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  • Rodrigo Mesquita's avatar
    TTG Pull AbsBinds and ABExport out of the main AST · 135888dd
    Rodrigo Mesquita authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    AbsBinds and ABExport both depended on the typechecker, and were thus
    removed from the main AST Expr.
    CollectPass now has a new function `collectXXHsBindsLR` used for the new
    HsBinds extension point
    Bumped haddock submodule to work with AST changes.
    The removed Notes from Language.Haskell.Syntax.Binds were duplicated
    (and not referenced) and the copies in GHC.Hs.Binds are kept (and
    referenced there). (See #19252)