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  • Ross Paterson's avatar
    [project @ 2005-05-04 10:28:07 by ross] · 00007e64
    Ross Paterson authored
    Another go at the handling of -< in arrow notation, continuing and
    fixing the changes in

    Now do the same thing in the renamer as we do in the type checker,
    i.e. return to the environment of the proc when considering the left
    argument of -<.
    This is much simpler than the old proc_level stuff, and matches the
    type rules more clearly.  But there is a change in error messages.
    For the input
    	f :: Int -> Int
    	f = proc x -> (+x) -< 1
    GHC 6.4 says
    	    Command-bound variable `x' is not in scope here
    		Reason: it is used in the left argument of (-<)
    	    In the second argument of `(+)', namely `x'
    	    In the command: (+ x) -< 1
    	    In the definition of `f': f = proc x -> (+ x) -< 1
    but now we just get the blunt
    	test.hs:6:16: Not in scope: `x'
    The beauty is all on the inside.
    Similarly leakage of existential type variables (arrow1) is detected,
    but the error message isn't very helpful.