGlobalValueByKey fromIntegerClassOpKey	`thenNF_Tc` \ from_integer ->
     newMethodAtLoc orig loc from_integer [ty]		`thenNF_Tc` \ (method_inst, method_id) ->
-    returnTc ([method_inst], (instToId inst, HsApp (HsVar method_id) (HsLitOut (HsInt i) ty)))
+    returnTc ([method_inst], (instToId inst, HsApp (HsVar method_id) (HsLitOut (HsInt i) integerTy)))
     intprim_lit    = HsLitOut (HsIntPrim i) intPrimTy
     int_lit        = HsApp (HsVar (RealId intDataCon)) intprim_lit
 lookupInst inst@(LitInst u (OverloadedFractional f) ty orig loc)
   = tcLookupGlobalValueByKey fromRationalClassOpKey	`thenNF_Tc` \ from_rational ->
+	-- The type Rational isn't wired in so we have to conjure it up
+    tcLookupTyConByKey rationalTyConKey	`thenNF_Tc` \ rational_tycon ->
+    let
+	rational_ty  = mkSynTy rational_tycon []
+	rational_lit = HsLitOut (HsFrac f) rational_ty
+    in
     newMethodAtLoc orig loc from_rational [ty]		`thenNF_Tc` \ (method_inst, method_id) ->
-    returnTc ([method_inst], (instToId inst, HsApp (HsVar method_id) (HsLitOut (HsFrac f) ty)))
+    returnTc ([method_inst], (instToId inst, HsApp (HsVar method_id) rational_lit))
 There is a second, simpler interface, when you want an instance of a
@@ -611,51 +619,43 @@ get_inst_env clas (InstanceSpecOrigin inst_mapper _ _)
 get_inst_env clas other_orig = classInstEnv clas
-pprOrigin :: InstOrigin s -> PprStyle -> Pretty
+pprOrigin :: String -> InstOrigin s -> SrcLoc -> Error
-pprOrigin (OccurrenceOf id) sty
-      = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("at a use of an overloaded identifier: `"),
+pprOrigin hdr orig locn
+  = addErrLoc locn hdr $ \ sty ->
+    case orig of
+      OccurrenceOf id ->
+        ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("at a use of an overloaded identifier: `"),
 		   ppr sty id, ppChar '\'']
-pprOrigin (OccurrenceOfCon id) sty
-      = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("at a use of an overloaded constructor: `"),
+      OccurrenceOfCon id ->
+        ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("at a use of an overloaded constructor: `"),
 		   ppr sty id, ppChar '\'']
-pprOrigin (InstanceDeclOrigin) sty
-      = ppStr "in an instance declaration"
-pprOrigin (LiteralOrigin lit) sty
-      = ppCat [ppStr "at an overloaded literal:", ppr sty lit]
-pprOrigin (ArithSeqOrigin seq) sty
-      = ppCat [ppStr "at an arithmetic sequence:", ppr sty seq]
-pprOrigin (SignatureOrigin) sty
-      = ppStr "in a type signature"
-pprOrigin (DoOrigin) sty
-      = ppStr "in a do statement"
-pprOrigin (ClassDeclOrigin) sty
-      = ppStr "in a class declaration"
--- pprOrigin (DerivingOrigin _ clas tycon) sty
---      = ppBesides [ppStr "in a `deriving' clause; class `",
---			  ppr sty clas,
---			  ppStr "'; offending type `",
---		          ppr sty tycon,
---			  ppStr "'"]
-pprOrigin (InstanceSpecOrigin _ clas ty) sty
-      = ppBesides [ppStr "in a SPECIALIZE instance pragma; class \"",
+      InstanceDeclOrigin ->
+	ppStr "in an instance declaration"
+      LiteralOrigin lit ->
+	ppCat [ppStr "at an overloaded literal:", ppr sty lit]
+      ArithSeqOrigin seq ->
+	ppCat [ppStr "at an arithmetic sequence:", ppr sty seq]
+      SignatureOrigin ->
+	ppStr "in a type signature"
+      DoOrigin ->
+	ppStr "in a do statement"
+      ClassDeclOrigin ->
+	ppStr "in a class declaration"
+      InstanceSpecOrigin _ clas ty ->
+	ppBesides [ppStr "in a SPECIALIZE instance pragma; class \"",
 	 	   ppr sty clas, ppStr "\" type: ", ppr sty ty]
--- pprOrigin (DefaultDeclOrigin) sty
---      = ppStr "in a `default' declaration"
-pprOrigin (ValSpecOrigin name) sty
-      = ppBesides [ppStr "in a SPECIALIZE user-pragma for `",
+      ValSpecOrigin name ->
+	ppBesides [ppStr "in a SPECIALIZE user-pragma for `",
 		   ppr sty name, ppStr "'"]
-pprOrigin (CCallOrigin clabel Nothing{-ccall result-}) sty
-      = ppBesides [ppStr "in the result of the _ccall_ to `",
+      CCallOrigin clabel Nothing{-ccall result-} ->
+	ppBesides [ppStr "in the result of the _ccall_ to `",
 		   ppStr clabel, ppStr "'"]
-pprOrigin (CCallOrigin clabel (Just arg_expr)) sty
-      = ppBesides [ppStr "in an argument in the _ccall_ to `",
+      CCallOrigin clabel (Just arg_expr) ->
+	ppBesides [ppStr "in an argument in the _ccall_ to `",
 		  ppStr clabel, ppStr "', namely: ", ppr sty arg_expr]
-pprOrigin (LitLitOrigin s) sty
-      = ppBesides [ppStr "in this ``literal-literal'': ", ppStr s]
-pprOrigin UnknownOrigin sty
-      = ppStr "in... oops -- I don't know where the overloading came from!"
+      LitLitOrigin s ->
+	ppBesides [ppStr "in this ``literal-literal'': ", ppStr s]
+      UnknownOrigin ->
+	ppStr "in... oops -- I don't know where the overloading came from!"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
index b4d87a7b904e..e6f78b3eedc2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module TcBinds ( tcBindsAndThen, tcPragmaSigs ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( HsBinds(..), Bind(..), Sig(..), MonoBinds(..), 
 			  HsExpr, Match, PolyType, InPat, OutPat(..),
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import GenSpecEtc	( checkSigTyVars, genBinds, TcSigInfo(..) )
 import Inst		( Inst, LIE(..), emptyLIE, plusLIE, InstOrigin(..) )
 import TcEnv		( tcExtendLocalValEnv, tcLookupLocalValueOK, newMonoIds )
-import TcLoop		( tcGRHSsAndBinds )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(TcLoop)		( tcGRHSsAndBinds )
 import TcMatches	( tcMatchesFun )
 import TcMonoType	( tcPolyType )
 import TcPat		( tcPat )
 import TcSimplify	( bindInstsOfLocalFuns )
-import TcType		( newTcTyVar, tcInstType )
+import TcType		( newTcTyVar, tcInstSigType )
 import Unify		( unifyTauTy )
 import Kind		( mkBoxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind )
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ tcBindAndSigs binder_rn_names bind sigs prag_info_fn
     genBinds binder_names mono_ids bind' lie sig_info prag_info_fn
     kind = case bind of
-	  	NonRecBind _ -> mkBoxedTypeKind	-- Recursive, so no unboxed types
-		RecBind _    -> mkTypeKind	-- Non-recursive, so we permit unboxed types
+	  	NonRecBind _ -> mkTypeKind	-- Recursive, so no unboxed types
+		RecBind _    -> mkBoxedTypeKind	-- Non-recursive, so we permit unboxed types
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ tcTySigs :: [RenamedSig] -> TcM s [TcSigInfo s]
 tcTySigs (Sig v ty _ src_loc : other_sigs)
  = tcAddSrcLoc src_loc (
 	tcPolyType ty			`thenTc` \ sigma_ty ->
-	tcInstType [] sigma_ty		`thenNF_Tc` \ sigma_ty' ->
+	tcInstSigType sigma_ty		`thenNF_Tc` \ sigma_ty' ->
 	    (tyvars', theta', tau') = splitSigmaTy sigma_ty'
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@ tcPragmaSig (SpecSig name poly_ty maybe_spec_name src_loc)
 	-- Get and instantiate its alleged specialised type
     tcPolyType poly_ty				`thenTc` \ sig_sigma ->
-    tcInstType [] sig_sigma			`thenNF_Tc` \ sig_ty ->
+    tcInstSigType  sig_sigma			`thenNF_Tc` \ sig_ty ->
 	(sig_tyvars, sig_theta, sig_tau) = splitSigmaTy sig_ty
 	origin = ValSpecOrigin name
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ tcPragmaSig (SpecSig name poly_ty maybe_spec_name src_loc)
 	-- Get and instantiate the type of the id mentioned
     tcLookupLocalValueOK "tcPragmaSig" name	`thenNF_Tc` \ main_id ->
-    tcInstType [] (idType main_id)		`thenNF_Tc` \ main_ty ->
+    tcInstSigType [] (idType main_id)		`thenNF_Tc` \ main_ty ->
 	(main_tyvars, main_rho) = splitForAllTy main_ty
 	(main_theta,main_tau)   = splitRhoTy main_rho
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
index d2a63baf2f77..039361851b96 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module TcClassDcl (
 	tcClassDecl1, tcClassDecls2
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( ClassDecl(..), HsBinds(..), Bind(..), MonoBinds(..),
 			  Match(..), GRHSsAndBinds(..), GRHS(..), HsExpr(..),
@@ -23,18 +23,19 @@ import RnHsSyn		( RenamedClassDecl(..), RenamedClassPragmas(..),
 			  RnName{-instance Uniquable-}
 import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc(..), TcHsBinds(..), TcMonoBinds(..), TcExpr(..),
-			  mkHsTyApp, mkHsTyLam, mkHsDictApp, mkHsDictLam )
+			  mkHsTyApp, mkHsTyLam, mkHsDictApp, mkHsDictLam, tcIdType )
-import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..), LIE(..), emptyLIE, plusLIE, newDicts )
 import TcEnv		( tcLookupClass, tcLookupTyVar, tcLookupTyCon, newLocalIds)
-import TcInstDcls	( processInstBinds )
-import TcKind		( unifyKind )
-import TcMonoType	( tcMonoType, tcContext )
-import TcType		( TcType(..), TcTyVar(..), tcInstType, tcInstSigTyVars )
+import TcInstDcls	( processInstBinds, newMethodId )
 import TcKind		( TcKind )
+import TcKind		( unifyKind )
+import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
+import TcMonoType	( tcPolyType, tcMonoType, tcContext )
+import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyAndCheck )
+import TcType		( TcType(..), TcTyVar(..), tcInstType, tcInstSigTyVars, tcInstSigType )
-import Bag		( foldBag )
+import Bag		( foldBag, unionManyBags )
 import Class		( GenClass, mkClass, mkClassOp, classBigSig, 
 			  classOps, classOpString, classOpLocalType,
@@ -52,16 +53,51 @@ import SrcLoc		( mkGeneratedSrcLoc )
 import Type		( mkFunTy, mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys, mkDictTy,
 			  mkForAllTy, mkSigmaTy, splitSigmaTy)
 import TysWiredIn	( stringTy )
-import TyVar		( GenTyVar )			 
+import TyVar		( mkTyVarSet, GenTyVar )
 import Unique		( Unique )			 
 import Util
 -- import TcPragmas	( tcGenPragmas, tcClassOpPragmas )
 tcGenPragmas ty id ps = returnNF_Tc noIdInfo
 tcClassOpPragmas ty sel def spec ps = returnNF_Tc (noIdInfo, noIdInfo)
+Dictionary handling
+Every class implicitly declares a new data type, corresponding to dictionaries
+of that class. So, for example:
+	class (D a) => C a where
+	  op1 :: a -> a
+	  op2 :: forall b. Ord b => a -> b -> b
+would implicitly declare
+	data CDict a = CDict (D a)	
+			     (a -> a)
+			     (forall b. Ord b => a -> b -> b)
+(We could use a record decl, but that means changing more of the existing apparatus.
+One step at at time!)
+For classes with just one superclass+method, we use a newtype decl instead:
+	class C a where
+	  op :: forallb. a -> b -> b
+	newtype CDict a = CDict (forall b. a -> b -> b)
+Now DictTy in Type is just a form of type synomym: 
+	DictTy c t = TyConTy CDict `AppTy` t
+Death to "ExpandingDicts".
 tcClassDecl1 rec_inst_mapper
       	     (ClassDecl context class_name
@@ -88,8 +124,6 @@ tcClassDecl1 rec_inst_mapper
 				`thenTc` \ sig_stuff ->
--- BOGUS:
---  tcGetUnique			`thenNF_Tc` \ uniq ->
 	(ops, op_sel_ids, defm_ids) = unzip3 sig_stuff
 	clas = mkClass (uniqueOf class_name) (getName class_name) rec_tyvar
@@ -100,6 +134,32 @@ tcClassDecl1 rec_inst_mapper
+    let
+	clas_ty = mkTyVarTy clas_tyvar
+	dict_component_tys = [mkDictTy sc clas_ty | sc <- scs] ++
+			     [classOpLocalType op | op <- ops])
+ 	new_or_data = case dict_component_tys of
+			[_]   -> NewType
+			other -> DataType
+        dict_con_id = mkDataCon class_name
+			   [NotMarkedStrict]
+			   [{- No labelled fields -}]
+		      	   [clas_tyvar]
+		      	   [{-No context-}]
+			   dict_component_tys
+		      	   tycon
+	tycon = mkDataTyCon class_name
+			    (tyVarKind rec_tyvar `mkArrowKind` mkBoxedTypeKind)
+			    [rec_tyvar]
+			    [{- Empty context -}]
+			    [dict_con_id]
+			    [{- No derived classes -}]
+			    new_or_data
+    in
 tcClassContext :: Class -> TyVar
 	       -> RenamedContext 	-- class context
@@ -135,10 +195,10 @@ tcClassContext rec_class rec_tyvar context pragmas
 		Just prag -> tcGenPragmas Nothing{-ty unknown-} rec_super_id prag
 	    )				`thenNF_Tc` \ id_info ->
-	      ty = mkForAllTy rec_tyvar (
-	           mkFunTy (mkDictTy rec_class   (mkTyVarTy rec_tyvar))
-		           (mkDictTy super_class (mkTyVarTy rec_tyvar))
-		   )
+		rec_tyvar_ty = mkTyVarTy rec_tyvar
+		ty = mkForAllTy rec_tyvar $
+		     mkFunTy (mkDictTy rec_class   rec_tyvar_ty)
+			     (mkDictTy super_class rec_tyvar_ty)
 	    returnTc (mkSuperDictSelId uniq rec_class super_class ty id_info)
@@ -164,21 +224,21 @@ tcClassSig :: Class	    		-- Knot tying only!
 tcClassSig rec_clas rec_clas_tyvar rec_classop_spec_fn
 	   (ClassOpSig op_name
-		       (HsForAllTy tyvar_names context monotype)
+		       op_ty
 		       pragmas src_loc)
   = tcAddSrcLoc src_loc $
     fixTc ( \ ~(_, rec_sel_id, rec_defm_id) ->	-- Knot for pragmas
 	-- Check the type signature.  NB that the envt *already has*
 	-- bindings for the type variables; see comments in TcTyAndClassDcls.
-    tcContext context				`thenTc`    \ theta ->
-    tcMonoType monotype				`thenTc`    \ tau ->
-    mapAndUnzipNF_Tc tcLookupTyVar tyvar_names	`thenNF_Tc` \ (_,tyvars) ->
+    -- NB: Renamer checks that the class type variable is mentioned in local_ty,
+    -- and that it is not constrained by theta
+    tcPolyType op_ty				`thenTc` \ local_ty ->
-	full_tyvars = rec_clas_tyvar : tyvars
-	full_theta  = (rec_clas, mkTyVarTy rec_clas_tyvar) : theta
-	global_ty   = mkSigmaTy full_tyvars full_theta tau
-	local_ty    = mkSigmaTy tyvars theta tau
+	global_ty   = mkSigmaTy [rec_clas_tyvar] 
+			        [(rec_clas, mkTyVarTy rec_clas_tyvar)]
+			        local_ty
 	class_op_nm = getLocalName op_name
 	class_op    = mkClassOp class_op_nm
 				(classOpTagByString rec_clas{-yeeps!-} class_op_nm)
@@ -333,6 +393,7 @@ buildSelectors clas clas_tyvar clas_tc_tyvar scs sc_sel_ids ops op_sel_ids
 Make a selector expression for @sel_id@ from a dictionary @clas_dict@
 consisting of @dicts@ and @methods@.
+======================	OLD ============================
 We have to do a bit of jiggery pokery to get the type variables right.
 Suppose we have the class decl:
@@ -360,6 +421,12 @@ whereas \tr{op1_sel} (the one we use) has the decent type
 	op1_sel :: forall a b. Foo a -> Ord b -> a -> b -> a
+========================= END OF OLD ===========================
+NEW COMMENT: instead we now go for op1_sel' above.  Seems tidier and
+the rest of the compiler darn well ought to cope.
 NOTE that we return a TcMonoBinds (which is later zonked) even though
 there's no real back-substitution to do. It's just simpler this way!
@@ -376,28 +443,23 @@ mkSelBind :: Id 			-- the selector id
 	  -> NF_TcM s (TcMonoBinds s)
 mkSelBind sel_id clas_tyvar clas_dict dicts methods method_or_dict@(TcId op)
-  = let
-	(op_tyvars,op_theta,op_tau) = splitSigmaTy (idType op)
-	op_tys = mkTyVarTys op_tyvars
-    in
-    newDicts ClassDeclOrigin op_theta	`thenNF_Tc` \ (_, op_dicts) ->
-	-- sel_id = /\ clas_tyvar op_tyvars -> \ clas_dict op_dicts ->
+  = 
+	-- sel_id = /\ clas_tyvar -> \ clas_dict ->
 	--	    case clas_dict of 
-	--		 <dicts..methods> -> method_or_dict op_tyvars op_dicts
+	--		 <dicts..methods> -> method_or_dict
     returnNF_Tc (VarMonoBind (RealId sel_id)  (
-		 TyLam (clas_tyvar:op_tyvars) (
-		 DictLam (clas_dict:op_dicts) (
+		 TyLam [clas_tyvar] (
+		 DictLam [clas_dict] (
 		   (HsVar clas_dict)
                    ([PatMatch  (DictPat dicts methods) (
 		     GRHSMatch (GRHSsAndBindsOut
-			   (mkHsDictApp (mkHsTyApp (HsVar method_or_dict) op_tys) op_dicts)
+			   (HsVar method_or_dict)
-			op_tau))])
+			(idType op)))])
@@ -425,11 +487,22 @@ we get the default methods:
 defm.Foo.op1 :: forall a. Foo a => a -> Bool
 defm.Foo.op1 = /\a -> \dfoo -> \x -> True
+====================== OLD ==================
 defm.Foo.op2 :: forall a, b. (Foo a, Ord b) => a -> b -> b -> b
 defm.Foo.op2 = /\ a b -> \ dfoo dord -> \x y z ->
 		  if (op1 a dfoo x) && (< b dord y z) then y else z
 Notice that, like all ids, the foralls of defm.Foo.op2 are at the top.
+====================== END OF OLD ===================
+defm.Foo.op2 :: forall a. Foo a => forall b. Ord b => a -> b -> b -> b
+defm.Foo.op2 = /\ a -> \ dfoo -> /\ b -> \ dord -> \x y z ->
+		  if (op1 a dfoo x) && (< b dord y z) then y else z
 When we come across an instance decl, we may need to use the default
@@ -442,14 +515,15 @@ const.Foo.Int.op1 :: Int -> Bool
 const.Foo.Int.op1 = defm.Foo.op1 Int dfun.Foo.Int
 const.Foo.Int.op2 :: forall b. Ord b => Int -> b -> b -> b
-const.Foo.Int.op2 = /\b -> defm.Foo.op2 Int b dfun.Foo.Int
+const.Foo.Int.op2 = defm.Foo.op2 Int dfun.Foo.Int
 dfun.Foo.Int :: Foo Int
 dfun.Foo.Int = (const.Foo.Int.op1, const.Foo.Int.op2)
 Notice that, as with method selectors above, we assume that dictionary
 application is curried, so there's no need to mention the Ord dictionary
-in const.Foo.Int.op2
+in const.Foo.Int.op2 (or the type variable).
 instance Foo a => Foo [a] where {}
@@ -458,7 +532,7 @@ dfun.Foo.List
   = /\ a -> \ dfoo_a ->
     let rec
 	op1 = defm.Foo.op1 [a] dfoo_list
-	op2 = /\b -> \dord -> defm.Foo.op2 [a] b dfoo_list dord
+	op2 = defm.Foo.op2 [a] dfoo_list
 	dfoo_list = (op1, op2)
@@ -474,16 +548,38 @@ buildDefaultMethodBinds
 buildDefaultMethodBinds clas clas_tyvar
 			default_method_ids default_binds
-  =	-- Deal with the method declarations themselves
+  = newDicts origin [(clas,inst_ty)]			`thenNF_Tc` \ (this_dict, [this_dict_id]) ->
+    mapAndUnzipNF_Tc mk_method default_method_ids	`thenNF_Tc` \ (insts_s, local_defm_ids) ->
+    let
+	avail_insts = this_dict `plusLIE` unionManyBags insts_s 	-- Insts available
+    in
-	 (makeClassDeclDefaultMethodRhs clas default_method_ids)
-	 []		-- No tyvars in scope for "this inst decl"
-	 emptyLIE 	-- No insts available
-	 (map RealId default_method_ids)
-	 default_binds		`thenTc` \ (dicts_needed, default_binds') ->
+	 (makeClassDeclDefaultMethodRhs clas local_defm_ids)
+	 [clas_tyvar]	-- Tyvars in scope
+	 avail_insts
+	 local_defm_ids
+	 default_binds					`thenTc` \ (insts_needed, default_binds') ->
+    tcSimplifyAndCheck
+	(mkTyVarSet [clas_tyvar])
+	avail_insts
+	insts_needed					`thenTc` \ (const_lie, dict_binds) ->
-    returnTc (dicts_needed, SingleBind (NonRecBind default_binds'))
+    let
+	defm_binds = AbsBinds
+		 	[clas_tyvar]
+			[this_dict_id]
+			(local_defm_ids `zip` map RealId default_method_ids)
+			dict_binds
+			(RecBind default_binds')
+    in
+    returnTc (const_lie, defm_binds)
+  where
+    inst_ty = mkTyVarTy clas_tyvar
+    mk_method defm_id = newMethodId defm_id inst_ty origin
+    origin = ClassDeclOrigin
 @makeClassDeclDefaultMethodRhs@ builds the default method for a
@@ -492,12 +588,21 @@ class declaration when no explicit default method is given.
 	:: Class
-	-> [Id]
+	-> [TcIdOcc s]
 	-> Int
 	-> NF_TcM s (TcExpr s)
 makeClassDeclDefaultMethodRhs clas method_ids tag
-  = tcInstType [] (idType method_id) 	`thenNF_Tc` \ method_ty ->
+  = 	-- Return the expression
+	--	error ty "No default method for ..."
+	-- The interesting thing is that method_ty is a for-all type;
+	-- this is fun, although unusual in a type application!
+    returnNF_Tc (HsApp (mkHsTyApp (HsVar (RealId nO_DEFAULT_METHOD_ERROR_ID)) [tcIdType method_id])
+		       (HsLitOut (HsString (_PK_ error_msg)) stringTy))
+    tcInstSigType () 	`thenNF_Tc` \ method_ty ->
 	(tyvars, theta, tau) = splitSigmaTy method_ty 
@@ -507,11 +612,13 @@ makeClassDeclDefaultMethodRhs clas method_ids tag
 		 mkHsDictLam dict_ids (
 		 HsApp (mkHsTyApp (HsVar (RealId nO_DEFAULT_METHOD_ERROR_ID)) [tau])
 		     (HsLitOut (HsString (_PK_ error_msg)) stringTy))))
     (clas_mod, clas_name) = moduleNamePair clas
     method_id = method_ids  !! (tag-1)
-    class_op = (classOps clas) !! (tag-1)
+    class_op  = (classOps clas) !! (tag-1)
     error_msg = _UNPK_ clas_mod ++ "." ++ _UNPK_ clas_name ++ "."
 		 ++ (ppShow 80 (ppr PprForUser class_op))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDefaults.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDefaults.lhs
index 964847d8d8b3..3d40162240ef 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDefaults.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDefaults.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module TcDefaults ( tcDefaults ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( DefaultDecl(..), MonoType,
 			  HsExpr, HsLit, ArithSeqInfo, Fake, InPat)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
index 5e7d91e4ca92..7304d60fd294 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1994
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
@@ -10,49 +10,59 @@ Handles @deriving@ clauses on @data@ declarations.
 module TcDeriv ( tcDeriving ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( FixityDecl, Sig, HsBinds(..), Bind(..), MonoBinds(..),
 			  GRHSsAndBinds, Match, HsExpr, HsLit, InPat,
 			  ArithSeqInfo, Fake, MonoType )
 import HsPragmas	( InstancePragmas(..) )
-import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsBinds(..), RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
+import RnHsSyn		( mkRnName, RnName(..), RenamedHsBinds(..), RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
 import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc )
-import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
-import Inst		( InstOrigin(..), InstanceMapper(..) )
-import TcEnv		( getEnv_TyCons )
+import TcMonad
+import Inst		( InstanceMapper(..) )
+import TcEnv		( getEnv_TyCons, tcLookupClassByKey )
 import TcKind		( TcKind )
---import TcGenDeriv	-- Deriv stuff
+import TcGenDeriv	-- Deriv stuff
 import TcInstUtil	( InstInfo(..), mkInstanceRelatedIds, buildInstanceEnvs )
 import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyThetas )
 import RnMonad
-import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..) )
+import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), extendGlobalRnEnv )
 import RnBinds		( rnMethodBinds, rnTopBinds )
 import Bag		( emptyBag{-ToDo:rm-}, Bag, isEmptyBag, unionBags, listToBag )
-import Class		( GenClass, classKey )
+import Class		( classKey, needsDataDeclCtxtClassKeys, GenClass )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingPrelude )
 import ErrUtils		( pprBagOfErrors, addErrLoc, Error(..) )
-import Id		( dataConSig, dataConArity )
-import Maybes		( assocMaybe, maybeToBool, Maybe(..) )
-import Outputable
+import Id		( dataConArgTys, isNullaryDataCon, mkDictFunId )
+import Maybes		( maybeToBool, Maybe(..) )
+import Name		( moduleNamePair, isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc,
+			  mkTopLevName, origName, mkImplicitName, ExportFlag(..),
+			  RdrName{-instance Outputable-}, Name{--O only-}
+			)
+import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instances e.g., (,)-} )
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar, GenClass, TyCon )
-import PprStyle
-import Pretty
-import SrcLoc		( mkGeneratedSrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc, SrcLoc )
+import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
+import Pretty		( ppAbove, ppAboves, ppCat, ppBesides, ppStr, ppHang, Pretty(..) )
+import Pretty--ToDo:rm
+import FiniteMap--ToDo:rm
+import SrcLoc		( mkGeneratedSrcLoc, SrcLoc )
 import TyCon		( tyConTyVars, tyConDataCons, tyConDerivings,
-			  maybeTyConSingleCon, isEnumerationTyCon, TyCon )
+			  tyConTheta, maybeTyConSingleCon,
+			  isEnumerationTyCon, isDataTyCon, TyCon
+			)
 import Type		( GenType(..), TauType(..), mkTyVarTys, applyTyCon,
 			  mkSigmaTy, mkDictTy, isPrimType, instantiateTy,
-			  getAppTyCon, getAppDataTyCon
+			  getAppDataTyCon, getAppTyCon
+import TysWiredIn	( voidTy )
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar )
 import UniqFM		( emptyUFM )
 import Unique		-- Keys stuff
-import Util		( zipWithEqual, zipEqual, sortLt, removeDups, 
-			  thenCmp, cmpList, panic, pprPanic, pprPanic#
+import Util		( zipWithEqual, zipEqual, sortLt, removeDups,  assoc,
+			  thenCmp, cmpList, panic, pprPanic, pprPanic#,
+			  assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-}
@@ -69,6 +79,10 @@ Consider
 		   | C3 (T a a)
 		   deriving (Eq)
+[NOTE: See end of these comments for what to do with 
+	data (C a, D b) => T a b = ...
 We want to come up with an instance declaration of the form
 	instance (Ping a, Pong b, ...) => Eq (T a b) where
@@ -147,6 +161,31 @@ type DerivRhs = [(Class, TauType)]	-- Same as a ThetaType!
 type DerivSoln = DerivRhs
+A note about contexts on data decls
+	data (RealFloat a) => Complex a = !a :+ !a deriving( Read )
+We will need an instance decl like:
+	instance (Read a, RealFloat a) => Read (Complex a) where
+	  ...
+The RealFloat in the context is because the read method for Complex is bound
+to construct a Complex, and doing that requires that the argument type is
+in RealFloat. 
+But this ain't true for Show, Eq, Ord, etc, since they don't construct
+a Complex; they only take them apart.
+Our approach: identify the offending classes, and add the data type
+context to the instance decl.  The "offending classes" are
+	Read, Enum?
 %*									*
 \subsection[TcDeriv-driver]{Top-level function for \tr{derivings}}
@@ -163,10 +202,6 @@ tcDeriving  :: Module			-- name of module under scrutiny
 		      PprStyle -> Pretty)  -- Printable derived instance decls;
 				     	   -- for debugging via -ddump-derivings.
-tcDeriving modname rn_env inst_decl_infos_in fixities
-  = returnTc (trace "tcDeriving:ToDo" (emptyBag, EmptyBinds, \ x -> ppNil))
-{- LATER:
 tcDeriving modname rn_env inst_decl_infos_in fixities
   =	-- Fish the "deriving"-related information out of the TcEnv
 	-- and make the necessary "equations".
@@ -184,37 +219,22 @@ tcDeriving modname rn_env inst_decl_infos_in fixities
 	-- "con2tag" and/or "tag2con" functions.  We do these
 	-- separately.
-    gen_taggery_Names eqns	`thenTc` \ nm_alist_etc ->
-    let
-	nm_alist = [ (pn, n) | (pn,n,_,_) <- nm_alist_etc ]
-	-- We have the renamer's final "name funs" in our hands
-	-- (they were passed in).  So we can handle ProtoNames
-	-- that refer to anything "out there".  But our generated
-	-- code may also mention "con2tag" (etc.).  So we need
-	-- to augment to "name funs" to include those.
-	(rn_val_gnf, rn_tc_gnf) = renamer_name_funs
-	deriv_val_gnf pname = case (assoc_maybe nm_alist pname) of
-				Just xx -> Just xx
-				Nothing -> rn_val_gnf pname
-	deriver_name_funs = (deriv_val_gnf, rn_tc_gnf)
-	assoc_maybe [] _ = Nothing
-	assoc_maybe ((k,v) : vs) key
-	  = if k `eqProtoName` key then Just v else assoc_maybe vs key
-    in
-    gen_tag_n_con_binds deriver_rn_env nm_alist_etc `thenTc` \ extra_binds ->
+    gen_taggery_Names new_inst_infos	`thenTc` \ nm_alist_etc ->
+    gen_tag_n_con_binds rn_env nm_alist_etc
+				`thenTc` \ (extra_binds, deriver_rn_env) ->
     mapTc (gen_inst_info maybe_mod fixities deriver_rn_env) new_inst_infos
-						  `thenTc` \ really_new_inst_infos ->
+				`thenTc` \ really_new_inst_infos ->
+    let
+	ddump_deriv = ddump_deriving really_new_inst_infos extra_binds
+    in
+    --pprTrace "derived:\n" (ddump_deriv PprDebug) $
     returnTc (listToBag really_new_inst_infos,
-	      ddump_deriving really_new_inst_infos extra_binds)
+	      ddump_deriv)
-    maybe_mod = if opt_CompilingPrelude then Nothing else Just mod_name
+    maybe_mod = if opt_CompilingPrelude then Nothing else Just modname
     ddump_deriving :: [InstInfo] -> RenamedHsBinds -> (PprStyle -> Pretty)
@@ -252,12 +272,14 @@ all those.
 makeDerivEqns :: TcM s [DerivEqn]
-  = tcGetEnv `thenNF_Tc` \ env ->
+  = tcGetEnv			    `thenNF_Tc` \ env ->
+    tcLookupClassByKey evalClassKey `thenNF_Tc` \ eval_clas ->
-	tycons = getEnv_TyCons env
-	think_about_deriving = need_deriving tycons
+	tycons = filter isDataTyCon (getEnv_TyCons env)
+	-- ToDo: what about newtypes???
+	think_about_deriving = need_deriving eval_clas tycons
-    mapTc (chk_out think_about_deriving) think_about_deriving `thenTc_`
+    mapTc chk_out think_about_deriving `thenTc_`
 	(derive_these, _) = removeDups cmp_deriv think_about_deriving
 	eqns = map mk_eqn derive_these
@@ -265,34 +287,48 @@ makeDerivEqns
     returnTc eqns
-    need_deriving :: [TyCon] -> [(Class, TyCon)]
-	-- find the tycons that have `deriving' clauses
+    need_deriving :: Class -> [TyCon] -> [(Class, TyCon)]
+	-- find the tycons that have `deriving' clauses;
+	-- we handle the "every datatype in Eval" by
+	-- doing a dummy "deriving" for it.
-    need_deriving tycons_to_consider
+    need_deriving eval_clas tycons_to_consider
       = foldr ( \ tycon acc ->
+		   let
+			acc_plus = if isLocallyDefined tycon
+				   then (eval_clas, tycon) : acc
+				   else acc
+		   in
 		   case (tyConDerivings tycon) of
-		     [] -> acc
-		     cs -> [ (clas,tycon) | clas <- cs ] ++ acc
+		     [] -> acc_plus
+		     cs -> [ (clas,tycon) | clas <- cs ] ++ acc_plus
-    chk_out :: [(Class, TyCon)] -> (Class, TyCon) -> TcM s ()
-    chk_out whole_deriving_list this_one@(clas, tycon)
+    chk_out :: (Class, TyCon) -> TcM s ()
+    chk_out this_one@(clas, tycon)
       =	let
 	    clas_key = classKey clas
-    	in
+	    is_enumeration = isEnumerationTyCon tycon
+	    is_single_con  = maybeToBool (maybeTyConSingleCon tycon)
+	    chk_clas clas_uniq clas_str cond
+	      = if (clas_uniq == clas_key)
+		then checkTc cond (derivingThingErr clas_str tycon)
+		else returnTc ()
+    	in
 	    -- Are things OK for deriving Enum (if appropriate)?
-	checkTc (clas_key == enumClassKey && not (isEnumerationTyCon tycon))
-		(derivingEnumErr tycon)			`thenTc_`
+	chk_clas enumClassKey "Enum" is_enumeration `thenTc_`
+	    -- Are things OK for deriving Bounded (if appropriate)?
+	chk_clas boundedClassKey "Bounded"
+		(is_enumeration || is_single_con) `thenTc_`
 	    -- Are things OK for deriving Ix (if appropriate)?
-	checkTc (clas_key == ixClassKey
-	         && not (isEnumerationTyCon tycon
-		         || maybeToBool (maybeTyConSingleCon tycon)))
-		(derivingIxErr tycon)
+	chk_clas ixClassKey "Ix.Ix" (is_enumeration || is_single_con)
     cmp_deriv :: (Class, TyCon) -> (Class, TyCon) -> TAG_
@@ -305,22 +341,31 @@ makeDerivEqns
 	-- to make the rest of the equation
     mk_eqn (clas, tycon)
-      = (clas, tycon, tyvars, constraints)
+      = (clas, tycon, tyvars, if_not_Eval constraints)
+	clas_key  = classKey clas
 	tyvars    = tyConTyVars tycon	-- ToDo: Do we need new tyvars ???
 	tyvar_tys = mkTyVarTys tyvars
 	data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
-	constraints = concat (map mk_constraints data_cons)
+	if_not_Eval cs = if clas_key == evalClassKey then [] else cs
+	constraints = extra_constraints ++ concat (map mk_constraints data_cons)
+	-- "extra_constraints": see notes above about contexts on data decls
+	extra_constraints
+	  | offensive_class = tyConTheta tycon
+	  | otherwise	    = []
+	   where
+	    offensive_class = clas_key `elem` needsDataDeclCtxtClassKeys
 	mk_constraints data_con
-	   = [ (clas, instantiateTy inst_env arg_ty)
-	     | arg_ty <- arg_tys,
+	   = [ (clas, arg_ty)
+	     | arg_ty <- instd_arg_tys,
 	       not (isPrimType arg_ty)	-- No constraints for primitive types
-	     (con_tyvars, _, arg_tys, _) = dataConSig data_con
-	     inst_env = zipEqual "mk_eqn" con_tyvars tyvar_tys
-	                -- same number of tyvars in data constr and type constr!
+	     instd_arg_tys  = dataConArgTys data_con tyvar_tys
@@ -334,11 +379,11 @@ terms, which is the final correct RHS for the corresponding original
-Each (k,UniTyVarTemplate tv) in a solution constrains only a type
+Each (k,TyVarTy tv) in a solution constrains only a type
 variable, tv.
-The (k,UniTyVarTemplate tv) pairs in a solution are canonically
+The (k,TyVarTy tv) pairs in a solution are canonically
 ordered by sorting on type varible, tv, (major key) and then class, k,
 (minor key)
@@ -370,24 +415,19 @@ solveDerivEqns inst_decl_infos_in orig_eqns
 	add_solns inst_decl_infos_in orig_eqns current_solns
 				`thenTc` \ (new_inst_infos, inst_mapper) ->
-	    -- Simplify each RHS, using a DerivingOrigin containing an
-	    -- inst_mapper reflecting the previous solution
-	    mk_deriv_origin clas ty
-	      = DerivingOrigin inst_mapper clas tycon
-	      where
-		(tycon,_) = getAppTyCon ty
+	   class_to_inst_env cls = fst (inst_mapper cls)
-	listTc [ tcSimplifyThetas mk_deriv_origin rhs
-	       | (_, _, _, rhs) <- orig_eqns
-	       ]		`thenTc` \ next_solns ->
+	    -- Simplify each RHS
+	listTc [ tcSimplifyThetas class_to_inst_env [{-Nothing "given"-}] deriv_rhs
+	       | (_,_,_,deriv_rhs) <- orig_eqns ]  `thenTc` \ next_solns ->
 	    -- Canonicalise the solutions, so they compare nicely
 	let canonicalised_next_solns
 	      = [ sortLt lt_rhs next_soln | next_soln <- next_solns ] in
-	if current_solns `eq_solns` canonicalised_next_solns then
+	if (current_solns `eq_solns` canonicalised_next_solns) then
 	    returnTc new_inst_infos
 	    iterateDeriv canonicalised_next_solns
@@ -407,8 +447,7 @@ solveDerivEqns inst_decl_infos_in orig_eqns
-add_solns :: FAST_STRING
-	  -> Bag InstInfo			-- The global, non-derived ones
+add_solns :: Bag InstInfo			-- The global, non-derived ones
 	  -> [DerivEqn] -> [DerivSoln]
 	  -> TcM s ([InstInfo], 		-- The new, derived ones
@@ -426,22 +465,34 @@ add_solns inst_infos_in eqns solns
     mk_deriv_inst_info (clas, tycon, tyvars, _) theta
       = InstInfo clas tyvars (applyTyCon tycon (mkTyVarTys tyvars))
-		 theta			-- Blarg.  This is the dfun_theta slot,
-					-- which is needed by buildInstanceEnv;
-					-- This works ok for solving the eqns, and
-					-- gen_eqns sets it to its final value
-					-- (incl super class dicts) before we
-					-- finally return it.
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		 (panic "add_soln:dfun_id") (panic "add_soln:const_meth_ids")
-		 (panic "add_soln:binds")   (panic "add_soln:from_here")
-		 (panic "add_soln:modname") mkGeneratedSrcLoc
-		 (panic "add_soln:upragmas")
-		bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom mkGeneratedSrcLoc bottom
+		 (my_panic "dfun_theta")
+		 dummy_dfun_id
+		 (my_panic "const_meth_ids")
+		 (my_panic "binds")   (my_panic "from_here")
+		 (my_panic "modname") mkGeneratedSrcLoc
+		 (my_panic "upragmas")
-	bottom = panic "add_soln"
+	dummy_dfun_id
+	  = mkDictFunId bottom bottom bottom dummy_dfun_ty
+			bottom bottom bottom bottom
+	  where
+	    bottom = panic "dummy_dfun_id"
+	dummy_dfun_ty = mkSigmaTy tyvars theta voidTy
+		-- All we need from the dfun is its "theta" part, used during
+		-- equation simplification (tcSimplifyThetas).  The final
+		-- dfun_id will have the superclass dictionaries as arguments too,
+		-- but that'll be added after the equations are solved.  For now,
+		-- it's enough just to make a dummy dfun with the simple theta part.
+		-- 
+		-- The part after the theta is dummied here as voidTy; actually it's
+		-- 	(C (T a b)), but it doesn't seem worth constructing it.
+		-- We can't leave it as a panic because to get the theta part we
+		-- have to run down the type!
+	my_panic str = pprPanic ("add_soln:"++str) (ppCat [ppChar ':', ppr PprDebug clas, ppr PprDebug tycon])
@@ -465,8 +516,7 @@ We want derived instances of @Eq@ and @Ord@ (both v common) to be
 ``you-couldn't-do-better-by-hand'' efficient.
-Deriving @Text@---also pretty common, usually just for
-@show@---should also be reasonable good code.
+Deriving @Show@---also pretty common--- should also be reasonable good code.
 Deriving for the other classes isn't that common or that big a deal.
@@ -476,13 +526,13 @@ PRAGMATICS:
-Deriving @Ord@ is done mostly with our non-standard @tagCmp@ method.
+Deriving @Ord@ is done mostly with the 1.3 @compare@ method.
-Deriving @Eq@ also uses @tagCmp@, if we're deriving @Ord@, too.
+Deriving @Eq@ also uses @compare@, if we're deriving @Ord@, too.
-We {\em normally} generated code only for the non-defaulted methods;
+We {\em normally} generate code only for the non-defaulted methods;
 there are some exceptions for @Eq@ and (especially) @Ord@...
@@ -491,7 +541,6 @@ constructor's numeric (@Int#@) tag.  These are generated by
 @gen_tag_n_con_binds@, and the heuristic for deciding if one of
 these is around is given by @hasCon2TagFun@.
 The examples under the different sections below will make this
@@ -500,11 +549,11 @@ Much less often (really just for deriving @Ix@), we use a
 @_tag2con_<tycon>@ function.  See the examples.
-We use Pass~4 of the renamer!!!  Reason: we're supposed to be
+We use the renamer!!!  Reason: we're supposed to be
 producing @RenamedMonoBinds@ for the methods, but that means
 producing correctly-uniquified code on the fly.  This is entirely
 possible (the @TcM@ monad has a @UniqueSupply@), but it is painful.
-So, instead, we produce @ProtoNameMonoBinds@ then heave 'em through
+So, instead, we produce @RdrNameMonoBinds@ then heave 'em through
 the renamer.  What a great hack!
@@ -517,7 +566,7 @@ gen_inst_info :: Maybe Module		-- Module name; Nothing => Prelude
 	      -> TcM s InstInfo		-- the gen'd (filled-in) "instance decl"
 gen_inst_info modname fixities deriver_rn_env
-    info@(InstInfo clas tyvars ty inst_decl_theta _ _ _ _ _ _ locn _)
+    (InstInfo clas tyvars ty inst_decl_theta _ _ _ _ _ _ locn _)
 	-- Generate the various instance-related Ids
@@ -531,18 +580,33 @@ gen_inst_info modname fixities deriver_rn_env
 	-- Generate the bindings for the new instance declaration,
 	-- rename it, and check for errors
-	(tycon,_,_)  = getAppDataTyCon ty
+	(tycon,_,_)  = --pprTrace "gen_inst_info:ty" (ppCat[ppr PprDebug clas, ppr PprDebug ty]) $
+		       getAppDataTyCon ty
-	  | clas_key == eqClassKey     = gen_Eq_binds tycon
-	  | clas_key == showClassKey   = gen_Show_binds fixities tycon
-	  | clas_key == ordClassKey    = gen_Ord_binds tycon
-	  | clas_key == enumClassKey   = gen_Enum_binds tycon
-	  | clas_key == ixClassKey     = gen_Ix_binds tycon
-	  | clas_key == readClassKey   = gen_Read_binds fixities tycon
-	  | clas_key == binaryClassKey = gen_Binary_binds tycon
-	  | otherwise = panic "gen_inst_info:bad derived class"
+	  = assoc "gen_inst_info:bad derived class"
+		[(eqClassKey,	   gen_Eq_binds)
+		,(ordClassKey,	   gen_Ord_binds)
+		,(enumClassKey,	   gen_Enum_binds)
+		,(evalClassKey,	   gen_Eval_binds)
+		,(boundedClassKey, gen_Bounded_binds)
+		,(showClassKey,	   gen_Show_binds fixities)
+		,(readClassKey,	   gen_Read_binds fixities)
+		,(ixClassKey,	   gen_Ix_binds)
+		]
+		clas_key $ tycon
+    in
+    let
+	((qual, unqual, tc_qual, tc_unqual), stack) = deriver_rn_env
+    pprTrace "gen_inst:qual:"      (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM qual]) $
+    pprTrace "gen_inst:unqual:"    (ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM unqual))) $
+    pprTrace "gen_inst:tc_qual:"   (ppCat [ppBesides[ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n] | (n,m) <- keysFM tc_qual]) $
+    pprTrace "gen_inst:tc_unqual:" (ppCat (map ppPStr (keysFM tc_unqual))) $
+    -- pprTrace "derived binds:" (ppr PprDebug proto_mbinds) $
     rnMtoTcM deriver_rn_env (
 	setExtraRn emptyUFM{-no fixities-} $
 	rnMethodBinds clas_Name proto_mbinds
@@ -552,8 +616,6 @@ gen_inst_info modname fixities deriver_rn_env
 	pprPanic "gen_inst_info:renamer errs!\n"
 		 (ppAbove (pprBagOfErrors PprDebug errs) (ppr PprDebug proto_mbinds))
-    --pprTrace "derived binds:" (ppr PprDebug proto_mbinds) $
 	-- All done
 	from_here = isLocallyDefined tycon	-- If so, then from here
@@ -563,10 +625,8 @@ gen_inst_info modname fixities deriver_rn_env
 		       (if from_here then mbinds else EmptyMonoBinds)
 		       from_here modname locn [])
-    clas_key = classKey clas
-    clas_Name
-      = let  (mod, nm) = moduleNamePair clas  in
-    	ClassName clas_key (mkPreludeCoreName mod nm) []
+    clas_key  = classKey clas
+    clas_Name = RnImplicitClass (mkImplicitName clas_key (origName clas))
@@ -583,14 +643,38 @@ maxtag_Foo  :: Int		-- ditto (NB: not unboxed)
 gen_tag_n_con_binds :: RnEnv
-		    -> [(RdrName, RnName, TyCon, TagThingWanted)]
-		    -> TcM s RenamedHsBinds
+		    -> [(RdrName, TyCon, TagThingWanted)]
+		    -> TcM s (RenamedHsBinds,
+			      RnEnv) -- input one with any new names added
-gen_tag_n_con_binds deriver_rn_env nm_alist_etc
-  = let
-      proto_mbind_list = map gen_tag_n_con_monobind nm_alist_etc
-      proto_mbinds     = foldr AndMonoBinds EmptyMonoBinds proto_mbind_list
+gen_tag_n_con_binds rn_env nm_alist_etc
+  = 
+    let
+	-- We have the renamer's final "name funs" in our hands
+	-- (they were passed in).  So we can handle ProtoNames
+	-- that refer to anything "out there".  But our generated
+	-- code may also mention "con2tag" (etc.).  So we need
+	-- to augment to "name funs" to include those.
+	names_to_add = [ pn | (pn,_,_) <- nm_alist_etc ]
+    in
+    tcGetUniques (length names_to_add)	`thenNF_Tc` \ uniqs ->
+    let
+	pairs_to_add = [ (pn, mkRnName (mkTopLevName u pn mkGeneratedSrcLoc ExportAll []))
+		       | (pn,u) <- zipEqual "gen_tag..." names_to_add uniqs ]
+	deriver_rn_env
+	  = if null names_to_add
+	    then rn_env else added_rn_env
+	(added_rn_env, errs_bag)
+	  = extendGlobalRnEnv rn_env pairs_to_add [{-no tycons-}]
+	----------------
+	proto_mbind_list = map gen_tag_n_con_monobind nm_alist_etc
+	proto_mbinds     = foldr AndMonoBinds EmptyMonoBinds proto_mbind_list
+    ASSERT(isEmptyBag errs_bag)
     rnMtoTcM deriver_rn_env (
 	setExtraRn emptyUFM{-no fixities-} $
@@ -598,9 +682,10 @@ gen_tag_n_con_binds deriver_rn_env nm_alist_etc
     )			`thenNF_Tc` \ (binds, errs) ->
     if not (isEmptyBag errs) then
-	panic "gen_inst_info:renamer errs (2)!"
+	pprPanic "gen_tag_n_con_binds:renamer errs!\n"
+		 (ppAbove (pprBagOfErrors PprDebug errs) (ppr PprDebug binds))
-	returnTc binds
+	returnTc (binds, deriver_rn_env)
@@ -628,30 +713,33 @@ We're deriving @Enum@, or @Ix@ (enum type only???)
 If we have a @tag2con@ function, we also generate a @maxtag@ constant.
-gen_taggery_Names :: [DerivEqn]
-		  -> TcM s [(RdrName, RnName,	-- for an assoc list
-		  	     TyCon,		-- related tycon
+gen_taggery_Names :: [InstInfo]
+		  -> TcM s [(RdrName,	-- for an assoc list
+		  	     TyCon,	-- related tycon
-gen_taggery_Names eqns
-  = let
-	all_tycons = [ tc | (_, tc, _, _) <- eqns ]
-	(tycons_of_interest, _) = removeDups cmp all_tycons
-    in
-	foldlTc do_con2tag []           tycons_of_interest `thenTc` \ names_so_far ->
-	foldlTc do_tag2con names_so_far tycons_of_interest
+gen_taggery_Names inst_infos
+  = --pprTrace "gen_taggery:\n" (ppAboves [ppCat [ppr PprDebug c, ppr PprDebug t] | (c,t) <- all_CTs]) $
+    foldlTc do_con2tag []           tycons_of_interest `thenTc` \ names_so_far ->
+    foldlTc do_tag2con names_so_far tycons_of_interest
+    all_CTs = [ mk_CT c ty | (InstInfo c _ ty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) <- inst_infos ]
+    mk_CT c ty = (c, fst (getAppTyCon ty))
+    all_tycons = map snd all_CTs
+    (tycons_of_interest, _) = removeDups cmp all_tycons
     do_con2tag acc_Names tycon
       = if (we_are_deriving eqClassKey tycon
-	    && any ( (== 0).dataConArity ) (tyConDataCons tycon))
+	    && any isNullaryDataCon (tyConDataCons tycon))
 	|| (we_are_deriving ordClassKey  tycon
 	    && not (maybeToBool (maybeTyConSingleCon tycon)))
 	|| (we_are_deriving enumClassKey tycon)
 	|| (we_are_deriving ixClassKey   tycon)
-	  tcGetUnique	`thenNF_Tc` ( \ u ->
-	  returnTc ((con2tag_PN tycon, ValName u (con2tag_FN tycon), tycon, GenCon2Tag)
-		   : acc_Names) )
+	  returnTc ((con2tag_PN tycon, tycon, GenCon2Tag)
+		   : acc_Names)
 	  returnTc acc_Names
@@ -659,33 +747,26 @@ gen_taggery_Names eqns
       = if (we_are_deriving enumClassKey tycon)
 	|| (we_are_deriving ixClassKey   tycon)
-	  tcGetUnique	`thenNF_Tc` \ u1 ->
-	  tcGetUnique	`thenNF_Tc` \ u2 ->
-	  returnTc ( (tag2con_PN tycon, ValName u1 (tag2con_FN tycon), tycon, GenTag2Con)
-		   : (maxtag_PN  tycon, ValName u2 (maxtag_FN  tycon), tycon, GenMaxTag)
+	  returnTc ( (tag2con_PN tycon, tycon, GenTag2Con)
+		   : (maxtag_PN  tycon, tycon, GenMaxTag)
 		   : acc_Names)
 	  returnTc acc_Names
     we_are_deriving clas_key tycon
-      = is_in_eqns clas_key tycon eqns
+      = is_in_eqns clas_key tycon all_CTs
 	is_in_eqns clas_key tycon [] = False
-	is_in_eqns clas_key tycon ((c,t,_,_):eqns)
+	is_in_eqns clas_key tycon ((c,t):cts)
 	  =  (clas_key == classKey c && tycon == t)
-	  || is_in_eqns clas_key tycon eqns
+	  || is_in_eqns clas_key tycon cts
-derivingEnumErr :: TyCon -> Error
-derivingEnumErr tycon
-  = addErrLoc (getSrcLoc tycon) "Can't derive an instance of `Enum'" ( \ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppStr "type `", ppr sty tycon, ppStr "'"] )
-derivingIxErr :: TyCon -> Error
-derivingIxErr tycon
-  = addErrLoc (getSrcLoc tycon) "Can't derive an instance of `Ix'" ( \ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppStr "type `", ppr sty tycon, ppStr "'"] )
+derivingThingErr :: String -> TyCon -> Error
+derivingThingErr thing tycon sty
+  = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "Can't make a derived instance of", ppStr thing])
+	 4 (ppBesides [ppStr "for the type `", ppr sty tycon, ppStr "'"])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
index 7702e31d652e..0c299a5669d7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@ module TcEnv(
   ) where
-import Ubiq
-import TcMLoop  -- for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(TcMLoop)  -- for paranoia checking
 import Id	( Id(..), GenId, idType, mkUserLocal )
 import TcHsSyn	( TcIdBndr(..), TcIdOcc(..) )
 import TcKind	( TcKind, newKindVars, tcDefaultKind, kindToTcKind )
 import TcType	( TcType(..), TcMaybe, TcTyVar(..), TcTyVarSet(..),
-		  newTyVarTys, tcInstTyVars, tcInstType, zonkTcTyVars
+		  newTyVarTys, tcInstTyVars, zonkTcTyVars
 import TyVar	( mkTyVar, tyVarKind, unionTyVarSets, emptyTyVarSet )
 import Type	( tyVarsOfTypes )
-import TyCon	( TyCon, Arity(..), tyConKind, synTyConArity )
+import TyCon	( TyCon, tyConKind, synTyConArity )
 import Class	( Class(..), GenClass, classSig )
 import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ newMonoIds names kind m
 	mk_id name uniq ty
 	  = let
-		name_str = case (getOccName name) of { Unqual n -> n }
+		name_str = case (getOccName name) of { Unqual n -> n; Qual m n -> n }
 	    mkUserLocal name_str uniq ty (getSrcLoc name)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
index 21e864e3e0e1..a45dc275e6ac 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
 module TcExpr ( tcExpr ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( HsExpr(..), Qual(..), Stmt(..),
 			  HsBinds(..), Bind(..), MonoBinds(..), 
 			  ArithSeqInfo(..), HsLit(..), Sig, GRHSsAndBinds,
 			  Match, Fake, InPat, OutPat, PolyType,
-			  irrefutablePat, collectPatBinders )
+			  failureFreePat, collectPatBinders )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsExpr(..), RenamedQual(..),
 			  RenamedStmt(..), RenamedRecordBinds(..),
 			  RnName{-instance Outputable-}
@@ -37,17 +37,18 @@ import TcMonoType	( tcPolyType )
 import TcPat		( tcPat )
 import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyAndCheck, tcSimplifyRank2 )
 import TcType		( TcType(..), TcMaybe(..),
-			  tcInstId, tcInstType, tcInstTheta, tcInstTyVars,
+			  tcInstId, tcInstType, tcInstSigTyVars,
+			  tcInstSigType, tcInstTcType, tcInstTheta,
 			  newTyVarTy, zonkTcTyVars, zonkTcType )
 import TcKind		( TcKind )
 import Class		( Class(..), classSig )
 import FieldLabel	( fieldLabelName )
-import Id		( Id(..), GenId, idType, dataConFieldLabels, dataConSig )
+import Id		( idType, dataConFieldLabels, dataConSig, Id(..), GenId )
 import Kind		( Kind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind, mkArrowKind )
 import GenSpecEtc	( checkSigTyVars, checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals )
 import Name		( Name{-instance Eq-} )
-import Type		( mkFunTy, mkAppTy, mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys,
+import Type		( mkFunTy, mkAppTy, mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys, mkRhoTy,
 			  getTyVar_maybe, getFunTy_maybe, instantiateTy,
 			  splitForAllTy, splitRhoTy, splitSigmaTy, splitFunTy,
 			  isTauTy, mkFunTys, tyVarsOfType, getForAllTy_maybe,
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ import Unify		( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyList, unifyTauTyLists, unifyFunTy )
 import Unique		( Unique, cCallableClassKey, cReturnableClassKey, 
 			  enumFromClassOpKey, enumFromThenClassOpKey,
 			  enumFromToClassOpKey, enumFromThenToClassOpKey,
-			  monadClassKey, monadZeroClassKey
+			  thenMClassOpKey, zeroClassOpKey
 --import Name		( Name )		-- Instance 
 import Outputable	( interpp'SP )
@@ -318,32 +319,8 @@ tcExpr (ListComp expr quals)
-tcExpr (HsDo stmts src_loc)
-  = 	-- get the Monad and MonadZero classes
-	-- create type consisting of a fresh monad tyvar
-    tcAddSrcLoc src_loc	$
-    newTyVarTy monadKind	`thenNF_Tc` \ m ->
-    tcDoStmts False m stmts	`thenTc` \ ((stmts',monad,mzero), lie, do_ty) ->
-	-- create dictionaries for monad and possibly monadzero
-    (if monad then
-	tcLookupClassByKey monadClassKey		`thenNF_Tc` \ monadClass ->
-	newDicts DoOrigin [(monadClass, m)]	
-    else
-	returnNF_Tc (emptyLIE, [panic "TcExpr: MonadZero dictionary"])
-    )						`thenNF_Tc` \ (m_lie,  [m_id])  ->
-    (if mzero then
-	tcLookupClassByKey monadZeroClassKey	`thenNF_Tc` \ monadZeroClass ->
-	newDicts DoOrigin [(monadZeroClass, m)]
-     else
-        returnNF_Tc (emptyLIE, [panic "TcExpr: MonadZero dictionary"])
-    )						`thenNF_Tc` \ (mz_lie, [mz_id]) ->
-    returnTc (HsDoOut stmts' m_id mz_id src_loc,
-	      lie `plusLIE` m_lie `plusLIE` mz_lie,
-	      do_ty)
-  where
-    monadKind = mkArrowKind mkBoxedTypeKind mkBoxedTypeKind
+tcExpr expr@(HsDo stmts src_loc)
+  = tcDoStmts stmts src_loc
@@ -487,7 +464,7 @@ tcExpr in_expr@(ExprWithTySig expr poly_ty)
 	-- Check the tau-type part
    tcSetErrCtxt (exprSigCtxt in_expr)	$
-   tcInstType [] sigma_sig		`thenNF_Tc` \ sigma_sig' ->
+   tcInstSigType sigma_sig		`thenNF_Tc` \ sigma_sig' ->
 	(sig_tyvars', sig_theta', sig_tau') = splitSigmaTy sigma_sig'
@@ -590,11 +567,17 @@ tcArg expected_arg_ty arg
 	-- of instantiating a function involving rank-2 polymorphism, so there
 	-- isn't any danger of using the same tyvars twice
 	-- The argument type shouldn't be overloaded type (hence ASSERT)
+	-- To ensure that the forall'd type variables don't get unified with each
+	-- other or any other types, we make fresh *signature* type variables
+	-- and unify them with the tyvars.
 	(expected_tyvars, expected_theta, expected_tau) = splitSigmaTy expected_arg_ty
     ASSERT( null expected_theta )	-- And expected_tyvars are all DontBind things
+    tcInstSigTyVars expected_tyvars		`thenNF_Tc` \ (sig_tyvars, sig_tyvar_tys, _) ->
+    unifyTauTyLists (mkTyVarTys expected_tyvars) sig_tyvar_tys	`thenTc_`
 	-- Type-check the arg and unify with expected type
     tcExpr arg					`thenTc` \ (arg', lie_arg, actual_arg_ty) ->
     unifyTauTy expected_tau actual_arg_ty	`thenTc_`  (
@@ -609,11 +592,10 @@ tcArg expected_arg_ty arg
 	-- So now s' isn't unconstrained because it's linked to a.
 	-- Conclusion: include the free vars of the expected arg type in the
 	-- list of "free vars" for the signature check.
     tcAddErrCtxt (rank2ArgCtxt arg expected_arg_ty) $
-    tcGetGlobalTyVars						`thenNF_Tc` \ env_tyvars ->
-    zonkTcTyVars (tyVarsOfType expected_arg_ty)			`thenNF_Tc` \ free_tyvars ->
-	(env_tyvars `unionTyVarSets` free_tyvars)
+	(tyVarsOfType expected_arg_ty)
 	expected_tyvars expected_tau				`thenTc_`
 	-- Check that there's no overloading involved
@@ -649,42 +631,45 @@ tcId name
   = 	-- Look up the Id and instantiate its type
     tcLookupLocalValue name	`thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_local ->
-    (case maybe_local of
-	Just tc_id -> let
-		        (tyvars, rho) = splitForAllTy (idType tc_id)
-		      in
-		      tcInstTyVars tyvars		`thenNF_Tc` \ (tyvars', arg_tys', tenv)  ->
-		      let 
-			 rho' = instantiateTy tenv rho
-		      in
-		      returnNF_Tc (TcId tc_id, arg_tys', rho')
-	Nothing ->    tcLookupGlobalValue name	`thenNF_Tc` \ id ->
-		      let
-			(tyvars, rho) = splitForAllTy (idType id)
-		      in
-		      tcInstTyVars tyvars		`thenNF_Tc` \ (tyvars', arg_tys, tenv) ->
-		      tcInstType tenv rho		`thenNF_Tc` \ rho' ->
-		      returnNF_Tc (RealId id, arg_tys, rho')
-    )					`thenNF_Tc` \ (tc_id_occ, arg_tys, rho) ->
-	-- Is it overloaded?
-    case splitRhoTy rho of
-      ([], tau)    -> 	-- Not overloaded, so just make a type application
-		    	returnNF_Tc (mkHsTyApp (HsVar tc_id_occ) arg_tys, emptyLIE, tau)
-      (theta, tau) ->	-- Overloaded, so make a Method inst
-			newMethodWithGivenTy (OccurrenceOf tc_id_occ)
-				tc_id_occ arg_tys rho		`thenNF_Tc` \ (lie, meth_id) ->
-			returnNF_Tc (HsVar meth_id, lie, tau)
+    case maybe_local of
+      Just tc_id -> instantiate_it (TcId tc_id) (idType tc_id)
+      Nothing ->    tcLookupGlobalValue name	`thenNF_Tc` \ id ->
+		    tcInstType [] (idType id)	`thenNF_Tc` \ inst_ty ->
+		    let
+			(tyvars, rho) = splitForAllTy inst_ty 
+		    in
+		    instantiate_it2 (RealId id) tyvars rho
+  where
+	-- The instantiate_it loop runs round instantiating the Id.
+	-- It has to be a loop because we are now prepared to entertain
+	-- types like
+	--		f:: forall a. Eq a => forall b. Baz b => tau
+	-- We want to instantiate this to
+	--		f2::tau		{f2 = f1 b (Baz b), f1 = f a (Eq a)}
+    instantiate_it tc_id_occ ty
+      = tcInstTcType ty		`thenNF_Tc` \ (tyvars, rho) ->
+	instantiate_it2 tc_id_occ tyvars rho
+    instantiate_it2 tc_id_occ tyvars rho
+      | null theta	-- Is it overloaded?
+      = returnNF_Tc (mkHsTyApp (HsVar tc_id_occ) arg_tys, emptyLIE, tau)
+      | otherwise	-- Yes, it's overloaded
+      = newMethodWithGivenTy (OccurrenceOf tc_id_occ)
+			     tc_id_occ arg_tys rho	`thenNF_Tc` \ (lie1, meth_id) ->
+	instantiate_it meth_id tau			`thenNF_Tc` \ (expr, lie2, final_tau) ->
+	returnNF_Tc (expr, lie1 `plusLIE` lie2, final_tau)
+      where
+        (theta,  tau) = splitRhoTy   rho
+	arg_tys	      = mkTyVarTys tyvars
 %*									*
-\subsection{@tcQuals@ typchecks list comprehension qualifiers}
+\subsection{@tcQuals@ typechecks list-comprehension qualifiers}
 %*									*
@@ -749,67 +734,78 @@ tcListComp expr (LetQual binds : quals)
-tcDoStmts :: Bool			-- True => require a monad
-	  -> TcType s			-- m
-	  -> [RenamedStmt]	
-	  -> TcM s (([TcStmt s],
-		     Bool,		-- True => Monad
-		     Bool), 		-- True => MonadZero
-		    LIE s,
-		    TcType s)
-tcDoStmts monad m [stmt@(ExprStmt exp src_loc)]
-  = tcAddSrcLoc src_loc $
-    tcSetErrCtxt (stmtCtxt stmt) $
-    tcExpr exp			 	`thenTc`    \ (exp', exp_lie, exp_ty) ->
-    (if monad then
-	newTyVarTy mkTypeKind		`thenNF_Tc` \ a ->
-	unifyTauTy (mkAppTy m a) exp_ty
-     else
-	returnTc ()
-    )					`thenTc_`
-    returnTc (([ExprStmt exp' src_loc], monad, False), exp_lie, exp_ty)
-tcDoStmts _ m (stmt@(ExprStmt exp src_loc) : stmts)
-  = tcAddSrcLoc src_loc 		(
-    tcSetErrCtxt (stmtCtxt stmt)	(
-    	tcExpr exp			`thenTc`    \ (exp', exp_lie, exp_ty) ->
-	newTyVarTy mkTypeKind		`thenNF_Tc` \ a ->
-    	unifyTauTy (mkAppTy m a) exp_ty	`thenTc_`
-	returnTc (ExprStmt exp' src_loc, exp_lie)
-    ))					`thenTc` \ (stmt',  stmt_lie) -> 
-    tcDoStmts True m stmts		`thenTc` \ ((stmts', _, mzero), stmts_lie, stmts_ty) ->
-    returnTc ((stmt':stmts', True, mzero),
-	      stmt_lie `plusLIE` stmts_lie,
-	      stmts_ty)
-tcDoStmts _ m (stmt@(BindStmt pat exp src_loc) : stmts)
-  = newMonoIds (collectPatBinders pat) mkBoxedTypeKind $ \ _ ->
-    tcAddSrcLoc src_loc			(
-    tcSetErrCtxt (stmtCtxt stmt)	(
-	tcPat pat			`thenTc`    \ (pat', pat_lie, pat_ty) ->  
-    	tcExpr exp			`thenTc`    \ (exp', exp_lie, exp_ty) ->
+tcDoStmts stmts src_loc
+  =	-- get the Monad and MonadZero classes
+	-- create type consisting of a fresh monad tyvar
+    tcAddSrcLoc src_loc	$
+    newTyVarTy (mkArrowKind mkBoxedTypeKind mkBoxedTypeKind)	`thenNF_Tc` \ m ->
+	-- Build the then and zero methods in case we need them
+    tcLookupGlobalValueByKey thenMClassOpKey	`thenNF_Tc` \ then_sel_id ->
+    tcLookupGlobalValueByKey zeroClassOpKey	`thenNF_Tc` \ zero_sel_id ->
+    newMethod DoOrigin
+	      (RealId then_sel_id) [m]		`thenNF_Tc` \ (m_lie, then_id) ->
+    newMethod DoOrigin
+	      (RealId zero_sel_id) [m]		`thenNF_Tc` \ (mz_lie, zero_id) ->
+    let
+      get_m_arg ty 
+	= newTyVarTy mkTypeKind			`thenNF_Tc` \ arg_ty ->
+	  unifyTauTy (mkAppTy m arg_ty) ty	`thenTc_`
+	  returnTc arg_ty
+      go [stmt@(ExprStmt exp src_loc)]
+	= tcAddSrcLoc src_loc $
+	  tcSetErrCtxt (stmtCtxt stmt) $
+	  tcExpr exp			 	`thenTc`    \ (exp', exp_lie, exp_ty) ->
+	  returnTc ([ExprStmt exp' src_loc], exp_lie, exp_ty)
+      go (stmt@(ExprStmt exp src_loc) : stmts)
+	= tcAddSrcLoc src_loc 		(
+	  tcSetErrCtxt (stmtCtxt stmt)	(
+		tcExpr exp			`thenTc`    \ (exp', exp_lie, exp_ty) ->
+		get_m_arg exp_ty 		`thenTc` \ a ->
+		returnTc (a, exp', exp_lie)
+	  ))					`thenTc` \ (a, exp',  exp_lie) -> 
+	  go stmts				`thenTc` \ (stmts', stmts_lie, stmts_ty) ->
+	  get_m_arg stmts_ty			`thenTc` \ b ->
+	  returnTc (ExprStmtOut exp' src_loc a b : stmts',
+		    exp_lie `plusLIE` stmts_lie `plusLIE` m_lie,
+		    stmts_ty)
+      go (stmt@(BindStmt pat exp src_loc) : stmts)
+	= newMonoIds (collectPatBinders pat) mkBoxedTypeKind $ \ _ ->
+	  tcAddSrcLoc src_loc		(
+	  tcSetErrCtxt (stmtCtxt stmt)	(
+		tcPat pat		`thenTc`    \ (pat', pat_lie, pat_ty) ->  
+	    	tcExpr exp		`thenTc`    \ (exp', exp_lie, exp_ty) ->
 		-- See comments with tcListComp on GeneratorQual
-	newTyVarTy mkTypeKind		`thenNF_Tc` \ a ->
-	unifyTauTy a pat_ty		`thenTc_`
-	unifyTauTy (mkAppTy m a) exp_ty	`thenTc_`
-	returnTc (BindStmt pat' exp' src_loc, pat_lie `plusLIE` exp_lie, irrefutablePat pat')
-    ))					`thenTc` \ (stmt', stmt_lie, failure_free) -> 
-    tcDoStmts True m stmts		`thenTc` \ ((stmts', _, mzero), stmts_lie, stmts_ty) ->
-    returnTc ((stmt':stmts', True, mzero || not failure_free),
-	      stmt_lie `plusLIE` stmts_lie,
-	      stmts_ty)
-tcDoStmts monad m (LetStmt binds : stmts)
-   = tcBindsAndThen		-- No error context, but a binding group is
-	combine			-- rather a large thing for an error context anyway
-	binds
-	(tcDoStmts monad m stmts)
-   where
-     combine binds' (stmts', monad, mzero) = ((LetStmt binds' : stmts'), monad, mzero)
+		get_m_arg exp_ty	`thenTc` \ a ->
+		unifyTauTy a pat_ty	`thenTc_`
+		returnTc (a, pat', exp', pat_lie `plusLIE` exp_lie)
+	  ))				`thenTc` \ (a, pat', exp', stmt_lie) ->
+	  go stmts			`thenTc` \ (stmts', stmts_lie, stmts_ty) ->
+	  get_m_arg stmts_ty		`thenTc` \ b ->
+	  returnTc (BindStmtOut pat' exp' src_loc a b : stmts',
+		    stmt_lie `plusLIE` stmts_lie `plusLIE` m_lie `plusLIE` 
+			(if failureFreePat pat' then emptyLIE else mz_lie),
+		    stmts_ty)
+      go (LetStmt binds : stmts)
+	   = tcBindsAndThen		-- No error context, but a binding group is
+		combine			-- rather a large thing for an error context anyway
+		binds
+		(go stmts)
+	   where
+	     combine binds' stmts' = LetStmt binds' : stmts'
+    in
+    go stmts		`thenTc` \ (stmts', final_lie, final_ty) ->
+    returnTc (HsDoOut stmts' then_id zero_id src_loc,
+	      final_lie,
+	      final_ty)
 Game plan for record bindings
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGRHSs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGRHSs.lhs
index edc286982900..4a532ae00960 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGRHSs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGRHSs.lhs
@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
 \section[TcGRHSs]{Typecheck guarded right-hand-sides}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module TcGRHSs ( tcGRHSsAndBinds ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import TcLoop -- for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(TcLoop) -- for paranoia checking
 import HsSyn		( GRHSsAndBinds(..), GRHS(..),
 			  HsExpr, HsBinds(..), InPat, OutPat, Bind, Sig, Fake )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
index 8f19aef1c7d6..743851770d57 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ This is where we do all the grimy bindings' generation.
 #include "HsVersions.h"
-module TcGenDeriv {- (
+module TcGenDeriv (
@@ -29,15 +29,16 @@ module TcGenDeriv {- (
-	eqH_PN,
+	eqH_Int_PN,
-	gen_Binary_binds,
+	gen_Bounded_binds,
+	gen_Eval_binds,
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ module TcGenDeriv {- (
-	ltH_PN,
+	ltH_Int_PN,
@@ -56,49 +57,50 @@ module TcGenDeriv {- (
-	con2tag_FN, tag2con_FN, maxtag_FN,
 	con2tag_PN, tag2con_PN, maxtag_PN,
-    ) -} where
+    ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( HsBinds(..), Bind(..), MonoBinds(..), Match(..), GRHSsAndBinds(..),
 			  GRHS(..), HsExpr(..), HsLit(..), InPat(..), Qual(..), Stmt,
 			  ArithSeqInfo, Sig, PolyType, FixityDecl, Fake )
 import RdrHsSyn		( RdrNameMonoBinds(..), RdrNameHsExpr(..), RdrNamePat(..) )
-import RnHsSyn		( RnName(..), RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
+import RnHsSyn		( RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
+--import RnUtils
---import RnMonad4		-- initRn4, etc.
-import RnUtils
-import Id		( GenId, dataConArity, dataConTag,
-			  dataConSig, fIRST_TAG,
+import Id		( GenId, dataConArity, isNullaryDataCon, dataConTag,
+			  dataConRawArgTys, fIRST_TAG,
 			  isDataCon, DataCon(..), ConTag(..) )
 import IdUtils		( primOpId )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
---import Name		( Name(..) )
-import Outputable
-import PrimOp
---import PrelInfo
-import Pretty
+import Name		( moduleNamePair, origName, RdrName(..) )
+import PrelMods		( fromPrelude, pRELUDE, pRELUDE_BUILTIN, pRELUDE_LIST, pRELUDE_TEXT )
+import PrelVals		( eRROR_ID )
+import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( mkGeneratedSrcLoc )
 import TyCon		( TyCon, tyConDataCons, isEnumerationTyCon, maybeTyConSingleCon )
 import Type		( eqTy, isPrimType )
-import Unique
-import Util
+import TysPrim		( charPrimTy, intPrimTy, wordPrimTy, addrPrimTy,
+			  floatPrimTy, doublePrimTy
+			)
+import TysWiredIn	( falseDataCon, trueDataCon, intDataCon )
+--import Unique
+import Util		( mapAccumL, zipEqual, zipWith3Equal, nOfThem, panic, assertPanic )
 %*									*
-\subsection[TcGenDeriv-classes]{Generating code, by derivable class}
+\subsection{Generating code, by derivable class}
 %*									*
 %*									*
-\subsubsection[TcGenDeriv-Eq]{Generating @Eq@ instance declarations}
+\subsubsection{Generating @Eq@ instance declarations}
 %*									*
@@ -170,18 +172,15 @@ instance ... Eq (Foo ...) where
-foo_TcGenDeriv = panic "Nothing in TcGenDeriv LATER ToDo"
-{- LATER:
 gen_Eq_binds :: TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 gen_Eq_binds tycon
-  = case (partition (\ con -> dataConArity con == 0)
-		    (tyConDataCons tycon))
-    of { (nullary_cons, nonnullary_cons) ->
-    let
+  = let
+	(nullary_cons, nonnullary_cons)
+	  = partition isNullaryDataCon (tyConDataCons tycon)
-	  = if null nullary_cons then
+	  = if (null nullary_cons) then
 		case maybeTyConSingleCon tycon of
 		  Just _ -> []
 		  Nothing -> -- if cons don't match, then False
@@ -189,11 +188,10 @@ gen_Eq_binds tycon
 	    else -- calc. and compare the tags
 		 [([a_Pat, b_Pat],
 		    untag_Expr tycon [(a_PN,ah_PN), (b_PN,bh_PN)]
-		      (cmp_tags_Expr eqH_PN ah_PN bh_PN true_Expr false_Expr))]
+		      (cmp_tags_Expr eqH_Int_PN ah_PN bh_PN true_Expr false_Expr))]
     mk_FunMonoBind eq_PN ((map pats_etc nonnullary_cons) ++ rest)
     `AndMonoBinds` boring_ne_method
-    }
     pats_etc data_con
@@ -201,31 +199,37 @@ gen_Eq_binds tycon
 	    con1_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn as_needed)
 	    con2_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
-	    data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInId data_con)
-	    as_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) as_PNs
-	    bs_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) bs_PNs
-	    tys_needed  = case (dataConSig data_con) of
-			    (_,_, arg_tys, _) -> arg_tys
+	    data_con_PN = origName data_con
+	    con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
+	    as_needed   = take con_arity as_PNs
+	    bs_needed   = take con_arity bs_PNs
+	    tys_needed  = dataConRawArgTys data_con
 	([con1_pat, con2_pat], nested_eq_expr tys_needed as_needed bs_needed)
+	nested_eq_expr []  [] [] = true_Expr
+	nested_eq_expr tys as bs
+	  = foldr1 and_Expr (zipWith3Equal "nested_eq" nested_eq tys as bs)
+	  where
+	    nested_eq ty a b = HsPar (eq_Expr ty (HsVar a) (HsVar b))
 	nested_eq_expr []     []     []  = true_Expr
-	nested_eq_expr [ty]   [a]    [b] = eq_Expr ty (HsVar a) (HsVar b)
+	nested_eq_expr [ty]   [a]    [b] = 
 	nested_eq_expr (t:ts) (a:as) (b:bs)
 	  = let
 		rest_expr = nested_eq_expr ts as bs
 	    and_Expr (eq_Expr t (HsVar a) (HsVar b)) rest_expr
-  = mk_easy_FunMonoBind ne_PN [a_Pat, b_Pat] [] (
-	HsApp (HsVar not_PN) (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar eq_PN) a_Expr) b_Expr)
-	)
+  = mk_easy_FunMonoBind ne_PN [a_Pat, b_Pat] [] $
+	HsApp (HsVar not_PN) (HsPar (mk_easy_App eq_PN [a_PN, b_PN]))
 %*									*
-\subsubsection[TcGenDeriv-Ord]{Generating @Ord@ instance declarations}
+\subsubsection{Generating @Ord@ instance declarations}
 %*									*
@@ -245,13 +249,13 @@ data Foo ... = N1 | N2 ... | Nn | O1 a b | O2 Int | O3 Double b b | ...
   We do all the other @Ord@ methods with calls to @compare@:
 instance ... (Ord <wurble> <wurble>) where
-    a <  b  = case compare a b of { LT -> True;  EQ -> False; GT -> False }
-    a <= b  = case compare a b of { LT -> True;  EQ -> True;  GT -> False }
-    a >= b  = case compare a b of { LT -> False; EQ -> True;  GT -> True  }
-    a >  b  = case compare a b of { LT -> False; EQ -> False; GT -> True  }
+    a <  b  = case (compare a b) of { LT -> True;  EQ -> False; GT -> False }
+    a <= b  = case (compare a b) of { LT -> True;  EQ -> True;  GT -> False }
+    a >= b  = case (compare a b) of { LT -> False; EQ -> True;  GT -> True  }
+    a >  b  = case (compare a b) of { LT -> False; EQ -> False; GT -> True  }
-    max a b = case compare a b of { LT -> b; EQ -> a;  GT -> a }
-    min a b = case compare a b of { LT -> a; EQ -> b;  GT -> b }
+    max a b = case (compare a b) of { LT -> b; EQ -> a;  GT -> a }
+    min a b = case (compare a b) of { LT -> a; EQ -> b;  GT -> b }
     -- compare to come...
@@ -263,7 +267,7 @@ instance ... (Ord <wurble> <wurble>) where
 compare a b = case (con2tag_Foo a) of { a# ->
 	      case (con2tag_Foo b) of { b# ->
-	      case (a# ==# b#)  	 of {
+	      case (a# ==# b#)     of {
 	       True  -> cmp_eq a b
 	       False -> case (a# <# b#) of
 			 True  -> _LT
@@ -329,7 +333,7 @@ gen_Ord_binds tycon
 		cmp_eq_Expr ltTag_Expr eqTag_Expr gtTag_Expr a_Expr b_Expr
 		untag_Expr tycon [(a_PN, ah_PN), (b_PN, bh_PN)]
-		  (cmp_tags_Expr eqH_PN ah_PN bh_PN
+		  (cmp_tags_Expr eqH_Int_PN ah_PN bh_PN
 			-- True case; they are equal
 			-- If an enumeration type we are done; else
 			-- recursively compare their components
@@ -340,7 +344,7 @@ gen_Ord_binds tycon
 			-- False case; they aren't equal
 			-- So we need to do a less-than comparison on the tags
-		    (cmp_tags_Expr ltH_PN ah_PN bh_PN ltTag_Expr gtTag_Expr)))
+		    (cmp_tags_Expr ltH_Int_PN ah_PN bh_PN ltTag_Expr gtTag_Expr)))
     (nullary_cons, nonnullary_cons)
       = partition (\ con -> dataConArity con == 0) (tyConDataCons tycon)
@@ -355,11 +359,11 @@ gen_Ord_binds tycon
 	    con1_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn as_needed)
 	    con2_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
-	    data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInId data_con)
-	    as_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) as_PNs
-	    bs_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) bs_PNs
-	    tys_needed  = case (dataConSig data_con) of
-			    (_,_, arg_tys, _) -> arg_tys
+	    data_con_PN = origName data_con
+	    con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
+	    as_needed   = take con_arity as_PNs
+	    bs_needed   = take con_arity bs_PNs
+	    tys_needed  = dataConRawArgTys data_con
 	    nested_compare_expr [ty] [a] [b]
 	      = careful_compare_Case ty ltTag_Expr eqTag_Expr gtTag_Expr (HsVar a) (HsVar b)
@@ -393,7 +397,7 @@ min_ = mk_easy_FunMonoBind min_PN [a_Pat, b_Pat] [] (
 %*									*
-\subsubsection[TcGenDeriv-Enum]{Generating @Enum@ instance declarations}
+\subsubsection{Generating @Enum@ instance declarations}
 %*									*
@@ -434,26 +438,70 @@ gen_Enum_binds tycon
   = enum_from `AndMonoBinds` enum_from_then
-      = mk_easy_FunMonoBind enumFrom_PN [a_Pat] [] (
-	  untag_Expr tycon [(a_PN, ah_PN)] (
-	  HsApp (HsApp (HsVar map_PN) (HsVar (tag2con_PN tycon))) (
-	      enum_from_to_Expr
-		(HsApp (HsVar mkInt_PN) (HsVar ah_PN))
-		(HsVar (maxtag_PN tycon)))))
+      = mk_easy_FunMonoBind enumFrom_PN [a_Pat] [] $
+	  untag_Expr tycon [(a_PN, ah_PN)] $
+	  HsApp (mk_easy_App map_PN [tag2con_PN tycon]) $
+	    HsPar (enum_from_to_Expr
+		    (mk_easy_App mkInt_PN [ah_PN])
+		    (HsVar (maxtag_PN tycon)))
-      = mk_easy_FunMonoBind enumFromThen_PN [a_Pat, b_Pat] [] (
-	  untag_Expr tycon [(a_PN, ah_PN), (b_PN, bh_PN)] (
-	  HsApp (HsApp (HsVar map_PN) (HsVar (tag2con_PN tycon))) (
-	      enum_from_then_to_Expr
-		(HsApp (HsVar mkInt_PN) (HsVar ah_PN))
-		(HsApp (HsVar mkInt_PN) (HsVar bh_PN))
-		(HsVar (maxtag_PN tycon)))))
+      = mk_easy_FunMonoBind enumFromThen_PN [a_Pat, b_Pat] [] $
+	  untag_Expr tycon [(a_PN, ah_PN), (b_PN, bh_PN)] $
+	  HsApp (mk_easy_App map_PN [tag2con_PN tycon]) $
+	    HsPar (enum_from_then_to_Expr
+		    (mk_easy_App mkInt_PN [ah_PN])
+		    (mk_easy_App mkInt_PN [bh_PN])
+		    (HsVar (maxtag_PN tycon)))
+%*									*
+\subsubsection{Generating @Eval@ instance declarations}
+%*									*
+gen_Eval_binds tycon = EmptyMonoBinds
 %*									*
-\subsubsection[TcGenDeriv-Ix]{Generating @Ix@ instance declarations}
+\subsubsection{Generating @Bounded@ instance declarations}
+%*									*
+gen_Bounded_binds tycon
+  = if isEnumerationTyCon tycon then
+	min_bound_enum `AndMonoBinds` max_bound_enum
+    else
+	ASSERT(length data_cons == 1)
+	min_bound_1con `AndMonoBinds` max_bound_1con
+  where
+    data_cons     = tyConDataCons tycon
+    ----- enum-flavored: ---------------------------
+    min_bound_enum = mk_easy_FunMonoBind minBound_PN [] [] (HsVar data_con_1_PN)
+    max_bound_enum = mk_easy_FunMonoBind maxBound_PN [] [] (HsVar data_con_N_PN)
+    data_con_1	  = head data_cons
+    data_con_N	  = last data_cons
+    data_con_1_PN = origName data_con_1
+    data_con_N_PN = origName data_con_N
+    ----- single-constructor-flavored: -------------
+    arity	   = dataConArity data_con_1
+    min_bound_1con = mk_easy_FunMonoBind minBound_PN [] [] $
+		     mk_easy_App data_con_1_PN (nOfThem arity minBound_PN)
+    max_bound_1con = mk_easy_FunMonoBind maxBound_PN [] [] $
+		     mk_easy_App data_con_1_PN (nOfThem arity maxBound_PN)
+%*									*
+\subsubsection{Generating @Ix@ instance declarations}
 %*									*
@@ -524,25 +572,24 @@ gen_Ix_binds tycon
     	    	enum_index `AndMonoBinds` enum_inRange
-      = mk_easy_FunMonoBind range_PN [TuplePatIn [a_Pat, b_Pat]] [] (
-	  untag_Expr tycon [(a_PN, ah_PN)] (
-	  untag_Expr tycon [(b_PN, bh_PN)] (
-	  HsApp (HsApp (HsVar map_PN) (HsVar (tag2con_PN tycon))) (
-	      enum_from_to_Expr
-		(HsApp (HsVar mkInt_PN) (HsVar ah_PN))
-		(HsApp (HsVar mkInt_PN) (HsVar bh_PN))
-	))))
+      = mk_easy_FunMonoBind range_PN [TuplePatIn [a_Pat, b_Pat]] [] $
+	  untag_Expr tycon [(a_PN, ah_PN)] $
+	  untag_Expr tycon [(b_PN, bh_PN)] $
+	  HsApp (mk_easy_App map_PN [tag2con_PN tycon]) $
+	      HsPar (enum_from_to_Expr
+			(mk_easy_App mkInt_PN [ah_PN])
+			(mk_easy_App mkInt_PN [bh_PN]))
       = mk_easy_FunMonoBind index_PN [AsPatIn c_PN (TuplePatIn [a_Pat, b_Pat]), d_Pat] [] (
-	HsIf (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar inRange_PN) c_Expr) d_Expr) (
+	HsIf (HsPar (mk_easy_App inRange_PN [c_PN, d_PN])) (
 	   untag_Expr tycon [(a_PN, ah_PN)] (
 	   untag_Expr tycon [(d_PN, dh_PN)] (
-		grhs = [OtherwiseGRHS (HsApp (HsVar mkInt_PN) (HsVar c_PN)) mkGeneratedSrcLoc]
+		grhs = [OtherwiseGRHS (mk_easy_App mkInt_PN [c_PN]) mkGeneratedSrcLoc]
-	     (OpApp (HsVar dh_PN) (HsVar minusH_PN) (HsVar ah_PN))
+	     (HsPar (OpApp (HsVar dh_PN) (HsVar minusH_PN) (HsVar ah_PN)))
 	     [PatMatch (VarPatIn c_PN)
 				(GRHSMatch (GRHSsAndBindsIn grhs EmptyBinds))]
@@ -557,7 +604,7 @@ gen_Ix_binds tycon
 	  untag_Expr tycon [(a_PN, ah_PN)] (
 	  untag_Expr tycon [(b_PN, bh_PN)] (
 	  untag_Expr tycon [(c_PN, ch_PN)] (
-	  HsIf (OpApp (HsVar ch_PN) (HsVar geH_PN) (HsVar ah_PN)) (
+	  HsIf (HsPar (OpApp (HsVar ch_PN) (HsVar geH_PN) (HsVar ah_PN))) (
 	     (OpApp (HsVar ch_PN) (HsVar leH_PN) (HsVar bh_PN))
 	  ) {-else-} (
@@ -570,22 +617,19 @@ gen_Ix_binds tycon
       =	case maybeTyConSingleCon tycon of -- just checking...
 	  Nothing -> panic "get_Ix_binds"
-	  Just dc -> let
-			 (_, _, arg_tys, _) = dataConSig dc
-		     in
-		     if any isPrimType arg_tys then
+	  Just dc -> if (any isPrimType (dataConRawArgTys dc)) then
 			 error ("ERROR: Can't derive Ix for a single-constructor type with primitive argument types: "++tycon_str)
     con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
-    data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInId data_con)
+    data_con_PN = origName data_con
     con_pat  xs = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn xs)
-    con_expr xs = foldl HsApp (HsVar data_con_PN) (map HsVar xs)
+    con_expr xs = mk_easy_App data_con_PN xs
-    as_needed = take (dataConArity data_con) as_PNs
-    bs_needed = take (dataConArity data_con) bs_PNs
-    cs_needed = take (dataConArity data_con) cs_PNs
+    as_needed = take con_arity as_PNs
+    bs_needed = take con_arity bs_PNs
+    cs_needed = take con_arity cs_PNs
@@ -626,7 +670,7 @@ gen_Ix_binds tycon
 %*									*
-\subsubsection[TcGenDeriv-Text]{Generating @Show@ and @Read@ instance declarations}
+\subsubsection{Generating @Read@ instance declarations}
 %*									*
@@ -634,14 +678,13 @@ Ignoring all the infix-ery mumbo jumbo (ToDo)
 gen_Read_binds :: [RenamedFixityDecl] -> TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
-gen_Show_binds :: [RenamedFixityDecl] -> TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 gen_Read_binds fixities tycon
   = reads_prec `AndMonoBinds` read_list
     read_list = mk_easy_FunMonoBind readList_PN [] []
-		  (HsApp (HsVar _readList_PN) (HsApp (HsVar readsPrec_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 0))))
+		  (HsApp (HsVar _readList_PN) (HsPar (HsApp (HsVar readsPrec_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 0)))))
       = let
@@ -654,12 +697,13 @@ gen_Read_binds fixities tycon
 	read_con data_con   -- note: "b" is the string being "read"
 	  = let
-		data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInId data_con)
+		data_con_PN = origName data_con
 		data_con_str= snd  (moduleNamePair data_con)
-		as_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) as_PNs
-		bs_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) bs_PNs
-		con_expr    = foldl HsApp (HsVar data_con_PN) (map HsVar as_needed)
-		nullary_con = dataConArity data_con == 0
+		con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
+		as_needed   = take con_arity as_PNs
+		bs_needed   = take con_arity bs_PNs
+		con_expr    = mk_easy_App data_con_PN as_needed
+		nullary_con = isNullaryDataCon data_con
 		  = GeneratorQual
@@ -672,39 +716,51 @@ gen_Read_binds fixities tycon
 		  = if nullary_con then -- must be False (parens are surely optional)
 		    else -- parens depend on precedence...
-		       OpApp a_Expr (HsVar gt_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 9))
+		       HsPar (OpApp a_Expr (HsVar gt_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 9)))
 	    HsApp (
-	      readParen_Expr read_paren_arg (
+	      readParen_Expr read_paren_arg $ HsPar $
 		 HsLam (mk_easy_Match [c_Pat] []  (
 		   ListComp (ExplicitTuple [con_expr,
 			    if null bs_needed then d_Expr else HsVar (last bs_needed)])
 		    (con_qual : field_quals)))
-	    )) (HsVar b_PN)
+	      ) (HsVar b_PN)
 	    mk_qual draw_from (con_field, str_left)
 	      = (HsVar str_left,	-- what to draw from down the line...
 		  (TuplePatIn [VarPatIn con_field, VarPatIn str_left])
 		  (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar readsPrec_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 10))) draw_from))
+%*									*
+\subsubsection{Generating @Show@ instance declarations}
+%*									*
+Ignoring all the infix-ery mumbo jumbo (ToDo)
+gen_Show_binds :: [RenamedFixityDecl] -> TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 gen_Show_binds fixities tycon
   = shows_prec `AndMonoBinds` show_list
     show_list = mk_easy_FunMonoBind showList_PN [] []
-		  (HsApp (HsVar _showList_PN) (HsApp (HsVar showsPrec_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 0))))
+		  (HsApp (HsVar _showList_PN) (HsPar (HsApp (HsVar showsPrec_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 0)))))
       = mk_FunMonoBind showsPrec_PN (map pats_etc (tyConDataCons tycon))
 	pats_etc data_con
 	  = let
-		data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInId data_con)
-		bs_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) bs_PNs
+		data_con_PN = origName data_con
+		con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
+		bs_needed   = take con_arity bs_PNs
 		con_pat     = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
-		nullary_con = dataConArity data_con == 0
+		nullary_con = isNullaryDataCon data_con
 		  = let (mod, nm)   = moduleNamePair data_con
@@ -723,8 +779,8 @@ gen_Show_binds fixities tycon
 		([a_Pat, con_pat], show_con)
 		([a_Pat, con_pat],
-		    showParen_Expr (OpApp a_Expr (HsVar ge_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 10)))
-				   (nested_compose_Expr show_thingies))
+		    showParen_Expr (HsPar (OpApp a_Expr (HsVar ge_PN) (HsLit (HsInt 10))))
+				   (HsPar (nested_compose_Expr show_thingies)))
 	    spacified []     = []
 	    spacified [x]    = [x]
@@ -733,22 +789,7 @@ gen_Show_binds fixities tycon
 %*									*
-\subsubsection[TcGenDeriv-Binary]{Generating @Binary@ instance declarations}
-%*									*
-gen_Binary_binds :: TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
-gen_Binary_binds tycon
-  = panic "gen_Binary_binds"
-%*									*
-\subsection[TcGenDeriv-con2tag-tag2con]{Generating extra binds (@con2tag@ and @tag2con@)}
+\subsection{Generating extra binds (@con2tag@ and @tag2con@)}
 %*									*
@@ -768,12 +809,12 @@ data TagThingWanted
   = GenCon2Tag | GenTag2Con | GenMaxTag
-    :: (RdrName, RnName,    -- (proto)Name for the thing in question
+    :: (RdrName,	    -- (proto)Name for the thing in question
 	TyCon,		    -- tycon in question
     -> RdrNameMonoBinds
-gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, _, tycon, GenCon2Tag)
+gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, tycon, GenCon2Tag)
   = mk_FunMonoBind pn (map mk_stuff (tyConDataCons tycon))
     mk_stuff :: DataCon -> ([RdrNamePat], RdrNameHsExpr)
@@ -783,9 +824,9 @@ gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, _, tycon, GenCon2Tag)
 	([pat], HsLit (HsIntPrim (toInteger ((dataConTag var) - fIRST_TAG))))
 	pat    = ConPatIn var_PN (nOfThem (dataConArity var) WildPatIn)
-	var_PN = Prel (WiredInId var)
+	var_PN = origName var
-gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, _, tycon, GenTag2Con)
+gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, tycon, GenTag2Con)
   = mk_FunMonoBind pn (map mk_stuff (tyConDataCons tycon))
     mk_stuff :: DataCon -> ([RdrNamePat], RdrNameHsExpr)
@@ -795,9 +836,9 @@ gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, _, tycon, GenTag2Con)
 	([lit_pat], HsVar var_PN)
 	lit_pat = ConPatIn mkInt_PN [LitPatIn (HsIntPrim (toInteger ((dataConTag var) - fIRST_TAG)))]
-	var_PN  = Prel (WiredInId var)
+	var_PN  = origName var
-gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, _, tycon, GenMaxTag)
+gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, tycon, GenMaxTag)
   = mk_easy_FunMonoBind pn [] [] (HsApp (HsVar mkInt_PN) (HsLit (HsIntPrim max_tag)))
     max_tag =  case (tyConDataCons tycon) of
@@ -806,7 +847,7 @@ gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, _, tycon, GenMaxTag)
 %*									*
-\subsection[TcGenDeriv-bind-utils]{Utility bits for generating bindings}
+\subsection{Utility bits for generating bindings}
 %*									*
@@ -833,9 +874,7 @@ mk_easy_FunMonoBind fun pats binds expr
   = FunMonoBind fun False{-not infix-} [mk_easy_Match pats binds expr] mkGeneratedSrcLoc
 mk_easy_Match pats binds expr
-  = foldr PatMatch
-	  (GRHSMatch (GRHSsAndBindsIn [OtherwiseGRHS expr mkGeneratedSrcLoc] (mkbind binds)))
-	  pats
+  = mk_match pats expr (mkbind binds)
     mkbind [] = EmptyBinds
     mkbind bs = SingleBind (RecBind (foldr1 AndMonoBinds bs))
@@ -849,12 +888,21 @@ mk_FunMonoBind	:: RdrName
 mk_FunMonoBind fun [] = panic "TcGenDeriv:mk_FunMonoBind"
 mk_FunMonoBind fun pats_and_exprs
-  = FunMonoBind fun False{-not infix-} (map mk_match pats_and_exprs) mkGeneratedSrcLoc
+  = FunMonoBind fun False{-not infix-}
+		[ mk_match p e EmptyBinds | (p,e) <-pats_and_exprs ]
+		mkGeneratedSrcLoc
+mk_match pats expr binds
+  = foldr PatMatch
+	  (GRHSMatch (GRHSsAndBindsIn [OtherwiseGRHS expr mkGeneratedSrcLoc] binds))
+	  (map paren pats)
-    mk_match (pats, expr)
-      = foldr PatMatch
-		(GRHSMatch (GRHSsAndBindsIn [OtherwiseGRHS expr mkGeneratedSrcLoc] EmptyBinds))
-		pats
+    paren p@(VarPatIn _) = p
+    paren other_p	 = ParPatIn other_p
+mk_easy_App f xs = foldl HsApp (HsVar f) (map HsVar xs)
@@ -877,7 +925,7 @@ compare_Case = compare_gen_Case compare_PN
 cmp_eq_Expr = compare_gen_Case cmp_eq_PN
 compare_gen_Case fun lt eq gt a b
-  = HsCase (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar fun) a) b) {-of-}
+  = HsCase (HsPar (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar fun) a) b)) {-of-}
       [PatMatch (ConPatIn ltTag_PN [])
 	  (GRHSMatch (GRHSsAndBindsIn [OtherwiseGRHS lt mkGeneratedSrcLoc] EmptyBinds)),
@@ -893,9 +941,9 @@ careful_compare_Case ty lt eq gt a b
        compare_gen_Case compare_PN lt eq gt a b
     else -- we have to do something special for primitive things...
-       HsIf (OpApp a (HsVar relevant_eq_op) b)
+       HsIf (HsPar (OpApp a (HsVar relevant_eq_op) b))
-	    (HsIf (OpApp a (HsVar relevant_lt_op) b) lt gt mkGeneratedSrcLoc)
+	    (HsIf (HsPar (OpApp a (HsVar relevant_lt_op) b)) lt gt mkGeneratedSrcLoc)
     relevant_eq_op = assoc_ty_id eq_op_tbl ty
@@ -907,21 +955,23 @@ assoc_ty_id tyids ty
     res = [id | (ty',id) <- tyids, eqTy ty ty']
-eq_op_tbl = [
-    (charPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId CharEqOp))),
-    (intPrimTy,		Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntEqOp))),
-    (wordPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId WordEqOp))),
-    (addrPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId AddrEqOp))),
-    (floatPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId FloatEqOp))),
-    (doublePrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId DoubleEqOp))) ]
-lt_op_tbl = [
-    (charPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId CharLtOp))),
-    (intPrimTy,		Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntLtOp))),
-    (wordPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId WordLtOp))),
-    (addrPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId AddrLtOp))),
-    (floatPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId FloatLtOp))),
-    (doublePrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId DoubleLtOp))) ]
+eq_op_tbl =
+    [(charPrimTy,	eqH_Char_PN)
+    ,(intPrimTy,	eqH_Int_PN)
+    ,(wordPrimTy,	eqH_Word_PN)
+    ,(addrPrimTy,	eqH_Addr_PN)
+    ,(floatPrimTy,	eqH_Float_PN)
+    ,(doublePrimTy,	eqH_Double_PN)
+    ]
+lt_op_tbl =
+    [(charPrimTy,	ltH_Char_PN)
+    ,(intPrimTy,	ltH_Int_PN)
+    ,(wordPrimTy,	ltH_Word_PN)
+    ,(addrPrimTy,	ltH_Addr_PN)
+    ,(floatPrimTy,	ltH_Float_PN)
+    ,(doublePrimTy,	ltH_Double_PN)
+    ]
@@ -932,7 +982,7 @@ append_Expr a b = OpApp a (HsVar append_PN) b
-eq_Expr  :: Type -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
+eq_Expr :: Type -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
 eq_Expr ty a b
   = if not (isPrimType ty) then
        OpApp a (HsVar eq_PN)  b
@@ -946,21 +996,21 @@ eq_Expr ty a b
 untag_Expr :: TyCon -> [(RdrName, RdrName)] -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
 untag_Expr tycon [] expr = expr
 untag_Expr tycon ((untag_this, put_tag_here) : more) expr
-  = HsCase (HsApp (con2tag_Expr tycon) (HsVar untag_this)) {-of-}
+  = HsCase (HsPar (HsApp (con2tag_Expr tycon) (HsVar untag_this))) {-of-}
       [PatMatch (VarPatIn put_tag_here)
 			(GRHSMatch (GRHSsAndBindsIn grhs EmptyBinds))]
     grhs = [OtherwiseGRHS (untag_Expr tycon more expr) mkGeneratedSrcLoc]
-cmp_tags_Expr :: RdrName 			-- Comparison op
-	     -> RdrName -> RdrName		-- Things to compare
+cmp_tags_Expr :: RdrName 		-- Comparison op
+	     -> RdrName -> RdrName	-- Things to compare
 	     -> RdrNameHsExpr 		-- What to return if true
-	     -> RdrNameHsExpr			-- What to return if false
+	     -> RdrNameHsExpr		-- What to return if false
 	     -> RdrNameHsExpr
 cmp_tags_Expr op a b true_case false_case
-  = HsIf (OpApp (HsVar a) (HsVar op) (HsVar b)) true_case false_case mkGeneratedSrcLoc
+  = HsIf (HsPar (OpApp (HsVar a) (HsVar op) (HsVar b))) true_case false_case mkGeneratedSrcLoc
 	:: RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
@@ -981,26 +1031,29 @@ readParen_Expr e1 e2 = HsApp (HsApp (HsVar readParen_PN) e1) e2
 nested_compose_Expr :: [RdrNameHsExpr] -> RdrNameHsExpr
-nested_compose_Expr [e] = e
+nested_compose_Expr [e] = parenify e
 nested_compose_Expr (e:es)
-  = HsApp (HsApp (HsVar compose_PN) e) (nested_compose_Expr es)
+  = HsApp (HsApp (HsVar compose_PN) (parenify e)) (nested_compose_Expr es)
+parenify e@(HsVar _) = e
+parenify e	     = HsPar e
-a_PN		= Unk SLIT("a")
-b_PN		= Unk SLIT("b")
-c_PN		= Unk SLIT("c")
-d_PN		= Unk SLIT("d")
-ah_PN		= Unk SLIT("a#")
-bh_PN		= Unk SLIT("b#")
-ch_PN		= Unk SLIT("c#")
-dh_PN		= Unk SLIT("d#")
-cmp_eq_PN	= Unk SLIT("cmp_eq")
-rangeSize_PN	= Unk SLIT("rangeSize")
-as_PNs		= [ Unk (_PK_ ("a"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
-bs_PNs		= [ Unk (_PK_ ("b"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
-cs_PNs		= [ Unk (_PK_ ("c"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
+a_PN		= Unqual SLIT("a")
+b_PN		= Unqual SLIT("b")
+c_PN		= Unqual SLIT("c")
+d_PN		= Unqual SLIT("d")
+ah_PN		= Unqual SLIT("a#")
+bh_PN		= Unqual SLIT("b#")
+ch_PN		= Unqual SLIT("c#")
+dh_PN		= Unqual SLIT("d#")
+cmp_eq_PN	= Unqual SLIT("cmp_eq")
+rangeSize_PN	= Unqual SLIT("rangeSize")
+as_PNs		= [ Unqual (_PK_ ("a"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
+bs_PNs		= [ Unqual (_PK_ ("b"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
+cs_PNs		= [ Unqual (_PK_ ("c"++show i)) | i <- [(1::Int) .. ] ]
 eq_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Eq")  SLIT("==")
 ne_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Eq")  SLIT("/=")
@@ -1011,9 +1064,11 @@ gt_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT(">")
 max_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT("max")
 min_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT("min")
 compare_PN	= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT("compare")
-ltTag_PN	= Prel (WiredInId ltDataCon)
-eqTag_PN	= Prel (WiredInId eqDataCon)
-gtTag_PN	= Prel (WiredInId gtDataCon)
+minBound_PN	= prelude_method SLIT("Bounded") SLIT("minBound")
+maxBound_PN	= prelude_method SLIT("Bounded") SLIT("maxBound")
+ltTag_PN	= Unqual SLIT("LT")
+eqTag_PN	= Unqual SLIT("EQ")
+gtTag_PN	= Unqual SLIT("GT")
 enumFrom_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Enum") SLIT("enumFrom")
 enumFromTo_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Enum") SLIT("enumFromTo")
 enumFromThen_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Enum") SLIT("enumFromThen")
@@ -1028,30 +1083,41 @@ showList_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Show") SLIT("showList")
 plus_PN		 = prelude_method SLIT("Num")  SLIT("+")
 times_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Num")  SLIT("*")
-false_PN	= Prel (WiredInId falseDataCon)
-true_PN		= Prel (WiredInId trueDataCon)
-eqH_PN		= Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntEqOp))
-geH_PN		= Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntGeOp))
-leH_PN		= Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntLeOp))
-ltH_PN		= Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntLtOp))
-minusH_PN	= Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntSubOp))
+false_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE SLIT("False")
+true_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE SLIT("True")
+eqH_Char_PN	= prelude_primop CharEqOp
+ltH_Char_PN	= prelude_primop CharLtOp
+eqH_Word_PN	= prelude_primop WordEqOp
+ltH_Word_PN	= prelude_primop WordLtOp
+eqH_Addr_PN	= prelude_primop AddrEqOp
+ltH_Addr_PN	= prelude_primop AddrLtOp
+eqH_Float_PN	= prelude_primop FloatEqOp
+ltH_Float_PN	= prelude_primop FloatLtOp
+eqH_Double_PN	= prelude_primop DoubleEqOp
+ltH_Double_PN	= prelude_primop DoubleLtOp
+eqH_Int_PN	= prelude_primop IntEqOp
+ltH_Int_PN	= prelude_primop IntLtOp
+geH_PN		= prelude_primop IntGeOp
+leH_PN		= prelude_primop IntLeOp
+minusH_PN	= prelude_primop IntSubOp
 and_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE     SLIT("&&")
 not_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE     SLIT("not")
 append_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_LIST SLIT("++")
 map_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE_LIST SLIT("map")
 compose_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE     SLIT(".")
-mkInt_PN	= Prel (WiredInId intDataCon)
-error_PN	= Prel (WiredInId eRROR_ID)
-showSpace_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("showSpace__") -- not quite std
+mkInt_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("I#")
+error_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE SLIT("error")
 showString_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("showString")
 showParen_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("showParen")
 readParen_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("readParen")
 lex_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("lex")
-_showList_PN    = prelude_val pRELUDE SLIT("_showList")
-_readList_PN    = prelude_val pRELUDE SLIT("_readList")
+showSpace_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("__showSpace")
+_showList_PN    = prelude_val pRELUDE SLIT("__showList")
+_readList_PN    = prelude_val pRELUDE SLIT("__readList")
-prelude_val    m s = Imp m s [m] s
-prelude_method c o = Imp pRELUDE o [pRELUDE] o -- class not used...
+prelude_val    m s = Unqual s
+prelude_method c o = Unqual o
+prelude_primop   o = origName (primOpId o)
 a_Expr		= HsVar a_PN
 b_Expr		= HsVar b_PN
@@ -1070,47 +1136,23 @@ b_Pat		= VarPatIn b_PN
 c_Pat		= VarPatIn c_PN
 d_Pat		= VarPatIn d_PN
 con2tag_PN, tag2con_PN, maxtag_PN :: TyCon -> RdrName
 con2tag_PN tycon
   = let	(mod, nm) = moduleNamePair tycon
 	con2tag	  = SLIT("con2tag_") _APPEND_ nm _APPEND_ SLIT("#")
-    Imp mod con2tag [mod] con2tag
+    (if fromPrelude mod then Unqual else Qual mod) con2tag
 tag2con_PN tycon
   = let	(mod, nm) = moduleNamePair tycon
 	tag2con	  = SLIT("tag2con_") _APPEND_ nm _APPEND_ SLIT("#")
-    Imp mod tag2con [mod] tag2con
+    (if fromPrelude mod then Unqual else Qual mod) tag2con
 maxtag_PN tycon
   = let	(mod, nm) = moduleNamePair tycon
 	maxtag	  = SLIT("maxtag_") _APPEND_ nm _APPEND_ SLIT("#")
-    Imp mod maxtag [mod] maxtag
-con2tag_FN, tag2con_FN, maxtag_FN :: TyCon -> RnName
-tag2con_FN tycon
-  = let	(mod, nm) = moduleNamePair tycon
-	tag2con	  = SLIT("tag2con_") _APPEND_ nm _APPEND_ SLIT("#")
-    in
-    mkFullName mod tag2con InventedInThisModule NotExported mkGeneratedSrcLoc
-maxtag_FN tycon
-  = let	(mod, nm) = moduleNamePair tycon
-	maxtag	  = SLIT("maxtag_") _APPEND_ nm _APPEND_ SLIT("#")
-    in
-    mkFullName mod maxtag InventedInThisModule NotExported mkGeneratedSrcLoc
-con2tag_FN tycon
-  = let	(mod, nm) = moduleNamePair tycon
-	con2tag	  = SLIT("con2tag_") _APPEND_ nm _APPEND_ SLIT("#")
-    in
-    mkFullName mod con2tag InventedInThisModule NotExported mkGeneratedSrcLoc
+    (if fromPrelude mod then Unqual else Qual mod) maxtag
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
index ba6947514874..54d2b7a26215 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ This module is an extension of @HsSyn@ syntax, for use in the type
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module TcHsSyn (
 	TcIdBndr(..), TcIdOcc(..),
@@ -25,13 +27,13 @@ module TcHsSyn (
 	mkHsTyApp, mkHsDictApp,
 	mkHsTyLam, mkHsDictLam,
-	tcIdType,
+	tcIdType, tcIdTyVars,
   ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 -- friends:
 import HsSyn	-- oodles of it
@@ -44,16 +46,15 @@ import Id	( GenId(..), IdDetails, PragmaInfo,	-- Can meddle modestly with Ids
 import Name	( Name{--O only-} )
 import TcMonad	hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import TcType	( TcType(..), TcMaybe, TcTyVar(..),
-		  zonkTcTypeToType, zonkTcTyVarToTyVar,
-		  tcInstType
+		  zonkTcTypeToType, zonkTcTyVarToTyVar
 import Usage	( UVar(..) )
 import Util	( zipEqual, panic, pprPanic, pprTrace )
 import PprType  ( GenType, GenTyVar ) 	-- instances
-import Type	( mkTyVarTy )
+import Type	( mkTyVarTy, tyVarsOfType )
 import TyVar	( GenTyVar {- instances -},
-		  TyVarEnv(..), growTyVarEnvList )		-- instances
+		  TyVarEnv(..), growTyVarEnvList, emptyTyVarSet )
 import TysWiredIn	( voidTy )
 import Unique	( Unique )		-- instances
 import UniqFM
@@ -122,9 +123,10 @@ mkHsDictLam dicts expr = DictLam dicts expr
 tcIdType :: TcIdOcc s -> TcType s
 tcIdType (TcId   id) = idType id
 tcIdType (RealId id) = pprPanic "tcIdType:" (ppr PprDebug id)
+tcIdTyVars (TcId id)  = tyVarsOfType (idType id)
+tcIdTyVars (RealId _) = emptyTyVarSet		-- Top level Ids have no free type variables
 instance Eq (TcIdOcc s) where
@@ -396,17 +398,14 @@ zonkExpr te ve (HsIf e1 e2 e3 src_loc)
 zonkExpr te ve (HsLet binds expr)
   = zonkBinds te ve binds	`thenNF_Tc` \ (new_binds, new_ve) ->
-    zonkExpr te new_ve expr	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
+    zonkExpr  te new_ve expr	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
     returnNF_Tc (HsLet new_binds new_expr)
 zonkExpr te ve (HsDo _ _) = panic "zonkExpr te ve:HsDo"
-zonkExpr te ve (HsDoOut stmts m_id mz_id src_loc)
+zonkExpr te ve (HsDoOut stmts then_id zero_id src_loc)
   = zonkStmts te ve stmts 	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_stmts ->
-    returnNF_Tc (HsDoOut new_stmts m_new mz_new src_loc)
-  where
-    m_new  = zonkIdOcc ve m_id
-    mz_new = zonkIdOcc ve mz_id
+    returnNF_Tc (HsDoOut new_stmts (zonkIdOcc ve then_id) (zonkIdOcc ve zero_id) src_loc)
 zonkExpr te ve (ListComp expr quals)
   = zonkQuals te ve quals	`thenNF_Tc` \ (new_quals, new_ve) ->
@@ -558,27 +557,36 @@ zonkQuals te ve (LetQual binds : quals)
 zonkStmts :: TyVarEnv Type -> IdEnv Id 
 	  -> [TcStmt s] -> NF_TcM s [TypecheckedStmt]
-zonkStmts te ve []
-  = returnNF_Tc []
+zonkStmts te ve [] = returnNF_Tc []
+zonkStmts te ve [ExprStmt expr locn]
+  = zonkExpr te ve expr		`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
+    returnNF_Tc [ExprStmt new_expr locn]
-zonkStmts te ve (BindStmt pat expr src_loc : stmts)
-  = zonkPat te ve pat    `thenNF_Tc` \ (new_pat, ids) ->
-    zonkExpr te ve expr   `thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
+zonkStmts te ve (ExprStmtOut expr locn a b : stmts)
+  = zonkExpr te ve      expr	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr  ->
+    zonkTcTypeToType te a	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_a     ->
+    zonkTcTypeToType te b	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_b     ->
+    zonkStmts te ve	stmts	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_stmts ->
+    returnNF_Tc (ExprStmtOut new_expr locn new_a new_b : new_stmts)
+zonkStmts te ve (LetStmt binds : stmts)
+  = zonkBinds te ve     binds	`thenNF_Tc` \ (new_binds, new_ve) ->
+    zonkStmts te new_ve stmts	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_stmts ->
+    returnNF_Tc (LetStmt new_binds : new_stmts)
+zonkStmts te ve (BindStmtOut pat expr locn a b : stmts)
+  = zonkPat te ve pat		`thenNF_Tc` \ (new_pat, ids) ->
+    zonkExpr te ve expr		`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
+    zonkTcTypeToType te a	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_a     ->
+    zonkTcTypeToType te b	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_b     ->
 	new_ve = extend_ve ve ids
     zonkStmts te new_ve stmts	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_stmts ->
-    returnNF_Tc (BindStmt new_pat new_expr src_loc : new_stmts)
+    returnNF_Tc (BindStmtOut new_pat new_expr locn new_a new_b : new_stmts)
-zonkStmts te ve (ExprStmt expr src_loc : stmts)
-  = zonkExpr te ve expr		`thenNF_Tc` \ new_expr ->
-    zonkStmts te ve stmts	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_stmts ->
-    returnNF_Tc (ExprStmt new_expr src_loc : new_stmts)
-zonkStmts te ve (LetStmt binds : stmts)
-  = zonkBinds te ve binds	`thenNF_Tc` \ (new_binds, new_ve) ->
-    zonkStmts te new_ve stmts	`thenNF_Tc` \ new_stmts ->
-    returnNF_Tc (LetStmt new_binds : new_stmts)
 zonkRbinds :: TyVarEnv Type -> IdEnv Id 
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs
index 9e60168493c4..7326d93f3b2a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module TcIfaceSig ( tcInterfaceSigs ) where
-import Ubiq
 import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import TcMonoType	( tcPolyType )
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import RnHsSyn		( RenamedSig(..), RnName(..) )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingPrelude )
 import Id		( mkImported )
 --import Name		( Name(..) )
+import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import Pretty
 import Util		( panic )
@@ -41,7 +42,8 @@ tcInterfaceSigs :: [RenamedSig] -> TcM s [Id]
 tcInterfaceSigs [] = returnTc []
-tcInterfaceSigs (Sig name@(RnName full_name) ty pragmas src_loc : sigs)
+tcInterfaceSigs (Sig name ty pragmas src_loc : sigs)
+  | has_full_name
   = tcAddSrcLoc src_loc		(
     tcPolyType ty		`thenTc` \ sigma_ty ->
     fixTc ( \ rec_id ->
@@ -52,13 +54,19 @@ tcInterfaceSigs (Sig name@(RnName full_name) ty pragmas src_loc : sigs)
     tcInterfaceSigs sigs	`thenTc` \ sigs' ->
     returnTc (id:sigs')
-tcInterfaceSigs (Sig odd_name _ _ src_loc : sigs)
-  = case odd_name of
+  | otherwise -- odd name...
+  = case name of
       WiredInId _ | opt_CompilingPrelude
         -> tcInterfaceSigs sigs
       _ -> tcAddSrcLoc src_loc	$
-	   failTc (ifaceSigNameErr odd_name)
+	   failTc (ifaceSigNameErr name)
+  where
+    has_full_name    = maybeToBool full_name_maybe
+    (Just full_name) = full_name_maybe
+    full_name_maybe  = case name of
+			 RnName     fn	-> Just fn
+			 RnImplicit fn	-> Just fn
+			 _		-> Nothing
 ifaceSigNameErr name sty
   = ppHang (ppStr "Bad name in an interface type signature (a Prelude name?)")
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
index 0f1a61a8edfe..80238ffce9da 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@
 module TcInstDcls (
-	processInstBinds
+	processInstBinds,
+	newMethodId
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( InstDecl(..), FixityDecl, Sig(..),
 			  SpecInstSig(..), HsBinds(..), Bind(..),
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc(..), TcHsBinds(..),
 import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
-import GenSpecEtc	( checkSigTyVars )
+import GenSpecEtc	( checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals )
 import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..), InstanceMapper(..),
 			  newDicts, newMethod, LIE(..), emptyLIE, plusLIE )
 import TcBinds		( tcPragmaSigs )
@@ -44,11 +45,11 @@ import TcInstUtil	( InstInfo(..), mkInstanceRelatedIds, buildInstanceEnvs )
 import TcKind		( TcKind, unifyKind )
 import TcMatches	( tcMatchesFun )
 import TcMonoType	( tcContext, tcMonoTypeKind )
-import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyAndCheck, tcSimplifyThetas )
+import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyAndCheck )
 import TcType		( TcType(..), TcTyVar(..),
-			  tcInstSigTyVars, tcInstType, tcInstTheta
+			  tcInstSigTyVars, tcInstType, tcInstTheta, tcInstTcType
-import Unify		( unifyTauTy )
+import Unify		( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyLists )
 import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags,
@@ -76,9 +77,9 @@ import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..) )
 import TyCon		( isSynTyCon, derivedFor )
 import Type		( GenType(..),  ThetaType(..), mkTyVarTys,
 			  splitSigmaTy, splitAppTy, isTyVarTy, matchTy, mkSigmaTy,
-			  getTyCon_maybe, maybeBoxedPrimType
+			  getTyCon_maybe, maybeBoxedPrimType, splitRhoTy
-import TyVar		( GenTyVar, mkTyVarSet )
+import TyVar		( GenTyVar, mkTyVarSet, unionTyVarSets )
 import TysWiredIn	( stringTy )
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import Util		( zipEqual, panic )
@@ -368,7 +369,7 @@ tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_ty
 	sc_theta'        = super_classes `zip` repeat inst_ty'
  	origin    	 = InstanceDeclOrigin
-	mk_method sel_id = newMethodId sel_id inst_ty' origin locn
+	mk_method sel_id = newMethodId sel_id inst_ty' origin
 	 -- Create dictionary Ids from the specified instance contexts.
     newDicts origin sc_theta'		`thenNF_Tc` \ (sc_dicts,        sc_dict_ids) ->
@@ -447,6 +448,8 @@ tcInstDecl2 (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_ty
     returnTc (const_lie `plusLIE` spec_lie, inst_binds)
+============= OLD ================
 @mkMethodId@ manufactures an id for a local method.
 It's rather turgid stuff, because there are two cases:
@@ -473,10 +476,15 @@ It's rather turgid stuff, because there are two cases:
       So for these we just make a local (non-Inst) id with a suitable type.
 How disgusting.
+=============== END OF OLD ===================
-newMethodId sel_id inst_ty origin loc
-  = let (sel_tyvars,sel_theta,sel_tau) = splitSigmaTy (idType sel_id)
+newMethodId sel_id inst_ty origin
+  = newMethod origin (RealId sel_id) [inst_ty]
+{- REMOVE SOON:		(this was pre-split-poly selector types)
+let (sel_tyvars,sel_theta,sel_tau) = splitSigmaTy (idType sel_id)
 	(_:meth_theta) = sel_theta	-- The local theta is all except the
 					-- first element of the context
@@ -493,6 +501,7 @@ newMethodId sel_id inst_ty origin loc
 								`thenNF_Tc` \ method_ty ->
 		newLocalId (getLocalName sel_id) method_ty	`thenNF_Tc` \ meth_id ->
 		returnNF_Tc (emptyLIE, meth_id)
 The next function makes a default method which calls the global default method, at
@@ -511,22 +520,13 @@ makeInstanceDeclDefaultMethodExpr
 	-> NF_TcM s (TcExpr s)
 makeInstanceDeclDefaultMethodExpr origin meth_ids defm_ids inst_ty this_dict tag
-  = newDicts origin op_theta		`thenNF_Tc` \ (op_lie,op_dicts) ->
-	-- def_op_id = /\ op_tyvars -> \ op_dicts ->
-	--		  defm_id inst_ty op_tyvars this_dict op_dicts
-    returnNF_Tc (
-      mkHsTyLam op_tyvars (
-      mkHsDictLam op_dicts (
-      mkHsDictApp (mkHsTyApp (HsVar (RealId defm_id))
-			     (inst_ty :  mkTyVarTys op_tyvars))
-		  (this_dict : op_dicts)
-      )))
+  =
+	-- def_op_id = defm_id inst_ty this_dict
+    returnNF_Tc (mkHsDictApp (mkHsTyApp (HsVar (RealId defm_id)) [inst_ty]) [this_dict])
     idx	    = tag - 1
     meth_id = meth_ids !! idx
     defm_id = defm_ids  !! idx
-    (op_tyvars, op_theta, op_tau) = splitSigmaTy (tcIdType meth_id)
 	:: InstOrigin s
@@ -539,23 +539,19 @@ makeInstanceDeclNoDefaultExpr
 	-> NF_TcM s (TcExpr s)
 makeInstanceDeclNoDefaultExpr origin meth_ids defm_ids inst_ty clas inst_mod tag
-  = newDicts origin op_theta		`thenNF_Tc` \ (op_lie, op_dicts) ->
+  = 
 	-- Produce a warning if the default instance method
 	-- has been omitted when one exists in the class
     warnTc (not err_defm_ok)
 	   (omitDefaultMethodWarn clas_op clas_name inst_ty)
-    returnNF_Tc (mkHsTyLam op_tyvars (
-		 mkHsDictLam op_dicts (
-		 HsApp (mkHsTyApp (HsVar (RealId nO_EXPLICIT_METHOD_ERROR_ID)) [op_tau])
-		     (HsLitOut (HsString (_PK_ error_msg)) stringTy))))
+    returnNF_Tc (HsApp (mkHsTyApp (HsVar (RealId nO_EXPLICIT_METHOD_ERROR_ID)) [tcIdType meth_id])
+		       (HsLitOut (HsString (_PK_ error_msg)) stringTy))
     idx	    = tag - 1
     meth_id = meth_ids  !! idx
     clas_op = (classOps clas) !! idx
     defm_id = defm_ids  !! idx
-    (op_tyvars,op_theta,op_tau) = splitSigmaTy (tcIdType meth_id)
     Just (_, _, err_defm_ok) = isDefaultMethodId_maybe defm_id
@@ -666,16 +662,12 @@ processInstBinds1 clas inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids mbind
 	tag       = classOpTagByString clas occ
 	method_id = method_ids !! (tag-1)
+	method_ty = tcIdType method_id
-    -- The "method" might be a RealId, when processInstBinds is used by
-    -- TcClassDcls:buildDefaultMethodBinds to make default-method bindings
-    (case method_id of
-	TcId id   -> returnNF_Tc (idType id)
-	RealId id -> tcInstType [] (idType id)
-    )		`thenNF_Tc` \ method_ty ->
+    tcInstTcType method_ty		`thenNF_Tc` \ (method_tyvars, method_rho) ->
-	(method_tyvars, method_theta, method_tau) = splitSigmaTy method_ty
+	(method_theta, method_tau) = splitRhoTy method_rho
     newDicts origin method_theta	`thenNF_Tc` \ (method_dicts,method_dict_ids) ->
@@ -694,10 +686,17 @@ processInstBinds1 clas inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids mbind
 		-- The latter is needed just so we can return an AbsBinds wrapped
 		-- up inside a MonoBinds.
+		-- Make the method_tyvars into signature tyvars so they
+		-- won't get unified with anything.
+	tcInstSigTyVars method_tyvars		`thenNF_Tc` \ (sig_tyvars, sig_tyvar_tys, _) ->
+	unifyTauTyLists (mkTyVarTys method_tyvars) sig_tyvar_tys	`thenTc_`
 	newLocalId occ method_tau		`thenNF_Tc` \ local_id ->
 	newLocalId occ method_ty		`thenNF_Tc` \ copy_id ->
-	    inst_method_tyvars = inst_tyvars ++ method_tyvars
+	    inst_tyvar_set = mkTyVarSet inst_tyvars
+	    inst_method_tyvar_set = inst_tyvar_set `unionTyVarSets` (mkTyVarSet sig_tyvars)
 		-- Typecheck the method
 	tcMethodBind local_id method_tau mbind `thenTc` \ (mbind', lieIop) ->
@@ -712,12 +711,17 @@ processInstBinds1 clas inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids mbind
 		-- Here we must simplify constraints on "a" to catch all
 		-- the Bar-ish things.
 	tcAddErrCtxt (methodSigCtxt op method_ty) (
+	    checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals
+		inst_tyvar_set
+		sig_tyvars method_tau				`thenTc_`
-		(mkTyVarSet inst_method_tyvars)
+		inst_method_tyvar_set
 		(method_dicts `plusLIE` avail_insts)
 	) 					 `thenTc` \ (f_dicts, dict_binds) ->
 	returnTc ([tag],
 		  VarMonoBind method_id
@@ -926,8 +930,8 @@ scrutiniseInstanceType from_here clas inst_tau
 	-- A user declaration of a CCallable/CReturnable instance
 	-- must be for a "boxed primitive" type.
     isCcallishClass clas
-    && not opt_CompilingPrelude		-- which allows anything
-    && maybeToBool (maybeBoxedPrimType inst_tau)
+--  && not opt_CompilingPrelude		-- which allows anything
+    && not (maybeToBool (maybeBoxedPrimType inst_tau))
   = failTc (nonBoxedPrimCCallErr clas inst_tau)
   | otherwise
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
index b41b4ea94395..04717e360598 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module TcInstUtil (
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( MonoBinds, Fake, InPat, Sig )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedMonoBinds(..), RenamedSig(..), 
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ addClassInstance
     (class_inst_env, op_spec_envs)
-    (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_ty inst_decl_theta dfun_theta
+    (InstInfo clas inst_tyvars inst_ty _ _ 
 	      dfun_id const_meth_ids _ _ _ src_loc _)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcKind.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcKind.lhs
index 5e7becfa5c9e..5f669078ad7c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcKind.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcKind.lhs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module TcKind (
 	Kind, mkTypeKind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkUnboxedTypeKind, mkArrowKind, 
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ module TcKind (
 	tcDefaultKind	-- TcKind s -> NF_TcM s Kind
   ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Kind
 import TcMonad	hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
index 87628cf432dd..fed6045d7c00 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module TcMatches ( tcMatchesFun, tcMatchesCase, tcMatch ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( Match(..), GRHSsAndBinds(..), GRHS(..), InPat,
 			  HsExpr, HsBinds, OutPat, Fake,
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc(..), TcMatch(..) )
 import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import Inst		( Inst, LIE(..), plusLIE )
 import TcEnv		( newMonoIds )
-import TcLoop		( tcGRHSsAndBinds )
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(TcLoop)		( tcGRHSsAndBinds )
 import TcPat		( tcPat )
 import TcType		( TcType(..), TcMaybe, zonkTcType )
 import Unify		( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyList )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
index 006777ac1aaf..1dd4a4297d58 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@ module TcModule (
-	TcLocalTyConsAndClasses(..),
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import HsSyn		( HsModule(..), HsBinds(..), Bind, HsExpr,
 			  TyDecl, SpecDataSig, ClassDecl, InstDecl,
@@ -45,13 +44,13 @@ import TcTyDecls	( mkDataBinds )
 import Bag		( listToBag )
 import Class		( GenClass, classSelIds )
 import ErrUtils		( Warning(..), Error(..) )
-import Id		( GenId, isDataCon, isMethodSelId, idType, IdEnv(..), nullIdEnv )
+import Id		( idType, isMethodSelId, isTopLevId, GenId, IdEnv(..), nullIdEnv )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
 import Name		( isExported, isLocallyDefined )
 import Pretty
 import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..) )
-import TyCon		( isDataTyCon, TyCon )
-import Type		( mkSynTy )
+import TyCon		( TyCon )
+import Type		( applyTyCon )
 import TysWiredIn	( unitTy, mkPrimIoTy )
 import TyVar		( TyVarEnv(..), nullTyVarEnv )
 import Unify		( unifyTauTy )
@@ -70,7 +69,6 @@ Outside-world interface:
 type TcResults
   = (TcResultBinds,
-     TcLocalTyConsAndClasses,
@@ -87,10 +85,6 @@ type TcResultBinds
 type TcIfaceInfo -- things for the interface generator
   = ([Id], [TyCon], [Class], Bag InstInfo)
-type TcLocalTyConsAndClasses -- things defined in this module
-  = ([TyCon], [Class])
-    -- not sure the classes are used at all (ToDo)
 type TcSpecialiseRequests
   = FiniteMap TyCon [(Bool, [Maybe Type])]
     -- source tycon specialisation requests
@@ -242,22 +236,20 @@ tcModule rn_env
         localids = getEnv_LocalIds final_env
-	tycons   = getEnv_TyCons final_env
-	classes  = getEnv_Classes final_env
+	tycons   = getEnv_TyCons   final_env
+	classes  = getEnv_Classes  final_env
-	local_tycons  = [ tc | tc <- tycons, isLocallyDefined tc && isDataTyCon tc ]
+	local_tycons  = filter isLocallyDefined tycons
 	local_classes = filter isLocallyDefined classes
-	exported_ids' = filter isExported (eltsUFM ve2)
-    in    
+	local_vals    = [ v | v <- eltsUFM ve2, isLocallyDefined v && isTopLevId v ]
+			-- the isTopLevId is doubtful...
+    in
     returnTc (
 	(data_binds', cls_binds', inst_binds', val_binds', const_insts'),
 	     -- the next collection is just for mkInterface
-	(exported_ids', tycons, classes, inst_info),
-	(local_tycons, local_classes),
+	(local_vals, local_tycons, local_classes, inst_info),
@@ -267,7 +259,6 @@ tcModule rn_env
     ty_decls_bag   = listToBag ty_decls
     cls_decls_bag  = listToBag cls_decls
     inst_decls_bag = listToBag inst_decls
@@ -294,7 +285,7 @@ checkTopLevelIds mod final_env
 	case (maybe_main, maybe_prim) of
 	  (Just main, Nothing) -> tcAddErrCtxt mainCtxt $
-		                  unifyTauTy (mkSynTy io_tc [unitTy])
+		                  unifyTauTy (applyTyCon io_tc [unitTy])
 					     (idType main)
 	  (Nothing, Just prim) -> tcAddErrCtxt primCtxt $
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs
index 876564daad28..b5853aa544cd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module TcMonad(
 	TcM(..), NF_TcM(..), TcDown, TcEnv, 
@@ -33,9 +35,9 @@ module TcMonad(
 	MutableVar(..), _MutableArray
   ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import TcMLoop		( TcEnv, initEnv, TcMaybe )  -- We need the type TcEnv and an initial Env
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(TcMLoop)		( TcEnv, initEnv, TcMaybe )  -- We need the type TcEnv and an initial Env
 import Type		( Type(..), GenType )
 import TyVar		( TyVar(..), GenTyVar )
@@ -44,12 +46,14 @@ import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Message(..), ErrCtxt(..),
 			  Warning(..) )
 import SST
-import RnMonad		( RnM(..), RnDown, initRn, setExtraRn )
+import RnMonad		( RnM(..), RnDown, initRn, setExtraRn,
+			  returnRn, thenRn, getImplicitUpRn
+			)
 import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..) )
 import Bag		( Bag, emptyBag, isEmptyBag,
 			  foldBag, unitBag, unionBags, snocBag )
-import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM )
+import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, isEmptyFM )
 --import Outputable	( Outputable(..), NamedThing(..), ExportFlag )
 import ErrUtils		( Error(..) )
 import Maybes		( MaybeErr(..) )
@@ -459,7 +463,18 @@ rnMtoTcM rn_env rn_action down env
     writeMutVarSST u_var new_uniq_supply	`thenSST_`
 	(rn_result, rn_errs, rn_warns)
-	  = initRn True (panic "rnMtoTcM:module") rn_env uniq_s rn_action
+	  = initRn False{-*interface* mode! so we can see the builtins-}
+		   (panic "rnMtoTcM:module")
+		   rn_env uniq_s (
+		rn_action	`thenRn` \ result ->
+		-- Though we are in "interface mode", we must
+		-- not have added anything to the ImplicitEnv!
+		getImplicitUpRn	`thenRn` \ implicit_env@(v_env,tc_env) ->
+		if (isEmptyFM v_env && isEmptyFM tc_env)
+		then returnRn result
+		else panic "rnMtoTcM: non-empty ImplicitEnv!"
+	    )
     returnSST (rn_result, rn_errs)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs
index eee6f125e10f..dfa3e597eb41 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module TcMonoType ( tcPolyType, tcMonoType, tcMonoTypeKind, tcContext ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import HsSyn		( PolyType(..), MonoType(..), Fake )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedPolyType(..), RenamedMonoType(..), 
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import Type		( GenType, Type(..), ThetaType(..),
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar, TyVar(..), mkTyVar )
 import Type		( mkDictTy )
 import Class		( cCallishClassKeys )
-import TyCon		( TyCon, Arity(..) )
+import TyCon		( TyCon )
 import TysWiredIn	( mkListTy, mkTupleTy )
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import PprStyle
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
index 0c8470cbd1f7..b857bb00f048 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 module TcPat ( tcPat ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import HsSyn		( InPat(..), OutPat(..), HsExpr(..), HsLit(..),
 			  Match, HsBinds, Qual, PolyType,
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Inst		( Inst, OverloadedLit(..), InstOrigin(..),
 import TcEnv		( tcLookupGlobalValue, tcLookupGlobalValueByKey, 
 			  tcLookupLocalValueOK )
-import TcType 		( TcType(..), TcMaybe, tcInstType, newTyVarTy, newTyVarTys, tcInstId )
+import TcType 		( TcType(..), TcMaybe, newTyVarTy, newTyVarTys, tcInstId )
 import Unify 		( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyList, unifyTauTyLists )
 import Bag		( Bag )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
index fcde43dc7fbb..21f45479df6e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcSimplify.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module TcSimplify (
     ) where
-import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( MonoBinds(..), HsExpr(..), InPat, OutPat, HsLit, 
 			  Match, HsBinds, Qual, PolyType, ArithSeqInfo,
@@ -21,10 +21,13 @@ import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc(..), TcIdBndr(..), TcExpr(..), TcMonoBinds(..) )
 import TcMonad		hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
 import Inst		( lookupInst, lookupSimpleInst,
-			  tyVarsOfInst, isTyVarDict, isDict, matchesInst,
-			  instToId, instBindingRequired, instCanBeGeneralised, newDictsAtLoc,
-			  Inst(..), LIE(..), zonkLIE, emptyLIE, plusLIE, unitLIE, consLIE,
-			  InstOrigin(..), OverloadedLit	)
+			  tyVarsOfInst, isTyVarDict, isDict,
+			  matchesInst, instToId, instBindingRequired,
+			  instCanBeGeneralised, newDictsAtLoc,
+			  pprInst,
+			  Inst(..), LIE(..), zonkLIE, emptyLIE,
+			  plusLIE, unitLIE, consLIE, InstOrigin(..),
+			  OverloadedLit )
 import TcEnv		( tcGetGlobalTyVars )
 import TcType		( TcType(..), TcTyVar(..), TcTyVarSet(..), TcMaybe, tcInstType )
 import Unify		( unifyTauTy )
@@ -378,7 +381,7 @@ elimTyCons squash_consts is_free_tv givens wanteds
 %*									*
-%*			2						*
+%*									*
@@ -554,7 +557,10 @@ elimSCsSimple givens (c_t@(clas,ty) : rest)
     rest' = elimSCsSimple rest
     (c1,t1) `subsumes` (c2,t2) = t1 `eqSimpleTy` t2 && 
-				 maybeToBool (c2 `isSuperClassOf` c1)
+				 (c1 == c2 || maybeToBool (c2 `isSuperClassOf` c1))
+-- We deal with duplicates here   ^^^^^^^^
+-- It's a simple place to do it, although it's done in elimTyCons in the
+-- full-blown version of the simpifier.
@@ -668,8 +674,6 @@ the most common use of defaulting is code like:
 Since we're not using the result of @foo@, the result if (presumably)
-WDP Comment: no such thing as voidTy; so not quite in yet (94/07).
-SLPJ comment: since 
 disambigOne :: [SimpleDictInfo s] -> TcM s ()
@@ -740,8 +744,7 @@ genCantGenErr insts sty	-- Can't generalise these Insts
 ambigErr insts sty
-  = ppHang (ppStr "Ambiguous overloading")
-	4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) insts))
+  = ppAboves (map (pprInst sty "Ambiguous overloading") insts)
 @reduceErr@ complains if we can't express required dictionaries in
@@ -749,10 +752,8 @@ terms of the signature.
 reduceErr insts sty
-  = ppHang (ppStr "Type signature lacks context required by inferred type")
-	 4 (ppHang (ppStr "Context reqd: ")
-	         4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) (bagToList insts)))
-          )
+  = ppAboves (map (pprInst sty "Context required by inferred type, but missing on a type signature")
+	          (bagToList insts))
@@ -760,7 +761,7 @@ defaultErr dicts defaulting_tys sty
   = ppHang (ppStr "Ambiguously-overloaded types could not be resolved:")
 	 4 (ppAboves [
 	     ppHang (ppStr "Conflicting:")
-		  4 (ppInterleave ppSemi (map (ppr sty) dicts)),
+		  4 (ppInterleave ppSemi (map (pprInst sty ""{-???-}) dicts)),
 	     ppHang (ppStr "Defaulting types :")
 		  4 (ppr sty defaulting_tys),
 	     ppStr "([Int, Double] is the default list of defaulting types.)" ])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
index 495c0a5fec82..680753e2c6bd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module TcTyClsDecls (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import HsSyn		( TyDecl(..),  ConDecl(..), BangType(..),
 			  ClassDecl(..), MonoType(..), PolyType(..),
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ import UniqSet		( UniqSet(..), emptyUniqSet,
 			  unitUniqSet, unionUniqSets, 
 			  unionManyUniqSets, uniqSetToList ) 
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
-import TyCon		( TyCon, tyConDataCons, isDataTyCon, isSynTyCon )
+import TyCon		( TyCon )
 import Unique		( Unique )
-import Util		( panic, pprTrace )
+import Util		( panic{-, pprTrace-} )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
index e248b90d0eb9..47649c76bbeb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module TcTyDecls (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import HsSyn		( TyDecl(..), ConDecl(..), BangType(..), HsExpr(..), 
 			  Match(..), GRHSsAndBinds(..), GRHS(..), OutPat(..), 
@@ -250,7 +250,6 @@ mkConstructor con_id
     checkTc (null eval_theta')
 	    (missingEvalErr con_id eval_theta')		`thenTc_`
 	-- Build the data constructor
 	con_rhs = mkHsTyLam tc_tyvars $
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
index 0a602c731c66..b386d1ade211 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module TcType (
@@ -18,13 +20,15 @@ module TcType (
   tcReadTyVar,		-- :: TcTyVar s -> NF_TcM (TcMaybe s)
-  tcInstTyVars,    -- TyVar -> NF_TcM s (TcTyVar s)
+  tcInstTyVars,
-  tcInstType, tcInstTheta, tcInstId,
+  tcInstType, tcInstSigType, tcInstTcType,
+  tcInstTheta, tcInstId,
+  zonkTcTyVar,
   ) where
@@ -34,10 +38,12 @@ module TcType (
 -- friends:
 import Type	( Type(..), ThetaType(..), GenType(..),
 		  tyVarsOfTypes, getTyVar_maybe,
-		  splitForAllTy, splitRhoTy
+		  splitForAllTy, splitRhoTy,
+		  mkForAllTys, instantiateTy
 import TyVar	( TyVar(..), GenTyVar(..), TyVarSet(..), GenTyVarSet(..), 
-		  TyVarEnv(..), lookupTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv, mkTyVarEnv,
+		  TyVarEnv(..), lookupTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv,
+		  nullTyVarEnv, mkTyVarEnv,
@@ -51,11 +57,11 @@ import Usage	( Usage(..), GenUsage, UVar(..), duffUsage )
 import TysWiredIn	( voidTy )
-import Ubiq
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import UniqFM		( UniqFM )
 import Maybes		( assocMaybe )
-import Util		( zipEqual, nOfThem, panic, pprPanic )
+import Util		( zipEqual, nOfThem, panic, pprPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )	-- Debugging messages
 import PprType		( GenTyVar, GenType )
@@ -121,15 +127,14 @@ newTyVarTys :: Int -> Kind -> NF_TcM s [TcType s]
 newTyVarTys n kind = mapNF_Tc newTyVarTy (nOfThem n kind)
 -- For signature type variables, mark them as "DontBind"
 tcInstTyVars, tcInstSigTyVars
 	:: [GenTyVar flexi] 
   	-> NF_TcM s ([TcTyVar s], [TcType s], [(GenTyVar flexi, TcType s)])
 tcInstTyVars    tyvars = inst_tyvars UnBound  tyvars
 tcInstSigTyVars tyvars = inst_tyvars DontBind tyvars
 inst_tyvars initial_cts tyvars
   = mapNF_Tc (inst_tyvar initial_cts) tyvars	`thenNF_Tc` \ tc_tyvars ->
@@ -143,23 +148,43 @@ inst_tyvar initial_cts (TyVar _ kind name _)
     returnNF_Tc (TyVar uniq kind name box)
-@tcInstType@ and @tcInstTcType@ both create a fresh instance of a
+@tcInstType@ and @tcInstSigType@ both create a fresh instance of a
 type, returning a @TcType@. All inner for-alls are instantiated with
 fresh TcTyVars.
-There are two versions, one for instantiating a @Type@, and one for a @TcType@.
-The former must instantiate everything; all tyvars must be bound either
-by a forall or by an environment passed in.  The latter can do some sharing,
-and is happy with free tyvars (which is vital when instantiating the type
-of local functions).  In the future @tcInstType@ may try to be clever about not
-instantiating constant sub-parts.
+The difference is that tcInstType instantiates all forall'd type
+variables (and their bindees) with UnBound type variables, whereas
+tcInstSigType instantiates them with DontBind types variables.
+@tcInstSigType@ also doesn't take an environment.
+On the other hand, @tcInstTcType@ instantiates a TcType. It uses
+instantiateTy which could take advantage of sharing some day.
+tcInstTcType :: TcType s -> NF_TcM s ([TcTyVar s], TcType s)
+tcInstTcType ty
+  = case tyvars of
+	[]    -> returnNF_Tc ([], ty)	-- Nothing to do
+	other -> tcInstTyVars tyvars		`thenNF_Tc` \ (tyvars', _, tenv)  ->
+		 returnNF_Tc (tyvars', instantiateTy tenv rho)
+  where
+    (tyvars, rho) = splitForAllTy ty
 tcInstType :: [(GenTyVar flexi,TcType s)] 
 	   -> GenType (GenTyVar flexi) UVar 
 	   -> NF_TcM s (TcType s)
 tcInstType tenv ty_to_inst
   = tcConvert bind_fn occ_fn (mkTyVarEnv tenv) ty_to_inst
+  where
+    bind_fn = inst_tyvar UnBound
+    occ_fn env tyvar = case lookupTyVarEnv env tyvar of
+			 Just ty -> returnNF_Tc ty
+			 Nothing -> pprPanic "tcInstType:" (ppAboves [ppr PprDebug ty_to_inst, 
+								      ppr PprDebug tyvar])
+tcInstSigType :: GenType (GenTyVar flexi) UVar -> NF_TcM s (TcType s)
+tcInstSigType ty_to_inst
+  = tcConvert bind_fn occ_fn nullTyVarEnv ty_to_inst
     bind_fn = inst_tyvar DontBind
     occ_fn env tyvar = case lookupTyVarEnv env tyvar of
@@ -168,9 +193,15 @@ tcInstType tenv ty_to_inst
 								      ppr PprDebug tyvar])
 zonkTcTyVarToTyVar :: TcTyVar s -> NF_TcM s TyVar
-zonkTcTyVarToTyVar tyvar
-  = zonkTcTyVar tyvar	`thenNF_Tc` \ (TyVarTy tyvar') ->
-    returnNF_Tc (tcTyVarToTyVar tyvar')
+zonkTcTyVarToTyVar tv
+  = zonkTcTyVar tv	`thenNF_Tc` \ tv_ty ->
+    case tv_ty of	-- Should be a tyvar!
+      TyVarTy tv' ->    returnNF_Tc (tcTyVarToTyVar tv')
+      _ -> pprTrace "zonkTcTyVarToTyVar:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug tv, ppr PprDebug tv_ty]) $
+	   returnNF_Tc (tcTyVarToTyVar tv)
 zonkTcTypeToType :: TyVarEnv Type -> TcType s -> NF_TcM s Type
 zonkTcTypeToType env ty 
@@ -331,9 +362,14 @@ zonkTcType (SynTy tc tys ty)
     returnNF_Tc (SynTy tc tys' ty')
 zonkTcType (ForAllTy tv ty)
-  = zonkTcTyVar tv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TyVarTy tv') ->	-- Should be a tyvar!
+  = zonkTcTyVar tv		`thenNF_Tc` \ tv_ty ->
     zonkTcType ty 		`thenNF_Tc` \ ty' ->
-    returnNF_Tc (ForAllTy tv' ty')
+    case tv_ty of	-- Should be a tyvar!
+      TyVarTy tv' -> 
+		     returnNF_Tc (ForAllTy tv' ty')
+      _ -> pprTrace "zonkTcType:ForAllTy:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug tv, ppr PprDebug tv_ty]) $
+	   returnNF_Tc (ForAllTy tv{-(tcTyVarToTyVar tv)-} ty')
 zonkTcType (ForAllUsageTy uv uvs ty)
   = panic "zonk:ForAllUsageTy"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs
index 39c27f32396d..77742f4db54f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ updatable substitution).
 module Unify ( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyList, unifyTauTyLists, unifyFunTy ) where
-import Ubiq
 -- friends: 
 import TcMonad	hiding ( rnMtoTcM )
@@ -229,15 +229,24 @@ uUnboundVar tv1@(TyVar uniq1 kind1 name1 box1)
     case (maybe_ty1, maybe_ty2) of
 	(_, BoundTo ty2') -> uUnboundVar tv1 maybe_ty1 ty2' ty2'
-	(DontBind,DontBind) 
-		     -> failTc (unifyDontBindErr tv1 ps_ty2)
 	(UnBound, _) |  kind2 `hasMoreBoxityInfo` kind1
 		     -> tcWriteTyVar tv1 ty2		`thenNF_Tc_` returnTc ()
 	(_, UnBound) |  kind1 `hasMoreBoxityInfo` kind2
 		     -> tcWriteTyVar tv2 (TyVarTy tv1)	`thenNF_Tc_` returnTc ()
+--	(DontBind,DontBind) 
+--		     -> failTc (unifyDontBindErr tv1 ps_ty2)
+-- TEMPORARILY allow two type-sig variables to be bound together.
+-- See notes in tcCheckSigVars
+	(DontBind,DontBind) |  kind2 `hasMoreBoxityInfo` kind1
+		            -> tcWriteTyVar tv1 ty2		`thenNF_Tc_` returnTc ()
+			    |  kind1 `hasMoreBoxityInfo` kind2
+			    -> tcWriteTyVar tv2 (TyVarTy tv1)	`thenNF_Tc_` returnTc ()
 	other	     -> failTc (unifyKindErr tv1 ps_ty2)
 	-- Second one isn't a type variable
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs
index 0cf92a5ad8e7..2a38d47ca2e6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ module Class (
-	derivableClassKeys, cCallishClassKeys,
+	derivableClassKeys, needsDataDeclCtxtClassKeys,
+	cCallishClassKeys, isNoDictClass,
 	isNumericClass, isStandardClass, isCcallishClass,
 	GenClassOp(..), ClassOp(..),
@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ module Class (
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
-import TyLoop
 import TyCon		( TyCon )
 import TyVar		( TyVar(..), GenTyVar )
@@ -191,25 +192,33 @@ isNumericClass   (Class key _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = --pprTrace "isNum:" (ppCat (map
 						 key `is_elem` numericClassKeys
 isStandardClass  (Class key _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = key `is_elem` standardClassKeys
 isCcallishClass	 (Class key _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = key `is_elem` cCallishClassKeys
+isNoDictClass    (Class key _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = key `is_elem` noDictClassKeys
 is_elem = isIn "is_X_Class"
-  = [ numClassKey,
-      realClassKey,
-      integralClassKey,
-      fractionalClassKey,
-      floatingClassKey,
-      realFracClassKey,
-      realFloatClassKey ]
+  = [ numClassKey
+    , realClassKey
+    , integralClassKey
+    , fractionalClassKey
+    , floatingClassKey
+    , realFracClassKey
+    , realFloatClassKey
+    ]
-  = [ eqClassKey,
-      showClassKey,
-      ordClassKey,
-      boundedClassKey,
-      enumClassKey,
-      ixClassKey,
-      readClassKey ]
+  = [ eqClassKey
+    , ordClassKey
+    , enumClassKey
+    , evalClassKey
+    , boundedClassKey
+    , showClassKey
+    , readClassKey
+    , ixClassKey
+    ]
+needsDataDeclCtxtClassKeys -- see comments in TcDeriv
+  = [ readClassKey
+    ]
 cCallishClassKeys = [ cCallableClassKey, cReturnableClassKey ]
@@ -222,6 +231,16 @@ standardClassKeys
     --	    _ccall_ foo ... 93{-numeric literal-} ...
     -- ... it can do The Right Thing on the 93.
+noDictClassKeys 	-- These classes are used only for type annotations;
+			-- they are not implemented by dictionaries, ever.
+  = cCallishClassKeys
+	-- I used to think that class Eval belonged in here, but
+	-- we really want functions with type (Eval a => ...) and that
+	-- means that we really want to pass a placeholder for an Eval
+	-- dictionary.  The unit tuple is what we'll get if we leave things
+	-- alone, and that'll do for now.  Could arrange to drop that parameter
+	-- in the end.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Kind.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Kind.lhs
index 249ad6c76bec..ab77d1980545 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Kind.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Kind.lhs
@@ -17,10 +17,11 @@ module Kind (
 	resultKind, argKind,
-	isUnboxedKind, isTypeKind
+	isUnboxedKind, isTypeKind,
+	notArrowKind
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic )
 --import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )
@@ -66,7 +67,6 @@ kind1@(ArrowKind _ _) `hasMoreBoxityInfo` kind2@(ArrowKind _ _) = ASSERT( kind1
 kind1		`hasMoreBoxityInfo` kind2	    = False
--- Not exported
 notArrowKind (ArrowKind _ _) = False
 notArrowKind other_kind	     = True
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
index 472060547cef..eb6ed43bdcad 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ module PprType(
 	GenClassOp, pprGenClassOp,
-	addTyVar, nmbrTyVar,
+	addTyVar{-ToDo:don't export-}, nmbrTyVar,
 	addUVar,  nmbrUsage,
 	nmbrType, nmbrTyCon, nmbrClass
  ) where
-import Ubiq
-import IdLoop 	-- for paranoia checking
-import TyLoop 	-- for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop) 	-- for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(TyLoop) 	-- for paranoia checking
 -- friends:
 -- (PprType can see all the representations it's trying to print)
@@ -289,9 +289,9 @@ showTyCon sty tycon = ppShow 80 (pprTyCon sty tycon)
 pprTyCon :: PprStyle -> TyCon -> Pretty
-pprTyCon sty FunTyCon 		        = ppStr "(->)"
-pprTyCon sty (TupleTyCon _ name _)      = ppr sty name
-pprTyCon sty (PrimTyCon uniq name kind) = ppr sty name
+pprTyCon sty FunTyCon 		    = ppStr "(->)"
+pprTyCon sty (TupleTyCon _ name _)  = ppr sty name
+pprTyCon sty (PrimTyCon _ name _ _) = ppr sty name
 pprTyCon sty tycon@(DataTyCon uniq name kind tyvars ctxt cons derivings nd)
   = ppr sty name
@@ -455,7 +455,13 @@ addTyVar, nmbrTyVar :: TyVar -> NmbrM TyVar
 addTyVar tv@(TyVar u k maybe_name use) nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
   = --pprTrace "addTyVar:" (ppCat [pprUnique u, pprUnique ut]) $
     case (lookupUFM_Directly tvenv u) of
-      Just xx -> pprTrace "addTyVar: already in map!" (ppr PprDebug tv) $
+      Just xx -> -- pprTrace "addTyVar: already in map!" (ppr PprDebug tv) $
+		 -- (It gets triggered when we do a datatype: first we
+		 -- "addTyVar" the tyvars for the datatype as a whole;
+		 -- we will subsequently "addId" the data cons, including
+		 -- the type for each of them -- each of which includes
+		 -- _forall_, which we will addTyVar.
+		 -- Harmless, if that's all that happens....
 		 (nenv, xx)
       Nothing ->
@@ -480,9 +486,9 @@ nmbrTyVar tv@(TyVar u _ _ _) nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
 nmbrTyCon : only called from ``top-level'', if you know what I mean.
-nmbrTyCon tc@FunTyCon		= returnNmbr tc
-nmbrTyCon tc@(TupleTyCon _ _ _)	= returnNmbr tc
-nmbrTyCon tc@(PrimTyCon  _ _ _)	= returnNmbr tc
+nmbrTyCon tc@FunTyCon		  = returnNmbr tc
+nmbrTyCon tc@(TupleTyCon _ _ _)	  = returnNmbr tc
+nmbrTyCon tc@(PrimTyCon  _ _ _ _) = returnNmbr tc
 nmbrTyCon (DataTyCon u n k tvs theta cons clss nod)
   = --pprTrace "nmbrDataTyCon:" (ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) tvs)) $
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
index b9836648638b..be4eccd0299c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@ module TyCon(
-	tyConArity, synTyConArity,
+	tyConTheta,
+	tyConPrimRep,
+	synTyConArity,
@@ -38,10 +40,10 @@ module TyCon(
 CHK_Ubiq()	-- debugging consistency check
-import TyLoop		( Type(..), GenType,
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(TyLoop)		( Type(..), GenType,
 			  Class(..), GenClass,
 			  Id(..), GenId,
-			  mkTupleCon, dataConSig,
+			  mkTupleCon, isNullaryDataCon,
@@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ import Name		( Name, RdrName(..), appendRdr, nameUnique,
 import Unique		( Unique, funTyConKey, mkTupleTyConUnique )
 import Pretty		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
+import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc, mkBuiltinSrcLoc )
 import Util		( panic, panic#, pprPanic{-ToDo:rm-}, nOfThem, isIn, Ord3(..) )
 import {-hide me-}
@@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ data TyCon
 	Unique		-- Always unboxed; hence never represented by a closure
 	Name		-- Often represented by a bit-pattern for the thing
 	Kind		-- itself (eg Int#), but sometimes by a pointer to
+	PrimRep
   | SpecTyCon		-- A specialised TyCon; eg (Arr# Int#), or (List Int#)
@@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ mkSynTyCon name
 isFunTyCon FunTyCon = True
 isFunTyCon _ = False
-isPrimTyCon (PrimTyCon _ _ _) = True
+isPrimTyCon (PrimTyCon _ _ _ _) = True
 isPrimTyCon _ = False
 -- At present there are no unboxed non-primitive types, so
@@ -166,7 +170,7 @@ kind2 = mkBoxedTypeKind `mkArrowKind` kind1
 tyConKind :: TyCon -> Kind
 tyConKind FunTyCon 			 = kind2
 tyConKind (DataTyCon _ _ kind _ _ _ _ _) = kind
-tyConKind (PrimTyCon _ _ kind)		 = kind
+tyConKind (PrimTyCon _ _ kind _)	 = kind
 tyConKind (SynTyCon _ _ k _ _ _)	 = k
 tyConKind (TupleTyCon _ _ n)
@@ -191,18 +195,10 @@ tyConUnique :: TyCon -> Unique
 tyConUnique FunTyCon			   = funTyConKey
 tyConUnique (DataTyCon uniq _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = uniq
 tyConUnique (TupleTyCon uniq _ _)	   = uniq
-tyConUnique (PrimTyCon uniq _ _) 	   = uniq
+tyConUnique (PrimTyCon uniq _ _ _) 	   = uniq
 tyConUnique (SynTyCon uniq _ _ _ _ _)      = uniq
 tyConUnique (SpecTyCon _ _ )		   = panic "tyConUnique:SpecTyCon"
-tyConArity :: TyCon -> Arity
-tyConArity FunTyCon			 = 2
-tyConArity (DataTyCon _ _ _ tvs _ _ _ _) = length tvs
-tyConArity (TupleTyCon _ _ arity)	 = arity
-tyConArity (PrimTyCon _ _ _)		 = 0	-- ??
-tyConArity (SpecTyCon _ _)		 = 0
-tyConArity (SynTyCon _ _ _ arity _ _)    = arity
 synTyConArity :: TyCon -> Maybe Arity -- Nothing <=> not a syn tycon
 synTyConArity (SynTyCon _ _ _ arity _ _) = Just arity
 synTyConArity _				 = Nothing
@@ -214,8 +210,10 @@ tyConTyVars FunTyCon			  = [alphaTyVar,betaTyVar]
 tyConTyVars (DataTyCon _ _ _ tvs _ _ _ _) = tvs
 tyConTyVars (TupleTyCon _ _ arity)	  = take arity alphaTyVars
 tyConTyVars (SynTyCon _ _ _ _ tvs _)      = tvs
-tyConTyVars (PrimTyCon _ _ _) 	     	  = panic "tyConTyVars:PrimTyCon"
+#ifdef DEBUG
+tyConTyVars (PrimTyCon _ _ _ _)	     	  = panic "tyConTyVars:PrimTyCon"
 tyConTyVars (SpecTyCon _ _ ) 	     	  = panic "tyConTyVars:SpecTyCon"
@@ -234,6 +232,10 @@ tyConFamilySize (TupleTyCon _ _ _)		    = 1
 #ifdef DEBUG
 tyConFamilySize other = pprPanic "tyConFamilySize:" (pprTyCon PprDebug other)
+tyConPrimRep :: TyCon -> PrimRep
+tyConPrimRep (PrimTyCon _ _ _ rep) = rep
+tyConPrimRep _			   = PtrRep
@@ -242,6 +244,13 @@ tyConDerivings (DataTyCon _ _ _ _ _ _ derivs _) = derivs
 tyConDerivings other				= []
+tyConTheta :: TyCon -> [(Class,Type)]
+tyConTheta (DataTyCon _ _ _ _ theta _ _ _) = theta
+tyConTheta (TupleTyCon _ _ _)		   = []
+-- should ask about anything else
 getSynTyConDefn :: TyCon -> ([TyVar], Type)
 getSynTyConDefn (SynTyCon _ _ _ _ tyvars ty) = (tyvars,ty)
@@ -253,17 +262,14 @@ maybeTyConSingleCon :: TyCon -> Maybe Id
 maybeTyConSingleCon (TupleTyCon _ _ arity)        = Just (mkTupleCon arity)
 maybeTyConSingleCon (DataTyCon _ _ _ _ _ [c] _ _) = Just c
 maybeTyConSingleCon (DataTyCon _ _ _ _ _ _   _ _) = Nothing
-maybeTyConSingleCon (PrimTyCon _ _ _)	          = Nothing
+maybeTyConSingleCon (PrimTyCon _ _ _ _)	          = Nothing
 maybeTyConSingleCon (SpecTyCon tc tys)            = panic "maybeTyConSingleCon:SpecTyCon"
 						  -- requires DataCons of TyCon
 isEnumerationTyCon (TupleTyCon _ _ arity)
   = arity == 0
 isEnumerationTyCon (DataTyCon _ _ _ _ _ data_cons _ _)
-  = not (null data_cons) && all is_nullary data_cons
-  where
-    is_nullary con = case (dataConSig con) of { (_,_, arg_tys, _) ->
-		     null arg_tys }
+  = not (null data_cons) && all isNullaryDataCon data_cons
 @derivedFor@ reports if we have an {\em obviously}-derived instance
@@ -292,28 +298,7 @@ the property @(a<=b) || (b<=a)@.
 instance Ord3 TyCon where
-  cmp FunTyCon		          FunTyCon		      = EQ_
-  cmp (DataTyCon a _ _ _ _ _ _ _) (DataTyCon b _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = a `cmp` b
-  cmp (SynTyCon a _ _ _ _ _)      (SynTyCon b _ _ _ _ _)      = a `cmp` b
-  cmp (TupleTyCon _ _ a)          (TupleTyCon _ _ b)	      = a `cmp` b
-  cmp (PrimTyCon a _ _)		  (PrimTyCon b _ _)	      = a `cmp` b
-  cmp (SpecTyCon tc1 mtys1)	  (SpecTyCon tc2 mtys2)
-    = panic# "cmp on SpecTyCons" -- case (tc1 `cmp` tc2) of { EQ_ -> mtys1 `cmp` mtys2; xxx -> xxx }
-    -- now we *know* the tags are different, so...
-  cmp other_1 other_2
-    | tag1 _LT_ tag2 = LT_
-    | otherwise      = GT_
-    where
-      tag1 = tag_TyCon other_1
-      tag2 = tag_TyCon other_2
-      tag_TyCon FunTyCon    		    = ILIT(1)
-      tag_TyCon (DataTyCon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = ILIT(2)
-      tag_TyCon (TupleTyCon _ _ _)	    = ILIT(3)
-      tag_TyCon (PrimTyCon  _ _ _)	    = ILIT(4)
-      tag_TyCon (SpecTyCon  _ _) 	    = ILIT(5)
-      tag_TyCon (SynTyCon _ _ _ _ _ _)	    = ILIT(6)
+  cmp tc1 tc2 = uniqueOf tc1 `cmp` uniqueOf tc2
 instance Eq TyCon where
     a == b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> True;   _ -> False }
@@ -329,7 +314,7 @@ instance Ord TyCon where
 instance Uniquable TyCon where
     uniqueOf (DataTyCon  u _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = u
     uniqueOf (TupleTyCon u _ _)		  = u
-    uniqueOf (PrimTyCon  u _ _)		  = u
+    uniqueOf (PrimTyCon  u _ _ _)	  = u
     uniqueOf (SynTyCon   u _ _ _ _ _)	  = u
     uniqueOf tc@(SpecTyCon _ _)		  = panic "uniqueOf:SpecTyCon"
     uniqueOf tc				  = uniqueOf (getName tc)
@@ -338,7 +323,7 @@ instance Uniquable TyCon where
 instance NamedThing TyCon where
     getName (DataTyCon _ n _ _ _ _ _ _) = n
-    getName (PrimTyCon _ n _)		= n
+    getName (PrimTyCon _ n _ _)		= n
     getName (SpecTyCon tc _)		= getName tc
     getName (SynTyCon _ n _ _ _ _)	= n
     getName FunTyCon			= mkFunTyConName
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi
index d36e74e1cb96..2491f4c638b0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Unique ( Unique )
 import FieldLabel ( FieldLabel )
 import Id      ( Id, GenId, StrictnessMark, mkTupleCon, mkDataCon,
-		 dataConSig, dataConArgTys )
+		 isNullaryDataCon, dataConArgTys )
 import PprType ( specMaybeTysSuffix )
 import Name    ( Name )
 import TyCon   ( TyCon )
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import TyVar   ( GenTyVar, TyVar )
 import Type    ( GenType, Type )
 import Usage   ( GenUsage )
 import Class   ( Class, GenClass )
+import TysWiredIn ( voidTy )
 data GenId    ty
 data GenType  tyvar uvar
@@ -31,12 +32,13 @@ type Id	   = GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)
 -- Needed in TyCon
 mkTupleCon :: Int -> Id
-dataConSig :: Id -> ([TyVar], [(Class, Type)], [Type], TyCon)
+isNullaryDataCon :: Id -> Bool
 specMaybeTysSuffix :: [Maybe Type] -> _PackedString
 instance Eq (GenClass a b)
 -- Needed in Type
 dataConArgTys :: Id -> [Type] -> [Type]
+voidTy :: Type
 -- Needed in TysWiredIn
 data StrictnessMark = MarkedStrict | NotMarkedStrict
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs
index 980f1dd1e255..7ba82cdab2b4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module TyVar (
 	tyVarKind,		-- TyVar -> Kind
+	openAlphaTyVar,
 	alphaTyVars, alphaTyVar, betaTyVar, gammaTyVar, deltaTyVar,
 	-- We also export "environments" keyed off of
@@ -23,11 +24,11 @@ module TyVar (
   ) where
 CHK_Ubiq() 	-- debugging consistency check
-import IdLoop 	-- for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop) 	-- for paranoia checking
 -- friends
 import Usage		( GenUsage, Usage(..), usageOmega )
-import Kind		( Kind, mkBoxedTypeKind )
+import Kind		( Kind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind )
 -- others
 import UniqSet		-- nearly all of it
@@ -77,10 +78,16 @@ cloneTyVar (TyVar _ k n x) u = TyVar u k n x
 Fixed collection of type variables
+	-- openAlphaTyVar is prepared to be instantiated
+	-- to a boxed or unboxed type variable.  It's used for the 
+	-- result type for "error", so that we can have (error Int# "Help")
+openAlphaTyVar = TyVar (mkAlphaTyVarUnique 1) mkTypeKind Nothing usageOmega
 alphaTyVars = [ TyVar u mkBoxedTypeKind Nothing usageOmega
-	      | u <- map mkAlphaTyVarUnique [1..] ]
+	      | u <- map mkAlphaTyVarUnique [2..] ]
 (alphaTyVar:betaTyVar:gammaTyVar:deltaTyVar:_) = alphaTyVars
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
index aff733f8247f..41f3cce9c2f4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Type (
 	getFunTy_maybe, getFunTyExpandingDicts_maybe,
 	mkTyConTy, getTyCon_maybe, applyTyCon,
-	mkForAllTy, mkForAllTys, getForAllTy_maybe, splitForAllTy,
+	mkForAllTy, mkForAllTys, getForAllTy_maybe, getForAllTyExpandingDicts_maybe, splitForAllTy,
 	mkForAllUsageTy, getForAllUsageTy,
 #ifdef DEBUG
@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ module Type (
 	tyVarsOfType, tyVarsOfTypes, typeKind
     ) where
-import Ubiq
-import IdLoop	 -- for paranoia checking
-import TyLoop	 -- for paranoia checking
-import PrelLoop  -- for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(IdLoop)	 -- for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(TyLoop)	 -- for paranoia checking
+IMPORT_DELOOPER(PrelLoop)  -- for paranoia checking
 -- friends:
 import Class	( classSig, classOpLocalType, GenClass{-instances-} )
-import Kind	( mkBoxedTypeKind, resultKind )
-import TyCon	( mkFunTyCon, mkTupleTyCon, isFunTyCon, isPrimTyCon, isDataTyCon, isSynTyCon, tyConArity,
+import Kind	( mkBoxedTypeKind, resultKind, notArrowKind )
+import TyCon	( mkFunTyCon, mkTupleTyCon, isFunTyCon, isPrimTyCon, isDataTyCon, isSynTyCon,
 		  tyConKind, tyConDataCons, getSynTyConDefn, TyCon )
 import TyVar	( tyVarKind, GenTyVar{-instances-}, GenTyVarSet(..),
 		  emptyTyVarSet, unionTyVarSets, minusTyVarSet,
@@ -58,9 +58,11 @@ import Usage	( usageOmega, GenUsage, Usage(..), UVar(..), UVarEnv(..),
 		  eqUsage )
 -- others
-import Maybes	( maybeToBool )
+import Maybes	( maybeToBool, assocMaybe )
 import PrimRep	( PrimRep(..) )
-import Util	( thenCmp, zipEqual, panic, panic#, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-}, pprPanic{-ToDo:rm-},
+import Unique	-- quite a few *Keys
+import Util	( thenCmp, zipEqual, assoc,
+		  panic, panic#, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-}, pprPanic{-ToDo:rm-},
 -- ToDo:rm all these
@@ -69,11 +71,11 @@ import	{-mumble-}
 import  {-mumble-}
 import	{-mumble-}
-	PprType (pprType )
+	PprType --(pprType )
 import  {-mumble-}
 	UniqFM (ufmToList )
-import  {-mumble-}
-	Unique (pprUnique )
+import {-mumble-}
+	Outputable
 Data types
@@ -144,6 +146,8 @@ expandTy (SynTy _  _  t) = expandTy t
 expandTy (DictTy clas ty u)
   = case all_arg_tys of
+	[]	 -> voidTy		-- Empty dictionary represented by Void
 	[arg_ty] -> expandTy arg_ty	-- just the <whatever> itself
 		-- The extra expandTy is to make sure that
@@ -258,7 +262,8 @@ mkTyConTy tycon
 applyTyCon :: TyCon -> [GenType t u] -> GenType t u
 applyTyCon tycon tys
-  = ASSERT (not (isSynTyCon tycon))
+  = --ASSERT (not (isSynTyCon tycon))
+    (if (not (isSynTyCon tycon)) then \x->x else pprTrace "applyTyCon:" (pprTyCon PprDebug tycon)) $
     foldl AppTy (TyConTy tycon usageOmega) tys
 getTyCon_maybe		     :: GenType t u -> Maybe TyCon
@@ -341,6 +346,12 @@ getForAllTy_maybe (SynTy _ _ t)	     = getForAllTy_maybe t
 getForAllTy_maybe (ForAllTy tyvar t) = Just(tyvar,t)
 getForAllTy_maybe _		     = Nothing
+getForAllTyExpandingDicts_maybe :: Type -> Maybe (TyVar, Type)
+getForAllTyExpandingDicts_maybe (SynTy _ _ t)	   = getForAllTyExpandingDicts_maybe t
+getForAllTyExpandingDicts_maybe (ForAllTy tyvar t) = Just(tyvar,t)
+getForAllTyExpandingDicts_maybe ty@(DictTy _ _ _)  = getForAllTyExpandingDicts_maybe (expandTy ty)
+getForAllTyExpandingDicts_maybe _		   = Nothing
 splitForAllTy :: GenType t u-> ([t], GenType t u)
 splitForAllTy t = go t []
@@ -392,9 +403,9 @@ Applied data tycons (give back constrs)
-	:: GenType tyvar uvar
+	:: GenType (GenTyVar any) uvar
 	-> Maybe (TyCon,		-- the type constructor
-		  [GenType tyvar uvar],	-- types to which it is applied
+		  [GenType (GenTyVar any) uvar],	-- types to which it is applied
 		  [Id])			-- its family of data-constructors
 maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, maybeAppSpecDataTyConExpandingDicts
 	:: Type -> Maybe (TyCon, [Type], [Id])
@@ -405,26 +416,30 @@ maybeAppSpecDataTyConExpandingDicts ty = maybe_app_data_tycon expandTy ty
 maybe_app_data_tycon expand ty
-  = case (getTyCon_maybe app_ty) of
-	Just tycon |  isDataTyCon tycon && 
-		      tyConArity tycon == length arg_tys
+  = let
+	expanded_ty       = expand ty
+	(app_ty, arg_tys) = splitAppTy expanded_ty
+    in
+    case (getTyCon_maybe app_ty) of
+	Just tycon |  --pprTrace "maybe_app:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug (isDataTyCon tycon), ppr PprDebug (notArrowKind (typeKind expanded_ty))]) $
+		      isDataTyCon tycon && 
+		      notArrowKind (typeKind expanded_ty)
 			-- Must be saturated for ty to be a data type
 		   -> Just (tycon, arg_tys, tyConDataCons tycon)
 	other      -> Nothing
-  where
-    (app_ty, arg_tys) = splitAppTy (expand ty)
 getAppDataTyCon, getAppSpecDataTyCon
-	:: GenType tyvar uvar
+	:: GenType (GenTyVar any) uvar
 	-> (TyCon,			-- the type constructor
-	    [GenType tyvar uvar],	-- types to which it is applied
+	    [GenType (GenTyVar any) uvar],	-- types to which it is applied
 	    [Id])			-- its family of data-constructors
 getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts, getAppSpecDataTyConExpandingDicts
 	:: Type -> (TyCon, [Type], [Id])
 getAppDataTyCon               ty = get_app_data_tycon maybeAppDataTyCon ty
-getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts ty = get_app_data_tycon maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts ty
+getAppDataTyConExpandingDicts ty = --pprTrace "getAppDataTyConEx...:" (pprType PprDebug ty) $
+				   get_app_data_tycon maybeAppDataTyConExpandingDicts ty
 -- these should work like the UniTyFuns.getUniDataSpecTyCon* things of old (ToDo)
 getAppSpecDataTyCon               = getAppDataTyCon
@@ -467,6 +482,7 @@ Finding the kind of a type
 typeKind :: GenType (GenTyVar any) u -> Kind
 typeKind (TyVarTy tyvar) 	= tyVarKind tyvar
 typeKind (TyConTy tycon usage)	= tyConKind tycon
 typeKind (SynTy _ _ ty)		= typeKind ty
@@ -619,9 +635,33 @@ This is *not* right: it is a placeholder (ToDo 96/03 WDP):
 typePrimRep :: GenType tyvar uvar -> PrimRep
 typePrimRep (SynTy _ _ ty)  = typePrimRep ty
-typePrimRep (TyConTy tc _)  = if isPrimTyCon tc then panic "typePrimRep:PrimTyCon" else PtrRep
 typePrimRep (AppTy ty _)    = typePrimRep ty
+typePrimRep (TyConTy tc _)  = if not (isPrimTyCon tc) then
+				 PtrRep
+			      else
+				 case (assocMaybe tc_primrep_list (uniqueOf tc)) of
+				   Just xx -> xx
+				   Nothing -> pprPanic "typePrimRep:" (pprTyCon PprDebug tc)
 typePrimRep _		    = PtrRep -- the "default"
+  = [(addrPrimTyConKey,	     	    AddrRep)
+    ,(arrayPrimTyConKey,     	    ArrayRep)
+    ,(byteArrayPrimTyConKey, 	    ByteArrayRep)
+    ,(charPrimTyConKey,	     	    CharRep)
+    ,(doublePrimTyConKey,    	    DoubleRep)
+    ,(floatPrimTyConKey,     	    FloatRep)
+    ,(foreignObjPrimTyConKey,	    ForeignObjRep)
+    ,(intPrimTyConKey,	     	    IntRep)
+    ,(mutableArrayPrimTyConKey,     ArrayRep)
+    ,(mutableByteArrayPrimTyConKey, ByteArrayRep)
+    ,(stablePtrPrimTyConKey, 	    StablePtrRep)
+    ,(statePrimTyConKey,	    VoidRep)
+    ,(synchVarPrimTyConKey,	    PtrRep)
+    ,(voidTyConKey,	     	    VoidRep)
+    ,(wordPrimTyConKey,	     	    WordRep)
+    ]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs
index e5c4eb147f4f..c5e26d2cbc59 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module Usage (
 	eqUVar, eqUsage
 ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Pretty	( Pretty(..), PrettyRep, ppPStr, ppBeside )
 import UniqFM	( emptyUFM, listToUFM, addToUFM, lookupUFM,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Bag.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Bag.lhs
index 857dda2c974e..6085e37123c3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Bag.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Bag.lhs
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 \section[Bags]{@Bag@: an unordered collection with duplicates}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module Bag (
 	Bag,	-- abstract type
@@ -15,7 +17,8 @@ module Bag (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Outputable	( interpp'SP )
 import Pretty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/CharSeq.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/CharSeq.lhs
index 68948f4c6678..43dfb7f47811 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/CharSeq.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/CharSeq.lhs
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ module CharSeq (
 #if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
    ) where
-	, cAppendFile
+	, cPutStr
    ) where
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
-import PreludeGlaST
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ cCh 	:: Char -> CSeq
 cInt	:: Int -> CSeq
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-cAppendFile :: _FILE -> CSeq -> IO ()
+cPutStr :: Handle -> CSeq -> IO ()
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ data CSeq
   | CCh		Char
   | CInt	Int	-- equiv to "CStr (show the_int)"
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-  | CPStr	_PackedString
@@ -125,11 +125,6 @@ cShow  seq	= flatten ILIT(0) _TRUE_ seq []
 cShows seq rest = cShow seq ++ rest
 cLength seq = length (cShow seq) -- *not* the best way to do this!
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-cAppendFile file_star seq
-  = flattenIO file_star seq `seqPrimIO` return ()
 This code is {\em hammered}.  We are not above doing sleazy
@@ -156,14 +151,14 @@ flatten n _FALSE_ (CStr s) seqs = s ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs
 flatten n _FALSE_ (CCh  c) seqs = c :  flattenS _FALSE_ seqs
 flatten n _FALSE_ (CInt i) seqs = show i ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-flatten n _FALSE_ (CPStr s) seqs = _unpackPS s ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs
+flatten n _FALSE_ (CPStr s) seqs = _UNPK_ s ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs
 flatten n _TRUE_  (CStr s) seqs = mkIndent n (s ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs)
 flatten n _TRUE_  (CCh  c) seqs = mkIndent n (c :  flattenS _FALSE_ seqs)
 flatten n _TRUE_  (CInt i) seqs = mkIndent n (show i ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs)
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-flatten n _TRUE_ (CPStr s) seqs = mkIndent n (_unpackPS s ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs)
+flatten n _TRUE_ (CPStr s) seqs = mkIndent n ( _UNPK_ s ++ flattenS _FALSE_ seqs)
@@ -187,61 +182,21 @@ Now the I/O version.
 This code is massively {\em hammered}.
 It {\em ignores} indentation.
+(NB: 1.3 compiler: efficiency hacks removed for now!)
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-flattenIO :: _FILE	-- file we are writing to
-	  -> CSeq	-- Seq to print
-	  -> PrimIO ()
-flattenIO file sq
-  | file == ``NULL'' = error "panic:flattenIO" -- really just to force eval :-)
-  | otherwise
-  = flat sq
+cPutStr handle sq = flat sq
-    flat CNil		  = returnPrimIO ()
+    flat CNil		  = return ()
     flat (CIndent n2 seq) = flat seq
-    flat (CAppend s1 s2)  = flat s1 `seqPrimIO` flat s2
-    flat CNewline  	  = _ccall_ stg_putc '\n' file
-    flat (CCh c)   	  = _ccall_ stg_putc c file
-    flat (CInt i)  	  = _ccall_ fprintf file percent_d i
-    flat (CStr s)  	  = put_str s
-    flat (CPStr s) 	  = put_pstr s
-    -----
-    put_str, put_str2 :: String -> PrimIO ()
-    put_str str
-      = --put_str2 ``stderr'' (str ++ "\n") `seqPrimIO`
-	put_str2		str
-    put_str2 [] = returnPrimIO ()
-    put_str2 (c1@(C# _) : c2@(C# _) : c3@(C# _) : c4@(C# _) : cs)
-      = _ccall_ stg_putc  c1 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c2 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c3 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c4 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	put_str2 cs	-- efficiency hack?  who knows... (WDP 94/10)
-    put_str2 (c1@(C# _) : c2@(C# _) : c3@(C# _) : cs)
-      = _ccall_ stg_putc  c1 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c2 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c3 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	put_str2 cs	-- efficiency hack?  who knows... (WDP 94/10)
-    put_str2 (c1@(C# _) : c2@(C# _) : cs)
-      = _ccall_ stg_putc  c1 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	_ccall_ stg_putc  c2 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	put_str2 cs	-- efficiency hack?  who knows... (WDP 94/10)
-    put_str2 (c1@(C# _) : cs)
-      = _ccall_ stg_putc  c1 file	`seqPrimIO`
-	put_str2 cs	-- efficiency hack?  who knows... (WDP 94/10)
-    put_pstr ps = _putPS file ps
-percent_d = _psToByteArray SLIT("%d")
+    flat (CAppend s1 s2)  = flat s1 >> flat s2
+    flat CNewline  	  = hPutChar handle '\n'
+    flat (CCh c)   	  = hPutChar handle c
+    flat (CInt i)  	  = hPutStr  handle (show i)
+    flat (CStr s)  	  = hPutStr  handle s
+    flat (CPStr s) 	  = hPutStr  handle (_UNPK_ s)
 #endif {- COMPILING_GHC -}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/FiniteMap.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/FiniteMap.lhs
index 384a7d122a64..e2a9ec5960bb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/FiniteMap.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/FiniteMap.lhs
@@ -63,17 +63,12 @@ module FiniteMap (
 	, FiniteSet(..), emptySet, mkSet, isEmptySet
 	, elementOf, setToList, union, minusSet
-	-- To make it self-sufficient
-#if __HASKELL1__ < 3
-	, Maybe
     ) where
 import Maybes
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 # ifdef DEBUG
 import Pretty
 # endif
@@ -757,97 +752,65 @@ When the FiniteMap module is used in GHC, we specialise it for
 \tr{Uniques}, for dastardly efficiency reasons.
-#if 0
+#if defined(COMPILING_GHC) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ && !defined(REALLY_HASKELL_1_3)
-		:: [(Int,elt)] -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   [(CLabel,elt)] -> FiniteMap CLabel elt,
-		   [(FAST_STRING,elt)] -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt,
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> Int -> elt  -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FAST_STRING -> elt  -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> elt  -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> elt  -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> [(Int,elt)] -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> [(CLabel,elt)] -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
+		:: FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt -> [((FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING),elt)] -> FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Int elt -> Int -> elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Int elt -> [(Int,elt)] -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap TyCon elt -> [(TyCon,elt)] -> FiniteMap TyCon elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> [(CLabel,elt)] -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
+		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap TyCon elt -> [(TyCon,elt)] -> FiniteMap TyCon elt,
+		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> [(FAST_STRING,elt)] -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> Int   -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel   -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg   -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE delListFromFM
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> [Int] -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> [CLabel] -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> [Reg] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
+		:: FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> elt  -> FiniteMap CLabel elt,
+		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FAST_STRING -> elt  -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt,
+		   FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt -> (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) -> elt  -> FiniteMap (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) elt,
+		   FiniteMap RdrName elt -> RdrName -> elt  -> FiniteMap RdrName elt
+    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> elt  -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-		:: FAST_STRING -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> Bool
+		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap (RdrName, RdrName) elt -> (RdrName, RdrName) -> elt -> FiniteMap (RdrName, RdrName) elt,
+		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FAST_STRING -> elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
+    IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-{-not EXPORTED!!! # SPECIALIZE filterFM
-		:: (Int -> elt -> Bool) -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   (CLabel -> elt -> Bool) -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   (Reg -> elt -> Bool) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
+		:: Bag (FAST_STRING,elt) -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
+{-# SPECIALIZE delListFromFM
+		:: FiniteMap RdrName elt -> [RdrName]   -> FiniteMap RdrName elt,
+		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> [FAST_STRING]   -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
+    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> [Reg]   -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-{-not EXPORTED !!!# SPECIALIZE intersectFM_C
-		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
+		:: [([Char],elt)] -> FiniteMap [Char] elt,
+		   [(FAST_STRING,elt)] -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt,
+    IF_NCG(COMMA   [(Reg COMMA elt)] -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
 {-# SPECIALIZE lookupFM
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> Int -> Maybe elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> Maybe elt,
+		:: FiniteMap CLabel elt -> CLabel -> Maybe elt,
+		   FiniteMap [Char] elt -> [Char] -> Maybe elt,
 		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FAST_STRING -> Maybe elt,
-		   FiniteMap (FAST_STRING,FAST_STRING) elt -> (FAST_STRING,FAST_STRING) -> Maybe elt
+		   FiniteMap (FAST_STRING,FAST_STRING) elt -> (FAST_STRING,FAST_STRING) -> Maybe elt,
+		   FiniteMap RdrName elt -> RdrName -> Maybe elt,
+		   FiniteMap (RdrName,RdrName) elt -> (RdrName,RdrName) -> Maybe elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> Reg -> Maybe elt)
 {-# SPECIALIZE lookupWithDefaultFM
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> elt -> Int -> elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> elt -> CLabel -> elt
+		:: FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> elt -> FAST_STRING -> elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> elt -> Reg -> elt)
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap TyCon elt -> FiniteMap TyCon elt -> FiniteMap TyCon elt,
-		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
-    IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-    #-}
-		:: FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   FiniteMap TyCon elt -> FiniteMap TyCon elt -> FiniteMap TyCon elt,
-		   FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
+		:: FiniteMap RdrName elt -> FiniteMap RdrName elt -> FiniteMap RdrName elt,
+		   FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
-		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt -> FiniteMap Int elt,
-		   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt -> FiniteMap CLabel elt
+		:: (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt -> FiniteMap FAST_STRING elt
     IF_NCG(COMMA   (elt -> elt -> elt) -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt -> FiniteMap Reg elt)
 #endif {- compiling for GHC -}
-#endif {- 0 -}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/ListSetOps.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/ListSetOps.lhs
index 3be4d8932564..5a46b2391be9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/ListSetOps.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/ListSetOps.lhs
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 \section[ListSetOps]{Set-like operations on lists}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module ListSetOps (
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ module ListSetOps (
    ) where
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Util	( isIn, isn'tIn )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Maybes.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Maybes.lhs
index 1c6a863eaa9a..c40ffb2ae676 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Maybes.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Maybes.lhs
@@ -24,11 +24,9 @@ module Maybes (
-	mapMaybe,
-	thenMaB,
-	thenMaybe
+	thenMaB
 #if ! defined(COMPILING_GHC)
 	, findJust
@@ -113,12 +111,6 @@ returnMaybe = Just
 failMaybe :: Maybe a
 failMaybe = Nothing
-mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> Maybe [b]
-mapMaybe f []	  = returnMaybe []
-mapMaybe f (x:xs) = f x			`thenMaybe` \ x' ->
-		    mapMaybe f xs	`thenMaybe` \ xs' ->
-		    returnMaybe (x':xs')
 Lookup functions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
index 455cea2f2713..0ed69ce60be4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Outputable (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs
index e5c20cc17503..8cb244056c2a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Pretty.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 module Pretty (
-	Pretty(..),
+	SYN_IE(Pretty),
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
@@ -32,21 +32,20 @@ module Pretty (
 	ppShow, speakNth,
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	ppAppendFile,
+	ppPutStr,
 	-- abstract type, to complete the interface...
-	PrettyRep(..), CSeq, Delay
-#if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-	, Unpretty(..)
+	PrettyRep(..), Delay
    ) where
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
-import Unpretty		( Unpretty(..) )
+import Unpretty		( SYN_IE(Unpretty) )
 import CharSeq
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ ppNest		:: Int -> Pretty -> Pretty
 ppShow		:: Int -> Pretty -> [Char]
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-ppAppendFile	:: _FILE -> Int -> Pretty -> IO ()
+ppPutStr	:: Handle -> Int -> Pretty -> IO ()
@@ -129,9 +128,9 @@ ppShow width p
       MkPrettyRep seq ll emp sl -> cShow seq
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-ppAppendFile f width p
+ppPutStr f width p
   = case (p width False) of
-      MkPrettyRep seq ll emp sl -> cAppendFile f seq
+      MkPrettyRep seq ll emp sl -> cPutStr f seq
 ppNil    width is_vert = MkPrettyRep cNil (MkDelay 0) True (width >= 0)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi b/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi
index b2f07e4d302d..82e31b4b1449 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Id		( StrictnessMark, GenId, Id(..) )
 import IdInfo		( IdInfo, OptIdInfo(..), ArityInfo, DeforestInfo, Demand, StrictnessInfo, UpdateInfo )
 import Kind		( Kind )
 import Literal		( Literal )
+import MachRegs		( Reg )
 import Maybes		( MaybeErr )
 import MatchEnv 	( MatchEnv )
 import Name		( Module(..), RdrName, Name, ExportFlag, NamedThing(..) )
@@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ data MaybeErr a b
 data MatchEnv a b
 data Name
 data RdrName = Unqual _PackedString | Qual _PackedString _PackedString
+data Reg
 data OutPat a b c
 data PprStyle
 data PragmaInfo
@@ -144,4 +146,14 @@ type Id	   = GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)
 type Type  = GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique
 type TyVar = GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)
 type Usage = GenUsage Unique
+-- These are here only for SPECIALIZing in FiniteMap (ToDo:move?)
+instance Ord Reg
+instance Ord RdrName
+instance Ord CLabel
+instance Ord TyCon
+instance Eq Reg
+instance Eq RdrName
+instance Eq CLabel
+instance Eq TyCon
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
index 166688c07c9f..a2f48801a424 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module UniqFM (
+	delFromUFM_Directly,
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ module UniqFM (
     ) where
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Unique		( Unique, u2i, mkUniqueGrimily )
@@ -101,6 +102,7 @@ addListToUFM_C	:: Uniquable key => (elt -> elt -> elt)
 delFromUFM	:: Uniquable key => UniqFM elt -> key	 -> UniqFM elt
 delListFromUFM	:: Uniquable key => UniqFM elt -> [key] -> UniqFM elt
+delFromUFM_Directly :: UniqFM elt -> Unique -> UniqFM elt
 plusUFM		:: UniqFM elt -> UniqFM elt -> UniqFM elt
@@ -329,7 +331,8 @@ Now ways of removing things from UniqFM.
 delListFromUFM fm lst = foldl delFromUFM fm lst
-delFromUFM fm key = delete fm (u2i (uniqueOf key))
+delFromUFM          fm key = delete fm (u2i (uniqueOf key))
+delFromUFM_Directly fm u   = delete fm (u2i u)
 delete EmptyUFM _   = EmptyUFM
 delete fm       key = del_ele fm
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs
index 9df9fc852a11..4e516acd415b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module UniqSet (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, Maybe )
 import UniqFM
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Unpretty.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Unpretty.lhs
index cf90116dc8cf..8e35e3c1956b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Unpretty.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Unpretty.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module Unpretty (
-	Unpretty(..),
+	SYN_IE(Unpretty),
 	uppNil, uppStr, uppPStr, uppChar, uppInt, uppInteger,
 	uppSP, upp'SP, uppLbrack, uppRbrack, uppLparen, uppRparen,
@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@ module Unpretty (
 	uppCat, uppBeside, uppBesides, uppAbove, uppAboves,
 	uppNest, uppSep, uppInterleave, uppIntersperse,
-	uppAppendFile,
+	uppPutStr,
 	-- abstract type, to complete the interface...
    ) where
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
 import CharSeq
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ uppNest		:: Int -> Unpretty -> Unpretty
 uppShow		:: Int -> Unpretty -> [Char]
-uppAppendFile	:: _FILE -> Int -> Unpretty -> IO ()
+uppPutStr	:: Handle -> Int -> Unpretty -> IO ()
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ uppAppendFile	:: _FILE -> Int -> Unpretty -> IO ()
 uppShow _ p	= cShow p
-uppAppendFile f _ p = cAppendFile f p
+uppPutStr f _ p = cPutStr f p
 uppNil		= cNil
 uppStr s	= cStr s
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
index c026524ecf85..8ae4b4b727b0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
@@ -582,11 +582,11 @@ transitiveClosure :: (a -> [a])		-- Successor function
 		  -> [a]		-- The transitive closure
 transitiveClosure succ eq xs
- = do [] xs
+ = go [] xs
-   do done [] 			   = done
-   do done (x:xs) | x `is_in` done = do done xs
-   		  | otherwise      = do (x:done) (succ x ++ xs)
+   go done [] 			   = done
+   go done (x:xs) | x `is_in` done = go done xs
+   		  | otherwise      = go (x:done) (succ x ++ xs)
    x `is_in` []                 = False
    x `is_in` (y:ys) | eq x y    = True