<Sect1 id="sec-intro"> <Title>Introduction </Title> <Para> The motivation behind this foreign function interface(FFI) specification is to make it possible to describe in Haskell <Emphasis>source code</Emphasis> the interface to foreign functionality in a Haskell system independent manner. It builds on experiences made with the previous foreign function interfaces provided by GHC and Hugs. </Para> <Para> The FFI specified in this document is not in the market of trying to completely bridge the gap between the actual type of an external function, and what is a <Emphasis>convenient</Emphasis> type for that function to the Haskell programmer. That is the domain of tools like HaskellDirect or Green Card, both of which are capable of generating Haskell code that uses this FFI. </Para> <Para> The FFI can be split up into two complementary halves; one half that provides Haskell constructs for importing foreign functionality into Haskell, the other which lets you expose Haskell functions to the outside world. We start with the former, how to import external functionality into Haskell. </Para> </Sect1> <Sect1 id="sec-primitive"> <Title>Calling foreign functions </Title> <Para> To bind a Haskell variable name and type to an external function, we introduce a new construct: <Literal>foreign import</Literal>. It defines the type of a Haskell function together with the name of an external function that actually implements it. The syntax of <Literal>foreign import</Literal> construct is as follows: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> topdecl : ... .. | 'foreign' 'import' [callconv] [ext_fun] ['unsafe'] varid '::' prim_type </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> A <Literal>foreign import</Literal> declaration is only allowed as a toplevel declaration. It consists of two parts, one giving the Haskell type (<Literal>prim_type</Literal>), Haskell name (<Literal>varid</Literal>) and a flag indicating whether the primitive is unsafe, the other giving details of the name of the external function (<Literal>ext_fun</Literal>) and its calling interface (<Literal>callconv</Literal>.) </Para> <Para> Giving a Haskell name and type to an external entry point is clearly an unsafe thing to do, as the external name will in most cases be untyped. The onus is on the programmer using <Literal>foreign import</Literal> to ensure that the Haskell type given correctly maps on to the type of the external function. Section <XRef LinkEnd="sec-mapping"> specifies the mapping from Haskell types to external types. </Para> <Sect2 id="sec-prim-name"> <Title>Giving the external function a Haskell name </Title> <Para> The external function has to be given a Haskell name. The name must be a Haskell <Literal>varid</Literal>, so the language rules regarding variable names must be followed, i.e., it must start with a lower case letter followed by a sequence of alphanumeric (`in the Unicode sense') characters or '. <Footnote> <Para> Notice that with Haskell 98, underscore ('_') is included in the character class <Literal>small</Literal>. </Para> </Footnote> </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> varid : small ( small | large | udigit | ' )* </ProgramListing> </Para> </Sect2> <Sect2 id="sec-prim-ext-name"> <Title>Naming the external function </Title> <Para> The name of the external function consists of two parts, one specifying its location, the other its name: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> ext_fun : ext_loc ext_name | ext_name ext_name : string ext_loc : string </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> For example, </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> foreign import stdcall "Advapi32" "RegCloseKey" regCloseKey :: Addr -> IO () </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> states that the external function named <Function>RegCloseKey</Function> at location <Function>Advapi32</Function> should be bound to the Haskell name <Function>regCloseKey</Function>. For a Win32 Haskell implementation that supports the loading of DLLs on-the-fly, this declaration will most likely cause the run-time system to load the <Filename>Advapi32.dll</Filename> DLL before looking up the function <Function>RegCloseKey()</Function> therein to get at the function pointer to use when invoking <Function>regCloseKey</Function>. </Para> <Para> Compiled implementations may do something completely different, i.e., mangle "RegCloseKey" to convert it into an archive/import library symbol, that's assumed to be in scope when linking. The details of which are platform (and compiler command-line) dependent. </Para> <Para> If the location part is left out, the name of the external function specifies a symbol that is assumed to be in scope when linking. </Para> <Para> The location part can either contain an absolute `address' (i.e., path) of the archive/DLL, or just its name, leaving it up to the underlying system (system meaning both RTS/compiler and OS) to resolve the name to its real location. </Para> <Para> An implementation is <Emphasis>expected</Emphasis> to be able to intelligently transform the <Literal>ext_loc</Literal> location to fit platform-specific practices for naming dynamic libraries. For instance, given the declaration </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> foreign import "Foo" "foo" foo :: Int -> Int -> IO () </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> an implementation should map <Filename>Foo</Filename> to <Filename>"Foo.dll"</Filename> on a Win32 platform, and <Filename>libFoo.so</Filename> on ELF platforms. If the lookup of the dynamic library with this transformed location name should fail, the implementation should then attempt to use the original name before eventually giving up. As part of their documentation, implementations of <Literal>foreign import</Literal> should specify the exact details of how <Literal>ext_loc</Literal>s are transformed and resolved, including the list of directories searched (and the order in which they are.) </Para> <Para> In the case the Haskell name of the imported function is identical to the external name, the <Literal>ext_fun</Literal> can be omitted. i.e., </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> foreign import sin :: Double -> IO Double </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> is identical to </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> foreign import "sin" sin :: Double -> IO Double </ProgramListing> </Para> </Sect2> <Sect2 id="sec-cconv"> <Title>Calling conventions </Title> <Para> The number of calling conventions supported is fixed: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> callconv : ccall | stdcall </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> <VariableList> <VarListEntry> <Term><Literal>ccall</Literal></Term> <ListItem> <Para> The 'default' calling convention on a platform, i.e., the one used to do (C) function calls. </Para> <Para> In the case of x86 platforms, the caller pushes function arguments from right to left on the C stack before calling. The caller is responsible for popping the arguments off of the C stack on return. </Para> </ListItem> </VarListEntry> <VarListEntry> <Term><Literal>stdcall</Literal></Term> <ListItem> <Para> A Win32 specific calling convention. The same as <Literal>ccall</Literal>, except that the callee cleans up the C stack before returning. <Footnote> <Para> The <Literal>stdcall</Literal> is a Microsoft Win32 specific wrinkle; it used throughout the Win32 API, for instance. On platforms where <Literal>stdcall</Literal> isn't meaningful, it should be treated as being equal to <Literal>ccall</Literal>. </Para> </Footnote> </Para> </ListItem> </VarListEntry> </VariableList> </Para> <Para> <Emphasis remap="bf">Some remarks:</Emphasis> <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> Interoperating well with external code is the name of the game here, so the guiding principle when deciding on what calling conventions to include in <Literal>callconv</Literal> is that there's a demonstrated need for a particular calling convention. Should it emerge that the inclusion of other calling conventions will generally improve the quality of this Haskell FFI, they will be considered for future inclusion in <Literal>callconv</Literal>. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Supporting <Literal>stdcall</Literal> (and perhaps other platform-specific calling conventions) raises the issue of whether a Haskell FFI should allow the user to write platform-specific Haskell code. The calling convention is clearly an integral part of an external function's interface, so if the one used differs from the standard one specified by the platform's ABI <Emphasis>and</Emphasis> that convention is used by a non-trivial amount of external functions, the view of the FFI authors is that a Haskell FFI should support it. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> For <Literal>foreign import</Literal> (and other <Literal>foreign</Literal> declarations), supplying the calling convention is optional. If it isn't supplied, it is treated as if <Literal>ccall</Literal> was specified. Users are encouraged to leave out the specification of the calling convention, if possible. </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> </Sect2> <Sect2 id="sec-prim-types"> <Title>External function types </Title> <Para> The range of types that can be passed as arguments to an external function is restricted (as are the range of results coming back): </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> prim_type : IO prim_result | prim_result | prim_arg '->' prim_type </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> If you associate a non-IO type with an external function, you have the same 'proof obligations' as when you make use of <Function>IOExts.unsafePerformIO</Function> in your Haskell programs. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> The external function is strict in all its arguments. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> <Emphasis>GHC only:</Emphasis> The GHC FFI implementation provides one extension to <Literal>prim_type</Literal>: <ProgramListing> prim_type : ... | unsafe_arr_ty '->' prim_type unsafe_arr_ty : ByteArray a | MutableByteArray i s a </ProgramListing> GHC permits the passing of its byte array primitive types to external functions. There's some restrictions on when they can be used; see Section <XRef LinkEnd="sec-arguments"> for more details. </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> <Para> Section <XRef LinkEnd="sec-results"> defines <Literal>prim_result</Literal>; Section <XRef LinkEnd="sec-arguments"> defines <Literal>prim_arg</Literal>. </Para> <Sect3 id="sec-arguments"> <Title>Argument types </Title> <Para> The external function expects zero or more arguments. The set of legal argument types is restricted to the following set: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> prim_arg : ext_ty | new_ty | ForeignObj new_ty : a Haskell newtype of a prim_arg. ext_ty : int_ty | word_ty | float_ty | Addr | Char | StablePtr a | Bool int_ty : Int | Int8 | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 word_ty : Word8 | Word16 | Word32 | Word64 float_ty : Float | Double </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> <Literal>ext_ty</Literal> represent the set of basic types supported by C-like languages, although the numeric types are explicitly sized. The <Emphasis>stable pointer</Emphasis> <Literal>StablePtr</Literal> type looks out of place in this list of C-like types, but it has a well-defined and simple C mapping, see Section <XRef LinkEnd="sec-mapping"> for details. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> <Literal>prim_arg</Literal> represent the set of permissible argument types. In addition to <Literal>ext_ty</Literal>, <Literal>ForeignObj</Literal> is also included. The <Literal>ForeignObj</Literal> type represent values that are pointers to some external entity/object. It differs from the <Literal>Addr</Literal> type in that <Literal>ForeignObj</Literal>s are <Emphasis>finalized</Emphasis>, i.e., once the garbage collector determines that a <Literal>ForeignObj</Literal> is unreachable, it will invoke a finalising procedure attached to the <Literal>ForeignObj</Literal> to notify the outside world that we're through with using it. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Haskell <Literal>newtype</Literal>s that wrap up a <Literal>prim_arg</Literal> type can also be passed to external functions. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Haskell type synonyms for any of the above can also be used in <Literal>foreign import</Literal> declarations. Qualified names likewise, i.e. <Literal>Word.Word32</Literal> is legal. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> <Literal>foreign import</Literal> does not support the binding to external constants/variables. A <Literal>foreign import</Literal> declaration that takes no arguments represent a binding to a function with no arguments. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> <Emphasis>GHC only:</Emphasis> GHC's implementation of the FFI provides two extensions: <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> Support for passing heap allocated byte arrays to an external function <ProgramListing> prim_type : ... | prim_arg '->' prim_type | unsafe_arr_ty '->' prim_type unsafe_arr_ty : ByteArray a | MutableByteArray i s a </ProgramListing> GHC's <Literal>ByteArray</Literal> and <Literal>MutableByteArray</Literal> primitive types are (im)mutable chunks of memory allocated on the Haskell heap, and pointers to these can be passed to <Literal>foreign import</Literal>ed external functions provided they are marked as <Literal>unsafe</Literal>. Since it is inherently unsafe to hand out references to objects in the Haskell heap if the external call may cause a garbage collection to happen, you have to annotate the <Literal>foreign import</Literal> declaration with the attribute <Literal>unsafe</Literal>. By doing so, the user explicitly states that the external function won't provoke a garbage collection, so passing out heap references to the external function is allright. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Another GHC extension is the support for unboxed types: <ProgramListing> prim_arg : ... | unboxed_h_ty ext_ty : .... | unboxed_ext_ty unboxed_ext_ty : Int# | Word# | Char# | Float# | Double# | Addr# | StablePtr# a unboxed_h_ty : MutableByteArray# | ForeignObj# | ByteArray# </ProgramListing> Clearly, if you want to be portable across Haskell systems, using system-specific extensions such as this is not advisable; avoid using them if you can. (Support for using unboxed types might be withdrawn sometime in the future.) </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> </Sect3> <Sect3 id="sec-results"> <Title>Result type </Title> <Para> An external function is permitted to return the following range of types: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> prim_result : ext_ty | new_ext_ty | () new_ext_ty : a Haskell newtype of an ext_ty. </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> where <Literal>()</Literal> represents <Literal>void</Literal> / no result. </Para> <Para> <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> External functions cannot raise exceptions (IO exceptions or non-IO ones.) It is the responsibility of the <Literal>foreign import</Literal> user to layer any error handling on top of an external function. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Only external types (<Literal>ext_ty</Literal>) can be passed back, i.e., returning <Literal>ForeignObj</Literal>s is not supported/allowed. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Haskell newtypes that wrap up <Literal>ext_ty</Literal> are also permitted. </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> </Sect3> </Sect2> <Sect2 id="sec-mapping"> <Title>Type mapping </Title> <Para> For the FFI to be of any practical use, the properties and sizes of the various types that can be communicated between the Haskell world and the outside, needs to be precisely defined. We do this by presenting a mapping to C, as it is commonly used and most other languages define a mapping to it. Table <XRef LinkEnd="sec-mapping-table"> defines the mapping between Haskell and C types. </Para> <Para> <Table id="sec-mapping-table"> <Title>Mapping of Haskell types to C types</Title> <TGroup Cols="6"> <ColSpec Align="Left" Colsep="0"> <ColSpec Align="Left" Colsep="0"> <ColSpec Align="Left" Colsep="0"> <ColSpec Align="Left" Colsep="0"> <ColSpec Align="Left" Colsep="0"> <ColSpec Align="Left" Colsep="0"> <TBody> <Row RowSep="1"> <Entry>Haskell type </Entry> <Entry> C type </Entry> <Entry> requirement </Entry> <Entry> range (9) </Entry> <Entry> </Entry> <Entry> </Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Char</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsChar</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> unspec. integral type </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HS_CHAR_MIN</Literal> .. <Literal>HS_CHAR_MAX</Literal></Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Int</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsInt</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> signed integral of unspec. size(4) </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HS_INT_MIN</Literal> .. <Literal>HS_INT_MAX</Literal></Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Int8</Literal> (2) </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsInt8</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> 8 bit signed integral </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HS_INT8_MIN</Literal> .. <Literal>HS_INT8_MAX</Literal></Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Int16</Literal> (2) </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsInt16</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> 16 bit signed integral </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HS_INT16_MIN</Literal> .. <Literal>HS_INT16_MAX</Literal></Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Int32</Literal> (2) </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsInt32</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> 32 bit signed integral </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HS_INT32_MIN</Literal> .. <Literal>HS_INT32_MAX</Literal></Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Int64</Literal> (2,3) </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsInt64</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> 64 bit signed integral (3) </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HS_INT64_MIN</Literal> .. <Literal>HS_INT64_MAX</Literal></Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Word8</Literal> (2) </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsWord8</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> 8 bit unsigned integral </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>0</Literal> .. <Literal>HS_WORD8_MAX</Literal></Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Word16</Literal> (2) </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsWord16</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> 16 bit unsigned integral </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>0</Literal> .. <Literal>HS_WORD16_MAX</Literal></Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Word32</Literal> (2) </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsWord32</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> 32 bit unsigned integral </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>0</Literal> .. <Literal>HS_WORD32_MAX</Literal></Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Word64</Literal> (2,3) </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsWord64</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> 64 bit unsigned integral (3) </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>0</Literal> .. <Literal>HS_WORD64_MAX</Literal></Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Float</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsFloat</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> floating point of unspec. size (5) </Entry> <Entry> (10) </Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Double</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsDouble</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> floating point of unspec. size (5) </Entry> <Entry> (10) </Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Bool</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsBool</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> unspec. integral type </Entry> <Entry> (11) </Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>Addr</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsAddr</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> void* (6) </Entry> <Entry> </Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>ForeignObj</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsForeignObj</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> void* (7) </Entry> <Entry> </Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> <Literal>StablePtr</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> <Literal>HsStablePtr</Literal> </Entry> <Entry> void* (8) </Entry> <Entry> </Entry> </Row> <Row> <Entry> </Entry> </Row> </TBody> </TGroup> </Table> </Para> <Para> <Emphasis remap="bf">Some remarks:</Emphasis> <OrderedList> <ListItem> <Para> A Haskell system that implements the FFI will supply a header file <Filename>HsFFI.h</Filename> that includes target platform specific definitions for the above types and values. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> The sized numeric types <Literal>Hs{Int,Word}{8,16,32,64}</Literal> have a 1-1 mapping to ISO C 99's <Literal>{,u}int{8,16,32,64}_t</Literal>. For systems that doesn't support this revision of ISO C, a best-fit mapping onto the supported C types is provided. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> An implementation which does not support 64 bit integral types on the C side should implement <Literal>Hs{Int,Word}64</Literal> as a struct. In this case the bounds <Constant>HS_INT64_{MIN,MAX}</Constant> and <Constant>HS_WORD64_MAX</Constant> are undefined. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> A valid Haskell representation of <Literal>Int</Literal> has to be equal to or wider than 30 bits. The <Literal>HsInt</Literal> synonym is guaranteed to map onto a C type that satisifies Haskell's requirement for <Literal>Int</Literal>. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> It is guaranteed that <Literal>Hs{Float,Double}</Literal> are one of C's floating-point types <Literal>float</Literal>/<Literal>double</Literal>/<Literal>long double</Literal>. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> It is guaranteed that <Literal>HsAddr</Literal> is of the same size as <Literal>void*</Literal>, so any other pointer type can be converted to and from HsAddr without any loss of information (K&R, Appendix A6.8). </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Foreign objects are handled like <Literal>Addr</Literal> by the FFI, so there is again the guarantee that <Literal>HsForeignObj</Literal> is the same as <Literal>void*</Literal>. The separate name is meant as a reminder that there is a finalizer attached to the object pointed to. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Stable pointers are passed as addresses by the FFI, but this is only because a <Literal>void*</Literal> is used as a generic container in most APIs, not because they are real addresses. To make this special case clear, a separate C type is used here. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> The bounds are preprocessor macros, so they can be used in <Literal>#if</Literal> and for array bounds. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Floating-point limits are a little bit more complicated, so preprocessor macros mirroring ISO C's <Filename>float.h</Filename> are provided: <ProgramListing> HS_{FLOAT,DOUBLE}_RADIX HS_{FLOAT,DOUBLE}_ROUNDS HS_{FLOAT,DOUBLE}_EPSILON HS_{FLOAT,DOUBLE}_DIG HS_{FLOAT,DOUBLE}_MANT_DIG HS_{FLOAT,DOUBLE}_MIN HS_{FLOAT,DOUBLE}_MIN_EXP HS_{FLOAT,DOUBLE}_MIN_10_EXP HS_{FLOAT,DOUBLE}_MAX HS_{FLOAT,DOUBLE}_MAX_EXP HS_{FLOAT,DOUBLE}_MAX_10_EXP </ProgramListing> </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> It is guaranteed that Haskell's <Literal>False</Literal>/<Literal>True</Literal> map to C's <Literal>0</Literal>/<Literal>1</Literal>, respectively, and vice versa. The mapping of any other integral value to <Literal>Bool</Literal> is left unspecified. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> To avoid name clashes, identifiers starting with <Literal>Hs</Literal> and macros starting with <Literal>HS_</Literal> are reserved for the FFI. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> <Emphasis>GHC only:</Emphasis> The GHC specific types <Literal>ByteArray</Literal> and <Literal>MutableByteArray</Literal> both map to <Literal>char*</Literal>. </Para> </ListItem> </OrderedList> </Para> </Sect2> <Sect2 id="sec-prim-remarks"> <Title>Some <Literal>foreign import</Literal> wrinkles </Title> <Para> <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> By default, a <Literal>foreign import</Literal> function is <Emphasis>safe</Emphasis>. A safe external function may cause a Haskell garbage collection as a result of being called. This will typically happen when the imported function end up calling Haskell functions that reside in the same 'Haskell world' (i.e., shares the same storage manager heap) -- see Section <XRef LinkEnd="sec-entry"> for details of how the FFI let's you call Haskell functions from the outside. If the programmer can guarantee that the imported function won't call back into Haskell, the <Literal>foreign import</Literal> can be marked as 'unsafe' (see Section <XRef LinkEnd="sec-primitive"> for details of how to do this.) Unsafe calls are cheaper than safe ones, so distinguishing the two classes of external calls may be worth your while if you're extra conscious about performance. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> A <Literal>foreign import</Literal>ed function should clearly not need to know that it is being called from Haskell. One consequence of this is that the lifetimes of the arguments that are passed from Haskell <Emphasis>must</Emphasis> equal that of a normal C call. For instance, for the following decl, <ProgramListing> foreign import "mumble" mumble :: ForeignObj -> IO () f :: Addr -> IO () f ptr = do fo <- makeForeignObj ptr myFinalizer mumble fo </ProgramListing> The <Literal>ForeignObj</Literal> must live across the call to <Function>mumble</Function> even if it is not subsequently used/reachable. Why the insistence on this? Consider what happens if <Function>mumble</Function> calls a function which calls back into the Haskell world to execute a function, behind our back as it were. This evaluation may possibly cause a garbage collection, with the result that <Literal>fo</Literal> may end up being finalised. By guaranteeing that <Literal>fo</Literal> will be considered live across the call to <Function>mumble</Function>, the unfortunate situation where <Literal>fo</Literal> is finalised (and hence the reference passed to <Function>mumble</Function> is suddenly no longer valid) is avoided. </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> </Sect2> </Sect1> <Sect1 id="sec-prim-dynamic"> <Title>Invoking external functions via a pointer </Title> <Para> A <Literal>foreign import</Literal> declaration imports an external function into Haskell. (The name of the external function is statically known, but the loading/linking of it may very well be delayed until run-time.) A <Literal>foreign import</Literal> declaration is then (approximately) just a type cast of an external function with a <Emphasis>statically known name</Emphasis>. </Para> <Para> An extension of <Literal>foreign import</Literal> is the support for <Emphasis>dynamic</Emphasis> type casts of external names/addresses: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> topdecl : ... .. | 'foreign' 'import' [callconv] 'dynamic' ['unsafe'] varid :: Addr -> (prim_args -> IO prim_result) </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> i.e., identical to a <Literal>foreign import</Literal> declaration, but for the specification of <Literal>dynamic</Literal> instead of the name of an external function. The presence of <Literal>dynamic</Literal> indicates that when an application of <Literal>varid</Literal> is evaluated, the function pointed to by its first argument will be invoked, passing it the rest of <Literal>varid</Literal>'s arguments. </Para> <Para> What are the uses of this? Native invocation of COM methods, <Footnote> <Para> Or the interfacing to any other software component technologies. </Para> </Footnote> Haskell libraries that want to be dressed up as C libs (and hence may have to support C callbacks), Haskell code that need to dynamically load and execute code. </Para> </Sect1> <Sect1 id="sec-entry"> <Title>Exposing Haskell functions </Title> <Para> So far we've provided the Haskell programmer with ways of importing external functions into the Haskell world. The other half of the FFI coin is how to expose Haskell functionality to the outside world. So, dual to the <Literal>foreign import</Literal> declaration is <Literal>foreign export</Literal>: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> topdecl : ... .. | 'foreign' 'export' callconv [ext_name] varid :: prim_type </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> A <Literal>foreign export</Literal> declaration tells the compiler to expose a locally defined Haskell function to the outside world, i.e., wrap it up behind a calling interface that's useable from C. It is only permitted at the toplevel, where you have to specify the type at which you want to export the function, along with the calling convention to use. For instance, the following export declaration: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> foreign export ccall "foo" bar :: Int -> Addr -> IO Double </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> will cause a Haskell system to generate the following C callable function: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> HsDouble foo(HsInt arg1, HsAddr arg2); </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> When invoked, it will call the Haskell function <Function>bar</Function>, passing it the two arguments that was passed to <Function>foo()</Function>. </Para> <Para> <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> The range of types that can be passed as arguments and results is restricted, since <Literal>varid</Literal> has got a <Literal>prim_type</Literal>. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> It is not possible to directly export operator symbols. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> The type checker will verify that the type given for the <Literal>foreign export</Literal> declaration is compatible with the type given to function definition itself. The type in the <Literal>foreign export</Literal> may be less general than that of the function itself. For example, this is legal: <ProgramListing> f :: Num a => a -> a foreign export ccall "fInt" f :: Int -> Int foreign export ccall "fFloat" f :: Float -> Float </ProgramListing> These declarations export two C-callable procedures <Literal>fInt</Literal> and <Literal>fFloat</Literal>, both of which are implemented by the (overloaded) Haskell function <Function>f</Function>. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> The <Literal>foreign export</Literal>ed IO action must catch all exceptions, as the FFI does not address how to signal Haskell exceptions to the outside world. </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> <Sect2 id="sec-callback"> <Title>Exposing Haskell function values </Title> <Para> The <Literal>foreign export</Literal> declaration gives the C programmer access to statically defined Haskell functions. It does not allow you to conveniently expose dynamically-created Haskell function values as C function pointers though. To permit this, the FFI supports <Emphasis>dynamic</Emphasis> <Literal>foreign export</Literal>s: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> topdecl : ... .. | 'foreign' 'export' [callconv] 'dynamic' varid :: prim_type -> IO Addr </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> A <Literal>foreign export dynamic</Literal> declaration declares a C function pointer <Emphasis>generator</Emphasis>. Given a Haskell function value of some restricted type, the generator wraps it up behind an externally callable interface, returning an <Literal>Addr</Literal> to an externally callable (C) function pointer. </Para> <Para> When that function pointer is eventually called, the corresponding Haskell function value is applied to the function pointer's arguments and evaluated, returning the result (if any) back to the caller. </Para> <Para> The mapping between the argument to a <Literal>foreign export dynamic</Literal> declaration and its corresponding C function pointer type, is as follows: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> typedef cType[[Res]] (*Varid_FunPtr) (cType[[Ty_1]] ,.., cType[[Ty_n]]); </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> where <Literal>cType[[]]</Literal> is the Haskell to C type mapping presented in Section <XRef LinkEnd="sec-mapping">. </Para> <Para> To make it all a bit more concrete, here's an example: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> foreign export dynamic mkCallback :: (Int -> IO Int) -> IO Addr foreign import registerCallback :: Addr -> IO () exportCallback :: (Int -> IO Int) -> IO () exportCallback f = do fx <- mkCallback f registerCallback fx </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> The <Literal>exportCallback</Literal> lets you register a Haskell function value as a callback function to some external library. The C type of the callback that the external library expects in <Literal>registerCallback()</Literal>, is: <Footnote> <Para> An FFI implementation is encouraged to generate the C typedef corresponding to a <Literal>foreign export dynamic</Literal> declaration, but isn't required to do so. </Para> </Footnote> </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> typedef HsInt (*mkCallback_FunPtr) (HsInt arg1); </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> Creating the view of a Haskell closure as a C function pointer entails registering the Haskell closure as a 'root' with the underlying Haskell storage system, so that it won't be garbage collected. The FFI implementation takes care of this, but when the outside world is through with using a C function pointer generated by a <Literal>foreign export dynamic</Literal> declaration, it needs to be explicitly freed. This is done by calling: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> void freeHaskellFunctionPtr(void *ptr); </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> In the event you need to free these function pointers from within Haskell, a standard 'foreign import'ed binding of the above C entry point is also provided, </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> Foreign.freeHaskellFunctionPtr :: Addr -> IO () </ProgramListing> </Para> </Sect2> <Sect2 id="sec-foreign-label"> <Title>Code addresses </Title> <Para> The <Literal>foreign import</Literal> declaration allows us to invoke an external function by name from within the comforts of the Haskell world, while <Literal>foreign import dynamic</Literal> lets us invoke an external function by address. However, there's no way of getting at the code address of some particular external label though, which is at times useful, e.g. for the construction of method tables for, say, Haskell COM components. To support this, the FFI has got <Literal>foreign label</Literal>s: </Para> <Para> <ProgramListing> foreign label "freeAtLast" addrOf_freeAtLast :: Addr </ProgramListing> </Para> <Para> The meaning of this declaration is that <Literal>addrOf_freeAtLast</Literal> will now contain the address of the label <Literal>freeAtLast</Literal>. </Para> </Sect2> </Sect1> <!-- This doesn't need to be seen in the docs <Sect1 id="sec-changelog"> <Title>Change history </Title> <Para> <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> 0.95 > 0.96: <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> changed the C representation of <Literal>Haskell_ForeignObj</Literal> from <Literal>(long*)</Literal> to <Literal>(void*)</Literal> ANSI C guarantees that <Literal>(void*)</Literal> is the widest possible data pointer. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Updated defnition of <Literal>varid</Literal> in Section <XRef LinkEnd="sec-prim-name"> to reflect Haskell98's. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Replaced confusing uses of <Literal>stdcall</Literal> with <Literal>ccall</Literal>. </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> 0.96 > 0.97: <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> Simplified the calling convention section, support for Pascal (and fastcall) calling conventions dropped. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Clarified that the arguments to a safe <Literal>foreign import</Literal> must have lifetimes that equal that of a C function application. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Outlawed the use of the (GHC specific) types <Literal>ByteArray</Literal> and <Literal>MutableByteArray</Literal> in safe <Literal>foreign import</Literal>s. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Added a note that support for the use of unboxed types in <Literal>foreign import</Literal> may be withdrawn/deprecated sometime in the future. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Simplified section which sketches a possible implementation. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Use <Literal>Hs</Literal> as prefix for the typedefs for the primitive Haskell FFI types rather than the longer <Literal>Haskell_</Literal>. </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> 0.97 > 0.98: <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> Leave out implementation section; of limited interest. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Outlined the criteria used to decide on what calling conventions to support. </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> Include <Literal>newtype</Literal>s that wrap primitive types in the list of types that can be both passed to and returned from external functions. </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> 0.98 > 0.99: <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> Updated the section on type mapping to integrate some comments from people on <ffi@haskell.org> (a fair chunk of the text in that section was contributed by Sven Panne.) </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> <Function>freeHaskellFunctionPtr</Function> should belong to module <Literal>Foreign</Literal>, not <Literal>IOExts</Literal>. </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> </ListItem> <ListItem> <Para> 0.99 > 0.99.1: <ItemizedList> <ListItem> <Para> <Literal>Bool</Literal> is now an FFI-supported type (i.e., added it to <Literal>ext_ty</Literal>.) </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> </ListItem> </ItemizedList> </Para> </Sect1> -->