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  • John Ericson's avatar
    Remove most uses of TARGET platform macros · 0472f0f6
    John Ericson authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    These prevent multi-target builds. They were gotten rid of in 3 ways:
    1. In the compiler itself, replacing `#if` with runtime `if`. In these
    cases, we care about the target platform still, but the target platform
    is dynamic so we must delay the elimination to run time.
    2. In the compiler itself, replacing `TARGET` with `HOST`. There was
    just one bit of this, in some code splitting strings representing lists
    of paths. These paths are used by GHC itself, and not by the compiled
    binary. (They are compiler lookup paths, rather than RPATHS or something
    that does matter to the compiled binary, and thus would legitamentally
    be target-sensative.) As such, the path-splitting method only depends on
    where GHC runs and not where code it produces runs. This should have
    been `HOST` all along.
    3. Changing the RTS. The RTS doesn't care about the target platform,
    full stop.
    4. `includes/stg/HaskellMachRegs.h` This file is also included in the
    genapply executable. This is tricky because the RTS's host platform
    really is that utility's target platform. so that utility really really
    isn't multi-target either. But at least it isn't an installed part of
    GHC, but just a one-off tool when building the RTS. Lying with the
    `HOST` to a one-off program (genapply) that isn't installed doesn't seem so bad.
    It's certainly better than the other way around of lying to the RTS
    though not to genapply. The RTS is more important, and it is installed,
    *and* this header is installed as part of the RTS.