
# Manuel M. T. Chakravarty <chak@acm.org>, June 2000
# Script to build GHC from .hc files (must be run in the fptools/ root
# directory into which the source and .hc files must already have been
# unpacked).  All options are passed through to ./configure (especially
# useful with --prefix).


# build configuration
cat >mk/build.mk <<END
ProjectsToBuild = glafp-utils hslibs ghc
GhcLibHcOpts = -O

# touch happy generated files; so that in non-bootstrapping mode for
# installation, no attempt is made to call happy
touch ghc/compiler/rename/ParseIface.hs
touch ghc/compiler/parser/Parser.hs

echo "*** Building hsc..."
./configure --enable-hc-boot $configopts        || exit 1
gmake boot all                                   || exit 1

echo "*** Building library..."
echo "GhcWithHscBuiltViaC=NO" >>mk/build.mk
gmake -C ghc/lib clean boot all			|| exit 1
gmake -C hslibs  clean boot all