diff --git a/ghc/utils/Makefile b/ghc/utils/Makefile
index 124976b3ed89ebe7d1d250b16963c12dea15421b..7d2f25c3aa2d2f5136a752ef53b0c5779031a276 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/Makefile
+++ b/ghc/utils/Makefile
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ SUBDIRS = hp2ps		\
 	  parallel      \
 	  stat2resid	\
 	  prof          \
-	  unlit
+	  unlit         \
+	  genprimopcode
 # hstags died when the new parser was introduced.
diff --git a/ghc/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs b/ghc/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fce372e5e4afc8ff6144987d6ab5bab955ccaa56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/genprimopcode/Main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
+-- A primop-table mangling program                              --
+module Main where
+import Parsec
+import Monad
+import Char
+import List
+import System ( getArgs )
+import Maybe ( catMaybes )
+main = getArgs >>= \args ->
+       if length args /= 1 || head args `notElem` known_args
+       then error ("usage: genprimopcode command < primops.txt > ...\n"
+                   ++ "   where command is one of\n"
+                   ++ unlines (map ("            "++) known_args)
+                  )
+       else
+       do s <- getContents
+          let pres = parse pTop "" s
+          case pres of
+             Left err -> do putStr "parse error at "
+                            print err
+             Right p_o_specs
+                -> myseq (sanityTop p_o_specs) (
+                   case head args of
+                      "--data-decl" 
+                         -> putStr (gen_data_decl p_o_specs)
+                      "--has-side-effects" 
+                         -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs 
+                                       "has_side_effects" 
+                                       "primOpHasSideEffects" p_o_specs)
+                      "--out-of-line" 
+                         -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs 
+                                       "out_of_line" 
+                                       "primOpOutOfLine" p_o_specs)
+                      "--commutable" 
+                         -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs 
+                                       "commutable" 
+                                       "commutableOp" p_o_specs)
+                      "--needs-wrapper" 
+                         -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs 
+                                       "needs_wrapper" 
+                                       "primOpNeedsWrapper" p_o_specs)
+                      "--can-fail" 
+                         -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs 
+                                       "can_fail" 
+                                       "primOpCanFail" p_o_specs)
+                      "--strictness" 
+                         -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs 
+                                       "strictness" 
+                                       "primOpStrictness" p_o_specs)
+                      "--usage" 
+                         -> putStr (gen_switch_from_attribs 
+                                       "usage" 
+                                       "primOpUsg" p_o_specs)
+                      "--primop-primop-info" 
+                         -> putStr (gen_primop_info p_o_specs)
+                      "--primop-tag" 
+                         -> putStr (gen_primop_tag p_o_specs)
+                      "--primop-list" 
+                         -> putStr (gen_primop_list p_o_specs)
+                      "--c-bytecode-enum" 
+                         -> putStr (gen_enum_decl p_o_specs)
+                   )
+   = [ "--data-decl",
+       "--has-side-effects",
+       "--out-of-line",
+       "--commutable",
+       "--needs-wrapper",
+       "--can-fail",
+       "--strictness",
+       "--usage",
+       "--primop-primop-info",
+       "--primop-tag",
+       "--primop-list",
+       "--c-bytecode-enum"
+     ]
+-- Code generators -----------------------------------------------
+gen_primop_list (Info defaults pos)
+   = unlines (
+        [      "   [" ++ cons (head pos)       ]
+        ++
+        map (\pi -> "   , " ++ cons pi) (tail pos)
+        ++ 
+        [     "   ]"     ]
+     )
+gen_primop_tag (Info defaults pos)
+   = unlines (zipWith f pos [1..])
+     where
+        f i n = "tagOf_PrimOp " ++ cons i 
+                ++ " = ILIT(" ++ show n ++ ") :: FAST_INT"
+gen_enum_decl (Info defaults pos)
+   = let conss = map cons pos
+     in  "enum PrimOp {\n     " ++ head conss ++ "\n"
+         ++ unlines (map ("     , "++) (tail conss)) ++ "};\n"
+gen_data_decl (Info defaults pos)
+   = let conss = map cons pos
+     in  "data PrimOp\n   = " ++ head conss ++ "\n"
+         ++ unlines (map ("   | "++) (tail conss))
+gen_switch_from_attribs :: String -> String -> Info -> String
+gen_switch_from_attribs attrib_name fn_name (Info defaults pos)
+   = let defv = lookup_attrib attrib_name defaults
+         alts = catMaybes (map mkAlt pos)
+         getAltRhs (OptionFalse _)    = "False"
+         getAltRhs (OptionTrue _)     = "True"
+         getAltRhs (OptionString _ s) = s
+         mkAlt po
+            = case lookup_attrib attrib_name (opts po) of
+                 Nothing -> Nothing
+                 Just xx -> Just (fn_name ++ " " ++ cons po ++ " = " ++ getAltRhs xx)
+         lookup_attrib nm [] = Nothing
+         lookup_attrib nm (a:as) 
+            = if get_attrib_name a == nm then Just a else lookup_attrib nm as
+     in
+         case defv of
+            Nothing -> error ("gen_switch_from: " ++ attrib_name)
+            Just xx 
+               -> unlines alts 
+                  ++ fn_name ++ " other = " ++ getAltRhs xx ++ "\n"
+-- Create PrimOpInfo text from PrimOpSpecs -----------------------
+gen_primop_info (Info defaults pos)
+   = unlines (map mkPOItext pos)
+mkPOItext i = mkPOI_LHS_text i ++ mkPOI_RHS_text i
+mkPOI_LHS_text i
+   = "primOpInfo " ++ cons i ++ " = "
+mkPOI_RHS_text i
+   = case cat i of
+        Compare 
+           -> case ty i of
+                 TyF t1 (TyF t2 td) 
+                    -> "mkCompare " ++ sl_name i ++ ppType t1
+        Monadic
+           -> case ty i of
+                 TyF t1 td
+                    -> "mkMonadic " ++ sl_name i ++ ppType t1
+        Dyadic
+           -> case ty i of
+                 TyF t1 (TyF t2 td)
+                    -> "mkDyadic " ++ sl_name i ++ ppType t1
+        GenPrimOp
+           -> let (argTys, resTy) = flatTys (ty i)
+                  tvs = nub (tvsIn (ty i))
+              in
+                  "mkGenPrimOp " ++ sl_name i ++ " " 
+                      ++ listify (map ppTyVar tvs) ++ " "
+                      ++ listify (map ppType argTys) ++ " "
+                      ++ "(" ++ ppType resTy ++ ")"
+sl_name i = "SLIT(\"" ++ name i ++ "\") "
+ppTyVar "a" = "alphaTyVar"
+ppTyVar "b" = "betaTyVar"
+ppTyVar "c" = "gammaTyVar"
+ppTyVar "s" = "deltaTyVar"
+ppTyVar "o" = "openAlphaTyVar"
+ppType (TyApp "Bool"        []) = "boolTy"
+ppType (TyApp "Int#"        []) = "intPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "Int64#"      []) = "int64PrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "Char#"       []) = "charPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "Word#"       []) = "wordPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "Word64#"     []) = "word64PrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "Addr#"       []) = "addrPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "Float#"      []) = "floatPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "Double#"     []) = "doublePrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "ByteArr#"    []) = "byteArrayPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "RealWorld"   []) = "realWorldTy"
+ppType (TyApp "ThreadId#"   []) = "threadIdPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "ForeignObj#" []) = "foreignObjPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "BCO#"        []) = "bcoPrimTy"
+ppType (TyApp "Unit"        []) = "unitTy"   -- dodgy
+ppType (TyVar "a")               = "alphaTy"
+ppType (TyVar "b")               = "betaTy"
+ppType (TyVar "c")               = "gammaTy"
+ppType (TyVar "s")               = "deltaTy"
+ppType (TyVar "o")               = "openAlphaTy"
+ppType (TyApp "State#" [x])      = "mkStatePrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp "MutVar#" [x,y])   = "mkMutVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x 
+                                   ++ " " ++ ppType y
+ppType (TyApp "MutArr#" [x,y])   = "mkMutableArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x 
+                                   ++ " " ++ ppType y
+ppType (TyApp "MutByteArr#" [x]) = "mkMutableByteArrayPrimTy " 
+                                   ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp "Array#" [x])      = "mkArrayPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp "Weak#"  [x])      = "mkWeakPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp "StablePtr#"  [x])      = "mkStablePtrPrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp "StableName#"  [x])      = "mkStableNamePrimTy " ++ ppType x
+ppType (TyApp "MVar#" [x,y])     = "mkMVarPrimTy " ++ ppType x 
+                                   ++ " " ++ ppType y
+ppType (TyUTup ts)               = "(mkTupleTy Unboxed " ++ show (length ts)
+                                   ++ " "
+                                   ++ listify (map ppType ts) ++ ")"
+ppType (TyF s d) = "(mkFunTy (" ++ ppType s ++ ") (" ++ ppType d ++ "))"
+ppType other
+   = error ("ppType: can't handle: " ++ show other ++ "\n")
+listify :: [String] -> String
+listify ss = "[" ++ concat (intersperse ", " ss) ++ "]"
+flatTys (TyF t1 t2) = case flatTys t2 of (ts,t) -> (t1:ts,t)
+flatTys other       = ([],other)
+tvsIn (TyF t1 t2)    = tvsIn t1 ++ tvsIn t2
+tvsIn (TyApp tc tys) = concatMap tvsIn tys
+tvsIn (TyVar tv)     = [tv]
+tvsIn (TyUTup tys)   = concatMap tvsIn tys
+-- Abstract syntax -----------------------------------------------
+-- info for all primops; the totality of the info in primops.txt
+data Info
+   = Info [Option] [PrimOpSpec]   -- defaults, primops
+     deriving Show
+-- info for one primop
+data PrimOpSpec
+    = PrimOpSpec { cons  :: String,      -- PrimOp name
+                   name  :: String,      -- name in prog text
+                   ty    :: Ty,          -- type
+                   cat   :: Category,    -- category
+                   opts  :: [Option] }   -- default overrides
+    deriving Show
+-- a binding of property to value
+data Option
+   = OptionFalse  String          -- name = False
+   | OptionTrue   String          -- name = True
+   | OptionString String String   -- name = { ... unparsed stuff ... }
+     deriving Show
+-- categorises primops
+data Category
+   = Dyadic | Monadic | Compare | GenPrimOp
+     deriving Show
+-- types
+data Ty
+   = TyF    Ty Ty
+   | TyApp  TyCon [Ty]
+   | TyVar  TyVar
+   | TyUTup [Ty]   -- unboxed tuples; just a TyCon really, 
+                   -- but convenient like this
+   deriving (Eq,Show)
+type TyVar = String
+type TyCon = String
+-- Sanity checking -----------------------------------------------
+{- Do some simple sanity checks:
+    * all the default field names are unique
+    * for each PrimOpSpec, all override field names are unique
+    * for each PrimOpSpec, all overriden field names   
+          have a corresponding default value
+    * that primop types correspond in certain ways to the 
+      Category: eg if Comparison, the type must be of the form
+         T -> T -> Bool.
+   Dies with "error" if there's a problem, else returns ().
+myseq () x = x
+myseqAll (():ys) x = myseqAll ys x
+myseqAll []      x = x
+sanityTop :: Info -> ()
+sanityTop (Info defs primops)
+   = let opt_names = map get_attrib_name defs
+     in  
+     if   length opt_names /= length (nub opt_names)
+     then error ("non-unique default attribute names: " ++ show opt_names ++ "\n")
+     else myseqAll (map (sanityPrimOp opt_names) primops) ()
+sanityPrimOp def_names p
+   = let p_names = map get_attrib_name (opts p)
+         p_names_ok
+            = length p_names == length (nub p_names)
+              && all (`elem` def_names) p_names
+         ty_ok = sane_ty (cat p) (ty p)
+     in
+         if   not p_names_ok
+         then error ("attribute names are non-unique or have no default in\n" ++
+                     "info for primop " ++ cons p ++ "\n")
+         else
+         if   not ty_ok
+         then error ("type of primop " ++ cons p ++ " doesn't make sense w.r.t" ++
+                     " category " ++ show (cat p) ++ "\n")
+         else ()
+sane_ty Compare (TyF t1 (TyF t2 td)) 
+   | t1 == t2 && td == TyApp "Bool" []  = True
+sane_ty Monadic (TyF t1 td) 
+   | t1 == td  = True
+sane_ty Dyadic (TyF t1 (TyF t2 td))
+   | t1 == t2 && t2 == t2  = True
+sane_ty GenPrimOp any_old_thing
+   = True
+sane_ty _ _
+   = False
+get_attrib_name (OptionFalse nm) = nm
+get_attrib_name (OptionTrue nm)  = nm
+get_attrib_name (OptionString nm _) = nm
+-- The parser ----------------------------------------------------
+-- Due to lack of proper lexing facilities, a hack to zap any
+-- leading comments
+pTop :: Parser Info
+pTop = then4 (\_ ds ss _ -> Info ds ss) 
+             pCommentAndWhitespace pDefaults (many pPrimOpSpec)
+             (lit "thats_all_folks")
+pDefaults :: Parser [Option]
+pDefaults = then2 sel22 (lit "defaults") (many pOption)
+pOption :: Parser Option
+   = alts [
+        then3 (\nm eq ff -> OptionFalse nm)  pName (lit "=") (lit "False"),
+        then3 (\nm eq tt -> OptionTrue nm)   pName (lit "=") (lit "True"),
+        then3 (\nm eq zz -> OptionString nm zz)
+              pName (lit "=") pStuffBetweenBraces
+     ]
+pPrimOpSpec :: Parser PrimOpSpec
+   = then6 (\_ c n k t o -> PrimOpSpec { cons = c, name = n, ty = t, 
+                                         cat = k, opts = o } )
+           (lit "primop") pConstructor stringLiteral 
+           pCategory pType pOptions
+pOptions :: Parser [Option]
+pOptions = optdef [] (then2 sel22 (lit "with") (many pOption))
+pCategory :: Parser Category
+   = alts [
+        apply (const Dyadic)    (lit "Dyadic"),
+        apply (const Monadic)   (lit "Monadic"),
+        apply (const Compare)   (lit "Compare"),
+        apply (const GenPrimOp) (lit "GenPrimOp")
+     ]
+    = lexeme (then3 sel23 
+                    (char '{') (many (satisfy (not . (== '}')))) 
+                    (char '}'))
+-- Parsing types --
+pType :: Parser Ty
+pType = then2 (\t maybe_tt -> case maybe_tt of 
+                                 Just tt -> TyF t tt
+                                 Nothing -> t)
+              paT 
+              (opt (then2 sel22 (lit "->") pType))
+-- Atomic types
+paT = alts [ then2 TyApp pTycon (many ppT),
+             pUnboxedTupleTy,
+             then3 sel23 (lit "(") pType (lit ")"),
+             ppT 
+      ]
+-- the magic bit in the middle is:  T (,T)*  so to speak
+   = then3 (\ _ ts _ -> TyUTup ts)
+           (lit "(#")
+           (then2 (:) pType (many (then2 sel22 (lit ",") pType)))
+           (lit "#)")
+-- Primitive types
+ppT = alts [apply TyVar pTyvar,
+            apply (\tc -> TyApp tc []) pTycon
+           ]
+pTyvar       = sat (`notElem` ["primop","with"]) pName
+pTycon       = pConstructor
+pName        = lexeme (then2 (:) lower (many isIdChar))
+pConstructor = lexeme (then2 (:) upper (many isIdChar))
+isIdChar = satisfy (`elem` idChars)
+idChars  = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9'] ++ "#_"
+sat pred p
+   = do x <- try p
+        if pred x
+         then return x
+         else pzero
+-- Helpful additions to Daan's parser stuff ----------------------
+alts [p1]       = try p1
+alts (p1:p2:ps) = (try p1) <|> alts (p2:ps)
+then2 f p1 p2 
+   = do x1 <- p1 ; x2 <- p2 ; return (f x1 x2)
+then3 f p1 p2 p3
+   = do x1 <- p1 ; x2 <- p2 ; x3 <- p3 ; return (f x1 x2 x3)
+then4 f p1 p2 p3 p4
+   = do x1 <- p1 ; x2 <- p2 ; x3 <- p3 ; x4 <- p4 ; return (f x1 x2 x3 x4)
+then5 f p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
+   = do x1 <- p1 ; x2 <- p2 ; x3 <- p3 ; x4 <- p4 ; x5 <- p5
+        return (f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5)
+then6 f p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6
+   = do x1 <- p1 ; x2 <- p2 ; x3 <- p3 ; x4 <- p4 ; x5 <- p5 ; x6 <- p6
+        return (f x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6)
+opt p
+   = (do x <- p; return (Just x)) <|> return Nothing
+optdef d p
+   = (do x <- p; return x) <|> return d
+sel12 a b = a
+sel22 a b = b
+sel23 a b c = b
+apply = liftM
+-- Hacks for zapping whitespace and comments, unfortunately needed
+-- because Daan won't let us have a lexer before the parser :-(
+lexeme  :: Parser p -> Parser p
+lexeme p = then2 sel12 p pCommentAndWhitespace
+lit :: String -> Parser ()
+lit s = apply (const ()) (lexeme (string s))
+pCommentAndWhitespace :: Parser ()
+   = apply (const ()) (many (alts [pLineComment, 
+                                   apply (const ()) (satisfy isSpace)]))
+     <|>
+     return ()
+pLineComment :: Parser ()
+   = try (then3 (\_ _ _ -> ()) (string "--") (many (satisfy (/= '\n'))) (char '\n'))
+stringLiteral :: Parser String
+stringLiteral   = lexeme (
+                      do { between (char '"')                   
+                                   (char '"' <?> "end of string")
+                                   (many (noneOf "\"")) 
+                         }
+                      <?> "literal string")
+-- end                                                          --
diff --git a/ghc/utils/genprimopcode/Makefile b/ghc/utils/genprimopcode/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..50c363b2aa84151d1e162da47be2cd468728d0b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/utils/genprimopcode/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+include $(TOP)/mk/boilerplate.mk
+INSTALL_PROGS += genprimopcode
+SRC_HC_OPTS += -syslib text
+OBJS = Main.o
+CLEAN_FILES += genprimopcode
+all :: genprimopcode
+genprimopcode: Main.o
+	$(HC) -o $@ $(HC_OPTS) $(LD_OPTS) $(OBJS)
+CLEAN_FILES += genprimopcode
+include $(TOP)/mk/target.mk