diff --git a/ghc/driver/Main.hs b/ghc/driver/Main.hs
index 2e235bf8ee15ed58b4cdebfdcada8df527b31475..fba1d994a9a0f8b4e8c8dcb21264e11ee5353c19 100644
--- a/ghc/driver/Main.hs
+++ b/ghc/driver/Main.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 {-# OPTIONS -W -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
--- $Id: Main.hs,v 1.68 2000/10/11 16:06:38 simonmar Exp $
+-- $Id: Main.hs,v 1.69 2000/11/07 10:42:55 simonmar Exp $
 -- GHC Driver program
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
 module Main (main) where
+import Utils
 import GetImports
 import Package
 import Config
@@ -773,7 +775,6 @@ GLOBAL_VAR(build_tag, "", String)
 data WayName
   = WayProf
   | WayUnreg
-  | WayDll
   | WayTicky
   | WayPar
   | WayGran
@@ -800,12 +801,9 @@ data WayName
 GLOBAL_VAR(ways, [] ,[WayName])
--- ToDo: allow WayDll with any other allowed combination
-allowed_combinations = 
-   [  [WayProf,WayUnreg],
-      [WayProf,WaySMP]	   -- works???
-   ]
+allowed_combination ways = ways `elem` combs
+  where  -- the sub-lists must be ordered according to WayName, because findBuildTag sorts them
+    combs                = [ [WayProf,WayUnreg], [WayProf,WaySMP] ]
 findBuildTag :: IO [String]  -- new options
 findBuildTag = do
@@ -818,7 +816,7 @@ findBuildTag = do
 	       writeIORef build_tag (wayTag details)
 	       return (wayOpts details)
-     ws  -> if  ws `notElem` allowed_combinations
+     ws  -> if  allowed_combination ws
 		then throwDyn (OtherError $
 				"combination not supported: "  ++
    				foldr1 (\a b -> a ++ '/':b) 
@@ -862,9 +860,6 @@ way_details =
 	, "-funregisterised"
 	, "-fvia-C" ]),
-    (WayDll, Way  "dll" "DLLized"
-        [ ]),
     (WayPar, Way  "mp" "Parallel" 
 	[ "-fparallel"
@@ -952,9 +947,10 @@ machdepCCOpts
       --   the fp (%ebp) for our register maps.
 	= do n_regs <- readState stolen_x86_regs
 	     sta    <- readIORef static
-	     return ( [ if sta then "-DDONT_WANT_WIN32_DLL_SUPPORT" else "" ],
+	     return ( [ if sta then "-DDONT_WANT_WIN32_DLL_SUPPORT" else "",
+			if suffixMatch "mingw32" cTARGETPLATFORM then "-mno-cygwin" else "" ],
 		      [ "-fno-defer-pop", "-fomit-frame-pointer",
-	                "-DSTOLEN_X86_REGS="++show n_regs ]
+	                "-DSTOLEN_X86_REGS="++show n_regs]
    | prefixMatch "mips"    cTARGETPLATFORM
@@ -1190,7 +1186,7 @@ main =
 -- Which phase to stop at
-data ToDo = DoMkDependHS | DoMkDLL | StopBefore Phase | DoLink
+data ToDo = DoMkDependHS | StopBefore Phase | DoLink
   deriving (Eq)
 GLOBAL_VAR(v_todo, error "todo", ToDo)
@@ -1785,7 +1781,8 @@ run_phase Hsc	basename suff input_fn output_fn
   -- date wrt M.hs (or M.o doesn't exist) so we must recompile regardless.
 	do_recomp <- readIORef recomp
 	todo <- readIORef v_todo
-        o_file <- odir_ify (basename ++ '.':phase_input_ext Ln)
+        o_file' <- odir_ify (basename ++ '.':phase_input_ext Ln)
+        o_file <- osuf_ify o_file'
 	source_unchanged <- 
           if not (do_recomp && ( todo == DoLink || todo == StopBefore Ln ))
 	     then return ""
@@ -1843,7 +1840,7 @@ run_phase Hsc	basename suff input_fn output_fn
 		run_something "Copy stub .c file" 
 		    (unwords [ 
 			"rm -f", stub_c, "&&",
-			"echo \'#include \""++stub_h++"\"\' >"++stub_c, " &&",
+			"echo \'#include \"Stg.h\"\n#include \""++stub_h++"\"\' >"++stub_c, " &&",
 			"cat", tmp_stub_c, ">> ", stub_c
@@ -1922,9 +1919,6 @@ run_phase cc_phase _basename _suff input_fn output_fn
 		   ++ [ verb, "-S", "-Wimplicit", opt_flag ]
 		   ++ [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL__="++cProjectVersionInt ]
 		   ++ cc_opts
-#ifdef mingw32_TARGET_OS
-                   ++ [" -mno-cygwin"]
 		   ++ (if excessPrecision then [] else [ "-ffloat-store" ])
 		   ++ include_paths
 		   ++ pkg_extra_cc_opts
@@ -2027,10 +2021,15 @@ run_phase SplitAs basename _suff _input_fn _output_fn
 -- Linking
+GLOBAL_VAR(no_hs_main, False, Bool)
 do_link :: [String] -> IO ()
 do_link o_files = do
     ln <- readIORef pgm_l
     verb <- is_verbose
+    static <- readIORef static
+    let imp = if static then "" else "_imp"
+    no_hs_main <- readIORef no_hs_main
     o_file <- readIORef output_file
     let output_fn = case o_file of { Just s -> s; Nothing -> "a.out"; }
@@ -2041,7 +2040,7 @@ do_link o_files = do
     let lib_path_opts = map ("-L"++) lib_paths
     pkg_libs <- getPackageLibraries
-    let pkg_lib_opts = map (\lib -> "-l"++lib) pkg_libs
+    let pkg_lib_opts = map (\lib -> "-l" ++ lib ++ imp) pkg_libs
     libs <- readIORef cmdline_libraries
     let lib_opts = map ("-l"++) (reverse libs)
@@ -2055,10 +2054,23 @@ do_link o_files = do
 	-- opts from -optl-<blah>
     extra_ld_opts <- getOpts opt_l
+    rts_pkg <- getPackageDetails ["rts"]
+    std_pkg <- getPackageDetails ["std"]
+#ifdef mingw32_TARGET_OS
+    let extra_os = if static || no_hs_main
+                   then []
+                   else [ head (library_dirs (head rts_pkg)) ++ "/Main.dll_o",
+                          head (library_dirs (head std_pkg)) ++ "/PrelMain.dll_o" ]
+    (md_c_flags, _) <- machdepCCOpts
     run_something "Linker"
-       (unwords 
+       (unwords
 	 ([ ln, verb, "-o", output_fn ]
+	 ++ md_c_flags
 	 ++ o_files
+#ifdef mingw32_TARGET_OS
+	 ++ extra_os
 	 ++ extra_ld_inputs
 	 ++ lib_path_opts
 	 ++ lib_opts
@@ -2066,6 +2078,11 @@ do_link o_files = do
 	 ++ pkg_lib_opts
 	 ++ pkg_extra_ld_opts
 	 ++ extra_ld_opts
+#ifdef mingw32_TARGET_OS
+         ++ if static then [ "-u _PrelMain_mainIO_closure" , "-u ___init_PrelMain"] else []
+	 ++ [ "-u PrelMain_mainIO_closure" , "-u __init_PrelMain"]
@@ -2095,7 +2112,7 @@ run_something phase_name cmd
    hPutStrLn h cmd
    hClose h
    exit_code <- system ("sh - " ++ tmp) `catchAllIO` 
-		   (\e -> throwDyn (PhaseFailed phase_name (ExitFailure 1)))
+		   (\_ -> throwDyn (PhaseFailed phase_name (ExitFailure 1)))
    removeFile tmp
@@ -2144,7 +2161,6 @@ driver_opts =
 	------- ways --------------------------------------------------------
   ,  ( "prof"		, NoArg (addNoDups ways	WayProf) )
   ,  ( "unreg"		, NoArg (addNoDups ways	WayUnreg) )
-  ,  ( "dll"            , NoArg (addNoDups ways WayDll) )
   ,  ( "ticky"		, NoArg (addNoDups ways	WayTicky) )
   ,  ( "parallel"	, NoArg (addNoDups ways	WayPar) )
   ,  ( "gransim"	, NoArg (addNoDups ways	WayGran) )
@@ -2177,6 +2193,7 @@ driver_opts =
   ,  ( "cpp"		, NoArg (updateState (\s -> s{ cpp_flag = True })) )
   ,  ( "#include"	, HasArg (addCmdlineHCInclude) )
   ,  ( "no-link-chk"    , NoArg (return ()) ) -- ignored for backwards compat
+  ,  ( "no-hs-main"     , NoArg (writeIORef no_hs_main True) )
 	------- Output Redirection ------------------------------------------
   ,  ( "odir"		, HasArg (writeIORef output_dir  . Just) )
@@ -2254,6 +2271,7 @@ driver_opts =
 	----- Linker --------------------------------------------------------
   ,  ( "static" 	, NoArg (writeIORef static True) )
+  ,  ( "rdynamic"	, NoArg (return ()) ) -- ignored for compat w/ gcc
         ------ Compiler RTS options -----------------------------------------
   ,  ( "H"                 , HasArg (newHeapSize  . decodeSize) )
@@ -2434,15 +2452,6 @@ my_prefix_match (p:pat) (r:rest)
   | p == r    = my_prefix_match pat rest
   | otherwise = Nothing
-prefixMatch :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
-prefixMatch [] _str = True
-prefixMatch _pat [] = False
-prefixMatch (p:ps) (s:ss) | p == s    = prefixMatch ps ss
-			  | otherwise = False
-postfixMatch :: String -> String -> Bool
-postfixMatch pat str = prefixMatch (reverse pat) (reverse str)
 later = flip finally
 my_catchDyn = flip catchDyn
diff --git a/ghc/driver/Makefile b/ghc/driver/Makefile
index 581c9c59783b623d28c4429098e5010caae55738..d6571ec632c5aa36e6c20765110f0d73517f4c05 100644
--- a/ghc/driver/Makefile
+++ b/ghc/driver/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.44 2000/09/05 10:16:41 simonmar Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.45 2000/11/07 10:42:56 simonmar Exp $
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ SRC_HC_OPTS += -fglasgow-exts -cpp -syslib concurrent -syslib posix -syslib misc
 HS_PROG = ghc-$(ProjectVersion)
-HS_SRCS = Config.hs Package.hs GetImports.hs Main.hs
-MKDEPENDHS_SRCS = Config.hs Main.hs GetImports.hs PackageSrc.hs
+HS_SRCS = Config.hs Package.hs GetImports.hs Main.hs Utils.hs
+MKDEPENDHS_SRCS = Config.hs Main.hs GetImports.hs PackageSrc.hs Utils.hs
 LINK = ghc
 SUBDIRS = mangler split stats
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Config.hs : $(FPTOOLS_TOP)/mk/config.mk Makefile
 	@echo "cGHC_SPLIT            = \"$(GHC_SPLIT)\"" >> Config.hs
 	@echo "cGHC_STATS            = \"$(GHC_STATS)\"" >> Config.hs
 	@echo "cGHC_SYSMAN           = \"$(GHC_SYSMAN)\"" >> Config.hs
-	@echo "cEnableWin32DLLs      = \"$(EnableWin32DLLs)\"" >> Config.hs
+	@echo "cDLLized              = \"$(DLLized)\"" >> Config.hs
 	@echo "cCP                   = \"$(CP)\"" >> Config.hs
 	@echo "cRM                   = \"$(RM)\"" >> Config.hs
 	@echo "cCONTEXT_DIFF         = \"$(CONTEXT_DIFF)\"" >> Config.hs
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ CLEAN_FILES += ghc-inplace
 all :: package.conf package.conf.inplace
-pkgconf : Config.o Package.o PackageSrc.o
-	$(HC) $(HC_OPTS) $(LD_OPTS) Config.o Package.o PackageSrc.o -o pkgconf
+pkgconf : Config.o Package.o PackageSrc.o Utils.o
+	$(HC) $(HC_OPTS) $(LD_OPTS) Config.o Package.o PackageSrc.o Utils.o -o pkgconf
 package.conf.inplace : pkgconf
 	./pkgconf in-place >$@
@@ -120,8 +120,12 @@ INSTALL_DATAS += ghc-usage.txt
 include $(TOP)/mk/target.mk
-# we need the driver for generating dependencies...
-boot :: all
+# We need the driver for generating dependencies...  so build it as
+# part of make boot.  We need to do this using a recursive invocation
+# of $(MAKE), so that dependencies we just generated for the driver
+# itself are picked up.
+boot ::
+	$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) all
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Create link to from ghc-x.xx to ghc...
diff --git a/ghc/driver/PackageSrc.hs b/ghc/driver/PackageSrc.hs
index 22fbf4b454a3a52d1b9b310c5b2b969ada6a438c..448c76648cae0ac0f04029d111553316d522a13e 100644
--- a/ghc/driver/PackageSrc.hs
+++ b/ghc/driver/PackageSrc.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
+#include "../includes/config.h"
 module Main (main) where
+import Utils
 import IO
 import System
 import Config
@@ -52,37 +56,41 @@ package_details installing =
         extra_cc_opts  = [],
                 -- the RTS forward-references to a bunch of stuff in the prelude,
                 -- so we force it to be included with special options to ld.
-        extra_ld_opts  = [
-           "-u PrelMain_mainIO_closure"
-         , "-u PrelBase_Izh_static_info"
-         , "-u PrelBase_Czh_static_info"
-         , "-u PrelFloat_Fzh_static_info"
-         , "-u PrelFloat_Dzh_static_info"
-         , "-u PrelAddr_Azh_static_info"
-         , "-u PrelAddr_Wzh_static_info"
-         , "-u PrelAddr_I64zh_static_info"
-         , "-u PrelAddr_W64zh_static_info"
-         , "-u PrelStable_StablePtr_static_info"
-         , "-u PrelBase_Izh_con_info"
-         , "-u PrelBase_Czh_con_info"
-         , "-u PrelFloat_Fzh_con_info"
-         , "-u PrelFloat_Dzh_con_info"
-         , "-u PrelAddr_Azh_con_info"
-         , "-u PrelAddr_Wzh_con_info"
-         , "-u PrelAddr_I64zh_con_info"
-         , "-u PrelAddr_W64zh_con_info"
-         , "-u PrelStable_StablePtr_con_info"
-         , "-u PrelBase_False_closure"
-         , "-u PrelBase_True_closure"
-         , "-u PrelPack_unpackCString_closure"
-         , "-u PrelIOBase_stackOverflow_closure"
-         , "-u PrelIOBase_heapOverflow_closure"
-         , "-u PrelIOBase_NonTermination_closure"
-         , "-u PrelIOBase_PutFullMVar_closure"
-         , "-u PrelIOBase_BlockedOnDeadMVar_closure"
-         , "-u PrelWeak_runFinalizzerBatch_closure"
-         , "-u __init_Prelude"
-         , "-u __init_PrelMain"
+        extra_ld_opts  = map (
+		          "-u "
+			  "-u _"
+                          ++ ) [
+           "PrelBase_Izh_static_info"
+         , "PrelBase_Czh_static_info"
+         , "PrelFloat_Fzh_static_info"
+         , "PrelFloat_Dzh_static_info"
+         , "PrelAddr_Azh_static_info"
+         , "PrelAddr_Wzh_static_info"
+         , "PrelAddr_I64zh_static_info"
+         , "PrelAddr_W64zh_static_info"
+         , "PrelStable_StablePtr_static_info"
+         , "PrelBase_Izh_con_info"
+         , "PrelBase_Czh_con_info"
+         , "PrelFloat_Fzh_con_info"
+         , "PrelFloat_Dzh_con_info"
+         , "PrelAddr_Azh_con_info"
+         , "PrelAddr_Wzh_con_info"
+         , "PrelAddr_I64zh_con_info"
+         , "PrelAddr_W64zh_con_info"
+         , "PrelStable_StablePtr_con_info"
+         , "PrelBase_False_closure"
+         , "PrelBase_True_closure"
+         , "PrelPack_unpackCString_closure"
+         , "PrelIOBase_stackOverflow_closure"
+         , "PrelIOBase_heapOverflow_closure"
+         , "PrelIOBase_NonTermination_closure"
+         , "PrelIOBase_PutFullMVar_closure"
+         , "PrelIOBase_BlockedOnDeadMVar_closure"
+         , "PrelWeak_runFinalizzerBatch_closure"
+         , "__init_Prelude"
@@ -104,7 +112,11 @@ package_details installing =
         package_deps   = [ "rts" ],
         extra_ghc_opts = [],
         extra_cc_opts  = [],
-        extra_ld_opts  = [ "-lm" ]
+        extra_ld_opts  = [ "-lm"
+#ifdef mingw32_TARGET_OS
+			 , "-lwsock32"
+			 ]
          Package { 
@@ -191,7 +203,7 @@ package_details installing =
          package_deps   = [ "lang", "text" ],
          extra_ghc_opts = [],
          extra_cc_opts  = [],
-         extra_ld_opts  = if postfixMatch "solaris2" cTARGETPLATFORM
+         extra_ld_opts  = if suffixMatch "solaris2" cTARGETPLATFORM
                              then [ "-lnsl",  "-lsocket" ]
                              else []
@@ -257,7 +269,11 @@ package_details installing =
                              then []
                              else [ cFPTOOLS_TOP_ABS ++ "/hslibs/util/cbits" ],
          c_includes     = [ "HsUtil.h" ],
-         package_deps   = [ "lang", "concurrent", "posix" ],
+         package_deps   = [ "lang", "concurrent"
+#ifndef mingw32_TARGET_OS
+			    , "posix"
+			  ],
          extra_ghc_opts = [],
          extra_cc_opts  = [],
          extra_ld_opts  = []
@@ -322,12 +338,3 @@ package_details installing =
 ghc_src_dir :: String -> String
 ghc_src_dir path = cFPTOOLS_TOP_ABS ++ '/':cCURRENT_DIR ++ '/':path
-prefixMatch :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
-prefixMatch [] _str = True
-prefixMatch _pat [] = False
-prefixMatch (p:ps) (s:ss) | p == s    = prefixMatch ps ss
-                          | otherwise = False
-postfixMatch :: String -> String -> Bool
-postfixMatch pat str = prefixMatch (reverse pat) (reverse str)
diff --git a/ghc/driver/Utils.hs b/ghc/driver/Utils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c176130649ae0e2d79edf7dd28e410c3b36f2054
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/driver/Utils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module Utils where
+prefixMatch :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+prefixMatch [] _str = True
+prefixMatch _pat [] = False
+prefixMatch (p:ps) (s:ss) | p == s    = prefixMatch ps ss
+                          | otherwise = False
+suffixMatch :: String -> String -> Bool
+suffixMatch pat str = prefixMatch (reverse pat) (reverse str)
diff --git a/ghc/driver/mangler/ghc-asm.lprl b/ghc/driver/mangler/ghc-asm.lprl
index 605b6c2ad438064bb3640db29eff980ed9cb7f55..8e03615158a79246e3ea01dcf68b98bd6a2a8584 100644
--- a/ghc/driver/mangler/ghc-asm.lprl
+++ b/ghc/driver/mangler/ghc-asm.lprl
@@ -13,6 +13,18 @@ stuff to do with the C stack.
 Any other required tidying up.
+General note [chak]: Many regexps are very fragile because they rely on white
+space being in the right place.  This caused trouble with gcc 2.95 (at least
+on Linux), where the use of white space in .s files generated by gcc suddenly 
+changed.  To guarantee compatibility across different versions of gcc, make
+sure (at least on i386-.*-linux) that regexps tolerate varying amounts of white
+space between an assembler statement and its arguments as well as after a the
+comma separating multiple arguments.  
+\emph{For the time being, I have corrected the regexps for i386-.*-linux.  I
+didn't touch all the regexps for other i386 platforms, as I don't have
+a box to test these changes.}
 HPPA specific notes:
@@ -167,9 +179,9 @@ sub init_TARGET_STUFF {
     $T_POST_LBL	    = ':';
     $T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT = '\.L';
     $T_X86_PRE_LLBL	    = '.L';
-    $T_X86_BADJMP   = '^\tjmp [^\.\*]';
+    $T_X86_BADJMP   = '^\tjmp\s+[^\.\*]';
-    $T_MOVE_DIRVS   = '^(\s*(\.(p2)?align\s+\d+(,0x90)?|\.globl\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.section\s+.*|\.type\s+.*|\.Lfe.*\n\t\.size\s+.*|\.size\s+.*|\.ident.*)\n)';
+    $T_MOVE_DIRVS   = '^(\s*(\.(p2)?align\s+\d+(,\s*0x90)?|\.globl\s+\S+|\.text|\.data|\.section\s+.*|\.type\s+.*|\.Lfe.*\n\s*\.size\s+.*|\.size\s+.*|\.ident.*)\n)';
     $T_COPY_DIRVS   = '\.(globl)';
     if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /freebsd|netbsd_elf/ ) {
@@ -382,15 +394,6 @@ sub mangle_asm {
-    # perl4 on alphas SEGVs when give ${foo} substitutions in patterns.
-    # To avoid them we declare some locals that allows to avoid using curlies.
-    local($TUS)      = ${T_US};
-    local($TPOSTLBL) = ${T_POST_LBL};
-    local($TMOVEDIRVS) = ${T_MOVE_DIRVS};
-    local($TPREAPP)    = ${T_PRE_APP};
-    local($TCOPYDIRVS) = ${T_COPY_DIRVS};
-    local($TDOTWORD)   = ${T_DOT_WORD};
     open(INASM, "< $in_asmf")
 	|| &tidy_up_and_die(1,"$Pgm: failed to open `$in_asmf' (to read)\n");
     open(OUTASM,"> $out_asmf")
@@ -414,10 +417,10 @@ sub mangle_asm {
     $i = 0; $chkcat[0] = 'misc'; $chk[0] = '';
     while (<INASM>) {
-	next if $T_STABBY && /^\.stab.*$TUS[@]?__stg_split_marker/o;
+	next if $T_STABBY && /^\.stab.*${T_US}__stg_split_marker/o;
 	next if $T_STABBY && /^\.stab.*ghc.*c_ID/;
 	next if /^\t\.def.*endef$/;
-	next if /$TPREAPP(NO_)?APP/o; 
+	next if /${T_PRE_APP}(NO_)?APP/o; 
     	next if /^;/ && $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/;
 	next if /(^$|^\t\.file\t|^ # )/ && $TargetPlatform =~ /^(mips|powerpc|rs6000)-/;
@@ -457,12 +460,12 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'literal';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?__stg_split_marker(\d*)$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}__stg_split_marker(\d*)${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'splitmarker';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_info$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_info${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
 	    $symb = $1;
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'infotbl';
@@ -472,50 +475,50 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    $infochk{$symb} = $i;
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_(entry|ret)$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_(entry|ret)${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'slow';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
 	    $slowchk{$1} = $i;
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_fast\d*$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_fast\d*${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'fast';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
 	    $fastchk{$1} = $i;
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_closure$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_closure${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'closure';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
 	    $closurechk{$1} = $i;
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_srt$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_srt${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'srt';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
 	    $srtchk{$1} = $i;
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_ct$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_ct${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'data';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = '';
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?ghc.*c_ID$TPOSTLBL/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}ghc.*c_ID${T_POST_LBL}/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]  = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i] = 'consist';
-	} elsif ( /^($TUS[@]?__gnu_compiled_c|gcc2_compiled\.)$TPOSTLBL/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^(${T_US}__gnu_compiled_c|gcc2_compiled\.)${T_POST_LBL}/o ) {
 	    ; # toss it
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.\d+$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o
-	       || /^$TUS[@]?.*_CAT$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o 		# PROF: _entryname_CAT
-	       || /^$TUS[@]?.*_done$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o		# PROF: _module_done
-	       || /^$TUS[@]?_module_registered$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o	# PROF: _module_registered
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.\d+${T_POST_LBL}$/o
+	       || /^${T_US}.*_CAT${T_POST_LBL}$/o 		# PROF: _entryname_CAT
+	       || /^${T_US}.*_done${T_POST_LBL}$/o		# PROF: _module_done
+	       || /^${T_US}_module_registered${T_POST_LBL}$/o	# PROF: _module_registered
 	       ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'data';
@@ -531,20 +534,20 @@ sub mangle_asm {
  	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'toc';
    	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_cc(s)?$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_cc(s)?${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
             # all CC_ symbols go in the data section...
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'data';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = '';
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_(alt|dflt)$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_(alt|dflt)${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'misc';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = '';
  	    #$symbtmp = $1;
             #$chksymb[$i] = $symbtmp if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-|^rs6000-/) ; #rm andre
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_vtbl$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o ) {
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}([A-Za-z0-9_]+)_vtbl${T_POST_LBL}$/o ) {
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'vector';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
@@ -575,7 +578,7 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'toss';
 	    $chksymb[$i] = $1;
-	} elsif ( /^$TUS[@]?[A-Za-z0-9_]/o
+	} elsif ( /^${T_US}[A-Za-z0-9_]/o
 		&& ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^hppa/ # need to avoid local labels in this case
 		   || ! /^L\$\d+$/ )
 		&& ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^powerpc|^rs6000/ # ditto
@@ -584,11 +587,11 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    chop($thing = $_);
 	    print "Funny global thing?: $_"
 		unless $KNOWN_FUNNY_THING{$thing}
-		    || /^$TUS[@]?stg_.*$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o    # RTS internals
-		    || /^$TUS[@]__fexp_.*$TPOSTLBL$/o	   # foreign export
-		    || /^$TUS[@]?__init.*$TPOSTLBL$/o	   # __init<module>
-		    || /^$TUS[@]?.*_btm$TPOSTLBL$/o        # large bitmaps
-		    || /^$TUS[@]?.*_closure_tbl$TPOSTLBL$/o; # closure tables
+		    || /^${T_US}stg_.*${T_POST_LBL}$/o          # RTS internals
+		    || /^${T_US}__fexp_.*${T_POST_LBL}$/o       # foreign export
+		    || /^${T_US}__init.*${T_POST_LBL}$/o        # __init<module>
+		    || /^${T_US}.*_btm${T_POST_LBL}$/o          # large bitmaps
+		    || /^${T_US}.*_closure_tbl${T_POST_LBL}$/o; # closure tables
 	    $chk[++$i]   = $_;
 	    $chkcat[$i]  = 'misc';
             if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^powerpc-|^rs6000-/) 
@@ -668,11 +671,11 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    if (($p, $r) = split(/--- BEGIN ---/, $c)) {
 		if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/) {
-		    $p =~ s/^\tpushl \%edi\n//;
-		    $p =~ s/^\tpushl \%esi\n//;
-		    $p =~ s/^\tpushl \%ebx\n//;
-		    $p =~ s/^\tsubl \$\d+,\%esp\n//;
-                    $p =~ s/^\tmovl \$\d+,\%eax\n\tcall __alloca\n// if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^.*-cygwin32/);
+		    $p =~ s/^\tpushl\s+\%edi\n//;
+		    $p =~ s/^\tpushl\s+\%esi\n//;
+		    $p =~ s/^\tpushl\s+\%ebx\n//;
+		    $p =~ s/^\tsubl\s+\$\d+,\s*\%esp\n//;
+                    $p =~ s/^\tmovl\s+\$\d+,\s*\%eax\n\tcall\s+__alloca\n// if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^.*-cygwin32/);
 		} elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/) {
 		    $p =~ s/^\tlink a6,#-?\d.*\n//;
  		    $p =~ s/^\tpea a6@\n\tmovel sp,a6\n//;    
@@ -731,12 +734,12 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    if (($r, $e) = split(/--- END ---/, $c)) {
 		if ($TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/) {
 		    $e =~ s/^\tret\n//;
-		    $e =~ s/^\tpopl \%edi\n//;
-		    $e =~ s/^\tpopl \%esi\n//;
-		    $e =~ s/^\tpopl \%edx\n//;
-		    $e =~ s/^\tpopl \%ecx\n//;
-		    $e =~ s/^\taddl \$\d+,\%esp\n//;
-		    $e =~ s/^\tsubl \$-\d+,\%esp\n//;
+		    $e =~ s/^\tpopl\s+\%edi\n//;
+		    $e =~ s/^\tpopl\s+\%esi\n//;
+		    $e =~ s/^\tpopl\s+\%edx\n//;
+		    $e =~ s/^\tpopl\s+\%ecx\n//;
+		    $e =~ s/^\taddl\s+\$\d+,\s*\%esp\n//;
+		    $e =~ s/^\tsubl\s+\$-\d+,\s*\%esp\n//;
 		} elsif ($TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/) {
 		    $e =~ s/^\tunlk a6\n//;
 		    $e =~ s/^\trts\n//;
@@ -757,8 +760,15 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 		# HWL HACK: dont die, just print a warning
 		#print stderr "HWL: this should die! Epilogue junk?: $e\n" if $e =~ /^\t[^\.]/
 		#    && $TargetPlatform !~ /^powerpc-/; #ToDo: remove test
-		die "Epilogue junk?: $e\n" if $e =~ /^\t[^\.\n]/
-		    && $TargetPlatform !~ /^powerpc-/; #ToDo: remove test
+		# ** FIXME:
+		# ** chak:
+		#   Commented this out, because it complains about junk that
+		#   is later removed in the FUNNY#END#THING loop - but as I am
+		#   not sure how this could ever have worked, there may be a 
+		#   better solution...
+		#die "Epilogue junk?: $e\n" if $e =~ /^\t[^\.\n]/
+		#    && $TargetPlatform !~ /^powerpc-/; #ToDo: remove test
 		# glue together what's left
 		$c = $r . $e;
@@ -778,7 +788,7 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	# On Alphas, the prologue mangling is done a little later (below)
     	# toss all calls to __DISCARD__
-	$c =~ s/^\t(call|jbsr|jal)\s+$TUS[@]?__DISCARD__\n//go;
+	$c =~ s/^\t(call|jbsr|jal)\s+${T_US}__DISCARD__\n//go;
 	# MIPS: that may leave some gratuitous asm macros around
 	# (no harm done; but we get rid of them to be tidier)
@@ -801,8 +811,7 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	# pin a funny end-thing on (for easier matching):
 	$c .= 'FUNNY#END#THING';
-	while ( $c =~ /$TMOVEDIRVS[@]?FUNNY#END#THING/o ) {  # [@]? is a silly hack to avoid having to use curlies for T_PRE_APP
-				                           # (this SEGVs perl4 on alphas, you see)
+	while ( $c =~ /${T_MOVE_DIRVS}FUNNY#END#THING/o ) {
 	    $to_move = $1;
@@ -816,7 +825,7 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    #    blah_closure:
 	    #		...
-	    if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^(i386|sparc)/ && $to_move =~ /$TCOPYDIRVS/ ) {
+	    if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^(i386|sparc)/ && $to_move =~ /${T_COPY_DIRVS}/ ) {
 		$j = $i + 1;
 		while ( $j < $numchks  && $chk[$j] =~ /$T_CONST_LBL/) {
@@ -827,13 +836,13 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 	    elsif ( $i < ($numchks - 1)
-	      && ( $to_move =~ /$TCOPYDIRVS/
+	      && ( $to_move =~ /${T_COPY_DIRVS}/
 	        || ($TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/ && $to_move =~ /align/ && $chkcat[$i+1] eq 'literal') )) {
 		$chk[$i + 1] = $to_move . $chk[$i + 1];
 		# otherwise they're tossed
-	    $c =~ s/$TMOVEDIRVS[@]?FUNNY#END#THING/FUNNY#END#THING/o; # [@]? is a hack (see above)
     	if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^alpha-/ && $c =~ /^\t\.ent\s+(\S+)/ ) {
@@ -970,7 +979,7 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 		#    -- 2/98 SOF
 		if ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^hppa/ )  {
-			$chk[$i] =~ s/^$TUS[@]?ghc.*c_ID$TPOSTLBL/$consist/o;
+			$chk[$i] =~ s/^${T_US}ghc.*c_ID$TPOSTLBL/$consist/o;
 			$chk[$i] =~ s/\t$T_hsc_cc_PAT/$T_HDR_misc/o;
 			$consist = $chk[$i]; #clumsily
@@ -1058,12 +1067,12 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 		    } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^i386-/ ) {
 			# Reg alloc depending, gcc generated code may jump to the fast entry point via
 			# a number of registers.
-			$c =~ s/^\tmovl \$${T_US}${symb}_fast\d*,\%edx\n\tjmp \*\%edx\n//;
-			$c =~ s/^\tmovl \$${T_US}${symb}_fast\d*,\%ecx\n\tjmp \*\%ecx\n//;
-			$c =~ s/^\tmovl \$${T_US}${symb}_fast\d*,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n//;
+			$c =~ s/^\tmovl\s+\$${T_US}${symb}_fast\d*,\s*\%edx\n\tjmp\s+\*\%edx\n//;
+			$c =~ s/^\tmovl\s+\$${T_US}${symb}_fast\d*,\s*\%ecx\n\tjmp\s+\*\%ecx\n//;
+			$c =~ s/^\tmovl\s+\$${T_US}${symb}_fast\d*,\s*\%eax\n\tjmp\s+\*\%eax\n//;
 			# The next two only apply if we're not stealing %esi or %edi.
-			$c =~ s/^\tmovl \$${T_US}${symb}_fast\d*,\%esi\n\tjmp \*\%esi\n// if ($StolenX86Regs < 3);
-			$c =~ s/^\tmovl \$${T_US}${symb}_fast\d*,\%edi\n\tjmp \*\%edi\n// if ($StolenX86Regs < 4);
+			$c =~ s/^\tmovl\s+\$${T_US}${symb}_fast\d*,\s*\%esi\n\tjmp\s+\*\%esi\n// if ($StolenX86Regs < 3);
+			$c =~ s/^\tmovl\s+\$${T_US}${symb}_fast\d*,\s*\%edi\n\tjmp\s+\*\%edi\n// if ($StolenX86Regs < 4);
 		    } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^mips-/ ) {
 			$c =~ s/^\tjmp \$31,\(\$27\),0\n\t\.align 4\n\t\.end/\t.align 4\n\t.end/;
 		    } elsif ( $TargetPlatform =~ /^m68k-/ ) {
@@ -1084,7 +1093,7 @@ sub mangle_asm {
 		    # references to fast-entry point.
 		    # (questionable re hppa and mips...)
 		    print STDERR "still has jump to fast entry point:\n$c"
-			if $c =~ /$TUS[@]?$symb[@]?_fast/; # NB: paranoia
+			if $c =~ /${T_US}${symb}_fast/;
 		print OUTASM $T_HDR_entry;
@@ -1256,26 +1265,22 @@ sub print_doctored {
     #   jmp  *<bad-reg>
-# the short form may tickle perl bug:
-#    s/^\tmovl \$${T_US}(.*),(\%e[abcd]x)\n\tjmp \*$2/\tjmp $T_US$1/g;
-    s/^\tmovl \$${T_US}(.*),\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax/\tjmp $T_US$1/g;
-    s/^\tmovl \$${T_US}(.*),\%ebx\n\tjmp \*\%ebx/\tjmp $T_US$1/g;
-    s/^\tmovl \$${T_US}(.*),\%ecx\n\tjmp \*\%ecx/\tjmp $T_US$1/g;
-    s/^\tmovl \$${T_US}(.*),\%edx\n\tjmp \*\%edx/\tjmp $T_US$1/g;
+# Because of Perl bug, needed separate cases for eax, ebx, ecx, edx in the past
+    s/^\tmovl \$${T_US}(.*),(\%e[abcd]x)\n\tjmp \*$2/\tjmp $T_US$1/g;
     if ($StolenX86Regs <= 2 ) { # YURGH! spurious uses of esi?
-	s/^\tmovl (.*),\%esi\n\tjmp \*%esi\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
-	s/^\tjmp \*(-?\d*)\((.*\%esi.*)\)\n/\tmovl $2,\%eax\n\tjmp \*$1\(\%eax\)\n/g;
-	s/^\tjmp \*\%esi\n/\tmovl \%esi,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
+	s/^\tmovl\s+(.*),\s*\%esi\n\tjmp\s+\*%esi\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
+	s/^\tjmp\s+\*(-?\d*)\((.*\%esi.*)\)\n/\tmovl $2,\%eax\n\tjmp \*$1\(\%eax\)\n/g;
+	s/^\tjmp\s+\*\%esi\n/\tmovl \%esi,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
 	die "$Pgm: (mangler) still have jump involving \%esi!\n$_"
-	    if /(jmp|call) .*\%esi/;
+	    if /(jmp|call)\s+.*\%esi/;
     if ($StolenX86Regs <= 3 ) { # spurious uses of edi?
-	s/^\tmovl (.*),\%edi\n\tjmp \*%edi\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
-	s/^\tjmp \*(-?\d*\(.*\%edi.*\))\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
-	s/^\tjmp \*\%edi\n/\tmovl \%edi,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
+	s/^\tmovl\s+(.*),\s*\%edi\n\tjmp\s+\*%edi\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
+	s/^\tjmp\s+\*(-?\d*\(.*\%edi.*\))\n/\tmovl $1,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
+	s/^\tjmp\s+\*\%edi\n/\tmovl \%edi,\%eax\n\tjmp \*\%eax\n/g;
 	die "$Pgm: (mangler) still have jump involving \%edi!\n$_"
-	    if /(jmp|call) .*\%edi/;
+	    if /(jmp|call)\s+.*\%edi/;
     # OK, now we can decide what our patch-up code is going to
@@ -1312,20 +1317,20 @@ sub print_doctored {
     # fix _all_ non-local jumps:
-    s/^\tjmp \*${T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT}/\tJMP___SL/go;
-    s/^\tjmp ${T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT}/\tJMP___L/go;
+    s/^\tjmp\s+\*${T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT}/\tJMP___SL/go;
+    s/^\tjmp\s+${T_X86_PRE_LLBL_PAT}/\tJMP___L/go;
-    s/^(\tjmp .*\n)/$exit_patch$1/g; # here's the fix...
+    s/^(\tjmp\s+.*\n)/$exit_patch$1/g; # here's the fix...
     s/^\tJMP___SL/\tjmp \*${T_X86_PRE_LLBL}/go;
     s/^\tJMP___L/\tjmp ${T_X86_PRE_LLBL}/go;
     if ($StolenX86Regs == 2 ) {
 	die "ARGH! Jump uses \%esi or \%edi with -monly-2-regs:\n$_" 
-	    if /^\t(jmp|call) .*\%e(si|di)/;
+	    if /^\t(jmp|call)\s+.*\%e(si|di)/;
     } elsif ($StolenX86Regs == 3 ) {
 	die "ARGH! Jump uses \%edi with -monly-3-regs:\n$_" 
-	    if /^\t(jmp|call) .*\%edi/;
+	    if /^\t(jmp|call)\s+.*\%edi/;
     # --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1369,29 +1374,23 @@ sub rev_tbl {
     local(@lines) = split(/\n/, $tbl);
     local($i, $j); #local ($i, $extra, $words_to_pad, $j);
-    # see comment in mangleAsm as to why this silliness is needed.
-    local($TDOTWORD) = ${T_DOT_WORD};
-    local($TDOTGLOBAL) = ${T_DOT_GLOBAL};
-    local($TUS) = ${T_US};
-    local($TPOSTLBL) = ${T_POST_LBL};
     # Deal with the header...
-    for ($i = 0; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] !~ /^\t?$TDOTWORD\s+/o; $i++) {
+    for ($i = 0; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] !~ /^\t?${T_DOT_WORD}\s+/o; $i++) {
 	$label .= $lines[$i] . "\n",
-	    next if $lines[$i] =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+_info$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o
-		 || $lines[$i] =~ /$TDOTGLOBAL/o
-		 || $lines[$i] =~ /^$TUS[@]?\S+_vtbl$TPOSTLBL[@]?$/o;
+	    next if $lines[$i] =~ /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+_info${T_POST_LBL}$/o
+		 || $lines[$i] =~ /${T_DOT_GLOBAL}/o
+		 || $lines[$i] =~ /^${T_US}\S+_vtbl${T_POST_LBL}$/o;
 	$before .= $lines[$i] . "\n"; # otherwise...
     # Grab the table data...
     if ( $TargetPlatform !~ /^hppa/ ) {
-	for ( ; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] =~ /^\t?$TDOTWORD\s+/o; $i++) {
+	for ( ; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] =~ /^\t?${T_DOT_WORD}\s+/o; $i++) {
 	    push(@words, $lines[$i]);
     } else { # hppa weirdness
-	for ( ; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] =~ /^\s+($TDOTWORD|\.IMPORT)/; $i++) {
+	for ( ; $i <= $#lines && $lines[$i] =~ /^\s+(${T_DOT_WORD}|\.IMPORT)/; $i++) {
 	    if ($lines[$i] =~ /^\s+\.IMPORT/) {
 		push(@imports, $lines[$i]);
 	    } else {
@@ -1407,7 +1406,7 @@ sub rev_tbl {
     # The .zero business is for Linux/ELF.
     # The .skip business is for Sparc/Solaris/ELF.
     # The .blockz business is for HPPA.
-    if ($discard1 && $words[0] =~ /^\t?($TDOTWORD\s+0|\.zero\s+4|\.skip\s+4|\.blockz\s+4)/) {
+    if ($discard1 && $words[0] =~ /^\t?(${T_DOT_WORD}\s+0|\.zero\s+4|\.skip\s+4|\.blockz\s+4)/) {
diff --git a/ghc/includes/ClosureMacros.h b/ghc/includes/ClosureMacros.h
index 852e978a221cfee3055025e44c6c8f72a739ff41..e4bddab2361d4cf021e9647119d8d2117a4a029d 100644
--- a/ghc/includes/ClosureMacros.h
+++ b/ghc/includes/ClosureMacros.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Id: ClosureMacros.h,v 1.26 2000/10/06 15:38:06 simonmar Exp $
+ * $Id: ClosureMacros.h,v 1.27 2000/11/07 10:42:56 simonmar Exp $
  * (c) The GHC Team, 1998-1999
@@ -10,6 +10,16 @@
+/* Say whether the code comes before the heap; on mingwin this may not be the
+   case, not because of another random MS pathology, but because the static
+   program may reside in a DLL
+#ifndef mingw32_TARGET_OS
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Fixed Header Size
@@ -116,11 +126,11 @@ extern void* DATA_SECTION_END_MARKER_DECL;
-#ifdef ENABLE_WIN32_DLL_SUPPORT /* needed for mingw DietHEP */
-   extern int is_heap_alloced(const void* x);
-#  define HEAP_ALLOCED(x)  (is_heap_alloced(x))
+# define HEAP_ALLOCED(x)  IS_USER_PTR(x)
-#  define HEAP_ALLOCED(x)  IS_USER_PTR(x)
+extern int is_heap_alloced(const void* x);
+# define HEAP_ALLOCED(x)  (is_heap_alloced(x))
 /* When working with Win32 DLLs, static closures are identified by
@@ -182,11 +192,11 @@ extern void* DATA_SECTION_END_MARKER_DECL;
 #  define IS_HUGS_CONSTR_INFO(info) 0 /* ToDo: more than mildly bogus */
-#ifdef ENABLE_WIN32_DLL_SUPPORT /* needed for mingw DietHEP */
+#ifdef TEXT_BEFORE_HEAP /* needed for mingw DietHEP */
+# define LOOKS_LIKE_GHC_INFO(info) IS_CODE_PTR(info)
 #  define LOOKS_LIKE_GHC_INFO(info) (!HEAP_ALLOCED(info) \
                                      && !LOOKS_LIKE_STATIC_CLOSURE(info))
-#  define LOOKS_LIKE_GHC_INFO(info) IS_CODE_PTR(info)
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/ghc/includes/PrimOps.h b/ghc/includes/PrimOps.h
index b76ba60378acb82708de3621dffe9b79044086c4..8c2b03e7c3fe84b4868edc8d0fa6b1738d5f6e8d 100644
--- a/ghc/includes/PrimOps.h
+++ b/ghc/includes/PrimOps.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Id: PrimOps.h,v 1.64 2000/10/12 15:49:34 simonmar Exp $
+ * $Id: PrimOps.h,v 1.65 2000/11/07 10:42:56 simonmar Exp $
  * (c) The GHC Team, 1998-1999
@@ -436,6 +436,12 @@ EXTFUN_RTS(word2Integerzh_fast);
+/* Bit operations */
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Word64 PrimOps.
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/ghc/includes/StgDLL.h b/ghc/includes/StgDLL.h
index 9a0730a3c9353895bc3d148f46a39fc9fc0c4cb8..ededcc96b585ecb68123240bbea70b9749630948 100644
--- a/ghc/includes/StgDLL.h
+++ b/ghc/includes/StgDLL.h
@@ -28,12 +28,10 @@
 #define DLL_IMPORT_DATA_VAR(x) x
 #define DLL_IMPORT
 #  define DLL_IMPORT_DATA_VAR(x) _imp__##x
 # else
diff --git a/ghc/includes/StgMacros.h b/ghc/includes/StgMacros.h
index df6c82cc037fc5dbc07304bde758c3375f4972d4..a8b3faab8021a1fce21c268fa38e875c729d4ddc 100644
--- a/ghc/includes/StgMacros.h
+++ b/ghc/includes/StgMacros.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Id: StgMacros.h,v 1.34 2000/08/15 14:22:24 simonmar Exp $
+ * $Id: StgMacros.h,v 1.35 2000/11/07 10:42:56 simonmar Exp $
  * (c) The GHC Team, 1998-1999
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ static inline StgInt64 PK_Int64(W_ p_src[])
    Catch frames
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA const StgPolyInfoTable catch_frame_info;
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS const StgPolyInfoTable catch_frame_info;
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Seq frames
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA const StgPolyInfoTable catch_frame_info;
    an update...
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA const StgPolyInfoTable seq_frame_info;
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS const StgPolyInfoTable seq_frame_info;
 #define PUSH_SEQ_FRAME(sp)					\
 	{							\
@@ -643,7 +643,11 @@ extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA const StgPolyInfoTable seq_frame_info;
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 #if defined(USE_SPLIT_MARKERS)
+#if defined(cygwin32_TARGET_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS)
+#define __STG_SPLIT_MARKER __asm__("\n___stg_split_marker:");
 #define __STG_SPLIT_MARKER __asm__("\n__stg_split_marker:");
 #define __STG_SPLIT_MARKER /* nothing */
diff --git a/ghc/includes/StgMiscClosures.h b/ghc/includes/StgMiscClosures.h
index f6070e37eea2a0759fd898bbbb25e2b086ed5412..1161d162150d7ef4f3a72c96ec463b12fe879314 100644
--- a/ghc/includes/StgMiscClosures.h
+++ b/ghc/includes/StgMiscClosures.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Id: StgMiscClosures.h,v 1.20 2000/10/12 15:50:14 simonmar Exp $
+ * $Id: StgMiscClosures.h,v 1.21 2000/11/07 10:42:56 simonmar Exp $
  * (c) The GHC Team, 1998-1999
@@ -128,14 +128,14 @@ extern const vec_info_8 ret_bco_info;
 /* closures */
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA StgClosure END_TSO_QUEUE_closure;
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA StgClosure END_MUT_LIST_closure;
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA StgClosure NO_FINALIZER_closure;
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA StgClosure dummy_ret_closure;
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA StgClosure forceIO_closure;
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS StgClosure END_TSO_QUEUE_closure;
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS StgClosure END_MUT_LIST_closure;
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS StgClosure NO_FINALIZER_closure;
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS StgClosure dummy_ret_closure;
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS StgClosure forceIO_closure;
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA StgIntCharlikeClosure CHARLIKE_closure[];
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA StgIntCharlikeClosure INTLIKE_closure[];
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS StgIntCharlikeClosure CHARLIKE_closure[];
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS StgIntCharlikeClosure INTLIKE_closure[];
 /* standard entry points */
diff --git a/ghc/includes/TailCalls.h b/ghc/includes/TailCalls.h
index f0fd6a6503c05d075c35106b9cd44fb56dc2c4c1..fd0152ea20aa90c639d0218d4e029ddda0c5259b 100644
--- a/ghc/includes/TailCalls.h
+++ b/ghc/includes/TailCalls.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Id: TailCalls.h,v 1.5 2000/04/05 14:26:31 panne Exp $
+ * $Id: TailCalls.h,v 1.6 2000/11/07 10:42:56 simonmar Exp $
  * (c) The GHC Team, 1998-1999
@@ -35,6 +35,13 @@ extern void __DISCARD__(void);
    stack that GCC hasn't popped yet.  Also possibly to fool any
    optimisations (a function call often acts as a barrier).  Not sure
    if any of this is necessary now -- SDM
+   Comment to above note: I don't think the __DISCARD__() in JMP_ is 
+   necessary.  Arguments should be popped from the C stack immediately
+   after returning from a function, as long as we pass -fno-defer-pop
+   to gcc.  Moreover, a goto to a first-class label acts as a barrier 
+   for optimisations in the same way a function call does. 
+   -= chak
 /* The goto here seems to cause gcc -O2 to delete all the code after
@@ -110,8 +117,17 @@ register void *_procedure __asm__("$27");
   function and these markers is shredded by the mangler.
   -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*  The following __DISCARD__() has become necessary with gcc 2.96 on x86.
+ *  It prevents gcc from moving stack manipulation code from the function
+ *  body (aka the Real Code) into the function prologue, ie, from moving it
+ *  over the --- BEGIN --- marker.  It should be noted that (like some
+ *  other black magic in GHC's code), there is no essential reason why gcc
+ *  could not move some stack manipulation code across the __DISCARD__() -
+ *  it just doesn't choose to do it at the moment.
+ *  -= chak
+ */
 #ifndef FB_
-#define FB_    __asm__ volatile ("--- BEGIN ---");
+#define FB_    __asm__ volatile ("--- BEGIN ---"); __DISCARD__ ();
 #ifndef FE_
diff --git a/ghc/includes/Updates.h b/ghc/includes/Updates.h
index 07bd9de8863c65d15349e946b4086801cd85970c..3c7633a7d136299db18aa6c2b23d4b64b2a92ee1 100644
--- a/ghc/includes/Updates.h
+++ b/ghc/includes/Updates.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Id: Updates.h,v 1.18 2000/05/15 14:38:11 simonmar Exp $
+ * $Id: Updates.h,v 1.19 2000/11/07 10:42:56 simonmar Exp $
  * (c) The GHC Team, 1998-1999
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ extern void awakenBlockedQueue(StgTSO *q);
 #define PUSH_STD_CCCS(frame)
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA const StgPolyInfoTable upd_frame_info; 
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS const StgPolyInfoTable upd_frame_info; 
 #define PUSH_UPD_FRAME(target, Sp_offset)			\
 	{							\
@@ -234,14 +234,14 @@ extern void newCAF_made_by_Hugs(StgCAF*);
 DLL_IMPORT_RTS extern STGFUN(upd_frame_entry);
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA const StgInfoTable PAP_info;
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS const StgInfoTable PAP_info;
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA const StgInfoTable AP_UPD_info;
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS const StgInfoTable AP_UPD_info;
-extern DLL_IMPORT_DATA const StgInfoTable raise_info;
+extern DLL_IMPORT_RTS const StgInfoTable raise_info;
 #endif /* UPDATES_H */
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/Makefile b/ghc/lib/std/Makefile
index cce4638149585844cc6e89b6ddc11bddd6ff2bd5..0ae5a89a394ae74f0017cbe86df286cc70b2aac7 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/Makefile
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/Makefile
@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@ endif
 HC 	   = $(GHC_INPLACE)
-ifneq "$(way)" "dll"
+ifneq "$(DLLized)" "YES"
 PACKAGE = -package-name std
 # Hack by SPJ to delay if-then-else until the pattern rule when we have $*
 PACKAGE = $(subst ~, ,$(word $(words dummy $(findstring $(notdir $*), PrelMain )), -package-name~std))
-LIBRARY = libHSstd$(_way).a
+HSLIB = std
 ifeq "$(TARGETPLATFORM)" "i386-unknown-mingw32"
 LIBOBJS = $(filter-out PrelHugs.$(way_)o,$(HS_OBJS))
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ endif
 # 	Setting the GHC compile options
 SRC_HC_OPTS += -recomp -cpp -fglasgow-exts-no-lang -fvia-C -Rghc-timing $(GhcLibHcOpts) $(PACKAGE)
-ifneq "$(way)" "dll"
+ifneq "$(DLLized)" "YES"
 SRC_HC_OPTS += -static
@@ -87,21 +87,16 @@ PrelGHC.$(way_)hi	: PrelGHC.hi-boot
 boot :: PrelGHC.hi $(foreach way, $(WAYS), PrelGHC.$(way)_hi)
-DLL_NAME = HSstd.dll
 DLL_DESCRIPTION="GHC-compiled Haskell Prelude"
-DLL_IMPLIB_NAME = libHSstd_imp.a
-SRC_BLD_DLL_OPTS += --export-all --output-def=HSstd.def DllVersionInfo.o
-SRC_BLD_DLL_OPTS += -lwinmm -lHSrts_imp -lHSstd_cbits_imp -lgmp_imp -L. -L../../rts/gmp -L../../rts -Lcbits
-ifeq "$(way)" "dll"
+ifeq "$(DLLized)" "YES"
 HS_SRCS := $(filter-out PrelMain.lhs PrelHugs.lhs, $(HS_SRCS))
 # PrelMain.dll_o isn't to be included in the final .a, 
 # but it needs to be generated
-ifeq "$(way)" "dll"
-all :: PrelMain.dll_o DllVersionInfo.o
+ifeq "$(DLLized)" "YES"
+all :: PrelMain.dll_o
 CLEAN_FILES += PrelGHC.hi $(foreach way, $(WAYS), PrelGHC.$(way)_hi)
@@ -133,17 +128,12 @@ override datadir:=$(libdir)/imports/std
 # Files to install from here
-ifeq "$(way)" "dll"
+ifeq "$(DLLized)" "YES"
 INSTALL_LIBS  += PrelMain.dll_o
-ifeq "$(EnableWin32Dlls)" "YES"
-$(patsubst %.a,%_imp.a, $(LIBRARY))
-INSTALL_DATAS += $(HS_IFACES) PrelGHC.$(way_)hi
-ifeq "$(way)" "dll"
+INSTALL_DATAS += PrelGHC.$(way_)hi
+ifeq "$(DLLized)" "YES"
 INSTALL_DATAS := $(filter-out PrelHugs.$(way_)hi,$(INSTALL_DATAS))
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelAddr.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelAddr.lhs
index 48258eb1bcf70ffe21965c88ec4eccc7acf14ffa..4ce5bf3a25faf5194ec901ad0a8433c224c7d2aa 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelAddr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelAddr.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelAddr.lhs,v 1.17 2000/06/30 13:39:35 simonmar Exp $
+% $Id: PrelAddr.lhs,v 1.18 2000/11/07 10:42:56 simonmar Exp $
 % (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000
@@ -11,11 +11,10 @@
 module PrelAddr (
-	, AddrOff(..)
 	, nullAddr		-- :: Addr
-	, alignAddr		-- :: Addr -> Int -> Addr
-	, plusAddr		-- :: Addr -> AddrOff -> Addr
-	, minusAddr		-- :: Addr -> Addr -> AddrOff
+	, alignAddr		-- :: Addr -> Int  -> Addr
+	, plusAddr		-- :: Addr -> Int  -> Addr
+	, minusAddr		-- :: Addr -> Addr -> Int
 	, indexAddrOffAddr	-- :: Addr -> Int -> Addr
@@ -37,8 +36,6 @@ infixl 5 `plusAddr`, `minusAddr`
 data Addr = A# Addr# 	deriving (Eq, Ord)
 data Word = W# Word# 	deriving (Eq, Ord)
-newtype AddrOff = AddrOff# Int
 nullAddr :: Addr
 nullAddr = A# (int2Addr# 0#)
@@ -49,11 +46,11 @@ alignAddr addr@(A# a) (I# i)
       0# -> addr;
       n  -> A# (int2Addr# (ai +# (i -# n))) }}
-plusAddr :: Addr -> AddrOff -> Addr
-plusAddr (A# addr) (AddrOff# (I# off)) = A# (int2Addr# (addr2Int# addr +# off))
+plusAddr :: Addr -> Int -> Addr
+plusAddr (A# addr) (I# off) = A# (int2Addr# (addr2Int# addr +# off))
-minusAddr :: Addr -> Addr -> AddrOff
-minusAddr (A# a1) (A# a2) = AddrOff# (I# (addr2Int# a1 -# addr2Int# a2))
+minusAddr :: Addr -> Addr -> Int
+minusAddr (A# a1) (A# a2) = I# (addr2Int# a1 -# addr2Int# a2)
 instance CCallable Addr
 instance CReturnable Addr
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelGHC.hi-boot b/ghc/lib/std/PrelGHC.hi-boot
index 13f4aac59754bb32195895e454225a9c2d3d17d1..52c6148047e392a702c741a59b6dd2f3fdbbeb00 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelGHC.hi-boot
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelGHC.hi-boot
@@ -205,7 +205,11 @@ __export PrelGHC
+  andIntegerzh
+  orIntegerzh
+  xorIntegerzh
+  complementIntegerzh
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelHandle.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelHandle.lhs
index a548426d7a1f137d8102df3f95d3a56ac5b33d8c..01b7182b235ca1f617a0e58cb13bb6cd22c5449c 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelHandle.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelHandle.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelHandle.lhs,v 1.62 2000/09/14 14:24:02 simonmar Exp $
+% $Id: PrelHandle.lhs,v 1.63 2000/11/07 10:42:56 simonmar Exp $
 % (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-2000
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ mkBuffer__ fo sz_in_bytes = do
   case sz_in_bytes of
     0 -> return nullAddr  -- this has the effect of overwriting the pointer to the old buffer.
     _ -> do
-     chunk <- allocMemory__ sz_in_bytes
+     chunk <- malloc sz_in_bytes
      if chunk == nullAddr
       then ioException (IOError Nothing ResourceExhausted "mkBuffer__" "not enough virtual memory")
       else return chunk
@@ -162,15 +162,6 @@ mkClosedHandle__ =
 	     haFilePath__   = "closed file",
 	     haBuffers__    = []
-mkErrorHandle__ :: IOException -> Handle__
-mkErrorHandle__ ioe =
-  Handle__ { haFO__         =  nullFile__,
-	     haType__       = (ErrorHandle ioe),
-	     haBufferMode__ = NoBuffering,
-	     haFilePath__   = "error handle",
-	     haBuffers__    = []
-	   }
@@ -251,8 +242,7 @@ stdout = unsafePerformIO (do
 	    return hdl
-       _ -> do ioError <- constructError "stdout"
-               newHandle (mkErrorHandle__ ioError)
+       _ -> constructErrorAndFail "stdout"
 stdin = unsafePerformIO (do
@@ -277,8 +267,7 @@ stdin = unsafePerformIO (do
 	    hConnectTerms stdout hdl
 	    return hdl
-       _ -> do ioError <- constructError "stdin"
-               newHandle (mkErrorHandle__ ioError)
+       _ -> constructErrorAndFail "stdin"
@@ -303,8 +292,7 @@ stderr = unsafePerformIO (do
 	    hConnectTo stdout hdl
 	    return hdl
-       _ -> do ioError <- constructError "stderr"
-               newHandle (mkErrorHandle__ ioError)
+       _ -> constructErrorAndFail "stderr"
@@ -395,7 +383,6 @@ hClose :: Handle -> IO ()
 hClose handle =
     withHandle__ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> return handle_
       _ -> do
           rc      <- closeFile (haFO__ handle_)
@@ -439,7 +426,6 @@ hFileSize :: Handle -> IO Integer
 hFileSize handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError 	-> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 		-> ioe_closedHandle "hFileSize" handle
       SemiClosedHandle 		-> ioe_closedHandle "hFileSize" handle
 #ifdef __HUGS__
@@ -539,7 +525,6 @@ hSetBuffering handle mode =
       _ ->
           withHandle__ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
           case haType__ handle_ of
-	     ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
              ClosedHandle 	  -> ioe_closedHandle "hSetBuffering" handle
              _ -> do
 	        {- Note:
@@ -713,7 +698,6 @@ hIsOpen :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsOpen handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle         -> return False
       SemiClosedHandle     -> return False
       _ 		   -> return True
@@ -722,7 +706,6 @@ hIsClosed :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsClosed handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> return True
       _ 		   -> return False
@@ -740,7 +723,6 @@ hIsReadable :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsReadable handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsReadable" handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsReadable" handle
       htype 		   -> return (isReadable htype)
@@ -753,7 +735,6 @@ hIsWritable :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsWritable handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsWritable" handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsWritable" handle
       htype 		   -> return (isWritable htype)
@@ -785,7 +766,6 @@ hGetBuffering :: Handle -> IO BufferMode
 hGetBuffering handle = 
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hGetBuffering" handle
       _ -> 
@@ -800,7 +780,6 @@ hIsSeekable :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsSeekable handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsSeekable" handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsSeekable" handle
       AppendHandle 	   -> return False
@@ -831,7 +810,6 @@ hSetEcho handle on = do
       withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
       case haType__ handle_ of 
-         ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
          ClosedHandle	      -> ioe_closedHandle "hSetEcho" handle
          _ -> do
             rc <- setTerminalEcho (haFO__ handle_) (if on then 1 else 0)  -- ConcHask: SAFE, won't block
@@ -847,7 +825,6 @@ hGetEcho handle = do
        withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
        case haType__ handle_ of 
-         ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
          ClosedHandle	      -> ioe_closedHandle "hGetEcho" handle
          _ -> do
             rc <- getTerminalEcho (haFO__ handle_)  -- ConcHask: SAFE, won't block
@@ -860,7 +837,6 @@ hIsTerminalDevice :: Handle -> IO Bool
 hIsTerminalDevice handle = do
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
      case haType__ handle_ of 
-       ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
        ClosedHandle	    -> ioe_closedHandle "hIsTerminalDevice" handle
        _ -> do
           rc <- isTerminalDevice (haFO__ handle_)   -- ConcHask: SAFE, won't block
@@ -914,7 +890,7 @@ slurpFile fname = do
     ioError (userError "slurpFile: file too big")
    else do
      let sz_i = fromInteger sz
-     chunk <- allocMemory__ sz_i
+     chunk <- malloc sz_i
      if chunk == nullAddr 
       then do
         hClose handle
@@ -939,7 +915,6 @@ getHandleFd :: Handle -> IO Int
 getHandleFd handle =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case (haType__ handle_) of
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "getHandleFd" handle
       _ -> do
           fd <- getFileFd (haFO__ handle_)
@@ -1038,7 +1013,6 @@ wantReadableHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a
 wantReadableHandle fun handle act = 
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       AppendHandle 	   -> ioException not_readable_error
@@ -1061,7 +1035,6 @@ wantWriteableHandle_ fun handle act =
 checkWriteableHandle fun handle handle_ act
   = case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioError (IOException theError)
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       ReadHandle 	   -> ioError not_writeable_error
@@ -1075,7 +1048,6 @@ wantRWHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a
 wantRWHandle fun handle act = 
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       _ 		   -> act handle_
@@ -1084,7 +1056,6 @@ wantSeekableHandle :: String -> Handle -> (Handle__ -> IO a) -> IO a
 wantSeekableHandle fun handle act =
     withHandle_ handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       SemiClosedHandle	   -> ioe_closedHandle fun handle
       _ 		   -> act handle_
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelHugs.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelHugs.lhs
index 183fa20ddee0b623a9c4ceb37ac2c13449c1273d..95ffb8a147511906a959fc6744eede20ac532d75 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelHugs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelHugs.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelHugs.lhs,v 1.13 2000/06/30 13:39:35 simonmar Exp $
+% $Id: PrelHugs.lhs,v 1.14 2000/11/07 10:42:56 simonmar Exp $
 % (c) The University of Glasgow, 2000
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import PrelRead(Read,ReadS,lex,reads)
 import PrelFloat(Double)
 import PrelReal(Fractional,fromRational,toRational)
 import PrelAddr(Addr(..),nullAddr)
-import PrelStable(StablePtr,makeStablePtr)
+import PrelStable(StablePtr,newStablePtr)
 import PrelErr(error)
 import PrelPack(unpackCString)
 import List(length)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ foreign import "malloc" unsafe malloc
         :: Int -> IO Addr
 hugsprimCreateAdjThunk :: (a -> b) -> String -> Char -> IO Addr
 hugsprimCreateAdjThunk fun typestr callconv
-   = do sp <- makeStablePtr fun
+   = do sp <- newStablePtr fun
         p  <- copy_String_to_cstring typestr  -- is never freed
         a  <- hugsCreateAdjThunk sp p callconv
         return a
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelIO.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelIO.lhs
index e93410ffd133e9523f4a890ae374d9ef31e07162..70f52c855f38c922e45e2a145a167fb91173ac44 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelIO.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelIO.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelIO.lhs,v 1.15 2000/07/25 15:20:10 simonmar Exp $
+% $Id: PrelIO.lhs,v 1.16 2000/11/07 10:42:56 simonmar Exp $
 % (c) The University of Glasgow, 1992-2000
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import PrelNum
 import PrelRead         ( Read(..), readIO )
 import PrelShow
 import PrelMaybe	( Maybe(..) )
-import PrelAddr		( Addr(..), AddrOff(..), nullAddr, plusAddr )
+import PrelAddr		( Addr(..), nullAddr, plusAddr )
 import PrelList		( concat, reverse, null )
 import PrelPack		( unpackNBytesST, unpackNBytesAccST )
 import PrelException    ( ioError, catch, catchException, throw )
@@ -229,7 +229,6 @@ hGetContents handle =
 	-- the handle.
     withHandle handle $ \ handle_ -> do
     case haType__ handle_ of 
-      ErrorHandle theError -> ioException theError
       ClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hGetContents" handle
       SemiClosedHandle 	   -> ioe_closedHandle "hGetContents" handle
       AppendHandle 	   -> ioException not_readable_error
@@ -379,7 +378,7 @@ getBuffer handle_ = do
    case mode of
 	NoBuffering -> return (handle_, (mode, nullAddr, 0))
 	_ -> case bufs of
-		[] -> do  buf <- allocMemory__ sz
+		[] -> do  buf <- malloc sz
 			  return (handle_, (mode, buf, sz))
 		(b:bs) -> return (handle_{ haBuffers__ = bs }, (mode, b, sz))
@@ -481,7 +480,7 @@ commitAndReleaseBuffer hdl@(Handle h) buf sz count flush = do
 		-- not flushing, and there's enough room in the buffer:
 		-- just copy the data in and update bufWPtr.
-	    else do memcpy (plusAddr fo_buf (AddrOff# fo_wptr)) buf count
+	    else do memcpy (plusAddr fo_buf fo_wptr) buf count
 		    setBufWPtr fo (fo_wptr + count)
 		    handle_ <- freeBuffer handle_ buf sz
 		    ok handle_
@@ -535,7 +534,7 @@ commitBuffer handle buf sz count flush = do
 		    if (rc < 0) then constructErrorAndFail "commitBuffer"
 			        else return ()
-	    else do memcpy (plusAddr fo_buf (AddrOff# new_wptr)) buf count
+	    else do memcpy (plusAddr fo_buf new_wptr) buf count
 		    setBufWPtr fo (new_wptr + count)
 		    return ()
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs
index 6b48b1f9106eca3ebb2e2db96d9bc7f1f367e013..be14cef708a8c22172c6956940574a12a628b111 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelIOBase.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelIOBase.lhs,v 1.28 2000/09/25 12:58:39 simonpj Exp $
+% $Id: PrelIOBase.lhs,v 1.29 2000/11/07 10:42:56 simonmar Exp $
 % (c) The University of Glasgow, 1994-2000
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import PrelST
 import PrelBase
 import PrelNum	  ( fromInteger )	-- Integer literals
 import PrelMaybe  ( Maybe(..) )
-import PrelAddr	  ( Addr(..) )
+import PrelAddr	  ( Addr(..), nullAddr )
 import PrelShow
 import PrelList
 import PrelDynamic
@@ -223,8 +223,7 @@ data Handle__
   of the following:
 data Handle__Type
- = ErrorHandle  IOException
- | ClosedHandle
+ = ClosedHandle
  | SemiClosedHandle
  | ReadHandle
  | WriteHandle
@@ -251,7 +250,6 @@ type FilePath = String
 instance Show Handle__Type where
   showsPrec p t =
     case t of
-      ErrorHandle iot   -> showString "error " . showsPrec p iot
       ClosedHandle      -> showString "closed"
       SemiClosedHandle  -> showString "semi-closed"
       ReadHandle        -> showString "readable"
@@ -287,7 +285,6 @@ instance Show Handle where
     showHdl ht cont = 
        case ht of
         ClosedHandle  -> showsPrec p ht . showString "}\n"
-        ErrorHandle _ -> showsPrec p ht . showString "}\n"
 	_ -> cont
     showBufMode :: FILE_OBJECT -> BufferMode -> ShowS
@@ -360,9 +357,16 @@ Foreign import declarations to helper routines:
 foreign import "libHS_cbits" "getErrStr__"  unsafe getErrStr__  :: IO Addr 
 foreign import "libHS_cbits" "getErrNo__"   unsafe getErrNo__   :: IO Int  
 foreign import "libHS_cbits" "getErrType__" unsafe getErrType__ :: IO Int  
+malloc :: Int -> IO Addr
+malloc sz = do
+  a <- _malloc sz
+  if (a == nullAddr)
+	then ioException (IOError Nothing ResourceExhausted "malloc" "")
+	else return a
+foreign import "malloc" unsafe _malloc :: Int -> IO Addr
-foreign import "libHS_cbits" "allocMemory__" unsafe
-           allocMemory__    :: Int -> IO Addr
 foreign import "libHS_cbits" "getBufSize"  unsafe
            getBufSize       :: FILE_OBJECT -> IO Int
 foreign import "libHS_cbits" "setBuf" unsafe
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/PrelStable.lhs b/ghc/lib/std/PrelStable.lhs
index a0de32b3404e7d61e7e6d6b7d5b149f357a31131..dfa87a0fdb3b87f85d61349b1a23df2958aa167f 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/PrelStable.lhs
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/PrelStable.lhs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% $Id: PrelStable.lhs,v 1.7 2000/06/30 13:39:36 simonmar Exp $
+% $Id: PrelStable.lhs,v 1.8 2000/11/07 10:42:57 simonmar Exp $
 % (c) The GHC Team, 1992-2000
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 module PrelStable 
 	( StablePtr(..)
-	, makeStablePtr	  -- :: a -> IO (StablePtr a)    
+	, newStablePtr    -- :: a -> IO (StablePtr a)    
 	, deRefStablePtr  -- :: StablePtr a -> a
 	, freeStablePtr   -- :: StablePtr a -> IO ()
    ) where
@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ data StablePtr  a = StablePtr  (StablePtr#  a)
 instance CCallable   (StablePtr a)
 instance CReturnable (StablePtr a)
-makeStablePtr  :: a -> IO (StablePtr a)
+newStablePtr   :: a -> IO (StablePtr a)
 deRefStablePtr :: StablePtr a -> IO a
-foreign import "freeStablePtr" unsafe freeStablePtr :: StablePtr a -> IO ()
+foreign import unsafe freeStablePtr :: StablePtr a -> IO ()
-makeStablePtr a = IO $ \ s ->
+newStablePtr a = IO $ \ s ->
     case makeStablePtr# a s of (# s', sp #) -> (# s', StablePtr sp #)
 deRefStablePtr (StablePtr sp) = IO $ \s -> deRefStablePtr# sp s
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/cbits/Makefile b/ghc/lib/std/cbits/Makefile
index 4e4303332f400b8c3146cdb75dc81f8cff861933..16ec304e34c0b14c30451fe756d29372d8e06e0c 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/cbits/Makefile
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/cbits/Makefile
@@ -1,41 +1,22 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.23 2000/08/07 16:09:03 rrt Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.24 2000/11/07 10:42:57 simonmar Exp $
 TOP = ../../..
 include $(TOP)/mk/boilerplate.mk
-ifeq "$(filter dll,$(WAYS))" "dll"
-override WAYS=dll
 override WAYS=
+HSLIB = std
 C_SRCS= $(wildcard *.c)
 C_OBJS  = $(C_SRCS:.c=.$(way_)o)
-ifneq "$(way)" "dll"
+SRC_CC_OPTS += -O $(GhcLibCcOpts) -Wall -optc-DCOMPILING_STDLIB
+ifneq "$(DLLized)" "YES"
 SRC_CC_OPTS += -static
-ifeq "$(way)" "dll"
-all :: DllVersionInfo.o
-$(DLL_NAME) : DllVersionInfo.o
-DLL_NAME = HSstd_cbits.dll
-DLL_IMPLIB_NAME = libHSstd_cbits_imp.a
-DLL_DESCRIPTION = "Haskell Prelude helpers"
-SRC_BLD_DLL_OPTS += --export-all --output-def=HSstdcbits.def DllVersionInfo.o
-SRC_BLD_DLL_OPTS += -lwinmm -lwsock32 -lHSrts_imp -lgmp -L. -L../../../rts/gmp -L../../../rts
 # Compile the files using the Haskell compiler (ghc really).
@@ -44,15 +25,6 @@ CC=$(GHC_INPLACE)
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # Installation
-ifeq "$(EnableWin32DLLs)" "YES"
-ifneq "$(way)" "dll"
-INSTALL_LIBS += $(patsubst %.a, %_imp.a, $(LIBRARY))
 override datadir:=$(libdir)/includes
 INSTALL_DATAS += HsStd.h stgio.h stgerror.h fileObject.h
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/cbits/allocMem.c b/ghc/lib/std/cbits/allocMem.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 609e8828e952ee37a72f4141c321edbcb4a47b5b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/lib/std/cbits/allocMem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- * (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1998
- *
- * $Id: allocMem.c,v 1.3 1999/11/25 16:54:14 simonmar Exp $
- *
- * malloc interface
- */
-#include "Rts.h"
-#include "stgio.h"
-allocMemory__(StgInt sz/* bytes */)
- StgAddr ptr;
- if ( (ptr = malloc(sz*sizeof(char))) == NULL) {
-	ghc_errstr  = "malloc failed";
-	return NULL;
- }
- return ptr;
diff --git a/ghc/lib/std/cbits/stgio.h b/ghc/lib/std/cbits/stgio.h
index 35a09fd8b792aa87e6cc4b30aadff048960ee0b2..fd5ad0d9f629618bf63b90e81b856eaa31ea0c9a 100644
--- a/ghc/lib/std/cbits/stgio.h
+++ b/ghc/lib/std/cbits/stgio.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Id: stgio.h,v 1.23 2000/08/24 10:27:01 simonmar Exp $
+ * $Id: stgio.h,v 1.24 2000/11/07 10:42:57 simonmar Exp $
  * (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1999
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 #ifndef STGIO_H
 #define STGIO_H
+#include "StgDLL.h"  /* for DLL_IMPORT_STDLIB */
 #include "stgerror.h"
 #include "fileObject.h"
@@ -57,9 +59,9 @@ int	_setenv		(char *);
 int	delenv		(char *);
 /* errno.c */
-extern	int ghc_errno;
-extern	int ghc_errtype;
-extern	char* ghc_errstr;
+DLL_IMPORT_STDLIB extern	int ghc_errno;
+DLL_IMPORT_STDLIB extern	int ghc_errtype;
+DLL_IMPORT_STDLIB extern	char* ghc_errstr;
 void	cvtErrno(void);
 void	stdErrno(void);
diff --git a/ghc/rts/Makefile b/ghc/rts/Makefile
index 4ff8d8cdd054ed9e9323029eecf79bb92588b75c..b92318923a969608b31622aa830b32aa25d4e426 100644
--- a/ghc/rts/Makefile
+++ b/ghc/rts/Makefile
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# $Id: Makefile,v 1.38 2000/11/01 11:41:47 simonmar Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile,v 1.39 2000/11/07 10:42:57 simonmar Exp $
 #  This is the Makefile for the runtime-system stuff.
 #  This stuff is written in C (and cannot be written in Haskell).
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SRCS_RTS_C  = $(wildcard *.c) $(wildcard hooks/*.c) $(filter-out parallel/SysMan
 SRCS_RTS_S  = $(wildcard *.S)
 SRCS_RTS_HC = $(wildcard *.hc) $(wildcard parallel/*.hc)
-ifneq "$(way)" "dll"
+ifneq "$(DLLized)" "YES"
 SRCS_RTS_C  := $(filter-out RtsDllMain.c, $(SRCS_RTS_C))
 SRCS_RTS_C  := $(filter-out Main.c, $(SRCS_RTS_C))
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ endif
 # creating and installing libHSrts.a (in its many flavors)
-LIBRARY = libHSrts$(_way).a
 LIBOBJS = $(patsubst %.c,%.$(way_)o,$(SRCS_RTS_C)) \
           $(patsubst %.hc,%.$(way_)o,$(SRCS_RTS_HC)) \
           $(patsubst %.S,%.$(way_)o,$(SRCS_RTS_S))
@@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ WARNING_OPTS += -optc-Wbad-function-cast
 SRC_HC_OPTS += -I../includes -I. -Iparallel $(WARNING_OPTS) $(GhcRtsHcOpts) -optc-DCOMPILING_RTS
 SRC_CC_OPTS = $(GhcRtsCcOpts)
-ifneq "$(way)" "dll"
+ifneq "$(DLLized)" "YES"
 SRC_HC_OPTS += -static
 # SRC_HC_OPTS += -optc-fPIC
@@ -112,15 +111,15 @@ unexport CC
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 #  Building DLLs is only supported on mingw32 at the moment.
-DLL_NAME          = HSrts.dll
-ifeq "$(way)" "dll"
-DLL_IMPLIB_NAME   = libHSrts_imp.a
+HSLIB             = rts
-SRC_BLD_DLL_OPTS += --output-def=HSrts.def --export-all -L. -Lgmp -lwinmm \
-                    -lHS_imp_stub -lgmp_imp
+ifeq "$(DLLized)" "YES"
+SRC_BLD_DLL_OPTS += -lHS_imp_stub -lgmp_imp
+# It's not included in the DLL, but we need to compile it up separately.
+all :: Main.dll_o
 # Need an import library containing the symbols the RTS uses from the Prelude.
 # So, to avoid bootstrapping trouble, we build one containing just the syms
 # we need. Weirdly named to avoid clashing later on when compiling the contents
@@ -129,14 +128,11 @@ SRC_BLD_DLL_OPTS += --output-def=HSrts.def --export-all -L. -Lgmp -lwinmm \
 # Note: if you do change the name of the Prelude DLL, the "--dllname <nm>.dll"
 # below will need to be updated as well.
-$(DLL_PEN)/$(DLL_NAME) :: libHS_imp_stub.a
+$(DLL_PEN)/HSrts$(_way).dll :: libHS_imp_stub.a
 libHS_imp_stub.a :
 	dlltool --output-lib libHS_imp_stub.a --def HSprel.def --dllname HSstd.dll
-# It's not included in the DLL, but we need to compile it up separately.
-all :: Main.dll_o
 # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -153,7 +149,7 @@ boot ::
 all :: gmp/libgmp.a
-ifeq "$(way)" "dll"
+ifeq "$(DLLized)" "YES"
 all :: $(DLL_PEN)/gmp.dll
@@ -204,13 +200,10 @@ endif
 # Just libHSrts is installed uniformly across ways
-ifeq "$(EnableWin32DLLs)" "YES"
+ifeq "$(DLLized)" "YES"
 INSTALL_PROGS += $(DLL_NAME) gmp/gmp.dll
-ifneq "$(way)" "dll"
-INSTALL_LIBS += $(patsubst %.a, %_imp.a, $(LIBARY))
+INSTALL_LIBS += $(patsubst %.a,%_imp.a,$(LIBARY))
 INSTALL_LIBS += gmp/libgmp_imp.a Main.dll_o
 include $(TOP)/mk/target.mk
diff --git a/ghc/rts/PrimOps.hc b/ghc/rts/PrimOps.hc
index f5c45f30848e6319cc03ae337ad0b9d8efec87ff..b571db3819ccafc1c0ce16f8dd17a9134cff66c0 100644
--- a/ghc/rts/PrimOps.hc
+++ b/ghc/rts/PrimOps.hc
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Id: PrimOps.hc,v 1.55 2000/09/26 16:45:35 simonpj Exp $
+ * $Id: PrimOps.hc,v 1.56 2000/11/07 10:42:57 simonmar Exp $
  * (c) The GHC Team, 1998-2000
@@ -649,6 +649,35 @@ FN_(name)								\
   FE_									\
+#define GMP_TAKE1_RET1(name,mp_fun)					\
+FN_(name)								\
+{									\
+  MP_INT arg1, result;							\
+  I_ s1;								\
+  StgArrWords* d1;							\
+  FB_									\
+									\
+  /* call doYouWantToGC() */						\
+  MAYBE_GC(R2_PTR, name);						\
+									\
+  d1 = (StgArrWords *)R2.p;						\
+  s1 = R1.i;								\
+									\
+  arg1._mp_alloc	= d1->words;					\
+  arg1._mp_size		= (s1);						\
+  arg1._mp_d		= (unsigned long int *) (BYTE_ARR_CTS(d1));	\
+									\
+  STGCALL1(mpz_init,&result);						\
+									\
+  /* Perform the operation */						\
+  STGCALL2(mp_fun,&result,&arg1);					\
+									\
+  TICK_RET_UNBOXED_TUP(2);						\
+  RET_NP(result._mp_size,						\
+         result._mp_d-sizeofW(StgArrWords));				\
+  FE_									\
 #define GMP_TAKE2_RET2(name,mp_fun)					\
 FN_(name)								\
 {									\
@@ -694,6 +723,10 @@ GMP_TAKE2_RET1(gcdIntegerzh_fast,      mpz_gcd);
 GMP_TAKE2_RET1(quotIntegerzh_fast,     mpz_tdiv_q);
 GMP_TAKE2_RET1(remIntegerzh_fast,      mpz_tdiv_r);
 GMP_TAKE2_RET1(divExactIntegerzh_fast, mpz_divexact);
+GMP_TAKE2_RET1(andIntegerzh_fast,      mpz_and);
+GMP_TAKE2_RET1(orIntegerzh_fast,       mpz_ior);
+GMP_TAKE2_RET1(xorIntegerzh_fast,      mpz_xor);
+GMP_TAKE1_RET1(complementIntegerzh_fast, mpz_com);
 GMP_TAKE2_RET2(quotRemIntegerzh_fast, mpz_tdiv_qr);
 GMP_TAKE2_RET2(divModIntegerzh_fast,  mpz_fdiv_qr);
diff --git a/ghc/rts/Schedule.c b/ghc/rts/Schedule.c
index 79996c38d5f59231a6341c31ac74aa98f1a81909..89d9799262a23f8541fbdbe228c8193502c6274d 100644
--- a/ghc/rts/Schedule.c
+++ b/ghc/rts/Schedule.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * $Id: Schedule.c,v 1.79 2000/10/10 09:12:19 simonmar Exp $
+ * $Id: Schedule.c,v 1.80 2000/11/07 10:42:57 simonmar Exp $
  * (c) The GHC Team, 1998-2000
@@ -214,6 +214,12 @@ Capability MainRegTable;       /* for non-SMP, we have one global capability */
 StgTSO *CurrentTSO;
+/*  This is used in `TSO.h' and gcc 2.96 insists that this variable actually 
+ *  exists - earlier gccs apparently didn't.
+ *  -= chak
+ */
+StgTSO dummy_tso;
 rtsBool ready_to_gc;
 /* All our current task ids, saved in case we need to kill them later.
diff --git a/ghc/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.hs b/ghc/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.hs
index e469c0c48b09ab76b0c6b011d07a7868a8df01b1..1e53f8f51445bf267a98a7f706cea02fb36e6e38 100644
--- a/ghc/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.hs
+++ b/ghc/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.hs
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ test = do
    testIntlike "Word8"  (0::Word8)    
    testIntlike "Word16" (0::Word16)   
    testIntlike "Word32" (0::Word32)   
+   testInteger
 testIntlikeNoBits :: (Bounded a, Integral a, Ix a, Read a) => String -> a -> IO ()
 testIntlikeNoBits name zero = do
@@ -32,11 +33,24 @@ testIntlikeNoBits name zero = do
   testReal     zero
   testIntegral zero
+testInteger  = do
+  let zero = 0 :: Integer
+  putStrLn $ "--------------------------------"
+  putStrLn $ "--Testing Integer
+  putStrLn $ "--------------------------------"
+  testEnum     zero
+  testReadShow zero
+  testEq       zero
+  testOrd      zero
+  testNum      zero
+  testReal     zero
+  testIntegral zero
+  testBits     zero False
 testIntlike :: (Bounded a, Integral a, Ix a, Read a, Bits a) => String -> a -> IO ()
 testIntlike name zero = do
   testIntlikeNoBits name zero
-  testBits     zero
+  testBits     zero True
 -- In all these tests, zero is a dummy element used to get
@@ -125,7 +139,7 @@ testIntegral zero = do
   (xs,ys) = samples zero
-testBits zero = do
+testBits zero do_bitsize = do
   putStrLn "testBits"
   table2 ".&.  "            (.&.)         xs ys
   table2 ".|.  "            (.|.)         xs ys
@@ -139,7 +153,7 @@ testBits zero = do
   table2 "`clearBit`"       clearBit      xs ([0..3] ++ [32])
   table2 "`complementBit`"  complementBit xs ([0..3] ++ [32])
   table2 "`testBit`"        testBit       xs ([0..3] ++ [32])
-  table1 "bitSize"          bitSize       xs
+  if do_bitsize then table1 "bitSize" bitSize xs else return ()
   table1 "isSigned"         isSigned      xs
   (xs,ys) = samples zero
diff --git a/ghc/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.stdout b/ghc/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.stdout
index 5671727fdd632bd4e8e383e0d9cdaeeb119933f5..7a7c6b1a99d867959451aff9e94bddac199d2cf9 100644
--- a/ghc/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.stdout
+++ b/ghc/tests/numeric/should_run/arith011.stdout
@@ -9303,3 +9303,1392 @@ isSigned 1 = False
 isSigned 2 = False
 isSigned 3 = False
+--Testing Integer
+  putStrLn $ 
+-3 == -3 = True
+-3 == -2 = False
+-3 == -1 = False
+-3 == 0 = False
+-3 == 1 = False
+-3 == 2 = False
+-3 == 3 = False
+-2 == -3 = False
+-2 == -2 = True
+-2 == -1 = False
+-2 == 0 = False
+-2 == 1 = False
+-2 == 2 = False
+-2 == 3 = False
+-1 == -3 = False
+-1 == -2 = False
+-1 == -1 = True
+-1 == 0 = False
+-1 == 1 = False
+-1 == 2 = False
+-1 == 3 = False
+0 == -3 = False
+0 == -2 = False
+0 == -1 = False
+0 == 0 = True
+0 == 1 = False
+0 == 2 = False
+0 == 3 = False
+1 == -3 = False
+1 == -2 = False
+1 == -1 = False
+1 == 0 = False
+1 == 1 = True
+1 == 2 = False
+1 == 3 = False
+2 == -3 = False
+2 == -2 = False
+2 == -1 = False
+2 == 0 = False
+2 == 1 = False
+2 == 2 = True
+2 == 3 = False
+3 == -3 = False
+3 == -2 = False
+3 == -1 = False
+3 == 0 = False
+3 == 1 = False
+3 == 2 = False
+3 == 3 = True
+-3 /= -3 = False
+-3 /= -2 = True
+-3 /= -1 = True
+-3 /= 0 = True
+-3 /= 1 = True
+-3 /= 2 = True
+-3 /= 3 = True
+-2 /= -3 = True
+-2 /= -2 = False
+-2 /= -1 = True
+-2 /= 0 = True
+-2 /= 1 = True
+-2 /= 2 = True
+-2 /= 3 = True
+-1 /= -3 = True
+-1 /= -2 = True
+-1 /= -1 = False
+-1 /= 0 = True
+-1 /= 1 = True
+-1 /= 2 = True
+-1 /= 3 = True
+0 /= -3 = True
+0 /= -2 = True
+0 /= -1 = True
+0 /= 0 = False
+0 /= 1 = True
+0 /= 2 = True
+0 /= 3 = True
+1 /= -3 = True
+1 /= -2 = True
+1 /= -1 = True
+1 /= 0 = True
+1 /= 1 = False
+1 /= 2 = True
+1 /= 3 = True
+2 /= -3 = True
+2 /= -2 = True
+2 /= -1 = True
+2 /= 0 = True
+2 /= 1 = True
+2 /= 2 = False
+2 /= 3 = True
+3 /= -3 = True
+3 /= -2 = True
+3 /= -1 = True
+3 /= 0 = True
+3 /= 1 = True
+3 /= 2 = True
+3 /= 3 = False
+-3 <= -3 = True
+-3 <= -2 = True
+-3 <= -1 = True
+-3 <= 0 = True
+-3 <= 1 = True
+-3 <= 2 = True
+-3 <= 3 = True
+-2 <= -3 = False
+-2 <= -2 = True
+-2 <= -1 = True
+-2 <= 0 = True
+-2 <= 1 = True
+-2 <= 2 = True
+-2 <= 3 = True
+-1 <= -3 = False
+-1 <= -2 = False
+-1 <= -1 = True
+-1 <= 0 = True
+-1 <= 1 = True
+-1 <= 2 = True
+-1 <= 3 = True
+0 <= -3 = False
+0 <= -2 = False
+0 <= -1 = False
+0 <= 0 = True
+0 <= 1 = True
+0 <= 2 = True
+0 <= 3 = True
+1 <= -3 = False
+1 <= -2 = False
+1 <= -1 = False
+1 <= 0 = False
+1 <= 1 = True
+1 <= 2 = True
+1 <= 3 = True
+2 <= -3 = False
+2 <= -2 = False
+2 <= -1 = False
+2 <= 0 = False
+2 <= 1 = False
+2 <= 2 = True
+2 <= 3 = True
+3 <= -3 = False
+3 <= -2 = False
+3 <= -1 = False
+3 <= 0 = False
+3 <= 1 = False
+3 <= 2 = False
+3 <= 3 = True
+-3 <  -3 = False
+-3 <  -2 = True
+-3 <  -1 = True
+-3 <  0 = True
+-3 <  1 = True
+-3 <  2 = True
+-3 <  3 = True
+-2 <  -3 = False
+-2 <  -2 = False
+-2 <  -1 = True
+-2 <  0 = True
+-2 <  1 = True
+-2 <  2 = True
+-2 <  3 = True
+-1 <  -3 = False
+-1 <  -2 = False
+-1 <  -1 = False
+-1 <  0 = True
+-1 <  1 = True
+-1 <  2 = True
+-1 <  3 = True
+0 <  -3 = False
+0 <  -2 = False
+0 <  -1 = False
+0 <  0 = False
+0 <  1 = True
+0 <  2 = True
+0 <  3 = True
+1 <  -3 = False
+1 <  -2 = False
+1 <  -1 = False
+1 <  0 = False
+1 <  1 = False
+1 <  2 = True
+1 <  3 = True
+2 <  -3 = False
+2 <  -2 = False
+2 <  -1 = False
+2 <  0 = False
+2 <  1 = False
+2 <  2 = False
+2 <  3 = True
+3 <  -3 = False
+3 <  -2 = False
+3 <  -1 = False
+3 <  0 = False
+3 <  1 = False
+3 <  2 = False
+3 <  3 = False
+-3 >  -3 = False
+-3 >  -2 = False
+-3 >  -1 = False
+-3 >  0 = False
+-3 >  1 = False
+-3 >  2 = False
+-3 >  3 = False
+-2 >  -3 = True
+-2 >  -2 = False
+-2 >  -1 = False
+-2 >  0 = False
+-2 >  1 = False
+-2 >  2 = False
+-2 >  3 = False
+-1 >  -3 = True
+-1 >  -2 = True
+-1 >  -1 = False
+-1 >  0 = False
+-1 >  1 = False
+-1 >  2 = False
+-1 >  3 = False
+0 >  -3 = True
+0 >  -2 = True
+0 >  -1 = True
+0 >  0 = False
+0 >  1 = False
+0 >  2 = False
+0 >  3 = False
+1 >  -3 = True
+1 >  -2 = True
+1 >  -1 = True
+1 >  0 = True
+1 >  1 = False
+1 >  2 = False
+1 >  3 = False
+2 >  -3 = True
+2 >  -2 = True
+2 >  -1 = True
+2 >  0 = True
+2 >  1 = True
+2 >  2 = False
+2 >  3 = False
+3 >  -3 = True
+3 >  -2 = True
+3 >  -1 = True
+3 >  0 = True
+3 >  1 = True
+3 >  2 = True
+3 >  3 = False
+-3 >= -3 = True
+-3 >= -2 = False
+-3 >= -1 = False
+-3 >= 0 = False
+-3 >= 1 = False
+-3 >= 2 = False
+-3 >= 3 = False
+-2 >= -3 = True
+-2 >= -2 = True
+-2 >= -1 = False
+-2 >= 0 = False
+-2 >= 1 = False
+-2 >= 2 = False
+-2 >= 3 = False
+-1 >= -3 = True
+-1 >= -2 = True
+-1 >= -1 = True
+-1 >= 0 = False
+-1 >= 1 = False
+-1 >= 2 = False
+-1 >= 3 = False
+0 >= -3 = True
+0 >= -2 = True
+0 >= -1 = True
+0 >= 0 = True
+0 >= 1 = False
+0 >= 2 = False
+0 >= 3 = False
+1 >= -3 = True
+1 >= -2 = True
+1 >= -1 = True
+1 >= 0 = True
+1 >= 1 = True
+1 >= 2 = False
+1 >= 3 = False
+2 >= -3 = True
+2 >= -2 = True
+2 >= -1 = True
+2 >= 0 = True
+2 >= 1 = True
+2 >= 2 = True
+2 >= 3 = False
+3 >= -3 = True
+3 >= -2 = True
+3 >= -1 = True
+3 >= 0 = True
+3 >= 1 = True
+3 >= 2 = True
+3 >= 3 = True
+-3 `compare` -3 = EQ
+-3 `compare` -2 = LT
+-3 `compare` -1 = LT
+-3 `compare` 0 = LT
+-3 `compare` 1 = LT
+-3 `compare` 2 = LT
+-3 `compare` 3 = LT
+-2 `compare` -3 = GT
+-2 `compare` -2 = EQ
+-2 `compare` -1 = LT
+-2 `compare` 0 = LT
+-2 `compare` 1 = LT
+-2 `compare` 2 = LT
+-2 `compare` 3 = LT
+-1 `compare` -3 = GT
+-1 `compare` -2 = GT
+-1 `compare` -1 = EQ
+-1 `compare` 0 = LT
+-1 `compare` 1 = LT
+-1 `compare` 2 = LT
+-1 `compare` 3 = LT
+0 `compare` -3 = GT
+0 `compare` -2 = GT
+0 `compare` -1 = GT
+0 `compare` 0 = EQ
+0 `compare` 1 = LT
+0 `compare` 2 = LT
+0 `compare` 3 = LT
+1 `compare` -3 = GT
+1 `compare` -2 = GT
+1 `compare` -1 = GT
+1 `compare` 0 = GT
+1 `compare` 1 = EQ
+1 `compare` 2 = LT
+1 `compare` 3 = LT
+2 `compare` -3 = GT
+2 `compare` -2 = GT
+2 `compare` -1 = GT
+2 `compare` 0 = GT
+2 `compare` 1 = GT
+2 `compare` 2 = EQ
+2 `compare` 3 = LT
+3 `compare` -3 = GT
+3 `compare` -2 = GT
+3 `compare` -1 = GT
+3 `compare` 0 = GT
+3 `compare` 1 = GT
+3 `compare` 2 = GT
+3 `compare` 3 = EQ
+-3 + -3 = -6
+-3 + -2 = -5
+-3 + -1 = -4
+-3 + 0 = -3
+-3 + 1 = -2
+-3 + 2 = -1
+-3 + 3 = 0
+-2 + -3 = -5
+-2 + -2 = -4
+-2 + -1 = -3
+-2 + 0 = -2
+-2 + 1 = -1
+-2 + 2 = 0
+-2 + 3 = 1
+-1 + -3 = -4
+-1 + -2 = -3
+-1 + -1 = -2
+-1 + 0 = -1
+-1 + 1 = 0
+-1 + 2 = 1
+-1 + 3 = 2
+0 + -3 = -3
+0 + -2 = -2
+0 + -1 = -1
+0 + 0 = 0
+0 + 1 = 1
+0 + 2 = 2
+0 + 3 = 3
+1 + -3 = -2
+1 + -2 = -1
+1 + -1 = 0
+1 + 0 = 1
+1 + 1 = 2
+1 + 2 = 3
+1 + 3 = 4
+2 + -3 = -1
+2 + -2 = 0
+2 + -1 = 1
+2 + 0 = 2
+2 + 1 = 3
+2 + 2 = 4
+2 + 3 = 5
+3 + -3 = 0
+3 + -2 = 1
+3 + -1 = 2
+3 + 0 = 3
+3 + 1 = 4
+3 + 2 = 5
+3 + 3 = 6
+-3 - -3 = 0
+-3 - -2 = -1
+-3 - -1 = -2
+-3 - 0 = -3
+-3 - 1 = -4
+-3 - 2 = -5
+-3 - 3 = -6
+-2 - -3 = 1
+-2 - -2 = 0
+-2 - -1 = -1
+-2 - 0 = -2
+-2 - 1 = -3
+-2 - 2 = -4
+-2 - 3 = -5
+-1 - -3 = 2
+-1 - -2 = 1
+-1 - -1 = 0
+-1 - 0 = -1
+-1 - 1 = -2
+-1 - 2 = -3
+-1 - 3 = -4
+0 - -3 = 3
+0 - -2 = 2
+0 - -1 = 1
+0 - 0 = 0
+0 - 1 = -1
+0 - 2 = -2
+0 - 3 = -3
+1 - -3 = 4
+1 - -2 = 3
+1 - -1 = 2
+1 - 0 = 1
+1 - 1 = 0
+1 - 2 = -1
+1 - 3 = -2
+2 - -3 = 5
+2 - -2 = 4
+2 - -1 = 3
+2 - 0 = 2
+2 - 1 = 1
+2 - 2 = 0
+2 - 3 = -1
+3 - -3 = 6
+3 - -2 = 5
+3 - -1 = 4
+3 - 0 = 3
+3 - 1 = 2
+3 - 2 = 1
+3 - 3 = 0
+-3 * -3 = 9
+-3 * -2 = 6
+-3 * -1 = 3
+-3 * 0 = 0
+-3 * 1 = -3
+-3 * 2 = -6
+-3 * 3 = -9
+-2 * -3 = 6
+-2 * -2 = 4
+-2 * -1 = 2
+-2 * 0 = 0
+-2 * 1 = -2
+-2 * 2 = -4
+-2 * 3 = -6
+-1 * -3 = 3
+-1 * -2 = 2
+-1 * -1 = 1
+-1 * 0 = 0
+-1 * 1 = -1
+-1 * 2 = -2
+-1 * 3 = -3
+0 * -3 = 0
+0 * -2 = 0
+0 * -1 = 0
+0 * 0 = 0
+0 * 1 = 0
+0 * 2 = 0
+0 * 3 = 0
+1 * -3 = -3
+1 * -2 = -2
+1 * -1 = -1
+1 * 0 = 0
+1 * 1 = 1
+1 * 2 = 2
+1 * 3 = 3
+2 * -3 = -6
+2 * -2 = -4
+2 * -1 = -2
+2 * 0 = 0
+2 * 1 = 2
+2 * 2 = 4
+2 * 3 = 6
+3 * -3 = -9
+3 * -2 = -6
+3 * -1 = -3
+3 * 0 = 0
+3 * 1 = 3
+3 * 2 = 6
+3 * 3 = 9
+negate -3 = 3
+negate -2 = 2
+negate -1 = 1
+negate 0 = 0
+negate 1 = -1
+negate 2 = -2
+negate 3 = -3
+toRational -3 = -3 % 1
+toRational -2 = -2 % 1
+toRational -1 = -1 % 1
+toRational 0 = 0 % 1
+toRational 1 = 1 % 1
+toRational 2 = 2 % 1
+toRational 3 = 3 % 1
+-3 `divMod`  -3 = (1,0)
+-3 `divMod`  -2 = (1,-1)
+-3 `divMod`  -1 = (3,0)
+-3 `divMod`  1 = (-3,0)
+-3 `divMod`  2 = (-2,1)
+-3 `divMod`  3 = (-1,0)
+-2 `divMod`  -3 = (0,-2)
+-2 `divMod`  -2 = (1,0)
+-2 `divMod`  -1 = (2,0)
+-2 `divMod`  1 = (-2,0)
+-2 `divMod`  2 = (-1,0)
+-2 `divMod`  3 = (-1,1)
+-1 `divMod`  -3 = (0,-1)
+-1 `divMod`  -2 = (0,-1)
+-1 `divMod`  -1 = (1,0)
+-1 `divMod`  1 = (-1,0)
+-1 `divMod`  2 = (-1,1)
+-1 `divMod`  3 = (-1,2)
+0 `divMod`  -3 = (0,0)
+0 `divMod`  -2 = (0,0)
+0 `divMod`  -1 = (0,0)
+0 `divMod`  1 = (0,0)
+0 `divMod`  2 = (0,0)
+0 `divMod`  3 = (0,0)
+1 `divMod`  -3 = (-1,-2)
+1 `divMod`  -2 = (-1,-1)
+1 `divMod`  -1 = (-1,0)
+1 `divMod`  1 = (1,0)
+1 `divMod`  2 = (0,1)
+1 `divMod`  3 = (0,1)
+2 `divMod`  -3 = (-1,-1)
+2 `divMod`  -2 = (-1,0)
+2 `divMod`  -1 = (-2,0)
+2 `divMod`  1 = (2,0)
+2 `divMod`  2 = (1,0)
+2 `divMod`  3 = (0,2)
+3 `divMod`  -3 = (-1,0)
+3 `divMod`  -2 = (-2,-1)
+3 `divMod`  -1 = (-3,0)
+3 `divMod`  1 = (3,0)
+3 `divMod`  2 = (1,1)
+3 `divMod`  3 = (1,0)
+-3 `div`     -3 = 1
+-3 `div`     -2 = 1
+-3 `div`     -1 = 3
+-3 `div`     1 = -3
+-3 `div`     2 = -2
+-3 `div`     3 = -1
+-2 `div`     -3 = 0
+-2 `div`     -2 = 1
+-2 `div`     -1 = 2
+-2 `div`     1 = -2
+-2 `div`     2 = -1
+-2 `div`     3 = -1
+-1 `div`     -3 = 0
+-1 `div`     -2 = 0
+-1 `div`     -1 = 1
+-1 `div`     1 = -1
+-1 `div`     2 = -1
+-1 `div`     3 = -1
+0 `div`     -3 = 0
+0 `div`     -2 = 0
+0 `div`     -1 = 0
+0 `div`     1 = 0
+0 `div`     2 = 0
+0 `div`     3 = 0
+1 `div`     -3 = -1
+1 `div`     -2 = -1
+1 `div`     -1 = -1
+1 `div`     1 = 1
+1 `div`     2 = 0
+1 `div`     3 = 0
+2 `div`     -3 = -1
+2 `div`     -2 = -1
+2 `div`     -1 = -2
+2 `div`     1 = 2
+2 `div`     2 = 1
+2 `div`     3 = 0
+3 `div`     -3 = -1
+3 `div`     -2 = -2
+3 `div`     -1 = -3
+3 `div`     1 = 3
+3 `div`     2 = 1
+3 `div`     3 = 1
+-3 `mod`     -3 = 0
+-3 `mod`     -2 = -1
+-3 `mod`     -1 = 0
+-3 `mod`     1 = 0
+-3 `mod`     2 = 1
+-3 `mod`     3 = 0
+-2 `mod`     -3 = -2
+-2 `mod`     -2 = 0
+-2 `mod`     -1 = 0
+-2 `mod`     1 = 0
+-2 `mod`     2 = 0
+-2 `mod`     3 = 1
+-1 `mod`     -3 = -1
+-1 `mod`     -2 = -1
+-1 `mod`     -1 = 0
+-1 `mod`     1 = 0
+-1 `mod`     2 = 1
+-1 `mod`     3 = 2
+0 `mod`     -3 = 0
+0 `mod`     -2 = 0
+0 `mod`     -1 = 0
+0 `mod`     1 = 0
+0 `mod`     2 = 0
+0 `mod`     3 = 0
+1 `mod`     -3 = -2
+1 `mod`     -2 = -1
+1 `mod`     -1 = 0
+1 `mod`     1 = 0
+1 `mod`     2 = 1
+1 `mod`     3 = 1
+2 `mod`     -3 = -1
+2 `mod`     -2 = 0
+2 `mod`     -1 = 0
+2 `mod`     1 = 0
+2 `mod`     2 = 0
+2 `mod`     3 = 2
+3 `mod`     -3 = 0
+3 `mod`     -2 = -1
+3 `mod`     -1 = 0
+3 `mod`     1 = 0
+3 `mod`     2 = 1
+3 `mod`     3 = 0
+-3 `quotRem` -3 = (1,0)
+-3 `quotRem` -2 = (1,-1)
+-3 `quotRem` -1 = (3,0)
+-3 `quotRem` 1 = (-3,0)
+-3 `quotRem` 2 = (-1,-1)
+-3 `quotRem` 3 = (-1,0)
+-2 `quotRem` -3 = (0,-2)
+-2 `quotRem` -2 = (1,0)
+-2 `quotRem` -1 = (2,0)
+-2 `quotRem` 1 = (-2,0)
+-2 `quotRem` 2 = (-1,0)
+-2 `quotRem` 3 = (0,-2)
+-1 `quotRem` -3 = (0,-1)
+-1 `quotRem` -2 = (0,-1)
+-1 `quotRem` -1 = (1,0)
+-1 `quotRem` 1 = (-1,0)
+-1 `quotRem` 2 = (0,-1)
+-1 `quotRem` 3 = (0,-1)
+0 `quotRem` -3 = (0,0)
+0 `quotRem` -2 = (0,0)
+0 `quotRem` -1 = (0,0)
+0 `quotRem` 1 = (0,0)
+0 `quotRem` 2 = (0,0)
+0 `quotRem` 3 = (0,0)
+1 `quotRem` -3 = (0,1)
+1 `quotRem` -2 = (0,1)
+1 `quotRem` -1 = (-1,0)
+1 `quotRem` 1 = (1,0)
+1 `quotRem` 2 = (0,1)
+1 `quotRem` 3 = (0,1)
+2 `quotRem` -3 = (0,2)
+2 `quotRem` -2 = (-1,0)
+2 `quotRem` -1 = (-2,0)
+2 `quotRem` 1 = (2,0)
+2 `quotRem` 2 = (1,0)
+2 `quotRem` 3 = (0,2)
+3 `quotRem` -3 = (-1,0)
+3 `quotRem` -2 = (-1,1)
+3 `quotRem` -1 = (-3,0)
+3 `quotRem` 1 = (3,0)
+3 `quotRem` 2 = (1,1)
+3 `quotRem` 3 = (1,0)
+-3 `quot`    -3 = 1
+-3 `quot`    -2 = 1
+-3 `quot`    -1 = 3
+-3 `quot`    1 = -3
+-3 `quot`    2 = -1
+-3 `quot`    3 = -1
+-2 `quot`    -3 = 0
+-2 `quot`    -2 = 1
+-2 `quot`    -1 = 2
+-2 `quot`    1 = -2
+-2 `quot`    2 = -1
+-2 `quot`    3 = 0
+-1 `quot`    -3 = 0
+-1 `quot`    -2 = 0
+-1 `quot`    -1 = 1
+-1 `quot`    1 = -1
+-1 `quot`    2 = 0
+-1 `quot`    3 = 0
+0 `quot`    -3 = 0
+0 `quot`    -2 = 0
+0 `quot`    -1 = 0
+0 `quot`    1 = 0
+0 `quot`    2 = 0
+0 `quot`    3 = 0
+1 `quot`    -3 = 0
+1 `quot`    -2 = 0
+1 `quot`    -1 = -1
+1 `quot`    1 = 1
+1 `quot`    2 = 0
+1 `quot`    3 = 0
+2 `quot`    -3 = 0
+2 `quot`    -2 = -1
+2 `quot`    -1 = -2
+2 `quot`    1 = 2
+2 `quot`    2 = 1
+2 `quot`    3 = 0
+3 `quot`    -3 = -1
+3 `quot`    -2 = -1
+3 `quot`    -1 = -3
+3 `quot`    1 = 3
+3 `quot`    2 = 1
+3 `quot`    3 = 1
+-3 `rem`     -3 = 0
+-3 `rem`     -2 = -1
+-3 `rem`     -1 = 0
+-3 `rem`     1 = 0
+-3 `rem`     2 = -1
+-3 `rem`     3 = 0
+-2 `rem`     -3 = -2
+-2 `rem`     -2 = 0
+-2 `rem`     -1 = 0
+-2 `rem`     1 = 0
+-2 `rem`     2 = 0
+-2 `rem`     3 = -2
+-1 `rem`     -3 = -1
+-1 `rem`     -2 = -1
+-1 `rem`     -1 = 0
+-1 `rem`     1 = 0
+-1 `rem`     2 = -1
+-1 `rem`     3 = -1
+0 `rem`     -3 = 0
+0 `rem`     -2 = 0
+0 `rem`     -1 = 0
+0 `rem`     1 = 0
+0 `rem`     2 = 0
+0 `rem`     3 = 0
+1 `rem`     -3 = 1
+1 `rem`     -2 = 1
+1 `rem`     -1 = 0
+1 `rem`     1 = 0
+1 `rem`     2 = 1
+1 `rem`     3 = 1
+2 `rem`     -3 = 2
+2 `rem`     -2 = 0
+2 `rem`     -1 = 0
+2 `rem`     1 = 0
+2 `rem`     2 = 0
+2 `rem`     3 = 2
+3 `rem`     -3 = 0
+3 `rem`     -2 = 1
+3 `rem`     -1 = 0
+3 `rem`     1 = 0
+3 `rem`     2 = 1
+3 `rem`     3 = 0
+-3 .&.   -3 = -3
+-3 .&.   -2 = -4
+-3 .&.   -1 = -3
+-3 .&.   1 = 1
+-3 .&.   2 = 0
+-3 .&.   3 = 1
+-2 .&.   -3 = -4
+-2 .&.   -2 = -2
+-2 .&.   -1 = -2
+-2 .&.   1 = 0
+-2 .&.   2 = 2
+-2 .&.   3 = 2
+-1 .&.   -3 = -3
+-1 .&.   -2 = -2
+-1 .&.   -1 = -1
+-1 .&.   1 = 1
+-1 .&.   2 = 2
+-1 .&.   3 = 3
+0 .&.   -3 = 0
+0 .&.   -2 = 0
+0 .&.   -1 = 0
+0 .&.   1 = 0
+0 .&.   2 = 0
+0 .&.   3 = 0
+1 .&.   -3 = 1
+1 .&.   -2 = 0
+1 .&.   -1 = 1
+1 .&.   1 = 1
+1 .&.   2 = 0
+1 .&.   3 = 1
+2 .&.   -3 = 0
+2 .&.   -2 = 2
+2 .&.   -1 = 2
+2 .&.   1 = 0
+2 .&.   2 = 2
+2 .&.   3 = 2
+3 .&.   -3 = 1
+3 .&.   -2 = 2
+3 .&.   -1 = 3
+3 .&.   1 = 1
+3 .&.   2 = 2
+3 .&.   3 = 3
+-3 .|.   -3 = -3
+-3 .|.   -2 = -1
+-3 .|.   -1 = -1
+-3 .|.   1 = -3
+-3 .|.   2 = -1
+-3 .|.   3 = -1
+-2 .|.   -3 = -1
+-2 .|.   -2 = -2
+-2 .|.   -1 = -1
+-2 .|.   1 = -1
+-2 .|.   2 = -2
+-2 .|.   3 = -1
+-1 .|.   -3 = -1
+-1 .|.   -2 = -1
+-1 .|.   -1 = -1
+-1 .|.   1 = -1
+-1 .|.   2 = -1
+-1 .|.   3 = -1
+0 .|.   -3 = -3
+0 .|.   -2 = -2
+0 .|.   -1 = -1
+0 .|.   1 = 1
+0 .|.   2 = 2
+0 .|.   3 = 3
+1 .|.   -3 = -3
+1 .|.   -2 = -1
+1 .|.   -1 = -1
+1 .|.   1 = 1
+1 .|.   2 = 3
+1 .|.   3 = 3
+2 .|.   -3 = -1
+2 .|.   -2 = -2
+2 .|.   -1 = -1
+2 .|.   1 = 3
+2 .|.   2 = 2
+2 .|.   3 = 3
+3 .|.   -3 = -1
+3 .|.   -2 = -1
+3 .|.   -1 = -1
+3 .|.   1 = 3
+3 .|.   2 = 3
+3 .|.   3 = 3
+-3 `xor` -3 = 0
+-3 `xor` -2 = 3
+-3 `xor` -1 = 2
+-3 `xor` 1 = -4
+-3 `xor` 2 = -1
+-3 `xor` 3 = -2
+-2 `xor` -3 = 3
+-2 `xor` -2 = 0
+-2 `xor` -1 = 1
+-2 `xor` 1 = -1
+-2 `xor` 2 = -4
+-2 `xor` 3 = -3
+-1 `xor` -3 = 2
+-1 `xor` -2 = 1
+-1 `xor` -1 = 0
+-1 `xor` 1 = -2
+-1 `xor` 2 = -3
+-1 `xor` 3 = -4
+0 `xor` -3 = -3
+0 `xor` -2 = -2
+0 `xor` -1 = -1
+0 `xor` 1 = 1
+0 `xor` 2 = 2
+0 `xor` 3 = 3
+1 `xor` -3 = -4
+1 `xor` -2 = -1
+1 `xor` -1 = -2
+1 `xor` 1 = 0
+1 `xor` 2 = 3
+1 `xor` 3 = 2
+2 `xor` -3 = -1
+2 `xor` -2 = -4
+2 `xor` -1 = -3
+2 `xor` 1 = 3
+2 `xor` 2 = 0
+2 `xor` 3 = 1
+3 `xor` -3 = -2
+3 `xor` -2 = -3
+3 `xor` -1 = -4
+3 `xor` 1 = 2
+3 `xor` 2 = 1
+3 `xor` 3 = 0
+complement -3 = 2
+complement -2 = 1
+complement -1 = 0
+complement 0 = -1
+complement 1 = -2
+complement 2 = -3
+complement 3 = -4
+-3 `shiftL` 0 = -3
+-3 `shiftL` 1 = -6
+-3 `shiftL` 2 = -12
+-3 `shiftL` 3 = -24
+-3 `shiftL` 32 = -12884901888
+-2 `shiftL` 0 = -2
+-2 `shiftL` 1 = -4
+-2 `shiftL` 2 = -8
+-2 `shiftL` 3 = -16
+-2 `shiftL` 32 = -8589934592
+-1 `shiftL` 0 = -1
+-1 `shiftL` 1 = -2
+-1 `shiftL` 2 = -4
+-1 `shiftL` 3 = -8
+-1 `shiftL` 32 = -4294967296
+0 `shiftL` 0 = 0
+0 `shiftL` 1 = 0
+0 `shiftL` 2 = 0
+0 `shiftL` 3 = 0
+0 `shiftL` 32 = 0
+1 `shiftL` 0 = 1
+1 `shiftL` 1 = 2
+1 `shiftL` 2 = 4
+1 `shiftL` 3 = 8
+1 `shiftL` 32 = 4294967296
+2 `shiftL` 0 = 2
+2 `shiftL` 1 = 4
+2 `shiftL` 2 = 8
+2 `shiftL` 3 = 16
+2 `shiftL` 32 = 8589934592
+3 `shiftL` 0 = 3
+3 `shiftL` 1 = 6
+3 `shiftL` 2 = 12
+3 `shiftL` 3 = 24
+3 `shiftL` 32 = 12884901888
+-3 `shiftR` 0 = -3
+-3 `shiftR` 1 = -2
+-3 `shiftR` 2 = -1
+-3 `shiftR` 3 = -1
+-3 `shiftR` 32 = -1
+-2 `shiftR` 0 = -2
+-2 `shiftR` 1 = -1
+-2 `shiftR` 2 = -1
+-2 `shiftR` 3 = -1
+-2 `shiftR` 32 = -1
+-1 `shiftR` 0 = -1
+-1 `shiftR` 1 = -1
+-1 `shiftR` 2 = -1
+-1 `shiftR` 3 = -1
+-1 `shiftR` 32 = -1
+0 `shiftR` 0 = 0
+0 `shiftR` 1 = 0
+0 `shiftR` 2 = 0
+0 `shiftR` 3 = 0
+0 `shiftR` 32 = 0
+1 `shiftR` 0 = 1
+1 `shiftR` 1 = 0
+1 `shiftR` 2 = 0
+1 `shiftR` 3 = 0
+1 `shiftR` 32 = 0
+2 `shiftR` 0 = 2
+2 `shiftR` 1 = 1
+2 `shiftR` 2 = 0
+2 `shiftR` 3 = 0
+2 `shiftR` 32 = 0
+3 `shiftR` 0 = 3
+3 `shiftR` 1 = 1
+3 `shiftR` 2 = 0
+3 `shiftR` 3 = 0
+3 `shiftR` 32 = 0
+-3 `rotate` -3 = -1
+-3 `rotate` -2 = -1
+-3 `rotate` -1 = -2
+-3 `rotate` 0 = -3
+-3 `rotate` 1 = -6
+-3 `rotate` 2 = -12
+-3 `rotate` 3 = -24
+-2 `rotate` -3 = -1
+-2 `rotate` -2 = -1
+-2 `rotate` -1 = -1
+-2 `rotate` 0 = -2
+-2 `rotate` 1 = -4
+-2 `rotate` 2 = -8
+-2 `rotate` 3 = -16
+-1 `rotate` -3 = -1
+-1 `rotate` -2 = -1
+-1 `rotate` -1 = -1
+-1 `rotate` 0 = -1
+-1 `rotate` 1 = -2
+-1 `rotate` 2 = -4
+-1 `rotate` 3 = -8
+0 `rotate` -3 = 0
+0 `rotate` -2 = 0
+0 `rotate` -1 = 0
+0 `rotate` 0 = 0
+0 `rotate` 1 = 0
+0 `rotate` 2 = 0
+0 `rotate` 3 = 0
+1 `rotate` -3 = 0
+1 `rotate` -2 = 0
+1 `rotate` -1 = 0
+1 `rotate` 0 = 1
+1 `rotate` 1 = 2
+1 `rotate` 2 = 4
+1 `rotate` 3 = 8
+2 `rotate` -3 = 0
+2 `rotate` -2 = 0
+2 `rotate` -1 = 1
+2 `rotate` 0 = 2
+2 `rotate` 1 = 4
+2 `rotate` 2 = 8
+2 `rotate` 3 = 16
+3 `rotate` -3 = 0
+3 `rotate` -2 = 0
+3 `rotate` -1 = 1
+3 `rotate` 0 = 3
+3 `rotate` 1 = 6
+3 `rotate` 2 = 12
+3 `rotate` 3 = 24
+bit 0 = 1
+bit 1 = 2
+bit 2 = 4
+bit 3 = 8
+-3 `setBit` 0 = -3
+-3 `setBit` 1 = -1
+-3 `setBit` 2 = -3
+-3 `setBit` 3 = -3
+-3 `setBit` 32 = -3
+-2 `setBit` 0 = -1
+-2 `setBit` 1 = -2
+-2 `setBit` 2 = -2
+-2 `setBit` 3 = -2
+-2 `setBit` 32 = -2
+-1 `setBit` 0 = -1
+-1 `setBit` 1 = -1
+-1 `setBit` 2 = -1
+-1 `setBit` 3 = -1
+-1 `setBit` 32 = -1
+0 `setBit` 0 = 1
+0 `setBit` 1 = 2
+0 `setBit` 2 = 4
+0 `setBit` 3 = 8
+0 `setBit` 32 = 4294967296
+1 `setBit` 0 = 1
+1 `setBit` 1 = 3
+1 `setBit` 2 = 5
+1 `setBit` 3 = 9
+1 `setBit` 32 = 4294967297
+2 `setBit` 0 = 3
+2 `setBit` 1 = 2
+2 `setBit` 2 = 6
+2 `setBit` 3 = 10
+2 `setBit` 32 = 4294967298
+3 `setBit` 0 = 3
+3 `setBit` 1 = 3
+3 `setBit` 2 = 7
+3 `setBit` 3 = 11
+3 `setBit` 32 = 4294967299
+-3 `clearBit` 0 = -4
+-3 `clearBit` 1 = -3
+-3 `clearBit` 2 = -7
+-3 `clearBit` 3 = -11
+-3 `clearBit` 32 = -4294967299
+-2 `clearBit` 0 = -2
+-2 `clearBit` 1 = -4
+-2 `clearBit` 2 = -6
+-2 `clearBit` 3 = -10
+-2 `clearBit` 32 = -4294967298
+-1 `clearBit` 0 = -2
+-1 `clearBit` 1 = -3
+-1 `clearBit` 2 = -5
+-1 `clearBit` 3 = -9
+-1 `clearBit` 32 = -4294967297
+0 `clearBit` 0 = 0
+0 `clearBit` 1 = 0
+0 `clearBit` 2 = 0
+0 `clearBit` 3 = 0
+0 `clearBit` 32 = 0
+1 `clearBit` 0 = 0
+1 `clearBit` 1 = 1
+1 `clearBit` 2 = 1
+1 `clearBit` 3 = 1
+1 `clearBit` 32 = 1
+2 `clearBit` 0 = 2
+2 `clearBit` 1 = 0
+2 `clearBit` 2 = 2
+2 `clearBit` 3 = 2
+2 `clearBit` 32 = 2
+3 `clearBit` 0 = 2
+3 `clearBit` 1 = 1
+3 `clearBit` 2 = 3
+3 `clearBit` 3 = 3
+3 `clearBit` 32 = 3
+-3 `complementBit` 0 = -4
+-3 `complementBit` 1 = -1
+-3 `complementBit` 2 = -7
+-3 `complementBit` 3 = -11
+-3 `complementBit` 32 = -4294967299
+-2 `complementBit` 0 = -1
+-2 `complementBit` 1 = -4
+-2 `complementBit` 2 = -6
+-2 `complementBit` 3 = -10
+-2 `complementBit` 32 = -4294967298
+-1 `complementBit` 0 = -2
+-1 `complementBit` 1 = -3
+-1 `complementBit` 2 = -5
+-1 `complementBit` 3 = -9
+-1 `complementBit` 32 = -4294967297
+0 `complementBit` 0 = 1
+0 `complementBit` 1 = 2
+0 `complementBit` 2 = 4
+0 `complementBit` 3 = 8
+0 `complementBit` 32 = 4294967296
+1 `complementBit` 0 = 0
+1 `complementBit` 1 = 3
+1 `complementBit` 2 = 5
+1 `complementBit` 3 = 9
+1 `complementBit` 32 = 4294967297
+2 `complementBit` 0 = 3
+2 `complementBit` 1 = 0
+2 `complementBit` 2 = 6
+2 `complementBit` 3 = 10
+2 `complementBit` 32 = 4294967298
+3 `complementBit` 0 = 2
+3 `complementBit` 1 = 1
+3 `complementBit` 2 = 7
+3 `complementBit` 3 = 11
+3 `complementBit` 32 = 4294967299
+-3 `testBit` 0 = True
+-3 `testBit` 1 = False
+-3 `testBit` 2 = True
+-3 `testBit` 3 = True
+-3 `testBit` 32 = True
+-2 `testBit` 0 = False
+-2 `testBit` 1 = True
+-2 `testBit` 2 = True
+-2 `testBit` 3 = True
+-2 `testBit` 32 = True
+-1 `testBit` 0 = True
+-1 `testBit` 1 = True
+-1 `testBit` 2 = True
+-1 `testBit` 3 = True
+-1 `testBit` 32 = True
+0 `testBit` 0 = False
+0 `testBit` 1 = False
+0 `testBit` 2 = False
+0 `testBit` 3 = False
+0 `testBit` 32 = False
+1 `testBit` 0 = True
+1 `testBit` 1 = False
+1 `testBit` 2 = False
+1 `testBit` 3 = False
+1 `testBit` 32 = False
+2 `testBit` 0 = False
+2 `testBit` 1 = True
+2 `testBit` 2 = False
+2 `testBit` 3 = False
+2 `testBit` 32 = False
+3 `testBit` 0 = True
+3 `testBit` 1 = True
+3 `testBit` 2 = False
+3 `testBit` 3 = False
+3 `testBit` 32 = False
+isSigned -3 = True
+isSigned -2 = True
+isSigned -1 = True
+isSigned 0 = True
+isSigned 1 = True
+isSigned 2 = True
+isSigned 3 = True
diff --git a/ghc/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc108.hs b/ghc/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc108.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9288c700e6753b8bb1d7125b08c6dc027dabe5d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc108.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+-- !!! Scopes in kind checking
+-- Exposes a bizarre bug in 4.08.1 
+--    TestSh.hs:6:
+--	`Shape' is not in scope
+--	When checking kinds in `HasConfigValue Shape nodeTypeParms'
+--	In the class declaration for `HasShape'
+module ShouldCompile where
+data Shape value = Box | Circle
+class HasConfigValue Shape nodeTypeParms => HasShape nodeTypeParms where {}
+class HasConfigValue option configuration where
+   ($$$) :: option value -> configuration value -> configuration value
diff --git a/ghc/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc108.stderr b/ghc/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc108.stderr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d1c8b69c3fce7bea45c73efd06983e3c419a92f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/tests/typecheck/should_compile/tc108.stderr
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ghc/utils/Makefile b/ghc/utils/Makefile
index 7d2f25c3aa2d2f5136a752ef53b0c5779031a276..0c25b05c4b231752d23b1a316b47e603beaa17ec 100644
--- a/ghc/utils/Makefile
+++ b/ghc/utils/Makefile
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ ifneq "$(BIN_DIST_NAME)" ""
 SUBDIRS = hp2ps stat2resid unlit
 SUBDIRS = hp2ps		\
+	  hsc2hs	\
 	  parallel      \
 	  stat2resid	\
 	  prof          \