diff --git a/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile b/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
index ae3ed276f85d9bc49c82027d85b9c6e6a6eb5e7d..c54b9b5108db366c44bd639403cf3f475a331785 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
+++ b/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ types/TyLoop.hi : types/TyLoop.lhi
 rename/ParseIface.hs : rename/ParseIface.y
 	$(RM) rename/ParseIface.hs rename/ParseIface.hinfo
-	happy -i rename/ParseIface.hinfo rename/ParseIface.y
+	happy -g -i rename/ParseIface.hinfo rename/ParseIface.y
 	@chmod 444 rename/ParseIface.hs
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
index a2b00f49190ee7e76f2b964125524f472af857aa..977bf8806392d3b08ef18067e8bc8677ae3d4799 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ module Id {- (
+	nmbrId,
 	-- "Environments" keyed off of Ids, and sets of Ids
 	lookupIdEnv, lookupNoFailIdEnv, nullIdEnv, unitIdEnv, mkIdEnv,
@@ -104,15 +106,17 @@ import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
 import Name		( appendRdr, nameUnique, mkLocalName, isLocalName,
 			  isLocallyDefinedName, isPreludeDefinedName,
 			  mkTupleDataConName, mkCompoundName,
-			  isLexSym, getLocalName,
+			  isLexSym, isLexSpecialSym, getLocalName,
 			  isLocallyDefined, isPreludeDefined,
 			  getOccName, moduleNamePair, origName, nameOf, 
 			  isExported, ExportFlag(..),
 			  RdrName(..), Name
-import FieldLabel	( fieldLabelName, FieldLabel{-instances-} )
+import FieldLabel	( fieldLabelName, FieldLabel(..){-instances-} )
 import PragmaInfo	( PragmaInfo(..) )
+import PprEnv		-- ( NmbrM(..), NmbrEnv(..) )
 import PprType		( getTypeString, typeMaybeString, specMaybeTysSuffix,
+			  nmbrType, addTyVar,
 			  GenType, GenTyVar
 import PprStyle
@@ -127,8 +131,8 @@ import Type		( mkSigmaTy, mkTyVarTys, mkFunTys, mkDictTy,
 import TyVar		( alphaTyVars, isEmptyTyVarSet, TyVarEnv(..) )
 import UniqFM
 import UniqSet		-- practically all of it
-import UniqSupply	( getBuiltinUniques )
-import Unique		( pprUnique, showUnique,
+import Unique		( getBuiltinUniques, pprUnique, showUnique,
+			  incrUnique,
 			  Unique{-instance Ord3-}
 import Util		( mapAccumL, nOfThem, zipEqual,
@@ -656,7 +660,7 @@ pprIdInUnfolding in_scopes v
 	    (m_str, n_str) = moduleNamePair v
 	    pp_n =
-	      if isLexSym n_str then
+	      if isLexSym n_str && not (isLexSpecialSym n_str) then
 		  ppBesides [ppLparen, ppPStr n_str, ppRparen]
 		  ppPStr n_str
@@ -1938,3 +1942,69 @@ minusIdSet	= minusUniqSet
 isEmptyIdSet	= isEmptyUniqSet
 mkIdSet		= mkUniqSet
+addId, nmbrId :: Id -> NmbrM Id
+addId id@(Id u ty det prag info) nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
+  = case (lookupUFM_Directly idenv u) of
+      Just xx -> _trace "addId: already in map!" $
+		 (nenv, xx)
+      Nothing ->
+	if toplevelishId id then
+	    _trace "addId: can't add toplevelish!" $
+	    (nenv, id)
+	else -- alloc a new unique for this guy
+	     -- and add an entry in the idenv
+	     -- NB: *** KNOT-TYING ***
+	    let
+		nenv_plus_id	= NmbrEnv (incrUnique ui) ut uu
+					  (addToUFM_Directly idenv u new_id)
+					  tvenv uvenv
+		(nenv2, new_ty)  = nmbrType     ty  nenv_plus_id
+		(nenv3, new_det) = nmbr_details det nenv2
+		new_id = Id ui new_ty new_det prag info
+	    in
+	    (nenv3, new_id)
+nmbrId id@(Id u ty det prag info) nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
+  = case (lookupUFM_Directly idenv u) of
+      Just xx -> (nenv, xx)
+      Nothing ->
+	if not (toplevelishId id) then
+	    _trace "nmbrId: lookup failed" $
+	    (nenv, id)
+	else
+	    let
+		(nenv2, new_ty)  = nmbrType     ty  nenv
+		(nenv3, new_det) = nmbr_details det nenv2
+		new_id = Id u new_ty new_det prag info
+	    in
+	    (nenv3, new_id)
+nmbr_details :: IdDetails -> NmbrM IdDetails
+nmbr_details (DataConId n tag marks fields tvs theta arg_tys tc)
+  = mapNmbr addTyVar   tvs	`thenNmbr` \ new_tvs ->
+    mapNmbr nmbrField  fields	`thenNmbr` \ new_fields ->
+    mapNmbr nmbr_theta theta	`thenNmbr` \ new_theta ->
+    mapNmbr nmbrType   arg_tys	`thenNmbr` \ new_arg_tys ->
+    returnNmbr (DataConId n tag marks new_fields new_tvs new_theta new_arg_tys tc)
+  where
+    nmbr_theta (c,t)
+      = --nmbrClass c	`thenNmbr` \ new_c ->
+        nmbrType  t	`thenNmbr` \ new_t ->
+	returnNmbr (c, new_t)
+    -- ToDo:add more cases as needed
+nmbr_details other_details = returnNmbr other_details
+nmbrField (FieldLabel n ty tag)
+  = nmbrType ty `thenNmbr` \ new_ty ->
+    returnNmbr (FieldLabel n new_ty tag)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi
index bdc4f120ffdada61da22c118f6fc919c7e5a910e..abd59f35667a1633b9f254b2575613f843bd8a8e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import CoreSyn		( CoreExpr(..), GenCoreExpr, GenCoreArg )
 import CoreUnfold 	( FormSummary(..), UnfoldingDetails(..), UnfoldingGuidance(..) )
 import CoreUtils	( unTagBinders )
 import Id		( externallyVisibleId, isDataCon, isWorkerId, isWrapperId,
-			  unfoldingUnfriendlyId, getIdInfo,
+			  unfoldingUnfriendlyId, getIdInfo, nmbrId,
 			  nullIdEnv, lookupIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
 			  Id(..), GenId
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import IdInfo		( IdInfo )
 import Literal		( Literal )
 import MagicUFs		( mkMagicUnfoldingFun, MagicUnfoldingFun )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )
+import PprEnv		( NmbrEnv )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle )
 import PprType		( pprParendGenType )
 import Pretty		( PrettyRep )
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ getIdInfo		:: Id	    -> IdInfo
 nullIdEnv		:: UniqFM a
 lookupIdEnv		:: UniqFM b -> GenId a -> Maybe b
+nmbrId			:: Id -> NmbrEnv -> (NmbrEnv, Id)
 pprParendGenType		:: (Eq a, Outputable a, Eq b, Outputable b) => PprStyle -> GenType a b -> Int -> Bool -> PrettyRep
 unTagBinders :: GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique), a) b c d -> GenCoreExpr (GenId (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)) b c d
@@ -58,6 +60,7 @@ instance Outputable (GenTyVar a)
 instance (Outputable a) => Outputable (GenId a)
 instance (Eq a, Outputable a, Eq b, Outputable b) => Outputable (GenType a b)
+data NmbrEnv
 data MagicUnfoldingFun
 data FormSummary   = WhnfForm | BottomForm | OtherForm
 data UnfoldingDetails
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs
index c1aa203b8dcf9032ae918f233dc7ab9f2ad5918c..043b37dea4b8ec4e8aaa66bf92d465310ad54305 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ primOpId op
       Compare str ty ->
 	mk_prim_Id op pRELUDE_BUILTIN str [] [ty,ty] (compare_fun_ty ty) 2
-      Coerce str ty1 ty2 ->
+      Coercing str ty1 ty2 ->
 	mk_prim_Id op pRELUDE_BUILTIN str [] [ty1] (mkFunTys [ty1] ty2) 1
       PrimResult str tyvars arg_tys prim_tycon kind res_tys ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
index 303fd042184b927e103dbb14f99b636adec82985..2a44651a5dd996a27d9c1e80157fc9ed969a303c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module Name (
 	getLocalName, ltLexical,
 	isSymLexeme, pprSym, pprNonSym,
-	isLexCon, isLexVar, isLexId, isLexSym,
+	isLexCon, isLexVar, isLexId, isLexSym, isLexSpecialSym,
 	isLexConId, isLexConSym, isLexVarId, isLexVarSym
     ) where
@@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ instance Outputable RdrName where
     ppr sty (Unqual n) = pp_name sty n
     ppr sty (Qual m n) = ppBeside (pp_mod sty m) (pp_name sty n)
-pp_mod PprInterface        m = ppNil
 pp_mod PprForC             m = ppBesides [identToC m, ppPStr cSEP]
 pp_mod (PprForAsm False _) m = ppBesides [identToC m, ppPStr cSEP]
 pp_mod (PprForAsm True  _) m = ppBesides [ppPStr cSEP, identToC m, ppPStr cSEP]
@@ -423,7 +422,8 @@ defined in the Haskell report.  Normally applied as in e.g. @isCon
 (getLocalName foo)@.
-isLexCon, isLexVar, isLexId, isLexSym, isLexConId, isLexConSym, isLexVarId, isLexVarSym :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
+isLexCon, isLexVar, isLexId, isLexSym, isLexConId, isLexConSym,
+ isLexVarId, isLexVarSym, isLexSpecialSym :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
 isLexCon cs = isLexConId  cs || isLexConSym cs
 isLexVar cs = isLexVarId  cs || isLexVarSym cs
@@ -449,10 +449,10 @@ isLexVarId cs
 isLexConSym cs
   | _NULL_ cs	= False
-  | otherwise	= c == ':'
-	       || c == '('	-- (), (,), (,,), ...
+  | otherwise	= c  == ':'
+--	       || c  == '('	-- (), (,), (,,), ...
 	       || cs == SLIT("->")
-	       || cs == SLIT("[]")
+--	       || cs == SLIT("[]")
     c = _HEAD_ cs
@@ -460,7 +460,14 @@ isLexVarSym cs
   | _NULL_ cs = False
   | otherwise = isSymbolASCII c
 	     || isSymbolISO c
-	     || c == '('	-- (), (,), (,,), ...
+--	     || c  == '('	-- (), (,), (,,), ...
+--	     || cs == SLIT("[]")
+  where
+    c = _HEAD_ cs
+isLexSpecialSym cs
+  | _NULL_ cs = False
+  | otherwise = c  == '('	-- (), (,), (,,), ...
 	     || cs == SLIT("[]")
     c = _HEAD_ cs
@@ -484,13 +491,16 @@ isSymLexeme v
 pprSym, pprNonSym :: (NamedThing name, Outputable name) => PprStyle -> name -> Pretty
 pprSym sty var
-  = if isSymLexeme var
+  = let
+	str = nameOf (origName var)
+    in
+    if isLexSym str && not (isLexSpecialSym str)
     then ppr sty var
     else ppBesides [ppChar '`', ppr sty var, ppChar '`']
 pprNonSym sty var
   = if isSymLexeme var
-    then ppBesides [ppLparen, ppr sty var, ppRparen]
+    then ppParens (ppr sty var)
     else ppr sty var
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs
index 1cd1071a1f4be3bf4a22fd159d7c8a97bdf4cb17..d29b8755b30df72916c1f54e66c5a3adcc658009 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs
@@ -12,13 +12,22 @@ module PprEnv (
 	pCon, pLit, pMajBndr, pMinBndr, pOcc, pPrim, pSCC, pStyle,
-	pTy, pTyVar, pUVar, pUse
+	pTy, pTyVar, pUVar, pUse,
+	NmbrEnv(..),
+	NmbrM(..), initNmbr,
+	returnNmbr, thenNmbr,
+	mapNmbr, mapAndUnzipNmbr
+--	nmbr1, nmbr2, nmbr3
+--	rnumValVar,   rnumTyVar,   rnumUVar,
+--	lookupValVar, lookupTyVar, lookupUVar
     ) where
 import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import Id		( DataCon(..) )
 import Pretty		( Pretty(..) )
+import Unique		( initRenumberingUniques )
+import UniqFM		( emptyUFM )
 import Util		( panic )
@@ -32,7 +41,7 @@ data PprEnv tyvar uvar bndr occ
   = PE	PprStyle		-- stored for safe keeping
 	(Literal    -> Pretty)	-- Doing these this way saves
-	(DataCon    -> Pretty)	-- carrying around a PprStyle
+	(Id    -> Pretty)	-- carrying around a PprStyle
 	(PrimOp     -> Pretty)
 	(CostCentre -> Pretty)
@@ -51,7 +60,7 @@ data PprEnv tyvar uvar bndr occ
 	:: PprStyle
 	-> Maybe (Literal -> Pretty)
-	-> Maybe (DataCon -> Pretty)
+	-> Maybe (Id -> Pretty)
 	-> Maybe (PrimOp  -> Pretty)
 	-> Maybe (CostCentre -> Pretty)
 	-> Maybe (tyvar -> Pretty)
@@ -119,3 +128,75 @@ pOcc     (PE _	_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ pp  _  _) = pp
 pTy      (PE _	_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ pp  _) = pp
 pUse	 (PE _	_  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _ pp) = pp
+We tend to {\em renumber} everything before printing, so that
+we get consistent Uniques on everything from run to run.
+data NmbrEnv
+  = NmbrEnv	Unique	-- next "Unique" to give out for a value
+		Unique	-- ... for a tyvar
+		Unique	-- ... for a usage var
+		(UniqFM Id)	-- mapping for value vars we know about
+		(UniqFM TyVar)	-- ... for tyvars
+		(UniqFM Unique{-UVar-})	-- ... for usage vars
+type NmbrM a = NmbrEnv -> (NmbrEnv, a)
+initNmbr :: NmbrM a -> a
+initNmbr m
+  = let
+	(v1,t1,u1)    = initRenumberingUniques
+	init_nmbr_env = NmbrEnv v1 t1 u1 emptyUFM emptyUFM emptyUFM
+    in
+    snd (m init_nmbr_env)
+returnNmbr x nenv = (nenv, x)
+thenNmbr m k nenv
+  = let
+	(nenv2, res) = m nenv
+    in
+    k res nenv2
+mapNmbr f []     = returnNmbr []
+mapNmbr f (x:xs)
+  = f x		    `thenNmbr` \ r  ->
+    mapNmbr f xs    `thenNmbr` \ rs ->
+    returnNmbr (r:rs)
+mapAndUnzipNmbr f [] = returnNmbr ([],[])
+mapAndUnzipNmbr f (x:xs)
+  = f x			    `thenNmbr` \ (r1,  r2)  ->
+    mapAndUnzipNmbr f xs    `thenNmbr` \ (rs1, rs2) ->
+    returnNmbr (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
+nmbr1 nenv thing x1
+  = let
+	(nenv1, new_x1) = x1 nenv
+    in
+    (nenv1, thing new_x1)
+nmbr2 nenv thing x1 x2
+  = let
+	(nenv1, new_x1) = x1 nenv
+	(nenv2, new_x2) = x2 nenv1
+    in
+    (nenv2, thing new_x1 new_x2)
+nmbr3 nenv thing x1 x2 x3
+  = let
+	(nenv1, new_x1) = x1 nenv
+	(nenv2, new_x2) = x2 nenv1
+	(nenv3, new_x3) = x3 nenv2
+    in
+    (nenv3, thing new_x1 new_x2 new_x3)
+rnumValVar = panic "rnumValVar"
+rnumTyVar = panic "rnumTyVar"
+rnumUVar = panic "rnumUVar"
+lookupValVar = panic "lookupValVar"
+lookupTyVar = panic "lookupTyVar"
+lookupUVar = panic "lookupUVar"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
index d9ae896f2b79efb030eb337b607781c9b7b300e4..7c155f326cc4a41ac5d54457707eaefc5c435e44 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
@@ -18,11 +18,7 @@ module UniqSupply (
 	thenMaybeUs, mapAccumLUs,
-	splitUniqSupply,
-	-- and the access functions for the `builtin' UniqueSupply
-	getBuiltinUniques, mkBuiltinUnique,
-	mkPseudoUnique1, mkPseudoUnique2, mkPseudoUnique3
+	splitUniqSupply
   ) where
 import Ubiq{-uitous-}
@@ -190,28 +186,3 @@ mapAccumLUs f b (x:xs)
     mapAccumLUs f b__2 xs   	    `thenUs` \ (b__3, xs__2) ->
     returnUs (b__3, x__2:xs__2)
-%*									*
-\subsubsection[UniqueSupplies-compiler]{@UniqueSupplies@ specific to the compiler}
-%*									*
-mkPseudoUnique1, mkPseudoUnique2, mkPseudoUnique3,
- mkBuiltinUnique :: Int -> Unique
-mkBuiltinUnique i = mkUnique 'B' i
-mkPseudoUnique1 i = mkUnique 'C' i -- used for uniqueOf on Regs
-mkPseudoUnique2 i = mkUnique 'D' i -- ditto
-mkPseudoUnique3 i = mkUnique 'E' i -- ditto
-getBuiltinUniques :: Int -> [Unique]
-getBuiltinUniques n = map (mkUnique 'B') [1 .. n]
-The following runs a uniq monad expression, using builtin uniq values:
---runBuiltinUs :: UniqSM a -> a
---runBuiltinUs m = snd (initUs uniqSupply_B m)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
index 68f3975dabe3a2a0e7508bfd93613beac76d0e3c..36702cc905301254c5e991e1083519399524ed03 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ module Unique (
 	mkUnique,			-- Used in UniqSupply
 	mkUniqueGrimily,		-- Used in UniqSupply only!
+	incrUnique,			-- Used for renumbering
+	initRenumberingUniques,
 	-- now all the built-in Uniques (and functions to make them)
 	-- [the Oh-So-Wonderful Haskell module system wins again...]
@@ -36,6 +39,9 @@ module Unique (
+	getBuiltinUniques, mkBuiltinUnique,
+	mkPseudoUnique1, mkPseudoUnique2, mkPseudoUnique3,
 	absentErrorIdKey,	-- alphabetical...
@@ -224,25 +230,19 @@ Now come the functions which construct uniques from their pieces, and vice versa
 The stuff about unique *supplies* is handled further down this module.
-mkUnique		 :: Char -> Int -> Unique	-- Builds a unique from pieces
-unpkUnique		 :: Unique -> (Char, Int)	-- The reverse
-mkUnifiableTyVarUnique	 :: Int -> Unique	-- Injects a subst-array index into the Unique type
-unpkUnifiableTyVarUnique :: Unique -> Int	-- The reverse process
+mkUnique	:: Char -> Int -> Unique	-- Builds a unique from pieces
+unpkUnique	:: Unique -> (Char, Int)	-- The reverse
 mkUniqueGrimily :: Int# -> Unique		-- A trap-door for UniqSupply
+incrUnique	:: Unique -> Unique
 mkUniqueGrimily x = MkUnique x
-mkUnifiableTyVarUnique i = mkUnique '_'{-MAGIC CHAR-} i
-unpkUnifiableTyVarUnique uniq
-  = case (unpkUnique uniq) of { (tag, i) ->
-    ASSERT(tag == '_'{-MAGIC CHAR-})
-    i }
+incrUnique (MkUnique i) = MkUnique (i +# 1#)
 -- pop the Char in the top 8 bits of the Unique(Supply)
@@ -375,9 +375,10 @@ chars62
 Allocation of unique supply characters:
-	a-z: lower case chars for unique supplies (see Main.lhs)
-	B:   builtin		(see UniqSupply.lhs)
-	C-E: pseudo uniques	(see UniqSupply.lhs)
+	v,t,u : for renumbering value-, type- and usage- vars.
+	other a-z: lower case chars for unique supplies (see Main.lhs)
+	B:   builtin
+	C-E: pseudo uniques	(used in native-code generator)
 	_:   unifiable tyvars   (above)
 	1-8: prelude things below
@@ -393,6 +394,19 @@ mkTupleDataConUnique a		= mkUnique '6' a	-- ditto (*may* be used in C labels)
 mkPrimOpIdUnique op		= mkUnique '7' op
 mkPreludeMiscIdUnique i		= mkUnique '8' i
+initRenumberingUniques = (mkUnique 'v' 1, mkUnique 't' 1, mkUnique 'u' 1)
+mkPseudoUnique1, mkPseudoUnique2, mkPseudoUnique3,
+ mkBuiltinUnique :: Int -> Unique
+mkBuiltinUnique i = mkUnique 'B' i
+mkPseudoUnique1 i = mkUnique 'C' i -- used for uniqueOf on Regs
+mkPseudoUnique2 i = mkUnique 'D' i -- ditto
+mkPseudoUnique3 i = mkUnique 'E' i -- ditto
+getBuiltinUniques :: Int -> [Unique]
+getBuiltinUniques n = map (mkUnique 'B') [1 .. n]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
index f7eb45a53908ccea06d255fa7f708eaffe5b1d94..ae7cf40f2ceeeb911ec007fc3559a951a28cf53a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ import PprType		( GenType{-instance Outputable-} )
 import PrimRep		( getPrimRepSize, separateByPtrFollowness )
 import SMRep		-- all of it
 import TyCon		( maybeTyConSingleCon, TyCon{-instance NamedThing-} )
-import Type		( isPrimType, splitForAllTy, splitFunTy, mkFunTys )
+import Type		( isPrimType, splitForAllTy, splitFunTyWithDictsAsArgs, mkFunTys )
 import Util		( isIn, mapAccumL, panic, pprPanic, assertPanic )
 maybeCharLikeTyCon = panic "ClosureInfo.maybeCharLikeTyCon (ToDo)"
@@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@ closureReturnsUnboxedType other_closure = False
 fun_result_ty arity id
   = let
 	(_, de_foralld_ty) = splitForAllTy (idType id)
-	(arg_tys, res_ty)  = splitFunTy{-w/ dicts as args?-} de_foralld_ty
+	(arg_tys, res_ty)  = splitFunTyWithDictsAsArgs de_foralld_ty
     ASSERT(arity >= 0 && length arg_tys >= arity)
     mkFunTys (drop arity arg_tys) res_ty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs
index 9f51e1a4b1c847a0f91b034e4b13f7a701135daa..f1095d8cdd09d546bb1fa6aa7bbe4b22eadf5b15 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/AnnCoreSyn.lhs
@@ -54,6 +54,10 @@ data AnnCoreExpr' val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar annot
   | AnnSCC	CostCentre
 		(AnnCoreExpr val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar annot)
+  | AnnCoerce	Coercion
+		(GenType tyvar uvar)
+		(AnnCoreExpr val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar annot)
@@ -83,6 +87,7 @@ deAnnotate (_, AnnPrim	op args)    = Prim op args
 deAnnotate (_, AnnLam	binder body)= Lam binder (deAnnotate body)
 deAnnotate (_, AnnApp	fun arg)    = App (deAnnotate fun) arg
 deAnnotate (_, AnnSCC	lbl body)   = SCC lbl (deAnnotate body)
+deAnnotate (_, AnnCoerce c ty body) = Coerce c ty (deAnnotate body)
 deAnnotate (_, AnnLet bind body)
   = Let (deAnnBind bind) (deAnnotate body)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs
index 71383a55ed7ec7dd91792092214a94a9ee154473..381c500629401be53026165ad2572ad541c45ab2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs
@@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ liftCoreExpr (SCC label expr)
   = liftCoreExpr expr		`thenL` \ expr ->
     returnL (SCC label expr)
+liftCoreExpr (Coerce coerce ty expr)
+  = liftCoreExpr expr		`thenL` \ expr ->
+    returnL (Coerce coerce ty expr) -- ToDo:right?:Coerce
 liftCoreExpr (Let (NonRec binder rhs) body) -- special case: no lifting
   = liftCoreExpr rhs	`thenL` \ rhs ->
     liftCoreExpr body	`thenL` \ body ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
index 0e836879e3f0ed66ca5ded95673e4fea1673183f..e2c826997eb80f1282348993cb649d050f617743 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Ubiq
 import CoreSyn
 import Bag
-import Kind		( isSubKindOf, Kind{-instance-} )
+import Kind		( Kind{-instance-} )
 import Literal		( literalType, Literal{-instance-} )
 import Id		( idType, isBottomingId,
 			  dataConArgTys, GenId{-instances-}
@@ -184,6 +184,9 @@ lintCoreExpr :: CoreExpr -> LintM (Maybe Type)	-- Nothing if error found
 lintCoreExpr (Var var) = checkInScope var `seqL` returnL (Just (idType var))
 lintCoreExpr (Lit lit) = returnL (Just (literalType lit))
 lintCoreExpr (SCC _ expr) = lintCoreExpr expr
+lintCoreExpr (Coerce _ ty expr)
+  = _trace "lintCoreExpr:Coerce" $
+    lintCoreExpr expr `seqL` returnL (Just ty)
 lintCoreExpr (Let binds body)
   = lintCoreBinding binds `thenL` \binders ->
@@ -222,10 +225,7 @@ lintCoreExpr (Lam (TyBinder tyvar) expr)
 lintCoreExpr e@(Case scrut alts)
  = lintCoreExpr scrut `thenMaybeL` \ty ->
-   -- Check that it is a data type
-   case maybeAppDataTyCon ty of
-     Nothing -> addErrL (mkCaseDataConMsg e) `seqL` returnL Nothing
-     Just(tycon, _, _) -> lintCoreAlts alts ty tycon
+   lintCoreAlts alts ty
@@ -281,8 +281,10 @@ lintCoreArg checkTyApp e ty a@(TyArg arg_ty)
 	    tyvar_kind = tyVarKind tyvar
 	    argty_kind = typeKind arg_ty
-	if (tyvar_kind `isSubKindOf` argty_kind
-	 || argty_kind `isSubKindOf` tyvar_kind) then
+	if tyvar_kind == argty_kind
+-- SUSPICIOUS!	(tyvar_kind `isSubKindOf` argty_kind
+--		 || argty_kind `isSubKindOf` tyvar_kind)
+	 then
 	    returnL(Just(instantiateTy [(tyvar,arg_ty)] body))
 	    pprTrace "lintCoreArg:kinds:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug tyvar_kind, ppr PprDebug argty_kind]) $
@@ -306,20 +308,20 @@ lintCoreArg _ e ty (UsageArg u)
 lintCoreAlts :: CoreCaseAlts
 	     -> Type  			-- Type of scrutinee
-	     -> TyCon			-- TyCon pinned on the case
+--	     -> TyCon			-- TyCon pinned on the case
 	     -> LintM (Maybe Type)	-- Type of alternatives
-lintCoreAlts whole_alts@(AlgAlts alts deflt) ty tycon
+lintCoreAlts whole_alts@(AlgAlts alts deflt) ty --tycon
   = -- Check tycon is not a primitive tycon
-    addErrIfL (isPrimTyCon tycon) (mkCasePrimMsg tycon)
-    `seqL`
+--    addErrIfL (isPrimTyCon tycon) (mkCasePrimMsg tycon)
+--    `seqL`
     -- Check we are scrutinising a proper datatype
     -- (ToDo: robustify)
-    addErrIfL (not (tyConFamilySize tycon >= 1)) (mkCaseAbstractMsg tycon)
-    `seqL`
+--    addErrIfL (not (tyConFamilySize tycon >= 1)) (mkCaseAbstractMsg tycon)
+--    `seqL`
     lintDeflt deflt ty
     `thenL` \maybe_deflt_ty ->
-    mapL (lintAlgAlt ty tycon) alts
+    mapL (lintAlgAlt ty {-tycon-}) alts
     `thenL` \maybe_alt_tys ->
     -- Check the result types
     case catMaybes (maybe_deflt_ty : maybe_alt_tys) of
@@ -330,10 +332,10 @@ lintCoreAlts whole_alts@(AlgAlts alts deflt) ty tycon
 	  check ty = checkTys first_ty ty (mkCaseAltMsg whole_alts)
-lintCoreAlts whole_alts@(PrimAlts alts deflt) ty tycon
+lintCoreAlts whole_alts@(PrimAlts alts deflt) ty --tycon
   = -- Check tycon is a primitive tycon
-    addErrIfL (not (isPrimTyCon tycon)) (mkCaseNotPrimMsg tycon)
-    `seqL`
+--    addErrIfL (not (isPrimTyCon tycon)) (mkCaseNotPrimMsg tycon)
+--    `seqL`
     mapL (lintPrimAlt ty) alts
     `thenL` \maybe_alt_tys ->
     lintDeflt deflt ty
@@ -347,7 +349,7 @@ lintCoreAlts whole_alts@(PrimAlts alts deflt) ty tycon
 	  check ty = checkTys first_ty ty (mkCaseAltMsg whole_alts)
-lintAlgAlt scrut_ty tycon{-ToDo: use it!-} (con,args,rhs)
+lintAlgAlt scrut_ty {-tycon-ToDo: use it!-} (con,args,rhs)
   = (case maybeAppDataTyCon scrut_ty of
       Nothing ->
 	 addErrL (mkAlgAltMsg1 scrut_ty)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs
index 4d8284d4d364b75dca92b130b7bbe14376e4f724..c816aa1881ee59078af6559832ea70fc5c7d1e04 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module CoreSyn (
 	GenCoreBinding(..), GenCoreExpr(..),
 	GenCoreArg(..), GenCoreBinder(..), GenCoreCaseAlts(..),
+	Coercion(..),
 	bindersOf, pairsFromCoreBinds, rhssOfBind,
@@ -182,6 +183,21 @@ transformations of which we are unaware.
 		(GenCoreExpr val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar)    -- scc expression
+Coercions arise from uses of the constructor of a @newtype@
+declaration, either in construction (resulting in a @CoreceIn@) or
+pattern matching (resulting in a @CoerceOut@).
+    | Coerce	Coercion
+		(GenType tyvar uvar)		-- Type of the whole expression
+		(GenCoreExpr val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar)
+data Coercion	= CoerceIn Id		-- Apply this constructor
+		| CoerceOut Id		-- Strip this constructor
 %*									*
@@ -484,32 +500,21 @@ collectArgs :: GenCoreExpr val_bdr val_occ tyvar uvar
 	        [GenCoreArg val_occ tyvar uvar]{-ValArgs-})
 collectArgs expr
-  = usages expr []
+  = valvars expr []
-    usages (App fun (UsageArg u)) uacc = usages fun (u:uacc)
-    usages fun uacc
-      = case (tyvars fun []) of { (expr, tacc, vacc) ->
+    valvars (App fun v) vacc | isValArg v = valvars fun (v:vacc)
+    valvars fun vacc
+      = case (tyvars fun []) of { (expr, uacc, tacc) ->
 	(expr, uacc, tacc, vacc) }
     tyvars (App fun (TyArg t))    tacc = tyvars fun (t:tacc)
     tyvars fun tacc
-      = ASSERT(not (usage_app fun))
-	case (valvars fun []) of { (expr, vacc) ->
-	(expr, tacc, vacc) }
-    valvars (App fun v) vacc | isValArg v = valvars fun (v:vacc)
-    valvars fun vacc
-      = --ASSERT(not (usage_app fun))
-	--ASSERT(not (ty_app    fun))
-	(if (usage_app fun || ty_app fun) then trace "CoreSyn:valvars" {-(ppr PprDebug fun)-} else id) $
-	(fun, vacc)
-    ---------------------------------------
-    usage_app (App _ (UsageArg _)) = True
-    usage_app _			   = False
+      = case (usages fun []) of { (expr, uacc) ->
+	(expr, uacc, tacc) }
-    ty_app    (App _ (TyArg _))    = True
-    ty_app    _			   = False
+    usages (App fun (UsageArg u)) uacc = usages fun (u:uacc)
+    usages fun uacc
+      = (fun,uacc)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
index 146b1f31c47545eb5a2d78e67300557f0eca8f3b..39893059856b1fba1a22d2f1a847b948ffe22cf1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUnfold.lhs
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ data UnfoldingDetails
   | ConForm
 	Id			-- The constructor
-	[CoreArg]		-- Value arguments; NB OutArgs, already cloned
+	[CoreArg]		-- Type/value arguments; NB OutArgs, already cloned
   | OtherConForm
 	[Id]			-- It definitely isn't one of these constructors
@@ -289,6 +289,8 @@ sizeExpr scc_s_OK bOMB_OUT_SIZE args expr
     size_up (SCC lbl body)
       = if scc_s_OK then size_up body else Nothing
+    size_up (Coerce _ _ body) = size_up body
     size_up (Con con args) = -- 1 + # of val args
 			     sizeN (1 + numValArgs args)
     size_up (Prim op args) = sizeN op_cost -- NB: no charge for PrimOp args
@@ -582,6 +584,8 @@ ment_expr (SCC cc expr)
     `thenUf_` ment_expr expr
+ment_expr (Coerce _ _ _) = panic "ment_expr:Coerce"
 ment_ty ty
   = let
@@ -739,6 +743,8 @@ ppr_uf_Expr in_scopes (SCC cc body)
   = ASSERT(not (noCostCentreAttached cc))
     ASSERT(not (currentOrSubsumedCosts cc))
     ppBesides [ppStr "_scc_ { ", ppStr (showCostCentre ppr_Unfolding False{-not as string-} cc), ppStr " } ",  ppr_uf_Expr in_scopes body]
+ppr_uf_Expr in_scopes (Coerce _ _ _) = panic "ppr_uf_Expr:Coerce"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
index d3afc57ce04d04a2a02a8d85738a47a67c51920f..3721baaaf9d468d0d77932c5a5ed0e4e499d5ed3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.lhs
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ module CoreUtils (
 	, maybeErrorApp
 	, nonErrorRHSs
 	, squashableDictishCcExpr
-{-	exprSmallEnoughToDup,
+	, exprSmallEnoughToDup
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ import Pretty		( ppAboves )
 import PrelInfo		( trueDataCon, falseDataCon,
 			  augmentId, buildId
-import PrimOp		( primOpType, PrimOp(..) )
+import PrimOp		( primOpType, fragilePrimOp, PrimOp(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import TyVar		( isNullTyVarEnv, TyVarEnv(..) )
 import Type		( mkFunTys, mkForAllTy, mkForAllUsageTy, mkTyVarTy,
@@ -80,6 +81,8 @@ coreExprType (Let _ body)	= coreExprType body
 coreExprType (SCC _ expr)	= coreExprType expr
 coreExprType (Case _ alts)	= coreAltsType alts
+coreExprType (Coerce _ ty _)	= ty -- that's the whole point!
 -- a Con is a fully-saturated application of a data constructor
 -- a Prim is <ditto> of a PrimOp
@@ -129,8 +132,12 @@ default_ty (BindDefault _ rhs) = coreExprType rhs
-applyTypeToArgs op_ty args
-  = foldl applyTy op_ty [ ty | TyArg ty <- args ]
+applyTypeToArgs op_ty args	    = foldl applyTypeToArg op_ty args
+applyTypeToArg op_ty (TyArg ty)     = applyTy op_ty ty
+applyTypeToArg op_ty (UsageArg _)   = panic "applyTypeToArg: UsageArg"
+applyTypeToArg op_ty val_or_lit_arg = case (getFunTy_maybe op_ty) of
+					Just (_, res_ty) -> res_ty
@@ -205,13 +212,18 @@ argToExpr (LitArg lit) = Lit lit
-{- LATER:
-exprSmallEnoughToDup :: GenCoreExpr binder Id -> Bool
-exprSmallEnoughToDup (Con _ _ _)   = True	-- Could check # of args
-exprSmallEnoughToDup (Prim op _ _) = not (fragilePrimOp op)	-- Could check # of args
-exprSmallEnoughToDup (Lit lit) = not (isNoRepLit lit)
+exprSmallEnoughToDup (Con _ _)   = True	-- Could check # of args
+exprSmallEnoughToDup (Prim op _) = not (fragilePrimOp op) -- Could check # of args
+exprSmallEnoughToDup (Lit lit)   = not (isNoRepLit lit)
+exprSmallEnoughToDup expr
+  = case (collectArgs expr) of { (fun, _, _, vargs) ->
+    case fun of
+      Var v | length vargs == 0 -> True
+      _				-> False
+    }
+{- LATER:
 exprSmallEnoughToDup expr  -- for now, just: <var> applied to <args>
   = case (collectArgs expr) of { (fun, _, _, vargs) ->
     case fun of
@@ -233,12 +245,13 @@ left something out... [WDP]
 manifestlyWHNF :: GenCoreExpr bndr Id tyvar uvar -> Bool
-manifestlyWHNF (Var _)	  = True
-manifestlyWHNF (Lit _)	  = True
-manifestlyWHNF (Con _ _)  = True
-manifestlyWHNF (SCC _ e)  = manifestlyWHNF e
-manifestlyWHNF (Let _ e)  = False
-manifestlyWHNF (Case _ _) = False
+manifestlyWHNF (Var _)	      = True
+manifestlyWHNF (Lit _)	      = True
+manifestlyWHNF (Con _ _)      = True
+manifestlyWHNF (SCC _ e)      = manifestlyWHNF e
+manifestlyWHNF (Coerce _ _ e) = _trace "manifestlyWHNF:Coerce" $ manifestlyWHNF e
+manifestlyWHNF (Let _ e)      = False
+manifestlyWHNF (Case _ _)     = False
 manifestlyWHNF (Lam x e)  = if isValBinder x then True else manifestlyWHNF e
@@ -268,12 +281,13 @@ some point.  It isn't a disaster if it errs on the conservative side
 manifestlyBottom :: GenCoreExpr bndr Id tyvar uvar -> Bool
-manifestlyBottom (Var v)     = isBottomingId v
-manifestlyBottom (Lit _)     = False
-manifestlyBottom (Con  _ _)  = False
-manifestlyBottom (Prim _ _)  = False
-manifestlyBottom (SCC _ e)   = manifestlyBottom e
-manifestlyBottom (Let _ e)   = manifestlyBottom e
+manifestlyBottom (Var v)     	= isBottomingId v
+manifestlyBottom (Lit _)     	= False
+manifestlyBottom (Con  _ _)  	= False
+manifestlyBottom (Prim _ _)  	= False
+manifestlyBottom (SCC _ e)   	= manifestlyBottom e
+manifestlyBottom (Coerce _ _ e) = _trace "manifestlyBottom:Coerce" $ manifestlyBottom e
+manifestlyBottom (Let _ e)	= manifestlyBottom e
   -- We do not assume \x.bottom == bottom:
 manifestlyBottom (Lam x e) = if isValBinder x then False else manifestlyBottom e
@@ -413,6 +427,7 @@ bop_expr f (Prim op args)    = Prim op args
 bop_expr f (Lam binder expr) = Lam  (bop_binder f binder) (bop_expr f expr)
 bop_expr f (App expr arg)    = App  (bop_expr f expr) arg
 bop_expr f (SCC label expr)  = SCC  label (bop_expr f expr)
+bop_expr f (Coerce c ty e)   = Coerce c ty (bop_expr f e)
 bop_expr f (Let bind expr)   = Let  (bop_bind f bind) (bop_expr f expr)
 bop_expr f (Case expr alts)  = Case (bop_expr f expr) (bop_alts f alts)
@@ -768,4 +783,8 @@ do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Let core_bind expr)
 do_CoreExpr venv tenv (SCC label expr)
   = do_CoreExpr venv tenv expr	    	`thenUs` \ new_expr ->
     returnUs (SCC label new_expr)
+do_CoreExpr venv tenv (Coerce c ty expr)
+  = do_CoreExpr venv tenv expr	    	`thenUs` \ new_expr ->
+    returnUs (Coerce c (applyTypeEnvToTy tenv ty) new_expr)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs
index 8703b34dfa0c867405e0cedaa36fa2a132983710..e6987a826f0f8108a6d218f1d642b50311177c73 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/FreeVars.lhs
@@ -295,6 +295,15 @@ fvExpr id_cands tyvar_cands (SCC label expr)
   = (fvinfo, AnnSCC label expr2)
     expr2@(fvinfo,_) = fvExpr id_cands tyvar_cands expr
+fvExpr id_cands tyvar_cands (Coerce c ty expr)
+  = (FVInfo (freeVarsOf   expr2)
+	    (freeTyVarsOf expr2 `combine` tfvs)
+	    (leakinessOf  expr2),
+     AnnCoerce c ty expr2)
+  where
+    expr2 = fvExpr id_cands tyvar_cands expr
+    tfvs  = freeTy tyvar_cands ty
@@ -477,6 +486,11 @@ addExprFVs fv_cand in_scope (SCC label expr)
   = (SCC label expr2, expr_fvs)
     (expr2, expr_fvs) = addExprFVs fv_cand in_scope expr
+addExprFVs fv_cand in_scope (Coerce c ty expr)
+  = (Coerce c ty expr2, expr_fvs)
+  where
+    (expr2, expr_fvs) = addExprFVs fv_cand in_scope expr
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs
index 2aff67f223293ed973012b21c8b97160b4da877a..ed00cac6202037d8bda50466cbfc896ab043ef51 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/PprCore.lhs
@@ -296,6 +296,13 @@ ppr_expr pe (Let bind expr)
 ppr_expr pe (SCC cc expr)
   = ppSep [ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("_scc_"), pSCC pe cc],
 	   ppr_parend_expr pe expr ]
+ppr_expr pe (Coerce c ty expr)
+  = ppSep [ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("_coerce_"), pp_coerce c],
+	   pTy pe ty, ppr_parend_expr pe expr ]
+  where
+    pp_coerce (CoerceIn  v) = ppBeside (ppStr "{-in-}")  (ppr (pStyle pe) v)
+    pp_coerce (CoerceOut v) = ppBeside (ppStr "{-out-}") (ppr (pStyle pe) v)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
index a9c4ffcfdd9d804a3951831f7b9883103b04281b..db63f509582b650678c865e08e99029e162dd527 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsExpr.lhs
@@ -45,8 +45,11 @@ import PrelInfo		( mkTupleTy, unitTy, nilDataCon, consDataCon,
 import Pretty		( ppShow, ppBesides, ppPStr, ppStr )
-import Type		( splitSigmaTy, splitFunTy, typePrimRep, getAppDataTyCon )
-import TyVar		( GenTyVar, nullTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv )
+import TyCon		( isDataTyCon, isNewTyCon )
+import Type		( splitSigmaTy, splitFunTy, typePrimRep,
+			  getAppDataTyCon, getAppTyCon, applyTy
+			)
+import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv, GenTyVar{-instance Eq-} )
 import Usage		( UVar(..) )
 import Util		( zipEqual, pprError, panic, assertPanic )
@@ -308,10 +311,23 @@ dsExpr (ExplicitTuple expr_list)
 	    (map coreExprType core_exprs)
+-- Two cases, one for ordinary constructors and one for newtype constructors
 dsExpr (HsCon con tys args)
+  | isDataTyCon tycon			-- The usual datatype case
   = mapDs dsExpr args	`thenDs` \ args_exprs ->
     mkConDs con tys args_exprs
+  | otherwise				-- The newtype case
+  = ASSERT( isNewTyCon tycon )
+    ASSERT( null rest_args )
+    dsExpr first_arg		`thenDs` \ arg_expr ->
+    returnDs (Coerce (CoerceIn con) result_ty arg_expr)
+  where
+    (first_arg:rest_args) = args
+    (args_tys, result_ty) = splitFunTy (foldl applyTy (idType con) tys)
+    (tycon,_) 	          = getAppTyCon result_ty
 dsExpr (ArithSeqOut expr (From from))
   = dsExpr expr		  `thenDs` \ expr2 ->
     dsExpr from		  `thenDs` \ from2 ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsHsSyn.lhs
index 3d1205982d6857de3a878c676ee8a5592e9ce707..8fae20c9e89e47f3ea169d6919ad08d66d6ca575 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsHsSyn.lhs
@@ -36,10 +36,12 @@ outPatType (TuplePat pats)	= mkTupleTy (length pats) (map outPatType pats)
 outPatType (RecPat _ ty _)      = ty
 outPatType (LitPat lit ty)	= ty
 outPatType (NPat lit ty _)	= ty
-outPatType (DictPat ds ms)      = case (length ds + length ms) of
+outPatType (DictPat ds ms)      = case (length ds_ms) of
 				    0 -> unitTy
-				    1 -> idType (head (ds ++ ms))
-				    n -> mkTupleTy n (map idType (ds ++ ms))
+				    1 -> idType (head ds_ms)
+				    n -> mkTupleTy n (map idType ds_ms)
+				   where
+				    ds_ms = ds ++ ms
@@ -71,6 +73,7 @@ collectTypedPatBinders (ConPat _ _ pats)    = concat (map collectTypedPatBinders
 collectTypedPatBinders (ConOpPat p1 _ p2 _) = collectTypedPatBinders p1 ++ collectTypedPatBinders p2
 collectTypedPatBinders (ListPat t pats)     = concat (map collectTypedPatBinders pats)
 collectTypedPatBinders (TuplePat pats)	    = concat (map collectTypedPatBinders pats)
+collectTypedPatBinders (RecPat _ _ fields)  = concat (map (\ (f,pat,_) -> collectTypedPatBinders pat) fields)
 collectTypedPatBinders (DictPat ds ms)	    = ds ++ ms
 collectTypedPatBinders any_other_pat	    = [ {-no binders-} ]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
index eeb8f26fc4ce9a45cbaa2a55828357217efbf71e..c4a46e2e3d2ce8132d2bff901efe50c1ef72e1ad 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsUtils.lhs
@@ -46,9 +46,10 @@ import Id		( idType, dataConArgTys, mkTupleCon,
 			  DataCon(..), DictVar(..), Id(..), GenId )
 import Literal		( Literal(..) )
-import TyCon		( mkTupleTyCon )
+import TyCon		( mkTupleTyCon, isNewTyCon, tyConDataCons )
 import Type		( mkTyVarTys, mkRhoTy, mkForAllTys, mkFunTys,
-			  isUnboxedType, applyTyCon, getAppDataTyCon
+			  isUnboxedType, applyTyCon,
+			  getAppDataTyCon, getAppTyCon
 import UniqSet		( mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet, uniqSetToList, UniqSet(..) )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
@@ -138,6 +139,11 @@ mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult :: Id				-- Scrutinee
 		    -> DsM MatchResult
 mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult var alts
+  | isNewTyCon tycon		-- newtype case; use a let
+  = ASSERT( newtype_sanity )
+    returnDs (mkCoLetsMatchResult [coercion_bind] match_result)
+  | otherwise			-- datatype case  
   =	    -- Find all the constructors in the type which aren't
 	    -- explicitly mentioned in the alternatives:
     case un_mentioned_constructors of
@@ -171,8 +177,21 @@ mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult var alts
 				      (mk_case alts (\fail_expr -> BindDefault wild fail_expr))
+	-- Common stuff
     scrut_ty = idType var
-    (tycon, tycon_arg_tys, data_cons) = pprTrace "CoAlgCase:" (pprType PprDebug scrut_ty) $ getAppDataTyCon scrut_ty
+    (tycon, tycon_arg_tys) = --pprTrace "CoAlgCase:" (pprType PprDebug scrut_ty) $ 
+			     getAppTyCon scrut_ty
+	-- Stuff for newtype
+    (con_id, arg_ids, match_result) = head alts
+    arg_id 	   		    = head arg_ids
+    coercion_bind		    = NonRec arg_id (Coerce (CoerceOut con_id) 
+							    (idType arg_id)
+							    (Var var))
+    newtype_sanity		    = null (tail alts) && null (tail arg_ids)
+	-- Stuff for data types
+    data_cons = tyConDataCons tycon
       = uniqSetToList (mkUniqSet data_cons `minusUniqSet` mkUniqSet [ con | (con, _, _) <- alts] )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs
index fd4bb5dfcef84b1d76f589a3da5435202610b554..5f1b90d4a215d95e9ee498535f33cc717628bce8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deSugar/Match.lhs
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ tidy1 v (RecPat con_id pat_ty rpats) match_result
     pats 	     = map mk_pat tagged_arg_tys
 	-- Boring stuff to find the arg-tys of the constructor
-    (_, inst_tys, _) = _trace "getAppDataTyCon.Match" $ getAppDataTyCon pat_ty
+    (_, inst_tys, _) = {-_trace "getAppDataTyCon.Match" $-} getAppDataTyCon pat_ty
     con_arg_tys'     = dataConArgTys con_id inst_tys 
     tagged_arg_tys   = con_arg_tys' `zip` allFieldLabelTags
@@ -513,21 +513,24 @@ matchUnmixedEqns :: [Id]
 matchUnmixedEqns [] _ _ = panic "matchUnmixedEqns: no names"
 matchUnmixedEqns all_vars@(var:vars) eqns_info shadows
-  | unfailablePats column_1_pats	-- Could check just one; we know they've been tidied, unmixed;
-					-- this way is (arguably) a sanity-check
-  =	-- Real true variables, just like in matchVar, SLPJ p 94
+  | unfailablePat first_pat
+  = ASSERT( unfailablePats column_1_pats )	-- Sanity check
+  	-- Real true variables, just like in matchVar, SLPJ p 94
     match vars remaining_eqns_info remaining_shadows
-  | patsAreAllCons column_1_pats	-- ToDo: maybe check just one...
-  = matchConFamily all_vars eqns_info shadows
+  | isConPat first_pat
+  = ASSERT( patsAreAllCons column_1_pats )
+    matchConFamily all_vars eqns_info shadows
-  | patsAreAllLits column_1_pats	-- ToDo: maybe check just one...
-  =	-- see notes in MatchLiteral
+  | isLitPat first_pat
+  = ASSERT( patsAreAllLits column_1_pats )
+  	-- see notes in MatchLiteral
 	-- not worried about the same literal more than once in a column
 	-- (ToDo: sort this out later)
     matchLiterals all_vars eqns_info shadows
+    first_pat		= head column_1_pats
     column_1_pats 	= [pat                       | EqnInfo (pat:_)  _            <- eqns_info]
     remaining_eqns_info = [EqnInfo pats match_result | EqnInfo (_:pats) match_result <- eqns_info]
     remaining_shadows   = [EqnInfo pats match_result | EqnInfo (pat:pats) match_result <- shadows,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Core2Def.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Core2Def.lhs
index b6bfea937ad66db90498a2d1ddb171a58e19675a..2739c6e6e972e2340ea9b5cd84f729db83ee2dac 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Core2Def.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Core2Def.lhs
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ ToDo:
 >               where recBind2def ((v,_),e) = (v, c2d p e)
 >       SCC l e       -> SCC l (c2d p e)
+>	Coerce _ _ _ -> panic "Core2Def:Coerce"
 > coreCaseAlts2def
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Def2Core.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Def2Core.lhs
index 6660f31c7ad49ed265a2615ebeb9cb9f228bebaf..d8267e4032b510d0267b8de7145e27cf3b2c0339 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/Def2Core.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/Def2Core.lhs
@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@
 >       SCC l e ->
 >		d2c e			`thenUs` \e' ->
 >		returnUs (SCC l e')
+>	Coerce _ _ _ ->
+>		panic "Def2Core:Coerce"
 > defCaseAlts2Core :: DefCaseAlternatives
 > 	-> UniqSM CoreCaseAlts
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs
index 5cfd349b640b445c8c5031963dbc9710c4c7e941..22993716404709b5054b66ccd4d4167bd130bd62 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefExpr.lhs
@@ -127,6 +127,9 @@ This is extended by one rule only: reduction of a type application.
 >	mapArgs (\e -> tran sw p t e []) as	`thenUs` \as ->
 >	returnUs (mkGenApp (SCC l e) as)
+> tran sw p t (Coerce c ty e) as =
+>	panic "DefExpr:tran:Coerce"
 > tran sw p t (Case e ps) as =
 > 	tranCase sw p t e [] ps as
@@ -246,6 +249,8 @@ Transformation for case expressions of the form (case e1..en of {..})
 >		returnUs (Case (mkGenApp (SCC l e) bs)
 >				  ps)
+>	Coerce _ _ _ -> panic "DefExpr:tranCase:Coerce"
 >	Case e ps' ->
 >		tranCase sw p t e []
 >		     (mapAlts (\e -> mkGenApp (Case e ps) bs) ps') as
@@ -502,6 +507,7 @@ Type Substitutions.
 >		Let (Rec (map substTyRecBind bs)) (substTy e)
 >		where substTyRecBind (v,e) = (applyTypeEnvToId p v, substTy e)
 >       SCC l e            -> SCC l (substTy e)
+>	Coerce _ _ _	   -> panic "DefExpr:applyTypeEnvToExpr:Coerce"
 >     substTyAtom :: DefAtom -> DefAtom
 >     substTyAtom (VarArg v) = VarArg (substTyArg v)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefUtils.lhs
index 2170ecacebfad808fa0b9ebc9fcffa61cf3dda96..2a8edc9b501c741f7e304eb256ccb8b595ebbf2d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/DefUtils.lhs
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ its left hand side.  The result is a term with no labels.
 >       Let (Rec bs) e   ->
 >		Let (Rec [ (v, strip e) | (v,e) <- bs ]) (strip e)
 >       SCC l e            -> SCC l (strip e)
+>	Coerce _ _ _	   -> panic "DefUtils:strip:Coerce"
 > stripAtom :: DefAtom -> DefAtom
 > stripAtom (VarArg v) = VarArg (stripArg v)
@@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ but l is guranteed to be finite so we choose that one.
 >       	Let (Rec bs) e   -> free' vs (foldr free (free e fvs) es)
 >			where (vs,es) = unzip bs
 >       	SCC l e            -> free e fvs
+>		Coerce _ _ _	   -> panic "DefUtils.freeVars:Coerce"
 >	free' :: [Id] -> [Id] -> [Id]
 > 	free' vs fvs = filter (\x -> notElem x vs) fvs
@@ -157,6 +159,7 @@ but l is guranteed to be finite so we choose that one.
 >       	Let (NonRec v e) e' -> free e (freeId v (free e' tvs))
 >       	Let (Rec bs) e      -> foldr freeBind (free e tvs) bs
 >       	SCC l e               -> free e tvs
+>		Coerce _ _ _	      -> panic "DefUtils.freeTyVars:Coerce"
 >	freeId id tvs = tyVarsOfType (idType id) `union` tvs
 >	freeTy t  tvs = tyVarsOfType t `union` tvs
@@ -282,6 +285,7 @@ with new uniques.  Free variables are left unchanged.
 > 		uniqueExpr p t e		`thenUs` \e ->
 > 		returnUs (SCC l e)
+>	Coerce _ _ _ -> panic "DefUtils.uniqueExpr:Coerce"
 > uniqueAtom :: IdEnv Id -> TypeEnv -> DefAtom -> UniqSM DefAtom
 > uniqueAtom p t (LitArg l) = returnUs (LitArg l) -- XXX
@@ -571,6 +575,8 @@ Substitutions.
 >					returnUs (v,e)
 >       SCC l e            -> sub e			`thenUs` \e ->
 >				returnUs (SCC l e)
+>	Coerce _ _ _ -> panic "DefUtils.subst:Coerce"
 >     substAtom (VarArg v) =
 >     		substArg v `thenUs` \v ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/deforest/TreelessForm.lhs b/ghc/compiler/deforest/TreelessForm.lhs
index 2526a5795c688f3416ea826af79b6049c5947143..279130ae906d2ec04ef5054042dec681088ffe19 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/deforest/TreelessForm.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/deforest/TreelessForm.lhs
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ ToDo: make this better.
 >       SCC l e ->
 >		convExpr e			`thenUs` \e ->
 >		returnUs (SCC l e)
+>	Coerce _ _ _ -> panic "TreelessForm:convExpr:Coerce"
 Mark all the recursive functions as deforestable.  Might as well,
 since they will be in treeless form anyway.  This helps to cope with
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
index bc64534af4933ff1c196076cb69e0cf9c511aae1..5ad5ee52695e184fd27cdb200d518c7529f594fc 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import HsTypes		( PolyType )
 -- others:
 import Id		( DictVar(..), GenId, Id(..) )
-import Name		( isSymLexeme, pprSym )
+import Name		( pprNonSym, pprSym )
 import Outputable	( interppSP, interpp'SP, ifnotPprForUser )
 import PprType		( pprGenType, pprParendGenType, GenType{-instance-} )
 import Pretty
@@ -197,8 +197,7 @@ instance (NamedThing id, Outputable id, Outputable pat,
-pprExpr sty (HsVar v)
-  = (if (isSymLexeme v) then ppParens else id) (ppr sty v)
+pprExpr sty (HsVar v) = pprNonSym sty v
 pprExpr sty (HsLit    lit)   = ppr sty lit
 pprExpr sty (HsLitOut lit _) = ppr sty lit
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs
index d7efe59e66e30f7cb6ecda12c9b7c57d8394fde6..c5d2d29824dec7a76d7cf7fd944026ad45f78485 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ data InPat name
 		    [(name, InPat name, Bool)]	-- True <=> source used punning
 data OutPat tyvar uvar id
-  = WildPat	    (GenType tyvar uvar)	 	    	-- wild card
+  = WildPat	    (GenType tyvar uvar)	-- wild card
   | VarPat	    id				-- variable (type is in the Id)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ data OutPat tyvar uvar id
   | ConPat	    Id				-- Constructor is always an Id
 		    (GenType tyvar uvar)    	-- the type of the pattern
-		    [(OutPat tyvar uvar id)]
+		    [OutPat tyvar uvar id]
   | ConOpPat	    (OutPat tyvar uvar id)	-- just a special case...
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ data OutPat tyvar uvar id
 		    (GenType tyvar uvar)
   | ListPat		 	    		-- syntactic list
 		    (GenType tyvar uvar)	-- the type of the elements
-   	    	    [(OutPat tyvar uvar id)]
+   	    	    [OutPat tyvar uvar id]
-  | TuplePat	    [(OutPat tyvar uvar id)]	-- tuple
+  | TuplePat	    [OutPat tyvar uvar id]	-- tuple
 						-- UnitPat is TuplePat []
   | RecPat	    Id 				-- record constructor
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ pprInPat sty (ParPatIn pat)
 pprInPat sty (ListPatIn pats)
   = ppBesides [ppLbrack, interpp'SP sty pats, ppRbrack]
 pprInPat sty (TuplePatIn pats)
-  = ppBesides [ppLparen, interpp'SP sty pats, ppRparen]
+  = ppParens (interpp'SP sty pats)
 pprInPat sty (RecPatIn con rpats)
   = ppBesides [ppr sty con, ppSP, ppChar '{', ppInterleave ppComma (map (pp_rpat sty) rpats), ppChar '}']
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ pprOutPat sty (ConOpPat pat1 op pat2 ty)
 pprOutPat sty (ListPat ty pats)
   = ppBesides [ppLbrack, interpp'SP sty pats, ppRbrack]
 pprOutPat sty (TuplePat pats)
-  = ppBesides [ppLparen, interpp'SP sty pats, ppRparen]
+  = ppParens (interpp'SP sty pats)
 pprOutPat sty (RecPat con ty rpats)
   = ppBesides [ppr sty con, ppChar '{', ppInterleave ppComma (map (pp_rpat sty) rpats), ppChar '}']
@@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ isConPat (ConPat _ _ _)		= True
 isConPat (ConOpPat _ _ _ _)	= True
 isConPat (ListPat _ _)		= True
 isConPat (TuplePat _)		= True
+isConPat (RecPat _ _ _)		= True
 isConPat (DictPat ds ms)	= (length ds + length ms) > 1
 isConPat other			= False
@@ -275,8 +276,9 @@ irrefutablePat (WildPat _) 		  = True
 irrefutablePat (VarPat _)  		  = True
 irrefutablePat (LazyPat	_) 		  = True
 irrefutablePat (AsPat _ pat)		  = irrefutablePat pat
-irrefutablePat (ConPat con tys pats)	  = all irrefutablePat pats && only_con con
-irrefutablePat (ConOpPat pat1 con pat2 _) = irrefutablePat pat1 && irrefutablePat pat1 && only_con con
+irrefutablePat (ConPat con tys pats)	  = only_con con && all irrefutablePat pats
+irrefutablePat (ConOpPat pat1 con pat2 _) = only_con con && irrefutablePat pat1 && irrefutablePat pat1
+irrefutablePat (RecPat con _ fields)	  = only_con con && and [ irrefutablePat pat | (_,pat,_) <- fields ]
 irrefutablePat (ListPat _ _)		  = False
 irrefutablePat (TuplePat pats)		  = all irrefutablePat pats
 irrefutablePat (DictPat _ _)		  = True
@@ -295,6 +297,7 @@ collectPatBinders :: InPat a -> [a]
 collectPatBinders WildPatIn	      = []
 collectPatBinders (VarPatIn var)      = [var]
+collectPatBinders (LitPatIn _)	      = []
 collectPatBinders (LazyPatIn pat)     = collectPatBinders pat
 collectPatBinders (AsPatIn a pat)     = a : collectPatBinders pat
 collectPatBinders (ConPatIn c pats)   = concat (map collectPatBinders pats)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
index ef89a619c4ed529d737ac55a94dcd6916add2cfb..235fb4ada8a2c0cf6c7da582fa11163ba89790d1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
     -- UniqueSupplies for later use (these are the only lower case uniques)
     mkSplitUniqSupply 'r'	>>= \ rn_uniqs ->	-- renamer
-    mkSplitUniqSupply 't'	>>= \ tc_uniqs ->	-- typechecker
+    mkSplitUniqSupply 'a'	>>= \ tc_uniqs ->	-- typechecker
     mkSplitUniqSupply 'd'	>>= \ ds_uniqs ->	-- desugarer
     mkSplitUniqSupply 's'	>>= \ sm_uniqs ->	-- core-to-core simplifier
     mkSplitUniqSupply 'c'	>>= \ c2s_uniqs ->	-- core-to-stg
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
index 9128954bb618631612a422c2faf5dfcbcff59959..aee025fa1e7bccaa89dd63256e682422b7a53796 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
@@ -6,32 +6,64 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
-module MkIface {-( mkInterface )-} where
+module MkIface (
+	startIface, endIface,
+	ifaceVersions,
+	ifaceExportList,
+	ifaceFixities,
+	ifaceInstanceModules,
+	ifaceDecls,
+	ifaceInstances,
+	ifacePragmas
+    ) where
 import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import Bag		( emptyBag, snocBag, bagToList )
-import Class		( GenClass{-instance NamedThing-} )
+import Class		( GenClass(..){-instance NamedThing-}, GenClassOp(..) )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_ProduceHi )
+import FieldLabel	( FieldLabel{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import HsSyn
-import Id		( GenId{-instance NamedThing/Outputable-} )
-import Name		( nameOrigName, origName,
+import Id		( idType, dataConSig, dataConFieldLabels,
+			  dataConStrictMarks, StrictnessMark(..),
+			  GenId{-instance NamedThing/Outputable-}
+			)
+import Name		( nameOrigName, origName, nameOf,
 			  exportFlagOn, nameExportFlag, ExportFlag(..),
-			  ltLexical, isExported,
-			  RdrName{-instance Outputable-}
+			  ltLexical, isExported, getExportFlag,
+			  isLexSym, isLocallyDefined,
+			  RdrName(..){-instance Outputable-},
+			  Name{-instance NamedThing-}
+import PprEnv		-- not sure how much...
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
-import PprType		( pprType, TyCon{-instance Outputable-}, GenClass{-ditto-} )
+import PprType		-- most of it (??)
 import Pretty		-- quite a bit
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsModule(..), RnName{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import RnIfaces		( VersionInfo(..) )
 import TcModule		( TcIfaceInfo(..) )
 import TcInstUtil	( InstInfo(..) )
-import TyCon		( TyCon{-instance NamedThing-} )
+import TyCon		( TyCon(..){-instance NamedThing-}, NewOrData(..) )
 import Type		( mkSigmaTy, mkDictTy, getAppTyCon )
-import Util		( sortLt, assertPanic )
+import Util		( sortLt, zipWithEqual, zipWith3Equal, assertPanic, panic{-ToDo:rm-}, pprTrace{-ToDo:rm-} )
-ppSemid x = ppBeside (ppr PprInterface x) ppSemi -- micro util
+ppSemid    x = ppBeside (ppr PprInterface x) ppSemi -- micro util
+ppr_ty	  ty = pprType PprInterface ty
+ppr_tyvar tv = ppr PprInterface tv
+ppr_name   n
+  = let
+	on = origName n
+	s  = nameOf  on
+	pp = ppr PprInterface on
+    in
+    (if isLexSym s then ppParens else id) pp
+ppr_unq_name n
+  = let
+	on = origName n
+	s  = nameOf  on
+	pp = ppPStr   s
+    in
+    (if isLexSym s then ppParens else id) pp
 We have a function @startIface@ to open the output file and put
@@ -69,7 +101,10 @@ ifaceInstances
 	    :: Maybe Handle
 	    -> TcIfaceInfo  -- as above
 	    -> IO ()
+	    :: Maybe Handle
+	    -> IO ()
+ifacePragmas = panic "ifacePragmas" -- stub
@@ -157,7 +192,7 @@ ifaceExportList (Just if_hdl)
     pp_pair (n, ef)
-      = ppBeside (ppr PprInterface (nameOrigName n)) (pp_export ef)
+      = ppBeside (ppr_name n) (pp_export ef)
 	pp_export ExportAll = ppPStr SLIT("(..)")
 	pp_export ExportAbs = ppNil
@@ -167,11 +202,18 @@ ifaceExportList (Just if_hdl)
 ifaceFixities Nothing{-no iface handle-} _ = return ()
 ifaceFixities (Just if_hdl) (HsModule _ _ _ _ fixities _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
-  = if null fixities then
+  = let
+	local_fixities = filter from_here fixities
+    in
+    if null local_fixities then
 	return ()
 	hPutStr if_hdl "\n__fixities__\n" >>
-	hPutStr if_hdl (ppShow 100 (ppAboves (map ppSemid fixities)))
+	hPutStr if_hdl (ppShow 100 (ppAboves (map ppSemid local_fixities)))
+  where
+    from_here (InfixL v _) = isLocallyDefined v
+    from_here (InfixR v _) = isLocallyDefined v
+    from_here (InfixN v _) = isLocallyDefined v
@@ -191,9 +233,9 @@ ifaceDecls (Just if_hdl) (vals, tycons, classes, _)
     hPutStr if_hdl "\n__declarations__\n" >>
     hPutStr if_hdl (ppShow 100 (ppAboves [
-	ppAboves (map ppSemid sorted_classes),
-	ppAboves (map ppSemid sorted_tycons),
-	ppAboves (map ppSemid sorted_vals)]))
+	ppAboves (map ppr_class sorted_classes),
+	ppAboves (map ppr_tycon sorted_tycons),
+	ppAboves [ppr_val v (idType v) | v <- sorted_vals]]))
@@ -228,551 +270,142 @@ ifaceInstances (Just if_hdl) (_, _, _, insts)
     pp_inst (InstInfo clas tvs ty theta _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
-      = ppBeside (ppPStr SLIT("instance "))
-	    (pprType PprInterface (mkSigmaTy tvs theta (mkDictTy clas ty)))
-=== ALL OLD BELOW HERE ==============
-%*									*
-\subsection[main-MkIface]{Main routine for making interfaces}
-%*									*
-Misc points:
-We get the general what-to-export information from the ``environments''
-produced by the typechecker (the \tr{[RenamedFixityDecl]} through
-\tr{Bag InstInfo} arguments).
-{\em However:} Whereas (for example) an \tr{InstInfo} will have
-\tr{Ids} in it that identify the constant methods for that instance,
-those particular \tr{Ids} {\em do not have} the best @IdInfos@!!!
-Those @IdInfos@ were figured out long after the \tr{InstInfo} was
-That's why we actually look at the final \tr{StgBindings} that go
-into the code-generator: they have the best @IdInfos@ on them.
-Whenever, we are about to print info about an @Id@, we look in the
-Ids-from-STG-bindings list to see if we have an ``equivalent'' @Id@
-with presumably-better @IdInfo@.
-We play this same game whether for values, classes (for their
-method-selectors and default-methods), or instances (for their
-@DictFunIds@ or constant-methods).
-Of course, for imported things, what we got from the typechecker is
-all we're gonna get.
-We {\em sort} things in the interface into some ``canonical'' order;
-otherwise, with heavily-recursive modules, you can have (unchanged)
-information ``move around'' in the interface file---deeply unfriendly
-to \tr{make}.
-{- OLD: to the end
-mkInterface :: FAST_STRING
-	    -> (FAST_STRING -> Bool,  -- is something in export list, explicitly?
-		FAST_STRING -> Bool)  -- is a module among the "dotdot" exported modules?
-	    -> IdEnv UnfoldingDetails
-	    -> FiniteMap TyCon [(Bool, [Maybe Type])]
-	    -> ([RenamedFixityDecl],  -- interface info from the typecheck
-		[Id],
-		CE,
-		TCE,
-		Bag InstInfo)
-	    -> [StgBinding]
-	    -> Pretty
-mkInterface modname export_list_fns inline_env tycon_specs
-	    (fixity_decls, global_ids, ce, tce, inst_infos)
-	    stg_binds
-  = let
-	-- first, gather up the things we want to export:
-	exported_tycons  = [ tc | tc <- rngTCE tce,
-			   isExported tc,
-			   is_exportable_tycon_or_class export_list_fns tc ]
-	exported_classes = [  c |  c <- rngCE  ce,
-			   isExported  c,
-			   is_exportable_tycon_or_class export_list_fns  c ]
-	exported_inst_infos = [ i | i <- bagToList inst_infos,
-			   is_exported_inst_info export_list_fns i ]
-	exported_vals
-    	  = [ v | v <- global_ids,
-	      isExported v && not (isDataCon v) && not (isClassOpId v) ]
-	-- We also have to worry about TyCons/Classes that are
-	-- *mentioned* in exported things (e.g., values' types or
-	-- instances), so that we can be sure to do an import decl for
-	-- them, for original-naming purposes:
-	(mentioned_tycons, mentioned_classes)
-	  = foldr ( \ (tcs1, cls1) (tcs2, cls2)
-		      -> (tcs1 `unionBags` tcs2, cls1 `unionBags` cls2) )
-		  (emptyBag, emptyBag)
-		  (map getMentionedTyConsAndClassesFromClass exported_classes  ++
-		   map getMentionedTyConsAndClassesFromTyCon exported_tycons   ++
-		   map getMentionedTyConsAndClassesFromId    exported_vals     ++
-		   map getMentionedTyConsAndClassesFromInstInfo exported_inst_infos)
-	mentionable_classes
-	  = filter is_mentionable (bagToList mentioned_classes)
-	mentionable_tycons
-	  = [ tc | tc <- bagToList mentioned_tycons,
-		   is_mentionable tc,
-		   not (isPrimTyCon tc) ]
-	nondup_mentioned_tycons  = fst (removeDups cmp mentionable_tycons)
-	nondup_mentioned_classes = fst (removeDups cmp mentionable_classes)
-	-- Next: as discussed in the notes, we want the top-level
-	-- Ids straight from the final STG code, so we can use
-	-- their IdInfos to print pragmas; we slurp them out here,
-	-- then pass them to the printing functions, which may
-	-- use them.
-	better_ids = collectExportedStgBinders stg_binds
-	-- Make a lookup function for convenient access:
-	better_id_fn i
-	  = if not (isLocallyDefined i)
-	    then i  -- can't be among our "better_ids"
-	    else
-	       let
-		   eq_fn = if isTopLevId i -- can't trust uniqs
-			   then (\ x y -> origName x == origName y)
-			   else eqId
-	       in
-	       case [ x | x <- better_ids, x `eq_fn` i ] of
-		 []  -> pprPanic "better_id_fn:" (ppr PprShowAll i)
-			i
-		 [x] -> x
-		 _   -> panic "better_id_fn"
-	-- Finally, we sort everything lexically, so that we always
-	-- get the same interface from the same information:
-	sorted_mentioned_tycons  = sortLt ltLexical nondup_mentioned_tycons
-	sorted_mentioned_classes = sortLt ltLexical nondup_mentioned_classes
-	sorted_tycons     = sortLt ltLexical exported_tycons
-	sorted_classes    = sortLt ltLexical exported_classes
-	sorted_vals       = sortLt ltLexical exported_vals
-	sorted_inst_infos = sortLt lt_lexical_inst_info exported_inst_infos
-    in
-    if (any_purely_local sorted_tycons sorted_classes sorted_vals) then
-	-- this will be less of a HACK when we teach
-	-- mkInterface to do I/O (WDP 94/10)
-	error "Can't produce interface file because of errors!\n"
-    else
-    ppAboves
-       [ppPStr SLIT("{-# GHC_PRAGMA INTERFACE VERSION 7 #-}"),
-	ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("interface"), ppPStr modname, ppPStr SLIT("where")],
-	do_import_decls modname
-		sorted_vals sorted_mentioned_classes sorted_mentioned_tycons,
-		-- Mustn't give the data constructors to do_import_decls,
-		-- because they aren't explicitly imported; their tycon is.
-	ppAboves (map do_fixity					fixity_decls),
-	ppAboves (map (pprIfaceClass better_id_fn inline_env)	sorted_classes),
-	ppAboves (map (do_tycon      tycon_specs)		sorted_tycons),
-	ppAboves (map (do_value      better_id_fn inline_env)   sorted_vals),
-	ppAboves (map (do_instance   better_id_fn inline_env)   sorted_inst_infos),
-	ppChar '\n'
-       ]
-  where
-    any_purely_local tycons classes vals
-      =  any bad_tc tycons || any bad_cl classes || any bad_id vals
-      where
-	bad_cl cl
-	  = case (maybePurelyLocalClass cl) of
-	      Nothing -> False
-	      Just xs -> naughty_trace cl xs
-	bad_id id
-	  = case (maybePurelyLocalType (idType id)) of
-	      Nothing -> False
-	      Just xs -> naughty_trace id xs
-	bad_tc tc
-	  = case (maybePurelyLocalTyCon tc) of
-	      Nothing -> False
-	      Just xs -> if exported_abs then False else naughty_trace tc xs
-	  where
-	    exported_abs = case (getExportFlag tc) of { ExportAbs -> True; _ -> False }
-	naughty_trace x things
-	  = pprTrace "Can't export -- `"
-		(ppBesides [ppr PprForUser x, ppStr "' mentions purely local things: ",
-			ppInterleave pp'SP things])
-		True
+      = let
+	    forall_ty     = mkSigmaTy tvs theta (mkDictTy clas ty)
+	    renumbered_ty = initNmbr (nmbrType forall_ty)
+	in
+	ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("instance "), ppr_ty renumbered_ty, ppSemi]
 %*									*
-\subsection[imports-MkIface]{Generating `import' declarations in an interface}
+\subsection{Printing tycons, classes, ...}
 %*									*
-We gather up lots of (module, name) pairs for which we might print an
-import declaration.  We sort them, for the usual canonicalisation
-reasons.  NB: We {\em assume} the lists passed in don't have duplicates in
-them!  expect).
-All rather horribly turgid (WDP).
-	-> [Id] -> [Class] -> [TyCon]
-	-> Pretty
-do_import_decls mod_name vals classes tycons
-  = let
-	-- Conjure up (module, name) pairs for all
-	-- the potentially import-decls things:
-	vals_names, classes_names, tycons_names :: [(FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING, [Maybe FAST_STRING])]
-	vals_names	= map get_val_pair   vals
-	classes_names	= map get_class_pair classes
-	tycons_names	= map get_tycon_pair tycons
-	-- sort the (module, name) pairs and chop
-	-- them into per-module groups:
-	ie_list = sortLt lt (tycons_names ++ classes_names ++ vals_names)
-	per_module_groups = runs same_module ie_list
-    in
-    ppAboves (map print_a_decl per_module_groups)
+ppr_class :: Class -> Pretty
+ppr_class c
+  = --pprTrace "ppr_class:" (ppr PprDebug c) $
+    case (initNmbr (nmbrClass c)) of { -- renumber it!
+      Class _ n tyvar super_classes sdsels ops sels defms insts links ->
+	ppAbove (ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("class"), ppr_theta tyvar super_classes,
+		    ppr_name n, ppr_tyvar tyvar,
+		    if null ops then ppSemi else ppStr "where {"])
+	    (if (null ops)
+	     then ppNil
+	     else ppAbove (ppNest 2 (ppAboves (map ppr_op ops)))
+			  (ppStr "};")
+	    )
+    }
-    lt, same_module :: (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING)
-		    -> (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) -> Bool
-    lt (m1, ie1, ie2)
-      = case (_CMP_STRING_ m1 m2) of { LT_ -> True; EQ_ -> ie1 < ie2; GT__ -> False }
-    same_module (m1, _, _) (m2, _, _) = m1 == m2
-    compiling_the_prelude = opt_CompilingPrelude
-    print_a_decl :: [(FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING, [Maybe FAST_STRING])] -> Pretty
-    {-
-	Obviously, if the module in question is this one,
-	don't print an import declaration.
-	If it's a Prelude* module, we don't print the TyCons/
-	Classes, because the compiler supposedly knows about
-	them already (and they are PreludeCore things anyway).
-	But if we are compiling a Prelude module, then we
-	try to do it as "normally" as possible.
-    -}
-    print_a_decl (ielist@((m,_,_) : _))
-      |  m == mod_name
-      || (not compiling_the_prelude &&
-	  ({-OLD:m == pRELUDE_CORE ||-} m == pRELUDE_BUILTIN))
-      = ppNil
-      | otherwise
-      = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("import "), ppPStr m, ppLparen,
-		   ppIntersperse pp'SP{-'-} (map pp_str [n | (_,n,_) <- ielist]),
-		   ppRparen
-		  ]
-      where
-	isnt_tycon_ish :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
-	isnt_tycon_ish str = not (isLexCon str)
+    ppr_theta :: TyVar -> [Class] -> Pretty
-	grab_non_Nothings :: [[Maybe FAST_STRING]] -> [FAST_STRING]
+    ppr_theta tv []   = ppNil
+    ppr_theta tv [sc] = ppBeside (ppr_assert tv sc) (ppStr " =>")
+    ppr_theta tv super_classes
+      = ppBesides [ppLparen,
+		   ppIntersperse pp'SP{-'-} (map (ppr_assert tv) super_classes),
+		   ppStr ") =>"]
-	grab_non_Nothings rns = catMaybes (concat rns)
+    ppr_assert tv (Class _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = ppCat [ppr_name n, ppr_tyvar tv]
-	pp_str :: FAST_STRING -> Pretty
-	pp_str pstr
-	  = if isLexVarSym pstr then ppStr ("("++str++")") else ppPStr pstr
-	  where
-	    str = _UNPK_ pstr
+    ppr_op (ClassOp o _ ty) = pp_sig (Unqual o) ty
-get_val_pair   :: Id    -> (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING)
-get_class_pair :: Class -> (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING)
-get_tycon_pair :: TyCon -> (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING)
-get_val_pair id
-  = generic_pair id
-get_class_pair clas
-  = case (generic_pair clas) of { (orig_mod, orig_nm) ->
-    let
-	nm_to_print = case (getExportFlag clas) of
-			ExportAll   -> orig_nm _APPEND_ SLIT("(..)") -- nothing like a good HACK!
-			ExportAbs   -> orig_nm
-			NotExported -> orig_nm
-    in
-    (orig_mod, nm_to_print) }
-get_tycon_pair tycon
-  = case (generic_pair tycon) of { (orig_mod, orig_nm) ->
-    let
-	nm_to_print = case (getExportFlag tycon) of
-			ExportAll   -> orig_nm _APPEND_ SLIT("(..)") -- nothing like a good HACK!
-			ExportAbs   -> orig_nm
-			NotExported -> orig_nm
+ppr_val v ty -- renumber the type first!
+  = --pprTrace "ppr_val:" (ppr PprDebug v) $
+    pp_sig v (initNmbr (nmbrType ty))
-	cons	    = tyConDataCons tycon
-    in
-    (orig_mod, nm_to_print) }
-generic_pair thing
-  = case (moduleNamePair       thing) of { (orig_mod, orig_nm) ->
-    case (getOccName thing) of { occur_name ->
-    (orig_mod, orig_nm) }}
+pp_sig op ty
+  = ppBesides [ppr_name op, ppPStr SLIT(" :: "), ppr_ty ty, ppSemi]
-%*									*
-\subsection[fixities-MkIface]{Generating fixity declarations in an interface}
-%*									*
-do_fixity :: -> RenamedFixityDecl -> Pretty
+ppr_tycon tycon
+  = --pprTrace "ppr_tycon:" (ppr PprDebug tycon) $
+    ppr_tc (initNmbr (nmbrTyCon tycon))
-do_fixity fixity_decl
-  = case (isLocallyDefined name, getExportFlag name) of
-      (True, ExportAll) -> ppr PprInterface fixity_decl
-      _	    	        -> ppNil
-  where
-     name = get_name fixity_decl
-     get_name (InfixL n _) = n
-     get_name (InfixR n _) = n
-     get_name (InfixN n _) = n
+ppr_tc (PrimTyCon _ n _)
+  = ppCat [ ppStr "{- data", ppr_name n, ppStr " *built-in* -}" ]
-%*									*
-\subsection[tycons-MkIface]{Generating tycon declarations in an interface}
-%*									*
-do_tycon :: FiniteMap TyCon [(Bool, [Maybe Type])] -> TyCon -> Pretty
-do_tycon tycon_specs_map tycon
-  = pprTyCon PprInterface tycon tycon_specs
-  where
-    tycon_specs = map snd (lookupWithDefaultFM tycon_specs_map [] tycon)
-%*									*
-\subsection[values-MkIface]{Generating a value's signature in an interface}
-%*									*
-do_value :: (Id -> Id)
-	 -> IdEnv UnfoldingDetails
-	 -> Id
-	 -> Pretty
-do_value better_id_fn inline_env val
-  = let
-	sty 	    = PprInterface
-	better_val  = better_id_fn val
-	name_str    = getOccName better_val -- NB: not orig name!
-	id_info	    = getIdInfo better_val
-	val_ty	    = let
-			 orig_ty  = idType val
-			 final_ty = idType better_val
-		      in
---		      ASSERT (orig_ty == final_ty || mkLiftTy orig_ty == final_ty)
-		      ASSERT (if (orig_ty == final_ty || mkLiftTy orig_ty == final_ty) then True else pprTrace "do_value:" (ppCat [ppr PprDebug val, ppr PprDebug better_val]) False)
-		      orig_ty
-	-- Note: We export the type of the original val
-	-- The type of an unboxed val will have been *lifted* by the desugarer
-	-- In this case we export an unlifted type, but id_info which assumes
-	--   a lifted Id i.e. extracted from better_val (above)
-	-- The importing module must lift the Id before using the imported id_info
-	pp_id_info
-	  = if opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
-	    || boringIdInfo id_info
-	    then ppNil
-	    else ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("\t{-# GHC_PRAGMA"),
-			ppIdInfo sty better_val True{-yes specs-}
-			    better_id_fn inline_env id_info,
-			ppPStr SLIT("#-}")]
-    in
-    ppAbove (ppCat [ppr_non_op name_str,
-		    ppPStr SLIT("::"), pprGenType sty val_ty])
-	    pp_id_info
--- sadly duplicates Name.pprNonSym (ToDo)
-ppr_non_op str
-  = if isLexVarSym str -- NOT NEEDED: || isAconop
-    then ppBesides [ppLparen, ppPStr str, ppRparen]
-    else ppPStr str
-%*									*
-\subsection[instances-MkIface]{Generating instance declarations in an interface}
-%*									*
+ppr_tc FunTyCon
+  = ppCat [ ppStr "{- data", ppr_name FunTyCon, ppStr " *built-in* -}" ]
-The types of ``dictionary functions'' (dfuns) have just the required
-info for instance declarations in interfaces.  However, the dfuns that
-GHC really uses have {\em extra} dictionaries passed to them (for
-efficiency).  When we print interfaces, we want to omit that
-dictionary information.  (It can be reconsituted on the other end,
-from instance and class decls).
+ppr_tc (TupleTyCon _ n _)
+  = ppCat [ ppStr "{- ", ppr_name n, ppStr "-}" ]
-do_instance :: (Id -> Id)
-	    -> IdEnv UnfoldingDetails
-	    -> InstInfo
-	    -> Pretty
-do_instance better_id_fn inline_env
-    (InstInfo clas tv_tmpls ty inst_decl_theta dfun_theta dfun_id constm_ids _ from_here modname _ _)
+ppr_tc (SynTyCon _ n _ _ tvs expand)
   = let
-	sty = PprInterface
-	better_dfun 	 = better_id_fn dfun_id
-	better_dfun_info = getIdInfo better_dfun
-	better_constms	 = map better_id_fn constm_ids
-	class_op_strs = map classOpString (classOps clas)
-	pragma_begin
-	  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("\t{-# GHC_PRAGMA"), pp_modname, ppPStr SLIT("{-dfun-}"),
-		   ppIdInfo sty better_dfun False{-NO specs-}
-		    better_id_fn inline_env better_dfun_info]
-    	pragma_end = ppPStr SLIT("#-}")
-	pp_modname = if _NULL_ modname
-		     then ppNil
-		     else ppCat [ppStr "_M_", ppPStr modname]
-	name_pragma_pairs
-	  = pp_the_list [ ppCat [ppChar '\t', ppr_non_op op, ppEquals,
-				 ppChar '{' ,
-				 ppIdInfo sty constm True{-YES, specs-}
-				  better_id_fn inline_env
-				  (getIdInfo constm),
-				 ppChar '}' ]
-			| (op, constm) <- class_op_strs `zip` better_constms ]
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	pp_the_list [] = panic "MkIface: no class_ops or better_constms?"
-	pp_the_list [p]    = p
-	pp_the_list (p:ps) = ppAbove (ppBeside p ppComma) (pp_the_list ps)
-	real_stuff
-	  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("instance"),
-		   ppr sty (mkSigmaTy tv_tmpls inst_decl_theta (mkDictTy clas ty))]
+	pp_tyvars   = map ppr_tyvar tvs
-    if opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
-    || boringIdInfo better_dfun_info
-    then real_stuff
-    else ppAbove real_stuff
-	  ({-ppNest 8 -} -- ppNest does nothing
-	     if null better_constms
-	     then ppCat [pragma_begin, pragma_end]
-	     else ppAbove pragma_begin (ppCat [name_pragma_pairs, pragma_end])
-	  )
-%*									*
-\subsection[utils-InstInfos]{Utility functions for @InstInfos@}
-%*									*
-ToDo: perhaps move.
-Classes/TyCons are ``known,'' more-or-less.  Prelude TyCons are
-``completely'' known---they don't need to be mentioned in interfaces.
-Classes usually don't need to be mentioned in interfaces, but if we're
-compiling the prelude, then we treat them without special favours.
-is_exportable_tycon_or_class export_list_fns tc
-  = if not (fromPreludeCore tc) then
-	True
-    else
-	in_export_list_or_among_dotdot_modules
-	    opt_CompilingPrelude -- ignore M.. stuff if compiling prelude
-	    export_list_fns tc
-in_export_list_or_among_dotdot_modules ignore_Mdotdots (in_export_list, among_dotdot_modules) tc
-  = if in_export_list (getOccName tc) then
-	True
-    else
---	pprTrace "in_export:" (ppAbove (ppr PprDebug ignore_Mdotdots) (ppPStr (getOccName  tc))) (
-    if ignore_Mdotdots then
-	False
-    else
-	any among_dotdot_modules (getInformingModules tc)
---  )
-is_mentionable tc
-  = not (from_PreludeCore_or_Builtin tc) || opt_CompilingPrelude
+    ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("type "), ppr_name n, ppSP, ppIntersperse ppSP pp_tyvars,
+	   ppPStr SLIT(" = "), ppr_ty expand, ppSemi]
+ppr_tc this_tycon@(DataTyCon u n k tvs ctxt cons derivings data_or_new)
+  = ppHang (ppCat [pp_data_or_new,
+		   ppr_context ctxt,
+		   ppr_name n,
+		   ppIntersperse ppSP (map ppr_tyvar tvs)])
+	   2
+	   (ppBeside pp_unabstract_condecls ppSemi)
+	   -- NB: we do not print deriving info in interfaces
-    from_PreludeCore_or_Builtin thing
+    pp_data_or_new = case data_or_new of
+		      DataType -> ppPStr SLIT("data")
+		      NewType  -> ppPStr SLIT("newtype")
+    ppr_context []      = ppNil
+    ppr_context [(c,t)] = ppCat [ppr_name c, ppr_ty t, ppStr "=>"]
+    ppr_context cs
+      = ppBesides[ppLparen,
+		  ppInterleave ppComma [ppCat [ppr_name c, ppr_ty t] | (c,t) <- cs],
+		  ppRparen, ppStr " =>"]
+    yes_we_print_condecls
+      = case (getExportFlag n) of
+	  ExportAbs -> False
+	  other	    -> True
+    pp_unabstract_condecls
+      = if yes_we_print_condecls
+	then ppCat [ppEquals, pp_condecls]
+	else ppNil
+    pp_condecls
       = let
-	    mod_name = fst (moduleNamePair thing)
+	    (c:cs) = cons
-	mod_name == pRELUDE_CORE || mod_name == pRELUDE_BUILTIN
-is_exported_inst_info export_list_fns
-	(InstInfo clas _ ty _ _ _ _ _ from_here _ _ _)
-  = let
-    	seems_exported = instanceIsExported clas ty from_here
-	(tycon, _, _) = getAppTyCon ty
-    in
-    if (opt_OmitReexportedInstances && not from_here) then
-	False -- Flag says to violate Haskell rules, blatantly
-    else if not opt_CompilingPrelude
-	 || not (isFunTyCon tycon || fromPreludeCore tycon)
-	 || not (fromPreludeCore clas) then
-	seems_exported -- take what we got
-    else -- compiling Prelude & tycon/class are Prelude things...
-	from_here
-	|| in_export_list_or_among_dotdot_modules True{-ignore M..s-} export_list_fns clas
-	|| in_export_list_or_among_dotdot_modules True{-ignore M..s-} export_list_fns tycon
+	ppSep ((ppr_con c) : (map ppr_next_con cs))
-lt_lexical_inst_info (InstInfo _ _ _ _ _ dfun1 _ _ _ _ _ _) (InstInfo _ _ _ _ _ dfun2 _ _ _ _ _ _)
-  = ltLexical dfun1 dfun2
+    ppr_next_con con = ppCat [ppChar '|', ppr_con con]
-getMentionedTyConsAndClassesFromInstInfo (InstInfo clas _ ty _ dfun_theta _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
-  = case (getMentionedTyConsAndClassesFromType ty) of { (ts, cs) ->
-    case [ c | (c, _) <- dfun_theta ]  	    	      of { theta_classes ->
-    (ts, (cs `unionBags` listToBag theta_classes) `snocBag` clas)
-    }}
-OLD from the beginning -}
+    ppr_con con
+      = let
+	    (_, _, con_arg_tys, _) = dataConSig con
+	    labels       = dataConFieldLabels con -- none if not a record
+	    strict_marks = dataConStrictMarks con
+	in
+	ppCat [ppr_unq_name con, ppr_fields labels strict_marks con_arg_tys]
+    ppr_fields labels strict_marks con_arg_tys
+      = if null labels then -- not a record thingy
+	    ppIntersperse ppSP (zipWithEqual  ppr_bang_ty strict_marks con_arg_tys)
+	else
+	    ppCat [ ppChar '{',
+	    ppInterleave ppComma (zipWith3Equal ppr_field labels strict_marks con_arg_tys),
+	    ppChar '}' ]
+    ppr_bang_ty b t
+      = ppBeside (case b of { MarkedStrict -> ppChar '!'; _ -> ppNil })
+		 (pprParendType PprInterface t)
+    ppr_field l b t
+      = ppBesides [ppr_unq_name l, ppPStr SLIT(" :: "),
+		   case b of { MarkedStrict -> ppChar '!'; _ -> ppNil },
+		   ppr_ty t]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmRegAlloc.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmRegAlloc.lhs
index 8e574e6ccde4e27b8b41ed5b302a826b68fb390c..6f8df0b713d59e19f8b71a8a58ecc01339fa4167 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmRegAlloc.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AsmRegAlloc.lhs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import OrdList		( mkEmptyList, mkUnitList, mkSeqList, mkParList,
 			  flattenOrdList, OrdList
 import Stix		( StixTree )
-import UniqSupply	( mkBuiltinUnique )
+import Unique		( mkBuiltinUnique )
 import Util		( mapAccumB, panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs
index 420f5017ccf0cb26c5462b2f9bc4ab4e5df0a7a2..156dab372962494dbdcac4ae2976184a0eb94b18 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@ import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) )
 import Stix		( sStLitLbl, StixTree(..), StixReg(..),
-import Unique		( Unique{-instance Ord3-} )
-import UniqSupply	( mkPseudoUnique1, mkPseudoUnique2, mkPseudoUnique3,
-			  getUnique, returnUs, thenUs, UniqSM(..)
+import Unique		( mkPseudoUnique1, mkPseudoUnique2, mkPseudoUnique3,
+			  Unique{-instance Ord3-}
+import UniqSupply	( getUnique, returnUs, thenUs, UniqSM(..) )
 import Unpretty		( uppStr, Unpretty(..) )
 import Util		( panic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/pbinding.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/pbinding.ugn
index 03e76889ad10d2bb9091c8b4cf54754fa4a73255..2700417e5a414f6441d3c508509e2d551235d164 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/pbinding.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/pbinding.ugn
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ import UgenUtil
 import U_constr		( U_constr )	-- interface only
 import U_binding
-import U_coresyn	( U_coresyn )	-- ditto
-import U_hpragma	( U_hpragma )	-- ditto
 import U_list
 import U_literal	( U_literal )	-- ditto
 import U_maybe		( U_maybe )	-- ditto
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn
index 79bbabc5764fe847650b0b55f1dd653237f17640..fb69ec100cc23413c9b4c5ee4e8e62b45d3fb30b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@ import UgenUtil
 import U_constr		( U_constr )	-- interface only
 import U_binding
-import U_coresyn	( U_coresyn )	-- interface only
-import U_hpragma	( U_hpragma )	-- interface only
 import U_list
 import U_literal
 import U_maybe
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
index 83449fe3e7c2744b570920f64cbb2761a3a4a7f1..8aac8e64ceed46cb78f957230f28ce50c94ba8e0 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ buildId
     buildTy = mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] [] (mkFunTys [build_ty] (mkListTy alphaTy))
 	    build_ty = mkSigmaTy [betaTyVar] []
-			(mkFunTys [alphaTy, mkFunTys [betaTy] betaTy, betaTy] betaTy)
+			(mkFunTys [mkFunTys [alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy, betaTy] betaTy)
 @mkBuild@ is sugar for building a build!
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ augmentId
     augmentTy = mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar] [] (mkFunTys [aug_ty, mkListTy alphaTy] (mkListTy alphaTy))
 	    aug_ty = mkSigmaTy [betaTyVar] []
-			(mkFunTys [alphaTy, mkFunTys [betaTy] betaTy, betaTy] betaTy)
+			(mkFunTys [mkFunTys [alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy, betaTy] betaTy)
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ foldrId = pcMiscPrelId foldrIdKey pRELUDE_FB{-not "List"-} SLIT("foldr")
 	foldrTy =
 	  mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
-		(mkFunTys [alphaTy, mkFunTys [betaTy] betaTy, betaTy, mkListTy alphaTy] betaTy)
+		(mkFunTys [mkFunTys [alphaTy, betaTy] betaTy, betaTy, mkListTy alphaTy] betaTy)
 	idInfo = (((((noIdInfo
 			`addInfo_UF` mkMagicUnfolding foldrIdKey)
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ foldlId = pcMiscPrelId foldlIdKey pRELUDE_FB{-not "List"-} SLIT("foldl")
 	foldlTy =
 	  mkSigmaTy [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar] []
-		(mkFunTys [alphaTy, mkFunTys [betaTy] betaTy, alphaTy, mkListTy betaTy] alphaTy)
+		(mkFunTys [mkFunTys [alphaTy, betaTy] alphaTy, alphaTy, mkListTy betaTy] alphaTy)
 	idInfo = (((((noIdInfo
 			`addInfo_UF` mkMagicUnfolding foldlIdKey)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
index 0ea3f0aecdd8a3cd7c2ee35ba46e9c55ed9c51f2..11d5e284ba88ce00d2b19e4df45f51365a57f578 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ data PrimOpInfo
   | Compare	FAST_STRING	-- string :: T -> T -> Bool
-  | Coerce	FAST_STRING	-- string :: T1 -> T2
+  | Coercing	FAST_STRING	-- string :: T1 -> T2
@@ -734,8 +734,8 @@ primOpInfo DoubleLeOp = Compare SLIT("leDouble#") doublePrimTy
-primOpInfo OrdOp = Coerce SLIT("ord#") charPrimTy intPrimTy
-primOpInfo ChrOp = Coerce SLIT("chr#") intPrimTy charPrimTy
+primOpInfo OrdOp = Coercing SLIT("ord#") charPrimTy intPrimTy
+primOpInfo ChrOp = Coercing SLIT("chr#") intPrimTy charPrimTy
@@ -781,8 +781,8 @@ primOpInfo ISraOp
 primOpInfo ISrlOp
   = PrimResult SLIT("iShiftRL#") [] [intPrimTy, intPrimTy] intPrimTyCon IntRep []
-primOpInfo Int2WordOp = Coerce SLIT("int2Word#") intPrimTy wordPrimTy
-primOpInfo Word2IntOp = Coerce SLIT("word2Int#") wordPrimTy intPrimTy
+primOpInfo Int2WordOp = Coercing SLIT("int2Word#") intPrimTy wordPrimTy
+primOpInfo Word2IntOp = Coercing SLIT("word2Int#") wordPrimTy intPrimTy
@@ -792,8 +792,8 @@ primOpInfo Word2IntOp = Coerce SLIT("word2Int#") wordPrimTy intPrimTy
-primOpInfo Int2AddrOp = Coerce SLIT("int2Addr#") intPrimTy addrPrimTy
-primOpInfo Addr2IntOp = Coerce SLIT("addr2Int#") addrPrimTy intPrimTy
+primOpInfo Int2AddrOp = Coercing SLIT("int2Addr#") intPrimTy addrPrimTy
+primOpInfo Addr2IntOp = Coercing SLIT("addr2Int#") addrPrimTy intPrimTy
@@ -812,8 +812,8 @@ primOpInfo FloatMulOp	= Dyadic    SLIT("timesFloat#")   floatPrimTy
 primOpInfo FloatDivOp	= Dyadic    SLIT("divideFloat#")  floatPrimTy
 primOpInfo FloatNegOp	= Monadic   SLIT("negateFloat#")  floatPrimTy
-primOpInfo Float2IntOp	= Coerce SLIT("float2Int#") floatPrimTy intPrimTy
-primOpInfo Int2FloatOp	= Coerce SLIT("int2Float#") intPrimTy floatPrimTy
+primOpInfo Float2IntOp	= Coercing SLIT("float2Int#") floatPrimTy intPrimTy
+primOpInfo Int2FloatOp	= Coercing SLIT("int2Float#") intPrimTy floatPrimTy
 primOpInfo FloatExpOp	= Monadic   SLIT("expFloat#")	   floatPrimTy
 primOpInfo FloatLogOp	= Monadic   SLIT("logFloat#")	   floatPrimTy
@@ -846,11 +846,11 @@ primOpInfo DoubleMulOp	= Dyadic    SLIT("timesDouble#")  doublePrimTy
 primOpInfo DoubleDivOp	= Dyadic    SLIT("divideDouble#") doublePrimTy
 primOpInfo DoubleNegOp	= Monadic   SLIT("negateDouble#") doublePrimTy
-primOpInfo Double2IntOp	    = Coerce SLIT("double2Int#")   doublePrimTy intPrimTy
-primOpInfo Int2DoubleOp	    = Coerce SLIT("int2Double#")   intPrimTy doublePrimTy
+primOpInfo Double2IntOp	    = Coercing SLIT("double2Int#")   doublePrimTy intPrimTy
+primOpInfo Int2DoubleOp	    = Coercing SLIT("int2Double#")   intPrimTy doublePrimTy
-primOpInfo Double2FloatOp   = Coerce SLIT("double2Float#") doublePrimTy floatPrimTy
-primOpInfo Float2DoubleOp   = Coerce SLIT("float2Double#") floatPrimTy doublePrimTy
+primOpInfo Double2FloatOp   = Coercing SLIT("double2Float#") doublePrimTy floatPrimTy
+primOpInfo Float2DoubleOp   = Coercing SLIT("float2Double#") floatPrimTy doublePrimTy
 primOpInfo DoubleExpOp	= Monadic   SLIT("expDouble#")	   doublePrimTy
 primOpInfo DoubleLogOp	= Monadic   SLIT("logDouble#")	   doublePrimTy
@@ -1569,7 +1569,7 @@ primOp_str op
       Dyadic str _	       -> str
       Monadic str _	       -> str
       Compare str _	       -> str
-      Coerce str _ _	       -> str
+      Coercing str _ _	       -> str
       PrimResult str _ _ _ _ _ -> str
       AlgResult str _ _ _ _    -> str
@@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@ primOpType op
       Dyadic str ty ->	    dyadic_fun_ty ty
       Monadic str ty ->	    monadic_fun_ty ty
       Compare str ty ->	    compare_fun_ty ty
-      Coerce str ty1 ty2 -> mkFunTys [ty1] ty2
+      Coercing str ty1 ty2 -> mkFunTys [ty1] ty2
       PrimResult str tyvars arg_tys prim_tycon kind res_tys ->
 	mkForAllTys tyvars (mkFunTys arg_tys (applyTyCon prim_tycon res_tys))
@@ -1608,7 +1608,7 @@ getPrimOpResultInfo op
       Dyadic  _ ty		 -> ReturnsPrim (typePrimRep ty)
       Monadic _ ty		 -> ReturnsPrim (typePrimRep ty)
       Compare _ ty		 -> ReturnsAlg  boolTyCon
-      Coerce  _ _ ty		 -> ReturnsPrim (typePrimRep ty)
+      Coercing  _ _ ty		 -> ReturnsPrim (typePrimRep ty)
       PrimResult _ _ _ _ kind _	 -> ReturnsPrim kind
       AlgResult _ _ _ tycon _	 -> ReturnsAlg  tycon
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
index cfb377d52806436ae5c41b9911f6b35d5c2e43a2..805a1dc813c8bdcf54e832d37321c3257e9e9a5a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ rnQuals (qual: quals)
   = rnQual qual				`thenRn` \ ((qual',  bs1), fvQuals1) ->
     extendSS2 bs1 (rnQuals quals)	`thenRn` \ ((quals', bs2), fvQuals2) ->
-       ((qual' : quals', bs2 ++ bs1),	-- The ones on the right (bs2) shadow the
+       ((qual' : quals', bs1 ++ bs2),	-- The ones on the right (bs2) shadow the
 					-- ones on the left (bs1)
 	fvQuals1 `unionUniqSets` fvQuals2)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
index 549107996c996eed3e7ed0d0810542499578a702..ff88c4fe23c209d1e0b35b051fda5dc633d53225 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Ubiq
 import HsSyn
-import Id		( GenId, Id(..) )
+import Id		( isDataCon, GenId, Id(..) )
 import Name		( isLocalName, nameUnique, Name, RdrName(..){-ToDo: rm ..-},
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ isRnTyConOrClass (RnImplicitClass _) = True
 isRnTyConOrClass _                   = False
 isRnConstr (RnConstr _ _) = True
+isRnConstr (WiredInId id) = isDataCon id
 isRnConstr  _		  = False
 isRnField  (RnField _ _)  = True
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
index 3327af9d83ecb875bec18c3b623d02c65538bcb2..01dc045d25923058e8798dd67540c6ce69b1d287 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
@@ -74,7 +74,10 @@ absolute-filename-for-that-interface.
 findHiFiles :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> IO (FiniteMap Module FilePath)
 findHiFiles dirs sysdirs
-  = do_dirs emptyFM (dirs ++ sysdirs)
+  = hPutStr stderr "  findHiFiles "	>>
+    do_dirs emptyFM (dirs ++ sysdirs)	>>= \ result ->
+    hPutStr stderr " done\n"		>>
+    return result
     do_dirs env [] = return env
     do_dirs env (dir:dirs)
@@ -82,7 +85,7 @@ findHiFiles dirs sysdirs
 	do_dirs new_env dirs
     do_dir env dir
-      = --trace ("Having a go on..."++dir) $
+      = hPutStr stderr "D" >>
 	getDirectoryContents dir    >>= \ entries ->
 	do_entries env entries
@@ -94,6 +97,7 @@ findHiFiles dirs sysdirs
 	do_entry env e
 	  = case (acceptable_hi (reverse e)) of
 	      Nothing  -> --trace ("Deemed uncool:"++e) $
+			  hPutStr stderr "." >>
 			  return env
 	      Just mod ->
@@ -101,10 +105,12 @@ findHiFiles dirs sysdirs
 		case (lookupFM env pmod) of
 		  Nothing -> --trace ("Adding "++mod++" -> "++e) $
+			     hPutStr stderr "!" >>
 			     return (addToFM env pmod (dir ++ '/':e))
 			     -- ToDo: use DIR_SEP, not /
 		  Just xx -> ( if de_dot xx /= e then trace ("Already mapped!! "++mod++" -> "++xx++"; ignoring:"++e) else id) $
+			     hPutStr stderr "." >>
 			     return env
     acceptable_hi rev_e -- looking at pathname *backwards*
@@ -244,10 +250,14 @@ readIface :: FilePath -> Module
 	      -> IO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
 readIface file mod
-  = readFile file   `thenPrimIO` \ read_result ->
+  = hPutStr stderr ("  reading "++file)	>>
+    readFile file		`thenPrimIO` \ read_result ->
     case read_result of
       Left  err      -> return (Failed (cannaeReadErr file err))
-      Right contents -> return (parseIface contents)
+      Right contents -> hPutStr stderr " parsing"   >>
+			let parsed = parseIface contents in
+			hPutStr stderr " done\n"    >>
+			return parsed
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
index dadfc613ff096d1dadecc1b6c863725237e1cce1..dd5be0c783d74d4fe349299be7be2f8fdcc80930 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import Name		( Name, isLocallyDefined, isLexVarId, getLocalName, ExportFlag(..),
 			  nameImportFlag, RdrName, pprNonSym )
 import Outputable -- ToDo:rm
 import PprStyle -- ToDo:rm 
+import PrelInfo		( consDataCon )
 import Pretty
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 import Unique		( Unique )
@@ -71,10 +72,10 @@ rnSource imp_mods unqual_imps imp_fixes
     rnExports (mod:imp_mods) unqual_imps exports	`thenRn` \ exported_fn ->
     rnFixes fixes					`thenRn` \ src_fixes ->
-	pair_name inf = (nameFixDecl inf, inf)
+	all_fixes     = src_fixes ++ bagToList imp_fixes
+	all_fixes_fm  = listToUFM (map pair_name all_fixes)
-	all_fixes    = src_fixes ++ bagToList imp_fixes
-	all_fixes_fm = listToUFM (map pair_name all_fixes)
+	pair_name inf = (nameFixDecl inf, inf)
     setExtraRn all_fixes_fm $
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs
index 8422c18695235137e9e2891b0ab9c10b0ef54d7d..43a56463da21f8abd46d1901bd089246ed5b0649 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/AnalFBWW.lhs
@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ analExprFBWW (CoTyLam tyvar e) env = analExprFBWW e env
 analExprFBWW (App f atom) env  = rmArg (analExprFBWW f env)
 analExprFBWW (CoTyApp f ty) env  = analExprFBWW f env
 analExprFBWW (SCC lab e) env   = analExprFBWW e env
+analExprFBWW (Coerce _ _ _) env   = panic "AnalFBWW:analExprFBWW:Coerce"
 analExprFBWW (Let binds e) env = analExprFBWW e (analBind binds env)
 analExprFBWW (Case e alts) env = foldl1 joinFBType (analAltsFBWW alts env)
@@ -218,6 +219,7 @@ annotateExprFBWW (CoTyLam tyvar e) env = CoTyLam tyvar (annotateExprFBWW e env)
 annotateExprFBWW (App f atom) env = App (annotateExprFBWW f env) atom
 annotateExprFBWW (CoTyApp f ty) env = CoTyApp (annotateExprFBWW f env) ty
 annotateExprFBWW (SCC lab e) env = SCC lab (annotateExprFBWW e env)
+annotateExprFBWW (Coerce c ty e) env = Coerce c ty (annotateExprFBWW e env)
 annotateExprFBWW (Case e alts) env = Case (annotateExprFBWW e env)
 					    (annotateAltsFBWW alts env)
 annotateExprFBWW (Let bnds e) env = Let bnds' (annotateExprFBWW e env')
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
index 0eb15290b29caf58326c5630965fb6a04284966e..b534011a6337655b9c3f01d993bea97b82cfb20b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
@@ -200,6 +200,12 @@ fiExpr to_drop (_, AnnSCC cc expr)
   = mkCoLets' to_drop (SCC cc (fiExpr [] expr))
+fiExpr to_drop (_, AnnCoerce c ty expr)
+  = _trace "fiExpr:Coerce:wimping out" $
+    mkCoLets' to_drop (Coerce c ty (fiExpr [] expr))
 For @Lets@, the possible ``drop points'' for the \tr{to_drop}
 bindings are: (a)~in the body, (b1)~in the RHS of a NonRec binding,
 or~(b2), in each of the RHSs of the pairs of a @Rec@.
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs
index d65112ac0b9b21c4e9f93e616282e9d02ac37129..c1de417350665c0d64d1526835ca902805143dfa 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FloatOut.lhs
@@ -272,6 +272,10 @@ floatExpr env lvl (SCC cc expr)
 	-- Note: Nested SCC's are preserved for the benefit of
 	--       cost centre stack profiling (Durham)
+floatExpr env lvl (Coerce c ty expr)
+  = case (floatExpr env lvl expr)    of { (fs, floating_defns, expr') ->
+    (fs, floating_defns, Coerce c ty expr') }
 floatExpr env lvl (Let bind body)
   = case (floatBind env     lvl bind) of { (fsb, rhs_floats, bind', new_env) ->
     case (floatExpr new_env lvl body) of { (fse, body_floats, body') ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs
index 99fa850513912ec747071f88a218bf84ac9fa1f2..a456fde4e1c146e7d79067dcd2605b2f958eec80 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/FoldrBuildWW.lhs
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@ wwExpr   (CoTyApp f ty) =
 wwExpr   (SCC lab e) =
 	wwExpr e                `thenWw` \ e' ->
 	returnWw (SCC lab e')
+wwExpr   (Coerce c ty e) =
+	wwExpr e                `thenWw` \ e' ->
+	returnWw (Coerce c ty e')
 wwExpr   (Let bnds e) =
 	wwExpr e                `thenWw` \ e' ->
 	wwBind bnds             `thenWw` \ bnds' ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
index 2b46c88dc64b904278b786c5c377c818a134bdce..a75cd48b196000f766e5b0de777aae9e29b8177c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/LiberateCase.lhs
@@ -196,14 +196,15 @@ libCase :: LibCaseEnv
 	-> CoreExpr
 	-> CoreExpr
-libCase env (Lit lit)		 = Lit lit
-libCase env (Var v)		 = mkCoLetsNoUnboxed (libCaseId env v) (Var v)
-libCase env (App fun arg)      = mkCoLetsNoUnboxed (libCaseAtom env arg) (App (libCase env fun) arg)
-libCase env (CoTyApp fun ty)     = CoTyApp (libCase env fun) ty
-libCase env (Con con tys args) = mkCoLetsNoUnboxed (libCaseAtoms env args) (Con con tys args)
-libCase env (Prim op tys args) = mkCoLetsNoUnboxed (libCaseAtoms env args) (Prim op tys args)
-libCase env (CoTyLam tyvar body) = CoTyLam tyvar (libCase env body)
-libCase env (SCC cc body)      = SCC cc (libCase env body)
+libCase env (Lit lit)		= Lit lit
+libCase env (Var v)		= mkCoLetsNoUnboxed (libCaseId env v) (Var v)
+libCase env (App fun arg)       = mkCoLetsNoUnboxed (libCaseAtom env arg) (App (libCase env fun) arg)
+libCase env (CoTyApp fun ty)    = CoTyApp (libCase env fun) ty
+libCase env (Con con tys args)  = mkCoLetsNoUnboxed (libCaseAtoms env args) (Con con tys args)
+libCase env (Prim op tys args)  = mkCoLetsNoUnboxed (libCaseAtoms env args) (Prim op tys args)
+libCase env (CoTyLam tv body)   = CoTyLam tv (libCase env body)
+libCase env (SCC cc body)       = SCC cc (libCase env body)
+libCase env (Coerce c ty body)	= Coerce c ty (libCase env body)
 libCase env (Lam binder body)
   = Lam binder (libCase (addBinders env [binder]) body)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
index 0574b4150efe5d552328d49c5d7074b2c720c4e5..c6567dae65b01fe67b76d0b86c5956c5ea8793eb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/OccurAnal.lhs
@@ -387,6 +387,11 @@ occAnal env (SCC cc body)
     (usage, body') = occAnal env body
+occAnal env (Coerce c ty body)
+  = (usage, Coerce c ty body')
+  where
+    (usage, body') = occAnal env body
 occAnal env (App fun arg)
   = (fun_usage `combineUsageDetails` arg_usage, App fun' arg)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs
index 28cb54cebb5e3feee8e2d85320644ad6235efd66..062dada607ebcff56acd2a7a46258e59c4c9befc 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SAT.lhs
@@ -168,6 +168,10 @@ satExpr (Let (Rec binds) body)
 satExpr (SCC cc expr)
   = satExpr expr		    `thenSAT` \ expr2 ->
     returnSAT (SCC cc expr2)
+satExpr (Coerce c ty expr)
+  = satExpr expr		    `thenSAT` \ expr2 ->
+    returnSAT (Coerce c ty expr2)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
index 5e9fffc34bef1dce4999badc4b4eb20336f3f1ee..7427ad4c2ca390c8d1625744de13bd0c39e6f6fe 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.lhs
@@ -263,6 +263,10 @@ lvlExpr ctxt_lvl envs (_, AnnSCC cc expr)
   = lvlExpr ctxt_lvl envs expr 		`thenLvl` \ expr' ->
     returnLvl (SCC cc expr')
+lvlExpr ctxt_lvl envs (_, AnnCoerce c ty expr)
+  = lvlExpr ctxt_lvl envs expr 		`thenLvl` \ expr' ->
+    returnLvl (Coerce c ty expr')
 lvlExpr ctxt_lvl envs@(venv, tenv) (_, AnnLam (ValBinder arg) rhs)
   = lvlMFE incd_lvl (new_venv, tenv) rhs `thenLvl` \ rhs' ->
     returnLvl (Lam (ValBinder (arg,incd_lvl)) rhs')
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs
index 6783e1154d070c7fd90598bcc1d7e606b7bfa0a9..a539af9e42c43716ee79d54cb93ce20653aaa4e7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplCase.lhs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import SimplUtils	( mkValLamTryingEta )
 import Type		( isPrimType, maybeAppDataTyCon, mkFunTys, eqTy )
 import Unique		( Unique{-instance Eq-} )
 import Usage		( GenUsage{-instance Eq-} )
-import Util		( isIn, isSingleton, panic, assertPanic )
+import Util		( isIn, isSingleton, zipEqual, panic, assertPanic )
 Float let out of case.
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@ completeAlgCaseWithKnownCon env con con_args (AlgAlts alts deflt) rhs_c
       | alt_con == con
       = 	-- Matching alternative!
-	    new_env = extendIdEnvWithAtomList env (zip alt_args con_args)
+	    new_env = extendIdEnvWithAtomList env (zipEqual alt_args (filter isValArg con_args))
 	rhs_c new_env rhs
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
index ed4d11dd00d381bd5c9b466d8f0ac479cfbdf424..ba098eab38f6ec900302a95855d6a36d3e4ee723 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingDetails(..), mkGenForm, modifyUnfoldingDetails,
 			  calcUnfoldingGuidance, UnfoldingGuidance(..),
 			  mkFormSummary, FormSummary
-import CoreUtils	( manifestlyWHNF )
+import CoreUtils	( manifestlyWHNF, exprSmallEnoughToDup )
 import FiniteMap	-- lots of things
 import Id		( idType, getIdUnfolding, getIdStrictness,
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ import PprCore		-- various instances
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar )
 import Pretty
-import Type		( getAppDataTyCon, applyTypeEnvToTy )
+import Type		( eqTy, getAppDataTyCon, applyTypeEnvToTy )
 import TyVar		( nullTyVarEnv, addOneToIdEnv, addOneToTyVarEnv,
 			  TyVarEnv(..), GenTyVar{-instance Eq-}
@@ -80,11 +80,10 @@ import Unique		( Unique{-instance Outputable-} )
 import UniqFM		( addToUFM_Directly, lookupUFM_Directly, ufmToList )
 import UniqSet		-- lots of things
 import Usage		( UVar(..), GenUsage{-instances-} )
-import Util		( zipEqual, panic, assertPanic )
+import Util		( zipEqual, panic, panic#, assertPanic )
 type TypeEnv = TyVarEnv Type
 cmpType = panic "cmpType (SimplEnv)"
-exprSmallEnoughToDup = panic "exprSmallEnoughToDup (SimplEnv)"
 oneSafeOcc = panic "oneSafeOcc (SimplEnv)"
 oneTextualOcc = panic "oneTextualOcc (SimplEnv)"
 simplIdWantsToBeINLINEd = panic "simplIdWantsToBeINLINEd (SimplEnv)"
@@ -253,7 +252,7 @@ data UnfoldItem -- a glorified triple...
 					-- we can "wrap" it in the CC
 					-- that was in force.
-data UnfoldConApp -- yet another glorified triple
+data UnfoldConApp -- yet another glorified pair
   = UCA		OutId			-- same fields as ConForm
@@ -309,12 +308,12 @@ grow_unfold_env (UFE u_env interesting_ids con_apps) id uf_details encl_cc
       = case uf_details of
-	  ConForm con vargs
+	  ConForm con args
 	    -> case (lookupFM con_apps entry) of
 		 Just _  -> con_apps -- unchanged; we hang onto what we have
 		 Nothing -> addToFM con_apps entry id
-	      entry = UCA con vargs
+	      entry = UCA con args
 	  not_a_constructor -> con_apps -- unchanged
@@ -378,7 +377,7 @@ cmp_app (UCA c1 as1) (UCA c2 as2)
   = case (c1 `cmp` c2) of
       LT_ -> LT_
       GT_ -> GT_
-      _   -> cmp_lists cmp_atom as1 as2
+      _   -> cmp_lists cmp_arg as1 as2
     cmp_lists cmp_item []     []     = EQ_
     cmp_lists cmp_item (x:xs) []     = GT_
@@ -386,11 +385,20 @@ cmp_app (UCA c1 as1) (UCA c2 as2)
     cmp_lists cmp_item (x:xs) (y:ys)
       = case cmp_item x y of { EQ_ -> cmp_lists cmp_item xs ys; other -> other }
-    cmp_atom (VarArg x) (VarArg y) = x `cmp` y
-    cmp_atom (VarArg _) _		 = LT_
-    cmp_atom (LitArg x) (LitArg y)
-      = case _tagCmp x y of { _LT -> LT_; _EQ -> EQ_; GT__ -> GT_ }
-    cmp_atom (LitArg _) _		 = GT_
+    -- ToDo: make an "instance Ord3 CoreArg"???
+    cmp_arg (VarArg   x) (VarArg   y) = x `cmp` y
+    cmp_arg (LitArg   x) (LitArg   y) = case _tagCmp x y of { _LT -> LT_; _EQ -> EQ_; GT__ -> GT_ }
+    cmp_arg (TyArg    x) (TyArg    y) = if x `eqTy` y then EQ_ else panic# "SimplEnv.cmp_app:TyArgs"
+    cmp_arg (UsageArg x) (UsageArg y) = panic# "SimplEnv.cmp_app:UsageArgs"
+    cmp_arg x y
+      | tag x _LT_ tag y = LT_
+      | otherwise	 = GT_
+      where
+	tag (VarArg   _) = ILIT(1)
+	tag (LitArg   _) = ILIT(2)
+	tag (TyArg    _) = ILIT(3)
+	tag (UsageArg _) = ILIT(4)
@@ -518,7 +526,7 @@ replaceInEnvs (SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env id_env unfold_env)
 	:: SimplEnv
-	-> InBinder -> OutArg
+	-> InBinder -> OutArg{-Val args only, please-}
 	-> SimplEnv
 extendIdEnvWithAtom (SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env id_env unfold_env) (in_id,occ_info) atom@(LitArg lit)
@@ -542,6 +550,10 @@ extendIdEnvWithAtom (SimplEnv chkr encl_cc ty_env id_env unfold_env)
     ok_to_dup    = switchIsOn chkr SimplOkToDupCode
+#ifdef DEBUG
+extendIdEnvWithAtom _ _ _ = panic "extendIdEnvWithAtom: non-Val arg!"
 	:: SimplEnv
 	-> [(InBinder, OutArg)]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
index 3e9c6aab64f490f57555500430b0ae6ff2f48029..f046fa845a38b47c89b4d5a9bfb664ef8234bc9e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplUtils.lhs
@@ -246,12 +246,13 @@ which aren't WHNF but are ``cheap'' are:
 manifestlyCheap :: GenCoreExpr bndr Id tv uv -> Bool
-manifestlyCheap (Var _)     = True
-manifestlyCheap (Lit _)     = True
-manifestlyCheap (Con _ _)   = True
-manifestlyCheap (SCC _ e)   = manifestlyCheap e
-manifestlyCheap (Lam x e)   = if isValBinder x then True else manifestlyCheap e
-manifestlyCheap (Prim op _) = primOpIsCheap op
+manifestlyCheap (Var _)        = True
+manifestlyCheap (Lit _)        = True
+manifestlyCheap (Con _ _)      = True
+manifestlyCheap (SCC _ e)      = manifestlyCheap e
+manifestlyCheap (Coerce _ _ e) = manifestlyCheap e
+manifestlyCheap (Lam x e)      = if isValBinder x then True else manifestlyCheap e
+manifestlyCheap (Prim op _)    = primOpIsCheap op
 manifestlyCheap (Let bind body)
   = manifestlyCheap body && all manifestlyCheap (rhssOfBind bind)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
index 76b17d945b50184520b50bedbbbbbb2413d3778f..b9aa02978f19a9313b6c4b6e111a8940b9d56a69 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
@@ -444,14 +444,21 @@ Let expressions
 simplExpr env (Let bind body) args
-  | not (switchIsSet env SimplNoLetFromApp)		-- The common case
-  = simplBind env bind (\env -> simplExpr env body args)
-		       (computeResultType env body args)
-  | otherwise		-- No float from application
+{- OMIT this; it's a pain to do at the other sites wehre simplBind is called,
+   and it doesn't seem worth retaining the ability to not float applications
+   into let/case 
+  | switchIsSet env SimplNoLetFromApp
   = simplBind env bind (\env -> simplExpr env body [])
 		       (computeResultType env body [])	`thenSmpl` \ let_expr' ->
     returnSmpl (mkGenApp let_expr' args)
+  | otherwise		-- No float from application
+  = simplBind env bind (\env -> simplExpr env body args)
+		       (computeResultType env body args)
 Case expressions
@@ -464,6 +471,14 @@ simplExpr env expr@(Case scrut alts) args
+simplExpr env (Coerce coercion ty body) args
+  = simplCoerce env coercion ty body args 
@@ -657,6 +672,39 @@ simplLam env binders body min_no_of_args
+%*									*
+\subsection[Simplify-coerce]{Coerce expressions}
+%*									*
+-- (coerce (case s of p -> r)) args ==> case s of p -> (coerce r) args
+simplCoerce env coercion ty expr@(Case scrut alts) args
+  = simplCase env scrut alts (\env rhs -> simplCoerce env coercion ty rhs args)
+			     (computeResultType env expr args)
+-- (coerce (let defns in b)) args  ==> let defns' in (coerce b) args
+simplCoerce env coercion ty (Let bind body) args
+  = simplBind env bind (\env -> simplCoerce env coercion ty body args)
+		       (computeResultType env body args)
+-- Cancellation
+simplCoerce env (CoerceIn con1) ty (Coerce (CoerceOut con2) ty2 expr) args
+  | con1 == con2
+  = simplExpr env expr args
+simplCoerce env (CoerceOut con1) ty (Coerce (CoerceIn con2) ty2 expr) args
+  | con1 == con2
+  = simplExpr env expr args
+-- Default case
+simplCoerce env coercion ty expr args
+  = simplExpr env expr []	`thenSmpl` \ expr' ->
+    returnSmpl (mkGenApp (Coerce coercion (simplTy env ty) expr') args)
 %*									*
@@ -1095,8 +1143,7 @@ completeLet
 	-> OutType		-- Type of body
 	-> SmplM OutExpr
-completeLet env binder@(id,binder_info) old_rhs new_rhs body_c body_ty
+completeLet env binder old_rhs new_rhs body_c body_ty
   -- See if RHS is an atom, or a reusable constructor
   | maybeToBool maybe_atomic_rhs
   = let
@@ -1104,15 +1151,50 @@ completeLet env binder@(id,binder_info) old_rhs new_rhs body_c body_ty
     tick atom_tick_type			`thenSmpl_`
     body_c new_env
+  where
+    maybe_atomic_rhs :: Maybe (OutArg, TickType)
+    maybe_atomic_rhs = exprToAtom env new_rhs
+	-- If the RHS is atomic, we return Just (atom, tick type)
+	-- otherwise Nothing
+    Just (rhs_atom, atom_tick_type) = maybe_atomic_rhs
+completeLet env binder@(id,_) old_rhs new_rhs body_c body_ty
   -- Maybe the rhs is an application of error, and sure to be demanded
   | will_be_demanded &&
     maybeToBool maybe_error_app
   = tick CaseOfError			`thenSmpl_`
     returnSmpl retyped_error_app
+  where
+    will_be_demanded	   = willBeDemanded (getIdDemandInfo id)
+    maybe_error_app        = maybeErrorApp new_rhs (Just body_ty)
+    Just retyped_error_app = maybe_error_app
+completeLet env binder old_rhs (Coerce coercion ty rhs) body_c body_ty
+   -- Rhs is a coercion
+   | maybeToBool maybe_atomic_coerce_rhs
+   = tick tick_type		`thenSmpl_`
+     complete_coerce env rhs_atom rhs
+   where
+     maybe_atomic_coerce_rhs    = exprToAtom env rhs
+     Just (rhs_atom, tick_type) = maybe_atomic_coerce_rhs
+	  returnSmpl (CoerceForm coercion rhs_atom, env)
+	Nothing
+	  newId (coreExprType rhs)	`thenSmpl` \ inner_id ->
+     complete_coerce env atom rhs
+       = cloneId env binder			`thenSmpl` \ id' ->
+	 let
+	    env1    = extendIdEnvWithClone env binder id'
+	    new_env = extendUnfoldEnvGivenFormDetails env1 id' (CoerceForm coercion rhs_atom)
+	 in
+	 body_c new_env			`thenSmpl` \ body' ->
+	 returnSmpl (Let (NonRec id' (Coerce coercion ty rhs) body')
+completeLet env binder old_rhs new_rhs body_c body_ty
   -- The general case
-  | otherwise
   = cloneId env binder			`thenSmpl` \ id' ->
 	env1    = extendIdEnvWithClone env binder id'
@@ -1120,40 +1202,6 @@ completeLet env binder@(id,binder_info) old_rhs new_rhs body_c body_ty
     body_c new_env			`thenSmpl` \ body' ->
     returnSmpl (Let (NonRec id' new_rhs) body')
-  where
-    will_be_demanded = willBeDemanded (getIdDemandInfo id)
-    try_to_reuse_constr   = switchIsSet env SimplReuseCon
-    Just (rhs_atom, atom_tick_type) = maybe_atomic_rhs
-    maybe_atomic_rhs :: Maybe (OutArg, TickType)
-	-- If the RHS is atomic, we return Just (atom, tick type)
-	-- otherwise Nothing
-    maybe_atomic_rhs
-      = case new_rhs of
-	  Var var -> Just (VarArg var, AtomicRhs)
-	  Lit lit | not (isNoRepLit lit)
-	    -> Just (LitArg lit, AtomicRhs)
-	  Con con con_args
-	    | try_to_reuse_constr
-		   -- Look out for
-		   --	let v = C args
-		   --	in
-		   --- ...(let w = C same-args in ...)...
-		   -- Then use v instead of w.	 This may save
-		   -- re-constructing an existing constructor.
-	     -> case (lookForConstructor env con con_args) of
-		  Nothing  -> Nothing
-		  Just var -> Just (VarArg var, ConReused)
-	  other -> Nothing
-    maybe_error_app        = maybeErrorApp new_rhs (Just body_ty)
-    Just retyped_error_app = maybe_error_app
@@ -1181,6 +1229,30 @@ simplArg env (VarArg id)
+exprToAtom env (Var var) 
+  = Just (VarArg var, AtomicRhs)
+exprToAtom env (Lit lit) 
+  | not (isNoRepLit lit)
+  = Just (LitArg lit, AtomicRhs)
+exprToAtom env (Con con con_args)
+  | switchIsSet env SimplReuseCon
+  -- Look out for
+  --	let v = C args
+  --	in
+  --- ...(let w = C same-args in ...)...
+  -- Then use v instead of w.	 This may save
+  -- re-constructing an existing constructor.
+  = case (lookForConstructor env con con_args) of
+		  Nothing  -> Nothing
+		  Just var -> Just (VarArg var, ConReused)
+exprToAtom env other
+  = Nothing
 %*									*
 \subsection[Simplify-quickies]{Some local help functions}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs
index 5290a5434853303385ee5961d83af7dc675749e3..c8d2144c83c0b7fee38c8bbf35a5a3b7ff0e25ed 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SatStgRhs.lhs
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ import Id		( idType, getIdArity, addIdArity, mkSysLocal,
 import IdInfo		( arityMaybe )
 import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
-import Type		( splitSigmaTy, splitFunTy )
+import Type		( splitSigmaTy, splitForAllTy, splitFunTyWithDictsAsArgs )
 import UniqSupply	( returnUs, thenUs, mapUs, getUnique, UniqSM(..) )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic )
@@ -166,9 +166,8 @@ satRhs top env (b, StgRhsClosure cc bi fv u args body)
 	    new_arity = num_args + needed_args
 	     -- get type info for this function:
-	    (_,rho_arg_tys,tau_ty) = splitSigmaTy (idType b)
-	    (tau_arg_tys, _) = splitFunTy tau_ty
-	    all_arg_tys = ASSERT(null rho_arg_tys) {-rho_arg_tys ++-} tau_arg_tys
+	    (_, rho_ty) = splitForAllTy (idType b)
+	    (all_arg_tys, _) = splitFunTyWithDictsAsArgs rho_ty
 	     -- now, we already have "args"; we drop that many types
 	    args_we_dont_have_tys = drop num_args all_arg_tys
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs
index 553acacee3796f2e9cc9eef25a9534b45272e757..5f6092c0318e75949ee105c1d64c83135b58dcf8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/UpdAnal.lhs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 > --import SrcLoc 	( mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 > --import StgSyn
 > --import UniqSet
-> --import UniqSupply 	( getBuiltinUniques )
+> --import Unique 	( getBuiltinUniques )
 > --import Util
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
index 7bac0935f0fbcbf60632c4aa5b980f7fcd882a41..990e8b2035aa3325dfaf8051468d8d863b64d860 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Id		( idType, isDictFunId, isConstMethodId_maybe,
 			  GenId {-instance NamedThing -}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, catMaybes, firstJust )
-import Name		( isLexVarSym, pprNonSym, moduleNamePair )
+import Name		( isLexVarSym, isLexSpecialSym, pprNonSym, moduleNamePair )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( pprGenType, pprParendGenType, pprMaybeTy,
 			  TyCon{-ditto-}, GenType{-ditto-}, GenTyVar
@@ -354,8 +354,8 @@ pp_idspec sty pp_mod (_, id, tys, is_err)
     default_method_maybe = isDefaultMethodId_maybe id
     is_default_method_id = maybeToBool default_method_maybe
-    pp_clsop str | isLexVarSym str
-    	         = ppBesides [ppLparen, ppPStr str, ppRparen]
+    pp_clsop str | isLexVarSym str && not (isLexSpecialSym str)
+    	         = ppParens (ppPStr str)
     	         | otherwise
 		 = ppPStr str
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
index 15230b43e0f6a4d8f353f14b5f6e42cd263d6dd2..d65eb8745f00636ebe1f55d4433d8aba029c62f9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
@@ -1423,6 +1423,8 @@ specExpr (SCC cc expr) args
     returnSM (applyBindUnlifts unlifts (mkGenApp scc_expr args),
 	      unionUDList args_uds_s `unionUDs` expr_uds)
+specExpr (Coerce _ _ _) args = panic "Specialise.specExpr:Coerce"
 -- ToDo: This may leave some unspec'd dictionaries!!
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
index e9dacd3f808159c67a21599ecbdba3ec27e5f748..233cca7020478a75a2becc1e9148de6281db2536 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/CoreToStg.lhs
@@ -617,6 +617,12 @@ coreExprToStg env (SCC cc expr)
     returnUs (StgSCC (coreExprType expr) cc stg_expr, binds)
+coreExprToStg env (Coerce c ty expr)
+  = coreExprToStg env expr  -- `thenUs` \ (stg_expr, binds) ->
+--  returnUs (StgSCC (coreExprType expr) cc stg_expr, binds)
 %*									*
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
index 8e08d328f8e9743534755abc1e9672ca3a67a700..ca50b0cc3a477f6e8cd7e69676fa90cd0f909002 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgSyn.lhs
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ with respect to binder and occurrence information (just as in
 data GenStgBinding bndr occ
   = StgNonRec	bndr (GenStgRhs bndr occ)
   | StgRec	[(bndr, GenStgRhs bndr occ)]
+  | StgCoerceBinding bndr occ
@@ -516,6 +517,10 @@ pprStgBinding sty (StgNonRec bndr rhs)
   = ppHang (ppCat [ppr sty bndr, ppEquals])
     	 4 (ppBeside (ppr sty rhs) ppSemi)
+pprStgBinding sty (StgCoerceBinding bndr occ)
+  = ppHang (ppCat [ppr sty bndr, ppEquals, ppStr "{-Coerce-}"])
+    	 4 (ppBeside (ppr sty occ) ppSemi)
 pprStgBinding sty (StgRec pairs)
   = ppAboves ((ifPprDebug sty (ppStr "{- StgRec -}")) :
 	      (map (ppr_bind sty) pairs))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs
index 11c621fb3342ac10c11b3063954c547252c82ccb..60c943ecb593ec12f1857a87a5bc5055aea7202e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stranal/SaAbsInt.lhs
@@ -609,7 +609,8 @@ absEval anal (Let (Rec pairs) body) env
     absEval anal body new_env
-absEval anal (SCC cc expr) env = absEval anal expr env
+absEval anal (SCC cc expr)      env = absEval anal expr env
+absEval anal (Coerce c ty expr) env = absEval anal expr env
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs
index dc9926d8f0f5632b9e43ae296498a2dc1d1ff9d1..3eb079baf2ec97e378706de3b893342cb3b5aab2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stranal/StrictAnal.lhs
@@ -271,6 +271,10 @@ saExpr str_env abs_env (SCC cc expr)
   = saExpr str_env abs_env expr	`thenSa` \ new_expr ->
     returnSa (SCC cc new_expr)
+saExpr str_env abs_env (Coerce c ty expr)
+  = saExpr str_env abs_env expr	`thenSa` \ new_expr ->
+    returnSa (Coerce c ty new_expr)
 saExpr str_env abs_env (Case expr (AlgAlts alts deflt))
   = saExpr    str_env abs_env expr  `thenSa` \ new_expr  ->
     saDefault str_env abs_env deflt `thenSa` \ new_deflt ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
index 4a7b076a46d36b2f822b17dfc7d46d3e51a9e1a3..d9ef03af1b22b547b7a1212b7c3605a8305acd5e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stranal/WorkWrap.lhs
@@ -114,6 +114,10 @@ wwExpr (SCC cc expr)
   = wwExpr expr			`thenUs` \ new_expr ->
     returnUs (SCC cc new_expr)
+wwExpr (Coerce c ty expr)
+  = wwExpr expr			`thenUs` \ new_expr ->
+    returnUs (Coerce c ty new_expr)
 wwExpr (Let bind expr)
   = wwBind False{-not top-level-} bind	`thenUs` \ intermediate_bind ->
     wwExpr expr				`thenUs` \ new_expr ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs
index 087206a612f4908c9b15d31d40ae0975e351d34e..35554f358a8fe4eed3f87907408921c48e607a26 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/GenSpecEtc.lhs
@@ -20,16 +20,20 @@ import Inst		( Inst, InstOrigin(..), LIE(..), plusLIE,
 import TcEnv		( tcGetGlobalTyVars )
 import TcSimplify	( tcSimplify, tcSimplifyAndCheck, tcSimplifyWithExtraGlobals )
 import TcType		( TcType(..), TcThetaType(..), TcTauType(..), 
-			  TcTyVarSet(..), TcTyVar(..), tcInstType, zonkTcType )
+			  TcTyVarSet(..), TcTyVar(..), tcInstType,
+			  newTyVarTy, zonkTcType
+			)
+import Unify		( unifyTauTy )
 import HsSyn		( HsBinds(..), Bind(..), MonoBinds(..), HsExpr, OutPat(..), 
 			  Sig, HsLit, ArithSeqInfo, InPat, GRHSsAndBinds, Match, Fake
-import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc(..), TcIdBndr(..), TcHsBinds(..), TcBind(..), TcExpr(..),				       tcIdType )
+import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc(..), TcIdBndr(..), TcHsBinds(..), TcBind(..), TcExpr(..), tcIdType )
 import Bag		( Bag, foldBag, bagToList, listToBag, isEmptyBag )
 import Class		( GenClass )
 import Id		( GenId, Id(..), mkUserId, idType )
+import Kind		( isUnboxedKind, isTypeKind, mkBoxedTypeKind )
 import ListSetOps	( minusList, unionLists, intersectLists )
 import Maybes		( Maybe(..), allMaybes )
 import Outputable	( interppSP, interpp'SP )
@@ -37,7 +41,7 @@ import Pretty
 import PprType		( GenClass, GenType, GenTyVar )
 import Type		( mkTyVarTy, splitSigmaTy, mkForAllTys, mkFunTys,
 			  getTyVar_maybe, tyVarsOfTypes, eqSimpleTheta )
-import TyVar		( GenTyVar, TyVar(..), minusTyVarSet, emptyTyVarSet,
+import TyVar		( GenTyVar, TyVar(..), tyVarKind, minusTyVarSet, emptyTyVarSet,
 			  elementOfTyVarSet, unionTyVarSets, tyVarSetToList )
 import Usage		( UVar(..) )
 import Unique		( Unique )
@@ -151,9 +155,27 @@ genBinds binder_names mono_ids bind lie sig_infos prag_info_fn
     resolveOverloading tyvars_to_gen lie bind sig_infos
 		 `thenTc` \ (lie', reduced_tyvars_to_gen, dict_binds, dicts_bound) ->
+	-- Check for generaliseation over unboxed types, and
+	-- default any TypeKind TyVars to BoxedTypeKind
+    let
+	tyvars = tyVarSetToList reduced_tyvars_to_gen	-- Commit to a particular order
+        unboxed_kind_tyvars    = filter (isUnboxedKind . tyVarKind) tyvars
+	unresolved_kind_tyvars = filter (isTypeKind    . tyVarKind) tyvars
+	box_it tyvar = newTyVarTy mkBoxedTypeKind	`thenNF_Tc` \ boxed_ty ->
+		       unifyTauTy (mkTyVarTy tyvar) boxed_ty
+    in
+    ASSERT( null unboxed_kind_tyvars )	-- The instCantBeGeneralised stuff in tcSimplify
+					-- should have dealt with unboxed type variables;
+					-- and it's better done there because we have more
+					-- precise origin information
+    mapTc box_it unresolved_kind_tyvars			`thenTc_`
-	tyvars	    = tyVarSetToList reduced_tyvars_to_gen	-- Commit to a particular order
 	dict_tys    = map tcIdType dicts_bound
 	poly_tys    = map (mkForAllTys tyvars . mkFunTys dict_tys) mono_id_types
 	poly_ids    = zipWithEqual mk_poly binder_names poly_tys
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
index d0615f6bf6f3bf6590ba177f6f6e1304fe123c72..be598f202cb12146473a9a302e24778f9f598d67 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
@@ -341,35 +341,31 @@ relevant in error messages.
 instance Outputable (Inst s) where
     ppr sty (LitInst uniq lit ty orig loc)
-      = ppHang (ppSep [case lit of
+      = ppSep [case lit of
 			  OverloadedIntegral   i -> ppInteger i
 			  OverloadedFractional f -> ppRational f,
-		       ppStr "at",
-		       ppr sty ty,
-		       show_uniq sty uniq
-		])
-	  4 (show_origin sty orig)
+	       ppStr "at",
+	       ppr sty ty,
+	       show_uniq sty uniq
+	]
     ppr sty (Dict uniq clas ty orig loc)
-      = ppHang (ppSep [ppr sty clas, 
-		       ppStr "at",
-		       ppr sty ty,
-		       show_uniq sty uniq
-		])
-	  4 (show_origin sty orig)
+      = ppSep [ppr sty clas, 
+	       ppStr "at",
+	       ppr sty ty,
+	       show_uniq sty uniq
+	]
     ppr sty (Method uniq id tys rho orig loc)
-      = ppHang (ppSep [ppr sty id, 
-		       ppStr "at",
-		       ppr sty tys,
-		       show_uniq sty uniq
-		])
-	  4 (show_origin sty orig)
+      = ppSep [ppr sty id, 
+	       ppStr "at",
+	       ppr sty tys,
+	       show_uniq sty uniq
+	]
 show_uniq PprDebug uniq = ppr PprDebug uniq
 show_uniq sty	   uniq = ppNil
-show_origin sty orig    = ppBesides [ppLparen, pprOrigin sty orig, ppRparen]
 Printing in error messages
@@ -412,7 +408,9 @@ lookupInst :: Inst s
 lookupInst dict@(Dict _ clas ty orig loc)
   = case lookupMEnv matchTy (get_inst_env clas orig) ty of
-      Nothing	-> failTc (noInstanceErr dict)
+      Nothing	-> tcAddSrcLoc loc		 $
+		   tcAddErrCtxt (pprOrigin orig) $
+		   failTc (noInstanceErr dict)
       Just (dfun_id, tenv) 
 	-> let
@@ -603,49 +601,49 @@ get_inst_env clas (InstanceSpecOrigin inst_mapper _ _)
 get_inst_env clas other_orig = classInstEnv clas
-pprOrigin :: PprStyle -> InstOrigin s -> Pretty
+pprOrigin :: InstOrigin s -> PprStyle -> Pretty
-pprOrigin sty (OccurrenceOf id)
+pprOrigin (OccurrenceOf id) sty
       = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("at a use of an overloaded identifier: `"),
 		   ppr sty id, ppChar '\'']
-pprOrigin sty (OccurrenceOfCon id)
+pprOrigin (OccurrenceOfCon id) sty
       = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("at a use of an overloaded constructor: `"),
 		   ppr sty id, ppChar '\'']
-pprOrigin sty (InstanceDeclOrigin)
+pprOrigin (InstanceDeclOrigin) sty
       = ppStr "in an instance declaration"
-pprOrigin sty (LiteralOrigin lit)
+pprOrigin (LiteralOrigin lit) sty
       = ppCat [ppStr "at an overloaded literal:", ppr sty lit]
-pprOrigin sty (ArithSeqOrigin seq)
+pprOrigin (ArithSeqOrigin seq) sty
       = ppCat [ppStr "at an arithmetic sequence:", ppr sty seq]
-pprOrigin sty (SignatureOrigin)
+pprOrigin (SignatureOrigin) sty
       = ppStr "in a type signature"
-pprOrigin sty (DoOrigin)
+pprOrigin (DoOrigin) sty
       = ppStr "in a do statement"
-pprOrigin sty (ClassDeclOrigin)
+pprOrigin (ClassDeclOrigin) sty
       = ppStr "in a class declaration"
-pprOrigin sty (DerivingOrigin _ clas tycon)
+pprOrigin (DerivingOrigin _ clas tycon) sty
       = ppBesides [ppStr "in a `deriving' clause; class `",
 			  ppr sty clas,
 			  ppStr "'; offending type `",
 		          ppr sty tycon,
 			  ppStr "'"]
-pprOrigin sty (InstanceSpecOrigin _ clas ty)
+pprOrigin (InstanceSpecOrigin _ clas ty) sty
       = ppBesides [ppStr "in a SPECIALIZE instance pragma; class \"",
 	 	   ppr sty clas, ppStr "\" type: ", ppr sty ty]
-pprOrigin sty (DefaultDeclOrigin)
+pprOrigin (DefaultDeclOrigin) sty
       = ppStr "in a `default' declaration"
-pprOrigin sty (ValSpecOrigin name)
+pprOrigin (ValSpecOrigin name) sty
       = ppBesides [ppStr "in a SPECIALIZE user-pragma for `",
 		   ppr sty name, ppStr "'"]
-pprOrigin sty (CCallOrigin clabel Nothing{-ccall result-})
+pprOrigin (CCallOrigin clabel Nothing{-ccall result-}) sty
       = ppBesides [ppStr "in the result of the _ccall_ to `",
 		   ppStr clabel, ppStr "'"]
-pprOrigin sty (CCallOrigin clabel (Just arg_expr))
+pprOrigin (CCallOrigin clabel (Just arg_expr)) sty
       = ppBesides [ppStr "in an argument in the _ccall_ to `",
 		  ppStr clabel, ppStr "', namely: ", ppr sty arg_expr]
-pprOrigin sty (LitLitOrigin s)
+pprOrigin (LitLitOrigin s) sty
       = ppBesides [ppStr "in this ``literal-literal'': ", ppStr s]
-pprOrigin sty UnknownOrigin
+pprOrigin UnknownOrigin sty
       = ppStr "in... oops -- I don't know where the overloading came from!"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
index 88667f095142751d522bc5a58dfe3acdba642deb..4d4a1ad24893c254d1e3f9e5ffc6584ee8e972fa 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
@@ -249,6 +249,10 @@ data SigInfo
 			`thenTc` \ (tyvars_not_to_gen, tyvars_to_gen, lie_to_gen) ->
 	-- Make poly_ids for all the binders that don't have type signatures
 	tys_to_gen   = mkTyVarTys tyvars_to_gen
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
index 6b2bec7a860b4a93e7221ef31c65926b9b2ed006..6454e1a530474d732069d7ac45ab03d027927d7c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ tcExpr (ExplicitTuple exprs)
 tcExpr (RecordCon (HsVar con) rbinds)
   = tcId con				`thenNF_Tc` \ (con_expr, con_lie, con_tau) ->
-	(_, record_ty)       = splitFunTy con_tau
+	(_, record_ty) = splitFunTy con_tau
 	-- Con is syntactically constrained to be a data constructor
     ASSERT( maybeToBool (maybeAppDataTyCon record_ty ) )
@@ -708,6 +708,12 @@ tcListComp expr (qual@(GeneratorQual pat rhs) : quals)
       tcAddErrCtxt (qualCtxt qual) (
         tcPat pat				`thenTc` \ (pat',  lie_pat,  pat_ty)  ->
         tcExpr rhs				`thenTc` \ (rhs', lie_rhs, rhs_ty) ->
+		-- NB: the environment has been extended with the new binders
+		-- which the rhs can't "see", but the renamer should have made
+		-- sure that everything is distinct by now, so there's no problem.
+		-- Putting the tcExpr before the newMonoIds messes up the nesting
+		-- of error contexts, so I didn't  bother
         unifyTauTy (mkListTy pat_ty) rhs_ty	`thenTc_`
 	returnTc (GeneratorQual pat' rhs', 
 		  lie_pat `plusLIE` lie_rhs) 
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
index 051d6cd27c5c7c1d5fe6705d1816b8a54dc4efd4..d70b25c95d3613297a0ee29c5bfcbff5eaa87e72 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ tcIdType other     = panic "tcIdType"
 instance Eq (TcIdOcc s) where
   (TcId id1)   == (TcId id2)   = id1 == id2
   (RealId id1) == (RealId id2) = id1 == id2
+  _	       == _	       = False
 instance Outputable (TcIdOcc s) where
   ppr sty (TcId id)   = ppr sty id
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
index c45d8099dc1d82f17517ea1f7bf8195128232c6b..3ea432f2a073a558ffe437d9e1e9b67895f509bb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
@@ -73,10 +73,11 @@ import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar, GenClass, GenClassOp, TyCon,
 import PprStyle
 import Pretty
 import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..) )
-import TyCon		( derivedFor )
+import TyCon		( isSynTyCon, derivedFor )
 import Type		( GenType(..),  ThetaType(..), mkTyVarTys,
 			  splitSigmaTy, splitAppTy, isTyVarTy, matchTy, mkSigmaTy,
-			  getTyCon_maybe, maybeBoxedPrimType )
+			  getTyCon_maybe, maybeBoxedPrimType
+			)
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar, mkTyVarSet )
 import TysWiredIn	( stringTy )
 import Unique		( Unique )
@@ -889,7 +890,7 @@ We can also have instances for functions: @instance Foo (a -> b) ...@.
 scrutiniseInstanceType from_here clas inst_tau
-  | not (maybeToBool inst_tycon_maybe)
+  | not (maybeToBool inst_tycon_maybe) || isSynTyCon inst_tycon
   = failTc (instTypeErr inst_tau)
   	-- IMPORTED INSTANCES ARE OK (but see tcInstDecl1)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcKind.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcKind.lhs
index 05b4a03a41b8328c7efffd8b4a13e6eb80fc5f3c..71cba23e9fbac4ab711b69dc4cddae8dcce1aeaf 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcKind.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcKind.lhs
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
 module TcKind (
 	Kind, mkTypeKind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkUnboxedTypeKind, mkArrowKind, 
-	isSubKindOf,	-- Kind -> Kind -> Bool
-	resultKind,	-- Kind -> Kind
+	hasMoreBoxityInfo,	-- Kind -> Kind -> Bool
+	resultKind,		-- Kind -> Kind
 	TcKind, mkTcTypeKind, mkTcArrowKind, mkTcVarKind,
 	newKindVar,	-- NF_TcM s (TcKind s)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
index 70c05648eae477766a95a7a647b06b3037aeed49..78d56f485f48e6241dc787e7e707ae6a71237c22 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import UniqSet		( UniqSet(..), emptyUniqSet,
 			  unitUniqSet, unionUniqSets, 
 			  unionManyUniqSets, uniqSetToList ) 
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
-import TyCon		( TyCon, tyConDataCons, isDataTyCon )
+import TyCon		( TyCon, tyConDataCons, isDataTyCon, isSynTyCon )
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import Util		( panic, pprTrace )
@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ tcGroup inst_mapper decls
 	-- Create any necessary record selector Ids and their bindings
-    mapAndUnzipTc mkDataBinds (filter isDataTyCon tycons)	`thenTc` \ (data_ids_s, binds) ->
+	-- "Necessary" includes data and newtype declarations
+    mapAndUnzipTc mkDataBinds (filter (not.isSynTyCon) tycons)	`thenTc` \ (data_ids_s, binds) ->
 	-- Extend the global value environment with 
 	--	a) constructors
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
index 71f0228e824213115abb289a2fcef9b5c175c8f4..cd62d7cb3bf65acd44fe2eac2934a1947d2f32cc 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
@@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ import Name		( nameSrcLoc, isLocallyDefinedName, getSrcLoc,
 import Pretty
 import TyCon		( TyCon, NewOrData(..), mkSynTyCon, mkDataTyCon, isDataTyCon, 
-			  tyConDataCons )
+			  isNewTyCon, tyConDataCons
+			)
 import Type		( typeKind, getTyVar, tyVarsOfTypes, eqTy,
 			  applyTyCon, mkTyVarTys, mkForAllTys, mkFunTy,
 			  splitFunTy, mkTyVarTy, getTyVar_maybe
@@ -163,7 +164,7 @@ Generating constructor/selector bindings for data declarations
 mkDataBinds :: TyCon -> TcM s ([Id], TcHsBinds s)
 mkDataBinds tycon
-  = ASSERT( isDataTyCon tycon )
+  = ASSERT( isDataTyCon tycon || isNewTyCon tycon )
     mapAndUnzipTc mkConstructor data_cons		`thenTc` \ (con_ids, con_binds) ->	
     mapAndUnzipTc (mkRecordSelector tycon) groups	`thenTc` \ (sel_ids, sel_binds) ->
     returnTc (con_ids ++ sel_ids, 
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs
index 4eb7b3f8e9c694265d752ff8820afa5cbd0ffceb..ad979b77349cd0f4c68326c7aeffbf99cf75fde5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Unify.lhs
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import TcType	( TcType(..), TcMaybe(..), TcTauType(..), TcTyVar(..),
 		  newTyVarTy, tcReadTyVar, tcWriteTyVar, zonkTcType
 -- others:
-import Kind	( Kind, isSubKindOf, mkTypeKind )
+import Kind	( Kind, hasMoreBoxityInfo, mkTypeKind )
 import Usage	( duffUsage )
 import PprType	( GenTyVar, GenType )	-- instances
 import Pretty
@@ -232,10 +232,10 @@ uUnboundVar tv1@(TyVar uniq1 kind1 name1 box1)
 		     -> failTc (unifyDontBindErr tv1 ps_ty2)
-	(UnBound, _) |  kind2 `isSubKindOf` kind1
+	(UnBound, _) |  kind2 `hasMoreBoxityInfo` kind1
 		     -> tcWriteTyVar tv1 ty2		`thenNF_Tc_` returnTc ()
-	(_, UnBound) |  kind1 `isSubKindOf` kind2
+	(_, UnBound) |  kind1 `hasMoreBoxityInfo` kind2
 		     -> tcWriteTyVar tv2 (TyVarTy tv1)	`thenNF_Tc_` returnTc ()
 	other	     -> failTc (unifyKindErr tv1 ps_ty2)
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ uUnboundVar tv1@(TyVar uniq1 kind1 name1 box1) maybe_ty1 ps_ty2 non_var_ty2
   = case maybe_ty1 of
 	DontBind -> failTc (unifyDontBindErr tv1 ps_ty2)
-	UnBound	 |  typeKind non_var_ty2 `isSubKindOf` kind1
+	UnBound	 |  typeKind non_var_ty2 `hasMoreBoxityInfo` kind1
 		 -> occur_check non_var_ty2			`thenTc_`
 		    tcWriteTyVar tv1 ps_ty2			`thenNF_Tc_`
 		    returnTc ()
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Kind.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Kind.lhs
index 9fe3df3dfcd7f11a754fcfc56239fa2dd91d6e01..ad6875d494a9ced34aab92e061022ebf07fde90f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Kind.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Kind.lhs
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 \section[Kind]{The @Kind@ datatype}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
 module Kind (
 	Kind(..),		-- Only visible to friends: TcKind
@@ -12,13 +14,15 @@ module Kind (
-	isSubKindOf,
-	resultKind, argKind
+	hasMoreBoxityInfo,
+	resultKind, argKind,
+	isUnboxedKind, isTypeKind
     ) where
 import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import Util		( panic )
+import Util		( panic, assertPanic )
 --import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )
 import Pretty
@@ -36,11 +40,31 @@ mkTypeKind  	  = TypeKind
 mkUnboxedTypeKind = UnboxedTypeKind
 mkBoxedTypeKind   = BoxedTypeKind
-isSubKindOf :: Kind -> Kind -> Bool
+isTypeKind :: Kind -> Bool
+isTypeKind TypeKind = True
+isTypeKind other    = False
+isUnboxedKind :: Kind -> Bool
+isUnboxedKind UnboxedTypeKind 	= True
+isUnboxedKind other		= False
+hasMoreBoxityInfo :: Kind -> Kind -> Bool
+BoxedTypeKind 	`hasMoreBoxityInfo` TypeKind	    = True
+BoxedTypeKind   `hasMoreBoxityInfo` BoxedTypeKind   = True
+UnboxedTypeKind `hasMoreBoxityInfo` TypeKind 	    = True
+UnboxedTypeKind `hasMoreBoxityInfo` UnboxedTypeKind = True
+TypeKind	`hasMoreBoxityInfo` TypeKind	    = True
+kind1	 	`hasMoreBoxityInfo` kind2    	    = ASSERT( notArrowKind kind1 &&
+							      notArrowKind kind2 )
+						      False
-BoxedTypeKind   `isSubKindOf` TypeKind = True
-UnboxedTypeKind `isSubKindOf` TypeKind = True
-kind1		`isSubKindOf` kind2    = kind1 == kind2
+-- Not exported
+notArrowKind (ArrowKind _ _) = False
+notArrowKind other_kind	     = True
 resultKind :: Kind -> Kind	-- Get result from arrow kind
 resultKind (ArrowKind _ res_kind) = res_kind
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
index fa790ac7141a76bc445143e9d9126d593811b1a0..c066295e093af062e82cd57eb423994da26c9bf7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
@@ -17,7 +17,11 @@ module PprType(
-	GenClassOp, pprGenClassOp
+	GenClassOp, pprGenClassOp,
+	addTyVar, nmbrTyVar,
+	addUVar,  nmbrUsage,
+	nmbrType, nmbrTyCon, nmbrClass
  ) where
 import Ubiq
@@ -33,19 +37,22 @@ import TyCon		( TyCon(..), NewOrData )
 import Class		( Class(..), GenClass(..),
 			  ClassOp(..), GenClassOp(..) )
 import Kind		( Kind(..) )
+import Usage		( GenUsage(..) )
 -- others:
 import CStrings		( identToC )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_OmitInterfacePragmas )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import Name		( isLexVarSym, isPreludeDefined, origName, moduleOf,
+import Name		( isLexVarSym, isLexSpecialSym, isPreludeDefined, origName, moduleOf,
 			  Name{-instance Outputable-}
 import Outputable	( ifPprShowAll, interpp'SP )
+import PprEnv
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..), codeStyle, showUserishTypes )
 import Pretty
 import TysWiredIn	( listTyCon )
-import Unique		( pprUnique10, pprUnique )
+import UniqFM		( addToUFM_Directly, lookupUFM_Directly, ufmToList{-ToDo:rm-} )
+import Unique		( pprUnique10, pprUnique, incrUnique )
 import Usage		( UVar(..), pprUVar )
 import Util
@@ -91,11 +98,11 @@ works just by setting the initial context precedence very high.
 pprGenType, pprParendGenType :: (Eq tyvar, Outputable tyvar, Eq uvar, Outputable uvar)
 		       => PprStyle -> GenType tyvar uvar -> Pretty
-pprGenType       sty ty = ppr_ty sty (initial_ve sty) tOP_PREC   ty
-pprParendGenType sty ty = ppr_ty sty (initial_ve sty) tYCON_PREC ty
+pprGenType       sty ty = ppr_ty sty (init_ppr_env sty) tOP_PREC   ty
+pprParendGenType sty ty = ppr_ty sty (init_ppr_env sty) tYCON_PREC ty
-pprType       	 sty ty = ppr_ty sty (initial_ve sty) tOP_PREC   (ty :: Type)
-pprParendType 	 sty ty = ppr_ty sty (initial_ve sty) tYCON_PREC (ty :: Type)
+pprType       	 sty ty = ppr_ty sty (init_ppr_env sty) tOP_PREC   (ty :: Type)
+pprParendType 	 sty ty = ppr_ty sty (init_ppr_env sty) tYCON_PREC (ty :: Type)
 pprMaybeTy :: (Eq tyvar, Outputable tyvar, Eq uvar, Outputable uvar)
            => PprStyle -> Maybe (GenType tyvar uvar) -> Pretty
@@ -105,7 +112,7 @@ pprMaybeTy sty (Just ty) = pprParendGenType sty ty
 ppr_ty :: (Eq tyvar, Outputable tyvar, Eq uvar, Outputable uvar)
-       => PprStyle -> VarEnv tyvar uvar -> Int
+       => PprStyle -> PprEnv tyvar uvar bndr occ -> Int
        -> GenType tyvar uvar
        -> Pretty
@@ -134,15 +141,15 @@ ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec (ForAllUsageTy uv uvs ty)
 ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec ty@(FunTy (DictTy _ _ _) _ _)
   | showUserishTypes sty
     -- Print a nice looking context  (Eq a, Text b) => ...
-  = ppSep [ppBesides [ppLparen, 
-	   	      ppIntersperse pp'SP (map (ppr_dict sty env tOP_PREC) theta),
-		      ppRparen],
-	   ppPStr SLIT("=>"),
+  = ppSep [ppBeside (ppr_theta theta) (ppPStr SLIT(" =>")),
 	   ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec body_ty
     (theta, body_ty) = splitRhoTy ty
+    ppr_theta [ct] = ppr_dict sty env tOP_PREC ct
+    ppr_theta cts  = ppParens (ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr_dict sty env tOP_PREC) cts))
 ppr_ty sty env ctxt_prec (FunTy ty1 ty2 usage)
     -- We fiddle the precedences passed to left/right branches,
     -- so that right associativity comes out nicely...
@@ -214,52 +221,19 @@ ppr_dict sty env ctxt_prec (clas, ty)
 	(ppCat [ppr sty clas, ppr_ty sty env tYCON_PREC ty]) 
-Nota Bene: we must assign print-names to the forall'd type variables
-alphabetically, with the first forall'd variable having the alphabetically
-first name.  Reason: so anyone reading the type signature printed without
-explicit forall's will be able to reconstruct them in the right order.
+This stuff is effectively stubbed out for the time being
+(WDP 960425):
--- Entirely local to this module
-data VarEnv tyvar uvar
-  = VE	[Pretty] 		-- Tyvar pretty names
-	(tyvar -> Pretty)	-- Tyvar lookup function
-        [Pretty]		-- Uvar  pretty names
-	(uvar -> Pretty)	-- Uvar  lookup function
-initial_ve PprForC = VE [] (\tv -> ppChar '*')
-			[] (\tv -> ppChar '#')
-initial_ve sty = VE tv_pretties (ppr sty)
-		    uv_pretties (ppr sty)
-  where
-    tv_pretties = map (\ c -> ppChar c ) ['a' .. 'h']
-		  ++
-		  map (\ n -> ppBeside (ppChar 'a') (ppInt n))
-		      ([0 .. ] :: [Int])	-- a0 ... aN
-    uv_pretties = map (\ c -> ppChar c ) ['u' .. 'y']
-		  ++
-		  map (\ n -> ppBeside (ppChar 'u') (ppInt n))
-		      ([0 .. ] :: [Int])	-- u0 ... uN
-ppr_tyvar (VE _ ppr _ _) tyvar = ppr tyvar
-ppr_uvar  (VE _ _ _ ppr) uvar  = ppr uvar
-add_tyvar ve@(VE [] _ _ _) tyvar = ve
-add_tyvar (VE (tv_pp:tv_supply') tv_ppr uv_supply uv_ppr) tyvar
-  = VE tv_supply' tv_ppr' uv_supply uv_ppr
+init_ppr_env sty
+  = initPprEnv sty b b b b b b b b b b b
-    tv_ppr' tv | tv==tyvar = tv_pp
-	       | otherwise = tv_ppr tv
+    b = panic "PprType:init_ppr_env"
-add_uvar ve@(VE _ _ [] _) uvar = ve
-add_uvar (VE tv_supply tv_ppr (uv_pp:uv_supply') uv_ppr) uvar
-  = VE tv_supply tv_ppr uv_supply' uv_ppr'
-  where
-    uv_ppr' uv | uv==uvar = uv_pp
-	       | otherwise = uv_ppr uv
+ppr_tyvar env tyvar = ppr (pStyle env) tyvar
+ppr_uvar  env uvar  = ppr (pStyle env) uvar
+add_tyvar env tyvar = env
+add_uvar  env  uvar = env
 @ppr_ty@ takes an @Int@ that is the precedence of the context.
@@ -289,8 +263,11 @@ maybeParen ctxt_prec inner_prec pretty
 pprGenTyVar sty (TyVar uniq kind name usage)
-  = ppBesides [pp_name, pprUnique10 uniq]
+  = case sty of
+      PprInterface -> pp_u
+      _		   -> ppBeside pp_name pp_u
+    pp_u    = pprUnique10 uniq
     pp_name = case name of
 		Just n  -> ppr sty n
 		Nothing -> case kind of
@@ -360,15 +337,15 @@ ppr_class_op sty tyvars (ClassOp op_name i ty)
       _		    -> pp_user
     pp_C    = ppPStr op_name
-    pp_user = if isLexVarSym op_name
-	      then ppBesides [ppLparen, pp_C, ppRparen]
+    pp_user = if isLexVarSym op_name && not (isLexSpecialSym op_name)
+	      then ppParens pp_C
 	      else pp_C
 %*									*
-\subsection[]{Mumbo jumbo}
+\subsection{Mumbo jumbo}
 %*									*
@@ -426,164 +403,161 @@ specMaybeTysSuffix ty_maybes
     _CONCAT_ dotted_tys
-	INTERFACE STUFF; move it out
+ToDo: possibly move:
+nmbrType :: Type -> NmbrM Type
+nmbrType (TyVarTy tv)
+  = nmbrTyVar tv    `thenNmbr` \ new_tv ->
+    returnNmbr (TyVarTy new_tv)
+nmbrType (AppTy t1 t2)
+  = nmbrType t1	    `thenNmbr` \ new_t1 ->
+    nmbrType t2	    `thenNmbr` \ new_t2 ->
+    returnNmbr (AppTy new_t1 new_t2)
+nmbrType (TyConTy tc use)
+  = --nmbrTyCon tc    `thenNmbr` \ new_tc ->
+    nmbrUsage use   `thenNmbr` \ new_use ->
+    returnNmbr (TyConTy tc new_use)
+nmbrType (SynTy tc args expand)
+  = --nmbrTyCon tc	    `thenNmbr` \ new_tc ->
+    mapNmbr nmbrType args   `thenNmbr` \ new_args ->
+    nmbrType expand	    `thenNmbr` \ new_expand ->
+    returnNmbr (SynTy tc new_args new_expand)
+nmbrType (ForAllTy tv ty)
+  = addTyVar tv		`thenNmbr` \ new_tv ->
+    nmbrType ty		`thenNmbr` \ new_ty ->
+    returnNmbr (ForAllTy new_tv new_ty)
+nmbrType (ForAllUsageTy u us ty)
+  = addUVar u		    `thenNmbr` \ new_u  ->
+    mapNmbr nmbrUVar us     `thenNmbr` \ new_us ->
+    nmbrType ty		    `thenNmbr` \ new_ty ->
+    returnNmbr (ForAllUsageTy new_u new_us new_ty)
+nmbrType (FunTy t1 t2 use)
+  = nmbrType t1	    `thenNmbr` \ new_t1 ->
+    nmbrType t2	    `thenNmbr` \ new_t2 ->
+    nmbrUsage use   `thenNmbr` \ new_use ->
+    returnNmbr (FunTy new_t1 new_t2 new_use)
+nmbrType (DictTy c ty use)
+  = --nmbrClass c	    `thenNmbr` \ new_c   ->
+    nmbrType  ty    `thenNmbr` \ new_ty  ->
+    nmbrUsage use   `thenNmbr` \ new_use ->
+    returnNmbr (DictTy c new_ty new_use)
-pprTyCon sty@PprInterface (SynonymTyCon k n a vs exp unabstract) specs
-  = ASSERT (null specs)
-    let
-	lookup_fn   = mk_lookup_tyvar_fn sty vs
-	pp_tyvars   = map lookup_fn vs
-    in
-    ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("type"), ppr sty n, ppIntersperse ppSP pp_tyvars,
-	   ppEquals, ppr_ty sty lookup_fn tOP_PREC exp]
-pprTyCon sty@PprInterface this_tycon@(DataTyCon u n k vs ctxt cons derivings data_or_new) specs
-  = ppHang (ppCat [pp_data_or_new,
-		   pprContext sty ctxt,
-		   ppr sty n,
-		   ppIntersperse ppSP (map lookup_fn vs)])
-	   4
-	   (ppCat [pp_unabstract_condecls,
-		   pp_pragma])
-	   -- NB: we do not print deriving info in interfaces
-  where
-    lookup_fn = mk_lookup_tyvar_fn sty vs
-    pp_data_or_new = case data_or_new of
-		      DataType -> ppPStr SLIT("data")
-		      NewType  -> ppPStr SLIT("newtype")
-    yes_we_print_condecls
-      = unabstract
-    	&& not (null cons)	-- we know what they are
-	&& (case (getExportFlag n) of
-	      ExportAbs -> False
-	      other 	-> True)
-    yes_we_print_pragma_condecls
-      = not yes_we_print_condecls
-	&& not opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
-	&& not (null cons)
-	&& not (maybeToBool (maybePurelyLocalTyCon this_tycon))
-	{- && not (any (dataConMentionsNonPreludeTyCon this_tycon) cons) -}
-    yes_we_print_pragma_specs
-      = not (null specs)
-    pp_unabstract_condecls
-      = if yes_we_print_condecls
-	then ppCat [ppSP, ppEquals, pp_condecls]
-	else ppNil
-    pp_pragma_condecls
-      = if yes_we_print_pragma_condecls
-	then pp_condecls
-	else ppNil
-    pp_pragma_specs
-      = if yes_we_print_pragma_specs
-	then pp_specs
-	else ppNil
-    pp_pragma
-      = if (yes_we_print_pragma_condecls || yes_we_print_pragma_specs)
-	then ppCat [ppStr "\t{-# GHC_PRAGMA", pp_pragma_condecls, pp_pragma_specs, ppStr "#-}"]
-	else ppNil
-    pp_condecls
-      = let
-	    (c:cs) = cons
+addTyVar, nmbrTyVar :: TyVar -> NmbrM TyVar
+addTyVar tv@(TyVar u k maybe_name use) nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
+  = --pprTrace "addTyVar:" (ppCat [pprUnique u, pprUnique ut]) $
+    case (lookupUFM_Directly tvenv u) of
+      Just xx -> pprTrace "addTyVar: already in map!" (ppr PprDebug tv) $
+		 (nenv, xx)
+      Nothing ->
+	let
+	    nenv_plus_tv     = NmbrEnv ui (incrUnique ut) uu
+				       idenv
+				       (addToUFM_Directly tvenv u new_tv)
+				       uvenv
+	    (nenv2, new_use) = nmbrUsage use nenv_plus_tv
+	    new_tv = TyVar ut k maybe_name new_use
-	ppCat ((ppr_con c) : (map ppr_next_con cs))
-      where
-	ppr_con con
-	  = let
-		(_, _, con_arg_tys, _) = dataConSig con
-	    in
-	    ppCat [pprNonSym PprForUser con, -- the data con's name...
-		   ppIntersperse ppSP (map (ppr_ty sty lookup_fn tYCON_PREC) con_arg_tys)]
-    	ppr_next_con con = ppCat [ppChar '|', ppr_con con]
-    pp_specs
-      = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("_SPECIALIZE_ "), pp_the_list [
-	  ppCat [ppLbrack, ppInterleave ppComma (map pp_maybe ty_maybes), ppRbrack]
-	  | ty_maybes <- specs ]]
-    pp_the_list [p]    = p
-    pp_the_list (p:ps) = ppAbove (ppBeside p ppComma) (pp_the_list ps)
-    pp_maybe Nothing   = pp_NONE
-    pp_maybe (Just ty) = pprParendGenType sty ty
-    pp_NONE = ppPStr SLIT("_N_")
-pprTyCon PprInterface (TupleTyCon _ name _) specs
-  = ASSERT (null specs)
-    ppCat [ ppStr "{- ", ppr PprForUser name, ppStr "-}" ]
-pprTyCon PprInterface (PrimTyCon k n a kind_fn) specs
-  = ASSERT (null specs)
-    ppCat [ ppStr "{- data", ppr PprForUser n, ppStr " *built-in* -}" ]
+	(nenv2, new_tv)
+nmbrTyVar tv@(TyVar u _ _ _) nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
+  = case (lookupUFM_Directly tvenv u) of
+      Just xx -> (nenv, xx)
+      Nothing ->
+	pprTrace "nmbrTyVar: lookup failed:" (ppCat (ppr PprDebug u : [ppCat [ppr PprDebug x, ppStr "=>", ppr PprDebug tv] | (x,tv) <- ufmToList tvenv])) $
+	(nenv, tv)
+nmbrTyCon : only called from ``top-level'', if you know what I mean.
+nmbrTyCon tc@FunTyCon		= returnNmbr tc
+nmbrTyCon tc@(TupleTyCon _ _ _)	= returnNmbr tc
+nmbrTyCon tc@(PrimTyCon  _ _ _)	= returnNmbr tc
+nmbrTyCon (DataTyCon u n k tvs theta cons clss nod)
+  = --pprTrace "nmbrDataTyCon:" (ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug) tvs)) $
+    mapNmbr addTyVar   tvs	`thenNmbr` \ new_tvs   ->
+    mapNmbr nmbr_theta theta	`thenNmbr` \ new_theta ->
+    mapNmbr nmbrId     cons	`thenNmbr` \ new_cons  ->
+    returnNmbr (DataTyCon u n k new_tvs new_theta new_cons clss nod)
+  where
+    nmbr_theta (c,t)
+      = --nmbrClass c	`thenNmbr` \ new_c ->
+        nmbrType  t	`thenNmbr` \ new_t ->
+	returnNmbr (c, new_t)
+nmbrTyCon (SynTyCon u n k a tvs expand)
+  = mapNmbr addTyVar   tvs	`thenNmbr` \ new_tvs ->
+    nmbrType	       expand	`thenNmbr` \ new_expand ->
+    returnNmbr (SynTyCon u n k a new_tvs new_expand)
+nmbrTyCon (SpecTyCon tc specs)
+  = mapNmbr nmbrMaybeTy specs	`thenNmbr` \ new_specs ->
+    returnNmbr (SpecTyCon tc new_specs)
+nmbrMaybeTy Nothing  = returnNmbr Nothing
+nmbrMaybeTy (Just t) = nmbrType t `thenNmbr` \ new_t ->
+		       returnNmbr (Just new_t)
+nmbrClass (Class u n tv supers ssels ops osels odefms instenv isupers)
+  = addTyVar tv		`thenNmbr` \ new_tv  ->
+    mapNmbr nmbr_op ops	`thenNmbr` \ new_ops ->
+    returnNmbr (Class u n new_tv supers ssels new_ops osels odefms instenv isupers)
+  where
+    nmbr_op (ClassOp n tag ty)
+      = nmbrType ty	`thenNmbr` \ new_ty ->
+	returnNmbr (ClassOp n tag new_ty)
-pprIfaceClass :: (Id -> Id) -> IdEnv UnfoldingDetails -> Class -> Pretty
+nmbrUsage :: Usage -> NmbrM Usage
+nmbrUsage u = returnNmbr u
+{- LATER:
+nmbrUsage u@UsageOne   = returnNmbr u
+nmbrUsage u@UsageOmega = returnNmbr u
+nmbrUsage (UsageVar u)
+  = nmbrUVar u	`thenNmbr` \ new_u ->
+    returnNmbr (UsageVar new_u)
-pprIfaceClass better_id_fn inline_env
-	(Class k n tyvar super_classes sdsels ops sels defms insts links)
-  = let
-	sdsel_infos = map (getIdInfo . better_id_fn) sdsels
-    in
-    ppAboves [ ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("class"), ppr_theta tyvar super_classes,
-		      ppr sty n, lookup_fn tyvar,
-		      if null sdsel_infos
-		      || opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
-		      || (any boringIdInfo sdsel_infos)
-			-- ToDo: really should be "all bor..."
-			-- but then parsing is more tedious,
-			-- and this is really as good in practice.
-		      then ppNil
-		      else pp_sdsel_pragmas (sdsels `zip` sdsel_infos),
-		      if (null ops)
-		      then ppNil
-		      else ppPStr SLIT("where")],
-	       ppNest 8  (ppAboves
-		 [ ppr_op op (better_id_fn sel) (better_id_fn defm)
-		 | (op,sel,defm) <- zip3 ops sels defms]) ]
-  where
-    lookup_fn = mk_lookup_tyvar_fn sty [tyvar]
-    ppr_theta :: TyVar -> [Class] -> Pretty
-    ppr_theta tv [] = ppNil
-    ppr_theta tv super_classes
-      = ppBesides [ppLparen,
-		   ppIntersperse pp'SP{-'-} (map ppr_assert super_classes),
-		   ppStr ") =>"]
-      where
-	ppr_assert (Class _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = ppCat [ppr sty n, lookup_fn tv]
-    pp_sdsel_pragmas sdsels_and_infos
-      = ppCat [ppStr "{-# GHC_PRAGMA {-superdicts-}",
-	       ppIntersperse pp'SP{-'-}
-		 [ppIdInfo sty sdsel False{-NO specs-} better_id_fn inline_env info
-		 | (sdsel, info) <- sdsels_and_infos ],
-	       ppStr "#-}"]
-    ppr_op op opsel_id defm_id
-      = let
-	    stuff = ppBeside (ppChar '\t') (ppr_class_op sty [tyvar] op)
+addUVar, nmbrUVar :: UVar -> NmbrM UVar
+addUVar u nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
+  = case (lookupUFM_Directly uvenv u) of
+      Just xx -> _trace "addUVar: already in map!" $
+		 (nenv, xx)
+      Nothing ->
+	let
+	    nenv_plus_uv     = NmbrEnv ui ut (incrUnique uu)
+				       idenv
+				       tvenv
+				       (addToUFM_Directly uvenv u new_uv)
+	    new_uv = uu
-	if opt_OmitInterfacePragmas
-	then stuff
-	else ppAbove stuff
-		(ppCat [ppStr "\t {-# GHC_PRAGMA", ppAbove pp_opsel pp_defm, ppStr "#-}"])
-      where
-	pp_opsel = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("{-meth-}"), ppIdInfo sty opsel_id False{-no specs-} better_id_fn inline_env (getIdInfo opsel_id)]
-	pp_defm  = ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("\t\t{-defm-}"), ppIdInfo sty defm_id False{-no specs-} better_id_fn inline_env (getIdInfo defm_id)]
+	(nenv_plus_uv, new_uv)
+nmbrUVar u nenv@(NmbrEnv ui ut uu idenv tvenv uvenv)
+  = case (lookupUFM_Directly uvenv u) of
+      Just xx -> (nenv, xx)
+      Nothing ->
+	_trace "nmbrUVar: lookup failed" $
+	(nenv, u)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
index 0bcd209ae0fa8d63fe92c6b2b0cc4698eb2df44d..c975f35aeda65013729a6fb29f8137f114eabe58 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module TyCon(
 	Arity(..), NewOrData(..),
 	isFunTyCon, isPrimTyCon, isBoxedTyCon,
-	isDataTyCon, isSynTyCon,
+	isDataTyCon, isSynTyCon, isNewTyCon,
@@ -148,6 +148,9 @@ isDataTyCon (DataTyCon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DataType) = True
 isDataTyCon (TupleTyCon _ _ _)		       = True
 isDataTyCon other 			       = False
+isNewTyCon (DataTyCon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NewType) = True 
+isNewTyCon other			     = False
 isSynTyCon (SynTyCon _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
 isSynTyCon _			  = False
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
index c094e1efa9a9db3dccb291f217e5a16f2057bfea..5c06b0f615a2101c32f6399ea7a3d9e99053421f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Type.lhs
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ module Type (
 	mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys,
 	getTyVar, getTyVar_maybe, isTyVarTy,
 	mkAppTy, mkAppTys, splitAppTy,
-	mkFunTy, mkFunTys, splitFunTy, getFunTy_maybe,
+	mkFunTy, mkFunTys, splitFunTy, splitFunTyWithDictsAsArgs,
+	getFunTy_maybe,
 	mkTyConTy, getTyCon_maybe, applyTyCon,
 	mkForAllTy, mkForAllTys, getForAllTy_maybe, splitForAllTy,
@@ -210,17 +211,36 @@ getFunTy_maybe (AppTy (AppTy (TyConTy tycon _) arg) res)
 getFunTy_maybe (SynTy _ _ t)        = getFunTy_maybe t
 getFunTy_maybe other		    = Nothing
-splitFunTy :: GenType t u -> ([GenType t u], GenType t u)
+splitFunTy		  :: GenType t u -> ([GenType t u], GenType t u)
+splitFunTyWithDictsAsArgs :: Type	 -> ([Type], Type)
+  -- splitFunTy *must* have the general type given, which
+  -- means it *can't* do the DictTy jiggery-pokery that
+  -- *is* sometimes required.  The relationship between these
+  -- two functions is like that between eqTy and eqSimpleTy.
 splitFunTy t = go t []
     go (FunTy arg res _) ts = go res (arg:ts)
     go (AppTy (AppTy (TyConTy tycon _) arg) res) ts
-	| isFunTyCon tycon
-	= go res (arg:ts)
-    go (SynTy _ _ t) ts
-	= go t ts
-    go t ts
-	= (reverse ts, t)
+	| isFunTyCon tycon  = go res (arg:ts)
+    go (SynTy _ _ t) ts     = go t ts
+    go t ts		    = (reverse ts, t)
+splitFunTyWithDictsAsArgs t = go t []
+  where
+    go (FunTy arg res _) ts = go res (arg:ts)
+    go (AppTy (AppTy (TyConTy tycon _) arg) res) ts
+	| isFunTyCon tycon  = go res (arg:ts)
+    go (SynTy _ _ t) ts     = go t ts
+	-- For a dictionary type we try expanding it to see if we get a simple
+	-- function; if so we thunder on; if not we throw away the expansion.
+    go t@(DictTy _ _ _) ts | null ts'  = (reverse ts, t)
+			   | otherwise = (reverse ts ++ ts', t')
+			   where
+			     (ts', t') = go (expandTy t) []
+    go t ts = (reverse ts, t)
@@ -691,8 +711,16 @@ eqTy t1 t2 =
     -- Expand t2 just in case t1 matches that version
     eq tve uve t1 (AppTy (AppTy (TyConTy mkFunTyCon u2) f2) a2)
-  eq tve uve (DictTy c1 t1 u1) (DictTy c2 t2 u2) =
-    c1 == c2 && eq tve uve t1 t2 && eqUsage uve u1 u2
+  eq tve uve (DictTy c1 t1 u1) (DictTy c2 t2 u2) 
+    | c1 == c2 
+    = eq tve uve t1 t2 && eqUsage uve u1 u2
+	-- NB we use a guard for c1==c2 so that if they aren't equal we
+	-- fall through into expanding the type.  Why?  Because brain-dead
+	-- people might write
+	--	class Foo a => Baz a where {}
+	-- and that means that a Foo dictionary and a Baz dictionary are identical
+	-- Sigh.  Let's hope we don't spend too much time in here!
   eq tve uve t1@(DictTy _ _ _) t2 =
     eq tve uve (expandTy t1) t2  -- Expand the dictionary and try again
   eq tve uve t1 t2@(DictTy _ _ _) =
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs
index ff1fbd4c2fb3f5205922eff0a45345c20a901979..7d6c448f1f3926f5c563c634462899ddbc2046a6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Usage.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module Usage (
-	GenUsage, Usage(..), UVar(..), UVarEnv(..),
+	GenUsage(..), Usage(..), UVar(..), UVarEnv(..),
 	usageOmega, pprUVar, duffUsage,
 	nullUVarEnv, mkUVarEnv, addOneToUVarEnv,
 	growUVarEnvList, isNullUVarEnv, lookupUVarEnv,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi b/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi
index 922c0c67bc0faaa65c1510f50f5a8134f45b31da..b2f07e4d302db73af52aa1baaf198371b0a6da7a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Class		( GenClass, GenClassOp, Class(..), ClassOp )
 import ClosureInfo	( ClosureInfo, LambdaFormInfo )
 import CmdLineOpts	( SimplifierSwitch, SwitchResult )
 import CoreSyn		( GenCoreArg, GenCoreBinder, GenCoreBinding, GenCoreExpr,
-			  GenCoreCaseAlts, GenCoreCaseDefault
+			  GenCoreCaseAlts, GenCoreCaseDefault, Coercion
 import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingDetails, UnfoldingGuidance )
 import CostCentre	( CostCentre )
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ data CLabel
 data ClassOpPragmas a
 data ClassPragmas a
 data ClosureInfo
+data Coercion
 data CostCentre
 data CSeq
 data DataPragmas a
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
index eb3cffbc9a5626caa73aeb378959c5b06629e93c..166688c07c9fb2f9b718db739cc833392fa56b8a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
@@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ module UniqFM (
 	lookupWithDefaultUFM, lookupWithDefaultUFM_Directly,
-	-- to make the interface self-sufficient
     ) where
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
index 2aaec61a283785a9e929f1f32f36892af7a37005..0ce1f4992188c87fab686ce366fbd019d35bc9be 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ module Util (
 	IF_NOT_GHC(forall COMMA exists COMMA)
 	zipEqual, zipWithEqual, zipWith3Equal, zipWith4Equal,
+	mapAndUnzip,
 	nOfThem, lengthExceeds, isSingleton,
 	startsWith, endsWith,
 #if defined(COMPILING_GHC)
@@ -184,6 +185,18 @@ zipLazy [] ys = []
 zipLazy (x:xs) ~(y:ys) = (x,y) : zipLazy xs ys
+mapAndUnzip :: (a -> (b, c)) -> [a] -> ([b], [c])
+mapAndUnzip f [] = ([],[])
+mapAndUnzip f (x:xs)
+  = let
+	(r1,  r2)  = f x
+	(rs1, rs2) = mapAndUnzip f xs
+    in
+    (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
 nOfThem :: Int -> a -> [a]
 nOfThem n thing = take n (repeat thing)