diff --git a/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile b/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
index 55a455e0b8493bb94d56493ecf24e34248a93091..84988960acb034617e85fcc21c6a36c5213a0256 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
+++ b/ghc/compiler/Jmakefile
@@ -59,9 +59,7 @@ NATIVEGEN_DIR=$(TOP_PWD)/$(CURRENT_DIR)/nativeGen
 parser/U_constr.hs	\
 parser/U_binding.hs	\
 parser/U_pbinding.hs	\
-parser/U_coresyn.hs	\
 parser/U_entidt.hs	\
-parser/U_hpragma.hs	\
 parser/U_list.hs	\
 parser/U_literal.hs	\
 parser/U_maybe.hs	\
@@ -76,7 +74,6 @@ parser/U_ttype.hs
 parser/UgenUtil.lhs	\
 parser/UgenAll.lhs	\
 reader/ReadPrefix.lhs	\
-reader/ReadPragmas.lhs	\
 reader/PrefixSyn.lhs	\
 reader/PrefixToHs.lhs	\
@@ -101,10 +98,8 @@ basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs		\
 basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs		\
 basicTypes/Literal.lhs		\
 basicTypes/Name.lhs 		\
-basicTypes/NameTypes.lhs 	\
 basicTypes/PprEnv.lhs		\
 basicTypes/PragmaInfo.lhs	\
-basicTypes/ProtoName.lhs 	\
 basicTypes/SrcLoc.lhs		\
 basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs 	\
 basicTypes/Unique.lhs		\
@@ -121,18 +116,15 @@ specialise/SpecEnv.lhs
-rename/RnPass1.lhs \
-rename/RnPass2.lhs \
-rename/RnPass3.lhs \
-rename/RnPass4.lhs \
 rename/RnHsSyn.lhs \
-rename/RnUtils.lhs \
-rename/RnMonad12.lhs \
-rename/RnMonad3.lhs \
-rename/RnMonad4.lhs \
-rename/RnBinds4.lhs \
-rename/RnExpr4.lhs \
+rename/RnMonad.lhs \
+rename/Rename.lhs \
+rename/RnNames.lhs \
+rename/RnSource.lhs \
+rename/RnBinds.lhs \
+rename/RnExpr.lhs \
+rename/RnIfaces.lhs \
 #define TCSRCS_LHS \
 typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs \
@@ -359,14 +351,15 @@ NOT_SO_BASICSRCS_LHS	\
 /* NB: all the ones that may be empty (e.g., NATIVEGEN_SRCS_LHS)
 	need to be on the last line.
@@ -487,8 +480,6 @@ absCSyn/AbsCLoop.hi : absCSyn/AbsCLoop.lhi
 	$(GHC_UNLIT) absCSyn/AbsCLoop.lhi absCSyn/AbsCLoop.hi
 basicTypes/IdLoop.hi : basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi
 	$(GHC_UNLIT) basicTypes/IdLoop.lhi basicTypes/IdLoop.hi
-basicTypes/NameLoop.hi : basicTypes/NameLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) basicTypes/NameLoop.lhi basicTypes/NameLoop.hi
 codeGen/CgLoop1.hi : codeGen/CgLoop1.lhi
 	$(GHC_UNLIT) codeGen/CgLoop1.lhi codeGen/CgLoop1.hi
 codeGen/CgLoop2.hi : codeGen/CgLoop2.lhi
@@ -501,8 +492,6 @@ nativeGen/NcgLoop.hi : nativeGen/NcgLoop.lhi
 	$(GHC_UNLIT) nativeGen/NcgLoop.lhi nativeGen/NcgLoop.hi
 prelude/PrelLoop.hi : prelude/PrelLoop.lhi
 	$(GHC_UNLIT) prelude/PrelLoop.lhi prelude/PrelLoop.hi
-reader/RdrLoop.hi : reader/RdrLoop.lhi
-	$(GHC_UNLIT) reader/RdrLoop.lhi reader/RdrLoop.hi
 rename/RnLoop.hi : rename/RnLoop.lhi
 	$(GHC_UNLIT) rename/RnLoop.lhi rename/RnLoop.hi
 simplCore/SmplLoop.hi : simplCore/SmplLoop.lhi
@@ -540,10 +529,8 @@ compile(basicTypes/IdInfo,lhs,-K2m)
@@ -626,21 +613,17 @@ compile(profiling/CostCentre,lhs,)
 compile(reader/ReadPrefix,lhs,if_ghc(-fvia-C -I$(COMPINFO_DIR) -Iparser '-#include"hspincl.h"'))
@@ -772,9 +755,7 @@ CPP_DEFINES = $(D_DEBUG)
 HSP_SRCS_C =    parser/constr.c		\
 		parser/binding.c	\
 		parser/pbinding.c	\
-		parser/coresyn.c	\
 		parser/entidt.c		\
-		parser/hpragma.c	\
 		parser/hslexer.c	\
 		parser/hsparser.tab.c	\
 		parser/id.c		\
@@ -794,9 +775,7 @@ HSP_SRCS_C =    parser/constr.c		\
 HSP_OBJS_O =    parser/constr.o		\
 		parser/binding.o	\
 		parser/pbinding.o	\
-		parser/coresyn.o	\
 		parser/entidt.o		\
-		parser/hpragma.o	\
 		parser/hslexer.o	\
 		parser/hsparser.tab.o	\
 		parser/id.o		\
@@ -841,14 +820,12 @@ MakeDirectories(install, $(INSTLIBDIR_GHC))
 #endif /* DoInstall... */
@@ -860,14 +837,12 @@ UgenTarget(parser/ttype)
 UGENS_C = parser/constr.c	\
 	parser/binding.c	\
 	parser/pbinding.c	\
-	parser/coresyn.c	\
 	parser/entidt.c		\
 	parser/literal.c	\
 	parser/list.c		\
 	parser/maybe.c		\
 	parser/either.c		\
 	parser/qid.c		\
-	parser/hpragma.c	\
 	parser/tree.c		\
@@ -882,9 +857,7 @@ compile(parser/UgenUtil,lhs,$(PARSER_HS_OPTS) '-#include"hspincl.h"')
 compile(parser/U_constr,hs,$(PARSER_HS_OPTS) '-#include"hspincl.h"')
 compile(parser/U_binding,hs,$(PARSER_HS_OPTS) '-#include"hspincl.h"')
 compile(parser/U_pbinding,hs,$(PARSER_HS_OPTS) '-#include"hspincl.h"')
-compile(parser/U_coresyn,hs,$(PARSER_HS_OPTS) '-#include"hspincl.h"')
 compile(parser/U_entidt,hs,$(PARSER_HS_OPTS) '-#include"hspincl.h"')
-compile(parser/U_hpragma,hs,$(PARSER_HS_OPTS) '-#include"hspincl.h"')
 compile(parser/U_list,hs,$(PARSER_HS_OPTS) '-#include"hspincl.h"')
 compile(parser/U_literal,hs,$(PARSER_HS_OPTS) '-#include"hspincl.h"')
 compile(parser/U_maybe,hs,$(PARSER_HS_OPTS) '-#include"hspincl.h"')
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
index d28c6c57fa2106e8e25a49ee629ab55cc0248991..d8f61d33933b6e6eb95147f37f73e9627200d214 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/FieldLabel.lhs
@@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ instance Eq FieldLabel where
 instance Outputable FieldLabel where
     ppr sty (FieldLabel n _ _) = ppr sty n
-instance NamedThing FieldLabel
-    -- ToDo: fill this in
+instance NamedThing FieldLabel where
+    getName (FieldLabel n _ _) = n
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
index 6c1d19b87c47e6b88e0e2bcec6104446a19aadb7..75f15203677acde1dc8b6e65a6b294d4a50a04d2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Id.lhs
@@ -95,18 +95,23 @@ module Id {- (
 import Ubiq
 import IdLoop   -- for paranoia checking
 import TyLoop   -- for paranoia checking
-import NameLoop -- for paranoia checking
 import Bag
 import Class		( getClassOpString, Class(..), GenClass, ClassOp(..), GenClassOp )
 import CStrings		( identToC, cSEP )
 import IdInfo
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import NameTypes	( mkShortName, fromPrelude, FullName, ShortName )
+import Name		( appendRdr, nameUnique, mkLocalName, isLocalName,
+			  isLocallyDefinedName, isPreludeDefinedName,
+			  nameOrigName,
+			  RdrName(..), Name
+			)
 import FieldLabel	( fieldLabelName, FieldLabel{-instances-} )
-import Name		( Name(..) )
 import Outputable	( isAvarop, isAconop, getLocalName,
-			  isExported, ExportFlag(..) )
+			  isLocallyDefined, isPreludeDefined,
+			  getOrigName, getOccName,
+			  isExported, ExportFlag(..)
+			)
 import PragmaInfo	( PragmaInfo(..) )
 import PrelMods		( pRELUDE_BUILTIN )
 import PprType		( getTypeString, typeMaybeString, specMaybeTysSuffix,
@@ -160,23 +165,23 @@ data IdDetails
   ---------------- Local values
-  = LocalId	ShortName	-- mentioned by the user
+  = LocalId	Name		-- Local name; mentioned by the user
 		Bool		-- True <=> no free type vars
-  | SysLocalId	ShortName	-- made up by the compiler
+  | SysLocalId	Name	        -- Local name; made up by the compiler
 		Bool		-- as for LocalId
-  | SpecPragmaId ShortName	-- introduced by the compiler
+  | SpecPragmaId Name		-- Local name; introduced by the compiler
 		 (Maybe Id)	-- for explicit specid in pragma
 		 Bool		-- as for LocalId
   ---------------- Global values
-  | ImportedId	FullName	-- Id imported from an interface
+  | ImportedId	Name		-- Global name (Imported or Implicit); Id imported from an interface
-  | PreludeId	FullName	-- things < Prelude that compiler "knows" about
+  | PreludeId	Name		-- Global name (Builtin);  Builtin prelude Ids
-  | TopLevId	FullName	-- Top-level in the orig source pgm
+  | TopLevId	Name		-- Global name (LocalDef); Top-level in the orig source pgm
 				-- (not moved there by transformations).
 	-- a TopLevId's type may contain free type variables, if
@@ -184,7 +189,7 @@ data IdDetails
   ---------------- Data constructors
-  | DataConId	FullName
+  | DataConId	Name
 		[StrictnessMark] -- Strict args; length = arity
 		[FieldLabel]	-- Field labels for this constructor
@@ -194,9 +199,10 @@ data IdDetails
 				-- forall tyvars . theta_ty =>
 				--    unitype_1 -> ... -> unitype_n -> tycon tyvars
-  | TupleConId	Int		-- Its arity
+  | TupleConId	Name
+		Int		-- Its arity
-  | RecordSelectorId FieldLabel
+  | RecordSelId FieldLabel
   ---------------- Things to do with overloading
@@ -230,7 +236,7 @@ data IdDetails
 				-- actually do comparisons that way, we kindly supply
 				-- a Unique for that purpose.
 		Bool		-- True <=> from an instance decl in this mod
-		FAST_STRING	-- module where instance came from
+		(Maybe Module)	-- module where instance came from; Nothing => Prelude
 				-- see below
   | ConstMethodId		-- A method which depends only on the type of the
@@ -238,11 +244,11 @@ data IdDetails
 		Class		-- Uniquely identified by:
 		Type		-- (class, type, classop) triple
-		Bool		-- True <=> from an instance decl in this mod
-		FAST_STRING	-- module where instance came from
+		Bool		-- True => from an instance decl in this mod
+		(Maybe Module)	-- module where instance came from; Nothing => Prelude
-  | InstId	ShortName	-- An instance of a dictionary, class operation,
-				-- or overloaded value
+  | InstId	Name		-- An instance of a dictionary, class operation,
+				-- or overloaded value (Local name)
 		Bool		-- as for LocalId
   | SpecId			-- A specialisation of another Id
@@ -359,7 +365,7 @@ their @IdInfo@).
 \item[@TopLevId@:] These are values defined at the top-level in this
 module; i.e., those which {\em might} be exported (hence, a
-@FullName@).  It does {\em not} include those which are moved to the
+@Name@).  It does {\em not} include those which are moved to the
 top-level through program transformations.
 We also guarantee that @TopLevIds@ will {\em stay} at top-level.
@@ -453,14 +459,14 @@ unsafeGenId2Id (Id u ty d p i) = Id u (panic "unsafeGenId2Id:ty") d p i
 isDataCon id = is_data (unsafeGenId2Id id)
   is_data (Id _ _ (DataConId _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ _) = True
-  is_data (Id _ _ (TupleConId _) _ _)		   = True
+  is_data (Id _ _ (TupleConId _ _) _ _)		   = True
   is_data (Id _ _ (SpecId unspec _ _) _ _)	   = is_data unspec
   is_data other					   = False
 isTupleCon id = is_tuple (unsafeGenId2Id id)
-  is_tuple (Id _ _ (TupleConId _) _ _)		 = True
+  is_tuple (Id _ _ (TupleConId _ _) _ _)	 = True
   is_tuple (Id _ _ (SpecId unspec _ _) _ _)	 = is_tuple unspec
   is_tuple other				 = False
@@ -492,8 +498,8 @@ toplevelishId (Id _ _ details _ _)
   = chk details
     chk (DataConId _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
-    chk (TupleConId _)	    	    = True
-    chk (RecordSelectorId _)   	    = True
+    chk (TupleConId _ _)    	    = True
+    chk (RecordSelId _)   	    = True
     chk (ImportedId _)	    	    = True
     chk (PreludeId  _)	    	    = True
     chk (TopLevId   _)	    	    = True	-- NB: see notes
@@ -514,8 +520,8 @@ idHasNoFreeTyVars (Id _ _ details _ info)
   = chk details
     chk (DataConId _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
-    chk (TupleConId _)	    	  = True
-    chk (RecordSelectorId _)   	  = True
+    chk (TupleConId _ _)    	  = True
+    chk (RecordSelId _)   	  = True
     chk (ImportedId _)	    	  = True
     chk (PreludeId  _)	    	  = True
     chk (TopLevId   _)	    	  = True
@@ -588,7 +594,7 @@ pprIdInUnfolding in_scopes v
     -- local vars first:
     if v `elementOfUniqSet` in_scopes then
-	pprUnique (getItsUnique v)
+	pprUnique (idUnique v)
     -- ubiquitous Ids with special syntax:
     else if v == nilDataCon then
@@ -610,7 +616,7 @@ pprIdInUnfolding in_scopes v
 	  TopLevId  _ -> pp_full_name
 	  DataConId _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> pp_full_name
-	  RecordSelectorId lbl -> ppr sty lbl
+	  RecordSelId lbl -> ppr sty lbl
 	    -- class-ish things: class already recorded as "mentioned"
 	  SuperDictSelId c sc
@@ -657,7 +663,7 @@ pprIdInUnfolding in_scopes v
 		  ppPStr n_str
-	if fromPreludeCore v then
+	if isPreludeDefined v then
 	    ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("_ORIG_"), ppPStr m_str, pp_n]
@@ -822,7 +828,7 @@ externallyVisibleId id@(Id _ _ details _ _)
     weird_datacon not_a_datacon_therefore_not_weird = False
-    weird_tuplecon (TupleConId arity)
+    weird_tuplecon (TupleConId _ arity)
       = arity > 32 -- sigh || isBigTupleTyCon tycon -- generated *purely* for local use
     weird_tuplecon _ = False
@@ -1004,13 +1010,12 @@ getIdNamePieces show_uniqs id
   get (Id u _ details _ _)
     = case details of
       DataConId n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ->
-	case (getOrigName n) of { (mod, name) ->
-	if fromPrelude mod then [name] else [mod, name] }
+	case (nameOrigName n) of { (mod, name) ->
+	if isPreludeDefinedName n then [name] else [mod, name] }
-      TupleConId 0 -> [SLIT("()")]
-      TupleConId a -> [_PK_ ( "(" ++ nOfThem (a-1) ',' ++ ")" )]
+      TupleConId n _ -> [snd (nameOrigName n)]
-      RecordSelectorId lbl -> panic "getIdNamePieces:RecordSelectorId"
+      RecordSelId lbl -> panic "getIdNamePieces:RecordSelId"
       ImportedId n -> get_fullname_pieces n
       PreludeId  n -> get_fullname_pieces n
@@ -1020,11 +1025,11 @@ getIdNamePieces show_uniqs id
 	case (getOrigName c)	of { (c_mod, c_name) ->
 	case (getOrigName sc)	of { (sc_mod, sc_name) ->
-	    c_bits = if fromPreludeCore c
+	    c_bits = if isPreludeDefined c
 		     then [c_name]
 		     else [c_mod, c_name]
-	    sc_bits= if fromPreludeCore sc
+	    sc_bits= if isPreludeDefined sc
 		     then [sc_name]
 		     else [sc_mod, sc_name]
@@ -1033,20 +1038,22 @@ getIdNamePieces show_uniqs id
       MethodSelId clas op ->
 	case (getOrigName clas)	of { (c_mod, c_name) ->
 	case (getClassOpString op)	of { op_name ->
-	if fromPreludeCore clas then [op_name] else [c_mod, c_name, op_name]
+	if isPreludeDefined clas
+	then [op_name]
+        else [c_mod, c_name, op_name]
 	} }
       DefaultMethodId clas op _ ->
 	case (getOrigName clas)		of { (c_mod, c_name) ->
 	case (getClassOpString op)	of { op_name ->
-	if fromPreludeCore clas
+	if isPreludeDefined clas
 	then [SLIT("defm"), op_name]
 	else [SLIT("defm"), c_mod, c_name, op_name] }}
       DictFunId c ty _ _ ->
 	case (getOrigName c)	    of { (c_mod, c_name) ->
-	    c_bits = if fromPreludeCore c
+	    c_bits = if isPreludeDefined c
 		     then [c_name]
 		     else [c_mod, c_name]
@@ -1054,14 +1061,13 @@ getIdNamePieces show_uniqs id
 	[SLIT("dfun")] ++ c_bits ++ ty_bits }
       ConstMethodId c ty o _ _ ->
 	case (getOrigName c)	    of { (c_mod, c_name) ->
 	case (getTypeString ty)	    of { ty_bits ->
 	case (getClassOpString o)   of { o_name ->
-	case (if fromPreludeCore c
-		then []
-		else [c_mod, c_name])	of { c_bits ->
+	case (if isPreludeDefined c
+	      then [c_name]
+	      else [c_mod, c_name]) of { c_bits ->
 	[SLIT("const")] ++ c_bits ++ ty_bits ++ [o_name] }}}}
       -- if the unspecialised equiv is "top-level",
@@ -1084,10 +1090,10 @@ getIdNamePieces show_uniqs id
       SysLocalId   n _   -> [getLocalName n, showUnique u]
       SpecPragmaId n _ _ -> [getLocalName n, showUnique u]
-get_fullname_pieces :: FullName -> [FAST_STRING]
+get_fullname_pieces :: Name -> [FAST_STRING]
 get_fullname_pieces n
-  = BIND (getOrigName n) _TO_ (mod, name) ->
-    if fromPrelude mod
+  = BIND (nameOrigName n) _TO_ (mod, name) ->
+    if isPreludeDefinedName n
     then [name]
     else [mod, name]
@@ -1137,11 +1143,11 @@ mkSuperDictSelId  u c sc     ty info = Id u ty (SuperDictSelId c sc) NoPragmaInf
 mkMethodSelId       u c op     ty info = Id u ty (MethodSelId c op) NoPragmaInfo info
 mkDefaultMethodId u c op gen ty info = Id u ty (DefaultMethodId c op gen) NoPragmaInfo info
-mkDictFunId u c ity full_ty from_here modname info
-  = Id u full_ty (DictFunId c ity from_here modname) NoPragmaInfo info
+mkDictFunId u c ity full_ty from_here mod info
+  = Id u full_ty (DictFunId c ity from_here mod) NoPragmaInfo info
-mkConstMethodId	u c op ity full_ty from_here modname info
-  = Id u full_ty (ConstMethodId c ity op from_here modname) NoPragmaInfo info
+mkConstMethodId	u c op ity full_ty from_here mod info
+  = Id u full_ty (ConstMethodId c ity op from_here mod) NoPragmaInfo info
 mkWorkerId u unwrkr ty info = Id u ty (WorkerId unwrkr) NoPragmaInfo info
@@ -1173,8 +1179,8 @@ getConstMethodId clas op ty
-mkImported    u n ty info = Id u ty (ImportedId n) NoPragmaInfo info
-mkPreludeId   u n ty info = Id u ty (PreludeId  n) NoPragmaInfo info
+mkImported  n ty info = Id (nameUnique n) ty (ImportedId n) NoPragmaInfo info
+mkPreludeId n ty info = Id (nameUnique n) ty (PreludeId  n) NoPragmaInfo info
 updateIdType :: Id -> Type -> Id
@@ -1193,19 +1199,20 @@ no_free_tvs ty = isEmptyTyVarSet (tyVarsOfType ty)
 mkSysLocal, mkUserLocal :: FAST_STRING -> Unique -> MyTy a b -> SrcLoc -> MyId a b
 mkSysLocal str uniq ty loc
-  = Id uniq ty (SysLocalId (mkShortName str loc) (no_free_tvs ty)) NoPragmaInfo noIdInfo
+  = Id uniq ty (SysLocalId (mkLocalName uniq str loc) (no_free_tvs ty)) NoPragmaInfo noIdInfo
 mkUserLocal str uniq ty loc
-  = Id uniq ty (LocalId (mkShortName str loc) (no_free_tvs ty)) NoPragmaInfo noIdInfo
+  = Id uniq ty (LocalId (mkLocalName uniq str loc) (no_free_tvs ty)) NoPragmaInfo noIdInfo
 -- mkUserId builds a local or top-level Id, depending on the name given
 mkUserId :: Name -> MyTy a b -> PragmaInfo -> MyId a b
-mkUserId (Short uniq short) ty pragma_info
-  = Id uniq ty (LocalId short (no_free_tvs ty)) pragma_info noIdInfo
-mkUserId (ValName uniq full) ty pragma_info
-  = Id uniq ty 
-	(if isLocallyDefined full then TopLevId full else ImportedId full)
-	pragma_info noIdInfo
+mkUserId name ty pragma_info
+  | isLocalName name
+  = Id (nameUnique name) ty (LocalId name (no_free_tvs ty)) pragma_info noIdInfo
+  | otherwise
+  = Id (nameUnique name) ty 
+       (if isLocallyDefinedName name then TopLevId name else ImportedId name)
+        pragma_info noIdInfo
@@ -1236,7 +1243,7 @@ localiseId :: Id -> Id
 localiseId id@(Id u ty info details)
   = Id u ty info (LocalId (mkShortName name loc) (no_free_tvs ty))
-    name = getOccurrenceName id
+    name = getOccName id
     loc  = getSrcLoc id
@@ -1309,22 +1316,21 @@ addIdArity (Id u ty details pinfo info) arity
-mkDataCon :: Unique{-DataConKey-}
-	  -> FullName
+mkDataCon :: Name
 	  -> [StrictnessMark] -> [FieldLabel]
 	  -> [TyVar] -> ThetaType -> [TauType] -> TyCon
 --ToDo:   -> SpecEnv
 	  -> Id
   -- can get the tag and all the pieces of the type from the Type
-mkDataCon k n stricts fields tvs ctxt args_tys tycon
+mkDataCon n stricts fields tvs ctxt args_tys tycon
   = ASSERT(length stricts == length args_tys)
     -- NB: data_con self-recursion; should be OK as tags are not
     -- looked at until late in the game.
-      = Id k
+      = Id (nameUnique n)
 	   (DataConId n data_con_tag stricts fields tvs ctxt args_tys tycon)
@@ -1402,8 +1408,9 @@ mkDataCon k n stricts fields tvs ctxt args_tys tycon
 mkTupleCon :: Arity -> Id
 mkTupleCon arity
-  = Id unique ty (TupleConId arity) NoPragmaInfo tuplecon_info 
+  = Id unique ty (TupleConId n arity) NoPragmaInfo tuplecon_info 
+    n		= panic "mkTupleCon: its Name (Id)"
     unique      = mkTupleDataConUnique arity
     ty 		= mkSigmaTy tyvars []
 		   (mkFunTys tyvar_tys (applyTyCon tycon tyvar_tys))
@@ -1449,12 +1456,12 @@ fIRST_TAG =  1	-- Tags allocated from here for real constructors
 dataConTag :: DataCon -> ConTag	-- will panic if not a DataCon
 dataConTag	(Id _ _ (DataConId _ tag _ _ _ _ _ _) _ _) = tag
-dataConTag	(Id _ _ (TupleConId _) _ _)	         = fIRST_TAG
+dataConTag	(Id _ _ (TupleConId _ _) _ _)	         = fIRST_TAG
 dataConTag	(Id _ _ (SpecId unspec _ _) _ _)	 = dataConTag unspec
 dataConTyCon :: DataCon -> TyCon	-- will panic if not a DataCon
 dataConTyCon (Id _ _ (DataConId _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tycon) _ _) = tycon
-dataConTyCon (Id _ _ (TupleConId a) _ _)	           = mkTupleTyCon a
+dataConTyCon (Id _ _ (TupleConId _ a) _ _)	           = mkTupleTyCon a
 dataConSig :: DataCon -> ([TyVar], ThetaType, [TauType], TyCon)
 					-- will panic if not a DataCon
@@ -1462,7 +1469,7 @@ dataConSig :: DataCon -> ([TyVar], ThetaType, [TauType], TyCon)
 dataConSig (Id _ _ (DataConId _ _ _ _ tyvars theta_ty arg_tys tycon) _ _)
   = (tyvars, theta_ty, arg_tys, tycon)
-dataConSig (Id _ _ (TupleConId arity) _ _)
+dataConSig (Id _ _ (TupleConId _ arity) _ _)
   = (tyvars, [], tyvar_tys, mkTupleTyCon arity)
     tyvars	= take arity alphaTyVars
@@ -1473,17 +1480,17 @@ dataConFieldLabels (Id _ _ (DataConId _ _ _ fields _ _ _ _) _ _) = fields
-mkRecordSelectorId field_label selector_ty
-  = Id (getItsUnique name)
+mkRecordSelId field_label selector_ty
+  = Id (nameUnique name)
-       (RecordSelectorId field_label)
+       (RecordSelId field_label)
     name = fieldLabelName field_label
 recordSelectorFieldLabel :: Id -> FieldLabel
-recordSelectorFieldLabel (Id _ _ (RecordSelectorId lbl) _ _) = lbl
+recordSelectorFieldLabel (Id _ _ (RecordSelId lbl) _ _) = lbl
@@ -1767,20 +1774,6 @@ instance_export_flag clas inst_ty from_here
-Do we consider an ``instance type'' (as on a @DictFunId@) to be ``from
-PreludeCore''?  True if the outermost TyCon is fromPreludeCore.
-is_prelude_core_ty :: Type -> Bool
-is_prelude_core_ty inst_ty
-  = panic "Id.is_prelude_core_ty"
-  = case maybeAppDataTyCon inst_ty of
-      Just (tycon,_,_) -> fromPreludeCore tycon
-      Nothing 	       -> panic "Id: is_prelude_core_ty"
 Default printing code (not used for interfaces):
 pprId :: Outputable ty => PprStyle -> GenId ty -> Pretty
@@ -1799,8 +1792,8 @@ pprId other_sty id
     case other_sty of
       PprForC	      -> for_code
       PprForAsm _ _   -> for_code
-      PprInterface    -> ppPStr occur_name
-      PprForUser      -> ppPStr occur_name
+      PprInterface    -> ppr other_sty occur_name
+      PprForUser      -> ppr other_sty occur_name
       PprUnfolding    -> qualified_name pieces
       PprDebug	      -> qualified_name pieces
       PprShowAll      -> ppBesides [qualified_name pieces,
@@ -1811,22 +1804,22 @@ pprId other_sty id
 					     (\x->x) nullIdEnv (getIdInfo id),
 				    ppPStr SLIT("-}") ])]
-    occur_name = getOccurrenceName id _APPEND_
-		 ( _PK_ (if not (isSysLocalId id)
-			 then ""
-			 else "." ++ (_UNPK_ (showUnique (getItsUnique id)))))
+    occur_name = getOccName id  `appendRdr`
+		 (if not (isSysLocalId id)
+		  then SLIT("")
+		  else SLIT(".") _APPEND_ (showUnique (idUnique id)))
     qualified_name pieces
       = ppBeside (pp_ubxd (ppIntersperse (ppChar '.') (map ppPStr pieces))) (pp_uniq id)
     pp_uniq (Id _ _ (PreludeId _) _ _) 	    	   = ppNil -- no uniq to add
     pp_uniq (Id _ _ (DataConId _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) _ _) = ppNil
-    pp_uniq (Id _ _ (TupleConId _) _ _) 	   = ppNil
+    pp_uniq (Id _ _ (TupleConId _ _) _ _) 	   = ppNil
     pp_uniq (Id _ _ (LocalId _ _) _ _)   	   = ppNil -- uniq printed elsewhere
     pp_uniq (Id _ _ (SysLocalId _ _) _ _)   	   = ppNil
     pp_uniq (Id _ _ (SpecPragmaId _ _ _) _ _) 	   = ppNil
     pp_uniq (Id _ _ (InstId _ _) _ _)  	   	   = ppNil
-    pp_uniq other_id = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("{-"), pprUnique (getItsUnique other_id), ppPStr SLIT("-}")]
+    pp_uniq other_id = ppBesides [ppPStr SLIT("{-"), pprUnique (idUnique other_id), ppPStr SLIT("-}")]
     -- print PprDebug Ids with # afterwards if they are of primitive type.
     pp_ubxd pretty = pretty
@@ -1840,68 +1833,31 @@ pprId other_sty id
+idUnique (Id u _ _ _ _) = u
+instance Uniquable (GenId ty) where
+    uniqueOf = idUnique
 instance NamedThing (GenId ty) where
-    getExportFlag (Id _ _ details _ _)
-      = get details
-      where
-	get (DataConId _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tc)= getExportFlag tc -- NB: don't use the FullName
-	get (TupleConId _)	    = NotExported
-	get (RecordSelectorId l)    = getExportFlag l
-	get (ImportedId  n)         = getExportFlag n
-	get (PreludeId   n)         = getExportFlag n
-	get (TopLevId    n)         = getExportFlag n
-	get (SuperDictSelId c _)    = getExportFlag c
-	get (MethodSelId  c _)	    = getExportFlag c
-	get (DefaultMethodId c _ _) = getExportFlag c
-	get (DictFunId  c ty from_here _) = instance_export_flag c ty from_here
-	get (ConstMethodId c ty _ from_here _) = instance_export_flag c ty from_here
-	get (SpecId unspec _ _)     = getExportFlag unspec
-	get (WorkerId unwrkr)	    = getExportFlag unwrkr
-	get (InstId _ _)	    = NotExported
-	get (LocalId      _ _)	    = NotExported
-	get (SysLocalId   _ _)	    = NotExported
-	get (SpecPragmaId _ _ _)    = NotExported
-    isLocallyDefined this_id@(Id _ _ details _ _)
+    getName this_id@(Id u _ details _ _)
       = get details
-	get (DataConId _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tc)= isLocallyDefined tc -- NB: don't use the FullName
-	get (TupleConId _)	    = False
-	get (ImportedId	_)    	    = False
-	get (PreludeId  _)    	    = False
-	get (RecordSelectorId l)    = isLocallyDefined l
-	get (TopLevId	n)	    = isLocallyDefined n
-	get (SuperDictSelId c _)    = isLocallyDefined c
-	get (MethodSelId c _) 	    = isLocallyDefined c
-	get (DefaultMethodId c _ _) = isLocallyDefined c
-	get (DictFunId c tyc from_here _) = from_here
-	    -- For DictFunId and ConstMethodId things, you really have to
-	    -- know whether it came from an imported instance or one
-	    -- really here; no matter where the tycon and class came from.
-	get (ConstMethodId c tyc _ from_here _) = from_here
-	get (SpecId unspec _ _)	    = isLocallyDefined unspec
-	get (WorkerId unwrkr) 	    = isLocallyDefined unwrkr
-	get (InstId  _ _)	    = True
-	get (LocalId      _ _)	    = True
-	get (SysLocalId   _ _)	    = True
-	get (SpecPragmaId _ _ _)    = True
-    getOrigName this_id@(Id u _ details _ _)
-      = get details
-      where
-	get (DataConId n _ _ _ _ _ _ _) =	 getOrigName n
-	get (TupleConId 0)	= (pRELUDE_BUILTIN, SLIT("()"))
-	get (TupleConId a)	= (pRELUDE_BUILTIN, _PK_ ( "(" ++ nOfThem (a-1) ',' ++ ")" ))
-	get (RecordSelectorId l)= getOrigName l
-	get (ImportedId   n)	= getOrigName n
-	get (PreludeId    n)	= getOrigName n
-	get (TopLevId     n)	= getOrigName n
+	get (LocalId      n _)  = n
+	get (SysLocalId   n _)  = n
+	get (SpecPragmaId n _ _)= n
+	get (ImportedId   n)	= n
+	get (PreludeId    n)	= n
+	get (TopLevId     n)	= n
+	get (InstId       n _)  = n
+	get (DataConId n _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = n
+	get (TupleConId n _)	= n
+	get (RecordSelId l)	= getName l
+--	get _ = pprPanic "Id.Id.NamedThing.getName:" (pprId PprDebug this_id)
+{- LATER:
 	get (MethodSelId c op)	= case (getOrigName c) of -- ToDo; better ???
 				    (mod, _) -> (mod, getClassOpString op)
-{- LATER:
 	get (SpecId unspec ty_maybes _)
 	  = BIND getOrigName unspec	      _TO_ (mod, unspec_nm) ->
 	    BIND specMaybeTysSuffix ty_maybes _TO_ tys_suffix ->
@@ -1922,16 +1878,6 @@ instance NamedThing (GenId ty) where
 		 else SLIT(".wrk"))
-	get (InstId       n _)  = (panic "NamedThing.Id.getOrigName (LocalId)",
-				   getLocalName n)
-	get (LocalId      n _)  = (panic "NamedThing.Id.getOrigName (LocalId)",
-				   getLocalName n)
-	get (SysLocalId   n _)  = (panic "NamedThing.Id.getOrigName (SysLocal)",
-				   getLocalName n)
-	get (SpecPragmaId n _ _)= (panic "NamedThing.Id.getOrigName (SpecPragmaId)",
-				   getLocalName n)
 	get other_details
 	    -- the remaining internally-generated flavours of
@@ -1942,69 +1888,11 @@ instance NamedThing (GenId ty) where
 	    BIND [ _CONS_ '.' p | p <- pieces ]  _TO_ dotted_pieces ->
 	    (_NIL_, _CONCAT_ (piece1 : dotted_pieces))
-    getOccurrenceName this_id@(Id _ _ details _ _)
-      = get details
-      where
-	get (DataConId  n _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = getOccurrenceName n
-	get (TupleConId 0)	= SLIT("()")
-	get (TupleConId a)	= _PK_ ( "(" ++ nOfThem (a-1) ',' ++ ")" )
-	get (RecordSelectorId l)= getOccurrenceName l
-	get (ImportedId	 n)	= getOccurrenceName n
-	get (PreludeId   n)	= getOccurrenceName n
-	get (TopLevId	 n)	= getOccurrenceName n
-	get (MethodSelId _ op)	= getClassOpString op
-	get _			= snd (getOrigName this_id)
-    getInformingModules id = panic "getInformingModule:Id"
-    getSrcLoc (Id _ _ details _ id_info)
-      = get details
-      where
-	get (DataConId  n _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = getSrcLoc n
-	get (TupleConId _)	= mkBuiltinSrcLoc
-	get (RecordSelectorId l)= getSrcLoc l
-	get (ImportedId	 n)	= getSrcLoc n
-	get (PreludeId   n)	= getSrcLoc n
-	get (TopLevId	 n)	= getSrcLoc n
-	get (SuperDictSelId c _)= getSrcLoc c
-	get (MethodSelId c _)	= getSrcLoc c
-	get (SpecId unspec _ _)	= getSrcLoc unspec
-	get (WorkerId unwrkr)	= getSrcLoc unwrkr
-	get (InstId	  n _)	= getSrcLoc n
-	get (LocalId      n _)	= getSrcLoc n
-	get (SysLocalId   n _)	= getSrcLoc n
-	get (SpecPragmaId n _ _)= getSrcLoc n
-	-- well, try the IdInfo
-	get something_else = getSrcLocIdInfo id_info
-    getItsUnique (Id u _ _ _ _) = u
-    fromPreludeCore (Id _ _ details _ _)
-      = get details
-      where
-	get (DataConId _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tc)= fromPreludeCore tc -- NB: not from the FullName
-	get (TupleConId _)	    = True
-	get (RecordSelectorId l)    = fromPreludeCore l
-	get (ImportedId  n)	    = fromPreludeCore n
-	get (PreludeId   n)	    = fromPreludeCore n
-	get (TopLevId    n)	    = fromPreludeCore n
-	get (SuperDictSelId c _)    = fromPreludeCore c
-	get (MethodSelId c _)	    = fromPreludeCore c
-	get (DefaultMethodId c _ _) = fromPreludeCore c
-	get (DictFunId	c t _ _)    = fromPreludeCore c && is_prelude_core_ty t
-	get (ConstMethodId c t _ _ _) = fromPreludeCore c && is_prelude_core_ty t
-	get (SpecId unspec _ _)	    = fromPreludeCore unspec
-	get (WorkerId unwrkr)	    = fromPreludeCore unwrkr
-	get (InstId       _ _)	    = False
-	get (LocalId      _ _)	    = False
-	get (SysLocalId   _ _)	    = False
-	get (SpecPragmaId _ _ _)    = False
-Reason for @getItsUnique@: The code generator doesn't carry a
-@UniqueSupply@, so it wants to use the @Uniques@ out of local @Ids@
-given to it.
+Note: The code generator doesn't carry a @UniqueSupply@, so it uses
+the @Uniques@ out of local @Ids@ given to it.
 %*									*
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
index 8f35f6af71ecf4118bcfeef571e9f26e773065e6..6eebe45348f4859f85e97daf0f624924a8fdb3e3 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdInfo.lhs
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ data IdInfo
 	-- ToDo: SrcLoc is in FullNames too (could rm?)  but it
 	-- is needed here too for things like ConstMethodIds and the
 	-- like, which don't have full-names of their own Mind you,
-	-- perhaps the FullName for a constant method could give the
+	-- perhaps the Name for a constant method could give the
 	-- class/type involved?
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs
index d5071b0858f64b3e8f806bc86289b18d5cc53539..c1aa203b8dcf9032ae918f233dc7ab9f2ad5918c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/IdUtils.lhs
@@ -15,12 +15,11 @@ import CoreSyn
 import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingGuidance(..) )
 import Id		( mkPreludeId )
 import IdInfo		-- quite a few things
-import Name		( Name(..) )
-import NameTypes	( mkPreludeCoreName )
+import Name		( mkBuiltinName )
 import PrelMods		( pRELUDE_BUILTIN )
 import PrimOp		( primOpInfo, tagOf_PrimOp, primOp_str,
-			  PrimOpInfo(..), PrimOpResultInfo(..)
-			)
+			  PrimOpInfo(..), PrimOpResultInfo(..) )
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName(..) )
 import Type		( mkForAllTys, mkFunTys, applyTyCon )
 import TysWiredIn	( boolTy )
 import Unique		( mkPrimOpIdUnique )
@@ -28,10 +27,10 @@ import Util		( panic )
-primOpNameInfo :: PrimOp -> (FAST_STRING, Name)
+primOpNameInfo :: PrimOp -> (FAST_STRING, RnName)
 primOpId       :: PrimOp -> Id
-primOpNameInfo op = (primOp_str  op, WiredInVal (primOpId op))
+primOpNameInfo op = (primOp_str  op, WiredInId (primOpId op))
 primOpId op
   = case (primOpInfo op) of
@@ -62,14 +61,12 @@ primOpId op
 	    (length arg_tys) -- arity
     mk_prim_Id prim_op mod name tyvar_tmpls arg_tys ty arity
-      = mkPreludeId
-	    (mkPrimOpIdUnique (IBOX(tagOf_PrimOp prim_op)))
-	    (mkPreludeCoreName mod name)
-	    ty
-	    (noIdInfo
-		`addInfo` (mkArityInfo arity)
-		`addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding
-				(mk_prim_unfold prim_op tyvar_tmpls arg_tys)))
+      = mkPreludeId (mkBuiltinName key mod name) ty
+	   (noIdInfo `addInfo` (mkArityInfo arity)
+	          `addInfo_UF` (mkUnfolding EssentialUnfolding
+			         (mk_prim_unfold prim_op tyvar_tmpls arg_tys)))
+      where
+	key = mkPrimOpIdUnique (IBOX(tagOf_PrimOp prim_op))
@@ -88,7 +85,7 @@ mk_prim_unfold prim_op tvs arg_tys
   = panic "IdUtils.mk_prim_unfold"
   = let
-	(inst_env, tyvars, tyvar_tys) = instantiateTyVars tvs (map getItsUnique tvs)
+	(inst_env, tyvars, tyvar_tys) = instantiateTyVars tvs (map uniqueOf tvs)
 	inst_arg_tys		      = map (instantiateTauTy inst_env) arg_tys
 	vars	    		      = mkTemplateLocals inst_arg_tys
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
index c809a493dae4756bdd4574ab786455c53a766118..f4667bb79631a8514a9b6f521f2b397f5ba5f945 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Name.lhs
@@ -7,139 +7,171 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module Name (
-	-- things for the Name NON-abstract type
-	Name(..),
-	isTyConName, isClassName, isClassOpName,
-	isUnboundName, invisibleName,
-	getTagFromClassOpName, getSynNameArity,
-	getNameShortName, getNameFullName
+	Module(..),
+	RdrName(..),
+	isUnqual,
+	isQual,
+	isConopRdr,
+	appendRdr,
+	rdrToOrig,
+	showRdr,
+	cmpRdr,
+	Name,
+	Provenance,
+	mkLocalName, isLocalName, 
+	mkTopLevName, mkImportedName,
+	mkImplicitName,	isImplicitName,
+	mkBuiltinName,
+	nameUnique,
+	nameOrigName,
+	nameOccName,
+	nameExportFlag,
+	nameSrcLoc,
+	isLocallyDefinedName,
+	isPreludeDefinedName
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
-import NameLoop		-- break Name/Id loop, Name/PprType/Id loop
-import NameTypes
-import Outputable	( ExportFlag(..) )
+import CStrings		( identToC, cSEP )
+import Outputable	( Outputable(..), ExportFlag(..), isConop )
+import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..), codeStyle )
 import Pretty
-import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
+import PrelMods		( pRELUDE )
 import SrcLoc		( mkBuiltinSrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
-import TyCon		( TyCon, synTyConArity )
-import TyVar		( GenTyVar )
 import Unique		( pprUnique, Unique )
-import Util		( panic, panic#, pprPanic )
+import Util		( thenCmp, _CMP_STRING_, panic )
 %*									*
-\subsection[Name-datatype]{The @Name@ datatype}
+\subsection[RdrName]{The @RdrName@ datatype; names read from files}
 %*									*
-data Name
-  = Short	    Unique	-- Local ids and type variables
-		    ShortName
-	-- Nano-prelude things; truly wired in.
-	-- Includes all type constructors and their associated data constructors
-  | WiredInTyCon    TyCon
-  | WiredInVal	    Id
-  | TyConName	    Unique	-- TyCons other than Prelude ones; need to
-		    FullName	-- separate these because we want to pin on
-		    Arity	-- their arity.
-		    Bool        -- False <=> `type',
-				-- True <=> `data' or `newtype'
-		    [Name]	-- List of user-visible data constructors;
-				-- NB: for `data' types only.
-				-- Used in checking import/export lists.
-  | ClassName	    Unique
-		    FullName
-		    [Name]	-- List of class methods; used for checking
-				-- import/export lists.
-  | ValName	    Unique	-- Top level id
-		    FullName
-  | ClassOpName	    Unique
-		    Name	-- Name associated w/ the defined class
-				-- (can get unique and export info, etc., from this)
-		    FAST_STRING	-- The class operation
-		    Int		-- Unique tag within the class
-	-- Miscellaneous
-  | Unbound	    FAST_STRING	-- Placeholder for a name which isn't in scope
-				-- Used only so that the renamer can carry on after
-				-- finding an unbound identifier.
-				-- The string is grabbed from the unbound name, for
-				-- debugging information only.
+type Module = FAST_STRING
-These @is..@ functions are used in the renamer to check that (eg) a tycon
-is seen in a context which demands one.
+data RdrName  = Unqual FAST_STRING
+              | Qual Module FAST_STRING
-isTyConName, isClassName, isUnboundName :: Name -> Bool
+isUnqual (Unqual _) = True
+isUnqual (Qual _ _) = False
-isTyConName (TyConName _ _ _ _ _) = True
-isTyConName (WiredInTyCon _)	  = True
-isTyConName other		  = False
+isQual (Unqual _) = False
+isQual (Qual _ _) = True
-isClassName (ClassName _ _ _) = True
-isClassName other	      = False
+isConopRdr (Unqual n) = isConop n
+isConopRdr (Qual m n) = isConop n
-isUnboundName (Unbound _) = True
-isUnboundName other	  = False
+appendRdr (Unqual n) str = Unqual (n _APPEND_ str)
+appendRdr (Qual m n) str = Qual m (n _APPEND_ str)
-@isClassOpName@ is a little cleverer: it checks to see whether the
-class op comes from the correct class.
+rdrToOrig (Unqual n) = (pRELUDE, n)
+rdrToOrig (Qual m n) = (m, n)
-isClassOpName :: Name	-- The name of the class expected for this op
-	      -> Name	-- The name of the thing which should be a class op
-	      -> Bool
+cmpRdr (Unqual n1)  (Unqual n2)  = _CMP_STRING_ n1 n2
+cmpRdr (Unqual n1)  (Qual m2 n2) = LT_
+cmpRdr (Qual m1 n1) (Unqual n2)  = GT_
+cmpRdr (Qual m1 n1) (Qual m2 n2) = thenCmp (_CMP_STRING_ m1 m2) (_CMP_STRING_ n1 n2) 
+instance Eq RdrName where
+    a == b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> True;  _ -> False }
+    a /= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { EQ_ -> False; _ -> True }
-isClassOpName (ClassName uniq1 _ _) (ClassOpName _ (ClassName uniq2 _ _) _ _)
-  = uniq1 == uniq2
-isClassOpName other_class other_op = False
+instance Ord RdrName where
+    a <= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;	 EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> False }
+    a <	 b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> True;	 EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> False }
+    a >= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> True  }
+    a >	 b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
+instance Ord3 RdrName where
+    cmp = cmpRdr
+instance NamedThing RdrName where
+    -- We're sorta faking it here
+    getName rdr_name
+      = Global u rdr_name prov ex [rdr_name]
+      where
+	u    = panic "NamedThing.RdrName:Unique"
+	prov = panic "NamedThing.RdrName:Provenance"
+	ex   = panic "NamedThing.RdrName:ExportFlag"
+instance Outputable RdrName where
+    ppr sty (Unqual n) = pp_name sty n
+    ppr sty (Qual m n) = ppBeside (pp_mod sty m) (pp_name sty n)
+pp_mod PprInterface        m = ppNil
+pp_mod PprForC             m = ppBesides [identToC m, ppPStr cSEP]
+pp_mod (PprForAsm False _) m = ppBesides [identToC m, ppPStr cSEP]
+pp_mod (PprForAsm True  _) m = ppBesides [ppPStr cSEP, identToC m, ppPStr cSEP]
+pp_mod _                   m = ppBesides [ppPStr m, ppChar '.']
+pp_name sty n | codeStyle sty = identToC n
+              | otherwise     = ppPStr n	      
+showRdr sty rdr = ppShow 100 (ppr sty rdr)
-A Name is ``invisible'' if the user has no business seeing it; e.g., a
-data-constructor for an abstract data type (but whose constructors are
-known because of a pragma).
+%*									*
+\subsection[Name-datatype]{The @Name@ datatype}
+%*									*
-invisibleName :: Name -> Bool
+data Name
+  = Local    Unique
+             FAST_STRING
+             SrcLoc
+  | Global   Unique
+             RdrName      -- original name; Unqual => prelude
+             Provenance   -- where it came from
+             ExportFlag   -- is it exported?
+             [RdrName]    -- ordered occurrence names (usually just one);
+			  -- first may be *un*qual.
+data Provenance
+  = LocalDef SrcLoc       -- locally defined; give its source location
+  | Imported SrcLoc       -- imported; give the *original* source location
+         --  [SrcLoc]     -- any import source location(s)
-invisibleName (TyConName _ n _ _ _) = invisibleFullName n
-invisibleName (ClassName _ n _)     = invisibleFullName n
-invisibleName (ValName   _ n)	    = invisibleFullName n
-invisibleName _			    = False
+  | Implicit
+  | Builtin
-getTagFromClassOpName :: Name -> Int
-getTagFromClassOpName (ClassOpName _ _ _ tag)  = tag
+mkLocalName = Local
-getSynNameArity :: Name -> Maybe Arity
-getSynNameArity (TyConName _ _ arity False{-syn-} _) = Just arity
-getSynNameArity (WiredInTyCon tycon)	             = synTyConArity tycon
-getSynNameArity other_name			     = Nothing
+mkTopLevName   u orig locn exp occs = Global u orig (LocalDef locn) exp occs
+mkImportedName u orig locn exp occs = Global u orig (Imported locn) exp occs
-getNameShortName :: Name -> ShortName
-getNameShortName (Short _ sn) = sn
+mkImplicitName :: Unique -> RdrName -> Name
+mkImplicitName u o = Global u o Implicit NotExported []
-getNameFullName :: Name -> FullName
-getNameFullName n = get_nm "getNameFullName" n
+mkBuiltinName :: Unique -> Module -> FAST_STRING -> Name
+mkBuiltinName u m n = Global u (Unqual n) Builtin NotExported []
+	-- ToDo: what about module ???
+	-- ToDo: exported when compiling builtin ???
+isLocalName (Local _ _ _) = True
+isLocalName _ 		= False
+isImplicitName (Global _ _ Implicit _ _) = True
+isImplicitName _ 		         = False
+isBuiltinName  (Global _ _ Builtin  _ _) = True
+isBuiltinName  _ 		         = False
 %*									*
 \subsection[Name-instances]{Instance declarations}
@@ -149,17 +181,8 @@ getNameFullName n = get_nm "getNameFullName" n
 cmpName n1 n2 = c n1 n2
-    c (Short u1 _)	     (Short u2 _)		= cmp u1 u2
-    c (WiredInTyCon tc1)     (WiredInTyCon tc2)		= cmp tc1 tc2
-    c (WiredInVal   id1)     (WiredInVal   id2)		= cmp id1 id2
-    c (TyConName u1 _ _ _ _) (TyConName u2 _ _ _ _) 	= cmp u1 u2
-    c (ClassName u1 _ _)     (ClassName u2 _ _)		= cmp u1 u2
-    c (ValName   u1 _)	     (ValName   u2 _)		= cmp u1 u2
-    c (ClassOpName u1 _ _ _) (ClassOpName u2 _ _ _)	= cmp u1 u2
-    c (Unbound a)	     (Unbound b)		= panic# "Eq.Name.Unbound"
+    c (Local    u1 _ _)	    (Local    u2 _ _)     = cmp u1 u2
+    c (Global   u1 _ _ _ _) (Global   u2 _ _ _ _) = cmp u1 u2
     c other_1 other_2		-- the tags *must* be different
       = let tag1 = tag_Name n1
@@ -167,14 +190,8 @@ cmpName n1 n2 = c n1 n2
 	if tag1 _LT_ tag2 then LT_ else GT_
-    tag_Name (Short _ _)		= (ILIT(1) :: FAST_INT)
-    tag_Name (WiredInTyCon _)		= ILIT(2)
-    tag_Name (WiredInVal _)		= ILIT(3)
-    tag_Name (TyConName _ _ _ _ _)	= ILIT(7)
-    tag_Name (ClassName _ _ _)		= ILIT(8)
-    tag_Name (ValName _ _)		= ILIT(9)
-    tag_Name (ClassOpName _ _ _ _)	= ILIT(10)
-    tag_Name (Unbound _)		= ILIT(11)
+    tag_Name (Local    _ _ _)	  = (ILIT(1) :: FAST_INT)
+    tag_Name (Global   _ _ _ _ _) = ILIT(2)
@@ -190,106 +207,68 @@ instance Ord Name where
 instance Ord3 Name where
     cmp = cmpName
+instance Uniquable Name where
+    uniqueOf = nameUnique
 instance NamedThing Name where
-    getExportFlag (Short _ _)		= NotExported
-    getExportFlag (WiredInTyCon _)	= NotExported -- compiler always know about these
-    getExportFlag (WiredInVal _)	= NotExported
-    getExportFlag (ClassOpName _ c _ _) = getExportFlag c
-    getExportFlag other			= getExportFlag (get_nm "getExportFlag" other)
-    isLocallyDefined (Short _ _)	   = True
-    isLocallyDefined (WiredInTyCon _)	   = False
-    isLocallyDefined (WiredInVal _)	   = False
-    isLocallyDefined (ClassOpName _ c _ _) = isLocallyDefined c
-    isLocallyDefined other		   = isLocallyDefined (get_nm "isLocallyDefined" other)
-    getOrigName (Short _ sn)		= getOrigName sn
-    getOrigName (WiredInTyCon tc)	= getOrigName tc
-    getOrigName (WiredInVal id)		= getOrigName id
-    getOrigName (ClassOpName _ c op _)	= (fst (getOrigName c), op)
-    getOrigName other			= getOrigName (get_nm "getOrigName" other)
-    getOccurrenceName (Short _ sn)	   = getOccurrenceName sn
-    getOccurrenceName (WiredInTyCon tc)    = getOccurrenceName tc
-    getOccurrenceName (WiredInVal id)	   = getOccurrenceName id
-    getOccurrenceName (ClassOpName _ _ op _) = op
-    getOccurrenceName (Unbound s)	   =  s _APPEND_ SLIT("<unbound>")
-    getOccurrenceName other		   = getOccurrenceName (get_nm "getOccurrenceName" other)
-    getInformingModules thing = panic "getInformingModule:Name"
-    getSrcLoc (Short _ sn)	   = getSrcLoc sn
-    getSrcLoc (WiredInTyCon tc)    = mkBuiltinSrcLoc
-    getSrcLoc (WiredInVal id)	   = mkBuiltinSrcLoc
-    getSrcLoc (ClassOpName _ c _ _)  = getSrcLoc c
-    getSrcLoc (Unbound _)	   = mkUnknownSrcLoc
-    getSrcLoc other		   = getSrcLoc (get_nm "getSrcLoc" other)
-    getItsUnique (Short		u _)	   = u
-    getItsUnique (WiredInTyCon	t)	   = getItsUnique t
-    getItsUnique (WiredInVal	i)	   = getItsUnique i
-    getItsUnique (TyConName 	u _ _ _ _) = u
-    getItsUnique (ClassName 	u _ _)	   = u
-    getItsUnique (ValName 	u _)	   = u
-    getItsUnique (ClassOpName 	u _ _ _)   = u
-    fromPreludeCore (WiredInTyCon _)	   = True
-    fromPreludeCore (WiredInVal _)	   = True
-    fromPreludeCore (ClassOpName _ c _ _)  = fromPreludeCore c
-    fromPreludeCore other		   = False
+    getName n = n
-A useful utility; most emphatically not for export! (but see
-get_nm :: String -> Name -> FullName
+nameUnique (Local    u _ _)     = u
+nameUnique (Global   u _ _ _ _) = u
-get_nm msg (TyConName _ n _ _ _) = n
-get_nm msg (ClassName _ n _)	 = n
-get_nm msg (ValName   _ n)	 = n
-#ifdef DEBUG
-get_nm msg other = pprPanic ("get_nm:"++msg) (ppr PprShowAll other)
--- If match failure, probably on a ClassOpName or Unbound :-(
+nameOrigName (Local    _ n _)	     = (panic "NamedThing.Local.nameOrigName", n)
+nameOrigName (Global   _ orig _ _ _) = rdrToOrig orig
+nameOccName (Local    _ n _)	       = Unqual n
+nameOccName (Global   _ orig _ _ []  ) = orig
+nameOccName (Global   _ orig _ _ occs) = head occs
+nameExportFlag (Local    _ _ _)	      = NotExported
+nameExportFlag (Global   _ _ _ exp _) = exp
+nameSrcLoc (Local  _ _ loc)	              = loc
+nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ (LocalDef loc) _ _) = loc
+nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ (Imported loc) _ _) = loc
+nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ Implicit       _ _) = mkUnknownSrcLoc
+nameSrcLoc (Global _ _ Builtin        _ _) = mkBuiltinSrcLoc
+isLocallyDefinedName (Local  _ _ _)	           = True
+isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ (LocalDef _) _ _) = True
+isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ (Imported _) _ _) = False
+isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ Implicit     _ _) = False
+isLocallyDefinedName (Global _ _ Builtin      _ _) = False
+isPreludeDefinedName (Local    _ n _)        = False
+isPreludeDefinedName (Global   _ orig _ _ _) = isUnqual orig
 instance Outputable Name where
 #ifdef DEBUG
-    ppr PprDebug (Short u s)	    = pp_debug u s
-    ppr PprDebug (TyConName u n _ _ _) = pp_debug u n
-    ppr PprDebug (ClassName u n _)     = pp_debug u n
-    ppr PprDebug (ValName u n)         = pp_debug u n
+    ppr PprDebug (Local    u n _)     = pp_debug u (ppPStr n)
+    ppr PprDebug (Global   u o _ _ _) = pp_debug u (ppr PprDebug o)
-    ppr sty (Short u s)		  = ppr sty s
+    ppr sty        (Local    u n _)             = pp_name sty n
+    ppr PprForUser (Global   u o _ _ []  )      = ppr PprForUser o
+    ppr PprForUser (Global   u o _ _ occs)      = ppr PprForUser (head occs)
+    ppr PprShowAll (Global   u o prov exp occs) = pp_all o prov exp occs
+    ppr sty        (Global   u o _ _ _)         = ppr sty o
-    ppr sty (WiredInTyCon tc)	  = ppr sty tc
-    ppr sty (WiredInVal   id)	  = ppr sty id
+pp_debug uniq thing
+  = ppBesides [thing, ppStr "{-", pprUnique uniq, ppStr "-}" ]
-    ppr sty (TyConName u n a b c) = ppr sty n
-    ppr sty (ClassName u n c)	  = ppr sty n
-    ppr sty (ValName   u n)	  = ppr sty n
+pp_all orig prov exp occs
+  = ppBesides [ppr PprShowAll orig, ppr PprShowAll occs, pp_prov prov, pp_exp exp]
-    ppr sty (ClassOpName u c s i)
-      = let
-	    ps = ppPStr s
-	in
-	case sty of
-	  PprForUser   -> ps
-	  PprInterface -> ps
-	  PprDebug     -> ps
-	  other	       -> ppBesides [ps, ppChar '{',
-				       ppSep [pprUnique u,
-					      ppStr "op", ppInt i,
-					      ppStr "cls", ppr sty c],
-				       ppChar '}']
-    ppr sty (Unbound s) = ppStr ("*UNBOUND*"++ _UNPK_ s)
+pp_exp NotExported = ppNil
+pp_exp ExportAll   = ppPStr SLIT("/EXP(..)")
+pp_exp ExportAbs   = ppPStr SLIT("/EXP")
-pp_debug uniq thing
-  = ppBesides [ppr PprDebug thing, ppStr "{-", pprUnique uniq, ppStr "-}" ]
+pp_prov Implicit = ppPStr SLIT("/IMPLICIT")
+pp_prov Builtin  = ppPStr SLIT("/BUILTIN")
+pp_prov _        = ppNil
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/NameLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/NameLoop.lhi
deleted file mode 100644
index 70ed981867f904ed8b3abecbed836cf13ea92b88..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/NameLoop.lhi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Breaks the Name/Id loop, and the Name/Id/PprType loop.
-interface NameLoop where
-import Id		( GenId )
-import Outputable	( NamedThing, Outputable )
-import TyCon		( TyCon )
-import Type		( GenType )
-import TyVar		( GenTyVar )
-import Util		( Ord3(..) )
-instance NamedThing 	(GenId a)
-instance Ord3 		(GenId a)
-instance (Outputable a) => Outputable (GenId a)
-instance (Eq a, Outputable a, Eq b, Outputable b) => Outputable (GenType a b)
-instance Outputable 	(GenTyVar a)
-instance Outputable 	TyCon
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/NameTypes.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/NameTypes.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index b82c0fa5afaec01a3c51266c041b4875c6442fbd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/NameTypes.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-%*									*
-\section[NameTypes]{@NameTypes@: The flavours of names that we stick on things}
-%*									*
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module NameTypes (
-	ShortName, FullName,	-- abstract types
-	Provenance(..),
-	fromPrelude,
-	mkShortName,
-	mkFullName, mkPrivateFullName, mkPreludeCoreName,
-	invisibleFullName,
-	unlocaliseFullName, unlocaliseShortName,
-	-- and to make the interface self-sufficient....
-	ExportFlag, Unique, SrcLoc
-    ) where
-CHK_Ubiq()	 -- debugging consistency check
-import PrelLoop  -- for paranoia checking
-import PrelMods		( pRELUDE, pRELUDE_CORE ) -- NB: naughty import
-import CStrings		( identToC, cSEP )
-import Outputable
-import Pretty
-import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..), codeStyle )
-import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc, mkBuiltinSrcLoc )
-import Unique		( showUnique, Unique )
-import Util
-%*									*
-\subsection[NameTypes-flavours]{Datatypes for names}
-%*									*
-Here are the types; see the notes that follow.
-data ShortName
-  = ShortName	    FAST_STRING -- entity's name in this module
-		    SrcLoc	-- defining location (only one possible)
-data FullName
-  = FullName	    FAST_STRING	-- original module name
-		    FAST_STRING	-- entity's name in original module
-		    Provenance 	-- where this thing came from
-				-- (also records its local name, if any)
-		    ExportFlag	-- where this thing is going (from here)
-		    Bool	-- True <=> invisible to the user
-		    SrcLoc	-- defining location (just one)
-(@FullNames@ don't have fast-comparison keys; the things with
-@FullNames@ do.)
-These are used for entities local to the module being compiled; for
-example, function parameters, where- and let-bound things.  These are
-@TyVars@ (ToDo: what if imported???) and local @Ids@.  They have
-@Uniques@ for fast comparison.
-These are used for things that either have, or may be required to
-have, full-blown original names.  All @Classes@ and @TyCons@ have full
-names.  All data-constructor and top-level @Ids@ (things that were
-top-level in the original source) have fullnames.
-%*									*
-\subsection[NameTypes-Provenance]{Where a name(d thing) came from}
-%*									*
-The ``provenance'' of a name says something about where it came from.
-This is used:
-to decide whether to generate the code fragments for constructors
-(only done for @ThisModule@).
-to detect when a thing is from @PreludeCore@, in which case we
-use shorter target-code names.
-data Provenance
-  = ThisModule
-  | InventedInThisModule	-- for workers/wrappers, specialized
-				-- versions, etc: anything "conjured up"
-				-- on the compiler's initiative.
-  | ExportedByPreludeCore	-- these are the immutable, unrenamable
-				-- things the compiler knows about
-  | OtherPrelude    FAST_STRING	-- the FullName gave the *original*
-				-- name; this says what it was renamed
-				-- to (if anything); really just for
-				-- pretty-printing
-  | OtherModule	    FAST_STRING	-- as for OtherPrelude, just the occurrence
-				-- name
-		    [FAST_STRING]-- The modules from whose interface we
-				-- got the information about this thing
-  | HereInPreludeCore		-- used when compiling PreludeCore bits:
-				-- == ThisModule + ExportedByPreludeCore
-  | OtherInstance		-- For imported instances.
-		    FAST_STRING	-- The module where this instance supposedly
-				-- was declared; "" if we don't know.
-		    [FAST_STRING] -- The modules whose interface told us about
-				-- this instance.
-%*									*
-\subsection[NameTypes-access-fns]{Access functions for names}
-%*									*
-Things to make 'em:
-mkShortName = ShortName
-mkFullName m n p e l = FullName m n p e False{-not invisible-} l
-mkPrivateFullName m n p e l = FullName m n p e True{-invisible-} l
-mkPreludeCoreName mod name
-  = FullName mod name ExportedByPreludeCore ExportAll False mkBuiltinSrcLoc
-    -- Mark them as Exported; mkInterface may decide against it
-    -- later.  (Easier than marking them NotExported, then later
-    -- deciding it would be a good idea...)
-unlocaliseShortName :: FAST_STRING -> Unique -> ShortName -> FullName
-{- We now elucidate Simon's favourite piece of code:
-   When we are told to "unlocalise" a ShortName, we really really want
-   the resulting monster to be unique (across the entire universe).
-   We can't count on the module name being printed (for Prelude
-   things, it isn't), so we brutally force the module-name into the
-   regular-name component.
-   We change the provenance to InventedInThisModule, because
-   that's what it is.
-unlocaliseShortName mod u (ShortName nm loc)
-  = FullName mod
-	    (mod _APPEND_ nm _APPEND_ (showUnique u))
-	    InventedInThisModule
-	    ExportAll False loc
--- FullNames really can't be mangled; someone out there
--- *expects* the thing to have this name.
--- We only change the export status.
-unlocaliseFullName (FullName m n p _ i l)
-  = FullName m n p ExportAll i l
-%*									*
-\subsection[NameTypes-instances]{Instance declarations for various names}
-%*									*
-We don't have equality and ordering; that's defined for the things
-that have @ShortNames@ and @FullNames@ in them.
-instance NamedThing ShortName where
-    getExportFlag a		      = NotExported
-    isLocallyDefined a		      = True
-    getOrigName (ShortName s l)       = (panic "NamedThing.ShortName.getOrigName", s)
-    getOccurrenceName (ShortName s l) = s
-    getSrcLoc	(ShortName s l)       = l
-    fromPreludeCore _		      = False
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    getItsUnique (ShortName s l)      = panic "NamedThing.ShortName.getItsUnique"
-    getInformingModules a	      = panic "NamedThing.ShortName.getInformingModule"
-instance NamedThing FullName where
-    getExportFlag     (FullName m s p e i l) = e
-    getOrigName	      (FullName m s p e i l) = (m, s)
-    getSrcLoc	      (FullName m s p e i l) = l
-    isLocallyDefined  (FullName m s p e i l)
-      = case p of
-	  ThisModule	       -> True
-	  InventedInThisModule -> True
-	  HereInPreludeCore    -> True
-	  _		       -> False
-    getOccurrenceName (FullName _ s p _ _ _)
-      = case p of
-	  OtherPrelude o   -> o
-	  OtherModule  o _ -> o
-	  _	           -> s
-    fromPreludeCore (FullName _ _ p _ _ _)
-      = case p of
-	  ExportedByPreludeCore -> True
-	  HereInPreludeCore	-> True
-	  _			-> False
-    getInformingModules (FullName _ _ p _ _ _)
-      = case p of
-	  ThisModule		-> []	-- Urgh.  ToDo
-	  InventedInThisModule	-> []
-	  OtherModule   _ ms	-> ms
-	  OtherInstance _ ms	-> ms
-	  ExportedByPreludeCore	-> [pRELUDE_CORE]
-	  HereInPreludeCore	-> [pRELUDE_CORE]
-	  OtherPrelude _	-> [pRELUDE]
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    getItsUnique = panic "NamedThing.FullName.getItsUnique"
-A hack (ToDo?):
-fromPrelude :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
-fromPrelude s = (_SUBSTR_ s 0 6 == SLIT("Prelude"))
-invisibleFullName (FullName m s p e i l) = i
-Forcing and printing:
-instance Outputable ShortName where
-    ppr sty (ShortName s loc) = ppPStr s
-instance Outputable FullName where
-    ppr sty name@(FullName m s p e i l)
-      = let pp_name =
-	      ppBeside (if fromPreludeCore name
-			then ppNil
-			else case sty of
-			      PprForUser     -> ppNil
-			      PprDebug	     -> ppNil
-			      PprInterface   -> ppNil
-			      PprUnfolding   -> ppNil	-- ToDo: something diff later?
-			      PprForC 	     -> ppBeside (identToC m) (ppPStr cSEP)
-			      PprForAsm False _ -> ppBeside (identToC m) (ppPStr cSEP)
-			      PprForAsm True  _ -> ppBesides [ppPStr cSEP, identToC m, ppPStr cSEP]
-			      _	        -> ppBeside (ppPStr m) (ppChar '.'))
-		       (if codeStyle sty
-			then identToC s
-			else case sty of
-			       PprInterface -> pp_local_name s p
-			       PprForUser   -> pp_local_name s p
-			       _	    -> ppPStr s)
-	    pp_debug = ppBeside pp_name (pp_occur_name s p)
-	in
-	case sty of
-	  PprShowAll   -> ppBesides [pp_debug, pp_exp e] -- (ppr sty loc)
-	  PprDebug     -> pp_debug
-	  PprUnfolding -> pp_debug
-	  _	       -> pp_name
-      where
-	pp_exp NotExported = ppNil
-	pp_exp ExportAll   = ppPStr SLIT("/EXP(..)")
-	pp_exp ExportAbs   = ppPStr SLIT("/EXP")
--- little utility gizmos...
-pp_occur_name, pp_local_name :: FAST_STRING -> Provenance -> Pretty
-pp_occur_name s (OtherPrelude o)  | s /= o = ppBesides [ppChar '{', ppPStr o, ppChar '}']
-pp_occur_name s (OtherModule o ms)| s /= o = ppBesides [ppChar '{', ppPStr o, ppChar '}']
-	-- ToDo: print the "informant modules"?
-pp_occur_name _ _			   = ppNil
-pp_local_name s (OtherPrelude o)  | s /= o = ppPStr o
-pp_local_name s (OtherModule o ms)| s /= o = ppPStr o
-pp_local_name s _			   = ppPStr s
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/ProtoName.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/ProtoName.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index d8e360126261d8a55160cc5b2c4efca926d24ba1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/ProtoName.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-\section[ProtoName]{@ProtoName@: name type used early in the compiler}
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module ProtoName (
-	ProtoName(..),
-	mkPreludeProtoName,
-	cmpProtoName, eqProtoName, elemProtoNames,
-	cmpByLocalName, eqByLocalName, elemByLocalNames,
-	isConopPN
-	-- and to make the module self-sufficient...
-    ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import Name		( Name )
-import Outputable	( ifPprShowAll, isConop )
-import Pretty
-import Util
-%*									*
-\subsection{The main type declaration}
-%*									*
-data ProtoName
-  = Unk		FAST_STRING	-- local name in module
-  | Qunk	FAST_STRING	-- qualified name
-  | Imp		FAST_STRING	-- name of defining module
-		FAST_STRING	-- name used in defining name
-		[FAST_STRING]	-- name of the module whose interfaces
-				-- told me about this thing
-		FAST_STRING	-- occurrence name;
-  | Prel	Name
-%*									*
-%*									*
-mkPreludeProtoName :: Name -> ProtoName
-mkPreludeProtoName prel_name = Prel prel_name
-%*									*
-%*									*
-Comparing @ProtoNames@.  These functions are used to bring together
-duplicate declarations for things, and eliminate all but one.
-In general, the things thus manipulated are not prelude things, but we
-still need to be able to compare prelude classes and type constructors
-so that we can compare instance declarations.  However, since all
-Prelude classes and type constructors come from @PreludeCore@, and
-hence can't not be in scope, they will always be of the form (@Prel@
-n), so we don't need to compare @Prel@ things against @Imp@ or @Unk@
-(Later the same night...: but, oh yes, you do:
-Given two instance decls
-instance Eq  {-PreludeCore-}	Foo
-instance Bar {-user-defined-} 	Foo
-you will get a comparison of "Eq" (a Prel) with "Bar" (an {Unk,Imp}))
-@cmp_name@ compares either by ``local name'' (the string by which
-the entity is known in this module) or by original
-name, in which case the module name is also taken into account.
-(Just watch what happens on @Imps@...)
-cmp_name :: Bool -> ProtoName -> ProtoName -> TAG_
-cmp_name by_local (Unk n1) (Unk n2)        = _CMP_STRING_ n1 n2
-cmp_name by_local (Unk n1) (Imp m n2 _ o2) = _CMP_STRING_ n1 (if by_local then o2 else n2)
-cmp_name by_local (Unk n1) (Prel nm)
-  =  let  (_, n2) = getOrigName nm  in
-     _CMP_STRING_ n1 n2
-cmp_name by_local (Prel n1) (Prel n2) = cmp n1 n2
--- in ordering these things, it's *most* important to have "names" (vs "modules")
--- as the primary comparison key; otherwise, a list of ProtoNames like...
---	Imp H.T , Imp P.I , Unk T
--- will *not* be re-ordered to bring the "Imp H.T" and "Unk T" `next to each other'...
-cmp_name True  (Imp _ _ _ o1) (Imp _ _ _ o2) = _CMP_STRING_ o1 o2
-cmp_name False (Imp m1 n1 _ _) (Imp m2 n2 _ _)
-  = case _CMP_STRING_ n1 n2 of {
-      LT_ -> LT_;
-      EQ_ -> case _CMP_STRING_ m1 m2 of {
-	       EQ_ -> EQ_;
-	       xxx -> if _NULL_ m1 || _NULL_ m2
-		      then EQ_
-		      else xxx
-	     };
-      GT__ -> GT_
-    }
-    -- That's a real **HACK** on comparing "original module" names!
-    -- The thing is: we `make up' ProtoNames for instances for
-    -- sorting-out-interfaces purposes, but we *may* not know the
-    -- original module, so it will be Nil.  This is the *ONLY* way
-    -- that a "" `module name' can arise!  Rather than say "not equal",
-    -- we want that Nil to compare as a `wildcard', matching anything.
-    --
-    -- We could do this elsewhere in the compiler, but there is
-    -- an efficiency issue -- we plow through *piles* of instances.
-cmp_name True (Imp _ _ _ o1) (Prel nm)
-  = let
-	n2 = case (getOrigName nm) of { (_, x) -> x } -- stricter for speed
-    in
-    _CMP_STRING_ o1 n2
-cmp_name False (Imp m1 n1 _ _) (Prel nm)
-  = case getOrigName nm   of { (m2, n2) ->
-    case _CMP_STRING_ n1 n2 of { LT_ -> LT_; EQ_ -> _CMP_STRING_ m1 m2; GT__ -> GT_ }}
-cmp_name by_local other_p1 other_p2
-  = case cmp_name by_local other_p2 other_p1 of -- compare the other way around
-      LT_  -> GT_
-      EQ_  -> EQ_
-      GT__ -> LT_
-eqProtoName, eqByLocalName :: ProtoName -> ProtoName -> Bool
-eqProtoName a b
-  = case cmp_name False a b of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False }
-cmpProtoName a b = cmp_name False a b
-eqByLocalName a b
-  = case cmp_name True  a b of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False }
-cmpByLocalName a b = cmp_name True a b
-elemProtoNames, elemByLocalNames :: ProtoName -> [ProtoName] -> Bool
-elemProtoNames _ []	= False
-elemProtoNames x (y:ys)
-  = case cmp_name False x y of
-      LT_  -> elemProtoNames x ys
-      EQ_  -> True
-      GT__ -> elemProtoNames x ys
-elemByLocalNames _ []	  = False
-elemByLocalNames x (y:ys)
-  = case cmp_name True x y of
-      LT_  -> elemByLocalNames x ys
-      EQ_  -> True
-      GT__ -> elemByLocalNames x ys
-isConopPN :: ProtoName -> Bool
-isConopPN (Unk    s)	 = isConop s
-isConopPN (Qunk _ s)	 = isConop s
-isConopPN (Imp  _ n _ _) = isConop n -- ToDo: should use occurrence name???
-%*									*
-%*									*
-Use eqByLocalName, ...., etc. instead
-instance Eq ProtoName where
-    a == b = case cmp_name False a b of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False }
-instance Ord ProtoName where
-    a <  b = case cmp_name False a b of { LT_ -> True; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> False }
-    a <= b = case cmp_name False a b of { LT_ -> True; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> False }
-instance NamedThing ProtoName where
-    getOrigName (Unk _)		= panic "NamedThing.ProtoName.getOrigName (Unk)"
-    getOrigName (Qunk _ _)	= panic "NamedThing.ProtoName.getOrigName (Qunk)"
-    getOrigName (Imp m s _ _)	= (m, s)
-    getOrigName (Prel name)	= getOrigName name
-    getOccurrenceName (Unk s)	    = s
-    getOccurrenceName (Qunk _ s)    = s
-    getOccurrenceName (Imp m s _ o) = o
-    getOccurrenceName (Prel name)   = getOccurrenceName name
-#ifdef DEBUG
-    getSrcLoc pn		= panic "NamedThing.ProtoName.getSrcLoc"
-    getInformingModules pn	= panic "NamedThing.ProtoName.getInformingModule"
-    getItsUnique pn		= panic "NamedThing.ProtoName.getItsUnique"
-    fromPreludeCore pn		= panic "NamedThing.ProtoName.fromPreludeCore"
-    getExportFlag pn		= panic "NamedThing.ProtoName.getExportFlag"
-    isLocallyDefined pn		= panic "NamedThing.ProtoName.isLocallyDefined"
-instance Outputable ProtoName where
-    ppr sty (Unk s)     = ppPStr s
-    ppr sty (Qunk m s)  = ppBesides [ppPStr m, ppChar '.', ppPStr s]
-    ppr sty (Prel name) = ppBeside (ppr sty name) (ifPprShowAll sty (ppPStr SLIT("/PREL")))
-    ppr sty (Imp mod dec imod loc)
-      = ppBesides [ppPStr mod, ppChar '.', ppPStr dec, pp_occur_name dec loc ]
-	-- ToDo: print "informant modules" if high debugging level
-      where
-	 pp_occur_name s o | s /= o    = ppBesides [ppChar '{', ppPStr o, ppChar '}']
-			   | otherwise = ppNil
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
index 1915538caecc092b7849f8845688226cdeb604b9..47b54a82b3c0c72f03f18eca050a6f01d4521ecf 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/UniqSupply.lhs
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ mkPseudoUnique1, mkPseudoUnique2, mkPseudoUnique3,
  mkBuiltinUnique :: Int -> Unique
 mkBuiltinUnique i = mkUnique 'B' i
-mkPseudoUnique1 i = mkUnique 'C' i -- used for getItsUnique on Regs
+mkPseudoUnique1 i = mkUnique 'C' i -- used for uniqueOf on Regs
 mkPseudoUnique2 i = mkUnique 'D' i -- ditto
 mkPseudoUnique3 i = mkUnique 'E' i -- ditto
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
index e097564781f2f3f58979b2e3db073b29df926f23..d3ee26e54458fe9e4df8a03b8b329b489a4263d1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/Unique.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Haskell).
 --<mkdependHS:friends> UniqSupply
 module Unique (
-	Unique,
+	Unique, Uniquable(..),
 	u2i,				-- hack: used in UniqFM
 	pprUnique, pprUnique10, showUnique,
@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ module Unique (
-	negateClassOpKey,
@@ -290,6 +289,12 @@ instance Ord Unique where
 instance Ord3 Unique where
     cmp = cmpUnique
+class Uniquable a where
+    uniqueOf :: a -> Unique
+instance Uniquable Unique where
+    uniqueOf u = u
 We do sometimes make strings with @Uniques@ in them:
@@ -313,9 +318,6 @@ instance Outputable Unique where
 instance Text Unique where
     showsPrec p uniq rest = _UNPK_ (showUnique uniq)
     readsPrec p = panic "no readsPrec for Unique"
-instance NamedThing Unique where
-    getItsUnique u = u
@@ -579,7 +581,6 @@ enumFromToClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 38
 enumFromThenToClassOpKey= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 39
 eqClassOpKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 40
 geClassOpKey		= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 41
-negateClassOpKey	= mkPreludeMiscIdUnique 42
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
index 4d17fc1a6267feba861a9133a991f50affa58dee..e678d180d4ff78c38609ce3a0da68161a73be99e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgBindery.lhs
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import Id		( idPrimRep, toplevelishId, isDataCon,
 			  GenId{-instance NamedThing-}
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
+import Outputable	( isLocallyDefined )
 import PprAbsC		( pprAmode )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import StgSyn		( StgArg(..), StgLiveVars(..), GenStgArg(..) )
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ newTempAmodeAndIdInfo :: Id -> LambdaFormInfo -> (CAddrMode, CgIdInfo)
 newTempAmodeAndIdInfo name lf_info
   = (temp_amode, temp_idinfo)
-    uniq       	= getItsUnique name
+    uniq       	= uniqueOf name
     temp_amode	= CTemp uniq (idPrimRep name)
     temp_idinfo = tempIdInfo name uniq lf_info
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
index 5ed617db045ba43ed6e62ab971cfedfd07261138..1caec5f66b65a738a260ec41076984ac99e391a4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgCase.lhs
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ import HeapOffs		( VirtualSpBOffset(..), VirtualHeapOffset(..) )
 import Id		( idPrimRep, toplevelishId,
 			  dataConTag, fIRST_TAG, ConTag(..),
 			  isDataCon, DataCon(..),
-			  idSetToList, GenId{-instance NamedThing,Eq-}
+			  idSetToList, GenId{-instance Uniquable,Eq-}
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ getPrimAppResultAmodes uniq (StgAlgAlts ty alts other_default)
     -- Turn them into amodes
     arg_amodes = concat (map mk_amodes sorted_alts)
     mk_amodes (con, args, use_mask, rhs)
-      = [ CTemp (getItsUnique arg) (idPrimRep arg) | arg <- args ]
+      = [ CTemp (uniqueOf arg) (idPrimRep arg) | arg <- args ]
 The situation is simpler for primitive
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs
index 4252890f08e1662e064faaaadc91edfa7e723ade..a3113e441f69449308f0fd08c8cf681a3fa2d564 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgConTbls.lhs
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ import Id		( dataConTag, dataConSig,
 			  GenId{-instance NamedThing-}
+import Outputable	( getLocalName )
 import PrimRep		( getPrimRepSize, PrimRep(..) )
 import TyCon		( tyConDataCons, mkSpecTyCon )
 import Type		( typePrimRep )
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ genConInfo comp_info tycon data_con
     entry_addr = CLbl entry_label CodePtrRep
-    con_descr  = _UNPK_ (getOccurrenceName data_con)
+    con_descr  = _UNPK_ (getLocalName data_con)
     closure_code        = CClosureInfoAndCode closure_info body Nothing
 					      stdUpd con_descr
@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ genPhantomUpdInfo comp_info tycon data_con
 	    phantom_ci = layOutPhantomClosure data_con (mkConLFInfo data_con)
-	    con_descr = _UNPK_ (getOccurrenceName data_con)
+	    con_descr = _UNPK_ (getLocalName data_con)
 	    con_arity = dataConArity data_con
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
index ae3bc5cd04601ccf521bc7e07d7397479bb0a945..6256db0a14cfad6cd8f934c8db23e951c68ff423 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/ClosureInfo.lhs
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ import Id		( idType, idPrimRep, getIdArity,
 import IdInfo		( arityMaybe )
 import Maybes		( assocMaybe, maybeToBool )
+import Outputable	( isLocallyDefined, getLocalName )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType{-instance Outputable-} )
 import PrimRep		( getPrimRepSize, separateByPtrFollowness )
@@ -1322,7 +1323,7 @@ closureKind (MkClosureInfo _ lf _)
 closureTypeDescr :: ClosureInfo -> String
 closureTypeDescr (MkClosureInfo id lf _)
   = if (isDataCon id) then			-- DataCon has function types
-	_UNPK_ (getOccurrenceName (dataConTyCon id))	-- We want the TyCon not the ->
+	_UNPK_ (getLocalName (dataConTyCon id))	-- We want the TyCon not the ->
 	getTyDescription (idType id)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs
index ecae1733c40a356f334a0c12c794c1d140dcc776..9020e0b41e6b30cf469658bebb3b68eb0d551f3d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLift.lhs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Id		( idType, mkSysLocal,
 			  nullIdEnv, growIdEnvList, lookupIdEnv, IdEnv(..),
+import Outputable	( isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc )
 import PrelInfo		( liftDataCon, mkLiftTy, statePrimTyCon )
 import TyCon		( isBoxedTyCon, TyCon{-instance-} )
 import Type		( maybeAppDataTyCon, eqTy )
@@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ mkLiftedId id u
   = ASSERT (isUnboxedButNotState unlifted_ty)
     (lifted_id, unlifted_id)
-    id_name     = getOccurrenceName id
+    id_name     = panic "CoreLift.mkLiftedId:id_name" --LATER: getOccName id
     lifted_id   = updateIdType id lifted_ty
     unlifted_id = mkSysLocal id_name u unlifted_ty (getSrcLoc id)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
index e31af01511404a60f343ec31c7282fe35e474a74..6cff5a159ea2063e715cb2cff79ab50a61d0520c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ import Id		( idType, isBottomingId,
 			  getInstantiatedDataConSig, GenId{-instances-}
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
-import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )
+import Outputable	( isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc,
+			  Outputable(..){-instance * []-}
+			)
 import PprCore
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar, TyCon )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs
index 51446f29c1c74b2cca4573e6932e9ff87b0d40a6..bcc9133cb307b97ffde1c2bf73354bd13bd6aae2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsBinds.lhs
@@ -10,14 +10,12 @@ Datatype for: @HsBinds@, @Bind@, @Sig@, @MonoBinds@.
 module HsBinds where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
 -- friends:
 import HsLoop
 import HsMatches	( pprMatches, pprGRHSsAndBinds,
-			  Match, GRHSsAndBinds
-			)
+			  Match, GRHSsAndBinds )
 import HsPat		( collectPatBinders, InPat )
 import HsPragmas	( GenPragmas, ClassOpPragmas )
 import HsTypes		( PolyType )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsCore.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsCore.lhs
index 08bce62fbd49b3a25a0932060b1dfbb96935c87f..aac5fd6136b6ad2528d611199618729558879838 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsCore.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsCore.lhs
@@ -14,27 +14,22 @@ We could either use this, or parameterise @GenCoreExpr@ on @Types@ and
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module HsCore (
-	-- types:
 	UnfoldingCoreExpr(..), UnfoldingCoreAlts(..),
 	UnfoldingCoreDefault(..), UnfoldingCoreBinding(..),
 	UnfoldingCoreAtom(..), UfId(..), UnfoldingType(..),
-	UnfoldingPrimOp(..), UfCostCentre(..),
-	-- function:
-	eqUfExpr
+	UnfoldingPrimOp(..), UfCostCentre(..)
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
 -- friends:
-import HsTypes		( cmpPolyType, MonoType(..), PolyType(..) )
+import HsTypes		( MonoType, PolyType )
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp, tagOf_PrimOp )
 -- others:
 import Literal		( Literal )
-import Outputable	( Outputable(..) {-instances-} )
+import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )
 import Pretty
-import ProtoName	( cmpProtoName, eqProtoName, ProtoName )
 import Util		( panic )
@@ -215,128 +210,3 @@ pprUfId sty (WorkerUfId unwrkr)
   = ppBesides [ppStr "({-wrkr-}", pprUfId sty unwrkr, ppStr ")"]
-%*									*
-\subsection[HsCore-equality]{Comparing Core unfoldings}
-%*									*
-We want to check that they are {\em exactly} the same.
---eqUfExpr :: ProtoNameCoreExpr -> ProtoNameCoreExpr -> Bool
-eqUfExpr (UfVar v1)     (UfVar v2)     = eqUfId v1 v2
-eqUfExpr (UfLit l1) (UfLit l2) = l1 == l2
-eqUfExpr (UfCon c1 tys1 as1) (UfCon c2 tys2 as2)
-  = eq_name c1 c2 && eq_lists eq_type tys1 tys2 && eq_lists eq_atom as1 as2
-eqUfExpr (UfPrim o1 tys1 as1) (UfPrim o2 tys2 as2)
-  = eq_op o1 o2 && eq_lists eq_type tys1 tys2 && eq_lists eq_atom as1 as2
-  where
-    eq_op (UfCCallOp _ _ _ _ _) (UfCCallOp _ _ _ _ _) = True
-    eq_op (UfOtherOp o1)        (UfOtherOp o2)
-      = tagOf_PrimOp o1 _EQ_ tagOf_PrimOp o2
-eqUfExpr (UfLam bs1 body1) (UfLam bs2 body2)
-  = eq_binder bs1 bs2 && eqUfExpr body1 body2
-eqUfExpr (UfApp fun1 arg1) (UfApp fun2 arg2)
-  = eqUfExpr fun1 fun2 && eq_atom arg1 arg2
-eqUfExpr (UfCase scrut1 alts1) (UfCase scrut2 alts2)
-  = eqUfExpr scrut1 scrut2 && eq_alts alts1 alts2
-  where
-    eq_alts (UfCoAlgAlts alts1 deflt1) (UfCoAlgAlts alts2 deflt2)
-      = eq_lists eq_alt alts1 alts2 && eq_deflt deflt1 deflt2
-      where
-       eq_alt (c1,bs1,rhs1) (c2,bs2,rhs2)
-	 = eq_name c1 c2 && eq_lists eq_binder bs1 bs2 && eqUfExpr rhs1 rhs2
-    eq_alts (UfCoPrimAlts alts1 deflt1) (UfCoPrimAlts alts2 deflt2)
-      = eq_lists eq_alt alts1 alts2 && eq_deflt deflt1 deflt2
-      where
-       eq_alt (l1,rhs1) (l2,rhs2)
-	 = l1 == l2 && eqUfExpr rhs1 rhs2
-    eq_alts _ _ = False -- catch-all
-    eq_deflt UfCoNoDefault UfCoNoDefault = True
-    eq_deflt (UfCoBindDefault b1 rhs1) (UfCoBindDefault b2 rhs2)
-      = eq_binder b1 b2 && eqUfExpr rhs1 rhs2
-    eq_deflt _ _ = False
-eqUfExpr (UfLet (UfCoNonRec b1 rhs1) body1) (UfLet (UfCoNonRec b2 rhs2) body2)
-  = eq_binder b1 b2 && eqUfExpr rhs1 rhs2 && eqUfExpr body1 body2
-eqUfExpr (UfLet (UfCoRec pairs1) body1) (UfLet (UfCoRec pairs2) body2)
-  = eq_lists eq_pair pairs1 pairs2 && eqUfExpr body1 body2
-  where
-    eq_pair (b1,rhs1) (b2,rhs2) = eq_binder b1 b2 && eqUfExpr rhs1 rhs2
-eqUfExpr (UfSCC cc1 body1) (UfSCC cc2 body2)
-  = {-trace "eqUfExpr: not comparing cost-centres!"-} (eqUfExpr body1 body2)
-eqUfExpr _ _ = False -- Catch-all
-eqUfId (BoringUfId n1) (BoringUfId n2)
-  = eq_name n1 n2
-eqUfId (SuperDictSelUfId a1 b1) (SuperDictSelUfId a2 b2)
-  = eq_name a1 a2 && eq_name b1 b2
-eqUfId (ClassOpUfId a1 b1) (ClassOpUfId a2 b2)
-  = eq_name a1 a2 && eq_name b1 b2
-eqUfId (DictFunUfId c1 t1) (DictFunUfId c2 t2)
-  = eq_name c1 c2 && eq_tycon t1 t2 -- NB: **** only compare TyCons ******
-  where
-    eq_tycon = panic "HsCore:eqUfId:eq_tycon:ToDo"
-{- LATER:
-    eq_tycon (UnoverloadedTy ty1) (UnoverloadedTy ty2)
-      = case (cmpInstanceTypes ty1 ty2) of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False }
-    eq_tycon ty1 ty2
-      = trace "eq_tycon" (eq_type ty1 ty2) -- desperately try something else
-eqUfId (ConstMethodUfId	a1 b1 t1) (ConstMethodUfId a2 b2 t2)
-  = eq_name a1 a2 && eq_name b1 b2 && eq_type t1 t2
-eqUfId (DefaultMethodUfId a1 b1) (DefaultMethodUfId a2 b2)
-  = eq_name a1 a2 && eq_name b1 b2
-eqUfId (SpecUfId id1 tms1) (SpecUfId id2 tms2)
-  = eqUfId id1 id2 && eq_lists eq_ty_maybe tms1 tms2
-  where
-    eq_ty_maybe = panic "HsCore:eqUfId:eq_ty_maybe:ToDo"
-    eq_ty_maybe Nothing Nothing = True
-    eq_ty_maybe (Just ty1) (Just ty2)
-      = eq_type (UnoverloadedTy ty1) (UnoverloadedTy ty2)
-      -- a HACKy way to compare MonoTypes (ToDo) [WDP 94/05/02]
-    eq_ty_maybe _ _ = False
-eqUfId (WorkerUfId id1) (WorkerUfId id2)
-  = eqUfId id1 id2
-eqUfId _ _ = False -- catch-all
-eq_atom (UfCoVarAtom id1) (UfCoVarAtom id2) = eqUfId id1 id2
-eq_atom (UfCoLitAtom l1) (UfCoLitAtom l2) = l1 == l2
-eq_atom _ _ = False
-eq_binder (n1, ty1) (n2, ty2) = eq_name n1 n2 && eq_type ty1 ty2
-eq_name :: ProtoName -> ProtoName -> Bool
-eq_name pn1 pn2 = eqProtoName pn1 pn2 -- uses original names
-eq_type ty1 ty2
-  = case (cmpPolyType cmpProtoName ty1 ty2) of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False }
-eq_lists :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
-eq_lists eq [] [] = True
-eq_lists eq [] _  = False
-eq_lists eq _  [] = False
-eq_lists eq (x:xs) (y:ys) = eq x y && eq_lists eq xs ys
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
index 18f817a650e273c341510e0bcb8fdd060695a694..6952ef0c8bd8850137ea46da69c6ad05de90983b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsDecls.lhs
@@ -11,19 +11,17 @@ Definitions for: @FixityDecl@, @TyDecl@ and @ConDecl@, @ClassDecl@,
 module HsDecls where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
 -- friends:
 import HsLoop		( nullMonoBinds, MonoBinds, Sig )
 import HsPragmas	( DataPragmas, ClassPragmas,
-			  InstancePragmas, ClassOpPragmas
-			)
+			  InstancePragmas, ClassOpPragmas )
 import HsTypes
 -- others:
 import Outputable
 import Pretty
-import ProtoName	( cmpProtoName, ProtoName )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 import Util		( cmpList, panic#{-ToDo:rm eventually-} )
@@ -34,9 +32,6 @@ import Util		( cmpList, panic#{-ToDo:rm eventually-} )
 %*									*
-These are only used in generating interfaces at the moment.  They are
-not used in pretty-printing.
 data FixityDecl name
   = InfixL	name Int
@@ -173,28 +168,6 @@ data BangType name
   | Unbanged (MonoType name)
-In checking interfaces, we need to ``compare'' @ConDecls@.  Use with care!
-eqConDecls cons1 cons2
-  = case (cmpList cmp cons1 cons2) of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False }
-  where
-    cmp (ConDecl n1 tys1 _) (ConDecl n2 tys2 _)
-      = case cmpProtoName n1 n2 of
-	  EQ_ -> cmpList cmp_bang_ty tys1 tys2
-	  xxx -> xxx
-    cmp (ConOpDecl _ _ _ _) _  = panic# "eqConDecls:ConOpDecl"
-    cmp (RecConDecl _ _ _)  _  = panic# "eqConDecls:RecConDecl"
-    cmp (NewConDecl _ _ _)  _  = panic# "eqConDecls:NewConDecl"
-    -------------
-    cmp_ty = cmpMonoType cmpProtoName
-    -------------
-    cmp_bang_ty (Banged   ty1) (Banged   ty2) = cmp_ty ty1 ty2
-    cmp_bang_ty (Unbanged ty1) (Unbanged ty2) = cmp_ty ty1 ty2
-    cmp_bang_ty (Banged   _)   _	      = LT_
-    cmp_bang_ty _	       _	      = GT_
 instance (NamedThing name, Outputable name) => Outputable (ConDecl name) where
@@ -237,12 +210,17 @@ instance (NamedThing name, Outputable name, Outputable pat,
 		=> Outputable (ClassDecl tyvar uvar name pat) where
     ppr sty (ClassDecl context clas tyvar sigs methods pragmas src_loc)
-     = ppAboves [ppCat [ppStr "class", pprContext sty context, ppr sty clas,
-			ppr sty tyvar, ppStr "where"],
-			-- ToDo: really shouldn't print "where" unless there are sigs
-		 ppNest 4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) sigs)),
-		 ppNest 4 (ppr sty methods),
-		 ppNest 4 (ppr sty pragmas)]
+     = let 
+           top_matter = ppCat [ppStr "class", pprContext sty context,
+                               ppr sty clas, ppr sty tyvar]
+       in
+       if null sigs && nullMonoBinds methods then
+	   ppAbove top_matter (ppNest 4 (ppr sty pragmas))
+       else
+	   ppAboves [ppCat [top_matter, ppStr "where"],
+		     ppNest 4 (ppAboves (map (ppr sty) sigs)),
+		     ppNest 4 (ppr sty methods),
+		     ppNest 4 (ppr sty pragmas) ]
@@ -265,10 +243,8 @@ data InstDecl tyvar uvar name pat
 				-- module being compiled; False <=> It is from
 				-- an imported interface.
-		FAST_STRING	-- The name of the module where the instance decl
-				-- originally came from; easy enough if it's
-				-- the module being compiled; otherwise, the
-				-- info comes from a pragma.
+		(Maybe Module)	-- The name of the module where the instance decl
+				-- originally came from; Nothing => Prelude
 		[Sig name]		-- actually user-supplied pragmatic info
 		(InstancePragmas name)	-- interface-supplied pragmatic info
@@ -293,11 +269,10 @@ instance (NamedThing name, Outputable name, Outputable pat,
 	if nullMonoBinds binds && null uprags then
 	    ppAbove top_matter (ppNest 4 (ppr sty pragmas))
-	    ppAboves [
-	      ppCat [top_matter, ppStr "where"],
-	      if null uprags then ppNil else ppNest 4 (ppr sty uprags),
-	      ppNest 4 (ppr sty binds),
-	      ppNest 4 (ppr sty pragmas) ]
+	    ppAboves [ppCat [top_matter, ppStr "where"],
+	              if null uprags then ppNil else ppNest 4 (ppr sty uprags),
+	              ppNest 4 (ppr sty binds),
+	              ppNest 4 (ppr sty pragmas) ]
 A type for recording what instances the user wants to specialise;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
index fc9356ade7703ca4ea1de0b8520f5f3f082eb061..8c62d1835df2db32ec6c15112c5f38f0647426aa 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsExpr.lhs
@@ -45,17 +45,20 @@ data HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat
   | HsApp	(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- application
 		(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)
-  -- Operator applications and sections.
+  -- Operator applications:
   -- NB Bracketed ops such as (+) come out as Vars.
+  -- NB We need an expr for the operator in an OpApp/Section since
+  -- the typechecker may need to apply the operator to a few types.
   | OpApp	(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- left operand
 		(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- operator
 		(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- right operand
-  -- ADR Question? Why is the "op" in a section an expr when it will
-  -- have to be of the form (HsVar op) anyway?
-  -- WDP Answer: But when the typechecker gets ahold of it, it may
-  -- apply the var to a few types; it will then be an expression.
+  -- We preserve prefix negation and parenthesis for the precedence parser.
+  | NegApp	(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- negated expr
+  | HsPar	(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- parenthesised expr
   | SectionL	(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- operand
 		(HsExpr tyvar uvar id pat)	-- operator
@@ -198,6 +201,7 @@ pprExpr sty expr@(HsApp e1 e2)
     collect_args (HsApp fun arg) args = collect_args fun (arg:args)
     collect_args fun		 args = (fun, args)
 pprExpr sty (OpApp e1 op e2)
   = case op of
       HsVar v -> pp_infixly v
@@ -212,6 +216,13 @@ pprExpr sty (OpApp e1 op e2)
     pp_infixly v
       = ppSep [pp_e1, ppCat [pprOp sty v, pp_e2]]
+pprExpr sty (NegApp e)
+  = ppBeside (ppChar '-') (ppParens (pprExpr sty e))
+pprExpr sty (HsPar e)
+  = ppParens (pprExpr sty e)
 pprExpr sty (SectionL expr op)
   = case op of
       HsVar v -> pp_infixly v
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsImpExp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsImpExp.lhs
index f5c579b3182c4997c52b6ef4c286db6eba4f53fe..031bf93a3f2872533008cdd0fee984d155100ae6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsImpExp.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsImpExp.lhs
@@ -8,17 +8,12 @@
 module HsImpExp where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
--- friends:
-import HsDecls		( FixityDecl, TyDecl, ClassDecl, InstDecl )
-import HsBinds		( Sig )
--- others:
 import Outputable
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
-import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc{-instances-} )
+import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
@@ -29,22 +24,19 @@ import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc{-instances-} )
 One per \tr{import} declaration in a module.
-data ImportedInterface tyvar uvar name pat
-  = ImportMod	  (Interface tyvar uvar name pat)
+data ImportDecl name
+  = ImportDecl	  Module			-- module name
 		  Bool				-- qualified?
-		  (Maybe FAST_STRING)		-- as Modid
+		  (Maybe Module)		-- as Module
 		  (Maybe (Bool, [IE name]))	-- (hiding?, names)
+		  SrcLoc
-instance (NamedThing name, Outputable name, Outputable pat,
-	  Eq tyvar, Outputable tyvar, Eq uvar, Outputable uvar)
-	   => Outputable (ImportedInterface tyvar uvar name pat) where
-    ppr sty (ImportMod iface qual as spec)
-      = ppAbove (ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "import", pp_qual qual, ppr PprForUser iface, pp_as as])
-	              4 (pp_spec spec))
-		(case sty of {PprForUser -> ppNil; _ -> ppr sty iface})
+instance (Outputable name) => Outputable (ImportDecl name) where
+    ppr sty (ImportDecl mod qual as spec _)
+      = ppHang (ppCat [ppStr "import", pp_qual qual, ppPStr mod, pp_as as])
+	     4 (pp_spec spec)
 	pp_qual False   = ppNil
 	pp_qual True	= ppStr "qualified"
@@ -71,7 +63,7 @@ data IE name
   | IEThingAbs          name		-- Constructor/Type/Class (can't tell)
   | IEThingAll          name		-- Class/Type plus all methods/constructors
   | IEThingWith		name [name]	-- Class/Type plus some methods/constructors
-  | IEModuleContents    FAST_STRING	-- (Export Only)
+  | IEModuleContents    Module		-- (Export Only)
@@ -85,60 +77,3 @@ instance (Outputable name) => Outputable (IE name) where
     ppr sty (IEModuleContents mod)
 	= ppBeside (ppPStr SLIT("module ")) (ppPStr mod)
-%*									*
-%*									*
-data Interface tyvar uvar name pat
-  = Interface	FAST_STRING			-- module name
-		[IfaceImportDecl name]
-		[FixityDecl name]
-		[TyDecl name]			-- data decls may have no constructors
-		[ClassDecl tyvar uvar name pat]	-- without default methods
-		[InstDecl  tyvar uvar name pat]	-- without method defns
-		[Sig name]
-		SrcLoc
-instance (NamedThing name, Outputable name, Outputable pat,
-	  Eq tyvar, Outputable tyvar, Eq uvar, Outputable uvar)
-	     => Outputable (Interface tyvar uvar name pat) where
-    ppr PprForUser (Interface name _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = ppPStr name
-    ppr sty (Interface name iimpdecls fixities tydecls classdecls instdecls sigs anns)
-      = ppAboves [ppStr "{-",
-		  ifPprShowAll sty (ppr sty anns),
-		  ppCat [ppStr "interface", ppPStr name, ppStr "where"],
-		  ppNest 4 (ppAboves [
-		      pp_nonnull iimpdecls,
-		      pp_nonnull fixities,
-		      pp_nonnull tydecls,
-		      pp_nonnull classdecls,
-		      pp_nonnull instdecls,
-		      pp_nonnull sigs]),
-		  ppStr "-}"]
-      where
-	pp_nonnull [] = ppNil
-	pp_nonnull xs = ppAboves (map (ppr sty) xs)
-data IfaceImportDecl name
-  = IfaceImportDecl FAST_STRING	    -- module we're being told about
-		    [IE name]	    -- things we're being told about
-		    SrcLoc
-instance Outputable name => Outputable (IfaceImportDecl name) where
-    ppr sty (IfaceImportDecl mod names src_loc)
-      = ppHang (ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("import"), ppPStr mod, ppLparen])
-	     4 (ppSep [ppCat [interpp'SP sty names, ppRparen]])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs
index 11e4d260094a601fb7baccd3c3234ca64e5a0106..9cf88be29af4850ad5813f38a31f25122236cee4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPat.lhs
@@ -47,6 +47,12 @@ data InPat name
   | ConOpPatIn	    (InPat name)
 		    (InPat name)
+  -- We preserve prefix negation and parenthesis for the precedence parser.
+  | NegPatIn	    (InPat name)	-- negated pattern
+  | ParPatIn        (InPat name)	-- parenthesised pattern
   | ListPatIn	    [InPat name]	-- syntactic list
 					-- must have >= 1 elements
   | TuplePatIn	    [InPat name]	-- tuple
@@ -124,8 +130,15 @@ pprInPat sty (ConPatIn c pats)
 pprInPat sty (ConOpPatIn pat1 op pat2)
  = ppBesides [ppLparen, ppr sty pat1, ppSP, ppr sty op, ppSP, ppr sty pat2, ppRparen]
--- ToDo: use pprOp to print op (but this involves fiddling various
--- contexts & I'm lazy...); *PatIns are *rarely* printed anyway... (WDP)
+	-- ToDo: use pprOp to print op (but this involves fiddling various
+	-- contexts & I'm lazy...); *PatIns are *rarely* printed anyway... (WDP)
+pprInPat sty (NegPatIn pat)
+  = ppBeside (ppChar '-') (ppParens (pprInPat sty pat))
+pprInPat sty (ParPatIn pat)
+  = ppParens (pprInPat sty pat)
 pprInPat sty (ListPatIn pats)
   = ppBesides [ppLbrack, interpp'SP sty pats, ppRbrack]
@@ -185,7 +198,7 @@ pprOutPat sty (DictPat dicts methods)
 	  ppBesides [ppBracket (interpp'SP sty methods), ppRparen]]
 pprConPatTy sty ty
- = ppBesides [ppLparen, ppr sty ty, ppRparen]
+ = ppParens (ppr sty ty)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPragmas.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPragmas.lhs
index 1e5d9d10fa57834860209406cdba074e250f649f..59a29b3757f652aa151269c1051a4fcbf7dedba8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPragmas.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsPragmas.lhs
@@ -9,23 +9,22 @@
 See also: @Sig@ (``signatures'') which is where user-supplied pragmas
 for values show up; ditto @SpecInstSig@ (for instances) and
-@SpecDataSig@ (for data types and type synonyms).
+@SpecDataSig@ (for data types).
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module HsPragmas where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
 -- friends:
-import HsLoop		( ConDecl )
 import HsCore		( UnfoldingCoreExpr )
 import HsTypes		( MonoType )
 -- others:
 import IdInfo
-import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instances-} )
+import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )
 import Pretty
@@ -34,12 +33,16 @@ Certain pragmas expect to be pinned onto certain constructs.
 Pragma types may be parameterised, just as with any other
 abstract-syntax type.
-For a @data@ declaration---makes visible the constructors for an
-abstract @data@ type and indicates which specialisations exist.
+For a @data@ declaration---indicates which specialisations exist.
 data DataPragmas name
-  = DataPragmas	[ConDecl name]		   -- hidden data constructors
-		[[Maybe (MonoType name)]]  -- types to which specialised
+  = NoDataPragmas
+  | DataPragmas	[[Maybe (MonoType name)]]  -- types to which specialised
+noDataPragmas = NoDataPragmas
+isNoDataPragmas NoDataPragmas = True
+isNoDataPragmas _             = False
 These are {\em general} things you can know about any value:
@@ -57,6 +60,9 @@ data GenPragmas name
 noGenPragmas = NoGenPragmas
+isNoGenPragmas NoGenPragmas = True
+isNoGenPragmas _            = False
 data ImpUnfolding name
   = NoImpUnfolding
   | ImpMagicUnfolding FAST_STRING	-- magic "unfolding"
@@ -78,6 +84,11 @@ For a class's super-class dictionary selectors:
 data ClassPragmas name
   = NoClassPragmas
   | SuperDictPragmas [GenPragmas name]	-- list mustn't be empty
+noClassPragmas = NoClassPragmas
+isNoClassPragmas NoClassPragmas = True
+isNoClassPragmas _              = False
 For a class's method selectors:
@@ -87,7 +98,11 @@ data ClassOpPragmas name
   | ClassOpPragmas  (GenPragmas name) -- for method selector
 		    (GenPragmas name) -- for default method
 noClassOpPragmas = NoClassOpPragmas
+isNoClassOpPragmas NoClassOpPragmas = True
+isNoClassOpPragmas _                = False
@@ -106,6 +121,11 @@ data InstancePragmas name
 	[([Maybe (MonoType name)], -- specialised instance; type...
 	  Int,			   -- #dicts to ignore
 	  InstancePragmas name)]   -- (no SpecialisedInstancePragma please!)
+noInstancePragmas = NoInstancePragmas
+isNoInstancePragmas NoInstancePragmas = True
+isNoInstancePragmas _                 = False
 Some instances for printing (just for debugging, really)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
index 447027c8bd67fb49527a1e25bcffbb4e112e2d34..aa4a6bdc9ba00e520292e24f263d9c386f52628d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsSyn.lhs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module HsSyn (
      ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
 -- friends:
 import HsBinds
@@ -39,13 +39,12 @@ import HsMatches
 import HsPat
 import HsTypes
 import HsPragmas	( ClassPragmas, ClassOpPragmas,
-			  DataPragmas, GenPragmas, InstancePragmas
-			)
+			  DataPragmas, GenPragmas, InstancePragmas )
 -- others:
 import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap )
-import Outputable	( ifPprShowAll, interpp'SP, Outputable(..){-instances-} )
+import Outputable	( ifPprShowAll, ifnotPprForUser, interpp'SP, Outputable(..) )
 import Pretty
-import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc{-instances-} )
+import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 @Fake@ is a placeholder type; for when tyvars and uvars aren't used.
@@ -57,29 +56,28 @@ instance Outputable Fake
 All we actually declare here is the top-level structure for a module.
+type Version = Int
 data HsModule tyvar uvar name pat
   = HsModule
-	FAST_STRING		-- module name
+	Module			-- module name
+	(Maybe Version)		-- source interface version number
 	(Maybe [IE name])	-- export list; Nothing => export everything
 				-- Just [] => export *nothing* (???)
 				-- Just [...] => as you would expect...
-	[ImportedInterface tyvar uvar name pat]
-				-- We snaffle interesting stuff out of the
+	[ImportDecl name]	-- We snaffle interesting stuff out of the
 				-- imported interfaces early on, adding that
 				-- info to TyDecls/etc; so this list is
 				-- often empty, downstream.
 	[FixityDecl name]
 	[TyDecl name]
-	[SpecDataSig name]	-- user pragmas that modify TyDecls
+	[SpecDataSig name]		-- user pragmas that modify TyDecls
 	[ClassDecl tyvar uvar name pat]
 	[InstDecl  tyvar uvar name pat]
-	[SpecInstSig name] 	-- user pragmas that modify InstDecls
+	[SpecInstSig name] 		-- user pragmas that modify InstDecls
 	[DefaultDecl name]
-	(HsBinds tyvar uvar name pat)	-- the main stuff!
-	[Sig name]		-- "Sigs" are folded into the "HsBinds"
-				-- pretty early on, so this list is
-				-- often either empty or just the
-				-- interface signatures.
+	(HsBinds tyvar uvar name pat)	-- the main stuff, includes source sigs
+	[Sig name]			-- interface sigs
@@ -88,11 +86,12 @@ instance (NamedThing name, Outputable name, Outputable pat,
 	  Eq tyvar, Outputable tyvar, Eq uvar, Outputable uvar)
 	=> Outputable (HsModule tyvar uvar name pat) where
-    ppr sty (HsModule name exports imports fixities
+    ppr sty (HsModule name iface_version exports imports fixities
 		      typedecls typesigs classdecls instdecls instsigs
 		      defdecls binds sigs src_loc)
       = ppAboves [
 	    ifPprShowAll sty (ppr sty src_loc),
+	    ifnotPprForUser sty (pp_iface_version iface_version),
 	    case exports of
 	      Nothing -> ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("module"), ppPStr name, ppPStr SLIT("where")]
 	      Just es -> ppAboves [
@@ -100,14 +99,21 @@ instance (NamedThing name, Outputable name, Outputable pat,
 			    ppNest 8 (interpp'SP sty es),
 			    ppNest 4 (ppPStr SLIT(") where"))
-	    pp_nonnull imports,	    pp_nonnull fixities,
-	    pp_nonnull typedecls,   pp_nonnull typesigs,
+	    pp_nonnull imports,
+	    pp_nonnull fixities,
+	    pp_nonnull typedecls,
+	    pp_nonnull typesigs,
 	    pp_nonnull classdecls,
-	    pp_nonnull instdecls,   pp_nonnull instsigs,
+	    pp_nonnull instdecls,
+	    pp_nonnull instsigs,
 	    pp_nonnull defdecls,
-	    ppr sty binds,	    pp_nonnull sigs
+	    ppr sty binds,
+	    pp_nonnull sigs
 	pp_nonnull [] = ppNil
 	pp_nonnull xs = ppAboves (map (ppr sty) xs)
+	pp_iface_version Nothing  = ppNil
+	pp_iface_version (Just n) = ppCat [ppStr "{-# INTERFACE", ppInt n, ppStr "#-}"]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs
index 471c620cf856a6888ca8c0746804b1d24574f3fd..13292e2290efa5a42e4b6ee64e3fddd7590461d2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsTypes.lhs
@@ -15,20 +15,19 @@ module HsTypes (
 	Context(..), ClassAssertion(..)
-	, cmpPolyType, cmpMonoType
 	, pprParendMonoType, pprContext
 	, extractMonoTyNames, extractCtxtTyNames
+	, cmpPolyType, cmpMonoType, cmpContext
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
 import Outputable	( interppSP, ifnotPprForUser )
 import Pretty
-import ProtoName	( cmpProtoName, ProtoName )
 import Type		( Kind )
-import Util		( cmpList, panic# )
+import Util		( thenCmp, cmpList, isIn, panic# )
 #endif {- COMPILING_GHC -}
@@ -83,79 +82,9 @@ data MonoType name
 #endif {- COMPILING_GHC -}
-We do define a specialised equality for these \tr{*Type} types; used
-in checking interfaces.  Most any other use is likely to be {\em
-wrong}, so be careful!
-cmpPolyType :: (a -> a -> TAG_) -> PolyType a -> PolyType a -> TAG_
-cmpMonoType :: (a -> a -> TAG_) -> MonoType a -> MonoType a -> TAG_
-cmpContext  :: (a -> a -> TAG_) -> Context  a -> Context  a -> TAG_
--- We assume that HsPreForAllTys have been smashed by now.
-# ifdef DEBUG
-cmpPolyType _ (HsPreForAllTy _ _) _ = panic# "cmpPolyType:HsPreForAllTy:1st arg"
-cmpPolyType _ _ (HsPreForAllTy _ _) = panic# "cmpPolyType:HsPreForAllTy:2nd arg"
-# endif
-cmpPolyType cmp (HsForAllTy tvs1 c1 t1) (HsForAllTy tvs2 c2 t2)
-  = case (cmp_tvs tvs1 tvs2) of
-      EQ_ -> case (cmpContext cmp c1 c2) of
-	       EQ_ -> cmpMonoType cmp t1 t2
-	       xxx -> xxx
-      xxx -> xxx
-  where
-    cmp_tvs [] [] = EQ_
-    cmp_tvs [] _  = LT_
-    cmp_tvs _  [] = GT_
-    cmp_tvs (a:as) (b:bs)
-      = case cmp a b of { EQ_ -> cmp_tvs as bs; xxx -> xxx }
-    cmp_tvs _ _ = panic# "cmp_tvs"
-cmpMonoType cmp (MonoTyVar n1) (MonoTyVar n2)
-  = cmp n1 n2
-cmpMonoType cmp (MonoTupleTy tys1) (MonoTupleTy tys2)
-  = cmpList (cmpMonoType cmp) tys1 tys2
-cmpMonoType cmp (MonoListTy ty1) (MonoListTy ty2)
-  = cmpMonoType cmp ty1 ty2
-cmpMonoType cmp (MonoTyApp tc1 tys1) (MonoTyApp tc2 tys2)
-  = case cmp tc1 tc2 of { EQ_ -> cmpList (cmpMonoType cmp) tys1 tys2; xxx -> xxx }
-cmpMonoType cmp (MonoFunTy a1 b1) (MonoFunTy a2 b2)
-  = case cmpMonoType cmp a1 a2 of { EQ_ -> cmpMonoType cmp b1 b2; xxx -> xxx }
-cmpMonoType cmp (MonoDictTy c1 ty1)   (MonoDictTy c2 ty2)
-  = case cmp c1 c2 of { EQ_ -> cmpMonoType cmp ty1 ty2; xxx -> xxx }
-cmpMonoType cmp ty1 ty2 -- tags must be different
-  = let tag1 = tag ty1
-	tag2 = tag ty2
-    in
-    if tag1 _LT_ tag2 then LT_ else GT_
-  where
-    tag (MonoTyVar n1)		= (ILIT(1) :: FAST_INT)
-    tag (MonoTupleTy tys1)	= ILIT(2)
-    tag (MonoListTy ty1)	= ILIT(3)
-    tag (MonoTyApp tc1 tys1)	= ILIT(4)
-    tag (MonoFunTy a1 b1)	= ILIT(5)
-    tag (MonoDictTy c1 ty1)	= ILIT(7)
-cmpContext cmp a b
-  = cmpList cmp_ctxt a b
-  where
-    cmp_ctxt (c1, tv1) (c2, tv2)
-      = case cmp c1 c2 of { EQ_ -> cmp tv1 tv2; xxx -> xxx }
 This is used in various places:
 pprContext :: (Outputable name) => PprStyle -> (Context name) -> Pretty
 pprContext sty []	    = ppNil
@@ -230,23 +159,22 @@ ppr_mono_ty sty ctxt_prec (MonoDictTy clas ty)
 #endif {- COMPILING_GHC -}
-Get the type variable names from a @MonoType@.  Don't use class @Eq@
-because @ProtoNames@ aren't in it.
-extractCtxtTyNames :: (name -> name -> Bool) -> Context  name -> [name]
-extractMonoTyNames :: (name -> name -> Bool) -> MonoType name -> [name]
+extractCtxtTyNames :: Eq name => Context  name -> [name]
+extractMonoTyNames :: Eq name => MonoType name -> [name]
-extractCtxtTyNames eq ctxt
+extractCtxtTyNames ctxt
   = foldr get [] ctxt
     get (clas, tv) acc
-      | is_elem eq tv acc = acc
-      | otherwise	  = tv : acc
+      | tv `is_elem` acc = acc
+      | otherwise        = tv : acc
-extractMonoTyNames eq ty
+    is_elem = isIn "extractCtxtTyNames"
+extractMonoTyNames ty
   = get ty []
     get (MonoTyApp con tys) acc = foldr get acc tys
@@ -254,12 +182,79 @@ extractMonoTyNames eq ty
     get (MonoFunTy ty1 ty2) acc = get ty1 (get ty2 acc)
     get (MonoDictTy _ ty)   acc = get ty acc
     get (MonoTupleTy tys)   acc = foldr get acc tys
-    get (MonoTyVar name)    acc
-      | is_elem eq name acc	= acc
-      | otherwise		= name : acc
+    get (MonoTyVar tv)      acc
+      | tv `is_elem` acc	= acc
+      | otherwise		= tv : acc
+    is_elem = isIn "extractMonoTyNames"
+#endif {- COMPILING_GHC -}
+We do define a specialised equality for these \tr{*Type} types; used
+in checking interfaces.  Most any other use is likely to be {\em
+wrong}, so be careful!
+cmpPolyType :: (a -> a -> TAG_) -> PolyType a -> PolyType a -> TAG_
+cmpMonoType :: (a -> a -> TAG_) -> MonoType a -> MonoType a -> TAG_
+cmpContext  :: (a -> a -> TAG_) -> Context  a -> Context  a -> TAG_
+-- We assume that HsPreForAllTys have been smashed by now.
+# ifdef DEBUG
+cmpPolyType _ (HsPreForAllTy _ _) _ = panic# "cmpPolyType:HsPreForAllTy:1st arg"
+cmpPolyType _ _ (HsPreForAllTy _ _) = panic# "cmpPolyType:HsPreForAllTy:2nd arg"
+# endif
+cmpPolyType cmp (HsForAllTy tvs1 c1 t1) (HsForAllTy tvs2 c2 t2)
+  = thenCmp (cmp_tvs tvs1 tvs2)
+	    (thenCmp (cmpContext cmp c1 c2) (cmpMonoType cmp t1 t2))
+  where
+    cmp_tvs [] [] = EQ_
+    cmp_tvs [] _  = LT_
+    cmp_tvs _  [] = GT_
+    cmp_tvs (a:as) (b:bs)
+      = thenCmp (cmp a b) (cmp_tvs as bs)
+    cmp_tvs _ _ = panic# "cmp_tvs"
+cmpMonoType cmp (MonoTyVar n1) (MonoTyVar n2)
+  = cmp n1 n2
+cmpMonoType cmp (MonoTupleTy tys1) (MonoTupleTy tys2)
+  = cmpList (cmpMonoType cmp) tys1 tys2
+cmpMonoType cmp (MonoListTy ty1) (MonoListTy ty2)
+  = cmpMonoType cmp ty1 ty2
+cmpMonoType cmp (MonoTyApp tc1 tys1) (MonoTyApp tc2 tys2)
+  = thenCmp (cmp tc1 tc2) (cmpList (cmpMonoType cmp) tys1 tys2)
+cmpMonoType cmp (MonoFunTy a1 b1) (MonoFunTy a2 b2)
+  = thenCmp (cmpMonoType cmp a1 a2) (cmpMonoType cmp b1 b2)
+cmpMonoType cmp (MonoDictTy c1 ty1)   (MonoDictTy c2 ty2)
+  = thenCmp (cmp c1 c2) (cmpMonoType cmp ty1 ty2)
-is_elem eq n []     = False
-is_elem eq n (x:xs) = n `eq` x || is_elem eq n xs
+cmpMonoType cmp ty1 ty2 -- tags must be different
+  = let tag1 = tag ty1
+	tag2 = tag ty2
+    in
+    if tag1 _LT_ tag2 then LT_ else GT_
+  where
+    tag (MonoTyVar n1)		= (ILIT(1) :: FAST_INT)
+    tag (MonoTupleTy tys1)	= ILIT(2)
+    tag (MonoListTy ty1)	= ILIT(3)
+    tag (MonoTyApp tc1 tys1)	= ILIT(4)
+    tag (MonoFunTy a1 b1)	= ILIT(5)
+    tag (MonoDictTy c1 ty1)	= ILIT(7)
+cmpContext cmp a b
+  = cmpList cmp_ctxt a b
+  where
+    cmp_ctxt (c1, tv1) (c2, tv2)
+      = thenCmp (cmp c1 c2) (cmp tv1 tv2)
 #endif {- COMPILING_GHC -}
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
index cf036450aafdf83cda85dec31dbbb716b4eb61e1..8f7ce3372ed759d369675f984a63319fbc61fb00 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ opt_HideMostBuiltinNames	= lookup  SLIT("-fmin-builtin-names")
 opt_IgnoreStrictnessPragmas	= lookup  SLIT("-fignore-strictness-pragmas")
 opt_IrrefutableEverything	= lookup  SLIT("-firrefutable-everything")
 opt_IrrefutableTuples		= lookup  SLIT("-firrefutable-tuples")
-opt_NameShadowingNotOK		= lookup  SLIT("-fname-shadowing-not-ok")
+opt_WarnNameShadowing		= lookup  SLIT("-fwarn-name-shadowing")
 opt_NumbersStrict		= lookup  SLIT("-fnumbers-strict")
 opt_OmitBlackHoling		= lookup  SLIT("-dno-black-holing")
 opt_OmitDefaultInstanceMethods	= lookup  SLIT("-fomit-default-instance-methods")
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
index d588f68d721e48240cdf46c445f6bbea8b24734e..89866b7728c6fec7b7d77c0b3faec91b51f26c77 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/ErrUtils.lhs
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module ErrUtils (
-	Error(..),
-	addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine,
-	dontAddErrLoc, pprBagOfErrors
+	Error(..), Warning(..), Message(..),
+	addErrLoc,
+	addShortErrLocLine,
+	dontAddErrLoc,
+	pprBagOfErrors
     ) where
 import Ubiq{-uitous-}
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc, SrcLoc{-instance-} )
 type Error   = PprStyle -> Pretty
+type Warning = PprStyle -> Pretty
+type Message = PprStyle -> Pretty
 addErrLoc :: SrcLoc -> String -> Error -> Error
 addErrLoc locn title rest_of_err_msg sty
@@ -47,4 +49,3 @@ pprBagOfErrors sty bag_of_errors
   = let  pretties = map ( \ e -> e sty ) (bagToList bag_of_errors)  in
     ppAboves (map (\ p -> ppAbove ppSP p) pretties)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
index 7e84618856fb45e69ff4b8a3cff4b7b081f483a0..9d2071362e5b7a8910b37fb6248d534e185ddf31 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/Main.lhs
@@ -44,15 +44,14 @@ import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
 import Id		( GenId )		-- instances
-import Name		( Name )		-- instances
-import ProtoName	( ProtoName )		-- instances
+import Name		( Name, RdrName )	-- instances
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar )	-- instances
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName )		-- instances
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar )		-- instances
-import Unique		( Unique)		-- instances
+import Unique		( Unique )		-- instances
 --import MkIface	( mkInterface )
@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
     show_pass "Reader"				`thenMn_`
     rdModule 					`thenMn`
-	\ (mod_name, export_list_fns, absyn_tree) ->
+	\ (mod_name, rdr_module) ->
 	-- reader things used much later
@@ -88,10 +87,10 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
 	cc_mod_name = mod_name
     doDump opt_D_dump_rdr "Reader:"
-	(pp_show (ppr pprStyle absyn_tree))	`thenMn_`
+	(pp_show (ppr pprStyle rdr_module))	`thenMn_`
     doDump opt_D_source_stats "\nSource Statistics:"
-	(pp_show (ppSourceStats absyn_tree)) 	`thenMn_`
+	(pp_show (ppSourceStats rdr_module)) 	`thenMn_`
     -- UniqueSupplies for later use (these are the only lower case uniques)
     getSplitUniqSupplyMn 'r'	`thenMn` \ rn_uniqs ->	-- renamer
@@ -107,30 +106,38 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
     show_pass "Renamer" 			`thenMn_`
     case builtinNameInfo
-    of { (init_val_lookup_fn, init_tc_lookup_fn) ->
+    of { (wiredin_fm, key_fm, idinfo_fm) ->
-    case (renameModule (init_val_lookup_fn, init_tc_lookup_fn)
-		       absyn_tree
-		       rn_uniqs)
-    of { (mod4, import_names, final_name_funs, rn_errs_bag) ->
-    let
-	-- renamer things used much later
-	cc_import_names = import_names
-    in
+    renameModule wiredin_fm key_fm rn_uniqs rdr_module `thenMn`
+	\ (rn_mod, import_names,
+	   version_info, instance_modules,
+	   rn_errs_bag, rn_warns_bag) ->
     if (not (isEmptyBag rn_errs_bag)) then
 	writeMn stderr (ppShow pprCols (pprBagOfErrors pprErrorsStyle rn_errs_bag))
-	`thenMn_` writeMn stderr "\n"
-	`thenMn_` exitMn 1
+	`thenMn_` writeMn stderr "\n" `thenMn_`
+	writeMn stderr (ppShow pprCols (pprBagOfErrors pprErrorsStyle rn_warns_bag))
+	`thenMn_` writeMn stderr "\n" `thenMn_`
+	exitMn 1
     else -- No renaming errors ...
+    (if (isEmptyBag rn_warns_bag) then
+	returnMn ()
+     else
+	writeMn stderr (ppShow pprCols (pprBagOfErrors pprErrorsStyle rn_warns_bag))
+	`thenMn_` writeMn stderr "\n"
+    )   					`thenMn_`
     doDump opt_D_dump_rn "Renamer:"
-	(pp_show (ppr pprStyle mod4))		`thenMn_`
+	(pp_show (ppr pprStyle rn_mod))		`thenMn_`
+    exitMn 0
+{- LATER ...
     -- ******* TYPECHECKER
     show_pass "TypeCheck" 			`thenMn_`
-    case (case (typecheckModule tc_uniqs final_name_funs mod4) of
+    case (case (typecheckModule tc_uniqs idinfo_fm rn_info rn_mod) of
 	    Succeeded (stuff, warns)
 		-> (emptyBag, warns, stuff)
 	    Failed (errs, warns)
@@ -138,20 +145,22 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
     of { (tc_errs_bag, tc_warns_bag, tc_results) ->
+    if (not (isEmptyBag tc_errs_bag)) then
+	writeMn stderr (ppShow pprCols (pprBagOfErrors pprErrorsStyle tc_errs_bag))
+	`thenMn_` writeMn stderr "\n" `thenMn_`
+	writeMn stderr (ppShow pprCols (pprBagOfErrors pprErrorsStyle tc_warns_bag))
+	`thenMn_` writeMn stderr "\n" `thenMn_`
+	exitMn 1
+    else ( -- No typechecking errors ...
     (if (isEmptyBag tc_warns_bag) then
 	returnMn ()
-	writeMn stderr (ppShow pprCols (pprBagOfErrors pprErrorsStyle tc_errs_bag))
+	writeMn stderr (ppShow pprCols (pprBagOfErrors pprErrorsStyle tc_warns_bag))
 	`thenMn_` writeMn stderr "\n"
     )   					`thenMn_`
-    if (not (isEmptyBag tc_errs_bag)) then
-	writeMn stderr (ppShow pprCols (pprBagOfErrors pprErrorsStyle tc_errs_bag))
-	`thenMn_` writeMn stderr "\n"
-	`thenMn_` exitMn 1
-    else ( -- No typechecking errors ...
     case tc_results
     of {  (typechecked_quint@(recsel_binds, class_binds, inst_binds, val_binds, const_binds),
 	   interface_stuff@(_,_,_,_,_),  -- @-pat just for strictness...
@@ -245,7 +254,7 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
 	abstractC      = codeGen cc_mod_name     -- module name for CC labelling
-				 cc_import_names -- import names for CC registering
+				 import_names -- import names for CC registering
 				 gen_tycons	 -- type constructors generated locally
 				 all_tycon_specs -- tycon specialisations
@@ -287,8 +296,13 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
     doDump opt_D_dump_realC "" c_output_d 	`thenMn_`
     doOutput opt_ProduceC c_output_w 		`thenMn_`
     exitMn 0
-    } ) } } }
+    } ) }
+    }
     -- ****** printing styles and column width:
@@ -337,7 +351,7 @@ doIt (core_cmds, stg_cmds) input_pgm
 	else returnMn ()
-ppSourceStats (HsModule name exports imports fixities typedecls typesigs
+ppSourceStats (HsModule name version exports imports fixities typedecls typesigs
 		      classdecls instdecls instsigs defdecls binds
 		      [{-no sigs-}] src_loc)
  = ppAboves (map pp_val
@@ -433,7 +447,7 @@ ppSourceStats (HsModule name exports imports fixities typedecls typesigs
     sig_info (InlineSig _ _)      = (0,0,0,1)
     sig_info _                    = (0,0,0,0)
-    import_info (ImportMod _ qual as spec)
+    import_info (ImportDecl _ qual as spec _)
 	= add6 (1, qual_info qual, as_info as, 0,0,0) (spec_info spec)
     qual_info False  = 0
     qual_info True   = 1
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
index 46bb220b58f14c3d2484d458a7ef92e16f521c1a..1e609233f0da355deae3253ef4263119ab1fe59b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ get_tycon_pair tycon
 generic_pair thing
   = case (getOrigName       thing) of { (orig_mod, orig_nm) ->
-    case (getOccurrenceName thing) of { occur_name ->
+    case (getOccName thing) of { occur_name ->
     (orig_mod, orig_nm) }}
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ do_value better_id_fn inline_env val
   = let
 	sty 	    = PprInterface
 	better_val  = better_id_fn val
-	name_str    = getOccurrenceName better_val -- NB: not orig name!
+	name_str    = getOccName better_val -- NB: not orig name!
 	id_info	    = getIdInfo better_val
@@ -513,10 +513,10 @@ is_exportable_tycon_or_class export_list_fns tc
 	    export_list_fns tc
 in_export_list_or_among_dotdot_modules ignore_Mdotdots (in_export_list, among_dotdot_modules) tc
-  = if in_export_list (getOccurrenceName tc) then
+  = if in_export_list (getOccName tc) then
---	pprTrace "in_export:" (ppAbove (ppr PprDebug ignore_Mdotdots) (ppPStr (getOccurrenceName tc))) (
+--	pprTrace "in_export:" (ppAbove (ppr PprDebug ignore_Mdotdots) (ppPStr (getOccName  tc))) (
     if ignore_Mdotdots then
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs
index b122217d2a065d8fb2a60c626cf8cbe3f0588dbc..420f5017ccf0cb26c5462b2f9bc4ab4e5df0a7a2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/MachRegs.lhs
@@ -342,13 +342,11 @@ instance Ord Reg where
     a >	 b = case cmpReg a b of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
     _tagCmp a b = case cmpReg a b of { LT_ -> _LT; EQ_ -> _EQ; GT__ -> _GT }
-instance NamedThing Reg where
-    -- the *only* method that should be defined is "getItsUnique"!
-    -- (so we can use UniqFMs/UniqSets on Regs
-    getItsUnique (UnmappedReg u _) = u
-    getItsUnique (FixedReg i)	   = mkPseudoUnique1 IBOX(i)
-    getItsUnique (MappedReg i)	   = mkPseudoUnique2 IBOX(i)
-    getItsUnique (MemoryReg i _)   = mkPseudoUnique3 i
+instance Uniquable Reg where
+    uniqueOf (UnmappedReg u _) = u
+    uniqueOf (FixedReg i)      = mkPseudoUnique1 IBOX(i)
+    uniqueOf (MappedReg i)     = mkPseudoUnique2 IBOX(i)
+    uniqueOf (MemoryReg i _)   = mkPseudoUnique3 i
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs
index 3600897768822afc2c6aedb337c9c9357327e8ae..9bb3e80a751675963f663e69c50f1f87a4fdba19 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenAll.lhs
@@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ module UgenAll (
 	-- re-exported ugen-generated stuff
 	U_binding.. ,
 	U_constr.. ,
-	U_coresyn.. ,
 	U_entidt.. ,
-	U_hpragma.. ,
 	U_list.. ,
 	U_literal.. ,
 	U_maybe.. ,
@@ -32,9 +30,7 @@ import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 -- friends:
 import U_binding
 import U_constr
-import U_coresyn
 import U_entidt
-import U_hpragma
 import U_list
 import U_literal
 import U_maybe
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs
index 95001bf02f2056e17f08ac422a2b655d0d3a8503..70185118b39bd07f80ebd4938de770e026fbcc8b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/UgenUtil.lhs
@@ -9,46 +9,39 @@ module UgenUtil (
 	returnPrimIO, thenPrimIO,
 	-- stuff defined here
-	UgenUtil..,
-	-- complete interface
-	ProtoName
+	UgenUtil..
     ) where
 import PreludeGlaST
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
 import MainMonad	( MainIO(..) )		
-import ProtoName	( ProtoName(..) )
-import SrcLoc		( mkSrcLoc2 )
---import ProtoName
---import Outputable
---import Util
+import Name		( RdrName(..) )
+import SrcLoc		( mkSrcLoc2, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 type UgnM a
-  = FAST_STRING		   -- source file name; carried down
+  = (FAST_STRING,Module,SrcLoc)	   -- file, module and src_loc carried down
   -> PrimIO a
 {-# INLINE returnUgn #-}
 {-# INLINE thenUgn #-}
-returnUgn x mod = returnPrimIO x
+returnUgn x stuff = returnPrimIO x
-thenUgn x y mod
-  = x mod	`thenPrimIO` \ z ->
-    y z mod
+thenUgn x y stuff
+  = x stuff	`thenPrimIO` \ z ->
+    y z stuff
-initUgn :: FAST_STRING -> UgnM a -> MainIO a
-initUgn srcfile action
-  = action srcfile `thenPrimIO` \ result ->
+initUgn :: UgnM a -> MainIO a
+initUgn action
+  = action (SLIT(""),SLIT(""),mkUnknownSrcLoc) `thenPrimIO` \ result ->
     return result
 ioToUgnM :: PrimIO a -> UgnM a
-ioToUgnM x mod = x
+ioToUgnM x stuff = x
@@ -60,13 +53,7 @@ rdU_VOID_STAR x = returnUgn x
 type U_long = Int
 rdU_long ::  Int -> UgnM U_long
-rdU_long x = returnUgn x -- (A# x) = returnUgn (I# (addr2Int# x))
-type U_unkId = ProtoName
-rdU_unkId :: _Addr -> UgnM U_unkId
-rdU_unkId x
-  = rdU_stringId x `thenUgn` \ y ->
-    returnUgn (Unk y)
+rdU_long x = returnUgn x
 type U_stringId = FAST_STRING
 rdU_stringId :: _Addr -> UgnM U_stringId
@@ -88,13 +75,24 @@ rdU_hstring x
-setSrcFileUgn :: FAST_STRING{-filename-} -> UgnM a -> UgnM a
-setSrcFileUgn file action _ = action file
+setSrcFileUgn :: FAST_STRING -> UgnM a -> UgnM a
+setSrcFileUgn file action stuff@(_,mod,loc) = action (file,mod,loc)
+getSrcFileUgn :: UgnM FAST_STRING
+getSrcFileUgn stuff@(file,mod,loc) = returnUgn file stuff
+setSrcModUgn :: Module -> UgnM a -> UgnM a
+setSrcModUgn mod action stuff@(file,_,loc) = action (file,mod,loc)
+getSrcModUgn :: UgnM Module
+getSrcModUgn stuff@(file,mod,loc) = returnUgn mod stuff
-getSrcFileUgn :: UgnM FAST_STRING{-filename-}
-getSrcFileUgn mod = returnUgn mod mod
+mkSrcLocUgn :: U_long -> (SrcLoc -> UgnM a) -> UgnM a
+mkSrcLocUgn ln action (file,mod,_)
+  = action loc (file,mod,loc)
+  where
+    loc = mkSrcLoc2 file ln
-mkSrcLocUgn :: U_long -> UgnM SrcLoc
-mkSrcLocUgn ln mod
-  = returnUgn (mkSrcLoc2 mod ln) mod
+getSrcLocUgn :: UgnM SrcLoc
+getSrcLocUgn stuff@(file,mod,loc) = returnUgn loc stuff
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/binding.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/binding.ugn
index 9337aaa002f19348c473d9ae73f60a023cbd1d39..3b130aedae5285da0a05fb2c465900a8a23607a1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/binding.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/binding.ugn
@@ -7,10 +7,7 @@ import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
 import UgenUtil
 import U_constr
-import U_coresyn	( U_coresyn ) -- for interfaces only
-import U_hpragma
 import U_list
-import U_literal	( U_literal ) -- for interfaces only
 import U_maybe
 import U_qid
 import U_ttype
@@ -20,14 +17,12 @@ type binding;
 		    gtbindid	: ttype; 	/* applied tycon */
 		    gtbindl	: list;  	/* [constr] */
 		    gtbindd	: maybe; 	/* Maybe [deriving] */
-		    gtline	: long;
-		    gtpragma	: hpragma; >;
+		    gtline	: long;	>;
 	ntbind	: < gntbindc	: list;	 	/* [context entries] */
 		    gntbindid	: ttype; 	/* applied tycon */
 		    gntbindcty	: list;  	/* [constr]  (only 1 constrnew) */ 
 		    gntbindd	: maybe; 	/* Maybe [deriving] */
-		    gntline	: long;
-		    gntpragma	: hpragma; >;
+		    gntline	: long;	>;
 	nbind	: < gnbindid	: ttype;
 		    gnbindas	: ttype;
 		    gnline	: long; >;
@@ -37,37 +32,24 @@ type binding;
 		    gfline	: long; >;
 	abind	: < gabindfst	: binding;
 		    gabindsnd	: binding; >;
-	ibind	: < gibindsrc   : long;		/* 1 => source; 0 => interface */
-		    gibindmod   : stringId;	/* the original module */
-		    gibindc	: list;
+	ibind	: < gibindc	: list;
 		    gibindid	: qid;
 		    gibindi	: ttype;
 		    gibindw	: binding;
-		    giline	: long;
-		    gipragma	: hpragma; >;
+		    giline	: long;	>;
 	dbind	: < gdbindts	: list;
 		    gdline	: long; >;
 	cbind	: < gcbindc	: list;
 		    gcbindid	: ttype;
 		    gcbindw	: binding;
-		    gcline	: long;
-		    gcpragma	: hpragma; >;
+		    gcline	: long;	>;
 	sbind	: < gsbindids	: list;
 		    gsbindid	: ttype;
-		    gsline	: long;
-		    gspragma	: hpragma; >;
-	mbind	: < gmbindmodn	: stringId;	/* import (in an interface) <mod> <entities> */
-		    gmbindimp	: list;		/* [entity] */
-		    gmline	: long; >;
-	mfbind	: < gmfixes     : list; >;	/* fixites in an import: [fixop] */
+		    gsline	: long;	>;
 	nullbind : < >;
-	import	: < gibindiface : stringId;
-		    gibindfile	: stringId;
-		    gibinddef	: binding;
-		    gibindimod	: stringId;
+	import	: < gibindimod	: stringId;
 		    gibindqual	: long;
 		    gibindas	: maybe;
 		    gibindspec	: maybe;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/coresyn.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/coresyn.ugn
deleted file mode 100644
index feeb5ac6a10a58ffa4fbb8ba968bed92f9ac86aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/coresyn.ugn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#include "hspincl.h"
-module U_coresyn where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
-import UgenUtil
-import U_list
-import U_literal
-import U_qid		( U_qid ) -- for interfaces only
-import U_ttype
-type coresyn;
-	/* binders: simple Id, plus a type */
-	cobinder : < gcobinder_v  : unkId;
-		     gcobinder_ty : ttype; >;
-	/* atoms */
-	colit	: < gcolit  	 : literal; >;
-	colocal : < gcolocal_v	 : coresyn; >;
-	cononrec : <gcononrec_b   : coresyn;
-		    gcononrec_rhs : coresyn; >;
-	corec :	   <gcorec  	  : list; >;
-	corec_pair: <gcorec_b 	: coresyn;
-		    gcorec_rhs 	: coresyn; >;
-	covar	: < gcovar	: coresyn; >;
-	coliteral :< gcoliteral : literal; >;
-	cocon	: < gcocon_con  : coresyn;
-		    gcocon_tys	: list;
-		    gcocon_args	: list; >;
-	coprim	: < gcoprim_op	: coresyn; /* primop or something */
-		    gcoprim_tys	: list;
-		    gcoprim_args: list; >;
-	colam	: < gcolam_vars	: list;
-		    gcolam_body	: coresyn; >;
-	cotylam	: < gcotylam_tvs: list;
-		    gcotylam_body : coresyn; >;
-	coapp	: < gcoapp_fun  : coresyn;
-		    gcoapp_args : list; >;
-	cotyapp	: < gcotyapp_e : coresyn;
-		    gcotyapp_t : ttype; >;
-	cocase	: < gcocase_s  : coresyn;
-		    gcocase_alts : coresyn; >;
-	colet	: < gcolet_bind	: coresyn;
-		    gcolet_body : coresyn; >;
-	coscc	: < gcoscc_scc  : coresyn;
-		    gcoscc_body : coresyn; >;
-	coalg_alts : <	gcoalg_alts : list;
-			gcoalg_deflt : coresyn; >;
-	coalg_alt  : <	gcoalg_con : coresyn;
-			gcoalg_bs  : list;
-			gcoalg_rhs : coresyn; >;
-	coprim_alts : < gcoprim_alts : list;
-		       gcoprim_deflt : coresyn; >;
-	coprim_alt  : <	gcoprim_lit  : literal;
-			gcoprim_rhs  : coresyn; >;
-	conodeflt : < >;
-	cobinddeflt : < gcobinddeflt_v : coresyn;
-			gcobinddeflt_rhs : coresyn; >;
-	co_primop :    < gco_primop : stringId;>;
-	co_ccall  :    < gco_ccall	    : stringId;
-			 gco_ccall_may_gc   : long;
-			 gco_ccall_arg_tys  : list;
-			 gco_ccall_res_ty   : ttype; >;
-    	co_casm   :    < gco_casm   	    : literal; 
-			 gco_casm_may_gc    : long;
-			 gco_casm_arg_tys   : list;
-			 gco_casm_res_ty    : ttype; >;
-	/* various flavours of cost-centres */
-	co_preludedictscc : < gco_preludedictscc_dupd : coresyn; >;
-	co_alldictscc	: < gco_alldictscc_m : hstring;
-			    gco_alldictscc_g : hstring;
-			    gco_alldictscc_dupd : coresyn; >;
-	co_usercc	: < gco_usercc_n    : hstring;
-			    gco_usercc_m    : hstring;
-			    gco_usercc_g    : hstring;
-			    gco_usercc_dupd : coresyn;
-			    gco_usercc_cafd : coresyn; >;
-	co_autocc	: < gco_autocc_i    : coresyn;
-			    gco_autocc_m    : hstring;
-			    gco_autocc_g    : hstring;
-			    gco_autocc_dupd : coresyn;
-			    gco_autocc_cafd : coresyn; >;
-	co_dictcc	: < gco_dictcc_i    : coresyn;
-			    gco_dictcc_m    : hstring;
-			    gco_dictcc_g    : hstring;
-			    gco_dictcc_dupd : coresyn;
-			    gco_dictcc_cafd : coresyn; >;
-	co_scc_noncaf	: < >;
-	co_scc_caf	: < >;
-	co_scc_nondupd	: < >;
-	co_scc_dupd	: < >;
-	/* various flavours of Ids */
-	co_id		: < gco_id	    : stringId; >;
-	co_orig_id	: < gco_orig_id_m   : stringId;
- 			    gco_orig_id_n   : stringId; >;
-	co_sdselid	: < gco_sdselid_c   : unkId;
-			    gco_sdselid_sc  : unkId; >;
-	co_classopid	: < gco_classopid_c : unkId;
-			    gco_classopid_o : unkId; >;
-	co_defmid	: < gco_defmid_c    : unkId;
-			    gco_defmid_op   : unkId; >;
-    	co_dfunid	: < gco_dfunid_c    : unkId;
-			    gco_dfunid_ty   : ttype; >;
-    	co_constmid	: < gco_constmid_c  : unkId;
-			    gco_constmid_op : unkId;
-			    gco_constmid_ty : ttype; >;
-	co_specid	: < gco_specid_un   : coresyn;
-			    gco_specid_tys  : list; >;
-	co_wrkrid   	: < gco_wrkrid_un   : coresyn; >;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/hpragma.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/hpragma.ugn
deleted file mode 100644
index e3f9c49c609a28fde8b32b3cc82b5fe53fb9ad36..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/hpragma.ugn
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-#include "hspincl.h"
-module U_hpragma where
-import Ubiq --  debugging consistency check
-import UgenUtil
-import U_coresyn
-import U_list
-import U_literal	( U_literal )	-- ditto
-import U_ttype		( U_ttype )	-- interface only
-type hpragma;
-	no_pragma:	    < > ;
-	idata_pragma:	    < gprag_data_constrs : list;  /*of con decls*/
-			      gprag_data_specs   : list;  /*specialisations*/ >;
-	itype_pragma:	    < >;
-	iclas_pragma:	    < gprag_clas : list;    /*of gen pragmas*/ >;
-	iclasop_pragma:	    < gprag_dsel : hpragma; /* gen pragma: dict selector */
-			      gprag_defm : hpragma; /* gen pragma: default method */ >;
-	iinst_simpl_pragma: < gprag_dfun_simpl : hpragma; /* gen pragma: of dfun */ >;
-	iinst_const_pragma: < gprag_dfun_const : hpragma; /* gen pragma: of dfun */
-			      gprag_constms    : list; /* (name, gen pragma) pairs */ >;
-	igen_pragma:	    < gprag_arity      : hpragma; /* arity */
-			      gprag_update     : hpragma; /* update info */
-			      gprag_deforest   : hpragma; /* deforest info */
-			      gprag_strictness : hpragma; /* strictness info */
-		    	      gprag_unfolding  : hpragma; /* unfolding */
-			      gprag_specs      : list; /* (type, gen pragma) pairs */ >;
-	iarity_pragma:	    < gprag_arity_val  : numId; >;
-	iupdate_pragma:	    < gprag_update_val : stringId; >;
-	ideforest_pragma:   < >;
-	istrictness_pragma: < gprag_strict_spec : hstring;
-			      gprag_strict_wrkr : hpragma; /*about worker*/ >;
-	imagic_unfolding_pragma:  < gprag_magic_str : stringId; >;
-	iunfolding_pragma:  < gprag_unfold_guide : hpragma; /* guidance */
-			      gprag_unfold_core : coresyn; >;
-	iunfold_always:	    < >;
-	iunfold_if_args:    < gprag_unfold_if_t_args : numId;
-			      gprag_unfold_if_v_args : numId;
-			      gprag_unfold_if_con_args : stringId;
-			      gprag_unfold_if_size : numId; >;
-	iname_pragma_pr:    < gprag_name_pr1	: unkId;
-			      gprag_name_pr2	: hpragma; >;
-	itype_pragma_pr:    < gprag_type_pr1	: list;   /* of maybe types */
-			      gprag_type_pr2	: numId; /* # dicts to ignore */
-			      gprag_type_pr3	: hpragma; >;
-	idata_pragma_4s:    < gprag_data_spec	: list; /* of maybe types */ >;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex b/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
index 892d2f994e49d64d42d4c8ece2acdef206189429..e54bb0b54482d5189afc8424654b34c6fd551f44 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/hslexer.flex
@@ -144,12 +144,12 @@ static int hslineno_save = 0,	    	/* Line Number          	 */
  hspcolno_save = 0;		    	/* Left Indentation	 	 */
 static short icontexts_save = 0;    	/* Indent Context Level 	 */
-static BOOLEAN etags_save; /* saved: whether doing etags stuff or not */
-extern BOOLEAN etags;	   /* that which is saved */
+static BOOLEAN etags_save;              /* saved: whether doing etags stuff or not */
+extern BOOLEAN etags;	                /* that which is saved */
-extern BOOLEAN nonstandardFlag;	/* Glasgow extensions allowed */
+extern BOOLEAN nonstandardFlag;	        /* Glasgow extensions allowed */
-static BOOLEAN in_interface = FALSE; /* TRUE if we are reading a .hi file */
+static BOOLEAN in_interface = FALSE;    /* TRUE if we are reading a .hi file */
 extern BOOLEAN ignorePragmas;		/* True when we should ignore pragmas */
 extern int minAcceptablePragmaVersion;	/* see documentation in main.c */
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ static int StateDepth = -1;
    list of start states.
-%x Char CharEsc Code Comment GlaExt GhcPragma UserPragma String StringEsc
+%x Char CharEsc Code Comment GlaExt UserPragma String StringEsc
 isoS			[\xa1-\xbf\xd7\xf7]
 isoL			[\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xde]
@@ -292,67 +292,11 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
 			  hsplineno = hslineno; hscolno = 0; hspcolno = 0;
-<Code,GlaExt>"{-# GHC_PRAGMA INTERFACE VERSION "{D}+" #-}"   {
-			  sscanf(yytext+33,"%d ",&thisIfacePragmaVersion);
-			}
-<Code,GlaExt>"{-# GHC_PRAGMA "   { 
-    	    	    	  if ( ignorePragmas ||
-			       thisIfacePragmaVersion < minAcceptablePragmaVersion || 
-			       thisIfacePragmaVersion > maxAcceptablePragmaVersion) {
-			     nested_comments = 1;
-			     PUSH_STATE(Comment);
-			  } else {
-			     PUSH_STATE(GhcPragma);
-			  }
-			}
-<GhcPragma>"_N_"	    { RETURN(NO_PRAGMA); }
-<GhcPragma>"_NI_"	    { RETURN(NOINFO_PRAGMA); }
-<GhcPragma>"_A_"	    { RETURN(ARITY_PRAGMA); }
-<GhcPragma>"_U_"	    { RETURN(UPDATE_PRAGMA); }
-<GhcPragma>"_S_"	    { RETURN(STRICTNESS_PRAGMA); }
-<GhcPragma>"_K_"	    { RETURN(KIND_PRAGMA); }
-<GhcPragma>"_F_"	    { RETURN(UNFOLDING_PRAGMA); }
-<GhcPragma>"_!_"	    { RETURN(COCON); }
-<GhcPragma>"_#_"	    { RETURN(COPRIM); }
-<GhcPragma>"_APP_"	    { RETURN(COAPP); }
-<GhcPragma>"_TYAPP_"	    { RETURN(COTYAPP); }
-<GhcPragma>"_ALG_"	    { RETURN(CO_ALG_ALTS); }
-<GhcPragma>"_PRIM_"	    { RETURN(CO_PRIM_ALTS); }
-<GhcPragma>"_NO_DEFLT_"	    { RETURN(CO_NO_DEFAULT); }
-<GhcPragma>"_LETREC_"	    { RETURN(CO_LETREC); }
-<GhcPragma>"_USER_CC_"	    { RETURN(CO_USER_CC); }
-<GhcPragma>"_AUTO_CC_"	    { RETURN(CO_AUTO_CC); }
-<GhcPragma>"_DICT_CC_"	    { RETURN(CO_DICT_CC); }
-<GhcPragma>"_DUPD_CC_"	    { RETURN(CO_DUPD_CC); }
-<GhcPragma>"_CAF_CC_"	    { RETURN(CO_CAF_CC); }
-<GhcPragma>"_SDSEL_"	    { RETURN(CO_SDSEL_ID); }
-<GhcPragma>"_METH_"	    { RETURN(CO_METH_ID); }
-<GhcPragma>"_DEFM_"	    { RETURN(CO_DEFM_ID); }
-<GhcPragma>"_DFUN_"	    { RETURN(CO_DFUN_ID); }
-<GhcPragma>"_CONSTM_"	    { RETURN(CO_CONSTM_ID); }
-<GhcPragma>"_SPEC_"	    { RETURN(CO_SPEC_ID); }
-<GhcPragma>"_WRKR_"	    { RETURN(CO_WRKR_ID); }
-<GhcPragma>"_ORIG_"	    { RETURN(CO_ORIG_NM); /* fully-qualified original name*/ }
-<GhcPragma>"_ALWAYS_"	    { RETURN(UNFOLD_ALWAYS); }
-<GhcPragma>"_IF_ARGS_"      { RETURN(UNFOLD_IF_ARGS); }
-<GhcPragma>"_NOREP_I_"	    { RETURN(NOREP_INTEGER); }
-<GhcPragma>"_NOREP_R_"	    { RETURN(NOREP_RATIONAL); }
-<GhcPragma>"_NOREP_S_"	    { RETURN(NOREP_STRING); }
-<GhcPragma>" #-}"	    { POP_STATE; RETURN(END_PRAGMA); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"{-#"{WS}*"INTERFACE" {
+			      PUSH_STATE(UserPragma);
+			    }
 <Code,GlaExt>"{-#"{WS}*"SPECIALI"[SZ]E {
@@ -386,7 +330,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>"case" 	{ RETURN(CASE); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"case" 		{ RETURN(CASE); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"class"		{ RETURN(CLASS); }
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>"data"	{ RETURN(DATA); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"default"  	{ RETURN(DEFAULT); }
@@ -395,15 +339,15 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
 <Code,GlaExt>"else"		{ RETURN(ELSE); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"if"		{ RETURN(IF); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"import"		{ RETURN(IMPORT); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>"in"	{ RETURN(IN); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"in"		{ RETURN(IN); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"infix"		{ RETURN(INFIX); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"infixl"		{ RETURN(INFIXL); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"infixr"		{ RETURN(INFIXR); }
 <Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>"instance" { RETURN(INSTANCE); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>"let"	{ RETURN(LET); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"let"		{ RETURN(LET); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"module"		{ RETURN(MODULE); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"newtype" 		{ RETURN(NEWTYPE); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>"of"	{ RETURN(OF); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"of"		{ RETURN(OF); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"then"		{ RETURN(THEN); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"type"		{ RETURN(TYPE); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"where"		{ RETURN(WHERE); }
@@ -411,14 +355,12 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
 <Code,GlaExt>"as"		{ RETURN(AS); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"hiding"		{ RETURN(HIDING); }
 <Code,GlaExt>"qualified"	{ RETURN(QUALIFIED); }
-<Code,GlaExt>"interface"        { RETURN(INTERFACE); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>"_scc_"	{ RETURN(SCC); }
-<GlaExt,GhcPragma>"_ccall_"	{ RETURN(CCALL); }
-<GlaExt,GhcPragma>"_ccall_GC_"	{ RETURN(CCALL_GC); }
-<GlaExt,GhcPragma>"_casm_"	{ RETURN(CASM); }
-<GlaExt,GhcPragma>"_casm_GC_"	{ RETURN(CASM_GC); }
-<GhcPragma>"_forall_"		{ RETURN(FORALL); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"_scc_"		{ RETURN(SCC); }
+<GlaExt>"_ccall_"		{ RETURN(CCALL); }
+<GlaExt>"_ccall_GC_"		{ RETURN(CCALL_GC); }
+<GlaExt>"_casm_"		{ RETURN(CASM); }
+<GlaExt>"_casm_GC_"		{ RETURN(CASM_GC); }
@@ -426,32 +368,30 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>"("	{ RETURN(OPAREN); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>")"	{ RETURN(CPAREN); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>"["	{ RETURN(OBRACK); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>"]"	{ RETURN(CBRACK); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>"{"		{ RETURN(OCURLY); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>"}"		{ RETURN(CCURLY); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>","	{ RETURN(COMMA); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>";"		{ RETURN(SEMI); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>"`"		{ RETURN(BQUOTE); }
-<Code,GlaExt>"_"			{ RETURN(WILDCARD); }
-<Code,GlaExt>".."			{ RETURN(DOTDOT); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>"::"	{ RETURN(DCOLON); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>"="	{ RETURN(EQUAL); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>"\\"		{ RETURN(LAMBDA); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>"|"		{ RETURN(VBAR); }
-<Code,GlaExt>"<-"			{ RETURN(LARROW); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>"->"	{ RETURN(RARROW); }
-<Code,GlaExt>"-"    			{ RETURN(MINUS); }
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>"=>"	{ RETURN(DARROW); }
-<Code,GlaExt>"@"			{ RETURN(AT); }
-<Code,GlaExt>"!"			{ RETURN(BANG); }
-<Code,GlaExt>"~"    			{ RETURN(LAZY); }
-<GhcPragma>"_/\\_"			{ RETURN(TYLAMBDA); }
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>"("	{ RETURN(OPAREN); }
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>")"	{ RETURN(CPAREN); }
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>"["	{ RETURN(OBRACK); }
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>"]"	{ RETURN(CBRACK); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"{"		{ RETURN(OCURLY); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"}"		{ RETURN(CCURLY); }
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>","	{ RETURN(COMMA); }
+<Code,GlaExt>";"		{ RETURN(SEMI); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"`"		{ RETURN(BQUOTE); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"_"		{ RETURN(WILDCARD); }
+<Code,GlaExt>".."		{ RETURN(DOTDOT); }
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>"::"	{ RETURN(DCOLON); }
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>"="	{ RETURN(EQUAL); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"\\"		{ RETURN(LAMBDA); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"|"		{ RETURN(VBAR); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"<-"		{ RETURN(LARROW); }
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>"->"	{ RETURN(RARROW); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"-"    		{ RETURN(MINUS); }
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>"=>"	{ RETURN(DARROW); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"@"		{ RETURN(AT); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"!"		{ RETURN(BANG); }
+<Code,GlaExt>"~"    		{ RETURN(LAZY); }
@@ -477,11 +417,11 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
 			 yylval.uid = xstrndup(yytext, yyleng);
-<GlaExt,GhcPragma>("-")?{N}"#"	{
+<GlaExt>("-")?{N}"#"	{
 			 yylval.uid = xstrndup(yytext, yyleng - 1);
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>{N} {
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{N} {
 			 yylval.uid = xstrndup(yytext, yyleng);
@@ -492,11 +432,11 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
-<GlaExt,GhcPragma>("-")?{F}"##" {
+<GlaExt>("-")?{F}"##" 	{
 			 yylval.uid = xstrndup(yytext, yyleng - 2);
-<GlaExt,GhcPragma>("-")?{F}"#" {
+<GlaExt>("-")?{F}"#" 	{
 			 yylval.uid = xstrndup(yytext, yyleng - 1);
@@ -511,7 +451,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
-<GlaExt,GhcPragma>"``"[^']+"''"	{
+<GlaExt>"``"[^']+"''"	{
 			 hsnewid(yytext + 2, yyleng - 4);
@@ -523,14 +463,11 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
-<GhcPragma>"_NIL_"		{ hsnewid(yytext, yyleng); RETURN(CONID); }
-<GhcPragma>"_TUP_"{D}+		{ hsnewid(yytext, yyleng); RETURN(CONID); }
-<GhcPragma>[a-z]{i}*"$"[a-z]{i}* { hsnewid(yytext, yyleng); RETURN(TYVAR_TEMPLATE_ID); }
 /* These SHOULDNAE work in "Code" (sigh) */
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>{Id}"#" { 
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{Id}"#" { 
 			 if (! (nonstandardFlag || in_interface)) {
 			    char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
 			    sprintf(errbuf, "Non-standard identifier (trailing `#'): %s\n", yytext);
@@ -539,7 +476,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
     	    	    	 hsnewid(yytext, yyleng);
     	    	    	 RETURN(_isconstr(yytext) ? CONID : VARID);
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>_+{Id} { 
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>_+{Id} { 
 			 if (! (nonstandardFlag || in_interface)) {
 			    char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
 			    sprintf(errbuf, "Non-standard identifier (leading underscore): %s\n", yytext);
@@ -549,19 +486,19 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
     	    	    	 RETURN(isconstr(yytext) ? CONID : VARID);
 			 /* NB: ^^^^^^^^ : not the macro! */
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>{Id}	{
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{Id}	{
     	    	         hsnewid(yytext, yyleng);
 			 RETURN(_isconstr(yytext) ? CONID : VARID);
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>{SId}	{
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{SId}	{
     	    		 hsnewid(yytext, yyleng);
 			 RETURN(_isconstr(yytext) ? CONSYM : VARSYM);
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>{Mod}"."{Id}	{
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{Mod}"."{Id}	{
 			 BOOLEAN isconstr = hsnewqid(yytext, yyleng);
 			 RETURN(isconstr ? QCONID : QVARID);
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>{Mod}"."{SId}	{
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>{Mod}"."{SId}	{
 			 BOOLEAN isconstr = hsnewqid(yytext, yyleng);
 			 RETURN(isconstr ? QCONSYM : QVARSYM);
@@ -576,7 +513,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
-<GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>"`"{Id}"#`"	{	
+<GlaExt,UserPragma>"`"{Id}"#`"	{	
     	    	    	 hsnewid(yytext + 1, yyleng - 2);
 			 RETURN(_isconstr(yytext+1) ? CONSYM : VARSYM);
@@ -595,7 +532,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
-<GlaExt,GhcPragma>'({CHAR}|"\"")"'#" {
+<GlaExt>'({CHAR}|"\"")"'#" {
     	    	    	 yylval.uhstring = installHstring(1, yytext+1);
@@ -607,7 +544,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
 			 sprintf(errbuf, "'' is not a valid character (or string) literal\n");
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>'({CHAR}|"\"")* {
+<Code,GlaExt>'({CHAR}|"\"")* {
     	    	    	 hsmlcolno = hspcolno;
     	    	    	 addtext(yytext+1, yyleng-1);
@@ -675,16 +612,16 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
-<GlaExt,GhcPragma>"\""({CHAR}|"'")*"\""#  {
+<GlaExt>"\""({CHAR}|"'")*"\""#  {
 			 yylval.uhstring = installHstring(yyleng-3, yytext+1);
 			    /* the -3 accounts for the " on front, "# on the end */
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>"\""({CHAR}|"'")*"\""  {
+<Code,GlaExt>"\""({CHAR}|"'")*"\""  {
 			 yylval.uhstring = installHstring(yyleng-2, yytext+1);
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma>"\""({CHAR}|"'")* {
+<Code,GlaExt>"\""({CHAR}|"'")* {
     	    	    	 hsmlcolno = hspcolno;
     	    	    	 addtext(yytext+1, yyleng-1);
@@ -838,7 +775,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
 <Code,GlaExt,StringEsc>"--".*{NL}?{WS}* |
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma,StringEsc>{WS}+	{ noGap = FALSE; }
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma,StringEsc>{WS}+	{ noGap = FALSE; }
@@ -848,7 +785,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
-<Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma,StringEsc>"{-"	{ 
+<Code,GlaExt,UserPragma,StringEsc>"{-"	{ 
     	    	    	  noGap = FALSE; nested_comments = 1; PUSH_STATE(Comment); 
@@ -867,7 +804,7 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
-<INITIAL,Code,GlaExt,GhcPragma,UserPragma>(.|\n)	{ 
+<INITIAL,Code,GlaExt,UserPragma>(.|\n)	{ 
     	    	    	 fprintf(stderr, "\"%s\", line %d, column %d: Illegal character: `", 
     	    	    	    input_filename, hsplineno, hspcolno + 1); 
     	    	    	 format_string(stderr, (unsigned char *) yytext, 1);
@@ -939,10 +876,6 @@ NL  	    	    	[\n\r]
     	    	    	  hsplineno = hslineno; hspcolno = hscolno;
     	    	    	  hsperror("unterminated string literal"); 
-<GhcPragma><<EOF>>  	{
-    	    	    	  hsplineno = hslineno; hspcolno = hscolno;
-    	    	    	  hsperror("unterminated interface pragma"); 
-			}
 <UserPragma><<EOF>>  	{
     	    	    	  hsplineno = hslineno; hspcolno = hscolno;
     	    	    	  hsperror("unterminated user-specified pragma"); 
@@ -1171,7 +1104,10 @@ yylex()
 	fprintf(stderr, "finished reading interface (%d:%d:%d)\n", hscolno, hspcolno, INDENTPT);
 	eof = FALSE;
+	/* RETURN(LEOF); */
+        hsperror("No longer using yacc to parse interface files");
     } else {
@@ -1182,7 +1118,7 @@ yylex()
 *                                                                     *
 *                                                                     *
-*     Input Processing for Interfaces                                 *
+*     Input Processing for Interfaces -- Not currently used !!!       *
 *                                                                     *
 *                                                                     *
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y b/ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y
index 0743c55b16fea7aed1b28cfa1b90d84ebc86a8bf..907e08a0ffded71352819fa13f7e745556aa638e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/hsparser.y
@@ -40,24 +40,13 @@
 static BOOLEAN expect_ccurly = FALSE; /* Used to signal that a CCURLY could be inserted here */
-extern BOOLEAN nonstandardFlag;
 extern BOOLEAN etags;
-extern VOID find_module_on_imports_dirlist PROTO((char *, BOOLEAN, char *));
 extern char *input_filename;
 static char *the_module_name;
-static char *iface_name;
-static char iface_filename[FILENAME_SIZE];
+static maybe module_exports;
-static maybe module_exports;		/* Exported entities */
-static list prelude_core_import, prelude_imports;
-					/* Entities imported from the Prelude */
-extern tree niltree;
 extern list Lnil;
 extern tree root;
 /* For FN, PREVPATT and SAMEFN macros */
@@ -80,28 +69,13 @@ extern int endlineno;
 *                                                                     *
-/* OLD 95/08: list fixlist; */
 static int Fixity = 0, Precedence = 0;
-struct infix;
 char *ineg PROTO((char *));
-int importlineno = 0;		/* The line number where an import starts */
+long    source_version = 0;
-long	inimport; 		/* Info about current import */
-id 	importmod;
-long 	importas;
-id	asmod;
-long 	importqual;
-long 	importspec;
-long 	importhide;
-list 	importlist;
-extern BOOLEAN inpat;			/*  True when parsing a pattern */
-extern BOOLEAN implicitPrelude;		/*  True when we should read the Prelude if not given */
-extern BOOLEAN haskell1_2Flag;		/*  True if we are attempting (proto)Haskell 1.3 */
-extern int thisIfacePragmaVersion;
+BOOLEAN inpat;
 %union {
@@ -121,8 +95,6 @@ extern int thisIfacePragmaVersion;
 	float ufloat;
 	char *ustring;
 	hstring uhstring;
-	hpragma uhpragma;
-	coresyn ucoresyn;
@@ -186,7 +158,7 @@ extern int thisIfacePragmaVersion;
+%token  SCC
@@ -210,20 +182,9 @@ extern int thisIfacePragmaVersion;
 *                                                                     *
-%token	LEOF
 *                                                                     *
@@ -275,19 +236,8 @@ extern int thisIfacePragmaVersion;
 		dtyclses dtycls_list
   		gdrhs gdpat valrhs
   		lampats	cexps
-		idata_pragma_specs idata_pragma_specslist
-		gen_pragma_list type_pragma_pairs
-		type_pragma_pairs_maybe name_pragma_pairs
-		type_maybes
-		core_binders core_tyvars core_tv_templates
-		core_types core_type_list
-		core_atoms core_atom_list
-		core_alg_alts core_prim_alts corec_binds
-		core_type_maybes
-%type <umaybe>  maybeexports impas maybeimpspec
-		type_maybe core_type_maybe
+%type <umaybe>  maybeexports impas maybeimpspec deriving
 %type <ueither> impspec  
@@ -302,7 +252,6 @@ extern int thisIfacePragmaVersion;
   		var con varop conop op
 		vark varid varsym varsym_nominus
 	        tycon modid impmod ccallid
@@ -317,13 +266,7 @@ extern int thisIfacePragmaVersion;
 %type <ubinding>  topdecl topdecls letdecls
 		  typed datad newtd classd instd defaultd
 		  decl decls valdef instdef instdefs
-  		  maybeifixes iimport iimports maybeiimports
-		  ityped idatad inewtd iclassd iinstd ivarsd
-  		  itopdecl itopdecls
-  		  maybe_where
-  		  interface dointerface readinterface ibody
-		  cbody rinst
-		  type_and_maybe_id
+ 		  maybe_where cbody rinst type_and_maybe_id
 %type <upbinding> valrhs1 altrest
@@ -331,7 +274,6 @@ extern int thisIfacePragmaVersion;
 		  gtyconapp ntyconapp ntycon gtyconvars
 		  bbtype batype btyconapp
 		  class restrict_inst general_inst tyvar
-		  core_type
 %type <uconstr>	  constr field
@@ -342,18 +284,6 @@ extern int thisIfacePragmaVersion;
 %type <uentid>	  export import
-%type <uhpragma>  idata_pragma inewt_pragma idata_pragma_spectypes
-		  iclas_pragma iclasop_pragma
-		  iinst_pragma gen_pragma ival_pragma arity_pragma
-		  update_pragma strictness_pragma worker_info
-		  deforest_pragma
-		  unfolding_pragma unfolding_guidance type_pragma_pair
-		  name_pragma_pair
-%type <ucoresyn>  core_expr core_case_alts core_id core_binder core_atom
-		  core_alg_alt core_prim_alt core_default corec_bind
-		  co_primop co_scc co_caf co_dupd
 %type <ulong>     commas impqual
@@ -364,67 +294,57 @@ extern int thisIfacePragmaVersion;
 *                                                                     *
-%start pmodule
+%start module
-pmodule	:  	{
-		  inimport   = 1;
-		  importmod  = install_literal("Prelude");
-		  importas   = 0;
-		  asmod      = NULL;
-		  importqual = 0;
-		  importspec = 0;
-		  importhide = 0;
-		  importlist = Lnil;
-		}
-	   readpreludecore readprelude
-		{
-		  inimport   = 0;
-		  importmod  = NULL;
-	  	  modulelineno = 0;
-		}
-	   module
-	;
 module	:  modulekey modid maybeexports
+		  modulelineno = startlineno;
 		  the_module_name = $2;
 		  module_exports = $3;
 	   WHERE body
 	|	{ 
+		  modulelineno = 0;
 		  the_module_name = install_literal("Main");
 		  module_exports = mknothing();
-body	:  ocurly { setstartlineno(); } orestm
-	|  vocurly vrestm
+body	:  ocurly { setstartlineno(); } interface_pragma orestm
+	|  vocurly interface_pragma vrestm
+interface_pragma : /* empty */
+	       {
+		 source_version = atoi($2);
+	       }
+        ;
 orestm  :  maybeimpdecls maybefixes topdecls ccurly
-		 root = mkhmodule(the_module_name,lconc(prelude_imports,$1),module_exports,$2,$3,modulelineno);
+		 root = mkhmodule(the_module_name,$1,module_exports,
+				  $2,$3,source_version,modulelineno);
 	|  impdecls ccurly
-		 root = mkhmodule(the_module_name,lconc(prelude_imports,$1),module_exports,Lnil,mknullbind(),modulelineno);
+		 root = mkhmodule(the_module_name,$1,module_exports,
+			          Lnil,mknullbind(),source_version,modulelineno);
 vrestm  :  maybeimpdecls maybefixes topdecls vccurly
-		 root = mkhmodule(the_module_name,lconc(prelude_imports,$1),module_exports,$2,$3,modulelineno);
+		 root = mkhmodule(the_module_name,$1,module_exports,
+				  $2,$3,source_version,modulelineno);
 	|  impdecls vccurly
-		 root = mkhmodule(the_module_name,lconc(prelude_imports,$1),module_exports,Lnil,mknullbind(),modulelineno);
+		 root = mkhmodule(the_module_name,$1,module_exports,
+				  Lnil,mknullbind(),source_version,modulelineno);
 maybeexports :	/* empty */			{ $$ = mknothing(); }
 	|  OPAREN export_list CPAREN		{ $$ = mkjust($2); }
 	|  OPAREN export_list COMMA CPAREN	{ $$ = mkjust($2); }
@@ -460,46 +380,32 @@ impdecls:  impdecl				{ $$ = $1; }
-impdecl	:  importkey
-		{ 
-		  inimport = 1;
-		  importlineno = startlineno;
-		}
-	   impqual impmod dointerface impas maybeimpspec
+impdecl	:  importkey impqual impmod impas maybeimpspec
-		  $$ = lsing(mkimport(iface_name,xstrdup(iface_filename),$5,
-				      $4,$3,$6,$7,importlineno));
-		  inimport   = 0;
-		  importmod  = NULL;	
-		  importas   = 0;
-		  asmod      = NULL;
-		  importqual = 0;
-		  importspec = 0;
-		  importhide = 0;
-		  importlist = Lnil;
+		  $$ = lsing(mkimport($3,$2,$4,$5,startlineno));
-impmod  : modid					{ $$ = importmod = $1; }
+impmod  : modid					{ $$ = $1; }
-impqual :  /* noqual */				{ $$ = importqual = 0; }
-	|  QUALIFIED 				{ $$ = importqual = 1; }
+impqual :  /* noqual */				{ $$ = 0; }
+	|  QUALIFIED 				{ $$ = 1; }
-impas   :  /* noas */				{ $$ = mknothing(); importas = 0; asmod = NULL; }
-	|  AS modid				{ $$ = mkjust($2);  importas = 1; asmod = $2;   }
+impas   :  /* noas */				{ $$ = mknothing(); }
+	|  AS modid				{ $$ = mkjust($2);  }
-maybeimpspec :	/* empty */			{ $$ = mknothing(); importspec = 0; }
-	|  impspec				{ $$ = mkjust($1);  importspec = 1; }
+maybeimpspec :	/* empty */			{ $$ = mknothing(); }
+	|  impspec				{ $$ = mkjust($1);  }
-impspec	:  OPAREN CPAREN			  { $$ = mkleft(Lnil); importhide = 0; importlist = Lnil; }
-	|  OPAREN import_list CPAREN		  { $$ = mkleft($2);   importhide = 0; importlist = $2; }
-	|  OPAREN import_list COMMA CPAREN	  { $$ = mkleft($2);   importhide = 0; importlist = $2; }
-	|  HIDING OPAREN import_list CPAREN	  { $$ = mkright($3);  importhide = 1; importlist = $3; }
-	|  HIDING OPAREN import_list COMMA CPAREN { $$ = mkright($3);  importhide = 1; importlist = $3; }
+impspec	:  OPAREN CPAREN			  { $$ = mkleft(Lnil); }
+	|  OPAREN import_list CPAREN		  { $$ = mkleft($2);   }
+	|  OPAREN import_list COMMA CPAREN	  { $$ = mkleft($2);   }
+	|  HIDING OPAREN import_list CPAREN	  { $$ = mkright($3);  }
+	|  HIDING OPAREN import_list COMMA CPAREN { $$ = mkright($3);  }
@@ -521,546 +427,6 @@ iname   :  var					{ $$ = mknoqual($1); }
 	|  con					{ $$ = mknoqual($1); }
-*                                                                     *
-*                                                                     *
-*      Reading interface files					      *
-*                                                                     *
-*                                                                     *
-dointerface :	{ /* filename returned in "iface_filename" */
-		  char *module_name = id_to_string(importmod);
-		  if ( ! etags ) {
-		      find_module_on_imports_dirlist(
-			(haskell1_2Flag && strcmp(module_name, "Prelude") == 0)
-			    ? "Prel12" : module_name,
-			FALSE, iface_filename);
-		  } else {
-		     find_module_on_imports_dirlist("PreludeNull_",TRUE,iface_filename);
-		  }
-		  if (strcmp(module_name,"PreludeCore")==0) {
-			    hsperror("Cannot explicitly import `PreludeCore'");
-		  } else if (strcmp(module_name,"Prelude")==0) {
-		    prelude_imports = prelude_core_import; /* unavoidable */
-		  }
-		  thisIfacePragmaVersion = 0;
-		  setyyin(iface_filename);
-		}
-	readinterface
-		{ $$ = $2; }
-	;
-		  if ( implicitPrelude && !etags ) {
-		     /* we try to avoid reading interfaces when etagging */
-		     find_module_on_imports_dirlist(
-			(haskell1_2Flag) ? "PrelCore12" : "PreludeCore",
-			TRUE,iface_filename);
-		  } else {
-		     find_module_on_imports_dirlist("PreludeNull_",TRUE,iface_filename);
-		  }
-		  thisIfacePragmaVersion = 0;
-		  setyyin(iface_filename);
-		}
-	   readinterface
-		{
-		  binding prelude_core = mkimport(iface_name,xstrdup(iface_filename),$2,
-				                  install_literal("PreludeCore"),
-						  0,mknothing(),mknothing(),0);
-		  prelude_core_import = (! implicitPrelude) ? Lnil : lsing(prelude_core);
-		}
-	;
-readprelude :   {
-		  if ( implicitPrelude && !etags ) {
-		     find_module_on_imports_dirlist(
-			( haskell1_2Flag ) ? "Prel12" : "Prelude",
-			TRUE,iface_filename);
-		  } else {
-		     find_module_on_imports_dirlist("PreludeNull_",TRUE,iface_filename);
-		  }
-		  thisIfacePragmaVersion = 0;
-		  setyyin(iface_filename);
-		}
-	   readinterface
-		{
-		  binding prelude = mkimport(iface_name,xstrdup(iface_filename),$2,
-				             install_literal("Prelude"),
-					     0,mknothing(),mknothing(),0);
-		  prelude_imports = (! implicitPrelude) ? Lnil
-					: lconc(prelude_core_import,lsing(prelude));
-		}
-	;
-	   interface LEOF
-		{
-		  $$ = $1;
-		}
-	;
-  	   INTERFACE modid
-		{ 
-		  iface_name = $2;
-		}
-	   WHERE ibody
-		{
-		  $$ = $5;
-		}
-	;
-ibody	:  ocurly maybeiimports maybeifixes itopdecls ccurly
-		{
-		  $$ = mkabind($2,mkabind($3,$4));
-		}
-	|  ocurly iimports ccurly
-		{
-		  $$ = $2;
-		}
-	|  vocurly maybeiimports maybeifixes itopdecls vccurly
-		{
-		  $$ = mkabind($2,mkabind($3,$4));
-		}
-	|  vocurly iimports vccurly
-		{
-		  $$ = $2;
-		}
-  	;
-maybeifixes:  /* empty */			{ $$ = mknullbind(); }
-	|  fixes SEMI				{ $$ = mkmfbind($1); }
-	;
-maybeiimports : /* empty */			{ $$ = mknullbind(); }
-	|  iimports SEMI			{ $$ = $1; }
-	;
-iimports : iimport				{ $$ = $1; }
-	 | iimports SEMI iimport		{ $$ = mkabind($1,$3); }
-	 ;
-iimport :  importkey modid OPAREN import_list CPAREN
-		{ $$ = mkmbind($2,$4,startlineno); }
-	;
-itopdecls : itopdecl				{ $$ = $1; }
-	| itopdecls SEMI itopdecl		{ $$ = mkabind($1,$3); }
-  	;
-itopdecl:  ityped	 			{ $$ = $1; }
-	|  idatad 				{ $$ = $1; }
-	|  inewtd 				{ $$ = $1; }
-	|  iclassd 				{ $$ = $1; }
-	|  iinstd 				{ $$ = $1; }
-	|  ivarsd				{ $$ = $1; }
-	|  /* empty */				{ $$ = mknullbind(); }
-	;
-ivarsd	:  qvarsk DCOLON ctype ival_pragma
-		{ $$ = mksbind($1,$3,startlineno,$4); }
-	;
-ityped	:  typekey simple EQUAL type
-		{ $$ = mknbind($2,$4,startlineno); }
-	;
-idatad	:  datakey simple idata_pragma
-		{ $$ = mktbind(Lnil,$2,Lnil,mknothing(),startlineno,$3); }
-	|  datakey simple EQUAL constrs idata_pragma
-		{ $$ = mktbind(Lnil,$2,$4,mknothing(),startlineno,$5); }
-	|  datakey context DARROW simple idata_pragma
-		{ $$ = mktbind($2,$4,Lnil,mknothing(),startlineno,$5); }
-	|  datakey context DARROW simple EQUAL constrs idata_pragma
-		{ $$ = mktbind($2,$4,$6,mknothing(),startlineno,$7); }
-	;
-inewtd	:  newtypekey simple inewt_pragma
-		{ $$ = mkntbind(Lnil,$2,Lnil,mknothing(),startlineno,$3); }
-	|  newtypekey simple EQUAL constr1 inewt_pragma
-		{ $$ = mkntbind(Lnil,$2,$4,mknothing(),startlineno,$5); }
-	|  newtypekey context DARROW simple inewt_pragma
-		{ $$ = mkntbind($2,$4,Lnil,mknothing(),startlineno,$5); }
-	|  newtypekey context DARROW simple EQUAL constr1 inewt_pragma
-		{ $$ = mkntbind($2,$4,$6,mknothing(),startlineno,$7); }
-	;
-iclassd	:  classkey context DARROW class iclas_pragma cbody
-		{ $$ = mkcbind($2,$4,$6,startlineno,$5); }
-	|  classkey class iclas_pragma cbody
-		{ $$ = mkcbind(Lnil,$2,$4,startlineno,$3); }
-	;
-iinstd	:  instkey modid context DARROW gtycon general_inst iinst_pragma
-		{ $$ = mkibind(0/*not source*/,$2,$3,$5,$6,mknullbind(),startlineno,$7); }
-	|  instkey modid gtycon general_inst iinst_pragma
-		{ $$ = mkibind(0/*not source*/,$2,Lnil,$3,$4,mknullbind(),startlineno,$5); }
-	;
-*                                                                     *
-*                                                                     *
-*     Interface pragma stuff					      *
-*                                                                     *
-*                                                                     *
-	   GHC_PRAGMA constrs idata_pragma_specs END_PRAGMA
-						{ $$ = mkidata_pragma($2, $3); }
-	|  GHC_PRAGMA idata_pragma_specs END_PRAGMA
-						{ $$ = mkidata_pragma(Lnil, $2); }
-	|  /* empty */			    	{ $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-	;
-	   GHC_PRAGMA constr1 idata_pragma_specs END_PRAGMA
-						{ $$ = mkidata_pragma($2, $3); }
-	|  GHC_PRAGMA idata_pragma_specs END_PRAGMA
-						{ $$ = mkidata_pragma(Lnil, $2); }
-	|  /* empty */			    	{ $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-	;
-idata_pragma_specs : 
-	   SPECIALISE_PRAGMA idata_pragma_specslist
-						{ $$ = $2; }
-	|  /* empty */			    	{ $$ = Lnil; }
-	;
-	   idata_pragma_spectypes		{ $$ = lsing($1); }
-	|  idata_pragma_specslist COMMA idata_pragma_spectypes
-						{ $$ = lapp($1, $3); }
-	;
-	   OBRACK type_maybes CBRACK		{ $$ = mkidata_pragma_4s($2); }
-	;
-	   GHC_PRAGMA gen_pragma_list END_PRAGMA { $$ = mkiclas_pragma($2); }
-	|  /* empty */				 { $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-	;
-	   GHC_PRAGMA gen_pragma gen_pragma END_PRAGMA
-		{ $$ = mkiclasop_pragma($2, $3); }
-	|  /* empty */
-		{ $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-	;
-	   GHC_PRAGMA gen_pragma END_PRAGMA
-		{ $$ = mkiinst_simpl_pragma($2); }
-	|  GHC_PRAGMA gen_pragma name_pragma_pairs END_PRAGMA
-		{ $$ = mkiinst_const_pragma($2, $3); }
-	|  /* empty */
-		{ $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-	;
-	   GHC_PRAGMA gen_pragma END_PRAGMA
-		{ $$ = $2; }
-	|  /* empty */
-		{ $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-	;
-		{ $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-	|  arity_pragma update_pragma deforest_pragma strictness_pragma unfolding_pragma type_pragma_pairs_maybe
-		{ $$ = mkigen_pragma($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); }
-	;
-	   NO_PRAGMA		    { $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-	|  ARITY_PRAGMA INTEGER	    { $$ = mkiarity_pragma($2); }
-	;
-	   NO_PRAGMA		    { $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-	|  UPDATE_PRAGMA INTEGER    { $$ = mkiupdate_pragma($2); }
-	;
-           NO_PRAGMA                { $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-        |  DEFOREST_PRAGMA          { $$ = mkideforest_pragma(); }
-        ;
-	   NO_PRAGMA		    { $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-	|  STRICTNESS_PRAGMA COCON  { $$ = mkistrictness_pragma(installHstring(1, "B"),
-				      /* _!_ = COCON = bottom */ mkno_pragma());
-				    }
-				    { $$ = mkistrictness_pragma($2, $3); }
-	;
-	   OCURLY gen_pragma CCURLY { $$ = $2; }
-	|  /* empty */		    { $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-	   NO_PRAGMA		    { $$ = mkno_pragma(); }
-				    { $$ = mkimagic_unfolding_pragma($2); }
-	|  UNFOLDING_PRAGMA unfolding_guidance core_expr
-				    { $$ = mkiunfolding_pragma($2, $3); }
-	;
-				    { $$ = mkiunfold_always(); }
-				    { $$ = mkiunfold_if_args($2, $3, $4, $5); }
-	;
-	   gen_pragma				{ $$ = lsing($1); }
-	|  gen_pragma_list COMMA gen_pragma	{ $$ = lapp($1, $3); }
-	;
-	  NO_PRAGMA				{ $$ = Lnil; }
-	| SPECIALISE_PRAGMA type_pragma_pairs	{ $$ = $2; }
-	;
-/* 1 S/R conflict at COMMA -> shift */
-	   type_pragma_pair			    { $$ = lsing($1); }
-	|  type_pragma_pairs COMMA type_pragma_pair { $$ = lapp($1, $3); }
-	;
-	   OBRACK type_maybes CBRACK INTEGER worker_info
-		{ $$ = mkitype_pragma_pr($2, $4, $5); }
-	;
-	   type_maybe			{ $$ = lsing($1); }
-	|  type_maybes COMMA type_maybe	{ $$ = lapp($1, $3); }
-	;
-	   NO_PRAGMA			{ $$ = mknothing(); }
-    	|  type				{ $$ = mkjust($1); }
-	;
-	   name_pragma_pair			    { $$ = lsing($1); }
-	|  name_pragma_pairs COMMA name_pragma_pair { $$ = lapp($1, $3); }
-	;
-	   /* if the gen_pragma concludes with a *comma*-separated SPECs list,
-	      we get a parse error --- we have to bracket the gen_pragma
-	   */
-	   var EQUAL OCURLY gen_pragma CCURLY
-		{ $$ = mkiname_pragma_pr($1, $4); }
-	;
-*                                                                     *
-*                                                                     *
-*     Core syntax stuff 					      *
-*                                                                     *
-*                                                                     *
-	   LAMBDA core_binders RARROW core_expr
-			{ $$ = mkcolam($2, $4); }
-	|  TYLAMBDA core_tyvars RARROW core_expr
-			{ $$ = mkcotylam($2, $4); }
-	|  COCON con core_types core_atoms
-			{ $$ = mkcocon(mkco_id($2), $3, $4); }
-	|  COCON CO_ORIG_NM modid con core_types core_atoms
-			{ $$ = mkcocon(mkco_orig_id($3,$4), $5, $6); }
-	|  COPRIM co_primop core_types core_atoms
-			{ $$ = mkcoprim($2, $3, $4); }
-	|  COAPP core_expr core_atoms
-			{ $$ = mkcoapp($2, $3); }
-	|  COTYAPP core_expr OCURLY core_type CCURLY
-			{ $$ = mkcotyapp($2, $4); }
-	|  CASE core_expr OF OCURLY core_case_alts CCURLY
-			{ $$ = mkcocase($2, $5); }
-	|  LET OCURLY core_binder EQUAL core_expr CCURLY IN core_expr
-			{ $$ = mkcolet(mkcononrec($3, $5), $8); }
-	|  CO_LETREC OCURLY corec_binds CCURLY IN core_expr
-			{ $$ = mkcolet(mkcorec($3), $6); }
-	|  SCC OCURLY co_scc CCURLY core_expr
-			{ $$ = mkcoscc($3, $5); }
-	|  lit_constant { $$ = mkcoliteral($1); }
-	|  core_id	{ $$ = mkcovar($1); }
-	;
-core_case_alts :
-	   CO_ALG_ALTS  core_alg_alts  core_default
-			{ $$ = mkcoalg_alts($2, $3); }
-	|  CO_PRIM_ALTS core_prim_alts core_default
-			{ $$ = mkcoprim_alts($2, $3); }
-	;
-core_alg_alts :
-	   /* empty */			{ $$ = Lnil; }
-	|  core_alg_alts core_alg_alt	{ $$ = lapp($1, $2); }
-	;
-	   core_id core_binders RARROW core_expr SEMI { $$ = mkcoalg_alt($1, $2, $4); }
-	   /* core_id is really too generous */
-	;
-core_prim_alts :
-	   /* empty */			{ $$ = Lnil; }
-	|  core_prim_alts core_prim_alt	{ $$ = lapp($1, $2); }
-	;
-	   lit_constant RARROW core_expr SEMI { $$ = mkcoprim_alt($1, $3); }
-	;
-	   CO_NO_DEFAULT		{ $$ = mkconodeflt(); }
-	|  core_binder RARROW core_expr	{ $$ = mkcobinddeflt($1, $3); }
-	;
-	   corec_bind			{ $$ = lsing($1); }
-	|  corec_binds SEMI corec_bind	{ $$ = lapp($1, $3); }
-	;
-	   core_binder EQUAL core_expr	{ $$ = mkcorec_pair($1, $3); }
-	;
-co_scc	:
-	   CO_PRELUDE_DICTS_CC co_dupd		 { $$ = mkco_preludedictscc($2); }
-	|  CO_ALL_DICTS_CC STRING STRING co_dupd { $$ = mkco_alldictscc($2,$3,$4); }
-	|  CO_USER_CC STRING  STRING STRING co_dupd co_caf
-						{ $$ = mkco_usercc($2,$3,$4,$5,$6); }
-	|  CO_AUTO_CC core_id STRING STRING co_dupd co_caf
-						{ $$ = mkco_autocc($2,$3,$4,$5,$6); }
-	|  CO_DICT_CC core_id STRING STRING co_dupd co_caf
-						{ $$ = mkco_dictcc($2,$3,$4,$5,$6); }
-co_caf	:  NO_PRAGMA	{ $$ = mkco_scc_noncaf(); }
-	|  CO_CAF_CC	{ $$ = mkco_scc_caf(); }
-co_dupd	:  NO_PRAGMA	{ $$ = mkco_scc_nondupd(); }
-	|  CO_DUPD_CC	{ $$ = mkco_scc_dupd(); }
-core_id: /* more to come?? */
-	   CO_SDSEL_ID  tycon tycon	{ $$ = mkco_sdselid($2, $3); }
-	|  CO_METH_ID   tycon var	{ $$ = mkco_classopid($2, $3); }
-	|  CO_DEFM_ID   tycon var	{ $$ = mkco_defmid($2, $3); }
-	|  CO_DFUN_ID   tycon OPAREN core_type CPAREN
-					{ $$ = mkco_dfunid($2, $4); }
-	|  CO_CONSTM_ID tycon var OPAREN core_type CPAREN
-					{ $$ = mkco_constmid($2, $3, $5); }
-	|  CO_SPEC_ID	core_id OBRACK core_type_maybes CBRACK
-					{ $$ = mkco_specid($2, $4); }
-	|  CO_WRKR_ID	core_id		{ $$ = mkco_wrkrid($2); }
-	|  CO_ORIG_NM   modid var	{ $$ = mkco_orig_id($2, $3); }
-	|  CO_ORIG_NM   modid con	{ $$ = mkco_orig_id($2, $3); }
-	|  var				{ $$ = mkco_id($1); }
-	|  con				{ $$ = mkco_id($1); }
-	;
-co_primop :
-	   OPAREN CCALL ccallid	     OCURLY core_types core_type CCURLY CPAREN
-					{ $$ = mkco_ccall($3,0,$5,$6); }
-	|  OPAREN CCALL_GC ccallid   OCURLY core_types core_type CCURLY CPAREN
-					{ $$ = mkco_ccall($3,1,$5,$6); }
-	|  OPAREN CASM  lit_constant OCURLY core_types core_type CCURLY CPAREN
-					{ $$ = mkco_casm($3,0,$5,$6); }
-	|  OPAREN CASM_GC lit_constant OCURLY core_types core_type CCURLY CPAREN
-					{ $$ = mkco_casm($3,1,$5,$6); }
-	|  VARID			{ $$ = mkco_primop($1); }
-	;
-core_binders :
-	   /* empty */			{ $$ = Lnil; }
-	|  core_binders core_binder	{ $$ = lapp($1, $2); }
-	;
-core_binder :
-	   OPAREN VARID DCOLON core_type CPAREN	{ $$ = mkcobinder($2, $4); }
-core_atoms :
-	   OBRACK CBRACK		{ $$ = Lnil; }
-	|  OBRACK core_atom_list CBRACK	{ $$ = $2; }
-	;
-core_atom_list :
-	   core_atom			    { $$ = lsing($1); }
-	|  core_atom_list COMMA core_atom   { $$ = lapp($1, $3); }
-	;
-core_atom :
-	   lit_constant		{ $$ = mkcolit($1); }
-	|  core_id		{ $$ = mkcolocal($1); }
-	;
-core_tyvars :
-	   VARID		{ $$ = lsing($1); }
-	|  core_tyvars VARID  	{ $$ = lapp($1, $2); }
-	;
-core_tv_templates :
-	   TYVAR_TEMPLATE_ID				{ $$ = lsing($1); }
-	|  core_tv_templates COMMA TYVAR_TEMPLATE_ID 	{ $$ = lapp($1, $3); }
-	;
-core_types :
-	   OBRACK CBRACK		{ $$ = Lnil; }
-	|  OBRACK core_type_list CBRACK	{ $$ = $2; }
-	;
-core_type_list :
-	   core_type			    { $$ = lsing($1); }
-	|  core_type_list COMMA core_type   { $$ = lapp($1, $3); }
-	;
-core_type :
-	   type { $$ = $1; }
-	;
-core_type :
-	   FORALL core_tv_templates DARROW core_type
-		{ $$ = mkuniforall($2, $4); }
-		{ $$ = mktfun(mkunidict($3, $4), $8); }
-		{ $$ = mkunidict($3, $4); }
-		{ $$ = mktfun(mkttuple(mklcons(mkunidict($4, $5), $9)), $12); }
-		{ $$ = mkttuple(mklcons(mkunidict($4,$5), $9)); }
-	|  type { $$ = $1; }
-	;
-	   core_type_maybe			    { $$ = lsing($1); }
-	|  core_type_maybes COMMA core_type_maybe   { $$ = lapp($1, $3); }
-	;
-	   NO_PRAGMA			{ $$ = mknothing(); }
-    	|  core_type			{ $$ = mkjust($1); }
-	;
 *                                                                     *
 *                                                                     *
@@ -1091,16 +457,8 @@ fix	:  INFIXL INTEGER	{ Precedence = checkfixity($2); Fixity = INFIXL; }
 	   ops  		{ $$ = $3; }
-ops	:  op		 { makeinfix($1,Fixity,Precedence,the_module_name,
-				     inimport,importas,importmod,asmod,importqual,
-				     importspec,importhide,importlist);
-			   $$ = lsing(mkfixop($1,infixint(Fixity),Precedence));
-			 }
-	|  ops COMMA op  { makeinfix($3,Fixity,Precedence,the_module_name,
-				     inimport,importas,importmod,asmod,importqual,
-				     importspec,importhide,importlist);
-			   $$ = lapp($1,mkfixop($3,infixint(Fixity),Precedence));
-			 }
+ops	:  op		 { $$ = lsing(mkfixop(mknoqual($1),infixint(Fixity),Precedence)); }
+	|  ops COMMA op  { $$ = lapp($1,mkfixop(mknoqual($3),infixint(Fixity),Precedence)); }
 topdecls:  topdecl
@@ -1121,7 +479,7 @@ topdecls:  topdecl
 		    $$ = $3;
 		  SAMEFN = 0;
-	;
+        ;
 topdecl	:  typed				{ $$ = $1; }
 	|  datad 				{ $$ = $1; }
@@ -1136,28 +494,26 @@ typed	:  typekey simple EQUAL type		{ $$ = mknbind($2,$4,startlineno); }
-datad	:  datakey simple EQUAL constrs
-		{ $$ = mktbind(Lnil,$2,$4,mknothing(),startlineno,mkno_pragma()); }
-	|  datakey simple EQUAL constrs DERIVING dtyclses
-		{ $$ = mktbind(Lnil,$2,$4,mkjust($6),startlineno,mkno_pragma()); }
-	|  datakey context DARROW simple EQUAL constrs
-		{ $$ = mktbind($2,$4,$6,mknothing(),startlineno,mkno_pragma()); }
-	|  datakey context DARROW simple EQUAL constrs DERIVING dtyclses
-		{ $$ = mktbind($2,$4,$6,mkjust($8),startlineno,mkno_pragma()); }
+datad	:  datakey simple EQUAL constrs deriving
+		{ $$ = mktbind(Lnil,$2,$4,$5,startlineno); }
+	|  datakey context DARROW simple EQUAL constrs deriving
+		{ $$ = mktbind($2,$4,$6,$7,startlineno); }
+	;
+newtd	:  newtypekey simple EQUAL constr1 deriving
+		{ $$ = mkntbind(Lnil,$2,$4,$5,startlineno); }
+	|  newtypekey context DARROW simple EQUAL constr1 deriving
+		{ $$ = mkntbind($2,$4,$6,$7,startlineno); }
-newtd	:  newtypekey simple EQUAL constr1
-		{ $$ = mkntbind(Lnil,$2,$4,mknothing(),startlineno,mkno_pragma()); }
-	|  newtypekey simple EQUAL constr1 DERIVING dtyclses
-		{ $$ = mkntbind(Lnil,$2,$4,mkjust($6),startlineno,mkno_pragma()); }
-	|  newtypekey context DARROW simple EQUAL constr1
-		{ $$ = mkntbind($2,$4,$6,mknothing(),startlineno,mkno_pragma()); }
-	|  newtypekey context DARROW simple EQUAL constr1 DERIVING dtyclses
-		{ $$ = mkntbind($2,$4,$6,mkjust($8),startlineno,mkno_pragma()); }
+deriving: /* empty */				{ $$ = mknothing(); }
+        | DERIVING dtyclses                     { $$ = mkjust($2); }
-classd	:  classkey context DARROW class cbody	{ $$ = mkcbind($2,$4,$5,startlineno,mkno_pragma()); }
-	|  classkey class cbody		 	{ $$ = mkcbind(Lnil,$2,$3,startlineno,mkno_pragma()); }
+classd	:  classkey context DARROW class cbody
+		{ $$ = mkcbind($2,$4,$5,startlineno); }
+	|  classkey class cbody		 	
+		{ $$ = mkcbind(Lnil,$2,$3,startlineno); }
 cbody	:  /* empty */				{ $$ = mknullbind(); }
@@ -1166,14 +522,14 @@ cbody	:  /* empty */				{ $$ = mknullbind(); }
 instd	:  instkey context DARROW gtycon restrict_inst rinst
-		{ $$ = mkibind(1/*source*/,the_module_name,$2,$4,$5,$6,startlineno,mkno_pragma()); }
+		{ $$ = mkibind($2,$4,$5,$6,startlineno); }
 	|  instkey gtycon general_inst rinst
-	 	{ $$ = mkibind(1/*source*/,the_module_name,Lnil,$2,$3,$4,startlineno,mkno_pragma()); }
+	 	{ $$ = mkibind(Lnil,$2,$3,$4,startlineno); }
-rinst	:  /* empty */			  	{ $$ = mknullbind(); }
-	|  WHERE ocurly  instdefs ccurly  	{ $$ = $3; }
-	|  WHERE vocurly instdefs vccurly 	{ $$ = $3; }
+rinst	:  /* empty */			  			{ $$ = mknullbind(); }
+	|  WHERE ocurly  instdefs ccurly  			{ $$ = $3; }
+	|  WHERE vocurly instdefs vccurly 			{ $$ = $3; }
 restrict_inst : gtycon				{ $$ = mktname($1); }
@@ -1194,8 +550,8 @@ defaultd:  defaultkey OPAREN types CPAREN       { $$ = mkdbind($3,startlineno);
 	|  defaultkey OPAREN CPAREN		{ $$ = mkdbind(Lnil,startlineno); }
-decls	:  decl
-	|  decls SEMI decl
+decls	: decl
+	| decls SEMI decl
@@ -1207,17 +563,17 @@ decls	:  decl
     Note: if there is an iclasop_pragma here, then we must be
     doing a class-op in an interface -- unless the user is up
     to real mischief (ugly, but likely to work).
-decl	:  qvarsk DCOLON ctype iclasop_pragma
-		{ $$ = mksbind($1,$3,startlineno,$4);
+decl	: qvarsk DCOLON ctype
+		{ $$ = mksbind($1,$3,startlineno);
 	/* User-specified pragmas come in as "signatures"...
 	   They are similar in that they can appear anywhere in the module,
 	   and have to be "joined up" with their related entity.
@@ -1313,8 +669,6 @@ ctype   : type DARROW type			{ $$ = mkcontext(type2context($1),$3); }
 	/* 1 S/R conflict at RARROW -> shift */
 type	:  btype				{ $$ = $1; }
 	|  btype RARROW type			{ $$ = mktfun($1,$3); }
-	|  FORALL core_tv_templates DARROW type { $$ = mkuniforall($2, $4); }
 /* btype is split so we can parse gtyconapp without S/R conflicts */
@@ -1339,10 +693,7 @@ ntycon	:  tyvar				{ $$ = $1; }
 	|  OPAREN type COMMA types CPAREN	{ $$ = mkttuple(mklcons($2,$4)); }
 	|  OBRACK type CBRACK			{ $$ = mktllist($2); }
 	|  OPAREN type CPAREN			{ $$ = $2; }
-	|  OCURLY OCURLY gtycon type CCURLY CCURLY { $$ = mkunidict($3, $4); }
-	|  TYVAR_TEMPLATE_ID			{ $$ = mkunityvartemplate($1); }
-	;
+        ;
 gtycon	:  qtycon
 	|  OPAREN RARROW CPAREN			{ $$ = creategid(-2); }
@@ -1563,7 +914,7 @@ exp	:  oexp DCOLON ctype			{ $$ = mkrestr($1,$3); }
   precedence parsing to work.
 	/* 9 S/R conflicts on qop -> shift */
-oexp	:  oexp qop oexp %prec MINUS		{ $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3); precparse($$); }
+oexp	:  oexp qop oexp %prec MINUS		{ $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3); }
 	|  dexp
@@ -1571,7 +922,7 @@ oexp	:  oexp qop oexp %prec MINUS		{ $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3); precparse($$); }
   This comes here because of the funny precedence rules concerning
   prefix minus.
-dexp	:  MINUS kexp				{ $$ = mknegate($2,NULL,NULL); }
+dexp	:  MINUS kexp				{ $$ = mknegate($2); }
 	|  kexp
@@ -1582,17 +933,17 @@ dexp	:  MINUS kexp				{ $$ = mknegate($2,NULL,NULL); }
 expLno 	:  oexpLno DCOLON ctype			{ $$ = mkrestr($1,$3); }
 	|  oexpLno
-oexpLno	:  oexpLno qop oexp %prec MINUS		{ $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3); precparse($$); }
+oexpLno	:  oexpLno qop oexp %prec MINUS		{ $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3); }
 	|  dexpLno
-dexpLno	:  MINUS kexp				{ $$ = mknegate($2,NULL,NULL); }
+dexpLno	:  MINUS kexp				{ $$ = mknegate($2); }
 	|  kexpLno
 expL 	:  oexpL DCOLON ctype			{ $$ = mkrestr($1,$3); }
 	|  oexpL
-oexpL	:  oexpL qop oexp %prec MINUS		{ $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3); precparse($$); }
+oexpL	:  oexpL qop oexp %prec MINUS		{ $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3); }
 	|  kexpL
@@ -1661,9 +1012,9 @@ fexp	:  fexp aexp				{ $$ = mkap($1,$2); }
 aexp	:  qvar					{ $$ = mkident($1); }
 	|  gcon					{ $$ = mkident($1); }
 	|  lit_constant				{ $$ = mklit($1); }
-	|  OPAREN exp CPAREN			{ $$ = mkpar($2); }	  /* mkpar: stop infix parsing at ()'s */
+	|  OPAREN exp CPAREN			{ $$ = mkpar($2); }	    /* mkpar: stop infix parsing at ()'s */
 	|  qcon OCURLY CCURLY			{ $$ = mkrecord($1,Lnil); }
-	|  qcon OCURLY rbinds CCURLY		{ $$ = mkrecord($1,$3); } /* 1 S/R conflict on OCURLY -> shift */
+	|  qcon OCURLY rbinds CCURLY		{ $$ = mkrecord($1,$3); }   /* 1 S/R conflict on OCURLY -> shift */
 	|  OBRACK list_exps CBRACK		{ $$ = mkllist($2); }
 	|  OPAREN exp COMMA texps CPAREN	{ if (ttree($4) == tuple)
 			     			     $$ = mktuple(mklcons($2, gtuplelist((struct Stuple *) $4)));
@@ -1711,8 +1062,10 @@ texps	:  exp	{ $$ = mkpar($1); }	/* mkpar: so we don't flatten last element in t
 	|  exp COMMA texps
 		{ if (ttree($3) == tuple)
 		    $$ = mktuple(mklcons($1, gtuplelist((struct Stuple *) $3)));
+		  else if (ttree($3) == par)
+		    $$ = mktuple(ldub($1, gpare((struct Spar *) $3)));
-		    $$ = mktuple(ldub($1, $3));
+		    hsperror("hsparser:texps: panic");
 	/* right recursion? WDP */
@@ -1807,33 +1160,11 @@ leftexp	:  LARROW exp				{ $$ = $2; }
 opatk	:  dpatk
-	|  opatk qop opat %prec MINUS
-		{
-		  $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3);
-		  if (isconstr(qid_to_string($2)))
-		    precparse($$);
-		  else
-		    {
-		      checkprec($1,$2,FALSE);	/* Check the precedence of the left pattern */
-		      checkprec($3,$2,TRUE);	/* then check the right pattern */
-		    }
-		}
+	|  opatk qop opat %prec MINUS		{ $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3); }
 opat	:  dpat
-	|  opat qop opat %prec MINUS
-		{
-		  $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3);
-		  if(isconstr(qid_to_string($2)))
-		    precparse($$);
-		  else
-		    {
-		      checkprec($1,$2,FALSE);	/* Check the precedence of the left pattern */
-		      checkprec($3,$2,TRUE);	/* then check the right pattern */
-		    }
-		}
+	|  opat qop opat %prec MINUS		{ $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3); }
@@ -1842,7 +1173,7 @@ opat	:  dpat
-dpat	:  MINUS fpat				{ $$ = mknegate($2,NULL,NULL); }
+dpat	:  MINUS fpat				{ $$ = mknegate($2); }
 	|  fpat
@@ -1851,7 +1182,7 @@ fpat	:  fpat aapat				{ $$ = mkap($1,$2); }
 	|  aapat
-dpatk	:  minuskey fpat			{ $$ = mknegate($2,NULL,NULL); }
+dpatk	:  minuskey fpat			{ $$ = mknegate($2); }
 	|  fpatk
@@ -1907,7 +1238,7 @@ pats	:  pat COMMA pats			{ $$ = mklcons($1, $3); }
     	/* right recursion? (WDP) */
-pat	:  pat qconop bpat			{ $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3); precparse($$); }
+pat	:  pat qconop bpat			{ $$ = mkinfixap($2,$1,$3); }
 	|  bpat
@@ -1947,11 +1278,7 @@ lit_constant:
 	|  INTPRIM				{ $$ = mkintprim($1); }
 	|  FLOATPRIM				{ $$ = mkfloatprim($1); }
 	|  DOUBLEPRIM				{ $$ = mkdoubleprim($1); }
-	|  CLITLIT /* yurble yurble */		{ $$ = mkclitlit($1, ""); }
-	|  CLITLIT KIND_PRAGMA CONID		{ $$ = mkclitlit($1, $3); }
-	|  NOREP_INTEGER  INTEGER		{ $$ = mknorepi($2); }
-	|  NOREP_RATIONAL INTEGER INTEGER	{ $$ = mknorepr($2, $3); }
-	|  NOREP_STRING   STRING		{ $$ = mknoreps($2); }
+	|  CLITLIT /* yurble yurble */		{ $$ = mkclitlit($1); }
 rpats	: rpat					{ $$ = lsing($1); }
@@ -2141,7 +1468,6 @@ varid   :  VARID
 	|  AS				{ $$ = install_literal("as"); }
 	|  HIDING			{ $$ = install_literal("hiding"); }
 	|  QUALIFIED			{ $$ = install_literal("qualified"); }
-	|  INTERFACE			{ $$ = install_literal("interface"); }
 /* DARROW BANG are valid varsyms */
@@ -2154,7 +1480,7 @@ ccallid	:  VARID
 	|  CONID
-tyvar	:  varid			{ $$ = mknamedtvar($1); }
+tyvar	:  varid			{ $$ = mknamedtvar(mknoqual($1)); }
 tycon	:  CONID
@@ -2216,6 +1542,14 @@ vccurly1:
 *                                                                     *
+  if(!inpat)
+    hsperror("pattern syntax used in expression");
 /* The parser calls "hsperror" when it sees a
    `report this and die' error.  It sets the stage
    and calls "yyerror".
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/hspincl.h b/ghc/compiler/parser/hspincl.h
index 0f3530f89bc22892c03a1b73d58091a2a3ce0d72..6446ddd4e156d5013bf5f7234fdf86369c88266b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/hspincl.h
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/hspincl.h
@@ -50,8 +50,6 @@
 #include "either.h"
 #include "ttype.h"
 #include "constr.h"
-#include "coresyn.h"
-#include "hpragma.h"
 #include "binding.h"
 #include "entidt.h"
 #include "tree.h"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/literal.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/literal.ugn
index d8424a45ff9f6f6f10d9d407242135eca7d9cddb..fea4048ac3ff9786fa22a9b9ad70371f6bc8ee50 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/literal.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/literal.ugn
@@ -16,10 +16,5 @@ type literal;
 	charprim    : < gcharprim   : hstring; >;
 	string	    : < gstring	    : hstring; >;
 	stringprim  : < gstringprim : hstring; >;
-	clitlit	    : < gclitlit    : stringId;
-			gclitlit_kind : stringId; >;
-	norepi	    : < gnorepi	    : stringId; >;
-	norepr	    : < gnorepr_n   : stringId; 
-			gnorepr_d   : stringId; >;
-	noreps	    : < gnoreps	    : hstring; >;
+	clitlit	    : < gclitlit    : stringId; >;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/syntax.c b/ghc/compiler/parser/syntax.c
index ad5d3d68b15ac4910dd086ce1977ed73746a0b29..fec0ae8278633941f2f368bc8a24ea550f726e4d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/syntax.c
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/syntax.c
@@ -35,8 +35,6 @@ qid	fns[MAX_CONTEXTS] = { NULL };
 tree	prevpatt[MAX_CONTEXTS] = { NULL };
 static BOOLEAN	 checkorder2 PROTO((binding, BOOLEAN));
 static BOOLEAN	 checksig PROTO((BOOLEAN, binding));
@@ -85,13 +83,6 @@ checksamefn(fn)
-  if(!inpat)
-    hsperror("pattern syntax used in expression");
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -327,9 +318,6 @@ lhs_is_patt(tree e)
       case ident:
-	/* This change might break ap infixop below.  BEWARE.
-	   return (isconstr(qid_to_string(gident(e))));
-        */
       case ap:
@@ -433,107 +421,6 @@ binding rule;
     fprintf(stderr,"bind error in decl (%d)\n",tbinding(bind));
-  Precedence Parser for Haskell.  By default operators are left-associative, 
-  so it is only necessary to rearrange the parse tree where the new operator
-  has a greater precedence than the existing one, or where two operators have
-  the same precedence and are both right-associative. Error conditions are
-  handled.
-  Note:  Prefix negation has the same precedence as infix minus.
-         The algorithm must thus take account of explicit negates.
-precparse(tree t)
-  if(ttree(t) == infixap)
-    {
-      tree left = ginfarg1(t);
-      if(ttree(left) == negate)
-	{
-	  struct infix *ttabpos = infixlookup(ginffun(t));
-	  struct infix *ntabpos = infixlookup(mknoqual(install_literal("-")));
-	  if(pprecedence(ntabpos) < pprecedence(ttabpos))
-	    {
-	      /* (-x)*y  ==> -(x*y) */
-	      qid  lop  = ginffun(t);
-	      tree arg1 = gnexp(left);
-	      tree arg2 = ginfarg2(t);
-	      t->tag = negate;
-	      gnexp(t) = left;
-	      gnxxx1(t) = NULL;
-	      gnxxx2(t) = NULL;
-	      left->tag = infixap;
-	      ginffun(left)  = lop;
-	      ginfarg1(left) = arg1;
-	      ginfarg2(left) = arg2;
-	      precparse(left);
-	    }
-	}
-      else if(ttree(left) == infixap)
-	{
-	  struct infix *ttabpos    = infixlookup(ginffun(t));
-	  struct infix *lefttabpos = infixlookup(ginffun(left));
-	  if(pprecedence(lefttabpos) < pprecedence(ttabpos))
-	    rearrangeprec(left,t);
-	  else if(pprecedence(lefttabpos) == pprecedence(ttabpos))
-	    {
-	      if(pfixity(lefttabpos) == INFIXR && pfixity(ttabpos) == INFIXR)
-		rearrangeprec(left,t);
-	      else if(pfixity(lefttabpos) == INFIXL && pfixity(ttabpos) == INFIXL)
-		/* SKIP */;
-	      else
-		{
-		  char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
-		  sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot mix %s and %s in the same infix expression", 
-			  qid_to_string(ginffun(left)), qid_to_string(ginffun(t)));
-		  hsperror(errbuf);
-	      }
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  Rearrange a tree to effectively insert an operator in the correct place.
-  x+y*z ==parsed== (x+y)*z  ==>  x+(y*z)
-  The recursive call to precparse ensures this filters down as necessary.
-static void
-rearrangeprec(tree left, tree t)
-  qid top  = ginffun(left);
-  qid lop  = ginffun(t);
-  tree arg1 = ginfarg1(left);
-  tree arg2 = ginfarg2(left);
-  tree arg3 = ginfarg2(t);
-  ginffun(t)  = top;
-  ginfarg1(t) = arg1;
-  ginfarg2(t) = left;
-  ginffun(left)  = lop;
-  ginfarg1(left) = arg2;
-  ginfarg2(left) = arg3;
-  precparse(left);
@@ -550,6 +437,7 @@ createpat(guards,where)
 char *
   char *i;
@@ -561,21 +449,6 @@ ineg(i)
-#if 0
-/* UNUSED: at the moment */
-  id import, interface;
-  if(strcmp(import,interface) != 0)
-    {
-      char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
-      sprintf(errbuf,"interface name (%s) does not agree with import name (%s)",interface,import);
-      hsperror(errbuf);
-    }
-#endif /* 0 */
   Check the ordering of declarations in a cbody.
   All signatures must appear before any declarations.
@@ -611,7 +484,6 @@ checkorder2(decls,sigs)
 static BOOLEAN
   BOOLEAN sig;
@@ -643,38 +515,6 @@ checkdostmts(stmts)
-  Check the precedence of a pattern or expression to ensure that
-  sections and function definitions have the correct parse.
-  tree exp;
-  qid qfn;
-  BOOLEAN right;
-  if(ttree(exp) == infixap)
-    {
-      struct infix *ftabpos = infixlookup(qfn);
-      struct infix *etabpos = infixlookup(ginffun(exp));
-      if (pprecedence(etabpos) > pprecedence(ftabpos) ||
-	 (pprecedence(etabpos) == pprecedence(ftabpos) &&
-	  ((pfixity(etabpos) == INFIXR && pfixity(ftabpos) == INFIXR && right) ||
-	  ((pfixity(etabpos) == INFIXL && pfixity(ftabpos) == INFIXL && !right)))))
-	/* SKIP */;
-      else
-	{
-	  char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
-	  sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot mix %s and %s on a LHS or in a section", 
-		  qid_to_string(qfn), qid_to_string(ginffun(exp)));
-	  hsperror(errbuf);
-	}
-    }
   Checks there are no bangs in a tycon application.
@@ -718,3 +558,145 @@ splittyconapp(app, tyc, tys)
       hsperror("panic: splittyconap: bad tycon application (no tycon)");
+#if 0 
+Precedence Parsing Is Now Done In The Compiler !!!
+  Precedence Parser for Haskell.  By default operators are left-associative, 
+  so it is only necessary to rearrange the parse tree where the new operator
+  has a greater precedence than the existing one, or where two operators have
+  the same precedence and are both right-associative. Error conditions are
+  handled.
+  Note:  Prefix negation has the same precedence as infix minus.
+         The algorithm must thus take account of explicit negates.
+precparse(tree t)
+  if(ttree(t) == infixap)
+    {
+      tree left = ginfarg1(t);
+      if(ttree(left) == negate)
+	{
+	  struct infix *ttabpos = infixlookup(ginffun(t));
+	  struct infix *ntabpos = infixlookup(mknoqual(install_literal("-")));
+	  if(pprecedence(ntabpos) < pprecedence(ttabpos))
+	    {
+	      /* (-x)*y  ==> -(x*y) */
+	      qid  lop  = ginffun(t);
+	      tree arg1 = gnexp(left);
+	      tree arg2 = ginfarg2(t);
+	      t->tag = negate;
+	      gnexp(t) = left;
+	      gnxxx1(t) = NULL;
+	      gnxxx2(t) = NULL;
+	      left->tag = infixap;
+	      ginffun(left)  = lop;
+	      ginfarg1(left) = arg1;
+	      ginfarg2(left) = arg2;
+	      precparse(left);
+	    }
+	}
+      else if(ttree(left) == infixap)
+	{
+	  struct infix *ttabpos    = infixlookup(ginffun(t));
+	  struct infix *lefttabpos = infixlookup(ginffun(left));
+	  if(pprecedence(lefttabpos) < pprecedence(ttabpos))
+	    rearrangeprec(left,t);
+	  else if(pprecedence(lefttabpos) == pprecedence(ttabpos))
+	    {
+	      if(pfixity(lefttabpos) == INFIXR && pfixity(ttabpos) == INFIXR)
+		rearrangeprec(left,t);
+	      else if(pfixity(lefttabpos) == INFIXL && pfixity(ttabpos) == INFIXL)
+		/* SKIP */;
+	      else
+		{
+		  char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
+		  sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot mix %s and %s in the same infix expression", 
+			  qid_to_string(ginffun(left)), qid_to_string(ginffun(t)));
+		  hsperror(errbuf);
+	      }
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+  Rearrange a tree to effectively insert an operator in the correct place.
+  x+y*z ==parsed== (x+y)*z  ==>  x+(y*z)
+  The recursive call to precparse ensures this filters down as necessary.
+static void
+rearrangeprec(tree left, tree t)
+  qid top  = ginffun(left);
+  qid lop  = ginffun(t);
+  tree arg1 = ginfarg1(left);
+  tree arg2 = ginfarg2(left);
+  tree arg3 = ginfarg2(t);
+  ginffun(t)  = top;
+  ginfarg1(t) = arg1;
+  ginfarg2(t) = left;
+  ginffun(left)  = lop;
+  ginfarg1(left) = arg2;
+  ginfarg2(left) = arg3;
+  precparse(left);
+  Check the precedence of a pattern or expression to ensure that
+  sections and function definitions have the correct parse.
+  tree exp;
+  qid qfn;
+  BOOLEAN right;
+  if(ttree(exp) == infixap)
+    {
+      struct infix *ftabpos = infixlookup(qfn);
+      struct infix *etabpos = infixlookup(ginffun(exp));
+      if (pprecedence(etabpos) > pprecedence(ftabpos) ||
+	 (pprecedence(etabpos) == pprecedence(ftabpos) &&
+	  ((pfixity(etabpos) == INFIXR && pfixity(ftabpos) == INFIXR && right) ||
+	  ((pfixity(etabpos) == INFIXL && pfixity(ftabpos) == INFIXL && !right)))))
+	/* SKIP */;
+      else
+	{
+	  char errbuf[ERR_BUF_SIZE];
+	  sprintf(errbuf,"Cannot mix %s and %s on a LHS or in a section", 
+		  qid_to_string(qfn), qid_to_string(ginffun(exp)));
+	  hsperror(errbuf);
+	}
+    }
+#endif /* 0 */
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn
index 60974fa48aa80637bf3544e3a081c70d907433e7..79bbabc5764fe847650b0b55f1dd653237f17640 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/tree.ugn
@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ type tree;
 		    ghexplist	: maybe;	/* Maybe [entity] */
 		    ghfixes     : list;		/* [fixop] */
 		    ghmodlist	: binding;
+		    ghversion   : long;
 		    ghmodline	: long; >;
-	fixop	: < gfixop	: unkId;
+	fixop	: < gfixop	: qid;
 		    gfixinfx	: long;
-		    gfixprec	: long;	>;
+		    gfixprec	: long; >;
 	ident	: < gident 	: qid; >;
 	lit 	: < glit	: literal; >;
@@ -35,13 +36,7 @@ type tree;
 	infixap : < ginffun	: qid;
 		    ginfarg1	: tree;
 		    ginfarg2	: tree; >;
-	negate	: < gnexp	: tree;
-		    gnxxx1	: VOID_STAR;
-		    gnxxx2	: VOID_STAR; >;
-	/*
-	  infixap and negate have the same size
-	  so they can be rearranged in precparse
-	*/
+	negate	: < gnexp	: tree;	>;
 	lambda	: < glampats	: list;
 		    glamexpr	: tree;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/ttype.ugn b/ghc/compiler/parser/ttype.ugn
index 3b03cd376ee3d21a767e279883b76fe370455bfc..f548b3201e1e1a591f53ee696ead5d241fbe8ca4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/ttype.ugn
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/ttype.ugn
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import U_qid
 type ttype;
 	tname	: < gtypeid	: qid; 	>;
-	namedtvar : < gnamedtvar : unkId; /* ToDo: rm unkIds entirely??? */ >;
+	namedtvar : < gnamedtvar : qid;	>;
 	tllist	: < gtlist	: ttype; >;
 	ttuple	: < gttuple	: list; >;
 	tfun	: < gtin	: ttype;
@@ -21,11 +21,5 @@ type ttype;
 	tbang	: < gtbang	: ttype; >;
 	context	: < gtcontextl	: list;
 		    gtcontextt	: ttype; >;
-	unidict :   < gunidict_clas : qid;
-		      gunidict_ty   : ttype; >;
-	unityvartemplate: <gunityvartemplate : unkId; >;
-	uniforall : < guniforall_tv : list;
-		      guniforall_ty : ttype; >;
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h b/ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h
index 282bfc7657db04a00f44003eff85b70981e48cf8..c396992e6fea2add98e596ff6d667b315367eeaa 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h
+++ b/ghc/compiler/parser/utils.h
@@ -118,12 +118,15 @@ tree	function PROTO((tree));
 void	extendfn PROTO((binding, binding));
 void	checkorder PROTO((binding));
-void	precparse PROTO((tree));
-void	checkprec PROTO((tree, qid, BOOLEAN));
 void    checkdostmts PROTO((list));
 void	checknobangs PROTO((ttype));
 void	splittyconapp PROTO((ttype, qid *, list *));
+void	precparse PROTO((tree));
+void	checkprec PROTO((tree, qid, BOOLEAN));
 BOOLEAN	isconstr PROTO((char *));
 void	setstartlineno PROTO((void));
 void	find_module_on_imports_dirlist PROTO((char *, BOOLEAN, char *));
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
index e60b8d6cc47296aff8450070a6f3dddd1d0a9136..f857b893295eff96563da61f606e5c12ecd656a4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelInfo.lhs
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ module PrelInfo (
-	-- lookup functions for built-in names, for the renamer:
-	builtinNameInfo,
+	-- finite maps for built-in things (for the renamer and typechecker):
+	builtinNameInfo, BuiltinNames(..),
+	BuiltinKeys(..), BuiltinIdInfos(..),
 	-- *odd* values that need to be reached out and grabbed:
@@ -96,13 +97,19 @@ import TysPrim		-- TYPES
 import TysWiredIn
 -- others:
-import CmdLineOpts
-import FiniteMap
-import Id		( mkTupleCon, GenId{-instances-} )
-import Name		( Name(..) )
-import NameTypes	( mkPreludeCoreName, FullName, ShortName )
-import TyCon		( tyConDataCons, mkFunTyCon, mkTupleTyCon, TyCon{-instances-} )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_HideBuiltinNames,
+			  opt_HideMostBuiltinNames,
+			  opt_ForConcurrent
+			)
+import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, listToFM )
+import Id		( mkTupleCon, GenId, Id(..) )
+import Maybes		( catMaybes )
+import Name		( mkBuiltinName )
+import Outputable	( getOrigName )
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName(..) )
+import TyCon		( tyConDataCons, mkFunTyCon, mkTupleTyCon, TyCon )
 import Type
+import UniqFM		( UniqFM, emptyUFM, listToUFM )
 import Unique		-- *Key stuff
 import Util		( nOfThem, panic )
@@ -117,74 +124,93 @@ We have two ``builtin name funs,'' one to look up @TyCons@ and
 @Classes@, the other to look up values.
-builtinNameInfo :: (FAST_STRING -> Maybe Name,	-- name lookup fn for values
-		    FAST_STRING -> Maybe Name)	-- name lookup fn for tycons/classes
+builtinNameInfo :: ( BuiltinNames, BuiltinKeys, BuiltinIdInfos )
+type BuiltinNames   = FiniteMap FAST_STRING RnName   -- WiredIn Ids/TyCons
+type BuiltinKeys    = FiniteMap FAST_STRING Unique   -- Names with known uniques
+type BuiltinIdInfos = UniqFM IdInfo		     -- Info for known unique Ids
-  = (init_val_lookup_fn, init_tc_lookup_fn)
+  = if opt_HideBuiltinNames then
+	(
+	 emptyFM,
+	 emptyFM,
+	 emptyUFM
+	)
+    else if opt_HideMostBuiltinNames then
+	(
+	 listToFM min_assoc_wired,
+	 emptyFM,
+	 emptyUFM
+	)
+    else
+	(
+	 listToFM assoc_wired,
+	 listToFM assoc_keys,
+	 listToUFM assoc_id_infos
+	)
-    --
-    -- values (including data constructors)
-    --
-    init_val_lookup_fn
-      =	if	opt_HideBuiltinNames then
-		(\ x -> Nothing)
-	else if opt_HideMostBuiltinNames then
-		lookupFM (listToFM (concat min_val_assoc_lists))
-	else
-		lookupFM (listToFM (concat val_assoc_lists))
-    min_val_assoc_lists		-- min needed when compiling bits of Prelude
-	= [
-	    concat (map pcDataConNameInfo g_con_tycons),
-	    concat (map pcDataConNameInfo min_nonprim_tycon_list),
-	    totally_wired_in_Ids,
-	    unboxed_ops
+    min_assoc_wired	-- min needed when compiling bits of Prelude
+	= concat
+	  [
+	    -- tycons
+	    map pcTyConWiredInInfo prim_tycons,
+	    map pcTyConWiredInInfo g_tycons,
+	    map pcTyConWiredInInfo min_nonprim_tycon_list,
+	    -- data constrs
+	    concat (map pcDataConWiredInInfo g_con_tycons),
+	    concat (map pcDataConWiredInInfo min_nonprim_tycon_list),
+	    -- values
+	    map pcIdWiredInInfo wired_in_ids,
+	    primop_ids
-    val_assoc_lists
-    	= [
-	    concat (map pcDataConNameInfo g_con_tycons),
-	    concat (map pcDataConNameInfo data_tycons),
-	    totally_wired_in_Ids,
-	    unboxed_ops,
-	    special_class_ops,
-	    if opt_ForConcurrent then parallel_vals else []
+    assoc_wired
+    	= concat
+	  [
+	    -- tycons
+	    map pcTyConWiredInInfo prim_tycons,
+	    map pcTyConWiredInInfo g_tycons,
+	    map pcTyConWiredInInfo data_tycons,
+	    map pcTyConWiredInInfo synonym_tycons,
+	    -- data consts
+	    concat (map pcDataConWiredInInfo g_con_tycons),
+	    concat (map pcDataConWiredInInfo data_tycons),
+	    -- values
+	    map pcIdWiredInInfo wired_in_ids,
+	    map pcIdWiredInInfo parallel_ids,
+	    primop_ids
-    --
-    -- type constructors and classes
-    --
-    init_tc_lookup_fn
-      =	if	opt_HideBuiltinNames then
-		(\ x -> Nothing)
-	else if opt_HideMostBuiltinNames then
-		lookupFM (listToFM (concat min_tc_assoc_lists))
-	else
-		lookupFM (listToFM (concat tc_assoc_lists))
-    min_tc_assoc_lists	-- again, pretty ad-hoc
-	= [
-	    map pcTyConNameInfo prim_tycons,
-	    map pcTyConNameInfo g_tycons,
-	    map pcTyConNameInfo min_nonprim_tycon_list
+    assoc_keys
+	= concat
+	  [
+	    id_keys,
+	    tysyn_keys,
+	    class_keys,
+	    class_op_keys
-    tc_assoc_lists
-	= [
-	    map pcTyConNameInfo prim_tycons,
-	    map pcTyConNameInfo g_tycons,
-	    map pcTyConNameInfo data_tycons,
-	    map pcTyConNameInfo synonym_tycons,
-	    std_tycon_list,
-	    std_class_list
-	  ]
+    id_keys = map id_key id_keys_infos
+    id_key (str, uniq, info) = (str, uniq)
+    assoc_id_infos = catMaybes (map assoc_info id_keys_infos)
+    assoc_info (str, uniq, Just info) = Just (uniq, info)
+    assoc_info (str, uniq, Nothing)   = Nothing
-    -- We let a lot of "non-standard" values be visible, so that we
-    -- can make sense of them in interface pragmas. It's cool, though
-    -- they all have "non-standard" names, so they won't get past
-    -- the parser in user code.
+We let a lot of "non-standard" values be visible, so that we can make
+sense of them in interface pragmas. It's cool, though they all have
+"non-standard" names, so they won't get past the parser in user code.
+The WiredIn TyCons and DataCons ...
   = [addrPrimTyCon,
@@ -221,12 +247,14 @@ min_nonprim_tycon_list 	-- used w/ HideMostBuiltinNames
       return2GMPsTyCon,	-- ADR asked for these last two (WDP 94/11)
-      returnIntAndGMPTyCon ]
+      returnIntAndGMPTyCon
+    ]
-  = [addrTyCon,
+  = [
+     addrTyCon,
---   byteArrayTyCon,
@@ -235,8 +263,6 @@ data_tycons
---   mutableArrayTyCon,
---   mutableByteArrayTyCon,
@@ -260,78 +286,74 @@ data_tycons
-  = [primIoTyCon,
+  = [
+     primIoTyCon,
-     stringTyCon]
-  = [(SLIT("error"),		WiredInVal eRROR_ID),
-     (SLIT("patError#"),	WiredInVal pAT_ERROR_ID), -- occurs in i/faces
-     (SLIT("parError#"),	WiredInVal pAR_ERROR_ID), -- ditto
-     (SLIT("_trace"),		WiredInVal tRACE_ID),
-     -- now the foldr/build Ids, which need to be built in
-     -- because they have magic unfoldings
-     (SLIT("_build"),		WiredInVal buildId),
-     (SLIT("_augment"),		WiredInVal augmentId),
-     (SLIT("foldl"),		WiredInVal foldlId),
-     (SLIT("foldr"),		WiredInVal foldrId),
-     (SLIT("unpackAppendPS#"),	WiredInVal unpackCStringAppendId),
-     (SLIT("unpackFoldrPS#"),	WiredInVal unpackCStringFoldrId),
-     (SLIT("_runST"),		WiredInVal runSTId),
-     (SLIT("_seq_"),		WiredInVal seqId),  -- yes, used in sequential-land, too
-						    -- WDP 95/11
-     (SLIT("realWorld#"),	WiredInVal realWorldPrimId)
+     stringTyCon
+    ]
+pcTyConWiredInInfo :: TyCon -> (FAST_STRING, RnName)
+pcTyConWiredInInfo tc = (snd (getOrigName tc), WiredInTyCon tc)
+pcDataConWiredInInfo :: TyCon -> [(FAST_STRING, RnName)]
+pcDataConWiredInInfo tycon
+  = [ (snd (getOrigName con), WiredInId con) | con <- tyConDataCons tycon ]
+The WiredIn Ids ...
+ToDo: Some of these should be moved to id_keys_infos!
+  = [eRROR_ID,
+     pAT_ERROR_ID,	-- occurs in i/faces
+     pAR_ERROR_ID,	-- ditto
+     tRACE_ID,
+     runSTId,
+     seqId,
+     realWorldPrimId,
+     -- foldr/build Ids have magic unfoldings
+     buildId,
+     augmentId,
+     foldlId,
+     foldrId,
+     unpackCStringAppendId,
+     unpackCStringFoldrId
-  =[(SLIT("_par_"),		WiredInVal parId),
-    (SLIT("_fork_"),		WiredInVal forkId)
+  = if not opt_ForConcurrent then
+	[]
+    else
+        [parId,
+         forkId
 #ifdef GRAN
-    ,
-    (SLIT("_parLocal_"),	WiredInVal parLocalId),
-    (SLIT("_parGlobal_"),	WiredInVal parGlobalId)
-    -- Add later:
-    -- (SLIT("_parAt_"),	WiredInVal parAtId)
-    -- (SLIT("_parAtForNow_"),	WiredInVal parAtForNowId)
-    -- (SLIT("_copyable_"),	WiredInVal copyableId)
-    -- (SLIT("_noFollow_"),	WiredInVal noFollowId)
+    	 ,parLocalId
+	 ,parGlobalId
+	    -- Add later:
+	    -- ,parAtId
+	    -- ,parAtForNowId
+	    -- ,copyableId
+	    -- ,noFollowId
 #endif {-GRAN-}
-   ]
-  = let
-	swizzle_over (str, key)
-	  = (str, ClassOpName key bottom1 str bottom2)
-	bottom1 = panic "PrelInfo.special_class_ops:class"
-	bottom2 = panic "PrelInfo.special_class_ops:tag"
-    in
-     map swizzle_over
-      [	(SLIT("fromInt"),	fromIntClassOpKey),
-	(SLIT("fromInteger"),	fromIntegerClassOpKey),
-	(SLIT("fromRational"),	fromRationalClassOpKey),
-	(SLIT("enumFrom"),	enumFromClassOpKey),
-	(SLIT("enumFromThen"),	enumFromThenClassOpKey),
-	(SLIT("enumFromTo"),	enumFromToClassOpKey),
-	(SLIT("enumFromThenTo"),enumFromThenToClassOpKey),
-	(SLIT("=="),		eqClassOpKey),
-	(SLIT(">="),		geClassOpKey),
-	(SLIT("-"),		negateClassOpKey)
-      ]
-  =  map primOpNameInfo allThePrimOps
-     -- plus some of the same ones but w/ different names ...
-  ++ map fn funny_name_primops
+	]
+pcIdWiredInInfo :: Id -> (FAST_STRING, RnName)
+pcIdWiredInInfo id = (snd (getOrigName id), WiredInId id)
+WiredIn primitive numeric operations ...
+  =  map primOpNameInfo allThePrimOps ++ map fn funny_name_primops
     fn (op,s) = case (primOpNameInfo op) of (_,n) -> (s,n)
-  = [(IntAddOp,	     SLIT("+#")),
+  = [
+     (IntAddOp,	     SLIT("+#")),
      (IntSubOp,      SLIT("-#")),
      (IntMulOp,      SLIT("*#")),
      (IntGtOp,       SLIT(">#")),
@@ -350,56 +372,56 @@ funny_name_primops
      (DoubleEqOp,    SLIT("==##")),
      (DoubleNeOp,    SLIT("/=##")),
      (DoubleLtOp,    SLIT("<##")),
-     (DoubleLeOp,    SLIT("<=##"))]
-  = let
-	swizzle_over (mod, nm, key, arity, is_data)
-	  = let
-		fname = mkPreludeCoreName mod nm
-	    in
-	    (nm, TyConName key fname arity is_data (panic "std_tycon_list:data_cons"))
-    in
-    map swizzle_over
-	[(SLIT("PreludeMonadicIO"), SLIT("IO"), iOTyConKey,    1, False)
-	]
-  = let
-	swizzle_over (str, key)
-	  = (str, ClassName key (mkPreludeCoreName pRELUDE_CORE str) (panic "std_class_list:ops"))
-    in
-    map swizzle_over
-	[(SLIT("Eq"),		eqClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("Ord"),		ordClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("Num"),		numClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("Real"),		realClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("Integral"),	integralClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("Fractional"),	fractionalClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("Floating"),	floatingClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("RealFrac"),	realFracClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("RealFloat"),	realFloatClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("Ix"),		ixClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("Enum"),		enumClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("Show"),		showClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("Read"),		readClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("Monad"),	monadClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("MonadZero"),	monadZeroClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("Binary"),	binaryClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("_CCallable"),	cCallableClassKey),
-	 (SLIT("_CReturnable"), cReturnableClassKey)
-	]
+     (DoubleLeOp,    SLIT("<=##"))
+    ]
-Make table entries for various things:
+Ids, Synonyms, Classes and ClassOps with builtin keys.
+For the Ids we may also have some builtin IdInfo.
-pcTyConNameInfo :: TyCon -> (FAST_STRING, Name)
-pcTyConNameInfo tc = (getOccurrenceName tc, WiredInTyCon tc)
+id_keys_infos :: [(FAST_STRING, Unique, Maybe IdInfo)]
+  = [
+    ]
+  = [
+     (SLIT("IO"), iOTyConKey)	-- SLIT("PreludeMonadicIO")
+    ]
+  = [
+     (SLIT("Eq"),		eqClassKey),
+     (SLIT("Ord"),		ordClassKey),
+     (SLIT("Num"),		numClassKey),
+     (SLIT("Real"),		realClassKey),
+     (SLIT("Integral"),	 	integralClassKey),
+     (SLIT("Fractional"),	fractionalClassKey),
+     (SLIT("Floating"),		floatingClassKey),
+     (SLIT("RealFrac"),		realFracClassKey),
+     (SLIT("RealFloat"),	realFloatClassKey),
+     (SLIT("Ix"),		ixClassKey),
+     (SLIT("Enum"),		enumClassKey),
+     (SLIT("Show"),		showClassKey),
+     (SLIT("Read"),		readClassKey),
+     (SLIT("Monad"),		monadClassKey),
+     (SLIT("MonadZero"),	monadZeroClassKey),
+     (SLIT("Binary"),		binaryClassKey),
+     (SLIT("_CCallable"),	cCallableClassKey),
+     (SLIT("_CReturnable"), 	cReturnableClassKey)
+    ]
-pcDataConNameInfo :: TyCon -> [(FAST_STRING, Name)]
-pcDataConNameInfo tycon
-  = -- slurp out its data constructors...
-    [ (getOccurrenceName con, WiredInVal con) | con <- tyConDataCons tycon ]
+  = [
+     (SLIT("fromInt"),		fromIntClassOpKey),
+     (SLIT("fromInteger"),	fromIntegerClassOpKey),
+     (SLIT("fromRational"),	fromRationalClassOpKey),
+     (SLIT("enumFrom"),		enumFromClassOpKey),
+     (SLIT("enumFromThen"),	enumFromThenClassOpKey),
+     (SLIT("enumFromTo"),	enumFromToClassOpKey),
+     (SLIT("enumFromThenTo"),	enumFromThenToClassOpKey),
+     (SLIT("=="),		eqClassOpKey),
+     (SLIT(">="),		geClassOpKey)
+    ]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop.lhi
index 229343141a913cfd1a7bd7f53e99c775b42702bf..9d178592016e5ad120af8d44be9ec1d524c73acd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelLoop.lhi
@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@ import PreludePS	( _PackedString )
 import Class		( GenClass )
 import CoreUnfold	( mkMagicUnfolding, UnfoldingDetails )
 import IdUtils		( primOpNameInfo )
-import Name		( Name )
-import NameTypes	( mkPreludeCoreName, FullName )
+import Name		( Name, mkBuiltinName )
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp )
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName )
 import Type		( mkSigmaTy, mkFunTys, GenType )
 import TyVar		( GenTyVar )
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import Usage		( GenUsage )
 mkMagicUnfolding :: Unique -> UnfoldingDetails
-mkPreludeCoreName :: _PackedString -> _PackedString -> FullName
+mkBuiltinName :: Unique -> _PackedString -> _PackedString -> Name
 mkSigmaTy :: [a] -> [(GenClass (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique, GenType a b)] -> GenType a b -> GenType a b
 mkFunTys :: [GenType a b] -> GenType a b -> GenType a b
-primOpNameInfo	:: PrimOp -> (_PackedString, Name)
+primOpNameInfo	:: PrimOp -> (_PackedString, RnName)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs
index 88b17a87152906487a5130754a8d842aadda2fcc..08bcc1a0995c71a69ba98a6a24dbdcffba509d5c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelMods.lhs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module PrelMods (
+	pRELUDE_FB, fromPrelude
   ) where
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
@@ -33,4 +33,7 @@ pRELUDE_PRIMIO	= SLIT("PreludePrimIO")
 pRELUDE_PS	= SLIT("PreludePS")
 pRELUDE_RATIO	= SLIT("PreludeRatio")
 pRELUDE_TEXT	= SLIT("PreludeText")
+fromPrelude :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
+fromPrelude s = (_SUBSTR_ s 0 6 == SLIT("Prelude"))
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
index b4845f70bbca49fd8a2100f7972804b6867faa1b..5c5375a5900d16df6c86baae32e3c25f4f40827d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrelVals.lhs
@@ -20,13 +20,10 @@ import TysWiredIn
 -- others:
 import CoreSyn		-- quite a bit
---import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingGuidance(..), mkMagicUnfolding )
 import IdInfo		-- quite a bit
 import Literal		( mkMachInt )
---import NameTypes	( mkPreludeCoreName )
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..) )
 import SpecEnv		( SpecEnv(..), nullSpecEnv )
---import Type		( mkSigmaTy, mkFunTys, GenType(..) )
 import TyVar		( alphaTyVar, betaTyVar )
 import Unique		-- lots of *Keys
 import Util		( panic )
@@ -40,7 +37,7 @@ import Util		( panic )
 pcMiscPrelId :: Unique{-IdKey-} -> FAST_STRING -> FAST_STRING -> Type -> IdInfo -> Id
 pcMiscPrelId key mod name ty info
- = mkPreludeId	key (mkPreludeCoreName mod name) ty info
+ = mkPreludeId (mkBuiltinName key mod name) ty info
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
index 0fd25b73a0eef3186b2785126a8adedb9bed5f25..fe5fce6a6ee506051bd57dac149edc09d251431a 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimOp.lhs
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ import TysWiredIn
 import CStrings		( identToC )
 import CgCompInfo   	( mIN_MP_INT_SIZE, mP_STRUCT_SIZE )
 import HeapOffs		( addOff, intOff, totHdrSize )
-import NameTypes	( mkPreludeCoreName, FullName, ShortName )
 import PprStyle		( codeStyle )
 import PprType		( pprParendGenType, GenTyVar{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Pretty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
index 092a9f48daace44ce552195787b06b2169403dee..a64821db44e40d641de98b87be1793dc965f5c50 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysPrim.lhs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module TysPrim where
 import Ubiq
 import Kind		( mkUnboxedTypeKind, mkBoxedTypeKind )
-import NameTypes	( mkPreludeCoreName, FullName )
+import Name		( mkBuiltinName )
 import PrelMods		( pRELUDE_BUILTIN )
 import PrimRep		( PrimRep(..) )	-- getPrimRepInfo uses PrimRep repn
 import TyCon		( mkPrimTyCon, mkDataTyCon, NewOrData(..) )
@@ -38,11 +38,12 @@ alphaTys = mkTyVarTys alphaTyVars
 -- only used herein
-pcPrimTyCon :: Unique{-TyConKey-} -> FAST_STRING -> Int -> ([PrimRep] -> PrimRep) -> TyCon
-pcPrimTyCon key name arity{-UNUSED-} kind_fn{-UNUSED-}
-  = mkPrimTyCon key full_name mkUnboxedTypeKind
+pcPrimTyCon :: Unique{-TyConKey-} -> FAST_STRING
+	    -> Int -> ([PrimRep] -> PrimRep) -> TyCon
+pcPrimTyCon key str arity{-UNUSED-} kind_fn{-UNUSED-}
+  = mkPrimTyCon name mkUnboxedTypeKind
-    full_name = mkPreludeCoreName pRELUDE_BUILTIN name
+    name = mkBuiltinName key pRELUDE_BUILTIN str
 charPrimTy	= applyTyCon charPrimTyCon []
@@ -113,14 +114,14 @@ statePrimTyCon	 = pcPrimTyCon statePrimTyConKey SLIT("State#") 1
 realWorldTy = applyTyCon realWorldTyCon []
-  = mkDataTyCon realWorldTyConKey mkBoxedTypeKind full_name
+  = mkDataTyCon name mkBoxedTypeKind 
 	[{-no tyvars-}]
 	[{-no context-}]
 	[{-no data cons!-}] -- we tell you *nothing* about this guy
 	[{-no derivings-}]
-    full_name = mkPreludeCoreName pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_RealWorld")
+    name = mkBuiltinName realWorldTyConKey pRELUDE_BUILTIN SLIT("_RealWorld")
 realWorldStatePrimTy = mkStatePrimTy realWorldTy
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
index 977758fa8436a95ac7fc59bec8eed511b85be35d..327b209d9d881fca80d85226b41b992f6411d7d7 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/prelude/TysWiredIn.lhs
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@ import TysPrim
 -- others:
 import SpecEnv		( SpecEnv(..) )
-import NameTypes	( mkPreludeCoreName, mkShortName )
 import Kind		( mkBoxedTypeKind, mkArrowKind )
+import Name		( mkBuiltinName )
 import SrcLoc		( mkBuiltinSrcLoc )
 import TyCon		( mkDataTyCon, mkTupleTyCon, mkSynTyCon,
 			  NewOrData(..), TyCon
@@ -114,19 +114,21 @@ addOneToSpecEnv =  error "TysWiredIn:addOneToSpecEnv =  "
 pc_gen_specs = error "TysWiredIn:pc_gen_specs  "
 mkSpecInfo = error "TysWiredIn:SpecInfo"
-pcDataTyCon :: Unique{-TyConKey-} -> FAST_STRING -> FAST_STRING -> [TyVar] -> [Id] -> TyCon
-pcDataTyCon key mod name tyvars cons
-  = mkDataTyCon key tycon_kind full_name tyvars
-		[{-no context-}] cons [{-no derivings-}]
+pcDataTyCon :: Unique{-TyConKey-} -> Module -> FAST_STRING
+            -> [TyVar] -> [Id] -> TyCon
+pcDataTyCon key mod str tyvars cons
+  = mkDataTyCon (mkBuiltinName key mod str) tycon_kind 
+		tyvars [{-no context-}] cons [{-no derivings-}]
-    full_name = mkPreludeCoreName mod name
     tycon_kind = foldr (mkArrowKind . getTyVarKind) mkBoxedTypeKind tyvars
-pcDataCon :: Unique{-DataConKey-} -> FAST_STRING -> FAST_STRING -> [TyVar] -> ThetaType -> [TauType] -> TyCon -> SpecEnv -> Id
-pcDataCon key mod name tyvars context arg_tys tycon specenv
-  = mkDataCon key (mkPreludeCoreName mod name)
+pcDataCon :: Unique{-DataConKey-} -> Module -> FAST_STRING
+	  -> [TyVar] -> ThetaType -> [TauType] -> TyCon -> SpecEnv -> Id
+pcDataCon key mod str tyvars context arg_tys tycon specenv
+  = mkDataCon (mkBuiltinName key mod str)
 	[ NotMarkedStrict | a <- arg_tys ]
+	[ {- no labelled fields -} ]
 	tyvars context arg_tys tycon
 	-- specenv
@@ -432,11 +434,9 @@ mkStateTransformerTy s a = mkSynTy stTyCon [s, a]
   = mkSynTyCon
-     stTyConKey
-     (mkPreludeCoreName gLASGOW_ST SLIT("_ST"))
+     (mkBuiltinName stTyConKey gLASGOW_ST SLIT("_ST"))
      (panic "TysWiredIn.stTyCon:Kind")
-     2
-     [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar]
+     2 [alphaTyVar, betaTyVar]
      (mkFunTys [mkStateTy alphaTy] (mkTupleTy 2 [betaTy, mkStateTy alphaTy]))
@@ -453,12 +453,9 @@ mkPrimIoTy a = mkSynTy primIoTyCon [a]
   = mkSynTyCon
-     primIoTyConKey
-     (mkPreludeCoreName pRELUDE_PRIMIO SLIT("PrimIO"))
+     (mkBuiltinName primIoTyConKey pRELUDE_PRIMIO SLIT("PrimIO"))
      (panic "TysWiredIn.primIoTyCon:Kind")
-     1
-     [alphaTyVar]
-     (mkStateTransformerTy realWorldTy alphaTy)
+     1 [alphaTyVar] (mkStateTransformerTy realWorldTy alphaTy)
@@ -649,12 +646,9 @@ ratioDataCon = pcDataCon ratioDataConKey pRELUDE_RATIO SLIT(":%")
   = mkSynTyCon
-      rationalTyConKey
-      (mkPreludeCoreName pRELUDE_RATIO SLIT("Rational"))
+      (mkBuiltinName rationalTyConKey pRELUDE_RATIO SLIT("Rational"))
-      0	 -- arity
-      [] -- tyvars
-      rationalTy -- == mkRatioTy integerTy
+      0	[] rationalTy -- == mkRatioTy integerTy
@@ -709,10 +703,7 @@ stringTy = mkListTy charTy
  = mkSynTyCon
-     stringTyConKey
-     (mkPreludeCoreName pRELUDE_CORE SLIT("String"))
+     (mkBuiltinName stringTyConKey pRELUDE_CORE SLIT("String"))
-     0
-     []   -- type variables
-     stringTy
+     0 [] stringTy
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs b/ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
index f9d5a61913782b523a6c88fd2b713a811bd78bc7..f60cff34c022905985f86bab634c687b696092ea 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/profiling/CostCentre.lhs
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ module CostCentre (
 import Id		( externallyVisibleId, GenId, Id(..) )
 import CStrings		( identToC, stringToC )
 import Maybes		( Maybe(..) )
+import Name		( showRdr, RdrName )
 import Outputable
 import Pretty		( ppShow, prettyToUn )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
@@ -400,8 +401,8 @@ uppCostCentre sty print_as_string cc
 	do_id :: Id -> String
 	do_id id
 	  = if print_as_string
-	    then _UNPK_ (getOccurrenceName id) -- don't want module in the name
-	    else showId sty id	      -- we really do
+	    then showRdr sty (getOccName id)	-- use occ name
+	    else showId sty id	      		-- we really do
 	do_calved IsCafCC = "/CAF"
 	do_calved _   	  = ""
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs
index 47e802ef794455b3533ba7bf085f71335578b247..e6c65c48a3087fa496204803b506268737f39e4f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixSyn.lhs
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ module PrefixSyn (
-	RdrTySigPragmas(..),
@@ -23,16 +22,16 @@ module PrefixSyn (
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
 import HsSyn
 import RdrHsSyn
 import Util		( panic )
-type RdrId   = ProtoName
+type RdrId   = RdrName
 type SrcLine = Int
 type SrcFile = FAST_STRING
-type SrcFun  = ProtoName
+type SrcFun  = RdrName
@@ -40,51 +39,43 @@ data RdrBinding
   = RdrNullBind
   | RdrAndBindings	RdrBinding RdrBinding
-  | RdrTyDecl		ProtoNameTyDecl
+  | RdrTyDecl		RdrNameTyDecl
   | RdrFunctionBinding	SrcLine [RdrMatch]
   | RdrPatternBinding	SrcLine [RdrMatch]
-  | RdrClassDecl 	ProtoNameClassDecl
-  | RdrInstDecl 	ProtoNameInstDecl
-  | RdrDefaultDecl	ProtoNameDefaultDecl
-  | RdrIfaceImportDecl	(IfaceImportDecl ProtoName)
-  | RdrIfaceFixities	[ProtoNameFixityDecl]
+  | RdrClassDecl 	RdrNameClassDecl
+  | RdrInstDecl 	RdrNameInstDecl
+  | RdrDefaultDecl	RdrNameDefaultDecl
 			-- signatures are mysterious; we can't
 			-- tell if its a Sig or a ClassOpSig,
 			-- so we just save the pieces:
-  | RdrTySig		[ProtoName]	    -- vars getting sigs
-			ProtoNamePolyType   -- the type
-			RdrTySigPragmas	    -- val/class-op pragmas
+  | RdrTySig		[RdrName]	    -- vars getting sigs
+			RdrNamePolyType     -- the type
   -- user pragmas come in in a Sig-ish way/form...
-  | RdrSpecValSig   	[ProtoNameSig]
-  | RdrInlineValSig 	ProtoNameSig
-  | RdrDeforestSig 	ProtoNameSig
-  | RdrMagicUnfoldingSig ProtoNameSig
-  | RdrSpecInstSig  	ProtoNameSpecInstSig
-  | RdrSpecDataSig   	ProtoNameSpecDataSig
-data RdrTySigPragmas
-  = RdrNoPragma
-  | RdrGenPragmas	ProtoNameGenPragmas
-  | RdrClassOpPragmas	ProtoNameClassOpPragmas
-type SigConverter = RdrBinding {- a RdrTySig... -} -> [ProtoNameSig]
+  | RdrSpecValSig   	[RdrNameSig]
+  | RdrInlineValSig 	RdrNameSig
+  | RdrDeforestSig 	RdrNameSig
+  | RdrMagicUnfoldingSig RdrNameSig
+  | RdrSpecInstSig  	RdrNameSpecInstSig
+  | RdrSpecDataSig   	RdrNameSpecDataSig
+type SigConverter = RdrBinding {- a Sig -} -> [RdrNameSig]
 data RdrMatch
   = RdrMatch_NoGuard
 	     SrcLine SrcFun
-	     ProtoNamePat
-	     ProtoNameHsExpr
+	     RdrNamePat
+	     RdrNameHsExpr
   | RdrMatch_Guards
 	     SrcLine SrcFun
-	     ProtoNamePat
-	     [(ProtoNameHsExpr, ProtoNameHsExpr)]
+	     RdrNamePat
+	     [(RdrNameHsExpr, RdrNameHsExpr)]
 	     -- (guard,         expr)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs
index c30abba2b41db340a69babd0dc8ef0569a2bccb4..b24230c68c4ffe64e6136d1f6e2864ee1f3ef3e2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/PrefixToHs.lhs
@@ -9,14 +9,13 @@ Support routines for reading prefix-form from the Lex/Yacc parser.
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module PrefixToHs (
-	cvBinds,
+	cvValSig,
+	cvBinds,
-	cvValSig,
-	sepDeclsForInterface,
     ) where
@@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ import HsSyn
 import RdrHsSyn
 import HsPragmas	( noGenPragmas, noClassOpPragmas )
-import ProtoName	( ProtoName(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( mkSrcLoc2 )
 import Util		( panic, assertPanic )
@@ -44,17 +42,11 @@ these conversion functions:
 cvValSig, cvClassOpSig, cvInstDeclSig :: SigConverter
-cvValSig (RdrTySig vars poly_ty pragmas src_loc)
-  = [ Sig v poly_ty (cvt_pragmas pragmas) src_loc | v <- vars ]
-  where
-    cvt_pragmas RdrNoPragma	   = noGenPragmas
-    cvt_pragmas (RdrGenPragmas ps) = ps
+cvValSig (RdrTySig vars poly_ty src_loc)
+  = [ Sig v poly_ty noGenPragmas src_loc | v <- vars ]
-cvClassOpSig (RdrTySig vars poly_ty pragmas src_loc)
-  = [ ClassOpSig v poly_ty (cvt_pragmas pragmas) src_loc | v <- vars ]
-  where
-    cvt_pragmas RdrNoPragma	       = noClassOpPragmas
-    cvt_pragmas (RdrClassOpPragmas ps) = ps
+cvClassOpSig (RdrTySig vars poly_ty src_loc)
+  = [ ClassOpSig v poly_ty noClassOpPragmas src_loc | v <- vars ]
 cvInstDeclSig (RdrSpecValSig        sigs) = sigs
 cvInstDeclSig (RdrInlineValSig      sig)  = [ sig ]
@@ -73,11 +65,11 @@ initially, and non recursive definitions are discovered by the dependency
-cvBinds :: SrcFile -> SigConverter -> RdrBinding -> ProtoNameHsBinds
+cvBinds :: SrcFile -> SigConverter -> RdrBinding -> RdrNameHsBinds
 cvBinds sf sig_cvtr raw_binding
   = cvSepdBinds sf sig_cvtr (sepDeclsForBinds raw_binding)
-cvSepdBinds :: SrcFile -> SigConverter -> [RdrBinding] -> ProtoNameHsBinds
+cvSepdBinds :: SrcFile -> SigConverter -> [RdrBinding] -> RdrNameHsBinds
 cvSepdBinds sf sig_cvtr bindings
   = case (mkMonoBindsAndSigs sf sig_cvtr bindings) of { (mbs, sigs) ->
     if (null sigs)
@@ -85,7 +77,7 @@ cvSepdBinds sf sig_cvtr bindings
     else BindWith   (RecBind mbs) sigs
-cvMonoBinds :: SrcFile -> [RdrBinding] -> ProtoNameMonoBinds
+cvMonoBinds :: SrcFile -> [RdrBinding] -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 cvMonoBinds sf bindings
   = case (mkMonoBindsAndSigs sf bottom bindings) of { (mbs,sigs) ->
     if (null sigs)
@@ -100,7 +92,7 @@ cvMonoBinds sf bindings
 mkMonoBindsAndSigs :: SrcFile
 		   -> SigConverter
 		   -> [RdrBinding]
-		   -> (ProtoNameMonoBinds, [ProtoNameSig])
+		   -> (RdrNameMonoBinds, [RdrNameSig])
 mkMonoBindsAndSigs sf sig_cvtr fbs
   = foldl mangle_bind (EmptyMonoBinds, []) fbs
@@ -113,7 +105,7 @@ mkMonoBindsAndSigs sf sig_cvtr fbs
     -- function. Otherwise there is only one pattern, which is paired
     -- with a guarded right hand side.
-    mangle_bind (b_acc, s_acc) sig@(RdrTySig _ _ _ _)
+    mangle_bind (b_acc, s_acc) sig@(RdrTySig _ _ _)
       = (b_acc, s_acc ++ sig_cvtr sig)
     mangle_bind (b_acc, s_acc) (RdrSpecValSig	     sig) = (b_acc, sig ++ s_acc)
@@ -149,7 +141,7 @@ mkMonoBindsAndSigs sf sig_cvtr fbs
-cvPatMonoBind :: SrcFile -> RdrMatch -> (ProtoNamePat, [ProtoNameGRHS], ProtoNameHsBinds)
+cvPatMonoBind :: SrcFile -> RdrMatch -> (RdrNamePat, [RdrNameGRHS], RdrNameHsBinds)
 cvPatMonoBind sf (RdrMatch_NoGuard srcline srcfun pat expr binding)
   = (pat, [OtherwiseGRHS expr (mkSrcLoc2 sf srcline)], cvBinds sf cvValSig binding)
@@ -157,7 +149,7 @@ cvPatMonoBind sf (RdrMatch_NoGuard srcline srcfun pat expr binding)
 cvPatMonoBind sf (RdrMatch_Guards srcline srcfun pat guardedexprs binding)
   = (pat, map (cvGRHS sf srcline) guardedexprs, cvBinds sf cvValSig binding)
-cvFunMonoBind :: SrcFile -> [RdrMatch] -> (ProtoName {-VarName-}, [ProtoNameMatch])
+cvFunMonoBind :: SrcFile -> [RdrMatch] -> (RdrName {-VarName-}, [RdrNameMatch])
 cvFunMonoBind sf matches
   = (srcfun {- cheating ... -}, cvMatches sf False matches)
@@ -166,8 +158,8 @@ cvFunMonoBind sf matches
 	       RdrMatch_NoGuard _ sfun _ _ _ -> sfun
 	       RdrMatch_Guards  _ sfun _ _ _ -> sfun
-cvMatches :: SrcFile -> Bool -> [RdrMatch] -> [ProtoNameMatch]
-cvMatch	  :: SrcFile -> Bool -> RdrMatch   -> ProtoNameMatch
+cvMatches :: SrcFile -> Bool -> [RdrMatch] -> [RdrNameMatch]
+cvMatch	  :: SrcFile -> Bool -> RdrMatch   -> RdrNameMatch
 cvMatches sf is_case matches = map (cvMatch sf is_case) matches
@@ -201,7 +193,7 @@ cvMatch sf is_case rdr_match
     doctor_pat (ConOpPatIn p1 op p2) = ConPatIn op [p1, p2]
     doctor_pat other_pat	     = other_pat
-cvGRHS :: SrcFile -> SrcLine -> (ProtoNameHsExpr, ProtoNameHsExpr) -> ProtoNameGRHS
+cvGRHS :: SrcFile -> SrcLine -> (RdrNameHsExpr, RdrNameHsExpr) -> RdrNameGRHS
 cvGRHS sf sl (g, e) = GRHS g e (mkSrcLoc2 sf sl)
@@ -223,7 +215,6 @@ defaults	RdrDefaultDecl
 binds		RdrFunctionBinding RdrPatternBinding RdrTySig
 		RdrSpecValSig RdrInlineValSig RdrDeforestSig
-iimps		RdrIfaceImportDecl (interfaces only)
 This function isn't called directly; some other function calls it,
@@ -232,99 +223,84 @@ then checks that what it got is appropriate for that situation.
 sepDecls (RdrTyDecl a)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
- = (a:tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+ = (a:tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds)
 sepDecls a@(RdrFunctionBinding _ _)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
- = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+ = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds)
 sepDecls a@(RdrPatternBinding _ _)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
- = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+ = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds)
 -- RdrAndBindings catered for below...
 sepDecls (RdrClassDecl a)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,tysigs,a:classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+  = (tys,tysigs,a:classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds)
 sepDecls (RdrInstDecl a)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,tysigs,classes,a:insts,instsigs,defaults,binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+  = (tys,tysigs,classes,a:insts,instsigs,defaults,binds)
 sepDecls (RdrDefaultDecl a)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,a:defaults,binds,iimps,ifixs)
-sepDecls a@(RdrTySig _ _ _ _)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,a:defaults,binds)
-sepDecls (RdrIfaceImportDecl a)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds,a:iimps,ifixs)
-sepDecls (RdrIfaceFixities a)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds,iimps,a++ifixs)
+sepDecls a@(RdrTySig _ _ _)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds)
 sepDecls a@(RdrSpecValSig _)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds)
 sepDecls a@(RdrInlineValSig _)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds)
 sepDecls a@(RdrDeforestSig _)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds)
 sepDecls a@(RdrMagicUnfoldingSig _)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,a:binds)
 sepDecls (RdrSpecInstSig a)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,a:instsigs,defaults,binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,a:instsigs,defaults,binds)
 sepDecls (RdrSpecDataSig a)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,a:tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+  = (tys,a:tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds)
 sepDecls RdrNullBind
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds,iimps,ifixs)
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+  = (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds)
 sepDecls (RdrAndBindings bs1 bs2)
-	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
-  = case (sepDecls bs2 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs) of {
-      (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds,iimps,ifixs) ->
-	  sepDecls bs1 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds iimps ifixs
+	 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
+  = case (sepDecls bs2 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds) of {
+      (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds) ->
+	  sepDecls bs1 tys tysigs classes insts instsigs defaults binds
 sepDeclsForTopBinds binding
-  = case (sepDecls binding [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [])
-	of { (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds,iimps,ifixs) ->
-    ASSERT ((null iimps)
-	 && (null ifixs))
-    (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds)
-    }
+  = sepDecls binding [] [] [] [] [] [] []
 sepDeclsForBinds binding
-  = case (sepDecls binding [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [])
-	of { (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds,iimps,ifixs) ->
+  = case (sepDecls binding [] [] [] [] [] [] [])
+	of { (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,binds) ->
     ASSERT ((null tys)
 	 && (null tysigs)
 	 && (null classes)
 	 && (null insts)
 	 && (null instsigs)
-	 && (null defaults)
-	 && (null iimps)
-	 && (null ifixs))
+	 && (null defaults))
@@ -333,7 +309,7 @@ sepDeclsIntoSigsAndBinds binding
     foldr sep_stuff ([],[]) sigs_and_binds
-    sep_stuff s@(RdrTySig _ _ _ _)       (sigs,defs) = (s:sigs,defs)
+    sep_stuff s@(RdrTySig _ _ _)         (sigs,defs) = (s:sigs,defs)
     sep_stuff s@(RdrSpecValSig _)        (sigs,defs) = (s:sigs,defs)
     sep_stuff s@(RdrInlineValSig _)      (sigs,defs) = (s:sigs,defs)
     sep_stuff s@(RdrDeforestSig  _)      (sigs,defs) = (s:sigs,defs)
@@ -342,18 +318,4 @@ sepDeclsIntoSigsAndBinds binding
     sep_stuff d@(RdrPatternBinding  _ _) (sigs,defs) = (sigs,d:defs)
-sepDeclsForInterface binding
-  = case (sepDecls binding [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [])
-	of { (tys,tysigs,classes,insts,instsigs,defaults,sigs,iimps,ifixs) ->
-    ASSERT ((null defaults)
-	 && (null tysigs)
-	 && (null instsigs))
-    ASSERT (not (not_all_sigs sigs))
-    (tys,classes,insts,sigs,iimps,ifixs)
-    }
-  where
-    not_all_sigs sigs = not (all is_a_sig sigs)
-    is_a_sig (RdrTySig _ _ _ _) = True
-    is_a_sig anything_else      = False
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
index 3df812bb0e73c5b94a8972ac7ab94d2ff3d4db19..29f69cb3163317859440a407b68a56687a545065 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrHsSyn.lhs
@@ -3,159 +3,93 @@
 \section[RdrHsSyn]{Specialisations of the @HsSyn@ syntax for the reader}
-(Well, really, for specialisations involving @ProtoName@s, even if
+(Well, really, for specialisations involving @RdrName@s, even if
 they are used somewhat later on in the compiler...)
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module RdrHsSyn (
-	cmpInstanceTypes,
-	eqMonoType,
-	getMentionedVars,
-	getNonPrelOuterTyCon,
-	ExportListInfo(..),
-	getImportees,
-	getExportees,
-	getRawImportees,
-	getRawExportees,
+	RdrNameArithSeqInfo(..),
+	RdrNameBind(..),
+	RdrNameClassDecl(..),
+	RdrNameClassOpSig(..),
+	RdrNameConDecl(..),
+	RdrNameContext(..),
+	RdrNameSpecDataSig(..),
+	RdrNameDefaultDecl(..),
+	RdrNameFixityDecl(..),
+	RdrNameGRHS(..),
+	RdrNameGRHSsAndBinds(..),
+	RdrNameHsBinds(..),
+	RdrNameHsExpr(..),
+	RdrNameHsModule(..),
+	RdrNameIE(..),
+	RdrNameImportDecl(..),
+	RdrNameInstDecl(..),
+	RdrNameMatch(..),
+	RdrNameMonoBinds(..),
+	RdrNameMonoType(..),
+	RdrNamePat(..),
+	RdrNamePolyType(..),
+	RdrNameQual(..),
+	RdrNameSig(..),
+	RdrNameSpecInstSig(..),
+	RdrNameStmt(..),
+	RdrNameTyDecl(..),
+	RdrNameClassOpPragmas(..),
+	RdrNameClassPragmas(..),
+	RdrNameDataPragmas(..),
+	RdrNameGenPragmas(..),
+	RdrNameInstancePragmas(..),
+	RdrNameCoreExpr(..),
-	ProtoNameArithSeqInfo(..),
-	ProtoNameBind(..),
-	ProtoNameClassDecl(..),
-	ProtoNameClassOpPragmas(..),
-	ProtoNameClassOpSig(..),
-	ProtoNameClassPragmas(..),
-	ProtoNameConDecl(..),
-	ProtoNameContext(..),
-	ProtoNameCoreExpr(..),
-	ProtoNameDataPragmas(..),
-	ProtoNameSpecDataSig(..),
-	ProtoNameDefaultDecl(..),
-	ProtoNameFixityDecl(..),
-	ProtoNameGRHS(..),
-	ProtoNameGRHSsAndBinds(..),
-	ProtoNameGenPragmas(..),
-	ProtoNameHsBinds(..),
-	ProtoNameHsExpr(..),
-	ProtoNameHsModule(..),
-	ProtoNameIE(..),
-	ProtoNameImportedInterface(..),
-	ProtoNameInstDecl(..),
-	ProtoNameInstancePragmas(..),
-	ProtoNameInterface(..),
-	ProtoNameMatch(..),
-	ProtoNameMonoBinds(..),
-	ProtoNameMonoType(..),
-	ProtoNamePat(..),
-	ProtoNamePolyType(..),
-	ProtoNameQual(..),
-	ProtoNameSig(..),
-	ProtoNameSpecInstSig(..),
-	ProtoNameStmt(..),
-	ProtoNameTyDecl(..),
-	ProtoNameUnfoldingCoreExpr(..)
+	getRawImportees,
+	getRawExportees
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
-import Bag		( emptyBag, snocBag, unionBags, listToBag, Bag )
-import FiniteMap	( mkSet, listToFM, emptySet, emptyFM, FiniteSet(..), FiniteMap )
 import HsSyn
 import Outputable	( ExportFlag(..) )
-import ProtoName	( cmpProtoName, ProtoName(..) )
-import Util		( panic{-ToDo:rm eventually-} )
-type ProtoNameArithSeqInfo	= ArithSeqInfo		Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameBind		= Bind			Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameClassDecl		= ClassDecl		Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameClassOpPragmas	= ClassOpPragmas	ProtoName
-type ProtoNameClassOpSig	= Sig			ProtoName
-type ProtoNameClassPragmas	= ClassPragmas		ProtoName
-type ProtoNameConDecl		= ConDecl		ProtoName
-type ProtoNameContext		= Context 		ProtoName
-type ProtoNameCoreExpr		= UnfoldingCoreExpr	ProtoName
-type ProtoNameDataPragmas	= DataPragmas		ProtoName
-type ProtoNameSpecDataSig	= SpecDataSig		ProtoName
-type ProtoNameDefaultDecl	= DefaultDecl		ProtoName
-type ProtoNameFixityDecl	= FixityDecl		ProtoName
-type ProtoNameGRHS		= GRHS			Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameGRHSsAndBinds	= GRHSsAndBinds		Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameGenPragmas	= GenPragmas		ProtoName
-type ProtoNameHsBinds		= HsBinds		Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameHsExpr		= HsExpr		Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameHsModule		= HsModule		Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameIE		= IE			ProtoName
-type ProtoNameImportedInterface	= ImportedInterface	Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameInstDecl		= InstDecl		Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameInstancePragmas	= InstancePragmas	ProtoName
-type ProtoNameInterface		= Interface		Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameMatch		= Match			Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameMonoBinds		= MonoBinds		Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameMonoType		= MonoType		ProtoName
-type ProtoNamePat		= InPat			ProtoName
-type ProtoNamePolyType		= PolyType		ProtoName
-type ProtoNameQual		= Qual			Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameSig		= Sig			ProtoName
-type ProtoNameSpecInstSig	= SpecInstSig 		ProtoName
-type ProtoNameStmt		= Stmt			Fake Fake ProtoName ProtoNamePat
-type ProtoNameTyDecl		= TyDecl		ProtoName
-type ProtoNameUnfoldingCoreExpr = UnfoldingCoreExpr	ProtoName
-eqMonoType :: ProtoNameMonoType -> ProtoNameMonoType -> Bool
-eqMonoType a b = case (cmpMonoType cmpProtoName a b) of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False }
-@cmpInstanceTypes@ compares two @PolyType@s which are being used as
-``instance types.''  This is used when comparing as-yet-unrenamed
-instance decls to eliminate duplicates.  We allow things (e.g.,
-overlapping instances) which standard Haskell doesn't, so we must
-cater for that.  Generally speaking, the instance-type
-``shape''-checker in @tcInstDecl@ will catch any mischief later on.
-All we do is call @cmpMonoType@, passing it a tyvar-comparing function
-that always claims that tyvars are ``equal;'' the result is that we
-end up comparing the non-tyvar-ish structure of the two types.
-cmpInstanceTypes :: ProtoNamePolyType -> ProtoNamePolyType -> TAG_
-cmpInstanceTypes (HsPreForAllTy _ ty1) (HsPreForAllTy _ ty2)
-  = cmpMonoType funny_cmp ty1 ty2 -- Hey! ignore those contexts!
-  where
-    funny_cmp :: ProtoName -> ProtoName -> TAG_
-    {- The only case we are really trying to catch
-       is when both types are tyvars: which are both
-       "Unk"s and names that start w/ a lower-case letter! (Whew.)
-    -}
-    funny_cmp (Unk u1) (Unk u2)
-      | isLower s1 && isLower s2 = EQ_
-      where
-	s1 = _HEAD_ u1
-	s2 = _HEAD_ u2
-    funny_cmp x y = cmpProtoName x y -- otherwise completely normal
-@getNonPrelOuterTyCon@ is a yukky function required when deciding
-whether to import an instance decl.  If the class name or type
-constructor are ``wanted'' then we should import it, otherwise not.
-But the built-in core constructors for lists, tuples and arrows are
-never ``wanted'' in this sense.  @getNonPrelOuterTyCon@ catches just a
-user-defined tycon and returns it.
-getNonPrelOuterTyCon :: ProtoNameMonoType -> Maybe ProtoName
-getNonPrelOuterTyCon (MonoTyApp con _)   = Just con
-getNonPrelOuterTyCon _			 = Nothing
+type RdrNameArithSeqInfo	= ArithSeqInfo		Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameBind		= Bind			Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameClassDecl		= ClassDecl		Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameClassOpSig		= Sig			RdrName
+type RdrNameConDecl		= ConDecl		RdrName
+type RdrNameContext		= Context 		RdrName
+type RdrNameSpecDataSig		= SpecDataSig		RdrName
+type RdrNameDefaultDecl		= DefaultDecl		RdrName
+type RdrNameFixityDecl		= FixityDecl		RdrName
+type RdrNameGRHS		= GRHS			Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameGRHSsAndBinds	= GRHSsAndBinds		Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameHsBinds		= HsBinds		Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameHsExpr		= HsExpr		Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameHsModule		= HsModule		Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameIE			= IE			RdrName
+type RdrNameImportDecl 		= ImportDecl		RdrName
+type RdrNameInstDecl		= InstDecl		Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameMatch		= Match			Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameMonoBinds		= MonoBinds		Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameMonoType		= MonoType		RdrName
+type RdrNamePat			= InPat			RdrName
+type RdrNamePolyType		= PolyType		RdrName
+type RdrNameQual		= Qual			Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameSig			= Sig			RdrName
+type RdrNameSpecInstSig		= SpecInstSig 		RdrName
+type RdrNameStmt		= Stmt			Fake Fake RdrName RdrNamePat
+type RdrNameTyDecl		= TyDecl		RdrName
+type RdrNameClassOpPragmas	= ClassOpPragmas	RdrName
+type RdrNameClassPragmas	= ClassPragmas		RdrName
+type RdrNameDataPragmas		= DataPragmas		RdrName
+type RdrNameGenPragmas		= GenPragmas		RdrName
+type RdrNameInstancePragmas	= InstancePragmas	RdrName
+type RdrNameCoreExpr		= UnfoldingCoreExpr	RdrName
@@ -164,47 +98,17 @@ getNonPrelOuterTyCon _			 = Nothing
 %*									*
-We want to know what names are exported (the first list of the result)
-and what modules are exported (the second list of the result).
-type ExportListInfo
-  = Maybe -- Nothing => no export list
-    ( FiniteMap FAST_STRING ExportFlag,
-			-- Assoc list of im/exported things &
-			-- their "export" flags (im/exported
-			-- abstractly, concretely, etc.)
-			-- Hmm... slight misnomer there (WDP 95/02)
-      FiniteSet FAST_STRING )
-			-- List of modules to be exported
-			-- entirely; NB: *not* everything with
-			-- original names in these modules;
-			-- but: everything that these modules'
-			-- interfaces told us about.
-			-- Note: This latter component can
-			-- only arise on export lists.
-getImportees    :: [ProtoNameIE] -> FiniteSet FAST_STRING
-getExportees    :: Maybe [ProtoNameIE] -> ExportListInfo
-getRawImportees :: [ProtoNameIE] ->  [FAST_STRING]
-getRawExportees :: Maybe [ProtoNameIE] -> ([(ProtoName, ExportFlag)], [FAST_STRING])
-  -- "Raw" gives the raw lists of things; we need this for
-  -- checking for duplicates.
-getImportees []   = emptySet
-getImportees imps = mkSet (getRawImportees imps)
-getExportees Nothing = Nothing
-getExportees exps
-  = case (getRawExportees exps) of { (pairs, mods) ->
-    Just (panic "RdrHsSyn.getExportees" {-listToFM pairs-}, mkSet mods) }
+getRawImportees :: [RdrNameIE] ->  [RdrName]
+getRawExportees :: Maybe [RdrNameIE] -> ([(RdrName, ExportFlag)], [Module])
 getRawImportees imps
   = foldr do_imp [] imps
-    do_imp (IEVar (Unk n))	acc = n:acc
-    do_imp (IEThingAbs (Unk n)) acc = n:acc
-    do_imp (IEThingAll (Unk n)) acc = n:acc
+    do_imp (IEVar n)	     acc = n:acc
+    do_imp (IEThingAbs  n)   acc = n:acc
+    do_imp (IEThingWith n _) acc = n:acc
+    do_imp (IEThingAll  n)   acc = n:acc
 getRawExportees Nothing     = ([], [])
 getRawExportees (Just exps)
@@ -213,183 +117,6 @@ getRawExportees (Just exps)
     do_exp (IEVar n)		(prs, mods) = ((n, ExportAll):prs, mods)
     do_exp (IEThingAbs n)	(prs, mods) = ((n, ExportAbs):prs, mods)
     do_exp (IEThingAll n)	(prs, mods) = ((n, ExportAll):prs, mods)
+    do_exp (IEThingWith n _)	(prs, mods) = ((n, ExportAll):prs, mods)
     do_exp (IEModuleContents n) (prs, mods) = (prs, n : mods)
-%*									*
-\subsection{Collect mentioned variables}
-%*									*
-This is just a {\em hack} whichs collects, from a module body, all the
-variables that are ``mentioned,'' either as top-level binders or as
-free variables.  We can then use this list when walking over
-interfaces, using it to avoid imported variables that are patently of
-no interest.
-We have to be careful to look out for \tr{M..} constructs in the
-export list; if so, the game is up (and we must so report).
-type NameMapper a = FAST_STRING -> Maybe a
-		    -- For our purposes here, we don't care *what*
-		    -- they are mapped to; only if the names are
-		    -- in the mapper
-getMentionedVars :: NameMapper any	-- a prelude-name lookup function, so
-					-- we can avoid recording prelude things
-					-- as "mentioned"
-		 -> Maybe [IE ProtoName]{-exports-}	-- All the bits of the module body to
-		 -> [ProtoNameFixityDecl]-- look in for "mentioned" vars.
-		 -> [ProtoNameClassDecl]
-		 -> [ProtoNameInstDecl]
-		 -> ProtoNameHsBinds
-		 -> (Bool,		-- True <=> M.. construct in exports
-		     Bag FAST_STRING)	-- list of vars "mentioned" in the module body
-getMentionedVars val_nf exports fixes class_decls inst_decls binds
-  = panic "getMentionedVars (RdrHsSyn)"
-  = case (mention_IE exports) of { (module_dotdot_seen, export_mentioned) ->
-    (module_dotdot_seen,
-     initMentioned val_nf export_mentioned (
---	mapMent fixity    fixes		`thenMent_` -- see note below.
-	mapMent classDecl class_decls	`thenMent_`
-	mapMent instDecl  inst_decls	`thenMent_`
-	bindsDecls True{-top-level-} binds )
-    )}
-ToDo: if we ever do something proper with fixity declarations,
-we will need to create a @fixities@ function and make it do something.
-Here's relevant bit of monad fluff: hides carrying around
-the NameMapper function (down only) and passing along an
-type MentionM nm a = NameMapper nm -> Bag FAST_STRING -> Bag FAST_STRING
-initMentioned :: NameMapper nm -> Bag FAST_STRING -> MentionM nm a -> Bag FAST_STRING
-thenMent_  :: MentionM nm a -> MentionM nm b -> MentionM nm b
-returnNothing :: MentionM nm a
-mapMent	   :: (a -> MentionM nm b) -> [a] -> MentionM nm b
-mentionedName  :: FAST_STRING   -> MentionM nm a
-mentionedNames :: [FAST_STRING] -> MentionM nm a
-lookupAndAdd   :: ProtoName -> MentionM nm a
-initMentioned val_nf acc action = action val_nf acc
-returnNothing val_nf acc = acc
-thenMent_ act1 act2 val_nf acc
-  = act2 val_nf (act1 val_nf acc)
-mapMent f []     = returnNothing
-mapMent f (x:xs)
-  = f x		    `thenMent_`
-    mapMent f xs
-mentionedName name val_nf acc
-  = acc `snocBag` name
-mentionedNames names val_nf acc
-  = acc `unionBags` listToBag names
-lookupAndAdd (Unk str) val_nf acc
-  | _LENGTH_ str >= 3 -- simply don't bother w/ very short names...
-  = case (val_nf str) of
-      Nothing -> acc `snocBag` str
-      Just _  -> acc
-lookupAndAdd _ _ acc = acc -- carry on with what we had
-mention_IE :: [IE ProtoName] -> (Bool, Bag FAST_STRING)
-mention_IE exps
-  = foldr men (False, emptyBag) exps
-  where
-    men (IEVar str) (dotdot_seen, so_far) = (dotdot_seen, so_far `snocBag` str)
-    men (IEModuleContents _)  (_, so_far) = (True, so_far)
-    men other_ie    	      acc   	  = acc
-classDecl (ClassDecl _ _ _ _ binds _ _)  = monoBinds True{-toplev-} binds
-instDecl  (InstDecl _ _ binds _ _ _ _ _) = monoBinds True{-toplev-} binds
-bindsDecls toplev EmptyBinds	 = returnNothing
-bindsDecls toplev (ThenBinds a b)= bindsDecls toplev a `thenMent_` bindsDecls toplev b
-bindsDecls toplev (SingleBind a) = bindDecls toplev a
-bindsDecls toplev (BindWith a _) = bindDecls toplev a
-bindDecls toplev EmptyBind 	 = returnNothing
-bindDecls toplev (NonRecBind a)  = monoBinds toplev a
-bindDecls toplev (RecBind a)	 = monoBinds toplev a
-monoBinds toplev EmptyMonoBinds  = returnNothing
-monoBinds toplev (AndMonoBinds a b) = monoBinds toplev a `thenMent_` monoBinds toplev b
-monoBinds toplev (PatMonoBind p gb _)
-  = (if toplev
-    then mentionedNames (map stringify (collectPatBinders p))
-    else returnNothing)	`thenMent_`
-    grhssAndBinds gb
-monoBinds toplev (FunMonoBind v ms _)
-  = (if toplev
-    then mentionedName (stringify v)
-    else returnNothing) `thenMent_`
-    mapMent match ms
-stringify :: ProtoName -> FAST_STRING
-stringify (Unk s) = s
-match (PatMatch _ m) = match m
-match (GRHSMatch gb) = grhssAndBinds gb
-grhssAndBinds (GRHSsAndBindsIn gs bs)
-  = mapMent grhs gs `thenMent_` bindsDecls False bs
-grhs (OtherwiseGRHS e _) = expr e
-grhs (GRHS g e _)	 = expr g  `thenMent_` expr e
-expr (HsVar v)  = lookupAndAdd v
-expr (HsLit _) = returnNothing
-expr (HsLam m) = match m
-expr (HsApp a b)    = expr a `thenMent_` expr b
-expr (OpApp a b c)  = expr a `thenMent_` expr b `thenMent_` expr c
-expr (SectionL a b) = expr a `thenMent_` expr b
-expr (SectionR a b) = expr a `thenMent_` expr b
-expr (CCall _ es _ _ _) = mapMent expr es
-expr (HsSCC _ e)    = expr e
-expr (HsCase e ms _)= expr e `thenMent_` mapMent match ms
-expr (HsLet b e)    = expr e `thenMent_` bindsDecls False{-not toplev-} b
-expr (HsDo bs _)    = panic "mentioned_whatnot:RdrHsSyn:HsDo"
-expr (ListComp e q) = expr e `thenMent_` mapMent qual  q
-expr (ExplicitList es)   = mapMent expr es
-expr (ExplicitTuple es)  = mapMent expr es
-expr (RecordCon con  rbinds) = panic "mentioned:RdrHsSyn:RecordCon"
-expr (RecordUpd aexp rbinds) = panic "mentioned:RdrHsSyn:RecordUpd"
-expr (ExprWithTySig e _) = expr e
-expr (HsIf b t e _) = expr b `thenMent_` expr t `thenMent_` expr e
-expr (ArithSeqIn s) = arithSeq s
-arithSeq (From	     a)	    = expr a
-arithSeq (FromThen   a b)   = expr a `thenMent_` expr b
-arithSeq (FromTo     a b)   = expr a `thenMent_` expr b
-arithSeq (FromThenTo a b c) = expr a `thenMent_` expr b `thenMent_` expr c
-qual (GeneratorQual _ e) = expr e
-qual (FilterQual e)  	 = expr e
-qual (LetQual bs)	 = bindsDecls False{-not toplev-} bs
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrLoop.lhi
deleted file mode 100644
index debf4fc55d25993fb0ec6019272c7b1b33feb1c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/RdrLoop.lhi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-This module breaks the loops among the reader modules
-ReadPragmas and ReadPrefix.
-interface RdrLoop where
-import PreludeStdIO	( Maybe )
-import U_list		( U_list )
-import U_maybe		( U_maybe )
-import U_ttype  	( U_ttype )
-import UgenUtil		( UgnM(..), ParseTree(..) )
-import ReadPrefix	( rdConDecl, rdMonoType, wlkList, wlkMaybe, wlkMonoType )
-import RdrHsSyn		( ProtoNameMonoType(..), ProtoNameConDecl(..) )
-data U_list
-data U_ttype
-rdConDecl   :: ParseTree -> UgnM ProtoNameConDecl
-rdMonoType  :: ParseTree -> UgnM ProtoNameMonoType
-wlkList	    :: (_Addr -> UgnM a) -> U_list -> UgnM [a]
-wlkMaybe    :: (_Addr -> UgnM a) -> U_maybe -> UgnM (Maybe a)
-wlkMonoType :: U_ttype -> UgnM ProtoNameMonoType
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPragmas.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPragmas.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index c62eb58889f66f90cd3b048556faa7c50c750a07..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPragmas.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1996
-\section{Read pragmatic interface info, including Core}
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module ReadPragmas (
-	ProtoUfBinder(..),
-	wlkClassPragma,
-	wlkDataPragma,
-	wlkInstPragma,
-	wlkTySigPragmas
-    ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import RdrLoop	-- break dependency loop
-import UgenAll		-- all Yacc parser gumpff...
-import PrefixSyn	-- and various syntaxen.
-import HsSyn
-import RdrHsSyn
-import HsPragmas	-- NB: we are concerned with grimy
-import HsCore		-- *Pragmas and *Core stuff here
--- others:
-import CoreUnfold	( UnfoldingGuidance(..) )
-import Id		( mkTupleCon )
-import IdInfo
-import IdUtils		( primOpNameInfo )
-import Literal		( mkMachInt, Literal(..) )
-import Name		( Name(..) )
-import PrelInfo		( nilDataCon )
-import PrimOp		( PrimOp(..), allThePrimOps )
-import PrimRep		( guessPrimRep ) -- really, VERY horrible...
-import ProtoName	( ProtoName(..) )
-import Util		( assertPanic, panic )
-Only used here:
-readUnfoldingPrimOp :: FAST_STRING -> PrimOp
-  = let
-	-- "reverse" lookup table
-	tbl = map (\ o -> let { (str,_) = primOpNameInfo o } in (str, o)) allThePrimOps
-    in
-    \ str -> case [ op | (s, op) <- tbl, s == str ] of
-	       (op:_) -> op
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	       [] -> panic "readUnfoldingPrimOp" -- ++ _UNPK_ str ++"::"++show (map fst tbl))
-wlkDataPragma :: U_hpragma -> UgnM ProtoNameDataPragmas
-wlkDataPragma pragma
-  = case pragma of
-      U_no_pragma    -> returnUgn (DataPragmas [] [])
-      U_idata_pragma cs ss ->
-	wlkList rdConDecl cs `thenUgn` \ cons  ->
-	wlkList rd_spec   ss `thenUgn` \ specs ->
-	returnUgn (DataPragmas cons specs)
-  where
-    rd_spec pt
-      = rdU_hpragma pt  `thenUgn` \ stuff ->
-	case stuff of { U_idata_pragma_4s ss ->
-	wlkList rdMonoTypeMaybe ss `thenUgn` \ specs ->
-	returnUgn specs }
-wlkClassPragma :: U_hpragma -> UgnM ProtoNameClassPragmas
-wlkClassPragma pragma
-  = case pragma of
-      U_no_pragma    -> returnUgn NoClassPragmas
-      U_iclas_pragma gens ->
-	wlkList rdGenPragma gens `thenUgn` \ gen_pragmas ->
-	ASSERT(not (null gen_pragmas))
-	returnUgn (SuperDictPragmas gen_pragmas)
-wlkInstPragma :: U_hpragma -> UgnM ProtoNameInstancePragmas
-wlkInstPragma pragma
-  = case pragma of
-      U_no_pragma ->
-	returnUgn NoInstancePragmas
-      U_iinst_simpl_pragma dfun_gen ->
-	wlkGenPragma dfun_gen	`thenUgn` \ gen_pragmas ->
-	returnUgn (SimpleInstancePragma gen_pragmas)
-      U_iinst_const_pragma dfun_gen constm_stuff ->
-	wlkGenPragma	  dfun_gen     `thenUgn` \ gen_pragma	 ->
-	wlkList rd_constm constm_stuff `thenUgn` \ constm_pragmas ->
-	returnUgn (ConstantInstancePragma gen_pragma constm_pragmas)
-rd_constm pt
-  = rdU_hpragma pt  `thenUgn` \ stuff ->
-    case stuff of { U_iname_pragma_pr name gen ->
-    wlkGenPragma gen `thenUgn` \ prag ->
-    returnUgn (name, prag) }
-rdGenPragma :: ParseTree -> UgnM ProtoNameGenPragmas
-rdGenPragma pt = rdU_hpragma pt `thenUgn` \ prag -> wlkGenPragma prag
-wlkGenPragma :: U_hpragma -> UgnM ProtoNameGenPragmas
-wlkGenPragma pragma
-  = case pragma of
-      U_no_pragma -> returnUgn noGenPragmas
-      U_igen_pragma aritee update deforest strct uf speccs ->
-	wlk_arity	aritee	 `thenUgn` \ arity   ->
-	wlk_update	update	 `thenUgn` \ upd     ->
-	wlk_deforest	deforest `thenUgn` \ def     ->
-	wlk_strict	strct	 `thenUgn` \ strict  ->
-	wlk_unfold	uf	 `thenUgn` \ unfold  ->
-	wlkList rd_spec	speccs	 `thenUgn` \ specs   ->
-	returnUgn (GenPragmas arity upd def strict unfold specs)
-  where
-    wlk_arity stuff
-      = case stuff of
-	  U_no_pragma -> returnUgn Nothing
-	  U_iarity_pragma arity ->
-	    returnUgn (Just arity)
-    ------------
-    wlk_update stuff
-      = case stuff of
-	  U_no_pragma -> returnUgn Nothing
-	  U_iupdate_pragma upd_spec ->
-	    returnUgn (Just ((read (_UNPK_ upd_spec))::UpdateInfo))
-    ------------
-    wlk_deforest stuff
-      = case stuff of
-	  U_no_pragma -> returnUgn Don'tDeforest
-	  U_ideforest_pragma -> returnUgn DoDeforest
-    ------------
-    wlk_unfold stuff
-      = case stuff of
-	  U_no_pragma -> returnUgn NoImpUnfolding
-	  U_imagic_unfolding_pragma magic ->
-	    returnUgn (ImpMagicUnfolding magic)
-	  U_iunfolding_pragma guide core ->
-	    wlkGuidance guide	`thenUgn` \ guidance ->
-	    wlkCoreExpr core	`thenUgn` \ coresyn  ->
-	    returnUgn (ImpUnfolding guidance coresyn)
-    ------------
-    wlk_strict stuff
-      = case stuff of
-	  U_no_pragma -> returnUgn NoImpStrictness
-	  U_istrictness_pragma strict_spec wrkr_stuff ->
-	    wlkGenPragma wrkr_stuff  `thenUgn` \ wrkr_pragma ->
-	    let
-		strict_spec_str = _UNPK_ strict_spec
-		(is_bot, ww_strict_info)
-		  = if (strict_spec_str == "B")
-		    then (True,  [])
-		    else (False, (read strict_spec_str)::[Demand])
-	    in
-	    returnUgn (ImpStrictness is_bot ww_strict_info wrkr_pragma)
-    ------------
-    rd_spec pt
-      = rdU_hpragma pt	`thenUgn` \ stuff ->
-	case stuff of { U_itype_pragma_pr maybe_tys num_dicts prag ->
-	wlkList rdMonoTypeMaybe	maybe_tys `thenUgn` \ mono_tys_maybe ->
-	wlkGenPragma		prag	  `thenUgn` \ gen_prag	     ->
-	returnUgn (mono_tys_maybe, num_dicts, gen_prag) }
-The only tricky case is pragmas on signatures; we have no way of
-knowing whether it is a @GenPragma@ or a @ClassOp@ pragma.  So we read
-whatever comes, store it in a @RdrTySigPragmas@ structure, and someone
-will sort it out later.
-wlkTySigPragmas :: U_hpragma -> UgnM RdrTySigPragmas
-wlkTySigPragmas pragma
-  = case pragma of
-      U_no_pragma -> returnUgn RdrNoPragma
-      U_iclasop_pragma dsel defm ->
-	wlkGenPragma dsel   `thenUgn` \ dsel_pragma ->
-	wlkGenPragma defm   `thenUgn` \ defm_pragma ->
-	returnUgn (RdrClassOpPragmas (ClassOpPragmas dsel_pragma defm_pragma))
-      other ->
-	wlkGenPragma other  `thenUgn` \ gen_pragmas ->
-	returnUgn (RdrGenPragmas gen_pragmas)
-wlkGuidance guide
-  = case guide of
-      U_iunfold_always -> returnUgn UnfoldAlways
-      U_iunfold_if_args num_ty_args num_val_args con_arg_spec size ->
-	let
-	    con_arg_info = take num_val_args (map cvt (_UNPK_ con_arg_spec))
-	    -- if there were 0 args, we want to throw away
-	    -- any dummy con_arg_spec stuff...
-	in
-	returnUgn (UnfoldIfGoodArgs num_ty_args num_val_args
-		    con_arg_info size)
-	where
-	  cvt 'C' = True  -- want a constructor in this arg position
-	  cvt _   = False
-wlkCoreExpr :: U_coresyn -> UgnM ProtoNameUnfoldingCoreExpr
-wlkCoreExpr core_expr
-  = case core_expr of
-      U_covar v ->
-	wlkCoreId  v	`thenUgn` \ var ->
-	returnUgn (UfVar var)
-      U_coliteral l ->
-	wlkBasicLit l	`thenUgn` \ lit ->
-	returnUgn (UfLit lit)
-      U_cocon c ts as ->
-	wlkCoreId c		`thenUgn` \ (BoringUfId con) ->
-	wlkList rdCoreType ts	`thenUgn` \ tys ->
-	wlkList rdCoreAtom as	`thenUgn` \ vs  ->
-	returnUgn (UfCon con tys vs)
-      U_coprim o ts as ->
-	wlk_primop	   o	`thenUgn` \ op  ->
-	wlkList rdCoreType ts   `thenUgn` \ tys ->
-	wlkList rdCoreAtom as	`thenUgn` \ vs  ->
-	let
-	    fixed_vs = case op of { UfOtherOp pop -> fixup pop vs ; _ -> vs }
-	in
-	returnUgn (UfPrim op tys fixed_vs)
-       where
-	-- Question: why did ccall once panic if you looked at the
-	-- maygc flag?  Was this just laziness or is it not needed?
-	-- In that case, modify the stuff that writes them to pragmas
-	-- so that it never adds the _GC_ tag. ADR
-	wlk_primop op
-	  = case op of
-	      U_co_primop op_str ->
-		returnUgn (UfOtherOp (readUnfoldingPrimOp op_str))
-	      U_co_ccall fun_str may_gc a_tys r_ty ->
-		wlkList rdCoreType a_tys `thenUgn` \ arg_tys ->
-		wlkCoreType	   r_ty	 `thenUgn` \ res_ty  ->
-		returnUgn (UfCCallOp fun_str False (is_T_or_F may_gc) arg_tys res_ty)
-	      U_co_casm litlit may_gc a_tys r_ty ->
-		wlkBasicLit	    litlit  `thenUgn` \ (MachLitLit casm_str _) ->
-		wlkList rdCoreType  a_tys   `thenUgn` \ arg_tys	    ->
-		wlkCoreType	    r_ty    `thenUgn` \ res_ty	    ->
-		returnUgn (UfCCallOp casm_str True (is_T_or_F may_gc) arg_tys res_ty)
-	  where
-	    is_T_or_F 0 = False
-	    is_T_or_F _ = True
-	-- Now *this* is a hack: we can't distinguish Int# literals
-	-- from Word# literals as they come in; this is only likely
-	-- to bite on the args of certain PrimOps (shifts, etc); so
-	-- we look for those and fix things up!!! (WDP 95/05)
-	fixup AndOp    [a1, a2] = [fixarg a1, fixarg a2]
-	fixup OrOp     [a1, a2] = [fixarg a1, fixarg a2]
-	fixup NotOp    [a1]     = [fixarg a1]
-	fixup SllOp    [a1, a2] = [fixarg a1, a2]
-	fixup SraOp    [a1, a2] = [fixarg a1, a2]
-	fixup SrlOp    [a1, a2] = [fixarg a1, a2]
-	fixup WordGtOp [a1, a2] = [fixarg a1, fixarg a2]
-	fixup WordGeOp [a1, a2] = [fixarg a1, fixarg a2]
-	fixup WordLtOp [a1, a2] = [fixarg a1, fixarg a2]
-	fixup WordLeOp [a1, a2] = [fixarg a1, fixarg a2]
-	fixup WordEqOp [a1, a2] = [fixarg a1, fixarg a2]
-	fixup WordNeOp [a1, a2] = [fixarg a1, fixarg a2]
-	fixup _	       as	= as
-	fixarg (UfCoLitAtom (MachInt i _)) = UfCoLitAtom (MachInt i False{-unsigned-})
-	fixarg arg			   = arg
-      U_colam vars expr ->
-	wlkList rdCoreBinder vars   `thenUgn` \ bs   ->
-	wlkCoreExpr	     expr   `thenUgn` \ body ->
-	returnUgn (foldr UfLam body bs)
-      U_coapp f as ->
-	wlkCoreExpr	   f	`thenUgn` \ fun  ->
-	wlkList rdCoreAtom as	`thenUgn` \ args ->
-	returnUgn (foldl UfApp fun args)
-      U_cocase s as ->
-	wlkCoreExpr s	    `thenUgn` \ scrut ->
-	wlk_alts    as	    `thenUgn` \ alts  ->
-	returnUgn (UfCase scrut alts)
-       where
-	wlk_alts (U_coalg_alts as d)
-	  = wlkList rd_alg_alt as   `thenUgn` \ alts  ->
-	    wlk_deflt	       d    `thenUgn` \ deflt ->
-	    returnUgn (UfCoAlgAlts alts deflt)
-	  where
-	    rd_alg_alt pt
-	      = rdU_coresyn pt	`thenUgn` \ (U_coalg_alt c bs exp) ->
-		wlkCoreId	     c   `thenUgn` \ (BoringUfId con) ->
-		wlkList rdCoreBinder bs  `thenUgn` \ params	      ->
-		wlkCoreExpr	     exp `thenUgn` \ rhs	      ->
-		returnUgn (con, params, rhs)
-	wlk_alts (U_coprim_alts as d)
-	  = wlkList rd_prim_alt as  `thenUgn` \ alts  ->
-	    wlk_deflt	    	d   `thenUgn` \ deflt ->
-	    returnUgn (UfCoPrimAlts alts deflt)
-	  where
-	    rd_prim_alt pt
-	      = rdU_coresyn pt	`thenUgn` \ (U_coprim_alt l exp) ->
-		wlkBasicLit l   `thenUgn` \ lit ->
-		wlkCoreExpr exp `thenUgn` \ rhs ->
-		returnUgn (lit, rhs)
-	wlk_deflt U_conodeflt = returnUgn UfCoNoDefault
-	wlk_deflt (U_cobinddeflt v exp)
-	  = wlkCoreBinder v	`thenUgn` \ b   ->
-	    wlkCoreExpr   exp	`thenUgn` \ rhs ->
-	    returnUgn (UfCoBindDefault b rhs)
-      U_colet b expr ->
-	wlk_bind    b    `thenUgn` \ bind ->
-	wlkCoreExpr expr `thenUgn` \ body ->
-	returnUgn (UfLet bind body)
-       where
-	wlk_bind (U_cononrec v expr)
-	  = wlkCoreBinder v	`thenUgn` \ b	->
-	    wlkCoreExpr   expr	`thenUgn` \ rhs ->
-	    returnUgn (UfCoNonRec b rhs)
-	wlk_bind (U_corec prs)
-	  = wlkList rd_pair prs `thenUgn` \ pairs ->
-	    returnUgn (UfCoRec pairs)
-	  where
-	    rd_pair pt
-	      = rdU_coresyn pt	`thenUgn` \ (U_corec_pair v expr) ->
-		wlkCoreBinder v    `thenUgn` \ b   ->
-		wlkCoreExpr   expr `thenUgn` \ rhs ->
-		returnUgn (b, rhs)
-      U_coscc c expr ->
-	wlk_cc	    c    `thenUgn` \ cc   ->
-	wlkCoreExpr expr `thenUgn` \ body ->
-	returnUgn (UfSCC cc body)
-      where
-	wlk_cc (U_co_preludedictscc dupd)
-	  = wlk_dupd dupd	`thenUgn` \ is_dupd ->
-	    returnUgn (UfPreludeDictsCC is_dupd)
-	wlk_cc (U_co_alldictscc m g dupd)
-	  = wlk_dupd dupd	`thenUgn` \ is_dupd ->
-	    returnUgn (UfAllDictsCC m g is_dupd)
-	wlk_cc (U_co_usercc n m g dupd cafd)
-	  = wlk_dupd dupd	`thenUgn` \ is_dupd ->
-	    wlk_cafd cafd	`thenUgn` \ is_cafd ->
-	    returnUgn (UfUserCC n m g is_dupd is_cafd)
-	wlk_cc (U_co_autocc id m g dupd cafd)
-	  = wlkCoreId id	`thenUgn` \ i	    ->
-	    wlk_dupd  dupd	`thenUgn` \ is_dupd ->
-	    wlk_cafd  cafd	`thenUgn` \ is_cafd ->
-	    returnUgn (UfAutoCC i m g is_dupd is_cafd)
-	wlk_cc (U_co_dictcc id m g dupd cafd)
-	  = wlkCoreId id	`thenUgn` \ i	    ->
-	    wlk_dupd  dupd	`thenUgn` \ is_dupd ->
-	    wlk_cafd  cafd	`thenUgn` \ is_cafd ->
-	    returnUgn (UfDictCC i m g is_dupd is_cafd)
-	------
-	wlk_cafd U_co_scc_noncaf  = returnUgn False
-	wlk_cafd U_co_scc_caf	  = returnUgn True
-	wlk_dupd U_co_scc_nondupd = returnUgn False
-	wlk_dupd U_co_scc_dupd	  = returnUgn True
-type ProtoUfBinder = (ProtoName, PolyType ProtoName)
-rdCoreBinder :: ParseTree -> UgnM ProtoUfBinder
-rdCoreBinder pt = rdU_coresyn pt `thenUgn` \ x -> wlkCoreBinder x
-wlkCoreBinder :: U_coresyn -> UgnM ProtoUfBinder
-wlkCoreBinder (U_cobinder b t)
-  = wlkCoreType	t   `thenUgn` \ ty ->
-    returnUgn (b, ty)
-rdCoreAtom pt
-  = rdU_coresyn pt `thenUgn` \ atom ->
-    case atom of
-      U_colit l ->
-	wlkBasicLit l	`thenUgn` \ lit ->
-	returnUgn (UfCoLitAtom lit)
-      U_colocal var ->
-	wlkCoreId var	`thenUgn` \ v ->
-	returnUgn (UfCoVarAtom v)
-rdCoreType :: ParseTree -> UgnM ProtoNamePolyType
-rdCoreType pt = rdU_ttype pt `thenUgn` \ ttype -> wlkCoreType ttype
-wlkCoreType :: U_ttype -> UgnM ProtoNamePolyType
-wlkCoreType other
-  = panic "ReadPragmas:wlkCoreType:ToDo"
-{- LATER:
-wlkCoreType (U_uniforall ts t)
-  = wlkList rdU_???unkId ts    `thenUgn` \ tvs ->
-    wlkMonoType       t	    `thenUgn` \ ty  ->
-    returnUgn (HsForAllTy tvs ty)
-wlkCoreType other
-  = wlkMonoType other 	`thenUgn` \ ty ->
-    returnUgn (UnoverloadedTy ty)
-rdMonoTypeMaybe pt
-  = rdU_maybe pt `thenUgn` \ ty_maybe ->
-    wlkMaybe rdMonoType ty_maybe
-wlkCoreId :: U_coresyn -> UgnM (UfId ProtoName)
-wlkCoreId (U_co_id v)
-  = returnUgn (BoringUfId (cvt_IdString v))
-wlkCoreId (U_co_orig_id mod nm)
-  = returnUgn (BoringUfId (Imp mod nm [mod]{-dubious, but doesn't matter-} nm))
-wlkCoreId (U_co_sdselid clas super_clas)
-  = returnUgn (SuperDictSelUfId clas super_clas)
-wlkCoreId (U_co_classopid clas method)
-  = returnUgn (ClassOpUfId clas method)
-wlkCoreId (U_co_defmid clas method)
-  = returnUgn (DefaultMethodUfId clas method)
-wlkCoreId (U_co_dfunid clas t)
-  = wlkCoreType t   `thenUgn` \ ty ->
-    returnUgn (DictFunUfId clas ty)
-wlkCoreId (U_co_constmid clas op t)
-  = wlkCoreType t   `thenUgn` \ ty ->
-    returnUgn (ConstMethodUfId clas op ty)
-wlkCoreId (U_co_specid id tys)
-  = wlkCoreId		    id	`thenUgn` \ unspec    ->
-    wlkList rdMonoTypeMaybe tys	`thenUgn` \ ty_maybes ->
-    returnUgn (SpecUfId unspec ty_maybes)
-wlkCoreId (U_co_wrkrid un)
-  = wlkCoreId un	`thenUgn` \ unwrkr ->
-    returnUgn (WorkerUfId unwrkr)
-cvt_IdString :: FAST_STRING -> ProtoName
-cvt_IdString s
-  = if (_HEAD_ s /= '_') then
-	boring
-    else if (sub_s == SLIT("NIL_")) then
-    	Prel (WiredInVal nilDataCon)
-    else if (sub_s == SLIT("TUP_")) then
-	Prel (WiredInVal (mkTupleCon arity))
-    else
-	boring
-  where
-    boring = Unk s
-    sub_s  = _SUBSTR_ s 1 4	-- chars 1--4 (0-origin)
-    arity  = read (_UNPK_ (_SUBSTR_ s 5 999999))
-				-- chars 5 onwards give the arity
-wlkBasicLit :: U_literal -> UgnM Literal
-wlkBasicLit (U_norepr n d)
-  = let
-	num = ((read (_UNPK_ n)) :: Integer)
-	den = ((read (_UNPK_ d)) :: Integer)
-    in
-    returnUgn (NoRepRational (num % den))
-wlkBasicLit other
-  = returnUgn (
-    case other of
-      U_intprim    s -> mkMachInt   (as_integer  s)
-      U_doubleprim s -> MachDouble  (as_rational s)
-      U_floatprim  s -> MachFloat   (as_rational s)
-      U_charprim   s -> MachChar    (as_char     s)
-      U_stringprim s -> MachStr	    (as_string   s)
-      U_clitlit    s k -> MachLitLit (as_string  s) (guessPrimRep (_UNPK_ k))
-      U_norepi	   s -> NoRepInteger (as_integer s)
-      U_noreps	   s -> NoRepStr     (as_string  s)
-    )
-  where
-    as_char s	  = _HEAD_ s
-    as_integer s  = readInteger (_UNPK_ s)
-    as_rational s = _readRational (_UNPK_ s) -- non-std
-    as_string s	  = s
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs b/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
index 733dd7f52dc4d934bb8fd540b63cbd4d81863595..1ed9bd2b2a19ead0a8ad2e419f75abb05c8bdd0b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/reader/ReadPrefix.lhs
@@ -7,30 +7,26 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module ReadPrefix (
-	rdModule,
-	-- used over in ReadPragmas...
-	wlkList, wlkMaybe, rdConDecl, wlkMonoType, rdMonoType
+	rdModule
     )  where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import RdrLoop 		-- for paranoia checking
+import Ubiq
 import UgenAll		-- all Yacc parser gumpff...
 import PrefixSyn	-- and various syntaxen.
 import HsSyn
+import HsPragmas	( noDataPragmas, noClassPragmas, noInstancePragmas )
 import RdrHsSyn
+import PrefixToHs
--- friends:
-import ReadPragmas
-import PrefixToHs	-- reader utilities
--- others:
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingPrelude )
+import ErrUtils		( addErrLoc )
 import FiniteMap	( elemFM, FiniteMap )
-import MainMonad	( thenMn, MainIO(..) )
+import MainMonad	( writeMn, exitMn, MainIO(..) )
+import Name		( RdrName(..), isConopRdr )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
-import ProtoName	( isConopPN, ProtoName(..) )
+import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 import Util		( nOfThem, pprError, panic )
@@ -61,16 +57,20 @@ wlkMaybe wlk_it (U_just x)
-rdQid   :: ParseTree -> UgnM ProtoName
+rdQid   :: ParseTree -> UgnM RdrName
 rdQid pt = rdU_qid pt `thenUgn` \ qid -> wlkQid qid
-wlkQid	:: U_qid -> UgnM ProtoName
+wlkQid	:: U_qid -> UgnM RdrName
 wlkQid (U_noqual name)
-  = returnUgn (Unk name)
+  = returnUgn (Unqual name)
 wlkQid (U_aqual  mod name)
-  = returnUgn (Qunk mod name)
+  = returnUgn (Qual mod name)
 wlkQid (U_gid n name)
-  = returnUgn (Unk name)
+  = returnUgn (Unqual name)
+cvFlag :: U_long -> Bool
+cvFlag 0 = False
+cvFlag 1 = True
@@ -80,57 +80,46 @@ wlkQid (U_gid n name)
-rdModule :: MainIO
-	   (FAST_STRING,	   -- this module's name
-	    (FAST_STRING -> Bool,  -- a function to chk if <x> is in the export list
-	     FAST_STRING -> Bool), -- a function to chk if <M> is among the M..
-				   -- ("dotdot") modules in the export list.
-	    ProtoNameHsModule)	   -- the main goods
+rdModule :: MainIO (Module,	   	-- this module's name
+	            RdrNameHsModule)	-- the main goods
   = _ccall_ hspmain `thenPrimIO` \ pt -> -- call the Yacc parser!
 	srcfile  = _packCString ``input_filename'' -- What A Great Hack! (TM)
-    initUgn srcfile (
+    initUgn 		  $
+    rdU_tree pt `thenUgn` \ (U_hmodule modname himplist hexplist hfixlist
+				       hmodlist srciface_version srcline) ->
-    rdU_tree pt `thenUgn` \ (U_hmodule name himplist hexplist hfixlist hmodlist srcline) ->
+    setSrcFileUgn srcfile $
+    setSrcModUgn  modname $
+    mkSrcLocUgn srcline	  $			    \ src_loc	->
+    wlkMaybe rdEntities		 hexplist `thenUgn` \ exports	->
+    wlkList  rdImport            himplist `thenUgn` \ imports	->
     wlkList  rdFixOp		 hfixlist `thenUgn` \ fixities 	->
     wlkBinding			 hmodlist `thenUgn` \ binding	->
-    wlkList  rdImportedInterface himplist `thenUgn` \ imports	->
-    wlkMaybe rdEntities		 hexplist `thenUgn` \ exp_list	->
-    mkSrcLocUgn srcline			  `thenUgn` \ src_loc	->
-    case sepDeclsForTopBinds binding	  of {
-      (tydecls, tysigs, classdecls, instdecls, instsigs, defaultdecls, binds) ->
-    returnUgn (
-     name,
-     mk_export_list_chker exp_list,
-     HsModule name
-	      exp_list
-	      imports
-	      fixities
-	      tydecls
-	      tysigs
-	      classdecls
-	      instdecls
-	      instsigs
-	      defaultdecls
-	      (cvSepdBinds srcfile cvValSig binds)
-	      [{-no sigs-}]
-	      src_loc
-    ) } )
-  where
-    mk_export_list_chker = panic "ReadPrefix:mk_export_list_chker"
-{- LATER:
-    mk_export_list_chker exp_list
-      = case (getExportees exp_list) of
-	  Nothing -> ( \ n -> False, \ n -> False ) -- all suspicious
-	  Just (entity_info, dotdot_modules) ->
-	    ( \ n -> n `elemFM` entity_info,
-	      \ n -> n `elemFM` dotdot_modules )
+    case sepDeclsForTopBinds binding of
+    (tydecls, tysigs, classdecls, instdecls, instsigs, defaultdecls, binds) ->
+      returnUgn (modname,
+       		 HsModule modname
+	      		  (case srciface_version of { 0 -> Nothing; n -> Just n })
+	      		  exports
+	      		  imports
+	      		  fixities
+	      		  tydecls
+	      		  tysigs
+	      		  classdecls
+	      		  instdecls
+	      		  instsigs
+	      		  defaultdecls
+	      		  (cvSepdBinds srcfile cvValSig binds)
+	      		  [{-no interface sigs yet-}]
+	      		  src_loc
+       		)
@@ -140,19 +129,20 @@ rdModule
-rdExpr :: ParseTree -> UgnM ProtoNameHsExpr
-rdPat  :: ParseTree -> UgnM ProtoNamePat
+rdExpr :: ParseTree -> UgnM RdrNameHsExpr
+rdPat  :: ParseTree -> UgnM RdrNamePat
 rdExpr pt = rdU_tree pt `thenUgn` \ tree -> wlkExpr tree
 rdPat  pt = rdU_tree pt `thenUgn` \ tree -> wlkPat  tree
-wlkExpr :: U_tree -> UgnM ProtoNameHsExpr
-wlkPat  :: U_tree -> UgnM ProtoNamePat
+wlkExpr :: U_tree -> UgnM RdrNameHsExpr
+wlkPat  :: U_tree -> UgnM RdrNamePat
 wlkExpr expr
   = case expr of
-      U_par expr -> -- parenthesised expr
-	wlkExpr expr
+      U_par pexpr -> -- parenthesised expr
+	wlkExpr pexpr	`thenUgn` \ expr ->
+	returnUgn (HsPar expr)
       U_lsection lsexp lop -> -- left section
 	wlkExpr lsexp	`thenUgn` \ expr ->
@@ -179,9 +169,9 @@ wlkExpr expr
 	returnUgn (HsSCC label expr)
       U_lambda lampats lamexpr srcline -> -- lambda expression
+	mkSrcLocUgn   srcline		$ \ src_loc ->
 	wlkList rdPat lampats	`thenUgn` \ pats ->
 	wlkExpr       lamexpr	`thenUgn` \ body ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn   srcline	`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
 	returnUgn (
 	    HsLam (foldr PatMatch
 			 (GRHSMatch (GRHSsAndBindsIn
@@ -191,9 +181,9 @@ wlkExpr expr
       U_casee caseexpr casebody srcline ->	-- case expression
+	mkSrcLocUgn srcline	 	 $ \ src_loc ->
 	wlkExpr	        caseexpr `thenUgn` \ expr ->
 	wlkList rdMatch casebody `thenUgn` \ mats ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn    srcline	 `thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
 	getSrcFileUgn		 `thenUgn` \ sf ->
 	    matches = cvMatches sf True mats
@@ -201,10 +191,10 @@ wlkExpr expr
 	returnUgn (HsCase expr matches src_loc)
       U_ife ifpred ifthen ifelse srcline ->	-- if expression
+	mkSrcLocUgn srcline	        $ \ src_loc ->
 	wlkExpr ifpred		`thenUgn` \ e1 ->
 	wlkExpr ifthen		`thenUgn` \ e2 ->
 	wlkExpr ifelse		`thenUgn` \ e3 ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn srcline	`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
 	returnUgn (HsIf e1 e2 e3 src_loc)
       U_let letvdefs letvexpr ->		-- let expression
@@ -216,23 +206,23 @@ wlkExpr expr
 	returnUgn (HsLet binds expr)
-      U_doe gdo srcline ->		-- do expression
+      U_doe gdo srcline ->			-- do expression
+	mkSrcLocUgn srcline		$ \ src_loc ->
 	wlkList rd_stmt gdo	`thenUgn` \ stmts ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn srcline	`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
 	returnUgn (HsDo stmts src_loc)
 	rd_stmt pt
 	  = rdU_tree pt `thenUgn` \ bind ->
 	    case bind of
 	      U_doexp exp srcline ->
+		mkSrcLocUgn srcline		$ \ src_loc ->
 		wlkExpr exp 		`thenUgn` \ expr ->
-		mkSrcLocUgn srcline	`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
 		returnUgn (ExprStmt expr src_loc)
 	      U_dobind pat exp srcline ->
+		mkSrcLocUgn srcline		$ \ src_loc ->
 		wlkPat  pat		`thenUgn` \ patt ->
 		wlkExpr exp 		`thenUgn` \ expr ->
-		mkSrcLocUgn srcline	`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
 		returnUgn (BindStmt patt expr src_loc)
 	      U_seqlet seqlet ->
@@ -312,9 +302,9 @@ wlkExpr expr
 	wlkExpr arg2	`thenUgn` \ expr2 ->
 	returnUgn (OpApp expr1 (HsVar op) expr2)
-      U_negate nexp _ _ -> 		-- prefix negation
+      U_negate nexp ->	 		-- prefix negation
 	wlkExpr nexp	`thenUgn` \ expr ->
-	returnUgn (HsApp (HsVar (Unk SLIT("negate"))) expr)
+	returnUgn (NegApp expr)
       U_llist llist -> -- explicit list
 	wlkList rdExpr llist `thenUgn` \ exprs ->
@@ -335,17 +325,17 @@ wlkExpr expr
 	returnUgn (RecordUpd aexp recbinds)
 #ifdef DEBUG
-      U_hmodule _ _ _ _ _ _ -> error "U_hmodule"
-      U_as _ _ 		    -> error "U_as"
-      U_lazyp _ 	    -> error "U_lazyp"
-      U_wildp 		    -> error "U_wildp"
-      U_qual _ _ 	    -> error "U_qual"
-      U_guard _ 	    -> error "U_guard"
-      U_seqlet _ 	    -> error "U_seqlet"
-      U_dobind _ _ _ 	    -> error "U_dobind"
-      U_doexp _ _	    -> error "U_doexp"
-      U_rbind _ _	    -> error "U_rbind"
-      U_fixop _ _ _	    -> error "U_fixop"
+      U_hmodule _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> error "U_hmodule"
+      U_as _ _ 		      -> error "U_as"
+      U_lazyp _ 	      -> error "U_lazyp"
+      U_wildp 		      -> error "U_wildp"
+      U_qual _ _ 	      -> error "U_qual"
+      U_guard _ 	      -> error "U_guard"
+      U_seqlet _ 	      -> error "U_seqlet"
+      U_dobind _ _ _ 	      -> error "U_dobind"
+      U_doexp _ _	      -> error "U_doexp"
+      U_rbind _ _	      -> error "U_rbind"
+      U_fixop _ _ _	      -> error "U_fixop"
 rdRbind pt
@@ -364,8 +354,9 @@ a series of ``applications''.
 wlkPat pat
   = case pat of
-      U_par pat ->  			-- parenthesised pattern
-	wlkPat pat
+      U_par ppat -> 			-- parenthesised pattern
+	wlkPat ppat	`thenUgn` \ pat ->
+	returnUgn (ParPatIn pat)
       U_as avar as_pat -> 		-- "as" pattern
 	wlkQid avar	`thenUgn` \ var ->
@@ -378,16 +369,6 @@ wlkPat pat
       U_wildp -> returnUgn WildPatIn 	-- wildcard pattern
-      --------------------------------------------------------------
-      -- now the prefix items that can either be an expression or
-      -- pattern, except we know they are *patterns* here.
-      --------------------------------------------------------------
-      U_negate nexp _ _ -> 		-- negated pattern: must be a literal
-	wlkPat nexp	`thenUgn` \ lit_pat ->
-	case lit_pat of
-	  LitPatIn lit -> returnUgn (LitPatIn (negLiteral lit))
-	  _	       -> panic "wlkPat: bad negated pattern!"
       U_lit lit ->			-- literal pattern
 	wlkLiteral lit	`thenUgn` \ lit ->
 	returnUgn (LitPatIn lit)
@@ -395,7 +376,7 @@ wlkPat pat
       U_ident nn ->			-- simple identifier
 	wlkQid nn	`thenUgn` \ n ->
 	returnUgn (
-	  if isConopPN n
+	  if isConopRdr n
 	  then ConPatIn n []
 	  else VarPatIn n
@@ -403,16 +384,21 @@ wlkPat pat
       U_ap l r ->	-- "application": there's a list of patterns lurking here!
 	wlkPat r	  	`thenUgn` \ rpat	 ->
 	collect_pats l [rpat] 	`thenUgn` \ (lpat,lpats) ->
-	let
-	    (n, arg_pats)
-	      = case lpat of
-		  VarPatIn x        -> (x,  lpats)
-		  ConPatIn x []     -> (x,  lpats)
-		  ConOpPatIn x op y -> (op, x:y:lpats)
-		  _ -> -- sorry about the weedy msg; the parser missed this one
-		       pprError "ERROR: an illegal `application' of a pattern to another one:"
-			  (ppInterleave ppSP (map (ppr PprForUser) (lpat:lpats)))
-	in
+	(case lpat of
+	    VarPatIn x        -> returnUgn (x,  lpats)
+	    ConPatIn x []     -> returnUgn (x,  lpats)
+	    ConOpPatIn x op y -> returnUgn (op, x:y:lpats)
+	    _ -> getSrcLocUgn 	`thenUgn` \ loc ->
+		 let
+		     err = addErrLoc loc "Illegal pattern `application'"
+			             (\sty -> ppInterleave ppSP (map (ppr sty) (lpat:lpats)))
+		     msg = ppShow 100 (err PprForUser)
+		 in
+	         ioToUgnM  (writeMn stderr msg) `thenUgn` \ _ ->
+		 ioToUgnM  (exitMn 1)		`thenUgn` \ _ ->
+		 returnUgn (error "ReadPrefix")
+	)			`thenUgn` \ (n, arg_pats) ->
 	returnUgn (ConPatIn n arg_pats)
 	  collect_pats pat acc
@@ -424,12 +410,16 @@ wlkPat pat
 		  wlkPat other	`thenUgn` \ pat ->
 		  returnUgn (pat,acc)
-      U_infixap fun arg1 arg2 ->
+      U_infixap fun arg1 arg2 ->	-- infix pattern
 	wlkQid fun	`thenUgn` \ op   ->
 	wlkPat arg1	`thenUgn` \ pat1 ->
 	wlkPat arg2	`thenUgn` \ pat2 ->
 	returnUgn (ConOpPatIn pat1 op pat2)
+      U_negate npat ->	 		-- negated pattern
+	wlkPat npat	`thenUgn` \ pat ->
+        returnUgn (NegPatIn pat)
       U_llist llist -> 			-- explicit list
 	wlkList rdPat llist 	`thenUgn` \ pats ->
 	returnUgn (ListPatIn pats)
@@ -460,16 +450,16 @@ wlkLiteral :: U_literal -> UgnM HsLit
 wlkLiteral ulit
   = returnUgn (
     case ulit of
-      U_integer    s   -> HsInt	       (as_integer  s)
-      U_floatr     s   -> HsFrac       (as_rational s)
-      U_intprim    s   -> HsIntPrim    (as_integer  s)
-      U_doubleprim s   -> HsDoublePrim (as_rational s)
-      U_floatprim  s   -> HsFloatPrim  (as_rational s)
-      U_charr	   s   -> HsChar       (as_char     s)
-      U_charprim   s   -> HsCharPrim   (as_char     s)
-      U_string     s   -> HsString     (as_string   s)
-      U_stringprim s   -> HsStringPrim (as_string   s)
-      U_clitlit    s _ -> HsLitLit     (as_string   s)
+      U_integer    s -> HsInt	       (as_integer  s)
+      U_floatr     s -> HsFrac       (as_rational s)
+      U_intprim    s -> HsIntPrim    (as_integer  s)
+      U_doubleprim s -> HsDoublePrim (as_rational s)
+      U_floatprim  s -> HsFloatPrim  (as_rational s)
+      U_charr	   s -> HsChar       (as_char     s)
+      U_charprim   s -> HsCharPrim   (as_char     s)
+      U_string     s -> HsString     (as_string   s)
+      U_stringprim s -> HsStringPrim (as_string   s)
+      U_clitlit    s -> HsLitLit     (as_string   s)
     as_char s     = _HEAD_ s
@@ -489,54 +479,59 @@ wlkBinding :: U_binding -> UgnM RdrBinding
 wlkBinding binding
   = case binding of
-      U_nullbind -> -- null binding
+	-- null binding
+      U_nullbind ->
 	returnUgn RdrNullBind
-      U_abind a b -> -- "and" binding (just glue, really)
+	-- "and" binding (just glue, really)
+      U_abind a b ->
 	wlkBinding a    `thenUgn` \ binding1 ->
 	wlkBinding b    `thenUgn` \ binding2 ->
 	returnUgn (RdrAndBindings binding1 binding2)
-      U_tbind tctxt ttype tcons tderivs srcline tpragma -> -- "data" declaration
+	-- "data" declaration
+      U_tbind tctxt ttype tcons tderivs srcline ->
+	mkSrcLocUgn	   srcline  	    $ \ src_loc	    ->
 	wlkContext	   tctxt    `thenUgn` \ ctxt	    ->
 	wlkTyConAndTyVars  ttype    `thenUgn` \ (tycon, tyvars) ->
 	wlkList rdConDecl  tcons    `thenUgn` \ cons	    ->
 	wlkDerivings	   tderivs  `thenUgn` \ derivings   ->
-	wlkDataPragma	   tpragma  `thenUgn` \ pragmas	    ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn	   srcline  `thenUgn` \ src_loc	    ->
-	returnUgn (RdrTyDecl (TyData ctxt tycon tyvars cons derivings pragmas src_loc))
+	returnUgn (RdrTyDecl (TyData ctxt tycon tyvars cons derivings noDataPragmas src_loc))
-      U_ntbind ntctxt nttype ntcon ntderivs srcline ntpragma -> -- "newtype" declaration
+	-- "newtype" declaration
+      U_ntbind ntctxt nttype ntcon ntderivs srcline ->
+	mkSrcLocUgn	   srcline  	    $ \ src_loc	    ->
 	wlkContext	   ntctxt   `thenUgn` \ ctxt	    ->
 	wlkTyConAndTyVars  nttype   `thenUgn` \ (tycon, tyvars) ->
 	wlkList rdConDecl  ntcon    `thenUgn` \ con	    ->
 	wlkDerivings	   ntderivs `thenUgn` \ derivings   ->
-	wlkDataPragma	   ntpragma `thenUgn` \ pragma	    ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn	   srcline  `thenUgn` \ src_loc	    ->
-	returnUgn (RdrTyDecl (TyNew ctxt tycon tyvars con derivings pragma src_loc))
+	returnUgn (RdrTyDecl (TyNew ctxt tycon tyvars con derivings noDataPragmas src_loc))
-      U_nbind nbindid nbindas srcline -> -- "type" declaration
+	-- "type" declaration
+      U_nbind nbindid nbindas srcline -> 		
+	mkSrcLocUgn	  srcline 	  $ \ src_loc	    ->
 	wlkTyConAndTyVars nbindid `thenUgn` \ (tycon, tyvars) ->
 	wlkMonoType	  nbindas `thenUgn` \ expansion	    ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn	  srcline `thenUgn` \ src_loc	    ->
 	returnUgn (RdrTyDecl (TySynonym tycon tyvars expansion src_loc))
-      U_fbind fbindl srcline -> -- function binding
+	-- function binding
+      U_fbind fbindl srcline ->
+	mkSrcLocUgn     srcline		$ \ src_loc ->
 	wlkList rdMatch fbindl	`thenUgn` \ matches ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn     srcline	`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
 	returnUgn (RdrFunctionBinding srcline matches)
-      U_pbind pbindl srcline ->  -- pattern binding
+	-- pattern binding
+      U_pbind pbindl srcline ->
+	mkSrcLocUgn     srcline		$ \ src_loc ->
 	wlkList rdMatch pbindl	`thenUgn` \ matches ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn     srcline	`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
 	returnUgn (RdrPatternBinding srcline matches)
-      U_cbind cbindc cbindid cbindw srcline cpragma ->	 	-- "class" declaration
+ 	-- "class" declaration
+      U_cbind cbindc cbindid cbindw srcline ->
+	mkSrcLocUgn	 srcline 	$ \ src_loc	  ->
 	wlkContext	 cbindc	 `thenUgn` \ ctxt	  ->
 	wlkClassAssertTy cbindid `thenUgn` \ (clas, tyvar)->
 	wlkBinding	 cbindw	 `thenUgn` \ binding	  ->
-	wlkClassPragma   cpragma `thenUgn` \ pragma	  ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn	 srcline `thenUgn` \ src_loc	  ->
 	getSrcFileUgn		 `thenUgn` \ sf		  ->
 	    (class_sigs, class_methods) = sepDeclsIntoSigsAndBinds binding
@@ -545,50 +540,42 @@ wlkBinding binding
 	    final_methods = cvMonoBinds sf class_methods
 	returnUgn (RdrClassDecl
-	  (ClassDecl ctxt clas tyvar final_sigs final_methods pragma src_loc))
+	  (ClassDecl ctxt clas tyvar final_sigs final_methods noClassPragmas src_loc))
-      U_ibind from_source orig_mod		 		-- "instance" declaration
-	      ibindc iclas ibindi ibindw srcline ipragma ->
+	-- "instance" declaration
+      U_ibind ibindc iclas ibindi ibindw srcline ->
+	mkSrcLocUgn	srcline		$ \ src_loc ->
 	wlkContext	ibindc	`thenUgn` \ ctxt    ->
 	wlkQid		iclas	`thenUgn` \ clas    ->
 	wlkMonoType	ibindi	`thenUgn` \ inst_ty ->
 	wlkBinding	ibindw	`thenUgn` \ binding ->
-	wlkInstPragma   ipragma	`thenUgn` \ pragma  ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn	srcline	`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
+	getSrcModUgn		`thenUgn` \ modname ->
 	getSrcFileUgn		`thenUgn` \ sf	    ->
-	    from_here = case from_source of { 0 -> False; 1 -> True }
 	    (ss, bs)  = sepDeclsIntoSigsAndBinds binding
 	    binds     = cvMonoBinds sf bs
 	    uprags    = concat (map cvInstDeclSig ss)
 	    ctxt_inst_ty = HsPreForAllTy ctxt inst_ty
+	    maybe_mod = if opt_CompilingPrelude
+			then Nothing
+		        else Just modname
 	returnUgn (RdrInstDecl
-          (InstDecl clas ctxt_inst_ty binds from_here orig_mod uprags pragma src_loc))
+          (InstDecl clas ctxt_inst_ty binds True maybe_mod uprags noInstancePragmas src_loc))
-      U_dbind dbindts srcline -> -- "default" declaration
+	-- "default" declaration
+      U_dbind dbindts srcline ->
+	mkSrcLocUgn        srcline  	$ \ src_loc ->
 	wlkList rdMonoType dbindts  `thenUgn` \ tys ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn        srcline  `thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
 	returnUgn (RdrDefaultDecl (DefaultDecl tys src_loc))
-      U_mbind mod mbindimp srcline ->
-	-- "import" declaration in an interface
-	wlkList rdEntity   mbindimp	`thenUgn` \ entities  ->
-	mkSrcLocUgn	   srcline	`thenUgn` \ src_loc   ->
-	returnUgn (RdrIfaceImportDecl (IfaceImportDecl mod entities src_loc))
-      U_mfbind fixes ->
-	-- "infix" declarations in an interface
-	wlkList rdFixOp fixes 		`thenUgn` \ fixities  ->
-	returnUgn (RdrIfaceFixities fixities)
       a_sig_we_hope ->
 	-- signature(-like) things, including user pragmas
 	wlk_sig_thing a_sig_we_hope
-wlkDerivings :: U_maybe -> UgnM (Maybe [ProtoName])
+wlkDerivings :: U_maybe -> UgnM (Maybe [RdrName])
 wlkDerivings (U_nothing) = returnUgn Nothing
 wlkDerivings (U_just pt)
@@ -598,56 +585,59 @@ wlkDerivings (U_just pt)
-wlk_sig_thing (U_sbind sbindids sbindid srcline spragma)  -- type signature
-  = wlkList rdQid	sbindids `thenUgn` \ vars    ->
+	-- type signature
+wlk_sig_thing (U_sbind sbindids sbindid srcline)
+  = mkSrcLocUgn		srcline  	$ \ src_loc ->
+    wlkList rdQid	sbindids `thenUgn` \ vars    ->
     wlkPolyType		sbindid  `thenUgn` \ poly_ty ->
-    wlkTySigPragmas	spragma  `thenUgn` \ pragma  ->
-    mkSrcLocUgn		srcline  `thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
-    returnUgn (RdrTySig vars poly_ty pragma src_loc)
+    returnUgn (RdrTySig vars poly_ty src_loc)
-wlk_sig_thing (U_vspec_uprag uvar vspec_tys srcline) -- value specialisation user-pragma
-  = wlkQid  uvar		    `thenUgn` \ var ->
+	-- value specialisation user-pragma
+wlk_sig_thing (U_vspec_uprag uvar vspec_tys srcline)
+  = mkSrcLocUgn	srcline		    	    $ \ src_loc ->
+    wlkQid  uvar		    `thenUgn` \ var ->
     wlkList rd_ty_and_id vspec_tys  `thenUgn` \ tys_and_ids ->
-    mkSrcLocUgn	         srcline    `thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
     returnUgn (RdrSpecValSig [SpecSig var ty using_id src_loc
 			     | (ty, using_id) <- tys_and_ids ])
-    rd_ty_and_id :: ParseTree -> UgnM (ProtoNamePolyType, Maybe ProtoName)
+    rd_ty_and_id :: ParseTree -> UgnM (RdrNamePolyType, Maybe RdrName)
     rd_ty_and_id pt
       = rdU_binding pt		`thenUgn` \ (U_vspec_ty_and_id vspec_ty vspec_id) ->
 	wlkPolyType vspec_ty	`thenUgn` \ ty	     ->
 	wlkMaybe rdQid vspec_id	`thenUgn` \ id_maybe ->
 	returnUgn(ty, id_maybe)
-wlk_sig_thing (U_ispec_uprag iclas ispec_ty srcline)-- instance specialisation user-pragma
-  = wlkQid	iclas		`thenUgn` \ clas    ->
+	-- instance specialisation user-pragma
+wlk_sig_thing (U_ispec_uprag iclas ispec_ty srcline)
+  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline			$ \ src_loc ->
+    wlkQid	iclas		`thenUgn` \ clas    ->
     wlkMonoType ispec_ty	`thenUgn` \ ty	    ->
-    mkSrcLocUgn srcline		`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
     returnUgn (RdrSpecInstSig (SpecInstSig clas ty src_loc))
-wlk_sig_thing (U_inline_uprag ivar srcline) -- value inlining user-pragma
-  = wlkQid	ivar		`thenUgn` \ var     ->
-    mkSrcLocUgn	srcline      	`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
+	-- data specialisation user-pragma
+wlk_sig_thing (U_dspec_uprag itycon dspec_tys srcline)
+  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline		 	 $ \ src_loc ->
+    wlkQid	itycon		 `thenUgn` \ tycon   ->
+    wlkList rdMonoType dspec_tys `thenUgn` \ tys     ->
+    returnUgn (RdrSpecDataSig (SpecDataSig tycon (MonoTyApp tycon tys) src_loc))
+	-- value inlining user-pragma
+wlk_sig_thing (U_inline_uprag ivar srcline)
+  = mkSrcLocUgn	srcline      		$ \ src_loc ->
+    wlkQid	ivar		`thenUgn` \ var     ->
     returnUgn (RdrInlineValSig (InlineSig var src_loc))
-wlk_sig_thing (U_deforest_uprag ivar srcline) -- "deforest me" user-pragma
-  = wlkQid	ivar		`thenUgn` \ var     ->
-    mkSrcLocUgn srcline		`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
+	-- "deforest me" user-pragma
+wlk_sig_thing (U_deforest_uprag ivar srcline)
+  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline			$ \ src_loc ->
+    wlkQid	ivar		`thenUgn` \ var     ->
     returnUgn (RdrDeforestSig (DeforestSig var src_loc))
-wlk_sig_thing (U_magicuf_uprag ivar str srcline) -- "magic" unfolding user-pragma
-  = wlkQid	ivar		`thenUgn` \ var     ->
-    mkSrcLocUgn srcline		`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
+	-- "magic" unfolding user-pragma
+wlk_sig_thing (U_magicuf_uprag ivar str srcline)
+  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline			$ \ src_loc ->
+    wlkQid	ivar		`thenUgn` \ var     ->
     returnUgn (RdrMagicUnfoldingSig (MagicUnfoldingSig var str src_loc))
-wlk_sig_thing (U_dspec_uprag itycon dspec_tys srcline)
-  = wlkQid	itycon		 `thenUgn` \ tycon   ->
-    mkSrcLocUgn srcline		 `thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
-    wlkList rdMonoType dspec_tys `thenUgn` \ tys     ->
-    let
-	spec_ty = MonoTyApp tycon tys
-    in
-    returnUgn (RdrSpecDataSig (SpecDataSig tycon spec_ty src_loc))
@@ -657,24 +647,17 @@ wlk_sig_thing (U_dspec_uprag itycon dspec_tys srcline)
-rdPolyType :: ParseTree -> UgnM ProtoNamePolyType
-rdMonoType :: ParseTree -> UgnM ProtoNameMonoType
+rdPolyType :: ParseTree -> UgnM RdrNamePolyType
+rdMonoType :: ParseTree -> UgnM RdrNameMonoType
 rdPolyType pt = rdU_ttype pt `thenUgn` \ ttype -> wlkPolyType ttype
 rdMonoType pt = rdU_ttype pt `thenUgn` \ ttype -> wlkMonoType ttype
-wlkPolyType :: U_ttype -> UgnM ProtoNamePolyType
-wlkMonoType :: U_ttype -> UgnM ProtoNameMonoType
+wlkPolyType :: U_ttype -> UgnM RdrNamePolyType
+wlkMonoType :: U_ttype -> UgnM RdrNameMonoType
 wlkPolyType ttype
   = case ttype of
-      U_uniforall utvs uty -> -- forall type (pragmas)
-	wlkList rdU_unkId utvs  `thenUgn` \ tvs ->
-	wlkMonoType       uty	`thenUgn` \ ty  ->
-	returnUgn (HsForAllTy tvs ty)
       U_context tcontextl tcontextt -> -- context
 	wlkContext  tcontextl	`thenUgn` \ ctxt ->
 	wlkMonoType tcontextt	`thenUgn` \ ty	 ->
@@ -686,7 +669,8 @@ wlkPolyType ttype
 wlkMonoType ttype
   = case ttype of
-      U_namedtvar tyvar -> -- type variable
+      U_namedtvar tv -> -- type variable
+	wlkQid tv	`thenUgn` \ tyvar ->
 	returnUgn (MonoTyVar tyvar)
       U_tname tcon -> -- type constructor
@@ -700,15 +684,16 @@ wlkMonoType ttype
 	collect t acc
 	  = case t of
-	      U_tapp t1 t2 -> wlkMonoType t2	`thenUgn` \ ty2 ->
-			      collect t1 (ty2:acc)
-	      U_tname tcon -> wlkQid tcon	`thenUgn` \ tycon  ->
-			      returnUgn (tycon, acc)
-	      U_namedtvar tv -> returnUgn (tv, acc)
+	      U_tapp t1 t2   -> wlkMonoType t2	`thenUgn` \ ty2 ->
+			        collect t1 (ty2:acc)
+	      U_tname tcon   -> wlkQid tcon	`thenUgn` \ tycon ->
+			        returnUgn (tycon, acc)
+	      U_namedtvar tv -> wlkQid tv	`thenUgn` \ tyvar ->
+			        returnUgn (tyvar, acc)
 	      U_tllist _ -> panic "tlist"
 	      U_ttuple _ -> panic "ttuple"
 	      U_tfun _ _ -> panic "tfun"
-	      U_tbang _ -> panic "tbang"
+	      U_tbang _  -> panic "tbang"
 	      U_context _ _ -> panic "context"
 	      _ -> panic "something else"
@@ -725,16 +710,12 @@ wlkMonoType ttype
 	wlkMonoType targ	`thenUgn` \ ty2 ->
 	returnUgn (MonoFunTy ty1 ty2)
-      U_unidict uclas t -> -- DictTy (pragmas)
-	wlkQid uclas	`thenUgn` \ clas ->
-	wlkMonoType t	`thenUgn` \ ty	 ->
-	returnUgn (MonoDictTy clas ty)
-wlkTyConAndTyVars :: U_ttype -> UgnM (ProtoName, [ProtoName])
-wlkContext   	  :: U_list  -> UgnM ProtoNameContext
-wlkClassAssertTy  :: U_ttype -> UgnM (ProtoName, ProtoName)
+wlkTyConAndTyVars :: U_ttype -> UgnM (RdrName, [RdrName])
+wlkContext   	  :: U_list  -> UgnM RdrNameContext
+wlkClassAssertTy  :: U_ttype -> UgnM (RdrName, RdrName)
 wlkTyConAndTyVars ttype
   = wlkMonoType ttype	`thenUgn` \ (MonoTyApp tycon ty_args) ->
@@ -751,7 +732,7 @@ wlkClassAssertTy xs
   = wlkMonoType xs   `thenUgn` \ mono_ty ->
     returnUgn (mk_class_assertion mono_ty)
-mk_class_assertion :: ProtoNameMonoType -> (ProtoName, ProtoName)
+mk_class_assertion :: RdrNameMonoType -> (RdrName, RdrName)
 mk_class_assertion (MonoTyApp name [(MonoTyVar tyname)]) = (name, tyname)
 mk_class_assertion other
@@ -761,39 +742,39 @@ mk_class_assertion other
-rdConDecl :: ParseTree -> UgnM ProtoNameConDecl
+rdConDecl :: ParseTree -> UgnM RdrNameConDecl
 rdConDecl pt
   = rdU_constr pt    `thenUgn` \ blah ->
     wlkConDecl blah
-wlkConDecl :: U_constr -> UgnM ProtoNameConDecl
+wlkConDecl :: U_constr -> UgnM RdrNameConDecl
 wlkConDecl (U_constrpre ccon ctys srcline)
-  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline		`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
+  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline			$ \ src_loc ->
     wlkQid	ccon		`thenUgn` \ con	    ->
     wlkList     rdBangType ctys	`thenUgn` \ tys	    ->
     returnUgn (ConDecl con tys src_loc)
 wlkConDecl (U_constrinf cty1 cop cty2 srcline)
-  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline		`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
+  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline			$ \ src_loc ->
     wlkBangType cty1		`thenUgn` \ ty1	    ->
     wlkQid	cop		`thenUgn` \ op	    ->
     wlkBangType cty2		`thenUgn` \ ty2	    ->
     returnUgn (ConOpDecl ty1 op ty2 src_loc)
 wlkConDecl (U_constrnew ccon cty srcline)
-  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline		`thenUgn` \ src_loc ->
+  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline			$ \ src_loc ->
     wlkQid	ccon		`thenUgn` \ con	    ->
     wlkMonoType cty		`thenUgn` \ ty	    ->
     returnUgn (NewConDecl con ty src_loc)
 wlkConDecl (U_constrrec ccon cfields srcline)
-  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline		`thenUgn` \ src_loc      ->
+  = mkSrcLocUgn srcline			$ \ src_loc      ->
     wlkQid	ccon		`thenUgn` \ con		 ->
     wlkList rd_field cfields	`thenUgn` \ fields_lists ->
     returnUgn (RecConDecl con fields_lists src_loc)
-    rd_field :: ParseTree -> UgnM ([ProtoName], BangType ProtoName)
+    rd_field :: ParseTree -> UgnM ([RdrName], BangType RdrName)
     rd_field pt
       = rdU_constr pt		`thenUgn` \ (U_field fvars fty) ->
 	wlkList rdQid	fvars	`thenUgn` \ vars ->
@@ -803,7 +784,7 @@ wlkConDecl (U_constrrec ccon cfields srcline)
 rdBangType pt = rdU_ttype pt `thenUgn` \ ty -> wlkBangType ty
-wlkBangType :: U_ttype -> UgnM (BangType ProtoName)
+wlkBangType :: U_ttype -> UgnM (BangType RdrName)
 wlkBangType (U_tbang bty) = wlkMonoType bty `thenUgn` \ ty -> returnUgn (Banged   ty)
 wlkBangType uty		  = wlkMonoType uty `thenUgn` \ ty -> returnUgn (Unbanged ty)
@@ -821,10 +802,10 @@ rdMatch :: ParseTree -> UgnM RdrMatch
 rdMatch pt
   = rdU_pbinding pt `thenUgn` \ (U_pgrhs gpat gdexprs gbind gsrcfun srcline) ->
-    wlkPat		gpat	`thenUgn` \ pat     ->
-    wlkBinding		gbind	`thenUgn` \ binding ->
-    wlkQid		gsrcfun	`thenUgn` \ srcfun  ->
+    mkSrcLocUgn srcline			$ \ src_loc      ->
+    wlkPat	gpat		`thenUgn` \ pat     ->
+    wlkBinding	gbind		`thenUgn` \ binding ->
+    wlkQid	gsrcfun		`thenUgn` \ srcfun  ->
 	wlk_guards (U_pnoguards exp)
 	  = wlkExpr exp `thenUgn` \ expr ->
@@ -850,51 +831,35 @@ rdMatch pt
-rdFixOp :: ParseTree -> UgnM ProtoNameFixityDecl
+rdFixOp :: ParseTree -> UgnM RdrNameFixityDecl
 rdFixOp pt 
   = rdU_tree pt `thenUgn` \ fix ->
     case fix of
-      U_fixop op (-1) prec -> returnUgn (InfixL op prec)
-      U_fixop op   0  prec -> returnUgn (InfixN op prec)
-      U_fixop op   1  prec -> returnUgn (InfixR op prec)
+      U_fixop op (-1) prec -> wlkQid op `thenUgn` \ op ->
+				       returnUgn (InfixL op prec)
+      U_fixop op   0  prec -> wlkQid op `thenUgn` \ op ->
+				       returnUgn (InfixN op prec)
+      U_fixop op   1  prec -> wlkQid op `thenUgn` \ op ->
+				       returnUgn (InfixR op prec)
       _ -> error "ReadPrefix:rdFixOp"
 %*									*
-\subsection[rdImportedInterface]{Read an imported interface}
+\subsection[rdImport]{Read an import decl}
 %*									*
-rdImportedInterface :: ParseTree
-		    -> UgnM ProtoNameImportedInterface
-rdImportedInterface pt
-  = rdU_binding pt
-	`thenUgn` \ (U_import ifname iffile binddef imod iqual ias ispec srcline) ->
+rdImport :: ParseTree
+	 -> UgnM RdrNameImportDecl
-    mkSrcLocUgn	srcline 		`thenUgn` \ src_loc   	->
+rdImport pt
+  = rdU_binding pt `thenUgn` \ (U_import imod iqual ias ispec srcline) ->
+    mkSrcLocUgn srcline				$ \ src_loc      ->
     wlkMaybe rdU_stringId ias		`thenUgn` \ maybe_as	->
     wlkMaybe rd_spec ispec		`thenUgn` \ maybe_spec	->
-    setSrcFileUgn iffile ( -- looking inside the .hi file...
-	wlkBinding binddef
-    )				`thenUgn` \ iface_bs  ->
-    case (sepDeclsForInterface iface_bs) of {
-	(tydecls,classdecls,instdecls,sigs,iimpdecls,ifixities) ->
-    let
-	cv_sigs  = concat (map cvValSig sigs)
-	cv_iface = Interface ifname iimpdecls ifixities
-			tydecls	classdecls instdecls cv_sigs
-			src_loc
-	cv_qual = case iqual of {0 -> False; 1 -> True}
-    in
-    returnUgn (ImportMod cv_iface cv_qual maybe_as maybe_spec)
-    }
+    returnUgn (ImportDecl imod (cvFlag iqual) maybe_as maybe_spec src_loc)
     rd_spec pt = rdU_either pt 		`thenUgn` \ spec ->
       case spec of
@@ -909,7 +874,7 @@ rdEntities pt
   = rdU_list pt		    `thenUgn` \ list ->
     wlkList rdEntity list
-rdEntity :: ParseTree -> UgnM (IE ProtoName)
+rdEntity :: ParseTree -> UgnM (IE RdrName)
 rdEntity pt
   = rdU_entidt pt `thenUgn` \ entity ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
index 3b7cdf2c86fc1f927d16b96228e0d6e4b584911e..386dcbe9a2c2276e3f7bcc5984c71cea98290430 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
@@ -8,115 +8,145 @@
 module Rename ( renameModule ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import PreludeGlaST	( thenPrimIO, returnPrimIO, fixPrimIO, newVar, MutableVar(..) )
+import Ubiq
 import HsSyn
-import RdrHsSyn		( ProtoNameHsModule(..) )
-import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsModule(..) )
-import Bag		( isEmptyBag, unionBags )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_UseGetMentionedVars )
-import ErrUtils		( Error(..) )
-import Pretty		( Pretty(..){-ToDo:rm?-} )
-import RnMonad12	( initRn12 )
-import RnMonad4		( initRn4 )
-import RnPass1
-import RnPass2
-import RnPass3
-import RnPass4
-import RnUtils		( PreludeNameMappers(..), GlobalNameMappers(..) )
+import RdrHsSyn		( RdrNameHsModule(..), RdrNameImportDecl(..) )
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName, RenamedHsModule(..), isRnTyCon, isRnClass )
+import RnMonad
+import RnNames		( getGlobalNames, GlobalNameInfo(..) )
+import RnSource		( rnSource )
+import RnIfaces		( rnInterfaces, finalIfaceInfo, VersionInfo(..), ParsedIface )
+import RnUtils		( extendGlobalRnEnv, emptyRnEnv, multipleOccWarn )
+import MainMonad
+import Bag		( isEmptyBag, unionBags, bagToList, listToBag )
+import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..) )
+import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, eltsFM )
+import Name		( Name, RdrName(..) )
+import Outputable	( getOrigNameRdr, isLocallyDefined )
+import PrelInfo		( BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
+import UniqFM		( emptyUFM, lookupUFM, addListToUFM_C, eltsUFM )
 import UniqSupply	( splitUniqSupply )
-import Util		( panic )
+import Util		( panic, assertPanic )
-Here's what the renamer does, basically:
-Flattens out the declarations from the interfaces which this module
-imports.  The result is a new module with no imports, but with more
-declarations.  (Obviously, the imported declarations have ``funny
-names'' [@ProtoNames@] to indicate their origin.)  Handles selective
-import, renaming, \& such.
-Removes duplicate declarations.  Duplicates can arise when two
-imported interface have a signature (or whatever) for the same
-thing. We check that the two are consistent and then drop one.
-Considerable huff and puff to pick the one with the ``better''
-pragmatic information.
-Find all the top-level-ish (i.e., global) entities, assign them
-@Uniques@, and make a \tr{ProtoName -> Name} mapping for them,
-in preparation for...
-Actually prepare the ``renamed'' module.  In sticking @Names@ on
-everything, it will catch out-of-scope errors (and a couple of similar
-type-variable-use errors).  We also our initial dependency analysis of
-the program (required before typechecking).
+findHiFiles :: PrimIO (FiniteMap Module FAST_STRING)
+findHiFiles = returnPrimIO emptyFM
-renameModule :: PreludeNameMappers	-- lookup funs for deeply wired-in names
-	     -> ProtoNameHsModule	-- input
+renameModule :: BuiltinNames
+	     -> BuiltinKeys
 	     -> UniqSupply
-	     -> (RenamedHsModule,	-- output, after renaming
-		 Bag FAST_STRING,	-- Names of the imported modules
-					-- (profiling needs to know this)
-		 GlobalNameMappers,	-- final name funs; used later
-					-- to rename generated `deriving'
-					-- bindings.
-		 Bag Error		-- Errors, from passes 1-4
+	     -> RdrNameHsModule
+	     -> MainIO
+		(
+		 RenamedHsModule,  -- output, after renaming
+		 [Module],	   -- imported modules; for profiling
+	         VersionInfo,      -- version info; for usage
+		 [Module],	   -- instance modules; for iface
+		 Bag Error,
+		 Bag Warning
--- Very space-leak sensitive
+ToDo: May want to arrange to return old interface for this module!
+ToDo: Return OrigName RnEnv to rename derivings etc with.
+ToDo: Builtin names which must be read.
+ToDo: Deal with instances (instance version, this module on instance list ???)
-renameModule gnfs@(val_pnf, tc_pnf)
-	     input@(HsModule mod_name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
-	     uniqs
-  = let
-	use_mentioned_vars = opt_UseGetMentionedVars
-    in
-    case (initRn12 mod_name (rnModule1 gnfs use_mentioned_vars input))
-      of { ((mod1, imported_module_names), errs1) ->
+renameModule b_names b_keys us
+   	     input@(HsModule mod _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
+  = findHiFiles			`thenPrimIO` \ hi_files ->
+    newVar (emptyFM, hi_files)	`thenPrimIO` \ iface_var ->
-    case (initRn12 mod_name (rnModule2 mod1)) of { (mod2, errs2) ->
+    fixPrimIO ( \ (_, _, _, _, rec_occ_fm, rec_export_fn) ->
+    let
+	rec_occ_fn :: Name -> [RdrName]
+	rec_occ_fn n = case lookupUFM rec_occ_fm n of
+		         Nothing        -> []
+		         Just (rn,occs) -> occs
-    case (splitUniqSupply uniqs) of { (us1, us2) ->
+	global_name_info = (b_names, b_keys, rec_export_fn, rec_occ_fn)
+    in
+    getGlobalNames iface_var global_name_info us1 input
+		`thenPrimIO` \ (occ_env, imp_mods, imp_fixes, top_errs, top_warns) ->
-    case (initRn3 (rnModule3 gnfs imported_module_names mod2) us1)
-      of { (val_space, tc_space, v_gnf, tc_gnf, errs3) ->
+    if not (isEmptyBag top_errs) then
+	returnPrimIO (rn_panic, rn_panic, top_errs, top_warns, emptyUFM, rn_panic)
+    else
+    -- No top-level name errors so rename source ...
+    case initRn True mod occ_env us2
+		(rnSource imp_mods imp_fixes input) of {
+	((rn_module, export_fn, src_occs), src_errs, src_warns) ->
-	final_name_funs = (v_gnf, tc_gnf)
+	occ_fm :: UniqFM (RnName, [RdrName])
+	occ_list = [ (rn,(rn,[occ])) | (rn,occ) <- bagToList src_occs]
+        occ_fm = addListToUFM_C insert_occ emptyUFM occ_list
-	errs_so_far = errs1 `unionBags` errs2 `unionBags` errs3
-		-- see note below about why we consult errs at this pt
+	insert_occ (rn,olds) (rn',[new]) = (rn, insert new olds)
+        insert new []         = [new]
+        insert new xxs@(x:xs) = case cmp new x of LT_  -> new : xxs
+			      			  EQ_  -> xxs
+			      			  GT__ -> x : insert new xs
+	occ_warns = map multipleOccWarn (filter multiple_occs (eltsUFM occ_fm))
+	multiple_occs (rn, (o1:o2:_)) = True
+	multiple_occs _               = False
-    if not (isEmptyBag errs_so_far) then -- give up now
-	( panic "rename", imported_module_names, final_name_funs, errs_so_far )
+    returnPrimIO (rn_module, imp_mods,
+		  top_errs  `unionBags` src_errs,
+		  top_warns `unionBags` src_warns `unionBags` listToBag occ_warns,
+		  occ_fm, export_fn)
+    }) `thenPrimIO` \ (rn_module, imp_mods, errs_so_far, warns_so_far, occ_fm, _) ->
+    if not (isEmptyBag errs_so_far) then
+	returnMn (rn_panic, rn_panic, rn_panic, rn_panic,
+		  errs_so_far, warns_so_far)
-	case (initRn4 final_name_funs (rnModule mod2) us2)
-	  of { (mod4, errs4) ->
-	( mod4, imported_module_names, final_name_funs, errs4 ) }
-    }}}}
+    -- No errors renaming source so rename the interfaces ...
+    let
+        imports_used = [ rn | (rn,_) <- eltsUFM occ_fm, not (isLocallyDefined rn) ]
+	(import_tcs, import_vals) = partition (\ rn -> isRnTyCon rn || isRnClass rn) imports_used
+	(orig_env, orig_dups) = extendGlobalRnEnv emptyRnEnv (map pair_orig import_vals)
+						             (map pair_orig import_tcs)
+        pair_orig rn = (getOrigNameRdr rn, rn)
-Why stop if errors in the first three passes: Suppose you're compiling
-a module with a top-level definition named \tr{scaleFloat}.  Sadly,
-this is also a Prelude class-method name.  \tr{rnModule3} will have
-detected this error, but: it will also have picked (arbitrarily) one
-of the two definitions for its final ``value'' name-function.  If, by
-chance, it should have picked the class-method... when it comes to pin
-a Unique on the top-level (bogus) \tr{scaleFloat}, it will ask for the
-class-method's Unique (!); it doesn't have one, and you will get a
-Another way to handle this would be for the duplicate detector to
-clobber duplicates with some ``safe'' value.  Then things would be
-fine in \tr{rnModule}.  Maybe some other time...
+	-- ToDo: Do we need top-level names from this module in orig_env ???
+    in
+    ASSERT (isEmptyBag orig_dups)
+    rnInterfaces iface_var orig_env us3 rn_module imports_used
+		`thenPrimIO` \ (rn_module_with_imports,
+				(implicit_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm),
+				iface_errs, iface_warns) ->
+    let
+        all_imports_used = imports_used ++ eltsFM implicit_tc_fm ++ eltsFM implicit_val_fm
+    in
+    finalIfaceInfo iface_var all_imports_used imp_mods
+		`thenPrimIO` \ (version_info, instance_mods) ->
+    returnMn (rn_module_with_imports, imp_mods, 
+	      version_info, instance_mods, 
+	      errs_so_far  `unionBags` iface_errs,
+	      warns_so_far `unionBags` iface_warns)
+  where
+    rn_panic = panic "renameModule: aborted with errors"
+    (us1, us') = splitUniqSupply us
+    (us2, us3) = splitUniqSupply us'
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d934449ca3698206fc2259f3efb236f41c22b1ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnBinds.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnBinds]{Renaming and dependency analysis of bindings}
+This module does renaming and dependency analysis on value bindings in
+the abstract syntax.  It does {\em not} do cycle-checks on class or
+type-synonym declarations; those cannot be done at this stage because
+they may be affected by renaming (which isn't fully worked out yet).
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnBinds (
+	rnTopBinds,
+	rnMethodBinds,
+	rnBinds,
+	FreeVars(..),
+	DefinedVars(..)
+   ) where
+import Ubiq
+import RnLoop		-- break the RnPass4/RnExpr4/RnBinds4 loops
+import HsSyn
+import HsPragmas	( isNoGenPragmas, noGenPragmas )
+import RdrHsSyn
+import RnHsSyn
+import RnMonad
+import RnExpr		( rnMatch, rnGRHSsAndBinds, rnPat )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_SigsRequired )
+import Digraph		( stronglyConnComp )
+import ErrUtils		( addErrLoc, addShortErrLocLine )
+import Name		( RdrName )
+import Maybes		( catMaybes )
+import Pretty
+import UniqSet		( emptyUniqSet, unitUniqSet, mkUniqSet,
+			  unionUniqSets, unionManyUniqSets,
+			  elementOfUniqSet, uniqSetToList, UniqSet(..) )
+import Util		( thenCmp, isIn, removeDups, panic, panic#, assertPanic )
+-- ToDo: Put the annotations into the monad, so that they arrive in the proper
+-- place and can be used when complaining.
+The code tree received by the function @rnBinds@ contains definitions
+in where-clauses which are all apparently mutually recursive, but which may
+not really depend upon each other. For example, in the top level program
+f x = y where a = x
+	      y = x
+the definitions of @a@ and @y@ do not depend on each other at all.
+Unfortunately, the typechecker cannot always check such definitions.
+\footnote{Mycroft, A. 1984. Polymorphic type schemes and recursive
+definitions. In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Programming,
+Toulouse, pp. 217-39. LNCS 167. Springer Verlag.}
+However, the typechecker usually can check definitions in which only the
+strongly connected components have been collected into recursive bindings.
+This is precisely what the function @rnBinds@ does.
+ToDo: deal with case where a single monobinds binds the same variable
+Sets of variable names are represented as sets explicitly, rather than lists.
+type DefinedVars = UniqSet RnName
+type FreeVars    = UniqSet RnName
+i.e., binders.
+The vertag tag is a unique @Int@; the tags only need to be unique
+within one @MonoBinds@, so that unique-Int plumbing is done explicitly
+(heavy monad machinery not needed).
+type VertexTag	= Int
+type Cycle	= [VertexTag]
+type Edge	= (VertexTag, VertexTag)
+%*									*
+%* naming conventions							*
+%*									*
+\subsection[name-conventions]{Name conventions}
+The basic algorithm involves walking over the tree and returning a tuple
+containing the new tree plus its free variables. Some functions, such
+as those walking polymorphic bindings (HsBinds) and qualifier lists in
+list comprehensions (@Quals@), return the variables bound in local
+environments. These are then used to calculate the free variables of the
+expression evaluated in these environments.
+Conventions for variable names are as follows:
+new code is given a prime to distinguish it from the old.
+a set of variables defined in @Exp@ is written @dvExp@
+a set of variables free in @Exp@ is written @fvExp@
+%*									*
+%* analysing polymorphic bindings (HsBinds, Bind, MonoBinds)		*
+%*									*
+\subsubsection[dep-HsBinds]{Polymorphic bindings}
+Non-recursive expressions are reconstructed without any changes at top
+level, although their component expressions may have to be altered.
+However, non-recursive expressions are currently not expected as
+\Haskell{} programs, and this code should not be executed.
+Monomorphic bindings contain information that is returned in a tuple
+(a @FlatMonoBindsInfo@) containing:
+a unique @Int@ that serves as the ``vertex tag'' for this binding.
+the name of a function or the names in a pattern. These are a set
+referred to as @dvLhs@, the defined variables of the left hand side.
+the free variables of the body. These are referred to as @fvBody@.
+the definition's actual code. This is referred to as just @code@.
+The function @nonRecDvFv@ returns two sets of variables. The first is
+the set of variables defined in the set of monomorphic bindings, while the
+second is the set of free variables in those bindings.
+The set of variables defined in a non-recursive binding is just the
+union of all of them, as @union@ removes duplicates. However, the
+free variables in each successive set of cumulative bindings is the
+union of those in the previous set plus those of the newest binding after
+the defined variables of the previous set have been removed.
+@rnMethodBinds@ deals only with the declarations in class and
+instance declarations.	It expects only to see @FunMonoBind@s, and
+it expects the global environment to contain bindings for the binders
+(which are all class operations).
+rnTopBinds    :: RdrNameHsBinds -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedHsBinds
+rnMethodBinds :: RnName{-class-} -> RdrNameMonoBinds -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedMonoBinds
+rnBinds	      :: RdrNameHsBinds -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedHsBinds, FreeVars, [RnName])
+rnTopBinds EmptyBinds		       	   = returnRn EmptyBinds
+rnTopBinds (SingleBind (RecBind bind))    = rnTopMonoBinds bind []
+rnTopBinds (BindWith (RecBind bind) sigs) = rnTopMonoBinds bind sigs
+  -- the parser doesn't produce other forms
+-- ********************************************************************
+rnMethodBinds class_name EmptyMonoBinds = returnRn EmptyMonoBinds
+rnMethodBinds class_name (AndMonoBinds mb1 mb2)
+  = andRn AndMonoBinds (rnMethodBinds class_name mb1)
+			(rnMethodBinds class_name mb2)
+rnMethodBinds class_name (FunMonoBind occname matches locn)
+  = pushSrcLocRn locn			$
+    lookupClassOp class_name occname  	`thenRn` \ op_name ->
+    mapAndUnzipRn rnMatch matches	`thenRn` \ (new_matches, _) ->
+    returnRn (FunMonoBind op_name new_matches locn)
+rnMethodBinds class_name (PatMonoBind (VarPatIn occname) grhss_and_binds locn)
+  = pushSrcLocRn locn			$
+    lookupClassOp class_name occname	`thenRn` \ op_name ->
+    rnGRHSsAndBinds grhss_and_binds	`thenRn` \ (grhss_and_binds', _) ->
+    returnRn (PatMonoBind (VarPatIn op_name) grhss_and_binds' locn)
+-- Can't handle method pattern-bindings which bind multiple methods.
+rnMethodBinds _ mbind@(PatMonoBind other_pat _ locn)
+  = failButContinueRn EmptyMonoBinds (methodBindErr mbind locn)
+-- ********************************************************************
+rnBinds EmptyBinds			= returnRn (EmptyBinds,emptyUniqSet,[])
+rnBinds (SingleBind (RecBind bind))	= rnNestedMonoBinds bind []
+rnBinds (BindWith (RecBind bind) sigs) = rnNestedMonoBinds bind sigs
+  -- the parser doesn't produce other forms
+	- collects up the binders for this declaration group,
+	- checkes that they form a set
+	- extends the environment to bind them to new local names
+	- calls @rnMonoBinds@ to do the real work
+In contrast, @rnTopMonoBinds@ doesn't extend the environment, because that's
+already done in pass3.	All it does is call @rnMonoBinds@ and discards
+the free var info.
+rnTopMonoBinds :: RdrNameMonoBinds -> [RdrNameSig] -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedHsBinds
+rnTopMonoBinds EmptyMonoBinds sigs = returnRn EmptyBinds
+rnTopMonoBinds mbs sigs
+ = rnBindSigs True{-top-level-} (collectMonoBinders mbs) sigs `thenRn` \ siglist ->
+   rnMonoBinds mbs siglist `thenRn` \ (new_binds, fv_set) ->
+   returnRn new_binds
+rnNestedMonoBinds :: RdrNameMonoBinds -> [RdrNameSig]
+		  -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedHsBinds, FreeVars, [RnName])
+rnNestedMonoBinds EmptyMonoBinds sigs
+  = returnRn (EmptyBinds, emptyUniqSet, [])
+rnNestedMonoBinds mbinds sigs	-- Non-empty monobinds
+  =
+	-- Extract all the binders in this group,
+	-- and extend current scope, inventing new names for the new binders
+	-- This also checks that the names form a set
+    let
+	mbinders_w_srclocs = collectMonoBindersAndLocs mbinds
+	mbinders    	   = map fst mbinders_w_srclocs
+    in
+    newLocalNames "variable"
+		  mbinders_w_srclocs	`thenRn` \ new_mbinders ->
+    extendSS2 new_mbinders (
+	 rnBindSigs False{-not top- level-} mbinders sigs `thenRn` \ siglist ->
+	 rnMonoBinds mbinds  siglist
+    )					`thenRn` \ (new_binds, fv_set) ->
+    returnRn (new_binds, fv_set, new_mbinders)
+@rnMonoBinds@ is used by *both* top-level and nested bindings.  It
+assumes that all variables bound in this group are already in scope.
+This is done *either* by pass 3 (for the top-level bindings),
+*or* by @rnNestedMonoBinds@ (for the nested ones).
+rnMonoBinds :: RdrNameMonoBinds
+	    -> [RenamedSig]	-- Signatures attached to this group
+	    -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedHsBinds, FreeVars)
+rnMonoBinds mbinds siglist
+  =
+	 -- Rename the bindings, returning a MonoBindsInfo
+	 -- which is a list of indivisible vertices so far as
+	 -- the strongly-connected-components (SCC) analysis is concerned
+    flattenMonoBinds 0 siglist mbinds	`thenRn` \ (_, mbinds_info) ->
+	 -- Do the SCC analysis
+    let vertices = mkVertices mbinds_info
+	edges	= mkEdges vertices mbinds_info
+	scc_result = stronglyConnComp (==) edges vertices
+	 -- Deal with bound and free-var calculation
+	rhs_free_vars = foldr f emptyUniqSet mbinds_info
+	final_binds = reconstructRec scc_result edges mbinds_info
+	happy_answer = returnRn (final_binds, rhs_free_vars)
+    in
+    case (inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds final_binds) of
+      Nothing -> happy_answer
+      Just names_n_locns ->
+-- SLPJ: sometimes want recursive INLINE for worker wrapper style stuff
+-- 	addErrRn (inlineInRecursiveBindsErr names_n_locns) `thenRn_`
+	{-not so-}happy_answer
+  where
+    f :: (a,b, FreeVars, c,d) -> FreeVars -> FreeVars
+    f (_, _, fvs_body, _, _) fvs_sofar = fvs_sofar `unionUniqSets` fvs_body
+    inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds (BindWith (RecBind _) sigs)
+      = case [(n, locn) | (InlineSig n locn) <- sigs ] of
+	  []   -> Nothing
+	  sigh ->
+		Just sigh
+    		-- Allow INLINEd recursive functions if they are
+		-- designated DEFORESTable too.
+		case [(n, locn) | (DeforestSig n locn) <- sigs ] of
+	  		[]   -> Just sigh
+	  		sigh -> Nothing
+    inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds (ThenBinds b1 b2)
+      = case (inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds b1) of
+	  Nothing -> inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds b2
+	  Just  x -> Just x -- NB: won't report error(s) in b2
+    inline_sigs_in_recursive_binds anything_else = Nothing
+@flattenMonoBinds@ is ever-so-slightly magical in that it sticks
+unique ``vertex tags'' on its output; minor plumbing required.
+flattenMonoBinds :: Int				-- Next free vertex tag
+		 -> [RenamedSig]		-- Signatures
+		 -> RdrNameMonoBinds
+		 -> RnM_Fixes s (Int, FlatMonoBindsInfo)
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs EmptyMonoBinds = returnRn (uniq, [])
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (AndMonoBinds mB1 mB2)
+  = flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs mB1	`thenRn` \ (uniq1, flat1) ->
+    flattenMonoBinds uniq1 sigs mB2	`thenRn` \ (uniq2, flat2) ->
+    returnRn (uniq2, flat1 ++ flat2)
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn)
+  = pushSrcLocRn locn		 	$
+    rnPat pat				`thenRn` \ pat' ->
+    rnGRHSsAndBinds grhss_and_binds	`thenRn` \ (grhss_and_binds', fvs) ->
+	 -- Find which things are bound in this group
+    let
+	names_bound_here = collectPatBinders pat'
+	sigs_etc_for_here = foldl (sig_for_here (\ n -> n `is_elem` names_bound_here))
+				  [] sigs
+	sigs_fvs = foldr sig_fv emptyUniqSet sigs_etc_for_here
+	is_elem = isIn "flattenMonoBinds"
+    in
+    returnRn (
+	uniq + 1,
+	[(uniq,
+	  mkUniqSet names_bound_here,
+	   fvs `unionUniqSets` sigs_fvs,
+	   PatMonoBind pat' grhss_and_binds' locn,
+	   sigs_etc_for_here
+	 )]
+    )
+flattenMonoBinds uniq sigs (FunMonoBind name matches locn)
+  = pushSrcLocRn locn			$
+    lookupValue name			`thenRn` \ name' ->
+    mapAndUnzipRn rnMatch matches	`thenRn` \ (new_matches, fv_lists) ->
+    let
+	fvs = unionManyUniqSets fv_lists
+	sigs_for_me = foldl (sig_for_here (\ n -> n == name')) [] sigs
+	sigs_fvs = foldr sig_fv emptyUniqSet sigs_for_me
+    in
+    returnRn (
+      uniq + 1,
+      [(uniq,
+	unitUniqSet name',
+	fvs `unionUniqSets` sigs_fvs,
+	FunMonoBind name' new_matches locn,
+	sigs_for_me
+	)]
+    )
+Grab type-signatures/user-pragmas of interest:
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(Sig n _ _ _)     | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(InlineSig n _)   | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(DeforestSig n _) | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(SpecSig n _ _ _) | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc s@(MagicUnfoldingSig n _ _)
+					     | want_me n = s:acc
+sig_for_here want_me acc other_wise			 = acc
+-- If a SPECIALIZE pragma is of the "... = blah" form,
+-- then we'd better make sure "blah" is taken into
+-- acct in the dependency analysis (or we get an
+-- unexpected out-of-scope error)! WDP 95/07
+sig_fv (SpecSig _ _ (Just blah) _) acc = acc `unionUniqSets` unitUniqSet blah
+sig_fv _			   acc = acc
+%*									*
+\subsection[reconstruct-deps]{Reconstructing dependencies}
+%*									*
+This @MonoBinds@- and @ClassDecls@-specific code is segregated here,
+as the two cases are similar.
+reconstructRec	:: [Cycle]	-- Result of SCC analysis; at least one
+		-> [Edge]	-- Original edges
+		-> FlatMonoBindsInfo
+		-> RenamedHsBinds
+reconstructRec cycles edges mbi
+  = foldr1 ThenBinds (map (reconstructCycle mbi) cycles)
+  where
+    reconstructCycle :: FlatMonoBindsInfo -> Cycle -> RenamedHsBinds
+    reconstructCycle mbi2 cycle
+      = BIND [(binds,sigs) | (vertex, _, _, binds, sigs) <- mbi2, vertex `is_elem` cycle]
+		  _TO_ relevant_binds_and_sigs ->
+	BIND (unzip relevant_binds_and_sigs) _TO_ (binds, sig_lists) ->
+	BIND (foldr AndMonoBinds EmptyMonoBinds binds) _TO_ this_gp_binds ->
+	let
+	    this_gp_sigs	= foldr1 (++) sig_lists
+	    have_sigs		= not (null sig_lists)
+		-- ToDo: this might not be the right
+		-- thing to call this predicate;
+		-- e.g. "have_sigs [[], [], []]" ???????????
+	in
+	mk_binds this_gp_binds this_gp_sigs (isCyclic edges cycle) have_sigs
+      where
+	is_elem = isIn "reconstructRec"
+	mk_binds :: RenamedMonoBinds -> [RenamedSig]
+		 -> Bool -> Bool -> RenamedHsBinds
+	mk_binds bs ss True  False		= SingleBind (RecBind    bs)
+	mk_binds bs ss True  True{-have sigs-}	= BindWith   (RecBind    bs) ss
+	mk_binds bs ss False False		= SingleBind (NonRecBind bs)
+	mk_binds bs ss False True{-have sigs-}	= BindWith   (NonRecBind bs) ss
+	-- moved from Digraph, as this is the only use here
+	-- (avoid overloading cost).  We have to use elem
+	-- (not FiniteMaps or whatever), because there may be
+	-- many edges out of one vertex.  We give it its own
+	-- "elem" just for speed.
+	isCyclic es []  = panic "isCyclic: empty component"
+	isCyclic es [v] = (v,v) `elem` es
+	isCyclic es vs  = True
+	elem _ []	= False
+	elem x (y:ys)	= x==y || elem x ys
+%*									*
+%*	Manipulating FlatMonoBindInfo					*
+%*									*
+During analysis a @MonoBinds@ is flattened to a @FlatMonoBindsInfo@.
+The @RenamedMonoBinds@ is always an empty bind, a pattern binding or
+a function binding, and has itself been dependency-analysed and
+type FlatMonoBindsInfo
+  = [(VertexTag,		-- Identifies the vertex
+      UniqSet RnName,		-- Set of names defined in this vertex
+      UniqSet RnName,		-- Set of names used in this vertex
+      RenamedMonoBinds,		-- Binding for this vertex (always just one binding, either fun or pat)
+      [RenamedSig])		-- Signatures, if any, for this vertex
+    ]
+mkVertices :: FlatMonoBindsInfo -> [VertexTag]
+mkVertices info = [ vertex | (vertex,_,_,_,_) <- info]
+mkEdges :: [VertexTag] -> FlatMonoBindsInfo -> [Edge]
+mkEdges vertices flat_info
+ -- An edge (v,v') indicates that v depends on v'
+ = [ (source_vertex, target_vertex)
+   | (source_vertex, _, used_names, _, _) <- flat_info,
+     target_name   <- uniqSetToList used_names,
+     target_vertex <- vertices_defining target_name flat_info
+   ]
+   where
+   -- If each name only has one binding in this group, then
+   -- vertices_defining will always return the empty list, or a
+   -- singleton.  The case when there is more than one binding (an
+   -- error) needs more thought.
+   vertices_defining name flat_info2
+    = [ vertex |  (vertex, names_defined, _, _, _) <- flat_info2,
+		name `elementOfUniqSet` names_defined
+      ]
+%*									*
+\subsubsection[dep-Sigs]{Signatures (and user-pragmas for values)}
+%*									*
+@rnBindSigs@ checks for: (a)~more than one sig for one thing;
+(b)~signatures given for things not bound here; (c)~with suitably
+flaggery, that all top-level things have type signatures.
+rnBindSigs :: Bool		    	-- True <=> top-level binders
+	    -> [RdrName]	    	-- Binders for this decl group
+	    -> [RdrNameSig]
+	    -> RnM_Fixes s [RenamedSig] -- List of Sig constructors
+rnBindSigs is_toplev binder_occnames sigs
+  =
+	 -- Rename the signatures
+	 -- Will complain about sigs for variables not in this group
+    mapRn rename_sig sigs   	`thenRn` \ sigs_maybe ->
+    let
+	sigs' = catMaybes sigs_maybe
+	 -- Discard unbound ones we've already complained about, so we
+	 -- complain about duplicate ones.
+	(goodies, dups) = removeDups compare (filter not_unbound sigs')
+    in
+    mapRn (addErrRn . dupSigDeclErr) dups `thenRn_`
+    getSrcLocRn			`thenRn` \ locn ->
+    (if (is_toplev && opt_SigsRequired) then
+	let
+	    sig_frees = catMaybes (map (sig_free sigs) binder_occnames)
+	in
+	mapRn (addErrRn . missingSigErr locn) sig_frees
+     else
+	returnRn []
+    )				`thenRn_`
+    returnRn sigs' -- bad ones and all:
+		   -- we need bindings of *some* sort for every name
+  where
+    rename_sig (Sig v ty pragmas src_loc)
+      = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+	if not (v `elem` binder_occnames) then
+	   addErrRn (unknownSigDeclErr "type signature" v src_loc) `thenRn_`
+	   returnRn Nothing
+	else
+	   lookupValue v			`thenRn` \ new_v ->
+	   rnPolyType nullTyVarNamesEnv ty	`thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+	   ASSERT(isNoGenPragmas pragmas)
+	   returnRn (Just (Sig new_v new_ty noGenPragmas src_loc))
+    -- and now, the various flavours of value-modifying user-pragmas:
+    rename_sig (SpecSig v ty using src_loc)
+      = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+	if not (v `elem` binder_occnames) then
+	   addErrRn (unknownSigDeclErr "SPECIALIZE pragma" v src_loc) `thenRn_`
+	   returnRn Nothing
+	else
+	   lookupValue v			`thenRn` \ new_v ->
+	   rnPolyType nullTyVarNamesEnv ty	`thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+	   rn_using using			`thenRn` \ new_using ->
+	   returnRn (Just (SpecSig new_v new_ty new_using src_loc))
+      where
+	rn_using Nothing  = returnRn Nothing
+	rn_using (Just x) = lookupValue x `thenRn` \ new_x ->
+			    returnRn (Just new_x)
+    rename_sig (InlineSig v src_loc)
+      = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+	if not (v `elem` binder_occnames) then
+	   addErrRn (unknownSigDeclErr "INLINE pragma" v src_loc) `thenRn_`
+	   returnRn Nothing
+	else
+	   lookupValue v	`thenRn` \ new_v ->
+	   returnRn (Just (InlineSig new_v src_loc))
+    rename_sig (DeforestSig v src_loc)
+      = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+	if not (v `elem` binder_occnames) then
+	   addErrRn (unknownSigDeclErr "DEFOREST pragma" v src_loc) `thenRn_`
+	   returnRn Nothing
+	else
+	   lookupValue v        `thenRn` \ new_v ->
+	   returnRn (Just (DeforestSig new_v src_loc))
+    rename_sig (MagicUnfoldingSig v str src_loc)
+      = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+	if not (v `elem` binder_occnames) then
+	   addErrRn (unknownSigDeclErr "MAGIC_UNFOLDING pragma" v src_loc) `thenRn_`
+	   returnRn Nothing
+	else
+	   lookupValue v	`thenRn` \ new_v ->
+	   returnRn (Just (MagicUnfoldingSig new_v str src_loc))
+    not_unbound :: RenamedSig -> Bool
+    not_unbound (Sig n _ _ _)		  = not (isRnUnbound n)
+    not_unbound (SpecSig n _ _ _)	  = not (isRnUnbound n)
+    not_unbound (InlineSig n _)		  = not (isRnUnbound n)
+    not_unbound (DeforestSig n _)	  = not (isRnUnbound n)
+    not_unbound (MagicUnfoldingSig n _ _) = not (isRnUnbound n)
+    -------------------------------------
+    sig_free :: [RdrNameSig] -> RdrName -> Maybe RdrName
+	-- Return "Just x" if "x" has no type signature in
+	-- sigs.  Nothing, otherwise.
+    sig_free [] ny = Just ny
+    sig_free (Sig nx _ _ _ : rest) ny
+      = if (nx == ny) then Nothing else sig_free rest ny
+    sig_free (_ : rest) ny = sig_free rest ny
+    -------------------------------------
+    compare :: RenamedSig -> RenamedSig -> TAG_
+    compare (Sig n1 _ _ _)	       (Sig n2 _ _ _)    	  = n1 `cmp` n2
+    compare (InlineSig n1 _)  	       (InlineSig n2 _) 	  = n1 `cmp` n2
+    compare (MagicUnfoldingSig n1 _ _) (MagicUnfoldingSig n2 _ _) = n1 `cmp` n2
+    compare (SpecSig n1 ty1 _ _)       (SpecSig n2 ty2 _ _)
+      = -- may have many specialisations for one value;
+	-- but not ones that are exactly the same...
+	thenCmp (n1 `cmp` n2) (cmpPolyType cmp ty1 ty2)
+    compare other_1 other_2	-- tags *must* be different
+      = let tag1 = tag other_1
+	    tag2 = tag other_2
+	in
+	if tag1 _LT_ tag2 then LT_ else GT_
+    tag (Sig n1 _ _ _)    	   = (ILIT(1) :: FAST_INT)
+    tag (SpecSig n1 _ _ _)    	   = ILIT(2)
+    tag (InlineSig n1 _)  	   = ILIT(3)
+    tag (MagicUnfoldingSig n1 _ _) = ILIT(4)
+    tag (DeforestSig n1 _)         = ILIT(5)
+    tag _ = panic# "tag(RnBinds)"
+%*									*
+\subsection{Error messages}
+%*									*
+dupSigDeclErr sigs
+  = let
+	undup_sigs = fst (removeDups cmp_sig sigs)
+    in
+    addErrLoc locn1
+	("more than one "++what_it_is++"\n\thas been given for these variables") ( \ sty ->
+    ppAboves (map (ppr sty) undup_sigs) )
+  where
+    (what_it_is, locn1)
+      = case (head sigs) of
+	  Sig        _ _ _ loc -> ("type signature",loc)
+	  ClassOpSig _ _ _ loc -> ("class-method type signature", loc)
+	  SpecSig    _ _ _ loc -> ("SPECIALIZE pragma",loc)
+	  InlineSig  _     loc -> ("INLINE pragma",loc)
+	  MagicUnfoldingSig _ _ loc -> ("MAGIC_UNFOLDING pragma",loc)
+    cmp_sig a b = get_name a `cmp` get_name b
+    get_name (Sig        n _ _ _) = n
+    get_name (ClassOpSig n _ _ _) = n
+    get_name (SpecSig    n _ _ _) = n
+    get_name (InlineSig  n     _) = n
+    get_name (MagicUnfoldingSig n _ _) = n
+methodBindErr mbind locn
+ = addErrLoc locn "Can't handle multiple methods defined by one pattern binding"
+	(\ sty -> ppr sty mbind)
+missingSigErr locn var
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppStr "a definition but no type signature for `",
+	       ppr sty var,
+	       ppStr "'."])
+unknownSigDeclErr flavor var locn
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppStr flavor, ppStr " but no definition for `",
+	       ppr sty var,
+	       ppStr "'."])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..86ba6803bf9f97dc134b05e560978c8ada78c6e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnExpr.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnExpr]{Renaming of expressions}
+Basically dependency analysis.
+Handles @Match@, @GRHSsAndBinds@, @HsExpr@, and @Qual@ datatypes.  In
+general, all of these functions return a renamed thing, and a set of
+free variables.
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnExpr (
+	rnMatch, rnGRHSsAndBinds, rnPat
+   ) where
+import Ubiq
+import RnLoop		-- break the RnPass4/RnExpr4/RnBinds4 loops
+import HsSyn
+import RdrHsSyn
+import RnHsSyn
+import RnMonad
+import ErrUtils		( addErrLoc )
+import Name		( isLocallyDefinedName, Name, RdrName )
+import Outputable	( pprOp )
+import Pretty
+import UniqFM		( lookupUFM )
+import UniqSet		( emptyUniqSet, unitUniqSet,
+			  unionUniqSets, unionManyUniqSets,
+			  UniqSet(..) )
+import Util		( Ord3(..), panic )
+*							*
+*							*
+rnPat :: RdrNamePat -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedPat
+rnPat WildPatIn = returnRn WildPatIn
+rnPat (VarPatIn name)
+  = lookupValue name	`thenRn` \ vname ->
+    returnRn (VarPatIn vname)
+rnPat (LitPatIn n) = returnRn (LitPatIn n)
+rnPat (LazyPatIn pat)
+  = rnPat pat		`thenRn` \ pat' ->
+    returnRn (LazyPatIn pat')
+rnPat (AsPatIn name pat)
+  = rnPat pat	`thenRn` \ pat' ->
+    lookupValue name	`thenRn` \ vname ->
+    returnRn (AsPatIn vname pat')
+rnPat (ConPatIn name pats)
+  = lookupValue name	`thenRn` \ name' ->
+    mapRn rnPat pats  	`thenRn` \ patslist ->
+    returnRn (ConPatIn name' patslist)
+rnPat (ConOpPatIn pat1 name pat2)
+  = lookupValue name	`thenRn` \ name' ->
+    rnPat pat1		`thenRn` \ pat1' ->
+    rnPat pat2		`thenRn` \ pat2' ->
+    precParsePat (ConOpPatIn pat1' name' pat2')
+rnPat neg@(NegPatIn pat)
+  = getSrcLocRn		`thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+    addErrIfRn (not (is_lit pat)) (negPatErr neg src_loc)
+			`thenRn_`
+    rnPat pat		`thenRn` \ pat' ->
+    returnRn (NegPatIn pat')
+  where
+    is_lit (LitPatIn _) = True
+    is_lit _            = False
+rnPat (ParPatIn pat)
+  = rnPat pat		`thenRn` \ pat' ->
+    returnRn (ParPatIn pat')
+rnPat (ListPatIn pats)
+  = mapRn rnPat pats 	`thenRn` \ patslist ->
+    returnRn (ListPatIn patslist)
+rnPat (TuplePatIn pats)
+  = mapRn rnPat pats 	`thenRn` \ patslist ->
+    returnRn (TuplePatIn patslist)
+rnPat (RecPatIn con rpats)
+  = panic "rnPat:RecPatIn"
+*									*
+*									*
+rnMatch :: RdrNameMatch -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedMatch, FreeVars)
+rnMatch match
+  = getSrcLocRn			`thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+    newLocalNames "variable in pattern"
+	 (binders `zip` repeat src_loc)	`thenRn` \ new_binders ->
+    extendSS2 new_binders (rnMatch_aux match)
+  where
+    binders = collect_binders match
+    collect_binders :: RdrNameMatch -> [RdrName]
+    collect_binders (GRHSMatch _) = []
+    collect_binders (PatMatch pat match)
+      = collectPatBinders pat ++ collect_binders match
+rnMatch_aux (PatMatch pat match)
+  = rnPat pat		`thenRn` \ pat' ->
+    rnMatch_aux match	`thenRn` \ (match', fvMatch) ->
+    returnRn (PatMatch pat' match', fvMatch)
+rnMatch_aux (GRHSMatch grhss_and_binds)
+  = rnGRHSsAndBinds grhss_and_binds `thenRn` \ (grhss_and_binds', fvs) ->
+    returnRn (GRHSMatch grhss_and_binds', fvs)
+%*									*
+\subsubsection{Guarded right-hand sides (GRHSsAndBinds)}
+%*									*
+rnGRHSsAndBinds :: RdrNameGRHSsAndBinds -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedGRHSsAndBinds, FreeVars)
+rnGRHSsAndBinds (GRHSsAndBindsIn grhss binds)
+  = rnBinds binds			`thenRn` \ (binds', fvBinds, scope) ->
+    extendSS2 scope (rnGRHSs grhss)	`thenRn` \ (grhss', fvGRHS) ->
+    returnRn (GRHSsAndBindsIn grhss' binds', fvBinds `unionUniqSets` fvGRHS)
+  where
+    rnGRHSs [] = returnRn ([], emptyUniqSet)
+    rnGRHSs (grhs:grhss)
+      = rnGRHS  grhs   `thenRn` \ (grhs',  fvs) ->
+	rnGRHSs grhss  `thenRn` \ (grhss', fvss) ->
+	returnRn (grhs' : grhss', fvs `unionUniqSets` fvss)
+    rnGRHS (GRHS guard expr locn)
+      = pushSrcLocRn locn $		    
+	rnExpr guard	`thenRn` \ (guard', fvsg) ->
+	rnExpr expr	`thenRn` \ (expr',  fvse) ->
+	returnRn (GRHS guard' expr' locn, fvsg `unionUniqSets` fvse)
+    rnGRHS (OtherwiseGRHS expr locn)
+      = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+	rnExpr expr	`thenRn` \ (expr', fvs) ->
+	returnRn (OtherwiseGRHS expr' locn, fvs)
+%*									*
+%*									*
+rnExprs :: [RdrNameHsExpr] -> RnM_Fixes s ([RenamedHsExpr], FreeVars)
+rnExprs [] = returnRn ([], emptyUniqSet)
+rnExprs (expr:exprs)
+  = rnExpr expr 	`thenRn` \ (expr', fvExpr) ->
+    rnExprs exprs	`thenRn` \ (exprs', fvExprs) ->
+    returnRn (expr':exprs', fvExpr `unionUniqSets` fvExprs)
+Variables. We look up the variable and return the resulting name.  The
+interesting question is what the free-variable set should be.  We
+don't want to return imported or prelude things as free vars.  So we
+look at the RnName returned from the lookup, and make it part of the
+free-var set iff if it's a LocallyDefined RnName.
+ToDo: what about RnClassOps ???
+rnExpr :: RdrNameHsExpr -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedHsExpr, FreeVars)
+rnExpr (HsVar v)
+  = lookupValue v	`thenRn` \ vname ->
+    returnRn (HsVar vname, fv_set vname)
+  where
+    fv_set vname@(RnName n)
+      | isLocallyDefinedName n = unitUniqSet vname
+      | otherwise	       = emptyUniqSet
+rnExpr (HsLit lit)
+  = returnRn (HsLit lit, emptyUniqSet)
+rnExpr (HsLam match)
+  = rnMatch match	`thenRn` \ (match', fvMatch) ->
+    returnRn (HsLam match', fvMatch)
+rnExpr (HsApp fun arg)
+  = rnExpr fun		`thenRn` \ (fun',fvFun) ->
+    rnExpr arg		`thenRn` \ (arg',fvArg) ->
+    returnRn (HsApp fun' arg', fvFun `unionUniqSets` fvArg)
+rnExpr (OpApp e1 op e2)
+  = rnExpr e1		`thenRn` \ (e1', fvs_e1) ->
+    rnExpr op		`thenRn` \ (op', fvs_op) ->
+    rnExpr e2		`thenRn` \ (e2', fvs_e2) ->
+    precParseExpr (OpApp e1' op' e2') `thenRn` \ exp ->
+    returnRn (exp, (fvs_op `unionUniqSets` fvs_e1) `unionUniqSets` fvs_e2)
+rnExpr (NegApp e)
+  = rnExpr e 		`thenRn` \ (e', fvs_e) ->
+    returnRn (NegApp e', fvs_e)
+rnExpr (HsPar e)
+  = rnExpr e 		`thenRn` \ (e', fvs_e) ->
+    returnRn (HsPar e', fvs_e)
+rnExpr (SectionL expr op)
+  = rnExpr expr	 	`thenRn` \ (expr', fvs_expr) ->
+    rnExpr op	 	`thenRn` \ (op', fvs_op) ->
+    returnRn (SectionL expr' op', fvs_op `unionUniqSets` fvs_expr)
+rnExpr (SectionR op expr)
+  = rnExpr op	 	`thenRn` \ (op',   fvs_op) ->
+    rnExpr expr	 	`thenRn` \ (expr', fvs_expr) ->
+    returnRn (SectionR op' expr', fvs_op `unionUniqSets` fvs_expr)
+rnExpr (CCall fun args may_gc is_casm fake_result_ty)
+  = rnExprs args	`thenRn` \ (args', fvs_args) ->
+    returnRn (CCall fun args' may_gc is_casm fake_result_ty, fvs_args)
+rnExpr (HsSCC label expr)
+  = rnExpr expr	 	`thenRn` \ (expr', fvs_expr) ->
+    returnRn (HsSCC label expr', fvs_expr)
+rnExpr (HsCase expr ms src_loc)
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    rnExpr expr		 	`thenRn` \ (new_expr, e_fvs) ->
+    mapAndUnzipRn rnMatch ms	`thenRn` \ (new_ms, ms_fvs) ->
+    returnRn (HsCase new_expr new_ms src_loc, unionManyUniqSets (e_fvs : ms_fvs))
+rnExpr (HsLet binds expr)
+  = rnBinds binds		`thenRn` \ (binds', fvBinds, new_binders) ->
+    extendSS2 new_binders (rnExpr expr) `thenRn` \ (expr',fvExpr) ->
+    returnRn (HsLet binds' expr', fvBinds `unionUniqSets` fvExpr)
+rnExpr (HsDo stmts src_loc)
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    rnStmts stmts		`thenRn` \ (stmts', fvStmts) ->
+    returnRn (HsDo stmts' src_loc, fvStmts)
+rnExpr (ListComp expr quals)
+  = rnQuals quals 		`thenRn` \ ((quals', qual_binders), fvQuals) ->
+    extendSS2 qual_binders (rnExpr expr) `thenRn` \ (expr', fvExpr) ->
+    returnRn (ListComp expr' quals', fvExpr `unionUniqSets` fvQuals)
+rnExpr (ExplicitList exps)
+  = rnExprs exps	 	`thenRn` \ (exps', fvs) ->
+    returnRn  (ExplicitList exps', fvs)
+rnExpr (ExplicitTuple exps)
+  = rnExprs exps	 	`thenRn` \ (exps', fvExps) ->
+    returnRn (ExplicitTuple exps', fvExps)
+rnExpr (RecordCon con rbinds)
+  = panic "rnExpr:RecordCon"
+rnExpr (RecordUpd exp rbinds)
+  = panic "rnExpr:RecordUpd"
+rnExpr (ExprWithTySig expr pty)
+  = rnExpr expr			 	`thenRn` \ (expr', fvExpr) ->
+    rnPolyType nullTyVarNamesEnv pty `thenRn` \ pty' ->
+    returnRn (ExprWithTySig expr' pty', fvExpr)
+rnExpr (HsIf p b1 b2 src_loc)
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    rnExpr p		`thenRn` \ (p', fvP) ->
+    rnExpr b1		`thenRn` \ (b1', fvB1) ->
+    rnExpr b2		`thenRn` \ (b2', fvB2) ->
+    returnRn (HsIf p' b1' b2' src_loc, unionManyUniqSets [fvP, fvB1, fvB2])
+rnExpr (ArithSeqIn seq)
+  = rn_seq seq 		`thenRn` \ (new_seq, fvs) ->
+    returnRn (ArithSeqIn new_seq, fvs)
+  where
+    rn_seq (From expr)
+     = rnExpr expr 	`thenRn` \ (expr', fvExpr) ->
+       returnRn (From expr', fvExpr)
+    rn_seq (FromThen expr1 expr2)
+     = rnExpr expr1 	`thenRn` \ (expr1', fvExpr1) ->
+       rnExpr expr2	`thenRn` \ (expr2', fvExpr2) ->
+       returnRn (FromThen expr1' expr2', fvExpr1 `unionUniqSets` fvExpr2)
+    rn_seq (FromTo expr1 expr2)
+     = rnExpr expr1	`thenRn` \ (expr1', fvExpr1) ->
+       rnExpr expr2	`thenRn` \ (expr2', fvExpr2) ->
+       returnRn (FromTo expr1' expr2', fvExpr1 `unionUniqSets` fvExpr2)
+    rn_seq (FromThenTo expr1 expr2 expr3)
+     = rnExpr expr1	`thenRn` \ (expr1', fvExpr1) ->
+       rnExpr expr2	`thenRn` \ (expr2', fvExpr2) ->
+       rnExpr expr3	`thenRn` \ (expr3', fvExpr3) ->
+       returnRn (FromThenTo expr1' expr2' expr3',
+		  unionManyUniqSets [fvExpr1, fvExpr2, fvExpr3])
+%*									*
+\subsubsection{@Qual@s: in list comprehensions}
+%*									*
+Note that although some bound vars may appear in the free var set for
+the first qual, these will eventually be removed by the caller. For
+example, if we have @[p | r <- s, q <- r, p <- q]@, when doing
+@[q <- r, p <- q]@, the free var set for @q <- r@ will
+be @{r}@, and the free var set for the entire Quals will be @{r}@. This
+@r@ will be removed only when we finally return from examining all the
+rnQuals :: [RdrNameQual]
+	 -> RnM_Fixes s (([RenamedQual],	-- renamed qualifiers
+		         [RnName]),		-- qualifiers' binders
+		         FreeVars)		-- free variables
+rnQuals [qual] 				-- must be at least one qual
+  = rnQual qual `thenRn` \ ((new_qual, bs), fvs) ->
+    returnRn (([new_qual], bs), fvs)
+rnQuals (qual: quals)
+  = rnQual qual				`thenRn` \ ((qual',  bs1), fvQuals1) ->
+    extendSS2 bs1 (rnQuals quals)	`thenRn` \ ((quals', bs2), fvQuals2) ->
+    returnRn
+       ((qual' : quals', bs2 ++ bs1),	-- The ones on the right (bs2) shadow the
+					-- ones on the left (bs1)
+	fvQuals1 `unionUniqSets` fvQuals2)
+rnQual (GeneratorQual pat expr)
+  = rnExpr expr		 `thenRn` \ (expr', fvExpr) ->
+    let
+	binders = collectPatBinders pat
+    in
+    getSrcLocRn		 `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+    newLocalNames "variable in list-comprehension-generator pattern"
+	 (binders `zip` repeat src_loc)	  `thenRn` \ new_binders ->
+    extendSS new_binders (rnPat pat) `thenRn` \ pat' ->
+    returnRn ((GeneratorQual pat' expr', new_binders), fvExpr)
+rnQual (FilterQual expr)
+  = rnExpr expr	 `thenRn` \ (expr', fvs) ->
+    returnRn ((FilterQual expr', []), fvs)
+rnQual (LetQual binds)
+  = rnBinds binds	`thenRn` \ (binds', binds_fvs, new_binders) ->
+    returnRn ((LetQual binds', new_binders), binds_fvs)
+%*									*
+\subsubsection{@Stmt@s: in @do@ expressions}
+%*									*
+rnStmts :: [RdrNameStmt] -> RnM_Fixes s ([RenamedStmt], FreeVars)
+rnStmts [stmt@(ExprStmt _ _)]		-- last stmt must be ExprStmt
+  = rnStmt stmt				`thenRn` \ ((stmt',[]), fvStmt) ->
+    returnRn ([stmt'], fvStmt)
+rnStmts (stmt:stmts)
+  = rnStmt stmt				`thenRn` \ ((stmt',bs), fvStmt) ->
+    extendSS2 bs (rnStmts stmts)	`thenRn` \ (stmts',     fvStmts) ->
+    returnRn (stmt':stmts', fvStmt `unionUniqSets` fvStmts)
+rnStmt (BindStmt pat expr src_loc)
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    rnExpr expr		 		`thenRn` \ (expr', fvExpr) ->
+    let
+	binders = collectPatBinders pat
+    in
+    newLocalNames "variable in do binding"
+	 (binders `zip` repeat src_loc)	`thenRn` \ new_binders ->
+    extendSS new_binders (rnPat pat) 	`thenRn` \ pat' ->
+    returnRn ((BindStmt pat' expr' src_loc, new_binders), fvExpr)
+rnStmt (ExprStmt expr src_loc)
+  = 
+    rnExpr expr	 			`thenRn` \ (expr', fvs) ->
+    returnRn ((ExprStmt expr' src_loc, []), fvs)
+rnStmt (LetStmt binds)
+  = rnBinds binds	`thenRn` \ (binds', binds_fvs, new_binders) ->
+    returnRn ((LetStmt binds', new_binders), binds_fvs)
+%*									*
+\subsubsection{Precedence Parsing}
+%*									*
+precParseExpr :: RenamedHsExpr -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedHsExpr
+precParsePat  :: RenamedPat -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedPat
+precParseExpr exp@(OpApp (NegApp e1) (HsVar op) e2)
+  = lookupFixity op		`thenRn` \ (op_fix, op_prec) ->
+    if 6 < op_prec then		
+	-- negate precedence 6 wired in
+	-- (-x)*y  ==> -(x*y)
+	precParseExpr (OpApp e1 (HsVar op) e2) `thenRn` \ op_app ->
+	returnRn (NegApp op_app)
+    else
+	returnRn exp
+precParseExpr exp@(OpApp (OpApp e11 (HsVar op1) e12) (HsVar op) e2)
+  = lookupFixity op		 `thenRn` \ (op_fix, op_prec) ->
+    lookupFixity op1		 `thenRn` \ (op1_fix, op1_prec) ->
+    case cmp op1_prec op_prec of
+      LT_  -> rearrange
+      EQ_  -> case (op1_fix, op_fix) of
+		(INFIXR, INFIXR) -> rearrange
+		(INFIXL, INFIXL) -> returnRn exp
+		_ -> getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+		     failButContinueRn exp
+		     (precParseErr (op1,op1_fix,op1_prec) (op,op_fix,op_prec) src_loc)
+      GT__ -> returnRn exp
+  where
+    rearrange = precParseExpr (OpApp e12 (HsVar op) e2) `thenRn` \ e2' ->
+	        returnRn (OpApp e11 (HsVar op1) e2')
+precParseExpr exp = returnRn exp
+precParsePat pat@(ConOpPatIn (NegPatIn e1) op e2)
+  = lookupFixity op		`thenRn` \ (op_fix, op_prec) ->
+    if 6 < op_prec then	
+	-- negate precedence 6 wired in
+	getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+	failButContinueRn pat (precParseNegPatErr (op,op_fix,op_prec) src_loc)
+    else
+	returnRn pat
+precParsePat pat@(ConOpPatIn (ConOpPatIn p11 op1 p12) op p2)
+  = lookupFixity op		 `thenRn` \ (op_fix, op_prec) ->
+    lookupFixity op1		 `thenRn` \ (op1_fix, op1_prec) ->
+    case cmp op1_prec op_prec of
+      LT_  -> rearrange
+      EQ_  -> case (op1_fix, op_fix) of
+		(INFIXR, INFIXR) -> rearrange
+		(INFIXL, INFIXL) -> returnRn pat
+		_ -> getSrcLocRn `thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+		     failButContinueRn pat
+		       (precParseErr (op1,op1_fix,op1_prec) (op,op_fix,op_prec) src_loc)
+      GT__ -> returnRn pat
+  where
+    rearrange = precParsePat (ConOpPatIn p12 op p2) `thenRn` \ p2' ->
+	        returnRn (ConOpPatIn p11 op1 p2')
+precParsePat pat = returnRn pat
+lookupFixity :: RnName -> RnM_Fixes s (INFIX, Int)
+lookupFixity op
+  = getExtraRn `thenRn` \ fixity_fm ->
+    case lookupUFM fixity_fm op of
+      Nothing           -> returnRn (INFIXL, 9)
+      Just (InfixL _ n) -> returnRn (INFIXL, n)
+      Just (InfixR _ n) -> returnRn (INFIXR, n)
+      Just (InfixN _ n) -> returnRn (INFIXN, n)
+negPatErr pat src_loc
+  = addErrLoc src_loc "prefix `-' not applied to literal in pattern" ( \sty ->
+    ppr sty pat) 
+precParseNegPatErr op src_loc
+  = addErrLoc src_loc "precedence parsing error" (\ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppStr "prefix `-' has lower precedence than ", pp_op sty op, ppStr " in pattern"])
+precParseErr op1 op2 src_loc
+  = addErrLoc src_loc "precedence parsing error" (\ sty -> 
+    ppBesides [ppStr "cannot mix ", pp_op sty op1, ppStr " and ", pp_op sty op2,
+	       ppStr " in the same infix expression"])
+pp_op sty (op, fix, prec) = ppBesides [pprOp sty op, ppLparen, pp_fix fix, ppSP, ppInt prec, ppRparen]
+pp_fix INFIXL = ppStr "infixl"
+pp_fix INFIXR = ppStr "infixr"
+pp_fix INFIXN = ppStr "infix"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
index 278fc6589796e4535bd4843607bf195e6f75578a..9c8ab0dfdf2df2e6c512decaeed2acb117b68a6b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnHsSyn.lhs
@@ -8,49 +8,150 @@
 module RnHsSyn where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
 import HsSyn
+import Name		( isLocalName, nameUnique, Name, RdrName )
+import Id		( GenId, Id(..) )
+import Outputable	( Outputable(..) )
+import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar, TyCon )
+import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
+import Pretty
+import TyCon		( TyCon )
+import TyVar		( GenTyVar )
+import Unique		( Unique )
+import Util		( panic, pprPanic )
+data RnName
+  = WiredInId       Id
+  | WiredInTyCon    TyCon
+  | RnName          Name        -- funtions/binders/tyvars
+  | RnSyn           Name        -- type synonym
+  | RnData          Name [Name] -- data type   (with constrs)
+  | RnConstr        Name  Name  -- constructor (with data type)
+  | RnClass         Name [Name] -- class       (with class ops)
+  | RnClassOp       Name  Name  -- class op    (with class)
+  | RnImplicit      Name      	-- implicitly imported
+  | RnImplicitTyCon Name      	-- implicitly imported
+  | RnImplicitClass Name      	-- implicitly imported
+  | RnUnbound	    RdrName    	-- place holder
+mkRnName          = RnName
+mkRnImplicit      = RnImplicit
+mkRnImplicitTyCon = RnImplicitTyCon
+mkRnImplicitClass = RnImplicitClass
+mkRnUnbound       = RnUnbound
+isRnWired (WiredInId _)    = True
+isRnWired (WiredInTyCon _) = True
+isRnWired _ 	           = False
+isRnLocal (RnName n) = isLocalName n
+isRnLocal _ 	     = False
+isRnTyCon (WiredInTyCon _)    = True
+isRnTyCon (RnSyn _)    	      = True
+isRnTyCon (RnData _ _) 	      = True
+isRnTyCon (RnImplicitTyCon _) = True
+isRnTyCon _            	      = False
+isRnClass (RnClass _ _)       = True
+isRnClass (RnImplicitClass _) = True
+isRnClass _                   = False
+isRnClassOp cls (RnClassOp _ op_cls) = eqUniqsNamed cls op_cls
+isRnClassOp cls (RnImplicit _)	     = True	-- ho hummm ...
+isRnClassOp cls _		     = False
+isRnImplicit (RnImplicit _)      = True
+isRnImplicit (RnImplicitTyCon _) = True
+isRnImplicit (RnImplicitClass _) = True
+isRnImplicit _			 = False
+isRnUnbound (RnUnbound _) = True
+isRnUnbound _		  = False
+-- Very general NamedThing comparison, used when comparing
+-- Uniquable things with different types
+eqUniqsNamed  n1 n2 = uniqueOf n1  ==   uniqueOf n2
+cmpUniqsNamed n1 n2 = uniqueOf n1 `cmp` uniqueOf n2
+instance Eq RnName where
+    a == b = eqUniqsNamed a b
+instance Ord3 RnName where
+    a `cmp` b = cmpUniqsNamed a b
+instance Uniquable RnName where
+    uniqueOf = nameUnique . getName
+instance NamedThing RnName where
+    getName (WiredInId id)    = getName id
+    getName (WiredInTyCon tc) = getName tc
+    getName (RnName n)	      = n
+    getName (RnSyn n)	      = n
+    getName (RnData n _)      = n
+    getName (RnConstr n _)    = n
+    getName (RnClass n _)     = n
+    getName (RnClassOp n _)   = n
+    getName (RnImplicit n)    = n
+    getName (RnUnbound occ)   = pprPanic "getRnName:RnUnbound" (ppr PprDebug occ)
+instance Outputable RnName where
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    ppr sty@PprShowAll (RnData n cs)   = ppBesides [ppr sty n, ppStr "{-", ppr sty cs, ppStr "-}"]
+    ppr sty@PprShowAll (RnConstr n d)  = ppBesides [ppr sty n, ppStr "{-", ppr sty d, ppStr "-}"]
+    ppr sty@PprShowAll (RnClass n ops) = ppBesides [ppr sty n, ppStr "{-", ppr sty ops, ppStr "-}"]
+    ppr sty@PprShowAll (RnClassOp n c) = ppBesides [ppr sty n, ppStr "{-", ppr sty c, ppStr "-}"]
+    ppr sty (WiredInId id)      = ppr sty id
+    ppr sty (WiredInTyCon tycon)= ppr sty tycon
+    ppr sty (RnUnbound occ)	= ppBeside (ppr sty occ) (ppPStr SLIT("{-UNBOUND-}"))
+    ppr sty rn_name		= ppr sty (getName rn_name)
-type RenamedArithSeqInfo	= ArithSeqInfo		Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedBind		= Bind			Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedClassDecl		= ClassDecl		Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedClassOpPragmas	= ClassOpPragmas	Name
-type RenamedClassOpSig		= Sig			Name
-type RenamedClassPragmas	= ClassPragmas		Name
-type RenamedConDecl		= ConDecl		Name
-type RenamedContext		= Context 		Name
-type RenamedDataPragmas		= DataPragmas		Name
-type RenamedSpecDataSig		= SpecDataSig		Name
-type RenamedDefaultDecl		= DefaultDecl		Name
-type RenamedFixityDecl		= FixityDecl		Name
-type RenamedGRHS		= GRHS			Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedGRHSsAndBinds	= GRHSsAndBinds		Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedGenPragmas		= GenPragmas		Name
-type RenamedHsBinds		= HsBinds		Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedHsExpr		= HsExpr		Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedHsModule		= HsModule		Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedRecordBinds		= HsRecordBinds		Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedImportedInterface	= ImportedInterface	Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedInstDecl		= InstDecl		Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedInstancePragmas	= InstancePragmas	Name
-type RenamedInterface		= Interface		Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedMatch		= Match			Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedMonoBinds		= MonoBinds		Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedMonoType		= MonoType		Name
-type RenamedPat			= InPat			Name
-type RenamedPolyType		= PolyType		Name
-type RenamedQual		= Qual			Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedSig			= Sig			Name
-type RenamedSpecInstSig		= SpecInstSig 		Name
-type RenamedStmt		= Stmt			Fake Fake Name RenamedPat
-type RenamedTyDecl		= TyDecl		Name
+type RenamedArithSeqInfo	= ArithSeqInfo		Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedBind		= Bind			Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedClassDecl		= ClassDecl		Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedClassOpSig		= Sig			RnName
+type RenamedConDecl		= ConDecl		RnName
+type RenamedContext		= Context 		RnName
+type RenamedSpecDataSig		= SpecDataSig		RnName
+type RenamedDefaultDecl		= DefaultDecl		RnName
+type RenamedFixityDecl		= FixityDecl		RnName
+type RenamedGRHS		= GRHS			Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedGRHSsAndBinds	= GRHSsAndBinds		Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedHsBinds		= HsBinds		Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedHsExpr		= HsExpr		Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedHsModule		= HsModule		Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedInstDecl		= InstDecl		Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedMatch		= Match			Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedMonoBinds		= MonoBinds		Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedMonoType		= MonoType		RnName
+type RenamedPat			= InPat			RnName
+type RenamedPolyType		= PolyType		RnName
+type RenamedRecordBinds		= HsRecordBinds		Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedQual		= Qual			Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedSig			= Sig			RnName
+type RenamedSpecInstSig		= SpecInstSig 		RnName
+type RenamedStmt		= Stmt			Fake Fake RnName RenamedPat
+type RenamedTyDecl		= TyDecl		RnName
+type RenamedClassOpPragmas	= ClassOpPragmas	RnName
+type RenamedClassPragmas	= ClassPragmas		RnName
+type RenamedDataPragmas		= DataPragmas		RnName
+type RenamedGenPragmas		= GenPragmas		RnName
+type RenamedInstancePragmas	= InstancePragmas	RnName
-collectQualBinders :: [RenamedQual] -> [Name]
+collectQualBinders :: [RenamedQual] -> [RnName]
 collectQualBinders quals
   = concat (map collect quals)
@@ -59,3 +160,4 @@ collectQualBinders quals
     collect (FilterQual expr)	  = []
     collect (LetQual    binds)	  = collectTopLevelBinders binds
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..797f8aa89592d571724172616e944eb96f172280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnIfaces.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnIfaces]{Cacheing and Renaming of Interfaces}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnIfaces (
+	cacheInterface,
+	readInterface,
+	rnInterfaces,
+	finalIfaceInfo,
+	IfaceCache(..),
+	VersionInfo(..),
+	ParsedIface(..)
+    ) where
+import PreludeGlaST	( returnPrimIO, thenPrimIO,
+			  readVar, writeVar, MutableVar(..) )
+import Ubiq
+import HsSyn
+import RdrHsSyn
+import RnHsSyn
+import RnMonad
+import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..) )
+import Bag		( emptyBag )
+import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..) )
+import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM )
+import Pretty
+import Maybes		( MaybeErr(..) )
+import Util		( panic )
+type IfaceCache = MutableVar _RealWorld (FiniteMap Module ParsedIface,
+				         FiniteMap Module FAST_STRING)
+data ParsedIface = ParsedIface
+cacheInterface :: IfaceCache -> Module
+	       -> PrimIO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
+cacheInterface iface_var mod
+  = readVar iface_var `thenPrimIO` \ (iface_fm, file_fm) ->
+    case lookupFM iface_fm mod of
+      Just iface -> returnPrimIO (Succeeded iface)
+      Nothing    ->
+      	case lookupFM file_fm mod of
+	  Nothing   -> returnPrimIO (Failed (noIfaceErr mod))
+	  Just file ->
+	    readInterface file mod `thenPrimIO` \ read_iface ->
+	    case read_iface of
+	      Failed err      -> returnPrimIO (Failed err)
+	      Succeeded iface ->
+		let
+		    iface_fm' = addToFM iface_fm mod iface
+		in
+		writeVar iface_var (iface_fm', file_fm) `thenPrimIO` \ _ ->
+		returnPrimIO (Succeeded iface)
+readInterface :: FAST_STRING -> Module
+	      -> PrimIO (MaybeErr ParsedIface Error)
+readInterface file mod = panic "readInterface"
+rnInterfaces ::
+	   IfaceCache				-- iface cache
+	-> RnEnv				-- original name env
+	-> UniqSupply
+	-> RenamedHsModule			-- module to extend with iface decls
+	-> [RnName]				-- imported names required
+	-> PrimIO (RenamedHsModule,		-- extended module
+	           ImplicitEnv,			-- implicit names required
+		   Bag Error,
+		   Bag Warning)
+rnInterfaces iface_var occ_env us rn_module todo
+  = returnPrimIO (rn_module, (emptyFM, emptyFM), emptyBag, emptyBag)
+finalIfaceInfo ::
+	   IfaceCache				-- iface cache
+	-> [RnName]				-- all imported names required
+	-> [Module]				-- directly imported modules
+	-> PrimIO (VersionInfo,			-- info about version numbers
+		   [Module])			-- special instance modules
+type VersionInfo = [(Module, Version, [(FAST_STRING, Version)])]
+finalIfaceInfo iface_var imps_reqd imp_mods
+  = returnPrimIO ([], [])
+noIfaceErr mod sty
+  = ppCat [ppStr "Could not find interface for", ppPStr mod]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnLoop.lhi
index 92b7d418b63f1ede86dd608c891e73ed52bab2e9..f228aee0b9a72ca96c9015d9d030b4af30b3243f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnLoop.lhi
@@ -1,22 +1,18 @@
-Breaks the RnPass4/RnExpr4/RnBind4 loops.
+Breaks the RnSource/RnExpr/RnBinds loops.
 interface RnLoop where
-import Name		( Name )
-import RdrHsSyn		( ProtoNameHsBinds(..), ProtoNamePolyType(..), ProtoNameGenPragmas(..) )
-import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsBinds(..), RenamedPolyType(..), RenamedGenPragmas(..) )
-import RnBinds4		( rnBinds, FreeVars(..) )
-import RnMonad4		( TyVarNamesEnv(..), Rn4M(..) )
-import RnPass4		( rnPolyType, rnGenPragmas )
+import RdrHsSyn		( RdrNameHsBinds(..), RdrNamePolyType(..) )
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName, RenamedHsBinds(..), RenamedPolyType(..) )
+import RnBinds		( rnBinds, FreeVars(..) )
+import RnMonad		( TyVarNamesEnv(..), RnM_Fixes(..) )
+import RnSource		( rnPolyType )
 import UniqSet		( UniqSet(..) )
-rnBinds :: ProtoNameHsBinds -> Rn4M (RenamedHsBinds, FreeVars, [Name])
-rnGenPragmas :: ProtoNameGenPragmas -> Rn4M RenamedGenPragmas
-rnPolyType :: Bool
-	    -> TyVarNamesEnv
-	    -> ProtoNamePolyType
-	    -> Rn4M RenamedPolyType
-type FreeVars = UniqSet Name
+rnBinds :: RdrNameHsBinds -> RnM_Fixes s (RenamedHsBinds, FreeVars, [RnName])
+rnPolyType :: TyVarNamesEnv
+	   -> RdrNamePolyType
+	   -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedPolyType
+type FreeVars = UniqSet RnName
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49765f117f70ea1b72a3d2f997776e4d6af7c227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnMonad]{The monad used by the renamer}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnMonad (
+	RnMonad(..), RnM(..), RnM_Fixes(..), RnDown, SST_R,
+	initRn, thenRn, thenRn_, andRn, returnRn,
+	mapRn, mapAndUnzipRn,
+	addErrRn, addErrIfRn, addWarnRn, addWarnIfRn,
+	failButContinueRn, warnAndContinueRn,
+	setExtraRn, getExtraRn,
+	getModuleRn, pushSrcLocRn, getSrcLocRn,
+	getSourceRn, getOccurrenceUpRn,
+	getImplicitUpRn, ImplicitEnv(..),
+	rnGetUnique, rnGetUniques,
+	newLocalNames,
+	lookupValue, lookupValueMaybe,
+	lookupTyCon, lookupClass, lookupClassOp,
+	extendSS2, extendSS,
+	TyVarNamesEnv(..), mkTyVarNamesEnv, domTyVarNamesEnv,
+	lookupTyVarName, nullTyVarNamesEnv, catTyVarNamesEnvs
+    ) where
+import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import SST
+import HsSyn		( FixityDecl )
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName, mkRnName, mkRnUnbound, mkRnImplicit,
+			  mkRnImplicitTyCon, mkRnImplicitClass, 
+			  isRnLocal, isRnWired, isRnTyCon, isRnClass, isRnClassOp,
+			  RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
+import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), extendLocalRnEnv,
+			  lookupRnEnv, lookupTcRnEnv,
+			  unknownNameErr, badClassOpErr, qualNameErr,
+			  dupNamesErr, shadowedNameWarn )
+import Bag		( Bag, emptyBag, isEmptyBag, snocBag )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_WarnNameShadowing )
+import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..) )
+import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, lookupFM, addToFM )
+import Maybes		( assocMaybe )
+import Name		( Module(..), RdrName(..), isQual,
+			  Name, mkLocalName, mkImplicitName
+			)
+import Outputable	( getOccName )
+import PprStyle		( PprStyle )
+import Pretty		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
+import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
+import UniqFM		( UniqFM, emptyUFM )
+import UniqSet		( UniqSet(..), mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet )
+import UniqSupply	( UniqSupply, getUnique, getUniques, splitUniqSupply )
+import Unique		( Unique )
+import Util
+infixr 9 `thenRn`, `thenRn_`
+type RnM s r       = RnMonad () s r
+type RnM_Fixes s r = RnMonad (UniqFM RenamedFixityDecl) s r
+type RnMonad x s r = RnDown x s -> SST s r
+data RnDown x s
+  = RnDown
+	x
+	Module				-- Module name
+	SrcLoc				-- Source location
+	(RnMode s)			-- Source or Iface
+	RnEnv				-- Renaming environment
+	(MutableVar s UniqSupply)	-- Unique supply
+	(MutableVar s (Bag Warning, 	-- Warnings and Errors
+		       Bag Error))
+data RnMode s
+ = RnSource (MutableVar s (Bag (RnName, RdrName)))
+	-- Renaming source; returning occurences
+ | RnIface  (MutableVar s ImplicitEnv)
+	-- Renaming interface; creating and returning implicit names
+	-- One map for Values and one for TyCons/Classes.
+type ImplicitEnv = (FiniteMap RdrName RnName, FiniteMap RdrName RnName)
+-- With a builtin polymorphic type for _runSST the type for
+-- initTc should use  RnM s r  instead of  RnM _RealWorld r 
+initRn :: Bool		-- True => Source; False => Iface
+       -> Module
+       -> RnEnv
+       -> UniqSupply
+       -> RnM _RealWorld r
+       -> (r, Bag Error, Bag Warning)
+initRn source mod env us do_rn
+  = _runSST (
+	newMutVarSST emptyBag			`thenSST` \ occ_var ->
+	newMutVarSST (emptyFM,emptyFM)		`thenSST` \ imp_var ->
+	newMutVarSST us 			`thenSST` \ us_var ->
+      	newMutVarSST (emptyBag,emptyBag)	`thenSST` \ errs_var ->
+	let
+	    mode = if source then
+		       RnSource occ_var
+	           else
+		       RnIface imp_var
+	    rn_down = RnDown () mod mkUnknownSrcLoc mode env us_var errs_var
+	in
+	-- do the buisness
+    	do_rn rn_down 				`thenSST` \ res ->
+	-- grab errors and return
+	readMutVarSST errs_var 			`thenSST` \ (warns,errs) ->
+	returnSST (res, errs, warns)
+    )
+{-# INLINE thenRn #-}
+{-# INLINE thenRn_ #-}
+{-# INLINE returnRn #-}
+{-# INLINE andRn #-}
+returnRn :: a -> RnMonad x s a
+thenRn   :: RnMonad x s a -> (a -> RnMonad x s b) -> RnMonad x s b
+thenRn_  :: RnMonad x s a -> RnMonad x s b -> RnMonad x s b
+andRn    :: (a -> a -> a) -> RnMonad x s a -> RnMonad x s a -> RnMonad x s a
+mapRn    :: (a -> RnMonad x s b) -> [a] -> RnMonad x s [b]
+mapAndUnzipRn :: (a -> RnMonad x s (b,c)) -> [a] -> RnMonad x s ([b],[c])
+returnRn v down  = returnSST v
+thenRn m k down  = m down `thenSST` \ r -> k r down
+thenRn_ m k down = m down `thenSST_` k down
+andRn combiner m1 m2 down
+  = m1 down `thenSST` \ res1 ->
+    m2 down `thenSST` \ res2 ->
+    returnSST (combiner res1 res2)
+mapRn f []     = returnRn []
+mapRn f (x:xs)
+  = f x		`thenRn` \ r ->
+    mapRn f xs 	`thenRn` \ rs ->
+    returnRn (r:rs)
+mapAndUnzipRn f [] = returnRn ([],[])
+mapAndUnzipRn f (x:xs)
+  = f x		    	`thenRn` \ (r1,  r2)  ->
+    mapAndUnzipRn f xs	`thenRn` \ (rs1, rs2) ->
+    returnRn (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
+For errors and warnings ...
+failButContinueRn :: a -> Error -> RnMonad x s a
+failButContinueRn res err (RnDown _ _ _ _ _ _ errs_var)
+  = readMutVarSST  errs_var  				`thenSST`  \ (warns,errs) ->
+    writeMutVarSST errs_var (warns, errs `snocBag` err)	`thenSST_` 
+    returnSST res
+warnAndContinueRn :: a -> Warning -> RnMonad x s a
+warnAndContinueRn res warn (RnDown _ _ _ _ _ _ errs_var)
+  = readMutVarSST  errs_var  				 `thenSST`  \ (warns,errs) ->
+    writeMutVarSST errs_var (warns `snocBag` warn, errs) `thenSST_` 
+    returnSST res
+addErrRn :: Error -> RnMonad x s ()
+addErrRn err = failButContinueRn () err
+addErrIfRn :: Bool -> Error -> RnMonad x s ()
+addErrIfRn True err  = addErrRn err
+addErrIfRn False err = returnRn ()
+addWarnRn :: Warning -> RnMonad x s ()
+addWarnRn warn = warnAndContinueRn () warn
+addWarnIfRn :: Bool -> Warning -> RnMonad x s ()
+addWarnIfRn True warn  = addWarnRn warn
+addWarnIfRn False warn = returnRn ()
+setExtraRn :: x -> RnMonad x s r -> RnMonad y s r
+setExtraRn x m (RnDown _ mod locn mode env us errs)
+  = m (RnDown x mod locn mode env us errs)
+getExtraRn :: RnMonad x s x
+getExtraRn (RnDown x _ _ _ _ _ _)
+  = returnSST x
+getModuleRn :: RnMonad x s Module
+getModuleRn (RnDown _ mod _ _ _ _ _)
+  = returnSST mod
+pushSrcLocRn :: SrcLoc -> RnMonad x s a -> RnMonad x s a
+pushSrcLocRn locn m (RnDown x mod _ mode env us errs)
+  = m (RnDown x mod locn mode env us errs)
+getSrcLocRn :: RnMonad x s SrcLoc
+getSrcLocRn (RnDown _ _ locn _ _ _ _)
+  = returnSST locn
+getSourceRn :: RnMonad x s Bool
+getSourceRn (RnDown _ _ _ (RnSource _) _ _ _) = returnSST True
+getSourceRn (RnDown _ _ _ (RnIface  _) _ _ _) = returnSST False
+getOccurrenceUpRn :: RnMonad x s (Bag (RnName, RdrName))
+getOccurrenceUpRn (RnDown _ _ _ (RnSource occ_var) _ _ _)
+  = readMutVarSST occ_var
+getOccurrenceUpRn (RnDown _ _ _ (RnIface _) _ _ _)
+  = panic "getOccurrenceUpRn:RnIface"
+getImplicitUpRn :: RnMonad x s (FiniteMap RdrName RnName, FiniteMap RdrName RnName)
+getImplicitUpRn (RnDown _ _ _ (RnIface imp_var) _ _ _)
+  = readMutVarSST imp_var
+getImplicitUpRn (RnDown _ _ _(RnSource _) _ _ _)
+  = panic "getImplicitUpRn:RnIface"
+rnGetUnique :: RnMonad x s Unique
+rnGetUnique (RnDown _ _ _ _ _ us_var _)
+  = get_unique us_var
+rnGetUniques :: Int -> RnMonad x s [Unique]
+rnGetUniques n (RnDown _ _ _ _ _ us_var _)
+  = get_uniques n us_var
+get_unique us_var
+  = readMutVarSST us_var			`thenSST` \ uniq_supply ->
+    let
+      (new_uniq_supply, uniq_s) = splitUniqSupply uniq_supply
+      uniq			= getUnique uniq_s
+    in
+    writeMutVarSST us_var new_uniq_supply	`thenSST_`
+    returnSST uniq
+get_uniques n us_var
+  = readMutVarSST us_var			`thenSST` \ uniq_supply ->
+    let
+      (new_uniq_supply, uniq_s) = splitUniqSupply uniq_supply
+      uniqs			= getUniques n uniq_s
+    in
+    writeMutVarSST us_var new_uniq_supply	`thenSST_`
+    returnSST uniqs
+snoc_bag_var add bag_var
+  = readMutVarSST bag_var	`thenSST` \ bag ->
+    writeMutVarSST bag_var (bag `snocBag` add)
+*							*
+\subsection{Making new names}
+*							*
+@newLocalNames@ takes a bunch of RdrNames, which are defined together
+in a group (eg a pattern or set of bindings), checks they are
+unqualified and distinct, and creates new Names for them.
+newLocalNames :: String 		-- Documentation string
+	      -> [(RdrName, SrcLoc)]
+	      -> RnMonad x s [RnName]
+newLocalNames str names_w_loc
+  = mapRn (addErrRn . qualNameErr str) quals `thenRn_`
+    mapRn (addErrRn . dupNamesErr str) dups  `thenRn_`
+    mkLocalNames these
+  where
+    quals         = filter (isQual.fst) names_w_loc
+    (these, dups) = removeDups cmp_fst names_w_loc
+    cmp_fst (a,_) (b,_) = cmp a b
+mkLocalNames :: [(RdrName, SrcLoc)] -> RnMonad x s [RnName]
+mkLocalNames names_w_locs
+  = rnGetUniques (length names_w_locs) 	`thenRn` \ uniqs ->
+    returnRn (zipWithEqual new_local uniqs names_w_locs)
+  where
+    new_local uniq (Unqual str, srcloc)
+      = mkRnName (mkLocalName uniq str srcloc)
+*							*
+\subsection{Looking up values}
+*							*
+Action to look up a value depends on the RnMode.
+Lookup value in RnEnv, recording occurrence for non-local values found.
+If not found report error and return Unbound name.
+Lookup value in RnEnv. If not found lookup in implicit name env.
+If not found create new implicit name, adding it to the implicit env.
+lookupValue      :: RdrName -> RnMonad x s RnName
+lookupClassOp    :: RnName  -> RdrName -> RnMonad x s RnName
+lookupValue rdr
+  = lookup_val rdr (\ rn -> True) (unknownNameErr "value")
+lookupClassOp cls rdr
+  = lookup_val rdr (isRnClassOp cls) (badClassOpErr cls)
+lookup_val rdr check do_err down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnSource occ_var) env _ _)
+  = case lookupRnEnv env rdr of
+	Just name | check name -> succ name
+		  | otherwise   -> fail
+	Nothing                -> fail
+  where
+    succ name = if isRnLocal name || isRnWired name then
+		    returnSST name
+		else
+		    snoc_bag_var (name,rdr) occ_var `thenSST_`
+		    returnSST name
+    fail = failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound rdr) (do_err rdr locn) down
+lookup_val rdr check do_err down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnIface imp_var) env us_var _)
+  = case lookupRnEnv env rdr of
+	Just name | check name -> returnSST name
+		  | otherwise  -> failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound rdr) (do_err rdr locn) down
+	Nothing                -> lookup_or_create_implicit_val imp_var us_var rdr
+lookup_or_create_implicit_val imp_var us_var rdr
+  = readMutVarSST imp_var `thenSST` \ (implicit_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm)->
+    case lookupFM implicit_val_fm rdr of
+	Just implicit -> returnSST implicit
+	Nothing ->
+	    get_unique us_var			`thenSST` \ uniq -> 
+	    let
+		implicit   = mkRnImplicit (mkImplicitName uniq rdr)
+		new_val_fm = addToFM implicit_val_fm rdr implicit
+	    in
+	    writeMutVarSST imp_var (new_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm) `thenSST_`
+	    returnSST implicit
+lookupValueMaybe :: RdrName -> RnMonad x s (Maybe RnName)
+lookupValueMaybe rdr down@(RnDown _ _ _ (RnSource _) env _ _)
+  = returnSST (lookupRnEnv env rdr)
+lookupTyCon   :: RdrName -> RnMonad x s RnName
+lookupClass   :: RdrName -> RnMonad x s RnName
+lookupTyCon rdr
+  = lookup_tc rdr isRnTyCon mkRnImplicitTyCon "type constructor"
+lookupClass rdr
+  = lookup_tc rdr isRnClass mkRnImplicitClass "class"
+lookup_tc rdr check mk_implicit err_str down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnSource occ_var) env _ _)
+  = case lookupTcRnEnv env rdr of
+       Just name | check name -> succ name
+	         | otherwise  -> fail
+       Nothing                -> fail
+  where
+    succ name = snoc_bag_var (name,rdr) occ_var `thenSST_`
+		returnSST name
+    fail = failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound rdr) (unknownNameErr err_str rdr locn) down
+lookup_tc rdr check mk_implicit err_str down@(RnDown _ _ locn (RnIface imp_var) env us_var _)
+  = case lookupTcRnEnv env rdr of
+	Just name | check name -> returnSST name
+		  | otherwise  -> fail
+	Nothing -> lookup_or_create_implicit_tc check mk_implicit fail imp_var us_var rdr
+  where
+    fail = failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound rdr) (unknownNameErr err_str rdr locn) down
+lookup_or_create_implicit_tc check mk_implicit fail imp_var us_var rdr
+  = readMutVarSST imp_var `thenSST` \ (implicit_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm)->
+    case lookupFM implicit_tc_fm rdr of
+	Just implicit | check implicit -> returnSST implicit
+		      | otherwise      -> fail
+	Nothing ->
+	    get_unique us_var			`thenSST` \ uniq -> 
+	    let
+		implicit  = mk_implicit (mkImplicitName uniq rdr)
+		new_tc_fm = addToFM implicit_tc_fm rdr implicit
+	    in
+	    writeMutVarSST imp_var (implicit_val_fm, new_tc_fm) `thenSST_`
+	    returnSST implicit
+@extendSS@ extends the scope; @extendSS2@ also removes the newly bound
+free vars from the result.
+extendSS :: [RnName] 				-- Newly bound names
+	 -> RnMonad x s a
+	 -> RnMonad x s a
+extendSS binders m down@(RnDown x mod locn mode env us errs)
+  = (mapRn (addErrRn . shadowedNameWarn locn) dups `thenRn_`
+     m) (RnDown x mod locn mode new_env us errs)
+  where
+    (new_env,dups) = extendLocalRnEnv opt_WarnNameShadowing env binders
+extendSS2 :: [RnName] 				-- Newly bound names
+	  -> RnMonad x s (a, UniqSet RnName)
+	  -> RnMonad x s (a, UniqSet RnName)
+extendSS2 binders m
+  = extendSS binders m `thenRn` \ (r, fvs) ->
+    returnRn (r, fvs `minusUniqSet` (mkUniqSet binders))
+The free var set returned by @(extendSS binders m)@ is that returned
+by @m@, {\em minus} binders.
+*							*
+*							*
+type TyVarNamesEnv = [(RdrName, RnName)]
+nullTyVarNamesEnv :: TyVarNamesEnv
+nullTyVarNamesEnv = []
+catTyVarNamesEnvs :: TyVarNamesEnv -> TyVarNamesEnv -> TyVarNamesEnv
+catTyVarNamesEnvs e1 e2 = e1 ++ e2
+domTyVarNamesEnv :: TyVarNamesEnv -> [RdrName]
+domTyVarNamesEnv env = map fst env
+@mkTyVarNamesEnv@ checks for duplicates, and complains if so.
+	:: SrcLoc
+	-> [RdrName]				-- The type variables
+	-> RnMonad x s (TyVarNamesEnv,[RnName])	-- Environment and renamed tyvars
+mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars
+  = newLocalNames "type variable"
+	 (tyvars `zip` repeat src_loc) `thenRn`  \ rn_tyvars ->
+	 -- rn_tyvars may not be in the same order as tyvars, so we need some
+	 -- jiggery pokery to build the right tyvar env, and return the
+	 -- renamed tyvars in the original order.
+    let tv_occ_name_pairs 	= map tv_occ_name_pair rn_tyvars
+    	tv_env	    	    	= map (lookup_occ_name tv_occ_name_pairs) tyvars
+	rn_tyvars_in_orig_order	= map snd tv_env
+    in
+    returnRn (tv_env, rn_tyvars_in_orig_order)
+  where
+    tv_occ_name_pair :: RnName -> (RdrName, RnName)
+    tv_occ_name_pair rn_name = (getOccName rn_name, rn_name)
+    lookup_occ_name :: [(RdrName, RnName)] -> RdrName -> (RdrName, RnName)
+    lookup_occ_name pairs tyvar_occ
+      = (tyvar_occ, assoc "mkTyVarNamesEnv" pairs tyvar_occ)
+lookupTyVarName :: TyVarNamesEnv -> RdrName -> RnMonad x s RnName
+lookupTyVarName env occ
+  = case (assocMaybe env occ) of
+      Just name -> returnRn name
+      Nothing   -> getSrcLocRn	`thenRn` \ loc ->
+		   failButContinueRn (mkRnUnbound occ)
+		       (unknownNameErr "type variable" occ loc)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad12.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad12.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index bfb781465733a086c9d8b55e1d0b440ebe341298..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad12.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-\section[RnMonad12]{The monad used by the renamer passes 1 and 2}
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module RnMonad12 (
-	Rn12M(..),
-	initRn12, thenRn12, returnRn12,
-	mapRn12, zipWithRn12, foldrRn12,
-	addErrRn12, getModuleNameRn12, recoverQuietlyRn12
-	-- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
-    ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import Bag		( emptyBag, isEmptyBag, snocBag, Bag )
-import ErrUtils		( Error(..) )
-import Pretty		( Pretty(..) )
-infixr 9 `thenRn12`
-In this monad, we pass down the name of the module we are working on,
-and we thread the collected errors.
-type Rn12M result
-  =  FAST_STRING{-module name-}
-  -> Bag Error
-  -> (result, Bag Error)
-{-# INLINE thenRn12 #-}
-{-# INLINE returnRn12 #-}
-initRn12 :: FAST_STRING{-module name-} -> Rn12M a -> (a, Bag Error)
-initRn12 mod action = action mod emptyBag
-thenRn12 :: Rn12M a -> (a -> Rn12M b) -> Rn12M b
-thenRn12 expr continuation mod errs_so_far
-  = case (expr mod errs_so_far) of
-     (res1, errs1) -> continuation res1 mod errs1
-returnRn12 :: a -> Rn12M a
-returnRn12 x mod errs_so_far = (x, errs_so_far)
-mapRn12 :: (a -> Rn12M b) -> [a] -> Rn12M [b]
-mapRn12 f []     = returnRn12 []
-mapRn12 f (x:xs)
-  = f x		 `thenRn12` \ r ->
-    mapRn12 f xs `thenRn12` \ rs ->
-    returnRn12 (r:rs)
-zipWithRn12 :: (a -> b -> Rn12M c) -> [a] -> [b] -> Rn12M [c]
-zipWithRn12 f []     [] = returnRn12 []
-zipWithRn12 f (x:xs) (y:ys)
-  = f x y	     	`thenRn12` \ r ->
-    zipWithRn12 f xs ys `thenRn12` \ rs ->
-    returnRn12 (r:rs)
--- NB: zipWithRn12 behaves like zipWithEqual
--- (requires equal-length lists)
-foldrRn12 :: (a -> b -> Rn12M b) -> b -> [a] -> Rn12M b
-foldrRn12 f z []     = returnRn12 z
-foldrRn12 f z (x:xs)
- = foldrRn12 f z xs  `thenRn12` \ rest ->
-   f x rest
-addErrRn12 :: Error -> Rn12M ()
-addErrRn12 err mod errs_so_far
- = ( (), errs_so_far `snocBag` err )
-getModuleNameRn12 :: Rn12M FAST_STRING
-getModuleNameRn12 mod errs_so_far = (mod, errs_so_far)
-recoverQuietlyRn12 :: a -> Rn12M a -> Rn12M a
-recoverQuietlyRn12 use_this_if_err action mod errs_so_far
-  = let
-	(result, errs_out)
-	  = case (action mod emptyBag{-no errors-}) of { (res, errs) ->
-	    if isEmptyBag errs then
-		(res, errs_so_far)  -- retain incoming errs
-	    else
-		(use_this_if_err, errs_so_far)
-	    }
-    in
-    (result, errs_out)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad3.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad3.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index ca69b1d57536214c2a86700d7c7fb91f957ac2ed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad3.lhs
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@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-\section[RnMonad3]{The monad used by the third renamer pass}
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module RnMonad3 (
-	Rn3M(..),
-	initRn3, thenRn3, andRn3, returnRn3, mapRn3, fixRn3,
-	putInfoDownM3,
-	newFullNameM3, newInvisibleNameM3
-	-- for completeness
-    ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import FiniteMap	( emptyFM,  isEmptyFM,  lookupFM,
-			  emptySet, isEmptySet, elementOf
-			)
-import HsSyn		( IE )
-import NameTypes	-- lots of stuff
-import Outputable	( ExportFlag(..) )
-import ProtoName	( ProtoName(..) )
-import RdrHsSyn		( getExportees, ExportListInfo(..), ProtoNameIE(..) )
-import UniqSupply	( getUnique, splitUniqSupply )
-import Util		( panic )
-infixr 9 `thenRn3`
-%*									*
-\subsection{Plain @RnPass3@ monadery}
-%*									*
-type Rn3M result
-  =  ExportListInfo -> FAST_STRING{-ModuleName-} -> UniqSupply
-  -> result
-{-# INLINE andRn3 #-}
-{-# INLINE thenRn3 #-}
-{-# INLINE returnRn3 #-}
-initRn3 :: Rn3M a -> UniqSupply -> a
-initRn3 m us = m Nothing{-no export list-} (panic "initRn3: uninitialised module name") us
-thenRn3 :: Rn3M a -> (a -> Rn3M b) -> Rn3M b
-andRn3  :: (a -> a -> a) -> Rn3M a -> Rn3M a -> Rn3M a
-thenRn3 expr continuation exps mod_name uniqs
-  = case splitUniqSupply uniqs      of { (s1, s2) ->
-    case (expr exps mod_name s1)    of { res1 ->
-    continuation res1 exps mod_name s2 }}
-andRn3 combiner m1 m2 exps mod_name uniqs
-  = case splitUniqSupply uniqs      of { (s1, s2) ->
-    case (m1 exps mod_name s1)      of { res1 ->
-    case (m2 exps mod_name s2)	    of { res2 ->
-    combiner res1 res2 }}}
-returnRn3 :: a -> Rn3M a
-returnRn3 result exps mod_name uniqs = result
-mapRn3 :: (a -> Rn3M b) -> [a] -> Rn3M [b]
-mapRn3 f []     = returnRn3 []
-mapRn3 f (x:xs)
-  = f x		`thenRn3` \ r ->
-    mapRn3 f xs	`thenRn3` \ rs ->
-    returnRn3 (r:rs)
-fixRn3 :: (a -> Rn3M a) -> Rn3M a
-fixRn3 m exps mod_name us
-  = result
-  where
-    result = m result exps mod_name us
-putInfoDownM3 :: FAST_STRING{-ModuleName-} -> Maybe [ProtoNameIE] -> Rn3M a -> Rn3M a
-putInfoDownM3 mod_name exports cont _ _ uniqs
-  = cont (getExportees exports) mod_name uniqs
-%*									*
-\subsection[RnMonad3-new-names]{Making new names}
-%*									*
-@newFullNameM3@ makes a new user-visible FullName (the usual);
-@newInvisibleNameM3@ is the odd case.  @new_name@ does all the work.
-newFullNameM3, newInvisibleNameM3
-	:: ProtoName		-- input
-	-> SrcLoc		-- where it started life
-	-> Bool			-- if it is "TyCon"ish (rather than "val"ish)
-	-> Maybe ExportFlag	-- Just flag => force the use of that exportness
-	-> Rn3M (Unique, FullName)
-newFullNameM3 pn src_loc is_tycon_ish frcd_exp exps mod_name uniqs
-  = new_name pn src_loc is_tycon_ish frcd_exp False{-visible-} exps mod_name uniqs
-newInvisibleNameM3 pn src_loc is_tycon_ish frcd_exp exps mod_name uniqs
-  = new_name pn src_loc is_tycon_ish frcd_exp True{-invisible-} exps mod_name uniqs
-new_name pn src_loc is_tycon_ish frcd_export_flag want_invisible exps mod_name uniqs
-  = (uniq, name)
-  where
-    uniq = getUnique uniqs
-    mk_name = if want_invisible then mkPrivateFullName else mkFullName
-    name = case pn of
-	Unk s -> mk_name mod_name s
-		   (if fromPrelude mod_name
-		      && is_tycon_ish then -- & tycon/clas/datacon => Core
-		       HereInPreludeCore
-		    else
-		       ThisModule
-		   )
-		   (case frcd_export_flag of
-		      Just fl -> fl
-		      Nothing -> mk_export_flag True [mod_name] s exps)
-		   src_loc
-	Qunk m s -> mk_name mod_name s
-		      (if fromPrelude mod_name
-			 && is_tycon_ish then -- & tycon/clas/datacon => Core
-			  HereInPreludeCore
-		       else
-			  ThisModule
-		      )
-		      (case frcd_export_flag of
-			 Just fl -> fl
-			 Nothing -> mk_export_flag (_trace "mk_export_flag?" True) [m] s exps)
-		      src_loc
-	-- note: the assigning of prelude-ness is most dubious (ToDo)
-	Imp m d informant_mods l
-	  -> mk_name m d
-	       (if fromPrelude m then	-- as above
-		   if is_tycon_ish then
-		       ExportedByPreludeCore
-		   else
-		       OtherPrelude l
-		else if m == mod_name then -- pretty dang weird... (ToDo: anything?)
-		   ThisModule
-		else
-		   OtherModule l informant_mods -- for Other*, we save its occurrence name
-	       )
-	       (case frcd_export_flag of
-		  Just fl -> fl
-		  Nothing -> mk_export_flag (m==mod_name) informant_mods l exps)
-	       src_loc
-	Prel n	  -> panic "RnMonad3.new_name: prelude name"
-In deciding the ``exportness'' of something, there are these cases to
-\item[No explicit export list:]
-Everything defined in this module goes out.
-\item[Matches a non-\tr{M..} item in the export list:]
-Then it's exported as its @name_pr@ item suggests.
-\item[Matches a \tr{M..} item in the export list:]
-(Note: the module \tr{M} may be {\em this} module!)  It's exported if
-we got it from \tr{M}'s interface; {\em most emphatically not} the
-same thing as ``it originally came from \tr{M}''.
-It isn't exported.
-mk_export_flag	:: Bool		-- True <=> originally from the module we're compiling
-		-> [FAST_STRING]-- modules that told us about this thing
-		-> FAST_STRING	-- name of the thing we're looking at
-		-> ExportListInfo
-		-> ExportFlag	-- result
-mk_export_flag this_module informant_mods thing Nothing{-no export list-}
-  = if this_module then ExportAll else NotExported
-mk_export_flag this_module informant_mods thing (Just (exports_alist, dotdot_modules))
-  | otherwise
-  = case (lookupFM exports_alist thing) of
-      Just how_to_export -> how_to_export
-      Nothing		 -> if (or [ im `elementOf` dotdot_modules | im <- informant_mods ])
-			    then ExportAll
-			    else NotExported
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad4.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad4.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index a9e2e3709910acf7d472ddd0adeec814b42e7e35..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnMonad4.lhs
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@@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-\section[RnMonad4]{The monad used by the fourth renamer pass}
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module RnMonad4 (
-	Rn4M(..),
-	initRn4, thenRn4, thenRn4_, andRn4, returnRn4, mapRn4, mapAndUnzipRn4,
-	addErrRn4, failButContinueRn4, recoverQuietlyRn4,
-	pushSrcLocRn4,
-	getSrcLocRn4,
-	lookupValue, lookupValueEvenIfInvisible,
-	lookupClassOp, lookupFixityOp,
-	lookupTyCon, lookupTyConEvenIfInvisible,
-	lookupClass,
-	extendSS2, extendSS,
-	namesFromProtoNames,
-	TyVarNamesEnv(..), mkTyVarNamesEnv, domTyVarNamesEnv,
-	lookupTyVarName, nullTyVarNamesEnv, catTyVarNamesEnvs
-	-- for completeness
-    ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import Bag		( emptyBag, isEmptyBag, unionBags, snocBag, Bag )
-import CmdLineOpts	( opt_ShowPragmaNameErrs, opt_NameShadowingNotOK )
-import ErrUtils
-import FiniteMap	( emptyFM, addListToFM, addToFM, lookupFM )
-import Name		( invisibleName, isTyConName, isClassName,
-			  isClassOpName, isUnboundName, Name(..)
-			)
-import NameTypes	( mkShortName, ShortName{-instances-} )
-import Outputable	( pprNonOp )
-import Pretty
-import ProtoName	( eqProtoName, cmpByLocalName, ProtoName(..) )
-import RnUtils		( dupNamesErr, GlobalNameMappers(..) )
-import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc, SrcLoc{-instance-} )
-import UniqSet		( mkUniqSet, minusUniqSet, UniqSet(..) )
-import UniqSupply	( getUniques, splitUniqSupply )
-import Util		( assoc, removeDups, zipWithEqual, panic )
-infixr 9 `thenRn4`, `thenRn4_`
-%*									*
-\subsection[RnMonad4]{Plain @Rename@ monadery for pass~4}
-%*									*
-type ScopeStack = FiniteMap FAST_STRING Name
-type Rn4M result
-  =  GlobalNameMappers
-  -> ScopeStack
-  -> Bag Error
-  -> UniqSupply
-  -> SrcLoc
-  -> (result, Bag Error)
-{-# INLINE andRn4 #-}
-{-# INLINE thenRn4 #-}
-{-# INLINE thenLazilyRn4 #-}
-{-# INLINE thenRn4_ #-}
-{-# INLINE returnRn4 #-}
-initRn4 :: GlobalNameMappers
-	-> Rn4M result
-	-> UniqSupply
-	-> (result, Bag Error)
-initRn4 gnfs renamer init_us
-  = renamer gnfs emptyFM emptyBag init_us mkUnknownSrcLoc
-thenRn4, thenLazilyRn4
-	 :: Rn4M a -> (a -> Rn4M b) -> Rn4M b
-thenRn4_ :: Rn4M a -> Rn4M b -> Rn4M b
-andRn4   :: (a -> a -> a) -> Rn4M a -> Rn4M a -> Rn4M a
-thenRn4 expr cont gnfs ss errs uniqs locn
-  = case (splitUniqSupply uniqs)    	   of { (s1, s2) ->
-    case (expr      gnfs ss errs  s1 locn) of { (res1, errs1) ->
-    case (cont res1 gnfs ss errs1 s2 locn) of { (res2, errs2) ->
-    (res2, errs2) }}}
-thenLazilyRn4 expr cont gnfs ss errs uniqs locn
-  = let
-	(s1, s2)      = splitUniqSupply uniqs
-	(res1, errs1) = expr      gnfs ss errs  s1 locn
-	(res2, errs2) = cont res1 gnfs ss errs1 s2 locn
-    in
-    (res2, errs2)
-thenRn4_ expr cont gnfs ss errs uniqs locn
-  = case (splitUniqSupply uniqs)      of { (s1, s2) ->
-    case (expr gnfs ss errs  s1 locn) of { (_,    errs1) ->
-    case (cont gnfs ss errs1 s2 locn) of { (res2, errs2) ->
-    (res2, errs2) }}}
-andRn4 combiner m1 m2 gnfs ss errs us locn
-  = case (splitUniqSupply us)	    of { (s1, s2) ->
-    case (m1 gnfs ss errs  s1 locn) of { (res1, errs1) ->
-    case (m2 gnfs ss errs1 s2 locn) of { (res2, errs2) ->
-    (combiner res1 res2, errs2) }}}
-returnRn4 :: a -> Rn4M a
-returnRn4 result gnfs ss errs_so_far uniqs locn
-   = (result, errs_so_far)
-failButContinueRn4 :: a -> Error -> Rn4M a
-failButContinueRn4 res err gnfs ss errs_so_far uniqs locn
-  = (res, errs_so_far `snocBag` err)
-addErrRn4 :: Error -> Rn4M ()
-addErrRn4 err gnfs ss errs_so_far uniqs locn
-  = ((), errs_so_far `snocBag` err)
-When we're looking at interface pragmas, we want to be able to recover
-back to a ``I don't know anything pragmatic'' state if we encounter
-some problem.  @recoverQuietlyRn4@ is given a ``use-this-instead'' value,
-as well as the action to perform.  This code is intentionally very lazy,
-returning a triple immediately, no matter what.
-recoverQuietlyRn4 :: a -> Rn4M a -> Rn4M a
-recoverQuietlyRn4 use_this_if_err action gnfs ss errs_so_far uniqs locn
-  = let
-	(result, errs_out)
-    	  = case (action gnfs ss emptyBag{-leav out errs-} uniqs locn) of
-	      (result1, errs1) ->
-		if isEmptyBag errs1 then -- all's well! (but retain incoming errs)
-		    (result1, errs_so_far)
-		else -- give up; return *incoming* UniqueSupply...
-		    (use_this_if_err,
-		     if opt_ShowPragmaNameErrs
-		     then errs_so_far `unionBags` errs1
-		     else errs_so_far) -- toss errs, otherwise
-    in
-    (result, errs_out)
-mapRn4 :: (a -> Rn4M b) -> [a] -> Rn4M [b]
-mapRn4 f []     = returnRn4 []
-mapRn4 f (x:xs)
-  = f x		`thenRn4` \ r ->
-    mapRn4 f xs `thenRn4` \ rs ->
-    returnRn4 (r:rs)
-mapAndUnzipRn4  :: (a -> Rn4M (b,c))   -> [a] -> Rn4M ([b],[c])
-mapAndUnzipRn4 f [] = returnRn4 ([],[])
-mapAndUnzipRn4 f (x:xs)
-  = f x		    	`thenRn4` \ (r1,  r2)  ->
-    mapAndUnzipRn4 f xs	`thenRn4` \ (rs1, rs2) ->
-    returnRn4 (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
-pushSrcLocRn4 :: SrcLoc -> Rn4M a -> Rn4M a
-pushSrcLocRn4 locn exp gnfs ss errs_so_far uniq_supply old_locn
-  = exp gnfs ss errs_so_far uniq_supply locn
-getSrcLocRn4 :: Rn4M SrcLoc
-getSrcLocRn4 gnfs ss errs_so_far uniq_supply locn
-  = returnRn4 locn gnfs ss errs_so_far uniq_supply locn
-getNextUniquesFromRn4 :: Int -> Rn4M [Unique]
-getNextUniquesFromRn4 n gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-  = case (getUniques n us) of { next_uniques ->
-    (next_uniques, errs_so_far) }
-*							*
-\subsection{Making new names}
-*							*
-@namesFromProtoNames@ takes a bunch of protonames, which are defined
-together in a group (eg a pattern or set of bindings), checks they
-are distinct, and creates new full names for them.
-namesFromProtoNames :: String 		-- Documentation string
-		    -> [(ProtoName, SrcLoc)]
-		    -> Rn4M [Name]
-namesFromProtoNames kind pnames_w_src_loc gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-  = (mapRn4 (addErrRn4 . dupNamesErr kind) dups `thenRn4_`
-    mkNewNames goodies
-    ) {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-  where
-    (goodies, dups) = removeDups cmp pnames_w_src_loc
-	-- We want to compare their local names rather than their
-	-- full protonames.  It probably doesn't matter here, but it
-	-- does in RnPass3.lhs!
-    cmp (a, _) (b, _) = cmpByLocalName a b
-@mkNewNames@ assumes the names are unique.
-mkNewNames :: [(ProtoName, SrcLoc)] -> Rn4M [Name]
-mkNewNames pnames_w_locs
-  = getNextUniquesFromRn4 (length pnames_w_locs) `thenRn4` \ uniqs ->
-    returnRn4 (zipWithEqual new_short_name uniqs pnames_w_locs)
-  where
-    new_short_name uniq (Unk str, srcloc)   -- gotta be an Unk...
-      = Short uniq (mkShortName str srcloc)
-*							*
-\subsection{Local scope extension and lookup}
-*							*
-If the input name is an @Imp@, @lookupValue@ looks it up in the GNF.
-If it is an @Unk@, it looks it up first in the local environment
-(scope stack), and if it isn't found there, then in the value GNF.  If
-it isn't found at all, @lookupValue@ adds an error message, and
-returns an @Unbound@ name.
-unboundName :: ProtoName -> Name
-unboundName pn
-   = Unbound (grab_string pn)
-   where
-     grab_string (Unk  s)      = s
-     grab_string (Qunk _ s)    = s
-     grab_string (Imp _ _ _ s) = s
-@lookupValue@ looks up a non-invisible value;
-@lookupValueEvenIfInvisible@ gives a successful lookup even if the
-value is not visible to the user (e.g., came out of a pragma).
-@lookup_val@ is the help function to do the work.
-lookupValue v {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-  = (lookup_val v	`thenLazilyRn4` \ name ->
-    if invisibleName name
-    then failButContinueRn4 (unboundName v) (unknownNameErr "value" v mkUnknownSrcLoc)
-    else returnRn4 name
-    ) {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-lookupValueEvenIfInvisible v = lookup_val v
-lookup_val :: ProtoName -> Rn4M Name
-lookup_val pname@(Unk v) gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) ss a b locn
-  = case (lookupFM ss v) of
-      Just name -> returnRn4 name gnfs ss a b locn
-      Nothing   -> case (v_gnf pname) of
-		     Just name  -> returnRn4 name gnfs ss a b locn
-		     Nothing    -> failButContinueRn4 (unboundName pname)
-					   (unknownNameErr "value" pname locn)
-  					   gnfs ss a b locn
-lookup_val (Qunk _ _) _ _ _ _ _ = panic "RnMonad4:lookup_val:Qunk"
--- If it ain't an Unk it must be in the global name fun; that includes
--- prelude things.
-lookup_val pname gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) ss a b locn
-  = case (v_gnf pname) of
-	Just name  -> returnRn4 name gnfs ss a b locn
-	Nothing    -> failButContinueRn4 (unboundName pname)
-			      (unknownNameErr "value" pname locn)
-			      gnfs ss a b locn
-Looking up the operators in a fixity decl is done differently.  We
-want to simply drop any fixity decls which refer to operators which
-aren't in scope.  Unfortunately, such fixity decls {\em will} appear
-because the parser collects *all* the fixity decls from {\em all} the
-imported interfaces (regardless of selective import), and dumps them
-together as the module fixity decls.  This is really a bug.  In
-We won't complain about fixity decls for operators which aren't
-We won't attach the right fixity to something which has been renamed.
-We're not going to export Prelude-related fixities (ToDo: correctly),
-so we nuke those, too.
-lookupFixityOp (Prel _) gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) = returnRn4 Nothing       gnfs
-lookupFixityOp pname	gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) = returnRn4 (v_gnf pname) gnfs
-lookupTyCon, lookupTyConEvenIfInvisible :: ProtoName -> Rn4M Name
--- The global name funs handle Prel things
-lookupTyCon tc {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-  = (lookup_tycon tc `thenLazilyRn4` \ name ->
-    if invisibleName name
-    then failButContinueRn4 (unboundName tc) (unknownNameErr "type constructor" tc mkUnknownSrcLoc)
-    else returnRn4 name
-    ) {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-lookupTyConEvenIfInvisible tc = lookup_tycon tc
-lookup_tycon (Prel name) gnfs ss a b locn = returnRn4 name gnfs ss a b locn
-lookup_tycon pname gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) ss a b locn
-  = case (tc_gnf pname) of
-     Just name | isTyConName name -> returnRn4 name gnfs ss a b locn
-     _   -> failButContinueRn4 (unboundName pname)
-		    (unknownNameErr "type constructor" pname locn)
-		    gnfs ss a b locn
-lookupClass :: ProtoName -> Rn4M Name
-lookupClass pname gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) ss a b locn
-  = case (tc_gnf pname) of
-     Just name | isClassName name -> returnRn4 name gnfs ss a b locn
-     _   -> failButContinueRn4 (unboundName pname)
-		    (unknownNameErr "class" pname locn)
-		    gnfs ss a b locn
-@lookupClassOp@ is used when looking up the lhs identifiers in a class
-or instance decl.  It checks that the name it finds really is a class
-op, and that its class matches that of the class or instance decl
-being looked at.
-lookupClassOp :: Name -> ProtoName -> Rn4M Name
-lookupClassOp class_name pname gnfs@(v_gnf, tc_gnf) ss a b locn
-  = case v_gnf pname of
-	 Just op_name |  isClassOpName class_name op_name
-		      || isUnboundName class_name -- avoid spurious errors
-		 -> returnRn4 op_name gnfs ss a b locn
-	 other   -> failButContinueRn4 (unboundName pname)
-			    (badClassOpErr class_name pname locn)
-			    gnfs ss a b locn
-@extendSS@ extends the scope; @extendSS2@ also removes the newly bound
-free vars from the result.
-extendSS :: [Name] 				-- Newly bound names
-	 -> Rn4M a
-	 -> Rn4M a
-extendSS binders expr gnfs ss errs us locn
-  = case (extend binders ss gnfs ss errs us locn) of { (new_ss, new_errs) ->
-    expr gnfs new_ss new_errs us locn }
-  where
-    extend :: [Name] -> ScopeStack -> Rn4M ScopeStack
-    extend names ss
-      = if opt_NameShadowingNotOK then
-	    hard_way names ss
-	else -- ignore shadowing; blast 'em in
-	    returnRn4 (
-		addListToFM ss [ (getOccurrenceName x, n) | n@(Short _ x) <- names]
-	    )
-    hard_way [] ss = returnRn4 ss
-    hard_way (name@(Short _ sname):names) ss
-      = let
-	    str = getOccurrenceName sname
-	in
-	(case (lookupFM ss str) of
-	   Nothing -> returnRn4 (addToFM ss str name)
-	   Just  _ -> failButContinueRn4 ss (shadowedNameErr name locn)
-	)	`thenRn4` \ new_ss ->
-	hard_way names new_ss
-extendSS2 :: [Name] 				-- Newly bound names
-	 -> Rn4M (a, UniqSet Name)
-	 -> Rn4M (a, UniqSet Name)
-extendSS2 binders expr gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-  = case (extendSS binders expr gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn) of
-     ((e2, freevars), errs)
-       -> ((e2, freevars `minusUniqSet` (mkUniqSet binders)),
-	   errs)
-The free var set returned by @(extendSS binders m)@ is that returned
-by @m@, {\em minus} binders.
-*							*
-*							*
-type TyVarNamesEnv = [(ProtoName, Name)]
-nullTyVarNamesEnv :: TyVarNamesEnv
-nullTyVarNamesEnv = []
-catTyVarNamesEnvs :: TyVarNamesEnv -> TyVarNamesEnv -> TyVarNamesEnv
-catTyVarNamesEnvs e1 e2 = e1 ++ e2
-domTyVarNamesEnv :: TyVarNamesEnv -> [ProtoName]
-domTyVarNamesEnv env = map fst env
-@mkTyVarNamesEnv@ checks for duplicates, and complains if so.
-	:: SrcLoc
-	-> [ProtoName]			-- The type variables
-	-> Rn4M (TyVarNamesEnv,[Name])	-- Environment and renamed tyvars
-mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-  = (namesFromProtoNames "type variable"
-	 (tyvars `zip` repeat src_loc)	`thenRn4`  \ tyvars2 ->
-	 -- tyvars2 may not be in the same order as tyvars, so we need some
-	 -- jiggery pokery to build the right tyvar env, and return the
-	 -- renamed tyvars in the original order.
-    let tv_string_name_pairs 	= extend tyvars2 []
-    	tv_env	    	    	= map (lookup tv_string_name_pairs) tyvars
-	tyvars2_in_orig_order	= map snd tv_env
-    in
-    returnRn4  (tv_env, tyvars2_in_orig_order)
-    ) {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-  where
-    extend :: [Name] -> [(FAST_STRING, Name)] -> [(FAST_STRING, Name)]
-    extend [] ss = ss
-    extend (name@(Short _ sname):names) ss
-      = (getOccurrenceName sname, name) : extend names ss
-    lookup :: [(FAST_STRING, Name)] -> ProtoName -> (ProtoName, Name)
-    lookup pairs tyvar_pn
-      = (tyvar_pn, assoc "mkTyVarNamesEnv" pairs (getOccurrenceName tyvar_pn))
-lookupTyVarName :: TyVarNamesEnv -> ProtoName -> Rn4M Name
-lookupTyVarName env pname {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-  = (case (assoc_maybe env pname) of
-     Just name -> returnRn4 name
-     Nothing   -> getSrcLocRn4	`thenRn4` \ loc ->
-		  failButContinueRn4 (unboundName pname)
-			  (unknownNameErr "type variable" pname loc)
-    ) {-Rn4-} gnfs ss errs_so_far us locn
-  where
-    assoc_maybe [] _ = Nothing
-    assoc_maybe ((tv,xxx) : tvs) key
-      = if tv `eqProtoName` key then Just xxx else assoc_maybe tvs key
-%*									*
-\subsection{Error messages}
-%*									*
-badClassOpErr clas op locn
-  = addErrLoc locn "" ( \ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppChar '`', pprNonOp sty op, ppStr "' is not an operation of class `",
-	      ppr sty clas, ppStr "'."] )
--- dupNamesErr: from RnUtils
-shadowedNameErr shadow locn
-  = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppStr "more than one value with the same name (shadowing): ",
-	ppr sty shadow] )
-unknownNameErr descriptor undef_thing locn
-  = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppStr "undefined ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ",
-	pprNonOp sty undef_thing] )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..384f9f844a36a47e27bfe0e0081be1deb7c41c2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnNames.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnNames]{Extracting imported and top-level names in scope}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnNames (
+	getGlobalNames,
+	GlobalNameInfo(..)
+    ) where
+import PreludeGlaST	( returnPrimIO, thenPrimIO, MutableVar(..) )
+import Ubiq
+import HsSyn
+import RdrHsSyn
+import RnHsSyn
+import RnMonad
+import RnIfaces		( IfaceCache(..), cacheInterface, ParsedIface )
+import RnUtils		( RnEnv(..), emptyRnEnv, extendGlobalRnEnv, qualNameErr, dupNamesErr )
+import Bag		( emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags, mapBag, listToBag, bagToList )
+import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Warning(..), addShortErrLocLine )
+import FiniteMap	( fmToList )
+import Name		( RdrName(..), isQual, mkTopLevName, mkImportedName, nameExportFlag, Name )
+import Outputable	( getLocalName, getSrcLoc, pprNonOp )
+import PrelInfo		( BuiltinNames(..), BuiltinKeys(..) )
+import PrelMods		( fromPrelude )
+import Pretty
+import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
+import UniqSupply	( splitUniqSupply )
+import Util		( equivClasses, panic )
+type GlobalNameInfo = (BuiltinNames,
+		       BuiltinKeys,
+		       Name -> ExportFlag,
+		       Name -> [RdrName])
+type RnM_Info s r = RnMonad GlobalNameInfo s r
+getGlobalNames ::
+	   IfaceCache		
+	-> GlobalNameInfo	
+	-> UniqSupply
+	-> RdrNameHsModule
+	-> PrimIO (RnEnv,
+		   [Module],
+		   Bag RenamedFixityDecl,
+		   Bag Error,
+		   Bag Warning)
+getGlobalNames iface_var info us
+	       (HsModule mod _ _ imports _ ty_decls _ cls_decls _ _ _ binds _ _)
+  = case initRn True mod emptyRnEnv us1 
+		(setExtraRn info $
+		 getSourceNames ty_decls cls_decls binds)
+    of { ((src_vals, src_tcs), src_errs, src_warns) ->
+    getImportedNames iface_var info us2 imports	`thenPrimIO`
+	\ (imp_vals, imp_tcs, imp_mods, imp_fixes, imp_errs, imp_warns) ->
+    let
+        unqual_vals = mapBag (\rn -> (Unqual (getLocalName rn), rn)) src_vals
+        unqual_tcs  = mapBag (\rn -> (Unqual (getLocalName rn), rn)) src_tcs
+	all_vals = bagToList (unqual_vals `unionBags` imp_vals)
+	all_tcs  = bagToList (unqual_tcs  `unionBags` imp_tcs)
+        (all_env, dups) = extendGlobalRnEnv emptyRnEnv all_vals all_tcs
+	dup_errs = map dup_err (equivClasses cmp_rdr (bagToList dups))
+	cmp_rdr (rdr1,_,_) (rdr2,_,_) = cmp rdr1 rdr2
+	dup_err ((rdr,rn,rn'):rest) = globalDupNamesErr rdr (rn:rn': [rn|(_,_,rn)<-rest])
+	all_errs  = src_errs `unionBags` imp_errs `unionBags` listToBag dup_errs
+	all_warns = src_warns `unionBags` imp_warns
+    in
+    returnPrimIO (all_env, bagToList imp_mods, imp_fixes, all_errs, all_warns)
+    }
+  where
+    (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+*							*
+\subsection{Top-level source names}
+*							*
+getSourceNames ::
+	   [RdrNameTyDecl]
+	-> [RdrNameClassDecl]
+	-> RdrNameHsBinds
+	-> RnM_Info s (Bag RnName,	-- values
+		       Bag RnName)	-- tycons/classes
+getSourceNames ty_decls cls_decls binds
+  = mapAndUnzipRn getTyDeclNames ty_decls   `thenRn` \ (tycon_s, constrs_s) ->
+    mapAndUnzipRn getClassNames cls_decls  `thenRn` \ (cls_s, cls_ops_s) ->
+    getTopBindsNames binds			   `thenRn` \ bind_names ->
+    returnRn (unionManyBags constrs_s `unionBags`
+	      unionManyBags cls_ops_s `unionBags` bind_names,
+	      listToBag tycon_s `unionBags` listToBag cls_s)
+getTyDeclNames :: RdrNameTyDecl
+	       -> RnM_Info s (RnName, Bag RnName)	-- tycon and constrs
+getTyDeclNames (TyData _ tycon _ condecls _ _ src_loc)
+  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing tycon	`thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+    mapRn (getConDeclName (Just (nameExportFlag tycon_name)))
+			       condecls	`thenRn` \ con_names ->
+    returnRn (RnData tycon_name con_names,
+	      listToBag (map (\ n -> RnConstr n tycon_name) con_names))
+getTyDeclNames (TyNew _ tycon _ condecls _ _ src_loc)
+  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing tycon	`thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+    mapRn (getConDeclName (Just (nameExportFlag tycon_name)))
+			       condecls	`thenRn` \ con_names ->
+    returnRn (RnData tycon_name con_names,
+	      listToBag (map (\ n -> RnConstr n tycon_name) con_names))
+getTyDeclNames (TySynonym tycon _ _ src_loc)
+  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing tycon	`thenRn` \ tycon_name ->
+    returnRn (RnSyn tycon_name, emptyBag)
+getConDeclName exp (ConDecl con _ src_loc)
+  = newGlobalName src_loc exp con
+getConDeclName exp (ConOpDecl _ op _ src_loc)
+  = newGlobalName src_loc exp op
+getConDeclName exp (NewConDecl con _ src_loc)
+  = newGlobalName src_loc exp con
+getConDeclName exp (RecConDecl con fields src_loc)
+  = panic "getConDeclName:RecConDecl"
+    newGlobalName src_loc exp con
+getClassNames :: RdrNameClassDecl
+	      -> RnM_Info s (RnName, Bag RnName)	-- class and class ops
+getClassNames (ClassDecl _ cname _ sigs _ _ src_loc)
+  = newGlobalName src_loc Nothing cname	`thenRn` \ class_name ->
+    getClassOpNames (Just (nameExportFlag class_name))
+				  sigs	`thenRn` \ op_names ->
+    returnRn (RnClass class_name op_names,
+	      listToBag (map (\ n -> RnClassOp n class_name) op_names))
+getClassOpNames exp []
+  = returnRn []
+getClassOpNames exp (ClassOpSig op _ _ src_loc : sigs)
+  = newGlobalName src_loc exp op `thenRn` \ op_name ->
+    getClassOpNames exp sigs	 `thenRn` \ op_names ->
+    returnRn (op_name : op_names)
+getClassOpNames exp (_ : sigs)
+  = getClassOpNames exp sigs
+*							*
+*							*
+getTopBindsNames :: RdrNameHsBinds
+		 -> RnM_Info s (Bag RnName)
+getTopBindsNames binds = doBinds binds
+doBinds EmptyBinds           = returnRn emptyBag
+doBinds (SingleBind bind)    = doBind bind
+doBinds (BindWith bind sigs) = doBind bind
+doBinds (ThenBinds binds1 binds2)
+  = andRn unionBags (doBinds binds1) (doBinds binds2)
+doBind EmptyBind          = returnRn emptyBag
+doBind (NonRecBind mbind) = doMBinds mbind
+doBind (RecBind mbind)    = doMBinds mbind
+doMBinds EmptyMonoBinds 			= returnRn emptyBag
+doMBinds (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn) = doPat locn pat
+doMBinds (FunMonoBind p_name _ locn) 	        = doName locn p_name
+doMBinds (AndMonoBinds mbinds1 mbinds2)
+  = andRn unionBags (doMBinds mbinds1) (doMBinds mbinds2)
+doPats locn pats
+  = mapRn (doPat locn) pats	`thenRn` \ pats_s ->
+    returnRn (unionManyBags pats_s)
+doPat locn WildPatIn             = returnRn emptyBag
+doPat locn (LitPatIn _) 	 = returnRn emptyBag
+doPat locn (LazyPatIn pat)       = doPat locn pat
+doPat locn (VarPatIn var) 	 = doName locn var
+doPat locn (NegPatIn pat)	 = doPat locn pat
+doPat locn (ParPatIn pat)	 = doPat locn pat
+doPat locn (ListPatIn pats)      = doPats locn pats
+doPat locn (TuplePatIn pats)     = doPats locn pats
+doPat locn (ConPatIn name pats)  = doPats locn pats
+doPat locn (ConOpPatIn p1 op p2)
+  = andRn unionBags (doPat locn p1) (doPat locn p2)
+doPat locn (AsPatIn as_name pat)
+  = andRn unionBags (doName locn as_name) (doPat locn pat)
+doPat locn (RecPatIn name fields)
+  = mapRn (doField locn) fields `thenRn` \ fields_s ->
+    returnRn (unionManyBags fields_s)
+doField locn (field, _, True{-pun-}) = doName locn field
+doField locn (field, pat, _)	     = doPat locn pat
+doName locn rdr
+  = newGlobalName locn Nothing rdr `thenRn` \ name ->
+    returnRn (unitBag (RnName name))
+*							*
+\subsection{Creating a new global name}
+*							*
+newGlobalName :: SrcLoc -> Maybe ExportFlag
+	      -> RdrName -> RnM_Info s Name
+newGlobalName locn maybe_exp rdr
+  = getExtraRn			`thenRn` \ (_,_,exp_fn,occ_fn) ->
+    getModuleRn  		`thenRn` \ mod ->
+    getSourceRn			`thenRn` \ source -> 
+    rnGetUnique 		`thenRn` \ u ->
+    let
+        src_unqual = getLocalName rdr
+	src_orig   = if fromPrelude mod
+	             then (Unqual src_unqual)
+	             else (Qual mod src_unqual)
+	exp = case maybe_exp of
+	       Just exp -> exp
+	       Nothing  -> exp_fn n
+	n = if source then
+	        mkTopLevName u src_orig locn exp (occ_fn n)
+	    else
+		mkImportedName u rdr locn exp (occ_fn n)
+    in
+    addErrIfRn (source && isQual rdr)
+	       (qualNameErr "name in definition" (rdr, locn)) `thenRn_`
+    returnRn n    
+*							*
+\subsection{Imported names}
+*							*
+getImportedNames ::
+	   IfaceCache
+	-> GlobalNameInfo			-- builtin and knot name info
+	-> UniqSupply
+	-> [RdrNameImportDecl]			-- import declarations
+	-> PrimIO (Bag (RdrName,RnName),	-- imported values in scope
+		   Bag (RdrName,RnName),	-- imported tycons/classes in scope
+		   Bag Module,			-- directly imported modules
+		   Bag RenamedFixityDecl,	-- fixity info for imported names
+		   Bag Error,
+		   Bag Warning)
+getImportedNames iface_var info us imports 
+  = returnPrimIO (builtin_vals, builtin_tcs, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag, emptyBag)
+  where
+    -- For now jsut add the builtin names ...
+    (b_names,_,_,_) = info
+    builtin_vals = listToBag [(Unqual s, rn) | (s,rn) <- fmToList b_names, not (isRnTyCon rn)]
+    builtin_tcs  = listToBag [(Unqual s, rn) | (s,rn) <- fmToList b_names, isRnTyCon rn]
+globalDupNamesErr rdr rns sty
+  = ppHang (ppBesides [pprNonOp sty rdr, ppStr " multiply defined:"])
+	 4 (ppAboves (map pp_def rns))
+  where
+    pp_def rn = addShortErrLocLine (getSrcLoc rn) (\ sty -> ppr sty rn) sty
+    -- ToDo: print import src locs for imported names
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass2.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass2.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 3feb281dbdc06931ea77873f0d40c8abff787d27..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass2.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,845 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-\section[RnPass2]{Second renaming pass: boil down to non-duplicated info}
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module RnPass2 (
-	rnModule2
-	-- for completeness
-    ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import HsSyn
-import HsCore
-import HsPragmas
-import RdrHsSyn
-import RnMonad12
-import Bag		( Bag )
-import IdInfo		( DeforestInfo(..), Demand{-instances-}, UpdateInfo{-instance-} )
-import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instances-} )
-import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
-import Pretty		-- quite a bit of it
-import ProtoName	( cmpProtoName, eqProtoName, eqByLocalName,
-			  elemProtoNames, elemByLocalNames,
-			  ProtoName(..)
-			)
-import RnUtils		( dupNamesErr )
-import SrcLoc		( mkUnknownSrcLoc, SrcLoc{-instances-} )
-import Util		( isIn, equivClasses,
-			  panic, panic#, pprTrace, assertPanic
-			)
-This pass removes duplicate declarations.  Duplicates can arise when
-two imported interface have a signature (or whatever) for the same
-thing.	We check that the two are consistent and then drop one.
-For preference, if one is declared in this module and the other is
-imported, we keep the former; in the case of an instance decl or type
-decl, the local version has a lot more information which we must not
-Similarly, if one has interesting pragmas and one has not, we keep the
-The notion of ``duplicate'' includes an imported signature and a
-binding in this module.	 In this case, the signature is discarded.
-See note below about how this should be improved.
-ToDo: There are still known cases in which we blithely consider two
-declarations to be ``duplicates'' and we then select one of them, {\em
-without} actually checking that they contain the same information!
-[WDP 93/8/16] [Improved, at least WDP 93/08/26]
-rnModule2  :: ProtoNameHsModule -> Rn12M ProtoNameHsModule
-rnModule2 (HsModule mod_name exports imports fixes
-	    ty_decls absty_sigs class_decls inst_decls specinst_sigs
-	    defaults binds int_sigs src_loc)
-  = uniquefy mod_name cmpFix selFix fixes
-				`thenRn12` \ fixes ->
-    uniquefy mod_name cmpTys selTys ty_decls
-				`thenRn12` \ ty_decls ->
-    uniquefy mod_name cmpTySigs selTySigs absty_sigs
-				`thenRn12` \ absty_sigs ->
-    uniquefy mod_name cmpClassDecl selClass class_decls
-				`thenRn12` \ class_decls ->
-    uniquefy mod_name cmpInst selInst inst_decls
-				`thenRn12` \ inst_decls ->
-    uniquefy mod_name cmpSpecInstSigs selSpecInstSigs specinst_sigs
-				`thenRn12` \ specinst_sigs ->
-	-- From the imported signatures discard any which are for
-	-- variables bound in this module.
-	-- But, be wary of those that *clash* with those for this
-	-- module...
-	-- Note that we want to do this properly later (ToDo) because imported
-	-- signatures may differ from those declared in the module itself.
-    rm_sigs_for_here mod_name int_sigs
-				`thenRn12` \ non_here_int_sigs ->
-    uniquefy mod_name cmpSig selSig non_here_int_sigs
-				 `thenRn12` \ int_sigs ->
-    returnRn12
-	(HsModule mod_name
-		  exports   -- export and import lists are passed along
-		  imports   -- for checking in RnPass3; no other reason
-		  fixes
-		  ty_decls
-		  absty_sigs
-		  class_decls
-		  inst_decls
-		  specinst_sigs
-		  defaults
-		  binds
-		  int_sigs
-		  src_loc)
-  where
-    top_level_binders = collectTopLevelBinders binds
-    rm_sigs_for_here :: FAST_STRING -> [ProtoNameSig] -> Rn12M [ProtoNameSig]
-	-- NB: operates only on interface signatures, so don't
-	-- need to worry about user-pragmas, etc.
-    rm_sigs_for_here mod_name [] = returnRn12 []
-    rm_sigs_for_here mod_name (sig@(Sig name _ _ src_loc) : more_sigs)
-      = rm_sigs_for_here mod_name more_sigs `thenRn12` \ rest_sigs ->
-	if  not (name `elemByLocalNames` top_level_binders) then -- no name clash...
-	    returnRn12 (sig : rest_sigs)
-	else -- name clash...
-	    if	name `elemProtoNames` top_level_binders
-	     && name_for_this_module name then
-		-- the very same thing; just drop it
-		returnRn12 rest_sigs
-	    else
-		-- a different thing with the same name (due to renaming?)
-		-- ToDo: locations need improving
-		report_dup "(renamed?) variable"
-			name src_loc name mkUnknownSrcLoc
-			rest_sigs
-      where
-	 name_for_this_module (Imp m _ _ _) = m == mod_name
-	 name_for_this_module other	    = True
-%*									*
-\subsection[FixityDecls-RnPass2]{Functions for @FixityDecls@}
-%*									*
-cmpFix :: ProtoNameFixityDecl -> ProtoNameFixityDecl -> TAG_
-cmpFix (InfixL n1 i1) (InfixL n2 i2) = n1 `cmpProtoName` n2
-cmpFix (InfixL n1 i1) other	     = LT_
-cmpFix (InfixR n1 i1) (InfixR n2 i2) = n1 `cmpProtoName` n2
-cmpFix (InfixR n1 i1) (InfixN n2 i2) = LT_
-cmpFix (InfixN n1 i1) (InfixN n2 i2) = n1 `cmpProtoName` n2
-cmpFix a	      b		     = GT_
-We are pretty un-fussy about which FixityDecl we keep.
-selFix :: ProtoNameFixityDecl -> ProtoNameFixityDecl -> Rn12M ProtoNameFixityDecl
-selFix f1 f2 = returnRn12 f1
-%*									*
-\subsection[TyDecls-RnPass2]{Functions for @TyDecls@}
-%*									*
-cmpTys :: ProtoNameTyDecl -> ProtoNameTyDecl -> TAG_
-cmpTys (TyData _ n1 _ _ _ _ _) (TyData _ n2 _ _ _ _ _)  = cmpProtoName n1 n2
-cmpTys (TyNew  _ n1 _ _ _ _ _) (TyNew  _ n2 _ _ _ _ _)  = cmpProtoName n1 n2
-cmpTys (TySynonym n1 _ _ _)    (TySynonym n2 _ _ _)	= cmpProtoName n1 n2
-cmpTys a b
-  = let tag1 = tag a
-	tag2 = tag b
-    in
-    if tag1 _LT_ tag2 then LT_ else GT_
-  where
-    tag (TyData    _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = (ILIT(1) :: FAST_INT)
-    tag (TyNew     _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = ILIT(2)
-    tag (TySynonym _ _ _ _)	  = ILIT(3)
-selTys :: ProtoNameTyDecl -> ProtoNameTyDecl
-       -> Rn12M ProtoNameTyDecl
--- Note: we could check these more closely.
--- NB: It would be a mistake to cross-check derivings,
--- because we don't preserve those in interfaces.
-selTys td1@(TyData c name1 tvs cons1 ds pragmas1 locn1)
-       td2@(TyData _ name2 _   cons2 _	pragmas2 locn2)
-  = selByBetterName "algebraic datatype"
-       name1 pragmas1 locn1 td1
-       name2 pragmas2 locn2 td2
-       (\ p -> TyData c name1 tvs cons1 ds p locn1)
-       chooser_TyData
-selTys td1@(TyNew c name1 tvs con1 ds pragmas1 locn1)
-       td2@(TyNew _ name2 _   con2 _  pragmas2 locn2)
-  = selByBetterName "algebraic newtype"
-       name1 pragmas1 locn1 td1
-       name2 pragmas2 locn2 td2
-       (\ p -> TyNew c name1 tvs con1 ds p locn1)
-       chooser_TyNew
-selTys ts1@(TySynonym name1 tvs expand1 locn1)
-       ts2@(TySynonym name2 _	expand2 locn2)
-  = selByBetterName "type synonym"
-	name1 bottom locn1 ts1
-	name2 bottom locn2 ts2
-	(\ p -> TySynonym name1 tvs expand1 locn1)
-	chooser_TySynonym
-  where
-    bottom = panic "RnPass2:selTys:TySynonym"
-If only one is ``abstract'' (no condecls), we take the other.
-Next, we check that they don't have differing lists of data
-constructors (what a disaster if those get through...); then we do a
-similar thing using pragmatic info.
-chooser_TyNew  wout pragmas1 locn1 td1@(TyNew _ name1 _ con1 _ _ _)
-		    pragmas2 locn2 td2@(TyNew _ name2 _ con2 _ _ _)
-  = panic "RnPass2:chooser_TyNew"
-chooser_TyData wout pragmas1 locn1 td1@(TyData _ name1 _ cons1 _ _ _)
-		    pragmas2 locn2 td2@(TyData _ name2 _ cons2 _ _ _)
-  = let
-	td1_abstract = null cons1
-	td2_abstract = null cons2
-	choose_by_pragmas = sub_chooser pragmas1 pragmas2
-    in
-    if td1_abstract && td2_abstract then
-	choose_by_pragmas
-    else if td1_abstract then
-	returnRn12 td2
-    else if td2_abstract then
-	returnRn12 td1
-    else if not (eqConDecls cons1 cons2) then
-    	report_dup "algebraic datatype (mismatched data constuctors)"
-    		    name1 locn1 name2 locn2 td1
-    else
-	sub_chooser pragmas1 pragmas2
-  where
-    sub_chooser (DataPragmas [] []) b = returnRn12 (wout b)
-    sub_chooser a (DataPragmas [] []) = returnRn12 (wout a)
-    sub_chooser a@(DataPragmas cons1 specs1) (DataPragmas cons2 specs2)
-      = if not (eqConDecls cons1 cons2) then
-	    pprTrace "Mismatched info in DATA pragmas:\n"
-		     (ppAbove (ppr PprDebug cons1) (ppr PprDebug cons2)) (
-	    returnRn12 (wout (DataPragmas [] []))
-	    )
-	else if not (eq_data_specs specs1 specs2) then
-	    pprTrace "Mismatched specialisation info in DATA pragmas:\n"
-		     (ppAbove (ppr_data_specs specs1) (ppr_data_specs specs2)) (
-	    returnRn12 (wout (DataPragmas [] []))
-	    )
-	else
-	    returnRn12 (wout a)  -- same, pick one
-    -- ToDo: Should we use selByBetterName ???
-    -- ToDo: Report errors properly and recover quietly ???
-    -- ToDo: Should we merge specialisations ???
-    eq_data_specs [] [] = True
-    eq_data_specs (spec1:specs1) (spec2:specs2)
-      = eq_spec spec1 spec2 && eq_data_specs specs1 specs2
-    eq_data_specs _  _  = False
-    eq_spec spec1 spec2 = case cmp_spec spec1 spec2 of { EQ_ -> True; _ -> False}
-    ppr_data_specs specs
-      = ppBesides [ppStr "_SPECIALISE_ ", pp_the_list [
-	  ppCat [ppLbrack, ppInterleave ppComma (map pp_maybe ty_maybes), ppRbrack]
-	  | ty_maybes <- specs ]]
-    pp_the_list [p]    = p
-    pp_the_list (p:ps) = ppAbove (ppBeside p ppComma) (pp_the_list ps)
-    pp_maybe Nothing   = pp_NONE
-    pp_maybe (Just ty) = pprParendMonoType PprDebug ty
-    pp_NONE = ppStr "_N_"
-Sort of similar deal on synonyms: this is the time to check that the
-expansions are really the same; otherwise, we use the pragmas.
-chooser_TySynonym wout _ locn1 ts1@(TySynonym name1 _ expand1 _)
-		       _ locn2 ts2@(TySynonym name2 _ expand2 _)
-  = if not (eqMonoType expand1 expand2) then
-    	report_dup "type synonym" name1 locn1 name2 locn2 ts1
-    else
-	returnRn12 ts1 -- same, just pick one
-%*									*
-\subsection[SpecDataSigs-RnPass2]{Functions for @SpecDataSigs@}
-%*									*
-cmpTySigs :: ProtoNameSpecDataSig -> ProtoNameSpecDataSig -> TAG_
-cmpTySigs (SpecDataSig n1 ty1 _) (SpecDataSig n2 ty2 _)
-  = case cmpProtoName n1 n2 of
-	EQ_   -> LT_   -- multiple SPECIALIZE data pragmas allowed
-	other -> other
-selTySigs :: ProtoNameSpecDataSig
-	  -> ProtoNameSpecDataSig
-	  -> Rn12M ProtoNameSpecDataSig
-selTySigs s1@(SpecDataSig n1 ty1 locn1) s2@(SpecDataSig n2 ty2 locn2)
-  = selByBetterName "SPECIALIZE data user-pragma"
-	n1 bottom locn1 s1
-	n2 bottom locn2 s2
-	bottom bottom
-  where
-    bottom = panic "RnPass2:selTySigs:SpecDataSig"
-%*									*
-\subsection[ClassDecl-RnPass2]{Functions for @ClassDecls@}
-%*									*
-cmpClassDecl :: ProtoNameClassDecl -> ProtoNameClassDecl -> TAG_
-cmpClassDecl (ClassDecl _ n1 _ _ _ _ _) (ClassDecl _ n2 _ _ _ _ _)
-  = cmpProtoName n1 n2
-selClass  :: ProtoNameClassDecl -> ProtoNameClassDecl
-	  -> Rn12M ProtoNameClassDecl
-selClass cd1@(ClassDecl ctxt n1 tv sigs bs pragmas1 locn1)
-	 cd2@(ClassDecl _    n2 _  _	_  pragmas2 locn2)
-  = selByBetterName "class"
-	n1 pragmas1 locn1 cd1
-	n2 pragmas2 locn2 cd2
-	(\ p -> ClassDecl ctxt n1 tv sigs bs p locn1)
-	chooser_Class
-chooser_Class wout NoClassPragmas   _ _ b		_ _ = returnRn12 (wout b)
-chooser_Class wout a		    _ _ NoClassPragmas	_ _ = returnRn12 (wout a)
-chooser_Class wout sd1@(SuperDictPragmas gs1) l1 _ sd2@(SuperDictPragmas gs2) l2 _
-  = if length gs1 /= length gs2 then	-- urgh
-       returnRn12 (wout NoClassPragmas)
-    else
-	recoverQuietlyRn12 [{-no gen prags-}] (
-	    zipWithRn12 choose_prag gs1 gs2
-	)			`thenRn12` \ new_gprags ->
-	returnRn12 (wout (
-	    if null new_gprags then
-		pprTrace "tossed all SuperDictPragmas (rename2):"
-			 (ppAbove (ppr PprDebug sd1) (ppr PprDebug sd2))
-		NoClassPragmas
-	    else
-		SuperDictPragmas new_gprags
-	))
-  where
-    choose_prag g1 g2 = selGenPragmas g1 l1 g2 l2
-%*									*
-\subsection[InstDecls-RnPass2]{Functions for @InstDecls@}
-%*									*
-cmpInst :: ProtoNameInstDecl -> ProtoNameInstDecl -> TAG_
-cmpInst (InstDecl c1 ty1 _ _ _ _ _ _) (InstDecl c2 ty2 _ _ _ _ _ _)
-  = case cmpProtoName c1 c2 of
-      EQ_   -> cmpInstanceTypes ty1 ty2
-      other -> other
-Select the instance declaration from the module (rather than an
-interface), if it exists.
-selInst :: ProtoNameInstDecl -> ProtoNameInstDecl
-	-> Rn12M ProtoNameInstDecl
-selInst i1@(InstDecl c ty bs from_here1 orig_mod1 uprags pragmas1 locn1)
-	i2@(InstDecl _ _  _  from_here2 orig_mod2 _      pragmas2 locn2)
-  = let
-	have_orig_mod1 = not (_NULL_ orig_mod1)
-	have_orig_mod2 = not (_NULL_ orig_mod2)
-	choose_no1 = returnRn12 i1
-	choose_no2 = returnRn12 i2
-    in
-	-- generally: try to keep the locally-defined instance decl
-    if from_here1 && from_here2 then
-	-- If they are both from this module, don't throw either away,
-	-- otherwise we silently discard erroneous duplicates
-	trace ("selInst: duplicate instance in this module (ToDo: msg!)")
-	choose_no1
-    else if from_here1 then
-	if ( have_orig_mod1 && have_orig_mod2 && orig_mod1 /= orig_mod2 ) then
-	    trace ("selInst: instance in this module also defined somewhere else! (ToDo: msg!)")
-	    choose_no1
-	else
-	    choose_no1
-    else if from_here2 then
-	if ( have_orig_mod1 && have_orig_mod2 && orig_mod1 /= orig_mod2 ) then
-	    trace ("selInst: instance in this module also defined somewhere else! (ToDo: msg!)")
-	    choose_no2
-	else
-	    choose_no2
-    else -- it's definitely an imported instance;
-	 -- first, a quick sanity check...
-	if ( have_orig_mod1 && have_orig_mod2 && orig_mod1 /= orig_mod2 ) then
-	    trace ("selInst: `same' instances coming in from two modules! (ToDo: msg!)")
-	    choose_no2 -- arbitrary
-	else
-	    panic "RnPass2: need original modules for imported instances"
-{- LATER ???
-	    -- now we *cheat*: so we can use the "informing module" stuff
-	    -- in "selByBetterName", we *make up* some ProtoNames for
-	    -- these instance decls
-	    let
-		ii = SLIT("!*INSTANCE*!")
-		n1 = Imp orig_mod1 ii [infor_mod1] ii
-		n2 = Imp orig_mod2 ii [infor_mod2] ii
-	    in
-	    selByBetterName "instance"
-		n1 pragmas1 locn1 i1
-		n2 pragmas2 locn2 i2
-		(\ p -> InstDecl c ty bs from_here1 orig_mod1 infor_mod1
-			[{-none-}] p locn1)
-		chooser_Inst
-chooser_Inst wout iprags1 loc1 i1 iprags2 loc2 i2
-  = chk_pragmas iprags1 iprags2
-  where
-	-- easy cases:
-    chk_pragmas NoInstancePragmas b = returnRn12 (wout b)
-    chk_pragmas a NoInstancePragmas = returnRn12 (wout a)
-	-- SimpleInstance pragmas meet: choose by GenPragmas
-    chk_pragmas (SimpleInstancePragma gprags1) (SimpleInstancePragma gprags2)
-      = recoverQuietlyRn12 NoGenPragmas (
-	    selGenPragmas gprags1 loc1 gprags2 loc2
-	)				`thenRn12` \ new_prags ->
-	returnRn12 (wout (
-	    case new_prags of
-	      NoGenPragmas -> NoInstancePragmas	-- bottled out
-	      _ -> SimpleInstancePragma new_prags
-	))
-	-- SimpleInstance pragma meets anything else... take the "else"
-    chk_pragmas (SimpleInstancePragma _) b = returnRn12 (wout b)
-    chk_pragmas a (SimpleInstancePragma _) = returnRn12 (wout a)
-    chk_pragmas (ConstantInstancePragma gp1 prs1) (ConstantInstancePragma gp2 prs2)
-      = recoverQuietlyRn12 NoGenPragmas (
-	    selGenPragmas gp1 loc1 gp2 loc2
-	)			`thenRn12` \ dfun_prags ->
-	recoverQuietlyRn12 [] (
-	    selNamePragmaPairs prs1 loc1 prs2 loc2
-	)			`thenRn12` \ new_pairs ->
-	returnRn12 (wout (
-	    if null new_pairs then -- bottled out
-		case dfun_prags of
-		  NoGenPragmas -> NoInstancePragmas -- doubly bottled out
-		  _ -> SimpleInstancePragma dfun_prags
-	    else
-		ConstantInstancePragma dfun_prags new_pairs
-	))
-	-- SpecialisedInstancePragmas: choose by gens, then specialisations
-    chk_pragmas a@(SpecialisedInstancePragma _ _) (SpecialisedInstancePragma _ _)
-      = trace "not checking two SpecialisedInstancePragma pragmas!" (returnRn12 (wout a))
-    chk_pragmas other1 other2  -- oops, bad mismatch
-      = pRAGMA_ERROR "instance pragmas" (wout other1) -- ToDo: msg
-%*									*
-\subsection[SpecInstSigs-RnPass2]{Functions for @AbstractTypeSigs@}
-%*									*
-We don't make any effort to look for duplicate ``SPECIALIZE instance''
-pragmas. (Later??)
-We do this by make \tr{cmp*} always return \tr{LT_}---then there's
-nothing for \tr{sel*} to do!
-    :: ProtoNameSpecInstSig -> ProtoNameSpecInstSig -> TAG_
-selSpecInstSigs :: ProtoNameSpecInstSig
-		-> ProtoNameSpecInstSig
-		-> Rn12M ProtoNameSpecInstSig
-cmpSpecInstSigs	a b = LT_
-selSpecInstSigs a b = panic "RnPass2:selSpecInstSigs"
-%*									*
-\subsection{Functions for SigDecls}
-%*									*
-These \tr{*Sig} functions only operate on things from interfaces, so
-we don't have to worry about user-pragmas and other such junk.
-cmpSig :: ProtoNameSig -> ProtoNameSig -> TAG_
-cmpSig (Sig n1 _ _ _) (Sig n2 _ _ _) = cmpProtoName n1 n2
-cmpSig _ _ = panic# "cmpSig (rename2)"
-selSig :: ProtoNameSig -> ProtoNameSig -> Rn12M ProtoNameSig
-selSig s1@(Sig n1 ty pragmas1 locn1) s2@(Sig n2 _ pragmas2 locn2)
-  = selByBetterName "type signature"
-	n1 pragmas1 locn1 s1
-	n2 pragmas2 locn2 s2
-	(\ p -> Sig n1 ty p locn1) -- w/out its pragmas
-	chooser_Sig
-chooser_Sig wout_prags g1 l1 s1@(Sig n1 ty1 _ _) g2 l2 s2@(Sig n2 ty2 _ _)
-  = case (cmpPolyType cmpProtoName ty1 ty2) of
-      EQ_ ->
-	recoverQuietlyRn12 NoGenPragmas (
-	    selGenPragmas g1 l1 g2 l2
-	)			`thenRn12` \ new_prags ->
-	returnRn12 (wout_prags new_prags)
-      _ -> report_dup "signature" n1 l1 n2 l2 s1
-%*									*
-\subsection{Help functions: selecting based on pragmas}
-%*									*
-	:: ProtoNameGenPragmas -> SrcLoc
-	-> ProtoNameGenPragmas -> SrcLoc
-	-> Rn12M ProtoNameGenPragmas
-selGenPragmas NoGenPragmas _ b	          _ = returnRn12 b
-selGenPragmas a		   _ NoGenPragmas _ = returnRn12 a
-selGenPragmas g1@(GenPragmas arity1 upd1 def1 strict1 unfold1 specs1) locn1
-	      g2@(GenPragmas arity2 upd2 def2 strict2 unfold2 specs2) locn2
-  = sel_arity  arity1  arity2	`thenRn12` \ arity  ->
-    sel_upd    upd1    upd2	`thenRn12` \ upd    ->
-    sel_def    def1    def2     `thenRn12` \ def    ->
-    sel_strict strict1 strict2	`thenRn12` \ strict ->
-    sel_unfold unfold1 unfold2	`thenRn12` \ unfold ->
-    sel_specs  specs1  specs2	`thenRn12` \ specs  ->
-    returnRn12 (GenPragmas arity upd def strict unfold specs)
-  where
-    sel_arity Nothing     Nothing   = returnRn12 Nothing
-    sel_arity a@(Just a1) (Just a2) = if a1 == a2
-				      then returnRn12 a
-				      else pRAGMA_ERROR "arity pragmas" a
-    sel_arity a		  _	    = pRAGMA_ERROR "arity pragmas" a
-    -------
-    sel_upd Nothing   	Nothing   = returnRn12 Nothing
-    sel_upd a@(Just u1) (Just u2) = if u1 == u2
-				    then returnRn12 a
-				    else pRAGMA_ERROR "update pragmas" a
-    sel_upd a	    	_	  = pRAGMA_ERROR "update pragmas" a
-    -------
-    sel_def Don'tDeforest Don'tDeforest = returnRn12 Don'tDeforest
-    sel_def DoDeforest    DoDeforest    = returnRn12 DoDeforest
-    sel_def a             _             = pRAGMA_ERROR "deforest pragmas" a
-    ----------
-    sel_unfold NoImpUnfolding b	    	     = returnRn12 b
-    sel_unfold a	      NoImpUnfolding = returnRn12 a
-    sel_unfold a@(ImpUnfolding _ c1) (ImpUnfolding _ c2)
-      = if c1 `eqUfExpr` c2 -- very paranoid (and rightly so)
-	then returnRn12 a
-	else pprTrace "mismatched unfoldings:\n" (ppAbove (ppr PprDebug c1) (ppr PprDebug c2)) (
-	     returnRn12 NoImpUnfolding
-	     )
-    sel_unfold a@(ImpMagicUnfolding b) (ImpMagicUnfolding c)
-      = if b == c then returnRn12 a else pRAGMA_ERROR "magic unfolding" a
-    sel_unfold a _ = pRAGMA_ERROR "unfolding pragmas" a
-    ----------
-    sel_strict NoImpStrictness NoImpStrictness = returnRn12 NoImpStrictness
-    sel_strict a@(ImpStrictness b1 i1 g1) (ImpStrictness b2 i2 g2)
-      = if b1 /= b2 || i1 /= i2
-	then pRAGMA_ERROR "strictness pragmas" a
-	else recoverQuietlyRn12 NoGenPragmas (
-		selGenPragmas g1 locn1 g2 locn2
-	     )	`thenRn12` \ wrkr_prags ->
-	     returnRn12 (ImpStrictness b1 i1 wrkr_prags)
-    sel_strict a _ = pRAGMA_ERROR "strictness pragmas" a
-    ---------
-    sel_specs specs1 specs2
-      = selSpecialisations specs1 locn1 specs2 locn2
-	:: [(ProtoName, ProtoNameGenPragmas)] -> SrcLoc
-	-> [(ProtoName, ProtoNameGenPragmas)] -> SrcLoc
-	-> Rn12M [(ProtoName, ProtoNameGenPragmas)]
-selNamePragmaPairs [] _ [] _ = returnRn12 []
-selNamePragmaPairs [] _ bs _ = returnRn12 bs
-selNamePragmaPairs as _ [] _ = returnRn12 as
-selNamePragmaPairs ((name1, prags1) : pairs1) loc1
-		   ((name2, prags2) : pairs2) loc2
-  = if not (name1 `eqProtoName` name2) then
-	-- msg of any kind??? ToDo
-	pRAGMA_ERROR "named pragmas" pairs1
-    else
-    	selGenPragmas prags1 loc1 prags2 loc2	    `thenRn12` \ new_prags ->
-    	selNamePragmaPairs pairs1 loc1 pairs2 loc2  `thenRn12` \ rest ->
-	returnRn12 ( (name1, new_prags) : rest )
-For specialisations we merge the lists from each Sig. This allows the user to
-declare specialised prelude functions in their own PreludeSpec module.
-	:: [([Maybe ProtoNameMonoType], Int, ProtoNameGenPragmas)] -> SrcLoc
-	-> [([Maybe ProtoNameMonoType], Int, ProtoNameGenPragmas)] -> SrcLoc
-	-> Rn12M [([Maybe ProtoNameMonoType], Int, ProtoNameGenPragmas)]
-selSpecialisations [] _ [] _ = returnRn12 []
-selSpecialisations [] _ bs _ = returnRn12 bs -- arguable ... ToDo?
-selSpecialisations as _ [] _ = returnRn12 as -- ditto
-selSpecialisations all_specs1@((spec1, dicts1, prags1) : rest_specs1) loc1
-		   all_specs2@((spec2, dicts2, prags2) : rest_specs2) loc2
-  = case (cmp_spec spec1 spec2) of
-	 LT_ -> selSpecialisations rest_specs1 loc1 all_specs2 loc2
-					`thenRn12` \ rest ->
-    		returnRn12 ( (spec1, dicts1, prags1) : rest )
-	 EQ_ -> ASSERT(dicts1 == dicts2)
-	       	recoverQuietlyRn12 NoGenPragmas (
-	    	    selGenPragmas prags1 loc1 prags2 loc2
-		)			`thenRn12` \ new_prags ->
-    	        selSpecialisations rest_specs1 loc1 rest_specs2 loc2
-					`thenRn12` \ rest ->
-    		returnRn12 ( (spec1, dicts1, new_prags) : rest )
-	 GT_ -> selSpecialisations all_specs1 loc1 rest_specs2 loc2
-					`thenRn12` \ rest ->
-    		returnRn12 ( (spec2, dicts2, prags2) : rest )
-cmp_spec [] []			   = EQ_
-cmp_spec (Nothing:xs) (Nothing:ys) = cmp_spec xs ys
-cmp_spec (Just t1:xs) (Just t2:ys) = case cmpMonoType cmpProtoName t1 t2 of
-					EQ_ -> cmp_spec xs ys
-					xxx -> xxx
-cmp_spec (Nothing:xs) (Just t2:ys) = LT_
-cmp_spec (Just t1:xs) (Nothing:ys) = GT_
-%*									*
-\subsection{Help functions: @uniquefy@ and @selByBetterName@}
-%*									*
-uniquefy :: FAST_STRING			-- Module name
-	 -> (a -> a -> TAG_)		-- Comparison function
-	 -> (a -> a -> Rn12M a)		-- Selection function
-	 -> [a]				-- Things to be processed
-	 -> Rn12M [a]			-- Processed things
-uniquefy mod cmp sel things
-  = mapRn12 (check_group_consistency sel) grouped_things
-  where
-    grouped_things = equivClasses cmp things
-    check_group_consistency :: (a -> a -> Rn12M a)	-- Selection function
-			    -> [a]			-- things to be compared
-			    -> Rn12M a
-    check_group_consistency sel [] = panic "RnPass2: runs produced an empty list"
-    check_group_consistency sel (thing:things) = foldrRn12 sel thing things
-@selByBetterName@: There are two ways one thing can have a ``better
-name'' than another.
-First: Something with an @Unk@ name is declared in this module, so we
-keep that, rather than something from an interface (with an @Imp@
-name, probably).
-Second: If we have two non-@Unk@ names, but one ``informant module''
-is also the {\em original} module for the entity, then we choose that
-one.  I.e., if one interface says, ``I am the module that created this
-thing'' then we believe it and take that one.
-If we can't figure out which one to choose by the names, we use the
-info provided to select based on the pragmas.
-LATER: but surely we have to worry about different-by-original-name
-things which are same-by-local-name things---these should be reported
-as errors.
-selByBetterName :: String   -- class/datatype/synonym (for error msg)
-		-- 1st/2nd comparee name/pragmas + their things
-		-> ProtoName -> pragmas -> SrcLoc -> thing
-		-> ProtoName -> pragmas -> SrcLoc -> thing
-		-- a thing without its pragmas
-		-> (pragmas -> thing)
-		-- choose-by-pragma function
-		-> ((pragmas -> thing)		    -- thing minus its pragmas
-		    -> pragmas -> SrcLoc -> thing   -- comparee 1
-		    -> pragmas -> SrcLoc -> thing   -- comparee 2
-		    -> Rn12M thing )	    	    -- thing w/ its new pragmas
-		-> Rn12M thing		-- selected thing
-selByBetterName dup_msg
-		pn1 pragmas1 locn1 thing1
-		pn2 pragmas2 locn2 thing2
-		thing_wout_pragmas
-		chooser
-  = getModuleNameRn12	`thenRn12` \ mod_name ->
-    let
-	choose_thing1	= chk_eq (returnRn12 thing1)
-	choose_thing2   = chk_eq (returnRn12 thing2)
-	check_n_choose  = chk_eq (chooser thing_wout_pragmas
-					  pragmas1 locn1 thing1
-					  pragmas2 locn2 thing2)
-	dup_error = report_dup dup_msg pn1 locn1 pn2 locn2 thing1
-    in
-    case pn1 of
-      Unk _  -> case pn2 of
-		 Unk _	-> dup_error
-		 _	-> if orig_modules_clash mod_name pn2
-			    then dup_error
-			    else choose_thing1
-      Prel _ -> case pn2 of
-		 Unk _	-> if orig_modules_clash mod_name pn1
-			   then dup_error
-			   else choose_thing2
-		 _	-> check_n_choose
-      Imp om1 _ im1 _ -> -- we're gonna check `informant module' info...
-	case pn2 of
-	  Unk _		  -> if orig_modules_clash mod_name pn1
-			     then dup_error
-			     else choose_thing2
-	  Prel _	  -> check_n_choose
-	  Imp om2 _ im2 _
-	    -> let
-		   is_elem = isIn "selByBetterName"
-		   name1_claims_orig = om1 `is_elem` im1 && not (_NULL_ om1)
-		   name2_claims_orig = om2 `is_elem` im2 && not (_NULL_ om2)
-	       in
-	       if name1_claims_orig
-	       then if name2_claims_orig then check_n_choose else choose_thing1
-	       else if name2_claims_orig then choose_thing2  else check_n_choose
-  where
-    chk_eq if_OK
-      = if not (eqProtoName pn1 pn2) && eqByLocalName pn1 pn2
-	then report_dup dup_msg pn1 locn1 pn2 locn2 thing1
-	else if_OK
-    orig_modules_clash this_module pn
-      = case (getOrigName pn) of { (that_module, _) ->
-	not (this_module == that_module) }
-report_dup dup_msg pn1 locn1 pn2 locn2 thing
-  = addErrRn12 err_msg `thenRn12` \ _ ->
-    returnRn12 thing
-  where
-    err_msg = dupNamesErr dup_msg [(pn1,locn1), (pn2,locn2)]
-pRAGMA_ERROR :: String -> a -> Rn12M a
-  = addErrRn12 (\ sty -> ppStr ("PRAGMA ERROR:"++msg)) `thenRn12` \ _ ->
-    returnRn12 x
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass3.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass3.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index ce905edec191ff192804fde5df1d16041a20b566..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnPass3.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,620 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
-\section[RnPass3]{Third of the renaming passes}
-The business of this pass is to:
-\item	find all the things declared at top level,
-\item	assign uniques to them
-\item return an association list mapping their @ProtoName@s to
-	freshly-minted @Names@ for them.
-No attempt is made to discover whether the same thing is declared
-twice: that is up to the caller to sort out.
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-module RnPass3 (
-	rnModule3,
-	initRn3, Rn3M(..)  -- re-exported from monad
-	-- for completeness
-    ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
-import RnMonad3
-import HsSyn
-import RdrHsSyn
-import Bag		( emptyBag, listToBag, unionBags, unionManyBags,
-			  unitBag, snocBag, elemBag, bagToList, Bag
-			)
-import ErrUtils
-import HsPragmas	( DataPragmas(..) )
-import Name		( Name(..) )
-import NameTypes	( fromPrelude, FullName{-instances-} )
-import Pretty
-import ProtoName	( cmpByLocalName, ProtoName(..) )
-import RnUtils		( mkGlobalNameFun,
-			  GlobalNameMappers(..), GlobalNameMapper(..),
-			  PreludeNameMappers(..), PreludeNameMapper(..),
-			  dupNamesErr
-			)
-import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc{-instance-} )
-import Util		( isIn, removeDups, cmpPString, panic )
-*							*
-\subsection{Type declarations}
-*							*
-type BagAssoc 	    = Bag (ProtoName, Name)	-- Bag version
-type NameSpaceAssoc = [(ProtoName, Name)]	-- List version
-*							*
-\subsection{Main function: @rnModule3@}
-*							*
-rnModule3 :: PreludeNameMappers
-	  -> Bag FAST_STRING	-- list of imported module names
-	  -> ProtoNameHsModule
-	  -> Rn3M ( NameSpaceAssoc, NameSpaceAssoc,
-		    GlobalNameMapper,  GlobalNameMapper,
-		    Bag Error )
-rnModule3 pnfs@(val_pnf, tc_pnf) imported_mod_names
-	  (HsModule mod_name exports imports _ ty_decls _ class_decls
-	    inst_decls _ _ binds sigs _)
-  = putInfoDownM3 {- ???pnfs -} mod_name exports (
-    doTyDecls3 ty_decls		`thenRn3` \ (constrs, tycons) ->
-    doClassDecls3 class_decls	`thenRn3` \ (ops, classes) ->
-    doBinds3 binds		`thenRn3` \ val_binds ->
-    doIntSigs3 sigs		`thenRn3` \ val_sigs ->
-    let val_namespace	= constrs `unionBags` ops `unionBags` val_binds
-				  `unionBags` val_sigs
-	tc_namespace	= tycons `unionBags` classes
-	(var_alist, var_dup_errs) = deal_with_dups "variable" val_pnf (bagToList val_namespace)
-	(tc_alist, tc_dup_errs)	  = deal_with_dups "type or class" tc_pnf (bagToList tc_namespace)
-	v_gnf  = mkGlobalNameFun mod_name val_pnf var_alist
-    	tc_gnf = mkGlobalNameFun mod_name tc_pnf  tc_alist
-    in
-    verifyExports v_gnf tc_gnf (imported_mod_names `snocBag` mod_name) exports
-					`thenRn3` \ export_errs ->
-    verifyImports v_gnf tc_gnf imports	`thenRn3` \ import_errs ->
-    returnRn3 ( var_alist, tc_alist,
-		v_gnf, tc_gnf,
-		var_dup_errs `unionBags` tc_dup_errs `unionBags`
-		export_errs  `unionBags` import_errs
-    ))
-  where
-    deal_with_dups :: String -> PreludeNameMapper -> NameSpaceAssoc
-		   -> (NameSpaceAssoc, Bag Error)
-    deal_with_dups kind_str pnf alist
-      = (goodies,
-	 listToBag (map mk_dup_err dup_lists) `unionBags`
-	 listToBag (map mk_prel_dup_err prel_dups)
-	)
-      where
-	goodies   :: [(ProtoName,Name)]		--NameSpaceAssoc
-	dup_lists :: [[(ProtoName, Name)]]
-	-- Find all the names which are defined twice.
-	-- By "name" here, we mean "string"; that is, we are looking
-	-- for places where two strings are bound to different Names
-	-- in the top-level scope of this module.
-	(singles, dup_lists) = removeDups cmp alist
-	-- We want to compare their *local* names; the removeDups thing
-	-- is checking for whether two objects have the same local name.
-	cmp (a, _) (b, _) = cmpByLocalName a b
-	-- Anything in alist with a Unk name is defined right here in
-	-- this module; hence, it should not be a prelude name.  We
-	-- need to check this separately, because the prelude is
-	-- imported only implicitly, via the PrelNameFuns argument
-	(goodies, prel_dups) = if fromPrelude mod_name then
-				 (singles, [])	-- Compiling the prelude, so ignore this check
-			       else
-				 partition local_def_of_prelude_thing singles
-	local_def_of_prelude_thing (Unk s, _)
-	  = case pnf s of
-	      Just _  -> False		-- Eek!  It's a prelude name
-	      Nothing -> True		-- It isn't; all is ok
-	local_def_of_prelude_thing other = True
-	mk_dup_err :: [(ProtoName, Name)] -> Error
-	mk_dup_err dups_of_name
-	  = let
-		dup_pnames_w_src_loc = [ (pn, getSrcLoc name) | (pn,name) <- dups_of_name ]
-	    in
-	    dupNamesErr kind_str dup_pnames_w_src_loc
-	-- This module defines a prelude thing
-	mk_prel_dup_err :: (ProtoName, Name) -> Error
-	mk_prel_dup_err (pn, name)
-	  = dupPreludeNameErr kind_str (pn, getSrcLoc name)
-*							*
-\subsection{Type and class declarations}
-*							*
-doTyDecls3 :: [ProtoNameTyDecl] -> Rn3M (BagAssoc, BagAssoc)
-doTyDecls3 [] = returnRn3 (emptyBag, emptyBag)
-doTyDecls3 (tyd:tyds)
-  = andRn3 combiner (do_decl tyd) (doTyDecls3 tyds)
-  where
-    combiner (cons1, tycons1) (cons2, tycons2)
-      = (cons1 `unionBags` cons2, tycons1 `unionBags` tycons2)
-    do_decl (TyData context tycon tyvars condecls _ pragmas src_loc)
-      = newFullNameM3 tycon src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} Nothing
-					`thenRn3` \ (uniq, tycon_name) ->
-    	let
-	    exp_flag = getExportFlag tycon_name
-		-- we want to force all data cons to have the very
-		-- same export flag as their type constructor
-	in
-	doConDecls3 False{-not invisibles-} exp_flag condecls `thenRn3` \ data_cons ->
-	do_data_pragmas exp_flag pragmas		      `thenRn3` \ pragma_data_cons ->
-	returnRn3 (data_cons `unionBags` pragma_data_cons,
-		   unitBag (tycon, TyConName uniq tycon_name (length tyvars)
-					True -- indicates data/newtype tycon
-					[ c | (_,c) <- bagToList data_cons ]))
-    do_decl (TyNew context tycon tyvars condecl _ pragmas src_loc)
-      = newFullNameM3 tycon src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} Nothing
-					`thenRn3` \ (uniq, tycon_name) ->
-    	let
-	    exp_flag = getExportFlag tycon_name
-		-- we want to force all data cons to have the very
-		-- same export flag as their type constructor
-	in
-	doConDecls3 False{-not invisibles-} exp_flag condecl  `thenRn3` \ data_con ->
-	do_data_pragmas exp_flag pragmas		      `thenRn3` \ pragma_data_con ->
-	returnRn3 (data_con `unionBags` pragma_data_con,
-		   unitBag (tycon, TyConName uniq tycon_name (length tyvars)
-					True -- indicates data/newtype tycon
-					[ c | (_,c) <- bagToList data_con ]))
-    do_decl (TySynonym tycon tyvars monoty src_loc)
-      = newFullNameM3 tycon src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} Nothing
-					`thenRn3` \ (uniq, tycon_name) ->
-	returnRn3 (emptyBag,
-		   unitBag (tycon, TyConName uniq tycon_name (length tyvars) False bottom))
-					-- Flase indicates type tycon
-      where
-	bottom = panic "do_decl: data cons on synonym?"
-    do_data_pragmas exp_flag (DataPragmas con_decls specs)
-      = doConDecls3 True{-invisibles-} exp_flag con_decls
-doConDecls3 :: Bool		    -- True <=> mk invisible FullNames
-	    -> ExportFlag	    -- Export flag of the TyCon; we want
-				    -- to force its use.
-	    -> [ProtoNameConDecl]
-	    -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doConDecls3 _ _ [] = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doConDecls3 want_invisibles exp_flag (cd:cds)
-  = andRn3 unionBags (do_decl cd) (doConDecls3 want_invisibles exp_flag cds)
-  where
-    mk_name = if want_invisibles then newInvisibleNameM3 else newFullNameM3
-    do_decl (ConDecl con tys src_loc)
-      = mk_name con src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} (Just exp_flag) `thenRn3` \ (uniq, con_name) ->
-	returnRn3 (unitBag (con, ValName uniq con_name))
-    do_decl (ConOpDecl ty1 op ty2 src_loc)
-      = mk_name op src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} (Just exp_flag)  `thenRn3` \ (uniq, con_name) ->
-	returnRn3 (unitBag (op, ValName uniq con_name))
-    do_decl (NewConDecl con ty src_loc)
-      = mk_name con src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} (Just exp_flag) `thenRn3` \ (uniq, con_name) ->
-	returnRn3 (unitBag (con, ValName uniq con_name))
-    do_decl (RecConDecl con fields src_loc)
-      = _trace "doConDecls3:RecConDecl:nothing for fields\n" $
-        mk_name con src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} (Just exp_flag) `thenRn3` \ (uniq, con_name) ->
-	returnRn3 (unitBag (con, ValName uniq con_name))
-@doClassDecls3@ uses the `name function' to map local class names into
-original names, calling @doClassOps3@ to do the same for the
-class operations. @doClassDecls3@ is used to process module
-class declarations.
-doClassDecls3 :: [ProtoNameClassDecl] -> Rn3M (BagAssoc, BagAssoc)
-doClassDecls3 [] = returnRn3 (emptyBag, emptyBag)
-doClassDecls3 (cd:cds)
-  = andRn3 combiner (do_decl cd) (doClassDecls3 cds)
-  where
-    combiner (ops1, classes1) (ops2, classes2)
-      = (ops1 `unionBags` ops2, classes1 `unionBags` classes2)
-    do_decl (ClassDecl context cname@(Prel c) tyvar sigs defaults pragmas src_loc)
-      = doClassOps3 c 1 sigs	`thenRn3` \ (_, ops) ->
-	returnRn3 (ops, unitBag (cname, c))
-    do_decl (ClassDecl context cname tyvar sigs defaults pragmas src_loc)
-      = newFullNameM3 cname src_loc True{-tycon-ish-} Nothing
-					`thenRn3` \ (uniq, class_name) ->
-	fixRn3 ( \ ~(clas_ops,_) ->
-	    let
-		class_Name = ClassName uniq class_name
-					[ o | (_,o) <- bagToList clas_ops ]
-	    in
-	    doClassOps3 class_Name 1 sigs   `thenRn3` \ (_, ops) ->
-	    returnRn3 (ops, class_Name)
-	)				`thenRn3` \ (ops, class_Name) ->
-	returnRn3 (ops, unitBag (cname, class_Name))
-We stitch on a class-op tag to each class operation.  They are guaranteed
-to be done in left-to-right order.
-doClassOps3 :: Name{-class-} -> Int -> [ProtoNameSig] -> Rn3M (Int, BagAssoc)
-doClassOps3 clas tag [] = returnRn3 (tag, emptyBag)
-doClassOps3 clas tag (sig:rest)
-  = do_op		  sig	`thenRn3` \ (tag1, bag1) ->
-    doClassOps3 clas tag1 rest	`thenRn3` \ (tagr, bagr) ->
-    returnRn3 (tagr, bag1 `unionBags` bagr)
-  where
-{- LATER: NB: OtherVal is a Name, not a ProtoName
-    do_op (ClassOpSig op@(OtherVal uniq name) ty pragma src_loc)
-      =	-- A classop whose unique is pre-ordained, so the type checker
-	-- can look it up easily
-	let
-	    op_name = ClassOpName uniq clas (snd (getOrigName name)) tag
-	in
-	returnRn3 (tag+1, unitBag (op, op_name))
-    do_op (ClassOpSig op ty pragma src_loc)
-      = newFullNameM3 op src_loc False{-not tyconish-} Nothing `thenRn3` \ (uniq, _) ->
-	let
-	    op_name = ClassOpName uniq clas (get_str op) tag
-	in
-	returnRn3 (tag+1, unitBag (op, op_name))
-      where
-	-- A rather yukky function to get the original name out of a
-	-- class operation.  The "snd (getOrigName ...)" in the other
-	-- ClassOpSig case does the corresponding yukky thing.
-	get_str :: ProtoName -> FAST_STRING
-	get_str (Unk s)       = s
-	get_str (Qunk _ s)    = s
-	get_str (Imp _ d _ _) = d
-Remember, interface signatures don't have user-pragmas, etc., in them.
-doIntSigs3 :: [ProtoNameSig] -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doIntSigs3 [] = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doIntSigs3 (s:ss)
-  = andRn3 unionBags (do_sig s) (doIntSigs3 ss)
-  where
-    do_sig (Sig v ty pragma src_loc)
-      = newFullNameM3 v src_loc False{-distinctly untycon-ish-} Nothing
-					     `thenRn3` \ (uniq, v_fname) ->
-	returnRn3 (unitBag (v, ValName uniq v_fname))
-*							*
-*							*
-doBinds3 :: ProtoNameHsBinds -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doBinds3 EmptyBinds = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doBinds3 (ThenBinds binds1 binds2)
-  = andRn3 unionBags (doBinds3 binds1) (doBinds3 binds2)
-doBinds3 (SingleBind bind)    = doBind3 bind
-doBinds3 (BindWith bind sigs) = doBind3 bind
-doBind3 :: ProtoNameBind -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doBind3 EmptyBind          = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doBind3 (NonRecBind mbind) = doMBinds3 mbind
-doBind3 (RecBind mbind)    = doMBinds3 mbind
-doMBinds3 :: ProtoNameMonoBinds -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doMBinds3 EmptyMonoBinds 			 = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doMBinds3 (PatMonoBind pat grhss_and_binds locn) = doPat3 locn pat
-doMBinds3 (FunMonoBind p_name _ locn) 		 = doTopLevName locn p_name
-doMBinds3 (AndMonoBinds mbinds1 mbinds2)
-  = andRn3 unionBags (doMBinds3 mbinds1) (doMBinds3 mbinds2)
-Fold over a list of patterns:
-doPats3 locn [] = returnRn3 emptyBag
-doPats3 locn (pat:pats)
-  = andRn3 unionBags (doPat3 locn pat) (doPats3 locn pats)
-doPat3 :: SrcLoc -> ProtoNamePat -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doPat3 locn WildPatIn       	= returnRn3 emptyBag
-doPat3 locn (LitPatIn _) 	= returnRn3 emptyBag
-doPat3 locn (LazyPatIn pat) 	= doPat3 locn pat
-doPat3 locn (VarPatIn n) 	= doTopLevName locn n
-doPat3 locn (ListPatIn pats)	= doPats3 locn pats
-doPat3 locn (TuplePatIn pats)	= doPats3 locn pats
-doPat3 locn (AsPatIn p_name pat)
-  = andRn3 unionBags (doTopLevName locn p_name) (doPat3 locn pat)
-doPat3 locn (ConPatIn name pats) = doPats3 locn pats
-doPat3 locn (ConOpPatIn pat1 name pat2)
-  = andRn3 unionBags (doPat3 locn pat1) (doPat3 locn pat2)
-doTopLevName :: SrcLoc -> ProtoName -> Rn3M BagAssoc
-doTopLevName locn pn
-  = newFullNameM3 pn locn False{-un-tycon-ish-}	Nothing `thenRn3` \ (uniq, name) ->
-    returnRn3 (unitBag (pn, ValName uniq name))
-Have to check that export/imports lists aren't too drug-crazed.
-verifyExports :: GlobalNameMapper -> GlobalNameMapper
-	      -> Bag FAST_STRING -- module names that might appear
-				 -- in an export list; includes the
-				 -- name of this module
-	      -> Maybe [IE ProtoName]	-- export list
-	      -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
-verifyExports _ _ _ Nothing{-no export list-} = returnRn3 emptyBag
-verifyExports v_gnf tc_gnf imported_mod_names export_list@(Just exports)
-  = mapRn3 verify exports	`thenRn3` \ errs ->
-    chk_exp_dups  export_list	`thenRn3` \ dup_errs ->
-    returnRn3 (unionManyBags (errs ++ dup_errs))
-  where
-    ok	    	   = returnRn3 emptyBag
-    naughty nm msg = returnRn3 (unitBag (badExportNameErr (_UNPK_ nm) msg))
-    undef_name nm  = naughty nm "is not defined."
-    dup_name (nm:_)= naughty nm "occurs more than once."
-    undef_name :: FAST_STRING -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
-    dup_name :: [FAST_STRING] -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
-    ----------------
-    chk_exp_dups :: Maybe [IE ProtoName] -> Rn3M [Bag Error]
-    chk_exp_dups exports
-      = let
-	    export_strs = [ nm | (nm, _) <- fst (getRawExportees exports) ]
-	    (_, dup_lists) = removeDups cmpByLocalName{-????-} export_strs
-	in
-	mapRn3 dup_name [map getOccurrenceName dl | dl <- dup_lists]
-    ---------------- the more serious checking
-    verify :: IE ProtoName -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
-    verify (IEVar v)
-      = case (v_gnf v) of { Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName v); _ -> ok }
-    verify (IEModuleContents mod)
-      = if not (mod `elemBag` imported_mod_names) then undef_name mod else ok
-    verify (IEThingAbs tc)
-      = case (tc_gnf tc) of
-	  Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
-	  Just nm -> let
-			naughty_tc = naughty (getOccurrenceName tc)
-		     in
-		     case nm of
-		       TyConName _ _ _ False{-syn-} _
-			 -> naughty_tc "must be exported with a `(..)' -- it's a synonym."
-		       ClassName _ _ _
-			 -> naughty_tc "cannot be exported \"abstractly\" (it's a class)."
-		       _ -> ok
-    verify (IEThingAll tc)
-      = case (tc_gnf tc) of
-	  Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
-	  Just nm -> let
-			naughty_tc = naughty (getOccurrenceName tc)
-		     in
-		     case nm of
-		       TyConName _ _ _ True{-data or newtype-} [{-no cons-}]
-			 -> naughty_tc "can't be exported with a `(..)' -- it was imported abstractly."
-		       _ -> ok
-{- OLD:
-    verify (IEConWithCons tc cs)
-      = case (tc_gnf tc) of
-	  Nothing -> undef_name tc
-	  Just nm -> mapRn3 verify (map IEVar cs) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
-		     returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
-		     -- ToDo: turgid checking which we don't care about (WDP 94/10)
-    verify (IEClsWithOps c ms)
-      = case (tc_gnf c) of
-	  Nothing -> undef_name c
-	  Just  _ -> mapRn3 verify (map IEVar ms) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
-		     returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
-		     -- ToDo: turgid checking which we don't care about (WDP 94/10)
-Note: we're not too particular about whether something mentioned in an
-import list is in {\em that} interface... (ToDo? Probably not.)
-verifyImports :: GlobalNameMapper -> GlobalNameMapper
-	      -> [ProtoNameImportedInterface]
-	      -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
-verifyImports v_gnf tc_gnf imports
-  = mapRn3 chk_one (map collect imports) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
-    returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
-  where
-    -- collect: name/locn, import list
-    collect (ImportMod iff qual asmod details)
-      = (iface iff, imp_list, hide_list)
-      where
-	(imp_list, hide_list)
-	  = case details of
-	      Nothing			 -> ([],  [])
-	      Just (True{-hidden-}, ies) -> ([],  ies)
-	      Just (_ {-unhidden-}, ies) -> (ies, [])
-    ------------
-    iface (Interface name _ _ _ _ _ _ locn) = (name, locn)
-    ------------
-    chk_one :: ((FAST_STRING, SrcLoc), [IE ProtoName], [IE ProtoName])
-	    -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
-    chk_one ((mod_name, locn), import_list, hide_list)
-      = mapRn3 verify import_list   `thenRn3` \ errs1 ->
-	chk_imp_dups  import_list   `thenRn3` \ dup_errs ->
-	-- ToDo: we could check the hiding list more carefully
-	chk_imp_dups  hide_list	    `thenRn3` \ dup_errs2 ->
-    	returnRn3 (unionManyBags (errs1 ++ dup_errs ++ dup_errs2))
-      where
-	ok	          = returnRn3 emptyBag
-	naughty nm msg    = returnRn3 (unitBag (badImportNameErr (_UNPK_ mod_name) (_UNPK_ nm) msg locn))
-	undef_name nm     = naughty nm "is not defined."
-	dup_name (nm:_)   = naughty nm "occurs more than once."
-	undef_name :: FAST_STRING -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
-	dup_name :: [FAST_STRING] -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
-	----------------
-	chk_imp_dups imports
-	  = let
-		import_strs = getRawImportees imports
-		(_, dup_lists) = removeDups _CMP_STRING_ import_strs
-	    in
-	    mapRn3 dup_name dup_lists
-	----------------
-	verify :: IE ProtoName -> Rn3M (Bag Error)
-	verify (IEVar v)
-	  = case (v_gnf v) of { Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName v); _ -> ok }
-	verify (IEThingAbs tc)
-	  = case (tc_gnf tc) of
-	      Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
-	      Just nm -> let
-			    naughty_tc = naughty (getOccurrenceName tc)
-		         in
-		         case nm of
-			   TyConName _ _ _ False{-syn-} _
-			     -> naughty_tc "must be imported with a `(..)' -- it's a synonym."
-			   ClassName _ _ _
-			     -> naughty_tc "cannot be imported \"abstractly\" (it's a class)."
-			   _ -> ok
-	verify (IEThingAll tc)
-	  = case (tc_gnf tc) of
-	      Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
-	      Just nm -> let
-			    naughty_tc = naughty (getOccurrenceName tc)
-		         in
-		         case nm of
-			   TyConName _ _ _ True{-data or newtype-} [{-no cons-}]
-			     -> naughty_tc "can't be imported with a `(..)' -- the interface says it's abstract."
-			   _ -> ok
-{- OLD:
-	verify (IEConWithCons tc cs)
-	  = case (tc_gnf tc) of
-	      Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName tc)
-	      Just nm -> mapRn3 verify (map IEVar cs) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
-			 returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
-			 -- One could add a great wad of tedious checking
-			 -- here, but I am too lazy to do so.  WDP 94/10
-	verify (IEClsWithOps c ms)
-	  = case (tc_gnf c) of
-	      Nothing -> undef_name (getOccurrenceName c)
-	      Just  _ -> mapRn3 verify (map IEVar ms) `thenRn3` \ errs ->
-			 returnRn3 (unionManyBags errs)
-			 -- Ditto about tedious checking.  WDP 94/10
-%*									*
-\subsection{Error messages}
-%*									*
-badExportNameErr name whats_wrong
-  = dontAddErrLoc
-	"Error in the export list" ( \ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppChar '`', ppStr name, ppStr "' ", ppStr whats_wrong] )
-badImportNameErr mod name whats_wrong locn
-  = addErrLoc locn
-	("Error in an import list for the module `"++mod++"'") ( \ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ppChar '`', ppStr name, ppStr "' ", ppStr whats_wrong] )
--- dupNamesErr: from RnUtils
-dupPreludeNameErr descriptor (nm, locn)
-  = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
-    ppBesides [ ppStr "A conflict with a Prelude ", ppStr descriptor,
-		ppStr ": ", ppr sty nm ])
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..235e9459385f639e3a4c667d3a3a653ec5327f37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnSource.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1996
+\section[RnSource]{Main pass of renamer}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module RnSource ( rnSource, rnPolyType ) where
+import Ubiq
+import RnLoop		-- *check* the RnPass4/RnExpr4/RnBinds4 loop-breaking
+import HsSyn
+import HsPragmas
+import RdrHsSyn
+import RnHsSyn
+import RnMonad
+import RnBinds		( rnTopBinds, rnMethodBinds )
+import Bag		( bagToList )
+import Class		( derivableClassKeys )
+import ListSetOps	( unionLists, minusList )
+import Name		( RdrName )
+import Maybes		( maybeToBool, catMaybes )
+import Outputable	( isLocallyDefined, isAvarid, getLocalName, ExportFlag(..) )
+import Pretty
+import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
+import Unique		( Unique )
+import UniqFM		( addListToUFM, listToUFM )
+import UniqSet		( UniqSet(..) )
+import Util		( isn'tIn, panic, assertPanic )
+rnExports mods Nothing     = returnRn (\n -> ExportAll)
+rnExports mods (Just exps) = returnRn (\n -> ExportAll)
+rnSource `renames' the source module and export list.
+It simultaneously performs dependency analysis and precedence parsing.
+It also does the following error checks:
+Checks that tyvars are used properly. This includes checking
+for undefined tyvars, and tyvars in contexts that are ambiguous.
+Checks that all variable occurences are defined.
+Checks the (..) etc constraints in the export list.
+rnSource :: [Module]				-- imported modules
+	 -> Bag RenamedFixityDecl		-- fixity info for imported names
+	 -> RdrNameHsModule
+	 -> RnM s (RenamedHsModule,
+		   Name -> ExportFlag,		-- export info
+		   Bag (RnName, RdrName))	-- occurrence info
+rnSource imp_mods imp_fixes (HsModule mod version exports _ fixes
+	                       ty_decls specdata_sigs class_decls
+	                       inst_decls specinst_sigs defaults
+	                       binds _ src_loc)
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    rnExports (mod:imp_mods) exports	`thenRn` \ exported_fn ->
+    rnFixes fixes			`thenRn` \ src_fixes ->
+    let
+	pair_name (InfixL n i) = (n, i)
+	pair_name (InfixR n i) = (n, i)
+	pair_name (InfixN n i) = (n, i)
+	imp_fixes_fm = listToUFM (map pair_name (bagToList imp_fixes))
+	all_fixes_fm = addListToUFM imp_fixes_fm (map pair_name src_fixes)
+    in
+    setExtraRn {-all_fixes_fm-}(panic "rnSource:all_fixes_fm") $
+    mapRn rnTyDecl	ty_decls	`thenRn` \ new_ty_decls ->
+    mapRn rnSpecDataSig specdata_sigs	`thenRn` \ new_specdata_sigs ->
+    mapRn rnClassDecl	class_decls	`thenRn` \ new_class_decls ->
+    mapRn rnInstDecl	inst_decls	`thenRn` \ new_inst_decls ->
+    mapRn rnSpecInstSig specinst_sigs   `thenRn` \ new_specinst_sigs ->
+    rnDefaultDecl	defaults	`thenRn` \ new_defaults ->
+    rnTopBinds binds			`thenRn` \ new_binds ->
+    getOccurrenceUpRn			`thenRn` \ occ_info ->
+    returnRn (
+	      HsModule mod version
+		trashed_exports trashed_imports
+		{-new_fixes-}(panic "rnSource:new_fixes (Hi, Patrick!)")
+		new_ty_decls new_specdata_sigs new_class_decls
+		new_inst_decls new_specinst_sigs new_defaults
+		new_binds [] src_loc,
+	      exported_fn,
+	      occ_info
+	     )
+  where
+    trashed_exports = panic "rnSource:trashed_exports"
+    trashed_imports = panic "rnSource:trashed_imports"
+%*							*
+\subsection{Type declarations}
+%*							*
+@rnTyDecl@ uses the `global name function' to create a new type
+declaration in which local names have been replaced by their original
+names, reporting any unknown names.
+Renaming type variables is a pain. Because they now contain uniques,
+it is necessary to pass in an association list which maps a parsed
+tyvar to its Name representation. In some cases (type signatures of
+values), it is even necessary to go over the type first in order to
+get the set of tyvars used by it, make an assoc list, and then go over
+it again to rename the tyvars! However, we can also do some scoping
+checks at the same time.
+rnTyDecl :: RdrNameTyDecl -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedTyDecl
+rnTyDecl (TyData context tycon tyvars condecls derivings pragmas src_loc)
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    lookupTyCon tycon		       `thenRn` \ tycon' ->
+    mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars     `thenRn` \ (tv_env, tyvars') ->
+    rnContext tv_env context	       `thenRn` \ context' ->
+    rnConDecls tv_env condecls	       `thenRn` \ condecls' ->
+    rn_derivs tycon' src_loc derivings `thenRn` \ derivings' ->
+    ASSERT(isNoDataPragmas pragmas)
+    returnRn (TyData context' tycon' tyvars' condecls' derivings' noDataPragmas src_loc)
+rnTyDecl (TyNew context tycon tyvars condecl derivings pragmas src_loc)
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    lookupTyCon tycon		      `thenRn` \ tycon' ->
+    mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars    `thenRn` \ (tv_env, tyvars') ->
+    rnContext tv_env context	      `thenRn` \ context' ->
+    rnConDecls tv_env condecl	      `thenRn` \ condecl' ->
+    rn_derivs tycon' src_loc derivings `thenRn` \ derivings' ->
+    ASSERT(isNoDataPragmas pragmas)
+    returnRn (TyNew context' tycon' tyvars' condecl' derivings' noDataPragmas src_loc)
+rnTyDecl (TySynonym name tyvars ty src_loc)
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    lookupTyCon name		    `thenRn` \ name' ->
+    mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars  `thenRn` \ (tv_env, tyvars') ->
+    rnMonoType tv_env ty	    `thenRn` \ ty' ->
+    returnRn (TySynonym name' tyvars' ty' src_loc)
+rn_derivs tycon2 locn Nothing -- derivs not specified
+  = returnRn Nothing
+rn_derivs tycon2 locn (Just ds)
+  = mapRn (rn_deriv tycon2 locn) ds `thenRn` \ derivs ->
+    returnRn (Just derivs)
+  where
+    rn_deriv tycon2 locn clas
+      = lookupClass clas	    `thenRn` \ clas_name ->
+	addErrIfRn (uniqueOf clas_name `not_elem` derivableClassKeys)
+		   (derivingNonStdClassErr clas locn)
+				    `thenRn_`
+	returnRn clas_name
+      where
+	not_elem = isn'tIn "rn_deriv"
+@rnConDecls@ uses the `global name function' to create a new
+constructor in which local names have been replaced by their original
+names, reporting any unknown names.
+rnConDecls :: TyVarNamesEnv
+	   -> [RdrNameConDecl]
+	   -> RnM_Fixes s [RenamedConDecl]
+rnConDecls tv_env con_decls
+  = mapRn rn_decl con_decls
+  where
+    rn_decl (ConDecl name tys src_loc)
+      = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+	lookupValue name	`thenRn` \ new_name ->
+	mapRn rn_bang_ty tys	`thenRn` \ new_tys  ->
+	returnRn (ConDecl new_name new_tys src_loc)
+    rn_decl (ConOpDecl ty1 op ty2 src_loc)
+      = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+	lookupValue op		`thenRn` \ new_op  ->
+	rn_bang_ty ty1  	`thenRn` \ new_ty1 ->
+	rn_bang_ty ty2  	`thenRn` \ new_ty2 ->
+	returnRn (ConOpDecl new_ty1 new_op new_ty2 src_loc)
+    rn_decl (NewConDecl name ty src_loc)
+      = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+	lookupValue name	`thenRn` \ new_name ->
+	rn_mono_ty ty		`thenRn` \ new_ty  ->
+	returnRn (NewConDecl new_name new_ty src_loc)
+    rn_decl (RecConDecl con fields src_loc)
+      = panic "rnConDecls:RecConDecl"
+    ----------
+    rn_mono_ty = rnMonoType tv_env
+    rn_bang_ty (Banged ty)
+      = rn_mono_ty ty `thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+	returnRn (Banged new_ty)
+    rn_bang_ty (Unbanged ty)
+      = rn_mono_ty ty `thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+	returnRn (Unbanged new_ty)
+%*							*
+\subsection{SPECIALIZE data pragmas}
+%*							*
+rnSpecDataSig :: RdrNameSpecDataSig
+	      -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedSpecDataSig
+rnSpecDataSig (SpecDataSig tycon ty src_loc)
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    let
+	tyvars = extractMonoTyNames ty
+    in
+    mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars     	`thenRn` \ (tv_env,_) ->
+    lookupTyCon tycon			`thenRn` \ tycon' ->
+    rnMonoType tv_env ty		`thenRn` \ ty' ->
+    returnRn (SpecDataSig tycon' ty' src_loc)
+%*							*
+\subsection{Class declarations}
+%*							*
+@rnClassDecl@ uses the `global name function' to create a new
+class declaration in which local names have been replaced by their
+original names, reporting any unknown names.
+rnClassDecl :: RdrNameClassDecl -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedClassDecl
+rnClassDecl (ClassDecl context cname tyvar sigs mbinds pragmas src_loc)
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc [tyvar]	`thenRn` \ (tv_env, [tyvar']) ->
+    rnContext tv_env context	    	`thenRn` \ context' ->
+    lookupClass cname		    	`thenRn` \ cname' ->
+    mapRn (rn_op cname' tv_env) sigs    `thenRn` \ sigs' ->
+    rnMethodBinds cname' mbinds    	`thenRn` \ mbinds' ->
+    ASSERT(isNoClassPragmas pragmas)
+    returnRn (ClassDecl context' cname' tyvar' sigs' mbinds' NoClassPragmas src_loc)
+  where
+    rn_op clas tv_env (ClassOpSig op ty pragmas locn)
+      = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+	lookupClassOp clas op		`thenRn` \ op_name ->
+	rnPolyType tv_env ty		`thenRn` \ new_ty  ->
+*** Please check here that tyvar' appears in new_ty ***
+*** (used to be in tcClassSig, but it's better here)
+***	    not_elem = isn'tIn "tcClassSigs"
+***	    -- Check that the class type variable is mentioned
+***	checkTc (clas_tyvar `not_elem` extractTyVarTemplatesFromTy local_ty)
+***		(methodTypeLacksTyVarErr clas_tyvar (_UNPK_ op_name) src_loc) `thenTc_`
+	ASSERT(isNoClassOpPragmas pragmas)
+	returnRn (ClassOpSig op_name new_ty noClassOpPragmas locn)
+%*							*
+\subsection{Instance declarations}
+%*							*
+@rnInstDecl@ uses the `global name function' to create a new of
+instance declaration in which local names have been replaced by their
+original names, reporting any unknown names.
+rnInstDecl :: RdrNameInstDecl -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedInstDecl
+rnInstDecl (InstDecl cname ty mbinds from_here modname uprags pragmas src_loc)
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    lookupClass cname 		     	`thenRn` \ cname' ->
+    rnPolyType [] ty			`thenRn` \ ty' ->
+	-- [] tv_env ensures that tyvars will be foralled
+    rnMethodBinds cname' mbinds		`thenRn` \ mbinds' ->
+    mapRn (rn_uprag cname') uprags	`thenRn` \ new_uprags ->
+    ASSERT(isNoInstancePragmas pragmas)
+    returnRn (InstDecl cname' ty' mbinds'
+		       from_here modname new_uprags noInstancePragmas src_loc)
+  where
+    rn_uprag class_name (SpecSig op ty using locn)
+      = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+	lookupClassOp class_name op	`thenRn` \ op_name ->
+	rnPolyType nullTyVarNamesEnv ty	`thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+	rn_using using			`thenRn` \ new_using ->
+	returnRn (SpecSig op_name new_ty new_using locn)
+    rn_uprag class_name (InlineSig op locn)
+      = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+	lookupClassOp class_name op	`thenRn` \ op_name ->
+	returnRn (InlineSig op_name locn)
+    rn_uprag class_name (DeforestSig op locn)
+      = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+	lookupClassOp class_name op	`thenRn` \ op_name ->
+	returnRn (DeforestSig op_name locn)
+    rn_uprag class_name (MagicUnfoldingSig op str locn)
+      = pushSrcLocRn locn $
+	lookupClassOp class_name op	`thenRn` \ op_name ->
+	returnRn (MagicUnfoldingSig op_name str locn)
+    rn_using Nothing 
+      = returnRn Nothing
+    rn_using (Just v)
+      = lookupValue v	`thenRn` \ new_v ->
+	returnRn (Just new_v)
+%*							*
+\subsection{@SPECIALIZE instance@ user-pragmas}
+%*							*
+rnSpecInstSig :: RdrNameSpecInstSig
+	      -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedSpecInstSig
+rnSpecInstSig (SpecInstSig clas ty src_loc)
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    let
+	tyvars = extractMonoTyNames ty
+    in
+    mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars     	`thenRn` \ (tv_env,_) ->
+    lookupClass clas			`thenRn` \ new_clas ->
+    rnMonoType tv_env ty		`thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+    returnRn (SpecInstSig new_clas new_ty src_loc)
+%*							*
+\subsection{Default declarations}
+%*							*
+@rnDefaultDecl@ uses the `global name function' to create a new set
+of default declarations in which local names have been replaced by
+their original names, reporting any unknown names.
+rnDefaultDecl :: [RdrNameDefaultDecl] -> RnM_Fixes s [RenamedDefaultDecl]
+rnDefaultDecl [] = returnRn []
+rnDefaultDecl [DefaultDecl tys src_loc]
+  = pushSrcLocRn src_loc $
+    mapRn (rnMonoType nullTyVarNamesEnv) tys `thenRn` \ tys' ->
+    returnRn [DefaultDecl tys' src_loc]
+rnDefaultDecl defs@(d:ds)
+  = addErrRn (dupDefaultDeclErr defs) `thenRn_`
+    rnDefaultDecl [d]
+%*									*
+\subsection{Fixity declarations}
+%*									*
+rnFixes :: [RdrNameFixityDecl]  -> RnM s [RenamedFixityDecl]
+rnFixes fixities
+  = mapRn rn_fixity fixities	`thenRn` \ fixes_maybe ->
+    returnRn (catMaybes fixes_maybe)
+  where
+    rn_fixity fix@(InfixL name i)
+      = rn_fixity_pieces InfixL name i fix
+    rn_fixity fix@(InfixR name i)
+      = rn_fixity_pieces InfixR name i fix
+    rn_fixity fix@(InfixN name i)
+      = rn_fixity_pieces InfixN name i fix
+    rn_fixity_pieces mk_fixity name i fix
+      = lookupValueMaybe name	`thenRn` \ maybe_res ->
+	case maybe_res of
+	  Just res | isLocallyDefined res
+	    -> returnRn (Just (mk_fixity res i))
+	  _ -> failButContinueRn Nothing (undefinedFixityDeclErr fix)
+%*							*
+\subsection{Support code to rename types}
+%*							*
+rnPolyType :: TyVarNamesEnv
+	   -> RdrNamePolyType
+	   -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedPolyType
+rnPolyType tv_env (HsForAllTy tvs ctxt ty)
+  = rn_poly_help tv_env tvs ctxt ty
+rnPolyType tv_env poly_ty@(HsPreForAllTy ctxt ty)
+  = rn_poly_help tv_env forall_tyvars ctxt ty
+  where
+    mentioned_tyvars = extract_poly_ty_names poly_ty
+    forall_tyvars    = mentioned_tyvars `minusList` domTyVarNamesEnv tv_env
+extract_poly_ty_names (HsPreForAllTy ctxt ty)
+  = extractCtxtTyNames ctxt
+    `unionLists`
+    extractMonoTyNames ty
+rn_poly_help :: TyVarNamesEnv
+	     -> [RdrName]
+	     -> RdrNameContext
+	     -> RdrNameMonoType
+	     -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedPolyType
+rn_poly_help tv_env tyvars ctxt ty
+  = getSrcLocRn 				`thenRn` \ src_loc ->
+    mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars	 	`thenRn` \ (tv_env1, new_tyvars) ->
+    let
+	tv_env2 = catTyVarNamesEnvs tv_env1 tv_env
+    in
+    rnContext tv_env2 ctxt			`thenRn` \ new_ctxt ->
+    rnMonoType tv_env2 ty	`thenRn` \ new_ty ->
+    returnRn (HsForAllTy new_tyvars new_ctxt new_ty)
+rnMonoType :: TyVarNamesEnv
+	   -> RdrNameMonoType
+	   -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedMonoType
+rnMonoType tv_env (MonoTyVar tyvar)
+  = lookupTyVarName tv_env tyvar 	`thenRn` \ tyvar' ->
+    returnRn (MonoTyVar tyvar')
+rnMonoType tv_env (MonoListTy ty)
+  = rnMonoType tv_env ty	`thenRn` \ ty' ->
+    returnRn (MonoListTy ty')
+rnMonoType tv_env (MonoFunTy ty1 ty2)
+  = andRn MonoFunTy (rnMonoType tv_env ty1)
+		    (rnMonoType tv_env ty2)
+rnMonoType  tv_env (MonoTupleTy tys)
+  = mapRn (rnMonoType tv_env) tys `thenRn` \ tys' ->
+    returnRn (MonoTupleTy tys')
+rnMonoType tv_env (MonoTyApp name tys)
+  = let
+	lookup_fn = if isAvarid (getLocalName name) 
+		    then lookupTyVarName tv_env
+  	            else lookupTyCon
+    in
+    lookup_fn name					`thenRn` \ name' ->
+    mapRn (rnMonoType tv_env) tys	`thenRn` \ tys' ->
+    returnRn (MonoTyApp name' tys')
+rnContext :: TyVarNamesEnv -> RdrNameContext -> RnM_Fixes s RenamedContext
+rnContext tv_env ctxt
+  = mapRn rn_ctxt ctxt
+  where
+    rn_ctxt (clas, tyvar)
+     = lookupClass clas	    	    `thenRn` \ clas_name ->
+       lookupTyVarName tv_env tyvar `thenRn` \ tyvar_name ->
+       returnRn (clas_name, tyvar_name)
+derivingNonStdClassErr clas locn sty
+  = ppHang (ppStr "Non-standard class in deriving")
+         4 (ppCat [ppr sty clas, ppr sty locn])
+dupDefaultDeclErr defs sty
+  = ppHang (ppStr "Duplicate default declarations")
+         4 (ppAboves (map pp_def_loc defs))
+  where
+    pp_def_loc (DefaultDecl _ src_loc) = ppr sty src_loc
+undefinedFixityDeclErr decl sty
+  = ppHang (ppStr "Fixity declaration for unknown operator")
+	 4 (ppr sty decl)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
index 1d4e45ba12aa7f75f68818f1427cd5680f3ab1dc..f79e7c47a4804ea9c8e94fbb3aa0fdaeb2bc7708 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/RnUtils.lhs
@@ -7,132 +7,186 @@
 #include "HsVersions.h"
 module RnUtils (
-	mkGlobalNameFun, mkNameFun,
-	GlobalNameMapper(..),  GlobalNameMappers(..),
-	PreludeNameMapper(..), PreludeNameMappers(..),
-	dupNamesErr -- used in various places
+	RnEnv(..), QualNames(..),
+	UnqualNames(..), ScopeStack(..),
+	emptyRnEnv, extendGlobalRnEnv, extendLocalRnEnv,
+	lookupRnEnv, lookupTcRnEnv,
+	unknownNameErr,
+	badClassOpErr,
+	qualNameErr,
+	dupNamesErr,
+	shadowedNameWarn,
+	multipleOccWarn,
+	-- ToDo: nuke/move? WDP 96/04/05
+	GlobalNameMapper(..),  GlobalNameMappers(..)
     ) where
-import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Ubiq
-import Bag		( bagToList, Bag )
-import FiniteMap	( lookupFM, listToFM )
-import Name		( Name{-instances-} )
-import Outputable	( pprNonOp )
+import Bag		( Bag, emptyBag, snocBag, unionBags )
+import ErrUtils		( addShortErrLocLine, addErrLoc )
+import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM, isEmptyFM,
+			  lookupFM, addListToFM, addToFM )
+import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
+import Name		( RdrName(..), isQual )
+import Outputable	( pprNonOp, getLocalName )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
-import ProtoName	( ProtoName(..) )
-import Util		( cmpPString, removeDups, pprPanic, panic )
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName )
+import Util		( assertPanic )
-type GlobalNameMapper  = ProtoName -> Maybe Name
+type GlobalNameMapper  = RnName -> Maybe Name
 type GlobalNameMappers = (GlobalNameMapper, GlobalNameMapper)
-type PreludeNameMapper = FAST_STRING -> Maybe Name
-type PreludeNameMappers = (PreludeNameMapper,		-- Values
-			PreludeNameMapper		-- Types and classes
-		       )
-mkGlobalNameFun :: FAST_STRING		-- The module name
-		-> PreludeNameMapper 	-- The prelude things
-		-> [(ProtoName, Name)]	-- The local and imported things
-		-> GlobalNameMapper	-- The global name function
+*							*
+\subsection{RnEnv: renaming environment}
+*							*
-mkGlobalNameFun this_module prel_nf alist
-  = the_fun
-  where
-    the_fun (Prel n)	  = Just n
-    the_fun (Unk s) 	  = case (unk_fun s) of
-			      Just n  -> Just n
-			      Nothing -> prel_nf s
-    the_fun (Imp m d _ _) = imp_fun (d, m) -- NB: module-name 2nd!
-    -- Things in the domain of the prelude function shouldn't be put
-    -- in the unk_fun; because the prel_nf will catch them.
-    -- This can arise if, for example, an interface gives a signature
-    -- for a prelude thing.
-    --
-    -- Neither should they be in the domain of the imp_fun, because
-    -- prelude things will have been converted to Prel x rather than
-    -- Imp p q r s.
-    --
-    -- So we strip out prelude things from the alist; this is not just
-    -- desirable, it's essential because get_orig and get_local don't handle
-    -- prelude things.
-    non_prel_alist = filter non_prel alist
-    non_prel (Prel _, _) = False
-    non_prel other       = True
-    -- unk_fun looks up local names (just strings),
-    -- imp_fun looks up original names: (string,string) pairs
-    unk_fun = lookupFM (listToFM [(get_local pn,n) | (pn,n) <- non_prel_alist])
-    imp_fun = lookupFM (listToFM [(get_orig  pn,n) | (pn,n) <- non_prel_alist])
-		-- the lists *are* sorted by *some* ordering (by local
-		-- names), but not generally, and not in some way we
-		-- are going to rely on.
-    get_local :: ProtoName -> FAST_STRING
-    get_local (Unk s)       = s
-    get_local (Imp _ _ _ l) = l
-    get_local (Prel n)	    = pprPanic "get_local: " (ppr PprShowAll n)
-    get_orig :: ProtoName -> (FAST_STRING, FAST_STRING) -- **NB**! module-name 2nd!
-    get_orig (Unk s)       = (s, this_module)
-    get_orig (Imp m d _ _) = (d, m)
-    get_orig (Prel n)	    = pprPanic "get_orig: " (ppr PprShowAll n)
+Seperate FiniteMaps are kept for lookup up Qual names,
+Unqual names and Local names.
+type RnEnv = ((QualNames, UnqualNames, QualNames, UnqualNames), ScopeStack)
+type QualNames    = FiniteMap (FAST_STRING,Module) RnName
+type UnqualNames  = FiniteMap FAST_STRING RnName
+type ScopeStack   = FiniteMap FAST_STRING RnName
+emptyRnEnv  	  :: RnEnv
+extendGlobalRnEnv :: RnEnv -> [(RdrName,RnName)] -> [(RdrName,RnName)]
+		  -> (RnEnv, Bag (RdrName, RnName, RnName))
+extendLocalRnEnv  :: Bool -> RnEnv -> [RnName] -> (RnEnv, [RnName])
+lookupRnEnv 	  :: RnEnv -> RdrName -> Maybe RnName
+lookupTcRnEnv 	  :: RnEnv -> RdrName -> Maybe RnName
+If the @RdrName@ is a @Qual@, @lookupValue@ looks it up in the global
+value QualNames.  If it is @Unqual@, it looks it up first in the
+ScopeStack, and if it isn't found there, then in the global
+vaule Unqual Names.
-@mkNameFun@ builds a function from @ProtoName@s to things, where a
-``thing'' is either a @ProtoName@ (in the case of values), or a
-@(ProtoName, ProtoName -> ProtoName)@ pair in the case of types and
-classes.  It takes:
+@lookupTcRnEnv@ looks up tycons/classes in the alternative global
+name space.
-\item	The name of the interface
-\item	A bag of new string-to-thing bindings to add,
+@extendGlobalRnEnv@ adds global names to the RnEnv. It takes seperate
+value and tycon/class name lists. It returns any duplicate names
-\item	An extractor function, to get a @ProtoName@ out of a thing,
-	for use in error messages.
-The function it returns only expects to see @Unk@ things.
+@extendRnEnv@ adds new local names to the ScopeStack in an RnEnv.
+It optionally reports any shadowed names.
-@mkNameFun@ checks for clashes in the domain of the new bindings.
+  = ((emptyFM, emptyFM, emptyFM, emptyFM), emptyFM)
-ToDo: it should check for clashes with the prelude bindings too.
-mkNameFun :: Bag (FAST_STRING, thing)	    -- Value bindings
-	  -> (FAST_STRING -> Maybe thing,   -- The function to use
-	      [[(FAST_STRING,thing)]])	    -- Duplicates, if any
-mkNameFun the_bag
-  = case (removeDups cmp (bagToList the_bag)) of { (no_dup_list, dups) ->
-    case (lookupFM (listToFM no_dup_list))    of { the_fun ->
-    (the_fun, dups) }}
+extendGlobalRnEnv ((qual, unqual, tc_qual, tc_unqual), stack) val_list tc_list
+  = ASSERT(isEmptyFM stack)
+    (((qual', unqual', tc_qual, tc_unqual), stack), tc_dups `unionBags` dups)
-    cmp :: (FAST_STRING, a) -> (FAST_STRING, a) -> TAG_
+    (qual', unqual', dups)          = extend_global qual unqual val_list
+    (tc_qual', tc_unqual', tc_dups) = extend_global tc_qual tc_unqual tc_list
+    extend_global qual unqual rdr_list = (qual', unqual', dups)
+      where
+	(qual_list, unqual_list) = partition (isQual.fst) rdr_list
+	qual_in   = map mk_qual qual_list
+	unqual_in = map mk_unqual unqual_list
+	mk_qual   (Qual m s, rn) = ((s,m), rn)
+	mk_unqual (Unqual s, rn) = (s, rn)
+	(qual', qual_dups)     = do_dups qual_in qual emptyBag (\ (s,m) -> Qual m s)
+	(unqual', unqual_dups) = do_dups unqual_in unqual emptyBag Unqual
-    cmp (s1,_) (s2,_) = _CMP_STRING_ s1 s2
+	dups = unqual_dups `unionBags` qual_dups
+	do_dups [] fm dups to_rdr = (fm, dups)
+	do_dups ((k,v):rest) fm dups to_rdr
+          = case lookupFM fm k of
+	      Nothing  -> do_dups rest (addToFM fm k v) dups to_rdr
+	      Just cur -> do_dups rest fm (dups `snocBag` (to_rdr k, cur, v)) to_rdr
+extendLocalRnEnv report_shadows (global, stack) new_local
+  = ((global, new_stack), dups)
+  where
+    (new_stack, dups) = extend new_local stack
+    extend names stack
+      = if report_shadows then
+	    do_shadows names stack []
+	else
+	    (addListToFM stack [ (getLocalName n, n) | n <- names], []) 
+    do_shadows [] stack dups = (stack, dups)
+    do_shadows (name:names) stack dups
+      = do_shadows names (addToFM stack str name) ext_dups
+      where
+	str = getLocalName name
+	ext_dups = if maybeToBool (lookupFM stack str)
+		   then name:dups
+		   else dups
+lookupRnEnv ((qual, unqual, _, _), stack) rdr
+  = case rdr of 
+      Unqual str   -> lookup stack str (lookup unqual str Nothing)
+      Qual mod str -> lookup qual (str,mod) Nothing
+  where
+    lookup fm thing do_on_fail
+      = case lookupFM fm thing of
+	    found@(Just name) -> found
+	    Nothing   	      -> do_on_fail
+lookupTcRnEnv ((_, _, tc_qual, tc_unqual), _) rdr
+  = case rdr of 
+      Unqual str   -> lookupFM tc_unqual str
+      Qual mod str -> lookupFM tc_qual (str,mod)
+*							*
+\subsection{Errors used in RnMonad}
+*							*
-dupNamesErr descriptor ((first_pname,locn1) : dup_things) sty
-  = ppAboves (first_item : map dup_item dup_things)
+unknownNameErr descriptor name locn
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppStr "undefined ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ", pprNonOp sty name] )
+badClassOpErr clas op locn
+  = addErrLoc locn "" ( \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppChar '`', pprNonOp sty op, ppStr "' is not an operation of class `",
+	      ppr sty clas, ppStr "'"] )
+qualNameErr descriptor (name,locn)
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppStr "invalid use of qualified ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ", pprNonOp sty name ] )
+dupNamesErr descriptor ((name1,locn1) : dup_things) sty
+  = ppAboves (item1 : map dup_item dup_things)
-    first_item
+    item1
       = ppBesides [ ppr PprForUser locn1,
 	    ppStr ": multiple declarations of a ", ppStr descriptor, ppStr ": ",
-	    pprNonOp sty first_pname ]
+	    pprNonOp sty name1 ]
-    dup_item (pname, locn)
+    dup_item (name, locn)
       = ppBesides [ ppr PprForUser locn,
-	    ppStr ": here was another declaration of `", pprNonOp sty pname, ppStr "'" ]
+	    ppStr ": here was another declaration of `", pprNonOp sty name, ppStr "'" ]
+shadowedNameWarn locn shadow
+  = addShortErrLocLine locn ( \ sty ->
+    ppBesides [ppStr "more than one value with the same name (shadowing): ", ppr sty shadow] )
+multipleOccWarn (name, occs) sty
+  = ppBesides [ppStr "multiple names used to refer to `", ppr sty name, ppStr "': ",
+	       ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr sty) occs)]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs
index b61deb36a4bded450222fa2af6e7bc140dcd7f8f..1b6b20c0b17a12b82653e2f14fe7dda6a72c5afd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SATMonad.lhs
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ newSATName id ty us env
   = case (getUnique us) of { unique ->
     (mkSysLocal new_str unique ty mkUnknownSrcLoc, env) }
-    new_str = getOccurrenceName id _APPEND_ SLIT("_sat")
+    new_str = panic "SATMonad.newSATName (ToDo)" -- getOccName id _APPEND_ SLIT("_sat")
 getArgLists :: CoreExpr -> ([Arg Type],[Arg Id])
 getArgLists expr
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ saTransform binder rhs
 	    -- A better fix is to use binder directly but with the TopLevel
 	    -- tag (or Exported tag) modified.
 	    fake_binder = mkSysLocal
-			    (getOccurrenceName binder _APPEND_ SLIT("_fsat"))
+			    (getOccName binder _APPEND_ SLIT("_fsat"))
 			    (getItsUnique binder)
 			    (idType binder)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
index ee87e0ae919466000cb3a4d63487d5bd8c9266cb..f2d0fe60f560ad5b7d1a79b73dee3241aaefffca 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/SimplEnv.lhs
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ import Id		( idType, getIdUnfolding, getIdStrictness,
 			  IdEnv(..), IdSet(..), GenId )
 import IdInfo		( StrictnessInfo )
 import Literal		( isNoRepLit, Literal{-instances-} )
-import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instances-} )
+import Outputable	( isLocallyDefined, Outputable(..){-instances-} )
 import PprCore		-- various instances
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
index 962b6d008929ce21df3284b588ad390a91b50cc7..3bbb88af2bbc6916bf05a617343d73619fab7f6f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplCore/Simplify.lhs
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Id		( idType, idWantsToBeINLINEd,
 import IdInfo		( willBeDemanded, DemandInfo )
 import Literal		( isNoRepLit )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
+import Outputable	( isLocallyDefined )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType{-instance Outputable-} )
 import PrelInfo		( realWorldStateTy )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
index 7ecb01c779f5d6cd8421556a18433491df182c76..51ea249d605943df5212783624f026a8784f4465 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.lhs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import StgSyn
 import StgUtils
 import LambdaLift	( liftProgram )
+import Outputable	( isLocallyDefined )
 import SCCfinal		( stgMassageForProfiling )
 import SatStgRhs	( satStgRhs )
 import StgLint		( lintStgBindings )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs
index c43d816601ec8fa664cc1679eb18d2e4b8a4f91f..097251a2cbfb0a9837daa9d640ae7b5e35363fb4 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/simplStg/StgVarInfo.lhs
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Id		( emptyIdSet, mkIdSet, minusIdSet,
 			  GenId{-instance Eq-}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
+import Outputable	( isLocallyDefined )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( GenType{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Util		( panic, pprPanic, assertPanic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
index c360e6104cb170eb691be55c89543527d0a7b134..e1aa07065abc7b2266d501a67130f749c7963f05 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/SpecUtils.lhs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ import Id		( idType, isDictFunId, isConstMethodId_maybe,
 			  GenId {-instance NamedThing -}
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, catMaybes, firstJust )
-import Outputable	( isAvarop, pprNonOp )
+import Outputable	( isAvarop, pprNonOp, getOrigName )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( pprGenType, pprParendGenType, pprMaybeTy,
 			  TyCon{-ditto-}, GenType{-ditto-}, GenTyVar
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
index 42cd011a2f6d1d9929ea8a010ac3889e16fdf4cf..18d1d078e5351d1575a07ecc64021c57c1f491ab 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/specialise/Specialise.lhs
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import Id		( idType, isDefaultMethodId_maybe, toplevelishId,
 import Literal		( Literal{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes, firstJust, maybeToBool )
-import Outputable	( interppSP, Outputable(..){-instance * []-} )
+import Outputable	( interppSP, isLocallyDefined, Outputable(..){-instance * []-} )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import PprType		( pprGenType, pprParendGenType, pprMaybeTy,
 			  GenType{-instance Outputable-}, GenTyVar{-ditto-},
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
index 74abea7f12a45059450797fc5c9518d2a80caea8..8d1ccfa5ec07253e9761967c9eb6af79355c7376 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.lhs
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ import Id		( idType, isDataCon,
 import Literal		( literalType, Literal{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
-import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instance * []-} )
+import Outputable	( Outputable(..){-instance * []-},
+			  isLocallyDefined, getSrcLoc
+			)
 import PprType		( GenType{-instance Outputable-}, TyCon )
 import Pretty		-- quite a bit of it
 import PrimOp		( primOpType )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
index e4a95844b28db6278d8ce2d359a3af471085e23b..71d7651383022e017ec8991f5b95fab3e3ae07ee 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Inst.lhs
@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ import Bag	( emptyBag, unitBag, unionBags, unionManyBags, listToBag, consBag )
 import Class	( Class(..), GenClass, ClassInstEnv(..), getClassInstEnv )
 import Id	( GenId, idType, mkInstId )
 import MatchEnv	( lookupMEnv, insertMEnv )
-import Name	( Name )
-import NameTypes( ShortName, mkShortName )
+import Name	( mkLocalName, Name )
 import Outputable
 import PprType	( GenClass, TyCon, GenType, GenTyVar )	
 import PprStyle	( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
+import RnHsSyn	( RnName{-instance NamedThing-} )
 import SpecEnv	( SpecEnv(..) )
 import SrcLoc	( SrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import Type	( GenType, eqSimpleTy,
@@ -226,14 +226,14 @@ newOverloadedLit orig lit ty
 instToId :: Inst s -> TcIdOcc s
-instToId (Dict uniq clas ty orig loc)
-  = TcId (mkInstId uniq (mkDictTy clas ty) (mkShortName SLIT("dict") loc))
-instToId (Method uniq id tys rho_ty orig loc)
-  = TcId (mkInstId uniq tau_ty (mkShortName (getOccurrenceName id) loc))
+instToId (Dict u clas ty orig loc)
+  = TcId (mkInstId u (mkDictTy clas ty) (mkLocalName u SLIT("dict") loc))
+instToId (Method u id tys rho_ty orig loc)
+  = TcId (mkInstId u tau_ty (mkLocalName u (getLocalName id) loc))
     (_, tau_ty) = splitRhoTy rho_ty	-- NB The method Id has just the tau type
-instToId (LitInst uniq list ty orig loc)
-  = TcId (mkInstId uniq ty (mkShortName SLIT("lit") loc))
+instToId (LitInst u list ty orig loc)
+  = TcId (mkInstId u ty (mkLocalName u SLIT("lit") loc))
@@ -252,18 +252,18 @@ need, and it's a lot of extra work.
 zonkInst :: Inst s -> NF_TcM s (Inst s)
-zonkInst (Dict uniq clas ty orig loc)
+zonkInst (Dict u clas ty orig loc)
   = zonkTcType	ty			`thenNF_Tc` \ new_ty ->
-    returnNF_Tc (Dict uniq clas new_ty orig loc)
+    returnNF_Tc (Dict u clas new_ty orig loc)
-zonkInst (Method uniq id tys rho orig loc) 		-- Doesn't zonk the id!
+zonkInst (Method u id tys rho orig loc) 		-- Doesn't zonk the id!
   = mapNF_Tc zonkTcType tys		`thenNF_Tc` \ new_tys ->
     zonkTcType rho			`thenNF_Tc` \ new_rho ->
-    returnNF_Tc (Method uniq id new_tys new_rho orig loc)
+    returnNF_Tc (Method u id new_tys new_rho orig loc)
-zonkInst (LitInst uniq lit ty orig loc)
+zonkInst (LitInst u lit ty orig loc)
   = zonkTcType ty			`thenNF_Tc` \ new_ty ->
-    returnNF_Tc (LitInst uniq lit new_ty orig loc)
+    returnNF_Tc (LitInst u lit new_ty orig loc)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
index 912a415554664e3b4082b221dd61085a5e599a46..16e80698b43fdb00dd6f5bfbff23561d7395bf4d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcBinds.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ import HsSyn		( HsBinds(..), Bind(..), Sig(..), MonoBinds(..),
 			  GRHSsAndBinds, ArithSeqInfo, HsLit, Fake,
 			  collectBinders )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsBinds(..), RenamedBind(..), RenamedSig(..), 
-			  RenamedMonoBinds(..) )
+			  RenamedMonoBinds(..), RnName(..)
+			)
 import TcHsSyn		( TcHsBinds(..), TcBind(..), TcMonoBinds(..),
 			  TcIdOcc(..), TcIdBndr(..) )
@@ -34,11 +35,11 @@ import Unify		( unifyTauTy )
 import Kind		( mkBoxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind )
 import Id		( GenId, idType, mkUserId )
 import IdInfo		( noIdInfo )
-import Name		( Name )	-- instances
 import Maybes		( assocMaybe, catMaybes, Maybe(..) )
 import Outputable	( pprNonOp )
 import PragmaInfo	( PragmaInfo(..) )
 import Pretty
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName )	-- instances
 import Type		( mkTyVarTy, mkTyVarTys, isTyVarTy,
 			  mkSigmaTy, splitSigmaTy,
 			  splitRhoTy, mkForAllTy, splitForAllTy )
@@ -177,8 +178,12 @@ tcBindAndThen combiner bind sigs do_next
     binder_names = collectBinders bind
-tcBindAndSigs binder_names bind sigs prag_info_fn
-  = recoverTc (
+tcBindAndSigs binder_rn_names bind sigs prag_info_fn
+  = let
+	binder_names = map de_rn binder_rn_names
+	de_rn (RnName n) = n
+    in
+    recoverTc (
 	-- If typechecking the binds fails, then return with each
 	-- binder given type (forall a.a), to minimise subsequent
 	-- error messages
@@ -193,7 +198,7 @@ tcBindAndSigs binder_names bind sigs prag_info_fn
 	-- Create a new identifier for each binder, with each being given
 	-- a type-variable type.
-    newMonoIds binder_names kind (\ mono_ids ->
+    newMonoIds binder_rn_names kind (\ mono_ids ->
 	    tcTySigs sigs		`thenTc` \ sig_info ->
 	    tc_bind bind		`thenTc` \ (bind', lie) ->
 	    returnTc (mono_ids, bind', lie, sig_info)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
index e5cb1f3372044e599cbdc38040e9d525615fe1ba..ea8e4773c2023f842c346a637197cc315ad1eeb1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassDcl.lhs
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ import HsSyn		( ClassDecl(..), HsBinds(..), Bind(..), MonoBinds(..),
 import HsPragmas	( ClassPragmas(..) )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedClassDecl(..), RenamedClassPragmas(..),
 			  RenamedClassOpSig(..), RenamedMonoBinds(..),
-			  RenamedGenPragmas(..), RenamedContext(..) )
+			  RenamedGenPragmas(..), RenamedContext(..),
+			  RnName{-instance Uniquable-}
+			)
 import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc(..), TcHsBinds(..), TcMonoBinds(..), TcExpr(..),
 			  mkHsTyApp, mkHsTyLam, mkHsDictApp, mkHsDictLam, unZonkId )
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ import CoreUtils	( escErrorMsg )
 import Id		( mkSuperDictSelId, mkMethodSelId, mkDefaultMethodId,
 			  idType )
 import IdInfo		( noIdInfo )
-import Name		( Name, getNameFullName, getTagFromClassOpName )
+import Outputable	( isLocallyDefined, getOrigName, getLocalName )
 import PrelVals		( pAT_ERROR_ID )
 import PprStyle
 import Pretty
@@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ tcClassDecl1 rec_inst_mapper
     tcGetUnique			`thenNF_Tc` \ uniq ->
 	(ops, op_sel_ids, defm_ids) = unzip3 sig_stuff
-	clas = mkClass uniq (getNameFullName class_name) rec_tyvar
+	clas = mkClass uniq (getName class_name) rec_tyvar
 		       scs sc_sel_ids ops op_sel_ids defm_ids
@@ -174,8 +176,8 @@ tcClassSig rec_clas rec_clas_tyvar rec_classop_spec_fn
 	full_theta  = (rec_clas, mkTyVarTy rec_clas_tyvar) : theta
 	global_ty   = mkSigmaTy full_tyvars full_theta tau
 	local_ty    = mkSigmaTy tyvars theta tau
-	class_op    = mkClassOp (getOccurrenceName op_name)
-				(getTagFromClassOpName op_name)
+	class_op    = mkClassOp (getLocalName op_name)
+				(panic "(getTagFromClassOpName op_name)TcClassDecl"{-(getTagFromClassOpName op_name)-})
@@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ tcClassSig rec_clas rec_clas_tyvar rec_classop_spec_fn
 	-- Build the selector id and default method id
     tcGetUnique					`thenNF_Tc` \ d_uniq ->
-	op_uniq = getItsUnique op_name
+	op_uniq = uniqueOf op_name
 	sel_id  = mkMethodSelId     op_uniq rec_clas class_op global_ty op_info
 	defm_id = mkDefaultMethodId d_uniq  rec_clas class_op False global_ty defm_info
 			-- ToDo: improve the "False"
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassSig.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassSig.lhs
index 999bc0d58046a478c5b7e1903fb3c957bb2eb4d3..048b9e24b8dc7bce4784f4194768fd184d65d0ca 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassSig.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcClassSig.lhs
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Util
 tcClassSigs :: E -> TVE -> Class    	-- Knot tying only!
 	    -> (ClassOp -> SpecEnv)	-- Ditto; the spec info for the class ops
 	    -> TyVarTemplate	 	-- The class type variable, used for error check only
-	    -> [Name]			-- Names with default methods
+	    -> [RnName]			-- Names with default methods
 	    -> [RenamedClassOpSig]
 	    -> Baby_TcM ([ClassOp],	-- class ops
 			 GVE,		-- env for looking up the class ops
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
index 06e15fceabdc9ae59e3bc4aa7ced9641c45d76c4..8d3aad6b83ab72ad45660ec55b8bf3d1514d95ce 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcDeriv.lhs
@@ -25,26 +25,25 @@ import TcMonad
 import Inst		( InstOrigin(..), InstanceMapper(..) )
 import TcEnv		( getEnv_TyCons )
 import TcKind		( TcKind )
-import TcGenDeriv	-- Deriv stuff
+--import TcGenDeriv	-- Deriv stuff
 import TcInstUtil	( InstInfo(..), mkInstanceRelatedIds, buildInstanceEnvs )
 import TcSimplify	( tcSimplifyThetas )
-import RnMonad4
+--import RnMonad4
 import RnUtils		( GlobalNameMappers(..), GlobalNameMapper(..) )
-import RnBinds4		( rnMethodBinds, rnTopBinds )
+--import RnBinds4		( rnMethodBinds, rnTopBinds )
 import Bag		( Bag, isEmptyBag, unionBags, listToBag )
 import Class		( GenClass, getClassKey )
-import ErrUtils		( pprBagOfErrors, addErrLoc )
+import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingPrelude )
+import ErrUtils		( pprBagOfErrors, addErrLoc, Error(..) )
 import Id		( dataConSig, dataConArity )
 import Maybes		( assocMaybe, maybeToBool, Maybe(..) )
-import Name		( Name(..) )
-import NameTypes	( mkPreludeCoreName, Provenance(..) )
+--import Name		( Name(..) )
 import Outputable
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar, GenClass, TyCon )
 import PprStyle
 import Pretty
-import ProtoName	( eqProtoName, ProtoName(..), Name )
 import SrcLoc		( mkGeneratedSrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc, SrcLoc )
 import TyCon		( tyConTyVars, tyConDataCons, tyConDerivings,
 			  maybeTyConSingleCon, isEnumerationTyCon, TyCon )
@@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ type DerivSoln = DerivRhs
-tcDeriving  :: FAST_STRING		-- name of module under scrutiny
+tcDeriving  :: Module			-- name of module under scrutiny
 	    -> GlobalNameMappers	-- for "renaming" bits of generated code
 	    -> Bag InstInfo		-- What we already know about instances
 	    -> [RenamedFixityDecl]	-- Fixity info; used by Read and Show
@@ -164,6 +163,8 @@ tcDeriving  :: FAST_STRING		-- name of module under scrutiny
 		      RenamedHsBinds,	-- Extra generated bindings
 		      PprStyle -> Pretty)  -- Printable derived instance decls;
 				     	   -- for debugging via -ddump-derivings.
+tcDeriving = panic "tcDeriving: ToDo LATER"
+{- LATER:
 tcDeriving modname renamer_name_funs inst_decl_infos_in fixities
   =	-- Fish the "deriving"-related information out of the TcEnv
@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ tcDeriving modname renamer_name_funs inst_decl_infos_in fixities
 	-- Take the equation list and solve it, to deliver a list of
 	-- solutions, a.k.a. the contexts for the instance decls
 	-- required for the corresponding equations.
-    solveDerivEqns modname inst_decl_infos_in eqns
+    solveDerivEqns inst_decl_infos_in eqns
 			    	`thenTc` \ new_inst_infos ->
 	-- Now augment the InstInfos, adding in the rather boring
@@ -205,13 +206,15 @@ tcDeriving modname renamer_name_funs inst_decl_infos_in fixities
     gen_tag_n_con_binds deriver_name_funs nm_alist_etc `thenTc` \ extra_binds ->
-    mapTc (gen_inst_info modname fixities deriver_name_funs) new_inst_infos
+    mapTc (gen_inst_info maybe_mod fixities deriver_name_funs) new_inst_infos
 						  `thenTc` \ really_new_inst_infos ->
     returnTc (listToBag really_new_inst_infos,
 	      ddump_deriving really_new_inst_infos extra_binds)
+    maybe_mod = if opt_CompilingPrelude then Nothing else Just mod_name
     ddump_deriving :: [InstInfo] -> RenamedHsBinds -> (PprStyle -> Pretty)
     ddump_deriving inst_infos extra_binds sty
@@ -340,13 +343,12 @@ ordered by sorting on type varible, tv, (major key) and then class, k,
-solveDerivEqns :: FAST_STRING
-	       -> Bag InstInfo
+solveDerivEqns :: Bag InstInfo
 	       -> [DerivEqn]
 	       -> TcM s [InstInfo]	-- Solns in same order as eqns.
 				  	-- This bunch is Absolutely minimal...
-solveDerivEqns modname inst_decl_infos_in orig_eqns
+solveDerivEqns inst_decl_infos_in orig_eqns
   = iterateDeriv initial_solutions
 	-- The initial solutions for the equations claim that each
@@ -365,7 +367,7 @@ solveDerivEqns modname inst_decl_infos_in orig_eqns
       =	    -- Extend the inst info from the explicit instance decls
 	    -- with the current set of solutions, giving a
-	add_solns modname inst_decl_infos_in orig_eqns current_solns
+	add_solns inst_decl_infos_in orig_eqns current_solns
 				`thenTc` \ (new_inst_infos, inst_mapper) ->
 	    -- Simplify each RHS, using a DerivingOrigin containing an
@@ -412,7 +414,7 @@ add_solns :: FAST_STRING
     -- the eqns and solns move "in lockstep"; we have the eqns
     -- because we need the LHS info for addClassInstance.
-add_solns modname inst_infos_in eqns solns
+add_solns inst_infos_in eqns solns
   = buildInstanceEnvs all_inst_infos `thenTc` \ inst_mapper ->
     returnTc (new_inst_infos, inst_mapper)
@@ -506,7 +508,7 @@ the renamer.  What a great hack!
-gen_inst_info :: FAST_STRING		-- Module name
+gen_inst_info :: Maybe Module		-- Module name; Nothing => Prelude
 	      -> [RenamedFixityDecl]	-- all known fixities;
 					-- may be needed for Text
 	      -> GlobalNameMappers		-- lookup stuff for names we may use
@@ -579,7 +581,7 @@ maxtag_Foo  :: Int		-- ditto (NB: not unboxed)
 gen_tag_n_con_binds :: GlobalNameMappers
-		    -> [(ProtoName, Name, TyCon, TagThingWanted)]
+		    -> [(RdrName, RnName, TyCon, TagThingWanted)]
 		    -> TcM s RenamedHsBinds
 gen_tag_n_con_binds deriver_name_funs nm_alist_etc
@@ -624,7 +626,7 @@ If we have a @tag2con@ function, we also generate a @maxtag@ constant.
 gen_taggery_Names :: [DerivEqn]
-		  -> TcM s [(ProtoName, Name,	-- for an assoc list
+		  -> TcM s [(RdrName, RnName,	-- for an assoc list
 		  	     TyCon,		-- related tycon
@@ -673,13 +675,14 @@ gen_taggery_Names eqns
-derivingEnumErr :: TyCon -> TcError
+derivingEnumErr :: TyCon -> Error
 derivingEnumErr tycon
   = addErrLoc (getSrcLoc tycon) "Can't derive an instance of `Enum'" ( \ sty ->
     ppBesides [ppStr "type `", ppr sty tycon, ppStr "'"] )
-derivingIxErr :: TyCon -> TcError
+derivingIxErr :: TyCon -> Error
 derivingIxErr tycon
   = addErrLoc (getSrcLoc tycon) "Can't derive an instance of `Ix'" ( \ sty ->
     ppBesides [ppStr "type `", ppr sty tycon, ppStr "'"] )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
index 8ca00347863390a8509709297fd7549f3818fd6e..98800bdee697c9db641456e190aa1c63cde148b6 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcEnv.lhs
@@ -36,13 +36,15 @@ import Class	( Class(..), GenClass, getClassSig )
 import TcMonad
-import Name	( Name(..), getNameShortName )
+import Name		( Name{-instance NamedThing-} )
+import Outputable 	( getOccName, getSrcLoc )
 import PprStyle
 import Pretty
-import Type	( splitForAllTy )
-import Unique	( Unique )
-import UniqFM
-import Util	( zipWithEqual, zipWith3Equal, zipLazy, panic, pprPanic )
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName(..) )
+import Type		( splitForAllTy )
+import Unique		( Unique )
+import UniqFM	     
+import Util		( zipWithEqual, zipWith3Equal, zipLazy, panic, pprPanic )
 Data type declarations
@@ -75,10 +77,10 @@ Making new TcTyVars, with knot tying!
-	:: [Name]			-- Names of some type variables
+	:: [Name]		-- Names of some type variables
 	-> [TcKind s]
-	-> ([TyVar] -> TcM s a)		-- Thing to type check in their scope
-	-> TcM s a			-- Result
+	-> ([TyVar] -> TcM s a)	-- Thing to type check in their scope
+	-> TcM s a		-- Result
 tcTyVarScopeGivenKinds names kinds thing_inside
   = fixTc (\ ~(rec_tyvars, _) ->
@@ -97,7 +99,7 @@ tcTyVarScopeGivenKinds names kinds thing_inside
 		-- Construct the real TyVars
 	  tyvars	     = zipWithEqual mk_tyvar names kinds'
-	  mk_tyvar name kind = mkTyVar (getNameShortName name) (getItsUnique name) kind
+	  mk_tyvar name kind = mkTyVar name (uniqueOf name) kind
 	returnTc (tyvars, result)
     )					`thenTc` \ (_,result) ->
@@ -116,7 +118,8 @@ Extending the environments.  Notice the uses of @zipLazy@, which makes sure
 that the knot-tied TyVars, TyCons and Classes aren't looked at too early.
-tcExtendTyConEnv :: [(Name,Maybe Arity)] -> [TyCon] -> TcM s r -> TcM s r
+tcExtendTyConEnv :: [(RnName,Maybe Arity)] -> [TyCon] -> TcM s r -> TcM s r
 tcExtendTyConEnv names_w_arities tycons scope
   = newKindVars (length names_w_arities)	`thenNF_Tc` \ kinds ->
     tcGetEnv					`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv tve tce ce gve lve gtvs) ->
@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ tcExtendTyConEnv names_w_arities tycons scope
     returnTc result 
-tcExtendClassEnv :: [Name] -> [Class] -> TcM s r -> TcM s r
+tcExtendClassEnv :: [RnName] -> [Class] -> TcM s r -> TcM s r
 tcExtendClassEnv names classes scope
   = newKindVars (length names)	`thenNF_Tc` \ kinds ->
     tcGetEnv			`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv tve tce ce gve lve gtvs) ->
@@ -190,7 +193,7 @@ Extending and consulting the value environment
 tcExtendGlobalValEnv ids scope
   = tcGetEnv		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv tve tce ce gve lve gtvs) ->
-	gve' = addListToUFM_Directly gve [(getItsUnique id, id) | id <- ids]
+	gve' = addListToUFM_Directly gve [(uniqueOf id, id) | id <- ids]
     tcSetEnv (TcEnv tve tce ce gve' lve gtvs) scope
@@ -222,7 +225,7 @@ tcGetGlobalTyVars
-tcLookupLocalValue :: Name -> NF_TcM s (Maybe (TcIdBndr s))
+tcLookupLocalValue :: RnName -> NF_TcM s (Maybe (TcIdBndr s))
 tcLookupLocalValue name
   = tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv tve tce ce gve lve gtvs) ->
     returnNF_Tc (lookupUFM lve name)
@@ -232,15 +235,15 @@ tcLookupLocalValueByKey uniq
   = tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv tve tce ce gve lve gtvs) ->
     returnNF_Tc (lookupUFM_Directly lve uniq)
-tcLookupLocalValueOK :: String -> Name -> NF_TcM s (TcIdBndr s)
+tcLookupLocalValueOK :: String -> RnName -> NF_TcM s (TcIdBndr s)
 tcLookupLocalValueOK err name
   = tcGetEnv 		`thenNF_Tc` \ (TcEnv tve tce ce gve lve gtvs) ->
     returnNF_Tc (lookupWithDefaultUFM lve (panic err) name)
-tcLookupGlobalValue :: Name -> NF_TcM s Id
+tcLookupGlobalValue :: RnName -> NF_TcM s Id
-tcLookupGlobalValue (WiredInVal id)	-- wired in ids
+tcLookupGlobalValue (WiredInId id)	-- wired in ids
   = returnNF_Tc id
 tcLookupGlobalValue name
@@ -255,7 +258,7 @@ tcLookupGlobalValue name
 -- A useful function that takes an occurrence of a global thing
 -- and instantiates its type with fresh type variables
-tcGlobalOcc :: Name 
+tcGlobalOcc :: RnName 
 	    -> NF_TcM s (Id, 		-- The Id
 			  [TcType s], 	-- Instance types
 			  TcType s)	-- Rest of its type
@@ -288,14 +291,19 @@ Constructing new Ids
-newMonoIds :: [Name] -> Kind -> ([TcIdBndr s] -> TcM s a) -> TcM s a
+newMonoIds :: [RnName] -> Kind -> ([TcIdBndr s] -> TcM s a) -> TcM s a
 newMonoIds names kind m
   = newTyVarTys no_of_names kind	`thenNF_Tc` \ tys ->
     tcGetUniques no_of_names		`thenNF_Tc` \ uniqs ->
-	new_ids            = zipWith3Equal mk_id names uniqs tys
-	mk_id name uniq ty = mkUserLocal (getOccurrenceName name) uniq ty
-					 (getSrcLoc name)
+	new_ids = zipWith3Equal mk_id names uniqs tys
+	mk_id name uniq ty
+	  = let
+		name_str = case (getOccName name) of { Unqual n -> n }
+	    in
+	    mkUserLocal name_str uniq ty (getSrcLoc name)
     tcExtendLocalValEnv names new_ids (m new_ids)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
index 660c970b6f0e91fe9f74babeeb623a30821f07b9..d2e9b4893d975cbfdcf28c50c81739c3c37f83f9 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcExpr.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ import HsSyn		( HsExpr(..), Qual(..), Stmt(..),
 			  Match, Fake, InPat, OutPat, PolyType,
 			  irrefutablePat, collectPatBinders )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsExpr(..), RenamedQual(..),
-			  RenamedStmt(..), RenamedRecordBinds(..)
+			  RenamedStmt(..), RenamedRecordBinds(..),
+			  RnName{-instance Outputable-}
 import TcHsSyn		( TcExpr(..), TcQual(..), TcStmt(..),
 			  TcIdOcc(..), TcRecordBinds(..),
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ import FieldLabel	( fieldLabelName )
 import Id		( Id(..), GenId, idType, dataConFieldLabels )
 import Kind		( Kind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind, mkArrowKind )
 import GenSpecEtc	( checkSigTyVars, checkSigTyVarsGivenGlobals )
+import Name		( Name{-instance Eq-} )
 import PrelInfo		( intPrimTy, charPrimTy, doublePrimTy,
 			  floatPrimTy, addrPrimTy, addrTy,
 			  boolTy, charTy, stringTy, mkListTy,
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ import Unique		( Unique, cCallableClassKey, cReturnableClassKey,
 			  enumFromToClassOpKey, enumFromThenToClassOpKey,
 			  monadClassKey, monadZeroClassKey )
-import Name		( Name )		-- Instance 
+--import Name		( Name )		-- Instance 
 import Outputable	( interpp'SP )
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar )	-- Instances
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
@@ -621,7 +623,8 @@ tcArg expected_arg_ty arg
-tcId :: Name -> TcM s (TcExpr s, LIE s, TcType s)
+tcId :: RnName -> TcM s (TcExpr s, LIE s, TcType s)
 tcId name
   = 	-- Look up the Id and instantiate its type
     tcLookupLocalValue name	`thenNF_Tc` \ maybe_local ->
@@ -826,7 +829,7 @@ checkRecordFields rbinds data_con
     data_con_fields = dataConFieldLabels data_con
-    ok (field_name, _, _) = any (match field_name) data_con_fields
+    ok (field_name, _, _) = any (match (getName field_name)) data_con_fields
     match field_name field_label = field_name == fieldLabelName field_label
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
index 3dfcc031a89c5dc8eac3c395608773aedfcdb261..d4147869bb2b8ea79a3e2934cdcbf395998a1093 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcGenDeriv.lhs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ This is where we do all the grimy bindings' generation.
 #include "HsVersions.h"
-module TcGenDeriv (
+module TcGenDeriv {- (
@@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ module TcGenDeriv (
 	con2tag_PN, tag2con_PN, maxtag_PN,
-    ) where
+    ) -} where
 import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( HsBinds(..), Bind(..), MonoBinds(..), Match(..), GRHSsAndBinds(..),
 			  GRHS(..), HsExpr(..), HsLit(..), InPat(..), Qual(..), Stmt,
 			  ArithSeqInfo, Sig, PolyType, FixityDecl, Fake )
-import RdrHsSyn		( ProtoNameMonoBinds(..), ProtoNameHsExpr(..), ProtoNamePat(..) )
-import RnHsSyn		( RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
+import RdrHsSyn		( RdrNameMonoBinds(..), RdrNameHsExpr(..), RdrNamePat(..) )
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName(..), RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
-import RnMonad4		-- initRn4, etc.
+--import RnMonad4		-- initRn4, etc.
 import RnUtils
 import Id		( GenId, dataConArity, dataConTag,
@@ -78,13 +78,11 @@ import Id		( GenId, dataConArity, dataConTag,
 			  isDataCon, DataCon(..), ConTag(..) )
 import IdUtils		( primOpId )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import Name		( Name(..) )
-import NameTypes	( mkFullName, Provenance(..) )
+--import Name		( Name(..) )
 import Outputable
 import PrimOp
 import PrelInfo
 import Pretty
-import ProtoName	( ProtoName(..) )
 import SrcLoc		( mkGeneratedSrcLoc )
 import TyCon		( TyCon, tyConDataCons, isEnumerationTyCon, maybeTyConSingleCon )
 import Type		( eqTy, isPrimType )
@@ -172,7 +170,10 @@ instance ... Eq (Foo ...) where
-gen_Eq_binds :: TyCon -> ProtoNameMonoBinds
+foo_TcGenDeriv = panic "Nothing in TcGenDeriv LATER ToDo"
+{- LATER:
+gen_Eq_binds :: TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 gen_Eq_binds tycon
   = case (partition (\ con -> dataConArity con == 0)
@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ gen_Eq_binds tycon
 	    con1_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn as_needed)
 	    con2_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
-	    data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInVal data_con)
+	    data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInId data_con)
 	    as_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) as_PNs
 	    bs_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) bs_PNs
 	    tys_needed  = case (dataConSig data_con) of
@@ -315,7 +316,7 @@ cmp_eq _ _ = EQ
-gen_Ord_binds :: TyCon -> ProtoNameMonoBinds
+gen_Ord_binds :: TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 gen_Ord_binds tycon
   = defaulted `AndMonoBinds` compare
@@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ gen_Ord_binds tycon
 	    con1_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn as_needed)
 	    con2_pat = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
-	    data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInVal data_con)
+	    data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInId data_con)
 	    as_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) as_PNs
 	    bs_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) bs_PNs
 	    tys_needed  = case (dataConSig data_con) of
@@ -427,7 +428,7 @@ instance ... Enum (Foo ...) where
 For @enumFromTo@ and @enumFromThenTo@, we use the default methods.
-gen_Enum_binds :: TyCon -> ProtoNameMonoBinds
+gen_Enum_binds :: TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 gen_Enum_binds tycon
   = enum_from `AndMonoBinds` enum_from_then
@@ -509,7 +510,7 @@ we follow the scheme given in Figure~19 of the Haskell~1.2 report
-gen_Ix_binds :: TyCon -> ProtoNameMonoBinds
+gen_Ix_binds :: TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 gen_Ix_binds tycon
   = if isEnumerationTyCon tycon
@@ -578,7 +579,7 @@ gen_Ix_binds tycon
     con_arity   = dataConArity data_con
-    data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInVal data_con)
+    data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInId data_con)
     con_pat  xs = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn xs)
     con_expr xs = foldl HsApp (HsVar data_con_PN) (map HsVar xs)
@@ -632,8 +633,8 @@ gen_Ix_binds tycon
 Ignoring all the infix-ery mumbo jumbo (ToDo)
-gen_Read_binds :: [RenamedFixityDecl] -> TyCon -> ProtoNameMonoBinds
-gen_Show_binds :: [RenamedFixityDecl] -> TyCon -> ProtoNameMonoBinds
+gen_Read_binds :: [RenamedFixityDecl] -> TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
+gen_Show_binds :: [RenamedFixityDecl] -> TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 gen_Read_binds fixities tycon
   = reads_prec `AndMonoBinds` read_list
@@ -653,7 +654,7 @@ gen_Read_binds fixities tycon
 	read_con data_con   -- note: "b" is the string being "read"
 	  = let
-		data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInVal data_con)
+		data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInId data_con)
 		data_con_str= snd  (getOrigName data_con)
 		as_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) as_PNs
 		bs_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) bs_PNs
@@ -700,7 +701,7 @@ gen_Show_binds fixities tycon
 	pats_etc data_con
 	  = let
-		data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInVal data_con)
+		data_con_PN = Prel (WiredInId data_con)
 		bs_needed   = take (dataConArity data_con) bs_PNs
 		con_pat     = ConPatIn data_con_PN (map VarPatIn bs_needed)
 		nullary_con = dataConArity data_con == 0
@@ -739,7 +740,7 @@ gen_Show_binds fixities tycon
-gen_Binary_binds :: TyCon -> ProtoNameMonoBinds
+gen_Binary_binds :: TyCon -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 gen_Binary_binds tycon
   = panic "gen_Binary_binds"
@@ -767,34 +768,34 @@ data TagThingWanted
   = GenCon2Tag | GenTag2Con | GenMaxTag
-    :: (ProtoName, Name,    -- (proto)Name for the thing in question
+    :: (RdrName, RnName,    -- (proto)Name for the thing in question
 	TyCon,		    -- tycon in question
-    -> ProtoNameMonoBinds
+    -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, _, tycon, GenCon2Tag)
   = mk_FunMonoBind pn (map mk_stuff (tyConDataCons tycon))
-    mk_stuff :: DataCon -> ([ProtoNamePat], ProtoNameHsExpr)
+    mk_stuff :: DataCon -> ([RdrNamePat], RdrNameHsExpr)
     mk_stuff var
       = ASSERT(isDataCon var)
 	([pat], HsLit (HsIntPrim (toInteger ((dataConTag var) - fIRST_TAG))))
 	pat    = ConPatIn var_PN (nOfThem (dataConArity var) WildPatIn)
-	var_PN = Prel (WiredInVal var)
+	var_PN = Prel (WiredInId var)
 gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, _, tycon, GenTag2Con)
   = mk_FunMonoBind pn (map mk_stuff (tyConDataCons tycon))
-    mk_stuff :: DataCon -> ([ProtoNamePat], ProtoNameHsExpr)
+    mk_stuff :: DataCon -> ([RdrNamePat], RdrNameHsExpr)
     mk_stuff var
       = ASSERT(isDataCon var)
 	([lit_pat], HsVar var_PN)
 	lit_pat = ConPatIn mkInt_PN [LitPatIn (HsIntPrim (toInteger ((dataConTag var) - fIRST_TAG)))]
-	var_PN  = Prel (WiredInVal var)
+	var_PN  = Prel (WiredInId var)
 gen_tag_n_con_monobind (pn, _, tycon, GenMaxTag)
   = mk_easy_FunMonoBind pn [] [] (HsApp (HsVar mkInt_PN) (HsLit (HsIntPrim max_tag)))
@@ -824,9 +825,9 @@ multi-clause definitions; it generates:
-mk_easy_FunMonoBind :: ProtoName -> [ProtoNamePat]
-		    -> [ProtoNameMonoBinds] -> ProtoNameHsExpr
-		    -> ProtoNameMonoBinds
+mk_easy_FunMonoBind :: RdrName -> [RdrNamePat]
+		    -> [RdrNameMonoBinds] -> RdrNameHsExpr
+		    -> RdrNameMonoBinds
 mk_easy_FunMonoBind fun pats binds expr
   = FunMonoBind fun [mk_easy_Match pats binds expr] mkGeneratedSrcLoc
@@ -842,9 +843,9 @@ mk_easy_Match pats binds expr
 	-- "recursive" MonoBinds, and it is its job to sort things out
 	-- from there.
-mk_FunMonoBind	:: ProtoName
-		-> [([ProtoNamePat], ProtoNameHsExpr)]
-		-> ProtoNameMonoBinds
+mk_FunMonoBind	:: RdrName
+		-> [([RdrNamePat], RdrNameHsExpr)]
+		-> RdrNameMonoBinds
 mk_FunMonoBind fun [] = panic "TcGenDeriv:mk_FunMonoBind"
 mk_FunMonoBind fun pats_and_exprs
@@ -858,19 +859,19 @@ mk_FunMonoBind fun pats_and_exprs
 compare_Case, cmp_eq_Expr ::
-	  ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr
-	  -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr
-	  -> ProtoNameHsExpr
+	  RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
+	  -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
+	  -> RdrNameHsExpr
 compare_gen_Case ::
-	  ProtoName
-	  -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr
-	  -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr
-	  -> ProtoNameHsExpr
+	  RdrName
+	  -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
+	  -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
+	  -> RdrNameHsExpr
 careful_compare_Case :: -- checks for primitive types...
-	  -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr
-	  -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr
-	  -> ProtoNameHsExpr
+	  -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
+	  -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
+	  -> RdrNameHsExpr
 compare_Case = compare_gen_Case compare_PN
 cmp_eq_Expr = compare_gen_Case cmp_eq_PN
@@ -907,31 +908,31 @@ assoc_ty_id tyids ty
     res = [id | (ty',id) <- tyids, eqTy ty ty']
 eq_op_tbl = [
-    (charPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId CharEqOp))),
-    (intPrimTy,		Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId IntEqOp))),
-    (wordPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId WordEqOp))),
-    (addrPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId AddrEqOp))),
-    (floatPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId FloatEqOp))),
-    (doublePrimTy,	Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId DoubleEqOp))) ]
+    (charPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId CharEqOp))),
+    (intPrimTy,		Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntEqOp))),
+    (wordPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId WordEqOp))),
+    (addrPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId AddrEqOp))),
+    (floatPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId FloatEqOp))),
+    (doublePrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId DoubleEqOp))) ]
 lt_op_tbl = [
-    (charPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId CharLtOp))),
-    (intPrimTy,		Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId IntLtOp))),
-    (wordPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId WordLtOp))),
-    (addrPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId AddrLtOp))),
-    (floatPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId FloatLtOp))),
-    (doublePrimTy,	Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId DoubleLtOp))) ]
+    (charPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId CharLtOp))),
+    (intPrimTy,		Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntLtOp))),
+    (wordPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId WordLtOp))),
+    (addrPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId AddrLtOp))),
+    (floatPrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId FloatLtOp))),
+    (doublePrimTy,	Prel (WiredInId (primOpId DoubleLtOp))) ]
-and_Expr, append_Expr :: ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr
+and_Expr, append_Expr :: RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
 and_Expr    a b = OpApp a (HsVar and_PN)    b
 append_Expr a b = OpApp a (HsVar append_PN) b
-eq_Expr  :: Type -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr
+eq_Expr  :: Type -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
 eq_Expr ty a b
   = if not (isPrimType ty) then
        OpApp a (HsVar eq_PN)  b
@@ -942,7 +943,7 @@ eq_Expr ty a b
-untag_Expr :: TyCon -> [(ProtoName, ProtoName)] -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr
+untag_Expr :: TyCon -> [(RdrName, RdrName)] -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
 untag_Expr tycon [] expr = expr
 untag_Expr tycon ((untag_this, put_tag_here) : more) expr
   = HsCase (HsApp (con2tag_Expr tycon) (HsVar untag_this)) {-of-}
@@ -952,33 +953,33 @@ untag_Expr tycon ((untag_this, put_tag_here) : more) expr
     grhs = [OtherwiseGRHS (untag_Expr tycon more expr) mkGeneratedSrcLoc]
-cmp_tags_Expr :: ProtoName 			-- Comparison op
-	     -> ProtoName -> ProtoName		-- Things to compare
-	     -> ProtoNameHsExpr 		-- What to return if true
-	     -> ProtoNameHsExpr			-- What to return if false
-	     -> ProtoNameHsExpr
+cmp_tags_Expr :: RdrName 			-- Comparison op
+	     -> RdrName -> RdrName		-- Things to compare
+	     -> RdrNameHsExpr 		-- What to return if true
+	     -> RdrNameHsExpr			-- What to return if false
+	     -> RdrNameHsExpr
 cmp_tags_Expr op a b true_case false_case
   = HsIf (OpApp (HsVar a) (HsVar op) (HsVar b)) true_case false_case mkGeneratedSrcLoc
-	:: ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr
-	-> ProtoNameHsExpr
+	:: RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
+	-> RdrNameHsExpr
-	:: ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr
-	-> ProtoNameHsExpr
+	:: RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
+	-> RdrNameHsExpr
 enum_from_to_Expr      f   t2 = HsApp (HsApp (HsVar enumFromTo_PN) f) t2
 enum_from_then_to_Expr f t t2 = HsApp (HsApp (HsApp (HsVar enumFromThenTo_PN) f) t) t2
 showParen_Expr, readParen_Expr
-	:: ProtoNameHsExpr -> ProtoNameHsExpr
-	-> ProtoNameHsExpr
+	:: RdrNameHsExpr -> RdrNameHsExpr
+	-> RdrNameHsExpr
 showParen_Expr e1 e2 = HsApp (HsApp (HsVar showParen_PN) e1) e2
 readParen_Expr e1 e2 = HsApp (HsApp (HsVar readParen_PN) e1) e2
-nested_compose_Expr :: [ProtoNameHsExpr] -> ProtoNameHsExpr
+nested_compose_Expr :: [RdrNameHsExpr] -> RdrNameHsExpr
 nested_compose_Expr [e] = e
 nested_compose_Expr (e:es)
@@ -1010,9 +1011,9 @@ gt_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT(">")
 max_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT("max")
 min_PN		= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT("min")
 compare_PN	= prelude_method SLIT("Ord") SLIT("compare")
-ltTag_PN	= Prel (WiredInVal ltDataCon)
-eqTag_PN	= Prel (WiredInVal eqDataCon)
-gtTag_PN	= Prel (WiredInVal gtDataCon)
+ltTag_PN	= Prel (WiredInId ltDataCon)
+eqTag_PN	= Prel (WiredInId eqDataCon)
+gtTag_PN	= Prel (WiredInId gtDataCon)
 enumFrom_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Enum") SLIT("enumFrom")
 enumFromTo_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Enum") SLIT("enumFromTo")
 enumFromThen_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Enum") SLIT("enumFromThen")
@@ -1027,20 +1028,20 @@ showList_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Show") SLIT("showList")
 plus_PN		 = prelude_method SLIT("Num")  SLIT("+")
 times_PN	 = prelude_method SLIT("Num")  SLIT("*")
-false_PN	= Prel (WiredInVal falseDataCon)
-true_PN		= Prel (WiredInVal trueDataCon)
-eqH_PN		= Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId IntEqOp))
-geH_PN		= Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId IntGeOp))
-leH_PN		= Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId IntLeOp))
-ltH_PN		= Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId IntLtOp))
-minusH_PN	= Prel (WiredInVal (primOpId IntSubOp))
+false_PN	= Prel (WiredInId falseDataCon)
+true_PN		= Prel (WiredInId trueDataCon)
+eqH_PN		= Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntEqOp))
+geH_PN		= Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntGeOp))
+leH_PN		= Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntLeOp))
+ltH_PN		= Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntLtOp))
+minusH_PN	= Prel (WiredInId (primOpId IntSubOp))
 and_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE     SLIT("&&")
 not_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE     SLIT("not")
 append_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_LIST SLIT("++")
 map_PN		= prelude_val pRELUDE_LIST SLIT("map")
 compose_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE     SLIT(".")
-mkInt_PN	= Prel (WiredInVal intDataCon)
-error_PN	= Prel (WiredInVal eRROR_ID)
+mkInt_PN	= Prel (WiredInId intDataCon)
+error_PN	= Prel (WiredInId eRROR_ID)
 showSpace_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("showSpace__") -- not quite std
 showString_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("showString")
 showParen_PN	= prelude_val pRELUDE_TEXT SLIT("showParen")
@@ -1070,7 +1071,7 @@ c_Pat		= VarPatIn c_PN
 d_Pat		= VarPatIn d_PN
-con2tag_PN, tag2con_PN, maxtag_PN :: TyCon -> ProtoName
+con2tag_PN, tag2con_PN, maxtag_PN :: TyCon -> RdrName
 con2tag_PN tycon
   = let	(mod, nm) = getOrigName tycon
@@ -1091,7 +1092,7 @@ maxtag_PN tycon
     Imp mod maxtag [mod] maxtag
-con2tag_FN, tag2con_FN, maxtag_FN :: TyCon -> FullName
+con2tag_FN, tag2con_FN, maxtag_FN :: TyCon -> RnName
 tag2con_FN tycon
   = let	(mod, nm) = getOrigName tycon
@@ -1110,5 +1111,6 @@ con2tag_FN tycon
 	con2tag	  = SLIT("con2tag_") _APPEND_ nm _APPEND_ SLIT("#")
     mkFullName mod con2tag InventedInThisModule NotExported mkGeneratedSrcLoc
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
index 996658bc252f3ebcda3b55aa349685a909900c17..97b1f4e2840a0cf8c77929e6489e68216af048bf 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcHsSyn.lhs
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ instance Outputable (TcIdOcc s) where
   ppr sty (RealId id) = ppr sty id
 instance NamedThing (TcIdOcc s) where
-  getOccurrenceName (TcId id)   = getOccurrenceName id
-  getOccurrenceName (RealId id) = getOccurrenceName id
+  getName (TcId id)   = getName id
+  getName (RealId id) = getName id
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs
index 114d1ff31f8b3069077cfe41b41a92556e171149..65e295098f13630c05e1ebdb57843dc65fa96ee1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcIfaceSig.lhs
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ import TcMonad
 import TcMonoType	( tcPolyType )
 import HsSyn		( Sig(..), PolyType )
-import RnHsSyn		( RenamedSig(..) )
+import RnHsSyn		( RenamedSig(..), RnName(..) )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_CompilingPrelude )
 import Id		( mkImported )
-import Name		( Name(..) )
+--import Name		( Name(..) )
 import Pretty
 import Util		( panic )
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ tcInterfaceSigs :: [RenamedSig] -> TcM s [Id]
 tcInterfaceSigs [] = returnTc []
-tcInterfaceSigs (Sig name@(ValName uniq full_name) ty pragmas src_loc : sigs)
+tcInterfaceSigs (Sig name@(RnName full_name) ty pragmas src_loc : sigs)
   = tcAddSrcLoc src_loc		(
     tcPolyType ty		`thenTc` \ sigma_ty ->
     fixTc ( \ rec_id ->
 	tcGenPragmas (Just sigma_ty) rec_id pragmas
 				`thenNF_Tc` \ id_info ->
-        returnTc (mkImported uniq full_name sigma_ty id_info)
+        returnTc (mkImported full_name sigma_ty id_info)
     ))				`thenTc` \ id ->
     tcInterfaceSigs sigs	`thenTc` \ sigs' ->
     returnTc (id:sigs')
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ tcInterfaceSigs (Sig name@(ValName uniq full_name) ty pragmas src_loc : sigs)
 tcInterfaceSigs (Sig odd_name _ _ src_loc : sigs)
   = case odd_name of
-      WiredInVal _ | opt_CompilingPrelude
+      WiredInId _ | opt_CompilingPrelude
         -> tcInterfaceSigs sigs
       _ -> tcAddSrcLoc src_loc	$
 	   failTc (ifaceSigNameErr odd_name)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
index 43d29fb61f9307528ba92c945cacef3dd937ca2a..0d43182c0f093959a411cb2f93e3258784858be1 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstDcls.lhs
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ import HsSyn		( InstDecl(..), FixityDecl, Sig(..),
 			  PolyType(..), MonoType )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsBinds(..), RenamedMonoBinds(..),
 			  RenamedInstDecl(..), RenamedFixityDecl(..),
-			  RenamedSig(..), RenamedSpecInstSig(..) )
+			  RenamedSig(..), RenamedSpecInstSig(..),
+			  RnName(..){-incl instance Outputable-}
+			)
 import TcHsSyn		( TcIdOcc(..), TcHsBinds(..),
 			  TcMonoBinds(..), TcExpr(..), tcIdType,
 			  mkHsTyLam, mkHsTyApp,
@@ -61,8 +63,7 @@ import CoreUtils	( escErrorMsg )
 import Id		( GenId, idType, isDefaultMethodId_maybe )
 import ListSetOps	( minusList )
 import Maybes 		( maybeToBool, expectJust )
-import Name		( Name, getTagFromClassOpName )
-import Outputable
+import Outputable	( getLocalName, getOrigName )
 import PrelInfo		( pAT_ERROR_ID )
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar, GenClass, GenClassOp, TyCon,
 			  pprParendGenType )
@@ -77,7 +78,6 @@ import TyVar		( GenTyVar, mkTyVarSet )
 import TysWiredIn	( stringTy )
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import Util		( panic )
 Typechecking instance declarations is done in two passes. The first
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ and $dbinds_super$ bind the superclass dictionaries sd1 \ldots sdm.
 tcInstDecls1 :: Bag RenamedInstDecl
 	     -> [RenamedSpecInstSig]
-	     -> FAST_STRING		-- module name for deriving
+	     -> Module			-- module name for deriving
 	     -> GlobalNameMappers	-- renamer fns for deriving
 	     -> [RenamedFixityDecl]	-- fixities for deriving
 	     -> TcM s (Bag InstInfo,
@@ -207,8 +207,11 @@ tcInstDecl1 mod_name
 	-- Look things up
     tcLookupClass class_name		`thenNF_Tc` \ (clas_kind, clas) ->
+    let
+	de_rn (RnName n) = n
+    in
 	-- Typecheck the context and instance type
-    tcTyVarScope tyvar_names (\ tyvars ->
+    tcTyVarScope (map de_rn tyvar_names) (\ tyvars ->
 	tcContext context		`thenTc` \ theta ->
 	tcMonoTypeKind inst_ty		`thenTc` \ (tau_kind, tau) ->
 	unifyKind clas_kind tau_kind	`thenTc_`
@@ -224,7 +227,9 @@ tcInstDecl1 mod_name
     if (not from_here && (clas `derivedFor` inst_tycon)
 	              && all isTyVarTy arg_tys)
-	if mod_name == inst_mod then
+	if not opt_CompilingPrelude && maybeToBool inst_mod &&
+	   mod_name == expectJust "inst_mod" inst_mod
+ 	then
 		-- Imported instance came from this module;
 		-- discard and derive fresh instance
 	    returnTc emptyBag		
@@ -482,7 +487,7 @@ newMethodId sel_id inst_ty origin loc
 		tcInstType [(clas_tyvar,inst_ty)]
 			   (mkSigmaTy local_tyvars meth_theta sel_tau)
 								`thenNF_Tc` \ method_ty ->
-		newLocalId (getOccurrenceName sel_id) method_ty	`thenNF_Tc` \ meth_id ->
+		newLocalId (getLocalName sel_id) method_ty	`thenNF_Tc` \ meth_id ->
 		returnNF_Tc (emptyLIE, meth_id)
@@ -525,7 +530,7 @@ makeInstanceDeclNoDefaultExpr
 	-> [Id]
 	-> TcType s
 	-> Class
+	-> Maybe Module
 	-> Int
 	-> NF_TcM s (TcExpr s)
@@ -553,7 +558,9 @@ makeInstanceDeclNoDefaultExpr origin meth_ids defm_ids inst_ty clas inst_mod tag
     error_msg = "%E" 	-- => No explicit method for \"
 	     	++ escErrorMsg error_str
-    error_str = _UNPK_ inst_mod ++ "." ++ _UNPK_ clas_name ++ "."
+    mod_str = case inst_mod of { Nothing -> SLIT("Prelude"); Just m -> m }
+    error_str = _UNPK_ mod_str ++ "." ++ _UNPK_ clas_name ++ "."
 	     	++ (ppShow 80 (ppr PprForUser inst_ty)) ++ "."
 	     	++ (ppShow 80 (ppr PprForUser clas_op))	++ "\""
@@ -647,13 +654,13 @@ processInstBinds1 inst_tyvars avail_insts method_ids mbind
 		      FunMonoBind op _ locn	       -> (op, locn)
 		      PatMonoBind (VarPatIn op) _ locn -> (op, locn)
-        occ    = getOccurrenceName op
+        occ    = getLocalName op
 	origin = InstanceDeclOrigin
     tcAddSrcLoc locn			 $
     -- Make a method id for the method
-    let tag       = getTagFromClassOpName op
+    let tag       = panic "processInstBinds1:getTagFromClassOpName"{-getTagFromClassOpName op-}
 	method_id = method_ids !! (tag-1)
 	TcId method_bndr = method_id
@@ -935,7 +942,11 @@ derivingWhenInstanceExistsErr clas tycon sty
 derivingWhenInstanceImportedErr inst_mod clas tycon sty
   = ppHang (ppBesides [ppStr "Deriving class `", ppr sty clas, ppStr "' type `", ppr sty tycon, ppStr "'"])
-         4 (ppBesides [ppStr "when an instance declared in module `", ppPStr inst_mod, ppStr "' has been imported"])
+         4 (ppBesides [ppStr "when an instance declared in module `", pp_mod, ppStr "' has been imported"])
+  where
+    pp_mod = case inst_mod of
+	       Nothing -> ppPStr SLIT("the standard Prelude")
+	       Just  m -> ppBesides [ppStr "module `", ppPStr m, ppStr "'"]
 nonBoxedPrimCCallErr clas inst_ty sty
   = ppHang (ppStr "Instance isn't for a `boxed-primitive' type")
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
index 6853735afdfa05b2b8fa94e7c5a41af26ff7e2d4..a0e452c5db11501e04982196b732a0936c2e748e 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcInstUtil.lhs
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import CoreSyn		( GenCoreExpr(..), mkValLam, mkTyApp )
 import Id		( GenId, mkDictFunId, mkConstMethodId, mkSysLocal )
 import MatchEnv		( nullMEnv, insertMEnv )
 import Maybes		( MaybeErr(..), mkLookupFunDef )
+import Outputable	( getSrcLoc )
 import PprType		( GenClass, GenType, GenTyVar )
 import Pretty
 import SpecEnv		( SpecEnv(..), nullSpecEnv, addOneToSpecEnv )
@@ -63,8 +64,7 @@ data InstInfo
       [Id]		-- Constant methods (either all or none)
       RenamedMonoBinds	-- Bindings, b
       Bool		-- True <=> local instance decl
-      FAST_STRING	-- Name of module where this instance was
-			-- defined.
+      (Maybe Module)	-- Name of module where this instance defined; Nothing => Prelude
       SrcLoc		-- Source location assoc'd with this instance's defn
       [RenamedSig]	-- User pragmas recorded for generating specialised instances
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ data InstInfo
-mkInstanceRelatedIds :: Bool -> FAST_STRING
+mkInstanceRelatedIds :: Bool
+		     -> Maybe Module
                      -> RenamedInstancePragmas
 		     -> Class 
 		     -> [TyVar]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcLoop.lhi
index 3eb8d366140e7bf4e5f84e8a3a9cee84df2e495c..452dc7af8a3b79795b240e5194e2e9fa8cb0cd66 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcLoop.lhi
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import HsMatches(GRHSsAndBinds)
 import HsPat(InPat, OutPat)
 import HsSyn(Fake)
 import TcHsSyn(TcIdOcc)
-import Name(Name)
+import RnHsSyn(RnName)
 import TcType(TcMaybe)
 import SST(FSST_R)
 import Unique(Unique)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Bag(Bag)
 import Type(GenType)
 import Inst(Inst)
-tcGRHSsAndBinds :: GRHSsAndBinds Fake Fake Name (InPat Name) 
+tcGRHSsAndBinds :: GRHSsAndBinds Fake Fake RnName (InPat RnName) 
 	        -> TcDown a 
 		-> TcEnv a 
 		-> State# a 
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
index d5bae6830c95cdc889643a5f191d6b371c8fe40f..47968f2cb1762de8f4ce77bb98e2e0b457256d26 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMatches.lhs
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ import TcType		( TcType(..), TcMaybe, zonkTcType )
 import Unify		( unifyTauTy, unifyTauTyList )
 import Kind		( Kind, mkTypeKind )
-import Name		( Name )
 import Pretty
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Type		( isTyVarTy, mkFunTy, getFunTy_maybe )
 import Util
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ is used in error messages.  It checks that all the equations have the
 same number of arguments before using @tcMatches@ to do the work.
-tcMatchesFun :: Name
+tcMatchesFun :: RnName
 	     -> TcType s 		-- Expected type
 	     -> [RenamedMatch]
 	     -> TcM s ([TcMatch s], LIE s)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ tcMatchesCase expected_ty matches = tcMatchesExpected expected_ty MCase matches
-data FunOrCase = MCase | MFun Name	-- Records whether doing  fun or case rhss;
+data FunOrCase = MCase | MFun RnName	-- Records whether doing  fun or case rhss;
 					-- used to produced better error messages
 tcMatchesExpected :: TcType s
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
index de240682a5d0cd72eed4c7e3e981a14cdacf48c7..39122d35240606edcaebbe790f073032c8e56a8f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcModule.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@ import Ubiq
 import HsSyn		( HsModule(..), HsBinds(..), Bind, HsExpr,
 			  TyDecl, SpecDataSig, ClassDecl, InstDecl,
 			  SpecInstSig, DefaultDecl, Sig, Fake, InPat,
- 			  FixityDecl, IE, ImportedInterface )
+ 			  FixityDecl, IE, ImportDecl
+			)
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedHsModule(..), RenamedFixityDecl(..) )
 import TcHsSyn		( TypecheckedHsBinds(..), TypecheckedHsExpr(..),
 			  TcIdOcc(..), zonkBinds, zonkInst, zonkId )
@@ -38,8 +39,7 @@ import Bag		( listToBag )
 import Class		( GenClass )
 import Id		( GenId, isDataCon, isMethodSelId, idType )
 import Maybes		( catMaybes )
-import Name		( Name(..) )
-import Outputable	( isExported )
+import Outputable	( isExported, isLocallyDefined )
 import PrelInfo		( unitTy, mkPrimIoTy )
 import Pretty
 import RnUtils		( GlobalNameMappers(..), GlobalNameMapper(..) )
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ tcModule :: GlobalNameMappers		-- final renamer info for derivings
 		   PprStyle -> Pretty)	-- -ddump-deriving info
 tcModule renamer_name_funs
-	(HsModule mod_name exports imports fixities
+	(HsModule mod_name verion exports imports fixities
 		  ty_decls specdata_sigs cls_decls inst_decls specinst_sigs
 		  default_decls val_decls sigs src_loc)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs
index 2ea7586b7272a954182d0759fa19574e67c71f88..5614273ccf3a004c53f672d36d0d27e43328a3a2 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonad.lhs
@@ -26,23 +26,26 @@ module TcMonad(
-	TcError(..), TcWarning(..), Message(..),
+	TcError(..), TcWarning(..),
 	mkTcErr, arityErr,
 	-- For closure
 	MutableVar(..), _MutableArray
   ) where
+import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import TcMLoop		( TcEnv, initEnv, TcMaybe )  -- We need the type TcEnv and an initial Env
 import Type		( Type(..), GenType )
 import TyVar		( TyVar(..), GenTyVar )
 import Usage		( Usage(..), GenUsage )
+import ErrUtils		( Error(..), Message(..), ErrCtxt(..),
+			  Warning(..) )
 import SST
-import RnMonad4
-import RnUtils		( GlobalNameMappers(..), GlobalNameMapper(..) )
+--import RnMonad4
+--LATER:import RnUtils		( GlobalNameMappers(..), GlobalNameMapper(..) )
 import Bag		( Bag, emptyBag, isEmptyBag,
 			  foldBag, unitBag, unionBags, snocBag )
@@ -50,8 +53,7 @@ import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap, emptyFM )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..), NamedThing(..), ExportFlag )
 import ErrUtils		( Error(..) )
 import Maybes		( MaybeErr(..) )
-import Name		( Name )
-import ProtoName	( ProtoName )
+--import Name		( Name )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc, mkUnknownSrcLoc )
 import UniqFM		( UniqFM, emptyUFM )
 import UniqSupply	( UniqSupply, getUnique, getUniques, splitUniqSupply )
@@ -78,8 +80,8 @@ type TcM    s r =  TcDown s -> TcEnv s -> FSST s r ()
 initTc :: UniqSupply
        -> TcM _RealWorld r
-       -> MaybeErr (r, Bag TcWarning)
-		   (Bag TcError, Bag  TcWarning)
+       -> MaybeErr (r, Bag Warning)
+		   (Bag Error, Bag  Warning)
 initTc us do_this
   = _runSST (
@@ -216,10 +218,46 @@ This elegantly ensures that it can't zap any type variables that
 belong to the main thread.  We throw away any error messages!
-forkNF_Tc :: NF_TcM s r -> NF_TcM s r
-forkNF_Tc m down env
-  = forkTcDown down	`thenSST` \ down' ->
-    returnSST (_runSST (m down' (forkTcEnv env)))
+forkNF_Tc :: NF_TcM s' r -> NF_TcM s r
+forkNF_Tc m (TcDown deflts u_var src_loc err_cxt err_var) env
+  = 	-- Get a fresh unique supply
+    readMutVarSST u_var		`thenSST` \ us ->
+    let
+	(us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+    in
+    writeMutVarSST u_var us1	`thenSST_`
+    returnSST (_runSST (
+	newMutVarSST us2 			`thenSST` \ u_var'   ->
+      	newMutVarSST (emptyBag,emptyBag)	`thenSST` \ err_var' ->
+      	newMutVarSST emptyUFM			`thenSST` \ tv_var'  ->
+	let
+            down' = TcDown deflts us_var src_loc err_cxt err_var'
+	    env'  = forkEnv env tv_var'
+	in
+	m down' env'
+	-- ToDo: optionally dump any error messages
+    ))
+@forkTcDown@ makes a new "down" blob for a lazily-computed fork
+of the type checker.
+forkTcDown (TcDown deflts u_var src_loc err_cxt err_var)
+  = 	-- Get a fresh unique supply
+    readMutVarSST u_var		`thenSST` \ us ->
+    let
+	(us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
+    in
+    writeMutVarSST u_var us1	`thenSST_`
+	-- Make fresh MutVars for the unique supply and errors
+    newMutVarSST us2			`thenSST` \ u_var' ->
+    newMutVarSST (emptyBag, emptyBag)	`thenSST` \ err_var' ->
+	-- Done
+    returnSST (TcDown deflts u_var' src_loc err_cxt err_var')
@@ -376,8 +414,8 @@ data TcDown s
 	SrcLoc				-- Source location
 	(ErrCtxt s)			-- Error context
-	(MutableVar s (Bag TcWarning, 
-		       Bag TcError))
+	(MutableVar s (Bag Warning, 
+		       Bag Error))
 type ErrCtxt s = [NF_TcM s Message]	-- Innermost first.  Monadic so that we have a chance
 					-- to deal with bound type variables just before error
@@ -403,31 +441,13 @@ addErrCtxt (TcDown def us loc ctxt errs) msg = TcDown def us loc (msg:ctxt) errs
 getErrCtxt (TcDown def us loc ctxt errs)     = ctxt
-@forkTcDown@ makes a new "down" blob for a lazily-computed fork
-of the type checker.
-forkTcDown (TcDown deflts u_var src_loc err_cxt err_var)
-  = 	-- Get a fresh unique supply
-    readMutVarSST u_var		`thenSST` \ us ->
-    let
-	(us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply us
-    in
-    writeMutVarSST u_var us1	`thenSST_`
-	-- Make fresh MutVars for the unique supply and errors
-    newMutVarSST us2			`thenSST` \ u_var' ->
-    newMutVarSST (emptyBag, emptyBag)	`thenSST` \ err_var' ->
-	-- Done
-    returnSST (TcDown deflts u_var' src_loc err_cxt err_var')
+rn4MtoTcM = panic "TcMonad.rn4MtoTcM (ToDo LATER)"
+{- LATER:
 rn4MtoTcM :: GlobalNameMappers -> Rn4M a -> NF_TcM s (a, Bag Error)
 rn4MtoTcM name_funs rn_action down env
@@ -443,6 +463,7 @@ rn4MtoTcM name_funs rn_action down env
     returnSST (rn_result, rn_errs)
     u_var = getUniqSupplyVar down
@@ -450,11 +471,9 @@ TypeChecking Errors
-type Message   = PprStyle -> Pretty
 type TcError   = Message
 type TcWarning = Message
 mkTcErr :: SrcLoc 		-- Where
 	-> [Message] 		-- Context
 	-> Message 		-- What went wrong
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs
index 1825cdf2df9e8e53b58b80c62cded679b5399e4b..bd27cbdf4daa2645289b3bdee11d4a8286f2c3ec 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcMonoType.lhs
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import HsSyn		( PolyType(..), MonoType(..), Fake )
 import RnHsSyn		( RenamedPolyType(..), RenamedMonoType(..), 
-			  RenamedContext(..)
+			  RenamedContext(..), RnName(..)
@@ -34,9 +34,11 @@ import Type		( mkDictTy )
 import Class		( cCallishClassKeys )
 import TyCon		( TyCon, Arity(..) )
 import Unique		( Unique )
-import Name		( Name(..), getNameShortName, isTyConName, getSynNameArity )
 import PprStyle
 import Pretty
+import RnHsSyn		( isRnLocal, isRnClass, isRnTyCon,
+			  RnName{-instance NamedThing-}
+			)
 import Util		( zipWithEqual, panic )
@@ -78,13 +80,13 @@ tcMonoTypeKind (MonoFunTy ty1 ty2)
     tcMonoType ty2	`thenTc` \ tau_ty2 ->
     returnTc (mkTcTypeKind, mkFunTy tau_ty1 tau_ty2)
-tcMonoTypeKind (MonoTyApp name@(Short _ _) tys)
-  =	-- Must be a type variable
-    tcLookupTyVar name			`thenNF_Tc` \ (kind,tyvar) ->
+tcMonoTypeKind (MonoTyApp name tys)
+  | isRnLocal name	-- Must be a type variable
+  = tcLookupTyVar name			`thenNF_Tc` \ (kind,tyvar) ->
     tcMonoTyApp kind (mkTyVarTy tyvar) tys
 tcMonoTypeKind (MonoTyApp name tys)
-  | isTyConName name 	-- Must be a type constructor
+  | isRnTyCon name 	-- Must be a type constructor
   = tcLookupTyCon name			`thenNF_Tc` \ (kind,maybe_arity,tycon) ->
     case maybe_arity of
 	Just arity -> tcSynApp name kind arity tycon tys	-- synonum
@@ -98,8 +100,10 @@ tcMonoTypeKind (MonoForAllTy tyvars_w_kinds ty)
 	returnTc (mkTcTypeKind, ty')
-    (names, kinds) = unzip tyvars_w_kinds
+    (rn_names, kinds) = unzip tyvars_w_kinds
+    names    = map de_rn rn_names
     tc_kinds = map kindToTcKind kinds
+    de_rn (RnName n) = n
 -- for unfoldings only:
 tcMonoTypeKind (MonoDictTy class_name ty)
@@ -161,22 +165,24 @@ Doing this utterly wrecks the whole point of introducing these
 classes so we specifically check that this isn't being done.
-canBeUsedInContext :: Name -> Bool
-canBeUsedInContext (ClassName uniq _ _) = not (uniq `elem` cCallishClassKeys)
-canBeUsedInContext other 	        = True
+canBeUsedInContext :: RnName -> Bool
+canBeUsedInContext n
+  = isRnClass n && not (uniqueOf n `elem` cCallishClassKeys)
 tcPolyType :: RenamedPolyType -> TcM s Type
 tcPolyType (HsForAllTy tyvar_names context ty)
-  = tcTyVarScope tyvar_names (\ tyvars ->
+  = tcTyVarScope names (\ tyvars ->
 	tcContext context	`thenTc` \ theta ->
 	tcMonoType ty		`thenTc` \ tau ->
 	returnTc (mkSigmaTy tyvars theta tau)
+  where
+    names = map de_rn tyvar_names
+    de_rn (RnName n) = n
 Errors and contexts
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
index dfd92d11060486ff05e6879393aacddd0de049b4..23d73af096082a12ccb29f9fef9a8c508cd7007f 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@ import CmdLineOpts	( opt_IrrefutableTuples )
 import Id		( GenId, idType )
 import Kind		( Kind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkTypeKind )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import Name		( Name )
 import PprType		( GenType, GenTyVar )
 import PrelInfo		( charPrimTy, intPrimTy, floatPrimTy,
 			  doublePrimTy, charTy, stringTy, mkListTy,
 			  mkTupleTy, addrTy, addrPrimTy )
 import Pretty
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName{-instance Outputable-} )
 import Type		( splitFunTy, splitRhoTy, splitSigmaTy, mkTyVarTys,
 			  getFunTy_maybe, maybeAppDataTyCon,
 			  Type(..), GenType
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ tcPats (pat:pats)
 unifies the actual args against the expected ones.
-matchConArgTys :: Name -> [TcType s] -> TcM s (Id, TcType s)
+matchConArgTys :: RnName -> [TcType s] -> TcM s (Id, TcType s)
 matchConArgTys con arg_tys
   = tcGlobalOcc con		`thenNF_Tc` \ (con_id, _, con_rho) ->
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
index b2afd9f4b3f97502e65b827d0eb312b30b0fe068..56fa41cb820c2c6d46780254cb453eb35488805b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyClsDecls.lhs
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ import Ubiq{-uitous-}
 import HsSyn		( TyDecl(..),  ConDecl(..), BangType(..),
 			  ClassDecl(..), MonoType(..), PolyType(..),
 			  Sig(..), MonoBinds, Fake, InPat, HsBinds(..), Bind, HsExpr )
-import RnHsSyn		( RenamedTyDecl(..), RenamedClassDecl(..) )
+import RnHsSyn		( isRnTyCon, RenamedTyDecl(..), RenamedClassDecl(..),
+			  RnName(..){-instance Uniquable-}
+			)
 import TcHsSyn		( TcHsBinds(..), TcIdOcc(..) )
 import TcMonad
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ import TcTyDecls	( tcTyDecl, tcRecordSelectors )
 import Bag	
 import Class		( Class(..), getClassSelIds )
 import Digraph		( findSCCs, SCC(..) )
-import Name		( Name, isTyConName )
+import Outputable	( getSrcLoc )
 import PprStyle
 import Pretty
 import UniqSet		( UniqSet(..), emptyUniqSet,
@@ -135,7 +137,10 @@ tcGroup inst_mapper decls
     returnTc (really_final_env, foldr ThenBinds EmptyBinds binds)
-    (tyvar_names, tycon_names_w_arities, class_names) = get_binders decls
+    (tyvar_rn_names, tycon_names_w_arities, class_names) = get_binders decls
+    tyvar_names = map de_rn tyvar_rn_names
+    de_rn (RnName n) = n
     combine do_a do_b
       = do_a `thenTc` \ (a1,a2) ->
@@ -205,13 +210,13 @@ Edges in Type/Class decls
 mk_edges (TyD (TyData ctxt name _ condecls _ _ _))
-  = (getItsUnique name, set_to_bag (get_ctxt ctxt `unionUniqSets` get_cons condecls))
+  = (uniqueOf name, set_to_bag (get_ctxt ctxt `unionUniqSets` get_cons condecls))
 mk_edges (TyD (TyNew  ctxt name _ condecl _ _ _))
-  = (getItsUnique name, set_to_bag (get_ctxt ctxt `unionUniqSets` get_cons condecl))
+  = (uniqueOf name, set_to_bag (get_ctxt ctxt `unionUniqSets` get_cons condecl))
 mk_edges (TyD (TySynonym name _ rhs _))
-  = (getItsUnique name, set_to_bag (get_ty rhs))
+  = (uniqueOf name, set_to_bag (get_ty rhs))
 mk_edges (ClD (ClassDecl ctxt name _ sigs _ _ _))
-  = (getItsUnique name, set_to_bag (get_ctxt ctxt `unionUniqSets` get_sigs sigs))
+  = (uniqueOf name, set_to_bag (get_ctxt ctxt `unionUniqSets` get_sigs sigs))
 get_ctxt ctxt
   = unionManyUniqSets (map (set_name.fst) ctxt)
@@ -234,7 +239,7 @@ get_cons cons
 get_ty (MonoTyVar tv)
   = emptyUniqSet
 get_ty (MonoTyApp name tys)
-  = (if isTyConName name then set_name name else emptyUniqSet)
+  = (if isRnTyCon name then set_name name else emptyUniqSet)
     `unionUniqSets` get_tys tys
 get_ty (MonoFunTy ty1 ty2)	
   = unionUniqSets (get_ty ty1) (get_ty ty2)
@@ -257,7 +262,7 @@ get_sigs sigs
     get_sig (ClassOpSig _ ty _ _) = get_pty ty
     get_sig other = panic "TcTyClsDecls:get_sig"
-set_name name = unitUniqSet (getItsUnique name)
+set_name name = unitUniqSet (uniqueOf name)
 set_to_bag set = listToBag (uniqSetToList set)
@@ -287,9 +292,9 @@ Monad c in bop's type signature means that D must have kind Type->Type.
 get_binders :: Bag Decl
-	    -> ([Name],			-- TyVars;  no dups
-		[(Name, Maybe Arity)],	-- Tycons;  no dups; arities for synonyms
-		[Name])			-- Classes; no dups
+	    -> ([RnName],		-- TyVars;  no dups
+		[(RnName, Maybe Arity)],-- Tycons;  no dups; arities for synonyms
+		[RnName])		-- Classes; no dups
 get_binders decls = (bagToList tyvars, bagToList tycons, bagToList classes)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
index 8e379856d4ec00d4253e8f13c42b1e48845f331c..8c03384c5ad30d3b78c2fca7a3184b29e1eb67ee 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.lhs
@@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ import HsSyn		( TyDecl(..), ConDecl(..), BangType(..), HsExpr(..),
 			  HsBinds(..), HsLit, Stmt, Qual, ArithSeqInfo, PolyType, 
 			  Bind(..), MonoBinds(..), Sig, 
 			  MonoType )
-import RnHsSyn		( RenamedTyDecl(..), RenamedConDecl(..) )
+import RnHsSyn		( RenamedTyDecl(..), RenamedConDecl(..),
+			  RnName{-instance Outputable-}
+			)
 import TcHsSyn		( TcHsBinds(..), TcIdOcc(..), mkHsTyLam )
 import TcMonoType	( tcMonoTypeKind, tcMonoType, tcContext )
@@ -30,13 +32,13 @@ import TcEnv		( tcLookupTyCon, tcLookupTyVar, tcLookupClass,
 import TcMonad
 import TcKind		( TcKind, unifyKind, mkTcArrowKind, mkTcTypeKind )
-import Id		( mkDataCon, dataConSig, mkRecordSelectorId,
+import Id		( mkDataCon, dataConSig, mkRecordSelId,
 			  dataConFieldLabels, StrictnessMark(..)
 import FieldLabel
 import Kind		( Kind, mkArrowKind, mkBoxedTypeKind )
 import SpecEnv		( SpecEnv(..), nullSpecEnv )
-import Name		( getNameFullName, Name(..) )
+import Name		( Name{-instance Ord3-} )
 import Pretty
 import TyCon		( TyCon, NewOrData(..), mkSynTyCon, mkDataTyCon, tyConDataCons )
 import Type		( getTypeKind, getTyVar, tyVarsOfTypes, eqTy, applyTyCon,
@@ -80,8 +82,7 @@ tcTyDecl (TySynonym tycon_name tyvar_names rhs src_loc)
 	final_tycon_kind = foldr (mkArrowKind . getTyVarKind) result_kind rec_tyvars
 	-- Construct the tycon
-	tycon = mkSynTyCon (getItsUnique tycon_name)
-			   (getNameFullName tycon_name)
+	tycon = mkSynTyCon (getName tycon_name)
 			   (length tyvar_names)
@@ -126,9 +127,8 @@ tcTyDataOrNew data_or_new context tycon_name tyvar_names con_decls derivings pra
 	final_tycon_kind :: Kind 		-- NB not TcKind!
 	final_tycon_kind = foldr (mkArrowKind . getTyVarKind) mkBoxedTypeKind rec_tyvars
-	tycon = mkDataTyCon (getItsUnique tycon_name)
+	tycon = mkDataTyCon (getName tycon_name)
-			    (getNameFullName tycon_name)
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ tcRecordSelector tycon fields@((first_con, first_field_label) : other_fields)
 		     mkFunTy data_ty' $
-      selector_id = mkRecordSelectorId first_field_label selector_ty
+      selector_id = mkRecordSelId first_field_label selector_ty
 	-- HsSyn is dreadfully verbose for defining the selector!
       selector_rhs = mkHsTyLam tyvars' $
@@ -252,8 +252,7 @@ tcConDecl tycon tyvars ctxt (NewConDecl name ty src_loc)
   = tcAddSrcLoc src_loc	$
     tcMonoType ty `thenTc` \ arg_ty ->
-      data_con = mkDataCon (getItsUnique name)
-			   (getNameFullName name)
+      data_con = mkDataCon (getName name)
 			   [{- No labelled fields -}]
@@ -272,12 +271,11 @@ tcConDecl tycon tyvars ctxt (RecConDecl name fields src_loc)
       stricts           = [strict | (_, _, strict) <- field_label_infos]
       arg_tys	        = [ty     | (_, ty, _)     <- field_label_infos]
-      field_labels      = [ mkFieldLabel name ty tag 
+      field_labels      = [ mkFieldLabel (getName name) ty tag 
 			  | ((name, ty, _), tag) <- field_label_infos `zip` allFieldLabelTags
-      data_con = mkDataCon (getItsUnique name)
-			   (getNameFullName name)
+      data_con = mkDataCon (getName name)
@@ -300,8 +298,7 @@ tcDataCon tycon tyvars ctxt name btys src_loc
     mapTc tcMonoType tys `thenTc` \ arg_tys ->
-      data_con = mkDataCon (getItsUnique name)
-			   (getNameFullName name)
+      data_con = mkDataCon (getName name)
 			   [{- No field labels -}]
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
index 530e41a90f7fb9fece4b663978dd594cee08b72a..f3f04524d8a88da3e05bd021b508c50435223a9d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/TcType.lhs
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ import TcMonad
 import Ubiq
 import Unique		( Unique )
 import UniqFM		( UniqFM )
-import Name		( getNameShortName )
 import Maybes		( assocMaybe )
 import Util		( panic, pprPanic )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Typecheck.lhs b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Typecheck.lhs
index 64b33b7918e5a5488d020524f520994975835f7d..5c260a216e5d8b47f5669225befce3e8c1984b81 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Typecheck.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/typecheck/Typecheck.lhs
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import HsSyn
 import RnHsSyn
 import TcHsSyn
+import ErrUtils		( Warning(..), Error(..) )
 import Pretty
 import RnUtils		( GlobalNameMappers(..), GlobalNameMapper(..) )
 import Maybes		( MaybeErr(..) )
@@ -61,11 +62,11 @@ typecheckModule
     	PprStyle->Pretty),	-- stuff to print for -ddump-deriving
-       Bag TcWarning)		-- pretty-print this to get warnings
+       Bag Warning)		-- pretty-print this to get warnings
        -- FAILURE ...
-      (Bag TcError,		-- pretty-print this to get errors
-       Bag TcWarning)		-- pretty-print this to get warnings
+      (Bag Error,		-- pretty-print this to get errors
+       Bag Warning)		-- pretty-print this to get warnings
 typecheckModule us renamer_name_funs mod
   = initTc us (tcModule renamer_name_funs mod)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs
index 9045886a2d409757d6426ea822aa576c815a0d02..12b4231089efb04ac065490f8926dadfc3f3e227 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/Class.lhs
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import TyVar		( TyVar(..), GenTyVar )
 import Usage		( GenUsage, Usage(..), UVar(..) )
 import Maybes		( assocMaybe, Maybe )
-import NameTypes	( FullName, ShortName )
+import Name		( Name )
 import Unique		-- Keys for built-in classes
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..), NamedThing(..), ExportFlag )
 import Pretty		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ data GenClassOp ty
 data GenClass tyvar uvar
   = Class
 	Unique		-- Key for fast comparison
-	FullName
+	Name
 	tyvar	  	-- The class type variable
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ type ClassInstEnv = MatchEnv Type Id		-- The Ids are dfuns
 The @mkClass@ function fills in the indirect superclasses.
-mkClass :: Unique -> FullName -> TyVar
+mkClass :: Unique -> Name -> TyVar
 	-> [Class] -> [Id]
 	-> [ClassOp] -> [Id] -> [Id]
 	-> ClassInstEnv
@@ -250,16 +250,11 @@ instance Ord (GenClass tyvar uvar) where
+instance Uniquable (GenClass tyvar uvar) where
+    uniqueOf (Class u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = u
 instance NamedThing (GenClass tyvar uvar) where
-    getExportFlag 	(Class _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = getExportFlag n
-    isLocallyDefined	(Class _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = isLocallyDefined n
-    getOrigName		(Class _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = getOrigName n
-    getOccurrenceName	(Class _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = getOccurrenceName n
-    getInformingModules	(Class _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = getInformingModules n
-    getSrcLoc		(Class _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = getSrcLoc n
-    fromPreludeCore	(Class _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = fromPreludeCore n
-    getItsUnique (Class key _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = key
+    getName (Class _ n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = n
@@ -335,4 +330,3 @@ instance Ord (GenClassOp ty) where
     (ClassOp _ i1 _) >  (ClassOp _ i2 _) = i1 >  i2
     -- ToDo: something for _tagCmp? (WDP 94/10)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
index be52e99e5ec7b73bfe5de239d790d528ab949d4a..506c4d2284f8994066d44d1dc4629ed6d4a3e758 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/PprType.lhs
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ module PprType(
 import Ubiq
 import IdLoop 	-- for paranoia checking
 import TyLoop 	-- for paranoia checking
-import NameLoop	-- for paranoia checking
 -- friends:
 -- (PprType can see all the representations it's trying to print)
@@ -39,8 +38,10 @@ import Kind		( Kind(..) )
 import CStrings		( identToC )
 import CmdLineOpts	( opt_OmitInterfacePragmas )
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool )
-import NameTypes	( ShortName, FullName )
-import Outputable	( ifPprShowAll, isAvarop, interpp'SP )
+import Name		( Name )
+import Outputable	( isAvarop, isPreludeDefined, getOrigName,
+			  ifPprShowAll, interpp'SP
+			)
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..), codeStyle, showUserishTypes )
 import Pretty
 import TysWiredIn	( listTyCon )
@@ -302,7 +303,7 @@ pprGenTyVar sty (TyVar uniq kind name usage)
 %*									*
-ToDo; all this is suspiciously like getOccurrenceName!
+ToDo; all this is suspiciously like getOccName!
 showTyCon :: PprStyle -> TyCon -> String
@@ -314,7 +315,7 @@ pprTyCon sty FunTyCon 		        = ppStr "(->)"
 pprTyCon sty (TupleTyCon arity)	        = ppBeside (ppPStr SLIT("Tuple")) (ppInt arity)
 pprTyCon sty (PrimTyCon uniq name kind) = ppr sty name
-pprTyCon sty tycon@(DataTyCon uniq kind name tyvars ctxt cons derivings nd)
+pprTyCon sty tycon@(DataTyCon uniq name kind tyvars ctxt cons derivings nd)
   = case sty of
       PprDebug   -> pp_tycon_and_uniq
       PprShowAll -> pp_tycon_and_uniq
@@ -391,7 +392,7 @@ getTypeString ty
       = case (maybeAppTyCon ty) of
 	  Nothing -> true_bottom
 	  Just (tycon,_) ->
-	    if fromPreludeCore tycon
+	    if isPreludeDefined tycon
 	    then true_bottom
 	    else (False, fst (getOrigName tycon))
@@ -442,7 +443,7 @@ pprTyCon sty@PprInterface (SynonymTyCon k n a vs exp unabstract) specs
     ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("type"), ppr sty n, ppIntersperse ppSP pp_tyvars,
 	   ppEquals, ppr_ty sty lookup_fn tOP_PREC exp]
-pprTyCon sty@PprInterface this_tycon@(DataTyCon k n a vs ctxt cons derivings data_or_new) specs
+pprTyCon sty@PprInterface this_tycon@(DataTyCon u n k vs ctxt cons derivings data_or_new) specs
   = ppHang (ppCat [pp_data_or_new,
 		   pprContext sty ctxt,
 		   ppr sty n,
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
index 36b70dc831240f33000a84930a5d3c0375af7175..4e03f969747c4579ab9b0cf85a9c03564a7e4321 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyCon.lhs
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ module TyCon(
 ) where
 CHK_Ubiq()	-- debugging consistency check
-import NameLoop	-- for paranoia checking
 import TyLoop		( Type(..), GenType,
 			  Class(..), GenClass,
@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ import Kind		( Kind, mkBoxedTypeKind, mkArrowKind, resultKind, argKind )
 import PrelMods		( pRELUDE_BUILTIN )
 import Maybes
-import NameTypes	( FullName )
+import Name		( Name, RdrName(..), appendRdr, nameUnique )
 import Unique		( Unique, funTyConKey, mkTupleTyConUnique )
 import Outputable
 import Pretty		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
@@ -68,8 +67,8 @@ data TyCon
   = FunTyCon		-- Kind = Type -> Type -> Type
   | DataTyCon	Unique{-TyConKey-}
+		Name
-		FullName
 		[(Class,Type)]	-- Its context
 		[Id]		-- Its data constructors, with fully polymorphic types
@@ -84,7 +83,7 @@ data TyCon
   | PrimTyCon		-- Primitive types; cannot be defined in Haskell
 	Unique		-- Always unboxed; hence never represented by a closure
-	FullName	-- Often represented by a bit-pattern for the thing
+	Name		-- Often represented by a bit-pattern for the thing
 	Kind		-- itself (eg Int#), but sometimes by a pointer to
   | SpecTyCon		-- A specialised TyCon; eg (Arr# Int#), or (List Int#)
@@ -100,7 +99,7 @@ data TyCon
   | SynTyCon
-	FullName
+	Name
 	[TyVar]		-- Argument type variables
@@ -114,12 +113,16 @@ data NewOrData
-mkFunTyCon	= FunTyCon
-mkDataTyCon	= DataTyCon
-mkTupleTyCon	= TupleTyCon
-mkPrimTyCon	= PrimTyCon
-mkSpecTyCon	= SpecTyCon
-mkSynTyCon	= SynTyCon
+mkFunTyCon   = FunTyCon
+mkTupleTyCon = TupleTyCon
+mkSpecTyCon  = SpecTyCon
+mkDataTyCon name
+  = DataTyCon (nameUnique name) name
+mkPrimTyCon name
+  = PrimTyCon (nameUnique name) name
+mkSynTyCon name
+  = SynTyCon (nameUnique name) name
 isFunTyCon FunTyCon = True
 isFunTyCon _ = False
@@ -147,7 +150,7 @@ kind2 = mkBoxedTypeKind `mkArrowKind` kind1
 tyConKind :: TyCon -> Kind
 tyConKind FunTyCon 			 = kind2
-tyConKind (DataTyCon _ kind _ _ _ _ _ _) = kind
+tyConKind (DataTyCon _ _ kind _ _ _ _ _) = kind
 tyConKind (PrimTyCon _ _ kind)		 = kind
 tyConKind (SpecTyCon tc tys)
@@ -300,52 +303,31 @@ instance Ord TyCon where
     a >= b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> True;  GT__ -> True  }
     a >	 b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> False; EQ_ -> False; GT__ -> True  }
     _tagCmp a b = case (a `cmp` b) of { LT_ -> _LT; EQ_ -> _EQ; GT__ -> _GT }
-instance NamedThing TyCon where
-    getExportFlag tc = case get_name tc of
-			 Nothing   -> NotExported
-			 Just name -> getExportFlag name
-    isLocallyDefined tc = case get_name tc of
-			    Nothing   -> False
-			    Just name -> isLocallyDefined name
-    getOrigName FunTyCon		= (pRELUDE_BUILTIN, SLIT("(->)"))
-    getOrigName (TupleTyCon a)		= (pRELUDE_BUILTIN, _PK_ ("Tuple" ++ show a))
-    getOrigName (SpecTyCon tc tys)	= let (m,n) = getOrigName tc in
-					  (m, n _APPEND_ specMaybeTysSuffix tys)
-    getOrigName	other_tc           	= getOrigName (expectJust "tycon1" (get_name other_tc))
-    getOccurrenceName  FunTyCon		= SLIT("(->)")
-    getOccurrenceName (TupleTyCon 0)	= SLIT("()")
-    getOccurrenceName (TupleTyCon a)	= _PK_ ( "(" ++ nOfThem (a-1) ',' ++ ")" )
-    getOccurrenceName (SpecTyCon tc tys)= getOccurrenceName tc _APPEND_ specMaybeTysSuffix tys
-    getOccurrenceName other_tc          = getOccurrenceName (expectJust "tycon2" (get_name other_tc))
-    getInformingModules	tc = case get_name tc of
-				Nothing   -> panic "getInformingModule:TyCon"
-				Just name -> getInformingModules name
-    getSrcLoc tc = case get_name tc of
-		     Nothing   -> mkBuiltinSrcLoc
-		     Just name -> getSrcLoc name
-    getItsUnique tycon = tyConUnique tycon
-    fromPreludeCore tc = case get_name tc of
-			   Nothing   -> True
-			   Just name -> fromPreludeCore name
+instance Uniquable TyCon where
+    uniqueOf (DataTyCon u _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = u
+    uniqueOf (PrimTyCon u _ _)		 = u
+    uniqueOf (SynTyCon  u _ _ _ _ _)	 = u
+    uniqueOf tc@(SpecTyCon _ _)		 = panic "uniqueOf:SpecTyCon"
+    uniqueOf tc				 = uniqueOf (getName tc)
-Emphatically un-exported:
-get_name (DataTyCon _ _ n _ _ _ _ _) = Just n
-get_name (PrimTyCon _ n _)	     = Just n
-get_name (SpecTyCon tc _)	     = get_name tc
-get_name (SynTyCon _ n _ _ _ _)	     = Just n
-get_name other			     = Nothing
+instance NamedThing TyCon where
+    getName (DataTyCon _ n _ _ _ _ _ _) = n
+    getName (PrimTyCon _ n _)		= n
+    getName (SpecTyCon tc _)		= getName tc
+    getName (SynTyCon _ n _ _ _ _)	= n
+{- LATER:
+    getName FunTyCon			= (pRELUDE_BUILTIN, SLIT("(->)"))
+    getName (TupleTyCon a)		= (pRELUDE_BUILTIN, _PK_ ("Tuple" ++ show a))
+    getName tc				= panic "TyCon.getName"
+{- LATER:
+    getName (SpecTyCon tc tys) = let (m,n) = getOrigName tc in
+       			     (m, n _APPEND_ specMaybeTysSuffix tys)
+    getName	other_tc           = getOrigName (expectJust "tycon1" (getName other_tc))
+    getName other			     = Nothing
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi b/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi
index a97c27d1a159a0bf08326339f79117a598603ed5..36506e621ae410f4128a8afd4163f8e023e06cf8 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyLoop.lhi
@@ -7,10 +7,11 @@ import PreludePS(_PackedString)
 import PreludeStdIO ( Maybe )
 import Unique ( Unique )
+import FieldLabel ( FieldLabel )
 import Id      ( Id, GenId, StrictnessMark, mkTupleCon, mkDataCon,
 		 dataConSig, getInstantiatedDataConSig )
 import PprType ( specMaybeTysSuffix )
-import NameTypes ( FullName )
+import Name    ( Name )
 import TyCon   ( TyCon )
 import TyVar   ( GenTyVar, TyVar )
 import Type    ( GenType, Type )
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ getInstantiatedDataConSig :: Id -> [Type] -> ([Type],[Type],Type)
 -- Needed in TysWiredIn
 data StrictnessMark = MarkedStrict | NotMarkedStrict
-mkDataCon :: Unique -> FullName -> [StrictnessMark]
+mkDataCon :: Name -> [StrictnessMark] -> [FieldLabel]
 	  -> [TyVar] -> [(Class,Type)] -> [Type] -> TyCon
 	  -> Id
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs b/ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs
index f59382ab11842804f03d4158a74fe438dba8653e..0a9675e25f4e026889f5054a99e7e98fc846191b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/types/TyVar.lhs
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import UniqFM		( emptyUFM, listToUFM, addToUFM, lookupUFM,
 			  plusUFM, sizeUFM, UniqFM
 import Maybes		( Maybe(..) )
-import NameTypes	( ShortName )
+import Name		( mkLocalName, Name, RdrName(..) )
 import Pretty		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep, ppBeside, ppPStr )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle )
 import Outputable	( Outputable(..), NamedThing(..), ExportFlag(..) )
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ data GenTyVar flexi_slot
   = TyVar
-	(Maybe ShortName)	-- User name (if any)
+	(Maybe Name)		-- User name (if any)
 	flexi_slot		-- Extra slot used during type and usage
 				-- inference, and to contain usages.
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ type TyVar = GenTyVar Usage	-- Usage slot makes sense only if Kind = Type
 Simple construction and analysis functions
-mkTyVar :: ShortName -> Unique -> Kind -> TyVar
+mkTyVar :: Name -> Unique -> Kind -> TyVar
 mkTyVar name uniq kind = TyVar  uniq
 				(Just name)
@@ -143,20 +143,10 @@ instance Eq (GenTyVar a) where
 instance Ord3 (GenTyVar a) where
     cmp (TyVar u1 _ _ _) (TyVar u2 _ _ _) = u1 `cmp` u2
-instance NamedThing (GenTyVar a) where
-    getExportFlag 	(TyVar _ _ _ _) = NotExported
-    isLocallyDefined	(TyVar _ _ _ _) = True
-    getOrigName		(TyVar _ _ (Just n) _) = getOrigName n
-    getOrigName		(TyVar u _ _        _) = (panic "getOrigName:TyVar",
-						  showUnique u)
-    getOccurrenceName	(TyVar _ _ (Just n) _) = getOccurrenceName n
-    getOccurrenceName	(TyVar u _ _        _) = showUnique u
-    getSrcLoc		(TyVar _ _ (Just n) _) = getSrcLoc n
-    getSrcLoc		(TyVar _ _ _        _) = mkUnknownSrcLoc
-    fromPreludeCore	(TyVar _ _ _ _)	       = False
-    getItsUnique	(TyVar u _ _ _)	       = u
+instance Uniquable (GenTyVar a) where
+    uniqueOf (TyVar u _ _ _) = u
+instance NamedThing (GenTyVar a) where
+    getName		(TyVar _ _ (Just n) _) = n
+    getName		(TyVar u _ _        _) = mkLocalName u (showUnique u) mkUnknownSrcLoc
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
index 3ba5f55b7379d0daaea12c4cdf101a830b441c8c..3d123847afc59aa4370d807bde4724d949367903 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Outputable.lhs
@@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ module Outputable (
 	NamedThing(..),		-- class
-	isExported, getLocalName, ltLexical,
+	getItsUnique, getOrigName, getOccName, getExportFlag,
+	getSrcLoc, isLocallyDefined, isPreludeDefined, isExported,
+	getLocalName, getOrigNameRdr, ltLexical,
 	Outputable(..), 	-- class
@@ -26,12 +29,14 @@ module Outputable (
 	isOpLexeme, pprOp, pprNonOp,
 	isConop, isAconop, isAvarid, isAvarop
-	-- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
     ) where
 import Ubiq{-uitous-}
+import Name		( nameUnique, nameOrigName, nameOccName,
+			  nameExportFlag, nameSrcLoc,
+			  isLocallyDefinedName, isPreludeDefinedName
+			)
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle(..) )
 import Pretty
 import Util		( cmpPString )
@@ -45,63 +50,42 @@ import Util		( cmpPString )
 class NamedThing a where
-    getExportFlag 	:: a -> ExportFlag
-    isLocallyDefined	:: a -> Bool
-    getOrigName		:: a -> (FAST_STRING{-module-}, FAST_STRING{-name therein-})
-    getOccurrenceName	:: a -> FAST_STRING
-    getInformingModules	:: a -> [FAST_STRING]
-    getSrcLoc		:: a -> SrcLoc
-    getItsUnique	:: a -> Unique
-    fromPreludeCore	:: a -> Bool
-    -- see also friendly functions that follow...
-Whether the thing is defined in this module or not.
-Gets the name by which a thing is known in this module (e.g., if
-renamed, or whatever)...
-Gets the name of the modules that told me about this @NamedThing@.
+    getName :: a -> Name
+getItsUnique	    :: NamedThing a => a -> Unique
+getOrigName	    :: NamedThing a => a -> (Module, FAST_STRING)
+getOccName	    :: NamedThing a => a -> RdrName
+getExportFlag	    :: NamedThing a => a -> ExportFlag
+getSrcLoc	    :: NamedThing a => a -> SrcLoc
+isLocallyDefined    :: NamedThing a => a -> Bool
+isPreludeDefined    :: NamedThing a => a -> Bool
+getItsUnique	    = nameUnique   	   . getName
+getOrigName	    = nameOrigName 	   . getName
+getOccName	    = nameOccName  	   . getName
+getExportFlag	    = nameExportFlag	   . getName
+getSrcLoc	    = nameSrcLoc	   . getName
+isLocallyDefined    = isLocallyDefinedName . getName
+isPreludeDefined    = isPreludeDefinedName . getName
-Tests a quite-delicate property: it is \tr{True} iff the entity is
-actually defined in \tr{PreludeCore} (or \tr{PreludeBuiltin}), or if
-it is re-exported by \tr{PreludeCore}.  See the @FullName@ type in
-module \tr{NameTypes}.
-NB: Some of the types in, e.g., \tr{PreludeGlaST} {\em fail} this test.
-This is a bummer for types that are wired into the compiler.
-Some functions to go with:
 isExported a
   = case (getExportFlag a) of
       NotExported -> False
       _		  -> True
 getLocalName :: (NamedThing a) => a -> FAST_STRING
 getLocalName = snd . getOrigName
+getOrigNameRdr :: (NamedThing a) => a -> RdrName
+getOrigNameRdr n | isPreludeDefined n = Unqual str
+		 | otherwise          = Qual mod str
+  where
+    (mod,str) = getOrigName n
 {-# SPECIALIZE isExported :: Class -> Bool #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE isExported :: Id -> Bool #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE isExported :: TyCon -> Bool #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE getLocalName :: ShortName -> FAST_STRING #-}
@@ -181,7 +165,6 @@ interpp'SP sty xs
 {-# SPECIALIZE interpp'SP :: PprStyle -> [(Id, Id)] -> Pretty #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE interpp'SP :: PprStyle -> [Id] -> Pretty #-}
-{-# SPECIALIZE interpp'SP :: PprStyle -> [ProtoName] -> Pretty #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE interpp'SP :: PprStyle -> [TyVarTemplate] -> Pretty #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE interpp'SP :: PprStyle -> [TyVar] -> Pretty #-}
 {-# SPECIALIZE interpp'SP :: PprStyle -> [Type] -> Pretty #-}
@@ -198,8 +181,8 @@ ifnotPprShowAll	  sty p = case sty of PprShowAll -> ppNil ; _ -> p
 These functions test strings to see if they fit the lexical categories
-defined in the Haskell report.  Normally applied as in, e.g.,
-@isConop (getOccurrenceName foo)@... [just for pretty-printing]
+defined in the Haskell report. 
+Normally applied as in e.g. @isConop (getLocalName foo)@
 isConop, isAconop, isAvarid, isAvarop :: FAST_STRING -> Bool
@@ -249,7 +232,7 @@ And one ``higher-level'' interface to those:
 isOpLexeme :: NamedThing a => a -> Bool
 isOpLexeme v
-  = let str = getOccurrenceName v in isAvarop str || isAconop str
+  = let str = snd (getOrigName v) in isAvarop str || isAconop str
 -- print `vars`, (op) correctly
 pprOp, pprNonOp :: (NamedThing name, Outputable name) => PprStyle -> name -> Pretty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/SST.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/SST.lhs
index de9c0369102ba7d32dead56c61e8c54eb4309267..631d9c53b796d7427ae0cf76eaa94845a489dfec 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/SST.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/SST.lhs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 module SST(
 	SST(..), SST_R, FSST(..), FSST_R,
-	_runSST,
+	_runSST, sstToST, stToSST,
 	thenSST, thenSST_, returnSST,
 	thenFSST, thenFSST_, returnFSST, failFSST,
 	recoverFSST, recoverSST, fixFSST,
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module SST(
 	newMutVarSST, readMutVarSST, writeMutVarSST
   ) where
-import PreludeGlaST( MutableVar(..), _MutableArray(..) )
+import PreludeGlaST( MutableVar(..), _MutableArray(..), ST(..) )
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
@@ -27,6 +27,17 @@ type SST   s r = State# s -> SST_R s r
+-- converting to/from ST
+sstToST :: SST s r -> ST s r
+stToSST :: ST s r -> SST s r
+sstToST sst (S# s)
+  = case sst s of SST_R r s' -> (r, S# s')
+stToSST st s
+  = case st (S# s) of (r, S# s') -> SST_R r s'
 -- Type of runSST should be builtin ...
 -- runSST :: forall r. (forall s. SST s r) -> r
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi b/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi
index a4168519910db049dabc546e853a0d392287eb87..2b02a6aef4bd2862969b35b5cdec3cc4243b96d5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/Ubiq.lhi
@@ -23,24 +23,21 @@ import FiniteMap	( FiniteMap )
 import HeapOffs		( HeapOffset )
 import HsCore		( UnfoldingCoreExpr )
 import HsPat		( OutPat )
-import HsPragmas	( ClassOpPragmas, ClassPragmas, DataPragmas, GenPragmas,
-			  InstancePragmas
-			)
+import HsPragmas	( ClassOpPragmas, ClassPragmas, DataPragmas, GenPragmas, InstancePragmas )
 import Id		( StrictnessMark, GenId, Id(..) )
 import IdInfo		( IdInfo, OptIdInfo(..), ArityInfo, DeforestInfo, Demand, StrictnessInfo, UpdateInfo )
 import Kind		( Kind )
 import Literal		( Literal )
 import Maybes		( MaybeErr )
 import MatchEnv 	( MatchEnv )
-import Name		( Name )
-import NameTypes	( FullName, ShortName )
+import Name		( Module(..), RdrName, Name )
 import Outputable	( ExportFlag, NamedThing(..), Outputable(..) )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle )
 import PragmaInfo	( PragmaInfo )
 import Pretty		( PrettyRep )
 import PrimOp		( PrimOp )
 import PrimRep		( PrimRep )
-import ProtoName	( ProtoName )
+import RnHsSyn		( RnName )
 import SMRep		( SMRep )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 import TcType		( TcMaybe )
@@ -49,7 +46,7 @@ import TyVar		( GenTyVar, TyVar(..) )
 import Type		( GenType, Type(..) )
 import UniqFM		( UniqFM )
 import UniqSupply	( UniqSupply )
-import Unique		( Unique )
+import Unique		( Unique, Uniquable(..) )
 import Usage		( GenUsage, Usage(..) )
 import Util		( Ord3(..) )
@@ -57,14 +54,7 @@ import Util		( Ord3(..) )
 -- to try to contain their visibility.
 class NamedThing a where
-	getExportFlag :: a -> ExportFlag
-	isLocallyDefined :: a -> Bool
-	getOrigName :: a -> (_PackedString, _PackedString)
-	getOccurrenceName :: a -> _PackedString
-	getInformingModules :: a -> [_PackedString]
-	getSrcLoc :: a -> SrcLoc
-	getItsUnique :: a -> Unique
-	fromPreludeCore :: a -> Bool
+	getName :: a -> Name
 class OptIdInfo a where
 	noInfo	:: a
 	getInfo	:: IdInfo -> a
@@ -74,6 +64,8 @@ class Ord3 a where
 	cmp :: a -> a -> Int#
 class Outputable a where
 	ppr :: PprStyle -> a -> Int -> Bool -> PrettyRep
+class Uniquable a where
+	uniqueOf :: a -> Unique
 -- For datatypes, we ubiquitize those types that (a) are
 -- used everywhere and (b) the compiler doesn't lose much
@@ -95,7 +87,6 @@ data Demand
 data ExportFlag
 data FieldLabel
 data FiniteMap a b
-data FullName	-- NB: fails the optimisation criterion
 data GenClass a b
 data GenClassOp a
 data GenCoreArg a b c
@@ -118,14 +109,14 @@ data Literal
 data MaybeErr a b
 data MatchEnv a b
 data Name
+data RdrName = Unqual _PackedString | Qual _PackedString _PackedString
 data OutPat a b c
 data PprStyle
 data PragmaInfo
 data PrettyRep
 data PrimOp
 data PrimRep	-- NB: an enumeration
-data ProtoName
-data ShortName	-- NB: fails the optimisation criterion
+data RnName
 data SimplifierSwitch
 data SMRep
 data SrcLoc
@@ -144,6 +135,7 @@ data Unique	-- NB: fails the optimisation criterion
 -- don't get clever and unexpand some of these synonyms
 -- (GHC 0.26 will barf)
+type Module = _PackedString
 type Arity = Int
 type Class = GenClass (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique
 type ClassOp = GenClassOp (GenType (GenTyVar (GenUsage Unique)) Unique)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
index 73b325c25c9ef73f8b69fce6afd4e7bed4f42c84..f23ef1f8f74c3b2da8af37106d52d65c44f444cd 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqFM.lhs
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
 Based on @FiniteMaps@ (as you would expect).
-Basically, the things need to be in class @NamedThing@, and we use the
-@getItsUnique@ method to grab their @Uniques@.
+Basically, the things need to be in class @Uniquable@, and we use the
+@uniqueOf@ method to grab their @Uniques@.
 (A similar thing to @UniqSet@, as opposed to @Set@.)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module UniqFM (
+	addListToUFM_C,
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ module UniqFM (
 CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
-import Unique		( Unique, u2i, mkUniqueGrimily )
+import Unique		( Unique, Uniquable(..), u2i, mkUniqueGrimily )
 import Util
-import Outputable	( Outputable(..), NamedThing(..), ExportFlag )
+import Outputable	( Outputable(..), ExportFlag )
 import Pretty		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
@@ -77,31 +77,31 @@ import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 %*									*
-We use @FiniteMaps@, with a (@getItsUnique@-able) @Unique@ as ``key''.
+We use @FiniteMaps@, with a (@uniqueOf@-able) @Unique@ as ``key''.
 emptyUFM	:: UniqFM elt
 isNullUFM	:: UniqFM elt -> Bool
-unitUFM	:: NamedThing key => key -> elt -> UniqFM elt
+unitUFM		:: Uniquable key => key -> elt -> UniqFM elt
 unitDirectlyUFM -- got the Unique already
 		:: Unique -> elt -> UniqFM elt
-listToUFM	:: NamedThing key => [(key,elt)] -> UniqFM elt
+listToUFM	:: Uniquable key => [(key,elt)] -> UniqFM elt
 		:: [(Unique, elt)] -> UniqFM elt
-addToUFM	:: NamedThing key => UniqFM elt -> key -> elt  -> UniqFM elt
-addListToUFM	:: NamedThing key => UniqFM elt -> [(key,elt)] -> UniqFM elt
+addToUFM	:: Uniquable key => UniqFM elt -> key -> elt  -> UniqFM elt
+addListToUFM	:: Uniquable key => UniqFM elt -> [(key,elt)] -> UniqFM elt
 		:: UniqFM elt -> Unique -> elt -> UniqFM elt
-addToUFM_C	:: NamedThing key => (elt -> elt -> elt)
+addToUFM_C	:: Uniquable key => (elt -> elt -> elt)
 			   -> UniqFM elt -> key -> elt -> UniqFM elt
-addListToUFM_C	:: NamedThing key => (elt -> elt -> elt)
+addListToUFM_C	:: Uniquable key => (elt -> elt -> elt)
 			   -> UniqFM elt -> [(key,elt)]
 			   -> UniqFM elt
-delFromUFM	:: NamedThing key => UniqFM elt -> key	 -> UniqFM elt
-delListFromUFM	:: NamedThing key => UniqFM elt -> [key] -> UniqFM elt
+delFromUFM	:: Uniquable key => UniqFM elt -> key	 -> UniqFM elt
+delListFromUFM	:: Uniquable key => UniqFM elt -> [key] -> UniqFM elt
 plusUFM		:: UniqFM elt -> UniqFM elt -> UniqFM elt
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ filterUFM	:: (elt -> Bool) -> UniqFM elt -> UniqFM elt
 sizeUFM		:: UniqFM elt -> Int
-lookupUFM	:: NamedThing key => UniqFM elt -> key -> Maybe elt
+lookupUFM	:: Uniquable key => UniqFM elt -> key -> Maybe elt
 lookupUFM_Directly  -- when you've got the Unique already
 		:: UniqFM elt -> Unique -> Maybe elt
-		:: NamedThing key => UniqFM elt -> elt -> key -> elt
+		:: Uniquable key => UniqFM elt -> elt -> key -> elt
 		:: UniqFM elt -> elt -> Unique -> elt
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ First the ways of building a UniqFM.
 emptyUFM		     = EmptyUFM
-unitUFM	     key elt = mkLeafUFM (u2i (getItsUnique key)) elt
+unitUFM	     key elt = mkLeafUFM (u2i (uniqueOf key)) elt
 unitDirectlyUFM key elt = mkLeafUFM (u2i key) elt
 listToUFM key_elt_pairs
@@ -308,13 +308,13 @@ addToUFM fm key elt = addToUFM_C use_snd fm key elt
 addToUFM_Directly fm u elt = insert_ele use_snd fm (u2i u) elt
 addToUFM_C combiner fm key elt
-  = insert_ele combiner fm (u2i (getItsUnique key)) elt
+  = insert_ele combiner fm (u2i (uniqueOf key)) elt
 addListToUFM fm key_elt_pairs = addListToUFM_C use_snd fm key_elt_pairs
 addListToUFM_Directly fm uniq_elt_pairs = addListToUFM_directly_C use_snd fm uniq_elt_pairs
 addListToUFM_C combiner fm key_elt_pairs
- = foldl (\ fm (k, e) -> insert_ele combiner fm (u2i (getItsUnique k)) e)
+ = foldl (\ fm (k, e) -> insert_ele combiner fm (u2i (uniqueOf k)) e)
 	 fm key_elt_pairs
 addListToUFM_directly_C combiner fm uniq_elt_pairs
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ Now ways of removing things from UniqFM.
 delListFromUFM fm lst = foldl delFromUFM fm lst
-delFromUFM fm key = delete fm (u2i (getItsUnique key))
+delFromUFM fm key = delete fm (u2i (uniqueOf key))
 delete EmptyUFM _   = EmptyUFM
 delete fm       key = del_ele fm
@@ -596,11 +596,11 @@ looking up in a hurry is the {\em whole point} of this binary tree lark.
 Lookup up a binary tree is easy (and fast).
-lookupUFM	  fm key = lookup fm (u2i (getItsUnique key))
+lookupUFM	  fm key = lookup fm (u2i (uniqueOf key))
 lookupUFM_Directly fm key = lookup fm (u2i key)
 lookupWithDefaultUFM fm deflt key
-  = case lookup fm (u2i (getItsUnique key)) of
+  = case lookup fm (u2i (uniqueOf key)) of
       Nothing  -> deflt
       Just elt -> elt
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs
index eb9511c442e0ae297b3aa4a1b8fc0a09a55e05ed..67db3377454778fbe7af2e9add27009970b0998d 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/utils/UniqSet.lhs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 Based on @UniqFMs@ (as you would expect).
-Basically, the things need to be in class @NamedThing@.
+Basically, the things need to be in class @Uniquable@.
 #include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ CHK_Ubiq() -- debugging consistency check
 import Maybes		( maybeToBool, Maybe )
 import UniqFM
-import Unique		( Unique )
-import Outputable	( Outputable(..), NamedThing(..), ExportFlag )
+import Unique		( Uniquable(..), Unique )
+import Outputable	( Outputable(..), ExportFlag )
 import SrcLoc		( SrcLoc )
 import Pretty		( Pretty(..), PrettyRep )
 import PprStyle		( PprStyle )
@@ -56,16 +56,16 @@ type UniqSet a = UniqFM a
 emptyUniqSet :: UniqSet a
 emptyUniqSet = MkUniqSet emptyUFM
-unitUniqSet :: NamedThing a => a -> UniqSet a
+unitUniqSet :: Uniquable a => a -> UniqSet a
 unitUniqSet x = MkUniqSet (unitUFM x x)
 uniqSetToList :: UniqSet a -> [a]
 uniqSetToList (MkUniqSet set) = eltsUFM set
-mkUniqSet :: NamedThing a => [a]  -> UniqSet a
+mkUniqSet :: Uniquable a => [a]  -> UniqSet a
 mkUniqSet xs = MkUniqSet (listToUFM [ (x, x) | x <- xs])
-addOneToUniqSet :: NamedThing a => UniqSet a -> a -> UniqSet a
+addOneToUniqSet :: Uniquable a => UniqSet a -> a -> UniqSet a
 addOneToUniqSet set x = set `unionUniqSets` unitUniqSet x
 unionUniqSets :: UniqSet a -> UniqSet a -> UniqSet a
@@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ minusUniqSet (MkUniqSet set1) (MkUniqSet set2) = MkUniqSet (minusUFM set1 set2)
 intersectUniqSets :: UniqSet a -> UniqSet a -> UniqSet a
 intersectUniqSets (MkUniqSet set1) (MkUniqSet set2) = MkUniqSet (intersectUFM set1 set2)
-elementOfUniqSet :: NamedThing a => a -> UniqSet a -> Bool
+elementOfUniqSet :: Uniquable a => a -> UniqSet a -> Bool
 elementOfUniqSet x (MkUniqSet set) = maybeToBool (lookupUFM set x)
 isEmptyUniqSet :: UniqSet a -> Bool
 isEmptyUniqSet (MkUniqSet set) = isNullUFM set {-SLOW: sizeUFM set == 0-}
-mapUniqSet :: NamedThing b => (a -> b) -> UniqSet a -> UniqSet b
+mapUniqSet :: Uniquable b => (a -> b) -> UniqSet a -> UniqSet b
 mapUniqSet f (MkUniqSet set)
   = MkUniqSet (listToUFM [ let
 			     mapped_thing = f thing